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[ "Grissom and Catherine investigate a man murdered in a movie theater during the show. The murder weapon, a screwdriver, is found to possess glove prints. When the incriminating leather gloves are recovered the team discovers a unique combination of chemicals on them that lead them to a suspect. Meanwhile Warrick, Nick and Sara investigate the death of a teenager found shot to death in a bullet-riddled warehouse, where more than 100 rounds were fired from every conceivable angle, but was only hit once." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "Woman: (V.O.) This won't help, don't you see? After me, there'll be others. You'll have to go on killing, on and on until they catch you. I won't be the last; ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WONDERLAND THEATRE - NIGHT]", "Woman: (on screen) ... there'll be others after me. You can't help yourself because you're mad, mad, mad!", "(A cell phone rings.)", "Man: (on screen) No one will question you. They'll say it's just another suicide.", "(The cell phone rings.)", "Woman: (on screen) Hello?", "(A cell phone rings.)", "Woman: (on screen) Hello?!", "(The cell phone continues to ring and is irritating the other members of the audience.)", "Audience: (irritated) Shh!", "Man In Audience: (loud whisper) Turn it off!", "(The cell phone rings.)", "(The USHER walks into the theatre and starts looking for the person with the cell phone.)", "Woman: (on screen) Burgess! Burgess!", "(The phone on the screen hangs up.)", "Woman: (on screen) Burgess!", "(The cell phone in the audience continues to ring.)", "Woman: (screams) Burgess!", "(The USHER finds the MAN sitting in his seat with the cell phone clutched in his left hand and approaches him from one row behind.)", "(From on screen comes the sound of glass shattering.)", "Usher: (to the man) Excuse me, sir. I'm going to have to ask you to turn the phone off.", "(The USHER gets no response from the MAN.)", "Usher: Sir? I'll have to ...", "(The USHER taps the MAN on the shoulder and he slumps forward, blood oozing out from his mouth and into his popcorn.)", "(The cell phone continues to ring.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WONDERLAND THEATRE -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE and GRISSOM walk into the theatre.)", "Catherine: Whoo! Theaters are like nightclubs; they should always keep the lights off.", "(They walk toward the body still sitting in the theatre seat.)", "Grissom: This is the last art house left in Vegas. I saw Baraka here, on a double bill with Koyaanisqatsi.", "Catherine: Was there anyone else here?", "Grissom: Sure.", "Catherine: With you?", "Grissom: No.", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk through the rows and reach the body. GRISSOM is standing one row behind the body and CATHERINE is in the same row as the body. GRISSOM puts his kit down and both lean over to look at the body.)", "(Inspired by the venue, BRASS stands on the other side of the body and starts reciting the victim information as if he were a private eye in a 1940's black and white movie; his voice as smooth as silk.)", "Brass: Thursday night is noir night. The poor sap was slumped over like a sack of potatoes, oozing blood like a broken bottle of ketchup.", "(BRASS puts his pretend cigarette to his lips and takes a puff. If he had a hat on, he'd tilt it. GRISSOM looks at BRASS. CATHERINE looks at BRASS.)", "(BRASS looks at them both, takes a deep breath and continues to recite information in his usual manner.)", "Brass: His name is Gus Sugarman. Runs a dental practice in Henderson. Cell phone went off three times during the movie. So, the usher finally came over to shut him up.", "Catherine: Yeah, somebody beat him to it.", "(GRISSOM looks down at the wound at the back of the victim's neck.)", "Grissom: Single puncture wound to the base of the skull.", "Catherine: And nobody saw anything?", "(Everyone straightens and looks around the theatre.)", "Grissom: They were watching the movie. Dark room. Loud music. Four exits. Everybody looking the other way.", "Catherine: Professional killer?", "Grissom: (shrugs) ... or a movie buff.", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WONDERLAND THEATRE -- NIGHT]", "(ROBBINS is in the theatre with GRISSOM and CATHERINE. All are standing around the victim seated in the theatre chair. GRISSOM is looking at the wound at the back of the victim's neck and arguing with ROBBINS.)", "Robbins: It was \"Build My Gallows High\", with Robert Mitchum, 1947.", "Grissom: (shakes his head) It was \"Out of the Past\", with Robert Mitchum and Jane Greer.", "Robbins: ... and Kirk Douglas. Trust me, the book was \"Build My Gallows High\".", "Catherine: (interrupting) Mr. Siskel, Mr. Ebert, may I have a Cause of Death, please?", "(ROBBINS leans over and looks at the wound.)", "Robbins: Puncture wound is small. Not a knife. Seems like it penetrated all the way to the brain stem, and there's some bruising around the mouth.", "Grissom: Well, the killer could have stood over him, placed his hand over his mouth, stabbed him in the back of the head.", "(Quick flashback to: The killer puncturing something into the back of the victim's neck. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: Didn't Telly Savalas do that in \"The Dirty Dozen\"?", "Grissom: Anthony Quinn did it, too, in \"Guns of Navaronne\".", "Robbins: Right.", "Catherine: Well, what movie did you see this in?", "(CATHERINE shines the flashlight at the other side of the victim's neck. Both ROBBINS and GRISSOM lean in to look where they see the abrasions and bruising.)", "Robbins: Looks like somebody ripped something off his neck.", "Grissom: Small patterns; could have been a chain, maybe, huh?", "(Quick flashback to: The killer grabbing the chain and ripping it from the victim's neck. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(CATHERINE starts looking on the floor.)", "Catherine: Or necklace. Oh!", "(She drops her flashlight and it starts rolling toward the front of the theatre.)", "Catherine: Butterfingers.", "(CATHERINE leaves the body to go get her flashlight.)", "(GRISSOM snaps a photograph of the cellphone then takes it out of the victim's grip.)", "Robbins: What'd you got?", "Grissom: Well, whoever called him didn't leave their number.", "(GRISSOM checks the list of calls received from the cell phone.)", "(Meanwhile, CATHERINE is a few rows in front of the victim where her flashlight stopped rolling. She looks down and finds the murder weapon, a screwdriver, next to the flashlight on the floor. She picks it up and holds it up to examine.)", "Catherine: (calls out) Hey! I wasn't the only one who dropped something tonight.", "(BRASS appears at the top of the theatre near the doorway.)", "Brass: (calls out) I got a witness.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WONDERLAND THEATRE - LOBBY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM interview the witness.)", "Movie Goer: I only noticed 'cause she got up during the best part of the movie, right before the gunfight.", "Grissom: Is the gunfight loud?", "Movie Goer: Yeah. I mean it's not THX surround-sound. This was 1950 and mono optical track. (He chuckles, then stops when they don't laugh with him. He explains.) I like how loud this theater keeps it.", "Grissom: Perfect moment to do it. Cover up any noise the victim might make.", "Brass: You get a look at her?", "Movie Goer: I drove forty minutes to see this flick; my eyes were on the screen, but, uh, she was tall, not old ... a redhead.", "Grissom: Did she come back in?", "Movie Goer: No. And, uh ...", "(He looks around at the crowd of people outside the theatre.)", "Movie Goer: I-I don't see her here.", "Grissom: Did anyone see her coming into the lobby?", "Brass: Well, manager had left for the night. The usher who found the body had left before we got here. He had been smoking blunts. He was afraid we were going to bust him for marijuana. I'll be tweaking him when I call him for my statement.", "Movie Goer: If you ask me, anybody who leaves their phone on in a movie deserves to get stabbed in the head.", "Brass: That's why nobody ask you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WAREHOUSE -- DAY]", "(NICK, WARRICK and SARA get out of their cars and make their way past the gathering police cars. They head toward the warehouse and meet up with DET. O'RILEY.)", "Nick: Detective.", "O'Riley: Guys ...", "Warrick: Who called it in?", "(They walk under the crime scene tape toward DET. O'RILEY. The four of them walk toward the warehouse.)", "O'Riley: Passing motorist heard gunshots. First officer did a drive up. Found the scene. Called in the world. I hope you brought extra supplies.", "Sara: Why's that?", "O'Riley: You're gonna be here awhile.", "(DET. O'RILEY opens the warehouse door. The CSIs look at the scene inside in amazement. In the middle of the empty warehouse is the body lying face down on the floor. The walls are riddled with bullet holes that are visible with the sunlight streaming in through them.)", "Nick: Looks like a war zone.", "[INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(They walk inside toward the body.)", "Warrick: We got an I.D. On the body?", "O'Riley: No cash, no I.D., just a driver's permit.", "Warrick: Driver's permit.", "(WARRICK leans forward and looks at the body.)", "Sara: What is he, 16?", "O'Riley: Fifteen-and-a-half. Timmy McCallum. Coroner's on his way.", "Warrick: (to O'RILEY) Tell them to watch their step. There's casings and blood everywhere.", "(WARRICK stands up and turns around to SARA and NICK.)", "Warrick: Divide and conquer. Inside or outside?", "Sara: Outside perimeter.", "(SARA heads outside.)", "Nick: I'm Dennis Rodman.", "(NICK turns and walks out. WARRICK turns back toward the body.)", "Warrick: I'll take everything below the knees.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(Camera close up of the screwdriver found in the theatre. GREG is holding the screwdriver and looking at it with JACQUI FRANCO and CATHERINE.)", "Greg: Question is not what we're going to find on the murder weapon; question is what isn't on it. (beat) The sticky substance?", "Catherine: Soda.", "Jacqui Franco: Yellow crumbs?", "Catherine: Popcorn.", "Greg: Carpet fibers.", "Catherine: It wasn't the cleanest theater in the world. I just want to match the blood to our victim.", "Jacqui Franco: And you want to know if there's a recoverable print.", "Catherine: Uh-huh.", "(GREG and JACQUI look at each other. CATHERINE smiles at the two lab techs in front of her.)", "Greg: You want to race?", "Jacqui Franco: What's the bet?", "Greg: (thoughtfully) Hmm ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(JACQUI carefully takes the substances stuck on the screwdriver off, cleaning it as much as she can. She opens the plastic fume container, then adds a couple of drops to the dish. she puts the dish on the heater and the screwdriver inside the container. She replaces the fume hood on the container and lets the fumes cover the screwdriver. She walks away.)", "(Camera close up as the prints appear on the screwdriver.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Camera opens on a NEVADA DRIVER'S LICENSE with the following information.)", "R360021", "(GUS SUG)ARMAN", "-ALLE MATRIA", "(LAS VEG)AS, NV 89233", "RESTR: NONE WEIGHT: 185", "HAIR: BRN EYES: BRN EXPIRATION DATE: 9/02/05 ]", "Archie: Is that our guy?", "(ARCHIE looks at GRISSOM who sits next to him looking at the monitor. GRISSOM nods.)", "Archie: Phone company unblocked all his private numbers for us.", "Grissom: They can do that now?", "(ARCHIE looks at GRISSOM and smiles.)", "Archie: Yeah. (The monitor shows the list of calls.) On the left side of the screen are the outgoing calls. On the right, the incoming. What time did the movie start?", "(GRISSOM looks at the paper.)", "Grissom: Ten-forty.", "Archie: Last outgoing call your vic made was at 10:38. 555-0110. Twenty-six seconds.", "Grissom: That sounds like a no answer.", "(ARCHIE highlights the two calls from the list: .10 4/10 - 11:26 Las Vegas, NV 555-0110 4/10 - 11:27 Las Vegas, NV 555-0110 4/10 - 11:28 Las Vegas, NV 555-0110 )", "Archie: Yeah, but 555-0110 was the number that called him three times in a row: 11:26, 11:27 and 11:28. Someone needed to talk to him pretty bad.", "Grissom: Yeah, well, he was already dead by then.", "Archie: Dr. Robbins was that accurate with the T.O.D.?", "Grissom: That's when the gunfire erupted.", "Archie: There was gunfire?", "Grissom: In the movie. I'll need an address for that number.", "(GRISSOM stands up.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WAREHOUSE -- DAY]", "(NICK stands in the middle of the warehouse and looks at the bullet-riddled walls with the sunlight streaming through them.)", "(Cut to: NICK starts to mark every bullet hole with a marker rod.)", "(Dissolve to: NICK stands on a ladder and continues to mark the bullet holes with marker rods. He's about halfway done with the first wall.)", "(Dissolve to: NICK stands on the ladder and continues to mark bullet holes. He's about three-quarters done with the first wall.)", "(Dissolve to: NICK stands on the ladder and nearly finishes the first wall.)", "(Cut to: WARRICK picks up a beer bottle and pours its contents into a container. It's the first of many beer bottles. He caps the container and marks it. He puts the empty beer bottle into a package.)", "[EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(SARA takes pictures of the tire treadmarks on the road.)", "(Cut to: SARA walks the warehouse perimeter and finds prints on the ground. She takes pictures of those also.)", "(Cut to: SARA finds a wooden ladder to the roof of the warehouse leaning against the wall. She looks up where she sees the end of a long bamboo pole sticking out the side of the rooftop.)", "[INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK has evidence markers on the ground next to each of the bullet shell casings that he finds. He kneels down and puts marker #40 down. He looks around.)", "(WARRICK takes a step over some markers and puts marker #63 down on the ground. Behind him, the coroner's office carries the body.)", "(Dissolve to: WARRICK puts down evidence markers #68 & #69 down on the ground. Behind him, the coroner's office wheels out the victim's body on a gurney.)", "(Cut to: WARRICK puts down evidence markers #96 and #97 down on the ground. He looks around for more bullet casings.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(SARA walks into the warehouse carrying a very long bamboo pole. NICK is on the ladder and finishing up the final wall.)", "Sara: Hey, guys. What do you make of this piece of bamboo? I found it on the roof.", "Nick: Bag it.", "Sara: That's funny. Very funny.", "(WARRICK sees something in the middle of the warehouse floor. It looks like small pieces of glass. He walks in for a closer look.)", "(SARA look up and notices something in the ceiling.)", "Sara: Did you get the hole in the roof?", "(NICK also looks up at the ceiling.)", "Nick: You find anything else up there?", "Sara: No.", "Warrick: Got some shards of glass. Clear in color. (WARRICK holds up a piece of glass and puts it in a container.) Mixed with small pieces of black plastic.", "(WARRICK picks up a piece of black plastic and puts it in a", "Warrick: You almost finished with that? What's your count?", "Nick: Yeah. 109 rods.", "Warrick: 109 bullets?", "Nick: How in the world do trajectories occur 15 to 20 feet off the ground? Horizontally?", "Sara: What in the hell went on here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HILDEN RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(The front door opens.)", "Grissom: Audrey Hilden?", "Audrey Hilden: Yes.", "Catherine: We're with the Las Vegas crime lab. Do you know a Gus Sugarman?", "Audrey Hilden: Why don't you come inside. Please.", "(GRISSOM glances at the driveway behind them. He and CATHERINE enter the residence.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HILDEN RESIDENCE - DAY --CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE interview AUDREY HILDEN in her living room.)", "Audrey Hilden: He was my dentist. That's terrible. He'd asked me to go to the movies, and I said yes, but ... it was a late show, and I had to get up early for work.", "Catherine: Well, we know that Dr. Sugarman called you at home two minutes before the movie started, and that you didn't pick up.", "Audrey Hilden: I was screening. I figured he'd get my message.", "Grissom: And why did you call him three times in a row, 40 minutes later?", "Audrey Hilden: I felt bad standing him up. I called to apologize. I figured I'd get his voice mail, but when I didn't, I tried again.", "Catherine: And you were here alone?", "Audrey Hilden: Yes.", "Catherine: Can anyone verify that?", "Audrey Hilden: (shakes her head) Why?", "(The phone rings. AUDREY HILDEN doesn't move to answer it.)", "Catherine: Still screening?", "(AUDREY HILDEN looks at CATHERINE then moves toward her telephone where she turns the volume down just as the answering machine kicks on.)", "(GRISSOM walks around and examines the surroundings. He sees an April calendar for the Wonderland Theatre pinned to her bulletin board.)", "(AUDREY HILDEN moves to stand between GRISSOM and the theatre calendar he's interested in.)", "Grissom: Do you see a lot of movies at the art house theater?", "Audrey Hilden: Sure. I love old movies.", "Grissom: I see they recently had a Hitchcock retrospective.", "Audrey Hilden: I prefer French new wave. If you'll excuse me now, I have to go to work.", "Catherine: We'll be in touch.", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE move to leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(ROBBINS pulls the sheet on the body down to show WARRICK the victim's torso and the purple bruises on it. They both lean in to examine them.)", "Warrick: Geez, what was this kid, tortured?", "Robbins: Couple of fractured ribs. Deep purple contusions of the presternal chest wall. Each one around two inches in diameter. I stopped counting around nine.", "Warrick: What do you think could've done this? Baseball bat?", "Robbins: It's hard to tell. Whatever it was, it had a great deal of velocity.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Robbins: Cause of Death: Single gunshot to the chest. No evidence of gunshot residue.", "Warrick: Shot from a distance.", "Robbins: Yeah.", "(WARRICK picks up a rod and inserts it into the bullet hole to see the angle.)", "Warrick: And at a downward angle ... it's, uh ... it's about 25 degrees. He was shot from above.", "(Quick flashback to: TIMMY McCALLUM is having a beer with his friend. Someone stands at the top of the warehouse and shoots. It hits TIMMY. End of flashback. Resume to present.", "Warrick: Rooftop angle is 45 degrees. This is 25 degrees? It's impossible.", "Robbins: If that's the case, he was shot by somebody 10 to 15 feet tall.", "Warrick: What else you got?", "Robbins: Scabbing abrasions on the elbows, the back and kneecaps.", "(ROBBINS lifts the sheet to expose the victim's right leg.)", "Robbins: Looks to be harmless \"boys will be boys\" stuff.", "Warrick: There's nothing harmless about death.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB]", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk into the lab.)", "Catherine: (smiling) Don't tell me -- Greg won the bet.", "(JACQUI FRANCO turns around to look at them. On her head, she's wearing GREG'S \"swami\" turban.)", "Jacqui Franco: The blood on the screwdriver definitely belongs to your victim. It was incredible how fast he got me back the results. I don't know how he does it. (disgusted) Now I got to wear this stupid thing all day.", "(Behind her, there's a knock on the glass. JACQUI turns to look. It's GREG. He smiles and waves at her.)", "Jacqui Franco: (disgruntled) Oh, look at him, hovering. Making sure I still have it on. (to GRISSOM) Do us all a favor and get him out in the field, will you, he's going stir crazy in here.", "Grissom: Jacqui, do you have anything for us?", "Jacqui Franco: A palm print.", "Catherine: (chuckles) Oh, great. Let's, uh, go back to Audrey's and see if we have a match.", "Jacqui Franco: Not quite.", "(JACQUI turns the laptop monitor toward them to show them close-up pictures of the prints on the screwdriver.)", "Jacqui Franco: Look at the ridges.", "Grissom: Too consistent. (The pictures of the prints on the screwdriver change.) Looks like fine grain.", "Jacqui Franco: Leather. Killer wore gloves.", "(GRISSOM looks at JACQUI.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(BRASS walks up to GRISSOM and CATHERINE.)", "Brass: Okay ... here's what's happening -- three months ago, Audrey Hilden filed a sexual malpractice suit against our Dr. Sugarman. The suit claims that she was molested while she was under anesthesia.", "Catherine: And she was going on a date with this guy?", "Brass: Yeah. Sugarman counter-sued. He's represented by big-time attorneys, so she backed down.", "Grissom: Well, a screwdriver's cheaper than an attorney.", "Brass: (chuckles) Yeah. Well, uh, there's more. Remember the usher who likes to smoke the chronic? He claims he saw a redheaded woman make a phone call halfway through the movie, so I'm going to check it out.", "(BRASS turns to leave.)", "Brass: Want to tag along?", "(GRISSOM glances at CATHERINE. They both follow BRASS.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(SARA prints the bamboo rod round at the warehouse rooftop.)", "Warrick: (o.s.) This where the limbo party is?", "(SARA looks up toward the door and sees WARRICK standing outside just beyond the crime scene tape SARA stuck across the door.)", "Warrick: Can I come in?", "(WARRICK ducks under the tape and enters the room.)", "Sara: Yeah. Sorry, I don't let everyone in here.", "Warrick: Well, I've got your one-to-ones. The tire treads, there's nothing specific here.", "Sara: Bummer.", "Warrick: But the shoe prints that you took, they look interesting. It looks like five suspects walked in, and four ran out.", "(WARRICK shows her the photograph of the shoe prints taken from the ground outside the warehouse. They're marked and color-coded on the photograph.)", "Sara: Four guilty people out there somewhere.", "Warrick: No doubt. How's it coming with your big bamboo here?", "Sara: Well, I have black lung from all the powder, and not a single print, nothing, nada.", "Warrick: You test for GSR? The place was riddled with bullets-- it wouldn't hurt.", "Sara: (agrees) Wouldn't hurt.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(WARRICK and SARA test the bamboo for GSR.)", "Sara: Nothing.", "Warrick: Maybe this has nothing to do with the case. Maybe it was just a piece of debris left at the scene.", "Sara: (rejects that notion immediately) No, no. I-I'm not quitting. No. I am in too deep.", "(SARA picks up the bamboo and heads out the door. WARRICK ducks under the tape to stand in the hallway looking out at SARA'S retreating back.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "Warrick: Where you going?", "Sara: (calling out) Trace. Maybe Hodges can find something.", "(SARA nearly pokes a TECH in the gut with the bamboo. He dodges her.)", "Sara: (warning) Oh, coming through.", "Lab Tech: Whoa!", "Sara: Careful, people. Easy.", "(The LAB TECH heads for WARRICK.)", "Lab Tech: Hey, Brown. PD called. Mrs. McCallum's there.", "Warrick: The mother. Tell them I'm on my way.", "(The LAB TECH leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EARLY EVENING]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WONDERLAND THEATRE - LOBBY]", "(BRASS, GRISSOM and CATHERINE interview the USHER.)", "Usher: I was getting myself a soda. You know, we're allowed to do that. A tall redhead came out of the theater, and then she made a phone call from over there.", "(He indicates the pay phone on the side of the lobby. They all turn to look at the phone.)", "(Quick flashback to: The Tall Redhead walks out of the theatre and heads for the phone. She picks up the receiver. The USHER turns and notices her as he takes a drink of his soda. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(They all turn back to the USHER.)", "Brass: From the pay phone?", "(BRASS looks at GRISSOM who doesn't say anything.)", "Brass: What? I ... what? I'm on it. I'm on it.", "(BRASS leaves.)", "Catherine: Did you happen to notice if she was wearing gloves?", "Usher: Yeah, she was, actually. I thought it was really weird, 'cause it's, like, seventy in here.", "Grissom: Did you notice anything else?", "Usher: No. She just threw something in the trash and headed out.", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE head for the trash can near the pay phone. GRISSOM lifts the cover of the can and they both look inside. GRISSOM and CATHERINE turn to look at the USHER who knows that the can is empty.)", "Usher: (explains) The cleaning crew's in the theater now. They got a late start 'cause of you guys.", "(CATHERINE heads for the theater. GRISSOM replaces the cover back on the can and follows her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WONDERLAND THEATRE - MAIN THEATRE -- CONTINUOUS]", "(CATHERINE enters the theatre. She walks up to the older cleaning woman.)", "Catherine: Excuse me.", "(The CLEANING WOMAN looks up.)", "Catherine: What happened to the garbage that was in the can in the lobby?", "Cleaning Woman: Well, it's already been bagged up, but it should be around here somewhere.", "(Inside one of the seating rows, the Younger Cleaning Woman cleans off one of the seats. She's wearing a pair of expensive-looking leather gloves. GRISSOM walks into the theatre and immediately notices her.)", "Grissom: Excuse me. Where'd you get those gloves?", "(The Younger Cleaning Woman looks at the Older Cleaning Woman.)", "Cleaning Woman: (answers) If it's garbage, it's hers. They let us keep whatever we find as long as it's been thrown out.", "(GRISSOM takes out some money.)", "Grissom: I'll tell you what -- I'll buy you a new pair of gloves.", "(He holds out three bills to her. The Younger Cleaning Woman looks at the Older Cleaning Woman. She nods her head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(GREG is working in his lab and singing softly to himself. He appears to be extremely bored. Behind him, we can see NICK heading toward GREG. He manages to hear the last part of GREG'S song.)", "Greg: 99 bottles of beer on the wall / 99 bottles of beer / you swab one down / run it through CODIS / 98 bottles of beer on the wall.", "Nick: Whatever happened to \"take one down, pass it around\"? That's the best part.", "Greg: You know us lab rats have to do something to get through the day.", "Nick: I know, I just dumped a sack of bullets on Bobby Dawson. So, why don't you sing me a tune I want to hear?", "Greg: Well ... how about. Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes. He ain't heavy ... (NICK shakes his head slightly.) ... He's my brother ...", "Nick: DNA? From the beer bottles?", "Greg: Five different donors -- two of them are related. Donor number one, Tim McCallum, the victim; donor number two, his relative, most likely a brother.", "(GREG hands NICK the results.)", "Greg: No telling if he's heavy or not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(WARRICK interviews MRS. McCALLUM and her son, KEVIN McCALLUM.)", "Warrick: I'm very sorry for your loss, Mrs. McCallum. (She nods. WARRICK turns to look at KEVIN.) Are you Timmy's brother?", "(KEVIN McCALLUM slowly raises his head to look at WARRICK. But before he can say anything, his mother answers.)", "Mrs. McCallum: (answers) Yeah.", "(KEVIN turns to look at his mom.)", "Mrs. McCallum: (to WARRICK) Kevin's the only son I have left.", "Warrick: We were able to identify Timmy by the driver's permit that we found at the scene. Had he been driving long?", "Mrs. McCallum: A few months. I know that law says you're supposed to have an adult present, but I work graveyard. Kevin usually drives with him.", "Warrick: What kind of car does Timmy drive?", "Mrs. McCallum: We have a mini-van. It's more safe.", "Warrick: (to MRS. McCALLUM) This is an ongoing investigation, so we are going to need to see that vehicle. (MRS. McCALLUM nods. To KEVIN) Do you ever drive the mini-van, Kevin?", "Kevin McCallum: Sometimes, yeah.", "Warrick: Did you drive Timmy to the warehouse the other night?", "Kevin McCallum: No.", "Mrs. McCallum: What warehouse?", "Warrick: We have reason to believe that Kevin was at the warehouse that night. We found his DNA on some beer bottles.", "Mrs. McCallum: (surprised) Beer? (she turns to her son) Kevin ...", "Kevin McCallum: Mom ... I bought beer for Timmy. I don't do it all the time. He begged me. He ... he said he was going out partying with some friends.", "(Quick flashback to: KEVIN passes the six pack to TIMMY through the car window. He grabs a bottle for himself.)", "Kevin McCallum: If mom catches you with these, you didn't get them from me.", "Timmy McCallum: Bro, there's one missing.", "Kevin McCallum: I got thirsty.", "(KEVIN takes a sip and passes the open bottle to TIMMY. TIMMY turns away and KEVIN drives off.)", "Kevin McCallum: Later, freak.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Kevin McCallum: I took a sip-- I gave him the rest of the 12-pack. Sorry, mom.", "Mrs. McCallum: Mr. Brown, I don't know what to say. I'm a single mother ... I work nights, and you can't keep your eyes on your kids all the time. At a certain age, you just have to trust them.", "Warrick: I understand. We are going to need to keep Kevin here to ask him some more questions about that night. Do you object?", "Mrs. McCallum: N-no.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE -- NIGHT]", "(HODGES looks up from the scope.)", "Hodges: Spiral gouges. Check it out.", "(He moves aside for SARA to see. SARA looks through the scope.)", "Sara: From tip to tip. What do you think caused these marks?", "Hodges: Give me more time -- I'm not a miracle worker.", "Sara: Well, that's obvious, Hodges. If you were a miracle worker, you wouldn't be rude.", "Hodges: I wasn't being \"rude\", I was being \"curt\". \"Rude\" would be, \"When I know, you'll know.\" (beat) Friends?", "(HODGES smiles sarcastically at SARA. SARA shakes her head.)", "Sara: (smiling tightly) No.", "(WARRICK walks into the lab.)", "Warrick: (easily) Hodges, how's it coming with that glass?", "(HODGES taps another scope indicating that WARRICK look and see. WARRICK looks at the scope.)", "Warrick: Looks like there's some kind of coating on it.", "Hodges: More specifically, crystallized calcium fluoride.", "(SARA looks at the scope.)", "Sara: You ran it through the I.R.?", "Hodges: Please. I.R. says \"fluorspar\". I say \"high-end optics\".", "Sara: Camera lens.", "Warrick: You think someone has this murder on tape?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE]", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE confer with BRASS.)", "Catherine: So, the gloves match the palm print on the murder weapon as well as the pay phone in the theater lobby. Unfortunately, there was no epithelials inside the gloves because the cleaning woman had ammonia on her hands.", "Brass: Ah, I see. Well, according to this, a phone call was made from the theater lobby to Audrey's home at 11:25.", "(GRISSOM holds up another phone listing.)", "Grissom: Well, Audrey called Dr. Sugarman's cell from her home at 11:26.", "Catherine: Well, obviously, she didn't make it home in one minute.", "Brass: We're looking for someone else.", "Grissom: The mysterious redhead in the theater?", "Brass: Maybe Audrey hired a pro who called up to say, uh, \"It's done.\"", "Catherine: Well, if she couldn't afford a powerful attorney, how did she pay for a hit man?", "Grissom: Hit woman.", "Brass: Why don't we ask her?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HILDEN RESIDENCE - FRONT PORCH -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS knocks on the front door.)", "(He pauses and listens.)", "Brass: You hear that? Phone's off the hook.", "(BRASS knocks on the door again. When there's no answer, he tries the door. It's locked. He starts looking around.)", "Brass: There must be another way in.", "(BRASS leaves the front porch.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HILDEN RESIDENCE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(With his weapon in hand, BRASS pushes the partially opened sliding door open and walks into the residence. CATHERINE and GRISSOM follow. The telephone is off the hook and is beeping.)", "(As they walk in, they notice the phone on the counter.)", "(They walk into the living room and find AUDREY HILDEN hanging suspended in the middle of the living room from a cord tied from around her neck to the second story banister.)", "Catherine: She used an extension cord and tied it to the railing and must have jumped off.", "(GRISSOM looks down and notices a chain on the floor. He cautiously picks it up to look at it. BRASS phones it in.)", "Brass: (to phone) (b.g.) Yeah, this is Brass. I got a DB. (pause) Yeah. (beat) Well ...", "(Quick flashback to: GUS SUGARMAN sits in the theatre, dead. The killer reaches out and rips the chain from his neck. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM holds up the chain and looks at it.)", "Catherine: Our only suspect apparently commits suicide. (beat) Convenient.", "Grissom: (agrees) Too convenient.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HILDEN RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM examines the marks on the victim's neck.)", "Grissom: (loudly) Catherine ... she's got a whole 'nother set of horizontal marks on her neck, below the cord. And postmortem bruising. I think she was strangled first and then hanged.", "(Quick flashback to: AUDREY HILDEN fights off her attacker who has a firm hold on her neck. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM continues to examine the body. This time paying close attention to the victim's feet and legs.)", "(CATHERINE is on the second floor looking around.)", "Catherine: No signs of a break-in ... or a struggle. She may have been killed by someone she knew.", "Grissom: She was dragged. She's got carpet fibers on her heels.", "(Quick flashback to: The killer drags AUDREY HILDEN across the floor. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Yeah, she was dragged over here, tied off and shoved over.", "(Quick flashback to: The killer lifts up AUDREY HILDEN and pushes her over the second floor balcony. AUDREY never hits the floor, her body jerks as it reaches the end of the short cord. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM holds up his flashlight and looks at something in particular across the room. CATHERINE joins GRISSOM and notices his intent on something.)", "Catherine: You got something?", "(GRISSOM indicates the now empty section of the bulletin board with a thumbtack that has a bit of pink paper stuck underneath. He stares at it.)", "Grissom: When we were here earlier, there was a movie schedule pinned up there that had a handwritten note on it. I'm not sure she wanted me to see it. Now it's gone.", "Catherine: Maybe she threw it away.", "(CATHERINE walks over to the trash can in the room and checks it. The playbill isn't there.", "(Cut to: GRISSOM pushes the bathroom door open and turns on the light. He checks the trash can and notices the water on the floor near the toilet bowl. He checks the toilet bowl and notices that it's clogged.)", "(GRISSOM takes the plunger and unclogs the bowl. He sticks his hand in the water and pulls out a crumpled pink paper. He checks it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(WARRICK checks the tire tracks taken from the warehouse to the tires of the McCALLUM'S mini-van. He puts the clear plastic tracks over the tire.)", "Warrick: Venus and Serena. Perfect match.", "(Cut to: WARRICK opens the door and checks the inside of the mini-van. He finds the torn beer carton that bears the price tag: \"JENKO LIQUOR\" 10.29.)", "(He checks the door and notices red pots. He checks it and it turns dark pink.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INVERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(DET. O'RILEY sits at the table with KEVIN McCALLUM.)", "Kevin McCallum: Timmy's 15, I'm 18. He's got his friends, I got my friends. We don't do the same things. We don't hang together.", "O'Riley: Evidence says you were there. You want to go down for suspicion of murder?", "(KEVIN McCALLUM sighs.)", "[OBSERVATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "O'Riley: (over speaker) Or you want to stop digging your own grave?", "Nick: Just talked to Bobby Dawson. All the bullets came from the same gun: Nine-millimeter semi-automatic. How's this going?", "Warrick: I found a 12-pack container in the McCallum minivan. Sales slip said \"Jenko Liquors.\"", "Nick: I'll check the surveillance, see if we can get some footage of this guy.", "(In the Interview Room, NICK watches as KEVIN McCALLUM shifts and brings his left hand up to show a blood stain on his shirt.)", "Nick: What is that on his elbow?", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- CONTINUOUS]", "(KEVIN McCALLUM looks up at NICK and WARRICK both standing next to the table watching him.)", "Kevin McCallum: It's just a scab. Got it skateboarding.", "Nick: Can we see it?", "(KEVIN sighs.)", "Warrick: Peel it back.", "(KEVIN takes off the bandage and shows the cut. It doesn't look like it came from skateboarding. It looks like he was grazed by a bullet.)", "Warrick: Skateboarding? Why don't you stand up and take off your shirt.", "Kevin McCallum: Don't you guys need a warrant for that?", "O'Riley: We get a warrant, and we're going to strip you down to nothing, then ask you to bend over-- choose.", "(Not liking the sound of that option, KEVIN exhales. He stands up and takes off his shirt to expose bruising on his body similar to those found on TIMMY.)", "Warrick: Geez, man, what happened to you? Turn around.", "(KEVIN turns around. The bruises are on his back as well.)", "Warrick: Those are the same markings your brother had. You want to tell us what went down here?", "Kevin McCallum: I can't talk about it. I'm sorry.", "Nick: Hey, listen, if-if you're the victim here, you can tell us. Okay?", "Warrick: Kevin, who did this to you, man?", "(KEVIN looks at him and doesn't say anything.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(CATHERINE and GRISSOM work on the water-logged piece of paper.)", "Catherine: Well, there's an awful lot of water damage, but, um ... there's some kind of an impression.", "Grissom: Well, maybe this will bring it up.", "(GRISSOM puts the paper under the machine. The computer beeps and whirs. The schedule appears on the monitor. GRISSOM focuses on the writing right above Alfred Hitchcock's, \"Strangers On A Train\".)", "Grissom: It's written above \"Strangers On A Train\"", "Catherine: (echoes) \"Strangers On A Train.\" Is that the one with the perfect murder?", "Grissom: Two strangers meet on a train, make a pact to get rid of each other's problems. They figure since neither has a motive for the killings, they won't be caught.", "Catherine: Life imitating art?", "Grissom: In the movie, Robert Walker kills Farley Granger's wife. Granger didn't think he was serious, so when he refuses to kill walker's father, walker goes after him.", "Catherine: So if Audrey is Farley Granger ...", "Grissom: Who's playing Robert Walker's part?", "(GRISSOM turns back to the monitor and works on clearing up the writing on the schedule.)", "Catherine: \"Sphere E4-117.\" Well, that's got to be the Sphere Hotel.", "Grissom: It's not a hotel room, though.", "Catherine: Locker, safety deposit box ...", "Grissom: ... parking space, maybe.", "Catherine: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SHOW -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS, CATHERINE and GRISSOM question the show's manager. BRASS holds out a photograph of the victim.)", "Anthony Haines: Audrey who?", "Brass: Hilden.", "Anthony Haines: Naw. I never heard of her. What's this about?", "Catherine: E4-117. Your assigned parking space. It was written on a movie schedule we found in Ms. Hilden's home.", "Anthony Haines: Well, look, I meet a lot of women. She a dancer? She work for me before?", "(A showgirl walks past the group and into the dressing room.)", "Anthony Haines: (to MICHELLE) Hey, Michelle. Mmm!", "(He whacks MICHELLE on her butt as she passes by. This gets a reaction from CATHERINE.)", "Anthony Haines: I'll tell you guys something: This show is very hot, all the chicks want to be in it, and actually, they, uh, got to go through me.", "(GRISSOM sees something interesting to him inside the dressing room and walks in without a word to anyone.)", "Brass: Ever been to the Art House Movie Theater?", "Anthony Haines: No. Where's that?", "Catherine: Have you ever seen any Hitchcock movies? (from outside) \"Strangers On a Train\"?", "(GRISSOM sees the exact same WONDERLAND THEATRE schedule stuck on the mirror.)", "Brass: (from outside) Alfred Hitchcock?", "Grissom: Mr. Haines? (GRISSOM points to the station with the movie schedule.) Whose station is this one?", "(He sticks his head in through the doorway.)", "Anthony Haines: Oh, that's Kelly Goodson's. Royal pain in the ass.", "(He turns back to BRASS and CATHERINE. GRISSOM moves along and starts looking around the dressing room. In the background the show music starts.)", "(GRISSOM looks inside the open locker and finds a business card for \"Langly & Langly\" / Attorneys at Law.)", "(The dancers walk back into the dressing room. GRISSOM looks up and notices some creams and tubes on the top shelf of the locker.)", "Kelly Goodson: Can I help you? That's my locker.", "Grissom: It was open.", "Kelly Goodson: You always snoop through other people's things?", "(KELLY GOODSON turns to her dressing station and takes off her red wig. She puts it on the wig stand. GRISSOM watches her.)", "Grissom: I'm with the crime lab. I'm a professional snoop. Do you, uh ... ever wear that wig en you go out?", "(KELLY GOODSON turns back to her locker and takes out the tube and small container of cream. She sits back down in the chair in front of her station.)", "Kelly Goodson: I never get to go out. Two shows a night, three on weekends. Why? You have something in mind?", "Grissom: Do you like the movies? I, uh, noticed you have an art house theater schedule on your mirror.", "Kelly Goodson: Yeah, I've been there a few times.", "Grissom: Ever seen \"Strangers On a Train\"?", "(She pauses to think about it, then shakes her head. She looks up at GRISSOM.)", "Kelly Goodson: No. Is it any good?", "Grissom: Yeah, it's good. (He watches her put the cream on her hands and rub her hands together.) You use a lot of creams, huh?", "(She raises her leg straight up to the ceiling and starts putting cream on her leg.)", "Kelly Goodson: Sixteen shows a week in these shoes, your legs would be killing you, too.", "Grissom: Is that your own recipe?", "Kelly Goodson: What was it you said you do for a living?", "Grissom: I'm a scientist.", "Kelly Goodson: (looks at GRISSOM and hints) And, um, I'm up in five minutes, so ... you mind?", "Grissom: No. I don't mind.", "(GRISSOM doesn't move. KELLY GOODSON reaches behind her and unsnaps her top.)", "(Brassy music in background ends with a flourish.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(SARA is behind the computer, typing. WARRICK rushes into the lab and takes the seat next to her.)", "Warrick: I'm sorry I'm late. What bullet are you on?", "Sara: 109, finally. Height, distance, angle. This has been a very laborious shift. Are you in the mood for a light show?", "Warrick: Yeah, hook it up.", "(SARA runs the computer program and for the brief moment, it shows the trajectory of all the bullets at random intervals.)", "Warrick: The trajectory is all pointing in one uniform area. Looks like some kind of a pole.", "Sara: Or a bamboo stick.", "(WARRICK gives a weary laugh.)", "Warrick: The whole case has been like this. It's like you can't wrap your head around it, you know?", "Sara: A bamboo cane with black swirls descending downward, no GSR, 109 rods, 109 bullets, all fired from the same gun.", "Warrick: Camera glass, blood droplets everywhere, DNA that says five people were there, one boy's dead, one boy's injured, and he ain't sayin' nothin' ... (sighs) Is this the end of the road?", "Sara: Forensically?", "(She turns to look at WARRICK)", "Sara: Yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(NICK runs into SARA in the hallway as she comes down the stairs.)", "Sara: Hey.", "Nick: Hey, Sara, I was just coming to get you. Surveillance footage from Jenko liquor. Archie just put together some black-and-white stills. Check it out. Kevin, the older brother, buying beer.", "(NICK hands SARA a photograph of KEVIN in the liquor store purchasing the beer at the counter. In the back aisle is a boy bending over, his back to the camera. The date and time stamp on the bottom of the picture reads: 04/02/03", "Sara: Looks like he wasn't alone.", "Nick: No, you're right. He had four other friends with him, including Timmy.", "(NICK hands SARA a second photograph of TIMMY at the soda fountain filling up a cup. He has his eye on the counter, a big smile on his face as he tries not to get caught. Date and Time stamp on the bottom of the picture reads: 04/02/03", "Nick: And here you go.", "(NICK shows SARA the third photo of two boys in the back of the store causing a commotion while the third boy holds a pack of beer. Both NICK and SARA chuckle at the photo.)", "Nick: It's a classic distraction technique. Did it many times. You go in with a group of buddies and you cause a little ruckus.", "Sara: Store owner gets flustered. He wants the kids out of his store. So, he sells them the beer, even though they're underage, and of course they drink it.", "Nick: Well, you know about the camera glass Warrick found, right? That means someone has this all on tape. I say we track down the other kids, see which one of them thinks he's Tarantino.", "(SARA and NICK both walk away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(GRISSOM empties the paper package onto his desk. Boxes of different creams drop out. CATHERINE walks into the office and takes a seat on the other side of the desk.)", "Catherine: So, get this -- Anthony Haines had a sexual harassment suit filed against him recently.", "Grissom: There's a lot of that going around.", "Catherine: Uh-huh, from one of the showgirls.", "Grissom: Kelly Goodson?", "Catherine: She claims that he threatened to fire her if she didn't perform certain sexual favors.", "Grissom: You know, she had a business card in her locker -- Langly & Langly, Attorneys-at-law. It'd be interesting to find out ...", "Catherine: ... if Audrey hired the same firm? She did.", "Grissom: So, they liked the same movies ... they had the same problem ... and they hired the same lawyer?", "(CATHERINE looks at the creams on GRISSOM'S desk and asks.)", "Catherine: Knees bothering you?", "(GRISSOM picks up the evidence bag with the extension cord in it.)", "Grissom: The extension cord used to strangle Audrey Hilden.", "(He puts it aside and picks up another evidence bag.)", "Grissom: The dentist's gold chain.", "(He puts that one aside and shows CATHERINE another evidence bag.)", "Grissom: The murderer's gloves.", "Catherine: Well, any physical evidence on those gloves would've been compromised by the ammonia.", "Grissom: Only on the inside; not necessarily the outside. You use two hands to put on gloves.", "Catherine: You're looking for transfer.", "(GRISSOM holds up a notebook and looks at CATHERINE with anticipation.)", "Grissom: Special recipe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(Two mannequins hands are set up on the counter. The leather gloves are put on the hands. GREG swabs the gloves and tests it. He works efficiently and methodically.)", "(GREG takes a swab from the extension cord.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(O'RILEY questions J.J.)", "J.J.: We go to the warehouse all the time ... just go there to party, talk about chicks. Sometimes we smoke out.", "O'Riley: You take off your shirt, please?", "(J.J. stands up and lifts up his shirt. He turns around. There are bruises on his torso.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(EARL turns around to show the bruises on his back and front. He puts his shirt down and sits down.)", "Earl: I ride BMX bikes ... play soccer. Man, I wake up with bruises.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(O'RILEY interviews ZACHARY.)", "Zachary: We were just messing around.", "O'Riley: I'm not. A kid's dead. Back to the question. How'd you get the shiner?", "(ZACHARY shakes his head and explains.)", "Zachary: JJ found a gun in north town. We were messing with it, shooting the walls. So, one night, I brought my hi-eight camera in, and one of the stray bullets shot my lens out.", "(Quick flashback to: ZACHARY holds the camera and films whatever he's looking at. A bullet breaks the lens and sends ZACHARY to the floor. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "O'Riley: Who was the shooter?", "(ZACHARY chuckles wryly.)", "O'Riley: You can tell us and save yourself, or you can let the tape tell us. It's your call.", "(ZACHARY lifts up his head and looks at O'RILEY.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[ON VIDEO TAPE]", "(KEVIN McCALLUM is looking directly at the camera and yelling.)", "Kevin McCallum: What up? My name's Kevin. These are my boys-- JJ, Earl, Zach, and my little bro Timmy, and this is called ...", "All: Speedway Surfing!", "(Cut to: )", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- CONTINUOUS]", "(NICK, WARRICK and SARA sit behind the computer watching the video.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(O'RILEY interviews KEVIN McCALLUM.)", "Kevin McCallum: Timmy was a big fan of all those reality shows. You know, the \"don't try this at home\" stuff. We-we all watched it on tv. So, one day, we're bored. We started making up stunts on our own, trying to outdo each other. Speedway surfing ... that was my idea.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "(Back in the lab, NICK, SARA and WARRICK watch the video.)", "[ON VIDEO]", "(A red car races on the monitor. Kids are shouting and whooping it up. On the car hood, J.J. stands as if he's surfing.)", "kid: Come on, hit it! KID: Yeah! Whoo!", "(The car engine speeds.)", "kid: Whoo!", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(SARA looks at NICK. WARRICK watches the monitor and shakes his head.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- INTERVIEW ROOM]", "Kevin McCallum: We all did it. Some ate it bad. JJ bruised his tailbone.", "(KEVIN snorts at the memory.)", "Kevin McCallum: We were just messing around.", "[ON VIDEO]", "(JJ stands on the hood of the car as it speeds.)", "JJ: Whoo!", "(The other boys are in the car yelling with excitement.)", "(JJ looses his balance and falls off of the speeding car hood and onto the road.)", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(SARA, NICK and WARRICK continue to watch the video. They can't believe what they're seeing.)", "[INT POLICE DEPARTMENT -- INTERVIEW ROOM]", "Kevin McCallum: Then Zach got the fever. Next day, he came up with one.", "[ON VIDEO]", "(The kids sit in front of the video.)", "Zach: The human ...", "All: ... 150-yard marker!", "(They laugh as they get ready. ZACH holds a golf club and the other kids put on football helmets.)", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(SARA turns to look back at WARRICK.)", "[ON VIDEO]", "(ZACH puts the tee down and sets up the shot. The other kids stand in front with their hands cupping their most private parts. They wait for the ball to hit them.)", "Zach: Ready, boys? KID: Okay boy. KID: Fore!", "(The first shot hits TIMMY McCALLUM in the chest. He groans at the impact and goes down. Everyone laughs.)", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(NICK shakes his head.)", "[INT POLICE DEPARTMENT -- INTERVIEW ROOM]", "Kevin McCallum: Then it came time for Timmy's turn. He stayed up all night ... and by morning, he had it.", "[ON VIDEO]", "(At the warehouse, TIMMY McCALLUM is in front of the camer with the other boys behind him as he explains his dare.)", "Timmy McCallum: (from video) Hi. My name is Timmy McCallum, and this is my debut stunt, so I'm really psyched. It's called ... bamboo russian roulette!", "(Quick flashback to: The kids playing Bamboo Russian Roulette in the warehouse. ZACH holds the camera as he films. KEVIN is up on the warehouse rooftop and looks down through the hole in the ceiling.)", "Kevin McCallum: You ready?", "Everyone: Whoo!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "[INT POLICE DEPARTMENT -- INTERVIEW ROOM]", "Kevin McCallum: (sadly) We did it a bunch of times. You know, we all took turns going up on the roof. We almost stopped when I got shot in the arm ... but we were drunk, and so ... ... we decided to try it one more time.", "(Quick flashback to: Inside the warehouse, the kids jump and circle around the bamboo pole as the gun fires and falls down the pole. Camera is on TIMMY as he skips around the bamboo pole. Gunfire is heard through the warehouse.)", "Everyone: Yeah!", "(There's more gun fire and kids whooping and laughing.)", "Everyone: Whoo!", "(KEVIN lets the gun go from the roof top. The gun fires. Some kids hunker down to avoid the bullets. One bullet hits ZACH, breaking his camera. He falls down. TIMMY is still standing and circling the pole. One bullet hits him square in the chest.)", "(From the roof, KEVIN sees TIMMY get shot.)", "(In slow motion, TIMMY falls to the floor. Judging by the camera angle, the camera is also on the floor and it's still recording.)", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(On the monitor, TIMMY is on the ground.)", "[INT POLICE DEPARTMENT -- INTERVIEW ROOM]", "Kevin McCallum: He kept trying to breathe. I didn't know what to do. I came down from the roof. I went over to his side. I kept saying... \"Come on, breathe, bro. You can't die on me, man.\"", "O'Riley: Why didn't you call an ambulance?", "Kevin McCallum: I didn't want to get in trouble.", "O'Riley: So, you just left him for dead?", "Kevin McCallum: It was an accident. It's not like we had a death wish.", "O'Riley: You sure about that?", "(KEVIN puts his head down.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DRESSING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE and GRISSOM both sit on chairs and interview KELLY GOODSON.)", "Catherine: (to GRISSOM) Langly & Langly.", "(GRISSOM looks at CATHERINE and nods. KELLY GOODSON watches the exchange and shakes her head in confusion.)", "Kelly Goodson: Mm. I'm sorry?", "Catherine: Oh, it's the law firm that both you and Audrey hired to deal with your problems -- Gus Sugarman and Anthony Haines.", "Kelly Goodson: (nods) Tony Haines is a pig ... but who's Gus?", "Catherine: Well, we're guessing that that's where the two of you first met, at the lawyers'.", "Grissom: Or they could've met at the movie theater.", "Catherine: Right. Right. I mean, either way, you ladies had a lot in common.", "(Quick flashback to: KELLY GOODSON walks into the movie theatre and sits down a few rows behind AUDREY HILDEN. AUDREY turns around slightly and notices KELLY sitting behind her. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Boy, can't you see them watching \"Strangers On a Train\" together?", "Catherine: Oh, yeah.", "Grissom: I'm thinking that Audrey told her everything about her dentist, and she told Audrey everything about Haines.", "(Quick flashback to: The two ladies sit at a table and AUDREY HILDEN talks to KELLY GOODSON.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) You needed them both dead.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: So, right out of \"Strangers On A Train\", if you swapped murders, no one could tie you to the victims, and then you started talking specifics -- where the best place would be to kill Haines. Someplace dark, secluded-- the parking lot right here at the sphere.", "(Quick flashback to: KELLY GOODSON reaches over the table and writes the parking stall information on AUDREY HILDEN'S movie schedule: Sphere E4-117. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: After you stabbed Sugarman, you ripped the gold chain off of his neck as proof that you'd kept up your end of the bargain.", "(Quick flashback to: KELLY GOODSON in a red wig standing behind GUS SUGARMAN, one hand over his mouth and the other hand with the screwdriver. After she kills him, she rips off the chain from his neck. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: And then you walked out into the lobby and called Audrey on the pay phone, to say that the deed was done.", "Grissom: And then Audrey called Sugarman three times in a row to see if it was true.", "Catherine: She was the one who picked the movie ... and made the date.", "Grissom: But that's all she did, isn't it? 'Cause just like in the movie, she had no intention of killing Haines ... and that's when you started harassing her.", "(Quick flashback to: The phone rings and AUDREY HILDEN doesn't answer it. Flash to: KELLY GOODSON standing on the sidewalk on the other side of the street watching as AUDREY HILDEN parks her car. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: You'd killed for her. Now she wasn't holding up her end of the bargain.", "Grissom: You couldn't let her betray you. So, unfortunately, she had to die, too.", "(Quick flashback to: KELLY GOODSON with her hands around AUDREY HILDEN'S neck. They struggle, but KELLY'S stronger and more determined than AUDREY. KELLY drags AUDREY up the stairs. She manages to get AUDREY over the banister. She ties the cord around AUDREY'S neck then tosses her over the side. AUDREY'S body jerks as she dangles there. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: So, you made it look like she'd committed suicide, and then you planted Sugarman's gold chain, in hopes that we would think that she killed him, too.", "Catherine: The only thing that she had on you was that movie schedule. That had to go.", "(Quick flashback to: KELLY GOODSON rips the movie schedule off of the bulletin board and crumples it. She tosses it into the toilet and flushes. She leaves. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(KELLY looks at them and smiles.", "Kelly Goodson: Wow ... that is a really good story. You guys must be movie fans yourselves.", "Grissom: You're right. It's just a story ...", "(KELLY GOODSON looks at CATHERINE. CATHERINE doesn't say anything. GRISSOM continues.)", "Grissom: ... but the chemicals that we found on your gloves and on the extension cord that was used to kill Audrey, that's our proof. Menthol ... trolamine salicylate ... capsaicin ...", "(GRISSOM reaches into his pocket and pulls out the tubes of creams and shows it to KELLY GOODSON.)", "Grissom: ... eucalyptabalm ... isorcreme ... capsaicin ointment -- a unique concoction -- your unique concoction ... ... and this stuff is all over the evidence. Yeah ... it's a pretty good movie. Well, the character that you've been playing, the character that Robert Walker played in the movie ... dies at the end.", "(Camera holds on KELLY GOODSON.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MOVIE THEATRE -- NIGHT]", "(On screen, the man takes out a gun and fires, hitting the other man in the abdomen.)", "(On screen a woman rushes out of the room.)", "Man: (on screen) I said he'd be alone.", "(In the audience, GRISSOM sits and watches the movie. CATHERINE returns with her popcorn and drink and takes her seat next to GRISSOM.)", "Catherine: Hi. What'd I miss?", "Grissom: Murder, seduction, deceit-- the usual.", "Catherine: Mm. This one of your favorites?", "Grissom: Actually, I'm not a big fan of noir.", "Catherine: Okay. Well, what do you like?", "Grissom: I like silent movies.", "(CATHERINE stops and turns to look at GRISSOM. With a small smile on his face, GRISSOM glances at CATHERINE, then turns to look at the screen.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
A Night at the Movies
[ "Grissom and Catherine investigate the murder of a comic who dropped dead on stage after drinking from a tainted bottle of water. Warrick is sent to a convenience store to investigate the death of a 15-year-old boy only to find out the boy died after drinking the same brand of water. Brass asks Nick and Sara to investigate a case he ruled an accidental death after spotting the 'grieving' husband in a very expensive new car." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "Emcee: (V.O.) Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for the Comedy Hole's very own Michael Borland.", "(The audience applauds.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY HOLE - STAGE -- NIGHT]", "(MICHAEL BORLAND is on stage doing his act.)", "Michael Borland: Look, look, the Kennedys killed Marilyn Monroe. I'm pretty sure the gunman in the grassy knoll was either Arthur Miller or Joe DiMaggio. \"Bang my wife...?\"", "(He imitates a gunshot. There's sparse laughter in the audience.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY OUTSIDE COMEDY HOLE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(DOUGIE MAX is outside in the alley facing the wall behind the trash cans. It's obvious that he's busy doing something. He's murmuring to himself, rehearsing for his act.)", "Dougie Max: (sotto voce) \"Hey, if you'd have me, I'd ask you to marry hell, somebody's got to clean my apartment.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY HOLE - STAGE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "Michael Borland: Hey, how many of you people know the theme to Gilligan's Island?", "(The audience applauds.)", "Michael Borland: All right. Now, how many of you can recite the Bill of Rights?", "(The audience doesn't respond, unsure of the connection between the two.)", "Michael Borland: That's-that's-that's ... who cares? It's really not that important. We don't use it anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY OUTSIDE COMEDY HOLE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(DOUGIE MAX is facing the wall and mumbling to himself, still going through his act. He laughs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY HOLE - STAGE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "Michael Borland: I hear a lot of folks saying, \"you know, if it wasn't for the us, the, uh, French would be speaking German.\"", "(There's mild applause from the audience.)", "Michael Borland: Yeah, well, if it, if it wasn't for the French, you'd be speaking Cherokee.", "(The audience doesn't applaud. He's lost them.)", "Michael Borland: Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt your brains?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY OUTSIDE COMEDY HOLE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(DOUGIE MAX finishes up his rehearsal.)", "Dougie Max: (sotto voce) \"That's my time, everybody. Tip for the night: If you don't know what you're doing, don't do it harder. Good night, everybody!\"", "(DOUGIE MAX laughs hysterically at his own joke. He looks down.)", "Dougie Max: Zip me up.", "(He sighs and a loud zipper sound is heard. The WAITRESS rises between DOUGIE and the wall.)", "Waitress: Anything else?", "Dougie Max: Yeah. Laugh.", "(DOUGIE steps backward and opens the door back into the Comedy Hole.)", "Michael Borland: (V.O.) It recently came out that Jesus could've had siblings.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY HOLE -- BACK HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(DOUGIE MAX bursts in through the back hallway and starts waving to the people as he makes his way to the main room.)", "Michael Borland: (V.O.) Could you imagine growing up having Jesus in your family? \"Why can't you be more like your brother?\"", "Dougie Max: (to the man) What's up, Dude?", "Michael Borland: (V.O.) \"Uh, 'cause he's the Messiah. He's the Son of God.\"", "Dougie Max: (to the woman) Hi, Lis. All right!", "Michael Borland: \"When your brother's home, we always have wine.\"", "Alan: (to DOUGIE MAX) Caught your act on the tube last night. You knocked them out. I had to turn up the volume, I was laughing so loud.", "Dougie Max: This art exhibit get any laughs?", "Alan: Hey, come on, you're my only headliner, you know that.", "(MICHAEL sees DOUGIE head for the stage and he wraps it up.)", "Michael Borland: Well, I'm Michael Borland, and that's my time ...", "(The audience doesn't applaud.)", "Michael Borland: ...and that's your silence. All right, now, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the headliner this evening ...", "(The audience comes alive and starts to cheer. Rock music starts playing in the background.)", "Michael Borland: ... a man I'm sure you know from his hit TV show, \"Dougie to the Max\", Mr. Dougie Max!", "(The audience cheers. DOUGIE MAX makes his way to the stage from the back of the audience. He shakes people's hands as he passes them by. MICHAEL BORLAND puts the mike back on the stand and applauds, too. DOUGIE MAX stands up on stage and gives MICHAEL BORLAND a hug.)", "Michael Borland: Hey, man ...", "Dougie Max: (to MICHAEL BORLAND) Remember when I used to open for you?", "(The rock music continues to play. The audience is ready for him. He takes a bottled water from the side and drinks.)", "Dougie Max: What's up, Vegas?!", "(He looks around the audience and spits out the water at them. He drops the water bottle.)", "(The audience continues to cheer and applaud.)", "Dougie Max: Hey, kid, it's a cruel world!", "(The audience cheers and applauds. He tosses and twists the mike. He catches it.)", "Dougie Max: Ain't it great?! Bam!", "FLASH TO WHITE:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY HOLE -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS leads CATHERINE and GRISSOM through the hallway to the main room where the body is.)", "Brass: Welcome to the tragedy hall. Hey, you hear the one about the comedian who died onstage? (beat) Literally.", "Catherine: Buh-du-bum.", "Brass: I'll be here all week.", "Catherine: Maybe he slipped on a banana peel.", "Brass: Buh-du-bum.", "Catherine: Hmm.", "Brass: Crowd thought it was part of his act ... till he didn't get up.", "(They finally reach the stage where DOUGIE MAX is.)", "Catherine: Hi, David.", "David: Hey, Catherine.", "(CATHERINE kneels down next to the body and visually examines it.)", "Catherine: Well, there's no foam on the mouth. No discoloration around the lips. Pupils aren't dilated. No overt evidence of a drug overdose.", "Grissom: When was the last time a comedian died of natural causes?", "David: Clenched fist ... classic levine sign.", "Grissom: He's awfully young for a heart attack.", "(GRISSOM walks around CATHERINE and toward the center of the stage.)", "Brass: Well, live fast, die young ... I forget the rest.", "Grissom: (shouts out to the back of the room) Excuse me! Could someone turn down the house lights, and turn up the stage lights? Thank you.", "(The house lights turn down. The stage lights turn up.)", "Grissom: I want to see what he saw ... right before he died.", "Catherine: What do you see?", "Grissom: Nothing.", "Catherine: What are you looking for?", "Grissom: A punchline?", "Brass: Buh-du-bum.", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY HOLE - MAIN ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(The coroner's office wheels the body through the room past the various performers. THE COMEDIAN - [played by GILBERT GOTTFRIED] -- watches the gurney as it passes by him. MICHAEL BORLAND sits at the bar nursing his drink.)", "[GILBERT GOTTFRIED]: See, here's a switch. They've got him rolling in the aisles. Well, I guess he's off to a better place.", "Michael Borland: (mutters) Any place would be better than this dump.", "Alan: (offended) Hey, hey, hey!", "Michael Borland: Sorry, Alan. I didn't see you.", "Alan: At least Dougie put laughter in the air and asses in the seats and drinks on the tab. (to BRASS) I loved that guy. Took me fifteen years to find the next Kinison, and the minute I do, he gets a sitcom. Now I have to pay him a king's ransom to come back here once a year, and this is where he started. (laughs) Figures the b*st*rd would die on me. You know, I-I should put up a sign, you know, like in Dealey Plaza, \"Kennedy shot here,\" \"Dougie Dropped here.\"", "(THE BARTENDER approaches ALAN.)", "Bartender: Hey, Alan, you got a spot open now. What do you say tomorrow you give me some time?", "Alan: You got a job. You want to keep it?", "(THE BARTENDER turns away.)", "Alan: (to BRASS) Dougie was a hack with hack material who caught a break and never let anybody forget it. Oh, you want suspects? (He turns around and points to the wall of pictures behind him.) Here, check out the wall. Any one of these guys'd kill to have his stage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY HOLE - GREEN ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(The door opens and CATHERINE walks into the green room. She starts looking around. On the counter is a coffee grinder and various other drinking rubbish littering the countertop. )", "(CATHERINE kneels down and checks out the food platter on the table. The card reads: DOUGIE MAX. She picks up a toothpick with a chunk of Spam (c) on it and smells it. She puts it down.)", "(On the table below under the food platter, she finds remnants of white powder. She checks it out.)", "Catherine: Oh, china ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY HOLE - CENTER STAGE -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM kneels next to the stool with the bottles of water on it. GRISSOM has to collect the water and the bottles. BRASS stands in front of him watching.)", "Grissom: Six bottles of Innoko water. Three partially filled, three unopened.", "Brass: Don't go Cousteau on me here. It was all part of his shtick. He was like Tarkanian with the towel. You know, always biting and pacing. Dougie's mantra was, \"It's a cruel world. Ain't it great?\" (GRISSOM doesn't say anything.) Uh, it was low-brow. Strictly chug-and-belch.", "Grissom: Laughter is an involuntary motor response triggered by survival issues: Food, s*x, body functions ... death.", "Brass: Yeah, it's a cruel world.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY HOLE - HALLWAY TO THE MAIN ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE questions ALAN, the club owner.)", "Catherine: So, who has access to the green room?", "Alan: Well, according to who? According to me, just the talent. According to these meat sticks -- the world.", "(ALAN and CATHERINE reach the main room where the performers are.)", "Catherine: All right. I would like to see everyone's wallet. I don't need to see your identification. Just open your wallets.", "(MICHAEL BORLAND gives CATHERINE his wallet. She looks at it.)", "Michael Borland: Uh, it says I'm 180 pounds, but I'm 145. I know that, in Nevada law, if there's a 25-pound discrepancy, that ... that's actually against the law.", "(CATHERINE hands his wallet back to him.)", "Catherine: (to MICHAEL BORLAND) Thank you.", "(She looks at THE BARTENDER'S wallet, then hands it back to him.)", "Catherine: Thanks.", "The Bartender: You're welcome.", "[GILBERT GOTTFRIED]: (points to something in his wallet) In this one I'm wearing a thong.", "(THE BARTENDER laughs at the joke.)", "Catherine: That's more than I needed to know. Thank you.", "(CATHERINE hands his wallet back to him. She looks at the WAITRESS' wallet. She finds the white power on the edge of the credit card.)", "(Quick flashback to: [BOTTOM CAMERA ANGLE UPWARD UNDER THE GLASS TABLE TOP] THE WAITRESS is cutting the cocaine on the table using her credit card. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: When was the last time you used this credit card?", "Waitress: What?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COMEDY HOLE -- NIGHT]", "(The doors open. BRASS and an OFFICER escort the WAITRESS out of the building. The WAITRESS is in handcuffs. In the background, the sound of a car revving its engine can be heard.)", "(They put the WAITRESS into the police car.)", "(BRASS looks and sees someone he recognizes, GEORGE STARK. GEORGE STARK exits his brand new red Ferrari, which is parked across the street. BRASS stands there and watches as GEORGE STARK hands the keys to the valet, then escorts the beautiful blonde woman into the restaurant.)", "(BRASS doesn't look thrilled to see that. In fact, he looks very thoughtful.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(ROBBINS goes over the body findings with GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: C.O.D.?", "Robbins: Myocardial necrosis. Just what you'd expect from a heart attack, only I didn't find any blockages consistent with coronary disease. He was remarkably healthy for a dead guy.", "Grissom: Well, Dougie Max had more than comedy in his blood. Tox came back positive for coke.", "Robbins: The answer is ... the three main ways to take cocaine.", "(GRISSOM sighs and turns to look at ROBBINS.)", "Grissom: All right, \"Alex\". What is: Snorting it, smoking it, or injecting it?", "Robbins: Very good. The answer is normal nasal passages, clear lungs, and no track marks on the body.", "Grissom: Continuing this childish metaphor ... what is: How did the drugs get into his system?", "Robbins: We'll have to wait for Final Jeopardy.", "(GRISSOM sighs dramatically, shakes his head and turns to leave the room. ROBBINS continues to polish his cutting tools.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(CATHERINE interviews the WAITRESS in the presence of the WAITRESS' LAWYER.)", "Lawyer: My client has agreed to plead to possession and answer any questions. Nothing she tells you can be interpreted as criminal intent ...", "Catherine: Well, that's between you and the D.A. The preliminary tox screen on Dougie Max came back positive for cocaine.", "Waitress: Dougie was in a program, okay? It was my cocaine. He wasn't using.", "Catherine: It was in his blood.", "Waitress: Well ... Dougie always liked to do a little hum-and-coke before a show.", "(Quick flashback to: During MICHAEL BORLAND'S show, DOUGIE MAX and the WAITRESS go outside. DOUGIE drops his pants, the WAITRESS kneels down in front of him. She puts a little bit of coke on her fingernail. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Cocaine on the foreskin, or any skin, for that matter, is not a stimulant; it's a numbing agent.", "Waitress: Right. That was the idea. You see, the goal wasn't to pop the cork. It was to ... shake the bottle.", "Catherine: Sounds frustrating.", "Waitress: Dougie liked to go out on stage frustrated.", "(Quick flashback to: DOUGIE is on stage and fired up to do this act.)", "Dougie Max: (loudly and into the act) I ran away from home at age 25. I drank... and I whored ...", "(The audience cheers.)", "Dougie Max: ... and I got my own show!", "(The cheers get louder.)", "Dougie Max: Yeah, Dougie to the Max, bee-yatch!", "(The audience roars with him.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Waitress: Gave him an edge. That was Dougie's philosophy: Go in hot ... burn the place down.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOUNGE ]", "(NICK is pouring himself a cup of coffee. BRASS walks in carrying a file folder.)", "Brass: Oh, you're making coffee. Good. I could use some.", "Nick: How do you take it?", "Brass: Today, high-octane black. I need your help with something.", "(NICK hands BRASS a cup. NICK takes a seat at the table.)", "Nick: Shoot.", "Brass: A few weeks ago, homicide gets called to Green Valley. A woman in her 40s slips in the bathtub and drowns. You know, cracked skull, raccooned eyes -- I mean, a traumatic death, but nothing suspicious.", "Nick: CSI found what?", "Brass: I didn't call them in. I ruled it an accident.", "Nick: What changed?", "Brass: Last night I saw the husband out on the town. I mean, I could tell you something, Nick. Three weeks ago, this guy was devastated.", "(Quick flashback to: BRASS interviews GEORGE STARK in the bathroom. GEORGE STARK is sitting hunched over on the tub edge. BRASS listens to him.)", "George Stark: (sobbing) I should've been here. What am I going to do? I mean, she was my life.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Onward and upward.", "Brass: No, but this is way upward. I mean, trades in his beat-up old Acura for a brand-new Ferrari. He's with a girl who gives more lift-off than-than Cape Canaveral.", "Nick: (chuckles) People grieve in different ways, man.", "Brass: No, I understand that. I got no problem with that. I'm not a priest. That's why I called the life insurance carrier. And check this out.", "(BRASS sits down at the table.)", "Brass: The morning ... Shelley Stark ... was found, George Stark made a call to the life insurance agent. Went like this: \"My wife is dead. I want my money.\" I mean, just like that. All in one breath.", "Nick: (nods) What's the payout?", "Brass: $750,000. Now, I got the police report, autopsy protocol, detective summary, and scene photos.", "(BRASS puts down a \"Las Vegas Police Department Homicide\" file folder flat on the table. NICK looks at it, then looks back at BRASS.)", "Nick: You sure you're not looking for Grissom?", "(BRASS stands up.)", "Brass: I'm chasing something that Gil Grissom isn't interested in -- a hunch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(CATHERINE and GRISSOM walk through the hallway.)", "Catherine: I don't have to run any tests. You cannot absorb enough cocaine through your pen1s to OD.", "Grissom: Cite your source.", "Catherine: I don't have a source.", "Grissom: That's why we did the tests.", "Catherine: Whatever.", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk into GREG'S LAB. GREG looks up from his work, sees them and smiles.)", "Greg: All right, who wants it?", "(GREG waves the test results in front of them. CATHERINE takes it. She and GRISSOM both look at it.)", "Catherine: Cocaine levels are less than .05 milligrams per liter. Way too low. That's not what killed him.", "Grissom: So what did?", "Greg: Well, according to your blood sample, naratriptamine.", "Grissom: The new migraine medication?", "Greg: Mm-hmm. Powerful stuff.", "Catherine: And what were the levels in the vic?", "Greg: 30 milligrams-- 12 times the recommended dosage.", "Catherine: Ooh. Dougie Max was poisoned.", "Greg: To the Max.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(NICK and SARA sit side by side as they go through the file contents. NICK hands SARA a photo.)", "Sara: Cop shots. No rulers, no markers.", "Nick: Just a bathroom, a towel bar, and a dead woman.", "(Quick flashback to: [THE STARK'S BATHROOM] From the photo: As if the camera were on backward, the towel bar jumps up from the filled bathtub and fuses itself to the bathroom wall. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Injuries are consistent with an accident.", "Nick: Yeah, but the contusion to the back of the head was not fatal.", "(SARA looks at the photo taken of the back of SHELLEY STARK'S head.)", "(Quick flashback to: [THE STARK'S BATHROOM] Camera view runs backward. SHELLEY STARK rises from the water in the bathtub. The camera continues to run backward. SHELLEY STARK is standing in the bathtub. The camera runs forward. SHELLEY STARK falls backward and hits the back of her head on the bathtub. She's knocked unconscious and sinks into the bath water. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Abbreviated autopsy. Dr. Robbins oversaw.", "(Camera close up of a portion of the report. We see:", "STARK, SHELLEY", "Dr: ROBBINS", "CAUSE OF DEATH:", "DROWNING", "Sara: Cause of death: Drowning. It jibes with the husband's account. It jibes with the detective's account. There is nothing in this file that suggests anything other than an accident.", "Nick: I don't know, Sara ... other people's notes, other people's photos, evidence twice-removed. No CSI even got to look at it.", "(NICK looks at SARA. They look at each other. SARA knows where this is going.)", "Sara: (blinks) Do you want to go to the bathroom?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE sit across the lab table with a table full of consumables in jars in front of them. GRISSOM puts on his gloves.)", "Grissom: Consumables from the club that matched Dougie's stomach contents. We know that he had naratriptamine in his system, and we also know that the poison was ingested.", "Catherine: (picks up the jar with the chunk of spam) Because Spam can't be absorbed through the pen1s, and if you ask me to cite my source ...", "(GRISSOM holds out his hand for her to stop.)", "Grissom: I'll take your word for it.", "(CATHERINE smiles.)", "(GRISSOM starts with the first water sample. The label on the bottle reads:", "INNOKO WATER BOTTLE 12", "COMEDY HOLE", "CW", "(GRISSOM puts the water in a test tube.)", "(CATHERINE puts a sample piece of Spam in a test tube.)", "(GRISSOM fills the second tube with an burnish color liquid.)", "(CATHERINE takes a sample out of the \"PASSION FRUIT\" jar and puts it in a test tube.)", "(GRISSOM takes a sample out of the \"COCKTAIL\" jar and puts it in the test tube.)", "(CATHERINE takes a sample out of the \"CHOCO BEES\" jar and looks at GRISSOM.)", "Catherine: \"Death by chocolate\" again?", "[Note: In reference to episode 3X01: Revenge Is Best Served Cold.]", "(GRISSOM looks back at CATHERINE.)", "Catherine: (smiles) Hmm.", "(She puts a piece of CHOCO BEES chocolate into the test tube.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. GREEN VALLEY -- STARK RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(NICK and SARA are at GEORGE STARK'S residence. SARA is out examining the red Ferrari parked in the driveway. NICK is talking with GEORGE STARK on the porch.)", "Nick: I'm Nick Stokes and Sara Sidle over there and we're with the Vegas Crime Lab.", "George Stark: (nervously to SARA) Miss, plea-please-please don't get so close to the car, all right? The alarm is really delicate.", "(SARA waves to GEORGE STARK that she understands.)", "Nick: We're not really as concerned with the car, sir. What we'd like to do is look at your bathroom.", "George Stark: Um, why, wha-what would you like to look at the bathroom for?", "(SARA continues to look at the red Ferrari.)", "Nick: Like I said, we're with the crime lab. We're here to tie up some loose ends regarding your wife's case.", "(SARA leans in close and looks through the driver's side window.)", "George Stark: I appreciate how thorough you guys are being, but ... I got ... I got to be honest. This is pretty painful territory for me.", "Nick: Right.", "George Stark: I mean, it's still pretty hard to get up in the morning without Shelley.", "Nick: I understand ...", "(SARA hears GEORGE STARK hedging, she turns around and deliberately knocks on the car window setting the car alarm off. Loudly. GEORGE STARK looks at SARA.)", "George Stark: Ma'am, Miss, I thought I ...", "(SARA smiles and waves innocently. Behind them, the women walking with their baby strollers stop and stare at the neighbor with the car alarm blaring. NICK looks around.)", "Sara: (smiling) Sorry. I-I-I-I'm sorry. I, uh ... your neighbors are looking.", "(Babies are crying in the background.)", "George Stark: I'll get the keys. (waves them inside) Come on. Come on in.", "(SARA heads for the front door. She smiles big time at NICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. STARK'S RESIDENCE - BATHROOM -- DAY]", "(GEORGE STARK holds open the bathroom door for NICK and SARA.)", "Nick: It smells like fresh paint.", "George Stark: Yeah, I had the whole place redone this week. Bad memories.", "Nick: Did you replace the tub?", "George Stark: No.", "Nick: But you replaced the fixtures.", "Sara: There used to be a towel bar there.", "George Stark: Yeah.", "Sara: Would you by any chance have the old towel bar lying around somewhere?", "George Stark: No, the contractor tossed it. It was junk. Came with the house. This whole subdivision comes stock. In fact, the first thing the broker told me when I bought it -- if I ever want to sell, invest in upgrades.", "Nick: You selling?", "George Stark: Too big for one person.", "Nick: Thank you.", "Sara: Uh, thanks for your time. Mmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. GEORGE STARK'S RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(NICK and SARA walk out of the house and head for their parked car.)", "Sara: You pulled the plug kinda early. What's going on?", "Nick: Yeah, that bathroom's not the crime scene anymore. I say we go with the next best thing.", "(NICK looks across the street and sees the Open House banner on the MODEL HOME.)", "Sara: (smiles) Model home.", "Nick: (smiles) Model home.", "(They both head for the Model Home.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(GREG walks into GRISSOM'S office. Hidden behind his back, he holds a baggie of something.)", "Greg: (rhetorically) What do Socrates, Edgar Allen Poe, and Dougie Max have in common? (pauses for a beat) They all drank themselves to death.", "Grissom: You've isolated the source of the poison?", "(GREG sits down and puts the baggie with the empty bottle on GRISSOM'S desk.)", "Greg: Naratriptamine -- Innoko water bottle, number three.", "(Quick flashback to: On stage, DOUGIE MAX drinks directly from the bottled water. The audience cheers and applauds.)", "(Flash to white: Camera close up of DOUGIE MAX'S clenched right fist.)", "(DOUGIE falls to his knees. He has difficulty seeing with the bright lights. The audience continues to cheer.)", "Dougie Max: (croaks) Oh, god.", "(He falls down to the stage face forward.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: What about the other bottles?", "Greg: Clean.", "Grissom: Okay. I need you to process that bottle for trace impurities.", "Greg: Got it. Anything that might've mixed in with the poison could help us identify the original source.", "Grissom: We identify the source ... maybe we identify the killer.", "(GRISSOM picks up his pen, closes the file folder on his desk, picks that up, too, and stands up. He walks around the desk toward the door.)", "Greg: Where are you going?", "Grissom: To get a drink.", "(GRISSOM leaves the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MODEL HOME - BATHROOM -- DAY]", "(NICK puts a blue mat down inside the bathtub. SARA stands by the bathroom mirror and puts on a hard helmet. She fiddles with the strap under her chin.)", "Nick: Seventy-five units with seventy-five identical floor plans. I never thought I'd be grateful for cookie cutter homes.", "(SARA sits down on the edge of the bathtub and adjusts her helmet.)", "Sara: Like bees in a hive. Gives me the creeps.", "(NICK helps SARA with her helmet.)", "Nick: You sure you don't want me to do this?", "Sara: Are you kidding? I live for this. I mean, Shelley Stark and I are the same height and weight.", "Nick: Yeah, but you're taller, thinner.", "Sara: Oh, butter that toast, Nick.", "(NICK laughs. SARA gets up and climbs into the bathtub. She settles herself inside the tub as if she were taking a bath.)", "Sara: Okay, I'm Shelley Stark.", "Nick: mm-hmmm.", "Sara: My bath is over, and I'm about to get out, so ...", "(SARA puts her left hand on the edge of the tub. She puts her right hand slightly behind her and starts to push herself up.)", "Sara: I brace myself with my left hand, and I'm getting up at a 45-degree angle, and I slip... so, I grab the first thing that I can.", "Nick: Towel bar.", "Sara: Towel bar.", "(SARA scoots over and grabs the towel bar with both her hands.)", "Sara: Okay. So, at this point, all of my weight is being supported by this bar.", "Nick: (leaning against the wall) And it doesn't budge.", "Sara: No.", "(SARA starts tugging at the towel bar. She slips and falls backward into the tub. The towel bar remains on the wall. Towel bar-1; Sara-0.)", "(NICK laughs quietly. SARA turns her head and squints back at him. She's unamused.)", "Nick: You okay?", "Sara: (gruffly) Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine ...", "(SARA gets back up and grabs the towel bar.)", "Sara: (murmurs) This thing is coming down.", "(She clears her throat and gets a good grip on the towel bar. )", "Sara: Okay.", "(SARA starts to tug at the towel bar. NICK stands off to the side and bits his lips at her efforts. He tries desperately not to laugh.)", "Nick: You sure you don't want me to do that?", "Sara: (tugging on the towel bar & insistent) No.", "Nick: Okay.", "(SARA has both hands on the bar and has given up all pretense of the bathtub scenario. She concentrates on taking that towel bar down. NICK stands off to the side with a big grin on his face as he watches her with the towel bar.)", "Nick: (drawls) Sara.", "(SARA grunts. NICK smiles. SARA gives up.)", "Sara: There is no way that Shelley Stark brought down this towel bar.", "Nick: You want me to give it a shot?", "(SARA sighs and climbs out of the tub.)", "(NICK climbs into the tub. He knocks on the towel bar with his fist. He pulls the towel bar up with both hands. He braces himself with his leg on the edge of the bathtub and continues to pull at the towel bar.)", "(SARA stands off to the side and watches.)", "(NICK grunts with effort.)", "(Finally. The towel bar comes off of the wall.)", "(NICK exhales.)", "Nick: Someone took a lot of effort to make this look like an accident.", "Sara: Yeah, about $750,000 worth of effort.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY HOLE -- NIGHT]", "(A COMEDIENNE is up on stage running through her act and completely bombing to an audience that gives her absolutely no response.)", "Comedienne: Okay, so you know the thing that drives me crazy about men? You know how they take the toilet paper and then they put it up on top of the holder.", "(CATHERINE smiles and glances at GRISSOM. They both stand at the back of the room leaning against the bar.)", "Comedienne: What is that? Do they not see that? Are they just busy looking at their underwear on the floor?", "(ALAN gets up and walks over to the light switch behind the counter on the wall. He flicks it on and off. A red light starts to flash.)", "Comedienne: I got a nickname for my man. I call him Mr. Drop-and-stay, 'cause if he drops it, man, it just stays there.", "(The COMEDIENNE sees the red light and wraps it up.)", "Comedienne: God, uh, ooh, well, and that's my time. Uh, you've been fourteen quiet people, six empty tables, and I'll see you in hell.", "(She walks off the stage.)", "Grissom: (points to the red light) Modern version of the old hook.", "(The turn around toward the bar. The BARTENDER walks around carrying a box.)", "Bartender: Welcome to open mike night, guys. What can I get you?", "Catherine: Information.", "(MICHAEL BORLAND looks up from his seat at the bar.)", "Michael Borland: (to the BARTENDER) Wow, your coffee stinks.", "Bartender: (without missing a beat) Oh, really. I'm sorry it's not up to the standards of your crap-ass home brew, but that'll be five bucks all the same, my friend.", "Catherine: Dougie Max's Innoko water bottles that were on the stage his last performance -- who set them up?", "Bartender: Yours truly. Bartender. Mr. Max had very acquired tastes. Lofty demands, you know. Six pristine Innoko water bottles, labels all facing the Luxor. And a green room? Forget it. Silver tray, spam, choco bees -- all blue. Not-not to mention that, uh, passion fruit stuff -- what is it, two bucks a pop? Try to find that stuff.", "Grissom: Let's get back to the water. It was poisoned.", "(The BARTENDER starts to bite his nails nervously.)", "Bartender: Really?", "Grissom: Mmm. The, uh, bottles you took out to the stage -- where'd they come from?", "Bartender: That... Dougie's private stash.", "Catherine: Well, besides you and Dougie, who had access to it?", "(Behind the BARTENDER, [GILBERT GOTTFRIED] THE COMEDIAN walks behind the bar and starts snooping around for something. He bends over looking at the counters.)", "Bartender: (confidently to CATHERINE) Nobody's allowed behind the bar besides the bar staff and me.", "([GILBERT GOTTFRIED] THE COMEDIAN walks up to the BARTENDER from behind the bar. He immediately cuts into the conversation. )", "[GILBERT GOTTFRIED]: But no one listens to him. (THE COMEDIAN holds out a capped beer bottle.) You got a bottle opener?", "Bartender: Hey, that's going on your tab, you Leech!", "[GILBERT GOTTFRIED]: (walks away) I'm scared.", "Catherine: Well, you've got a temper ... and a record. Assault. Club in Tucson.", "Bartender: Yeah, I had a temper, until I kicked the crap out of a heckler for interrupting my closing bit.", "Grissom: Do you get headaches?", "Bartender: I'm getting one right now.", "Grissom: We want all the Innoko water ... to go.", "(Without another word, the BARTENDER opens the cabinet and the camera lingers on the label on the box:", "INNOKO Natural Caffeine Free Water Bottled at the Source", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(GRISSOM catches WARRICK as he walks through the hallway. GRISSOM is carrying a slip of paper.)", "Grissom: Warrick ... this just in. D.B. at a convenience store on Torrey Pines. You're all I got.", "(GRISSOM gives the paper to WARRICK.)", "Warrick: I'm on it.", "(WARRICK leaves. CATHERINE catches up with GRISSOM.)", "Catherine: Oh, hey, listen. I checked the bartender's medical records. The guy's had six different prescriptions for migraines in the last two years. Guess which one he's on now.", "Grissom: Naratriptamine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TORREY PINES -- SPEEDY MART-- DAY]", "(WARRICK walks into the store. On the floor in between the aisles is a body. WARRICK looks at the body then turns to the CASHIER.)", "Warrick: I'm Warrick Brown from CSI. You want to tell me what happened here?", "Cashier: I don't know. Kid walks in. He goes down an aisle. Next thing I know, he drops dead.", "(WARRICK turns around and looks at the dead kid. He turns back to the CASHIER.)", "Warrick: Where'd he start?", "(WARRICK and the CASHIER walk around the store.)", "Cashier: He was pacing back and forth, scoping the place out. I always spot those kids. People don't know. You consume food or drink in the store, it's the same as shoplifting until you pay for it.", "Warrick: What'd he steal?", "Cashier: A beverage. He put it back before I could catch him.", "Warrick: Where?", "Cashier: Over here.", "(WARRICK looks to the right of the aisle and sees nothing. He looks to the left of the aisle and finds a bottle of Innoko water. WARRICK takes out a glove and picks up the bottle. He looks at the bottle label and recognizes it instantly. Innoko water.)", "Warrick: (grimly) This isn't funny anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT./INT. SPEEDY MART-- DAY]", "(The Speedy Mart is taped off. A man wheels out a cart full of stacked boxes of Innoko water.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Total recall. We pulled 140 bottles", "(Inside the store, CATHERINE is on her cell phone. She's at the back of the store and walking through the aisle to the front of the store.)", "Catherine: (urgently) ... of Innoko water off the shelves in this store alone. There's 500 convenience stores in Vegas. We need to get this product off the shelves now. Grocery stores, restaurants, wholesalers ... I mean not to mention the population of informing the people ...", "(WARRICK is talking with a woman in a business suit.)", "Warrick: ... right now, it looks like only your Innoko water product is involved. CSI is going to need the name of any recent firings, anyone with a lawsuit against the company, anyone who's made threats against the company -- anyone with an axe to grind.", "Catherine: (to phone) Yes, I know that we risk panic, chief, but I'd rather risk that than have another victim.", "(GREG walks into the store. CATHERINE looks up and signals to GREG. He walks over to her.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Hang on. (to GREG) We need to find out what's in there.", "(CATHERINE hands the bagged water bottle to GREG. She walks away.)", "Catherine: (to phone) I'm back. (pause) Yeah. (pause) Right.", "(GREG walks back out of the store with the bagged bottle.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(ROBBINS is working on a body. NICK and BRASS is standing there trying to convince ROBBINS to authorize an exhumation.)", "Robbins: I checked her lungs-- bath water. And the blow to the back of the head consistent with a fall. Besides, homicide reported that nothing at the scene indicated foul play, so, there was no reason to do more than an abbreviated autopsy.", "Brass: No one's impugning your work, doctor.", "Nick: Yeah, it's nothing personal, Doc.", "(ROBBINS takes something out of the body and walks to the scale.)", "Robbins: Well, this is personal, Nick. I tend to take my work to heart, and when the two of you come in here asking me to sign a court-ordered request for an exhumation of a body that's already left my hands, (ROBBINS dumps the organ on the scale.) I tend to take it very personally.", "Brass: Look, I'm the one who said Shelley Stark's death was an accident, and I'm the one with second thoughts. I mean, it's my ass on the line.", "Robbins: (getting angry) That's wrong, Captain. It's my ass on the line. I don't think the two of you are sensitive to what we're really talking about here. First of all, exhumations are costly and public. Makes this office look inept, and that's just internally. God forbid it gets in the newspaper. Remember something -- the public does not understand \"abbreviated autopsy\". All they hear is, \"Oh, what did he miss?\"", "Nick: No one's saying you missed anything. We have new evidence. We need to reevaluate the body.", "Robbins: (hard) Respectfully, Nick, I don't think you understand.", "Nick: I think I do understand.", "Brass: (quietly) Yeah, Nick ... give us a minute, will you? Just a minute.", "(NICK leaves the room. ROBBINS sighs. BRASS takes a step forward.)", "Brass: Neither of us want to be wrong, but this isn't about the press, the public, your office, you or me. This is about Shelley Stark. Now, we can do one of two things. We can do nothing, let this guy walk, or we can go to work, exhume the body, and find new evidence. Now, it's your call.", "(Camera holds on ROBBINS.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. GRAVESITE -- DAY]", "(The backhoe breaks into the grass at the gravesite.)", "(Dissolve to: Diggers starts to clear the area with shovels.)", "(Dissolve to: The coffin is raised from the hole.)", "(Cut to: The coffin rises under ROBBINS' watchful supervision.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Camera close up of the computer. GREG is on the computer working on the water analysis. The computer read out shows:", "VICTIM: D. MAX DATE: 4/23", "VICTIM: C. FLYNN DATE: 4/24", "(The red spike for Naratriptamine flashes on screen.)", "(GREG absently raises the purple can to his lips. He stops and looks at it, stands, then throws it in the trash.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(GREG walks up to CATHERINE in the hallway and fills her in with the findings.)", "Greg: The poison in both bottles is naratriptamine. Same trace impurities in the water-- sulfides, phenols, amino acid complexes and caffeine.", "Catherine: So, we've got two bottles of poisoned Innoko water -- one from a comedy club on western, the other from a convenience store halfway across town.", "Greg: What's the connection?", "Catherine: There may not be one; it could just be random.", "Greg: So, how are we going to get this guy?", "Catherine: You know, they never caught the guy who put the cyanide in the Tylenol back in the '80s. They found out how the bottles were tampered with. That's where safety seals came from.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(GRISSOM tests the bottles to see whether there were any puncture holds in the plastic. In the back of the room, CATHERINE is looking through a scope. GRISSOM dunks the first bottle under the water and doesn't find any air bubbles/leaks.)", "Grissom: No injection holes in the bottle from the Speedy Mart. Do you see anything?", "Catherine: No, nothing yet.", "[SCOPE VIEW]", "(CATHERINE looks at the bottle cap under the scope and sees white crystals on the bottom inside cover. CATHERINE looks up.)", "Catherine: Wait a minute. It's in the threads.", "(GRISSOM pulls out the baggie with the bottle cap from the other water bottle.)", "Grissom: Would you like to try one from the Comedy Hole?", "(GRISSOM holds it out to CATHERINE.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(ROBBINS puts on his gloves. In the back of the room, NICK also puts on his gloves. DAVID is already gloved and is standing in front of the closed casket.)", "Robbins: Mr. Phillips, she's not going to hop out of that coffin by herself.", "David Phillips: Doc, I'm not quite sure how to proceed. (smiles) First exhumation.", "Robbins: Well, it's very simple. You will open it up.", "Nick: (deadpans) Now, if she grabs you, use your free hand and hold her down, okay?", "(DAVID seriously stares at NICK.)", "David Phillips: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INSIDE CASKET POV]", "(NICK opens the coffin cover. The lid squeaks.)", "David Phillips: Wow. She's pretty well-preserved.", "Nick: Well, embalming does ...", "David Phillips: (getting enthused) ... removes the blood, retards bacterial growth, and, uh, pickles the tissue.", "Robbins: David, would you go to the store and buy some cold cream?", "(DAVID looks at ROBBINS.)", "David Phillips: Why?", "Robbins: Her makeup -- it's got to come off.", "David Phillips: (slightly disappointed) Oh. Okay.", "(DAVID turns to leave.)", "Robbins: Thanks.", "Nick: Thanks, Dave.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOUNGE/BREAK ROOM]", "(On the television set, the newsreporter from EYEWITNESS NEWS, PAULA FRANCIS, gives her report.)", "Paula Francis: (from tv) Las Vegas awakens today with a terrible realization that our city may face a new and deadly menace.", "(WARRICK is in the break room with LEAH, GREG and HODGES, who holds an open newspaper. They pause to watch the news report.)", "Paula Francis: Fifteen-year-old Casey Flynn collapsed and died this morning shortly after drinking a bottle of Innoko water at a convenience store near Torrey pines.", "Leah: What kind of sick b*st*rd would do something like this?", "David Hodges: The question isn't who -- it's how. As in how do they expect this lab to test forty thousand bottles of overpriced tap water?", "Warrick: If we have to, one bottle at a time until we find every tainted bottle.", "(Camera cuts back to the news report which shows the headline: PUBLIC PANIC. The camera has an outside view of the police outside the convenience store. Camera cuts to a close up of a LAS VEGAS POLICE CAR. Cut to: Innoko Bottled Water being re-boxed.)", "Paula Francis: (from tv) ... at the Comedy Hole. The events occurred on opposite ends of town, have not yet established a definite connection between the two deaths. But Las Vegas residents fear the worst -- that our city may be in the grip of a product-tampering nightmare.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(GREG, WARRICK and LEAH sit at the table. HODGES is getting himself a cup of something.)", "Greg: (to everyone) You know how they tested for the cyanide in the Tylenol case? (to HODGES) Hodges? (quickly) One, two, three?", "(GREG imitates a buzzer.)", "Greg: They took it to the airport. They x-rayed bottles in bulk using baggage scanners.", "Leah: (smiles and nods) Nice. Cyanide is opaque to x-rays.", "(HODGES folds the paper that he's reading and takes the seat next to GREG.)", "David Hodges: Yeah, cyanide and x rays -- that's a lucky break. But any of you geniuses have a \"lucky\" test for naratriptamine?", "(CATHERINE rounds the hallway corner and walks in through the doorway.)", "Catherine: (interrupting) We've got a bigger problem than we thought we had.", "David Hodges: Why are you looking at me?", "Catherine: I'm not looking at you.", "David Hodges: Yes, you are.", "Catherine: (closes her eyes for a moment before continuing) We think that we nailed the tampering method. The poison wasn't inside the bottle. It was on the bottle cap.", "(Quick demonstration of: The person picks up the bottled Innoko water.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) We think that the killer dripped a solution of naratriptamine into the threads of the bottle cap.", "(The person drips the solution into the holds in the sealed cap sides.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Capillary action pulled the solution into the threads, where it dried into white crystals.", "(End of quick demonstration. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Oh, so, each time Dougie Max and Casey Flynn took a sip, the liquid came in contact with the threads and washed back into the bottle.", "(Quick black & white flashback to: DOUGIE MAX throws his head back and drinks from the bottled water. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Greg: And so the poison I found in the Innoko water was... backwash. Which means that we're going to have to take the caps off of forty thousand bottles.", "Catherine: Right now, that's the way it looks.", "Warrick: Great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(GRISSOM checks out an empty water bottle. He picks up his glasses from the table and puts them on.)", "(Camera close up of the lot # on the bottle reads: )", "PRD 03 FEB10 10:32", "EXP FEB 2005 AN1WC", "NV5871", "(He compares it to the lot # of the second bottle: )", "PRD 03 FEB10 10:32", "EXP FEB 2005 AN1WC", "NV5871", "(They're exactly the same. He stands up and leaves the lab carrying the two bottles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM walks into the lab. WARRICK is there.)", "Grissom: I need to see the lot numbers of the bottles you pulled from the convenience store.", "Warrick: I got all the stacks arranged by locations, so the convenience store is right here. 140 bottles-- NV6630.", "(GRISSOM looks at the lot # on the bottle. It doesn't match.)", "Grissom: The tainted bottles didn't come from this lot.", "Warrick: Well, the bottle that killed Casey Flynn came from this store.", "Grissom: Somebody may have just walked in and put it there, though. Where are the bottles from the comedy club?", "Warrick: Over here.", "(WARRICK pulls out a box with the lot # stamped on the side of the box:", "PRD 03 FEB10 10:32", "EXP FEB 2005 AN1WC", "NV5871", "Grissom: These are a match.", "Warrick: So, the source of the poison bottles was the comedy club.", "Grissom: Maybe the killer wanted us to think it was random product tampering.", "Warrick: Why?", "Grissom: Cover up one murder with another?", "(GRISSOM turns to look at WARRICK. Camera holds on WARRICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(NICK and ROBBINS work on SHELLEY STARK'S exhumed body.)", "Nick: I've never seen one like this.", "Robbins: Embalming fluid's a witch's brew of formaldehyde, phenol, menthonol and alcohol, perfume and pink coloring agent.", "Nick: Kills the bacteria, but ... mold feeds on it?", "Robbins: Yeah. It's like bathing an infant, Nick. Soft and always in motion.", "(ROBBINS stops and takes a look at the body. Aware that ROBBINS has stopped working, NICK looks up.)", "Nick: What's wrong? I'm not doing it right?", "Robbins: No, you're doing fine. See the bruising on her back and her right elbow?", "Nick: It's consistent with her fall. But it wasn't in your report.", "Robbins: Well, it wasn't evident four weeks ago. Subtle bruising may not be evident ...", "(Quick flashback to: Top view of the body on the table as the body is being embalmed.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) ... at the time of death, but it can be accentuated by the embalming process ...", "(Cut to: The body is being embalmed. Camera moves in on the bruises on the back.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) ... after the body leaves my slab. This bruising would have meant nothing to the mortician.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: They're in the beauty business.", "Robbins: It's my job to spot them, their job to cover them. Let's turn her over. (cc) Got her?", "(cc) NICK: Yeah.", "Robbins: Here we go.", "(They flip the body over.)", "Robbins: All right, let's see what's under that makeup.", "(ROBBINS digs into the cold cream and starts to take off the make up. As they work with the cold cream, more bruises are uncovered. They find a lot of bruises suspiciously in the shape of a handprint.)", "Robbins: Bruises on her face.", "Nick: Brass was right. We are looking at murder.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY ]", "(GREG, GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk through the hallway.)", "Greg: Naratriptamine comes in tablet form. In order to get it in the solution, you'd have to grind it up.", "Grissom: There were traces of caffeine with the naratriptamine.", "Catherine: Right. But how did it get there?", "Greg: Maybe it got there during the grinding process.", "Catherine: There was a coffee grinder in the green room at the Comedy Hole.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY CLUB - GREEN ROOM]", "(GRISSOM picks up the coffee grinder from the counter. He looks at it before bagging it.)", "Grissom: Do you provide your comedians with or do they brew their own?", "Alan: Around here you get generic. If they want something special, they can bring a thermos. (When it's evident that GRISSOM'S going to just take the stuff. He throws his hands up.) Just take whatever you want, okay?", "(ALAN turns and walks out of the room.)", "Alan: Knock yourself out.", "(GRISSOM looks at the cartoon characterization drawing on the wall of DOUGIE MAX. It reads: Go Home! (in black), Screw You! (in white), Sell Out (in blue) $ Money can't buy you talent (in black) See out (in yellow).)", "(It's signed, Dougie Max. Below that is \"Who?\" in blue. Under that is written \"It's a cruel world ... you suck!\" (in black).)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY CLUB - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM stands in front of the memorial wreath set up in the front of the club with banners reading, \"We'll miss you\" draped on it. It has a photo of DOUGIE MAX in it with a star with the words, \"It's a cruel world, ain't it?\" on it. Under the picture is \"March 28, 1968 - April 24, 2003.)", "Alan: That's the last picture taken of Dougie Max before he died.", "(GRISSOM takes out his glasses and puts them on. He leans in toward the picture. The camera zooms in on the red light in the background.)", "Grissom: Doesn't the red light mean, \"Get off the stage?\"", "Alan: No, the red light means \"Get off the stage NOW.\"", "Grissom: So why were you giving Dougie Max the red light?", "Alan: (confused) He's my headliner. I wasn't giving him the red light.", "(GRISSOM walks around the counter and puts on a pair of latex gloves. He turns the light switch on and off. On the stage, the red light switches on and off. ALAN turns around to look at the red light switching on and off as it's reflected back on the wall behind the stage. He looks at GRISSOM.)", "(GRISSOM takes out his flashlight and examines the light switch where he notices some blood stains. GRISSOM looks at ALAN.)", "Grissom: We're going to need a sample of everyone's DNA.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY CLUB - BACK ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and an officer enter the backroom to get the DNA samples.)", "Catherine: All right, gentleman. Good afternoon. Could you line up for me, please. Right up here, please.", "Michael Borland: Is this going to take a long time? I've got a 4:00 bikini wax that I don't want to miss.", "Bartender: I got to get my wig redone like in a half hour, so if we...", "[GILBERT GOTTFRIED]: I have plenty of time. I have no career.", "Catherine: Right, well, I can see you all know how to open your mouths, so ... good. (She holds up a swab.) Ready?", "([GILBERT GOTTFRIED] deliberately shuts his mouth. CATHERINE sighs.)", "Catherine: Just give me an \"O.\"", "[GILBERT GOTTFRIED]: I need a lot of foreplay.", "Catherine: Oh, well, then maybe I should use a rectal swab.", "[GILBERT GOTTFRIED]: Ah ... oh.", "(When he opens his mouth to respond, CATHERINE shoves the swab in his mouth.)", "Catherine: Good boy.", "(CATHERINE turns to the other two men.)", "Catherine: Okay, who's next for some foreplay", "(The BARTENDER is biting his nails.) Oh, a nail biter, huh? You mind if I see your hands?", "(He holds out his hands for CATHERINE to look at. Camera close up of the blood on his fingertips where he bit his nails down to the skin.)", "(Quick flashback to: DOUGIE MAX is on stage during his act.)", "Dougie Max: I'm one of eleven kids from twelve dads. You figure it out.", "(In the back of the room, The BARTENDER is flicking the light switch on and off.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bartender: Yeah, I gave him the red light. What are you going to do, arrest me for distraction with intent to humiliate? I'm guilty. (He looks around at the other two men. Nobody laughs at his joke.) What? Are you kidding me? I was joking.", "Catherine: Funny.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(BRASS is interviewing GEORGE STARK in the presence of his LAWYER. BRASS is pacing the room as he explains why they're there.)", "Brass: You know, something about your wife's case never felt right to me. It bugged me, kept me up at night. It's not because you called your insurance company and filed a claim the next day. It's your policy; it's your right. It's not because you bought a new Ferrari; it's your money. Or because you're with a beautiful girl. I mean, you just lost your wife, you need some companionship. (he pauses) No. It's because of something you said.", "(Quick flashback to: GEORGE STARK has his head in his hands and is crying.)", "George Stark: (sobbing) What am I going to do? She was my life.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: You said, \"She WAS my life.\" Not 'is'.", "George Stark: That's why I'm sitting here? Because I used the wrong tense at the time of my wife's death?", "Brass: No, hold on a minute. I've been a detective for half my life. I can count on one hand the times surviving spouses used the past tense, and I got to tell you, I'll be damned if every one of them wasn't guilty of something.", "(GEORGE STARK doesn't say anything.)", "Brass: Now, I mean, that's just me. I mean, in a court of law it means nothing.", "Nick: But ... this ...", "(NICK puts some photos down on the table, face up, one by one.)", "Nick: ... and this ... and this ... mean everything. The fact that you're left-handed doesn't hurt us either. Hurts you, though.", "(GEORGE STARK'S lawyer looks at the pictures and is puzzled by their unfamiliarity.)", "Lawyer: Wait a minute. I haven't seen these.", "Nick: New evidence. Body was exhumed by a court order. Second autopsy.", "George Stark: You dug her up.", "Nick: (nods) Mm-hmm.", "George Stark: I didn't give anyone permission to dig her up.", "Brass: You're a suspect in a murder case. We don't need your permission.", "George Stark: (to his lawyer) Can they do that?", "Lawyer: Yeah.", "Brass: (to GEORGE STARK) You killed your wife, George.", "George Stark: I loved my wife.", "Brass: And she loved you. Which is why she didn't react when you walked into the bathroom that night.", "(Quick flashback to: GEORGE STARK walks into the bathroom where SHELLEY STARK is taking a bath. He starts to help her with her bath by gently dabbing at her brow with a towel. She closes her eyes and relaxes in the water.)", "(He puts the towel aside, grabs her with his left hand and pushes her head under the water. She struggles. He holds her under until she stops breathing.)", "(GEORGE STARK reaches out and grabs the bath towel railing with both hands and rips it out of the wall.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: You staged the crime scene.", "Brass: You see, it's physically impossible for her to pull that towel rack off the bathroom wall.", "George Stark: It was an accident. You said so yourself.", "Brass: I was wrong.", "(GEORGE STARK shakes his head. His LAWYER shakes his head.)", "Lawyer: I see the pictures. I hear the theories. Still doesn't make my client a murderer.", "(NICK glares at the LAWYER and doesn't say anything.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- DAY]", "(GEORGE STARK walks out of the police department with his LAWYER. He laughs and looks up just in time to see the tow truck take his new Ferrari away. He runs after the tow truck.)", "George Stark: Hey! Hey! Hey! That's my car! What are you ... ?", "(BRASS and NICK walks out onto the sidewalk. GEORGE STARK turns around.)", "George Stark: What the hell is going on?", "Lawyer: This is harassment.", "Brass: We don't have enough to file charges, but the insurance company feels they got more than enough.", "Nick: Civil charges.", "Brass: Translated: That means they want their cheese back, man. They want their $750k.", "George Stark: They can just take my car?", "Brass: For starters, yeah.", "Nick: This isn't the end of our criminal investigation there, George. It's just the beginning.", "(NICK walks away.)", "Brass: That's present tense.", "(BRASS turns and walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(GREG reports his findings to GRISSOM. He stands in front of GRISSOM'S desk, while GRISSOM sits behind it.)", "Greg: The coffee you bagged from the club doesn't match the tainted Innoko water. That's the bad news.", "Grissom: Still listening.", "(GREG sits down on GRISSOM'S desk.)", "Greg: You know what I have that you want in the mornings? Apart from my devilish grin and rakish good looks, of course.", "Grissom: I like your coffee.", "Greg: No, no. You LOVE my coffee. And you want to know why? It's Blue Hawaiian. 40 bucks a pound, hand-picked ...", "Grissom: I know, the finest money can buy.", "Greg: No, not even close. Just let me get there. Now caffeine by itself is not distinctive. It's in all kinds of coffee by definition. Now the trace amino acid complex, on the other hand, is a signature.", "Grissom: Okay, so you've identified the type of coffee.", "(GREG hits his hand against the results.)", "Greg: Kopi luwak. The most expensive coffee in the world. Revered for its rich, chocolatey texture and made from the excrement of a small indonesian cat-like creature known as a luwak.", "Grissom: Cat feces?", "Greg: The luwak eats only the ripest beans, which pass through its digestive system intact. However, during the process enzymes break down a number of amino acids which cause bitterness.", "Grissom: (understands) And leaves a unique chemical signature.", "Greg: So whichever one of your suspects drinks kopi luwak is your killer.", "(GRISSOM looks down at the results and smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COMEDY HOLE -- NIGHT]", "(MICHAEL BORLAND is on center stage.)", "Michael Borland: We are a bashing nation. Gay bashing? You know what that is? That's guys going, \"I hate you 'cause you're queer ... (he hits the mike in time with the phrasing) and you're gay, and you're kind of attractive ... and I would like to have s*x with you but I'm in the closet so I'll just beat you up and then play with myself in my trans am on the way home.\"", "Heckler: Boo.", "(Looks up at the HECKLER.)", "Michael Borland: \"Boo\"? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. Hey, you know what? If that offends you, perhaps you should just come out of the closet and move on with your life. You're going to feel so much better. You know, you are what you hate.", "(Only one person claps ... pathetically.)", "Michael Borland: All right, um ...", "(He looks around to illustrate his point. He picks up the bottle of water from the chair and uncaps it ... and goes into DOUGIE MAX'S routine ... )", "Michael Borland: ... mm, I'm a little dehydrated. I hope you don't mind if I replenish my bodily fluids. Mm...", "(He drinks from the water and spits it out into the audience. The audience starts to laugh. Some even start to applaud.)", "Michael Borland: It's a cruel world ... !", "Crowd: Ain't it great? Yeah!", "Michael Borland: You know what you'd like? How many people would like it if I just, if I just dropped trousers right now and pee on Vin Diesel's head, huh?", "(The audience starts to get into it. They cheer.)", "Michael Borland: Wouldn't you like that? I'll do it! I'm willing to do it for you good people. I'll do it.", "(He reaches for his pants belt and zipper. He does it.)", "(Camera shifts to GRISSOM who watches the act with a grim look on his face. The audience cheers.)", "(Cut back to the stage. MICHAEL BORLAND refastens his pants while continuing his routine.)", "Michael Borland: Open wide. I'm flattering myself, ladies and gentlemen. You don't have to open up that wide. See, I'm implying I have a tiny, tiny pen1s.", "(MICHAEL BORLAND turns around and picks up his glass coffee cup from behind him.)", "Michael Borland: That's what that joke would be. Ergo, the comedy. I'm talking about penises. (He takes a sip of coffee from his cup. From the back of the room, GRISSOM sees this.) You just want to eat out of that toilet bowl. Yum, yum.", "(GRISSOM turns to the COMEDY HOLE OWNER and nods. The COMEDY HOLE OWNER heads for the back of the bar where the switch to the red light is. MICHAEL BORLAND sees ALAN reach for the switch. ALAN flicks on the red light.)", "(The audience cheers.)", "Michael Borland: Shut up.", "(The audience continues to cheers.)", "Michael Borland: Shut up. Don't you get it? Are you that stupid? I am making fun of you. I am the lowest common denominator in comedy when I do that crap.", "(The audience calms down.)", "Michael Borland: The only way I could get you to stop laughing now is if I went to every single table and slit every one of your throats.", "(The audience quiets down, confused.)", "Michael Borland: I can see that I am getting the red light, ladies and gentlemen, and that means it's time for me to stop. Stop with the hate and stop with the fear. Stop with the lies. Comedy, uh, comedy's supposed to be about The Truth. You know, uh, I killed tonight. And, uh, I killed ... uh ... two nights ago .... Dougie Max ... uh ... on this stage.", "(Camera cuts to: GRISSOM -- grim -- in the back of the room.)", "Michael Borland: 'Cause I despised everything he stood for. Dumb people, like you.", "(MICHAEL steps down from the stage and slowly makes his way to GRISSOM.)", "Michael Borland: You think I did a disservice to the world by killing Dougie Max? You ought to give me a parade. But the shame of it is, is that, uh, an innocent kid got killed, too, and, uh ... I blame you.", "(MICHAEL BORLAND points the mike to GRISSOM. GRISSOM doesn't crack a smile.)", "Michael Borland: Yeah, I, uh ... I didn't think you were going to get the joke.", "Grissom: Oh, I got it. (beat) It just wasn't funny.", "(GRISSOM grabs the mike away from MICHAEL'S hand. The officers put him in hand cuffs. Camera holds on GRISSOM.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Last Laugh
[ "Grissom, Nick and Catherine investigate when a horse trainer is found dead in the cargo bay of a private jet. At first it looks like the victim is trampled by the horse, but Grissom and his team soon discover the situation is more complex. Meanwhile Sara and Warrick investigate how two teens could have committed suicide in the middle of the desert." ]
[ "[EXT. SKY AT HIGH ALTITUDE (STOCK)]", "(Camera opens on the sea of clouds at the bottom of the screen with the sun barely over the horizon. The wing tip of an airplane appears on the left of the screen. The camera moves over and the plane turns as it flies toward the camera.)", "(In the background, fast-tempo techno pop music plays.)", "(The camera zooms into the left engine.)", "(Quick CGI through the engine, into the plane, through the electrical system, up toward the main cabin, through the gas pipe and out into the main cabin. End of Quick CGI. Resume to present.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PLANE - MAIN CABIN - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The gas flame flares in the pot over it. They guests don't pay any heed to it. They continue to mingle, laugh, and drink.)", "(The party hostess, HARPER FITZGERALD, holds a martini glass in her hand and mingles with her guests. A man kisses her on her cheek.)", "(A woman is getting a massage in the middle of the room.)", "(HARPER FITZGERALD talks a bit with the woman getting the massage. The Steward, JASON BANKS, replenishes the food on the table.)", "(Cut to: Ext. The plane hits some turbulence.)", "(Cut back to: Int. Main Cabin. HARPER FITZGERALD and guests rock unsteadily on their feet as they feel the turbulence.)", "(The blue FASTEN SEAT BELT sign turns on. The CAPTAIN'S voice filters through the P.A.)", "Captain: (on P.A.) Hey, folks, we've hit a little more of that pesky turbulence. If you'd kindly take your seats we should be arriving on the hour.", "(Guests start to plop down onto the nearest seat. JASON BANKS approaches HARPER FITZGERALD who is still standing.)", "Jason Banks: (to HARPER) Fasten your seatbelts please.", "(HARPER FITZGERALD takes her seat. She turns to the woman next to her and raises her martini glass.", "Harper Fitzgerald: Cheers.", "(The camera moves past the other party guests and focuses on the closed back door at the back of the room. A horse whinnying can be heard faintly through the party noise.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PLANE - CARGO HOLD - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The camera pans backward and down slowly. The horse continues whinnying. The cargo hold is padded with silver insulation and is filled with the passenger's things - a couple of motorbikes, a tray of food and, in the center of the cargo hold, a stall with a horse tied inside.)", "(The camera moves past the tray of food, past the second motorbike, and focuses on the horse. Next to the horse on the ground in the stall on the straw is a dead woman.)", "FLASH TO WHITE:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. AIRPLANE HANGAR -- DAY]", "(BRASS stands in the middle of the hangar waiting as GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk inside. They glance at the horse in a different hold to the right of the door. They walk up to BRASS.)", "Brass: The victim's name is Lori Hutchins.", "(The woman's body is still on the bottom of the horse's stall.)", "Brass: Apparently, she chaperoned the horse on trips all the time. Baggage handler found the body in the cargo hold after the passengers had disembarked.", "Grissom: We're going to need to process everyone on that plane.", "Brass: Well, they're being corralled as we speak, partner.", "Catherine: Where to start?", "Grissom: First witness, first suspect.", "(Everyone turns to look at the horse.)", "Catherine: The horse?", "(beat)", "Grissom: Of course.", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS AIRPORT (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. AIRPLANE HANGAR -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE interviews the STEWARD (JASON BANKS), the CO-PILOT and the CAPTAIN. They all stare at each other for a long moment. Finally, CATHERINE starts.)", "Catherine: All right, let's talk about Lori Hutchins. What can you tell me about her?", "Jason Banks: She was sweet, polite, quiet.", "Co-pilot: (GLASSES) Horses were her life. She was great with them.", "Catherine: And she always traveled down below with the horse?", "Jason Banks: Checked on her twice during the flight. Brought her dinner about three hours in. She was worried about the horse, but that was nothing new.", "Catherine: So nothing unusual.", "Co-pilot: There was some turbulence, but nothing outrageous.", "Captain: We had an emergency call button down there, if something went wrong. Lori never used it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. AIRPLANE HANGAR]", "(GRISSOM examines the horse's travel stall for evidence. He snaps some pictures of blood spots and finds a small pair of scissors with a piece of hair stuck to it.)", "(NICK walks up to the stall and lingers near the doorway.)", "Nick: Where's the horse?", "Grissom: USDA facility. Mandatory 48-hour quarantine.", "Nick: A hundred-pound woman trampled by a 1,400-pound horse? Doesn't seem very fair.", "(GRISSOM finds something.)", "Grissom: Tranquilizer dart.", "Nick: Changes the odds a little.", "(Under the straw, GRISSOM finds the rifle.)", "Grissom: Mmm.", "Nick: Yeah ... heavy artillery.", "Grissom: More than one way to handicap a horse.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. AIRPLANE - CARGO HOLD - DAY]", "(CATHERINE walks into the cargo hold with her kit. She looks around at the two motorbikes and other stuff.)", "(She lingers at the brown pieces of something on the ground. She puts a sample in a bindle and packs it away. She continues her examination. She sees something pink in the ceiling lining. She takes out a small stool and extracts the tranquilizer dart.)", "(Quick flashback to: In the cargo hold, the horse rears. LORI HUTCHINS tries to calm the horse down, but doesn't succeed. She turns around and picks up the tranquilizer gun and cocks it. She fires.)", "(The plane hits some turbulence and rocks LORI HUTCHINS on her feet. The dart hits the ceiling instead as she falls backward on the ground. The horse rears up. LORI HUTCHINS is thrown forward into the stall. The horse comes down on her.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(NICK walks into the cargo hold.)", "Nick: What have you got?", "Catherine: Trainer had all these small syringes. Why go for the big guns instead?", "Nick: Mmm ... I don't know. Maybe she didn't want to get too close to a spooked horse. What about this food?", "Catherine: Steward said he brought her some dinner.", "(She lifts the cover off of the plate and looks at it. She puts the cover back on.)", "Catherine: Guess she wasn't very hungry.", "Nick: Looks like someone stepped in horse crap. (NICK kneels down.) And what was the vic wearing?", "Catherine: Work boots, I think.", "Nick: That's a funky print.", "(CATHERINE looks at the print.)", "Catherine: Oh ... a J.P. Tod's driving loafer.", "Nick: Hmm?", "Catherine: I may shop the outlets ... but I read vogue.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DEATH VALLEY -- DAY]", "(LOCKWOOD escorts SARA and WARRICK to the body.)", "Lockwood: This is Death Valley, huh?", "Warrick: You get lost out here, you're toast.", "Lockwood: That may have been the idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(They reach the body.)", "Lockwood: Helicopter tour pilot noted it and called it in.", "Sara: Deathbed ... casket-ready. Laying in the hell's gate section of death valley.", "Warrick: Poetic.", "Sara: More like suicidal.", "(She snaps some pictures.)", "Lockwood: Is that bird crap?", "(SARA takes a sample of it.)", "Sara: Could be.", "(WARRICK checks the boy's pockets for ID. He takes out a wallet and reads the information on it.", "Warrick: Toby Wellstone. Mckinley High School. 12/12/87.", "[ID # 8438291]", "Sara: What's that on his hand?", "Warrick: Looks like a transdermal patch. Fetanyl. Pores in the hand make for faster absorption. Intentional overdose.", "Lockwood: I'll notify the parents.", "(LOCKWOOD leaves.)", "Sara: We're 85 miles from Las Vegas, one mile from the closest road. If this was a solo job, how did he get here?", "(WARRICK points to some tracks on the ground nearby.)", "Warrick: I see some tracks over there, but ... they could be from anything: A surveyor's tool ... a remote-controlled car ...", "(SARA raises the camera to take a picture of the marks.)", "Sara: Anything with wheels.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. AIRPLANE - MAIN CABIN -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE checks out the main cabin. BRASS walks in.)", "Brass: Oh, I'll tell you. Some days, it's tough to be me. You know, I wish that the seats were as organized as that bar. We have the passenger manifest. No assigned seating, 12 passengers 24 shoes, 36 lawyers.", "Nick: What was this, a smoking flight?", "Brass: Yeah, I think we've established the fact that these people do whatever it is they want.", "(NICK grimaces and stares at the rumpled sheets on the bed.)", "Nick: Now, please, don't make me ALS.", "Catherine: Hey, man, I don't want to go blind any more than you do.", "(CATHERINE looks down and finds a used condom on the bed. She opens a bindle and reaches down to pick it up.)", "Catherine: Oh ... looky here. (She holds it out for NICK.) Little DNA party.", "(NICK shudders. CATHERINE puts it in the bindle. She looks into the trashcan and sees something else.)", "Catherine: Ooh. Bloody towels. (She holds the trashcan for NICK to look inside.)", "Nick: Well, at least something made it into the trash can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS AIRPORT (STOCK) - EARLY EVENING]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. USDA FACILITY -- DAY]", "(The USDA GUARD stationed at the doorway stops a woman from walking into the facility. She argues with him as CATHERINE and GRISSOM appear.)", "USDA Guard: I'm sorry, ma'am. You may not enter the quarantine area.", "Merrit: I know it's 48 hours, I know the rules, but I need to see my horse.", "(CATHERINE and GRISSOM walk up to the guard and show him their IDs. He waves them in and turns back to the irate woman.)", "USDA Guard: You can go in.", "Merrit: I want to talk to Dr. Stevens.", "USDA Guard: I'm sorry, ma'am.", "Merrit: He's my vet.", "USDA Guard: Sorry.", "Catherine: Hi, Dr. Stevens.", "(DR. STEVENS attends to the horse. He turns around when CATHERINE calls out to him. She shows him her ID.)", "Catherine: How's she doing?", "Dr. Stevens: Shaken up. Horses are incredibly sensitive to change. Travel's hard on them.", "Catherine: How about losing a trainer?", "Dr. Stevens: Like losing a best friend. I just don't understand how this could've happened.", "Grissom: We're going to need to pull some samples from that horse.", "Dr. Stevens: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(DR. STEVENS takes some samples from under the horse's hoof. He takes some skin samples and puts it in a bindle. He hands it to CATHERINE. She pulls out a pen to label it.)", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(GRISSOM checks out the HIGH FOLLY's backend. He notices something. The Camera zooms in to note the stitches.)", "Grissom: This looks recent. What happened here?", "Dr. Stevens: High Folly is what we call a \"dirty mare.\" Prone to serious uterine infections.", "(DR. STEVENS holds HIGH FOLLY'S head as CATHERINE extracts something from between her teeth.)", "Dr. Stevens: Caslick stitching keeps out fluids and bacteria.", "Grissom: So you stitch her up until it's time to breed?", "Dr. Stevens: I know it sounds bad, but I promise having an acute infection is worse. And there's no greater tragedy than a champion who can't breed.", "Catherine: Is this some kind of food?", "(CATHERINE holds out the sample. DR. STEVENS looks at it.)", "Dr. Stevens: I don't know. It could be.", "Catherine: We'll need a blood sample. We found a tranquilizer gun in the container. We want to double-check it.", "Dr. Stevens: You'd never use a tranq gun on a horse. The impact energy would cause an immediate adrenaline response. Make the horse more agitated.", "Catherine: We'll still need that sample.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY TO MORGUE -- DAY]", "(SARA meets up with WARRICK as they head to FORENSIC PATHOLOGY. WARRICK carries and looks through a file.)", "Sara: Hey. Nobody's here to claim the body?", "Warrick: Nope. I don't know what's worse, consoling a grieving parent, or finding a kid with no parents at all.", "Sara: No parents?", "Warrick: No, this kid has been through seven foster homes in seven years. System lost track of him a year ago.", "Sara: Mckinley high school said the same thing. He was out more than he was in. Kid was a ghost.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - MORGUE -- DAY]", "(ROBBINS pulls out the table with TOBY WELLSTONE'S body on it.)", "Robbins: Treated himself to a hamburger with pickles and ketchup, chocolate shake, and what I can only assume was super-size fries.", "Sara: So that's what killed him.", "Warrick: That's a five-course meal to a teenager.", "Robbins: More like a last supper, I'm afraid. He took a synthetic narcotic, fentanyl. By patch and by pill.", "Warrick: Yeah, that's a painkiller.", "Robbins: Used in hospitals, post-surgery.", "Sara: What is ... cisapride?", "Robbins: That what separates the attempts from the corpses. It's a prokenetic agent that speeds up the body's absorption of fentanyl and it keeps the stomach acids from going into reflux.", "(Quick CGI to: Stomach sounds. Stomach acids. A pill falls into the stomach and starts fizzing. End of CGI. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: No nausea, no vomit.", "Sara: No vomit, no chance of survival. Kid did his homework.", "Warrick: Permanent solution to a temporary problem.", "Robbins: Maybe not so temporary. 80% of all completed suicides have tried previously.", "(ROBBINS holds out TOBY WELLSTONE'S wrist to show the scars.)", "Robbins: From the scarring, I'd say twice before.", "(He pauses and looks down at the body.)", "Robbins: Third time's the charm.", "(He pulls the sheet over the body.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY - IMPERIAL PALACE (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Camera close up of an Evidence bag label. On it reads:", "EVIDENCE ARTICLE: BRN SHAVINGS EXHIBIT NO. DATE/TIME COLLECTED: 04/30/03", "WHERE ARTICLE FOUND: HIGH FOLLY'S TEETH INV. OFFICER: CW )", "(CATHERINE picks up a piece of brown shavings and drops it in a filter set up on top of a glass tube.)", "(Camera moves over a second Evidence bag label. On it reads:", "EVIDENCE ARTICLE: BRN SHAVINGS EXHIBIT NO. DATE/TIME COLLECTED: 04/30/03", "WHERE ARTICLE FOUND: CARGO BAY FLOOR INV. OFFICER: C.W. )", "(She takes a piece of brown shavings from that sample and drops it into a second filter set up on top of a second glass tube.)", "(She takes some CHLOROFORM and puts some of it in each sample.)", "(NICK walks in. CATHERINE looks up.)", "Nick: Hey, fashionista.", "(He holds up the bag with a shoe in it.)", "Nick: Brass collected all the shoes. You were right. Not only did we find a match, but I also found trace elements.", "Catherine: Equus caballus?", "Nick: Horse dung all the way. Brass is bringing her in now.", "Catherine: Thanks.", "(NICK turns to leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(ROBBINS goes over the findings with GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: Our horse trainer has paramortem bruising and scraping, ranging from minor to major, all consistent with being trampled. What's not consistent is this: Pinpoints.", "(ROBBINS shows GRISSOM the body's right pupil. GRISSOM looks at ROBBINS, surprised.)", "Grissom: An opiate overdose?", "Robbins: Torphine. A thousand times as potent as morphine.", "Grissom: Tranquilizer.", "Robbins: Mm-hmm. One of the bruises contains a puncture wound about the same size as that dart you found.", "(GRISSOM takes off his glasses and looks at ROBBINS.)", "Grissom: How do you shoot yourself in the shoulder with a tranquilizer rifle?", "Robbins: Someone else shot her.", "Grissom: And framed the horse.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(NICK and BRASS question HARPER FITZGERALD.)", "Nick: Miss Fitzgerald, your shoe print was found in the cargo hold where Lori Hutchins' body was found.", "Harper Fitzgerald: Please ... call me Harper.", "Brass: Were you down there, Harper?", "Harper Fitzgerald: Yes. It is my plane. I can go wherever I please.", "Nick: Lady ... why were you down there?", "Harper Fitzgerald: To woo her.", "(Quick flashback to: HARPER FITZGERALD talks with LORI HUTCHINS.)", "Harper Fitzgerald: I know how much Merrit is paying you.", "(HARPER holds out the checkbook to LORI HUTCHINS.)", "Harper Fitzgerald: Why don't you write your own check?", "Lori Hutchins: (shakes her head) Thank you, all the same, but I'm not making any changes right now.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: You don't strike me as the kind of woman who'd take no for an answer.", "(BRASS sits down at the table.)", "Harper Fitzgerald: Mmm ... I'm not. I figured she'd come around. Besides ... she's no use to me dead.", "(NICK takes out a swab.)", "Nick: We need a DNA sample.", "(HARPER turns to look at NICK.)", "(cc) NICK: Open up.", "(She looks at him and opens her mouth. NICK takes the swab. She laughs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAST VEGAS HILLS (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DEATH VALLEY -- DAY]", "(WARRICK and SARA walk toward the dead body of a young woman. LOCKWOOD is already there kneeling next to it.)", "Sara: Getting a strange sense of deja vu.", "Warrick: It's raining bodies here.", "(LOCKWOOD sees them and stands up.)", "Lockwood: National Park Service found her. She was beyond our perimeter. We had no reason to believe that there were more bodies. They're looking for any others.", "Warrick: Want to turn her over?", "(The officers turn her over. WARRICK and SARA look at the body.)", "Warrick: He's wearing a suit. She's wearing a prom dress? That's odd.", "(WARRICK makes note of her wrists.)", "Warrick: No prior scarring on the wrists, but the same transdermal patch. That white substance looks like the same stuff you found near Toby's body.", "Sara: Seems like Romeo had a Juliet.", "Warrick: Who got out of bed and ended up a half-a-mile away.", "Sara: Her dress is way too big.", "Warrick: What are you thinking?", "Sara: Vanity, thy name is teenage girl. They were trying to go out in style. (beat) Something's off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(GRISSOM walks into the lab. CATHERINE is already there. He's carrying a file.)", "Grissom: The tranquilizer gun looks like a wipe-down, and there's no prints on the ceiling dart.", "Catherine: How about the dart in the container?", "Grissom: Partial palm print. Not enough for comparison. But, there was three different matches on the handrail leading down to the cargo bay. A Harper Fitzgerald ...", "(Quick flashback to: From the teaser, HARPER FITZGERALD carrying her drink in the main cabin. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Owner of the plane.", "Grissom: Jason Banks ...", "(Quick flashback to: From the teaser, The STEWARD turns around as he's refilling the food on the table. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Steward who brought the vic her dinner.", "Grissom: Rhone Confer.", "(Quick flashback to: From the teaser, a blonde haired man in a dark suit and blue tie. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(CATHERINE shakes her head. She doesn't recognize the name.)", "Grissom: Formerly a Concierge at the Orpheus.", "Catherine: Concierge ... interesting.", "Grissom: It is?", "Catherine: Those brown shavings that we collected from the cargo hold and the horse's teeth were tobacco. More specifically, of Volando and Colorado Maduro.", "Grissom: Cigar tobacco.", "Catherine: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but when it does not contain propylene glycol, an additive used in the humidification process ...", "Grissom: Then it's a Cuban cigar.", "Catherine: Dominicans are just as good, but, uh ... they're legal, so, you know, where's the fun in that?", "Grissom: So if I'm looking for an illegally imported Cuban cigar, I go to ...", "Catherine: Your handy concierge.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(BRASS and CATHERINE interview RHONE CONFER.)", "Brass: What were you doing on that plane?", "Rhone Confer: I'm friendly with Harper.", "Brass: Friendly? Is that a job title or do you perform a specific function for that distinction?", "Rhone Confer: (laughs) You don't get it.", "Brass: What, what ... what's not to get?", "Catherine: Uh, why don't you help us, since you're so good at getting things like Cuban cigars?", "Rhone Confer: Oh, come on. The embargo on Cuban cigars is ridiculous.", "Catherine: It's still the law.", "Brass: You break one law, the chances are...", "Rhone Confer: I never went near Lori Hutchins.", "Catherine: Well, we found your prints on the rail going down into the cargo hold.", "Rhone Confer: (sighs) Look. I helped Harper out with a party at the Orpheus about a year ago. We hit it off. She started inviting me to things. This is my first trip on the jet. Now, I know I wasn't supposed to go down there, but ... (beat) all that stuff?", "(Quick flashback to: RHONE CONFER walks up to HIGH FOLLY and pets her. She eats his cuban cigar. He protests.)", "Rhone Confer: Hey, hey, hey, there, buddy. That's a $60 Cuban.", "(He looks at the horse and backs away. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Rhone Confer: I got the hell out of there, and I kept my mouth shut. These people-- they don't tolerate a buzz kill, and I'll be damned if I'm going to be shot for being the messenger.", "Brass: So the happier Harper stays, the fatter your pockets.", "Rhone Confer: I really don't like to talk about money.", "Catherine: (holds up a swab) How about we talk about DNA?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(SARA swabs JILL FROMMER'S dress. She checks the dress with an ALS. She checks the dress stitching and notices the off colored threads.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM/LOUNGE]", "(WARICK is sitting at the table going through the file. SARA walks out from the hallway and into the breakroom. She takes the seat across WARRICK.)", "Warrick: Hello. You get anything off of that dress?", "Sara: I think our girl was a young Madame DeFarge. She made her own death shroud, but she didn't know her own measurements.", "Warrick: That's kind of freaky.", "Sara: Any results in the sexual assault evidence kit?", "Warrick: No, the kit came back negative. The stomach contents came back the same. Identical to Toby's: Burger, fries, and a shake.", "(WARRICK hands SARA the results.)", "Warrick: And, also, the drug ratios were the same for fentanyl and cisapride.", "(Camera focuses on the file folder of the two patches on the two hands.)", "Warrick: You know what else is freaky -- her prints were on his patch, and his prints were on hers.", "Sara: She was a willing participant in all this.", "(Quick flashback to: JILL FROMMER pours some pills into her hand and swallows them. TOBY WELLSTONE, sitting next to JILL, does the same. JILL takes a drink from her water bottle. TOBY drinks from his.)", "(JILL puts the patch on TOBY'S palm. TOBY puts the patch on JILL'S. He looks at him. He touches her cheek. She smiles.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Why didn't we find any trash at the crime scene, and why didn't we find a note?", "Warrick: Well, you know, I read somewhere that only 15% of suicides actually leave a note, but you would think, with all the trouble they went through, they would want to be found.", "Sara: Together.", "Warrick: Yeah, and after she was sedated, she crawls away from the scene?", "Sara: Why?", "(There's a knock on the room door. WARRICK looks up.)", "Lockwood: Hey, girl's library card matched a missing persons report filed today: Jill Frommer. Mom's coming in to I.D. The body.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM]", "(SARA and LOCKWOOD interview MRS. FROMMER.)", "Sara: Do you recognize this dress?", "Mrs. Frommer: No.", "Sara: Did Jill take Home Ec, or like to sew...", "Mrs. Frommer: Jill? Please. No, Jill didn't do anything domestic. You only realize what you want to teach them after it's too late.", "Lockwood: Toby Wellstone ... he lived with you as a foster kid about five years ago?", "Mrs. Frommer: Yeah, for about a year, and then I sent him back.", "Sara: Can I ask why?", "Mrs. Frommer: My husband died of cancer, and I couldn't handle Toby alone. That boy was just way out of control. And then about ... about a year ago, Jill brings him home.", "(Quick flashback to: JILL FROMMER pleading with her mother.)", "Jill Frommer: Mom, look at Toby's back. He can't stay there. It's not safe; you have to help, please.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Lockwood: And you did.", "Mrs. Frommer: It didn't seem like I had any choice. I mean, the system didn't care.", "Sara: Mrs. Frommer, were Toby and your daughter involved romantically?", "(She covers her eyes.)", "Mrs. Frommer: You know those moments you look back on and you wish you'd chosen door number two instead? My whole life feels like that. I got nothing left.", "(SARA looks down for a moment.)", "Sara: To your knowledge, did, um, Jill ever attempt suicide before?", "Mrs. Frommer: No. I mean, not that I know of, but with that boy around, there's no telling what he got her into. I ... I called Social Services. I tried to get him out of the house. He was on a list, but nobody wants teenagers, you know? Just five and under.", "Sara: Mrs. Frommer, we believe that Toby and Jill had help. We'd like a list of their friends.", "Mrs. Frommer: (laughs sadly) Friends?! I think it's pretty clear that my daughter's life was just way out of my hands.", "(MRS. FROMMER sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(GREG reports his findings to CATHERINE.)", "Greg: Blood on the paper towels was the vic's, Lori Hutchins. Found DNA on another area, however. Epithelials with two donors.", "Catherine: By who?", "Greg: Well, the vic and ... someone else.", "Catherine: Are you being cagey?", "Greg: I'm trying to transition out of cagey. You got to round up some more swabs. Neither Harpo ...", "Catherine: (corrects) Harper.", "Greg: Whatev-O. Neither She nor Rhone Confer was a match.", "(CATHERINE'S phone rings. She answers it.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Yeah?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS AIRPORT (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. USDA FACILITY -- NIGHT]", "(DR. STEVENS, GRISSOM and CATHERINE stand over HIGH FOLLY'S dead body.)", "Dr. Stevens: I came as soon as I got a call from the USDA.", "Catherine: What happened?", "Dr. Stevens: Chronic metritis. Uterine infections. I opened up the caslicks. I tried antibiotics, saline lavage ... I guess it was too little, too late.", "(GRISSOM kneels down and looks at HIGH FOLLY'S behind.)", "Grissom: I found a suture scissors near Lori's body on the plane. Is it possible that she knew about the infection and tried to relieve it?", "Dr. Stevens: Well, it'd have to be critical for lori to try emergency surgery in the air.", "Catherine: Define critical.", "Dr. Stevens: Massive swelling ... a threat to high folly's ability to foal.", "Grissom: I believe we found our greater tragedy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS AIRPORT (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. USDA FACILITY]", "(GRISSOM watches the equine necropsy.)", "Jessie Menken: Equine necropsy's a lot like human autopsy. One organ at a time. Do you know, they're a lot like us, except their constitutions are even more sensitive. A horse can die from indigestion.", "Grissom: \"A horse is dangerous at both ends, and uncomfortable in the middle.\"", "Jessie Menken: Who said that?", "Grissom: Ian Fleming.", "Jessie Menken: Ah, James Bond fan, huh?", "Grissom: I read the novels when I was a kid.", "Jessie Menken: Well, the vet flushed and dilated her, but her white blood count was through the roof.", "Grissom: You have any idea what caused the infection?", "Jessie Menken: Hard to tell ... but the uterus is a highly-balanced environment, and an infection can start with something as simple as a speck of dirt. The uterine walls sense a foreign body, and attack it.", "(GRISSOM holds out the tray. She pulls out the uterus and puts it on the tray.)", "(Quick CGI of: The camera starts outside the horse's bottom, then zooms through to the uterus and focuses on a black substance. White liquid surrounds the black substance. End of CGI. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: I thought the stitches were used to prevent the invasion of foreign bodies.", "(GRISSOM puts the tray down.)", "Jessie Menken: Well, they're supposed to, but she's got so much pyometra in her right uterine horn, something got in there.", "(JESSIE MENKEN takes a knife and cuts into the uterus.)", "Jessie Menken: Unless a horse is opened up, you can't actually reach the horns.", "(She opens it up and sticks her hand inside. She pulls out a bag. She looks at it confused.)", "Jessie Menken: This is outside my purview.", "(GRISSOM looks at the bloodied bag. He cuts it open and looks inside. He takes a tray and empties it.)", "Grissom: Uncut diamonds? (beat) The horse is a \"mule\".", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HIGH SCHOOL (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. McKINLEY HIGH SCHOOL -- DAY]", "(WARRICK and SARA question a group of teenagers.)", "Dark-haired Teenager: Jill Frommer? Dude, that girl was mental.", "Blonde-haired Teenager: I used to be friends with her in, like, fifth grade.", "Brown-haired Teenager: Sometimes I'd pick her up before school, and she'd always be waiting outside, like a dork.", "Sara: When was the last time you saw Jill?", "Dark-haired: Hmm, she hasn't been at school all year.", "Blonde-haired Teenager: I heard she switched schools to be with some guy.", "(She rolls her eyes.)", "Dark-haired Teenager: How lame.", "Brown-haired Teenager: Oh, like you wouldn't do it.", "Sara: (interrupting) Like, does this dress look familiar?", "Dark-haired Teenager: Oh, god. That's the dress that Alyssa made and wore to last year's homecoming.", "Blonde: When she was fat?", "Warrick: Ladies ... who is Alyssa?", "Brown-haired Teenager: Jamison. Aka GTS. Goody two shoes. When she's not out saving the planet, she's healing the sick.", "Sara: What?", "Blonde-haired Teenager: She works as a \"Volun-teen\" at the hospital.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(SARA and WARRICK walk into the hospital and down the hallway.)", "(They walk up to the pharmacy window and press the button. A teenaged girl in a volunteer's uniform appears on the other side of the window.)", "Alyssa Jamison: Hello. How may I help you?", "Sara: Hi, there. I'm Sara Sidle, and this is Warrick Brown. We're with the crime lab. Did you know Jill Frommer?", "Alyssa Jamison: Sure.", "Sara: Did you happen to give her this dress?", "Alyssa Jamison: Yes.", "Warrick: Did you also give her fentanyl and cisapride?", "Alyssa Jamison: Oh, my god! She ... killed herself, didn't she?", "Sara: Yeah, she did.", "Alyssa Jamison: She gave me a necklace.", "Sara: Excuse me?", "Alyssa Jamison: Giving away sacred possessions. That's one of the sure signs of suicide. She traded the necklace for my dress. I told her she didn't have to, but she kept insisting. Said that she had something special to wear the dress to, and the necklace would be collateral. I took it as a good sign, because she'd been so depressed lately.", "Sara: Did you give her any drugs, or-or give her access to this pharmacy?", "Alyssa Jamison: I couldn't, even if I wanted to.", "(She points to the camera above.)", "Alyssa Jamison: Not that I ever would.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DR. STEVENS' OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE kneels down next to the glass table. GRISSOM lingers in the doorway.)", "Grissom: According to his receptionist, Dr. Stevens ... left town ... unexpectedly.", "Catherine: Really? Well, check this out.", "(Camera zooms close up to the dust on the table.)", "Catherine: I don't think it's pixie dust. And ... lots of red lentils.", "(CATHEIRNE picks up the nearby trash can and shows it to GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: Supposedly used to keep the diamonds from chipping.", "(Quick flashback to: DR. STEVENS working with the diamonds on the table. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: That Dr. Stevens was very involved.", "Grissom: Mmm.", "(GRISSOM turns around and looks at the large poster hanging on the office wall of the MARE REPRODUCTIVE TRACT.)", "Grissom: A horse's uterus is the size of a football, so he could've packed it with pouches of diamonds.", "Catherine: Why did he leave one behind?", "Grissom: He took what he could reach.", "Catherine: And ran.", "Grissom: But he wasn't on that plane, so he couldn't have killed the girl.", "Catherine: He had a partner.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(The uncut diamonds are being cleaned. GRISSOM takes one out. He does a diamond analysis on it. The results read:", "ORIGINS: CENTRAL OR SOUTH AFRICA", "... NESS: 1.1 - 2.5 SL. THICK", "2 VERY GOOD EXCELLENT EXCELLENT WS1", "F NONE", "(GRISSOM puts the diamond aside.)", "Grissom: Did you know that the term \"carat\" comes from the Mediterranean Carob Tree, whose seeds were used for centuries as a standard of measurement?", "(GRISSOM takes the next diamond out. CATHERINE sits on the other side of the table. She weighed the lentils.)", "Catherine: No. Um ... so, based on the six-to-one lentil-to-diamond ratio in the packet we found, and assuming that all the packets are the same size, I think we're looking for ... five more.", "Grissom: Five?", "Catherine: Well, yeah, based on weight, uh, we've established that approximately 183 grams of lentils per pack... 732 grams would be ...", "(CATHERINE does the calculations.)", "Catherine: Oh, my mistake. Four.", "Grissom: Well, it's not 100% accurate, but, uh ... based on shape, color characteristics, wavelength absorptions of the regional impurities ... it says that these diamonds come from Central Africa.", "Catherine: Conflict diamonds? Don't those fund warlords and support child slavery?", "Grissom: Yeah. Bought for pennies on the dollar, and banned by the U.N.", "Catherine: Well, that would explain why someone felt the need to smuggle them into the country.", "Grissom: That, and a half a million dollars worth of luxury tax. No customs, no tax.", "Catherine: And if Lori were about to find out, explains why someone would want to kill her.", "Grissom: So we've got the how and the why. (beat) We just need the who.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS interviews the Steward, JASON BANKS.)", "Brass: Well, you travel with a well-heeled crowd. I checked everybody's passports. Man, you guys get around ... but you're the only one who's been to Sierra Leone.", "Jason Banks: You know why I became a steward?", "Brass: I don't know, uh, see the world?", "Jason Banks: Exactly.", "Brass: What'd you see in Sierra Leone?", "Jason Banks: Well, that's the joke. Free night in Amsterdam? No, no. I went around the globe picking up packages for the Fitzgeralds like a frickin' bike messenger. \"Oh, could you take the plane to Rome ... to Ghana... pick something up for me?\"", "Brass: Sounds like fun. What kind of stuff did you pick up?", "Jason Banks: Who knows? Art, antiques. It's usually wrapped up. Look, I figure I'm better off not knowing, and it looks like I was right.", "Brass: What was your beef with Lori, the horse trainer?", "Jason Banks: I don't have one.", "Brass: Oh, well, we got a stack of bloody paper towels with your DNA on it that says you do.", "(Quick flashback to the bloodied towels in the trash. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Jason Banks: I took them from her.", "(Quick flashback to: JASON BANKS walks into the cargo hold carrying the dinner tray. LORI HUTCHINS sits on the floor against he wall. She stands up and he notices the wound.)", "Jason Banks: Hey, Lori, dinner's ready. You okay?", "Lori Hutchins: Yeah, the horse is just really freaked out. Gave me a good one.", "(She shows him her arm.) Would you mind taking these? (She gives him the towels.)", "Jason Banks: Sure. No problem.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Jason Banks: I got buzzed into the bedroom. Mrs. Fitzgerald needed help with her zipper. I threw the paper towels in the wastepaper basket.", "Brass: That's a tidy little story.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / DNA LAB]", "(SARA and WARRICK head down the hallway toward the DNA lab.)", "Warrick: You know Jill's friends seemed like they were brainwashed ... or brain-dead. And moms was absentee at best, huh?", "Sara: Well, teenagers are very suggestive. If Toby was the best thing she had going, it's the biggest influence in her life.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(They reach the lab.)", "Greg: Don't even bother viewing those surveillance tapes. No hospital's dispensed cisapride in three years.", "Sara: So that's it? The kids just magically got the drugs and offed themselves, end of story?", "Greg: Not exactly. The white substance that you pulled from Romeo's blanket and Juliet's dress ...", "Warrick: Yeah?", "Greg: Denatured milk proteins and mucoid saliva. (beat) Baby spittle.", "Sara: There was a baby out there.", "Greg: Not just any baby -- their baby. I pulled DNA. Two halves make a whole.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DEATH VALLEY -- NIGHT]", "(Officers comb the area looking for the baby.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FROMMER RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(LOCKWOOD meets up with WARRICK and SARA.)", "Lockwood: Mom's credit card showed a suit purchase in the young men's department at JC Penney's.", "Warrick: Oh, yeah? Looks like moms is a personal shopper and chauffeur, huh? Guess moms is busy.", "(Through the car window, they see the take-out rubbish in the back of the car.)", "Sara: Too busy to notice a baby, apparently.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DEATH VALLEY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(OFFICERS continue to search for the missing baby.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FROMMER RESIDENCE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK, SARA, and LOCKWOOD stand outside the front door. They knock. MRS. FROMMER opens the door. LOCKWOOD holds up the warrant.)", "Lockwood: Ma'am, we have a warrant to search the premises.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FROMMER RESIDENCE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK and SARA each search through a drawer.)", "(In the second drawer he looks through, WARRICK finds some cards.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(WARRICK and SARA search through the kitchen. LOCKWOOD and MRS. FROMMER stand aside and watch.)", "(SARA opens the cabinet door and finds something: a shelf full of prescription medicine. She goes through them and finds one in particular. She also finds a stack of patches.)", "(cc) SARA: Warrick ...", "(SARA picks up both the prescription bottle and the patches. She turns around to look at MRS. FROMMER.)", "Sara: Cisapride and fentanyl-- you care to explain this?", "Mrs. Frommer: My husband went through chemo, I told you that. The fentanyl's for my back pain.", "Warrick: Why didn't you tell us that Jill and Toby had access to these?", "(Quick flashback to: MRS. FROMMER asks JILL to get her pills.)", "Mrs. Frommer: Jill, I'm going to lie down. Go get me those pills for my back.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Mrs. Frommer: You didn't ask.", "(Out of nowhere, they hear the sounds of baby babbling and cooing coming from the refrigerator. SARA doesn't move. MRS. FROMMER doesn't say anything. WARRICK steps toward the refrigerator and opens the door.)", "(On the top shelf is the baby monitor in front of three baby bottles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FROMMER'S RESIDENCE - NURSERY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK, SARA and MRS. FROMMER walk into the nursery. WARRICK looks at the baby in the bassinet.)", "Warrick: Hi, baby. Hi, little baby.", "(MRS. FROMMER picks up the baby.)", "Mrs. Frommer: I'm this baby's only chance.", "Sara: Lady, you are out of chances.", "Mrs. Frommer: Watching people kill themselves isn't against the law in Nevada.", "(Quick flashback to: JILL FROMMER lies down on the ground with the baby on her. She looks at her baby.)", "Jill Frommer: (to her baby) I love you.", "(MRS. FROMMER walks up to them and takes the baby from her.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: So you encouraged them to take the pills.", "(Quick flashback to: MRS. FROMMER yelling angrily at JILL and TOBY.)", "Mrs. Frommer: How much longer are you two going to ruin my life, huh? How much longer?", "(Cut to: JILL and TOBY sitting in the back seat of the car eating their dinner while MRS. FROMMER drives.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) You drove them out to death valley after their last meal.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: There's nothing like a little positive reinforcement, is there?", "(Quick flashback to: MRS. FROMMER pushes the baby stroller away from JILL.)", "Mrs. Frommer: They were beyond saving.", "(JILL gets up and cries out to her mother. Her mother continues to push the baby stroller away, ignoring her daughter.)", "Jill Frommer: Wait, mom, I changed my mind. I don't want to die.", "(JILL gets up and starts to follow them.)", "Jill Frommer: Mom! Mom! Please don't leave me!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: I think we can convince a jury that you did more than just watch.", "Mrs. Frommer: Not helping a child in danger is a misdemeanor. You might as well write me a parking ticket.", "Sara: We're going to write you up on murder, and then I'm going to call Child Services.", "Mrs. Frommer: Go ahead. I am next of kin, and without a record, I'm going to get her back in a second.", "(LOCKWOOD steps toward her and starts to handcuff her. She's still holding the baby. WARRICK steps up to take the baby.)", "Warrick: Miss ...", "(MRS. FROMMER gives the baby to WARRICK.)", "Mrs. Frommer: (to the baby) It's okay. It's all right.", "Sara: It's all going to be better with door number two.", "Mrs. Frommer: That's right.", "(LOCKWOOD takes MRS. FROMMER out of the room.)", "Sara: You think we even stand a chance?", "Warrick: No.", "Warrick: (to the baby) Hi ... hey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(CATHERINE meets up with GRISSOM.)", "Catherine: What have you got?", "Grissom: We got animal, mineral, and now vegetable.", "Catherine: What?", "Grissom: I ran the trace on the remainder of the diamonds. Lentils and carrots.", "Catherine: Carrots on the karats.", "Grissom: I'm thinking Lori packed the diamonds.", "Catherine: After she fed the horse, evidently.", "(Quick flashback to: LORI HUTCHINS feeds HIGH FOLLY some carrots.)", "Lori: There you go. That a girl.", "(She scoops up the lentils off of the table.)", "(Cut to: She bags the diamonds. She packs the horse.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: She was the only one who got close to that horse.", "Catherine: So Dr. Stevens didn't have one partner, he had two.", "Grissom: And Lori was the only one who knew there was five packages, which would explain why Stevens left one behind.", "Catherine: She was a victim, but she wasn't innocent.", "(GRISSOM chuckles wryly.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB]", "(NICK is in front of the screen. CATHERINE and GRISSOM sit in the back of the room in front of the monitor. NICK is setting up the screen.)", "(On the monitor is an Info box and picture of LORI HUTCHINS.)", "Catherine: Okay, so, we've got a dead woman, a dead horse, a runaway vet, and ... a couple million dollars worth of uncut diamonds that are unaccounted for.", "(NICK opens the second Info box and picture of ERICA DOLINKY, Ski Instructor. Additional Info reads: Birthplace, Las Vegas / s*x: Female / Age: 31 / Eyes: Brown / Hair: Brown / Height: 5'10\".)", "Grissom: Well, diamonds are worthless unless you have a buyer.", "Nick: What if the vet repackaged the diamonds, took them with him. PD traced him to the Caymans.", "Catherine: But why would he smuggle them into the country only to smuggle them out again?", "Grissom: Flight Steward's story checks out. Lori Hutchins had an ante-mortem gash on her right forearm.", "(NICK opens the third Info box and picture of TREVOR NELSON, Masseuse.)", "Nick: Ski instructor ... massuese ... geez. Is there anyone not on Harper's payroll?", "Catherine: Well, you met her. Would you be her friend for free?", "Grissom: What about Harper? It was her plane, Meredith's horse. She didn't care what happened to the horse.", "(NICK opens the Info box and picture for HARPER FITZGERALD. He then opens the next Info box and picture for RHONE K.-CONFER.)", "Nick: Yeah, but she's got no reason to smuggle diamonds. Reward's not worth the risk.", "Catherine: (under her breath) Rhone Kinsey-Confer. Hey, what if we were thinking about this whole thing a little too globally? I'm going to find out what Rhone's mother's maiden name is.", "(CATHERINE picks up the phone and dials.)", "Grissom: What's his mother got to do with it?", "Catherine: She may have sold me my engagement ring. (to phone) Brass, check out Kinsey Diamonds.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. KINSEY DIAMONDS]", "(Camera close up of a tray of uncut diamonds.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Find out if the owner is related to our Concierge.", "(A single uncut diamond is picked up off of the tray.)", "(BRASS, followed by other officers, enter the backroom of Kinsey Diamonds where a lone diamond cutter sits at the table.)", "Brass: Sir, stop what you're doing. Las Vegas police. We have a search and seizure warrant for any and all diamonds.", "(The officers confiscates the diamonds.)", "Mrs. Kinsey: I bought those diamonds. They're mine. What are you doing?", "Brass: Hey, Mrs. Kinsey, did you ever stop and think that maybe your family discount was a little too good to be true? Did you really think your son mined those rocks himself? Come on. Think about it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM interviews RHONE CONFER.)", "Brass: Yeah, someone else's plane, someone else's horse. What a good plan. Except you got caught. Why even bother when you had everything you wanted at your disposal?", "Grissom: Tantalus. Stuck in hell, forever staring at the fruit just out of reach.", "Brass: Except you couldn't do it without Lori. My guess is her death was an accident.", "Grissom: Did she care more about the horse than she did the diamonds?", "(Quick flashback to: RHONE and LORI argue in the cargo bay of the plane.)", "Rhone Confer: Can't you give her a pill or something?", "Lori Hutchins: I'm taking the diamonds out.", "Rhone Confer: No, you're not. We've come too far to have this fall apart now. It's not worth the horse's life.", "Lori Hutchins: Yeah, well, it is to me.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Rhone Confer: Prove it.", "Grissom: Would you mind taking off your shirt?", "Rhone Confer: I don't want to.", "Brass: Well, that's unfortunate, because ... your tax evasion allows us to expand your warrant. And your shirt -- that's just the beginning.", "(BRASS opens the warrant and puts it on the table.)", "(RHONE CONFER sighs and unbuttons his shirt.)", "Rhone Confer: What are you looking for?", "(RHONE'S shirt falls open. In the middle of his chest is a large red, black and blue bruise.)", "Grissom: Evidence of a struggle. Oh, and there it is.", "(RHONE looks down at his chest.)", "Grissom: High-powered pneumatic guns don't need to be loaded to leave a mark.", "(Quick flashback to: RHONE CONFER picks up the rifle and shoots; the backfire hitting him in the shoulder. The tranquilizer dart lodges in the cargo bay's ceiling.)", "(LORI screams and struggles against RHONE and the rifle. She grabs the rifle and points the empty gun at RHONE'S chest. She fires.)", "(RHONE grabs the rifle away from LORI HUTCHINS. He then grabs a tranq dart out of the holder and stabs it into LORI'S shoulder. She falls down backward into HIGH FOLLY'S stall. She's unable to get up. The horse rears up on her hind legs. Camera close up of LORI'S pupils contracting to pinpoints.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Rhone Confer: (mutters) Freakin' pony lover.", "Grissom: \"A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse.\"", "[Note: Richard, Richard III, Act 5, sc. 4, 1 7 and 13, Wm. Shakespeare]", "(RHONE looks at GRISSOM, perplexed. GRISSOM smiles and shakes his head.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "Grissom, Sara, and Nick investigate the murder of a young woman who was involved with a shady ex con, found dead in the press box of a high school stadium. They arrive less than an hour after the woman's death. In the aftermath of an explosion in the DNA Lab that leaves Greg seriously injured and hospitalized, Catherine and Warrick try to find out who is responsible, while Sara struggles to cope with the psychological trauma that she is suffering from being caught up in the explosion." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. FOOTBALL STADIUM (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL STADIUM - NIGHT]", "Lyric:", "[\"Like Her\", Album: Solace, by Mandalay] I read you / god, I'm good at it / I'm so spot on / cold shapes of air / compress that dissonance / if you dare / and you breathe it in", "(Under the bleachers, a YOUNG MAN and a YOUNG WOMAN kiss each other. She pulls away from him.)", "Young Woman: Stop.", "Young Man: (groans) Oh, come on! We've gone way further than that.", "(He looks at her expectantly and smiles. She smiles, grabs his hand and leads him away from under the bleachers.)", "Lyric: And I'm high enough from all the waiting / to ride away when you're inhaling / and I'm high enough from all the waiting / to ride away when you're inhaling / 'cause I love you", "(They run hand-in-hand across the field toward the opposite end of the stadium.)", "(Cut to: They run up the bleachers and toward the announcers box.)", "(cc) YOUNG WOMAN: Linda said you can see the strip from here.", "(cc) YOUNG MAN: Yeah, you can. I mean, that's what I heard, too.", "(cc) YOUNG MAN: Come on!", "[INT. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL STADIUM - ANNOUNCER BOOTH -- NIGHT", "(The door opens. They laugh at each other. He looks inside and gasps. She looks inside and screams.)", "(On the floor is the body of a WOMAN. There's blood on the ground and another drop of blood drips from her head to the ground.)", "FLASH TO WHITE:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL STADIUM - ANNOUNCER BOOTH -- NIGHT]", "(Out on the track below, cop cars are parked. Inside the booth, GRISSOM, BRASS, NICK and DAVID go over the scene. NICK puts his kit down. DAVID is already going over the body. GRISSOM stands next to BRASS and takes in the scene.)", "Brass: The vic's wallet was still in her purse. One credit card, couple of 20s. Nebraska ID. Her name was Alison Carpenter, age 28.", "Nick: A little old for a student.", "Brass: School district has been contacted. They're checking their records.", "(GRISSOM looks around. DAVID looks at her pupils.)", "David Phillips: Petechial hemorrhaging indicates strangulation.", "Grissom: She definitely died here.", "David Phillips: Yeah, lividity bears that out. She wasn't moved.", "(BRASS turns and indicates the door behind them.)", "Brass: The padlock's been cut. It was rusted over, definitely not recent.", "(NICK checks out the countertop.)", "Nick: Beer bottles.", "Brass: Well, it's high school.", "(NICK picks up a used condom.)", "Nick: Lover's lane.", "(GRISSOM checks out the body and notices her hands.)", "Grissom: Defensive wounds on her hands.", "Brass: Sexual assault?", "(GRISSOM kneels down and lifts up her dress.)", "Grissom: She's not wearing any underwear.", "(GRISSOM goes back to checking the body and scene out. NICK turns to check out the countertops. GRISSOM spots something on the victim's leg. It appears to be a cut. He looks around and moves the door slightly where he sees the matching blood on the bottom of the door.)", "(Quick flashback to: The door is pushed open and hits the victim on her leg leaving the mark. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM turns around and looks back at the body.)", "Grissom: David, I thought you said she wasn't moved.", "David Phillips: Paramedics say they didn't touch her.", "Brass: Kids who found her swore they didn't touch her either.", "(GRISSOM looks at the victim's face, the urgency building in his voice as he realizes something.)", "Grissom: There's still sweat on her upper lip. (to DAVID) Take a liver temperature.", "David Phillips: Let me just finish this ...", "Grissom: (firmly) Now, David.", "(DAVID gets the digital thermometer out and gets the body's temperature.)", "David Phillips: Ninety-eight point one.", "Nick: She's been dead less than an hour.", "Grissom: The killer's still on her.", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL STADIUM]", "(NICK rushes by the officer cars. He's carrying a heavy duffle bag.)", "(Cut to: NICK runs up the bleachers.)", "[INT. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL STADIUM - ANNOUNCER'S BOX - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(NICK turns the corner and sets the bag down next to the body. GRISSOM immediately opens the bag and they all work together to put the chamber together to build an area around the body in which to print her.)", "Nick: Latent prints on skin, oil on oils, we're cutting it pretty close here.", "Grissom: Yes, we are.", "(The frame is built.)", "(The plastic is put over the frame and is taped down to the ground.)", "(NICK places the cyanoacrylate fumer inside with the body. He backs away and closes the plastic around the chamber. The men stand around the frame built around the body. They each wear a mask over their faces.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL STADIUM - ANNOUNCER'S BOX - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(DAVID carries the duffle bag and leaves the room. GRISSOM and NICK check the body out.)", "(GRISSOM moves the head.)", "Grissom: Nothing usable around the neck.", "(NICK checks out her legs. He finds something.)", "Nick: I think I've got a partial on the ankle.", "(GRISSOM checks it.)", "Grissom: Very few sweat glands around the ankle. Prints survive longer.", "(Quick flashback to: The door is pushed back and hits the woman on her leg. The killer reaches down and grabs her ankle to move the leg. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM looks at the victim's face again.)", "Grissom: Fortunately for us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY TO LAB -- NIGHT]", "(WARRICK and CATHERINE walk down the hallway. WARRICK carries a file; CATHERINE holds a bagged container of green liquid.)", "Warrick: There's nobody in the evidence vault. I guess we're still between shifts.", "Catherine: Yeah, well, we'll log it in tomorrow.", "Warrick: You know, O'Riley interviewed the victim's wife.", "Catherine: Yeah?", "Warrick: She said her husband was in the garage drinking and just \"done fell over.\"", "(They walk into the print lab. CATHERINE opens the fumer and puts the bagged container of green liquid inside next to the burn plate. She closes the fume hood.)", "Catherine: Oh, the ever-popular DFO.", "(They leave the lab and walk down the hallway.)", "Catherine: Right up there with the \"mysterious dude\" defense.", "Warrick: Right. You thinking poison?", "Catherine: I wouldn't be surprised. Wife had two priors for spousal abuse. Seems pretty straight up to me.", "Warrick: Well, that would be nice -- an easy case.", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Warrick: These double-ups are killing me.", "(They reach the front desk where CATHERINE signs the log book on the counter.)", "Catherine: Although I'll take it when I can get it. These nannies do not work cheap.", "(WARRICK hands the clerk the file in his hand.)", "Warrick: Yeah, how is Lindsey, by the way?", "(They head down the hallway.)", "Catherine: She got caught fighting at school.", "Warrick: Lindsey? Fighting?", "Catherine: Ah, she lost her dad recently. She's just having a hard time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FOOTBALL STADIUM - LOT -- DAY]", "(SARA and NICK go over the parked car next to the bleachers.)", "Sara: Company said the vic checked the car out three days ago. The contract was for a week.", "Nick: It's a generic econo-box. Might as well just paint a bull's-eye on it. You got the front?", "Sara: Yeah.", "(NICK looks at the back seat.)", "Nick: I've got a ripped-up pair of panties. Possibly the vic's. Bag that for me, will you?", "(He hands SARA the panties and picks up the ALS.)", "Nick: Whoa. s*x in the backseat.", "(SARA finds something.)", "Sara: Blister pack.", "(She finds something on the car floor.)", "Nick: What have you got?", "Sara: Ceramics, maybe?", "Nick: Hey, who's working trace tonight?", "Sara: Hodges.", "Nick: Oh, great. Guarantee you that kiss-ass will have the results to Grissom before we do.", "Sara: So I'm thinking the vic was car-jacked, dragged to a secluded location ...", "(Quick flashback to: A woman screams and is pulled into the back seat of the car. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: ... raped, murdered, body dumped. What do you think?", "Nick: Killer had her in the car. Easy getaway. But still, why take her all the way up the bleachers, to risk getting caught in a room with only one way out?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(ROBBINS goes over ALISON )", "Robbins: Cause of death was asphyxiation due to strangulation. Multiple round oval bruises over the interior and lateral neck with occasional crescentic red abrasions.", "Grissom: Fingertip bruises and fingernail scratches.", "Robbins: Apparently.", "Grissom: No ligature marks.", "Robbins: None that I could find, but take a look at this. (points to her neck) The, uh, bruises are concentrated on the left side of the neck. On the right side, there's only one.", "(GRISSOM puts his hand over the neck marks.)", "Grissom: Killer strangled her with his right hand. One hand only.", "Robbins: Yeah, prolonged pressure on the jugular.", "(Quick flashback to: ALISON CARPENTER is being held up against the wall by the killer's right hand around her neck. She struggles. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: He must have been looking right in her eyes.", "Robbins: Yeah, that takes hate. I'll get a measurement of the, uh, grip size.", "Grissom: What about the SART kit?", "Robbins: It's on Graves' desk, but he's pretty backed up, more than usual.", "Grissom: Bruises on her hands, her arms, upper torso -- it's consistent with rape.", "Robbins: Maybe not. I did a vaginal clock on her. Signs of activity at 11:00, 12:00, and 1:00, and that would imply rough s*x, not rape.", "Grissom: May have started as s*x, but it ended as murder.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT./INT. MOTEL ROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS and NICK check out ALISON CARPENTER'S motel room.)", "Brass: Alison Carpenter was a waitress at a coffee shop outside Omaha. The boss said that she asked for this week off over a month ago. And, uh, no immediate family.", "Nick: Single woman on vacation in Vegas ... alone?", "Brass: Yeah, weird. We're looking into it.", "Nick: Who takes a tape recorder with them on vacation?", "Brass: Well, I keep one by the bed. In case I dream anything useful.", "(NICK looks at BRASS.)", "Nick: Hmm?", "Brass: What? I can't have deep thoughts?", "(BRASS laughs.)", "Brass: Just kidding.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(DAVID HODGES catches up with GRISSOM in the hallway. GRISSOM is reading through a file.)", "David Hodges: Hey, boss. Just analyzed the evidence found in your vic's rent-a-car.", "Grissom: You should be telling Nick or Sara.", "David Hodges: (brushes it aside) Yeah, couldn't find them. They must be on another break. Anyway, the blister pack is methadone. 40 milligrams, former smack addict dose. (beat) And that ceramic chip? Not ceramic. It's acrylic with a quartz resin composite used primarily in dental crowns. Cheap ones.", "Grissom: Good work.", "David Hodges: Yeah, thank you. Listen, I'd like to think that and I ...", "Grissom: Now go tell Nick or Sara.", "(GRISSOM continues down the hallway leaving DAVID HODGES behind. He sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB - DAY]", "(JACQUI FRANCO goes over the partial print with GRISSOM.)", "Jacqui Franco: Problem is AGIS doesn't play real nice with partials. So here's what I'm going to do. I'll pick eight or nine distinctive features, run those through the system, and examine anything with a 60% or better match.", "Grissom: You could end up with over 100 hits.", "Jacqui Franco: You trying to discourage me? It's all about interpretation. Knowing what's commonplace, and what's unique.", "(JACQUI continues to work. The computer beeps. The monitor reads:", "No Match 4,742 Possible Matches Found", "(JACQUI lines a portion of the print. And continues the search. The computer beeps. The monitor reads:", "No Match 501 Possible Matches Found", "(She continues to work on the print and continues the search. The monitor reads:", "No Match 9 Possible Matches Found", "Jacqui Franco: That's where skill comes in.", "Grissom: You still have to check each one by hand.", "Jacqui Franco: You're going to have to sign my time sheet.", "(JACQUI and GRISSOM look at each other.)", "(GREG rushes into the lab excited at what he's found.)", "Greg: Grissom! I'm about to rock your world. The semen inside your victim -- I got a DNA match through CODIS. It's Jason Kent. Ring a bell? 1987, they called him \"The Circle Killer.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. APARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM walk down the hallway toward JASON KENT'S apartment. They're accompanied by other officers.)", "Brass: Guy's only been out of jail six weeks.", "(BRASS knocks on the door. JASON KENT opens it.)", "Brass: Las Vegas police. This a bad time?", "(BRASS walks into the apartment.)", "[INT. JASON KENT'S APARTMENT - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "Brass: You know, I know a couple of guys who worked your case. Viking circle? Remember that girl you suffocated while you were raping her? What was she, a cheerleader, homecoming queen, or both?", "Jason Kent: She was a friend.", "Brass: Oh, I didn't expect that. I expected you to say, uh, \"No, I'm innocent\" or \"No, it was an accident.\"", "Jason Kent: I served my time.", "Brass: That's right. You did the whole bit. The whole fifteen years. You're a hard-core ex-con. This must really piss you off.", "Jason Kent: You know what? I know the conditions of my release. So you can check whatever you'd like. You want to tell me what this is about?", "Brass: You're under arrest for the murder of Alison Carpenter. Last night, your old high school, go monarchs.", "Jason Kent: I'm not talking to you without a lawyer.", "Grissom: Looks like you bit your lip. May I see your hands, please?", "(JASON KENT holds out his hands. GRISSOM looks at them.)", "Recently clipped your nails, huh?", "Brass: And you're such a smart guy, bet you flushed them down the toilet.", "(GRISSOM checks out JASON KENT'S bathroom. He picks up the nail clippers. Camera zooms in to note that there's some skin still attached to the clippers.)", "(GRISSOM looks pleased with the find.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- BREAKROOM]", "(SARA sits at the table and takes her sandwich out of the bag. She takes a bite and looks up. In the hallway, GRISSOM walks with his nose in a file. He stops to sign some papers then continues on.)", "(SARA sees this. She gets up from her seat and follows him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY-LAB-HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM stops in the DNA lab where GREG is working.)", "Grissom: How'd you do with the nail clippers?", "Greg: Right over here. Figured it wasn't high priority since I'd already ID'd the semen in the victim.", "Grissom: That only proves that they had s*x. The nail clippers can place Jason Kent at the murder scene. His nails, her DNA, traces of the booth, et cetera.", "Greg: Killer, victim, location.", "Grissom: Holy trinity, Greg. I need that.", "(GRISSOM finishes with GREG and leaves the office.)", "(SARA follows him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY-A/V LAB-HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM stops in front of the A/V lab. He steps inside.)", "Grissom: So?", "Archie: Just getting started. I'll keep you posted.", "(GRISSOM steps out of the A/V lab into the hallway. He marks the clipboard in his hand and continues to walk down the hallway.)", "(SARA takes a deep breath and follows him with an intent to catch up to him.)", "(GRISSOM'S just a few steps in front of her. A Secretary catches up with him.)", "Secretary: Mr. Grissom, I have your phone messages.", "Grissom: Thank you.", "(GRISSOM heads down the hallway and into his office. A MAN walks into the office after him.)", "Man: Grissom, do you have a second?", "(SARA stops. She smiles at the ill-timing of it all, then instead of going to GRISSOM, she heads down the hallway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CHEM/DNA LAB -- CONTINUOUS]", "(GREG steps away from the fumer.)", "(It explodes.)", "(The force of the explosion sends GREG crashing through the glass wall behind him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[HALLWAY]", "(As SARA walks down the hallway, she is thrown off her feet by the explosion. GREG falls to the ground near her. There is glass everywhere. The lab is on fire and the fire system kicks on.)", "(Stunned, SARA raises her head and looks in front of her at GREG who is still conscious. He raises his head a little, then finally puts his head down.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "SLOW MOTION CAMERA", "(GREG is wheeled out on a gurney. He is conscious and lying on his side, the sounds around him garbled.)", "RESUME MOTION", "(GRISSOM walks next to the gurney as the EMT fills him in on GREG'S condition.", "EMT Technician: Vitals are stable. We've got full thickness burns on the neck and back.", "(GREG'S eyes open again and he looks around at the damage to his lab as they wheel him out.)", "(GRISSOM looks at GREG.)", "(They exit the building.)", "[EXT. CSI - PARKING LOT - DAY -C ONTINUOUS]", "(Outside, injured people are being attended to. JACQUI FRANCO turns around, her forehead cut. She's disoriented, but she sees the gurney come out of the building.)", "Voice: (o.s.) Burn unit. Let's move.", "(The EMTs wheel GREG out of the building. GRISSOM follows.)", "(ARCHIE, JACQUI and HODGES also follow.)", "(They put GREG into the EMT vehicle [#876] and close the doors.)", "Paramedic: All right. Let's move.", "(GRISSOM watches for a moment, then steps away. He looks around at the people and the damage, then spots SARA sitting on the ground, alone.)", "(Concerned, GRISSOM heads for her and kneels down in front of her.)", "Grissom: (quietly) Are you okay?", "(It takes her a moment, but SARA turns and looks at GRISSOM. She has a gash on her forehead and another across her cheek. She's also holding her left hand gingerly in her lap.)", "Sara: (dazed) Uh-huh.", "(GRISSOM looks down at her hand. He picks her hand up and sees the large bloodied gash on her palm.)", "Grissom: Honey, this doesn't look good.", "Sara: (shakes her head) It's fine.", "(SARA looks at GRISSOM.)", "Sara: Cleanup's going to be something. We should get started.", "(GRISSOM looks down at her hand.)", "Grissom: You need to get stitches.", "(SARA shakes her head again.)", "Sara: I'm okay.", "(She moves to stand up.)", "Grissom: (shouts) Would you take care of her hand, please?", "(GRISSOM grasps both her hands and helps SARA up. The PARAMEDIC walks over and escorts SARA away.)", "(DIRECTOR ROBERT COVALLO walks toward GRISSOM. He's on the phone.)", "Director Robert Covallo: (to phone) Yes, sir, I just got here. Several injuries, one serious. Fire department arson explosives are assessing the damage right now.", "(He hangs up and looks at the building. To GRISSOM)", "Director Robert Covallo: What'd you do to my lab, Grissom?", "(He walks away. GRISSOM follows.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM and DIRECTOR ROBERT COVALLO walk through the damaged lab.)", "Director Robert Covallo: I'm going to need a complete evidence inventory by case. What's been lost, what's contaminated, what's salvageable.", "Grissom: We have lims backup for every computer on the network. I'm sure we've only lost an hour or two of data.", "Director Robert Covallo: Well, we'll never sell that in court. Defense attorneys will rip us apart. That, uh, double murder movie star case last year, compromised evidence, lax procedures, mistakes.", "Grissom: We got a conviction on that.", "Director Robert Covallo: You got lucky. This is a priority. I want to know how this happened.", "Grissom: And who's to blame? I'm going to have Catherine run the investigation. I'm on a murder case.", "Director Robert Covallo: I'll be waiting for her report.", "(He turns and walks away leaving GRISSOM behind.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS is interviewing JASON KENT with his lawyer sitting next to him.)", "Brass: So what was your relationship again with Alison Carpenter?", "Attorney: (sighs) Once again, my client asserts his fifth amendment rights and declines to answer.", "Brass: Why bother? His semen was found inside the victim.", "Attorney: A finding from a crime unit that blows up its own DNA lab? You really think that's going to carry a lot of weight?", "Brass: (over speakers): I understand you're in a methadone program.", "Attorney: So what? My client's a recovering addict. He got hooked in prison. The war on drugs works about as well on the inside as it does on the street.", "Brass: Well, methadone puts him in the victim's car.", "Attorney: There are thousands of methadone users out there.", "Brass: With chipped dental crowns? We're going to need an orthodontic sample.", "Attorney: This is harassment. We're done cooperating here.", "(JASON KENT reaches into his mouth and pulls out his teeth. He tosses them onto the table.)", "Jason Kent: My third week in prison. Break the new guy's teeth, he can't bite down on something that's shoved in his mouth.", "(BRASS picks up the teeth and looks at it. He notices the chip.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB -- DAY]", "(ARCHIE and NICK go over the ALISON CARPENTER'S micro tape cassettes. In the background, officers put tape around the destroyed DNA lab.)", "Archie: All right. This is the third audio tape that we found from the bunch in her motel room. She recorded about nine hours in total. Started like this.", "(ARCHIE starts the tape recording for MAY 5, 2003 5:50 PM.)", "Alison Carpenter: (from tape) It's almost 6:00. I'm almost ready.", "(Quick flashback to: ALISON CARPENTER talks into her tape recorder while standing in front of the mirror.)", "Alison Carpenter: I know there's nothing to be nervous about, but I am. He's suffered so much. I'm going to help him remember who he really is.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: So, she knew Jason Kent. He wasn't just some random pickup.", "Archie: At first I thought maybe she was working on a book or something. Then I hit this. Day two.", "(ARCHIE turns on the next recording.)", "Alison Carpenter: (from tape) You threw four touchdowns that game, didn't you?", "(Quick flashback to: ALISON CARPENTER and JASON KENT are both on the high school football field.)", "Jason Kent: And ran for one from right here. Everybody was thinking pass ... I ran it right up the middle for six.", "Alison Carpenter: Sounds amazing. I wish I could have been there with you.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Archie: Is it just me or does it sound like she's in love with this guy?", "Nick: Maybe she was a murder groupie.", "(ARCHIE looks disbelieving at NICK.)", "Nick: Hey, Manson, the night stalker -- all those guys had them. I think for some freaks, killing's a turn-on, you know?", "Archie: Well, check this out. Day before the murder. Last thing on her tapes.", "Alison Carpenter: Well, this is an apartment and it is the right address, so I guess I'm just waiting here.", "(Quick flashback to: ALISON CARPENTER sits in her car. JASON KENT opens the door and gets into the front seat next to her.)", "Jason Kent: Let's go. Let's go. Start the car.", "Alison Carpenter: (concerned) Jason, what happened?", "(JASON KENT spits and a tooth falls out onto the floor.)", "Jason Kent: I don't want to talk about it.", "Alison Carpenter: This about Jesus Carden ...", "Jason Kent: Jesus Cardenas is a scumbag convict, and we're not talking about him.", "Alison Carpenter: Okay, I'm sorry.", "Jason Kent: Shut that thing off.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Run Jesus through NCIC. Cardenas.", "(ARCHIE types it in. The computer searches and finds the following results:", "ENTER SEARCH ON: JESUS CARDENAS", "{PHOTO}", "<< SEARCH COMPLETE >>", "NAME: JESUS CARDENAS ID NUMBER: 004575", "CONVICTIONS: HEROIN W/ POSSESSION", "HEROIN W/SALE", "MANSLAUGHTER", "CURRENTLY SERVING TWENTY-FIVE YEARSA AT THE WESTERN NEVADA CORRECTIONAL FACILITY.", "Archie: Jesus Cardenas. Heroin, possession for sale and manslaughter. Currently serving 25 at the Western Nevada Correctional Facility.", "Nick: The former residence of Jason Kent.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - GREG'S ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and WARRICK interview GREG who is conscious and lying on his side on the bed.)", "Greg: Look, I'm pretty tired.", "Catherine: This won't take long, Greg. We promise.", "Warrick: Why don't you tell us exactly what happened. As best as you can remember.", "Greg: I was working three cases. Mixing solvents.", "Catherine: Did you notice anything prior to the explosion? A power surge, a spark, a smell?", "Greg: Plastic. Burning plastic.", "(Quick flashback to: In the lab, GREG is standing in the lab next to the fumer.)", "Greg: (V.O.) I turned around to see where it was coming from.", "(He turns around and it explodes. Cut to: In the hallway, SARA hits the wall. GREG is thrown through the glass wall. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Greg: After that ... I'm sorry.", "Warrick: It's okay.", "Greg: We done?", "Catherine: Yeah, we're done. Feel better, all right?", "Warrick: Get some rest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(The fax machine prints out something. NICK picks it up and looks at it. It reads:", "... WESTERN NEVADA CORR FAC PAGE 3 OF 32", "WESTERN NEVADA CORRECTIONAL FACILITY INMATE APPROVED VISITOR LIST C BLOCK Inmate: KENT, JASON NV0086134", "Visitor: NUMBER TIME: IN", "-RETT, JULIA / NV00867876 / 14:0-", "-GAN, DIANNE / NV00803334 / 13:-", "-ILLMAN, DANNY / NV00863112 / 12:-", "-ORPE, TONY / NV00864457 /", "(The next fax page reads:", "... WESTERN NEVADA CORR FAC PAGE 17 OR 32", "WESTERN NEVADA CORRECTIONAL FACILITY INMATE APPROVED VISITOR LIST C BLOCK Inmate: CARDENAS, JESUS NV0080134", "Visitor: NUMBER TIME:IN", "EVERETT, LOU / NV00862876 /", "-- / NV00863334 / --", "-- / NV00863112 / --", "-- / NV00864457 / --", "(NICK looks at the faxes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OFFICE -- DAY]", "(NICK sits at his desk and goes over both faxes. The information on the page reads:", "... NEVADA CORR FAC PAGE 4 OF 32", "{LOGO} WESTERN NEVADA CORRECTIONAL FACILITY", "INMATE APPROVED VISITOR LIST", "C BLOCK", "Inmate: KENT, JASON NV0086134", "VISITOR / NUMBER / TIME", "-/2002 VALDEZ, MAX / NV00819877 / 12:--", "-/2002 KENDALL, BRAD / NV00869822 / --", "-/2002 GREEN, FAYE / NV00861198 / --", "-/2002 THORPE, TONY / NV00864457 / --", "-/2002 HILLMAN, DANNY / NV00863112 / --", "-/2002 RIGGS, JENNIFER / NV00869022 / --", "-/2002 LOGAN, DIANNE / NV00863334 / --", "-/2002 RAMIREZ, KENNY / NV0086--", "-/2002 MARITA, KIM / NV008--", "-/2002 PINE, DARREN / NV00861168 / --", "-/2002 RITTEN, CURT / NV008--", "-/2002 NELSON, AMELIA / NV008--", "-0/2002 NEELY, ALICE / NV008--", "-1/2002 DOYLE, MARK / NV008--", "-/12/2002 RIGGS, JENNIFER / NV008--", "-/12/2002 MARLOW, MELISSA / NV008--", "-/12/2002 RITTLE, MINA / NV008--", "-/13/2002 BRADLEY, VERONICA / NV008--", "-/14/2002 DUFFY, CINDY / NV008-- -/15/2002 CARPENTER, ALISON / NV008-- (highlighted in yellow)", "-/15/2002 HALL, JESSICA / NV008--", "-/15/2002 GREEN, FAYE / NV008--", "-/15/2002 ANDERSON, GWEN / NV008--", "-/19/2002 CULPEPER, RICK / NV008--", "-/19/2002 BARRETT, JULIA / NV008--", "-/19/2002 RICHARDS, JAKE / NV008-- -/20/2002 CARPENTER, ALISON / NV008-- (highlighted in yellow)", "-/20/2002 HARRIS, RENDA / NV008--", "-/20/2002 RIGGS, JENNIFER", "KENDALL, BRAD", "(NICK picks up the second fax.)", "... NEVADA CORR FAC PAGE 18 OF 32", "WESTERN NEVADA CORRECTIONAL FACILITY INMATE APPROVED VISITOR LIST C BLOCK Inmate: CARDENAS, JESUS NV0080136", "/ BUCKLY, DYLAN / NV00819877", "/ DELGADO, HECTOR / NV00869822", "/ RUNDLE, CHIP / NV00861198", "/ MARTIN, BOB / NV00864457", "/ LEWIS, BRAD / NV00863112", "/ KANE, PHILLIP / NV00869022", "/ WESTON, BEN / NV0086863334", "/ FRAM, DENNIS / NV00869917", "/ MATTHEWS, CHAD / NV0086--", "/ RITTEN, CURT / NV0086--", "/ MURDLE, JOE / NV0086--", "-/9/2002 LINDLOFF, ALEX / --", "-/10/2002 DUDEK, HANK / --", "-/11/2002 HALE, DUSTIN / --", "-/12/2002 TEMPLETON, ELIAS / --", "-/12/2002 MCFADDEN, HENRY / --", "-/12/2002 CANNON, JAMES / --", "-/13/2002 OVERTON, JESSE / --", "-/13/2002 TADERO, JIMMY / -/14/2002 CARPENTER, ALISON (highlighted)", "- /2002 TYNER, JOE", "- /2002 VALENTI, ROGER", "- /2002 HYDE, RYAN", "- /2002 HAYNES, PATRICK", "- /2002 EVERETT, LOU", "- /2002 RYCOFF, PAYNE", "(NICK takes a yellow highlighter pen and highlights ALISON CARPENTER'S name on the list.)", "4/10/2002 NEELY, ALICE", "4/11/2002 DOYLE, MARK", "4/12/2002 RIGGS, JENNIFER", "4/12/2002 MARLOW, MELISSA", "4/12/2002 RITTLE, MINA", "4/13/2002 BRADLEY, VERONICA", "4/13/2002 DUFFY, CINDY 4/14/2002 CARPENTER, ALISON (highlighted in yellow)", "4/15/2002 HALL, JESSICA", "4/15/2002 GREEN, FAYE", "4/15/2002 ANDERSON, GWEN", "4/19/2002 CULPEPER, RICK", "4/19/2002 BARRETT, JULIA", "4/19/2002 RICHARDS, JAKE", "4/19/2002 CARPENTER, ALISON", "HARRIS, RENDA", "(NICK leans back in his chair, a grim look on his face.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - LATE DAY TO EVENING]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(NICK reports back to GRISSOM.)", "Nick: Jesus Cardenas and Jason Kent were two prisoners with the same taste in visitors.", "Grissom: Alison Carpenter.", "Nick: (nods) Yeah, she visited Jason 13 times in the last 18 months. And the last two times, she also visited Jesus.", "Grissom: A murderer, his groupie and a heroin dealer, what a team.", "Nick: Mmm.", "Grissom: Does Western Nevada correctional use surveillance cameras in their visitation room?", "Nick: Yeah, and it's all cued up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- EVENING]", "(On screen, the surveillance camera from the Western Nevada Correctional Facility is running from 00:17:49:26 on.)", "Archie: It's pretty casual for prison.", "Grissom: It's medium security.", "Nick: Nicer criminals.", "Archie: Right. Anyway, every time we visit it pretty much went the same way. She sits down with Jason Kent, they talk for a little while, and Kent goes back to his cell. Then the last two visits, she stayed behind.", "(ARCHIE enhances the video of the man sitting at the table.)", "Nick: Jesus Cardenas.", "Archie: They're offscreen here for about five minutes.", "(On screen, ALISON CARPENTER stands up, JESUS CARDENAS follows. They go behind the back wall.)", "Archie: Then they come back to the table and she leaves.", "Grissom: Run that again. Can you enhance that?", "Archie: Yeah, I think so.", "(ARCHIE enhances the video and they see what's really happening behind the wall.)", "Nick: (laughs) Jason's little girlfriend was screwing a guy he hates.", "Grissom: Well, if you can't kill the one you want ... kill the one you're with.", "HARD CUT TO BLACK.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CHEM/DNA LAB]", "(WARRICK and CATHERINE stand in the middle of the lab.)", "Catherine: What a mess.", "Warrick: Want to strip it?", "Catherine: I'm thinking spiral with an overlap.", "Catherine: I'll head this way.", "Warrick: All right.", "(CATHERINE puts her things down. She and Warrick start to process the scene. WARRICK puts an evidence marker #6 down next to a piece of green glass.)", "(CATHERINE looks at the damage done to the contents on the countertop.)", "(Dissolve to: Cameras flash. Evidence markers are placed down. WARRICK puts down evidence marker #54 on the floor.)", "(CATHERINE puts down evidence marker #3 on the counter. She snaps a picture.)", "(She picks up a burned evidence baggie containing the nail clippers. The label reads:", "ARTICLE: NAIL CLIPPERS DATE {THIS PORTION IS BURNED}", "WHERE THIS ARTICLE WAS FOUND: JASON KENT ... INVESTIGATION OFFICER: G.G.", "(She puts the baggie down.)", "(Dissolve to: CATHERINE puts her clipboard down on the table. Camera cuts to Evidence marker #4 on the counter.)", "(WARRICK and CATHERINE continue to process the lab.)", "Catherine: Damage radiates from here.", "Warrick: Well ... there's no crater.", "Catherine: Yeah, so it's not a high explosive.", "Warrick: I guess we're looking for a combustible liquid?", "Catherine: Yeah. That narrows things down.", "(CATHERINE picks up the burner off of the ground. She looks at the switch and sees that it was pointed on.)", "Catherine: Somebody left the hot plate on inside of the fume hood. (beat) Genius.", "(WARRICK finds something.)", "Warrick: What do you think? Developer pan?", "Catherine: Presence of acetone, methanol, all kinds of combustibles.", "Warrick: Mix that with a heat source, and what have you got?", "Catherine: (indicates the lab) This.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM]", "(SARA stands in front of her open locker. She reaches and picks up her ID. She brushes she dust and dirt away from the front and stares at it.)", "(NICK walks by the open door and looks inside. He sees SARA and backs up.)", "Nick: (calls inside) Hey. You back on?", "Sara: Yeah. I hear you're going to prison.", "Nick: Hmm.", "(NICK leaves.)", "Nick: (o.s.) I'll meet you outside.", "(SARA closes the locker door and follows NICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "SLOW MOTION CAMERA", "(SARA walks down the same hallway. As she passes the wall, she imagines (and we see through superimposed CGI) she hears the explosion and sees the glass shatter around her. She flinches, but continues to walk down the hallway.)", "RESUME MOTION", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WESTERN NEVADA CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - VISITOR ROOM -- DAY]", "(NICK and SARA interview JESUS CARDENAS.)", "Nick: What can you tell us about Alison Carpenter?", "Jesus Cardenas: Knew her real well, but I guess you already know that.", "(He glances up at the security camera in the corner.)", "Jesus Cardenas: How did you like the show?", "Sara: Alison Carpenter is dead.", "Jesus Cardenas: I got an alibi.", "Sara: Yeah, you're completely innocent, and so, tell me, why would a woman like Alison Carpenter, who was obsessed with Jason Kent, have anything to do with you?", "Nick: You remember Jason. Two cells down. Hates your guts.", "Jesus Cardenas: A lot of anger in that boy. Not much sense. Doesn't understand how things work.", "Nick: In here or out there?", "Jesus Cardenas: Either way. It doesn't matter. This is still the U.S. Of A., my man. It's capitalism. Every one us a buyer or seller.", "Sara: Which one was Alison?", "Jesus Cardenas: Exchange of goods for services. I gave Jason credit, he walks out of here in debt. Thinks because he's on the outside, he don't have to pay. Man who doesn't pay his debt undermines the whole system.", "Sara: What did he owe you for?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(NICK and SARA fill GRISSOM in as they walk through the hallway.)", "Nick: We pulled Jason Kent's disciplinary file. He spent some time in solitary. His co caught him with heroin on two separate occasions. Once in, uh, '97 and again in '99.", "Grissom: Did our lab examine the physical evidence?", "Sara: Yeah, we pulled those records, too. The analysis had yielded a black tar heroin", "(Quick flashback to: Standing near the wire fence, JASON KENT inhales a smoke.)", "Sara: (V.O.) ... with trace amounts of blue and red linen fibers.", "(Quick CGI to: Inside the joint, the black tar heroin burns red and is swept inside through the filter. End of CGI.)", "(JASON KENT exhales. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Linen? In a prison?", "Sara: You know, they got him on the heroin once. They didn't follow up with the trace.", "Grissom: So how did Jason Kent get the heroin?", "Nick: Uh ... you-you know how these guys are. All they do 24/7 is figure out how to beat the system. We figure the drugs probably came from Jesus.", "(GRISSOM reaches the reception area and someone passes him a stack of papers.)", "Grissom: So what are we saying? Jesus sells Jason Kent heroin. Kent falls into debt, and pays him off with Alison Carpenter?", "(Quick flashback to: Inside the Correctional Facility's Interview Room, JASON KENT meets with ALISON CARPENTER.)", "Alison Carpenter: I'll-I'll get the money somehow. I'll work another shift, and we'll ... pay him later.", "Jason Kent: I owe him. And one way or another, he's going to collect.", "Alison Carpenter: I'll do whatever I have to do.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Yeah, they passed her around like a party favor.", "Sara: Actually ... she passed around herself.", "(GRISSOM turns around with the papers and walks away leaving NICK and SARA at the counter.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(WARRICK and CATHERINE interview DAVID HODGES as he works.)", "Catherine: We understand that you handled a meth lab yesterday.", "David Hodges: Contaminated filter papers. So what?", "Warrick: So, you had to do a solvent extraction? What did you use?", "David Hodges: Chloroform, methanol and acetone. I cleaned the pan.", "(HODGES looks up at them.)", "Warrick: Same way you turned off that hot plate?", "David Hodges: If it was on, it wasn't my fault. That thing gets turned on by accident all the time.", "(Quick flashback to: DAVID HODGES in the lab. Camera close up of the burner turned on to the #5 setting and burning red. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Mysterious dude defense.", "Catherine: Well, our report is going to reflect the fact that an active heat source was under the fume hood.", "(Quick flashback to: DAVID HODGES finishes up his experiment. He closes the fume hood. Camera close up of the hot plate still on. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "David Hodges: I know what this is. You guys hear the lies and rumors about me from L.A. You know how much Grissom depends on me. So you figure, let's get rid of him. I'll lawyer up before I let you pin the tail on the new donkey.", "Warrick: Start dialing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(JACQUI FRANCO goes over with GRISSOM the comparison of the partial with JASON KENT'S prints.)", "Jacqui Franco: Partial from your vic's ankle on the left. Jason Kent on the right.", "Grissom: One point of commonality?", "Jacqui Franco: That's it.", "Grissom: So it's not his print?", "Jacqui Franco: Couldn't be. 'Cause it belongs to another guy. Ten points of commonality. I think I could get a couple of more, not that we need it.", "(JACQUI FRANCO hits the keyboard and shows the ID of the print match. It reads:", "Match Found: Miguel Durado", "Case ID: (4845-2097)", "{photo}", "MIGUEL DURADO A.D.A. \"Mickey D\" Las Vegas, Nevada", "CRIMINAL RECORD: *10-23-01 Petty Theft *11-29-02 Vandalism *01-05-03 Possession of Heroin", "(trial *** - not guilty)", "GANG AFFILIATIONS: A Las Culebras", "Grissom: Miguel Durado. Mickey D. Las Culebras.", "(Quick flashback to: JESUS CARDENAS. Camera close up of a snake tattoo on the side of his neck. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Jacqui Franco: What's the connection?", "Grissom: Jesus Cardenas is in the same game. Mickey D. Could be the guy who's getting the heroin into the prison.", "Jacqui Franco: How did his prints turn up at the scene?", "Grissom: I'm not sure how, but I may see a potential why.", "(Quick flashback to: In the announcer's box, JASON KENT and ALISON CARPENTER are making out. JASON takes his shirt off. The door opens and MICKEY D walks inside interrupting them.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Could be Mickey D. is collecting Jason Kent's debt.", "(JASON KENT turns around. MICKEY D. punches JASON KENT and sends him down. MICKEY D. grabs ALISON CARPENTER. She struggles He kills her.)", "Mickey Durado: One way or another, you got to pay what you owe. Suze can't wait to see you again.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Jason Kent was suitable for framing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE ROOM]", "(CATHERINE is inside the room putting all the pieces together. She has a schematic of the CHEM/DNA LAB in front of her. It's littered with blue dots where the evidence from HODGES was found.)", "(She picks up a baggie with the label that reads:", "DATE: 5-7-03", "... OFFICER: CW", "EVIDENCE DESCRIPTION: DEVELOPER PAN", "LOCATION: CSI - FINGERPRINT LAB", "(She adds a final blue dot to the map, then removes the plastic covering with blue dots on it.)", "(She picks up another baggie with the following label:", "ARTICLE: GREEN GLASS SHARD", "DATE/TIME COLLECTED: 5-7-03", "WHERE ARTICLE FOUND: DNA", "... OFFICER: CW", "(She looks around at the plastic covering with green dots on it. She picks up another baggie containing another piece of green glass. She looks down at the pattern of green dots on the plastic covering. There is a definite pattern to it.)", "(CATHERINE realizes what happened and who caused it.)", "(WARRICK walks into the room.)", "Warrick: Hey.", "Catherine: Hey.", "(WARRICK looks around at her progress.)", "Warrick: Oh, you work fast. Which color charts Hodges' developer pan?", "Catherine: Blue.", "(CATHERINE puts the plastic covering with the blue dots over the room layout.)", "Warrick: The blue. That's 180-degree array. That's not the epicenter of the explosion.", "Catherine: Hodges' pan wasn't the source. It got pushed out.", "(Quick flashback to: The explosion in slow motion. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: By what?", "(CATHERINE puts the plastic covering with the green dots over the room layout.)", "Catherine: By this. High primary frag.", "(Quick flashback to: The glass container with the green liquid in the bag on the table under the fumer. Camera pans around the glass as it explodes in slow motion sending the green glass throughout the lab. Motion resumes. The explosion continues in real time. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Then who blew up the lab?", "Catherine: I did.", "(CATHERINE turns and looks at WARRICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MIGUEL DURADO'S APARTMENT BUILDING - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(BRASS rushes up the stairway. Two officers and SARA follow him toward MIGUEL DURADO'S apartment. They stop outside his apartment door.)", "(He signals the officers to take up position. BRASS takes out his weapon. He nods at the officer. The OFFICER kicks the door open.)", "Brass: Las Vegas police!", "Officer: Miguel Durado. We know you're here! Come out!", "[INT. MIGUEL DURADO'S APARTMENT BUILDING -- DAY]", "(SARA waits a beat out side the doorway in the hallway. She follows them inside. She takes out her weapon as the officers search the apartment.)", "(SARA kicks in the bathroom door where MIGUEL DURADO is inside.)", "Sara: I got him!", "Brass: Get back!", "(BRASS pushes SARA aside and apprehends MIGUEL DURADO. An officer takes out his cuffs to handcuff him.)", "Officer: Okay? You got him?", "Brass: Yeah, I got him.", "(BRASS walks up to SARA.)", "Brass: Okay. Holster your weapon. What were you doing? What were you thinking? You know that we clear the room, not you.", "Sara: I got him.", "Brass: You're all done, hombre.", "(He sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(GRISSOM looks at the photos spread out on his desk of the different bruises found on ALISON CARPENTER.)", "(The phone rings. He answers it.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom.", "Woman: (from phone) Director Covallo is ready to see you.", "Grissom: (to phone) Okay, thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DIRECTOR COVALLO'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and GRISSOM sit in front of DIRECTOR COVALLO'S desk.)", "Catherine: CSI Brown and I had collected evidence on a case involving a woman whose husband had collapsed. We suspected poison. When we returned to the lab ...", "Director Robert Covallo: You hadn't identified the liquid?", "Catherine: Not yet, no.", "Director Robert Covallo: And it was consumed in the explosion so I guess we'll never know what it was. In any event, you placed this unidentified chemical under the fume hood.", "Catherine: Right.", "Director Robert Covallo: Next to an active heat source.", "Catherine: I didn't know that at the time.", "Director Robert Covallo: Because you didn't check.", "(Quick flashback to: CATHERINE walks into the lab. She opens the fume hood and puts the bagged container with the green liquid under it next to the burner. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Unlogged evidence gets placed under the fume hood. A hot plate was left on. It's a lab. It's nobody's fault.", "Catherine: It's my responsibility. I didn't follow procedure.", "Director Robert Covallo: Why not?", "Catherine: Because there's 24 hours in the day and I'm pulling 16 for the county, spending three pretending to sleep and the other five lying to my daughter that everything's going to be all right.", "Director Robert Covallo: There were 13 active cases in DNA. They are all now tainted or destroyed.", "Catherine: What do you want to hear? I screwed up. I'm sorry.", "Director Robert Covallo: \"Sorry\" doesn't cut it. You're on suspension. Five days unpaid leave.", "(CATHERINE stands up and leaves the office. GRISSOM gets up to follow her. DIRECTOR COVALLO stops him.)", "Director Robert Covallo: Grissom. We're not done here. I've heard rumors that you've been kicking back Willows' reports.", "Grissom: One report. The Jenkins case. She made a miscalculation. I've asked her to reissue the report.", "Director Robert Covallo: Great. Well, while you're at it, maybe she can reissue the lab explosion. (beat) Let me explain something to you.", "(DIRECTOR COVALLO turns sideways to face the wall away from GRISSOM.)", "AUDIO STARTS TO FADE OUT", "Director Robert Covallo: Every one of us ...", "(GRISSOM focuses in on DIRECTOR COVALLO'S lips and tries to read it.)", "Director Robert Covallo: (audio fading) In this building, all of us ...", "AUDIO FADES OUT COMPLETELY", "(DIRECTOR COVALLO continues to speak. GRISSOM interrupts him.)", "Grissom: Robert. If you have something to say to me, say it to my face.", "(The DIRECTOR turns to look at GRISSOM.)", "Director Robert Covallo: Okay. It's not your job to protect your people. It's to protect the integrity of this lab.", "Grissom: Without the people, there is no lab.", "(GRISSOM leaves the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MIGUEL DURADO'S APARTMENT -- DAY]", "(NICK walks into the apartment past MIGUEL DURADO who stands handcuffed in the middle of the room. BRASS sits on the arm of the nearby couch. NICK makes his way to SARA who is going through papers.)", "Nick: I hear you think you're indestructible now, Sara.", "(SARA looks at NICK.)", "Nick: Have you ever had a gun drawn on you, Sara?", "Sara: No, I haven't.", "(SARA opens the desk drawer and finds something unusual.", "Sara: Hey, Nick.", "Nick: Hmm?", "Sara: Know those red and blue fibers we found in Jason Kent's heroin?", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Sara: I think I know where they came from.", "(Quick flashback to: MIGUEL DURADO cutting out the faces of the dollar bills. He glues the heroin to the back of the cut out center of the bill and puts it back on the dollar. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(SARA turns to look at MIGUEL DURADO.)", "Sara: Take the G.W. bridge?", "Mickey Durado: I don't know what you're talking about.", "(NICK notices the cut on MIGUEL'S forehead.)", "Nick: Did you cut yourself shaving or were you just thinking too hard?", "Mickey Durado: Police brutality. You ever hear of it?", "Nick: Those are human bite marks.", "Mickey Durado: Yeah? His.", "Brass: You're not looking at assault, Mick. You're looking at murder.", "Miguel Durado: What?", "Sara: You have Jason Kent's teeth marks on your head.", "(Quick flashback to: MIGUEL DURADO grabs JASON KENT by his shirt and head butts him in the mouth. JASON KENT falls back against the wall clutching his mouth. MIGUEL DURADO continues down the hallway. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: And your fingerprints are on Alison Carpenter's body.", "Mickey Durado: You're not putting this murder rap on me. It was that freak Jason. He did it.", "Brass: We're placing you at the scene.", "Mickey Durado: Yeah. I was there ... for the money. I told him that he had one day to pay up what he owed. Make everything right with Jesus. That's it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM re-interview JASON KENT with his lawyer there.)", "Brass: You know, it's not a bad deal for prison. Mickey D. brings the heroin to Jesus Cardenas and you trade him a woman for smack.", "Lawyer: Testimony from Mickey D.? Hearsay from a gangbanger?", "Brass: Oh, there's more. You left prison without paying your tab and when Jesus sent his collection agency after you, you figured you'd pay him back just the way you did in the joint.", "Grissom: We know that you had s*x with Alison Carpenter that night. Most probably in her car.", "Brass: Get her in the mood.", "(Quick flashback to: JASON KENT leads ALISON CARPENTER up the bleachers. He stops and turns around to her.)", "Jason Kent: I want you to do something for me.", "Alison Carpenter: Anything you want.", "Jason Kent: Good, come on.", "(Cut to: They go into the announcer's box where MIGUEL DURADO is waiting.)", "Jason Kent: This get us square?", "Mickey Durado: Yeah. For now.", "Jason Kent: Take care of him.", "Alison Carpenter: No, I don't want to.", "Jason Kent: You said you'd help me.", "Alison Carpenter: I did help you.", "Jason Kent: Alison, just one time. Come on.", "Alison Carpenter: No!", "(JASON KENT grabs ALISON CARPENTER and pushes her up against the wall, holding her there, his hand around her neck. She struggles.)", "(MIGUEL DURADO closes his eyes.)", "(JASON KENT kills her. ALISON CARPENTER falls to the ground dead.)", "(MIGUEL DURADO walks toward the door.)", "Jason Kent: You're in on this.", "(MIGUEL reaches the door but can't open it wide enough to get out. The door hits ALISON CARPENTER'S leg. MIGUEL reaches down, picks up her ankle and moves her leg out of the way.)", "Miguel Durado: You're going back in the joint, freak.", "(MIGUEL leaves.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Lawyer: You can't prove any of this. You have no evidence that places my client at the scene.", "Grissom: Would you place your hand -- your right hand -- on this paper, please? Extend the fingers outward.", "(JASON KENT puts his hand on the paper. GRISSOM takes an outline of his hand.)", "Attorney: You have a known gang member in custody and yet you persist in harassing my client.", "Brass: You're protective, aren't you?", "Attorney: Of my clients.", "(BRASS takes out a sheet of paper and shows it to the lawyer.)", "Brass: Do you pay the rent for all your clients or just the ones you really like?", "(GRISSOM pulls out a piece of paper.)", "Grissom: Mickey D ... has a hand span of 19 centimeters. The hand that strangled Alison Carpenter ... has a span of 22 centimeters.", "(GRISSOM measures the hand span.)", "Grissom: And your hand ...", "(GRISSOM shows the results to them.)", "Grissom: ... 22 centimeters.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The Officers escort JASON KENT out of the interview room and down the hallway past BRASS and GRISSOM.)", "Brass: You going to go to the DA with a connect-the-dots hand on a piece of tracing paper?", "Grissom: It's all we got that links him to the murder. Everything else blew up in the lab.", "Brass: The guy's going to walk.", "Grissom: Yep.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - GREG'S ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE stands in the hospital room waiting for GREG to wake up. GREG groans and opens his eyes. He sees CATHERINE standing by the window.)", "Greg: What time is it?", "Catherine: Late.", "Greg: How long have you been here?", "Catherine: A while. (pause) I got a little time on my hands.", "Greg: You figured out what happened in the lab, didn't you?", "Catherine: Yeah.", "(CATHERINE pulls up a chair and sighs.)", "Catherine: Yeah, and, um ... I wanted you to hear it from me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM sits at the corner of his desk riffling through his rolodex. He finds a card:", "DR. KAREN ROTH, ENT", "SUNDOWN MEDICAL GROUP", "?9548 DESERT WAY", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89108", "(SARA appears in the doorway and leans against the door frame.)", "Sara: You ... got a minute?", "(GRISSOM looks up and takes the card out of the rolodex.)", "Grissom: I was just leaving.", "Sara: Yeah, the, uh, schedule says you're off tonight.", "Grissom: I am.", "Sara: Me, too.", "(GRISSOM tucks his glasses into his pocket.)", "Grissom: You should be on paid leave.", "Sara: I'm fine.", "Grissom: You were fortunate. And I'm not talking about the explosion.", "Sara: You, uh, you talked to Brass?", "Grissom: And Nick.", "(GRISSOM gathers his things.)", "Sara: We got the guy.", "(He stands up and takes a couple of steps toward the door.)", "Grissom: Is that all you have to say?", "Sara: Would you like to have dinner with me?", "(GRISSOM stops.)", "Grissom: No.", "Sara: Why not? Let's ... let's have dinner. Let's see what happens.", "Grissom: Sara ...", "(GRISSOM pauses and sighs.)", "Grissom: I don't know what to do about this.", "Sara: (nods) I do.", "(They look at each other.)", "Sara: You know, by the time you figure it out, you really could be too late.", "(SARA turns and leaves. GRISSOM stares after her. He takes a step forward, then reaches out and turns off his office lights. GRISSOM leaves.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Play with Fire
[ "The CSIs are called upon to investigate a bank robbery during which Detective Lockwood is shot and killed. Things get personal for Catherine when the evidence leads to casino owner Sam Braun. Grissom finally makes a decision about his hearing." ]
[ "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "(Cut to: Camera close up of automatic weapons being locked and loaded.)", "(Cut to: Close up of a man's eyes, his face camouflaged and covered.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY/CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "(Cut to: Men in camouflage sit side by side in the vehicle. Camera close up of a watch which reads 3:15 p.m.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - DAY]", "(The bank teller hands the customer his cash. The sign next to the teller reads: Transactions after 3:00 p.m. will be processed on the next business day. The teller smiles and continues to do business with the customer.)", "(Inside the bank, there's a line waiting for the next available teller.)", "(The little boy at the front of the line turns around and looks at DET. CYRUS LOCKWOOD who stands near the end of the line. LOCKWOOD searches his pockets and pushes his jacket aside. On his waist is his gun and badge. LOCKWOOD notices the little boy watching him. The little boy smiles and continues to stare at LOCKWOOD. JIMMY'S MOM notices JIMMY staring at LOCKWOOD.)", "Jimmy's Mom: Jimmy, stop staring.", "(JIMMY looks up at his mom and smiles. JIMMY'S MOM smiles at LOCKWOOD.)", "Det. Cyrus Lockwood: (smiling) It's okay, ma'am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The white van stops in front of the bank. The back doors open and men with guns get out.)", "(The men head for the front door quickly.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The gunmen open the front door. The guard standing in front of the door turns around. The first gunman swings his fist and knocks the guard in the jaw. The guard spins around and falls to the floor.)", "(The customers in the bank turn around to see what the commotion is about.)", "(The second gunman raises his weapon to the ceiling and fires, getting everyone's attention. The customers start to scream.)", "Gunman: Up against the glass, now! GUNMAN: Come on. Let's go. Move it! GUNMAN: Move it! Come on. Let's go!", "(The customers rush toward the teller glass to comply.)", "Gunman: (to the other gunman) Let's go. Let's go! Up there!", "(One of the gunmen heads straight for the security camera and starts to cover the lens.)", "(LOCKWOOD watches everything happen cautiously. He puts his checkbook back into his breast pocket and heads for the glass with the rest of the customers.)", "Gunman: Get near the glass. Don't move!", "(One of the gunmen gathers the customers to make sure that they comply.)", "[SECURITY CAMERA VIEW]", "(The gunman climbs up the chair, stares into the camera, and starts smudging something black onto the lens. The view of the gunman and the rest of the bank is slowly blackened out.)", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - CONTINUOUS]", "(The gunman points his gun at JIMMY'S MOM.)", "Gunman: (loudly) Lady! One peep, and you die. GUNMAN: The boy, too.", "(LOCKWOOD hears the threat.)", "(The final gunman walks into the bank. He walks up to the teller glass.)", "Gunman: Hands on the wall, now! Move it!", "(The gunman fires at the teller glass and breaks it. The women scream. JIMMY'S MOM pulls JIMMY aside as the glass shatters around them. She puts her arms protectively around JIMMY'S head.)", "(The gunman jumps onto the teller counter and heads for the bank vault. He grabs the BANK MANAGER with his hands up standing in front of the glass doors. He pushes him in through the glass doors and follows him.)", "Gunman: Move it, let's go! Come on! Come on! Come on!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - VAULT - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(POV inside the vault. The front doors of the vault are clear and see through. The GUNMAN pushes the BANK MANAGER up against the door.)", "Gunman: Move! Let's go! Let's go! GUNMAN: Open it!", "(The BANK MANAGER hurriedly punches in a \"5\", a \"4\" & several other numbers on the keypad in front of the glass doors.)", "Gunman: Open it! Open it! GUNMAN: Open it!", "(The GUNMAN opens the doors and walks inside the vault. He looks for a specific box. He puts down his bag and pulls out some explosives. He sticks it on the four corners of the bank box. The third explosive pack goes on the bottom right corner of box #748.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - MAIN FLOOR - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The GUNMAN walks around the customers and purposefully aims his gun at one of the customers.)", "Gunman: You! Don't look at me!", "Woman: (hysterical) (b.g.) I have to get out of here!", "(The GUNMAN turns to the other customers.)", "Gunman: Any one of you moves a muscle, I'll blow you away.", "Woman: (whimpering) (b.g.) Oh, my god!", "(LOCKWOOD turns and looks at the GUNMAN.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - VAULT - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The GUNMAN inside the vault finishes putting on the explosives packs on the corners surrounding a particular box.)", "(When finished, he grabs his bag and runs out of the vault. He kneels down just outside the glass doors and takes out a detonator. He pushes the buttons on the small black box.)", "(Quick CGI to: The camera travels rapidly along the vault boxes toward The specific box and stops at the explosives pack on the bottom right corner where the red light on the receiver unit starts to blink and beep. End of CGI. Resume to present.)", "(It explodes.)", "(The boxes are ripped out of the vault, paper and things strewn on the vault floor. The center box flies out from the wall panel.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - DAY -CONTINUOUS]", "(LOCKWOOD and the customers hear and feel the vault explode. JIMMY flinches and he's pulled in closer to his mom.)", "(LOCKWOOD turns and sees the GUNMAN lower his gun a bit. LOCKWOOD keeps his eye on the GUNMAN and slowly reaches for his weapon.)", "(JIMMY moves. His mom turns to get him. The GUNMAN sees the sudden movement. He turns and swings around and sees LOCKWOOD with his weapon out. The GUNMAN fires and hits LOCKWOOD. LOCKWOOD falls to the ground.)", "(JIMMY'S MOM screams.)", "(The GUNMAN from inside the vault runs out carrying his bag.", "Gunman: Got it! Go! Go! GUNMAN: Let's go!", "(He jumps over the counter. Without a glance at LOCKWOOD, the gunmen heads out the front door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The gunmen walk out of the building.)", "(Cut to: The gunmen pass the FIRST MONUMENT BANK sign.)", "(Cut to: The gunmen climb into the back of the white van.)", "Gunman: Go! Go! Go!", "(The last GUNMAN closes the van's back doors after everyone is inside. The van speeds away.)", "(As soon as the van turns the corner. Several police cars arrive in front of the building.)", "(The officers exit the vehicles and set up a blockade of sorts in front of the bank. Their car doors are open, the officers are kneeling and pointing their weapons at the bank. In the background, we see the white van turn the corner and travel out of camera sight.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - DAY]", "(The police sirens blare as they turn the corner onto the street. Gunshots are fired on the police vehicles. They stop in front of the bank. OFFICERS exit the vehicle with their weapons drawn.)", "FLASH TO WHITE:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK -- DAY]", "(Armed OFFICERS exit the building. GRISSOM makes his way to the front of the building. The alarms blare.)", "AUDIO FADES OUT", "(We don't hear the alarm anymore. GRISSOM ducks under the crime scene tape and walks up to the building.)", "AUDIO OFF", "(GRISSOM shakes his head and looks up at the alarm bell. He hears nothing.)", "(CATHERINE walks up to GRISSOM from behind. GRISSOM stares at the bank's alarm.)", "Catherine: (muffled) What a day to come back to work.", "(CATHERINE walks past GRISSOM toward the front doors. She turns around to look at him.)", "Catherine: Coming?", "AUDIO FADES IN", "(The alarm sound grows louder.)", "(After a moment, he follows CATHERINE into the bank.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - MAIN AREA - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(CATHERINE and GRISSOM walk into the bank. DAVID PHILLIPS is working on LOCKWOOD'S body. BRASS kneels down next to him.)", "Brass: This crew was in and out. Three, maybe four guys, depending on who you talk to. Detective Lockwood drew his weapon protecting a woman and a child.", "(BRASS picks up LOCKWOOD'S badge.)", "Catherine: Wrong place, wrong time.", "Brass: There is no right time to kill a cop.", "(GRISSOM looks around. He notices the glass windows and heads for them.)", "David Phillips: I only see one bullet wound through the back.", "Brass: Yeah, witnesses say that he was, uh, taken down with a single shot.", "(CATHERINE notices and follows him. GRISSOM takes off his glasses.)", "Grissom: Beveled edges on the inside. The shot came from outside. We need to get a picture of this.", "Catherine: These guys were pros. (to BRASS) How much did they get?", "Brass: (stands) According to the tellers, they weren't interested in money.", "Grissom: What were they interested in?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - VAULT -- DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(BRASS leads GRISSOM and CATHERINE into the vault. The place is a mess. Electricity crackles and hisses.)", "Grissom: See the blast marks? Charges were placed in corner quadrants. Four boxes up, five across. The rest looks like collateral damage.", "Catherine: Whoever did this knew precisely what they were after.", "Grissom: Well, the one good thing about their precision ... it'll narrow our focus.", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK -- DAY]", "AUDIO MUFFLED", "(GRISSOM has his back to the door and is staring off at something. SARA, WARRICK and NICK walk into the bank.)", "Sara: (muffled) I heard \"officer down.\" I didn't know it was Lockwood.", "Warrick: (muffled) Wonder what he was doing here. He's supposed to be off duty.", "Nick: (muffled): He was only 34 years old.", "(CATHERINE walks up to them.)", "Catherine: (muffled) All right, good. All here. We've got a lot of work to do.", "(CATHERINE looks at GRISSOM who still has his back to the group, unaware that they're all there waiting for him.)", "Catherine: Grissom...", "RESUME AUDIO", "(CATHERINE walks up to GRISSOM and puts a hand on his shoulder, startling him. He turns around.)", "Catherine: Grissom?", "Grissom: Sorry. I was thinking.", "Catherine: Well, I was thinking that we need to start processing this bank.", "Grissom: Right. I'll take the safety deposit boxes. Sara, you're with me.", "(GRISSOM and SARA walk out toward the vaults.)", "Nick: Radio car's shot up pretty good. I'll dig around in there.", "(NICK heads out the front door.)", "Warrick: (pointing up) Take the cameras.", "(CATHERINE looks up at the cameras.)", "VERY SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "SECURITY CAMERA'S POV", "(WARRICK swabs off some of the black stuff covering the camera lens.)", "Warrick: They made sure we didn't have eyes.", "Catherine: Check the tape anyway.", "Brass: (runs in) I think we found the getaway vehicle.", "Catherine: Where?", "Brass: Block from the off-ramp. Coroner's en route.", "Catherine: The coroner?", "Brass: The driver's dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - VAULT - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(SARA and GRISSOM work the vault. SARA snaps pictures; GRISSOM checks out the floor. He find something.)", "Grissom: Electric blasting cap.", "(SARA turns to look.)", "Sara: Brown leg wires feeding into the grommet.", "Grissom: Means they could've used C-4.", "(GRISSOM looks up at the lock boxes.)", "Grissom: Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, and Arizona.", "(Quick CGI to: Camera zooms in on the explosive device with its flashing red light stuck to the lock boxes. Camera zooms in and through the light and through the wires where the electricity passes through the explosives and explodes.)", "(Cut to: The locked box in the center of the four explosive devices pops right out amidst other paper items. End of CGI. Resume to SARA.)", "Sara: Four corners.", "Grissom: What does that tell us?", "Sara: Whatever they were looking for was definitely in the center.", "Grissom: The Monroe Effect: All force generated towards one central area.", "Sara: How are we ever going to find out what's missing?", "(GRISSOM looks around and finds something.)", "Grissom: I just found the detonator.", "Sara: I'll get it fumed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - PARKING LOT - DAY --CONTINUOUS]", "(NICK is examining the car outside. CATHERINE walks up to him.)", "Catherine: What have you got?", "Nick: Radio car traveled about 15 feet after being hit. I followed the leakage back to its original position. Two in the hood, one in the windshield, Lockwood. High power, long range.", "Catherine: I'll take any part of that bullet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY - DAY -CONTINUOUS]", "(CATHERINE and BRASS make their way to the getaway van. CATHERINE looks)", "Brass: Oh, god.", "Catherine: Near decapitation. Wire's still around his neck.", "Brass: The driver became a liability after the heist. No honor among thieves, I guess.", "Catherine: Tells us something about them.", "(Quick flashback to: The van is parked. The driver looks back behind him.)", "Driver: Hey, why are we stopping here?", "(The gunman pulls a wire and kills the driver.)", "Gunman: (raspy) Your job is finished.", "(The remaining GUNMEN get out of the white van and drive off in another vehicle.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(LOCKWOOD is on the table. ROBBINS pulls out the bullet and puts it in the metal tray. He continues to work on the body.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK -- DAY]", "(NICK pops the front hood of the car. He's looking for the bullet. He extracts the bullet.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - VAULT -- DAY]", "(SARA starts putting the lockboxes back into their slots.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM is working on the video from the security camera.)", "(On tape, the time clock starts at ??:27:22 where the GUNMAN runs into the bank and heads straight for the security camera at full speed. There is no hesitation. He jumps up and smears black stuff on the lens with his hand. The clock ends on ??:32:03.)", "(GRISSOM sits in front of the video. WARRICK stands off to the side.)", "Warrick: Lockwood was a good cop. It's too bad. (beat) Grissom, I just talked to Hodges. That black substance from the camera lens? The FTIR spit back magnesium aluminum, silicate, talc, methylparaben, and sunscreen. All of these chemicals are consistent with camouflage cream.", "Grissom: Blackface paint.", "(Quick flashback to: One of the gunmen putting on black face paint. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: My guess is the same stick they used to cover up that camera lens, they used to paint their faces with. I just found an eyelash in it.", "(GRISSOM turns to look at WARRICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY --DAY]", "(GRISSOM walks rapidly down the hallway. In the back in front of the counter is ROBBINS. He sees GRISSOM and calls out to him. GRISSOM turns around.)", "Robbins: Gil. I was just coming to see you.", "(ROBBINS walks to GRISSOM and hands him the baggie.)", "Robbins: I pulled the bullet from Cyrus Lockwood. Fully intact, well preserved.", "Grissom: You didn't have to bring this over. We could've picked it up.", "Robbins: I wanted to. Every day I see people I don't know, but I saw a lot of Lockwood, and I did get to know him. I felt like I owed it to him.", "Grissom: Thanks, doctor.", "Robbins: Yeah.", "(GRISSOM turns and heads down the hallway. Camera holds on ROBBINS.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM opens the door and enters the lab. CATHERINE is already there behind the computer. GRISSOM holds up the baggie.)", "Grissom: We got a bullet.", "Catherine: We got prints. Getaway driver. Larry Whiting. 29.", "(GRISSOM looks over CATHERINE'S shoulder. On the computer monitor they see the following:", "RAMPART CASINO EMPLOYMENT CAR", "{PHOTO ON RIGHT)", "NAME: LARRY WHITING", "OCCUPATION: VALET", "Employee #: 948249245", "SIGNATURE", "(She moves the employment card information aside to show the record underneath. It reads:", "Match Found: Larry Whiting", "Case ID: 4845-20154 {photo on left} Larry Whiting Las Vegas, Nevada", "CRIMINAL RECORD: * 10-05-99 Assault * 11-12-98 Drunk and Disorderly", "Served: 12-10-98 till 06-22-00", "Catherine: He was convicted of assault and drunk and disorderly five years ago. Did some time.", "Grissom: Occupation: Valet at the rampart. Isn't that one of Sam Braun's hotels?", "Catherine: Mm-hmm.", "Grissom: You have to have a non-gaming work card to park cars at a Vegas casino. How does a guy with a criminal record get one?", "Catherine: He doesn't.", "Grissom: Unless he was juiced in by Sam Braun.", "Catherine: Well, it is his hotel. It's his call, ultimately.", "Grissom: Yeah? Well, it's our case, so it's our call.", "Catherine: Mmm.", "Grissom: Check it out.", "(GRISSOM heads out the front door. CATHERINE turns around to stop him.)", "Catherine: I may be compromised. You know I have a personal relationship with the guy.", "Grissom: You'll be fine.", "(GRISSOM leaves the room. Camera holds on CATHERINE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CASINO - MAIN FLOOR -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE walks across the main casino floor she stops. Across the casino, she sees SAM BRAUN talking with some people. He turns and sees her. He smiles and waves at her.)", "(She smiles and waves back.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CASINO - BAR - DAY -CONTINUOUS]", "(CATHERINE and SAM sit at the bar.)", "Sam Braun: I'm going to have to talk to H.R. about this Larry Whiting. Human resources is never supposed to process anyone with a record.", "Catherine: Well, his record caught up with him, Sam. We suspect he was involved in the First Monument Bank robbery. Getaway driver ... except everyone got away but him.", "Sam Braun: I have to tell you, Mugs, name doesn't ring a bell.", "Catherine: (laughs) Sam ... That's like you telling me when I was a kid that you were too tired to drive home every night when you were sleeping with my mother.", "Sam Braun: Well, you can't fault a fellow for wanting to be with his two best girls.", "Catherine: All right.", "Sam Braun: Where is all of this leading?", "Catherine: Well, last year, one of your cocktail waitresses is murdered. Still unsolved.", "Sam Braun: She worked at another one of my hotels -- the Whiskey Town.", "Catherine: And this Whiting guy worked here at the Rampart ... They're both your hotels .... How does that look for business?", "Sam Braun: Mugs, I got a P.R. Department that deals with that. When one white tiger killed another one in the secret garden at the Mirage, the P.R. Department had it buried on page 16e, under the car ads, about ... this big.", "Catherine: Right. They made it go away.", "Sam Braun: Some things are people's business. Some things aren't.", "Catherine: Well, this is my business. It's not going to go away.", "Sam Braun: Then I'll be rooting for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY - PLAZA HOTEL -- (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WHITING RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS and WARRICK stand outside the door. BRASS has his gun out. WARRICK turns on his flashlight and puts his hand on his gun.)", "Brass: Las Vegas police. Manager said he lived alone.", "(BRASS opens it and they enter.)", "[INT. WHITING RESIDENCE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(BRASS heads off in one direction, WARRICK looks around the living room where he sees LARRY WHITING'S uniform and name tag. He also finds LARRY WHITING'S ID card.)", "Warrick: If this getaway driver's stupid enough to get whacked by his partners, he's stupid enough to leave something behind.", "Brass: This whole neighborhood's stupid.", "Warrick: Whew. Whew.", "(WARRICK sees the liquer cup stuffed with cash. He picks it up and looks at it.)", "Warrick: Sixty grand a year for jockeying cars? I'm in the wrong line of work.", "Brass: Well, look on the bright side: You're still alive.", "(WARRICK looks down and sees something.)", "Brass: Bedroom's a bust. What do you got?", "(He picks it up for a closer look.)", "Warrick: I got two $5,000 stacks from the rampart.", "Brass: Sam Braun's hotel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB]", "(BOBBY DAWSON goes over the bullet comparisons with GRISSOM.)", "Bobby Dawson: Um, Lockwood's bullet on the right, and the cop car bullet ... what's left of that cop car bullet's on the left. Both projectiles with 308s. Consistent with the m1a.", "Grissom: Long gun.", "Bobby Dawson: Mm-hmm. And long guns are only registered to the person who makes the initial purchase ... and the serial numbers aren't recorded.", "(GRISSOM sighs.)", "Grissom: Impossible to trace, so it's a dead end.", "Bobby Dawson: Well, forensically, yeah, but not cognitively. See, shooting someone from long range, and taking out the engine of a radio car while it is hauling ass ... you're looking at one sharp shooter. And that kind of training only comes from ...", "Grissom: The military.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK -- NIGHT]", "(The ceiling lights turn on.)", "Nick: (looks up and yells) Thank you!", "(NICK is standing in the bank with a dummy set up to find out where the shot came from.)", "(NICK inserts the light into the dummy and turns it on. He gets some spray and uses it to see where the bullet came from. The red laser light aligns perfectly with one of the bullet holes from the glass window.)", "(NICK heads out of the bank to find out where the shooter was standing.)", "[EXT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "Lyric: We fall / sign / a sign / we fall / sign / a sign / we fall / sign / a sign / here I lay / our questions answered / fear inside / is truth uncovered / while we fight / shari I ithe e other...", "(NICK ducks under the crime scene tape and heads for the cop car in the front of the bank. He inserts a second light into the hood of the car where the bullet hole is. He turns the light on. Immediately, it's noticeable that the two shots came from the same room from the building across the street.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BUILDING ACROSS THE STREET]", "(NICK walks up the escalator and heads for the floor. He stops and finds the two red laser lights hitting against a wall. He turns around and heads for the office where the lights are coming from.)", "(NICK walks into the office and looks around. He walks up to the window. He does a GSR test on the window sill and it comes out negative. He looks around and does a GSR test on the chair. It comes out positive.)", "(He drags the chair in front of the window and visualizes the shooter lifting up the long gun and putting it on the chair in front of the window.)", "(Quick flashback to: The shooter taking aim and firing ... twice. End of flashback. Resume on NICK.)", "(Camera holds on NICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - VAULT]", "(SARA finishes putting the lockboxes in their rightful positions. She steps back and looks at her handiwork. CATHERINE and GRISSOM walk into the vault.)", "Catherine: Wow. Almost looks good as new.", "(SARA continues to look at the lock boxes in front of her. Behind her are the stacks of money stacked up neatly.)", "Catherine: Kind of.", "(Camera swings around and shows us that all the boxes are in place except for one that's missing.)", "Sara: This was the epitome of precision. The outer rim of boxes sustained the most damage the intent was not to blow out the 23 surrounding boxes, but to preserve the sanctity of the center box. Box 729? It's history. It's the only thing that's gone.", "Catherine: That's the box they were after.", "(GRISSOM leans in.)", "Grissom: And we still don't know what was inside.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FIRST MONUMENT BANK - LOBBY -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE sit in the lobby waiting for the BANK MANAGER. GRISSOM stares out into space, his eyes in front of him and away from CATHERINE. CATHERINE sits in the chair in front of the desk.)", "(CATHERINE sighs.)", "Catherine: (mutters) What is up with the bank manager? We've been waiting forever.", "(She turns and looks at GRISSOM who isn't paying any attention to her and not giving her any indication of even having heard her. She looks at him.)", "Catherine: Hey.", "(GRISSOM turns and looks at CATHERINE.)", "Catherine: (muffled) How long have we known each other?", "Grissom: In days, months, or years?", "Catherine: I'm serious here.", "(CATHERINE levels GRISSOM a look.)", "AUDIO: OFF", "Catherine: (muffled) Can you hear me?", "(The BANK MANAGER rushes into the bank through the front door. He makes his way toward GRISSOM and CATHERINE. He doesn't answer her. GRISSOM shifts his eyes away from CATHERINE and looks at the BANK MANAGER approaching them.)", "Bank Manager: Sorry I'm late. Been on the phone all night with corporate ... not to mention I had a gun in my face. So, you want to know the lessees of some of our safe deposit boxes?", "Catherine: Oh, not some, just one. Box 729.", "Bank Manager: Why don't you just hold up a touch? I want to help you, but ... you're going to have to give me a court order.", "Catherine: Oh, no worries.", "(CATHERINE pulls out the warrant and gives it to the BANK MANAGER. The BANK MANAGER heads back to his desk to look up the information.)", "(A grid of the bank boxes appear on the monitor. Box 729 is highlighted in yellow. The following information appears on screen:", "SECURE DATA Name: BENNY MURDOCK Account #: B0063776603", "Address: 2974 Westfall Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89156", "Driver License #: 180063759502", "Bank Manager: Box 729 lessee is Benny Murdock.", "Catherine: Benny Murdock?", "(CATHERINE looks at GRISSOM. He catches the look.)", "Grissom: You know him?", "Catherine: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Sam Braun: Benny ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL - SAM BRAUN'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and GRISSOM talk with SAM BRAUN.)", "Sam Braun: He was my first doorman at the whiskey town. A year later, I made him a casino host at pike's gambling hall.", "(SAM BRAUN sits down across from them.)", "Sam Braun: Within six months, he had all the play at the Tangiers.", "(He laughs to himself.)", "Sam Braun: Six months. Became my right arm when we opened the Rampart. I never thought I would outlive him.", "Catherine: He died a couple of weeks ago, right?", "Sam Braun: Brain aneurism ... you never know when you're going to go. All those memories ...", "(Quick flashback to: SAM BRAUN, BENNY MURDOCK and another woman raising their glasses in a toast.)", "Sam Braun: Benny, we're going to have a great summer.", "(The WOMAN giggles.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.", "Catherine: Did Larry Whiting ... know Benny?", "Sam Braun: Everybody who was anybody knew Benny, including you.", "Catherine: (shakes her head and smiles) Informally.", "Sam Braun: Informally enough for him to direct the high-end whales your way when you were dancing.", "Catherine: (laughs) Ooh ... that is Old Vegas, Sam. Sunset on that time. I hear you and Benny had a little sunset of your own. A falling out about six months ago.", "Woman On Intercom: Mr. Braun, it's \"bravado\" regarding BJ 19.", "Sam Braun: If you will excuse me, I have to take care of that.", "(SAM BRAUN stands and leaves the area.)", "(GRISSOM turns around and notices a framed photograph of the opening of the RAMPART. A group of people stand in front of a large ribbon with \"RAMPART\" on it.)", "Sam Braun: (b.g.) (to phone) Yeah?", "(GRISSOM turns to look at SAM BRAUN. He hears part of what's being said though it's muffled and echo-y.)", "Sam Braun: (to phone) Raise the limit, and change the cards. If he wins three double downs in a row, call me back. We'll send \"Mr. Happy.\"", "(SAM BRAUN hangs up the phone, turns around and heads back to GRISSOM and CATHERINE.)", "Sam Braun: I'm sorry. Where were we?", "Catherine: Benny.", "Sam Braun: Sorry. That's off limits ... but I was with him in the hospital when he died. We made our peace, if it's for the record.", "Grissom: You wouldn't happen to know what he kept inside his safe deposit box, would you?", "Sam Braun: You'll have to ask him.", "Catherine: Well, I wish we could.", "Sam Braun: If you'll excuse me, someone is robbing me downstairs.", "(SAM BRAUN turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(GREG looks through a scope. CATHERINE walks into the lab.)", "Catherine: You know what \"off the record\" means, don't you, Greg?", "(GREG turns to look at CATHERINE.)", "Greg: Yeah.", "Catherine: (sighs) Good.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- HALLWAY]", "(ROBBINS stands in the hallway. GRISSOM walks up to him.)", "Grissom: Albert, got a minute?", "Robbins: Sure. What's up?", "Grissom: I'd like a second opinion.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(GRISSOM sits in the chair while ROBBINS finishes looking at his ears.)", "Robbins: Boy, I wish you'd come to me sooner. Your condition's pretty far along. Why did you wait?", "(GRISSOM sighs.)", "Grissom: I hoped it would go away.", "Robbins: Doesn't your mother have this condition?", "Grissom: Yeah. It's hereditary. I know. I wasn't rational.", "Robbins: Look, Gil, I'm not going to preach to you. You came to me, but ... Doctor to Doctor ... there's a chance the bone deposits have spread into the inner ear, in which case, your hearing loss will eventually be permanent. If I were you, I'd schedule surgery as soon as possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / BREAKROOM]", "(The CSIs and GREG are eating.)", "Greg: You know the eyelash Warrick found embedded in the black greasepaint -- I extracted the DNA, ran it. CODIS gave me a, uh, mongolian beef.", "(GREG tips over the carton.)", "Sara: I'm sorry. What does that mean?", "Warrick: That means he got nothing.", "Greg: There, try these, big guy. Training wheels.", "Warrick: Thanks.", "Nick: Hey, guys, guys, let's focus on the robbers.", "(GRISSOM stares at the fortune cookie in his hand.)", "Catherine: Grissom?", "(GRISSOM looks up.)", "Catherine: What do you think?", "Grissom: I think we're giving these guys too much credit. They're experts at robbing banks, not experts at concealing evidence.", "Catherine: Well, unless the answer's in that fortune cookie, what's the plan?", "Grissom: Do you ever wonder how the fortune gets inside the cookie?", "(NICK puts his chopsticks down and sits back.)", "Nick: I know.", "Sara: (smiles) Of course you do.", "Nick: The cookie comes out of a press, like a tortilla, and then some lady puts the fortune in the center of the dough, and then folds the dough around a piece of metal, and then folds it again.", "Grissom: That's the answer.", "(With his fortune cookie in his hand, GRISSOM walks out of the breakroom while everyone stares at him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE ROOM -- CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM walks into the evidence room, shoves the fortune cookie in his mouth and pulls down a file box of evidence. He cuts the seals off the box.)", "(He takes out one of the remote devices and unscrews the lid off. He opens it. He takes out his print kit and brushes for prints. He finds a nice prints.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB]", "(The computer beeps and the results appear on screen for ROBERT RUBIO.)", "Jacqui Franco: Robert Rubio. Work card. Non-gaming. He's in the hotel business. Rampart. Hey, didn't that other guy work at the ...", "Grissom: (interrupting) Run him through the military database.", "Jacqui Franco: Why?", "Catherine: (grimly) Just run it. After that, give us an address.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. RUBIO RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(OFFICERS burst in through the door. They sweep the house and go from room to room.)", "Officer: Clear. OFFICER: Clear!", "(The OFFICERS head back out the front door where BRASS waits.)", "Officer: (to BRASS) It's all clear. There's something burning out back.", "(BRASS steps into the house. GRISSOM and CATHERINE follow him inside. They cross the room and head out for the back.)", "Brass: Come on. Let's see what's cooking.", "(BRASS exhales. In front of them is a burning barbeque with the lid down.)", "Brass: Whoo!", "Catherine: Oh, well, that is... one example of the evince going up in smoke.", "Brass: This guy's a piece of work, huh?", "(BRASS leaves them to answer his ringing phone. He steps aside. GRISSOM opens the barbeque hood and looks inside. CATHERINE takes out her kit.)", "Grissom: One of the black coats, you think?", "(GRISSOM takes out the bank box.)", "Catherine: Box 729.", "Grissom: Fire-resistant.", "(GRISSOM opens the box and they find inside a piece of fabric. CATHERINE picks it up and looks at it.)", "Catherine: It's some kind of fabric. Silk, maybe. What do you make of that?", "Grissom: Out of context, I don't know.", "(Inside the box, there are a couple of dried blood drops. GRISSOM takes a sample and tests it.)", "Catherine: Pink panther.", "Grissom: Well, Clouseau, how does blood get in a safe deposit box?", "Catherine: Maybe has something to do with this fabric.", "(BRASS turns around and hangs up his phone.)", "Brass: Mr. Nine volt, Rob Rubio -- ex-military, security expert. Went to work for casino owner Sam Braun when one of his soft count cronies got caught skimming the skim, so... all roads lead to Rome, except, in this case... the Rampart.", "(CATHERINE turns away from BRASS at the news.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS DESERT -- DAY]", "(Out in the middle of nowhere, a single black car is parked. The doors open and SAM BRAUN steps out carrying a metal briefcase.)", "(He looks straight ahead at the vehicle coming toward him. He puts the metal briefcase down next to him.)", "(The white car parks and the three GUNMEN from the bank robbery walk out toward SAM BRAUN.)", "HARD CUT TO BLACK.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "WHITE FLASH IN.", "(Camera flashes onto the first body.)", "(White flash to: The second body.)", "(White flash to: The Third body.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEVADA DESERT -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM, CATHERINE and BRASS stand over one of the bodies.)", "Brass: Triple homicide in the desert.", "Grissom: Old-time Vegas. We found Tommy \"the aspirin\" out here. Remember him? Used to make his boss' headaches disappear.", "Catherine: Until they made him disappear.", "Brass: I think this is the origin of the word \"termination.\" There's the corporate way, and the way of the gun.", "(GRISSOM kneels down next to the body.)", "Grissom: High-powered rifle. Close range. Visible gunpowder.", "(Quick flashback to: A gun is fired and the FIRST MAN is shot. He falls backward. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: This guy got it in the chest, too.", "(Quick flashback to: A gun is fired and the SECOND MAN is shot. He falls backward. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: And this one took it in the back.", "(Quick flashback to: A gun is fired and the THIRD MAN is shot. He falls backward. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(BRASS kneels over the first body and notices the firearm.)", "Brass: This one's carrying a glock. Never got a chance to use it.", "Catherine: Well, all three were carrying, so they're not tied up, and they're still armed.", "Grissom: They didn't fly here. Where's their car?", "Catherine: It's not a dump job. Killer drove them here, killed them, and drove away.", "Brass: They knew their attacker.", "(GRISSOM sees something and starts walking toward it. CATHERINE swipes her finger against the man's cheek.)", "Catherine: Never let a man do a woman's job.", "Brass: What do you mean?", "Catherine: They didn't get all their makeup off.", "(BRASS notices GRISSOM walking.", "Brass: Where's he going", "Catherine: Let's just hope he stops.", "(GRISSOM stops in front of a nearby bush with a scarf stuck in it. BRASS and CATHERINE catch up with him.)", "Grissom: Look familiar?", "Catherine: Bloodstain. Rainbow-colored thread. Safe deposit box. Those guys are definitely the bank robbers.", "Brass: Where's the fourth guy?", "Grissom: The guy who's rapidly becoming a mass murderer.", "Brass: Rob Rubio.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(GRISSOM checks his pager and heads down the hallway. At the other end of the hallway in front of him, BOBBY DAWSON from Ballistics rushes in. He turns his head and sees GRISSOM. He heads for GRISSOM.)", "Bobby Dawson: Grissom, hey.", "(GRISSOM doesn't look up. BOBBY DAWSON puts a hand on GRISSOM'S shoulder to get his attention. GRISSOM looks up.)", "Bobby Dawson: (excitedly and rapidly) Grissom, hey, just tested the bullets from your trio in the desert.", "AUDIO: MUFFLED", "Bobby Dawson: (rapidly) Same GRCs as the bullet from Lockwood. Fired from the same rifle.", "(GRISSOM stops BOBBY.)", "Grissom: Slow down, Bobby.", "Bobby Dawson: (muffled) I'm sorry. I just got excited. You don't get to see many .30-caliber rounds used in crimes, but, uh ...", "(GRISSOM stares at BOBBY and continues to walk away from him heading for the lab. The AUDIO fades out.)", "(GRISSOM turns away and walks into the lab leaving BOBBY out in the hallway staring after him, confused.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(GRISSOM opens the lab door.)", "Grissom: You rang?", "Greg: Uh, yeah. The, uh ... blood flecks from the safe deposit box-- two distinct samples. I only got one hit, though.", "(GREG picks ups the test results, his hands noticeably shaking. GRISSOM reaches into his pocket for his glasses.)", "Greg: Uh, the primary sample belongs to Vivian Verona, a cocktail waitress. She was killed on the top floor of the old pike's gambling hall about two years ago. Here's the report.", "(GRISSOM takes the report and looks it over.)", "Grissom: Multiple puncture wounds, different depths, possibly two knives ...", "Greg: I've pulled the crime scene photos for you, too.", "(GREG hands GRISSOM the photos.)", "Greg: Case still pending. Murder weapon was never found. Now, the secondary blood sample came back N.D. Uh, could be the killer. You always say murder's messy.", "(GREG holds the second test results in his hands.)", "Grissom: Greg, your hands are shaking.", "Greg: No, they're not.", "(Concerned, GRISSOM takes the paper from GREG.)", "Grissom: Hold your hands out.", "(GREG holds his hands out flat in front of him, palms down. GRISSOM looks at them as they shake.)", "Greg: Uh ... they've been shaking ever since ...", "(GREG glances up and points at the DNA LAB next door. GRISSOM looks up and sees what GREG is looking at.)", "Greg: I can't really make it stop.", "Grissom: Is it affecting your work?", "Greg: (chuckles) Well, if I was a bomb expert, maybe.", "(GRISSOM doesn't laugh.)", "Greg: No, I ... I think I have it under control.", "Grissom: It'll stop. If you need me, I'll be around.", "Greg: Okay.", "(GRISSOM leaves the lab. GREG looks down at his hands.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE ROOM]", "(Camera close up of one of the photographs. Its a picture of a celebration. In the photo, VIVIAN VERONA is wearing the rainbow-colored scarf and is standing in the front smiling. The banner behind the small group of people reads: \"$50,000 tip\".)", "(GRISSOM studies the photo.)", "(He picks up a second photo of the crime scene where VIVIAN VERONA is dead on the floor without her rainbow-colored scarf. He picks up a third photo.)", "(WARRICK walks into the evidence room. He holds up the bagged scarf.)", "Warrick: I have your scarf back from Sanders.", "(He tosses the scarf onto the table. GRISSOM picks up the bag and compares it to the photo. It appears to be the same scarf.)", "(GRISSOM holds the evidence bag up to WARRICK.)", "Grissom: I need you to open this evidence bag and cut me an identical piece of fabric.", "(WARRICK takes the bag.)", "Warrick: You want me to replicate the blood pattern?", "Grissom: Yeah.", "(WARRICK reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a pair of scissors. He cuts the bag open. At that moment, GRISSOM glances up from the photos he's looking at and sees WARRICK cutting the bag with the pair of scissors.)", "(He realizes something.)", "(NICK appears in the doorway, his mouth full of apple.)", "Nick: You guys need a hand?", "(GRISSOM sees NICK, then turns back to WARRICK.)", "Grissom: Warrick, hand me those scissors.", "(GRISSOM looks up at NICK.", "Grissom: Nick, give me that apple.", "Nick: (resistant) But I didn't get any lunch.", "Grissom: (firmly) Give me the apple. You're not supposed to eat in here.", "(NICK hands GRISSOM the scissors. GRISSOM looks at the apple and scissors. He picks up a photograph of the wounds on VIVIAN VERONA. He holds it up for them to see.)", "Grissom: Two puncture wounds, right?", "(GRISSOM takes the scissors and puts it into the apple.)", "Grissom: Scissors. That's what was wrapped in the scarf.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Close up of the computer screen of the scarf. On screen, the computer works at reconstructing what was wrapped inside.)", "Warrick: These don't look like your ordinary household pair.", "Nick: No, man, look at the blades. They're almost double the size of the handles.", "Warrick: What's the purpose of scissors that long?", "Grissom: Murder.", "(CATHERINE walks into the room.)", "Catherine: I hear scissors, I hear murder. What did I miss?", "Grissom: We may have the murder weapon.", "(SARA walks into the room.)", "Sara: Hey, Vivian Verona worked for Sam Braun -- a cocktail waitress at Pike's Gambling Hall. Murdered the night before it was imploded in a penthouse suite.", "Nick: Sounds like somebody wanted her to disappear in the rubble. Bet you Braun hired his own clean-up crew for that one.", "Sara: The pyro guys found her on their last walk-through. They assigned a CSI, but the case ran cold before it even got started. There was no suspect and no motive.", "(GRISSOM stares at the monitor.)", "Grissom: Warrick, enhance the blade area.", "Warrick: Hmm, let me see if I can flip it around so we're not looking at an eye chart.", "Grissom: R-p-r-T.", "Catherine: (softly) Rampart.", "(GRISSOM turns to look at CATHERINE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM]", "(GRISSOM appears in the doorway. CATHERINE is putting her jacket on.)", "Catherine: (muttering) He's not returning any m my phone calls. I just need to confront this Sam Braun business once and for all. I'll drive.", "Grissom: I'm not going with you.", "Catherine: What do you mean?", "(CATHERINE closes the locker door. GRISSOM steps into the room.)", "Grissom: I'm scheduled for surgery at Desert Palm.", "(CATHERINE stops and looks at GRISSOM.)", "Catherine: Surgery?", "(GRISSOM doesn't say anything. CATHERINE walks toward him.)", "Catherine: Your hearing?", "Grissom: (nods) Yep.", "Catherine: I'm sorry.", "Grissom: I'm not. Has to be done.", "Catherine: What can I do?", "Grissom: Nothing. I'm fine. Take care of the case.", "Catherine: Oh, eh, mm ... that's it?", "Grissom: That's it. Um ... (he thinks about it) ... good luck.", "(GRISSOM leaves the room. CATHERINE stands there and shakes her head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- HALLWAY]", "SLOW MOTION", "(OFFICERS escort ROBERT \"ROB\" RUBIO through the hallway. BRASS leads them to the Interview Room. Other OFFICERS stand along the hallway as they pass by.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "(BRASS interviews ROBERT RUBIO who is handcuffed in his seat.)", "Brass: You must really like the ham steak at the Primm. One more mile north -- you're gone forever.", "Roberto Rubio: They got good ham.", "Brass: That's good to know. I'll know what to get you for your last meal ... for killing a cop. You know the rifle we found in your trunk? The bullets match one we pulled out of a friend of mine -- Detective Cyrus Lockwood.", "Roberto Rubio: Tough losing one of your own.", "Brass: You lost three of yours. Ballistics made a match there, too.", "(BRASS leans in, his hands flat on the table.)", "Brass: So, you're ex-military. That why Sam Braun hired you to be head of security at the Rampart?", "Roberto Rubio: You asking me, or you telling me?", "Brass: I'm telling you. My guess is Sam needed a job done, he came to you.", "Roberto Rubio: You know, when I get out of here, I'm going to take pleasure in putting air in your head.", "Brass: Let me put a fact in yours. You left a lot of yourself behind, killer.", "(Quick flashback to: ROBERT RUBIO aims and fires three times. He picks up his bag and leaves. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: So, here's the deal. You give up your boss, you get to spend the rest of your life in a jail cell, not on death row.", "Rubio: I'll take death row. I'll live longer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL/CASINO - SAM BRAUN'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Camera pans across framed photographs hanging on the wall. CATHERINE stands near the wall looking at the photos. SAM BRAUN sits behind his desk looking at CATHERINE.)", "Catherine: Tangiers, pike's gambling hall ... Where are the Rampart scissors, Sam?", "(CATHERINE turns around and heads for the seat across SAM'S desk.)", "Sam Braun: I think they went to one of those silent auctions. You know, the kind where you put a number down and remain anonymous.", "Catherine: Uh-huh. I'm sure they went to a good cause. How much money they make?", "Sam Braun: More than I anticipated.", "(CATHERINE takes a seat.)", "Catherine: I think that we're past playing games, Sam. I need the truth.", "Sam Braun: You sure about that?", "Catherine: Oh, yeah. Now more than ever.", "Sam Braun: Benny killed Vivian. He caught her cheating on him ... with me.", "(Quick flashback to: BENNY MURDOCK walks into the room where he finds SAM BRAUN with VIVIAN VERONA. He gasps.)", "(cc) VIVIAN VERONA: I can explain.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sam Braun: When I heard he was dying, I went to see him. He told me he killed her with my scissors from a ribbon-cutting ceremony. He always kept the scissors-- had them shadow-boxed for me.", "(Quick flashback to: VIVIAN VERONA is dead on the floor. BENNY MURDOCK stands over her with the bloodied pair of scissors in his hands. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sam Braun: He stashed them in the safe deposit box.", "Catherine: Why would Benny ... do that? Why would Benny ... murder Vivian and then keep the incriminating evidence, not even attempt to wash off the blood?", "Sam Braun: You're asking me to answer on his behalf? I don't know. Maybe he was paranoid. Figured you would drag Lake Mead.", "Catherine: Let me just get this straight. To protect Benny after he's already dead, you hire Rob Rubio and three cronies to commit Federal Bank Robbery to steal back a pair of scissors?", "Sam Braun: They weren't just any pair of scissors ... they were tied to a legacy. If Benny goes down, I go down. Forty years ... building a reputation ... (he snaps his fingers) ... gone. Games are meant to be played downstairs not upstairs ... so I ask Rob to take care of it.", "Catherine: We have the safe deposit box in our possession, Sam, along with the bloodstained sash the scissors were wrapped in. We recovered two different blood samples -- one belonging to Vivian, and the other unknown. I guess I didn't have a good enough reason until now, but ... I tested my DNA against the unknown sample.", "(She sighs.)", "Catherine: And wouldn't you know ... there were seven alleles in common.", "(He leans forward and shakes his head.)", "Sam Braun: That supposed to mean something?", "Catherine: It means that you and I are biologically related. You killed her, Sam ... and Benny covered for you.", "(Quick flashback to: SAM BRAUN walks into the hotel room and finds VIVIAN VERONA with BENNY MURDOCK. They both stand when they see SAM. SAM grabs the pair of scissors on the side table and walks toward them. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Part of the old double standard. No woman that you're with is ever going to be with another man.", "(Quick flashback to: VIVIAN VERONA is dead on the floor. The camera moves up and shows SAM BRAUN holding a pair of bloodied scissors and standing over VIVIAN VERONA'S body. He leans over and takes VIVIAN VERONA'S blue scarf. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sam Braun: I swear on your mother ... it didn't happen that way.", "Catherine: Oh, now, that holds a lot of weight. To this day my mother still sits at home waiting for your call.", "(He leans back in his chair.)", "Sam Braun: Do you really think I could murder someone?", "Catherine: Science ... tells me that you did. So, yes, I do. (Her voice breaks.) It's just such a lousy way to find out that you're my father.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- EVENING]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DESERT PALM - EXAM ROOM -- EVENING]", "(GRISSOM sits in his hospital gown on the examination table. The NURSE removes the blood pressure band from his arm.)", "Nurse: They're preparing the surgery right now, Mr. Grissom. I'll be right back.", "(The NURSE leaves the room. GRISSOM waits. CATHERINE appears in the doorway.)", "Catherine: Hey.", "(GRISSOM turns to look at her.)", "Grissom: What are you doing here?", "Catherine: I just wanted to see you. And I didn't want you to go in without wishing you good luck.", "(Behind CATHERINE, The transporter appears with the wheel chair for GRISSOM. GRISSOM stands up and walks up to CATHERINE.)", "Grissom: Thank you ... for being here.", "(CATHERINE reaches out and hugs GRISSOM. They look at each other.)", "Grissom: (to the transporter) I don't need that.", "(GRISSOM heads down the hallway. CATHERINE turns to watch him leave. She smiles.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Inside the Box
[ "Two couples meet in a bar and one of the couples is murdered. When a second couple is murdered in a similar fashion the team suspects a pair of serial killers are on the loose. The case is complicated by leaks to the press and a judge reluctant to issue a warrant. Catherine gets some troubling news about her father's murder trial." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL/CASINO - ROULETTE TABLE - NIGHT]", "(Open on a roulette ball being put into play, then a top view of a roulette wheel in play. MRS. RIFKIN and her husband are playing.)", "Mrs. Rifkin: Okay. Come on. MR. RIFKIN: Come on. MRS. RIFKIN: Let's go. Come on. MR. RIFKIN: Don't fail me. MRS. RIFKIN: Come on, baby. I'm feeling this one.", "Mr. Rifkin: Don't fail me. MRS. RIFKIN: Don't you let me down. MR. RIFKIN: Come on now. MRS. RIFKIN: All right. Black 22.", "(MRS. RIFKIN reaches out a puts a stack of red chips on the number. They watch the ball on the wheel.)", "Mr. Rifkin: If this happens, I'm buying you a shot.", "House: No more bets.", "(The ball stops on Black 22.)", "Mr. Rifkin: Yes!", "(The couple cheers, hug and kiss each other in celebration.)", "Mrs. Rifkin: Yeah.", "(The house pushes their win toward the couple. MRS. RIFKIN reaches for ward to grab the chips. Her husband glances over at the bar and sees a WOMAN IN RED leaning against the counter and standing next to a man.)", "Mrs. Rifkin: Give me my money.", "(She grabs the chips and pulls it toward her.)", "Mrs. Rifkin: Oh, my.", "(She turns to her husband and drapes her arms around his neck to hold him close.)", "Mrs. Rifkin: Let's cash out.", "Mr. Rifkin: Why? I, uh, I thought we were going to take some risks tonight.", "Mrs. Rifkin: (suggestively) Come on ... I want to go dancing.", "Mr. Rifkin: Really?", "Mrs. Rifkin: Mm-hmm.", "Mr. Rifkin: Okay. As long as it's lap dancing.", "(Her jaw drops in surprise.)", "Mrs. Rifkin: What has gotten into you?", "(He smiles back, then they hug. Over her shoulder, MR. RIFKIN glances over at the bar to look at the woman in red, but she's gone.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. BAR -- NIGHT]", "(MRS. RIFKIN and her husband sit at the bar.)", "Mr. Dominguez: Hey, buddy, when you get a chance, can I get a couple more of these martinis? One with an olive, one with a twist. Thank you.", "Mrs. Rifkin: Why don't we, um ... take those up to the room?", "(She smiles, laughs and kisses him.)", "Mrs. Rifkin: 'Cause I'm feeling a little ... uh ...", "(She kisses him again as her husband looks beyond her to the WOMAN IN RED in the back of the room with her husband.)", "Mrs. Rifkin: (whispering) ... Frisky.", "(MRS. RIFKIN turns around to look at who he's looking at. She sees the couple, then turns back to her husband.)", "Mrs. Rifkin: Do you know them?", "Mr. Rifkin: (chuckles and shakes his head) No, but how frisky do you feel?", "(They both turn and glance over at the couple. Her husband points over at them.)", "(The Rifkin's stand up and head for the other couple.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS DESERT (STOCK) - SUNRISE]", "[INT. THE SPHERE - TENTH FLOOR -- MORNING]", "(CAMERA LOW TO THE GROUND as the hotel housekeeper pushes her cart through the hallway. She pauses at the next room door and knocks.)", "Housekeeper: Housekeeping. Coming in.", "(She opens the door, pushes it wide open and walks into the darkened room. She reaches out and flips the switch to open the curtains, but after a moment, they only open part of the way. She stops, turns back and tries the curtain switch again. After hitting it several times, she gives up and heads for the curtains to open them herself.)", "(She walks across the bedroom and jiggles the drapes. Suddenly, she stops, turns around slowly ... and screams.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. THE SPHERE - TENTH FLOOR -- MORNING]", "(Several quick flashes of ALICE DOMINGUEZ'S slashed throat. Resume to present.)", "(ALICE DOMINGUEZ is slumped back in her seat at the table. There is blood spattered all along the table, the vase on the table and along the wall.)", "(Camera moves rapidly around and stops on ...", "(GRISSOM stares at the scene. He steps forward and examines the injury. CATHERINE walks into the room and examines the blood spatter on the walls.)", "Grissom: Her throat's been slit by what appears to have been a very sharp implement.", "(GRISSOM straightens and looks around the room.)", "Grissom: The room is completely stripped. No bedding, no sheets.", "Catherine: No towels, either. Someone took a few souvenirs. I'll check the surveillance tapes.", "(CATHERINE walks out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. GRISSOM goes back to examining the body.)", "(He takes out her driver's license and looks at it:", "CALIFORNIA DRIVER LICENSE", "EXPIRES: 7/13/07", "CLASS:", "ALICE DOMINGUEZ", "311 SEPHILL", "LOS ANGELES, CA 90078", "s*x: F HAIR: BRN EYES: BRN", "HT: 5'7\" WT: 130 DOB: 7-13-72", "RSTR: NONE {signature}", "Grissom: Alice Dominguez.", "(GRISSOM shows CATHERINE the wallet.)", "Grissom: She wasn't robbed.", "Catherine: It's not her room, either. It was registered under the name of Parker.", "(GRISSOM shines his flashlight on ALICE DOMINGUEZ' left hand.)", "Grissom: Wedding ring. Where's the husband?", "(Off screen, we hear a faint, electronic whirring sound. The camera cuts to CATHERINE'S black bag and kit on the floor off to the side. GRISSOM looks over to her things.)", "(CATHERINE turns to answer it.)", "Grissom: I think your cell phone's vibrating.", "Catherine: (turns back to look at GRISSOM) You heard that?", "(GRISSOM goes back to looking at the wallet.)", "Grissom: Mm-hmm.", "(CATHERINE reaches for her phone and smiles at GRISSOM.)", "Catherine: You're back.", "(Distracted, GRISSOM doesn't hear her.)", "Grissom: Huh?", "(CATHERINE smiles as she answers her phone. GRISSOM squints ... or winks at her.)", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. THE SPHERE - TENTH FLOOR HALLWAY - DAY]", "(BRASS, WARRICK and NICK walk through the hallway on the way to the hotel room.)", "Warrick: There's only two reasons why people get murdered in a casino.", "Brass: s*x or money. Well, on the money side, the room was booked yesterday, under a stolen credit card belonging to a Mrs. Parker. She's a 75-year-old living alone in Henderson. As far as s*x goes, well, I want to be a believer.", "(They stop in front of the taped-off room. NICK looks beyond that to the stairs just next to it.)", "Nick: Room closest to the exit. Imagine that.", "Warrick: Quick escape. Murder Central. Security cameras?", "Brass: Uh, not in the hallway. Only in the elevator. We're on it.", "Nick: Take the exit.", "(NICK walks over to the stairway door.)", "Warrick: I'll take the money trail.", "(WARRICK leaves.)", "Brass: And I'll, uh ... go door-to-door.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. THE SPHERE - TENTH FLOOR ROOM -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE study the dead body. CATHERINE stands in front of the body, while GRISSOM stands behind it. He moves around to the front.)", "Catherine: This is very weird.", "Grissom: Yeah, usually when someone gets their throat cut, it's from behind.", "Catherine: Yeah, and it starts there, ends there. It's not very deep.", "(CATHERINE checks the woman's hands.)", "Catherine: No ligature marks. No defensive wounds.", "Grissom: I think whoever did this was sitting in that chair.", "(Quick flash to: Close up of the knife and ALICE DOMINGUEZ'S reflection in the knife as it's being held up against her neck.)", "(End of quick flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: She sat there and allowed someone to slit her throat?", "(GRISSOM looks back at CATHERINE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL -- CASINO -- DAY]", "(SARA leans up against the counter looking at a piece of paper. WARRICK walks up to her. They both turn and walk through the casino.)", "Warrick: Hey, girl.", "Sara: Hi.", "Warrick: What you got?", "Sara: Not much. Mrs. Dominguez checked in with her husband yesterday. Room", "Warrick: 869? That's, like, two floors away from where she was found dead.", "Sara: Anybody heard from the husband yet?", "Warrick: He's M.I.A., but he left a gambling paper trail.", "Sara: Really?", "Warrick: I have a signature and a thumbprint from where Mr. Dominguez signed a $5,000 cash-advance check.", "Sara: Cash advance, huh?", "Warrick: It was cash advance on a credit card. It's not cheap. It's, like $90 every thousand.", "Sara: That's a rip-off.", "Warrick: Not if you're desperate. He must have had a bad night.", "Sara: Yeah, and Mrs. Dominguez had a worse night. You know, nobody's checked their suite yet. Would you care to join me?", "Warrick: Let's do it.", "(They walk off camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TENTH FLOOR HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(BRASS talks with a man in the hotel room directly next door to the crime scene room.)", "Guest (man): I heard some voices raised and a door slamming.", "Brass: Mm. How many voices?", "Guest (man): Two. No, wait. Uh, maybe it was three. (He shrugs.) Definitely a man and a woman.", "Brass: What were they saying?", "Guest (man): Uh, it was hard to tell. You know, the walls in these joints are pretty thick. They were definitely arguing about something.", "Brass: Did you get a look at them?", "Guest (man): Uh, just through the spy hole.", "(Quick flashback to: The GUEST looks through the peephole and sees a man and a woman arguing loudly as they're walking away from the room. These are the two people in the teaser who were in front of the roulette wheel.)", "Mr. Rifkin: Obviously he's insane. They're both crazy.", "Mrs. Rifkin: Why would you put me in that situation?", "Mr. Rifkin: I didn't put you in that position with ...", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: What time was that?", "Guest (man): 10:35.", "Brass: 10:35? You seem to be pretty sure about that.", "Guest (man): Well, I-I had just ordered a pay-per-view movie, and it was just about to begin.", "Brass: Oh, yeah? Which one was that?", "Guest (man): Arma-get-it-on.", "Brass: You mean, Armageddon?", "Guest (man): No. Arma-get-it-on.", "Brass: Oh. (beat) Good movie?", "Guest (man): Worked for me.", "(BRASS leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HALLWAY/STAIRWELL - DAY]", "(NICK takes a print off of the door. He walks inside the stairwell. He peers over and above the railing.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(NICK opens the door and walks outside. He puts his sunglasses on and rounds the corner. He heads for the group of valets. As he approaches, most of them disburse.)", "Nick: Hey, guys. How you doing? Uh, I'm with the Las Vegas Crime Lab, and I'm ...", "Kenny Richmond: Nick Stokes?", "Nick: Yeah.", "(NICK turns around to look at a valet who's smiling at him in recognition.)", "Kenny Richmond: What's up? It's Kenny! Kenny Richmond. Rebel baseball. I played backup catcher.", "Nick: Kenny.", "Kenny Richmond: Yeah!", "Nick: Hi, Kenny!", "Kenny Richmond: Yeah!", "Nick: How you doing, man?", "Kenny Richmond: How you doing?", "Nick: Good to see you.", "Kenny Richmond: Good to see you! Look at you, man.", "Nick: Yeah. Yeah.", "Kenny Richmond: What are you doing here? You a cop now?", "Nick: Uh, Crime Scene Investigator. I'm on a case.", "Kenny Richmond: Crime scene? Rock on, man. You're here on the tenth floor thing, right?", "Nick: Right.", "Kenny Richmond: Yeah. I heard about that, man. Everybody's talking about it. Somebody, uh, bashed some chick's brains in, I think, right?", "Nick: Yeah, actually, uh, she had her throat slit and bled out all over the room. I'll know more when I check the surveillance camera.", "Kenny Richmond: Well, what are you doing down here?", "Nick: Uh, I'm just checking possible escape routes. She was murdered in the room closest to the exit. Murder Central.", "(NICK looks up at the hotel building. KENNY glances up, too.)", "Kenny Richmond: Murder Central, huh? Cool.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Camera opens on ALICE DOMINGUEZ'S slit throat. ROBBINS goes over his findings with CATHERINE.)", "Robbins: Cut began at the right carotid. Severed the artery and the jugular vein and terminated at the trachea. It's not as deep as I would expect for this kind of crime.", "Catherine: He sliced her gently?", "Robbins: Well, yeah. Oftentimes, the only thing intact is the spinal column. This did the job and nothing more.", "Catherine: And what did the tox report give us?", "Robbins: Alcohol count was .20.", "Catherine: Double the legal limit.", "Robbins: There was no limit to Mrs. Dominguez. Blood work showed heavy traces of M.D.M.A.", "Catherine: Ecstasy? And alcohol? Party mix.", "Robbins: Yeah, it might have made her docile.", "Catherine: Well, maybe it explains why she was cut from the front.", "Robbins: That may explain her head. Now let's move down to the toes.", "(ROBBINS removes a piece of glitter from her toes. Camera zooms in to show that it's purple and has a S-shaped cut out in the middle of the square piece.)", "Catherine: Glitter?", "Robbins: Yeah. There is a ... a strip club, um, named Shimmer on industrial. I, uh, recognized the \"s\" almost immediately.", "Catherine: You go, Doc.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. THE SPHERE - ROOM 869 -- DAY]", "(SARA knocks on the door lightly, then opens it. She and WARRICK walk into the room.)", "Sara: Hello? Mr. Dominguez?", "(They walk into the room.)", "Sara: Looks like the bed wasn't slept in.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(SARA looks through the suitcase.)", "Warrick: Stopped for gas in Barstow. Big tank. $43.", "Sara: Clothes are still here.", "Warrick: Ford explorer. California plates. Two-Paul-Charlie-Edward-329.", "Sara: Really?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. THE SPHERE - PARKING GARAGE -- DAY]", "(WARRICK, SARA and NICK each walk along the individual garage floors looking for the car.)", "(Cut to: NICK approaches a bronco with the license plate 2PCE329. He looks inside the car and sees Mr. Dominguez.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. THE SPHERE - PARKING GARAGE - DAY - SHORT TIME LATER]", "(The area around the car is taped off. WARRICK, NICK and SARA check the car for evidence.)", "(NICK is looking at the dead body in the driver's seat. WARRICK is checking the passenger seat while SARA examines the back.)", "Nick: Hey, Warrick. Take a look at this wound. It's different than the wife's. She was cut from the front.", "Warrick: Yeah, this one looks like he was cut from the back.", "(Quick flashback to: Mr. Dominguez getting his throat cut from the back. Blood spatters on the rear view mirror.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(SARA opens the back seat and finds the knife on the floor. She picks it up.)", "Sara: Hey, guys? I got a knife.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(Several camera flashes of the knife.)", "(JACQUI FRANCO takes the photos of the knife while GRISSOM goes through the other evidence. She takes a print off of the knife. NICK opens an evidence bag and takes out a check and shows it to JACQUI.)", "Nick: Use this, uh ... cash-advance check Warrick found as a reference.", "(The information on the check reads:", "PAY THE SUM OF: $5,000.00", "PURCHASED FROM CREDIT", "REFERENCE NO. 0173084857", "LOCATION 00580241", "VERIFY 41223514", "DATE 10/05/03", "TIME 20:13:42 {CHECK NOS. 94040412235145 (on bottom of check)} {finger print} {098723-87665-99 (number under print)}", "Jacqui Franco: Hmm. Ink pads make for great exemplars.", "Nick: And compare that to the print I pulled off the exit door and the knife ... please. (NICK opens a second bag and takes out the print card with the following information on the back of the Pro-Lift Fingerprint Collection System Card:", "INVESTIGATING AGENCY: CSI", "CASE NO: 9-27-03-085692-001", "DATE 9-27-03", "TIME 8:49 4", "OFFICER LIFTING PRINT N. STOKES", "SPHERE HOTEL RM 1059", "Nick: Here you go.", "(JACQUI takes the card and looks at it under a glass.)", "Jacqui Franco: Good characteristics here.", "(She looks at the other print.)", "Jacqui Franco: Match to the door handle.", "(She looks at the knife print.)", "Jacqui Franco: And a match to the knife.", "Grissom: One print on the knife. One print on the exit door. Both belonging to the husband. But we have two victims.", "Greg: Speaking of twos ... I found blood from both victims on the knife.", "(They turn around to find GREG standing in the doorway with test results in his hand.)", "Grissom: So it's possible the husband killed the wife. Who killed the husband?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SHIMMER -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE and GRISSOM interview a DANCER at the strip club.)", "Dancer: Yeah, they look familiar -", "(She hands the paper with the DMV license information back to GRISSOM.)", "Dancer: ... from the neck up. I must've given them four, five lap dances each. They made my night.", "Catherine: So, they were George.", "(GRISSOM looks up at them. CATHERINE supplies an explanation.)", "Catherine: Big tippers.", "Dancer: No. They weren't the ones paying for it. The other couple was.", "Grissom: The other couple?", "Dancer: Yeah, we were all in the VIP booth over there.", "(She glances over across the room.)", "(Quick flashback to: The DANCER working with the couple. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Dancer: The four of them -- they came in together. The other couple just wanted to watch. So I assumed they were friends. Good friends.", "(Quick flashback to: While the DANCER dances for the couple, the second couple watches. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Dancer: I didn't get a good look at the other two, but they slid that money across the table ... mmm, brick this big. So, like I said, they just wanted to doggie in the window.", "(GRISSOM looks from the DANCER to CATHERINE.)", "Catherine: (explains) Watch.", "Dancer: And they were subbing drinks left and right.", "(Again, GRISSOM looks from the DANCER to CATHERINE.)", "Catherine: Ordering clear drinks to keep the party going. What'd they order?", "Dancer: Two vodkas, two soda waters.", "Catherine: Guess who got the hard stuff.", "(CATHERINE'S cell phone rings. She answers it. When CATHERINE turns away, the DANCER starts to work on GRISSOM.)", "Dancer: (smiling) Hi. Would you like a dance?", "(GRISSOM takes off his glasses. While CATHERINE'S on the phone, she keeps an eye on GRISSOM. She finishes her conversation.)", "Catherine: Uh, I got to be at the courthouse. Apparently, there's a last-minute evidentiary hearing in the Sam Braun case. I need to be there.", "Dancer: You sure you don't want a dance? I could be your specimen. You could be my mad scientist.", "Catherine: (smiles) He already is, sweetheart. Thanks.", "(They turn to leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB]", "(ARCHIE goes over the video footage of elevator #4 with SARA. The timer on the monitor reads 1:44 a.m. (UP))", "Archie Johnson: So, this is the last footage we have of the Dominguezes alive.", "(The monitor shows the elevator going up from floor #7 through floor #10.", "Sara: Have we I.D.'d that other couple?", "Archie Johnson: Not yet, but check it out. (rewinds tape) Brass's witness said he heard a couple arguing at 10:35.", "(In Elevator #4 at around 10:36 (DN), the monitor shows the couple still arguing in the elevator.)", "Archie Johnson: This must be them, going down. But coming up ...", "(He shows the elevator earlier at 10:09 pm (UP). It's the couple from the teaser and they're still arguing. There's a second couple in the elevator with them.)", "Sara: They're with the same mystery couple who brought up the Dominguezes. Can you make me a still of the 10:35 couple, the ones that went up and down?", "Sara: Freeze it there. What's in his hand?", "(ARCHIE manipulates the video to show what it is.)", "Archie Johnson: That's a room key. Tangiers Casino.", "Sara: Do me a favor, Archie. Call Grissom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CONFERENCE ROOM]", "(As the group waits to meet, the television is on.)", "Paula Francis (newswoman): (from tv) New leads in the double homicide at the Sphere Hotel and Casino. According to sources within the crime lab, the killer or killers most likely fled the room CSIs call \"Murder Central,\" the nearest room to the emergency exit.", "(On NICK as he realized where they got that piece of information.)", "Paula Francis (newswoman): (from tv) CSIs are currently checking surveillance footage in an effort to identify possible suspects.", "Nick: What the hell?", "Warrick: What?", "Nick: Kenny Richmond, that's what.", "Warrick: Who's that?", "Nick: This valet at The Sphere. I played baseball in college with this guy. I bumped into him for, like, two seconds.", "Warrick: Don't tell me you opened your mouth to the guy.", "(NICK doesn't say anything, although his look says it all for him.)", "Warrick: Hey, man. You could lose your job over something like this.", "Nick: Hey, it's not like I ran my mouth to the press, okay?", "Warrick: Best thing you could do is go to Grissom and 'fess up.", "Nick: 'Fess up to what? There were a hundred people at that crime scene. Anyone could have gone to a reporter and told them what was going on with the case, man.", "Warrick: Or what, you going to wait till he comes to you and then lie about it?", "(WARRICK stands up and turns ... right into GRISSOM who is standing in the doorway.)", "Grissom: Lie about what?", "(NICK looks up at GRISSOM.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COURTHOUSE - DAY]", "(CATHERINE walks toward the building.)", "[INT. COURT -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE just walks in through the door and shows her I.D. to the security guard.)", "Reporter: There he is! Mr. Braun!", "Reporter: Does this mean your murder case will not be going to trial, Mr. Braun?", "Reporter: Are you and your Representatives in discussion with the District Attorney's office?", "(CATHERINE watches as a swarm of reporters gather around SAM BRAUN and his lawyer.)", "Reporter: Could you elaborate on those discussions?", "Reporter: Do you feel vindicated by the Judge's decision?", "Lawyer: My client has no comment at this time. Mr. Braun is looking forward to putting this whole unfortunate business behind him.", "[SLOW MOTION CAMERA]", "(As he passes her, SAM BRAUN makes eye contact with CATHERINE.)", "[RESUME MOTION]", "Reporter: Mr. Braun, do you have anything to say at all, sir?", "Reporter: Mr. Braun, could we get a comment?", "Reporter: Mr. Braun, do you have anything to say at all, sir?", "(SAM BRAUN and his lawyer walk out of the building. Camera holds on CATHERINE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. TANGIERS HOTEL/CASINO - DAY]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM interview the RIFKINS, the couple from the teaser.)", "Mrs. Rifkin: It was first names only. Mandy and ... Cameron?", "Brass: Where'd you meet them?", "Mr. Rifkin: Uh, at the roulette tables. We were, uh ... we were drinking and they, uh, invited us back up to their room. It was Vegas. We were looking for a little excitement.", "(Quick flashback to: Drinks are being poured in the room; MANDY is undressed and kissing MR. RIFKIN. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: And did you find it?", "Mrs. Rifkin: No, not at all. They ... creeped us out.", "Brass: How?", "Mr. Rifkin: He, uh ... he asked me how much I loved my wife.", "(BRASS looks at MRS. RIFKIN and she nods.)", "Brass: Is that a crazy question?", "Mrs. Rifkin: It wasn't the question. It was ... the way he asked it.", "(Quick flashback to: MANDY with MR. RIFKIN while CAMERON'S with MRS. RIFKIN.)", "Cameron Klinefeld: How much do you love your wife?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Mrs. Rifkin: Sobered me right up. I mean, he didn't just ask it once. He asked it ... over and over again, and then Mandy asked how far we'd go to prove it.", "Brass: Prove what?", "Mr. Rifkin: To-to prove that. To prove how much I loved my wife. And, uh ... the next thing I know, she's naked.", "Mrs. Rifkin: Then she starts undoing his belt.", "Mr. Rifkin: Which is the reason that we went up there in the first place.", "Mrs. Rifkin: Yeah, but you liked it a lot.", "(He shrugs.)", "Mrs. Rifkin: You could've waited.", "Mr. Rifkin: Yeah. (beat) We argue about everything. And they saw us fighting. And they kicked us out.", "Grissom: I don't know how fighting works for your marriage, but it probably saved your lives.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE sits alone on the locker room bench. WARRICK hangs up his shirt. CATHERINE sighs.)", "Warrick: Need some help with that?", "Catherine: Help with what?", "Warrick: That weight on your shoulders.", "Catherine: That obvious, huh?", "Warrick: Yeah. What's up?", "Catherine: (shakes her head a little) Oh ... Sam Braun.", "Warrick: Mm-hmm. I heard about that. He made his bones in Vegas. I mean, what do you expect? The guy's bulletproof.", "Catherine: I'm not.", "(WARRICK sits down.)", "Warrick: Want to talk about it?", "Catherine: Sam told me it takes a lifetime to establish a reputation and just a second to ruin it. When I suspected that Sam was my father, I didn't go to him. I didn't go to Grissom. I went to Greg and had him run a DNA test.", "Warrick: On who?", "Catherine: On me.", "Warrick: What'd you use as an exemplar?", "Catherine: Blood evidence from his case.", "Warrick: That's why they kicked it.", "Catherine: Yup. And I'm just afraid.", "Warrick: Of what?", "Catherine: (she shakes her head) A backlash.", "(CATHERINE kicks her locker door shut with her foot.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. THE FEZ -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM and BRASS walk up to the motel. Lights from police officer cars flash.)", "Brass: You got a gut feeling on this one?", "Grissom: Well, if it's our serials, they've downgraded.", "(BRASS and GRISSOM turns the corner and head into the parking area.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. THE FEZ]", "(The door opens and GRISSOM lingers in the doorway taking in the scene. BRASS checks in with the guard at the door. GRISSOM flicks the light switch on, but the light doesn't work. He turns his flashlight on and walks into the room.)", "(He looks at the woman sitting at the table with her throat slit. He looks at the blood on the table. BRASS walks into the room.)", "Brass: Well, we've got some I.D. Found her handbag. Wendy Laggerman, aged 24. She's not registered.", "(GRISSOM notices the wedding ring on her finger.)", "Grissom: Where's her husband?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. THE FEZ - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM check the parked cars. In one particular car, there's a person behind the wheel. GRISSOM approaches the car carefully. He rounds on the driver's side and wakes up the driver.)", "Driver: Oh, geez.", "(Meanwhile, a motel guest walks down the stairs to get some ice from the ice machine. He notices the commotion and rubbernecks.)", "Brass: What was all that about?", "(The MOTEL GUEST shovels ice into the bucket while watching BRASS and GRISSOM talk.)", "Grissom: False alarm. Apparently, the guy just drove in from Fresno. Fell asleep in his car, and didn't even check in yet. So ...", "(As he shovels ice into the bucket, we notice that with each shovel load, there's blood on the ice. Lots of blood.)", "(BRASS looks up and around the area.)", "(Finally, the MOTEL GUEST looks down at what he's doing and sees the blood on the ice ... and the body in the ice machine.)", "Motel Guest (man): Jeez, help! Oh, man! Oh, god!", "Brass: Whoa. Hey. Hey, buddy.", "Motel Guest (man): Geez.", "Brass: Take it easy. Take it easy.", "(BRASS and GRISSOM walk over to the ice machine and look at the body inside. GRISSOM glances at BRASS, then takes out a glove to use to open the ice machine hood.)", "Grissom: This one's different. (shakes his head) Something's not right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. THE FEZ - PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM kneels behind the ice machine and unplugs it. DAVID PHILLIPS looks at the body inside. GRISSOM stands up and instructs DAVID.)", "Grissom: Okay, be careful, David. The body's frozen, and it's in full rigor. You're going to have to tilt it.", "David Phillips: Tilt it, sir?", "Grissom: Yeah. Downward 90-degree angle, then up, tilt, and out.", "David Phillips: Okay. Uh ...", "(DAVID waves for the other CORONER to assist him.)", "David Phillips: All right, man. Um ... I'll take the shoulders, you take the feet. Okay?", "Coroner: Okay.", "(They both reach inside the ice machine and get a hold of the body.)", "David Phillips: You ready? On three. One, two, three, up. And now tilt.", "(They lift and tilt and can't get the body out of the machine. GRISSOM stands on the side and watches.)", "David Phillips: Come on. Up. DAVID PHILLIPS: Okay, now tilt.", "(They try again ... )", "David Phillips: Oh, god. Up more, tilt more. Now. DAVID PHILLIPS: Uh, god.", "(... and again ...)", "David Phillips: Oh, down, down, put him down. DAVID PHILLIPS: One more time.", "(... and again ...)", "David Phillips: Ready, one time. One ... two, three, up. DAVID PHILLIPS: Oh, god.", "(DAVID shakes his head.)", "David Phillips: (to GRISSOM) S-sir, we can't get him. Uh, his knee's bent.", "Grissom: Put him back down carefully.", "(They put the body down and step aside. GRISSOM walks up to the bin and sighs. He reaches inside and flattens the knee.)", "Grissom: There. Now try.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[SHORT TIME LATER]", "(The CORONERS wheel the body away on a gurney. WARRICK, NICK and SARA carry stacks of buckets to the ice machine.)", "Warrick: Do we have to do the inventory on all this?", "Nick: Yeah. What, fifteen buckets?", "Sara: This is our first bucket brigade together, gentlemen. Try and say that ten times fast. Bucket brigade. Bucket brigade. Bucket brigade.", "Grissom: (interrupts) We have to do this quickly. It's 120 degrees outside, and our crime scene is melting.", "(GRISSOM scoops up the ice while the others assist.)", "(Finally as he nears the bottom of the bin, GRISSOM finds something.)", "Grissom: Hold on a second. I got something.", "(He reaches in and picks up the knife.)", "Warrick: Whoa.", "Grissom: Would you like to bag this for me, Warrick? My hands are little numb.", "(WARRICK takes the knife to bag it. GRISSOM leans in and finds a blood print on the ice machine.)", "Grissom: Sara?", "Sara: Yeah.", "Grissom: Would you take a sample of this blood for me?", "Sara: Sure.", "(NICK continues to tape up the containers as he watches them.)", "Grissom: Warrick, help her process this. Nick?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Grissom: Come with me.", "(GRISSOM steps aside. WARRICK watches NICK as he finishes up.)", "Nick: (quietly) Yeah.", "(NICK stands up and follows. He looks at WARRICK as he passes him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. THE FEZ - MOTEL ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The door opens. GRISSOM walks into the room. GRISSOM looks at the crime scene. NICK walks into the room.)", "Grissom: Shut the door, Nick.", "Nick: You want to talk?", "Grissom: No. I want to see the room the way they left it.", "(NICK turns around and closes the door.)", "Nick: You know, if it's anything like the Sphere, we're probably not going to find much.", "Grissom: We're still going to look.", "(GRISSOM looks around the bedroom. NICK heads to the bathroom. GRISSOM pays close attention to the air conditioner and plugs. NICK checks out the medicine cabinet and toilet.)", "(GRISSOM checks out the plug and wiring. He sees that there's a Magic Fingers attached to the bed.)", "Nick: (o.s.) Bathroom's clean.", "(NICK steps out of the bathroom and sees GRISSOM examining the Magic Fingers.)", "Nick: Haven't you ever seen one of those before?", "Grissom: Not in person, no.", "Nick: Magic Fingers. Twenty-five cents for 15 minutes of vibration. Died a slow death in the '70s due to vandalism and seedy connotations. Good for s*x. Good for sleep ... too.", "Grissom: Good for us. Given the killer's appetite for sexual persuasion, maybe they blew the circuit. Overloaded it with coins.", "Nick: And their prints on those coins.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[LATER]", "[COINS]", "(Close up of the quarters being poured out from the Magic Fingers onto a cloth on the bed. CATHERINE photographs the coins while NICK dusts them for prints.)", "(Several dissolves and cuts between the coins being processed. GRISSOM, CATHERINE and NICK work on the coins.)", "Catherine: Is that it? We're done?", "Grissom: I think so.", "(The lights go back on.)", "Catherine: Well, power's back on. So, why this place? How do you go from The Sphere to The Fez?", "(NICK glances from CATHERINE to GRISSOM, then quietly goes back to work. GRISSOM glances at NICK.)", "Grissom: What do you think, Nick?", "Nick: A reporter got some inside information. Killer probably heard about himself on the news, changed his mo.", "Catherine: Oh, great. Help the bad guys. I'm sure the Laggermans appreciate that.", "(GRISSOM doesn't say anything. He turns to NICK, who swallows and feels pretty bad enough as it is. NICK glances at the coins.)", "Nick: I should probably get those quarters back to the lab, work on the prints.", "(GRISSOM hands NICK the envelope of coins. NICK nods, then turns to leave the room. CATHERINE gathers up the rest of the coins and puts them in a package. GRISSOM walks over to the bed and puts a coin in the Magic Fingers.)", "(The bed starts to vibrate. GRISSOM lies down on the bed. CATHERINE gives him a look. He holds up a hand.)", "Grissom: I need 15 minutes to think.", "(CATHERINE puts the coins in her hand in the package.)", "Catherine: Enjoy.", "(She leaves the room.)", "(Camera holds on GRISSOM.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(NICK work on lifting prints from the quarters. He scans the print onto the computer. Using the software, he lifts the print from the scan.)", "(GREG walks into the room.)", "Greg: Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Greg: Your spot of blood on the ice machine lid?", "Nick: Yeah?", "Greg: We've got three alleles on several loci.", "Nick: Is it a mixture of more than one stain?", "Greg: One blood came back the vic's. The other came back unknown.", "Nick: Oh.", "(NICK looks at the results.)", "Nick: Chances are that's our killer.", "(The computer runs the print through the database.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LGAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. THE FEZ - OUTSIDE THE MOTEL ROOM -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE stand just outside the motel room door as they go over the scenario.)", "Grissom: So they lure their victims with the promise of s*x.", "(Quick flashback to: The two couples are in the room. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: And then they get them to the room. And they say, \"just kidding. We don't want s*x. We want your life.\"", "(Quick flashback to: CAMERON puts a knife in the MR. LAGGERMAN's hand and holds it against his wife's neck.)", "Cameron: It's about trust. How much do you love your wife?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Which still doesn't explain how they get the husband to kill his wife.", "Catherine: They had to have been in some kind of situation where they couldn't say no.", "Grissom: They had a gun to his head.", "(Quick flashback to: CAMERON holds a gun against the back of the husband's neck.)", "Cameron: If you want to live, you kill her by your own hands, or you both die.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: They didn't think he was just going to walk away.", "Grissom: Maybe he was hoping to save his wife from something worse.", "(Quick flashback to: The husband holds the knife against the wife's neck while CAMERON holds the gun on the back of the husband's neck.)", "Cameron: Tell me. Do you love your wife enough to spare her the suffering?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Rape, torture, then murder.", "(Quick flashback to: The husband holds the knife against the wife's neck while CAMERON holds the gun on the back of the husband's neck. MANDY stands in the back watching.)", "Cameron: If you want to live, you kill her by your own hand. Or you both die.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: It's just so sick.", "(GRISSOM looks around, then they both turn and walk over to the ice machine.)", "Grissom: Why did he stick him in the ice machine?", "Catherine: Well, I checked with the manager. The vic was not registered. No car.", "Grissom: So he had to improvise.", "(Quick flashback to: CAMERON and the husband are out in the parking lot looking for his car.)", "Cameron: Where's your car?", "Mr. Laggerman: We took a taxi. Please don't kill me.", "(They knock him out, put him in the ice machine, then cut his throat.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Well, knowing now there was an odd mixture of blood, it's safe to say that someone cut themselves.", "Catherine: Someone's got blood on their hands.", "(Camera holds on the print on the ice machine.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(NICK sits in front of the computer as he waits for the print to run through the database. The computer beeps.)", "(It found a match. NICK gets the DMV license for:", "NEVADA DRIVER LICENSE 06-22-2001", "LIC# 1800599863 EXPIRES: 10-30-2006", "SSN: 502-14-345", "CLASS: C", "ENDORSE", "RESTRICTIONS", "BIRTHDATE: 10-30-1976", "s*x: F", "HEIGHT 5'05\"", "WEIGHT: 130", "EYES: BRN", "HAIR BLN", "KLINEFELD, MANDY", "11546 BLACKBIRD LANE", "Nick: (reading) Mandy Klinefeld. 11546 Blackbird Lane.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(NICK rushes through the hallway and bumps into GRISSOM.)", "Nick: Mandy and Cameron Klinefeld. I just pulled their license photos off the DMV. Brass showed them to the motel manager. Couldn't I.D., so ... APBs are on the horn.", "(GRISSOM looks at the DMV photo but doesn't say anything.)", "Nick: Come on, Grissom. It's got to be them. Who stays at a motel when you live here?", "Grissom: Assume nothing, Nick.", "(GRISSOM walks out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. HOTEL -- DAY]", "(The OFFICER leads BRASS and GRISSOM toward the pool area.)", "Brass: Who found the car?", "Officer: Green valley ranch security guard, the one that actually bothers to check the APB list.", "(They stop and look around.)", "Officer: Let's see, cabana number four.", "Grissom: There they are.", "(The men head for the couple.)", "Brass: Cameron Klinefeld and Mandy Klinefeld?", "Cameron Klinefeld: (to the other couple) Now that's not the cocktail waitress.", "Brass: (to the other couple in the cabana) You and you go with this officer, please. Thank you. Thank you. (the couple leaves) You checked into The Fez last night under a false name. We also suspect you of identity theft and felony fraud at The Sphere hotel as well. They don't have the magic fingers bed there, do they?", "Cameron Klinefeld: We were at The Fez last weekend.", "(GRISSOM looks around.)", "Cameron Klinefeld: I got a hooker. She watched. She likes it. It gets her off. What's the problem?", "Brass: The problem is, people keep showing up dead in your hotel rooms.", "Mandy Klinefeld: (to GRISSOM) What are you looking at, my feet?", "Grissom: No. His feet, actually.", "(Camera close up of a piece of glitter stuck to the bottom of his shoe. GRISSOM reaches out and removes it. He holds it out to show them the glitter. Camera zooms in on the glitter piece from \"Shimmer\".)", "Grissom: Shiny.", "Mandy Klinefeld: Isn't this harassment?", "(GRISSOM looks over and sees the knife cut on her hand.)", "Grissom: How much do you love your wife?", "(CAMERON turns to look at GRISSOM.)", "Cameron Klinefeld: \"Love is not love\"", "Grissom: Shakespeare?", "Cameron Klinefeld: \"Let me not the marriage of true minds...\"", "Grissom: \"... admit impediments love is not love ...", "Cameron Klinefeld: ... but bears it out till the edge of doom.\"", "Grissom: One of the sonnets. Love is conditional.", "Cameron Klinefeld: For most people.", "Grissom: But not for you.", "(CAMERON to turns to look at GRISSOM. They smile at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. CSI - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY]", "(GRISSOM and the other CSIs meet around the conference table.)", "Grissom: Okay, here we go. We've got a husband and wife serial team killing couples. So, let's see where we're at starting with the first double murder. Sara?", "Sara: Bloody knife linking back to Alice Dominguez.", "Catherine: We suspect that Mr. Dominguez was forced to kill his wife for the promise of freedom.", "(Quick flashback to: The scenario where the husband holds the knife against his wife's neck while MANDY KLINEFELD stands nearby urging him on.)", "Mandy: Come on. Do it. Just cut her throat, and you can walk out of here.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: That explains the thumbprint I found on the exit door leading to the garage. What, they take him for a walk?", "Sara: They were never going to let him go.", "(Quick flashback to: MANDY backs out of the motel room as she looks around to see if it's clear. CAMERON and MR. LAGGERMAN follow. They head for the ice machine.)", "(Cut to: MANDY walks out of the hotel room followed by CAMERON and MR. DOMINGUEZ.", "Mandy Klinefeld: Open the door.", "(MR. DOMINGUEZ opens the door leaving his thumb print on the door.)", "(Camera zooms forward down the stair well. Cut to: They walk up to his car.)", "Cameron Klinefeld: It's almost over.", "Mandy Klinefeld: You'll be all right.", "(MR. DOMINGUEZ opens the car door and gets inside.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Doc Robbins found evidence of glitter on Mrs. Dominguez.", "Warrick: I also found glitter on Mr. Dominguez.", "Grissom: I found some on Mr. Klinefeld's shoes, so it's possible the Klinefeld's picked up their first couple at Shimmer.", "Nick: Did anyone at Shimmer I.D. the Klinefelds?", "(Quick flashback to their interview with the DANCER.)", "Dancer: I didn't get a good look at the other two.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: We didn't know who they were at the time. Okay ... that's it for the first murder. What about the second?", "Nick: Uh, we've got prints on quarters.", "Sara: We do have an admixture of blood off the ice machine.", "Grissom: What about prints on the ice machine knife?", "Warrick: Forget it. Ice destroyed it.", "Catherine: Okay, so, uh, we're going to have to get into the Klinefelds' house. If they haven't tossed the towels and sheets ... (sighs) ... we may have something.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COURTROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM stand in front of the CLERK.)", "Brass: No. Uh, look, there's got to be some mistake. We are this close to busting a pair of serial killers and the Judge won't issue a warrant?", "Stuart Gardner (court clerk): Hey, I'm just the messenger.", "Brass: Is he back there? I'm going to talk to him.", "(He hands the unsigned affidavit to BRASS.)", "Stuart Gardner (court clerk): He won't sign it. It's not the first time. Sorry.", "(BRASS and GRISSOM head back to the Judge's offices.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[JUDGE SLATER'S OFFICE -- CONTINUOUS]", "(JUDGE SLATER looks at the affidavit.)", "Judge Slater: Look, I have signed hundreds of search warrants for Captain Brass, but ... this affidavit lacks probable cause. Prints on quarters, an admixture of DNA ...", "Grissom: DNA, if given a warrant, will clear or convict...", "Judge Slater: ... are not enough for me to invade the Klinefelds' right to privacy.", "Grissom: Your Honor, with all due respect, you've signed warrants for less.", "Judge Slater: Yes... and where did it get me? Just last week, the appeals court overturned one of our convictions, based on a search warrant I gave to one of your sidekicks. We make a habit of this, I'm never going to get to the Foley building. Federal appointment. What if they kill again?", "Judge Slater: (continues) All the more reason we need to get this right. Unappealable. The affidavit is thin. You give me more ... I'll give you more.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB]", "(NICK is in the lab looking over the video tapes from the bar. CATHERINE walks in from the hallway.)", "Catherine: Funny, doesn't look like a doghouse.", "Nick: Grissom ratted me out, huh?", "Catherine: Um, no, you ratted yourself out. Hey, Nick, I know you're proud of what you do. You're good at what you do, and you want people to know what you do, but once you open your mouth, it's all over 'cause what we say ends up in the news.", "Nick: I guess I'm learning that the hard way, huh? (They smile at each other.) All right, (he clears his throat), let's take a look. You see, it looks like something got a little bit more interesting than roulette here.", "Catherine: So, if that's the lure, where's the catch?", "(NICK fast forwards the video.)", "Catherine: mm-hmm. Clear drinks. What do you want to bet the Rifkins are drinking vodka and the Klinefelds club soda.", "Nick: Hmm. Did you see that? That was a little tongue action right there.", "Catherine: So, if we're creatures of habit ... if she stuck her tongue in Mr. Rifkin's ear, chances are she stuck it in Mr. Dominguez's ear, too.", "Catherine: Mr. Dominguez has already been autopsied. Washed from head-to-toe.", "Nick: What about the ice man?", "Catherine: (softly) Coroners.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(DAVID PHILLIPS washes the body of the second victim. The phone rings in the background, but he can't hear it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(CATHERINE'S on the phone as she and NICK rush to get to the body.)", "Catherine: He's not picking up.", "[DAVID PHILLIPS]", "(DAVID continues to wash the body. He's still on the legs. The phone rings in the background.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[HALLWAY OUTSIDE FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(The door bursts open. CATHERINE and NICK rush into the hallway where they see DR. ROBBINS walking.)", "Catherine: Oh, hey, doc. Doc. Where's the ice man?", "Robbins: (points) Uh, David's cleaning him up.", "(They tear and head into the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(CATHERINE and NICK burst into the room.)", "Nick: David ... whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.", "Catherine: Drop the hose.", "(DAVID drops the hose.)", "David Phillips: What did I do?", "Catherine: Did you go from head to toe or head to toe?", "David Phillips: Toe to head.", "Nick: Good. Good answer.", "(DAVID smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[SHORT TIME LATER]", "(CATHERINE and NICK take a swab of the inside of MR. LAGGERMAN'S ear.)", "(Quick CGI POV of the swab inside the ear getting the sample. End of quick CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "(They each cap their swabs.)", "(NICK holds out his swab to CATHERINE who holds out her swab to NICK.)", "Catherine: You run with it.", "(Appreciative, NICK takes the swab and heads out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(NICK paces the floor as he waits for the results. GRISSOM stands on the side and looks at his watch.)", "Grissom: We get it yet?", "Nick: Any minute now.", "(The printer prints the results. GREG looks at it.)", "Greg: Here it is. Affirmative for female DNA.", "Grissom: Where are the admixture results from the ice machine?", "Greg: Right here.", "(GREG shows GRISSOM the results.)", "Greg: This is the same woman.", "Nick: Whoever was in his ear was on that ice machine. She's the killer.", "(Quick flashback to: FRED LAGGERMAN begs for his life.)", "Fred Laggerman: Please, let me go. Please, let me go.", "(CAMERON KLINEFELD smashes his head against the door. He steps aside and MANDY slices his throat and cuts her finger in the process.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: This should get us a warrant.", "(NICK nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. KLINEFELD RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(The police officer cars pull up to the curb and park. BRASS, GRISSOM and other officers exit their cars.)", "(BRASS motions to the other OFFICERS.)", "Brass: Okay, split up. Go around the back.", "(He and GRISSOM walks up the front door. They notice the front door is slightly open. BRASS rings the doorbell. There's no answer.)", "(BRASS pushes the front door open and stands in the doorway.)", "Brass: Las Vegas police. Mr. and Mrs. Klinefeld, we have a warrant.", "(They walk into he house and look around.", "(The television set is on in one of the rooms.)", "(BRASS walks into the house and finds MANDY KLINEFELD dead, face down on the floor.)", "Brass: We got a problem ...", "(GRISSOM looks around and finds CAMERON KLINEFELD dead.)", "Brass: Somebody got to our killers before we did.", "(Camera goes from GRISSOM to MANDY KLINEFELD to BRASS. BRASS lifts his flashlight directly into the camera.)", "FADE TO WHITE." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Assume Nothing (1)
[ "During a heat wave , Grissom and Catherine investigate the death of a baby who was found dead locked in a car. Nick and Sara look into the death of a woman who was found floating in a lake with a headwound. Warrick investigates the case of a man who died at his home of an apparent heat stroke ." ]
[ "[EXT. SKY (STOCK) - DAY]", "(Sun slowly rises.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "(Various voice overs of several radio announcers dissolving one over of the other.)", "Announcer (man): (V.O.) It's going to be a scorcher and ...", "Announcer (woman): (V.O.) In Las Vegas, the temperature is already 108 degrees.", "Announcer (man): (V.O.) Get yourself off to the tap and keep yourself drinking all day along", "Announcer (woman): (V.O.) It's so hot, you could cook an egg on a sidewalk ...", "Announcer (man): (V.O.) A record number of heat stroke victims.", "Announcer (woman): (V.O.) ... no relief in sight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "BLUR INTO:", "(A woman slowly makes her way to her parked car. She puts her drink down on the car trunk and reaches into her bag to get her keys. She looks around and something catches her eye. She sees a baby in the baby seat in the back seat of a car.)", "(She gets closer for a better look. Once she realizes that it is a baby, she cries out to get help. A small crowd gathers around at the commotion.)", "Woman: Help! I need help!", "Man: Ma'am, you all right?", "Woman: There's a baby inside the car!", "Man: Where are your keys?", "Woman: It's not my car. Help! Somebody help us!", "(A MAN gets a KID'S skateboard and rushes back to the car.)", "Man: Get back! Get back!", "Woman: Help!", "(The MAN smashes the skateboard in through the car window. The broken glass shatters onto the unmoving baby inside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING LOT -- LATER]", "(EMERGENCY PERSONNEL are gathered around the car.)", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE make their way to the car. BRASS sits inside looking for the car ownership papers.)", "Brass: Registration's not here. This is the shopping plaza. Mother can't be too far.", "(CATHERINE peers in through the window.)", "Catherine: When are parents going to learn a car is not a baby-sitter?", "(GRISSOM looks at the thermometer. It reads: 108.2F.)", "Grissom: 108 degrees outside.", "Brass: You want to document the inside temperature?", "(BRASS opens the back door and GRISSOM puts the thermometer inside the car. He shuts the car door.)", "Brass: How many of these have we had this year?", "Catherine: I lost count after ten.", "Grissom: This one makes twelve.", "(A man walks toward the car to see what the commotion is about.)", "Paul Winston: Hey, that's my car. Look, what the hell is going on? Hey, that's my car. What are they doing? Did somebody break in to my car?", "Brass: I'm Detective Brass, Las Vegas Police. Sir, do you have a son?", "(PAUL WINSTON looks at BRASS as it occurs to him.)", "Paul Winston: Oh, god! Joshua!", "(GRISSOM reaches back into the car and checks the thermometer. It reads:", "145.0F.)", "Grissom: 145 degrees inside the car.", "(GRISSOM turns and looks at PAUL WINSTON, in agony over his son.)", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS DESERT (STOCK) - DAY]", "(Various voice over's of radio announcers.)", "Announcer 1 (man): (V.O.) There is an advisory ...", "Announcer 2 (woman): (V.O.) Stay in ...", "Announcer 3 (man): (V.O.) ... make sure you wear a hat and drink plenty of liquids ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and DAVID PHILLIPS peer in to the back seat of the car. CATHERINE takes pictures while DAVID PHILLIPS does his paperwork.)", "Catherine: If it's not babies in cars, it's babies in swimming pools. It's that time of year.", "David Phillips: Body's fully rigid. Normally, I'd say the infant's been dead for a couple of hours, but in this weather, it's possible the infant died no more than an hour ago. I'm all through, Catherine.", "Grissom: I brought a sheet. All these Looky-loo's, I think we'd better treat this like the baby's still alive.", "(CATHERINE puts her camera down and reaches for the baby. She takes the baby out of the car, stands, allows GRISSOM to wrap the sheet around the baby, then she carries the baby over to the CORONER'S van. She steps inside, puts the baby on the gurney, straps the baby in, steps out of the van and shuts the doors.)", "(The CORONER'S van leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE (STOCK) - DAY]", "Ranger Stone: I spotted her from my boat during a routine patrol.", "Sara: Two prints and drag marks. Did you move her?", "Ranger Stone: Had to. Didn't want her floating away.", "(Quick flashback to: The two officers drag the body out of the water and up the bank to higher ground. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Short shorts. Rock soft shoes. Dressed for sport.", "Sara: No sign of bloating.", "Nick: Chances are she's been dead less than twenty-four hours.", "Sara: Her neck looks been broken, her head split, but there's no coat of foam.", "Ranger Stone: No what?", "Nick: Uh, we have air in our lungs, add water, you have foam.", "Sara: It means she didn't drown.", "Officer: Well, drownings not the only way to die out here.", "(SARA looks around the area.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM -DAY]", "(BRASS interviews PAUL WINSTON while CATHERINE watches from the OBSERVATION ROOM.)", "Paul Winston: I was supposed to drop Joshua off at Day Care. My wife usually brings him on the way to work. It was a hectic morning. My cell phone was going off. Problems at the office.", "(Quick flashback to: [CAR (MOVING) - DAY] PAUL WINSTON is on his cell phone.)", "Paul Winston: Look, I don't care how much pressure we get from the finance here. Will you hold on a second, I have another call.", "(PAUL WINSTON presses his cell phone button and starts on the next call.)", "Paul Winston: Yeah, sorry, I can't do this right now. I'm driving. Hold all the calls. Tell them, they have to wait.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Paul Winston: I forgot he was in the backseat.", "Brass: How could you forget?", "Paul Winston: I'm not the one who drives him. Vicky does that.", "(BRASS glances over at the mirrors. On the other side, CATHERINE watches the interview.)", "Paul Winston: I was distracted. My job consumes so much of my mind.", "Brass: What kind of job do you have?", "Paul Winston: I'm an agent for the Gaming Commission. It's a twenty-five hour a day job, eight days a week.", "Brass: Your wife work?", "Paul Winston: She works as much as me. Joshua made it all worth while.", "Brass: Where's your wife now?", "Paul Winston: She's in L.A. on business. How am I going to tell her?", "(PAUL WINSTON puts his head in his hands.)", "(Camera holds on CATHERINE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(NICK and SARA go over the body. NICK snaps photos while SARA takes off something from the WOMAN'S scalp.)", "(Camera zooms in for a close up.)", "Sara: Green ... something.", "(NICK snaps more photos.)", "Nick: No birthmark. No scars, no tattoos.", "(NICK looks and sees an indention under the wrap around the WOMAN'S waist. He reaches out to check and finds a key for locker #28.)", "Nick: I got a locker key.", "(He looks at it. They continue working.)", "Sara: You put in for the promotion, huh.", "Nick: Yeah, yeah. Last week. I still haven't heard anything about it.", "Sara: Yeah, neither have I.", "(DAVID PHILLIPS walks in.)", "David Phillips: Hey, you ready for me?", "Nick: It's all yours.", "(NICK leaves.)", "Sara: Heard you had a rough morning.", "David Phillips: I've had better.", "(DAVID removes the shoes from the WOMAN'S feet. He starts to wash the body and finds something unusual. SARA notices the bluish tinge to the WOMAN'S lips.)", "David Phillips: Sara, take a look at this. What is that?", "Sara: I don't know.", "(They share a look. DAVID shrugs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DAY]", "(The x-rays are spread out on the table as ROBBINS talks with SARA and NICK.)", "Robbins: You were right about your dead swimmer. She didn't drown. Cause of death was a culpable fracture of the neck, C1-C2.", "(ROBBINS reaches out and points to the area on the x-ray on the table.)", "Sara: From the blow to the head.", "Robbins: Probably. Cerebral contusions beneath the skull fracture. Savage hit.", "Nick: Greg processed the sexual assault kit. Positive for semen.", "Robbins: There were no physical findings for rape. Not a lot to go on here. Gastric lumen contained dark, pasty material, maybe slightly digestive meat, stringy vegetable matter.", "(NICK'S cell phone rings. He moves aside to answer it.)", "Sara: Does it give us a timeline?", "Robbins: Emptying rates vary from person to person, but I estimate that she ate two to four hours before death.", "Nick: (b.g.) Hello. Yeah. All right. Good.", "(NICK hangs up.)", "Nick: Ranger Stone came through. We found our locker.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE turns the corner.)", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Ms. Willows. Chief Deputy D.A. Jeffrey Sinclair.", "(They shake hands.)", "Catherine: mm-hmm. Personal visit. Must be important.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: It is. Joshua Winston. The dead infant.", "Catherine: We're working on it.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: How long was the baby left inside the car?", "Catherine: Based on the time of death, uh, we estimate roughly an hour. The 9-1-1 call came in 11:30 in the morning.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Okay. And what time does Paul Winston start work?", "Catherine: According to Captain Brass ... uh, ten a.m.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Hour and a half. Come on. I got a three year old at home and I've left him inside in a covered garage with groceries two minutes tops. But two hours in this heat?", "Catherine: I know. It's a tragedy.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: You know, cases like these almost never see the inside of a court room, but this one will.", "Catherine: Is there any worse punishment than losing your child?", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Yeah, jail time. I want him behind bars so the next time a parent steps away from their vehicle in triple degree heat, they check the backseat before they lock the door.", "Catherine: Doesn't change my job.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Look, I need you guys to thoroughly document this case. I don't want any more surprises in court. So, from the car to the kid, just try to cross your T's and dot your I's, okay?", "(JEFFREY SINCLAIR steps away.)", "Catherine: I always do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE and GRISSOM check the car out.)", "Catherine: Car seat's fastened correctly. Most aren't.", "(CATHERINE removes the car seat.)", "Catherine: Hey, Gil. Look at this. What do you think?", "Grissom: uhm ... nothing.", "Catherine: Exactly. There's no indentations in the leather.", "Grissom: Well, maybe this wasn't the primary vehicle for transporting the baby.", "Catherine: Yeah. Same thing the father said.", "(GRISSOM sees something.)", "Grissom: What is that?", "(CATHERINE looks and sees the drops.)", "Catherine: I don't know.", "(She takes a swab of it and tests it for blood.)", "Catherine: Negative for blood.", "(GRISSOM sighs.)", "Catherine: What are you thinking?", "Grissom: (shakes his head) I don't get people.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "Announcer (man): (V.O.) It's still hot out there folks.", "Announcer (man): (V.O.) If you have to be outside, please, take your water bottle.", "Announcer (woman): (V.O.) Take the advice and drink plenty of fluids.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JONES' RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(WARRICK takes pictures as he walks around the dead body. He looks up as GRISSOM enters the room.)", "Warrick: (surprised) You with me?", "Grissom: I am now. Catherine's doing the baby case. It's hot in here.", "Warrick: Oh, yeah.", "(WARRICK takes more pictures of the scene around the body.)", "Warrick: Super came in and checked the a/c and he found him like this. Wesley Jones. 33. His massage chair. No signs of forced entry.", "Grissom: It doesn't appear that robbery was a motive.", "Warrick: Small bruise on the fingertip, but no outward signs of trauma.", "(WARRICK takes more pictures.)", "Grissom: I had a case once where a soda can was the murder weapon. Suspect used it to bash in the victim's head.", "(GRISSOM looks around the room as WARRICK takes a picture of the soda can.)", "Warrick: Diet shake, fitness magazines, cookie crumbs on a baking sheet. This guy's trying to start a diet or falling off one?", "Grissom: He's got a workout schedule. And today? Three-mile run. Fat metabolizers containing ephedra. Scorching heat and ephedra? That's not good.", "(Quick flashback of: WESLEY JONES walking through his apartment, wobbly and woozy. He gets a drink out of the refrigerator and makes his way to his chair. He sits down, then has problems breathing. He lays back and dies. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Sounds like a heat stroke to me.", "Grissom: Yeah. Feel the burn.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE walks into the lab.)", "Catherine: Hey, Greg.", "Greg: Hey.", "Catherine: How are we doing on that swab?", "Greg: Ah, should be ready any minute. Another baby. I hear the D.A.'s really gunning for the father. What do you think they're going to charge him with? Murder?", "Catherine: Not likely. Child endangerment. Child neglect. Child abuse.", "Greg: Sounds like a slap on the wrist to me.", "Catherine: You and the D.A. can shake hands.", "(The printer prints the results.)", "Catherine: Your print out's ready.", "Greg: The red stain in the car ... prophenerine malaeise.", "Catherine: Cough syrup.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE -- DAY]", "(NICK reaches into the open locker and takes out some chips. He hands the chips to SARA.)", "Nick: Dollar slots.", "Sara: Is there truly no place left in Las Vegas without slot machines?", "(He takes out the other contents of the locker. He hands the bag to SARA while he checks the wallet.)", "Nick: University student ID. Sophia Renatta, 20 years old.", "Sara: And a guy's wallet. No credit card. No driver's license.", "(SARA pulls out a t-shirt from the bag.)", "Sara: Oh, this is too big for Sophia. It's double extra large.", "Nick: Well, that's certainly a guy's. Could be a boy-friend's ... beach buddy ... ?", "Sara: Suspect?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE - DAY - SHORT TIME LATER]", "(NICK and SARA interview the OWNER of a WAVERUNNER RENTAL.)", "Rental Owner: Yeah, I remember her and her punk in shining armor.", "Nick: He wasn't a cool guy?", "Rental Owner: He stiffed me. Twice, bro. Rented a waverunner, didn't bring it back, and that cheap-assed plastic got a two-pay limit. I'm out five grand.", "Sara: Ouch.", "Nick: They look like a couple to you?", "Rental Owner: She was a pretty girl with a problem. He knew and in when he saw one.", "(Quick flashback to: SOPHIA RENATTA tries to rent a waverunner.)", "Rental Owner: You got a credit card?", "Sophia Renatta: No.", "Rental Owner: No? We got a line here, why don't' you step aside ...", "(A MAN steps up to the front of the line.)", "Mark Young: Maybe, I can help?", "(He and SOPHIE look at each other and smile.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: So, you think they just met?", "Rental Owner: I'll bet. Something must've been in the air.", "Sara: We're going to need the rental log, if you don't mind.", "Rental Owner: Go crazy.", "Sara: Thanks.", "Nick: Thanks.", "(SARA takes the log book and they both step back from the dock.)", "Sara: Here it is. Mark Young. Checked out the Waverunner. 11:45, but he and Sophia didn't hit the water till 2:15.", "Nick: Well, if he did just meet her, he's a pretty smooth operator. Bailed her out, bought her lunch, and still had some coins left over to play the slots.", "Sara: Classic lake date.", "(They turn around to look at the waverunner on the water.)", "(Quick flashback to SOPHIE and MARK on the waverunner. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Boy meets girl. Girl ends up dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and BRASS interview VICKY WINSTON.)", "Catherine: Mrs. Winston.", "Vicky Winston: I asked my husband to do one thing. One thing. I got up early, I fed Joshua, I got him changed, dressed. All he had to do was drop him off.", "Catherine: You flew to Los Angeles, Mrs. Winston?", "(VICKY WINSTON sighs.)", "Vicky Winston: I had business in Anaheim. I'm in Horticulture. My company is designing a garden for a new hotel.", "Brass: How'd you get to the airport?", "Vicky Winston: I drove my car.", "Catherine: I presume you have a babyseat in your vehicle.", "Vicky Winston: Of course, it's the law. I put it in Paul's car before I left.", "(Quick flashback to: VICKY WINSTON carries the car seat over to PAUL'S car and puts it in the back seat. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Ms. Winston, did Joshua have a cold?", "Vicky Winston: He had a slight cough. There was a bug going around in day care.", "Catherine: Did you give him anything for it?", "Vicky Winston: Cough syrup. Last night.", "Catherine: How about this morning?", "Vicky Winston: There's a rule in our house that only one parent medicates a child. But, I told Paul to go ahead and give it to Joshua if he was still coughing. Why?", "(She looks at them.)", "Brass: Thanks for coming in. We're all done. Thank you.", "(VICKY WINSTON looks out the door and sees PAUL walking outside the hallway. He looks inside the office and sees VICKY. She gets to her feet and heads toward him.)", "(She starts to hit him and scream at him.)", "Vicky Winston: What is wrong with you? How could you leave him in the car? What is wrong with you?", "(He holds her as she cries. CATHERINE and BRASS watch the WINSTONS move aside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(SARA and NICK interviews MARK YOUNG'S father.)", "Sara: Mr. Young, your son was last seen with a young girl. We know that he rented a waverunner. Now that young girl is in our morgue and we don't know where your son is.", "Mr. Young: I can't believe this is happening. Mark has a job. There's no reason for him to be on the lake during a work day.", "Sara: We contacted Mark's manager at work. He called in sick.", "Mr. Young: What are you saying? That he killed this girl? What is this?!", "Nick: No, no. No one's saying that. We're just ... Mr. Young, when is the last time that you saw Mark?", "Mr. Young: Yesterday morning. He came by, got something to eat and he left. I mean, at this age, I can't keep track of him.", "Nick: Hey, believe me, I understand. I've been there.", "Mr. Young: Mr. Stokes, my son is not a criminal.", "Nick: We're not saying he's a criminal.", "Sara: All we're saying is your son had contact with the victim and now he's missing. What we'd like to do is get a warrant to search your house.", "Mr. Young: A warrant?", "Nick: But maybe we don't need one. If we could just come by there and collect some of Mark's things, uh, we could get a DNA sample, exclude him as a suspect.", "Mr. Young: You can take whatever you want. Mark didn't hurt that girl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(ROBBINS goes over the body findings with WARRICK.)", "Robbins: Go ahead, pinch him.", "Warrick: There's no tenting. So he wasn't dehydrated. No, heat stroke.", "Robbins: Vitreous urea nitrogen and creatinine were normal. Same for sodium.", "Warrick: What about drugs?", "Robbins: Tox was negative.", "Warrick: Heart attack?", "Robbins: Organ was normal, under 400 grams. Left ventricle less than 1.5 centimeters.", "Warrick: I've run out of questions.", "Robbins: Well, I would've missed this one if it weren't for you.", "(ROBBINS holds up the body's hand.)", "Warrick: Oh, you sectioned off that fingertip bruise.", "Robbins: Look at the scope.", "(WARRICK looks at the scope.)", "[SCOPE VIEW of skin cells]", "Warrick: The skin cells look stressed out.", "Robbins: It's called nuclear streaming. It occurs when an electric current passes through tissue.", "Warrick: He was electrocuted. But how come there's no burn marks?", "Robbins: Low-power shock. Uh, current crossed the heart. No damage to the muscle, but havoc on the rhythm.", "(Quick flashback to: WESLEY JONES sits back in his chair in front of the fan.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) Ventricular fibrillation.", "(He starts to gasp for air)", "(Quick CGI to: Camera moves through the chest to the heart to show the irregular beat.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) A precision clock becomes a bag of worms.", "(End of CGI. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: All it takes is a little current.", "Warrick: And a point of contact.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(NICK and SARA are in the trace lab.)", "David Hodges: The substance on her hips is suntan lotion. Waterproof, zinc oxide, high SPF.", "Sara: Well, that's odd. The victim had a deep, even tan. We collected low SPF oil from the locker. It's a simple transfer -- him to her.", "(Quick flashback to: MARK puts his hands on SOPHIE'S waist as she laughs. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: What about the green substance in the head wound?", "David Hodges: Mm.", "(DAVID moves aside and lets SARA look at the scope.)", "[SCOPE VIEW of the algae (or 'green' stuff) ]", "David Hodges: Navicula, hannaea, achnanthes, cymbella.", "Sara: Algae.", "David Hodges: Yeah, not the free-swimming kind. These are epilithic diatoms. Attached to rocks.", "Sara: Girl's out at the lake. She meets some random guy she knows nothing about and she goes off with him.", "David Hodges: She places herself in a bad situation.", "Sara: And bad things happen.", "(Quick flashback to: MARK and SOPHIE are on the waverunner. He makes a sharp turn and she falls off, hitting her head on the algae-covered rocks on the bottom.)", "Sara: (V.O.) Sophia takes a header and he bails.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB ]", "(NICK and SARA look at the map spread out on the table.)", "Sara: This algae grows everywhere.", "Nick: A waverunner ... point and throttle.", "(NICK sighs.)", "Nick: We have no idea where they went.", "(GREG stands in the doorway.)", "Greg: Heard you guys narrowed your search area to 44 square miles. That could take like months.", "Nick: And I'm sure you're here to shed some light on the situation.", "(GREG walks into the lab.)", "Greg: Your case is a boy-girl thing, right?", "Nick: Right.", "Sara: Mm-hmm.", "Greg: Body was washed up near Windmill Cove?", "Nick: mm-hmm.", "(GREG points to the next two coves on the map: SANDY POINT COVE and TEQUILA COVE.)", "Greg: These two coves to the north -- Cotton Wood Island, Tequila -- huge make-out spots. But nearly impossible to get to by land.", "Sara: And how would you know that, Greg?", "Greg: A gentleman never tells. Anyway, I thought that would be a good place to start. If you guys need an extra set of hands ...", "Nick: Uh, no. No. I think we got it, boss.", "(GREG leaves the room. SARA smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE turns on the garage lights and looks through the car. She finds a photo of the WINSTONS with a baby between them. She looks in the trunk and finds some drycleaning. She puts that aside. She finds a plastic bag of old clothes and things. Inside the bag, she finds a blanket with the name: HOWARD ASTON WINSTON embroidered on it.)", "Catherine: \"Howard Aston Winston.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Announcer (woman): Recording a record number of ...", "Announcer (man): The Clark County Health Department still advises all citizens to stay hydrated and ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(BRASS and CATHERINE walk through the hallway.)", "Brass: I got the state medical records for Howard Ashton Winston -- born August 12, 2000. Would've been three years old.", "Catherine: When did he die?", "Brass: Last year -- Tay-Sachs disease.", "Catherine: Oh, that's incurable. Like MS, right?", "Brass: Yeah, I worked with a cop in New Jersey whose son died from it. Aw, the poor kid went blind, couldn't swallow. In the end, he couldn't even lift his head up.", "Catherine: The Winstons never mentioned they had another child.", "Brass: Losing one kid is tough, but two?", "Catherine: I know it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Camera moves along the clearboard with a layout of the JONES' apartment. Next to that, WARRICK examines the massage chair. Also in the lab, ARCHIE works on something at the table.)", "Warrick: These wires are all insulated. No burn marks. Current didn't pass through this chair.", "Archie: Whoa-ho!", "Warrick: What you got?", "Archie: Ultimate power. I could program this bad boy to make me a cup of coffee.", "Warrick: Is there any sign of electrical surging?", "Archie: Well... this remote control's got plenty of juice, but ... the board's clean, no scoring. (pauses) You know, if I had my choice about how I was going to go out, it would not be electrocution. I think an aneurysm in my sleep-- quick and painless.", "Warrick: I like surprises.", "(ARCHIE opens the remote; WARRICK opens the phone.)", "Warrick: Bingo. Look at that. Current went through the phone.", "Archie: From what?", "Warrick: Heat lightning. Storm rolls through the desert, sometimes it strikes in town.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT] Lightning strikes and hits a telephone pole, the current runs through the wires, through the box, through the phone lines, up the wires, into the house and zaps WESLEY JONES as he talks on the phone. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Archie: Electrocution through the phone line? I thought that was a myth.", "Warrick: This look like a myth to you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE - DAY]", "(NICK and SARA are on the boat. They find the waverunner in a cove.)", "Nick: Greg was right. There's our waverunner.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COVE - DAY]", "(SARA swabs the towel. She tests the swab.)", "Sara: Signs of s*x; no sign of blood.", "Nick: Half a tank of gas. Why didn't he just take this to get out of Dodge?", "Sara: Well, if he leaves the dock with Sophia, comes back alone ... somebody might notice.", "Nick: So... he just hoofs it out of here? How?", "Ranger Stone: There's an access route about two miles east, but in this heat, no way.", "(SARA looks on the dirt near the towel and sees several shoe prints.)", "(Quick flashback to: Close up of SOPHIA'S soft shoes. The shoe prints match. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Well, if you kill somebody ... you find a way. Check it out.", "(SARA gets to her feet and follows the prints. NICK follows SARA up the hill.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(WARRICK shows GRISSOM the map on the monitor.)", "Warrick: Strike map from the national lightning detection network.", "(The computer beeps.)", "Warrick: This is Vegas in yellow.", "(A red beeping square appears on the monitor:", "ID: 30994", "Flash Radius: 4.2 km", "(A second red beeping square appears on the monitor:", "ID 30993", "Flash Radius: 3.1 km", "(Camera pulls back to show three blinking red squares on the monitor map.)", "Warrick: Hasn't had a lightning strike in three days.", "Grissom: You got another theory?", "Warrick: All I got is a fried phone.", "Grissom: One point on the electrical path to ground.", "Warrick: If the phone wasn't the way in, maybe it was the way out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JONES' RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(WARRICK and ARCHIE put the massage chair back in the room where it was found.)", "Archie: You good on your end?", "Warrick: Yes.", "Archie: Good.", "Warrick: This about it?", "Archie: Yeah.", "Warrick: Okay ... now, electricity is fickle, right?", "Archie: Yeah.", "Warrick: One centimeter can mean the difference between a little zap and dead.", "(WARRICK passes his flashlight over the chair and envisions WESLEY JONES sitting there dead.)", "Warrick: So, let's assume that the current went out through his right index finger and the phone. For it to cross his heart, it must've come from the left side of his body, right?", "Archie: We've ruled out the fan and the chair. Can was in his left hand, so ... the point of entry must've been somewhere else on his body.", "(WARRICK passes the light down the chair and envisions seeing WESLEY JONES' legs and feet flat on the floor.)", "(He and ARCHIE both kneel down. WARRICK looks at the floor and finds a foot print.)", "Warrick: His bare foot touched the floor.", "(Using the flashlight, he sees markings and follows the markings to the left toward the wall. Both he and ARCHIE get to their feet and follow the markings. WARRICK kneels down and looks between the shelves. He sees the burned out extension cord.)", "Warrick: Path of least resistance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COVE -- DAY]", "(NICK and SARA follow the footprints up to the edge of the Cliffside.)", "Sara: That's got to be a 50-foot drop.", "Nick: Yeah, but when you're young, it just looks like a whole lot of fun.", "Sara: Not for Sophia.", "(Quick flashback to: MARK and SOPHIA go to the edge of the cliff. MARK'S urging SOPHIA to jump.)", "Mark Young: Come on, go for it.", "Sophia: No, I don't ...", "Mark Young: It'll be a rush.", "Sophia: I don't know.", "(He pushes her in and she falls head first to the water below.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Well, if that's where she died ... the evidence isn't up here. It's down there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE opens her locker and gazes at the pictures of LINDSEY pinned to her locker door. The last picture is a drawing with \"SUPER MOMMY\" on it.)", "Greg: Catherine ... Hey, I got your results. Found a therapeutic level of cough syrup in the baby's system, no more than the recommended dosage.", "Catherine: So, between the cough syrup and the heat, Joshua probably fell asleep and the father forgot that he was there.", "Greg: Maybe. I also found organophosphates, more specifically, disulfoton.", "(CATHERINE turns and looks at GREG.)", "Catherine: Pesticides.", "(GREG hands the print results to CATHERINE to look at.)", "Catherine: What the hell's he doing with pesticides in his system?", "(GREG shrugs. CATHERINE turns and closes her locker door as she thinks about the possibilities.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WINSTON RESIDENCE - FRONT WALK -- DAY]", "(BRASS and CATHERINE walk up to the house.)", "(The door opens and VICKY WINSTON appears.)", "Brass: Mrs. Winston, we have a warrant to search the premises.", "(Behind her, PAUL WINSTON walks into the living room.)", "Catherine: Where do you keep your gardening supplies?", "(Cut to: CATHERINE opens the shed door and looks inside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE -- DAY]", "(NICK and SARA instruct the divers in the water on what to look for.)", "Nick: Spiral search pattern. The anchor chain is your center point. Do a 360, then drop your depth. Now, you're not done till you hit the bottom, okay?", "Sara: You're looking for anything she might've hit her head on, probably something covered with algae.", "Nick: Good luck.", "(The divers head down into the lake.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "(CATHERINE looks around the garden shed. She looks through the basket full of products. She picks up one after the other, looking at the labels. She picks up a third container on which reads: \"ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: LAMBDA-CYHALOTHRIN, DISULFOTON, OTHER INGREDIENTS\". It also reads: \"Keep out of reach of children\".)", "CUT BACK TO:", "(The diver surfaces.)", "Nick: What do you got?", "(He hands NICK a camera monitor with a picture of a dead face trapped in the algae below.)", "Nick: That's got to be Mark Young.", "Sara: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WINSTON RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE walks up to BRASS and the WINSTONS. She shows them the bagged container.)", "Brass: Mr. and Mrs. Winston, why don't we get out of this heat?", "(They turn and head for the cars.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - DAY]", "(BRASS interviews VICKY and PAUL WINSTON.)", "Brass: Why didn't you tell us you had another child who also died?", "Vicky Winston: How dare you bring up Howard. I'm a mother in mourning. I've already buried one child. I have to bury another. One was in god's hands, the other in the incapable hands of my husband. Show some compassion. I'm not the guilty one here!", "Paul Winston: I'm guilty. I'm not a bad parent; I was negligent. I take full responsibility for what I did, but leave Howard out of it.", "Brass: We found pesticides in Joshua's bloodstream. I'm going to have to get a court order and exhume the body of your first child.", "(PAUL WINSTON sighs.)", "Paul Winston: Vicky and I went through hell watching Howard deteriorate. Can't you let my boy rest in peace?", "Brass: I'm afraid not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Camera opens on s small casket. On the monitor behind is a view of the baby inside the casket.)", "Robbins: With exhumations, you always hope for a good embalmer, and I think we've got one. Body's well-preserved. Tay-sachs is a genetic disorder. You see the retarded musculature? Classic symptom.", "Catherine: Night and day, compared to Joshua.", "(CATHERINE uncaps the needle on the syringe. She reaches inside the casket and takes a sample from the baby.)", "Catherine: Quite a lot of vitreous fluid left.", "Robbins: I stand corrected -- great embalmer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB --DAY]", "(CATHERINE walks into the lab and hands GREG the vial.)", "Catherine: Run this?", "(GREG takes the baggie sample and looks at it.)", "(He runs the sample.)", "(Lots of cuts of GREG preparing and running the sample while CATHERINE waits.)", "(The printer prints the results.)", "Greg: No cough syrup. No pesticides. Traces of monocycline.", "Catherine: Anti-inflammatory. Sometimes prescribed for Tay-Sachs. Well, it's the same principle of giving marijuana to glaucoma patients -- doesn't really cure the vision problems; it just buys you time.", "Greg: Band-aid.", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Greg: Maybe the Winston's didn't want Howard to suffer.", "Catherine: So, they don't kill their first child, who's dying. Why kill the second child, who's healthy?", "(CATHERINE shakes her head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DR. GARNER'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(DR. GARNER looks at the x-rays on the view box as CATHERINE interviews him.)", "Catherine: So, both Howard and Joshua Winston were patients of yours?", "Dr. Garner: (nods) Yes. I was with them when Howard died. That was a dark time for them and I must say that it took a lot of courage for them to try again. Because both parents carry the Tay-Sachs allele, there was a twenty-five percent chance that the second child would be born with it.", "Catherine: But Joshua dodged the bullet.", "Dr. Garner: We tested Vicki early in the second trimester; the results came back negative.", "Catherine: Had you seen Joshua recently?", "Dr. Garner: A couple days before he died.", "Catherine: It was a regular checkup, or ... ?", "Dr. Garner: No. Vicki called in a panic, said something was wrong. I told her to bring him right in.", "(Quick flashback to: DR. GARNER checks JOSHUA as his parents watch.)", "Dr. Garner: (V.O.) And despite the fetal test, Joshua seemed to be exhibiting all the classic signs of early Tay-Sachs. Floppiness, poor head control, unable to turn over, decreased muscle tone. When they brought him in it was Howard all over again.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Dr. Garner: The only conclusion was that the fetal test was a false negative.", "Catherine: What are the odds?", "Dr. Garner: Under one percent. When I saw Joshua's retinas there were red spots -- classic Tay-Sachs. I sent out an enzyme test to confirm it.", "Catherine: And did you confirm it?", "Dr. Garner: Results haven't come back yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(ROBBINS goes over the autopsy findings with NICK and SARA.)", "Robbins: Mark Young. Cause of death is asphyxia due to fresh water drowning. No bruises or other injuries. Except for a ruptured tympanic membrane.", "Sara: Hmm.", "(SARA leans forward and looks through the scope at the inside of MARK'S ear.)", "Sara: Hmm.", "(Quick CGI POV of the tear inside the ear. End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Tear's red. It's ragged.", "Robbins: Ante-mortem injury. In water, burst eardrums typically result from rapid decent. Sudden changes in pressure without equalizing.", "(Quick flashback to: MARK and SOPHIE are on the top of the ledge. MARK pushes SOPHIE off the edge.)", "Nick: (V.O.) She went in first.", "(She falls in. He screams, excited.)", "Mark Young: Whoo-hoo!", "Nick: (V.O.) And he jumped in after her.", "(When he sees that she hasn't surfaced, he jumps in.)", "(UNDERWATER: He finds SOPHIE and tries to get her free. He surfaces and dives back in. His ear drums burst and he dies, tangled in the weed below.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: This was an accident, Sara. He was trying to save her.", "Sara: That's a great theory. But we can't prove that.", "Nick: Twenty-six feet under with a busted eardrum? If not to save her, why dive that deep?", "Sara: I don't know. Case is over.", "Nick: Almost over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Using the photos of the scene up on the wall, WARRICK shows GRISSOM his theory.)", "Warrick: Found this mineral residue that led all the way from the massage chair to this burnt-out power strip across the room ... water stain.", "Grissom: Well, there's your conductor.", "Warrick: I also found them on the cookie sheet and this water-damaged magazine right here. And I found this plastic bag in the kitchen garbage.", "Grissom: \"Ice block.\"", "Warrick: Add that with the fan, you got yourself a homemade swamp cooler.", "(Quick flashback to: The ice block is set up in front of the running fan. WESLEY JONES sits in his chair cooling off. The water from the ice drips out of the pan, on to the magazine, down the table and pools on the floor at his feet.)", "(As more ice melts, the water pools and runs along the power cord all the way to the electric socket. The socket shorts, the shock runs along the cord and water, up through WESLEY JONES' feet and out to the telephone in his hand.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Inventive.", "Warrick: Guy was just trying to stay cool.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(SARA rounds the corner and finds NICK talking with MR. YOUNG.)", "Nick: I think he died trying to save someone's life.", "Mr. Young: Thanks.", "Nick: No, it's my pleasure.", "(She sees them shake hands. MR. YOUNG leaves.)", "Sara: Hey, Nick.", "(NICK picks up his messages off the counter. They turn and head back inside.)", "Nick: Hey.", "Sara: What are you doing?", "Nick: What do you mean?", "Sara: What did you tell him? His son died a hero?", "Nick: Look, I'm just trying to give the guy a little peace, you know?", "Sara: Oh, well, who are you trying to help feel better, him or you?", "Nick: Hey, let me ask you something, Sara: You're Mr. Young, would you rather know this much or nothing at all?", "Sara: You know, if the evidence doesn't support the answer, a CSI shouldn't be asking that question.", "Nick: Well, okay, if that works for you.", "Sara: Be careful.", "(SARA walks away. NICK walks off camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB ]", "(CATHERINE looks at various projector shots. The chemical compounds are reflected off of her and the walls behind her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(BRASS and CATHERINE interview PAUL and VICKY WINSTON.)", "Vicky Winston: I was in the garden this weekend. Why are you so interested in everything we do? I mean, when did our lives become an open book?", "Brass: When your second son ended up dead.", "Catherine: When you were in the garden, was Joshua with you?", "Vicky Winston: No.", "Paul Winston: Yes, he was. We had a fight...", "(Quick flashback to: VICKY is in the garden. PAUL walks up with JOSHA in his arms, the baby's crying.)", "Paul Winston: Vicky, it's your turn. I've had him for the past four hours.", "Vicky Winston: What, are you counting hours now? He's your son.", "Paul Winston: Look, if you're not gardening here, then it's at work. I've had him all day. It's your turn. Here.", "(He hands the baby to VICKY, stands up and leaves.)", "Paul Winston: Thank you.", "Vicky Winston: See the pretty flowers, Joshua?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(VICKY looks at PAUL and sighs.)", "Vicky Winston: I guess he was. But the moment he passed Joshua off to me I went inside.", "Catherine: Did you wash your hands?", "Vicky Winston: Honestly, I don't remember. I'm in the garden a lot, so I'm sure I washed my hands.", "Catherine: Well, I met with your pediatrician, Dr. Garner. When you brought Joshua in on that emergency call, it was because you feared that he, too, had Tay-Sachs.", "Paul Winston: We had the test before he was born. Dr. Garner said we were fine.", "Brass: I can imagine for both of you it must have been like reliving the nightmare. One child, now two.", "Catherine: Did you know that repeated exposure to certain pesticides, even in small amounts, can have an adverse effect in infants? Even mimic the signs of Tay-Sachs?", "Brass: The symptoms are similar. Floppiness of the head, arching of the back.", "(VICKY and PAUL share a look of alarm.)", "Brass: Blindness ... inability to swallow.", "Catherine: You work with pesticides, Mrs. Winston, on your job and in your garden. And you handled Joshua -- we suspect that that's how the traces got into his system. I'm just speculating here, but I think this is what happened next:", "(Quick flashback to)", "Vicky Winston: No, Paul. I went through hell with Howard, I can't go through that with Joshua.", "Paul Winston: We'll wait for the enzyme tests.", "Vicky Winston: No. No more tests. No more drugs. No more kids. No more! I can't live through that again, and neither can you.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: You gave Joshua cough syrup, Mr. Winston. Why did you medicate him?", "Brass: 'Cause, maybe, you just didn't want him to suffer?", "(Quick flashback to: PAUL WINSTON gives JOSHUA some cough syrup. He closes the car door and walks away. He looks back at the car, then turns the car alarm on, leaving JOSHUA in the car.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Vicky Winston: You have no idea what it's like to watch your child die.", "Paul Winston: We couldn't go through that again.", "Catherine: The shame of it is you didn't have to.", "(She sighs.)", "Catherine: The enzyme test that dr. Garner ran came back negative. Joshua didn't have Tay-Sachs. You killed a perfectly healthy baby.", "(VICKY WINSTON whimpers softly, then starts to cry.)", "FADE TO WHITE", "[EXT. PARKING LOT]", "(CATHERINE walks out to her car. She gets inside and shuts the door. She turns on the temperature gauge. It reads: 135 degrees F inside temp.)", "(CATHERINE leans back in her seat and watches as the temperature rises. 136 ... 137 ... )", "(Camera holds on CATHERINE. She sighs.)", "(Blur out.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Feeling the Heat
[ "When Dr. Robbins receives a severed head, Grissom goes to Jackpot, Nevada in search of the rest of the body. When he arrives he soon finds out that he cannot expect much help from the locals. Even the sheriff seems to be hiding something. Meanwhile, Catherine gets an unexpected gift from her father." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(A box is on the autopsy table. It's addressed to:", "DR. ROBBINS", "3026 WESTFALL AVENUE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89109", "(ROBBINS cuts the string and cuts the box open. Inside is a large blue plastic tub. ROBBINS takes the tub out and pushes the empty box to the side as he concentrates on the blue tub. He cuts the tape around the cover of the tub and opens the lid. Inside is a head.)", "Robbins: Hmm.", "(ROBBINS puts his glasses on to examine the head. GRISSOM walks into the room and appears at his side.)", "Grissom: I heard you got some head.", "Robbins: Just came in. How'd you know?", "Grissom: I arranged house seats for David to see Celine, so he pages me the minute you get anything perishable.", "Robbins: Sellout.", "(ROBBINS reaches into the tub and removes the head. GRISSOM takes a deep breath.)", "Grissom: Oh ... formaldehyde.", "Robbins: Yeah, it fixes tissue, but it destroys DNA.", "Grissom: No ID through CODIS. Quite a bit of leaf litter.", "Robbins: Puncture wound above the orbital plate.", "Grissom: That looks like animal activity.", "Robbins: Heavy decomp. It's going to be, uh ... virtually impossible to determine time of death. This neck wasn't severed. It was disarticulated. No skill involved.", "(ROBBINS puts the head down on the table and turns it to the left. On the left cheek, there's a knife cut.)", "Robbins: Oh-oh. I take that back.", "Grissom: That took skill.", "(Quick CGI POV: Camera zooms into the cut - past the skin, into the muscle and flesh. End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "(ROBBINS turns to look at GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: The unkindest cut of all.", "Robbins: (nods) Hmm.", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(DAVID HODGES removes the leaf litter from the head while ROBBINS works on washing the head.)", "David Hodges: There's more plant material here than geological.", "Robbins: Hair roots and scalp are relatively clean.", "David Hodges: So the vic wasn't buried?", "Robbins: You tell me.", "David Hodges: I will. Leaves and needles and dirt -- that's good as a map.", "(CATHERINE walks into the room and up to the table. She frowns when she sees HODGES and ROBBINS working on the head.)", "Catherine: Any idea when Grissom'll be back?", "Robbins: Nope. It's going to be a while.", "(CATHERINE glances down at the paper work in her hand.)", "Catherine: Jackpot, Nevada. Where the hell is that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE (STOCK) - DUSK]", "[EXT. TOP VIEW: ROADWAY (STOCK) - DUSK]", "[EXT. LAKE (STOCK) - DUSK]", "[EXT. TOP VIEW: VARIOUS ROADWAY (STOCK) - EARLY MORNING]", "[EXT. MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE (STOCK) - MORNING]", "[EXT. TOP VIEW: ROADWAY (STOCK) - DUSK]", "[EXT. JACKPOT -- GAS STATION -- DAY]", "(The sign says: PAY AT THE PUMP. GRISSOM'S car travels up the road, past the gas station, and parks next to the Sheriff's car in the diner parking lot.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JACKPOT -- DINER - DAY]", "(GRISSOM walks into the diner.)", "Cook: Order's up, sweetie.", "(GRISSOM closes the door behind him. There's quite a lot of activity in the full diner. He takes off his glasses and heads for the waitress behind the counter.)", "Grissom: Good morning. I'm with the Las Vegas Crime Lab, and I ...", "Gloria: (interrupts) Hey, Alan! 'S guy's here about the head.", "(GRISSOM looks around. The Sheriff's sitting at the table and waves him over. As he heads in that direction, it appears that everyone in the diner already knows about the head.)", "Man: Bet a wolf got him.", "Man 2: There's no wolves around here dumbass. Bears.", "Man 3: Ten bucks says satanic cult.", "(GRISSOM approaches the Sheriff's table.)", "Alan Brooks: Lieutenant Alan Brooks. This is my brother Leland.", "Leland Brooks: How do you do?", "Grissom: Gil Grissom, Las Vegas Crime Lab. May I?", "Alan Brooks: Have a seat. Things must be pretty slow in Vegas to get one of you guys out here so quick.", "Grissom: Well, the Elko County Sheriff made the request. We were happy to respond. It's an interesting case.", "Alan Brooks: Mmm, not particularly.", "Leland Brooks: It was probably some hiker or transient who got lost, took a bad luck fall.", "Grissom: Must have been a heck of a fall. His head's in a plastic jar.", "Alan Brooks: Listen, I filed the report. I sent in the head. Five'll get you ten, there's not much left of that body out there but coyote turds.", "(LELAND chuckles.)", "Alan Brooks: Look, nobody from this community's been reported missing. And I just don't have the resources to go searching for what might be left.", "Grissom: Well, you do now.", "Alan Brooks: There'd better be a whole lot more of you out there.", "(MARTY COOPERMAN gets up and heads for the door.)", "Alan Brooks: Have a good one, Marty.", "(MARTY COOPERMAN leaves without saying a word.)", "Grissom: Lieutenant, the preliminary autopsy revealed a single, straight, two-inch cut on the victim's jaw. It was a blade mark. So, there's not just a body out there, there's also a killer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB]", "[SCOPE VIEW]", "(DAVID HODGES explains what CATHERINE'S looking at in the scope.)", "David Hodges: Of all the plant life gathered from the head, the conifers are the key. The one on the left -- abies zasiocarpa. The one on the right is picea engelmannii, engelmann spruce.", "Catherine: Spruce and fir trees. Typical mountain forest.", "David Hodges: Typical for 9,000 feet above sea level. The wood fragments are either cottonwood or aspen. And aspens only grow in areas that have been cleared.", "Catherine: Fire, roads or ... logging.", "David Hodges: After a major forest fire, manzanita bushes grow like weeds for decades.", "Catherine: No manzanita leaves here.", "David Hodges: Which means that the head was on a damp north-facing slope, at least 9,000 feet up, cleared, but not recently exposed to fire.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. JACKPOT - OUTSIDE DINER -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM and ALAN BROOKS leave the diner. GRISSOM'S phone rings. He answers it.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY ON THE WAY TO GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "Catherine: Is the service actually bad out there or are you just keeping your phone off?", "Grissom: I'm sorry. I should've called.", "Catherine: This trip wouldn't have anything to do with you ducking case reviews, now would it?", "Grissom: How can you think that? You wouldn't mind taking care of those for me, would you?", "Catherine: Oh, your job, my pay. Why would I care?", "Grissom: I'll make it up to you.", "Catherine: Yeah, you had better.", "(CATHERINE reaches GRISSOM'S office and her jaw drops at the stacks of files on his desk that he needs to review. The desk is a mess.)", "Catherine: Hodges ID'd your leaf litter.", "Grissom: Good. Thanks. I owe you one.", "(GRISSOM hangs up.)", "Alan Brooks: Trouble with the wife?", "Grissom: Yeah. She hates it when we're apart.", "(He shrugs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. SYLVIA ROGERS RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM interviews SYLVIA ROGERS while ALAN BROOKS watches.)", "Grissom: So your dog found the head?", "Sylvia Rogers: Well, Tripper's not exactly a Chihuahua. Goes where he wants, comes back for dinner. Sometimes he brings dinner back.", "(Quick flashback to: SYLVIA ROGERS walks out of the house with a dish of food for the dog.)", "Sylvia Rogers: Tripper! Come on, buddy, dinner.", "(She puts the dish down. The dog barks and she looks. She sees he's playing with the head.)", "Sylvia Rogers: Oh, what is it this time, a rabbit or a possum?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Is he okay?", "Sylvia Rogers: Well, he got a little lethargic after chewing on that he took him to the vet, ran some tests. He got better. I just want to keep him that way. Where there's a head there's got to be hands and feet, and sooner or later, he'll dig 'em up.", "Alan Brooks: Or what's left of 'em. No offense, Sylvia, but he's not exactly a scent hound.", "Grissom: All animals can smell rotting flesh. Studies have shown that when domestic pets bring back human body parts, usually the remains are within a half-mile radius.", "Sylvia Rogers: They do studies on that?", "Grissom: It occurs more than you think. Have you noticed any buzzards or vultures around?", "Sylvia Rogers: All the time.", "Grissom: Thanks.", "(She leaves. GRISSOM turns and looks at the hillside.)", "Alan Brooks: So, are we done here?", "Grissom: This slope faces north, doesn't it?", "Alan Brooks: Yeah.", "Grissom: You know that old expression, \"heads will roll\"? It's true -- especially downhill.", "(GRISSOM heads for the north slope.)", "Alan Brooks: (to radio) Barry, drop the doughnut. You're gonna earn your pay today.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NORTH SLOPE - DAY -SHORT TIME LATER]", "(A couple of OFFICERS walk up the slope. GRISSOM and ALAN BROOKS follow them.)", "Alan Brooks: Afraid you gonna trip over something?", "Grissom: I'm hoping. Bodies make good fertilizer. You often see fresh, green shoots near a gravesite.", "Alan Brooks: Must be nice to know the answer to every little thing.", "Grissom: I prefer questions actually.", "Alan Brooks: And I don't, I suppose. Remember that waitress, Doris? Well, she's got an ex-husband likes to smack her around every once in a while. High school's got a dozen meth-heads who like boosting motorcycles and then drag racing 'em down main street, when they think nobody's watching. Fire chief's a closet pyro, and so forth. See, I don't have a lot of time to ask questions about buzzards and such.", "(He points to the tree GRISOSM'S looking at.)", "Alan Brooks: That's an aspen tree, in case you were wondering.", "(Up on the hillside the OFFICERS call down to them.)", "Officer: Lieutenant! Over here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[TOP OF THE HILL]", "(GRISSOM reaches the top of the hill and sees the two OFFICERS standing just over the body. One of them is gagging.)", "Grissom: Step away from there, would you please, fellas? Don't disturb the scene.", "(They both rush aside as one of the OFFICERS throw up.)", "(GRISSOM kneels next to the body.)", "Grissom: Carabid beetles. Second instar maggots.", "(GRISSOM picks up a bug.)", "Grissom: Formica obscuripes.", "(Camera zooms in for a close up.)", "Alan Brooks: Let me guess. You like bugs?", "Grissom: Yeah, I do. They're perfect. They always do their jobs.", "(He glances at the Sheriff.)", "Grissom: (declares) This body's been here four to seven days.", "(GRISSOM stands up.)", "Grissom: How deep would you say this hole is, Lieutenant?", "Alan Brooks: I'd say about four feet, depending on ... how he's stuffed in there.", "Grissom: Takes a fair amount of dedication to dig a hole this deep up here, don't you think?", "Alan Brooks: Unless the killer had help.", "Grissom: Maybe.", "(GRISSOM takes a picture of the blood on the rock near the body, then kneels down to look at the spatter.)", "Alan Brooks: It's like you said -- he was cut.", "Grissom: This blood's not from a cut. The drops imply directionality. The stellated circles imply ...", "(Quick CGI POV of: The blood spatters on the rock.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) ... perpendicular impact.", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: This spatter is in direct line with the victim's carotid. It's arterial spurt.", "Alan Brooks: Are you saying he was alive when he was buried?", "Grissom: I think that the cut we found on his jaw ... was a lure to draw predators.", "(Quick flashback to: The knife cuts into the victim's cheek as he screams. Cut to: Growling as the animal rushes forward. The victim screams. Cut to: Blood spattering on the rock.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM and gets to his feet.)", "Grissom: This wasn't just murder. It was torture.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HILLSIDE -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM looks out at the tree-covered mountainside, waiting. ALAN BROOKS gets impatient.)", "Alan Brooks: Hey, Einstein, we going to stand here all day or what?", "Grissom: You're going to have to be patient, Lieutenant. The scene hasn't been released yet. You know, this may be a variation on an old native American form of punishment. The body was bound and buried up to its neck. Tree sap was poured over the head to attract ants.", "Alan Brooks: Punishment for what?", "Grissom: You see? That's a good question.", "(DALE STERLING appears on the hill, huffing and puffing with exertion.)", "Alan Brooks: It's about time, Dale.", "(DALE STERLING looks at the body in the ground.)", "Grissom: You are the coroner, I presume.", "Dale Sterling: Mr. Grissom. Dr. Dale Sterling. I sent you the head. How can I help?", "Grissom: Well, we can't touch the body until you authorize it.", "Dale Sterling: Oh.", "(DALE STERLING looks at ALAN BROOKS, then he looks over at the other OFFICER. They all look puzzled by this. Game, DALE STERLING looks down at the body.)", "Dale Sterling: He's dead. You're authorized.", "Alan Brooks: Thanks, Doc. That's nice work. Can we get it out now?", "Grissom: There may be evidence in the gravesite. We need to preserve it.", "Alan Brooks: Okay, so what do you want to do, call your lab? Have them send the right gear, the right guys, what?", "Grissom: The site's already been compromised. We'll make do with what we have here. Now, for each foot of dirt that's removed, go on a separate bag. I'll sift through it later.", "Alan Brooks: All right. Out of the way, Doc. Pardon me.", "Grissom: Hold on. Make sure your shovels don't get within six inches of that body.", "Alan Brooks: Can we please get on with getting him out of there? We're losing light.", "(They start to dig the body out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE - EVENING]", "[INT. DALE STERLING'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM faces the wall with a degree on it from: THE UNIVERSITY OF VETERINARY STUDIES for DALE STERLING.)", "(DALE STERLING takes off his jacket and sees GRISSOM looking at the wall.)", "Dale Sterling: I was in the 99th percentile on the MCATs. I could have gone to med school. I chose to be a vet.", "Grissom: Well, veterinary school's harder to get into than medical school. That's not what I was looking at. This is you and that gal from the diner.", "Dale Sterling: Doris. We were married. High school sweethearts. Didn't work out.", "(The body is put on the examining table.)", "Dale Sterling: I know how to cut. I could ... I could do the autopsy right here.", "Grissom: Only a licensed pathologist can perform an autopsy. All we're allowed to do is search for evidence on the body.", "Alan Brooks: And then what?", "Grissom: Then we take it to Vegas. Tonight. We'll need someone to drive the body.", "(BARRY is just about to sit down, when ALAN BROOKS looks at him.)", "Alan Brooks: Barry, it's your lucky day. Get your car. Come on.", "Grissom: Our medical examiner will send you his report. You'll need to sign the death certificate as to cause and manner of death.", "(GRISSOM looks around at the body. DALE reaches into the pants pocket.)", "Dale Sterling: No wallet and no ID.", "(GRISSOM pulls out a ball of paper from the other side pants pocket.)", "Dale Sterling: What have you got there?", "Grissom: Well, I'm not sure yet.", "(ALAN BROOKS settles in and waits while they gather evidence.)", "(GRISSOM checks the wrists and ankles.)", "Grissom: No ligature marks.", "Dale Sterling: Well, he wasn't tied up?", "Grissom: Apparently not.", "Dale Sterling: Well, no one just lets themselves get buried alive.", "Grissom: Well, maybe the killer had a gun on him.", "Alan Brooks: Well, you can't dig a hole and hold a gun on an unbound victim all at the same time.", "Dale Sterling: Well, maybe the hole was dug earlier?", "Grissom: That would imply premeditation.", "Alan Brooks: Or more than one killer.", "Dale Sterling: Maybe the victim was drugged.", "Grissom: Sylvia Rogers' dog got sick after chewing on the victim's head, correct?", "Dale Sterling: That's right.", "Grissom: Did you do blood work?", "Dale Sterling: I sent it off to a lab in Reno. Still waiting for the results.", "Grissom: Call the lab. Have them do a full drug and tox panel on the blood.", "(DALE leaves the room as GRISSOM takes the body's fingerprints. ALAN BROOKS watches.)", "Grissom: Maybe whatever was in this man's body is also in the dog's.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(The SHERIFF and his men put the body in the back seat of the car. They're about to close the door when GRISSOM stops them.)", "Grissom: Hold on a second, fellows.", "(GRISSOM puts a tie on the zipper of the bag sealing it shut. ALAN BROOKS looks at his watch. GRISSOM takes a picture of the tie.)", "(Done, he backs out and lets them close the back door.)", "Grissom: Okay.", "(GRISSOM then takes a picture of BARRY, the driver.)", "Grissom: Say cheese.", "Alan Brooks: Oh, what the hell was that for?", "Grissom: Souvenir.", "Alan Brooks: Why, is that French for 'evidence'? Straight drive, Barry. Stay out of the casinos.", "Barry: You got it, boss.", "(BARRY heads for the driver's seat.)", "Alan Brooks: You boys have a good night.", "(ALAN BROOKS walks past DALE STERLING and GRISSOM as the car with the body moves away.)", "Dale Sterling: (murmurs) Man. It was one hell of day. You need a place to sleep?", "Grissom: I need a place to work.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OFFICE - LATE NIGHT]", "(CLOSE UP: GRISSOM sprays the wad of paper he removed from the victim's pants pocket. He slowly and carefully pries it open.)", "(He hears a door opening and closing.)", "(GRISSOM looks up and slowly reaches for his gun. He puts the gun on the desk within easy reach, then goes back to work on the paper.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE receives a fax and looks at it. WARRICK appears in the doorway and looks at CATHERINE behind GRISSOM'S desk.)", "Warrick: Did I miss a memo or something?", "Catherine: Oh, no. Grissom's on a safari.", "Warrick: He's got you pushing his paperwork, huh?", "Catherine: Oh, no. I'm trying to avoid that. His headless D.B. had a Western LVU bookstore receipt in his pocket. Grissom just unraveled it.", "Warrick: Really?", "(WARRICK walks into the office.)", "Catherine: Wow! Some of these books are a hundred bucks a pop. Tuition, plus room and board -- that's at least another 10k.", "Warrick: You got to have money to go to college these days.", "Catherine: Yeah, well, I missed that boat. So, most of these are freshman textbooks. Core curriculum.", "Warrick: Well, that's at least two thousand students. Maybe you'll get lucky with the victim's prints.", "Catherine: Oh, wait. Hang on. \"Chiaroscuro Theory and Technique\". It's a sophomore-level fine arts text.", "Warrick: Freshman in a sophomore course?", "Catherine: Narrows the field.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Brass: (V.O.) Actually, we're here about your roommate,", "[INT. DORMROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS and CATHERINE question ERIC BROOKS.)", "Brass: ... Ross Jenson. Do you know where we can find him?", "Eric Brooks: Uh, I actually haven't even seen him since last Friday. I had Wheezer tickets, and we were supposed to go, but he, uh, he blew me off.", "Brass: Gone almost a week. That normal?", "Eric Brooks: Yeah, he's an art student, you know. He goes off a lot, and for days sometimes.", "Brass: Huh.", "Eric Brooks: I've been, uh, studying my ass off for this American History midterm, but, uh, feel free to have a look around.", "(BRASS finds some drugs in an ALTOID'S container.)", "Eric Brooks: That's not mine. I don't know what that is.", "Brass: Relax, buddy. This is a homicide investigation.", "(CATHERINE sees the shoes and dirt in the closet.)", "Catherine: Are these Ross's shoes?", "Eric Brooks: I don't know.", "Brass: What do you got?", "Catherine: Aspen leaf. A little piece of the countryside. Has Ross spent a lot of time up in northern Nevada?", "Eric Brooks: Yeah, he liked the scenery up there.", "Brass: We're going to need to take that computer and a few things back to the lab.", "Eric Brooks: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SCENERY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. OFFICE -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM is lying on the office couch with his jacket around him as a blanket. The fax prints out some information.)", "(GRISSOM is startled awake and he gets up. In his hand, under his jacket he has his gun.)", "(He puts the gun on the table and grabs the fax printout. It reads:", "WESTERN LAS VEGAS UNIVERSITY STUDENT ID", "ROSS JENSON", "ID # JENSEN9547", "DOB: 8-25-83 {signature}", "On the bottom of the sheet, CATHERINE wrote:", "TO: GRISSOM", "A FACE FOR YOUR HEAD.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DINER - MORNING]", "(GRISSOM talks with GLORIA.)", "Gloria: Yeah. Came in here last week. Handsome boy. Nice clothes. Just passing through.", "(Quick flashback to: GLORIA talks with ROSS JENSON.)", "Gloria: There's, uh, fried chicken, me ...", "Ross Jenson: Coffee's about all I can handle right now. Maybe some other time, okay?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Woman: (to GLORIA) Guess you weren't his type.", "Customer (man): Wasn't he the guy driving that gutless little four-banger?", "Grissom: What kind of car was it?", "Customer (man): Don't know. Kid's car. Something to drive around the city. It's no good for hills. Black, or, what, blue, maybe.", "Grissom: Lieutenant?", "Alan Brooks: Yeah.", "Grissom: The victim was on his way out of town. We know he didn't get very far. So where's his vehicle?", "Alan Brooks: (loudly to the diner crowd) Anybody here seen a black or blue mystery vehicle?", "Customers: No. CUSTOMERS: Uh-uh. CUSTOMERS: No.", "Alan Brooks: Well, I'd say that car's long gone by now.", "Grissom: If the killer was a local, he could have ditched the car somewhere near here.", "Alan Brooks: Do you have a local suspect?", "Grissom: It's a theory.", "Alan Brooks: Oh.", "Grissom: And like any theory, it doesn't mean anything unless you can prove it.", "Alan Brooks: Yeah.", "Grissom: May I borrow this?", "(GRISSOM pulls the paper place mat with a map of the area toward him.)", "Grissom: The victim was last seen here, right?", "(GRISSOM marks up the map.)", "Alan Brooks: Yeah.", "(CUSTOMERS at the counter crane their necks to see what GRISSOM'S doing.)", "Grissom: We found his body here.", "Alan Brooks: Mm-hmm.", "Grissom: This is the only way out of town. The killer had to intercept him somewhere along this road.", "Alan Brooks: Knock yourself out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[ROAD - DAY]", "(GRISSOM drives down the road. He stops when he sees something on the side of the road. He backs his car up.)", "(He sees tire tracks.)", "(GRISSOM stops his car and gets out to investigate.)", "(Camera lingers on the field kit in the front seat.)", "(Taking his camera with him, GRISSOM closes the door. He puts the car alarm on then follows the car tires off to the road side.)", "(Just up to the right, he sees the crime scene tape and the hole where they found the body.)", "(GRISSOM continues to follow the tracks.)", "(Just in front of him, a distance away from the road, he sees a barn.)", "(GRISSOM climbs the fence and investigates the barn. He looks inside the barn through a crack in the door and sees a car parked inside. He tries the door and finds that it's barred shut with a wooden plank.)", "(GRISSOM walks around the barn and finds an open window.)", "(He opens the window and looks inside. On the ground, he sees an old screen.)", "(Quick flashback to: The MAN steps on the screen, pushes the window open and jumps outside. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(In the distance, GRISSOM hears his car alarm beeping.)", "(Cut to: GRISSOM reaches his car. He turns the alarm off.)", "(GRISSOM opens the door and finds that the window is broken and his field kit is missing from the front seat.)", "(GRISSOM steps back and looks around the empty road.)", "(Camera holds on GRISSOM.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. STERLING'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM walks into the office. DALE STERLING is working on a dog.)", "Grissom: Hey, doc, I need to use some of your medical supplies and make a telephone call. It's local.", "Dale Sterling: Uh ... okay.", "(GRISSOM grabs some supplies and heads for the phone. He puts the supplies on the desk and picks the phone up. He dials. As the phone rings, he notices the windows.)", "Grissom: Did you tint these windows yourself?", "Dale Sterling: M-m-may be not the best job in the world, but it does the trick.", "Grissom: Do you have any tinting film left?", "Dale Sterling: Think so.", "Grissom: May I use it?", "Dale Sterling: Okay. I'll have to go check.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM walks out of the office with a package of medical supplies. ALAN BROOKS pulls up in his car.)", "Grissom: (sarcastic) Oh, good, the police. I'd like to report a crime.", "Alan Brooks: No kidding?", "Grissom: Yeah, my vehicle was broken into and my field kit was stolen.", "Alan Brooks: That's going to cramp your style.", "Grissom: Not necessarily.", "(Not pausing another moment, GRISSOM walks away and heads for the HARDWARE STORE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HARDWARE STORE -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM walks into the store. He leaves his package with the clerk.)", "Grissom: Would you keep an eye on this for me?", "Clerk: Sure.", "Grissom: Thanks.", "(GRISSOM picks up a shopping basket.)", "Grissom: Excuse me.", "(GRISSOM walks down the aisle and picks up various supplies - a battery, a box of storage bags, refillable pencil lead. He moves from aisle to aisle and picks up blank index cards and clear tape off the shelves.)", "(ALAN BROOKS walks into the HARDWARE STORE.)", "Alan Brooks: Kip.", "Clerk: Sheriff.", "Alan Brooks: (to GRISSOM) Listen, why don't you come on by and fill out a report about that kit.", "Grissom: You think that would help?", "Alan Brooks: It wouldn't hurt.", "Grissom: (deliberately) I, uh, found the victim's car.", "Alan Brooks: Well, I am impressed. Wh ... where was it?", "Grissom: It was, uh, ditched in an old barn up in the hills.", "Alan Brooks: Uh-huh.", "Grissom: I know you don't have any men to spare, so I called the highway patrol. They're sending troopers up there to secure the site.", "Alan Brooks: Oh, well, nearest station's in Elko. Should take 'em a couple hours to get here.", "Grissom: Well, that should, uh, give you enough time to burn down the barn.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BARN -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM opens the barn doors to let in the light.)", "(He takes out the battery and puts it aside. He puts on his gloves as he gets to work on the frame in front of the window. He looks down at the frame and smiles.)", "(GRISSOM removes some wiring and attaches it to the battery. He takes out the film and unrolls it over the frame on the floor with the print he wants to remove. He attaches the other ends of the wires to opposite ends of the film.)", "(Quick CGI POV: Particles list from the screen to the film. End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM flips the film over and looks at the shoe print underneath.)", "(Cut to: GRISSOM opens the car door and examines inside. On the floor he finds a thermos. He shakes it.)", "(Cut to: GRISSOM grabs the bag from the backseat and finds clothes inside covered with hair. He takes a sample of the hair.)", "(Cut to: GRISSOM looks at the steering wheel.)", "(Cut to: He empties the pencil lead in his hand, crushes it in a container cover and uses a soft brush to dust the steering wheel for prints.)", "(He uses the clear tape to lift the print off of the steering wheel.)", "(He holds the print up and looks at it.)", "(As GRISSOM finishes, ALAN BROOKS walks up to the open doorway.)", "Grissom: You going to just stand there, or are you coming in?", "Alan Brooks: Oh, I don't want to disturb the scene. You carry on. (beat) Shame to see so much work go to waste.", "(ALAN BROOKS steps back. GRISSOM walks out of the barn and pushes the door partially closed behind him.)", "Grissom: What does that mean exactly?", "(THE SHERIFF leans back against the fence, his hands on the rail.)", "Alan Brooks: Well, unless you've managed to improvise yourself a warrant as well, this is an illegal search.", "Grissom: This barn had been broken into, which makes it a crime scene, even without the murder victim's car inside, so I don't need a warrant. Who owns this place?", "Alan Brooks: Nobody. Owner died a few years ago.", "Grissom: Well, then who's responsible for the property?", "Alan Brooks: His nephew. Marty Cooperman.", "(The SHERIFF turns and heads back to his car.)", "Alan Brooks: Runs the gas station.", "Grissom: Is that who you're protecting?", "(The SHERIFF stops and turns around, then heads back to his car. GRISSOM looks at the fence rail the SHERIFF was leaning against, then dusts it for his prints.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. GAS STATION -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM pulls in to the gas station. He gets out of the car and sees MARTY COOPERMAN through the broken window.)", "Grissom: Hey, you think you can fix this window?", "(MARTY walks up to the car and looks at the window.)", "Marty Cooperman: Yeah, I think I can fix that.", "Grissom: You know that kid that got murdered? We found his car up in the hills. In your uncle's old barn.", "Marty Cooperman: Oh, I haven't been up there for years.", "Grissom: That's understandable. It's hard to get to. Not too many gas stations around here. You must do pretty good business.", "Marty Cooperman: Yeah, I got the only pumps for 23 miles. I do pretty good.", "Grissom: You know, uh, the victim's car was full of gas. So you must've seen him, right, even though you said you didn't?", "(MARTY turns around to look at GRISSOM.)", "Marty Cooperman: I can have your window fixed in a couple hours, Mr. Grissom, and then you can get back home. I think you should do that.", "(MARTY turns and leaves.)", "(GRISSOM'S phone rings. He answers it.)", "Grissom: Grissom.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "Catherine: Everybody in Sleepy Hollow still drawing a blank on the victim?", "Grissom: More or less.", "Catherine: Well, then somebody's lying. Ross Jenson was having a relationship with someone in jackpot. Greg traced a series of romantic I.M.s from your victim's computer.", "Grissom: Greg did?", "Catherine: Yeah, he knows stuff. Pretty hot, too. Sounds like he was in love. Brass is still working on a court order for the name. You ever coming back?", "(GRISSOM glances over at MARTY COOPERMAN.)", "Grissom: Hopefully.", "(JUDY walks up to CATHERINE and hands her an envelope.)", "Judy: Ms. Willows, this came for you, certified mail.", "Catherine: Oh. Thanks, Judy.", "(CATHERINE hangs up and takes the envelope from JUDY. She looks at the envelope from:", "THE RAMPART CASINO", "221 N. RAMPART BOULEVARD", "LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89145.", "(It's certified: P 247 546 410.)", "(She opens it and finds a check from:", "SAM BRAUN", "1153 STONE CREEK SUITE 4159", "LAS VEGAS, CA 89101", "PAY TO THE ORDER: CATHERINE WILLOWS", "(DATED) NOV, 03 2003", "(CHECK #) 8133", "(For $250,000.00.)", "(CATHERINE gasps.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE - EVENING]", "[INT. OFFICE -- EVENING]", "(GRISSOM holds two sets of fingerprint cards and examines both of them. DALE STERLING walks into the room.)", "Dale Sterling: Just got the blood test results back from Sylvia's dog. There were traces of GHB in his system. I thought GHB was a party drug.", "Grissom: It is. It's also a powerful sedative. Could be what was used to subdue him. You know anybody in town that would use this?", "Dale Sterling: (chuckles) Uh, weed and speed are the drugs of choice around here.", "Grissom: Hey, Doc, take a look at the scope, will you?", "(DALE STERLING moves around GRISSOM to take a seat at the table to look through the scope.)", "Grissom: I found some hair in Ross Jenson's shirts.", "Dale Sterling: That is cat hair.", "[SCOPE VIEW: HAIR]", "Dale Sterling: Tricolored. Probably ... abyssinian.", "Grissom: You wouldn't happen to have any abyssinian patients?", "Dale Sterling: One.", "(DALE STERLING walks over to his wall where he has pictures of his patients. He takes a particular framed photo down.)", "Dale Sterling: Uh ... ah. Here she is. Isis.", "(He shows the picture to GRISSOM.)", "Dale Sterling: Her owner has allergies. He needed an aggressive, shorthair mouser.", "(The picture is of LELAND BROOKS and his cat.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING LOT -- EVENING]", "(GRISSOM walks over to ALAN BROOKS who is standing outside talking with one of this OFFICERS.)", "Grissom: Excuse me, Lieutenant. We need to talk.", "Alan Brooks: So talk.", "Grissom: Privately, please.", "Alan Brooks: (to the OFFICER) Just call them.", "(He stops in front of GRISSOM.)", "Alan Brooks: What?", "Grissom: Ross Jenson was having a romantic relationship with someone in this town.", "Alan Brooks: And you can you prove that?", "Grissom: Yes. I believe he was up here visiting that person. I found cat hairs on his t-shirts. From an abyssinian cat. The kind your brother owns.", "Alan Brooks: Just what the hell are you saying?", "Grissom: Does your brother live alone?", "Alan Brooks: Yes.", "Grissom: Is he gay?", "Alan Brooks: That is nobody's business.", "Grissom: I realize that, but it's relevant to this investigation.", "Alan Brooks: No, he was married. He has a kid.", "Grissom: Was married?", "Alan Brooks: She left him flat, ten years ago. So, what?", "Grissom: Look, whether you like it or not, Leland is a suspect. But you already knew that. I'm giving you an opportunity, Lieutenant. So far, you're only guilty of being a good brother.", "Alan Brooks: Get in.", "(ALAN BROOKS turns, walks around his car and gets behind the wheel. He notices GRISSOM'S hesitation.)", "Alan Brooks: What are you worried about? You do have a gun, don't you?", "(He starts the car engine.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. TOP VIEW ROAD WAY (STOCK) - LATE EVENING]", "[EXT. LELAND BROOKS RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(The car stops in the driveway. GRISSOM and ALAN BROOKS get out of the car. LELAND stands in the doorway.)", "Alan Brooks: Look, um, just give me a minute with him.", "(GRISSOM nods.)", "Leland Brooks: Hey, Bubba.", "Alan Brooks: Leland. We need to ask you a few ...", "Leland Brooks: What's he doing here?", "Alan Brooks: Never mind him. You and I need to have a talk.", "(LELAND motions for ALAN to come inside with him.)", "(The door closes behind them.)", "(GRISSOM walks around the driveway and sees a single set of tire tracks.)", "(A cat meows and GRISSOM sees the cat on the chair and walks toward it. The voices arguing in the house are closed-captioned at first, then slowly get louder as he approaches the cat.)", "(cc) LELAND BROOKS: I said I don't know what you're talking about.", "(cc) ALAN BROOKS: Leland, you cannot hide this anymore and I am tired of looking the other way.", "Alan Brooks: What are you doing? You put that ... put that down!", "Leland Brooks: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Alan Brooks: Put that down!", "Leland Brooks: I don't know what you're talking about!", "(The cat jumps off the chair. GRISSOM turns to follow the cat when a gun goes off and blasts through the window near GRISSOM.)", "Leland Brooks: Let me do this!", "Alan Brooks: Don't you...!", "(GRISSOM looks inside through the broken window and sees the two brothers fighting over a gun. ALAN wrestles the gun away from LELAND.)", "Alan Brooks: Leland!", "Leland Brooks: Let me do this!", "Alan Brooks: Leland!", "Leland Brooks: Let me do this!", "(ALAN BROOKS uncocks the rifle while LELAND is down on the couch crying.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE - EVENING]", "[INT. SHERIFF'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM talks with ALAN BROOKS.)", "Grissom: You're going to keep Leland in there, right?", "Alan Brooks: Yeah, until he's ready to go home.", "Grissom: He took at shot at me, and he tried to kill himself.", "Alan Brooks: That's not the way I saw it. FYI, Leland's always run pretty hot. Now, that's no secret. As a matter of fact, back in high school he and Marty Cooperman played football together. One Friday night, after a couple of beers, Marty started busting on Leland. And Leland just busts him back. And I helped. And we fractured Marty's leg in three places.", "Grissom: So I should be grateful that you showed restraint with me.", "Alan Brooks: No, I didn't do it for you. A man shouldn't go through life ashamed of who he is.", "(GRISSOM looks down at LELAND BROOKS' fingerprint card.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CORRAL -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE walks up to SAM BRAUN. He leans against the fence watching a horse being exercised. CATHERINE shows SAM the check.)", "Catherine: What is this?", "Sam Braun: A way to get you to talk to me.", "Catherine: Well, I didn't come here to talk. I came to give it back.", "Sam Braun: Not enough?", "Catherine: You're a murderer.", "Sam Braun: Not in the eyes of the law. You look good, Mugs. How's Lindsey? She likes horses, right?", "Catherine: Lindsey's none of your business. You keep her out of this.", "Sam Braun: I'm her grandfather.", "Catherine: Yeah, well, nothing I can do about that.", "Sam Bruan: Catherine, it's just a gift. You need the money.", "Catherine: And the next time you stab one of your showgirls and you need CSI to cover it, I'm supposed to help you out, right?", "Sam Braun: Take a good look at me. Plenty of fresh air, sun on my face. You think I need your help?", "Catherine: I don't need your Charity.", "Sam Braun: You know what your problem is? You enjoy making life hard.", "Catherine: You're lucky Lindsey's too young to understand that.", "Sam Braun: Cash it, or tear it up. Do whatever you want. I have one son in jail ... another in the ground. I never did right by your mother. But I'm damn sure going to try to do right by you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM]", "(CATHERINE looks down at the check in her hand. She looks at it, then moves to tear it up, but pauses. She can't do it. She looks at the check again.)", "(GREG appears in the doorway.)", "Greg: Hey, Catherine ...", "(CATHERINE hides the check and turns around.)", "Catherine: Hey. What's up?", "Greg: A possible inconsistency.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OFFICE -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM looks at LELAND'S finger print card. DALE STERLING interrupts him.)", "Dale Sterling: Hey ... you have a phone call. Line two. I think it's your wife.", "Grissom: Thanks. (to phone) Hello, dear.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "Catherine: The day Ross Jenson left Vegas, he used MapQuest to get directions from his dorm to jackpot.", "Grissom: Well, that makes sense. From what I've been able to gather, this was his first and only visit up here.", "Catherine: Well, that doesn't make sense. He was involved with someone in jackpot for several months. There were traces of aspen leaves in his dorm room closet. I just assumed he'd been there before.", "Grissom: Well, if I believe this was his first and only visit, how do we explain the leaves in his closet?", "Catherine: He has a roommate.", "Grissom: Does the roommate have a name?", "Catherine: Yeah, his name is ... Eric Brooks.", "Grissom: (repeats out loud to DALE STERLING) Eric Brooks?", "Dale Sterling: Oh, yeah, that's Leland's boy. You guys going to tell him about his dad?", "(GRISSOM looks at DALE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(BRASS and CATHERINE interview ERIC BROOKS.)", "Brass: Did you know your father was having a sexual relationship with Ross Jenson?", "Eric Brooks: My dad's not gay.", "Catherine: Was Ross?", "Eric Brooks: We never talked about it.", "Brass: Were you in Jackpot, Nevada last weekend?", "Eric Brooks: No.", "Brass: Ross Jenson was ... visiting your dad. We found his car ditched in a barn outside town.", "Catherine: We got your fingerprints from a former ROTC commander of yours, and ... they matched a print that we recovered from the steering wheel.", "Eric Brooks: (shrugs and shakes his head) He let me borrow his car all the time. We were roommates.", "Brass: That's right. You don't own a car. You ride a motorcycle.", "(Quick flashback to: View of the single tire tracks in LELAND BROOKS' driveway with sounds of a motorcycle in the background. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Eric Brooks: Yeah. So?", "Catherine: Could I see the bottom of your shoes, please?", "(ERIC BROOKS puts his foot on the table for CATHERINE to look at. She compares the shoe with the print.)", "Catherine: Well, that's an unusual wear pattern. Matches the shoe print we recovered from the barn near the vehicle.", "Brass: Put a lot of miles on your bike. It shows.", "(Quick flashback to: The shoe on the motorcycle stirrup. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: You were there.", "(Quick flashback to: ERIC BROOKS arriving at home and findings his dad with ROSS JENSON.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Eric must've known for a while.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JACKPOT - SHERIFF'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM and ALAN BROOKS talk with LELAND.)", "Grissom: How did you intend to keep the relationship from your own son?", "Leland Brooks: I've been hiding it my whole life.", "(LELAND looks at his brother, ALAN.)", "Leland Brooks: You knew.", "Alan Brooks: Yeah ... I figured you'd tell me when you were ready. I saw you with Ross. I stopped by here last weekend. You and he were taking a walk.", "Leland Brooks: I'm sorry.", "Alan Brooks: You got nothing to be sorry about. Nothing.", "Leland Brooks: Lee, it turns out Eric ...", "Grissom: Mr. Brooks, your son killed Ross Jenson.", "Leland Brooks: That is t possible.", "Grissom: According to the evidence, it is.", "(Quick flashback to: ERIC BROOKS reaches into the car and takes out ROSS JENSON'S thermos.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) We tested the thermos and found traces of GHB.", "(ERIC pours the drugs into the thermos.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIE ROOM]", "Catherine: You used Ross' drugs to subdue him.", "Brass: It's a long drive from Jackpot to Vegas. You knew he'd stop for a refill before he left town.", "(Quick flashback to: ROSS JENSON takes a drink from his cup. Cut to: ROSS JENSON starts to get woozy. He falls asleep and his car goes off the road.)", "(ERIC finds ROSS out cold in the car.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Leland Brooks: (crying) Eric never could deal with the fact that his mother left. And, uh, she just wanted a husband. All I wanted was a family.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIE ROOM]", "Eric Brooks: People in town ... they said my dad was \"different.\" But he wasn't. He was just lonely. And Ross, like, totally used that to ruin him. It was all Ross.", "Brass: That why you drugged him? Drove him into the woods? Put him in a hole ...", "(Quick flashback to: ERIC walks ROSS to the hole.)", "Ross Jenson: Where are you taking me?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: ... buried him up to his neck ...", "(Quick flashback to: ERIC starts to cover ROSS with dirt. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: ... cut him ...", "(Quick flashback to: ERIC takes out his knife and cuts ROSS on the cheek.)", "Ross Jenson: What are you doing?", "(He screams.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Why didn't you go the distance? Why didn't you finish him off yourself?", "Eric Brooks: Because I wanted him to suffer.", "Catherine: Because he was in love with your father? Or because he wasn't in love with you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE - DAY]", "[EXT. GAS STATION -- DAY]", "(MARTY finishes the repair on GRISSOM'S car window.)", "Grissom: I don't suppose that comes with a warranty?", "Marty Cooperman: Nothing around here does, Mr. Grissom. Thanks for the business.", "(ALAN BROOKS walks out of the building.)", "Alan Brooks: Hey, Marty.", "(MARTY doesn't say anything and heads back to the gas station.)", "Grissom: Does he ever talk to you?", "Alan Brooks: Not one word since high school. Listen, when we found that torso in the hole, on the crest of that hill ... I recognized the kid's shirt, and I knew he'd been with Leland, so ...", "Grissom: So you assumed your brother was capable of murder.", "Alan Brooks: Didn't even ask him what happened.", "Grissom: Questions, remember? Not asking them is what got everybody in trouble here in the first place.", "Alan Brooks: You don't keep any secrets, Mr. Grissom? Not even from your wife?", "Grissom: (amused) I used to. I'm trying to change.", "Brooks: It's a bitch. Have a good trip.", "(GRISSOM gets into his car.)", "(He glances in the back seat and finds his field kit. He looks at the SHERIFF standing outside. He smiles, then starts the car and leaves heading out of Jackpot.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "During a preliminary trial for the rape and murder of a 19-year-old woman, the crucial evidence, a bloodied knife, is discarded because it was secured from the defendant's car without a warrant. With only 24 hours left before the court has to let him walk, the team pools their resources together in an attempt to find other evidence that can place the defendant behind bars." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS (STOCK) - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JUDGE BRENNER'S COURTROOM -- DAY]", "(WARRICK is on the stand.)", "Warrick: I searched the vehicle at the CSI garage. I discovered the knife under the passenger's seat.", "Prosecutor: Now, is this the knife you found?", "(The PROSECUTOR hands the container with the knife to WARRICK. He looks at it.)", "Warrick: Yes, it is.", "Prosecutor: Hmm. Who was the registered owner of the vehicle?", "Warrick: Michael Fife, the defendant.", "(They glance over at the Defense Table.)", "Prosecutor: Please describe the physical condition of the knife when you discovered it.", "Warrick: The knife was wrapped in a white towel. Both the towel and the knife were caked with dried blood.", "Prosecutor: And how did you process this evidence?", "Warrick: I swabbed the blood and sent a sample to the DNA lab. The lab technician ran the sample through CODIS. The DNA sample was a match to a recent rape and homicide victim, Rachel Lyford.", "Prosecutor: Rachel Lyford who lived in unit seven of the Saturn Arms apartment complex. The same complex as the defendant?", "Warrick: That's correct.", "Prosecutor: Is this knife consistent in size and shape to the fatal wounds sustained by Rachel Lyford?", "Warrick: Yes, it is.", "Prosecutor: Thank you. Your honor, we have no further questions for CSI Brown.", "Judge Brenner: Mr. Matthews.", "(The DEFENSE ATTORNEY stands and walks forward.)", "Defense Attorney Matthews: Mr. Brown, you stated that you found the knife in Mr. Fife's vehicle. Is that correct?", "Warrick: Yes, that's correct.", "Defense Attorney Matthews: Why did you search his vehicle?", "Warrick: I received a call from Officer Watson. He informed me that he had pulled the defendant over to cite him for a broken taillight. After running his plates, it was discovered that the defendant had an outstanding warrant for drugs. He then arrested Mr. Fife and ordered a respond and tow. At which point, he asked me to search the vehicle for drugs. That's when I found the knife.", "Defense Attorney Matthews: Mm-hmm. At what point did you secure the warrant to search Mr. Fife's vehicle?", "Warrick: Officer Watson would have secured the warrant prior to calling me.", "Defense Attorney Matthews: Officer Watson never secured a warrant.", "(GRISSOM and WARRICK both look alarmed at this development.)", "Defense Attorney Matthews: Did you?", "Warrick: No.", "Defense Attorney Matthews: Your honor, the knife is a product of an unlawful search, and under NRS Chapter 179, we submit the knife and the towel be ruled inadmissible. Furthermore, all evidence acquired as a result of the seizure must at this time be excluded.", "Judge Brenner: So ruled. Fruit of the poisonous tree. What else do you have?", "(The PROSECUTOR gets to his feet.)", "Prosecutor: Additional evidence is pending. The knife would've been more than sufficient for the purpose of a prelim.", "Judge Brenner: You have no other evidence to present?", "Prosecutor: Not at this time.", "Judge Brenner: I find insufficient evidence to hold the defendant over for trial. He's free to go.", "Prosecutor: Your honor, the defendant is accused of raping and killing a 19-year-old woman. You can't just let him back on the street.", "Judge Brenner: Are you suggesting that I violate his constitutional rights, counselor?", "(GRISSOM stands up and leans toward the PROSECUTOR.)", "Grissom: (whispers) Ask him for 24 hours.", "Prosecutor: Your honor, we received no prior notice of this motion. Um ... we would ask for a continuance and opportunity to reopen.", "(beat)", "Prosecutor: We're only asking for 24 hours.", "Judge Brenner: Okay. If you can't make your case, Mr. Fife walks. We will recess for 24 hours.", "(The JUDGE bangs his gavel and court is adjourned. WARRICK picks up the knife container off of the witness counter and heads toward GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: The murder weapon's been excluded, that's all. We still have a lab full of evidence we can process.", "Warrick: We've been completely blind-sided here.", "(OFFICER WATSON interrupts them.)", "Officer Watson: Brown, what is going on?", "Warrick: You got to be kidding me.", "Officer Watson: You were unprepared. All the evidence you CSIs collect, and all you bring into this courtroom is a knife? Come on.", "Warrick: I found the knife. I processed the knife. I presented the knife. All you had to do was the paperwork.", "Officer Watson: Yeah, blame it on the cop, huh? Look, you wouldn't even have a suspect if I didn't pull that guy over.", "Warrick: If you'd've followed protocol, our suspect would be going to trial.", "(GRISSOM holds up a hand to OFFICER WATSON.)", "Grissom: If you have a problem with CSI, file a complaint -- we're busy.", "(OFFICER WATSON sighs and steps away. GRISSOM and WARRICK head out of the courtroom.)", "Warrick: What about what you said about never rushing evidence?", "Grissom: Well, for the next 24 hours, we're breaking the rules.", "(They walk out of camera frame.)", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- AFTERNOON]", "CLOCK: 5:04 P.M.", "(GRISSOM and WARRICK walk through the hallway and meet up with SHERIFF RORY ATWATER.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Grissom.", "Grissom: Sheriff. We need to talk ... (waves a finger at WARRICK) ... about him.", "Warrick: Nice to finally meet you, too, Sheriff.", "Grissom: (to WARRICK) Why don't you go ahead and start the briefing? I'll be in in a minute.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(WARRICK leaves.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Where to?", "(GRISSOM shows THE SHERIFF to the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[LOCKER ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK bangs his forehead in frustration against the locker door. Feeling the weight of the case on his shoulders, he takes a moment and sits there.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[GRISSOM'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS]", "(SHERIFF RORY ATWATER and GRISSOM walk into his office. GRISSOM heads for his desk while the SHERIFF looks at the things on the office shelves.)", "Grissom: Warrick Brown followed protocol. You cannot pin this mess on him.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Warrick Brown was on the stand. He's the face of the case. It's all about perception. If Fife walks, the public only hears one thing -- \"evidence against a killer was thrown out of court because CSI conducted an improper search.\"", "Grissom: You think I don't know that?", "(The SHERRIF points to the pig fetus in a bottle on the shelf.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: What the hell is this?", "Grissom: It's irradiated fetal pig. I used the tissue to determine the effects of radiation ...", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: (interrupts) Look, Grissom, you and your team have done exemplary work.", "(He takes a seat at GRISSOM'S desk.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Thanks to the crime lab, some very difficult cases have gone our way. You've elevated the status of the whole bureau.", "Grissom: Uh-huh. Then why are you here?", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: I'm holding a press conference in an hour where I'll be telling the media that this case is under your purview.", "(GRISSOM chuckles.)", "Grissom: Oh, it is about perception, isn't it?", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Glad we understand each other.", "(GRISSOM nods.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Uh... why don't you call my office next week? (whispers) Put a little lunch on the books, hmm?", "(The SHERIFF gets to his feet and heads for the door.)", "Grissom: I work nights.", "(The SHERIFF turns around to look at GRISSOM.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: So make it a dinner.", "(The SHERIFF leaves the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CONFERENCE ROOM -- EVENING]", "CLOCK: 5:15 P.M. CLOCK: 5:16 P.M.", "(WARRICK conducts the meeting.)", "Warrick: Impound towed the vehicle to the garage. Michael Fife's outstanding warrant was for marijuana possession, so that's what I was looking for.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. CSI - GARAGE] WARRICK searches the back seat of the car and finds the bloodied knife wrapped in the towel under the seat.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: I swabbed the knife and I sent the blood sample to Greg.", "Greg: I ran it through CODIS and matched it to another case.", "Catherine: My case. Rachel Lyford, 19. Murdered in her apartment.", "(CATHERINE hands out some papers to everyone.)", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. SATURN ARMS APT] RACHEL LYFORD is dead on the bed.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: The assistant coroner examined the body. Based on the vaginal introitus, he suspected rape. I processed the scene. There was nothing probative. There were no prints, no DNA. Everything I collected is in the vault.", "Sara: Now, once Warrick found the knife, the D.A. thought there was sufficient probable cause and rushed the prelim.", "(GRISSOM walks to the room and lingers in the doorway.)", "Catherine: Further processing of the evidence became a low priority, pending the trial date.", "Grissom: This is a rush case. Everyone's in the pool for 24 hours. Warrick, you need to see Robbins. Have him walk you through his notes on the autopsy. Nick, Sara, the Judge issued a warrant for Fife's vehicle. Detail is towing it back to our garage.", "Nick: Hold on. Warrick's already searched the car and the knife's been excluded. What exactly are we hoping to find?", "Grissom: I don't know. But the knife and the towel are invisible evidence. The jury will never see them. So we have to find something that's visible.", "Sara: Uh, listen, I recognize the importance of this, but I'm in the middle of my own homicide investigation.", "Grissom: I'll talk to your detective. Explain the deal.", "Sara: Well, it's not about the detective. It's about my own responsibility.", "Grissom: (firmly) I'm handing out assignments, Sara. It's not a negotiation.", "Catherine: I'll go back to the scene and look at it with fresh eyes.", "Grissom: Deadline's 4:00 P.M. Tomorrow. \"Once more into the breach.\"", "[Note: Henry V, Act 3, Scene 1, Wm. Shakespeare.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - AFTERNOON]", "[EXT. CSI - GARAGE -- AFTERNOON]", "CLOCK: 6:18 PM", "(NICK and SARA wait for auto detail to bring the car. SARA leans against the wire fence, still perturbed by the meeting. NICK finishes his phone call and walks toward her.)", "Nick: That was auto detail. There's a traffic jam on Flamingo. Tow truck should be here any second.", "Sara: You know what pisses me off?", "Nick: Lots of things.", "Sara: (ignoring him) Victims aren't equal. High profile cases get priority.", "Nick: A ticking clock gets priority.", "Sara: Every case is a ticking clock. The only difference between a cold case and a hot case is time.", "Nick: I don't care if you're working on the hottest case of your career. If your supervisor tells you to leave a scene to go wash his car, you do it.", "(SARA looks at NICK. She can't believe what she just heard.)", "Nick: (clarifies) You don't have a career without a job.", "(AUTO DETAIL arrives with the car. Or what's left of the car.)", "Auto Detail: Heard you're on a rush. Sorry.", "Nick: That's not the right car, man.", "(He checks his chart.)", "Auto Detail: Uh, registered owner Michael Fife, BMW 325. Impounded ten days ago.", "Sara: What the hell happened?", "Auto Detail: It's been pancaked.", "Nick: We can see that. Why?", "Auto Detail: Hey, I just move 'em.", "Nick: This is evidence in an active investigation.", "Auto Detail: Paperwork mix-up?", "Sara: Or some moron checked the wrong box. You can just unload it here.", "Auto Detail: Sign here. I got to get back to the lot.", "(SARA signs the paper and hands it back to AUTO DETAIL.)", "Sara: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(ROBBINS goes over the autopsy photographs with WARRICK.)", "Robbins: Body was released last week. Cremated at Desert Haven. I.D.'d by the sister, pretty girl. Couldn't stop crying.", "Warrick: Yeah, Rita. They were real close. Lived together up until a couple months ago. These stab wounds look like they're limited to the neck and upper torso area, huh?", "Robbins: Fatal stab was to the left side of the neck.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. SATURN ARMS APTS] RACHEL LYFORD fights as she gets stabbed.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) The blade traversed the subcutaneous tissue,", "(Quick CGI POV to: The knife cuts through her flesh. Close up of the knife sinking in through muscle and blood. Nice squishy sound effects for added viewing pleasure.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) ... sternocleido-mastoid muscle, jugular venous complex,", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: ... the carotid artery and the vagus nerve. She bled right out. Raped. No semen in the vaginal vault. I don't know if it's relevant, but check out the abrasion. There was something around her neck.", "Warrick: Noted. What is this foreign substance on her wrist?", "(WARRICK points to something in the photo.)", "Robbins: Pre-autopsy. David snapped the photo before he washed her body. He's in clean up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(WARRICK walks into the room. DAVID PHILLIPS is at the stove boiling something in a large pot.)", "Warrick: Bringing your laundry to work again, David?", "(He lifts up the heavy bone and shows it to WARRICK.)", "David Phillips: I'm cleaning a pelvis.", "Warrick: Great. I'm here about one Rachel Lyford. You prepped her body?", "David Phillips: Yeah, ten days ago. I thought it was Catherine's case.", "Warrick: It's mine now. You notice this foreign substance on her wrists?", "(WARRICK shows the photograph to DAVID and points to the substance.)", "David Phillips: It was flaky. Like the glaze on a doughnut? I sent a sample to trace.", "Warrick: Trace. Thanks. You're the man. Have fun.", "(WARRICK leaves the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- NIGHT]", "CLOCK: 7:13 P.M.", "(WARRICK walks into trace, but before he can say anything, DAVID HODGES answers his question as he looks through the scope. He doesn't even lift his head up.)", "David Hodges: Sample's still running through the GCMS. I'll let you know.", "Warrick: How'd you know that I was...", "(HODGES looks at WARRICK.)", "David Hodges: (interrupts) 4-1-1 from David. (drawls) Hey, I heard about court today. Must have been embarrassing, huh?", "Warrick: Hodges, why'd you leave L.A. Again? Never mind, it's probably none of my business.", "(WARRICK leaves trace and walks out into the hallway.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(BRASS calls out to WARRICK.)", "Brass: Hey, Rick, you okay? 'Cause I'm here to drop some more pressure on you.", "Warrick: Yeah?", "(They both continue down the hallway.)", "Brass: Rachel Lyford's sister showed up at the police station. Man, she was angry. She was firing on all cylinders.", "Warrick: I don't blame her.", "Brass: Apparently, Rachel wore a silver chain around her neck. It wasn't with her personal effects. (WARRICK flips through the file folder in his hand.) Had her father's army dog tags on it and the family wants it back.", "Warrick: You came all the way over here for dog tags?", "Brass: Well ... the Sheriff asked me to find it. You know, Rory Atwater's been in office for - what? -- Four months, so it's political. He doesn't want the victim's sister bad-mouthing his department.", "Warrick: Mm-hmm. Check it out.", "(WARRICK shows BRASS the photo of the abrasions on RACHEL LYFORD'S neck.)", "Brass: Mm-hmm.", "Warrick: Dr. Robbins found consistent abrasions on the back of her neck, so ... that's probably your chain.", "Brass: Uh-huh. Okay. Killer took a souvenir. I'll let the Sheriff know. Thanks.", "Warrick: All right.", "(BRASS turns back; WARRICK moves forward through the hallway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM dusts a beer bottle. WARRICK enters the room.)", "Warrick: What do you got?", "Grissom: Got a print off this bottle I found in the garbage. It was the only bottle like it. None others in the apartment.", "Warrick: Need a hand?", "Grissom: You could do the sheets.", "Warrick: Done.", "(WARRICK grabs a set of gloves to put on as GRISSOM tapes the print. WARRICK looks at the knives on the table.)", "Warrick: You know, the steak knife I found in that car matches that set.", "Grissom: We only found five knives in Rachel's kitchen.", "Warrick: Five's an odd number of steak knives.", "Grissom: Exactly. Weapon of opportunity, perhaps?", "Warrick: Perhaps.", "(WARRICK glances up at the clock: It's 7:49 PM. He turns to work on the sheets.)", "(WARRICK spreads the sheet out on the table and sees something smudged in with the blood. He picks up a magnifying glass to look at it.)", "Warrick: Grissom, what do you make of this? We noted a similar type substance on the girl's wrists.", "(He hands the glass to GRISSOM to look at.)", "Grissom: Doesn't look like it belongs on the victim or her sheets.", "(WARRICK glances up at the clock again. This time, GRISSOM notices the movement. It's still 7:49 P.M.)", "(GRISSOM turns to look at WARRICK.)", "Grissom: Stop it.", "Warrick: What?", "Grissom: Watching the clock.", "(WARRICK takes a swab sample of the substance on the sheet.)", "Warrick: (frustrated) It's just that new evidence is coming in and the old evidence hasn't even been processed yet. We're running out of time here, you know?", "Grissom: If you're watching the clock, you're not watching the case.", "Warrick: Well, not even you can stop time.", "(GRISSOM and WARRICK share a look. Camera holds on WARRICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SATURN ARMS APARTMENTS - POOLSIDE -- NIGHT]", "[INT. SATURN ARMS APARTMENTS - RACHEL LYFORD'S APT. -- NIGHT]", "(The WOMAN OFFICER lets CATHERINE into the apartment.)", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(CATHERINE looks around the place.)", "Catherine: Oh ... I remember now.", "(CATHERINE puts her kit down and starts to look around the apartment. The WOMAN OFFICER follows her inside, keeping close.)", "(CATHERINE looks from the refrigerator to the table with an oversized softcover book on it, \"The Fifth Sacred Thing\", by Starhawk. She reaches down and flips through it.)", "Woman Officer: I'm reading the same book.", "Catherine: Really? Any good?", "Woman Officer: Yeah, so far.", "(CATHERINE leaves the kitchen area and walks over to the bed. She kneels down and looks at the blood on the mattress. The phone rings, startling CATHERINE.)", "Rachel Lyford (answering machine): Hi, it's Rachel. Sorry I missed your call. I promise to get back to you as soon as I can. Have a great day.", "(The machine beeps.)", "Walter Burr: (answering machine) Hey, Rachel. It's Walter. Walter Burr. We exchanged numbers at Diane's party a few weeks ago. Anyway, just thought you might want to grab a drink sometime. So, give me a call.", "(CATHERINE stands up and looks around.)", "Catherine: I processed this place for twelve straight hours. I never took a break. Couldn't eat.", "Officer (woman): Yeah, my sister calls that the CSI diet. She's a CSI out in Bakersfield. (proudly) Whole family wears a badge.", "(CATHERINE smiles and sighs.)", "Officer (woman): If you want to ALS again, I'll grab the lights.", "Catherine: No, I went over every square inch of this place. I did the mattress, the sheets, the floors, the cabinets. If the rapist ejaculated, he was smart enough to use a condom.", "Officer (woman): I'm no expert, but most guys can't wait to take off their rubber jacket. You check the wastebasket?", "Catherine: Yeah, I did, but ...", "(Something occurs to her.)", "Catherine: Not every guy uses the trash.", "[BATHROOM]", "(CATHERINE walks into the bathroom with the ALS. The WOMAN OFFICER follows her. CATHERINE puts her kit down and lifts up the seat. She checks the porcelain and finds a semen stain on the handle.)", "Catherine: Guy had sticky fingers.", "Officer (woman): Semen?", "(Quick flashback to: The RAPIST drops the condom into the toilet, then flushes it.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(CATHERINE takes out a swab.)", "Catherine: Oh, yeah. Fresh eyes, new evidence.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(NICK uses a large hand-held device to pry up and open portions of the car while SARA inserts inflatable pads in the pockets.)", "(Various cuts of NICK and SARA preparing the car.)", "(When the inflatable pads are positioned, SARA attaches a hose to the pads and inflates them, lifting the car roof up a bit.)", "(SARA and NICK remove the inflatable pads.)", "Sara: I think we're done.", "Nick: Then let's get started.", "(They both take out their flashlights and start checking the inside of the car. SARA finds something on the front seat floor.)", "Nick: What do you got?", "(SARA holds up a red and white parking placard:", "SATURN ARMS", "PARKING PERMIT", "4-R", "BPA ... )", "Sara: Parking placard. \"Saturn Arms.\" It was affixed to the rearview mirror. It's the same kind of permit we use at my apartment building.", "Nick: Hmm.", "(NICK looks around and finds some fiber with blood on it. He picks it up.)", "Nick: White threads...", "Sara: It is impossible to trace the source of a white thread.", "Nick: Reddish-brown stain consistent with blood.", "Sara: Really?", "Nick: Mmm.", "Sara: That could match the bloody towel that Warrick found.", "Nick: Well, the towel is inadmissible, but the threads are still fair game.", "(SARA nods.)", "Nick: So ... you still upset about your case being put on hold?", "(SARA rolls her eyes and glares at NICK. NICK chuckles mischievously at her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- NIGHT]", "(WARRICK walks into the print lab.)", "Warrick: Jacqui Franco.", "Jacqui Franco: You responded to my page in under 45 seconds. Gotta be a record.", "Warrick: Tell me you've found something probative.", "Jacqui Franco: Extremely probative. Grissom lifted a print off a beer bottle Catherine found in Rachel Lyford's trash. Print matches your suspect.", "(JACQUI FRANCO hands the print results to WARRICK.)", "Warrick: Oh, wicked. You know, in the pretrial interview, fife denied ever being in the victim's apartment.", "Jacqui Franco: Let him try to deny the print.", "Warrick: Thank you.", "(WARRICK leaves the lab.)", "Jacqui Franco: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS and WARRICK re-interview MICHAEL FIFE in the presence of his attorney MATTHEWS.)", "Brass: Counselor, your client's rights ...", "Defense Attorney Matthews: Detective, let me finish.", "Brass: ... Will not be violated.", "Defense Attorney Matthews: I want it on the record that my client has been advised not to take this meeting.", "Michael Fife: I want to hear what they have to say.", "Warrick: Several hours ago, we found blood-stained threads in the back of your client's car. DNA ran the blood. It is consistent with Rachel Lyford's. It is admissible into evidence.", "Brass: Now, what do you have to say?", "Michael Fife: I don't know anything about any threads.", "Brass: How well did you know the victim? That's an easy one.", "Michael Fife: Rachel was a neighbor. I'd say, \"hi.\" \"How are you?\" That's it.", "Brass: Were you ever in her apartment?", "Defense Attorney Matthews: We've been through this before.", "Brass: Well, we're gonna go through it again.", "Defense Attorney Matthews: He's never been inside the victim's apartment.", "Brass: Were you ever in her apartment?", "Warrick: Your client's fingerprints were on a beer bottle collected from the victim's trash.", "Defense Attorney Matthews: You don't have to submit to this, Michael. Just say the word.", "Michael Fife: No, I got this one. The night before Rachel was killed, there was a party in the courtyard ...", "(Quick flashback to the party in the courtyard. As the party progresses, MICHAEL FIFE takes a sip of beer from the bottle, finishes it and puts it down on the ground. He walks away.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Michael Fife: She must've taken the trash back inside her unit.", "(BRASS laughs.)", "Brass: What do I look like, Mike?", "(MICHAEL FIFE leans forward toward BRASS.)", "Michael Fife: Listen to me. I don't know who killed Rachel. I don't know how that knife got in my car. I didn't even know my taillight was busted until that dumb-ass cop pulled me over. I've been in jail for ten days on something I didn't do, and I am tired of this crap!", "Brass: You might want to control your temper, Mike. It can get you in a lot of trouble.", "Defense Attorney Matthews: Detective Brass, if you were to make your case, we'd be back in court, not an interrogation room. Assuming without the knife, you have nothing to directly connect my client to the attack, in twelve hours, he's going to be getting his street clothes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - RECEPTION -- NIGHT]", "(RITA LYFORD walks up to the reception desk.)", "RITA LYFORD I'd like to speak to Mr. Brown. I don't mind waiting.", "Receptionist: Oh, ma'am, he's at P.D. I can relay a message ...", "Rita Lyford: That's okay. I'm just ... I need to talk to him, so ...", "(WARRICK walks into the building. RITA LYFORD sees him and turns around to get his attention.)", "Rita Lyford: Mr. Brown.", "(WARRICK stops.)", "Warrick: Yeah. Hi.", "Rita Lyford: (barely holding it together) I know you must be extremely busy ... but I need to know ... I need you to tell me that Michael Fife is going to pay for what he did to my sister.", "Warrick: I'm doing everything I can.", "Rita Lyford: My mother's been medicated, and I can't sleep, and you're, what? (She glances down.) You're on a coffee break?", "Warrick: Actually, it's the first break I've had since court, so, if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do.", "(WARRICK excuses himself and walks away. Near the doorway, NICK watches. RITA looses it completely.)", "Rita Lyford: (shouts) What's going on here?! Does anyone even care?!", "(People in the labs start and look up from their work. NICK walks up to her to intervene.)", "Nick: ... Ms. Lyford? Ms. Lyford, I'm Nick Stokes. I'm also a criminalist here in the lab, and I want you to know I understand. I understand your frustration. This is not an easy thing to deal with, but I can assure you that this entire lab is on your sister's case. Okay? I can't make any promises, but we're doing everything possible to keep this suspect behind bars, where he belongs.", "Rita Lyford: Thank you. That's all I needed to hear.", "Nick: Okay. Okay.", "(RITA LYFORD turns to the receptionist.)", "Rita Lyford: Thank you.", "Nick: Hang in there.", "(RITA LYFORD leaves. NICK watches her go for a moment, then turns to find WARRICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK is in the break room when NICK walks up to him.)", "Nick: What's up, Warrick?", "Warrick: What's up with what?", "Nick: With you.", "Warrick: This job is hard enough without having victims' families up in your face.", "Nick: Her sister was raped and murdered. She watched the defense decimate your case. I think you could have given her five minutes.", "Warrick: You want to hold this girl's hand, that's fine by me. That seems to be your M.O., but when you empathize instead of sympathize, I don't judge you.", "Nick: She just wants to know that someone around here gives a damn, Warrick.", "(WARRICK stands up, his chair falling back to the floor. He heads for the door without a backward glance at NICK.)", "Warrick: You know what? Lunch is over. Time to go back to work.", "(Frustrated, NICK kicks the trash can over.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- BATHROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK splashes water on his face trying to regain control. He shuts the water off and looks at himself in the mirror.)", "CLOCK: 5:12 A.M. CLOCK: 5:13 A.M.", "(CATHERINE walks into the bathroom. She seems surprised to find WARRICK at the sink. He looks beat. CATHERINE closes the door.)", "Catherine: Hey, you.", "Warrick: Hey.", "Catherine: How, uh, are you holding up?", "Warrick: I'm fine.", "Catherine: You sure?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Catherine: You're in the women's bathroom.", "(WARRICK straightens up and looks around. CATHERINE cracks a smile as WARRICK turns to get some paper towels to dry his face.)", "Warrick: Oh, god, I'm sorry.", "Catherine: No, I ... I'm all for it.", "Warrick: (he chuckles) Oh, god ... Oh ...", "(WARRICK walks back to CATHERINE and sighs.)", "Warrick: This case is twisting me up. Interrogation room ... was a bust. Fife can lie better than I can tell the truth.", "Catherine: Better to know his lies before we go to trial.", "Warrick: I don't think it's going to trial.", "Catherine: We've got time. Seminal DNA's being processed as we speak. This case can break any minute.", "Warrick: I'm not giving up. I'm just being realistic.", "Catherine: Come on, you know, Warrick, we don't just call these cases rush 'cause we're in a hurry. It's a rush 'cause our pulse races, it's a rush when we nail the guy ...", "Warrick: (nods) I like that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- NIGHT]", "CLOCK: 6:37 A.M.", "(The printer beeps and prints out the results. HODGES grabs the print out, glances at it and waves over to GRISSOM who is walking through the hallway.)", "David Hodges: Oh, hey! Hey, boss!", "(GRISSOM walks into trace.)", "Grissom: Yes?", "David Hodges: I just ID'ed the substance from Rachel Lyford's wrist. Same substance found on the sheets.", "Grissom: Have you told Warrick? He's the lead on this.", "David Hodges: Yeah, about Warrick, what exactly happened in court today? I tried to talk to him, he just shut down.", "Grissom: He just shut you down. What is the substance?", "David Hodges: Uh ... wax.", "Grissom: What kind of wax?", "(GRISSOM looks at the printout.)", "David Hodges: Uh, still working on that, but I can tell you that it does have a low melting point. The GCMS doesn't have a wax library. I've ordered up a reference from the New Jersey State Lab. Rush.", "Grissom: Okay. Cross-check the product labels off the internet. And, uh, listen, if you need someone to talk to ...", "David Hodges: Yeah, when's a good time?", "Grissom: ... we have a psychologist here on Tuesdays and Fridays.", "(GRISSOM walks out of the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- NIGHT]", "(WARRICK, CATHERINE and GREG sit and watch the printer when GRISSOM walks into the lab and notices them.)", "Catherine: DNA on the toilet flusher.", "Greg: On the three-ten, we're five seconds out. Three, two, one.", "(GREG looks at the printout.)", "Greg: Sorry.", "Catherine: Suspect's DNA is inconsistent with the semen found at the scene.", "Warrick: Great.", "(NICK walks into the lab.)", "Nick: Hey, Grissom, that Sheriff checked with just about every tech in the lab looking for you. He's bugging for an update.", "Warrick: I suggest you avoid him.", "Nick: Why? What happened?", "Catherine: Our only suspect may be innocent.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM]", "(The team meets to go over the evidence they have.)", "Sara: You're saying that the DNA results excluded our suspect, but couldn't the semen have come from a prior sexual encounter with another man?", "Nick: Fife still could have raped and murdered Rachel.", "Catherine: Well, the toilet bowl was clean. The semen belongs to whoever flushed the toilet last, but there was a drop, not a smear.", "Grissom: Look, we have no evidence that he raped her, no evidence that he killed her, and even if we consider the invisible evidence, it still doesn't give us enough to put him at the scene of the crime during the commission of the crime. Our trinity of evidence is incomplete.", "Catherine: Okay, so, for argument's sake, let's assume that Fife didn't put the knife in the car. How did it get there?", "Sara: Okay, um, does he live alone?", "Warrick: Yeah. Recently separated. His wife moved back to Albuquerque. And no one else had access to his vehicle.", "Nick: Was there any sign of forced entry?", "Warrick: No sign of forced entry.", "Catherine: And what evidence is still outstanding?", "Grissom: The wax. What's-his-name is still analyzing it.", "Catherine: Well, I know that there was wax on the sheets and the victim's body. How about the murder weapon?", "Warrick: I didn't notice, but I wasn't looking.", "Nick: Doesn't matter. Knife's excluded.", "Grissom: The exclusionary rule only applies to the person whose constitutional rights were violated. If we have another suspect, then the knife is back into play.", "(CATHERINE sees SHERIFF RORY ATWATER walk toward the break room.)", "Catherine: Grissom?", "(GRISSOM turns around to look at him. He sighs and gets up to meet with him.)", "[HALLWAY]", "Grissom: I'm sorry. You look lost.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: I've been calling your cell.", "Grissom: Well, we get bad reception at CSI. Listen, if this is about dinner, I'm free next week. I'll be having the fish.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: We have nine hours left on the clock, Grissom.", "(The team disburses from the conference table.)", "Grissom: Well, the investigation, which is under my purview, has taken an unexpected turn. So, when I know something, you'll know something.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: I don't like surprises.", "Grissom: Me, neither.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: What, you're not going to tell me anything?", "Grissom: No.", "(He considers it.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Okay. For now. Mm-hmm.", "(THE SHERIFF walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(NICK goes back to the knife and takes it out of its container. He checks it under the light and sees something.)", "(NICK takes a scraping sample off of the knife.)", "(He folds up the sample and looks at it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "CLOCK: 7:47 AM CLOCK: 7:48 AM", "(SARA is standing in front of the bed sheet hanging against the wall, studying it when GRISSOM walks into the lab and sees her.)", "Grissom: Checking my work?", "Sara: Oh, I'm just looking around.", "(He stands next to her for a moment and looks at the sheet. After a beat, he turns to look at her.)", "Grissom: What are you thinking?", "Sara: Well, her body left behind this void.", "(SARA walks up to the sheet, her hands out in front of her to indicate the area she's talking about.", "Sara: The attacker was on top. He held her down by her wrists.", "(She turns around to look at GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: Which would explain the transfer of wax from him to her.", "Sara: (nods) Yes.", "(He nods.)", "Sara: Pin me down.", "(GRISSOM takes a step forward. He holds SARA'S wrists and pushes against her as she pushes back to illustrate what she's thinking.)", "Sara: She would have struggled. Then, she gave up. Afterward, when he got up, he put his hands on the sheet for leverage.", "(After a moment, GRISSOM releases SARA'S wrists and places his hands on the sheet near her waist.)", "Grissom: Like this.", "(SARA nods.)", "Grissom: Which explains how the wax got from him to the sheets.", "(SARA turns to look at GRISSOM.)", "Sara: Yes.", "(For a moment, the two are standing there. SARA takes a breath and breaks the moment. She puts her hands down and steps away from the sheet - away from GRISSOM.)", "Sara: Grissom, um, I, um, wanted to talk to you about something.", "(GRISSOM turns around with her.)", "Grissom: Go ahead.", "Sara: Well, you know, I applied for the promotion for the key position.", "Grissom: (nods) Your application's on my desk.", "Sara: About that -- I, um ... I needed to know ... (she stops) ... I ... I wanted to make sure, rather, that anything that happened or didn't happen between us won't be a factor.", "(A little lost at what she's saying, GRISSOM doesn't say anything. Awkward, SARA breaks the silent patch.)", "Sara: Never mind. I-I shouldn't have said anything.", "(GRISSOM still has a stunned look on his face, just staring at SARA and what she's asking.)", "Sara: (smiles, embarrassed) I, um ... I'm always over-talking around you.", "(SARA turns and leaves the lab, escaping.)", "(Camera holds on GRISSOM.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB]", "(HODGES is doing research on the internet when CATHERINE walks into the lab.)", "David Hodges: Have you ever heard of body wax?", "(He's looking at a Body Wax site.)", "Catherine: Made with soy, burns clean. Drip it all over your partner's body. I thought that we installed a fire-wall for sites like these.", "David Hodges: This is research. Body wax has been eliminated.", "Catherine: What have you got?", "David Hodges: Well, I've I.D.'D the wax. But, per Grissom, I am not allowed to release any of my results except to the lead CSI, and that would be Warrick. I've already paged him.", "Catherine: Give me.", "(HODGES smirks and turns the monitor to CATHERINE. He hits a button and the site changes to the Axion car wax site.)", "David Hodges: Axion car wax. Contains carnuba wax, butyl cellusolve and cationic surfactant. Exact same ratio as the exemplars.", "(The printer beeps.)", "DAVID HODGES Ahh. There's a little souvenir for you.", "(CATHERINE takes the print out and leaves.)", "Catherine: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(GRISSOM is looking a the print results with CATHERINE and WARRICK in the office.)", "Grissom: Axion wax is industrial grade. It's sold to car washers for commercial use only.", "Warrick: Yeah. Fife's an electrician. I doubt he would come into contact with that at work.", "Grissom: Then, we need to know where he gets his car washed.", "Catherine: Except, if we ask him, we show our cards, and his lawyer will know that we're looking in another direction.", "Warrick: Yeah, then he'll petition Judge Brenner for fife's immediate release.", "Grissom: How do you feel about letting him walk?", "Warrick: We've got, what, less than seven hours. Let's not pull any punches. If the evidence is leading us away from Fife, I say we go with it.", "(Camera holds on WARRICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "CLOCK: 10:11 AM", "(BRASS is re-interviewing FIFE with his attorney MATTHEWS present. WARRICK sits in the back listening.)", "Brass: Let's establish a sequence of events. Walk us through the night of the party at your apartment complex right up until your arrest the next day. Don't skip a beat.", "Michael Fife: Devil's in the details, huh?", "(BRASS shrugs.)", "Warrick: Could be.", "Michael Fife: (sighs) I hung out until about midnight. Drank my six pack. Hit on a couple girls. Struck out. Went back to my apartment, passed out. In the morning, I drove up to Green Valley and installed a chandelier, two sconces. At noon, I went back to my apartment, and I made a tuna fish sandwich. Lettuce, tomato, spoon of relish. Wheat bread. Then ... I took a leak. I don't want to skip a beat.", "Brass: Outstanding.", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE watch the interview.)", "Brass: (through speaker) So, then what?", "Catherine: So, I liked your tough act yesterday.", "Grissom: Huh?", "Catherine: \"I hand out the assignments. This isn't a negotiation.\"", "Grissom: What, too much?", "Catherine: (shakes her head) Not enough.", "[INTERVIEW ROOM]", "Michael Fife: That afternoon, I had a job in Henderson. On my way, I stopped, uh, at a car wash. It was a lunch-hour discount.", "Warrick: What car wash?", "Michael Fife: Reliant, on Chardon Circle. It's about a block from my apartment.", "Defense Attorney Matthews: Why are you asking about a car wash?", "Brass: At Reliant, did the attendant say anything about your broken taillight?", "Michael Fife: No. Yeah, in fact, I mean, they should've said something.", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "Defense Attorney Matthews: (through speaker) The tenor of these questions leads me to believe the focus of your investigation has shifted. This conversation is over, Michael.", "(Hold on CATHERINE and GRISSOM.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. RELIANT CAR WASH -- DAY]", "(WARRICK and CATHERINE speak with the MANAGER.)", "Warrick: I just talked to the manager. Of course, he didn't recognize Fife from the six pack of photos. We're still cleared to look around.", "Catherine: By bringing your car to a car wash, you pretty much open it up into the entire world, right? Vehicles are most vulnerable down that tunnel. So, I'm thinking that Michael Fife's taillight was intact when he arrived.", "Warrick: I'm sure the attendant would have told him something. They're liable, right?", "Catherine: Exactly. So, his car proceeds on down the line, and then inside the tunnel, someone, presumably our killer, stashes the knife, breaks the taillight.", "Officer: Busted taillight's an equipment violation. NRS 485.511.", "Warrick: Yeah, you'd get pulled over for that pretty quickly.", "Catherine: Right. And the killer is banking on some ambitious cop searching the vehicle. Okay, so, a broken taillight. The pieces fall into the water.", "Warrick: The fragments have to run off through some kind of drain, right?", "(WARRICK and CATHERINE approach the CAR WASH MANAGER.)", "Catherine: Uh, excuse me, sir. A-are you the manager?", "Car Wash Manager: Yeah.", "Catherine: Does your drain have a filter?", "Car Wash Manager: There's a screen trap behind the drain. Catches everything bigger than an ice cream sprinkle.", "Catherine: Well, when was the last time you had it cleaned?", "Car Wash Manager: About a month ago. Why?", "Catherine: I'm going to have to clean your traps.", "Car Wash Manager: (chuckles) Sorry, lady. Can't just close down the shop. I got customers.", "Catherine: I understand, sir, but you know, just let us shut you down for about an hour or so. Otherwise, we can get a search warrant, come back on Saturday, your busiest day, and, well ... it's up to you.", "Car Wash Manager: Soon as that Porsche Cayenne works its way through the line ... I'll shut her off.", "Catherine: The crime lab thanks you for your cooperation, sir.", "Car Wash Manager: You're welcome.", "Warrick: All right, sassy.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[INT. RELIANT CAR WASH -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and WARRICK check the filter and find the pieces of the tail light.)", "Catherine: Look what I found.", "Warrick: A broken taillight.", "(WARRICK looks up at the CAR WASH MANAGER.)", "Warrick: Hey, could two cars get too close to each other and have an accident in here?", "Car Wash Manager: There's no way. Photocell technology. Whole system shuts down if the cars get within three feet of each other. Believe me, in this tunnel, accidents do not happen.", "Catherine: Which means the taillight was broken on purpose.", "(Quick flashback to: The car goes through the tunnel and someone breaks the tail light. Cut to: The pieces of the tail light fall through the drain.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS speaks with the car wash workers who are there to submit DNA samples. WARRICK and CATHERINE put their gloves on.)", "Brass: Okay, uh, thank you, thanks for coming down here and volunteering to give a DNA sample. We know you work hard, so, in an effort to be nice, we've provided some lunch, some burgers and stuff, compliments of the Las Vegas police department. Okay, let's form two lines now. Everybody whose birthday is from January to June in this line, everybody else over here.", "Car Wash Manager: How long is this crap going to take?", "Brass: As long as it takes, okay? Thank you.", "Catherine: All right, you guys, I'm going to be swabbing your left cheek, so, uh ... try not to bite down.", "Quinn: Uh, ma'am, I got to take a leak.", "Catherine: Well, you just hold on there. It's only going to take a second. Open.", "(Various cuts of CATHERINE and WARRICK taking DNA swab samples.)", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(CATHERINE takes a swab sample from QUINN, the worker who asked to use the bathroom. From the back, we can see that he's wearing a chain around his neck.)", "Catherine: Uh, Akers, do me a favor and escort this guy to the john.", "Officer Akers: Let's go.", "(QUINN moves past WARRICK. WARRICK notices the chain around his neck as he walks out of the waiting room.)", "Quinn: (V.O.) You guys are making a big mistake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(CATHERINE and WARRICK interviews QUINN in the presence of his LAWYER, MARGARET FINN.)", "Quinn: ... I don't know a Rachel Lyford, I swear.", "Catherine: Really? Well, I swear that you do. I found semen on the toilet in Rachel's apartment that matches your DNA", "Margaret Finn (lawyer): You don't have to respond, but if you can explain the semen ...", "Quinn: I know a Rachel, okay? I never knew her last name. Did the girl that you guys are looking for live at the Saturn Arms Apartments?", "Catherine: So, you do know her.", "Quinn: I ... here's the deal, okay? A car wax costs sixty bucks, okay? We give you discounts sometimes. I' show up early and, you know, I'll go to a girl's apartment before work, or whatever, you know, and all the guys do this.", "Warrick: (interrupts) So, Rachel hired you to wax her car, is that it?", "Quinn: I only charged her 25.", "(He chuckles.)", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. SATURN ARMS APT.] RACHEL LYFORD opens the door.)", "Rachel Lyford: Hi.", "Quinn: Shiny as a new penny.", "(She holds up the money and invites him in. He laughs and enters the apartment.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: And your story is that Rachel came on to you?", "Quinn: Yeah. She was all over me. She answered the door in, like, this sexy little thing, and stuff. Most of the time, when a woman answers the door, it's in sweats, they got the money ready. This was not like that.", "(CATHERINE leans forward.)", "Quinn: (laughs) What am I supposed to think?", "Catherine: I don't think so.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. SATURN ARMS APT] RACHEL LYFORD opens the door.)", "Quinn: Hey, I'm all done.", "Rachel Lyford: Uh, hold on a second.", "(She turns to get the money to pay him. As she gets the money, he stands there and looks at her. She glances nervously at him, then shoves the money toward him.)", "Rachel Lyford: Okay, here you go.", "(She tries to close the door, but he stops her, forcing his way into the apartment. She screams and struggles as he pushes her inside.)", "Rachel Lyford: Stop it! Stop it!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: After raping her, you realized she had your name, knew where you worked. One call to the cops and you're looking at 25 to life.", "(Quick flashback to: RACHEL LYFORD is crying on the bed. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: You freaked. So, you killed her.", "(Quick flashback to: QUINN opens the knife drawer and takes out a knife. He shuts the drawer and goes back to the bed. RACHEL turns around and starts fighting for her life. End of flashback. Resume to QUINN.)", "(Quick flashback to: After he kills her, the wraps the bloody knife in a towel. He takes his things and leaves. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Forget life; you're looking at the death penalty.", "Quinn: Lady, you are whacked.", "Margaret Finn (lawyer): You didn't find the murder weapon in my client's car.", "Warrick: Your client went from Rachel's apartment to his job at the car wash. He took the knife with him. A few hours later, Michael Fife drove in, and he planted the knife in his car.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. RELIANT CAR WASH] QUINN breaks the tail light, the pieces fall down the drain. He opens the back door, lifts up his shirt and plants the knife and towel under the chair. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Margaret Finn (lawyer): He just happened to hide the murder weapon in a car that belonged to one of Rachel's neighbors?", "Warrick: It wasn't a coincidence. It was your lucky day. You recognized the parking permit in his car window.", "(Quick flashback to: The parking permit in the car window. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: You broke the taillight, you stashed the knife. Instant suspect.", "(WARRICK holds up the dog tags.)", "Warrick: You recognize these?", "(He puts the dog tags on the table.)", "Warrick: The name on the dog tags is Aaron Lyford. That's Rachel's father.", "Quinn: She gave them to me.", "Warrick: She gave them to you.", "(beat)", "Warrick: Why did you try to hide them?", "(Quick flashback to: [EARLIER] QUINN goes to the bathroom and as he passes him, WARRICK notices the chain on the back of his neck.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) Why did you take off to the bathroom with the dog tags on? And you came back with them missing.", "(Cut to: WARRICK goes into the men's room to check the bathroom stalls.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) So, I checked it out.", "(He checks the trash and the stalls. In one of the bowls, the finds the dog tags.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: This is an autopsy photo.", "(WARRICK puts the photo on the table.)", "Warrick: The abrasions are evidence. Those dog tags were ripped from her neck.", "(Quick flashback to: QUINN rips the dog tags from RACHEL'S body. He looks at them and leaves. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: She gave them to you ... over her dead body.", "(Camera holds on QUINN.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JUDGE BRENNER'S COURT -- DAY]", "(WARRICK is on the witness stand. It's a different court; different defendant.)", "Warrick: The defendant arrived at the station on his own accord. He provided us with a sample of his DNA, and we rushed that sample to our lab for analysis.", "Prosecutor: You compared Mr. Quinn's DNA to DNA from semen recovered at the crime scene, is that correct?", "Warrick: Yes, that's correct. It was a match.", "Prosecutor: Judge, we have no further questions.", "Judge Brenner: Ms. Finn?", "(DEFENSE ATTORNEY MARGARET FINN gets to her feet.)", "Margaret Finn (lawyer): Your honor, we have no questions for CSI Brown.", "Judge Brenner: Based on the evidence, I find sufficient probable cause to order the defendant to stand trial for the sexual assault and murder of Rachel Lyford.", "(The gavel sounds. Court is adjourned. Everyone stands up as. WARRICK steps down from the witness stand and heads over to the LYFORDS.)", "Warrick: I'm terribly sorry for your loss. And your father's tags are in a safe place. I'll make sure they get back to you.", "Rita Lyford: Thank you for everything.", "Warrick: You're more than welcome.", "(WARRICK turns to leave when SHERIFF RORY ATWATER walks into the courtroom.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Hey, sorry I'm late.", "Grissom: Well, I think you're right on time. There must be a press conference nearby, huh?", "(SHERIFF RORY ATWATER chuckles.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: I wanted to include CSI Brown in this. There might be a few questions outside my ...", "Grissom: ... purview?", "(The SHERIFF turns around and heads for the front.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Want to meet me out in the corridor ASAP?", "(WARRICK tries to get out of it.)", "Warrick: Sheriff, I'm not too good with cameras.", "(He turns to look at GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: You won't have to talk much.", "Warrick: Grissom, thanks.", "Grissom: For what?", "Warrick: (nods) See you back at the lab.", "(GRISSOM watches as WARRICK leaves the courtroom.)", "(Camera holds on GRISSOM, smiling.)", "FADE TO WHITE." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Invisible Evidence
[ "The center of attention for the Las Vegas media is a missing model who aspired to become a showgirl. When a strange 911 call comes in, Catherine is sure she has found the man responsible and takes over the case from Sara and Nick, who both hoped they could use this high profile case to get a promotion." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Camera moves in slowly to the large screen on the side of the hotel/casino under the headline: VEGAS SHOWGIRL REVUE. On the screen is a stage view of the Showgirls on Stage.)", "Julie Waters: (V.O.) Some girls want to be Homecoming Queen. Some girls want to be Miss America. I have always wanted to be a Showgirl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DELHOMME RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT]", "[ON TELEVISION]", "(Extreme close up of JULIE WATERS' eye. Camera moves out and we see that we're watching footage of JULIE WATERS giving an interview.)", "Julie Waters: (on tv) I mean, I've been taking dancing lessons since I was five. I would, um ... I would pull my leotards really high up on my hips,", "(A man's hand reaches out to the monitor and lightly caresses her image on screen.)", "Julie Waters: (on tv) ... and stick feathers in my hair, put on my mom's high heels, and then I would put on this show.", "(JULIE WATERS laughs self-consciously.)", "Paula Francis: (on tv) This is day six in the search for Julie Waters, the model and aspiring reported missing by her parents last Thursday. Authorities are asking for the public's help in any information regarding her whereabouts.", "(HOWARD DELHOMME changes the channel and finds that JULIE WATERS' image is on every station. In his other hand, he holds a cordless phone.)", "Male Reporter: (on tv): Where is Julie Waters? That's the question authorities thus far ...", "Operator (male): (from phone) Can you tell me your address, sir? What is your emergency?", "Howard Delhomme: (whispers) She's so beautiful.", "Julie Waters: (b.g. on tv) The first day I got here, I went straight to the Tropicana ...", "Howard Delhomme: (to phone) Soft and ...", "Julie Waters: (b.g. on tv) I walked right past all the slots and the tables, to the tiffany theater. ...", "Howard Delhomme: (to phone) ... sweet ... like an angel.", "Julie Waters: (b.g. on tv) I snuck in, and I just sat there in the back row, just watching. (She sighs.)", "Operator (male): (from phone) What is your emergency?", "Howard Delhomme: (crying) I never meant to hurt her ...", "(HOWARD DELHOMME hangs up the phone.)", "Julie Waters: (on tv) I couldn't get the smile off of my face.", "(HOWARD falls to his hands and knees in front of the television and searches the floor for his gun.)", "Julie Waters: (on tv) (she laughs) I didn't even see when the security guard came up to me, and he told me that I had to leave. You know, \"all rehearsals are closed.\"", "(Camera focuses on her MOUTH, then moves up to focus on her EYE.)", "Julie Waters: (on tv) So I got up, and then he turns to me ... and he says, um ... \"go ahead and stay.\"", "(HOWARD lifts the gun and places the tip of the barrel against his lips.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DELHOMME RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(Officer cars line the front lawn like a barricade; SWAT members aim their guns on the front door.)", "SWAT Officer: He's coming out. Be advised: Suspect is armed. He's coming out.", "(The door opens and HOWARD DELHOMME slowly, painfully walks out of the house.)", "Officer: We have visual. OFFICER: Drop your weapon! OFFICER: Freeze! Freeze!", "(The OFFICERS start to converge on the suspect.)", "SWAT Leader: Get on your knees right now!", "(The suspect falls to his knees, the SWAT LEADER and other officers approach him.)", "SWAT Leader: Right there, right on your knees!", "(An OFFICER cuffs the suspect where he kneels.)", "Brass: Clear the house. Look for the girl.", "(All but a few OFFICERS leave and head into the house.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. DELHOMME RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(It's a short time later, reporters and other curious onlookers gather around the front lawn.)", "(BRASS runs out of the house and across the lawn.)", "Reporters: Captain! Captain! Captain Brass!", "(He heads for DELHOMME where he sits on the side while NICK gives him a breathalizer test.)", "Brass: Where is she?", "Delhomme: Huh?", "Brass: (leans in close) See this face? I'm going to be all over you till you give her up.", "Nick: (warning) Jim, the world's watching.", "Brass: I want him waiting for me.", "(The OFFICERS take DELHOMME away. CATHERINE and SARA, carrying their kits, join the group.)", "Brass: Swat cleared the house. It's empty.", "Catherine: So no girl?", "(BRASS shakes his head.)", "Catherine: (to NICK) What did he blow?", "Nick: A .21.", "Catherine: Going to take him a long time to sober up.", "Brass: I'm not waiting.", "Sara: Did he say anything about her?", "Brass: He never actually mentioned her name. All he said was, \"I never meant to hurt her.\"", "Catherine: Six days missing? He didn't just hurt her.", "CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[CLOSE UP: DELHOMME'S EYES]", "(DELHOMME looks up and around, not really focusing on any one thing around him. In the background, we hear continuing news reports from the television.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: (v.o. from tv) At this time, the Las Vegas Police Department has in custody one Howard Delhomme, ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DELHOMME RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(The television set is on and we see SHERIFF RORY ATWATER giving a press conference. The heading on the bottom of the screen reads:", "LIVE", "ATWATER NEWS CONFERENCE", "EYEWITNESS NEWS 8", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: (on tv) ... whom we believe to be responsible for the disappearance of Julie Waters. Our forensic team is currently combing the Delhomme residence searching for clues to her whereabouts.", "Reporter: (from tv) Sheriff, how long will it take to find her?", "(CATHERINE is kneeling in the center of the living room on top of a carpeting of newspapers and in front of the large television set of the press conference.)", "(CATHERINE picks up a newspaper and looks at it. The title of the paper is: NEVADA and the west", "{heading on right}", "PARTYING BEAUTY AT AGE 73", "LAS VEGAS RENO NEVADA * November 8", "{LARGE photo of JULIE WATERS on left} {headline on right}", "WATERS INVESTIGATION", "TAKES TOP PRIORITY )", "(CATHERINE puts the paper aside.)", "(Behind her, SARA quietly goes through more newspapers on the coffee table.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: (on tv) I expect an answer to that just as soon as the team is finished processing the house.", "Catherine: (mutters) Attaboy, Sheriff. Nothing like predicting the future.", "(The paper that SARA looks at has multiple doodling sketches of various drawings of an eye or eyes in black ink. The newspaper's headlines read: ... ES TO LOSE FAITH ... Under the headlines is a large photo of JULIE WATERS with another woman. DELHOMME drew a large eye over JULIE'S forehead and completely traced over both sets of women's eyes in the photo like black eyeliner.)", "Sara: This guy was unraveling.", "(SARA looks at a nearby magazine on the coffee table with a beautiful cover shot of JULIE WATERS in a yellow showgirl-sequenced-outfit. The title story reads: DYING FOR FAME, THE LIFE OF JULIE WATERS.)", "(CATHERINE picks up a newspaper. It's dated NOVEMBER 11, 2003; the headline reads: [NO LEADS IN JULIE WATERS CASE By Mike Botomi Review-Journal", "Article reads: LAS VEGAS - Authorities are growing increasingly frustrated in their search for Julie Waters, the missing model/showgirl whom in recent days, has captured the sympathy of the entire Las Vegas Community. The LVPD released a statement late last night indicating that the crime well was drying up with very few fresh leads to explore. LVPD Sheriff Rory Atwater when asked about the likelihood ... ... expressing a sentiment that should be familiar to those who have followed that unfolding events of the past week, \"Julie is a face to remind us of everyone's daughter, as anyone with a child can attest to.\" It should be noted that the natural general principle that will subgame this boring case requires considerable sexual performance ... ]", "Catherine: This is like a timeline. Day one all the way up until this morning. (Camera pans slowly across the carpent of papers to show the variety and headlines:", "* The LAS VEGAS SUN with large photo of JULIE WATERS on the front page with the headline: FEARED DEAD. * METRO ... with a large photo of JULIE WATERS on the front page. * NEVADA with the headline STATE RAIDS CRAWFISH OPERATION * LIVING with a photo of JULIE WATERS on the front page. )", "(SARA looks around the living room and notes the kitchen television set on televising an interview with JULIE WATERS.)", "Julie Waters: (on tv) I mean, I've been taking dancing lessons since I was five. I would, um ... I would pull my leotards ...", "Sara: More Julie Waters.", "Julie Waters: (on tv) ...Stick feathers in my hair, put on my mom's high heels, and then I would put on this show.", "(CATHERINE moves past SARA and into the KITCHEN. She keeps walking down the hallway toward the room at the end of the hall. She opens the room and finds that it's a darkroom, red lights are still on.)", "(The first thing they see is a photo of an extreme close up of an EYE hanging on the line to dry. CATHERINE and SARA enter the dark room.)", "(Other pictures hanging from the line to dry are other multiple photos of EXTREME CLOSE UP of a person's EYE.)", "(In fact, it almost appears as if every single photo hanging on the line to dry is a photo of a person's eye.)", "(CATHERINE looks down on the table and sees a photo of an speedometer, more photos of an EYE, then a business card.)", "(CATHERINE picks on up and looks at it. It reads:", "HOWARD DELHOMME", "PHOTOGRAPHY", "78586 AMBERS AVE., LAS VEGAS, 89108 702-555-0176 / (cell) 702-555-0178", "Catherine: (reading) \"Howard Delhomme Photography.\"", "(CATHERINE puts the card down and looks at the photos hanging on the drying line. Camera passes a couple of odd-looking photos and another close up photo of an eye.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Camera opens on HOWARD DELHOMME'S eyes. He blinks rapidly and is out of focus. BRASS walks in and stops next to him.)", "Brass: Media's gone now. Just you and me. Where is she?", "(HOWARD DELHOMME continues to look around and blink. He's not focused on BRASS or what BRASS has to say.)", "Brass: Nobody calls 911 unless they're ready to talk.", "(HOWARD DELHOMME continues to look around.)", "Brass: Tell me.", "(BRASS grabs HOWARD DELHOMME'S chin and turns his face to look at his directly.)", "Brass: Tell me. Get used to this room, bud. You're not going anywhere.", "(BRASS lets go and leaves the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB]", "(CATHERINE, NICK and SARA review the crime scene photos via slideshow.)", "Catherine: Who reported Julie Waters missing?", "Nick: Her mom. She said she talks to her every day. Called the station when she couldn't reach her by nightfall.", "Sara: Grissom sent Nick and I to her apartment on the \"missing.\" Her bills were paid, ready to mail.", "Nick: Doesn't look like any of her toiletries were missing.", "(There are a couple of slides of a prescription container from the LATONA PHARMACY. The label reads:", "JULIE WATERS", "555-0150 J. BRADLEY", "TAKE ONE TABLET EVERY NIGHT", "CYCLE *** 100MG", "Sara: She even left her birth control pills. Strange.", "Nick: Her mom said she had dinner with the producers of Real Vegas Showgirls.", "Catherine: What's that?", "Nick: It's a reality-based show shooting here in Vegas.", "Catherine: What about her car?", "Nick: It was found four days ago at Dante's pizza on boulder highway -- parking lot.", "(GRISSOM walks into the lab.)", "Sara: Locked. No signs of foul play.", "Catherine: Purse?", "Sara: It's the only thing that was missing.", "Grissom: What about the drunk guy?", "Nick: A professional photographer, lives alone ...", "Grissom: You collected everything at his house -- no evidence of Julie?", "Catherine: Although the place was papered with articles about her, all acquired after the fact.", "(CATHERINE'S phone rings. She looks at the ID. It reads: BRASS.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk through the hallway. The closer they approach the room they can hear BRASS and the OFFICER talking.)", "Officer Joe: I was following protocol.", "Brass: Come on, Joe, I ask you to do one thing and this happens?", "Officer Joe: I'm sorry, Captain. I got called away on a PCP ...", "(BRASS sees CATHERINE and GRISSOM turn the corner and he stops JOE from continuing.)", "Brass: Joe.", "Catherine: Where is he?", "Brass: Getting stitched up, but he left something for you.", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk into the interview room. On the wall, written in blood is a message.)", "Catherine: (reading) \"I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone.\"", "(GRISSOM looks a the broken metal lining with blood on it. He looks down and sees the blood pooling on the floor. GRISSOM leans in for a closer look.)", "(Quick flashback to: DELHOMME uses his thumbnail and pries the metal siding away from the table. He digs it into his hand, drawing blood. He dips his finger in to his own blood and uses it to write his message on the wall. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: \"Anyone\"? What's that supposed to mean? That Julie Waters isn't his first victim? He's done this before?", "(An OFFICER escorts HOWARD DELHOMME back to the cell. CATHERINE turns around and HOWARD gets a good look at CATHERINE. Their eyes meet and HOWARD can't seem to take his eyes off of CATHERINE. He's very, very focused on CATHERINE.)", "(GRISSOM looks up from the table and sees HOWARD'S fixation on CATHERINE.)", "Grissom: (to the OFFICER) You want to take him into the next room, please?", "(The OFFICER pulls HOWARD out of the room. Camera holds on CATHERINE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(BRASS and SARA interview HOWARD DELHOMME. HOWARD is not focused on them, he picks on the bandage over his wound.)", "Sara: Look, I know you want to make this right. You called 911.", "(HOWARD doesn't answer them.)", "Brass: What, do you think you're going to walk out of here? You're in for the long haul.", "(Still, HOWARD doesn't answer.)", "Sara: If you help me, I can help you. We already know who you're talking about. All we need to know is where to find her.", "Brass: Are we boring you? Huh? 'Cause what you're not getting is I got all night. One of us is getting overtime to be here, and it isn't you, so talk to me.", "(HOWARD lifts his head.)", "Howard Delhomme: I'll talk ... only for the one in the next room -- The Pretty One.", "(Camera holds on SARA.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS DESERT ROAD - DAY]", "(OFFICER cars speed down the roadway.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS DESERT -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and HOWARD DELHOMME walk over the hill. Behind them, OFFICERS and NEWSREPORTERS follow.)", "Catherine: How many yards did you say it was from mile marker 15?", "Howard Delhomme: Why don't you take off your sunglasses and your hat?", "Catherine: Need your help here, Mr. Delhomme.", "Howard Delhomme: Howard.", "Catherine: All right.", "(CATHERINE takes off her glasses and looks at HOWARD.)", "Catherine: Howard. Are we in the right place?", "Howard Delhomme: You walk like a dancer. Do you moonlight? I'll bet you're featured, huh? High dollar. Nice long hair down your back?", "Catherine: What were you wearing that day, Howard?", "Howard Delhomme: I like long hair.", "Catherine: You recognize any of these rock formations?", "Howard Delhomme: You could grow yours out more, but ...", "(They continue to walk down the hill.)", "(In the back, ready and waiting, are the scent dogs.)", "(Cut to: The news media stand along the edge of the search waiting for word and interviewing various OFFICERS. Down below, GRISSOM, SARA other OFFICERS form a search line to look for evidence.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[SUNSET]", "(Silhouette against the evening sunset, SARA and GRISSOM talk.)", "Sara: What are we doing? I-is this logical? We have suspects picking their criminalists now.", "Grissom: Well, we all want the same thing, Sara. Catherine may have a way in. It could be helpful.", "Sara: So this looks 'helpful' to you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EVENING]", "(A search helicopter flies above.)", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk HOWARD DELHOMME back to the car.)", "Grissom: We're not finding anything. You said she was here.", "Howard Delhomme: I'm getting confused. All these people here.", "Catherine: You'd be less confused if it was just you and me?", "Howard Delhomme: I see pictures of her on tv, in the magazines, the newspapers ...", "Grissom: Mr. Delhomme, we're going to take you back to the station.", "Howard Delhomme: I'd rather go home.", "Catherine: Not yet.", "(The OFFICER not too gently pushes DELHOMME into the car.)", "Officer: Get in.", "Catherine: Hey, uh ... We need him in one piece.", "(HOWARD notices CATHERINE and looks at her. She meets his gaze and his mouth twitches in a smile.)", "(The car leaves.)", "Catherine: All right, at least we can hold onto him for a while.", "Grissom: Well, the public defender may have him out on bail by tomorrow morning.", "Nick: Meanwhile, we still haven't found anything. Now, did anyone stop to think this guy might just be nuts?", "Catherine: Well, until we find the body, he is all the evidence we've got.", "Sara: We don't even know if he did it.", "Catherine: Oh, I've got a good feeling about this.", "Sara: So does the suspect. The only reason that we're out here today on this wild goose chase is because he wanted to hang out with you.", "(GRISSOM hears SARA and turns to look at her.)", "Sara: It's weird.", "Catherine: Believe me, I'd rather follow the evidence, but if it takes having the evidence follow me ...", "(GRISSOM turns to look at NICK.)", "Nick: The original missing persons call was mine and Sara's.", "Catherine: I'm the Senior CSI here.", "Grissom: Uh-uh. I'm the Senior CSI here.", "Catherine: You want it?", "Nick: Hold on, now. This is a career case, Grissom. You know Sara and I both put in for a promotion. If we work this, we're on departmental radar here.", "Catherine: I got the most high-profile cases under my belt; I think that the Sheriff would rest easier knowing that I was heading it up.", "Sara: It's a big department. There's a lot of room at the top.", "(NICK looks at GRISSOM.)", "Nick: We wouldn't ask for it if we couldn't do it.", "(Thinking, GRISSOM looks down at the ground. He lifts his head and looks directly at SARA.)", "(SARA reads his look and isn't happy about it at all.)", "Sara: Fine.", "(NICK also reads GRISSOM'S look and leaves with SARA. CATHERINE turns to look at GRISSOM.)", "Catherine: You going to have my back?", "Grissom: I always have your back.", "Catherine: He wanted me. He's got me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(The lab techs watch the most recent news report on television: JULIE WATERS MURDER CASE / EYEWITNESS NEWS 8.)", "News Reporter (woman): (on tv) Suspected murderer Howard Delhomme led police department personnel on a fruitless search for the body of Julie Waters. The search was called off in darkness with no indication that law enforcement personnel will continue to comb the red rock area.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Just don't make me look bad.", "Grissom: Hey, you set the stage.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Voters -- they like swift resolutions. If he's the guy, I need to say it.", "Grissom: Well, let's find out if he is the guy first.", "(They reach the lab and stop. THE SHERIFF looks inside the lab.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Who's that with Catherine?", "Grissom: Greg Sanders. DNA.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Is he on the case?", "Grissom: Yeah.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Hell of a time to break out the \"B\" team, isn't it?", "(GRISSOM glances from the lab to the SHERIFF.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- CONTINUOUS]", "(CATHERINE and GREG sort through HOWARD DELHOMME'S trash.)", "Catherine: Remember, we're looking for anything this guy did last Thursday, November 6.", "Greg: Find where he was seven days ago, and we'll find Julie.", "(They sort through the receipts and slips of paper putting it into piles by dates 11/6, 11/7, 11/8 ...)", "Greg: So, I know Warrick's off. And Sara's pissed. Why not ask Nick to help?", "Catherine: You want to learn. And you can start by not repeating my mistakes.", "Greg: You mean Sam Braun?", "Catherine: I screwed up. You covered me.", "Greg: That's why I'm here?", "Catherine: No, you're here because I want you to be here.", "Greg: (pleased) Oh.", "(GREG looks down at the receipt in his hand from:", "BIG SNAX 517 Bourban Way Las Vegas, NV", "NORMAL SALE )", "Greg: He was hungry. \"Big Snax.\" A chain. He bought soda for 75 cents, snack for 75 cents, and a household item for $9.99.", "(The items on the receipt read:", "**82349349 SODA 0.75", "**4237582 SNACK 0.75", "**7234816 HOUSEHOLD 9.99", "SUBTOTAL 11.49", "TAX @ 7.25% 0.83", "TOTAL 12.32", "Catherine: Household item? That could be anything.", "(CATHERINE picks up a vehicle release agreement.)", "Catherine: Inucci motors.", "[HOME PHONE NUMBER: 702-555-0176", "TIME OUT: 2 PM 11/6", "TIME IN: 11/17 9 AM ]", "Catherine: He checked out a car at 2:00 that afternoon and returned it the following morning at 9:00 am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. INUCCI MOTORS - SHOWROOM -- DAY", "(CATHERINE talks with the MANAGER.)", "Catherine: Why would Howard Delhomme have a receipt for one of your cars?", "Manager: We hired him to photograph it.", "Catherine: Did you instruct him to hire a model for the photo shoot?", "Manager: A model? Never. Nothing in the photographs should be sexier than the automobile.", "Catherine: Where is the car?", "Manager: It's not just a car. It's a Maserati.", "Catherine: Oh. Well, I appreciate that. I still need to look at it.", "Manager: Honey ... The car has been detailed three times since Howard brought it back. It's getting primed for a whale tomorrow. You're wasting your time.", "Catherine: You know what I did the last time I looked at a car? I cut out a 12-by-12-inch section of leather from every seat. Guy was a drug dealer. You know, a salesman?", "Manager: I need this car. Untouched.", "Catherine: Oh, well, I can't promise you that. But what I can promise you is that for the next few hours ...", "(CATHERINE hands him the warrant.)", "Catherine: ... that car is mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - DAY]", "(CATHERINE uses the ALS and checks the inside of the car. She finds a strand of hair and puts it in a bindle. She GSR tests the upholstery for blood and finds it positive.)", "(Cut to: GREG walks into the garage and sees the car.)", "Greg: Boy, what I could do with a car like this.", "(CATHERINE backs out of the car backseat and hands the hair sample to GREG.)", "Catherine: Take these and compare them to the toothbrush that Sara collected from Julie Waters' apartment.", "(GREG doesn't move, his eyes are on the car.)", "Catherine: Hey ... you want to gawk, do it on your own time. You want to work with me, stay focused.", "Greg: Got it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - OFFICE]", "(SARA goes through the files and pulls out a file.)", "Sara: I don't believe this.", "Nick: What does it matter? We're all on the same team.", "(SARA sits down at the other side of the desk.)", "Sara: Nick, it was our case. You said it: You wait a career for a case like this. Puts us on the front line for promotion.", "Nick: Let's just find her, okay?", "Sara: You know what the worst part about this whole thing is? Catherine knows I can do this case.", "Nick: So can I.", "Sara: I would take you and me over Catherine and Greg anytime.", "(This news startles NICK.)", "Nick: She's got Greg helping her?", "Sara: Yeah.", "Nick: (rationalizing) Well, the only way to learn is by getting out in the field, and if Greg helps find her, I'm okay with that.", "(SARA looks at NICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(CATHERINE sits and watches JULIE WATERS' interview.)", "Julie Waters: (on tv) The first day that I got here I went straight to the Tropicana. I walked right past all the slots and the tables, to the tiffany theater. I snuck in, and I just sat there in the back row, just watching. (sighs) I couldn't get the smile off of my face. (laughs) I didn't even see when the security guard came up to me, and he told me that I had to leave. You know, \"all rehearsals are closed.\"", "(GRISSOM walks into the lab and watches the video with CATHERINE.)", "Julie Waters: (on tv) So I got up. And then he turns to me, and he says, um ... \"go ahead and stay.\"", "Grissom: Is there anything on these tapes?", "Catherine: Nothing. How's it going with the Sheriff?", "Grissom: He wants to know why you're working with young Greg. You could have had Warrick, you know. Or asked Nick to help.", "Catherine: I need someone without an agenda.", "Grissom: Like when Fung brought in Mazzola? Everybody lost.", "Catherine: This isn't O.J.", "Grissom: Could be. A trainee on a career case...", "Catherine: I know what I'm doing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - OFFICE]", "(On the desk between them, SARA and NICK go through the various case files.)", "Sara: Twelve missing girls so far over the last two years. Ten of them found dead.", "Nick: How many were models?", "Sara: None, except for this one. Robyn Knight. Day shift found her skeletal remains six months ago.", "(SARA shows the file to NICK. He looks at it.)", "Nick: Washed up during heavy rains. Furnace Creek. \"Left in the morning for a photo shoot. Has a list of photographers in her day planner.\"", "(Camera focuses on the report:", "DAY PLANNER - NAMES", "TERRY MANNING", "M. KIMBLE", "HOWARD DELHOMME", "KENNY BERLIN", "... 5/20 A BODY ... )", "(NICK looks up at SARA.)", "Nick: Guess whose name is on the list?", "Sara: Howard Delhomme.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(NICK and SARA are in the lab working on the laptop when CATHERINE walks in with a file.)", "Catherine: Hey.", "(NICK and SARA continue working.)", "Catherine: How's it going?", "Sara: Your case. You tell us.", "Catherine: The odometer of the Maserati had 142 miles on it. The car dealer said that the vehicle only had nine miles when DelHomme picked it up. That means Delhomme drove it for 133 miles. If you do the math, that makes the search radius approximately 66 miles.", "Nick: Julie's vehicle was found in the parking lot of Dante's Pizza, off Boulder highway. That's what? 12 miles away?", "(SARA puts the locations into the map on the monitor.)", "Catherine: It's probably where she hooked up with DelHomme.", "Nick: So they hopped in the car and went to a photo shoot.", "Sara: If they did do a photo shoot, and we don't even know that they did, where are the photos?", "(GREG walks into the lab.)", "Greg: I finished the DNA from the car. Matches the reference Sara got from Julie's apartment. And the snack shop? It's the one on Granite's pass. I also found out what the household item was on the receipt.", "(SARA marks the location on the monitor.)", "Greg: It was a shovel.", "Sara: He'd already killed her.", "Catherine: That explains the blood and the hair in the back seat of the Maserati.", "Nick: He drove her body to the snack bar and went back and buried her. Question is where?", "(CATHERINE sees the car photos on the table.)", "Sara: Robyn Knight washed up near Furnace Creek.", "(SARA marks the location on the map and colors in the radius in red.)", "(CATHERINE picks up a photo and recognizes the rock formations in the background.)", "Catherine: That's \"Devil's Smile.\"", "(Camera holds on the photo of the cars.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT -- DEVIL'S SMILE - NIGHT]", "(Search crews are out looking for JULIE WATERS' body. CATHERINE and GREG watch from the side.)", "Greg: I understand why all these cadets are here. They have to be. But what's up with all these off-duty cops?", "Catherine: Chance to be a hero. Girl's beautiful. These guys don't get many chances.", "Greg: For what?", "Catherine: To rescue a princess.", "Cadet: (o.s.) I think we may have found something!", "(A helicopter flies over head.)", "(The cadet leads CATHERINE and GREG to the spot. As they approach, they see someone leaning forward to move something. CATHERINE stops them.)", "Catherine: Hey, hey! Hold on. Nobody touch the crime scene. We do this right.", "(She reaches the body and kneels down to look at the fingers sticking out of the ground. GREG kneels down behind her.)", "Catherine: All right ... I want you to search every trash can, drainage ditch, dump site between here and the city. We're looking for a shovel, a purse, anything else that looks like it belonged to her.", "Officer: Okay ...", "(The group disburses.)", "(Dissolve to: A top view of the scene.)", "Nick: (V.O.) Okay, Greg, diagram every rock on the pile. By trial time, defense will make us recreate this whole crime scene.", "(Various dissolves as the scene is cleared of the pile of rocks, photos taken and the body uncovered.)", "(On the side, sand is sifted.)", "(NICK and CATHERINE uncover the body. CATHERINE sighs as she looks down at the body.)", "Catherine: (nods) Sleeping Beauty.", "(Camera holds on JULIE WATERS.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT - DEVIL'S SMILE -- DAY]", "(BRASS walks down the hill toward the group around the body.)", "(Everyone sits a moment quietly looking down at the body. BRASS leans in.)", "Brass: Julie Waters?", "Catherine: (nods) Nature preserved her.", "(Quick CGI POV to: The rocks and sand and fingers.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Loose sandy soil, shady area, November temperatures -- it was like a freezer.", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "(CATHERINE points to her shirt zippered up all the way up to her chin.)", "Catherine: A girl this beautiful wouldn't zip up this far.", "(BRASS leans in to look.)", "Catherine: She's not wearing any makeup.", "Sara: Maybe he cleaned her.", "Nick: Yeah, and then he used these rocks to cover her so that she wouldn't wash up in a storm the way the other girl did.", "Brass: What other girl?", "Catherine: We think there may be a connection to the Robyn Knight case from last year.", "Brass: Can we prove it?", "Catherine: Well, only skeletal remains were found. There's nothing definitive to connect Delhomme to the murder.", "Brass: Then we better make this one stick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY", "(CATHERINE and BRASS interview HOWARD DELHOMME.)", "Brass: You lost your bargaining chip. We found her body.", "Howard Delhomme: (re: CATHERINE) And smart, too.", "Arthur Scott (lawyer): I advise you to remain silent.", "Catherine: Howard, just help us with one thing. How did this happen?", "Brass: You're pretty composed, Howard. I mean, you kill her. You go buy a shovel, a soda. It's thirsty work, digging a grave, huh?", "Howard Delhomme: That's not how it happened.", "Catherine: I understand. Photographer. Model. Had to get the light just right.", "Howard Delhomme: I'd like to photograph you.", "Catherine: Mmm ... can't do anything until we figure this out.", "Howard Delhomme: (sighs) It was an accident. I wanted to move the car ... and I didn't see her.", "(Quick flashback to: HOWARD DELHOMME carrying JULIE WATERS' lifeless body to the car and putting her in the back seat. Camera close up of a drop of blood falling onto the upholstery. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: Why was she even there?", "Howard Delhomme: Miss Waters had modeled for my client on previous occasions.", "Catherine: Well, the problem I have with that is the dealer representative specifically stated that no model was hired to appear in the photos.", "Howard Delhomme: I was shooting ... new head shots for her. She was all out. It was a favor. I'm a professional. Ask any of my models.", "Catherine: So, you took photographs of Julie?", "Howard Delhomme: A couple of rolls.", "Catherine: Any idea where they are?", "Howard Delhomme: (thinking) Mmm ... no.", "Catherine: Well, if you remember, let me know.", "Howard Delhomme: (smiles) Okay.", "(CATHERINE smiles back.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(ROBBINS goes over the findings report with CATHERINE, the body between them.)", "Robbins: She has no injuries consistent with a car accident. Cause of death is, uh, positional asphyxia.", "(Quick flashback to: JULIE WATERS screaming and suffocating. HOWARD DELHOMME straddles her and chokes her. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Guy we're looking at was 180-plus.", "Robbins: Sufficient weight.", "Catherine: He must have hit her, which ripped her earring out.", "Robbins: Occurred antemortem.", "(Quick flashback to: DELHOMME hits JULIE across the face, ripping her earring out. She bleeds in her hands.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) Close to time of death. Only bleeding injury.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Was there any evidence of sexual assault?", "Robbins: Lots of trauma. Collected a kit.", "Catherine: Anything else?", "Robbins: Yeah, tox came back with a blood alcohol content of .18.", "Catherine: On the day of her dinner with the producers of Real Vegas Showgirls. She'd be like Dorothy racing for Oz. There's no way that she slowed down to get drunk.", "Robbins: Decomposing blood can generate ethanol postmortem.", "(Quick CGI POV: Camera zooms to JULIE'S chest, through the muscle, bones and into the blood. Camera focuses on the red blood cells that expand and expend a gas.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) As the cell walls lyse and contact with the sugar in alcohol, bacterial growth produces the byproducts of carbon dioxide and ethanol.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: It's inexact, but the body's capable of producing somewhere around .08 grams percent on its own.", "Catherine: But in order to have a postmortem level of .18 ...", "Robbins: Well, she had a head start.", "Catherine: So, that's three shots in an hour? He could have forced her to drink.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(CATHERINE and GRISSOM go over the photos.)", "Catherine: Robbins rushed the protocol. Released Julie's body to her parents.", "Grissom: So they could take her home to provo.", "Catherine: Mmm. Thousands of girls come to vegas every year just hoping to beat the odds.", "Grissom: Mmm, some of them do.", "Catherine: And some of them don't.", "(GRISSOM looks at a photo.)", "Grissom: Multiple abrasions on her cervix.", "Catherine: Sexual assault kit had no semen, no trace evidence.", "Grissom: So, it's possible he used a foreign object on her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(CATHERINE interviews HOWARD DELHOMME with his attorney present. BRASS watches from the OBSERVATION ROOM.)", "Catherine: Now I'm confused. Julie Waters died of positional asphyxia. That means that someone sat on her chest, and ... two years ago, you were arrested for forced oral cop.", "Howard Delhomme: You don't think I'd ever do something like that, do you?", "Arthur Scott (lawyer): My client went to trial and was found not guilty.", "Howard Delhomme: I liked Julie. I took a lot of photographs of her. Even Julie's mother said that no one captured her on film the way I did.", "Catherine: Just one more thing from the autopsy report. Julie was drinking.", "Howard Delhomme: She wanted to loosen up, you know?", "(Quick flashback to: At the photoshoot, JULIE flirts with the camera.)", "Julie Waters: (laughing) You got what you needed. Now, get what you want. Come on.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Howard Delhomme: She never said stop.", "Catherine: Why didn't you tell me this before?", "Howard Delhomme: I was afraid of what you'd think of me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY INTO LAB]", "[ON MONITOR]", "Arthur Scott (lawyer): (on tv) The Sheriff has tried my client in the media. But right now, evidence that will exonerate Howard Delhomme from these false charges is being handed over to the authorities.", "Receptionist: (o.s.) CSI Willows, you have a visitor at the front desk. Willows, you have a visitor ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[FRONT DESK]", "James Delhomme: My brother sent this to me, and his attorney told me to give it to you.", "(He holds it out to her. She motions to the counter.)", "Catherine: Just set it on the counter. (to receptionist) Could you please get me a pair of gloves and an evidence bag?", "Receptionist: Sure.", "Catherine: Thanks.", "(CATHERINE looks at the package. It's addressed to:", "JAMES DELHOMME", "14490 KILDARE RD.", "LAS VEGAS NV 89101 )", "James Delhomme: I can show you what's in there.", "Catherine: Okay.", "(JAMES tilts the package and rolls of film roll out onto the counter.)", "Catherine: When did you get this?", "James Delhomme: Today.", "(She looks at the cancellation stamp. It's dated: NOV 10 2003.)", "Catherine: It was mailed two days ago. There's no return address. How do you know your brother sent this?", "James Delhomme: That's his handwriting.", "Catherine: Was there a note in the envelope?", "James Delhomme: Yeah. Uh ...", "(He takes the note out of his pocket and holds it out to her. She motions for him to put it on the counter.)", "(The note reads: IF I GET ARRESTED, USE THESE TO HELP ME.)", "Catherine: \"If I get arrested.\" Now, why would he think that?", "(CATHERINE looks at JAMES. Camera holds on JAMES.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(CATHERINE and ARCHIE look through the film. They are pictures of JULIE'S photo shoot.)", "Archie Johnson: How are these supposed to help him beat a murder rap?", "(They look through the film.)", "Catherine: I'm guessing he's trying to create an alibi", "Archie Johnson: Four rolls, all of Julie.", "Catherine: Something's off, though. White shoes, black stockings, and all ripped up. Not to mention these aren't the clothes that we found her in.", "(Toward the end of a film roll, they find different photos.)", "Catherine: Now, what is this?", "Archie Johnson: It's a nude.", "Catherine: Is that Julie's body?", "Archie Johnson: If it is, it's double exposed. I'll have to get them printed to be sure.", "(SARA walks into the lab.)", "Sara: Cadet got a hit off a trash can. I brought it in. You want me to get Greg?", "Catherine: Archie, let me know when you've got these printed up.", "Archie Johnson: Yeah.", "(CATHERINE and SARA leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(CATHERINE and SARA go through the trash.)", "(SARA finds an envelope with head shots of JULIE WATERS.)", "Sara: There's a lot of head shots here.", "Catherine: Here's our little lie. Delhomme said that he took her out to photograph her because she had no more head shots. Needed new ones.", "(CATHERINE finds the make-up remover cloths.)", "Catherine: Explains how he cleaned her up.", "(Quick flashback to: [DESERT] DELHOMME wipes the make-up off of JULIE WATERS' face. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Doesn't explain why. Well, here's her day planner.", "(SARA looks through the Day Planner as CATHERINE takes out a bag from the trash.)", "Sara: Let's see, there's only two things written in her book the day she disappeared -- \"Real Vegas Showgirl Producer's dinner 7:00 P.M.,\" And the other -- \"Meet Howard, Dante's Pizza, 2:00 P.M.\" That would have given her plenty of time to get back for the producer's dinner.", "Catherine: Here's her clothes.", "(Inside the bag, they find several outfits.)", "Catherine: First thing you learn as a model -- bring several outfits with you. You never know what the photographer might like.", "(CATHERINE finds the black stockings with blood spots on it.)", "Catherine: Here's our big lie. Delhomme said when she injured her earlobe, she was in her underwear and she was barefoot.", "(CATHERINE shows SARA the blood on the stockings.)", "Sara: I think Howard's been lying to you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(SARA stares at JULIE'S receipt. CATHERINE is dressed in shorts and prepares to put on the left black stocking.)", "Sara: $65?", "Catherine: Capital investment. Our victim hadn't made it to the show yet. Her life was all about after the show. The right guy, the right meal, and after that ...", "Sara: It's a tough way to get ahead.", "(SARA swabs and tests JULIE'S shoes.)", "Catherine: Did your father ever tell you you were pretty?", "Sara: (shrugs) I guess.", "Catherine: He ever tell you you were smart?", "Sara: Yeah.", "Catherine: So, it probably never occurred to you that you wouldn't be successful. If all you ever hear is that you're gorgeous, you can let everything else fall away, and it can leave you in a very dangerous place. Okay, the bloodstain on the top of the foot is round. Gravitational. On the bottom of the foot, it's smeared.", "Sara: There's no blood on these. She wasn't wearing them.", "Catherine: The only way we can get this guy is if the evidence counters every one of his lies.", "(CATHERINE takes a sample of the blood, holds it up to the area of her ear and releases a single drop to fall directly on the top of her foot.)", "(Camera zooms in as the blood drops and lands on her stocking.)", "Catherine: That matches the drop on the top of her stocking. Separate bloodstain. Separate drop.", "(She releases a second drop onto the covered floor, then steps on it. She lifts her foot to show SARA.)", "Sara: She was standing.", "(cc) Sara: That makes him a liar again.", "(Quick flashback to: [DESERT] JULIE WATERS backs away from HOWARD DELHOMME. She's clutching her bleeding ear, blood seeping through her fingers. A blood drops on her foot and another drop falls to the ground. JULIE steps on the blood. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: And there was none to help her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB]", "(ARCHIE goes over the photos with NICK.)", "Archie: This is from the fifth roll of film Delhomme took with your vic.", "Nick: What is that, double exposure?", "Archie: Yup. It's two separate images.", "Nick: Separate them?", "(ARCHIE separates the two images.)", "Nick: Do you have Catherine's crime scene photos of the car?", "Archie: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Just give me the instrument panel and put it side-by-side with the double-exposed instrument panel.", "(ARCHIE finds the picture, CS#109.400.)", "Nick: Now just the speedometers.", "(Camera moves from the first photo of the speedometer with 142 km/h on it to the second photo with 99004 km on it.)", "Nick: Does that look like the same car to you?", "(ARCHIE shakes his head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(SARA and CATHERINE go through the photos.)", "Sara: She looks fine here.", "(SARA hands the photos to CATHERINE.)", "Sara: And here, it's like she's not quite sure what's going on.", "(CATHERINE looks at the photos.)", "Sara: Then here, uh ...", "Catherine: She knew.", "Sara: We have looked through every piece of evidence on this case. Whatever caused these abrasions is gone.", "Catherine: Well, it's got to be here. We found this guy in pieces, and putting himself together ever since. If we don't find something, he's going to walk out of here and forget about this like a bad dream.", "(NICK walks into the lab.)", "Nick: Hey, y'all. I got something on the double-exposed roll of film.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - CONTINUOUS]", "(NICK shows CATHERINE and SARA what he found.)", "Catherine: The odometers don't match.", "Nick: No, on the left is you. Crime scene photo from the Maserati.", "Sara: What about the other one?", "Nick: Well, it's unknown. Must have used a picture he already had for the double exposure.", "(Quick flashback to: HOWARD DELHOMME in his darkroom developing the photos. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Guys, if it's a different car, maybe it's a different girl.", "Catherine: What's on the rest of the double-exposed roll?", "Nick: A female body, naked. No face to go with an ID.", "Catherine: Archie, do you have the SART photos from the autopsy?", "Archie: Yeah.", "Catherine: We need to compare bodies.", "(ARCHIE pulls the SART photos on screen and starts to go through them. CATHERINE starts to get uncomfortable.)", "Catherine: Uh, why don't you guys take a break?", "(The guys stand up and leave.)", "Sara: Uh, it's okay. These photos don't bother me.", "Catherine: They bother me.", "(SARA gets the hint, doesn't like it, gets up and leaves.)", "(CATHERINE takes a seat in front of the monitor. She goes through the photos on screen.)", "(Various cuts of CATHERINE comparing the photos of the two bodies.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(CATHERINE walks into the lab. SARA'S already there.)", "Sara: Well?", "Catherine: The naked pictures weren't of Julie.", "Sara: So, what? Delhomme fakes a bunch of nude pictures and sends them to his brother?", "Catherine: At this point I don't care why he did it. What do you have?", "Sara: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. If he raped her with a foreign object, it is not on this table.", "(CATHERINE doesn't say anything.)", "Sara: Do you want me to leave you alone so you can do it yourself?", "Catherine: Look, the entire lab didn't need to see pictures of Julie's v*g1n* plastered all over the screen.", "Sara: So, Nick and I are the whole lab now? That's not it, Catherine, and you know it.", "Catherine: I saw the look in Howard's eye. I used to make my living off that look. He wanted me. We needed him. I decided to exploit that situation. And as angry as that made you, when you're in my shoes, you'll do the same thing.", "(CATHERINE opens the gun case.)", "Sara: I already checked that.", "(Quick flashback to: HOWARD DELHOMME, in the teaser, putting the barrel of his gun against his lips. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(CATHERINE stares at the empty case.)", "Catherine: We're looking at the wrong evidence. His initial arrest was for brandishing a firearm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(CATHERINE gets the gum, removes the cartridge and swabs the tip of the barrel.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE heads for the interview room. She stands at the doorway and sees HOWARD DELHOMME looking at her. He's alone and confident.)", "(CATHERINE enters the room.)", "[INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(She walks in.)", "Howard Delhomme: I fired my lawyer.", "Catherine: We waiting on a new one?", "Howard Delhomme: No.", "(She puts the envelope on the table and takes a seat opposite HOWARD.)", "Catherine: Is that what you like? Being alone with a woman?", "(Quick flashback to: [DESERT] HOWARD and JULIE are alone in the desert at the photo shoot. JULIE'S laughing. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Howard Delhomme: A woman like you.", "Catherine: Take her out in the middle of nowhere.", "(Quick flashback to: [DESERT] JULIE starts to look worried.)", "Julie Waters: You know I think I got to go.", "(HOWARD continues to take pictures.)", "Julie Waters: Howard, it's getting late. I got to go. I have a meeting back in town.", "(HOWARD continues to take pictures.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Howard Delhomme: She posed naked for me. My brother gave you the pictures. I never forced her to do anything.", "Catherine: You slapped her.", "(Quick flashback to: [DESERT] HOWARD slaps JULIE across the face. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Then you violated her.", "(Quick flashback to: [DESERT] JULIE'S crying.)", "Julie Waters: No more pictures. HOWARD DELHOMME: No more pictures.", "(HOWARD takes out his gun.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Julie Waters' cervical tissue was on your gun sight.", "(HOWARD doesn't say anything.)", "Catherine: What's the matter? Couldn't swallow it when you saw her all over the TV?", "(HOWARD gets angry and pushes the table, lunging toward CATHERINE. The GUARD standing behind him, grabs him.)", "Howard Delhomme: God. You bitch. You ... bitch!", "(CATHERINE stares at HOWARD DELHOMME, her look cold and hard. HOWARD smirks at CATHERINE, finally showing his true self.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[ON TELEVISION]", "(HOWARD DELHOMME is escorted to the car.)", "Paula Francis: Prosecutors will seek a life sentence without the possibility of parole for Howard Delhomme in the murder of Julie Waters.", "[INT. CSI - OFFICE - DAY]", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE sit at the table watching the television.)", "Grissom: You did good, Cath.", "Catherine: I had help.", "Grissom: How are things with you and Nick and Sara?", "Catherine: They're good. They're pros.", "Paula Francis: This case has been one of the most high-profiled in this reporter's memory. Never before have I seen ...", "Catherine: All he had to do was stay quiet.", "Grissom: Unlike Robyn Knight, Julie Waters became Las Vegas' postmortem sweetheart. The media as moral conscience.", "Catherine: She couldn't get away from him and he couldn't get away from her.", "(Camera pushes in slowly toward the television screen which is now showing JULIE WATERS' interview.)", "Julie Waters: (smiling and animated) I think that is why I would be perfect for your show. Well, at least, that's what my dad thinks. He always says, \"Julie, people can't help but love you.\"", "FADE TO BLACK", "Julie Waters: (V.O.) And it's true." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
After the Show
[ "When the new sheriff is witness to a car bombing that kills an air marshal , he puts pressure on Grissom to find the murderer. Remains of the bomb lead Grissom, Catherine and Nick to a high school science fair . Meanwhile, Warrick and Sara look into the death of the wife of a popular singer." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[EXT. ORPHEUS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(The limo pulls up in front of the hotel.)", "(Cut to: A woman leans out the driver's window and hands the valet a cash tip.)", "Valet 1: Thank you. Have a good night.", "(The woman drives away. As he heads back, a second valet walks by him on his way to his own customer.)", "Valet 2: Eagles covered, bro. Cough up the twenty.", "Valet 1: Man, backdoor touchdown. Man, kills you every time.", "(The first valet hands the money over to the second valet. He grins and laughs as he checks the bill out.)", "Valet 2: Ha-ha!", "(Cut back to the front door: SHERIFF RORY ATWATER and his dinner party walk out of the hotel. The women laugh at something he says. He heads over to the valet.)", "(Cut to: [DRIVER'S POV] ADAM WATSON drives up the hotel front heading for the valet service.)", "(Resume: VALET 2 walks toward the driver's window.)", "(Cut to: SHERIFF RORY ATWATER tips the HEAD VALET and hands him the ticket for his car.)", "(VALET 2 reaches the car's driver and leans in through the open window.)", "Valet 2: Welcome to the Orpheus. You checking in or just donating?", "Adam Watson: Checking in.", "Valet 2: Any bags, sir?", "(ADAM WATSON looks at the passenger seat to indicate the carry-on next to him.)", "Adam Watson: I got this one. Grab the one in the trunk.", "(VALET 2 walks around the back of the car. No sooner than he reaches the trunk, it explodes sending him flying high up into the air. Patrons around the area scream and duck at the unexpected attack; fire engulfs the car interior shattering the car glass. The VALET'S body lands on the asphalt with a thud.)", "(SHERIFF RORY ATWATER watches from the side, crouched low.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ORPHEUS - FRONT -- NIGHT]", "(Emergency Personnel, Fire Units and Officer Cars assist with helping the injured. The Fire Units work on putting the car fire out.)", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE exit their vehicle and make their way toward the scene. SHERIFF RORY ATWATER speaks with a couple of members of the BOMB SQUAD. He looks up and sees GRISSOM and CATHERINE walking toward him. He turns and heads toward them.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Car bomb. Driver and valet are dead. Another valet is critical. Got at least a dozen injured. I was having dinner here; was on my way out. It'd gone off a couple of seconds later, you'd be picking my badge up off the ground.", "Grissom: Thank God you're all right. (GRISSOM points to the area behind him.) Sheriff, did they, uh, sweep the area for secondaries?", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Bomb squad says it's all clear.", "Catherine: (looking around) We'll photo-document the scene. Overalls from all angles. Aerials as well.", "(Suddenly consecutive gunfire rings out in the area. GRISSOM grabs CATHERINE and pushes her toward the nearest vehicle to shield her from the gunfire. The SHERIFF ducks down and heads for the vehicle as well.)", "(Uninjured people scream and run for cover.)", "(The gunfire continues.)", "(GRISSOM stays where he his using his body to cover CATHERINE. The SHERIFF draws his gun and stands up looking around for the shooter.)", "(GRISSOM looks around.)", "(The gunfire stops.)", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ORPHEUS - FRONT -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM and SHERIFF RORY ATWATER look into the open trunk at the partially burned suitcase inside.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Guess it wasn't a sniper.", "Grissom: (explains) Fixed ammunition in the trunk. The gunpowder must have heated up, and the, uh, rounds cooked off.", "(Quick CGI of: Inside the back of the trunk, the suitcase is burning. Camera pushes into the suitcase where we see the box of ammunition burning. Sounds of the rounds going off as they heat up and explode. End of CGI. Resume to present.)", "(CATHERINE stands to the side of the car.)", "Catherine: I'm going to start marking the evidence.", "(She steps away. GRISSOM moves from the back of the car to the front as he narrates what he thinks happened.)", "Grissom: I believe the, uh, glass pressure traveled from the rear of the vehicle, through the front ...", "(GRISSOM reaches the driver's side shining his flashlight on the steering wheel. He moves the light down to the floor where he finds a pair of feet flat on the floor cut off at the ankles.)", "Grissom: ... and evidently separated the driver's body at the ankles. (louder) David, we have body parts in the car!", "David Phillips: I've been looking for the feet.", "Grissom: I found 'em.", "(The SHERIFF stands to the side, his arms crossed looking at what GRISSOM'S showing him.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: We gotta ID the driver ASAP.", "(GRISSOM looks at the dash.)", "Grissom: Well, the VIN number's still attached.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: (to the officer) Write that down. Call in the DMV.", "Officer: (cc) Yes, sir.", "(Cut to: DAVID PHILLIPS holds a burned hand cut off at the wrist. He gently wraps it in a white cloth.)", "(Cut to: CATHERINE places evidence markers on the ground as she sees something worth examining further. She places evidence marker #34 on the ground next to an empty bullet casing. She straightens, takes a couple steps forward then places evidence marker #35 on the ground next to what looks like a gun.)", "(She photographs it.)", "(In the background, a black vehicle pulls up. NICK exits the car. He looks around, sees her and walks over to her.)", "Nick: Sorry, Catherine. Traffic's backed up all the way to the strip.", "(CATHERINE picks up the gun.)", "Catherine: Got a sig-sauer. Probably the driver's.", "Nick: I'll start bagging. Gather the detritus and separate out the bomb components.", "Catherine: (distracted) Okay.", "(She points the camera downward and snaps another picture.)", "(Cut back to: The media van pulls up in front of the hotel.)", "Grissom: Here's press. You're on. Wish I could help, but, uh, I got a vehicle to process.", "(The SHERIFF runs a hand through his hair.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Come on, Grissom -- a bomb goes off these days, they're going to assume it's a hit. What are you thinking?", "Grissom: I'm not thinking. I'm just looking.", "(The SHERIFF heads for the media vans and crew setting up their equipment.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: (over his shoulder) That's good. Can I use that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Camera pans across the strip to a large lit billboard on THE MEDITERRANEAN for MYLES RUEBEN, \"Prince of Soul\".)", "[INT. THE MEDITERRANEAN - SUITE - NIGHT]", "(WARRICK, SARA and a detective walk into the hotel suite. There's a body floating face down in the bubbling hot tub.)", "Detective Vartann: Amelia Rueben. Twenty-five.", "Warrick: She a guest? Or a guest of a guest?", "Detective Vartann: Myles Rueben's wife.", "Sara: Who found her?", "Detective Vartann: About forty minutes ago, a maid walked in for \"turn-down\" service. Called hotel security.", "(WARRICK starts taking pictures of the scene.)", "Sara: Still on a timer.", "(SARA sees something. She puts her kit down and reaches into the tub to pull out a glass.)", "Sara: Got a wine glass.", "Warrick: Does Myles know?", "Detective Vartann: He's still onstage.", "[INT. THE MEDITERRANEAN - ON STAGE -- NIGHT]", "(MYLES RUEBEN is on stage singing to a thrilled audience.)", "Myles Ruben: (lyrics) hold up, slow to row / let's lay low before you go too far / remember who you are / why you want to start givin' me the third degree / all of this responsibility... /", "[HOTEL SUITE]", "(SARA opens her kit. WARRICK looks around the room and finds the wine bottle on the dressing table.)", "Warrick: Got a wine bottle.", "(He takes a picture of it, puts his camera aside and picks up the bottle to check it.)", "Warrick: Almost empty.", "(SARA glances over her shoulder at WARRICK.)", "[ON STAGE]", "Myles Ruben: (lyrics) Love ain't gonna get me till I know I'm ready ...", "[HOTEL SUITE]", "(WARRICK glances from the bottle to SARA.)", "Warrick: Alcohol. Hot tub. A little bit too relaxed.", "(Camera shot of AMELIA RUEBEN face down in the tub.)", "[ON STAGE]", "Myles Ruben: (lyrics) ...That you see / you see / just a part of me / just a part of me ...", "[HOTEL SUITE]", "(ROBBINS checks the body temperature. The body is now out of the hot tub and on a gurney.)", "Robbins: Temperature of the spa water makes liver temp irrelevant. But given the redness of her eyes, I'd estimate she's been dead less than an hour.", "(SARA processes the hot tub buttons.)", "(In the background, we can hear MYLES RUEBEN sing.)", "[ON STAGE]", "Myles Ruben: (lyrics) You're having visions of happy ever after, lost in love /", "[HOTEL SUITE]", "(ROBBINS places the white sheet over AMELIA RUEBEN'S head, covering her.)", "[ON STAGE]", "Myles Ruben: (lyrics) why you want the rush / why you want the rush / but yeah, I care for you / but I can't trust my heart the way that you do / 'cause when it comes/to love ...", "[HOTEL SUITE]", "(The CORONER'S office wheels the gurney away. SARA lifts a print off of the hot tub button.)", "Warrick: It just dawned on me what's Rueben's biggest hit was.", "Sara: What's that?", "Warrick: \"Amelia.\"", "(SARA turns and glances over her shoulder at WARRICK.)", "[ON STAGE]", "Myles Ruben: (lyrics) Girl, love ain't gonna get me / gonna get me / till I know I'm ready / you think you know me / oh / but I'm hopin' that you see / you see / just a fantasy...", "(Backstage, the curtains shift as WARRICK, SARA and SAM HOPKINS, MYLES' manager enter. They stand on the side and watch MYLES RUEBEN onstage.)", "Sam Hopkins: I'll handle this when Myles breaks for the encore. Been the kid's manager since '97.", "Myles Ruben: (lyrics) But I'm hopin' that you see...", "Sam Hopkins: I should be the one to tell him.", "Myles Ruben: (lyrics) Just a part of me / I'm always gonna be / just a fantasy / a fantasy.", "(The song ends to the audience cheering and applauding. MYLES RUEBEN backs away and rushes off stage. A towel is handed to him and he walks down the steps toward SAM.)", "[BACKSTAGE]", "(Using the towel, MYLES dabs the sweat from his face.)", "Myles Ruben: How was that, Sam? Sound good?", "Sam Hopkins: (unenthusiastic) Great, Myles. The best.", "Myles Ruben: What? What's wrong? I missed a high note, huh? Man ...", "Sam Hopkins: No, no, no. Everything sounded great. (He glances at WARRICK and SARA) Listen, Myles, these are Crime Scene Investigators. Myles, uh ... there's been an accident.", "Myles Ruben: (panicking) An accident? What, is it my mother? Did-did something happen back East?", "Sam Hopkins: No, no, no. Your mother's fine. Look, Myles, it's, uh ...", "(SAM falters. He looks down, unable to continue. SARA picks it up.)", "Sara: Mr. Rueben, I'm very sorry to have to tell you this, but your wife is dead.", "(MYLES is stunned. He looks at SAM. SAM nods. MYLES looks around, lost.)", "Myles Ruben: (mumbling) I gotta ... I gotta ...", "(He turns and looks back at the audience who is clapping and chanting for an encore.)", "Audience: (chanting) Amelia! Amelia!", "(He shakes his head and turns to SAM.)", "Myles Ruben: Turn the houselights up, Sam. There's no encore tonight.", "(MYLES walks past SAM and heads out. Everyone watches him go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(GREG turns the hallway corner and walks into the garage where GRISSOM is working on the car.)", "Greg: I heard about the bombing. I'm here to help.", "Grissom: I located the seat of the explosion. The bomb was attached to the fuel tank.", "Greg: Gas-enhanced. Bomber maximized his bang.", "(GRISSOM doesn't look up, but motions to under the car.)", "Grissom: You really want to help, climb under here and find the initiation switch.", "(INTERCUT WITH: [UNDER THE CAR] GREG is on a dolly and pushes himself under the car. He uses his flashlight to examine under the car.)", "(GRISSOM examines the car steering wheel.)", "(GREG continues to examine under the car. He finds something.)", "Greg: Got a stray wire.", "(He follows the wire.)", "Greg: Leading away from the gas tank, right into the center of the dash.", "(Camera zooms to show us a close up of the frayed edge of the wire.)", "Greg: Nowhere near the loom.", "(Back in the front seat, GRISSOM shifts his gaze from examining the steering wheel to the dash.)", "(The damaged dash morphs back into its pre-explosion state. GRISSOM sees something.)", "(Quick CGI through the digital clock in the dash in to the mechanism inside. A small jolt of electricity sets off inside the clock.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) The digital clock was the switch.", "(The camera follows the blue electrical jolt through the wiring in the digital clock.)", "(End of quick CGI. Resume to GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: It was time-activated.", "Greg: What's next?", "Grissom: Nick has to reconstruct the bomb.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(NICK empties the tray with the bomb parts onto the table. He separates the larger pieces out of the mix and sets them aside. He picks up a piece, looks at it, then sets it aside.)", "(He picks up another piece, examines it and sets that aside next to the first piece.)", "(He empties the contents of the second tray onto the table and sorts through those items. He examines every item piece by piece and sorts through them.)", "(Finally, he's left with the wire. He examines the wire and sets it aside.)", "(Camera zooms in to the group of small fragments on the table.)", "(Quick CGI: The fragments assemble themselves to show a pipe. Inside the pipe, is the wire. Finally, the exploding cap twists onto the end of the pipe. Camera pulls away to show the pipe resting on some clay stuck to two red stands.)", "(End of quick CGI. Resume to:", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(NICK reports his findings to GRISSOM and SHERIFF RORY ATWATER.)", "Nick: It was a pipe bomb. Initiated by a lightbulb filament.", "Grissom: Bomb was attached to the fuel tank.", "Nick: There were still magnet and solder fragments attached to the pipe.", "(NICK shows the photo to the SHERIFF.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Did you find any kind of timing device?", "Nick: Digital clock in the dash.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: What about the type of explosive used?", "Grissom: Not yet.", "Nick: I was about to analyze the chemical residue left on the bomb frags.", "Grissom: Be sure to do an organics and inorganics test.", "Nick: Will do.", "(NICK leaves the office. The SHERIFF sighs, steps toward the seat in front of GRISSOM'S desk and sits down.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: So ... what does it all mean?", "Grissom: What does what all mean?", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Don't play dumb with me, Gil. Explosions lead the news. I need to know who, and I need to know why.", "Grissom: Well, the evidence is only teaching us about the bomb, not the bomber.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: What about a signature? Is there anything distinct, unusual about this particular bomb?", "Grissom: (shakes his head) No. (thinks about it) Nothing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(ROBBINS goes over the preliminary findings with SARA and WARRICK.)", "Robbins: Amelia Rueben didn't drown. If she had, there'd be fluid in her nasal sinuses.", "(Quick CGI to: AMELIA RUEBEN face-down in the water. Her head is submerged under the water. Camera zooms in toward her nose and in through her nose to show her sinuses. Water fills up the sinuses.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) Clear as a bell.", "(End of quick CGI. Resume to present.)", "Sara: What was the cause of death?", "Robbins: Cardiac arrest.", "(WARRICK opens and references back to the file folder.)", "Warrick: (surprised) She was only 25. Was there some kind of defect?", "Robbins: No, her heart was in perfect condition. In fact, I have it over here.", "(ROBBINS motions to the side. They all step to gather around the tray with the heart in it.)", "Robbins: See the myocardium? There's no evidence of hemorrhage, infarct or scarring. No coronary occlusions. I can't explain it.", "Warrick: (gazing down at the heart) It's like a mystery of the heart.", "(ROBBINS and SARA turn to look at WARRICK. He raises his head to look back at them.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB]", "(Scene opens on the burned gun in a tray. BOBBY DAWSON explains his findings to CATHERINE.)", "Bobby Dawson: So, that sig-sauer you found ...", "Catherine: Yes.", "Bobby Dawson: Relatively nondescript. Uh, the blue stuff, sent a sample to Trace. Pretty sure it's from some sort of bag that melted in the explosion.", "Catherine: Right. And the bullets from the Camaro's trunk?", "Bobby Dawson: A-ha. Pre-fragmented ammo. Now they're unique. Exemplar's under the magnifier.", "(CATHERINE looks at the bullet under the magnifier. Camera zooms in to the bullet for a close-up.)", "Bobby Dawson: Copper jacket contains lead shot sealed with a clear epoxy plug.", "Catherine: I've never seen anything like that.", "Bobby Dawson: It's designed to enter a target, but not exit.", "(Quick flash to: A bullet is fired from a gun and impacts through a clothed target. The shirt disappears to reveal the chest and an x-ray view of the chest. The camera angle turns sideways to show the bullet enter the chest and dissipate inside the body.)", "(End of quick flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Penetration, not perforation. Why?", "Bobby Dawson: Well, say you're on a commercial flight. Plane gets hijacked. US Air Marshal needs to take down the hijacker ...", "Catherine: ... but not the plane.", "Bobby Dawson: Right. Nowadays, magsafes are sold commercially, but there's really not much of a market. So chances are, your driver's a Federal Air Marshal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB]", "(Scene opens on a close up of two prints, side-by-side, on the monitor screen. The computer is trying to match the print through the database.)", "(Different angle on the room. SARA sits behind the monitor while WARRICK watches next to her. The computer beeps.)", "(Back to the monitor to show the print match.)", "Sara: It's a match. PRT on the hot tub dial was Sam Hopkins.", "(Monitor shows the following information:", "SAM HOPKINS", "493 PYRAMID WAY", "LAS VEGAS, NV Manager for Myles Ruben No prior Criminal Record <<File 02157.5784>>", "Warrick: Rueben's manager? Amelia was butt-naked in the hot tub. What was he doing in her room tweaking dials?", "Sara: While her husband's onstage?", "(GREG walks into the lab.)", "Greg: Spectroscopy just got back. Hydrofluoric acid in her system.", "Sara: Isn't that an industrial solvent?", "Greg: High-powered stuff. Mainly used to remove rust, clean glass, brighten aluminum, dissolve silicas ... and commit murder.", "Warrick: She was poisoned. That would explain her heart attack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LAS VEGAS HOTEL -- DAY]", "(SAM HOPKINS is standing center stage while the spotlight is on him. He shields his eyes from the lights and yells to the LightMan, Jimmy.)", "Sam Hopkins: You're killing me, Jimmy. You're killing me. All night the spotlight was off. Way too hot on his face. It's too hot on me right now. They guy's not Wayne Newton, all right? Can you see it on my face, Jim? I need ... Jimmy. Thank ... I need a cast shadow on him for all the love songs.", "(SARA and WARRICK stand in front of the stage.)", "Warrick: Mr. Hopkins, could you answer the question, please.", "(SAM HOPKINS steps aside to pay attention to them.)", "Sam Hopkins: Sorry.", "(He kneels down on stage to look at them.)", "Sam Hopkins: Yes, I was in Amelia's room. I'm in there all the time. We're like family.", "Sara: We know you were close. Do you always turn on the hot tub for her?", "Sam Hopkins: I represent one of the biggest headliners in town. Wear a lot of hats: Manager, marriage counselor, confidante. I kept Myles happy by keeping her happy.", "(Quick flashback to: [BATHROOM] AMELIA is in the hot tub as the water runs, filling the tub. SAM HOPKINS stands nearby.)", "Sam Hopkins: Amelia, anything else I can get for you?", "(AMELIA doesn't answer, although she glances at SAM.)", "(Cut to: AMELIA again doesn't answer. SAM kneels down next to the hot tub.)", "Sam Hopkins: Look, sweetheart. Here's how this works. You give him his space, he sings his heart out. Honey, we all prosper. Let me set up a dinner for you two -- quiet, alone -- after the show.", "Amelia Ruben: No work. Never happen.", "Sam Hopkins: Relax.", "(He reaches and turns the water off.)", "Sam Hopkins: Give me an hour.", "(He turns to leave the bathroom. AMELIA reaches for her wineglass.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: But you must admit, the boss' wife, naked in a hot tub, looks kind of funky.", "Sam Hopkins: Look at me. Do I look like a threat? The reason I've succeeded in this business, I don't squat where I eat, you know what I mean?", "Sara: All right, let's talk about drinking. There was a bottle of wine found near the tub. Did you have a drink with her?", "Sam Hopkins: No. Never. I don't touch it. I'm on call 24/7. Myles can pick up the phone, have me do anything, anytime. Fly to L.A., pick someone up at the airport.", "Warrick: So, you'd do just about anything for him then?", "Sam Hopkins: When it comes to Myles, yeah. What's this all about?", "Sara: Mr. Hopkins, Amelia didn't drown. She was poisoned.", "Sam Hopkins: Poisoned? By who?", "Warrick: That's what we're trying to find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CAR RENTAL -- DAY]", "(BRASS interview's the MANAGER.)", "Brass: According to the DMV, the Camaro was one of yours, is that right?", "Manager: Yeah, it was rented to an Adam Watson. Waived insurance. Government discount.", "Brass: Well, we have reason to believe Mr. Watson was a US Air Marshal.", "Manager: Right. How could I forget him? He threw it in my face when I told him we were out of compacts.", "(Quick flashback to: ADAM WATSON shows the MANAGER his badge.)", "Adam Watson: I'm a US Air Marshal, okay? I travel for a living. I don't need this crap.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: But you found him a car.", "(Quick flashback to: The MANAGER responds.)", "Manager: I'll put you in a full-size and won't charge you for the difference.", "Adam Watson: (shakes his head) No, forget it.", "(He turns, looks around and sees the Camaro parked just outside the windows.)", "Adam Watson: I'll take the Camaro.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: What time was that?", "Manager: Vehicle entered the lot at 9:31 P.M. Mr. Watson drove out nine minutes later.", "Brass: Thanks a lot.", "(BRASS turns to head back toward GRISSOM. The MANAGER follows him.)", "Manager: The Guy worked for Homeland Security. You think maybe some terrorist blew him up?", "Brass: (non-committally) You'll be the first to know.", "(BRASS reaches GRISSOM.)", "Brass: Well, it's been confirmed. The driver, Adam Watson, was a Federal Air Marshal.", "Grissom: So, one of us needs to call the Sheriff.", "Brass: I'll flip you for it.", "Grissom: Well, before we make that call, what time did the Air Marshal drive off the lot?", "Brass: Nine-forty. Why?", "Grissom: Well, the bomb went off thirty minutes later. It takes that long to get from here to the Orpheus.", "Brass: So you're saying the bomb was already in the car when he drove out? Well, that can't be. According to the manager, the Camaro was only in the lot for, uh, nine minutes.", "Grissom: Well, it takes longer than that to hard-wire a bomb. Which can only mean that the bomb was already in the car when it was returned.", "Brass: So, who rented the car before him?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Brass: (V.O.) Roger Dunbar! Open up! Las Vegas police!", "[INT. ROGER DUNBAR'S RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(BRASS kicks the door open and enters the residence with his gun drawn. OFFICERS follow him inside. Together the search the residence.)", "(GRISSOM approaches the door standing just outside.)", "(The OFFICERS walk out of the rooms and reholster their guns.", "Officer: Clear.", "Brass: Stand down.", "(The OFFICERS leave the apartment.)", "Brass: Good job, guys.", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk into the apartment.)", "Brass: Okay, well. This guy was obviously on a week-to-week lease.", "(The residence is sparse at best. There's a mattress on the floor in the corner of the room. GRISSOM and CATHERINE walk into the bedroom.)", "(CATHERINE looks a the closet.)", "Catherine: Left some clothes behind ... and a paper shredder. I'll bag it.)", "(GRISSOM checks the bathroom out.)", "(BRASS looks at CATHERINE.)", "Brass: No sign of any bomb-making material. I'll go check the garage.", "(BRASS walks out.)", "(GRISSOM bags the toothbrush. CATHERINE looks at the contents on the table: a book and some magazines. On the cover of the magazine, she finds some written impressions. She opens her kit.)", "(In the bathroom, GRISSOM looks through the trash. He finds a discarded band-aid.)", "(In the next room, CATHERINE dusts the magazine cover. GRISSOM steps out of the bathroom as she reads the writing.)", "Catherine: \"Dr. Amerian, 4:00 P.M.\" Oh, today.", "(CATHERINE turns to look at GRISSOM.)", "Catherine: I'll make an appointment.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(BRASS and CATHERINE interview ROGER DUNBAR.)", "Roger Dunbar: You drag me out of my dentist's office. You throw me in a squad car. Now you're accusing me of planting a car bomb?", "Brass: Mr. Dunbar, you rented a Camaro from thrift rite rental. Returned it last night, 9:30 P.M. It blew up a half an hour later in front of the Orpheus.", "Roger Dunbar: (shocked) It's all over the news. That was my Camaro?", "Brass: Yeah.", "Roger Dunbar: But this is crazy.", "Brass: So, what happened? You have a beef with the rental car company?", "Roger Dunbar: No. I-I get double miles. I'm a premier card member.", "Brass: Oh, I'm sure you are.", "Roger Dunbar: You know what, I'm not saying another word without an attorney.", "Catherine: That's your right, Mr. Dunbar.", "(CATHERINE pushes the piece of paper across the table toward ROGER DUNBAR. He looks down at it.)", "Catherine: Warrant for your clothes.", "(She hands him some clothing and a bag.)", "Catherine: Strip. Everything in the bag.", "(He starts to unbutton his shirt.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(NICK works on the parts. He takes a liquid sample from the parts, dries it out into a powder, places some of the powder in a test tube and tests it. The liquid turns blue and crystallizes.)", "(GRISSOM walks into the lab.)", "Nick: ID'd the explosive.", "Grissom: Ammonium perchlorate.", "Nick: Yeah, rocket fuel. GCMS picked up the other half of the equation-- gasoline.", "Grissom: Combination of the two creates an unstable mass. Both shock-and friction-sensitive.", "Nick: Ammonium perchlorate's available at any chemical supply store. You can gas up on every corner. Anyone could've made this bomb.", "(We hear footsteps of someone approaching the lab. NICK'S gaze shifts and he nods to GRISSOM that there's someone there to see him. GRISSOM turns around to find SHERIFF RORY ATWATER standing in the doorway, his arms crossed.)", "Grissom: Sheriff? What can we do for you?", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Need a little clarification. I know Captain Brass has a suspect in custody. Where it get a little hazy for me, is I'm not getting his connection to the Air Marshal.", "Grissom: Well, it's entirely possible that Mr. Watson was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.", "Sheriff Rory Water: Another thing, you said that the switch was a digital clock. The bomb had been set to go off at a designated time, right? How do we get a wrong time?", "(NICK nods.)", "Nick: I can answer that, too.", "(He turns to indicate the scope set up on the next table.)", "Nick: Take a look.", "(GRISSOM looks through the scope.)", "[SCOPE VIEW] of the frayed wire.", "Grissom: Short in the wire.", "Nick: Compromised the timing device. Made the bomb unpredictable.", "Grissom: We may never know when that bomb was supposed to explode.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(GREG is examining the wine glass as WARRICK walks up to the lab.)", "Warrick: I got your page. You'd be a good maitre d'. Checking glassware for spots?", "Greg: You know, a hot tub is just like a dishwasher. Washes away all of the impurities.", "Warrick: Including hydrofluoric acid, huh?", "(GREG puts the wine glass down and picks up the glass container with the wine sample inside.)", "Greg: '93 pinot. (French accent) Either it was a bad year for wine or a bad year for Amelia. (normal) I found trace amounts of hydrofluoric acid in the vino.", "Warrick: So, somebody did spike the wine.", "Greg: Oui.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL KITCHEN -- DAY]", "(WARRICK and SARA interview the WAITER.)", "Warrick: We just want to know what happened the other night. Did you open the bottle for her?", "Room Service Waiter: Hey, Amelia requested me. I was up there every night. I hooked her up. And she wasn't drinking no Italian Rotgut either. She was ordering '93 pinot from Russian River Valley. That's three-fifty a bottle, twenty percent delivery charge. You do the math.", "Sara: Was anyone there with her?", "Room Service Waiter: No.", "Sara: What about Sam Hopkins?", "Room Service Waiter: No, that mutt wasn't there.", "Warrick: \"Mutt\"?", "Room Service Waiter: Yeah, that manager scumbag. You bring a bottle of wine when he's there, forget about it. He signs for the bill and stiff city. Now, when the Prince of Soul is there, that's a different story. He'd give you $500 just to get lost.", "Sara: But you didn't see Myles the other night?", "Room Service Waiter: Yeah, I saw him for a sec. He came in between shows. He showed me the door.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOTEL SUITE] The ROOM SERVICE WAITER is opening the bottle of wine for AMELIA when MYLES RUBEN walks into the suite. He sees them.)", "Myles Ruben: Whoa, whoa, whoa. My man.", "(The ROOM SERVICE WAITER turns around to see MYLES already reaching for his wallet.)", "Myles Ruben: There's only one man who practices chivalry around here, and it ain't you, Ducky.", "(He hands the ROOM SERVICE WAITER a lot of bills, then leans over to kiss his wife on the cheek.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Room Service Waiter: Hey, I could tell they were in love, you know? But he was never around. I mean, I felt bad for Amelia. She'd have four times a night. \"You forgot the fork. Can you bring some salt? How about some ice?\" If you ask me, I'd say she was lonely.", "Warrick: Did you ever see them fight?", "Room Service Waiter: No, but I heard 'em. And I'm sure 2202 and 2206 heard 'em, too. Hey, but I don't bite the hand that feeds me.", "(WARRICK looks at SARA and nods. He looks at the ROOM SERVICE WAITER.)", "Warrick: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(CATHERINE stands at the printer as she waits for the results. She looks at the test results. It reads:", "Searched: : C:\\Database\\Wiley27", ": ROGER DUNBAR CLOTHING", "AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE", "(She takes the results and walks out of the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE is back in the interview room questioning ROGER DUNBAR while his lawyer RANDY PAINTER is present.)", "Catherine: There was rocket fuel in the bomb and rocket fuel on your t-shirt.", "Randy Painter: (to ROGER) That you need to explain.", "Roger Dunbar: Well, I'm not really sure, but my son, he's got this science project due. You're right, I'm not supposed to help, but, really, all the parents do. We made a volcano. Spilled some of the chemicals.", "(Quick flashback to: ROGER DUNBAR adds the chemicals to the volcano. It bubbles, sizzles, and gurgles as liquid pours out from the top. Then it spurts - all over his shirt.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: We've been to your apartment. What volcano? What kid?", "Roger Dunbar: Timmy. Third grade. Mesquite Elementary.", "Brass: You're divorced?", "Roger Dunbar: No. No, well, look, here's the situation is the family, they live in Mesquite, and I'm there on the weekends.", "Brass: And during the week?", "Roger Dunbar: I-I'm in sales, so I travel all over the country.", "Randy Painter: Which is why he rents a car when he's in town. It's cheaper than leasing.", "Brass: Cheaper. All right, but it still doesn't explain the empty apartment.", "Roger Dunbar: Look, I... like being married. I ... love my wife, my kid, but ... I need my space. I-I-I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so I just tell them that I'm out of town even when I'm not.", "Brass: We're going to need your home address.", "Roger Dunbar: No, look ... I'm begging you. Please don't blow things for me with the wife.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DUNBAR RESIDENCE (MESQUITE) -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE stand on the porch as BETH DUNBAR looks at the search warrant.)", "Timmy Dunbar: Mom, what's going on?", "Beth Dunbar: I don't understand.", "Catherine: Mrs. Dunbar, could you and your son wait outside, please?", "Officer: Ma'am, come with me. I'll fill you in.", "(BETH DUNBAR follows the OFFICER as CATHERINE and GRISSOM step into the house.)", "[INT. LIVING ROOM]", "(CATHERINE puts her kit down and picks up a framed family photograph from the coffee table. GRISSOM looks around. He finds the volcano with gold stars on the table. He puts his kit down.)", "Grissom: Catherine, there is a volcano on the table.", "(CATHERINE walks over to the kitchen table. GRISSOM picks up the containers of ingredients and reads the labels.)", "Grissom: Aluminum powder. Polyvinylbutadiene. Ammonium perchlorate.", "Catherine: (nods) The three ingredients to make lava flow.", "(CATHERINE takes a moment a reminisces.)", "Catherine: In fifth grade, I built one of these as my science fair project. It was awesome. First place should've been mine. But they ended up giving it to this kid with some lame red ant colony.", "(GRISSOM smirks at the thought as if he's remembering something, too. CATHERINE glances at GRISSOM, barely catches a glimpse of the smirk and does a double take.)", "Catherine: (accusing) That was you.", "Grissom: Yeah, only my ants were Black Argentinians.", "Catherine: Uh-huh.", "Grissom: I learned at a very early age that the bugs always win.", "Catherine: Right.", "(GRISSOM shrugs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DUNBAR RESIDENCE (MESQUITE) -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE interviews BETH DUNBAR.)", "Beth Dunbar: Trust me, Roger didn't build a bomb. I love my husband, but he's inept. Just last week, the hose bib cracked. Front yard was a river. Roger was helpless till I got home.", "Catherine: Well, what about that volcano? Your husband said that he helped your son build it.", "Beth Dunbar: He watched. I'm a teacher. Timmy knows which parent to go to for help.", "Catherine: Mrs. Dunbar, your husband told us that he was in sales.", "Beth Dunbar: He's with the State Department. You know, all that sensitive government stuff. Keeps him on the road. He doesn't say much about it.", "Catherine: As far as you know, has he talked about his job with anyone else? Any other family members? Friends?", "Beth Dunbar: His parents are dead. Roger's an only child. He doesn't have time for friends. There was this one night, years ago. We were both a little drunk and ... (sighs) Roger confessed he was CIA.", "(CATHERINE nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(NICK walks into the lab where GRISSOM is working on the volcano from the DUNBAR-MESQUITE residence.)", "Nick: Hey, I made one of those in third grade. Science fair. Should have won, too.", "Grissom: Got to let it go Nick.", "Nick: Bomb end-cap with tool marks. Given the orientation and spread of the marks, consistent with pliers, vise-grips.", "Grissom: There were no vise-grips in the Dunbars' toolbox.", "Nick: Hmm.", "Grissom: But given that the bomb and the volcano were similarly constructed ...", "Nick: We can compare the tool marks on both end-caps. Doesn't matter what you make; it's what you make it with.", "(NICK removes the bomb end cap from the container. GRISSOM pulls the pipe out from the volcano. They compare vice grips markings. They don't match.)", "Grissom: Not even close.", "Nick: Mm-mm. So, whatever tool made the volcano did not make the bomb.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS]", "(RONNIE LITRE goes over his findings with CATHERINE.)", "Ronnie Litre: Okay, I reconstructed the contents of the paper shredder. Five bills. All in Roger Dunbar's name. Addressed to 2175 La Pressa.", "(A close up of the document reads:", "ACCOUNT NUMBER: 421327921", "BILLING ADDRESS: Roger A. Dunbar 2175 La Pressa Las Vegas, NV 89101", "PAYMENT DUE DATE: 11/20/03", "Catherine: Mm-hmm. His apartment.", "Ronnie Litre: Okay, top two are credit card bills. Both VISA. Separate accounts.", "(A close up of the document reads:", "ROGER A. DUNBAR", "2175 LA PRESSA", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101", "(A close up of a second document reads:", "ROGER B. DUNBAR", "2175 LA PRESSA", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101", "Catherine: Roger A. Dunbar. Roger B. Dunbar. That's an easy way to separate out expenses.", "Ronnie Litre: Check out the gas bills. Three different meters.", "Catherine: (reading) 2175 La Pressa.", "(The next document reads:", "METER ADDRESS: 822 DEVON ST.", "MESQUITE, NV 89282", "BILLING CYCLE: 09/26/03", "DAYS OF SERVICE: 34", "BILL TYPE: DUE BILL", "Catherine: (reading) 822 Devon, Mesquite.", "(The next document reads:", "METER ADDRESS: 1845 GALEWOOD AVE", "HENDERSON, NV 890...", "BILLING CYCLE: 09/26/03", "DAYS OF SERVICE: 34", "BILL TYPE: DUE BILL", "Catherine: (reading) 1845 Galewood, Henderson.", "(GREG walks into the lab.)", "Greg: Hey, got the DNA results back from that bloody band-aid that Grissom found at Dunbar's apartment. Compared it to his DNA. Not a match. But I did find seven alleles in common.", "Catherine: His son.", "Greg: No. It's female. Mother, sister, daughter.", "Catherine: Well, according to his wife, his mother's deceased. He's an only child. So, that leaves a daughter. Well, there's no way there was a kid at that apartment.", "Ronnie Litre: Well, maybe she was living in Henderson.", "Catherine: Forget \"secret agent.\" Roger Dunbar was living a secret life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DUNBAR RESIDENCE (HENDERSON) -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM and CATHERINE head up the front walk toward the front door. The woman of the house puts out the trash and sees them.)", "Debbie Dunbar: Can I help you?", "(They turn and see her.)", "Catherine: Good evening. We're with the Las Vegas Crime Lab.", "Debbie Dunbar: Oh, god. Did something happen to my husband? He was supposed to be home on Monday night. I've been calling his cell. He's not at work.", "Catherine: Is this your husband?", "(CATHERINE holds out a copy of ROGER DUNBAR'S Nevada Driver's License. She takes it from her.)", "Debbie Dunbar: Yes.", "Catherine: You're currently married to him?", "Debbie Dunbar: Yes. What is going on?", "(GRISSOM looks over at the trash bin.)", "Catherine: Well, your husband is a suspect in a criminal investigation. Currently, he's in police custody.", "(He heads to the trash and opens it to find bottles of chemicals.)", "Grissom: Mrs. Dunbar? Do you have a daughter?", "Debbie Dunbar: Amy.", "Grissom: Is she entered in the science fair?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DUNBAR HOUSE (HENDERSON) - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(AMY'S emphatic.)", "Amy Dunbar: You can't take it.", "(GRISSOM holds out the vice grips.)", "Grissom: Amy, did you use this the tool to work on the inside of your volcano?", "Amy Dunbar: Yeah, my dad did.", "Catherine: He helped you build it?", "Amy Dunbar: Yeah.", "Debbie Dunbar: I teach yoga. I have no idea how this works. It was all Roger.", "Grissom: When's your science fair?", "Amy Dunbar: Friday.", "Grissom: Well, we'll do our best to get this back to you by Friday, okay?", "Amy Dunbar: (nods) Okay.", "(GRISSOM nods and winks at AMY.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MYLES RUBEN'S RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(SARA and WARRICK walk into the opulent living room.)", "Warrick: Which side do you want?", "Sara: I'll take the west wing.", "Warrick: It's a nice place.", "Sara: Uh-huh.", "(SARA walks toward the bar area and opens the cabinet. She looks inside, then closes the cabinet.)", "(WARRICK looks around the living room.)", "Warrick: You could record a whole album in this studio.", "(SARA opens the cabinet under the sink.)", "Warrick: This guy's got it made.", "(She looks at the tray of sponges, picks up a sponge and smells it.)", "Sara: The life of a celebrity.", "(WARRICK walks over to the piano. He sits down and can't help but play a little informal something.)", "(SARA looks up and heads back to the living room. WARRICK shakes his head, then looks around again.)", "Sara: I don't know, I think it sounds kind of isolating, living in a fishbowl.", "Warrick: Wouldn't be isolated. You'd have a butler, a maid service, laundry service.", "(He picks up some staff paper.)", "Warrick: Sheet music. Guy writes his own stuff.", "(Under it, he finds a pair of yellow rubber gloves.)", "Warrick: Dishwashing gloves. Dry erase markers.", "(He picks up the spray bottle.)", "Warrick: Slate Industrial Glass Cleaner. (reading) The ingredients -- distilled water and hydrofluoric acid. Fatal if swallowed.", "(WARRICK and SARA look at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(DETECTIVE VARTAN, WARRICK and SARA interview MYLES RUBEN.)", "Detective: You're sure you want to waive your right to an attorney?", "Myles Ruben: (shrugs) I got nothin' to hide.", "Warrick: Do you recognize this product?", "Myles Ruben: Yeah. I use it to clean my windows.", "Warrick: Don't you have a maid or someone to do that for you?", "Myles Ruben: I write songs late at night. Windows are my chalkboard.", "(Quick flashback to: [LIVING ROOM] AMELIA sits on the bar counter leafing through a magazine as MYLES writes.)", "Myles Ruben: (singing) Only what you feel / now I can ...", "(He pauses and writes on the glass windows with the dry erase markers. He stops, swipes at the words with a cloth, erasing them.)", "Myles Ruben: (singing) ...clearly see...", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Mr. Rueben ... your wife was poisoned. We suspect window cleaner was slipped into her wine.", "Myles Ruben: It can't be. I was there. I opened that wine.", "Sara: Did you have a fight?", "Myles Ruben: Not lately.", "Warrick: But you have had fights in the past.", "Myles Ruben: Who doesn't? I mean, fighting, loving, laughing ... it all comes from the same place, man. It's passion. And we loved each other passionately.", "(He shakes his head as he remembers.)", "Myles Ruben: When we met, it was Fate.", "(Quick flashback to: MYLES RUBEN is on stage. He speaks out to the audience.)", "Myles Ruben: But you know what I need right now? I need a woman. I need a woman to come up here and be my inspiration.", "(He points into the audience at AMELIA.)", "Myles Ruben: You, baby. Second row. Come on up here.", "(She smiles, stands and heads for the stage.)", "(Cut to: On stage, he puts his hat on her and sings to her.)", "Myles Ruben: (lyrics) I can see by the love in your eyes / you've been hurt by love / so it's hard for you to trust a guy ...", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Myles Ruben: I was looking for love. She was looking for the same thing. She loved my music. I loved her smile.", "(SARA turns and looks at WARRICK.)", "Myles Ruben: It's hard being on top, you know? I mean, everybody loves you. Wants their piece. That's why we fought. I mean, all the time. Every night. She knew she could never have me to herself. (He starts to loose it, but composes himself.) Look, I got sound check for the late show in an hour. Can I go?", "Warrick: Sure.", "Detective Vartann: We might want to talk to you later.", "(MYLES walks out of the room.)", "Sara: Wife's been dead less than 48 hours.", "Warrick: Well, there's a man who definitely has his priorities straight.", "Sara: Okay, three people have admitted to being with Amelia the night that she died. The room service waiter, Myles, and Myles's manager.", "Detective Vartann: Room service guy's out. He left before the cork was popped.", "Sara: So, did Myles kill Amelia and the manager's covering for him or did the manager kill Amelia and Myles doesn't have a clue?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(BRASS shows copies of both marriage to ROGER DUNBAR.)", "Brass: Bigamy is a Class D Felony. If convicted, you could be sentenced from one to four years in prison, do you know that?", "Roger Dunbar: I'd just married Beth, when I met Debbie. She was a student. UNLV. She got pregnant. I did the right thing. Ever since, it's been Monday through Friday with Debbie and weekends with Beth. They both think I travel for a living.", "Brass: I know I keep coming back to this, but, uh ... I mean, I got to ask you. What's with the empty apartment? Do you have a girlfriend on the side as well?", "Roger Dunbar: No.", "(ROGER turns to his lawyer, RANDY PAINTER, and they confer.)", "Randy Painter: Just tell them the truth.", "(ROGER turns back to BRASS and CATHERINE.)", "Roger Dunbar: My life is really a balancing act. Early on, I took Debbie to dinner and Beth saw it on a credit card statement. So instead of a P.O. Box, I figured why not rent a cheap apartment, you know? Have a night to myself once in a while.", "Catherine: We found a band-aid with your daughter Amy's blood at your apartment. So, you bring your daughter there, but not your wives?", "Roger Dunbar: Oh, no. It's not like that. You know how kids are.", "(Quick flashback to: AMY DUNBAR is wearing a helmet. She runs up the sidewalk toward her dad as she holds out the band-aid in her hand.)", "Amy Dunbar: Dad, take this. It keeps falling off.", "(He tucks the band-aid in his pocket.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Roger Dunbar: I emptied my pockets at the apartment.", "Catherine: Mr. Dunbar, we collected both of your children's volcanoes and supplies. And we found a pair of pliers at your home in Henderson. Those pliers were used to make both of the volcanoes.", "Roger Dunbar: That's right. I needed pliers in Henderson, so I borrowed Beth's pliers from Mesquite.", "Randy Painter: There's no crime in that.", "Catherine: I'm just really confused. Um ... your wife, Beth, told us that you couldn't build a volcano to save your soul. Yet your wife, Debbie, claims that it was all you that made your daughter's volcano. So, what is it?", "Roger Dunbar: Well, I watched Beth when she made Timmy's volcano. So, then when Amy had a science project, I knew the drill. Now, granted, it wasn't as symmetrical as Beth's and the lava flow was a little anemic, but ... Amy liked it.", "Catherine: When did you borrow those pliers?", "Roger Dunbar: I don't know. Couple weeks ago. Why?", "Catherine: You never returned them to your wife, Beth?", "(He puts a hand to his mouth as he realizes his mistake.)", "Roger Dunbar: I've been meaning to do that.", "(CATHERINE closes her eyes as she, too, realizes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DUNBAR RESIDENCE (MESQUITE) -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE compares the plastic with the vice grip markings to the vice grip markings on the garden hose pipe.)", "Catherine: Same characteristics. We got a match.", "(CATHERINE glances at BETH DUNBAR standing on the porch watching. She then turns to look at the OFFICER.)", "Catherine: Take her in.", "Officer: Come with me, Mrs. Dunbar.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(WARRICK is working in the lab. He picks up the photo of the spray bottle. He picks up the bag with the yellow rubber gloves in it. He looks at the gloves and finds two holes in it.)", "(SARA walks into the lab.)", "Sara: Hey. I dusted the bottle. I got prints.", "Warrick: I've got burns. You first. Sam or Myles?", "Sara: Amelia's.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - MORGUE]", "(The table with AMELIA on it is pulled out. WARRICK and SARA walk into the room. WARRICK puts on a pair of gloves.)", "Robbins: Well, you're just in time. She gets shipped in an hour.", "Warrick: This should just take a second. Could you give me her right hand, please?", "(ROBBINS shows the back of AMELIA'S hand. WARRICK holds out the glove. They find correlating burns to match the holes in the glove.)", "Sara: Three acid burns.", "Warrick: This is not a murder. It's a suicide.", "(Quick flashback to: AMELIA opens the spray bottle and pours some of the industrial liquid into the wine bottle. She sets the spray bottle side. She walks the wine bottle to the next room and pours herself a glass of wine.)", "(She holds MYLES' hat to her nose and inhales.)", "(Cut to: [HOT TUB] AMELIA reaches for the wine glass. Crying, she drinks it all down. She falls backward in pain, then slips down into the water, the empty wine glass falling from her fingers. She clutches the side of the hot tub as the poison takes effect.)", "(End of flashback. Cut to:", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(The camera holds on the billboard of MYLES RUEBEN, \"Prince of Soul\".)", "[INT. MEDITERRANEAN - BACK STAGE - NIGHT]", "(WARRICK and SAM HOPKINS stand in front of MYLES RUEBEN. They're all backstage.)", "Myles Rueben: I knew she wasn't happy. I guess I just didn't pay attention.", "Warrick: You shouldn't blame yourself for this.", "Myles Rueben: Shouldn't I? Why shouldn't I? I spend most of my time making them happy. I never ... I never took the time to make her happy.", "(Out in the show room, the audience chants for MYLES.)", "Audience: (chanting) Amelia, Amelia!", "(MYLES looks at them.)", "Sam Hopkins: What do you want to do, kid?", "(MYLES looks at WARRICK.)", "Myles Rueben: The show must go on, right?", "Warrick: It's your call.", "(MYLES turns and heads back on stage. The audience cheers. WARRICK turns and leaves.)", "(MYLES starts to sing.)", "Myles Ruben: (lyrics) Amelia / ooh, Amelia / ooh, Amelia / I see the love in your eyes you've been hurt by ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE puts the bagged vice grips on the table.)", "Catherine: We found these pliers in your car's glove box. You used them to fix the hose bib. And to ... make a bomb.", "Grissom: Mrs. Dunbar ... how long have you known about Roger's double life?", "Beth Dunbar: His other wife's name is Debbie. Once or twice a year he'd call me by that name. I ignored it.", "Grissom: It's very difficult for two people to live a lie, let alone three.", "Beth Dunbar: Look, when Roger and I were together, he was a good husband. Terrific father. It was almost like being in a state of suspended honeymoon.", "Grissom: Really? So what changed?", "Beth Dunbar: He asked me to get his dirty laundry out of the trunk of his car.", "(Quick flashback to: BETH opens the car trunk and reaches in to get the laundry. She also sees the bag next to it.)", "Beth Dunbar: (V.O.) There was a plastic bag with all the makings of a volcano. Including the stars I had hand-cut for my son.", "(She reaches into the bag and picks up the gold stars.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Beth Dunbar: I'd always suspected there was another woman, but never ... another family. So. Two weeks ago Sunday, I followed him. He, uh, dropped off his rental car and walked to some apartment building. Then he changed his clothes, and got into a nicer car, and drove out to Henderson.", "Catherine: Why didn't you just leave him? Turn him in?", "Beth Dunbar: He made a fool out of me. A mockery of our life.", "Catherine: Mrs. Dunbar, you killed three innocent people.", "Beth Dunbar: (shakes) That was never my intention. That bomb was supposed to go off at 8:30 on his way to the airport.", "Grissom: Why a bomb?", "Beth Dunbar: It, it's not much harder to make a bomb than a volcano.", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom Versus the Volcano
[ "Grissom, Sara and Warrick investigate when a 15-year-old boy is found beaten to death with a hammer at a construction site. Meanwhile, Nick and Catherine try to find out how a woman was killed by a gunshot in her front yard while her husband and ex-husband were arguing over her. The boy's murder is based on the 2003 murder of Jason Sweeney ." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - EVENING]", "(Camera close up of a hammer pounding a nail into the board.)", "(Close up of: A circular saw being used to cut a board into two.)", "(Close up of: A tape measure extended to measure the width, then snapping shut.)", "(Close up of: A power drill.)", "(Close up of: A power stapler drilling nails into wood.)", "(The CONSTRUCTION WORKER carries a box into the building frame. He puts a roll of tape on the box and uses his free arm to push away the plastic sheeting as he walks into the section of the house.)", "(He looks up, sees something horrible, then drops the box to the ground.)", "(Camera pulls away to show the dead body, face down on the floor in the center of the room. The CONSTRUCTION WORKER backs out of the room.)", "Construction Worker: Boss! Boss!", "(In the background, GREGORY CURTWELL steps down from the ladder as he looks at the CONSTRUCTION WORKER.)", "Construction Worker: We-we got a problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CONSTRUCTION SITE -- DAY]", "(The building frame is taped off with crime scene tape. GRISSOM ducks under the tape and enters the building. In the background, sirens and indistinct radio chatter sound. GRISSOM makes his way to the room.)", "(He enters the room. BRASS is already there, crouched low on the side and looking at the body.)", "(GRISSOM takes his glasses off and looks at the teenager face down, his head in a splatter of blood. He looks around at the walls.)", "Grissom: Well, clean surfaces make for good analysis.", "(BRASS gets to his feet. In the background we see what they see, the far walls are covered with blood.)", "Brass: Yeah. Well, that may be the only good thing. I checked for a wallet, no ID. Nothing on him.", "(GRISSOM puts his kit down on the ground.)", "Brass: The kid looks like a minor. Coroner's investigator says he's been dead for over twelve hours. Happened sometime this weekend.", "(By the camera angle, we see that the kid is in his underwear, his pants down around his knees. GRISSOM kneels down next to the body and sees something in the kid's grip.)", "Brass: You going to pry that piece of cloth from his hand?", "Grissom: Not just yet.", "Brass: Help me out here. Got any ideas on this one?", "(GRISSOM looks around.)", "Grissom: Well, based on his pants around the knees, I would say a crime of passion.", "(GRISSOM gets to his feet. Camera shows a top view of the room to give us a better image of the entire scene at play. The body lies in the center of the empty room, the kid's head in a large spatter of blood.)", "Grissom: Given the brutality of it ... seems to me an act of rage.", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE -- DAY]", "(BRASS talks with the CONSTRUCTION SITE FOREMAN. In the background, a black car drives up and parks.)", "Foreman: You know, I lose an hour a day cleaning up their beer bottles and their cigarette butts.", "Brass: Kids use it as a hangout, huh?", "Foreman: Oh, sure. They think the house doesn't have a lock, it belongs to them.", "Brass: Well, it's a crime scene, so it belongs to us now.", "Foreman: Yeah. How long?", "Brass: (sighs) As long as it takes.", "(WARRICK and SARA get out of the car.)", "Foreman: You know, I got two teenagers at home, and they know how to respect other people's property. Now, who's going to feed them when I don't get paid for today, huh?", "Brass: Huh? I can't tell you that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM is in the room taking photos when WARRICK and SARA walk in.)", "Grissom: Take a look at his head, tell me what you see.", "(SARA steps forward to look down at the body. WARRICK is kneeling in front of the body. He takes off his glasses, then reaches out and pushes the shirt collar aside to show the back of the kid's head.)", "(Camera zooms in on the impact marking.)", "Warrick: Definitely blunt force.", "(SARA recognizes the markings.)", "Sara: That's a hammerhead.", "(GRISSOM looks at SARA.)", "Grissom: I thought you might say that.", "(SARA steps back and heads toward the door. She looks back at GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: Well, we know that people often commit crimes in places they're familiar with.", "(SARA gets it. She turns and heads out the door. She glances out the hallway, then sees that every single construction worker has their own hammer hooked to their utility belt. That's a lot of hammers.)", "(SARA looks back at GRISSOM.)", "Sara: You got to be kidding me.", "(GRISSOM looks at SARA and doesn't say anything. He turns his attention to the walls. SARA glares at GRISSOM, then heads out to get those hammers.)", "(GRISSOM takes a picture of the blood spatter on the walls.)", "Warrick: I'll swab the blood and see if it's all his.", "(WARRICK takes a swab of the blood on the floor under the victim's head. He then pushes the victim's jacket aside to reveal a bloody shoe print underneath.)", "Warrick: Grissom?", "(GRISSOM turns and looks at the shoe print. He looks at WARRICK.)", "Grissom: Well, that should help.", "[EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(SARA sets up a table to bag and tag the hammers.)", "Construction Worker: I'll trade you a hammer for a screw.", "(He laughs and turns to glance back at the long line of workers behind him. They also chuckle along with him.)", "Sara: Name, please.", "Construction Worker: I'll tell you mine, you tell me yours.", "(SARA doesn't smile.)", "Construction Worker: Oh, come on, baby. I'm stuck with these ugly fools all day. A pretty girl comes by. Just having a little fun.", "Sara: Yeah, murder always makes me feel a little randy, too.", "Construction Worker: Ooh.", "(The CONSTRUCTION WORKER puts his hammer into SARA'S bag.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. MITCHELL RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(DAVID PHILLIPS and DET. SAM VEGA stand around the body of a WOMAN face-up on the grass. NICK approaches the scene.)", "Nick: Fellows.", "David Phillips: Hey, uh, Mrs. Marlene Mitchell, 32. Apparent gunshot wound to the chest. Entry, no exit. No other apparent injuries.", "(NICK looks at VEGA.)", "Nick: Do we know who shot her?", "Vega: I patted down all her friends. Nobody's carrying. Got a couple officers scanning the neighborhood in case the, uh, weapon got tossed. She was breaking up a fight when she went down.", "Nick: Nobody saw anything? Nobody heard anything?", "Vega: No.", "Nick: Somebody's lying.", "(NICK turns back to see a MAN talking with an OFFICER.)", "Nick: That the husband?", "Vega: The current one. The other one -- he's the ex.", "(NICK turns to see another man talking with another OFFICER.)", "Nick: Interesting family reunion. Whose brilliant idea was that?", "Vega: The Mitchell's were moving in. The ex stopped by to say hi.", "Nick: Don't you hate it when hello leads to gunfire?", "(VEGA nods.)", "Nick: I'll need to GSR both.", "(NICK walks over to the husband.)", "Nick: Sir? I'm going to need to test your hands for GSR.", "Mr. Mitchell: What's that?", "Nick: Gunshot residue.", "Mr. Mitchell: Why?", "Nick: To rule you out.", "Mr. Mitchell: You think I shot my wife the day after our honeymoon.", "(NICK doesn't say anything. He continues to test for GSR.)", "Mr. Mitchell: We were just moving our stuff. Her ex, Todd, shows up. He knows he's not supposed to come within 100 yards of her. But he did.", "(Quick flashback to: MR. MITCHELL and TODD are locked in a fight when MARLENE walks up to them to break it up.)", "Marlene Mitchell: Stop it! Please?", "(Suddenly, she slumps back and hits the table out on the lawn. MR. MITCHELL turns from TODD to rush over to MARLENE.)", "Mr. Mitchell: Marlene?", "(She doesn't respond. MR. MITCHELL turns to TODD.)", "Mr. Mitchell: Call 911.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Mr. Mitchell: I thought it was a heart attack. Then I saw the blood.", "(NICK finishes the test, then turns to see VEGA talking with TODD, MARLENE'S ex-husband. We hear part of what he's saying.)", "Vega: Yes, but there was a restraining order against you. Why were you here?", "(NICK turns back to MR. MITCHELL.)", "Nick: Thank you.", "(NICK steps away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CONSTRUCTION SITE -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM takes the piece of cloth out of the kid's grip.)", "(Cut to: GRISSOM holds the piece of cloth to the dog's nose.)", "K-9 Officer: Distinguish!", "(The K-9 OFFICER stands next to SARA as they watch GRISSOM prep the dog.)", "K-9 Officer: (to GRISSOM) You ready to run?", "(GRISSOM points to SARA.)", "Grissom: She does all my running.", "Sara: Thanks.", "(The K-9 OFFICERS and SARA head out.)", "K-9 Officer: Trail!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. - DAY]", "(The OFFICERS and SARA follow PENNY, the dog, through the mall, down the stopped escalator.)", "Sara: It's a hell of a place to get lost.", "K-9 Officer: Yeah. We have five million olfactory sensory receptors. Penny's got 220 million. She sees the world differently.", "[PENNY'S POV]", "(Low Camera shot in black and white with a reddish trail through the mall. She pauses at various other colored \"smells\" indicated by blues and green hues, but it's the reddish trail she's following.)", "[RESUME POV]", "(PENNY stops.)", "K-9 Officer: The suspect stopped here.", "(PENNY howls and whimpers. She continues.)", "[PENNY'S POV]", "(Low camera shot in black and white with the reddish smell trailing through the mall.)", "(cc) Trail is still strong here.", "(The group continues to follow PENNY.)", "[EXT. BACK ALLEY]", "(The door opens and the small group exits the mall. PENNY howls and leads them to the dumpster.)", "K-9 Officer: She's got a hit on the dumpster.", "(SARA opens the dumpster lid and takes out an empty drink and tray. She holds it out for PENNY to sniff.)", "K-9 Officer: She's getting nothing, but penny will pick up on anything they touched.", "(SARA tosses it aside and reaches into the dumpster for the next item. She pulls out two plastic garbage bags.)", "(PENNY howls as she sniffs the abandoned shopping bag.)", "K-9 Officer: There we go.", "(SARA opens the bag.", "K-9 Officer: There's something in the silver bag. PENNY smells inside. We see by the reddish hue that the smell is inside the bag.)", "Sara: What do you think? Bought new clothes, ditched the old ones?", "(SARA takes out a sweater from the bag.)", "K-9 Officer: What's missing from that sweater's what that dead kid had in his hand.", "(SARA stands up.)", "Sara: So, we're looking for a girl who bought a new outfit ...", "(She looks at the receipts from the bag.)", "Receipt 1 reads:", "STORE: 00225 REGISTER: 002", "Cashier: 724567", "W. SHIRT 29.99", "PANTS 49.99", "SUBTOTAL 79.98", "TAX 5.32", "Receipt 2 reads:", "SALE 2.2 11", "59255 EARRINGS 27.99", "SUBTOTAL 27.99", "27.99 TAX 6.50% 1.82", "TOTAL 29.81", "Sara: Some earrings and a latte. (She puts the receipt up against the garbage bin cover.) Oh, an iced cappuccino, actually.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(ROBBINS has the chest cavity open. NICK stands next to the table watching ROBBINS work on the body.)", "Robbins: Congealed blood in the pericardium. Heart's what took the bullet.", "Nick: Explains why she just dropped.", "Robbins: Yeah, she was dead in seconds. (He feels the heart.) Hmm. Bullet's still in the heart.", "(He cuts the heart open.)", "Robbins: Here we go.", "(He removes the bullet.)", "Robbins: There.", "(He holds the bullet out for NICK. NICK takes the bullet and looks at it.)", "Nick: Well, it looks like a nine millimeter. I'll let Vega know.", "Robbins: Fairly intact. Want to do the honors?", "Nick: Sure.", "(NICK takes a rod and sticks it into the heart to find the depth of the bullet.)", "Robbins: That's it.", "(He removes the rod and measures it.)", "Nick: Four inches? That's shallow. Standard handgun bullet penetration's twelve.", "Robbins: Right.", "Nick: Give me a hand, will you?", "Robbins: Sure.", "(He hands the ruler to ROBBINS who holds it up as NICK measures the angle.)", "Nick: Eighty-five degree downward angle?", "Robbins: Well, that's, uh, fairly standard. Most gunshot wounds are ninety degrees, give or take.", "(NICK puts the bloody bullet in the bindle.)", "Nick: Oh. Thanks, doc.", "Robbins: Right.", "(NICK turns to leave the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(WARRICK swabs the hammer heads and tests them for blood. One by one, they turn up negative. He tosses the used swabs to the side and keeps opening up fresh swabs. Finally, he finds the hammer that turns the swab pink.)", "(He looks at the label on the evidence bag.)", "DATE: 12/10/03", "GREGORY CURTWELL", "CONST. SITE SS {signature}", "1. HAMMER", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB]", "(ARCHIE reviews the dressing room security tapes. The time stamp at the bottom of the screen reads: 07:52:15: ... )", "Archie Johnson: They say in America, you're on camera an average of seven times a day. Go to a mall, and you can at least triple that.", "(SARA stands next to ARCHIE watching the video.)", "Sara: I guess that's good for us. I'm going to think twice the next time I try on a shirt.", "Archie: Well, legally, they can't put cameras in dressing rooms, but there's legal, and then there's what people do.", "Sara: Our girl bought her clothes at 8:31. Let's scan the dressing room footage from 8:00 on.", "(ARCHIE sets the video up and starts the tape.)", "Sara: Hold it.", "(At 08:01:09, SARA sees the GIRL on the table.)", "Sara: That's our sweater. And that's our girl.", "(ARCHIE speeds the tape up and sees the girl walk out of the store wearing the new clothes.)", "Archie: She did a walk out.", "Sara: A \"walk out?\"", "Archie: Yeah, my girlfriend does it all the time. She finds something she likes, rips the tags off in the dressing room, hands them to the clerk, and walks out wearing the new stuff.", "Sara: (smiling) You go shopping with your girlfriend? That's nice.", "(ARCHIE smiles.)", "(He freeze-frames the video to 08:16:08.)", "Archie: Well, you can get her prints from the receipts. DNA from the sweater. And you've got a face. You're close.", "Sara: Well, look at her. She's a minor. She paid in cash. She's not going to be in any database. Without a name, we don't have much.", "(WARRICK enters the lab.)", "Warrick: Okay, one of our hammers had blood on it. It matches the victim's.", "Sara: Did Greg analyze the clothes from the dumpster yet?", "Warrick: Yeah. Blood's a match, too.", "Sara: Okay. So, the question is, what is the connection between this girl and a construction worker?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS and WARRICK interview GREGORY CURTWELL, the owner of the hammer.)", "Brass: Mr. Curtwell, where were you this weekend?", "Gregory Curtwell: I was fishing in Tahoe.", "Brass: Catch anything?", "Gregory Curtwell: No. Nothing was biting.", "Brass: Anyone go with you?", "Gregory Curtwell: No.", "Brass: How long were you gone?", "Gregory Curtwell: Friday to Sunday. Look, I thought I was just here to pick up my hammer.", "Warrick: Do you ever leave your tools at the job site?", "Gregory Curtwell: No way. That hammer -- it's perfectly balanced.", "Brass: Then how do you explain the blood on it? And your injuries.", "(He looks down at the bruises on his hand.)", "Gregory Curtwell: Well a construction site. People get hurt.", "Warrick: The blood that we found on your hammer ... matches this kid right here.", "(WARRICK stands up and takes a photo of the kid out of the file folder in his hand. He puts it on the table in front of GREGORY CURTWELL. He looks at it and sighs.)", "Gregory Curtwell: Is that the dead kid from the house?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Gregory Curtwell: I never got a look at him. I-I I didn't go inside.", "(He looks down at the photo and then back at WARRICK and BRASS.)", "Warrick: What about her?", "Gregory Curtwell: That's my kid sister, Ashley. Why? What's she got to do with it?", "Brass: You tell us.", "(GREGORY looks at BRASS.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(SARA interviews ASHLEY CURTWELL.)", "Ashley Curtwell: My parents died in a car accident four years ago.", "Sara: I'm very sorry. Your brother Gregory is your guardian, right?", "Ashley Curtwell: Yeah.", "Sara: And he left you alone all weekend?", "Ashley Curtwell: He goes away a lot.", "Sara: Okay. Why don't you tell me what happened last night?", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(WARRICK and BRASS watch the interview.)", "Ashley Curtwell: (over speaker) I was on my way to the mall to get something to eat. I always cut through the construction site.", "[INTERVIEW ROOM]", "Ashley Curtwell: My brother tells me not to, but it saves me, like, ten minutes.", "Sara: That makes sense. What happened after that?", "Ashley Curtwell: Well, this guy from school, Brian, comes out of nowhere.", "Sara: Do you know Brian's last name?", "Ashley Curtwell: (shuddering breath) Yeah. It's, um ... Haddick. We were in homeroom together freshman year.", "(SARA sees that ASHLEY'S hands are fidgeting nervously with her sweater sleeves.)", "Ashley Curtwell: So, anyway, he says his cat ran away ... and will I help him find it.", "Sara: And you did?", "(ASHLEY looks down and cries softly.)", "Ashley Curtwell: A cat. I'm so stupid.", "Sara: You're not stupid, Ashley. I know this is hard.", "(Tears fall down ASHLEY'S cheeks.)", "Sara: If we could just go over it from start to finish just one time.", "Ashley Curtwell: So, we walked into the house ...", "(She starts to cry.)", "(Quick flashback to: [CONSTRUCTION SITE - HOUSE - NIGHT] BRIAN HADDICK leads ASHLEY into the house.)", "Brian Haddick: Come on. Hurry up.", "(They both walk through the house.)", "Brian Haddick: I think I saw him come in here.", "(He leads her into the empty room.)", "Ashley Curtwell: What color is he?", "Brian Haddick: Gray.", "Ashley Curtwell: Here, kitty, kitty.", "(With her back to him, he grabs her and pushes her up against the wall.)", "Brian Haddick: You're going to like it, you dirty bitch. You're going to like it.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(SARA glances and sees the bruises around ASHLEY'S right wrist.)", "Ashley Curtwell: It was like the more I shouted, the more he liked it.", "(Quick flash to: BRIAN holds ASHLEY up against the wall as she struggles. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: (swallows) Rape is not about s*x. It's about violence.", "(ASHLEY tugs her sweater sleeves down over her bruised wrists.)", "Sara: You were against the wall.", "(Quick flashback to: BRIAN HADDICK has ASHLEY pressed up against the wall.)", "Ashley Curtwell: No!", "(As she struggles and cries, someone comes up behind BRIAN HADDICK and hits him over the head. BRIAN falls to the ground and ASHLEY runs out of the place.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Did you see who hit Brian?", "(From the Observation Room, WARRICK watches.)", "Sara: Ashley, after all that had happened, you went shopping?", "Ashley Curtwell: (crying) He was all over me. I just had to get him off me.", "Sara: And you got some coffee and some earrings.", "Ashley Curtwell: What? I bought that stuff? All I remember is getting new clothes and going home. Why does all this bad stuff keep happening to my family?", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(BRASS watches.)", "Brass: She's covering for her brother.", "(BRASS turns to look at WARRICK.)", "Warrick: He's got a non-confirmable alibi. I'm sure she doesn't want to lose the only guardian she's got.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(ROBBINS goes over the preliminary findings with GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: It's pretty obvious the initial blows were to the head.", "Grissom: Well, according to Sara, that's consistent with the girl's story.", "Robbins: Whoever attacked him just kept going. Used some real force. Severed his spinal cord at C-l, C-2.", "(ROBBINS points to the viewbox with the x-rays up. GRISSOM glances back at them. He turns to look at ROBBINS.)", "Grissom: Well, that would have rendered him immobile.", "Robbins: Right, so why keep hitting?", "(ROBBINS pulls the sheet back to show GRISSOM the marks on the upper arms.)", "Robbins: The epidermis was disturbed, leaving areas of exposed derma, which we'd normally see as red or purple abrasions. But in this case, no blood rushed to the area.", "Grissom: He was beaten postmortem.", "Robbins: Right.", "Grissom: So, Gregory Curtwell sees Brian attacking his sister. His adrenaline starts going, and he can't stop.", "(ROBBINS shows GRISSOM the bruises on the victim's knuckles.)", "Robbins: Well, Brian may have gotten off a punch of his own. I can't identify the pattern, but I sent blood and skin transfer to Greg.", "(ROBBINS hands the file with the autopsy photos inside to GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: And you're going to need these.", "Grissom: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM shows the photos to BRIAN HADDICK'S parents.)", "Mr. Haddick: That's our son.", "Mrs. Haddick: Who could have done this to my baby?", "Grissom: Do you recognize this girl?", "(GRISSOM shows them the security video photo of ASHLEY CURTWELL. They look at the photo and shake their heads.)", "Grissom: Did Brian ever mention the name Ashley Curtwell?", "Mrs. Haddick: He got a little out of hand for a while. We couldn't keep track of his friends.", "Grissom: \"Out of hand\"?", "Mrs. Haddick: I found some marijuana in his room. Broke curfew. The nipple piercing was the last straw.", "Mr. Haddick: I told him he could do anything he wanted to the body God gave him once he moved out. Until then ...", "Mrs. Haddick: He was grounded. But he was doing so much better. His grades were up. He got a job.", "Grissom: Where did he work?", "Mr. Haddick: My brother owns a restaurant. Got him a job bussing and waiting tables. Five hundred bucks every two weeks.", "(GRISSOM nods slowly.)", "Mr. Haddick: Cash under the table. Pretty good for a kid who can't drive.", "(MRS. HADDICK cries.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB]", "(BOBBY DAWSON goes over the bullet findings with NICK.)", "Bobby Dawson: No GSR on either the husband's or ex-husband's hands.", "Nick: That's not definitive. One of them still could have fired the gun and washed his hands.", "Bobby Dawson: Yeah. Well, you know, you asked me to check Marlene Mitchell's bullet for trace?", "Nick: (nods) Hmm.", "Bobby Dawson: Well, there isn't any. It's in pristine condition.", "Nick: The only reason for shallow penetration is loss of momentum.", "Bobby Dawson: Yeah, and it was a standard full metal jacket, not a pre-fragmented.", "Nick: So, assuming that the bullet didn't come in contact with any intervening object, what slowed it down?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(GREG is in the lab when WARRICK walks in.)", "Warrick: Hey, Sanders, you got anything on that knuckle sludge? Grissom's asking.", "(GREG picks up the test results from the side.)", "Greg: Yeah, a skin sample taken from Brian Haddick's defensive wounds, hair samples from Ashley Curtwell, and buccal swab collected from Gregory Curtwell. No match to the brother or sister. Construction worker didn't do it.", "(GREG hands the test results to WARRICK.)", "Warrick: Or he didn't do it alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - BUILDING ROOM -- CRIME SCENE]", "(GRISSOM, SARA and WARRICK are back at the crime scene.)", "Sara: Seventy-two-degree impact angle puts Brian here for the initial blows.", "(Quick flashback to: The beating. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(SARA kneels down to measure the size of the blood spatter on the wall.)", "Sara: Width is three millimeters. Length is six.", "(WARRICK punches in the figures in a hand-held calculating device.)", "Warrick: Arcsine gives us 30 degrees.", "Sara: So, Brian was crawling.", "(Quick flashback to: The attacker hits BRIAN behind his neck, BRIAN falls to his knees. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: That must be when his neck was exposed.", "(Quick flashback to: BRIAN is hit behind his neck. Quick CGI POV to a close up of the spinal cord being severed. Resume Flashback. BRIAN is flat on the floor as the attacker continues to beat him on his neck. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: He ended up here on the floor with his spinal cord severed.", "Warrick: Well, if he was laying down, this looks too high to be a spatter.", "(WARRICK walks over to the blood spatter on the walls.)", "Warrick: Must be cast-off.", "(SARA looks at the blood spatter on the walls.)", "Sara: On three walls. Assailants tend to move only in reaction to a target, Brian was stationary.", "(GRISSOM slowly gets to his feet as he gets an idea.)", "Sara: Why would the attacker keep moving? It doesn't make sense.", "Grissom: It does if there were three hammers and three attackers.", "(SARA turns to look at GRISSOM.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - FILE ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE is going through the filing cabinet drawers as NICK walks past the room. He turns and sees her. He walks into the room.)", "Nick: Hey, Catherine, feel like doin' some real work?", "Catherine: And leave all this?", "Nick: I got a woman who DFO'd in front of her house trying to break up a fight. It's a single gunshot wound to the chest. The penetration is ... shallow. I want to know why.", "Catherine: And you want me to cook?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(CATHERINE makes gel molds.)", "(Cut to: In another lab, NICK makes several bullets at varying weights.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB]", "(NICK and BOBBY DAWSON prepare the guns as CATHERINE rolls in the gel molds on a cart.)", "Catherine: Okay, boys. There's always room for jell-O.", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "Bobby Dawson: Uh, Catherine, technically, that's just gel.", "Catherine: I wasn't planning on eating it.", "(CATHERINE puts the mold on the table.)", "Bobby Dawson: Okay, let's shoot it.", "(She walks back where BOBBY offers her ear phones.)", "Bobby Dawson: Betty Crocker.", "(BOBBY puts on his protective eyewear. Everyone puts on their eye wear and ear phones. BOBBY loads the first bullet.)", "Bobby Dawson: (loudly) Firing one at 100%!", "(He fires. The bullet pierces into the gel mold.)", "Nick: Standard velocity is 1,100 feet per second.", "(CATHERINE measures the distance the bullet traveled into the mold.)", "Catherine: All right, that is A ... twelve-inch penetration.", "(NICK and BOBBY share a look and a smile.)", "Catherine: So ... a, um ... hundred percent load gives us twelve inches.", "(Cut to: BOBBY fires the second bullet.)", "Bobby Dawson: (loudly) Firing one at 70%!", "(CATHERINE measures the bullet in the mold.)", "Catherine: Seven and three-quarter inches.", "(Cut to: BOBBY fires the third bullet.)", "Bobby Dawson: (loudly) Firing one at 40%!", "(NICK checks the read-out.)", "Nick: 500 and ... 50 feet per second.", "(CATHERINE measures the penetration.)", "Catherine: Four inches.", "Bobby Dawson: Same as Ms. Mitchell.", "Catherine: So Mrs. Mitchell was shot by a bullet traveling 550 feet per second.", "Nick: Now that we know the speed, we can calculate the distance. Thanks, Catherine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB -- LATER]", "(BOBBY and NICK figure it out.)", "Bobby Dawson: So standard velocity for a nine millimeter bullet is 1,100 feet per second.", "Nick: How far does a nine millimeter bullet have to travel before it slows down to 550 feet per second?", "Bobby Dawson: Let's see.", "(They put it in the computer and get a calculation.)", "Bobby Dawson: Eighteen hundred feet. Whoa. We're talking six football fields.", "Nick: Yeah, that would pretty much eliminate anyone that was in the Mitchell's front yard. Can a nine millimeter bullet even travel that far?", "Bobby Dawson: Hang on.", "(BOBBY clears the screen and picks up a pen.)", "Bobby Dawson: All right. If a nine millimeter were fired straight ... it'd go about 600 feet before gravity brought it down, but if a bullet were fired at an angle ... could go a heck of a lot further.", "Nick: That would account for the distance, but ms. Mitchell was shot at an eighty-five-degree angle. That's basically perpendicular.", "Bobby Dawson: Um ... bullets are predictable.", "Nick: People ... aren't.", "(NICK looks at the photos in the file again. He thinks about it.)", "(Quick flashback to: MR. MITCHELL and TODD are fighting. MARLENE MITCHELL steps between them to stop the fight.)", "Marlene Mitchell: No, stop it!", "(She's pushed back and falls back on the mattress with a bullet hole in her chest.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: I assumed she was standing.", "(NICK reaches for the laptop and pen.)", "Nick: Okay, this is the Mitchell's house,", "(NICK puts the map of the community on the monitor.)", "Nick: ... and by all eyewitness accounts, she was standing in front the house, facing away north, when she was shot, so this line represents the 1,800 feet our bullet traveled.", "(NICK calculates the 1800 feet away from the house.)", "Nick: It had to have come from somewhere ... on that arc.", "(A red line in an arc appears on the monitor.)", "Bobby Dawson: Good luck knocking on doors.", "(They both smile.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(BRASS finds GRISSOM in the hallway.)", "Brass: Here I'm looking for three guys, but you only found one hammer with blood on it, so who do you want me to follow?", "Grissom: Me.", "(GRISSOM turns and enters the lab. BRASS follows him.)", "[INT. LAB - CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK is in the lab sitting at the table at a laptop.)", "Grissom: What's up?", "Warrick: The shoe tread I found at the scene -- it's a world industries Diablo. It's a skate shoe. Size 11.", "Brass: On a construction worker?", "Warrick: Screams 'teenager', I know.", "Grissom: Why is Gregory Curtwell hanging out with teenage boys?", "Warrick: Well, he has a teenage sister.", "Brass: And the sister and Brian Haddick were both students at McKinley high.", "Grissom: I bet the shoe also goes to school there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MCKINLEY HIGH -- DAY]", "[INT. MCKINLEY HIGH - GYM - DAY]", "(The kids wearing sneakers are in the gym sitting on the bleachers. WARRICK walks down the bleachers looking at their sneakers.)", "Warrick: Nice kicks. I like those.", "Teenaged Boy: Thank you.", "Warrick: You guys play ball?", "Teenaged Boy: Yeah.", "Warrick: Yeah?", "Teenaged Boy: Uh-huh.", "Warrick: Nice backpack.", "Teenaged Boy: Thanks.", "(Cut to: BRASS walks with the PRINCIPAL along floors. The PRINCIPAL appears nervous at what's going on.)", "Principal: We're treading a razor-thin line of illegal search and seizure here.", "Brass: Now, I'm not a with you, but shoes are a plain-view item.", "(BRASS leads the PRINCIPAL to GRISSOM.)", "Brass: Anyway, here's the guy who's going to be investigating ...", "(They're interrupted by a Father who walks along the floors. He motions to his son.)", "Tyler's Dad: Tyler, come on, we're going.", "(TYLER stands up and follows his dad who walks straight to the group.)", "Tyler's Dad: Are you crazy? Do you know what my law firm does? You can't question these kids without a parent present.", "Brass: We're not questioning them, which is why you're here-- so we can.", "Tyler's Dad: (to the PRINCIPAL) Oh. And I'm holding you responsible.", "Principal: Clark County Law Enforcement and I have taken every precaution to make sure that these students' rights were not violated.", "Tyler's Dad: You are sequestering these kids without probable cause. I hate that I've been called out of work to come down here, and I'm going to be so far up your ass, you're not going to be able to sit down straight.", "Grissom: You know what I hate? People who hurt kids. And you know who those people sometimes are?", "Tyler's Dad: Cops?", "Grissom: Other kids. If it had been your son whose skull was smashed in with a hammer, you'd be asking me where I was when I should've been protecting him. Kids bring guns to school to shoot other kids, so who are you protecting?", "Tyler's Dad: Let's discuss it in court.", "(TYLER'S DAD turns and leaves.)", "Principal: (to BRASS) Excuse me.", "(The PRINCIPAL follows him.)", "Brass: Well, way to clear a room.", "Principal: Those of you with parents here are dismissed, and the rest of you please wait here.", "(Many of the kids stand up and head down the bleachers to the floor. One kid who doesn't move continues to sit there as if he knows that his parents aren't in that group mentioned. WARRICK looks at the kid and notices his sneakers.)", "Warrick: Brass.", "(BRASS walks over to WARRICK. They both see the blood on his sneakers.)", "Warrick: Check this out.", "Brass: Hey, bud. What's your name?", "Benny Lizzio: Benny.", "Brass: Benny, where's your father? Is he around?", "Benny Lizzio: Uh, he's at home. Probably called in drunk.", "Brass: Well, lucky for you, we make house calls.", "(BRASS smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. LIZZIO RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(MR. LIZZIO walks into the house to find his son, BENNY, with WARRICK and BRASS.)", "Mr. Lizzio: You good for nothing little b*st*rd ... I knew you stole that game thing. A hundred and twenty-five bucks, my ass.", "Benny Lizzio: I told you. I bought that with my own money.", "Mr. Lizzio: You talkin' back to me? Huh?", "(MR. LIZZIO reaches out and whacks BENNY on the side of his head. BRASS breaks it up.)", "Brass: Hey ... Let's sit down. Let's all sit down. Come on.", "(MR. LIZZIO and BENNY both move over to the couch. BENNY sits down, but MR. LIZZIO remains standing.)", "(BRASS sighs and moves over to WARRICK.)", "Brass: Look, I'll take this. Let 'em argue diminished capacity after the fact.", "Warrick: You think they know how a DNA test works?", "Brass: I don't know. Let's find out.", "(BRASS turns to MR. LIZZIO.)", "Brass: Mr. Lizzio, do you mind if we test Benny's sneaker for DNA?", "Mr. Lizzio: You do what you got to do, officers.", "Warrick: Lift your right shoe, please.", "(WARRICK takes the sample and tests to see if it's human.)", "Warrick: We got a problem. The blood on your shoe is a match to Brian Haddick's.", "(WARRICK flips the test to show them.)", "Warrick: DNA doesn't lie.", "Brass: So, do you want to tell us how a dead kid's blood ended up on the bottom of your sneaker, Benny?", "Mr. Lizzio: Yeah, Benny. Why don't you tell us that?", "Benny Lizzio: Sometimes I go to the construction site just to hang out.", "(Quick flashback to: BENNY walks through the construction site. He's distracted with trying to get a cigarette out of the carton when he realizes that he's nearly upon the body. He backs away, but not before leaving behind the shoeprint.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: So, you just, uh ... happened upon it? Didn't report it to anybody?", "Benny Lizzio: I was trespassing. I didn't want to get in trouble.", "Warrick: Mr. Lizzio, would you mind if I took a look around?", "Mr. Lizzio: Be my guest.", "(WARRICK looks around as BRASS keeps MR. LIZZIO occupied.)", "Brass: Mr. Lizzio, why don't you sit down? We're going to be a while, okay? You been drinking today, Mr. Lizzio?", "Mr. Lizzio: Couple of beers.", "(WARRICK leaves the room and looks around. He walks into the garage and finds a tube of lip gloss on the chair. He looks at the CDs. He then sees the smashed watermelons on the floor on the plastic. He sees the hammer on the shelf.)", "(Quick flashback to: Watermelons are being smashed with the hammer. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Practice makes perfect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS puts a tape recorder down on the table as he starts his interview with BENNY LIZZIO.)", "Brass: So, Benny, for the record, you've waived your right to have your parent or an advocate present.", "Benny Lizzio: Yep.", "Brass: So, how do you know Brian?", "Benny Lizzio: We hung out a few times when we were freshmen.", "Brass: You know Gregory Curtwell?", "Benny Lizzio: Ashley's brother? Yeah. He bought me beer a couple times.", "Brass: Oh, so you know Ashley, too?", "Benny Lizzio: Yeah. I'm a friendly guy.", "Brass: Well, that's good, Benny, because...", "(BRASS clears his throat and sits down.)", "Brass: ... you're looking at murder. And if you're friendly and you cooperate, and you tell me what happened to Brian Haddick, maybe I can cut you a deal.", "Benny Lizzio: Ain't gonna happen. I'm no snitch.", "Brass: You want to tell me about those melons at your house? You looking to be another Gallagher? You know who that is?", "Benny Lizzio: Since when is whacking fruit a crime?", "Brass: When it's practice for whacking people.", "(BENNY nervously looks away for a moment.)", "Brass: Your hammer had Brian's blood all over it. Understand something, Benny, I'm talking about months versus years of juvenile detention. It's your call.", "Benny Lizzio: (shrugs) They got cable? Food? My dad locked on the outside? Sounds good to me. Besides, I'm a minor. By the time I'm 21, it's like it never happened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(As he puts on his gloves, GRISSOM walks into the lab. GREG follows. WARRICK and SARA are already there. WARRICK looks up.)", "Warrick: Did he roll?", "Grissom: Brass says the kid is looking forward to going to jail.", "Warrick: Hmm.", "Grissom: So, what do we got here?", "Warrick: It's hard to tell what's relevant and what's trash. This is everything we brought back from Benny's party room.", "(GRISSOM picks up the small evidence bag of rubber bands. He looks at it unable to make heads or tails of what it is.)", "Grissom: Are these ... ?", "(He looks at SARA.)", "Grissom: Spaghetti-oh's?", "Sara: I don't think so.", "Greg: Nah. Nah, those would be orthodontic rubber bands. Hook 'em to your braces, uh, upper to lower. Helps pull the jaw in the right direction. Also great for flinging. Yeah, I had it all -- palate expander, braces, retainer, head gear. Ah, five years of misery, but worth every penny, don't you think?", "(GREG looks at SARA and grins, showing her his perfect teeth. GRISSOM opens the bag of lip gloss. He opens the lip gloss and smells it.)", "Greg: Um, there might be some saliva residue on them. I can see what I can pull off, if you want.", "Sara: Yeah. Would you?", "Greg: Well, you're going to need something. Strike three on the knuckles.", "(GREG hands SARA the test results.)", "Warrick: Benny's DNA doesn't match. Gregory's doesn't match. Ashley's doesn't match. Who did this guy hit?", "Grissom: Greg, test both of these.", "(GRISSOM hands GREG the two evidence bags.)", "Grissom: If a third guy has braces, it may explain the strange pattern on Brian's hand.", "Sara: It's probably another student, but Benny's not talking.", "Warrick: Benny has a party room, right? You can't have a party without the music. I found some new CD's in his room.", "(GRISSOM looks at the CD's in the evidence bag.)", "Grissom: What's \"C & D\"?", "Warrick: It's like a music club, twelve CDs for the price of one.", "(GRISSOM looks at the address label:", "GILBERT, AARON", "7748 CANYON AVE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89123", "Grissom: And Aaron Gilbert was...?", "(SARA picks up a piece of watermelon and looks at it.)", "Warrick: (to GRISSOM) The deejay maybe?", "Sara: You know, at this time of year, watermelon isn't cheap, particularly organic. Maybe the music isn't the only thing that Aaron Gilbert brought to the party.", "(SARA shows them the watermelon skin. GRISSOM looks at the sticker on the watermelon skin: GILBERT ORGANIC FARMS.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(NICK and DET. SAM VEGA interview a YOUNG MOTHER in the community.)", "Young Mother: Yeah, I heard gunfire a couple of days ago. Johnnie, the idiot behind us, was playing like G.I. Joe in his backyard. I screamed out my window. I got kids, you know? Why do you want to know?", "Nick: Just curious.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. JOHNNIE'S RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(NICK and DET. SAM VEGA interview JOHNNIE.)", "Johnnie: She called you guys, right? It's like having a wife. Gun's brand-new. Shot it one time. She told me to stop, I stopped.", "Det. Sam Vega: Sir, you're going to have to tell us where that gun is.", "(JOHNNIE turns and heads back into the house to get the gun.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(NICK has the gun in his hand.)", "Nick: And this is the gun that you fired?", "Johnnie: Yeah.", "(NICK checks the cartridge.)", "Nick: Empty ten-round magazine.", "Det. Sam Vega: It was full when you started?", "Johnnie: Yeah.", "(NICK walks over to the target board JOHNNIE set up at the end of the yard. He checks out the holes.)", "Nick: I, uh, only count nine holes in your target.", "Johnnie: I must have missed one.", "Nick: Oh, you didn't miss.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. BACKYARD - DAY] JOHNNIE is out in his back yard firing his gun at the board.)", "(The YOUNG MOTHER next door leans out and shouts.)", "Young Mother: Hey! You want to kill someone?!", "(Distracted, JOHNNIE turns as he fires. The bullet goes high into the air.)", "(cc) YOUNG MOTHER: Put that thing away! I have kids!", "(The bullet comes down and hits MARLENE MITCHELL in the chest.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(SAM VEGA puts the handcuffs on JOHNNIE.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Just nice and easy.", "Nick: You see, your neighbor didn't lose her kid, but six blocks away, a guy lost his wife.", "Johnnie: It was just a little target practice.", "Nick: And that's why it's illegal to discharge firearms within the city limits, genius.", "(NICK turns and leads VEGA and JOHNNIE out the backyard.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. McKINLEY HIGH SCHOOL - LOCKERS - DAY]", "(BRASS, WARRICK and SARA walk up to AARON GILBERT.)", "Brass: Aaron Gilbert?", "(AARON removes the ear phones.)", "Aaron Gilbert: Yeah.", "Brass: I'm detective Brass, Las Vegas police. We need to talk.", "Aaron Gilbert: Oh, dude, I got to get home. My mom's waiting for me and my brother.", "Warrick: Oh, we talked to your mom.", "Sara: Yeah, she gave us your hammer and this.", "(SARA shows AARON a twenty dollar bill with a bloody print on it.)", "Jared: Yo, Dawg, we going or what?", "(SARA turns and sees another boy walk up to AARON. JARED has a cut on his upper lip.)", "Warrick: Or what ... Dawg.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM A]", "(BRASS interviews AARON GILBERT in the presence of a Child Advocate.)", "Brass: That's a nice walkman you had. What'd that cost? 125 bucks? Same as Benny's gameboy. Same as your brother's secret stash.", "(AARON doesn't say anything.)", "Brass: Speaking of Benny, he's not too smart, is he? He wouldn't give up you and your brother for a lesser sentence. You know what? There's an opportunity here, and I think you got more on the ball than Benny. Tell me what happened.", "(Camera pans over from one interview room into the next one.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM B]", "(WARRICK interview JARED GILBERT in the presence of a Child Advocate.)", "Warrick: Jared ... ain't braces a bitch? I see that cut on your lip. Is that where Brian hit you? They do make for a good impression though.", "(WARRICK pushes the photo of the bruises from BRIAN'S knuckles on the table toward JARED.)", "Warrick: See all these grooves here? It's perfect for storing DNA. That would be your DNA. Look, Jared, I'm not a cop, but if you tell me what happened, I will put in a good word for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM]", "(The team meets and discusses the case.)", "Sara: We have a problem. We have three hammers and four suspects.", "Warrick: Well, the Gilbert brothers both seem ready to go down for it.", "Brass: And Benny can't wait to go to jail.", "Sara: If they were defending Ashley against an attacker, why not say so?", "Grissom: They weren't. The smashed watermelon suggests the whole thing was premeditated.", "Sara: Making the motive robbery?", "Warrick: Well, Benny, Aaron and Jared each had about $125 worth of cash and assorted prizes.", "Grissom: $375. Brian's parents said that he was being paid $500 every two weeks. Cash under the table.", "Sara: It was payday, so who got the other $125?", "Warrick: Well, Gregory Curtwell makes good money. Hundred twenty-five bucks is a spit in the ocean for a construction worker. If he wasn't defending his sister, then he has no motive.", "Brass: Well, if he didn't do it, how did his hammer end up with Brian's blood on it?", "(SARA looks at ASHLEY'S receipts.)", "Sara: Clothing-- $85; earrings - $30; coffee-- four dollars. Getting away with murder ...", "Grissom: ... priceless.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(SARA re-interviews ASHLEY CURTWELL.)", "Sara: That hand that holds the wallet is the hand that rules the world. Huh, Ashley?", "(SARA puts the photos on the table to show ASHLEY.)", "Sara: Your fingerprint in Brian's blood on Jared's money. This is what we call \"completing the triangle.\"", "Ashley: Okay. So he attacked me, and I did see who defended me. But I didn't want to get my friends in trouble, and the money was for, like ... like, pain and suffering.", "Sara: (interrupts) You weren't attacked, Ashley. Brian was. We figured none of the boys wore cotton candy, so we had it tested.", "(SARA puts the evidence bag with the lip gloss on the table in front of ASHLEY.)", "Sara: Turns out you were at Benny's house, too.", "(Quick flashback to: [BENNY'S HOUSE] ASHLEY puts on her lip gloss. She jumps up on the couch as the boys circle the watermelons with their hammers.)", "Ashley Curtwell: Let's do it!", "(Hard rock music plays in the background as ASHLEY urges the boys on.)", "Ashley: Come on, guys! Whoo!", "(The boys use the hammers and pulverize the watermelons.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: At the mall, you weren't in shock, you were celebrating.", "(Quick flashback to: ASHLEY shopping at the mall. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Your brother was up in Tahoe this past weekend, wasn't he?", "Ashley Curtwell: He goes away almost every weekend.", "Sara: (interrupts) You know, I'm done with the Ashley pity party. My guess is Aaron and Jared only had one hammer, but you had access to your brother's tools. Why Brian?", "Ashley Curtwell: Before he went straight, we were buds, but then he got too good for us, but he wasn't too good to want to get with this.", "(Quick flashback to: [CONSTRUCTION SITE - NIGHT] BRIAN and ASHLEY are at the site.)", "Brian Haddick: Where do you want to do it at? ASHLEY CURTWELL: Right here. BRIAN HADDICK: In here? ASHLEY CURTWELL: Yeah.", "(BRIAN unbuckles his belt and lowers his pants. ASHLEY laughs and pulls away.)", "Ashley Curtwell: (laughs) Stop.", "(The other boys walk into the room.)", "Brian Haddick: You set me up?", "Ashley Curtwell: Get him!", "(The boys begin to attack BRIAN, beating him with their hammers as they did the watermelons.)", "Ashley Curtwell: Get him!", "(Blood spurts everywhere.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: You're not a victim, you were a lure. Do you know how many people don't report a rape because they're afraid that no one will believe them?", "Ashley Curtwell: (wide-eyed) Of course. It's what I was counting on.", "Sara: I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that you're tried as an adult.", "Ashley Curtwell: Good luck. I dress up real nice -- couple barrettes, little lace collar, two dead parents. I'll be the saddest little girl in the world.", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Coming of Rage
[ "The lone holdout on a jury is found dead in the jury room. The eleven jurors who were voting guilty and who hated the dead juror are the natural suspects. Nick reopens a four year old case when the sister of the victim comes forward with new evidence." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - MGM GRAND -- NIGHT]", "(Lightning flashes; thunder crashes.)", "Man: (V.O.) I saw you with him. I know you're lying.", "Woman: (V.O.) (screaming) You've got it all wrong. I'm telling you. Nothing happened.", "(Quick flash to: The MAN wraps the belt around the woman's neck and chokes her.)", "Man: Nobody cheats on me.", "(The WOMAN continues to scream and yell.)", "Man: I hate you. How could you do this to me?", "(The MAN chokes the WOMAN. She struggles.)", "Lizette: (V.O.) His fingerprints were all over that belt.", "[INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY]", "Lizette: That's the only way it could have happened.", "Bob Durham: I'm with Lizette, all right? We heard from the D.A. They called the cops last week on a domestic disturbance.", "Davis: Kimble was just getting warmed up. Believe me. I know the type.", "Brown-haired Juror: Husband was a casino host. Just happens to come home in the middle of a shift? Come on.", "Jervis: Oh, look, we've really talked this thing to death, haven't we?", "Tara Newsome: (stilted) Chris, can we please put this to another vote?", "(CHRIS looks around the table at the faces of the other anxious jurors. After a long pause, he comments.)", "Chris Gibbons: The burden of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt.", "(Everyone lets out a frustrated breath.)", "Chris Gibbons: We don't have that. There was somebody else in the house that day. The cable guy.", "(Quick flashback to: The CABLE GUY is choking MRS. KIMBLE when MR. KIMBLE comes in and breaks it up.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Chris Gibbons: Cable guy's got priors. He skipped town.", "Bob Durham: You're still on the cable guy theory? His fingerprints weren't even on the belt.", "(JERVIS bites his nails nervously.)", "Chris Gibbons: He could have worn gloves.", "Jervis: (frustrated) I can't take this anymore!", "(JERVIS stands up and goes to the window. He opens it.)", "Jervis: Who keeps shutting this damn window?", "Lizette: Lunch will be here soon. Let's take a break.", "(Everyone stands up.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[HALLWAY NEAR VENDING MACHINES]", "(JERVIS stands at the vending machine with the DARK-HAIRED WOMAN.)", "Jervis: This guy is driving me nuts.", "(On the other side of the hallway, BOB DURHAM talks with DAVIS.", "Bob Durham: We've got to get Chris Gibbons replaced.", "Davis: Oh, I pointed him in the right direction, but he didn't snap. (TARA NEWSOME walks up to the JERVIS:", "Tara Newsome: I'd kill for a candy bar right now.", "(The BAILIFF walks out into the hallway to make an announcement.)", "Officer: Hey, people. Your lunch is getting cold.", "(Everyone heads back into the conference room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The jurors open the double doors to the conference room and the group walks inside. They're preoccupied chatting with each other. Suddenly they stop and notice CHRIS GIBBONS lying on the floor dead.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. CONFERENCE ROOM -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM ducks under the crime scene tape barring the doorway. He walks into the conference room carrying his kit. He meets BRASS who is standing over the body.)", "Brass: Chris Gibbons, UNLV grad student. The jury's been sequestered two and a half weeks on a murder trial.", "Grissom: Twelve strangers ... stuck in a room with no exit. It's like Sartre said: \"Hell is other people.\"", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COURTHOUSE -- DAY]", "[CAMERA VIEW]", "(The camera flashes on a close up of the cut on CHRIS GIBBON'S forehead.)", "(White flash to:", "[INT. COURTHOUSE - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY]", "(GRISSOM stands over the body taking pictures. BRASS walks up to him.)", "Brass: What do you got?", "Grissom: My early opinion? Blunt force.", "(Quick flashback to: CHRIS GIBBONS sits at the conference table. Someone walks up to him, grabs his head and slams it against the table. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(They both kneel down to look over the body. GRISSOM notices the bracelet.)", "Grissom: He's got a, uh, medical alert bracelet. Allergy to penicillin.", "Brass: Well ... we got eleven potential suspects.", "(GRISSOM finds a strand of hair on the victim's shirt. He picks it up with a tweezer.)", "(Camera zooms in for a close up of the hair.)", "Grissom: Do you have one with blond hair?", "Brass: Yeah. There's one I know of. Um, Miss Davis -- she's a stripper at The Shimmer.", "(GRISSOM looks at the hair and notices that it doesn't have a tag.)", "Grissom: There's no tag cells, and she's not a natural blonde, and it looks synthetic.", "(BRASS stands over by the counter looking through the slips of paper.)", "Brass: Hey, this is Vegas, baby.", "(GRISSOM looks at BRASS.)", "Brass: (reading) Guilty. Guilty. \"Not Guilty.\" Eleven \"guilty,\" one \"not guilty.\" Now that's motive.", "(BRASS turns to GRISSOM and holds up the slips of paper.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COURTHOUSE - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(The jurors stand out in the hallway talking amongst themselves. CATHERINE walks up to them.)", "Catherine: (loudly) Excuse me. May I have your...?", "(The crowd doesn't notice CATHERINE and continues conversing.)", "Catherine: (louder) Excuse me. May I have your attention, please?", "(The crowd slowly quiets down.)", "Catherine: Thank you. I'm Catherine Willows. I'm from the crime lab.", "(The BROWN-HAIRED JUROR gets to his feet.)", "Brown-haired Juror: So it's a mistrial, right?", "Tara Newsome: Can we go home?", "Catherine: No. I'm sorry. No one is going anywhere. Ms. Davis. I'll start with you. Will you follow me, please?", "(CATHERINE turns and leads MS. DAVIS off to another room. Conversation resumes with the other jurors.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COURTHOUSE - ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(CATHERINE interviews MS. DAVIS.)", "Catherine: Miss Davis, we found a synthetic blond hair on the victim's body. Care to explain?", "(MS. DAVIS removes her wig.)", "Davis: Girl to girl. I'm a dancer. I came off the pole. I teased him a little bit.", "(Quick flashback to: CHRIS GIBBONS stands in front of the vending machines. MS. DAVIS approaches him and leans her back against the machines, looking at CHRIS.)", "Davis: I need a release, so why don't you get us out of here, and I'll ...", "(She moves closer to him, her arms around his neck and whispers into his ear.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Did he take you up on your offer?", "Davis: Well, if you ask me, arguing was his turn-on.", "Catherine: Lucky for you. Attempting to influence is a category D Felony. It's up to four years in prison and a $5,000 fine.", "Davis: Am I under arrest?", "Catherine: Woman to woman? The pole is there for a reason. It's what you hang on to so the creeps don't pull you out of there. Smarten up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(NICK is at the front counter signing some papers.)", "Nick: Thanks, man.", "(He finishes and heads out when DETECTIVE VARTANN rounds the corner and finds him.)", "Det. Vartann: Stokes.", "Nick: Detective. Hey.", "Det. Vartann: Hey. You've got a minute?", "(They shake hands.)", "Nick: Yeah. Sure, what's up?", "Det. Vartann: Four years ago, you and Grissom worked a missing persons out in Moapa Valley? She lived on a farm with her husband?", "Nick: Wow. Um ... (trying to remember) ... yeah, I remember uh-uh, Rita?", "Det. Vartann: Rita Westonson.", "Nick: Found nothing suspicious. Nothing criminal. Figured she wanted to skip town, disappear.", "Det. Vartann: Rita's sister is in interrogation. She's claiming Rita was murdered.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(NICK and DET. VARTANN interview FAYE MINDEN.)", "Nick: Faye, it's been four years since your sister went missing. Now, CSI conducted a full investigation -- found nothing suspicious, nothing criminal. Why are you coming forward now?", "Faye Minden: I lied to you back then, and I live with the guilt every day.", "Det. Vartann: Miss Minden? It's my duty to advise you of your right to counsel.", "Faye Minden: I don't want an attorney. I admit I withheld information. That's why I'm here. And if I have to go to jail, so be it. I just want to do right by my sister.", "Nick: Okay. Let's start from the beginning. Your sister disappeared over a weekend ...", "Faye Minden: Rita didn't disappear. Her business trip to Fresno got cut short, and she came home early.", "(Quick flashback to: The barn door opens and RITA WESTONSON sees her husband AARON with another woman.)", "Faye Minden: (V.O.) And she found Aaron, her husband, in the barn with another woman.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Faye Minden: Rita freaked out and started screaming and saying she was going to leave him. Aaron saw red and lost it.", "(Quick flashback to: RITA is hit and she falls to the ground. AARON stands over her.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Now if memory serves, her husband had an alibi?", "Faye Minden: Yeah. He was camping in red rock with Harris Mathey.", "Nick: That's his business partner, right?", "Faye Minden: Yeah, but Harris owed Aaron a lot of money. He would have said anything.", "Det. Vartann: If that's true, Mr. Mathey is guilty of conspiracy after the fact.", "Faye Minden: He died last month. And he's the only one who knew, besides me.", "Nick: Do you know what Aaron did with Rita's body?", "(She looks at NICK and nods.)", "(Quick flashback to: AARON carries RITA'S body and puts it in a barrel. He slides the barrel to the back of his truck and fills the barrel up with gas.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Faye Minden: He drove her out to the river, about a half mile from his farm, and, um, set her on fire. She burned all night, and then in the morning, he dumped her ashes in the water.", "Det. Vartann: Miss Minden ... how did you come across this information?", "(She looks at them both.)", "Nick: You were the other woman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COURTHOUSE (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. COURTHOUSE - CONFERENCE ROOM -- DAY]", "(Camera opens on a close up of a blood-stained window handle. WARRICK swabs the blood and tests it. SARA'S also in the room and she's writing on a clipboard.)", "Warrick: Hey, Sara. Any jurors have blood on their hands?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COURTHOUSE - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE interviews MR. JERVIS as he bites his nails.)", "Catherine: Mr. Jervis. Why are your fingers bloodied?", "Jervis: You ever been on a jury before?", "(Quick flashback to: The jury sits around the table.)", "Lizette: How many grad students does it take to screw in a lightbulb?", "Jervis: I can't take this anymore!", "(JERVIS surges to his feet and heads for the window to open it. He uses his hand, the one that he's been biting, and opens the window leaving a smudge of blood on the opener.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Jervis: It's the worst experience of my life.", "Catherine: Would you hold your hands up for me, please?", "(CATHERINE walks over to him as he holds out his hands over the table, palms down.)", "Jervis: The case was a lock anyway. I mean, Kimble obviously had...", "Catherine: Mr. Jervis. I need to remind you that you're still under judge's orders not to discuss the case.", "(CATHERINE puts on her gloves.)", "Jervis: That's great. This guy's dead, and I still can't go home? Let me tell you something.", "(CATHERINE swabs JERVIS' bloodied fingertips.)", "Jervis: From the very beginning, day one day after day, this guy is the only holdout. Do you want to know what my boss calls me? \"Mr. Replaceable\".", "(Quick flashback to: The jury argues around the table while CHRIS GIBBONS sits at the head smiling, watching yet not participating . JERVIS sits next to him and finally blows up. He grabs CHRIS GIBBONS by the arms.)", "Jervis: (V.O.) (yelling) I had to get back to work.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Jervis: I lost my temper.", "Catherine: You sure it's lost?", "(JERVIS looks at CATHERINE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(NICK takes out the photos from the closed case box and goes through them. GRISSOM walks past the evidence room and finds NICK looking over the file. He walks into the room.)", "Grissom: Homicide just called. They're reopening the Rita Westonson case based on new information from the eyewitness?", "Nick: File's thinner than I remembered.", "Grissom: You think we missed something?", "Nick: We figured she skipped town, wanting to disappear. At the time, that was a reasonable conclusion based on the evidence.", "Grissom: Does the witness seem credible to you?", "Nick: Well, if she's lying, she's obstructing justice and wasting my time, but if she's telling the truth, we may have closed the investigation early.", "Grissom: At the time, you were a level two, I believe. So closing the case would have been my decision.", "Nick: Yeah, it would have. I'm checking out her story. I'll see if it holds up.", "Grissom: Let me know.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "(GRISSOM walks out of the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(ROBBINS goes over CHRIS GIBBONS' body with SARA.)", "Robbins: Blunt-force trauma didn't kill him. But this might have.", "(He points to the hives covering CHRIS GIBBONS' chest.)", "Sara: Hives? Whoo. Severe allergic reaction.", "Robbins: Cause of death: Anaphylactic shock. Outer skin becomes irritated, the eyes inflamed, throat closes ...", "(Quick CGI POV of the throat as the camera pulls back. The walls in the throat constrict and the person gasps. Camera pulls back out through the mouth. End of CGI POV. Resume to flashback of CHRIS GIBBONS standing in the conference room choking.)", "(CHRIS falls and hits his head against the table.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: He was allergic to penicillin, but that's not the kind of thing you can just easily slip someone.", "Robbins: No, but you can inject it.", "(ROBBINS moves further down the body and lifts up the sheet to show SARA the puncture wound in CHRIS GIBBONS' thigh.)", "(Camera zooms in for a close up of the puncture wound.)", "Robbins: Puncture wound is consistent with a hypodermic needle.", "Sara: He wore a medic alert bracelet. Everyone hated him, and everyone knew how to kill him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MOAPA VALLEY -- DAY]", "[EXT. WOODS NEAR RIVER - DAY]", "(FAYE MINDEN shows NICK and DET. VARTANN where the body was burned.)", "Faye Minden: Haven't been back here since that night. Sometimes it feels like yesterday; sometimes it feels like it never happened. Funny, the things you remember.", "(She looks around and continues walking. NICK eyes her strangely. She comes to an area and slows as she takes in the place.)", "Faye Minden: Who could've imagined?", "(She sighs.)", "Faye Minden: This is it. This is the spot under the tree.", "(DET. VARTANN points.)", "Det. Vartann: You sure?", "Faye Minden: Yes. This is where Aaron burned her body.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] AARON lights a match over the barrel as FAYE watches. Inside the barrel is RITA'S body in gasoline, her dead eyes wide open and staring at nothing. He tosses the match in and watches it burn.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Faye Minden: I remember the ... yucca plant was flowering.", "(DET. VARTANN turns around to look at the plant. NICK steps forward to look at the burn spot.)", "Nick: Right here?", "Faye Minden: Yes.", "(NICK kneels down and takes out a large bag and a small hand shovel.)", "Faye Minden: What are you doing?", "Nick: Well, if Rita's body was incinerated here, the gasoline fumes would have settled into the soil...", "(Quick flashback of: [NIGHT] Ash from the burning falls onto the ground.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(NICK shovels up some dirt and puts it in the bag for testing later.)", "Nick: ...and trace amounts of hydrocarbon would still be detectable.", "Faye Minden: (nods) Good.", "(He looks up at her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(DORSEY takes out the dirt from the bag and while some nifty music plays in the background, he tests it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY -- LATER]", "(DORSEY looks over the results when NICK walks into the lab.)", "Nick: Mr. Dorsey.", "Dorsey: I just analyzed your dirt. Where there's smoke, there's fire, and where there's no smoke ...", "(He holds out the test results for NICK who grabs it.)", "Nick: There are no hydrocarbons. Damn.", "(NICK looks at the report.)", "Nick: There's no evidence of gasoline whatsoever. Where's Hodges?", "Dorsey: Conference in San Francisco. Total boondoggle. Three days of sourdough and seafood. (DORSEY glances around and lowers his voice confidentially.) By the way ... I heard the rumor, and I'm sorry.", "Nick: What rumor?", "Dorsey: Everybody on the day shift says that you deserved that promotion. You ask me, Grissom only gave Sara a higher evaluation because of their history.", "Nick: He gave Sara ... ?", "(DET. VARTANN walks into the lab.)", "Det. Vartann: Hey. You get anything?", "Nick: Well, science seems to have trumped the eyewitness. That story doesn't hold up.", "Det. Vartann: I may know why. I ran a background. Faye had two sisters -- Rita, older and Terry, younger. Now get this -- a couple weeks ago Terry and Aaron ... got engaged.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - LAB -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE sees GRISSOM in the lab and rushes through the hallway toward him.)", "Catherine: Hey, Gil.", "(GRISSOM finishes up with the tech and turns to walk out of the lab to meet CATHERINE and they walk down the hallway together.)", "Catherine: So tox came back on Chris Gibbons. He may have been allergic to penicillin but didn't have any in his system.", "Grissom: We sent a sample of his pants to trace. The area around the injection mark ...", "(GRISSOM shows CATHERINE the file folder.)", "Catherine: Epinephrine. So maybe Mr. Gibbons had an allergic reaction to something else. Such as...?", "(She hands the folders back to GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: I don't know, but if Gibbons knew he was severely allergic, I bet he carried one of those auto-injector pens.", "Catherine: So we're looking for a used hypodermic.", "Grissom: And another allergy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE goes to talk with GREG.)", "Greg: (shakes his head) I'm not the allergy ace. I'm trying to get out in the field, and you're multitasking me in the lab.", "Catherine: Greg, I'm the one that actually put you on a case, not just talked about it.", "Greg: You're also the one who took me off the case.", "(GREG stands up and heads for the lab table. CATHERINE turns around and follows him.)", "Catherine: You know what? You started, and you gave me six strong innings, and I brought in the closer. What's wrong with that?", "Greg: So what am I? Fish or fowl?", "Catherine: Fish -- that's a good place to start. I need you to check the victim's blood for shellfish, egg whites, nuts and soy.", "Greg: The biggies.", "(GREG takes the paper from CATHERINE.)", "Catherine: (smiles) Got to start somewhere.", "(CATHERINE leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- DNA LAB -- LATER]", "(GREG processes the blood.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COURTHOUSE - CONFERENCE ROOM -- EVENING]", "(WARRICK hangs up and turns to look at SARA.)", "Warrick: That was Catherine.", "Sara: What are we looking for?", "Warrick: Nuts. Specifically those that begin with a \"P.\"", "(SARA nods.)", "(Cut to: WARRICK takes out BOB DURHAM'S lunch from the box. He puts it on the table in front of his name card.)", "(Cut to: SARA kneels down and goes through CHRIS GIBBONS' lunch.)", "(WARRICK sees something under the lunch delivery box. He moves the box aside and finds some broken peanut skin. He picks one up with the tweezers. Camera zooms in close.)", "Warrick: Take me out to the ball game.", "Sara: Buy me some peanuts.", "(WARRICK looks and finds some peanut shells under GIBBON'S seat.)", "Warrick: There's peanut skins under Mr. Durham's seat.", "(SARA pushes her chair back and also checks the floor. She sees something.)", "Sara: That's very interesting.", "(She picks up some peanut shells.)", "Sara: There's peanut shells under Mr. Gibbon's seat.", "Warrick: Mr. Gibbons couldn't eat peanuts. What are they doing under his seat?", "Sara: Let's ask Mr. Durham.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COURTHOUSE - CONFERENCE ROOM -- DAY]", "(SARA and WARRICK interview BOB DURHAM.)", "Bob Durham: Just 'cause he's allergic doesn't mean I can't have them.", "Sara: Chris Gibbons died from a severe allergic reaction. You were the only guy in the jury room who was eating peanuts. You might have killed him.", "Bob Durham: I was only messing with his head.", "(Quick flashback to: BOB DURHAM pops peanuts into his mouth and flicks the empty shells at CHRIS GIBBONS. It nearly hits him.)", "Chris Gibbons: What are you trying to do, kill me? I'm allergic!", "(He flicks another peanut shell and it hits him in his arm.)", "Bob Durham: You're a hypochondriac.", "(CHRIS GIBBONS rolls up his sleeve and shows him the welt on his arm.)", "Chris Gibbons: Does that look like hypochondria to you?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bob Durham: Look, I didn't know that just by touching a shell it would send him into some kind of fit.", "(Quick flashback to: CHRIS GIBBONS starts to gasp and cough in front of the other jurors. He reaches into pocket for the syringe and sticks it in his leg. He sits back down in his chair.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bob Durham: I apologized.", "Sara: None of the other jurors mentioned anything about Chris throwing a fit.", "Bob Durham: Hey, look, it wasn't that big of a deal. I mean, we went back to work, deliberated for a couple hours ... the guy was fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- EVENING]", "(NICK and DET. VARTANN re-interviews FAYE MINDEN.)", "Nick: You withheld information.", "Faye Minden: No, it's not like that. You don't understand.", "Nick: They why didn't you tell us about your younger sister?", "Faye Minden: Because I knew it would come to this. I was dumped by Aaron for my younger sister. I was hurt and angry and jealous, and I wanted to get back at him, so I falsely accused him of killing Rita. I am not jealous of Terry. I'm scared for her. I don't want her to end up like Rita.", "Nick: Did your relationship with Aaron end amicably?", "Faye Minden: It ended. After the night he killed Rita, I saw him handful of times. I want nothing to do with him.", "Det. Arten: So why not warn Terry? Tell her what you told us.", "Faye Minden: Because she's in love with him. If I told her what Aaron did to Rita, she'd run right to him. \"Crazy Faye always causing trouble.\" Aaron would like nothing more than to drive a wedge between me and my sister. I've seen what he's capable of.", "(Quick flashback to: AARON pushes FAYE to the ground and shows her the barrel with RITA inside.)", "Faye Minden: (V.O.) That night he made me help him.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Faye Minden: Her eyes were still opened.", "Nick: It was muddy?", "Faye Minden: Yeah.", "Nick: Okay, was it raining?", "Faye Minden: No, not that night. It was a wet winter.", "(NICK nods.)", "Faye Minden: Say you believe me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB ]", "(WARRICK sifts through the trash and finds the used injector.)", "Warrick: One auto-injector... used.", "Sara: That's substantiates Bob Durham's story that Gibbons had a reaction to peanut shells.", "(WARRICK puts the used auto-injector in a baggie.)", "Warrick: What do you want to bet he only brought one of these with him.", "(SARA goes through CHRIS GIBBONS' chili.)", "Sara: Well, he was sequestered. He couldn't exactly go out and get another one.", "Warrick: Ah, he was later held defenseless against the attack of the killer peanut.", "Sara: I guess it's possible. We're not finding anything in Chris Gibbon's chili. No peanuts, no shells, no skins.", "(WARRICK finds a partially crushed soda can with peanut butter smudged on the mouth hole. He smells it. Inside the can, he finds a discarded peanut butter wrapper.)", "Warrick: What about peanut butter?", "(Camera zooms for a close up of the wrapper. WARRICK removes the wrapper from the can.)", "Warrick: In an individually wrapped tube?", "Sara: That could belong to any of the jurors.", "(SARA goes through the chili and finds a clump of peanut butter.)", "Sara: Hold up. This looks like peanut butter right here. Someone was doing more than just flicking peanut shells.", "(Quick flashback to: A hand squeezes out the peanut butter into the chili, then mixes it into the chili.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: If Gibbons had that severe a reaction to peanut shells, imagine what eating peanut butter would do to him.", "Warrick: Yeah, that's more than just messing with a guy's head.", "Sara: That's murder.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(SARA catches GRISSOM in the hallway.)", "Sara: Hey, defense motioned for a mistrial. Suspicion of jury tampering.", "Grissom: Based on peanut butter in the chili? How does a juror benefit from Gibbons' death?", "Sara: I don't know. Lone hold out, now they get to go home?", "Grissom: That's nuts. The risk isn't worth the reward.", "Sara: Well, Warrick's still working on that print.", "Grissom: Good. What are you working on?", "(SARA stops walking; GRISSOM turns and leaves. She shakes her head, then turns.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MOAPA VALLEY -- DAY]", "(NICK heads out to the burn site. He tests the soil with an M-300 soil moisture meter. It reads 18%.)", "(Dissolve to: NICK cuts off several branches off the tree nearby.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(NICK studies the rings of the tree branches. GRISSOM walks into the lab carrying the soil report.)", "Grissom: So the soil doesn't support the eye witness testimony.", "Nick: No. So I stuck a moisture testing probe into the ground at the burn site, registered 18%. Now anything over 10% is indicative of full saturation over the last couple of years.", "Grissom: The river might have washed away all trace of hydrocarbons.", "Nick: Exactly, but before it washed away, some of the hydrocarbons could have seeped into the ground into the tree's roots. Roots carry nutrients to the tree. Some of the hydrocarbons could have hitched a ride. Oaks don't bear fruit, but this one bears witness.", "(NICK turns around to the board where he has more than 18 photos of the tree rings posted. He explains it to GRISSOM.)", "Nick: Every year, a branch grows a new ring composed of alike, dark band. Counting from the outside in, going back four years -- one, two, three, four ...", "Grissom: The ring from four years ago is thinner and distorted.", "Nick: Yeah, the same distortion is present in ring four of every branch.", "Grissom: And distortion could mean evidence of a toxic event.", "Nick: I'm thinking the burning of gasoline under the tree.", "Grissom: How are you going to prove it?", "Nick: (holds up the branch piece) Saw dust.", "(NICK turns and leaves the lab. A tiny smile crosses GRISSOM'S face.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(DORSEY takes a sample of sawdust from the tree branch and starts to test it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(DORSEY catches up with NICK in the hallway.)", "Dorsey: Nick, I think you're going to like this.", "(DORSEY hands the report to NICK.)", "Nick: Affirmative for hydrocarbons. Now we're talking.", "(NICK continues down the hallway, DORSEY tagging along.)", "Dorsey: Nick, no offense, but proving the boss wrong is not the quickest path to career advancement.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COURTHOUSE - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(SARA talks with the BAILIFF.)", "Bailiff: The trial lasted four weeks. They've been locked in deliberations for two and a half.", "Sara: Sequestered?", "Bailiff: Well, it's a high-profile case. Judge Slater limited contact, censored newspapers, no television, shuttle between here and their hotel. That's a juror's life.", "Sara: What about the food, how does that work?", "Bailiff: This case, uh, jurors had breakfast and dinner at the hotel. Lunch, I brought in a menu, they order ...", "(Quick flashback to: The BROWN-HAIRED JUROR (MALE) grabs the menu from CHRIS.)", "Brown-haired Juror (male): Gee, let me guess. For the 17th day in a row, you're going to order chili.", "Chris Gibbons: Oh, now you're criticizing my food choices.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Chris Gibbons had chili the day he died.", "Bailiff: Yeah, the guy had food allergies. We had one place we ordered from. He had chili every day.", "Sara: Did jurors have access to these vending machines?", "Bailiff: Uh, yeah, that's why they're here. It's their nickel. I mean, they got to have something. They're away from their families.", "(Camera shows us the peanut butter in the vending machine.)", "Bailiff: I have all their cell phone ... well, almost all of them. Caught a guy double packing.", "(Quick flashback to: The BROWN-HAIRED JUROR (MALE) casually removes his cell phone tucked inside his socks as it beeps from its low batter.)", "Brown-haired Juror (male): Can't anybody make a battery that lasts more than a couple of hours?", "(The BAILIFF walks up to him.)", "Bailiff: Give it up.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bailiff: Hey, I confiscated his primary at the beginning of deliberations, but I don't do cavity searches.", "(SARA chuckles.)", "Sara: How do you burn out your cell phone battery when you're not allowed to use your phone?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS and SARA interview the BROWN-HAIRED JUROR.)", "Brown-haired Juror (male): They don't make cell phones like they used to.", "(SARA looks over his cell phone.)", "Sara: That's true, actually. Now they make them better. Did you know that this one takes pictures? And having met your fellow jurors, I think you really captured them.", "Brass: Okay, let's start with the misdemeanor. Cell phones and cameras or cell phones with cameras are prohibited in the jury room. Somebody must have told you that.", "Brown-haired Juror (male): See, after a while they're family. I-I thought I could throw a scrapbook together for everyone for after the trial.", "Sara: Oh, and-and when where you planning on handing that out? At Mr. Gibbons' funeral? I guess you would consider the folks at the credit company family, too.", "Brown-haired Juror (male): What?", "Brass: Yeah, according to them, uh, you got a little bit of a gambling Jones, hmm? $25,000 in markers all over town. So what's your game, dice, cards, sports book? Or all of the above?", "Brown-haired Juror (male): Let's just say it was a bad month.", "Sara: Not that bad. $30,000 deposit two days ago.", "Brass: All right, now the questions get hard. I mean, you can't be getting rich on jury duty, forty bucks a day. Or can you?", "Brown-haired Juror (male): Look, I'm self-employed, which means I've been unemployed for the last six and a half weeks.", "Sara: You just made $30,000.", "Brass: To deliver the jury?", "Brown-haired Juror (male): No. My story. To a tabloid. Hey ... it's one of those cases-- high-profile, jurors at each other's throats.", "(Quick flashback to: [CONFERENCE ROOM] The jury is in heated discussion as CHRIS GIBBONS sits back and smiles. JERVIS loses his cool and grabs GIBBONS in frustration.)", "(The BROWN-HAIRED JUROR (MALE) reaches down and adjusts his cell phone secretly tucked away in his socks.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brown-haired Juror (male): Why should the guy that killed his wife be the only one to make a buck?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WESTONSON'S RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(DET. VARTANN and NICK head for the WESTONSON'S front gate. DET. VARTANN knocks on the gate. NICK puts his kit down on the road and waits as the gate opens.)", "Terry Minden: Can I help you?", "Det. Vartann: I'm Detective Vartan. This is Nick Stokes from the crime lab. Terry Minden?", "Aaron Westonson: Honey, who is it?", "Terry Minden: It's the police.", "(AARON WESTONSON looks at NICK.)", "Aaron Westonson: I remember you. You were here about Rita.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Aaron Westonson: You found her.", "Nick: No, no, not exactly, but we have a potential new lead.", "(DET. VARTANN takes out the warrant from his jacket pocket and hands it to TERRY MINDEN.)", "Det. Vartann: And we have a warrant.", "Terry Minden: I'm an attorney. You want a sample of gasoline?", "Nick: Uh, yes, ma'am -- eight ounces from Mr. Westonson's pump.", "Terry Minden: Why?", "Aaron Westonson: This is about Rita. I have a right to know.", "Terry Minden: Warrant was issued by Judge Brenner. I'll make a call.", "Nick: Say hello for me.", "Aaron Westonson: Four years ago, you tore this place apart. That was okay with me. Now you come back with no answers, and you're looking at me with that same face. I'm going to tell you the same thing I said before. I had nothing to do with Rita's disappearance.", "Nick: Fuel pump's behind the barn, right?", "Aaron Westonson: Yeah. Help yourself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[FUEL PUMP BEHIND BARN - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(NICK stands at the distance looking at the fuel pump. DET. VARTANN joins him.)", "Det. Vartann: What are you looking at?", "(NICK looks around and shakes his head.)", "Nick: I was standing right here four years ago asking myself the same question.", "(NICK picks up his kit and they both head over to the fuel pump.)", "Nick: You know, Aaron Westonson's right about one thing. Back then Grissom and I processed every inch of that house and this barn and found no signs of a struggle.", "Det. Vartann: Aaron versus Rita? He's twice her size.", "Nick: Yeah, it would've been over before it started.", "(NICK takes out a jar and DET. VARTANN fills it up with gasoline.)", "Nick: Okay, fill her up.", "Det. Vartann: Smells like diesel. Why is it red?", "Nick: It's an EPA requirement. Farm's don't have to pay taxes on fuel, so refineries, they mark their agricultural diesel by dying it red.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(WARRICK processes the Poncho's Peanut Butter Stix wrapper for prints. He finds one.)", "(Cut to: WARRICK runs the print through the database and finds a match to:", "LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN AREA", "LAS VEGAS WORK CARD", "TARA NEWSOME", "SOUS CHEF ORPHEUS HOTEL/CASINO", "ISSUED: 10/23/2001", "EXPIRE: 12/23/2004", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(WARRICK interviews TARA NEWSOME.)", "Tara Newsome: I'm getting married in five days.", "Warrick: Not if you can't explain to me how your fingerprints ended up on this peanut butter tube.", "(He puts a photo of the Poncho's Peanut Butter Stix wrapper on the table to show her.)", "Warrick: Stuffed inside a soda can. We found it in the jury room.", "Tara Newsome: I just wanted to go home, have my fittings. I spent my bridal shower with eleven strangers. My sister filled in for me. I'll never get to experience that.", "Warrick: Mr. Gibbons will never get to experience the rest of his life.", "Tara Newsome: We were on a break, and the lunch order came.", "(Quick flashback to: [CONFERENCE ROOM] The BAILIFF carries in the box of lunches and finds TARA NEWSOME in the room.)", "Bailiff: Hey. What did you order?", "(She takes the box of lunches from him.)", "Tara Newsome: Don't worry, I'll pass it out.", "(She puts the box on the table and quick takes out the chili and puts the peanut butter inside the container.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Tara Newsome: I got the peanut butter out of the vending machine a couple days ago. I wanted to stuff it down the guy's throat, but I didn't.", "Warrick: So you decided to put it in his chili instead?", "(Quick flashback to: TARA mixes the peanut butter into the chili and covers it. CHRIS GIBBONS walks into the room.)", "Chris Gibbons: Great, food's here. I'm starving. Where's mine?", "(He heads for his seat and looks at her.)", "Tara Newsome: (V.O.) But at the last minute, I couldn't do that.", "(TARA gets up and reaches for a fresh one from the box.)", "Tara Newsome: Here's yours.", "(She hands it to him and spills it on the carpet.)", "Tara Newsome: Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry.", "Chris Gibbons: No, that's okay, I'll take yours. You can reorder.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Tara Newsome: Then I cleaned up and I walked out.", "Warrick: You had to know it was going to kill him.", "Tara Newsome: No, I didn't know it was going to be lethal. When Bob was flicking peanut shells at him, it's not like he choked up. I swear, I didn't know it was going to kill him. I just thought that it would get him replaced with one of the alternates who would vote guilty.", "Warrick: Well, Miss Newsome, you are officially off of jury duty.", "Tara Newsome: Oh, I killed him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "Greg: (shakes his head) No, she didn't.", "(GREG stands in front of GRISSOM, SARA and WARRICK.)", "Sara: Greg, she told Warrick she put peanut butter in the chili.", "Greg: I don't care if Mr. Peanut was taking a bath in the vic's lunch. It's not what killed him.", "Grissom: Be specific, Greg.", "Greg: I got the detailed results back from the assay test. The level of immunoglobulin e was insufficient to cause a lethal reaction.", "Warrick: Well, that does go along with what the bride-to-be said about the victim. That he had a dermatological response to the allergen and not a respiratory one.", "Grissom: Did the assay test show any other food allergies?", "Greg: No, uh-uh.", "Warrick: So the cause of death is still anaphylactic shock.", "Sara: Okay, what caused it?", "Grissom: And who?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[MONITOR]", "(The NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DATABASE is loading up to the computer. NICK waits. DET. VARTANN walks into the lab.)", "Det. Vartann: I got your page. Who shot your dog?", "Nick: Trace Tech. He analyzed the fuel from Aaron's pump. Confirmed it's diesel. The hydrocarbons found in the tree were from unleaded gasoline.", "Det. Vartann: Means the fuel on Aaron's farm was not used to cremate Rita's body. Maybe it pumped unleaded four years ago. Converted to diesel at some point since.", "Nick: Ah, I thought the same thing myself, so I called the NDEP.", "Det. Vartann: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: The permit for Aaron's fuel tank was specifically for diesel.", "Det. Vartann: Where does that leave us?", "(The database finishes the search and a map appears on screen.)", "Nick: NDEP's database for Clark County. Now, the red dots represent the areas of permitted fuel tanks.", "Det. Vartann: Isolate Moapa.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Det. Vartann: Aaron's farm's located at the cross streets of White Oak and Stansberry.", "Det. Vartann: The burn spot is a half mile east along the river.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Only two permitted fuel tanks up in that area. The one on the left is Aaron's. We can exclude that one .", "Det. Vartann: Who owns the other one?", "The information box appears:", "LOCATION: 2157 Whispering Leaves Dr.", "REGISTERED Owner: FAYE MINDEN", "Nick: Faye Minden.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(ROBBINS examines the hives on CHRIS GIBBONS' body and explains it to GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: We've ruled out food allergy as the cause of death. If it was an environmental agent, I expect one of the other jurors had a reaction as well. His body reacted to something. It's why I'm reexamining the exposed areas of his body -- face and the neck.", "(ROBBINS finds something. Camera zooms in as ROBBINS extracts the stinger from CHRIS' neck.)", "Robbins: Look at this.", "(He holds it out to GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: Apis mellifera linnaeus. We're looking for another body.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COURTHOUSE (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. COURTHOUSE - CONFERENCE ROOM -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM and SARA search the floors for the source of CHRIS GIBBONS' allergies.)", "Sara: Greg ran the assay test for bee venom on Chris Gibbons. IG levels were spiked.", "Grissom: Was Gibbons even aware that he had a bee allergy?", "Sara: Brass finally tracked down his allergist. Gibbons was allergic to a lot of things.", "(They continue to search the floors. SARA finds it.)", "Sara: The killer, I presume.", "(She picks up the dead bee from the table leg. GRISSOM kneels down next to her.)", "Grissom: Or what's left of him.", "(Quick flashback to: [BEE'S POV] The bee flies around the room and stings CHRIS GIBBONS on the neck. CHRIS starts to gasp for breath.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: He had an immediate reaction to a bee sting.", "Grissom: Lost consciousness, fell forward, hit his head on the table.", "Sara: You know how Jervis was complaining that it was too hot. He said he opened the window.", "(Quick flashback to: [CONFERENCE ROOM] JERVIS stands up, frustrated.)", "Jervis: I can't take this anymore!", "(He heads over to the window.)", "Jervis: Who keeps shutting this damn window?!", "(As he holds the window open, we see the bee slip into the room.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Well, that explains it. It was an outside job.", "(GRISSOM glances at SARA. She smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MINDEN RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(NICK and DET. VARTAN'S car drives up and parks in front of FAYE MINDEN as she speaks with the FOREMAN.)", "Faye Minden: Okay, good. Thank you.", "(NICK and DET. VARTANN exit the vehicle. FAYE sees them and smiles.)", "Faye Minden: Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Faye Minden: Heard you were over at Aaron's farm.", "Nick: Yep.", "Faye Minden: (smiling) I bet that shook him up. Thank you for pushing forward with the investigation.", "Det. Vartann: And we continue to push forward. We need to take a sample of fuel from your pump.", "Nick: Yeah. Yeah, you wouldn't mind, would you, Faye?", "Faye Minden: My pump?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Faye Minden: Well, what'd he say? Didn't I tell you he'd turn on me?", "Nick: Oh, he didn't say anything. Just want to take a look.", "(NICK walks over to the gasoline tank. It's green and labeled: UNLEADED. He puts his kit down.)", "Faye Minden: My trees are Douglas Firs. The ... the needles grow in spirals around the twigs. It's amazing. Any time you guys want, you come back here, take your pick. Free of charge.", "Nick: The pump on Aaron's farm is diesel. Your sister was cremated with unleaded.", "(He looks at her for an explanation. She thinks about it.)", "Faye Minden: You know what? Thinking back now, I-I remember Aaron's pump was empty, and, uh, he insisted we drive over here. He used mine. Sorry for the confusion.", "(NICK looks past FAYE at her barn.)", "Nick: Excuse me.", "Faye Minden: Please say you believe me.", "(NICK doesn't say anything and heads for the barn.)", "[BARN]", "(The barn doors open and NICK walks inside. He looks around. The camera notes the barrels lined up along side the inner wall. NICK walks inside and sees the various tools lined up on the table. He sprays the tools looking for evidence of blood.)", "(The cutters glow.)", "[EXT. - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(NICK walks out of the barn carrying the cutters.)", "Nick: I believe you, Faye. You see, blood evidence doesn't disappear over time. Your sister was murdered ... by you.", "(Quick flashback to: [BARN] The barn door opens and RITA walks inside.)", "Rita Minden-Westanson: Faye? Faye, you in here?", "(FAYE jumps RITA from behind and hits her with the cutters.)", "(Cut to: FAYE lights a match and throws it into the barrel.)", "Nick: (V.O.) Unleaded gasoline, barrels for incineration, cast off on the walls. DNA consistent with Rita Westonson.", "(End of flashback. Resume to GRISSOM'S OFFICE.)", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(NICK explains the results of the investigation to GRISSOM.)", "Nick: Faye killed Rita to be with Aaron. And a couple of weeks ago, hears he's getting engaged to her younger sister Terry. They couldn't handle it, man. She just freaked. So she tried to pin Rita's murder on Aaron.", "Grissom: Four years ago when I decided to close the case, did you agree with my decision?", "(GRISSOM takes the file and heads back to his desk.)", "Nick: Well, you were following protocol.", "Grissom: And now?", "Nick: Now I'd fight you on it, yeah.", "Grissom: Why?", "Nick: Rita Westonson was a dependable, predictable girl. We never answered the question why she just woke up one morning and walked away from the rest of her life.", "Grissom: It happens. And that's what the evidence was telling us.", "Nick: Well, that's what the physical evidence was telling us. We should have dug deeper. You can't just ignore the human element, Grissom.", "Grissom: I agree, Nick. But when you start to have feelings for the people involved, you risk your objectivity.", "Nick: So what? You know, I'm always getting criticized for empathizing with the victims and their families, but that's who I am. That's how I do my job. And as far as the promotion goes, it's all good, man. I can live without it. I'm not you.", "Grissom: Good. We certainly don't need another me around here.", "(NICK leaves. GRISSOM starts typing.)", "To: Robert Cavallo, Assistant Director, CSI From: Gil Grissom, Night Shift Supervisor, CSI Subject: CSI promotion", "Dear Sir, I strongly recommend Nick Stokes for the promotion to Lead CSI.", "(GRISSOM stops typing and he smiles.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Eleven Angry Jurors
[ "A nurse is found dead in her house by her friend, who's also a nurse. The victim died in her spacious bathroom, posed with her head facing the door. Grissom is left unnerved because the victim bears a resemblance to his fellow CSI, Sara Sidle. According to the friend, she was to have dinner with her new boyfriend, Dr. Michael Clark, who works at the same hospital. Processing the crime scene reveals very little evidence because the killer has thoroughly cleaned the place and used bleached to denature any DNA. Dr. Clark, initially a prime suspect, is later found, albeit in pieces, in garbage bins behind the house. The precision of various cuts suggests that the medical personnel is the killer. Meanwhile, this case prompts Grissom to contemplate his workaholic life and whether it is worth the life he may be missing out on." ]
[ "DUE TO ADULT CONTENT VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(Sirens blare in the distance.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. DEBBIE MARLIN'S RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "[LIVING ROOM]", "(Scene opens on a close up of GRISSOM'S covered feet together as he stands on the side of the room. He cautiously takes a step to the side, hugging the wall as he looks around the silent living room.)", "(He takes another cautious step, his flashlight noting the various items in the room - a red lantern floor lamp turned on at the base of the living room counter, the vase full of wilted red roses on the center of the coffee table, two empty and unused wine glasses, a bottle of wine and a wine opener is on the coffee table. On the back table are more candles.)", "(GRISSOM takes several more cautious steps along the living room wall and faces the long stretch of hallway in front of him. He pauses and shines his flashlight all the way down the hallway carpet. He sees the brush tracks of a vacuum cleaner and on it, one set of normally spaced shoeprints leading away from him, toward the bedroom, and one set of wider spaced shoeprints leading toward him.)", "[HALLWAY]", "(Careful to hug the hallway wall, GRISSOM cautiously makes his way along the carpet careful not to disturb the shoeprints.)", "(He moves along the hallway and shines his flashlight into the first open room door, the spare bedroom, where he sees something red with a tassel hanging from a stand next to a red sofa bed. On the bed is a red blanket, several red pillows, one red pillow with butterflies on it and a white pillow. He moves his flashlight to a wall metal framed shelf with various items with a similar butterfly motif - from a glass case with various butterflies in it to boxes and other small items.)", "(GRISSOM continues down the hallway toward the master bedroom. He takes another cautious step along the wall toward the end of the hallway. On the hallway floor at the base of the door to the master bedroom is a stack of red candles. He looks at it and moves on.)", "[MASTER BEDROOM]", "(GRISSOM looks into the master bedroom. On the bed is a red pillow in the center of the bed; something small and red in the center of the bed. Our eyes catch the red bowl on the dresser at the back of the room and the red blouse hanging in the closet.)", "(Hugging the wall, GRISSOM slowly makes his way toward the bathroom.)", "[BATHROOM]", "(GRISSOM slowly enters the bathroom. The lights are on. The room is large decorated in a white and black checkerboard pattern. He looks around and moves further into the bathroom knowing that the body is there in the shower area. He inches his way around the corner and through the clear shower glass, sees the body of the dark-haired young woman in a pool of blood on the black and white checkerboard floor, the blood as black as the floor itself.)", "(She is kneeling face down, her knees tucked under her close to her chest, heels under her bottom and her arms positioned to her side and back, hands near her feet. She's wearing a powder pink spaghetti-strapped top and low-riding blue jeans prominently displaying her red satin and lace thong just under a butterfly tattoo on the small of her back.)", "(Her head lies in a large dark-red nearly black pool of blood, forehead barely touching the floor, face turned toward the bathroom entrance with her hair pushed away from her face and clothes.)", "(Something catches GRISSOM'S eye. He kneels slowly down to get a closer look at the body.)", "(For a long moment, he stares at the woman - slender, young, dark-haired, pale skinned -- transfixed by her familiarity and haunting similarity to someone he knows.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT./EXT. DEBBIE MARLIN'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM opens the front door and walks outside where everyone is waiting for him. He steps out onto the front porch and stops, his eyes seeking out and latching onto ...", "[GRISSOM'S POV]", "(SARA - slender, young, dark-haired, pale skinned -- turns and looks directly at GRISSOM.)", "[RESUME POV]", "(His gaze doesn't falter.)", "(BRASS turns and sees GRISSOM. He steps forward and around SARA toward GRISSOM.)", "Brass: Ready for us?", "(Everyone turns to look at GRISSOM waiting for his instructions.)", "Grissom: For now, no one enters this house except CSI.", "(BRASS nods.)", "(And, as if he can't help it, GRISSOM'S eyes shift to look behind BRASS at ... )", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DEBBIE MARLIN'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM hands out assignments.)", "Grissom: Warrick, you got the car.", "(WARRICK turns around to look at the cluster of cars behind him.)", "Warrick: Which one?", "Grissom: Both.", "(BRASS turns to WARRICK.)", "Brass: Uh, take the Honda. The VW belongs to the victim's friend, over there. (He points to the woman talking with the officer in the back.) She called it in.", "Warrick: Aw, that's too bad. This will be a day she'll never forget.", "Grissom: Sara, you take the perimeter.", "Sara: What? You just did a one-hour walk-through. The perimeter cannot be a priority.", "Grissom: I need you to work the outside. Catherine and I will be inside.", "(Not thrilled, SARA levels GRISSOM a look, then turns to work the perimeter.)", "Catherine: I'll go talk to the friend.", "Grissom: Find out where she walked and what she might have touched in there.", "(GRISSOM turns to go back to the house while CATHERINE joins BRASS.)", "Catherine: Hey, Jim.", "Brass: Yeah?", "Catherine: Did you talk to that guy across the street?", "(CATHERINE points to a young man busy talking enthusiastically to a small crowd of neighbors.)", "Brass: The neighbor? He's on my list.", "Catherine: Yeah, he looks like he has something to say.", "(CATHERINE ducks under the tape and makes her way to the friend wearing scrubs, sitting on the gurney while being checked out by the medics.)", "Catherine: Hi, I'm Catherine Willows. I'm with the crime lab. What is your name, Miss?", "Kelly McNeil: Kelly McNeil. Deb and I are best friends. We were supposed to get together yesterday. It was our day off.", "Catherine: You're a nurse?", "Kelly McNeil: Yeah. Both of us. Desert Palm Hospital. We made lunch plans, but she canceled.", "Catherine: She give a reason why?", "Kelly McNeil: Michael.", "Catherine: Michael?", "Kelly McNeil: Michael Clark. Um, she's been seeing him for a month or so. He's a surgical intern. When she didn't show up for work today, I called the house ... her cell ... no answer, so I drove by after shift.", "Catherine: And how did you get in?", "Kelly McNeil: We have each other's keys.", "Catherine: Did you touch anything inside?", "Kelly McNeil: No. I walked in and ... I saw her and I ran out.", "(Quick flashback to: [HALLWAY] The image of KELLY MCNEIL runs through the hallway away from the bedroom toward the exit. Camera moves down to the carpet to show the shoe prints left behind.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Kelly, this, uh, Michael -- is he just a guy, or is he somebody special?", "Kelly McNeil: He was the first guy that Debbie ever blew me off for.", "Catherine: And did you see him today, at the hospital?", "Kelly McNeil: No. I figured they were both playing hooky.", "(She looks at CATHERINE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDE OF THE HOUSE]", "(SARA examines the side of the house. She reaches the back gate and sees something. She puts her kit down and runs a black gloved finger on the pavement to show a white powdery film coating the concrete. Thinking, she looks around the area.)", "Jeff Pike: (V.O.) Moved in about two months ago.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FRONT OF THE HOUSE]", "(BRASS interviews the NEIGHBOR.)", "Jeff Pike: ... Single girl. Alone in the house. Got my attention. I'm running for captain of the neighborhood watch. I'll probably have to self-appoint myself, but I'm going to put out a flyer, you know, about shutting doors, locking windows, I mean, the thing is ... you just don't think it's going to happen to you. You know what I'm saying? On your block ...", "(BRASS puts up a hand to stop the campaign speech.)", "Brass: Listen, Pike. Stop talking. I never seen somebody so excited about their neighbor being killed.", "Jeff Pike: Let me tell you something: I know the business of everyone up and down this block, all right? Who's cheating on his wife, who's behind on his bills, whose kid's going to become the next Manson.", "Brass: Let's talk about Debbie Marlin.", "Jeff Pike: You know what they say about nurses.", "Brass: What's that?", "Jeff Pike: (hinting) That-that they like to party.", "(BRASS doesn't say anything.)", "Jeff Pike: Hey, look. You see a stethoscope around this chest? No. You want to know why? I'm not a doctor. So I couldn't even get close to her.", "Brass: Well, who is getting close?", "Jeff Pike: It's like a fricking doctor auto mall over there. You know, hunky surgeons, board certified, lots of dough. And if you want my opinion, I think they were dropping quarts.", "Brass: Okay, did you notice any automobiles, any cars out front?", "Jeff Pike: You know, as a matter of fact, sir, yes. Black Mercedes, E320. 2004 model, been there about a month. Rolls in all hours. I'm figuring on call, booty call. That kind of thing.", "Brass: When's the last time you saw the Mercedes?", "Jeff Pike: Two days ago. Around lunch. And, uh, I think he stayed for a little bit of dinner, too.", "Brass: Thanks a lot.", "(Finished, BRASS excuses himself and walks away. He takes out his phone and makes a call.)", "Brass: (to phone) Yeah, this is Detective Jim Brass.", "(WARRICK, in the meantime is taking photos of the paper grocery bags in the back of the car.)", "Brass: (o.s.) See if you can find a 2004 Mercedes, black, registered to a Michael Clark, M.D. Thanks.", "(SARA walks up to WARRICK.)", "Sara: I have absolutely nothing. How are you doing?", "Warrick: I got a lot. Check out the backseat.", "(SARA looks at the grocery bags.)", "Sara: Bananas. Stuffed mushrooms.", "Warrick: Chocolate syrup, a six-pack of soda, a box of condoms.", "Sara: No surprises there.", "Warrick: Fresh bag of groceries in an unlocked car?", "Sara: (thinking) Maybe she was interrupted.", "(SARA turns to look at the house and stares directly at the camera.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DEBBIE MARLIN'S RESIDENCE - BATHROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(SARA'S face DISSOLVES IN to a close up of DEBBIE MARLIN and her lifeless eyes.)", "(GRISSOM is kneeling down just outside the shower area to look at the body.)", "(CATHERINE walks into the bathroom. She looks down at the body, taking it all in. She shakes her head.)", "Catherine: (softly) One thing I can never get over with this job: Anything can happen to anybody.", "Grissom: That's why we're here.", "(GRISSOM continues to stare at the body. CATHERINE looks around the bathroom.", "Catherine: I bet this bathroom was the reason she bought this place.", "(GRISSOM notices something and looks around ... sniffs around.)", "Grissom: What am I smelling?", "Catherine: Cleanser. Bleach maybe.", "(There's blood all over the walls and on the shower glass.)", "Catherine: Arterial spray is neck high. Indicates she was standing when she was attacked.", "(Quick flashback to: [BATHROOM] DEBBIE MARLIN stands in the shower. Her attacker grabs her from behind, hooking his arm around her shoulders, ripping the knife violently across her neck. Blood sprays on the shower glass.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: And the highest gush of blood has the most volume.", "Grissom: Definite lack of lividity. She must have bled out.", "(GRISSOM stands, still staring at the body.)", "Catherine: The killer had to get something on him. Had to be a bloody mess, but there's no ... footprints, there's no handprints, no smears.", "Grissom: She looks like she was placed in this position.", "Catherine: What's the message?", "(GRISSOM doesn't answer her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DEBBIE MARLIN'S RESIDENCE - KITCHEN - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(The refrigerator door opens. WARRICK and SARA kneel to look at the contents inside.)", "Warrick: What do we got here? Pendale's milk. Non-fat. Half a gallon. Unopened.", "(WARRICK takes a photo of the milk.)", "Sara: Groceries that made it inside.", "(SARA walks over to the grocery bag on the counter and looks through it taking out items from the bag.)", "Sara: Fancy crackers ... brie. Coupons with no receipt.", "Warrick: No receipt? This milk expires on the 23rd.", "Sara: Eight days from now.", "Warrick: Milk is delivered daily to the supermarket. That's a ten-day window. People usually reach back for a fresh one. Hmm ... subtract ten from the 23rd?", "Sara: She was at Pendale's two days ago.", "Warrick: Well, according to Brass, that was the last time her boyfriend's car was seen out front.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[BATHROOM]", "(CATHERINE works at the sink while GRISSOM sits in the bathtub taking out swabs. He takes a swab of the drain. CATHERINE takes a swab of the drain. She tests it and sticks the red tipped swab in the test tube. GRISSOM tests his swab and places the white tipped swab in the next test tube. He adds liquid to the swab and it turns yellow. CATHERINE continues to test her swabs.)", "(GRISSOM holds out the tube rack.)", "Grissom: Positive for both.", "(CATHERINE'S final swab turns purple.)", "Catherine: Same here. So there's blood in all four drains, followed by bleach.", "Grissom: He kills Debbie in the shower. Then he washes up in both sinks and in the tub? Why?", "Catherine: The answer is in the drains.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[UNDER THE HOUSE]", "(SARA crawls under the house. She reaches the bathroom pipe under the tub. She takes a wrench and loosens the pipe. Water drips out. She quickly gets a container to get the water as she removes the pipe. She pours the red-stained water into the container and looks at it. She then crawls under the pipe and looks up.)", "(Camera zooms forward ... up through the pipe ... and up to the tub drain. Drops of luminol drip through. Camera pushes through the holes in the drain to ... )", "[BATHROOM]", "(GRISSOM kneels inside the tub spraying luminol around the drain. The lights are off and the area glows. CATHERINE sprays luminol on the bathroom tile around the tub. The tile glows with circular patterned swirls. Finished, CATHERINE looks at the results.)", "Grissom: He cleaned everywhere but inside the shower.", "Catherine: We're never going to know where the blood ends and the bleach begins.", "Grissom: Where's all this blood coming from?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. DESERT PALM HOSPITAL - NIGHT]", "(BRASS interviews VINCENT LURIE about MICHAEL CLARK.)", "Vincent Lurie: Dr. Clark is on my surgical rotation. He was scheduled to assist this morning. No show.", "Brass: Oh. Was that like him?", "Vincent Lurie: No. It's completely out of character. See, half these interns come in here so scared, they couldn't carve a turkey. I have to give them scalpels with training wheels. Clark was different. He, uh, he's a real artist, a steady hand. Yeah, he has a gift.", "Brass: How about outside the O.R.? Was he socially gifted?", "Vincent Lurie: He turned a lot of nurses' heads, but it never interfered with his work. Why the questions?", "Brass: Debbie Marlin, one of your nurses, was murdered. Throat slashed. You didn't know this? Dr. Clark and his \"steady hand\" haven't been seen or heard from since, so you don't have to be a brain surgeon to guess what I'm thinking.", "(DR. LURIE'S pager beeps. He glances down at it.)", "Vincent Lurie: Uh ... all I can ask is that I ... I hope that you're wrong about Dr. Clark. Excuse me.", "(DR. LURIE turns and walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DEBBIE MARLIN'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE and WARRICK search the cabinets for cleaning supplies. GRISSOM looks around the room.)", "Catherine: No cleansers. No rags, no sponges, no paper towels ...", "Warrick: You'd think that she restocked when she went shopping.", "Catherine: Well, I'm thinking the killer used everything the victim had.", "(GRISSOM looks into the trash can and finds it empty.)", "Grissom: And then disposed of it.", "[EXT. DEBBIE MARLIN'S RESIDENCE - BACK DOOR]", "(GRISSOM steps outside. He takes a moment to remove the covers over his shoes. CATHERINE and WARRICK look outside.)", "(They step out onto the alley where the trash bins are lined up against the fences on both sides of the road. CATHERINE lifts the lid and checks the nearest bin. WARRICK and GRISSOM spread out to check the other bins.)", "(She drops the lid closed.)", "Catherine: Nothing.", "(GRISSOM walks across the road and checks the bin. He finds the bin empty.)", "(CATHERINE moves to the next bin.)", "(WARRICK checks a bin and sees it filled with leaves. He sticks his hand inside to check the contents.)", "(GRISSOM looks around and notices the flies buzzing around a particular bin.", "Warrick: Nothing here.", "(GRISSOM makes his way to the bin with the flies. WARRICK and CATHERINE also turn to see what's inside the bin.)", "(GRISSOM lifts the trash lid and waves the flies away. He sees a trash bag. Inside the trash bag are bloodied towels and empty bleach containers. He digs in further and finds a plastic bag with flesh inside.)", "(CATHERINE takes a photo of it.)", "(GRISSOM looks at the other trash bins lining the road.)", "(cc) GRISSOM: There's gotta be more.", "(He leaves the bin with CATHERINE and WARRICK and slowly walks down the alley with the trash bins lining both sides of the road.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEY BEHIND DEBBIE MARLIN'S HOUSE -- DAY]", "(A group of agents work at going through the trash bins lining the sides of the back alley.)", "(GRISSOM, WARRICK and CATHERINE each work at their own trash bin. GRISSOM empties the contents of his bag. CATHERINE overturns her bag and finds more plastic bags of flesh.)", "(WARRICK finds a particularly gruesome bag filled with intestines.)", "Warrick: I think I found the victim's internal organs.", "(CATHERINE picks up a bag with a left hand in it.)", "Warrick: This guy meant business.", "(She picks up a second bag and examines its contents.)", "Catherine: I think I can confirm the victim's male.", "Grissom: It seems he vacuumed to remove any trace from the house.", "Catherine: City picks up the evidence and spreads it all over the dump.", "Warrick: We have the victim's clothes. Very neatly folded.", "(He puts the clothes aside and picks up a plastic bag with a face in it.)", "Warrick: Well, if this is our boyfriend, then ... Brass is looking for a ghost.", "(GRISSOM looks at the bags and sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(SARA filters the water sample from the bath tub pipe. She checks the filter and lifts off a strand of hair.)", "(GREG walks into the lab.)", "Greg: Heard about the shower. Nurse, huh?", "Sara: Multiple hairs, multiple donors.", "Greg: Looks like she had a few \"friends\" over. A little nurses gone wild.", "(SARA looks at GREG; he shrugs at her. She goes back to her filter and lifts off another strand of hair. GREG looks at it.)", "Greg: Blanched.", "Sara: Killer poured bleach down all the drains.", "Greg: Talk about sucking all the life out of DNA.", "Sara: If there's anything left, it's probably denatured.", "(Quick close up of a strand of hair stuck in the drain, the bleach dripping off the wilted strand. Camera zooms into the hair follicle, down to the DNA to show the DNA strands deteriorating.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "(SARA thinks about it and picks up the pipe. She looks inside and lifts off a strand directly from the pipe.)", "Sara: Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait ... bleach might have missed this one.", "(Quick CGI POV: Camera zooms down the pipe as the bleach drips down the walls. Camera stops on a single strand of hair stuck in the pipe, protected from the bleach.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "(SARA examines the hair strand.)", "Sara: Lucky for us ... we got a skin tag.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(DAVID PHILLIPS puts the bags of flesh together on a table while DR. ROBBINS goes over the preliminary findings with CATHERINE.)", "Robbins: She's exsanguinated time of death is anybody's guess. Rigor's past, so it's over 24 hours. Deep incised wound of the anterior and lateral neck, transecting both carotids and the anterior trachea.", "(CATHERINE stares at the body on the table..)", "Robbins: Cut's clean. Extremely sharp, short instrument.", "Catherine: Scalpel?", "Robbins: That's what I'm thinking.", "(ROBBINS touches the head lightly. He moves around the table to the other body.)", "Robbins: You know, I caught a 25-pound yellowtail last year off the coast of Mexico, and it took me half an hour to filet. Dismembering an adult male with this precision and without cutting through the bone, twelve hours minimum.", "Catherine: Half a day. That's patience.", "Robbins: The, uh, patella was cleanly removed. And with one slice, the femur was separated from the tibia and the fibula. There's a perverse elegance to this butchery.", "Catherine: Oh, I'm not so sure I see it that way. A killer with knowledge of anatomy whose tool is a scalpel. I think the butcher was a doctor.", "(CATHERINE turns to look at DAVID PHILLIPS.)", "Catherine: So David, isolate all ten fingers, ink them, give Jacqui the ten-card. We need to know who he is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DEBBIE MARLIN'S RESIDENCE - SPARE ROOM -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM stares at a blue butterfly. He puts the blue butterfly down on the dresser. He picks up the framed photograph on the dresser. DEBBIE MARLIN is smiling, her arms raised up high above her head.)", "(The resemblance is uncanny.)", "(GRISSOM sighs and shakes his head.)", "(He stares at the photo unable to get her out of his mind. He looks at the mirror.)", "(Quick flash to: DEBBIE MARLIN sits at the vanity behind GRISSOM. She's dressed in the powder pink spaghetti strapped top, low-riding blue jeans with the bottom half of the butterfly tattoo exposed.)", "(She turns around slightly and looks over her shoulder behind her at GRISSOM.)", "(Quick flash to: SARA sits at the vanity behind GRISSOM, turned and looking over her shoulder at him.)", "(GRISSOM stares at the mirror for a long moment.)", "(His cell phone rings; he automatically answers it.)", "Grissom: Grissom.", "Sara: (from phone) Hey.", "(Startled, GRISSOM realizes whom he's talking to and is thrown a little off-balance.)", "Grissom: Sara, uh, listen, I'm in a bad area. I'll call you back.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "Sara: I got a skin tag off the bathtub drain pipe.", "Grissom: (distant) Skin tag? That's great. Uh, give it to Greg.", "Sara: Yeah, I did. Hey, do you want me to come over there and give you a hand?", "Grissom: (faltering) No, I-I'm fine. I'll-I'll, uh ... I'll talk to you back at the lab.", "(GRISSOM quickly disconnects the phone. SARA hangs up.)", "(GRISSOM stares at himself in the mirror.)", "(SARA pockets her phone, turns and walks back into the garage where WARRICK is working on the car.)", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - CONTINUOUS]", "Sara: Hey, where'd Brass find the car?", "Warrick: Long-term parking at McCarran. Ran the plates. R.O.-- Dr. Michael Clark. The head of security is giving us a copy of the surveillance tape.", "Sara: So, he kills her and whoever she was with, and then he hops a plane?", "Warrick: Well, it seems like that. You know what they say down at P.D. The quickest way to get a car stolen is to leave it at the airport unlocked.", "(WARRICK easily opens the unlocked door.)", "Warrick: See what I mean?", "Sara: Who doesn't know that?", "(SARA opens the passenger door and they both check out the front seat.)", "Sara: Black powder on a black dash.", "Warrick: I know. Let's just superglue it, huh?", "(Cut to: WARRICK secures the cyanoacrylate fumer on its stand inside the car. He and SARA close the car doors and watch the fumes fill the car.)", "(Dissolve to: They wait for the fumes to settle, then open the doors. On the passenger seat, circular patterns cover the chair; the driver's seat is clean.)", "(SARA looks at WARRICK.)", "Sara: Wipes and swirls. He cleaned everything but the driver's seat.", "Warrick: Well, he had to drive himself to the airport, right?", "Sara: He put something on the seat.", "Warrick: Whatever he put, he took it with him.", "(WARRICK looks around and spots something. Camera zooms in to a piece of black plastic stuck under the chair.)", "Warrick: The black, plastic bag, maybe?", "(WARRICK takes it out.)", "Warrick: He missed a piece.", "(Quick flashback to: The DRIVER puts a large black, plastic bag on the driver's chair.", "Sara: (V.O.) He puts a bag on the seat, and then he adjusts it.", "(The DRIVER slips into the car, sits on the plastic and adjusts the chair catching the plastic in the gears.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: How tall was he? Five-nine, according to the DMV report?", "(WARRICK sits in the driver's seat to check the seat adjustment.)", "Warrick: Wow. I'm six-two, and this is more than enough room for me.", "Sara: So, whoever was driving this car, was way taller than five-nine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CONFERENCE ROOM]", "(CATHERINE, WARRICK and SARA sit at the table to go over the case with GRISSOM on the phone.)", "Catherine: Two days ago, Debbie Marlin is off work. Sometime in the morning, she buys groceries.", "Warrick: It's from Pendale's, the closest store in West Charleston.", "Sara: Brass talks to the box boy, remembered her, saw her just before his lunch break at 11:15.", "Catherine: Pendale's is about 20 minutes from her house. Where's Nick?", "Sara: American Academy of Forensics Science Convention.", "Grissom: (from phone) Hey, guys, can we continue, please?", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. DEBBIE MARLIN'S FRONT PORCH] GRISSOM visualizes DEBBIE MARLIN taking a bag of groceries out of the back seat of her car.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) (from phone) She comes home from the grocery store.", "(GRISSOM leans on the front porch talking on his cell phone, looking out at the driveway and visualizes DEBBIE MARLIN carrying the groceries to the house.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) She parks in the driveway, and she begins to unload.", "(DEBBIE MARLIN walks into the house.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to Conference Room.)", "Warrick: She takes out her perishables first. She has to go back for second shifts, so she probably leaves the front door open.", "Sara: Explains why there was no forced entry.", "(GRISSOM steps to the hallway and looks down its long stretch.)", "Catherine: (from phone) Getting ready for her date.", "(He slowly makes his way down the hallway.)", "(Quick flashback to: [HALLWAY] GRISSOM visualizes DEBBIE MARLIN kneeling and lighting the candles on the floor at both sides of the entrance to her bedroom.)", "Catherine: (from phone) (V.O.) Lighting candles. Multi-tasking.", "(Finished, DEBBIE puts the match out and walks into her bedroom.)", "(End of flashback.)", "(GRISSOM walks to the bedroom doorway.)", "Warrick: (from phone) She opens up a bottle of wine, two glasses.", "(Quick flashback to: Standing in the doorway, GRISSOM visualizes DEBBIE MARLIN kneeling and lighting candles at the base of the porcelain white bath tub.", "Catherine: (from phone) Her girlfriend said that she was locking down for the afternoon with Michael Clark.", "(End of flashback. Resume to Conference room.)", "(In the background, we see GREG walking down the hallway toward the Conference Room.)", "Sara: Nosy neighbor puts the Mercedes in the driveway sometime around noon.", "(GREG walks into the Room with the test results.)", "Greg: Thought you guys would want to know. The hair Sara found is a match to the bags of human tissue. Prints confirm it. Per Jacqui, it's Michael Clark.", "(GRISSOM is on the other end of the phone listening to GREG'S report.)", "Catherine: (from phone) So, um, most of our efforts have been towards identifying another victim.", "Grissom: Michael Clark. But can we place him dead at the house?", "(GRISSOM stands at the bedroom doorway looking at the bathroom.)", "Grissom: Greg, what else can you tell us about that hair?", "Greg: (from phone) You mean hairs? There were two. Ancillary, maybe arm or leg hair.", "Sara: Found it in the tub drain.", "(GRISSOM heads for the bathroom.)", "Grissom: (to phone) The avatar of choice ... for dismemberments.", "Greg: According to Jacqui, there were no prints found on the scalpel blades or handle,", "(Quick flashback to: [BATHROOM] The Killer picks up a scalpel with a gloved hand. End of flashback.)", "Greg: ... but the blood's a match to both victims.", "Catherine: So Michael Clark was dead in the tub.", "(Quick flashback to: [BATHROOM] MICHAEL CLARK, eyes wide open, is dead in the bathtub.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) We just don't know how he got there.", "(End of flashback. Resume to GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: Well, I KM'd the carpet at the threshold of the bathroom. It's negative for blood.", "Sara: So all the violence took place in the bathroom, at least anything that had to do with blood.", "(GRISSOM steps into the bathroom and turns to look at the shower.)", "Catherine: The bathroom is big, but it's not big enough to kill two at the same time.", "(Quick flashback to: [BATHROOM] GRISSOM visualizes DEBBIE MARLIN standing inside the shower, lighting a candle on the shelf.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) She lights the candles in the shower. Her back is to the door. He grabs her from behind...", "(The KILLER grabs DEBBIE from behind and slashes her throat with a knife, blood sprays on the shower glass.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) ... and slits her throat.", "(GRISSOM looks down at the pool of blood near the shower drain in the empty shower area.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Then he positions her body ...", "(Flash to: Close up of DEBBIE MARLIN'S head being deliberately turned toward the door, her eyes are open.)", "(Flash to: GRISSOM deliberately turns DEBBIE MARLIN'S head toward the door.)", "(Flash to: MICHAEL CLARK walks into the bathroom. DEBBIE MARLIN is already dead and positioned on the shower floor.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) ... so that her face is the first thing the boyfriend sees when he walks in.", "(MICHAEL CLARK turns and sees her.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to CATHERINE.)", "Catherine: So he takes seconds to kill Debbie.", "(Quick flashback to: [BATHROOM] MICHAEL CLARK is dead in the bathtub. The killer picks up a scalpel and starts working on the body.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) So why does he spend so much time cutting up Michael Clark?", "(End of flashback. Resume to GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Most likely because Michael Clark was the real focus of his rage.", "(Flash to: Back view of DEBBIE MARLIN dead and positioned, her face turned to the door, hair fanned out behind her and facing GRISSOM who is standing just outside the shower stall.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. DEBBIE MARLIN'S RESIDENCE - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM is on his hands and knees in the hallway. He leans forward and rubs a circular pad on a small section of carpet directly in front of him and tests for GSR. He finds nothing. He puts the pad aside and picks up another pad to continue testing for GSR. Camera pulls back slowly.)", "(Dissolve to: GRISSOM rubs the pad on the small section of carpet directly in front of him. Camera pulls back further down the hallway.)", "(Dissolve to: GRISSOM continues testing the carpet.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[HALLWAY]", "(CATHERINE steps out into the hallway and sees GRISSOM on his hands and knees at the other end continuing his tests.)", "Catherine: Don't tell me you never went home?", "(GRISSOM looks up.)", "Grissom: Okay. I just got started in here. Haven't even gotten to the other rooms yet.", "Catherine: You know you lose your edge after sixteen hours. You're into your third shift. I mean, I'm all for overtime, but this is just plain greedy.", "Grissom: My knees can't take this anymore.", "Catherine: Have you eaten anything?", "Grissom: What did you bring?", "Catherine: (shrugs) I'll see what's in the fridge.", "(CATHERINE leaves the hallway.)", "Grissom: (shouts) We have to replace that, you know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(WARRICK sifts through the vacuum bag. He picks out various items of interest and places them in open petri dishes according to HAIR, FOOD CARPET, PAPER &", "OTHER.)", "(He coughs. SARA walks in.)", "Sara: Hey ... black lung.", "Warrick: Ha, ha. I've been sifting through this trash for about six hours. You coming to rescue me or make fun of me?", "Sara: I am just looking. Relax.", "(SARA points to a particular dish.)", "Sara: What are these white fibers here?", "Warrick: They must be from the spare bedroom because all the other carpets are green.", "(SARA turns and looks at the layout of DEBBIE MARLIN'S house, the \"SCHEMATIC PLAN VIEW OF CRIME SCENE\", CASE #00469-2.)", "Sara: Spare bedroom wasn't on his entrance or exit path.", "Warrick: Look, all I know is that they were near the top of the bag, so it must have been one of the last things he vacuumed.", "(SARA nods.)", "Warrick: I did happen to find this butterfly pendant, with some white fibers on it.", "(WARRICK picks up a pendant from a dish.)", "Warrick: It looks like a necklace or a bracelet and it has this link that snaps, so I'm thinking ... sign of struggle?", "Sara: The killer was in that spare bedroom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DEBBIE MARLIN'S RESIDENCE - PATIO -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM is eating out of a yogurt container, an open jar of peanut butter on the table in front of him. CATHERINE enters the room.)", "Catherine: Feel better?", "(She sits down at the table across from GRISSOM.)", "Catherine: Well, now that we fed you, we should probably talk about a shower.", "(He looks at her.)", "Catherine: I mean at your place. You need to go home.", "Grissom: As soon as we find some evidence, I promise.", "Catherine: With fresh eyes, you won't miss it.", "(GRISSOM puts the yogurt container and spoon down on the table in front of him.)", "Grissom: Just talk it through with me, will you? What do we know?", "Catherine: All right. The bathroom is where things got started -- candles, oils, steam shower, cleaned up, oiled up, sexed up.", "(GRISSOM dips his finger in the peanut butter and sticks it in his mouth.)", "Grissom: Let's go back to the bedroom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DEBBIE MARLIN'S RESIDENCE - BEDROOM]", "(CATHERINE stands on one side of the bed using the ASL on the bedsheets while GRISSOM stands on the opposite side of the bed.)", "(GRISSOM lifts the sheet corner.)", "Grissom: No, nothing on this sheet.", "(He and CATHERINE remove the top sheet. They ASL the second sheet.)", "Catherine: She changed her sheets for her date-- I would.", "(GRISSOM looks around and sees something. He sees a red silk scarf tied to the mattress.)", "Grissom: Hey, Cath? Got silk?", "(CATHERINE looks at the other side and finds the matching tie on the other side of the bed.)", "Catherine: (smiling) Why, yes, I do.", "(Quick flashback to: DEBBIE MARLIN is on the bed, her arms tied with the red silk. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: I don't mean to embarrass you, but, um ...", "(CATHERINE lifts up the sheet away from the bed frame.)", "Catherine: ... some guys need leverage.", "(Quick flashback to: A pair of male feet pressed up against the bed frame. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: They do?", "Catherine: (nods) I'll dust for prints.", "(GRISSOM'S phone rings; he answers it.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom.", "Warrick: (from phone) It's Warrick. I have something for you. I found a butterfly link with some white fibers on it.", "(CATHERINE opens her powder container to dust the bed frame.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Butterfly? Where?", "(GRISSOM steps out of the bedroom into the hallway.)", "Warrick: (from phone) In the vacuum bag. You check all the rooms?", "Grissom: (cc) I haven't checked the spare bedroom. (audio) Let me look again and I'll call you back.", "Warrick: All right.", "(The phone disconnects; GRISSOM hangs up.)", "[SPARE BEDROOM]", "(GRISSOM lingers in the doorway and notices the butterfly collection on the shelf against the far wall. He walks into the room and examines the items in the collection: pins, pieces of jewelry, boxes and a couple of framed photos of DEBBIE and MICHAEL.)", "(GRISSOM opens the butterfly jewelry box and looks inside. Bracelets line the inside, a pendant with \"LOVE, DR. T\", and other butterfly items. GRISSOM pushes the jewelry around and sees the butterfly pendant.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[MASTER BEDROOM]", "(CATHERINE finds a print and lifts it off the bed frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[SPARE BEDROOM]", "(CATHERINE walks in and lingers at the doorway. She holds up the print card.)", "Catherine: Hang one. Toe print.", "(CATHERINE walks into the room and joins GRISSOM in front of the shelves.)", "Catherine: I'll have Sara compare it against both victims.", "Grissom: Good. Warrick found a butterfly charm in the vacuum bag. I think I just found a piece from the same chain in this box.", "Catherine: Butterfly, huh?", "Grissom: She had a collection.", "Catherine: Gifts from her ... gentlemen callers?", "Grissom: Maybe the killer was taking his gift back, as in leave no trace. Maybe he finally ran out of patience and got sloppy.", "(GRISSOM finds a strand of hair on the shelf. He picks it up. CATHERINE kneels next to him to look at the hair.)", "Grissom: And this is why I didn't leave.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(DEBBIE MARLIN'S body is on the table, a large identification tag hanging from her right big toe.)", "(SARA settles in on the left of the body and begins to automatically take toe print samples. From where she sits, she pauses and looks up at the body. After a moment, she continues to take print samples.)", "(Curiosity getting the better of her, she pauses and looks up at the body again. This time, she wants a better look. She pushes her chair away from DEBBIE MARLIN'S feet to get a good look at her face. SARA stares grimly at the face in front of her - a face that could be her own.)", "(Unable to look anymore, SARA turns away, affected by the girl on the table.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE is sitting on the bench and changing her shoes when SARA appears in the doorway.)", "Sara: Hey, you seen Grissom?", "Catherine: He's still at the crime scene.", "Sara: (quietly) I eliminated both victims from the print you pulled off the bed.", "Catherine: Well, we know she was fishing off the company pier.", "(SARA nods. CATHERINE turns around and looks at her.)", "Catherine: You, uh, seen Debbie?", "Sara: Yeah.", "Catherine: (prompting) And?", "Sara: (avoiding) Yeah, I compared her toe prints.", "Catherine: If I didn't know better, I'd think that was you on that table.", "Sara: (tightly, smile forced) I didn't really look at her face.", "(CATHERINE doesn't say anything, yet we get the feeling that she knows that SARA'S not telling the truth.)", "Sara: (quietly) When you see Grissom, will you tell him?", "(CATHERINE nods as SARA moves away from the door. CATHERINE watches her go, concerned.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DESERT PALM HOSPITAL]", "(CATHERINE takes the foot print of a doctor at the hospital while the other male hospital workers stand around waiting their turn. BRASS stands on the side and watches.)", "Doctor: Oh, that feels nice. Do you have something to take this off?", "Catherine: Just step on the card, please.", "Doctor: Good thing you caught me early in the shift.", "(He steps on the card.)", "Catherine: Yeah, lucky for me. I think I could probably tell who pulled a double.", "(Finished, CATHERINE hands the card to JACQUI FRANCO who manually compares prints right there in the room. THE DOCTOR stands and leaves. HOWARD TRIPTON takes a seat to take his prints.)", "Howard Tripton: Listen, I've got a patient waiting in pre-op.", "Brass: We'll have you out in a minute. We appreciate you providing your prints voluntarily.", "Howard Tripton: Well, there's probably a little bit of a lot of us in Debbie's house.", "(JACQUI looks up.)", "Jacqui Franco: Oh, we'll know soon enough.", "(CATHERINE finishes with the prints.)", "Catherine: (to the surgeon) Thank you.", "(VINCENT LURIE walks over to BRASS.)", "Vincent Lurie: You understand, right? The police aren't the only ones with a code of honor. Now, some of these men are married, and if this gets out ...", "Brass: Nothing gets out unless it needs to get out.", "(In the background, JACQUI finishes and looks at CATHERINE.)", "Jacqui Franco: Got a match.", "(She points at the print sample and the print card.)", "Catherine: Dr. Tripton.", "(HOWARD TRIPTON looks up.)", "Brass: I'm afraid your patient in pre-op is going to have to wait a little while longer.", "(Camera holds on HOWARD TRIPTON.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(HOWARD TRIPTON takes a sip from his cup. BRASS and CATHERINE interview him.)", "Howard Tripton: Don't really know why I'm here.", "Catherine: Your toe print was found in Debbie Marlin's house.", "Brass: Same house she was murdered in.", "Howard Tripton: Her car was in the shop, and I gave her a ride home one night, and she invited me in for a cup of coffee. She didn't like anyone wearing shoes in the house. Some Feng Shui thing.", "Catherine: So, you Feng Shui-ed your way to the bed?", "Howard Tripton: She was provocative. You take your coat off, she has her clothes off. She came on to me.", "(Quick flashback to: [BEDROOM] DEBBIE grabs TRIPTON'S shirt and pulls him toward her.)", "Debbie Marlin: Come on, doc, let's do it.", "(She flips over onto her stomach.)", "Debbie Marlin: Take a look.", "(He lifts up her shirt to look at her butterfly tattoo.)", "(Cut to: They're in bed; DEBBIE'S straddled on TRIPTON. She's wearing a sheer cover; her arms are outstretched with the silk ties in her hands sort of looks like butterfly wings. Oh, yeah, they're doing it - no more needed here.)", "(Close up of TRIPTON'S toes against the bed frame.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: All right, well, let's talk about what's not open to interpretation. Yours were the only prints found in the house.", "Brass: Michael Clark was on your rotation -- he was on your surgical team the day he was killed. You called in sick. Surgery was cancelled. Freed him up to be with Debbie, who also had the day off. What luck.", "Howard Tripton: My son had a ball game. My daughter was at a swim meet. My wife was at a conference, and the surgery was elective. Not a stretch.", "Brass: Your wife know about you and Debbie?", "Howard Tripton: No.", "Brass: She asked for s*x, right? She also asked for the bracelet, too, huh?", "(CATHERINE puts the bag with the butterfly charm on the table.)", "Howard Tripton: No, but ... I gave it to her. (He points.) This one.", "(CATHERINE picks it up.)", "Howard Tripton: She loved butterflies. Uh, I figured if I gave something special to her, she'd give something special to me.", "Brass: Hmm. So it was a long-term relationship?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "[SCOPE VIEW] of a hair strand", "Greg: That's the hair from the spare bedroom.", "(GRISSOM lifts his head from the scope.)", "Grissom: There's an oily film on the surface of the hair.", "Greg: Propylene glycol. Active ingredient in rogaine for male pattern baldness. Personally, I don't use the stuff, but my grandfather, Papa Olaf -- he was Bruce Willis at age 16. Lucky for me, baldness comes from the mother's side, so I'm safe ...", "Grissom: Greg, please, I'm very tired.", "Greg: Well, maybe the guy we're looking for is going bald ... or trying not to. According to Papa Olaf, a lot of guys who use rogaine also use propecia, kind of like a cocktail. I ran the hair through massspec. I got four peaks: Ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol, minoxidil, and finasteride.", "(GRISSOM looks at the test results.)", "Grissom: Finasteride, the chemical name for propecia.", "Greg: But wait, there's more, and it's a family secret. Sexual. Happens in less than two percent of users. (whispers) Papa Olaf was one of those guys that needed hydraulics.", "(GRISSOM thinks about it, shakes his head, then leaves the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(CATHERINE looks into the break room. She's looking for GRISSOM. GRISSOM turns the corner; CATHERINE turns and sees him.)", "Catherine: Oh.", "(GRISSOM walks up to her.)", "Catherine: The prodigal CSI returns. You get any sleep?", "Grissom: Not yet.", "Catherine: So, uh, Brass had to let Dr. Tripton go. The old s*x alibi. Too bad he didn't leave a toe print on a scalpel blade.", "Grissom: You got a take on him?", "Catherine: Balloon head, but credible ... like most adulterers.", "Grissom: Is he going bald?", "Catherine: Not really.", "Grissom: Grey hair?", "Catherine: No.", "Grissom: Anything else?", "Catherine: He's a lefty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(TOP VIEW of MICHAEL CLARK'S body put together from the pieces found in the trash cans. ROBBINS goes over his findings with GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: Okay, keep in mind, this is just a theory. It's a hot button issue among forensic pathologists.", "Grissom: What's the consensus?", "Robbins: Most doctors say it's impossible to prove handedness based on the wounds inflicted on a victim.", "Grissom: Forget hard science. What's your hypothesis?", "Robbins: Based on micro-incisions and hesitation marks, the victim was lying face up when he was killed. Take a look at the right knee.", "(ROBBINS turns the knee over to show GRISSOM the cut. Camera zooms in close for a really good look at the cut.)", "Robbins: The cut on the cartilage of the right distal femur has slight angulations from the, uh ... left distal to the right proximal, which suggests the killer was left-handed. This angulation is consistent with cuts made to the acetabulum and to the wrist, but bear in mind, it's not going to be admissible in court.", "Grissom: I don't care about court. My mind's on a left-handed, propecia-using surgeon who's probably on staff at Desert Palm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DESERT PALM HOSPITAL]", "(The older doctors who fit the required description sit in a single row as GREG uses the ALS on their heads. He starts with the first doctor and goes one by one down the row of men. Finally, he finds the match.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(GRISSOM and BRASS question VINCENT LURIE while his LAWYER is with them.)", "Vincent Lurie: There was no need for the light show. All you had to do was ask.", "Brass: Good. Since we're being completely honest ... are you losing your hair?", "Vincent Lurie: I'm a 48-year-old man. I'm not unique.", "Grissom: Your hair is, though. (He holds up the bagged evidence.) We found it at the crime scene. Minoxidil absorbs infrared light.", "Vincent Lurie: I-I take rogaine and propecia. Again, not unique.", "Brass: Well, we think that Debbie Marlin and Michael Clark were killed by a surgeon who is left-handed, and we know of two left-handed surgeons at Desert Palm: Dr. Tripton, who has an alibi, and you.", "Vincent Lurie: Well, if you're going to make accusations, you should really do your homework. Howard and I are the only lefties on staff. Dr. Randolph, who has privileges at the hospital, he's also a lefty. We play tennis every Wednesday. He's got a heck of a back-hand. (BRASS nods.) If you want me to name more names, I could, but you don't want me to do your job for you, do you?", "Lawyer: Gentlemen ... we're here as a courtesy, so if you're quite through wasting our time, I think that the doctor would like to get back to the business of saving lives.", "Brass: Not so fast. Is this a link from a bracelet you gave Debbie?", "(He puts on his glasses.)", "Vincent Lurie: Mm-hmm. It looks like it. Where's the rest of it?", "Brass: This link was vacuumed from the floor of the spare bedroom after the murder. The other link was in her jewelry box. The funny thing is that all the bracelets from the other guys she slept with are intact.", "Vincent Lurie: Well, all I can tell you is when I gave it to her, it was in one piece.", "(LURIE puts a hand on his LAWYER'S arm to get his attention; they confer for a moment. The LAWYER turns back to BRASS and GRISSOM.)", "Lawyer: Do you have any other evidence?", "Grissom: No, we don't.", "Brass: We might not have any other evidence, but we have a theory.", "Lawyer: That's not admissible in court.", "Vincent Lurie: (indulgently) Oh, no, no, it's worth a listen.", "(BRASS stands up and walks over to LURIE.)", "Brass: (quietly) We think you killed Debbie Marlin because she rejected you, and Michael Clark paid the price.", "(LURIE smile and chuckles a bit.)", "Lawyer: Thank you for your time and your theories, but you said it yourself: You don't have a case. (he turns to LURIE) Doctor.", "(VINCENT LURIE and the LAWYER stand up and head for the door. The LAWYER holds the door open for LURIE. Before he can leave, GRISSOM stops him.)", "Grissom: (quietly) It's sad, isn't it, doc? Guys like us. Couple of middle-aged men who've allowed their work to consume their lives.", "(Although he doesn't turn to look at GRISSOM, he's listening.)", "Grissom: The only time we ever touch other people is when we're wearing our latex gloves.", "(LURIE turns to look at GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: We wake up one day and realize that for fifty years we haven't really lived at all. But then, all of a sudden ... we get a second chance.", "(Quick flashback to: [DAY OF THE MURDER] DEBBIE MARLIN rushes out to the living room carrying a wine bottle and two glasses. She puts them on the table.)", "(She lights the candles on the table, then turns and rushes down the hallway to light the other candles. Camera moves and we see a figure standing in the doorway watching her.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Somebody young and beautiful shows up. Somebody ...", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: ... we could care about. She offers us a new life with her ... ... but we have a big decision to make, right? Because we have to risk everything we've worked for in order to have her.", "(GRISSOM'S eyes move off of LURIE and his words turn introspective.)", "Grissom: I couldn't do it ...", "(He refocuses on LURIE; their eyes meet.)", "Grissom: ... but you did. You risked it all ...", "(LURIE looks away, unable to hold GRISSOM'S knowing gaze.)", "Grissom: ... and she showed you a wonderful life, didn't she? But then she took it away and gave it to somebody else, ...", "(Quick flashback to: [BEDROOM] LURIE sits on the bed as DEBBIE MARLIN ends their relationship. LURIE buries his head in his hands.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) ... and you were lost.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: So you took her life.", "(Quick flashback to: [BATHROOM] DEBBIE lights the candles in the shower. LURIE grabs her from behind, she gasps. He slashes her throat, blood sprays on the shower wall.)", "(Cut to: [SPARE BEDROOM] LURIE, hands bloodied, picks up the butterfly bracelet from the box on the shelf. He rips the bracelet apart in anguish; the charms fall onto the carpet. He stands there, his head in his hands.)", "Michael Clark: (o.s.) Debbie, it's me, Michael.", "(LURIE hears MICHAEL and quickly bends down, hastily picking up the links off the carpet. He misses one.)", "Michael Clark: (o.s.) Debbie?", "(Cut to: [BATHROOM] VINCENT LURIE stands in the doorway looking at DEBBIE positioned in the shower. He turns around and we see MICHAEL CLARK dead, throat slashed, lying in the tub.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: You killed them both, and now you have nothing.", "Vincent Lurie: (nods) I'm still here.", "Grissom: Are you?", "(VINCENT LURIE turns and walks out of the interview room, his LAWYER following behind him.)", "[OBSERVATION ROOM VIEW]", "(Through the glass, SARA watches GRISSOM sitting at the interview table, her image reflected in the glass. Just how long she's been standing there, how much she's heard, is anyone's guess.)", "(Camera refocuses on SARA.)", "(Although by the look on her face, we suspect she's heard it all. She watches as GRISSOM shakes his head and lowers it. BRASS walks out of the room leaving GRISSOM alone at the table while SARA watches him.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "Grissom, Sara and Nick deal with a bizarre case when a priceless 17th century Japanese samurai sword is stolen from an exhibit at a casino. Meanwhile, Catherine and Warrick have to look into the world of ' vampires ' when a young woman is found dead with all her blood drained from her body." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(Camera pulls back across the city's building tops during the voice over announcement.)", "Ty Caulfield: (V.O.) People say that Las Vegas has no culture, ... no history-- that we emulate, ... not create.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT./INT. CASINO - POOL SIDE / EXHIBITION HALL - NIGHT]", "(TY CAULFIELD, the casino owner, makes the grand formal announcement to the small gathering in front of him.)", "Ty Caulfield: They forget that this was once a desert from which this city was created.", "(Waitresses dressed in kimono and obis -- dressed up like geisha -- pass out drinks to the crowd.)", "Ty Caulfield: Millions come every week and share their money with us. Well, tonight, we give back.", "(Cut to: Inside the exhibition hall, glass cases display the various Japanese antiquities. The camera moves in slowly toward the centerpiece, a katana. The guard walks around the display case.)", "Ty Caulfield: (V.O.) An exhibition of rare and valuable japanese antiquities.", "(Cut to: A Japanese statue of a soldier on a horse.)", "Ty Caulfield: (V.O.) Shown in the us for the first time,", "(Cut to: A close up of the katana's intricate sheath design.)", "Ty Caulfield: (V.O.) ... this 17th century samurai collection ...", "(Cut to: Camera is focused on the full Japanese armor in the background. The camera refocuses to the statue in the foreground.)", "Ty Caulfield: (V.O.) ... is owned by one of the Mediterranean's most special guests, Mr. Yuri Yamamoto, who sadly can't be here with us tonight.", "(TY CAULFIELD raises his glass to the crowd.)", "Ty Caulfield: To his impeccable taste. On behalf of my hotel and the City of Las Vegas, I thank him.", "(The audience cheers. TY CAULFIELD takes a sip of his glass.)", "(A woman's screams pierces through the applause. Everyone turns around.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[POOL SIDE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(VANESSA GREEN stares at something horrible in front of her and screams. TY CAULFIELD rushes over to see what the commotion is about.)", "(She waves him near as she looks at the live wire cable near the pool.)", "Vanessa Green: The cable fell. He was electrocuted.", "(In the center of the swimming pool, there is a body floating face down.)", "Vanessa Green: Oh, my god.", "(She turns and buries her face in the shoulder of the man standing there.)", "(TY CAULFIELD and the crowd of curious party goers rush toward the pool.)", "(The SECURITY GUARD steps forward and motions everyone to a safe distance away from the pool side.)", "Security Guard: Excuse me. Okay, folks. I need everyone to stay back. There's a live wire in the pool, okay? Everybody stand back.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. POOL SIDE - NIGHT - LATER]", "(GRISSOM and SARA head toward the pool. As they near, they take the scene in. GRISSOM stands next to BRASS who is looking at the body in the water. SARA heads for the live wire.)", "Brass: Watch yourself Gil.", "(GRISSOM steps even closer to the pool side, his eyes on the body in the water. He takes the scene in.)", "Grissom: This is odd. Arms and legs become deadweight in the water. He should have sunk to the bottom of the pool.", "Sara: He wouldn't float until after putrefaction.", "Grissom: Sara, would you see where the source of that cable is?", "Sara: Yeah.", "(SARA heads toward the cable. She follows it to the bushes. GRISSOM picks up the pool pole. SARA steps into the bushes as she finds the cable source: a car battery. She picks it up carries it back to GRISSOM.)", "Sara: Found the power source. Car battery.", "(She disconnects the cable.)", "(GRISSOM uses the pole and pulls the body toward him. He picks up the head of the body and finds a CPR dummy. GRISSOM looks at BRASS.)", "(BRASS shakes his head.)", "Grissom: This is not a crime scene.", "(The hotel security alarm blares. GRISSOM and BRASS turn to look at the exhibition room entryway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. EXHIBITION ROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(BRASS pushes the doors open and walks into the room followed closely by GRISSOM, SARA and the SECURITY GUARD.)", "(The glass case housing the 17th century Japanese katana is broken. The sword is gone.)", "(GRISSOM looks down at the SECURITY GUARD duct taped on the side. He turns and looks at the broken glass case.)", "Grissom: THIS is a crime scene.", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL/CASINO - EXHIBITION ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(The alarm blares. GRISSOM looks at the taped up SECURITY GUARD explaining what he's about to do.)", "Grissom: I'm sorry, but there's really no gentle way to do this.", "(GRISSOM reaches out and rips the tape off of BRANDON MILLER'S mouth.)", "(BRASS walks into the room past all the curious on-lookers and hotel security standing on the side.)", "Brass: Keep these people out. And turn that damn thing off, will you?", "(He heads for SARA who stands in front of the broken glass case.)", "Sara: They only took the one piece. Samurai sword, 17th century.", "Brass: They say how much it was worth?", "Sara: Worth the risk of walking past 100 guests into a guarded room.", "(The alarm stops. BRASS turns around and looks at BRANDON MILLER.)", "Brass: Hey, buddy, you see anything?", "(GRISSOM crouches behind BRANDON MILLER trying to cut the tape off of him.)", "Brandon Miller: No. I got hit from nowhere. Next thing I know, I'm taped up.", "(BRASS looks at GRISSOM. GRISSOM nods at the desk.)", "Grissom: Blood smear on the desk.", "(Camera close up of the blood smear.)", "(Quick flashback to: Someone clubs BRANDON MILLER behind his head. He falls unconscious, the intruder forcibly hitting his head against the desk.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brandon Miller: I feel like an idiot.", "Grissom: Well, you may have a concussion.", "Brass: Let's get you checked out.", "(BRASS looks at the door and shouts.)", "Brass: Paramedics out there?", "(A couple of paramedics walk into the room.)", "Brass: Check him up.", "(SARA continues to examine the room. She walks up to the Japanese armour in the glass case and looks at it. She looks at the display card: SUIT OF ARMOR, 17TH c. She continues looking down and notices some clear liquid at the base of the show case.)", "(Cut to: The paramedics escort BRANDON MILLER out of the room as the HOTEL SECURITY walks in.)", "Head of Hotel Security: Well, none of my men saw anyone suspicious enter or exit.", "Brass: The surveillance cameras?", "(They stop and both look at the broken, empty case.)", "Head of Hotel Security: Our cameras only watch the money and the exits. Not rooms like these. Damn, they got the sword. Most expensive piece in the collection. This is all Mr. Caulfield needs right now.", "(GRISSOM pauses and looks up as he listens.)", "Brass: Why is that?", "Head of Hotel Security: 9/11, the depressed Asian economy, Indian gaming in California. Every casino on the strip's taken a hit.", "(BRASS nods.)", "Brass: I'm going to want to talk to the girl who found the body.", "(BRASS steps out of the room.)", "(Meanwhile, SARA takes a swab sample of the clear liquid. She looks at it and smells it.)", "Sara: Smells sweet. The sign over there says no food or drink in this room, right?", "Grissom: Make sure you take it back to Greg.", "(GRISSOM looks around and notices the empty tape roll on the stand. He removes the tape roll and looks at it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VACANT HOUSE -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE and WARRICK walk up the sidewalk toward the front of the house. They meet up with the officer at the scene.)", "Woman Officer: My third time at this address. Two suicides a few years ago, and now a 419. This house is cursed.", "(She leads them up the front walk toward the door.)", "Catherine: You don't strike me as the type who believes in curses.", "(She turns around.)", "Woman Officer: Yeah, well, I'm not the type to believe in coincidences, either.", "Warrick: Is this house abandoned?", "Woman Officer: Bank foreclosed four years ago. Been vacant ever since.", "(She turns and continues to lead them under the crime scene tape toward the front entrance.)", "Woman Officer: Neighbor heard a scream. I was the responding officer.", "[INT. VACANT HOUSE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(CATHERINE walks into the house, her flashlight on. WARRICK follows her as she heads inside. They turn around to look at the WOMAN OFFICER who declines and stays outside the house.)", "(CATHERINE continues forward through the house. In one of the bedrooms, they find DAVID with the body. He's engrossed with filling out the clipboard and doesn't notice them.)", "Catherine: Uh ... oh, hey, David.", "David Phillips: (startled) Yeah! (He looks up.) Oh, hey. Uh, jugular's been punctured.", "(CATHERINE steps closer for a better look.)", "David Phillips: Two marks. (points to the marks) Possibly bite marks.", "Catherine: Bite marks?", "(CATHERINE kneels down for a better look.)", "David Phillips: Punctures are 32 millimeters apart. That's the average distance between the eyeteeth in an adult male's mouth.", "Catherine: Right, but those punctures aren't consistent with human teeth.", "David Phillips: Yeah, well, what about fangs?", "Warrick: Fangs? Come on.", "(DAVID opens the woman's mouth to show her pierced tongue and ... fangs.)", "David Phillips: Wounds are deep. She bled out.", "Warrick: Then where's all the blood?", "David Phillips: Lividity tells me she wasn't moved postmortem, so, I don't know.", "Warrick: I'm going to take a look around.", "(WARRICK stands up and leaves the room.)", "Catherine: David, I don't know a whole lot about vampires, but if she was bit, there's spit, and if there's spit, there's DNA, so swab the neck.", "Warrick: (o.s.) Catherine, take a look at this.", "[MAIN HALL -- CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK looks down at something on the floor. CATHERINE joins him. He's found a red-painted insignia on the wooden floor.)", "Warrick: Please tell me that's not blood.", "(They step into the room. CATHERINE takes a sample and tests for blood.)", "Catherine: Negative. It's probably just house paint.", "Warrick: Well, we know one thing for sure. This place wasn't vacant.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HOTEL/CASINO -- POOL SIDE -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS talks with the HEAD OF HOTEL SECRUTIY. Behind them near the pool, NICK is examining the CPR dummy.)", "Brass: Come on, nobody should have been allowed to leave.", "Head of Hotel Security: Your officers didn't say anything about detaining Mr. Caulfield's guests.", "Brass: Just give me a list of names, okay?", "Head of Hotel Security: Yeah.", "(HOTEL SECURITY leaves.)", "Nick: Weird night.", "Brass: (points to the dummy) That's not the only dummy here.", "Nick: Yeah, it's a CPR demonstration dummy. Fully articulated.", "Brass: Oh, yeah?", "Nick: Yeah. You know, paramedics, firemen -- they use these things to teach lifesaving techniques.", "Brass: Any prints?", "Nick: Oh, no, no, no. Been in the water way too long, man. Sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(DOC ROBBINS goes over the body. CATHERINE and WARRICK walk into the room.)", "Robbins: David says you found evidence of vampires in North Las Vegas.", "Warrick: Well, let's just say evidence at the crime scene suggests occult, ritualistic activity.", "Catherine: I'm not sure what we found. Did you ID the Vic?", "Robbins: Angela Sommerville, 20, from Henderson. License was in her pocket. Cause of death: Exsanguination.", "Warrick: You check out her fangs?", "Robbins: Well, her bark was worse than her bite.", "(ROBBINS opens the body's mouth.)", "Robbins: There we go.", "(He removes the fangs from her teeth.)", "Robbins: Ah. They're acrylic. Check out her gum line.", "(Camera zooms in for a close-up of the gum line.)", "Robbins: Thin grooves carved into the canine's enamel. Fangs are clip-ons. Multiple bite marks on the tongue suggest she was still breaking them in.", "Catherine: Warrick, the symbol on her ankle -- it's similar to the one that was painted on the floor of the crime scene.", "(WARRICK looks.)", "Warrick: The ankh. Egyptian symbol for eternal life. I went on-line and found out it's also the universal insignia for vampires.", "Robbins: Dracula didn't drink all her blood. I sent a sample to tox. I'm not sure if it's probative.", "(He points to the markings on her shoulders.)", "Robbins: Multiple incised wounds on the anterior of both shoulders. Some are fresh.", "Warrick: Well, the shoulder area is rich in blood, right? Heals quickly?", "Robbins: Yeah.", "(CATHERINE looks at WARRICK and shakes her head.)", "Catherine: Relevance?", "Warrick: I figure, if you're going to drink someone's blood, it's a good place to start.", "Catherine: Then why switch to the jugular?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM works on the tape removed from BRANDON MILLER'S mouth. SARA walks into the lab.)", "Sara: Hey. Got anything?", "Grissom: A partial thumb, perhaps, on the tape that was used to cover the security guard's mouth. Not torn, either. Both ends were cut.", "Sara: Pre-cut, in fact. Indicates planning.", "Grissom: How about you?", "Sara: Trace analyzed the liquid we found near the suit of armor: Glucose syrup.", "Grissom: Sugar water. Why just the sword?", "Sara: Well, it is the one piece from the exhibit you could hide on your person. Down a pant leg, maybe, or ...", "Grissom: Yeah, but if you're going to steal from a casino, why take an antique? Why not take cash?", "Sara: Good point.", "Grissom: How's your knowledge of Japanese history, particularly, antiquities?", "Sara: (smiles and shakes her head) Not good. Why?", "Grissom: To find the hunter ... know the game.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. SOMMERVILLE RESIDENCE - ANGELA'S ROOM - DAY]", "(The bedroom door opens; CATHERINE and WARRICK walk in followed by the SOMMERVILLES.)", "Mrs. Sommerville: Angela was the sweetest child. She actually liked spending time with us. Her friends were always over here, and then ... puberty hit and everything changed.", "(CATHERINE looks around the room and notices a framed prom photo.)", "Mr. Sommerville: She shaved her head, then she grew dreads.", "Mrs. Sommerville: It was like she couldn't get comfortable in her own skin.", "(On the bedside table are some candles.)", "Mrs. Sommerville: About, um, six months ago, Angela went Goth. Black clothing ... she only went out at night ...", "Mrs. Sommerville: We tried to support Angela the best we could. We only wanted her to be happy.", "(CATHERINE picks up a book and reads the title and looks through the book.)", "Catherine: \"The Black Veil: 13 Rules of Community.\"", "Mrs. Sommerville: Guidelines for Vampires. She wrote them down in there, along with all her thoughts.", "Catherine: So you've read what's in here?", "(CATHERINE looks at MRS. SOMMERVILLE who nods slightly.)", "Catherine: Your daughter believed that she was a vampire?", "Mrs. Sommerville: She was 18. She wanted to stand out, to be special. I tried not to judge her, but I also wanted to know what was going on in her head.", "Mr. Sommerville: She snooped.", "(MRS. SOMMERVILLE sighs and continues.)", "Mrs. Sommerville: Each time Angela tried something new, I would take a crash course.", "(CATHERINE reaches into the bookshelf and pulls out a piece of paper. She looks at it:", "HIV TEST RESULTS", "--NAME: ANGELA SOMMERVILLE", "--ID: 3759060X", "--AGE: 20", "--SEX: F", "--E ID NO: 6729-BAMI", "--SESSION NO. 716885 20", "--ER ID NO. 70722345", "RESULT UNITS", "NEGATIVE COPIES ...", "Catherine: Lab results.", "Mrs. Sommerville: Angela's HIV test. It was negative. That was the one thing we insisted upon, not that it matters now.", "(WARRICK opens the closet door to reveal a table made up in the manner of a shrine complete with black and white photo of a man.)", "Warrick: Who's the guy?", "Mrs. Sommerville: Angela wouldn't say. The statue's an incubus. According to the legend, incubi seduce young women while they sleep ... and drink their blood.", "Catherine: Well, your daughter was found in an abandoned house. And we believe that there was, um, someone there with her. Do you have any idea who that might be?", "Mrs. Sommerville: Her court. I can give you their names.", "Catherine: Her \"court\"?", "Mrs. Sommerville: It's like a coven for vampires.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. HOTEL/ CASINO - EXHIBITION ROOM -- DAY", "(GRISSOM and SARA walk into the exhibition room, GRISSOM'S carrying both kits while SARA carries an armful of research books.)", "(HOTEL SECURITY stands in the room with other GUARDS. What's left of the exhibition has been moved.)", "Sara: Don't tell me, they came back and stole the rest?", "Head of Hotel Security: No, not quite. At Mr. Yamamoto's request, the collection's been moved to Mr. Caulfield's office vault. He was pretty upset. He's on his way here now from Tokyo.", "Sara: We were hoping to take a look at the rest of the exhibit.", "Head of Hotel Security: Mr. Caulfield's vault is off limits.", "Grissom: Okay, what about photographs?", "(HOTEL SECURITY hands GRISSOM the clipboard.)", "Head of Hotel Security: You're in luck there. Our hotel registrar took polaroids of the collection when she logged it in.", "(He takes out the Polaroid photos out of the pocket and shows it to them.)", "Sara: Can we talk to her?", "Head of Hotel Security: Well, Miss Green is on vacation, but, uh, I can try and contact her.", "(GRISSOM finishes looking at he list.)", "Grissom: Well, this is just a list of inventory. How about the insurance policy?", "Head of Hotel Security: Yamamoto carried his own insurance.", "(GRISSOM adds the clipboard to the top of the stack of books SARA'S carrying.)", "Head of Hotel Security: Our hotel registrar just documents the condition of each piece. We extended Mr. Yamamoto every courtesy, but weren't going to assume responsibility. This is a Casino, not a museum.", "(HOTEL SECURITY walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - WAITING ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and WARRICK interview ANGELA'S court consisting of three other girls.)", "Catherine: Alice, you need to answer the question.", "Court Girl 1: She won't respond to that name. She goes by Luminessa.", "Catherine: Okay, let's start over. Do any of you ladies recognize this man?", "(CATHERINE holds out the photo for them to look at. It's clipped to the police report. The girls shake their heads.)", "Warrick: When was the last time you saw Angela?", "Alice (Luminessa): Who?", "(CATHERINE chuckles humorlessly.)", "Catherine: Okay. All right, I've had enough. (She clears her throat.) Your friend is dead. This is a murder case. If you're not willing to help us, we will split you up and treat you as suspects. Hold you for 24 hours. Is that what you want?", "(The girls look at each other.)", "Alice (Luminessa): We called her Daegonna. We were together last night. At court.", "(Quick flashback to: [VACANT HOUSE - NIGHT] ANGELA faces her court over a burning candle.)", "Angela Sommerville: (frustrated, angry) Being a vampire is about feeding. (She holds up the book and throws it down in front of them.) This is pathetic.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Alice (Luminessa): Angela had been going to this blood bar. Wanted us to join her.", "Warrick: Blood bar?", "Alice (Luminessa): The people who go there, they drink blood.", "Court Girl 1: For real.", "Court Girl 2: Hardcore.", "Warrick: And I guess you girls don't do that?", "Court Girl 1: Hell, no. And that's what we told her. She totally lost it. She called us \"Gajas.\"", "Warrick: Which is ... ?", "Court Girl 1: A fashion vampire. Normal people who just play dress-up.", "Court Girl 2: You don't have to drink blood to be a vampire.", "Alice (Luminessa): For us, it's spiritual. We feed off each other's energies.", "Court Girl 1: Yeah.", "Court Girl 2: Energy.", "Court Girl 1: So, we voted her invisible. Kicked her out of our court.", "Alice (Luminessa): But she wouldn't leave. So we did. And that's the last time we saw her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. HOTEL/CASINO - EXHIBITION ROOM -- DAY]", "(SARA reads the list as GRISSOM stands in the middle of the room looking at the empty display cases.)", "Sara: Other items in the exhibit include a 17th century decorated silk.", "(She turns the page.)", "Sara: 17th century iron war mask.", "(She turns to the next page.)", "Sara: 17th century kabuki robe used in the first kabuki dances in Kyoto.", "(GRISSOM stops in front of the empty display case with the card still in it:", "Suit of Armor 17th c. lacquer, horsehair, iron, beading, silk cord, wood Collection of Yuri Yamamoto", "The Japanese suit of samurai armor was only worn by the highest military class and emperors. Oda Nobunaga played a key role in shaping the course of history in feudal Japan. His policy of unifying a country controlled by many feuding daimyo was furthered in a series of victories characterized by brilliant war tactics and firearms. )", "Grissom: Seventeenth century suit of armor. Wasn't the Japanese military established long after that?", "Sara: Let's see.", "(SARA puts the clipboard aside and checks on of the many reference books next to her. GRISSOM looks around and waits for the answer.)", "Sara: (reading) 1868, by Emperor Ma-ji? Meiji?", "Grissom: So, this is out of place.", "Sara: Just like the sugar water we found nearby.", "(GRISSOM'S phone rings. He answers it.)", "Grissom: Grissom.", "Nick: Grissom, ...", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "Nick: I got a hit on your partial print from the hotel employee database. (He looks at a copy of the license in his hand.) Brandon Miller. He's your duct-taped security guard.", "Grissom: I thought he was unconscious. How does his prints end up on the tape?", "(SARA looks up from her book.)", "Nick: You tell me.", "Grissom: All right. Thanks, Nick.", "(GRISSOM hangs up. He looks around, thinking about it. He stops and notices the divider pole where he found the empty tape roll.)", "Grissom: Sara?", "Sara: Hmm?", "Grissom: Do you have any duct tape in your kit?", "Sara: Yeah, it's what I use to keep it together.", "(GRISSOM stares at the pole as SARA gets the duct tape out of her kit. She hands it to him.)", "Grissom: Thank you.", "(he puts the tape on the pole and starts spinning in his chair.)", "Sara: He taped himself up.", "Grissom: We've been conned.", "(SARA turns GRISSOM around and cuts him free.)", "Sara: Well, you saw the paramedics take him out of here. If he'd had a samurai sword hanging out of his pant leg, you would've noticed.", "(GRISSOM removes himself from the tape.)", "(He sits there and sighs. In the quiet, he and SARA both notice a metallic rattling sound coming from the ceiling air conditioner. They look up and notice that the vent is skewed.)", "(GRISSOM checks the vent and finds the missing sword hidden in the ceiling. He smiles.)", "Grissom: huh. Domo arigato.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL/CASINO - MAIN CASINO FLOOR-- DAY]", "(GRISSOM carries the sword as he, SARA and the HOTEL SECURITY make their way through the casino.)", "Head of Hotel Security: So Brandon Miller never made it to the hospital, huh? Concussion, my happy ass.", "Grissom: It's an old trick. Don't steal the item; just leave it at the location, come back and get it when the cops leave.", "Head of Hotel Security: Well, your timing's perfect. Mr. Yamamoto just arrived. Mr. Caulfield's with him right now.", "[INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(HOTEL SECURITY opens the door and walks into the room. GRISSOM and SARA follow. In the center of the room, TY CAULFIELD stands next to YURI YAMAMOTO.)", "Head of Hotel Security: Mr. Caulfield.", "(TY CAULFIELD turns around as they descend the stairs.)", "Head of Hotel Security: You asked to be kept up to date on our progress.", "Ty Caulfield: I'll be damned. You found the guy?", "Grissom: Perhaps. We found the sword.", "Ty Caulfield: (to YURI YAMAMOTO) See? I promised you this matter would be resolved, Yuri.", "(YURI YAMAMOTO steps toward GRISSOM intending to take his sword back.)", "Grissom: Uh ... we'll need to take this back to our lab.", "Yuri Yamamoto: No. You people have already lost it once.", "(GRISSOM hands the sword to SARA.)", "Grissom: It's part of an on-going investigation. We need to process it.", "Yuri Yamamoto: This sword is invaluable.", "Grissom: To us as well.", "Ty Caulfield: Surely this is open for conversation, Mr ...", "Grissom: I don't think so. I do have a question for Mr. Yamamoto. Your collection is primarily 17th century, but we found one piece, a suit of armor, that our research dates to the mid-19th century.", "Yuri Yamamoto: I don't have a suit of armor in my collection.", "(TY CAULFIELD looks at YURI YAMAMOTO who turns to look at back at GRISSOM.)", "Yuri Yamamoto: What is going on here?", "Grissom: Mr. Caulfield, we'd like to take a look at your personal vault.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT./INT. HOTEL/CASINO - VAULT -- DAY]", "(TY CAULFIELD punches the security key pad combination and opens the vault doors only to find the shelves stripped bare.)", "Ty Caulfield: Oh, my god. The cash-- it's gone. (He turns to look at his HEAD OF SECURITY.) How the hell did they get in here?", "(GRISSOM picks up one of the $10,000 money bands on the vault counter and looks at it.)", "Grissom: How much cash did you have in here?", "Ty Caulfield: Ninety percent of the casino's cash is in the basement vault. I only keep an emergency reserve here.", "(GRISSOM looks away for a moment, nodding.)", "Ty Caulfield: Ten million ... at all times.", "(GRISSOM and SARA turn to look at CAULFIELD. GRISSOM looks around at the abandoned suit of armor on the vault floor.)", "Grissom: There's the suit of armor. The Trojan Horse?", "Sara: Someone was inside the armor, hiding in plain sight?", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. VAULT] HOTEL SECURITY walks out of the vault after moving the collection inside. He turns off the lights.)", "(Cut to: The person in the suit of armor opens his eyes and looks around.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Might be.", "(TY CAULFIELD turns and looks at his HEAD OF HOTEL SECURITY.)", "Ty Caulfield: And you just wheeled him in here?", "(He heads out of the vault.)", "Ty Caulfield: Get my lawyer. Assemble everyone. I need answers.", "Head of Hotel Security: Yes, sir.", "(GRISSOM looks back at the suit of armor, then turns back to SARA.)", "Grissom: And the con goes on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. HOTEL/CASINO - VAULT - DAY]", "(GRISSOM and SARA are in the vault processing the scene. GRISSOM examines the discarded suit of armor while SARA collects the money bands.)", "(As she picks up each money band one-by-one, GRISSOM finds two plastic bags under the armor.)", "Grissom: Well, this explains the glucose. Food source. Probably didn't know how long he was going to be in the suit.", "Sara: What's in the other bag?", "Grissom: Urine. (She nods.) He was in there for a while. How you doing with those money bands?", "Sara: Ten thousand dollars per band. When I get to a thousand, I'll let you know.", "(GRISSOM finds a small hand-held digital recording device. He plays it. There are a series of beeps.)", "Grissom: I think it's the code from the vault. Must've recorded it.", "(Quick flash to: [INT. VAULT] The person in the suit of armor holds up the digital recorder as the key pad is being pressed. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM stands near the door and tries several key combinations till he finds the right sequence.)", "(The vault door opens. CAULFIELD and YAMAMOTO are standing outside.)", "Ty Caulfield: How did you open the safe door?", "Grissom: The same way our thief did: Using your musical code.", "(GRISSOM plays the recorder.)", "Grissom: Mr. Caulfield, you have video surveillance?", "Ty Caulfield: Nothing in my vault or in my office, but I'll get you everything from this floor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE and WARRICK walk into the lab. GREG whips out a wooden stake and holds it out to CATHERINE, startling her.)", "Greg: For you ...", "(CATHERINE takes GREG'S stake. GREG holds out a crucifix for WARRICK.)", "Greg: ... and you. Just in case.", "Catherine: Are Angela's tox result in yet?", "Greg: Blood alcohol level of .14 percent.", "Catherine: Her friends didn't say anything about drinking.", "Greg: Well, I'm just getting warmed up. Tox panel detected traces of thujone. Thujone is the psychoactive chemical found in absinthe, a liquor distilled from wormwood.", "Warrick: Isn't absinthe illegal?", "Greg: In the US. Banned in 1912. Apparently, toxic byproducts are released during the distilling process. Stuff's supposed to make you a little crazy.", "Catherine: And how would Angela get a hold of this?", "Greg: Well, this is not coming from personal experience, but according to a friend of a friend of an acquaintance, absinthe is rumored to be served in certain underground clubs.", "Warrick: Like a blood bar.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BLOOD BAR -- NIGHT]", "(Various scenes of the dance floor.)", "Lyric: Are you ... ready for the new ...? / Stand up and admit it: Tomorrow's never coming / this is the new ... / stand up and admit it / do we need it? / No! / Do we want it? / Yeah! / This is the new ...", "(LAZARUS KANE swallows his drink. CATHERINE and WARRICK appear next to him.)", "Catherine: Mind if we join you?", "Lazarus Kane: Sure. What are you into?", "Warrick: We're into crime scenes.", "Catherine: And you are ... ?", "Lazarus Kane: Lazarus Kane.", "Warrick: Did Angela Sommerville call you that?", "Lazarus Kane: I don't know any Angela Sommerville.", "Warrick: What about Daegonna?", "Lazarus Kane: She file a complaint against me?", "Catherine: Why would she do that?", "Lazarus Kane: Look, everything we did was consensual. It's not illegal to drink someone's blood. She was into it. That neonate ... she offered herself to me.", "Warrick: Did she offer herself to you last night?", "Lazarus Kane: We had a drink together here.", "Warrick: Absinthe?", "Lazarus Kane: What's this about?", "Catherine: Was that the last time you saw her?", "Lazarus Kane: No. Later on, I swung by her court and daggered the relationship.", "Catherine: How long had the two of you been together?", "Lazarus Kane: For the past three months, she's been my \"donor\".", "(He pushes aside his shirt to show CATHERINE the scars on his shoulder.)", "Catherine: And you were her donor?", "Lazarus Kane: No, it doesn't work like that. Daegonna belonged to me.", "Catherine: (confused) Okay... but you were someone's donor.", "Lazarus Kane: Well, under the right circumstances, I'll do just about anything.", "Warrick: How 'bout murder? Daegonna was killed last night.", "Lazarus Kane: Well, I don't know anything about that. See, I follow very strict guidelines: Black veil. Principle 11: You never mistreat your donors.", "Catherine: And that pendant around you neck? That wouldn't happen to contain blood, would it?", "Lazarus Kane: Yeah.", "Catherine: Whose?", "Lazarus Kane: It's Daegonna's, okay? She gave it to me couple weeks ago. I offered to give it back, but she wanted me to keep it ... said her PSI belonged to me.", "Warrick: \"Psi\"?", "Lazarus Kane: Life-force, blood.", "Warrick: We're going to need that pendant for evidence.", "Catherine: And a sample of your ... DNA.", "(He bares his shoulder for CATHERINE.)", "Lazarus Kane: Knock yourself out.", "Catherine: Oh, I prefer saliva.", "Lazarus Kane: (disappointed) Aw ...", "Catherine: Open up.", "(LAZARUS opens his mouth wide, baring his \"fangs\".)", "Catherine: Right.", "(CATHERINE takes a swab sample.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- NIGHT]", "(NICK goes over the security tape video with GRISSOM and SARA.)", "Nick: There's our man.", "Grissom: And the time?", "Nick: 3:15 A.M.", "Sara: He's certainly aware of the cameras.", "Nick: Yeah, you really can't get a good look at him from any angle. He's walking like he crapped his pants.", "Grissom: I'm thinking that might be the money.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. VAULT] The thief straps the packs of money to his body. He zips up his jumpsuit. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(On video: The thief heads to the far door and swipes a card through the key pad.)", "Grissom: An employee ID card?", "Nick: It gets better.", "(On video: The thief exits the building and gets into a waiting car.)", "(NICK punches some keys on the keyboard and the video zooms in to show the identity of the driver.)", "Sara: That's Brandon Miller, the security guard.", "Grissom: Hmm. Okay, so find the best shot you can of our mystery thief. If he is an employee, you should be able to ID him.", "Nick: There's over three thousand employees who work at the Mediterranean, and this guy is not really giving me much to go on here.", "Grissom: Yes, but technology is a wonderful thing, Nick.", "(GRISSOM turns and leaves. SARA puts a hand on NICK'S shoulder, gives him a \"glad its you and not me\" smile, then follows GRISSOM out the door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- NIGHT]", "(GREG reports back to CATHERINE and WARRICK.)", "Greg: Lazarus may have been sucking on Angela's shoulders, but he did not bite her jugular. His DNA's inconsistent with the saliva swabbed from the puncture wounds around her neck.", "Warrick: Damn.", "Catherine: What about that pendant?", "Greg: You know, nothing says \"I love you\" like an ounce of fresh blood. It is Angela's blood, and it's mixed with a polyester base. Polyester base is an inert fluid pre-packaged in test tubes used for HIV testing. It helps prepare the blood for centrifugation by forming a barrier between the blood cells and the serum.", "Warrick: Angela's parents only insisted upon only one thing ...", "Catherine: ... that she be tested for HIV.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VIDEO LAB -- NIGHT]", "(NICK works on finding the identity of the mystery thief. I'm way to lazy to describe this music video for you. He does graphic manipulation on the computer.)", "Lyric: Hey, you ugly people / I want you to set my baby free / hey, people / set my baby free / said he was man / what did he know / spent his time living in a casino / never know / couldn't get away, couldn't ever get it anyway / couldn't ever level 'cause he's living like a devil / hey / hey, set my baby free / set my baby free ...", "(NICK finishes the computer graphic composite of the mystery thief.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HOTEL / CASINO - POOL SIDE -- DAY]", "(Close up of the composite.)", "(NICK and SARA show the computer composite of the mystery thief to the LIFEGUARD.)", "Lifeguard: Yeah, that's Nathan. Do me a favor when you find him. Let him know he's fired. He hasn't shown up in four days.", "Nick: Will do. You missing anything else around here?", "Lifeguard: Like what?", "Nick: CPR dummy.", "Lifeguard: Yeah. Had to cancel a class on Sunday 'cause we couldn't find Macaulay.", "Sara: Macaulay?", "Lifeguard: Culkin. Our dummy. You know, 'cause his mouth is always open.", "(He does the \"Home Alone\" pose. NICK laughs. SARA stares at NICK. She shows the photo of the electrocuted dummy from the pool to the LIFEGUARD.)", "Nick: Is this Macaulay?", "Lifeguard: Yeah, that's him. Can we get him back?", "Sara: Soon as we're done with him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM dusts the sword's scabbard. SARA sits across the table and watches him.)", "Sara: Security guard put the sword in the crawlspace. It's got to be his prints.", "Grissom: Well, let's find out, shall we?", "(NICK walks into the lab and joins them.)", "Nick: Hey.", "Grissom: Nick, want to do me a favor and tape-lift that?", "Nick: Sure.", "(NICK takes a tape lift and puts it over the dusted print. He presses. He rips the tape lift off the scabbard taking part of the hide covering with it.)", "(NICK'S eyes widen and he looks at SARA to see if she saw. Oh, yeah. SARA looks at NICK, her eyes just as wide. NICK swallows.)", "Nick: Grissom, how's our insurance?", "(GRISSOM turns and sees the damaged sword.)", "Nick: I was being careful, I swear.", "(GRISSOM examines the damage as SARA walks around the table for a better view.)", "Grissom: Should four-hundred-year-old lacquer look this good? (He sniffs it.) And smell like acrylic?", "(He looks at them and puts the sword back on the table. NICK smells the tape lift. GRISSOM removes one of the precious stones from the scabbard and crushes it easily.)", "Sara: What kind of precious stone breaks that easily?", "Grissom: A fake one. This is nothing more than a hardened ball of wax.", "Nick: Do you think someone switched swords on us?", "Grissom: Well, so far, nothing's what it seems.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. HOTEL/CASINO - VAULT -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM, NICK and SARA test and check every piece in the collection.)", "(SARA smells the kimono.)", "Sara: Smells like tea.", "Grissom: Sometimes paper products or other materials like silk -- they soak it in tea to give an aged look.", "Nick: The paint on this mask is coming right off, layer by layer.", "Grissom: I think this is boot polish.", "Sara: Another aging method?", "(TY CAULFIELD appears in the doorway.)", "Nick: So it's not just the sword. This ... his whole collection's a fake?", "Ty Caulfield: A what?", "Grissom: We believe this collection is worthless. Well-made, historically accurate, ... probably worthless.", "(TY CAULFIELD steps out of the vault and sits down thoughtfully on the table just outside. GRISSOM steps outside also.)", "Grissom: Your head of security said that Mr. Yamamoto's collection was documented by an internal registrar.", "Ty Caulfield: Vanessa Green. I-I thought you spoke to her yesterday.", "Grissom: She was on vacation ... but even though she's not an official appraiser, she should've been able to tell these were fakes, don't you think?", "(CAULFIELD presses his fingertips against the bridge of his nose.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(The HEAD OF SECURITY leads TY CAULFIELD and GRISSOM to YURI YAMAMOTO'S room.)", "(He opens the doors.)", "Ty Caulfield: Mr. Yamamoto? Mr. Yamamoto? I'd like a word with you. Mr. Yamamoto?", "Grissom: It seems he's left.", "Head of Security: Gentlemen, no luggage. Nothing.", "(CAULFIELD grabs the vase off the table and smashes it to the floor in anger.)", "Ty Caulfield: Son of a bitch! He made a fool out of me.", "Grissom: Well, we have that in common.", "Ty Caulfield: Find out when he checked out.", "Head of Security: I'm on it.", "Ty Caulfield: And Vanessa Green. Where did she go?", "(The HEAD OF SECURITY picks up the phone.)", "Grissom: Brandon Miller, Nathan Pollard, Vanessa Green, and Yuri Yamamoto. Three of your employees and one whale ... all evidently disappear.", "Ty Caulfield: Along with my $10 million.", "(The HEAD OF SECURITY hangs up.)", "Head of Security: Yamamoto never checked out. Vanessa Green made reservations at the Princeville in Kauai. She never checked in.", "Ty Caulfield: And he left without his antiques.", "Grissom: Well ... he knew they were worthless.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. ADMINALAB CLINIC]", "(The technician, BOBBY JONES, draws blood from an older woman. CATHERINE and WARRICK step in the doorway.)", "Catherine: Um ...", "Bobby Jones: I'll be right with you. (to the woman) The tests will be mailed to you in seven days, and they'll include a toll-free number if you have any questions.", "Woman: Thank you. I didn't feel a thing.", "(The WOMAN leaves. CATHERINE and WARRICK walk into the room.)", "Bobby Jones: Walk-ins? Or do you have an appointment?", "Warrick: We're from the crime lab. We're here about a Miss Angela Sommerville. Last month, your clinic tested her blood.", "Bobby Jones: Actually, we don't do the testing. Common mistake. I'm contracted by Adminalab to withdraw blood, and the lab processes. And the whole thing is confidential, so ...", "Catherine: Oh, we've already seen her results. She's dead, so, the confidentiality privilege no longer applies. We need to know which tech withdrew her blood.", "Bobby Jones: I'm the only tech here.", "Catherine: Oh. Well, there was a pendant with her blood inside it.", "Bobby Jones: What does that have to do with me?", "Catherine: Her blood was mixed with a polyester base. I think you know what that means.", "Bobby Jones: I ... know who you're talking about.", "(Quick flashback to: BOBBY JONES withdraws ANGELA SOMMERVILLE'S blood.)", "Angela Sommerville: I have a favor to ask you.", "(She holds up the pendant.)", "Angela Sommerville: Do you want to help?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bobby Jones: I'd taken more than enough for testing purposes, so, I figured it's her blood. Why not just give it to her?", "(WARRICK walks around CATHERINE and looks around the lab.)", "Catherine: My bet is that it's against your lab's policy.", "Bobby Jones: Great. You going to report me?", "(WARRICK opens the refrigerator.)", "Bobby Jones: Uh, you can't go in there.", "Warrick: We have a warrant.", "(WARRICK hands the warrant to BOBBY JONES.)", "Bobby Jones: Th-th-that's my personal fridge.", "(WARRICK finds a container of blood in the fridge.)", "Warrick: Now, what's this blood doing in there?", "(BOBBY JONES doesn't say anything.)", "Catherine: Mr. Jones ... I'm going to need a sample of your DNA.", "Bobby Jones: I bet you don't have a warrant for that.", "Warrick: (looking at the container) Catherine, I think we have all we need here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM- DAY]", "(SARA carries the sword to GRISSOM.)", "Sara: Handle is molded plastic fiber. Materials are used by hundreds of manufacturers throughout the country. It's impossible to trace.", "Nick: Vintage cherry red leathers, bronze pvc fabric, aged. Countless furniture and clothing suppliers. Nothing really unique.", "Sara: But the ivory on the sword's scabbard is unique. In fact it's not ivory. It's treated bone from an emu. Inexpensive, but not widely used.", "(She gives the sword to GRISSOM.)", "Nick: Only about half a dozen us importers. One did recently make a sale to a business in Las Vegas.", "Sara: That same business also bought vintage leather, molded plastics and everything else he used to make this collection.", "Nick: Chen's scenic prop house -- owned by Graeme Chen of 1 Engelfield Road, Las Vegas, Nevada. Also his place of business.", "Sara: As of five minutes ago, no one's answering the phone.", "Grissom: Call Brass. Get a warrant.", "(GRISSOM whips out his mighty sword and startles SARA.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CHEN'S SCENIC PROP HOUSE -- NIGHT]", "(The warehouse doors open. BRASS, GRISSOM, SARA and NICK enter and look around.)", "Brass: You know, I always imagined your house would look like this, Gil.", "(NICK grins at the comment and heads for the back of the room while the others examine the other items along the way.)", "Nick: Hey, Grissom, check this out.", "(On the table are swords in various stages of completion. GRISSOM and SARA join him as they examine the swords.)", "Sara: Prototypes, maybe.", "Nick: Yeah, definitely.", "(In the back, BRASS continues to search the warehouse. He finds the sleeping area. He walks past a large Mikado showboard with a huge ladder leaning up against it pretty much blocking it.)", "Nick: Looks like Mr. Chen tried a few times before committing.", "Grissom: Well, he certainly does beautiful work.", "(BRASS puts on his latex gloves and moves aside the pants on the bed only to find a wallet just tossed there. And still, the showboard is in the background with the ladder leaning against it.)", "Brass: Want to see a picture of Mr. Chen?", "(GRISSOM walks over to BRASS to find him holding up a NEVADA DRIVER LICENSE for:", "CHEN, GRAEME", "55 VISTA COURT", "LAS VEGAS, NEVADA", "Brass: I guess he lived here, too.", "Grissom: Mr. Chen is Mr. Yamamoto. He's not even Japanese.", "Brass: So, this is how Ty Caulfield's high rollers live -- a cot in a warehouse.", "Grissom: Well, I'm guessing he spent all his money on the baccarat tables, buying himself a reputation.", "(Quick flashback to: GRAEME CHEN at the gambling tables. TY CAULFIELD whispers over to the HEAD of SECURITY as GRAEME CHEN fans open his stack of bills. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: You got to spend money to make money.", "(NICK moves the ladder covering the showboard.)", "Sara: Hey. Take a look at this.", "(GRISSOM turns around and walks over to SARA who's staring at the Mikado's showboard. On the front are large photos of the actors of THE 33 THEATRE in LAS VEGAS, NV.)", "Sara: Brandon Miller, the security guard, the lifeguard, Nathan Pollard, and I'm guessing the registrar, Vanessa Green.", "Nick: So, Mr. Chen made their costumes, their props and their scenery.", "(GRISSOM looks at the title of the show, Gilbert and Sullivan's \"The Mikado\".)", "[CUE BACKGROUND: WOMEN CHORUS SINGING]", "Women: (echoy) Three little maids from school are we ...", "(GRISSOM starts singing the same phrase.)", "Grissom: (singing) ... three little maids from school are we ...", "[CUE BACKGROUND: DIGITAL RECORDING TONES BEEPING]", "(We hear the faint echoing combination of the digital recording beeps that opened the CAULFIELD vault.)", "(He puts it together.)", "Grissom: You ever listen to Gilbert and Sullivan?", "Nick: (nods) No.", "Grissom: Ty Caulfield does.", "Sara: The code from his digital vault.", "Nick: Coincidence?", "Grissom: I don't think so. How much does $10 million in cash weigh, I wonder?", "Nick: A lot.", "Grissom: Sara, I'm going to need the money bands you collected. Nick, you get to do the math.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE re-interviews BOBBY JONES. She shows him photos of the container of blood.)", "Catherine: The blood in your personal fridge belonged to Angela Sommerville. (She shows a second photo of the bloody lip print.) We found a lip print on the rim of the container we confiscated.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. CLINIC] BOBBY JONES opens the refrigerator and drinks the blood straight out of the container. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bobby Jones: It's not a crime to drink someone's blood.", "(They're interviewing BOBBY JONES in a weird looking white room.)", "Warrick: How did her blood end up in your fridge?", "Bobby Jones: When Angela came in for her HIV test, she asked me to withdraw an extra unit. She paid me twenty bucks to store it, and never came back to pick it up.", "Catherine: And what, you just got thirsty? Angela's test date was 32 days ago, and our lab determined that the blood from your fridge was less than a week old. Would you explain that?", "Bobby Jones: Most girls turn away when I stick the needle in.", "(Quick flashback of: BOBBY JONES drawing ANGELA'S blood as she watches. He notices that she's not afraid of the blood ... or of the pain.)", "Bobby Jones: (V.O.) She was into it.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bobby Jones: I started watching over her. She was dating this wannabe total hollywood freak show.", "Warrick: Oh, so you're the real thing?", "Bobby Jones: These don't come", "(He points to his fangs as he smiles proudly at WARRICK.)", "Catherine: (o.s.) Mr. Jones, give me a file, and I could sharpen my teeth into fangs.", "Bobby Jones: I was born with these.", "Catherine: Mm-hmm. The night that Angela was murdered, you were \"watching over her.\"", "(Quick flashback to: [VIEW THROUGH THE WINDOW] ANGELA begs LAZARUS.)", "Lazarus Kane: I will not be tied down.", "Angela Sommerville: No, Lazarus, please don't go.", "Bobby Jones: (V.O.) The poser just took off.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bobby Jones: She ... invited me in.", "(Quick flashback to: ANGELA opens the door to find BOBBY on the doorstep.)", "Angela Sommerville: Yeah?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bobby Jones: She was glad to see me.", "(Quick flashback to: BOBBY steps into the house.)", "Angela Sommerville: Who are you?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bobby Jones: We kissed.", "(Quick flashback to: BOBBY kisses ANGELA as she struggles against him.)", "Angela Sommerville: Get off me!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bobby Jones: She, um ... \"offered\" herself to me.", "(Quick flashback to: BOBBY bites ANGELA.)", "Angela Sommerville: Stop it!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: You mean she offered her blood to you?", "Bobby Jones: (smiling at the memory) Yeah.", "(Quick flashback to: BOBBY bites ANGELA as she screams and struggles. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: She may have offered her blood to you, but you took her life. You murdered her.", "(Quick flashback to: BOBBY pulls back and takes her blood. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(BOBBY smiles.)", "Bobby Jones: You can't prove that.", "Catherine: DNA from your saliva was on the rim of the container. It's consistent with the saliva surrounding the puncture marks on Angela's neck.", "Bobby Jones: I released Angela from her body. She's inside of me now. A part of me. And she's very much alive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. HOTEL / CASINO - CAULFIELD'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM tosses a bag of money on CAULFIELD'S desk.)", "Ty Caulfield: What's this?", "Grissom: This is what's left of your $10 million.", "Ty Caulfield: Thank you for reminding me.", "Grissom: Do you know how much $10 million weighs?", "(CAULFIELD shakes his head.)", "Grissom: 220 pounds. Your lifeguard, Nathan Pollard-- 5'6\", 140 pounds.", "Ty Caulfield: Strong little b*st*rd.", "Grissom: Mmm. Say, could I borrow $10,000 in $100 bills?", "Ty Caulfield: What?", "Grissom: Only for a demonstration.", "Ty Caulfield: I'm sorry. I'm all out.", "Grissom: That's okay. I brought my own. (GRISSOM shows him the blank money bills.) It's only paper, but it's the same size, weight and density. (He puts it down on the table to continue the demonstration.) Did you know ... money bands are wrapped tightly around stacks of bills? They're very difficult to slip off. In fact, the only way you can get them off is to tear them.", "Ty Caulfield: What's your point?", "Grissom: None of your money bands were torn. Now, I don't know how much money you had in your vault, Mr. Caulfield, but I'm pretty sure I know how much you're going to be asking your insurance company for. You see, that's why you had your \"thief\" leave the money bands behind. You hired Mr. Chen and his merry band of actors to rip you off. I'm sure you paid them, but nothing close to $10 million.", "Ty Caulfield: \"Your notions, though many, are not worth a penny.\"", "Grissom: Mmm. \"The Mikado\".", "Ty Caulfield: Notions are all you have. Otherwise, we'd be downtown instead of here in my office. You know, I've always been a big supporter of the arts. Hence, Mr. Yamamoto ...", "Grissom: Uh, Mr. Chen's ...", "Ty Caulfield: hence, the exhibition. Over the years, I've financed theatrical productions.", "Grissom: Including The Mikado? Well, you know, one of your \"partners\" is going to come back again someday. He's going to miss his family, friends, the ensemble. He'll be back. And I'm guessing he'll tell us all about your latest production.", "Ty Caulfield: Yes, well, until then, Mr. Grissom.", "Grissom: Until then.", "(GRISSOM stands up and collects his things.)", "Grissom: I'm going to hand my findings over to your insurance company. I wouldn't count on receiving a payment.", "(GRISSOM picks up his kit and heads out the door ... whistling.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "The entire team investigates when a robbery at a grocery store turns into a shootout, leaving five people dead, one of whom is a police officer. The evidence leads Grissom to doubt the story of the other police officer at the scene." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[EXT. BEST BARGAIN SUPERMARKET - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(A police car pulls up the parking lot and stops in front of the store.)", "[INT. OFFICER CAR (PARKED) - NIGHT]", "Officer Clay: What do you need to get?", "Officer Fromansky: Actually, it's what you need to get, rook.", "(OFFICER FROMANSKY hands OFFICER CLAY some bills.)", "Officer Clay: Aw, come on, man. We're off duty.", "Officer Fromansky: You're off when I say you're off.", "(With the bills in his fingers, he motions toward the store. OFFICER CLAY grabs the bills. He opens the car door and gets out.)", "Officer Fromansky: (through the open window) Don't forget the Ho-Hos.", "(OFFICER CLAY waves the bills over his shoulder as he heads into the supermarket.)", "[INT. BEST BARGAIN SUPERMARKET - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(OFFICER CLAY walks into the supermarket. Stifling a yawn, he heads toward the aisle to get his things.)", "(Cut to: He looks into the refrigerator racks, finds what he's looking for, opens the door and grabs the container of milk.)", "(Cut to: OFFICER CLAY heads back to the checkout counter.)", "Celeste Turner: I can help you over here, sir.", "(He points to the light.)", "Officer Clay: That's not what your light says.", "(She reaches out and turns the light on.)", "Officer Clay: Slow night?", "Celeste Turner: Kind of.", "(He puts the container of milk on the check out counter and turns to head back into the aisle.)", "Officer Clay: Oh ... can't forget the Ho-Hos.", "(He finds the Ho-Ho's and absently glances up at the mirrors in the ceiling. He sees a man in black carrying a gun walking up the next aisle.)", "(OFFICER CLAY unholsters his gun.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. BEST BARGAIN SUPERMARKET - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT - LATER]", "(GRISSOM, CATHERINE and WARRICK carry their kits past the emergency vehicles in the parking lot and head into the supermarket.)", "(They see bodies on gurneys being rolled into the EMT vehicles. They see a MR. REED desperately trying to get past the officers and into the store.)", "Mr. Reed: Get out of my way! I've got to get in there! What the hell is wrong with you people? My wife is still in there! Why isn't anybody helping my wife?!", "Officer: (b.g.) We're doing the best we can, sir. ...", "Mr. Reed: Please!", "Brass: Body count's five.", "(GRISSOM looks around and sees OFFICER FROMANSKY sitting on the side, a blanket wrapped around his shoulder. OFFICER FROMANSKY watches GRISSOM head into the store.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BEST BARGAIN SUPERMARKET - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(BRASS walks into the store followed by CATHERINE, WARRICK and GRISSOM. BRASS stops in front of the fallen officer and kneels down as he gives them the information.)", "Brass: Officer Clay entered the store unaware of a robbery that was in progress. Officer Fromansky came in after he heard a shot fired. Engaged two suspects. Lit the place up.", "(WARRICK looks down the aisle and sees additional dead bodies.)", "Brass: The ski masks are John Does. The rest have wallet IDs.", "(Cut to: GRISSOM holds up the camera and snaps photos of the scene.)", "(CATHERINE snaps photos of JULIA REED.)", "Brass: (V.O.) Woman at the back is Julia Reed, cocktail waitress at the Tangiers.", "(WARRICK snaps photos of RUFUS SANDERS.)", "Brass: (V.O.) Man on aisle four is Rufus Sanders, cab driver.", "(He snaps more photos. When finished, he moves over to the open bag of cash on the aisle floor. He snaps a photo.)", "Warrick: How you want us to handle this, Grissom?", "Grissom: Same way you'd eat an elephant ... one bite at a time.", "(GRISSOM looks around and notices some blood drops on the floor leading to under a table. He makes his way toward it. BRASS finishes up with an officer.)", "Grissom: Hey, Jim ... did you know that Charles Manson is only 5'2\"?", "Brass: Yeah, little guys tend to overcompensate.", "Grissom: Do you remember the, uh, story about ... how and where the marshals found old Charlie when they raided barker ranch?", "Brass: (gets it) Yeah. I always, uh ...", "(BRASS quietly unholsters his gun.)", "Brass: I always liked that story.", "(He kneels down and aims under the table. GRISSOM moves the cloth aside to show a little boy, awake, huddled on his side, shivering and bleeding from a gunshot wound.)", "Grissom: (shouts) We need a medic!", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BEST BARGAIN SUPERMARKET - PARKING LOT]", "(The medics wheel out the HENRY TURNER on a gurney. BRASS and GRISSOM interview OFFICER FROMANSKY.)", "Brass: All right, tell me what happened.", "Officer Fromansky: I was in my radio car when I heard shots fired. I called for backup. I went in.", "(Quick flashback to: OFFICER FROMANSKY cautiously enters the supermarket. OFFICER CLAY is already dead on the floor.)", "Officer Fromansky: Clay, talk to me. Clay!", "(Gun shots are exchanged between OFFICER FROMANSKY and the ARMED SUSPECTS. They fire; he fires. A woman screams.)", "(OFFICER FROMANSKY hits the ARMED SUSPECT.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: How many shots you fire?", "Officer Fromansky: Three. No, four. I fired four.", "Brass: Then what?", "Officer Fromansky: I saw my partner on the floor. I went towards him.", "(Quick flashback to: [FROMANSKY'S POV] OFFICER CLAY is on the floor, dead and bloody, his head in a small pool of blood.)", "Officer Fromansky: (V.O.) Second gunman came at me.", "(OFFICER FROMANSKY looks up and sees the SECOND GUNMAN. He fires multiple times. He gets hit in the shoulder. A woman screams.)", "(OFFICER FROMANSKY gets back on his feet and continues firing until the GUNMAN goes down. The woman screams.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: How many shots you fire at the second gunman, total?", "Officer Fromansky: (thinking) Maybe-maybe five. I'd taken a shot in my vest.", "Grissom: Hard to count under those conditions. Are you sure?", "Officer Fromansky: No, I'm not sure. That's why I said maybe ... ...but I know I shot four at the third guy. I was going to check on my partner. I caught movement in the back. Black coat, ski mask, gun ... I put him down.", "(Quick flashback to: A THIRD GUNMAN as a dark blur runs across the screen from left to right. OFFICER FROMANSKY kneels next to his partner, looks up, sees the figure and fires multiple shots.)", "(A woman screams. The GUNMAN falls to the floor.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: He fire at you?", "Officer Fromansky: Didn't give him a chance.", "Brass: All right, that's all we need to know. I need your weapon.", "(BRASS holds out his hand and OFFICER FROMANSKY hands the gun handle first to him. GRISSOM watches BRASS check the weapon.)", "Officer Fromansky: My partner ... I want to be the one to tell his wife. He was my responsibility.", "Brass: All right.", "(OFFICER FROMANSKY stands up to make the call. BRASS turns to GRISSOM.)", "Brass: All right, look, if you're not going to say it, I will. Fromansky said he killed three, and there are two dead ski masks in there. Now, you cranked him up pretty good on that vigilante case last year. Is that going to be a problem?", "Grissom: No.", "(GRISSOM turns and walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BEST BARGAIN SUPERMARKET - BACK ROOM -- NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(CATHERINE and WARRICK speak with the other workers and witnesses at the back of the market.)", "Catherine: Everybody, could I please have your attention? All right, folks, I know that you've been through an awful lot this evening. If you could just bear with me a little longer, I need to talk with every one of you one at a time, so I promise to get you out of here as quickly as possible. (quietly to the officer) Is the, uh, guy in black the cocktail waitress' husband?", "Officer Metcalf: Yeah. Do you want him first?", "(She looks at him, his head in his hands.)", "Willows: I don't think he's ready for me just yet. I'm going to get to him soon enough.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BEST BARGAIN SUPERMARKET - FRONT OF STORE -- DAY]", "(SARA walks into find WARRICK processing OFFICER CLAY.)", "(He puts down evidence marker #55 and #56 near the casing. GRISSOM appears next to SARA.)", "Grissom: What happened to your assault in Henderson?", "Sara: I closed it. Where do you need me?", "Grissom: There's two more bodies over by the beer.", "Sara: You got it.", "(SARA heads for the back.)", "Warrick: Barely cleared the holster.", "Grissom: Reflex, maybe. Pulled the trigger before he had a target.", "(Quick flashback to: OFFICER CLAY pulling out his gun and firing before clearing the holster. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Not quick enough.", "(WARRICK looks around at the blood spatter on the SUZY Q boxes. He puts down evidence marker #57 next to OFFICER CLAY'S head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[BACK ROOM]", "(CATHERINE interviews the BAGBOY.)", "Bagboy: Those two guys came out of nowhere ... made everybody go to the corner.", "Catherine: Where, specifically?", "Bagboy: Uh ... dry goods. Then one guy grabs Celeste ...", "(Quick flashback to: CELESTE TURNER behind the check out counter.)", "(Cut to: Through the reflection of the ceiling mirror, the GUNMAN pushes CELESTE TURNER, forcing her to open the register.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Which guy?", "(He glances quickly behind him before answering.)", "Bagboy: I was looking at his piece, not his face, okay?", "Catherine: Shotgun or handgun?", "Bagboy: Uh, shotgun. He drags her over to the registers, makes her open 'em up. She does. They're pulling out the cash, and then he sees the cops roll up. Second guy says, \"everybody, get down and don't say a freaking word,\" so that's what I did.", "(He glances behind him.)", "Catherine: And then ...", "Bagboy: ... And then?", "(Quick flashback to: Everyone is huddled in the aisles, the GUNMAN as the gun on them. He looks up and runs over.)", "(There's gunfire everywhere.)", "Bagboy: (V.O.) ... ankles and flashes and booms.", "(The BAGBOY has his head tucked under his arms.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bagboy: That's all I remember.", "Catherine: And you never moved from that spot?", "Bagboy: (glances behind him) No, I didn't.", "Catherine: Do you have somewhere you need to be?", "(He looks at CATHERINE and pauses, embarrassed.)", "Bagboy: I got to change my pants.", "(She glances down.)", "Catherine: Sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[MAIN MARKET]", "(GRISSOM processes the scene around the dead GUNMAN. He caps the swab tip, looks at the gunman, then pulls the ski mask down below his chin to look at his face.)", "(Cut to: SARA processes the scene around the SECOND GUNMAN.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[SECURITY BOOTH]", "(NICK gathers the security tapes from the machines.)", "Manager: Well, you know, we're not the most modern store around.", "Nick: How long is the surveillance loop?", "Manager: About 24 hours.", "(NICK finds some tapes missing.)", "Nick: What, uh ... what happened to these tapes here?", "Manager: Nothing.", "Nick: These are active cameras, right?", "Manager: Those VCRs are busted. Never got 'em fixed. You know, cutbacks. Over the register and outside works. That's all we really need. Gotta keep an eye on the employees, right?", "Nick: Right.", "Manager: They steal worse than the customers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[SLOT MACHINES]", "(WARRICK checks the win at the machine.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[SARA]", "(SARA picks up something from the pool of blood. She bags it.)", "Warrick: You know, this guy hit a $75 jackpot. Probably shoving quarters in his pockets when this whole thing went down.", "Sara: The door was twenty feet away. He probably could've made a run for it.", "Warrick: You know, after the MGM grand fire, they found people fused to slot machines. Never even made it out of their seats. This guy probably thought it was his lucky day. I'm sure he wasn't going to leave without his money.", "(Camera holds on the quarters in the blood.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[BACK OF STORE]", "(CATHERINE interviews an older check out woman.)", "Woman Cashier: We all just started running when those two psychos started shooting it out with the cop...", "(Quick flashback to: When the gunman turns to exchange bullets with the officer, the group of hostages start running. RUFUS SANDERS gets shot.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Woman Cashier: I took a first aid course about a hundred years ago,", "(Quick flashback to: The WOMAN rushes over to help him.)", "Woman Cashier: (V.O.) ... so I-I-I tried to keep pressure on the wound, but it just kept bleeding, you know?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Woman Cashier: I couldn't leave Rufus all alone, scared, dying.", "Catherine: You were friends?", "Woman Cashier: Mmm, sort of. He-he'd come in a couple of times a week and play the quarter slots.", "Catherine: From where you and Rufus were, could you see Officer Fromansky?", "Woman Cashier: Oh, the cop who saved us? (shakes head) No. I couldn't see anything. I just heard all that gunfire just blasting away.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[WARRICK]", "(WARRICK looks around and finds a container of drain cleaner, spilled and empty from the bullet holes.)", "(Quick flash of the bullet hitting the drain cleaner. Resume to present.)", "(He clips it over and reads that the main ingredient is Sodium Hydroxide. He puts the empty container back down on the ground.)", "(He turns and looks at the bullet holes in the glass.)", "(He turns and joins DAVID PHILLIPS who is attending JULIA REED.)", "David Phillips: Hey.", "Warrick: Hey.", "David Phillips: Entry wound's on the left side.", "Warrick: There's no exit wound?", "(DAVID checks her back and doesn't find it.", "Warrick: Skin's thicker on the back. Captured the bullet.", "David Phillips: We'll retrieve it at autopsy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[BACK OF MARKET]", "(CATHERINE interviews MR. REED, JULIA REED'S husband.)", "Mr. Reed: I was, uh ... holding Julia's hand trying to find a place to hide ... somewhere safe. It was those stupid heels, you know. She was always forgetting to bring her flats to work.", "(Quick flashback to: MR. REED pulls JULIA through the aisle. Gunshots fire and JULIA falls to the ground.)", "Mr. Reed: Come on.", "(He turns around and finds her dead. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Mr. Reed: They didn't have to shoot her. They were wearing masks. We didn't even get a good look at them.", "Catherine: Mr. Reed, you can't look for reasons here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(WARRICK watches as DR. ROBBINS extracts the bullet from JULIA REED.)", "Robbins: We'll have it out in a second. The trick is to apply even pressure all around.", "(ROBBINS uses his fingers and pushes the bullet out.)", "Warrick: Is there something wrong with tweezers?", "Robbins: They can mess up the striae. You've got enough to deal with without my toolmarks in the mix. Here we go.", "(He holds up the bullet.)", "Robbins: Huh. Paper or plastic?", "(In his other hand, he holds up a baggie and a bindle for WARRICK to choose.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - MORGUE]", "(GRISSOM walks in to find DAVID PHILLIPS with the other bodies.)", "David Phillips: Officer Clay's already been processed. We wanted to get him to his family.", "Grissom: Did you get prints off the two suspects?", "David Phillips: Uh, yeah. They're right here.", "(DAVID hands them to GRISSOM.)", "David Phillips: And we also got bullets from both of them.", "Grissom: Good. (GRISSOM notices the tattoos.) Prison tattoos. They weren't virgins.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL -- HALLWAY]", "(CATHERINE talks with the nurse at the desk.)", "Catherine: Hi, I was wondering if I might be able to speak with Celeste Turner. She, uh, has a gunshot wound. She was brought in from the grocery store robbery.", "Nurse: Right. Curtain three. Just out of surgery. Stable. She's still pretty doped up, though. You're going to have to come back later. You going to need these?", "(She hands the bag with the bullets to CATHERINE.)", "Catherine: Yes. Thank you.", "(She looks at the bullets.)", "Catherine: What can you tell me about the little boy who was also brought in from the robbery incident?", "Nurse: Minor injuries. He's fine. Mostly shock. He's with his mom. Hell of a night, huh? Take your kid to work, both end up shot.", "Catherine: Wait a minute. So, the little boy's mother is Celeste Turner?", "Nurse: Yeah.", "[HALLWAY OUTSIDE ROOM]", "(CATHERINE watches through the glass as mother and son share the same bed. They're both sleeping.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB]", "(CATHERINE watches the security video with NICK.)", "Catherine: b*st*rd was behind her the whole time.", "Nick: Yeah.", "(He sighs.)", "Nick: Okay, here's what I got so far ... there's our two DOA suspects. Looks like they just walked in off the street.", "Catherine: Is there any sign of Fromansky's mystery gunner?", "Nick: No. All the cars in the parking lot were accounted for, and the loading dock out back was deserted, so ...", "(He hits more keys.)", "Nick: ... this is the only view of what went down.", "(On video: The GUNMAN pushes CELESTE TURNER back to her cash register.)", "Nick: And see here? Here comes our cop.", "(On video: OFFICER CLAY steps onto screen, puts the milk container on the check out counter, turns around and walks off frame.)", "Nick: Three, four feet away, doesn't even see him. The thing I hate the most is the bad guys always know if there's going to be a gunfight.", "(On video: The GUNMAN steps out from around CELEST TURNER to point his gun at OFFICER CLAY.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(WARRICK, SARA and GRISSOM walk through the hallway.)", "Warrick: Officer Clay's one shot went into the floor. The bullet fragmented. That's probably how that kid got hit. But Officer Fromansky's beretta and that suspect's tec-9, they both had hollow .9 millimeters. Between the two of them, they shot off 18 rounds.", "Sara: Shotgun was a mossberg, model 500. Eight rounds fired. Ammo was double-aught buckshot, nine pellets per shell.", "Grissom: 18 bullets, a total of 26 shells, 72 pellets. Enjoy.", "(GRISSOM turns and heads into the office. SARA and WARRICK sigh.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB]", "(BOBBY DAWSON test fires a weapon.)", "Bobby Dawson: Firing two shots!", "(Cut to: BOBBY compares the bullets.)", "(Cut to: SARA weighs the bullet.)", "(Cut to: SARA swabs the bullet.)", "(Cut to: SARA puts a sample under the scope.)", "(Cut to: WARRICK works on a computer reinactment of the bullets fired and positions of the people in the market.)", "(Dissolve to: A close up of the crime scene photo of OFFICER CLAY.)", "(Cut to: The computer lines up the bullets and shots fired.)", "(Dissolve to: A close up of the crime scene photo of the dead GUNMAN.)", "(Dissolve back to the computer screen showing the shots fired from the GUNMAN to RUFUS SANDERS.)", "(Dissolve to: A close up of the crime scene photo of the dead RUFUS SANDERS.)", "(Dissolve back to the computer screen showing the shots fired from OFFICER FROMANSKY to JULIA REED.)", "(Dissolve to: A close up of the crime scene photo of JULIA REED.)", "(WARRICK looks at the monitor.)", "(BOBBY DAWSON walks into the lab.)", "Grissom: Warrick.", "(He hands WARRICK the rest results. WARRICK looks at it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(WARRICK finds GRISSOM reading a book and walking in the hallway.)", "Warrick: Grissom, we got a problem.", "Grissom: Only one?", "Warrick: We've identified all the bullets recovered at the scene. There's no evidence of a third gunmen. It gets worse. The bullet that killed the cocktail waitress -- it came from Fromansky's gun.", "(They walk out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM interview OFFICER FROMANSKY.)", "Brass: How you feeling, Officer?", "Officer Fromansky: Little sore.", "Brass: Desk duty hurts a lot more. Is there anything you want to add to your statement?", "Officer Fromansky: What's he saying I did this time?", "Brass: A bullet from your gun killed a cocktail waitress.", "Officer Fromansky: A ricochet.", "Grissom: No. A clean shot.", "Officer Fromansky: Not possible.", "Brass: No one at the scene saw a third gunman.", "Officer Fromansky: I would never shoot at a civilian. I saw a guy wearing a ski mask, dark coat, holding a gun.", "Grissom: The girl was wearing a black sweater, carrying a purse.", "Officer Fromansky: I didn't shoot at that.", "Brass: You'd just took a full load in the chest. Maybe you were confused.", "Officer Fromansky: (shakes his head) Wasn't confused.", "Grissom: Your statement says that you fired four shots at this third gunman.", "Officer Fromansky: Yeah.", "Grissom: Ballistics evidence shows that you spread five shots over the back wall.", "Officer Fromansky: So I fired more than I thought. So what. I was engaged with multiple hostile targets.", "Brass: You're not back in the Gulf. You're a police officer. You're supposed to identify a target.", "Officer Fromansky: (to BRASS) And that's what I did. (to GRISSOM) What are you, pissed off because the last time you tried to jam me up didn't work?", "Brass: Hey, ease up.", "Officer Fromansky: What I said in my statement is the truth.", "Grissom: The truth is, we have a dead civilian with your bullet in her.", "(OFFICER FROMANSKY stops and looks at BRASS.)", "Officer Fromansky: This going to the next step?", "Brass: It has to. You're on administrative leave pending an IAB review.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL ROOM]", "(CATHERINE interviews CELESTE TURNER.)", "Celeste Turner: There was no way I could warn that cop. I wanted to ...", "(Quick flashback to: [VIDEO VIEW] The GUNMAN stands behind CELESTE at the register.)", "Celeste Turner: (V.O.) ... but the guy was right there,", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Celeste Turner: under the counter ... pushing his gun right in my stomach. I'm sorry.", "Catherine: You're not the one that pulled the trigger. Ms. Turner, what was your son doing there with you?", "Celeste Turner: Well, my ex was looking after him that night. Then the son of a bitch shows up at the store. Had a party to go to. Practically shoved Henry out of the car. I mean ... I'm not allowed to bring kids to work. So I snuck Henry into the office, and I told him to stay there.", "Catherine: Then?", "Celeste Turner: Then those two maniacs came in. They shot that poor policeman. And then everything just went crazy.", "(Quick flashback to: CELESTE runs to the office.)", "Celeste Turner: (V.O.) I was running, and I ran to go find Henry ...", "Celeste Turner: Henry!", "(She turns around and runs out of the office. The GUNMAN shoots her.)", "Celeste Turner: (V.O.) ... but I couldn't find him anywhere.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Celeste Turner: That's all I remember.", "(CATHERINE looks at HENRY and sees him asleep, a candy bar clutched in his hand.)", "Catherine: Henry likes his candy, doesn't he?", "Celeste Turner: He's got five cavities to prove it. How'd you know?", "Catherine: Well, we found him in a storage cabinet, near the candy rack.", "Celeste Turner: He never listens to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(A couple of techs count the cash as NICK instructs them.)", "Nick: Double counts, two people in the room at all times. When you're done, match the total amounts with the register receipts, okay?", "(CATHERINE walks into the room.)", "Catherine: So, explain to me what all the money was doing in the registers and not the store safe.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB]", "(NICK shots CATHERINE a close up of the cash register on the monitor.)", "Nick: See that light? It's called a halo. It's keyed to the sensor in the cash register. Now, at a preset amount, that light goes off, letting the store manager know it's time to transfer the cash to the safe. Now check this out ...", "(On video: Most of the cash register lights flash.)", "Catherine: Most of the halos are lit.", "Nick: Maximum cash, just lying in the drawers.", "Catherine: So, those guys did their homework. They picked the perfect time to hit.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(GRISSOM goes over the autopsy photos with ROBBINS. The photos are spread out on the table.)", "Grissom: AFIS hits on our suspects, both just recently released from five-year sentences at Lompoc.", "Robbins: California boys.", "Grissom: Born and raised.", "Robbins: Okay. Let's do this. Officer Clay was killed by a single close-range shotgun blast to the back of the head. Excessive penetration and laceration of the brain. Suspect Clyde Tremmel ...", "Grissom: The tec-9 guy.", "Robbins: Two distant-range, medium-caliber gunshot wounds to the front of the chest, with penetration of the lung and heart.", "(CATHERINE enters the room and quietly listens.)", "Robbins: Suspect Jack Delver ...", "Grissom: Shotgun guy.", "Robbins: One distant-range, medium-caliber gunshot wound to the forehead. The bullet penetrated the brain and was recovered in the occipital lobe. Rufus Sanders, bystander ...", "(As ROBBINS narrates, GRISSOM takes notes.)", "Robbins: ... five scattered buckshot perforations on the outer thigh. One severed the femoral artery, resulting in massive hemorrhage. And Julia Reed, cocktail waitress. Single medium-caliber gunshot wound to the left chest. The bullet perforated the lung and thoracic aorta, then perforated the opposite lung. And that's it.", "Grissom: Thanks, Doc.", "(CATHERINE looks at the photo of JULIA REED.)", "Robbins: Catherine, something bothering you?", "Catherine: A little.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE re-questions MR. REED.)", "Mr. Reed: Look, I came here to pick up my wife's body. I already gave you my statement.", "Catherine: Well, we just need a few more details before we can release the body. I promise this won't be long.", "Mr. Reed: What?", "Catherine: Well, you said that your wife fell during the gunfight, that that's how you got separated.", "Mr. Reed: Yeah.", "Catherine: Do you recall exactly how she fell?", "Mr. Reed: Well, what do you mean?", "Catherine: How did she land? Did she land sideways, backwards ... ?", "Mr. Reed: She fell forward, I think.", "Catherine: She fell forward. So her hands broke the fall, landed on her knees?", "Mr. Reed: Yeah.", "Catherine: Well, there weren't any bruises or scrapes on her knees or elbows, which is leading me to believe that she didn't fall.", "Mr. Reed: Well, what's-what's the difference? She's dead.", "Catherine: Mr. Reed, there were a lot of bullets flying around that store and a lot of victims, and every detail is important, but they don't help if they're not accurate.", "Mr. Reed: Well, when we started running ... she was right behind me.", "(Quick flashback: MR. REED and JULIA REED run across the aisle as gun shots sound around them. MR. REED ducks behind a display and is separated from JULIA who stands out in the open against the refrigerator doors.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Mr. Reed: She froze up. Just stood there looking right at me ... scared out of her mind. I ... yelled at her to get down, to come over to me. Sh-she wouldn't move. I mean I'm ... I'm pretty sure I yelled.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(GRISSOM and WARRICK work on the schematics of gunfire.)", "Grissom: Highlight the shots that killed the tec-9 shooter.", "(WARRICK puts it on screen.)", "Grissom: Fromansky said that he fired three or four shots at that target.", "Warrick: He fired four. That accounts for those shots.", "(Quick flashback to: The gunfire and FROMANSKY firing back. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Okay, the guy with the shotgun was killed with... one bullet.", "Warrick: Well, those four shots were definitely meant for him.", "Grissom: But this shot is closer to the second gunman than it is to the cocktail waitress.", "Warrick: Well, Fromansky was turning when he fired so his shots were spread out.", "(Quick flashback to: FROMANSKY and the GUNMAN fire at each other. FROMANSKY is hit. The GUNMAN is hit. RUFUS SANDERS is hit in the leg. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Okay.", "Warrick: Which means Fromansky fired four shots at a target at the back of the store.", "Grissom: Just like he said he did.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(In the observation room, GRISSOM and BRASS watch IAB interview OFFICER FROMANSKY.)", "IAB Officer: At the walk-through you said that you saw a third suspect at the back of the store. Why did you make the decision to shoot?", "Officer Fromansky: I was in fear for my life.", "IAB Officer: Did you see a weapon?", "Officer Fromansky: Yes.", "IAB Officer: What kind?", "Officer Fromansky: A semiautomatic pistol.", "IAB Officer: So you fired first.", "Officer Fromansky: Yes.", "IAB Officer: Four times.", "Officer Fromansky: Yes.", "IAB Officer: Can you explain the lack of evidence for a third suspect at the scene?", "Officer Fromansky: That's not my job.", "Brass: Right or wrong, there'll be guys on the job who'll think this was personal.", "Grissom: They'd be wrong.", "IAB Officer: Did you see Julia Reed in your line of fire?", "Officer Fromansky: No.", "IAB Officer: According to Supervising Criminalist Grissom's report, you had an unobstructed view of Ms. Reed, so how do you explain the fact that you didn't see her?", "Officer Fromansky: I can't.", "IAB Officer: You don't deny that a bullet from your weapon killed her?", "Officer Fromansky: I'm not denying that.", "IAB Officer: But you can't explain it?", "Officer Fromansky: No.", "IAB Officer: Look, your partner was dead. You'd been shot. You saw someone you thought was a suspect and you fired. Under those circumstances, any one of us could make a mistake. Did you?", "(OFFICER FROMANSKY doesn't say anything.)", "IAB Officer: Officer Fromansky, answer the question.", "(He still doesn't say anything.)", "(In the observation room, BRASS watches.)", "Brass: He says yes, he's a bad cop. He says no, he's a liar.", "Grissom: Maybe he really doesn't know what happened.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. BEST BARGAIN SUPERMARKET -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM and WARRICK use dummies and laser lights to show the trajectories of the gunfire.)", "Warrick: A little over. Perfect.", "Grissom: Good.", "Warrick: Let's say I'm Fromansky.", "(WARRICK holds out his hands in front of him as if holding a gun. He", "Warrick: There's nothing between Fromansky and the cocktail waitress. I got a clean view and a clear shot.", "(GRISSOM notices something in the refrigerator glass.)", "Grissom: Hey, take a look at this. The cracks in the glass from shot 22 are terminated by the cracks from shot 23.", "(Close up of the shots and the glass cracking.)", "Grissom: So, shot 23 had to occur before shot 22. Which means that Fromansky was firing from left to right, not right to left.", "(Quick flashback to: FROMANSKY firing four shots. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Four shots on a level spread. He was shooting at a moving target.", "Grissom: According to Catherine's witness, the cocktail waitress wasn't moving. She was a stationary target.", "(Quick flashback to: JULIA REED standing in the middle of the aisle, panicking. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: So, if he was shooting at a moving target, where was it moving to?", "(He looks in the direction and finds the EXIT door.)", "(Cut to: GRISSOM and WARRICK walk through the exit door and out to the back of the market.)", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY - DAY]", "(WARRICK points to the camera.)", "Warrick: We have the surveillance tape. Shows nothing going on here before, during or after the robbery.", "Grissom: Well, just because it shows nothing doesn't mean it's seeing everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[SECURITY OFFICE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(On the monitor, WARRICK stands on the loading dock while looking up at the camera.)", "Warrick: (to phone) You can see me now, right?", "Grissom: Keep moving to your right.", "Warrick: (to phone) All right.", "Grissom: Keep going. Keep going.", "Warrick: (to phone) I'm still in?", "GRISSOM Right there. Now you're out.", "(WARRICK looks around at the area outside the camera view. He notices the scrapings on the wall and sees a perfect line up the ramp.)", "Grissom: Tell me what you see.", "Warrick: A getaway.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] The getaway car takes off. Resume to present.)", "(WARRICK notices the skid marks on the ground.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(WARRICK, CATHERINE and NICK walk through the hallway.)", "Warrick: We found metal paint scrapings and skid marks. Both recent on that loading dock. These guys definitely had a wheelman.", "Nick: Yeah, guy slips in after everything gets started. During the confusion, nobody sees him. Or no one that was alive to tell anyway.", "Warrick: Except Fromansky.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Catherine: Well, the suspects knew there was a blind spot. It has to be an inside job.", "Nick: Oh, no doubt. Matched the cash from the garbage bag to the register receipts-- $878 was missing.", "Catherine: Somebody came out ahead. Inside guy?", "Nick: Well, I'll run the employees. Maybe somebody's got a record.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FBI - TRACE LAB]", "(HODGES works on identifying the source of the paint chips. He identifies the color: AEGEAN BLUE.)", "(Cut to: HODGES reports his findings to WARRICK.)", "Hodges: Ran your paint chips through ppg and Dupont. Got a hit. Aegean Blue Honda Accord.", "Warrick: Popular color.", "Hodges: They carried it over for four years. Go figure. I'm a teal man myself. You?", "(HODGES looks at WARRICK. WARRICK doesn't say anything.)", "Hodges: Stupid question. Anyway, model years '84 to '87.", "Warrick: I'll put out a broadcast. Thanks, Hodges.", "Hodges: Sure.", "(WARRICK leaves the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(GRISSOM works at his desk when OFFICER FROMANSKY walks in.)", "Officer Fromansky: Before this goes any deeper, I want to hear it from you. Are you going to try to screw me on this?", "(GRISSOM looks at the photos in his hand.)", "Officer Fromansky: Well?", "Grissom: I guess it depends on whether I get stuck in traffic on the way to your hearing.", "(GRISSOM looks at OFFICER FROMANSKY. FROMANSKY turns and walks out of the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDEWALK -- DAY]", "(WARRICK and BRASS head for the getaway car parked on the side of the street.)", "Brass: So, this car was reported stolen about, uh, oh, about three weeks ago. Why don't you take the front. I'll take the back.", "(They open the doors and look inside. WARRICK notices something white staining the seats. He does a pH test.)", "Warrick: Ph 13. Sodium hydroxide.", "(Quick flashback to: [THE MARKET] Gunshots hit the drain cleaner stand. Resume to present.)", "(WARRICK notices the busted starter. He photographs it. BRASS finds a cell phone.)", "Brass: Got a cell phone. There's a lot of scung on it. Won't be too good for prints, but let me check the call history.", "(Received Calls show:", "Brass: Same number keeps popping up.", "(BRASS pulls out his own phone and dials.)", "Answering Machine: (recording on phone): Best bargain is temporarily closed. Please check back tomorrow.", "Brass: Well, this is interesting. Before the robbery went down, somebody at the store was very eager to talk to our suspects. Same number.", "Warrick: Yeah? Maybe he can tell us who.", "(WARRICK holds up the print card.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS interviews TODD HALLICKEY.)", "Brass: Todd Hallickey.", "Todd Hallickey: Look, I don't know why you guys brought me here, but you got no right tossing my apartment.", "Brass: We matched your prints from a stolen car off the prints from a prior car theft, and bingo, we had a match. Got a warrant for your apartment.", "Todd Hallickey: I don't boost cars no more.", "Brass: (chuckles) Yeah, right.", "Todd Hallickey: Oh, wait. No, I ... I was looking into getting some wheels a couple of weeks ago. I test-drove this old Honda Accord this guy was trying to unload.", "Brass: An '86 Aegean Blue with matching velour interior?", "Todd Hallickey: Yeah, that was it. Must be how my print got there. Well, didn't buy the car. Guy seemed kind of shady.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(WARRICK takes out a sweater from an evidence box. He examines the sweater as we continue to hear BRASS' interview in voice over.)", "Brass: (V.O.) You wouldn't happen to remember this shady guy's name, would you?", "Todd Hallickey: (V.O.) Come on. No one keeps track of stuff like that.", "Brass: (V.O.) Uh, right. You own any firearms, Mr. Hallickey?", "Todd Hallickey: (V.O.) No, sir, I'm on parole. Besides, I don't believe in guns. They're dangerous.", "[INTERVIEW -- CONTINUOUS]", "(BRASS notices the red burn marks on TODD HALLICKEY'S knuckles.", "Brass: You know, that's a nasty injury you got there, Todd. Looks kind of painful. How'd you get it?", "Todd Hallickey: It's a rash.", "Brass: Looks like a chemical burn to me. You know what sodium hydroxide is?", "Todd Hallickey: Never heard of it.", "(Cut back to: WARRICK examines the jacket and finds the hole in the sleeve.)", "Brass: (V.O.) Let me tell you what it is. It's the active ingredient in drain cleaner. It opens up the pipes, dissolves flesh and fabrics.", "[INTERVIEW - CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK walks into the interview with the test results.)", "Todd Hallickey: Look, you want to pin that car on me, you go ahead and try.", "Warrick: I got this off the jacket from your apartment. What the hell is this?", "Brown: It's a bullet wipe. A test for lead.", "(Quick CGI POV to: A bullet is shot and it hits the jacket. End of CGI POV.)", "Warrick: Congratulations. You passed.", "(TODD HALLICKEY stares at WARRICK and swallows.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM - LATE DAY]", "(GRISSOM, WARRICK and CATHERINE meet to discuss the case.)", "Warrick: Hallickey's got no connection to the grocery store. He was just the wheel man. Even, still, he's looking at four counts of felony murder. But he's not talking. He lawyered up.", "Grissom: We got a bullet hole in a jacket. That's not even enough to prove that he was in the store.", "Catherine: What about the cash?", "Warrick: It wasn't in his apartment. Maybe somebody else took it.", "Catherine: Almost $900 in small bills? We'd have noticed pockets bulging with a wad like that.", "Grissom: What about the calls from the grocery store to the suspect's cell? That could have been somebody giving the \"go\" signal.", "Warrick: There's no way to tell who. The store runs off of an old PBX system, and every call that comes in goes back to the same number. Every employee was near a phone, so, it could have been anybody.", "(NICK walks into the room and takes a seat.)", "Nick: Hey, y'all. Ran the criminal records for the employees. Came up with a Raul Valdez. Freight loader.", "(NICK hands GRISSOM a photo.)", "Nick: He clocked in for work that night. Never clocked out.", "Catherine: No one by that name interviewed at the scene?", "Nick: Here's the kicker. A few years ago, he spent some time in prison. Lompoc. So, Brass is trying to find him now.", "(GRISSOM hands the photo to CATHERINE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BEST BARGAIN SUPERMARKET]", "(CATHERINE walks through the aisles. She looks at the photo where the bag of money was found and heads for that spot in the aisle. She looks down at the ground.)", "(Quick flash to the bag of money.)", "(CATHERINE looks around. She puts her bag down and checks the aisles.)", "(She finds a brown stain on the floor. She rubs her finger in it and smells it. She knows what it is.)", "(Quick flash to: The interview with the BAGBOY.)", "Bagboy: I got to change my pants.", "(She looks down and notices the stain. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(CATHERINE checks the shelves and finds a box of PUFFIOS stuffed with the missing money.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(CATHERINE re-interviews the BAGBOY.)", "Catherine: You left something in the store besides a urine stain.", "(She puts the photo of the box of PUFFIOS in front of him.)", "Catherine: Just a little too tempting, huh? All that cash just sitting there right in front of your face ...", "(Quick flashback to: With gunfire all around him, the BAGBOY has his head down. He looks up and notices the money in the shelves. He starts grabbing it.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bagboy: Look, I go to that store to bag groceries, not to get my ass shot off. I figure I earned the money. Kind of like working overtime.", "Catherine: Might as well get something for all your trouble, right? Considering the fact that your nice little robbery had gone straight to hell.", "Bagboy: Whoa, wait a minute. You think ... ? No way.", "Catherine: It was an inside job. You knew the registers were full. Those gunmen had help from an employee.", "Bagboy: Not from me, they didn't. Look, you want to bust me for the money, go ahead, I took it. But I did not set the thing up.", "(CATHERINE stares at him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(GRISSOM looks through the scope. WARRICK walks in.)", "Warrick: You know, Hodges already analyzed trace on the bullets.", "Grissom: Yeah, I wanted to take a look myself.", "Warrick: He'll take it personally.", "Grissom: Good. The report says that the cocktail waitress was wearing a black wool sweater. Was she also wearing something polyester?", "Warrick: No.", "Grissom: Take a look at this.", "(WARRICK looks through the scope.)", "Warrick: Black fibers. Probably synthetic. Mixed in with the wool. If their gunman was wearing a black polyester jacket ...", "Grissom: Fromansky claims that he was tunnel-visioned on the gunman. So, it's possible that he never even saw the cocktail waitress.", "(Quick flashback to: THE GUNMAN runs across the aisle. FROMANSKY raises his gun and fires at the moving target.)", "(Camera zooms in and follows the bullet as it travels straight for JULIA REED piercing through her clothes and flesh.)", "(The GUNMAN continues to run; JULIA REED falls to the ground.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: You may have just saved Fromansky's ass.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(NICK catches up with CATHERINE in the hallway.)", "Nick: Hey, Catherine, how'd it go with the bag boy?", "Catherine: He admitted to swiping the cash, but he wouldn't cop to the robbery.", "Nick: Then I have something you should see. I was going back through the surveillance tapes covering the loading dock, thinking I might find someone scouting a blind spot, you know? But instead, I found this. Two nights before the robbery.", "(NICK shows CATHERINE what's on the video.)", "(On video: The camera moves to the left.)", "Nick: There. See that?", "Catherine: One more time.", "Nick: Yeah.", "(On video: The camera shifts to the left.)", "Nick: That camera's stationary, so ...", "Catherine: Somebody moved the camera.", "(NICK smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(CATHERINE interviews CELESTE TURNER.)", "Catherine: You used to part-time at the forum shops. We got your prints off your work card. It was the same print that we got off the loading dock surveillance camera.", "(CATHERINE shows the photo to CELESTE TURNER.)", "(Quick flash of CELESTE TURNER moving the security camera.)", "(Cut to: The camera view.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: Raul Valdez, an ex-con -- your co-worker. You got him to give you the names of some guys to do the job.", "Catherine: You give them the best time to hit the registers. You tell them where to park. It's a good plan. Until your Ex showed up and leaves you with your kid.", "Brass: Then you panic, and you call your guys, try to call it off, but they won't listen.", "Catherine: If that's what happened, that could go in your favor.", "Brass: When we find Raul, he'll give you up in a heartbeat.", "Celeste Turner: (swallows) I think I need to get a lawyer.", "Brass: What you need is come clean and cooperate. And you better hope and pray the DA doesn't want to put a needle in your arm for killing five people, including a cop.", "Celeste Turner: I have been working at that store for five years. Thirty-eight hours a week. Thirty-eight ... not forty. You know why? Because my manager won't give me enough hours to qualify for benefits. I have a kid ... with rotten teeth. I never meant for anybody to get hurt.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(OFFICER FROMANSKY receives an award at the police department. REPORTERS take photos of the presentation.)", "Reporter: Officer Fromansky, if you could smile, please? REPORTER: Thank you; right over here.", "(BRASS and GRISSOM walk past the gathering.)", "Brass: Guy from the mayor's office. Fromansky's getting a commendation. What do you think?", "Grissom: Two dead felons, two dead civilians a dead policeman ... I don't know what to think.", "(They walk out of camera frame.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Paper or Plastic?
[ "The whole team investigates the execution -style murder of a husband and his porn star wife in a gated community . Catherine gets involved with one of the suspects, even after Grissom questioned her ethics when she told him she accepted Sam Braun's check." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS GOLF COURSE (STOCK) -- DAY]", "Camera zooms through the following different scenes and views.", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS - HOUSES ON GOLF COURSE (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS - CLOSED COMMUNITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[EXT. TRENT'S RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "[INT. TRENT'S RESIDENCE - KITCHEN - DAY]", "(LAUREL TRENT stands at the kitchen sink washing the coffee cup, wiping it and putting it aside as MIKE TRENT walks into the kitchen, puts his arm on her shoulder and kisses her on her cheek.)", "Mike Trent: Ready to go? I'll get the paper, you get the car.", "Laurel Trent: (smiles in agreement) Okay.", "(She turns and heads out of the kitchen.)", "[EXT. TRENT'S RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVEWAY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The front door opens and MIKE TRENT steps outside. He picks up the paper on the front walk and heads for the garage. He crosses the lawn and absently opens the paper to read the headlines.)", "(Cut to: [INT. CAR (PARKED)] LAUREL fiddles with the radio controls in the car. It's 6:40 a.m. She shifts the car into gear.)", "(Cut to: MIKE reaches the bottom of the drive and waits for the car as it reverses down the driveway. He looks back down at the paper.)", "(LAUREL smiles as she reverses the car. In the rear view mirror, she sees her husband. Suddenly from the side, a man dressed completely in black grabs MIKE from behind and puts a taser up to his neck, zapping him.)", "(As she sits there in shock, a second man opens the driver's door and pulls LAUREL out of the car. She grabs the steering wheel and screams.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "(LAUREL TRENT lies dead on the driveway pavement in a pool of blood in front of her car, her eyes wide open.)", "(Flash to: MIKE TRENT is also dead on the driveway facing up, his eyes wide open.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. TRENT'S RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVEWAY - DAY -- LATER]", "(From a camera view high above the front of the house, we see Officers swarm around the crime scene and we also noticed the large blood smear from the top of the driveway down to the edge near the sidewalk. CATHERINE and GRISSOM get their things out of the cars.)", "Catherine: Early morning call-out, the worst.", "(CATHERINE shuts the back door of her car.)", "Catherine: Where did you come from?", "Grissom: Home.", "(They turn and head toward the driveway.)", "Catherine: Did you get any sleep?", "Grissom: No. You?", "Catherine: About a half an hour.", "Grissom: I was watching the world series of poker. Waiting for Sam Farha to light his cigarette.", "Catherine: Mm-hmm.", "(BRASS looks at them.)", "Brass: Ever been to the Acid Drop?", "Catherine: I try to avoid those places.", "Brass: The victims were the owners. Mike Trent and his wife Laurel. Both shot execution-style back of the head. A neighbor walking the dog found 'em. Mike used to own a semi-pro hockey team with some other guy. He made a ton of money, sunk it all into clubs like Acid Drop, uh, Psychedelic Hoe-Down ...", "(An OFFICER calls out to BRASS.)", "Officer: Captain Brass.", "Brass: (trails off) ... fun joints.", "(BRASS turns and leaves with the OFFICER.)", "Catherine: Looks like they never got out of the driveway.", "(Quick flashback to: MIKE TRENT is on his knees as the gunman fires shots at the back of his neck. LAUREL TRENT watches, then is shot herself. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: She dropped where she was shot, but he looks like he was dragged.", "(Quick flashback to: The GUNMAN drags MIKE TRENT'S body down the driveway. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: You drag a body away to hide it, not down a driveway for the world to see it.", "Grissom: (looks out at the street thoughtfully) Unless that was the point.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TRENT'S RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(The front door opens. CATHERINE and WARRICK walk into the house carrying their kits. They look around and notice the center foyer table full of framed photos of the couple.)", "Warrick: Bling-bling.", "(CATHERINE picks up a framed photo and looks at it.)", "Catherine: The ol' trophy wife.", "Warrick: You think?", "Catherine: Classic Vegas. He pays for her boobs, tummy tuck, Prada, weekly spa, french manicure. And she's just hanging on his arm like she belongs.", "Warrick: Tell us how you really feel, Catherine.", "Catherine: Oh, it's gross. I wouldn't want to be her for the world. I wouldn't mind being her for a day, I guess.", "Warrick: Well, not this day.", "Catherine: (agrees) No.", "Warrick: Looks like it was just the two of them.", "Catherine: Nobody I know lives like this with kids.", "(WARRICK'S phone rings. He answers it.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[EXT. EAST COAST BACK GATE]", "(GREG stands outside the locked gate as he listens to the phone ringing.)", "Warrick: Brown.", "Greg: I've been here for twenty minutes. What's the code?", "Warrick: You on the East Coast looking for a sunset?", "Greg: I am.", "Warrick: You're at the wrong gate. Drive back down the road, make three lefts. When you get to the main gate, speak to Officer Ray and tell her you're with the crime lab. When you get to the scene, make sure I'm the first person you speak to.", "Greg: Okay.", "(GREG hangs up.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DRIVEWAY -- DAY]", "(BRASS shows NICK and SARA the crime scene.)", "Nick: Mike Trent?", "Brass: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Boy, he's a big dog in the club world. Rumour is he paid Lil' Kim $10,000 one time just to walk into one of his clubs, turn around and walk back out.", "Brass: Yeah, I heard Jah Rule gets the same fee.", "(NICK and SARA share a look.)", "Brass: (shrugs) It's what I heard.", "(SARA pops a cough drop into her mouth. NICK holds out his hand.)", "Nick: Hey, uh, let me have one of those, Sara.", "Sara: Sorry, last one.", "Brass: (eye-ing her) You have a cold, Sara?", "Sara: I've been feeling a little run down lately.", "Brass: Okay, it's a gated community. The main gate has a guard all the time. The resident gate is at the north end, has punch-key access. Those are the only two ways in and out of this place.", "Nick: I thought you moved into communities like this for this not to happen.", "(NICK and SARA walk up to GRISSOM who is checking the purse inside of the car.)", "Nick: Hey, Grissom. What do you got?", "(They peer in through the open car window. He looks up.)", "Grissom: So far, an empty briefcase and a purse.", "Sara: You want us to take the perimeter?", "Grissom: Yeah, please. Catherine and Warrick are inside. The bodies were found on the driveway, so any evidence of the killers is going to be out here.", "Nick: I'll check the rear for any sign of forced entry.", "Sara: I'll take the side yard.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DRIVEWAY - FRONT CURB -- DAY]", "(WARRICK approaches GREG who is getting out of his car.)", "Warrick: You just get off a shift?", "Greg: Catherine called me. I'm here to help with the case.", "Warrick: You look like a man who just rolled out of bed. You all right?", "Greg: Yeah, why?", "Warrick: T-shirt, sneakers. You're already a half hour late. Grissom will rip you a new one if he sees you like that.", "(WARRICK walks around the car to take a look at GREG'S open trunk.)", "Greg: Serious?", "Warrick: Yeah, it's not a rebel game. It's a crime scene. See, this is what I'm talking about right here.", "(He reaches into GREG'S kit and takes out his flashlight.)", "Warrick: The battery's not changed kit's open. It's not stocked; no swabs. Did you sterilize your equipment after your last case?", "Greg: Uh, no.", "Warrick: See, you know when I'm on call because my clothes are folded next to my bed. Shoes, jacket, ball cap, bottle of water, pen, paper, Thomas Guide, next to the phone. That way, if I get a call at 3:00 in the morning, I'm not scrambled. Everything's there before the phone rings. My game is tight, like my trunk. Check it out.", "(WARRICK shows GREG the trunk of his car.)", "Warrick: Camera case, tripod, film is in the fridge. Markers, check. Extra field kit, fully stocked, sterilized. Shoeprint lift kit, wet weather gear. Files \"mama.\" Forms for days. First call form, first officer form, consent to search, bird's eye view inside, bird's eye view outside. It's down to how I like my lunch. Picking up what I'm putting down?", "Greg: Yeah. See, no one ever told me.", "Warrick: You've been told.", "Greg: Yes, sir.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DRIVEWAY -- DAY]", "(SARA walks past the body on the driveway toward the side wall. She pops another cough drop into her mouth as she climbs over the wall. She starts looking around.)", "(A few steps in, she finds some cigarette butts and orange peel pieces.)", "(She takes off her glasses and kneels down to look. Thinking.)", "(She looks up and visualizes the image of the gunman standing there, waiting, taking a puff of his cigarette and throwing it to the ground. The gunman pulls off an orange from the tree and ...", "(The visualization ends to reveal NICK standing in the spot in front of SARA.)", "Nick: No sign of disturbance in the rear.", "Sara: Cigarette butts. Orange peel, seeds. Lying in wait, maybe.", "Nick: You still sucking on that same cough drop?", "Sara: Yeah. I'm a ... a slow sucker.", "Nick: So, assuming the killer didn't live in the community, how did he gain entry?", "(NICK checks out the rest of the yard while SARA stays with the cigarette butts and orange peels.)", "(NICK finds some bike tracks in the dirt.)", "(He walks back onto the driveway looking out over the hill where he visualizes the two gunmen each on their own bike riding over the hill. They ride out onto the street.", "(End of visualization. Resume to present.)", "(NICK looks down on the ground in front of him to see the bike tracks on the road.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TRENT RESIDENCE - STAIRWAY -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and GREG walk up the stairs up to the second floor.)", "Catherine: Crime occurred in the driveway. Nothing to indicate that the suspects were inside the house.", "Greg: Yes, ma'am. I got it. So, then, what are we looking for?", "Catherine: Anything inside that'll make the outside make sense.", "[BEDROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(They walk into the bedroom.)", "Catherine: On your hands and knees. Check the carpet for trace.", "(GREG puts his kit down while CATHERINE checks out the closet. Starting along the doorway, Greg crawls along the carpet floor with his flashlight. CATHERINE opens the drawer inside the closet. GREG works his way toward the foot of the bed.)", "(CATHERINE checks the jewelry box and finds it empty.)", "Catherine: Hey. Greg. I'm going to need you to photograph something.", "(GREG finds some storage boxes under the bed.)", "Greg: Why, what'd you find?", "Catherine: It's what I didn't find.", "(At the foot of the bed, GREG finds some blood on the carpet.)", "Greg: Well, I found something. Blood.", "(CATHERINE walks out of the closet and finds GREG kneeling at the foot of the bed with one of the storage boxes in front of him..)", "Catherine: Blood? Where?", "Greg: Right here.", "(He points to the spot with his flashlight. CATHERINE walks over and looks at it. GREG opens the storage lock box and finds a stash of porno video tapes - starring Laurel Lust.)", "Greg: Ooh, I also found some videos. Looks like amateur p0rn.", "Catherine: p0rn. That figures. (CATHERINE looks at one of the video tapes.) \"Sunburn Sin\". Ooh. \"Starring Laurel Lust.\" (realizing) That's Laurel Trent.", "Greg: Isn't that the wife?", "Catherine: Yeah. A few years back. (reading) \"A Goode/Mike T. Production.\" \"Mike T\" as in Mike Trent? (She flips the box over and reads the back.) Well, I bet he seduced her, and then he produced her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(ROBBINS goes over LAUREL TRENT'S body with GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: Laurel Trent definitely had some work done. Implants which she later had removed. She has a four-centimeter-long scar at the edge of the collapsed fibrous capsules in both breasts.", "Grissom: Fascinating. Cause of death?", "Robbins: I was just getting to that. Two gunshot wounds to the back of the head, just like her husband. Close range. Either one immediately debilitating and fatal. I sent the bullets to the lab. But this is why I sent for you.", "(ROBBINS walks over to MIKE TRENT'S body and points out the burns on the neck.)", "Grissom: Stun gun burns?", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. TRENT'S DRIVEWAY] MIKE TRENT is waiting for his wife to pick him up when the gunman rushes up behind him zapping him on the neck with a stun gun.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: If you're close enough to stun him, you're close enough to shoot him.", "Grissom: And we suspect that there were two assailants.", "Robbins: Well, maybe they were trying to buy time.", "(beat)", "Grissom: For what?", "(GRISSOM slowly turns and looks at ROBBINS.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY GATE -- NIGHT]", "(WARRICK and NICK walk across the lawn.)", "Warrick: Now, the first order of business is to kill the Trents. Then the suspects go upstairs and rip off laurel's jewelry.", "Nick: And bail on bikes. That's a little low-rent, don't you think?", "Warrick: Yeah, but I'm thinking, in a neighborhood like this, if you burn rubber out of here, it's gonna cause a lot of attention. If you roll quietly away on a bike, though ...", "Nick: Ah, no one's the wiser. Okay, I get it.", "(They stop in front of the community gate.)", "Warrick: This is the resident gate that Greg called me from; he couldn't get in. He needed a code.", "Nick: Sara did find an orange peel in the side yard. What do you think, sticky fingers?", "Warrick: Does citrus illuminate?", "Nick: Sure it will, if it's derivatized. Do you have any fluorescent reagents?", "Warrick: I've got ANTs. Not the insect.", "Nick: Amino-Naphthalene Trisulfonic acid.", "Warrick: (jumps in) -- Trisulfonic acid.", "Nick: You're trying to stump me. I can feel it.", "(WARRICK puts his kit down and takes out the container. He hands it to NICK.)", "Warrick: Let me check it out. The ants should make it light up under the ALS.", "(NICK dusts the key pad for prints. WARRICK uses the ALS and checks the key pad for the numbers that glow.)", "Warrick: One, three ... five and six. In some configuration. They had the code.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE is with GRISSOM in his office. She stands near the window as he sits behind his desk with a file folder open in front of him.)", "Catherine: We're mid-case. Why do we have to do this now?", "Grissom: I have to get this evaluation in, or I'm gonna get written up.", "Catherine: Okay. My goals. Mm ... oh, all right, okay.", "(She takes a seat in front of GRISSOM'S desk.)", "Catherine: For starters, I'd like two consecutive nights off. I would like to cut my triples down to ten a year instead of the usual twenty, and, uh, I would love to find a reliable baby-sitter, so I could have myself some kind of a personal life.", "Grissom: You don't have a personal life?", "Catherine: I ... write this down: I haven't had s*x in six -- no -- seven months.", "(GRISSOM looks at CATHERINE.)", "Grissom: (sighs) How can I help?", "(CATHERINE stares at GRISSOM, her eyes wide.)", "Grissom: (awkwardly) You. Advance, I mean. Do you ... have any interest in changing sections in the lab, for instance?", "Catherine: Gil, how do you do this? Honestly, how do you juggle scheduling and vacations and ...", "Grissom: The goal of any supervisor is to teach someone how to take his place someday. Are you going someplace?", "Grissom: You never know.", "Catherine: Are you considering me?", "Grissom: Why not? You're certainly qualified. But ... a CSI who uses the DNA lab to establish her own paternity ... calls into question ... her judgment, don't you think?", "(He moves the evaluation file folder in front of CATHERINE. She looks at what he's written.)", "Catherine: You've left that out. Are you covering for me?", "Grissom: I believe that we've dealt with this issue, handled it internally. As far as I'm concerned, it's dead. Besides, you'll never do it again. So just sign your name by the red \"X.\"", "(CATHERINE hesitates.)", "Catherine: Before I sign, um, since we're putting all of our cards on the table, there's something you should know. Sam Braun wrote me a check, and ... I cashed it.", "Grissom: For how much?", "Catherine: Enough to where Lindsay and I can do anything and ... not enough to where we can do nothing.", "Grissom: Sam Braun was a murder suspect in one of your cases. How does this not look like a payoff?", "Catherine: I consulted an attorney. It is a check from a father to a daughter. It is completely out of departmental jurisdiction.", "Grissom: What about conflict of interest? Not just for you but for this lab.", "Catherine: Gil, I would never compromise you or the lab.", "Grissom: Maybe not legally, but ethically?", "(CATHERINE doesn't say anything.)", "Grissom: What else should I know, Catherine?", "Catherine: That's everything.", "(She signs the evaluation, stands up and walks out of the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(SARA'S in the lab going through the things found at the site. CATHERINE walks in putting on a pair of latex gloves.)", "Catherine: Talk to me.", "Sara: Orange peels, seeds, cigarette butts. I'm logging them in and moving them to DNA.", "(CATHERINE picks up the purse, opens and closes it, then goes through the other bags on the table.)", "Catherine: Okay, so you've gone through her purse, uh, her wallet ...", "Sara: Yeah, everything's there -- money, credit cards.", "Catherine: What about the briefcase?", "Sara: Empty. Stop. I-I got a system here. I found this wadded up in her purse. It's a release form -- permission to film an adult movie at the Acid Drop from Drake the Snake productions. Signed by a Drake Snow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. ACID DROP -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE walks through the club. She shows her I.D. to the bouncer.)", "Catherine: I need to see your boss.", "Bouncer: (motions to her) Follow me.", "[BACK]", "(The BOUNCER leads CATHERINE to the back room where his boss, CHRIS BEZICH, is giving last minute instructions to the waitresses.)", "Chris Bezich: Tonight's for Mike. We pay our respects by ringing the register. Now, I don't mind if you're talking, just as long as they're drinking. Watch the doubles ...", "(He looks up and sees the BOUNCER with CATHERINE.)", "Chris Bezich: Uh ... Watch the doubles. Be smart. You do that, we're gonna take this party through till 6:00 in the morning. And most importantly, have fun.", "(The waitresses smile.)", "Waitress: Okay.", "Chris Bezich: Go make some money. See you later.", "Waitress: Thanks.", "(The waitresses leave. He turns his attention to CATHERINE.)", "Chris Bezich: You here about Mike?", "Catherine: Yes, I am.", "Chris Bezich: Let's go somewhere private.", "[BACKROOM]", "(They make their way to a back room. CHRIS BEZICH sees some PATRONS leaving the back room.)", "Chris Bezich: (to patrons) Sorry for the inconvenience, everybody. When you come back, next bottle's on me.", "Patrons: Great.", "(He motions CATHERINE inside.)", "Chris Bezich: Go ahead.", "(CATHERINE clears her throat.)", "Chris Bezich: Thanks, chief. We're going to shut her down for about half an hour.", "Catherine: (looks around) Well ... this is private.", "Chris Bezich: It was, um ... it was a real shock, you know? Mike and Laurel getting killed like that. But I got to say, if they had a choice how to go out, it would have been together. For him, the sun rose and set with her.", "Catherine: He didn't treat her like a trophy wife?", "Chris Bezich: No. You kidding? No. He got her off the VHS covers, and she made a home for him.", "(He sits down and motions for her to sit down also.)", "Chris Bezich: Have a seat.", "Catherine: Um, and what was, uh ... what was your professional affiliation with him?", "Chris Bezich: I run his clubs. Ever since he got out of the partner business with Kyle Goode.", "Catherine: Have you seen this Mr. Goode lately?", "Chris Bezich: He shows his face every once in a while. I just try to keep him away from Mike, you know? As much as humanly possible.", "Catherine: And ... What about this Drake Snow guy?", "Chris Bezich: Drake? (chuckles) Drake the Snake. I, uh ... I hired him. He's harmless. He saw one Ron Jeremy movie. Now the guy just sees dollar signs.", "Catherine: Uh, and how did he get along with the Trents?", "Chris Bezich: Why don't you go ask him?", "Catherine: Reading my mind.", "Chris Bezich: Mm.", "(She stands up and he also stands up, rushing to stop her from leaving.)", "Chris Bezich: You, uh ... you never gave me your name.", "Catherine: Oh. Catherine.", "Chris Bezich: Catherine.", "(They shake hands.)", "Catherine: Willows.", "Chris Bezich: Chris Bezich.", "Catherine: Chris Bezich.", "Chris Bezich: (motions to her) Come on.", "[BAR -- LATER]", "(CATHERINE sits and talks with the bartender, DRAKE SNOW.)", "Drake Snow: Mike and Kyle -- they made all their money out of Laurel taking it off. She-she was a cash register in panties is what she was.", "Catherine: And you wanted in?", "Drake Snow: No. Trust me. The last thing that I wanted was to be partners with Mike. Guy'd ... would chew you up and spit you out soon as look at you.", "Catherine: And Kyle -", "Drake Snow: Forget it. Guy'd tell you right to your face he's sticking it to you. Pasadena, baby. I got my own plans. I-I just ... I just need a location. One location.", "Catherine: And what? Mike didn't agree to it?", "Drake Snow: Didn't ask him. Last time I asked him for something, he took a swing at me.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. TRENT'S RESIDENCE - KITCHEN] MIKE TRENT throws DRAKE SNOW out of the house.)", "Mike Trent: Get the hell out of my ...", "Drake Snow: I just want the same shot that you had, Mike. Laurel said that ...", "Mike Trent: You two aren't in business anymore.", "(MIKE takes a swing and hits DRAKE SNOW in the face.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: In the kitchen, you said?", "Drake Snow: Yeah. So, I wasn't going to make that mistake again, so I had to try something different. So, I pulled a Geffen. I went straight to Yoko.", "Catherine: Oh, you gave Laurel the release form.", "Drake Snow: Yeah. She was going to give it to Mike. He was going to sign it, and they were going to get it back to me. So much for that.", "Catherine: All right. So, uh, listen, Drake. I'm going to help you get that dream shot. So that when you do get into the p0rn biz, you won't have a murder rap hanging over your head.", "(She takes out a swab.)", "Catherine: Here. Crime Scene 101. Stick this in your mouth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(WARRICK rolls in another set of bikes.)", "Nick: Hey, you can set 'em right there.", "Warrick: Can't believe that there's this many abandoned bikes in Charleston Hills. These were found in the alley behind the fire department, so check them out.", "(NICK dusts the handlebars and sees some prints glow under the ALS.)", "Nick: Sugar on the handlebars of both bikes. Just like the keypad.", "Warrick: So we may have our getaway bikes.", "Nick: We could check the serial numbers, but they're usually not recorded.", "(WARRICK sighs.)", "Warrick: You know what? I got an idea.", "Nick: Hmm?", "(WARRICK takes the seat off of the bike.)", "Nick: What are you doing?", "Warrick: Get me a pair of tweezers, will you?", "(He checks inside the seat and pulls out a receipt.)", "Nick: Now how did you know that receipt was in there?", "Warrick: Well, I used to read point spreads. Now I read books.", "Nick: Good for you. Bad for Ross Davis, though.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - WAITING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM and WARRICK interview ROSS DAVIS.)", "Ross Davis: This is a little intense for getting my bike stolen. I already got a new one.", "Warrick: Did you report it?", "Ross Davis: No. You're kidding me, right? I got jumped, man.", "Warrick: By whom?", "Ross Davis: By two bucked-ass brothers. They were both yoked as hell. Ripped. I thought for a second they were going to kill me.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] ROSS DAVIS rides his bike along the street. A car screeches to a halt in front of him, blocking his path. A man in black jumps out of the car and stuns him.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(He rubs the back of his neck.)", "Warrick: Something wrong with your neck?", "Ross Davis: Man, it's killing me. I don't know what the hell they hit me with, but my knees was the first to go.", "Grissom: I believe you were hit with a stun gun.", "Warrick: Just like Mike Trent.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(CATHERINE walks down the hallway; GREG rushes to catch up with her.)", "Greg: I found something on your butt.", "Catherine: Checking out my butt again, Greg?", "Greg: I was ...", "Catherine: mm-hmm.", "Greg: ... as well as the four butts Sara got at the crime scene.", "Catherine: Oh.", "Greg: Found something on them that I can't explain, so I sent them over to Hodges. Your butt's fine.", "(beat.)", "Greg: Switching gears. Blood found in the Trents' bedroom is a match to Drake Snow.", "Catherine: So he told the truth about the blood and lied about the kitchen. Figures.", "Greg: Three of the four cigarette butts are also a match to Drake.", "Catherine: Puts him at the scene. And the fourth butt?", "Greg: Female, not a match to Laurel Trent.", "Catherine: Orange seeds?", "Greg: Two additional donors, both male. Not a match to any of our players. No hits on CODIS.", "Catherine: So we're looking for two guys and a gal who might know Drake.", "(GREG nods. They both walk out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(BRASS interviews DRAKE SNOW.)", "Brass: We already know you lied. We found your blood in the Trents' bedroom, not in the kitchen. So what were you doing in there? You putting the shot in her, or what?", "Drake Snow: Hey, look. I know where you're going with this. Okay, I was in the bedroom. She wasn't on her knees. I was. I was begging. Not for s*x. I was begging for my business. Drake the Snake Productions. Mike comes busting in, goes ballistic, smacks me in the nose ...", "Brass: I mean, I know I keep coming back to this three-and-out thing, but maybe because you're in bed with his wife.", "Drake Snow: Laurel and I didn't have s*x in the bedroom. We had it on the set- past tense -- long time ago.", "Brass: Then along came Mike.", "Drake Snow: Mike was good for Laurel. Mike was not good for me. She got carte blanche -- Laurel. Me, I got a bar back. Now I'm popping blue pills looking for something to bring me down, but I know the business. I just don't have the capital to get behind the camera.", "Brass: So what does killing the Trents get you?", "(pause)", "Drake Snow: Zero. No one was more upset than me.", "Brass: You're still pouring drinks. Boo-hoo. And what are you doing smoking around their place?", "Drake Snow: (shakes his head, confused) What?", "Brass: Yeah, we found cigarette butts with your DNA on it on their property.", "Drake Snow: I don't know what you're talking about. I don't. I smoke one place, okay? I smoke at work. I'm down to one a day. Right after happy hour, I have my one cigarette, and it's out back by the service register. You ask anybody.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. ACID DROP - BACK BY SERVICE REGISTER - NIGHT]", "(CHRIS BEZICH leads CATHERINE out back by the service register.)", "Chris Bezich: Drake's telling the truth, you know? He smokes one a day. Not on the floor, right here, my rule.", "Catherine: mm-hmm. Well, I'll have to verify it with evidence.", "(CATHERINE puts her kit down.)", "Chris Bezich: You verify everything?", "Catherine: Everything. Including you. You're clear.", "Chris Bezich: Can you blame Drake, you know? He's trying to give up cigarettes. That's like me trying to give up ...", "(CATHERINE pours a shovel of sand into the baggie. She turns around.)", "Catherine: s*x?", "Chris Bezich: Everybody needs to indulge in a vice at least once a day, right?", "Catherine: Yes, well, I did happen to notice those little waitress girlies trying to serve their way into bed with you.", "Chris Bezich: That's work. I prefer women. Speaking of work, do you, um ... ever get a day off?", "Catherine: What? You want to get to know me?", "Chris Bezich: Yes.", "(They inch closer and closer together until finally, they kiss. CATHERINE pulls back.)", "Catherine: Um ...", "Chris Bezich: What?", "Catherine: Wait. Hang on. I'm on the clock.", "Chris Bezich: You started it.", "Catherine: Yes, and when the time is right, maybe I'll finish it.", "(She smiles at him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS steps out into the hallway and finds SARA sipping coffee in the break room.)", "Brass: How you feeling?", "Sara: Hey. What do you mean?", "Brass: Well, you were popping cough drops at the scene the other day a mile a minute.", "Sara: I thought I was coming down with a cold.", "Brass: Ah. Yeah, I, uh ...", "(They both sit down.)", "Brass: I understand colds. You know, back in Jersey when I was getting it from both ends, from my wife and my work, uh ... things started to get heavy. I started \"medicating\". (He motions drinking with his hand.) \"Cure\" my cold. And, um, and god forbid I had an early morning roll-out and I had that tell-tale breath, you know what I mean? So I would dodge my supe, and I started popping cough drops.", "Sara: Huh.", "Brass: I mean, what I'm trying to say is that ... there's more problems than answers in the bottom of a bottle, believe me.", "Sara: Yeah.", "(She sighs.)", "Sara: Actually, I had a couple of beers with breakfast when I got off shift. And then I got called in.", "Brass: Just a couple?", "Sara: Yeah.", "Brass: (smiles a bit) I'm just looking out for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(BRASS walks into the office and finds GRISSOM sitting at his desk looking at the photos of jewelry.)", "Brass: Hey, what are you doing after work?", "Grissom: More work.", "Brass: You've photos of Laurel Trent's jewelry.", "Grissom: Yeah, two-carat diamond earrings, ruby necklace, diamond and sapphire bracelet, lady's gold rolex.", "Brass: The insurance company says it's worth somewhere north of two mil. I got every pawn shop in town on the lookout.", "(GRISSOM nods.)", "Brass: What?", "Grissom: You know that feeling you get when you just can't quite put your finger on something?", "Brass: What can't you put your finger on besides the clock-out button?", "Grissom: Why did they drag his body down the driveway?", "Brass: Dragging's your racket. But I can tell you who's dragging Mike Trent into court. His ex-business partner, Kyle Goode.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(DAVID HODGES shows CATHERINE the results of the evidence sent to trace. He holds up the evidence bag.)", "David Hodges: Evidence.", "(He puts a hand on the scope.)", "David Hodges: Evidence in context. Take a look.", "[SCOPE VIEW OF CIGARETTE BUTT]", "Catherine: Trace on the cigarette butt is a match to the sand I collected from the ashtray.", "David Hodges: At Acid Drop.", "(He puts in a different slide under the scope.)", "David Hodges: Now ... take a look at this. I found trace amounts of soil in the orange seeds and the orange peel ...", "[SCOPE VIEW OF THE SOIL]", "David Hodges: ... but not on any of the butts.", "Catherine: So it's possible that the butts were planted.", "(Quick flashback to: PERSON places the cigarette butts on the found near the orange peels. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: May explain why there seems to be so many suspects at the crime scene.", "David Hodges: Probably clears Drake Snow and your unidentified female smoker. Where does that leave you?", "Catherine: With two guys on bikes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. ARCADE -- DAY]", "(ALEX GOODE plays the arcade machine as KYLE GOODE stands next to him watching and smoking his cigarette.)", "Kyle Goode: Hit that ninja. On the bridge. KYLE GOODE: That's it.", "(BRASS walks up to them.)", "Brass: Kyle Goode?", "Kyle Goode: Uh-huh.", "Brass: I'm Detective Jim Brass, homicide.", "(BRASS gives KYLE GOODE his card.)", "Kyle Goode: I was wondering when you guys would get around to me.", "Brass: Why's that?", "Kyle Goode: My ex-partner's murdered. I got a lawsuit against him. He owes me millions. I'd like me for it.", "Brass: Great, then we won't have to pull teeth to get to the truth. Where were you yesterday morning?", "Kyle Goode: With my son, Alex.", "Brass: Where?", "Kyle Goode: You're not going to believe anything I tell you. Why don't you ask him?", "Brass: Okay.", "Kyle Goode: Come, Alex. Get off the game.", "(ALEX continues to play the game.)", "Kyle Goode: That's enough.", "(KYLE grabs the plastic gun out of ALEX'S hand.)", "Alex Goode: (whines) You cost me a man.", "Kyle Goode: I got more quarters.", "(KYLE takes out the quarters for ALEX.)", "Brass: So, Alex, where were you yesterday morning?", "Alex Goode: At grandma's.", "Brass: All morning?", "Alex Goode: No. She lives in Laughlin. My dad drove me.", "Brass: What time did you get there?", "Alex Goode: I don't know. I was sleeping. Maybe around ... 11:00?", "Brass: You sure about that?", "Alex Goode: Yeah. When I woke up, Captain Caveman was on.", "Brass: Okay, Laughlin's about two hours away, so you and your son left home around 8:30?", "Kyle Goode: More like 8:00. Alex likes those breakfast sandwiches. We picked a couple up. Ate them on the way.", "Brass: Where'd you pick them up?", "Kyle Goode: Sunny Side's over on Eastern. You looking for an alibi?", "Brass: Something like that, yeah.", "Kyle Goode: Come on, Alex. Let's go over to Circus Circus. They got a real arcade.", "(KYLE takes a last puff from his cigarette and snuffs it out in the ashtray. He and ALEX leave. BRASS tucks his notebook into his jacket pocket and uses a handkerchief to take the recently discarded cigarette butt out of the ashtray.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SUNNY SIDE - COUNTER -- DAY]", "Missy Wilson: Thank you for visiting Sunny Side's. Next in line, please.", "(NICK steps up to the counter.)", "Nick: Hi.", "Missy Wilson: Would you like to try the Sunny Side's special?", "Nick: No, I'm Nick Stokes. I'm with the Las Vegas crime lab. Can I talk to you for a second?", "Missy Wilson: Um ...", "(She looks around and motions to the clerk next to her. She steps aside with NICK.)", "Nick: Are you Missy Wilson?", "Missy Wilson: Are you a truant officer?", "Nick: No. Your Manager said you were working breakfast the other day at the pick-up window.", "Missy Wilson: Yeah.", "Nick: Do you remember this guy?", "(He shows her the DMV photo copy of KYLE GOODE'S license.)", "Missy Wilson: Oh, my god. That's the creep who was hitting on me. He was so repulsive. You know what he said to me?", "(Quick flashback to: KYLE GOODE muttering to MISSY WILSON through the order window.)", "Kyle Goode: I'd like to bend you over the counter, baby.", "(MISSY WILSON gasps at him, then closes the window shut.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Missy Wilson: And he said it in front of his kid. What kind of father acts like that?", "Nick: Sounds like he wanted to make an impression.", "Missy Wilson: Oh, he did. I hope you're going to arrest him.", "Nick: One thing at a time. Now this window ...", "Missy Wilson: I get all the creeps in drive-through -- teenagers, perverts, walk-ups, and those are my favorites. \"Hi, I'm on a skateboard. Can I have a burger combo?\" \"No, dork.\"", "Nick: Does this window have a surveillance camera?", "Missy Wilson: Oh, yeah, we have cameras all over here. Even in the cooler.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO / VISUAL LAB -- DAY]", "(CLOSE UP: SECURITY VIDEO FOOTAGE of KYLE GOOD ordering through MISSY WILSON'S window.)", "Nick: Confirms his alibi. Every suspect Brass leans on seems to have a case of the \"airtights.\"", "Grissom: Hold it. Run that back.", "(NICK rewinds the video.)", "Grissom: Pause it.", "(He pauses the video.)", "Grissom: What is that around the kid's neck?", "Nick: I don't know. Let's enhance it.", "(The video is enhanced with a focus on ALEX GOODE.)", "Nick: Hard to tell, but, it almost looks like a canteen.", "Grissom: You bring a canteen up to your lips, not to your eyes.", "Nick: I'll pull some stills, see what I can make of it.", "(The lab phone rings. GRISSOM answers it.)", "Grissom: AV Lab. Grissom. (pause) I'll be right there.", "(GRISSOM hangs up.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(A body is dead from a gunshot wound, blood seeping onto the carpet. A taser weapon is discarded nearby.)", "(Fade to: Several taser marks on the victim's skin.)", "(Fade to: A gunshot wound to the back of the head.)", "(BRASS, GRISSOM and DAVID PHILLIPS is in the crime scene. DAVID is looking over the body.)", "Brass: Well, he lived by the stun, but I don't think he died by it.", "David Phillips: He didn't. Uh, two gunshot wounds to the back of the head. TOD is within the hour.", "(GRISSOM looks around and sees the blood spatter on the walls.)", "Grissom: Blood spatter everywhere. Multiple directionalities.", "(GRISSOM looks around and sees a chain in the victim's pocket.)", "Grissom: You almost done, David?", "David Phillips: Uh, yes, sir. He's all yours.", "(DAVID takes his things and moves away from the body.)", "Grissom: Thanks. I want to pick his pockets.", "(GRISSOM finds a rope chain with two initials charms on it.)", "Grissom: M ... and T. Doesn't look like Michael Trent.", "Brass: If he's one of our bad guys on the bicycle, where's his partner?", "Grissom: And where's the rest of the jewelry?", "Brass: That's probably what his partner said before he tossed the room.", "(GRISSOM nods. They both stand up and look around. GRISSOM sees the open window and looks outside.)", "[EXT. RESIDENCE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM walks outside the side of the house. He walks around the house to the open window where he finds some blood drops on the outside of the wall.)", "(He looks around and finds blood drops on the fiber glass sheet on the ground.)", "(Quick flashback to: THE GUNMAN is bleeding on the fiber glass. He coughs and runs through the bushes.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM heads into the bushes where he finds a SECOND BODY dead on the ground. He kneels down to look at the body.)", "(BRASS walks around the corner carrying a plastic bag. He holds it up.)", "Brass: Hey, look what I found: A knife with blood on it.", "Grissom: Look what I found: A dead guy.", "(BRASS nods.)", "(GRISSOM picks up the gun at the scene.)", "Grissom: Nine-millimeter. Pillowcase full of jewelry. Two stacks of $10,000 bricks.", "Brass: Well, either they pawned some diamonds at the US Treasury, or they're on someone's payroll. You know what that means: Hit-for-hire.", "Grissom: And we're still looking for somebody.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(GRISSOM and ROBBINS stand between the two bodies.)", "Grissom: Who gets the honors: Him or him?", "Robbins: Eh, let's start with Mr. Head wound.", "(They turn to the first body. ROBBINS points to the stun gun burns on his chest.)", "Robbins: You've seen these before.", "Grissom: Stun gun. The debilitator of choice.", "(Quick flashback to: The two GUNMEN fight. One uses the stun gun on the other, driving him to his knees, then down to the ground.)", "(Flash to: Close up of a gun firing two shots.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: Heard you found a nine-millimeter at the scene?", "Grissom: Mm-hmm.", "Robbins: I sent the bullets to ballistics.", "Grissom: How about his buddy? Any lead in him?", "(They turn to the second body.)", "Robbins: No, but he took a blade to the stomach. The cut was shallow, five or six centimeters below the sternum. Like the soft spot in a dragon.", "(Quick CGI flashback to: The knife sinks into flesh, then is pulled out. The fight between the two men ensue and the taser gun brings the other man to his knees. White flash to end of CGI Flashback.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(BRASS and CATHERINE walk through the hallway.0", "Catherine: Sounds like no honor among thieves.", "Brass: Well, I'll tell you what they were fighting over. The jewelry was hot. Either you fence it fast or eat the loss.", "Catherine: I'm thinking more and more it was never part of the plan.", "Brass: You know, you could be right. I talked to the Trents' bank. They were on their way to the safety deposit box that morning and then off to Hawaii at the end of the week.", "Catherine: So it was Laurel Trent who cleaned out her own jewelry box.", "Brass: Yeah. Murder was their wage, and jewelry was their tip.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(CLOSE UP OF: WARRICK checking the bills.)", "(Dissolve to: SARA and WARRICK are documenting bills.)", "Warrick: How's your hands?", "Sara: Sore. Document every single bill. Fun.", "Warrick: I got to hand it to these casinos. They got it all figured out.", "Sara: What do you mean?", "(WARRICK holds the stack of money in his hand.)", "Warrick: Well, this is a ten thousand dollar brick, right?", "Sara: Mm-hmm.", "Warrick: I could either lose this in a hand of blackjack, or I could lose cranberry chip. What's worse?", "(SARA doesn't look up.)", "Sara: To me, losing's losing.", "(WARRICK chuckles. Camera holds on SARA. WARRICK watches her and notices that she's staring at something.)", "Warrick: Sara?", "Sara: I got a bloodstain.", "(SARA looks up at WARRICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(CLOSE UP of the blood stain on One Hundred Dollar Bill, #CL89631217A.)", "Greg: You know, the last time I checked, defacing government property was a federal offense.", "Sara: Not when it's logged in as property, Greg. The blood might be from a paper cut.", "Greg: Okay, but you're my witness.", "(GREG cuts off a bit of the bill with the blood on it.)", "Sara: Run it against all our players.", "Greg: Uh-huh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(NICK stands in front of GRISSOM'S desk holding a file folder in his hands.)", "Nick: I finished up on those still photos. The canteen around Little Alex's neck ... is really a set of binoculars.", "(GRISSOM looks at the clear photo still of ALEX looking through a pair of binoculars in the car.)", "Nick: If you keep flipping, it tells the rest of the story.", "(He goes through each photo still one by one.)", "(Quick flashback to: The photo stills moving faster showing KYLE GOODE grabbing the binoculars out of ALEX'S hands.)", "Kyle Goode: You're going to break them. ALEX GOODE: I-I-I ...", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Now, call me crazy, but it looks like daddy doesn't like the little man wearing the binoculars around his neck so much.", "Grissom: I wonder why?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. TRENT RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVEWAY -- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM and NICK check out the front driveway as Christmas lights in the trees behind them and the front car headlights light their way. Cute.)", "(GRISSOM looks at the empty lot beyond the fence across the street from the driveway. He looks down and positions himself where the blood ends.)", "(Quick flashback to: MIKE TRENT lying on the concrete drive. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM looks up and sees a lit spot across the street on the hillside.)", "Nick: What are you thinking?", "Grissom: Stay right here until I call you.", "(NICK shrugs.)", "(GRISSOM moves forward to leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[BINOCULARS VIEW: NICK standing in the driveway]", "(GRISSOM focuses the binoculars on NICK.)", "(He takes out his cell phone and dials. NICK'S phone rings. He answers it.)", "Nick: Yeah?", "Grissom: Nick, would you move about halfway up the driveway?", "Nick: Back where Mike Trent was shot?", "Grissom: Exactly.", "(NICK turns and walks back up the driveway, hidden behind the bushes.)", "Nick: How's this? Can you see me here?", "Grissom: No, I can't. Thank you.", "(NICK pulls the phone away from his ear and gets it. He smiles.)", "(GRISSOM puts down the binoculars and hangs up", "(Quick flashback to: MIKE TRENT is being dragged down the driveway. The GUNMAN pulls MIKE TRENT'S dead body down the driveway as SOMEONE across the street watches.)", "(The GUNMAN stops and sits MIKE TRENT up to show the person that it really is MIKE TRENT.)", "(The person across the street puts his binoculars down. It's KYLE GOODE.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM walks forward, his phone still in his hand. He takes out his flashlight and looks at the barrier in front of him where he sees some scrapings on the side.)", "(Quick flashback to: A moving car scrapes the barrier, sparks fly. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM dials.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Jim? Gil. (He pauses.) I'm fine. How are you? Would you put an APB out on Kyle Goode's vehicle, please?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM interview KYLE GOODE in the presence of his lawyer.)", "(BRASS puts the photo still on the table in front of KYLE GOODE.)", "Brass: You recognize this?", "Kyle Goode: That's my kid.", "Brass: What's that around his neck?", "Kyle Goode: That's his binoculars.", "Brass: Yeah. Zeiss, 20x60, BSGA. Forty-five hundred a pop.", "Kyle Goode: You know how it is. You got your kid in the car, traveling a long distance. Whatever keeps them occupied.", "Grissom: According to your son, he slept all the way to Laughlin.", "Lawyer: Kid falling asleep in a car on the way to his grandma's house? You guys won't even make it through the courthouse door.", "Brass: Court. That's where the lawyers get fat. And you know all about that. I mean, you've got a lawsuit with your ex-business partner, and your ex-wife, who's suing you for past alimony ...", "Lawyer: That's irrelevant.", "Brass: Not according to his wife it isn't. She gave us permission for a hair sample from your son.", "Kyle Goode: For what?", "Grissom: The good thing about drugs? They work their way through the bloodstream in the urine, but not the hair. Our lab found trace elements of ambien, which is a hypnotic sleep sedative, in your son's hair root.", "Lawyer: Until we see the test results, we're withholding comment.", "Brass: No problem, counselor. Okay, moving on.", "(GRISSOM hands the file folder to the lawyer.)", "Brass: The \"buy\" money, the 20k that we found on the two geniuses you hired?", "Kyle Goode: What geniuses?", "Brass: You know, the brothers, who are so cool and laid back, they're in the morgue.", "(KYLE GOODE looks surprised.)", "Brass: Oh, what? You didn't know they're dead? Yeah, they greased each other over the jewelry. And that wasn't even part of the deal in the first place, was it?", "(Quick flashback to: THE GUNMEN find the jewelry in the car ... and take it. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: Good help is hard to find, huh, Kyle?", "Lawyer: He's not answering that.", "Kyle Goode: I hated that son of a bitch. Mike Trent was a scumbag, worst of the worst. Use you up and blow right through you. I brought him in on my nickel. And he throws me out? Invests our money in clubs and kicks me out? To do what? To ride off into the sunset with my piece of sushi? And it's not just me. There's a lot guys out there got burned by him who wouldn't mind a little revenge. I'll even go so far as to say I'm not sorry he's dead, or rotting somewhere in some box.", "(He looks at both of them.)", "Kyle Goode: But I'll say this for sure: I didn't kill him.", "Brass: I'm not saying you did.", "Kyle Goode: Or his wife.", "Brass: But your $20,000 incentive pulled the trigger. And you know what? You won't believe this -- a paper cut gave you away.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] KYLE GOODE hands the stack of bills over to the GUNMEN.)", "Kyle Goode: ... Ten makes twenty large.", "(The GUNMAN takes the stack of bills out of KYLE'S hands, cutting his finger in the process. He sticks his finger in his mouth to stop the bleeding.)", "Kyle Goode: When you do it, I want to see it. I'll be up here.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: We did the DNA test for the cigarette butt you left at the arcade. Plain view, right counselor? And we matched it to the blood we found on the money.", "Lawyer: He didn't hire two killers. He only hired me.", "Grissom: Yeah, well, lawsuits take a while. I don't think you cared about a verdict anyway, did you, Kyle? You wanted much more than that.", "(Quick flashback to: [DAY] The GUNMAN rushes up and grabs MIKE TRENT from behind. He tasers his neck, bringing him down to his knees.)", "(Cut to: The SECOND GUNMAN pulls LAUREL TRENT out of the car, screaming.)", "Laurel Trent: God ... !", "(He pushes her down to her knees.)", "(Cut back to: The FIRST GUNMAN brings the gun to the back of MIKE TRENT'S neck.)", "(LAUREL TRENT tries to get to her husband. The SECOND GUNMAN fires twice, shooting her in the back of the head.)", "Mike Trent: No!", "(The FIRST GUNMAN fires twice at MIKE TRENT.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Lawyer: My client was with his son all day that day.", "Grissom: Yeah, that's where he screwed up. Your hatred of Trent was stronger than your love for your own child. You drugged your son so you could use him as an alibi.", "Brass: And that's all a jury's going to need to hear to convict you. (beat) Kyle Goode, you've been bad. You're under arrest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EARLY MORNING]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE passes by GRISSOM'S office door and finds him sitting behind his desk.)", "Catherine: Oh ... you're still here. Uh ... (She clears her throat as she puts her jacket on.) So I'm leaving. Need anything?", "Grissom: No, I'm good.", "(beat)", "Catherine: Are we good?", "Grissom: We'll be fine.", "Catherine: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.", "Grissom: Going out?", "Catherine: I've got some unfinished business to take care of. (She smiles.) I'll see you.", "(She leaves. GRISSOM watches her as she goes.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Early Rollout
[ "Catherine and Sara deal with the death of what at first seems to be a transvestite. Later during autopsy they find out that the make-up he seemed to be wearing was actually facepaint, he was a clown. Grissom, Nick, and Warrick deal with the death of a man in a homeless area. They found out he worked in a recovery center for drug users." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(Thunder rumbles.)", "[EXT. UNDER THE BRIDGE - NIGHT]", "(Under the bridge, homeless people keep warm by the flames of the burning barrels. Hookers and drug addicts try to keep warm.)", "(A car drives by slowly and pulls up along side the curb. The hookers are already peering in through the car window asking questions.)", "(Nothing.)", "(The car drives off and slows down in front of another group of men. The car continues.)", "(The man behind the wheel continues driving. He turns the corner and parks. He gets out of the car, shuts the door and looks down below at the group of people standing below.)", "(He makes his way toward them.)", "FLASH TO:", "[LATER]", "(Camera opens on the dead man lying face-up with bloodied stab wounds in his chest. GRISSOM and BRASS kneel down next to the body looking it over.)", "Grissom: No watch, no wallet, no shoes. This guy was picked clean.", "Brass: In this neighborhood, he's lucky to have the fillings in his teeth.", "(GRISSOM checks.)", "Grissom: Still there.", "(BRASS shakes his head and smiles. GRISSOM notices the MAN'S fingernails.)", "Grissom: This guy was well-groomed.", "Brass: I don't care if he was lemon-scented and martinized, if he was on Washington and D, he was copping. He should have just said no.", "(GRISSOM looks at the group of people standing nearby not caring that there's a dead body right there.)", "Grissom: Maybe somebody wouldn't take no for an answer.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. JUNKYARD -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE, SARA and DET. CAVALIERE make their way toward the body.)", "Catherine: So, how long have you been in Vegas, Detective Cavaliere?", "Det. Cavaliere: Couple of weeks.", "Sara: Welcome to Tranny-town. This is where the hustlers come.", "Det. Cavaliere: Yeah, I can see why. It's very romantic.", "(They reach the body. SARA puts her kit down. They all step forward toward the body tucked inside a huge tire.)", "Sara: This is new.", "(DET. CAVALIERE snaps a picture. The flash startles SARA and she turns to look at him.)", "Det. Cavaliere: Don't get territorial. It's for my own personal collection.", "Catherine: Whatever blows your skirt up. Burn me a copy.", "Sara: There's a small cut on the forehead.", "Catherine: Yeah, it looks like he's wearing makeup. Blush on the cheeks ... lipstick.", "Sara: Transvestite. Fits the profile.", "(She looks up at the junked bus nearby.)", "Sara: Honeymoon suite's across the way. Anonyms s*x becomes anonymous s*x crime.", "Catherine: Murder usually personal.", "Sara: Maybe whoever had the last dance left behind a corsage.", "Catherine: I'd settle for his clothes.", "Det. Cavaliere: Hey, I'll give you a hand.", "(DET. CAVALIERE and SARA stand up and move away. DAVID PHILLIPS settles in next to CATHERINE. He looks over the tire.)", "David Phillips: You think a hacksaw's going to do the trick?", "Catherine: No. But that's why god invented sawzalls.", "(Cut to: CATHERINE works at cutting the top of the tire off to expose the body. DAVID stands aside and watches.)", "(Cut to: SARA and DET. CAVALIERE head toward the bus and step inside. They look around and find the place a mess, discarded used condoms on the seat.)", "(Cut to: CATHERINE gets the tire cut through and the CORONERS remove the body from the tire and put it down on a plastic sheet on the ground.)", "(Cut to: SARA and DET. CAVALIERE examine the contents in the bus.)", "(Dissolve to: SARA finds a naked, decapitated Barbie doll on the bedsheet.)", "(Cut to: CATHERINE waits for DAVID to finish with the body. SARA and DET. CAVALIERE join them.)", "Sara: All we got is a decapitated doll.", "Catherine: That's still legal in Nevada.", "(They look at the body and notice that DAVID'S been awfully quiet.)", "Catherine: Dave, what's up? You find something?", "David Phillips: I was just thinking I wouldn't be caught dead in those shorts.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. UNDER THE BRIDGE -- NIGHT]", "(OFFICER cars surround the area. WARRICK tries to work as the HOOKERS nearby watch.)", "Hooker: Yo, baby, look, why're you rushing the day? We got plenty of night left.", "Warrick: I'm working, lady.", "Hooker: See, that's something we already got in common, 'cause I'm working, too.", "Warrick: Oh, yeah?", "Hooker: mm-Hmm.", "Warrick: Were you working him?", "(WARRICK turns to indicate the dead body.)", "Hooker: Him? No. No, sir. But I tell you one thing. Good-looking white boy like that? I know plenty of women who'd be tripping over their platform to get a little somethin' somethin'. But no, sir, he wasn't nobody's customer.", "Warrick: Really?", "(The HOOKER nods. WARRICK goes back to the body where GRISSOM is.)", "Warrick: This guy get here on foot? I don't see a car.", "Grissom: They haven't found one yet.", "Warrick: I suppose nobody saw it drive away.", "Grissom: They were all in the bathroom.", "(He and WARRICK look out at the gathering crowd.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(ROBBINS goes over the body with GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: Multiple stab wounds. The deepest of which transected the thoracic aorta and the right mainstream bronchus.", "Grissom: Anything else?", "Robbins: His name is Ed Burnell. Matched his prints, prior for possession. And it's not the first time he stared death in the face. Our man had a double dose of cirrhosis. That takes work. Years of hard-core alcohol abuse, plus hepatitis, probably acquired by dirty needles.", "Grissom: In Chinese medicine, the liver is the organ of anger. Addicts and alcoholics medicate their anger, consequently, destroy their liver.", "Robbins: Actually, half the liver is pretty healthy.", "(ROBBINS reaches for the side and puts a metal tray with a new liver on the body to show GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: The new half.", "Grissom: Oh ... a graft from a less angry donor.", "Robbins: Organ recipient procedure is pretty clear. They only do transplants on people who test clean for a year.", "Grissom: Well, he probably got his new liver, figured he could, uh, start all over again.", "Robbins: Is that what you think? That once an addict, always an addict?", "(They share a look.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(GREG checks the body's underwear as CATHERINE instructs him.)", "Catherine: Don't let the scope touch the garment. You don't want to contaminate the evidence. And work systematically.", "Greg: Up-down, left-right, what?", "Catherine: Oh, Well, whatever works for you. Just don't miss any spots.", "(CATHERINE sees something on the monitor.)", "Catherine: All right, hang on. What do those look like to you?", "Greg: Semen stains.", "Catherine: Yes.", "Greg: Which, on a man's underwear, aren't exactly probative.", "Catherine: No.", "Greg: Can't tell you how long they've been there, or how often the guy changes his shorts. You know, I knew guys that could go up to four days on one single pair of tighty-whities.", "Catherine: Thanks for putting that picture in my brain.", "(GREG nods.)", "Catherine: All right, so ...", "(She uncaps a pen.)", "Catherine: I want you to outline each individual stain with dots. But keep them at least an eighth of an inch from the edge to avoid contamination.", "Greg: And then, cut out the swatches and send them to myself in DNA.", "Catherine: You got it.", "(She leaves the pen and heads out of the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Extreme close up of something in hair. Camera pulls back and we see something is being removed from the body's nose.)", "Catherine: A fiber in his nose.", "Sara: Yeah, I'll get it to trace.", "(SARA puts the fiber in a baggie. She checks the eyes.)", "Sara: Petechial hemorrhaging.", "Catherine: I would've thought he was strangled during some kind of rough sex-play, but there's no marks.", "Sara: Suffocation maybe?", "(In the back of the room, DAVID is working on another body. He overhears and can't help but comment.)", "David Phillips: That's why undertakers love smother-victims.", "Sara: He's got something under his nails.", "(SARA takes another instrument to dig out the stuff from his nails.)", "Sara: Looks like silver paint.", "(CATHERINE notices the shadow on the man's eyes.)", "Catherine: Vegas brow. (SARA looks at CATHERINE. She shrugs.) A showgirl thing. Eyebrows thin out from all the plucking and waxing and filling in.", "Sara: Well, we can kind of rule him out as a showgirl.", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Sara: And, you know, he's hairy for a drag queen. Hey, David?", "David Phillips: Yeah?", "Sara: Could you hit the lights?", "(SARA reaches for the ALS as DAVID PHILLIPS reaches for the lights.)", "(As she shines the light on his face, the make-up removed shines through.)", "Catherine: His face looks painted. (SARA nods.) Kinda looks like a clown.", "(CATHERINE and SARA share a look.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROAD -- NIGHT]", "(EMERGENCY CREWS work to cut JAMAL out from the car. He's drugged up and stuck in the car wreck, his mouth going off loudly and a mile-a- minute.)", "Jamal: Yo, man, get these spiders off my face, man! I gotta beam up outta here. I need my medication. I'm a CEO of a five-bag-a-day corporation, you know that?", "(The door opens. JAMAL looks at the OFFICERS.)", "Officer: Uh, come on. Let's go.", "(They help him out of the car.)", "Jamal: Thank you.", "(The officers hold on onto him in front of WARRICK and BRASS.)", "Jamal: (laughs) Y'all look like cartoons, man. Okay, thank you.", "(JAMAL extracts himself out of the OFFICER'S grips and nearly falls down.)", "Brass: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Take it easy, pal. You're not running the four-minute mile on those pins.", "Warrick: Nice shoes.", "Jamal: It's all good, it's all good.", "(The officers help him onto the gurney where JAMAL finally gets a good look at the damage to the car.)", "Jamal: Whoa! Who gonna pay for that hole in my ride, man?", "Brass: Your ride? This was never your ride. This car belongs to Ed Burnell.", "Jamal: Finders keepers, baby. I gotta bag me some ho's.", "Warrick: What drug is he on?", "Brass: I don't know. Whatever it is, he either took too much or not enough.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EARLY MORNING]", "[EXT. BUILDING - HALLWAY -- MORNING]", "(SARA and CATHERINE walk down the hallway toward the BUDDY WEEK, CLOWN AGENCY.)", "Sara: Just 'cause the guy looks like a clown doesn't mean he is a clown.", "Catherine: Description didn't match anyone in missing persons. If you've got a better idea, now's the time.", "(CATHERINE opens the door and walks inside. SARA follows and closes the door behind her.)", "[INT. BUDDY WEEN CLOWN AGENCY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(CATHERINE and SARA make their way to the office where BUDDY WEEN yells on the phone. They pass by several clowns sitting in the waiting room.)", "Catherine: I'd say we're in the right place.", "Sara: Yeah. Either that or they're casting a John Wayne Gacey revue.", "Buddy Ween: (to phone) And you can tell that putz that Buddy Ween doesn't send cruise ship talent for bar mitzvah wages. You got that? (He hangs up, looks at them and points.) Uh, strippers are down the hall, girls. This is clowns.", "Sara: (dryly) No kidding.", "(CATHERINE shows him her I.D.)", "Catherine: I'm Catherine Willows. This is Sara Sidle. We're with the crime lab.", "Buddy Ween: Well, why didn't you say so? We do lots of police parties.", "Catherine: The party has already happened.", "(She shows him the photo of the dead clown.)", "Buddy Ween: What am I supposed to do with this?", "Catherine: Identify the body. Did that man ever work for you?", "Buddy Ween: Well, let me put it this way: I rep clowns. (He points to the clowns in the waiting room.) That's Flappy, that's Flappy Junior, that's Allen ... he doesn't work that much ... Popo ... get it? All I do is book the face. I don't care what's underneath.", "Sara: If our victim was a professional clown, would he be in this book?", "Buddy Ween: Uh-huh.", "Sara: What are these numbers for?", "(She indicates the numbers under the photos in the book.)", "Buddy Ween: That's the national clown and character registry.", "Catherine: How do you register a clown?", "Buddy Ween: Well, not the clown. The look, the face. Each one is unique. It's like snowflakes.", "Sara: We're going to need to take this with us.", "Buddy Ween: You got a warrant? I'm kidding. Okay, it's just a loaner, though.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL -- EMERGENCY ROOM - DAY]", "(JAMAL is on the bed, his foot up in traction, and his mouth continuing to yell loudly.)", "Jamal: I know you stealin' my medication. I am in pain, damn it! Bring me some stuff!", "(He looks up at the nurse down the hall who doesn't move. GRISSOM and WARRICK both stand at the foot of JAMAL'S bed. He stares at them.)", "Jamal: What are you two ladies lookin' at?", "Grissom: Uh ... (reading) Jamal ... we're with the Las Vegas crime lab. It seems you were driving a dead man's car when you got in your accident.", "Jamal: Half the peoples I know be dead. It don't mean they can't own a vehicle.", "Warrick: Hey, Vanilla Ice ... at this point you're lookin' at a murder rap, which may end you up on death row, and I'm not talking about the record label.", "Jamal: (shouting) Nurse, this be cruel and unusual!", "Grissom: Look, pal, right now the evidence tells us that you killed the man whose car you were driving. You want to explain that?", "Jamal: Explain what, B? I was laid up shootin' speedballs all day. Look, man, when I get off, I'm gone. Feel me? I can't see nothin', I can't hear nothin'. Wherever high is, that's where I take the elevator up.", "(The nurse pushes past GRISSOM and WARRICK to attend to JAMAL. He looks at her and starts criticizing her.)", "Jamal: Oh, you damn cow! Took you long enough. When I call you, you come, you understand me?", "(She pushes the contents of a syringe into his I.V.)", "Jamal: Why you got to do me like this? That's right. (panting) Man's dead. What difference it make how he got there? Now, if you'll excuse me, I got a date with Mrs. Jones. (sighs) Man's already dead. Why he be needing shoes, anyway?", "Warrick: Was that a confession?", "Grissom: I think a plea of insanity.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(The car is in the garage. WARRICK opens the front passenger door and waves away the fumes inside. He looks through it and finds an unopened condom on the dash. GREG hangs just outside the door.)", "Greg: DNA results on the blood from Jamal's clothes. It's his own.", "Warrick: Well, the blood spatter's consistent with a front end collision.", "Greg: So he didn't kill him in the car.", "Warrick: Doesn't mean he didn't kill him. What I want to know is how's a strung-out junkie like Jamal get a guy out of the car with just his knife?", "Greg: Yeah, and why stab him six times?", "Warrick: Well, let's just say for argument's sake that Jamal is telling the truth and that Burnell was already dead when he took his wallet, his shoes and his car.", "Greg: Well, if the motive wasn't robbery ... what was it?", "(WARRICK finds a small packet of powder in the middle of the car.)", "Warrick: Maybe this'll tell us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(GREG tests the contents of the package. He puts a sample of it under a scope. GRISSOM walks up to him.)", "Grissom: Heroin?", "Greg: Negative on marquis-mecke-froede.", "Grissom: So, if it's not an opiate, what is it?", "Greg: I don't know. I've never seen it before. I ran a color and crystal test. Take a look.", "(GRISSOM looks through the scope.)", "[SCOPE VIEW: PINK CRYSTALS]", "Greg: All I can tell you is it's an indole alkaloid.", "Grissom: Did you run it through the GCMS?", "Greg: Yeah, but it's not in the library.", "(GREG hands the results to GRISSOM.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE uses the photo and digitally adds the paints on the dead clown's face while SARA goes through the book and tries to find a visual match.)", "(CATHERINE paints the eyebrows, the eyes and the area around the mouth. SARA finds the photo in the book.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BUDDY WEEN CLOWN AGENCY -- LATER]", "(CATHERINE and SARA sit in BUDDY WEEN'S office.)", "Buddy Ween: That's Doodles. A.K.A. Donny Zanko.", "Sara: So you know him.", "Buddy Ween: There are two kinds of clowns: There's your ex-circus pros, washed out of Ringling Bros., Barnum and Bailey, and then there's your basic chuckleheads.", "Catherine: Which kind was Doodles?", "Buddy Ween: Basic chucklehead. You know, buy a getup, learn some tricks, and grab some scratch boring the crap out of nine-year-olds. He was a good birthday man, except when he, uh ...", "(He motions drinking with his hand.)", "Sara: So, he made money boring kids?", "Buddy Ween: Parents throw parties. They like clowns because they think their kids like clowns.", "Catherine: Mm-hmm. Lindsey's fourth ... bad scene.", "Sara: Oh.", "Catherine: So, what was the last gig you booked for him?", "Buddy Ween: Uh ... car wash, couple of weeks back. Why?", "Sara: Mr. Ween, he's been dead less than 48 hours and he was wearing his makeup when he was killed.", "Buddy Ween: That son of a bitch. He was working off the books. I never thought Doodles would try to stiff me.", "Sara: He, actually, was the one who got stiffed.", "(BUDDY WEEN looks at SARA.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(GRISSOM pours over books at his desk when BRASS walks in.)", "Brass: So, it turns out Burnell's tox report was clean. Not only that, he works at some sort of recovery center.", "Grissom: Well, that makes sense.", "Brass: It does?", "Grissom: Well, the substance we found in his car was ibogaine.", "Brass: What's that, the stuff that grows hair?", "Grissom: A choline-esterase inhibitor that acts as a stimulant in the central nervous system.", "(GRISSOM hands BRASS a piece of paper for him to look at.)", "Grissom: In the liver, it converts to an active metabolite ... noribogaine. Noribogaine locks onto addiction receptors ... blocking the feedback loops that reinforce dependency.", "Brass: In human speak?", "Grissom: Well, apparently, in some cases, one dose of ibogaine can cure physical addiction.", "Brass: Does it come with a free set of steak knives?", "Grissom: It comes with a free trip. Curing physical addiction is a side effect. Its intended use is to facilitate visual, tactile, and auditory experiences of alternate realities.", "Brass: So it's an hallucinogen.", "Grissom: Mm-hmm. Used by the Bwiti tribe of Central Africa. It comes from the powdered bark of a tree growing in Cameroon.", "(Quick flash of: A huge bon fire probably in Central Africa. End of quick flash. Resume to present.)", "Brass: No kidding.", "Grissom: Many ethno-botanists believe that the iboga is what the bible is talking about when it refers to the tree of knowledge.", "(Quick flash of: A huge bon fire probably in Central Africa. Several young men drink from a bowl, most probably of the Bwiti tribe.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) The Bwiti consume the powdered bark as part of an initiation ceremony.", "(End of quick flash. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: After the ritual, a man is called baanzi, one who has seen the other world.", "Brass: No way it's legal.", "Grissom: Not in the U.S.", "Brass: So, Ed Burnell was a drug dealer.", "Grissom: Well ...", "Brass: He's either dealing in the addiction or the cure, and a dealer's a dealer. And this guy's dealing out of a halfway house.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. DONNIE ZONKO'S RESIDENCE]", "(CATHERINE and SARA walk into DONNIE ZONKO, a.k.a. \"Doodles\" apartment and look around.)", "Sara: Well ... I can see why Doodles drank.", "Catherine: So, if he's hooking up in Tranny-town, you'd expect to find some man-on-man p0rn.", "(CATHERINE picks up the BIG BODACIOUS magazine.)", "Catherine: All we've got is varying flavors of juggs.", "Sara: Hmm.", "(They look around some more. SARA turns around a clown blow-up punching bag and finds some tape around its mouth.)", "Sara: Looks like Doodles was working out some animosity.", "(CATHERINE finds the answering machine with three unheard messages..)", "Catherine: Oh, an answering machine with messages.", "(She hits the button. It beeps.)", "Answering Machine: Friday, 11:02.", "(SARA opens the closet door and looks inside. CATHERINE looks at the mess of things on the table.)", "Woman: Hey, Doodle-pie. I can't stop thinking about your enormous feet. Call me.", "(The machines beeps.)", "Catherine: You know what they say about big feet.", "Answering Machine: Saturday, 7:00 P.M.", "Mime: Ay, paddle boy, you want a war, you got one. And just so you know, I do appreciate the irony of me leaving you a message.", "(The machine beeps.)", "Catherine: Interesting.", "Answering Machine: Sunday, 11:45 A.M.", "Taxi Driver: Hey, Mr. Doodles, your taxi's here.", "Donnie Zonko (Doodles): Yeah, yeah, cool your jets. I'll be right down.", "(The answering machine beeps.)", "Sara: He took a cab ride two days ago ... and his costume's not here.", "Catherine: Makes sense if he's out of town on a job. I'll call Detective Cavaliere and have him pull the phone records.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HALFWAY HOUSE -- DAY]", "(The worker talks with BRASS and GRISSOM. They peer in through the door window into room 1e as a drug addict throws up into a pan.)", "Worker (man): Ed Burnell worked here for about a year. We're a halfway house. We provide a safe place to live. I mean, if they're going to do ibogaine, I'd rather have them do it in here than out in the street.", "(They turn away from the door and he leads them down the hall.)", "Brass: And despite the fact that San Quentin is your alma mater and you have a record as long as my leg, you wouldn't do anything illegal, right?", "Worker (man): I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize this place, and we don't give out illegal drugs. We do a lot of good work here.", "Brass: You know, if ibogaine is such a miracle cure, wouldn't it make your life easier?", "Worker (man): The drug doesn't promise anything. You got to earn it. If a user doesn't realize why he used in the first place, I mean, no power in the world is going to make him stop. Right here is a good case in point.", "(He leads them to room 1g. Inside, MINDY DUPONT is packing, taking her clothes out of the dresser drawer and shoving them into a package. She looks up when he opens the door.)", "Worker (man): So, you're going?", "Mindy Dupont: Yeah.", "Worker (man): You sure that's what you want to do?", "Mindy Dupont: Yeah. This place just reminds me too much of Ed.", "Worker (man): Look, I really wish you'd stay here a little longer.", "Mindy Dupont: I can't.", "(She walks past him and out the room.)", "Worker (man): You did a good job here, Mindy.", "(She turns around to look at him.)", "Mindy Dupont: I'm still doing it.", "(She turns and leaves.)", "[HALLWAY]", "Brass: What's her story?", "Worker (man): Ed got her clean. Let me show you what she looked like two months ago.", "(He leads them into another room.)", "(Cut to: [ON VIDEO TAPE] A close up of MINDY DUPONT'S entrance interview. She looks ragged.)", "Ed Burnell: (on video, o.s.) Why are you here, Mindy?", "Mindy Dupont: Wanna get off. I ... I don't got another run in me, but I can't stop. (She cries.)", "Ed Burnell: (on video, o.s.) My name is Ed Burnell. I'm here to help you, Mindy.", "Mindy Dupont: This place is nice. Can I stay here, Ed?", "Ed Burnell: (on video, o.s.) Yes.", "Mindy Dupont: 'Cause you're gonna take care of me, right?", "Ed Burnell: (on video, o.s.) Yes, I'm going to take care of you.", "(The WORKER turns the video tape off. He sits down opposite BRASS and GRISSOM.)", "Worker (man): So, was it the ibogaine or the months she spent here?", "Grissom: You don't believe in ibogaine?", "Worker (man): I don't believe in miracles.", "Brass: But Ed did?", "Worker (man): Look, when Ed first came here, he was an asset to the place. And then he got ... religious about it. You know, there's a reason why Mohammed kept his ass on the mountain. It was safe there. The thing about recovery is it only works for those who want it, not for those who need it.", "Grissom: But Ed came down from the mountain, and he brought the ibogaine with him.", "Worker (man): Yeah, and he started pushing it on everyone. Sometimes he won, sometimes he lost.", "Grissom: From one addiction to another.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MAGUIRE'S RESIDENCE - DINING ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and DET. CAVALIERE interview the MACGUIRES.)", "Merrill Maguire: I can't Doodles is dead. When did it happen?", "Catherine: We're hoping you can help us find out.", "Det. Cavaliere: Yeah, according to Sunburst Taxi one of the drivers dropped off the clown here two days ago.", "Al Maguire: Yeah, that's right. My son was having a birthday.", "Merrill Maguire: It's my own little tradition. Birthdays, special occasions, I always hire a clown. The kids love them.", "Al Maguire: (chuckles) Except this time, I think maybe we should've gone to Circus Circus.", "Catherine: What do you mean by that?", "Al Maguire: Well, we hired a clown -- squirting flower, big floppy shoes and all that -- what we got was a smackdown.", "(Quick flashback to: [PARTY] Doodles is putting on his act for the small crowd of kids.)", "Al Maguire: (V.O.) Doodles was going through his clown bit, and, uh, then this mime comes through our kitchen, which at first we thought it was part of the act.", "(A MIME walks in behind DOODLES.)", "Donnie Zonko (Doodles): What the hell are you doing here?", "(DODDLES turns around, sees the MIME and they start fighting. Really fighting in front of the kids. They destroy the birthday cake.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Al Maguire: So, uh, I jumped in and broke it up and dragged the Mime into the kitchen. I was going to call you guys ...", "Det. Cavaliere: Mmm.", "Al Maguire: ... But he apologized and said that, uh, there was bad blood between him and Doodles. And he gave me a hundred bucks for the damages, which I thought was a pretty stand up thing to do, so I let him go.", "Det. Cavaliere: Did you get his name?", "Al Maguire: I did better than that.", "(AL digs into his pocket for the MIME'S business card.)", "Al Maguire: He, uh, told me he'd give me great rate if I ever wanted to upgrade from clowns.", "(He hands it to them. It reads:", "JOEY SIZEMORE", "ARTISTIC MIME ...", "2529 HARMON HTS", "LAS VEGAS, NV 91...", "Catherine: And what time did Doodles leave?", "Al Maguire: The kids were really upset after the fight, so I took them out for ice cream.", "Merrill Maguire: Doodles stuck around to help me clean up, and then he asked me to call him a cab.", "Catherine: Do you remember the name of the taxi company or the time of the call?", "Merrill Maguire: Well, he'd been such a good sport that I offered to give him a ride home. I dropped him off at his place at around 8:30.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDEWALK -- DAY]", "(JOEY SIZEMORE, the MIME, does his routine in the middle of the sidewalk. SARA and DET. CAVALIERE walk up to JOEY. He shows him his badge.)", "Det. Cavaliere: Hey, excuse me.", "(He shows JOEY the photo of DOODLES.)", "Det. Cavaliere: Take a look.", "(JOEY continues with the routine.)", "Det. Cavaliere: Look, you do have the right to remain silent, but unless you want a trip to the station, I really wouldn't keep it up.", "Joey Sizemore: You want to talk about Doodles, fine. Take a look at what that skeek did to me.", "(He starts rubbing at the make-up on his face to show them his black eye.)", "Sara: You got that at Maguires'?", "(Quick flashback to: [MAGUIRE PARTY] DOODLES punches the MIME in the face as they fight. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Joey Sizemore: Stick a mime and a clown in the same place, it's like a cobra and a mongoose.", "Sara: You crashed Doodles' party, he kicked your ass, and now Doodles is dead.", "Joey Sizemore: I didn't kill him.", "Sara: You left a threatening message on his answering machine. You declared war.", "Joey Sizemore: Look, the creep was a parasite. When he wasn't bad-mouthing me, he was horning in on my gigs. Every time I line up a job, \"ring-ring,\" Doodles calls the mom, gets her to hire him, too. That's money out of my pocket. So, yeah, I figured a little payback was in order.", "Det. Cavaliere: Yeah, what did you do after you left the Maguires?", "Joey Sizemore: I had a strip mall opening out of town.", "Det. Cavaliere: You didn't stop by his house? You know, wait for him to come back?", "Joey Sizemore: No. I got two hookers in Pahrump who can verify.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. MINDY'S RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM walk up the front.)", "Grissom: We found prints belonging to three separate people in Ed Burnell's car: His, Jamal the thief, and Mindy.", "Brass: He could have given her a lift.", "Grissom: Except we found her print on a condom.", "Brass: Well, she said she loved Ed.", "Grissom: Yeah? How much, I wonder.", "(BRASS knocks on the door. RILEY RENALDO opens the door. In the back leaning on a door jam, a drug addict inhales from his pipe. He looks up, sees BRASS at the door, then slips into the backroom.)", "Brass: We're looking for information on Mindy Dupont. This was her last known address.", "(BRASS shows RILEY his badge.)", "Riley Renaldo: Yeah, she's here.", "Brass: Mind if we talk with her?", "(Inside the room, GRISSOM notes the various drug paraphernalia and broken vials on the floor.)", "Riley Renaldo: You got a search warrant?", "Brass: You don't need a warrant just to talk. But if you want, we'll go get one and come back.", "Riley Renaldo: Hey, it's a free country.", "Brass: Yes, it is.", "(BRASS and GRISSOM walk into the residence. They walk into the back room and find MINDY DUPONT stoned on the couch.)", "[BACK ROOM]", "Brass: Mindy Dupont. We heard you cleaned yourself up.", "Mindy Dupont: I tried so hard. He said I would feel again. I never wanted to feel.", "(BRASS glances at GRISSOM.)", "Mindy Dupont: Ed saved my life.", "Brass: How do you repay a favor like that?", "Mindy Dupont: I tried.", "(Quick flashback to: [ED'S CAR] MINDY slips into the car.)", "Ed Burnell: We're going to clean you up.", "Mindy Dupont: What if I don't want to be clean?", "(She takes out a condom and moves toward ED.)", "Ed Burnell: No. I'm going to help you.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Mindy Dupont: He was an angel. He gave me that stuff.", "Grissom: And you didn't want to get high anymore.", "(She whimpers.)", "(GRISSOM sees the knife with blood on it.)", "Grissom: Did you come here to remember or to forget?", "(MINDY starts to cry.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(SARA and CATHERINE walk through the hallway.)", "Sara: Well, the mime's alibi checks out. He took polaroids, with the hookers. Strip mall opened at 7:30. He didn't leave Pahrump till the next morning.", "Catherine: Uh-huh. So that leaves us with what?", "(They walk into the locker room.)", "[LOCKER ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "Sara: Nothing.", "Catherine: Hmm.", "(CATHERINE opens her locker.)", "Catherine: What about timeline? Mrs. Maguire gives Doodles a lift, getting him home around 8:30.", "Sara: As far as we know, he didn't have another job that night.", "Catherine: Doodles goes home, having performing all day for kids, wrestling with mimes. His costume would've been a little skanky, yet he doesn't change out of it?", "Sara: Maybe he never got inside.", "Catherine: And he walks around town in his clown suit until he gets killed?", "Sara: Okay, what are the knowns? Um ... Doodles was suffocated. We found yellow fibers up his nose.", "Catherine: Greg analyzed the semen stains on his boxer shorts and found an unknown vaginal contribution in the sample.", "Sara: Mrs. Maguire was the last person to see him alive.", "(CATHERINE shuts her locker door and smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM interview MINDY DUPONT.)", "Brass: The night Ed Burnell was killed you never checked into the halfway house.", "Grissom: Mindy, we found a knife in your basket of clothes with Ed Burnell's blood on it.", "Brass: Help us connect the dots.", "Mindy Dupont: We all have this secret, terrible cave in our hearts, and the more we try to escape it, the deeper we drive ourselves inside of it.", "Brass: This isn't the halfway house, Mindy. You're looking at a murder rap, so let's talk specifics.", "Grissom: There were fifty-seven micrograms per milliliter of monoacetylmorphine in your urine sample. That means you were using for a while.", "Mindy Dupont: Ed gave me ibogaine.", "Brass: That was months ago. Where were you the night Ed was killed?", "Mindy Dupont: It was like Adam and Eve taking you to the movies except the movie was your life and you were watching it and in it at the same time.", "Grissom: (sighs) Why would you have a knife with his blood on it?", "(GRISSOM puts the photo of the knife on the table. MINDY doesn't say anything.)", "Grissom: I think Ed Burnell knew you were using again and he was out there that night looking for you.", "Mindy Dupont: The spirits ... they protect you.", "Brass: Well, you better hope so, because you're under arrest for the murder of Ed Burnell.", "(Camera holds on MINDY DUPONT.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM catches up with SARA in the hallway. He pulls her away from talking with someone.)", "Grissom: Sara. Excuse me. Could you, uh, help me out?", "Sara: Yeah, with what?", "Grissom: A woman. I need you to process a female suspect for me.", "Sara: Sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - ROOM -- DAY]", "(SARA takes samples from under MINDY DUPONT'S finger nails.)", "Sara: Palms down.", "(SARA looks at MINDY.)", "(Cut to: SARA snaps photos of the bruises and markings on MINDY", "Sara: Would you hold your arms out, please?", "(She snaps more photos, then finishes.)", "(Dissolve to: SARA combs out MINDY'S hair allowing the particles to fall to the paper below. Camera zooms in for a close up of the things falling to the paper.)", "(SARA kneels down and picks up a skin sample.)", "Sara: (quietly) Thanks. You can get dressed now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(SARA finds GRISSOM in the hallway. She reports her findings to him.)", "Sara: Samples from your suspect. There's nothing but a few track marks. No defensive wounds, no bruising. Junkies usually bruise if you breathe on them too hard. She is a pile of twigs, very frail.", "(GRISSOM looks at SARA.)", "Sara: What?", "Grissom: I haven't seen you for a while, have I?", "Sara: You see me every day.", "(Finished, SARA leaves. GRISSOM stands there a moment, then takes the samples and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. MAGUIRE RESIDENCE - FRONT PORCH -- DAY]", "(DET. CAVALIERE escorts the MAGUIRES and their two children out of the house.)", "Det. Cavaliere: It's all yours.", "Sara: Thanks.", "Det. Cavaliere: Yeah.", "(They head into the house.)", "Catherine: So, we're looking for clown s*x ...", "Sara: ... and clown murder.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MAGUIRE RESIDENCE - FRONT PORCH -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and SARA use the ALS on the bedsheets looking for body fluid. They lift up the cover and continue to look for body fluids.)", "(SARA notes the pillowcases.)", "Sara: This fabric is consistent with the fibers we found in Doodles' nose.", "Catherine: You notice how everything matches except this one pillow sham?", "Sara: Yeah.", "(Quick flashback to: [BEDROOM] SOMEONE grabs a pillow and holds it over DOODLES' face. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: The white-faced clown with a pillow covering his face. There must've been some transfer.", "Sara: If a pillowcase like that had grease paint on it, would you throw it out?", "Catherine: I'd clean it first.", "(Cut to: [LAUNDRY ROOM - DAY] SARA goes through the laundry.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "([BED ROOM - DAY] CATHERINE looks at the framed photos on the dresser. She puts the photos down and opens the dresser drawer.)", "(SARA digs through the laundry basket and finds the sham with the yellow fibers. She takes out the ALS and finds the evidence of body fluid on the covers.)", "(SARA smiles.)", "(CATHERINE opens the drawer and finds DOODLES' clown costume inside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM A]", "(CATHERINE interviews MERRILL MAGUIRE.)", "Catherine: You lied about driving the clown home. He was in your bedroom. (She puts the test results on the table in front of her.) DNA on his boxer shorts indicates that you had s*x with him. We checked with the Buddy Ween Agency, and, uh, you hire clowns on a fairly regular basis: Four, five, six times a year. That's a lot of clowns.", "Merrill Maguire: I already told you. I like clowns.", "Catherine: I think you like them more than most people.", "(Quick flashback to: [BEDROOM] DOODLES falls down backward on the bed. MERRILL MAGUIRE crawls on top of him and they start kissing.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to next interview room.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM B]", "(SARA and DET. CAVALIERE interview AL MAGUIRE.)", "Sara: Mr. Maguire, I hate to tell you this, but while you were off driving the other kiddies home, your wife was doing the clown.", "Det. Cavaliere: We figured you must've walked in on them ... in flagrante.", "(Quick flashback to: [BEDROOM] AL MAGUIRE walks in on his wife with DOODLES. He rushes up to them and breaks it up.)", "Al Maguire: My wife!", "(He grabs the pillow and smothers DOODLES.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to CATHERINE'S interview.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM A]", "Catherine: You stripped the body and dumped it in an area frequented by transvestites, hoping that it would just... go away. Another forgotten s*x crime. You covered your tracks. You cleaned the house. You washed that pillowcase. What I don't understand, though ... why did you keep the clown suit?", "(CATHERINE puts the photos of the clown suit on the table.)", "(Quick flashback to: [BEDROOM] MERRILL holds up the clown jacket and looks at AL. She smiles at him.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to SARA'S interview.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM B]", "Al Maguire: You don't understand. Merrill and I have been married nine years. We have two kids.", "Sara: Not much left to get excited about?", "Al Maguire: I love my wife.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM A]", "Merrill Maguire: When Al wore the suit ... it worked ... and it was good. If you found something that got you off ... wouldn't you keep it?", "(CATHERINE smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(WARRICK picks up MINDY'S panties off the table.)", "Warrick: Man, there is something so heartbreaking about a woman with raggedy drawers.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "(NICK tests the clothes for GSR.)", "(GRISSOM walks", "Warrick: Grissom, we've gone through all of Mindy's stuff twice. There's no trace of blood.", "Nick: Doesn't make any sense. If she disposes of her clothes, she's not just going to forget about the knife.", "(GREG walks into the lab.)", "Greg: Hey, guys, got a male DNA skin sample collected from Mindy's hair.", "Warrick: Burnell?", "Greg: Yes and no. The blood is Burnell's, but the skin belongs to another guy.", "Grissom: Do we know who?", "Greg: The gods of CODIS have blessed us with a hit: Riley \"Boom-Boom\" Renaldo, proud owner of two assault and battery charges and a possession with intent to distribute.", "(GREG reads off the rap sheet.)", "Greg: Current occupation: Apartment manager.", "Grissom: What do you bet Boom Boom's estate is on the corner of Washington and D Street?", "Nick: Renaldo was Mindy's landlord?", "Warrick: That'd make her a bag-bride ... a strawberry. Paid her rent horizontally. As long as a dealer keeps a strawberry high, the strawberry does whatever the dealer wants.", "(Quick flashback to: MINDY is face down on the bed, her eyes staring out blankly at nothing in front of her. RILEY REYNOLDO is behind her. He digs his fingers into her hair pulling her head up. Camera close up of the skin sample in her hair.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to GRISSOM.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CRACKHOUSE -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS, GRISSOM and WARRICK walk up to the CRACKHOUSE. BRASS pounds on the door.)", "Brass: Las Vegas Police. Open up.", "(The door opens. RILEY RENALDO puts his shirt on. Behind him, another woman walks out of the bedroom.", "Crackhead Girl: Riley ... you said I could have a taste when we were done. Riley!", "Riley Renaldo: Shut up, sunshine.", "Brass: Nice. We keep Mindy for a couple of hours, and you've already moved on.", "Grissom: What's the matter? Lose faith in Mindy? She always comes back to you.", "Brass: Guess Burnell was bad for business, huh?", "(Quick flashback to: [ED BURNELL'S CAR] The door opens and MINDY DUPON slips inside. He drives off as RILEY RENALDO watches them. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Yeah, old Ed gets enough people in the 'hood clean, you get no love.", "Crackhead Girl: Riley ... I need it.", "Riley Renaldo: I said shut up.", "Grissom: Mindy didn't need it anymore, right? That's why you helped her remember.", "(Quick flashback to: [CLOSE UP of a packet of drugs] RILEY holds the packet out in front of MINDY.)", "Mindy Dupont: I don't need that anymore.", "Riley Renaldo: What do you mean, you don't need it?", "Mindy Dupont: Just one more, and that's it.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: Burnell wasn't hard to find, was he?", "(Quick flashback to: [CRACKHOUSE] The door opens and a DRUG ADDICT reports to RILEY.", "Drug Addict: Yo, man ... that jackass who be messin' with Mindy is back ...", "(Cut to: [NIGHT] RILEY turns and walks toward ED BURNELL who is looking for MINDY.)", "(Cut to: RILEY removes the bloody knife from ED BURNELL'S dead body. He walks away leaving him there.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Riley Renaldo: (smiling) You've got nothing on me.", "Grissom: Yeah, we do: Burnell's blood on your skin.", "(BRASS steps forward and leads RILEY RENALDO out of the house.", "Brass: So, come on, let's go, let's go. Come on, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say ...", "Riley Renaldo: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "(GRISSOM turns back and sees the CRACKHEAD GIRL slowly slide down the wall to sit on the floor.)", "Warrick: It's her choice, right?", "Grissom: (nods) Unfortunately.", "Warrick: What do you want to do, take her to lock up?", "Grissom: Lateral move. She's already there.", "(They both turn and walk away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - CIRCUS CIRCUS - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(The officer leads RILEY RENALDO down the hallway to be processed. MINDY DUPONT watches. GRISSOM walks up to her.)", "Mindy Dupont: One guy's dead. One guy's going to jail.", "Grissom: Well, you're free to go.", "Mindy Dupont: Go where?", "(MINDY turns and slowly walks out. GRISSOM watches her leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CSI - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE walks out of the building. She stops and sees the car parked on the curb waiting for her.)", "Catherine: You got my message.", "Chris Bezich: Yeah. You sounded hungry. I was thinking ... dinner at the Bellagio.", "Catherine: (smiling) All right.", "(CATHERINE gets into the car.)", "Chris Bezich: What are you in the mood for?", "Catherine: Room service.", "(CHRIS smiles.)", "(Camera holds on the car's tail lights as it drives away.)", "BLUR OUT TO FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Getting Off
[ "A mutilated female body is discovered tied to the undercarriage of a bus carrying prisoners from a women's correctional facility after a severed arm flies out from beneath the vehicle and strikes a car. Catherine leads the investigation and at first believes the woman was escaping, but the evidence increasingly points to murder. Back in town, Warrick probes the death of a gambler who was stabbed multiple times in his brother's kitchen." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS DESERT (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. HIGHWAY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. ROADWAY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. ROADWAY - DAY]", "(A bus travels along the roadway. A car with a young couple in it follows closely behind. The car horn beeps impatiently. The bus continues to travel at its current speed which is apparently way too slow for the car behind it.)", "(The driver of the car behind the bus continues to beep his car horn.)", "Man (driver): (shouts) Come on!", "(The man in the car behind the bus continues to beep his car horn in frustration.)", "Woman (passenger): Honey, just pass him.", "(He pulls the car a little toward the center line to see if there's room enough to pass.)", "Man (driver): (shouts) Move it!", "Woman (passenger): Calm down and just pass him.", "(The man takes her advice and speeds up to overtake the bus but an oncoming SUV stops him. He pulls back into his lane behind the bus to avoid an accident.)", "(The bus hits a bump in the road and a human appendage from under the bus flies out and hits the car in the windshield leaving a trail of goo on the glass.)", "(The MAN and the WOMAN in the car scream.)", "(He hits the brakes and pulls the car over to the side of the road.)", "[EXT. ROADWAY - DAY - LATER]", "(BRASS looks at the mess on the car's windshield.)", "Catherine: (o.s.) Hey, Jim!", "(BRASS turns around to see CATHERINE and NICK walk toward him.)", "Catherine: We got a call. A possible 4-19. Is there a dead body or not?", "Brass: That arm crash-landed on the windshield of the car. According to the driver, it shot out from under the bus. Generally speaking, where there's an arm, there's a body.", "Nick: What say we check out the bus?", "Brass: Good call.", "(NICK heads over to the bus, passing the female inmates along the way.)", "Brass: Now, the, uh, passengers were on their way to St. Matthew's Church in Pioche. They were from a work release program at Nevada Correctional Institution.", "(CATHERINE looks at the wheels.)", "Catherine: Okay, well, I got some blood on the wheel well.", "(She kneels down to look under the bus.)", "Catherine: Oh, yeah, that's a definite on the 4-19.", "(Under the bus, they see torn bloodied sheets and what's left of the body hanging from the underside rails.)", "Catherine: Um, well ... appears to be female. Caucasian.", "Nick: Tied to the undercarriage ... maybe.", "Brass: Hitch a ride under a bus. Well, that's one way to get out jail.", "Nick: Yeah, and I bet this big boy spit out body parts all the way down the road.", "Catherine: So ... the bus is traveling sixty-five miles per hour. What's the distance from the tip of her nose to the tip of her toes?", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROADSIDE -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE climbs out from under the bus. NICK walks over to her.)", "Catherine: Well, looks like she used strips from a white cotton sheet.", "Nick: Yeah, use whatever's available when you're breaking out of prison, I guess.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY] Under the bus, the female inmate hangs on to the sheets. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(CATHERINE looks at the cotton sheet.)", "Catherine: Low thread count. Average tensile strength wasn't strong enough to support her weight.", "(Quick flashback to: [UNDER THE BUS] The prison inmate hangs by the cotton sheets under the bus. As the tires spin, she falls to the road. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: The torque of the spinning axle ripped her apart like the rubber off a bad retread.", "Catherine: Yep. If she'd used a nylon rope, she'd be on her way to Tijuana.", "Nick: Right. I'll call auto detail, have the bus sent to the garage, yeah?", "Catherine: Oh, hey, after that, grab Sara and go directly to jail. I'm going to supervise this body part collection.", "FLASH TO:", "(CATHERINE takes photos while DAVID PHILLIPS collects the body parts.)", "(Various flash cuts of the various body parts being collected: The leg, a finger, what looks like an ear, another body part, and even more body parts.)", "(Finished, CATHERINE looks around.)", "Catherine: Okay, David, I think that's it.", "(DAVID fills out the evidence bag info sheets.)", "David Phillips: I'll get these parts to Dr. Robbins. He'll start putting her back together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(A siren wails in the distance.)", "[INT. ADAMS' RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM looks around and sees the bloodied mess on the floor leading up to the dead body. The knife, presumably the murder weapon, is on the floor next to the body.)", "(WARRICK snaps a photo of the body. From where he stands, GRISSOM looks around the apartment.)", "(WARRICK snaps a photo of the knife.)", "(GRISSOM spots more blood on the sofa.)", "(WARRICK looks up from the camera and sighs.)", "Warrick: Helter-skelter.", "Grissom: Yeah ... except there's no blood spatter on the walls or the ceiling.", "Warrick: We have the murder weapon. He was stabbed in the chest.", "(Quick flashback to: [CLOSE UP] of the knife in someone's hand. He stabs the man in the chest. The man grunts. Blood falls to the floor. He falls down. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Quick flashes of the body.)", "[INT. ADAMS' APARTMENT BUILDING - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(DET. VARTANN interviews the LANDLORD.)", "Landlord: There's two of them in that apartment. The name's Adanto Adams. He don't live in that apartment. He's visiting from out of town. That's Zero's little brother.", "Det. Vartann: 'Zero'?", "Landlord: Zero Adams. He's the one who lives there.", "[INT. ADAMS' APARTMENT - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM walks over to the sofa. He looks from the blood spot on the sofa cushion over to the body on the floor.)", "Grissom: Well, unless he was bending over the sofa with his chest pushed against this cushion, this bloodstain is inconsistent with that wound.", "Grissom: Paul, would you turn him over for us?", "Paul: Okay.", "(The CORONER standing nearby walks over and moves the body for GRISSOM. On the victim's back, they find more stab wounds. WARRICK and GRISSOM both kneel down to look at the wounds.)", "Warrick: Oh, yeah. Stabbed in the chest and the back.", "(WARRICK snaps more photos of the wounds.)", "[INT. ADAMS' APARTMENT BUILDING - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(The LANDLORD tries to look at the body inside the apartment. DET. VARTANN turns him back to answer the questions.)", "Det. Vartann: So, uh, where is this Zero now?", "Landlord: I don't know. I'm not his mother. I'm his landlord.", "Det. Vartann: Well, if you see him, give me a call.", "(DET. VARTANN gives the LANDLORD his card. The LANDLORD takes it.)", "Landlord: Yeah, yeah, sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(DR. ROBBINS goes over the preliminary findings with CATHERINE.)", "Catherine: When I do a jigsaw puzzle, I like to start with a corner piece.", "Robbins: When the puzzle's a body, the corner piece is the pelvis. Oh, uh, Nick ID'd your vic. She missed her last bed check. Convict number sixty-nine twenty.", "(ROBBINS hands CATHERINE the file with information and photo. She reads through it.)", "Catherine: Antoinette Stella. Two-year sentence for identity theft. She was due for release next month. Guess she was in a hurry.", "Robbins: No, she wasn't trying to escape. She was murdered.", "(ROBBINS picks up the arm off the table.)", "Robbins: I dissected her arm.", "(Camera zooms in for a close up of inside the arm.)", "Robbins: The blood in the brachial artery is clotted, which is indicative of a post-mortem laceration.", "Catherine: Have you determined the cause of death?", "Robbins: Yep. Cranio-cerebral injury...", "(He peels back the hair on the head to show the injury underneath.)", "Robbins: ... due to blunt-force trauma. Depressed skull fracture imbedded with tiny white fibers. Given the depth and position of the, uh, fracture, I'd say she was hit on the head with something hard on the inside and white and fuzzy on the outside.", "Catherine: I'd like a clean look at that fracture.", "Robbins: Sure. I'll start her bath.", "Catherine: Anything else?", "Robbins: Well, you might want to check out her left forearm.", "(CATHERINE looks but doesn't see anything.)", "Catherine: Birthmark?", "Robbins: Rap sheet's referenced \"dermatological anomalies.\" According to her, she didn't have any. I'll take a slice down to histology.", "(ROBBINS grabs a knife off the table and prepares to cut off the skin.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FALLBROOK WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. FALLBROOK WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - CORRIDOR -- DAY]", "(WARDEN HUTTON escorts SARA and NICK through the facility to the victim's cell.)", "Warden Hutton: We locked down as soon as we got the call. We do bed checks six times a day. All inmates were accounted for at thirteen hours.", "Nick: What time did the bus leave for church?", "Warden Hutton: Thirteen-thirty.", "Harris (inmate): Hey, sexy, how 'bout you come back here on your day off?", "(NICK turns and sees HARRIS hanging out through the bars. She tapes the bottom of her chin with the back of her hand.)", "Harris (inmate): No gag reflex.", "Warden Hutton: Watch it, Harris. Got a drawer full of C-9s with your name on 'em.", "(They continue through the hallway to the victim's cell. As they pass a cell, the inmate yells out to them.)", "Inmate: What are you lookin' at?", "(They stop in front of the victim's cell where CHRISTINE stands inside.)", "Nick: What can you tell us about the vic?", "Warden Hutton: Antoinette? She was popular with the other inmates. No enemies to speak of.", "(The cell door opens.)", "Warden Hutton: This was Antoinette's cell. Christine, you're going to step out. Officer.", "(The OFFICER steps forward to escort CHRISTINE out of the cell. SARA and NICK walk into the cell.)", "Warden Hutton: When's the last time you saw baby girl?", "Christine: I'll need to check my calendar.", "Warden Hutton: Don't get stupid on me, Christine.", "Nick: Baby girl -- was that a street name?", "Warden Hutton: Yes. That's what everyone called her. Christine?", "Christine: I saw baby girl at lunch 'bout an hour before we got on the bus.", "(The WARDEN steps into the cell and unlocks the lock on a locker.)", "Christine: Hey, that's my locker. I didn't take none of Baby's stuff.", "Warden Hutton: Didn't say you did.", "Christine: Look ... I didn't hardly know baby girl. She only lived up in here eight days.", "Sara: Eight days?", "Warden Hutton: In this cell. Few weeks ago, I found her smuggling contraband.", "Christine: It was just a silver necklace.", "Warden Hutton: Inmates aren't allowed jewelry. It wasn't a major infraction, but I transferred her cell.", "Sara: Makeup, deodorant, shampoo.", "Warden Hutton: Inmates are allowed commissary visits once a month, unless they rack up two weeks in nights.", "(SARA finds the shoes at the bottom of the locker and checks it.)", "Sara: Do you keep track of purchases?", "Warden Hutton: I can get you a list. And just for the record, in the state of Nevada, there's never been a homicide in a Female Correctional Facility.", "Sara: Until now.", "(NICK uses the ALS on CHRISTINE'S bed. She sees him and appears alarmed.)", "Christine: What are you doing?", "Nick: I'm ruling you out as a suspect, ma'am.", "(He finishes, straightens and sighs.)", "Nick: No evidence of blood.", "Christine: I could've told you that.", "Sara: Warden, could you show us where the bus was parked before it left the facility?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FALLBROOK WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - GARAGE - DAY]", "(DOUG HANSON, the bus driver and prison guard at the facility, escorts SARA to the bus.)", "Doug Hanson: The bus was stationed right here.", "Sara: Are you the only driver?", "Doug Hanson: Only bus driver. Got my CDLC last May.", "MAN (over P.A. System) Attention, inmates ...", "Sara: Officer, before you drove out of here, did you inspect the vehicle?", "Doug Hanson: Miss ... Sidle, I don't get time to scratch my ass. I haven't had a junior officer in my department in two years. Now, usually, I work the road, and when the warden asks, I take inmates on field trips.", "Sara: Did you know the dead woman, baby girl, Antoinette Stella?", "Doug Hanson: Start seeing 'em as real people, start carin' when they go back to their pimp dealer scumbag boyfriend?", "Sara: That's enlightened.", "Doug Hanson: That's reality.", "(NICK joins them.)", "Nick: No sign of a struggle, no evidence of a body drag. If the attack didn't happen in her cell or in here, maybe it happened on the bus.", "Sara: Who maintains your transpo fleet?", "(Off to the side, JUANITA peers around the wire fence. She has a bucket in her hand.)", "Doug Hanson: Fleet? We got three antique buses. Inmates do all the work.", "Nick: You allow inmates to service your prison vehicles?", "Doug Hanson: You bet. On Saturday, I even bring in my SUV. Juanita washes it.", "(He nods over to her.)", "Doug Hanson: Ain't that right, Juan'a? I've got to get something on top of my $11.65 an hour. (NICK walks away.) Look, we're in the middle of the desert. We're a hundred miles from the pit of nowhere.", "Sara: Is that gate always unlocked?", "Doug Hanson: It's not like someone's going to hot-wire the bus and hightail it out of here.", "Sara: Right, so essentially anyone in the prison population could have walked into the garage, onto the bus and no one would have said boo?", "Doug Hanson: Boo.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - SUNSET]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB]", "(GRISSOM processes the knife. He finds a coating of something on the knife. He scrapes off a sample of it.)", "(He fumes the knife and finds a fingerprint.)", "(He removes the knife from the container and dusts the print.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - SUNSET]", "Frank Samuels: (V.O.) I got a call at work and was told to get over here right away and he's not here.", "[INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - HALLWAY]", "(DET. VARTANN is out in the hallway with FRANK SAMUELS when WARRICK approaches them.)", "Warrick: Detective, I got your page.", "(DET. VARTANN steps away from FRANK SAMUELS and heads for WARRICK.)", "Det. Vartann: Hey, we were canvassing the area when Mr. Samuels showed up. He says he's the tenant's guardian. He's got questions.", "Warrick: So do I.", "(They both turn back to FRANK SAMUELS.)", "Warrick: Mr. Samuels, I'm Warrick Brown. I'm from the crime lab.", "Frank Samuels: What happened to Zero? There's crime tape on his door. These guys won't let me in.", "Warrick: His brother was murdered.", "Frank Samuels: Adanto?", "Warrick: Did you know him?", "Frank Samuels: Yeah, I've known them both since they were kids.", "(ZERO ADAMS steps into the hallway accompanied by an OFFICER. ZERO'S shirt is bloodied.)", "Zero Adams: Frank ...", "Frank Samuels: Zero.", "Zero Adams: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FALLBROOK WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - GARAGE - NIGHT]", "(SARA and NICK examine the inside of the bus. They start from the front and work their way to the back.)", "(At the back of the bus, NICK finds something.)", "Nick: Absorption.", "(SARA joins him.)", "Sara: Blood?", "Nick: Yeah, and it's more than just a paper cut.", "Sara: I'll swab it for DNA.", "(SARA opens her kit and takes a swab sample of the blood.)", "(As she does that, NICK checks out the other side of the bus and finds something else.)", "Nick: Florescence. Bluish-white.", "(NICK swabs and tests the fluorescence.)", "Nick: Acid phosphatase tests positive.", "Sara: What is semen doing in the back of a female prison bus?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(ZERO ADAMS is being questioned by WARRICK and DET. VARTANN in FRANK SAMUELS' presence.)", "Frank Samuels: It's okay, Zero. Just answer the questions.", "Zero Adams: I said I was sorry 'cause I'm not supposed to be out by myself.", "Warrick: So, why did you go out?", "Zero Adams: Well, I came home from special school, I found Adanto in the kitchen.", "(Quick flashback to: ZERO holds ADANTO and cries.)", "Zero Adams: I love you.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: When was the last time you talked to your brother?", "Zero Adams: Just before school.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. ADAMS' APARTMENT - KITCHEN] ZERO and ADANTO sit across each other at the kitchen table.)", "Adanto Adams: What I'm about to tell you, you can't tell anybody.", "Zero Adams: No. No, I won't. Scout's honor.", "Adanto Adams: We're going to be rich like we always talked about.", "(ADANTOA drops a deck of cards on the table. He reaches out and touches ZERO affectionately.)", "Adanto Adams: I love you, kid.", "Zero Adams: I love you, too.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Zero Adams: Said he was going to buy me a shiny new car and a driver to take me anywhere I wanted to go.", "(ZERO leans in close to WARRICK. WARRICK leans in close as if receiving a secret.)", "Zero Adams: (confidentially) He said we were going to be rich.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT (STOCK) - EVENING]", "(Thunder rumbles in the distance.)", "[INT. FALLBROOK WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - WARDEN HUTTON'S OFFICE --", "EVENING]", "(CATHERINE questions JUANITA ROYA in WARDEN HUTTON'S office.)", "Warden Hutton: Juanita's in charge of bus detail. I'm sure she'll be happy to answer your questions.", "Catherine: Juanita? Do you recall the last time that you washed out the interior of the bus?", "Juanita Roya: Yesterday, a few hours before we left for work release. (JUANITA turns to look at the WARDEN.) If something's missing, it wasn't me. You can check my locker.", "Catherine: Did you notice anything unusual in the back of the bus?", "Juanita Roya: Like what?", "Catherine: Blood or ... semen?", "Juanita Roya: Didn't see any blood.", "Catherine: What about semen?", "Juanita Roya: Don't they still do it in the backseat in the free world?", "Catherine: Yeah. But I doubt if conjugal visits are permitted in a prison bus.", "Juanita Roya: Conjugal visits aren't permitted anywhere. The ACLU was going to bring a case that's ...", "(JUANITA looks at the WARDEN, then abruptly stops talking. CATHERINE turns to look at the WARDEN.)", "Juanita Roya: The only men permitted in this correctional facility are the correctional officers.", "Warden Hutton: It's a class \"d\" felony for a co to have sexual contact with an inmate.", "Catherine: Lots of things are felonies, but people still do them. Otherwise, you and I'd be out of a job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- NIGHT]", "(OPEN on the evidence bag label:", "Article: CLOTH FIBERS", "Data Found, Located or Developed: 3/11/04", "Where This Article Was Found: SKULL", "Investigation Officer: C. WILLOWS", "David Hodges: The white fibers from the head wound were straight out of any Wal-market.", "(HODGES hands the sample bag to NICK as he reports to him and SARA.)", "David Hodges: Seventy-eight percent cotton, fourteen percent polyester and seven percent nylon elastic.", "Nick: Sounds like we're looking for a lethal pair of white underpants.", "David Hodges: Yeah, or a bra, pair of socks. The skin discoloration, that was a real challenge. You know, uh, on her forearm. Looked like a birthmark. Yeah, that skin sample was supposed to be sent to histology. Yeah, well, they kicked it back to me. Uh, the coloration was an adulterant. Aluminum chelate of carminic acid.", "Nick: Aluminum ch ... ? I've never heard of this before.", "Sara: It's a cochineal.", "Nick: A what?", "Sara: A cochineal. They're scaled insects. Carminic acid is found in their intestines.", "(Quick flash of the bug eating a leaf.)", "Sara: (V.O.) It's bitter, so it discourages predators.", "(End of flash. Resume to SARA.)", "Sara: As a dye, it's been prized for centuries.", "David Hodges: Since when did you become an insects expert?", "Sara: Entomology textbook. Grissom gave it to me last Christmas.", "David Hodges: Oh.", "Sara: When I can't sleep, I read.", "(HODGES turns to look at NICK.)", "Nick: Funny, I didn't get a Christmas gift from Grissom. Did you?", "David Hodges: No. Uh, so, assuming that she was tattooed in prison, how'd she get a hold of the bugs?", "Sara: Well, um, cochineals feed on cactus plants. They probably grow wild in the prison area.", "(Quick flash of: [EXT. DESERT] ANTOINETTE STELLA collects the bugs and smashes them up.)", "Sara: (V.O.) Baby girl could've smashed up a few bugs, used the carminic acid to tattoo herself.", "(She uses the acid like ink to tattoo her arm.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Do you have a photo of the tattoo?", "David Hodges: Yeah.", "(HODGES shows SARA the tattoo. She and NICK look at the photo.)", "Nick: Looks like a half moon. Gang moniker, maybe.", "Sara: Every woman knows what that is. It's a heart. Well, half a heart.", "(NICK turns the photo on its side where it's recognizable to him.)", "Nick: Oh. Yeah. Where's the other half?", "(NICK looks at SARA.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - DAY]", "(WARRICK and DET. VARTANN interview FRANK SAMUELS.)", "Warrick: Mr. Samuels, we found your prints on the knife used to kill Adanto Adams.", "Frank Samuels: Now, wait a minute. I didn't stab Adanto.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. ADAMS' RESIDENCE] FRANK SAMUELS walks into the apartment and sees ADANTO on the floor. He starts yelling for ZERO.)", "Frank Samuels: Oh, my god. Zero?! FRANK SAMUELS: Zero?!", "(He reaches down and pulls the knife out from the body.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: But you didn't call 9-1-1. Or the police. You just took off?", "Det. Vartann: That's a felony.", "Frank Samuels: Look, I was concerned about Zero. He's a nine-year-old kid in a man's body. I didn't know if he did it. Zero's like a son to me. I've been his guardian since he was fourteen. Everybody used to make fun of him. Called him \"Zero.\" I told him only special people get nicknames.", "Warrick: Where's his parents now?", "Frank Samuels: They passed away. He left a small inheritance for his boys and ... Zero doesn't spend much.", "Det. Vartann: Okay, I'll ask again. You found the body and then you went to work?", "Frank Samuels: I just needed some time to think.", "Warrick: Well, you'll get plenty of that now.", "Det. Vartann: Twenty-four hours in a holding cell. Come on. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(ROBBINS goes over the body with GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: It's very peculiar. Take a look at his chest wound. No right or left angulation. No up or down. Straight in, straight out.", "(He makes the motions with his hands.)", "Grissom: Well, the crime scene suggests he was moving around his apartment while being stabbed so, \"straight in, straight out\" doesn't seem likely.", "Robbins: Well, one time is an anomaly. Five times?", "(ROBBINS lifts up the body to show the back wounds to GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: All four back wounds are clustered and parallel.", "(He puts the body back down on the table.)", "Robbins: And the chest wound is at the same distance from the crown of his head as the other four.", "Grissom: What about defensive wounds?", "Robbins: There are none.", "Grissom: Okay, so, he's running around his apartment trying to get away from his attacker and he incurs no nicks or cuts?", "Robbins: Nope.", "Grissom: What else?", "Robbins: Well, I found this in his stomach.", "(ROBBINS picks up the clump from the metal container and shows it to GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: Looks like a paper wad of some sort.", "Grissom: Maybe a treasure map.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS LAB]", "(RONNIE LITRE works on opening up the clump taken from ADANTO ADAMS' stomach.)", "Ronnie Litre: Good thing this guy's not concerned with his cholesterol. He ate fatty foods. Paper's pretty well preserved. Uh, most of the ink is washed off.", "(He gets the paper opened and sees something.)", "Ronnie Litre: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. There's something there in the corner.", "(The camera servo clicks in rapid succession.)", "Ronnie Litre: Help me put it in there, Warrick.", "(Together, they put the piece of paper between two sheets of plastic. WARRICK puts it under the scope.)", "Warrick: (reading) Uh ... \"P-A... L...\" Oh, the Palms. I know what this is. It's a receipt for a marker.", "(WARRICK looks down to get the amount.)", "Warrick: For ten grand.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - SUNSET]", "[INT. PALMS CASINO/HOTEL]", "(WARRICK shows the MANAGER the photo of ADANTO ADAMS. The MANAGER recognizes him immediately.)", "Manager: Oh, yeah, that's him. Adanto Adams. Said he wanted to play BJ in the no-limit area. So I had the cage check his credit. (He signs a clip board and hands it back to the man.) Qualified for ten grand.", "Worker: Thank you.", "Manager: And I wrote him up.", "Warrick: Did he have some kind of a system?", "Manager: They all got systems. This one was a small-time double-up type thing. Bet 100, lose; bet 200 lose. Bet four, lose. Double-up-till-you-win type thing.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. PALMS CASINO - BLACKJACK TABLE] ADANTO plays the cards and gets frustrated at losing. He looks at the dealer.)", "Adanto Adams: Now, don't you get anything other than a 20? Hmm?", "(He bangs the table in frustration.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Manager: The one thing about systems in this town -- if you got one, we want you here.", "Warrick: Can I get a copy of that footage?", "Manager: Listen, you look familiar. I seen you before? You been in here?", "Warrick: Maybe just on a case. How about that footage?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(SARA enters the hallway and rushes to catch up with CATHERINE.)", "Sara: Hey, got your page. What's up?", "Catherine: Oh, the Warden faxed over Baby Girl's commissary purchases. She bought one twenty-count box of tampons every month like clockwork, but check out the last few months.", "(CATHERINE shows the list to SARA.)", "Sara: What are you thinking? She might not have needed any for, oh, nine months?", "Catherine: I think Baby Girl was having a baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(ROBBINS is cooking the skull in a large pot. He lifts the skull up from the pot just as CATHERINE walks into the room.)", "Robbins: Skull's not ready yet. Enzymes are still eating away at the proteins.", "Catherine: Did you, by any chance, do a pregnancy test on Baby Girl?", "Robbins: I thought she'd been incarcerated for the last 23 months.", "Catherine: (nods) She had been.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(ROBBINS pulls out the table from the morgue cabinet. He pulls the sheet away from the body. He plunges a syringe into the necessary area to get the liquid sample. CATHERINE watches.)", "Robbins: Urine ... you're out.", "(He fills the syringe with urine.)", "Robbins: Okay ...", "(He expels the urine into a petrie dish and reaches for a Home Pregnancy Test Kit.)", "Catherine: Home Pregnancy Test, huh?", "Robbins: About ten times cheaper than the brand sold by our medical supply company, and just as accurate.", "(He sticks the stick into the urine and waits.)", "Catherine: Eye on the bottom line. I find that very ...", "Robbins: (prompts) ... sexy?", "Catherine: \"Prudent\". But that was a good try.", "(He removes the stick and shows the results to CATHERINE.)", "Robbins: Yeah, plus sign. You know what that means.", "Catherine: Who's your daddy?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(ARCHIE is in the AV Lab reviewing casino video when WARRICK walks in.)", "Warrick: Archie?", "Archie: Hey. Got your surveillance tape of Zero's brother.", "Warrick: Roll it. Now, according to the pit boss, the kid was playing a double-up system. What I want to know is, how many hands did he back himself up?", "Archie: Let's find out.", "(ARCHIE fast forwards the video.)", "Archie: First hand, hundred. Loser.", "Archie: Second hand, two hundred. Lose.", "Archie: Third hand, four hundred. Lose.", "(WARRICK shakes his head.)", "Archie: Fourth hand, Eight hundred. So he's doubling every bet.", "Warrick: Yeah, that's the classic double-up system.", "(They watch for a moment.)", "Warrick: Go back out wide.", "(ARCHIE changes the view.)", "Archie: Looks like he's all in.", "Warrick: Tenth bet, $51,200. Adanto has 20. He sticks. She has two up. Another two, and thats four. Two, three, two. That's eleven. Ace, ace, ace, ace. Fifteen. Six.", "Archie: Ten-card twenty-one. What are the odds of that?", "Warrick: The record's an eleven-card twenty-one. That was back in '78.", "(On video, ADANTO leaves the table.)", "Archie: So he loses $102,300 in ten hands. What's the $10,000 marker for?", "Warrick: Try to chase back the 102.", "(They watch him play.)", "Warrick: He lost it all.", "(On video, they watch ADANTO fold up the marker and put it in his mouth.)", "Warrick: He swallowed his loss.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "Woman: (over intercom) All COs sign in with the desk sergeant. All COs sign in with the desk sergeant.", "(WARDEN HUTTON walks over to CATHERINE.)", "Warden Hutton: Miss Willows. My COs are level 3 peace officers. I will not subject them to a DNA lineup that is nothing more than a wild goose chase.", "Catherine: We have probable cause to believe that a Correctional Officer was involved with Baby Girl.", "Warden Hutton: Involved in getting her pregnant, maybe, but that's a far cry from homicide.", "Catherine: Nevertheless, as you pointed out, s*x with an inmate is a crime. Which is the basis for my warrant.", "(CATHERINE holds out the warrant for the WARDEN. The WARDEN takes it and CATHERINE walks away.)", "(She opens the door to the waiting room and walks inside.)", "Catherine: Okay, everybody, can I have your attention, please?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(DET. VARTANN finds WARRICK.)", "Det. Vartann: Hey, I did some digging. Withdrawal slip from Zero Adams' custodial account the day of the murder.", "Warrick: How much?", "Det. Vartann: $102,000 even.", "Warrick: Who are the signatories?", "DET. VARTANN Zero Zdams and Frank Samuels.", "(DET. VARTANN shows WARRICK the slip.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OFFICE -- DAY]", "(DET. VARTANN and WARRICK take their findings to FRANK SAMUELS.)", "Frank Samuels: Uh, this is not my signature. This is Zero's account. I'm the custodian, but, um, I didn't sign this. Adanto. That son of a ...", "Warrick: What? You knew about this?", "Frank Samuels: Indirectly. We had it out.", "(Quick flashback to: [APARTMENT] FRANK is pacing the floors upset at ADANTO who sits there with his head in his hands.)", "Frank Samuels: Tell you something, you degenerate. All I've heard from you is how much money you blow day-trading, and now you want to touch your brother's life savings? You can forget about it.", "Adanto Adams: Don't you see? If I play perfect blackjack, there is no way we can lose ...", "(Around the corner out of sight, ZERO has his hands over his ears as he listens to them arguing.)", "Frank Samuels: There is no perfect blackjack.", "(The men continue to argue.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(WARRICK puts a piece of paper in front of FRANK.)", "Warrick: I'm going to need, uh, a sample of ... of your handwriting. Also need a sample from Zero.", "(FRANK takes the paper.)", "Frank Samuels: Just copy this?", "Warrick: Yes.", "(He writes.)", "(Fade to: ZERO ADAMS gives a sample of his writing.)", "(Fade to: The sheet.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS]", "(RONNIE LITRE goes over his findings of the writing samples with WARRICK.)", "Ronnie Litre: London letters is one of my favorite standard writing tests. Uh, the paragraph has every capital letter in the alphabet, as well as numbers one through nine.", "Warrick: Just tell me who's lying.", "Ronnie Litre: Uh, okay. Uh, Zero's not. Uh, his signature is authentic. Proof is in the \"Z.\"", "(RONNIE puts an enlarged sheet of paper on the table.)", "Ronnie Litre: Okay, uh, look at the \"F\" in \"Frank Samuels\" from the withdrawal slip, and then look at the \"F\" from the London Letters.", "(He puts another sheet down on the table.)", "Ronnie Litre: Different. As well as the \"S\" in \"Samuels,\" and the \"S\" in \"Switzerland.\" Again, way off. I hate to tell you, Warrick, but I think your guardian might be telling you the truth. And from what I can see, Zero didn't forge it.", "Warrick: Well, then who did? Adanto?", "Ronnie Litre: (shrugs) Without a sample, I can't tell you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(CATHERINE walks through the hallway when a smiling GREG finds her.)", "Catherine: Start talking.", "Greg: The blood Nick and Sara found in the back of the bus-- consistent with the victim.", "Catherine: Not a surprise.", "Greg: Semen found in the back of the bus matches your bus driver's DNA.", "Catherine: Also, not a surprise.", "Greg: Try this one. Bus driver's DNA has 13 alleles in common with the victim's unborn fetus.", "(GREG walks away leaving CATHERINE with her mouth open in surprise.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(CATHERINE interviews the bus driver DOUG HANSON in the presence of his attorney.)", "Doug Hanson: I don't believe you.", "Catherine: She was pregnant. Twelve weeks. And you're the father. Your attorney has reviewed your case file.", "(DOUG HANSON turns to his LAWYER.)", "Lawyer: It's in there.", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(NICK and SARA watch the interview.)", "Nick: When he said he expected something on top of his $11.65 an hour, I thought he was talking about free car washes.", "Sara: There's no evidence of anti- or paramortem rape. He'll claim it was consensual.", "Nick: It's still rape. Under cover of authority.", "[INTERVIEW ROOM]", "Doug Hanson: She swore she couldn't have kids. Too many turns at the coat hanger ... (CATHERINE shakes her head.) ... her words.", "Catherine: Yeah. I imagine that you were pissed off when she broke the news. It kind of changes the power dynamics.", "Nick: And she blabs to the warden. He's demoted from officer to inmate.", "Sara: That is murder.", "Doug Hanson: I swear, I had no idea.", "Lawyer: Doug, let me handle this. If the DA had sufficient evidence to file murder charges, he would have.", "Catherine: Well, your client's already been charged with a felony. DA has all the time in the world.", "Doug Hanson: Look, I can't fight the evidence.", "Lawyer: Doug, Doug, would you be quiet?", "Doug Hanson: (to his lawyer) Look, I got her pregnant. I admit it. I'll do the time, okay? (to CATHERINE) But you can't prove that I killed her because I didn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(WARRICK finds HODGES.)", "Warrick: How's the knife handle coming?", "David Hodges: Handled. The substance Grissom scraped off was interior latex house paint with titanium dioxide.", "Warrick: That would be glossy, right?", "David Hodges: Mm-hmm.", "Warrick: What's house paint doing on a knife handle?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(WARRICK talks with GRISSOM.)", "Grissom: In 1984, William Bergstrom asked old man Binion if he could come into his casino and bet a million dollars on one roll of craps. That November, he put a briefcase full of $1 million on the \"don't pass\" line, rolled a seven on the come-up.", "Warrick: Loser.", "Grissom: Soon after that, he killed himself.", "Warrick: So, what are you getting at?", "Grissom: If the wounds couldn't have been made by a handheld knife, maybe the knife wasn't handheld.", "Warrick: How else are you going to stab a guy?", "Grissom: Well, put the evidence aside for a second. What was Adanto's state of mind? You've had a few bad runs.", "Warrick: Guy comes into town, convinces his brother to invest in some two-bit double-up system, ends up losing his life savings in a ten-card twenty-one. In a word: Desperate.", "Grissom: So put that into context with your evidence.", "(WARRICK looks at the knife.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(CATHERINE walks into the lab.)", "Catherine: Greg.", "Greg: Do you think skin cells can survive fifty miles of rough desert road?", "Catherine: That's what I asked you.", "Greg: I analyzed every strip of fabric from the bus' chassis. Zilch. But I'm a guy who likes to tie up loose ends, so I asked Doc Robbins to send over the scraps that were tied to the body parts. That's where I found them. Fresh, abraded epithelials.", "(Quick flashback to: Someone ties the wrists to the bus. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: So, if the epithelial DNA matches the bus driver, this case is closed.", "Greg: One problem. Double \"X\" marks the spot.", "Catherine: It's female DNA? Well, I guess we're looking at an inmate.", "Greg: Or female staff.", "(ROBBINS walks into the lab.)", "Robbins: Excuse me. Am I interrupting?", "Catherine: Oh, not if the vic's skull is in that bag.", "(ROBBINS pulls out the plastic bag with the skull in it and looks at it.)", "Robbins: Alas, poor Yorick. (looks at GREG) I knew him, Horatio.", "(He shows the skull to CATHERINE.)", "Robbins: The occipital bone retained the shape of the murder weapon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. ADAMS' RESIDENCE]", "(WARRICK looks around the apartment.)", "(Quick flashback of: [KITCHEN] ADANTO sits alone in the kitchen looking at the knife in his hands. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(WARRICK sighs.)", "Warrick: Desperation.", "(He lifts up his flashlight and looks at the blood on the sofa cushion.)", "(Quick flashback to: ADANTO sits on the sofa. End of flashback.)", "(WARRICK steps forward and looks at the blood on the floor.)", "(Quick flashback to: ADANTO lying on the floor, the knife in his chest. End of flashback.)", "(WARRICK continues to look around. He sees the damaged wood bits on the floor. He kneels down to look at it. Then, he looks up and sees the damage in the wall.)", "(Quick flashback to: ADANTO wedges the knife in the wall.)", "Adanto Adams: (voice overs) No way we can lose.", "(ADANTO turns around, his back to the knife.)", "Adanto Adams: (V.O.) This is Vegas. ADANTO ADAMS: (V.O.) Anything can happen.", "(He slams his back into the knife. Over and over again.)", "(He staggers over to the sofa and rests on it for a moment. It's not enough. He looks at the knife again.)", "Adanto Adams: (V.O.) I found a way to make us some money.", "(He grits his teeth, gets up and heads back to the knife.)", "Adanto Adams: We're going to be rich like we always talked about. I love you, kid.", "Zero Adams: I love you, too.", "(He slams his chest into the knife.)", "(End of flashback.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "Zero Adams: He killed himself?", "Warrick: I'm afraid so.", "Zero Adams: No. Why would he do that?", "Det. Vartann: Your brother took out an insurance policy with an accidental death clause. It means that if he was murdered, the beneficiary would be entitled to a million dollars. You're the beneficiary.", "Warrick: Unfortunately, the coroner is going to rule the case a suicide ... and not a homicide, which makes that policy worthless.", "Zero Adams: I-I was just trying to help my brother. Oh ... (groans) I want Frank.", "Det. Vartann: Listen to me. Frank will be facing charges of obstructing justice. Do you understand? The court will appoint you another guardian.", "Zero Adams: No, I don't want another guardian. (shouts) I want Frank!", "(He looks imploringly at WARRICK.)", "Warrick: (softly) I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(The skull is on a rotating metal plate as it's being scanned into computer.)", "Nick: This program is scanning the topography of the skull and building a three-dimensional image based on the data. It should be done in a second, but you can already see two concentric arcs.", "(The monitor shows the 3-d image of the skull.)", "Nick: Inner arc is impressed just a little bit deeper into the skull. Check it out.", "(It pauses on the wound.)", "Sara: Like a crater in a crater.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Sara: Can you enlarge to full screen?", "Nick: There.", "(On the monitor, the image of the skull focuses on the injury.)", "Nick: Small ...", "(The image moves even closer to the injury.)", "Nick: ... evenly spaced indentations on the edge of the inner arc.", "Sara: I know what that is.", "(The shape of the injury fades into the shape of a locker padlock.)", "(The CGI padlock flips over and dissolves into the real padlock on the locker.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FALLBROOK WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - CELL -- DAY]", "(CLOSE-UP: PADLOCK on locker.)", "(CATHERINE lifts up the padlock on CHRISTINE'S locker and sprays it to test for blood.)", "Christine: Skinny-ass feather worth as much trouble dead as she was alive? I didn't ask her to move in here.", "Warden Hutton: No one asked you.", "(CATHERINE finds nothing. She turns and looks at BRASS.)", "Brass: So, Warden, baby girl was transferred to this cell about a week ago?", "Warden Hutton: That's right.", "Brass: Where was she last housed?", "Warden Hutton: \"D\" block.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FALLBROOK WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - D BLOCK -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE tests the padlock on JUANITA ROYA'S locker. The padlock glows.)", "(She looks at the padlock and find something else.)", "Catherine: (softly) White fibers.", "(CATHERINE looks around the small cell.)", "Catherine: Warden, how often do the inmates have their laundry washed?", "Warden Hutton: Twice a week: One day for colors, one day for whites. Tomorrow's a white day.", "(CATHERINE grabs the laundry bag and checks it.)", "Catherine: You don't mind if I empty out your laundry bag, do you?", "(CATHERINE goes through the whites in the bag. She walks over to JUANITA.)", "Catherine: Juanita, would you remove your shoes, please?", "(JUANITA doesn't move.)", "Warden Hutton: Now.", "(JUANITA removes her left shoe.)", "Warden Hutton: The other.", "(JUANITA removes her right shoe. CATHERINE checks under JUANITA'S feet and finds a blood stain under her right foot.)", "Catherine: A lock in a sock.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FALLBROOK WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. FALLBROOK WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE interviews JUANITA ROYA.)", "Catherine: Juanita, I read your rap sheet. Possession with intent to sell. Your old man was using you as a drug meal, right?", "Juanita Roya: He was supposed to protect me. He said if I got caught, he'd take the fall. After the drug raid, he disappeared. Vanished. I get locked up. I should've known better.", "Catherine: (sighs) Well ... my ex drained my bank account. I was saving up for this nice little house for my daughter and me, and ...", "Juanita Roya: as soon as you let 'em in, huh?", "(JUANITA moves her arm and CATHERINE sees a tattoo of a half a heart on her arm.)", "Catherine: (sighs) Gets lonely in prison, doesn't it? Was it the first time you had a relationship with a woman?", "(JUANITA looks at CATHERINE.)", "Catherine: Tattoo. Baby Girl had the other half.", "Juanita Roya: I'm not ... like that.", "Catherine: It wouldn't be the first time to cross gender lines in search of some ... affection.", "Juanita Roya: It was the first time I felt that way about anyone.", "Catherine: And Baby Girl ended up pregnant. It's not like she could hide that from you.", "Juanity: She said she had the flu. Yeah, right.", "(Quick flashback to: BABY GIRL is throwing up in the toilet. JUANITA is angry.)", "Juanita Roya: That's what you get for lying to me, for sneaking around.", "(Flash to: BABY GIRL walks up to the bars, her back is to JUANITA.)", "Antoinette Stella (Baby Girl): I was just playing him, Juanita. I was doing it for us.", "Juanita Roya: (angrily) You're a liar!", "Antoinette Stella (Baby Girl): Want to know the truth, Juanita? In one month, I am out of this hole ... and away from you.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Juanita Roya: And then, later that night, she said she was sorry, and we made up. The next day, she got the Warden to transfer her ... out of our cell. She wasn't playing Doug. She was playing me.", "Catherine: So you killed her?", "Juanita Roya: She promised to end it with Doug.", "(Quick flashback to: [THE BUS] JUANITA goes to the bus to clean it and finds BABY GIRL and DOUG HANSON inside. She turns and runs out of the bus.)", "(Cut to: [THE CELL] JUANITA takes the pad lock off the locker and slips it into a sock. She angrily hits the bedding.)", "(Cut back to: [THE BUS] DOUG HANSON walks out of the bus. JUANITA slips into the bus where she finds BABY GIRL putting her clothes on. She walks up behind BABY GIRL and hits her on the head with the sock. BABY GIRL falls to the floor.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: You tied her body to the undercarriage of the bus and assumed we'd think that she died while attempting to escape ... right?", "Juanita Roya: If there's one thing I learned in prison ... it's to stick up for myself ... because nobody else will.", "Catherine: I think that you should know that Baby Girl was telling the truth about the transfer. It wasn't her request. It was Warden Hutton's decision.", "(CATHERINE shows JUANITA the necklace.)", "Catherine: She was caught trying to smuggle in this necklace and was reprimanded. I'm guessing it was for you.", "(JUANITA looks at the necklace and cries.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT./INT. FALLBROOK WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - DAY]", "(Various cuts of: JUANITA is escorted through the facility and put back into her cell. The cell door closes behind her.)", "(JUANITA climbs up on the top bunk and lies down.)", "(Camera holds on JUANITA.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "A violent murder in a casino parking garage and another episode in the police interview room lead the CSIs to one shocking discovery after another. The case involves a missing woman, a long dead body and a missing child." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS STREETS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CASINO - MAIN FLOOR - NIGHT]", "(A large man in a leather jacket and sporting a beard walks into the casino. He stops in the aisle and looks around. Most of the people continue about their business without sparing him a second glance.)", "(He sees something across the room and heads straight for it. He turns through the aisle and barrels into an elderly man, pushing him aside.)", "Tony Sciarra: (mutters) Get out of the way!", "(The man continues walking across the room and we see that he's following someone who really isn't noticing that he's being targeted.)", "(The MAN in the blue shirt walks past the various displays.)", "The MAN in the leather jacket continues to follow him. He turns the corner and sees the door \"TO PARKING\" closing shut. He pauses a moment getting angrier by the second. Suddenly he moves forward, kicks the door open and walks through into the parking structure.)", "FLASH TO BLACK.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM kneel over the body of the late TONY SCIARRA, the man in the leather jacket.)", "Brass: Wow, that had to hurt.", "(GRISSOM reaches into the leather jacket pocket and pulls out several chips.)", "Brass: Well, robbery wasn't a motive.", "Grissom: His eyes took the brunt of the punishment.", "Brass: If you can't see, you can't fight back.", "(GRISSOM notices the blood under the man's finger nails along with several strands of light-colored hair.)", "Grissom: No. But he may have tried.", "(BRASS reaches into the jacket pocket and pulls out a PENNSYLVANIA DRIVER'S LICENSE. It reads:", "TONY SCIARRA", "7259 W. PORT ST.", "PHILADELPHIA PA 19078", "Brass: Tony Sciarra. From Philadelphia.", "Grissom: So much for brotherly love.", "(GRISSOM looks up at BRASS.)", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CASINO PARKING STRUCTURE -- NIGHT]", "(The camera flashes. WARRICK snaps photos while CATHERINE gathers evidence. She picks up a tooth off the floor and puts it in a bindle. She picks up the second tooth and puts it in another bindle. They work quietly and efficiently.)", "[CASINO HALLWAY TO PARKING LOT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM stands just inside the doorway to the parking lot looking out through the open door over the crime scene tape to where the body is. He turns when BRASS starts to report his findings.)", "Brass: Our victim Tony just checked into the hotel. He hadn't even unpacked.", "Grissom: He made enemies fast.", "Brass: Yeah, old man at the casino, who he knocked down, said the same thing. He was hauling ass.", "Grissom: Why?", "[PARKING STRUCTURE]", "(CATHERINE shines her flashlight on the blood-spattered wall. She turns and gets a swab to take a sample of the blood on the floor next to TONY SCIARRA'S head.)", "Catherine: Blood drops are medium to large. Low-velocity spatter. No castoff.", "(WARRICK watches from the side.)", "Warrick: Maybe he wasn't beaten with a weapon.", "Catherine: Hand to hand?", "Warrick: I know this guy's yoked. He's what? 6'2\"? 6'3\"?", "Catherine: Size doesn't matter when you're outnumbered.", "(Quick flashback to: TONY SCIARRA'S on the floor being held while he's being punched repeatedly in the face.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(WARRICK leans over and gets a good look at the battered face.)", "Warrick: Damn.", "(He leans over and snaps a photo.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CASINO - SECURITY CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT]", "(SARA and NICK review the security camera video. On it, they see TONY SCIARRA bump into an old man and push him aside. He continues down the aisle.)", "Sara: Here's our vic. Leaving the floor.", "Surveillance Tech: And the cameras. No eyes in the corridors or the rest rooms.", "Nick: Yeah, well, we know where he went. Just show us where he came from, please.", "(The SURVEILLANCE TECH rewinds the tape and they see TONY SCIARRA over at the crap table. He stands next to a man in a blue shirt.)", "Nick: Whoa. Whoa. That's good. Start it from right there.", "(They stop rewinding the tape. The tape plays and they watch as the man in the blue shirt grabs a chip off TONY SCIARRA'S pile.)", "Sara: Did you see that?", "Nick: Yeah, the little guy on the right just snaked him.", "(They watch as TONY SCIARRA rolls again and the man in the blue shirt grabs another chip off of his pile.)", "Sara: You've got to be kidding me. He just did it again.", "Nick: Two for two.", "Sara: That guy has got stones going after a mark as big as Tony.", "Nick: He knows he has backup. Is the third time a charm?", "(The tape continues and they watch as the man in the blue shirt lifts another chip off of TONY'S pile.)", "Nick: Yes, it is.", "(TONY notices the slight.)", "Sara: Busted.", "(On the monitor, they watch as the two men have words with each other.)", "Nick: Accusations from Tony. He's getting hot.", "Sara: Some kind of denial from the little guy.", "Nick: Tony got worked. Just wanted his money back.", "Sara: We're going to need a still of the little guy's face, if you could.", "Surveillance Tech: You got it.", "(Camera moves in on the man in the blue shirt standing at the craps table.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Open on the monitor of TONY SCIARRA'S beaten face. DR. ALBERT ROBBINS goes over the preliminary findings with GRISSOM.)", "Dr. Albert Robbins: Fractures to the zygomatic, ethmoidal, nasal bones. Also the mandible and maxilla. How many teeth did you find at the scene?", "Grissom: Two.", "(DR. ALBERT ROBBINS pries open the lips and shows the missing teeth to GRISSOM.)", "Dr. Albert Robbins: He's missing six. I found one in the back of his mouth. He probably swallowed the other three. I'll check his stomach.", "Grissom: Blood evidence at the scene suggests that his attackers did not use a weapon.", "Dr. Albert Robbins: Contusions are nondescript. No foreign tool marks.", "Grissom: Bare knuckles?", "Dr. Albert Robbins: That's what I'm thinking. Multiple blows to the head produced angular acceleration and deceleration in the brain.", "(Quick CGI flashback to: TONY SCIARRA'S on the floor. The man hits his head with his fist. A CGI view of TONY'S brains jiggle upon impact.)", "(Slow motion of another hit to TONY'S head. Blood spurts from his mouth.)", "Dr. Albert Robbins: (V.O.) Twisting of the brain causes the bridging veins to rip. From there it's all downhill. The axons within the white matter of the brain begin to snap.", "(Camera zooms into TONY'S head to show us a lovely graphic shot of the bridging veins ripping. Lovely.)", "(End of CGI flashback. Resume to present.)", "Dr. Albert Robbins: Officially, COD is diffuse axonal injury. Unofficially ... it's the most brutal beating I've ever seen.", "(GRISSOM places his left hand over the bruise pattern on the body.)", "Grissom: Neck bruises were made by a left hand?", "(He points to another set of bruises.)", "Grissom: What about these bruises?", "Dr. Albert Robbins: Well, there's no defensive wounds on the hands or forearm. So I'm guessing it was restrained. Bruises could be somebody's knees on his chest.", "Grissom: So a hand on his throat, knees on his chest, his head was butted up against a wall, and all the blows were directed at his face.", "Dr. Albert Robbins: That doesn't leave much room for any other attackers to get their licks in.", "Grissom: Maybe there were no other attackers.", "(Quick flashback to: A hallway view of one man beating the crap out of TONY SCIARRA while holding him down on the floor. TONY grunts and groans with each hit.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Dr. Albert Robbins: One guy did all this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL / CASINO - NIGHT]", "(BRASS questions HOUSEKEEPER. He shows her the surveillance video photo of the man in the blue shirt at the craps table.)", "Brass: So you're sure this was the man you saw?", "Housekeeper: Yes. I was in the bathroom.", "(Quick flashback to: [BATHROOM] The MAN IN THE BLUE SHIRT walks past the bathroom. He goes over to the sink and washes his hands. Standing on the side, she watches him.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Housekeeper: I waited for him to leave. Then I called security.", "Brass: Do you see this man now?", "(She hesitates.)", "Brass: All you have to do is nod.", "(She looks around the room and sees the back of the man's head. He's wearing a white shirt and sitting at the table. She nods.)", "Brass: Thanks.", "(They turn and look at the man at the table immediately recognizing him. NICK whispers to BRASS.)", "Nick: ID's off. We're looking for a blue shirt and jeans.", "Brass: He could have ditched the clothes. Let's be smart about this.", "[COFFEE SHOP - CONTINUOUS]", "(BRASS opens the door to the coffee shop and walks inside. NICK and a couple of officers follow him. They walk up to the man. They notice the missing hair and blood smears on his skin behind his ear.)", "(BRASS stops behind them man.)", "Brass: Las Vegas Police. Put your hands behind your head and stand up.", "(The man pauses from taking a bite of his burger. He doesn't move.)", "Brass: Come on.", "(The man puts his burger down. He stands up and puts his hands behind his head. The OFFICER grabs him and puts the cuffs on him.)", "(In the process he turns the man around. He looks at BRASS and sneers.)", "(The officer leads the MAN away. BRASS watches them go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(BRASS interviews WALTER DARIAN. GRISSOM stands on the side and watches. BRASS walks up to WALTER DARIAN and speaks in a low voice into the DARIAN'S ear.)", "Brass: You're not much of a talker, are you, Walter?", "(He leans in close and continues talking. WALKTER DARIAN doesn't move.)", "Brass: I'll tell you. You must be a pretty tough guy to take on Tony. A guy as big as that? He's huge. That's his name, you know? Tony Sciarro from Philadelphia.", "(GRISSOM watches the exchange.)", "Brass: Do you know Tony? How come you left his wallet and $500 in chips in his pocket, huh? That makes me think that this was about something else.", "(WALTER DARIAN clenches his handcuffed fists. BRASS continues.)", "Brass: Did he ... wrong you in some way? He hurt you?", "(WALTER DARIAN doesn't answer.)", "Brass: Huh?", "(BRASS steps back.)", "Brass: Maybe it was just a ... lover's quarrel.", "Walter Darian: I'm not soft.", "Brass: That's okay. This is Vegas. But that's not what we saw on the video. You're at the crap table. You swiped his chips. And then you whispered sweet nothings in his ear. What did you say?", "Walter Darian: Give me a reason.", "Brass: That a confession?", "Walter Darian: No. (He turns to look at BRASS.) That's what I said.", "Brass: That stare doesn't work on me. But save it. Because they're going to love you in prison.", "Grissom: Mr. Darian, may I see your fingers?", "Walter Darian: Why?", "(GRISSOM steps forward and places a clean sheet of paper under WALTER DARIAN'S hands.)", "Grissom: Well, because you may have evidence underneath the fingernails, and I'd like to collect it.", "(He reaches out and grabs his hand and suddenly lets go as if burned. GRISSOM takes a step back. WALTER DARIAN glances at GRISSOM.)", "(GRISSOM looks at BRASS who edges closer to WALTER DARIAN just in case something happens.)", "(GRISSOM cautiously reaches out again and takes ahold of WALTER DARIAN'S hand as he prepares to scrape under his fingernails.)", "Grissom: Mr. Darian, do you have a fever?", "(WALTER DARIAN'S eyes grow wide as GRISSOM scrapes under his fingernails. GRISSOM glances at him several times and continues to scrape.)", "(Suddenly, DARIAN yells and lunges out of his seat. He goes for GRISSOM'S neck, pushing him back all the way to the wall.)", "Brass: Hey! Hey! WALTER DARIAN: I'll kill you.", "(BRASS pries DARIAN off of GRISSOM. The other OFFICERS join in trying to subdue DARIAN. He pushes back and one of the OFFICERS hits the glass wall shattering it. He pushes another OFFICER off of him and down to the floor.)", "(WALTER DARIAN puts up a fight. There's an OFFICER holding him from behind, but he still manages to hit and push away the other THREE OFFICERS. He screams and grunts.)", "(Finally, an OFFICER takes out his club and starts hitting him into submission.)", "Officer: Down. Down. OFFICER: Down. Down.", "(BRASS stands to the side and watches. GRISSOM stands in the back and watches. WALTER DARIAN slowly goes down to the floor, grunting along the way. Finally, he's quiet.)", "(BRASS checks DARIAN'S neck for a pulse.)", "Brass: Jeez.", "(He can't find any.)", "(GRISSOM watches from the back.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(DAVID PHILLIPS sticks the meat thermometer into the deceased's liver. The temperature reads 101.5. CATHERINE glances at DAVID.)", "Catherine: You might want to check that.", "David Phillips: I did.", "(He picks up his pen and notates the final findings on the paper. CATHERINE sees something and stands up. She sees GRISSOM standing quietly to the side, leaning against the wall, a hand rubbing the back of his neck. Quietly freaked.)", "[HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(SHERIFF RORY ATWATER arrives. He's also rubbing the back of his own neck. He heads toward BRASS who's leaning a shoulder up against the wall.)", "Brass: It's not as bad as it looks.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: It never looks too good when a suspects dies in custody.", "(The SHERIFF sighs.)", "Brass: What are you saying, Rory? You'd rather it be one of us?", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: No, that's not what I'm saying. If I was here, I'd have been in there with you, you know that. (He paces the floor.) I assume we're going to come out looking like the bad guy again.", "(CATHERINE steps out into the hallway. She notes the SHERIFF talking with BRASS. They both note her as she looks at them. She heads over to GRISSOM.)", "Catherine: You okay?", "(He stops rubbing his neck and waves away her concern.)", "Grissom: I'm fine.", "(CATHERINE reaches out and looks at the reddish-burn/bruise on GRISSOM'S neck.)", "Catherine: Nasty. That kind of looks like a hickey. (She sighs.) You want to tell me what got this party started?", "Grissom: I scraped his nails.", "Catherine: That's it?", "Grissom: What was his liver temp?", "Catherine: 101.5.", "Grissom: He's been dead an hour. That means his body temperature was 103. I touched his skin, Catherine. He felt like he was on fire.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE]", "(SARA and NICK stand just outside WALTER DARIAN'S car. It is packed with stuff. Stuff, stuff and more stuff.)", "Sara: How did Walter Darian even drive this thing?", "Nick: Where there's a will, there's a way. PD found it in the Orpheus parking lot.", "(They open the car door and sees the blood-stained clothes.)", "Sara: Blue shirt and jeans right on top. (She picks it up.) He didn't even try to hide them.", "(She tests the blood for blood.)", "Sara: Positive for blood. I'll get it to Greg.", "Nick: So this scumbag, Walter Darian, he beats a guy to death, goes out to his car, changes clothes and then goes back into the casino, washes his hands and just gets something to eat.", "Sara: Just another day.", "Nick: Wow.", "(NICK turns and looks inside a box in the car. It's filled with chips. NICK'S impressed.)", "Nick: Whoa ... yahtzee.", "(He takes the box out of the car and puts it on the table. He opens it and looks at it.)", "Nick: Whoa. Must be a few thousand dollars' worth of chips here.", "(He picks up a couple of chips.)", "Nick: So, he grifts, but doesn't cash in?", "Sara: Maybe it wasn't about the money. I got gloves, a t-shirt and a jacket all with the tags still on them. Maybe he just likes to steal things.", "(NICK drops the chips in the box and turns to look at what else is in the car. He pulls out a woman's waitress blouse. He reads the tag.)", "Nick: \"Road side diner, Libby.\" Sara.", "(SARA turns around. NICK holds it up to show her the blouse. SARA drops what she's looking at and walks over toward NICK.)", "Sara: What does that look like to you?", "(Camera zooms in to focus on the two small burn holes in the blouse.)", "Nick: Burn holes.", "Sara: The guy takes on five cops in their house. Makes you wonder what he might have done to a waitress.", "(NICK and SARA look at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(ROBBINS is picking at the body on the table when GRISSOM walks in.)", "Robbins: Didn't get enough of this guy in the interrogation room?", "Grissom: I have a question.", "Robbins: Yes?", "Grissom: Cause of death?", "Robbins: Well, it wasn't the nightstick action.", "(ROBBINS picks up the pan with the heart in it and shows it to GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: Cardiac arrhythmia. His heart rate increased till he went into tachycardia. Started throwing PVCs and then v-fib.", "Grissom: Prior condition?", "Robbins: Nothing I could find. The guy had a big heart-550 grams-- but otherwise healthy.", "Grissom: (sighs) This guy was pumped up before the fight. White knuckles, veins popping.", "Robbins: Well, he could have been on something -- tox is pending -- but there were no observable effects of long-term drug abuse. No atrophy, cirrhosis, tissue necrosis. I checked all the hot spots.", "Grissom: He had a temperature of 103 when he died. Any pathology to explain that?", "Robbins: The organs showed no sign of infection or disease.", "Grissom: So there was nothing wrong with this guy.", "Robbins: Well, I'll send a tissue sample to histology, but 98.6 is just an average. Some people run hot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM]", "(SHERRIF RORY ATWATER breaks the news to BETH DARIAN.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: See, during questioning, your brother became a little ... unruly, and, uh... so for their own safety, the officers had no choice but to use force. At which point ...", "Beth Darian: I've heard enough.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Ms. Darian, it's very important that you understand the situation here.", "Beth Darian: I do. Walter was killed in police custody.", "(He sighs. This doesn't look good. He turns and sees GRISSOM in the doorway walking toward them.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Uh, let me introduce Gil Grissom from the crime lab. This is Beth Darian, the ...", "Grissom: I was in the room with your brother.", "Beth Darian: Was that how he touched your life?", "Grissom: The autopsy concluded that your brother's death was not the result of the officers' use of force.", "Beth Darian: I don't care how he died. I'm just relieved that it's over.", "(GRISSOM and the SHERIFF share a surprised look.)", "Beth Darian: Walter hurt a lot of people. If you had something he wanted, he just took it. And if you got in his way ... I always kept my distance.", "Grissom: Ms. Darian, your brother's body temperature was ...", "Beth Darian: ... hot to the touch? He was always that way, ever since we were kids.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: I'll have someone from the department contact you, all right, Ms. Darian?", "Beth Darian: Always knew that Walter would end up in jail or dead. (She looks up and notices the reddish-burn/bruise on GRISSOM'S neck.) I'm sorry.", "(Suddenly conscious of it, GRISSOM tugs his shirt collar up to cover it somewhat.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. NO VACANCY MOTEL - DAY]", "(WARRICK and GRISSOM step out of the car. WARRICK walks around the car toward GRISSOM.)", "Warrick: Gris, what are you hoping to find here?", "Grissom: Walter Darian lived here. He owned the place.", "Warrick: Well, Greg ran the DNA. The blood on Walter's clothes is a match to Tony. The hair in Tony's hands is a match to Walter's. This case is closed, isn't it?", "(They head toward the building.)", "Grissom: That case is closed.", "Warrick: We can't prosecute a dead man.", "(They pause in front of the door.)", "Grissom: \"The evil men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones.\"", "Warrick: Shakespeare?", "Grissom: Julius Caesar.", "(GRISSOM opens the door and walks inside.)", "[INT. NO VACANCY MOTEL - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Inside, they find the place just as cluttered as his car.)", "Warrick: Whew. This guy never threw anything away. You think he had a major case of OCD?", "Grissom: Well ... if Walter viewed his world as a threatening place, according to the shrinks, the hoarding of useless objects may have made him feel safe and secure.", "Warrick: Yeah, well, in the real world, Walter's the threat. Guess he didn't like what he saw.", "(They look around the place. GRISSOM looks outside and sees a long piece of plastic blowing in the wind.)", "[EXT. NO VACANCY MOTEL - BACKYARD - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM pushes aside the plastic and sees the wheelbarrow with various supplies. He pushes aside the nearly empty bag of cement and picks up the tool used to smooth out cement. He looks at it, then looks around. Meanwhile, WARRICK is walking around the backyard looking around. He kneels down next to a large block of cement.)", "Warrick: Hey, Grissom.", "(GRISSOM turns around. WARRICK steps onto the cement block.)", "Warrick: This doesn't look like a patio.", "(They share a look; they share a thought.)", "[EXT. DESERT HIGHWAY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. ROADSIDE DINER - DAY]", "(The WAITRESS pours the customer a cup of coffee as she thinks.)", "Waitress: Libby ... Libby ... oh, yeah, dish girl.", "(She turns to look at SARA and NICK who are there following up on the waitress' blouse found in the back of DARIAN'S car.)", "Sara: She have a last name?", "Waitress: Sure, she does, but I don't know it.", "Nick: When's the last time you saw her?", "Waitress: Eight years ago. The kid had no chops.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. ROADSIDE DINER - KITCHEN] LIBBY'S at the stove and burns herself.)", "Libby: Ouch!", "Waitress: (V.O.) Burned herself real good.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Waitress: That was her first and last day.", "Sara: We need an ID. Is there any chance you still have a W2 lying around or a copy of her driver's license?", "Waitress: Girl wasn't here long enough to refill the coffee pot, let alone sign anything. I don't know where she came from, don't know where she went.", "Nick: What about this guy? You ever see him with Libby?", "(NICK holds out the photo of WALTER DARIAN. The WAITRESS looks at it and shakes her head.)", "Waitress: I ain't gettin' nothin'.", "(The order bell dings.)", "Waitress: Sorry. Order's up.", "(She turns and leaves to get the order.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NO VACANCY MOTEL - BACKYARD - DAY]", "(WARRICK uses the jackhammer on the cement block.)", "(GRISSOM pushes the wheelbarrow. There are other people from FORENSICS helping out to clean up the backyard.)", "(Various FADE INS from day to night they chip away at the cement block.)", "(WARRICK uses the shovel to dig out more dirt and hits something. GRISSOM immediately stops and turns around. WARRICK freezes.)", "Warrick: Only one thing makes that sound.", "(GRISSOM gets out the small digging tool and brush. He hands them to WARRICK. WARRICK uses the brush and reveals the skull underneath.)", "Grissom: Well ... I guess there was no more room at the inn.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NO VACANCY MOTEL -- NIGHT]", "(OFFICER cars swarm around the front of the NO VACANCY MOTEL. BRASS heads over to the grave site. The OFFICER holds the tape down so he can walk over it. He heads over to the pit where GRISSOM and WARRICK are working.)", "(Inside, he sees the pile of bones. WARRICK dusts while GRISSOM takes pictures. WARRICK brushes aside some dirt to reveal a wedding ring.)", "Warrick: It's a wedding band.", "Brass: You think this is the waitress Nick and Sara are looking for?", "Grissom: Well, there's no clothing left. The wedding band could be either/or. There's nothing gender-specific yet.", "Warrick: Next to no tissue. No hairs at all. To get the bones, what do you think, Grissom? Been down here at least three years?", "(GRISSOM leans forward a sniffs deeply. Go figure.)", "Grissom: No, it's probably more than three years.", "(BRASS doesn't believe it.)", "Brass: You're kidding me, right?", "Grissom: Well, the rule of thumb is if the skull smells bad, it's usually under three years. This one smells like dirt.", "Warrick: There's something under the pelvic bone.", "(WARRICK brushes the dirt aside to reveal a knife. GRISSOM snaps a bunch of photos.)", "Grissom: Possible murder weapon.", "(WARRICK picks it up.)", "Warrick: You think we could still get any DNA off of it?", "Grissom: Any blood's been exposed to the elements longer than the inside of these bones.", "Warrick: There's no skin, clothing or tissue to protect it.", "Brass: Doesn't fit. Walter was a fighter. Used his fists, not knives, you know?", "Grissom: Well, we haven't known him that long.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(ROBBINS goes over the bones with WARRICK.)", "Robbins: Forehead's upright, smooth. Mandible's small. Lower face narrow.", "Warrick: Female traits.", "Robbins: Yeah. Pelvis confirms it. It's wide for the birth canal. No pits in the pubic bone -- she never gave birth.", "Warrick: What about her race?", "Robbins: Zygomatic bones retreat, slant back. Nasal opening's long and narrow.", "Warrick: Caucasian.", "Robbins: Mm. Around 5'4\". I estimated her height from the length of the femur.", "Warrick: How old are we talking?", "Robbins: Well ... third molars haven't erupted. No wisdom teeth.", "Warrick: So that would put her in her late teens, early 20s.", "Robbins: Eh, it's a safe estimate.", "Warrick: Cause of death?", "Robbins: Strangulation. Fracture to the hyoid bone.", "Warrick: What about these right here?", "Robbins: Fractures to the zygomatic bone and maxilla ... also the left ulna ... but no tool marks on any of the bones.", "Warrick: So maybe she was punched in the face and tried to shield herself?", "Robbins: Yeah. Walter Darian strangled a female Caucasian, 5'4\", around 20 years old.", "Warrick: Yeah, but is it our missing waitress?", "Robbins: Well, I, uh, did dental charts, x-rays. David's off and running with 'em now. I also excised a portion of the femur, scraped a tissue sample from inside the pelvis, and yanked a molar. If there's any usable DNA left, that's where it'll be.", "Warrick: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM'S sitting at his desk reading a book. CATHERINE walks in.)", "Catherine: How'd you know there was another body at that motel?", "Grissom: I didn't.", "(GRISSOM picks up the test results.)", "Grissom: Tox and histology results came back on Walter Darian. Negative across the board. No drugs, no diseases. I don't get it. The guy was 38 years old, and this was his first arrest.", "Catherine: And you're wondering what he'd been doing all his life.", "(CATHERINE'S phone rings. She answers it.)", "Catherine: Willows.", "(She pauses, then turns her back to GRISSOM and laughs quietly into the phone.)", "Catherine: (softly) Why don't you hold that thought until later?", "(GRISSOM waits for her. CATHERINE hangs up, then turns around to look at GRISSOM. She clears her throat.)", "Catherine: Sorry. A new friend.", "Grissom: Congratulations.", "(GREG walks up to the office and lingers in the doorway.)", "Greg: Got time for something a little weird?", "(CATHERINE turns around and looks at GREG.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / DNA LAB - NIGHT]", "(GREG leads CATHERINE and GRISSOM into the lab.)", "Greg: I recovered DNA from your Jane Doe skeleton. Clean samples from the molar and femur ... but no hits in CODIS.", "Catherine: So Jane Doe was never reported missing.", "Greg: Apparently not. I also pulled DNA from the pelvic sample. A mixture: Foreign DNA from a male.", "Grissom: Walter Darian.", "Greg: No. That's where it gets weird.", "(He opens a file folder.)", "Greg: The foreign DNA was homozygous. Hit all 13 loci. One peep per marker.", "Catherine: Shared alleles, so it was either a father or a son.", "Grissom: According to the autopsy, she never gave birth.", "Catherine: So it was a father.", "Greg: Okay, so how'd it get there? The tissue was from inside the pelvis, so even if daddy's blood or semen got on her clothes or skin, it never would've survived being in the ground all that time.", "Grissom: So there has to be an additional biological source, 'cause there was no one else in that grave.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - NIGHT]", "(NICK watches as ARCHIE works on a computer composite of the skull.)", "Nick: That's all I got. No name, no tissue, no hair.", "Archie: I like a challenge.", "Nick: Pull up the standard tissue thickness scale for female American caucasoids. Use the normal figures.", "(ARCHIE starts to reconstruct the skull on the computer according to NICK'S instructions.)", "Nick: Apply the midline measurements. Good. Now the bilateral.", "Archie: That's the blueprint.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WALTER DARIAN'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(The OFFICERS continue to move out packages of evidence into the back of the truck.)", "[INT. WALTER DARIAN'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(WARRICK snaps photos of the various things in the living room. He turns and snaps photos of the typewriter on the desk. He closes the typewriter cover.)", "Warrick: Okay, you can take this.", "(He turns and takes photos of the printer.)", "(CATHERINE snaps photos of the things in the kitchen. She turns and sees the large fist-sized hole in the wall. She takes her hand, makes a fist and measures it to the hole in the wall.)", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - NIGHT]", "(ARCHIE continues working on the computer composite. The skull has a layer of muscles on it. He adds eyes to the image.)", "(NICK stands in front of the monitor watching.)", "[INT. WALTER DARIAN'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(WARRICK opens a box and sees a leopard-patterned scarf out. He pulls out a pink scarf and snaps a photo of it. He also finds a red baseball cap He looks on the inside and sees some strands of hair with tags on them. He places a strand in a bindle.)", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - NIGHT]", "(ARCHIE continues to work on the composite. He adds a nose to the image. A pair of lips is added. He hits a key and the image is covered with skin.)", "Nick: Long skull. Prominent nose and chin.", "Archie: Maybe nordic descent. That means ... light complexion, hair ... and ... blue-green eyes.", "(ARCHIE finishes up the picture. NICK nods approvingly.)", "[INT. WALTER DARIAN'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE looks around and sees a suitcase. She takes the suitcase out and opens it. Inside she finds maternity clothes and a torn photo of a very pregnant young blonde woman. She also finds the other half of the photo of a young dark-haired man.", "Catherine: Warrick.", "(She shows them to him and goes through the clothes.)", "Catherine: These have got to be maternity clothes.", "(WARRICK flips the photo over and reads the writing on the back: AND BABY MAKES THREE! / LOVE, SEAN.", "Warrick: \"And baby makes three.\"", "(CATHERINE finds a wallet and looks at the Nevada driver's license inside. For", "MARISSA CLEARY", "1153 STONE CREEK", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89154", "Catherine: Her name's not Libby.", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE fills GRISSOM in on the identity of the bones.)", "Catherine: Dental records confirm our Jane Doe was Marissa Cleary.", "Grissom: Which leaves our missing waitress Libby still unaccounted for.", "Catherine: The foreign DNA in her pelvis wasn't from her father. It was from her son.", "Grissom: There was no evidence of a fetus or a baby in that grave. She never gave birth.", "Catherine: Not through her birth canal. There's other ways to deliver a baby.", "Grissom: Well, that might explain the hunting knife we found.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. DARIAN'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT] WALTER DARIAN chokes MARISSA CLEARY. She's lying on the floor gagging. WALTER takes the knife and plunges it down into her ... )", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: The umbilical cord contains fetal DNA.", "(Quick CGI POV of the umbilical cord drying up. End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Walter Darian never threw anything out ... So where'd the baby go?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS and CATHERINE interview SEAN CLEARY.)", "Sean Cleary: Eight years. I never thought she was dead. I wondered where she was, at she was doing with her life. What my kid was like.", "Catherine: Mr. Cleary, we haven't found any evidence to suggest that your son ...", "Sean Cleary: (interrupts) My son? You mean it was a boy?", "Catherine: Yes.", "Sean Cleary: Well, can I see him? Is he dead, too?", "Brass: We don't know.", "Sean Cleary: Marissa and I had only been seeing each other for a few months, and everything was great. And then she got pregnant, so we got married. And all of a sudden, she hates me, I hate her. All we did was fight. Then she calls me one night at work.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] SEAN CLEARY is talking on the phone.)", "Marissa Cleary: (from phone) (sobbing) You don't want me in your life, fine. I'm gone!", "Sean Cleary: (to phone) Good! It's the best news I've heard all year.", "(He hangs up and throws the cell phone into the open car window.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sean Cleary: That was the last time we spoke.", "Brass: And you never reported her missing?", "Sean Cleary: I didn't think she was. I was 19. Barely out of high school.", "Catherine: Last thing you needed was a family.", "Sean Cleary: She was in her ninth month when she split. I thought she'd cool off in a couple of days, come back, we would work things out. But then I got this.", "(He takes out a note and shows it to CATHERINE. She reads the note.)", "Sean Cleary: (recites from memory) \"You're not who I thought you were. You don't want me. You don't want this baby. We don't want you. Marissa.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(GREG removes the hair sample from the bindle. He processes the tag.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - QUESTIONED DOCTUMENTS LAB]", "(RONNIE LITRE uses the signature on the driver's license and compares it to the signature on the note. He explains his findings to CATHERINE.)", "Ronnie Litre: All right, you see the long legs she gives to her \"M,\" and how it stands alone?", "Catherine: Mm-hmm.", "Ronnie Litre: Now look at the Dear John letter. This is not Marissa's signature ... just a quick and dirty forgery.", "Catherine: My money's on Walter.", "Ronnie Litre: Well, I can't tell you anything without an exemplar.", "Catherine: Yeah, well, Warrick's going through his stuff now.", "Ronnie Litre: From what I hear, that's going to take a while.", "Catherine: So, what about this text?", "Ronnie Litre: Uh, not typed - printed uh, off an inkjet, and so far, all of Walter's accumulated printers are dot matrix. No match.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(WARRICK hang sup a shirt on the rack. Surrounding him are the stacks of envelopes and evidence packages of the things gathered from WALTER DARIAN'S place. WARRICK picks up a package, opens it and removes a LAS VEGAS shirt out from it with blood stains on it. The back of the shirt reads: ... NEVER SLEEPS.)", "[INT. CSI - ANOTHER LAB]", "(SARA examines the envelope MARISSA'S note came in. It's addressed to:", "SEAN CLEARY", "8824 SANDY CREEK RD.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89123", "(She examines the cancelled stamp mark on the envelope.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(GREG reports his findings to GRISSOM and CATHERINE.)", "Greg: Warrick found a baseball cap in Walter's motel. Yielded a blond hair. DNA was still good, which means the hair was no more than a few years old. It was Marissa's son.", "Catherine: So, he'd be eight now. Assuming he's still alive.", "(SARA calls out from the doorway.)", "Sara: Hey, guys, I've been working on that John Doe envelope. The postmark was Henderson.", "Catherine: The Bates Motel is in Sloan. Why would Walter go that far out of his way to mail a letter?", "Grissom: He wouldn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BETH DARIAN'S RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(CATHERINE interviews BETH DARIAN as GRISSOM stands quietly against the desk near the window.)", "Beth Darian: Well, I moved to Henderson to get away from Walter. I stayed out of his life, hoping he'd stay out of mine. Didn't matter that I was his sister. He treated me like he did everybody else.", "Catherine: Do you recognize this woman?", "(CATHEIRNE shows her a taped and photocopied picture of MARISSA and SEAN CLEARY.)", "Beth Darian: No. Who is she?", "Catherine: Her name is Marissa Cleary. We believe she was a guest in your brother's motel eight years ago.", "Beth Darian: He killed her, didn't he?", "Grissom: We think so.", "Beth Darian: Oh, I wonder what she did to set him off.", "Catherine: I don't know. I'm sure it wasn't much.", "(Quick flashback to: [MOTEL - NIGHT] MARISSA CLEARY is on the phone with SEAN. She's crying.)", "Marissa Cleary: (to phone) (crying) You don't want me in your life. Fine. I'm gone!", "(Through the thin walls from the next room, WALTER can hear her on the phone.)", "Sean Cleary: (from phone) Good! It's the best news I've heard all year.", "(She throws the phone at the wall. WALTER stands up and starts pounding on the wall. MARISSA is crying. She picks up the photo from her luggage and tears it in two.)", "(WALTER continues to pound on the wall hard enough to punch holes in the drywall. MARISSA hits the wall and shouts.)", "Marissa Cleary: Shut up! Shut up. Damn it!", "(WALTER bursts through the door, grabs MARISSA and hits her. He pushes her back on the bed and chokes her.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Beth Darian: He could always find an excuse for anything that he did.", "(She glances at her watch and notes the time: 3:40.)", "Catherine: Are we keeping you from something?", "Beth Darian: No. It makes me really uncomfortable talking about Walter.", "(BETH removes her sweater showing the burn marks on her right arm.)", "Catherine: Did Walter give you those burns?", "Beth Darian: No, that was, uh ... an accident on the job many, many years ago.", "Grissom: When you used to be a waitress, Libby?", "Beth Darian: Nobody's called me that in years. How did you know?", "Grissom: We found your old waitress uniform in Walter's car.", "Beth Darian: I, I had that job for one day. I was a lousy waitress. Why would he keep that?", "(Outside, the bus stops in front of the house, the door opens and kids exit the bus. A cute blonde-haired kid runs out of the bus and into the house.)", "Martin Darian: Hi, mom.", "Beth Darian: Hey, baby.", "(MARTIN DARIAN gives his mom a hug; she kisses him on the cheek.)", "Beth Darian: Why don't you take your stuff and put it in your room? I'll make you a snack.", "(He turns and looks at the CSIs.)", "Grissom: How old is that little guy?", "Beth Darian: He's going to be nine next month.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI]", "(CATHERINE takes a swab sample from MARTIN.)", "[HALLWAY]", "(GRISSOM takes a swab sample from SEAN CLEARY. GRISSOM caps the sample and steps aside. SEAN CLEARY looks into the room at MARTIN who turns and looks at him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(CATHERINE puts the test results on the table as she and GRISSOM re-interview BETH DARIAN.)", "Catherine: You're not his mother.", "Beth Darian: I'm the only mother he's ever known. I raised him; I had to.", "(Quick flashback to: [BETH'S HOUSE] She's sitting in the living room reading a book when WALTER pounds on the door. She can hear a baby crying.)", "(She opens the door and WALTER walks in carrying the baby. He gives the baby to her, then walks out.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Middle of the night, your brother shows up and hands you a baby. You don't ask any questions. You don't report it.", "Beth Darian: Walter said that the mother was a runaway, and that she didn't want the baby. I took him in. I love him.", "Grissom: How did Martin get the scar on his forehead?", "Beth Darian: I don't know.", "Grissom: Or you didn't want to know.", "(Quick flashback to: [MOTEL ROOM] MARISSA'S on the bed, her eyes wide-open. WALTER holds the knife up high.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(CATHERINE shows BETH the note.)", "Catherine: Marissa Cleary didn't sign that note.", "Grissom: And we don't think Walter wrote it, either.", "Beth Darian: I'm not like Walter. When I opened the suitcase, and I saw the photograph ... I didn't want the father to suffer.", "(Quick flashback to: [BETH'S PLACE] BETH is sitting at her desk typing out a note on the computer. She looks down at both halves of the photo on the desk along with MARISSA'S driver's license..)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: The suitcase was in Walter's closet.", "Beth Darian: I took it back. I didn't want it around me. I knew that he would never notice.", "(CATHERINE gives GRISSOM a \"I can't believe this\" look.)", "Beth Darian: Giving me Martin ... was the only good thing that Walter ever did. I don't know why he did it. But it wasn't out of the goodness of his heart.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY/ LAB]", "(GRISSOM rounds the corner. He's reading a file folder on his way to the lab. He walks into the lab now cluttered with boxed and packaged evidence from WALTER DARIAN'S MOTEL.)", "(GRISSOM puts the file folder down on the table. He picks up a pair of latex gloves and puts them on. He opens the first package and removes a white bloody shirt and starts examining it.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Bad to the Bone
[ "Grissom, Catherine and Nick investigate the death of a runner during a competition. Meanwhile Sara and Warrick investigate the death of a couple in a hotel room, initially thought to be a murder-suicide. Both cases take place during this 'cop' competition, with more than 20.000 attendants (all of them cops). This gives the investigations an interesting turn, as almost all the suspects and all dead people are cops." ]
[ "[EXT. DESERT -- NIGHT]", "(Open on a dark screen.)", "CUE MUSIC", "(Off in the distance, we make out the horizon. Just beyond that is the faint impression of lights approaching in the distance.)", "(The lights arrive. They bounce up and down in the night. More lights appear showing us a group of people far off in the distance carrying flashlights and running.)", "(From up above, a search light from a flying helicopter appears to be shining down on the approaching group of people. As the people get closer, we see added red and blue lights in the background from police officer cars slowly following them.)", "(Leading the way are two police officers on motor bikes. Following the motorbikes is the group of runners.)", "(They get closer to the camera, we see that they are Desert runners out on a competitive run. The first wave of runners pass the camera. The middle of the group approaches. Taking up the rear are eight police cars. The last plane car carries a sign on its roof: THE LAW ENFORCEMENT DESERT RELAY.)", "(It's a healthy group of people running a relay. The approaching group heads toward the second group, in the runners grips are their batons.)", "(In this current group, SARA holds the baton as she runs.)", "(One by one, runners hand off their baton to the next runner up on deck.)", "(SARA hands off to NICK, #88. He grabs the baton and takes off. SARA finishes her leg of the race and catches GREG in a hug as she comes to a stop.)", "(NICK takes off. Several dissolves shows him running, grabbing a water bottle off the water stand for hydration and continuing his run.)", "(Dissolve to: WARRICK runs the next leg.)", "(Dissolve to: An overhead shot of the race as it continues.)", "(The opening music fades and the sounds of the helicopter flying overhead takes over.)", "(Dissolve to: CATHERINE runs the next leg of the race to sounds of Vangeliss' \"Chariots of Fire\". She glances over at GRISSOM driving the car next to her.)", "Catherine: (irritated) What the hell kind of music is that?", "Grissom: Inspiration.", "Catherine: Sedative.", "Grissom: Okay.", "(He changes the radio station and a country song plays.)", "Lyric: Sitting single / drinking double ...", "Grissom: How's this?", "Catherine: How about something that doesn't twang?", "(He changes the station once more.)", "Lyric: I said are you gonna be my girl?", "Catherine: Better.", "(Rock music plays and CATHERINE continues to run. Off in the distance, a flashing red light catches GRISSOM'S attention.)", "Lyric: one, two, three, take my hand and come with me / because you look so fine / that I really wanna make you mine / I say you look so fine...", "(CATHERINE continues to run straight ahead as GRISSOM turns the car and makes his way toward the flashing red light. CATHERINE stops)", "Catherine: (shouts) Hey, Grissom!", "(GRISSOM takes off.)", "Catherine: Grissom!", "(CATHERINE stops running and watches as GRISSOM speeds off and away, a cloud of dust in his wake.)", "(CATHERINE sighs and takes off after him.)", "Catherine: Grissom!", "(Cut to: GRISSOM stands just outside his parked car. He shines his flashlight down on the ground in front of his feet looking at something.)", "Catherine: (panting) Gris-s-som!", "(She falls against the park car, pissed more than ever at him.)", "Catherine: God! What, are you taking a leak?", "(She limps over to him, still not seeing what he's looking at.)", "Catherine: (angry) The follow car is supposed to stay with the runner. We've been training for months, man. Twenty CSIs. A hundred twenty miles.", "Grissom: Don't blame me. Blame him.", "(He points to the dead body in front of him.)", "Grissom: I saw his flasher from the road.", "(CATHERINE immediately goes into work mode.)", "Catherine: Good call.", "Grissom: Fresh cut on his forehead. But the corneas usually take days to gloss over.", "Catherine: Weird. The race just started.", "(They both kneel next to the body. CATHERINE reads the badge patch on the dead runner's jacket.)", "Catherine: L.A. County PD. Special Enforcement Squad. Badass. Hardcore badass. Give me some more light here.", "(GRISSOM shines the flashlight on the dead body's knuckles.)", "Catherine: That looks like a recent injury. There's no scab. Fight?", "Grissom: Maybe.", "Catherine: Would you give me your phone?", "(GRISSOM hands CATHERINE his cell phone. She makes a call.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Uh ... Uh, this is CSI Willows.", "(GRISSOM notes the dead body's runner's number plate, 3.)", "Catherine: (to phone) I'm at highway 160, halfway through leg 16 of the Desert Relay. We got a 419, officer down. Notify Captain Brass.", "(GRISSOM sees a fiber just barely latched onto the dead body's outfit and flapping in the wind. GRISSOM grabs it and looks at it in his flashlight. She hangs up.)", "Catherine: Barehanded, huh?", "Grissom: Well, collect it or lose it. Ten years ago nobody would've known the difference.", "Catherine: Ten years ago we wouldn't have been able to get DNA off that fiber.", "Grissom: I'll find something in the car to bindle it.", "Catherine: Time of discovery: 4:32. I'll put it in the report.", "(CATHERINE exhales.)", "Catherine: So much for the race.", "Grissom: Well, at least we didn't come in last.", "HARD CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT -- DAY]", "(The wind blows the sand away from a shoe print as CATHERINE tries to take a picture of it. DAVID PHILLIPS is with the body logging in the necessary information.)", "(Down below on the main road, runners continue to pass by.)", "(GREG stands nearby as he draws the crime scene noting the \"power tower\", the \"clearing\" and the distance from the road (69'-3\").)", "(On the side, BRASS talks with DET. VARTAN.)", "(CATHERINE tries to snap the photo of the shoe print. She lifts the camera, looks at the print, puts the camera down and sighs. GRISSOM is looking at something on the ground nearby.)", "Catherine: So much for that shoe print.", "(GRISSOM notes the red stain on the underside of a rock.)", "Grissom: This could be blood on this rock.", "(GRISSOM reaches for a bag.)", "Catherine: How many cops are in town this weekend?", "Grissom: Twenty thousand. And the road is closed to civilians.", "Catherine: Spring break with a badge. (GRISSOM bags the rock.) Well, this ought to be fun. Every suspect's in law enforcement.", "(Meanwhile, DAVID PHILLIPS finds a receipt in the dead body's pants pocket. He tucks it in a plastic bag. GREG continues drawing the scene. Next to them is LT. MENDEZ. He stands over them watching them processes the crime scene.)", "David Phillips: So, how was your run?", "Greg: I'm still alive.", "David Phillips: That's everything.", "(DAVID PHILLIPS hands the bag of contents to GREG. GREG takes the bag and looks at the receipt for a $300.00 ATM withdrawal on 04/27/04 from:", "FIRST MONUMENT BANK", "Greg: ATM receipt. No card, no cash?", "David Phillips: Well, he was in a race.", "Greg: Maybe someone took his wallet.", "(BRASS talks with LT. MENDEZ.)", "Brass: So, Lieutenant Mendez, tell me about your teammate.", "Mendez: Tim Coleman. Newest boot. Two months in. Came right out of patrol. Best cop at Carson Station.", "Brass: Well, I mean, he's got to be in shape. I heard your training's as tough as SWAT.", "Mendez: SWAT's LAPD. We're S-E-S. We're better. Better conditioned, better prepared. (He points to GRISSOM & his team working the crime scene.) Those the best you got?", "Brass: Yeah. Yeah. You got lucky.", "Mendez: (helpfully offers) Well, if they're not, I'll fly mine in.", "(BRASS chuckles.)", "Brass: Let me put it to you this way, I'd want them investigating my murder.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(DR. ROBBINS goes over his preliminary findings with GRISSOM as they both stand around the body on the table.)", "Robbins: Other than the fact that he's deceased, this guy is in excellent physical condition.", "Grissom: (points) Except for that head wound.", "Robbins: Eh, superficial. Could be from a fall. Your bloody rock may be incidental.", "Grissom: (points) What about the bloody knuckles?", "Robbins: Injury on the back of his hand. Maybe an altercation of some sort.", "Grissom: So cause of death?", "Robbins: No cerebral issues. No primary indicators.", "Grissom: We go to the fallback position.", "Robbins: Cardiac arrest.", "Grissom: This guy was 25 years old.", "Robbins: Didn't say I was finished. Clouded corneas tipped me off. Look at the liver. (He hands the metal dish with the organ inside to GRISSOM. Camera zooms in for a close up.) His serosal surfaces are unusually dry. His urine was minimal and dark brown.", "Grissom: Dehydration.", "Robbins: Well, the race isn't the only reason these guys come to town. It's a good party.", "Grissom: Too much running, too much partying?", "Robbins: L.A. S-E-S. They go all out.", "Grissom: Work hard, play hard, die young, leave a good-looking corpse.", "(Camera holds on the body on the table.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(GRISSOM enters the hallway looking through a file folder.)", "Catherine: Grissom.", "(CATHERINE joins him and they continue walking down the hall.)", "Catherine: Tox came in. Tim Coleman had 75 mics per mil of furosemide in his system.", "Grissom: Blood pressure medication? There's no history of that in his medical records.", "Catherine: And it was a high dose, but not a lethal one.", "(They walk into GRISSOM'S office.)", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM leans back against his desk.)", "Grissom: But it is a diuretic. Could explain the dehydration.", "Catherine: And the drug can also cause muscle cramps, ...", "(Quick flash to: [EXT. DESERT - NIGHT] A lone runner is confused and running in the desert.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) ... dizziness, confusion, blurred vision, restlessness.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: That could explain how Tim Coleman ended up where he did.", "Grissom: How'd the furosemide get in his system in the first place?", "(CATHERINE shrugs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. - DAY]", "Announcer: (over P.A.) Listen up, people. ... Are one hour out and the party's raging here at the finish line.", "(WILL WARSHALL walks up to MENDEZ.)", "Will Warshall: Too bad you guys bet on the wrong horse.", "(MENDEZ throws his drink to the side, offended.)", "Mendez: Maybe you forgot. One of our own died out there in the dirt.", "Will Warshall: Yeah, I'll drink to his memory. You want to make the toast?", "Catherine: Am I interrupting something?", "Mendez: No.", "Will Warshall: Later, Pogue.", "(WILL WARSHALL walks away. CATHERINE nods toward the bags.)", "Catherine: Um, are those bags brought in from the race?", "Mendez: Yeah.", "Catherine: I'm going to need Tim Coleman's.", "Mendez: Sure. On the job, we come across a scene like this, we call them a bunch of degenerates. We'd be rounding half these guys up. I am not going to miss this.", "(He takes a drink out of his beer bottle.)", "Catherine: You're not going to miss the competition?", "Mendez: I just made lieutenant. I got nothing to prove anymore.", "Catherine: A man with nothing to prove. Now that would be a first.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(NICK is walking through the hallway when GREG catches up with him.)", "Greg: Got a second?", "Nick: Sure, what's up?", "Greg: On a hunch, I ran a bank trace on Tim Coleman. I got a hit. A three hundred dollar withdrawal on his ATM card, 4:06 A.M. today.", "Nick: That's about nine hours after he died. Good hunch, Greg-o.", "(GREG stops walking; NICK continues down the hallway.)", "Greg: Thanks. (beat) I also got surveillance video from the bank.", "(NICK stops in his tracks.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB - LATER]", "(GREG shows NICK the video of ATM #94286 from Holyfield/Maryland Pkwy at 4:06 a.m.)", "Greg: This ATM's on the corner of Holyfield and Maryland parkway. Since that's definitely not Tim Coleman, maybe it's our killer.", "Nick: Or at least, a thief.", "Greg: Well, all we got to do now is match a name with the face. Write up a description, send it off to dispatch for broadcast.", "(GREG starts to write out the forms. NICK looks at the video and sees something in the background.)", "Nick: There might be an easier way.", "Greg: Huh?", "(NICK points to the sign at the establishment across the street.)", "Greg: Fast 'n Fresh Burgers.", "(NICK then points to the MAN'S shirt with the matching logo.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(GRISSOM looks through the scope.)", "(Scope view. Camera pushes in through the scope at the fiber magnified.)", "David Hodges: (V.O.) This is the thread you pulled off the runner's body.", "Grissom: Natural fiber?", "David Hodges: Mercerized cotton. Extremely strong.", "(Quick CGI POV to: A close up of the fiber in a red background liquid solution which is drawn into the fiber.)", "David Hodges: (V.O.) Fibers are placed in a caustic solution, splitting the fibers apart and providing an increased surface area to absorb the dye. Once it dries, it's exponentially stronger.", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "David Hodges: This kind of thread is used in machine quilting and embroidery.", "Grissom: Like on a sports uniforms.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY]", "(The crowd cheers as the runners slowly reach the finish line.)", "Announcer: (over P.A.) Here they come, folks! It's still SWAT and SES fighting for the lead.", "(GRISSOM makes his way through the crowd. He watches as two runners, numbers 3 and 2, race to be the first over the finish line.)", "Announcer: (over P.A.) It's down to SWAT and SES!", "(The crowd cheers as runner #3 makes it over the finish line first. The time clock reads: 13:24:00.52.)", "Announcer: (over P.A.) LAPD SWAT wins the first time in eight years. Coming in at 13 hours, 24 minutes.", "(GRISSOM watches as runner #3 celebrates with his team mates and other people from the division. He looks carefully at the runner's jacket and notes the red embroidery.)", "(He smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM interviews RUNNER #3.)", "Runner #3: For the last six years, I ran the toughest leg of the relay ... against the same guy from SES.", "Brass: But this year, there was a new guy.", "Runner #3: Yeah, this cocky kid shows up.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] As RUNNER #3 warms up, TIM COLEMAN walks up to him to psych him out.)", "Tim Coleman: You're my competition? I thought this was supposed to be the hardest leg.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Runner #3: Typical SES, all mouth.", "Brass: What'd you do?", "Runner #3: Ignored him.", "(GRISSOM notes RUNNER #3's head wound.)", "Grissom: Looks like you got in a fight?", "Runner #3: Hey, I was here to race. He cold-cocked me. I never threw a punch.", "Grissom: We found red fibers on him that may match your jacket.", "Runner #3: I'm SWAT. I subdued him.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. NIGHT] RUNNER #3 and TIM COLEMAN are fist fighting. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Mind if we take your jacket to confirm?", "(He removes his jacket and gives it to GRISSOM.)", "Runner #3: Knock yourself out. Not going to find any blood on it.", "(GRISSOM notes the frayed embroidery on the jacket.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(NICK interviews CLYDE GRIMES, the ATM user.)", "Nick: Had a real good talk with your manager, Clyde. How's Fast 'n Fresh treating you?", "Clyde Grimes: I'm up to $8.75 an hour.", "Nick: I guess this kind of beats saving up, huh?", "(NICK puts down the photo of CLYDE in a wide-mouthed yawn in front of the ATM camera.)", "Clyde Grimes: Look ... is my wife here? (He points to the mirror.) Is she behind the glass or something?", "Nick: I'll be talking to her soon enough.", "Clyde Grimes: Oh, come on, now. Is that really necessary? I mean, I'm just a regular guy ...", "Nick: Hey, regular guys don't steal $300 with a dead cop's ATM card, man!", "Clyde Grimes: Dead cop?! What are you talking about? Those three bills -- that's-that's my money. All right, technically, it's my wife's, but ...(whispers) ... I-I sell this tight little Asian chick a three dollar tasty meal. She says for $300, I can get a very tasty meal. (normal voice) I was about to go on my break anyway. My wife's not behind that glass, right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. HOTEL - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(DET. VARTANN fills in WARRICK and SARA as they head to the hotel room through the hallway.)", "Det. Vartann: Hotel security came up on a noise complaint. Found two DBs. Room's registered to a uniform officer, Manny Senteno.", "Sara: One of ours?", "Det. Vartann: Laughlin PD, but he carries tin, so that makes him family.", "(They open the hotel room door and step inside.)", "[INT. HOTEL - ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(They immediately see the first body on the floor near the bed.)", "Det. Vartann: Female vic's Patricia Fielding. Also PD. Bakersfield.", "(SARA puts her kit down by the female victim. WARRICK snaps a photo of the second body on the other side of the bed.)", "Warrick: He check in alone?", "Det. Vartann: Yeah, day before yesterday. Issued one key, but his itemized bill shows lots of room service for two.", "Sara: A wife or girlfriend would probably be on the register.", "(WARRICK snaps more photos. He looks at the things on the dresser counter, the luggage and the other counter.)", "Warrick: Looks like it's all his stuff. I don't see a purse around here. Guy's away from home, unwinds with some opportunity s*x ... (He sees the condoms on the dresser.) Looks like he came before he went.", "(SARA picks up the gun from PATRICIA FIELDING'S hand.)", "Sara: Glock 19, standard police issue.", "(WARRICK snaps another photo.)", "Sara: There's something on the slide.", "(She takes out something from the gun, looks at it and puts it in a bindle. She checks the cartridge.)", "Sara: Fourteen rounds left. Fifteen-round magazine.", "Warrick: Any good cop keeps one racked in the chamber. Two bullets, two bodies.", "(Quick flash to: [POSSIBLE SCENARIO - HOTEL ROOM - DAY] PATRICIA FIELDING points the gun at MANNY SENTENO.", "Manny Senteno: Put it down!", "Patricia Fielding: You dare me?! Put it down!", "(She fires. He falls. She shoots herself. She falls to the floor.)", "(End of scenario. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: I'm thinking straight-up murder/suicide.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(CATHERINE and GRISSOM look through the contents of TIM COLEMAN'S gym bag.)", "Catherine: Tim Coleman's gear bag. Gym clothes, towel, vitamins, pocket knife.", "Grissom: Protein bar wrapper, empty water bottle, banana peel. Why the trash?", "Catherine: Well, you know, there's a five-minute penalty if you litter the race course.", "Grissom: Oh. What's the best way to get chemicals into your system?", "Catherine: Injection.", "Grissom: But there was no evidence of that. Second best?", "Catherine: Ingestion.", "(GRISSOM picks up the water bottle labeled, \"COLEMAN\".)", "(Cut to: GRISSOM tests the water in the water bottle.)", "(Cut to: CATHERINE tests the vitamins.)", "(Several cuts of both GRISSOM and CATHERINE testing their stuff.)", "(GRISSOM gets the Trace Lab Print out.)", "Grissom: Trace amounts of furosemide in his water bottle.", "Catherine: Someone spiked his drink.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HOTEL - PARKING LOT / LOBBY - NIGHT]", "(There's a party at the hotel/motel. CATHERINE makes her way through the pool-side party toward BRASS who is talking with the WILL WARSHALL, the man in the yellow shirt.)", "Catherine: Jim.", "Brass: Will Warshall, this is Catherine Willows from the crime lab.", "Will Warshall: Hi. There is something very wrong in the world if a woman like you is only handling test tubes.", "Catherine: Well, if you think that's all I handle, you're not as smart as you think. So, you're the L.A. County team medic, right? That means you're responsible for making sure that all your team mates are well hydrated.", "Will Warshall: Yeah.", "Catherine: Including Tim Coleman.", "Will Warshall: Yeah. Hell of a thing, that.", "Brass: You're currently #1 on the SES's transfer list. Same spot you were two months ago when they bypassed you to transfer in Tim Coleman, right?", "Will Warshall: Six months I'm on the top of the list. January 31 comes, and they reach over me and take Coleman.", "Brass: That's the cutoff date to run in the race. Coleman was a ringer.", "Will Warshall: Ding-ding. SES transferred him in for speed, not skill. Might not be another opening for years. I'm not getting any younger. And after all of that, Coleman doesn't even run.", "Catherine: He had a good excuse. Did you give it to him?", "Will Warshall: If I'm going to kill a guy, I'm not going to do it with twenty thousand cops around.", "Catherine: Well ... sounds like you've been giving it some serious thought.", "Will Warshall: Well, every cop does. My way? A sniper shot ... two hundred meters out. Coleman'd never even hear the \"am\" in \"blam.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(The door opens. SARA and DET. VARTANN walk in with MRS. SENTENO. They stop in front of a cloth-covered body on one of the morgue tables.)", "(DET. VARTANN walks over to the head of the table. He looks at MRS. SENTENO to see if she's ready to identify the body.)", "Det. Vartann: Okay?", "(She braces herself and nods. DET. VARTANN pulls the sheet away.)", "Det. Vartann: Mrs. Senteno, is this your husband?", "Mrs. Senteno: He doesn't wear his hair like that.", "(SARA watches her with concern. DET. VARTANN glances back at SARA, then addresses MRS. SENTENO.)", "Det. Vartann: There's some forms for you to sign, then we can talk in the lounge.", "(DET. VARTANN moves to put the sheet back, but MRS. SENTENO stops him.)", "Mrs. Senteno: What happened?", "Sara: Mrs. Senteno, we haven't finished our investigation yet, but your husband died from a gunshot wound.", "Mrs. Senteno: Who shot him?", "Sara: We don't know.", "Mrs. Senteno: Where was he found?", "Sara: In his hotel room.", "(She notices the second body on the table in the room, a toe tag hanging from a well-pedicured painted toe.)", "Mrs. Senteno: He wasn't alone, was he?", "Sara: No.", "Mrs. Senteno: I married a cop. With that comes alcohol and women to take the edge off. First time ... he said it meant nothing. He promised never to do it again. By the third time ... I told him to stop confessing. I wasn't going anywhere.", "Sara: Don't ask, don't tell.", "Mrs. Senteno: I wasn't willing to trade my family for the flavor of the month. That doesn't make me pathetic.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(WARRICK steps out of the room and catches SARA in the hallway.)", "Warrick: What happened? Break the bad news to the wife?", "Sara: Oh, I didn't have to.", "Warrick: Women always know, huh?", "Sara: Not always.", "Warrick: I think so. Women always know when the man is straying.", "Sara: What are you, the voice of experience?", "Warrick: (laughs) No. I'm a really nice guy.", "Sara: Oh, I believe you.", "(They head for the labs. WARRICK shows SARA the file folder he's carrying.)", "Warrick: Well, you need to believe this. There was one bullet in each of the bodies. They both came from the glock. And the prints on the glock are from a female, so it's still looking like a murder/suicide.", "(She takes the file folder from him and turns to walk into the trace lab.)", "Sara: All right.", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(SARA walks up to DAVID HODGES.)", "Sara: Hey. You anywhere on my fibers?", "(She puts the file folder on the counter.)", "David Hodges: I'm dealing with a lot of things today. My phone has been ringing off the hook. CSI is taking a ton of crap because we didn't finish the race.", "Sara: There was a dead cop in the desert.", "David Hodges: That's what I kept telling them, and they tell me, \"good excuse.\" (He shows the test results to SARA.) The white fibers found on the gun slide is tissue: The common nose-picking variety with gun oil residue.", "Sara: Are you saying that the gun was wiped down and the prints were planted?", "(Quick flashback to: Someone wipes down the gun before putting it in the dead woman's grip. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "David Hodges: No, you're saying that. I don't get to say that. But somebody else could've pulled the trigger.", "(Camera holds on SARA'S surprised look.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(JACQUI FRANCO shares her findings with SARA.)", "Jacqui Franco: Manny Senteno's prints are all over the room, including the champagne bottle and one of the glasses.", "Sara: What about Patricia Fielding's?", "Jacqui Franco: Hotel room door, inside knob. And the murder weapon.", "Sara: That's it? (JACQUI nods.) Are you sure?", "(She turns and looks at SARA, surprised to even be asked that question.)", "Sara: I-I'm sorry. It just doesn't make any sense. The s*x kits came back negative, and now this. I mean, that room reeked of musk.", "Jacqui Franco: Well, maybe he swapped fluids with someone else. There was a third set of prints. I ran it through AFIS. Got a hit on a cop. Another one.", "Sara: Lydia Lopez, Bakersfield PD. That's the same division as Patricia Fielding's.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(CATHERINE fills GRISSOM in.)", "Catherine: Well, according to histology, Tim Coleman's muscle cells were hyper-hydrated, yet his body was dehydrated.", "Grissom: Well, that condition's normally associated with drug abuse.", "Catherine: Right. But apart from the furosemide, his tox was negative. So, I took another look at the guy.", "(CATHERINE puts the autopsy photos on the table in front of GRISSOM.)", "Catherine: Buff, cut, aggressive. Made me think steroids.", "Grissom: Kind of risky for a cop, considering they're subject to random drug tests.", "Catherine: Well, steroids are controlled, but creatine isn't. It's a legal way to bulk up.", "(She shows GRISSOM the test results.)", "Drugs Level Analyses Found", "Steroids Negative Creatine Positive", "Catherine: Tim Coleman was using it. Creatine pulls the potassium from the blood and moves it into the muscles.", "(Quick CGI POV to: The muscles thicken. Cut to: The runner sets up and prepares to run. End of quick CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Dehydrating the body in the process.", "Catherine: Exactly. And you add furosemide to it, and you get a severe electrolyte imbalance.", "Grissom: Leading to arrhythmia, and consequently cardiac arrest.", "(Quick flashback to: TIM COLEMAN runs his leg. His heart is beating too fast. He trips and falls. Quick CGI POV to: Close-up a beating heart. He struggles to get to his feet. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: So, what's our problem?", "Catherine: The dose. (GRISSOM grabs the test results.) There wasn't enough furosemide in the water to make that happen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL/MOTEL ROOM #217 - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(WARRICK and SARA head back to the hotel room.)", "Warrick: Lydia Lopez -- the girl next door.", "(SARA knocks on the door. There's no answer. She calls out.)", "Sara: CSI. Hello. (She knocks again.) Her division captain wants every professional courtesy extended to her.", "(SARA opens the door. The place is a mess.)", "Sara: Interesting.", "(He sees a high heeled shoe in a champagne glass. SARA puts her kit down.)", "Warrick: Yeah. Her clothes are still here. But I guess if you offed two people, you're not going to stick around to pack.", "(SARA opens the adjoining door and looks into the next room.)", "Sara: Adjoining door's open. Maybe they wanted it that way.", "Warrick: So, Manny and Lydia were boning. How does Patricia Fielding fit in?", "Sara: I don't know. Isn't the prevailing male fantasy two on one?", "Warrick: (scoffs) So, let's say three of them were going at it. How did two out of three end up dead?", "Sara: Well, if Lydia said no, and Manny went for it anyway ...", "(SARA snaps a photo. WARRICK picks up pieces of red lingerie on the bed.)", "Warrick: Well, someone was pissed. This is, like, a two- $300 la Perla Nightie, ripped to shreds.", "Sara: Oh, looks comfortable.", "Warrick: It's not designed to stay on that long.", "(SARA finds a ring on the bed sheet. She picks it up.)", "Sara: This is a man's wedding ring.", "(WARRICK holds out a bindle; she puts the ring inside.)", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(SARA'S phone rings. She checks her messages.)", "Warrick: Manny was wearing a ring. Was Lydia Lopez married?", "Sara: I'll ask her. She walked into LVPD ten minutes ago.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(LYDIA LOPEZ is interviewed by DET. VARTANN and SARA.)", "Lydia Lopez: My C.O. calls and tells me that Patty Fielding's been murdered, and you're about to broadcast a citywide for my twenty. What the hell's going on in this town?", "Det. Vartann: That's what we'd like to know. I hope you've got your story straight.", "Lydia Lopez: Didn't know I needed one.", "(SARA sits down.)", "Sara: Patricia Fielding was killed in the room adjoining yours.", "Lydia Lopez: Manny's room? Where's Manny?", "Sara: Manny's on a slab next to Patricia.", "(LYDIA'S shocked by this news. SARA glances over at DET. VARTAN; he nods to her to go ahead and ask her questions.)", "Sara: Look, we know that you and Manny were together.", "Lydia Lopez: Once a year for seven years running. Desert relay is our time together. Then we go back to our lives.", "Det. Vartann: That's sweet. What was Sergeant Fielding doing in your lover's room?", "Lydia Lopez: I don't know.", "Det. Vartann: You don't know. You know, I heard that Manny Senteno was a real player. Maybe he moved on, and you didn't like that.", "Lydia Lopez: Who told you that? Manny doesn't mess around.", "Sara: Except with you.", "Lydia Lopez: Yes.", "Sara: How could you know that if the only part you know is his body?", "Lydia Lopez: Pedestal's a little high, don't you think?", "Sara: Your best friend, your lover are dead. What do you expect me to think?", "Lydia Lopez: I don't know what happened. I do know that Manny loves his wife just like I love my husband. It's just an itch we scratched every twelve months. It doesn't mean anything.", "Sara: It meant enough to someone to trash your room.", "Lydia Lopez: Archie.", "Det. Vartann: Archie -- your husband.", "Lydia Lopez: Mm-hmm.", "Det. Vartann: Did he catch the two of you together?", "Lydia Lopez: No. He wasn't even supposed to be in Vegas. This is my time. And I heard he was looking for me. He must've got a key from the front desk. Probably took one look at the room and went ballistic. Did you see what he did to my teddy? That was Archie's gift to me.", "Det. Vartann: Hey, most husbands who buy lingerie expect that they're the ones who're going to be enjoying it.", "Lydia Lopez: I look good in it. Archie didn't do this. He couldn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB]", "(NICK and GREG are in the lab going back through the ATM video. The time on the video is 4:06. NICK goes through the statements.)", "Nick: The manager says Clyde Grimes took a break around three. That's consistent with bank records. Three hundred dollar withdraw to Clyde's account registered at 3:06.", "Greg: But the video shows him using Tim Coleman's card at 4:06.", "Nick: Yeah, one hour later.", "Greg: Well, maybe I'm not the only one who gets screwed up by daylight savings time. What if the ATM and the camera were out of synch?", "Nick: How? The camera's part of the ATM.", "Greg: Video is controlled by the branch office. ATM connects to the national network. Separate systems. If the clocks weren't synchronized ...", "Nick: Then the guy who used Tim Coleman's card should be on video one hour later.", "(NICK fast forwards through the video and finds another man in front of the ATM pulling out money. The time clock reads: 5:06.)", "(He continues to fast forward.)", "Nick: He's, uh, emptying the ATM.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[STATEMENT]", "(Camera pans down the list of names of the cash withdrawal statement.)", "First Monument Bank 32 Point View Las Vegas, NV 89102", "ATM Transaction Record", "Location: Holyfield / Maryland", "(The list reads:", "List Customer Name Withdrawal 04:06 am / TIMOTHY COLEMAN / 300.00 04:07 am / RAHJEEM ROBINSON / 300.00 04:09 am / TYSON GREEN / 300.00 04:10 am / PAULINE DEARDEN / 300.00 04:11 am / KATHERINE DAZARON / 300.00 04:13 am / JESSICA DEAN / 300.00 04:14 am / NINA ELAM / 300.00 04:16 am / CHARLOTT MERIDIAN / 300.00 04:18 am / ETHAN KELSO / 300.00 04:19 am / CONNOR CRAWFORD / 300.00 04:21 am / PATRICIA LANG / 300.00 04:23 am / ALLISON SHERMAN / 300.00 04:25 am / LAWRENCE DEAN / 300.00 04:26 am / JULIA SWANSON / 300.00 04:27 am / DIANA SAPIEN / 300.00 04:29 am / KELLY ...", "(NICK studies the list.)", "(He picks up a second statement for the SUMMARY OF ATM USAGE.)", "CUSTOMER", "TIMOTHY COLEMAN", "900 ALHAMBRA", "LOS ANGELES, CA 9002", "(He notes: 04-26 / DEBIT LOCATION # 79461 SILVERLINE BRANCH NV 9:32 am (40.00)", "04-27 / DEBIT LOCATION # 94286 HOLYFIELD / MARYLAND PKWY BRANCH NV 4:06 am", "(He puts that statement down and picks up a second SUMMARY OF ATM USAGE statement for:", "CUSTOMER", "RAHJEEM ROBINSON", "311 SEPHILL RD", "TALLAHASSEE, FL 3230--", "DEBIT LOCATION # 62230 MOUNTAIN VISTA BRANCH 3:11 pm (40.00) DEBIT LOCATION # 79461 SILVERLINE BRANCH NV 8:12 am (80.00) DEBIT LOCATION # 94286 HOLYFIELD / MARYLAND PKWY BRANCH NV 4:07 am (300.00)", "(He picks up the highlighter pen and starts marking the statements looking for a pattern. He highlights \"SILVERLINE\" on several statements.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. STREET - DAY]", "(Open on an ATM machine:", "FIRST MONUMENT BANK OF NEVADA", "SILVERLINE BRANCH", "HOW CAN I HELP YOU?", "PLEASE SELECT", "ENGLISH", "SPANISH", "(NICK approaches the machine and waits as a WOMAN stands in front of it using it. He puts his kit down on the sidewalk. He watches as the woman presses in the code.)", "(She takes her money. NICK puts on his latex gloves. He watches as she takes her receipt and walks away.)", "(NICK steps up to the ATM machine. He checks out the panel and notices the fake card slot. He uses a knife and removes it. On the fake card slot, there is an electronic card reader behind it.)", "(On the pamphlet holder, NICK finds a transmitter. He removes the transmitter. In the background, we hear a car engine starting and gunning. Tires screech as a red car takes off. NICK turns around to look.)", "(As the car speeds off, it smashes into the back end of an SUV. NICK runs over to help.)", "Nick: Hey, is everybody all right?", "(The DRIVER of the SUV gets out of his car. NICK runs over to stop any fight from happening.)", "Driver: Hey, you stupid jackass!", "Nick: I'm with the Vegas crime lab. (He peers into the open window.) Yo, yo, where's the fire, my man?", "(The driver of the red car has a bleeding cut on his forehead. NICK looks into the car and sees the fake credit car gear.)", "(He also sees the video receiver in the car. NICK holds up the video transmitter and smiles.)", "(The DRIVER groans.)", "Nick: Ha! No wonder you were in a hurry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(NICK interviews MR. DRAKE. His forehead cut is stitched up and tended to. An OFFICER stands nearby.)", "Nick: Well, Mr. Drake. I suppose this is one way to make eight years in an injection molding factory pay off. You're certainly good with plastics.", "(Quick flashback to: [ATM -- NIGHT] MR. DRAKE installs the fake card slot on the ATM machine. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(MR. DRAKE doesn't say anything.)", "(Quick flashback to: [ATM-NIGHT] Someone inserts an ATM card in the slot.", "Nick: (V.O.) It was a good scam. Your reader transmits the card number to you, and the camera records the sucker's pin number.", "(Camera shows a reflection of the lens in the transmitter of the user punching in their PIN number.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Mr. Drake: I should have used better transmitters. I wouldn't have had to stick so close.", "Nick: You raked in over $13,000 off 62 skimmed accounts.", "Mr. Drake: That was just the first two days.", "Nick: And I checked the bank records. All of the cards you stole belonged to cops.", "Mr. Drake: I know. You know, I'm facing multiple felony counts here. Comprehensive theft, card fraud. I'm going away for years. But when I got booked, they wrote me up for two moving violations. I hate cops.", "(NICK scoffs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(DET. VARTANN walks the hallway with WARRICK and fills him in along the way.)", "Det. Vartann: I picked up Lydia Lopez's husband at Cheetah's. He was groping the strippers. Classic drunk-and-disorderly. When I got there, the bouncer was just about to tune him up.", "Warrick: For what?", "Det. Vartann: Yakking on his suit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HOLDING CELL - DAY]", "(DET. VARTANN and WARRICK interview ARCHIE LOPEZ.)", "Det. Vartann: Archie Lopez.", "Archie Lopez: So what?", "Warrick: Your prints were found in your wife's hotel room, including the doorknob to the adjoining room.", "Archie Lopez: Yeah.", "Det. Vartann: Patricia Fielding was killed in that room. So was Manny Senteno.", "Archie Lopez: Hmm. My heart bleeds.", "Warrick: Are you still drunk?", "(He laughs.)", "Archie Lopez: Yeah, I'm probably still drunk, yeah. Must have been the tequila. I don't drink that much.", "Warrick: Well, it takes a lot of drinking to forget a murder. I didn't kill anyone.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOTEL ROOM] ARCHIE LOPEZ opens the hotel room and sees the lingerie on the bed. He opens the adjoining room door and looks inside.)", "Archie Lopez: (V.O.) I wanted to surprise Lydia. Manager gave me a key.", "(He checks the baggage tag. He picks up her red lingerie and smells it. He tosses the flowers aisde and goes into a rage, tearing the lingerie.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Archie Lopez: And then I left.", "Det. Vartann: Where did you go?", "Archie Lopez: I went to the hotel bar.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOTEL BAR] ARCHIE LOPEZ turns and sees PATRICIA FEILDING.)", "Archie Lopez: (V.O.) That's where I saw Patty.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Archie Lopez: That woman's been to my house. She's eaten my food. She smiled in my face, all the time ... all the time knowing that Lydia was banging someone else.", "Warrick: So, where did you go then?", "Archie Lopez: I went somewhere else. I drank some more. I drank ... a lot, I guess. I don't ... I don't remember anything.", "Warrick: We're going to need your clothes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(CATHERINE walks into the lab as GRISSOM looks through the scope.)", "Grissom: Tim Coleman drank from this bottle. What does this look like to you?", "(Scope view of food bits.)", "(Quick flash of: TIM COLEMAN drinks out of his waterbottle. Camera pushes in on the container to show the floaty bits of food. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Backwash.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Open on some autopsy photos. CATHERINE picks up the discarded protein bar wrapper. She sees the knife hole in the wrapper.)", "(Quick flashback to: Someone uses a knife and cuts a hole in the wrapper, picks up a huge-ole white pill and sticks it in the knife hole. He uses the knife and pushes the white pill into the candy bar then craftily pushes the foil back over the hole - to cover it, of course. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(CATHERINE fumes the protein bar wrapper. She finds a print.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - DAY]", "(BRASS and CATHERINE interview LT. MENDEZ.)", "Mendez: You know, I don't appreciate being kept in the dark this long.", "Brass: We don't release details of our investigation until we're sure of our facts. Now we're sure.", "Catherine: Tim Coleman died of a drug-induced cardiac arrest.", "Mendez: If I'd known he was on drugs, he'd never have gotten into SES.", "Catherine: Actually, he was only on one drug. Creatine. You made it plural. You gave him a protein bar that was laced with furosemide.", "(Quick flashback to: [RACE NIGHT] LT MENDEZ walks up to TIM COLEMAN and gives him the candy bar.)", "Mendez: Hey, you got to keep up your strength. Don't make us look bad.", "(MENDEZ walks away. TIM COLEMAN opens the candy bar and starts eating it. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: The combination of the two drugs is what killed him.", "Mendez: I want my union rep.", "Brass: That's your right.", "Catherine: We're going to need to see your pocketknife.", "Brass: On the table, please.", "(MENDEZ hands the pocket knife over. CATHERINE puts one a pair of gloves and looks at the tip of the knife which still has some visible residue from the protein bar on it. She looks at MENDEZ.)", "Mendez: I said I want my union rep. We're done here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Close up of the label on an evidence pouch:", "Case #42-9624 Pouch 1 of 3", "PERSONAL PROPERTY INVENTORY", "LOPEZ, ARCHIE", "City: Bakersfield", "Date of Birth: 02/14/67 1. Cell Phone 2. Key Chain 3. 3 keys 4. Leather Wallet 5. $35 cash 6. 2 show tickets- \"Celine\" 7. Luggage Tag \"torn\"", "M. LINDSAY", "T. MORGAN", "Date: 04/26/04 Time 21:25", "Agency: LVPD", "Owner's Signature: {Archie Lopez}", "(WARRICK opens the bag and takes out the leather wallet, the tickets, the cell phone and luggage tag.)", "Name: MANNY SENTENO", "Address: 4246 G Drive Laughlin NV", "Telephone: 908-555-2641", "(SARA pulls up various photos on the computer.)", "(WARRICK tests the items for GSR.", "Sara: Archie Lopez's clothes are negative for GSR and blood.", "Warrick: Ditto on his personal effects. But I know Archie was in Manny's room because he has Manny's luggage tag. Guy wants to find out who was sticking it to his wife.", "Sara: Is there an address and phone number on that?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Sara: What do guys do when they're drunk, and they have a number burning a hole in their pocket?", "(WARRICK picks up the cell phone and dials. He counts the number of times it's been dialed on the phone.)", "Warrick: He called this number six times.", "CALL LENGTH", "CALLED NUMBER: 708 555 2641", "DURATION: 12 minutes 35 sec.", "Warrick: The last call was twelve minutes.", "Sara: Maybe Archie found someone who can share his pain.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(SARA and DET. VARTANN interview MRS. SENTENO.)", "Sara: It must be very hard to hear that your husband's been cheating on you.", "(MRS. SENTENO glances from SARA to DET. VARTAN.)", "Mrs. Senteno: We've been through this. I didn't care about Manny's indiscretions.", "Sara: Even when you hear about it from the other woman's husband? Archie Lopez called you.", "Mrs. Senteno: So I talked to him on the phone. He was drunk. He was raving. I didn't understand half of what he said.", "Sara: I think you heard him loud and clear. You got in your car, and you tore ass to Vegas.", "Mrs. Senteno: I was in Laughlin with my son.", "Det. Vartann: Highway patrol caught you speeding on interstate 15. Southbound. Most cops won't issue tickets to fellow cops families. Professional courtesy.", "Sara: But your tag still gets logged. You were leaving Las Vegas before you even found out that your husband was dead.", "Mrs. Senteno: I don't understand what you're talking about.", "Sara: Yeah, you do.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOTEL ROOM] PATRICIA FIELDING is standing near the door when MRS. SENTENO rushes into the room. She sees her husband standing bare-chested near the bed.", "Mrs. Senteno: Oh, you b*st*rd!", "Manny Senteno: It's not what you think.", "(MRS. SENTENO grabs the gun off the dresser and shoots PATRICIA FIELDING.)", "Manny Senteno: Wait. Wait.", "(She turns and shoots her husband.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Mrs. Senteno: You can't prove that.", "Sara: Well, that's why we got a warrant to search your house.", "(She puts the DNA test results on the table to show that the test was a POSITIVE MATCH.)", "Sara: And we found Patricia Fielding's blood in the lining of your purse. From the tissue that you used to wipe the gun.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOTEL ROOM] MRS. SENTENO uses a tissue and wipes the gun down. She puts the gun in PATRICIA FEILDING'S hand.)", "(She tucks the used tissue into her purse.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Mrs. Senteno: She was nothing. He jeopardized our family for that?", "Det. Vartann: Not for her.", "Sara: Patricia wasn't the one having the affair with your husband.", "Mrs. Senteno: Oh. (sniffs) I caught her with him. She answered the door like she belonged there.", "Sara: Mrs. Senteno, you killed the wrong woman.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOTEL ROOM] )", "Manny Senteno: (o.s.) Wendy, it's not what you think.", "(She fires at PATRICIA FIELDING. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Camera holds on MRS. SENTENO'S shocked face.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HOLDING CELL - NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM walks up to MENDEZ' cell.)", "Mendez: Where's your kit?", "Grissom: Actually, we have all the evidence we need.", "Mendez: Then what the hell are you doing here?", "Grissom: I have a question. Off the record.", "Mendez: I wasn't trying to kill him.", "Grissom: Then why did you do this?", "Mendez: Leg 16 was mine. I ran it eight years in a row. I won every time. Then the bosses transfer in that kid, kick me upstairs, and give him my race. No way I was going to let him do better than me.", "Grissom: Sooner or later, everybody gets replaced.", "Mendez: Talk to me when it happens to you.", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Dead Ringer
[ "A roller coaster runs off its track, leaving six people dead. The CSI team investigates whether this was an accident or foul play. One of the deaths, however, is not what it seems, and this takes the case in an unexpected direction. Meanwhile, Catherine and Warrick investigate the death of a 13-year old girl whose body was dumped unceremoniously outside town." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EARLY EVENING]", "[EXT. SPHINX AMUSEMENT PARK - PARKING LOT / ENTRACE - DAY]", "[EXT. VARIOUS RIDES - DAY]", "[EXT. SPHINX AMUSEMENT PARK -- PHARAOH'S FEVER RIDE (MOVING) - DAY]", "(The chains pull the roller coaster up the large ramp. The MOTHER and DAUGHTER sit in their seat just behind JOEY.)", "Daughter: (groans) I don't wanna go! Ooh! Oh, mommy.", "(JOEY unbuckles his seat belt and turns around to look back at them.)", "Joey: We're all going to die.", "Daughter: Cut it out!", "Mother: Joey, put your seat belt on. Now!", "(The cars reach the top and they can feel it as it starts its journey down the rails.)", "Voice: Here we go! VOICE: Oh, my goodness! VOICE: Whoa!", "(A close up of the coaster wheels shows it wobbling.)", "(Various cuts of the roller coaster ride with some emphasis on the wheels.)", "(The roller coaster comes to a stop at the platform.)", "Mother: Okay, guys, come on.", "(The family gets off of the ride.)", "Daughter: That was so fun.", "(The next set of passengers board the coaster ride.)", "Zack Lawrence: All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Pharaoh's Fever. Buckle up. Get ready to scream.", "(The passengers are locked in and the ride starts.)", "(The young family steps out onto the walkway and heads over to the nearby food vendor. The kids are still excited about the ride.)", "Joey: That was so awesome.", "Daughter: When can we ride again?", "Mother: Um, we'll ride it in a minute.", "(The MOTHER turns to place in the order.)", "Mother: Um, Four King Tut burgers, uh, two Nile River ice teas and two milks.", "Daughter: Milk is nasty.", "Mother: (absently) Yeah.", "(At the sounds of the excessive screams, the family looks up in time to see the roller coaster cars fly off of the tracks", "(The roller coaster cars crash head first into the red car parked in the parking lot.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SPHINX AMUSEMENT PARK -- PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS stands in front of the wrecked car. The bodies of the riders are still on the pavement. GRISSOM ducks under the crime scene tape and walks over to BRASS.)", "Brass: So, Dr. Thrillseeker, you ever been on this roller coaster?", "(GRISSOM looks up at the ride.)", "Grissom: Pharaoh's Fever, yeah ... but my ride ended at the platform. What do you know?", "Brass: Six dead. Park full of eyewitnesses saw the train fly off the tracks. Four-oh-one-B.", "Grissom: Accident with injury.", "Brass: Uh-huh.", "Grissom: It's also a Four-Eighteen-B.", "Brass: A runaway?", "Grissom: (nods) A runaway train.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SPHINX AMUSEMENT PARK - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(The amusement park parking lot is filled with personnel, curious on-lookers and the media. An OFFICER holds up the tape for NICK, SARA and GREG. GREG is carrying SARA'S kit for her in addition to his own. They make their way over to GRISSOM.)", "Nick: Hey. Sorry we're late. There was a news van blocking the entrance.", "Grissom: This is the first time a roller coaster has derailed in Clark County. Huge criminal and civil liabilities issues, so keep it quiet. Photograph the scene. Bag and tag all the detritus. Forklift anything bigger than Greg. We're going to put up a tent on the other side of the parking lot for accident reconstruction. Questions?", "Greg: Yeah. What's that guy doing so far away from the others?", "(They look over at the lone body on the ground away from the wreckage.)", "Grissom: Curious, isn't it?", "(GRISSOM turns and leaves. GREG looks at SARA.)", "Greg: So, when he asks if anybody has any questions, he's not really asking?", "Sara: Well, I don't know much about roller coaster accidents, but in auto collisions, the victims found furthest away from the car usually weren't wearing a seat belt. That'd be my bet.", "(Quick flashback to: [DAY] The roller coaster car flies off the track. The lone body flies out of the car. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Okay, let's go to work.", "Greg: What should I do?", "Nick: Uh, photo-evidence log -- just record everything we collect, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MOUNTAIN BRIDGE -- NIGHT]", "(The OFFICER shows WARRICK and CATHERINE to the body. DAVID PHILLIPS is already there logging his findings.)", "Officer: Couple of mountain bikers called in the body. Coroner just arrived.", "Catherine: Hi, David.", "David Phillips: Hey. Tessa Press. School I.D. was in her pocket. She's 13.", "(CATHERINE and WARRICK kneels down next to the body to get a better look.)", "Warrick: I hate these cases.", "Catherine: Now ... the body position is inconsistent with her lividity.", "David Phillips: After she died, blood settled to her anterior and lividity fixed.", "Catherine: So she had been facedown.", "David Phillips: Yeah.", "Warrick: And someone dumped her face up.", "(DAVID PHILLIPS nods.)", "Catherine: How long has she been here?", "David Phillips: I'll defer that question to the insects.", "(DAVID rolls the body and shows them to CATHERINE.)", "Catherine: Instar maggots.", "David Phillips: Given the ambient temperature and last night's rain, I'd estimate she's been out here twenty-four hours.", "Catherine: Takes that long for blowfly eggs to hatch.", "Warrick: I guess the rain would've washed away any trace evidence: Tire prints, shoe impressions.", "Catherine: Let's just hope there's some evidence on her body.", "David Phillips: If you're going to drive all the way out here to dump a body, why not take another ten minutes and bury her?", "Warrick: Guess it wasn't worth the killer's time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[VARIOUS FLASHES OF BLACK & WHITE PHOTOS OF THE BODIES AT THE PARKING LOT]", "[EXT. SPHINX AMUSEMENT PARK - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(SARA continues to snap photos of the evidence and evidence markers on the asphalt. NICK bags the evidence while GREG logs them down. They work methodotically.)", "(In the background, we see the CORONERS remove the bodies.)", "(A large crane arrives to move the larger pieces -- smashed red car and roller coaster car.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SPHINX AMUSEMENT PARK - NEAR THE PHARAOH'S FEVER -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS questions ZACK LAWRENCE.)", "Brass: So, how long you been operating the roller coaster?", "Zack Lawrence: Couple of months. I got a promotion. I used to work the merry-go-round.", "Brass: That's a promotion, huh?", "Zack Lawrence: Yeah. Only little kids go on the merry-go-round.", "Brass: Oh, I see. So you get to meet girls your own age on Pharaoh's Fever.", "Zack Lawrence: Yeah, something like that.", "Brass: What kind of training do you get to be an operator?", "Zack Lawrence: (scoffs) Training? I release the brake. I press a button. It's green and marked \"start\".", "Brass: I get the picture. All right, look, there are six victims. It'd be helpful to know where each of them was sitting.", "Zack Lawrence: Um ... front bench was a girl. She was blond.", "Brass: Yeah?", "Zack Lawrence: Cute.", "(Quick flashback to: ZACK presses the green button. The ride starts.)", "Zack Lawrence: (V.O.) Uh, followed by a punk, old folks and some other dude.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: That's only five.", "Zack Lawrence: That's all I remember.", "(BRASS looks over at the photo vendor stand. There's a big sign on it: SEE YOURSELF SCREAM!)", "Brass: \"See yourself scream\"? What's this about?", "Zack Lawrence: We got a digital camera. It's mounted right over there.", "Brass: How does that work?", "Zack Lawrence: Camera's on a trigger. Train passes by, automatically snaps a picture and stores it in the computer's hard drive. The train was airborne. Never even got close to the camera.", "Brass: I'm still going to want to take that computer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SPHINX AMUSEMENT PARK - NEAR THE FERRIS WHEEL-- NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM interviews WOODY.)", "Woody: I'm the park's chief engineer. Been working on coasters since before I was tall enough to ride 'em.", "Grissom: You responsible for maintaining this roller coaster?", "Woody: I keep all the rides up to code.", "Grissom: You have any idea what would cause this train to go off the track?", "Woody: Well, in theory, I didn't think it was possible. There's never been an accident like this anywhere.", "Grissom: So, you're an expert?", "Woody: On roller coasters? Hell yeah. Ten years of service on Six Flags' American Eagle before moving to Vegas.", "(GRISSOM looks down and sees the nut. He uses his pen and picks it up.)", "Grissom: Do you know what that is?", "Woody: That's a nut. It, uh ... secures the wheel to the screw.", "Grissom: Well, one loose screw ... couldn't cause a train to derail, could it?", "Woody: No, no, there's, uh ... eight wheels per train. They-they'd all have to be loose, and, uh ... that just doesn't happen.", "(Camera holds on a close up of the nut.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SPHINX AMUSEMENT PARK - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "[EXT. SPHINX AMUSEMENT PARK - TENT -- PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(They've set up a large tent in the parking lot. Inside, GRISSOM walks in. A long table has been set up with the various pieces of evidence gathered on it. NICK, SARA and GREG are going through everything.)", "Grissom: \"There are three things in human life that are important. The first is to be kind; the second one is to be kind; and the third one is to be kind.\"", "Sara: Henry James.", "Grissom: Very good. Author of one of the greatest horror stories ever written: Turn of the Screw. And I'm looking for one.", "(He holds up the baggie with the nut.)", "Sara: A screw?", "Grissom: Yes.", "Nick: Oh, well ... technically, these are eccentric shafts, not screws.", "Grissom: Well, as long as you can screw a nut on it, it's a screw.", "Sara: \"Turn of the Screw\" isn't really a horror story. It's more of a mystery. Did the governess kill the little boy, or did the ghost do it?", "Grissom: Well, it's only a mystery if you believe in ghosts.", "(GRISSOM picks up a screw and looks at the threads.)", "Grissom: End threads are stripped.", "Nick: Means the nuts were loose. Excessive play on the screws would've worn down the threads.", "Grissom: And the nuts would've popped off.", "(Quick flashback to: [ROLLER COASTER WHEELS] The nut is loose and pops off. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Greg: Nuts don't just pop off by themselves.", "Grissom: We got tool marks.", "Grissom: Vertical striations, evenly spaced.", "Nick: Could've been a pipe wrench.", "Sara: Maybe whoever maintains the roll coaster uses a pipe wrench to tighten the nuts.", "Nick: Or whoever loosened the nuts screwed up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(WARRICK hands the morgue photo to RAINA to look at.)", "Raina Press: It's Tessa. I don't understand. How could this ... ? My baby.", "Catherine: I'm very sorry.", "Raina Press: She's beautiful, isn't she?", "Warrick: Ma'am, the coroner believes that Tessa died over twenty-four hours ago. Had you reported her missing?", "Raina Press: Couple nights a week, she'd sleep at her friend Carrie's. There's just the two of us. I'm a waitress. Work nights. That way I can ... make her breakfast and be there when she gets home from school.", "Warrick: When was the last time that you saw her?", "Raina Press: Yesterday morning. I got home around 6:00. We made pancakes. I packed her lunch and kissed her good-bye. When she didn't come home from school, I just figured she was at Carrie's. I should have called, but I didn't want to be a nag. I want to see her.", "Catherine: Officer, could you please escort Ms. Press ... to the morgue.", "(RAINA PRESS stands up and leaves. CATHERINE also stands up. WARRICK and CATHERINE watch her go.)", "Warrick: When's the last time you went twenty-four hours without talking to Lindsey?", "Catherine: A single mother, working nights.", "Warrick: I'm just saying, she didn't check on her own kid, you know?", "Catherine: Ah, you do the best you can.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(ROBBINS goes over the bodies with GRISSOM.)", "Robbins: Introductions. Shelly Hoffman, 25. Cause of death -- lacerated ventricle. Noah Nuland, 15. C.O.D.-- Head contusion. The swelling of the brain killed him within minutes. Now, Gary Clodfelter died of shock. His wife, May, exsanguinated. And their son, Cameron - another head contusion.", "Grissom: What about this guy?", "Robbins: Jim Nevins, 20. Park employee. Died from a temporal herniation. Impact to the head caused the brain to swell, which, in turn, put pressure on the brain stem.", "Grissom: According the ride operator, there were only five passengers on the roller coaster, and no employees.", "Robbins: Right.", "Grissom: So ... maybe Nevins was just an unfortunate bystander. Hit in the head by a falling roller coaster.", "Robbins: The chicken little theory? But here's the hitch. The others died roughly ten hours ago. Mr. Nevins' rigor mortis is fixed. Body temp puts the time of his death approximately sixteen hours before the others -- right around 1:00 a.m.", "(GRISSOM sighs.)", "Grissom: (sighs) Albert... dead men don't ride roller coasters.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS AMUSEMENT PARK (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. AMUSEMENT PARK - WALKWAY -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM and SARA walk with WOODY.)", "Grissom: We're going to need to see the underside of the loading platform.", "Woody: Oh, follow me. Rumor has it the park's going to shut down Pharaoh's Fever for good. You know anything about that?", "Grissom: No.", "Woody: Newspaper called it \"A Death Trap.\" An \"Accident waiting to happen\".", "Sara: You disagree with that?", "(They reach the platform. WOODY opens the gate.)", "Woody: Well, she's old and wrinkled, but I took good care of her.", "(SARA and GRISSOM crawl under the platform. WOODY starts to follow them, but GRISSOM stops him.)", "Grissom: Uh, Woody? We'd like to be alone.", "Woody: Holler if you need anything.", "(He shuts the gate behind them, turns and leaves.)", "[UNDER THE PLATFORM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM and SARA both look at the coaster railings from under the platform. They envision the train cars rolling in, pausing, and rolling out. The cars vanish.)", "Grissom: Well, easy access. Wheels are in reach.", "Sara: Anyone could have loosened the nuts from down here.", "(SARA sees something.)", "Sara: Check this out. Is that lubricant, maybe?", "Grissom: It's a funny place for lubricant. It's not even on the track.", "Sara: I'll swab it.", "(SARA takes a sample. GRISSOM looks up when he hears the sound of metal upon metal in the wind.)", "Grissom: Hey, look at that.", "Sara: That's worse than just a wrinkle.", "Woody: (o.s.) It's got a support beam under it.", "(At the sound of his voice, they both turn and see WOODY peering at them through the grate.)", "Woody: It's just a cosmetic problem.", "Sara: Sir, you need to step away.", "(SARA opens the gate door and steps out from under the platform. GRISSOM follows her.)", "Sara: We need some time. This is an active investigation.", "[WALKWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "Grissom: Were you aware that that support beam was detached?", "Woody: Well, hell, yeah. Fixed it a half dozen times this year. It's in my maintenance log. But like I said, that cross bar is supported by the metal beam. (He points and GRISSOM looks up.) But since my hours were cut back last November, I've had to prioritize my \"fix-ums.\" Yeah, it's really too back, but, uh, you know--", "(GRISSOM notices the wrench in WODDY'S tool belt. He glances at SARA, then back at WOODY.)", "Grissom: Woody, we'd like to requisition your pipe wrench.", "Woody: It's, uh, not technically mine.", "Sara: Are you the only one that uses it?", "Woody: Yeah, but it's the property of the park.", "Grissom: Well, I promise we'll get it back to you.", "(SARA takes out an evidence bag and WOODY puts his pipe wrench in it.)", "Sara: Thank you.", "(GRISSOM'S phone rings, he answers it.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Yeah?", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(NICK holds up a tweezer with the red fiber.)", "Nick: (to phone) I'm processing the dead park employee's clothing. The shirt and the pants are covered in red fibers.", "(He looks through the scope at the fiber.)", "Grissom: (from phone) Anything distinctive?", "Nick: (to phone) Well, they're trilobal.", "Grissom: (to phone) Very good. Thanks, Nick. (He hangs up.) Well, we need to find a car with a red interior.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PARKING LOT - TENT - DAY -CONTINUOUS]", "(GREG works on logging in the various car parts.)", "Sara: Hi.", "(He looks up and sees SARA walk in with GRISSOM. He gets to his feet.)", "Greg: The roller coaster broke into one hundred and six parts. I just logged the final piece.", "Sara: Good work.", "Greg: I found something a little unusual, for a roller coaster.", "(GREG motions for them to follow him. He shows them the roller coaster car.)", "Greg: Not a sailor, but a ...", "Sara: (surprised) Semen? s*x on the roller coaster?", "Greg: Or some kid shaking hands with shorty.", "(He grabs the ALS and shows it to them.)", "Grissom: The release of epinephrine and adrenaline while riding a roller coaster can produce a stimulatory effect. It enhances ejaculation.", "Greg: Right. But is it probative to our investigation?", "Sara: Well, um, why don't you swab a sample, and you can tell us.", "Grissom: Greg, do we know who the R.O. of this t-bird is?", "(GREG grabs the registration papers and reads off the name.)", "Greg: Uh ... Jim Nevins.", "Grissom: The dead employee.", "Greg: I didn't realize the cars were relevant to our investigation.", "Grissom: Everything's relevant Greg, until it's not.", "(GRISSOM and SARA both look into the car. SARA sees something in the trunk.)", "Sara: Grissom.", "(She takes out a glove and uses it to pick up the wrench.)", "Sara: Take a look at this.", "(She shows it to him.)", "Grissom: A pipe wrench.", "(She turns it around and sees something else.)", "Sara: Blood.", "Grissom: Greg, may I?", "(He holds out his hand and GREG hands him the ALS. GRISSOM checks the back of the trunk and envisions the dead body over it.)", "Grissom: Blood pool.", "(End of vision. GRISSOM turns to look at SARA and GREG.)", "Grissom: Camouflaged by the red carpet. That explains the autopsy findings. Nevins may have never been in the roller coaster. Possibly killed by that wrench and stuffed in his own trunk.", "Sara: And, uh, then what? (She shakes her head as she continues his line of thinking.) A renegade roller coaster comes along sixteen hours later, and propels Nevin's body from the trunk to the blacktop?", "Grissom: I'm just following the evidence.", "Sara: I'll call Brass, see if he can find an eyewitness that can place the car in the parking lot at the time of Nevin's death.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - EVENING]", "(BRASS re-interviews ZACK LAWRENCE.)", "Zack Lawrence: Uh, so, Woody said that I might be able to help you with your investigation.", "Brass: Zack, you close up shop at the Sphinx at night.", "Zack Lawrence: Yeah, Monday to Friday. Uh, class till 3:00. Tutor kids in math till 5:00, and then I head over to the park. We close at 10:00.", "Brass: Did you notice any cars in the parking lot after closing on Thursday night?", "Zack Lawrence: Jimmy Nevins. His red t-bird was out there.", "Brass: Oh, you know Jimmy?", "Zack Lawrence: Yeah, sure; pretty cool guy. Worked the bumper cars. I still can't believe what happened, you know? I mean, I must have rode that coaster, like, phew, a hundred times, maybe more. Anyway, sometimes Jimmy stayed after closing.", "Brass: Why?", "Zack Lawrence: Look, I'm not trying to get anybody in trouble, but occasionally, Jimmy would take his ... dates for rides on The Fever, you know? Everybody knew about it. It was really no big deal.", "Brass: Do you happen to know the name of his date on Thursday night?", "Zack Lawrence: No, sorry.", "Brass: How did Jimmy get access to the park? I mean, all the power is shut down at night.", "Zack Lawrence: The same key that opens up the men's room door opens up all the power boxes at the park.", "Brass: (shakes his head) No kidding.", "Zack Lawrence: It's just hanging outside Woody's office.", "Brass: What about security?", "Zack Lawrence: Nope. Night guy got laid off. Budget cuts last winter. It's not like anybody's going break into an amusement park and steal a coaster, you know?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(DAVID goes over the findings with WARRICK. He shows WARRICK the x-ray.)", "David Phillips: X-rayed Tessa's neck. Blade appears to have perforated her fifth cervical intervertebral disc, lacerating the spinal cord.", "(Quick CGI POV of: Close up of the back of TESSA'S neck. The blade swipes across and -- her vertebrae snaps in two. End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "David Phillips: Type of trauma suggests we're looking at asphyxia due to diaphragmatic paralysis.", "(WARRICK leans in close.)", "Warrick: It looks like there's soil inside of her wound.", "David Phillips: Well, we did find her outside.", "Warrick: Right. Should be soil around the wound. And on the wound, but not inside of it.", "(WARRICK takes a swab sample of the wound.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[CLOSE UP: TWO PIPE WRENCHES ON THE LAB TABLE]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(NICK works on taking mold samples of the wrench grips. He sets up a screw, takes a sample of the wrench grip on the screw and makes molds of the markings.)", "(He puts the samples under the scope and compares the two.)", "Nick: (mutters) Oh, I am the man.", "(GRISSOM walks into the lab and hears him.)", "Grissom: Are you?", "Nick: I microsilled the pipe wrenches you and Sara turned into evidence. I excluded Woody's wrench. Take a look at the tool marks from the wrench found in the t-bird. On the left, the sabotaged nut. On the right, the test marks.", "(GRISSOM looks through the scope and lines up the two samples.)", "Grissom: Perfect match.", "Nick: I have a theory maybe Jim Nevins sabotaged the roller coaster.", "(Quick flashback to: JIM NEVINS loosens the screw on the coaster. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: When he left the park, someone attacked him, grabbed his wrench and hit him over the head with it.", "(Quick flashback to: SOMEONE drags JIM NEVINS body over to the car and dumps it into the trunk. He tosses the pipe wrench in the trunk with the body. End of flashback. Resume to present.", "Grissom: Did you any prints off the wrench?", "Nick: I got a partial. And I had a tech print the T-bird. Found two sets of prints on the trunk's lid.", "(GREG walks into the lab.)", "Nick: One belonged to the vic, the other unknown, but it did match the partial.", "(Quick flashback to: SOMEONE closes the trunk, their hand lingering on the trunk hood. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Greg: That semen from the coaster's cab was just processed in my lab. All I can say is, Nevins was a cad.", "Nick: Semen match the dead guy's?", "Greg: Yup. And Sara spoke to Brass, who says Nevins was known for taking girls on private rides. Pharaoh's fever was his Spanish fly.", "Nick: Well, there goes my theory. No one tampers with their s*x machine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB -- NIGHT]", "(SARA goes through the security camera pictures. NICK sits next to her at the table.)", "Sara: Multitrack digital camera snaps photos of all the passengers. The park finally sent over their computer, so I'm scanning through the day of the accident.", "Nick: Can you go back in time, to the night before?", "Sara: Yeah. Why?", "Nick: Jim Nevins may have been on that coaster. I want to see if anyone was with him.", "(SARA scrolls back and finds the photo of JIM NEVINS with a woman on the coaster.)", "Nick: Oh. So much for safe s*x.", "Sara: Who's the girl?", "Nick: Reverse one more pic.", "(SARA goes back a couple of pictures and sees JIM NEVINS and his date side by side in the coaster, both their arms raised as they enjoy the ride.)", "Nick: Now, that picture's worth five bucks.", "Sara: Last time stamp of the night was 12:45 A.M. Coroner placed Nevins' T.O.D at 1:00 A.M.", "Nick: We need to find that girl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[VARIOUS CLOSE-UP FLASHES OF THE WOMAN IN THE PHOTO]", "[EXT. MINI-MART - PARKING LOT - DAY]", "(CATHERINE gets out of the car. WARRICK is already there.)", "Catherine: Hey.", "Warrick: Hey.", "Catherine: Got your page. What's up?", "Warrick: Tessa Press took the bus to and from school, not far from here.", "Catherine: Mm-hmm.", "Warrick: I showed her picture to the mini-mart manager. She remembers seeing her the day that she was killed.", "(CATHERINE looks around and sees a lot of kids there hanging out after school.)", "Catherine: Wow. This place is crawling with kids. She remembers her?", "Warrick: She says she came in every afternoon and bought a little Debbie and a soda.", "Catherine: Have we tracked down her friend, Carrie?", "Warrick: Officer Ray did speak with Carrie and her parents, and they confirmed that Tessa sleeps at least two nights a week over their place.", "Catherine: And was she supposed to sleep over the day that she was killed?", "Warrick: I don't think they had any kind of a schedule. She would just show up, and when she didn't, they'd assumed that she was at home.", "(CATHERINE sees the security camera. She points to it.)", "Catherine: Warrick.", "Warrick: I've already secured the footage.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. AMUSEMENT PARK - WALKWAY -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM and SARA walk through the park. SARA looks through the folder with the photos of the young woman on the ride while GRISSOM munches on a box of popcorn. She looks up and sees WOODY headed toward them.)", "Sara: Oh, roller coaster wacko at 12:00.", "Woody: I heard you were looking for someone.", "Sara: Sir, do you recognize this young woman?", "(She shows him the photo.)", "Woody: Oh, sure, it's Cleopatra. She works in food services. Second pyramid on the left.", "Grissom: Thank you, Woody.", "(GRISSOM and SARA head in that direction.)", "[VENDOR STAND]", "(GRISSOM and SARA reach the food stand.)", "Marc Anthony: Hey, can I help you?", "Sara: Actually, we're looking for Cleopatra.", "Marc Anthony: (points) She's on break. But can I get you anything?", "(They turn to look at the WOMAN sitting at the bench.)", "Sara: No, thanks.", "(They both leave the stand and walk over to the woman who is going through her text book. GRISSOM looks over her shoulder as SARA sits down.)", "Grissom: Quadratic equations? That's not easy.", "Lisa Hunt: Glad you think so. I have a \"D\" average. If I fail the final, my family's going to Hawaii without me.", "Sara: We're with the Crime Lab. We have some questions.", "(SARA shows her the photos.)", "Lisa Hunt: I had no idea those cameras worked at night.", "Grissom: Is your name really Cleopatra?", "Lisa Hunt: Lisa. Lisa Hunt.", "Sara: Lisa, you know your friend in this photograph is dead, right?", "Lisa Hunt: Right.", "Sara: You don't seem too upset about that.", "Lisa Hunt: D.L. on Jimmy Nevins: Four years ago, when I was a frosh and he was a senior, he was my Jordan Catalano. Know what I mean? But he didn't know my name. So four years later, when I started working here, he's still working here-- total loser, but still really hot -- so when he asked me out, there was only one answer: \"When and where?\"", "Sara: After hours at the roller coaster.", "Lisa Hunt: I know, I thought the same thing -- cheez whiz. But, I mean, what the hell? I'd never done it on a roller coaster.", "Sara: It was your first date.", "Lisa Hunt: (rolls her eyes) You sound like my mother. Oh, god, you're not going to tell her, are you? I just turned eighteen. There is nothing statutory about it, I swear.", "Grissom: Lisa, we need to know what the two of you did when you got off the ride.", "Lisa Hunt: We talked. I mean, not that he had much to say. He offered to drive me home, but I only live a few blocks from here, so I told him I'd huff it. Mm, we kissed - way too much slobber. And that was it.", "Sara: Was there anyone else around?", "Lisa Hunt: (shakes her head) I-I didn't see anybody, but I wasn't really looking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB]", "(WARRICK looks through the security camera footage from the mini-mart. CATHERINE walks into the room and joins him.)", "Warrick: I found Tessa.", "(On the screen, they watch as a young boy grabs TESSA by the hand and pull her toward the car.)", "Catherine: Yeah, you're not the only one.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(On the monitor, they both walk off screen.)", "Catherine: Can you enlarge it?", "(WARRICK blocks and enlarges the photo of HENRY with TESSA.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE shows the photo to HENRY. She interviews HENRY while his mother sits and listens.)", "Henry: Yeah, that's me.", "Catherine: And who's that with you?", "Henry: Tessa Press.", "Catherine: You two were friends?", "Henry: (shrugs) We sat next to each other on the bus.", "Catherine: She was thirteen. How old are you?", "(HENRY'S eyes widen at the implication.)", "Henry's Mother: (interrupts) What's that supposed to mean?", "Henry: No, mom, it's okay. I-I'm 15. I felt sorry for her. The girls picked on her. Made fun of her frizzy hair, her old clothes. Stuff like that. She'd sit next to me, and they'd leave her alone.", "Catherine: In the photo, you're grabbing her arm.", "Henry: It wasn't like that. I just got my learner's permit. My mom was waiting in the car. We were just going to get slushies. I saw Tessa in the parking lot.", "(Quick flashback to: [MINI-MART-DAY] HENRY walks over to the mini-mart and sees TESSA standing outside.)", "Henry: Hey, Tessa. Hey.", "Tessa Press: Henry.", "Henry: You want a ride, just door to door?", "Tessa Press: No, that's okay.", "Henry: Oh, come on. You're not scared to drive with me, are you?", "(He grabs her arm playfully and pulls her toward the car.)", "Tessa Press: No, it's okay. I got it.", "(She pulls away and backs up.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Henry: She said she was getting a ride from someone else.", "Catherine: Did she say who?", "Henry: No. But when we pulled away, I saw her getting into a truck. I didn't see the driver.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY/TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(SARA walks through the hallway when DAVID HODGES steps out, grabs her arm and tugs her into the trace lab.)", "David Hodges: (excited) I've got a question for you. What substance contains the following ingredients: Sorbitol, cetyl alcohol, isopropyl myristate, glyceryl, stearate, peg-100 stearate, petrolatum, benzylalcohol, titanium dioxide and purified water?", "Sara: Okay, I assume that you've identified the substance we found on the roller coaster track?", "David Hodges: Correct. It's doxepin ointment.", "(He chuckles.)", "David Hodges: Sounds Klingon, huh? Anyway, uh, it's prescribed by doctors to treat dermatological inflammations caused by contact with certain types of plants.", "Sara: Maybe whoever messed with the tracks transferred the ointment when they loosened the wheels.", "(Quick flashback to: A hand holding the pipe wrench reaches out under the platform. Camera focuses on the person's arm. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "David Hodges: Your killer has a rash.", "Sara: And we need to catch it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(CATHERINE turns the hallway corner and sees WARRICK talking with someone. He sees her and waves her over. The WOMAN takes the folder and leaves.)", "Warrick: I've been looking for you.", "Catherine: What's up?", "Warrick: Hodges analyzed the trace from inside Tessa's wound. (He hands her the test results.) It seems it was zoodoo.", "Catherine: Come again.", "Warrick: Hoof stock. It's a combination of feces from rhinos, zebras, and bison.", "Catherine: You're kidding?", "Warrick: They say that the smell of wild animal crap keeps the deer away.", "Catherine: Who knew? Uh, so can we track the source of ... ?", "Warrick: There is a zoo in Auckland that exports it. And there's only one landscaping company in Clark County that imports it -- ADL. I contacted ADL, and guess what they told me? Couple of months back, they were hired by the victim's mother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PRESS RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE and an OFFICER exit their cars. CATHERINE is carrying a camera. She notices the sign on the truck: ADL LANDSCAPE.)", "Brown: Hmm. ADL landscaping. Must've been a big job -- she hired them months ago.", "(In the back of the truck is a partially opened bag of ZOODOO COMPOST.)", "Catherine: Zoodoo.", "(CATHERINE takes a picture of the bag.)", "[FRONT PORCH - CONTINUOUS]", "(CATHERINE knocks on the front door. RAINA PRESS opens the door, JUSTIN MACK is behind her. He's wearing a gray t-shirt with ADL LANDSCAPE on the front.)", "Catherine: Hello.", "Raina Press: Hi. I just left you a message. Any news? Honey, these guys are from the crime lab. (CATHERINE notices him. RAINA PRESS makes the introductions.) Justin Mack, my boyfriend.", "Justin Mack: How you doing?", "Warrick: Hey. Could I have a word with you outside for a moment?", "Justin Mack: Why?", "Warrick: Why not?", "(JUSTIN steps out of the house and follows WARRICK. RAINA PRESS watches him go with alarm, but she doesn't say anything. CATHERINE looks at her.)", "Catherine: May I?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PRESS RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(CATHERINE follows RAINA PRESS into the living room.)", "Raina Press: How can you be sure it was Justin's truck?", "Catherine: At this point, we're just following a lead. How long have you known Justin?", "Raina Press: Uh ... few months. Hired him to lay sod. Now we're in the midst of an outdoor overhaul.", "Catherine: And where's Tessa's father?", "Raina Press: L.A., maybe. I don't know. I haven't heard from him since the divorce. He'll find a way to blame me for this.", "[OUTSIDE - CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK questions JUSTIN MACK.)", "Justin Mack: You see, Raina said it was important for Tessa to take the bus to school. Said it helps build independence. But sometimes I'd pick her up at the bus stop, buy her an ice-cream cone, and drop her off here.", "Warrick: Did you pick her up that afternoon?", "Justin Mack: Look, I know there are a lot of whack-jobs in the world, and you're just doing your job, but watch it.", "Warrick: You mind if I take a look in the back of your truck?", "Justin Mack: Don't you need a warrant?", "Warrick: Only if you deny me access.", "(JUSTIN steps aside.)", "Justin Mack: Go ahead.", "Warrick: Thanks.", "[INSIDE THE HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS]", "Catherine: Have you ever left Tessa alone with Justin?", "Raina Press: Sure. He's over here all the time. He's a good man. He wouldn't hurt anybody, especially not Tessa. (She starts crying.) Damn, I keep expecting her to walk through that door.", "[OUTSIDE - CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK covers the back of the truck. He sprays the tools with luminol. The tip of the shovel glows with the presence of blood.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(WARRICK reads through a file.)", "Warrick: In 1988, your client was arrested for a drunk and disorderly. Your fingerprints were then entered into our database. They match the fingerprints that we found on this shovel.", "(He points to the shovel in the plastic bag on the table behind him.)", "(RAINA PRESS doesn't say anything.)", "Catherine: The blood on the blade matches your daughter's DNA.", "Lawyer (woman): My client is landscaping her backyard with her boyfriend. Explains her prints on his shovel.", "Warrick: They were the only prints on the shovel.", "Raina Press: Justin wears work gloves.", "Lawyer (woman): Which explains the absence of his prints.", "Warrick: That's possible. But your client's fingerprints provided a sufficient basis for a warrant to search her vehicle.", "(Quick flashback to: [BACK OF CAR] WARRICK sprays luminol on the back seat. It starts to glow.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: The choice of weapon and the manner of disposal suggest that this was not a premeditated murder.", "(He puts the shovel on the table.)", "Catherine: You can help yourself here. You can avoid murder one by telling us what set you off.", "Raina Press: You wouldn't understand.", "Catherine: Try me.", "Raina Press: I bought Tessa a bus pass, and that little slut still gets my guy to pick her up after school.", "Lawyer (woman): Raina ...", "Raina Press: Shut up! We all know why.", "Catherine: Why don't you tell us?", "Raina Press: She was trying to steal him from me.", "(Quick flashback to: [THAT AFTERNOON] RAINA watches grimly as JUSTIN'S truck turns into her driveway. TESSA gets out of the truck.)", "Tessa: Bye! Thanks, Justin!", "(She closes the truck door, adjusts her backpack and heads for the house.)", "Raina Press: What the hell were you doing with him?", "Tessa Press: Mom, he just gave me a ride home.", "Raina Press: You think you got him wrapped around your little finger?", "Tessa Press: He's just being nice, okay?", "Raina Press: Were you nice back?", "Tessa Press: Don't do this again, please!", "Raina Press: You don't talk to me like that, you little bitch.", "Tessa Press: Mom, you're being ridiculous.", "(TESSA turns and heads for the house.)", "Raina Press: Where the hell do you think you're going? (RAINA picks up the shovel.) I've given you everything.", "(She swings and hits TESSA on the back of her head. She falls.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Raina Press: Justin was the best thing in my life.", "Catherine: No. Your daughter was the best thing in your life.", "(CATHERINE stands up.)", "Raina Press: You didn't know her.", "Catherine: (scoffs) I know she was thirteen years old. A child.", "(CATHERINE leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM and SARA walk through the hallway. SARA fills GRISSOM in.)", "Sidle: I just got the court order from the pharmaceutical database. Fortunately, dioxipin isn't widely prescribed. FDA only approved it two years ago, and most dermatologists don't even know what it is.", "Grissom: How many names on the list?", "Sara: Well, in Clark County, twelve prescriptions were filled. I cross-referenced them with the employees from the park, and I got a hit. You want a clue? Her death ended the Ptolemy dynasty's reign in ancient Egypt, hence making her the last pharaoh.", "Grissom: Ah, the lovely Cleopatra.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM and SARA interview LISA HUNT. Her lawyer sits next to her.)", "Lisa Hunt: I had a rash. So what? That's not a crime.", "Lawyer (man): I read the court order. Uh, you found trace amounts of some ointment on the roller coaster tracks? Is that the only reason for this conversation?", "Grissom: Your client had a prescription for doxepin. May we see your arms, please?", "Lisa Hunt: Rash was on my legs. Went away days ago. You want to see?", "Sara: Uh, that's okay.", "Lawyer (man): Unless you want to argue that my client stood on her head and held a wrench in her toes, we're done here.", "Grissom: Do you know how you contracted the rash, Lisa?", "Lisa Hunt: Best guess, I was getting some help with my homework. We were studying outside on the grass. Took a break, went for a walk. I think I brushed up against something.", "Sara: Who's \"we\"?", "Lisa Hunt: My math tutor.", "Sara: And what's his name?", "Lisa Hunt: Zack Lawrence.", "Grissom: Do you know if he contracted the rash, as well?", "Lisa Hunt: Yeah. Actually, I gave him some of my ointment.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. AMUSEMENT PARK - CAROUSEL -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS and SARA walk up to ZACK LAWRENCE standing on the carousel.)", "Brass: Hey, Zack.", "Zack Lawrence: Oh, hey, guys.", "Brass: We spoke with Lisa. She said she gave you some ointment for some nasty rash you have.", "Zack Lawrence: Yeah, yeah.", "Sara: You know, it's illegal to use someone else's prescription medications.", "Zack Lawrence: Is that why you guys are here?", "Brass: Not exactly.", "Zack Lawrence: Um, you guys mind if we talk about this somewhere else?", "Brass: Hey, good idea. Why don't we go downtown? We can talk there.", "(ZACK LAWRENCE leaves his broom and steps off the carousel.)", "Brass: Come on. Come on.", "ZACK LAWRENCE. All right.", "(SARA stands there thinking a moment. BRASS turns to look at her.)", "Brass: You coming?", "Sara: You know, I'm going to catch up.", "Brass: Okay.", "(SARA steps up onto the carousel, puts her kit down, takes out a pair of gloves and dusts the broom handle for fingerprints.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(SARA and GRISSOM interview ZACK LAWRENCE as his lawyer sits next to him. He shows them his arm.)", "Zack Lawrence: Yeah, it's, uh, just a little bit of a rash. It's really no big deal.", "Grissom: Zack, what do you have against roller coasters?", "Zack Lawrence: What do ... ? I-I don't understand.", "Sara: This a fingerprint analysis. (She shows him the report.) Zack, I lifted some fingerprints off your broom back at the park. Turns out, they're a match to prints that we lifted off of Jim Nevins' T-Bird and the wrench that was used to kill him.", "Lawyer (man): Circumstantial evidence at best.", "Sara: I also talked to your school principal. You're a straight \"A\" student, mathalete. Science team. You had a full ride to Stanford next year. You don't sound like the kind of kid that would mess with a roller coaster just for kicks.", "Grissom: You're a smart guy, Zack. So, uh ... let's talk this out, logically. According to your previous statement, when you locked up on Thursday night, Jim Nevins' car was the only one in the parking lot, right?", "Zack Lawrence: Yes, sir, that's correct.", "Grissom: And you knew he was staying in the park to ride the roller coaster.", "Zack Lawrence: I don't care about Jim Nevins.", "Sara: What about Lisa Hunt? You tutor her, right? Did Lisa tell you that she had a date with Jim?", "Zack Lawrence: No, she didn't say anything. It was all over the park. Jim was going to take Lisa on one of his coaster dates. I asked her about it. She said it was a rumor.", "Sara: It seems to matter to you that she had a date with Jim.", "Zack Lawrence: Lady, I make $20 an hour tutoring. Why do you think I'd take minimum wage at the Sphinx?", "Sara: I'm thinking, you want Lisa to see you away from the textbooks.", "Zack Lawrence: We started hanging out at breaks. Having dinner. And then last week, after tutoring, we went for a walk. And she grabbed my hand.", "Grissom: Did you think that meant something?", "Zack Lawrence: Of course.", "Grissom: But ... you didn't trust her.", "Zack Lawrence: No. I wanted to.", "(Quick flashback to: [ROLLER COASTER] ZACK stands on the ground and watches LISA on the roller coaster with JIMMY. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: You tampered with the screws. If she wasn't lying, she wouldn't be on the roller coaster. No harm, no foul.", "Zack Lawrence: Oh, but you see, she was lying.", "Grissom: Uh-huh. But you didn't loosen the wheels enough, did you?", "Lawyer (man): Don't answer that.", "Grissom: So when the roller coaster didn't derail, you took things into your own hands.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] ZACK LAWRENCE waits outside as JIMMY and LISA kiss and make their way off of the ride. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Lisa walked home. Jim walked over to his car.", "(Quick flashback to: ZACK attacks JIM and knocks him over the back of the head with the wrench. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: What I don't understand is why you didn't go back and fix the roller coaster.", "Zack Lawrence: Guess I just didn't think about it.", "Sara: You'll be thinking about it now. And for the rest of your life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SPHINX AMUSEMENT PARK -- DAY]", "(The OFFICERS remove the crime scene tape and open the ride.)", "Worker: All right, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Pharaoh's Fever. Buckle up. Get ready to scream.", "[VENDOR - CONTINUOUS]", "(GRISSOM and WOODY sit at the vendor's booth sipping from their drinks.)", "Woody: I should have caught those loose screws. Used to check 'em every morning, but since management cut back on my hours ...", "Grissom: You're not to blame for this, Woody.", "Woody: Oh, I just hope they don't blame the coaster. It may not be the Manhattan Express at New York, New York or the Desperado in Primm, but it-it ... it still makes grown men scream.", "Grissom: My first week in Vegas, I road the Desperado.", "Woody: My first coaster marathon. I rode that monster for a week straight.", "Grissom: Hmm. The steel phantom, Kennywood Park, Pennsylvania -- I actually hold the marathon record there.", "Woody: Uh, uh. My-my favorite's still the, um, King's Island. The Beast.", "Grissom: Mm. I presented a paper at an entomology convention in Cincinnati just so I could ride Son of Beast. Head over heels on a wooden track.", "Woody: Ah. So, you prefer wood over steel?", "Grissom: No. Not really. For me, it's not about the track. (smiles) It's about the thrill.", "(The riders on the roller coaster scream as it swoops down the track.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Turn of the Screws
[ "Two young men are found murdered after scamming Sam Braun's casinos. Because of her relationship with Braun, Grissom refuses to allow Catherine to participate in the case, leaving the rest of the team to solve the mystery. One of the suspects is the son of a man who was black-listed for cheating years ago in Sam Braun's casinos. Sara finds out that Grissom recommended Nick for the promotion that she wanted." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(Sirens wail in the distance.)", "[INT. UNKNOWN PLACE - NIGHT]", "(ERNIE MENLO sits in the chair in the center of the darkened room. In front of him stands two men - one holding a bright light on him, the other interrogates him.)", "Interrogator: I'm going to make this really simple. Who are you working with?", "Ernie Menlo: I'm, uh, unemployed at the moment.", "Interrogator: You got any idea what we did to chumps like you back in the day?", "Ernie Menlo: (swallows and tugs at his collar) Uh, no. Look, could you put the A.C. on in here or somethin'? That, or just, uh, let me go. I mean, you can't keep me in here. It's against the law.", "Interrogator: There's no law in this room.", "(He looks at both his interrogators.)", "Ernie Menlo: (scared) You can't touch me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEON GRAVEYARD -- NIGHT]", "(Camera swoops down to show ERNIE MENLO'S dead body at the base of the \"W\" in the WHISKEYTOWN letter sign.)", "[EXT. NEON GRAVEYARD - NIGHT - LATER]", "(BRASS, GRISSOM and CATHERINE stand around the body.)", "Brass: Two shots to the back of the head. Double tap.", "(GRISSOM shines his flashlight on the wound at the back of the victim's neck.)", "Grissom: He's wearing a wig and a fat suit. It's not Halloween, is it?", "Catherine: In this town, it's always Halloween.", "(BRASS picks up the NEVADA DRIVER'S LICENSE. It reads:", "MENLO, ERNIE", "2974 WESTFALL AVE", "LAS VEGAS, NV", "LIC# 64836483749", "EXPIRES: 06-29-2009", "Brass: \"Ernie Menlo.\" (BRASS waves a bill in the air.) Well, he wasn't carrying a very \"fat\" wad.", "Catherine: Rolex is still on his wrist. Probably rules out robbery. (She looks at GRISSOM.) What do you think?", "Grissom: I don't know.", "(GRISSOM turns around and looks at the various signs abandoned and thrown away littering the area.)", "Grissom: I'm looking for a sign.", "CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEON GRAVEYARD -- DAY]", "(CATHERINE is on the phone. A distance away behind her, GRISSOM is with DAVID PHILLIPS near the victim's body at the base of the \"W\".)", "Catherine: (to phone) He's not in the system? (pause) Yeah ... gotta be. (pause) Okay. Thanks.", "(CATHERINE hangs up the phone and turns to GRISSOM.)", "Catherine: So, uh ... Brass ran the ID. There's no \"Ernie Menlo\" in the system. Fake.", "Grissom: GSR in the wound track. No stellate tearing. Gunshots appear to be close range, but non-contact.", "(GRISSOM bags the wig.)", "David Phillips: No exit wounds.", "(CATHERINE looks around the area.)", "Catherine: Well, I don't see any shell casings either. So maybe the killer picked them up.", "Grissom: (shrugs) Professional hit?", "(CATHERINE nods, then steps away a bit and looks at the ground.)", "(DAVID picks up the victim's hand to show the lacerations on his knuckles.)", "David Phillips: Major fractures and lacerations on his hands.", "Grissom: Lividity's consistent with body position. I don't think it was a body dump.", "Catherine: So either he walked in or he got a ride. Either way, this gravel and glass makes good evidence.", "(She indicates the fragments on the ground.)", "Grissom: I'll go ahead and bag a sample.", "(CATHERINE takes the camera and walks away to look around the area.)", "(GRISSOM opens an evidence bag.)", "(CATHERINE walks a distance further and lifts the camera to snap more photos of the tire tracks in the dirt.)", "(She stands near the HORSESHOE sign and looks out at the tire tracks of a vehicle that turned around by backing up.)", "(As she stands there, she envisions the vehicle backing up, shifting gears, then driving off. The vision ends.)", "(CATHERINE takes out a tape measure and measures the tire marks. GRISSOM checks the victim's shirt pocket and finds a receipt folded inside. He opens it and reads it:", "RAMPART CASINO", "221 NORTH RAMPART BLVD.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89145", "Federal Identification Number: 88-0513636", "WINNER'S Name: ERNIE MENLO", "2974 WESTFALL AVE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89156", "Grissom: \"Rampart Casino.\" Well, his day started out good. He won $436,278.", "David Phillips: Rampart's always been lucky for me.", "Grissom: So where is this money?", "(GRISSOM turns and walks away from DAVID PHILLIPS.)", "(CATHERINE finishes measuring the tread markings on the ground. She closes the tape measure. GRISSOM walks up to her.)", "Catherine: I found some tire treads. I think the vehicle was making a three-point turn.", "Grissom: And it seems that robbery may be a motive after all.", "(CATHERINE takes off her sunglasses as she looks at the receipt in GRISSOM'S hand.)", "1 Gross Winnings: $436,278.00", "3 Type of wager: Roulette", "5 Transaction: 79362", "Catherine: Wow!", "(She notes the other information: PAYER'S name, Street address, City, state", "RAMPART CASINO", "221 NORTH RAMPART BLVD", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89145", "Federal identification number: 88-0513636", "Catherine: \"Rampart.\" Guess I'll go check that out.", "Grissom: You can't. We found the body under the WHISKEY TOWN sign and the guy just cleaned out the Rampart Casino.", "Catherine: Coincidence.", "Grissom: Even if it is, they're still Sam Braun's casinos.", "Catherine: Why is that a problem?", "Grissom: He's your father. You can't be on this case.", "Catherine: Gil ...", "Grissom: Catherine, you have to go home.", "(CATHERINE hands GRISSOM the tape measure and the camera. She turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(SARA, WARRICK and DAVID PHILLIP work on the victim's body.)", "(Camera view down on ERNIE MENLO'S body on the autopsy table. He's still in the fat suit.)", "(SARA picks up something off of his forehead and puts it in a clean envelope.)", "(DAVID PHILLIPS puts the victim's clothes in a package. WARRICK works on the victim's lacerated hand. SARA removes the rolex watch. She looks at it. It's 9:41 am.)", "Sara: No ticks. It's authentic.", "(She flips the watch over and looks at the back.)", "Sara: Logo sticker isn't worn down. Watch could be new.", "Warrick: Guy hits the jackpot, has to celebrate. Goes and buys some bling-bling to impress the strippers with.", "(DAVID lifts up the body's foot and sees the holes in the sock's heels.)", "Warrick: What have you got?", "(WARRICK and SARA both look at the feet.)", "Warrick: Air conditioned socks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "Lyric: ... I can hear the sound of violins", "[INT. RAMPART CASINO - MAIN FLOOR - NIGHT]", "(The floor is crowded as people play at the tables.)", "Croupier: Insurance?", "Lyric: Long before it begins ... dealer wins.", "Croupier: Craps.", "(The players sitting around the table groan.)", "Croupier: Seven!", "(The players groan.)", "(The roulette wheel turns", "Croupier: Twenty-four is even.", "(The game ends and the players stand for the next people.)", "(GRISSOM stands in the middle of the main floor and looks around the room. He notes the cameras high up in the ceiling. BRASS walks up to him.)", "Brass: So, I talked to the pit boss who signed the vic's W-2. He was pulling surveillance. He remembers the big winner.", "(GRISSOM doesn't say anything. SAM BRAUN makes his way through the crowd toward GRISSOM and BRASS.)", "Brass: Sam Braun! What a surprise!", "Sam Braun: The fat kid ... he was cheating.", "Brass: What do you do about it?", "Sam Braun: Well, we had a little chat. I didn't kill him.", "Grissom: Did you take him to the box?", "Sam Braun: Gentlemen, these days, we call it \"The Holding Room\".", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. RAMPART CASINO - HOLDING ROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(The door to the holding room opens. SAM BRAUN flicks the lights on and GRISSOM walks in. He looks around.)", "Grissom: Smells like the cleaning crew just left.", "(GRISSOM sets his kit down on the floor.)", "Sam Braun: Security brought the kid down here around 2:00 A.M. I came in. We talked. He walked out around three.", "[SECURITY CAMERA VIEW]", "(SAM BRAUN walks over to the camera as GRISSOM stands up. The camera reads: 05-13-04 1:32 pm. SAM BRAUN points to the camera.)", "Sam Braun: It's all in there.", "Grissom: Well, good. We'll look at the tapes a little later.", "[RESUME VIEW: HOLDING ROOM]", "(GRISSOM points to the light switch.)", "Grissom: Would you turn off the lights, please?", "(SAM BRAUN turns around and flicks the lights off.)", "Sam Braun: It's well within my rights to have a discussion with anyone in my place.", "(GRISSOM uses the ALS on the walls.)", "Sam Braun: The kid was cheating. I wanted to know how.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOLDING ROOM] SAM BRAUN talks with ERNIE MENLO.)", "Sam Braun: Nobody wins 400k at roulette. What's your system?", "Ernie Menlo: Clean living... good karma. But either you call the cops and book me now, or I'm out of here.", "Sam Braun: You're no longer welcome at the Rampart.", "Ernie Menlo: Awesome. Okay, I'll take my money and go.", "(ERNIE stands up to leave.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(GRISSOM continues to ALS the room.)", "Sam Braun: Do you have any idea the house advantage in roulette?", "Grissom: Five point two six percent. Albert Einstein had a theory about roulette. He said the only way to win at roulette is to steal the money from the table when the croupier isn't looking.", "Sam Braun: There's always someone looking.", "(GRISSOM kneels down to look under the table.)", "Grissom: Well, maybe it was an inside job, Sam. Maybe somebody bought off one of your guys.", "(SAM smiles as he reads GRISSOM.)", "Sam Braun: I'm curious. What bothers you more? The fact that you couldn't pin a murder on me or that Catherine cashed my check?", "(GRISSOM stops what he's doing and slowly stands up to look at SAM BRAUN.)", "Sam Braun: There were no strings on that money.", "(GRISSOM takes off his glasses.)", "Grissom: Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there.", "Sam Braun: (shrugs) Believe whatever you like. That kid walked out of here with my money. If you figure out how he ripped me off, would you let me know?", "(SAM turns and leaves the room; GRISSOM watches him leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(ROBBINS examines ERNIE MENLO'S feet as WARRICK watches.)", "Robbins: For what it's worth, these bruises correspond to the holes in his sock.", "(ROBBINS walks around the body toward the head-side of the table.)", "Warrick: Well, he's been worked over pretty good. He's got a nice fat lip.", "Robbins: Yeah. (ROBBINS reaches out and pulls the lower lip out to look inside.) There was a good clot in the wound, and the tissues were contused. I'd say it occurred at least an hour or two before death. I teased out a couple of small-caliber projectiles from his brain.", "(He holds out the bullets. He gives them to WARRICK.)", "Robbins: One was embedded in the right frontal cortex. The other lodged in the first cervical vertebra.", "Warrick: It's copper-washed lead. Must be a .22.", "Robbins: You know, historically, .22s were the hit man's bullet of choice.", "(Quick CGI POV: The gun shot sounds and the bullet hits the brain and swishes around inside.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) They have the energy to enter into the cranial vault, but not enough to exit, so they just ricochet around inside, shredding the gray matter until they stop.", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Nice.", "Robbins: There's also extensive crush injury to both hands, with fractures of the metacarpals and the phalanges.", "(ROBBINS picks up the body's wrist to show WARRICK the knuckles.)", "Robbins: Bruises appear perimortem.", "Warrick: Any idea what might have caused that kind of damage?", "(ROBBINS indicates the x-rays up on the view box behind WARRICK who turns around to look at them.)", "Robbins: Given the fracture pattern, I'd guess it was some sort of blunt object.", "Warrick: Maybe a ball peen hammer.", "Robbins: What gets you to that?", "Warrick: They used to tell me back in the days, the first time you got caught cheating, they'd give you a couple whacks on the hand with a ball peen hammer.", "Robbins: Ow.", "Warrick: The second time, you'd lose a limb.", "Robbins: Third time?", "Warrick: A long walk in the desert with a shovel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(WARRICK takes out the victim's shoes from the package to look at them. On the underside of the shoe, he finds pieces of color glass shards embedded in the rubber.)", "(He looks inside the shoe and finds an elaborate series of buttons and electronic switches. Camera zooms in to give us a nice view of the electronics. It ends on the Energizer battery inside the shoe.)", "(WARRICK pulls the slip in out of the shoe.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- STAIRS]", "(GRISSOM walks down the stairs as WARRICK fills him in.)", "Grissom: A computer in his shoe.", "Warrick: As far as I could tell, it's a wireless receiver. It picks up a signal, solenoids drive the points up against the guy's foot, tells him what number to bet.", "Grissom: Based on what?", "Warrick: I don't know. Archie's working on it right now.", "Grissom: Well, if our vic was the receiver, there has to be a transmitter.", "(SARA steps out of the lounge and joins them.)", "Sara: Hey, I got an ID on our vic. (She looks down at the papers in her hands.) A Teddy Keller. Everyone who buys a rolex gets registered at the point of purchase. So I ran the serial number. He bought the watch at the forum shops two days ago. And I got his home address.", "Grissom: Well, his driver's license was fake, so, this could be fake, too.", "Sara: A fake ID is for scamming a casino. A baller puts his real name on a roley.", "(GRISSOM turns and gives SARA a look, surprised by what he just heard. She shrugs it off and waves the papers in her hand toward WARRICK.)", "Sara: What? He rubs off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. KELLER'S APARTMENTS - POOLSIDE -- NIGHT]", "(MR. GREEN, the landlord, shows BRASS and WARRICK to the apartment.)", "Joseph Greene (landlord): Teddy Deller. That's apartment 27. Is he in some kind of trouble? Hey, John.", "(He greets the MAN walking by off screen.)", "John: (o.s.) Hey, Mr. Green.", "(They continue walking.)", "Brass: When was the last time you saw him?", "Joseph Greene (landlord): I don't know. He's got a roommate -- Davis Mullins. Oh, yeah, they eat a tremendous amount of pizza. (They start up the stairs.) Tremendous amount of pizza and calzone. I feel like bopping that delivery guy every time he buzzes the gate.", "(They reach the apartment door at the top of the stairs.)", "Joseph Greene (landlord): Here we are.", "(He knocks on the door.)", "Joseph Greene (landlord): Anybody home?", "(There's no answer. He knocks again.)", "Joseph Greene (landlord): Hello?", "Brass: I guess the roommate's out, huh?", "(MR. GREEN uses the key and unlocks the door. He opens the door and they walk inside.)", "[INT. KELLER'S APARTMENT #27 - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(WARRICK and BRASS walk into the apartment and look around. The LANDLORD steps out of the apartment.)", "Warrick: It's freezing in here.", "(In the center of the living room, a huge roulette wheel and table has been set up.)", "Warrick: Get a load of this wheel. It's regulation. These things run about 1,500 bucks.", "Brass: Well, they cleared almost half a mil. It's a good investment.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(BRASS turns to look at the rest of the apartment. WARRICK notes the various colored and numbered charts hanging on the wall.)", "Warrick: These guys definitely had a system.", "(BRASS opens the bedroom door and looks inside.)", "Brass: Hey, Rick, you might want to check this out.", "(WARRICK turns and heads for the bedroom. On the floor at the foot of the bed, they find a dead body.)", "Warrick: Looks like the roommate's home after all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. KELLER'S APARTMENT #27 - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(DAVID PHILLIPS moves the head to check the fatal wounds. WARRICK snaps a photo.)", "Warrick: Two taps to the head. Deja vu.", "(DAVID PHILLIPS continues to attend to the body. In the back of the room, BRASS opens the closet door and checks the clothes on the hangers inside. On the closet shelf, he finds wigs, hats and various make-up applications.)", "Brass: These guys liked to play dress-up.", "Warrick: You find any shoes back there?", "(BRASS looks in the closet floor and not finding any, turns and checks out the room.)", "Brass: I'm looking.", "(BRASS walks over to the table with the make-up and prosthetics on the tabletop.)", "(WARRICK continues to look at the evidence near the body.)", "Warrick: Blood smear here.", "David Phillips: Maybe the killer tried to clean up.", "(WARRICK snaps a photo.)", "Warrick: That's ridiculous. Why bother?", "David Phillips: Okay.", "Warrick: Have a distinctive white mark on his right shoulder.", "(WARRICK raises his camera and snaps another photo.)", "Warrick: What do you make of that?", "David Phillips: You already shot me down once.", "Warrick: Look, uh, it could be right.", "David Phillips: Thanks.", "Warrick: Can you make sure that gets to trace?", "David Phillips: Yeah. Sure.", "(WARRICK stands up and walks over to BRASS who has just picked up an electronic shoe slip-in.)", "Warrick: Hey, what're you doing, touching that? You got gloves?", "Brass: Relax. I got it covered. Hey, Rick, remember the time you said you could get a print off of air?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Brass: Check this out.", "(He turns the shoe slip-in and the camera goes in for a close-up of the fingerprint on the clear plastic covering.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. KELLER'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM slowly walks down the stairs just outside apartment #27. He checks the steps carefully. He follows the dirt smudges down to the ground floor, past the pool and to the officer standing in front of the stairs going down to the building. He looks at the officer standing in his path and the officer steps aside.)", "(GRISSOM continues following the dirt smudges down the steps to the basement. When he reaches the bottom, he finds it: The blue and red glass. He kneels down to look at it and smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CITY SIDEWALK -- NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE and CHRIS BEZICH walk along the busy sidewalk arm in arm, window shopping along the way.)", "Chris Bezich: So you just got the day off? Just ... just like that?", "Catherine: Are you complaining?", "Chris Bezich: No. You just seem a little pissed off about it. (He glances at her a little embarrassed by his next confession.) I like it.", "(CATHERINE smiles.)", "Catherine: Hmm.", "(She points to the artwork in the window.)", "Catherine: You like that?", "Chris Bezich: Depends on what you're gonna do with it.", "(CATHERINE laughs and looks at him.)", "Chris Bezich: Pretty expensive taste for a public servant.", "(Behind them, SAM BRAUN walks up to them.)", "Sam Braun: She can afford it.", "(They both turn, surprised to see him. Each for different reasons. CATHERINE stares at him. CHRIS BEZICH smiles.)", "Sam Braun: (to CATHERINE) You going to introduce him?", "(He shakes his hand.)", "Chris Bezich: Mr. Braun. Chris Bezich. It's a pleasure to meet you. Your hosts, they-they send a lot of your whales to my club, Acid Drop.", "(SAM'S attention is on CATHERINE.)", "Sam Braun: (not really paying attention) That's great.", "Catherine: (to CHRIS) Uh-uh. Just give us a minute.", "Chris Bezich: Okay.", "(CATHERINE and SAM BRAUN step aside.)", "Catherine: What do you want?", "Sam Braun: Mugs, I heard you had some time off because of me.", "Catherine: I could get fired for even having this conversation.", "Sam Braun: Relax. Vegas is a small town. I'm always running into people I know.", "(CATHERINE sighs heavily.)", "Catherine: Just cut to the chase, Sam.", "Sam Braun: Some people in this town think I'm a murderer.", "Catherine: Some people in this town know you're a murderer.", "(SAM puts a hand on CATHERINE'S shoulder. CHRIS sees this and walks toward them, his face serious.)", "Sam Braun: (insistent) I did not kill those kids. I did not!", "Catherine: (interrupts) Kids? How do you know there's more than one?", "Chris Bezich: (concerned) Cath ...", "(CATHERINE stops and turns away.)", "Catherine: I'm fine.", "(SAM'S hand is still on CATHERINE'S shoulder.)", "Sam Braun: (over his shoulder to CHRIS) You're not impressing her. I'll be in touch.", "(SAM steps away toward his limo. CATHERINE and CHRIS watch as he gets in. The door slams shut behind him. The limo moves away.)", "(CATHERINE takes note of the tires as it reverses to turn around.)", "(The limo drives away.)", "Chris Bezich: (o.s.) So. You and Sam Braun ...", "Catherine: He slept with my mother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- NIGHT]", "[SCOPE VIEW: COLORED GLASS]", "(DAVID HODGES explains the composition of the glass as GRISSOM looks through the scope at the shards.)", "David Hodges: The glass fragments you found at the apartment building are primarily lead-based. Different curvatures and textures with traces of florescent powder, phosphorous and mercury.", "Grissom: Neon glass.", "David Hodges: I checked out that graveyard once. Pretty interesting.", "Grissom: The comparison?", "David Hodges: Your sample's consistent with the glass collected from the first crime scene.", "Grissom: See? That connects the two murders. We've got a timeline.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT]", "(SARA turns the corner and walks into the locker room. She finds NICK sitting on the bench reading a letter.)", "Sara: Hey.", "(NICK looks up at her.)", "Nick: Hey.", "(SARA opens her locker as NICK goes back to looking at his letter. He puts the letter down, thinking about it. SARA notices that he's troubled about something.)", "Sara: Everything okay?", "(NICK raises the letter.)", "Nick: This is about the key CSI position. Grissom recommended me.", "(The look on her face freezes. It takes a beat, then she smiles.)", "Sara: Congratulations.", "(NICK tucks the letter back into its envelope and stands up to get ready for his shift.)", "Nick: It's not necessary. Position was cut. Budget had room for the new promotion or a new qiagen, bio robot ez-1. Greg will be thrilled.", "(As he talks, SARA'S lost in her thoughts. NICK checks his weapon and tucks it in his side.)", "Sara: (less than enthusiastic) Yeah.", "(NICK shuts his locker door, turns and glances at SARA before heading for the door.)", "Nick: Oh, well, it's just an honor to be nominated, right?", "(NICK leaves the room. SARA'S left standing in the locker room alone.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(WARRICK talks as GRISSOM examines the electronic shoe device.)", "Warrick: Grissom, I have been in Vegas my whole life. I've known guys who counted cards, hedged bets, crushed a poker table with a lowball pair. I've seen guys beat the house with their hands ... but never with their toes.", "(GRISSOM presses the buttons on the transmitter and watches as the three hammers in the shoe pad pop up and down.)", "Grissom: Transmitter and receiver.", "Warrick: I was reading about these silicon valley types in the '80s called the ... eudaemonic enterprises. Have you heard of them?", "Grissom: The Eudaemon. Aristotle's presiding spirit of rationality.", "Warrick: They say they figured out a way to beat the roulette wheel. Not through a betting system, but through physics.", "Grissom: It's simple in principle.", "(GRISSOM gives the roulette wheel a spin and goes into lecture mode.)", "Grissom: A fixed mass in a known orbit.", "(He tosses the ball onto the wheel and the familiar sound of the ball hitting the wood is heard.)", "(Quick flashback to: [TOP VIEW DOWN] of a spinning roulette wheel in the casino.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) As long as you can account for all the forces-- air resistance, friction, gravity -- you can land a probe on mars.", "(Camera swings around the roulette table and finds the person with the transmitter watching the wheel spin.)", "(Camera zooms in on the side of the spinning roulette wheel.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) Well, they say that every roulette wheel is a little different. Tilt, wobble, bounce ...", "(There are various cuts between the player with the transmitter and the spinning roulette wheel. It's obvious that he's watching the wheel very carefully.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) So, the guy with the transmitter does the calibration, clocks the position of the ball, ...", "(The roulette wheel slowly comes to a stop. The ball on the wheel very slowly stops in front of the player with the transmitter.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) ... hits the switch ...", "(Camera zooms down the player with the transmitter down to his toes. The players toes hit the switch.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) ... and the computer does the rest.", "(The camera continues to travel through the electronics in the shoe device. The lights go on and off.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) Plays out the spin in milliseconds, ...", "(White flash to: The transmitter sends the signal and the camera travels across the floor past the other players feet.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) ... predicts the result, ...", "(The signal goes into the receiver in the player's shoe.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) ... and then transmits a code to the receiver about where that ball will land.", "(The camera travels up and lands on TEDDY KELLER in his wig and fat suit at the other end of the roulette wheel table.)", "Player: All right, big money, big money!", "(As he stares at the board, the right betting number pads glow. TEDDY reaches forward and starts to place his bets.)", "Teddy Keller: $1,000 on four, 22, five and 17.", "(Camera close up of the roulette ball on the wheel. The ball stops.)", "Croupier: It's number 22.", "(The camera moves from TEDDY KELLER to DAVIS MULLINS in the baseball cap with the transmitter. The crowd cheers.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: This setup gives you a 44-percent advantage over the house. For every hundred these guys bet, they're pulling in $2,200 an hour.", "Grissom: Nice return. But it's a complicated system.", "(NICK walks into the room.)", "Nick: Complicated, huh? Maybe for a couple of pizza majors. But not for an electrical engineering grad student. AFIS got a hit on the print off the transmitter in the shoe.", "(NICK hands GRISSOM the sheet. It reads:", "PUPOSES", "ATTN* 182672KUSC-971316502-HOM V", "** LVMP RECORD", "** LAS VEGAS", "** III NEVADA ONLY RECORD", "CII/A05309354 DOB/ 07/14/82 s*x/M RAC/CAUCASIAN", "HGT/510 WGT/155 EYE/BRO HAI/BRO", "NAM/01 LANDERS, SETH", "OCCUPATION: STUDENT", "CHARGES: FRAUD CHARGES-", "NRS205.463", "OBTAINING AND USING PERSO--", "OF ANOTHER PERSON TO HAR--", "Nick: Seth Landers. WLVU. Got busted a few years ago for making fake IDs.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. SIDEWALK -- DAY]", "(BRASS runs out of the apartment building and heads for NICK.)", "Brass: Seth Landers doesn't have a roommate. No answer at his door. Guy's in the wind.", "(He joins NICK and the two of them walk down the sidewalk.)", "Nick: Well, If someone hit my boys all mob-style I'd disappear, too, you know?", "Brass: Yeah, I guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way. I'll put out a broadcast.", "(They stop at the side of the building. BRASS sees something.)", "Brass: Wait a minute.", "(On the side of the building near the parked cars, BRASS sees a kid fiddling with the lock on his bike. He shouts over to the kid.)", "Brass: Hey, kid ... you know Seth Landers?", "(The kid turns and looks at BRASS and NICK. He panics and takes off running in the other direction.)", "Nick: Uh-oh.", "(NICK takes off after him. They run past the building.)", "Nick: Stop!", "(NICK slowly catches up to the kid. BRASS runs after them. SETH LANDERS turns and glances behind him and finds NICK closer than before. He runs to the fence and grabs it intending to get over it somehow.)", "(NICK grabs SETH LANDERS and pulls him down from the fence. SETH LANDERS starts screaming.)", "Seth Landers: (desperately) Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Please! I'll do whatever Mr. Braun wants!", "(NICK gets SETH LANDERS' arms behind him. BRASS reaches them.)", "Seth Landers: (pleading) Please don't kill me! Please!", "(BRASS takes over in cuffing SETH LANDERS while NICK takes a breather.)", "Brass: Las Vegas police. You Seth Landers?", "Seth Landers: Yeah.", "Brass: Seth Landers?", "Seth Landers: (shouts) Yes!", "Brass: Let's go.", "(BRASS pulls SETH LANDERS back to the building as NICK watches. NICK takes a breath and follows them.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS and WARRICK interview SETH LANDERS. BRASS paces the floor as WARRICK stands next to the table.)", "Brass: Jacking Sam Braun's casino at roulette -- that was gutsy... and smart. And since you weren't the one placing the bet, I guess that makes you the smart one.", "Warrick: Your boys right here -- Teddy and Davis, the candid camera.", "(WARRICK puts the photos on the table. The first photo is of TEDDY KELLER in the fat suit and wig. The photo is labeled on the bottom: RAMPART HOTEL", "01.05.42 05/20/04 CAMERA 247 CASINO SECURITY.)", "(The second photo is of DAVIS MULLINS sitting at the roulette table. The bottom of the photo is labeled: RAMPART HOTEL 01:07:56 05/20/04 CAMERA", "247 CASINO SECURITY.)", "Seth Landers: They came to me. It was their idea.", "(WARRICK sits down.)", "Warrick: Judging from what we found in your apartment, looks like you made their idea work.", "(WARRICK puts another photo of the cluttered workstation on the table in front of )", "Seth Landers: I built the computers to put in the shoes. That's all.", "Brass: Your partners cleared half a mil on your skills. Dollar signs get involved, things get ugly, huh?", "Seth Landers: Scam was 20 to 30k a night, max. We hit Pike's. Next day, Tangiers. Everything was great. We made fifty grand, and then Teddy and Davis got greedy. You can't crush a roulette table like that, and not expect someone to notice.", "Warrick: The Tangiers, Pike's, Rampart ... these are all Sam Braun's places. You got something against him?", "Seth Landers: No. His casinos are old school. They're low tech. (WARRICK nods in understanding.) There's less interference for my gear.", "Warrick: Your gear ... (He looks at the photo of the workstation.) What was your cut?", "Seth Landers: I didn't get one. I just got paid for my supplies and my time. That's all.", "Warrick: (scoffs) Yeah, picture that!", "Seth Landers: It was a challenge. I just wanted to see if I could make it work.", "Brass: Any idea where the money is?", "Seth Landers: Why don't you ask Sam Braun?", "(Quick flashback to: [RAMPART CASINO - NIGHT] SETH LANDERS is at the slot machines when TEDDY KELLER walks into the casino. He walks by.)", "(TEDDY KELLER is stopped by a couple of security guards.)", "Seth Landers: (V.O.) When they took teddy to the \"box,\" I was sure we were busted.", "(DAVID MULLINS stands up and leaves the roulette table. The guards with TEDDY KELLER pass by SETH still at the slot machines.)", "Seth Landers: (V.O.) Davis freaked. He split.", "(Later, TEDDY KELLER walks out past SETH with the bag of money.)", "Seth Landers: (V.O.) And then when he came out with the money, everything was great.", "(TEDDY walks by SETH. SETH moves away from his slot machine and follows TEDDY.)", "Seth Landers: (V.O.) For about two seconds.", "(After a couple of steps, SETH watches as two security guards grab TEDDY KELLER just as he clears the doorway.)", "Security Guard: Come on, pal. Let's take a walk.", "Seth Landers: (V.O.) They grabbed him and took him outside.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Seth Landers: That was the last time I saw either one of them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(GRISSOM stands in his office, his phone on the floor. He uses his toes and tries to dial. CATHERINE knocks loudly on the door frame as she walks into the office. GRISSOM glances up and continues to dial the phone with his toes.)", "Catherine: What are you doing?", "Grissom: I'm testing my podiatric dexterity. What are you doing?", "Catherine: Uh, you know those tracks that we found at the neon graveyard?", "(GRISSOM stops dialing and looks at CATHERINE.)", "Grissom: The ones from the case you're not working on?", "Catherine: Yeah, those. Sam ... used to be a caddy man. He would drive a new one every year. These days, he's being driven.", "Grissom: And you know this because ... ?", "Catherine: I saw him. (GRISSOM moves over to the seat behind his desk.) He came to me.", "Grissom: And you walked away, I hope.", "Catherine: I made him walk away from me. Right into a stretch limo with a big turning radius.", "Grissom: That doesn't prove anything. Besides, any evidence that comes from you is tainted.", "Catherine: Then have it come from you. Warrant shouldn't be hard to get. Especially if the call comes from someone whose character is above reproach.", "(GRISSOM stops and looks at CATHERINE. She makes sure he meets her eyes and her meaning. She turns and leaves the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - NIGHT]", "(GRISSOM and SARA are going over SAM BRAUN'S limo, Nevada license # 225-THG.)", "(Camera moves around the limo and we see GRISSOM walking along the length of the limo, pulling the tape measure that SARA'S holding down at the other end. He holds a clipboard in his hand.)", "(As he measures the distance between the tires, SARA looks up at the side of the limo.)", "Sara: Nick said the budget for the promotion was cut.", "Grissom: 240 inches-- 20 feet.", "Sara: He also said you recommended him.", "(SARA lets go of the tape measure. It slides along the length of the limo and snaps back in front of GRISSOM. He looks at her.)", "Grissom: I did.", "(She turns to look at the tires. GRISSOM clicks his pen open and writes on the clipboard.)", "(SARA finds blue glass bits embedded in the tire treads.)", "Sara: Possible neon glass fragment.", "(She reaches to her kit to get an instrument to take a sample of the glass. GRISSOM walks over to her. She picks off the glass and looks at it. GRISSOM kneels in front of her, his eyes on the fragment in her hand.)", "(He looks at SARA. She looks at him.)", "(Cut to: [INSIDE THE LIMO])", "(The limo door opens on both sides. GRISSOM looks in from the left as SARA crawls into the back of the limo from the right.)", "(They both sit on the side seat. SARA sprays the back of the limo as GRISSOM sprays the front.)", "Sara: You said you didn't have a problem with me.", "Grissom: I don't.", "(They continue to spray the seats.)", "Grissom: I thought that Nick was the best candidate for the position.", "Sara: Why?", "Grissom: Because he didn't care whether he got the job or not.", "(SARA stops spraying.)", "Sara: That's a stupid reason.", "(They resume spraying. GRISSOM finds something on the back seat.)", "Grissom: We've got blood.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. RAMPART CASINO - MAIN FLOOR -- NIGHT]", "(BRASS and WARRICK walk through the casino accompanied by other OFFICERS.)", "Warrick: Handle your scandal.", "(SAM BRAUN turns around and sees them walking toward him.)", "Brass: Sam Braun? You're under arrest for the murder of Teddy Keller.", "(SAM BRAUN laughs.)", "Sam Braun: Is this some kind of joke?", "Brass: I'm not laughing.", "(SAM turns to the security guard standing next to him.)", "Sam Braun: Call my lawyer. This won't take long.", "(The SECURITY GUARD turns to make the call. SAM turns to follow the SECURITY GUARD. BRASS stops him.)", "Brass: Sam? I'm parked out front.", "(SAM laughs as an OFFICER puts his hands behind his back and cuffs him.)", "[SLOW MOTION CAMERA]", "(BRASS and an OFFICER accompany SAM BRAUN through the main casino floor.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM interview SAM BRAUN with his LAWYER next to him.)", "Lawyer: As much as my client appreciates your flair for the dramatic, the show's over, gentlemen. What do you have?", "Grissom: The tire patterns at the scene of Teddy Keller's murder are consistent with the wheel base and turning radius of your client's limousine.", "Lawyer: As well as every other limo in Vegas.", "Grissom: We also found neon glass embedded in all four tires.", "Lawyer: The whole town's a construction site. It's a tenuous link, at best.", "Grissom: Well, then ... how did his blood end up in the back of your client's limousine?", "(THE LAWYER doesn't say anything.)", "Brass: You waited until Teddy cleared the security cameras ...", "(Quick flashback to: [BACKSEAT OF LIMO] The door opens and SAM pulls TEDDY KELLER into the back seat with him. The door shuts behind him. SAM back hands TEDDY KELLER in the face causing his nose to bleed. A large splotch of blood falls to the seat.)", "Sam Braun: We're not through talking, kid.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: And then you took him for a ride ... Vegas style. Just like the old days, huh.", "(Quick flashback to: [NEON GRAVEYARD - NIGHT]", "(They pull TEDDY KELLER out of the limo's backseat.)", "Teddy Keller: Please. Please. Let me go.", "(The limo door shuts and they lead TEDDY along the neon graveyard.)", "Teddy Keller: Please. Please.", "(TEDDY'S shirt is opened and the fat suit he's wearing is revealed.)", "Sam Braun: Let me show you what I do to cheaters.", "Teddy Keller: (screams) No, no!", "(They pull TEDDY over to the sign and he shoots him twice in the back of the head.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(SAM leans over and whispers something to his LAWYER. When done, the LAWYER turns, looks, and smiles at BRASS and GRISSOM.)", "Lawyer: My client offered the young man a ride home. They stopped briefly at the neon graveyard, where they held a private conversation regarding the ethics of defrauding a casino.", "(BRASS chuckles.)", "Brass: That must have been some chat. We know he left the casino with the money.", "Lawyer: The young man returned the money as a sign of respect for my client and his position in the community.", "Brass: I'm sure he did.", "(GRISSOM and SAM stare at each other.)", "Brass: So, what next? You gonna tell me you're being set up? It happens to you a lot, huh, Sam?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. RAMPART CASINO - MAIN FLOOR - NIGHT]", "(WARRICK uses an ELENCO F-2800 miniature frequency counter and walks through the floor monitoring for frequencies being used.)", "(He walks up the stairs to a higher point, turns and looks out at he busy gaming floor.)", "(He envisions seeing the frequency sound waves travel across the room.)", "(Camera holds on WARRICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(WARRICK walks through the hallway. DAVID HODGES grabs his test results and exits the trace lab. He heads toward WARRICK.)", "David Hodges: Your smudge from that second kid's shirt -- I got a spectral library match to Sherwin-Williams Everclean Interior paint, navajo white.", "(WARRICK looks at the results.)", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. MULLER'S APT] WARRICK notices the paint on DAVIS MULLEN'S shirt. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Anything distinctive?", "David Hodges: I would have mentioned it. Sometimes a paint sample's just a paint sample.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(WARRICK enters the lab. GRISSOM'S inside.)", "Warrick: You still liking Braun for these murders?", "Grissom: Yeah, why? Something change?", "Warrick: I'm thinking Seth Landers and his pals had a woody for him. I went back to the Rampart, and I took some electronic noise measurements. The place is a mess of interference. Electronics in old casinos aren't shielded.", "Grissom: So, you're saying that the shoe computers would've worked better in one of the new casinos on the strip?", "Warrick: Definitely. A kid as smart as Seth wouldn't make a mistake like that.", "Grissom: Then it was intentional.", "(WARRICK nods.)", "Grissom: Maybe personal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(WARRICK searches for SETH LANDERS on the computer. The computer beeps and SETH LANDERS' Nevada Driver License appears on screen.)", "LANDERS, SETH", "247 DUNPHY RD.", "LAS VEGAS, NV", "LIC # 21256453349", "(WARRICK thinks about it and remembers something. He picks up SETH LANDERS' rap sheet. It reads:", "DOB: 07-14-82", "s*x: M", "HGT / 5'10\" WGT / 155 EYE/BRN", "NAM/01 LANDERS, SETH", "CURRENT ADDRESS:", "WLVU MESA HALL 6622 NELS-", "PREVIOUS ADDRESS:", "247 DUNPHY ROAD APT 3", "COURT: 02/25/98", "NAM: 01", "CAMC LAS VEGAS", "CNT: 01 #M73118", "-ATTEMPTED ...", "(Up on screen is the following Nevada Drivers' License Information:", "MULLINS, DAVIS", "247 DUNPHY RD #27", "LAS VEGAS NV 89109", "(WARRICK thinks about it and types in another search for: JOSEPH GREENE. He finds the matching address:", "GREENE, JOSEPH", "247 DUNPHY RD #03", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89109", "(Camera rises and focuses on JOSEPH GREENE'S DMV photo.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SMALL STORE / CASINO -- DAY]", "(Through the window, we see WARRICK and BRASS walking along the sidewalk toward the small store/casino. We hear the sounds of a small slot machine along with the mutterings of the person playing the machine off screen.)", "Joseph Greene: (muttering) (o.s.) Come on, give me something. Somehting, something ... anything ...", "(WARRICK and BRASS turn and walk into the small store/casino where they find JOSEPH GREENE playing the slots.)", "Brass: So, this is your casino of choice? That's what your tenants said.", "Warrick: Sir, could you tell us about Seth Landers?", "Joseph Greene: That's my son. Is he okay?", "Brass: Let's stop playing dumb, Mr. Greene, huh?", "Joseph Greene: Would you mind stepping away from the machine? You're st-staring over my shoulder, you're looking at me. You're jinxing me, and I'm gonna have to ...", "(BRASS reaches out and stops JOSEPH GREENE from pulling the slot machine handle.)", "Brass: How's that? Is that better?", "(They see JOSEPH GREENE'S injury.)", "Brass: What happened to your hand?", "Joseph Greene: I had an accident a long time ago.", "Warrick: Sam Braun do that with a hammer?", "Joseph Greene: I'm sorry, I don't know who that person is. (He looks at WARRICK.) Who is that? (He shrugs.) I don't like to talk about my hand, okay?", "Brass: Well, that's too bad. 'Cause you know what? Today ... this is your life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY / WAITING ROOM - DAY]", "(The OFFICER escorts SAM BRAUN through the hallway and into the waiting room. They walk past JOSEPH GREENE sitting in the waiting room chair. JOSEPH GREENE turns his head to look at SAM BRAUN. They seat SAM BRAUN a few chairs away from JOSEPH GREENE.)", "(They cuff SAM BRAUN to the chair. JOSEPH GREENE can't keep his eyes off of SAM BRAUN. SAM turns and looks at JOSEPH GREENE. Then he turns and looks at BRASS and GRISSOM sitting in the next room staring at them.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(BRASS and GRISSOM watch the two men in the other room.)", "Brass: Joe Greene -- aka Joe Landers. They're old friends.", "(BRASS steps out of the office and heads for the waiting room.)", "Brass: Sorry to break up the reunion, fellas. Mr. Greene ... Mr. Landers ... which is it?", "(SAM notices JOSEPH GREENE'S smashed fingers. JOSEPH GREENE moves his hand trying to hide it.)", "Joseph Greene: It's Greene.", "Brass: Come with me.", "(JOSEPH GREENE stands and slowly walks over to the door with BRASS. SAM BRAUN stops him.)", "Sam Braun: (calls out) Do your hands hurt when it rains, Joe?", "(JOSEPH GREENE stops and turns to look at SAM BRAUN. JOSEPH GREENE turns and looks casually at SAM.)", "Joseph Greene: Do I know you?", "(JOSEPH GREENE turns his back to SAM BRAUN and continues walking out of the waiting room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(BRASS interviews JOSEPH GREENE.)", "Brass: The exclusion/exemption clause means you don't get to gamble. Period. Not even the quarter slots at the gas-and-go.", "Joseph Greene: Don't you have something better to do? Like find out who murdered those two kids in number 27.", "Brass: You got any theories? It was your apartment building. Your son Seth fingered the guy you were sitting next to. A guy you don't know. The guy who put you in the black book.", "Joseph Greene: No. The gaming commission put me in the black book.", "Brass: Yeah, for cheating, Joe.", "Joseph Greene: (chuckles and takes off his glasses) I did not cheat. I did not cheat. I didn't have to cheat. I beat the casinos. I beat 'em, and they ganged up on me, and, uh ... that was it, they didn't want me there anymore.", "Brass: No, you beat Sam Braun's casino and he ended your gambling career. You're barred from the casinos for life. That sounds like motive to me.", "Joseph Greene: Motive for what, playing the quarter slots?", "Brass: Come on.", "Joseph Greene: Come on.", "(BRASS sits down at the table.)", "Brass: Okay, look, here's a quiz. Teddy Keller, Davis Mullins and your son Seth were caught fleecing the Rampart. Now two of 'em are dead.", "Joseph Greene: I had no idea what those two boys were doing. But I will tell you this -- I will tell you that my son is a good kid, he's a good boy.", "Brass: Then why'd you put him in the middle of your action? Why'd you use him to settle an old score? (sighs) Maybe Sam Braun's innocent. Maybe Seth whacked his partners because he got caught.", "Joseph Greene: Stop looking at my son. Stop looking at me, and start looking at Sam.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. SETH LANDERS' DORM - DAY]", "(NICK kneels next to the trash on the ground and snaps photos of the gun.)", "Officer Metcalf: Garbage detail called it in. Says they didn't touch it.", "Nick: Well, this is Seth Landers' dorm.", "(NICK picks up the gun and the shirt it's on. He stands up.)", "Nick: There's a lot of garbage build up. When was the last pick-up?", "Officer Metcalf: Day before yesterday. End of finals party last night.", "Nick: Looks like blood. Let's hope the killer left his DNA behind. .22 revolver, two live rounds, four expended. Should be able to pull some prints off it.", "Officer Metcalf: Gun's a relic.", "Nick: Doesn't matter if it still works.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB -- DAY]", "(The gun is fired. Two bullets slowly sink to the bottom of the water tank.)", "(NICK retrieves the bullets from the bottom of the tank. He looks at them while WARRICK sits at the table in front of the scope.)", "(NICK hands the bullet to WARRICK.)", "Nick: There you go.", "(WARRICK puts the bullet under the scope and finds a match.)", "Warrick: The test fire matches the bullet found in Teddy Keller's body.", "Nick: So we've got our murder weapon.", "Warrick: Yeah, we found our murder weapon. I don't know the kid thinks up this elaborate scheme to cheat the casinos. Then he kills his partners. But he dumps his gun at his dorm?", "Nick: An rg .22. That's not a very bad ass' first weapon of choice.", "Warrick: No, it's a small caliber weapon for an up-close-and-personal hit. I don't really see the kid pulling a Gotti.", "Nick: Okay, two victims, two taps to the head. But the loads are different.", "Warrick: Well, maybe he ran out of ammo. Went back and bought another brand.", "Nick: And reloaded, yeah.", "Warrick: The bullets that were found in Teddy Keller's skull, were copper washed cci .22s.", "Nick: And the two rounds found in Davis Mullins were Remington Brass washed. So, based on the position of the cylinder Remingtons were fired first?", "(Quick flashback to: [APARTMENT #27] Close up of the gun cylinder as the chamber moves, advancing to the new bullets. Two gun shots fire. DAVIS MULLINS falls to the ground.)", "(Cut to: [NEON GRAVEYARD] Close up of the gun cylinder as the chamber advances to the old bullets. Two gun shots fire. TEDDY KELLER falls to the ground.)", "Warrick: But that would mean that Davis Mullins was killed in the apartment before Teddy Keller was killed in the graveyard. The timeline's off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(GREG shows GRISSOM his findings.)", "Greg: Blood on the shirt is a match to Davis Mullins. Epithelials from inside the shirt belong to Seth Landers.", "(GREG watches GRISSOM carefully. GRISSOM looks up from the test results and looks at GREG.)", "Grissom: What?", "Greg: That means Sam Braun's innocent. This time. Are you disappointed?", "Grissom: It's the evidence.", "(GRISSOM gets up and heads out of the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPATMENT - HOLDING CELL - DAY]", "(Inside the holding cell, SETH LANDERS sits on the bench. He scrambles to his feet and rushes over to the bars when he sees WARRICK walking toward him.)", "Seth Landers: Hey, what's up, man? Am I going to get out of here?", "Warrick: No. Where did you go after Teddy Keller was taken?", "Seth Landers: You know what, you keep on asking me all these questions, but my lawyer says I'm not even supposed to talk to you.", "Warrick: Okay, you don't have to talk to me. But you got to know you're looking at two counts of murder.", "Seth Landers: What? I didn't kill anybody. This is crazy.", "Warrick: Then talk to me. Tell me what happened. Where did you go? For real.", "Seth Landers: I waited outside the casino for an hour. Teddy didn't show up so I went to his place.", "(Quick flashback to: [APARTMENT #27] SETH LANDERS walks into the apartment. He's panicking.)", "Seth Landers: Davis, where are you, man? Braun got Teddy.", "(He rushes through the living room and heads for the bedroom. He sees DAVIS MULLINS on the floor at the foot of the bed.)", "Seth Landers: Davis, wake up, man!", "(He gets a good look at DAVIS and sees that he's dead. He looks at the blood on his hands and absently wipes them on the front of his shirt. He scrambles to his feet and runs out of the apartment closing the bedroom door on his way out.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: We found the murder weapon that was used to kill your two partners. It was wrapped in your bloody t-shirt. Can you tell me about that?", "Seth Landers: I have never used a gun in my life.", "Warrick: It was found outside of your campus apartment.", "Seth Landers: (shakes his head) That can't be. (WARRICK nods.) Can't be.", "Warrick: Unless you clear it up.", "Seth Landers: Um ... the rule was that if something went wrong, we were supposed to just go home.", "(SETH LANDERS turns and walks back to the bench against the far cell wall. He sits down.)", "Seth Landers: Uh... so I found the body, got blood all over my shirt, so... I gave it to my dad. I gave my dad the shirt. He's the one who had the shirt.", "(Quick flashback to: [JOE GREENE'S APARTMENT] The door opens and SETH LANDERS runs inside.)", "Seth Landers: Dad! Dad!", "(He grabs his dad to get his attention. JOE turns around.)", "Seth Landers: Davis ... Davis is dead.", "(White flash.)", "Seth Landers: I think they got Teddy, too. Braun's on to us. What am I going to do?", "Joseph Greene: Give me your shirt. Go back to school and lay low.", "(SETH LANDERS takes his shirt off and gives it to JOE GREENE. SETH turns and leaves.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Are you trying to tell me that your own father set you up?", "Seth Landers: The truth is, I just wanted him to like me. But I'm not him. You know, I'm never going to be him. Counting cards and the poker face. They say it's a skill, but it's a gift. Till Sam Braun took it away.", "Warrick: So you went after Sam Braun to prove something to your old man.", "(SETH gets to his feet and walks back to the bars.)", "Seth Landers: Yeah. I mean, I went after the whale, but I skinned it. I did what my dad could never do.", "(SETH grabs the bars nervously. WARRICK glances down at SETH'S knuckles and sees it clean: no bruises. He looks at SETH.)", "Warrick: Does your father own a .22?", "(SETH LANDERS stares at WARRICK.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JOSEPH GREENE'S APARTMENT - DAY]", "(Outside the apartment, JOE GREENE stands with OFFICER METCALF. Inside the apartment, WARRICK and GRISSOM search for evidence.)", "(WARRICK uses the ALS on the couch and floor.)", "Warrick: I got nothing.", "(GRISSOM walks over to the washer and checks inside.)", "Grissom: Maybe he was expecting us.", "Warrick: You think he cleaned up?", "(GRISSOM turns around and sees something. He walks over to the wall key hanger and finds some white paint on the leather key ring handle.)", "Grissom: Well, if he did ... he missed a spot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. APARTMENT - DAY]", "(Open on the taped up door handle. It twists slowly as the door is opened. GRISSOM and WARRICK walk inside to find the place completely re-painted over, plastic sheeting still hangs from the ceiling.)", "(The entire apartment is newly painted white.)", "(GRISSOM puts his kit down on the floor.)", "Warrick: Nice and new in here.", "(In the center of the room, they see the open can of paint.)", "Warrick: Sherwin Williams, latex flat. Navajo white. What do you know. (He snaps a photo.) Same as the paint on the shirt.", "(While WARRICK takes photos, GRISSOM walks over to the closet and opens it. On the top shelf, he finds a black backpack. He pulls it down from the shelf. WARRICK turns around to see what GRISSOM found.)", "Warrick: What's in the bag, \"dad\"?", "(GRISSOM opens the bag and pulls out the stack of bills.)", "Grissom: Money from ... the Tangiers ... money from Pike's. Bet there's fifty grand in there.", "(WARRICK snaps more photos.)", "Grissom: Plus ... what could be paint and blood smears.", "Warrick: That blood could match the stains we found on Davis' shirt. I don't understand why he had to kill his kids. They were making a lot of money off of Braun. Dad was getting his revenge.", "Grissom: My guess, stopped being about the money.", "(Quick flashback to: [APARTMENT] JOE GREENE'S painting the kitchen when his phone rings. He answers it.)", "Joe Greene: Yeah.", "Teddy Keller: (from phone) Hey, Joe, it's Teddy.", "Joe Greene: Oh, hi, Teddy.", "Teddy Keller: (from phone) Sam's on to us. He took me to neon graveyard.", "Joe Greene: Slow down, slow down.", "Teddy Keller: (from phone) I had to give him the money. I thought he was going to kill me.", "Joe Greene: Don't move. I'll be there in a minute.", "(JOE hangs up and tosses the phone on the counter.)", "(Cut to: [APARTMENT #27] DAVIS MULLINS opens drawers and packs quickly.)", "(White flash to: JOE GREENE walks into the apartment. He closes the door behind him. DAVIS glances behind him and sees JOE.)", "Davis Mullins: Mr. Greene, what's up, man?", "(JOE GREENE walks toward him.)", "Joe Greene: Hey ... Hey ...", "(Cut to: JOE GREENE fires the gun pointed at the back of DAVIS MULLINS' head twice. DAVIS falls forward. JOE reaches out and pulls him to the floor. He gets white paint on the backpack when he does.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Why settle for the money, when you can frame up your worst enemy for murder.", "(Quick flashback to: [NEON GRAVEYARD - NIGHT] TEDDY KELLER paces the roadway as he waits for his ride.)", "(The car pulls up.)", "Teddy Keller: Hey, what the hell took you so long?", "(JOE steps out of the car.)", "Teddy Keller: Joe ... Joe we got a problem. Sam ... Sam he ...", "(JOE pulls out the gun.)", "Joe Greene: Turn around and walk.", "(He pushes TEDDY toward the \"W\".)", "(Two gunshots are fired and TEDDY falls to the ground.)", "(White flash to: JOE uses the hammer and pounds TEDDY'S knuckles. He pulls TEDDY and rests him on the \"W\".)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Having worked out the theory, GRISSOM and WARRICK look at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - PARKING LOT - NIGHT]", "(CATHERINE steps out of her vehicle. She walks over to SAM BEAUN'S limo. The back door is open. SAM'S standing at the front of the limo. She walks past the open door and toward SAM.)", "Catherine: Sam. Could I buy you some dinner?", "Sam Braun: Feeling a little guilty?", "Seth Landers: Hey, Sam. (SETH LANDERS stands up out of the back of the limo. CATHERINE turns around.) Where's the ice?", "Sam Braun: Next to the tv, kid.", "(CATHERINE turns and looks at SAM.)", "Sam Braun: You want to catch a cheater -- hire one.", "Catherine: Right. He gets to work off his debt.", "Sam Braun: On way or another, I always get my money's worth.", "(SAM walks past CATHERINE and slips into the back of the limo. The door shuts behind him and the limo drives away.)", "(CATHERINE stands in the middle of the parking lot and watches the limo leave.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
No More Bets
[ "The CSIs investigate the kidnapping of a 13-year-old girl at the parking lot of a convenience store , which turns into a very disturbing murder. Catherine attempts to re-assert her role as a mother when her daughter Lindsey is picked up by the police for hitchhiking ." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL - DAY]", "(Open on the statue of St. Andrew. The school bell rings marking the end of the day.)", "[FRONT DOOR]", "(Slow motion. The double doors to the school open and children run out of the school, whooping and cheering that school is over.)", "(Resume motion. School boys and school girls walk along the front of the school.)", "(A car horn honks.)", "(Sister Teresa, talking with another Nun, looks up at the source of the blaring car horn.)", "Sister Teresa: Could you excuse me?", "(Sister Teresa walks over to the parked car on the side of the road. Inside the car, Sybil Perez waits impatiently for her daughter.)", "(Sister Teresa knocks on the passenger-side window. Sybil rolls the window down.)", "Sister Teresa: Everything all right, Sybil?", "Sybil Perez: I'm fine. What's taking Alicia so long? We have a doctor's appointment in forty minutes.", "Sister Teresa: She's not here.", "Sybil Perez: Well, she has to be. I saw her leave for school this morning.", "Sister Teresa: Alicia hasn't been in any of her classes.", "(Sybil's phone rings. She answers it.)", "Sybil Perez: (to phone) April, get off the phone. I can't talk right now.", "April Perez: (from phone) Somebody took Alicia.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE - PARKING LOT - DAY]", "(Sybil Perez parks in the parking lot. She gets out of the car and rushes over to her daughter.)", "Sybil Perez: What did you do?! (yells) What the hell did you do?!", "(April turns from the Officer toward her mom.)", "April Perez: Mom, I don't know ...", "(Sybil slaps April hard across the face.)", "Sybil Perez: Where is she?!", "April Perez: I'm not sure.", "(Two officers keep the two women apart.)", "Sybil Perez: (screams) Where is she?!", "(Sybil Perez fights the officer, pounding on his chest with her fists and screaming.)", "Sybil Perez: Get off of me! SYBIL PEREZ: Go find my daughter! Go find my daughter!", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE - PARKING LOT - DAY -- LATER]", "(Brass interviews April Perez.)", "April Perez: I really didn't see Alicia all that much. Um, I don't get to. Her life sucks, so sometimes she would just, you know, play hooky and spend the day with me.", "Brass: After girls' day out, you, uh, stopped here for a snack.", "(Off screen, we hear Sybil crying. Brass turns around at the sounds of sobbing. As he watches, Carlos Perez walks up and hugs Sybil.)", "Brass: Is that your father?", "April Perez: Yeah. Um ... I was just went in, and ... you know, to get something while she changed back into her uniform.", "Brass: In the car?", "April Perez: It's not that big of a deal. It's like, you know, the skirt over the jeans, and back to school before mom knows anything.", "Brass: So what did he look like? What kind of car did he drive?", "(Quick flash to: [EARLIER] April runs out of the convenience store.)", "April Perez: Alicia!", "(She sees Alicia in the passenger seat of a black car. The car is driving out of the parking lot.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "April Perez: A black guy, uh ... He had a beard and he had a crappy black Buick. But, um ... I don't know, maybe it was blue.", "(Quick flash to: [EARLIER] April is in the car looking out the window and screaming. The car drives away.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "April Perez: I don't really ...", "Brass: No, that's ... that's good.", "April Perez: Okay.", "Brass: You did good. That's good. Thank you.", "April Perez: Okay.", "(Cut to: A police siren blurbs off and on. Grissom leans forward looking into April's red car through the window. He snaps a photo.)", "(Carols and Sybil Perez walk up to Grissom.)", "Carlos Perez: The cops won't tell us. What are the chances of finding our daughter?", "Grissom: Well, we're doing everything we can.", "Carlos Perez: That's what everyone keeps saying. No one will tell us anything.", "(Grissom sees something.)", "Grissom: Did you injure yourself, Mrs. Perez?", "(On the edge of her blouse is a large blood stain.)", "Sybil Perez: Oh, a nosebleed.", "Grissom: That's a lot of blood. I'm going to need to take your shirt.", "Carlos Perez: Why?", "Grissom: If you like, I can have someone follow you home so that you can change.", "Sybil Perez: (getting angry) You think we had something to do with it? Our daughter is missing. She's out there somewhere alone and scared. What are you doing about that?!", "Grissom: I'm just collecting evidence.", "Sybil Perez: Fine. Here!", "(She removes her shirt and throws it at Grissom.)", "Sybil Perez: Take it! Go find her!", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS SCENES (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE - PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(Brass is calling in the alert.)", "Brass: This is Captain Jim Brass. I want to issue a Missing Persons Emergency Alert Amber. Notify all radio and casino signatories. The description is as follows ...", "[DISPATCH]", "(Dispatch types in the Alert.)", "[TELEVISION SET]", "(Programs are interrupted as BREAKING NEWS is reported.)", "News Anchorman: We have breaking news from the channel 8 newsroom right now. An Amber Alert has been issued for missing 13-year-old Alicia Perez.", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS HIGHWAYS (STOCK) - DAY]", "News Anchorman: (V.O.) The suspect in Alicia's abduction is described as an African American man, 35 to 45 years old, about six feet tall.", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS HIGHWAYS (STOCK) - DAY]", "(The highway sign on the side of the road flashes:", "AMBER ALERT", "BLACK BUICK", "NEV LIC. -----CA", "[EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE - PARKING LOT - DAY]", "(Warrick and Nick are going through April's red car.)", "Warrick: How'd you shoot, man?", "Nick: Rusty. They say I have a flinch.", "Warrick: You and I need to go practice some, huh?", "Nick: Yeah, when do we have time to do that?", "(Nick dusts the door for prints.)", "Nick: If we're not processing a scene or working evidence, we're in court.", "Warrick: Well, when they take your piece, you'll make time.", "Nick: This girl seemed a little old to be lured by a lost puppy. So how'd this guy pull this off in a lot this public?", "Warrick: Easy. With a map and a smile.", "(Over by the front of the convenience store, Warrick watches as Catherine measures the distance.)", "Warrick: Rolls up -- \"Hey, little girl, I'm lost. You from around here?\" (Nick nods.) She gets close enough he pulls her out of her sister's car, into his car ... Bam, she's done.", "Nick: I bet he had a weapon. Threatened her, so he could drive.", "(Catherine continues to measure the distance into the parking lot toward the car.)", "Catherine: Probably used his fists. b*st*rd had to have hit her.", "(Quick flash to: [EARLIER] Alicia screams. The blurred figure pulls her into the car and hits her as she kicks and screams.)", "(The car door slams shut.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "[INT. CONVENIENCE STORE - DAY]", "(Brass interviews the Convenience Store Clerk as he carries a box of drinks.)", "Clerk: Look, dude, I didn't see it.", "(The Clerk puts the box down on the side.)", "Clerk: Chica had a nice, round ass and that's what I was scoping.", "Brass: What time was that?", "Clerk: About three. She comes in, grabs some candy, looks outside, waves at somebody. The next thing I know, she flips her wig. She's screaming about her sister. I didn't see the girl or a car. Besides, there's a lot of traffic out there.", "Brass: Was it busy?", "Clerk: Kind of.", "Brass: How many surveillance cameras do you have in here?", "Clerk: Inside we got five. They're all state-of-the-art. Place gets hit a lot. Outside they're all dummies.", "Brass: Well, I'm glad to see you're so concerned about your customers after they leave the store.", "[EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE - PARKING LOT - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine's phone rings. She answers it and her side of the conversation fades into the background.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Hello.", "(Camera follows Grissom as he walks out of the convenience store.)", "Catherine: (to phone) (o.s.) Who's calling? Yes. Uh, yes. Speaking.", "(Grissom heads toward Nick.)", "Grissom: Nick, you failed firearms qualification. You can't be here.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. Well, I'm taking it again day after tomorrow, so I figured I could work.", "Grissom: Not in the field.", "Nick: You're serious?", "Grissom: You're in violation just carrying the weapon.", "Catherine: (to phone) (o.s.) She's what? Uh - uhm ...", "(Nick turns and looks at Warrick. Warrick looks away.)", "Nick: Copy that. I'll be in the lab.", "Catherine: Uh, Nick, let me catch a lift with you. (to Grissom) There's something going on with Lindsay.", "(Catherine follows Nick back to his car.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine walks up to the Officer watching Lindsay.)", "Catherine: I'm Catherine Willows. What's the trouble?", "Officer: With the Amber Alert, we've been keeping an eye out. Found your daughter up on Boulder Highway trying to hitch a ride downtown. (Catherine glares at Lindsay who rolls her eyes at her mom.) Now, kids this age, they need a firm hand at home, and ...", "Catherine: (interrupts) Thank you, Officer. I appreciate everything you've done. Let's go.", "(Catherine leads Lindsay away.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine and Lindsay go into an empty room. They both sit down.)", "Catherine: Okay, what or who is on Fremont Street that you would risk your life to get to? Mouthing off to teachers, slipping grades and now hitchhiking. I mean, what is next, Lindsay?", "Lindsay Willows: (mutters) Stripping.", "Catherine: What did you just say? (exasperated chuckle) Okay, no phone, no friends, no nothing.", "Lindsay Willows: For how long?", "Catherine: A month.", "Lindsay Willows: (rolls her eyes) Whatever.", "(Lindsay gets up.)", "Catherine: Hey, you want to make it two?", "Lindsay Willows: Dad always said you were a drama queen.", "Catherine: Well, what do you expect, Lindsay, since he was always high.", "Lindsay Willows: I'd take dad high over you any day! Nana's coming to pick me up. I'll be out front.", "(Lindsay grabs her backpack and leaves the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg and Mia Dickerson, the new DNA Technician, walk into the lab. Warrick is sitting at the table with an array of items on it.)", "Greg: You paged.", "(He doesn't look up.)", "Warrick: Yeah. (Points to the items on the table.) What's missing?", "(Greg takes a moment and looks at the various school books and bags on the table.)", "Greg: I give up.", "Warrick: Her sister said the victim changed back into her school uniform in the car.", "Mia Dickerson: So? Where are the clothes she changed out of?", "(At the sound of a new voce, Warrick looks up.)", "Warrick: Hello.", "(Greg makes the introductions.)", "Greg: Mia Dickerson, Warrick Brown.", "Warrick: Welcome.", "Mia Dickerson: Look, I already know you have a running bet with another CSI over how long the new hire lasts, so let's skip it. You got something for DNA?", "(Warrick grabs the evidence bag and tosses it toward her.)", "Warrick: The mother's bloody t-shirt.", "Mia Dickerson: Exemplar?", "Warrick: It's on its way.", "Mia Dickerson: Thank you.", "(Mia leaves the room. Warrick watches her. He looks sufficiently impressed. Greg turns and looks at Warrick.)", "Greg: (smiles) Just hedging my bets.", "Warrick: How so?", "Greg: Well, I need field experience, but before I get that, I need to find a replacement. So far, I'm oh-for-one. Plus, she's hot and thinks you're a tool, so I'm way ahead.", "(Greg turns and leaves Warrick chuckling.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PEREZ RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Camera slowly pans across the counter of framed photos. Every photo is of a little boy in various stages of growth. There is one photo with April in it standing next to the little boy, but none of Alicia that we can see.)", "(In the living room, Brass interviews Carlos and Sybil Perez.)", "Carlos Perez: A gardener and a pool man come in once a week.", "Brass: How long have they worked for you?", "Carlos Perez: Years.", "Brass: How about a housekeeper or a maid?", "Sybil Perez: I do it.", "Brass: Let's talk about your daughter's routines. Her routes to and from school, any extra-curricular activities, a list of friends.", "Sybil Perez: There wasn't any after school stuff. Alicia isn't a joiner. She walks to school, I pick her up. That's it.", "Brass: How often did April get her sister to skip school?", "(They look at each other.)", "Carlos Perez: We don't know. We ... we just found out ourselves.", "Brass: I'm curious because April said she hardly ever gets to see Alicia. Why didn't she just come here?", "Sybil Perez: Because she wasn't welcome. We kicked her out.", "Carlos Perez: April's a troubled girl. Problems with drugs, the police. You might as well know, she also did some time. Juvenile lockup.", "Brass: For what?", "Carlos Perez: Heroin possession. Intent to distribute.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PEREZ RESIDENCE - ALICIA'S BEDROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara sits at Alicia's desk looking at the contents on her computer. Grissom examines the rest of the room for evidence.)", "Sara: There's nothing suspicious on the server. Only hits are music downloads. Wait a minute. An organ transplant site. For kidneys, heart, lungs and liver.", "Grissom: What is that? Homework research?", "Sara: Maybe. These are pretty detailed biochem and immunosuppressant citations. It's a little over a seventh grader's head, don't you think?", "Grissom: I don't know. I bet you were a pretty smart seventh grader.", "(Sara can't help but smile. Grissom picks up a purple and blue plastic backpack and looks at it.)", "(Sara opens Alicia's notebook where she finds doodling of \"Mrs. Jimmy Jones\", \"Mrs. Alicia Jones\", \"Love Jimmy\", red hearts and flowers.)", "Sara: She has a serious crush on a boy named Jimmy Jones.", "(Grissom looks around and finds \"I Hate Mom & Dad\" written on the edge of the linens.)", "Grissom: Sara.", "(Sara turns.)", "Grissom: (reads) \"I hate mom & dad.\"", "(Daniel Perez appears in the doorway.)", "Daniel Perez: Who doesn't once in a while?", "(Grissom and Sara look up. He introduces himself.)", "Daniel Perez: Daniel Perez. And you are ... ?", "Grissom: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle, Las Vegas Crime Lab.", "Daniel Perez: I guess that's why you're pawing through my sister's private stuff.", "Sara: It's going to help us find her. Do you know a Jimmy Jones?", "Daniel Perez: Yeah, a boy from school. She liked him.", "Grissom: What's your sister like? Personable, friendly, outgoing, trusting, maybe?", "Daniel Perez: She's a giver - from the day she was born.", "(Daniel's nose starts to bleed.)", "Grissom: Uh, Daniel... you're bleeding.", "(Grissom points to his own nose.)", "Daniel Perez: I'm sorry.", "(Daniel uses his blood-stained tissue to wipe his nose.)", "Daniel Perez: You want to know my sister, you should check her diary under the mattress.", "(Daniel turns and leaves. Sara steps forward and checks under the mattress. Sure enough, there's Alicia's diary.)", "(Sara opens the book. Grissom leans sideways to look.)", "Sara: (reading) \"Last night I didn't sleep very good. I kept thinking about the surgery.\" I guess we know why she was doing transplant research.", "[INT. PEREZ RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass continues to interview Carlos and Sybil Perez.)", "Sybil Perez: Serious illness takes a toll on a family. (Sybil turns and looks at Carlos.) Alicia never complained. (She looks at Brass.) She's used to the doctors. She has friends there -- people who understand -- go through the same hell.", "Brass: You know, if a victim has a serious illness, you really should disclose it right away.", "Carlos Perez: Our daughter isn't sick. Our son's kidneys are failing. Alicia is his matching donor. Without her, he'd die.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BRASS' OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Brass and Catherine interview Jimmy Jones. His mother is there.)", "Jimmy Jones: Well, Alicia was a great half-back -- strong right leg, aggressive. You don't see that too much in girls.", "Catherine: She played soccer?", "Jimmy Jones: Yeah, for awhile. She quit before she got cut. She missed a lot of practice 'cause she was always going to the doctor, and you can't really play with one kidney anyway, so ...", "Catherine: She told you about her brother?", "Jimmy Jones: Yeah, on the way to school. Hell, I thought that it was cool that she was saving his life, but she seemed pretty pissed.", "Mrs. Jones: Jimmy ... language.", "Jimmy Jones: Sorry. Anyway, uh, she didn't seem too happy. Said she had no life and never would.", "Brass: So, Jimmy, on your way to and from school, did anyone ever bother you or approach you in any way?", "Jimmy Jones: Um ... there was this one guy, with a track suit, he's supposed to be running. He gave me the creeps.", "Brass: What gave you the creeps?", "Jimmy Jones: Well, start with his gear. I mean, nobody runs in velour. And he never had any water and he was always on the phone.", "Brass: What'd he look like?", "Jimmy Jones: Black guy. He was not a runner, but he was in shape. Bald, mustache, beard.", "Catherine: How old would you say he is, Jimmy?", "Jimmy Jones: Qld ... like 30. (He glances unsure at Catherine.) ... I just ... never liked the way he looked at Alicia.", "Brass: Thanks. You've been a great help, Jimmy. Thank you. Uh, if it's okay with your mom, I'm going to have you hang around, look at some photos. All right?", "Jimmy Jones: Sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick is on the computer mapping out and showing Warrick and Grissom the community and surrounding area where Alicia Perez disappeared. As he narrates, the lights appear up on the monitor.)", "Nick: Here's the Perez house, Alicia's walk route to school, and the convenience store where she was taken. All the locations are within a half-mile, plus or minus three-tenths.", "(He works on the keyboard.)", "Nick: This is a map of all registered s*x offenders in the state, the county, and the neighborhood.", "(The neighborhood area is covered with red squares.)", "Warrick: Phew! That's a lot of perverts.", "Nick: Get out of jail, come to Vegas. They're listed in tiers of projected recidivism, zero through three. Three being the most dangerous.", "Grissom: They're the ones most likely to plan an abduction and find the privacy for sexual assault and murder.", "Nick: If I remove the zeroes and ones, since they have a low or moderate risk designation, this is what we're left with.", "(Nick makes more adjustments and all the O's and 1's disappear leaving a slew of 2's and 3's on the screen.)", "Warrick: That's still a lot of perverts.", "Nick: Mm, maybe not.", "(He makes more adjustments to the monitor.)", "Nick: Here, I'll isolate the Perez neighborhood.", "(A name card appears on screen for:", "MARLON WAYLORD - Tier Two s*x Offender", "Race: African American", "Occupation: Handyman", "Status: Lives Alone", "Hgt: 6 feet Wgt: 205 lbs", "Address: 23278 Koval Ln., Apt #12 Summerlin, NV 89129", "Nick: (reads) Marlon Waylord, tier two, 38, black, lives alone, sometimes handyman and fits Jimmy Jones' description.", "(Grissom sits back and smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WAYLORD RESIDENCE - APT 12 -- DAY]", "(Brass knocks on the front door. A couple of officers, Grissom and Sara wait outside.)", "(The door opens.)", "Marlon Waylord: Officer.", "(Brass notices a smudge of blood on Marlon's chin.)", "Brass: Did you, uh, cut yourself shaving, Mr. Waylord. (Marlon Waylord doesn't say anything.) Marlon must be shy.", "Marlon Waylord: Marlon didn't do nothing.", "Brass: And I believe you, too. Come on, step over here, please.", "(Marlon Waylord steps out of the apartment, his arms held out away from his sides.)", "Marlon Waylord: You all know that s*x offenders under a felony conviction have absolutely no unconditional release and are under lifetime supervision, automatically assigned by the Nevada Criminal State justice system.", "(Marlon Waylord is handcuffed. Grissom and Sara head into the apartment.)", "Marlon Waylord: Mandated, of course, by state and federal Megan's Law in effect 5/17/96 and therefore I am required to register and update my information ... whenever I move from my current, uh, domicile.", "Brass: Well, that's a big word. Well, you got all your facts right, Marlon. Help us with this one. We know you own a Buick. Where is it?", "Marlon Waylord: Tangiers' parking lot. It wouldn't start.", "Brass: I hate that. I'll have it towed to the lab.", "Marlon Waylord: You do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WAYLORD RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom and Sara look around the sparse living room.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[BEDROOM]", "(Sara walks into the bedroom.)", "(In the living room, Grissom looks at the jacket hanging on the doorless closet and finds a strand of hair)", "(Sara uses the ALS on the bed and finds body fluids.)", "Sara: Presence of semen.", "(Grissom picks up the cell phone.)", "(Sara pushes the bedsheets and blankets aside. She finds some children's underwear. That also has semen on it.)", "(Sara walks back into the living room.)", "Sara: There's children's underwear in the bedroom.", "(Grissom scrolls through the photos on the phone of Alicia and Jimmy.)", "Grissom: Photos of children on his phone, including Alicia.", "(He hands the phone to Sara.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass and Grissom interview Marlon Waylord.)", "Brass: So here's the deal: When you go up, I won't yell short eyes first. How's that sound?", "Marlon Waylord: Sounds like a really good deal ... You know, if I was, um, guilty.", "Brass: The inmates didn't treat you too gentle the last time. Did they?", "(Marlon turns and glares at Brass.)", "Marlon Waylord: You know they didn't.", "Brass: So tell me what you did with Alicia.", "Marlon Waylord: Who?", "(Brass puts a photo on the table.)", "Grissom: She's been all over the news, non-stop. It's that why you shaved?", "(Marlon licks his finger and touches the photo, alongside Alicia's face.)", "Brass: Oh, come on. Don't make me smack you.", "(Marlon looks at Grissom.)", "Grissom: Her friend tells us that you were always looking at her. You went out in the morning and watched them go to school.", "(Grissom shows the phone photos to Marlon.)", "Marlon Waylord: She's sweet, very sweet, but, fellas ... I wasn't looking at her. You all should check my file.", "Brass: No, I did. I know that your recent preference is for little boys, but, uh, your first time was with a female cousin. Let me read what you said. \"I couldn't help myself 'cause she was acting so hot. It was her fault; she was really hot.\"", "(Brass tosses the file on the table in front of Marlon.)", "Grissom: How does a six-year-old act hot?", "(Brass' phone beeps. Brass checks it.)", "Marlon Waylon: Listen ... I'm, uh... I'm sick. You know, I got this-this this illness, which ... look. I don't want to go back to prison. That's why I'm being so compliant. Now, yo, I don't work near no little kids. I stay a hundred yards from the school grounds. Man, I don't even go to the park.", "Grissom: It's not a disease. It's a compulsion.", "Marlon Waylord: I stay away from youth organizations, after-school programs, churches ...", "Grissom: We found a pair of boy's underwear in your bedroom. Explain that.", "Marlon Waylord: I look at the photos. I look at the photos and I have the briefs for, um ... release.", "Grissom: So you fantasize, and eventually, the fantasy's not enough and you relapse.", "Marlon Waylord: Hey, they're mine. I bought the underwear!", "Grissom: Well, if that's true, then you were in a store where little children were shopping with their mothers.", "Marlon Waylord: And what would you have me do, huh, man? What?! I mean, I even thought about chemical castration.", "Grissom: Medroxyprogesterone is inconclusive. It renders the subject incapable of erection, but it doesn't remove the drive. You would still be capable of sexual assault using other objects.", "Marlon Waylord: Listen ... um, I haven't done anything, uh, illegal, so you can't hold me in here forever. Oh, is that killing look in your eyes a compulsion, Mr. Grissom?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Warrick walks into the lab. Mia reports to him.)", "Warrick: What's up?", "Mia Dickerson: The seminal fluid on the boy's underwear matches your pedophile.", "Warrick: Epithelials?", "(Mia starts to answer, but Greg interrupts.)", "Greg: His. And only his.", "Warrick: That confirms his story that the briefs were never worn. Hair?", "(Again, Greg interrupts.)", "Greg: Synthetic. Probably from a wig.", "Warrick: Great. That means we have to let the b*st*rd go. It's only a matter of time before he snatches up another kid.", "(Warrick turns to leave, Mia stops him.)", "Mia Dickerson: You got any friends in uniform?", "Warrick: Yeah, but they can't watch him indefinitely.", "Mia Dickerson: Okay, look. Megan's law has holes. Police aren't required to notify a community about a predator. So flood his block with flyers detailing his crimes. Trust me, the neighbors won't let him out of their sight.", "Warrick: Or they'll kill him.", "(Warrick's pager beeps. He checks it.)", "Warrick: They found Alicia Perez.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WOODS -- DAY]", "(Alicia Perez is on the ground. There are blood stains on the blanket wrapped around her body. Her face is covered.)", "(Brass stands over the body. Grissom, Catherine and Warrick walk toward the scene.)", "Brass: A tour helicopter spotted her around 4:00 P.M.", "(They put their kits down.)", "Grissom: How many people have walked through the crime scene?", "Brass: Just the responding officers, lug soles, sizes 10 and 11.", "Grissom: We're going to need some time here, Jim.", "Brass: (sighs heavily) Yeah, well, there's no rush now.", "(Warrick kneels down next to the body.)", "Warrick: She's wrapped up pretty tight.", "Grissom: Protecting her against insects and carrion, maybe.", "(Catherine opens the blanket up and away from Alicia's face.)", "Grissom: Somebody, uh, wanted her intact.", "Catherine: Well, her face is covered, that means remorse, guilt ... somebody cared.", "(Catherine notices the mis-aligned buttons on Alicia's blouse.)", "Catherine: She's been re-dressed.", "(She also checks under Alicia's skirt.)", "Catherine: Her panties are missing.", "Grissom: All right. 360-degree grid search. Sometimes rapists like to relive the event. He may have wanted to watch her. So keep the body in view. We're looking for shoe prints, sperm clusters ... anything else you can find.", "(David Phillips walks up to the crime scene.)", "(Cut to and various dissolves of: Catherine and Warrick look around the area.)", "(Warrick finds a shoe print in the dirt. He puts a ruler down and snaps photos of the print.)", "(Grissom takes his glasses off.)", "(David Phillips inserts the meat thermometer to take the body's temperature. After a moment, he checks it.)", "David Phillips: 90 degrees? Given the timeline, it should be higher. That-that can't be right.", "Grissom: Well, today's temp, last night's weather ... may have had something to do with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(David Phillips and Grissom check the body.)", "David Phillips: No signs of sexual assault.", "(Grissom checks Alicia's hands.)", "Grissom: No defensive wounds. No wounds of any kind.", "David Phillips: Were you expecting some?", "(The shutter clicks as Grissom takes a photo.)", "Grissom: Well, she was wrapped in a bloody blanket. Since there's no trauma, maybe the blood belongs to her killer.", "(David rolls her body over.)", "Grissom: Roll her.", "(On Alicia's back there are two long parallel bruising marks.)", "Grissom: (voice softens in surprise) Look at those marks. There was nothing underneath her at the crime scene that, uh, would've made those.", "David Phillips: Well, maybe she was moved. Trunk of car? Tire iron?", "(Grissom takes another picture.)", "Grissom: Yeah, but there's, uh, two impressions, and they're too long to be a lug wrench.", "(Grissom raises the camera to take another picture. He looks down at the body through the camera lens. After a long moment, he puts the camera down without taking the photo. He stares at the body of the dead child. Something about it just affects him.)", "(David turns around and stares at Grissom.)", "(Grissom stares at Alicia. He shakes his head.)", "(Camera holds on Alicia.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Grissom sits in the hallway, his forehead resting on the hand holding his glasses. A door opens and closes.)", "(Catherine walks up to him.)", "Catherine: Have you been to bed?", "(Grissom looks up.)", "Grissom: Yes.", "(Catherine sits down next to him.)", "Catherine: Did you sleep?", "(He doesn't answer her.)", "Catherine: Me neither. She was the same age as Lindsay. She was trying to hitchhike.", "Grissom: Where was she going?", "Catherine: Fremont Street.", "Grissom: Was she buying drugs?", "Catherine: (appalled) No! She's twelve. (She sighs.) She's ... just so angry. She doesn't talk to me.", "Grissom: Well, if enough people knew what was out there hunting them, they'd never leave their house. I think you need to sit her down.", "Catherine: Well, I don't want to scare her. I don't want my daughter to be this ... frightened, paranoid kid who's always looking over her shoulder.", "Grissom: Catherine, there's a big difference between scaring her and preparing her. And all the reasons why you should are in that room.", "(Catherine thinks about it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Dr. Robbins shows Grissom Alicia's x-rays. Grissom points to the white spots on the x-ray.)", "Grissom: What is all this bone scarring?", "Dr. Robbins: I thought you should be interested. Twelve holes exactly made by a large bore needle.", "Grissom: Marrow harvest?", "Robbins: Young Alicia donated bone marrow at least twice. Pretty selfless thing to do once, considering how painful the procedure is.", "Grissom: Let me ask you: What most likely causes shortness of breath, obvious bruising, sudden nosebleeds, petechiae?", "(Quick flashback to: [DANIEL PEREZ] As Grissom remembers, Daniel Perez stands in the doorway. Quick pulses of the bruises on his arms and of Daniel lifting the tissue to his bleeding nose.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: Sounds like acute leukemia, but without immunophenotyping, I couldn't tell you what kind.", "Grissom: Alicia's cause of death?", "Robbins: Cardiopulmonary arrest.", "Grissom: Time of death?", "Robbins: That's a little trickier. No solids in the stomach contents, just a milky liquid. Liver mortis was fixed and deep purple with a vitreous humor potassium level of 20 millimoles per liter with faint putrefaction. So, I'd say she's been dead about... 44 hours between midnight and 8:00 A.M., the day of her kidnapping.", "Grissom: Which means April Perez was lying about the abduction.", "Robbins: Yep. Story's got more holes than her sister's bones.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews April Perez.)", "Brass: I bought it the hell we all bought it. But your sister was already dead when you raised that alarm. Her body told us that. There was no sexual assault. The evidence told us that, too. So you didn't think this through, sweetheart. So what are we left with? A false police report and a murdered little girl. So it's one to four for the Amber Alert. And for your sister, life imprisonment if it's an accident, and the needle if it's not.", "April Perez: I didn't kill Alicia.", "Brass: But you know, I get it. I get the picture. I mean, your brother's the center of attention. He's sick, he's dying. Your cells don't match. Your parents have Alicia. She's his savior. So, where do you fit in? What are you to this family?", "April Perez: I'm invisible.", "Brass: But not anymore you're not. She's dead, and your brother's sick. When he goes ...", "April Perez: That's crazy, okay. I told you, I didn't kill my sister.", "Brass: I want to believe that. Come on. Help me to believe that. It just means you were in on it because you put on one hell of a show. You still using?", "April Perez: No.", "Brass: Maybe we should run your blood just to be sure, huh?", "April Perez: I use now and then to take the edge off.", "Brass: So how do you pay for this habit? Are you pimping your sister for drugs, April?", "April Perez: Why don't you make up your mind? No signs of rape. If I was selling my sister, there would be, wouldn't there?", "Brass: Depends on who you sold it to. You're not gonna talk your way out of this one. You need to get clean.", "April Perez: What I need is a lawyer, which means this conversation is over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Grissom are in the lab going over the medical records.)", "Catherine: Daniel Perez was diagnosed with relapsing acute promyelocytic leukemia or APL when he was ten. It's rare, it's nasty, and it usually hits Hispanics.", "(The whiteboard timeline chart in front of them shows the following:", "DANIEL ALICIA 1-DIAGNOSED APL (red) 2-STEM CELLS FROM ALICIA (red) - BORN CORD BLOOD DONOR (blue)", "Catherine: His sister, Alicia was conceived in vitro to be a genetic match.", "Grissom: Well, it's not unheard of. Have a baby, get the undeveloped stem cells from cord blood. New parents are even storing it now.", "Catherine: But when she was four, they took her blood for a transfusion.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOSPITAL] Alicia complains as they insert the needle for the transfusion.)", "Alicia Perez: (crying) No ... no!", "Sybil Perez: It's all right, it's okay, sweetheart.", "Alicia Perez: No... !!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: At seven, they took her blood to remove stem cells.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOSPITAL] Alicia turns and looks at the large machine next to her whirring.)", "(Various flashes of Alicia in the chair.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Well, Daniel must have relapsed because they took bone marrow twice.", "(He indicates the notations on the whiteboard.", "-- Bone Marrow Recipient (red) - Bone Marrow Donor (blue) -- Bone Marrow Recipient (red) - Bone Marrow Donor (blue)", "(Quick flashback to: [HOSPITAL] Alicia is having Bone Marrow removed. She's on her stomach on the table. The large bore needle is inserted.)", "(Quick CGI POV: The large bore needle pierces through the flesh down to the bone. Close-up of the bone shows the needle digging into the bone for a sample.)", "(Cut to: The physician takes a large syringe sample.)", "(Quick CGI POV of: Camera shows the liquid in the syringe. Close-up of the reddish colored liquid shows the bone fragments.)", "(End of CGI POV. The physician continues with the sampling.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: It takes one to one-and-a-half liters of marrow for a successful harvest.", "Grissom: A living DNA factory.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Mia puts a sample into the blender container and grinds it up. Greg sits at the table watching her. She smiles at him as he watches her, prompting her along, helping her by holding out the next instrument she's going to be using.)", "Mia Dickerson: I don't need help.", "Greg: I know. I'm just trying to make the transition seamless. Forget I'm here.", "(He sits back in his chair as she continues to work.)", "Greg: So would you like to grab a bite later? I know a diner down the street that serves a mean liver and onions.", "Mia Dickerson: I don't eat out.", "Greg: Never ever?", "Mia Dickerson: I don't like expectorant.", "Greg: Really?", "Mia Dickerson: Kitchen staff talk while they prepare your food and then the wait staff repeats your order over the plate, and by the time you get your meal, there are several DNA samples coating it.", "Greg: Wow.", "Mia Dickerson: Yeah. No, thank you.", "(She puts the sample in the machine.)", "Mia Dickerson: I don't eat birthday cake either.", "Greg: Oh, blowing out the candles.", "Mia Dickerson: Ugh. Don't get me started.", "(She turns the machine on.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM / HALLWAY -- EVENING]", "(Sybil Perez sits in the waiting room. She looks up and sees Catherine walking in the hallway. She gets up and exits the waiting room to catch up with Catherine.)", "Sybil Perez: Excuse me.", "(Catherine turns around.)", "Sybil Perez: Um ... what happens to April now?", "Catherine: She is being charged and processed and the court will probably grant her bill.", "Sybil Perez: Do you know how much...?", "Catherine: Why?", "Sybil Perez: She's my daughter.", "Catherine: She's refusing to talk about what happened to your youngest child, Mrs. Perez.", "Sybil Perez: I can't leave her in jail.", "Catherine: I think it might be the best place for her.", "Sybil Perez: (sighs) This is my fault. I ... I was never there for her. I ...", "Catherine: Why don't we step in here, please?", "(They both step back into the waiting room.)", "Sybil Perez: I spent all my energy getting Daniel to the next ... thing -- the next pill, the next treatment, the next remission, hoping that this time ...", "(They both sit down.)", "Catherine: And, uh ... where did Alicia fit in, except for what she could give to your son?", "Sybil Perez: You have no idea what it's like.", "Catherine: I saw her medical records. I looked at her x-rays. I know what that little girl suffered, what you put her through.", "Sybil Perez: So you would let your child die and do nothing. Never. No, you'd talk to doctors and research. And then you'd find out that the national bone marrow registry can't help you 'cause your son is mixed race. And even if he wasn't, there aren't enough donors. Out of four million, only 205,000 are Latino. I did what I had to do.", "Catherine: You put one child over another.", "Sybil Perez: (scoffs) I don't expect you to understand. You don't have kids.", "(Sybil stands up.)", "Catherine: Uh, I have a daughter.", "Sybil Perez: (chuckles wryly) So, what kind of mother are you? When do you see her? You work nights. You probably don't even know where she half the time. Alicia's life may not have been simple, but at least I knew her. Can you say the same?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(Mia's working the lab when Grissom appears in the doorway.)", "Grissom: Where's Greg?", "Mia Dickerson: Helping, uh ... Sara.", "Grissom: I need the tox results for Alicia Perez.", "Mia Dickerson: The report is still pending, but the blood on the mother's t-shirt matches the blood on the blanket. (She hands the results to him.) Belongs to the victim.", "Grissom: Menstrual?", "Mia Dickerson: Negative.", "Grissom: Well, the volume of blood that was found on the blanket suggests injury or some kind of trauma.", "Mia Dickerson: (nods, considers) Nevertheless ...", "(Grissom looks at her doubtfully.)", "Mia Dickerson: I was very thorough.", "Grissom: Run it again, please.", "(He hands the file folder back to her and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Sara and Greg stand at opposite ends of the trace table. On it are two boxes filled with bags of evidence.)", "Sara: Greg, you said you wanted to help out.", "Greg: Well, yeah, with searching April's apartment, maybe finding the bad guy.", "Sara: This counts as field work, you know?", "Greg: Oh, I'm smiling on the inside.", "Sara: Dirty laundry or garbage. (Greg starts to answer, but Sara makes the choice.) You know what? You take the garbage.", "Greg: Thanks.", "(They each grab their box. They place it in front of themselves and open the bags inside.)", "(Sara goes through the clothes' pockets. Greg picks through the garbage.)", "(Greg pulls out a scrunched up piece of paper. It's of a map.)", "Greg: April own a computer?", "Sara: No. Why?", "Greg: Well, she MapQuest the directions to the convenience store from the pedophile's address.", "(Greg hands the paper to Sara.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - MORGUE -- DAY]", "(The doors to the morgue open. Catherine leads Lindsay into the morgue where the bodies are kept.)", "Lindsay Willows: I already told you, mom, I heard you. Can we go now?", "(Catherine leads Lindsay to the storage area.)", "Catherine: No. You need to see for yourself why you can't ever hitchhike or go downtown or be careless with your safety. Are you ready?", "Lindsay Willows: Just do it. I'm not scared.", "(Catherine opens the container door and pulls out the body of the dead woman. It's not a pretty sight.)", "Catherine: (softly) She was waiting for a bus downtown when she was attacked. She's was 23. She was taller and stronger than you, Lindsay. She fought back and didn't win. Someone's gonna have to tell her family. Her parents are gonna have to see her like this. Do you get it now?", "(Lindsay looks at Catherine, then runs out of the morgue. Robbins walks into the morgue.)", "Robbins: Kids don't belong in the coroner's office unless they're in a drawer. You should've found a different way to deal with your daughter's rebellion.", "(He walks up to Catherine as she puts the drawer back.)", "Catherine: Well, with due respect, Doc, this doesn't concern you.", "(Catherine turns to follow her daughter.)", "Robbins: Ever notice how childhood keeps getting shorter and shorter? Whose fault is that?", "Catherine: (whirls around) I honestly don't know!", "(Catherine leaves. Dr. Robbins watches her go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Archie goes over the MapQuest computer information with Sara. He's online at MapQuest.)", "Archie Johnson: We subpoenaed MapQuest -- they store each page on a different server. All queries are saved for 72 hours, then they dump the core.", "Sara: The suspect doesn't have a computer, but she could've gone to the library or used a service.", "Archie Johnson: No, physical location doesn't matter. What we do is a reversal process.", "(Archie runs a reverse internet search.) > Refining Search Parameters:", "SEARCH DATE: 10-5-07", "TIME: 5PM TO 6 AM]", "Archie Johnson: Using the internet protocol number, we can get to the server.", "Sara: Which will ultimately lead to the internet account holder.", "Archie Johnson: Right. We hunt for child pornographers the same way.", "RESULTS 1 OF 7", "IP ADDRESS: 492864.298476.22876.22", "NAME: GEORGA CLEIN", "ADDRESS: 311 SEPHILL RD., LV, NV", "ACCOUNT#: 47462-286-11937-26", "RESULTS 2 OF 7", "IP ADDRESS: 55736.2271.3383.11940", "NAME: JULIA STEELE", "ADDRESS: 2672 W. 6TH ST., LV, NV", "ACCOUN#: 10197-4993-52-006", "RESULTS 3 OF 7", "IP ADDRESS: 474908.8080-28263.10487", "NAME: NINA ELAM", "ADDRESS: 141 N. MEADOWS LN. LV,--", "ACCOUNT#: 47264-20104-6768-F298", "RESULTS 4 OF 7", "IP ADDRESS: 848736.4469.101048.181", "NAME: LEONARD DEAN", "ADDRESS: 517 BOURBON WAY, LV, NV", "ACCOUNT#: HD039-2846-11039-YU393", "Sara: Who does the account belong to?", "(The final results appear on screen.)", "RESULTS 5 OF 7 10/06--", "IP ADDRESS: 21057.38610.3884.1816", "NAME: MABEL HINTON", "ADDRESS: 826 HERRICK LN., LV, NV--", "ACCOUNT#: 389AH-3947-S42762-MH3091", "RESULTS 6 OF 7", "IP ADDRESS: 58563.289464.1010.4846", "NAME: PETER CROFT", "ADDRESS: 25135 KOVAL LN., LV, NV", "ACCOUNT#: PC3947-22946-0049827-AD9367", "RESULTS 7 OF 7", "IP ADDRESS: 48763.20947.4829.1-09", "NAME: SYBIL PEREZ", "ADDRESS: 493 PYRAMID WAY", "SUMMERLIN, NV 89129", "ACCOUNT#: SP3947-54059-AK039-1044", "Archie Johnson: Sybil Perez.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PEREZ RESIDENCE - FRONT PORCH -- DAY]", "(Brass knocks on the front door. The door opens.)", "Brass: Mr. and Mrs. Perez...", "(Brass holds up the warrant.)", "Carlos Perez: What's going on?", "Brass: I'll tell you on the way to the police station - where's your son?", "Sybil Perez: He's at church. Why?", "Brass: Let's go.", "(Sybil and Carlos Perez step out of the house past Warrick, Sara and Grisosm who head inside.)", "VARIOUS CUTS OF:", "[INT. PEREZ RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara stands in front of the open laptop on the dining room table holding the camera in her hands.)", "(She snaps a photo of the laptop.)", "(Sara opens the cabinet and finds dozens of prescription containers. She snaps a couple of photos of the shelf. She turns and snaps a photo of the whiteboard calendar logging the medication schedule.)", "(She looks at a prescription bottle label.)", "SKADDEN'S PHARMACY", "493 BRIARWAY --", "DANIEL PEREZ", "PHONE NO: 555-0187", "-- FOR PAIN AS NEEDED", "OXYCODONE", "EXPIRES: 12/04/03", "REFILLS: 3", "USE BY: 12/31/0--", "(She looks at a second bottle's label.)", "SKADDEN'S PHARMACY", "493 BRIARWAY --", "ALICIA PEREZ", "PHONE NO: 555-0187 L.P--", "-- TAKE ONE AT BED TIME", "DIAZEPAM", "EXPIRES: --/02/05", "REFILLS: --", "USE BY: 12/31/05", "(Cut to: Warrick looks at the sole of the father's workboots. He sees a shoe print that's familiar.)", "(Quick flash to: [CRIME SCENE] Close-up of the shoe print Warrick found in the sand.)", "(Cut to: Warrick places the ruler down on the ground next to the shoe print.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Warrick reaches down for his kit.)", "[EXT. PEREZ RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE - DAY]", "(Nick is out by the Perez' car. He's looking at the back trunk and looks at the various items.)", "[INT. PEREZ RESIDENCE - BED ROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick walks into the bedroom and looks around. He finds the bloody handkerchief on the night stand. He picks it up and puts his kit down. As he kneels next to the bed, he finds some blue fibers on the bedsheet.)", "(He picks it up and looks at it.)", "(Quick flashes of: [WOODS] Various flashes of Alicia Perez's body and the blanket wrapped around her.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Sara walks into the bedroom.)", "Sara: Daniel Perez is taking oxycodone for pain, and Alicia was on diazepam.", "(Sara looks a the prescription bottles.)", "Warrick: Diazepam? That's a pretty hard-core antidepressant for a kid that small.", "Sara: I guess they didn't want her complaining while they were mining her body for healthy cells.", "Warrick: You think they didn't care about her?", "Sara: I don't know.", "Warrick: Well, it must've been hard, trying to keep their son alive, keep the family together. Couldn't have been easy.", "Sara: It wasn't for Alicia.", "(Warrick looks at Sara.)", "Sara: Did you find anything?", "Warrick: (sighs) Yeah. Blue fibers.", "[EXT. PEREZ RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE - DAY]", "(Sara and Warrick step out of the house and see Nick on the Front Drive. Nick has a tripod set up just outside the car.)", "Warrick: I take it you qualified at the range.", "Nick: You take it right.", "Warrick: What'd you shoot?", "Nick: 260 out of 300. 225's passing, which, I believe, was your high score.", "(Warrick chuckles.)", "Warrick: Where are you doing?", "Nick: Well, this is dad's car. You ever see those guys out in the street, with the scope, measuring distances? Always thought they were nuts for standing out in traffic, but ...", "(Nick closes the tripod and shows them the leg rods together.)", "Nick: Look familiar?", "(Quick flashback to: [FORENSIC AUTOPSY] The long double parallel marks down Alicia's back. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Looks like the lividity marks on Alicia's body.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass interviews Carlos Perez.)", "Brass: I don't get you, man. I mean, even if you could explain it, I would never understand how you could stuff your daughter in the trunk of your car and dump her body in the woods!", "Carlos Perez: I had to protect my family.", "Brass: Wasn't Alicia part of your family? You're her father, you dumb b*st*rd! You're supposed to protect her. What kind of man are you?", "Carlos Perez: Guilty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM B - DAY]", "(Brass interviews Sybil Perez.)", "Brass: You know, we got enough evidence to charge you with premeditated murder.", "Sybil Perez: You don't have any proof I killed my daughter.", "Brass: You helped your husband move the body. You know, I really don't see him taking her underpants off, so that job was left to you. Then you or your daughter, April, checked the s*x offenders' registry, and you tried to frame an innocent man.", "Sybil Perez: (scoffs) Innocent? You trying to make me believe you really give a damn about a pedophile? Please.", "Brass: Forget about that; this is about you. You're the tough one. You run the house. You run the family. People do what you say in a crisis.", "Sybil Perez: So?", "Brass: So this time Alicia said no. She wanted to keep her kidney, and that pissed you off. So you killed her.", "Sybil Perez: That's ridiculous.", "Brass: She was angry -- she wanted to play on the soccer team, she wanted a life.", "Sybil Perez: Alicia got angry, sometimes. Just sick of it. We all did. But she'd have been devastated if Daniel had died and she did nothing to prevent it. She loved her brother.", "Brass: And you're just the type of woman that would never let her forget it. Come on, Alicia wanted out of this game, and you couldn't let that happen. Not to Daniel, not to your only son, your favorite child.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. PEREZ RESIDENCE - KITCHEN] Sybil takes some Oxycodone and grinds it in a mortar.)", "Brass: (V.O.) You slipped Alicia some of Daniel's oxycodone.", "(She puts the ground-up pills in a glass and pours some milk in it.)", "Sybil Perez: Alicia? Time for your pills.", "(She gives Alicia her pills with the milk. Alicia drinks the milk.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Brass: So now you got a problem -- you had a dead body in the house and no plausible explanation. What are you gonna do? So you call your daughter April. You make up a story, you play your roles, and put on a show.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] April and Carlos carry Alicia wrapped in a blanket out from the house and into the back of Carlos' car.)", "Sybil Perez: Wait. We have to do this right.", "(Sybil removes Alicia's panties.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Brass: Oh, you know, I-I thought the, uh, the slap was a nice touch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Warrick finds Grissom in the hallway. He hands him the results.)", "Warrick: I have a confirmation. Those blue fibers are consistent with the blanket that the girl was wrapped in. And the shoe prints that I found at the scene, they're a match to the father's work boots.", "(Greg walks up to Grissom and Warrick.)", "Greg: I re-tested the t-shirt and the blanket. The blood still matches Alicia Perez. The evidence supports this ... unless you'd like to second-guess that also.", "(Warrick's eyes widen. He quietly steps away from the two.)", "Grissom: I just expect things to be done correctly, Greg.", "Greg: (carefully) We all have to learn how to accept change. Mia's doing a great job. It would be nice if someone other than me said so.", "Grissom: You're right. What about the handkerchief?", "Greg: I compared that to the other blood evidence. It's also match to the victim.", "(Grissom realizes what it means.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CHURCH -- DAY]", "(Grissom walks down the aisle toward the front of the church where Daniel Perez sits. Grissom sits in the pew behind Daniel.)", "Daniel Perez: I didn't realize until ... today ... how lucky I am. I know pretty much ... how and when I'm gonna die. Most people don't. It's what they're afraid of.", "Grissom: Was your sister afraid?", "(Daniel turns to look at Grissom.)", "Daniel Perez: Never.", "(He looks back at the front of the church.)", "Daniel Perez: I'm 11 years older than her, and she took care of me. She was my best friend, and I miss her.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOSPITAL] Daniel is on the bed hooked up to the machine. Next to him, Alicia holds his hand.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Daniel Perez: As much pain as ... I caused her ... and she wouldn't give up, and she ... she wouldn't let me, either. That's why ... during the last relapse, I made my parents swear that it was the very last time.", "Grissom: But then your kidneys failed, and they broke their word, huh?", "Daniel Perez: They told me they ... swore not to fight the cancer, so this didn't count. I wasn't gonna lose this fight.", "(Quick flashback to: [DANIEL] He pours the ground up Oxycodone into Alicia's milk. He gives the milk to Alicia.)", "Daniel Perez: (o.s.) Here you go. Makes it better.", "(Alicia drinks it.)", "(Cut to: Alicia drops the empty milk glass.)", "Sybil Perez: (V.O.) Oh my god! Please...", "(Sybil and Carlos finds Alicia dead.)", "Carlos Perez: We have to call the police.", "Sybil Perez: They'll put him in prison.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Daniel Perez: I couldn't watch her suffer anymore.", "Grissom: This wasn't a mercy killing, Daniel. This was an execution. Bone marrow, transfusions ... that's her blood in your veins.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOSPITAL] Daniel's on the bed receiving a transfusion.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: It dripped out of your nose onto the blanket while you were killing her. If you cared so much for Alicia, why didn't you take your own life instead of hers?", "Daniel Perez: Suicide isn't an option. It's an unforgivable sin in the eyes of God.", "Grissom: But you believe your God forgives murder? If that's your defense, it won't keep you out of jail.", "(Daniel turns around to look at Grissom. His cheeks are stained with tears.)", "Daniel Perez: (crying) But my death will. See, I've got about six more months. I'll be dead before there's even a trial.", "(Daniel stands up.)", "Daniel Perez: I-I do want to thank you, though.", "Grissom: For what?", "Daniel Perez: For speaking for Alicia. You're probably the first person in her life to think only of her. You know, you may not believe in God, sir, but you do his work.", "(Daniel nods and leaves. He walks up to the officer who handcuffs him.)", "(Grissom remains behind in the pew. He looks up at the statue of Jesus on the wall with his arms outstretched.)", "(Camera holds on Grissom.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "When two apparently unrelated women die under the same circumstances, Catherine and Nick discover that both women underwent various cosmetic procedures at a local spa. Meanwhile, Grissom, Sara and Greg investigate when a man is found dead in a house fumigated for termites ." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY SCENES (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(Sirens wail in the distance.)", "[DR. ROBBINS]", "(Dr. Robbins is wearing a biohazard suit and breathing heavily through a respirator. He's sealed up tightly.)", "[INT. HOTEL - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(He makes his way through the hallway and slowly approaches the hotel room.)", "Det. Vartann: (to phone) (o.s.) I've already been exposed. It's too late. Get a list of all the countries she's visited in the past thirty days.", "(Dr. Robbins turns into the hotel room. Det. Vartann is standing in the doorway and is on the phone.)", "Det. Vartann: (to phone) Yeah, her passport.", "(Dr. Robbins walks in through the hotel room and finds the distraught housekeeper talking with an Officer.)", "Det. Vartann: (to phone) Try the State Department.", "Housekeeper: (crying) My husband, please. Yeah. I have to tell my husband! Oh, please. Call my husband!", "(Dr. Robbins walks into the bedroom where he meets up with David Phillips. He appears very nervous. He stands next to the bed holding his usual clipboard.)", "(Dr. Robbins leans forward and examines the red, spotted lesions on the dead woman's arms.)", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. HOTEL LOBBY -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine shows her ID to the officer at the outer hotel door. He opens the lobby door for her and she walks in, again flashing her ID to the next officer standing on the inside.)", "(The building lobby is very crowded. It's as if everyone was evacuated out of their room and down to the lobby.)", "Officer: (o.s.) No, absolutely not, sir. You need to step aside.", "(Catherine walks up to the officer standing guard over the crime scene tape.)", "Officer: Ma'am, I'm sorry, but you can't go up.", "(She shows him her ID.)", "Catherine: Catherine Willows, Crime Lab.", "Officer: I know who you are, but hotel rooms are under quarantine. No one goes up, no one goes down.", "Catherine: Quarantine?", "[INT. HOTEL - ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Dr. Robbins examines the body. He holds out his hand.)", "Robbins: Come on. Nasal Spec.", "(David Phillips digs into his bag for the instrument. He finds it and hands it to Dr. Robbins.)", "(Dr. Robbins examines the woman's nose and finds it clean and clear. David looks at Dr. Robbins anxiously. Dr. Robbins checks the dead woman's eyes. They too are clear.)", "Robbins: It's okay, David.", "(David helps Dr. Robbins take off his biohazard mask. Dr. Robbins removes his respirator.)", "Robbins: (louder) False alarm. We're clear.", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. HOTEL - HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(Catherine makes her way to the hotel room. As she gets closer, the distraught, crying housekeeper is escorted out of the room by an officer.)", "(Catherine walks into the room.)", "[INT. HOTEL - ROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(She looks around. She turns the corner toward the bedroom and sees Det. Vartann.)", "Det. Vartann: Hey.", "Catherine: Hi.", "Det. Vartann: (motions) Go on in.", "(On the bed, she sees the dead woman's body. Robbins and David are both near the bed. Det. Vartann steps into the room behind Catherine.)", "Catherine: Someone want to fill me in here?", "Robbins: David assessed a potentially infectious agent, and per protocol, he remained at the site and called it in.", "David Phillips: Her-her red blotches are consistent with CDC photos of ebola.", "Robbins: You did the right thing.", "Catherine: (nods) So what are we looking at?", "Det. Vartann: Um, 419, suspicious circs. Uh, honestly, I have no idea.", "[BEDSIDE MIRROR]", "(Through the mirror's reflection, we see Catherine turn and look around.)", "Catherine: Okay, it's my turn now. Clear the scene.", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Robbins uses his glasses and looks at the burns on the Julie Stern's arm.)", "(Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: Sorry I'm late. I was processing the scene. Nothing probative.", "Robbins: There are forty-two distinct laser burns on Julie Stern's body.", "Catherine: Lasers?", "Robbins: Lasers cauterize the skin as they destroy tissue. Lack of blood and scabbing confirms their use, so best guess would be she recently underwent a cosmetic procedure.", "(Quick flashback to: Julie Stern sits under the light and gets laser treatments.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: That's consistent with the hotel manager's statement. Said the vic had booked into the Safari Suite.", "Robbins: Please tell me that has nothing to do with hunting wild game.", "Catherine: Women who ... don't want their friends to know that they're freshening up will check into the suite while they heal.", "Robbins: Well, five-star hotel's got to be cheaper than a hospital stay.", "Catherine: So, could complications from this procedure have resulted in her death?", "Robbins: No. Histamine levels are normal. There's no post-op infection. But look at her fingernails.", "(He picks up her hand and shows the lines on the nails.", "Catherine: Mees lines; indicative of heavy metal poisoning.", "Robbins: I sent blood and hair samples to tox.", "Catherine: Anything else?", "Robbins: I'm not sure if it's probative, but I found ten cc's of urine in her stomach. Digestive system's intact. There are no bruises or abrasions in her mouth, so there's only one way it could have gotten there.", "Catherine: Chugalug.", "Robbins: Mm-hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BECKMAN RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE -- DAY]", "(Officers and other personnel gather outside the tented house. Grissom parks the SUV out on the street front. He, Greg and Sara exit the car.)", "(They meet up with Brass who fills them in.)", "Brass: (consulting his notebook) Okay. So two days ago the residence was tented for termites. This morning, the bug guys came to clear the house. They found the homeowner exterminated.", "(They make their way under the crime scene tape toward the front house entrance.)", "Brass: He's ID'd as Elliot Beckman, 42, lived alone. Body's in the family room.", "Grissom: Who's been inside?", "Brass: Just the exterminators and the paramedics who pronounced. They entered and exited through the front door. Good luck.", "(Brass turns and leaves as Grissom, Greg and Sara walk into the tented house.)", "[INT. BECKMAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(Grissom opens the front door. He turns on his flashlight and sees the dead insects on the floor.)", "Grissom: Exterminators use sulfuryl flouride. It kills the bugs and then evaporates. Agro scientists call it the \"safety\" fumigant.", "Sara: You know, I'm sure he would disagree.", "(They approach the dead body, face down on the floor.)", "(Sara and Grissom are nearest the body. Greg steps on a dead insect. The crunching sound is loud in the house. He kneels in front of something.)", "Greg: Eyeglasses on the floor.", "(Near the eyeglasses he finds a pool of throw-up.)", "Greg: Got vomit?", "(Quick flash to: [INT. BECKMAN RESIDENCE] The house fills with gas. Elliot Beckman is on his hands and knees crawling, gasping and coughing. He throws-up on the floor.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Greg stands up and continues to look around the house. Sara opens her kit.)", "[INT. NEXT ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Greg looks around in the other room and finds a blue feather on the desk and a cluster of blue feathers on the floor. He heads back into the living room.)", "[INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "Greg: What flies when they're on and floats when they're off?", "Grissom: Feathers.", "Greg: Long and blue. I'll bag 'em.", "(Sara takes photos of the body.)", "Sara: His cheek is bruised.", "Grissom: What was he doing in here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BECKMAN RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE - DAY]", "(Brass interviews Ted Martin and Nate Allen.)", "Ted Martin: Per the R&R's, we conducted a thorough walk-through before releasing the gas. No plants, people or animals were left behind.", "Brass: All right, so you released the gas, then what?", "Ted Martin: I took off.", "Nate Allen: Can't stick around baby-sitting houses, you know?", "Brass: Once you left the house, could Beckman have snuck back in in any way?", "Ted Martin: Yeah, if he had a death wish. The house is toxic for the first twelve hours.", "Nate Allen: Mm-hmm. Not to mention it gets wrapped up tighter than a Christmas present.", "Brass: You know tented houses -- they're prime targets for burglars.", "Ted Martin: But, we, uh, secure these on the outside of every doorknob. Clamshell locks. Nobody gets inside.", "Brass: Yeah, says you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick and Catherine interviews Dr. Tony Malaga, the plastic surgeon. He returns the morgue photo back to them.)", "Dr. Tony Malaga: Yes, Ms. Stern was in my care.", "Catherine: And when was the last time you saw her, Dr. Malaga?", "(He reviews his file.)", "Dr. Tony Malaga: Uh, I ablated her liver spots three days ago. Checked on her yesterday at the Mediterranean. I applied post-op ointment to prevent scabbing and infection.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOTEL ROOM] Dr. Malaga uses a swab and treats Julie Stern.)", "Dr. Tony Malaga: (V.O.) She seemed, uh ... in good spirits.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(He smiles at Catherine.)", "Nick: From the marks, it looks like you lasered over forty spots. In one session?", "Dr. Tony Malaga: (to Catherine) Well, post op, the patient's skin is very red and raw. It's really quite ugly, to be blunt. Most patients prefer to minimize the amount of time they spend in recovery.", "Catherine: So you supersized the procedure. You did it all in one sitting?", "Dr. Tony Malaga: It's perfectly safe.", "Nick: We'll need a copy of her medical records.", "(Nick stares at Dr. Malaga. He turns to glance at Nick, but answers the question to Catherine.)", "Dr. Tony Malaga: Oh, I'm sorry, but her file contains medical history of the family. I would be breaching doctor-patient confidentiality if I let you have that.", "(Again, he smiles at Catherine. Catherine carefully brushes the hair away from her face and tentatively smiles back.)", "Nick: Hey, uh, do you have a problem with me, doctor?", "Dr. Tony Malaga: Excuse me?", "Nick: Well, there are two of us here and you're only addressing my colleague, so...", "Dr. Tony Malaga: Well, she's a very beautiful woman. You have Venus de Milo aesthetics.", "Catherine: We'll be getting a court order for Ms. Stern's records.", "Dr. Tony Malaga: I'd appreciate that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BECKMAN RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Sara examines the outside of the tented house. She snaps photos of the tent and of the clips holding the tent sides together.)", "(She steps around the house and we see Greg also photographing the side of the house.)", "Greg: Sara.", "(Sara takes a photo and walks over to Greg.)", "Greg: Looks like someone tampered with the tent.", "(He pushes the tent aside to reveal a partially opened window.)", "Greg: Window's open.", "Sara: Well, exterminators leave some windows open to help circulate the gas. This could have been the victim's way in.", "(Quick flashback to: Beckman pushes the window open. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Once inside, he was overcome by the fumes.", "(Quick flashback to: The gas pump starts. Camera quick zooms following the hose from the pump truck, across the front lawn and to the inside of the house.)", "(Beckman is inside the house as it begins to fill with gas. He coughs and crawls toward the door. He collapses.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Greg: He must be an idiot to go inside a tented house.", "Sara: Maybe he forgot something. Figured the gas had dissipated.", "Greg: Well, assuming you're right, and he went in and never left, shouldn't the window be open wider?", "(Sara looks at the window and tries to open it. It doesn't catch and slides back down.)", "Sara: It's old. The rope has snapped.", "Greg: Okay. Now, Mr. Beckman never came out of the house. Why is there a trail of sand leading away from it and straight to the neighbor's house?", "(Greg holds up the crime scene tape for Sara and they both head for the neighbor's house.)", "Sara: That's a good question.", "(Sara and Greg walk over and knock on the neighbor's back door.)", "[INT. KENDELL RESIDENCE - BACK DOOR - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(The neighbor is coughing as he answers the back door.)", "Rory Kendell: Can I help you?", "Sara: Yeah, we're with the crime lab. We're investigating the death of your neighbor next door.", "Rory Kendell: Elliot? What happened?", "Sara: That's what we're trying to figure out.", "(He coughs.)", "Greg: Have you been in his house recently?", "Rory Kendell: Look, man, I've been laid up for the past two days puking my guts out. I haven't left my place.", "Sara: Do you live alone, Mr ... ?", "Rory Kendell: Rory Kendell. My wife bailed a few months ago.", "Greg: Rory, have you felt dizzy or disoriented?", "Rory Kendell: How would you know?", "Sara: We're going to need a urine sample.", "Rory Kendell: Why?", "Greg: You may be suffering from sulfuryl fluoride gas poisoning. Urination's the only way for the poison to get out.", "Rory Kendell: I got the flu.", "Sara: If that's true, then your urine will be sulfuryl-flouride free.", "Greg: But if you're lying, \"you're in\" big trouble.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick is in the lab when Catherine walks in.)", "Nick: What do Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden and our victim all have in common?", "(He hands her the file. Catherine looks through it.)", "Catherine: Heavy metal.", "Nick: Arsenic in her system, poisoning was chronic.", "Catherine: Looks like it began approximately three months ago.", "Nick: Techs collected the ingestibles found at her home. None were contaminated.", "Catherine: Can tox confirm that arsenic poisoning was the cause of death?", "Nick: Not yet. Until the quants come back, we won't know if the concentration was lethal.", "Catherine: In poisoning cases, the killer's usually a relative.", "Nick: Right. Someone with access to the victim.", "Catherine: (reading through file) Next-of-kin is an only child, a son. Who has a vineyard in Pahrump.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine and Nick interview Kevin Stern, Julie Stern's son.)", "Kevin Stern: You sent a cop all the way to Pahrump to bring me in. What couldn't we discuss on the phone?", "Nick: When's the last time you saw your mother?", "Kevin Stern: It was about three months ago. She came to my vineyard for a visit.", "Nick: How'd that go?", "Kevin Stern: She left early. Said she felt sick.", "Catherine: But you didn't think so.", "Kevin Stern: Mom was uncomfortable around my four-year-old.", "Nick: Why's that?", "Kevin Stern: He made her feel old.", "(Nick looks away and nods.)", "Catherine: \"Grandma\" was a dirty word.", "Kevin Stern: She could hardly look at him. It's nice, huh?", "Nick: Mr. Stern, I also did a background check and you recently maxed out three credit cards.", "Kevin Stern: My vines contracted black rot last spring. It's an expensive problem. Why are you checking my credit?", "Nick: You're weren't worried about paying off your debt, were you?", "Kevin Stern: What the hell are you implying?", "Catherine: You're about to come into some money.", "Kevin Stern: When my dad died, he left my mother boatloads of cash. On her last visit, I asked her for a loan.", "Catherine: Let me guess -- she turned you down.", "Kevin Stern: She'd spend thousands on designer clothes, jewelry, plastic surgery ... but wouldn't lend me a dime.", "Nick: Do you use pesticides on your grapevines?", "Kevin Stern: Yeah. Organic's a fad.", "Nick: We're going to need a sample of that.", "Kevin Stern: Whatever. (He stands up ready to leave.) We done?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the autopsy findings with Sara.)", "Robbins: This one's easy -- he drowned.", "Sara: What?", "(Camera zooms down toward the victim's mouth.)", "(Quick CGI POV to: Inside the victim's mouth, the camera follows the path of the gas down through the victim's trachea and into the lungs.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) The termite fumigant entered his bronchioles causing his lungs to fill with fluid.", "(The lungs fill with fluid.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: COD is pulmonary edema and respiratory arrest.", "Sara: Just like a drowning victim. Doc, tell me about the bruise on his cheek.", "(Camera zooms in for a close-up of the bruise on the victim's cheek.)", "ROBBINS; Zygoma's fractured. (He points.) Check the x-ray. Given the force needed to cause this type of damage, the injury's more consistent with inflicted blunt force trauma than a simple fall, if that's what you're asking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Catherine goes over the lab results with the technician Travis Watson.)", "Catherine: (reading) Arsenic is the active ingredient in the vineyard pesticide, but you're ruling it out as the source of the poisoning?", "Travis Watson: The pesticide is a copper-arsenate mix. It's chemically different than the arsenic ingested by Ms. Stern. And, FYI, that pesticide was outlawed by the EPA years ago. This guy is poisoning the soil.", "Catherine: So he's not a killer, he's a polluter.", "Travis Watson: He should still be arrested, if you ask me. People are saying that you found urine in the vic's stomach.", "Catherine: Not sure if it's hinky or kinky.", "Travis Watson: (laughs) When I used to play ball for the Stars, we would pee on our palms during spring training to toughen them up, you know.", "Catherine: Remind me never to shake your hand.", "(Catherine turns to leave.)", "Travis Watson: I'll put on a glove first.", "Catherine: (smiles) That's always a good idea.", "(Travis chuckles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Sara is at the computer running a search through the database when Greg walks in.)", "Greg: Just came from tox. Rory Kendell's urine analysis is still pending. I know we're not supposed to get ahead of the evidence here, but if he's not guilty ...", "(Sara picks up the print lifts and interrupts Greg.)", "Sara: I lifted several prints off the clamps you found by the open window. I AFIS-matched them to a neighbor. The guy's on file for a D&D in '82.", "Greg: It's Rory, right.", "Sara: No. Zach Alfano.", "Greg: Who?", "(Greg turns around to look at the computer screen.)", "Sara: He's the neighbor on the other side. I called his house. His daughter said he was picked up in an ambulance two days ago. Apparently, he was vomiting, he couldn't breathe, he passed out. Brass is taking a statement.", "(She puts Zach Alfano's photo up on the screen.)", "Sara: He's still in the hospital.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - ZACH ALFANO'S ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews Zach Alfano.)", "Brass: So why didn't you contact the police?", "Zach Alfano: (hoarsely) I had... (He clears his throat.) I had a tube down my throat till a half hour ago.", "Brass: All right, let me get this straight -- so you came in from a run and then what happened?", "Zach Alfano: I heard screaming from inside the house.", "(Quick flashback to: Zach Alfano runs past the house on his way to his house. He hears a voice calling out from inside the tented house.)", "Elliot Beckman: (o.s.) Someone help me!", "(Zach crawls into the house through the window.)", "Zach Alfano: (V.O.) ... by the time I got to Beckman, he'd already passed out.", "(Zach tries to drag the body across the room.)", "Zach Alfano: (V.O.) ... I started to choke on the gas, so I got out of there.", "(Zach gets out of the house without Mr. Beckman.)", "Zach Alfano: (V.O.) ... Ran to my neighbor's house, Rory Kendell's, for help.", "(He runs over to the Kendell's house and rings the doorbell. Next to the side of the house, he throws up into the bushes.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Zach Alfano: I remember my daughter calling 911. Next thing I know ... I'm here.", "(He coughs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. KENDELL RESIDENCE - FRONT PORCH - DAY]", "(Greg fingerprints the front door. He tape lifts a print off the doorbell.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BECKMAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara stands in the center of the living room looking at the rug on the floor.)", "(Greg walks in and reports.)", "Greg: The print on the doorbell is a match to Zach, and I found vomit in the bushes. Both support his account. Sara?", "Sara: We missed something.", "Greg: What?", "Sara: The directionality of the floor rug. The center of the rug is pointing towards the side window.", "(She looks back at the window.)", "(Quick flashback to: As Zach pulls Beckman, the rug is scrunched up.)", "Sara: (V.O.) Also confirms Zach Alfano's story.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: We're back to Rory Kendell. If he didn't leave the house for two days, how come he didn't answer the door when Zach Alfano rang the bell?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara and Brass interview Rory Kendell.)", "Rory Kendell: I was sick. I figured it was some girl scout selling cookies.", "Sara: We got back the results of your urine analysis. There was sulfuryl fluoride in your system. You were at Elliot's house.", "Rory Kendell: No.", "(Sara sits down.)", "Sara: Here's a thought -- after the exterminators left, you met up with Elliot. You had a fight, you knocked him out, and you dragged him into the house through the side window.", "Brass: You figured the fumigation would cover your tracks, that we'd chalk it up to an accident.", "Rory Kendell: Why would I want to kill Elliot?", "Brass: You've had five noise complaints against him last year.", "Rory Kendell: That's hardly reason to kill somebody.", "Brass: Or is it a reason to commit assault? He filed charges against you last May.", "Rory Kendell: I knocked on his door, and I asked him to turn down that classical crap. He refused. I overreacted. I apologized. Charges were dropped. (He looks at them.) I swear.", "Brass: Save the swearing for trial. You're under arrest.", "(He starts coughing.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Renita Loakes' body is on the morgue table.)", "Dr. Robbins: (V.O.) Renita Loakes, 38, from Seven Hills. New case.", "(Robbins picks up the knife.)", "Dr. Robbins: (V.O.) Started as a routine autopsy.", "(He starts to make the Y incision as we get an extremely good look of the knife cutting through the skin.)", "Dr. Robbins: (V.O.) She was shopping at the Venetian, keeled over at Lacoste. Physically, she was in excellent condition, ...", "(Dissolve to: Top view down of Robbins pulling out the cut torso piece. He touches the squishy organs with the tip of his finger.)", "Dr. Robbins: (V.O.) ... so I figured spontaneous aortic dissection or maybe pulmonary embolism.", "(End of voice over. Resume to present.)", "Dr. Robbins: Then I noticed mees lines.", "(Catherine leans forward and looks at the victim's hands. Close-up of her fingernails.)", "Catherine: Ah ... just like Julie Stern.", "(Flashback to Voice over of the autopsy exam: Robbins continues his autopsy. Close-up of a \"Toluidine Blue\" bottle.)", "(Robbins picks up the bottle and starts to paint the victim's face Toluidine Blue. Several dissolves and Robbins finishes.)", "Dr. Robbins: (V.O.) I spotted the tiny pinpricks on her face, so I painted her with toluidine blue to highlight the marks.", "(End of voice over. Resume to present.)", "(Robbins hands a drawing of the marks on the face to Catherine for her and Nick to look over.)", "Robbins: Have a look at this.", "(He hands Catherine a magnifying glass.)", "Robbins: Now check out Renita's face.", "(Camera zooms in for a close-up of the marks on the face. She compares it to the drawing.)", "Catherine: An exact match.", "Robbins: It's an acupuncture facial designed to reduce the signs of aging.", "(Flashback to Voice over of the autopsy exam: Robbins digs out the victim's stomach to get its contents.)", "Dr. Robbins: (V.O.) For only the second time in my career, in the space of two days, I found urine in the decedent's stomach.", "(End of voice over. Resume to present.)", "Nick: (nods) That's more than a coincidence.", "Catherine: Two women, both fighting the toll of time, die prematurely. Why?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LOAKES' APARTMENT -- DAY]", "(The front door opens.)", "Officer: This is Renita's apartment.", "Nick: Thanks.", "Officer: You bet.", "(The Officer closes the door behind them. Nick and Catherine walk into the apartment. Nick flicks the light on.)", "Nick: Dr. Robbins did say Renita was in good shape.", "(He notices the gym equipment and calls Catherine's attention to it.)", "(Catherine notes the bottles on the table. She puts her kit down to look at the them.)", "(Nick takes photos of the books on the table: STOP AGING NOW!, THE SOUTH BEACH DIET, TAI CHI and THE HAMPTON'S DIET.)", "(Catherine finds Renita's diary on the table.)", "Catherine: \"Supplement diary.\" (reads) \"Daily youth regimen: Coenzyme q-10-- 50 mg; bee pollen-- 500 mg; ...", "(Nick puts the book down and walks over to Catherine.)", "Catherine: ... grape seed-- 200 mg; deer antler drops; chinese mountain ant extract; tincture of wild reishi.\" And that's just for breakfast.", "Nick: How'd she have room for pancakes?", "(Nick picks up a bottle.)", "Nick: Do you think these supplements really do any good?", "Catherine: Why are you asking me?", "Nick: I'm just asking a question, Catherine.", "(Catherine closes the journal and puts it aside.)", "Catherine: Scientifically, there's not a whole lot of evidence.", "(She walks over to the vanity table and looks at its contents. In the background, Nick snaps photos.)", "(Catherine picks up the tube of StriViactin-SD lotion. Under the price tag reads $135. She puts it down and picks up the small container of facial crème. The price tag reads $145.)", "(Nick walks up to her.)", "Nick: More lotions and potions.", "Catherine: You gonna ask me if this stuff works, too?", "Nick: No. I'm gonna process the bathroom.", "(Nick heads for the bathroom. Catherine continues to survey the vanity table. In front of the photo of Renita Loakes, she picks up a small bottle and looks at it.)", "[INT. LOAKES' APARTMENT - BATHROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick walks into the bathroom and sees a wine glass on the sink counter next to the toilet. On the bowl, there is a stainless steel pan. Nick snaps photos of the toilet.)", "Nick: Hey, Catherine.", "Catherine: (o.s.) Yeah?", "(He snaps a photo of the wine glass.)", "Nick: You might want to come take a look at this.", "(Nick picks up the wine glass and sniffs at it.)", "(Catherine walks into the bathroom. She sees the bedpan on the toilet.)", "Nick: Urine in the bedpan and in the glass.", "(Quick flashback to: [BATHROOM] Renita Loakes empties the urine from the bedpan into the wine glass. She drinks it down. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Nick looks at the wine glass.)", "Nick: She liked it fresh.", "(Catherine looks horrified.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg goes through the database looking for a match to the blue feather. Sara walks in.)", "Sara: How's it going?", "Greg: Ornithological database just ID'd the feathers I collected at the crime scene. (He hands the evidence bag with the feathers to Sara.) Hyacinth macaw. So how come you and Brass didn't involve me in the interrogation?", "Sara: Greg, you still have the solo to complete, and, technically, you're still a trainee, but you're doing a great job.", "Greg: Thanks.", "(Sara turns and leaves. Greg goes back to the computer.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Grissom is mixing up a concoction when Sara walks in.)", "Sara: What are you doing with potassium nitrate?", "Grissom: I'm making a bomb. Two bombs actually.", "(He takes a scoop of sugar out of the sugar bag.)", "Sara: And sugar. You're making sweet bombs?", "Grissom: I'm making smoke bombs.", "[INT. BECKMAN'S RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "Grissom: Ready?", "(Grissom and Sara pull down their face masks. They kneel down in front of two canisters.)", "Grissom: One, two, three.", "(They each uncover the canisters and the room starts to fill with a white smoke.)", "(Various dissolves of the white smoke filling up the room as they wait. Sara and Grissom walk around the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BECKMAN'S FRONT YARD TO KENDELL'S BACK YARD - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Greg stands in the bedroom at the back of the house looking around for something. He passes the hallway and sees white smoke leaking out from under the closet door.)", "(The fire alarm rings. Greg opens the closet and finds white smoke leaking into the house from an opening at the bottom of the closet.)", "Greg: (to phone) Grissom. We got smoke. Coming from an uncapped electrical conduit.", "(Camera zooms into the uncapped electrical conduit and follows the wires into Beckman's house.)", "[INT. BECKMAN'S RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "Sara: Hey, I found it!", "(Sara finds the opposite opening in the wall. She turns around to report to Grissom as he walks into the living room.)", "Sara: It's right behind the speaker. Music traveled through the conduit directly into Rory's house. No wonder he was so pissed off.", "Grissom: At one time, both houses must've been connected to the same electrical meter.", "Sara: A single property. How did you figure that?", "Grissom: We found fumigant in Rory Kendell's urine. But he claimed he was never in the victim's house.", "Sara: So you devised the experiment to prove he was lying?", "Grissom: Exactly. But, he was telling the truth.", "Sara: So now what?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. -- DAY", "(Brass and Grissom interview Nate Allen and Ted Martin.)", "Brass: So you're the last one to see Elliot Beckman alive. So did he drive away from his house?", "Ted Martin: Oh, we saw him walk away. His, uh, his car was in the shop or something. He was staying down at some motel down the street.", "Brass: And that's the last time you saw him?", "Ted Martin: Yeah.", "Nate Allen: No. Ted is our, our gas-man, so he stayed behind to release the fumigants. I headed on over to the next job. Saw the dude on the side of the road, so I-I gave him a lift to the motel. (chuckles) That bird crapped in my truck.", "Grissom: Can you describe the bird?", "Nate Allen: It was blue.", "Grissom: What motel?", "Nate Allen: Uh, four aces, down there on boulder highway and water street.", "Grissom: Does it ever bother you that you make your living killing insects?", "(The two fumigators stare at Grissom.)", "Ted Martin: What kind of question is that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine looks up the website.)", "URINE THERAPY Nature's Elixir for Good Health", "JESUS' FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH", "Catherine: (reads) \"If you believe in me, you will never thirst. Rivers of Living water shall flow from your bellies. John 7:38.\"", "Nick: (nods) You getting religious on me?", "Catherine: Apparently, some fringe health professionals have used the biblical passage as justification for urine therapy.", "Nick: Drinking your own pee?", "Catherine: I ran an Amazon search, I found fifteen books touting urine's supposed health benefits, including its magical powers to reduce the signs of aging. Listen to this.", "Nick: It is a perversion of medicine, not to mention the bible. I don't get it. These women-- the time, the pain, the effort. For what? Smoother skin? Please.", "Catherine: Make a muscle, Nicky.", "Nick: What?", "Catherine: Roll up your sleeve, make a muscle.", "(Nick rolls up his sleeve and makes a muscle. Catherine feels the muscle.)", "Catherine: (impressed) Oh. Now, how much time and effort went into this? I'm gonna guess five days a week a the gym, low carb, low fat, slow burn, and for what, Nicky? For what?", "Nick: That's a good point, but it's not the same thing.", "Catherine: No. It's nice, though.", "Nick: (chuckles) Well, thanks, I'm not even flexing it yet either.", "Catherine: Really? But it's rock hard.", "(David Phillips walks up to the door and clears his throat.)", "David Phillips: Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt ... barge in. I ... normally would've knocked, but the door isn't ...", "Nick: No, no, it's all right, Super Dave. Nice purse.", "David Phillips: Oh, uh ... paramedics just delivered it.", "(He hands the black bag to Nick.)", "David Phillips: Got separated from Ms. Loakes when she was loaded into the ambulance.", "Nick: Anything else?", "David Phillips: Oh, no, no.", "Catherine: Thanks, David.", "David Phillips: Sure.", "(David Phillips leaves. Nick opens the bag and dumps its contents on the table. Catherine finds a spray bottle. The instructions read:", "DIRECTIONS One Spray twice a day under the tongue", "TO REORDER Contact Dr. Tony Malaga (702) 555-0195", "Catherine: \"Dorian Spray.\" \"One spray twice a day under the tongue.\"", "(She shows the label to Nick.)", "Catherine: Hey, check out that second ingredient.", "The label reads:", "INGREDIENTS: VITAMIN B6, ARSENICUM, VITAMIN E, ZINC, SELENIUM, GLYCINE, LYSINE, ORNITINE, DEIONIZED WATER, GLYCERINE AND GINSENG.", "Nick: (reads) \"Arsenicum.\" Holistic for arsenic. An oral spray? \"For refills, contact Dr. Malaga.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SAGEBRUSH SPA - MAIN LOBBY -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Nick walk into the lobby and head for the reception desk.)", "Nick: This is a doctor's office?", "Catherine: According to Vartann, Dr. Malaga bought the spa two years ago and incorporated his practice.", "Receptionist: Hi, and welcome to the sagebrush spa.", "Nick: Thanks. I'm Nick Stokes. This is Catherine Willows. We're with the crime lab. We're here to see Dr. Malaga.", "Receptionist: Is he expecting you?", "Catherine: Just tell him we're here.", "Receptionist: (to phone) Dr. Malaga.", "(Nick picks up a brochure and looks at it. It reads:", "\"JOURNEY TO --- relaxation is enhanced by a combination ... therapy. Experience the ultimate facial that ... and soothe. Includes hand and foot treatment ... and shoulder massage. 110 minutes $160 +", "BOTOX INJECTIONS- The result ... Administered treatment is a temporary res - Wrinkles between the eyes. Restores skin ... Appearance. $500.", "RESTAYLANE INJECTIONS- These ... Moderate to severe wrinkles around the no ... Volume and fullness to skin. $500", "Nick: Botox injections-- 500 bucks. Restaylane injections-- 500. Micropeel--", "Catherine: (shakes her head) That's my car payment.", "Nick: You don't actually think you need this stuff, do you?", "Catherine: It's Vegas, Nicky. Everybody needs it.", "Nick: You don't.", "(She smiles at him. The title of the book displayed catches her eye: UNRINE THERAPY: Nature's Elixir for Good Health.)", "Catherine: (reads) \"Urine therapy. Nature's elixir ... \"", "(Dr. Tony Malaga appears.)", "Dr. Tony Malaga: My clients swear by it. Let's go to my office.", "(He turns and leads them to his office. They follow.)", "Catherine: You sold Dorian spray to both Renita Loakes and Julie Stern.", "Dr. Tony Malaga: Yeah. It's my own formulation, and I can assure you that it's perfectly safe.", "Nick: Doctor, you are aware that arsenic is a poison, right?", "Dr. Tony Malaga: So is botox. But 2.2 million people had injections last year. And foxglove is a deadly plant that also doubles as a cardiac medication.", "Catherine: I'm familiar with digitalis.", "Dr. Tony Malaga: Well, arsenic, in extremely small doses, fights premature aging by improving skin elasticity.", "[INT. SAGEBRUSH SPA - DR. MALAGA'S OFFICE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The door opens and they walk inside.)", "Dr. Tony Malaga: Look, even if Ms. Loakes and Ms. Stern drank a whole case of that spray, the arsenic content wouldn't be lethal.", "(Nick notes the Degree from Western Las Vegas University hanging on the wall.)", "Nick: Well, they teach you about arsenic in medical school?", "Dr. Tony Malaga: I did a course in holistic medicine a couple of years ago.", "Catherine: Did you also take a course in spa management?", "(Dr. Malaga turns on the computer laptop on his desk. He photographs Catherine as she sits across from him.)", "Dr. Tony Malaga: Medical School left me with a lot of debts and with HMOs cutting their fees, my practice was barely breaking even.", "(As he talks, he maps out various improvements on her facial features.)", "Dr. Tony Malaga: You know, th-the whole profession is changing.", "(He grids the digital image of Catherine and starts to make adjustments to the image - lifts, nip here, tuck there.)", "Dr. Tony Malaga: Doctors have to seek out their patients. The HMOs don't recognize aging as a disease, so I'm free to charge whatever the market will bear.", "Catherine: Hang on. You consider aging a disease?", "(Nick sits down on the couch behind Catherine. Dr. Malaga turns the laptop monitor off.)", "Dr. Tony Malaga: With a 100% mortality rate. Aging wreaks havoc with every one of our systems: Respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, musculo-skeletal and immune.", "Catherine: But you're not treating the body. You're battling crow's feet.", "Dr. Tony Malaga: (chuckles) Righteous indignation. That's one step before acceptance.", "Catherine: Acceptance of what?", "Dr. Tony Malaga: What I do. The, uh ... procedures and products. You've seen the ads in all the beauty magazines. You've studied all the before and after photos. It's okay, Ms. Willows. We'll all get older, and nobody wants to look their age. I give you what you need. I give you what you want.", "(What he says affects Catherine. She doesn't reply.)", "Nick: So, what Ponce de Leon couldn't find, you did, huh? The Fountain of Youth. Snake oil in a fancy bottle.", "Dr. Tony Malaga: Medicine is about hope. And like any good doctor, that's what I sell.", "Nick: Medicine is about healing. Hope is about prayer. That should be free.", "Catherine: We need Ms. Sterns' and Ms. Loakes' medical records. And, uh, this time, we've got a court order.", "(Catherine hands the warrant to Dr. Malaga.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass walks into the break room where Sara and Greg sit at the table.)", "Brass: Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, I presume?", "Sara: What do you need, Brass?", "Brass: Well, it may be elementary, but I have a conundrum. I just got back from the Four Aces. The hotel manager said Elliot tried to check in with his bird. The guy turned him down because he didn't have a cage, so supposedly Elliot went home to retrieve it, but neither he nor the bird ever returned.", "Greg: Looks like we need to find that bird.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BECKMAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(The door opens. Greg and Sara walk inside. They immediately split up and look around the area. Greg heads for the hallway to check out the bedrooms; Sara heads for the kitchen.)", "[INT. BECKMAN RESIDENCE - KITCHEN -- DAY]", "(From an open storage cabinet, flies buzz.)", "Sara: Greg.", "(Greg walks up next to Sara and sees the flies. Lots and lots of flies.)", "Greg: Oh. There were no flies in here when we processed the house.", "(Sara and Greg head for the c", "Sara: Fumigation kills all household insects, and it takes time for new flies to find a portal of entry.", "Greg: Well, bird could've flown up somewhere and died.", "(The flies are coming from the top shelf in the pantry. Sara gets a step ladder to check it out. She finds a dead rat.)", "Sara: Carcass with a fresh colony of maggots. The bird's not here; it's a dead rat.", "Greg: Which means the macaw was either bird-napped or he flew the coop.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BUY BUY BIRDIE -- DAY]", "(Grissom walks into the bird shop and finds the Bird Shop Manager trying to teach the Cockatoo to speak.)", "Bird Shop Manager: I love you. Bird Shop Manager: I love you. Bird Shop Manager: I love you.", "Grissom: Teaching him to speak?", "Bird Shop Manager: Although the cockatoo is intelligent, birds don't speak. To speak requires a cognitive ability to understand, which they don't. They just imitate. And Edweena is a she. How can I help you?", "Grissom: I'm looking for a macaw.", "Bird Shop Manager: Well, you came to the right place. \"Buy Buy Birdie\"'s the only exotic bird store in Clark County.", "Grissom: Has anyone tried to sell you a macaw in the last few days?", "Bird Shop Manager: No. Why?", "Grissom: Well, I'm trying to locate a missing blue hyacinth.", "Bird Shop Manager: Very rare. In my whole career, I've only sold one.", "Grissom: Do you remember the buyer's name?", "Bird Shop Manager: Sure. Mr. Beckman. He's in here all the time. Bob likes to eat cashews out of my pocket. Mr. Beckman doesn't go anywhere without Bob.", "Grissom: Mr. Beckman, um, died three days ago. We found these ... feathers in his house.", "(He shows the Bird Shop Manager the photo of three feathers taken at the scene.)", "Bird Shop Manager: Tail feathers. That's not good.", "Grissom: Why is that?", "Bird Shop Manager: (worriedly) Macaws only molt one tail feather at a time. Get a pile like this, someone yanked. Real hard.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick looks at the file results.)", "Nick: So, Dr. Malaga was telling the truth -- both women were poisoned. But that's not what killed them.", "Travis Watson: Yeah, so we can rule out arsenic as a cause of death.", "(Catherine is sitting at the counter looking at the tube of blood.)", "Catherine: Hey, Travis? These are the vials from our decedents, right?", "(He and Nick walk up to her.)", "Travis Watson: Yeah, I just finished with them yesterday. Why?", "Catherine: Well, the red blood cells haven't separated from the serum.", "Travis Watson: Is that relevant?", "Catherine: Maybe. I mean, normally, we'd see a yellow band of serum on top of the crimson blood. These vials are solid crimson.", "Nick: Which means the red blood cells have lysed.", "(Quick CGI POV of: Close-up of the red blood cells in the blood pop.)", "Nick: (V.O.) Something caused the red blood cells to lyse, or pop. The hemoglobin from inside those cells infiltrated the serum.", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Nick: If a sufficient number of red blood cells lyse, a person dies.", "Travis Watson: So, what caused the lysis?", "Nick: We answer that question, we solve this case.", "(Catherine puts the tube back on the rack.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine and Nick walk through the hallway.)", "Catherine: So, the women were thirty years apart in age. They lived on different sides of town. They probably didn't know each other. But they both drank their own urine and were patients of Dr. Malaga's.", "Nick: Well, were either one of their procedures sufficiently invasive as to compromise their blood?", "Catherine: (looks through the file) Well, last monday, two days before liver spot removal, Ms. Stern had a body wrap and ... hydrogen peroxide therapy.", "Nick: (looks through Loakes' file) Ms. Loakes also underwent hydrogen peroxide therapy... on the same day? Here's the menu of services provided by the spa. (He looks at the brochure.) Let's see ... \"hydrogen peroxide therapy -- a three percent solution is injected directly into a client's vein, bathing the red blood cells in nourishing oxygen, boosting the immune system and reversing the signs of aging.\"", "Catherine: Question is, is it deadly?", "Nick: Well, let's find out. I'll get the hydrogen peroxide.", "Catherine: I'll get the blood.", "Nick: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Grissom dusts one of the blue bird feathers. He finds a print. He takes a picture of the print on the feather, then tape lifts the print off the feather.)", "Cue Sound: (PRELAP) KNOCKING ON DOOR", "[INT. MARTIN RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Ted Martin answers the door. He finds Brass, Sara and Grissom outside.)", "Brass: Mr. Martin, we have a warrant to search your apartment. Please, stay with me. Stay ahead of me.", "(They walk into the house.)", "Ted Martin: Look, if you guys tell me what you're looking for, maybe I can help you out, um ...", "Brass: Look, shut up and stay still.", "(Sara opens a drawer in the kitchen. She opens a d cabinet and continues to look around. She opens the counter drawer and finds it filled with watches.)", "Sara: Brass? How many watches do you own?", "Brass: Couple of sport, couple of dress. Why?", "Sara: Mr. Martin has about twenty here.", "Brass: Twenty?", "Ted Martin: I'm a collector.", "(She picks up a woman's watch.)", "Sara: This is a little small for your wrist, don't you think?", "(She opens another drawer.)", "Sara: Several rings, a necklace, cufflinks and a gold pen. You know, these things all have one thing in common -- you can kind of slip them into your pocket. This is engraved -- \"Joan Arryington.\" I wonder what the odds are that Mrs. Arryington is a client of Oden Pest Control.", "[INT. MARTIN'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - DAY]", "(Grissom looks through the night stand drawers. He hears a bird squawk come from the bathroom.)", "[INT. MARTIN'S APARTMENT - BATHROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom walks into the bathroom and opens the shower. He finds Bob in his cage.)", "Grissom: (smiles) Hello, Bob.", "(Bob squawks.)", "[INT. MARTIN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom walks out with the cage.)", "Grissom: Look what I found.", "(Bob squawks.)", "Sara: I think we all know what happened here. After your buddies left, you were poking around Mr. Beckman's house. But he surprised you.", "(Quick flashback to: Elliot Beckman walks back to his house with Bob on his arm.", "Elliot Beckman: (mutters) A cage! I can't believe that manager.", "(Mr. Beckman walks into the house.)", "(In the study, Ted Martin goes through the desk when Elliott Beckman walks in.)", "Elliot Beckman: What the hell are you doing?", "Ted Martin: Just getting ready for the fume.", "Elliot Beckman: You were rifling through my stuff ...", "Ted Martin: Oh, no, no, no, no, man. I was just making sure that everything, uh, was, is secure.", "Elliot Beckman: I'm going to call the police.", "(Mr. Beckman walks into the living room and picks up the phone.)", "Elliot Beckman: (mutters) He can't do that. No, he can't.", "(Ted hits Elliot Beckman in the face. Bob flutters around. Ted Martin grabs Bob.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Somehow, you managed to get the bird in the cage, seal the tent and release the gas.", "(Quick flashback to: Ted Martin turns the gas pump on. The gas starts to fill the house. Elliot Beckman comes to and starts suffocating on the gas. He tries to crawl along the floor. He drops his glasses and continues to crawl on the floor.)", "Elliot Beckman: Someone help me!", "(Elliot Beckman continues to cough.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: Despite his neighbor's best efforts, he was a goner.", "Ted Martin: I'm not admitting to anything.", "Grissom: You don't have to, Ted. We know why the caged bird sings.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Nick and Catherine sit side-by-side at the table.)", "Catherine: So, hand me the syringe with the three percent concentration.", "(Nick hands Catherine the first syringe.)", "Nick: Here you go.", "(She injects it into the tube of blood.)", "Catherine: No effect.", "(Nick fills the second syringe.)", "Nick: Upping the concentration of hydrogen peroxide to ... seven percent.", "(He hands her the syringe. She injects the tube of blood. She sets it aside.)", "Nick: Okay.", "(Nick fills the next syringe.)", "(Dissolve to: Catherine holds the tube of blood.)", "Nick: Fifteen percent ...", "(She puts that tube back in the holder. Catherine picks up the next test tube.)", "(Camera moves slowly across the row of Hydrogen Peroxide concentrates and stops at the final bottle: 30%.)", "(Nick picks it up and fills the syringe. He hands it to Catherine.)", "Nick: Concentration level 30%.", "(Catherine injects the syringe into the test tube.)", "(Quick CGI POV of: The red blood cells pop and burst. End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Lysis.", "Nick: Concentration at 30%. That's ten times the three percent specified on the menu.", "Catherine: The death was in the decimal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SAGEBRUSH SPA - DR. MALAGA'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Catherine meets with Dr. Tony Malaga and his lawyer, Adam Matthews.)", "Adam Matthews: Dr. Malaga has not committed a crime.", "Catherine: He injected a lethal batch of hydrogen peroxide into two of his patients.", "Adam Matthews: Even if that were true, you may have uncovered a very tragic accident, a very horrible mistake -- but certainly nothing criminal, or we'd be downtown right now. No A.D.A.'S going to prosecute. The procedures were elective. Catherine, you don't need me to tell you how many people die every day as a result of physician error.", "Catherine: Well, I am not talking about other people. I'm talking about Julie Stern and Renita Loakes.", "Dr. Tony Malaga: Yeah, both of whom looked in the mirror ... and wanted to turn back time.", "Catherine: They put their trust in you because you're an M.D. Your professional degree made them feel safe.", "Dr. Tony Malaga: All procedures carry a risk.", "Catherine: Is that what you tell yourself? And when you screw up again, what happens?", "Adam Matthews: His malpractice premiums go up.", "Catherine: Oh. I'll be notifying the victims' families. You can count on a civil suit.", "(Catherine leaves.)", "[INT. SAGEBRUSH SPA - HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(Catherine walks out of the office and heads down the hallway. She passes a Spa Worker on her way out.)", "Worker: Good night.", "Catherine: Good night.", "(Catherine walks up to the mirror and stares at her reflection.)", "(Camera holds on Catherine.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Crow's Feet
[ "Grissom, Sara and Greg investigate when a woman is found dead in the fountain of a gated community, after visiting a neighborhood swingers party . Meanwhile, Warrick and Nick investigate the murder of a landlord in a video arcade , which develops into a double homicide. Catherine requests the position of day shift supervisor from Grissom." ]
[ "DUE TO ADULT CONTENT, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED", "COLD OPEN.", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. BEDROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Various flashes of a Man and a Woman nearly-naked and kissing passionately.)", "[EXT. DRIVEWAY - NIGHT]", "(A man quickly walks out from his driveway, his wife struggles to keep up with him.)", "Wife: Honey, slow down.", "(He pauses for a moment as she catches up with him. They keep going. She's trying to put her heels on as they cross the street to the neighbor's house.)", "Wife: Hold on a second. Hold on.", "Husband: (hurrying) Leave it alone. We're already late.", "Wife: Well, if you hadn't told the sitter the wrong time ...", "(They're nearly there.)", "Wife: How do I look?", "(He doesn't look.)", "Husband: You look great.", "(They continue on to the neighbor's house.)", "[INT. DOOR - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The doorbell rings. Erin Brady, the Hostess of the party, opens the door. She's wearing a see-through black teddy as she greets her guests. There are others at the party also semi-dressed.)", "Erin Brady: Well, hey.", "Husband: Sorry we're late.", "Erin Brady: No, I'm so glad you guys could make it.", "(She reaches out and grabs the bottle of champagne the Husband is holding. She turns and motions them inside the house.)", "(The party is well under way. The guests are half-naked and making-out on the couches and wherever there's space.)", "(As the hostess heads into the house, a woman party guest is leaving.)", "Party Guest: Hey, sweetie, I gotta run. Thanks for everything.", "Erin Brady: Gotta be safe.", "Party Guest: (to the husband and wife) Bye-bye.", "(The party guest leaves as the hostess heads further into the house.)", "Erin Brady: You guys want a drink?", "Wife: Mm ... I'll have champagne.", "Erin Brady: Coming up.", "(The Husband reclines on the couch next to a woman in her black, lacy underwear. The woman smiles and meets the wife as the wife heads off in a different direction leaving her husband with the woman.)", "(On the dining room table, a man and a woman, party guests, are necking.)", "(The Wife continues walking through the house. She stops in the kitchen and greets another couple. In the middle of the kitchen, she removes her dress.)", "[EXT. HOUSE - POOLSIDE - NIGHT]", "(A woman jumps into the pool.)", "(At poolside, a Man is kissing a Woman on his right. He turns and kisses the woman on his left.)", "(The party continues.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDEWALK - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(A dog barks.)", "[INT. HOUSE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Inside, the party continues.)", "(A woman screams.)", "(Everyone stops and looks in the same direction.)", "WOMAN Guest: Did you hear that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FOUNTAIN - NIGHT]", "(There's a dead woman's body in the water fountain in the center of the road. David Phillips leans over the edge of the fountain as he waits for the water to be turned off.)", "(Brass walks up to him.)", "Brass: What's the matter? Can't do your work? (yells) Hey, fellas, what's the holdup? Come on. I told you half an hour ago turn the damn fountain off! Give me a break.", "(Together, Grissom and Sara duck under the crime scene tape on the way to the fountain. Just outside the tape are the party-goers. Grissom puts his kit down.)", "Brass: (to Grissom) You can't find good help.", "Grissom: As Lord Byron once said, \"In the desert, a fountain is springing.\"", "Brass: Well, this one sprung a dead woman ... Vanessa Keaton. She lived over there. (He indicates the house nearby. Grissom turns to look.) A neighbor walking her dog found her.", "(Grissom takes note of the crowd around the tape.)", "Grissom: This is a pretty well-dressed crowd for this time of night.", "Brass: Well, you know, it's a shindig. 43 Niagara Circle. The vic was there with her husband. Who left the party early. That's Dan Keaton, and that's his daughter Amy.", "Grissom: You know, you might want to sneak some photos of this crowd.", "Sara: A gated community, middle of nowhere -- if this wasn't an accident, they're all suspects, aren't they?", "(Sara turns around and snaps photos of the people in the crowd.)", "(The water in the fountain is still running. David does the best he can as he looks at the body.)", "David Phillips: Foam in her nose and mouth. It's consistent with drowning. Abrasion on her forehead is fresh. And ... (He reaches for her wrist.) ... lividity is unfixed.", "Grissom: Well, since water motion has no effect ...", "David Phillips: She's been dead less than two hours.", "(The fountain water shuts off.)", "Brass: Thank you. Finally!", "Grissom: Still waters run deep.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. KEATON RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews Dan Keaton who is moaning and rubbing his head.)", "Dan Keaton: I can't do this right now.", "Brass: What, a little hung over? Too much to drink, maybe? We'll have a police officer get you some water.", "(Brass turns to the officer standing behind him.)", "Brass: Danny, help him out.", "(Danny leaves to get the water.)", "Brass: So, the last time you saw your wife was at the party?", "Dan Keaton: Erin and Paul Brady's.", "Brass: But you left early without your wife, right?", "Dan Keaton: Yeah, I wasn't in the mood. She was.", "Brass: For what?", "Dan Keaton: Partying.", "Brass: What time did you leave?", "(Amy Keaton walks down the stairs.)", "Dan Keaton: Around 11:00, I think.", "Brass: Anyone see you come home? Maybe your daughter? This is Amy, right?", "Amy Keaton: I went out with friends. (She sits next to her dad on the bottom stairs.) My curfew's 1:00. I was a little late.", "Brass: So, Amy, did you see your parents when you came in?", "Amy Keaton: My mom was in Detroit. Vanessa's my stepmom. The tv was on in their room. I snuck into my room and went to bed. The sirens woke me up.", "Brass: (nods) The sirens, huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. STREET -- DAY]", "(The Coroners remove the body on the gurney. Sara and Greg watch. Greg is holding the camera.)", "Sara: You know, they never go home until they see the body taken away?", "Greg: Necrophilic voyeurism.", "(The crowd starts to disburse. Sara kneels down next to the fountain and looks inside. She picks up a black shoe.)", "Greg: Hot shoes.", "Sara: You think these are sexy, huh?", "(Greg shrugs.)", "Sara: Did you know that shoes like these put degenerative stress on the hip joints, throw off the curve of the spine, and the tilt to the pelvis, over time, women get headaches, sore backs, shortened calf muscles and bunions, of course.", "(Sara stands up.)", "Greg: I take it back.", "Sara: First thoughts?", "Greg: Vanessa Keaton was walking home. She had a few. Her feet hurt. She takes off her shoes. Dolce vida.", "(Quick flash to: [NIGHT] Vanessa Keaton is barefoot and playing on the fountain. She walks on the concrete side, laughing. She slips and falls into the fountain, hitting her head on the concrete center. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Sara: There's no sign of blood or hair. Nothing to suggest contact.", "Greg: The fountain was on. Maybe the action of the water washed away evidence.", "Sara: How do we know it was an accident? Maybe she wasn't alone.", "(Greg things about it.)", "Greg: We don't know that.", "Sara: We're going to need a water sample and a bag for the shoe, of course.", "Greg: Okay.", "(Greg walks over to his kit to get the things.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. VIDEO ARCADE -- DAY]", "(Nick and Warrick duck under the crime scene tape.)", "Nick: You okay to drive?", "Warrick: No. After a triple and three back-to-back scenes, I'm tired. I'm going to take a ten in the car before we head back.", "Nick: That's better than bouncing off the curb, I guess.", "Warrick: Yeah. Okay, you ready to run it?", "Nick: (sighs) Sure.", "Nick: Landlord's working late, trying to fix up the place for the new tenant, kicking up dust, paint fumes. Door's open for ventilation. Killer strolls in. Next thing you know, landlord's deli meat.", "(Quick flash to: The Landlord is leaning over the saw as he works. The saw is running; his back is to the door. Someone walks up to him and pushes him down into the saw. He screams. Blood spatters on the wall. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Well, we have this eviction notice. So, that means no business. No business, no cash, so that could rule out robbery as a motive.", "Nick: I'm having Detective Cavalier run down the evicted tenants. It's a Melissa Poolie and a Charlie Pinscher.", "(A man dressed in a white worker outfit walks into the door. The officer tries to stop him.)", "Officer At Door: Sorry, can't let you in.", "(He points to his hat.)", "Marty Gleason: Take a look.", "(He heads into the place carrying his kit.)", "Marty Gleason: Hey, you guys call yourselves investigators? You've been here four hours. You haven't figured this out yet?", "Nick: Crime scene cleanup.", "Warrick: Blood bucket brigade.", "Marty Gleason: Hey, I prefer bio-recovery services.", "Nick: You know, it's funny. I don't see an American bio-recovery badge.", "Marty Gleason: See, all you really need is a strong stomach, a thorough knowledge of solvents, a little sensitivity, a little tact. (He sees the bloody wall.) Whoa. Man! (He walks over to the wall.) There must be three quarts of blood in there. Hey, you're using anhydron. I charge extra for that. Cha-ching, cha-ching. You got photos, swabs. (He turns back toward Nick.) Did you finish the sketch?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Marty Gleason: Great. Hey, you guys have done everything but leave.", "Warrick: What's the rush, Marty?", "Marty Gleason: Ah, the wife of the deceased, she would like this mess cleaned up as soon as possible. New tenant moves in on the first.", "Nick: Okay, Marty. I'll have the Detective release the scene.", "Marty Gleason: All right. (Marty puts his kit down on the ground.) Well, I'll get my gear.", "(Marty heads out.)", "(Nick yawns.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins finishes stitching up the Y-incision. Grissom stands next to the table watching.)", "Robbins: One of the most attractive women I've had on my table. But beauty's skin deep and inside, we all look pretty much the same.", "[Note:", "Grissom: (points) What about this abrasion?", "Robbins: Have you no poet in you?", "Grissom: Beauty is truth, truth, beauty. That is all you know on earth and all you need to know -- except cause of death. [Note:", "Robbins: Pulmonary edema due to drowning. I sent samples of the water in her lungs to trace. The abrasion's serious enough to cause loss of consciousness. You may want to look at this though. You want to come over here? Let's turn her over.", "(Grissom walks around the table. They turn over the body where Robbins points out four holes in her back.)", "Grissom: Puncture wounds?", "Robbins: Four, uniform diameter, perimortem, non-lethal. No corresponding holes in her dress.", "Grissom: So she wasn't wearing it when she was stabbed.", "Robbins: Collected lubricant from the labia. Which means, uh ... I don't know if she had a date with her husband or herself. I sent an SAE kit to DNA. Personal observation - (Robbins picks up the black lacy underwear and shows it to Grissom.) -- you don't wear la perla to a tupperware party.", "Grissom: La perla?", "Robbins: Very expensive. I gave some to my wife once. She accused me of having an affair. You know, s*x on the steel.", "Grissom: Lubricant and lingerie. I don't think the evening turned out the way she planned, do you?", "Robbins: Nope.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Det. Cavaliere interviews Charlie Pinscher.)", "Det. Cavaliere: So your business goes bust and Mr. Basengi evicts you.", "Charles Pinscher: Pac-man, Pong, loved these games. Thought it was a sure thing.", "(Nick walks into the room.)", "Det. Cavaliere: Well, today, it's all 3-d interactive. You know, I got kids.", "Charles Pinscher: You want some advice?", "Det. Cavaliere: No.", "Charles Pinscher: Never go into business with somebody you're sleeping with.", "Nick: Melissa Poolie?", "Charles Pinscher: Bitch.", "Det. Cavaliere: We haven't been able to find her. You know where she is?", "Charles Pinscher: We broke up. At least I think we broke up. She skipped town without telling me, stuck me with the rent.", "(Det. Cavaliere walks around the table and sits down.)", "Det. Cavaliere: So you were angry at her, you were angry at him.", "Charles Pinscher: I didn't kill him.", "Nick: He was holding your inventory hostage. How much you got tied up in Centipede and Space Invaders?", "Charles Pinscher: Every penny I got. About 20k.", "Det. Cavaliere: You must have wanted it back. Hey, did you stop by the store last night?", "(Charlie hesitates.)", "Charles Pinscher: (carefully) No, but I called him. Asked if we could maybe work something out. Told me to go screw myself, he'd see me in court.", "Nick: Mr. Pinscher, I'm going to need to go ahead and get your fingerprints.", "(Charlie Pinscher groans.)", "Charles Pinscher: You're going to find my prints all over that place. It was my store, mine and Melissa's.", "Nick: I expect to find your prints in certain places, sir. We're just doing this to rule you out.", "Charles Pinscher: Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - NIGHT]", "(Mia Dickerson is in the lab putting her latex gloves on. David Hodges walks by in the hallway and notices something. He opens the lab door and walks inside.)", "David Hodges: You alternate hands when you double glove?", "Mia Dickerson: Yes. And I don't like being watched.", "David Hodges: If you alternate, there's more contact between the exposed latex of the first glove and atmospheric microbes.", "(She stares at him for a beat, then starts removing her latex gloves.)", "David Hodges: What?", "Mia Dickerson: (annoyed) You know, it would have been better if you didn't say anything, but you did making it impossible for me to concentrate, and now I have to sanitize and start over.", "(The opposite door opens.)", "Greg: Hey, Hodges, you got the results of our drowning victim?", "(Hodges turns to look back at Greg.)", "David Hodges: Yeah, in five. I'm in the middle of the rest of my life.", "Greg: (insistent) Well, I kind of need them now.", "(Hodges turns and smiles at Greg.", "David Hodges: (to Mia) I'll be back.", "(Mia rolls her eyes at Hodges and Greg leave the lab.)", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Hodges and Greg walk back into the Trace Lab.)", "David Hodges: Good thing you didn't have to take a spelling test to work the field.", "(David picks up the jar and shows the label to Greg.)", "David Hodges: \"Funtain\" water?", "(The label reads:", "Article: QORPAK Exhibit No. 47-104B", "Date Found, Located or Developed: 3/21 BRADY HOUSE", "Where This Article was Found: FUNTAIN", "Investigation Officer: G. SANDERS", "Cat. No.: 47-10-43 1037ZKIX )", "Greg: My people are Norwegian. That's how we spell it. So, is the \"funtain\" water in her lungs?", "David Hodges: All bodies of water contain unicellular algae.", "(Hodges sets up the scope.)", "Greg: Called diatoms. They're unique, like fingerprints. Diatoms from one body of water don't match those from any other.", "David Hodges: Well, you're roughly right. Here, take a look.", "(He moves aside and lets Greg look through the scope.)", "[SCOPE VIEW]", "(There are two sets of diatoms.)", "David Hodges: The diatoms on the left are from the water found in your victim's lungs and the diatoms on the right are from the fountain. Not a match.", "Greg: Not even close. Which means she didn't drown there.", "David Hodges: I'll throw you a bone.", "(Hodges turns around to get something from the counter.)", "Greg: She blew you off, didn't she?", "(Hodges turns back with a test tube.)", "David Hodges: The water from the fountain is heavily chlorinated. No, she didn't blow me off. I didn't ask her out. But this sample, found in your vic's lungs, contains polymethylhexalene biguanide ... and anyway, I heard she blew you off first. It's a chlorine alternative. It's less irritating.", "Greg: Vanessa Keaton died in a pool.", "David Hodges: Or a spa ... and by the way, that's spelled S-P-A in any language.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Nick and Warrick are going through the crime scene photos they spread out on the table in front of them.)", "Nick: Only new items brought into the arcade post-eviction were the tools, tarps and paint cans. No prints from Charlie Pincher on any of them. Just the landlord and some unknowns on the saw.", "Warrick: No hits off of AFIS.", "(Nick shakes his head.)", "Warrick: According to Cavaliere, the table saw was a rental. So, there could have been any number of prints on that one.", "Nick: Yeah, but you don't just lie down when somebody's trying to kill you, man. There had to have been a struggle.", "Warrick: Yeah, from that spinning blade, there was blood everywhere. Some of it had to transfer to the killer's clothes and shoes.", "Nick: I still like Charlie for this. I know we don't have enough for a warrant ...", "(There's a knock on the door.)", "Secretary: (o.s.) Excuse me, guys. There's a Mr. Gleason to see you. I told him you were busy. He won't leave.", "(Warrick and Nick look at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick and Warrick head out through the hallway.)", "Warrick: What's the problem, Marty?", "Marty Gleason: You and you. You treat me like a janitor, like a garbage man. I'm a professional, same as you ... an unsung hero that's worthy of respect.", "Nick: Okay, Marty ...", "Marty Gleason: You know exactly what I'm talking about. The smell back at the store. I know decomp as well as you, maybe better, okay? So what was it? Your lunch? Rotten shrimp? Clams, maybe? Whatever you hid there, I am going to find.", "Warrick: We didn't even bring lunch there, Marty. And this wasn't a decomp scene.", "Marty Gleason: You're jealous. You're stuck in a dead-end civil service job while I'm grossing six figures.", "Nick: Oh, six figures.", "Warrick: Yeah. Picture that.", "Marty Gleason: We're colleagues. My job starts where your job ends. You should not be messing with me!", "Warrick: (shakes his head) Nobody's messing with you, Marty.", "(Nick shakes his head. Warrick and Nick look at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. VIDEO ARCADE -- DAY]", "(Warrick and Nick return to the Video Arcade with Marty Gleason. They step into the arcade and smell it immediately.)", "Warrick: Phew ... ooh ...", "Nick: It's decomp. Subtle, but it's in here.", "Marty Gleason: The nose knows.", "Warrick: How'd we miss that?", "Nick: We were tired.", "(They take out their flashlights and start looking around the place for the source of the smell.)", "Warrick: Did you steam clean?", "Marty Gleason: Yeah.", "Warrick: The heating process must have brought the smell out.", "Marty Gleason: You know, I don't get paid until this place smells like Eternity for Men.", "(Nick and Warrick continue to look around the arcade.)", "Nick: Could be a dead rat.", "Warrick: Lot of possibilities.", "Nick: I don't know, Rick. Your guess is as good as mine.", "Warrick: I know how to find it.", "(Warrick motions for Nick to follow him. He turns the thermostat all the way up.)", "Warrick: (to Marty) Okay, rich guy. Shut down your gear, you're taking us to lunch.", "(Marty nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. KEATON RESIDENCE - BACKYARD -- DAY]", "(Sara interviews Dan Keaton as they stand outside the empty pool in his back yard. Amy Keaton sits on the pool's edge a short distance away from them.)", "Dan Keaton: Crack runs right through the deep end. Had to drain it. Half the neighbors have cracked slabs, leaky roofs. This was perfect when Vanessa and I moved in. Place isn't built to last.", "Sara: Mr. Keaton, I know this must be hard for you and your daughter.", "Dan Keaton: Why are you here?", "Sara: Your wife didn't die in a fountain. We're taking water samples of every pool and spa in this community. Was there swimming at the Brady's party?", "Dan Keaton: Why?", "Sara: Routine question.", "Dan Keaton: Some, I guess. It was that kind of party.", "Sara: Was your wife in the pool?", "Dan Keaton: She could have been. After I left. What does this have to do with her accident?", "Sara: Did anyone behave inappropriately towards her?", "Dan Keaton: We were with our friends. Our best friends. I wouldn't have left her there if I didn't think she was safe.", "(Dan looks over at Amy who looks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BRADY RESIDENCE - BACK YARD -- DAY]", "(Greg takes a sample of the pool water. He takes the sample as Grissom logs it on the clipboard. Brass is interviewing Erin Brady, the party hostess.)", "Erin Brady: No one's allowed to treat their pools with chlorine. It's in the homeowners' regulations.", "(Paul Brady walks outside and joins them.)", "Paul Brady: What the hell is going on?", "Erin Brady: They have a warrant.", "Paul Brady: A warrant for what?", "Grissom: When was the last time you had your pool cleaned?", "Paul Brady: Guy was here this morning. Why?", "Brass: We're asking the questions, Mr. Brady.", "Erin Brady: Look, look ... we're all in shock. Vanessa was one of those people who was so alive, so much fun.", "Brass: So, tell me about last night. Was it a special occasion?", "Erin Brady: We just had the neighbors in for cocktails.", "Paul Brady: We do it once a month. We, uh ... we all take turns.", "Grissom: Was Mrs. Keaton wearing this dress last night?", "(Grissom shows them a picture of the dress. Erin Brady looks at it and nods.)", "Erin Brady: Yes. I noticed -- I have the same one in pink.", "Brass: You notice anything else, anything out of the ordinary? Like an argument or a fight?", "Paul Brady: No, no, no. We are a friendly group.", "Grissom: Did she leave alone?", "Erin Brady: Yes. Her husband left about an hour earlier.", "Brass: He seem upset when he left?", "Erin Brady: Not that I noticed. Vanessa's death was an accident, right?", "(Greg finishes putting the label on the sample jar. He stands up.)", "Greg: Got it.", "Grissom: May we take a look inside your house?", "(She steps aside.)", "Erin Brady: Look wherever you want.", "(Grissom walks by her between her and her husband. He glances at Brass who smiles at him. Grissom heads into the house.)", "[INT. BRADY RESIDENCE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom puts on his latex gloves and looks around the clean living room.)", "Grissom: (loudly) Well, by the way you've cleaned up, Mrs. Brady, I wouldn't even know you had a party in here last night.", "(Erin and Paul stand inside the living room.)", "Erin Brady: Thank you.", "Grissom: What kind of party was it?", "Erin Brady: A mixer.", "(Grissom and Greg look at each other. Grissom heads into the kitchen while Greg lingers in the living room.)", "[INT. BRADY RESIDENCE - KITCHEN - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom looks around the kitchen. He opens the case on the counter and finds two of the four skewers in the case. He takes one out.)", "Grissom: (calls out) Mrs. Brady, would you join me in here, please?", "(Erin Brady walks into the kitchen.)", "Grissom: Where are your other skewers?", "Erin Brady: I don't know.", "(The dishwasher finishes. Grissom walks over to it and opens it. He pulls out the top rack in the dishwasher and picks up a light-colored dildo.)", "Grissom: Well, cleanliness is next to godliness.", "(Erin shrugs. Paul looks back at Greg who can't help but chuckle.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "DUE TO ADULT CONTENT, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VIDEO ARCADE -- DAY]", "(Marty Gleason carries out two red plastic bags from the arcade as Nick and Warrick sit on the sidewalk curb eating their lunches..)", "Marty Gleason: After overhead and costs, fifty cents a pound for waste disposal, I clear about three to five bills a job.", "(Marty puts the two bags in the back of his van.)", "Warrick: How many cases do you get a week?", "Marty Gleason: How many cases do you do a week?", "Warrick: Rate gets us ten to twenty.", "Marty Gleason: Ditto.", "Nick: You trying to tell me you make between three and ten grand a week?", "Marty Gleason: You've got to be authorized to clean up biologicals. If some high school wage slave mops up a nose bleed at Mickey D's, they're breaking the law. I've got three employees making thirty bucks an hour. If you guys are interested in earning a little extra on the side?", "Warrick: Working for you, no thanks.", "Marty Gleason: Crime rate is on the rise, my friends. You'd be wise to get in on the ground floor. I am thinking about starting a franchise in Arizona. Retirees die messy. Like, bodies been on the floor for a while. Sometimes you got to replace the entire floor. Oh, look, I install floors, and drywall.", "(He hands each of them his card.)", "(A car horn beeps.)", "Marty Gleason: Ceilings, too, and homeowner's insurance picks up the tab.", "(A black SUV pulls up. Marty walks over to Mrs. Basengi.)", "Mrs. Basengi: What's going on, Marty? You're still here? You promised the place would be clean. I found a contractor to finish the work.", "Marty Gleason: (southern accent ) It's out of my hands, ma'am. The lab boys, they haven't quite released the scene yet.", "(He indicates Warrick and Nick behind him. Warrick and Nick look at each other and shake their heads.)", "Marty Gleason: They're moving at the speed of government. How are you doing with the funeral arrangements?", "Mrs. Basengi: Your cousin is taking very good care of me, thank you.", "Marty Gleason: We are here for you. Now, I tell you what, I'm going to call you as soon as I'm done, okay?", "Mrs. Basengi: Okay.", "Marty Gleason: Thank you, ma'am.", "(Mrs. Basengi drives away.)", "Nick: You should be ashamed of yourself, Marty.", "Marty Gleason: Oh, no. The bereaved often find a southern accent very comforting.", "(Marty heads back into the arcade.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. VIDEO ARCADE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Marty Gleason, Nick and Warrick walk back into the arcade.)", "Marty Gleason: Comfort is what I give these people, living victims. The kind you guys never deal with. I see people on the worst day of their lives. In a small way, I make their world normal again.", "(Marty heads into the back of the arcade to pick up the large tub. Warrick and Nick notice the smell immediately. They look around and find that it's coming from one of the plastic-covered machines.)", "(Nick pulls the plastic off of the video machine and the smell immediately hits them.)", "Warrick/Nick: Oh!", "Warrick: Well, it smells like Eternity for Somebody in here.", "(Nick puts on his gloves.)", "Nick: The plastic must have covered the smell.", "(Warrick opens the coin slot and the smell is more pronounced.)", "Warrick: Oh!", "(Nick gasps and starts breathing out of his mouth.)", "(Cut to: Nick and Warrick remove the screws holding the video machine's back panel in place. Marty Gleason looks over their shoulders as Warrick removes the panel. Inside the machine on the bottom is a dead woman's body wrapped in plastic.)", "Marty Gleason: Holy mackerel. Bitch in a box.", "Nick: Hey, hey, hey.", "Marty Gleason: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I get paid by the body.", "(Warrick coughs from the smell.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - DAY]", "(Mia Dickerson goes through the things Greg brought back from the house.)", "Mia Dickerson: Nine vibrators, five plugs, four strands of beads.", "Greg: (smiles) And a partridge in a pear tree. (Mia throws Greg a look.) Some kids are happy playing in the sand box, others want every toy in the store. And apparently these are dishwasher safe.", "Mia Dickerson: I'll swab the nooks and crannies for semen, vaginal secretions and epithelials, but don't get your hopes up.", "Greg: (cheerfully) Oh, my money's on bag number two.", "Mia Dickerson: (oh great) Twenty-six used condoms.", "Greg: Just like being back in college, right?", "Mia Dickerson: Sara said you didn't lose your virginity until you were 22.", "(The smile freezes on Greg's face. He changes the subject.)", "Greg: Grissom and I figured that they practiced safe s*x, so we processed their trash. Check them inside and out, please.", "Mia Dickerson: I've analyzed condoms before, Greg. Just not in bulk.", "(Mia reaches into the third package and takes out another plastic bag.)", "Mia Dickerson: Skewers?", "Greg: Yeah, screen them for blood. Possible weapon.", "(Greg leaves the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(David Phillips cuts through the plastic wrapped around the body. He's assisted by Nick, Warrick and a Coroner.)", "(Nick snaps a photo of the body as they work.)", "(Cut to: Warrick hands the boots to David.)", "(Nick takes more pictures.)", "(Cut to: David continues to cut through the plastic. Nick snaps more photos as they peel away the plastic from the dead woman's body.)", "(Cut to: Robbins takes a swab from the woman's ear. He takes a swab from the woman's mouth and another from the woman's nose.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Nick puts a photo of the dead woman on the table.)", "Nick: Dental records ID'd the body found in the arcade machine.", "(Nick and Det. Cavaliere are interviewing Charles Pinscher.)", "Nick: Your ex-girlfriend Melissa Poolie.", "(Nick puts more pictures down on the table.)", "Det. Cavaliere: She didn't leave town after all. You want to revise your story?", "(Nick throws another photo on the table.)", "Nick: We also found semen in her vaginal cavity. It matches your dead landlord.", "Det. Cavaliere: Your girlfriend was paying rent on her back and you didn't like it.", "(Quick flashback to: Charles Pinscher is yelling at Melissa Poolie.)", "Charles Pinscher: You had s*x with our landlord?", "Melissa Poolie: At least I got off my ass and did something about it.", "(He pushes her and she falls to the floor. He turns and grabs the plastic covering off of a nearby arcade machine.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Charles Pinscher: That didn't happen. She told me she convinced Basengi to give us more time on the rent. I-I didn't know she was banging the guy.", "Det. Cavaliere: We don't care why you killed her.", "Charles Pinscher: I didn't kill her!", "Det. Cavaliere: Basengi evicts you, keeps your stuff and now you've got a big problem.", "Nick: Yeah, the dead body someone crammed into Ms. Pac-man.", "(Quick flashback to: Basengi is using the saw.)", "Charles Pinscher: You can keep the rest of it! All I want is Ms. Pac-man!", "Mr. Basengi: Get the hell out of here.", "(Basengi continues using the saw. Charles Pinscher grabs Basengi and slams him down on the saw.)", "(Basengi screams. Blood spatters on the wall.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Charles Pinscher looks at Nick. Nick takes the seat next to Charles Pinscher.)", "Nick: Mr. Pincher, when someone is killed with a table saw, blood gets everywhere -- your hair and your clothes. You would have had to take a long, hot shower, wash your clothes, clip your nails, toss your shoes. Are you sure you got it all, Charlie? Hmm?", "(Nick looks down at Charlie's watch. Suddenly, Charlie appears increasingly nervous.)", "Nick: That's a nice watch.", "Charles Pinscher: It was my dad's.", "Nick: I was admiring the band. Lots of open spaces and nonporous surfaces. That's a perfect place for blood to hide, don't you think, Chris?", "Det. Cavaliere: Yeah.", "Nick: There's a chemical I use called phenylthaline. It can detect a speck of blood the size of a pinprick.", "(Camera zooms in and focuses on the watch band where it stops on some blood caught in the band.)", "Nick: I bet if I take that watch it's going to tell me more than time, isn't it?", "Det. Cavaliere: You mind baby-sitting him while I get a warrant?", "(Det. Cavaliere stands up.)", "Charles Pinscher: I just went to the arcade to scare him. Things got out of hand.", "Nick: Did you kill him?", "Charles Pinscher: It was an accident. You guys have got to believe me, I did not kill Melissa. I didn't even know she was dead.", "(He starts crying.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Catherine follows Grissom into his office. He's holding an open book in his hand, reading through it as he heads for his desk.)", "Catherine: I know that you got the memo, I'm not sure that you read it. Eckley is being promoted to Assistant Director. They are taking applications for his supervisor spot on days. I want it.", "(Grissom sits down and doesn't say anything.)", "Catherine: What? You want the day spot for yourself? You're worried about giving me a good A.P. score and breaking up the team? Or maybe you just think that I'm incapable of the position? Not worthy of the promotion? Is that it?", "(She rolls her eyes and scoffs.)", "Catherine: I'm just always, always, always defending myself to you.", "(Catherine sits down. Grissom still hasn't said anything.)", "Catherine: I'm unbelievable. I have a daughter who is so starved for my attention, she is thumbing rides to Fremont Street to see her grandfather. The last person I want her around. I mean, not that it's much better with my mother, who sees Lindsay much more often than I do. (It starts to get too much for Catherine.) I am missing out on my daughter's life. I have no life of my own. Would you just stop me and say something here?", "(Grissom takes off his glasses and looks at Catherine.)", "Grissom: You want the job because you're worried about Lindsay?", "Catherine: That's part of it, but ...", "Grissom: The position calls for leadership, Catherine. You have to inspire others, solve problems, which means you have to leave your own problems at home.", "Catherine: I want the job because I can do it. I'm qualified, I'm motivated and I'm ready, Gil. You know that I am.", "Grissom: I do. Which is why I already sent in your A.P. I gave you 100%. I even put in a good word with the Director. The rest is up to you. And ... I hope you get it.", "(Grissom puts his glasses back on. Catherine's touched.)", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(Catherine stands up and walks out of the office.)", "(Grissom sighs as he watches her go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(Mia Dickerson has the condoms each in their own dish. She's taking swabs from both the inside and outside of the condoms.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Mia reports her results to Greg and Grissom.)", "Mia Dickerson: I couldn't get anything from the items in the dishwasher, including the skewers. No results. However, the condoms produced. I extracted DNA from the semen. Results indicate ten males.", "(Mia stands in front of the whiteboard that has her results listed on it.)", "Mia Dickerson: The lubricant, which seemed to be popular, was good at retaining both epithelials and vaginal secretions. 11 females, no CODIS hits.", "Grissom: Is our victim represented?", "Mia Dickerson: Yes. F-7. We can match her with the semen from four different males.", "Greg: M-4, M-5, M-1, M-8. (Greg turns and looks at Grissom.) She was the belle of the ball.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE]", "(Brass and Grissom interview Erin Brady.)", "Erin Brady: My husband and I have a very strong marriage. But yes, we enjoy the lifestyle.", "Brass: The lifestyle?", "Erin Brady: We play.", "Brass: No kidding.", "(She turns and looks at Grissom.)", "Erin Brady: Swing.", "Grissom: Wife swapping.", "Erin Brady: Paul and I had a rough patch a few years ago. We almost called it quits. Swinging saved our marriage. It was being with other people that made me realize just how much I love my husband.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Sara interviews Paul Brady.)", "Paul Brady: Erin is the greatest wife in the world.", "Sara: But you still had s*x with Vanessa Keaton?", "Paul Brady: Yeah. Yeah. It's fun.", "(Quick flashback to: [PARTY] Paul Brady meets with Vanessa Keaton at the party and they both run up the stairs hand-in-hand to the bedrooms.)", "(End of flashback.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE]", "Brass: How do you feel about Vanessa Keaton?", "Erin Brady: Very attractive woman. She was the reason we invited the Keatons to the parties. She was into it. Dan really wasn't.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "Sara: How did your wife feel about you and Vanessa Keaton?", "Paul Brady: Well, it's not like we were having an affair. That'd be breaking the rules.", "(Sara perks up.)", "Sara: The Rules?", "(Sara starts taking notes.)", "Paul Brady: No, means no. Arrive as a couple, leave as a couple. Drugs, never. Condoms, condoms always.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE]", "Erin Brady: No affairs. s*x with someone other than your spouse is only allowed at the parties. No photos, no video. And the kids must never know.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "Paul Brady: I came home one night. I parked the car in the driveway and went to the fridge to grab a beer. It was the wrong beer. I was in the wrong house. Anyway, it just got all the neighbors talking. Variety is a good thing. And if you get the right group of people together, a couple of drinks, you'd be surprised what can happen.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE]", "Erin Brady: Everybody fantasizes about other people. (She glances at Grissom.) Even you, Mr. Grissom. A neighbor, a friend ... girl at the office.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY]", "(The door opens. Paul Brady walks out of the hallway. Erin Brady walks out into the hallway. Sara is sitting in the hallway chair watching them. She watches as they meet and kiss.)", "(Grissom walks up to Sara and takes the seat next to her. He's holding two cups. He hands her a cup of tea.)", "Sara: Thank you. I know I'm supposed to be objective ... but I think I have a problem with the lifestyle.", "Grissom: Well, they're consenting adults, it's not illegal. At most, they only hurt themselves.", "Sara: Tell that to Vanessa Keaton. Everyone has a jealousy gene.", "Grissom: You think it was a crime of passion?", "Sara: (nods) Yeah. When you have to go outside a marriage for passion, you're in trouble. And you're asking for trouble.", "(He looks over at the Brady's.)", "Grissom: Well, they say they're happily married.", "Sara: You think they're happy?", "(Grissom doesn't answer as he considers the question. He doesn't get to answer as his phone rings. He answers the phone.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom. (pause) Very good, thanks.", "(Grissom hangs up.)", "Grissom: (to Sara) Hodges matched the water in Vanessa Keaton's lungs. He knows where she drowned.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. CUNNINGHAM RESIDENCE - POOLSIDE - DAY]", "(Brass and Grissom interview Tom and Meg Cunningham.)", "Brass: So Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, was Vanessa Keaton here the night she died?", "Tom Cunningham: No.", "Grissom: Well, we matched the water in her lungs to your spa. And I see what appears to be a blood smear on the stone.", "Meg Cunningham: Well, sometimes we forget to lock the gate.", "Brass: So your neighbors come in and use the spa?", "Meg Cunningham: It's possible.", "Brass: Yeah, I guess so, I mean, you share everything else. Why not?", "Brass: So what time did you leave the party?", "Tom Cunningham: Around 11:30.", "Meg Cunningham: But we didn't come right home.", "Brass: Where'd you go?", "Meg Cunningham: We went to the Bellagio. A nice, romantic night out, just the two of us.", "Tom Cunningham: Sometimes being with others gives you the urge to be alone.", "(Tom puts a hand casually on Meg's shoulder. She instinctively stiffens and glances at the hand before relaxing. Grissom notes the movement.)", "Brass: I see.", "Grissom: Well, we're going to compel a DNA sample, so we'll know if you were intimate with Vanessa Keaton.", "Tom Cunningham: I admit I had s*x with her and ... Karen Brady, and Mallory Stone.", "Brass: Three strikes you're out.", "(Tom Cunningham smiles at Brass.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins is in the autopsy room with the Melissa Poolie's body when Warrick walks in putting on a pair of gloves.)", "Robbins: Heard your suspect's looking pretty good.", "Warrick: You heard right. Charlie confessed to killing the landlord. And the blood on his watch is a match to Bassngi's DNA.", "Robbins: What about her?", "Warrick: Swears he has nothing to do with it. You got a C.O.D.?", "Robbins: Blunt-force trauma to the occipital region. No trace in the wound track.", "Warrick: Do you have any idea what hit her?", "Robbins: Yeah. The impact's deep. Weapon was probably heavy. (He picks up the ruler and places it against the body's forehead to measure the wound.) Radius of curvature, roughly three centimeters. Could be a pipe.", "Warrick: Could be anything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- BRASS' OFFICE]", "(Brass interview's Meg Cunningham.)", "Brass: Mrs. Cunningham, you told us that you spent last night at the Bellagio with your husband.", "Meg Cunningham: That's correct.", "Brass: Are you sure about that?", "Meg Cunningham: D-do I need a lawyer?", "Brass: I mean, that's your call, that's your right, but let me point out that if you're covering for your husband, that's conspiracy after the fact. Now, are you prepared to go to jail over this?", "(She chuckles.)", "Meg Cunningham: Look, I-I answered your question.", "Brass: Okay, what if I told you the hotel maid told us that you weren't with Tom, what would you say?", "Meg Cunningham: I'd say she was lying.", "Brass: You know, I'm trying to help you out here, and I want to help you out, okay? But you got to cut the crap. Okay? Come on, tell me what happened. I mean, security confirmed that you were with a female. Late 20s, blonde, I mean, she even paid for breakfast with her credit card. So ... I'll tell you what, why don't we start over, okay? And you tell me what happened.", "Meg Cunningham: Look, Tom asked me to think about our son. He begged me to say we were together. I swear, I don't know ... anything that went on between him and Vanessa. I don't know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CUNNINGHAM RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(Grissom and Sara walk into the house. In one of the rooms, a boy is playing video games in front of the television set. Grissom and Sara continue through the house. Sara heads upstairs as Grissom heads into one of the rooms.)", "[INT. CUNNINGHAM RESIDENCE - STUDY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara walks into the home office and looks around. She looks at the shelf contents, then opens the desk drawer. She finds under the \"Vegas Life\", she finds \"Big Bodacious Babes\".)", "(Grissom walks into the study.)", "Sara: Found some p0rn.", "(She stands and hands them over to Grissom who leafs through them.)", "Grissom: Well, nothing new about this stuff. The Frescos at Pompeii were more explicit. The Kama Sutra and Decameron.", "Sara: Yeah, but that's art; this ... is not art.", "(Sara holds up the issue of \"Bondage\".)", "Grissom: Hmm.", "(Grissom again opens the magazine and finds something recognizable.)", "Grissom: Here we go. Webcam photo. And she's wearing La Perla.", "(Grissom shows Sara the photo of the \"headless\" woman wearing black underwear.)", "Sara: Vanessa Keaton.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. VIDEO ARCADE -- DAY]", "(Warrick and Nick walk into the Video Arcade.)", "Warrick: The first victim was killed with a weapon of opportunity, the table saw. The second victim gets a crack on the head.", "Nick: So you're thinking the weapon is still in here?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Nick: Why would the killer leave it in here?", "Warrick: Well, the killer left the body here.", "Nick: That's true. Mr. Pinscher had a cash-only business.", "Warrick: Yeah. And he didn't have a gun license.", "(Warrick heads around the cash register counter. Camera moves down to show the bat under the counter.)", "(Nick looks around the area. Warrick finds the bat.)", "Nick: You got something?", "Warrick: Yes.", "(Warrick takes a digital photo of the bat.)", "(Camera zooms down the bat through the grooves in the wood. Resume regular view.)", "(Warrick removes the bag from his holding place under the counter. He shows it to Nick.)", "Warrick: A little store security.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(The Police officer leads a handcuffed Mrs. Basengi through the hallway.)", "Mrs. Basengi: Liars, liars, all men are liars!", "(Marty Gleason steps out of the room and sees her being led away. He turns and sees Warrick and Nick.)", "Marty Gleason: Hey, did you -- ?", "Warrick: (nods) It seems that the Missus caught her husband collecting rent from the late Melissa Poolie. She just waited till he left the building.", "(Quick flashback to: [VIDEO ARCADE] Mrs. Basengi and Melissa Poolie argue.)", "Mrs. Basengi: You slut! I don't care what he told you, you still have to pay rent.", "Melissa Poolie: Go to hell!", "(Melissa Poolie turns to leave. Mrs. Basengi grabs the bag and hits her on the back of the head. Melissa Poolie falls to the floor.)", "(Mrs. Basengi drops the bat and grabs the plastic sheeting.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Luckily, she left her prints behind. We had them on file from an assault case in '98.", "Nick: Yeah, she went a little further this time.", "Marty Gleason: Yeah, from what I hear, she did a lousy job cleaning that bat. Amateur. You know, you guys, you could have waited till after she paid me to arrest her. What did I ever do to you? Oh, except crack your case wide open.", "Nick: Don't worry, man, Grissom talked to the Sheriff, said he's gonna pick up your tab.", "Marty Gleason: Really?", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "(Marty chuckles.)", "Marty Gleason: Thanks. Hey, you think this could mean a nice, fat city contract for me?", "(Not wanting to touch that one, Warrick and Nick both leave.)", "Warrick: Good to see you, Marty.", "Nick: See you around, Marty.", "Marty Gleason: Call me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Grissom opens the morgue cabinet with Vanessa Keaton's body inside. He pulls out the table so he and Sara can compare the body with the photos.)", "(Grissom lifts the sheet to look at her belly button. It doesn't match with the photo.)", "Grissom: (points to photo) Innie. Outie. (He points to the body.)", "(Sara changes the photo to one with moles.)", "Grissom: ... and Vanessa doesn't have any moles on her torso.", "Sara: The woman in the photo is not Vanessa.", "David Phillips: Oh, you got my message.", "Sara: What message?", "David Phillips: To meet me here. I was preparing a body for a mortuary pickup, and I noticed something.", "(David lifts the body to show them the bruising on the back around the puncture wounds.)", "David Phillips: Postmortem bruising.", "Grissom: Well, it can take a day or two after autopsy for the bruises to percolate through the soft tissue and become visible.", "Sara: Vanessa wasn't stabbed four times with a skewer. She was stabbed twice with a two-pronged instrument.", "(Quick CGI POV: Someone screams. A two-pronged instrument is stabbed into her back. End of CGI POV.)", "(Grissom looks at Sara.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - EARLY EVENING]", "[EXT. CUNNINGHAM RESIDENCE - BACKYARD -- NIGHT]", "(Greg is back in the Cunningham's backyard. He looks around and finds the hanging bar-b-cue utensils. He puts his kit down and takes a picture of the fork. He tests it and finds blood.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(Grissom walks into the lab where Sara is working on the laptop.)", "Sara: I just started combing through Tom Cunningham's computer. I haven't I.D.'d our mystery woman, but there's just lots of back and forth between Cunningham's e-mail account and Keaton's.", "Grissom: Any attachments?", "Sara: Yeah. Got one for the Keatons' account. \"U axd 4 my pic so here. Sweetkeat.\"", "(She clicks on the picture and finds the photo. It's the same photo. Grissom shakes his head. Sara glances at him.)", "Grissom: Any reply?", "Sara: Yes. From ... cunning1. (She clicks it open.) \"Can you handle it? Midnight. Behind the skate park.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "[MONITOR]", "(On the monitor is security tape footage from behind the skate park. It shows Tom Cunningham meeting with Amy Keaton. He opens the back of his SUV and climbs in. She removes her top as she prepares to climb inside also.)", "Tom Cunningham: You can stop the tape.", "(Brass turns the tape off.)", "Tom Cunningham: Amy came on to me.", "Brass: She's fifteen.", "Tom Cunningham: Does she look fifteen to you?", "Adam Matthew (lawyer): Tom, be very quiet.", "Tom Cunningham: They got me on tape. I'm trying to explain.", "Brass: She's a minor, you're an adult. What's to explain?", "Adam Matthew (lawyer): We have information pertaining to Vanessa Keaton's death. Get me the D.A. We want a deal.", "(Brass stares at them for a long moment.)", "Brass: Too late.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sara compares the photo with Amy Keaton. Sara and Grissom interview Amy Keaton with Dan Keaton in the room.)", "Sara: You are an inny. Amy, you e-mailed this photo of yourself to Tom Cunningham.", "Dan Keaton: What's she talking about?", "Amy Keaton: I have no idea.", "Sara: You were having an affair with Tom Cunningham. He's just been booked on statutory rape.", "Dan Keaton: What?!", "Amy Keaton: It wasn't rape.", "(Dan gets to his feet.)", "Dan Keaton: I'm gonna to kill that son of a bitch!", "Amy Keaton: Like you care who I have s*x with? I know about your parties, all the kids know, so don't get all righteous on me. (Amy turns to Sara.) I want to see Tom.", "(Dan grabs Amy's hand.)", "Dan Keaton: Let's go.", "Grissom: Mr. Keaton, sit down, please. We're not done yet.", "(Dan, Amy and Sara sit down. Grissom takes out the bar-be-cue fork in a plastic bag. He puts it on the table.)", "Grissom: We retrieved this from the Cunningham's backyard. Your stepmother's blood is on the tines, and your fingerprints are on the handle. (He looks at Amy Keaton.)", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Tom Cunning and Vanessa Keaton are in the pool kissing when Amy Keaton walks into the back yard. She sees them together and grabs the fork. She stabs Vanessa in the back twice.)", "Tom Cunningham: Easy, easy.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: The stab wounds weren't fatal, but your stepmother was knocked unconscious. It took two or three minutes for her to drown.", "Grissom: That's a long time to stand around and watch someone die.", "Amy Keaton: It wasn't like that.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] After stabbing her, Amy shouts at Tom as he holds her wrists trying to calm her down.)", "Amy Keaton: (shouts) How could you!", "Tom Cunningham: Calm down!", "(They both turn to look at Vanessa in the pool.)", "Tom Cunningham: You need to go home, right now.", "Amy Keaton: Oh, my god. Oh, my god.", "(Amy turns and leaves. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Amy Keaton: (to Grissom: He was trying to protect me. (to Sara) So we put her in the fountain.", "(Grissom looks from Dan to Amy.)", "Amy Keaton: He loves me. Can I see him?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara and Grissom step out of the interview room. Together, they walk down the hallway side-by-side. For a moment, they're silent.)", "Sara: Arrive as a couple, leave as a couple.", "Grissom: No photos, no video.", "Sara: No affairs.", "Grissom: And the kids must never know.", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Swap Meet
[ "While investigating a chopped up body in the university grounds, the team finds out that they're dealing with the \"Blue Paint Killer\" again. The case gets confusing when the team discovers that the victim was male. Shortly after that they find another body, that of a female. Can they stop the killer before he kills again?" ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS - NIGHT]", "(A college man runs across campus. He's blind-folded and dressed in a pair of women's bra and panties, his wrists bound and elbows taped to his body.)", "(Three other college boys chase after him.", "Frat Boy: Say it loud and say it proud!", "PLEDGE: Omega zeta pi!", "(Two of the frat boys carry paddles in their hands as they chase the inductee around the campus grounds.)", "Frat Boy: Say it loud and say it proud!", "PLEDGE: Omega zeta pi!", "(The Inductee runs and trips over something. He lands in a pile of worms. The three frat boys chasing him stop and stare at him. Because the Inductee is blindfolded, he spits the worms out of his mouth)", "PLEDGE: Dude ... (he spits) What's crawling on my face?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Camera zooms in for a close-up of the maggots.)", "[EXT. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS - GROUNDS -- NIGHT]", "(Eva and Grissom stand in front of the pile of maggots.)", "Eva: It's fraternity hell week. A pledge slipped and fell in this pile of maggots. School of agriculture is in charge of campus landscaping, so security called me. (deadpans) You were the first person I thought of.", "Grissom: Well, thank you, Eva. I'm honored.", "(She smiles at him.)", "Grissom: You make your own mulch?", "Eva: The university is self-sustaining. A city within a city. State institutions are encouraged to practice xeriscaping.", "Grissom: \"Xeri\" meaning dry?", "Eva: Landscaping using drought-tolerant plant life. Conserves water. There's no reason for these maggots to be here.", "(Campus Security Officer #1, Brian, walks up to them carrying a cup.)", "Campus Security Officer Brian: Dr. Grissom, your tea. Hold the tea bag?", "Grissom: Thank you, Brian.", "(Grissom takes the cup and kneels down in front of the maggots. Eva kneels down with him.)", "Grissom: (to Eva) Do, uh ... do you use scraps from the dining halls for your compost?", "(Grissom takes some maggots as samples and puts it in the cup of hot water.)", "Eva: No. Why?", "Grissom: Well, if the devil requires a pound of flesh, this many maggots would require over a hundred.", "Eva: Pounds of flesh?", "(Grissom looks down at the maggots and sees something. Among the maggots, he finds a tooth. He picks it up and looks at it.)", "Grissom: Were you aware that the average college student weighs 135 pounds?", "(Eva and Grissom look at each other.)", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS - GROUNDS -- DAY]", "(Nick scoops some maggots out from the pile and puts them in a bucket. Both he and Grissom are gathering the maggots. Eva and Dean Wilson stand on the side and watch.)", "Dean Wilson: How long is this going to take?", "Eva: If something happened to one of our students, don't you want to know?", "Dean Wilson: Sure.", "(He looks around the campus where the crime scene has drawn a small crowd of students.)", "Dean Wilson: But on a campus this size, there's a thin line between satisfying curiosity and creating panic.", "(Grissom, who is listening in on the conversation, answers.)", "Grissom: This stopped being about my curiosity the minute we found a human tooth. We're now investigating a possible homicide.", "(Nick stops shoveling and takes out a single maggot. He leans over to Grissom and whispers something on his mind.)", "Nick: Hey, Grissom, why is it hot?", "Grissom: Maggot digestion can generate heat up to 125 degrees. Heat increases the rate of putrefaction, which speeds up the digestive process.", "(Nick nods.)", "Nick: I don't see any tissue. How long would it take for them to pick a body clean?", "Grissom: Assuming it's just one body? A few days.", "Nick: Yeah, and that's another thing. I have a hard time believing that if a corpse was here, no one saw it. And these bones? (Nick picks up one.) They're uniform. Same shape and size.", "Grissom: Yeah. (Grissom picks up something.) Same size as these wood chips.", "(They both come to the same conclusion.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. RESIDENCE -- BACKYARD -- DAY]", "(A mulching machine spews out mulch.)", "(Grissom walks around the pile of wood chips and up to the machine operator, Walter Beerly. The machine operator turns the machine off.)", "Grissom: This thing always this loud?", "Walter Beerly: Yeah, but we're, we're kind of off the beaten path.", "Grissom: You use it every day?", "Walter Beerly: Pretty much.", "(Grissom walks around and takes a look at the feeder part of the machine. He points to the small area between the gears.)", "Grissom: You think a human body could fit through there?", "Walter Beerly: You planning something?", "Grissom: Gil Grissom, Las Vegas Crime Lab.", "Walter Beerly: Walter Beerly, master of the universe. Six cylinders. 200 horse power. Thing's got an engine that would give most SUVs a run for their money. And it's got one job. Chopping crap up.", "Grissom: So the answer's yes.", "(Quick CGI POV: The mulching machine is on. A pair of hands move toward the gears. There's mulching sounds as the machine consumes the body, a large spurt of blood and flesh is spewed out of the other end of the machine -- all in neat, uniform size and shape little pieces.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Walter Beerly: Would take about fifteen seconds.", "Grissom: May I?", "Walter Beerly: You want to stick your head in there, be my guest.", "(Grissom leans in and sprays the inside of the feeder.)", "Walter Beerly: What are you looking for?", "Grissom: Blood.", "Walter Beerly: Oh, you're pretty much out of luck, 'cause I've been chipping all morning, and if there was any in there, it's probably gone. See, wood absorbs moisture. One of the reasons they use it for mulch.", "(Grissom stops and nods.)", "Grissom: Yeah.", "(Grissom leans in and takes a swab of the gears. He rubs it on the tester.)", "Walter Beerly: Pregnant?", "(Grissom shows him the results.)", "Grissom: It's human.", "(Walter Beerly looks at Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg is in the middle of the lab. All around him, he's got containers of maggots. He's separating the maggots from the dirt and going through the dirt at the same time.)", "(Greg turns around and finds Nick standing on the other side of the table. Nick looks at his watch.)", "Nick: Remember, you're on the clock, man. About, uh, twenty-four hours ... all of these maggots turn into flies.", "Greg: I know.", "(Nick turns and leaves the lab. Greg continues to work.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Grissom is operating on a maggot when Mia Dickerson walks in. She puts her lab coat on. Grissom doesn't raise his head. She walks over to him to see what he's doing.)", "Mia Dickerson: What are you doing?", "Grissom: Day shift told me you didn't get any results off the tooth.", "(Grissom cuts the maggot open.)", "Mia Dickerson: Yeah, it was a porcelain crown. Root canal. No viable pulp.", "Grissom: I still need a DNA profile on our victim.", "Mia Dickerson: And since bone marrow extraction can be difficult ...", "Grissom: I figured I'd go straight to the source.", "(Grissom pulls out the maggot guts.)", "Mia Dickerson: Well, maggots are eating machines. They'll have DNA from the flesh. It's genius.", "(Grissom hands her the dish with the maggot guts inside.)", "Grissom: Thank you.", "Mia Dickerson: One maggot colada, coming up.", "(Mia leaves the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg continues to work on separating the maggots from the dirt. Catherine walks in from the hallway. He's working and counting in Spanish.)", "Catherine: What's with the tape?", "(Greg pulls down his mask.)", "Greg: The evidence wasn't cooperating, so I stuck it to them.", "Catherine: (under her breath) Cute.", "(Greg hears her anyway and smiles.)", "Catherine: Anything of interest?", "Greg: Well, I haven't had much time for analysis. So far the only inorganics are these black plastic shreds, from a garbage bag, I think, and ... this.", "(Greg hands Catherine a vial with something inside coated a bit with blue. Catherine opens it and looks at it.)", "Greg: Well, blue trace is tacky to the touch.", "Catherine: It's a fingernail.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Sara is in the lab working on the computer. Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: Uh, sorry, Sara. I need the microscope. Priority.", "Sara: I got three more samples to run. When I'm finished, it'll be your turn.", "Catherine: This can't wait.", "Sara: It can't? Or you can't?", "(Sara looks at Catherine.)", "Catherine: Both. Go have a cup of coffee on me.", "(Sara stands up.)", "Sara: The coffee's free.", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(Catherine sits down as Sara leaves the lab.)", "(Catherine takes out the fingernail sample and puts it in the scope.)", "[ANALYSIS]", "(It reads: Case Number: 19879_c8 Sample: Fingernail with Unknown Blue Substance Component 1: Motor Oil Component 2: Blue Color Paint", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Catherine walks into the office.)", "Catherine: Oil-based blue paint mixed with motor oil ...", "(Catherine hands the analysis results to Grissom. He takes it and looks at it.)", "Grissom: He's back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - CONFERENCE ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass briefs the teams. He narrates as photos appear on the overhead wall of the victims. Catherine stands in the front.)", "Brass: Starting in 1987, a series of murders occurred on the WLVU campus. Three women: Janet Kent ... Marcia Reese ... and Charlene Roth. Now, Charlene Roth's murder provided us with enough evidence to investigate a suspect ... John Mathers, WLVU security guard. He was arrested, tried and convicted. Two years ago, this week, he was executed. The night of his execution, Debby Reston was murdered.", "Officer: Copycat, right?", "Catherine: No. We believe that Mathers was the copycat, responsible only for Charlene Roth's death.", "Brass: Which means the serial killer is still at large.", "Catherine: And we have reason to believe that he has killed again. Our suspect's M.O. is to apply blue paint to a campus railing ...", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[EXT. CRIME SCENE - DAY]", "(Cut to: Nick leans in close to look at a metal railing. He reaches out and touches the paint on the railing.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) ... that he has infused with motor oil to retard the drying process.", "CUT BACK TO:", "(On the overhead, there's a photo of the metal railing.)", "Catherine: He then lays in wait for a female victim to touch the railing.", "(Cut to: [WATER FOUNTAIN] Sarah examines the water fountain.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) It's always near a water fountain. He then grabs them from behind as they're washing the paint from their hands.", "(Catherine continues to brief the officers.)", "Catherine: Our suspect's prior victims were all sexually assaulted. No semen was found. Cause of death: Strangulation.", "Brass: He stuffed them in black plastic trash bags", "Quick flashback to:", "[Scene from 3X06: The Execution of Catherine Willows]", "[EXT. UNIVERSITY - LIBRARY -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine examines the body in the garbage bag dumped.)", "Brass: (V.O.) ... and dumps the bodies in plain sight.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Given that he has been killing for around twenty years, we approximate his age to be ...", "(Quick flash of: [UNIVERSITY CAMPUS] Slow motion. Camera lingers on men of Various types fitting that description walking on campus.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) ... at least thirty-five. He may wear glasses. He may drive a Chevy with black interior.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Officer 2: The latest victim was put in a wood chipper. Why the change in M.O.?", "Catherine: Serials have been known to change their signatures because they have to. Fear of being caught ... interruption ... or it could just be an act of escalation.", "[PHOTOS ON BOARD]", "(Camera slowly moves over the Past victim crime scene photos hanging on the boards.)", "Brass: (V.O.) So we're looking for a sadistic, ritualistic, organized sociopath.", "(Camera pulls back and we find Grissom standing in front of the photo board staring at the crime scenes.)", "Brass: (V.O.) We'll be on 12 and 12s. No holidays, no vacations until this is solved.", "(Camera holds on Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - FRONT SIDEWALK -- DAY]", "(Catherine is surrounded by reporters.)", "Reporter: Ms. Willows, can you confirm that the blue paint killer has claimed another victim?", "Catherine: I haven't been cleared for comment.", "Reporter: Ms. Willows, was John Mathers wrongfully convicted?", "(Quick flashback to:", "[Scene from 3X06: The Execution of Catherine Willows]", "[INT. LAS VEGAS PRISON - NIGHT]", "(John Mathers is strapped to the table. He turns his head and looks at Catherine sitting in the witness booth.)", "Reporter: (V.O.) Did the state execute an innocent man?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: John Mathers killed Charlene Roth and was punished for it.", "(The reporters to shout out their questions.)", "Reporter: (shouts) You sure this isn't a copycat?! REPORTER: Well, how can you be so sure of that?", "(Catherine turns and walks away. The reporters continue to shout out their questions.)", "Reporter: Ms. Willows? REPORTER: Ms. Willows!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Mia Dickerson reports her findings to Grissom.)", "Mia Dickerson: I double-checked the results. The DNA from the maggots is male.", "Grissom: Any possible cross-contamination?", "Mia Dickerson: No, the samples were pure.", "(Grissom sighs and turns as he leaves the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Warrick walks through the hallway and catches Grissom coming out of the lab.)", "Warrick: Griss, this place is crawling with press. They want a statement.", "Grissom: Not now.", "Warrick: Well, if you don't say anything, they're just going to fill in the blanks ...", "Grissom: Screw the press, 'cause for all I know, the dead body is an auto mechanic who just painted his house blue.", "(Grissom walks down the hallway. Warrick watches him go, shakes his head and heads down the hallway in the other direction.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg is going through the dirt. He finds two halves of a gold-colored key.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OMEGA ZETA PI FRATERNITY HOUSE -- DAY]", "(Catherine holds up the little bag with the key inside showing it to the Frat Boy.)", "Catherine: What's this key used for?", "Frat Boy (#56): Um, pledging. Plebes are asked to swallow it on the first night of hell week.", "Nick: Then \"retrieve\" it and return it by the end of the week, right?", "Frat Boy (#56): You got it.", "Catherine: You know that hazing is illegal. You could lose your charter.", "Frat Boy (#56): Well, it's not hazing. It's a voluntary loyalty ritual.", "Catherine: Political science major?", "Frat Boy (#56): Pre-law.", "Catherine: Good. Maybe you can explain why the pledge who swallowed this key ended up dead.", "Frat Boy (#56): Wha-what're you talking about?", "Nick: Has anyone from omega zeta pi dropped out or gone missing?", "(He thinks about it. He stands up and goes to the whiteboard with the photos of the plebes on it.)", "Frat Boy (#56): Uh ... yeah, Jo-Jonathan Avery Haywood III.", "(He takes the photo down and hands it to Nick.)", "Frat Boy (#56): Johnny. Oh, kid was a shoe-in. Dad was a member. Granddad was a member. But we haven't seen Johnny since pledge week.", "Catherine: So, he's been missing for days, yet you didn't bother to call anyone?", "Frat Boy (#56): For all I knew he was getting laid. Look, I'm the fraternity president, not his mother.", "Nick: We're gonna need his toothbrush and his hairbrush.", "(Just then, two fraternity pledges are joking around as they pass by the door.)", "Plebes: Get off of me!", "Frat Boy (#56): (to the pledges) Button!", "(Immediately, the two pledges stop joking around, they raise their hands high up into the air and start chanting.)", "Plebes: I'm a loser.", "Plebes: I'm a loser. I'm a loser.", "(On one of the frat boy's hands, there's a blue paint stain. Camera zooms in for a close-up.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CAMPUS PATH -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom touches the paint on the walkway railing. He looks at the wet paint on the tip of his finger.)", "Grissom: Why didn't Nick find this before?", "Catherine: 'Cause he was working from a schematic the campus security gave him. The railing's not on it.", "(Catherine looks at the base of the railing. She kneels down and checks the cement on the ground.)", "Catherine: This cement is fresh.", "Grissom: So, now he's not just painting railings; he's installing them. We're going to need to dig this up, cement and all.", "(Catherine takes a photo of the railing cement. She stands up and looks around the area with Grissom. Near the railing is the water fountain off to the side.)", "(Near the water fountain is a bench. Under the bench is a garbage bag with something inside with blonde-hair.)", "(Grissom glances at Catherine.)", "(Grissom walks over to the bench.)", "Catherine: (o.s.) Call Brass.", "(Catherine follows Grissom. They kneel down next to the garbage bag. Catherine snaps a photo. He notes the blonde-hair near the garbage bag opening. Grissom slowly opens the bag.)", "(Inside is a blonde-haired dummy.)", "(Grissom looks at Catherine. He takes a deep breath.)", "Grissom: So, he knew we would find this. And now he's taunting us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom and Catherine are in the lab, both working on the garbage bagged dummy. Grissom cuts the bag off. They remove the blonde-haired s*x dummy inside the bag. The dummy's hands are bound together.)", "(Catherine takes photos of the dummy.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Nick walks into the garage and looks at the railing from the university campus.)", "(He kneels down and takes photos of the railing.)", "(Cut to: Grissom cuts the plastic used to bind the dummy's hands together. We note that the dummy's hands are smudged with blue paint.)", "(Catherine takes a swab sample of the blue paint on the dummy's hands.)", "(Grissom takes a swab of the blow-up dummy's airhole.)", "(Cut to: Nick examines the paint on the railing. He finds a print.)", "(Cut to: Catherine finds a folded piece of paper stuffed in the dummy's mouth.)", "(On the paper is a strand of hair. The message reads:", "I HAVE HER", "(Grissom takes the hair.)", "Catherine: Two years ago, DNA confirmed a hair found on Debby Reston belonged to the serial's first victim, Janet Kent.", "Quick flashback to:", "[Scene from 3X06: The Execution of Catherine Willows]", "[EXT. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS - LIBRARY - NIGHT]", "(Catherine takes some hair off of the dead girl's body.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Grissom looks at the hair.)", "Grissom: Planted hairs. It's part of his signature.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom works on the note. He scans the note into the computer. He sprinkles black powder on the paper and a second image appears.)", "(It's a sketch of a woman bound, gagged and terrified.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine, Grissom, Nick and Warrick are in the lab.)", "Catherine: Well, DNA confirmed that the hair found in the doll's mouth belonged to Debby Reston.", "(On the monitors is the drawn image of the woman.)", "Grissom: I tested the note with ESDA, because I saw some indentations in the paper.", "Warrick: He must've written \"I have her\" on the underlying page.", "Catherine: Prior evidence indicated that the suspect was an artist or had some connection to the university's art department.", "Nick: Serials typically photograph their crime scenes. If we're dealing with an artist here ... maybe he drew his victims instead.", "Warrick: Looks like she's in a small room.", "Grissom: What is that in the foreground?", "Warrick: Chair? Sofa?", "Catherine: What about behind her?", "Nick: Windows, maybe. Can we blow that up?", "(Catherine enhances the image.)", "Catherine: Some kind of signage?", "Grissom: And the lettering's backwards.", "(Warrick turns away.)", "Nick: Cramped space. Chairs in the foreground, but no other furniture. No shutters or curtains on the windows. Maybe it's not a room. Maybe it's a ... vehicle.", "Catherine: He was in the front seat, and he was looking at her through the rearview mirror.", "(Quick flashback of: [INT. CAR - NIGHT] The woman is tied up in the back seat as the kidnapper draws her.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: So, he can attack her, abduct her, rape her and strangle her, but he can't look directly at her?", "(Warrick sits at the workstation in the back as he shares his theory.)", "Warrick: Guys, those black trilobal fibers that we found on Debby Reston's body were from a Chevy.", "(He brings up a photo of the Chevy van on the monitors for the others to look at.)", "Warrick: And the size and shape of those windows are consistent with a Chevy van.", "(Nick looks at the lettering.)", "Nick: I recognize the signage. The Erotica Boutique on Tropicana. (They look at him.) It's distinctive ... the font ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING -- NIGHT]", "(Sirens wail as officer cars converge on the Erotica Boutique's parking lot.)", "(They find the white van parked in the lot.)", "(Officers with their guns out approach the car. Brass leads the team to check the van out.)", "Brass: Okay, break it open.", "(Catherine steps out of the car as they pop the lock off the back van door.)", "(Inside, they find a dead body. By the smell, the body's been there a while.)", "(Catherine, Grissom and Nick look inside the van.)", "Grissom: So, this is where he brought them.", "Catherine: The pump was probably for the doll. Beer bottles ... tell Mia to check them for saliva, as well as other bodily fluids.", "Nick: You're thinking she was raped with a foreign object ... may be why we never found semen.", "Brass: The police presence on the campus probably interrupted his plans for her disposal.", "Catherine: I'll take the girl.", "Nick: (nods) I'll take the van.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. EROTICA BOUTIQUE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom walks into the store. He looks around. He finds the s*x doll display. He picks up one and looks at it. The seemingly bored clerk behind the counter comments.)", "Clerk: Huh. I would've picked you for a leather guy.", "Grissom: Has anyone, uh, bought one of these coed cheerleader dolls in the last few days?", "Clerk: Most popular models are the latex love-'em-or-leave-'em cheapies for bachelor parties. But in the midrange, Chrissy's not a bad choice.", "Grissom: Well, I'm more interested in the clientele than the merchandise.", "(Grissom walks over to the clerk. The Clerk puts his newspaper down.)", "Clerk: Oh.", "Grissom: I'd like to take a look at your credit card receipts.", "(The clerk scoffs and looks down at the sign: CASH ONLY PERVERT!!!)", "Grissom: Surveillance?", "Clerk: Bad for business.", "(Next to the counter is a magazine rack. Grissom looks turns the rack display and finds the comic book HOT BLOODED with a drawn picture of a woman bound and terrified.)", "(He picks up the magazine and shows it to the clerk.)", "Grissom: You know this artist?", "(The Clerk looks at the magazine.)", "Clerk: Yeah, that is \"Zippy Tee.\"", "Grissom: You have an address for him?", "Clerk: Dude, I don't know where he lives.", "Grissom: How do you pay him?", "Clerk: (scoffs) It's not the Louvre. It's the love boutique. Local guys get store credit.", "Grissom: Has he ever traded for ... a doll?", "Clerk: (nods) Yeah.", "Grissom: Can you describe him for me?", "Clerk: White guy. Brown hair. Little shorter than you. 40, maybe 45 ...", "Clerk: (both) Average looking. GRISSOM: (both) Average looking.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORESNIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Robbins goes over the report with Catherine.)", "Robbins: This all looks eerily familiar. Blue paint on the hand. Physical signs of sexual assault. Ligature marks around the neck.", "Catherine: Prints turn up anything?", "Robbins: She's still a Jane Doe.", "Catherine: Height and weight?", "Robbins: Five-eight. 131 pounds.", "Catherine: Can you take down her hair?", "Robbins: Sure.", "(Robbins untucks the body's hair and drapes it around her shoulders.)", "Robbins: Pretty.", "(Catherine looks at the body, then walks over to the computer where she pulls up information about the missing plebe.)", "Catherine: Pretty boy.", "Robbins: Definite similarity.", "Catherine: None of the other victims looked alike.", "Robbins: So, why these two?", "Catherine: Maybe he was a mistake.", "Robbins: Mistaken for a girl?", "(Quick flashes of: The girl with long, blonde-hair walks down the path near the railing.)", "(Flash to: Johnny, the boy with long, blonde-hair, walks down the path near the railing. He touches the railing and gets paint on his hand.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) But not just any girl. (beat) This girl.", "(Flash to: The girl touches the failing and gets paint on her hand.)", "(Flash to: The girl goes to the water fountain.)", "(Flash to: The boy reaches for the water fountain.)", "(As the girl washes her hand, someone moves in the bushes near her, watching her.)", "(Someone hits the boy over the back of the head as he washes his hands.)", "(End of flashes. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: We thought he selected his victims at random. He didn't. He chose her. He hunted her ... and trapped her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine interviews Mandy Cooper.)", "Mandy Cooper: The TV said you were looking for information on Kaitlin Rackish.", "(On the table is a photo of Mandy and Kaitlin in bikinis.)", "Catherine: When was the last time you saw Kaitlin?", "Mandy Cooper: Monday, but I've been pledging, so I haven't slept in the dorm the last couple nights. I just thought I kept missing her.", "Catherine: Can you tell me what the two of you did on Monday? All the details.", "Mandy Cooper: We went to the gym. Showered. Went to the dining hall. Monday's mac-n-cheese day. It's Katy's favorite. We picked up our orders at the campus copy union -- term papers. We bought sodas at the bookstore. We went to the library to study. A couple guys from Zeta Beta Theta were at the same table, so we didn't get that much done. Then she left for her 7:00 class.", "Catherine: What class is that?", "Mandy Cooper: Monday's, um ... \"Introduction to the Female Form\" with Professor Lewis.", "Catherine: Cody Lewis?", "Mandy Cooper: He got me interested in art.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews Cody Lewis who is studying the magazine cover procured from The Erotica Boutique.)", "Brass: \"Introduction to the female form\"? Well, that's deep. That's really deep. I bet that brings in all the 17-year-old pre-feminists.", "Cody Lewis: This isn't mine. Technique isn't bad, but it's raw. This person hasn't had any formal training at all.", "Brass: Well, maybe it's your alter ego. You know, your bad-boy side; the Mr. Hyde thing.", "Cody Lewis: You know, I came in voluntarily. You see, I want to help you. But this is borderlining on harassment.", "Brass: Look, I'm trying to tie together some loose ends, so help me out, all right? I appreciate your help. I do. You got rid of your Chevy van. You got yourself a wife. Does she know you dated the first victim? Your return to the campus coincided with the murder of the fourth victim? And Kaitlin Rackish was in your evening classes? You see what I got?", "Cody Lewis: No, I don't.", "Brass: Your Buddy Mathers didn't talk much, either, and look what happened to him. He's at the wrong end of a cold needle.", "Cody Lewis: You know what it's like to be told you lead the life and fit the profile of a serial killer?", "Brass: No. I wouldn't have a clue.", "Cody Lewis: You see, you make all these assumptions, and you're not asking questions here. You're attacking me to see how I react to what you say. Nothing I say is going to make a difference with you. So what's the point?", "Brass: Why don't you just confess?", "Cody Lewis: That's my point. I didn't do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Nick and Greg examine the white Chevy van. Greg snaps a photo of the contents in the armrest storage. He takes out a parking pass.", "WESTERN LAS VEGAS UNIVERSITY", "PARKING PERMIT", "FALL 1986", "NO. 07865", "Greg: WLVU parking pass. Connection to the campus. 1986. This guy's been doing this a long time.", "(Nick picks up a broken pair of glasses.)", "Nick: Two years ago, Debby Reston broke her killer's glasses.", "(Quick flashback to: [From 3X06] [NIGHT] As Debby Reston fights her attacker, she grabs his glasses and smashes them against the tree. They break.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: They were 20/80.", "Greg: I'll run 'em. See if they're the same.", "(Nick checks the van's VIN number.)", "Nick: VIN's been obliterated. You better go ahead and run that parking pass.", "(Nick checks the NEVADA license plates: 519 RZD (The Silver State). Registration sticker is for 11/2003.)", "Nick: Plate's expired. Registration sticker's a phoney.", "Greg: How do you know?", "Nick: Check out the serial number", "(Greg looks at the registration sticker.)", "Greg: (to himself) \"0-0-0-0...\" (louder) Yeah, got it. Homemade.", "(Greg climbs into the back of the van to look around while Nick removes the license plate. Under the carpet, Greg finds some black powder.)", "Greg: Hey, did you spill print powder in the back the van?", "Nick: No. No, I superglued. Why?", "Greg: May have found something.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Sara walks into the lab while Jacqui's working.)", "Sara: Anything from the prints off the van?", "Jacqui Franco: Prints from the dash and the rearview mirror were a match to the partial that we got off the trash bag Debby Reston was found in two years ago. Same guy, but still no hits from AFIS.", "(Jacqui finds a print off the plastic binding from the comic book.)", "Sara: Are the x-rated comic books ready?", "Jacqui Franco: Nothing comical about them. Look at this. Double-D cups, tiny waists, bondage. Dehumanization.", "(The frame reads: DON'T WORRY ... IT WILL BE A \"GOOD\" HURT ... )", "Jacqui Franco: I'm all for visual stimulation, but these images are about domination, not s*x.", "(Sara looks at the frame of the woman crying.)", "Sara: This artist gets off on dominating women. This is his s*x.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB ]", "(Warrick and Catherine go over finding the commonality between the victims. They have all the photos spread out in front of them.)", "Warrick: Janet and Marcia both lived in Dakin Hall. Charlene and Debby took Econ 101. Marcia and Charlene took English Lit. Janet, Debby and Kaitlin all ate at MacGraw dining hall.", "Catherine: Janet dated Cody Lewis. Kaitlin took his art class. All right, so, uh, there's not one single thing that all five women have in common.", "Warrick: Right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE]", "(Grissom puts his gloves on as he walks up to the van. He opens the driver's door and climbs inside and sits behind the driver's wheel.)", "(Grissom looks around. He reaches out and adjusts the rear view mirror.)", "CUE SOUNDS: WOMAN'S MUFFLED GROANS", "(Grissom adjusts the mirror and visualizes seeing a victim tied up in the back seat through the mirror's reflection.)", "(Quick flashes of: [INT. VAN] The woman tied up struggles, her cries muffled. Various flashes of various victims.)", "(End of flashes. Resume to present.)", "(Grissom continues to stare at the mirror.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Sara studies the comic book pages frame by frame. On her notes, she writes:", "YOUNG CAUCASIAN", "Her notes on the Components for a Serial Sexual Aggressor read:", "Case Number: 04-11-0*", "Date: 11-4-04", "PARAPHELIC", "RAPE WITH FOREIGN OBJECT DEMOGRAPHIC", "YOUNG, CAUCASIAN, LONG HAIRED SITUATIONAL", "SMALL, TEMPORARY, MOBILE SPILLS RELATIONAL", "REAR BASED, DEPERSONALIZED SELF PERCEPTION", "DOMINANT, DISASSOCIATIVE", "(Sara studies the comic pages.)", "(The man in the drawing is threatening the woman.)", "(CU: FEAR BASED)", "(The woman in the drawing cries, her face shut from fear.)", "(CU: DOMINANT,)", "(The woman in the drawing is walking along the street, half-naked and beaten.)", "(CU: DISASSOCIATIVE,)", "(Sara continues to work.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(Nick reports his findings to Grissom.)", "Nick: Dead plates. Tampered VIN. Registration stickers are counterfeit. The killer did a good job, though. He used the right color, changed them every year, but no serial numbers.", "Grissom: So, we still don't know who owns the van.", "Nick: Well, Greg did find this in the glove box. (He hands the parking permit to Grissom.) It's from 1986. So I called school administration. It's parking spot 324. Not a student, but an employee executed two years ago.", "(Nick takes the parking permit back from Grissom.)", "Grissom: John Mathers?", "Nick: Yep. Ran Mathers through the DMV. The partial VIN Number on our van's a match.", "(They stop walking.)", "Grissom: So, our killer was driving around in Mathers' old van.", "Nick: I don't think these two guys are an original and a copycat.", "(Grissom stares at Nick.)", "Nick: They were partners.", "(Grissom looks stunned.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[VIDEO RECORDING]", "(John Mathers is being interviewed.)", "John Mathers: (from video) I don't deserve to die. You think killing me will solve anything?", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Nick is going over the video when Catherine walks in.)", "John Mathers: (from video) I've prepared myself, but I'm not ready.", "Catherine: This the John Mathers interview?", "Nick: Week before he was executed.", "Journalist: (from video) Charlene Roth's mother testified at the allocution that your death would mean her closure.", "John Mathers: (from video) Not if you kill the wrong man.", "Journalist: (from video) Forensic evidence testified to at your trial says that you're guilty.", "John Mathers: (from video) Forensic evidence changes all the time. One day I'm innocent, the next day I'm not.", "Catherine: Is there anything in his prison file?", "Nick: All those years on death row he only had one visitor, his lawyer. Although he did receive a far amount of letters from random women ... if he was in communication with his partner, nothing in the file shows it.", "Journalist: (from video) You've been in prison for fifteen years. During that time the murders stopped.", "John Mathers: (from video) What does that prove? The real killer's smart.", "(Grissom walks into the room. Sara follows.)", "John Mathers: (from video) Watches the news, he reads the papers just like you. I'm ... man, I'm the perfect patsy.", "Journalist: (from video) So you maintain your innocence?", "John Mathers: (from video) Absolutely. I worked campus security. I'm not the smartest or the richest guy, but do I look like I had problems with women? I'm not the killer. Remember that when I'm gone.", "Sara: Well, the prints on the comb bindings from the comic books are a match to the prints recovered from the van and the garbage bag that Debby Reston was in.", "(Sara hands the bagged comic to Catherine.)", "Grissom: Did you analyze the comics?", "(Sara sits down.)", "Sara: Yeah, and the drawings indicate a dominant, disassociative sexual sadist.", "Nick: Prison shrink diagnosed Mathers as a psychopath with a dependent personality disorder.", "Sara: Which means he was pre-disposed to violent crimes but he might have needed some encouragement.", "Grissom: Well, to invite someone to join you for torture and murder would require a great deal of trust. You would only do it if you knew you could completely control your partner.", "Catherine: Mathers was the submissive. His partner is the alpha male.", "Grissom: Sexual sadism can go hand in hand with sexual dysfunction. Mathers said that he wasn't the killer, but we confirmed that he had s*x with Charlene Roth, based on the fact that we found his pubic hairs on her body.", "Catherine: Mia was looking for saliva on the beer bottles from the van and found a vaginal contribution on the neck of one of them.", "Nick: Maybe Mathers was this guy's surrogate pen1s.", "Catherine: Question. The partner kills on the eve of Mathers' execution, and again this week, on the second anniversary. (Shakes her head.) Why the no-show last year?", "Grissom: Maybe life got in the way.", "(Hodges walks into the room with the test results.)", "David Hodges: Nick, that black powder from the back of the van is ink. A toner made exclusively for commercial copy machines. OCE 3600.", "Nick: Okay. Thanks, Hodges.", "(Hodges leaves. Catherine looks at the test results.)", "Catherine: The most recent victim went to the campus copy union with her roommate on the day she disappeared. Janet Kent's ...", "(Catherine digs through the photos looking for something specific. She finds it.)", "Catherine: ... pocket contents -- a receipt from WLVU Copy Union. On Debby Reston's backseat ... (She finds another photo of a couple of STUDENT HANDBOOKS.) ... catalogs with comb bindings.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. UNIVERSITY - FRONT STEPS - NIGHT]", "(Sirens blip as police cars stop in front of the university stairs. Brass exits the car and runs to meet up with a couple of Campus Security Guards.)", "Brass: Who'd you find?", "Campus Security Officer 2: Kevin Greer. Works at the copy union. Only employee who's been there over ten years; since 1983.", "Brass: Fits our profile.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COPY UNION - NIGHT]", "(Brass walks out of the Copy Union with the Worker following him.)", "Brass: Where's Kevin Greer?", "Copy Center Worker: He just left. He works till eight.", "Brass: Time for evening classes to let out.", "Copy Center Worker: What's going on?", "Brass: Look, we'd like to talk to Kevin Greer. You have any idea where he is?", "Copy Center Worker: No. We don't hang out.", "Brass: How many people work here?", "Copy Center Worker: Just me.", "Brass: Okay, we need to look around.", "Copy Center Worker: Okay.", "(Brass steps away as Catherine finishes putting her gloves on. She looks into the trash and finds some black toner powder.)", "Catherine: Black plastic trash bags with toner powder. (She looks over at the Copy Center Worker.)", "Catherine: Excuse me. Does Kevin Greer use this machine for any of his personal projects?", "Copy Center Worker: Yeah. He binds his comic books.", "(Catherine looks at Brass. They both leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. GREER RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(LVPD surround the small residence. Brass runs up to the front door with a couple of other officers. He crouches down.)", "Brass: Kevin Greer, Las Vegas police! (to the officer) Hit it.", "(The Officer batter-rams the door.)", "Officer: Let's go!", "(The officers and Brass enter the residence.)", "Voice: (o.s.) Clear!", "(Brass slowly makes his way down the hallway. The officers rush through the rooms clearing it.)", "Voice: (o.s.) All clear.", "(Brass continues to walk cautiously through the hallway.)", "Voice: (o.s.) Check that noise! VOICE: (o.s.) Clear. VOICE: (o.s.) Clear. VOICE: (o.s.) Got it. Clear.", "(At the far end of the hallway, there's a loud rattling machine mixing something. He looks at it. Grissom and Catherine step into the room.)", "(Catherine walks up to the machine. Brass turns it off. The room is extremely silent.)", "Catherine: A paint mixer.", "Grissom: WLVU blue.", "Catherine: So he mixed his own paint so we couldn't trace the origin of his purchase.", "(The phone rings. The answering machine clicks on.)", "Kevin Greer: (from machine) Las Vegas's finest. Nice job. Impressive turnout. Have a look around. I'll be here at the station waiting for you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Kevin Greer sits at the interview table with a stack of papers in his hands. He turns around and smiles as Brass and Grissom walk into the room.)", "Kevin Greer: Gil, Jim.", "(He smiles at them as they sit down across from him.)", "Kevin Greer: Yeah, my rule was: If you made it to my house, you deserved to meet me. I mean, how much time did you guys spend picturing the size of my hands? Huh. (He shows them.) Not very big. You don't need big hands, though, not the way I do it. Just ... just a little at a time.", "(He looks at Grissom.)", "Grissom: Take life, give it back. God-like.", "Kevin Greer: God-like? No. But there must be something angelic in the way I look, because even on their last breath, they didn't think I'd actually do it. (He continues to draw as he talks.) Am I disappointing you guys? I mean, are you looking at me, wishing I was ... scarier?", "Grissom: No.", "(Grissom takes his glasses off.)", "Grissom: I was, uh, wondering what happened to your glasses.", "Kevin Greer: Stupid lasik. It's what got me caught.", "Grissom: Is it?", "Kevin Greer: When that Debby bitch busted my glasses ...", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. - NIGHT] Debby Reston grabs his glasses and breaks them as she struggles. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Kevin Greer: I decided they were a liability. But the procedure didn't take.", "Grissom: Is that why you missed last year's anniversary?", "(He looks at Grissom.)", "Kevin Greer: (chuckles) And my night vision still sucks.", "Grissom: Johnny?", "Kevin Greer: I don't want to talk about him.", "Grissom: Well, you, uh, kept him for several days before you chopped him up.", "Brass: Were you having a good time?", "(Kevin looks at Brass and Grissom.)", "Kevin Greer: I'm not into boys.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. GREER RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(Catherine opens the large freezer up.)", "Kevin Greer: (o.s.) Kid was in my freezer.", "(They look inside. Sara snaps a couple of photos. She gasps.)", "(Taped against the side of the freezer are locks of hair in a plastic bag along with a comic caricature of the frightened woman.)", "KAITLIN RACKISH", "DEBBY RESTON", "MARCIA REESE", "(Catherine snaps photos of the baggies. Sara looks at the locks of hair.)", "BRIT MOSSCOE", "(Catherine puts her camera down.)", "Catherine: Wait a minute.", "(She counts them.)", "Catherine: (softly) One, two, three, four, five, six. (louder) There are six here.", "(She looks back at Sara.)", "Catherine: We only know of five.", "(She reaches inside and takes out the sixth baggie: BRIT MOSSCOE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "Grissom: Tell us about Charlene Roth.", "Kevin Greer: You had to bring her up. You know, I tried to talk him out of it, but, uh, J.M wouldn't ...", "Brass: John Mathers.", "Kevin Greer: Yeah. He had something to prove. See, he didn't understand that we were better together than we would ever be apart. (He goes back to the drawing.) He needed me.", "Brass: Soul mates.", "Kevin Greer: Contrary to popular belief, even people like us have souls. I spent fifteen years looking for a solid replacement, but you only get that lucky once in a lifetime.", "Grissom: You miss him.", "Kevin Greer: I created him.", "Brass: But you let him take the fall.", "Kevin Greer: He got caught. That's the price you pay for incompetence.", "Brass: Death.", "Kevin Greer: That's what you deserve when you make a mistake.", "(He looks at Grissom.)", "(There's a knock at the door.)", "(Kevin Green glances behind him.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY OUTSIDE INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom stands up and steps outside.)", "(Catherine hands him a slip of paper.)", "Catherine: There's a sixth victim. A Brit or Brittany Mosscoe. Her name was on a ziploc bag in Greer's freezer. It contained a lock of hair. Sara's looking into Missing Persons. And Mia's running it through DNA.", "Grissom: Thanks.", "(Grissom heads back into the interview room.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Grissom sits down.)", "Grissom: Where is, uh ... Brit Mosscoe?", "(Kevin Greer looks at Grissom and Brass. He smiles.)", "Kevin Greer: There's a lot of fight in her.", "Grissom: Is she old or new?", "(Kevin Greer continues to draw. He finishes and stops. He looks at them.)", "Kevin Greer: I'll take you to her. (to Brass) Oh, we'll need a full tank of gas.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. GREER RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(Sara is back at the residence. On the freezer cover, she has all the baggies and locks of hair spread out with their corresponding drawings placed under them.)", "(Camera moves over the drawings and bags of hair.)", "JANET KENT", "KAITLIN RACKISH", "BRIT MOSSCOE", "(Sara's phone rings. She answers it.)", "Sara: (to phone) Hello. Yeah, I'm trying to confirm that you have no record of a Brit Mosscoe attending WLVU in the last eighteen years. (pause) What about a night student? (pause) Okay, thanks.", "(Sara hangs up.)", "(She picks up the drawing of Brit Mosscoe and looks at it.)", "(Sara looks around the room and she notices a calendar pinned up on the wall. The picture of the woman in the calendar looks like the woman in the drawing.)", "(Sara removes the calendar from the wall and compares it to the drawing.)", "(It's the same woman.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY OUTSIDE INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass, Grissom and a couple of officers escort Kevin Greer through the hallway.)", "Kevin Greer: Hey, uh, can I go to the bathroom before we go?", "(They stop. Brass turns around and looks at Kevin Greer.)", "Brass: Yeah, okay.", "(The two officers escort Kevin to the restroom.)", "Brass: Bobbie, pat him down.", "(The officers pat Kevin Greer down looking for weapons. He takes his pencil away from him.)", "(They step into the bathroom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(The officer checks the bathroom stalls.)", "(Finding them clear, the officers allow Kevin into the stall. They close the door behind him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. GREER RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(Back at the house, Sara realizes that BRIT MOSSCOE is an anagram for MISS OCTOBER.)", "(She calls Catherine.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine steps out of the room and into the hallway where Brass and Grissom are waiting for Kevin Greer to return from the bathroom.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Slow down. Okay ... okay. I got it.", "(She hangs up.)", "Catherine: The sixth victim is a ruse. He drew her off a calendar. Brit Mosscoe is an anagram for Miss October.", "Grissom: So where's he taking us?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass opens the bathroom door and steps inside.)", "Brass: Mr. Greer, let's go. Come on.", "(He turns inside and finds the two officers just outside the stalls. Grissom follows him.)", "Brass: Mr. Greer? Where is he, in there?", "(An officer points to the stall.", "Brass: Come on, Mr. Greer, let's go!", "(Brass opens the stall door. Grissom sees the garbage bag over Kevin Greer's face.)", "Brass: Damn it!", "(Brass and Grissom step inside and rip the garbage bag off of Kevin Greer's face.)", "(Grissom pulls Kevin Greer out of the stall and onto the bathroom floor.)", "Brass: Get a paramedic!", "(Grissom starts to do heart compressions on Kevin Greer. Catherine steps into the restroom.)", "Brass: Get an EMT in here!", "(There's no response. Grissom continues to do compressions. Still, there's no response. Grissom stops.)", "(Brass shakes his head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(The view is fuzzy as Grissom steps out of the bathroom and into the hallway. He stops in front of the interview room.)", "(He looks inside and sees something.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(On the interview table is the sketch pad Kevin Greer was drawing on when they questioned him. Grissom takes his glasses out and looks at the drawing.)", "(It's of Grissom with various images of himself - tortured, scared and terrified - as seen through the reflection of Grissom's glasses.)", "(Smaller images of the victims, tied up and terrified is in the sketch.)", "(As Grissom looks at the pictures, we hear the sounds of the victims' cries in the background.)", "(Grissom tri-foldover's the sketch into a larger picture of Grissom.)", "(In the image reflected off the glasses is a man with final words coming out of his mouth: GOOD BYE)", "(Camera holds on Grissom.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
What's Eating Gilbert Grissom?
[ "Grissom has to work with Dayshift CSI Sofia Curtis when a high school student is found dead in a hotel room after a party. Assisted by Catherine, Nick and Warrick, they find out that another girl had been kidnapped from the party. However, the father of this girl doesn't seem overly concerned about his daughter's disappearance." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXTREME CLOSE-UP]", "(Camera view of the tight weave of material. Camera pulls out and we see a tie. Camera pulls out even more and we see ...", "[GRISSOM]", "(Grissom stands in front of the mirror trying to put on his bow tie. We watch him struggle with it for a moment.)", "[INT. BALLROOM LOBBY - NIGHT]", "(Through the mirror's reflection, we see Catherine walk over to him.)", "Catherine: What are you doing?", "(Grissom picks up the step-by-step illustrated instruction sheet for how to tie his tie.)", "Grissom: (frustrated) I'm going insane. I don't understand this diagram.", "Catherine: (sighs and shakes her head) You don't need a diagram.", "(Grissom starts fiddling with his tie again.)", "Catherine: You need a woman.", "(From behind, Catherine takes over and ties Grissom's tie for him.", "Catherine: I'm looking forward to your speech.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: (o.s.) ... it wasn't greatly appreciated at the time.", "(The audience chuckles and applauds.)", "[INT. HOTEL - MAIN BALLROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sheriff Rory Atwater is at the podium concluding his speech. He toasts Robert Covallo who is sitting at the table. We also note that Sofia Curtis is sitting next to him.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: But what I think A.D. Covallo will enjoy the most is no longer having to lie about how much work he has to do. Enjoy your retirement, Bob.", "(He looks down and we note that Grissom is busy writing something on a dinner napkin.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: But seriously, folks ... appointing the new Assistant Director for the Crime Lab is not a task I take lightly. I believe in promoting from within. I believe in rewarding years of dedication and devotion to this department. I believe in Conrad Ecklie.", "(The audience applauds. Conrad Ecklie sits at the same table near Grissom.)", "(Conrad Ecklie nods and smiles at the audience. Grissom's pager beeps.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: For a proper introduction, I'd like to turn to his good friend and colleague of many years ...", "(Grissom checks his pager.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: ... Supervisor Gil Grissom.", "(The audience applauds. Catherine glances at Grissom who is reading his pager.)", "Catherine: Gil ...", "Grissom: I got a 419.", "Catherine: Don't even think about it.", "Grissom: Swing's tapped out. I'm the back-up. (Catherine grits her teeth at Grissom. Ecklie watches them. Grissom hands the dinner napkin to Catherine.) Here ... you give my speech.", "(Catherine's eyes widen. Grissom turns to Ecklie and gives him a thumb's up as he gets up to leave the table.)", "Grissom: Good luck, Conrad.", "(Ecklie watches Grissom leave the table. Grissom turns to Sheriff Rory Atwater on the stage. He points to his pager.)", "Grissom: (mouths silently) Homicide", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Gil ...", "(Grissom walks quickly out of the ballroom.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: (to Catherine) What's going on?", "(Catherine looks down at the dinner napkin and opens it where she reads: \"WHAT CAN I SAY ABOUT CONRAD ECKLIE?\")", "(Catherine sighs. Rory Atwater motions to her.)", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: You want to help me out up here?", "(Catherine takes a deep breath and stands up.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - LOBBY -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom walks into the casino carrying his kit.)", "Officer: Hey, Griss ... what's with the monkey suit?", "Grissom: I was at a funeral across the street.", "Officer: At a casino? My condolences. Scene's in the east penthouse. Gotta use the VIP elevator.", "(He hands Grissom the card key.)", "Grissom: Thanks.", "(The officer leaves. The elevator bell dings and the doors open.", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - ELEVATOR - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom steps into the elevator. The slides the card key into the security lock. The doors close.)", "(The elevator bell dings and the doors open again. Sofia Curtis walks in. She greets Grissom with familiarity.)", "Sofia Curtis: Hey.", "Grissom: Hello.", "(The elevator doors close.)", "Grissom: What floor did you want?", "Sofia Curtis: Where do you think I'm going?", "Grissom: I wouldn't know.", "Sofia Curtis: You don't recognize me.", "Grissom: Apparently not.", "Sofia Curtis: In the lab, I usually wear my hair up.", "(He glances at her, then recognizes her.)", "Grissom: Oh, yeah ... You're pulling in when I'm pulling out.", "Sofia Curtis: Sofia Curtis.", "Grissom: CSI-three, day shift. You work for Ecklie.", "Sofia Curtis: As of tonight, so do you.", "(The elevator bell dings and the door opens.)", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL - EAST PENTHOUSE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(They both step out into the penthouse where party guests and officers are. Brass walks up to them. He leads them to the room at the end of the hall.)", "Brass: Hey, Gil ... hey, Sofie. Sorry to drag you away from the chicken cordon bleu. It's the McKinley High homecoming. The dance is downstairs, but the cool kids' party is in here.", "(He opens the doors and leads them into the rooms.)", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL - EAST PENTHOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(They look around.)", "Sofia Curtis: This place makes the rain man suite at Caesar's look like my condo.", "Grissom: These rooms are just for whales and royalty. What's up?", "Brass: We're running down the VIP host -- see who's got it tonight.", "(He leads them to another room inside where the body is.)", "Brass: Okay, paramedics pronounced, left the scene undisturbed. Name is Nicole Jensen, 17. Coroner's en route. I'm gonna talk to the MTV generation.", "(Brass leaves. Sofia Curtis starts to walk into the room.)", "Grissom: Where's your kit?", "Sofia Curtis: I sent a uniform to bring it up.", "(She walks around the body and sees the vomit on the floor near her mouth.)", "Sofia Curtis: Teenager abuses drugs and/or booze ... (she kneels down and looks at Grissom who is also kneeling on the other side of the body.) There's a news flash.", "(She notes the bruises on the body's neck.)", "Sofia Curtis: Contusions on her neck.", "Grissom: And the position suggests she was grabbed from behind.", "(Sofia glances at the red wrist band: A NIGHT TO REMEMBER.)", "Sofia Curtis: (reads) \"A night to remember.\"", "Grissom: A night to forget.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL - EAST PENTHOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(David kneels next to the body and writes his notes on a clipboard.", "[EXT. OLYMPIA HOTEL - EAST PENTHOUSE - BALCONY -- NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "Brass exits the room and steps out into the balcony where Grissom and Sofia are. Above them, are sounds of a helicopter leaving.)", "(Sofia is changing out of her evening gown and into a pair of overalls. Grissom is removing his tie.)", "Brass: Okay ... so I talked to the VIP host. The room was checked out to Charlie Macklin.", "Grissom: It's his casino.", "Brass: Yeah, it's for his daughter, Janelle. She's having an after party with her and her friends.", "Grissom: Oh, off the streets and out of trouble.", "Brass: Best laid plans.", "Grissom: So what's the daughter's story?", "Brass: You know, I don't know. We haven't seen her yet. We're still looking.", "(Grissom and Brass turn and find Sofia in overalls. Brass turns and leaves the balcony. She looks at Grissom, turns and pulls out her evening gown from her overalls.)", "Sofia Curtis: I can barely move in this dress and we haven't cleared the bathroom yet, so there it is. Don't worry, I'm wearing underwear. As far as you know.", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL - EAST PENTHOUSE - LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Camera shutter snaps several times as Grissom takes photos of the body.)", "David Phillips: Liver temp is 97.2. She's been dead less than two hours.", "(In the next room, Sofia finds something.)", "Sofia Curtis: Banana peel ... g-string ... (she lifts it up) ... scared of that.", "(Grissom turns back to the body.)", "David Phillips: Ligature marks on both of her wrists. Some kind of adhesive residue, too.", "(Quick flashback to: The kidnappers/attackers wrap thick tape around her wrists. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: So, she was bound?", "(David turns the body over and notes the bruise on the face.)", "David Phillips: Marked impression on her left cheek.", "(Grissom snaps a photo.)", "Grissom: Maybe some sort of circular device pressed against her face?", "(In the next room, Sofia snaps photos of the items on the foot table.)", "Sofia Curtis: No beer or liquor. Just water, yogurt, and OJ.", "(Grissom looks up as Sofia continues to mutter to herself.)", "Sofia Curtis: Mixers, not for drinks ... maybe for drugs. Right ph in the stomach speeds the buzz. (She looks around the room.) I think there's narco around here somewhere.", "Grissom: (loudly) A-a-are you talking to me?", "(Sofia snaps more photos of the food table.)", "Sofia Curtis: No.", "Grissom: Do you always process like this?", "Sofia Curtis: Like what?", "(She snaps another photo.)", "Grissom: With your mouth.", "(She looks at Grissom.)", "Sofia Curtis: Whenever I meet someone new, I always say their name out loud a few times. Keeps a picture in my head.", "Grissom: Hm ... I thought that's why we had cameras.", "FLASH TO:", "[FLASHBACK]", "(Nicole Jensen staggers into the room. She doubles over and vomits on the floor.)", "Miranda: (V.O.) So, Nikki comes running in and starts laughing at the carpet.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Brass is interviewing Miranda, one of the party-goers.)", "Miranda: You know, hurling, blowing chunks, vomiting.", "Brass: I got it, Miranda. I get the picture. I know what it means.", "Miranda: The others came in, and, uh ... someone tried CPR, I guess. Didn't work. We called 911.", "Brass: So, uh, you tight with Nikki?", "Miranda: (scoffs) God, no. Her dad was a freelance limo driver. I mean, you have to have a felony to get that job.", "Brass: (chuckles) How would you know that?", "Miranda: Everybody knows that. The guy was an ex-kneebreaker for the old mob. You ever see Casino? The movie?", "Brass: Yeah, sure, yeah.", "Miranda: Whatever. The guy Joe Pesci played.", "Brass: Tony \"The Ant\" Spilotro.", "Miranda: Well, he and Nikki's dad were friends.", "Brass: Oh, yeah?", "Miranda: In real life. Real lowlifes. That girl was kryptonite to me. I'd be lying if I said any different.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - MAIN FLOOR - NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Nick walk across the casino floor.)", "Nick: Kids have been going in and out of the suite all night, but the front desk only issued card keys to seven. Brass has five of them upstairs ... (He looks at his notes.) Uh, Janelle Macklin and Sean Paland are unaccounted for, so I'll check the casino.", "Catherine: I thought you were going to process the scene with Grissom.", "Nick: I was. He said he had it covered. Sofia Curtis is up there with him.", "Catherine: Right ... Ecklie's right hand.", "Nick: Hmm?", "Catherine: Ever do a case with her?", "Nick: Uh-uh. Hey, I heard Grissom stuck you with his speech.", "Catherine: A napkin is not a speech.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - SECURITY ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Catherine talks with the security officer monitoring the cameras.)", "Catherine: I'm going to need to see everybody who went in or out of the east penthouse since check-in, and that includes stairwells and service entrances.", "Kenny: You know, that's Janelle Macklin's suite.", "Catherine: Yeah, I know. Her father owns the casino.", "Kenny: Okay ...", "(Kenny works the keyboard to bring up the video.)", "Catherine: Dance is still going strong.", "Kenny: That's the beauty of high school in Las Vegas. Homecoming in a casino, dance can go all night.", "(Close up of: The dance floor.)", "Security Camera legend:", "BALLROOM M-4", "CAMERA 1", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - BALLROOM M-4 - NIGHT]", "(Nick walks in with Sean Paland through the ballroom.)", "Sean Paland: I've been down here dancing for hours. Ask anybody.", "Nick: Why don't you come over here and talk to me for a second?", "Sean Paland: Come on, man!", "Nick: What, you need to tell your date?", "Sean Paland: I came stag.", "Nick: Come here.", "Sean Paland: If I want a date, I'll get one in there. You know how many couples break up at homecoming? I looked it up. It's like ten percent. It's staggering.", "Nick: Hm ... you hang out with Nikki a lot?", "Sean Paland: Please -- the girl's a scarf. Always hanging on the neck of anyone with loot.", "Nick: Is that what was she doing up in the P. Diddy suite with your buddies?", "Sean Paland: Guess everybody wanted in on that party. And Nikki wasn't on the list.", "(Quick flashback to: Janelle Mackie and a group of kids are in the elevator doors. Nicole Jensen runs up to her as they start to close.)", "Nicole Jensen: Hey, wait, Janelle ... Janelle, wait!", "(Janelle turns around.)", "Janelle Mackie: Look, Nikki, it's no big deal. You're not missing anything.", "Nicole Jensen: That's easy for you to say. C'mon, Janelle, we're seniors. This is my last homecoming -- please!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sean Paland: Janelle's always taking in strays.", "Nick: Yeah, Janelle ... do you know where Janelle is now?", "Sean Paland: I have no idea. You know, when I busted outta there, she was still up there chillin' with the rest of them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Robbins is going over the body as he audio tapes his report.)", "Robbins: Standard SAE kit was collected. Physical finding of sexual activity. Unable to determine if consensual or rape. Collected heart blood sample. Preliminary tox indicates psilocybin, MDMA, and THC in the system.", "(Flash to: Robbins collects from threads from her nose.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) Green-colored fiber was collected from the nasal passages ...", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: ... to be forwarded to trace evidence for analysis. Vomitus mass was found in the throat and lungs and there was petecchial hemorrhaging of the lower eyelids. Preliminary C.O.D. appears to be mechanical asphyxia from aspiration of gastric content as a result of acute drug intoxication. Albert Robbins, M.E., Employee number 228369.", "(Robbins removes the recorder from his ear.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - EAST PENTHOUSE -- BATHROOM - DAY]", "(Sofia Curtis lifts the lid from the toilet bowl. She reaches into the bowl and pulls out a bag of drugs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - EAST PENTHOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom is in the living room looking at the floor where the body used to be.)", "Sofia Curtis: Collected seven used condoms from two bedrooms -- not a record in my book.", "(Sofia walks into the room and puts her kit down.)", "Sofia Curtis: Fact that the victim wrists were bound suggests possible s*x games. Also pulled a plastic baggie from a toilet containing what looks like ground-up mushrooms, probably not the kind you put on pizza. Could be the source of the psilocybin. (She looks at Grissom.) One of those kids is still holding. (She closes her kit and stands up.) I'm gonna let Brass know.", "(She looks at Grissom who is not paying attention to her.)", "Sofia Curtis: That time I was talking to you.", "Grissom: What? (Grissom turns.) Sorry. I was, uh, treating it like white noise.", "(Grissom looks down at the vomit spatter.)", "Sofia Curtis: What are you seeing?", "Grissom: Chicken cordon bleu.", "Sofia Curtis: Okay, there's no evidence of that meal anywhere here, and Ecklie always said you had an odd sense of humor, so that would make this a joke.", "(Grissom stands up.)", "Grissom: Not really. If you're on your feet when you're throwing up, the vomit goes everywhere.", "(Quick flash of: A woman vomiting.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) The higher you are, the wider the splash, right?", "(The vomit spatters on the floor.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: But ... (Grissom kneels down.) this vomit is confined to one specific area. (Sofia kneels down also.) So she was probably lying down when she was throwing up.", "Sofia Curtis: Maybe unconscious.", "Grissom: Or already dead.", "Sofia Curtis: Vomit could've been forced out by CPR compressions.", "Grissom: But that doesn't explain the bruise on her cheek.", "Sofia Curtis: Or the green fibers in her nose.", "(They look around the room for the source of the green fibers and sees the pillow on the couch. They both walk over to the touch. Grissom picks up the pillow and finds the vomit stain on the pillow.)", "Grissom: Well ... may have started here.", "(Quick flash to: Nicole Jansen struggles on the couch.)", "Nikki Jensen: Let go of me!", "Man's Voice: Shut up!", "Nikki Jensen: Stop it! Stop it!", "Man's Voice: Shut your mouth. Man's Voice: There you go! WOMan's Voice: Quiet!", "(Close-up of: The pillow is removed and there's a button impression on Nicole's cheek.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - EAST PENTHOUSE - HALLWAY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass steps out into the hallway where the party attendees are waiting. He walks up to a young man and grabs him by the arm.)", "Brass: (to the young man) Come on. (to the rest) You're all done - (to the young man) Let's go.", "Young Man: What do you mean?", "Brass: We know you're dealing drugs. Nikki Jensen's dead because of you.", "Young Man: No, okay, wait, okay, I don't even do ... I don't even drink, okay? You don't ... you don't want me, you... you want Rex.", "(The Young Man turns and looks over at someone in the hallway. Brass turns and looks at the sleek-looking young man.)", "Brass: Hey, Rex.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - EAST PENTHOUSE - STUDY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass interviews Gavin.)", "Gavin (Rex): Look, my name is Gavin. You got my license, check it.", "Brass: No, no, it's \"Rex,\" you know, as in Rx. I guess it's a lot more subtle than \"drugstore,\" right?", "Gavin (Rex): I got nothing to do with drugs, my man. You already searched me. Is there anywhere else you care to look?", "(Gain leans forward on the desk and taps his behind.)", "Brass: Hey, you better save that position for later, brother. You're gonna need it, where you're going.", "(From the other room, the officer opens the door for Grissom. Grissom walks into the room where Brass and Gavin are.)", "Grissom: Is this our dealer?", "(Grissom puts his kit on the table.)", "Brass: Oh, yeah.", "Gavin (Rex): Get this straight, okay? I'm not a drug dealer. My dad owns seven restaurants, including one at the Bellagio and the gourmet room downstairs. I don't need drug money.", "Grissom: Well, maybe you just like getting your friends high.", "(Grissom turns and looks at Brass. Brass turns and looks at Gavin.)", "Brass: There's a song about that, I think.", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - EAST PENTHOUSE - HALLWAY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Out in the hallway, Sofia walks through the hallway as she looks at the students. She passes the small group of young men and over to the small group of young women. One of the young women has red, raw wrists. Sofia notices.)", "Sofia Curtis: Hold out your hand.", "(The girl shows Sofia her wrist.)", "Sofia Curtis: Duct tape residue. What do you know?", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - EAST PENTHOUSE - STUDY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom takes out the bag with the mushrooms inside.)", "Grissom: You know, if the water is relatively still, submerged prints can remain for weeks, months, sometimes even years.", "(Grissom sets up on the desk. Brass hands him a circular trash bin.)", "Brass: Here you go.", "(Grissom puts it on the desk.)", "Grissom: Thank you. (Grissom picks up the spray bottle.) When we match your prints on this bag, you'll be charged with murder.", "(Grissom sprays the plastic bag.)", "(As the liquid hits the bag, the camera zooms in for a close-up - directly on a print.)", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - EAST PENTHOUSE - HALLWAY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Out in the hallway, Sofia has all the kids show her their wrists. One by one, each of them has duct tape residue.)", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - EAST PENTHOUSE - HALLWAY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "Gavin (Rex): I didn't give Nikki anything. The 'shrooms were for the room. She was diving in there with both hands, and ...", "Brass: Did you have s*x with her?", "Gavin (Rex): So what if I did? She was ... giving it away.", "Grissom: You tied her up and forced her down on the couch.", "Gavin (Rex): That wasn't me.", "(Grissom's phone rings. He answers it.)", "Grissom: Grissom.", "Catherine: (from phone) I just found Janelle Macklin.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB - DAY]", "(Catherine is on the phone while looking at the monitors.)", "Grissom: (from phone) Good. We need to talk to her right away.", "Catherine: That's going to be tough.", "TOWER EAST-VIP ELEVATOR", "CAMERA 1", "{TIME} 10:01:40:--", "(From the security camera: Two men in masks push Janelle Macklin into an elevator. They hold their guns up and look at the camera.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - EAST PENTHOUSE - NIGHT -- FLASHBACK]", "(The party in the penthouse is going on. Suddenly, the doors burst open and two men in masks carrying guns start shouting instructions to the kids.)", "(The girls start screaming.)", "Gunman: Everybody hit the floor! Now! Now! GUNMAN: Now! Now! GUNMAN: Move! Hit the floor!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - EAST PENTHOUSE - NIGHT -- PRESENT]", "(Brass interviews three of the kids who attended the party.)", "Young Man 1: They had duct tape. They tied everyone up, and they dragged Janelle out.", "Brass: So how did Nikki end up dead?", "Young Man 2: Um ... eventually, we all ... got ourselves free. Everybody was scared, but Nikki was possessed.", "Miranda: She was wasted. Freaking out.", "(Quick flashback to: [PARTY] Nikki screams and heads for the door. One of the women stops her.)", "Nikki Jensen: (screams) No! I'm leaving!", "Miranda: Shut up! Shut up!", "(The Young Woman pulls her back into the room and throws her on the couch.)", "Young Man: Shut her up!", "Miranda: Friggin' 'shrooms!", "(Nikki struggles as the others hold her down trying to keep her quiet. Someone puts a pillow over her head.)", "Young Woman: Chill, will ya?! YOUNG MAN: Shut up!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Young Man 2: We weren't trying to hurt her.", "Brass: Well, that's for the DA to decide. Why try to hide the kidnapping?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - MAIN FLOOR -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Sheriff Rory Atwater talk with Charlie Macklin, Janelle's father.)", "Charlie Macklin: I told the kids not to report it. And I told 'em not to leave the room. They were smart enough to listen. Janelle's fine. It's a game.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: You know, Mr. Macklin, based on the surveillance videotape ...", "Charlie Macklin: I've seen it.", "Catherine: Your daughter looked terrified.", "Charlie Macklin: She does school plays. Says she wants to be an actor. At least that's the story this month.", "Catherine: So you think this is all an act? Daddy's little girl begging for attention.", "Charlie Macklin: Right on the button. Let me tell you about Janelle: I sent her to a nice prep school back east, she flunked out on purpose. I gave her a Bentley for her sweet 16, she wraps it around a tree. I've been putting up with this crap since she was a kid. I'm done.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: When was the last time you actually talked to your daughter?", "Charlie Macklin: Yesterday, when she asked me to comp the suite. You want me to call her, fine. She never goes anywhere without her cell phone.", "(Charlie Macklin takes out his cell phone and dials. He puts it on speaker phone.)", "Digitized Voice: (from phone) We have Janelle. Wire one million U.S. Dollars to Grand Caymans National Bank, account number 489-27-63. If the money is not deposited within twenty-four hours, she dies.", "(Charlie Macklin hangs up and puts his phone back into his jacket.)", "Catherine: I take it that's not her usual greeting. If this is a game, why ask for money? She obviously doesn't need it.", "Charlie Macklin: I pay, she wins. You want to know why the \"abductors\" want the money wired to the Caymans?", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Smart move. Most kidnappers do get busted at the drop.", "Charlie Macklin: That's where Janelle has her trust is set up. She knows how those banks work.", "Catherine: When Steve Wynn's daughter was kidnapped, he didn't tell the police. He went to the Mirage Casino Floor, he got 1.4 million in cash, he made the drop ...", "Charlie Macklin: Got his daughter back in a couple hours. Yeah, I know the story. Steve Wynn's daughter was a real victim. Janelle isn't.", "Sheriff Rory Atwater: Game or not, Mr. Macklin, one girl is dead your daughter is missing we're compelled to investigate here.", "Charlie Macklin: You do that. And when Janelle turns up, crying, saying how sorry she is, you make sure she answers for it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins pulls out the table from the morgue to show Bobby Jensen his daughter's body.)", "Robbins: Mr. Jensen, your daughter's personal effects are at the front desk.", "(Bobby Jensen leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY/LOCKER ROOM -- DAY]", "(Ecklie walks through the hallway. He stops in front of the locker room door, peers in and sees Grissom taking off his jacket.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Least you got your money's worth out of the rental. I just wanted to let you know, no hard feelings about you leaving the banquet. You're just ... doing your job.", "Grissom: Have you decided yet who's going to be the day shift supervisor?", "(He looks around the hallway.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Well, Sofia's a logical choice, but nothing's official yet.", "Grissom: You should consider Catherine. She's earned it.", "Conrad Ecklie: I'll, uh, I'll give it some thought.", "(Ecklie's about to leave when he turns back.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Oh, you know ... I'd love to get a copy of your speech. Just a little souvenir for my scrapbook.", "Grissom: (nods) I'll get you a copy.", "Conrad Ecklie: That'd be great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUDIO/VISUAL LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg is reviewing video footage from the", "TOWER EAST - STAIRWELL", "CAMERA 1", "TOWER EAST - VIP ELEVATOR", "CAMERA 1", "TOWER WEST - SERVICE ELEVATOR", "CAMERA 1", "Catherine: (o.s.) Tell me something.", "Greg: (o.s.) I think my eyes need band-aids.", "(Catherine walks over to him.)", "Catherine: Tough shift.", "(Greg rubs his tired eyes.)", "Greg: You did say \"shi-fft,\" right? I reviewed roughly eight hours of video surveillance you so generously provided. Janelle Macklin and several friends rode the VIP elevator to the penthouse around eight p.m. The only other time Janelle set foot in the elevator ... she was a ransom note.", "(Quick flashback to: [VIP ELEVATOR] Two masked men with guns push Janelle into the elevator. They all look at the security camera. The two masked men drag Janelle out of the elevator. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Well, we know they didn't take the VIP elevator down ...", "Greg: ... and, based on the video, they didn't use the stairs or the service elevator, either. Maybe's she's still in the suite. It's a big room.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - ELEVATOR -- DAY]", "(Nick snaps several photos of shoe prints on the floor. Catherine walks into the elevator behind Nick.)", "Nick: Man, there must be over a hundred shoeprints in here.", "(She looks over at the floor panel.)", "Catherine: Even more fingerprints on those buttons. Good luck.", "(She gives him a thumb's up sign and leaves.)", "Nick: (calls out) Thanks a lot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - LINEN HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Warrick is in the linen hallway looking through the housekeeper's cart. Catherine walks by.)", "Catherine: How's it going?", "Warrick: Great. Got all the towels we need here.", "Catherine: Yeah ...", "(Catherine snaps a photo of the linen closet.)", "Catherine: I might stick a few of those in my trunk.", "(Warrick finds something in the laudry bag. He takes out dark-colored overalls.)", "Warrick: The same costumes as the kidnappers.", "(Catherine snaps a photo of it.)", "Catherine: These guys definitely knew their way around this hotel.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(She walks over to the service elevator and presses the button. Warrick walks over to the next laundry cart and looks inside.)", "(The elevator doors open. Catherine snaps photos of the service elevator.)", "(Cut to: [VIP ELEVATOR] Nick takes photos of the elevator. Nick looks around and then looks up at the security camera.)", "(Quick flashback to: [ELEVATOR] The two kidnappers push Janelle into the elevator. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Nick looks around and finds some fibers stuck on the elevator door.)", "(Quick flashback to: One of the kidnappers brushes up against the door as he gets inside. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Nick picks up the fiber.)", "(Cut back to: Warrick looks inside the laundry cart and finds the discarded masks.)", "Warrick: Hey, Catherine ... (He holds up the masks.) ... got everything we need for Halloween except the candy.", "(Catherine takes a photo of the masks.)", "Warrick: The abductors exposed their faces to Janelle Macklin. That's one of two things -- either she knew them, or they were going to whack her.", "(Catherine turns around and walks into the service elevator. She looks around at the buttons. She takes a photo of the unmarked wall inside the service elevator.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[SECURITY VIDEO]", "(Close-up of the marked wall in the TOWER WEST -SERVICE ELEVATOR / CAMERA 1.)", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - SURVEILLANCE ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine looks at the two video cameras for the VIP Elevator and for the Service Elevator. She sees something.)", "Kenny Bristol: Look, I don't know why you had to drag me down here on my day off.", "(Catherine turns and looks at Kenny. She looks at the wire hook-up behind the computers. She finds something. She takes out the box.)", "Catherine: What's this, Kenny?", "Kenny Bristol: (shakes his head) I don't know.", "Catherine: Sure you do.", "Kenny Bristol: A digital video time-delay.", "Catherine: TIVO-ing the casino. Now that's ballsy. You time-shifted the signal from the west penthouse service elevator and you fed it to the east monitor.", "(Catherine looks at Kenny.)", "Catherine: You were in on it.", "Kenny Bristol: Janelle asked me to do her a favor. I really like her. You know, I practically watched her grow up, I mean, through the ... cameras.", "(He starts crying.)", "Kenny Bristol: I'm so fired. I screwed with Charlie Macklin. I'm probably dead.", "Catherine: Where is she?", "Kenny Bristol: I don't know. She said she wanted to sneak some guys up to her suite that Mr. Macklin wouldn't like. What was I supposed to do? I mean, she's the boss' daughter.", "Catherine: She's also a person of interest in the death of Nicole Jensen. If you know anything ...", "Kenny Bristol: I'm telling you, I don't know where she is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Various views of the fiber being processed.)", "(Grissom processes the fiber Nick found in the elevator.)", "Grissom: (to himself) Definitely not synthetic. Medulla is 14 microns in diameter. Continuous cortex. Imbricate scales.", "(Catherine passes by in the hallway and stops. She watches Grissom talk and answer himself.)", "Grissom: (to himself) I'm thinking sheep. (types it in) Merino. Fine wool for fine fabrics.", "(He finds a match.)", "Catherine: Why are you talking to yourself?", "Grissom: I'm trying a new technique.", "Catherine: Is it working?", "Grissom: I have no idea.", "(Grissom picks up the printer results.)", "Grissom: Aniline dye. Most likely BASF or Dupont. Probably used by every high-end garment maker in the world.", "Catherine: And black wool is definitely not used for party dresses. So it's got to be from those tuxedo boys in the suite.", "Grissom: You'll have to take their clothes.", "(Catherine smiles at Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Dean Tate sits with his Lawyer as they go over photographs of the fiber evidence found.)", "(Brass walks into the room.)", "Brass: Thread's from your tux, kid. Nothing's going to change that. So the DA's offered you immunity in Nicole Jensen's death for your full cooperation in the kidnapping of Janelle Macklin. Let's hear it.", "(Brass sits down.)", "Brass: Go ahead.", "Dean Tate: All right, straight up. Janelle hired an eye-in-the-sky geek to knock out the cameras in the service area.", "(Quick flashback to: [SERVICE ELEVATOR] The two guys in masks cock their guns in the elevator.)", "Gunman: Let's rock 'n roll.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Dean Tate: We swooped in, scooped her out, and bam, I mean, we were over it.", "Brass: So she paid you to kidnap her?", "Dean Tate: No. I wouldn't take a penny from Janelle. We've been friends since grade school.", "Brass: Oh, so you did it out of the goodness of your own heart.", "Dean Tate: Look, my parents have dealt cards for twenty years, all right? I didn't grow up with squat. Janelle, she didn't care about that. She still kicked it with me. So when she asked for my help, I helped.", "Brass: Even if it involved several felonies?", "Dean Tate: I wasn't even thinking about that. You don't even get it. You don't understand what it's like to be born and raised here. I mean, Vegas was a dirt lot until the '60s. I mean, it's lucky that I'm not a drug dealer, and Mr. Mack should be happy Janelle's not a junkie stripper. I mean, he was never there for her like my parents were there for me. They instilled good values in my head.", "Brass: Like kidnapping?", "(Dean Tate sits back in his chair.)", "Brass: Who's your partner? Look, counselor, you better educate your client on the meaning of full cooperation.", "Dean Tate: Uh-uh, nah. Vegas has got too many rats, and I'm not gonna be one of them. You want to know where Janelle is, I'll tell you. But you're not going to believe me.", "Brass: Try me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL -- HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Officers and the Manager rush down the hallway and surround the door to Room", "(The Officer knocks on the door.)", "Officer: Las Vegas Police!", "Officer: All right. Open it.", "(The Manager unlocks the door with the card key.)", "(They open the door and enter the room.)", "[INT. HOTEL - ROOM 1503 - DAY]", "(They quickly rush into the room. The bed is a mess, the lamp is overturned. The television set is on loudly.)", "(The room is empty.)", "Television: Don't, don't ... do it! Do it! No, son! No!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Dean Tate is being Polygraphed.)", "Polygraphist: Why did you volunteer to take a polygraph test?", "Dean Tate: I want to clear my name.", "Polygraphist: What crime have you been accused of?", "Dean Tate: Kidnapping Janelle Macklin.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. HOTEL - ROOM 1530 - DAY]", "(Nick and Warrick are looking through the room. Nick is using an ASL on the bed while Warrick snaps photos. He notes the torn camisole on the floor.)", "(Nick moves the bed covers aside and finds some body fluid on the bed sheets. He looks at Warrick who is holding up the torn camisole.)", "(Quick flash of: [HOTEL] Janelle is crying. One man holds her down on the bed while the other removes his pants.)", "Gunman: Shut up! You know you want it!", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "CUT BACK TO:", "[INT. CSI - OFFICE -- DAY]", "Polygraphist: Did you physically assault Janelle Macklin?", "Dean Tate: No way.", "Polygraphist: Did your partner assault Janelle Macklin?", "Dean Tate: No. I don't know.", "[INT. HOTEL - ROOM 1530 - DAY]", "(On the breakfast tray is a half-eaten plate of food. Warrick dusts the food tray cover. He finds a print.)", "[INT. CSI - OFFICE -- DAY]", "Polygraphist: Did you kill Janelle Macklin?", "Dean Tate: No.", "Polygraphist: Do you know where she is now?", "Dean Tate: No. It was just a prank.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Catherine reports the polygraph results to Nick.)", "Catherine: \"Not deceptive.\"", "Nick: So, Dean Tate was telling the truth.", "Catherine: Well, according to the polygraph, yeah.", "(Warrick leans against the door frame.)", "Warrick: Hey, guys, I got a work card hit off of that maple syrup print.", "Catherine: Let me guess. Mrs. Butterworth?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Nick and Brass interview Sean Paland.)", "Sean Paland: What are you accusing me of, eating french toast? What, eating carbs is against the law now?", "Brass: No, but kidnapping is.", "Sean Paland: I don't know anything about that. My prints are in that room because it was Deano's room. He got it so we'd have a place to bring the ladies after the dance.", "(Nick puts the photos of the masks out on the table in front of the suspect.)", "Nick: So you're telling me when I take a sample of your DNA and compare it to the kabuki masks here ... that's not going to be you?", "(Quick CGI POV: Close-up of the Kabuki mask. Camera zooms in on the mouth piece. Sounds of breathing as breath and warm air exhale from the mask's mouthpiece.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Sean Paland: Deano rat me?", "Nick: No. No, the evidence did that.", "Sean Paland: Look, we were playing around. I bus tables every day after school, all right? A grand's a lot of dough for me. You know, this was a joke.", "Nick: You see us laughing?", "Brass: Where's Janelle?", "Sean Paland: I don't know.", "Brass: When's the last time you saw her?", "Sean Paland: After the kidnapping. Janelle planted one on my lips. You know, to thank me. I felt it was more than that. You know, I felt a vibe. I gave her an hour to chill, then I called her. Asked her if I could bring her anything. She said she was kind of hungry, so I told her I'd bring her something sweet to eat, other than me.", "(Quick flashback to: [ROOM 1503] Sean Paland lifts the lid off the food tray. Janelle sits on the bed and giggles. The phone rings.)", "Sean Paland: (V.O.) For a couple seconds, I thought I was in.", "(Janelle answers her phone.)", "Sean Paland: (V.O.) Then she got a voice mail ... checked it and flipped out.", "(She tosses the food tray in frustration and leaves the room.)", "(Sean Paland takes a bite of the toast and tosses it back on the tray.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sean Paland: I figured that was my cue to bolt, so I rolled back down to the dance to continue with the honeys I was already working. I haven't seen Janelle since. I swear to god.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "(Greg watches as Catherine checks the security video and finds Sean Paland walking back into the elevator.)", "Catherine: Well, there he is, stepping onto the main elevator from the 15th floor. Alone.", "(She chuckles as she watches Gunman two working his mirror reflection.)", "Catherine: You crack this kid's head open, all that would come out would be T and A.", "Greg: I think you said that about me once.", "Catherine: Actually, more than once.", "Greg: What's the time code?", "Catherine: 2:04 A.M.", "(Greg checks the cell phone log.)", "Greg: That's right after Janelle Macklin's last call to her voice mail. Just like he said. Let me access the message.", "Catherine: So when are you going to be doing your final proficiency?", "Greg: Every time I ask Grissom, he says, \"next time out.\" And then I end up here.", "(Catherine smiles.)", "Greg: Okay, here it is.", "Charlie Macklin: (from recording) I'm really disappointed with you, Janelle. All these years you spent around me at the casino and you think you can put something like this over on me? The only thing I'm giving you tonight are four little words: Get ... your ... ass ... home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOUNGE - DAY]", "(Catherine, Grissom and Sofia Curtis sit around the table reviewing the information.)", "Catherine: And since the surveillance feed was still being time-shifted at that point, my guess is that Janelle took the service elevator out.", "Sofia Curtis: So ... where does that leave us?", "(Grissom takes his glasses off.)", "Grissom: I think we're done.", "Catherine: No actual crime was committed. The kidnapping wasn't real.", "Sofia Curtis: Nicole Jensen's death was plenty real. Janelle Macklin's ultimately responsible for putting into motion the events that led to Nicole's death.", "Grissom: Well, the broadcast's out on Janelle and her car. When she turns up, she'll have to answer for it.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, that's ... (She glances behind her.) ...highly unsatisfying.", "(Sofia stands up. She puts Grissom's tie on the table.)", "Sofia Curtis: You forgot this at the suite. I fixed it for you. You never know when you might need to get dressed up again.", "(Sofia leaves the room; Grissom watches her go. Catherine picks up the tie.)", "Catherine: (amused) She glued it.", "(Catherine's phone rings.)", "Catherine: Just keep in mind, Gil, that she is on Ecklie's team.", "(She checks her message: 419 McCARRAN AIRPORT.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MCCARRAN AIRPORT - NIGHT]", "(Warrick and Catherine exit the car. They meet up with Brass who is looking in the back of an open trunk.)", "(Brass shakes his head.)", "Brass: State trooper reported the car.", "(In the trunk, Janelle Macklin is dead, a piece of cloth shoved down her mouth.)", "Brass: Who wants to tell Mr. Macklin?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine snaps photos of Janelle Macklin's body on the table. Janelle's wrists are tied behind her back.)", "(Quick flashback to: [TRUNK] Someone ties Janelle's wrists behind her back as she screams. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Catherine snaps more photos. Warrick puts on his gloves and joins her. He notes the scarf shoved in Janelle's mouth.)", "(Quick flashback to: [TRUNK] Someone shoves a scarf into Janelle's mouth, then closes the trunk door. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Warrick removes the scarf.)", "(Quick CGI POV. Camera zooms down the scarf - down Janelle's mouth - down her throat. The scarf is removed. Camera zooms back out of Janelle's mouth along with the scarf. End of Quick CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "(Warrick checks the scarf.)", "(Catherine puts two strips of tape on the material used to tie Janelle's wrists together. Between the two strips of tape, Catherine cuts the material. She puts the scissors aside and removes the material.)", "(Catherine looks at the material.)", "Charlie Macklin: (V.O.) Janelle left a message a couple hours ago. She ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Charlie Macklin meets with Brass.)", "Charlie Macklin: (shocked) She was all worked up, she was crying, saying how someone threw her in the trunk of her car. And then the call cuts off. I thought it was just more drama. This time didn't seem any different from all the others. (He sits back in his chair.) I mean, what kind of kidnapper ... lets you keep your cell phone?", "Brass: You should let us answer that question.", "Charlie Macklin: Where did you find her, Captain?", "Brass: Sunset Road. Near McCarran.", "Charlie Macklin: Janelle loved airplanes when she was a kid. She was always ... begging me to go ... see them take off and land. I took her down there. A couple of times, I think. Her mother is in Paris. That's, uh ... what ... nine hours ahead. Kind of late to call right now.", "(A young woman walks into the office.)", "Mrs. Macklin: Oh, my god, Charlie. They told me about Janelle. I'm so sorry, honey.", "(They kiss. Charlie Macklin makes the introductions.)", "Charlie Macklin: Captain Brass, my wife.", "Brass: How do you do?", "Charlie Macklin: I want you to find whoever did this.", "Brass: That's what we're trying to do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. ROAD - NIGHT]", "(An officer exits the car and walks around the limo to look through the open driver's window at Bobby Jensen.)", "Bobby Jensen: Now what?", "Officer: Mr. Jensen, we need to ask you a couple of questions regarding Janelle Macklin.", "Bobby Jensen: Hmm. And I thought you were gonna tell me you were gonna charge somebody with my daughter's death. Drink?", "Officer: Step out of the car, sir.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Brass interviews Bobby Jensen.)", "Bobby Jensen: Not a peep about my daughter, but page one on Macklin's rich bitch. Oh, you boys sure move quicker when there's cash behind it.", "Brass: Can you account for your whereabouts in the last six hours?", "Bobby Jensen: Why don't you kiss my ass.", "Brass: Look, we have a witness who saw Janelle Macklin get into a town car near the Hard Rock earlier this evening.", "(Quick flashback to: [EARLIER] Nick is going through the front seat of the car.)", "Brass: (V.O.) That's why we impounded your vehicle.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Brass takes out a photo of a bracelet.)", "Brass: Found Janelle's bracelet in your car. (He shows the photo to Bobby Jensen.) What do you think something like this is worth? Hundred G's at least. Huh? Enough maybe to help ease the pain?", "Bobby Jensen: For you, maybe. I got a call for a pickup. I went. Trying to keep my head in the work, 'cause what else do I have left?", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. CAR - NIGHT] Janelle is trying to apologize to Mr. Jensen.)", "Janelle Macklin: Mr. Jensen, you've got to believe me, I never meant for anything to happen to Nikki.", "Bobby Jensen: You get out of this car.", "(She takes her bracelet off and holds it out to him.)", "Janelle Macklin: I-I can pay ... whatever you need until the day I die.", "(He knocks it out of her hands and grabs her chin.)", "Bobby Jensen: (shouts) You wanna pay!? You wanna pay!?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Bobby Jensen: I told her I was gonna put two bullets in her head and dump her on her daddy's front step.", "Brass: But then what, you decided maybe it'd be more fun to tie her up, let her choke to death in the trunk of her own car?", "Bobby Jensen: No. I told her what I felt like doing so her father would know the way I feel. And she got out, and she ran, and it's a good thing she ran, because I might've changed my mind.", "Brass: Maybe you did.", "Bobby Jensen: (sighs) I'm not that guy anymore.", "Brass: You sure about that?", "Bobby Jensen: It really doesn't make any difference what you do to me.", "(He sighs.)", "Bobby Jensen: My baby's dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(The autopsy photos are spread out on the table. Robbins goes over them with Catherine.)", "Robbins: C.O.D. was asphyxia. Scarf lodged all the way down the esophagus, obstructing the epiglottis. Completely cut off her air.", "Catherine: And the tox came back positive for benzodiazepines.", "Robbins: Yeah, that makes sense. They suppress the gag reflex.", "Catherine: And knock you out at the same time. Girl probably didn't even realize she was suffocating.", "Robbins: Would've been something like falling asleep.", "Catherine: All right, so ... based on the time that she called her father and the time we found the car, she was in the trunk at least three hours. That's a slow way to go.", "(Warrick walks into the lab.)", "Warrick: I just got off the phone with Brass.", "Catherine: Let me guess: Jensen lawyered up?", "Warrick: No. He says he didn't do it. And based off the DNA report, I believe him.", "(Warrick hands the report to Robbins and Catherine.)", "Warrick: Mia found saliva and epithelials on the gag and ligature. We ran them against all known suspects.", "Catherine: Everything matches Janelle Macklin.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CSI - PARKING LOT - EARLY MORNING]", "(Grissom is leaving and heading to his car. Sofia Curtis pulls up in the parking stall. Grissom has his keys out and is about to unlock the car door when he turns around and sees Sofia. Her hair is down.)", "(He turns back to his car and opens the door.)", "(Sofia gets out of her car and notices Grissom.)", "(She shuts her car door and heads to the building. Off screen, Grissom closes his car door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sofia walks through the building. She walks by an open door and glances in as she passes by.)", "(Inside the room, Catherine is still going over the autopsy photos.)", "(Catherine notices the way the scarf is tied around Janelle's wrists - with the knot on the inside, not the outside.)", "(She puts her own wrists up and crossed - then turns them inward toward her.)", "(Quick flashback to: [McCARRAN AIRPORT - NIGHT] Janelle stands outside the car. She's on the cell phone.)", "Janelle Macklin: (to phone) Daddy, I'm ... I'm in really big trouble. Um, some guys threw me in the trunk of my car.", "(Cut to: Janelle sits in the trunk of her car and closes the hood down on herself. Her hands are tied. She use her teeth and tightens the knot on the scarf.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) The position of the knot was the key.", "(Janelle shifts her hands from the front to the back. She swallows some of the scarf which is stuffed in her mouth.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Between her wrists and her back, The only way that it could've ended up in that position was if she had tied it herself. And her saliva on the ends of the scarf confirmed it.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: You saying she committed suicide?", "(Brass takes a drink from his glass. Catherine sighs as she nurses her drink.)", "Catherine: I guess I am. Although I don't think that was her intention.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OLYMPIA HOTEL/CASINO - LOBBY - DAY]", "Catherine: (V.O.) I think that she was ... hoping that her father would save her in time.", "(Charlie Macklin walks down the center of the hotel lobby. He dials and puts the phone to his ear.)", "Janelle Macklin: (over phone) Daddy, I'm in real big trouble. Um, some guys threw me in the trunk of my car. Oh, dad. You've got to believe me. I-I can hear airplanes. Um, I-I must be near the airport. I know you'll find me.", "FADE TO BLACK", "Janelle Macklin: (from phone) Please hurry." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "The CSI team investigate when a woman is found stabbed to death. They soon discover that the woman underwent a sex change operation and have to delve into the world of the Las Vegas transgender community to find the killer." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT]", "(A Thunderbird speeds down the highway. The woman driving the car picks up speed. She zooms past a parked police car. The police car pulls out from the side and chases after her.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT]", "(The Woman in the car fixes her hair and removes her scarf as she checks herself in the rearview mirror. The lights from the police car parked behind her flash.)", "(Officer Mann shuts the door. He walks over to check on the driver.)", "Wendy Garner: Officer ... thank God you're here.", "Officer Mann: You know why I stopped you?", "Wendy Garner: Yeah, I ... I ... I was speeding, uh ... of course, but you have to understand, you see, someone is chasing me.", "(He nods.)", "Wendy Garner: You see, I have videos.", "Officer Mann: I bet you do. Let's start with license and registration.", "Wendy Garner: Officer, if I could ... if I could just show you.", "(He looks at her.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. HIGHWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Wendy Garner is dead, her eyes wide open. Her throat is slashed and gouged as she sits tilted sideways behind the driver's wheel.)", "(Grissom snaps photos of the body in the car.)", "(Behind him, Catherine puts down evidence marker #4 next to an open video camera. She snaps photos of it and picks it up.)", "Catherine: Found a camcorder. No tape inside.", "(Grissom continues to take pictures of the body. Catherine looks around the area. She sees some tire marks in the dirt.)", "Catherine: Not much traffic. Makes it a lot easier to run someone off the road ... (quietly) ... and slash their throat.", "(Catherine walks over to Grissom.)", "Grissom: She was slashed south of the border, as well.", "(Top View down of the body in the car shows her blood-soaked lap.)", "Catherine: Women in convertibles are low-hanging fruit.", "Grissom: -- And it was a top-down night.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(David Phillips is washing the body as he prepares the body for autopsy. He turns the water off. Catherine stands next to the table.)", "(David Phillips notices the large engagement ring on her finger.)", "David Phillips: That's a nice ring. It's at least four carats.", "(Off Catherine's look, he explains.)", "David Phillips: We've been shopping. (Catherine smiles.) Lots of surgical procedures here: Artificial breasts, cheek implants ... collagen lips ... you'd be surprised how many women I get on this table with fake parts.", "Catherine: Plastic lasts longer.", "(David Phillips manages to remove the ring. He looks at it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - NIGHT]", "(Sara and Warrick are examining the car.)", "(Warrick takes out the center arm rest and finds a woman's cosmetics bag in it. He opens it and is impressed by the quantity of its contents.)", "Warrick: Wow. Mascara, tweezers ... under-eye cream ... ... neck-firming lotion. (He shakes his head and mutters.) Girls. Pads ... one, two, three, four jars of depilatory cream?", "Sara: That's a lot of bikini wax. Some girls hate the nether-stubble.", "Warrick: Nether-stubble?", "(Under the floor carpet, Sara finds a Tangiers Employee ID badge.)", "Sara: Swipe card. Entertainment Department, Tangiers.", "(Warrick checks the glove compartment and finds a driver's license.)", "--733 EXPIRES 04-14-2007", "CLANCY, WALTER", "1712 MOUNTAIN VISTA", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101", "Warrick: Well ... Walter Clancy didn't mind stubble.", "Sara: Who's Walter?", "(Warrick looks at the registration papers:", "BODY TYPE MODEL", "THUNDERBIRD G", "TYPE VEHICLE USE / DATE", "AUTOMOBILE / 02/11/--", "REGISTERED OWNER", "CLANCY, WALTER", "1712 MOUNTAIN VISTA", "LAS VEGAS NV 89101", "Warrick: The registered owner of this vehicle.", "(Warrick holds up the Driver's License.)", "Sara: So she either borrowed this car ... or she stole it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Robbins goes over his report with Grissom and Catherine.)", "Robbins: Genital wounds were more profound than I expected.", "Grissom: Profound how?", "Robbins: Well, I was looking for ovaries and I found a prostate.", "(Grissom looks surprised.)", "Catherine: \"She\" was a \"He\"?", "Robbins: \"She\" had genital reassignment surgery.", "Catherine: And what does that mean exactly?", "Robbins: Exactly? Her testicles were removed and her pen1s was inverted, creating a v*g1n*.", "Grissom: And, evidently, the killer kept subtracting.", "Catherine: Subtracting what?", "Grissom: Well, they don't call it an Adam's apple for nothing. A man with issues might become upset if he found one on his woman. Cause?", "Robbins: Severed carotid and jugular complex. Uh, incised wounds are almost surgical in nature. Used an extremely sharp weapon. Vicious attack. Probably from someone emotionally involved.", "Grissom: Time?", "Robbins: Best estimate, between 8:00 and midnight. I collected a standard SAE kit.", "Catherine: Good. Because top or bottom, this looks like a sexual assault that turned into a hate crime.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Brass interviews Officer Mann.)", "Officer Mann: Clocked the Thunderbird doing ninety. I nail it. The skirt driving tells me she's being chased. And then she asks if she can show me some videos.", "Brass: How were they?", "Officer Mann: I didn't bite. She was working it.", "Brass: Rough duty.", "Officer Mann: Look, she gave me this lame story about the car being her brother's, and that she had lost her license, but she has his license, and yakety-yak. I just let her off with a warning.", "Brass: So you had speeding, driving without a license, possible stolen vehicle, and you let her off with a warning.", "Officer Mann: What are you implying?", "Brass: She got off pretty easy. How about you?", "(Brass takes a sip from his cup.)", "Officer Mann: I resent that.", "Brass: Well, I'm sure that she resented being sexually harassed and slaughtered two miles from the place you pulled her over!", "Officer Mann: I didn't know about that until you called me in here.", "Brass: You know, you have a sexual harassment flag in your file.", "Officer Mann: Oh, so that makes me a s*x murderer?", "(Quick flash to: [NIGHT] Officer Mann talks with Wendy Garner.)", "Officer Mann: I know a place about two miles up. It's a little more private.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Brass: I mean, you know, if ... if I found out that the gal who was stripping my gears was a guy, I mean, I'd be mad, too.", "(Quick flash to: [NIGHT] Officer Mann is kissing Wendy Garner. He reaches down her body ...", "Officer Mann: What are you?!", "(He pushes her against the car.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Brass: Or maybe you prefer a stick.", "(Brass takes a sip from his cup. Officer Mann leans forward in his chair.)", "Officer Mann: I told you, nothing happened.", "Brass: You're on administrative duty until we confirm that. You mind submitting your DNA?", "Officer Mann: Just tell me where to spit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Warrick work with Archie Johnson on the two photos - one of Wendy Garner and the other of Walter Clancy.)", "Catherine: Ran her prints through AFIS and I got two hits. A Wendy Garner was a dancer at the Tangiers, and Walter Clancy, a blackjack dealer at the Riviera in the mid-'90s.", "(Archie has both photos on the monitors.)", "Archie Johnson: Okay, let's give this a shot.", "Catherine: The coroner noted that she had collagened lips.", "(Archie thins out the lips from the Wendy photo.)", "Catherine: Okay, so 86 those cheek implants.", "(Archie makes the adjustments.)", "Catherine: Now, estrogen would've rounded out the face, so square that jaw.", "Archie Johnson: Got that. I'm gonna give her a haircut. Add some whiskers ...", "(As soon as the hair is shortened, the resemblance takes shape.)", "Warrick: Wow. Take away the, uh ... eye makeup ... fix the eyebrows.", "Catherine: Well, one thing's for certain: Walter didn't kill Wendy.", "Warrick: No, it's more like Wendy killed Walter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(Mia walks into the lab where Sara is working.)", "Mia Dickerson: Okay, Wendy's mouth had two foreign DNA donors: One seminal, one saliva. Neither was a match for Officer Mann.", "Sara: Huh.", "(Mia sees the ring that Sara's looking at under the scope.)", "Mia Dickerson: Wow. That is some rock. Platinum setting. Princess cut. Somebody really loved her-- oh-- him.", "Sara: I think \"She's\" a \"Her\".", "Mia Dickerson: Right. Well ... a diamond that big, you hope she had it lojacked.", "Sara: That is what I'm counting on.", "[SCOPE VIEW]", "(The serial number is NW-583.)", "Sara: There's a serial number micro-etched into the band around the diamond -- I'm hoping it gets me a groom.", "(Mia nods. Then a thought occurs to her and she chuckles quietly to herself.)", "Mia Dickerson: You know, I once heard this story about this man who became a woman because he was obsessed with a lesbian ... who was really a man.", "(Sara looks at Mia. There's a brief, awkward pause.)", "Mia Dickerson: Overshare.", "(Mia turns and leaves the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. LANER RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass interviews Wendy Garner's fiancee, Aaron Laner, while Sara and Grissom look around the house.)", "Aaron Laner: Wendy just bought her wedding gown. She, uh, she would've been a beautiful bride.", "(Grissom looks at the framed photos on the mantle of the happy couple.)", "Aaron Laner: We just wrote our wedding vows last week. I just figured that she was at a friend's house -- a girlfriend's house -- for the night.", "Grissom: Mr. Laner, how long had Wendy been a dancer?", "(Grissom points to a framed photo on the mantle of Wendy in her Las Vegas Showgirl's costume.)", "Aaron Laner: About two or three years in the line. I mean, never topless. But, uh, in her costume, she was a vision.", "Brass: How long had you known each other?", "Aaron Laner: About a year. We met in a grief support group. I'd lost my wife.", "Grissom: Sorry for your loss.", "Aaron Laner: Thank you.", "Grissom: Who was Wendy grieving for?", "Aaron Laner: Uh, she'd ... lost her twin brother.", "(Grissom and Brass share a silent, knowing look.)", "Brass: Would that be Walter?", "Aaron Laner: Yeah, Walter. Did you know him?", "Brass: Sort of.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. LANER RESIDENCE - BEDROOM/BATHROOM - DAY]", "(Sara walks into the bedroom and notes the two separate, single beds. She looks at the photo of the happy couple on the beach.)", "(Sara heads into the master bathroom. On Sara's right, there's a bare sink and counter with only a hair dryer. She turns to her left and sees the woman's sink. Sara puts her kit down and looks at the false eyelashes.)", "(She opens the medicine cabinet and finds over a half-dozen prescription bottles on the shelf. On the inside of the cabinet door are a couple of yellow post-it notes. The upper post-it reads:", "4X W/MEALS Yellow - morning on empty stomach Blue - 2 before bed Green - 1 before dinner White - Morning w/food Pink - 1 before bed White (oral) 1 before breakfast Yellow (oral) 2 before bed", "(Quick flash of: [BATHROOM] Wendy is in front of her sink, the medicine cabinet is open and she grabs and drinks down her pills one by one. She checks her post-it note and takes more pills. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Sara removes the post-it note and puts it in a bag. The second post-it note reads:", "G-105", "SECTION E", "(Sara removes that note also.)", "(Sara walks over to the trash bin between the toilet and shower. She peers inside and picks up a blood-stained pad still bent into three.)", "[INT. LANER RESIDENCE -- LIVING ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara joins the group in the living room.)", "Sara: Mr. Laner, I need to ask you a personal question, if you don't mind -- it may help us. Did you and your fiancée sleep in separate beds?", "(Aaron Laner stands up.)", "Aaron Laner: Uh ... we were an old-fashioned couple. Neither of us believed in premarital sexual relations. I mean, that's why I fell in love with her, because of her traditional values.", "(Grissom looks over at Sara. She glances at him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LANER RESIDENCE - FRONT WALK - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom, Sara and Brass and walking back to their car. Grissom is holding the plastic bag with the pad in it.)", "Grissom: This is confusing.", "Brass: She had her period?", "Grissom: Impossible. No uterus, no period.", "Brass: So a guy desperate to change his s*x hooks up with a guy desperate not to have any.", "Grissom: A match made in heaven.", "Sara: I think we need to tell Mr. Laner the truth.", "Grissom: Are we sure he doesn't know?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TANGIERS - SHOWSTAGE]", "(The dancers walk out on stage in full costume. They perform their routine and take a bow as the audience applauds.)", "[INT. TANGIERS - BACKSTAGE -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The Stage Manager motions for Grissom and Catherine to follow him backstage.)", "Stage Manager: All right, this way.", "(He turns and heads backstage as he talks into a walkie-talkie. Grissom follows Catherine.)", "Grissom: Aborigines say they dance naked to make the gods happy.", "Catherine: The gods would be happy in Vegas.", "(They turn and follow the Stage Manager down the stairs to the dressing rooms.)", "[INT. TANGIERS - STAIRS - CONTINUOUS]", "Grissom: Did you ever see any transsexuals when you danced?", "Catherine: Gil, only civilians confuse strippers and showgirls. You can't cheat the full monty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TANGIERS - BACKSTAGE DRESSING ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom and Catherine step into the crowded dressing room.)", "Stage Manager: That's Wendy's station over there.", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(The Stage Manager leaves.)", "Catherine: Hello, ladies.", "Showgirl: Hi, honey.", "Catherine: I'm Catherine Willows. This is Gil Grissom. We're with the crime lab. Do any of you know if Wendy Garner worked last night?", "Pink: No, she had the day off. But she should be working tonight. And she is late. That's not like her.", "Purple: Why, did something happen to Wendy?", "Catherine: Unfortunately, she was found dead last night.", "Pink: It was all those hormones she was taking, wasn't it?", "Purple: Shut up. What do you know?", "Grissom: Do you know that Wendy was a, uh ... ?", "Purple: Trannie? All the best showgirls are.", "Pink: Yeah, and it don't matter if they're packin' a lop job or a gaff.", "Grissom: Okay, lop job I get. What's a gaff?", "Mimosa: It's like a jockstrap, only it hides what it's supposed to strap.", "Purple: We all get work done. Who cares if it's up north or down south? Pretty's pretty.", "Catherine: So do you know where she got her work done?", "Purple: You want the best, you go to Dr. Mercer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HOSPITAL (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. DR. MERCER'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Bev is leading a Women's Group.)", "Bev: Okay, so on tonight's agenda, we're going to be talking about hair removal, gait, and we'll do our pride walk, hormones, and voice pitch ...", "(Warrick and Catherine walk into the group session, causing a distraction among the women in the group.)", "Bev: Ladies, come on. Over here. Now, regarding hair removal ...", "Warrick: (to Dr. Mercer) Are they all women?", "Dr. Mercer: The ratio of MTFs to FTMs is four to one.", "Catherine: Males to females rather than females to males?", "Dr. Mercer: Bev is one of my patients.", "Bev: Right. Now, who hasn't done their pride walk?", "Woman In Group: I haven't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DR. MERCER'S OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine and Warrick talk with Dr. Mercer in his office.)", "Dr. Mercer: The law requires re-gender candidates to spend one year on hormones and one living as the s*x of preference. Wendy wanted to fast-track the process and I wouldn't do that.", "Catherine: I guess she found somebody who would.", "Dr. Mercer: Every field has its bottom feeders. Surgery is the easy part. Life afterwards is the challenge. Some candidates get depressed. They're unhappy about their lives and they think surgery is going to chase away all their emotional problems.", "Warrick: Dr. Mercer, Wendy didn't commit suicide. She was killed.", "Dr. Mercer: (sadly) Oh, God. I am so sorry. As ready as my patients are for the world, I guess the world isn't always ready for them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara catches up with Mia Dickerson in the hallway.)", "Sara: Hey.", "Mia Dickerson: Hey.", "Sara: Anything on those pads I collected?", "Mia Dickerson: Uh, yeah, traces of EDTA.", "Sara: Isn't that an anticoagulant?", "Mia Dickerson: (nods) Yeah. Used in blood-collection vials.", "Sara: So it wasn't the victim's blood?", "Mia Dickerson: No, it was hers. His?", "Sara: Hers.", "Mia Dickerson: But no epithelials or fibrinogen, so clearly it wasn't menstrual.", "Sara: So Wendy was having blood drawn and putting it on pads?", "Mia Dickerson: She ... was faking her period.", "(Quick flash to: [BATHROOM] Wendy opens a pad and pours some blood in the center of the pad. She throws the pad away. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Mia and Sara walk into the lab.)", "Mia Dickerson: What I don't get is why she would do that.", "Sara: Well, she was living as a woman, and that's part of it. I-I don't know.", "Mia Dickerson: Yeah, but you don't draw your own blood. I mean, she had to have help.", "Sara: Maybe the same doctor that was keeping her medicine cabinet filled.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Greg gives his report to Grissom. He holds out the file folder.)", "Greg: Hey, these are the pills Eric collected from Wendy Garner's bathroom. For the record, I really like having a pen1s.", "(Grissom glances at Greg, then goes back to the report.)", "Greg: Okay, the reds and blues are bootleg estrogen conjugates out of Mexico. (Grissom looks at a photo of a blue pill with the number 44 on it.) Apparently, HMO's don't consider being differently sexed a life-threatening condition.", "Grissom: So patients resort to Mexican pharmacies.", "Greg: Premarin's green, a heavy-duty hormonal supplement. Name's short for \"Pregnant Mare Urine.\" Talk about your PETA nightmare.", "Grissom: What about these other pills?", "Greg: Mexican-grade painkillers, tranquilizers, and a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Sounds like a post-surgery cocktail to me.", "(The phone rings; Grissom answers it.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom. Yes. Mimosa? (Grissom glances at Greg.) Yes. Today? The Apple Martini, one o'clock. I'll be there.", "Greg: Did you just get a lunch date?", "(Grissom looks at Greg. Greg smiles knowingly at Grissom, he turns and walks out of the office, the smile still on his face.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. THE APPLE MARTINI - DAY - 1 PM]", "(Grissom walks into the lounge. The place is busy. He walks over to the bar and sits next to Mimosa.)", "Grissom: Hello.", "Mimosa: I'm glad you agreed to meet me. Can I buy you a drink?", "Grissom: Thanks, but I'm still on the clock.", "Mimosa: But you still let me lure you away from the lab. Is that because I'm a beautiful woman? Well, I'm a beautiful woman now.", "Grissom: Beauty is a societal construction.", "Mimosa: So is gender. People find out you're MTF, and they think you're psycho; Michael Caine with a bad wig and a pair of sunglasses stabbing Angie Dickinson in \"Dressed to Kill\".", "(She takes a sip of her drink.)", "Mimosa: De Palma had some issues. You're an outsider. That's why I trusted you. (She reaches out and lightly touches his hand.) You get it. Don't worry, Mr. Grissom. This isn't about s*x. It's about soul.", "Grissom: What was it you that you wanted to trust me with?", "Mimosa: I loved Wendy. I was there with her through her whole transition. I was going to be her maid of honor. Do you know how hard it is for people like us to find love?", "Grissom: Do you know what happened?", "Mimosa: She called me, hysterical. Uh, I don't know. She kept going on about avideo tape or something.", "Grissom: What kind of tape, do you know? Blackmail? Pornography?", "Mimosa: p0rn? (She laughs.) Oh, my God. Wendy was such a prude, she'd cover the mirror when she got out of the shower.", "Grissom: People confuse your obsession with sexuality as an obsession with s*x.", "(He shrugs.)", "Mimosa: Imagine being three years old, tormented by the sensation that you had the wrong parts. Your body's like a foreign country and you're stuck without a passport. All because in your first trimester your \"X\" and \"Y\" chromosomes split off and went different directions; girl brain, boy body.", "Grissom: It's like the Guiterman poem: Amoebas at the start were not complex; But then they tore themselves apart and started s*x.", "[Note: Arthur Guiterman, (November 20, 1871 to January 11, 1943).]", "Mimosa: Well, in the beginning, Wendy's chromosomes might have been tearing themselves apart, but in the end, she was tearing herself apart.", "Grissom: Do you know why?", "Mimosa: I don't know. Planning a wedding, working a rookie v*g1n*, and about to lose her cherry to a man who doesn't know?", "Grissom: So she talked to you?", "Mimosa: She talked about it in group.", "Grissom: May I ask the name of your therapist?", "Mimosa: Dr. Lavalle.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Warrick takes photos of the clothes Wendy Garner was wearing when she died. He carefully rolls up the dress when Mia Dickerson walks in.)", "Mia Dickerson: Hey, I've been looking for you.", "Warrick: You found me.", "Mia Dickerson: I analyzed the blood on the shoes you gave me. I expected it to be Wendy's blood. It's not hers and it's not Officer Mann's.", "Warrick: So it might be the killer's.", "(She nods.)", "Warrick: Well, given the nature of this case, it might be misleading, but I'll ask anyway -- male or female?", "Mia Dickerson: One donor. All male.", "(Mia turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LEPIDRO CLINIC - FRONT WALK - DAY]", "(Grissom and Brass head for the clinic.)", "Brass: Lepidro. What kind of name is that?", "Grissom: It's from Lepidoptera, meaning \"butterfly.\" Walter Clancy started out a gender-dysmorphic caterpillar and turned into a bloody butterfly.", "Brass: Love hurts.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LEPIDRO CLINIC - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(Amber waves to Tippi.)", "Amber Hamshaw: Bye-bye, scrumptious pumpkin.", "Tippi: Bye, Amber.", "(Amber leaves as Grissom and Brass walk into the clinic.)", "Brass: Dr. Lavalle?", "Francis: No, I'm Francis. My wife is the doc.", "Tippi: Grownups always do that.", "Francis: It's gender-stereotyping, honey.", "Brass: Okay, Francis. I'm Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police. This is Gil Grissom from the crime lab.", "(Francis stands up.)", "Francis: Well, if I'm being intrusive, please tell me, but, I mean, why are you here?", "Brass: Wendy Garner.", "Tippi: I know Wendy.", "Francis: She's a patient.", "Brass: She was a patient.", "Francis: My wife is in group.", "(He turns and leaves. Brass and Grissom follow.)", "[EXT. LEPIDRO CLINIC -- BACK YARD - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Francis leads Brass and Grissom out to the back yard where Mona Lavalle is in the middle of group with other couples.)", "Ed: This is really frustrating. They don't get it. She is a beautiful woman now and I love her.", "Dina: Our pastor doesn't know.", "Mona Lavalle: You need to tell him. The truth goes a long way.", "Francis: Mona? These folks need to speak to you.", "Mona Lavalle: Eddie, would you take over?", "Ed: Sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LEPIDRO CLINIC - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(Grissom looks at some of the framed photos she has on her shelves.)", "Mona Lavalle: In the sanctuary alliance I saw an eritrean girl who had her labia sewn shut. I looked into her eyes and I found a cause. Six thousand women a day suffer genital mutilation.", "Grissom: So you travel around the world treating the victims of sexual treachery?", "Mona Lavalle: You don't have to travel to find the genitally disenfranchised.", "Brass: Like Wendy Garner?", "Mona Lavalle: Wendy came to me. She was denied surgery. That's devastating. I tried to help her work through that.", "Grissom: By finding a doctor who would operate on her?", "Mona Lavalle: By working with her on what made her an unacceptable candidate.", "Grissom: Which was?", "Mona Lavalle: Patience.", "Brass: When was the last time you saw her?", "(She looks at her appointment book.)", "Mona Lavalle: Last night. 7:00 to 8:00 for her individual consultation.", "Brass: How did she seem?", "Mona Lavalle: She was agitated. She was worried about whether her fiancée would receive her well on their wedding night.", "Brass: So he didn't know?", "Mona Lavalle: I don't recommend what we call \"passing.\" I suggested that Aaron come at a group. Wendy was adamant that he never know the truth.", "Grissom: Doctor, do you videotape your sessions?", "Mona Lavalle: No, never. That would violate the doctor-patient privilege.", "(Grissom nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "(Nick is working on the computer in the lab. He has a large map on the monitor. Warrick is in the lab with him.)", "(Note that the monitor reads:", "WENDY JONES - HOUSE", "118 SUNSHINE LANE", "GREEN VALLEY, NV", "Nick: Wendy lived here at 118 Sunshine Road in Green Valley.", "(He presses a button and a dotted line appears from Wendy's house to Therapy.)", "Nick: She left her weekly session with Dr. Lavalle at 8:00 P.M. here. Now, Officer Mann pulled her over on Industrial Road 24 minutes later.", "(A third dotted line appears on the monitor.)", "Warrick: Well, she was found dead two miles south of there, supposedly on her way to her friend Mimosa's house here.", "Nick: Takes ten minutes to drive from the clinic to Industrial Road.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Nick: Yeah. I had Greg run it.", "(They both chuckle.)", "Warrick: Classic. Fourteen minutes of Wendy's time unaccounted for.", "Nick: That's what I'm saying. She must've stopped somewhere between the clinic and where Officer Mann clocked her doing ninety.", "Nick: Somewhere in this highlighted area.", "Warrick: Yeah, but there's nothing out there.", "Nick: Not so fast. Sara found this in the medicine cabinet. It's a post-it.", "(Nick shows Warrick the note.)", "Warrick: (reads) \"G-105, Section E.\" What does that have to do with her medicine cabinet?", "Nick: Doesn't have anything to do with the medicine cabinet. I thought it was map coordinates or something like that, but it's not. You know what they have a lot of up in this area?", "(Nick walks up to the large wall monitor and points to the area he's talking about.)", "Nick: Storage facilities.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. E-Z ACCESS STORAGE -- HALLWAY TO UNIT - NIGHT]", "(Catherine, Nick and Warrick head for the storage unit, G-105.)", "Warrick: What's the number again?", "Nick: G-105. Should be right down here.", "(As they approach, Warrick sees the bloody shoeprints on the floor.)", "Warrick: Hey, hey, watch your step. Watch your step. I got footprints.", "Catherine: Those look like bloody footprints.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(They stop in front of the door. Nick kneels down in front of the padlock and tries the combination found on the yellow post-it.)", "(The padlock opens. Warrick takes out his gun. Nick opens the door.)", "[INT. E-Z ACCESS STORAGE -- UNIT G-105 - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Warrick steps into the unit. He sees the blood on the floor. The further he goes in, the worse it looks. There's a body still on the table. We can hear flies buzzing in the background.)", "Warrick: Nick, hit the lights.", "(Nick turns the lights on and they find the blonde woman's body still on the operating table, her eyes wide-open, legs spread wide and blood all over the place. It appears that she may have died mid-operation. A grotesque sight for even the experienced.)", "Warrick: Oh, God.", "(Warrick, Catherine and Nick can't believe their eyes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "DUE TO ADULT CONTENT, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. E-Z ACCESS STORAGE -- HALLWAY TO UNIT - NIGHT]", "(Warrick works on getting the shoe prints on the hallway floor while Nick works on printing the door frame to the warehouse unit.)", "(Nick dusts the door frame; Warrick snaps a photo of the shoe print.)", "[INT. E-Z ACCESS STORAGE -- UNIT G-105 - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine works inside the warehouse. She snaps photos of the body on the make-shift operating table.", "Nick: Catherine.", "Catherine: Yeah?", "Nick: What do you think went on here?", "Catherine: Someone outsourced their health care to the wrong provider.", "(Catherine snaps a photo of the table with the bloody tools on it. On the floor, she finds a bloody used latex glove. She picks it up.)", "Catherine: At least ... something was sterile.", "Nick: Maybe why I'm not getting any prints.", "(Brass walks into the unit. He greets Nick on his way to report to Catherine.)", "Brass: Hey.", "Nick: Hi, Jim.", "Brass: (to Catherine) So I, uh ... I talked to the manager. All he said was, the renter paid cash, he was a guy, he seemed normal.", "Catherine: Normal people don't torture people in storage bins.", "(Catherine turns around and takes more photos of the body on the table.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Robbins x-rays the body. On the monitor, they find piano wires in the body's lower abdomen.)", "Robbins: Piano wires. They're used to mobilize the lower part of the abdominal skin and anchor the neo-vagina, so it can heal in place.", "Catherine: I can only imagine those cramps.", "Robbins: The surgeon stuffs the portal with a cylinder wrapped in gauze to hold its shape while it heals, and sutures it.", "Catherine: And how long does milady have to wear a wire?", "Robbins: Well, after five days, the v*g1n* is un-sutured, and the wires are removed. Scarring indicates multiple surgeries.", "(Catherine and Robbins walk around the monitor and toward the body.)", "Robbins: She appears to have gone in for repair due to infection.", "Catherine: I take it that wasn't supposed to happen.", "Robbins: Maybe someone wasn't taking their hormones.", "Catherine: Or they were taking some bad Mexican bootlegs. Now, that is more than a five o'clock shadow.", "Robbins: It's a myth that hair grows after death. What happens is, the skin contracts, revealing whiskers.", "(Quick CGI POV of: Extreme close-up of the chin and hair getting longer as the skin contracts.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) Contraction of the erector pilae muscles, combined with fixed lividity, indicates time of death was at least two days ago.", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: So she died before Wendy.", "Robbins: Yeah, sad as this is, it presents as accidental. Loss of blood due to hemorrhaging. Pelvic artery was severed. My theory: Surgery one, they botched. Round two, they repaired her to death.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(Catherine takes out the various items taken from the operating table in the storage unit - the latex gloves, gauze and other items - all bloodied.)", "(She finds an item rolled up in some gauze. She unrolls it and finds a tartar control toothpaste tube inside a rubber glove.)", "(Using a magnifying glass, she finds a bloodied finger print on the toothpaste tube.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(In the DNA Lab, Mia inverts the latex glove. She looks inside.)", "(Quick camera zoom into the glove: Inside the glove are drops of sweat. Resume to present.)", "(Mia takes a swab of the drops from inside the glove. She puts it in the test tube.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Nick is working on the computer. He puts a digital scan of the woman found on the operating table under \"JOHN DOE\", CASE NO: 041118-28765S. He digitizes the fingerprints from the body and runs it through AFIS. He finds one match to:", "VERN SALDUSKY", "LAST KNOWN ADDRESS:", "THE COCKPIT LOUNGE", "87225 BUDLONG AVE. LV", "ALIAS: TAWNY, PEACHES, VAVA --", "(Nick nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. THE COCKPIT LOUNGE - NIGHT]", "(Nick and Grissom walk into the Cockpit Lounge. They walk up to the bartender.)", "Nick: Hi. Do you know a Vern Saldusky, aka Tawny, Peaches, Vava?", "Bartender: One second, Honey.", "(Grissom smiles. Nick appears out of his league. He looks around the bar.)", "Nick: Okay.", "(The Bartender returns.)", "Bartender: You want to talk to Mercedes. She's in the back.", "Grissom: Thank you.", "Bartender: You're welcome.", "Nick: Thanks.", "(Grissom turns and heads for the back. Nick follows him.)", "[INT. THE COCKPIT LOUNGE - BACK ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(On their way to the backroom, they see a lot of sights - various people sitting and talking as well as standing around watching them.)", "(In the backroom, they find a woman sitting in front of a vanity mirror injecting herself in the face. Another pair of women are injecting each other in the face.)", "Nick: I've never seen junkies shoot up in the face before.", "Woman: It's not smack, it's silicone. Gives you good cheek bones.", "Mercedes: The ones who can't buy silicone ... shoot motor oil.", "Nick: Do they?", "Mercedes: Calm down, pretty boy. We're not the monsters. The real freaks are the suit-and-ties want to take a walk on the wild side -- before sneaking back to the wife and kids. Want to go?", "Nick: (shakes his head) Mm-mm.", "Grissom: (interrupts) Mercedes, I presume? We're with the Las Vegas Crime Lab, and we're looking for somebody.", "Mercedes: Isn't this where you say my P.O. would be interested to know that I'm hustling, and you ask for a freebie?", "Grissom: I'm actually not interested in your ass, but the person we're looking for is a human butcher who might be.", "Mercedes: I'm listening.", "Grissom: The game is helping transgenders who have been turned down for surgery.", "(Mecedes motions to them to step aside with her.)", "Mercedes: You want Benway. Benway did my transition, but something went wrong. And now I can't be a man or a woman. Want to see?", "Nick: No. No, that's all right.", "Mercedes: No, it's not all right. He keeps canceling my corrective surgery.", "Grissom: That may be why you're still alive.", "Mercedes: A friend of mine had to go back four times. Finally, he fitted her with a colostomy bag. Benway felt so bad, he hooked it up for free.", "Nick: Where can we find this humanitarian?", "Mercedes: Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia -- one of the \"ias\", I don't know. He flies in and flies out. No one's ever seen him. He shows up as you go under, and splits before you come to.", "Nick: Do you know Vern Saldusky?", "Mercedes: You mean Tawny? Yeah, Benway just did her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Catherine walks into the Break Room to report to Sara and Warrick. She looks down at the open file folder in her hands.)", "Catherine: Jacqui got an AFIS hit off the bloody fingerprint from the toothpaste tube found in Vern's v*g1n*.", "Sara: Wow.", "Catherine: Came back a Dr. Karl Benway, military service.", "Warrick: Well, we found out that this creepy looking thing is an abdominal retractor, used to keep the cavity open during surgery.", "Sara: It's only sold in surgical supply stores. And other than hospitals, the only individual who's purchased one in the last year and a half in Las Vegas, Nevada, is Dr. Karl Benway.", "(Nick and Grissom step into the Break Room.)", "Nick: We know the name of the butcher.", "Catherine / Warrick / Sara: (together) Benway.", "(Grissom looks at all of them.)", "Grissom: Okay. What do you know about him, and do we have an address?", "Sara: Total dead end-- he's not registered with the AMA; he's not in the DMV database; he has no passport issued in the State of Nevada.", "(Greg walks to the hallway headed straight for the Break Room.)", "Catherine: So we've got a non-doctor who served in the military who doesn't drive and never leaves the country.", "Greg: Sara, you asked for some ... research. Microfiche. Medical Journals. The stacks. There's not a lot on this guy, but this is what I've been able to find.", "(Greg tosses the stack of photos on the table. Catherine looks through them.)", "Greg: Vietnam vet -- served as medic. Then it looks like he did a short stint with the sanctuary alliance in Ghana.", "(As she finishes them, she hands them to Grissom.)", "Greg: He goes from Ghana to Mexico, where he's arrested and deported for performing illegal abortions.", "(Grissom finds the mug shot of a man holding a board that reads:", "SALTILLO", "COAMULA DE GARAGOZA", "NOMBRE: KARL BENWAY", "PECHA: 02/05/79\\", "TYPO DE ***: ABORTE ILEGAL", "(There's something about the photo that has Grissom looking at it a little more closely.)", "Sara: Was his medical license revoked?", "Greg: No. Benway never went to medical school.", "(Grissom sees the next photo and recognizes Benway immediately.)", "Greg: In 1983, he was arrested for protesting outside the Supreme Court.", "(Grissom looks at the photo from the Anti-Nuclear Rally. This Benway is instantly recognizable.)", "Greg: 1987, San Francisco Chronicle article. He was interviewed at an anti-nuke rally.", "Grissom: -- and photographed. You know what? I believe Dr. Lavalle ... is Dr. Benway.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Brass and Grissom interview Mona Lavalle - a.k.a. Karl Benway.)", "Brass: Boy, you must get pretty jet-lagged flying back and forth to Bulgaria. Or is it Romania ... Karl?", "Mona Lavalle (Karl Benway): I haven't been Karl Benway for a very long time.", "Brass: Yeah, like three days ago, when you killed Vern Saldusky at the E-Z Access Storage Unit? That's a hell of a place for an operating room. I mean, why not go all the way and use the men's room at the bus station?", "Grissom: We found your fingerprint there.", "Mona Lavalle (Karl Benway): I never said I wasn't there. I attended Vern's surgery. He was ... terrified. I tried to calm him.", "Brass: Can't get any calmer than dead.", "Mona Lavalle (Karl Benway): I'm a counselor.", "Brass: (sighs) Is that how your fingerprint ended up on a three-day-old v*g1n*? Counseling?", "(Quick flashback to: [E-Z ACCESS STORAGE UNIT] During surgery, Mona Lavalle works with the tubing, her hands bloodied. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Mona Lavalle (Karl Benway): I've devoted my life to helping those who are cast out by gender prejudice. Where would these souls be without me? Who will stand in judgment? As to who's a candidate and who's not. Dr. Mercer? I was the only one willing to help them. I was nineteen in the rice paddies of Vietnam ... sewing legs back on grunts. (She stands up.) I performed abortions in Mexico ... on rape victims when the church turned its back on them. I have been doing gender reassignment surgery for ten years.", "Grissom: You've been performing surgeries without a medical degree ... doctor.", "Brass: How many Vern's have there been?", "Grissom: How many Wendy's?", "(She sits back down.)", "Mona Lavalle (Karl Benway): Vern was an unfortunate tragedy. I have no idea what happened to Wendy.", "Brass: She saw you with Vern. So you killed her, so she wouldn't expose you.", "Mona Lavalle (Karl Benway): That's impossible. After I saw Wendy at the clinic, I went straight to my daughter's soccer game. I have nothing more to say.", "Grissom: We need you to say \"ahh.\"", "(He holds out a swab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Mia walk through the hallway.)", "Mia Dickerson: So, I heard Brass arrested Dr. Lavalle, who is really Dr. Benway?", "Catherine: Mm-hmm.", "Mia Dickerson: Which means her DNA is male.", "Catherine: Right.", "Mia Dickerson: In one of the latex gloves at the storage facility, I found female DNA.", "Catherine: Well, Vern was a male, and Dr. Lavalle was a male.", "Mia Dickerson: So the doctor had help.", "(They walk out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. LEPIDRO CLINIC - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Nick and Warrick are in the living room looking around. Francis is heard off screen struggling with a couple of officers.)", "Francis: (o.s.) This is absurd! This is ridiculous! What you have done to my wife is disgraceful! You're not gonna find anything here!", "Warrick: Officer, could you escort this man outside.", "Francis: This is discrimination. We are normal people, trying to live a normal life.", "(The officers take Francis outside. Nick notices something.)", "Nick: I think we have a spitter, my friend.", "(Off screen, the door closes.)", "Warrick: Really?", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "(Nick takes out his flashlight and definitely finds a spot of spit on the table.)", "Warrick: I'll check the back.", "Nick: All right.", "(Nick takes a swab sample of it.)", "(Cut to: Warrick goes into the Utility Room and looks into the cabinets. He finds vials of a clear liquid. He also finds a camcorder video cartridge, its film pulled out.)", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Someone struggles to remove the video film cartridge from the camcorder. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "[EXT. LEPIDRO CLINIC - FRONT DRIVEWAY - DAY]", "(While Nick watches, Amber and Tippy get out of the car to find the police in their driveway.)", "Francis: (shouts) Take her home! Would you ... just get her out of here!", "(Francis struggles against the Officer's hold on him.)", "Francis: (scathing) (to Officer) Can I take care of my daughter, please?", "(Francis walks up to Tippy.)", "Amber Hamshaw: Francis, what is going on?", "Tippy: Daddy, what's going on?", "Francis: It's okay, honey. Amber's gonna take you home.", "Tippy: I want to go with you.", "Francis: I know.", "Tippy: Where's Mommy?", "Francis: Mommy's gonna be right back.", "Amber Hamshaw: I can't take her. I have the night shift at the hospital. Fr ...", "Francis: She shouldn't be seeing this. She's your kid, too. Take some responsibility.", "Amber Hamshaw: Okay, fine.", "Francis: Good.", "(Francis turns away; Amber drops the cigarette she's smoking onto the driveway and puts it out with the toe of her shoe. Nick notes the move.)", "(Amber goes back to help Tippy into the car.)", "Amber Hamshaw: (o.s.) Put your belt on. Come on, can you pull it?", "(Nick walks up to the cigarette on the driveway.)", "Amber Hamshaw: (o.s.) Get out of the way.", "(Camera zooms in on the lipstick on the tip of the still-smoking cigarette.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Nick holds out the cigarette in an evidence bag and shows it to Amber.)", "Amber Hamshaw: I don't understand why I'm here.", "Nick: Well, you're here because I compared your DNA from this cigarette butt to sweat recovered from the inside of a latex glove at the crime scene.", "(Amber closes her eyes.)", "(Quick flashback to: [E-Z ACCESS STORAGE UNIT] Amber is inside the storage unit assisting with the surgery on the woman on the table. The heart monitor gives a steady tone.)", "Amber Hamshaw: Look! She's bleeding out! Busted artery!", "(Sweat forms on Amber's forehead, drops and falls into her latex glove.)", "Nick: Ms. Hamshaw ... Dr. Lavalle was performing illegal surgeries, and you were assisting. Now, why would you be involved with something like that?", "Amber Hamshaw: Mona and Francis helped me clean up. They gave me money to be a surrogate mom for Tippi and got me my RN degree. They're family.", "Nick: So Tippi has two dads and one mom?", "Amber Hamshaw: Actually, it's two moms and a dad.", "Nick: Okay, tell me about Wendy Garner.", "Amber Hamshaw: Her procedure was completely successful.", "Nick: Well, right up till her death.", "Amber Hamshaw: I had nothing to do with that. I was at Tippi's soccer game with Mona.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(Greg dusts the video film and lifts off a fingerprint. He scans the print into the computer.)", "(Cut to: Archie fixes the video cartridge and pops it into the machine. He reviews the film with Warrick.)", "[FROM VIDEO]", "(The video footage is fuzzy, but it shows Wendy Garner's bridal shower.)", "Woman 1: (from video) Okay, now what's next? Woman 2: (from video) I don't know. WOMAN 3: (from video) We've got Belle. WENDY GARNER: (from video) Okay. Belle. Belle. That's so sweet...", "(The video footage changes and shows the storage unit. The woman on the table is already dead and everyone's gone.)", "Wendy Garner: (crying) (o.s. from video) Oh, my God, what is this? How could you do this? I just wanted you to keep my secret from Aaron, not this. I trusted you. How could you just leave her like this?", "(The video footage shows the body on the table, the bloody instruments and abandoned surgical trash.)", "Wendy Garner: (o.s. from video) (moans) So much blood.", "(The video footage cuts back to the bridal shower.)", "Wendy Garner: (from video) I mean, this day means so much to me. And to have girlfriends like you, it's just amazing.", "(Archie pauses the video.)", "Archie Johnson: Thirty seconds of mutilation recorded over a bridal shower.", "Warrick: She told her best friend and Officer Mann that she had some videos to show. I think she must have been trying to expose Lavalle.", "(Warrick's phone rings. He answers it.)", "Warrick: Brown. Really? Thanks. (He hangs up.) That was Brass. Ten soccer moms confirm they saw Dr. Lavalle and Amber Hamshaw at the soccer game the night Wendy was killed. Another dead end.", "(Greg walks into the lab.)", "Greg: Those fingerprints on the video tape you recovered? We got a match.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Catherine interviews Francis.)", "Catherine: Wendy's video tape ... your fingerprint.", "Brass: Doctor, help me understand something. Wendy videotaped the storage area, threatening to expose your wife's \"good work\" because your wife was threatening to tell Wendy's fiancee that she's not what she appears to be.", "(Brass sits down.)", "Brass: But the three of you were still getting it on.", "Francis: I beg your pardon?", "Catherine: Based on the DNA that we found in Wendy's cheek, you were swapping spit with her, and your wife was swapping something else with her.", "Brass: Now we know that post-ops can't ejaculate. So the only way I can explain the semen in Wendy's mouth is your wife is still packing.", "Francis: Yes, and I performed fellatio on my wife ... after lunch. Is that a crime? I have no idea how anything got into Wendy's mouth. My wife and I did not cheat. (He looks at them.) You don't get it, do you? Because we're different. We still love. We still honor.", "Brass: Is that why you hacked out Wendy's Adam's apple? Love and honor? You went back to the storage area to get rid of Vern's body. You saw Wendy leaving.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. STORAGE UNIT - NIGHT] Wendy runs out of the storage unit with the camcorder in her hand. She looks around. She gets into her car and starts her car engine.)", "(In the car nearby, Francis watches her as she pulls out.)", "(Cut to: Officer Mann drives away. Again, Francis watches from his parked car. He follows Wendy.)", "Wendy Garner: (o.s. to phone) Mimosa, look, it's me. I need your help, okay? I have these videos and I have to show you them. You're never going to believe what's on them. These people ... they have to be stopped.", "(While Wendy is on the phone, Francis pulls up alongside her and runs her off the road. He gets out of the car and runs up to Wendy, who is standing outside her car. He attacks her.)", "Francis: (angry) How dare you?!", "(Francis pushes Wendy back into the car.)", "Francis: (angry) You don't appreciate anything she does for you!", "(He takes out a knife and slits her throat. He picks up the camcorder and rips out the video tape, throwing the recorder off to the side.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Francis: I tried to protect my wife's work. Not just for us. For all the people like us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Sara walk through the hallway.)", "Catherine: So the man admits to murder but not infidelity.", "Sara: Well, maybe he wasn't unfaithful. You know, I read a paper in the JFS documenting a case where a woman kissed a man, who had smoked a cigarette. When they tested the cigarette butt, they found both their DNA on it.", "Catherine: So you're saying it was transfer?", "Sara: Well, if Francis gave his wife fellatio shortly before he killed Wendy, it's possible that some of the semen was still in his mouth, and it got transferred onto her through his spit.", "(Quick flashback to: [STRUGGLE] Francis struggles with Wendy. Spit flies out of his mouth.)", "(Camera zooms in close-up to the spit.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Right.", "Sara: Don't you think?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom meets with Mimosa.)", "Grissom: I thought you'd want to know what happened to Wendy.", "Mimosa: I appreciate your telling me. Killed by someone in our own community. As if we don't have enough enemies. Her parents never understood her, but still I think they should know. What do I say?", "Grissom: Show them an oyster.", "Mimosa: I'm sorry?", "Grissom: There are two types of male oysters, and one of them can change genders at will. And before man crawled out of the muck, maybe he had the same option. Maybe originally we were supposed to be able to switch genders, and being born with just one s*x ... is a mutation.", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "When an unknown fingerprint suddenly appears on a piece of evidence in court, Grissom must re-open the case and find the real culprit. However, this unexplained phenomenon causes Ecklie to doubt Grissom's handling of the case. Ecklie then opens an inquiry on Grissom, and questions each of the CSIs about his effectiveness as supervisor. Meanwhile, Sara and Greg investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of a man who shot himself in the leg. After the investigation, Ecklie decides to split up the team. He gives Catherine the role of Swing Shift Supervisor despite Catherine applying for Days and assigns Warrick and Nick to her while Grissom's team consists of Sofia Curtis , Greg and Sara." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY COURTHOUSE (STOCK) - DAY]", "Jeffrey Sinclair: (V.O.) I need you to answer the same questions I asked you at the first trial.", "[INT. LAS VEGAS COUNTY COURTHOUSE - JUDGE WITHERSPOON'S COURTROOM - DAY]", "(Trial is in session. The attorney is cross-examining Grissom who is currently on the stand. The jury box is full.)", "Jeffrey Sinclair: And I need you to answer them honestly, just as you did back then. On December 20, 1999, you responded to a call at 2028 Boulder Highway. Is that correct?", "Grissom: Yes.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Can you describe the crime scene?", "Grissom: It was a hardware store. I entered through the back door.", "(Quick flashback to: [HARDWARE STORE] Camera's from Grissom's POV as he enters the hardware store and sees the body on the floor.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) The victim had been severely beaten.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: And our forensics determined that the murder weapon was a wrench.", "(Jeffrey Sinclair picks up the evidence bag.)", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Exhibit A. Do you recognize this object?", "(He shows the evidence bag to Grissom.)", "Grissom: Yes. I bagged and processed this wrench. My initials are on the seal.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Where did you find it?", "Grissom: It was in a toolbox under the kitchen sink at Garbett's Gourmet, which is a restaurant next to the crime scene.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Now, are you certain that this wrench was used to kill the victim?", "Grissom: Yes. We found trace blood in the metal grooves. And the DNA matched the victim's.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: What, if anything, did you find on the handle?", "Grissom: We found the defendant, Mr. Garbett's, fingerprints. We also found his prints at the hardware store.", "(Quick flash of: [HARDWARE STORE] Max Larson is in the store when Jason Garbett walks in and attacks him. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Jeffrey Sinclair: What else did you find at the store?", "(Quick flashback to: [HARDWARE STORE] Jason Garbett tries to set a fire with some old crumpled newspaper. A book of matches is nearby.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Well, it appeared that the killer tried to cover his tracks by setting a fire, ...", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) ... a lack of sufficient combustibles may have thwarted his effort.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Dr. Grissom. Exhibit B. Do you recognize this?", "(The attorney gives Grissom the second bagged evidence. Grissom looks at it.)", "Grissom: Yes. It's a matchbook.", "(While looking at the matchbook, Grissom sees something he hadn't seen there before.)", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Did you find this matchbook at the scene?", "(Grissom doesn't answer the question.)", "(The evidence label on the bag reads:", "MATCHBOOK 002", "2028 BOULDER HWY LV, NV", "GIL GRISSOM G.G.", "(On the inside of the matchbook cover is a red thumbprint.)", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Dr. Grissom, just so we can be clear, this is the matchbook that you found at the crime scene. Is that correct?", "Grissom: Your honor, may I take a short break?", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Um ... prosecution requests a ten-minute recess.", "Defense Attorney: The defense asks that Dr. Grissom answer the question now.", "Judge Witherspoon: Answer the question, then we'll break.", "Grissom: Yes, this is the matchbook I collected at the crime scene.", "Judge Witherspoon: All right, we'll take a ten-minute recess.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COURTHOUSE - CONFERENCE ROOM - RECESS - DAY]", "(Grissom is in a conference room looking through the reports.)", "Jeffrey Sinclair: So, you wanna tell me what this is all about? Grissom, the defendant was found guilty at his first trial. The only reason we're back in court is because his new lawyer convinced some appellate judge the original jury instructions were faulty. This has nothing to do with the evidence.", "(Grissom picks up the matchbook and sighs as he looks at it.)", "Grissom: There's a fingerprint on this matchbook.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: So?", "Grissom: I don't remember it. It's not in my notes.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: The evidence seal isn't broken. If the print's there now, it was there before.", "(Grissom compares the print on the matchbook with the defendant's print card.)", "Grissom: The defendant's fingerprints are all loop patterns. This is an arch. It's not a match. This is not the defendant's print.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Are you sure?", "(Grissom takes his glasses off and puts the matchbook down on the table.)", "Jeffrey Sinclair: You know, when the defense hears about this, they are going to call every other piece of evidence into question. I don't need to tell you what that means.", "Grissom: I've given them reasonable doubt.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Grissom is returning back to work when Conrad Ecklie catches up with him.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Heard we have a problem.", "Grissom: The Middle East has a problem.", "Conrad Ecklie: You missed a fingerprint on a key piece of evidence.", "Grissom: I'm trying to keep an open mind.", "Conrad Ecklie: Then how do you explain it?", "Grissom: At the moment, I can't.", "Conrad Ecklie: Could someone have substituted a different matchbook?", "Grissom: Well, the evidence seal wasn't broken. The matchbook's appearance is consistent with the crime scene photos.", "Conrad Ecklie: Since your original testimony differs from the actual physical evidence, I thought I'd inform you I've opened a supervisory inquiry.", "Grissom: Well, that's good, Conrad. You know, I can't recall a lab director as expeditious as you.", "(Suddenly, a gunshot sounds along with glass shattering.)", "Voice: (b.g.) Man! What happened! VOICE: (b.g.) Who's that?", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Bobby removes his earphones. He stares at the broken glass when Grissom and Ecklie rush into the lab.)", "Grissom: You okay, Bobby?", "Bobby Dawson: Been better.", "Conrad Ecklie: What the hell happened?", "Bobby Dawson: I was about to test-fire the mac-10 when it accidentally discharged. Don't know how it happened. Should've been more careful.", "Conrad Ecklie: Whose, uh, whose case you working?", "Bobby Dawson: Uh ... (He glances nervously at Grissom.) Sara Sidle and Greg Sanders. Gun was found next to a dead body at an off-strip parking lot.", "Conrad Ecklie: All right. Make sure you file a report.", "Bobby Dawson: Yes, sir.", "Conrad Ecklie: (to everyone) Everybody back to work. (to Grissom) Just keep me posted.", "(Ecklie turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Grissom meets with Catherine, Warrick and Nick to discuss the Max Lawson case.)", "Catherine: I remember this case. The Garbetts owned a restaurant that was next door to the victim's hardware store. Max Larson owned the private alleyway that was behind both places.", "(Quick flashback to: [ALLEYWAY] Jason Garbett walks out and pulls the garbage bin off to the side.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) That's right. He blocked the alleyway with a dumpster.", "Jason Garbett: (under his breath) Jerk.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Yeah, the guy was a jerk.", "Catherine: Well, he claimed the restaurant's delivery trucks were clogging the alley.", "Warrick: Didn't the Garbetts sue to have the dumpster removed?", "Grissom: They lost. There was no easement in their title.", "Catherine: And without access for deliveries, the restaurant business just dried up.", "Grissom: All the physical evidence pointed to Garbett. And according to the victim's business partner, Garbett had an argument with the victim the day before the murder.", "Warrick: Garbett's appeal didn't call the forensics into question. Why are we here?", "Grissom: I'm calling the forensics into question. (He holds up the matchbook.) I printed this matchbook. There was no print. Take a look at it now.", "(He hands the matchbook to Catherine.)", "Catherine: Well, the fingerprint's pink -- so you used ninhydrin?", "Grissom: Mm-hmm.", "(Quick flashback to: [PAST] Grissom sprays the matchbook. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Well, I know that on some surfaces, ninhydrin can take time to develop a print. It was in, uh, last May's \"Journal of Forensic Sciences\".", "Grissom: I remember the article. But I can't remember whether the variables in the test case are consistent with ours.", "Nick: Well, if the print matches the suspect, who cares?", "Grissom: It doesn't match. So, you and Warrick take over the file -- make sure all of the other evidence is beyond reproach. Catherine, you supervise. To avoid any appearance of impropriety, I'm going to be hands off.", "(Grissom leaves the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Grissom is in his office going through old magazines. There's a soft knock at his door.)", "Grissom: Sofia.", "(Sofia walks into the office. She sees the \"Journal of Forensic Science\" magazines scattered on Grissom's desk.)", "Sofia Curtis: You do know that the \"Journal's\" back issues are available on-line. The lab has a password.", "Grissom: When you read from a computer screen, you have to lean in. I like to lean back. Therefore, I prefer a hard copy.", "(She glances down on the desk and picks up a \"Journal\".)", "Sofia Curtis: Is this what you're looking for?", "(She hands it to Grissom. He looks at it.", "VOLUME 48", "NUMBER 3", "MAY 2003", "Grissom: May. Yes. Thank you. News travels so fast around here.", "Sofia Curtis: Ecklie travels fast.", "Grissom: Hmm.", "Sofia Curtis: Look, in case you're not up-to-date on your QA/QC memos, I've been the lab's Quality Control Officer for the past year.", "Grissom: Congratulations. That job requires a detail-oriented person.", "Sofia Curtis: Grissom, I've been assigned to your inquiry. I just wanted to give you the heads-up. I'll be impartial.", "Grissom: I'd expect nothing less.", "(Sofia turns and heads for the door.)", "Grissom: \"Margaritaville\"?", "(She stops and looks at Grissom.)", "Grissom: That is still the lab's password, right?", "(She smiles and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine, Warrick and Nick go over the case files.)", "Catherine: Warrick, in your field report, you documented the collection of several hairs near the body, but DNA never analyzed them.", "Warrick: Well, the DA had sufficient evidence and filed charges before I could give the hair to Greg, so I moved on to another case.", "Catherine: Process the hairs now.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Nick: Catherine, do you remember why you were late to this crime scene? Eddie had a gig and you couldn't find a baby-sitter.", "Catherine: Actually, I kind of made that up. Eddie did have a gig. It ended early and he and I ... well, let's just say that not all my memories of him are bad ones. (to Warrick) Which reminds me you, at the time, were going out with that Assistant Manager of the Flamingo--", "Warrick: Oh, Susan.", "Catherine: Boy, did she have it bad for you. She kept calling while we were working the scene. You had to shut your phone off.", "Warrick: Yeah, well, now she's VP of Food Services, so I get free steak and eggs every Sunday morning.", "Nick: Free steak and eggs means she didn't know about the flight attendant.", "Warrick: Does everyone know my business around here?", "Catherine: Okay, Nicky, since you have such a good memory, why don't you explain the unidentified prints that you lifted from the murder weapon.", "Nick: I lifted six prints off the wrench. I ran them through I-AFIS. Five were a match to the suspect. One was unidentified. Now, at the time, we all agreed that that print was irrelevant, because the wrench was found in the common area.", "Catherine: Okay, well, we're going to have to compare that unidentified print with this matchbook print.", "Nick: Will do. Hey, Catherine ... we didn't do anything wrong here.", "Catherine: I agree. But the prosecution may not see it that way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC PATHOLOGY - DAY]", "(Sara and Greg are walking into the room.)", "Sara: (o.s.) Well, the doc should be able to clear this up.", "Robbins: Hey, how's Bobby doing?", "Sara: Shaken, but working hard. Trying to figure out why the gun discharged.", "Robbins: Well, fortunately, Bobby dodged his bullet -- unlike our victim.", "(Sara glances down at the victim's arm and notices the \"RITA\" tattoo. Robbins and David go over the body with Sara and Greg.)", "Robbins: C.O.D's a single gunshot wound to the leg.", "(Robbins points to the bullet hole.)", "David Phillips: And it severed the femoral artery.", "Greg: We processed the guy's jeans. Tight GSR pattern around the entrance hole.", "Sara: So, he was either shot by someone at close range who left the gun behind, or it was self-inflicted.", "David Phillips: Why would the shooter leave the gun behind?", "Sara: He probably wouldn't.", "Robbins: And most suicides are through the torso or through the head.", "Sara: So if it wasn't intentional ...", "Greg: It was accidental.", "Robbins: Greg ... insert this rod into the hole.", "(Robbins hands Greg a colored rod. Greg inserts it into the bullet hole.)", "(Quick CGI POV of: The rod is inserted clear through the flesh and comes out the back of the leg. End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: Trajectory is up to down.", "Sara: Consistent with a self-inflicted, accidental injury.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] The victim shoots himself in the leg and falls to the ground in pain. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Have you been able to I.D. Him?", "Robbins: No wallet. Prints didn't hit. No relatives came forward. So, I'm calling him John Doe Number 124.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB]", "(Nick scans the fingerprint from the matchbook into the computer as Catherine watches.)", "(He scans the fingerprint from the wrench into the computer. He compares the two.)", "Nick: A perfect match.", "Catherine: Someone other than the suspect touched the matches and the wrench.", "Nick: The wrench was found in a toolbox in the suspect's restaurant. The murder happened after closing.", "Catherine: Who else had access to that restaurant?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - WAITING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick meets with Mrs. Katz.)", "Nick: Mrs. Garbett.", "Mrs. Katz: It's, uh, Mrs. Katz now. I remarried.", "(They shake hands.)", "Nick: Oh, okay-- Mrs. Katz. Duly noted. (She sits down.) Please, have a seat. I appreciate you coming down here and meeting with me.", "Mrs. Katz: Look, my ex-husband called me from jail. I know about the new trial. But this case has nothing to do with me. Not anymore. He got a life sentence. The crime lab testified.", "Nick: You think he's guilty?", "(She sighs.)", "Mrs. Katz: Jason was a quiet man. Bottled everything up. In twenty-five years of marriage, he raised his voice ... maybe ... a dozen times. But when he expressed himself ... the neighborhood knew.", "(The door opens and Keith Garbett walks inside.)", "Keith Garbett: Mom, I got your voice mail.", "Mrs. Katz: Keith.", "Keith Garbett: What's going on?", "Mrs. Katz: Uh, Mr. Stokes is with the crime lab.", "Keith Garbett: Hi. Look, we'll help in any way we can.", "(Keith sits down.)", "Nick: What I'd really like to do is get a list of anyone who had access to that restaurant five years ago.", "Keith Garbett: Sure. May I ask why?", "Nick: Recent evidence has come to light ...", "Keith Garbett: What evidence?", "Nick: Oh, now that I can't discuss.", "Keith Garbett: My father's innocent.", "Mrs. Katz: My son has never stopped believing in his father. He has sacrificed everything for Jason: Moved back to Vegas, hired a new attorney, poured all his money into the appeal.", "Nick: So you weren't living in town at the time of the murder?", "Keith Garbett: No, I was living in L.A.", "Nick: Oh, okay.", "Keith Garbett: Look ... whatever you need from us ... (he looks at his mother) ... mom ... ?", "Mrs. Katz: Um ... I have some old records back at the house. I could send them over.", "Nick: Yeah, that'd be great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Close-up of the file box on the table.)", "SUSPECT: GARBETT, JASON", "VICTIM: LARSON, MAX", "DATE AND TIME OF RECOVERY 12-20-99", "RECOVERED BY GIL. GRISSOM", "DESCRIPTION AND/OR LOCATION: 2028 BOULDER HIGHWAY", "SEALED BY ??? DATE 12/99", "(Sofia opens the box cover. She starts putting things into the box. In the hallway in the background, we see Warrick walking up to the DNA lab door. He pauses, turns and sees Sofia working in the lab.)", "(He opens the door and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Warrick walks into the lab where Mia has the tape on. Avril Lavigne is singing \"Don't Tell Me\".)", "Warrick: You're listening to music.", "(She reaches up and turns it down.)", "Mia Dickerson: It was Greg's suggestion.", "Warrick: No, it's good. Well, maybe not your music taste, but we'll work on that. You have my DNA profile for the hair sample I gave you?", "Mia Dickerson: No.", "Warrick: No? Do you need more time?", "Mia Dickerson: No ... the sample you sent me wasn't human ... so I sent it over to trace. Maybe Hodges can tell you something.", "Warrick: All right. Thank you. (Warrick heads for the door. He stops and turns around.) And Mia, Avril's fine, but if you really want to experience musical heartache, you should check out, uh ... Nina Simone.", "(He leaves. Mia turns the music up again.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Grissom is conducting his own experiment with a group of matchbooks. He presses his print on the matchbooks and pins them up on the line. He sprays them and closes the fume hood.)", "(The door opens. Attorney Jeffrey Sinclair and Conrad Ecklie walk into the lab just as Grissom is writing his notes on the clipboard.)", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Grissom, Judge Witherspoon wants me in her chambers first thing in the morning.", "Conrad Ecklie: She's going to demand a full update, Gil.", "Grissom: I can't explain the appearance of the print on the matchbook. That's what I'm trying to figure out.", "Conrad Ecklie: You're making the lab look bad.", "Jeffrey Sinclair: Word has it you've reopened the entire case. An unexamined hair and an unidentified print on the murder weapon? Grissom, did we make a mistake and arrest the wrong guy?", "Grissom: I don't know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(Grissom closes his car door when Brass catches up with him.)", "Brass: Hey. We gotta talk. Ecklie's used his hot line to the Sheriff. The whole department knows about the inquiry.", "Grissom: There's nothing I can do about that.", "Brass: Yeah, well, I want to give you a heads-up, 'cause here's how it's gonna break down: In order to appear objective, Ecklie's gonna follow Sofia's recommendations. The problem is, she's Acting Supervisor of days, so she needs Ecklie to sign off to keep her gig. And you think she'll say whatever Ecklie wants. Yeah. And this isn't just about the Garbett case. He's looking into your whole team. And your ability to lead them.", "Grissom: Poor Conrad.", "Brass: I hate to tell you, but when it comes to politics, he whips your ass. So watch your back; it's gonna get ugly.", "Grissom: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(Hodges goes over the hair findings with Warrick.)", "Hodges: The hair on the right is a human hair. The hair on the left is from your five-year-old crime scene. Given the big fat medulla, I'd say canine, and given its coarseness ... I'd say it could be a poodle or a Portuguese water dog.", "Warrick: What?! A Portuguese water dog.", "Hodges: Mm-hmm. They were found on fishing vessels in the 1800s.", "Warrick: Are you serious", "(Catherine walks into the lab.)", "Catherine: Warrick, I thought you were following it up with DNA.", "Warrick: I am. The hairs got kicked to trace.", "Hodges: Yeah, they're from a dog. Very obvious under the microscope.", "Warrick: I will find out if the victim or suspect owned a dog. I'm on it.", "Catherine: Thanks.", "(Warrick leaves the lab.)", "Hodges: Ecklie was so pissed when I told him about these hairs.", "Catherine: You told Ecklie?", "Hodges: Yeah. He's a friend. I sent him a card for his promotion. The guy was very touched by my thoughtfulness.", "Catherine: Oh, we all are.", "Hodges: (smiles) Oh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - DAY]", "(Sara and Bobby Dawson discuss the gun.)", "Sara: Are you finished with the gun?", "Bobby Dawson: Yeah, I figured out what caused that A.D. Some garage gunsmith tried to turn this baby into a machine gun.", "Sara: That is a big-time felony.", "Bobby Dawson: Not to mention dangerous. Here, take a look. See, the trip has been ground down, which prevents the bolt from locking back.", "(Quick flash to: [NIGHT] The gun lever is pulled back, the trip fails and the gun fires.)", "(Quick CGI POV of: The bullet exits the barrel and enters the leg. End of CGI POV. Resume to flashback.)", "(The shooter falls backward to the ground.)", "(Extreme close-up of the artery bleeding out. Sounds of a heart beating loudly are heard. White flash to present.)", "Sara: Vic never even pulled the trigger. Did you get an I.D. off the serial number?", "Bobby Dawson: It's also ground down. Nearly halfway through the metal.", "Sara: Well, I love a challenge.", "Bobby Dawson: Well, it's all yours.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Nick reports to Catherine.)", "Nick: The Garbetts' restaurant employed six waiters, two cooks, and a busboy.", "Catherine: All of whom would've had access to the kitchen and to the wrench.", "Nick: Right: Garbett's ex-wife's, three of the waiters' and both cooks' prints were in I-AFIS because of work cards, but none was a match to the mystery print.", "Catherine: And what about the other four?", "Nick: I ran their socials to get their addresses. I'll grab a uniform, go bang on some doors.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. FRONT PORCH 1 - DAY]", "(Nick knocks on a door. A woman answers the door.)", "Nick: Hi. I'm Nick Stokes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FRONT PORCH 2 - DAY]", "(A man answers the door.)", "Nick: Good day, sir. My name's Nick Stokes. I'm with the Las Vegas Crime Lab.", "[EXT. FRONT PORCH 1 - DAY]", "(Nick talks with the woman.)", "Nick: I'm reinvestigating Max Larson's homicide.", "[EXT. FRONT WALK 3 - DAY]", "(Nick talks with Man 2.)", "Nick: I was hoping to get your, uh, your fingerprints if I could. It would help eliminate you as a suspect.", "(Nick is fingerprinting Woman 2.)", "Nick: Thank you, ma'am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. STORE - DAY]", "(Warrick interviews Max Larson's ex-partner, Rich Reeba.)", "Rich Reeba: Max didn't like dogs. We don't allow them in the store.", "Warrick: How about you, Mr. Reeba. Do you down a dog?", "Rich Reeba: No. Mr. Brown, what's this about?", "Warrick: I'm sorry, I'm not at liberty to discuss ongoing cases.", "Rich Reeba: Look, I have a right to know. Max was my business partner.", "Warrick: Well, all I can tell you is that the defendant was granted a new trial.", "Rich Reeba: Based on a friggin' technicality. I talked to the D.A. myself.", "Warrick: The crime lab is reviewing the case file now.", "Rich Reeba: Garbett killed Max. I was right here when he tried to shake us down.", "(Quick flashback to: [HARDWARE STORE] Jason Garbett storms into the hardware store to talk with Max Larson.)", "Jason Garbett: If you don't move that dumpster, I swear, I'm gonna kill you!", "Max Larson: Judge says I'm in the right. You can go to hell.", "Jason Garbett: You're gonna regret this.", "Max Larson: So tell me: How many customers did you have tonight? Hey, Rick ... what's a number less than one?", "Jason Garbett: This isn't over.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Rich Reeba: I guess he could've handled it better. But Garbett's delivery trucks -- they were always blocking access to our parking lot. We complained -- he refused to do anything about it, so we exercised our legal rights. A judge rules in our favor. Two days later, Max is murdered. Can you imagine killing over an incident like this?", "Warrick: I've seen people kill for a lot less, sir. Mr. Reeba, you and your partner were joint owners of this property, right?", "Rich Reeba: Yes.", "Warrick: With right of survivorship.", "Rich Reeba: Correct.", "Warrick: And when he died, you got it all, isn't that right?", "Rich Reeba: What are you getting at?", "Warrick: Nothing. It's just a question.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine is fiddling with a machine when Nick walks into the lab. She adjusts the item in the machine and checks the view on the monitor.)", "Catherine: Hi.", "Nick: Hi. Video spectral analysis.", "Catherine: I want to see if I can bring out the image on the matchbook.", "Nick: We didn't have this equipment five years ago.", "Catherine: That's why I'm doing it now. How was the door-to-door?", "Nick: Good exercise. Everyone volunteered their prints but ... no match.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Warrick is walking through the hallway when Conrad Ecklie catches up with him.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Warrick, just the guy I wanted to see.", "Warrick: Ecklie, you know I'm real busy...", "Conrad Ecklie: Ah, it won't take long. My office.", "(Ecklie leaves. Warrick follows.)", "[INT. CSI - ECKLIE'S OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Warrick steps into the office.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Uh ... I'll cut to the chase. Did Supervisor Grissom instruct you to analyze the hairs you found near Max Larson's body?", "Warrick: It was my job to bring the hairs to DNA.", "Conrad Ecklie: Did you?", "Warrick: Yes.", "Conrad Ecklie: Five years ago.", "Warrick: No, yesterday. Look, if there was a problem ...", "Conrad Ecklie: Have a seat.", "(Warrick sits down.)", "Conrad Ecklie: In my capacity as Assistant Director, I'm now privy to personnel files. Um ... you've done outstanding work over the years, Warrick. Truly. I see commendations from detectives and D.A.'s ... I also see you have a gambling problem.", "Warrick: I had a gambling problem. What's your point?", "Conrad Ecklie: Well, it appears Supervisor Grissom counseled you appropriately.", "Warrick: That's correct. So ...", "Conrad Ecklie: He gave you access to departmental resources to help you deal with the problem?", "Warrick: No ... he helped me, uh ... by being a friend.", "Conrad Ecklie: Good. You've been a big help. Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine walks through the lab and sees Sofia going through the old case files.)", "Catherine: Hey.", "(Catherine opens the refrigerator and puts her drink inside. She shuts the door and walks over to Sofia where the lightly looks at the file folders stacked on the table.)", "Sofia Curtis: This is, uh, confidential. I don't have an office, so ...", "Catherine: The inquiry into Grissom.", "Sofia Curtis: Just reviewing all documentation. Case identifiers, analysts' initials ...", "Catherine: Your responsibility is to confirm that all conclusions drawn are supported by the data. They are.", "Sofia Curtis: Excuse me?", "Catherine: I worked on this case. The conclusions, they are supported. I assume that's what you're finding?", "Sofia Curtis: Catherine ... I appreciate your interest, but I think it's prudent to reserve my findings for the Assistant Director.", "Catherine: Right.", "(Catherine turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Grissom walks into the lab.)", "Grissom: Neil, you got a minute?", "Neil Jansen: I don't think I have any work pending for you.", "Grissom: I need your expertise.", "Neil Jansen: Matchbook print. Everybody's talking about it.", "Grissom: Well, good. Scientific discoveries arise through discourse. Now ... ninhydrin works by reacting to one end of a protein chain to form ruhemann's purple ...", "Neil Jansen: Which makes fingerprints visible.", "Grissom: Protein chains are made up of a series of amino acids, sometimes a hundred units long. But only one end of the chain has the h-n-H ...", "Neil Jansen: The n-terminus.", "(Quick flash of: the end of the protein chain. Resume to present.)", "Neil Jansen: It's the only part of the protein molecule that interacts with ninhydrin.", "Grissom: But fingerprints are subjected to bacterial degradation, which causes the proteins to break down into smaller amino acids.", "Neil Jansen: Upping the number of n-termini.", "Grissom: And making the fingerprint more visible. But because new fingerprints are sometimes composed of fully intact proteins, you could spray ninhydrin, and not see a result for months, yes?", "Neil Jansen: Or in rare cases, years -- depending on the rate of degradation.", "Grissom: My matchbook print was inside a plastic evidence bag. That could affect the rate.", "Neil Jansen: Let's see ... plastic ... plastic traps in heat and humidity.", "(Quick flash to: Extreme close-up of the protein chain and various reactions.)", "Neil Jansen: (V.O.) Bacteria would continue to break down over time.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: So theoretically, the bag was acting as a humidifying chamber.", "Neil Jansen: I'd say you were processing a print in slow motion.", "Grissom: Thank you, Neil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Sara and Greg are in the lab. They each have on a pair of goggles.)", "Greg: I'm confused. Do we think the dead guy bought a defective gun, or was he selling a gun he'd already modified?", "Sara: Maybe he modified it for his own use.", "Greg: Well, if that was the case, then why would he need to file down the serial numbers?", "Sara: Good point. Okay, so you take the polishing compound, and you rub it on the obliterated serial number.", "(Sara rubs the compound on the serial number with a swab.)", "Sara: And then you hit the spot with the wheel until it's mirror smooth.", "(She turns on a sanding machine and rubs the compound down. When she's done, she turns the machine off.)", "Sara: Fry's reagent. It differentially eats away at the compressed area.", "(She adds the liquid to the serial number and dabs at it with the swab.)", "Greg: To expose the denser metal of the serial number.", "Sara: Take a look.", "Greg: And pop goes the serial number!", "Sara: Run it through NCIC and local pawn shops. See if we can get an address.", "Greg: All right.", "(Greg turns to leave the lab. On his way out, he meets Conrad Ecklie walking in.)", "Greg: Excuse me.", "Conrad Ecklie: Excuse me. (Ecklie walks up to Sara.) Sara. You got a minute?", "Sara: I guess.", "Conrad Ecklie: Flitz's compound. I'm sure you're not polishing your jewelry in the lab. That would be unauthorized.", "Sara: What can I do for you?", "Conrad Ecklie: Ah. As you know, it's my job to review everyone's file. I just want to make sure you finished up with your PEAP Counselor.", "Sara: That's none of your business, Ecklie.", "Conrad Ecklie: Well, not only is it my business, but I plan to speak with your supervisor.", "Sara: About what?", "Conrad Ecklie: You have updated him, right?", "Sara: Yeah, yeah, we've had an abbreviated conversation. I'm doing fine. Completed my required number of sessions months ago.", "Conrad Ecklie: Huh. Grissom failed to note that conversation in your file. Um ... but I'll take care of it. All right.", "(Ecklie turns and leaves.)", "Sara: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Catherine and Nick continue to process the matchbook cover.)", "Nick: Expose the matchbook to white, and that covers the spectrum.", "Catherine: I'll bring out the illuminants and contrast.", "Nick: Rotate it 180.", "Catherine: (reads) \"Club PCH.\"", "Nick: \"Los Angeles.\"", "Catherine: Is that probative?", "Nick: Maybe. Defendant's son lived in L.A.", "(Catherine turns and looks at him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. GARBETT RESIDENCE (HOUSE #10716)- FRONT DRIVE - DAY]", "(Brass and Nick walk up the driveway to the front door.)", "Brass: So did a background check on Keith Garbett. He has no record. Moved to California two years before the murder. He opened a veterinary practice in Encino.", "Nick: He was a Veterinarian?", "Brass: Didn't I just say that?", "Nick: We found some dog hairs at the crime scene. Out of context, it didn't really mean anything.", "Brass: Well, now it does.", "(Brass knocks on the front door. Keith Garbett opens the door.)", "Keith Garbett: Mr. Stokes.", "Nick: Keith.", "Keith Garbett: Well, tell me you've got some good news. Dad's lawyer says the case could get tossed.", "Brass: I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas police. We'd like to ask you a couple questions.", "Keith Garbett: Sure.", "Brass: You ever been to Club PCH?", "Keith Garbett: I did some clubbing in my twenties. What does this have to do with the investigation?", "Nick: Keith, what we'd really like to go ahead and do is get a set of your fingerprints, if we could. Okay?", "Keith Garbett: Why? You know, I'm sorry, but I don't exactly trust you guys. You destroyed my family. You let my dad rot in jail for five years, and now you're coming after me? No way. Forget it.", "(Keith backs up and slams the door closed.)", "Brass: I thought that went well.", "(Brass and Nick walk back down the driveway to the two trash bins on the sidewalk.)", "Nick: There's more than one way to get his prints. Trash on the curb -- public property, right?", "Brass: Don't need a warrant.", "(Nick opens the trash bin and lifts the garbage bag up. Brass shrugs at him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - ECKLIE'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Ecklie meets with Catherine.)", "Conrad Ecklie: This conversation is on the record. Part of the official inquiry into the Max Larson case.", "Catherine: Understood.", "Conrad Ecklie: Five years ago, were you part of a team that processed a homicide at 2028 Boulevard Highway?", "Catherine: You know I was.", "Conrad Ecklie: Specifically what tasks did Supervisor Grissom assign to you?", "Catherine: Gil doesn't micro-manage. We know what needs to be done. I photo-documented the scene, I collected blood evidence, and I brought the charred newspaper to trace.", "Conrad Ecklie: In the analysis phase, did Grissom review your reports with you?", "Catherine: Are you asking if he performed a supervisory review?", "Conrad Ecklie: It's policy.", "Catherine: He must have. I'm sure he did.", "(Ecklie smiles at her. He doesn't believe her.)", "Catherine: Are you doing all this for the sake of the lab or to indict Grissom?", "Conrad Ecklie: Catherine, there a number of talented CSIs, like yourself, who have put in to be supervisors. I just want to make sure the right people are in the right place.", "Catherine: About my request -- I really would like to supervise days.", "Conrad Ecklie: Right. You're a single mother. Better hours. And I bet you could use the extra cash.", "Catherine: No, this promotion isn't about money.", "Conrad Ecklie: Must be nice to be independently wealthy.", "Catherine: We're done here, right?", "(Catherine stands up and leaves.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Nick cuts a portion of the garbage bag off and puts it in the machine when Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: Vacuum metal deposition.", "Nick: Sometimes the evidence isn't in the bag ... it's on it.", "(Quick flash to: The garbage bag is being fumed and a print is found. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Catherine sits at the computer and pulls up the unidentified print for case #", "(Nick walks in with Keith's print off the garbage bag. Catherine flips the scanner lid up.)", "Nick: Thank you.", "(They scan the print into the computer and run a comparison.)", "Catherine: Comparing unknown matchbook print to garbage bag print.", "Nick: Game, set.", "Catherine: Match.", "(Quick flashback to: [HARDWARE STORE] Ketih Garbett walks into the store with the wrench in his hand.)", "Max Larson: We're closed. Hey, did you hear me? I said we're closed.", "(He walks around the counter and sees Keith Garbett walking swiftly up to him.)", "Max Larson: Hey... help!", "(Keith swings and hits Max Larson in the head. He falls to the floor and he swings again.)", "(When it's over, he lights a match to a piece of crumpled newspaper.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Nick and Catherine interview Keith Garbett. His lawyer is with him.)", "Keith Garbett: It wasn't my restaurant. It wasn't my problem.", "Nick: You lied to us. Said you were living in L.A. at the time of the murder.", "Catherine: while your parents were in court, suing to have that dumpster removed, you were running the restaurant. In fact, you signed the vendor checks that week.", "Nick: They were in a box of records your mother sent over. You saw the business was going under. Their marriage was in trouble. And while the judge ruled against them, you snapped.", "Lawyer: The evidence is circumstantial at best.", "Catherine: You can play it that way. It's fine with us. You and your father can both stand trial. I mean, after all he was the one who had motive. He threatened Larson. His prints were on the wrench.", "Lawyer: You think the D.A. is going to try two people for the same crime?", "Nick: Oh, yes, ma'am. At minimum, they're looking at conspiracy.", "Catherine: As far as we know, they could've been in it together. It's easier to overpower a guy when it's two against one.", "Nick: Yeah, but I don't think it went down that way. After your father was convicted, you gave up on your veterinary practice. Moved back to Vegas -- spent every last dime you had on his defense. Now, that tells me you had a guilty conscience.", "Keith Garbett: It should tell you that I love my father.", "Nick: Your father spent the last five years in prison, man. If you love him so much, why don't you tell the truth? Set him free.", "Keith Garbett: My father had nothing to do with it.", "Lawyer: Keith ... I never thought that they would convict an innocent man. So ... I kept quiet.", "Nick: To protect yourself.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- OBSERVATION ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom and Conrad Ecklie both watch the interview.)", "Conrad Ecklie: We'll convene in my office at end of your shift.", "Grissom: Regarding what? This case is over.", "Conrad Ecklie: Don't be late.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. TURLOCK RESIDENCE - FRONT - EVENING/NIGHT]", "(Det. Vartann is waiting out front as Sara and Greg drive up.)", "Det. Vartann: Hey.", "Sara: Hey.", "Det. Vartann: What's going on? Dispatch said to meet you here.", "(Sara gets out of the car.)", "Sara: Well, three days ago we found a John Doe who was shot to death in an abandoned parking lot off strip. Uh, there was a mac-10 near the body. Gun is registered to a Paul Turlock, who happens to be the owner of the house.", "(Greg joins them and they head for the house.)", "Det. Vartann: Oh, so you want to see if Paul Turlock and John Doe are one and the same.", "Sara: Yeah.", "Det. Vartann: Okay.", "(They reach the front door and see the newspaper on the ground.)", "Det. Vartann: Odds are looking pretty good so far.", "(Det. Vartann takes out his gun and flashlight. Sara knocks on the door and it creaks open. He leans in toward the door as Sara takes out her weapon and gets behind Vartan.)", "Det. Vartann: Police! Anybody here?", "(He lifts up his weapon and pushes the door open.)", "[INT. TURLOCK RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - EVENING - CONTINUOUS]", "(Det. Vartann and Sara enter the residence with their guns raised. After a while, it's apparent that no one's there. Sara puts her gun down. Vartann puts his gun away.)", "(Greg walks in and they all look around the house.)", "(Greg sees a box and looks inside.)", "(On the coffee table on an old newspaper, Vartann finds a photo of two men drinking beer.)", "Det. Vartann: Sara.", "(She walks over.)", "Det. Vartann: Any of these look like your guy?", "Sara: Guy on the end with the \"Rita\" tattoo.", "Det. Vartann: Think Rita's his mom or his girlfriend?", "Sara: If it's not crossed out, it's definitely his mom.", "(Vartann nods.)", "Greg: Mac in the box. Five of them. Serials obliterated.", "(They both turn and head over toward Greg.)", "Sara: Files and grinding stone.", "Det. Vartann: It's all the tools needed to convert a semi into an auto and then cover your tracks.", "Greg: Each modified weapon's a separate count. Each filed-off serial number's a separate count. This guy was looking at ten felonies.", "Sara: Actually, he already got the death penalty.", "(Vartann walks over and checks the answering machine.)", "Man's Voice: (answering machine) Hey, Paulie, we, uh, liked what we saw. The deal's a go. Five large for five units. I'll call you back to arrange a time.", "(The answering machine beeps.)", "Man's Voice: (answering machine) Paulie. 9:00 P.M. Monday.", "(The machine clicks off. Vartann turns and looks at Sara and Greg.)", "Greg: That's tonight.", "Det. Vartann: \"We liked what we saw\"? That tells me that Paulie's already met with the buyers-- probably to show them the prototype of the mac-10.", "Sara: Maybe they met at the parking lot where we found the body.", "(Vartann looks at his watch.)", "Det. Vartann: You know, most likely they'd hook up at the same location to complete the sale.", "Greg: Buyers don't know he's dead.", "Sara: Lucky for us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY TO LAB -- NIGHT]", "(We follow behind Conrad Ecklie as he walks down the hallway. He peers in through the window and sees Nick working. He opens the door.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Hell of a job on the Larson case, Nick. If it weren't for you, the son would've walked.", "Nick: (shrugs) It was a team effort.", "Conrad Ecklie: Team effort? Just like the Westanson case, right? Last year, that woman who burned to ashes in a barrel of diesel fuel.", "Nick: Yeah. Yeah, I'm familiar with the case, Conrad.", "Conrad Ecklie: I reviewed Grissom's report. It seems to me that you were a ... one-man CSI machine. (He chuckles.) Grissom rejected Fay Minden's testimony, but not you.", "Nick: (corrects) No, Grissom allowed me to pursue a new lead, under his supervision.", "Conrad Ecklie: Did he offer you any other CSIs as support staff? (Nick catches on to what Ecklie's doing.) D-don't worry about it. I respect your independence. (Nick's not impressed.) Anyway, good work.", "(Ecklie leaves the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(A car drives into the parking lot and circles around. The engine stops and a man steps out of the car. He looks around and zips up his jacket.)", "(Sirens wail as police cars circle and pull up into the parking lot. Vartann exits his car, his gun pointed at the buyer.)", "Det. Vartann: Keep your hands up. No sudden moves.", "(Sara and Greg exit the car.)", "ATF Agent: ATF. I'm an agent.", "Det. Vartann: Just keep your hands where I can see 'em, and you won't get hurt.", "(Another non-descript car pulls up. An ATF agent gets out of the car and holds out his badge.)", "John Calder (ATF): Special Agent John Calder, ATF. He's an undercover agent.", "Sara: I don't believe this.", "Det. Vartann: You're involved in a buy bust for some firearms?", "John Calder (ATF): You boys burned us bad. We were gonna make an arrest tonight.", "Sara: Suspect's name is Paul Turlock?", "John Calder: Yeah.", "Sara: Mr. Turlock A.D.'d a mac into his femoral artery. You guys are four days too late.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - ECKLIE'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Ecklie meets with Grissom and Sofia Curtis.)", "Conrad Ecklie: If I understand you correctly, the latent fingerprint on the matchbook ... continued to process itself after you were finished.", "Grissom: Theoretically, yes.", "Conrad Ecklie: As I know you are aware, I've asked Sofia to review your handling of the Max Larson homicide. (to Sofia) Did Supervisor Grissom violate any procedures in mishandling the evidence?", "(She looks at Grissom.)", "Sofia Curtis: I don't believe he mishandled anything. He followed laboratory protocol, and when he saw that the evidence didn't correspond to his records, he notified the D.A. and recused himself from case review.", "Conrad Ecklie: Are you saying that, uh, his handling of the discovery of new evidence while on the stand is within our protocols?", "Sofia Curtis: (carefully) As it applies to this case, yes.", "Conrad Ecklie: In the, uh ... in the process of investigating this case, your ability to supervise has come into question.", "Grissom: Isn't that a little beyond the scope of this inquiry?", "Sofia Curtis: Again, we have no evidence that Grissom violated any protocols or proce ...", "Conrad Ecklie: (interrupts) Thank you for your input.", "Grissom: (tired) Okay, Conrad, what do you got? Let's hear it.", "Conrad Ecklie: Well, taken individually, there's nothing specific that warrants disciplinary action. However, my investigation has led me to question the effectiveness of your team and your ability to lead it. I'm breaking you guys up.", "Grissom: Excuse me?", "Conrad Ecklie: I've already spoken with the Director. Staff assignments are under my purview. Effective immediately, Catherine Willows will be promoted to Swing Shift Supervisor ...", "Grissom: Wait a minute, Catherine applied for days.", "Conrad Ecklie: I do what's best for the lab. I've decided to move the Swing Shift Supervisor to days ...", "Sofia Curtis: I've been the Acting Supervisor of days for the past month -- I believe I've proven myself capable.", "Conrad Ecklie: (ignores her) Warrick Brown and Nick Stokes will report to Catherine. Greg Sanders, pending his proficiency, Sara Sidle and Sofia will report to you.", "Sofia Curtis: (stunned) You're demoting me.", "Conrad Ecklie: I think you and Grissom suit each other.", "(Sofia stares at Ecklie in disbelief and shakes her head.)", "Grissom: (quietly) Why are you doing this?", "Conrad Ecklie: There's been a chronic lack of supervision on the graveyard shift. Your people have been covering for you, Gil. For your shortcomings. Before your mismanagement jeopardizes this lab, I'm rectifying the situation.", "(Grissom shakes his head and scoffs.)", "Conrad Ecklie: My decision is final.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. DINER -- DAY]", "(Nick and Warrick meet with Grissom.)", "Nick: He kind of talked to all of us.", "Warrick: It was more like he ambushed all of us. Real sorry, Grissom.", "Grissom: There's no reason to be. Look, Ecklie doesn't have a scientific bone in his body. He starts with the answers he wants and then devises the questions to get them.", "Warrick: This sucks. This guy has been kissing ass all his life, he's trying to tell me -- he's trying to tell us what makes a good supervisor. What makes a good team?", "Grissom: Well, if a team gets used to doing things a certain way just because that's the way they've always done them, then they start to lose their effectiveness.", "Nick: Oh, come on. You don't really believe that.", "Grissom: No. I believe that the longer a team works together, the stronger they become. But I'm not in charge of the lab, nor would I want to be.", "(The waitress puts the bill on the table. Nick picks up the bill and looks at it.)", "Nick: I got this -- that's the kind of cash I'm bringing down right now.", "(Nick leaves the booth.)", "Warrick: I always knew there'd come a time when we weren't, uh, working together anymore. I just didn't think it'd be under these circumstances.", "(Warrick's phone rings. He answers it.)", "Warrick: (to phone) Brown. Okay. All right. No, I'll tell Nick. We'll see you there. Uh, congrats, by the way. (He hangs up.) (to Grissom) All right. My new supervisor.", "Grissom: Catherine?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Grissom: (nods) Good.", "Warrick: Well, I got to get some rest. Swing shift starts at four in the afternoon. That's a big change.", "Grissom: Heracleitus once said, \"It is in changing that we find purpose.\"", "Warrick: Well, thanks to you, this job, I already know my purpose. See ya.", "(Warrick gets up and leaves the booth.)", "(Grissom sits at the table alone.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Mea Culpa
[ "Grissom and his team work on a case of a young boy found dead in a dumpster while Catherine and her team try to find out why an inmate was left brain dead after an action by police." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY COMMUNITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. EMPTY LOT - COMMUNITY -- NIGHT]", "(Brass and Sofia stand around a dead body while Grissom crouches down to examine it closer.)", "Brass: So, the gang unit says our D.B. is a sixteen-year-old Tyson Plummer.", "Sofia Curtis: How many holes in the victim?", "Grissom: I count four.", "Sofia Curtis: Eleven shell casings. Shooter emptied the gun -- so he was moving and shooting. Only hit the vic four times.", "Grissom: She talks to herself.", "Brass: Hey, it works for me.", "Sofia Curtis: Bullets that missed hit the outside building wall.", "(She turns and looks back at the gun holes in the outside building wall.)", "Kid 1: (o.s.) Hey, man, what ya doing in my back alley!", "(Greg is standing on the side mapping the area when the kid's shouts draw his attention. On the sidewalk, he sees two kids playing near the trash. One kid holds out his hand as if holding a gun at the other kid.)", "KIDN 1: Bang, bang, bang, bang.", "Kid 2: Man, you know Andre didn't cap him like that.", "(Greg ducks under the crime scene tape and makes his way toward the two kids who continue arguing.)", "Kid 1: Did too.", "Kid 2: Did not!", "Kid 1: Did too!", "Kid 2: How you gonna tell me?", "Kid 1: I saw him ...", "Greg: Hey, guys, can I talk to you for a sec?", "Kid 2: Run!", "(The two kids turn, see Greg and run. Greg continues to walk slowly toward them.)", "Greg: I just want to ask you a few questions.", "(The older kid turns and bumps into the trash bin. He falls, scrambles to his feet and runs. Greg doesn't chase after them.)", "Kid 2: Yo man! Wait up!", "(The kids disappear down the block. Greg turns and sees something disturbing. He kneels down to get a better look at a dead body in a trash bin.)", "(The dead child is rail thin and shoved into the trash bin.)", "(Greg dials his phone.)", "Greg: (to phone) Grissom ...", "Grissom: (from phone) Go ahead, Greg.", "Greg: (to phone) We got a young male D.B. by the dumpster.", "Grissom: (to phone) I'll be right there.", "(Grissom glances at Brass. He walks over to the dumpster where Greg is standing.)", "(At the crime scene tape surrounding the empty lot, a young man ducks under it. The officer guarding the tape tries to stop him.)", "Officer: Hey, hey!", "(He knocks the officer's hands away.)", "Leo Plummer: Get your damn hands off me!", "(Sofia turns around to look at the disturbance. Brass approaches the officer and Leo Plummer.)", "Brass: Whoa, whoa. I can't let you touch him. What's your name?", "(The young man gets a look at the dead body on the ground and he gasps.)", "Leo Plummer: I'm Plummer. Leo. That's my brother right there. They didn't have to do him like that, Dawg.", "Brass: I know you know who did this, Leo.", "Leo Plummer: Ain't your problem, man. Whoever did this is gonna get got.", "Brass: Oh, no, don't say stuff like that. Because only two things can happen: You in shackles or you on a slab. So, let's break the odds this time. What do you say?", "Leo Plummer: You done with me, Bacon? 'Cause I got family to go bury.", "(Leo turns and heads back to the crime scene tape. Brass turns and heads back to the body.)", "Brass: Yeah.", "(Near the tape, there's a disturbance as voices rise.)", "(Camera whirls around and we see another young man running through the crowd toward Leo Plummer. He pulls out a gun and fires at Leo Plummer's back. Leo is shot point blank several times in the back.)", "(Grissom is examining the body and is startled by the gunshots. He looks up.)", "(Greg moves to take cover behind the dumpster.)", "(A woman screams as the gunshots end. The young man with the gun takes off running. The crowd disburses.)", "Officer: This is Lincoln three. We've got a four-fifteen-A on scene.", "(Grissom watches as Sofia takes off running after the suspect alongside several other officers.)", "(Grissom looks at Greg.)", "Grissom: You okay?", "Greg: Hell no, I'm not okay. Who the hell's shooting at us?", "Grissom: I don't know, but I think our single just turned into a triple.", "(Grissom stands up and heads for the newest body at the scene.)", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY -- DAY]", "(Sara walks up to David Phillips and Greg around the body of the kid in the rubber trash bin. Greg snaps photos as David checks the kid out.)", "(In the background, we hear the indistinct police radio transmissions.)", "(Sara slows down and puts her kit on the sidewalk as she kneels in front of the body.)", "Greg: Somebody tried to just throw him out with the trash.", "Sara: If the dumpster wasn't full he would've ended up at the landfill.", "David Phillips: He hasn't been dead long. He's just coming out of rigor, so I'd say less than twenty-four hours.", "Sara: He wasn't in the box long enough to mummify, but the kid looks like an ad for hunger relief. Okay, let's, um, transport him in situ.", "(Sara turns and looks at Greg.)", "Sara: Be very careful moving the body. You okay?", "Greg: Yeah. Fine.", "(Off to the side, two officers struggle with a man in handcuffs.)", "Officer: Come on, let's go.", "Man: (o.s.) Rodney King, yo! Rodney King. Yo! Y'all see this? That's Rodney King, Dawg! Let me go, Dawg! Let me go, man!", "(The two officers lead the man in handcuffs to the car and put him in the backseat.)", "(Sofia walks back toward Grissom and Brass.)", "Man: Get off me, man! That's Rodney King, Dawg! Let me ... Get off! Get off me! Get off! Get off me! Bitches! We call it brutality!", "(The car door slams shut.)", "Brass: So, uh ... you think these concerned citizens are taping the capture of a vicious killer?", "(Brass points back to the observers behind the crime scene tape with their camcorders out. The coroners lift up the gurney with the wrapped body on it.)", "Grissom: If they're taping now, maybe they caught that second shooting on video. Maybe you could collect the cameras.", "(Brass looks at Sofia and taps his own temple. He smiles and chuckles as he leaves. Grissom turns and looks at Sofia.)", "Brass: I love this guy.", "Grissom: It says \"forensics\" on our jacket.", "Sofia Curtis: I'm aware of that.", "Grissom: We had plenty of cops chasing the suspect.", "Sofia Curtis: I wasn't chasing the suspect. I was chasing the evidence. I knew the idiot was likely to dump the gun.", "(She takes out the bagged gun and hands it to Grissom.)", "Sofia Curtis: All we have to do is ballistics-match the weapon to both victims. Case closed.", "(Grissom takes the gun and looks at Sofia.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. PRISON -- DAY]", "(The door buzzes and opens for Warrick and Nick.)", "Warrick: Hey.", "Nick: Hey, man.", "Det. Vartann: (o.s.) What's up?", "Nick: Thanks.", "(They walk through the door and meet with Det. Vartann.)", "Det. Vartann: Suspects wait in central holding to be processed and transferred to jail. They assaulted the officers with feces and then the cops went in.", "Nick: Great.", "Warrick: To bust some heads.", "(The closer they get, the smellier it gets. On the floor are the brown feces stains.)", "Nick: Hoo ... so, you've got a Samuel Mendez with a cracked skull listed as death imminent, right?", "(They stop in front of the cell with the crime scene taped around it.)", "Det. Vartann: Yeah. It's why they kicked it up to homicide.", "Warrick: You think the cops used excessive force here?", "(Nick puts his case down and walks over to the empty cell.)", "Det. Vartann: Well, if they did it's mitigating circumstances.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(The officer removes the tape to open the cell. Nick looks at the mess on the wall.)", "Nick: Yeah, well, if they'd've thrown a bunch of feces at me, I would have cracked some skulls too.", "(On the middle of the bare floor, there's a gun.)", "Nick: This is the last place I thought I'd see a gun.", "Det. Vartann: It was found under the victim.", "Nick: Could be his.", "Warrick: Arresting officer must have done a lousy search.", "(Warrick puts a ruler down and snaps a photo of the gun.)", "(Nick stands up and looks around the small cell at the mess.)", "Nick: Wow ... this is a lot of crap. What, did they squat on cue?", "Warrick: Overflowing toilet. There's enough ammunition right there.", "Nick: So, the cops bust in to get the prisoners under control when they start throwing raw sewage?", "(Quick flash of: The prison cell doors open and the guards enter. The fight between the guards and the prisoners starts.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Well, there must have been some real bad asses in here. Looks like it got pretty heated.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PRISON -- HALLWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(The prisoners are lined up in a row. They're all wearing towels and carrying their clothes.)", "Overhead: (p.a.) ... Security Officers for lockdown debriefing.", "(An officer puts a package on the car next to the other packages.)", "(The next prisoner steps up to Nick.)", "Nick: You want to tell me what happened here?", "(The prisoner has a large bruise around his left eye.)", "Prisoner 1: Cops iced the kid. What else you want to know?", "(Nick takes a photo of the prisoner.)", "Prisoner 1: Could tell he was a fish from the jump, though.", "Nick: A fish?", "(Nick snaps another photo.)", "Prisoner 1: New to the game.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "(The officer takes his boots.)", "Officer: (o.s.) You want to go to the hold, boy?", "(The next prisoner steps up and spits in front of Nick into something off screen.)", "(Nick stares up at the very tall Prisoner 2.)", "Prisoner 2: What?", "(The prisoner hands the guard his shoes. Nick takes a couple of photos.)", "Nick: You see what happened?", "(Prisoner 3 is sporting a large bruise on his left eye, which is shut from the swelling.)", "Prisoner 3: The po-po gutted the fish. I saw the whole thing. Same thing they did to me. Two beatings in one day. Rodney King, yo.", "(Nick snaps a photo of Prisoner 3.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PRISON HOSPITAL - DAY]", "(Catherine is standing next to the victim's bed. The victim is hooked up to a lot of machines - still alive, but barely. Next to the bed, she has a camera set up on a tripod. She holds the ruler against the injuries on the victim's head and snaps a couple of photos of it.)", "Dr. Franks: I'm sorry, uh, who are you?", "Catherine: I'm Catherine Willows. I'm with the Crime Lab.", "Dr. Franks: Oh. I'm Dr. Franks, attending. Have you located his family yet?", "Catherine: No.", "Dr. Franks: I need to find someone to sign a release, take him off the ventilator.", "Catherine: He's brain dead?", "Dr. Franks: Oh, yeah. I'm hoping the family will donate his organs.", "Catherine: Tell me about his injuries.", "Dr. Franks: He's got blunt-force trauma to the frontal and sphenoid bones.", "(Quick flashback to: The victim is punched in the face. End of flashback.)", "Dr. Franks: It fragmented his skull, damaged his temporal arteries and imbedded in his brain.", "(Quick CGI POV: The brain cuts and blood spills out. End of CGI POV. Quick flash to: The victim falls to the ground with blood running down his face. End of flash.)", "Catherine: Well, those are shoe prints on his face, which suggests that he was attacked while he was down.", "(Quick flash of: The victim is already down on the ground. Someone stomps on him with the heel of his boot. End of flash.)", "Dr. Franks: Well, he came from county lock-up. Must have been a hell of a fight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(The lid is removed from the rubber bin. Sara holds the flashlight above and looks into the bin at the dead boy. She sees some blond-colored hair on the boy's jeans.)", "(David Phillips reaches into the bin to carry the boy's body out. Sara glances at Greg. David removes the body. Greg replaces the lid on the bin and removes the bin off the table.)", "(David puts the body on the table.)", "(Sara takes a tape lift of the blond-colored hair from the boy's jeans. Someone coughs. She puts the tape lift on the side.)", "(Greg examines the bin. Inside, he finds some yellow powder and nail scratchings. He takes a sample of the powder.)", "(Back on the body, Sara finds another blond-colored hair strand. She picks it off of the jeans and puts it in a plastic baggie.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins goes over his findings with Sara. He shows her the x-rays.)", "Robbins: The victim's about five years old. He was just losing his baby teeth. X-rays show metaphyseal fractures to the right humerus and acromion. They're called corner or bucket-handle fractures.", "Sara: Shake the baby?", "Robbins: It's more like snatch and shake. Violent shaking creates shearing forces, causing fragment fractures at the end of the growth plate. It's highly specific for abuse.", "(Quick flash of: A little boy is sitting on a swing.)", "Voice (man): (o.s.) I said, Get up!", "(A hand grabs the boy's arms and twists. Quick CGI POV to: The bones inside the boy's arms break.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Sara: How old do you think these fractures are?", "Robbins: Well, this kind of fracture doesn't usually heal with callus you can easily see. My guess, less than six months.", "(Robbins and Sara turn back to the body. Robbins pulls back the sheet.)", "Sara: He is emaciated. He looks drawn. The only thing missing is a swollen belly.", "Robbins: It's called cachexia. The soft tissue is diminished and drawn around the skull. The eyes are sunken, and there's prominent tenting where the skin should retract.", "(Sara touches the body's ribs.)", "Sara: His ribs are poking through his skin. He starved to death, didn't he?", "Robbins: C.O.D. is renal failure due to starvation. His intestinal tract was virtually empty, except for these brown flecks I found.", "(He hands Sara a glass container with some powder inside. She looks at it.)", "Robbins: Hepatic steatosis, the liver goes yellow and greasy. Ketoacidosis, fat stores are used for energy, and then rhabdomyolysis - the muscles broken down for fuel. Think of the body as digesting itself.", "(Quick flash to: A little boy crying. The camera zooms in toward the boy's chest.)", "(Quick CGI POV to: The skin on the chest dries up and stretches over his ribs.)", "(Camera pulls back out past the ribs ... and the clothes ... to the dead little boy in the rubber trash bin.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Sara: This took weeks.", "Robbins: I have to admit, this seems especially cruel and unusual.", "Sara: When kids are involved, it usually is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. PRISON - OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Warrick and Det. Vartann talk with Lt. Kim.)", "Lt. Arthur Chen: It's 10-by-18-foot cell built for 25 people. We've got thirty-five mutts and no place to put the extras. Between the yo's, the cholos and the rednecks, it was bound to happen.", "Warrick: Thirty-five guys, that's a lot of men to fit in one room.", "Lt. Arthur Chen: Cops round them up, we process them. It usually doesn't take long, but today we got jammed.", "Det. Vartann: What was the problem?", "Lt. Arthur Chen: Computer went down, plumbing backed up. You name it, we had it.", "Det. Vartann: Any rival bangers in the same cell?", "Lt. Arthur Chen: No. I rechecked the roster. We don't want the yo's killing each other in custody. Why we bother, I'll never know.", "Warrick: You ever think an overcrowded cell mixed with bad plumbing was the reason they threw the contents?", "Lt. Arthur Chen: They don't need a reason. Bad monkeys at the zoo.", "(Warrick and Det. Vartann both note the slur. There's an awkward pause.)", "Det. Vartann: So, uh, how did the gun get past security?", "Lt. Arthur Chen: Arresting officer did a bad search.", "Warrick: Don't you search them again when they get to the holding cell?", "Lt. Arthur Chen: What?", "Warrick: Don't you search them again when they get here?", "Lt. Arthur Chen: Is there something you want to get off your chest?", "Warrick: (wry chuckle) A gun in a cell is sloppy police work, man.", "(Lt. Kim takes a step forward.)", "Lt. Arthur Chen: I don't like what you're implying about me or my men.", "(Warrick stands up.)", "Warrick: Then maybe you need to dial down your attitude. A man is brain dead here! I don't care what he was like when he was alive, and neither should you, don't you think?", "Lt. Arthur Chen: All I know, there's one less b*st*rd I gotta watch my back for. There's five of us, so the odds are in their favor. You're a crime scene tech. I'm law enforcement, which means you don't get to tell me what to do in my jail.", "Warrick: If I find out you used excessive force on an unarmed prisoner, you won't have a jail.", "Lt. Arthur Chen: I think we're done here.", "(Lt. Kim heads for the door.)", "Warrick: I don't think so. Not quite. I'm going to need your armor, your shields, your boots and your batons. (shouts) Right now!", "(Lt. Kim stops and turns around.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara is going through stacks of files. Sofia walks into the room.)", "Sofia Curtis: I'll, uh ... ran John Doe minor's DNA against the missing persons database. I'm sorry, no hits.", "Sara: Yeah, I'm not surprised. They didn't care enough to feed him, why would they report him missing?", "(Sofia pours herself a cup of coffee. She turns around and sees the files on the table in front of Sara.)", "Sofia Curtis: What's going on in here?", "Sara: The victim had a prior abuse fracture.", "Sofia Curtis: And you're hoping Child Protective Services investigated?", "Sara: Well, based on the age of the victim, the age of the fracture and the break pattern, I found ten possible matches.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, it's going to take you forever to go through these alone.", "Sara: I'll get it done.", "Sofia Curtis: It took me a long time to get where I was, Sara. Now I feel like I'm starting from scratch. I miss sleeping at night. I miss my colleagues. I miss ...", "Sara: What?", "Sofia Curtis: Being trusted.", "(Sofia turns and leaves the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Warrick pushes the cart full of bagged evidence.)", "Warrick: Okay.", "(He stops in front of Mia.)", "Mia Dickerson: What's on the menu today, Warrick?", "(He holds up the baggies.)", "Warrick: A gun ... face shields, vests ... batons ... please run the batons first.", "Mia Dickerson: Why? You thinking bad cop?", "Warrick: Well, the batons were the only weapons inside of the cell. Everything else was fixed ...", "(Warrick's cell phone rings. He doesn't answer it.)", "Warrick: ... to the floor, to the walls.", "(Warrick's cell phone continues to ring.)", "Mia Dickerson: You gonna get that?", "(He takes it out and checks the caller ID.)", "Warrick: No.", "Mia Dickerson: (mutters) Player.", "Warrick: Oh, now I'm a 'player'. You make up your mind pretty quick.", "Mia Dickerson: I'll, uh, page you when I get the results.", "Warrick: Yeah?", "(Warrick holds out his phone to Mia, showing her the ID of the caller: G. Sanders.)", "Warrick: He was a rough one last night, so I called to check on him. But since I'm here, I can do it in person. Anything else you want to say to me?", "Mia Dickerson: (smiles) Have a nice day.", "Warrick: (chuckles) Is that it?", "Mia Dickerson: (smiles) That's it.", "(Sofia walks into the lab.)", "Sofia Curtis: Am I interrupting?", "(They both turn and look at Sofia.)", "Warrick: No.", "Mia Dickerson: No.", "(Warrick heads out of the lab.)", "Warrick: (to Sofia) Good day.", "(Sofia walks up to Mia.)", "Sofia Curtis: He's pretty hot.", "Mia Dickerson: Yeah, well, I think he knows it.", "Sofia Curtis: Anything on the hairs from the plastic coffin?", "Mia Dickerson: Ah, yeah, I actually did find one hair with a root tag still attached, and it's a priority run for me as soon as I get something to compare it to. Sara also collected a bunch of synthetic hairs. I'm thinking doll, wig, maybe fake fur. I sent them over to trace.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Sara and Robbins are scanning x-rays into the computer.)", "Sara: I went through child abuse cases, looking for a match to the victim's age and fracture. I pulled the x rays of our most likely candidates.", "Robbins: Sinus identification is as reliable as fingerprints. Sinuses are unique; they have distinct, scalloped edges.", "(He pulls up the head x-ray of the victim and outlines the sinus cavity. He compares it to the other x-rays.)", "(The computer beeps: NO MATCH.)", "Sara: No match.", "Robbins: It's harder to identify children this way because they, uh, develop so quickly.", "(The computer beeps: NO MATCH.)", "(The computer beeps: POSITIVE MATCH.)", "Sara: This is it.", "Robbins: Bingo. Yep. Frontal and ethmoid sinuses line up perfectly.", "(Sara gets the file folder to get the name of the victim.)", "Sara: (reads) Devon Malton, age five, last known residence was a foster home run by a Lorna Tenney.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. TENNEY RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Sara and Brass interview Lorna Tenney.)", "Lorna Tenney: So, which one of my kids is in trouble?", "Brass: No, you are, Mrs. Tenney.", "Lorna Tenney: Oh? Which one of my kids lodged a complaint?", "Sara: That happen a lot?", "Lorna Tenney: Well, it goes with the territory.", "Brass: We're here about, uh, Devon Malton.", "Lorna Tenney: Well, he hasn't lived here in six months.", "Sara: Since he fractured his arm?", "Lorna Tenney: CPS investigated. They cleared me.", "Sara: Records show Devon resides here.", "Lorna Tenney: Well, records are wrong.", "Brass: Mind if we come in and take a look around?", "Lorna Tenney: I do.", "Sara: If you've got nothing to hide...", "Lorna Tenney: (interrupts) Oh, save it. Those mind games don't work on me. I deal with the police often enough to know better than to talk to you without my attorney or to let you poke around my things.", "Brass: Look, Family Services says you have this kid.", "Lorna Tenney: Mm-hmm.", "Brass: They've issued aid checks. Now, who do you expect me to believe?", "Lorna Tenney: The checks come, I send them back. I've got the copies to prove it.", "Brass: Look, it's either here or at the station. So, you choose.", "Lorna Tenney: Then let's go, because you don't set foot in my house without a warrant.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg has the rubber trash bin suspended in a large glass container. He adds the small tray and puts a few drops into the tray. He fumes the trash bin.)", "(Greg's pager beeps. He checks it and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Greg walks into the trace lab. Hodges is reading through a magazine waiting for him.)", "David Hodges: Heard you had a real sphincter pucker last night. So what kind of gun are you getting?", "Greg: Plenty of guns at crime scenes. Cops have them, some criminalists ...", "David Hodges: Yeah, cops make great targets. Plus, CSIs get shot at all the time, or didn't they tell you?", "(Greg turns around, intending to leave the lab.)", "Greg: If this is why you paged me then I ...", "David Hodges: I got the results on the bin contents.", "(Greg turns back and steps up to the lab counter.)", "Greg: Well?", "David Hodges: Are you sure you're okay? You don't look so good.", "(Greg gives him a look and Hodges backs down. Hodges reaches for the test results and gives them to Greg.)", "David Hodges: I detected mineral oil, titanium dioxide, stearic acid, isopropylpalpitate using polarized light microscopy, GCMS and FTIR.", "Greg: Is that makeup?", "David Hodges: Burnt sienna foundation. The cheap stuff.", "Greg: What about the intestinal tract contents?", "(Hodges holds up the glass container.)", "David Hodges: Lead-based paint chips ... last used in 1978.", "Greg: That whole neighborhood looks like it was built in the 70s. Could've come from any one of the apartment buildings or the houses.", "David Hodges: Which means that sooner or later, you're going to have to be going back out to the hood. Nervous?", "Greg: Hmm ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PRISON HOSPITAL -- DAY]", "(The victim is still on the ventilator. Dr. Franks talks with Mr. Mendez, the father of Samuel Mendez.)", "(Catherine walks up to the two men talking in the hallway.)", "Mr. Mendez: I'm sorry, doctor. I can't donate his organs.", "Dr. Franks: I assure you your son has no brain activity, Mr. Mendez. He's gone.", "Mr. Mendez: No, no, you don't understand. I don't know who that is in there, but it's not my son.", "Catherine: Mr. Mendez. I'm Catherine Willows, with the Las Vegas Crime Lab. Are you sure?", "Mr. Mendez: Look, I've been waiting for this phone call a long time. My kid took a wrong turn somewhere -- maybe it's my fault, I don't know -- but somebody's boy is in that bed and he's not mine.", "(Mr. Mendez leaves. Dr. Franks turns and looks at Catherine.)", "Dr. Franks: Either he can't accept reality or the county made a big mistake.", "Catherine: Well, there's only one way to find out. I'll have to take his prints.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine scans in a print into the computer for:", "SAMUEL MENDEZ - VICTIM IN CUSTODY Booking #275192139480", "(She compares it to a second print on File for:", "SAMUEL MENDEZ - SUSPECT", "WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN", "(The computer beeps: NO MATCH.)", "(Catherine pulls up the photo and information on SAMUEL MENDEZ. Among the information, there is an", "ACTIVE ARREST WARRANT FOR MURDER", "CONSIDERED ARMED AND DANGEROUS", "(Catherine looks at the photos of the two men.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - WAITING ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara walks through the hallway. Brass meets up with her, but she lets Brass go. Sara stops and looks into the waiting room. Inside are Laura Tenney's kids.)", "(A couple of kids are giggling. The older blonde-haired girl sitting across the aisle admonishes them.)", "Glynnis: Guys. Do your work.", "(Sara walks into the room.)", "Sara: Hi.", "(She looks at Glynnis.)", "Sara: You like chemistry?", "Glynnis: No. I'm not smart enough.", "Sara: Sure you are. Glynnis, right?", "(Glynnis nods. Sara looks at what Glynnis is reading. She sits down next to her.)", "Sara: Quantum theory. That's compelling stuff actually.", "Glynnis: Look, you can to question me, fine. You don't have to pretend to be interested in me.", "Sara: I'm sorry that was lame. I guess I was just trying to put you at ease. I know what it's like.", "Glynnis: What?", "Sara: Living with strangers. Your fate being decided bysocial workers, advocates, judges...", "Glynnis: You were in the system.", "Sara: For a while.", "Glynnis: I've been in foster care for ten years. I moved from one home to the next. Believe me, Mrs. Tenney is one of the good ones.", "(Sara looks over into the interview room. Through the glass, we see Brass with Laura Tenney and her lawyer.)", "Sara: She's not very cooperative.", "Glynnis: Well, she's been burned a lot. Look, I know she comes off as tough, but she really cares. Enough to tell us the truth, even if it hurts.", "Sara: You remember a little boy named Devon?", "Glynnis: Yeah. Cute kid. About five years old.", "Sara: Your foster mom said that Devon left months ago. Is that true?", "Glynnis: Yeah. Why all the questions? (Sara moves her head.) Did something happen?", "Sara: Yeah.", "Glynnis: (whispers) Is he dead?", "Sara: Yeah.", "Glynnis: I don't understand. His mom came and picked him up. That never happens. You could just see how much she loved those boys.", "Sara: Glynnis ... Did Devon have brothers at the foster home?", "Glynnis: Yeah. Two older brothers, Kevin and, and Raymond. What happened to them?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Brass and Sara interview Delia Brooks with Social Services)", "Delia Brooks: The boy's mother, Candice Malton, served forty-seven of the ninety-day sentence for smashing a brick into her abusive boyfriend's face.", "Sara: Sounds like self-defense to me.", "Delia Brooks: Yeah. If. She would've walked after the first hit.", "Brass: So, how many times did she actually hit him?", "Delia Brooks: Five. Takes battered women a while to see the light, but once they do, there's no going back.", "Brass: Okay, so the Malton boys were placed in foster care while mom served her sentence.", "Delia Brooks: A single mother, she reinstated her parental rights as soon as she got out of jail. After what happened to her son, she didn't want anything to do with Child Services.", "Brass: Any idea where the mother is now?", "Delia Brooks: No, I've already checked Welfare, Medicaid, HUD rolls -- she's in the wind.", "Brass: I'll put out a Bulletin.", "Sara: No offense, but why didn't you check into the kids after the mom was released from jail?", "Delia Brooks: Eight thousand child abuse/neglect investigations a year. There's only so much we could do. Look, despite her taste in men, in my opinion, Candice Malton was a good mother.", "(She gets up.)", "Sara: One of her sons is dead and the other two are missing.", "(She stops and turns around.)", "Sara: What's good about that?", "(She turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - DAY]", "(Catherine walks into the lab.)", "Catherine: Hey, Mia. Did you finish processing the batons?", "Mia Dickerson: Oh, yeah. Just now. (She hands the test print out to Catherine.) I found blood, epithelials and hair on all of them. There are several DNA sources from everyone but the victim.", "Catherine: Which means that a police baton never connected with Sam Mendez. He had to already be down when the cops entered the cell. Thanks.", "(Catherine turns and leaves the lab.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine walks through the hallway. Lt. Kim walks up to her.)", "Lt. Arthur Chen: Catherine Willows?", "Catherine: Yeah?", "Lt. Arthur Chen: Lieutenant Arthur Chen, watch commander for Central Holding.", "Catherine: We are almost finished with our investigation, but I can tell you that the victim's prints don't match the Sam Mendez that's wanted for murder.", "Lt. Arthur Chen: Are you telling me we arrested the wrong guy?", "Catherine: It was a routine traffic stop. The arresting officer ran the name and got an immediate warrant hit.", "(Quick flash to: A car is pulled over. The officer runs the name and gets a result on the computer. A second officer car pulls up.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) An arrest warrant for murder and two guys with the same name.", "(Both officers hold their guns on Sam Mendez.)", "Officer: Out of the car! Out of the car!", "Samuel Mendez: What'd I do?", "Officer: Hands up!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Lt. Arthur Chen: Arresting officer did his job; I did my job.", "Catherine: No one's saying that you didn't.", "Lt. Arthur Chen: Your subordinate Warrick Brown did.", "Catherine: With all due respect, Lieutenant, that really doesn't sound like the Warrick Brown I know.", "Lt. Arthur Chen: You're a civilian, but even you understand 'chain of command'. Now, I'm giving you an opportunity to adjust his attitude. Don't make me.", "(He turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Sofia walks into the lab where Greg is working on the rubber trash bin.)", "Sofia Curtis: Heard you found a print on the bin.", "Greg: I did. Under the lip curve.", "(Camera zooms in under the bin's lip to show the print.)", "(Greg looks at Sofia.)", "Sofia Curtis: What?", "Greg: Well, I'm not sure what's the best way to process the print.", "Sofia Curtis: You take digital photos?", "Greg: Yeah.", "(He hands her the memory card.)", "Sofia Curtis: Well, hand them over. I'll load it into the computer and reconstruct the image while you finish processing.", "Greg: What else is there left to do but run it through AFIS?", "Sofia Curtis: You're going to need an actual print for court.", "Greg: Are you saying that I'm going to have to cut it out in order to lift it? (She nods.) Isn't that destroying the evidence?", "Sofia Curtis: No. You're recovering it. As long as you document it, you're fine.", "Greg: Oh.", "(Various cuts of: Sofia works on the print while Greg cuts the print out of the rubber trash bin.)", "(She transfers the digital camera image into the computer. Greg cuts the trash bin.)", "(Sofia cut and copies the print.)", "(Greg opens a tape lift. He takes the sample and removes the print.)", "(Sofia scans the print into the computer and runs it against the database.)", "(She clicks on FBI DATABASE 69,235 bytes email. She gets aresult.)", "(Greg looks at the print on the tape lift.)", "Greg: Well, I appreciate your help.", "Sofia Curtis: No big deal.", "Greg: I don't know if I'd be quite as accommodating after just being ...", "(She turns around and looks at him. He shrugs.)", "Greg: Well, you know.", "Sofia Curtis: Demoted?", "Greg: Yeah.", "(Sofia turns around back to the computer.)", "Sofia Curtis: No hit in AFIS. I've widened the search. I've got an FBI database hit.", "(Greg stands up and walks over to her.)", "Sofia Curtis: Your print belongs to an enlisted man. Private First Class Phillip Riley.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews Phillip Riley while two MPs stand guard inside the room.)", "Phillip Riley: I hope you can tell me what the hell is going on. MP's just dragged me off a transport to Tikrit. That makes me look bad. Not that I mind. Better here than over there. You know what I'm saying?", "Brass: Oh, you're an Americanhero. And I mean that, you are. What the hell were you doing on D Street?", "Phillip Riley: D Street?", "Brass: Explain to me why your fingerprints ended up on a plastic bin container in an alley off DStreet?", "Phillip Riley: Oh, Come on!", "Brass: Oh, did I forget to mention there was a dead kid inside?", "Phillip Riley: Well, well, I thought this was about paying for trimming inside county lines. All I did was take out the trash. That's all I did.", "Brass: For who?", "Phillip Riley: Some chicken head ghetto rat. I-I-I was shipping out and-and decided to party. You know, she was all I could afford.", "Brass: Where'd you meet her?", "Phillip Riley: Some dive. Seven sins.", "Brass: What was her name?", "Phillip Riley: Divine. I think. I-I don't remember if she told me her last name. Anyway, we had some fun and when I was done, she told me to take out the trash. End of story.", "Brass: Not quite. Where does she live?", "Phillip Riley: North Vegas somewhere. I was drunk as hell.", "Brass: I want you to think real hard.", "Phillip Riley: I swear to God. I don't know. I really don't.", "Brass: How'd you get there?", "Phillip Riley: In a taxi. And I left the same damn way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CATHERINE'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Catherine is putting some books and photos on the shelf when Warrick walks into the office.)", "Warrick: Aw, it looks good on you.", "Catherine: Thanks.", "(She smiles and turns around, looking at the office behind her.)", "Catherine: Have a seat.", "(Warrick sits down.)", "Warrick: So what's up?", "Catherine: Lieutenant Chen dropped by.", "(She crosses her arms in front of her.)", "Warrick: Really. I wonder what for.", "Catherine: To complain about you. Wish you told me you had a beef with him.", "Warrick: There was nothing to say. We had words, it got heated, then it was over.", "Catherine: Well ... (clears throat) ... I'm the supervisor of the swing shift. I'm responsible for the whole team. It's my job to make sure that we remain objective and professional.", "Warrick: Yeah, I really don't see what the big deal is. I mean, I remember talking to Grissom ...", "Catherine: Well, I'm not Grissom. He let a lot of things slide that I won't.", "Warrick: Okay. Is there anything else?", "Catherine: The evidence cleared the extraction team. You owe Lieutenant Chen an apology.", "Warrick: Written or verbal?", "Catherine: From now on, anything that happens at a crime scene, I'm your first phone call.", "Warrick: Sure.", "(Warrick stands up and leaves the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Mia takes out the gun from the evidence bag. She pulls the hammer back. The camera zooms in for a close-up of the skin and hair caught on the metal.)", "(Mia removes the strand of hair and takes a swab of the flesh.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE LAB - DAY]", "(Camera pans down the table of shoes from the inmates. Warrick inks the roller and takes shoe prints.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - DAY]", "(Nick puts bullets in the revolver. He puts the revolver together.)", "Nick: (shouts) Fire in the hole! Shooting two!", "(He fires.)", "(Warrick scans the shoe prints onto clear sheets. He compares the shoe prints with the shoe prints on the victim's face.)", "(Nick scans the bullet and runs it through thedatabase.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine meets with Warrick and Nick.)", "Catherine: We now know the cops were not responsible, so that leaves us with thirty-four suspects, all with rap sheets. Is there anything to narrow the focus?", "Warrick: Well, I compared all thirty-four pairs -- I came up with one sole pattern ... (Warrick puts the pair of boots on the table in front of them.) ... and one suspect -- Vincent Mendoza ... booked for meth manufacture.", "Catherine: Well, the official C.O.D. was blunt force trauma to the head, not stomping.", "Warrick: Well, it's not unreasonable to think the same guy that caused the blunt force trauma can also stomp him.", "Catherine: Well, that all sounds good, but why go to all that trouble?", "Nick: Because the gun was hot. Ran it though IBIS. It was used in an execution-style murder.", "Catherine: The last thing the guy wanted to do was to get caught with a gun that had a body on it.", "Warrick: Yeah, well, this victim looks like the perfect patsy to drop a gun on.", "(Nick picks up the photo of the victim with the shoe print and looks at it.)", "Nick: Yeah ... little fish in a tank full of sharks.", "FADE OUT (to sound of chomping).", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Det. Vartann and Warrick interview Vincent Mendoza with his lawyer, Margaret Finn, next to him.)", "Margaret Finn: What's on the table, gentlemen?", "Det. Vartann: Murder, two counts.", "Warrick: Your client killed a man in a holding cell and tried to frame the cops for it.", "Vincent Mendoza: That's bull and you know it.", "Margaret Finn: Shh. Let's hear the corroborating evidence, and it'd better be good.", "Det. Vartann: Mr. Mendoza was hooked in a raid on a meth lab. Problem was, he was carrying a concealed weapon and had no time to ditch it.", "Warrick: He dropped the weapon down his pants, planned to get rid of it in Central Holding before the cavity search.", "Margaret Finn: So far, I'm not hearing anything you can actually prove.", "Warrick: Well, I'm sure Vincent here knew a lot of people inside since he is a repeat offender. But only one man didn't fit, huh? Fear must've been rolling off him in waves so strong you could probably smell it.", "(Quick flashback to: [CENTRAL HOLDING] Vincent Mendoza watches as the guard walks down the corridor toward them. He walks to the back of the cell and unzips his pants where he removes the revolver.)", "(On the bench, Sam Mendez turns and glances nervously at him.)", "Vincent Mendoza: What you looking at, huh?", "Sam Mendez: Nothing. Nothing.", "Vincent Mendoza: I said, what're you looking at, Mark?", "Sam Mendez: Nothing. Nothing.", "(Vincent Mendoza grabs Sam and slams him against the wall. He starts bashing his head against the toilet. He tosses him to the ground and drops the gun intentionally on the ground near the body.)", "(He stomps on Sam Mendez.)", "Inmate: (shouts) 911! 911, man!\\", "(A fight breaks out in the small cell.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Vincent Mendoza looks at Warrick and chuckles.)", "Vincent Mendoza: Typical. Knew you guys would try to pin this on me. I wasn't anywhere near the fish.", "Det. Vartann: You sure about that?", "Vincent Mendoza: That's what I said, isn't it?", "Warrick: Well, it's good to know, since your boot prints were found on the victim's head.", "Det. Vartann: See, you didn't want to get caught with a gun used in another homicide. A meth dealer, your partner, was found in the desert two weeks ago.", "Margaret Finn: Any one of those guys could've carried a gun into the holding cell.", "Warrick: It's not likely, unless you can explain how Vincent here got his pubic hair and feces caught in the gun's hammer.", "Margaret Finn: Give us some time.", "Warrick: How's twenty-five to life sound?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SEVEN SINS -- NIGHT]", "(Brass and Sara walk into the strip joint.)", "Lyric: True respect and ghetto love / now raise it up / 'cause everything in life gonna come to an end / because it ...", "(They walk over to a woman in the back.)", "Divine: Forty buys the lips, a hundy gets you south. Goes double for around the world.", "(The guy she's with nods.)", "Divine: You got a car? (He nods again.) You sure about that?", "Guy: Mm-hmm.", "Divine: 'Cause you don't look like you got a car to me.", "(Brass walks up to them and points to his badge on his jacket pocket.)", "Brass: Take a hike, John. I'm her next appointment.", "(The guy she's with leaves.)", "Divine: I didn't do nothing but sit here, officer.", "Brass: On your feet.", "(She gets to her feet.)", "Divine: Can't believe you're gonna ruin my day for this. You don't have enough to charge me with solicitation.", "(Sara reaches out and touches Divine's blond hair. Divine pulls away.)", "Divine: Hey! Watch it, bitch.", "Sara: It's a wig, hair is consistent. Could you open your mouth for me, please?", "Brass: Come on, you can do that in your sleep, honey. Open up or we'll have to stick you with a needle.", "(Divine rolls her eyes and opens her mouth.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CATHERINE'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom steps up, carrying his fetus pig in a bottle. He lingers in the doorway and knocks on the door.)", "(Catherine's sitting behind her desk. She looks up and sees him.)", "Catherine: Taking your pet for a walk?", "(Grissom walks in and sits down.)", "Grissom: Know how much you like my little fetal pig, so I'm giving him to you as an office-warming gift.", "Catherine: That is so thoughtful. Now tell me why you really stopped by. You checking up on me?", "Grissom: No.", "Catherine: What've you heard? Who talked to you?", "Grissom: See? You've been on the job for a week and you're already paranoid.", "Catherine: (laughs) When I was your right-hand and your left, I always knew that if it hit the fan, that you'd be the one to get dirty.", "Grissom: Hey, that's the job.", "Catherine: Yeah, that's the job. (Grissom nods.) Did you ever play politics?", "Grissom: I once ran for president of the science club in junior high. Mary Hardy beat me out by one vote.", "Catherine: I'm going to guess that you didn't vote for yourself.", "Grissom: I'm not any good at politics. And it's cost me. It's how I lost Nick and Warrick.", "Catherine: Your loss was my gain.", "Grissom: Yeah. And at least they're in good hands.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Brass and Divine sit across the table from each other.)", "Divine: We been sitting here a long-ass time.", "Brass: What can I say? I like your company.", "Divine: What'd you bring me down here for? I was only trying to make a few bucks.", "Brass: Yeah.", "(Sara knocks on the door and walks in carrying a file folder. She slides the folder across the table toward Divine.)", "Sara: DNA's a match.", "Divine: Match to what?", "Sara: To one of your hairs that you left on the body of a little boy.", "Divine: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Brass: No? I wonder why anyone would leave one kid with you much less three.", "Sara: You have seven alleles in common with the dead boy. Although that's not enough to say you're related, it's certainly enough to keep digging.", "Brass: You know, I ran your wants and warrants. It kicked out some aliases. I mean, Devine's a street name. But you're also known as Darlene Lewis, married briefly to a grifter. And a.k.a. Darlene Malton. Hey, that's the same last name as the victim.", "Sara: To starve anyone is beyond me, but to do it to a child ... a relative, is unforgivable.", "(Quick flash to: Divine empties out the rubber trash bin and puts Devon inside. She shoves the cover back on the bin.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Divine: Wasn't even like that. My cousin Candy left me with them bad-ass kids and no money. How am I supposed to feed them?", "Sara: You don't look like you've missed any meals to me.", "Divine: Know what, skinny bitch, go to hell. I just scrape by.", "Brass: If you couldn't take care of them, why didn't you just turn them over to Social Services?", "Divine: I promised I wouldn't. Little D got hurt last time. She would've killed me.", "Sara: What's she going to do when she finds out her son is dead?", "Divine: I did the best I could.", "Brass: Okay, where are the boys now?", "(Divine glances over at Sara.)", "Divine: Uh-uh, you're not gonna blame this on me. I want a lawyer.", "Brass: You can have a lawyer after you give me the address. But let me tell you something -- if those boys die, I'm going to make it my business to see you get the death penalty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DIVINE'S RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(A couple of neighborhood kids walk by and see Greg standing out in the front yard.)", "Neighborhood Kid: What's up, white boy? What you looking at?", "(Brass walks out of the house.)", "Brass: There's no one in the house.", "Sara: Where are the kids?", "Brass: I don't know, let's check around back.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Brass, Sara and Greg move around the house to the back yard.)", "Brass: (V.O.) So, turns out that mom was sending money after all. I found this letter inside mailed from Seattle with three hundred bucks in it for the kids' upkeep. And that skanky bitch used it to buy a new TV.", "(They look around the backyard and see the hut to the storage shed. It's bolted shut from the outside.)", "(Brass and Sara pull out their guns. Brass unlocks the door.)", "(He opens the door.)", "[INT. DIVINE'S RESIDENCE - STORAGE SHED - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass, Sara and Greg walk into the cellar. The stairs lead down beneath the ground. The paint is peeling from the walls.)", "Sara: Paint chips.", "Greg: Smells like a toilet.", "(They reach the bottom and start walking between the shelves.)", "Brass: Yeah, she never let them upstairs. (calls out) Kevin, Raymond ...", "(He reaches the back of the storage shed and looks in between the last shelving and the wall. He sees a pair of legs on the floor.)", "Brass: Oh, no. I'm going to call an ambulance.", "(He backs away to make the call. Sara steps forward to check on the little boy.)", "Brass: (to radio) This is Detective Jim Brass. I need EMS.", "Dispatch: (from radio) Copy that, EMS. Over.", "(Sara checks for a pulse and finds one.)", "Sara: (shouts) He's alive! We need water and blankets.", "Greg: (o.s.) I'll get them.", "Sara: Oh, my gosh.", "(Behind Sara, a small hand reaches out and touches her shoulder. She turns around and sees another little boy crying.)", "Sara: Hey. Are you Kevin or Raymond?", "(Sara holds the little boy as he cries.)", "Sara: It's all right. It's all right, you're safe now. It's okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(An officer escorts Divine through the hallway past Brass and Sara, who watch from the reception desk.)", "Brass: So, Seattle P.D. has located Candace Malton. They're putting her on a plane tonight. They said she's pretty broken up.", "Sara: She left her kids with her hooker cousin. She should've known better.", "(Brass nods.)", "Sara: Where are you going to take her first, the hospital or the morgue?", "Brass: Guess I might as well get it over with. I mean, once she sees the kids she's not going to want to leave them. (He shrugs.) What do you think?", "Sara: Go with the living, Jim. The dead can wait.", "(Sara turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Sara is at the laptop computer. She turns to her right and sees Grissom in his office looking at a book. Sofia sits on the edge of his desk and he closes the book to talk with her. She reaches out and touches the book in his hand.)", "(Sara turns to her left and sees Warrick, Nick and Greg in the break room relaxing.)", "(Catherine walks through the hallway and stops when she sees the guys in the break room. They're sharing a bag of popcorn between them.)", "(Catherine smiles wistfully and sighs. She glances at her wristwatch, turns and heads back the way she came.)", "(Cut back to: Sara also turns and glances sideways back to her right. She looks at her laptop and types in at the LEXISNEXIS TOTAL RESEARCH SYSTEM, search terms for the following:", "THE PEOPLE VS. LAURA SIDLE W/2", "MODESTO, CALIFORNIA, 1984.", "(Camera holds on Sara.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
No Humans Involved
[ "Catherine and Nick investigate a case when a severed head containing a snake is found in a newspaper stand. Warrick, Sofia and Greg investigate a shooting in a van ." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "CUE MUSIC: SPANISH MUSIC", "[EXT. STREET - DAY]", "(From the POV of a car driving by, we pass two kids walking along the sidewalk.)", "RESUME VIEW", "(A boy sits in the back of a truck with his sandy-colored dog. The boy knocks on the glass and motions for the people in the cab to raise the volume for the music on the radio. The driver increases the volume to the kid's satisfaction. He nods his approval and goes back to petting his dog.)", "(They continue passing by the town's shops and the people out for a morning walk.)", "(The truck continues to move down the road. The driver slows the truck down and pulls over curbside. The kid in the back of the truck jumps out and grabs a stack of papers from the back.)", "(The current paper is an issue of HOY with the headline, \"Carreras Mortales\".)", "(The boy opens the paper dispenser and puts in the paper.)", "(Various cuts of: People standing in front of a shop and a shop owner pulling in a display.)", "(Cut to: The truck pulls up curbside. The boy jumps out of the back of the truck and grabs a stack of papers. He puts the papers on top of the dispenser and takes out a coin. He puts the coin in the dispenser and opens the door.)", "(Inside is a severed head, bald and bloodied.)", "(The kid gasps.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CURBSIDE - STREET - DAY]", "(Catherine works at unscrewing the base of the paper dispenser with an electric power tool.)", "(Nick snaps photos of the other paper dispensers.)", "(A crowd has gathered right outside of the crime scene tape. They line the streets watching them work.)", "(Det. Sam Vega talks with the people watching.)", "Catherine finishes and the dispenser is raised off the sidewalk.)", "(The coroners carry the dispenser away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Doc Robbins carries the severed head and places it in a pan.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Dissolve to: Nick puts on a pair of latex gloves. Behind them in the lab is the paper dispenser. Camera pushes in on the blood spatter on the top-most paper, right under the headline: Carreras Mortales.)", "(Camera flashes of: Doc Robbins works on the head. He injects a syringe into the head.)", "(Back in the lab, Nick removes the stack of papers in the dispenser.)", "(Catherine holds the camera and watches Doc Robbins take a swab of the head's nose. She snaps a photo.)", "(Nick removes a wrapper from the dispenser. He drops a couple of coins on the lab table next to him.)", "(Catherine continues to snap photos as Dr. Robbins works. He opens the head's mouth and looks inside.)", "(With his forceps, he pulls out a long, thin, dead snake.)", "(Catherine's jaw drops at the sight.)", "(Dr. Robbins turns and looks at Catherine.)", "(Camera lingers on the dead snake.)", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the head with Catherine.)", "Robbins: Female, early 30s, Hispanic descent, vitreous potassium was 11.74 milli-equivalents per liter, so PMI's approximately six hours.", "Catherine: So time of death roughly 1:00 A.M.", "(Robbins nods.)", "Catherine: C.O.D.?", "Robbins: From what I got here, I can't tell you much. Minimal dilation in the pupils indicates decapitation was postmortem. (He points to the scalp.) Scalp shows naked follicles without hairs, no inflammation around them indicates removal was postmortem as well.", "Catherine: Ripped out in chunks.", "(Quick flash of: Hair being ripped out from the scalp. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: Takes time and dedication to do something like that.", "Catherine: And a lot of hatred. So her eyebrows have been shaved off and drawn back on with eyeliner. I know that's popular among Latinos in 28th Street. She could be a banger or a girlfriend of one.", "Robbins: Well, either way, at least she took good care of her teeth.", "(Robbins hands her the victim's bridgework. On the inside is a set of numbers:", "Catherine: What is that, nine digits? Social Security number.", "Robbins: Dentists usually put on some form of identification on removable bridgework. It's better than a license plate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Nick is working on the top-most newspaper. He's dusting for prints. He finds a couple of prints. He uses both his hands and motions as if placing the head in the middle of the paper. The sides of his hands are touching the paper.)", "(Quick flash of: The killer puts the head down on the paper, the sides of his hands touching the paper. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Nick and Catherine walk down the hallway as Nick reports to Catherine.)", "Nick: Pulled a couple of likely palm prints on the newspaper the head was on, but I don't think that's going to be our best bet.", "Catherine: Okay, start with those, but make sure you run the partials off the box as well 'cause I got Ecklie looking over my shoulder, so, uh ...", "Nick: Cover your ass.", "(Nick heads off in another direction.)", "Catherine: Yes.", "Nick: My pleasure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. - DAY]", "(Jesse Menken examines the snake while Nick watches.)", "Jesse Menken: Large, elevated vertebral scales. Definitely not your typical U.S. Crotalus.", "Nick: Herpetologists always throwing the Latin around. What's wrong with just calling him \"rattlesnake\"?", "Jesse Menken: My specialty, my jargon. Stripes at the base of the neck makes it crotalus simus, indigenous to southern coastal Mexico.", "Nick: Apparent Mexican vic on a Mexican newspaper with a Mexican snake. You don't find a whole lot of these buzz-worms around Vegas anyway, do you?", "Jesse Menken: Nowhere outside a zoo. These snakes like to burrow in damp soil. They like it hot and humid. We're hot and dry. For a snake, big difference.", "Nick: What are the chances that thing just crawled in their on its own?", "Jesse Menken: (scoffs) In a newspaper dispenser in the middle of a desert city? No way. I think it was dead when it was shoved down the victim's throat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. ROOFTOP PARKING LOT -- NIGHT ]", "(Warrick walks toward the crime scene.)", "Brass: The only car up here. Security called it in.", "Warrick: Is that a handicap van?", "Brass: Dead guy's in the driver's seat.", "Warrick: Any witnesses?", "Brass: Nope. And no surveillance either. We ain't on the strip, baby. Five hundred bucks and a Nevada license. Vincent Decarlo, 28.", "(Warrick takes the bag with the ID information inside from Brass. He puts his kit down near the open front passenger door.)", "(Inside, David Phillips takes down the body stats.)", "Warrick: It's an expensive-looking Italian suit just to be a chauffeur.", "(Warrick checks the back of the van.)", "Warrick: It's a wheelchair. Any indication he's handicapped?", "(David Phillips looks.)", "David Phillips: He's not wearing prosthetics and his soles are worn.", "Warrick: Somebody's missing their wheels.", "David Phillips: Gunshot wound to the head. Looks like it came through the windshield.", "(They both turn and look at the hole in the windshield. Outside, Sofia appears on the hood and examines the hole in the windshield.)", "Sofia Curtis: Crater on the windshield faces out. Which means that the shot came from inside the van.", "(She looks at the gun hole and notices that it lines up with the wheelchair in the back of the van.)", "(Sofia visualizes what happened.)", "CGI VIEW", "(Backward motion. The hole in the windshield slowly fixes itself.)", "(A gun fires.)", "(The virtual bullet breaks through camera frame and heads for the windshield.)", "(Close-up: From the outside of thewindshield, the bullet bursts through the glass.)", "(End of CGI slow motion. Resume to present.)", "(Warrick looks at Sofia, surprised to see her there.)", "Sofia Curtis: Swing's tapped out. Catherine asked if I could lend a hand.", "Warrick: Thanks.", "(Sofia walks around to the back of the van.)", "(Warrick notices a spot of blood on the victim's lapel.)", "Warrick: You see that blood spot on the lapel? It's inconsistent with the head wound. To avoid cross-contamination, you think you could cut that out for me?", "David Phillips: Oh, sure.", "(Sofia climbs in to the back of the van and looks at the dead body from behind.)", "Sofia Curtis: Possible GSR.", "(Quick close-up to: The GSR on the back of the chair.)", "Sofia Curtis: Which means the shot was fired from the wheelchair.", "Warrick: How'd he shoot him in the face?", "Sofia Curtis: Hey, Vinnie.", "(Quick flash of: Vincent Decarlo turns around to look behind. End of flash.)", "(Sofia holds out her index finger as if holding a gun pointed at the driver. She mimics shooting the gun at the driver.)", "(Quick flash of: Vincent Decarlo is shot and the bullet exits out the front windshield.)", "(End of flashes. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: So we got a guy who fired a shot from a wheelchair and then escaped on foot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEW YORK CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT", "[INT. JUAREZ RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(Det. Sam Vega shows Nick and Catherine into the apartment.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Social came back on the dental work of Veronica Juarez. No immediate family in the states. Apartment's leased in her name.", "(He picks up a framed photo off the nearby shelf.)", "Catherine: Well, that's why bangers have girlfriends; sign things they can't.", "Nick: This is a pretty nice place. A long way from 28th Street.", "Catherine: Sure is.", "(Catherine picks up a framed photo of two women. Sam Vega finds something.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Catherine, Nick.", "(Nick and Catherine walk over to him. He points to the degree hanging on the wall from the University of Texas El Paso to Veronica Juarez in Bachelor of Science - Communication.)", "Catherine: Gangbanger girlfriend with a degree?", "Nick: Sounds like a rock band.", "(They continue to look around. Catherine uses the ALS on the bedspread. Nick picks up a digital camera off the desk and looks at the photos.)", "Nick: Hey, Vega? Check out these pics.", "(Det. Sam Vega walks over to Nick.)", "Nick: Think she liked to party?", "Det. Sam Vega: That barely looks like the same girl.", "Nick: I know.", "Det. Sam Vega: I'm going to check out the kitchen.", "Nick: Okay.", "(Vega walks away.)", "Catherine: Well, there's no signs of sexual activity.", "(Catherine opens the bedside table drawer. She finds something.)", "Catherine: Oh, hang on now.", "(She takes out a small plastic bag with something inside.)", "Nick: That looks like pure crystal meth.", "Catherine: You could be up for a week straight on that stuff and not even know it.", "Nick: Perfect drug for this town.", "(Sam Vega walks out of the kitchen holding a piece of paper.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Hey, you think that our vic was a groupie?", "(He shows the Extremo poster to them.)", "Catherine: Looks like a mariachi band with artillery.", "Det. Sam Vega: I had a big dose of them when I worked with a gang unit in LA.", "Catherine: The band?", "Det. Sam Vega: The scumbags who listen to that music. Sinaloa cowboys. Big drug producers.", "Catherine: Okay. We've got a female victim with a degree, Mexican artwork, drugs and Sinaloan cowboys.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CLUB - NIGHT]", "(Det. Sam Vega and Nick exit the parked car and head for the club.)", "[INT. CLUB - NIGHT]", "(The place is crowded. The band on stage sings.)", "Lyric: no me puedes negar, lo que te hago sentir no me puedes negar lo que sientes por mi", "(The song ends; the crowd applauds.)", "(The club owner shouts to the already hyped-up crowd.)", "Club Owner: (shouts) Que paso, que paso,que paso?! Hacienda corona! Como estan, como estan, como estan, como estan todos? Que bueno, que bueno, que bueno! Otra cancion! Otra cancion!", "(The band sings another song.)", "Lyric: Yo me paso las noches tomando quierendo olvidar su recuerdo buena aquella noche maldita ...", "(Det. Sam Vega and Nick walk into the club and head over to the bar. Vega shows him Veronica Juarez' DMV photo.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Carnal, conoces esta muchacha? Sordo, contestame!", "Juanito Concha (barback): That's Carla.", "Nick: Carla? Not Veronica?", "Juanito Concha (barback): Nah. The girl in the picture there told me her name was Carla.", "Det. Sam Vega: Yeah, well, the bouncer says that she hangs out here a lot.", "Juanito Concha (barback): Yeah, I guess so. Yeah.", "(Nick turns and listens to Extremo on stage.)", "Lyric: ...Que por ser poderoso que mi vida jamas pasaria", "(He turns back to the bartender.)", "Nick: She, uh, friends with the band?", "Juanito Concha (barback): I don't know about friends. I mean, her and every other girl in here jocks 'em. I mean, Extremo, bro, they're the best. Come on.", "(Vega and Nick listen to Extremo.)", "Lyric: Yo soy malo y no puedo negar que desde me acuerdo no he sido la vieja resulto mentirosa...", "Nick: I know my Spanish is a little rusty, but I think he just said, \"She was a liar, she wasn't who she said she was.\"", "Lyric: ... Pero en cambio le robe su vida", "Det. Sam Vega: \"She stole my heart, so I stole her life.\"", "Lyric: ...Otra vibora por ser...", "Nick: \"I met the snake ... eat a snake.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT CLUB -- NIGHT]", "(The segment just ended. The crowd applauds and the club owner is shouting into the mike.)", "Club Owner: Otra cancion! Otra cancion!", "(Extremo steps off the stage.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CLUB - BACKSTAGE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick and Vega wait to talk with the lead singer. As the band files out the stage and through the hallway, fan girls crowd the doorway shouting for them.)", "(Vega stops the lead singer.)", "Det Sam Vega: LVPD. We need to talk.", "Rafael Salinas (lead singer): Leave your card, I'll send you a picture and autograph, huh?", "(He slaps Nick on his arm, then turns to continue down the hallway. Nick chuckles following him.)", "Nick: That's not really what I'm after, my man.", "(The manager stops Nick from following Rafael Salinas, the lead singer, into the back room with the rest of the band.)", "Manager: Whoa, whoa, whoa.", "Nick: Excuse me.", "Manager: I'm their manager. El Jefe. You want to ask my band questions, you can ask me first.", "Nick: Great. What can you tell us about the song they just played?", "Manager: What do you want to know?", "Nick: Quite frankly, the lyrics are very similar to a homicide we're investigating.", "Manager: That narco-corrido was written ten years ago. It's a classic. (to Vega) Surprised you haven't heard it.", "Det. Sam Vega: I don't listen to crap about doing drugs and killing cops.", "(Someone comes up to the manager and says something to him. The man leaves. The manager turns to Nick and Vega.)", "Manager: Why don't you buy a CD on the way out. All right?", "(The manager tries to leave. Nick stops him.)", "Nick: Yeah, I might do that. Listen, one more thing, if you could. (Nick shows him the photo.) This girl, you know who she is?", "Manager: That's Carla. She's dead?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Manager: That's too bad.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Manager: She was a loyal fan. She knew the words to every song we did.", "Nick: Anything else?", "Det. Sam Vega: Yeah. Your name and number.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Sara walks up to Grissom's office and knocks on the door.)", "Sara: (smiles) Hi.", "(She steps inside. Grissom looks up and takes his glasses off.)", "Sara: You got a minute?", "Grissom: Sure.", "Sara: We really haven't had a chance to talk since the staff changes. (She sits down.) I, uh ... I wanted to let you know that I said some things to Ecklie that might have done the team a disservice.", "Grissom: Ecklie wanted to break up the team and he did.", "Sara: He asked me if you and I had had our post-P-E-A-P counseling session.", "Grissom: And we didn't. Regardless, you should never have to cover for your boss. I'm sorry.", "Sara: You've always been a little more than a boss to me.", "(She gives him a small smile.)", "Sara: Why do you think I moved to Vegas? Look, I know our relationship has been complicated. It's probably my fault. It's probably definitely my fault.", "Grissom: You, uh, completed your counseling, right?", "Sara: Yeah. Yes.", "Grissom: And ... ?", "Sara: Let's just say that ... I sometimes ... I look for validation in inappropriate places.", "(They lapse into silence.)", "Grissom: Look ... let's, um ...", "(Again, they lapse into silence.)", "Sara: It's okay. Okay. You know what, we did our session. Don't forget to document this for Ecklie.", "(She smiles.)", "Grissom: Right.", "Sara: Thanks.", "(Sara stands up and leaves.)", "(Camera holds on Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Robbins goes over his findings with Warrick and Sofia Curtis.)", "Robbins: Bullet entered through the left zygomatic arch, then penetrated the brain, then fragmented up.", "(He picks the bullet out of the brain and shows it to them. He drops the bullet into the tray.)", "Sofia Curtis: The bullet never exited?", "Robbins: Not even close. The right ear injury is a separate wound unrelated to the entry in the face.", "Warrick: So he was shot twice.", "Robbins: Yeah, can you identify the weapon off these?", "(Robbins shows the bullets in the tray to them.)", "Sofia Curtis: It's highly unlikely. The frags are too small. I'll go back to the scene, see if I can find the AWOL bullet.", "Warrick: All right.", "(Sofia leaves.)", "Robbins: So I hear you found a wheelchair.", "Warrick: Yeah. No identifiable prints, only smudges.", "Robbins: Did you check the serial number?", "Warrick: No.", "Robbins: You know, wheelchairs are registered with medical supply companies. It's not something the average person would know.", "Warrick: Thanks. Good looking out.", "(Warrick turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. RETIREMENT HOME - POOLSIDE - DAY]", "(Brass and Warrick talk with the manager of the retirement home.)", "Manager: Mrs. Bakerset's grandson bought her a top-of-the-line chair about a year ago after her stroke.", "Brass: We need to talk to her.", "Manager: I'm sorry, she passed away last week.", "Warrick: Really? That's strange. We found her wheelchair at a crime scene downtown. Any idea how it got there?", "Manager: No, no, no, Bonnie hadn't left here in at least six months. Her place is right over here.", "(She leads them to the room.)", "[INT. RETIREMENT HOME -- BAKERSET'S ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(The door opens. The manager, Warrick and Brass step inside.)", "Manager: When the residents pass, their property remains in the room until their family picks it up. Her grandson said he'd swing by next week.", "(Inside the tiny room are lots of boxes, packages and shopping items still in their boxes.)", "Manager: The woman loved to shop.", "Brass: Yeah.", "Manager: I'll see if I can get you some info on that wheelchair.", "(The manager leaves. Warrick and Brass look around.)", "Warrick: Loved to shop? Looks more like a compulsion.", "Brass: Fly fishing rods ... air purification systems, vitamins, yoga tapes ... cleaning products ... most of these boxes have the same return address. N.Z.A., Inc. It's local. It's in Henderson.", "(Just outside the large picture windows, a small group of curious elderly folks gather.)", "Brass: Scumbag telemarketers.", "(The man outside knocks on the window to get their attention. Brass turns around.)", "Betsy Lewis: Yoo-hoo!", "(Brass walks over to the window to open it.)", "Brass: Watch your fingers.", "(He slides the window open.)", "Stuart Manslow: Excuse me ... what's going on?", "Brass: And you are?", "Stuart Manslow: Stuart Manslow.", "Betsy Lewis: And I'm Betsy Lewis. You shouldn't be in here.", "Brass: Well, Betsy, I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas police. And this is Warrick Brown with the crime lab.", "Warrick: Hi, folks. Could you all tell me what's the deal with all these boxes?", "Stuart Manslow: Buying things made Bonnie happy.", "Betsy Lewis: After her husband died, she was lost. Then a nice salesman kept calling. They would talk for hours. If you ask me, she liked the attention.", "Warrick: Ma'am, do you know what happened to Bonnie's wheelchair?", "(They look at each other.)", "Stuart Manslow: It was a gift from her grandson.", "Betsy Lewis: Yeah. He's not a doctor, but he does all right for himself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. ROOFTOP PARKING LOT - DAY]", "(Sofia sets up a rod from the wheelchair through the hold in the windshield.)", "Sofia Curtis: Off we go into the wild, blue yonder.", "(Greg walks up to the back of the open van. He clears his throat. Sofia turns around.)", "Sofia Curtis: Why are you here?", "Greg: Grissom said it'd be okay for me to come help. I need the experience.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, if we can't find the bullets, we find the shell casings. (Greg nods.) I'm thinking the shooter had the driver at gunpoint, forced him to drive up to the roof 'cause it was deserted.", "(She looks at him and gets an idea.)", "Sofia Curtis: Give me your pen.", "(Greg hands her his pen.)", "Sofia Curtis: You don't shoot a man with the door open.", "(She flicks the switch and closes the wheelchair ramp.)", "Sofia Curtis: Keep your eye on this.", "(Greg gets a little closer to the ramp door.)", "(Quick flash of: A gun fires. The shell casing pops out of the gun. End of flash.)", "(Sofia drops the pen cap. The pen cap falls down in between the ramp door.)", "Sofia Curtis: You got it? The shooter had to open the door when he took off.", "(Sofia opens the wheelchair ramp door. As the ramp door opens, the pen cap is pushed down further into the van's sliding door.)", "Greg: Okay, stop.", "(Greg takes out the pen cap, then takes out the shell casing.)", "Greg: Nine-millimeter.", "Sofia Curtis: Photograph it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "(Nick sits on the floor in the A/V lab and listens to Extremo music on the Diskman. He writes down the lyrics as he listens.)", "(Catherine walks into the room and sees him. She rubs the back of his head to get his attention.)", "Catherine: Hi.", "Nick: Oh, hey.", "Catherine: What is this?", "Nick: Oh, it's, uh, it's an old case from San Diego.", "(Catherine reads the lyrics.)", "Catherine: \"They were found the next dawn, in a dry river bed, their intestines exposed, and many cats feasting upon them.\"", "Nick: Yeah, now you put that to music, sing it in Spanish, and you have a narcocorrido.", "Catherine: Narco what?", "Nick: A corrido is a Mexican ballad. A narcocorrido ...", "Catherine: A drug ballad.", "Nick: Kind of more or less, except their songs include actual events, like specific dates, names ... here. Come over here, check this out.", "(Nick gets up and goes over to the computer. He brings up an old headline for the TODOS DIAS paper: \"La Ultima Pieza del Rompecabeza\", by Hilda C. Aguiar. Under it is a photo of a woman's severed head with a rattlesnake coming out of it.)", "Nick: This girl was shacked up with a local drug lord. He dumps her, she rats him out to the authorities. The rest of the body was never found. But the song was a big hit.", "Catherine: So apart from having her hair removed, Veronica Juarez's murder was life imitating art.", "Nick: Yeah, and if that's the case, anyone who knows this song could ... could be the killer.", "Catherine: We don't even know that much about the victim, other than she was somewhere between art lover and meth user.", "(Without another word, Nick leaves the lab and heads into the evidence room. Perplexed, Catherine watches him go.)", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick takes out the evidence box and pulls out the Hoy paper found under the decapitated head. The paper is dated Enero.11.2005 and sold for 25 cents. The title of the front page article on the left is \"Narco corridos: Asesinos de la cultura\". In the center is a large bloodstain.)", "(Catherine walks into the lab.)", "Catherine: Something I said?", "Nick: (distracted) Huh? Oh, no, no, no. Sorry. It was actually something I saw.", "(He points to the byline: Veronica Juarez.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY]", "(Catherine and Nick talk with the editor of the paper.)", "Editor: Veronica had been here since last summer. Maybe six months.", "Catherine: We ran Ms. Juarez's social. She wasn't an employee.", "Editor: She was more of a freelancer. The narco corridos piece was her first major story. Makes me sick to think she's not going to finish it.", "Nick: She was working undercover?", "Editor: She figured it was the only way to get these guys to open up to her. She was right.", "Nick: Yeah, her article came down pretty hard on the music, huh?", "Editor: Narcocorridos glamorize a criminal lifestyle.", "(They turn into the main office.)", "Editor: Veronica felt the songs were poisoning our young people. She used the intern's desk right there.", "(He points to the desk. Nick puts on a glove and checks the computer. Catherine goes through the mail. The editor walks up to them.)", "Editor: I warned her that it was a vicious subculture.", "Catherine: Had she received any threats?", "Editor: Well, there was this one incident right after part one was published.", "(Quick flash of: A man carries a lit black candle through the office toward Veronica's desk.)", "Man: (chanting) Nombre de jesus malverde ... nombre de jesus malverde ...", "(He puts the candle down on the desk. Veronica gasps.)", "Man: Silencio!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Editor: We didn't call the cops, but it wasn't settling. I'm kind of superstitious.", "(Nick opens the drawer door and finds a fingerprint on the candle.)", "Nick: Good thing Veronica wasn't.", "(He takes the black candle out of the back of the desk file drawer and shows it to Catherine.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB - DAY]", "(Nick takes a mold of the print and scans it into the computer. He finds a match to (excerpt of contents on page):", "LAS VEGAS POLICE", "ELINDIO ZAPATA DOB/09/18/51 s*x/M RAC/CAUCASIAN", "HGT/508 WGT/158 EYE/BRO HAI/BRO POB/UNKNOWN", "NAME/01 ZAPATA, ELINDIO", "MON/MONCHIE", "78566 AMBERS AVE., LV, NV8-", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGASC ITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. STORE -- DAY]", "(Det. Sam Vega and Nick enter the store.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Hello?", "(There's no answer. The door shuts behind them.)", "Det. Sam Vega: LVPD.", "(They look around the store.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Anyone here?", "(They hear mumbling coming from the back of the shop. Nick takes his gun out.)", "(Vega takes his gun out.)", "(In the back room, Elindio Zapata is kneeling on the ground in front of dozens of lit candles. Vega knocks on the door.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Elindio Zapata.", "(He pushes the beads over the door aside.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Elindio Zapata.", "Elindio Zapata: No hablo ingles.", "Det. Sam Vega: Oh, De Veras? Well, that's funny, because the border patrol said you spoke perfect English.", "(Elindio Zapata stands up and puts his hat on. He exits the room and looks at Vega.)", "Det. Sam Vega: We're going to take a look around, coyote.", "(Elindio walks past Nick.)", "Elindio Zapata: You break it, you bought it.", "(He heads for the front of the shop. Nick and Vega both holster their weapons. Nick sees a lit black candle. In the tray in front of the candle he sees a bone.)", "Elindio Zapata: Vayate.", "(Nick turns and looks back at Elindio.)", "Elindio Zapata: That belongs to Jesus Malverde.", "(He continues to look around and sees the jacket hanging on the clothes rack in the back. He glances at Vega.)", "(Nick takes out his glove and puts it on. He looks at Elindio.)", "(Quick flash of: [PHOTO] In the photo of Veronica Juarez, she is wearing a jacket with white fringe. End of flash.)", "Det. Sam Vega: What do you got?", "Nick: Veronica Juarez had a jacket just like this one. Minus the tire tracks.", "(Nick takes the jacket over to Elindio.)", "Nick: This jacket? It's coming with me. And you're going with him.", "(We hear the sounds of handcuffs. Elindio looks at Vega. Nick looks at the jacket.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Det. Sam Vega and Nick interview Elindio Zapata.)", "Det. Sam Vega: We know that you went to the newspaper office and you threatened her.", "Elindio Zapata: Si, señor. I went to the oficina. Her mentals were going places they need not.", "Nick: You want to tell me what this is?", "(Nick shows him the photo of the bone.)", "Elindio Zapata: Pollo bone. Religious. (He chuckles.) My right in America.", "Nick: I don't know, it looks more like a human finger to me. It's been burned.", "Elindio Zapata: Eyes can fool you.", "Nick: That's right. That's why I do a lot of tests. And I'm also gonna match the blood found on Veronica's jacket right here.", "(Nick taps the photo of Veronica's jacket.)", "Elindio Zapata: I know nothing about this. Nice ... muchacho gave it to me.", "Det. Sam Vega: Como se llama?", "Elindio Zapata: Don't know name, only ... face. Cara. Mm, people give me things all the time.", "Nick: Now, why would they do that?", "Elindio Zapata: Maybe they like me. (He chuckles.) Or for proteccion. When you look at me, you see un hombre pobre, sucio. Poor, dirty man. Pero soy mas. I am much more. I am descendent ... of Jesus Malverde. God ... dios. Angel of the Poor.", "Nick: The Mexican Robin Hood, a thief and a killer, hung May 3, 1909.", "Elindio Zapata: He is the reason ... you cannot touch me. (He looks at Vega.) No me puedes tocar.", "Det. Sam Vega: You're a disgrace to our community. You're a greedy fence who will do or say anything to make a buck.", "Elindio Zapata: No, señor. No, I may warn, I may protect, I may harm, I may do many things. But not for money.", "Nick: Okay, hold out your hands -- we're gonna get some prints.", "(Elindio holds out his hands. Nick takes out his kit.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Warrick examines Vincent Decarlo's clothes and possessions. He finds a piece of paper.)", "(Sofia Curtis walks into the lab.)", "Sofia Curtis: You got lucky with the bloodstained lapel. I didn't match the vic, but I got a hit in CODIS.", "Warrick: Great. Dax Blanchard?", "Sofia Curtis: Assault and battery against a police officer in '96. Served two years. No current address.", "Warrick: Thanks.", "(Sofia leaves. Warrick dials his phone.)", "Brass: Detective Jim Brass.", "Warrick: (announcer's voice) Congratulations, Jim Brass. You're guaranteed one of these five amazing awards. Trip to London, ...", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - DAY]", "Brass: (puzzled) Warrick?", "Warrick: (announcer's voice) A brand-new caddy, tennis bracelet, plasma TV, water purification system. You finally did it, Jim. Just send NZA a check for $300 and claim your prize.", "Warrick: NZA. So, where'd you get the sales pitch, man?", "Warrick: From the victim's personal effects. My guess, it's the same boob who was calling Bonnie.", "Brass: (nods) The company's address was on the old lady's boxes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. NZA TELEMARKETING OFFICE - EVENING]", "(The sales center is busy. Camera pans across the various salesmen on the phones.)", "Salesman 1: Mrs. Mason, I am standing, which means what? You should be sitting.", "Room Manager: I really want you to push the air purifiers. Then, I want you to push this.", "Salesman 1: That's right, because I've got some great news. You just won a Cadillac. Well, does your husband drive?", "Salesman 2: Have you ever shopped on 5th Avenue?", "Salesman 3: Come on. Look, I've been waiting my whole life to make this call.", "Salesman 4: Yes. Yes. Well, as soon as we get that ...", "Room Manager: Come on, people! Let's close these deals! I got a room full of pikers or closers? You're a piker!", "(Voice fades in the background as Warrick and Brass enter the office.)", "Warrick: My grandmother used to say if it sounds too good to be true, it is.", "Room Manager: Only closers go on that board.", "(Warrick and Brass walk up to Dax Blanchard.)", "Room Manager: Can I help you gentlemen?", "Brass: I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police, and this is Warrick Brown from the crime lab - We got a couple of questions.", "(Warrick turns and looks at the whiteboard:", "TOP 4 CLOSERS OF THE WEEK 1. VINCENT DeCARLO", "2. DAX BLANCHARD", "3. TERENCE --", "4. BOB--", "Warrick: We know Vincent Decarlo's not available -- How about Dax Blanchard?", "Room Manager: Corner cubicle, burgundy tie.", "(He points to a man on the phone. Brass and Warrick head over to Dax Blanchard.)", "Dax Blanchard: (to phone) You were? You know what I want you to do, Harry? I want you to stand up, and I want you to march over to that checkbook, soldier. (Brass clears his throat.) It does not sound like you're standing up to me, Harry. You know why we're doing this, Harry? (Brass clears his throat again.) Because we have something called trust, you and me. You trust ...", "(Dax Blanchard notices Brass and Warrick standing behind him.)", "Dax Blanchard: (to phone) Harry, I need you to do me a favor, though, okay? I need you to hang on for me for one second, okay? Okay. You're the greatest.", "(He puts the phone down.)", "Brass: Dax, at yakety-yak, you're the greatest. I got a one-time-only offer for you. Should we talk about it here or downtown?", "Dax Blanchard: Come on, what is this? This is a legal room.", "(He motions and Warrick sees that Dax is wearing a holster with a gun.)", "Warrick: What the hell is that?", "Brass: Are you packing? (He takes the gun.) This a legal gun?", "Dax Blanchard: Yeah it is. Registered to me.", "(Brass hands the gun to Warrick, who removes the clip.)", "Brass: Okay. Downtown it is. Let's go.", "(Warrick checks the bullets.)", "Warrick: Nine-millimeter. Same as the casings found on the scene.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Brass interviews Dax Blanchard.)", "Dax Blanchard: Nothing I'm doing is illegal. In exchange for a small fee, my customers get one of five specified prizes.", "Brass: When was the last time someone won a Cadillac?", "Dax Blanchard: (shrugs) While ago. Long time ago. Never, all right? Look, I'm only obligated to give one of the prizes. Nothing says it can't be the cheap one.", "Brass: Apparently, you're very good at your job, but you're not the best. I saw the board -- you're number two. Right behind a dead guy.", "Dax Blanchard: Vinny's dead?", "Brass: When was the last time you saw him?", "Dax Blanchard: (thinks about it) Yesterday morning.", "Brass: We found your blood on his jacket.", "Dax Blanchard: Good. 'Cause I thought maybe I missed.", "(Quick flashback to: [SALES ROOM] Vincent is on the phone when Dax walks up to his cubicle.)", "Vincent Decarlo: I got a room full of people congratulating you here, Dorothy. (shouts to phone) Yeah, Dorothy! Yeah! I ...", "(Dax disconnects the phone.)", "Vincent Decarlo: What in the friggin' hell? I had a live one.", "Dax Blanchard: You sold my grandmother, you son of a bitch. Took every last cent.", "Vincent Decarlo: Everybody we sell is someone's grandmother.", "(Dax grabs Vincent. Vincent punches Dax in the mouth. Dax spits on Vincent's jacket leaving a glob of blood on his lapel.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Dax Blanchard: The guy was a mook, all right? He was constantly stealing my leads, stealing my customers. Then I find out he rips off my grandmother?", "Brass: Honor among thieves?", "Dax Blanchard: For crap's sake, she's living in a nursing home, confined to a wheelchair.", "Brass: So you killed Vincent Decarlo because he was better than you, because he stole your leads, because he sold your bubby Bonnie, and you wanted him out of the way.", "Dax Blanchard: (scoffs) Who the hell's Bonnie?", "Brass: Your grandmother. Bonnie Bakerset.", "Dax Blanchard: My grandmother's name is Fran. She lives in Daytona Beach. Would you like to call her?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Catherine processes the jacket. She measures the tire treads on the back of the jacket, circles the pattern and searches for it on the database.)", "(She finds a match: TOYO OPEN COUNTRY MT 38/15.5/18.)", "(Nick walks into the room carrying a file folder.)", "Nick: Hey, Catherine. The palm prints on the newspaper don't match Elindio's.", "Catherine: Well, that just means he didn't place the head in the box. The vic's blood was on the jacket in his store. She was run over by a Toyo Open Country MT 38-by-15.5-by-18.", "(Quick flash to: The truck engines gun as they run over Veronica Juarez. End of flash.)", "Catherine: Now, that's a big-ass truck tire.", "Nick: Elindio didn't even own a car, much less a big-ass truck. What other characteristics?", "Catherine: Take a look.", "Nick: That's a retread.", "(Quick flash of someone retreading a tire. End of flash.)", "Nick: I only know of one place in Vegas that does work like this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TIRE WAREHOUSE - DAY]", "(Nick and Catherine talk with the store owner.)", "Store Owner: So, what is it you need?", "Catherine: Invoice copies of any retreads that were done on this type of tire.", "(She shows him the photo.)", "Store Owner: Oh, yeah. We sell about a hundred of these a month.", "Catherine: Really?", "Store Owner: Yeah. Over here.", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(He sits down behind the desk's computer.)", "(Nick looks around the area and notices a particular worker there.)", "Nick: Hey.", "(The worker turns around. Nick recognizes him.)", "(Quick flashback to: The Extremo lead singer on stage. End of flashback.)", "Nick: I'll take that autograph now.", "(The worker looks at Nick. Nick motions for him to come.)", "Nick: Ven aca.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(The lead singer talks with Catherine. Nick looks around his locker.)", "Rafael Salinas (lead singer): I was seeing Carla ... until Veronica Juarez's article came out. I figured out who she was.", "Catherine: And then?", "Rafael Salinas (lead singer): Then I dumped her ass. What do you think? She put down my music, my band, made it look like everyone involved in narco corridos was a drug dealer or a criminal. She lied to me.", "(Quick flashback to: The Extremo lead singer, Rafael Salinas, is angry with Veronica Juarez.)", "Rafael Salinas (lead singer): Asi es como pagas?", "(He shouts angrily at her.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Rafael Salinas (lead singer): Narcocorridos are entertainment. The drugs, they're an economic activity woven in the fabric of Sinaloan history. The music does nothing more than reflect that.", "Catherine: Narcocorridos also depicts actual events.", "Rafael Salinas (lead singer): So does the 6:00 news. A lot of people were pissed off when she wrote that trash.", "Catherine: So you're saying that she deserved to die?", "Rafael Salinas (lead singer): I'm saying she was a two-faced bitch who got off on our music at night, wrote about how disgusting we were during the day, when she was the one smoking, snorting, screwing everything she could find.", "Catherine: After her tox screen, we know that Miss Juarez didn't do drugs. And ... I seriously doubt that she was having s*x with you.", "Rafael Salinas (lead singer): Listen ... I didn't kill Veronica. But she was a pocha, a traitor, and people like that aren't taken lightly in Sinaloa.", "Catherine: We're not in Sinaloa.", "Rafael Salinas (lead singer): When you're inside la hacienda corona, you might as well be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Sofia Curtis runs the bullets through the database. The etchings read: K DWM K 480C.)", "(She finds a match to REF#9935-79.)", "Sofia Curtis: (to herself) Deutschland uber alles.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Warrick is sitting at the table. Sofia walks into the room.)", "Sofia Curtis: I identified the casings recovered at the scene. They don't match Dax Blanchard's 9-mil. So, did he have any other firearms?", "Warrick: Nothing registered.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, head stamp on the casings was a little unusual.", "(She shows the photos to Warrick.)", "Warrick: \"DWM?\"", "Sofia Curtis: Deutsche waffen und munitions fabrik.", "Warrick: Well, that's World War II-era German.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, it's one thing to collect old guns; old ammunition comes from a trophy -- an enemy gun a soldier brings back from battle.", "Warrick: So, our shooter's an old soldier.", "(She gives him a look.)", "Warrick: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. RETIREMENT HOME - NIGHT]", "(Stuart Manslow talks with Warrick.)", "Stuart Manslow: Bonnie had Alzheimer's, you know. And that son of a monster sold her twice a day. Once in the morning, and again that night, because ... he knew she had forgot that she bought the first time. I tried to talk her out of it, but Vincent just kept on calling. And Bonnie just kept on a-buying.", "Warrick: So, what did you do about it, sir?", "Stuart Manslow: Huh?", "Warrick: What'd you do about it?", "Stuart Manslow: Vincent started calling all of us. I played along. I told him I didn't have a checking account, so the b*st*rd offered to drive me to the bank. I wanted him to think that I was weak. So I borrowed Bonnie's wheelchair. He drove me to the bank. Pushed me right up to the teller. Oh, he was helpful. And then he drove me back to the casino.", "Warrick: Why did you have him park on the roof?", "Stuart Manslow: Why not? Nobody parks on the roof.", "(Quick flashback to: [VAN - NIGHT]", "Vincent Decarlo: Here we go. Now all we need is the money.", "(Stuart shoots and nicks Vincent in the back of the head. He starts yelling.)", "Stuart Manslow: (V.O.) I would have killed him with one shot. Lousy shakes.", "(Vincent turns and looks at Stuart. Hefires again, this time hitting him square.)", "Stuart Manslow: (V.O.) But I got him good the second one.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Stuart Manslow: Been a long time since I had to kill someone.", "Warrick: Where's your sidearm, sir?", "(Stuart Manslow reaches for the box on the table and opens it. He takes out his gun.)", "(Warrick stops walking toward him, his eyes on the gun in Stuart's hand. Unsure of what Stuart is going to do, Warrick becomes very cautious.)", "Stuart Manslow: You know, the world has changed. (Warrick swallows, his eyes on the gun.) When I was serving my country, I knew who my enemy was.", "(Stuart shakes the gun in his hand.)", "Warrick: The gun, please, sir.", "Stuart Manslow: Now the enemy is ... some punk ... calls you up on the telephone ... and wants your credit card number.", "(Stuart looks at the gun.)", "Warrick: Sir? The gun.", "(Stuart sighs.)", "Stuart Manslow: Hmm.", "(He hands the gun to Warrick. Warrick removes the clip. He looks at Stuart.)", "(Camera holds on Warrick.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine is comparing the photo of the tire print from the jacket to the various tire prints from the tires taken from the warehouse.)", "(Nick walks into the garage.)", "Nick: Bad news. Rafael's palm prints don't match the one on the newspaper.", "Catherine: Worse news, his tire treads don't match the ones on Veronica Juarez's leather jacket, either.", "Nick: Great. Well, you know, there is one place the victim was where there's a whole lot of these tires.", "(Catherine looks at Nick.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CLUB - PARKING LOT - NIGHT]", "(Det. Sam Vega kneels down next to a tire and compares the photo of the tire print from the jacket to the tires on the truck. There are other officers there doing the same - comparing the photo of the tire print from the jacket to the other trucks' tires.)", "(Nick walks between the trucks looking at the various parked vehicles. He comes across a particular truck with a retread.)", "Nick: Vega!", "(Vega walks over to Nick.)", "Det. Sam Vega: What do you think?", "Nick: Run the plates.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CLUB - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(The band on stage sings.)", "Lyric: ...Que sin duda yo fui el dueño de tus sueños gracias, corazón ...", "(Nick and Vega walk up to the offduty barback, Juanito Concha.", "Nick: Hey, Juanito. Not barbacking tonight?", "Juanito Concha: No, I got the night off. I'm gonna go party today. So, you guys, uh, still looking for Carla?", "Nick: No.", "Juanito Concha: No?", "Nick: No, we're looking for you.", "(The officers behind Juanito start handcuffing him.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Do you own a 2004 forf-150? Gray with panting on it?", "Juanito Concha: Uh, yeah, that's the full-blown cocino mobile.", "Det. Sam Vega: Oh, your pig mobile, nice name. Yeah.", "(Nick notices the hair hanging from Juanito's belt.)", "Nick: That's a cool belt, Juanito. What's it made out of? Human hair?", "Juanito Concha: Ooh, um ... you guys want me to show you?", "(Juanito head-butts Nick and runs past him trying to escape. Nick runs after him.)", "Nick: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no", "(Nick catches and grabs Juanito. Suddenly, we notice that the music has stopped completely and that there are a lot of men crowding in on Nick, Vega and Juanito, pushing and shoving each other. Very dangerous.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Muevanse, muevanse por atras!", "Det. Sam Vega: Muevan ... muevanse por atras!", "(The men in the crowd reach for their guns. Nick and Vega both pull out their own guns and hold it up to show it to them.)", "Nick: Hey, hey, hey, back up!", "(They manage to push the crowd back a little distance away from them. The crowd has quieted down some.)", "Nick: (shouts) He killed an innocent girl!", "Det. Sam Vega: Calmense, todos. Dejanos hacer nuestro trabajo y no les vamos a molestar.", "Nick: Hey!", "Det. Sam Vega: Calmense, ya!", "Nick: Este muchacho mato a una señorita inocente. Inocente!", "Det. Sam Vega: Calmense. Ya.", "Nick: Y tiene que pagar. Y tiene que pagar! Get him out of here!", "(The officers pull Juanito toward the door and they all start heading for the exit.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Ya!", "Nick: Go, go, go!", "Det. Sam Vega: Calmense, ya. Tranquilos.", "(Vega is the last to leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Det. Sam Vega and Nick interview Juanito Concha.)", "Det. Sam Vega: I don't understand you, Juanito. You manage to stay out of the gangs, drugs. Making honest money ...", "Juanito Concha: (chuckles) What? Seven dollars an hour?", "Nick: Hey, it's better than the joint. I can promise you that. Besides, you didn't prove anything ... Taking the life of an innocent woman ...", "Juanito Concha: It was the perfect opportunity, bro...", "Nick: Yeah? To do what? Impress a bunch of fools who don't give a crap about what happens to you, anyway.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Veronica Juarez takes out her keys. Around the corner sitting in his car, Juanito waits for her.)", "(She hurries across the street. Juanito guns the engine. The truck speeds toward her. She turns and is hit by the truck.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Juanito Concha: Immortality, bro. See, I-I'm not gonna die a barback, or a dishwasher ...", "Det. Sam Vega: You're gonna get the needle, menso. You're gonna die a murderer.", "Juanito Concha: Yeah, maybe so, but they're gonna write a song about me. I'm gonna go down in history.", "Nick: No, no, no, no. You see, the song's already been written. You're just a sad copy. Una copia triste.", "Juanito Concha: Look, I gave it my own twist, though. Uh ... 'cause I-I'm an original.", "Nick: Right.", "(Juanito chuckles. Nick stands up and heads for the door.)", "Juanito Concha: (sings) machuque el perro con la lengua de la culebra...", "(Nick catches the words, stops and turns around to look at Juanito as he sings his confession.)", "Juanito Concha: (sings) tome el premio", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Juanito scalps Veronica, ripping the hair right off of her skin.)", "Juanito Concha: (sings) (V.O.) de lo que hecho", "(He takes as much hair as he can.)", "(Cut to: Elindio Zapata stands in front of a fire. He turns around and heads toward Juanito and Veronica.)", "Juanito Concha: (sings) (V.O.) le pregunte yo a malverde ...", "(Elindio is carrying a long hatchet.)", "Elindio Zapata: (shouts) Limpia ... esta puta!", "(He cuts Veronica's head off.)", "Juanito Concha: (sings) (V.O.) Que me diere guiansa", "(Cut to: The fire's flames.)", "(End of flashback. Dissolve back to present.)", "Juanito Concha: (sings) para quemar mis pecados ...", "(Dissolve to: Elindio Zapata takes out a single bone and holds it.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Juanito Concha: (chuckles) ... immortal.", "(Vega doesn't say anything. Juanito chuckles at his own cleverness.)", "(From the side, Nick watches grimly.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "When two bodies covered in tar are found, the CSIs must try to uncover their identities and that of the murderer. Sara is reprimanded by Ecklie for improper conduct." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Cue Sound: MACHINE ENGINE STARTING", "[EXT. SANDSTONE COMMUNITY -- DEVELOPMENT SITE -- DAY]", "(Camera pans past a large sign:", "SANDSTONE", "THE AMERICAN DREAM", "FROM $399,000", "(A large construction machine moves along the cleared land. From the command office, the foreman walks out of the trailer with a cordless phone in his hand. He's not pleased.)", "(He heads over to the man driving the bulldozer.)", "Foreman: Joe! Joe!", "(He waves his arms high in the air trying to attract Joe's attention, but the machines are just too loud. He continues to head toward Joe.)", "Foreman: Joe! Hey, Joe!", "(The machines continue to drown out his voice. The foreman walks closer to the work area.)", "Foreman: (shouts) Joe! Phone! Phone! I'm not your damn secretary and your wife's not my boss! (to phone) You hear that, Cheryl? This is a company phone.", "(Joe continues to work.)", "Cheryl: (from phone) I don't care! I want to talk to Joe!", "(At the sound of her voice, the foreman pulls the phone away from his ear and looks away. Suddenly, his face turns grim as he sees something in the ground in front of him.)", "(Cut to: A pair of a woman's legs half buried in the ground, her high-heeled shoes still on her feet.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. SANDSTONE COMMUNITY -- DEVELOPMENT SITE -- DAY]", "(Nick looks around the area where the body is. He's wearing a bandana over his nose and mouth to keep from breathing in the dry dirt. The dirt around the body is marked by little yellow flags.)", "(In the back, Catherine walks with the foreman toward the site.)", "Foreman: If this is an Indian burial ground, I'm totally screwed. I'll be in litigation for months.", "Catherine: I can't make any promises, sir, but I don't think the Paiute wore heels.", "(They reach the site. The officer stops the foreman. Catherine passes Nick, who is busy filling up the marker with paint, and heads over to Warrick, who is examining the body.)", "Officer: Sorry, sir. You can't go in there.", "Catherine: Hey! What's it look like?", "(Warrick looks at the partially buried legs.)", "Warrick: Well ... the body's been cased in something. It's black. It's flexible ... but it's pretty stubborn.", "(He pokes at the black stuff with his finger.)", "Warrick: I think it's roofing tar. It keeps the smell and the animals away.", "Catherine: It makes our job a lot harder.", "Nick: We've got disturbed soil in a three-by-five perimeter.", "Catherine: Okay. (to the drivers) Gentlemen! Start your shovels!", "(The drivers of the machines start their engines and dig around the body.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(The machines dig a hole around the body encased in tar. Nick works on excavating the body.)", "(As he works, Catherine and Warrick discuss the body off screen.)", "Catherine: (o.s.) Do you think our Jane Doe was buried alive?", "Warrick: (o.s.) I don't' know. She wasn't just covered, she was completely encased. Whoever buried her sure had access to a lot of tar. I'm thinking a construction worker.", "Catherine: Nick, did you get that last soil sample?", "(Nick brushes away the dirt from under the body and finds a skeletal foot.)", "Nick: Yeah, but I think I got something else too.", "(Nick pulls his bandana away from his mouth.)", "Nick: Hey, guys. Check this out.", "(Catherine and Warrick walk toward Nick.)", "Nick: A third foot. (sighs) Looks like we have another body at the bottom.", "(Camera zooms in through the skeletal foot through all that decay and ends up inside where the skull is focusing on the yellow teeth.)", "(End of camera zoom. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: I don't know if she was buried alive, but ... she wasn't buried alone.", "(Catherine raises the camera, looks through the lens and snaps a photo.)", "FLASH TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(The large block of tar and rock containing the two bodies now rests on an examining table in the middle of the autopsy bay. David Phillips and the other coroners wheel in the large x-ray equipment.)", "(Quick flash to an x-ray image of a skeletal chest is burned onto film.)", "(David Phillips adjusts the x-ray equipment, pulling it up to the middle of the block.)", "(Quick flash of an x-ray image of a skull as it's burned onto film.)", "(David Phillips adjusts the x-ray equipment, pushing it down the block.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(The x-ray images of the two bodies in the tar block are out on the table. Doc Robbins goes over the images with Catherine.)", "Robbins: Two sets of hands. Two sets of feet. Two skulls, two bodies. Both appear to be female. Jane Doe bottom's curled up. Jane Doe top's laid out flat.", "(Catherine points to the wire across the skull's teeth.)", "Catherine: This looks like ... barbed wire.", "Robbins: It's in her mouth. Could be a dental appliance.", "Catherine: Or maybe some kind of torture device.", "Robbins: You're thinking ritualistic?", "Catherine: Oh, I don't know what I'm thinking.", "(Suddenly, Grissom appears in the doorway, his face alight with eagerness.)", "Grissom: (interrupts) Hey! They told me you dug up two bodies covered in tar?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(The block of tar. The camera slowly pulls away from the block of tar. We find Catherine and Grissom standing over it trying to figure out how to get to the evidence inside.)", "Grissom: So. How you going to separate them?", "Catherine: I'm not sure yet. Obviously I can't saw through without potentially destroying evidence, so ... if the tar were harder, I could chisel it. If it were softer, we could peel it off.", "(Grissom smiles knowingly.)", "Grissom: I have an idea.", "Catherine: Of course you do, but last I checked, the backlog on grave was about ... mmm ... a hundred cases?", "Grissom: You've been spending too much time with Ecklie. I'm off the clock. I came in early for this.", "(Camera refocuses on the pair of shoes sticking out of the tar block.)", "(Cut to: Catherine uses a drill and bores a hole into the tar block. Grissom places a funnel into the holes that Catherine drilled. They line up down the middle of the tar block.)", "Catherine: You ever done this before?", "Grissom: Nope ... but I do know that tar becomes as brittle as glass at about minus two hundred degrees.", "(Cut to: They fill a canister up with liquid nitrogen. Grissom pours the liquid into the funnels. He fills up three funnels. On the fourth funnel ...", "(Quick CGI POV: Camera zooms down into the funnel following the liquid into the tar block. The liquid nitrogen freezes the tar.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "(Grissom uses a hammer and hand axe and taps the block down the middle following the line of funnels.)", "Catherine: Okay, Mr. Wizard.", "(Grissom hits the hammer hard and the block breaks neatly into two pieces.)", "(Catherine's impressed.)", "(Cut to: Both Catherine and Grissom work on one of the blocks, using hand canisters to spray liquid nitrogen, and chip away at the pieces of tar to get to the body inside.)", "(Cut to: They continue working on the block, exposing more and more of the body inside.)", "Catherine: Not much left of her but the clothes.", "Grissom: Well, let's see what our other one looks like, shall we?", "(They move over to the second tar block and start working on that. They spray and chip at the block. Grissom gets a piece of tar loose and lifts it up. He peels the tar piece off. The skull inside collapses and crumbles.)", "(Grissom stares at the broken skull. He turns and looks at Catherine.)", "Grissom: Huh.", "(Catherine clears her throat.)", "(Grissom glances down at his watch.)", "Grissom: Oh, boy. I gotta get my shift started. Good luck with the case.", "Catherine: No, no, no. You're not going to just destroy this skull and split.", "Grissom: You can make a nice mold from the impression.", "Catherine: I'm short-handed as it is.", "(Grissom takes his glasses off.)", "Grissom: I think Sara just wrapped a case. If you need her, she's yours.", "(He turns and makes his escape, leaving Catherine exasperated.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM]", "(Greg is standing in front of his mirror in a suit and tie. He's straightening his hair trying to get it to stay down.)", "(Sara walks into the locker room. She sees Greg and stops.)", "Sara: Wow. Look at you, Mr. Straightedge. I did not know that your hair could do that.", "Greg: I look like a dork.", "Sara: No, no. No, you look like a pro, which is what you are. Let me guess - a prelim for Sherlock?", "Greg: Yep.", "(Sara puts her bag in the locker. She takes her jacket off.)", "Sara: Uh-huh. Who's your judge?", "Greg: Uh ... Dudley ... Anderson?", "(Sara grimaces.)", "Sara: Yeah. Well, not the sharpest tool in the shed.", "(She hangs up her jacket and turns to give Greg some advice.)", "Sara: (clears her throat) Speak slowly. Use simple terms. You're gonna nail it.", "(Catherine pokes her head in the doorway.)", "Catherine: Sara. You're mine tonight.", "(Catherine leaves as Sara turns around.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(David Phillips examines the remains. He touches the skull and lifts up the arm. He takes a swab of some of the bloodstains on the victim's clothing. He tests it. It turns pink.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Sara sprays the inside of the piece of tar covering the victim's face as she prepares to reconstruct the victim's face. She mixes the molding and pours it into the tar piece.)", "(Nick examines the victim's clothing and checks the clothing label.)", "(Meanwhile, David Phillips takes out the bone pieces that he's been boiling. He adds more bone pieces to put back into the pot. He removes the wire mouthpiece from the batch and sets it aside.)", "(Sara removes the mold from the tar piece. She flips it over and looks at the mold of the woman's face.)", "(Later back at the forensics lab, Doc Robbins is fitting the pieces of the broken skull back into place. The cleaned skull is set on a stand. He turns the skull around to examine the back.)", "(Sara has the victim's mask on a stand as she paints the face in a flesh-colored tone. She continues to work.)", "(Various dissolves as she finishes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Sara finishes the face and places it on the table, face away from her.)", "Sara: Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Jane Doe Top.", "(Catherine, Warrick and Nick are standing in the doorway.)", "Catherine: My God.", "Warrick: Nice job.", "Sara: Thanks.", "(They walk in and take a seat at the table. Catherine sits next to Sara)", "Catherine: Thank you, Sara.", "(Catherine turns the mold of the victim's face toward her.)", "Catherine: Well, Doc Robbins told me that she had severe trauma to the skull, probably what killed her.", "Warrick: Well, that would explain the blood David found on her shirt. Mia's running DNA right now to find out if it matches the victim, or any suspects, for that matter.", "Nick: Remember, now, she had a broken jaw. That was 26-gauge stainless steel. It's used to surgically wire jawbones shut.", "(Sara looks at the photos of the victim's hands.)", "Sara: What's with the fingers?", "Catherine: Distal phalanges were cut off. Both vics, both hands. I cast tool marks, looks like some kind of opposed blade tool. Jagged on one side, smooth on the other.", "Nick: Well, if it was pre-mortem, that would support torture.", "Warrick: Yeah, but if it was post, they probably did it to conceal identity.", "(David Hodges enters the room.)", "Hodges: Hey, you guys still working on that mass-grave theory?", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Hodges: You know what I like about flesh decomposing in soil? It's predictable.", "(Quick CGI POV to: The body in the tar block decomposes. In fast motion, the rotting flesh off the skull slides off, revealing the muscle under it. The muscle rots, slides off the skull and dries up.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) The constituent elements diffuse into the ground over time.", "(Camera swings over to the soil underneath, showing the liquid flesh dripping off the bones and seeping into the soil under the corpse.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Hodges: The longer they're there, the lower the concentrations. I tested the soil samples Nick took from around each body. Curly Sue was on the bottom for at least five years, and Flat Sally was on top for only two.", "(Hodges turns and leaves the lab.)", "Catherine: So we've got a killer who digs a grave, dumps a body, covers it with tar, comes back three years later, digs again and dumps another one on top of it?", "(Sara looks at the photos.)", "Sara: Ten to one, it's domestic abuse. Beat up, then shut up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "Nurse: (V.O.) You hitting every E.R. in town?", "Sara: (V.O.) Seems like it.", "[INT. DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL - FILE ROOM - NIGHT]", "(The nurse carries in a file box. She walks over to Sara who is sitting behind a desk.)", "Nurse: These are all the jaw fractures that came in from two to three years ago.", "Sara: Thank you.", "(The nurse opens the file box.)", "Nurse: We don't get as many of these as we used to.", "Sara: Domestic violence laws have forced men to get smarter about their hitting.", "(The nurse leaves. Sara opens the first file folder and looks at the photo inside of a blonde-haired woman with bruises on her face.)", "(She opens a second file folder and compares the battered woman's photo to the photo of the mold of the victim's face. No match. She sets the file folder aside and continues.)", "(In the voice over background noises, we hear the muffled sounds of a man and a woman yelling.)", "(Flash to: Sara rubs the back of her neck as she goes through the file folder. Another flash and we get a close up of Sara nervously twitching her thumb. She closes the file folder and sets it aside.)", "(Various flashes of: Sara continues to go through the file folders, viewing photos of battered women and comparing it to the photo of her Jane Doe Top.)", "(Finally, she finds a photo that matches her mold.)", "(She looks at the Admission Record:", "DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL", "ADMISSION RECORD", "PATIENT'S NAME: MELTON, SVETLANA", "PERMANENT ADDRESS: -9 RIVERSIDE LANE, LAS VEGAS", "PRIOR HOSPITALIZATION: N/A", "OBSERVATIONS - PATIENT APPEARS TO -", "DOMESTIC ABUSE", "CONDITION OF ADMISSION", "TEMPERATURE: 99", "PULSE: 86", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - RECEPTION / INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine opens the door. Andrew Melton arrives with his very young wife, June.)", "Andrew Melton: (to June) Why don't you, uh, you wait for me here, okay?", "(June turns around and obediently sits down in the hallway chair. Andrew Melton enters the interview room.)", "Catherine: Mr. Melton, take a seat.", "(Catherine closes the door behind him. Andrew Melton sits at the table. Sara glares at him.)", "Andrew Melton: I married, uh, June about a year after Svetlana left.", "Catherine: And when was the last time that you saw Svetlana?", "Andrew Melton: It was about two years ago. She didn't come home one night. Next thing I know, the cops are knocking down my door. I thought something happened to her, but they were there to arrest me. For hitting her.", "Sara: Are you saying that you didn't?", "Andrew Melton: We were married for three years. I never hit her.", "Sara: Why would she lie?", "Andrew Melton: I don't know.", "(Catherine watches Sara. She turns back to Andrew Melton.)", "Catherine: And then what happened?", "Andrew Melton: After that, I ... I was done. I went looking for her to sign the divorce papers, but ... it was like she fell off the face of the earth.", "Sara: Or got buried a few feet under it.", "(Catherine turns to Sara, surprised by what she's saying.)", "Andrew Melton: Look, I took out ads in the newspaper every day for a month. She never responded.", "Catherine: Yet you didn't file a missing persons report.", "Andrew Melton: I'd been accused of abuse. How would that have looked?", "Sara: You seem to care a lot about the way things look, Mr. Melton.", "(He looks at Sara. Sara glares back.)", "Catherine: Well, we're gonna need a list of Svetlana's friends and family.", "Andrew Melton: She didn't have any.", "Sara: She spawned from nothingness?", "Andrew Melton: Her parents died in some kind of industrial accident in Odessa.", "Catherine: Russia?", "Andrew Melton: Yeah.", "Catherine: How did the two of you meet?", "Andrew Melton: Through an agency.", "Sara: Svetlana was a mail-order bride?", "Andrew Melton: We were introduced through an agency.", "Sara: So what happened, the Russian agency denied your application for another wife, or, uh, you lost your taste for white meat? Too tough?", "(Catherine's eyes widen and jaw drops. Andrew Melton gets angry. Catherine puts a hand to her forehead as the entire interview falls apart.)", "Andrew Melton: You know what, lady? I am not gonna feel bad about my decision. I dated American women, like you. They don't want to be anyone's wife, or mother - (Sara turns and looks at Catherine. Catherine looks back.) -- you mention the word \"domestic,\" they're done with you. It's nice to be needed ... (Andrew Melton turns and looks back at June, who is sitting obediently out in the hallway. He turns and looks at Catherine.) ... not resented.", "Sara: Yeah, I find isolation and dependency really sexy, too.", "Andrew Melton: (sighs) You know, what, you can think whatever you want.", "(Andrew Melton gets up and heads for the door. He leaves. June stands up as he steps out into the hallway. With a last glance at the interview room, he leaves.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine and Sara walk down the hallway.)", "Sara: Look, all I am asking is to have a black-and-white do regular welfare checks.", "Catherine: Did the wife ask for help?", "Sara: Well, that's kind of hard to do when you don't speak English and you're a s*x slave. I'm sure she doesn't know her rights.", "Catherine: (sighs) You can't arrest someone for marrying the wrong person.", "Sara: You would know.", "(Catherine lets that one slide.)", "Catherine: If the guy's an abuser, if he killed his first wife, we will build a case and we will nail him.", "Sara: And in the meantime, he can just keep using her as a punching bag.", "Catherine: Sara, I was there -- there wasn't a mark on her.", "Sara: Not that we could see, Catherine.", "(They stop walking. In the back of the hallway, Conrad Ecklie steps out of the lab and sees Catherine and Sara.)", "Catherine: You know ... every time we get a case with a hint of domestic violence or abuse, you go off the deep end. What is your problem?", "Sara: Yeah, I probably do, and you let your sexuality cloud your judgment about men, and I'm gonna go over your head.", "Conrad Ecklie: Sidle.", "(Sara turns and looks at Ecklie.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Get in my office. Now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - ECKLIE'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(The office door opens. Ecklie and Sara step inside.)", "Conrad Ecklie: You are a law enforcement officer and a representative of this city. That means I expect you to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner, in and away from this lab.", "(Ecklie walks around the desk and sits down.)", "Sara: You know what, if this is gonna be one of your \"for the good of the lab\" speeches, don't bother. I've heard them.", "Conrad Ecklie: Just take a seat.", "(Sara remains standing.)", "(Ecklie opens his desk drawer and takes out a file folder.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Willows is a supervisor -- that means you treat her with respect. Insulting her in front of coworkers ...", "Sara: She's not my supervisor.", "Conrad Ecklie: All right-- your superior. Sara, you berate witnesses, you disrespect the people you work with, you luck your way out of a DUI. Take a look -- you got a half a dozen complaints in your jacket. (He tosses the file folder on the desk in front of her.) And if Grissom really documented your performance, there'd probably be a dozen more-- that's not the kind of person I want in my lab.", "Sara: The only reason this is your lab is because Grissom doesn't kiss ass. You couldn't hack it in the field, so you fail your way up, you break up our team, and now you just hang out in the hallways waiting for one of us to screw up.", "Conrad Ecklie: Sidle, you're on one-week suspension without pay, ...", "Sara: (mutters) Great.", "Conrad Ecklie: ... and when you get back, you're apologizing to Catherine.", "Sara: (shakes her head) No, I'm not.", "(Sara turns and leaves the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Catherine walks into the lab where Warrick is working. He looks up as she sighs.)", "Warrick: What's going on around here?", "Catherine: I don't want to talk about it. Okay, so, this is the jacket that Svetlana was wearing the night that she went into the hospital?", "Warrick: Yeah. I pulled it out of the vault from the original abuse charge two years ago. Most of the blood is Svetlana's, although there is a small portion that comes from an unknown male.", "Catherine: So I'll see if the husband's willing to give us a comparison.", "Warrick: Don't bother, he already voluntarily gave a sample the night that this happened, and it's not a match.", "Catherine: So he was telling the truth?", "Warrick: (shrugs) Eh ...", "(Warrick picks up a \"Lacey's Pocket Dictionary\".)", "Warrick: I did find this ... in her pocket.", "(Hidden inside the pages of the dictionary is a set of camera booth photos of Svetlana and a young dark-haired man.)", "Warrick: Is that the husband?", "Catherine: Nyet.", "Warrick: Well, they're looking pretty friendly here. And you could write some teen poetry from the words that are highlighted in this dictionary.", "Catherine: Well, maybe Andrew found out that Svetlana wasn't as lonely as he thought she was.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Catherine is walking through the hallway when Greg catches up with her.)", "Greg: Catherine, I heard Ecklie suspended Sara. What can we do?", "Catherine: Nothing.", "Greg: No?", "Catherine: Mm-mm.", "Greg: Sara's always been there for anyone who needs her. She's always had my back. So what if she flew off the handle a little?", "Catherine: Greg, she crossed the line with a suspect; she was inappropriate with me and with Ecklie; she needs the time off.", "(Catherine walks away from Greg, leaving him stunned in the hallway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(A set of clothes are set out on the table. Warrick and Nick stand near the table.)", "Warrick: A lot of blood on that blouse.", "Nick: Yeah, well, her wounds don't just trickle, man, they-they gush.", "Warrick: Were you able to get anything off these jeans?", "(Nick picks up a slip of paper from the table.)", "Nick: Uh, found this paper. It was found in the pocket. Decomp trashed it, though.", "Warrick: That reminds me of the time I as at the Ghost Bar, and I ran into this hottie. I mean, the girl was an absolute dime. And I didn't have my phone on me, so I wrote her number down on paper, and put it in my pants. The jeans ended up in the wash.", "Nick: Ouch.", "Warrick: Yeah. But ...", "(Warrick checks the inside lining of the pants pocket.)", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(He chuckles as he finds the ink smudge inside the lining.)", "Nick: Fatty acids dissolve the ink, and it leeches onto the pocket lining.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Nick: Huh. That must've been a pretty hot number you had there, boss.", "Warrick: Yeah, it was.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - Q.D. LAB - DAY]", "(Ronnie Litre processes the writing on the pocket lining for Nick.)", "Ronnie Litre: All right, first we mirror it, and then we remove the background texture of the cotton weave.", "Nick: Sharpen the contrast, will you?", "(Nick reads the writing.)", "Nick: \"Madame ... Matryoshka's. Tuesday ... Eight? G A.M.\"? Some kind of appointment. \"G A.M.\"?", "Ronnie Litre: Do you know what \"matryoshka\" are?", "Nick: (nods) Sure.", "Ronnie Litre: (laughs) Russian nesting dolls.", "Nick: Oh, yeah, yeah, the dolls that look alike, that fit inside of each other, right?", "Ronnie Litre: My grandma had a set. Anyway, people who've gone from writing cyrillic to English often write their nines as lowercase g's.", "(Nick nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. MADAME MATRYOSHKA'S (BEAUTY SHOP) - LOBBY -- DAY]", "(Brass and Nick walk into the beauty shop. They walk up to the reception counter. Brass clears his throat.)", "Vlad: You have appointment for haircut?", "Brass: Nah, I'm trying to get a rastafarian thing going. (Vlad looks at them.) Is there an actual Madame Matryoshka?", "Vlad: (in Russian) (untranslated)", "Brass: We're polizia. Yeah.", "(Brass and Nick walk around the counter. A tall woman walks up to them.)", "Chloe Daniels: Chloe Daniels. What can I do for you?", "Brass: I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police. This is Nick Stokes from the Crime Lab. We're here about Svetlana Melton.", "Chloe Daniels: Yeah, she used to work here.", "Brass: In what capacity?", "Chloe Daniels: Hairdresser.", "Nick: You mean wife-to-be.", "Chloe Daniels: Yeah.", "Nick: For money?", "Chloe Daniels: Yeah.", "Nick: Sounds a lot like prostitution to me.", "Chloe Daniels: Yeah, well, it's not.", "(Nick walks past her and starts looking around the back. Chloe turns her attention back to Brass.)", "Chloe Daniels: Look, I didn't invent this. Go on line -- there are dozens of sites with thousands of women. They advertise these exciting trips to Kiev. I just bring Kiev to you. I sponsor 90-day work VISAs, teach the girls a trade. They cut hair for men.", "Brass: So men shop for a wife. You screen the guys?", "Chloe Daniels: You pick up a woman at a bar, does the bartender screen you? You take her home, take her to your bed. How well did you screen her?", "Brass: You should be sainted.", "Nick: Mm, I don't know about that. Svetlana ended up dead.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[INT. MADAME MATRYOSHKA'S (BEAUTY SHOP) - CHLOE'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Chloe Daniels sits behind her desk. Brass and Nick sit across her. Brass shows her the camera booth photos found in Svetlana's pocket dictionary.)", "Brass: You recognize this guy?", "Chloe Daniels: Yeah. Ken Wellstone. Lives down the street. Actually comes in for haircuts. Isn't interested in my service. Not the marrying kind, I guess.", "Nick: Yeah, I-I'm sorry, there seems to be a really fine line here between, uh ... peddling marriage and peddling flesh.", "Chloe Daniels: When is marriage anything else?", "Brass: Nick is, uh ... he's an old-fashioned guy.", "Chloe Daniels: Really? (laughs) Well, what do you think engagement rings are? Just proof that a man can pay for his bride. Look, caveman would go steal a woman from a neighboring clan. He'd tie her hands and her feet till she wouldn't run away. Once she'd stay put, he would only tie her finger, just to remind her.", "Brass: So you're a romantic.", "Chloe Daniels: Marriage is not romance. It's a contract with the state. It's an investment in your future.", "(Nick looks around the office at the framed photos of happy couples.)", "Chloe Daniels: I'm not making it about money, it just is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. WELLSTONE RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass and Nick interview Ken Wellstone.)", "Ken Wellstone: Uh, she cut my hair.", "Brass: She licked your cone.", "(Brass holds out the camera booth photos. Ken Wellstone looks at them.)", "Ken Wellstone: Well, I-I took Svetlana out once for. For ice cream. It was ... it was a hot day.", "Nick: That's it?", "Ken Wellstone: Yeah, that's it. She, uh, gave me some sob story about how she was married to some abusive guy, you know, and how, uh ... she begged me to help, and ... blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't ... I don't need that kind of drama. I don't.", "Brass: Mr. Wellstone, what do you do for a living?", "Ken Wellstone: I'm a real estate agent.", "Brass: You're not in construction or anything?", "Ken Wellstone: No. Why? (Suddenly it dawns on him that they must be there for a reason.) Something happen to Svetlana?", "Nick: Yeah, she was murdered.", "(Ken is stunned momentarily silent.)", "Ken Wellstone: Oh.", "Nick: We're gonna need to get a DNA sample from you, and I'm gonna take a look around your place. Is that cool?", "Ken Wellstone: Sure. Yeah, go ahead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "VARIOUS CUTS OF:", "(Nick walks into the darkened room carrying an ALS. He swings the light around as she walks into the room.)", "(Nick pulls away the bed cover and looks at the bed sheet under the ALS.)", "(Nick looks under the dining room table. He turns the ALS off. He shines his flashlight on the carpet and sees some discoloration. He cuts a swatch of the carpet off.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SARA'S RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Sara is sitting at her desk, a beer bottle in her hand, when someone knocks on the door. Using the remote, she turns the stereo off. The background music stops. She stands up and answers the door.)", "(She opens the door and finds Grissom standing outside her front door. She sighs.)", "Sara: Well, if you're here, it can't be good.", "Grissom: Can I come in?", "(She steps back to let Grissom in. She lifts her beer bottle at him.)", "Sara: Want to ask me if I'm drunk?", "Grissom: We both know that's not your problem.", "(He steps into the room. Sara closes the door. Grissom turns around.)", "Grissom: I spoke to Catherine.", "Sara: (nods) Ecklie?", "Grissom: He wants me to fire you.", "Sara: I figured.", "(She sighs.)", "Sara: Can I get you anything?", "Grissom: Sure. An explanation.", "Sara: I ... lost my temper.", "(Sara walks around the room and stops in front of the chair near her desk.)", "Grissom: That seems to be happening quite a bit. Do you know why?", "Sara: What difference does it make? I'm still fired.", "Grissom: It makes a difference to me.", "(Standing a room apart, Sara takes her best shot at giving him an explanation.)", "Sara: I have a problem with authority. I choose men who are emotionally unavailable. I'm self-destructive. All of the above.", "Grissom: \"Have you ever gone a week without a rationalization?\"", "(Sara takes a breath, but before she can say anything, Grissom explains.)", "Grissom: It's from the \"Big Chill\". One of the characters explaining a basic fact of life -- that rationalizations are more important to us than s*x even.", "(Sara sits down.)", "Sara: I am not rationalizing anything. I crossed the line with Catherine, and I was insubordinate to Ecklie.", "Grissom: Why?", "Sara: (shakes her head) Leave it alone.", "Grissom: No, Sara.", "Sara: What do you want from me?", "Grissom: I want to know why you're so angry.", "(Sara stares at Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SARA'S APARTMENT - DAY]", "(Sara and Grissom sit facing each other. The light from the setting sun filters through the darkening room.)", "Sara: It's funny ... the things that you remember and the things that you don't, you know. There was a smell of iron in the air. Cast-off on the bedroom wall. There was this young cop puking his guts. I remember the woman who took me to foster care. I can't remember her name. Which is strange, you know, 'cause I couldn't let go of her hand.", "Grissom: Well ... the mind has its filters.", "Sara: I do remember the looks. I became the girl whose father was stabbed to death. Do you think there's a murder gene?", "Grissom: I don't believe that genes are a predictor of violent behavior.", "Sara: You wouldn't know that in my house. The fights, the yelling, the trips to the hospital. I thought it was the way that everybody lived. When my mother killed my father, I found out that it wasn't.", "(Sara starts to cry. Grissom reaches out and holds her hand.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Hodges works on processing the black spot found on Ken Wellstone's carpet. He also takes a bit of the tar from the tar block.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Brass interviews Ken Wellstone. Brass shows Ken Wellstone two photos.)", "Brass: So the tar from your carpet matches the tar that Svetlana Melton was buried in.", "Ken Wellstone: Tar ... I ... where? I mean, I have no idea what you're talking about.", "Brass: We also found your blood on her parka that she wore to the hospital two years ago.", "Ken Wellstone: I can explain that. That was from ...", "Brass: So can we -- you beat her, you killed her, you buried her.", "Ken Wellstone: No, I didn't. No, stop, please. Listen. She ... she ran away.", "(Brass looks blankly at Ken. He reaches into his jacket pocket, takes out his wallet, opens the wallet and takes out a folded slip of paper. He opens the paper and reads the note.)", "(Brass holds out the file folder.)", "Brass: Put that in here.", "(Ken drops the open note on the file folder, words-side up.)", "Brass: (reads) \"Ken, do not look for me. I need to go away. Svetlana.\"", "Ken Wellstone: You know, after everything that we'd been through and everything, this just seemed really, uh ... it was cold. (Brass nods.) Didn't sound like her. She usually called me ... Kenski.", "Brass: So what was your relationship, Kenski?", "Ken Wellstone: What was my relationship? My relationship was, uh ... we were, uh ... we were in love.", "Brass: How did her husband feel about that?", "Ken Wellstone: Her husband bought her, so he thought he owned her. And Svetlana was way out of his league. And what she wanted to do was fast track her divorce. So she thought maybe if she made it look like Andrew had beat her, that that would do it, but that didn't do it because he'd actually never hit her. So ...", "Brass: How'd she break her jaw?", "(Ken suddenly becomes very quiet.)", "Brass: Huh?", "Ken Wellstone: She begged me.", "(Quick flashback to: Svetlana pleads with Ken.)", "Svetlana Melton: Please, Kenski. Please. Hit me hard on face. It is only way for me to leave this horrible man. Please, Kenski. Hit me if you love me.", "(He leans forward and kisses her.)", "(He straightens and punches her in the face.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Ken Wellstone: I just loved her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Warrick is spraying the clothes with luminol. As she blood spatter lights up, he places little arrow stickers on the material to show where the blood is located.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Warrick reports his findings to Catherine.)", "Warrick: All of the blood on Svetlana's sweatshirt was hers.", "Catherine: Nothing from Ken Wellstone?", "Warrick: No, but some of the drops look a lot like dried blood, but they came back \"aubergine sheen number 315,\" professional grade hair dye.", "Catherine: Well, she worked in a hair salon.", "Warrick: Yeah. Some of the patterns look a lot like cast-off.", "(Quick flash of: [BEAUTY SHOP] Svetlana fights with her attacker.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Hair dye was present when she was being attacked.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: Ken still could have done it.", "Catherine: True, but his story is so absurd I almost buy it.", "Warrick: Yeah, well, admit the punch and you go to jail for a night. Admit the killing and you go to jail for life.", "(They both turn and walk into the A/V lab where Nick is.)", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick is going through the various photos of the mail-order brides on the internet at ivanawife[dot]com.)", "Warrick: Find anything you like, buddy?", "(Nick chuckles.)", "Catherine: So, you can't sell your kids, but you can buy their mother.", "(He stops at one and reads what the woman wrote.)", "Nick: (reads) \"I looking for kindest, noble man.\" Well, I got news for you, sugar pants. Buying women ain't that noble.", "Warrick: Well, life is short. Dating's complicated. This makes it much simpler, doesn't it?", "Catherine: It's not supposed to be simple. Complicated is the whole point.", "Warrick: It is?", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Nick: Hey, wait a minute. You're not telling me you're into this stuff?", "Warrick: Me? No. But you know, for a guy who's over 40, lonely, tired of the bar scene, got a little cash, wants to buy himself a sweet honey, be his companion ...", "Nick: He needs a translator, 'cause you're not even speaking the same language.", "Warrick: That's the best part.", "Catherine: (groans) Ugh ... !", "(Catherine turns and leaves. Warrick chuckles.)", "Nick: (clueless) Best part of what?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. BEAUTY SHOP - SIDEWALK - NIGHT]", "(Brass, Chloe Daniels, Vlad and some police officers stand outside the beauty shop.)", "Chloe Daniels: What's all this about?", "Brass: We have reason to believe Svetlana Melton was murdered in your salon. We have a search warrant.", "(Brass hands the warrant over to Chloe.)", "Chloe Daniels: (sighs) Let them in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BEAUTY SHOP - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine looks around the main area. She stops at the table with an open shears holder. Catherine takes a pair of scissors out of the holder and looks at it.)", "Catherine: Jagged on one side, smooth on the other.", "(Quick CGI POV of: A fingertip is cut off with the pair of scissors. End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "(Nick looks around the area. He picks up the appointment book and looks at it. He puts the book down and snaps a photo of it.)", "(Catherine walks up to a station and uses the ALS on the wall.)", "Catherine: I got blood spatter next to the hair dye.", "(Nick walks over.)", "Nick: Svetlana was a tall girl. Spatter looks a little low. Maybe she was sitting.", "(Catherine notices the different chairs.)", "Catherine: These chairs don't match.", "(She reaches out and removes the vinyl from the chair.)", "Catherine: I think somebody's hiding something.", "(Under it, the back of the chair is smudged.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(Warrick shows Catherine what he's found.)", "Warrick: The stain on the chair was Aubergine Sheen hair dye. DNA from the bloodstains on the walls was too degraded, and Mia could not get a match.", "Catherine: So, we know who the blood belongs to. We just can't prove it.", "Warrick: I think we can, though. You know some guy was selling a grilled cheese sandwich on ebay for something like $28,000 because he claimed the burn pattern contained the face of the Virgin Mary?", "(As he talks, Warrick takes the smudge pattern from the chair and digitally matches it to one of the camera booth photos of Svetlana.)", "(He flips the smudge over and matches it perfectly to the photo.)", "Warrick: How much you think I can get for the face of Svetlana in hair dye?", "(Quick flash of: [BEAUTY SHOP] Someone throws the hair dye at Svetlana. The metal pan hits the floor. The person throws Svetlana against the chair. She hits the chair with her face leaving the smudge behind.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Hang on. There's something else.", "(Catherine enhances the locket in the photo. She recognizes the locket.)", "(Quick flash to: [JUNE] June is wearing a similar locket around her neck. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: A recycled love token. Now, that's tacky.", "Warrick: Yeah, that is pretty tacky.", "Catherine: But it's cause for a warrant.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. MELTON RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(Andrew Melton reads through the warrant. June Melton stands next to him. Brass and the officers wait.)", "Brass: Everything in order?", "Andrew Melton: I'm not giving you a damn thing until I read every last word.", "Brass: Take as long as you want. We're going to be here a while.", "(In the kitchen, Catherine looks at the chain and padlock around the refrigerator door.)", "Catherine: Do you believe this?", "(Warrick notes that all the kitchen cupboards are also padlocked.)", "Warrick: What, that the guy locks up his food?", "Catherine: Locks his wife out.", "Warrick: You think he's trying to protect his investment? Weight goes up. Value goes down.", "Catherine: Control her food, control her destiny, I don't know.", "Warrick: Look at this.", "(Warrick holds up the phone with the cord removed.)", "Warrick: She can't even call out for pizza.", "Catherine: Or help.", "(Andrew Melton finishes reading the warrant. Seeing that he's done, Brass mentions what they're there to collect.)", "Brass: The necklace.", "(Andrew Melton steps toward June to remove the necklace himself. Brass stops him.)", "Brass: No, no, no. No, no. I got it. I got it.", "(Brass reaches out and undoes the necklace clasp as Andrew Melton glares jealously at Brass. He swallows hard.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Catherine scans the necklace into the computer, magnifying it and examining it at the same time. She finds some blood on the clasp.)", "(She takes a sample and tests it. The paper turns pink.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- OFFICE]", "(Catherine meets with Warrick and Nick.)", "Catherine: Svetlana's blood was on the necklace worn by Andrew Melton's current child bride.", "Warrick: Could you imagine a control freak like him having to spend the night in jail on a phony abuse charge? You know he went looking for her when he got out.", "(Quick flash to: Andrew Melton kneels down over Svetlana's dead, bloodied body and removes the necklace.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) He beat her, killed her and took back the only thing he valued.", "(He puts the necklace in his pocket.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: It'll never stand up, Rick. You know how it is, they'll say the blood could've come from anywhere. She could've left the necklace behind.", "Warrick: We need a murder weapon.", "Catherine: (scoffs) Yeah, well, good luck on that one. Crime's over two years old. (groans) All righty. We know that this guy did it. How do we prove it?", "Warrick: Can we prove he buried her?", "Nick: I'm not convinced he did. Svetlana was buried in a pre-existing grave. Right on top of another girl's body.", "Catherine: And both girls' fingertips were removed by blending shears.", "Warrick: Which we also found at the salon.", "Catherine: And the only people with full access to the salon are Chloe and Vlad.", "Nick: Yeah, and Chloe doesn't really seem like the type that gets her hands dirty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - Q.D. - NIGHT]", "(Ronnie puts two enlarged writing samples - one of \"Ken\" from the note, and the other of \"Kie\" from the appointment book - one on top of the other to compare the two. Nick watches.)", "Ronnie Litre: All right, the relative size of the letters and the spacing between them appear to be consistent with both Vlad's appointment book and the good-bye note left by Svetlana. My opinion is it's the same writer.", "Nick: Well, it looks like the Vladski tricked the Kenski.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Warrick interviews Vlad. He shows Vlad his credit card statements.)", "Warrick: According to your credit card statements, you purchased several buckets of tar two and five years ago ... at a local hardware store. Tell me, what's a receptionist at a hair salon doing with that much tar?", "Vlad: In Russia, I work for certain family. When they want body taken care of, I go to oil field, dump body in tar. None ever found.", "Warrick: Sounds like fun. (Vlad nods.) Tell me about Svetlana.", "Vlad: Girl already dead. Nothing I can do.", "Warrick: So you're saying you did not kill her?", "Vlad: No.", "Warrick: Then why'd you cover it up?", "(Quick flash to: [BEAUTY SHOP] Vlad walks into the beauty shop. Svetlana is dead; Andrew Melton kneels over the body retrieving the necklace.)", "Vlad: Svetlana, time to lock up.", "(Vlad stops when he sees Andrew and Svetlana. Andrew stares at them.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) You didn't call 911?", "(Cut to: Vlad mops up the blood on the floor.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) You cleaned up the scene, buried her, ...", "(Cut to: [WELLSTONE RESIDENCE] Vlad walks into the house and leaves the note behind.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) ... and then you left a note for Ken.", "(As Vlad leaves, he leaves behind a tar stain from under his shoe and onto the carpet.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Vlad: America is land of opportunity. Her death should be a total loss? Andrew Melton is very good tipper.", "Warrick: Was Andrew Melton a very good tipper five years ago?", "Vlad: (shakes his head) No.", "Warrick: Svetlana wasn't buried alone. There was another body in that grave.", "Vlad: Many girls want American husband. Sometimes Chloe can't get them a visa. They come anyway ...", "(Quick flash to: [AIRPORT BAGGAGE] The people unload the luggage.)", "Luggage Handler: (indiscernible)", "(They put the suitcase on the side.)", "(Cut to: Inside the suitcase, a woman gasps.)", "(The workers pile on another heavy suitcase on top of the suitcase with the woman inside.)", "(Inside the suitcase, she's being squashed.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: She came here in a suitcase, but she was dead on arrival, so you take her out to the desert and bury her in a hole?", "(Quick flash to: [DESERT] Vlad unzips the suitcase with the dead woman inside.)", "(Cut to: The dead woman is curled up in the hole. Vlad pours tar on the body.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Vlad: Again, girl already dead. Nothing I can do.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Andrew Melton sits in the interview room.)", "FLASH TO:", "(Brass sits across from Andrew Melton.)", "Brass: Boy, women can really drive you crazy, huh? I mean, this perfect creature who needs you, who loves you. I mean, you think you've got it all worked out. Your Christmas card's gonna look like the Sears catalogue, right? And then what? I mean, you give her stuff. You give her clothes, money and shelter, and, uh, and then she goes and makes up some bogus story about how you attacked her.", "Andrew Melton: Which I never did.", "Brass: Man ... a love like that. So pure. I mean, men have robbed banks for less, put their life on the line ... would kill to protect it.", "Andrew Melton: Everywhere we went, men were making love to her with their eyes, defiling her with their thoughts. It got so bad it wasn't safe to let her leave the house. But then she got lonely. Like a person I didn't recognize.", "Brass: You made her an American.", "Andrew Melton: In all the good ways ... (beat) ... and the bad.", "(Quick flash to: [BEAUTY SHOP] Svetlana is in the shop when Andrew Melton walks in.)", "Andrew Melton: Svetlana!", "(Svetlana looks at him, scared.)", "Andrew Melton: (angry) You told them I hit you?! (Svetlana looks for a way to escape, but doesn't see any. She can't cry out because her mouth is wired shut.) Why would you do that? Huh?", "(He rushes toward her, throwing the metal dish of Aubergine Sheen hair dye in her face. He pushes her away from him toward the chair. Svetlana hits the chair with her face, leaving behind the face-shaped smudge.)", "(He rushes toward her and starts punching her in the face.)", "Andrew Melton: Is that what you want? Huh? You want me to hit you?! That you want?!", "(He doesn't stop.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Andrew Melton: She never appreciated me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Officers escort a handcuffed Andrew Melton through the hallway. Chloe Daniels and June are in the waiting room. June sees them walk past. She rushes toward them.)", "June Melton: Andrew, what happens? JUNE MELTON: Andrew?", "(Chloe appears behind June.)", "Chloe: It'll be okay, honey. It'll all work out. You'll see.", "(She hugs June, who sniffs.)", "(In the back of the hallway, Brass watches them.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - ECKLIE'S OFFICE]", "(Grissom heads for Ecklie's office. Inside the office, Catherine and Ecklie are going over some files.)", "Catherine: (to Ecklie) Okay, here's what I wanted to show you. The facts just don't match up.", "(Grissom walks up to the table where the two are seated.)", "Grissom: You wanted to talk to me about Sara?", "Conrad Ecklie: I haven't received her disciplinary action. What's the holdup?", "Grissom: Well, I'm not firing her.", "Catherine: What action are you taking?", "Grissom: I've taken it.", "Conrad Ecklie: I thought I was clear.", "Grissom: You were. Now let me be clear. Sara's behavior is a direct result of my management.", "Conrad Ecklie: So I should fire you.", "Grissom: But you won't.", "Conrad Ecklie: Look, Gil ... I've been there. We're human. We get attached to people, we try to fix their problems. It doesn't work.", "Grissom: She's a great criminalist, Conrad. And I need her.", "Conrad Ecklie: I'm sure you do. You know what? (He stands up.) She's a loose cannon with a gun. And she's all yours.", "(Grissom watches Ecklie. He shifts his gaze from Ecklie to Catherine, who looks at Grissom.)", "(Camera holds on Grissom.)", "FADE TO BLACK" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Nesting Dolls
[ "Catherine and her team investigate when a hunter and a Kodiak bear are found dead in the mountains. Meanwhile Grissom's team look into the death of a young mother." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Camera pulls back from the city.)", "[EXT. BOULDER HIGHWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Parked along the stretch of empty road, officer car lights flash. Brass and Grissom walk toward the abandoned car where Sofia Curtis is examining the possible crime scene.)", "Brass: (to Grissom) Bolo out on the vehicle. Missing persons: Lori Kyman. Husband said she went out with some girlfriends earlier this evening, and never came home.", "Sofia Curtis: F-O-S.", "Grissom: What's an F-O-S?", "Sofia Curtis: Friend of the sheriff. How else do you get listed as a missing person so quickly?", "(Grissom tries the door handle.)", "Grissom: Doors are locked. No key in the ignition. No sign of struggle or foul play.", "Sofia Curtis: Flat tire. Couple of smudges. Okay, pop it.", "(Sofia steps aside. The tech steps forward and pops the trunk open. It's empty.)", "Sofia Curtis: So, she gets a flat. There's no gas station around. It's a Lexus, so there's no On-Star. She must have had some kind of emergency roadside service.", "Brass: I ran her cell phone log. She made one call to her husband at 9:30. Said she was coming home at eleven; that's it.", "Sofia Curtis: Maybe some good samaritan offered her a lift.", "Grissom: Yeah, and evidently didn't take her where she wanted to go.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. KYMAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara and Brass interview Mark Kyman. Lori Kyman's best friend, Amy Maynard, is there carrying the baby, Joey.)", "Mark Kyman: Lori hadn't gotten out much since Joey was born. She needed some time away from the baby, and from me.", "Amy Maynard: Girls' night out. We've been best friends since high school.", "Brass: Where'd you go?", "Amy Maynard: The Top Floor.", "(Brass and Sara turn to look at each other.)", "Brass: That's right next to O'Shea's.", "(He winks at her.)", "(Sara gets it. She stands up.)", "Sara: Amy, why don't you and I go into the other room?", "Amy Maynard: Okay.", "(They turn to leave. Mark looks at Amy.)", "Mark Kyman: (to Amy) He's going to need his bottle soon.", "Amy Maynard: I'll take care of it.", "(Amy and Sara leave the room. Brass resumes the interview.)", "Brass: So, Mark, you were home alone with the baby last night?", "Mark Kyman: No. Uh, I, uh, I manage the steakhouse at the Tangiers. I got home around nine. My mother-in-law was taking care of Joey.", "Brass: Your mother-in-law. I'll need to speak with her.", "Mark Kyman: Yeah, she's on her way over.", "MEANWHILE:", "(Sara talks with Amy Maynard in the other room. Joey is playing with a teething toy and cooing.)", "Amy Maynard: She's in love with her baby. She wouldn't go anywhere without him.", "Sara: What about Mark?", "Amy Maynard: Mark loves Lori. He would never hurt her.", "Sara: When a wife disappears, it's protocol to look at the husband.", "(Amy sighs.)", "Amy Maynard: I promised I would never say anything. Before the baby was born, she suspected he was cheating. (Sara nods.) But then Joey came, and last night at the club, Lori said things were great.", "Sara: Did anything unusual happen last night?", "Amy Maynard: There was this one guy who kept moving in on Lori.", "(Quick flashback to: [THE TOP FLOOR - BAR - NIGHT] Amy and Lori are sitting at the bar nursing their drinks when Brad Himmel walks up to Lori and starts talking with her.)", "Brad Himmel: Hi. Could I ask you a question? It's critical.", "Lori Kyman: Okay.", "Brad Himmel: Am I your type?", "Lori Kyman: I'm married.", "Brad Himmel: Oh, yeah? Nice try. (He points to her bare ring finger on her left hand.) Ring.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Amy Maynard: I think his name is Brad.", "Sara: Does Lori always go out without a ring?", "Amy Maynard: She had lost some weight. It was being resized.", "[INT. KYMAN RESIDENCE -- LIVING ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "Brass: So, Lori calls you at 9:30 to check on the baby.", "Mark Kyman: Yeah. Said she missed him. Said she was going to be home at eleven. I, uh, passed out on the couch waiting for her.", "[SARA AND AMY]", "Amy Maynard: We stopped drinking at ten. Left about an hour later.", "Sara: What about the guy -- Brad?", "Amy Maynard: He didn't get the hint.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. TOP FLOOR - PARKING LOT - NIGHT] Lori closes her car door. Brad leans over the open window.)", "Brad Himmel: Last chance.", "(He steps away; Amy rolls her eyes and leaves.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Amy Maynard: He seemed harmless. Horny ... but harmless.", "[BRASS AND MARK KYMAN]", "Mark Kyman: I, uh, I woke up, must have been about 2:00. I called her on her cell. No answer. And then I called Amy. (He swallows.) And then I called you guys.", "Brass: So, you haven't left the house since you got home last night?", "Mark Kyman: We, uh, only have one car right now. My lease ran out.", "(In the background, the front door opens and closes. Diane Hoyt, Lori Kyman's mother, rushes down the stairs.)", "Diane Hoyt: Any news?", "(Mark stands up and hugs Diane. Brass clears his throat. They pull apart and Mark explains.)", "Mark Kyman: They found her car off Boulder Highway.", "Diane Hoyt: Oh, my God.", "(Mark makes the introduction.)", "Mark Kyman: This is Diane, Lori's mom.", "Diane Hoyt: Hi.", "Brass: Diane, I want you to know we have every available officer out looking for your daughter.", "Diane Hoyt: Thank you. (to Mark) Where's Joey?", "Mark Kyman: He's with Amy.", "(Diane puts her handbag down on the dining room seat intending to go check on the baby. Brass stops her for a moment.)", "Diane Hoyt: Okay.", "Brass: You know, I just got a quick couple of questions. Can you confirm you were here last night when Mark came home from work?", "Diane Hoyt: Yes. I was baby-sitting.", "(Diane removes her coat.)", "Brass: What time was that?", "Diane Hoyt: Uh ... I'd just put Joey down. A little after 9:00.", "Brass: And when did your daughter call?", "Diane Hoyt: About half an hour later. We both talked to her.", "Brass: So 9:30. Thanks. That's all for now, thank you.", "(Mark nods.)", "Diane Hoyt: Excuse me.", "(Diane leaves the room.)", "Mark Kyman: What do I do?", "Brass: I'd take care of your family, Mark. And if Ms. Sidle asks, volunteer your fingerprints and DNA.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. WOODS -- NIGHT]", "(The Ranger shows Nick and Warrick to the body where David Phillips is already there gathering his data.)", "Ranger: I was making my 16:45 scan when I saw the body. I confirmed he was deceased. Then I called you guys.", "David Phillips: Hey. There's no I.D. on the vic. Lividity is set. Rigidity is still present. Dead no more than twenty-four hours.", "Warrick: Look at those claw marks.", "David Phillips: His carotid artery is ripped to shreds.", "Warrick: He's got a high-powered rifle. He's obviously a hunter, huh?", "Nick: Safe to say he was mauled by a wild animal?", "Ranger: Yeah.", "Nick: Your call came in as \"suspicious circs.\" Is there something else we should know about?", "(She points off to the side.)", "Ranger: Yeah, that would be the other body. Um -- Follow me.", "(The Ranger leads Warrick, Nick and David Phillips to the second body: A large Kodiak bear.)", "Warrick: Damn.", "Ranger: It's a Kodiak. It's nonnative to the continental US. Shot twice in the head. The stomach's been cut open.", "Warrick: That's a pretty deep cut. You think the hunter was just trying to defend himself?", "David Phillips: Well, I didn't find a blade on the decedent.", "Ranger: And there's no way a person can come this close to a live bear.", "Nick: Got some broken branches over here.", "(Nick is checking out the bushes nearby.)", "Nick: Directionality faces away from the victim and the animal.", "(He finds and picks a piece of torn material stuck on the branches.)", "Nick: Looks like someone even tore their pants. Khakis. Vic's wearing jeans and a nylon vest. I bet somebody else was out here, and they were running for their life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine walks in and grabs her lab coat. She walks over to Dr. Robbins' examining table where the large Kodiak bear is.)", "Catherine: I had to see with my own eyes. You're actually autopsying a bear.", "Robbins: It's called a necropsy. And as the head M.E., it falls under my purview. I'm going to write an article for the journal. They love this sort of stuff.", "(Catherine looks over at the other table with the dead hunter on it.)", "Catherine: Yeah. You have a cause of death on him?", "Robbins: I can confirm he was killed by an angry bear. As for the bear -- two bullets to the head. The first, nonfatal, was a straight-on shot. Bears' foreheads are sloped, so the bullet ricocheted off the skull, leaving a copper jacket, which peeled away and embedded in the hide.", "(He removes the bullet and puts it in the pan.)", "Robbins: The, uh, fatal bullet entered through the ear, lodged in the brain. I removed it already.", "(She picks up the bullet from the tray and looks at it.)", "Catherine: It's lead. No copper jacket. So, the copper jacket had to have come from his rifle. But this is from a handgun.", "Robbins: So, he shot one bullet with his rifle and another with his pistol.", "Catherine: Except he didn't have a pistol. Or a knife, for that matter. And his stomach has been slashed open.", "Robbins: Yeah, and the gallbladder removed.", "(Robbins points to the cut.)", "Catherine: Really?", "Robbins: Postmortem. I can't tell you why.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(Warrick snaps photos of the victim's clothes.)", "(He documents in the file whatever he finds on the clothes. He cuts a piece of something off the clothes and looks at it.)", "(Nick walks into the lab.)", "Nick: Hey, man. I ran the vic's prints. Didn't get a hit.", "Warrick: We found this guy twenty-five miles from civilization. Where'd he come from?", "Nick: We know someone else was out there. Maybe he drove.", "(Warrick picks up the watch and hands it to Nick.)", "Warrick: Check out this guy's watch. It's pretty high-end.", "(Nick puts it against his wrist to look at the watch face.)", "Nick: Yeah. Hunting's not exactly a poor man's sport. U.S. presidents still hold up dead ducks for photo ops.", "Warrick: But it just doesn't match with the guy's clothes. They're kind of raggedy. He's got dirt stains. I could smell the B.O. from the guy's shirt from here.", "Nick: Some hunters think soap and deodorant tip off their prey. Truth is, body odor's much more pungent.", "(Catherine joins them.)", "Catherine: So, Robbins confirmed that our vic was killed by the bear.", "Nick: Okay. Case closed.", "Catherine: Uh, not quite. I spoke with the Ranger. There's no way that a Kodiak bear just wanders into Nevada, so whoever smuggled him in could be charged with homicide.", "Warrick: How's that?", "Catherine: The bear could be considered a lethal weapon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Greg is checking out the screw on the car's tire. Sofia walks into the garage.)", "Greg: Screw.", "Sofia Curtis: Excuse me?", "Greg: Tire's valve stem was unscrewed. Two full turns.", "Sofia Curtis: A slow leaker. Print around the fender.", "(Greg prints around the fender and finds a print.)", "(Quick flash of: The person braces himself against the fender as they unscrew the tire. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Sofia smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- PRINT LAB - NIGHT]", "(Greg runs the print through the database. He finds a match to BRAD HIMMEL, previously arrested for a 462.2 \"Drunk and Disorderly\".)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Brass and Greg interview Brad Himmel.)", "Brad Himmel: Yeah, I was at The Top Floor. I hit on a lot of girls. You can't arrest me for that, right?", "Brass: Tell us about Lori Kyman.", "Brad Himmel: Yeah, I remember a Lori. Said she was married. Yeah, right. You dress up like that and go to a club ... you're looking to get some.", "Greg: I found your fingerprints on her car's fender.", "Brad Himmel: So? I walked her back to her car. I am a gentleman.", "Greg: Is that when you messed with her tire?", "Brad Himmel: Is that what this is about?", "Brass: I don't get out much. Why would you do that?", "Brad Himmel: I was hoping it would go flat on her way back home, and I'd come along and fix it for her.", "Brass: And then she'd be appropriately grateful, and what, sleep with you?", "Brad Himmel: Seemed like a good idea at the time, yeah. 'Course I was tanked.", "Greg: Okay, so Lori's tire went flat.", "Brad Himmel: Well, that's the thing: It didn't. I mean, I followed her for like twenty minutes. Way off strip. And, come on, how long can you follow someone for, right?", "Brass: She never made it home.", "Brad Himmel: I don't know anything about that.", "Greg: We're going to need a sample of your DNA. Any objections?", "(Brad Himmel shakes his head, no.)", "(An officer enters the room.)", "Officer: Excuse me. Excuse me, Captain.", "(Brass walks over to the officer.)", "Officer: (loud whisper) Found a dead female in Sutor. Description matches Lori Kyman.", "(Brass looks at Brad.)", "Brass: Make yourself comfortable.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HIGHWAY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. (SUTOR) HIGHWAY - DAY]", "(Brass and Sofia walk over to David Phillips, who is taking down the body stats.)", "Brass: Guy walking his dog found her.", "David Phillips: Liver temp's 71 degrees. Given the ambient temperature, her T.O.D's roughly thirty-six to forty hours ago.", "(Sofia looks up at the white birch trees near the body.)", "(She kneels down next to the body and brushes the hair away from the victim's neck.)", "Sofia Curtis: Bruises on the neck suggest strangulation.", "(She snaps a couple of photos.)", "Sofia Curtis: No attempt to hide the body.", "Brass: Maybe the suspect was in a hurry. Or he just didn't give a damn.", "Sofia Curtis: Are you gonna tell the family?", "Brass: Yeah, how do you tell a little boy he'll never know his mother?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Grissom and Sofia are collecting evidence off of the body. Sofia combs out the debris from the victim's hair.)", "Sofia Curtis: She was dumped under a white birch. Her hair was full of pollen and tree vegetation.", "(Grissom tape lifts fibers off the clothes. Sofia picks up a tree pollen and looks at it.)", "Grissom: Red fibers and blue fibers on her dress.", "Sofia Curtis: White powder on both palms.", "(Grissom finds a strand of hair with a tag on it. He looks at it under the magnifying glass.)", "Grissom: A brown hair with a follicular tag. A person's entire identity balled up in a few nanograms of matter.", "Sofia Curtis: Assuming one's identity can be wholly quantified by our DNA.", "Grissom: Well, genetically, it can. We're completely programmed as soon as the sperm hits the egg.", "Sofia Curtis: So we're defined at a cellular level?", "Grissom: More or less.", "Sofia Curtis: No. Identity is the totality of our life experiences and our brain neurons process our relationship to the world and each other.", "Grissom: I stand corrected. DNA is what we are, not who we are.", "Sofia Curtis: What we are never changes. Who we are never stops changing.", "Grissom: Yeah. Whether we like it or not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Robbins and Catherine are standing over the bear.)", "Catherine: What's up?", "Robbins: Well, when I fluoroscoped the bear, looking for other bullets, I noticed a microchip between his shoulder blades.", "(Robbins shows Catherine the x-ray.)", "Catherine: I see.", "Robbins: I removed it, called animal control to borrow a magnetic reader. Check it out.", "(The AVID Power Tracker II reader shows: AVID*061*032*517.)", "Robbins: I tracked it down: Clark County Zoo.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CLARK COUNTY ZOO -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Warrick talk with Sam Tracy at the Clark County Zoo.)", "Sam Tracy: Are you sure the bear came from our zoo?", "Catherine: Well, the microchip was registered to you. Take a look.", "(She shows him a photo of the bear.)", "Sam Tracy: Oh, God. It's Tippy. What happened?", "Warrick: You mean you didn't know he was missing?", "Sam Tracy: We sold him to a broker a few weeks ago. He said he found him a home at the Columbus Zoo.", "Catherine: A broker?", "Sam Tracy: Animal broker. Visitors want to see babies. The brokers find other zoos to purchase our surplus adult animals. You know, Tippy was so gentle, he'd eat grapes right out of my hand.", "Catherine: Well, we're going to need to see some paperwork.", "Sam Tracy: Yeah, I'll pull the file, but ... I remember the broker's name. It's Ken Bovitz. Out of Chicago. He mailed me his broker's license and documentation. The board approved the sale last fall. (He sighs.) They'll want to know what went wrong.", "Catherine: Yeah, so do we.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Sara is testing the car tires. She and Greg sit in front of the turning tire. Sara is holding a stopwatch.)", "Greg: You giving the car a workout?", "Sara: Well, you know how you said that the suspect admitted to following Lori, but when the tire didn't go flat, he gave up? Grissom wants me to disprove his account.", "Greg: How long has the wheel been going round and round?", "Sara: Three hours and nine minutes.", "Greg: She left the club around eleven. Time of death was between midnight and", "1:00 A.M.", "Sara: Lori died before the tire went flat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Warrick is looking at a web page on the computer. Catherine is sitting next to him.)", "Warrick: I think I know why someone snagged that bear's gallbladder. Apparently, in the southeast Asian community, some men believe it enhances their virility. It contains some chemical called ursodeoxycholic acid. These gallbladders are going for $500 a pop.", "Catherine: I, uh, talked to the zoo in Columbus. They never heard of Tippy.", "Warrick: Hmm. Any luck with the broker?", "Catherine: The Department of Agriculture never issued a license for a Ken Bovitz. Documents are fake. I sent them to Q.D. for analysis.", "(Nick walks into the lab.)", "Nick: We may have an ID on our hunter. Uniforms found an abandoned Mercedes. Plates came back to a Mr. Rod Hollis, who had hunting permits that included tags for wild goats, deer, and bighorn sheep.", "Catherine: And what about Kodiaks? NICK: That would be a no. Mr. Hollis's wife's on her way to P.D., so I'm gonna head over there right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- DAY]", "(Nick interviews Faith Hollis.)", "Faith Hollis: To be honest, I haven't seen my husband in over a year.", "Nick: You were separated?", "Faith Hollis: He made it big in venture capital. Retired at 32. That's when we started having problems. The officer said Rod died while hunting. Can I ask what happened?", "Nick: He was mauled by a bear. Ms. Hollis, I have reason to believe there was somebody else out there with him. Any idea who?", "Faith Hollis: No. In our circle of friends, he was the only one who owned a gun. We used to fight about his sport. I showed him studies about how the animals suffer, how even the best hunters don't always get center shots. Well ... I guess brutality begets brutality.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the body with Grissom.)", "Robbins: C.O.D. is asphyxia due to manual strangulation. Petechiae in the eyes and mouth and extensive bruising in the strap muscles of the neck.", "Grissom: Sexual assault?", "Robbins: No abrasions or contusions to the v*g1n*. No semen on the SART exam.", "Grissom: Is this a burn?", "Robbins: No tissue reaction means it's post-mortem. If she were alive at the time, it'd have a red edge. This one's bland. Burn extends subcutaneously, so the skin made contact with something hotter than 150 degrees.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB]", "(Sofia walks into the lab.)", "Sofia Curtis: Talk to me, Hodges.", "David Hodges: Well, you kind of inundated me with work. I should be cranky. But, uh, I don't get cranky. Let's start with the white powder you found on your victim's hands. It's talcum power without the talc.", "Sofia Curtis: Excuse me?", "David Hodges: Talcum powder can contain asbestos fibers. Who wants to put asbestos on their baby? So, today's baby powders are made from cornstarch, and are technically talc-free. Did your victim have her baby with her at the club?", "Sofia Curtis: No, he was at home.", "David Hodges: So maybe the baby powder was on her hands when she left the house.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, we know she was drinking, so she was probably peeing.", "Dave Hodges: And unlike some of the men in this lab, whose initials are Greg Sanders, she probably washes her hands. So the baby powder shouldn't even be there.", "Sofia Curtis: Tell me about the fibers we collected from her clothing.", "(He hands her the print-out results.)", "David Hodges: Blue ones have a high twist rate and are composed of nylon and polyester olefins. I'd say synthetic berber. And the red ones are under the scope.", "(Sofia looks at the scope.)", "[SCOPE VIEW: FIBERS]", "Sofia Curtis: Trilobal. From a car. Vic's clothing was covered in them.", "David Hodges: My guess, she was rolling around in someone's trunk.", "Sofia Curtis: Can you be more specific?", "David Hodges: You bet. It's Wilton wool. Very high-end. And given the unique shade of red, I'd say that you're looking at the world's fastest four-seat coupe: the Bentley Continental GT.", "Sofia Curtis: Thank you.", "(Sofia leaves. Hodges watches her go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[EXT. THE TOP FLOOR - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(Brass and Sofia talk with the valet.)", "Valet: Yeah, I was here last night.", "Sofia Curtis: You park a Bentley?", "Valet: Oh, man, my memory's not so good since, um ... well, I can't really remember.", "Brass: You don't remember a Bentley?", "Valet: Let me see what I got.", "(He turns around to check his log.)", "Brass: Yeah.", "Valet: Yeah, here you go. One Bentley. Came in at 8:32. Parked it in spot", "19C.", "Brass: Do you remember, uh, what the driver looked like?", "Sofia Curtis: Male? Female? Black? Caucasian?", "Brass: Young? Old? He have a hat on?", "Valet: (shakes his head) Sorry.", "Brass: Okay.", "Valet: Sorry ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - WAITING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Amy Maynard is sitting in the waiting room when Sara walks in.)", "Sara: Amy. (They shake hands.) Thanks for coming.", "Amy Maynard: Of course. How can I help?", "Sara: The other night at the club, I was wondering if you happened to notice anyone driving a Bentley.", "Amy Maynard: That would be me. Birthday gift from my father.", "Sara: Would you mind if I took a look at it?", "Amy Maynard: You want to see my car? Why?", "Sara: We found fibers from a Bentley on Lori's clothing.", "Amy Maynard: Lori was in my car all the time, especially last week. (Sara shakes her head.) Mark was using hers.", "Sara: The fibers we found are from the floor or a trunk.", "(Amy takes the key off her ring and gives it to Sara.)", "Amy Maynard: It's in the lot. I'll call my father. He'll pick me up.", "(Amy stands up to leave. Sara stops her.)", "Sara: Amy ... did Lori use the ladies' room at the club?", "(Amy sits down.)", "Amy Maynard: Yeah. We both did.", "Sara: Do you know if she washed her hands?", "Amy Maynard: Why are you asking me all these questions?", "Sara: We're pursuing a lead.", "Amy Maynard: Lori was like a sister to me. Investigate me all you want, but when you're done, you should take a look at Mark.", "Sara: Mark. I thought you said ...", "Amy Maynard: (interrupts) I know what I said. That was before she turned up dead. And I'm not saying he did it, and Lori ... she never said anything. It's just sometimes, um ... he can get rough.", "(Sara makes a note on her paper.)", "Sara: And you know this because ... ? (Sara interprets Amy's look correctly.) You were the other woman.", "Amy Maynard: One of them. I'm not proud of it.", "Sara: Did Mark get rough with you?", "Amy Maynard: That's why I ended it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Sara opens the trunk to Amy Maynard's car. She looks into the trunk and sighs heavily.)", "(Greg walks into the garage.)", "Greg: You started without me.", "Sara: Actually, I finished without you. Take a look.", "Greg: Carpet's black. Fibers on the vic's clothing were red.", "Sara: Obviously, we can rule out this car.", "Greg: I don't mean to pry, but you want to talk about what happened with you and Ecklie?", "Sara: Not really.", "Greg: I don't know if you know this about me, but I'm a good listener.", "Sara: I blew up at Ecklie. It was very unprofessional. And very satisfying, and now I'm moving on. Thanks for asking.", "(Sara closes the trunk.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. KYMAN RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(Mark shows Sofia and Grissom into the nursery.)", "Mark Kyman: (quietly) Joey just fell asleep, so please, keep your voices down.", "Sofia Curtis: All we need is a sample of baby powder.", "(Mark walks over to the crib. Grissom notices the carpet.)", "Grissom: (loudly) This is Berber carpet, isn't it?", "Mark Kyman: Yeah, Lori thought it'd be good for a boy's room.", "(Sofia takes a sample of the baby powder.)", "Grissom: I'd like to take a small sample.", "(Grissom puts his kit down.)", "Mark Kyman: What's going on?", "Grissom: Just collecting evidence.", "Mark Kyman: You're coming after me? Because I've cooperated. I've let you swab my mouth and let you take my prints. I love my wife. I miss her.", "(He turns back to look at Joey.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY/BREAK ROOM]", "(Sara turns the corner and walks down the hallway. Inside the break room at the end of the hallway, she sees Grissom and Sofia sitting side-by-side at the table with their backs to the door. They appear very comfortable together.)", "(Sara walks into the break room. They turn around when she speaks.)", "Sara: DNA from Lori's shirt came back. It matches her husband.", "Sofia Curtis: That could be probative.", "(Sara nods.)", "Grissom: Or casual transfer unrelated to the case.", "Sara: I also picked up your trace results.", "(She hands the print results to Grissom. The findings read:", "CORNSTARCH, ZINC OXIDE, TOCOPHERYLZ", "SAMPLE IS CONSISTENT WITH EVIDENCE COLLECTED", "FROM LORI KYMAN AUTOPSY )", "Grissom: Baby powder on Lori's palms is consistent with the baby powder we found at the Kymans' residence.", "Sara: According to her girlfriend, Lori washed her hands at the club.", "Sofia Curtis: Which suggests that Lori came home before she was killed.", "Grissom: Which contradicts the husband's account.", "Sara: I hate to state the obvious, but maybe the husband is lying.", "Sofia Curtis: All right, well, let's say she came home first.", "(Quick flash of: [NURSERY] Lori is changing Joey. Mark walks up to her and puts his hands on her shoulders. Lori looks at him and smiles. He starts choking her. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Sofia Curtis: Mark killed her, drove her out to Sutor, and dumped the body.", "Grissom: One problem. Mark doesn't have a car and the carpet fibers we found on Lori's clothing are inconsistent with her Lexus.", "Sara: Or, maybe Lori came home, she and Mark had a fight. Maybe she found out he was fooling around again.", "(Quick flash to: [BOULDER HIGHWAY - NIGHT] The car travels quickly on the road.)", "Sara: (V.O.) She takes off, drives around.", "(The tire bursts.)", "Sara: (V.O.) Tire eventually goes flat.", "(Lori pulls off the side of the road and gets out of the car.)", "Sara: (V.O.) She pulls over to the side of the road and a stranger comes along and abducts her.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sofia Curtis: (disbelieving) A stranger driving a Bentley?", "(Sara nods sideways.)", "Grissom: (to Sofia) Hey, the rich are just as deviant as the poor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - NIGHT]", "(Bindle label:", "BULLET FRAGMENT", "DB", "C. WILLOWS", "(Bobby Dawson processes the bullets.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - NIGHT -- LATER]", "(Warrick walks into the ballistics lab.)", "Warrick: Hey, Dawson.", "Bobby Dawson: Yo.", "Warrick: Any progress on those bullets? Well, the copper jacket came from your vic's rifle there. A .30-caliber Winchester, model 70.", "Warrick: What about the fatal bullet?", "Bobby Dawson: That came from a .357 magnum revolver.", "Warrick: A .357?", "Bobby Dawson: Ran the baby through IBIS and get this: The gun was used in a '98 robbery. The suspect was arrested but released on insufficient evidence and the gun was returned.", "Warrick: You got a name for him?", "Bobby Dawson: Aaron Colite, from Henderson.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HENDERSON COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. COLITE RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Aaron Colite shows Warrick, Nick and an officer into the living room.)", "Warrick: Why don't you just stand up by the counter, sir? Here's your warrant that we have here for your .357 magnum revolver. We know you once used it in a '98 robbery. Serial number ML5684. We don't want you to get it. Why don't you just point and show us where it is.", "Aaron Colite: What's this about?", "Nick: Where's the gun, sir?", "Aaron Colite: Right under the TV.", "(Nick opens the door to the cabinet under the TV and removes the gun.)", "Nick: Okay, Mr. Colite, this gun is going into evidence.", "Aaron Colite: Look, I was cleared in that robbery years ago.", "Nick: You know, someone killed a Kodiak bear up in the Black Mountains the day before yesterday. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?", "Aaron Colite: Yeah, I did. I killed it.", "Nick: Excuse me?", "Aaron Colite: I killed it. Look, I was ... I was out hunting.", "(Quick flashback to: Aaron Colite is out in the woods. He looks through his binoculars and sees Rod Hollis being mauled by a bear.)", "Rod Hollis: Help! Help me! ROD HOLLIS: Stop! Help! ROD HOLLIS: Help me! Help! ROD HOLLIS: Help!", "(He takes out his gun and fires.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Aaron Colite: By the time I shot the bear, the guy was already dead.", "Nick: You mind if I have a look around?", "Aaron Colite: Yeah, I do, actually.", "Warrick: You just admitted a felony of killing a bear. Why didn't you report it?", "(Nick looks around the place.)", "Aaron Colite: I've been through the wringer with you guys once before. I figured a guy was dead. There was nothing I could do about it. I took off.", "(Nick finds blood smudges on the wall.)", "Aaron Colite: Look, I've got a hunting license with tags. I was out hunting deer. Tried to save a guy's life. That's it.", "(Nick opens the freezer and finds a ziplocked bag with the bear's stomach inside. Nick takes the bag out.)", "Nick: Whoa, Mr. Colite. I just have one more question for you. How long have you been storing gallbladders with your ice cream?", "Aaron Colite: It ain't illegal to cut up a dead animal as long as it's already dead. That's the law.", "Warrick: Could you lift your pants leg for me, please, sir?", "Aaron Colite: For what?", "Warrick: Someone snagged their pant leg on a tree, probably cut themselves. I wanted to see if it was you.", "(Aaron takes his pants off and pushes it down past his knees.)", "Aaron Colite: Take a look. Wasn't me.", "(There's no cut on his leg. Warrick turns to the officer and motions him toward Aaron Colite.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Catherine and Nick walk through the hallway.)", "Catherine: So Robbins sent the bear's blood to tox. It turns out there were elevated levels of ketamine in its system.", "Nick: Barbiturates?", "Catherine: (scoffs) Yeah.", "(Nick pauses for a long moment, thinking.)", "Nick: I think I know what's going on here, Catherine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(On the monitor, video of a rhino being shot is shown.)", "Nick: They're called canned hunts. Going on all over the country.", "Catherine: I'm sorry. There's just no sport in that. It's just sick.", "Nick: Well, you got that right. Point is, you don't have to go to Africa to hunt wild game anymore. If you've got the money, Africa comes to you.", "Catherine: And they drug the animals?", "Nick: To guarantee a kill, yeah.", "Catherine: But in our case, both the hunter and the prey ended up dead.", "Nick: Something went wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Grissom sits behind his desk. Sara knocks on the door and walks into his office.)", "Sara: Hey. Oh, filling out reports?", "(Sara sits down.)", "Grissom: They tell me it's my job. (She smiles at him.) You doing okay?", "Sara: Yeah. Thanks. I, uh, did a DMV search. There are only five Bentleys with red interior registered in Clark County. Two are leased. Two are privately owned. I ran the ROs. Nothing suspicious. PD is following up.", "Grissom: What about the fifth one?", "Sara: Well, that one is owned by a Boutique Rental Car Agency. I subpoenaed the rental history. Diane Hoyt, Lori's mother, had the car for the last two weeks. She returned it the day after Lori disappeared.", "Grissom: Where is it now?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Greg stands in front of the Bentley, admiring the car. Sara and Sofia walk up behind him.)", "Greg: If you've added up every cent I've made in my entire life, I still wouldn't be able to afford half this car.", "(They walk up to the car.)", "Sara: Yeah, but why would you want it? The insurance premiums are sky-high. Not to mention theft, scratches.", "Greg: It's art. And I'd have every girl in the neighborhood after me.", "Sofia Curtis: Not when they saw your apartment.", "Sara: You've been to Greg's apartment?", "Sofia Curtis: Who hasn't?", "(Greg opens the trunk. The carpet is red.)", "Greg: Red carpet. Same as the interior.", "Sara: Recently vacuumed.", "Sofia Curtis: We got better vacuums.", "VARIOUS CUTS OF THE CAR BEING PROCESSED", "(Sofia vacuums the trunk of the car.)", "(Quick CGI of: Particles are picked up through the vacuum nozzle, zooms through the tubing and catches on the filter. End of CGI. Resume to present.)", "(She removes the filter and puts it in the bag Greg holds open.)", "(Sara opens the car engine and looks inside. She finds a pod inside.)", "(Quick flash of: [SUTOR] Camera pans up to the trees. A pod from the tree falls and hits the windshield. It slips down under the engine hood. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Sara: You found pods in the victim's hair, right?", "(Sara picks up the pod.)", "Sofia Curtis: Same shape, size, color. Too bad we can't ID this pod and tie it to that tree.", "Greg: Who says we can't? Plant DNA is no different than human DNA. In fact, a plant genome is larger. I'm on it.", "Sofia Curtis: If we can prove the pod came from that dump site, you know what that means?", "Sara: Lori's mother is a viable suspect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "VARIOUS CUTS OF:", "(Greg processes the pod.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Brass and Sofia interview Diane Hoyt with her lawyer, Carol Allred.)", "Carol Allred (lawyer): Why are you asking my client about a rental car?", "Brass: It may be probative to our investigation of her daughter's death.", "Diane Hoyt: I'll answer anything they want. I backed my car into a telephone pole. So I put it in the shop. I had to rent a car.", "Brass: At a grand a day, a Bentley's a little extravagant. I mean, I usually rent a Taurus.", "Diane Hoyt: It's a fantasy car. Ever since Amy got hers, I've wanted one, so I splurged.", "Brass: Was the vehicle ever out of your possession?", "Diane Hoyt: You mean, did I let anybody drive it?", "Brass: That's what I mean, yeah.", "Diane Hoyt: Lori and Mark both did. But I was always with them.", "Brass: Ms. Hoyt, did you drive your car to Sutor, Nevada?", "Diane Hoyt: No.", "Carol Allred (lawyer): Where are you going with this?", "Sofia Curtis: On the hood of the vehicle, which affirmatively matched the plant material we found in Lori's hair. All of which came from the same tree in Sutor.", "Carol Allred (lawyer): Okay, but my client returned the Bentley the day before yesterday. It was washed and then rented again, so perhaps that individual drove through Sutor on his or her way out of town. Or, as you know, that \"pod\" could be weeks or months old.", "Sofia Curtis: We also collected a number of errant hairs from the vehicle. Several are consistent with Mark and Lori's DNA and also Joey's, but not yours.", "Carol Allred (lawyer): Okay, I'm sorry. You don't have a DNA sample of my client's for comparison purposes.", "Sofia Curtis: No, but we have her daughter's. You're not Lori's biological mother, are you?", "Diane Hoyt: I'm her stepmom. That's not a secret. (chokes) I couldn't have children of my own. Ever since Lori's father died a few months ago, she's all I had.", "(Sofia stands up.)", "Diane Hoyt: Look, Mark is devastated. I really should get back to my grandson.", "Sofia Curtis: Before you go, could we take a DNA sample?", "Carol Allred (lawyer): You do not have to do that.", "Brass: Yeah, but if she has nothing to hide, it's no big deal.", "Sofia Curtis: Could you open your mouth?", "(Sofia takes a swab.)", "Carol Allred (lawyer): All right. That's it. We're finished here. Let's go.", "(Carol stands up and leads Diane Hoyt out of the interview room.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- HALLWAY -CONTINUOUS]", "(The interview room door opens. Carol Allred and Diane Hoyt leave the room.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass remains sitting in the chair.)", "Sofia Curtis: What are you thinking?", "(Brass sighs.)", "Brass: We have nothing to arrest her on.", "(He gets up and leaves the room.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- HALLWAY -CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass steps out into the hallway and stands in the doorway. Sofia steps out of the room.)", "Sofia Curtis: And we have unexplained evidence placing Lori back at the house after her night out.", "(They start walking down the hallway.)", "Brass: That's why I like the husband. Maybe they're in it together.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, when two people of the opposite s*x conspire to kill one of their partners, s*x or money is almost always involved. Now, Lori's friend, Amy, did say Mark was a player.", "Brass: Hello, Mrs. Robinson.", "Sofia Curtis: I had this boyfriend back in college, and when he got his first Harley, well, let's just say we sat face-to-face and went for a ride.", "Brass: A Bentley is a lot more comfortable than a bike.", "(She chuckles. They continue down the hallway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE]", "(Sofia is using the ALS on the Bentley's upholstery. She finds something. She takes a swab of it.)", "(Cut to: Kneeling in front of her kit, Sofia puts the swab in the box. She notices some flesh hanging off the exhaust pipe.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS LAB]", "(Ronnie Litre goes over his findings with Catherine.)", "Ronnie Litre: Document was forged by taking an official license issued by the Department of Agriculture and scraping away the top layer of information. Document was then photocopied, and the bogus info was typed in. Take a look.", "Catherine: Mm-hmm. A simple forgery, but it doesn't get us any closer to our suspect.", "Ronnie Litre: Actually, it does. See, a couple years back, some photocopier companies started imbedding their machines with serial numbers less than a millimeter in size and visible only under a blue L-E-D light.", "Catherine: Of course.", "(Ronnie shines the light and exposes the number: 2407270313.)", "Catherine: (smiles) I see it.", "Ronnie Litre: It's as good as fingerprint.", "Catherine: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CLARK COUNTY ZOO -- DAY]", "(Warrick and Catherine re-question Sam Tracy.)", "Sam Tracy: And you think the broker's documentation was forged here on my copier?", "Catherine: We know it was.", "Warrick: Mr. Tracy, tell us about canned hunts.", "Sam Tracy: Uh, a wild animal is released into a controlled area where a hunter pays a fee to kill it. The promoters guarantee a trophy, so no kill, no pay. They're illegal in Nevada. Is that what happened to my bear?", "Catherine: Aaron Colite worked here, right?", "Sam Tracy: Yeah. Maintenance.", "Catherine: You fired him?", "Sam Tracy: About six months ago. We let a lot people go. Cutbacks.", "Warrick: Well, the evidence places Aaron at the crime scene.", "Sam Tracy: Wait, so you're thinking he forged the broker's document and took Tippy under false pretenses?", "Warrick: No. We spoke to your distributor. Your copy machine was only installed two months ago. We think you created the false document.", "Catherine: We suspect that Aaron figured out a way to make a buck, and he asked for your help.", "Warrick: So Aaron organizes this canned hunt. A few days ago, you guys meet up with Rod Hollis up at Lake Mead .", "(Quick flash to: [WOODS - NIGHT] Rod Hollis, Aaron Colite and Sam Tracy walk through the woods. Aaron Colite points out the bear to Rod Hollis.)", "Aaron Colite: Rod, Rod, Rod, Rod!", "Aaron Colite: Right there. You see him?", "(Rod sees the bear.)", "Rod Hollis: Yes!", "(He shoots and hits the bear in the head. The bear goes down.)", "Rod Hollis: Yes! I got him!", "Aaron Colite: Yep, you got him.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Mr. Hollis probably thought that he had killed the bear, and he raced over to claim his trophy.", "(Quick flash to: [WOODS - NIGHT] Rod Hollis walks over to the bear. The bear gets up and whacks Rod on the side of his head. Sam Tracy stares in shock. He turns and runs. The bear attacks Rod.)", "(Aaron takes out his gun.)", "Rod Hollis: Help! Help! Help me! Help!", "(Aaron fires.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: His shot only stunned the bear. It was Aaron's shot that killed it.", "Sam Tracy: You can't prove I was there.", "Warrick: Would you lift up your pants legs, please, sir?", "Sam Tracy: What?", "Warrick: I have the judge on speed dial. You want to save me some time here?", "(Quick flash to: [WOODS - NIGHT] Sam Tracy turns and runs. In his panic, he bumps into the bushes and scrapes his leg on the branches.)", "Rod Hollis: Help! Help! Help me!", "(Aaron fires.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Sam Tracy: I got this gardening.", "Warrick: We subpoenaed Aaron's bank records. Rod Hollis sent Aaron a check for $16,000. Aaron sent you a check for $8,000. That's a 50-50 split.", "Catherine: You're looking at grand larceny and obtaining property under false pretenses.", "Warrick: That's about twenty years right there.", "Catherine: I'm recommending to the DA that he add another charge: Second degree murder ...", "(In the background, we hear the sounds of a vehicle and of dispatch over a police band radio. Sam Tracy turns around and sees the officer get out of the car. He closes the door.)", "Catherine: ... for the death of the hunter.", "(Sam Tracy closes his eyes and shakes his head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 - DAY]", "(Sara interviews Brad Himmel with his attorney, Margaret Finn.)", "Sara: We found your client's semen mixed with a vaginal contribution from Diane Hoyt in the back of her rental car. You said you had nothing to do with Lori's murder. Would you like to revise that statement?", "Brad Himmel: No. I met Diane, uh, two weeks ago at Rain. Banged the cougar that night, but I had no idea she was anybody's mother.", "Sara: So you haven't spoken to her since?", "Brad Himmel: Well, that's the whole point of banging a cougar -- you never got to see 'em again.", "Sara: One lie after another.", "Margaret Finn (lawyer): Are you questioning my client's veracity?", "(Sara puts the phone record on the table.)", "Sara: These are your client's cell phone records. Semen in the car was enough to get a warrant. On the night that Lori was murdered, he called Ms. Hoyt on her cell phone at 11:23 P.M.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2 - DAY]", "(Sofia interviews Diane Hoyt with her attorney, Carol Allred.)", "Diane Hoyt: No, I don't know him.", "Sofia Curtis: You've never seen or spoken to this man?", "Diane Hoyt: No, not that I remember.", "Sofia Curtis: Hmm. Do you remember the men you have s*x with?", "Carol Allred (lawyer): Ms. Curtis, that is uncalled for.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 - DAY]", "Sara: Here's the deal. Lori left the club around eleven. By your client's own admission, he followed her for about twenty minutes, waiting for the tire to go flat. When it didn't, you called her mother.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2 - DAY]", "Sofia Curtis: It was all a setup. Brad was going to strike up a conversation with Lori at the club, and on her way home, abduct her. And then, one or both of you were going to kill her.", "(Diane bursts out laughing. Her lawyer chuckles along.)", "Sofia Curtis: But when you got his call ... You went to plan B.", "Diane Hoyt: I left Lori's house, drove home and went to bed.", "Sofia Curtis: You never left. Mark fell asleep in the living room, and you waited for Lori to come home.", "(Quick flashback to: [NURSERY - NIGHT] Lori is changing Joey's diaper when Diane walks into the room. She grabs Lori from behind and starts choking her. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sofia Curtis: Lori's body was too heavy for you to carry, so you called for help ... on Mark and Lori's phone.", "(Sofia shows the phone log to the lawyer.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 - DAY]", "Sara: You got her call at 1:17 A.M. Coroner puts Lori's death at some time between 12:00 and 1:00 A.M.", "Brad Himmel: Well, which means I didn't kill her, like I told you.", "Margaret Finn (lawyer): Brad, be quiet.", "Sara: Oh, I never thought you did kill her, but you did help get rid of the body, and that is conspiracy after the fact.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2 - DAY]", "Carol Allred (lawyer): Now, Mark would've heard something, and if he's claiming he didn't, I'd be looking at him.", "Sofia Curtis: The living room's at the other end of the house. He was asleep.", "Carol Allred (lawyer): Prove it.", "Sofia Curtis: I don't need to. We found something of Lori's on the rental exhaust pipe: Her skin.", "(Quick flash of: [SUTOR - NIGHT] Diane backs up the car. Brad is in the passenger seat. She backs up too much and bumps into Lori's dead body, skinning her leg with the exhaust pipe and searing the flesh at the same time. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Sofia Curtis: Your client's on record. The vehicle was never out of her possession.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 - DAY]", "Sara: You drove back to the house, picked up Lori's Lexus, drove back into town. Tire went flat off Boulder Highway.", "Margaret Finn (lawyer): You can't prove that.", "Sara: When we suspected Brad's involvement, we printed the interior of the Lexus. Your prints are on the steering wheel.", "(Margaret Finn whispers to Brad Himmel.)", "Margaret Finn (lawyer): Is there a deal to be made?", "Sara: Why did Diane Hoyt want Lori dead?", "Brad Himmel: I don't know. The lady paid me 2,000 bucks. Um ... said she was having a fight with her daughter and wanted to make good ... um, only Lori wouldn't return her calls, so it was my job to get 'em together. When she called me and asked me for my help later that night, she said she'd pay me $2,000 more.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Sofia and Sara are walking down the hallway when Greg walks up to them from behind.)", "Greg: I know why she did it. While you two were at P.D., I called the family lawyer. He faxed over a copy of Lori's father's trust. Estate's worth $50 million.", "Sofia Curtis: He left it all to Lori?", "Greg: No, to her son. Lori was the trustee with a stipend of $2.5 mil a year. If anything were to happen to Lori, guess who takes her place?", "Sara: Her stepmom.", "Greg: Yup.", "(Sofia chuckles.)", "Sofia Curtis: Listen, you guys, I'll catch up later.", "(Sofia walks away. Greg turns to Sara.)", "Greg: Hmm. She's fitting in pretty well, huh?", "(Sara turns and walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sofia walks into Grissom's office.)", "Sofia Curtis: You got a minute?", "Grissom: Sure. You did a nice job on the case.", "Sofia Curtis: I, uh ... I just wanted you to know that I've enjoyed working with you.", "(Grissom turns around and looks at Sofia.)", "Grissom: Well, I've enjoyed working with you as well.", "Sofia Curtis: No, it's time I made a change. I don't like the direction the lab's headed.", "(Grissom takes off his glasses.)", "Grissom: You mean Ecklie? You can't pay any attention to him.", "Sofia Curtis: No, you got a good team, but I was a supervisor. My demotion was undeserved, and every day I'm here, I'm reminded of that.", "(Grissom thinks about it. He looks at Sofia.)", "Sofia Curtis: What?", "Grissom: Well, someone once said, \"What we are never changes, but who we are ... never stops changing.\"", "(Sofia smiles at Grissom.)", "Grissom: Let's have dinner, shall we?" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "When Grissom's and Catherine's teams work together to investigate the death of a famous casino owner, their investigation leads them to the bizarre world of infantilism ." ]
[ "DUE TO MATURE THEME, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.", "FLASH IN.", "[EXT. EIGER RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Camera starts on the gate fronting the driveway. It slowly rises up over the gate to the large mansion beyond.)", "FLASHES OF:", "[INT. EIGER RESIDENCE - DINING ROOM - NIGHT]", "[EXT. EIGER RESIDENCE - BALCONY DOORS - NIGHT]", "(Camera slowly moves in toward the closed balcony doors. The curtains are drawn, the light inside is on.)", "(We quicken the pace and zoom in to the balcony doors ... )", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. EIGER RESIDENCE - FOYER / MAIN HALL - NIGHT]", "( ... and into the quiet foyer. We linger for a moment.)", "FLASH TO:", "(From the foyer, the camera slowly follows the stairs up to the second floor. The camera rises up to the second floor.)", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. EIGER RESIDENCE - SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(Slow motion. We see the lower half of a man running barefoot through the hallway.)", "(The man is crying, a look of sadness on his face.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. EIGER RESIDENCE - FRONT STEPS - NIGHT]", "(CU: Bruce Eiger's dead body is on the front steps, his head is bloodied. Off his body we see the reflection of red flashing lights of emergency vehicles.)", "Laurel Tessler (newswoman): (V.O.) This is the scene in seven hills, where casino mogul Bruce Eiger has been found dead on the grounds of his palatial estate.", "(A camera snaps. Catherine snaps photos as Warrick shines his flashlight on the body.)", "Laurel Tessler (newswoman): (V.O.) Eiger turned sixty earlier this year, ...", "(Beyond Catherine, a small crowd has gathered on the driveway.)", "Laurel Tessler (newswoman): (V.O.) ... throwing himself a half-a-million-dollar birthday party at his newly renovated Queen Regent Casino.", "(Laurel Tessler reports from the crime scene. Other reporters take notes. In the background, we hear a siren blurb on and off as the crowd parts for another dark-colored vehicle driving through.)", "Laurel Tessler (newswoman): (V.O.) Cause of death remains unknown, but as Eiger himself famously joked: In Vegas, if nobody wants you dead, you're not working hard enough. Reporting live from Seven Hills, I'm Laurel Tessler.", "Man: Thanks Ginny. In this exclusive community ...", "(Conrad Ecklie exits the vehicle.)", "Conrad Ecklie: What's the 4-1-1?", "(He and Grissom walk up to Brass. They all head toward the body as he fills them in.)", "Brass: Wife comes home from canasta at the club, finds hubby dead in the driveway, calls 9-1-1. No sign of forced entry. The alarm was off. Nothing seems to be missing.", "(Grissom ducks under the crime scene tape. Ecklie remains behind.)", "Brass: Welcome to the party.", "(Catherine looks up and sees Grissom approaching.)", "Catherine: What's going on? This is my scene.", "(Grissom puts his kit down and opens it. Ecklie answers her. She turns toward Ecklie.)", "Conrad Ecklie: High profile case -- woke up the supervisors. All hands on deck, Cath. Grissom's lead on this. He's the senior supervisor.", "Catherine: If it's all hands on deck, what are you doing behind the tape?", "Conrad Ecklie: You know if I cross the tape, my name goes on the crime scene log that gets subpoenaed by the defense, and I have to testify.", "Catherine: And when was the last time you testified?", "Conrad Ecklie: That's not my primary job anymore. I'm an administrator. I run interference for you guys ... starting with the press.", "(Ecklie turns around to deal with the press. Catherine walks back to the body. She passes Grissom as he closes his kit and stands up.)", "Grissom: It's nothing personal, Catherine. (Catherine turns around to look at Grissom.) Cases like these rain down hard. You need all the help you can get.", "Catherine: I need help, not supervision.", "(Grissom doesn't say anything. He nods at the body.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Grissom and Catherine stand near the body. Warrick kneels down next to the body.)", "Grissom: So, Warrick?", "Warrick: Initial observations when we got to the scene. (Grissom turns around and looks up at the balcony.) Obvious impact to the face. Severe facial contusions. Broken nose, cracked teeth. No shoe prints. No tracks. No cast off. No sign of a weapon.", "Grissom: We're standing on the weapon.", "(Warrick looks up.)", "(They all see: Virtual Bruce Eiger falling off the balcony and onto the driveway pavement.)", "(Grissom looks down at the body and nods.)", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. EIGER RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE - NIGHT]", "(Conrad Ecklie faces the group of reporters.)", "Reporter: Mr. Eiger had a lot of enemies. Any idea who might have done this?", "Conrad Ecklie: I'm not ready to confirm the circumstances under which Mr. Eiger died. I will say that this is the number one priority for the mayor and for all of us in law enforcement.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. EIGER RESIDENCE - FRONT STEPS - NIGHT]", "(Catherine, Grissom and Warrick look at the body. Nick stands in the background.)", "Catherine: So, he either jumped, fell or was pushed.", "Warrick: Well, the facial impact is consistent with the blood pool ... but not with the current position.", "Grissom: Well, he landed on his face, but it looks like his head got moved.", "Nick: And not by the paramedics. (Grissom turns around to look at Nick.) And according to them, he had a broken neck.", "Grissom: Well, then he didn't roll himself over.", "(Catherine looks at the body on the ground, then looks at the front door where Donna Eiger is talking with an officer.)", "Catherine: Let's talk to the wife.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. EIGER RESIDENCE - MAIN HALL / FOYER - NIGHT]", "(Brass talks with Donna Eiger.)", "Brass: House this big -- where's all the help?", "Donna Eiger: Oh, the staff always gets Thursday nights off. I-I-I don't get what the mystery is here. He was murdered. Some guys collect art. Bruce collected enemies.", "Brass: I'm more interested in what happened after he died.", "Donna Eiger: And what is that supposed to mean?", "Brass: Mrs. Eiger, uh, I don't know how to put this ...", "Donna Eiger: All right, please, you're making me feel old. Call me Donna.", "Brass: Okay, Donna, sure. Your husband's boxer shorts.", "Donna Eiger: He wasn't wearing them when he died, was he?", "Donna Eiger: Oh, that's what this is all about. No, no, I-I pulled in. I saw Bruce lying there naked. I knew that the news was on its way over here. I didn't want the whole world to see him like that.", "Brass: So you moved the body?", "Donna Eiger: Yes, yes. I turned him over. I put his shorts on. What, is-is dignity a crime?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. EIGER RESIDENCE - GARAGE - NIGHT]", "(Grissom opens the garage door. He flicks the light switch on. Inside the garage are five cars.)", "(He walks down the short stairs and over to the first car. He puts his hand on the hood, feeling it.)", "(He looks at the Nevada plates of the second car: 4MYDONNA. He puts his hand flat on the hood.)", "(Grissom goes to the car and tries the driver's side door. It's locked.)", "(He looks around.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. EIGER RESIDENCE - GARAGE - NIGHT]", "(The garage door opens. Sara and Greg walk up to Grissom.)", "Grissom: Question. You come home, see your husband lying in the driveway. What do you do?", "Greg: (shrugs) Is that a trick question?", "Sara: Stop, jump out, run over to him.", "Grissom: Or take the time to pull into the garage and park and lock your car?", "(Sara turns and looks at Greg. He shrugs at her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. EIGER RESIDENCE - FRONT STEPS - NIGHT]", "(Catherine stands on the front steps and looks around. Conrad Ecklie walks up to her and stops at the crime scene tape.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Catherine ...", "(Catherine looks at Ecklie, then continues to look on the ground for evidence.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Look, it's not that we don't have confidence in you ...", "(Catherine takes a deep breath.)", "Catherine: I smell crap.", "Conrad Ecklie: What?", "(Catherine sees something.)", "Catherine: Don't take another step.", "(She shines the light down on the concrete right in front of Ecklie's shoes.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Joe?", "Officer Joe: Yeah?", "Catherine: The Eigers have any pets?", "Officer Joe: No kids, no pets.", "Catherine: Okay.", "(Catherine kneels down and snaps a photo of the crap and slips it into an envelope.)", "Catherine: I saved you from putting your foot in it.", "Conrad Ecklie: (nods) I appreciate that.", "(Ecklie turns and leaves.)", "Nick: (o.s.) Hey, Catherine.", "(Catherine turns and looks up. Nick is standing on the balcony.)", "Catherine: Yeah?", "Nick: I think I found the launch point.", "Catherine: I'll be right there.", "(Catherine goes back to her kit. She puts her camera down on the bag and heads upstairs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. EIGER RESIDENCE - DRIVEWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Sara finds an oil spot on the driveway. Grissom stands nearby writing on a clipboard.)", "(Sara kneels down in front of the oil spot.)", "Sara: People who live in houses like these don't get oil leaks.", "(Greg kneels down near Sara.)", "Greg: But their visitors might.", "(She touches it and looks at the stain on her fingers.)", "Sara: Hasn't absorbed into the stone yet. It's fresh.", "Grissom: Well, swab it and then check all their cars just in case.", "[EXT. EIGER RESIDENCE (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[INT. EIGER RESIDENCE - SECOND STORY BALCONY -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine walks up to Nick who is examining the second story balcony.)", "Nick: Hey. Whatever happened, it happened right here. (Warrick walks up to him to look at the planter.) Planter could've been broken during the struggle or been used as leverage.", "Catherine: Well, if he was pushed, they'd have to be strong enough to get that big boy over the railing.", "Warrick: Well, I didn't see any trace on Bruce's hands. I don't think those are his prints.", "(Warrick looks at the handprints on the concrete railing.)", "Nick: Well, maybe the killer hung out ...", "(Quick flash of: [BALCONY - NIGHT] The killer stands near the balcony looking over the edge, his hands flat on the concrete railing.)", "Nick: (V.O.) ... enjoying the fruits of his labor.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "[INT. EIGER RESIDENCE - SECOND STORY HALLWAY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine, Nick and Warrick walk back into the house through the hallway.)", "Warrick: Well, I don't see any signs of struggle in this hallway.", "Nick: No.", "Catherine: The only clue is no clue.", "(They walk into the room at the end of the hallway.)", "[INT. EIGER RESIDENCE - STUDY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(They look around the study.)", "Catherine: The inner sanctum.", "Nick: If these walls could talk, huh?", "(Catherine sees a glass on the desk.)", "Warrick: I wish they would.", "Nick: Yeah, no doubt.", "(She walks over to the glass and sniffs it.)", "Catherine: Scotch ... and milk.", "(They look around the study.)", "Nick: Maybe the guy had stomach trouble, you know, ulcers.", "Warrick: Well, you get as good as you give.", "(Warrick picks up the cigar in the ashtray and smells it.)", "Warrick: Who smokes half a cuban?", "(Nick finds a couple of handprints on the wooden floor.)", "Nick: Well, whoever was outside might've been in here, too. I've got some greasy handprints, look very similar to the ones on the railing.", "Catherine: What are they doing on the floor?", "(Quick flashes of: [STUDY - NIGHT] The cigar is burning in the ashtray. Bruce Eiger takes a sip of his drink. He exhales a long stream of smoke into the air.)", "(Suddenly, someone bursts into the study, startling him. There's a struggle. The killer falls to the ground, his palms flat on the floor.)", "(End of flashes. Resume to present.)", "Nick: I'll take a sample.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Robbins goes over the preliminary with Grissom and Sofia Curtis.)", "Robbins: From everything I've heard, this guy was a considerable ass. Speaking of which, from the damage to his sphincter, I'd say he suffered repetitive insertions.", "Grissom: Rectal insertions?", "Robbins: Sizable. Matching perimortem bruises to the hips. The deceased had a peculiar rash around his genitals slathered in ointment. Doesn't read as an STD I'm familiar with. I swabbed the ointment. I also found a gallon of milky fluid in his stomach. Trace has that, too, along with fecal matter I scraped off his feet.", "(Robbins grabs the victim's hands.)", "Robbins: For what it's worth, nicely manicured nails on all but one thumb, which has a groove worn in it.", "Grissom: Drugs?", "Robbins: Yeah, it could be. His pupils were dilated to the size of pie plates. Tox has the blood.", "Grissom: There's a lot behind the curtain of this guy's life.", "Sofia Curtis: Cause of death?", "Robbins: Asphyxia. Choked on his own blood.", "Sofia Curtis: So he survived the fall.", "Robbins: Well, it broke his neck, but he continued to breathe a while.", "Grissom: Might've lived if he hadn't been rolled.", "(Grissom glances at Sofia.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY OUTSIDE FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom steps out into the hallway. He's looking at his glasses. Sofia steps out into the hallway after Grissom.)", "Grissom: I'm glad you decided to stay, Sofia.", "Sofia Curtis: So am I ... for now.", "(Catherine walks into the hallway.)", "Catherine: Thanks for waiting. Got here as fast as I could.", "Grissom: We just finished.", "Catherine: Grissom, what the hell? Am I going to have any part of this case, or should I just go back to my office and start shuffling some papers?", "Sofia Curtis: Catherine, it wasn't personal. The body was posted. We didn't think you'd be back for a few hours. There's the report.", "(Sofia hands the report to Catherine.)", "Catherine: (to Sofia) Stay out of this. (Sofia leaves.) (to Grissom) So, is this an Ecklie mandate, or is this just your thoughtlessness?", "Grissom: Well, look, I apologize, but this is a group effort.", "Catherine: (scoffs) Thanks. I feel much better.", "(Catherine turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CATHERINE'S OFFICE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine walks into her office and shuts the door behind her. She tosses the report on her desk along with her watch. She sits down in her chair.)", "(She looks at her camera, takes out the connecting cord and hooks up her camera to the computer. The message reads:", "CARD CONTAINS NO IMAGES", "(Catherine checks the memory card in the camera. It's an SG1 32 MB card. This isn't good.)", "(The office door opens.)", "Warrick: Okay, just got back from the crime scene. Dropped the samples off at Trace.", "(Catherine looks at Warrick.)", "Warrick: What's wrong?", "Catherine: You didn't touch my camera, did you?", "Warrick: No.", "Catherine: I have a 256 memory card. This is a 32. Somebody switched it out and took my crime scene photos.", "Warrick: What?", "(Catherine closes her eyes and sighs heavily. She puts a hand to her head and grimaces. No, this is definitely not good.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "Brass: (V.O.) Am I being strong-armed by private counsel?", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - DAY]", "(Brass is talking with Bruce Eigler's attorney, James Mandelbaum.)", "Brass: Because, contrary to what you may think, not everybody in Vegas is under the thumb of Bruce Eiger.", "James Mandelbaum: Captain Brass, I am simply here representing the interests of Mr. Eiger's estate.", "Brass: And those interests would be what?", "James Mandelbaum: Well, finding out what happened, certainly. But doing everything within our power to protect Mr. Eiger's private life.", "Brass: Protect what? The guy's dead.", "James Mandelbaum: Mr. Eiger was a very private person. And although he's no longer with us, his intimates are.", "Brass: Look, if this is about him being a sodomite, we already know that.", "James Mandelbaum: Excuse me?", "Brass: After the case is adjudicated, you can have access to the autopsy reports. In the meantime, let me do my job, okay?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Conrad Ecklie and Grissom walk through the hallway.)", "Conrad Ecklie: When Eiger was looking into buying the Queen Regent Casino out from under Sy Magli, the Gaming Commission turned him down. So he invited some of the commissioners over to his mansion for a party. A week later, he had his gaming and his liquor licenses. Must've been a hell of a party.", "Grissom: Well, if the Wizard of Oz had nude photos of the wicked witch, Dorothy would have never lost her slippers.", "Conrad Ecklie: Well, if those files exist, it gives us a list of suspects, but nobody actually knows if he has dirt on everyone, or just wants them to think he does.", "(Greg catches up with them.)", "Greg: Brass subpoenaed Eiger's home phone records in the last year.", "Conrad Ecklie: Yeah, anything interesting?", "Greg: Numerous calls from Eiger's house to Sy Magli's office.", "Conrad Ecklie: Well, they were known business rivals.", "Greg: Between midnight and 4:00 a.m.-- What I like to call \"love hours.\"", "Grissom: Wouldn't be the first time that hate mutated into passion.", "Greg: Public enemies, private lovers. So Jackie Collins.", "(They walk out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CASINO LOUNGE - DAY]", "(Open on the board:", "TANYA ROLLINS", "\"A STAR IS BORN\" )", "Sy Magli: (b.g.) Tanya, get your sweet little ass back over to the piano, and we'll talk about it later.", "(Tanya Rollins turns from Sy Magli and heads back to the piano. She grabs the mike and talks with the accompanist. After a moment, she starts singing. In the background, Brass and Greg are walking toward Sy Magli.)", "Brass: Mr. Magli, Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police. Greg Sanders from the Crime Lab.", "Sy Magli: Let me guess. You want to talk to me about Bruce. I hear they're using all the backhoes in hell to dig him a new pit.", "Brass: We're, uh, focusing on his life here on earth.", "Sy Magli: Well, you know, I thought that b*st*rd would outlive us all.", "Brass: When was the last time you saw him?", "Sy Magli: At his birthday party.", "(Sy nudges Brass and points to Tanya Rollins singing.)", "Sy Magli: She's going to be a big star.", "(He watches her sing for a moment.)", "Sy Magli: Bruce didn't have any friends, so he had to invite his enemies, a real \"Who's Who\" of Las Vegas. See, Bruce was a shark who circled around for information. And when he found your weakness, he filed it away to be used later.", "Greg: His phone records indicate that you spoke more recently than that.", "Sy Magli: Oh ... so now you found my weakness.", "Brass: What's that?", "Sy Magli: I was banging his wife.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Catherine walks into Grissom's office. She knocks lightly on the door. Grissom looks up.)", "Catherine: We have a problem.", "Grissom: Oh, no, not again.", "Catherine: The memory card from my digital camera was stolen and switched with a blank. The only time the camera was out of my possession was at the crime scene.", "Grissom: Well, how can that be? It was a secure scene.", "Catherine: I don't know. I dusted the camera and the card. There weren't any prints. All of the crime scene photos of the body and the blood evidence were on that card.", "(Grissom sighs and sits back.)", "Grissom: We do have a problem.", "Conrad Ecklie: Yes, we do.", "(Catherine turns around to find Conrad Ecklie leaning against the door jam. He nods at her.)", "Grissom: Get back to the crime scene, Catherine. Get what you can.", "Catherine: Well, I know that the scene's been released.", "Grissom: Well, go quickly.", "Catherine: Okay.", "(Catherine leaves; Grissom sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(Hodges reports to Nick.)", "David Hodges: Ready?", "Nick: Yeah.", "David Hodges: The baddest ass in Vegas had diaper rash. The sample that Doc Robbins collected from between his legs at autopsy: Brenner's ointment, used expressly for that purpose.", "Nick: Okay. What about the handprints from the railing and the floor in study?", "David Hodges: Same deal.", "Nick: I compared the hand size, and, uh, the prints aren't Eiger's, man.", "David Hodges: Hmm?", "Nick: No. Which means that ...", "David Hodges: (interrupts) You couldn't pay me enough to rub ointment on some old guy's butt rash.", "Nick: (chuckles) Well, maybe some people aren't as discerning as you are. How does a grown man get diaper rash?", "David Hodges: I'll take incontinence for $200, Alex.", "Nick: Maybe he had gastrointestinal issues.", "David Hodges: And the stomach contents. All milk. You get any Tox back?", "Nick: Yeah. No drugs in his bloodstream.", "David Hodges: Really?", "Nick: He had dilated pupils, and he was a sick guy, but ... no medications.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. EIGER RESIDENCE - FRONT STEPS - DAY]", "(Donna Eiger hoses down the front steps, washing away the bloodstains from the concrete.)", "(Catherine runs up the driveway with her camera in her hands.)", "Catherine: Mrs. Eiger! Mrs. Eiger, please stop.", "(She turns the hose off.)", "Donna Eiger: Please stop? What, am I supposed to look at his blood? Do I need this?", "(Donna Eiger's phone rings.)", "Catherine: I need to take additional photos of the crime scene. If you could just put the hose aside and ...", "(Donna Eiger drops the hose on the steps. Catherine motions for her to put the hose aside.)", "(Donna Eiger's phone rings. She answers it.)", "Donna Eiger: (to phone) Yeah. (Donna Eiger steps right in the watery bloodstains on the steps while Catherine tries to take photos of the scene.) Oh, Sy. You know what? Don't bother. You don't have to lie to me. I get it. I really, I really do. No, he's dead and you're leaving. Yeah, well, maybe I just thought that I was more than just a hate lay.", "(Donna hangs up. She heads back up the stairs right through the watery bloodstains on the steps.)", "Catherine: Uh, men just don't appreciate us.", "Donna Eiger: It's never enough. (Donna leans forward and brushes the water from her sandals.) When you put up with things that nobody else would and he stills wants more. I mean, just how low are we supposed to sink?", "Catherine: You know, I think you're better off without him, anyway.", "Donna Eiger: What's your name?", "Catherine: Catherine.", "Donna Eiger: You know, Catherine, this whole, um, sisterhood thing that you're trying to get going here, it's just really not working for me. You can't con a con, sweetie.", "(Donna heads inside.)", "(Catherine watches her go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. EIGER RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Finished taking the pictures, Catherine heads back toward her car. She looks over at the overflowing trash binds out front and heads over to get a better look at what Mrs. Eiger has been doing all night.)", "(She lifts up the trash bin cover and sees the rolled up carpet tucked inside.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Sara and Greg went through these cans last night. They were empty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - DAY]", "(Catherine and Warrick are looking through the trash bins.)", "Warrick: Well, it looks like Mrs. Eiger's been a little busy.", "Catherine: Evidently.", "(Warrick takes out the rolled-up carpet from one bin. Catherine rips open the white trash bag and takes out some soiled clothing.)", "(Warrick drops the carpet on the ground. Catherine gets a better look at the soiled clothing.)", "Catherine: Uh, Warrick?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(She holds up the cloth with a couple of safety pins still attached.)", "Warrick: Is that a diaper?", "Catherine: Mm-hmm.", "Warrick: Those safety pins, they could match the bruises that we found on Mr. Eiger's hips. That accounts for that blood.", "Catherine: Well, we can probably get DNA from the blood. But to confirm that Eiger actually wore this thing, Mia's going to have to test the urine inside. Lucky girl.", "Warrick: Lucky her.", "(Warrick turns back to the carpet and starts unrolling it. Catherine continues to take out the soiled linens from the white trash bags.)", "(At the bottom of the bag, Catherine finds a pair of high-heeled women's shoes.)", "Catherine: Do you think Donna always takes her laundry to the city dump?", "Warrick: I've got handprints and feces on carpet. He wasn't just incontinent, he was a ...", "Catherine: ... a freak.", "(Warrick snaps photos of the handprints and stains.)", "Warrick: That's disgusting.", "(He sees something else.)", "Warrick: Look at these indentations. I think they could have been a desk or something.", "Catherine: Were gonna have to take this back to the house and look at it in its original context.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. EIGER RESIDENCE - FOYER - DAY]", "(Donna Eiger and her friend stand in the foyer.)", "Friend #1: Is that even legal? Why are they ...", "Warrick: Take it straight up.", "(Warrick points for the tech to carry the carpet up the stairs to the second floor. He hands Donna Eiger the warrant.)", "Friend #1: Why are you guys doing this? Hasn't she been through enough? (to Donna) You know, you should sue the city. (to Warrick) She's gonna sue you people! How about that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. EIGER RESIDENCE - SECOND FLOOR STUDY - DAY]", "(The carpet is unrolled in the study.)", "Grissom: How do you explain a handprint half covered by a wall?", "Catherine: I mean, we're not even certain this rug came from this room.", "Warrick: Well, I was gonna say the same thing, but the rug has eight divots that line up perfectly with that desk.", "Grissom: Think outside the rug.", "(Everyone's quiet for a moment as they look and think.)", "Catherine: A man with secrets needs a place to hide them.", "(Grissom kneels down near the wall and examines it. He sees something. He looks at Catherine. She stops and watches him.)", "(Grissom nudges the wall paneling aside and pushes it completely open.)", "(Catherine and Warrick are stunned.)", "Warrick: Get the hell out of here.", "(They kneel and look into the passageway.)", "Warrick: Nice.", "(Grissom looks at them and smiles. He turns and looks into the passageway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. EIGER RESIDENCE - NURSERY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom, Catherine and Warrick crawl through the passageway and into the nursery.)", "(They look around. Grissom turns the light on. Warrick laughs.)", "Catherine: Wow. Just when you thought you'd seen it all.", "Warrick: People lived in fear of this guy?", "Grissom: Imagine the fear he lived with.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "DUE TO MATURE THEME, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. EIGER RESIDENCE - NURSERY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(They snap photos of the nursery.)", "Warrick: A very powerful and paranoid man with a secret this big? It'd probably kill him if anyone found out.", "Grissom: I think it did kill him.", "Catherine: So we're back to suicide?", "Grissom: Well, let's collect for now. We'll, uh, theorize later.", "(Nick crawls in through the passageway. He takes a look at the nursery and his jaw drops.)", "Nick: Whoa. Who's your mommy? The true inner sanctum.", "(Catherine snaps photos of the adult-sized pacifiers.)", "(Nick finds the pink nursing gown and holds it up.)", "Nick: Hey, maybe we're looking for the hand that rocks the cradle.", "Catherine: I think that Bruce just wanted the same thing as every other guy.", "Grissom: Nurturing?", "Catherine: Easy access.", "(Nick smiles.)", "(Grissom opens a drawer and finds the enema bottles.)", "Grissom: Well ... (He holds them up.) ... this could explain the repeated insertions.", "(Catherine snaps photos of the adult-sized bassinet.)", "(Warrick pushes aside the clothes in the closet and finds a security panel.)", "Warrick: I think this was originally used as a panic room. Eiger's got a massive security system here, motion and site sensitive. No video, though.", "Catherine: Well, I guess we won't get to see who swaddled him.", "(Nick opens the toy chest and looks inside.)", "Warrick: Well ... there is a hard drive. I'll get it back to the lab.", "(Nick closes the toy chest and picks up the adult-sized pacifier. He looks at it.)", "Nick: I just don't get it, man.", "Grissom: What, you never had a transitional object when you were a kid? A stuffed animal or a blanket?", "Nick: No. I mean, I had a wooby, but who didn't?", "(Catherine's eyes widen.)", "Warrick: Oh, is that that blue thing that's in your locker?", "Nick: (chuckles) Don't even.", "Grissom: Seventy percent of children have something. Helps them with separation anxiety.", "(Grissom opens the trash bin.)", "Grissom: Maybe Bruce Eiger never got over his.", "Warrick: I got a question. Where would you buy something like this? I mean, this crib and this rocking horse isn't exactly, uh, regulation size.", "(Grissom picks up the white trash bag and looks at the emblem on the outside.)", "Grissom: (reads) Forever Baby. For the child in all of us.", "(Catherine opens the refrigerator and sees the bottles of milk on the shelf. She picks up one.)", "Catherine: Do you think they do takeout?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM -- DAY]", "(Mia walks into the locker room and sees Catherine there. She takes off her jacket.)", "Mia Dickerson: Hey.", "Catherine: Oh, hey.", "Mia Dickerson: You asked me to check the blood and urine from the diaper.", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Mia Dickerson: Yeah, the blood is a match for Eiger, and the urine had high levels of testosterone, which is indicative of an adult.", "Catherine: It's a safe assumption that it's his.", "(Mia slips on her jacket.)", "Mia Dickerson: Yeah. You know, one other thing. When I was running the urine, I found another spike that I couldn't identify. So I sent it on to Tox.", "Catherine: Well, I know that his blood work came back clean.", "Mia Dickerson: Some drugs metabolize quickly, so what doesn't show up in the blood, shows up in the urine.", "(Greg peers into the locker room through the hall.)", "Greg: Catherine?", "Catherine: Yeah?", "Greg: You gotta see the TV.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DAY]", "[TELEVISION MONITOR]", "Newscaster: (from TV) The photos you're about to see are the latest evidence in the strange death of casino mogul Bruce Eiger.", "(Greg and Catherine walk into the room. Ecklie is there watching the set also.)", "Newscaster: (from TV) We want to warn you these are graphic images of a bloody crime scene. In them, Mr. Eiger can been seen lying in a pool of his own blood in the driveway ...", "Catherine: Those are mine.", "Conrad Ecklie: (quietly) I'll have our public information officer contact his counterpart at the station. We'll also call Judge Anderson and get a warrant for the memory card, any copies, and the name of their source.", "(Ecklie heads for the door, passing Greg and Catherine along the way.)", "Newscaster: (from TV) ... Top Las Vegas gaming mogul left him with more than his share of adversaries.", "Catherine: Thank you, Conrad.", "Conrad Ecklie: It's my job.", "Newscaster: (from TV) ... However, there are still no apparent leads.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. FOREVER BABY - DAY]", "(Grissom and Nick walk into the adult baby store. They walk over to the counter.)", "Madge: Howdy.", "Grissom: Well, howdy. I was wondering, do you carry adult diapers?", "Madge: Oh, we sure do. (She looks at Grissom.) What are you, about a 34, 36?", "(Nick smiles.)", "Grissom: Well, they're not for me.", "Madge: Oh. (She looks at Nick.) Well, aren't you lucky to have such a nice daddy?", "(Nick's smile fades fast. Grissom turns and looks at Nick, a huge smirk on his face. Nick glances at Grissom. He looks at Madge and smiles.)", "Nick: I'm going to have a look around.", "(He clears his throat and steps away from them to look around the store.)", "Madge: Mommy-shopping?", "Grissom: Sort of. I was wondering, in your line of work, do you ever wear a uniform or a dress?", "Madge: No, but I could. Are you a drinker or a stinker?", "Grissom: Excuse me?", "Madge: Well, a drinker likes to ... (She motions to her breasts.) ... and stinker ... (She motions below.)", "Grissom: I get it.", "Madge: Yeah.", "(Nick is standing over by the bulletin board. He takes a phone number off the hot pink flyer.)", "Grissom: We're actually with the Crime Lab. We're investigating the death of Bruce Eiger.", "Madge: Bruce Eiger.", "(Nick walks over to the playpens and looks around. He lifts up the adult-sized jimmies hanging from the playpen.)", "(He walks around and stops in front of a toy chest. Nick studies the toy chest.)", "Madge: Are you with Vice? Because nothing here is illegal. It's simply nurturing. Mommy and adult baby playit's not erotic.", "Grissom: Well, Freud had a somewhat different theory, but ...", "Madge: Well, I could take you to my playpen.", "(Grissom glances behind him.)", "Grissom: You know, I don't think the department would let me expense it.", "(She smiles.)", "Madge: Okay, then, I'll just cut to the short version. Some guys can never love any woman but their mother. And some never had a mother who loved them.", "(Camera holds on Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Mia removes a petri dish from the refrigerator. The bottom of the dish is labeled: (clockwise) COW, PIG, SHEEP, MONKEY GOAT, HUMAN. In the center is: UNKNOWN 43824-CW.)", "(In the petri dish, she puts a sample of the milk from the baby bottles found in the nursery.)", "SHORT TIME LAPSE:", "(The milk for HUMAN matches the milk from UNKNOWN.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Brass interview Foxy Harris.)", "Catherine: Is Foxy short for anything?", "Foxy Harris: No, no, it's just Foxy Harris. That's what's on my birth certificate. I signed an exclusive nondisclosure agreement with K-R-A-C. Whoever gave you my name is the one who broke the law.", "Brass: It's funny what people will say when there's a warrant in their face.", "Catherine: Yeah, your friends at KRAC take obstruction of justice seriously. You stole police department evidence in a homicide investigation. You're guilty of theft and possession of stolen property.", "Brass: And we're looking at you for murder.", "Foxy Harris: I shoot pictures, not people.", "Brass: Right. You're a journalist. So, what were you doing at the Eiger house that night?", "Foxy Harris: Okay, so K-R-A-C isn't my only employer. I do discreet work for Sy Magli.", "(Quick flash of: [EIGER RESIDENCE - NIGHT] Foxy Harris hides in the bushes while Donna Eiger makes out with Sy Magli.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Brass: All right, let me get this straight. Sy Magli hired you to take pictures of him sleeping with Donna Eiger?", "Foxy Harris: That's right.", "Catherine: Why would he do that?", "Foxy Harris: Eiger had dirt on everyone. Nobody obsessed with secrets doesn't have some of his own. Magli asked me to find Eiger's, but, well, I couldn't find any.", "Catherine: So in the absence of scandal, Magli created some.", "Brass: By sleeping with Bruce Eiger's wife.", "Foxy Harris: Brilliant.", "Brass: You know, there were cops everywhere. Whose palm did you grease?", "Foxy Harris: I didn't need to. (sighs) Donna showed Magli, who showed me all the secret ways onto the property.", "(Quick flash of: [EIGER RESIDENCE - DAY] Foxy Harris walks out between the police cars and switches out the memory cards from the camera. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Foxy Harris: You really should train your people better. All it took was a dark jacket, a baseball cap, and a camera. No questions asked.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(Mia reports her findings to Warrick.)", "Mia Dickerson: So here's the thing. The milk in the bottles was not bovine. It was human breast milk.", "Warrick: Human?", "Mia Dickerson: Mm-hmm.", "Warrick: All of it?", "Mia Dickerson: Yeah.", "Warrick: Well, it definitely wasn't the wife's.", "(They turn into the Trace Lab.)", "Mia Dickerson: No, the widow Eiger's DNA was not a match. However, whoever pumped all that milk also wore this.", "(She pulls out the dress smock from the evidence envelope.)", "Mia Dickerson: The epithelials were a match.", "Warrick: So we're looking for one very tired milkmaid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick and Sara are taking apart Bruce Eiger's toy box.)", "Nick: This is the same toy box they sell at Forever Baby, except the one in the store was twice as big on the inside. SARA: Well, he did like his secret spaces.", "Nick: Yep.", "(They unscrew the screws from the box.)", "Nick: All right.", "(Nick and Sara remove the side paneling.)", "Nick: Whoa.", "(Hidden inside the toy box are files. They put the paneling aside and remove the rest of the wood.)", "Nick: Bingo.", "(They look at the labels on the file folders.)", "Nick: \"Sy Magli ... Sam Braun ... Rory Atwater\"?", "Sara: Sheriff Rory Atwater?", "Nick: Looks like it. Along with some gaming commissioners, judges, pro athletes.", "(Nick chuckles.)", "(Sara picks up a photo of a baby and looks at it.)", "Sara: No name. Just a date -- 12-20-01.", "(Nick looks at another photo.)", "Nick: Well, apparently, Sy liked the spectrum --", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Warrick and Greg look over the hard drive from Bruce Eiger's security system.)", "Warrick: I downloaded the log from the Eigers' security system hard drive. All of the perimeter doors and windows in the Eiger mansion are protected. If one of them is opened, it's logged into the security system.", "Greg: According to Mrs. Eiger's verified alibi, she left for the club around", "Warrick: Okay. Garage door opens, 7:18. Got it.", "Greg: Dispatch received her 911 call at 11:42. So we're concerned with the four hours in between.", "Warrick: 8:00, the front door opens. It was probably the milkmaid.", "Greg: 10:09, the third floor balcony doors were opened.", "(Quick flash to: [EIGER RESIDENCE] Bruce Eiger opens the balcony doors.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Greg: Bye-bye, Bruce.", "Warrick: Now four minutes later, the front door opens again.", "Greg: Milkmaid exits?", "(Quick flash to: [EIGER RESIDENCE] The front door opens and someone leaves, walking around Bruce Eiger's body.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: 17 minutes later, at 10:30, the garage door opens. I guess that was Mrs. Eiger.", "(Quick flash to: [EIGER RESIDENCE] Donna Eiger drives home.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: But then a minute later, at 10:31, the front door opens again.", "Greg: She didn't make her call to 911 until 11:42. What was she doing for over an hour?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Grissom and Catherine examine the crime scene photos.)", "Grissom: Count Basie said that it's the notes you don't hear that matter.", "Catherine: Two voids ... one pointing towards 11:00, one towards 1:00.", "Grissom: Something blocked the spray.", "Catherine: Something in a size eight.", "Grissom: Could that be explained by her rendering aid?", "Catherine: I don't think so. It's a fine mist. A spatter. (She looks at the pants fabric with the blood spatter on it.) I think he was still alive, expirating blood.", "(Quick flash of: Bruce Eiger is on the concrete floor spitting out blood on Donna Eiger's legs.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: I wonder what was going through her mind when she stood there and watched him die?", "Grissom: I wonder what was going through his?", "(Camera holds on the photo of Bruce Eiger.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Donna Eiger and her lawyer, James Mandelbaum are in the interview room with Brass and Grissom.)", "Donna Eiger: Fine. I was, uh, playing canasta at the club, like I do every Thursday night. I come home. I pull into the driveway, and-and there he was.", "(Quick flash of: [EIGER RESIDENCE - NIGHT] Donna Eiger pulls up the driveway and sees Bruce on the concrete dying.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Brass: You administer any help?", "Donna Eiger: Uh, more like encouragement.", "(Quick flash of: [EIGER RESIDENCE - NIGHT] Donna Eiger stands over Bruce. He turns his head and spits out blood all over her white pants and shoes.)", "(Camera zooms in to a CGI close-up: Down Bruce's open mouth and into his lungs filling with blood.)", "(Cut to: Donna looks down at Bruce.)", "Donna: Oh, dear. What happened to Mummy's widdle baby? Did Brucey fall down and go boom?", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Brass: So you're admitting responsibility in the death of your husband?", "James Mandelbaum: No. Mrs. Eiger is not a health care professional. She merely delayed in calling for help.", "Grissom: She watched him die.", "Donna Eiger: He had a broken neck. If he'd lived, he would've been a quadriplegic.", "Brass: So it was a mercy killing?", "James Mandelbaum: It wasn't a killing at all.", "(Grissom gets it.)", "Grissom: You would've had to take care of him.", "Donna Eiger: Oh, bathe him, feed him, change his diapers. (She chuckles.) Freakin' gift from God to him. See the thing was, I-I just didn't want Bruce to have the satisfaction of being helpless for the rest of his life. Do you know what the last words I said to him were? (beat) You lose.", "Brass: So I take it that you weren't his, uh, his mommy?", "Donna Eiger: Look-- love, honor, cherish. Diapering was never on the list.", "Grissom: How'd you deal with it?", "Donna Eiger: Oh, I didn't. Look, I'm sorry, but ... you can't have s*x with a man after you've seen him ... after you've seen him behave like that. So in order to save our marriage, we had, uh, an arrangement. On Thursday nights, I go to the club with my friends. He hires a baby-sitter.", "Brass: We have reason to believe it was the same baby-sitter every week. Any idea who that is?", "Donna Eiger: (shakes her head) No, women in my position have been looking the other way for years. I just had... something a little stranger to look away from.", "Brass: Why didn't you leave him?", "Donna Eiger: Nobody leaves Bruce.", "Brass: Well, maybe you had to get Bruce to leave you. You push him off the balcony?", "Donna Eiger: No. He'd already fallen when I found him. I turned him over. I watched him die.", "(Quick flash to: [EIGER RESIDENCE - NIGHT] Bruce is dead on the concrete. Donna Eiger takes the diaper away.)", "Donna Eiger: (V.O.) I got rid of the diaper.", "(Cut to: She rolls up the carpet.)", "Donna Eiger: (V.O.) I rolled up the carpet.", "(Cut to: She removes her shoes.)", "Donna Eiger: (V.O.) I changed my clothes.", "(She takes her pants off.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Donna Eiger: Then I called 911. And I should've left him in the damn diaper. I don't know what I was protecting.", "Brass: Your reputation.", "James Mandelbaum: Donna may be an opportunist, but she is not a murderer. And since neither of us believe that Bruce was suicidal ...", "Grissom: You're both psychiatrists?", "Donna Eiger: Look, my husband did not commit suicide. So why don't you just find the guy who did, and I will write him a big, fat check.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - STAIRS - DAY]", "(Catherine and Grissom walk down the stairs.)", "Catherine: That drug spike that Mia detected in Bruce's diaper -- \"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds...\" L-S-D. But I don't get it, because acid trips last for hours. Why wouldn't it have shown up in his bloodstream?", "Grissom: LSD is in and out of your system in twenty minutes. But it acts as a trigger, which sets off cascading reactions in the brain.", "(Quick flash of: Bruce is running through his hallway.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) The brain keeps cascading long after the drug is gone.", "(Camera zooms in to his eye and we see the nerve synapses in his brain flashing on and off.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Well, there are good trips, and bad trips, and trips right off the balcony.", "Grissom: Strange drug of choice for a control freak.", "Catherine: Maybe not his choice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Sara and Sofia are looking through papers.)", "Sofia Curtis: So we're looking for a lactating female with a center whorl print.", "Sara: We recovered two sets of prints from the baby paraphernalia. His and ... presumably hers.", "(Sara shows Sofia the two prints.)", "Sofia Curtis: We've excluded Mrs. Eiger. How long can a woman lactate after giving birth?", "Sara: I had a professor in college, her six-year-old used to come in for lunch. I guess they'll go as long as you let them.", "Sofia Curtis: What, the boobs or the kids? That's a two-legged topless buffet. (She looks at the file folder.) Ugh.", "Sara: I'm thinking, you know, if you commit to something every Thursday night, you got to be getting something good out of it. We found oil drops on the driveway. None of the Eiger cars had leaks. I ran it through Trace. It was an AGIP ... Sint 2000. It's a synthetic motor oil.", "Sofia Curtis: A synthetic would make it high end.", "Sara: That particular oil is only used for Lamborghinis. How many lactating women are driving one of those?", "Sofia Curtis: So he either paid well or was a good gift giver.", "Sara: Maybe we're looking for a cash cow.", "Sofia Curtis: With liquid assets.", "(Sofia hides her smile.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB]", "(David Hodges sits in front of the table full of baby bottles, nipples and enema tubes.)", "David Hodges: I had the distinct pleasure of testing all the modes of ingestion from the nursery. Most people take acid on their tongue. Bruce ...", "(Hodges picks up the enema bottle.)", "Catherine: An enema.", "David Hodges: And people call me a**l.", "Grissom: Well, the whole point of having a \"mommy\" is to have her do these things for you.", "Catherine: So the acid was no doubt supplied by the same sweet thing who gave him breast milk from that ... boobs-ahoy dress.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. CASINO - NIGHT]", "(Brass talks with Sy Magli.)", "Brass: So, that new Lamborghini is a pretty smooth ride. Grant from the dealership told me you bought one recently.", "Sy Magli: It was a gift.", "Brass: For who?", "Sy Magli: Tanya Rollins. You got to woo the talent.", "(Brass takes out a photo and looks at it.)", "Brass: Yeah, she's cute. How old is she?", "Sy Magli: Twenty-four.", "Brass: So, you been together nine years -- that'll make her about fifteen when you consummated the relationship. Don't you know that fifteen will get you twenty?", "Sy Magli: What do you want?", "Brass: Why was Tanya's Lamborghini parked in Bruce Eiger's driveway?", "Sy Magli: They were involved.", "Brass: I thought she was your girl.", "Sy Magli: Tanya always goes where the best deal is. I \"rolled\" her, Bruce bankrolled her. Her career-- smart move. Turned out she actually had other talents. She was making him a ton of money, so I gave her a call.", "Brass: You poached her.", "Sy Magli: Ah, come on, look, she jumped at it, all right? Tanya said he was a freak and she wanted out.", "Brass: Then what? 'Cause I got felony s*x, infidelities and a picture of a baby I don't know anything about.", "Sy Magli: Come on, we both know what I was after.", "Brass: So, all's well that ends well, huh, Sy?", "Sy Magli: I didn't want him dead. There's no sport in humiliating a dead man. Now, if you' excuse me, captain.", "(Sy Magli turns and walks away.)", "(Brass stands there and looks around.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Brass interview Tanya Rollins.)", "Catherine: Your fingerprints are all over the nursery. The DNA that we took from your breast pump matches the milk from Bruce's fridge. And the arresting officer confiscated LSD from your purse.", "(Brass takes out Tanya Rollins' cell phone and switches it on.)", "Brass: And your cell phone is full of pictures of \"Baby Bruce.\"", "Tanya Rollins: Sy said all that Bruce had was fear.", "Brass: Yeah, there's really not much to fear about a crying man in a diaper.", "(Quick flash to: [NURSERY] Bruce Eigler is sitting in his playpen playing with the mobile.)", "Tanya Rollins: All right, Baby Bruce. Playtime's over.", "(She kneels down and makes smooching noises to him.)", "Tanya Rollins: I smell a smelly.", "(Cut to: Bruce is on his stomach on the changing table. Tanya throws the diaper away.)", "Tanya Rollins: You made a big messy in your diaper.", "(Cut to: She puts ointment out on her hand.)", "Tanya Rollins: You ready?", "(She rubs the ointment on his backside.)", "Tanya Rollins: There you go. That feels so good.", "Tanya Rollins: Mommy's got a special treat for you. It's extra special today.", "(She adds LSD to his enema bottle.)", "(Cut to: Tanya holds Bruce in her lap while she sings.)", "Tanya Rollins: (singing) ... Wonder what you are ...", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Tanya Rollins: ... and then, he just started acting crazy.", "Brass: As opposed to soiling himself and gumming your nipples?", "Tanya Rollins: Yes.", "(Quick flash to: [NURSERY] Bruce is high and spinning around.)", "Tanya Rollins: What is it with you, Brucie?", "(Bruce takes off his hat and throws it to the ground. Tanya takes out her phone and snaps photos.)", "Tanya Rollins: What are you doing? What is wrong?", "(Bruce takes out the soiled diapers and throws them on the floor. He grunts as he smashes it into the carpet.)", "Tanya Rollins: Wait, that's a bad boy.", "(Bruce crawls out of the nursery.)", "(Tanya follows him out.)", "[STUDY - NIGHT]", "Bruce Eiger: The light. I see the light ... I see ...", "(Bruce runs around in a circle in the study.)", "Tanya Rollins: What is it with you, Bruce?", "(Tanya crawls out of the nursery into the study.)", "Tanya Rollins: What's wrong?", "(Bruce is crying.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Tanya Rollins: And then, he just ... jumped off the balcony.", "Brass: That's it?", "Catherine: You knew this man's most intimate secret. You could've left him.", "Tanya Rollins: Nobody leaves Bruce.", "Catherine: What were you afraid of?", "Tanya Rollins: That I'd never see my baby again. Bruce said that he wanted a baby. That he'd take care of both of us.", "Catherine: And you believed him?", "Tanya Rollins: (nods) Yeah. Only after the delivery, he said he had to take the baby away. That he was going to take him to be with his mom. You know, wait until my career took off. Until I was ready to be a mother myself. And then he took me to his nursery. (chuckles) He explained to me, you know, about infantilism. Said that it was in the bible. And then he made me clean him.", "Brass: How long ago was that?", "Tanya Rollins: Five years. Five years and every week, I would ask him if I could see my baby and he kept saying, \"next week\". \"Sure, Tanya, next week.\" \"No, maybe next week.\" You know, \"maybe the next week after that.\" (shrugs) I guess in my heart I knew that it was never going to happen. It's just that ... that was the only connection I had to my baby, you know? That and nursing Bruce.", "Catherine: Tanya, this man exploited you for five years. He didn't allow you to see your only child and ... there he was, high as a kite and you're the only one there. Are you saying that you didn't offer him any encouragement off that balcony?", "Tanya Rollins: If I told you to jump off a bridge would you do it?", "(Quick flash to: [EIGER RESIDENCE - NIGHT] Bruce runs up the stairs.)", "Tanya Rollins: Fly, Brucie, fly. Show Mommy how you can fly like a birdie!", "Tanya Rollins: Come on, you can fly!", "Bruce Eiger: I can fly.", "Tanya Rollins: You can fly!", "Bruce Eiger: I can fly, Mommy. I can fly, Mommy.", "Tanya Rollins: You can fly!", "Bruce Eiger: I can fly.", "(Bruce runs down the hallway. Tanya runs with him.)", "Tanya Rollins: You can fly, you can fly.", "Bruce Eiger: I can fly, Mommy.", "Tanya Rollins: You can fly!", "Bruce Eiger: I can fly! I can fly!", "(Bruce pushes the balcony doors open. He steps out onto the balcony and jumps. He falls down and hits the concrete.)", "(Tanya runs to the edge of the balcony, her hands flat on the concrete railing. She looks down at Bruce.)", "(End of flash.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. MRS. EIGER'S ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Brass talks with Mrs. Eiger. He shows her the photo.)", "Brass: Do you recognize this infant?", "Mrs. Eiger: No. I've never seen that baby before in my life.", "Brass: Well, Bruce said he gave you his lover's baby to raise. The mother's name was Tanya.", "Mrs. Eiger: Do I look like I could raise a baby?", "Brass: When was the last time you saw your son, Mrs. Eiger?", "Mrs. Eiger: Seven years ago.", "Brass: You didn't know he had kids?", "Mrs. Eiger: Do you know what my mother told me when I had Bruce?", "Brass: What's that?", "Mrs. Eiger: \"Suckle the baby, cuckold the man\".", "Brass: I don't follow.", "Mrs. Eiger: You were breast-fed.", "Brass: Yeah.", "Mrs. Eiger: My mother was a firm believer that the way you raised a boy was to make him hard. To let him know what the world was like right out of the womb.", "Brass: And what's the world like?", "Mrs. Eiger: No free lunch. All these mothers coddling their toddlers. Look where we are.", "Brass: Yeah, look where we are.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "Grissom: (V.O.) I've enjoyed working with you.", "[INT. RESTAURANT -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom and Catherine are sitting at a dinner table.)", "Catherine: Which part? The part where I got in your face or the part where I, uh, lost evidence, or uh, maybe you just miss me.", "Grissom: I did miss you. I missed your passion and your tenacity. I even missed your tush.", "(Catherine chokes on her drink. Grissom takes a sip from his drink.)", "Catherine: Really. Thank you.", "(Brass joins them.)", "Brass: Sorry to interrupt. I miss the punch line?", "Catherine: Yeah.", "(Brass chuckles as he sits down.)", "Brass: So Bruce lied about the kid. There was an out-of-state adoption that placed the day the kid was born.", "Waitress: Anything to drink, sir?", "Brass: And Bruce's mother ... (to the waitress) -- a light beer, please. (to Grissom and Catherine) His mother was a piece of work.", "Catherine: So, is Tanya going to take the fall?", "Grissom: Can't convict her for cheerleading.", "Brass: You can if there's LSD in her pom-poms. Acid makes her culpable. Class A felony.", "Catherine: Any more culpable than his wife, who just let him lie there?", "Brass: You know, what I can't get my mind wrapped around is, uh, you got a guy who's tough enough to get to the top of the heap in Vegas, all this power, and he ends up crawling around a playpen.", "Grissom: That's the point, isn't it? It's only the truly powerful that have the luxury to relinquish power.", "Catherine: But diapers?", "Grissom: Why not? Where would you go if you had the connections and the cash to go anywhere you wanted?", "Brass: I hear Fiji's nice.", "Grissom: Eiger went further. He went all the way back to his childhood.", "Brass: Yeah. I think I'd take Fiji.", "(Camera slowly pulls away from the three at the dinner table.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
King Baby
[ "Grissom and his team are looking for a murderer of a man found dead in a hotel room, leading them to a convention for plus-sized people. Catherine and her team investigate the world of sports betting when a man is found dead in the woods." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. DESERT - DAY]", "[EXT. RAINBOW CANYON -- WOODS - DAY]", "(A fly flies into camera frame. The camera follows the fly.)", "[FLY POV]", "(The fly flies, then zooms down into the trees. It burrows into some flesh.)", "(Resume POV. The camera pulls back out of the flesh and we hear the buzzing of flies and see dozens of beetles on the open chest wound of a dead body.)", "(Camera pulls back and we see the face of the person has been completely blown off.)", "[TIME LAPSE]", "(Fast forward time through multiple nights and days. The flesh of the decomposing body melts away.)", "(Wild animals stop at the body.)", "(The flesh of the body rapidly melts away from the bone. Bugs and beetles feast on the flesh.)", "[EXT. RAINBOW CANYON -- WOODS -- DAY]", "(Close-up: Grissom picks up a single beetle off the decomposing flesh where the head of the victim used to be. He holds it up and looks at it.)", "Grissom: Hide beetle.", "(FAR SHOT of Grissom and David Phillips kneeling next to the body. Multiple officers roam the area, possibly securing the scene.)", "Grissom: This guy's been here at least two weeks.", "(Grissom picks up a bullet from out of the decomposing flesh where the head of the victim used to be. He looks at it.)", "Grissom: Number four buckshot, maybe?", "David Phillips: Well, his pockets are empty. There's no wallet or any other kind of ID.", "Grissom: What'd be the point of blowing someone's face off if you're going to leave their driver's license?", "David Phillips: Well, he's all yours.", "(David Phillips stands up and leaves. Catherine crosses the crime scene tape on the way to the body. Brass is talking with someone on the side.)", "David Phillips: Hey, Cath.", "Catherine: (to David) Hey. (to Grissom) Grissom.", "(Grissom looks up. Catherine walks over to the body.)", "Catherine: What's the deal? You're coming to my crime scenes before I get to them now?", "Grissom: Weren't you on a 4-19 in north town?", "(Grissom stands up.)", "Catherine: Guess you missed me.", "Grissom: I'm just documenting, then I'm leaving.", "(He snaps a photo of the body. Catherine puts her kit down and gets a look at the body.)", "Catherine: Oh. Ew.", "Grissom: Lot of animal activity.", "Catherine: Well, out here, I guess there's, uh, rodents, coyote, buzzards ...", "(Grissom snaps more photos as Catherine kneels down next to the body.)", "Catherine: ... occasional mountain lion.", "(She picks up the victim's hand and notices his ring.)", "Catherine: What do we have here? A little ice?", "(Brass kneels down next to Catherine and looks at the victim's ring.)", "Brass: The end of Rainbow Canyon. And this must be the pot of gold.", "Catherine: (reading) Las Vegas ... greenbacks?", "(Brass reaches over and moves the ring with the tip of his pen to look at the writing on its side: AFFA 12)", "Brass: American Football Franchise Association. That league folded about twenty years ago.", "(Catherine looks at the shotgun hole in the victim's chest.)", "Catherine: Now, that's what I call a rat hole. (Grissom snaps a photo.) Shotgun wounds tend to be separate hits from individual pellets. But only if the shooter's far enough away from the target. This guy was shot at close range.", "(Quick CGI POV: A shotgun is fired. The bullet exits the barrel. The pellet cluster hits the chest in a single large hole.)", "(A man grunts.)", "(The barrel of the rifle flares.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Right between the numbers.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. RAINBOW CANYON -- WOODS -- DAY]", "(Catherine is walking along the crime scene. Nick is standing at the edge near the trees. He's holding a camera and looking perplexed.)", "Nick: I don't get it. Grissom calls me up, I come out here, and I find you. Things were a hell of a lot simpler when we were all on the same shift.", "Catherine: You saying you don't like me as your boss?", "(Catherine snaps a photo.)", "(Nick doesn't know where this came from.)", "Nick: Whatever.", "(He snaps a photo of something. Catherine glances back at him, then goes back to what she found.)", "Catherine: I got a shot cup. (She holds it up and looks at it.) Doesn't make any sense, 'cause our vic was definitely shot point blank.", "Nick: Yeah, a shot cup coming out of a shell is like throwing a potato chip. It doesn't really go that far.", "(She looks at the shot cup.)", "Catherine: (quietly) Yeah.", "(She puts it down as she thinks about it.)", "(Cut to: Nick removes a bullet out from the bark of a tree. He looks at it and puts it in a bindle.)", "(He looks around.)", "(Catherine snaps a photo of a mark on a rock.)", "(Nick kneels down to pick something up from the ground.)", "Nick: Another casing. (He walks over to Catherine.) That's got to account for at least two more shots.", "Catherine: Typical pump-action. Holds four in the mag, one in the pipe.", "(She picks up another shot cup.)", "Catherine: This was a chase.", "(Quick flash of: The victim runs through the woods in the night. The killer is behind him and fires. The victim runs. The bullet misses and ricochets off the tree. A second bullet is fired and it ricochets off the rock. The victim continues to run.)", "(The victim falls. The killer stands over the victim, cocks the rifle and fires.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Nick nods.)", "Catherine: We know where it ended, so ... let's find where it began.", "(Catherine and Nick look out across the area.)", "Nick: There's not much out here to do for a couple of guys, other than hike or hunt.", "Catherine: And the vic wasn't dressed for either.", "Nick: So they were up to no good. (Nick sees something in the distance.) Is that a trail over there?", "(They wade through the water and head over to the trail.)", "(Nick stops at the small dam and sees a hundred dollar bill with the twigs. He chuckles.)", "Catherine: What you got?", "Nick: C-note in a Beaver Dam.", "Catherine: Hang on.", "(Catherine snaps a photo of it.)", "(Nick cuts the twigs and takes out the bill. He looks at it.)", "Catherine: Damn. This beaver's doing nice work.", "Nick: They should do a commercial for the city.", "(Nick kneels down and looks inside the hole in the beaver dam. Camera pulls back and we see that there are more bills - lots of fifty dollar bills -- lining the inside of the hole.)", "(Nick straightens.)", "Nick: Las Vegas -- where even the beaver can strike it rich.", "(Catherine gives Nick a look.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. TANGIERS - HALLWAY/ROOM - DAY]", "(Det. Vartann is looking through his notes when Greg and Grissom walk up to him.)", "Greg: Please tell me I finally got a hooker roll.", "Det. Vartann: Sorry. Maybe next time.", "(They all step inside the hotel room. They stand around the bed where the dead body is.)", "Det. Vartann: Coroner was just here. Maurice Hudson, 37, lives in Tahoe.", "(Grissom puts his kit down. Det. Vartann hands him the plastic bag with the victim's wallet and money.)", "Det. Vartann: $14,000 in cash, and credit cards are accounted for.", "Greg: That much cash? Guy must have been a gambler.", "(Grissom looks down at the table and sees a couple of 2005 W-2 forms.)", "Grissom: Casino W-2's. Looks like we got a winner.", "(He picks up a name tag.)", "Grissom: Name tag printed at the Tangiers. Probably a convention.", "Det. Vartann: I'll check it out.", "(Det. Vartann leaves.)", "(Grissom walks up to the bed with the dead body on it. The man is on the right side of the bed. The left side of the bed has a huge sweat stain on it.)", "Grissom: So tell me about the body.", "(Greg leans forward and looks at the victim's right side.)", "Greg: Well, uh, livor mortis is settled, which means the body's been laying in this position for a while. Pronounced petechiae on the chest from lack of oxygen. Guy was struggling to breathe, pressure built up, and it popped the blood vessels.", "(Grissom remains quiet. He looks at the body, noticing something else.)", "(Grissom takes out a strand of something purple near the victim's mouth.)", "Greg: Yeah, I saw that purple fiber. I was going to collect it. I just work on my own rhythm. (Greg takes the fiber and looks around.) I don't see anything purple in the room.", "(Grissom looks around. He focuses in on the table against the far wall. Greg puts the envelope with the fiber in his pocket.)", "Grissom: This table's cracked.", "(Greg looks at Grissom. Grissom kneels down and finds something else on the table.)", "Grissom: And we have what appears to be ejaculate.", "(Greg looks around. He sees some stains on the bed sheets.)", "Greg: Me, too. This guy was a machine.", "Grissom: And he got around.", "(Greg shrugs. Grissom stands up.)", "Grissom: Have Sara process the sheets, and then pull the hotel surveillance.", "Greg: Got you. We want to see who came ... and went.", "(Grissom turns around and raises an eyebrow at Greg.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(The sheets are spread out on the table. Sara uses an ALS to examine the sheets.)", "(She uses a marker to outline the impression on the sheets.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Greg reviews the security video.)", "(Sara continues to examine the sheet, marking the body fluid stains with a marker.)", "(Greg continues to review the video footage. He finds the video of the victim stepping into the elevator.)", "(Sara cuts out the portion of the sheet with the body fluid stains on it. She puts the material in a container and caps it with a label for DNA.)", "(Greg views video footage of the victim leaving the elevator.)", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Sara walks into the lab.)", "Sara: Any luck?", "Greg: Hotel gave us copies of the surveillance tapes from the time Hudson checked in.", "(Sara sits down next to Greg.)", "Greg: I'm all the way up to last night, and he's always solo.", "Sara: Until Mia processes the sheet, there's no way to know whether the semen is the result of self-service only.", "Greg: No way. Soft p0rn couldn't crack that table.", "Sara: Okay. If he had a partner, that would explain the unusually large sweat stain I found on the sheet.", "Greg: No cell phone. No calls out. Always alone. Who was he with?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Robbins goes over the body with Grissom.)", "Robbins: Maurice Hudson is a perplexing subject. Check out his eyes.", "(Robbins pulls apart the victim's eyelids to show Grissom the eyes.)", "Grissom: Bulbar hemorrhages.", "Robbins: (nods and points) And petechial hemorrhages on the chest.", "Grissom: Asphyxiation.", "Robbins: Yep. Lividity, dark blue-purple, settled in the posterior area.", "Grissom: Well, that makes sense. We found him face-up.", "Robbins: Yeah? So then explain the additional blanching patterns on the chest and thighs.", "Grissom: Blanching happens when something's pressed against the area, displacing the blood.", "Robbins: Yeah, I know what you're thinking, but the body wasn't moved. And these two lividity patterns taken together are consistent with him being on his back.", "Grissom: So there was something on top of him?", "(Robbins nods.)", "Grissom: Compression asphyxia?", "Robbins: It took at least two to three very long minutes to kill him. And whatever was on him remained there until livor set, about eight to ten hours.", "Grissom: Well, whatever it was was gone when we got there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(The tech removes the money from the beaver hole relocated to the lab. Catherine instructs the techs)", "Catherine: I want two people in the room at all times, double counts, every pile. If you don't agree, do it all again.", "Tech: I know the drill, boss.", "(Catherine turns and leaves the room. She walks down the hallway.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY -CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine walks through the hallway when Warrick finds her.)", "Warrick: Hey, Cath.", "(She turns around when Warrick steps out of a lab.)", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Warrick: I think I've got an ID off the victim's ring.", "Catherine: Let's hear it.", "Warrick: The AFFA. It only lasted a few years, and only one player wore the number 12 for the Greenbacks. He was a wide receiver.", "Catherine: Okay, what's his name?", "Warrick: Gabe Miller. Fits the general description.", "Catherine: All right, well, give it to Brass. We'll follow up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Robbins goes over the body with Nick. Nick is wearing a face mask.)", "Robbins: Minimal hemorrhage around the head wounds suggests the heart was destroyed first. Close-to-contact SGW caused extensive pulpification on the heart and bilateral hemothraces.", "(Nick removes his face mask as he holds out the shot cup.)", "Robbins: Yeah, and that was embedded in the back of his skull. Not uncommon for a close-range shot.", "Nick: I think the guy used a sawed-off shotgun.", "Robbins: How can you tell?", "Nick: Check out the stria.", "(Quick zoom to the markings on the shot cup.)", "Robbins: Hmm? Yeah, what is it?", "Nick: Impatience.", "(Quick CGI POV: Someone saws off the barrel of a shotgun.)", "Nick: (V.O.) Sawing off the barrel of a shotgun is hard work.", "(Cut to: The person breaks off the end of the barrel.)", "Nick: (V.O.) Those that do it are usually in a rush in to get it done. It leaves a burr on the edge of the barrel.", "(The person cocks the rifle.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "(Nick holds the shot cup.)", "Nick: So every time the weapon fired, the burr on the barrel raked the shot cup ...", "(Quick CGI POV: The gun fires. The shot cup explodes out of the barrel, scraping up against the burr as it exits.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Nick: ... before the pellets blasted holes into Mr. Gabe Miller, here.", "Robbins: That's the vic's name?", "Nick: Yeah, why? Is it that funny?", "Robbins: It's the same name as our new councilman from ward seven. Interesting story. The guy played pro football ...", "Nick: Yeah, wide receiver for the Vegas Greenbacks, right?", "Robbins: Right.", "Nick: Well, his team ring was on this guy's finger.", "Robbins: Yeah, then you mis-ID'd the vic. Gabe Miller's still alive. As much as a politician can be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Brass walks and talks with Gabe Miller down the hallway. He shows Gabe Miller a photo of the AFFA ring.)", "Brass: So, this is your ring, huh?", "Gabe Miller: Yeah, that's my old number. Haven't seen that ring in a long time.", "Brass: Why is that?", "Gabe Miller: Every cent I earned playing ball went up my nose or on some dog at Las Vegas Downs. I was a real mess until I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior.", "(Brass makes a sound of disbelief. They stop walking.)", "Gabe Miller: Do you got a problem with that, Captain?", "Brass: No. No, no. No, I ... no, I'm just listening.", "Gabe Miller: Well, there's no need to keep talking unless you're gonna speak your mind.", "Brass: Okay, Councilman. Say you're an alcoholic. One day you decide to give up the bottle. And, more often than not, you're gonna trade in the shot glass for a dozen Krispy Kremes and start pounding them away with both hands. You know what I mean?", "Gabe Miller: So you think I'm an addictive personality. Only now I'm into God instead of greyhounds?", "Brass: No. I-I'm really not making any judgments.", "Gabe Miller: When the Lord cleaned up my life, I promised him I'd always remember the man that I used to be, so I'd never be that man again. I dedicated twenty years of my life to playing football.", "(He digs into his pocket, takes out his wallet and pulls out a pawn ticket. He hands it to Brass to look at.)", "(A woman walks up to them.)", "Gabe Miller: And I pawned my championship ring for a $50 parlay.", "Woman: Sir, they're ready for you now.", "Gabe Miller: (to the woman) Okay.", "Brass: You can file a claim at our office and get the ring back any time you want.", "Gabe Miller: (shakes his head) I don't need trophies anymore, Captain. Good luck on your case.", "(Gabe Miller leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[SCOPE VIEW: PURPLE FIBER]", "(The purple fiber is in focus.)", "David Hodges: (V.O.) Take a look.", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB]", "(Sara is looking through the microscope at the purple fiber as Hodges reports to her.)", "David Hodges: Based on birefringence, your fiber's the product of a bivoltine moth.", "(Sara looks up.)", "Sara: You could just say it's silk.", "David Hodges: (nods) Fine. Acid washed, dyed, tasar silk. Color's unique. Not found in our database or the feds.", "Sara: That's it?", "David Hodges: That's it.", "Sara: It's not like you to get right down to business.", "David Hodges: Even I have off days, Sara.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. TANGIERS - DAY]", "(Det. Vartann, Grissom and Greg step onto the escalator going down. Grissom watches as a large woman wearing a pink tee-shirt steps on the opposite going up escalator.", "Det. Vartann: There's only one convention at the Tangiers this weekend.", "(The front of the woman's pink tee-shirt reads:", "IF MY BODY DISGUSTS YOU ...", "(She sees them looking at her and smiles.)", "(They all turn to read the back of her tee-shirt:", "KEEP IT TO YOURSELF", "Det. Vartann: It's the same name tag as the one we found on the vic's clothes.", "(They reach the bottom floor.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. TANGIERS - POOLSIDE -- DAY]", "(There's an APAPSP convention at the Tangiers, \"Association to Promote Acceptance of Plus-Sized People.\" Large men and women party poolside.)", "(Det. Vartann smiles.)", "Det. Vartann: A hogs 'n heifers convention. Hudson wasn't fat. What was he doing here?", "Grissom: Maybe he used to be.", "Greg: Or maybe he was a chubby chaser.", "(Grissom looks at Greg. Greg shrugs.)", "Greg: Hey, some men like curves.", "Det. Vartann: There's curves, and then there's rolls. (sighs) Look, have tons of fun. I got a murder-suicide to cover.", "(Det. Vartann turns and leaves.)", "(Grissom looks around.)", "Grissom: Something heavy killed our vic.", "Greg: Heavy object, heavy person.", "Grissom: Listen, pass this photo around the registration desk.", "(Grissom hands Greg the DMV photo of Maurice Hudson.)", "Grissom: Who knows. Maybe he did like big girls.", "Greg: Where are you going?", "Grissom: (points) I'm going dancing.", "(Grissom shows the photo to a woman sitting in a chair.)", "Grissom: Excuse me. Have you ever seen this man before?", "(She shakes her head.)", "(He heads over to two women dancing.)", "Grissom: Excuse me, ladies. Have you ever seen this man before?", "(They shake their heads and continue dancing. Grissom moves over to chair dancer #1 who is sitting down and dancing.)", "Grissom: Excuse me. I'm with the Crime Lab. Have you ever seen this man before?", "(He shows her the photo.)", "Chair Dancer #1: (shakes her head) Never seen him before.", "(Grissom notices her purple undershirt.)", "Chair Dancer #1: Do you see something you like?", "(She grabs her breasts and rubs them. Grissom backs away.)", "Grissom: I'm sorry. I, uh ... I noticed your lovely purple undergarments.", "Chair Dancer #1: I bought it here at the convention, honey.", "Grissom: You did? (nods) Thank you.", "(Grissom walks past her and she slaps his behind. Grissom turns around to look at her.)", "Chair Dancer #1: (shrugs) Fat girl, gay guy. It's not unheard of.", "(Without saying a word, Grissom turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TANGIERS - LOBBY OUTSIDE CONFERENCE ROOM -- DAY]", "(Open on the painting. Greg shows the DMV photo to Brenda Morgan, who is sitting behind the registration table", "Brenda Morgan: Yes, he's been to some of our events. We've exchanged hellos.", "Greg: Was he here last night?", "Brenda Morgan: I'm pretty sure I saw him at the mixer. Why?", "Greg: We're investigating Mr. Hudson's death. Was he with anyone?", "Brenda Morgan: I didn't notice. But you could check the message board.", "(She points.)", "Greg: Message board?", "Brenda Morgan: When you see somebody you like, you leave them a note. If they respond, you're in luck. If they don't, it's softer than face-to-face rejection. We get that enough as it is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Nick and Warrick go over the cash taken from the beaver's dam.)", "Nick: Roughly 25,000 in cash, money bands from five different sports books, some, uh, assorted trash and junk, and these.", "(Nick hands Warrick two betting stubs from THE ORLEANS. He looks at them.)", "Warrick: Without the vig, these are both $5,000 bets. Duke minus 17 on a Tuesday, and Louisville plus 23 on a Friday.", "(The first ticket reads:", "THE ORLEANS", "90802-3EC1-0924 $5,500 Straight Bet", "403 DUKE", "-110 PLB -17 Event Date 02/14/05 Win $5,500 to pay $10,500 Ticket Cost $5,500 00331 MO326 Book 14Feb2005 10:05:58", "9D802-3EC1-D654", "(The second ticket reads:", "THE ORLEANS", "$5,500 Straight Bet", "225 LOUIVILLE", "-110 PLB +23 Event Date 02/18/05 Win $5,500 to pay $10,500 Ticket Cost $5,500 00331 MO326 Book 18Feb2005 08:22:36", "9D802-3EC1-D924 )", "Nick: They winners or losers?", "Warrick: You know what? I don't follow college roundball anymore. Most of the good players go pro right out of high school.", "(Warrick picks up one of the money bands and looks at it.)", "Warrick: The Mirage, the Stardust, the Golden Nugget, and Sam's Town. It's down the strip, across Fremont, up Boulder Highway. It's a classic runner's route.", "Nick: Well, if he was placing bets for a bookie, maybe we can find out who it is.", "(Warrick nods. Brass walks into the lab.)", "Brass: Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Brass: So I tracked down the football ring from the pawnshop records. The ring was bought by Kelvin Russell. Get this. Russell worked for the VSL, the Vegas Sports Line.", "Nick: Yeah, I've heard of them. They set the spread for almost every sports book in Vegas.", "Brass: Now, if the vic worked for the VSL, he's legally prohibited from sports gambling. I mean, that guy should be nowhere near a betting ticket.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. VEGAS SPORTS LINE -- DAY]", "(Open on some sports items and a large boxing poster that reads:", "NOVOTNY VS. WILBUR", "\"CONTEST OF THE YEAR\"", "UNDISPUTED WILTERWEIGHT CHAMPION", "GORG", "VS. SAN JOSE", "CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHTS ALL NIGHT LONG", "SATURDAY DECEMBER 19", "SPECIAL TIME", "8PM ET / 5 PM PT", "LIVE ON PAY-PER-VIEW {on left} CESAR DABO {on right} ARCHIE ARCHMAN", "(Cut to: Mitch Urbana stands in front of a whiteboard as he discusses the spread with his team.)", "Mitch Urbana: Five? A lousy five? This is the best left-handed shooter in the country.", "Oddsmaker #1: Yeah, you're right, Mitch. Uh, my research has me at six.", "Mitch Urbana: Six? They'll cover that at halftime. Where are you morons getting your information?", "Oddsmaker #2: Seven and a half.", "Mitch Urbana: Seven and a half is a good start. Let me hear. Scotty, come on, beam me up. I want some numbers.", "(Scott Kerwin takes a seat at the table.)", "Scott Kerwin: Ten.", "Mitch Urbana: Good. Okay, we're going ten here.", "Oddsmaker #1: Mitch, add a hook for me.", "Mitch Urbana: Uh-huh. A hook.", "(He adds \"1/2\" to the \"10\". He turns around.)", "Mitch Urbana: That's the game. Call it into the books.", "(Brass and Warrick walk into the room.)", "Brass: Hey, Mitch. So I see you're still the man with the plan, huh?", "Mitch Urbana: Yeah, I am.", "Brass: I'm here about one of your employees, Kelvin Russell.", "Mitch Urbana: Then we got the same problem. That kid's been a no-show for two weeks. By the way, if you see him, you let him know he's fired, okay?", "(Mitch takes a sip from his drink.)", "Warrick: Oh, I don't think you have to worry about him coming back to work.", "Brass: He's dead.", "(This appears to be news for everyone in the room.)", "Brass: We're gonna need statements from everybody. Who knew him best?", "Mitch Urbana: That'd be Scotty. Scotty Kerwin.", "(Scotty looks at Mitch.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[INT. VEGAS SPORTS LINE - ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass and Warrick talk with Scotty Kerwin.)", "Brass: All right, Scott, so, uh, you and Kelvin were buds, right?", "Scott Kerwin: No, not even. I was just the only guy that would talk to him.", "Brass: Oh, so, he wasn't the favorite?", "Scott Kerwin: He was cocky.", "Warrick: Well, there's nothing wrong with a little confidence, especially in your line of work.", "Scott Kerwin: Yeah, well, I guess the guys didn't think he deserved to be cocky just yet. I mean, Kelvin was new here, and Mitch Urbana's the man. And you know what I mean? His number is the number.", "(Scott squints and rubs his nose.)", "Warrick: You taking drugs, Scott?", "Scott Kerwin: Yeah, it's for my Tourette's.", "Brass: So, when was the last time you saw Kelvin?", "Scott Kerwin: Monday. Yeah, it was the morning after the Duke-Louisville game. He-he sort of just came in and left.", "Brass: What was the big rush?", "Scott Kerwin: He didn't come in to work. He-he came in to gloat.", "(Quick flash of: Kelvin Russell walks into the room.)", "Kelvin Russell: (gloats) Hey, Mitch, you picked Duke minus 15, right? How'd that game turn out?", "(He looks at Mitch. Mitch doesn't say anything.)", "(Kelvin laughs.)", "(He writes on the board: 22.)", "Kelvin Russell: Just like I called it, old man! Hey, you weren't even close!", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Scott Kerwin: Then he left. That was the last time I saw him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TANGIERS - LOBBY OUTSIDE BALLROOM - DAY]", "(The registration table is busy. Camera cuts to the message board.)", "Man: Hi. Can I leave this message for Melody?", "(The man hands her a message and a photo.)", "Jill Paisley: Sure.", "(She takes the message form him.)", "(Greg walks up to the woman in front of the message board.)", "Greg: Hi. I'm from the Crime Lab. There's potential evidence on this board. I need the messages for Maurice Hudson.", "Jill Paisley: Crime Lab? (She hands him the stack of messages.) Something happen to him?", "Greg: Yes. He's dead.", "Jill Paisley: Oh. A few ladies here are going to be in mourning. He was popular. I don't know why. Guess some people like pigs.", "Greg: I take it you knew him.", "Jill Paisley: Well enough to keep my distance. b*st*rd liked doing fat girls, but didn't want to be seen with them. There are some women around here who spend all their time and energy giving pleasure because they think they aren't worthy.", "Greg: You don't have to be large to have low self-esteem.", "(She smiles a little.)", "Greg: Did he check his messages last night?", "Jill Paisley: Yeah. He and Regina Owens played message tag for a while. I figured they hooked up.", "Greg: Where can I find her?", "Jill Paisley: She's a vendor. Intimates.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TANGIERS - LOBBY - DAY]", "(Grissom wanders through the vendors. He finds the stand with lingerie on it. He walks up and looks at the nightie. Regina Owens walks up to Grissom.)", "Regina Owens: That's some tickler you got there.", "Grissom: Excuse me?", "(She motions to his beard.)", "Regina Owens: You got everything you need to please a woman.", "Grissom: Fine. (He looks at her name tag.) Regina, um, can I ask you, is this silk or synthetic?", "Regina Owens: Oh, that's 100% silk.", "Grissom: How many sets of these have you sold?", "Regina Owens: Four pre-orders and another fifteen commissions. I even made a set for myself. (She pulls down the shoulder of the blouse and shows Grissom the purple lace underneath.) Men love purple.", "Grissom: Do they?", "Regina Owens: It's Purple Rain. Prince. Sexy. Custom color. You want it for the wife?", "Grissom: I'm not married.", "Regina Owens: Girlfriend?", "Grissom: No.", "Regina Owens: You want one?", "Grissom: (smiles) Yes, I do.", "(She laughs huskily.)", "Grissom: I'd also like, uh, copies of your customer receipts.", "(Her smile fades.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. THE ORLEANS BUILDING (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. THE ORLEANS - SPORTSBOOK- DAY]", "(The counter is busy. Camera rises to show the betting board behind the counter.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. THE ORLEANS - SPORTSBOOK - DAY]", "(Warrick shows the victim's photo to the Sports Book Manager.)", "Sports Book Manager: Yeah, this is the guy. Time-stamps match what were on the tickets.", "(Warrick takes the photo and looks at it. The stamp on the photo reads:", "EAST SPORTSBOOK", "CAMERA 66", "Warrick: Looks like a runner to me.", "Woman: Got that right.", "Sports Book Manager: Name's Lou Barnes. Yeah, we were kind of hoping those babies wouldn't show up.", "Warrick: Why, because they're winners?", "Sports Book Manager: Oh, yeah. Those little pieces of paper are worth ten-five each. Game hit us hard.", "Warrick: Yeah, I hear that book's the only place where casinos actually lose money.", "Sports Book Manager: I worked here a long time, never seen anything like it. Not even ASU-Washington in '93.", "Warrick: Oh, that's when the players shaved points. Any indication that this game was fixed?", "Sports Book Manager: Well, Gaming Commission investigated. They didn't think so. I figure we just got caught in a good steam play.", "Warrick: A lot of one-way action?", "Sports Book Manager: Minute VSL opened the line. Yeah, it was weird. Those guys are usually right on. I mean, that's what we pay them for.", "Warrick: The sharp number keeps you guys from getting hit too hard, huh?", "Sports Book Manager: Not this time. Number went all over the place. Money was rolling in so fast, guys were fighting for position in line. We lost over a million on that game.", "Warrick: Could I get a printout of the line moves?", "Sports Book Manager: You got it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[VARIOUS FLASHES OF THE SPORTSBOOK MAIN FLOOR]", "[INT. THE ORLEANS - SPORTSBOOK - DAY]", "(Catherine walks up to Warrick sitting at a table looking over the printout of the line moves.)", "Catherine: Hey.", "Warrick: Hey.", "(Catherine sits down with her drink.)", "Catherine: So, uh, Brass got a home address on the runner, Lou Barnes. He's looking into it. What are you still doing here anyway?", "Warrick: I'm studying the game that our vic got rich on. These are the craziest line moves I've ever seen.", "Catherine: Line moves? Got to say, the only thing that sports book means to me is guys without showers.", "(Warrick laughs.)", "Warrick: That's actually true.", "Catherine: Yeah, I know.", "Warrick: Okay, well, let me see if I can break it down. Monday morning, the week of the Duke-Louisville game, VSL sets the line at Duke minus 15.", "Catherine: So if I were to place a bet on Duke, they would have to win by more than 15 in order for me to win the bet.", "Warrick: Right. Now according to the Manager of the Book, the moment that number went up, cash came rolling in on Duke.", "(Quick flash to: Bets are placed at the counter. The line starts at -15, then changes to -17.5, -23, then -25.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) The professional bettors were all over the number, dispatching runners in every book in town. Now, remember, money moves the line. So, by the middle of the week, the tourists and local suckers caught wind of what the pros were betting, to Duke minus 25.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Yeah, everybody's throwing money on Duke. Big favorite.", "Warrick: This is where it gets weird. By Friday, all sorts of cash starts rolling in, but this time on the underdog -- Louisville plus 25.", "Catherine: Which means that Louisville could lose by 24 and still win the bet.", "(Warrick nods.)", "Catherine: So, why would you bet on the underdog if you had already put money on the favorite?", "Warrick: Well, here's why. (Warrick maps it out on a piece of paper for Catherine.) Our vic had Lou Barnes lay 17 points with Duke, and take 23 with Louisville. And the game ... landed 22. How do you think he did it?", "Catherine: He got more than 17 and less than . He won both bets.", "Warrick: All that action created this big \"middle,\" so he was able to win on both sides. I think Kelvin Russell sold VSL's numbers, and got killed for it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass interviews Lou Barnes.)", "Brass: Lou Barnes. Big money runner. Still living at your mom's house?", "(Lou Barnes' eyes start to flutter closed and he starts swaying in his seat.)", "Brass: Hey, buddy, focus. You all right?", "(Lou Barnes tilts off his chair and falls to the floor with a thud.)", "Brass: Guess not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. HOSPITAL -- DAY]", "(Lou Barnes is asleep on the hospital bed. The ER Surgeon is standing next to the bed.)", "Nick: (o.s.) Okay, Ma'am. What've you got for us?", "(The ER Surgeon turns around and takes out the plastic bag from her pocket. She hands it to Nick.)", "ER Nurse: Pulled this out of his calf. Been in there at least a week. (to Brass) The guy was septic. He's lucky to be alive.", "(The ER Surgeon leaves the room. Nick looks at the bullet.)", "Nick: Number four buckshot. Barnes was at Rainbow Canyon with Russell.", "Brass: Russell knows the line's going to move on a big game, and he wants to cash in on it. But he can't go near a book without being reported, so he hires Barnes to place the bets.", "Nick: They win big, and both wind up on the wrong end of a shotgun.", "(Quick flash to: A shotgun fires. A man groans. The second man runs as the shooter raises his rifle and fires.)", "Kelvin Russell: Oh, my God!", "(The shooter fires. Lou Barnes runs. The shooter follows and fires.)", "(He cocks the rifle. The money floats to the top of the water. The shooter stops and grabs a handful of money from the water.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Nick: We're looking for a third guy.", "(Brass turns and walks over to Lou Barnes' bed.", "Brass: (loudly) Hey, Lou. Lou. (Lou wakes up.) You want to tell us who filled you full of lead?", "Lou Barnes: I want a lawyer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Several officers walk through the hallway chuckling and laughing to themselves. In the waiting room, the women from the conference are there.)", "(Sara walks through the hallway with her kit. She's heading for the waiting room. Officer Metcalf sees her at the doorway.)", "Officer Metcalf: Walk softly. Don't cause a stampede.", "(Sara doesn't laugh.)", "Sara: I am going to remember that you said that, Metcalf, especially after these ladies sue you and the police for discrimination, you genius. Could you clear the halls for me, please? Come on, guys.", "(Officer Metcalf and the officers leave, chuckling under their breaths.)", "Sara: Hi, there. I'm Sara Sidle; I'm with the Crime Lab. And I would like to apologize for him. That was really out of line.", "Jill Paisley: They all were, and so are you, unless you've got a good explanation on why we've been hauled down here.", "Sara: Well, as you know, this is a homicide investigation. We've recovered evidence consistent with custom-made lingerie that all of you own.", "Jill Paisley: I'm no lawyer, but that sounds flimsy, even to me.", "Sara: We also ran DNA on evidence that we found at the crime scene that proves that two women had s*x with the victim prior to his death. I would like to rule you out as suspects, so I'm asking for a voluntary DNA sample.", "Regina Kern: You think one of us killed Maurice?", "Blonde Woman: Who's Maurice?", "Jill Paisley: You know, Maurice Hudson. Big ego, little scab.", "Sara: If I could just swab the inside of your cheek.", "Brenda Morgan: The answer is no.", "Sara: I can easily get a court order with what I've got.", "Regina Owens: So get one. Let's go.", "(Instead of leaving, Jill Paisley walks up to Sara.)", "Regina Owens: Jill?", "Jill Paisley: I don't want this humiliation made more public than it already is. And I definitely don't want to come back here. So, you do what you want, but this ends for me right here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 - NIGHT]", "(Sara interviews Brenda Morgan.)", "Sara: You told us that you didn't really know the victim.", "Brenda Morgan: I didn't want to get involved. I still don't.", "Sara: You were in his bed. I'd call that involved.", "Brenda Morgan: Look ... Maurice wasn't a nice guy, but I slept with him anyway. I could service him all night, and he wouldn't even ride the elevator with me.", "Sara: I bet that hurt. Enough to kill him?", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2 - NIGHT]", "(Grissom interviews Regina Owens.)", "Regina Owens: He was better when I left than when I got there.", "Grissom: What time was that?", "Regina Owens: I went to his room around seven. Stayed just long enough to get mine and go.", "(Quick flashback to: [HOTEL ROOM] Regina laughs. She bumps into the table. She laughs.)", "Regina Owens: Ooh! Oh!", "(She and Maurice Hudson kiss. She leans back into the table and it cracks under her. She continues to laugh.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Regina Owens: He knew how to have fun. And that's why we all come to Vegas, isn't it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 - NIGHT]", "(Brenda continues to talk with Sara.)", "Brenda Morgan: I'm fat, Ms. Sidle. I am a fat woman. I've tried diet after diet, joined gym after gym, done obesity programs, obsessed about drastic surgery, and I'm still fat. I didn't get my high school crush. I did his homework. Didn't get the one in college, either. He became my \"friend.\" But Maurice left a note in my slot on the message wall. And he made me feel special ... sexy ... wanted.", "(She cries.)", "Sara: Did you know about the other woman?", "Brenda Morgan: When I went up to his room, she was leaving.", "Sara: And you slept with him anyway?", "Brenda Morgan: I thought about turning around, but it's not like I've had a lot of chances. It wasn't till afterwards ... that I started to feel ... angry. At myself. For letting him take advantage of me.", "Sara: Did you argue with him? Was there a fight?", "Brenda Morgan: No. I waited for him to fall asleep. Then I smothered him with a pillow and held him down until he stopped moving.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. ROAD -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick walks over toward Brass who waits in the middle of the road. Three officer cars line the road near an abandoned vehicle.)", "Warrick: Across town on a homicide, you guys call me out here for an abandoned vehicle?", "Brass: The car was reported stolen last week. The R.O. is Mitch Urbana. It's been picked clean.", "Warrick: You guys popped the trunk?", "Brass: Waiting for you; pop it.", "(The tech opens the trunk.)", "(Inside the trunk is a small pile of metal shavings. Warrick touches it.)", "Brass: What do you got?", "Warrick: Feels like metal.", "(Quick flash of: Mitch Urbana saws off the barrel of a rifle. The metal shavings fall into the back of his car.)", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Brass slides a photo of the car's trunk across the table toward Mitch Urbana.)", "Brass: The dust in your trunk is high carbon steel mixed with chrome - consistent with a shotgun barrel, like the weapon used to kill Kelvin Russell.", "(Mitch puts his glasses on to look at the photos. He shakes his head and takes his glasses off.)", "Mitch Urbana: Look, uh, my car was stolen, and I reported it, okay? End of story. I don't know nothing about no shotgun. Maybe the punk who stole my car must have put it there.", "Brass: You and Kelvin weren't on the best terms, eh?", "Mitch Urbana: (shrugs) Oddsmaking's a little art and a little science, you know? Russell was ... he was all mouth.", "Brass: Hey, he nailed the Duke game.", "Mitch Urbana: He got lucky. You know, there's about thirty games a day, and ... look, let me try to explain it to you, okay? Inside each game is a number. Once in a while, I'm, I'm a little off. But most of the time, I'm right. I work very hard to be right. I chisel through stacks of statistics, I sweep away all the irrelevancies. I try to get to the bottom -- you know, where the truth is. And yeah, I want to know what the quarterback had to eat that day, and if the point guard's going through a messy divorce. All these things, they come together, and all of a sudden, bang -- a number just jumps out at you. And within an hour, every sports book in Vegas got that number up on their board. My hard work displayed up there in lights. That's what I do.", "Brass: Let me tell you what I think. Kelvin made you look bad. He made you look stupid. And for a guy who thinks highly of himself, who clearly needs to be right, where there's a tremendous amount of ego involved, that's motivation for murder.", "Mitch Urbana: Kelvin Russell didn't know what hard work was, okay? He was a loudmouth major pain in the ass. You think I killed him?", "(Brass raises his eyebrows at him.)", "Mitch Urbana: Prove it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Sara and Grissom walk through the hallway.)", "Sara: Brenda Morgan is claiming that she smothered the victim to death with a pillow.", "Grissom: He wasn't killed with a pillow. C.O.D. was compressed asphyxia.", "Sara: She admits guilt, but she's hiding something.", "Grissom: Maybe she's covering for someone else.", "Sara: We know that Regina Owens was in the room. She claims she left the victim alive, and Brenda is backing her up.", "Grissom: Yeah, but she's a liar.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Greg shows the video security footage to Sara.)", "Greg: Brenda got off the elevator at 7:30. Regina got on. They knew each other, so things must have been uncomfortable.", "(On the monitor, Brenda leaves the elevator while Regina steps into the elevator. The time stamp reads: 07:24.)", "Sara: The tape confirms Brenda's account. What time did she leave?", "Greg: Spent the night. She didn't leave till the next morning.", "Sara: Doc Robbins ball-parked the victim's death at sometime between 9:00 P.M. And midnight.", "Greg: That means she slept with a dead guy. She's not only a killer, she's a necrophiliac. That's what I call enjoying your work.", "(Sara shakes her head.)", "Sara: Hold on, hold on. Uh, back up the tape, please.", "(Greg rewinds the tape.)", "Sara: There. Stop.", "(Time stamp is 07:23. On the monitor, Brenda puts her hand on the panel to steady herself.)", "Sara: She's trashed. Maybe she passed out.", "Greg: How drunk do you have to be to sleep next to a decomposing body? The smell alone's an alarm clock.", "Sara: Not next to him. On top of him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOUNGE]", "(Warrick and Catherine watch the basketball game on the wide screen.)", "Warrick: Who do you like?", "Catherine: Uh, Charlotte. My mom grew up in North Carolina.", "Warrick: All right, I'll give you Charlotte plus two.", "Catherine: What do I get if I win?", "Warrick: How about a fabulous dinner?", "Catherine: (smiles) I'll take your action.", "Warrick: (smiles) All right.", "(The game continues.)", "Catherine: So, unless we find our murder weapon, the case against Urbana is circumstantial at best.", "Warrick: But he's involved. I feel it. Those sports betting types -- they'll lie to their own kids about a game that hasn't been played yet.", "Catherine: You were a sports betting guy.", "Warrick: Yeah, and I lied when I was.", "Announcer: Scott making his move. (The shooter shoots and misses the basket. Charlotte gets the ball.) No good! Charlotte looking for one last shot. (The buzzer blares.) He can't get it - buzzard! (The shooter shoots.) Final score: Hartford 89. Charlotte 88.", "Catherine: (groans) Oh!", "(Warrick smiles.)", "Catherine: My team loses, but I still win that bet.", "Warrick: Well ...", "(Warrick's phone rings. He answers it.)", "Warrick: (nods) Ah. (to phone) Brown. Really? Well, thank you. (He hangs up.) That was the manager of The Sports Book. Says a guy filed a lost ticket claim for the tickets that you found at the beaver dam.", "Catherine: What's the name?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(On the monitor, a photo of Cesar Dabo appears.)", "Warrick: Cesar Dabo. No wants or warrants. Address in Lincoln County. That's near Rainbow Canyon. That's where you found the body, isn't it?", "(The information on the monitor from the LAS VEGAS POLICE IDENTIFICATION RECORD reads:", "CESAR DABO", "HGT: 6'3\" WGT: 230 LBS EYES: HAZEL", "HAIR: BROWN RACE: CAUCASIAN", "ADDRESS: 2974 WESTFALL AVE., LV, NV 89156", "OCCUPATION: PROFESSIONAL BOXER 1979-1985", "Bouncer: 1985-1992", "Bartender: 1992-1999", "Handyman: 2000-2004", "Catherine: Yeah. (reading) Professional boxer from '79 to '85. After that, he spent a lot of time in Vegas as a bouncer, bartender, handyman. Just another one of those broken down, punch-drunk bums.", "(Warrick runs Cesar Dabo through Google and finds 15,800 matches. The first four main titles read: Archie Archman versus Cesar Dabo Welterweight Contender Cesar Dabo", "Cesar Dabo: Welterweight Archer vs. Dabo", "Warrick: It says Dabo was a welterweight contender. A title match against Archie Archman was his biggest fight. Lost by a split decision.", "(Warrick scrolls down:", "Cesar Dabo: Welterweight Contender", "Title Match Fight: CASER DABO Vs. ARCHIE ARCHMAN", "Winner By Split Decision: Archie Archman", "(The three judges listed and their scorecards are for: TAYLOR GREEN, MITCH URBANA, and MAX TIMSON.)", "Warrick: Check this out. The only judge who called the fight for Dabo was Mitch Urbana.", "(Quick flash to: [LAS VEGAS SPORTSBOOK] Mitch Urbana is in front of the whiteboard.)", "(Cut to: The photo of welterweight contender Cesar Dabo.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Oh. So maybe Urbana hired his former boxing buddy to do his dirty work.", "Warrick: Dabo takes them out to Rainbow Canyon. Murders Russell, but Barnes gets away.", "Catherine: Dabo grabs most of the cash, goes back to Russell's body, takes the wallet, ID, takes off his face.", "Warrick: And Urbana reports his car stolen to cover his ass.", "Catherine: Let's put out a broadcast.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. DABO APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT]", "(Officers with guns are positioned outside the apartment building. Brass gives the signal for the officers to head for the apartment building.)", "Brass: Let's go.", "(Brass and the officers make their way to the apartment building.)", "Brass: Go.", "(Officers are already positioned near the doorway. Brass and a couple of officers rush up the stairs to the second floor.)", "(An officer batter-rams the door open.)", "[INT. DABO APARTMENT (#5) - NIGHT]", "Brass: Las Vegas police.", "(The door bursts open, startling the man and woman inside snorting coke. Brass and the officers hold their guns on them.)", "Brass: Cesar Dabo?", "(Cesar Dabo doesn't move.)", "Brass: Put your hands on your head.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DABO APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT]", "(Brass talks with Cesar Dabo whose hands are cuffed behind his back.)", "Brass: Listen, Cesar, you know, you're looking at a lighter gig if you tell us who paid you to kill Russell.", "(Dabo sniffs.)", "Cesar Dabo: Nobody paid me to kill him.", "Warrick: What about your buddy Mitch Urbana? He called a fight for you back in '79, right?", "Cesar Dabo: Yeah. I won that fight. Mitch was the only judge that got it right.", "Brass: But you're willing to do time for that?", "Cesar Dabo: Mitch said the kid was selling his number. He asked me to follow him, see what was going on.", "Warrick: So, why were you driving Mitch's car?", "Cesar Dabo: What, was I supposed to take the bus? My ride's been out all month.", "Brass: All right, how much you get paid for the hit?", "Cesar Dabo: It wasn't a hit. I did it on my own. I saw the money that runner was taking out of those books. Making Mitch look bad. He deserved it.", "(Quick flash of: Lou and Kelvin Russell celebrate as they flash the cash at each other.)", "(Cut to: Cesar Dabo watches them from the car.)", "Cesar Dabo: (V.O.) They weren't so happy with a shotgun in their face.", "(Close-up of Cesar with the rifle.)", "Cesar Dabo: (V.O.) I drove them out to Rainbow Canyon.", "(He cocks the rifle and fires.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Cesar Dabo: I took the cash and stuff. I came back here. I called Mitch and told him what went down. I said I'd kill him, too, if he said anything.", "(Cesar shifts from side-to-side, his eyes are barely open. Brass watches him.)", "Cesar Dabo: I knew you guys would find me sooner or later.", "Warrick: Dabo, tell me something. Why didn't you take the kid's ring? That was worth something.", "(Quick flashback of: Cesar checks out the ring on the kid's hand. He passes it over.)", "Cesar Dabo: (V.O.) Man, I thought it was a super bowl ring. Freakin' AFFA. That's my luck.", "(He cocks the rifle and fires.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Camera holds on Cesar.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom and Sara strap on the harness to the dummy as Greg watches.)", "Greg: How much does this thing weigh?", "Grissom: Two hundred and forty pounds at the moment. We'll increase the weight incrementally until you can't move.", "Greg: Oh, I can't lift that. And if I can't, you can't. This is a safety issue.", "Sara: Well, that's what the pulley is for, Greg, so relax and lie down on your back.", "(Greg looks up at the pulley. He gives in and gets on the mattress on the floor.)", "Greg: You know, this is exactly like a dream I had once, except it wasn't in a garage. And Grissom wasn't watching. (Sara suppresses a smile.) That was a different dream.", "(Grissom lifts the dummy and places it over Greg. He lets it go.)", "Sara: How's it feel, Dreamer?", "Greg: Like 240 pounds of pure woman.", "Grissom: How's your breathing?", "(Greg pushes the dummy aside and sits up.)", "Greg: Limited.", "Grissom: Okay, add another forty pounds.", "(Sara winks at him and nods.)", "(Greg slips out from under the dummy as Sara adds the extra weight.)", "Sara: Ready.", "(Grissom lifts the dummy and places it over Greg. He lets it go.)", "(Greg groans.)", "Grissom: Well, the position's consistent with the victim. Face up, right arm is pinned.", "Sara: If we could leave the dummy on long enough, we could actually match the blanching.", "(Greg squeaks and groans, waving his hands to get their attention.)", "Greg: Yeah, guys, help.", "Grissom: Oh.", "(Grissom lifts the dummy off Greg.)", "Greg: Oh.", "Grissom: Two hundred and eighty pounds.", "Sara: Brenda's just shy of three.", "(Quick flash of: [HOTEL ROOM] Brenda is on Maurice as he gasps for air.)", "(End of flash.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sara interviews Brenda Morgan.)", "Sara: How long have you had Type II Diabetes?", "Brenda Morgan: A few years. What difference does that make?", "Sara: You also have hypertension.", "Brenda Morgan: Do you always ask questions you already have the answers to?", "Sara: The night that Maurice Hudson was killed, you'd been drinking. There was enough sweat on the sheets to run a tox panel.", "Brenda Morgan: I don't drink a lot.", "Sara: Well, it doesn't take a lot for someone to pass out who's on propranolol and glucophage.", "(Brenda starts crying.)", "Sara: (quietly) It was an accident, wasn't it?", "(Quick flash to: [HOTEL ROOM] Brenda wakes up and kisses Maurice. She brushes the hair from his face and notices that he's dead.)", "(She sits up.)", "Brenda Morgan: Wake up. Wake up.", "(But he's dead.)", "Brenda Morgan: Wake up.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Brenda Morgan: I just couldn't bear the jokes. Be some comedian's punch line. I would rather admit to murder and go to jail ... than to ever be that.", "(Sara nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / LOUNGE]", "(Grissom walks through the hallway and into the lounge where Greg is sitting at the table looking through a magazine.)", "Greg: I've finally regained feeling in my spine, thanks for asking.", "Grissom: A little technical reading, Greg?", "Greg: Yeah, I guess I just wanted to see what the big deal is.", "Grissom: Attraction is subjective. It can't be analyzed.", "(Grissom pours himself a cup of coffee.)", "Greg: Yeah, I consider myself to be pretty open-minded. Find other people's predilections very intriguing. What do you like? What gets your juices flowing?", "(Grissom thinks about it.)", "Grissom: Someone who doesn't judge me.", "(Grissom leaves the room. Greg looks up to watch Grissom walking down the hallway.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Big Middle
[ "Grissom and his team investigate a case where a stewardess has been violently raped and stabbed to death in her hotel room, in which Ecklie discovers parallels to a five-year-old cold case . Catherine's team assists Detective Cavaliere in the investigation of a young boy beaten to death in his own bed, but Nick and Cavaliere get into a bitter disagreement over their methods of finding the culprit." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. HOTEL CASINO - MAIN FLOOR - NIGHT]", "[INT. FOUR ACES- FRONT DESK - NIGHT]", "(Martha Krell rolls her bag to the front desk. The Front Desk Clerk looks at her.)", "Front Desk Clerk: Welcome back, Mrs. Krell.", "Martha Krell: I told you, it's Martha.", "(She takes her card.)", "Front Desk Clerk: Your room's ready and I have your credit card on file.", "(She turns to her co-workers as she leaves.)", "Martha Krell: See you in the morning. I'm beat.", "(The elevator door opens. She walks inside and presses the button.)", "Front Desk Clerk: (o.s.) Call me if you need anything, Martha.", "(She smiles as the elevator doors close.)", "(The Front Desk Clerk looks up.)", "(The elevator light for the second floor lights up.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FOUR ACES MOTEL - SECOND FLOOR - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The stairwell door opens and a man in a dark-colored jacket steps out. He looks down the hallway one way, then notes the EXIT door down the other hallway.)", "(Off screen, the elevator bell dings.)", "(The man in the dark-colored jacket and white sneakers heads toward the EXIT door. He follows the hallway and sees Martha Krell heading down the hallway with her luggage in tow.)", "(He starts walking quickly and purposefully toward her.)", "(Martha Krell reaches the motel room door and uses the card key to unlock the door.)", "(The man reaches Martha Krell quickly. He swiftly grabs her and pushes his way into her motel room, her scream muffled by his hand over her mouth.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. FOUR ACES MOTEL - KRELL'S ROOM]", "(Brass, Grissom and Sara walk into the room. Officers are there.)", "Brass: Decedent's name is Martha Krell. Flight attendant. She checked in this afternoon.", "(Brass stops near the bed where Martha is dead on the bed, her blood seeping into the sheets.)", "Brass: Apparently, she was stabbed to death. The coroner's en route.", "(Grissom and Sara put their kits down.)", "Grissom: Weird ... no sign of struggle.", "(They look around the room.)", "Brass: No clothes, no luggage.", "Sara: Bedspread's undisturbed. (Sara notes the trash bin.) Trashcan is empty and the inside is spotless. It's possible a liner's been removed.", "(Grissom looks at the dead body.)", "Brass: Take a whiff.", "Grissom: Smells clean.", "Brass: Smells like a hospital.", "Sara: Bleaches and deodorizers. Killer attacked the victim, then cleaned and sanitized the room.", "Grissom: Ah, but here's the smell of the blood still, and all the perfumes in Arabia will not sweeten this little room.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FOUR ACES MOTEL - STREET OUT FRONT -- NIGHT]", "(Officer car lights flash.)", "[INT. FOUR ACES MOTEL - KRELL'S ROOM]", "(Close-up: The DFP450 thermometer gage reads 83 degrees. David Phillips removes it from the liver.)", "(A camera snaps and flashes.)", "David Phillips: Her liver temp's 83 degrees. She's been dead approximately ten hours.", "(Sara is taking picture of the body.)", "Sara: I'd like to get a clear photo of her wounds. Can we lay her out?", "David Phillips: Oh, yeah. Grab her feet.", "(Sara puts her camera down. She grabs the feet while David holds on to the victim's upper body. As they flatten the body out, we hear the joints cracking.)", "(David picks up the victim's bloodied hand and looks at it.)", "David Phillips: Defensive wounds.", "(Sara picks up her camera and takes more photos.)", "David Phillips: Incised.", "(He looks down the body at the stab wounds. Sara snaps more photos.)", "David Phillips: At least a dozen.", "Sara: She did not want to die.", "(Off screen, the motel room door opens. Greg walks in with his kit.)", "Greg: I just got the call.", "(Sara turns and looks at Greg.)", "Greg: Where's Grissom?", "Sara: Bathroom.", "(Greg tilts his head, puzzled.)", "Sara: Working the, uh, case.", "(Greg heads for the bathroom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FOUR ACES MOTEL - KRELL'S ROOM -- BATHROOM]", "(Greg walks into the bathroom and finds Grissom sitting in the tub holding his flashlight down at the drain.)", "Greg: Hey.", "Grissom: Hand me my multi-tool, will ya, Greg? I need a Phillips.", "(Greg puts his kit down and picks up Grissom's multi-tool. He takes out the Phillips screwdriver and hands it to Grissom.)", "(Grissom takes the tool and starts unscrewing the drain.)", "Greg: What are you doing?", "Grissom: Well, the stabbing was brutal, but the crime scene is clean. No cast-off, no spatter. So, I want to know if the killer washed blood down the drain.", "(Grissom removes the drain cover. He holds it up and looks at its underside with his flashlight. He puts it aside. He uses the forceps and removes a wad of hair in the drain. He holds it up and looks at it with his flashlight.)", "Grissom: Swab and phenol this, will ya?", "(Greg takes a swab from Grissom's open kit on the toilet and kneels down to swab the wad of hair. He tests it with phenol and the swab tip turns pink.)", "Greg: Blood.", "(Grissom holds out the wad of hair for Greg to take.)", "Grissom: Label it. Send it to DNA.", "(Greg takes the forceps from Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FOUR ACES MOTEL - KRELL'S ROOM -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Close-up of: Martha Krell is on the gurney. The coroner covers her with a sheet.)", "(Grissom steps out of the bathroom. He removes his latex gloves and watches as the coroner wheels out the victim's body. He heads over to Sara.)", "(Sara is dusting the hotel table. Grissom stops and stands next to her.)", "Sara: Usually in hotel rooms, we find too many prints. (She sighs.) Not a single one. Just wipes and swipes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FOUR ACES MOTEL - LOBBY -- NIGHT]", "(Brass interviews the Front Desk Clerk.)", "Front Desk Clerk: Ms. Krell was a real nice lady. She brought me a Dodger baseball cap.", "Brass: Wow. So you were friends?", "Front Desk Clerk: Not really. Airlines buy a chunk of rooms for their trolley dollies, discounted. She's just staying here for a few months.", "Brass: So you discovered the body.", "Front Desk Clerk: Her supervisor called to say her A.M. flight was canceled. She wasn't answering her phone. He asked me to make sure she got the message.", "Brass: So you knocked on her door, and when she didn't answer, you just went right in?", "Front Desk Clerk: Yeah. I got a master key.", "Brass: Yeah, I knew that. Does the hotel have surveillance?", "Front Desk Clerk: Nope.", "Brass: Thank you. You've been a big help.", "Front Desk Clerk: Right on.", "(The Front Desk Clerk leaves. Hayden Michael steps up toward Brass.)", "Hayden Michaels: Excuse me. I'm Hayden Michaels. I'm the Manager of the Four Aces. I just got the call. Anything we can do to help?", "Brass: Thank you. I'll let you know.", "Hayden Michaels: Detective, if this hits the media, this is really going to hurt our business.", "Brass: What are you asking me?", "Hayden Michaels: Anything you can do to keep it out of the press?", "Brass: Look, I'm trying to catch a killer. I got no control over the press. If this makes the news, then it is what it is.", "(Brass turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. HAWKINS' RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(Officers put up crime scene tape around the front of the house.)", "(Catherine and Nick exit their vehicle and head for the house carrying their kits. They pass an officer escorting Martin Hawkins out the front walk, another officer escorting Yvonne Hawkins and a third officer escorting their son, Matthew Hawkins.)", "(The officer opens the back seat car door for Martin Hawkins.)", "(Catherine passes Matthew Hawkins on her way to the house.)", "(Detective Chris Cavaliere meets up with Catherine and Nick.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Hey. Victim's in the bedroom. Ty Hawkins, 12.", "(He leads them into the house.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HAWKINS' RESIDENCE - TY'S BEDROOM -- AFTERNOON]", "(David Phillips removes the thermometer and puts the sheet down.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Mother came in to wake him ... found him like this.", "(Det. Cavaliere, Nick and Catherine look at the little boy bruised and beaten under the bed sheet. Nick sighs.)", "Nick: Beaten to death.", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: This many blows; it was personal.", "David Phillips: Liver temp makes T.O.D. around midnight.", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: No sign of forced entry. Nothing's missing. All the doors and windows were locked except for the screen door. Parents claim they keep that locked.", "Catherine: You find a weapon?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Negative. Family's been transported down to the station. I'm gonna go down and take their statement. Hey, when you're done here, roll by. We'll ink them.", "Nick: You got it.", "(Det. Cavaliere leaves.)", "Catherine: Boy's not even safe in his own bed.", "(Nick sighs again.)", "Catherine: I'll take the inside.", "Nick: Yeah, I could use the fresh air.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HAWKINS' RESIDENCE - TY'S BEDROOM -- AFTERNOON]", "(Catherine takes a swab of Ty Hawkins' bed. She picks up the bat and looks at the knob at the base of the bat handle. She swabs the head of the bat. She puts the bat down and tests it. Negative. She looks at the swab.)", "(Catherine removes the sheets off the bed.)", "(Camera pulls back out of the bedroom through the bedroom window and out of the house ...", "[EXT. HAWKINS' RESIDENCE - BACKYARD-AFTERNOON -- CONTINUOUS]", "( ... where Nick is standing with his camera to take a photo of the shoe print in the dirt just outside Ty Hawkins' bedroom window.)", "(He puts the ruler aside and puts a metal ring around the shoe print. He smashes the bag of plaster and pours it over the shoe print.)", "(Nick stands up.)", "(Camera zooms back into the house through the bedroom window ...", "[INT. HAWKINS' RESIDENCE - TY'S BEDROOM - AFTERNOON -- CONTINUOUS]", "( ... where Catherine is standing near the shelves dusting them for prints.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[EXT. HAWKINS' RESIDENCE - BACKYARD-AFTERNOON -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick has found the word \"BRAT\" written on the bedroom window. He dusts it.)", "(Inside, Catherine dusts the window jalousies.)", "(Outside, Nick dusts the word on the window glass. He leans in close and snaps a photo of it.)", "[INT. HAWKINS' RESIDENCE - UTILITY ROOM - AFTERNOON -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine walks into the utility room and opens the washer. She takes out some bed sheets and other clothing. She uses an ALS on the clothes and finds some urine stains on the clothing and the bed sheets.)", "[EXT. HAWKINS' RESIDENCE - BACKYARD-AFTERNOON -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick walks over to the trash bins. On the ground are some heavy lead pipes. He snaps photos of it. He picks one up and looks at the treading at the bottom. He puts the pipe down and snaps a photo of it.)", "[EXT. HAWKINS' RESIDENCE - DRIVEWAY -AFTERNOON -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine opens the back of their SUV. She takes her sunglasses off. Nick walks up to her carrying a lead pipe.)", "Nick: Found a pile of pipes by the side of the house; one seems to be missing. This is an exemplar of a possible murder weapon. And I cast a shoe impression just outside the kid's bedroom window. Also some graffiti on the window -- B-R- A-T. Maybe somebody had it in for the kid.", "(Catherine slips her jacket on.)", "Catherine: Well, I bagged the bloody sheets from the bed. Found boxers, a t-shirt and a fitted sheet in the washer. ALS'd for blood, found urine.", "Nick: (nods) Mm. Well, whoever killed the boy knew how to get in and out of this house without waking the family.", "(Catherine closes the back door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins goes over Martha Krell's body with Grissom.)", "Robbins: No mystery here. Ms. Krell was violently stabbed to death. C.O.D. exsanguination.", "Grissom: SAE kit?", "Robbins: She was raped. Contusions to the vaginal introitus and an eighth-inch hemorrhagic laceration at the vaginal fourchette. Six o'clock position. The attack was brutal.", "Grissom: Aren't they always? I don't know why people think that rape has anything to do with s*x.", "Robbins: If a guy just wants s*x, he can hire a hooker.", "Grissom: What else?", "Robbins: Well, there is some good news. Motile sperm in the t mount. I've sent the kit to DNA for analysis.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - ECKLIE'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Open on the writing on the side of a file storage box:", "STEIN, SUE", "MAY 12 1999", "(Sara walks to the office and lingers in the doorway.)", "Sara: (smiles) Ecklie, what's up?", "(Ecklie looks at Sara.)", "Conrad Ecklie: I paged Grissom.", "(Sara walks into the office.)", "Sara: And he paged me. How can I help you?", "Conrad Ecklie: Five years ago, there was this, uh, day-shift case, homicide. (Ecklie lays out the photos on the trace table. Sara moves in closer for a better look.) The victim was a flight attendant named Sue Stein from Palo Alto, California. (Sara moves to stand next to Ecklie.) She was raped and murdered in a local hotel. Killer was never apprehended.", "(Camera focuses in on a particular photo of the victim. She's dressed in her underwear and on her side on the bed. A similar scene to the one she just left.)", "(Quick flashback to: [FOUR ACES MOTEL - DAY] David Phillips is standing over the victim's body while Sara snaps photos of her.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(CU: Sara's eyes. She looks at the photos on the table. The crime scene from five years ago is very similar to the one they're investigating. The victim is on the bed bloodied from stab wounds. There are defensive cuts on her left hand.)", "(Quick flashback to: [FOUR ACES MOTEL - DAY] David Phillips lifts up Martha Krell's bloodied right hand.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Camera pans over the photos of the immaculate motel room from five years ago.)", "(Quick flashback to: [FOUR ACES MOTEL - DAY] Camera moves over the table wiped clean.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(CU: Sara's eyes. She looks at the photos on the table. Ecklie looks at Sara.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Vic's clothing and suitcase were missing. Room was immaculate, smelled like disinfectant.", "Sara: Same signature.", "Conrad Ecklie: One difference. In the, uh, prior case, body was found in a first floor room. Sliding glass door facing the pool was unlocked.", "Sara: Ms. Krell was killed on the second floor. There was only one way into her room.", "(Ecklie nods.)", "Sara: Was there semen present in Sue Stein's SAE kit?", "Conrad Ecklie: Yeah. Ran it through CODIS. No hit. I asked Mia to compare it with the semen from the recent attack.", "Sara: Is that fingerprint from your crime scene?", "(Ecklie hands the print tape and photo to Sara.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Only print we found. Impressed in Sue's blood on the bedspread near her hips. Underlying pattern on the fabric made it impossible to read.", "Sara: That was then. (Sara looks at Ecklie.) This is now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick fingerprints Martin Hawkins.)", "Martin Hawkins: (upset) My son's dead. Why are you fingerprinting me?", "Nick: The Crime Lab is going to dust your house for prints, so I need to know which ones are yours.", "(Nick rips open a towel wipe and hands it to Martin Hawkins. Det. Chris Cavaliere questions Martin Hawkins.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Now, your wife said that you both went to bed after the news.", "Martin Hawkins: I already told you that. Twice.", "(Martin Hawkins nervously wipes his ink-stained fingertips on the towelette.)", "Martin Hawkins: You know, I ... I got questions, too, you know. Why Ty? (He swallows.) Why not me?", "(Nick looks at Det. Cavaliere.)", "Martin Hawkins: How could my wife and I sleep ... (He takes a deep breath.) ... through it all?", "Nick: Mr. Hawkins, would you stand up, facing me, so I can take some photos?", "Martin Hawkins: (upset) Is this really necessary?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Please, just let him do his job. Sir ...", "(Martin Hawkins stands up. Nick raises his camera and snaps several photos - from his face down to his shoes.)", "(Martin Hawkins glances over at Det. Cavaliere. Det. Cavaliere looks away.)", "(Nick takes out a swab.)", "Nick: Open up.", "(Nick holds out a swab. Martin Hawkins opens his mouth. Nick swabs the inside of his mouth.)", "Nick: I'll be needing to take your shoes as well. You can wear some booties home.", "Martin Hawkins: What now?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: You and your wife are free to go.", "Martin Hawkins: What about Matt?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: He has to stay here in protective custody until this is resolved.", "(Det. Cavaliere glances at Nick. Martin Hawkins glances at Nick. Nick nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Yvonne Hawkins sits in the hallway chair waiting. Martin Hawkins walks out and sees her.)", "Martin Hawkins: Yvonne? (He walks over to her.) Hey.", "(They hug.)", "(Det. Cavaliere waits in the back.)", "Yvonne Hawkins: They're keeping Matt.", "Martin Hawkins: I know. He'll be home soon. It's just procedure. (He turns and looks at Det. Cavaliere.) Right?", "(Det. Cavaliere nods.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Right.", "Martin Hawkins: Can we at least speak to him?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Can't allow that.", "(Yvonne Hawkins turns and looks at Matthew sitting in the waiting room nursing a can of something to drink. She turns back and looks at Robert.)", "Martin Hawkins: Come on, let-let's go. Come on.", "(Nick walks out and watches them. Martin and Yvonne Hawkins leave. Matthew waves to them as they go.)", "(Nick looks at Det. Cavaliere.)", "Nick: You just gonna let them go?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Neither has a record, no motive. There's no blood on them.", "Nick: Well, they could've showered, tossed their clothes.", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Their grief is not an act.", "Nick: Yeah, based on what?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Years of listening to the parents of dead children. Let's go talk to this kid.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(Greg walks into the lab. Mia is at the counter working. She doesn't look up when he stops near her.)", "Greg: Hey, Mia.", "(He notices that she's got earplugs on. He waves a hand in front of her face to get her attention. She takes the earplugs out.)", "Greg: Let me guess; you're listening to something classy like Jessica or Ashlee.", "( Man speaking French through headset )", "(Mia smugly gives Greg a plug. He sticks it in his ear and hears a male voice speaking in French.)", "Mia Dickerson: It's ... Jean-Paul Sartre. \"Huis clos.\" (Greg shakes his head.) \"No Exit?\" (Greg takes the earplug out and looks at it.) It loses something in a translation.", "Greg: Oui, oui.", "Mia Dickerson: The blood from the hairy wad that you found in the drain is consistent with the victim.", "Greg: And what about the semen from Martha's SAE?", "Mia Dickerson: That's consistent with the DNA from the first attack. You are looking at the same rapist. I want to show you something.", "Greg: Really?", "(She points to the microscope. They exchange places and Greg looks through the scope.)", "[SCOPE VIEW:]", "(Sperm with red spots around it.)", "Greg: This guy's immune system doesn't recognize his own sperm. Antibodies are attacking the little guys.", "Mia Dickerson: I read about this phenomenon in a forensic journal ...", "Greg: November, 2003. Killer had a vasectomy, then had it reversed.", "Mia Dickerson: Oui, oui.", "Greg: Thanks, Mia.", "(Mia nods and smiles as Greg leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Close-up of: Ty Hawkins' bashed and beaten face is on the monitor. Camera moves aside and we find Robbins going over the body with Catherine.)", "Robbins: How could a boy have made someone so mad? C-O-D is blunt-force trauma. I counted fourteen separate blows. Several more were coinciding. Cylindrical weapon, about an inch in diameter.", "Catherine: Consistent with a pipe?", "Robbins: Yeah. In fact, check this out.", "(Quick CGI POV: Close-up of Ty Hawkins' head and a particular bruising indentation in his left forehead that looks to be in the shape of the threads of the pipe. The virtual image of a pipe is placed over the matching wound.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) Thread pattern's consistent with the end of a pipe.", "(The virtual pipe vanishes.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "(Catherine picks up Ty Hawkins' hand and looks at it.)", "Catherine: He's got no defense wounds.", "Robbins: Yeah. My guess, he never woke up.", "(Catherine looks at the beaten little boy and shakes her head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick sits across the table from Matthew Hawkins. Matthew puts his shoe on the table for Nick.)", "(Det. Cavaliere starts in on Matthew.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: You're not fooling me, kid. The second I laid eyes on you, I knew how it went down. You took a pipe from the backyard, you went into Ty's bedroom, and while he was sleeping, you beat his brains to a pulp.", "(Nick glances at Det. Cavaliere.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Now, what the hell's wrong with you, kid? Your little brother is dead. What did he ever do to you?", "(Matthew looks at Nick. Det. Cavaliere gets in Matthew's face.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Now, don't look at him. He can't help you. Nobody can help you. You're going to prison. And at fourteen, that means life. (shouts) I'm talking to you, you little ... !", "(Matthew jumps. Nick interrupts him.)", "Nick: Detective ... can I have a word with you outside, please?", "(Nick and Det. Cavaliere leave the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick closes the door behind them.)", "Nick: We don't have enough evidence to suggest that that boy killed his brother.", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Well, what are you getting at?", "Nick: I'm saying I'm not sure if threatening him is the right tactic right now. I found no blood on his clothes. The screen door could have been the point of entry. (Det. Cavaliere shakes his head.) I mean, have you considered asking him what he heard or-or saw before you just put the full court press on him?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: (scoffs) I don't tell you how to collect the evidence.", "Nick: No, you don't. Look, there's no disrespect here, okay? We're all on the same team.", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Then get to the lab and get me something that I can use.", "(Det. Cavaliere turns and leaves. Nick sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB]", "(CU: The photo of the blood-stained print on the material is on the monitor. Sara walks into the lab and stands next to the Neil Jansen, the print tech.)", "Sara: Hey.", "Neil Jansen: Hey. Call me a geek, but background subtraction application software is the bomb.", "Sara: Only geeks still say \"the bomb.\" But it you ask me, geeks should be revered.", "Neil Jansen: Okay. Um, the technology's pretty new. You'll get hammered on cross, but it definitely works. (He hits a key on the keyboard.) Okay, check it out. So the fingerprint is blood-red -- that's the shade we use for the color identifier -- and now the preprogrammed algorithm is just removing all the other colors from the fabric, and we're left with just the print. It's ...", "Sara: Mind if I watch?", "Neil Jansen: Voyeur, huh? I like that.", "Sara: Geek.", "(The monitor shows the pattern removed, leaving the bloodstain and the print.)", "Sara: Wow.", "Neil Jansen: Yeah. Right.", "(He hits some keys on the keyboard.)", "Neil Jansen: Scan this into I-AFIS, and here we go.", "(The print is automatically scanned into the database and searches the database. The computer beeps.)", "(The results read:", "ACHESON, JESSE", "EYES: BLUE HAIR: DARK BLONE WGT: 205 LBS HGT", "RACE: CAUCASIAN s*x: MALE", "ADDRESS:", "288 TYLER RD. HENDERSON, NV 89101", "CRIMINAL HISTORY", "JANUARY 1998-APRIL 1999:", "POSSESSION OF COCAINE WITH THE INTENT TO SELL (1ST OFFENSE)", "JULY 1999 - JANUARY 2000:", "POSSESSION OF COCAINE WITH THE INTENT TO SELL (2ND OFFENSE)", "JUNE 2000 - MAY 2002:", "POSSESSION OF COCAINE WITH THE INTENT TO SELL (3RD OFFENSE)", "NOVEMBER 2002 - SEPTEMBER 2004:", "POSSESSION OF COCAINE WITH THE INTENT TO SELL (4TH OFFENSE)", "Neil Jansen: Got yourself a hit. \"Jesse Acheson. 38. \"Multiple convictions, cocaine possession, intent to sell. In and out of prison for the past ... seven years.", "Sara: Was he in or out on May 12, 1999?", "Neil Jansen: Out.", "Sara: What about last night?", "Neil Jansen: Released six months ago. Living in Henderson.", "Sara: Thanks, Neil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Cue Sound: (PRE-LAP) KNOCKING", "[INT. ACHESON RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(Brass knocks on the door of house #25153. Sara is with him as well as another officer.)", "Michelle Acheson: (through door) Who is it?", "Brass: Las Vegas police.", "(The door opens. Michelle Acheson, wearing a VEGAS VEGAS sparkly shirt glares at them.)", "Brass: We're looking for Jesse Acheson.", "Michelle Acheson: Hey, look, my husband hasn't used since he got out of the joint, so whatever you think he did, you're wrong.", "Brass: Do you know where he is?", "Michelle Acheson: No idea.", "Brass: Well, your marriage is just full of romance, huh?", "Sara: May we come in?", "Michelle Acheson: Nah, I don't think so.", "Sara: Just one more question. Do you happen to know where he was last night?", "Michelle Acheson: No. I, uh, I haven't seen him in days.", "Sara: Thank you.", "(She slams the door on them. Brass looks at Sara.)", "Brass: That was fun.", "Sara: Brass, ...", "(She looks at Brass and the officer.)", "Sara: You guys get in your cars, drive around the block. Pick me up in five minutes.", "Brass: (nods) We'll be close.", "(He and the officer head for their cars, leaving Sara in front of the front door.)", "(We hear the sounds of the car doors opening.)", "(Sara peers into the house through the window. We hear the sounds of a touch-tone phone beeping as Michelle Acheson makes a call.)", "Michelle Acheson: (to phone) Jesse, cops were just here. What the hell's going on?", "(Sara watches and listens in on the one-sided conversation.)", "(In the background, we see the cop car pulling away.)", "Michelle Acheson: (to phone) No, I didn't tell them where you are! I don't know where the hell you are! And when are you coming home? Jesse ... (She pulls the phone away from her ear. We can only surmise that Jesse hung up on her.) Damn you!", "(She hangs up.)", "(Sara pulls back away from the window.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Nick compares the shoe print samples taken from:", "SUSPECT: HAWKINS, MARTIN", "CASE #42396-NS-03/10/05", "With the original shoe print found in the dirt:", "VICTIM: HAWKINS, TY", "CASE #42396-NS-03/10/05", "SHOE IMPRESSION:", "EXTERIOR BEDROOM", "(It's not a match.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Catherine examines the victim's clothing. She finds a strand of hair and puts it on a tape. She puts it under the scope and finds that it's a match to another hair.)", "(She looks at the shirt and finds something else. She takes a tape lift of it.)", "(Nick reaches for the next shoe print for:", "SUSPECT: HAWKINS, MATTHEW", "CASE #42396-NS-03/10/05", "(It's a match.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Nick reports to Catherine.)", "Nick: The shoe impression outside Ty's window matches the brother's.", "Catherine: Yeah, I got a hair off of Ty's t-shirt. Also consistent with Matt.", "Nick: Either of which could be related to the murder or just a result of two brothers living together.", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Nick: What's in the bindle?", "Catherine: Uh, blue fibers. Got them off the vic's t-shirt.", "Nick: Nobody in the family was wearing anything blue.", "Catherine: No, but you know, could be from a blanket, a carpet, towel. I'll take them to Trace.", "Nick: Yeah.", "(They continue walking.)", "Nick: Hey, I am concerned that Detective Cavaliere's moving ahead of Forensics on this one.", "Catherine: He can move as fast as wants. The D.A. won't file without the physical evidence. And right now, we got nothing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Sara is working on the geography. She shows Grissom what she's found.)", "(She shows the Acheson residence on the map on the monitor.)", "Sara: Sandra Acheson called her husband at exactly 3:03 P.M. today. I secured a 2703-D court order for the number she was calling. It was a cell phone. I contacted the cell phone company and found out that Jesse answered his phone near tower 8, Phase West. Given the signal strength, he was within two blocks of the tower.", "(She shows the tower on the map and the signal range in yellow.)", "Sara: His wife said that she hasn't seen him in several days, so I had Homicide check registration at all the hotels within the yellow area. He is booked at the Tangiers.", "(She shows the Tangiers inside the yellow area on the map.)", "Grissom: Well done.", "(Sara smiles.)", "(Greg walks into the room to report what he's found.)", "Greg: Get this -- the rapist's semen came back positive for cocaine.", "Grissom: We don't usually run a panel for semen, Greg.", "Greg: I know that, but given our suspect's priors for blow, I had a tech run an immunoassay specific to the drug.", "Grissom: (impressed) Wow. You guys are rendering me obsolete.", "(Greg smiles.)", "Sara: So, Jesse gets coked up, he commits the crime, he drives down to the strip and he checks into the Tangiers.", "Greg: The gift show's in town. There aren't any vacancies on the strip.", "Sara: Well, his wife said that she hadn't seen him in a few days.", "Grissom: Maybe he's back in the game again, selling coke to out-of-town businessmen from the comfort and security of his hotel room.", "Sara: So, he takes a break from his job, rapes and kills the vic at another hotel, and then goes back to work?", "Grissom: Even cokeheads need a diversion now and then.", "(Grissom looks at Greg, who shrugs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- BULLPEN]", "(Nick walks into the bullpen and heads over to Det. Cavaliere.)", "Nick: Hey.", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Hi, Stokes. Solve the case?", "(Nick chuckles.)", "Nick: I'm getting there. Nothing definitive as of yet. Which means you can't hold Matt Hawkins for longer than his twenty-four hours.", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Really? Well, you know, uh ... I got a signed confession.", "(Det. Cavaliere hands Nick a file folder. He stands up.)", "Nick: Really?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Mm-hmm. Sort of kicks the crap out of your \"evidence,\" now, doesn't it?", "Nick: He confessed?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Signed. Check it.", "Nick: Did you beat it out of him?", "(Det. Cavaliere chuckles as he heads out of the bullpen. Nick follows him.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: (scoffs) No, I used science, kind of like you guys.", "Nick: Mm, how's that?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: I put him on a computer voice stress analyzer. Once I caught him lying, he gave it right up.", "(Det. Cavaliere puts a file folder in the holder and takes out another file folder.)", "Nick: That device has been discredited for years.", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Well, check their web site. It's still used in 1,400 state and local agencies.", "Nick: Well, not in Las Vegas. Or anywhere else in this state. Say, was an advocate or a parent present at the time of the confession?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: He didn't ask for his mommy and daddy. Long as he says he understands his rights, we don't have to have anyone there with him.", "Nick: He tell you why he did it?", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: No, but he will. Hey, listen, Stokes, thanks for trying to help, but we got him.", "(Det. Cavaliere leaves.)", "Nick: Okay.", "(Camera holds on Nick.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Brass and Grissom walk through the hallway.)", "Brass: So, I just got back from the Tangiers. The G.M. won't let us into Jesse Acheson's room without a search warrant, and the judge denied our request.", "Grissom: I'll talk to the judge.", "Brass: I'll bring Acheson in for questioning, I guess.", "Grissom: Could you just keep him under surveillance for now, let Greg tag along with your guy? We might learn something.", "Brass: Sure, I'll get him a bag of donuts.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM - DAY]", "(Warrick and Nick are in the locker room.)", "Warrick: I was testifying today. I ran into the D.A. He filled me in on your case. (Warrick removes his jacket.) Looks like Matt Hawkins' confession is gonna stand up in court.", "Nick: Suspects are tricked into confessing all the time, but I'm telling you, Cavaliere intimidated that boy. Man, he would've signed anything.", "Warrick: So you think he's innocent?", "Nick: Could be. I checked the crime stats for the Hawkins neighborhood. There's been a rash of nuisance calls. There's some homeless guy running around out there peeping in windows, urinating in public, attempted B and E.", "Warrick: Sounds like a suspect.", "Nick: I'm gonna go back out there, see if the Hawkins know anything about it.", "(Nick closes his locker.)", "Warrick: Need some help?", "Nick: You got that kind of time?", "(Nick puts his jacket on.)", "Warrick: I'll meet you in the car.", "Nick: Thanks, Rick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. JUDGE WITHERSPOON'S CHAMBERS -- DAY]", "(Judge Witherspoon goes through the files on the desk while Grissom waits.)", "Judge Witherspoon: You expect me to invade Mr. Acheson's privacy based upon a five-year-old fingerprint that was manipulated on a computer?", "Grissom: It wasn't manipulated -- it was processed. That's what we do.", "Judge Witherspoon: Try getting that one past a defense attorney. It's one thing to send a print through AFIS; it's another thing to use ... a \"background subtraction algorithm\" to isolate the print from a bedspread.", "Grissom: It's not my fault that the courts lag behind our technology.", "Judge Witherspoon: Gil. I'm sympathetic to your request, but if I grant a warrant based upon this print, and the print is later thrown out of court, then everything you find as a result of it would be excluded, and your pattern rapist could be back on the street. Give me something else -- I'll be happy to grant you a warrant.", "Grissom: Your honor, I need the warrant in order to find something else.", "(She closes the file folder and hands it to Grissom.)", "Judge Witherspoon: You'll find another way.", "(He takes the folder from her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDEWALK -- DAY]", "(Officer Akers holds a photo of Jesse Acheson.)", "(Camera refocuses and we see Jesse Acheson sitting at a table drinking his coffee.)", "Officer Akers: Kind of like bird-watching, ain't it?", "(Greg is sitting next to the Officer.)", "Greg: I wouldn't know.", "Officer Akers: You bored?", "(Greg sighs.)", "Greg: I'm bored.", "(He chuckles.)", "Officer Akers: So, I got a question. (Greg takes a sip from his coffee.) I hear the killer completely wiped down the crime scene. So why do you think he left his semen behind? Could've worn a condom.", "Greg: Well, before committing a crime, a typical serial rapist will often m*st*rb*t* to his perfect rape-murder fantasy. Didn't wear a condom then, didn't want to wear one during the act. Besides, the DNA isn't on file. It wasn't much of a risk.", "(Jesse Acheson puts his cup down on the table. He folds his magazine, picks up his glasses and puts them on as he stands up. He leaves.)", "Officer Akers: Litterbug.", "Greg: CSI's don't mind the bugs.", "(Greg picks up the coffee cup and puts it in a plastic bag.)", "Greg: If the DNA on this cup matches the seminal DNA, Grissom won't need a warrant. We'll be making an arrest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. HAWKINS' RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Nick and Warrick talk with Yvonne and Martin Hawkins.)", "Yvonne Hawkins: We're not unfit parents. Please, we just want to speak with our son.", "Martin Hawkins: We called the detective, but no one will tell us anything.", "Nick: Right now your son's under investigation.", "Yvonne Hawkins: What?", "Nick: Yeah, the detective asked him if he wanted a parent or advocate present at the interrogation. He's fourteen years old, so it's his right to say no.", "Martin Hawkins: But he's just a kid. I mean, he just lost his brother.", "Yvonne Hawkins: Matt's sensitive. He doesn't handle stress well. If we-we-we could just talk to him. (softly) He may need a change of clothes.", "Nick: Were those his clothes in the washer?", "Yvonne Hawkins: Yeah.", "Nick: Okay, we'll see what we can do about getting him something to wear.", "Warrick: In the meantime, if you could just answer the question.", "Yvonne Hawkins: You want to know about that homeless guy?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Yvonne Hawkins: He's nuts. He-he scared the boys once or twice, but ...", "Warrick: How did he scare them?", "Martin Hawkins: Ty saw him writing something on the window.", "Nick: Was it \"brat\"?", "Martin Hawkins: Yeah. I chased him away. Matt ... cleaned off the window.", "Nick: That would explain the shoe impressions outside the bedroom window.", "Yvonne Hawkins: You're thinking that that guy had something to do with what happened?", "Nick: Well, that's what we're trying to find out.", "Yvonne Hawkins: (crying) Oh, God. I knew we should've called the cops.", "Warrick: When was the last time that you saw him?", "Martin Hawkins: I jog through that park every evening. Um, he's got this, uh ... makeshift tent thing set up by the playground.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PLAYGROUND - NIGHT]", "(Lights flash from the officers' parked cars. An officer gets out of his car and hurries across the grass. Nick and Warrick rush across the grass over to the homeless man's tent hidden in the brush.)", "(Officers reach in and pull the homeless man out.)", "Walter (homeless man): What? Hey! Stop it!", "Officer: Come on! Get up!", "Walter (homeless man): Let me ... let me go!", "(They pull Walter to his feet. He struggles against the three officers.)", "Walter (homeless man): Let go of me! Stop it!", "Officer Metcalf: Hey, what's your name?", "Walter (homeless man): What?", "Officer Metcalf: Tell the gentlemen your name.", "Walter (homeless man): Walter! My name is Walter!", "Nick: Walter, that's a nice blue sweater. Where'd you get it?", "Walter (homeless man): What?", "Nick: I said I like your sweater -- where'd you get it?", "Walter (homeless man): It's mine!", "Nick: Oh, it's yours?", "(We see the bloodstains on the sweater.)", "Walter (homeless man): Yes, this is my sweater!", "Warrick: Whose blood is it on your sweater, Walter?", "Walter (homeless man): Huh?", "Warrick: We're gonna give you a nice warm place to sleep tonight, partner.", "Walter (homeless man): Wha-- ?", "(He looks around, surprised and not happy.)", "Nick: Suspicion of murder.", "(The officers lead Walter toward their cars. He trips and falls to the ground, screaming.)", "Walter (homeless man): No! No!", "Nick: Easy with the sweater. It's evidence.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - NIGHT]", "(Mia reports her findings to Sara and Greg.)", "Mia Dickerson: So, I processed the DNA from the coffee cup, and it turns out that there were two contributions on the lip, which means that your coffee shop recycles, and not in the good way.", "Sara: Gross.", "Mia Dickerson: Bad news is that neither of the contributions is consistent with the semen that was recovered from the crime scene.", "Sara: If Acheson didn't rape Sue Stein, what is his print doing on the bedspread?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Brass and Sara interview Jesse Acheson. Sara sits across him at the table while Brass looks out the room window.)", "Jesse Acheson: Well, I certainly didn't kill anyone, and ... I do not know how my fingerprint got there.", "Sara: We don't think that you did rape or kill anyone. We simply want to know how your fingerprint ended up at a murder scene five years ago.", "Brass: Look, Jesse, we appreciate you coming down here voluntarily, but if you clam up, we're gonna have to file an obstruction of justice charge, and that's not good ... for you. Let's make it easy on yourself.", "(Brass turns around.)", "Brass: What were you doing in Sue Stein's hotel room?", "Jesse Acheson: You won't believe me.", "Brass: Try us.", "Jesse Acheson: I did go to see Sue that night.", "(Quick flashback to: [MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT - FIVE YEARS AGO] Jesse Acheson slips into the motel room through the open sliding door.)", "Jesse Acheson: Sue.", "(In the dark, he walks over to the bed and sees Sue on it. He shakes her trying to wake her up.)", "Jesse Acheson: Come on, girl, wake up.", "(He rolls her over and sees that she's bloodied and dead.)", "(He sees the blood on his hands and wipes his hands on the bedcover.)", "(He leaves through the sliding glass doors.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: You just took off? You didn't bother to report a murder", "Jesse Acheson: Ma'am, I ... I got a record, and I was on probation. If I'd done all of that, I'd have been ... suspect numero uno.", "Brass: All right, let's cut to the chase. You were there to sell her blow, right?", "(Jesse turns to look at Brass.)", "Jesse Acheson: I don't need a lawyer, right? I mean, it's off the record?", "Brass: We're just having a little chat here.", "(He turns to look at Sara.)", "Jesse Acheson: Well, that's why she left the door unlocked. We'd been doing it that way for years. Whenever Sue came to town, I always took care of her.", "(There's a long pause.)", "Jesse Acheson: I'm really sorry. She was my friend. I wish I could be more help.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Nick steps out into the hallway. He's looking through the file folder.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: (o.s.) Stokes.", "(Nick looks up and sees Det. Cavaliere.)", "Nick: Hey, man.", "(Det. Cavaliere walks up to Nick.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to screw with my case?", "Nick: I'm just following the evidence, and it led me to another suspect. I think you're going to want to talk to him in the interest of justice.", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: What, are you trying to help the defense now?", "Nick: You know any good defense is gonna bring up a \"rush to judgment\" here. Come on! Chris, you put another interviewed suspect on your list. It shows due diligence. Let's go.", "(Nick turns and heads for the interview room. Not liking it one bit, Det. Cavaliere turns and watches him go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Nick interviews Walter with Det. Cavaliere in the room along with another officer in the back.)", "Nick: Your sweater's been analyzed, Walter. Found bloodstains from a murdered boy on it.", "Walter (homeless man): It's not my sweater.", "Nick: You already told me it was yours.", "Walter (homeless man): Finders keepers. It wasn't always mine, though.", "Nick: Where did you find it?", "Walter (homeless man): On a bench. By the basketball courts.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] The sweater is on the bench. Walter appears and looks around. He grabs the sweater and clutches it to himself. He leaves. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Det. Cavaliere glances at Nick.)", "Walter (homeless man): I was cold.", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Hey, man ... if you're lying ...", "Walter (homeless man): I'm not lying. I'm not lying!", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: So when did you find it?", "Walter (homeless man): Yesterday. No, um, a few days ago. I don't remember.", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Put him in lockup -- maybe it'll help his memory.", "(The officer steps forward and takes Walter out of the room, leaving Nick with Det. Cavaliere.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Stokes ... I got a signed confession. You got a bum in a bloody sweater. What are you gonna do about it?", "(Nick shakes his head. Det. Cavaliere turns and leaves. Camera holds on Nick.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Nick processes the blue sweater, putting fibers he finds in a bindle.)", "(He puts it aside and picks up the goggles. He puts the goggles on and uses an ALS on the sweater.)", "(He finds a laundry mark near the inner back neck seam:", "YUNG'S CLEANERS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Nick catches Catherine in the hallway. They walk as he fills Catherine in.)", "Nick: Hey, Catherine.", "Catherine: Yeah?", "Nick: DNA finished up with the blue sweater and I processed it.", "Catherine: Anything probative?", "Nick: I ran it under the UV light and out popped one of those invisible dry cleaner ID stamps, you know?", "Catherine: Yeah?", "Nick: I called the dry cleaner; they gave me a name.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HAWKINS' RESIDENCE - KITCHEN]", "(Nick questions Martin Hawkins.)", "Nick: Mr. Hawkins, is that your sweater?", "(Nick shows them a photo of the blue sweater.)", "Martin Hawkins: Yeah ... it looks like my sweater.", "Yvonne Hawkins: Where'd you find it?", "Nick: Did you give it away?", "Martin Hawkins: No, but I haven't seen it in a while, though. Why?", "Nick: It's got Ty's blood on it.", "(Yvonne glances at Martin.)", "Martin Hawkins: Do I need a lawyer?", "Nick: That's your call, sir.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB]", "(Hodges removes a petri dish with the wad of hair out from under the microscope. Grissom walks into the lab.)", "Grissom: You called me?", "David Hodges: Yeah, Mia sent me that wad of hair that you pulled out of the hotel drain.", "(He puts the wad of hair back in its container and turns to look at Grissom.)", "David Hodges: It's coated in bleach. I'm thinking the killer must've poured the stuff down the drain. Really compromised the trace.", "Grissom: That's it? A compromised wad of hair?", "David Hodges: No, uh, I called you to discuss the bleach. The hairy wad smelled a bit woodsy to me. Which is odd, considering it should only smell like bleach.", "Grissom: You sniffed it?", "David Hodges: That disgust you?", "Grissom: No, actually, it's the first time you've ever done anything to impress me.", "David Hodges: Hm. Anyway, um, I analyzed the bleach. (He hands Grissom the analysis results.) It contains a cedar additive. Thought you'd want to know.", "(Grissom takes the container with the wad of hair, turns and heads out of the lab.)", "Grissom: Thanks, David.", "David Hodges: Sure, Gil.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FOUR ACES MOTEL (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[INT. FOUR ACES MOTEL - HALLWAY/ GM OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(A woman towing a luggage on wheels behind her walks down the hallway. Camera moves across the hallway and over to the General Manager's office where Brass and Grissom interview Hayden Michaels. The housekeeper, Lucy, is standing behind the desk near Hayden Michaels.)", "Hayden Michaels: Like I said, I'm more than happy to help you in any way I can. So, when I got your phone call about the scent of our bleach, I figured you should to talk to Lucy. Lucy is our head of housekeeping.", "Lucy: The guests sometimes complained about the bleach smell after we cleaned the bathrooms. A few years ago, I started adding cedar chips to the bottles. Makes it smell better.", "Grissom: Lucy, who else has access to your bleach?", "Lucy: Just the maids.", "Brass: Are they all female?", "Lucy: Yes.", "Brass: You park your carts in the hallway when you clean the room, so anyone could have swiped a bottle of bleach, right?", "(Grissom looks around the General Manager's desk and sees the family photos.)", "(Camera passes over the first photo of Hayden Michaels with a dark-haired woman and an older son.)", "(The second photo behind it is of Hayden Michaels with a young, blonde-haired woman carrying a baby.)", "Lucy: No. We've had problems with theft, towels mainly, but now our maids take their carts into the rooms.", "Grissom: Those your kids?", "Hayden Michaels: Yeah. Two eldest are at UNLV.", "Grissom: And the baby?", "Hayden Michaels: Jake. Jake is, uh, six months old.", "Grissom: Is that your second wife?", "Hayden Michaels: Mm-hmm.", "Grissom: So you must have had your vasectomy reversed.", "(Hayden Michael is a little startled by the sudden change in subject.)", "Hayden Michaels: Why are we talking about my vasectomy?", "Grissom: You also have access to the bleach, so you won't mind if I take a DNA sample.", "Hayden Michaels: (sighs) Look. If word leaks out that you took my DNA and I'm a murder suspect, I will never work in hospitality again. I'm sorry, the answer's no. Anything else?", "Brass: We'll be in touch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Catherine goes over the case and evidence with Nick and Warrick.)", "Catherine: So we've got three suspects, three scenarios.", "Nick: Yeah, Matt could have worn his dad's sweater when he killed Ty. Dumped it in the park during the night, where Walter found it.", "Catherine: Or dad could have worn it and dumped it in the park.", "Warrick: Or this sweater could have accidentally been left in the park, and Walter, the homeless guy, could have picked it up and worn it when he entered the house through the screen door and killed Ty. But none of the evidence goes to motive.", "Catherine: Not our problem at the moment. Let's just stay focused on the sweater. It's tied to the victim and this scene. We need to tie it to the killer. Hey, how tall would you say Matt Hawkins?", "Nick: (shrugs) About five feet, why? Dad is ... 6'2\". What about Walter?", "Warrick: Mmm ... 5'10\". About Nick's height.", "(Warrick and Nick nod.)", "Nick: Yeah.", "Warrick: What you getting at?", "Catherine: Meet me in the garage in half an hour.", "(Catherine turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(CU: The blue sign for the \"Interview Room\" is lit . Inside, Grissom interviews Hayden Michaels in the presence of his attorney, Adam Matthews.)", "Grissom: Mr. Michaels, in my work over the last twenty-five years, I've come to understand the kind of person who's a rapist-killer.", "Adam Matthews: Is that an accusation?", "Grissom: Well, a woman was murdered in your client's hotel. He has a right to hear our theory. The killer is clearly a psychopath. He's killed more than once. I'm sure that before his first rape and murder he fantasized about it for years.", "(Quick flash to: [MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT] The woman struggles, trying to get away from the killer.)", "Woman: No. No! WOMAN: No! WOMAN: Get away!", "(She falls back on the bed. He covers her mouth with his hand and holds the knife to her face.)", "Killer: Quiet! Quiet! Quiet!", "(He strips her.)", "Woman: No!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: During that time, he engaged in behavioral tryouts. Stalking women and attempting to coerce them sexually, each time moving closer and closer to the actual event.", "(Quick flashback to: [MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT] The killer has the woman on the bed. His hand is over her mouth. She cries.)", "Killer: Shut up! Shut up! KILLER: Shhh-!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: I believe that after you consummated your first attack, you felt excitement greater than you anticipated. Your only regret was that she died too quickly.", "(Quick flashback to: [MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT] Hayden Michaels stands over Sue Stein's dead body on the bed. He holds the bloodied knife in his hand.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: But you took solace in the knowledge that, uh, you could do it again. In fact, your subsequent victim had similar characteristics to your first victim.", "(Quick flashback to: [MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT] Hayden Michaels holds the knife on Martha Krell.)", "Martha Krell: No! No! No!", "Killer: Shut up! KILLER: Shut up!", "(She cries as he strips her slowly.)", "Martha Krell: Please! Please!", "(FAR SHOT: Hayden Michaels is on the bed with Martha Krell. She cries.)", "(Cut to: Martha Krell is dead. Hayden Michaels holds the knife as he looks around.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Adam Matthews: This is a waste of time.", "Grissom: You see, what differentiates a psychopath from a \"heat of the moment\" killer is forethought.", "(Quick flashback to: [MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT] Hayden Michaels uses the bleach and cleans the room. He wipes down the tables.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: And you thought about this for a long time.", "Adam Matthews: Thank you for the fascinating seminar, but you have no evidence, so we are free to go.", "(The interview room door opens. Sara walks in with a wheelie luggage in tow behind her.)", "Sara: Actually, I have some evidence.", "Hayden Michaels: What is this? What's going on?", "(Sara picks up the wheelie luggage and puts it on the table. She looks at Hayden Michaels expectantly.)", "Sara: Mr. Michaels?", "(Grissom looks at Hayden Michaels.)", "Hayden Michaels: She can't ... you can't do that.", "(Adam Matthews looks at Hayden Michaels.)", "Adam Matthews: Do what?", "Hayden Michaels: No, I know my rights.", "Adam Matthews: Hey, shh.", "Hayden Michaels: (angry) The bitch broke into my car.", "(Sara and Grissom look at each other.)", "Adam Matthews: I don't remember seeing a warrant, Ms. Sidle.", "Sara: I don't have a warrant. I was following a hunch.", "(Adam Matthews looks at Grissom smugly.)", "Adam Matthews: Well, then you just set my client free.", "Sara: On the contrary. Western Airlines issues this exact type of \"wheelie\" to all its flight attendants. Since Martha's wheelie wasn't in the hotel room, we thought maybe the killer took it ... as a souvenir. This particular suit case ...", "(Sara unzips the luggage to show them the tape recorder inside.)", "Sara: ... is not Martha's wheelie.", "(Adam Matthews smiles.)", "Grissom: And now that we know where to find it, and we have your client on tape, I bet you we'll get a warrant.", "(Grissom turns to Hayden Michaels.)", "Grissom: Thank you.", "(Camera holds on Sara.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Catherine is putting red dye on the head of a dummy. Warrick stands in front of the counter watching. He's wearing goggles and a clean sweater.)", "Catherine: Okay, Warrick, you are approximately the height of Martin Hawkins. Nick, you and the homeless dude are about the same, and Judy, you're close to Matt.", "(Nick and Judy are also wearing clean sweaters.)", "Catherine: The table is the same height as Ty's bed - forty-three and half inches from the floor to the top of the mattress. The white sweaters, which you all look so adorable in, are the same fabric as the bloody one.", "(Catherine walks around the counter and over to the shelf where the pipes are.)", "Catherine: The pipes are the same diameter as the wounds on Ty's face. I want each of you to take a whack at our victim.", "(She hands a pipe to each person.)", "Judy Tremont: Just like Chuckie Cheese. Whack-a-mole.", "(Catherine chuckles.)", "Catherine: Uh, spatter up.", "(Warrick steps up to the counter first. He uses both hands to grip the pipe and hits the dummy on the counter. With every whack, the red dye spatters on his white sweater.)", "(Quick VIRTUAL POV of: Martin Hawkins holds the pipe and whacks Ty Hawkins as he sleeps.)", "(Quick flash to: [BEDROOM - NIGHT] Martin Hawkins whacks Ty Hawkins as he sleeps.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Cut to: Nick whacks the dummy on the counter. With every one-handed whack, the red dye spatters on his white sweater.)", "(Quick VIRTUAL POV of: Walter holds the pipe and whacks Ty Hawkins as he sleeps.)", "(Quick flash to: [BEDROOM - NIGHT] Walter whacks Ty Hawkins as he sleeps.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Cut to: Judy Tremont whacks the dummy on the counter. With every two-handed whack, the red dye spatters on her white sweater.)", "(Quick VIRTUAL POV of: Matthew Hawkins holds the pipe and whacks Ty Hawkins as he sleeps.)", "(Quick flash to: [BEDROOM - NIGHT] Matthew Hawkins whacks Ty Hawkins as he sleeps.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Warrick's white sweater has spatters on the top three-fourths of his sweater.)", "(Catherine steps over to Nick's sweater. The spatters cover half of the sweater, up to his elbows.)", "(Catherine looks over at the blue sweater and sees that it's not a match.)", "(Catherine steps over to Judy Tremont's sweater. The spatters cover the top one-fourth of the sweater, up to her mid-chest.)", "(It's a match to the original blue sweater.)", "(Quick flashback to: [BEDROOM - NIGHT] Ty Hawkins is sleeping in bed. Matthew steps into the room and bashes his head in with a pipe. The blood spatters on the blue sweater he's wearing.)", "(Cut to: [PARK - NIGHT] Matthew removes the sweater and drops it on the park bench.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Judy's sweater matches the original blue sweater.)", "Catherine: Judy, your sweater -- killer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Matthew talks with Nick and Det. Cavaliere.)", "Matthew Hawkins: (scoffs) Like I told him, I did it. You want a medal for figuring out what I already said?", "(On the other side of the observation mirror, his parents watch the interview.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: You never told me why.", "Matthew Hawkins: Why's it matter, anyways?", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(Yvonne Hawkins turns and cries. Martin holds her. He looks at Warrick. Warrick motions with his head.)", "Warrick: Go ahead.", "(Martin leaves the room.)", "[INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Martin walks into the interview room. Matthew is clearly surprised to see him.)", "Matthew Hawkins: Dad.", "Martin Hawkins: I want to know why.", "Matthew Hawkins: Dad ...", "Martin Hawkins: Why? Damn it. (Matthew starts crying.) Ty looked up to you. He ... he loved you.", "Matthew Hawkins: (angry) He told. He told everyone!", "Martin Hawkins: That you wet the bed?", "(Matthew stands up and screams.)", "Matthew Hawkins: Shut up!", "(Martin stares at his son. Matthew sits back down in his chair and starts crying.)", "Matthew Hawkins: Dad ... I'm sorry. I ...", "(Martin shakes his head.)", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(Yvonne Hawkins cries. Martin turns and looks back at the mirror where he knows Yvonne is. He shakes his head and looks at Matthew.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- HALLWAY]", "(Close-up: Matthew Hawkins' hands are handcuffed behind his back. He's escorted down the hallway. As he passes them, he tries to go to his mom, but the officers stop him.)", "Yvonne Hawkins: (crying) Oh, Matthew.", "(The officers lead Matthew away. Martin leads Yvonne away.)", "(Down the hall, Nick watches.)", "(From behind him, Det. Cavaliere turns the corner. He sees Nick and heads over to him.)", "Det. Chris Cavaliere: Hey. (Nick turns and looks at him.) You owe me an apology.", "(Det. Cavaliere looks at him expectantly. Nick nods a little.)", "Nick: I'm sorry ...", "(Nick turns away.)", "Nick: ... that you feel that way.", "(Nick turns and leaves.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "Greg, Sara and Grissom investigate a scene of a bush fire which led to the death of a man and the 3rd degree burns of a woman. Catherine, Nick and Warrick solve a case involving the death of an entire family. The father is found dead on his bed, apparently from suicide. The mother was shot while running downstairs and their little daughter drowned to death in the pool." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(Camera lingers on various Las Vegas city stock shots. It rises up toward the starry night sky, passes the moon and moves down to the woods.)", "[EXT. WOODS]", "(A man carrying a telescope kit walks through the grass and trees to find just the right spot. He opens his case and sets up the telescope.)", "(The man looks through the telescope.)", "SCOPE VIEW", "(Through the window of a nearby house, a man loosens his tie.)", "(The scope moves up and focuses in on the starry sky above.)", "RESUME VIEW", "(The man looks through the telescope. He pulls his eye away from the scope, then goes back to look through the scope.)", "SCOPE VIEW", "(Through the scope, we see the starry sky lit by an unnatural glow on the right side. The light on the right grows brighter and brighter.)", "RESUME VIEW", "(The man lifts his head from the scope. We notice that his right side is lit by this unnatural light.)", "(We also hear the crackling of fire.)", "(The man lifts his head and sniffs the air.)", "(We see burning particles flit across the screen. The man turns his head. The light is bright and upon him.)", "(Right next to him, the grounds are afire. A burning wall of fire makes its way toward him. The man backs away. He stumbles and falls to the ground.)", "(The burning block of fire moves toward him.)", "(The man screams.)", "(The screaming man rolls down the hill, burning.)", "(On the ground is the man's pair of glasses. Reflected in the glass is the burning figure of a man consumed by fire.)", "(The man screams echo in the night.)", "(Through the reflection in the glasses, we see the man fall to the ground as he continues to burn.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. WOODS - NIGHT]", "(CLOSE-UP: The burned corpse.)", "(Grissom talks with the Chief Rick Dysart.)", "Chief Rick Dysart: Local homeowner called it in early. We got it contained pretty quick. We were lucky.", "Grissom: Luckier than he was.", "(Sara doesn't say anything. Grissom, Sara and Chief Rick Dysart are around the body.)", "Grissom: Low humidity, dry brush. Perfect conditions for maximum damage.", "Chief Rick Dysart: Firebugs listen to the weather reports just like we do. Only for different reasons.", "Sara: Maybe some moron just threw a cigarette out the car window.", "Chief Rick Dysart: You're an optimist.", "Grissom: Do you have a point of origin?", "Chief Rick Dysart: Not yet ...", "(Grissom and Chief Rick Dysart stand and look around.)", "Chief Rick Dysart: ... fire spread down the slope. Probably started along top of the ridge. I'll give you a shout when it's safe to come up.", "Sara: Okay, Mom.", "(Chief Rick Dysart smiles a little before he turns and heads back up the hill.)", "Grissom: This area was always a good place for stargazing.", "Sara: It's a good make-out spot, too. So I've heard.", "(Sara snaps photos. Grissom glances at her.)", "(Around them, the firefighters shoot water on the smoldering area.)", "(Grissom walks around. He looks around. He finds a second body under the trees. This one is just as burned.)", "Grissom: Sara! We've got another body.", "(The woman's eyes open.)", "Grissom: (shouts) Get the paramedics!", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(The ER hallway is bustling as Greg walks through it.)", "Woman: (over p.a.) Dr. Jacobs, dial 102, please. Dr. Jacobs ...", "(A nurse works on a woman patient sitting on a gurney.)", "Nurse: Are you okay? Is there anything else?", "(Greg walks up to the nurse.)", "Greg: I'm Greg Sanders from the Crime Lab. I'm here to collect trace from the arson victim.", "Nurse: She was in the burn unit. (points) Bay number three.", "Greg: Thanks.", "Nurse: You're welcome.", "(Greg heads for the burn unit.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - BURN UNIT (ROOM 408) - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(The door opens; Greg walks in. His steps slow down at what he sees.)", "(Inside the sterile burn unit, a team of four work on the woman on the table. Greg stares at them.)", "(The team work on removing and replacing the woman's burned skin. They work quickly and efficiently.)", "(The doctor steps up behind Greg. Greg turns around slightly, noting his presence.)", "Greg: I thought ... I just assumed she was dead.", "Burn Unit Doctor: It's a miracle she's not. This is as bad as it gets.", "Greg: How extensive are the burns?", "Burn Unit Doctor: Eighty percent. Mostly third degree.", "Greg: I hope the morphine's working.", "Burn Unit Doctor: Third degree burns are painless. The nerves are burned away. She's not conscious of what's happening to her.", "Greg: Not now.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[BURN UNIT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Greg is inside the burn unit. He's wearing a white smock.)", "Greg: She's still a Jane Doe. I'm going to need all of her clothes, as well as any trace off her body.", "Burn Unit Doctor: We'll save whatever we find during debridement.", "Greg: Debridement?", "Burn Unit Doctor: We scrape off the dead flesh, then cover it with cadaver skin. We then wrap it with gauze. It prevents infection and allows the remaining tissue to heal.", "(Someone clips off the woman's wedding ring. Greg watches as they slip it off her finger. The doctor puts it in a metal pan.)", "Voice: Seventy over sixty.", "(He hands it to the burn unit doctor. The burn unit doctor hands the metal pan to Greg.)", "Burn Unit Doctor: She's gonna lose those fingers.", "(Greg looks up from the metal pan.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. STEWART RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(Dani Stewart is on a gurney as the EMTs wheel her away.)", "EMT 1: Continue chest compressions and manual oxygen.", "EMT 2: ... vital support. ETA to Palm Desert -- eight minutes.", "(The EMTs and the gurney pass Catherine, Warrick and Brass.)", "Brass: Just going through the motions. Kid's name is Dani Stewart; she's five. Neighbors saw her floating facedown in the pool from their second-story balcony, called 9-1-1.", "Warrick: Why didn't they pull her out?", "Brass: They couldn't get in the backyard gate. Childproof lock.", "Catherine: No key, no access.", "Warrick: Her parents protected that kid to death.", "Catherine: Where the hell were they?", "Brass: Home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. STEWART RESIDENCE - KITCHEN -- NIGHT]", "(Brass leads Catherine and Warrick into the house. He stops near the doorway. Catherine and Warrick step inside.)", "Warrick: We'll call you, Dave, when we clear a path.", "David Phillips: Okay.", "(They walk in through the kitchen, shining their lights on the cluttered table top and counters. Half-eaten food on plates and food still on the cutting board shows they were interrupted at some point. The television set on the kitchen counter is still on.)", "[INT. STEWART RESIDENCE - DINING ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine and Warrick step out of the kitchen into the dining room. Catherine looks around and sees the various toys on the floor.)", "(We hear dripping sounds.)", "(Warrick follows the sounds into the living room. He sees the large decorated dish filled with blood. Blood drips down the stair wall as well. He follows the bloodstains and sees a bloodied arm hanging off the side of the stairs.)", "Warrick: Oh, man.", "(Catherine joins him as they get closer to the body.)", "Warrick: Whew. Well ... she obviously fell forward ...", "Catherine: ... as she ran down the stairs.", "(They head for the base of the stairs to climb up to the second floor.)", "Warrick: Lots of pictures of the kid. Family revolved around the child, huh?", "Catherine: Yeah, way should be.", "(They climb up the stairs. Catherine stops mid-way and sees the broken glass and picture frame of the family portrait still hanging on the stair wall askew.)", "Catherine: Struggle?", "(Warrick looks at the blood on the cracked glass.)", "Warrick: She might have put her hand out to break her fall.", "(The dripping sounds continue.)", "(Catherine and Warrick head upstairs to the second floor.)", "EXTREME CLOSE-UP: (SLOW MOTION) A SINGLE DROP OF BLOOD FALLS INTO THE LIQUID", "[INT. STEWART RESIDENCE - SECOND FLOOR BEDROOM -- NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine and Warrick step into the second floor bedroom. They find a second body on the bed.)", "Warrick: Man. What a scene.", "(On the floor, they notice the broken shards of glass and mercury tip.)", "(The murder weapon is in the dead body's right hand. The man is on the bed, the back of the neck resting near the edge of the mattress. On the floor, the carpet is soaked through with a pool of blood.)", "Warrick: What are you thinking?", "Catherine: Maybe murder-suicide.", "(Warrick puts his kit down. He looks at the gun.)", "Warrick: I don't know. This gun looks like it might've been wiped clean.", "(Quick flash to: [EARLIER] A person holding the gun walks into the bedroom and finds the man sitting on the bed.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) You thinking professional hit?", "(The killer walks up to the man and shoots. The wife walks in and screams. She turns and runs. The killer chases her and fires.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: What about the little girl?", "Catherine: Loose end.", "(Quick flash of: [EARLIER] Dani Stewart is floating in the swimming pool in her floater. The killer walks up behind her.)", "Dani Stewart: Mommy, why is everybody screaming?", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: There are three bodies in three locations. A lot of variables. Where do you want to start?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WOODS - DAY]", "(The fire has been put out. Burned trees smolder from the heat.)", "(Near the top of the hill, we see Grissom and Sara making their way up back toward the road.)", "(They reach the top where other emergency personnel are.)", "(Sara starts looking around. She finds something.)", "Sara: I've got ... the business end of a disposable lighter. Could be an ignition source.", "(Grissom walks over to her and snaps a couple of photos. She picks it up and looks at it.)", "Grissom: Hey.", "(Sara looks up. Grissom nods his head in a direction for her to look. He sees something.)", "Grissom: What's that?", "(They walk over to it. It's a smashed vodka bottle. Grissom snaps a couple of photos.)", "Sara: Possible accelerant.", "Grissom: Or possible martini.", "(He snaps more photos.)", "(Sara picks up the broken mouth end of the vodka bottle. She smells it.)", "Sara: I didn't think you could smell vodka.", "Grissom: Well, that depends on how long it was distilled.", "Sara: Cheap stuff.", "Grissom: Ironically, the word for vodka comes from the Russian phrase zhizennia voda. \"Water of life.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. STEWART RESIDENCE - BACKYARD/POOLSIDE -- NIGHT]", "(CLOSE-UP: Garden statues of three bunnies - one adult bunny and two smaller bunnies.)", "(A tech uncaps a sample jar and gets a sample of pool water.)", "(David Phillips walks past on his way to the house.)", "[INT. STEWART RESIDENCE - DINING ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(David Phillips walks through the dining room and approaches the stairs.)", "David Phillips: Hey.", "(Warrick is dusting the stair railing.)", "Warrick: Hey, Super Dave.", "David Phillips: You have any idea when I might be able to process the bodies?", "(David Phillips starts up the stairs. Warrick dabs the back of his wrist to his forehead as David walks past.)", "Warrick: Uh ... that'd be a question for the boss lady. She's upstairs to the right.", "David Phillips: Thanks.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(David heads upstairs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. STEWART RESIDENCE - SECOND FLOOR BEDROOM -- NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine and Nick are in the bedroom. Nick is working behind a large piece of equipment. Catherine sets up the red laser light. She takes out a flashlight and looks at the bed sheets.)", "Catherine: I've got some long hairs on the pillow -- brunette. Wife was a blonde.", "Nick: So was the daughter, right?", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Nick: Well, I'll collect the sheets as soon as I'm finished up here.", "(David walks into the room.)", "David Phillips: Hey, Catherine, um, I was wondering if I ...", "Catherine: Oh, I'm sorry, David. We're going to need to keep the bodies in their original position for a while longer.", "(Catherine collects the hair strands and puts them in a bindle.)", "Nick: Yeah. Crime scene this messy, gotta bust out the big guns. You know what I mean? (David leaves the room.) Hey, did you know that Ecklie volunteered the lab to evaluate this scanner for Third Tech?", "Catherine: I'm sure he's hoping they'll give us one for free.", "Nick: Hmmm. I wouldn't count on it. But I am definitely going to enjoy using this while it's here. Virtual crime scene sketch. Sure beats doing it by hand.", "(The red laser starts from the machine and scans around the room. The image is reconstructed onto the monitor.)", "(Nick presses a couple of buttons.)", "(On the monitor, the wire-frame of the crime scene room rotates.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews Annabelle Frost.)", "Anabelle Frost: The whole family ... dead? Dani, too? She just had her birthday.", "Brass: How long have you been Morgan Stewart's assistant?", "Anabelle Frost: Uh ... about two years now.", "Brass: Did you and Morgan ever see each other outside of work?", "Anabelle Frost: Well ... I baby-sat Dani sometimes for some extra cash. I'm putting myself through school.", "Brass: We found a brown hair in his bed. Your color.", "Anabelle Frost: I wasn't sleeping with Morgan, and if you knew him, you wouldn't bother implying it. He was devoted to his wife. He was a ... he was a wonderful father.", "Brass: Hmm. Were you ever in his bedroom?", "Anabelle Frost: (scoffs) No.", "Brass: Then you wouldn't mind giving us a sample of your hair.", "Anabelle Frost: No. Be glad to ... as soon as you show me a court order.", "Brass: You know how that makes you look?", "Anabelle Frost: Save it. I'm pre-law.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg uses a hand-held device and tests the level of hydrocarbons on the victim's burned clothes.)", "(The beeping speeds up as Greg measures the top part of the woman's jacket near the pocket.)", "(He puts the device down and removes something from the victim's pocket.)", "(Grissom appears in the doorway.)", "Grissom: I hear our victim is still alive.", "Greg: I don't see why.", "Grissom: Well, she's not ready to let go yet.", "Greg: A plastic card. I found traces of alcohol all over her clothes. She was doused in it.", "Grissom: The accelerant and the probable ignition source were found at the top of the hill.", "Greg: That was the point of origin.", "Grissom: But the victim was found, almost completely burned, at the bottom of the hill.", "(Greg nods.)", "Grissom: I don't think she was caught in the fire ...", "(Quick flash of: [NIGHT] The woman screams as she burns. She trips and falls down the side of the hill.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: I think she started it.", "(Quick flash of: The large ball of fire rolling down the hill straight for the camera.)", "SMASH CUT TO BLACK.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Sara processes the glass from the vodka bottle for fingerprints.)", "(A print is found and is scanned into the computer. The computer searches for a MATCH to the print. The monitor reads:", "<< PATRICK BROMLEY >>", "HGT: 6'2\" WGT: 205 LBS EYES:", "HAIR: BROWN RACE: CAUCASIAN", "ADDRESS: TALARUS COURT APARTMENTS", "91334 RANCHO DR., APT #24-", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89156", "WORK HISTORY:", "2001 - 2003 PALMS CASINO BUS BOY", "2004 - CURRENT DAWSON TRUCKING COMPANY DR--", "{PHOTO ON LEFT}", "Sara: (V.O.) I got a work card hit off the vodka bottle -- a Patrick Bromley.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Sara walks with Grissom through the hallway and fills him in on what she's found.)", "Sara: He used to bus tables at the Palms. These days, he's driving a big rig.", "Grissom: He's a trucker. Let me guess: He's on the road.", "Sara: According to his employer, yes. Vartann is working at bringing him in.", "(They turn into the lab.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - CONTINUOUS]", "Sara: (continuous) But, as it turns out, the company tracks its drivers via GPS, and they were kind enough -- under threat of subpoena -- to give me access to Mr. Bromley's route data for the last 24 hours.", "(Sara types in the route data for BROMLEY, P. The map appears with emphasis on:", "STOP: Exit 19 A", "TIME: 12:49 AM", "33, 10, 11: LATITUTDE", "110, 05, 24: LONGITUDE", "Sara: And what do you know.", "Grissom: He was in the area of the fire an hour before the alarm went out?", "Sara: Yes. And about a half hour before that, he made a stop at the local Gas 'n' Sip.", "(She brings up info on another stop on Blue Diamond RD.", "STOP: Exit 30 B", "TIME: 12:19 AM", "36, 12, 52: LATITUTDE", "115, 10, 08: LONGITUDE", "Grissom: Well, see if the store's got video surveillance.", "Sara: Done. Footage is on its way in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[EXT. TRUCK STOP - NIGHT]", "(Sara and Det. Vartann interview Patrick Bromley, who is holding a cardboard drink holder with cups.)", "Patrick Bromley: You got my dispatcher crawling all over my ass for the past five hours. You know, you pull off a route, that costs me money.", "Det. Vartann: Hey ... shut up.", "Sara: Why don't you tell us about your friend here.", "(He watches security camera video of Tara Matthews in a pink sweater getting into Patrick Bromley's truck.)", "Patrick Bromley: She's not my friend. I picked her up hitching out on Sunset.", "Det. Vartann: Did she tell you her name?", "Patrick Bromley: Never came up.", "Sara: Where and when did you see her last?", "Patrick Bromley: Dropped her off on Blue Diamond Road.", "Det. Vartann: In the middle of nowhere, just like that?", "Patrick Bromley: Yeah. She wanted out.", "Sara: I bet she did. Where did you get the, uh, scratches on your neck?", "Patrick Bromley: A bar fight, couple of nights ago.", "Det. Vartann: Hey, do you mind if we look inside your truck?", "Patrick Bromley: If that's what's gonna get me back on the road.", "(Sara climbs into the truck and looks around. In the back of the truck, she finds a woman's pink sweater.)", "(Sara pops out of the truck and holds the pink sweater up.)", "Sara: Mr. Bromley! Pink is not your color.", "(Det. Vartann takes the cardboard container from Patrick Bromley and drops it on the ground as he puts the handcuffs on him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "Patrick Bromley: Look, I was just trying to help that chick out.", "Sara: And then you helped yourself.", "(Quick flash to: [BACK OF TRUCK - NIGHT] Tara Matthews struggles against Patrick Bromley.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Patrick Bromley: Uh-uh. Wasn't like that.", "Det. Vartann: Are you saying you never touched her?", "Patrick Bromley: No way. I mean, yeah ... the girl was ready to party. We had a couple drinks, and a smoke. She was definitely checking me out, but I'm a happily married man. I just gave her a ride.", "Sara: We already know what you did.", "(Quick flash to: [EXT. TRUCK - NIGHT] Tara Matthews' back hits the truck. Patrick Bromley raises the bottle of vodka, spilling it over Tara Matthews, drenching her in the flammable liquid. He drops the bottle and takes out a lighter.)", "(He flicks the lighter on.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Patrick Bromley: Looks like you guys already got your answers. Which means I want a lawyer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[CLOSE-UP OF CRIME SCENE PHOTOS]", "(Warrick goes through the photos of the bedroom crime scene.)", "Warrick: Bobby matched the bullets to the gun that was found at the scene. He also ran a registration check.", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Catherine, Nick and Warrick walk through the hallway.)", "Catherine: Let me guess: Gun was clean.", "Warrick: No, it was registered to Morgan Stewart.", "Nick: So, what, we're looking at a murder-suicide? Guy kills his family and then turns the gun on himself?", "Warrick: Well, you know it's a possibility. Brass pulled his financials. Morgan Stewart was in debt up to his eyeballs. He was in danger of losing his house.", "Catherine: Never underestimate the fragility of the male ego.", "(Warrick laughs wryly; Nick smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Robbins goes over the body with Catherine. The plastic rod is inserted into the bullet hole in the underside of the victim's chin.)", "Robbins: Bullet enters with a marginal abrasion on the underside of the chin. The wound path traverses the oral cavity, brain, and the high scalp, just right of the mid-line. Bullet exited with a stellate laceration in the right parietal scalp.", "(Robbins turns to the second body on the second exam table. A plastic rod is inserted into the bullet hole in the victim's back.)", "Robbins: Mrs. Stewart ... bullet penetrates the back. The hemorrhagic wound paths traverse the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and the deep musculature on the right side of the back. Trajectory is back to front, right to left and slightly downward.", "Catherine: And what about the daughter?", "(Robbins opens the morgue cabinet door where Dani Stewart's body is. He pulls the table out and lifts the sheet.)", "Robbins: Cause of death was drowning.", "Catherine: Any trauma to the body?", "(Robbins puts the sheet back.)", "(Robbins walks over to the x-ray viewbox.)", "Robbins: I noticed a fracture on the left fourth costosternal junction-- with virtually no hemorrhage -- caused by excessive pressure on the upper aspect of chest.", "Catherine: Broken rib. Now, I know the paramedics performed CPR ...", "Robbins: Right, but the EMTs' report states that she already had the injury when they found her at the scene.", "Catherine: So maybe this all started with the accidental death of a child.", "(Quick flash to: [EXT. POOLSIDE - DAY] Corrine Stewart sees Tara Matthews floating head down in the pool. She screams and runs over to the pool, jumping in to get her daughter.)", "Corinne Stewart: Oh, my God!", "(She grabs Dani out of the pool.)", "(Cut to: Corinne performs CPR on Dani.)", "(Quick CGI POV of: Camera zooms in on Dani's chest. The rib cage is viewed as Corinne starts CPR. End of CGI POV.)", "(Corinne cries.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Wife tells her husband, whose mental state is already hanging by a thread ...", "(Flash as: Corinne turns and sees Morgan Stewart standing behind her. He says something to her.)", "(He reaches into the drawer and takes out the handgun. He raises the gun and points it at Corinne.)", "(Corinne turns and runs.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: Eh, that works.", "Catherine: Except how do you perform CPR on your child and then toss her back into the pool?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Grissom and Mia Dickerson walk through the hallway as she reports to him.)", "Grissom: Did you get an I.D. on our arson victim yet?", "Mia Dickerson: I ran the DNA through CODIS and Missing Persons, and I came up empty. But one thing I do know is that one of her markers is out of the control range.", "Grissom: \"Off-ladder\" peak?", "Mia Dickerson: You talk the talk, but did you know the frequency of that anomaly is one in every 250?", "Grissom: I learn something new every day around here.", "(They walk out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Greg processes a burned piece of paper found on Tara Matthews.)", "(The paper reads:", "(LIC)ENSE EXTENSION", "02/02/04 EXPIRATION DATE: 02/??/0-", "TARA MATTHEWS", "17011 COLLIE LN LAS VEGAS NV 8910?", "ONLY *** TO ORIGINAL ***", "(Greg smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MATTHEWS' RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Greg and Grissom interview Neal Matthews.)", "(Camera opens on the framed photos hanging in the hallway. There are three, all of Neal and Tara Matthews.)", "Grissom: Mr. Matthews ... when was the last time you saw your wife?", "Neal Matthews: Last night, about six.", "Greg: She hasn't been home since?", "Neal Matthews: No. We had a fight, she left. It's happened before.", "Grissom: Do you have a lot of fights?", "(He sighs.)", "Neal Matthews: I don't know; what's a lot? Look, things have been a little rough for us lately. Tara's been on anti-depressants for awhile. I own my own business, so she's home most of the time. What's this all about? Where's my wife?", "(Greg looks at Grissom.)", "Grissom: She's been in an accident.", "(Neal Matthews takes a deep breath.)", "Neal Matthews: I want to see her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - BURN UNIT - DAY]", "(CLOSE-UP: MONITOR VIEW OF TARA MATTHEWS. The monitor beeps and the ventilator hisses. The camera moves down off the monitor and we see Tara Matthews in bed completely wrapped in gauze bandages. The burn unit finishes wrapping gauze around her burned leg.)", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(Greg and Neal Matthews look into the room through the glass.)", "Neal Matthews: I don't know who that is, but ... that's not my wife. That's not Tara.", "(Greg holds up the small evidence bag.)", "Greg: Is this her ring?", "Neal Matthews: Oh, my God.", "(The label on the evidence bag reads:", "WEDDING RING", "BURN UNIT *** ***", "S. SIDLE )", "(Neal Matthews looks at the ring. He starts crying.)", "Neal Matthews: Oh, my God. Tara.", "(Inside the burn unit, we're shown Tara's hand wrapped in gauze, the blood stains from where her fingers used to be starting to soak through.)", "Neal Matthews: How did this happen?", "(Greg swallows.)", "Greg: We're still investigating.", "Neal Matthews: All day ... I've been waiting for her to get home. I was really going to make it up to her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Greg holds a small glass sample container in his hand and looks at Tara Matthews' fingers inside. He stares at its contents.)", "(Grissom walks in through the doorway. He watches Greg.)", "Grissom: How'd it go at the hospital?", "Greg: About as well as could be expected. Doctors had to amputate the fingers from her right hand. Too great a risk for infection.", "(Greg puts the container down on the table.)", "Greg: They gave them to me to process for trace.", "Grissom: You've pulled a double, Greg. You need a break. I'll process it.", "(Greg looks at Grissom. Grissom nods back, encouraging him to take that break.)", "Greg: Thanks.", "(Greg stands up and leaves. Grissom puts on a glove and sits down.)", "(Grissom looks at the container and uncaps it. He takes the finger out and looks at it.)", "(He picks up a magnifying glass and looks at the finger.)", "(He flips the finger over and sees something underneath near the first knuckle.)", "(He stares at it.)", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM]", "(Sofia Curtis walks into the locker room where she finds Greg sitting on the bench.)", "Sofia Curtis: Hey.", "Greg: Hey.", "(She opens her locker.)", "Sofia Curtis: What's the problem?", "Greg: Nothing. I'm fine.", "(She puts her bag down inside.)", "Sofia Curtis: You're not.", "Greg: I feel like a wuss. Grissom told me I should take a break, and I did.", "Sofia Curtis: Your burn victim.", "Greg: (nods) How do you get an image like that out of your mind?", "Sofia Curtis: You go home. You, uh ... hug your cat, your dog, your pillow. You have a beer, you watch a movie, and then you come back tomorrow.", "Greg: Is that supposed to make me feel better?", "Sofia Curtis: Rumor has it you used to be a pretty funny guy. (She closes her locker.) Don't lose that.", "(Sofia leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- DNA LAB]", "(Various cuts of: Mia Dickerson looks at the bed sheet under an ALS.)", "(The Crime Evidence tag reads:", "BEDSHEET", "STEWART RESIDENCE", "LPD 150389-??????", "(She circles the stains she finds.)", "(She cuts the stains out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- TRACE LAB -- CONTINUOUS]", "(As Mia works, Hodges watches her through the glass walls. He sighs.)", "(In the doorway, Catherine watches Hodges.)", "Catherine: It's hard to look and not touch, isn't it?", "(Hodges is startled.)", "Hodges: That poor kid has been working her tail off. Only fair, considering how DNA gets most of the glory these days.", "Catherine: Have something for me?", "Hodges: Of course.", "(Catherine walks into the lab and over to Hodges, who shows her the print results.)", "Hodges: The dark hairs you found on Morgan Stewart's bed were not a match to his wife. Pretty bold, to bring another woman into his matrimonial bed. Begging to get caught.", "Catherine: Well, so far, you haven't told me anything I didn't already know.", "(Hodges points to the monitor.)", "Hodges: This is the broken glass and paper found on the floor of the master bedroom.", "Catherine: Uh, looks like a thermometer.", "Hodges: Yes, but what kind?", "Catherine: Do tell.", "Hodges: Notice how the gradations are broken down by tenths of a degree?", "Catherine: Yes. And most thermometers aren't that specific.", "Hodges: Correct. It's a BBT, a Basal Body Temperature thermometer, used by women to pinpoint a temperature spike that occurs ...", "Catherine: ... during ovulation. I know. It maximizes your chance of conception. So ... Corinne Stewart, I guess, was trying to have another baby.", "Hodges: With no clue as to what her husband was doing when she was out of the house.", "Catherine: Or with whom.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Mia catches Grissom in the hallway.)", "Mia Dickerson: Grissom -- hey, it's about your arson victim.", "Grissom: Greg beat you to it. I got an I.D.", "(Grissom continues walking.)", "Mia Dickerson: Yeah, well, I got something you don't have.", "(Grissom stops walking and turns around.)", "[INT. CSI -- DNA LAB - CONTINUOUS]", "(Mia shows Grissom and Catherine the results on the monitor.)", "Mia Dickerson: This is the standard ladder of alleles that I run against every unknown DNA. And it contains all of the commonly encountered alleles within the population. As you can see, at locus d3 the alleles are 12 through 19.", "Catherine: Which is normal.", "Mia Dickerson: Right. Now, as you can see on the sample on the bottom, the locus d3 alleles are 15 and 21.", "Catherine: Not normal. The 21 allele is outside the normal range.", "Grissom: An \"off-ladder\" peak. Like Tara Matthews.", "Mia Dickerson: Right. This is her profile. And this ...", "(She drag and drops the two together.)", "Mia Dickerson: ... is the DNA that was extracted from the vaginal contribution to the sheets at the Stewart house.", "Catherine: Tara Matthews' DNA in Morgan Stewart's bed.", "Grissom: (smugly) We're working the same case.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom, Sara, Catherine and Warrick meet to go over their cases together.)", "Grissom: There were several spots of high density polyethylene embedded in the fingers of Tara Matthews' right hand.", "Sara: According to Hodges, the material is consistent with the plastic tanks in most disposable lighters. (She picks up a photo and hands it to Warrick.) We found the top of one at the scene of the fire.", "Warrick: Well, heat melts plastic and butane will explode under pressure.", "Catherine: So the lighter blew up in her hand? Are you saying that she ... set herself on fire?", "(Quick flash to: [ROADSIDE - NIGHT] Tara Matthews pours the vodka over her head. She drops the bottle and takes out a lighter. She flicks the lighter on and catches on fire.)", "(Quick CGI POV: The fire burns her and goes back to her hand holding the lighter. It explodes.)", "(White flash back to present.)", "Sara: It was attempted suicide. She'd been assaulted by a truck driver shortly before her death. She was clinically depressed. She was having problems in her marriage.", "Grissom: You know, some eastern cultures believe that fire cleanses the soul.", "Catherine: Well, Tara Matthews was having s*x with Morgan Stewart. So, if she attempted suicide several hours after the Stewarts died, she's a possible suspect.", "Grissom: Yeah, but just having her DNA in the bed doesn't prove she was there for the murders.", "Sara: What about Tara's husband Neal?", "Warrick: Well, according to Brass, Neal and Morgan were good friends since they were kids. Neal was good at making money, and Morgan was good at making debts.", "Sara: Maybe Morgan was jealous of Neal, sleeps with Tara out of spite, Corinne finds out ...", "Grissom: And three people end up dead. So the critical question remains. If Morgan shot himself, then he's the prime suspect in the murders, but if he, in fact, was murdered, then somebody else was in the house.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - BURN UNIT - OBSERVATION ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Neal Matthews sits in a chair in the observation room doorway looking at his wife inside. Brass walks up to him. He looks at Tara Matthews in the burn bed.)", "Brass: Mr. Matthews. Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police. How's your wife doing?", "Neal Matthews: How does it look like she's doing?", "(Brass turns around and looks at Neal Matthews.)", "Brass: You know, I just have a couple of questions. Maybe we should talk outside.", "Neal Matthews: We can talk here.", "Brass: Okay. You know, when the detective interviewed you earlier, why didn't you tell him that your best friend and his family had just been killed?", "Neal Matthews: I didn't know then.", "Brass: Were you at Morgan's house yesterday?", "Neal Matthews: No.", "Brass: How about your wife?", "Neal Matthews: Not that I know of. Why would she?", "Brass: Well, she's been spending a lot of time there.", "Neal Matthews: What's that supposed to mean?", "Brass: Your wife was having an affair with your best friend. Look, I feel for you, Neal; I do. Friends don't sleep with their friend's wives.", "Neal Matthews: You think you know how I feel?", "Brass: Guilty? I don't know.", "Neal Matthews: (scoffs ironically) Yeah. I do feel guilty. I was unable to give my wife what she needed. If she went to Morgan, that's the reason. She never handled rejection well.", "Brass: So, if Morgan rejected her, how would she have taken that?", "Neal Matthews: Badly.", "Brass: Bad enough to kill?", "(He looks at Brass.)", "Neal Matthews: (shakes his head) Not Tara.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(MONITOR: Morgan Stewart Crime Scene. Nick is working on the 3-D digital image on the monitor. He goes from photo to wire frame. The bullet trajectory angles are indicated through dotted lines.)", "(Warrick walks into the lab.)", "Warrick: How's it going?", "Nick: Hey.", "Nick: Checking out trajectory angles. This is the shot coming out of Morgan's body.", "Warrick: What's the trajectory going into the wall?", "Nick: Oh, the wall trajectory is a constant. Morgan's is the variable here.", "Warrick: Well, there's no way those lines are gonna match up with Morgan all the way over on the bed.", "Nick: So let's make them line up.", "(Nick moves Morgan from the bed to the floor. The trajectory angles match.)", "Warrick: Hang on. If he shot himself there ... how did he end up on the bed?", "Nick: He was moved.", "Warrick: Where is the blood spatter from the initial wound?", "Nick: Wait. Morgan's wound bled out here. The blood puddle covered the initial spatter.", "(Quick flash to: [STEWART RESIDENCE] The killer grabs Morgan, aims the gun and fires. Blood spatters on the carpet.)", "(White flash to: The killer moves Morgan Stewart to the bed and puts the gun in his hand. The blood from the wound falls onto the carpet.)", "(Several dissolves on a close-up of the blood puddle: Over time, the puddle of blood gets bigger and bigger.)", "(End of flashes. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: There was someone else in that room.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MATTHEWS RESIDENCE - HALLWAY]", "(Grissom and Sara are at the house. They pass by the framed photos on the wall.)", "Nick: (V.O.) So maybe Neal or Tara Matthews has blood on their clothes.", "Warrick: (V.O.) Time to check the house.", "(Camera lingers on a photo of Tara and Neal smiling.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "VARIOUS SCENES OF SARA AND GRISSOM IN THE HOUSE", "(Sara turns on the ALS and checks the clothes in the closet.)", "(Grissom opens a door to a nursery all in white.)", "(Sara picks up hanger by hanger and runs the clothes through the ALS.)", "(Grissom stands in front of the vanity and closes the overhead cabinet door)", "(Sara continues to check the clothes.)", "(Grissom looks at the items on the vanity.)", "(Sara checks Tara's shoes.)", "(Grissom opens the vanity drawer and looks inside.)", "(Sara checks Neal Matthews' shoes. Under one of the sneakers, she finds a piece of broken glass. She removes the glass sliver from the rubber and looks at it.)", "(Camera zooms for a close-up of the glass sliver.)", "(Grissom searches through the drawer. He finds a basal thermometer from the BLESSINGS FERTILITY CENTER (800) 555-0185.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CATHERINE'S OFFICE]", "(Grissom rushes up to Catherine's office. He hastily knocks on the door. Catherine looks up from her desk.)", "Grissom: You found a basal thermometer at the Stewart house?", "Catherine: Yeah. It was crushed on the master bedroom floor. Why?", "(He holds up the evidence bag.)", "Grissom: I found one in Tara Matthews' vanity drawer.", "Catherine: I was just looking at Corinne Stewart's autopsy report. Uh ... she had a tubal ligation, so ... she obviously wasn't trying to have kids.", "Grissom: Tara was.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - BURN UNIT - TARA'S ROOM]", "(Tara is in bed and hooked up to a ventilator. Yellowish urine drains out from a catheter tubing.)", "(Someone is taking a urine sample out from the bag on the side of the bed.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Robbins holds up the container of Tara Matthews' urine sample. He opens the container and sticks the stick inside. The tip of the stick is blue-ish.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Catherine sits in front of Grissom's desk and reports.)", "Catherine: So it's been confirmed. Tara Matthews is pregnant.", "Grissom: Third-degree burns on most of her body and she doesn't miscarry?", "Catherine: A mother's body is designed to protect her baby. I don't know, all that trauma and morphine ... it'll be a miracle if she brings it to term.", "Grissom: Do we have any idea who the father is?", "Catherine: Too early to tell. She's just a few weeks pregnant.", "Grissom: Okay, we know that Morgan and Tara were having s*x. The broken basal thermometer we found in the bedroom implies that she was trying to conceive with him, and not her husband.", "Catherine: Neal could've been shooting blanks. GRISSOM: Well, medical records will confirm that.", "CATHERINE; And Neal and Morgan were best friends ...", "Grissom: ... somebody she may have felt comfortable with.", "(Quick flash to: [STEWART RESIDENCE - BEDROOM] Morgan opens the bedroom door and finds Morgan in bed with Tara.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Neal catches Morgan in bed with his wife ...", "Neal Matthews: Hey, buddy!", "Tara Matthews: Let me explain ...", "Neal Matthews: Shut up!", "(Neal heads for the bedside table. He steps on the basal thermometer.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) And now, he knows where the best friend keeps his gun.", "(He opens the bedside drawer and takes out the gun.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.", "Grissom: The glass in Neal's shoe just puts him at the scene. We didn't find any blood on the clothes we recovered from his house.", "Catherine: Clothes are easy to dump. The glass was an oversight; he didn't even know it was there.", "Grissom: Or maybe he didn't kill anybody.", "Catherine: Which leaves Tara.", "Grissom: There was no blood on her clothes either. At least nothing at the house. And the clothes she was wearing went up in flames.", "(Catherine looks at the open file folder in her lap and looks at the EVIDENCE sheet.)", "PACKAGE #4597-1", "ITEM #17 TWO MEN'S SOCKS", "PACKAGE #4597-2", "ITEM #18 PINK SWEATER, WOMEN'S", "SIZE: MEDIUM", "ITEM #19 BOOK OF MATCHES", "ITEM #20 TRUCKER'S LOG BOOK )", "Catherine: Not everything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Catherine runs the pink sweater under the ALS. She finds something and reaches for the scissors to cut it out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(Hodges opens the bindle and takes out the piece of pink sweater. He cuts a piece off and processes it.)", "(The labels on the tubing read:", "IN #27", "*N *28", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Brass interviews Neal Matthews. His lawyer sits next to him.)", "Brass: We got a problem, Neal. We found chlorine from the Stewarts' pool on your wife's sweater. That puts her at the scene. We're going to be charging her with the murders.", "Neal Matthews: Whatever happened, Tara couldn't have done it on purpose. It must've been some sort of accident.", "Brass: Well, the way we see it, you know, Tara went back to Morgan's house to tell him that she was pregnant with his child, and ... what, she told you the baby was yours?", "Neal Matthews: (nods) Yeah.", "Brass: And you believed her?", "Neal Matthews: We were trying to have a baby. Why wouldn't I?", "Brass: Oh, well, sure. I mean, you and Morgan are close enough in looks. She probably would've gotten away with it.", "Neal Matthews: She always said that a woman without a child of her own wasn't a woman. We tried in vitro fertilization a half a dozen times.", "Brass: Yeah, we know. We subpoenaed your medical records. You had bad sperm. (Neal nods.) Anyway ... Tara went over to try to get Morgan to leave his family, he said no, she flipped out, she went nuts. She's got a history of depression, right?", "Neal Matthews: Right.", "Brass: I mean, I suppose Morgan got what he deserved. But just because you're defective doesn't mean that Tara's gonna jump in bed with him.", "Neal Matthews: I told Tara we could adopt. She wouldn't.", "Brass: And Corinne and the kid ... wrong place, wrong time, I guess.", "Neal Matthews: She wanted to have a family so bad ...", "Brass: ... and you couldn't give it to her, so she took her business elsewhere. And it didn't take long for Morgan to hit a home run ...", "Neal Matthews: Stop talking about it like that.", "Brass: Look, Neal. Just because she's lying burned up in a hospital room carrying your best friend's kid ...", "(Everyone starts shouting at each other.)", "Neal Matthews: No!", "Brass: ... Isn't going to cut it with the D.A.", "Neal Matthews: No, I'm ...", "Brad Lewis (lawyer): Look, Neal, not another word.", "Brass: She killed three people.", "Neal Matthews: (shouts) I want you to shut up! Just shut up!", "Brad Lewis (lawyer): Neal, please. Let's go.", "Brass: Go ahead and walk. Go ahead, let Tara take the fall. She's probably not gonna make it anyway.", "Neal Matthews: I love my wife.", "Brad Lewis (lawyer): Please, Neal. Let's go.", "Brass: We know you were there. We got a fragment from a basal thermometer found in your shoe.", "Neal Matthews: You don't know anything about her.", "Brass: I know she wanted a baby more than she wanted to be your wife; I know that much. So tell me what I don't know.", "(Neal nods and falls silent.)", "Neal Matthews: We were just hanging out, having a couple beers and I got a splinter.", "(Quick flashback to: [STEWART RESIDENCE - BATHROOM - DAY] The bathroom door opens.)", "Neal Matthews: (V.O.) Morgan said the tweezers were up in his bathroom.", "(Neal opens the medicine cabinet and finds the basal thermometer. Suddenly, he knows what's going on.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Neal Matthews: He said it was Corinne's idea. They were just trying to help us.", "(Quick flash of: [BEDROOM] Morgan tries to explain but Neal is too angry.)", "Morgan Stewart: We did it for Tara.", "Neal Matthews: You slept with my wife!", "(Neal starts hitting Morgan. He reaches for the gun in the bedside table drawer.)", "Morgan Stewart: No.", "(They struggle for the gun.)", "Morgan Stewart: Corinne!", "(Outside, Corinne is watching Dani in the pool. She turns when she hears Morgan call her.)", "(Inside, Neal steps on the basal thermometer, breaking it.)", "Morgan Stewart: (o.s.) Corinne! Call the police!", "(Outside, Corinne turns.)", "Dani Stewart: Mommy. I want to get out.", "Corinne Stewart: Morgan!", "(Corinne heads for the house.)", "(Inside, Neal shoots Morgan just as Corinne reaches the bedroom door.)", "Corinne Stewart: Morgan!", "(Neal turns around and sees Corinne. Corinne turns and runs.)", "Corinne Stewart: Morgan!", "(Neal gets up and follows her. There's a second gunshot.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Neal Matthews: She ran. She was going to call the cops. I was just trying to stop her.", "Brass: You shot her.", "(Neal Matthews nods.)", "Brass: What about Dani?", "Neal Matthews: I didn't know what else to do, so I called Tara. When she came over, saw what I'd done ... She just freaked out.", "(Quick flash to: [STEWART RESIDENCE - DAY] Tara runs toward the house. Neal is crying as he paces back and forth in front of the pool. She hits Neal as he explains.)", "Neal Matthews: I made it look like Morgan shot Corinne and then he killed himself.", "Tara Matthews: Are you out of your mind? Do you know what you've done?", "Neal Matthews: This is all because of you.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Brass: Neal ... what happened to Dani?", "(Quick flashback to: Tara turns.)", "Tara Matthews: Dani!", "(She runs and jumps into the pool. Dani is floating inside. She grabs Dani.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Neal Matthews: She said we didn't deserve to live, neither one of us. And then she just ran out the door. I was afraid she was going to try to kill herself. All we wanted was a baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - DAWN]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(The body bag is zipped up over Morgan Stewart.)", "(The coroners stand around the table pulling the plastic bag over Corinne Stewart.)", "(The body of Dani Stewart is zipped up.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - BURN UNIT]", "(Tara Matthews is on the bed. The camera stops in front of the monitor focused on Tara Matthews' face.)", "(Her eyes flutter open.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Spark of Life
[ "It's a busy night in the lab as the CSIs investigate four cases: A hit and run involving a stolen Hummer , the murder of a Convention Girl, the death of a body builder and the death of a boy found on a bench." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY INTERSECTION (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(Time Lapse Fast Forward. Focus on the street intersection below. The cars zoom quickly, their lights simple streaks of light on the street. In the center of the screen is the back of the Statue of Liberty.)", "[EXT. TACO STAND - NIGHT]", "(A young man makes a purchase and takes his tacos with him as he leaves. A woman nearby giggles.)", "(The young man heads for his car, gets inside and starts the engine.)", "(The headlights flip open.)", "(The car moves forward and pulls out of the parked area.)", "(Inside the car, the young man takes a bite from his taco. He grabs the steering wheel and turns his car out onto the main road.)", "(He drives away while eating his taco. He takes another bite, looks up when bright lights shine straight toward him. He slams on the car breaks.)", "(The car screeches to a halt as a large Hummer heads straight for his car.)", "(The Hummer doesn't stop and rolls right over his car.)", "(The windshield glass breaks. The man grunts as he's thrown side-to-side. He squishes his taco into the side window.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. STREET - NIGHT]", "(The officers lift the crime scene tape as Grissom ducks under it. He walks past Officer Metcalf, who drops the tape behind him, a large taco clutched in his other hand.)", "Officer Metcalf: This is the best taco I ever had.", "Grissom: I'm happy for you both.", "(Grissom heads toward Brass, who turns around and appears surprised to see Grissom there.)", "Brass: What, did you piss off Ecklie again? This is a hit-and-run. I was expecting Greg Sanders.", "Grissom: We're slammed. Everybody's on a case.", "(Grissom puts his kit down on the road near the car; the Hummer partially covers the front half of the sleek car.)", "Grissom: Is this a Fiero?", "(Brass leads Grissom around the two cars.)", "Brass: Yeah, the old Fiero. Kind of makes you nostalgic for a \"members only\" jacket. Anyway, the Hummer was going the wrong way on a one-way street. The guy in the Fiero, lucky to be alive. Nobody saw the driver get out.", "(Grissom puts his gloves on.)", "Grissom: People who drive $100,000 vehicles don't usually run away from them.", "Brass: Well, you obviously haven't met any paroled rappers.", "(Brass stops. Grissom sees the tread marks on the road.)", "Grissom: Tread-mark shapes indicate acceleration.", "(Grissom looks up. We hear the sounds of an engine gunning and tires screeching. Grissom visualizes the Hummer coming straight toward them from down the street.)", "Grissom: Pedal to the metal. Maybe a getaway.", "(Grissom and Brass turn, their eyes following the path of the imaginary Hummer as it comes to stop on top of the Fiero.)", "Brass: Or maybe a joyride.", "(Brass and Grissom walk over to the Hummer's open driver's door.)", "Brass: There's a red smear on the door. Somebody's got blood on their hands.", "(Brass shows Grissom the bloodstains.)", "Grissom: Hmm.", "(Grissom looks inside the driver's seat and notes the air bag.)", "(Camera zooms to show the powder residue on the air bag. Grissom looks at the air bag.)", "Grissom: Well, at least we know one thing about the driver.", "(Quick flash to: Slow motion. The air bag releases and fills as the driver's face slams into the air bag. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: He's had a face lift.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(A phone rings as Grissom walks through the hallway. He heads toward reception.)", "Judy Tremont: (o.s.) (to phone) Crime Lab, how can I help you?", "(Grissom walks past a woman. As Greg and Sara return to the office, Grissom catches a bit of their conversation.)", "Greg: Sara, I just want you to know that when we were in the shower, I didn't see anything.", "(Grissom turns around and watches them go, surprise etched on his face.)", "Sara: Really? Gosh, I saw everything.", "Judy Tremont: (o.s.) Mr. Grissom. (Grissom turns to look back in Judy's direction.) PD just called. Apparently, the Humvee from your hit-and-run was carjacked earlier tonight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews Wilma and Kyle Shaw.)", "Wilma Shaw: Yeah, it was our Hummer ... for all of twenty minutes.", "Kyle Shaw: We ... we won it in a raffle.", "Brass: So, what happened?", "Kyle Shaw: All of a sudden, this fat guy comes out of nowhere and ...", "Wilma Shaw: (interrupts) Fat guy?! No, that's you.", "Kyle Shaw: What's me?", "Wilma Shaw: (scoffs) Fat guy ...", "Brass: Well, um, how do you see it, Mrs. Shaw?", "Wilma Shaw: The kid who took the car was skinny.", "Kyle Shaw: Well, maybe he wasn't as big as me, but he was definitely fat.", "Wilma Shaw: I'm going to sock you one. He was not.", "Kyle Shaw: He pulled me out of the car!", "Wilma Shaw: He was as skinny as a stickman!", "Brass: Yeah ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROAD - DAY]", "(Officer Metcalf accompanies Grissom on a road back.)", "Officer Metcalf: According to the, uh, witness statement, the carjacker was hanging over there by the fence.", "(He points over to the wire fence lining the lot nearby.)", "Grissom: What are we, about three blocks from the crash site?", "Officer Metcalf: Uh, yeah.", "(Grissom looks at the fence.)", "Officer Metcalf: Nice freakin' neighborhood.", "(Grissom raises his camera and takes photos of the smudges of blood on the fence post.)", "(Grissom looks around. He looks down on the ground and sees some blood drops. He continues walking. A little farther down, he finds a handkerchief with some blood on it thrown in the grass on the side of the road.)", "(He snaps a photo of it. He takes out a scissors and picks it up.)", "(Sirens wail in the distance. A police car rushes toward them down the road, then turns to the right. Grissom looks up and notices the car. Off screen, we hear tires screeching.)", "(A short while later, we see a detective car following the officer car.)", "(Grissom goes back to the bloody handkerchief. He takes out a plastic bag from his pocket and opens it.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE FRONT -- DAY]", "(An officer drags a man toward their car, the perturbed convenience store owner following them.)", "Vernon: Come on, man! I didn't do nothing! Let me go!", "Store Owner: Try to steal from me, you miserable lowlife! This time, I get justice! You're going to jail! You are going to jail!", "Vernon: Man, you just a damn racist.", "(Brass stops the officers.)", "Brass: Hold up. This guy matches the description of a suspect in a carjack hit-and-run.", "Vernon: Naw, Dawgs, yo, I jacked a 40, not no car, a'ight?", "Brass: Yeah, a'ight ... One Cent, let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Brass and Grissom walk through the hallway.)", "Brass: So the kid denies jacking the Hummer. Says he's never even been in one.", "Grissom: We matched his blood on the gearshift and on the headband I found in the alley.", "Brass: And he's skinny, which matches one of the descriptions. I'm charging him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(Hodges reports his findings to Grissom.)", "Hodges: The oily stain you collected from the Hummer's air bag was, ironically enough, oil. More specifically, lard.", "Grissom: It looks like there's tissue fibers mixed into it.", "Hodges: Several different types, actually, so I ran an ELISA to differentiate. Pork, beef, chicken and possibly human flesh. A real taste treat. It's all been cooked up, so I doubt we'll get any DNA.", "(As he talks, something occurs to Grissom.)", "Hodges: What are you thinking about?", "Grissom: Tacos.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. TACO STAND -- DAY]", "(The taco stand owner cooks up the next batch of meat and onions on the grill. Grissom walks up to him.)", "Grissom: Hola.", "TACO STAND Owner: Hola. Chicken, beef or pork, boss?", "Grissom: Los carnitas, por favor.", "TACO STAND Owner: Carnitas.", "Grissom: Say, uh ...", "(Grissom shows the owner his ID card.)", "Grissom: Have you had any trouble around here recently?", "TACO STAND Owner: Just a little scuffle yesterday. Nothing I couldn't handle.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] The taco stand owner checks his cash and shoves it in his pocket as two young men, Vernon and Lawrence Lafontaine, walk up to him.)", "Vernon: Yo, pops, give me the loot!", "(Vernon and Lawrence Lafontaine walk up to him intending on taking the money from him. The taco stand owner turns, deflects Vernon's arm from grabbing him, picks up the knife on the counter and stabs the kid in the leg. The kid screams.)", "(With his other hand, the taco stand owner picks up the hot pan of oil on the grill and throws it at Lawrence Lafontaine.)", "(Both men turn and run screaming.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Didn't you file a police report?", "TACO STAND Owner: Bother you guys with something like that? (He scoffs.) I was a kid once. Those guys just needed someone to set 'em straight. Here you go.", "(He gives Grissom his tacos.)", "Grissom: Gracias.", "TACO STAND Owner: Denada. Oh, it's on the house.", "Grissom: Muchas gracias.", "(The taco stand owner smiles. Grissom takes out his cell phone and starts dialing.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Jim, we need to go back to the hospitals.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "Grissom: (V.O.) We may be looking for a burn patient.", "[INT. HOSPITAL -- NIGHT]", "(Lawrence Lafontaine sits on the bed. Brass, Grissom and a couple of officers step into the room. Lawrence turns and gets to his feet.)", "Brass: Lawrence Lafontaine, you're under arrest.", "Lawrence Lafontaine: Vernon rat me out?", "Brass: No, the taco did.", "Lawrence Lafontaine: Everyone around my hood knows that taco guy. To get whooped by his old ass and not do anything about it?", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Vernon and Lawrence Lafontaine are running down the side street.)", "Vernon: For real, stop, yo!", "(Vernon collapses to the ground. Lawrence takes off his headband and ties it around Vernon's thigh.)", "Vernon: Man, dawgs, it hurts for real, man.", "Lawrence Lafontaine: Here, now, you straight? Stop being such a little baby.", "Vernon: I need some medicine -- I ain't talking about going to no hospital, either.", "Lawrence Lafontaine: Well, have fun then, man. I'm-a get me some payback.", "(Lawrence takes off.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Lawrence Lafontaine: Vern just bitched out, wanted to forget it ever happened. Not me.", "Grissom: So you stole the Hummer for revenge.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Wilma and Kyle Shaw are in their new Humvee. Wilma looks at the map and shakes her head.)", "Wilma Shaw: I knew we should've asked for directions.", "(Lawrence runs up, opens the door and grabs Kyle Shaw, pulling him out of the car.)", "Lawrence Lafontaine: Out of the car, man!", "Kyle Shaw: Hey, hey, hey!", "Lawrence Lafontaine: Get the hell out of the car!", "CUT TO: [TACO STAND]", "(The taco stand owner talks with the Fiero owner as he prepares his order.)", "TACO STAND Owner: (to Fiero owner) They just needed someone to set them straight.", "(The Humvee rushes down the street. Lawrence is behind the wheel. His eyes are solely on the taco stand and he doesn't see the Fiero pull out in front of him.)", "(He sees the car too late. He tries to brake; the tries to turn. The Humvee rolls right on top of the Fiero.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: Let me get this straight, Larry. An old man refuses to let you steal his money, so you jack a Hummer and try to run over his taco stand?", "Lawrence Lafontaine: (sighs) Maybe.", "Grissom: I think this is the dumbest thing we've ever heard.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY INTERSECTION (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(Time Lapse Quick Rewind. Focus on the street intersection below. The cars zoom backward quickly, their lights simple streaks of light on the street. In the center of the screen is the back of the Statue of Liberty.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Rewind. Sara and Greg walk backward as they pass Grissom in the hallway in front of reception. The sound is on rewind.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Camera pulls away from the city lights.)", "[EXT. ROAD - NIGHT]", "(Rewind. The Hummer on top of the Fiero rolls off, backward.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING TO AFTERNOON]", "(Rewind. Evening rewinds back into day.)", "[INT. INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE EXPO - DAY]", "(Various shots of the Expo in full swing. With each display is a beautiful woman presenting the latest product.)", "(At the main stage is Mr. Daluca standing in front of a closed curtain fronted by several beautiful women.)", "Mr. Daluca: It's a beach house, a ski lodge, a state-of-the-art office, your home on the road ... ladies and gentlemen, Daluca Motorcoaches is proud to present the g-4700!", "(The crowd cheers. The women standing in front of the stage pull the curtain open. On the floor, center stage, is a dead woman.)", "(Mr. Daluca turns around. The crowd's cheers fade. Cameras snap.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE EXPO - DAY]", "(Warrick steps on stage.)", "Warrick: Gentlemen.", "(Det. Vartann looks at Warrick as David Phillips kneels next to the dead body.)", "Det. Vartann: Hey.", "(Warrick puts his kit down on the ground and steps closer.)", "Warrick: What's going on here?", "Det. Vartann: Lisa Schumacher, 29.", "(Det. Vartann hands Warrick Lisa Schumacher's ID tag.)", "Det. Vartann: There's no surveillance on the floor, and none of the rent-a-cops remember the last time they saw her.", "Warrick: A convention girl.", "David Phillips: A what?", "Warrick: You know, a model, stripper or a showgirl working the convention for extra cash. You got a T.O.D. yet?", "(David puts his clipboard down and rolls the body to check out the woman's back.)", "David Phillips: Well, based on lividity, I'd say around 4:00 A.M. (David notes the cut on her mouth.) Laceration on the lower lip. Contusions on the neck. (He checks her eyes.) Petechiae in the eyes.", "Det. Vartann: So she got slapped around, strangled. Maybe somewhere in between, she was raped.", "(Warrick kneels down next to the body and notes the off-colored makeup smudges on her skin.)", "Warrick: These streaks right here. They don't look like blood.", "(He looks at her nails.)", "Warrick: Possible hair fragments and some skin under her nails.", "Det. Vartann: She fought back.", "Warrick: It'd be good for us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE EXPO - DAY]", "(The coroners wheel out the body wrapped on a gurney. The crowd murmurs as they move out from behind the display)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE EXPO - MOTORCOACH DISPLAY -- DAY]", "(Warrick checks out the motorcoach the body was found in. He opens the door to the bathroom and looks around.)", "(He looks at the things on the counter. He opens the cell phone, closes it and sets it back down on the counter.)", "(He looks in the toilet and flips on the ALS. He finds some stains inside and takes a swab of it. He closes the swab. He flips open the flush unit and finds some used condoms inside.)", "Warrick: So that's why they call it a \"recreational vehicle.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the preliminary report on Lisa Schumacher with Catherine.)", "Robbins: C.O.D. is asphyxia due to manual strangulation. Whoever did this used a lot more force than they needed to. There's bleeding in the neck muscles. Fractures in the cornu of the thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone.", "Catherine: Did you do a wet mount?", "Robbins: Sure did. Found motile sperm in the vaginal cavity.", "Catherine: Well, Warrick found several used condoms at the scene. Killer must have run out, and started riding bareback.", "Robbins: Eh, I'm not sure he rode anything at all. There's an absence of trauma in the vaginal cavity.", "Catherine: Enough to rule out rape?", "Robbins: Yeah. The semen was found at a depth not indicative of penile penetration. In this case, only a couple inches in.", "Catherine: Maybe that's all the killer had to work with.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE EXPO - EVENING]", "(The Expo continues.)", "Candice Mosti: And now, the moment that we've all been waiting for. The winner of the brand-new Humvee is ...", "(She pulls a name out from the fishbowl.)", "Candice Mosti: Kyle Shaw!", "(Wilma Shaw screams and jumps up and down.", "Wilma Shaw: Oh!", "Kyle Shaw: Oh, my God! Honey, we won.", "(They turn to each other and hug in celebration.)", "Wilma Shaw: Whoa!", "(Wilma and Kyle Shaw rush through the crowd toward the stage.)", "(Warrick and Det. Vartann interview Donny Drummer.)", "Donny Drummer: Hey, I got over seventy women working this convention, man. Booth bimbos, crowd gatherers, hostesses, narrators, demonstrators, translators. Whatever you need, I got it.", "Det. Vartann: Well, we're only interested in Lisa Schumacher.", "Donny Drummer: She's one of my girls. I represent her. They call her \"Cris,\" as in Cristal, the champagne. She can't get enough of it.", "Warrick: She likes to party?", "Donny Drummer: She likes to make money. Girls who party make the money. This ain't L.A., where you get up at 10:00 A.M. for an audition. At 10:00 A.M., My girls are still at Drai's partying with the client. What's this about?", "Warrick: She was found dead this morning.", "Donny Drummer: No. Come on, she's over there working the Daluca account.", "Det. Vartann: You didn't hear?", "Donny Drummer: There's two million square feet of exhibits here, man. Forty thousand people. This place is a mini-city. That RV exhibit's across town.", "Warrick: I was told that the doors close at ten. Any idea why she was here after hours?", "Donny Drummer: Look, she worked behind a booth, yapping her mouth. Can't really throw her in a bikini no more. She's getting up there. Three-oh, uh-oh. (He chuckles.) I didn't really keep tabs.", "(Gwen rushes up to Donny, interrupting them.)", "Gwen: Donny.", "Donny Drummer: You're late. And you're not dressed. What's the deal, girl?!", "Gwen: Please, Donny, I just had the worst morning.", "Donny Drummer: Oh, you think you had it bad? Well, Cris is dead.", "Gwen: Oh, my God.", "(Gwen looks as if she's going to cry. She runs out. Donny looks at Warrick and shrugs.)", "Donny Drummer: It's a tough business.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- EVENING]", "(Warrick walks into the Trace Lab from the hallway. At first appearance, there's no one there. He steps into the lab and finds Hodges under the sink looking at the pipes with a flashlight.)", "Warrick: Hodges ...", "(Surprised, Hodges reacts and hits his head on the sink above him.)", "Hodges: What do you want?", "Warrick: What are you doing?", "Hodges: I'm looking for leaks.", "Warrick: Call facilities. You got my results?", "(Hodges turns and looks at Warrick.)", "Hodges: If you knew the kind of stuff that grows in these pipes, you'd be on your hands and knees with me.", "Warrick: The results, Hodges, from the swabs I gave you? From Lisa Schumacher's fingertips?", "(Hodges stands up and pushes his face mask down. He goes over to get Warrick his results.)", "Hodges: Fine. I found several substances. Nonoxynol-9 spermicide.", "Warrick: Spermicide. So she did handle a condom.", "Hodges: Also found traces of pvp, sorbitol, carbomer, hydroxypropylcellulose -- probably a hair gel.", "Warrick: Well, she did have skin under her fingernails, so she could've scratched her attacker's scalp.", "Hodges: Not my job. And last, the brownish-orange substance on the vic's fingers, chest and shoulders: instant tanning lotion.", "Warrick: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB - EVENING]", "(Jacqui Franco reports her findings to Warrick.)", "Jacqui Franco: Got four work card hits from the motorcoach.", "(She points to the monitor of the Las Vegas Police Identification Record. It reads:", "<< DANA SIMMONS >>", "HGT: 5'10\" WGT: 126 LBS. EYES", "HAIR: BRN DOB: 3/12/84 RACE: AF-", "ADDRESS: 119 AUTUMNWOOD DR.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89121", "WORK HISTORY:", "2004 - CURRENT: ROYAL FLUSH MODELS", "2002-2004: COFFEE BARISTA )", "Jacqui Franco: Dana Simmons, ...", "(The second ID reads:", "<<CANDICE MOSTI >>", "HGT: 5'4\" WGT: 101 LBS EYES-", "HAIR: BRN DOB: 5/10/80 RACE: PUERT-", "ADDRESS: 234 MOUNTAIN VISTA", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89156", "WORK HISTORY:", "2002 - CURRENT: ROYAL FLUSH MODELS", "2001 - 2002: SALES CLERK", "1998 - 2001: HIGH SCHOOL TUTOR )", "Jacqui Franco: ... Lane Kelly, (The third ID reads:", "<<LANE KELLY >>", "HGT: 5'5\" WGT: 114 LBS EYES", "HAIR: BROWN DOB: 10/21/82 RACE:A-", "ADDRESS: 1153 STONE CREEK", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89233", "WORK HISTORY:", "2003 - CURRENT: ROYAL FLUSH MODELS", "2000 - 2003: RESTAURANT HOSTESS )", "Jacqui Franco: ... and your vic, Lisa Schumacher.", "(The final ID reads:", "<< LISA SCHUMACHER >>", "HGT: 5'8\" WGT: 115 LBS EYES-", "HAIR: BLONDE DOB: 1/9/76 RACE: CA-", "ADDRESS: 234 MOUNTAIN VISTA", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89156", "WORK HISTORY:", "2001 - CURRENT: ROYAL FLUSH MODELS", "1998 - 2001: TANGIERS COCKTAIL WAITRESS", "1994 - 1998: SALES CLERK )", "Warrick: Twenty-nine and already over the hill.", "Jacqui Franco: Please tell me you're kidding.", "(Warrick chuckles.)", "Warrick: This town has different standards. Let me see something.", "(He presses a key and lines up all four ID's on the monitor.)", "Warrick: Looks like Lisa had a roommate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BULLPEN -- EVENING]", "(Warrick and Det. Vartann interview Candice Mosti, Lisa Schumacher's roommate.)", "Candice Mosti: So my prints are on the RV. Okay, I work that display sometimes.", "Det. Vartann: It's not just the print that makes you look bad, it's you. You're raffling off a Hummer hours after your roommate turns up dead.", "Candice Mosti: What am I supposed to do? I'm broke and my car insurance is due.", "(As she talks, Warrick notices the makeup smudges on her arm.)", "Warrick: What is that on your arm? Is that tanner?", "(She looks at her arm.)", "Candice Mosti: Forgot to rub it in, I guess.", "Warrick: Razor-tight girl like you forgetting to rub tanning lotion in? Doesn't sound right to me. You know, the funny thing is, is your girlfriend Lisa had streaks of tanner on her body, too. Were you girls together last night?", "Candice Mosti: Donny asked us to hang out with Mr. Daluca after work.", "Det. Vartann: You and Lisa?", "Candice Mosti: Me, Lisa, Dana, and Lane.", "Warrick: You guys just \"went out\"? Come on.", "Candice Mosti: Look, I'm not a hooker. All I do is these conventions. So when a big baller like Mr. Daluca comes into town and offers us a little cash to hang out, I'm with it.", "Det. Vartann: \"With it\" where?", "Candice Mosti: We had dinner at Fix. Partied at Mix. Gambled a little. Then he took us back to the convention center. Hammered and horny.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Candice and Lisa sit on the bed with Mr. Daluca and the two other girls.)", "Mr. Daluca: Oh! Okay. Who gets the first ride?", "(Mr. Daluca laughs. Lisa smiles and crawls over to him. He looks at her.)", "Mr. Daluca: If I wanted someone your age, I'd do my wife.", "(He laughs and pushes her away from him. He turns his attention to the two younger women. Lisa turns and cries.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Candice Mosti: I left there as soon as I could. I took a cab home.", "Det. Vartann: Did Daluca get rough with her?", "Candice Mosti: Not that I saw. He didn't even want to touch her.", "Warrick: Really? Because we found Lisa's DNA on a condom.", "Candice Mosti: When I left, Daluca was busy with Dana and Lane, and Lisa locked herself in the bathroom. That was the last time I saw her.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Warrick and Det. Vartann interview Mr. Daluca. Mr. Daluca looks at a post-autopsy photo of Lisa Schumacher.)", "Mr. Daluca: You want my prints? My DNA? I mean, come on, guys. I'm on vacation here.", "Warrick: Having a sample of your DNA would help exclude you as a suspect. Voluntary or court order, it's your choice.", "Mr. Daluca: My DNA is gonna be all over that girl, but I didn't put it there, she did. Now, this broad was expiring like spoiled milk, and she was looking for a way out.", "(Quick flash to: [RV - NIGHT] Lisa cries in the bathroom. She looks in the toilet and sees the used condom.)", "(Cut to: The bathroom door opens and Mr. Daluca finds Lisa in the bathroom.)", "Mr. Daluca: You still here?", "(He realizes what she's doing.)", "Mr. Daluca: You bitch. You bitch!", "(He steps into the bathroom and hits her across the face.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Mr. Daluca: She puts my baby inside her, hey, quickie retirement plan.", "Det. Vartann: You know, I can't think of a better reason for a man to kill a woman.", "Mr. Daluca: If I'd have killed her, you think I'd put her in my own motorcoach, and then present it at an unveiling ceremony that I was announcing?", "(Vartann looks at Warrick.)", "Mr. Daluca: You don't believe me, go ask the convention authorities. I told them what she was trying to do. It's the last time I ever hire those skanks to work a show.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Nick is on the phone and walking through the hallway.)", "Nick: (to phone) Ye... yes, yes, I'm very aware of Butterfield Academy's privacy policy, but this a homicide ...", "(Nick passes Catherine and Warrick in the hallway, his voice fading as he goes. Catherine turns to watch Nick as she catches some of his phone conversation. Warrick is looking through the file folder in his hands.)", "Warrick: Daluca's all over the condoms. Get this, on one of them, his DNA and her epithelials are on both sides.", "Catherine: Well, that's kind of like turning a sock inside out.", "Warrick: It does support his story, though.", "Catherine: Well, what about the epithelials under her nails?", "Warrick: It's not a match to Daluca.", "Catherine: So where does that leave us?", "Warrick: Oh, I'm not quite done yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE EXPO - NIGHT]", "(Warrick is back at the Expo.)", "Warrick: Have a seat, Donny.", "(Donny Drummer sits in the chair set out for him. Warrick walks up behind him.)", "Warrick: What kind of hair gel do you use?", "Donny Drummer: Well, I don't think it would work with the texture of your hair.", "Warrick: Real funny.", "(Warrick uses a magnifying glass and checks Donny Drummer's scalp.)", "Donny Drummer: What are you doing?", "Warrick: Please stay still.", "(Warrick looks at Donny Drummer's scalp.)", "(Camera zooms for a close-up of the half-moon scratches.)", "Warrick: How did you get these scratches in your head?", "Donny Drummer: Probably from scratching. I'm always thinking.", "Warrick: I'll tell you what you were thinking.", "Donny Drummer: You were thinking about how Lisa pissed off your best client. And how much business it was gonna cost you.", "(Quick flashback to: Donny Drummer grabs Lisa. She struggles against him.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) You kill her, Daluca takes the fall. You can't lose.", "(Donny Drummer chokes Lisa.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Donny Drummer: Lisa was a nothing. Old news. Why would I risk everything for a zero like her?", "Warrick: For that exact reason, 'cause she was a \"nothing\" to you.", "Donny Drummer: That's a good story. You find that in one of your forensic journals?", "Warrick: No, but when I match your DNA, I'll make sure you're on the cover. Cuff him.", "(The officers handcuff Donny Drummer.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY INTERSECTION (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(Time Lapse Quick Rewind. Focus on the street intersection below. The cars zoom backward quickly, their lights simple streaks of light on the street. In the center of the screen is the back of the Statue of Liberty.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Rewind. Warrick and Catherine walk backward through the hallway. They pass Nick who is on the phone, walking and talking backwards. Camera follows Nick as he walks backward through the hallway.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Camera pulls away from the city lights.)", "[INT. INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE EXPO - DAY]", "(Rewind. The audience applauds as the open curtain is pulled shut by the convention girls.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING TO AFTERNOON]", "(Rewind. Evening rewinds back into day.)", "[EXT. PAUL CHARLES' RESIDENCE - FRONT - DAY]", "(Gwen parks her black convertible on the road in front of Paul Charles' house. She grabs her things, gets out and rushes up the front steps. She rings the doorbell.)", "(There's no answer.)", "(We can hear the music coming from inside. She yells through the door.)", "Gwen: Hey, Paul, it's Gwen.", "(There's no answer. Gwen knocks on the door.)", "Gwen: Come on, babe. Let me in. Work me out.", "(She waits for an answer.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Gwen walks around the side of the house looking for another way in.)", "(She looks in through the side window and sees Paul Charles dead on the floor of the workout room.)", "(She gasps and puts a hand over her mouth at the sight.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PAUL CHARLES' RESIDENCE - FOYER / LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(Det. Cavaliere leads Sara and Greg through the house and into the workout room where the dead body is located.)", "Det. Cavaliere: Vic is Paul Charles, 28. Competition bodybuilder and personal trainer. Doors were all locked, windows closed. No sign of forced entry.", "[INT. PAUL CHARLES' RESIDENCE - HALLWAY / WORKOUT ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(They walk through the hallway and into the workout room. The body is on the floor, a pool of blood near his head, eyes and nose area bleeding.)", "(Greg looks around the room and notices the walls covered with posters of Paul Charles in various body-building poses.)", "Greg: This guy's a poster child for self-love.", "(Sara walks up to the body and puts her kit down.)", "Sara: Maybe that's why they went for the face.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY / WAITING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Det. Cavaliere interviews Gwen.)", "Det. Cavaliere: Gwen, did you see anyone else near the house when you arrived?", "Gwen: No, uhm, Paul cut down on clients so he could train for Mr. Las Vegas. It's next month and he really wanted to win this time. He cancelled my last two workouts.", "Det. Cavaliere: So, why didn't you get another trainer?", "Gwen: If he cancelled again, I was going to.", "Det. Cavaliere: Did you and Paul ever get physical?", "Gwen: Just once. Last month.", "(Quick flashback to: Gwen is bench-pressing while Paul stands over her prompting her.)", "Paul Charles: Press it. Come on, feel it. Paul Charles: Come on; you got to want it. Come on.", "(Finished, he puts the weight back. Gwen grabs Paul's shirt and pulls him down to her.)", "Gwen: I'll tell you what I want.", "(They kiss.)", "(He pulls away from her and stands up.)", "Gwen: What's wrong?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Gwen: He said he had a headache. But I mean, he was training really, really hard, so he was probably just tired.", "Det. Cavaliere: Or gay.", "Gwen: I don't know. I don't care. I mean, just lying back on that bench and sweating and pushing the weight with all of his muscle right there I mean, it, it was totally ... motivating.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PAUL CHARLES' RESIDENCE - WORKOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara and Greg are going through the room. Greg walks around the room as Sara is near the body holding a camera.)", "Greg: No matter how hard you work to get big, there's always someone bigger.", "Sara: It could be what keeps them going. Like Freud said, \"Anatomy is destiny.\"", "(Greg stops in front of the rack of weights.)", "Greg: What do you think Freud would have to say about one of these being the murder weapon?", "(Quick flashback to: Paul Charles is in the workout room lifting some hand weights. He puts them down. Someone hits him across the face with a weight. He falls to the floor with a thud.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Sara takes a swab sample of the blood on the carpet.)", "Sara: Killer didn't even have to be his size. Could have been a little guy, or a woman.", "(Greg stops in front of the full-length wall mirror. As Sara talks, Greg glances back to make sure she's not looking at him. He looks at the mirror and makes a muscle.)", "Sara: All they would have needed was the right weapon, some leverage, the element of surprise.", "(Greg puts his arm down. He looks back just as Sara finishes and glances at him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins and David Phillips stand around Paul Charles' body.)", "Robbins: Victim is a well-developed Caucasian male. Musculature appears hypertrophied. Care to guess?", "David Phillips: Blunt-force trauma.", "Robbins: Absence of bruising.", "David Phillips: Maybe it was a post-mortem blow.", "Robbins: Let's find out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PAUL CHARLES' RESIDENCE - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Greg walks through the hallway and into the bedroom. He looks at the things on the dresser.)", "(Cut to: Greg looks at the newspaper and drops it on the bed. Greg walks around to the side of the bed and checks the nightstand. He opens the drawer and finds a handgun inside. Greg takes a photo of the gun.)", "(Greg picks up the gun and puts it in a bag.)", "(He closes the top drawer and opens the bottom drawer. Inside, he finds three syringes of varying sizes.)", "(Cut to: Greg takes a photo of the syringes. He picks one up and looks at it.)", "[PHOTOS]", "(Cut to: Camera slowly pans across the photos on the counter. All are of Paul Charles. Next to the photos are a couple of awards. After the awards are even more photos of Paul Charles.)", "[INT. PAUL CHARLES' RESIDENCE - WORKOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara picks up a framed photo and looks at it. Sara looks at the other items on Paul Charles' desk. She reaches behind his open laptop and picks up his calendar book. She looks through it.)", "(Greg walks into the room holding up the bag with the gun.)", "Greg: Nine millimeter in the nightstand, and syringes next to the bed.", "(He holds up the second bag.)", "Sara: Wow.", "Greg: Maybe our vic was putting the smack in \"smackdown.\"", "Sara: (shakes her head) There was no blood on the poles or the weights.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins and David Phillips continue their work on the body.)", "Robbins: Rigor mortis is full and extremely rigid. Liver mortis is posterior and fixed. Let's roll him.", "(They roll the body.)", "Robbins: That's good. Present on the bilateral buttocks are multiple fine punctures, with some surrounding faint purple ecchymosis.", "(They put the body back down, then check the back of the body's head.)", "Robbins: Laceration noted at the base of the scalp. Uh, loss of blood from that laceration is significant but non-fatal.", "(Robbins looks at the victim's face.)", "Robbins: Left eye socket appears swollen ...", "(Robbins takes his finger and presses it on the inside of the eye. The eye sinks into the skull, a thick black liquid oozes out.)", "(David looks at Robbins.)", "(Robbins looks at the tip of his finger.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PAUL CHARLES' RESIDENCE - FRONT PORCH - DAY]", "(Two men in HazMat suits pull Sara and Greg out of the house.)", "HazMat Man 1: We have a biohazard situation.", "(They lead Sara and Greg down the front stairs.)", "HazMat Man 1: You need to be decontaminated immediately.", "(The HazMat Man1 pulls Sara into the make-shift decontamination tent set up in front of the house. HazMat Man2 follows inside with Greg.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DECONTAMINATION TENT - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(The two men in HazMat suit shower down Sara and Greg.)", "(Sara glances at Greg.)", "(Greg looks up.)", "(Sara turns back.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins is cutting open Paul Charles' skull. He pulls the skull cap off and puts it on the side.)", "(He removes the brains and looks at it. The thick black liquid is all around the brain.)", "Cue Sound: (PRELAP) TELEPHONE RINGING", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - RECEPTION HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Judy Tremont answers the phone.)", "Judy Tremont: (to phone) Crime Lab. How can we help you?", "(Grissom appears out of the hallway and passes reception. He heads off in one direction. Sara and Greg return and head toward reception. Grissom can't help but overhear part of their conversation.)", "Greg: Sara, I just want you to know, when we were in the shower, I didn't see anything.", "Sara: Really? Gosh, I saw everything.", "(Grissom stops and stares as Sara and Greg continue through the hallway.)", "Judy Tremont: (o.s.) Mr. Grissom. PD just called. ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM]", "(Robbins reports his findings to Sara and Greg.)", "Robbins: The black pus suggested a possible infection from an airborne agent. I took the precaution to get you out until Hazmat cleared the scene.", "Sara: (dryly) Yeah, thanks a lot. (She clears her throat.) Uh, what did they find?", "Robbins: Actually, it's what I found -", "(Out in the hallway, Hodges stops near the doorway and listens.)", "Robbins: -- mucormycosis, a disease caused by exposure to rhizopus oryzae, a kind of mold.", "(Hodges steps into the room.)", "Hodges: Did you say rhizopus oryzae?", "Robbins: Mm-hmm.", "Sara: We spent hours in that house.", "Robbins: You're not at risk. You both have healthy immune systems. I suspect that's not the case with your vic.", "Hodges: Copy that. Trace on the syringes was deca-durabolin, sustanon and oxandrolone.", "Greg: Steroids. That guy was \"stacking\" to get bigger.", "Hodges: Immune suppression is a common side effect.", "Sara: So, how does a mold infection make it look like someone smashed him across the face?", "Robbins: His face collapsed from the inside. Mucor causes deterioration of the bones around the sinuses and eye sockets. You remember the swollen eyeball? The pus was pushing it out, while the bones that held it in place were getting eaten away.", "(Quick flash of: Paul Charles is working out.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) The airborne mold spores enter the nasal cavity ...", "(As Paul Charles breathes in, the camera zooms into his nose.)", "(Quick CGI POV of: The camera zooms into the nasal cavity. The spores latches onto the sinuses and turn the walls from pink to black as it grows.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) ... and they consume sinus tissue as they multiply.", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "(Camera holds on a photo of Paul Charles on the floor.)", "Sara: So, his compromised immune system isn't strong enough to fight the spread of the infection.", "Robbins: That's right.", "Greg: Sick.", "Hodges: And what's even more sick is that rhizopus oryzae likes to grow on human tissue.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PAUL CHARLES' RESIDENCE - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara and Greg return to the house. They're both wearing face masks as they walk through the hallway.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) Mold grows outward as spores reproduce and are carried away from the source.", "(Sara stops in the hallway and puts her kit down and starts looking at the vents in the hallway floor. Greg continues on to the bedroom.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. PAUL CHARLES' RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - DAY]", "(Greg heads for the sliding door and puts his kit down near the bed. He kneels down to look at the vents in the floor near the sliding door.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) If you pinpoint the source of the human tissue, that should tell you something.", "VARIOUS CUTS:", "(Sara unscrews the vent cover and removes it. Underneath there are a few black spots.)", "[INT. PAUL CHARLES' RESIDENCE - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara and Greg are standing in the hallway, each removing the framed photos hanging on the walls.)", "(They remove the photos from the hallway completely.)", "(Sara and Greg are cutting out pieces of the hallway walls.)", "(They remove a piece. On the back, it's stained with black mold.)", "(Dissolve to: They cut out more pieces of the hallway wall, looking for the source.)", "(Another piece is cut out. On the back, the mold stain is bigger.)", "(Cut to: Sara cuts out a large square piece. The back of it is completely covered with mold.)", "Sara: Whew! We have got to be getting close to the source.", "(She puts the piece down and looks inside the hole.)", "Sara: Shut the blinds.", "(Off screen, we hear the blinds close. Sara stands up and gets the spray bottle.)", "(Dissolve to: Sara sprays the wall around the area of the square cut, then proceeds to continue to spray down the hallway into the room used as an office. Greg watches.)", "Greg: (points) Here? A whole lot of blood.", "Sara: We're getting warmer. (points) Open it up.", "(Greg cuts through the wall. They peel back the drywall and find a thick coat of black mold growing along the pipes and wall inside. The pipe is leaking.)", "(Sara turns on her flashlight and looks at the growth.)", "Sara: Looks like we found the source of the mold.", "Greg: Okay. So, how does human tissue get inside a wall?", "Sara: Good question.", "(Sara looks further.)", "Sara: There's a hole in the air duct.", "(She finds a bullet.)", "Sara: A bullet hole ... (She takes out the bullet.) It's a nine mil.", "Greg: Same as the handgun I found in the bedroom.", "Sara: Copper-jacketed. It's good penetrating power. I think somebody was shot here.", "(Quick flash of: A woman's shadow is cast on the wall. The woman gasps. A gun fires. The bullet goes through the wall, spattering blood and flesh on the wall inside. The woman falls to the ground.)", "(Camera zooms in through the bullet hole in the blood-spattered wall.)", "Sara: (V.O.) Bullet pushed blood and tissue through the wall.", "(Camera pushes into the bullet lodged just under the leaky pipe.)", "Sara: (V.O.) And water from the pipe leak fed the mold growth.", "(Quick CGI POV of: Time lapse. The mold grows around the bullet.)", "Greg: (V.O.) Eventually, the mold released spores, ...", "(The mold lets off spores that float through the air.)", "Greg: (V.O.) ... which spread through the house AC, and right on up into muscle-head's nose.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sara and Greg report their findings back to Grissom.)", "Sara: We ran the phone numbers from the vic's planner. Everybody checked out, except for a woman named Tiffany.", "(Close-up of Paul Charles' planner. The square for Wednesday, March 2, 2005 (61/304) reads:", "TIFFANY", "Grissom: No last name?", "Greg: Well, Tiffany is actually a street name for Angela Wheeler, known prostitute.", "(Greg shows the paper ad:", "TIFFANY", "Greg: Her family reported her missing last month.", "Grissom: Well, anyone who appears this narcissistic may prefer paying for hookers rather than wasting his love on a girlfriend.", "Sara: And as we know, in addition to immune suppression and heart and liver disease, steroid abuse can also cause shrunken testicles, impotence and aggression -- \"roid rage.\"", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Paul Charles and Tiffany are in bed. Paul rolls off her.)", "Angela Wheeler (Tiffany): Oh, baby, looks like you have one muscle that isn't hard.", "(Paul reaches for his gun.)", "Paul Charles: You think that's funny, bitch?!", "(Tiffany sees the gun and gets out of bed quickly.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: So, if the DNA from the tissue on the bullet matches Tiffany ...", "Grissom: We have a sample?", "Greg: A DNA reference sample was collected from her apartment in the initial investigation. (Greg looks at Sara.) Mia's on it.", "(Grissom looks at them.)", "Grissom: Very good.", "Greg: This is just like that Edgar Allen Poe story where the victim's heart under the floorboards betrays the murder.", "Grissom: \"The Tell-Tale Heart.\" I thought you didn't like reading the classics.", "Greg: I do when they're about dismembered bodies.", "(Grissom smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY INTERSECTION (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(Time Lapse Quick Rewind. Focus on the street intersection below. The cars zoom backward quickly, their lights simple streaks of light on the street. In the center of the screen is the back of the Statue of Liberty.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Rewind. Sara and Greg walk backward as they pass Grissom in the hallway in front of reception. Grissom walks backward past reception. The sound is on rewind.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Camera pulls away from the city lights.)", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Rewind. The black pus seeps back into the body's eye socket as Robbins examines the body.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Resume Forward. Camera moves through Las Vegas City.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. STREET CORNER - NIGHT]", "(Divine limps through the sidewalk on tired feet as she makes her way to the nearest bus stop bench.)", "(She walks up to the bench and sees someone already on it under a blanket.)", "Divine: Move over Chester, my dogs are barking.", "(There's no answer.)", "Divine: Come on, now.", "(She pushes the body a bit and sits down next to it. In the background, we see a vagrant pushing a shopping cart head over to her.)", "Divine: Move over a little bit. Let me sit down.", "(She rests her feet on the bench and glances over at \"Chester\" under the blanket.)", "Divine: Chester, damn!", "(Chester arrives and overhears her.)", "Chester: It's not me. Why don't you put your shoes back on?", "(Divine looks from Chester back to the body on the bench. She moves away the blanket and finds a dead boy.)", "Divine: Oh, sweet Lord.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. STREET CORNER - NIGHT]", "(David Phillips looks over the body with Nick.)", "David Phillips: Kid can't be more than 12 or 13. You think he's homeless?", "Nick: Jeans are a little nice for a homeless kid. Check his veins and do a SART kit anyway. Can you ballpark a T.O.D.?", "David Phillips: Sure.", "(David puts his clipboard down and opens the boy's mouth.)", "David Phillips: Well, he's just developing rigor, so, I'd say dead no more than eight hours.", "Nick: (shakes his head) This is a busy line -- buses, traffic ...", "David Phillips: ... and nobody noticed him?", "Nick: Maybe be hasn't been here the whole time. Could explain the blanket.", "David Phillips: Body dump.", "(Nick leaves David with the body and walks over to the grass where he sees cart track marks on the ground.)", "Nick: Hey, Chester, you been taking that thing off road again?", "Chester: Nah, mud screws up the ride. I bet you always get a bad cart at the store, huh? Not me.", "(Chester pushes the cart to show that it rolls smoothly.)", "Nick: Thanks, Chester.", "(Nick looks around.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Nick collects evidence off the body.)", "(Nick does a tape lift off the victim's sweatshirt. He looks at the purple fibers.)", "(He does a second tape lift off the victim's jeans. He finds more fibers.)", "(Nick checks the boy's hair and finds something in it. He cuts the hair around it and looks at it.)", "(Nick checks the boy's pants pocket and removes a slip of paper. It's for:", "BUTTERFIELD ACADEMY", "STUDENT LUNCH PROGRAM", "NAME: Chase R. )", "(Nick puts it aside and looks at the body on the table. He puts his head down and sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY TO RECEPTION - DAY]", "(Nick is walking through the hallway, headed toward Reception. He's on the phone.)", "Nick: (to phone) Sir, all I'm asking for is your class roster. Ye ... yes, yes, I'm very aware of Butterfield Academy's privacy policy, but this a homicide investigation.", "(Nick walks past Warrick and Catherine. Warrick is reporting to Catherine. Catherine is looking at Nick.)", "Warrick: Daluca's all over the condoms. And get this, on one of them ...", "Nick: (to phone) Sir, please, court orders take time. You could help me identify this boy tonight. (pauses and sighs) Okay. No, no, no. I understand your position. Thanks.", "(Nick hangs up.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Robbins reports his findings to Nick.)", "Robbins: Whatever happened to this boy wasn't pretty. First- and second-degree burns on several areas of exposed skin.", "Nick: What about the burn to the face? Could that be from an iron?", "Robbins: It's a possibility. He sustained several hematomas along his arms, together with a nasty skull fracture. I'm thinking child abuse.", "Nick: Skull fracture what killed him?", "Robbins: No. Positional asphyxia. Check out his eyes. Heat damage. To all the respiratory mucosa, as well. I'd say this kid was in a small, hot space for quite a while. Closet with a radiator, boiler room ...", "Nick: Shake and bake.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Nick is walking through the hallway.)", "Catherine: (o.s.) Oh, Nick?", "(Nick turns around.)", "Nick: Yeah.", "(Catherine steps out of her office with a small booklet.)", "Catherine: I heard you were looking for the student directory for Butterfield Academy.", "(She gives the Student Directory to Nick.)", "Nick: Yeah. Yeah. How'd you get this? I talked to the headmaster. He wouldn't give me jack.", "Catherine: I pay tuition.", "Nick: Your daughter goes to Butterfield?", "Catherine: (nods) Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Wow. That's a little pricey.", "Catherine: She was at a crossroads and I, uh, needed to put her in a school with tighter reins. You know, when it comes to your kids, you, uh, find the money.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Catherine: You looking for a prom date?", "Nick: (chuckles) No. I'm trying to I.D. A victim. Thanks for this.", "(Nick turns and walks away.)", "Catherine: Good luck.", "Nick: Thank you.", "(Nick flips through the book and finds the page:", "ROCKWELL, ADDISON", "MR. AND MRS. ADDISON ROCKWELL", "288 TYLER RD.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89107", "PARENT'S NUMBER: (702) 555-0168", "RYAN, CHASE", "MR. AND MRS. CHASE RYAN, SR.", "275 STORM CLOUD LANE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89112", "PARENT'S NUMBER: (702) --", "SANDRED, MARVIN", "MR. AND MRS. --- )", "(Nick taps the name and address with his finger.)", "(He closes the book and heads out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. RYAN RESIDENCE - FRONT -- DAY]", "(Nick walks up the drive and heads over to the front door.)", "(He rings the doorbell.)", "(Jackie Ryan opens the door.)", "Nick: Oh. Hi there. I've been ringing the bell.", "Jackie Ryan: Sorry. I was sleeping.", "Nick: No school today?", "Jackie Ryan: I'm sick. The whole house is sick.", "Nick: Oh, gosh. Okay. Uh, well, my name's Nick Stokes. I'm with the Las Vegas Police Department, and, uh, this is pretty important. Parents around?", "Jackie Ryan: No. Uh, they're not home.", "(Nick glances into the house and sees the large keg on the table. Jackie glances back and notices what he's looking at.)", "Nick: Do you have their cell phone or work numbers handy?", "Jackie Ryan: Okay, they're skiing in Vail. What are you gonna do, arrest me for having a kegger?", "Nick: No, not exactly. Um ... how old are you?", "(A college boy appears next to Jackie.)", "College Boy: What's going on, babe?", "(She pushes him back behind the door.)", "Jackie Ryan: Just go ...", "College Boy: What?", "Nick: How old is he?", "Jackie Ryan: My father's a lawyer, so I probably shouldn't be talking to you.", "(Nick looks around.)", "Nick: You have a brother?", "Jackie Ryan: Chase?", "Nick: Yeah, Chase. Is, uh ... is he around?", "Jackie Ryan: No, he spent the night at his friend Andy's house.", "Nick: Is that the last time you saw him?", "Jackie Ryan: I don't know.", "Nick: Do you have a picture of your brother I can take a look at?", "Jackie Ryan: Yeah.", "Nick: Would you get that for me, please? Thank you.", "(Jackie leaves, gets a picture and shows it to Nick. It's the victim.)", "Nick: Um ... I'm gonna need your parents' contact information if you don't mind, in Vail, okay?", "(He hands the photo back to Jackie.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick interviews Andy Jones with his mother present.)", "Nick: You're Chase's best friend, Andy. I need to know what happened last night.", "Mrs. Jones: Andy was supposed to sleep over at Chase's, but Chase wasn't feeling well, so Andy came home early instead.", "Nick: Ma'am, please, I need to hear Andy's version. Okay? (Nick looks at Andy.) Go ahead, Andy.", "Andy: I told my mom I was sleeping at Chase's house, and he told his sister we were sleeping at my house.", "Mrs. Jones: (to Andy) Where were the Ryans?", "Nick: They were in Vail.", "Andy: We just wanted to see a high school party.", "Nick: And did you?", "Andy: Some of it.", "(Quick flashback to: [KEG PARTY - NIGHT] Andy and Chase walk around the pool in the back yard of the Ryans' house. They're each carrying a plastic cup of alcohol.)", "Andy: This tastes horrible.", "Chase Ryan: Just keep drinking. It must get better.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Andy: Jackie caught us. Made us leave. We promised to go to my house. We didn't. We went to this arcade, played a few games, and then I walked home.", "Nick: What about Chase?", "Andy: He stayed there, playing the games.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Nick walks into the lab.)", "Nick: Talk to me, Goose.", "Hodges: Well, according to tox, junior was a boozer. BAC three times the legal limit.", "Nick: Yeah, the, uh, teenage sister had a kegger.", "Hodges: How old were you when you first got drunk?", "Nick: Oh, 16, 17.", "Hodges: Amortized over a generation, 12's about right?", "Nick: So your saying, two generations from now, four-year-olds are just gonna be getting trashed?", "Hodges: Pre-school graduation parties are going to be off the hook.", "Nick: Mm.", "Hodges: But Chase's party was just getting started. Tape lifts were a cornucopia. Hairs: Caucasoid, mongoloid, negroid. And feline and canine.", "(Hodges shows Nick the Trace Analysis report: 2974 Westfall Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89109", "FIBERS: COTTON", "WOOL", "POLYESTER", "LYCRA )", "Hodges: As for fibers, we have cotton, wool, polyester, and someone brought lycra.", "Nick: Transfer from the blanket?", "Hodges: No. I tested that. It came back clean.", "Nick: Okay. What about the, uh, the gack in the guy's hair? HODGES: Melted vulcanized rubber and thermoplastic elastomers. From the sole of your average athletic shoe.", "Nick: Hmm. What's hot, cramped, and full of other people's hair?", "Hodges: As I've often said, that's your job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WASH & DRY (LAUNDROMAT) -- FRONT]", "(Chester sits outside next to his cart.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WASH & DRY (LAUNDROMAT) -- FRONT]", "(Nick looks inside the dryers.)", "(He finds one with the same gack inside.)", "(Quick flash of: A pair of sneakers inside a dryer.)", "(Quick flash of: A kid inside the dryer.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Nick removes the rubber gack from the dryer. He looks at it and puts it in a sample jar.)", "(Nick looks around and sees the cart with muddy wheels. He walks over to the cart and looks at it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WASH & DRY (LAUNDROMAT) -- FRONT]", "(Nick pushes the cart out through the parking lot. He reaches the end of the parking lot and the cart's tires lock. Nick kneels down and looks at the tires.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WASH & DRY (LAUNDROMAT) -- DAY]", "(Nick heads back into the laundromat looking for the manager. The manager is working on a washer; his back is to Nick.)", "Nick: Excuse me. You the manager?", "Jared (manager): (without looking up) Yeah.", "Nick: Yeah. Uh, I was taking my laundry to the car, and the cart locked up on me.", "Jared (manager): Yup. We got this fancy system 'cause people steal 'em. I'm the only one with a remote. So ...", "(Jared finishes, closes the washer door and grabs the remote as he turns around.)", "(And finds himself face to face with Nick.)", "Jared (manager): I spend all day unlocking 'em. (He chuckles.) Which one is it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Nick interviews Jared.)", "Jared (manager): Murder?", "Nick: A 12-year-old boy died in one of your dryers the other night. You trying to tell me you don't know anything about it?", "Jared (manager): Couple of kids were playing around the 'mat, making trouble. I chased them out. What happened after that ... I don't know.", "Nick: That's it? I don't buy it, Jared. I don't. You know why? Your fancy carts. And I know that no cart leaves that parking lot unless somebody presses the magic button. And I also matched tires treads. Someone ... wheeled one of your carts through wet grass ... and dumped a dead 12-year-old boy on a bus bench.", "Jared (manager): Okay, look, I'm supposed to be on duty the whole time. But this customer -- he was gettin' all pissed off.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] A customer yells at Jared as Andy and Chase play with the carts in the laundromat.)", "Angry Customer: Look at this, look at this! See what it did to my vest. I have to go to work in this. I demand justice!", "Jared (manager): (yells at the kids) Hey, will you get the hell out of here?", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Jared (manager): So I went next door. Had to get the smell of detergent out of my nose. Bought a Yoo-Hoo. I came back to check on things.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Jared comes back to the laundromat and starts shutting the dryer doors.)", "(Inside one, he finds Chase.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Jared (manager): I didn't know if he was dead or not.", "Nick: Bus bench. Hospital. I could see how you could make the mistake.", "Jared (manager): You have any idea what the liability would be on something like that?", "Nick: (shakes his head) Uh-uh. But I'll let you know.", "Jared (manager): I was just hoping that somebody would find him and take care of him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: Hey ... (Nick leans forward) You found him. You put him in the dryer.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Andy shakes his head.)", "Andy Jones: Mm-mm. Mm-hmm.", "(Nick nods.)", "Nick: Mm-hmm. Chase can't even lock himself inside those things. They lock from the outside.", "(Mrs. Jones looks at Andy.)", "Nick: And I matched your print on the handle. I got it off your school's safe kit.", "(Andy looks at his mom. He turns to Nick.)", "Andy: He asked me to.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Andy pushes Chase in the cart. They reach the end of the aisle up against the dryers.)", "Chase: Whoa! Dude!", "(Chase opens the dryer and crawls inside. Andy shuts the door.)", "Chase: Come on, turn it on! Turn it on!", "(Andy puts in some money and turns the dryer on. He chuckles as he watches Chase turn around and around.)", "(The longer he stands there, the less funny it seems.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Andy: And after that, it gets a little fuzzy.", "Mrs. Jones: (crying) You put your best friend in a ... in a dryer, and you turned it on, and you just walked away? What is wrong with you?", "(Andy throws up on the table.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Slow motion. Nick puts his bag around his shoulder as he leaves.)", "(Resume motion. He walks past reception and heads out. He passes Grissom on his way in.)", "Grissom: Tough shift, huh?", "Nick: Just another day in paradise.", "(Grissom picks up his messages.)", "(Nick leaves. Grissom turns and walks past reception.)", "Cue Sound: (o.s.) PHONE RINGS", "(Judy Tremont answers the phone.)", "Judy Tremont: Crime Lab. How can we help you?" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
4 x 4
[ "After an exhaustive day, Catherine stops by a bar where she is chatted up by another customer (played by Marg Helgenberger's real-life husband Alan Rosenberg). As she is leaving, he gives her his number on the bar's match box and lashes out when she doesn't want to kiss him. Later on that night, Grissom calls her in for a favor, as he is short on staff. A woman has been murdered and prior to her death, she was seen with the same man who was hitting on Catherine in the same bar. A similar match box with a phone number inside, found on the victim, further points to this man as the main suspect." ]
[ "FLASH OPEN:", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / DNA LAB -- NIGHT]", "(The camera follows Catherine down the hallway toward the DNA lab. Catherine steps into the lab. Mia Dickerson, working at the table, looks up.)", "Catherine: Hi.", "Mia Dickerson: Hey.", "(Catherine takes the two swab boxes out of the plastic bag and holds them out for Mia.)", "Catherine: Husband and wife got into it.", "Mia Dickerson: Hmm.", "(Mia takes the swabs from Catherine.)", "Mia Dickerson: Hmm. What set them off?", "Catherine: She caught him with a hooker in their bed. She cut him. He killed her.", "Mia Dickerson: What about the hooker?", "Catherine: She grabbed his wallet and took off. I caught the guy just sitting on a curb. I swabbed his hands for blood spatter.", "Mia Dickerson: I am super backed up. Can this wait till tomorrow?", "Catherine: (shrugs) He's not going anywhere. Thanks, Mia.", "(Catherine turns, walks out of the lab and into the hallway.)", "(She sees Warrick and Nick turn the corner talking with each other.)", "Nick: Yeah ...", "(She joins them, putting an arm around each of them.)", "Catherine: Oh, hey, guys. I could really use a drink. You want to join me? I'm buying.", "Warrick: I'd love a drink, but we made plans, though.", "Catherine: You did?", "Warrick: Tomorrow.", "Nick: Rain check.", "Catherine: All right.", "Nick: Rain check.", "(Nick and Warrick both continue down the hallway, leaving Catherine alone.)", "Catherine: (sighs) Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HIGHBALL - FRONT - NIGHT]", "(A group of women walk toward the entrance as a taxi drives away.)", "[INT. HIGHBALL -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine sits at the bar talking with Adam Novak.)", "Adam Novak: No way you were never married. Oh, let me guess. You were young, he seemed more mature than he really was, he swept you off your feet, and, uh, he let you fall.", "Catherine: Bruised, but not broken.", "(The bartender checks on them.)", "Bartender: Get you another one?", "Catherine: No, I'm good, thanks.", "(Adam lightly brushes his fingertips up and down Catherine's bare arm.)", "Adam Novak: So you're divorced?", "Catherine: (nods somewhat) You?", "Adam Novak: Yeah. She seemed more mature than she really was; swept me off my feet.", "(She chuckles.)", "Adam Novak: Kids?", "Catherine: Uh, yes, I have a daughter.", "Adam Novak: If she's got her mother's looks, you're in trouble.", "(He leans in closer to her and whispers into her ear. Catherine chuckles.)", "Catherine: If I don't get home soon, I will be in trouble.", "(Catherine finishes her drink.)", "Catherine: Thanks. I needed this.", "Adam Novak: If you're blowing me off, no worries.", "(He opens a matchbook and writes his phone number down inside the lid.)", "Adam Novak: But if you're not ... (He gives her the matchbook.) ... give me a call.", "(Catherine takes it and puts it in her bag. She turns to leave. He stops her.)", "Adam Novak: Wait a second. Let me walk you to your car.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HIGHBALL - PARKING LOT - NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Adam Novak are kissing in front of her car. Catherine pushes him away.)", "Catherine: I can't do this tonight. I ... I'll call you.", "(Catherine opens the car door. Not liking the brush off, Adam shuts the door on Catherine.)", "Adam Novak: What the hell is your problem?", "(Catherine tries to tug the door open, but he holds it shut on her.)", "Catherine: Go to hell.", "(She pulls and he lets go. The door opens, hitting Catherine in the cheekbone. She groans.)", "(He leans in close to her.)", "Adam Novak: You're not worth the trouble.", "(Adam Novak leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CATHERINE'S RESIDENCE - BEDROOM -- NIGHT]", "(The phone rings. Catherine groans and sighs. The phone continues to ring.)", "(She answers it.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Hello.", "[INT. CATHERINE'S RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT -- LATER]", "(Dressed, Catherine sneaks over to her mother sleeping on the couch.)", "Catherine: (whispers) Mom, Mom. Grissom just called. I've got to go in. I'm backing up grave.", "(Catherine's mother wakes up and sniffs.)", "Lily Flynn: What? Vodka, with an Altoid chaser.", "Catherine: I brushed my teeth.", "(She notices the cut on Catherine's cheek.)", "Lily Flynn: What did you do, walk into a door?", "Catherine: Hey, listen, Lindsey's got a dentist appointment before school. I wrote all the information down in the kitchen.", "Lily Flynn: Okay.", "Catherine: Okay? Thank you.", "(Catherine's mom settles to go back to sleep.)", "Lily Flynn: Oh, good grief, girl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine walks over to the crime scene. Lights flash around her. Off screen, we hear a camera snap.)", "(In the parking structure, David Phillips checks the body while Grissom snaps photos.)", "(Catherine walks up to them.)", "Grissom: I appreciate this. Everyone's out. I'm short.", "Catherine: You're welcome.", "(Catherine looks at the body as Grissom snaps more photos. She notes that the victim's head is covered by her jacket.)", "Catherine: Clotted blood hasn't retracted yet.", "Grissom: She hasn't been dead long.", "Catherine: We have an ID?", "(Det. Vartann joins them.)", "Det. Vartann: Yeah, building manager took a peek. ID'd her as Alice Granger. Apartment 207. Moved here about a month ago.", "Grissom: David, you want to take the, uh, jacket off her face?", "(David Phillips removes the jacket to show that the woman is blonde. Grissom looks at Catherine and notices the cut on her cheek.)", "Grissom: What happened to you?", "Catherine: I walked into a door. Can we not talk about it?", "(David checks the wound on the top of the victim's head.)", "David Phillips: Gunshot. Looks like a small caliber weapon.", "Catherine: No cartridge casings.", "Det. Vartann: No purse, no car. I put out a bolo. Possible car jacking.", "(Quick flash to: [GARAGE - NIGHT] Alice Granger is in the garage when a person with a gun comes up behind her. The woman takes off running. The person follows her. She falls and is shot.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Usually when a killer covers the victim's face, it suggests familiarity. An act of contrition.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Alice Granger is dead. The killer drapes her jacket over her face.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: (nods) Maybe she knew her attacker.", "Grissom: Great. Carjacked by a friend.", "(Det. Vartann's phone rings. He answers it.)", "Det. Vartann: (to phone) Vartann. Yeah, got it. (He hangs up.) We got a 20 on her car.", "Grissom: You go; I'll stay with the body. I'll meet you there.", "(Catherine nods.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[INT. CAR (MOVING) - NIGHT]", "(Catherine follows the officer's car to the next crime scene. They pull up in front of the Highball.)", "(In the reflection of the rear view mirror, we see Catherine's eyes widen as she realizes where they are.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HIGHBALL - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine looks around the place as she and Det. Vartann head over to the officer standing near Alice Granger's car.)", "Det. Vartann: You see anybody get out of the car?", "Officer: No, sir. Saw it on patrol.", "Det. Vartann: You checked the bar?", "Officer: I waited for you. No one's exited since we got here.", "Det. Vartann: Okay, I'll see you inside.", "(The officer leaves. Catherine looks inside the car through the windows.)", "(She looks around, then at the technicians standing nearby.)", "Catherine: Can you open it up?", "Technician: Uh, yes, ma'am.", "(The technician jimmies the lock and opens the car door for Catherine.)", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(She looks inside the driver's side. Under the car seat, she finds a gun.)", "Catherine: I found a gun under the seat.", "(Grissom joins them. Catherine takes the gun out and shows it to them.)", "Catherine: .22 Beretta.", "Grissom: Well, that's small enough to be the weapon.", "Det. Vartann: So he shoots her, takes her car, and stops off for a drink.", "Grissom: He could still be in there.", "(Catherine stops examining the gun and looks at them.)", "Det. Vartann: Let's find out.", "(Det. Vartann turns and heads into the bar.)", "(Grissom holds a bag open.)", "Grissom: Did you hear the one about the cop and the monkey who walk into a bar?", "(Catherine puts the gun in the bag.)", "Catherine: I'm not in the mood.", "Grissom: Neither was the monkey.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HIGHBALL -- NIGHT]", "[SLOW MOTION]", "(Det. Vartann and Catherine walk into the bar. Catherine looks around at the various people still at the bar. Her eyes settle on the blonde-haired bartender - the same one who served her drinks earlier in the night.)", "[RESUME MOTION]", "(The officer reports to Det. Vartann.)", "Officer: Except for the Saturn, all the cars in the lot are accounted for.", "Det. Vartann: Okay.", "Officer: Thanks.", "(The officer leaves. Det. Vartann starts to question the bartender.)", "Det. Vartann: Hi. You recognize this girl?", "(Catherine walks up to the bar.)", "Bartender: Yeah. She's been in a few times.", "Det. Vartann: How about last night?", "Bartender: (nods) Yeah.", "(The bartender turns and looks at Catherine. She recognizes Catherine from earlier. Catherine shakes her head.)", "Bartender: Throwing them back pretty good, too.", "Det. Vartann: You see anybody hassle her?", "Bartender: She was getting a lot of attention. She didn't really seem to mind.", "Catherine: Did you see her leave with anyone?", "Bartender: No. She was wasted. Had me call her a cab.", "Det. Vartann: Around what time?", "Bartender: We were really slammed. Maybe 2:00 ... 2:30.", "Catherine: Which cab company?", "Bartender: Lucky Cab.", "Det. Vartann: Well, that would explain why her car's still here.", "Catherine: Doesn't explain the gun.", "(Det. Vartann turns and walks away. Catherine leans toward the bartender.)", "Catherine: (whispers) Thank you.", "Bartender: Why? Do I know you?", "(Catherine smiles, turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Robbins goes over the body with Grissom.)", "Robbins: I dug it out of the right frontal cortex. The bullet lacerated the right occipital lobe. It crossed the mid-line, destroying the vital structures of the brain and bounced off the left frontal calvarium.", "(Grissom looks at the bullet.)", "Grissom: Hmm. This is a .25 caliber.", "Robbins: What, disappointed?", "Grissom: We found a .22 in the victim's car. This just ruled that out as the murder weapon.", "Robbins: So shoot me. (Robbins goes back to the victim.) Stellate tear means close contact. See the muzzle impression around the entrance wound?", "(Grissom leans in for a closer look of the muzzle impression on the top of the shaved victim's head.)", "(Quick CGI POV of: The muzzle of the gun is close to the victim's head. The gun fires. The smoke clears, leaving an impression on the scalp.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: This could help identify the firearm.", "(Grissom takes a ruler and measures the angle of the entry wound.)", "Grissom: This is an unusual point of entry.", "Robbins: Yeah, I measured the trajectory. Ten to 15 degrees left of vertical.", "Grissom: Shooter would have to be standing over her.", "Robbins: Which would make him a giant, except for this.", "(Robbins lifts up the sheet and shows Grissom her knees.)", "Robbins: Abrasions on her knees.", "Grissom: So ... maybe she was kneeling.", "Robbins: Begging for her life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Sara and Catherine go over the victim's clothes. Sara takes out a credit card from the pocket.)", "Sara: So, Judge Wilson tells me I'd have better luck with a blue suit than a gray suit. What is that? Do you think he meant that? Do you think he was flirting with me or ... ?", "Catherine: I thought judges were supposed to be color blind.", "Sara: Yeah, right. That's cute.", "Catherine: I found some particulate on the jacket. Not sure what it is. I'll get it to Hodges.", "Sara: Pocket contents: Credit card, car keys, lipstick and one matchbook.", "Catherine: Can I see that?", "(Sara shows it to Catherine.)", "Sara: There's no name, just a phone number.", "(Quick flashback to: [HIGHBALL - NIGHT] Adam Novak writes down his number on a matchbook. He gives it to Catherine.)", "Adam Novak: Give me a call.", "(Catherine takes the matchbook.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: I'll have Vartann run it down.", "(Sara opens the matchbook.)", "Catherine: You know, I've got to go pick up Lindsey. Could you cover for me?", "Sara: Sure.", "(Catherine stands and heads out of the lab.)", "Catherine: Thanks.", "Sara: Tell her I said, \"hey.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CAR (MOVING) -- DAY]", "(Catherine drives home and pulls up the driveway. She engages the brakes.)", "[INT. CATHERINE'S HOUSE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine rushes into the house and goes to the kitchen to check the garbage. The bin is empty.)", "Catherine: Lindsey!", "Lindsey: Yeah.", "Catherine: What happened to the trash?", "Lindsey: I took it out, like you always tell me to. It's Thursday.", "(Catherine sighs.)", "Lindsey: Uh, hello, Mom, you okay?", "Catherine: Yeah, I'm great.", "(Catherine's mom steps into the kitchen and follows Catherine through the living room.)", "Lily Flynn: Are you sure about that? You want me to be the babysitter, but you want me to be deaf and blind too?", "(Catherine heads back out the front door.)", "Catherine: Can't get into this now, Mother. I'm in a jam.", "Lily Flynn: You haven't seen your daughter all week.", "(Catherine steps outside, her mother following her.)", "Catherine: Save the sermon.", "Lily Flynn: I was a working mother too, you know?", "Catherine: (to herself) There but for the grace of God ...", "Lily Flynn: Don't just assume that my time means nothing to me.", "(Catherine lifts the curb-side trash bin lid up and finds it empty.)", "Catherine: Damn it.", "(She shuts it and heads back to the car.)", "Lily Flynn: Catherine?", "(Catherine's phone rings.)", "Catherine: I threw something away. It's gone.", "Lily Flynn: You're throwing more than you know away.", "(Catherine opens her car door and answers her phone.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Yeah? Uh ... yeah, just wait till I get there. Yeah.", "(Catherine hangs up. She turns to look at her mom.)", "Catherine: Mom ...", "Lily Flynn: Go. Go. I'll be here when you get back.", "(Catherine's mom turns and heads back into the house, leaving Catherine standing by the car.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges sighs. In the background, we see Grissom walking down the hallway. Hodges looks up and sees Grissom walking by. He waves his arms in the air, trying to get Grissom's attention.)", "(As Grissom passes the door, he sees Hodges waving to him. Hodges motions for Grissom to come into his lab.)", "(Grissom steps into the lab. Hodges hands him a file folder.)", "Hodges: Results from Alice Granger's jacket. Found trace elements of iron, chromium, manganese and carbon.", "Grissom: Metals.", "Hodges: More specific, automotive sheet metal. The metallic balls would've been released into the air during the welding process.", "(Quick flash of: A person welding and the sparks flying. End of flash.)", "Grissom: So you're saying our killer has metal balls?", "Hodges: Yes ... maybe. Turns out that the victim worked in a car dealership, so she could've gotten metal balls on the job. And just in case you're wondering, working here, I'm developing them too.", "(Grissom flashes Hodges a humorless smile. He turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Catherine steps into the hallway. Greg catches up with her.)", "Greg: Yo.", "Catherine: Oh. What do you have for me?", "Greg: Bullet is a .25 auto caliber Winchester full metal jacket. You can't shoot .25s from a .22 caliber pistol.", "Catherine: I know.", "Greg: Which means the semi-automatic you found in Alice Granger's car isn't the murder weapon.", "Catherine: I know.", "Greg: Okay, well, did you know that the gun is registered to a Douglas Granger?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine steps into the interview already in progress. Det. Vartann interviews Douglas Granger.)", "Det. Vartann: Were you jealous, Mr. Granger? I mean, she was a beautiful girl.", "Douglas Granger: I don't understand why you're asking me this. I'm her brother, not her husband.", "Det. Vartann: You still own a lot of guns. A .22 pistol, Colt .25, among others.", "Douglas Granger: That's right.", "Catherine: We found the .22 in Alice's car.", "(Douglas Granger sighs.)", "Douglas Granger: If she carried it in her purse instead of leaving it in the car, she might still be alive.", "(Det. Vartann glances at Catherine.)", "Det. Vartann: I don't follow.", "Douglas Granger: I gave her the gun last week.", "Det. Vartann: Then what? You shot her with your .25?", "Douglas Granger: Are you insane? It's no mystery who killed her.", "(Quick flash from Catherine's POV of Douglas Granger.)", "Douglas Granger: Jeff Simon, her ex-boyfriend. Guy was stalking her.", "(Quick flash from Catherine's POV of Douglas Granger's clasped hands and face.)", "Douglas Granger: She changed her phone number, changed jobs, moved a half dozen times. No matter where she went, there he was. Last week, I was over at her new apartment. Jerk sitting in his truck, in front of the building.", "Catherine: Is that when you gave her the gun?", "(He sighs.)", "Douglas Granger: Taught her how to shoot it. Helped her get a restraining order. Got zero help from you guys. \"Catch him in the act.\" That's all we heard.", "Catherine: You know where we can find Jeff Simon?", "Douglas Granger: Yeah. We used to be friends.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. JUNKYARD - DAY]", "[SLOW MOTION]", "(Catherine follows Det. Vartann through the junkyard. As they step into the main building, REGULAR MOTION RESUMES.)", "[INT. JUNKYARD - MAIN BUILDING -- DAY]", "(They pass several workers welding. Det. Vartann asks the nearest worker.)", "Det. Vartann: Excuse me, I'm looking for Jeff Simon.", "(The worker turns and leads them over to a man using a saw. He taps him on the shoulder. Jeff Simon turns the saw off.)", "Det. Vartann: Jeff Simon?", "(Jeff Simon takes his shield helmet off.)", "Det. Vartann: Are you Jeff Simon?", "Jeff Simon: Yeah.", "(Det. Vartann shows him his badge.)", "Det. Vartann: When's the last time you saw Alice Granger?", "Jeff Simon: Before the restraining order kicked in.", "Det. Vartann: Come on.", "Jeff Simon: This is just a big misunderstanding, officer.", "Det. Vartann: Well, I'm glad you feel that way. You mind if we take a look in your truck?", "Jeff Simon: What did Alice say I did now?", "Det. Vartann: Where is it?", "(He turns and looks at Catherine. Catherine looks back at Jeff Simon.)", "(Quick flash from Catherine's POV of Jeff Simon's face and head.)", "Jeff Simon: I don't get a break for another half hour.", "Catherine: Look, we can get a court order.", "(Jeff Simon sighs and points back outside at his truck.)", "Jeff Simon: You can look anywhere you want. Just give Alice a message for me. I love her, and I want her back.", "(Det. Vartann and Catherine exchange glances.)", "Det. Vartann: Look, buddy, she's dead.", "(Jeff Simon takes a breath as the news hits him hard. He staggers back and sits down.)", "(Det. Vartann and Catherine exchange another glance.)", "Jeff Simon: What the ... I swear, I haven't been ... I haven't been anywhere near her since her brother broke us up.", "Catherine: I'm gonna check out his truck.", "(Catherine leaves. Det. Vartann crosses his arms and sticks with Jeff Simon.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. JUNKYARD - GARAGE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine looks at the truck. She opens the driver's side door and takes a look inside. She climbs in and checks out the glove compartment.)", "(She looks at the seat and removes a jacket covering a laptop. She opens the laptop and finds it on to a map of the Las Vegas area. On the map is a blinking red circle.)", "(The monitor focuses in on the blinking red circle and an address pops up: 3057", "WESTFALL AVE., LAS VEGAS.)", "(Catherine knows that address. She takes out her cell phone and dials.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Gil, the suspect has a laptop in his vehicle that has a GPS unit that's honed in on the lab.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY TO GARAGE - DAY]", "(Grissom is on the phone as he walks through the hallway.)", "Grissom: Well, you can't track a static location. It has to be something mobile.", "Catherine: (from phone) I know. That's why I'm calling.", "(Grissom turns the corner and heads for the garage where they're currently keeping Alice Granger's car.)", "(Cut to: Using a long-handled mirror, Grissom is checking under the car for the unit. He starts at the front, goes around the side and looks under the back. He finds the unit.)", "(He dials.)", "(Catherine answers the phone.)", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Grissom: You were right. We found a GPS transmitter under the rear bumper of the girl's car.", "Catherine: Thanks.", "(She hangs up the phone and shouts to Vartann.)", "Catherine: (to Vartann) He was tracking her car. Let's bring him in.", "Det. Vartann: Get up.", "(Jeff Simon gets up.)", "(Camera holds on Catherine.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine sits in the interview room across the table from Jeff Simon. The door opens and Dev. Vartann walks in with a file folder.)", "Det. Vartann: You are a real prize. Jeff, your prints are all over that box, which means one count felony stalking. That's seven to ten. Murder two adds a quarter. Now, you plead out now, you'll live to see parole.", "Jeff Simon: I didn't kill Alice. I loved her.", "Catherine: Is that your idea of love? Stalking her with a GPS unit?", "Jeff Simon: I wasn't stalking her. I wo-worried about her.", "Det. Vartann: So that restraining order she filed against you was because you're a nice guy.", "Jeff Simon: Let me tell you about Alice. She ... liked to party ...", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. CLUB - NIGHT] Alice and her date head back to the car.)", "Jeff Simon: (V.O.) ... barely ate, hardly slept, ...", "JEFF SIMON'S POV: Jeff is sitting in the car across the street watching Alice and her date stand in front of the car. Alice kisses her date.", "Jeff Simon: (V.O.) ... didn't want to admit she had a drinking problem.", "(Camera swings over to the driver's side-view mirror and we see Jeff Simon's reflection as he glares at them. We hear the car door slam off screen.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Jeff Simon: She needed me to look out for her.", "Catherine: Well, there's a problem with your story. She called a cab.", "Jeff Simon: I'm telling you, Alice got into a Chrysler or... a Buick? It was blue, maybe black. And the guy she was with, maniac driver. Complete moron.", "Det. Vartann: Wait, wait. You ... you followed them?", "Jeff Simon: I had to. But I was pulled over by the cops. They kept me on-on the side of the road for over an hour.", "Det. Vartann: What time was this?", "Jeff Simon: It was around 2:00. It was a buck-fifty ticket. I'm innocent.", "Catherine: Cut the crap. We found trace amounts of automotive sheet metal on her clothing. You work around cars. If Alice picked it up from you, you were in violation of the T.R.O.", "Jeff Simon: Lady, until we broke up, we spent every waking minute together. She'd come over to my shop on her lunch break just to get some.", "Catherine: It was over, Jeff. She didn't want you to be her lover, her protector. She didn't want you within a hundred yards. Whatever trace from you we found on her was fresh.", "Jeff Simon: She worked around cars, too. I'm telling you, I'm innocent!", "Catherine: You were living a fantasy, thinking you still had a chance. When reality set in, you killed her.", "Jeff Simon: I only did one thing wrong. I didn't protect her from that guy.", "Det. Vartann: What did this guy look like?", "Jeff Simon: Sleazy b*st*rd. Slight build, dark hair. I think he had a leather jacket.", "(Catherine stares at Jeff Simon as she remembers.)", "(Quick flashback to: [HIGHBALL - NIGHT] Catherine chuckles as Adam Novak leans in close to whisper into her ear. We note that he's wearing a black leather jacket.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Camera holds on Catherine.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / GRISSOM'S OFFICE / DNA LAB]", "[SLOW MOTION]", "(Catherine walks through the hallway and into Grissom's office. Grissom is finishing up a phone call.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Okay.", "(He hangs up.)", "Catherine: Do you have a minute?", "Grissom: I got a problem in DNA.", "(Grissom heads out of his office and back into the hallway. Catherine follows him.)", "Catherine: Okay, uh, it really is only gonna take a minute. Um, I just need to have a conversation with you.", "Grissom: First things first.", "(Grissom and Catherine enter the DNA Lab.)", "Mia Dickerson: I processed the swabs from the wife who found her husband in the hooker case.", "Catherine: Right.", "Mia Dickerson: Two contributions.", "Catherine: Two?", "Mia Dickerson: One was a match to the wife's DNA. The other was from an unknown male. I found the same unknown male contribution on the swabs from the Alice Granger homicide.", "Grissom: Well, it's unlikely that they're connected.", "Mia Dickerson: They're not. I also matched that unknown male contribution to a rape kit from the day shift.", "Grissom: Cross contamination?", "Mia Dickerson: That's why I raised the alarm. I was able to narrow the time frame to the last 48 hours.", "Catherine: Are you saying that all the DNA evidence from the last two days has to be resubmitted and retested?", "Grissom: We don't have any choice. It's potentially all contaminated. (to Mia) Document everything.", "(Grissom leaves the lab. And leaves Catherine without hearing what she had to tell him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CATHERINE'S OFFICE]", "(Though the reflection of the mirror in her compact, Catherine fixes her make-up.)", "(In the background, we see the blurry figure of a person in the doorway.)", "Greg: Hey. Your suspect, Jeff Simon, just got released from custody.", "(Catherine closes her compact.)", "Catherine: How the hell did that happen?", "(She puts it down on her desk and pushes it out of sight.)", "Greg: His alibi checked out. I talked to the cop who pulled him over for speeding, at 2:15 A.M., right around T.O.D.", "Catherine: It's proof he lost track of her.", "(Thought the office window, we see Greg standing out in the hallway, just outside Catherine's doorway.)", "Greg: They jammed him for over an hour. I mean, made him walk the line, gave him a breathalyzer, the whole nine.", "(Catherine brushes her hair away from her eyes.)", "Greg: Guy confessed to stalking. At least you got him on that.", "Catherine: Which they'll probably kick down to a misdemeanor because she's dead.", "(Sara joins them. She stands next to Greg outside Catherine's office.)", "Sara: Hey. Phone number on the matchbook panned out. Guy's on his way to P.D.", "Catherine: (cautiously) You got a name?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(OFF THE SUSPECT. We see the back of the suspect's head as he's being interviewed by Det. Vartann and Grissom. Camera slowly moves around him.)", "Adam Novak: Was it necessary to show up at my office? Try the phone. I'm an officer of the court.", "Grissom: Mr. Novak ... do you recognize this telephone number?", "(He looks down, presumably at the number off screen. We see that Adam Novak is the same man Catherine met at the bar.)", "Adam Novak: That's my work number.", "Grissom: Did you write it on the matchbook?", "Adam Novak: I may have. What's this about?", "Det. Vartann: A homicide. That matchbook was found in a dead woman's pocket.", "Adam Novak: This the only evidence linking me to the victim?", "Det. Vartann: This will go much easier if you just answer our questions.", "Adam Novak: Oh, yeah? Easier for whom?", "Grissom: Why didn't you write your name on it?", "Det. Vartann: I'm a memorable guy.", "Grissom: Why not your home number?", "Adam Novak: This is getting tedious. At bars, I give out my work number to weed out the crazies.", "(Grissom shows Adam Novak a NEVADA DRIVER LICENSE:", "GRANGER, ALICE", "7748 CANYON AVENUE", "LAS VEGAS NV 89101 )", "Grissom: This is Alice Granger. Do you know her?", "Adam Novak: I bought her a drink last night.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "[SLOW MOTION]", "(Just outside, Catherine walks through the hallway toward the interview room.)", "Det. Vartann: (o.s.) Okay, why don't you, uh, walk us through your evening? Start with \"I left the office...\"", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "Adam Novak: I was deposing a witness. Left the office late. Stopped at the Peppermill for a burger. Medium rare. No onions. Got to the Highball around 11:00. Met this redhead. Bought her a drink and ...", "(Adam Novak stops when he sees Catherine Willows walk into the interview room.)", "(Grissom turns around.)", "(Catherine clears her throat and introduces herself.)", "Catherine: Mr. Novak ... I'm Catherine Willows, CSI.", "(He scoffs.)", "Adam Novak: You want to know what happened next? Ask the redhead.", "(Grissom and Det. Vartann both turn and look at Catherine.)", "(Camera holds on Catherine.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Det. Vartann interviews Adam Novak.)", "Adam Novak: At a bar that time of night, we're all after the same thing, aren't we? I came onto her. She was into me.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(Catherine watches the interview from the observation room. Adam turns and looks at the glass.)", "Adam Novak: (through speaker) I know when a woman is going to give way and believe me, she was there.", "Det. Vartann: And then what?", "Adam Novak: (through speaker) I walked her out.", "(Camera moves to the left and shows us through the glass reflection that Grissom is standing next to Catherine.)", "Adam Novak: I put my arm around her waist. She moved in. One minute she's got her tongue down my throat. The next, she puts the brakes. She's a bitch and a tease. She told me to get lost ...", "Catherine: We should ask for his clothes. Black leather jacket, black t-shirt, jeans.", "Grissom: What else should we ask him, Catherine?", "Catherine: This is what I was trying to tell you.", "Grissom: Yeah, but you didn't, so now I'm way behind. Is he telling the truth?", "Catherine: He's not lying about anything that pertains to me.", "(Grissom turns and looks at Catherine.)", "Grissom: He hit you.", "Catherine: No, it was an accident. But ... by the time it happened, he wasn't who I thought he was, and ... that scared me.", "(Grissom turns and looks at the interview in the other room.)", "Det. Vartann: Eyewitness claimed that a man matching your description left the bar with the victim. Drove off in a dark-colored, four-door sedan. What do you drive, Mr. Novak?", "Adam Novak: Look, I'm innocent, but it's in my best interest to retain counsel. We're done here.", "(Adam Novak stands up and heads out of the room.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Adam Novak exits the interview room and walks down the hallway. Several beats later, Grissom and Catherine step out of the observation room.)", "Grissom: You have to recuse yourself from processing evidence. This guy's a lawyer. He could claim prejudicial treatment. Your whole life will become public record.", "Catherine: I have nothing to be ashamed of.", "Grissom: We all live in glass houses, Catherine. You gotta be careful where you take your shower.", "(Grissom walks off screen, leaving Catherine staring after him.)", "(Brass steps out into the hallway and walks past her.)", "Brass: Catherine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - ECKLIE'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Catherine meets with Conrad Ecklie.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Just walk me through your interaction with the suspect.", "Catherine: I met Adam Novak in a bar called the Highball.", "Conrad Ecklie: Were you drinking?", "Catherine: I had one cocktail, on his tab. He walked me out to my car. Things got physical.", "Conrad Ecklie: Could you define \"physical\"?", "Catherine: I believe that I outlined the specifics in my memo.", "Conrad Ecklie: Catherine, you know what I'm asking, and it's not in the memo.", "Catherine: I didn't have s*x with him, though he clearly wanted it.", "Conrad Ecklie: And you didn't?", "Catherine: I went out after shift to unwind. I even invited Warrick and Nick to come along. They had other plans.", "Conrad Ecklie: All right. So ... when you put on the brakes, Mr. Novak ... got angry.", "Catherine: Yeah. I got into my car. He went back inside.", "(Quick flashback to: [THE HIGHBALL - NIGHT] Adam Novak steps back into the bar. He pauses and looks over at the bar. Camera refocuses on Alice Granger, sitting at the bar.)", "Alice Granger: Hey, Al, will you do me a favor and call me a cab?", "Bartender: Sure.", "(She finishes her drink. When she puts it down on the counter, Adam Novak is standing next to her.)", "Alice Granger: Thanks.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: This is just a theory, but ... she was drunk, probably more compliant than I was. He walked her outside. He waited with her for the taxi, offered her a ride ...", "(She's interrupted by a knock on the door. Warrick is standing in the hallway.)", "Warrick: I hate to break up the party. Catherine, you got a 4-19 in Seven Hills. I'll grab the kits and meet you outside.", "(Warrick leaves. Catherine turns to look at Ecklie.)", "Catherine: We'll finish this later?", "Conrad Ecklie: Guess we'll have to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SEVEN HILLS -- DAY]", "(Catherine, Warrick and Det. Sam Vega arrive at the scene. David Phillips is there going over the body.)", "David Phillips: Look familiar?", "(Catherine and Warrick kneel down next to the body with a jacket wrapped around her head.)", "Catherine: Yeah. Like the other night.", "(Warrick snaps a photo.)", "Warrick: You got an ID on the vic?", "Det. Sam Vega: Yeah. Holly Pearson, 31, single. She lived across the street. Car was locked. Keys and purse were accounted for. Found them in the mailbox along with her mail.", "Warrick: Any indication of sexual assault?", "David Phillips: Well, her clothes and underwear are undisturbed.", "Catherine: Can you remove the jacket?", "David Phillips: Sure.", "(David removes the jacket and shows the blonde-haired woman and her head wound.)", "Catherine: Looks like a small-caliber gunshot wound ... like the first victim.", "David Phillips: Location of the entry wound is different.", "(David checks for an exit.)", "David Phillips: Slug's still inside her.", "(Catherine stands up and turns to Det. Sam Vega to fill him in.)", "Catherine: Grave is working a case with similarities. That victim left a bar called the Highball shortly before she was killed. I'm wondering if Holly went out last night.", "Det. Sam Vega: I'm on it.", "Catherine: Thanks.", "(Det. Sam Vega leaves. Catherine looks around the area.)", "Catherine: There's two sets of shoe prints ... with a bit of distance between the strides. Which means they were both running.", "(Warrick snaps a photo. He looks around and finds something.)", "Warrick: Got some shell casings.", "(Warrick marks the area with a small flag as Catherine looks around.)", "Catherine: Well, there's only one shot fired in Grissom's case.", "Warrick: It was close contact. He couldn't miss.", "Catherine: (points) I'm thinking that she was attacked near her house ... and then made a run for it.", "(Quick flash of: [NIGHT] Holly Pearson runs across the street. Someone chases her. He fires and she falls to the ground.) He walks up to her.)", "(Cut to: He stands up after wrapping her head with her jacket. The shooter walks away.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Catherine finds something else: A Clark County card key.)", "Catherine: Got a courthouse keycard. For the parking lot.", "Warrick: I wonder where Holly Pearson works.", "Catherine: Adam Novak's a public defender. Let's run his prints against this.", "Det. Sam Vega: Guys? I found a couple of the victim's coworkers. They said she was at the Highball last night. Got them coming into PD.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Det. Sam Vega interview two of Holly Pearson's co-workers.)", "Co-worker 1: Holly was just promoted. Youngest systems analyst at the bank and we were celebrating.", "Co-worker 2: She wasn't exactly a party animal. We practically forced her to go out.", "Det. Sam Vega: Any guys come on strong?", "Co-worker 2: Yeah. We collected numbers all night.", "Catherine: Anyone write their number on a matchbook?", "Co-worker 2: I got, uh ... business cards.", "Catherine: So ... you're having a good time and ... Holly had had enough.", "Co-worker 1: Yeah. We carpooled, so she took a cab home.", "(Det. Sam Vega turns and nods at Catherine.)", "Det. Sam Vega: I'd like to show you some pictures. (He puts the sheet of six photos on the table in front of them.) See if you recognize anyone.", "(They look at the photos, then point to picture #4 of Adam Novak.)", "Co-worker 1: He bought us a round.", "Co-worker 2: He tried to get friendly.", "Catherine: When Holly left, did you see that man again?", "Co-worker 2: Actually, no.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- FORENSIC AUTOPSY - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(The hallway is cluttered with bodies on gurneys. Doc Robbins stands between a couple of the gurneys when Catherine turns the corner.)", "Catherine: Hell of a backlog, here, doc.", "Robbins: Yeah. Traffic pile-up on I-15.", "Catherine: Holly Pearson?", "Robbins: Mm.", "(Robbins turns and heads into the autopsy room.)", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Robbins and Catherine stand around Holly Pearson's body as Robbins reports.)", "Robbins: C.O.D.'S a one shot to the back of the head. Absence of gun powder and stippling suggests a non-contact wound. I dug this out.", "(He gives her the bullet. Camera zooms in for a close-up of the bullet.)", "Catherine: .25 caliber. It's the same as the first victim.", "(He takes the bullet and puts it aside.)", "Robbins: You know, I got something you might find interesting. I emptied the stomach and she hadn't eaten for hours.", "(Robbins leads Catherine over to the scope.)", "Robbins: A small amount of white zinfandel -- less than a glass, vintage undetermined, and a tiny scrap of meat. Take a look.", "(SCOPE VIEW: Skin cells.)", "Robbins: Surface tissue of a human tongue. Those are the taste buds.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] The Man tries to kiss Holly Pearson and she bites his tongue.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) She bit her attacker ... when he tried to kiss her.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: This woman did not go gently into that good night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(MONITOR VIEW: Two bullets. The computer beeps and the view changes to the side-by-side markings on the bullets.)", "Nick: (o.s.) Hey.", "(Warrick continues to work. Nick walks into the lab.)", "Nick: Heard you may be looking at a second victim?", "Warrick: Yeah. Bullets from both homicides are from the same gun.", "Nick: I just got off the phone with courthouse security. That keycard that you and Catherine found belongs a guy named Adam Novak. (shrugs) Only prints I found on the card were his.", "Warrick: Well, let's call PD and bring him in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CATHERINE'S CAR (MOVING) -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine is driving home. We see her reflection through the rear-view mirror.)", "(As she nears her home, she sees a car parked on the side of the road.)", "(She sees Adam Novak standing out front talking her mom and Lindsey. Lindsey waves and they all watch as Catherine parks her car and engages her brakes.)", "(Alarmed, Catherine takes her seatbelt off and takes out her phone. She dials 9-1-1 and sets it aside on the car seat.)", "Voice: (from phone) 9-1-1. What is the nature of your --", "[EXT. CATHERINE'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine gets out of the car.)", "Adam Novak: I see that beauty runs in the family.", "Lily Flynn: No.", "(She slams the door and unsnaps her gun. She approaches them.)", "Catherine: Mom, Lindsey, go inside the house.", "Lily Flynn: (smiling) Believe it or not, Catherine does know how to say, \"Hello, how are you? Would you like a cup of coffee?\"", "(Catherine joins them.)", "Adam Novak: I was talking to your mother about the case we're working.", "Catherine: Mom, we're fine. Take Lindsey inside.", "(Catherine gives her mom a look and shifts her eyes over to Adam Novak. Her mother stops smiling. She grabs Lindsey's hand and heads for the house.)", "Lily Flynn: Let's go.", "Lindsey: I don't, I don't want to.", "Catherine: Lindsey.", "Lindsey: Are you going to go out again?", "Catherine: No. I'm coming in. I want to hear about your day.", "(Lindsey and Catherine's mother head inside the house.)", "Adam Novak: It was a pleasure meeting you.", "Catherine: What the hell are you doing here?", "Adam Novak: I want to know why you're setting me up, manipulating evidence to make me look guilty. All because I came on too strong?", "Catherine: I want you out of here.", "Adam Novak: I didn't get my signals crossed. You changed the play, and you're screaming foul. That's some power trip, babe. Who's the guilty one here?", "Catherine: You want to talk to me, call your lawyer. Set up an appointment down at PD.", "(Sirens wail in the distance.)", "Adam Novak: You think I killed her?", "(Catherine takes a step back, pulls out her gun and holds her other hand in front of him to keep his distance.)", "Catherine: Back off.", "Adam Novak: You going to shoot me?", "Catherine: If you take one more step.", "(Police sirens wail and lights flash as they approach. Adam Novak turns and sees the cars. He turns back to Catherine.)", "Adam Novak: You bitch.", "Catherine: You came to my house.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - OBSERVATION ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine watches as Grissom and Det. Vartann question Adam Novak with his lawyer.)", "Grissom: Mr. Novak, would you stick out your tongue, please?", "Lawyer: What is this about?", "Grissom: Well, right now, it's about his tongue.", "Det. Vartann: And two dead women. We believe the second victim, Holly Pearson, bit her attacker's tongue.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - OBSERVATION ROOM -- NIGHT]", "Grissom: Open up, please.", "(Adam Novak sticks out his tongue for Grissom to look at. Grissom shines his flashlight on it.)", "(Thinking Grissom's done, Adam turns away. But Grissom stops him.)", "Grissom: Uh-uh. Once more.", "(Adam Novak sticks out his tongue and Grissom snaps a photo of the teeth marks on it.)", "Grissom: Thank you. That's all I need.", "(Grissom leaves the room.)", "Det. Vartann: Have a seat.", "(Adam and his attorney sit down.)", "Det. Vartann: You comfortable? We're going to be a while.", "Adam Novak: I know how this looks.", "Lawyer: Adam, I ...", "Adam Novak: I advise some of the stupidest guys that come through this room. And it's my job is to keep their mouths shut. And I know what you're thinking - - that I killed Alice Granger.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Adam Novak chases Alice Granger. She trips and falls to her knees. He shoots her in the head.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Det. Vartann: You're a mind reader.", "Adam Novak: I already admitted that I picked her up at a bar the other night. What I didn't mention, and you didn't ask was that I gave her a ride home.", "(Quick flashback to: [CAR - NIGHT] Adam Novak and Alice Granger are in his car. They lean toward each other ... )", "Adam Novak: (V.O.) It got hot and heavy. We both got what we needed.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Adam Novak: Then she said good night and got out of the car. I drove off.", "Lawyer: Uh, do you have any evidence at all that refutes my client's account, or suggests otherwise?", "Det. Vartann: Our evidence pertains to the second victim, killed last night with the same gun, and we believe that a portion of your client's tongue was in her stomach.", "Adam Novak: I can explain that.", "Det. Vartann: Oh? Really.", "Adam Novak: Her taxi never showed up.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. HIGHBALL - NIGHT] Holly Pearson waits outside for her taxi. Adam Novak comes out of the Highball and walks over to her.)", "Adam Novak: (V.O.) I was drunk. Out of line. Bad couple of days, thanks to you guys.", "(He and Holly start walking.)", "Adam Novak: (V.O.) I was looking for a little release and I chose the wrong girl.", "(He grabs her and starts kissing her. She struggles against him and pushes him away.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Det. Vartann: And what happened next?", "Adam Novak: Her taxi finally showed up.", "Lawyer: I spoke to both the bartender at the Highball and the cab company, and a cab was ordered and drove the victim home.", "Det. Vartann: Mr. Novak, have you ever been to Holly Pearson's house?", "Adam Novak: No. I have no idea where she lived.", "Det. Vartann: Then how do you explain your courthouse keycard which we found near her body? CSI matched the prints on the card. Only yours.", "Adam Novak: Every attorney in the Public Defender's office is issued one card. Mine has never left my car. I keep it in the center console. You don't need a warrant. You have my permission to check. It should be there.", "Det. Vartann: Well, that won't be hard to verify, because your car's already at CSI.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine walks down the hallway toward the garage. Nick is standing with the car.)", "Catherine: Nick.", "Nick: Hey.", "Catherine: The center console. Was there a parking lot car key inside?", "Nick: No. Two sticks of gum and a pack of condoms. Why?", "Catherine: Suspect claims some incriminating evidence found at the second crime scene wasn't his. It looks like he was lying. We got him.", "Nick: I don't know how you're going to take this, but I think this car was recently broken into. These scratches ... they look fresh. B&E 101.", "(Nick points to the scratches in the driver's side window.)", "Catherine: The Slim Jim.", "(Quick flash of: A Slim Jim is pushed into the car door through the window slot. Camera zooms into the door showing the slim Jim pushing down onto the door lock mechanism.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Somebody could've swiped his keycard.", "Catherine: And then locked the car back up. Novak wouldn't be the wiser until he drove into the courthouse again. Did you find any prints?", "Nick: Smudges and partials, inside and out.", "Catherine: (nods) Run 'em.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAWN]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Nick scans the prints into the database and runs the search.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JUNKYARD - DAY]", "(Det. Vartann and Catherine question Jeff Simon.)", "Det. Vartann: Let's run through the night Alice died again.", "Jeff Simon: We've been through this. I have an alibi.", "Det. Vartann: Your alibi only proves you lost track of her. You knew where Alice lived.", "Catherine: Have you been in Adam Novak's car recently?", "Jeff Simon: No. I don't even know an Adam Novak.", "Det. Vartann: But you identified his vehicle as the car that Alice left the bar in.", "Jeff Simon: I didn't know whose car it was.", "Catherine: Then why did we find your prints in it?", "Jeff Simon: Maybe somebody's trying to frame me.", "Catherine: No, but I think that you're familiar with the concept. You were obsessed with Alice, and when you saw Adam having at her, you flipped out.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Jeff Simon sits in his car and watches Adam Novak and Alice Granger kissing.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: I mean, here's a woman that you can't get any traction with, yet she's willing to do a stranger she picked up in a bar.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Alice Granger gets out of the car and giggles. Jeff Simon sits in his car, hands gripping the steering wheel as he watches her.)", "(He turns his lights on.)", "(Alice turns around.)", "(Jeff gets out of the car.)", "Alice Granger: Jeff?", "(She sees him and starts running. He runs after her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Jeff cover's Alice's face with her jacket.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: I mean, lucky for you, the Highball was Adam's second home.", "(Quick flashback to: [HIGHBALL - PARKING LOT - NIGHT] Jeff Simon breaks into Adam Novak's car and steals Adam's card key.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) The next night, you came back and saw his car in the parking lot. Creative justice. You could get them both.", "(Cut to: Adam is hitting on Holly outside the Highball.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) It was just bad luck that Holly Pearson met Adam that night.", "(Cut to: Adam follows Holly home.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) You had no reason to kill her, but you followed her home and worked up the nerve.", "(Adam turns and sees Holly on the sidewalk looking for her key.)", "(He gets out of the car. Holly looks up and sees him. She turns and starts running. Jeff takes out the gun and follows her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Jeff cover's Holly's face with her jacket. He turns and leaves. He takes Adam's card key out of his pocket and drops it on the ground.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: You made one mistake, though. The evidence that you used to frame him brought us back to you", "(Jeff turns and looks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Mia is tossing all the kits away. Grissom appears in the doorway.)", "Grissom: You figured out the source of the contamination?", "Mia Dickerson: I got a positive result off my negative control. Matched the contamination. Turns out somebody at the manufacturer forgot to put on their mask and then sneezed or coughed on what was supposed to be a sterile product.", "Grissom: You have to collect everyone's swabs.", "Mia Dickerson: Kits. Trucks. Vests. Work stations.", "Grissom: How long till the new shipment gets here?", "Mia Dickerson: It's on its way. Until then, do it old school.", "(Grissom turns and leaves.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom writes in a file as he walks down the hallway.)", "Catherine: Gil.", "(He looks up; Catherine steps out into the hallway and joins him.)", "Catherine: I'd ask you out for a drink, but under the circumstances, it's, uh ...", "(He looks at her, then goes back to his file. He doesn't say anything.)", "Catherine: Okay, how long is this going to go on?", "Grissom: I don't know, Catherine.", "Catherine: Gil, it was an act of omission.", "Grissom: How many times have we heard a public defender say that?", "Catherine: I went out after work. Is it a crime to want a little human contact?", "Grissom: I guess that's why I don't go out.", "(Grissom walks away.)", "(Camera holds on Catherine.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Weeping Willows
[ "Sara and Greg investigate the death of two students in a dorm room. Nick, Warrick and Catherine investigate a man found dead in a 'crop circle'. Ecklie has to find out what happened to the corpse in the case he was working on, when it goes missing. First appearance of : Henry Andrews." ]
[ "FLASH IN.", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. TRIP WILMONT'S ROOM - NIGHT]", "(We see the blurry figures of Trip Wilmont and Paula Levine kissing passionately.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[INT. TRIP WILMONT'S ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Clothes are rapidly being removed.)", "[EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS - PATH TO DORM - NIGHT]", "(Camera follows several college kids walking toward the dorm. Camera rises to show the two figures in Trip Wilmont's window.)", "[INT. TRIP WILMONT'S ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Trip Wilmont and Paula Levine kiss passionately.)", "[EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS - PATH TO DORM - NIGHT]", "(Camera rises up closer to the two figures in Trip Wilmont's window.)", "[INT. TRIP WILMONT'S ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Paula Levine removes her slippers. She and Trip Wilmont continue to kiss. More clothes are being removed and dropped on the floor where they stand.)", "(Trip opens a sleeping bag on the floor. He and Paula lie on it and continue kissing. In the foreground, lit candles on the dresser burn. Trip removes Paula's bra and they continue to kiss.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS - PATH TO DORM - MORNING]", "(Police cars are parked in the front. Camera pulls back to the dorm front where Brass shows Grissom, Greg and Sara into the building.)", "Brass: Freshman dorm, coed. Two DB's on the third floor -- Trip Wilmont and Paula Levine. Both 18.", "[INT. COLLEGE CAMPUS - HALLWAY - MORNING]", "(Brass, Grissom, Sara and Greg continue through the corridor to Trip Wilmont's room.)", "Greg: Hey, Grissom, when you went to college did you live in the dorms?", "Grissom: Surely, you jest.", "(Sara laughs.)", "Sara: You know, they say a B.A. is worth a million dollars in extra income over a lifetime.", "Grissom: Yeah, but the present value of college tuition is about the same amount.", "Greg: So you're saying college isn't worth the expense?", "Grissom: I guess it depends on what you learn.", "Brass: So this is Trip's dorm room. When he missed a big b-ball game this afternoon, his coach called his R.A. His R.A. got the kid next door to jimmy the lock", "[INT. TRIP WILMONT'S ROOM - MORNING]", "(The officer standing at the door opens the dorm room.)", "Brass: (o.s.) Paramedics pronounced and took off. The coroner's en route.", "(Brass stops just outside the dorm room to let Grissom, Sara and Greg inside.)", "(On the floor next to the bed are the two bodies. Sara looks around the room. She notes the stereo system, beer bottles and candles.)", "Sara: Music, alcohol, candles. Kid was a regular Romeo.", "Grissom: \"For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo\"", "(Greg appears between Grissom and Sara holding the open condom wrapper.)", "Greg: Condom wrapper.", "(He looks at them and shows it to them.)", "Grissom: So much for safe s*x.", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS (STOCK) - DAY]", "David Phillips: (V.O.) Sara, do me a favor and open the window, please.", "[EXT. COLLEGE DORM - WINDOW -- DAY]", "(Through the window, we see David Phillips and Grissom standing in the dorm room.)", "Sara: Sure.", "(Sara walks over to the window and opens it.)", "Sara: You feeling okay, David?", "David Phillips: Yeah.", "[INT. TRIP WILMONT'S ROOM - MORNING]", "(David Phillips shines his flashlight on the dead bodies to look at their skin color.)", "David Phillips: Take a look at the skin coloration on both victims. (David Phillips kneels down for a closer look.) Their bodies are slightly pink.", "(Grissom lingers in the doorway.)", "Grissom: And you're thinking \"pink\" skin tones are a common effect of carbon monoxide fumes.", "(David Phillips looks back at Grissom and nods. Greg is kneeling near the bodies.)", "Greg: (points) That vomit's also consistent with exposure to C.O.", "(Grissom notes the vomit on the rug.)", "Grissom: We'll need a sample of that vomit.", "(Greg reaches over to get a vomit sample.)", "(Grissom's phone rings; he answers it.)", "(Greg collects a vomit sample and puts it in a sample container.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom. Okay, I'll be right there. (He hangs up.) My testimony's up in the Hoyt case. I gotta go. I see no common source for C.O., so you'll have to use the detector. (to Sara) You're running point.", "(Sara smiles as Grissom turns to leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COLLEGE DORM - HALLWAY - MORNING]", "(The coroners wheel the gurney down the hallway. At the end of the hallway, Brass interviews Susan, the R.A., and Zack Capola.)", "Susan: I knew something was wrong. Trip lived for basketball, and it was the semis, so there's no way he'd miss a game.", "Zack Capola: Yeah, I saw Susan banging on his door, so I used my pocketknife to jam it open.", "Brass: Had you done that before?", "Zack Capola: Yeah. All the time. Whenever Trip would get drunk and lock himself out, he would bang on my door.", "Brass: So you and trip were friends?", "Zack Capola: Me and Trip?", "Brass: (nods) Mm-hmm.", "Zack Capola: No. I'm not really the type of guy that Trip Wilmont would hang out with.", "Brass: BRASS: So I guess that's a no?", "Zack Capola: Yeah. But we had Spanish 102 together. Sometimes he'd roll over to my dorm, and I'd help him with his homework.", "Brass: Did you help him, or did you do it for him? Look, it's not the Spanish Inquisition.", "Zack Capola: For a jock, it could have been a lot worse but, no, we weren't friends.", "Brass: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TRIP WILMONT'S ROOM - MORNING]", "(Greg dusts the door handle for prints while Sara is in the back of the room near the window checking the carbon monoxide levels. She kneels down on the floor checking the levels near the floor. Greg takes out the ALS and checks the door handle for body fluids. Sara's hand-held device reads '0'.)", "Sara: No trace of carbon monoxide.", "(Greg finds something on the door handle.)", "Greg: There's a trace of semen on the door handle.", "[EXT. TRIP WILMONT'S ROOM - HALLWAY - MORNING -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Greg steps out of the room to the next-door neighbor's and finds body fluids there, too.)", "Greg: This one, too.", "(Sara steps out of the room. Greg removes his goggles and looks at her.)", "Greg: Trophy condoms.", "Sara: Trophy condoms?", "Greg: When a stud scores, he announces his victory by putting his spoils on his neighbor's doorknob.", "Sara: Oh. Well, my bet is Trip scored a lot.", "(Suddenly, there's an explosion and a scream.)", "(Sara and Greg look at each other.)", "[INT. CAMPUS DORM - BATHROOM - MORNING -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara and Greg walk into the bathroom.)", "Sara: Everyone okay?", "(There's a commotion in the bathroom. Someone reaches for his bathrobe while a boy and a girl stand in front of the stall. There's water all on the floor and bits of porcelain on the floor. We hear gushing water coming form the stall.)", "Sara: Excuse me.", "(The kids move aside. Greg steps into the stall and turns the water off. Sara can't help by chuckle.)", "Greg: Spontaneous toilet combustion?", "Sara: (laughs) Or a college prank.", "Greg: You think this has anything to do with the case?", "Sara: Twenty feet away from two dead kids. We got to check it out. Guess you should, uh ... start processing.", "(Sara turns and leaves Greg in the stall. Greg rolls his eyes and sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Det. Vartann walks through the hallway. He looks in the break room and doesn't see anyone. He turns and continues his search down the hallway. He looks in the next office and finds it empty as well.)", "(Det. Vartann turns and continues down the hallway. He sees Conrad Ecklie reading a file and walking through the hallway toward him.)", "Det. Vartann: Conrad.", "Conrad Ecklie: Hey, detective.", "Det. Vartann: Homicide called you guys over an hour ago. 4-19 at the Tangiers. No one's responded. Not even the coroner.", "(Ecklie stops in front of the reception desk to check his messages.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Have you tried Grissom or Catherine?", "Det. Vartann: Catherine's on a case, I think. Grissom ...", "Conrad Ecklie: Oh, that's right. Grissom's in court.", "Det. Vartann: Oh. And Sofia's still on her task force leave. Both shifts are tapped.", "Conrad Ecklie: Did you check ... ?", "Det. Vartann: I checked the board. No one's available ...", "(Ecklie shakes his head absently, his back to Vartann so he doesn't see the light in Vartann's eyes.)", "Det. Vartann: ... except for you.", "(Ecklie turns and looks at Vartann. Vartann shrugs.)", "Conrad Ecklie: I'm the Assistant Lab Director.", "Det. Vartann: I know. But you're still qualified to process a scene, right?", "Conrad Ecklie: Yes, I am. (Vartann nods.) I'll dust off my kit.", "(Ecklie tosses his messages back on the reception counter, picks up his book and looks at Vartann.)", "Det. Vartann: Meet you there.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins stands between the two tables with the bodies on it. Sara knocks on the door lightly before entering.)", "Sara: Hey, doc.", "Robbins: Two dead bodies. Both were in perfect health.", "Sara: I am so hoping that you have more in your report than that.", "Robbins: There are two toxins which can turn a body pink postmortem.", "Sara: We already ruled out carbon monoxide.", "Robbins: Which leaves one -- cyanide ingestion. Interesting fact about cyanide -- not everyone can smell it.", "Sara: Right. It's a genetic quirk.", "Robbins: Unfortunately, I don't have that ability.", "(The doors open. Hodges enters as Sara turns around to look at him.)", "Hodges: \"The nose\" has arrived.", "Sara: Hodges has the genetic quirk?", "(Robbins nods.)", "Hodges: It's a blessing and a curse.", "(Hodges walks into the room. Robbins points to the table with the sample contents.)", "Robbins: Stomach contents of both decedents. Hodges, start your sniffer.", "(Hodges picks up the first container and sniffs it. He puts it down and picks up the second container and sniffs that as well. Robbins and Sara look at each other as they wait for Hodges' verdict.)", "Hodges: Hints of stale beer and ... cheese whiz. But I don't smell any cyanide.", "Robbins: Thank you.", "Hodges: Anytime.", "(Hodges puts the container down, turns and heads for the door.)", "Sara: Well, all due respect to \"the nose,\" I would still like to send a sample of blood to tox.", "Robbins: It's already done.", "Sara: Is there anything else?", "Robbins: Nothing on or in the body indicates cause of death. Nothing consistent with homicide whatsoever.", "Sara: Two college kids die under mysterious circumstances. Let's treat this as a homicide till we know otherwise.", "(Robbins nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. PARKING GARAGE -- DAY]", "(OFF ECKLIE: Ecklie steps out of the vehicle. In front of him past the crime scene tape, Det. Vartann stands with the body and an officer.)", "Det. Vartann: (to the officer) Finally. Yeah, well three hours. All right. Thanks.", "(Ecklie ducks under the crime scene tape and heads over to Vartann.)", "Det. Vartann: Crime scene's getting cold.", "Conrad Ecklie: Had to refill my powders.", "(Ecklie looks at the body and puts his kit down. Vartann fills him in.)", "Det. Vartann: I found a rental car agreement in the glove box. James Billmeyer. New Jersey. He's not registered at the hotel. Probably stopped by to lose a few bucks.", "Conrad Ecklie: Did the coroner step in the blood?", "(Ecklie snaps a couple of photos of the bloodied prints leading away from the body.)", "Det. Vartann: No. We're still waiting on him. That shoe print belongs to Mrs. Vivoldi. (Ecklie looks up at the woman talking with the officer.) She called it in. We been waiting on you to take her statement.", "Conrad Ecklie: Let's do it.", "Det. Vartann: Yes, let's do it.", "(Vartann turns and heads over to Mrs. Vivoldi. An officer holds the crime scene tape up for him and Ecklie.)", "Det. Vartann: Thanks.", "(The officer talking with Mrs. Vivoldi steps away. Det. Vartann and Ecklie interview Mrs. Vivoldi.)", "Det. Vartann: Ma'am, sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Detective Vartann. This is Conrad Ecklie from the crime lab. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?", "Mrs. Vivoldi: I'd mind if you didn't. I am the one who found the body.", "(Det. Vartann and Ecklie nod and smile.)", "Det. Vartann: Yes. At the time, were you walking to or from the hotel?", "Mrs. Vivoldi: I'd had just finished lunch with the girls. We say \"girls,\" but we're, you know, women. I don't find being called a \"girl\" derogatory.", "Det. Vartann: That's good. To or from?", "Mrs. Vivoldi: I was walking to the car. (She points to her car. Vartann turns to look.) The SUV? A gift from Oscar. Thirty years with the same man.", "Conrad Ecklie: Congratulations.", "Mrs. Vivoldi: Thank you. Are you married?", "Conrad Ecklie: Divorced.", "Mrs. Vivoldi: Oh. And you?", "(She looks at Vartann.)", "Det. Vartann: (squirms) Uh ... ma'am, so you were walking to your car ...", "Mrs. Vivoldi: Walking to the car, and I think I stepped into gum or something ...", "(Quick flashback to: Mrs. Vivoldi walks and steps in the blood. She looks down and screams when she sees the body.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Ecklie looks down and notes the blood on Mrs. Vivoldi's shoes.)", "Mrs. Vivoldi: That's when I called 911. (pointedly at them as she checks her watch) Which was about, um ... two hours ago.", "(Vartann looks around. Ecklie shakes his head and apologizes.)", "Conrad Ecklie: I'm sorry, ma'am. We've been very busy.", "Mrs. Vivoldi: Oh.", "Conrad Ecklie: I'm going to need your shoes. We'll get them back to you. Even wash off the blood.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara interviews Mrs. Levine, Paula's mother, and Tripp Wilmont's parents.)", "Mrs. Levine: (crying) I just talked to Paula yesterday afternoon. She was on her way to the library. She had a biology final this morning. She shouldn't have been in a boy's room.", "Mrs. Wilmont: None of this makes any sense. Trip was a serious athlete. He would never sleep around the night before ...", "Mrs. Levine: (offended) Sleep around?", "Mr. Wilmont: It's not like your daughter was Trip's girlfriend.", "Mrs. Levine: Ms. Sidle ... I need to know. Did trip take advantage ... ? Did he ... force himself on Paula?", "Mrs. Wilmont: (interrupts) My son would never force himself on anyone.", "Mr. Wilmont: Trip could have any girl he wanted.", "Sara: Mrs. Levine, the coroner found no evidence of assault. Did Paula ever mention Trip to you?", "Mrs. Levine: No. I know she liked a boy on the basketball team. I never knew his name. I guess it was Trip.", "Mrs. Wilmont: I just want to know what happened to them.", "Sara: So do I.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. FIELD -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Warrick shut the vehicle door. David Phillips is standing near the body writing on the clipboard.)", "(They head over to David Phillips, who is standing in the middle of the tall, grassy field.)", "Warrick: This land used to be part of the Bennett estate.", "Catherine: Bill Bennett? Guy who owns the Sahara?", "Warrick: Yeah. Huh. We used to come out here when we were in high school. Used to be, like, a seven-acre lover's lane.", "Catherine: I thought you said you were a dork in high school.", "Warrick: I was a dork in high school. I'm still a dork, but I had dimples. I got a little action.", "Catherine: I don't doubt that. Hey, Dave.", "David Phillips: Oh, hello. The path to the body was made by the paramedics. They pronounced and took off. ID'ed has Kevin Staniland, age 30 from Reno. I figured before I processed the body, you'd want to photograph the crop circle.", "Warrick: Crop circle?", "David Phillips: Well, it's a circle in the middle of a field. What would you call it?", "Warrick: I guess it's a crop circle.", "(They head toward the body.)", "Warrick: The guy has a blindfold on.", "Catherine: Pin the tail on the donkey gone wrong?", "(Catherine snaps a couple of photos as David turns the body over.)", "David Phillips: Lividity is fixed.", "Warrick: Lividity's fixed? So this wasn't a body dump? He died there?", "Catherine: (looking around) The only pathway is from the paramedics. How'd he end up in the middle of the circle?", "(David looks up at the sky.)", "David Phillips: I have an idea.", "(Warrick glances up.)", "David Phillips: I'll keep it to myself.", "(Catherine smiles as David leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CAMPUS DORM - BATHROOM -- DAY]", "(Greg works on swabbing the toilet porcelain pieces on a table in the bathroom. Sara walks in.)", "Sara: Hey. How's it going?", "Greg: I swabbed every square inch of this toilet. So far, no evidence of explosive powders or a detonation device.", "Sara: Well, I spoke with maintenance. It is an isolated incident. There are no other reports of exploding johns. How about methane gas? Maybe there's a natural reserve under the dorm.", "Greg: Theoretically, pressure could have built up, broken a sewer pipe and shot up through the toilet.", "Sara: (shrugs) Yeah.", "Greg: I already checked. There's no methane gas in this region of Clare County.", "Sara: Well, there's got to be some logical explanation.", "Greg: Well, if dorm food is as bad as I can remember, we should consider explosive diarrhea.", "(Sara can't help but smile at that.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(David Phillips snaps photos of the body. Nick and Warrick walk into the room.)", "Nick: Crop circles?", "(Nick laughs.)", "Nick: Come on, Super Dave. Wasn't the alien autopsy embarrassing enough?", "(Nick leans forward and looks at the body.)", "David Phillips: Given the circumstances, alien was not an unreasonable conclusion at the time.", "Nick: You need to get a girlfriend.", "David Phillips: I'm engaged, but thank you. Could you just check out his pants? There's grass stains on his knees.", "Nick walks over and checks the victim's clothes.)", "Warrick: That's odd, because the grass around the victim was undisturbed.", "(Nick notices a smell from the victim's underpants.)", "David Phillips: His tighty whiteys were soaked in urine. Don't know if it's pre- or post-mortem.", "(Warrick glances down at the body and notices a white worm wiggling out of the victim's mouth.)", "Warrick: Oh! Now, that's alien. What is that?", "David Phillips: I've got to document this.", "(David grabs the camera and starts snapping photos of the white worm.)", "Nick: Oh, hang on. We have ourselves a tapeworm, gentlemen.", "(David stops snapping photos. Nick uses a forceps and pulls the tapeworm out.)", "Nick: This guy's been eating meat or fish infected with tapeworm cyst.", "(Quick CGI POV of: An open mouth. Some meat or fish is fed into the mouth and is swallowed down the esophagus. The food lands in the stomach.)", "(A tiny CGI tapeworm cyst goes through the stomach.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) Yeah, that cyst grows up to be nice fat tapeworm that attaches itself to the intestinal wall and sucks out all your nutrients.", "(A close-up of the tapeworm as it attaches itself into the intestinal wall.)", "(The CGI tapeworm grows.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Yeah, and since this guy's already dead, the tapeworm needs to find a new host. Only two ways out.", "Warrick: I'm glad it picked the mouth.", "(They all chuckle.)", "Warrick: Well, the tapeworm could have made the guy sick, but it didn't kill him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Sara enters the lab. Mia looks up.)", "Sara: Hello.", "Mia Dickerson: Hey. Want to talk about semen?", "Sara: Okay.", "(Mia hands Sara the file folder.)", "Sara: Okey-dokey.", "Mia Dickerson: The semen on the vic's doorknob and the neighbor's doorknob is consistent with Trip's DNA. So, what I'm thinking is that Trip put a trophy condom onto his neighbor's door and then transferred a trace of his reproductive material back onto his own doorknob.", "(Quick flash of: Trip puts the condom on his neighbor's doorknob. He chuckles and heads back to his room.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: You've, uh, you've heard of trophy condoms?", "Mia Dickerson: (chuckles) Sara, I went to college.", "(Greg walks into the lab.)", "Greg: Ladies, I just spoke with Western LVU's student affairs officer. Apparently, Trip's next-door neighbor, Zack Capola filed several grievances against him. I'm headed over there now.", "(Sara heads for the door.)", "Sara: I'll drive.", "(Greg follows her.)", "Greg: (mutters) You always do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins works on stitching up the body as he talks with Catherine.)", "Robbins: So, crop circles and tapeworms, you got quite a case.", "Catherine: Mm. You have C.O.D.?", "Robbins: I have T.O.D., about midday yesterday. Cause of death less definitive. Cuts and abrasions are superficial. There's no obvious anatomical defect. And at this point, I'm going to have to check the default -- cardiac arrhythmia.", "Catherine: A young man's heart stops, and you don't know why?", "Robbins: Tox and vitreous lytes are all normal. That's all you're getting from me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CAMPUS DORM - ZACK CAPOLA'S ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara and Greg talk with Trip Wilmont's neighbor, Zack Capola.)", "Zack Capola: This is bunk. I was told my grievances were confidential. They said my name wasn't even on the form.", "Sara: Why was confidentiality so important?", "Zack Capola: Ask him. You look like you were a jock in college.", "Greg: Me?", "Sara: Him?", "Zack Capola: Whatever. Look, if it had gotten around that I had ratted out Trip, the whole basketball team would have come down on me.", "Sara: You are a straight-A student. We've reviewed your academic records. The distractions must've pissed you off.", "Greg: You had problems with his loud music, banging on the wall, used condoms hanging on your doorknob.", "Zack Capola: A handful of used condoms would have pissed you off, too. Look, what are you getting at?", "Greg: We're trying to figure out what happened to Trip and Paula. Earlier you said he wasn't such a bad guy.", "Zack Capola: Because I didn't see a need to badmouth the dead. But you want the truth, he was an ass, okay?", "(Greg turns and looks at Sara.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- MORGUE -- DAY]", "(The door opens and Robbins walks in. He finds Conrad Ecklie inside.)", "Robbins: Well, Conrad, can I help you?", "Conrad Ecklie: Where have you been?", "Robbins: I posted three bodies and then I took a time-out.", "Conrad Ecklie: A time-out?", "Robbins: A personal hour. A few weeks ago, my Siamese had kittens. I went by the house to check on 'em. They're just about weaned. You want one?", "Conrad Ecklie: I'm allergic. So tell me about James Billmeyer. Guy found at the Tangiers.", "Robbins: I'm just about to post him. Per my prelim, there was an abraded laceration to the right occipital scalp, and a penetration of the epithelium, but not the galea. It's not what killed him, but I'll know the full story once I open him up.", "(Robbins opens the morgue cabinet to get the body and finds that it's empty.)", "Robbins: I saw David put him in here.", "Conrad Ecklie: So where is he?", "Robbins: I'm not sure.", "(Robbin pushes Ecklie aside and checks the cabinet next to the empty cabinet.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Maybe he's taking a time-out.", "(Nope, there's a body in there.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Maybe David probably moved him.", "Robbins: He had no reason to.", "(Robbins opens a third drawer and finds a body in that one, too.)", "Conrad Ecklie: A few years back, a body was prematurely sent to a mortician. Remember that?", "(Robbins shuts the cabinet and checks the cabinet above. It's empty.)", "Robbins: This is weird.", "Conrad Ecklie: Maybe someone in your department mislabeled the corpse?", "Robbins: It's highly unlikely.", "Conrad Ecklie: Fine. When you find him, get back to me.", "(Ecklie turns and leaves.)", "(Robbins shuts the cabinet door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY OUTSIDE ECKLIE'S OFFICE]", "(David waits nervously in the hallway outside of Ecklie's office. Through the door, he hears Dr. Robbins' muffled, angry voice.)", "(The door opens and Dr. Robbins steps out. He walks past David.)", "(David enters the office.)", "[INT. CSI - ECKLIE'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Conrad Ecklie sits behind his desk. David shuts the door behind him. He stands in front of Ecklie's desk. Ecklie does some paperwork. David waits.)", "David Phillips: Sir?", "Conrad Ecklie: We have a situation.", "David Phillips: I know. A body disappeared.", "Conrad Ecklie: No, no. Mr. Billmeyer didn't disappear. He's missing. There's a difference.", "David Phillips: Sir, this isn't my fault.", "Conrad Ecklie: You prepped him for autopsy, right?", "David Phillips: Yes, sir.", "Conrad Ecklie: Walk me through that.", "David Phillips: Walk you through what?", "Conrad Ecklie: Everything you did to Mr. Billmeyer.", "David Phillips: Okay, um, I brought him into the washroom ...", "(Quick flashback of a visual of David's narrative. David is snapping photos of the body ... )", "David Phillips: (V.O.) I photographed the body, took hair and fingernail cuttings, emptied his pockets, removed clothing, washed his body, tagged him. I put him into the cooler and ...", "(David pushes the body in the cabinet.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "David Phillips: I haven't seen him since.", "(Ecklie stares at David.)", "David Phillips: What?", "Conrad Ecklie: I was just thinking, David. I've lost my keys, sunglasses, even a wallet.", "David Phillips: (interrupts) Sir, this really isn't my fault.", "Conrad Ecklie: But I've never lost a body.", "David Phillips: I didn't do anything.", "Conrad Ecklie: Find him, Phillips, or this goes on your record.", "David Phillips: What would you like me to do?", "Conrad Ecklie: Get out!", "David Phillips: I don ...", "Conrad Ecklie: Get out. Out!", "(David turns and leaves the office. Ecklie sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Doc Robbins is on the phone.)", "Robbins: (to phone) Six-one, brown hair and eyes, about 200 pounds are you sure?", "(David steps into the room.)", "Robbins: (to phone) All right, thanks. (He hangs up.) I've checked every mortuary and funeral home in the city, no luck.", "David Phillips: Right, 'cause you never authorized a transfer.", "Robbins: David, are you familiar with the Latin word necrostuprum?", "David Phillips: Body snatcher?", "(Robbins nods.)", "Robbins: We didn't mislabel or misplace the body. Someone took it.", "David Phillips: If you wanted to steal a body, wouldn't it be a lot easier to go to a hospital or university facility?", "Robbins: (nods) Absolutely, which means somebody wanted this particular body.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - STAIRS / HALLWAY]", "(Nick and Catherine walk down the stairs.)", "Nick: Some of the leading theories on crop circles include extraterrestrials, wind vortexes, earth energies, and of course, hoaxes. But in 1985, farmers near one U.S. military base suspected the source of a recent incident to be the down wash from a helicopter's rotor blades.", "(Quick flash of: [FIELD - DAY] A helicopter hovers low in a field and starts to rise.)", "Nick: (V.O.) The spinning of the blades caused the chopper to rise ...", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Nick: ... forced the air downward, in effect, bending the grass below.", "Catherine: For every action, there is an opposite but equal reaction.", "Nick: Since I'm a skeptic when it comes to aliens and earth energies, ooh. So we started with the chopper.", "(Nick and Catherine step into the A/V lab.)", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine takes the seat next to Archie Johnson.)", "Catherine: Hey, Archie.", "Archie Johnson: Oh, hey. (points to the monitors) Nellis sent over the radar surveillance. Current feed goes back 48 hours. This is where your decedent was located.", "Nick: Decedent's T.O.D. was approximately 12:00 noon, yesterday.", "Archie Johnson: Using echo and doppler shift we can determine an object's speed.", "(He manipulates the radar information over Bennett Ranch.)", "Catherine: Freeze the frame, Archie.", "Archie Johnson: Found your chopper. It's holding steady. Airplanes can't do that.", "Catherine: (smiles) Let's see who owns it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB]", "(Neil Jansen is in the lab when Sara walks in. She's looking at her pager and is surprised to see Neil Jansen when she looks up.)", "Sara: Hey, I got your 911. Don't you work days?", "Neil Jansen: Ecklie keeps moving me around. Your pink college kids were both blotto.", "Sara: Yeah, there were beer bottles at the scene. That's not a surprise.", "Neil Jansen: You want a surprise? Check this out. Now, I know you and Greg tested the scene for carbon monoxide, but did you check for carbon dioxide?", "Sara: No. I've been a CSI eight years. I have never processed a C02 scene. I mean, you'd need a ton of that gas to cause serious damage.", "Neil Jansen: It's a first for me, too. I found traces of blood in Trip's vomit. C02 levels are usually .03%. His levels were 8%. Lethal.", "Sara: C02 replaces oxygen on hemoglobin molecules. At 8%, those kids would've literally suffocated on a cellular level.", "(Neil nods.)", "Neil Jansen: Still doesn't explain why they were pretty in pink. Carbon dioxide, unlike carbon monoxide, doesn't affect skin coloration.", "Sara: So what did?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Det. Vartann takes out some of the victim's clothing from the box. He rolls his eyes and looks at Robbins.)", "Det. Vartann: What are we expecting to find here?", "Robbins: Someone went to a lot of trouble to steal James Billmeyer ... maybe there's a clue in his personal effects.", "(Robbins takes out the items from Billmeyer 's travel kit.)", "Det. Vartann: So you're a CSI now?", "(Robbins looks at Vartann.)", "Robbins: If I were, I would have printed the cooler.", "Det. Vartann: Really? Maybe you should just put together a list of everyone who had access to the morgue.", "Robbins: Law enforcement personnel, (sighs) CSIs, paramedics, funeral home personnel, maintenance workers, hospital workers, janitors ... people that get lost in the building ...", "Det. Vartann: Yeah, that sounds good.", "Robbins: Two pairs of socks, two pairs of underwear, two T-shirts.", "Det. Vartann: That tells me the guy was going to be staying in Vegas for two days.", "Robbins: Your powers of deduction are remarkable, detective.", "Det. Vartann: Thank you.", "(Robbins takes out a WESTERN AIRLINES cocktail napkin and finds writing on it:", "JACINDA HENDLER", "{heart} CALL ME!", "Robbins: \"Jacinda Hendler, call me.\" Written on an airline napkin.", "Det. Vartann: Decedent probably met her on the flight, possibly hours before he died.", "Robbins: (scoffs) You think?", "(Vartann reaches over and grabs the napkin out from Robbins' grip.)", "Det. Vartann: I'll run it down.", "(Vartann turns and leaves the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[DMV NEW JERSEY DRIVER'S LICENSE]", "AUTO OPERATOR LICENSE", "JAMES BILLMEYER", "2371 HANNOVER ST.", "MORRISTOWN, NJ 07360", "[INT. CSI - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Det. Vartann and Conrad Ecklie interview Jacinda Hendler.)", "Jacinda Hendler: Yeah, I know Jamie. He's a sweet man. He was supposed to call me. What happened to him?", "Conrad Ecklie: He died.", "Jacinda Hendler: Oh, I'm sorry. Why'd you contact me?", "Det. Vartann: Well, your name was in his pocket.", "Jacinda Hendler: Napkin. We, uh, we met on the plane.", "(She laughs.)", "Jacinda Hendler: And, uh, there was only one blanket, so we ... shared it, and I got a little frisky, and ... anyway, there was a kid sitting two seats away, so ...", "Conrad Ecklie: So you gave him your number ... to meet up later?", "Jacinda Hendler: Yeah.", "Det. Vartann: Do you have any idea who may've killed him? Or who might want his body in its current condition?", "Jacinda Hendler: No. Jamie told me that he-he was flying in to party with some pals from high school in Seven Hills. Said he'd invite me over. Figured he blew me off. It-it happens. I mean ... I have a healthy self-esteem.", "Conrad Ecklie: Good for you.", "Jacinda Hendler: Yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CAMPUS DORM - TRIP WILMONT'S ROOM -- DAY]", "(The officer standing in the hallway outside Trip Wilmont's dorm room opens the door. Sara and Greg duck into the room under the crime scene tape blocking the door.)", "Sara: (to the officer) Thanks.", "(Sara sighs. Greg snaps the camera.)", "Greg: What exactly are we looking for?", "(Greg puts his kit down on the floor.)", "Greg: Most sources of carbon dioxide come from ... (looks around) ... factories, cars and volcanoes, not something we're gonna find in a dorm room.", "(Greg picks up a journal notebook from the side and looks at it.)", "Sara: Maybe somebody pumped the gas in through a vent.", "Greg: Uh, s*x journal.", "(Greg opens to the journal and looks through a couple of pages.)", "Greg: Lists of girls ... dates ... and sexual activities.", "(Sara looks around the room.)", "Sara: Boys and their conquests.", "Greg: I've never even heard of some of these.", "Sara: Really?", "Greg: Never mind.", "Sara: Would you help me move the bed, please?", "(Greg puts the journal aside and helps Sara move the bed.)", "Sara: There's a fresh hole in the wall. Splinters are on the inside. Someone drilled in from the other side.", "Cue Sound: (PRE-LAP) KNOCKING", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CAMPUS DORM -- ZACK CAPOLA'S ROOM -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The door opens to Sara and Greg.)", "Zack Capola: Hey.", "Sara: Hi, Zack. Mind if we come in?", "Zack Capola: Why?", "(Sara and Greg walk into the dorm room. On his walls are posters of cars.)", "Greg: Ah, you're a car buff, huh?", "Zack Capola: I guess.", "Greg: Yeah, me, too. I always wanted a Testarossa. What about you, what's your dream car?", "(Sara moves Zack's bed and finds the hole in the wall.)", "Zack Capola: Uh, I don't know.", "Sara: Zack, can you explain this hole in your wall?", "Zack Capola: I didn't even know there was one.", "(Zack walks in closer to look at it. He sighs.)", "Sara: I think maybe we should step outside. Your room is now a crime scene.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HELICOPTER TOURS -- DAY]", "(Close up of the banner sign:", "LAS VEGAS", "HELICOPTER TOURS", "CALL: 702-555-0101", "(In the background, a helicopter lands. Warrick and Catherine get out of their SUV and head over to the helicopter. The pilot steps out of the helicopter and walks over to them.)", "Catherine: Are you Morgan Wendel?", "Morgan Wendel: Yeah.", "Warrick: We're from the crime lab. We have information that put your chopper at a crime scene yesterday, around noon.", "Morgan Wendel: You're here about Kevin.", "Catherine: That's right, yeah.", "Morgan Wendel: I'll tell you everything, but I want immunity.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[MONITOR]", "(The host talks into a microphone. Kevin Staniland is sitting next to him wearing a blindfold.)", "Host (man): All right, Kevin!", "Kevin Staniland: Yeah! Whoo!", "Host (man): I want you to prepare to jump!", "Kevin Staniland: Without a parachute? (The host nods.) That's my stunt?! No way!", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine and Nick are in the interview room with", "Host (man): (from monitor) Dude, the name of the show is \"Going All the Way.\" You signed a contract. Now, do it!", "(Kevin is shaking his head.)", "Kevin Staniland: Jumping out of chopper's not going all the way -- it's suicide!", "Host (man): Listen, man, you don't have a choice, Kevin. You already ate raw meat, you stuck your face in a beehive. You don't go all the way, you don't get nothing! Come on, Kevin!", "Kevin Staniland: No!", "(The host laughs.)", "Kevin Staniland: What are you doing?!", "Host (man): Wait a minute, wait a minute. Dude, dude, check this out, get a shot of this.", "(The host pulls Kevin toward him while looking at the cameraman.)", "Host (man): Get his crotch. Get his crotch. Come here.", "(The camera goes down for a shot of Kevin's pants.)", "Host (man): Our first contestant peed his pants.", "(The host gets into the camera.)", "Host (man): (shouts) Re-a-li-ty! Come on, let go! You can't fake this.", "(He turns to Kevin.)", "Host (man): Now, Kevin ... go, baby!", "(He pushes Kevin out of the helicopter.)", "(Kevin screams. The host laughs.)", "Host (man): (to the camera) Keep going, keep going. But here's the thing. We're only four feet up. Joke's on him. Let's check it out.", "(He motions out the helicopter door.)", "Host (man): (shouts) Kevin! Kevin!", "(Camera shows Kevin on the ground. He's not moving.)", "Host (man): (o.s.) He's not moving.", "(The host looks at the camera and motions.)", "Host (man): Turn off the camera. Turn off the camera! Turn ...", "(Catherine and Nick talk with the host and his lawyer.)", "Catherine: Kevin thought that he was being pushed out of a helicopter a thousand feet in the air, but ...", "(Quick flash of: [HELICOPTER] The host yells as he pushes Kevin out of the door.)", "Host (man): (shouts) See you later, Kevin!", "(Kevin falls to the ground.)", "(The helicopter, #N388, hovers over the ground.)", "Host (man): (yells) Hey, Kevin?", "(The host looks out at Kevin on the ground.)", "Host (man): He's not moving.", "(The host jumps out of the helicopter to check on Kevin and realizes that he's dead. He heads back into the helicopter.)", "Host (man): Come on, let's get out of here!", "(The host jumps into the helicopter. The helicopter leaves.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Lawyer: Did you have a warrant for that tape?", "Catherine: The pilot gave us the name of the cameraman, who supplied the tape voluntarily.", "Host (man): Look, I assured Kevin all our stunts were safe. And they were. Besides, he signed a waiver; I'm not guilty of anything.", "Catherine: When you saw that he wasn't moving, you just took off. That sounds like guilt to me.", "Nick: You scared him to death. He had a heart attack. So the signing of a waiver doesn't make it any less criminal.", "Catherine: When the jury sees that tape, you'll be going all the way ... to jail. Second-degree murder. Twenty-five to life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS POLICE DEPARTMENT -- FRONT -- DAY]", "(Conrad Ecklie gets out of his car. He turns the alarm on and heads over to the crime scene.)", "Conrad Ecklie: I hope this is a fire drill.", "(He walks under the crime scene tape toward the bench on the grass. Robbins is standing in front of the bench examining the body.)", "Robbins: Conrad. We found our body.", "(Sure enough. On the bench is the missing James Billmeyer wearing a party hat and a cigar stuck in his mouth.)", "(Ecklie looks at the body.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Looks more like he found us.", "(Robbins turns and looks at Ecklie.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS POLICE DEPARTMENT -- FRONT -- DAY]", "(Ecklie snaps a couple of photos of the body. He turns to Robbins.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Doc, I want you to process the body ASAP.", "Robbins: Yeah, Conrad, I'll get right on it.", "(David Phillips is standing and looking at the body sitting on the bench.)", "David Phillips: Ah, yes-- the guy we left on the bench.", "(David turns to leave. Robbins follows him.)", "Robbins: (scoffs) Right.", "(Ecklie reaches for an evidence bag. Behind him, Grissom walks by. He's dressed in a suit.)", "Grissom: Hello, Conrad.", "Conrad Ecklie: I thought you were in court.", "Grissom: We had a one-hour recess -- I'm on my way back now. And this must be Mr. Billmeyer. I'm so glad he's back.", "Conrad Ecklie: Very funny.", "Grissom: You might want to have Hodges analyze that cigar. Oh, and the print tech is free. He could, uh, spray the party hat with ninhydrin.", "Conrad Ecklie: I think I remember how to do my job, Gil, thank you.", "Grissom: I love it when you wear your gloves.", "(Grissom leaves.)", "(The body on the bench tilts to the right and slowly falls sideways on the bench.)", "(Ecklie looks at it and shakes his head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CAMPUS DORM - ZACK CAPOLA'S ROOM -- DAY]", "(Zack Capola talks with Sara and Greg.)", "Zack Capola: I swear, I don't know how that hole got there. And if you think that I had anything to do with Trip's death, you're wrong. I was in L.A. for four days. I had just gotten back, and I saw Susan banging on his door.", "(Quick flash to: [HALLWAY] Susan knocks on the door just as Zack walks down the hallway toward his room.)", "Susan: Trip, are you in there? Open up. If you can hear me, open the door. Please?", "Zack Capola: Hey, are you all right?", "Susan: Yeah, Trip missed a game. I thought something's wrong.", "(Zack drops his duffle bag on the floor and knocks on the door.)", "Zack Capola: Trip?", "(He takes out a pocket knife.)", "Zack Capola: Hey, man, we're coming in.", "(Zack pops the lock on t he door. The door opens.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Can anyone verify that you were in L.A.?", "Zack Capola: The whole dorm can verify it. I was visiting my boyfriend. It was his birthday. We went to the auto show.", "Greg: Does anyone else have access to your room?", "Zack Capola: No, I've got the only key, but like I said, it's easy enough to break in.", "(Sara notices the burn on Zack's finger.)", "Sara: What happened to your finger?", "Zack Capola: I'm not sure. I had just gotten back from my trip, and I saw something on the floor, so I picked it up. It kind of burned me or something.", "Sara: And that didn't seem weird to you?", "Zack Capola: I'm in college. A lot of things seem weird to me.", "(Sara smiles.)", "Sara: Okay. This thing ... that burned your finger, where is it now?", "Zack Capola: I tossed it.", "(Sara looks at Greg.)", "Greg: Excuse me.", "(Greg ducks under the crime scene tape and enters the room. He heads over to the trash bin and checks it.)", "Greg: I don't see anything but a couple pieces of balled up paper and a soda can. Nothing incendiary.", "Zack Capola: It was there. I don't know what to tell you, man.", "Sara: All right, Zack, we are not going to take you into custody, but we are going to need access to your room for the rest of the day.", "Zack Capola: Okay. I'm late for ancient history. Can I go?", "Sara: Sure. (Sara points to the officer standing in the hallway.) And this, uh, this nice officer ... he's gonna be your \"study buddy.\"", "Zack Capola: Thanks.", "(Zack leaves with the officer right behind him.)", "Greg: Well, what are you thinking?", "Sara: Name a chemical compound that can burn skin and can also disappear into thin air.", "Greg: The only thing I can think of is dry ice.", "Sara: And dry ice releases carbon dioxide as it sublimates.", "Greg: Yeah, but can you put enough dry ice in Zack's room to raise the amount of carbon dioxide in Trip's room to a lethal level?", "Sara: Is that a dare?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[THE DARE]", "(Sara, wearing a mask, opens the cooler and starts stacking the blocks of dry ice against the wall between Zack and Trip's rooms.)", "(In Trip's room, Greg is wearing a mask and holding the monitor as he checks the CO2 levels in the room.)", "(TOP VIEW DOWN: Sara continues to stack the dry ice against the wall.)", "(Camera pans over the separating wall into Trip's room as Greg monitors the CO2 levels. The monitor changes from 1.1 to 1.2.)", "Greg: Level's only 1.2. We need more dry ice.", "(Sara continues to stack the dry ice against the wall.)", "(The monitor changes from 4.9 to 5.0 to 5.1.)", "(Camera pans back into Zack's room where Sara continues to stack the dry ice.)", "(Back in Trip's room, the monitor is up from 7.9 to 8.0)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CAMPUS DORM - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara and Greg step out of the rooms.)", "Sara: It took thirty pounds of dry ice to reach the lethal level of saturation.", "Bill: On the floor, where the sleeping bag was.", "Sara: Carbon dioxide is one and half times heavier than air. You know, it's conceivable that if Trip and Paula had been sleeping in his bed, they might still be alive.", "Greg: I think I know why the bodies turned pink.", "Sara: Really?", "Greg: Dry ice is cold. The dry ice significantly lowered the temperature in both rooms, and the drastic decrease in temperature can turn a dead body pink. We see it all the time when we pull dead bodies from frozen rivers.", "Sara: (nods) Nice, Greg. You know, if Zachary is telling the truth, and he simply burned his finger on a remnant of dry ice, who put it there?", "Greg: I'll have P.D. run a credit card check on everyone in the dorm, see if anyone recently purchased a large quantity of dry ice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the body with Ecklie.)", "Robbins: Your decedent smells like a pine tree.", "Conrad Ecklie: Whoever stole him probably sprayed his body with disinfectant to cover up the stench. You got cause of death?", "Robbins: Yeah, he died of a heavy heart. Heart weighed 50 grams instead of 300. Hypertensive cardiovascular disease.", "Conrad Ecklie: So his heart stopped, he keeled over, hit his head on the pavement.", "(Quick flashback to: [PARKING GARAGE - DAY] James Billmeyer gets out of his car, collapses and hits his head on the concrete.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Do you think he was aware of his condition?", "Robbins: Oh, I know he was. I sent blood to tox ; he was taking atenolol. A heart that size, he was a walking time bomb.", "Conrad Ecklie: Anything else?", "Robbins: Yup, our guy chugged a beer, after he died. Lungs were full of foam.", "Conrad Ecklie: So somebody poured it down his throat?", "Robbins: Wouldn't be my postmortem beverage of choice, but to each his own. So did you get any prints off that cooler drawer?", "Conrad Ecklie: Three. Two were yours, one was David's. See you later.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(Neil hooks up the party hat in the fumer and shakes the spray can. He sprays the party hat. He closes the fume hood and waits.)", "(Time lapses and pink fingerprints appear on the party hat.)", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(Hodges takes a sample of the burned tobacco straight off the tip of the burning cigar. He puts the ashes in a tube and tests it.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(Conrad Ecklie walks into the lab.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Anything?", "Hodges: Just so you know, I moved all your trace evidence up to the top of my pile.", "Conrad Ecklie: Well, thank you. Why don't you quit blowing smoke and tell me about the cigar?", "Hodges: Huh. Low in nicotine, high in furfural. I compared it to other tobacco samples from the exemplar collection. It's consistent with the Perdomo Reserve brand. I took the liberty of calling a cigar society. They referred me to the Vegas distributor. Spoke to him directly. Perdomos are very high-end. (Neil walks into the lab.) He only made one sale this past month. It was to a guy in Seven Hills.", "(Neil scrunches his face at the smell in the lab.)", "Neil Jansen: Smells like my grandfather. Am I interrupting?", "Hodges: Actually, yeah. Conrad was about to pat me on the back.", "(Ecklie smiles.)", "Conrad Ecklie: What do you got for me, Neil?", "Neil Jansen: Lifted four clear prints from the party hat. They all came back to Preston Hayburn, from Henderson.", "(Hodges quickly looks down at his results.)", "Neil Jansen: He's a paramedic. Would've had access to the morgue.", "Conrad Ecklie: Good work, Neil. Good work.", "(Hodges holds out a sheet of paper to Ecklie.)", "Hodges: I have a number.", "Neil Jansen: Oh, me, too.", "(Neil hands Ecklie his own sheet. Ecklie looks at it. It reads:", "HAYBURN, PRESTON", "Re: 190021, 05309258.sjj0987 DATE: 2/2-", "RESTRICTED - EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION", "ATTN: LVPD 189929287873.0919_0199", "LVPD - NO CRIMINAL RECORD", "EMPLOYMENT AMBULANCE EMT", "1111 NEVADA ONLY RECORD", "C11/AD0/198828-91988288377_1290", "DOB: 7/19/69 s*x: M RAC/CAUC", "HGT: 5'10\" HAIR: B EYES: B", "6622 NELSON DR.", "HENDERSON, NV", "Conrad Ecklie: The woman he met on the plane said he was heading to party in Seven Hills. I'll start there and then I'll head to Henderson. Okay?", "Hodges: Yes.", "(Ecklie leaves the lab. Both Hodges and Neil are smiling.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - DAY]", "(Sara and Greg stand in front of a toilet that Greg procured for an experiment. The toilet is in a plexiglass protected area. Surrounding the toilet are stacks of sand bags.)", "Greg: I found this toilet behind my apartment complex. It's, uh, volunteered for an experiment.", "Sara: It's moving.", "Greg: I put dry ice in the bowl.", "Sara: So you're thinking that the killer might have put his excess dry ice in the dorm toilet.", "Greg: When the ice was flushed, it would've lodged in the drain trap. As the ice sublimated and gas was released, it would've built up, causing the toilet to explode.", "Sara: Good theory.", "(The toilet water starts to bubble.", "Sara: I spoke with Brass.", "(Greg motions for them to move further away from the toilet experiment.)", "Sara: Zack's alibi checks out. He was in L.A. all week.", "Greg: And, uh, P.D. checked credit card records. No one in that dorm bought dry ice on credit.", "(They step out of the experiment area. Greg closes the door. He puts his fingers over his ears.)", "Greg: There's only two retail outlets in twenty miles that sell it, and no one's purchased a large quantity of dry ice in the last few weeks.", "(The toilet water starts to bubble and shake. Sara and Greg turn to look at the toilet.)", "(The toilet explodes.)", "(Sara laughs.)", "(Greg removes his goggles.)", "Greg: Well, I think I explained the explode-a-potty.", "Sara: Greg, maybe the dry ice wasn't purchased. I mean, we are looking at a university. Science department would probably keep the stuff on hand. Science major would have access.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara and Greg interview Susan.)", "Susan: I was his R.A. The guy lived for basketball, beer and girls. Didn't want much to do with dorm activities.", "Greg: Have you ... seen this before?", "(Greg takes out Trip's s*x journal.)", "Susan: No.", "Greg: Trip kept record of his, uh, relationships with women. Your name is in here. Three times. On, uh, February 2nd, you hooked up for the first time. Looks like second base. On February 9th, you rounded third, and on February 18th, he got a grand slam.", "Susan: He wrote that down?", "(Greg sits down.)", "Susan: We had s*x, I admit it. No big deal. I didn't tell you guys because I'm not exactly proud of it, okay?", "Sara: Trip and Paula died from carbon dioxide gas. We already know that you have access to dry ice, and as a materials science grad student, you are familiar with the chemical properties.", "Susan: This is crazy.", "Sara: Last week, you checked out forty pounds of dry ice from the campus lab.", "Susan: My thesis is on metallurgy. I use dry ice to test the physical constrains of certain metals.", "Sara: I also spoke to your advisor, who told me that your experiments require two pounds of dry ice, at most.", "(Susan doesn't say anything.)", "Sara: He broke your heart. He led you on, he let you believe it was serious, and after you went all the way, you were history.", "(Quick flashback to: [TRIP'S ROOM] Susan is in the sleeping bag on the floor. Trip is getting dressed.)", "Trip Wilmont: Look, this has been a wild ride, but if I gave you the impression that I want a relationship, then, uh ...", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Susan: I was an idiot. I had been consulting my female advisees not to take that kind of crap.", "Greg: You knew Zack was in L.A., so you broke into his room during the day and drilled a hole in the wall.", "(Quick flashback to: [ZACK'S ROOM] The door opens. Susan enters. She pushes the bed away from the wall and takes out a drill.)", "(She drills a hole in the wall.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Greg: Later that night, you returned.", "(Quick flashback to: [ZACK'S ROOM] Susan opens Zack's door using a knife to open the lock. She pulls in a blue cooler and starts stacking the blocks of dry ice against the wall.)", "(When she's done, Susan leaves the room.)", "(In the next room, Trip and Paula are sleeping on the floor.)", "Greg: (V.O.) Trip and Paula were asleep, passed out from the alcohol. When the ice evaporated, the gas engulfed the room, killing them.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Susan: I didn't know Paula was there, and I never meant to kill Trip.", "Greg: So drilling the hole in the wall and leaving the ice behind was an accident?", "Susan: No, no, look. Trip's room is 16 feet by nine feet. I used exactly the right amount of ice just to make him sick. If he had been in the bed three feet above the ground and not on the floor ... I just wanted him to miss his basketball game. Trip only slept on the floor when he had girls over, and he never had s*x before a big game. He shouldn't have been on the floor.", "Sara: Your science was perfect; your instincts were not so good. And you miscalculated one huge factor: The s*x drive of a college jock.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SEVEN HILLS (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. JACKSON RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(The doorbell rings. Charlie Jackson walks down the stairs.)", "Charlie Jackson: Who is it?", "Det. Vartann: (through door) L.V.P.D.", "Charlie Jackson: Shoot.", "(Charlie answers the door. Det. Vartann and Conrad Ecklie are on his front porch.)", "Charlie Jackson: Can I help you?", "Det. Vartann: Are you Charlie Jackson?", "Charlie Jackson: Yeah.", "Det. Vartann: Do you know a James Billmeyer?", "Charlie Jackson: Yeah, we went to high school together.", "Det. Vartann: Are you aware that he passed away?", "Charlie Jackson: Yeah, yeah, it was a big blow; we were close.", "Conrad Ecklie: You mind if we come in?", "Charlie Jackson: Yeah, come in.", "(Ecklie and Det. Vartann step into the house.)", "(Ecklie looks around at the pocker table, the half-filled beer glasses, party hats and cigars on the table.)", "Conrad Ecklie: You, uh ... smoke Perdomo Reserve?", "(Ecklie uses the glove and opens the cigar box.)", "Charlie Jackson: Yeah, on special occasion. Why?", "(Ecklie smells a cigar. He turns and looks at Charlie Jackson.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Do you know a Preston Hayburn? Paramedic from Henderson.", "Charlie Jackson: Yeah, he, James and I were tight. We went to high school together. What's this about?", "Det. Vartann: Cut the act, Charlie. We know that Preston had access to the morgue. We believe he stole James Billmeyer's body, maybe brought it here. But what we don't know is why?", "Charlie Jackson: All right, James was dying. He had a bad heart, everybody knew it, so we flew him out here for one last bash, and Preston got called to the Tangiers and it was Jamie. The poor guy died in the parking lot.", "Conrad Ecklie: And then what? You decided to throw him a dead man's party?", "Charlie Jackson: (shrugs) Well, we already bought the booze.", "(Quick flashback to: [PARTY] The party is in full swing. Someone gives James Billmeyer a cigar, sticking it between his lips. They light the cigar and give James a drink of beer.)", "(Someone else snaps a digital photo of the gang together - complete with dead James Billmeyer in the center.)", "(The party continues. Someone sprays air freshener on James. James falls forward and hits the food on the table face first.)", "(The party continues.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Charlie Jackson: He was my best friend, you know?", "(Charlie sits down.)", "Det. Vartann: It's a class D felony to steal a corpse with the intent to sell or mutilate. I'm not really sure how to classify \"partying with the dead.\"", "Charlie Jackson: Look, I know how it looks, but if you knew Jamie ... it's what he would've wanted. And we did return him.", "Det. Vartann: You're still under arrest. Obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit theft. You're looking at one to four years, Charlie.", "(Charlie stands up and nods.)", "Charlie Jackson: He would have done it for me.", "(Ecklie and Vartann look at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Finished for the day, Robbins shuts his laptop closed. He gets up and starts to head out.)", "(He stops, turns around and goes back to the morgue cooler. He opens the cabinet door and looks inside to make sure the body is still there.)", "(Satisfied, Robbins shuts the door.)", "(Inside the cabinet, the camera pans down to the body's toe tag:", "CLARK-COUNTY", "CORONER'S OFFICE", "NAME: BILLMEYERS, JAMES", "DATE: 02/25/05", "CASE NO. 05-3796", "427 CAISNO RD.", "ROBBINS", "ECKLIE", "(Camera holds for a beat, then ..." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "The team tackles three separate cases: Grissom and Nick investigate the case of a murdered couple found in bed in a suspicious trailer explosion; Catherine and Warrick look into the death of a stripper discovered dead in the worst part of town; and Greg and Sara try to find the killer of two bodies found decomposed after spending five days in the trunk of a car." ]
[ "FLASH IN.", "[VARIOUS EXT. LAST VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. TRAILER PARK - NIGHT]", "(A trailer in the trailer park is on fire. There are a series of explosions within the fire.)", "(A helicopter flies overhead.)", "Helicopter Pilot: (over radio) Control, this is air one. I'm at the trailer park 402. There's a large gas main construction fire. (audio fades out, continues in cc) The scene is totally involved. Dispatch additional fire units and paramedics. Over.", "FLASH TO:", "(The firefighters are there spraying water on the blaze. The helicopter flies overhead.)", "(CC) WOMAN: We need your help! TIME CUT TO:", "[EXT. TRAILER PARK - NIGHT]", "(The fire is out. The CSIs arrive as the officers are putting up the crime scene tape. They stop just outside the tape and look at the damage.)", "Catherine: Warrick, why don't you and I take the perimeter and work our way in.", "Warrick: All right. (motions to Greg) Greg, you're with us.", "Greg: I'll start the sketch.", "(They all duck under the tape and head toward the burned trailer. Wilcox walks past them.)", "Wilcox: How you doing, Nick?", "Nick: (smiling) Above ground, Wilcox.", "(Sara and Nick follow Grissom toward the trailer.)", "Sara: Would you like inside or out?", "Nick: I'll take in.", "(They head toward Brass, who is inside the trailer.)", "Brass: We got two victims. We think the girl is Selena March. She owns the trailer.", "(They shine their flashlights down on the blonde-haired woman on the ground near Brass. There's a second body near her.)", "Grissom: What about the male?", "Brass: Nothing yet.", "Nick: This is a piece of the roof right here -- fiberglass and particle board. These things weren't built to last.", "Grissom: They were built to burn.", "Nick: This place is totaled. The bed's collapsed.", "Officer Metcalf: My money's on meth lab.", "Sara: You know, Metcalf, just because somebody lives in a trailer park, doesn't mean they're a meth cook.", "Officer Metcalf: You guys are a real pain in the ass, you know that?", "(Grissom heads out.)", "Grissom: Get used to it, pal.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. TRAILER PARK - NIGHT]", "(Brass is talking with the neighbors gathered outside.)", "Brass: I'm just having a little trouble understanding this because you all live so close together. You mean none of you saw the explosion?", "(Randy Swansinger steps forward.)", "Randy Swansinger: Uh, I heard it.", "Brass: Well, good.", "Randy Swansinger: When I came out about five minutes later, the whole place was burnin' up.", "Brass: Where do you live?", "Randy Swansinger: (points) Right over there.", "(Brass turns to look.)", "Brass: Uh-huh. (He turns back to look at the man.) All right, let me get this straight -- you heard a blast like that coming from your neighbor's and it took you five minutes to poke your head out and see what was going on?", "Randy Swansinger: I was watching TV.", "(A woman standing next to him interrupts.)", "Nosy Lady: I'm sure he was drinking.", "(Randy Swansinger sighs and turns to leave. Brass stops him.)", "Brass: No, hang around, hang around. Hey, hang around.", "Woman: Did you find a man in Selena's trailer?", "Brass: Now why would you ask that? Was Selena a hooker?", "Woman: I'm sure I don't know. But one thing I do know, that's not Selena's car.", "(She looks pointedly at the car parked outside the trailer.)", "[INT. TRAILER PARK - TRAILER -- NIGHT]", "(Sara is looking at some blue paint on the gas main in the trailer.)", "(Outside, Catherine and Warrick are crouched down looking at something. Catherine's phone rings.)", "Catherine: Yeah?", "Grissom: (over phone) Catherine, we have a 4-19 off Industrial. Would you like to handle it?", "Catherine: (to phone) So you get the team back together only to break us apart again. What kind of a perverse game are you playing here, Gil?", "Grissom: (from phone) I'm not a pervert.", "Catherine: (to phone) Yeah, I'll cover it. I'm taking Warrick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. INDUSTRIAL - STRIP CLUB - NIGHT]", "(Warrick and Catherine walk down the sidewalk toward the taped-off area.)", "(An officer is already there. They head toward the scene.)", "Officer DA Michaels: Oh, hey, guys. Good to see you. Hey, would you tell Nick I hope there's no hard feelings about that whole, you know, abduction thing. He hasn't returned my calls.", "Warrick: He's been busy.", "Vartann: Squad car found her about a half hour ago -- no ID, but there's a lot of homeless in this area.", "(Warrick crouches down and starts snapping photos of the victim. Catherine remains standing nearby, shining her flashlight on the victim.)", "Vartann: Looks like somebody took something to her head.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Vartann: Didn't find a weapon, but my guys are still looking.", "(The woman is wearing a shopping bag with the following printed on top in red:", "BONANZA", "WORLD'S LARGEST GIFT SHOP Sahara & the Strip Las Vegas, Nevada", "Catherine: A shopping bag for a shirt, rubber boots and a g-string. Homeless stripper?", "Warrick: Well, this is g-string row, isn't it?", "(Warrick puts a hand to his forehead. Catherine notices the ring on his finger.)", "Catherine: Why is there a ring on your ring finger?", "Warrick: Because I'm married.", "Catherine: What?", "(Warrick glances at Catherine and nods his head.)", "Vartann: (joking) Congratulations. How much did you pay her?", "(Vartann steps forward and shakes Warrick's hand. Warrick chuckles as he stands.)", "Vartann: No, seriously, good luck with that, man. I didn't even know you had a girlfriend.", "Warrick: Oh, yeah, it's a girl I've been dating a couple months--Tina.", "Catherine: How long have you been married?", "Warrick: Since yesterday. Did this, uh, drive-through wedding at Circus Circus Way, you know. Fun, yeah, we, uh ... fun time.", "(Vartann smiles as Warrick walks a little. David joins them.)", "David Phillips: Hey. Sorry I'm late. Busy night.", "(David puts his kit down near the body and kneels next to Warrick near the body.)", "Warrick: We need a TOD, David.", "David Phillips: Rigor's barely set, so not long--under four hours.", "Catherine: About as long as Warrick's been married.", "David Phillips: You're married? Congratulations.", "Warrick: Thanks. Do you think she was dumped?", "David Phillips: Lividity is consistent with the position of the body. So it's highly unlikely.", "Vartann: All right. I'll check out the strip clubs.", "Warrick: I'll go with you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAWN]", "[INT. TRAILER - DAWN]", "(It's morning. Nick steps out from one of the rooms into the living room. He's holding a hot plate and cord in his hand. He walks over to Grissom.)", "Nick: Well, there doesn't seem to be any drug-manufacturing supplies, but plenty of ignition sources: a hot plate, fondue pot, gas stove, candles. One leaky pipe's all it takes.", "(Grissom looks around. He doesn't say anything.)", "Nick: Which I haven't found yet.", "(Nearby, Sara examines a burned item.)", "Grissom: Yeah, but even if you had, that would only explain the explosion in here, not the ruptured gas main outside.", "(Sara walks over to Grissom and Nick.)", "Sara: Think I can help you with that. I found this gas meter over by the main. Trailer blows, this thing becomes a missile.", "(Quick flash of: The gas main explodes, sending the gas meter flying toward the trailer. It hits the pipes, causing a second explosion.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Sara: One explosion leads to another.", "Grissom: Yeah, but where did it all start?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Greg reports to Grissom as they walk through the hallway.)", "Greg: Brass ran the plates on that Acura near the trailer. It's registered to a Robert Durgee.", "Grissom: You get his photo from the DMV?", "Greg: Confirmed as the vic -- Henderson address, mortgage broker. Wife's name was on the insurance card.", "Grissom: She coming in?", "Greg: She wasn't home. Brass is tracking her down.", "(Greg leaves. Judy Tremont, the receptionist, stops Grissom.)", "Judy Tremont: Excuse me, Mr. Grissom ... (Grissom walks over to her. She has a plastic bag in front of her.) An officer brought this in off a call from Flora Nevada Nursery. They thought it might have something to do with the Walter Gordon case.", "(Grissom takes the bag and sees that there's a burned cassette tape inside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins reports his findings to Nick and Grissom.)", "Robbins: Female's lungs were filled with soot. COD is smoke inhalation.", "Nick: Okay, that means the natural gas didn't suffocate her. Explosion probably knocked her out before the fire even started.", "Robbins: Yeah, male didn't even last that long. His lungs were clean, but he suffered fatal crushing injuries to his abdomen.", "Grissom: The pieces of debris that were on this guy's body were not heavy. But the bed he was lying in collapsed.", "Nick: Explosion could've done that.", "(Grissom looks closer at the bruises on the body.)", "Grissom: Let's photo-enhance these bruises.", "(Grissom attaches the lens to the camera mounted on a stand over the body while Nick sets up the computer. He goes to help Grissom by adjusting the light.)", "(They snap a couple of photos. Nick adjusts the image on the monitor.)", "Nick: Yeah, yeah, the UV light's definitely bringing out the bruises underneath the skin.", "(He enhances and sharpens the image. It becomes clear what it looks like.)", "Nick: That looks like a tire mark.", "Grissom: Maybe our gas explosion just turned into a hit-and-run.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[MONITOR: TIRE MARKS]", "(The tire image taken from the body split-screens on the monitor next to a tire.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Nick stands at the computer trying to find a match to the treadmark.)", "(He finds the match and pulls up the tire information:", "Brand: MICHELIN", "TYPE: 195/70/R14", "PATTERN: BLOCK", "GROOVE: 5", "VEHICLE MODELS CONSISTENT WITH MICHELIN 195/70/R14", "VEHICLE MODEL 1: TOYOTA CAMRY, '96-99", "VEHICLE MODEL 2: HYUNDAI SONATA, '96-'98", "VEHICLE MODEL 3: PONTIAC SUNFIRE SE '96-2000", "VEHICLE MODEL 4: FORD RANGER '96", "(Nick checks the information against the State of Nevada Insurance Identification Card. It reads:", "COMPANY NUMBER: 23509", "COMPANY: American Peak Ins. Co.", "POLICY NUMBER: --7399581-03", "EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/01/2005", "EXPIRATION DATE: 05/30/2005", "VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 1N6SD1155RC400678", "12688 OWENMOUTH AVE.", "LAS VEGAS NV 89101", "ROBERT DURGEE", "AMBER DURGEE", "8824 SANDY CREEK RD.", "LAS VEGAS NV 83123", "(He enters a Search Request for:", "AMBER DURGEE", "(The results show:", "MAKE: FORD", "MODEL: RANGER", "YEAR: 1996", "LICENSE PLATE: 219 RSB", "VIN#: 7Q10T19Q27R211657", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews Amber Durgee.)", "Amber Durgee: Well, Robert said that he was going to be working late. So I went to midnight bingo.", "Brass: Alone?", "Amber Durgee: Excuse me?", "Brass: Alone?", "Amber Durgee: I was ... with a friend.", "Brass: What was your friend's name?", "Amber Durgee: Why?", "(Brass offers her a tissue. She takes one.)", "Brass: Why not?", "Amber Durgee: He's married.", "Brass: Looks like the only person in this thing who isn't married is the dead girl in the trailer with your husband.", "(Amber looks at Brass, surprised to hear this.)", "Brass: You didn't know he was having an affair?", "Amber Durgee: (shakes her head) No, I had no idea.", "Brass: You have a '96 blue Ford Ranger. We're going to need to take a look at it.", "Amber Durgee: But my truck is in New Mexico. My brother borrowed it this morning, he, uh ...", "Brass: A wild guess: You have no idea how to reach him.", "Amber Durgee: Not until he gets back. Why do you need to see my truck?", "Brass: Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, you follow your husband to a trailer park. You see him slumming with his little trailer bunny. You waited for him to come out ...", "(Quick flash to: [TRAILER PARK - NIGHT] The trailer door opens and Robert Durgee steps out of the trailer. Amber sits inside her car watching him. He lights his cigarette. Suddenly, carlights glare and the tires screech as the car surges toward him. He turns to look.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Brass: When she pulls the body back in, before she can call for help, you torch the place. Kaboom.", "(Quick flash of: The trailer explodes. End of flash.)", "Brass: The end.", "Amber Durgee: That is the craziest thing I've ever heard.", "(Brass chuckles.)", "Brass: Wouldn't even make my top ten.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Brass and Grissom walk through the hallway.)", "Brass: So that's when the bereaved Mrs. Durgee lawyered up. Broadcast out on her truck, and the warrant's ready to go.", "(They stop walking. Grissom looks up and sees Sofia Curtis handing a suspect off to an officer.)", "Suspect: I didn't do it.", "Sofia Curtis: (to the officer) I don't care what he says. Put him in the tank and see if he wises up. Sure as hell can't get any dumber.", "Grissom: (calls out) Detective Curtis.", "(Sofia walks over to Grissom and Brass.)", "Sofia Curtis: Grissom.", "Grissom: I thought you were supposed to be arresting people in Boulder City.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, a spot opened up here and ... I transferred in today.", "Brass: Surprise.", "(Brass turns and leaves. Sofia and Grissom smile at each other.)", "Grissom: Well, your mother would be proud.", "Sofia Curtis: My mother made captain. You know, I'd just qualified for my shield when the sheriff pulled my papers and \"volunteered\" me to CSI. I think my mom hated that more than I did.", "Grissom: You won't miss the lab, will you?", "Sofia Curtis: (shrugs) There's some things I'll miss. I'll see you around.", "(Grissom watches her leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Catherine removes something from the victim's head cut. She looks at it. Camera zooms in for a close-up.)", "(Catherine puts the piece in a container and sets it aside. An assistant stands on the other side of the table. Catherine looks at the victim's nails. She cuts the plastic bag off the body and removes it.)", "(She snaps photos of the body.)", "(Catherine removes the rubber boots from the victim's feet. She finds lettering on the side of the boots: S & S. She also finds initials on the back: EV.)", "(She looks at the woman on the table.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine is on the computer looking up a website: City of Las Vegas. The page is about \"Streets and Sanitation Maintenance\".)", "(More information pops up.)", "(Warrick walks into the office.)", "Warrick: So, Vartann and I struck out on g-string row.", "Catherine: You poor guys.", "(He chuckles.)", "Warrick: Yeah, right. You know what I mean. No one recognized the victim's picture. Listen, Cath, about this whole marriage thing ...", "Catherine: Yeah, that. Yeah, that kind of threw me for a loop. Tina, right?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Catherine: She must be a very special woman. I look forward to meeting her.", "Warrick: Yes, she is ...", "(Catherine passes the report toward Warrick. She turns back to her monitor.)", "Catherine: (interrupts) The vic's blood-alcohol level was .16 and COD was blunt-force trauma.", "(Resigned, Warrick walks over to look at the report.)", "Warrick: Smashed and then smashed, huh?", "Catherine: Mm-hmm.", "Warrick: Any luck on the, uh ... victim's prints?", "Catherine: No work card; no record. But the rubber boots were standard issue: Streets and Sanitation.", "(She indicates the photo on the table. Warrick looks at it. It's of the initials.)", "Warrick: \"E.V.\"?", "Catherine: Yeah, there's three S&S workers with those initials and ...", "(The information appears on the monitor:", "NAME: VONNER, EDDIE", "ADDRESS: 288 TYLER RD.", "HENDERSON, NV 89109", "Catherine: ... it looks like an Eddie Vonner was on duty last night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LOT -- DAY]", "(Det. Vartann and Catherine talk with Eddie Vonner as he stands in front of his truck #3143.)", "Eddie Vonner: Why would you want to see my boots?", "Vartann: You tell us.", "Eddie Vonner: Look, I know it's against the regs to pick up anything other than trash, but, I mean, come on.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] The woman wearing a plastic bag runs along the sidewalk in her bare feet. Eddie gives her his boots.)", "Eddie Vonner: (V.O.) She was barefoot; she was stepping on glass and crap, so, yeah, I gave her my boots.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Eddie Vonner: And she practically begged, so, I gave her a lift.", "Vartann: So, you're just a good Samaritan.", "Eddie Vonner: Oh, come on, it was pretty obvious she didn't belong there.", "Catherine: Where?", "Eddie Vonner: Jefferson and K? You ever see the citizens that hang out in that neighborhood?", "Catherine: When I see them, they're usually dead.", "Eddie Vonner: Well, there you go. I mean, come on, she ... I could tell, despite the ... well, the get-up, she was hot. And, I mean, I'm not talking like garbage truck hot. I mean, she was like ... like limo hot.", "(He motions toward Catherine. She rolls her eyes.)", "Vartann: Listen, did she tell you her name, or, uh, how she ended up there, anything?", "Eddie Vonner: She looked kind of embarrassed, so I didn't push it. So, I just ... I dropped her off down at, uh, Western and Industrial. Never left my route. Why, did she, uh ... ? She say anything about me?", "Catherine: She died a few blocks from where you dropped her off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TRAILER PARK -- DAY]", "(Nick jumps out of the trailer while Sara snaps photos of the various items spread out on a blue tarp.)", "Sara: If the wife torched the trailer and caused the explosion, you would expect to see small debris embedded all over the inside of these walls. There's nothing here.", "(She snaps more photos. Nick finds something else.)", "Nick: Hey, hey ... Sara. Check this out. This is a piece of the exterior wall facing the road.", "Sara: With a tire mark on it?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Sara: There is blue paint on this gas main. Didn't mean anything at the time. Amber has a blue Ford Ranger, right?", "Nick: Uh-huh.", "Sara: What if Amber follows her husband to the trailer, sees him go inside, totally freaks out. Why wait for him to come out?", "(Quick flashes of: [INSIDE TRAILER] Robert and Selena are in bed.)", "(Outside the trailer, Amber sits behind the wheel, steps on the gas and rams the Ford Ranger into the trailer wall. The truck runs clear over the bed and its occupants. Glass sprays all over the bedroom.)", "(End of flash. Resume to paresent.)", "Nick: Yeah. Yeah, just come straight through. Run him over in bed with another chick.", "Sara: Trailer collapses, fire breaks out, sweeps through, and destroys practically all evidence of a collision.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Sara: It's too bad we don't have her truck. We could match this to her tires.", "Nick: Well, '96 f Ford Ranger, stock paint. (Nick picks up the pipe with the blue paint on it.) Maybe I can match the transfer to this.", "(Sara looks around.)", "Sara: I'm starving. There's a unit going out for sandwiches. Would you like me to get you something?", "Nick: No, no, you go ahead. I'm gonna ... (He looks around, his mind preoccupied.) I'm gonna work on this.", "(Sara leaves. Nick carries the pipe and wall over to the back of his car where they have an additional table set up. He puts the wall down and concentrates on the pipe.)", "(He puts the pipe down on the table along with a blank evidence tag. Unknown to him, a large cockroach is on his shirt and climbing up his arm.)", "(Nick glances down at the roach and sees it. For a moment, he's startled and bats at the roach to get it off him.)", "(Nick looks around.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. BONANZA - NIGHT]", "(Vartann meets up with Warrick.)", "Vartann: According to the garbage man, she ran up from this direction.", "Warrick: Yeah?", "Vartann: Must be where she got the bag.", "Warrick: Hmm.", "(They both walk the sidewalk.)", "Vartann: Victim wasn't carrying a cell phone. She's in the wrong part of town in her underwear, scared out of her head. She's gonna call her man, her family, someone.", "Warrick: And she didn't have a quarter, so she called 911. I'll print the phones.", "Vartann: I'll dump the call records.", "(Warrick looks around as Vartann dials.)", "Warrick: Let's get the traffic cameras, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Hodges reports his findings to Grissom and Nick.)", "Hodges: The, uh, treadmark on your trailer wall is consistent with Michelin 195/70/r14s.", "Grissom: What about the blue paint scrapings we found on the gas main?", "Hodges: You got a real thing for blue paint. You know that? But, uh, this isn't from a Ford Ranger, or any Ford for that matter. It's a GMC paint.", "(He shows Grissom the report with the following:", "BLUE COLORED PAINT SCRAPINGS RECOVERED", "FROM EVIDENCE ITEM #7166 IS CONSISTENT", "WITH GMC PRODUCTS )", "Nick: Amber Durgee was cheating on her husband, maybe even wanted him dead, but her truck didn't have anything to do with it.", "Grissom: Right tires, wrong vehicle.", "Nick: (nods) Mm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. TRAILER PARK -- DAY]", "(Grissom is snapping photos of the treadmarks on the ground. He looks around. He walks around the trailer over to the other side and finds two large holes in the ground. He picks up a piece of broken glass with 32V??H on it.)", "(Nick walks over to him.)", "Nick: Found something?", "Grissom: Part of a headlamp, maybe.", "Nick: Well, I found some blue paint transfer on that chain-link fence. As far as tracks go, this place is a parking lot, man. They're everywhere.", "Grissom: Except between the gas main and the trailer.", "Nick: So, the trailer wasn't rammed?", "Grissom: I think we're looking at the, uh, vehicular equivalent of a through-and-through. Car comes down the road.", "(Quick flash of: [NIGHT] A car coming down the road skids to the side and grazes the wire fence.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Gas main acts as a ramp.", "(The car runs up the gas ramp and goes completely through the trailer. The trailer explodes.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Flying car. (nods) That's what we're gonna go with?", "(Grissom turns and looks at Nick just as Nick looks away.", "Nick: mm-hmm. Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Nick and Brass walk through the hallway.)", "Nick: The partial OEM number on the headlamp piece belongs to a '97 Pontiac Sunfire.", "Brass: Boy, that was quick.", "Nick: Well, GMC paint -- tire model wasn't that tough.", "Brass: I'll put out another broadcast.", "Nick: All right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(Sara snaps a photo of the blue Pontiac with a couple of parking tickets on the windshield.)", "(Grissom and Sofia kneel behind the car looking at the closed trunk.)", "Sofia Curtis: Your broadcast was for a blue Pontiac. Patrol figured this was worth a look.", "Grissom: How bad does a smell have to get before Parking Control calls Homicide?", "(They're looking at the decomp goo dripping from the bottom of the trunk.)", "Sara: No way this car was at the trailer park. Think we've got a new case. First citation was issued five days ago. Car's probably been here at least six.", "(Sofia pops the trunk.)", "Sofia Curtis: Six days in the summer heat.", "(Inside are the soupy remains of a dead body, cloth and bones ... and the sounds of flies buzzing around the mess.)", "Grissom: (exhales) And a trunk becomes a crockpot.", "Sara: Looks like a male and a female.", "(Grissom notes one of the skulls.)", "Grissom: That could be an entry wound in her skull.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, if she was shot in there, there might be bullets and casing. I say we process the car in place. Let's get rolling.", "Sara: Area is uncontrolled. Evidence can be contaminated or lost. We need to get this back to the lab.", "Grissom: Car condom.", "(They shut the trunk door.)", "[VARIOUS SHOTS]", "(Sara places a sticker on the back left door that reads: DO NOT OPEN, POLICE.)", "(She and Grissom wrap the car's trunk completely in rolls of thin plastic.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Archie removes the cassette tape from the bag and puts it in the player. He hits play and listens to the tape on his earphones.)", "Walter Gordon: (from tape) Hi, CSI guy. You're wondering why you're here? Because you followed the evidence.", "(Warrick walks into the lab", "Warrick: Archie?", "(Archie doesn't move. Warrick nudges Archie's chair, startling him. Archie removes the earphones.)", "Warrick: Archie? Do you have anything on pay phone dump?", "Archie Johnson: Oh. Yeah.", "(Archie turns the tape off, stands and moves over to the video equipment.)", "Archie Johnson: The 911 call about five minutes before your garbage man picked up the vic. Then I matched time codes with the video from the traffic cam. Synched up the audio.", "(He hits play and shows Warrick both the audio and video of what happened on the street. Time code starts at 3:17.)", "(The girl is on the phone in nothing but her underwear.)", "Operator: (from video) 911. What is your emergency?", "Woman 1 (victim): ... pick me up.", "Warrick: Whoa!", "Operator: (from video) Ma'am, just calm down.", "Warrick: That's our girl.", "Operator: (from video) Will you tell me your location?", "Woman 1 (victim): (hysterical) No. I don't know where I am, okay?!", "Operator: (from video) If you'll just calm down and tell me where you are.", "Woman 1 (victim): (from video) I don't know where I am. I'm just ...", "(A second woman walks up to her, grabs the phone and hangs up.)", "Woman 2: (from video) Yo, ho, get off my phone ... Woman 1 (victim): (from video) Please, please ...", "Archie Johnson: Someone's getting territorial.", "Warrick: I'll put Vartann on it.", "Woman 2: (from video) This is my phone. Woman 1 (victim): (from video) Okay, fine. You can have this phone!", "(The second woman chases the first woman out of camera frame. The first woman leaves.", "Warrick: Vic loses her shoes. Explains the boots. Let see where she came from. Rewind it a little bit, would you?", "Archie Johnson: Yeah.", "(Archie rewinds the tape and shows the victim coming out of a large vehicle.)", "Warrick: Oh. Stop. Hold it. That looks like an airport shuttle. There's a logo on this side.", "Archie Johnson: Yeah. I can enhance that.", "(He enhances the logo and sees:", "EXCLUSIVE", "SEDAN SERVICE )", "Archie Johnson: That's a limo?", "Warrick: This is Vegas. It's a strip bar on wheels.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. EXCLUSIVE (SEDAN SERVICE) -- DAY]", "(Warrick is going through the limo while Vartann and Catherine interview the limo driver.)", "Limo Driver: I don't even pay attention to the talent. I just drive down Industrial Boulevard, from strip club to strip club, picking 'em up. It's like bus stops. Before you know it, we're full, the bus is on fire ...", "(Quick flash of: Inside the limo, the girls are dancing to the music. End of flash.)", "Limo Driver: We call it the \"champagne ride.\"", "Vartann: Oh, yeah?", "Limo Driver: It's nice.", "Vartann: So what do the girls get paid for this?", "Limo Driver: The girls, they make uh ... at least twice as much as they do in the clubs, so ...", "Catherine: Depending on what else they ride.", "Limo Driver: Oh ...", "(Inside the limo, Warrick finds a cell phone. He checks the calls and finds them all made by \"GISELLE\". He finds a small wallet and takes out a Nevada driver's license for:", "HARRIS, BROOKE", "91334 RANCHO DRIVE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89123", "EXPIRES: 02-17-2006", "s*x: F", "HEIGHT: 5'6\"", "WEIGHT: 105", "EYES: BLU", "HAIR: BRN", "(Outside, Catherine and Vartann continue to question the limo driver.)", "Catherine: It's a pretty sweet deal for the guys. Hot chicks getting trashed with no security and nowhere to go.", "(Warrick steps out from the limo and joins them.)", "Catherine: And what happens when the girls want to get off?", "Limo Driver: Usually, it's the guys that are getting off.", "Warrick: I found something in there besides body fluids. Belongs to the victim, Brooke Harris. You dropped that girl off in a war zone, man.", "Limo Driver: When the guy paying the tab says he wants to stop, I just stop.", "(Quick flash of: Inside the limo, the party continues. A man sitting down grabs Brooke Harris, trying to get her to sit on his lap. She pushes him away.)", "PAYING CUSTOMER: Come on ...", "Brooke Harris: You know, you've got to sit down and ...", "PAYING CUSTOMER: Come on ...", "Brooke Harris: Stop it! Back off, jerk!", "PAYING CUSTOMER: Stop the bus! Get her off the bus!", "Brooke Harris: No, I don't want ... I don't want to get ...", "(End of flash.)", "Limo Driver: Look, strippers are tough chicks, okay? I figured she'd find a way home, one way or another.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. GISELLS (GYM) - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Catherine talks with Vartann as they walk through the hallway.)", "Catherine: Brooke Harris was getting calls from a gym?", "Vartann: Well, the \"Giselle\" number went straight to voice mail. The voice mail said to contact her here.", "(They turn and watch the exercise class through the window.)", "Catherine: And what's the word on the husband?", "Vartann: Huh?", "Catherine: The husband.", "Vartann: Yeah ... no, according to his office, he's away in Laughlin on business. We're still trying to get in touch with him.", "(Inside the exercise room, the women are dancing around poles.)", "Instructor: ... swing those legs up and around. Yeah, like a waterfall ... you got it. That's it!", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Catherine and Vartann talk with Giselle.)", "Giselle: So I called Brooke a few times. So what? She was one of my students.", "Vartann: You actually teach this?", "Giselle: Strippers have the best bodies in town. If you want the body, this is how you get it. Trust me, I've been doing this since before I had my driver's license.", "Catherine: Well, workout is one thing. What is a housewife from Centennial Park doing on a stripper bus with pros?", "Giselle: She wanted it.", "Vartann: Come on ...", "Giselle: No, really. She loved the attention. Loved the fantasy. She wanted to try it for real. See how she stacked up against some real talent.", "Catherine: And you let her.", "Giselle: Do I look like her mother?", "Catherine: You were teaching her a lesson.", "Giselle: If I'd wanted to do that, I would've sent her to Stripperama, fed her to the wolves.", "Catherine: And drunk CEOs aren't wolves? They're worse. You know that. That's why you kept calling her. So you could hear all about it, right?", "Giselle: I was just calling to see how things went.", "Vartann: Oh, really?", "Giselle: It's starting to sound like I need a lawyer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. TRAILER PARK -- DAY]", "(Brass, Nick, Grissom and an officer head for the house.)", "Brass: So I pulled all the ROs from all the '97 blue Sunfires in Nevada; one name and address just jumped out ...", "(They turn into the front walk.)", "Brass: (shouts) Randy Swansiger. Las Vegas police! Come on out, Randy.", "(Nick heads over to the car covered with blue plastic and uncovers it. Brass knocks on the front door.)", "Brass: Walk out slowly, Randy.", "Nick: Michelin tires.", "Grissom: Blue car. Broken headlamp.", "Randy Swansinger: Hey, how's it goin'?", "Brass: I'm Detective Jim Brass. Remember me?", "Randy Swansinger: Hey, hey, hey, hey ... whoa, whoa ... what are you guys doing?", "Brass: You got a couple of DWIs on your record. What have you got to say for yourself, Randy?", "Randy Swansinger: I was coming home ... been working late ... I guess I fell asleep at the wheel ...", "(Quick flash of: [NIGHT] The car grazes the wire fence, hits the gas main pipes like a ramp and bullets through the trailer. The trailer explodes. End of flash.)", "Randy Swansinger: Next thing I know ... crash-boom-bang! The car still worked, so ...", "(Randy runs. Brass and the others don't follow. They watch as Randy runs to the end of the road, runs into the fence, trips and falls to the ground.)", "(Grissom turns and looks at Nick, who shakes his head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Greg has his hand in the soupy mess in the trunk while Sara sits near by, watching.)", "Sara: Drain plug's probably under the carpet.", "Greg: I think I found it.", "(Greg pulls the plug back. The soupy goop splashes on his face. He groans.)", "Greg: Ahh ...", "Sara: (shrugs) Technically, that makes you a cannibal.", "(Sara hand Greg a cloth to wipe his face.)", "Sara: Grissom would be proud.", "Greg: Grissom would've tasted it on purpose.", "(Sara kneels to check under the car. The soupy goo is draining through the bottom of the trunk.)", "Sara: It's working.", "[VARIOUS CUTS]", "(Sara and Greg watch as the soupy goo drains out of the trunk and into plastic canisters with large strainers over it.)", "(Sara checks inside the car.)", "(She opens a pink box from Gooeybunz and finds the remains of partially eaten buns inside.)", "(She cuts through the DO NOT OPEN sticker on the back door.)", "(Greg sifts through the remains in the strainers. He finds something, washes it off and puts it in a second, smaller container on the side to drain.)", "(Sara snaps photos of the GM VIN number: 1G2NE54N1PM630014.)", "(Sara takes a sample of some red goo on the carpet. She reaches in and picks up a cheeseburger wrapper on the floor. Under it, she finds a whole gooey bun. She picks it up and looks at it.)", "(She dusts the windshield and pulls some prints.)", "(Greg continues to sift and separate the items in the sieves when Sara walks up to him.)", "Sara: That makes 34 prints. Jacqui's going to love me.", "(She watches him.)", "Sara: You got something?", "Greg: I think so ... bullet fragment. Copper-jacketed. Rules out a .22.", "Sara: See, it was worth it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges walks into the lab to report to Warrick and Catherine.)", "David Hodges: You better get ready for this because this is going to blow you away. The rust-colored material you found on the victim's head wound ... was rust. Plain old ferric oxide, found on nearly every iron object on the planet earth. Case breaker? No? As they say, \"garbage in, garbage out.\"", "(Hodges leaves.)", "Catherine: Um ... the champagne ride picks up strippers near the clubs, but not actually at the clubs.", "Warrick: Right. The owners don't like that bus coming anywhere near the clubs because they don't make any money off them.", "Catherine: Well, look, Brooke Harris wasn't planning to die that night. She had to have parked her car somewhere.", "Warrick: Well, there's a secured parking lot not too far from where the garbage man dropped her off.", "(Catherine points to the two spots on the map.)", "Catherine: So, if she parked her car here ... why did she go here?", "(Warrick's quiet for a moment.)", "Warrick: Hey, Catherine ...", "Catherine: Yes?", "Warrick: Can we talk? (He shows her the ring.) About this?", "Catherine: Sure.", "Warrick: You know, what happened to Nick ... it just got me thinking. Life is so short, you know? It's almost ... it's almost shorter than we want to ever believe.", "Catherine: Live for the day.", "Warrick: Exactly. So, I, uh ... I've been heading to ask this young lady I've been seeing--Tina--to marry me.", "Catherine: You know that I'm happy for you.", "Warrick: Yeah?", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Warrick: But it also feels like you're not so happy for me.", "Catherine: Warrick ... you know, the thing that makes a fantasy great is the possibility that it might come true. And when you lose that possibility ... it just kind of sucks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB -- DAY]", "(Bobby Dawson reports his findings to Greg.)", "Bobby Dawson: Okay, Mr. Greg, your most likely match is a .44 round recovered from a drug-related shoot-out in Mesquite five days ago. Case is still open.", "Greg: That's roughly two days after the bodies ended up in the trunk. Maybe our vics were the beginning of a little crime spree. Thanks.", "(Greg leaves the lab, heading in one direction. Coming down the hallway from the other direction are Sofia and Sara.)", "Sofia Curtis: I ran the Grand Am's VIN. Last RO was a tow yard over by Nellis. Vehicle's most likely an impound, sold under the table to some scammer who faked his tags.", "Sara: You're not going to get far in that direction.", "Sofia Curtis: I know. What about prints?", "(Sara hands the file to Sofia.)", "Sara: 13 different IDs. Some off work cards, some off felonies ranging from assault, B&E, cocaine trafficking.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, even if I do manage to track them all down, there's no guarantee any of these were involved with the vics.", "Sara: Well, they didn't put themselves in the trunk, and unless they were shot right there at the curb, somebody drove the car there. You're the detective. (smiles) Go detect.", "(Sara leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins prods through the skeletal remains as he shares his findings with Sara and Greg.)", "Robbins: Fully developed skeletal structure consistent with an adult male. The medial end of the clavicle's almost fused. Suggests he's about 25 years old. Lack of prognathism indicates he's Caucasian. The female, however, is Prognathic ... (He moves to the second body.) ... and that suggests Negroid. Unfused epiphysial ends make her a teenager.", "Sara: White male, younger black female ... racially motivated?", "Greg: Could be a Son of Sam thing. Summertime, couple on a date, making out in the car. Berkowitz used a .44.", "Robbins: Gunshot wounds are most likely COD for both. Female shows an entry wound at the rear of the skull. Exit wound took off most of her face.", "(Robbins moves back to the first body.)", "Robbins: Male has no exit wound, but the entry wound ... is pretty obvious.", "(Quick flash of: [MOUTH POV] The gun fires through the partially opened mouth. End of flash.)", "Robbins: Bullet never left the skull.", "Greg: (nods) That would explain the bullet fragments.", "Sara: What we need are IDs.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg reads off what he found to Sara, who is sitting next to him.)", "Greg: No missing persons filed for Caucasian males between 20 and 30 in the last two weeks, but there are possibles for the girl.", "Sara: Hm.", "(The monitor reads:", "{POSSIBLE 0}", "MISSING: JULY 18, 2005 s*x: FEMALE", "RACE: AFRICAN-AMERICAN", "{POSSIBLE 2}", "DANIELLE WATERS", "DOB: SEPT. 8, 1992 AGE: 13", "HEIGHT: 5'3\" WEIGHT: 95 LBS", "HAIR: BROWN EYES: BLACK", "MISSING: AUGUST 31, 2005 s*x: FEMALE", "RACE: AFRICAN AMERICAN", "CURRENTLY MISSING: 47", "AGE GROUP: 13-17 N/A", "s*x: M/F F", "RACE: AFRICAN-AMERICAN N/A", "DAYS OR MORE MISSING 10", "FILE SECURE: Y/N Y", "Greg: Two cases still open. Thirteen seems a little young.", "Sara: Could be a kidnapping.", "(Greg scrolls down the screen to POSSIBLE 3.)", "CLARA JAMES", "DOB: MAY 14, 1989 AGE: 16", "HEIGHT: 5'2\" WEIGHT: 132 LBS", "HAIR: BLACK EYES: BLACK", "MISSING: SEPT. 8, 2005 s*x: FEMALE", "RACE: AFRICAN AMERICAN", "Greg: The other one's 16.", "Sara: This is one time it would be better to stay missing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- ]", "(Sofia talks with Mr. James as he puts the things they requested on the desk in front of her.)", "Mr. James: I also brought her toothbrush and her hairbrush. (He takes out some files.) This one's from her doctor. Other's from her dentist.", "(Sofia's looking at a framed photo of Clara James.)", "Mr. James: How long is it going to take you?", "Sofia Curtis: That's hard to say. Mr. James, was Clara by any chance seeing an older man?", "Mr. James: As far as I know, she wasn't seeing anybody but it wouldn't surprise me if she was. Clara wasn't smart when it came to people, talking to any lowlife chump who'd give her the time of day. The girl never did listen to a damn word I said.", "Sofia Curtis: The older man ... Um ... could've been someone she met at school?", "(He shakes his head, no.)", "Sofia Curtis: Did she have a part-time job?", "Mr. James: Gooeybunz, over on El Dorado.", "Sofia Curtis: We found a number of half-eaten Gooeybunz in the car.", "Mr. James: You know, Clara wasn't really that smart about her diet either, but she hated those things. Smell'd get into her clothes. By the time she got home, she was practically ready to throw up. You find out who did this ... you let me know.", "Sofia Curtis: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Sara takes out the bun parts from the plastic bag.)", "Sara: According to Clara James' father, Clara didn't eat Gooeybunz. She didn't like them, which means it was either the killer or the male DB.", "Greg: So we're looking for ... bite marks? If we find a good impression, maybe we'll get an ID through dental records.", "Sara: You got it.", "Greg: And the student becomes a master.", "(Sara looks at Greg. He smiles at her.)", "(Together, they search through the bun parts.)", "Greg: I'm not seeing any bite marks.", "Sara: Me either. It's not like they were bitten at all. More like torn apart.", "Greg: Check it out. They might all be in pieces ... but they're all still here. No one ever ate any of them. Which is kinda weird. I mean, why buy all of 'em and not eat 'em?", "(She looks at the whole bun in the bag.)", "Sara: I found this one under a passenger seat -- intact, on the floor.", "(She takes it out of the bag and examines it.)", "Greg: It escaped the carnage.", "(She sees something and pulls out a small plastic bag of drugs.)", "Greg: That's not frosting.", "Sara: I always liked the middle part the best.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. FLAT FEE PARKING -- DAY]", "(The sign reads: FLAT FEE PARKING $10.00. Catherine and Warrick head for the parking lot.)", "Warrick: When she parks her car, she's a hot housewife. A few hours later, she's just another freak.", "(Quick flash of: Brooke Harris hands the car keys to the attendant.)", "Brooke Harris: Hello. Thank you.", "(She walks away.)", "(Cut to: Brooke Harris runs over wearing the plastic bag.)", "Brooke Harris: It's my Mercedes, okay? I can prove it. Just give me the keys.", "Attendant: Show me ten bucks or you ain't proving squat.", "Brooke Harris: I don't have anywhere to go!", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Brooke Harris probably spent ten bucks a day on nonfat lattes.", "Warrick: Right.", "Catherine: She needed money to get her car back.", "Warrick: Well, I don't see any ATMs around here. This is a bad place to be broke.", "(They walk up to the officer.)", "Officer DA Michaels: Hey, you miss me?", "(Warrick looks at the rust on the metal pole holding the crime scene tape up.)", "Warrick: Rusty flakes.", "(He touches the rust on the pole and looks up at the officer.)", "Warrick: Hey, Michaels, did you put this crime tape up?", "Officer DA Michaels: Yes, sir.", "(Warrick also sees the blood on the pole.)", "Warrick: Yeah, well, you missed something. There's blood on this rebar.", "Catherine: Where'd you find that?", "Officer DA Michaels: I, uh ... I just picked it up over there ...", "(He points to the area between the buildings. Catherine and Warrick head over there and find a homeless person sitting near the wall.)", "Catherine: May I ask you a question?", "(She shows him the photo.)", "Catherine: Do you recognize this woman?", "Homeless Person: She's a thief. She took some money out of my hat.", "(Quick flash of: [NIGHT] Brooke Harris creeps up to the homeless man's hat of money and snatches a handful. She turns and runs.", "Homeless Person: Hey! Hey!", "(He grabs the rebar and runs after her. He hits her on the head.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Homeless Person: Stealing's a crime.", "Catherine: Hey, Michaels. Think you might be able to take this man into custody?", "(Officer Michaels takes out his handcuffs and heads over to the homeless person.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAST VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Sara and Greg go over their information.)", "Sara: Tox confirmed that the packet in the Gooeybun contained cocaine, and one of the prints that I lifted off the Grand Am was a felony conviction for cocaine trafficking -", "(She pulls up the information on the monitor:", "JOEY ZACK", "DOB: SEPT 5, 1979 AGE: 25", "HGT: 5'10\" WGT: 180 LBS", "HAIR: BROWN EYES: BROWN", "RACE: CAUCASIAN s*x: MALE", "ADDRESS:", "BURTON HOTEL", "2321 TOP WAY", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89156", "CONVICTIONS: Drug dealer, probation 1 year in Mar 2004", "NOTES: prints found on stolen car radio tuner", "(Sara glances at Greg.)", "Sara: Joey Zack, drug dealer. Seems he liked to use Gooeybunz to move his coke.", "(Quick flash of: Close-up of: Someone cuts out the middle of the bun and pops a bag of coke inside before covering it up again. End of flash.)", "Sara: He's a nice regular customer at Gooeybunz. He used to chat up cute Clara when he was there, sweet-talks her into a date, and they both end up dead in his bitchin' Grand Am.", "Greg: Well, whoever did it must've done it for the drugs.", "(Hodges enters the lab and hands Sara the report. She looks through it. Greg notes the comments on the monitor. )", "Hodges: GCMs on the melted gloves from your Grand Am. A delicious confection of sugar, gelatin, starches, citric acid, mineral oil, red 40, yellow 5, blue 1 and carnuba wax.", "(Greg turns and leaves the lab.)", "Sara: Candy.", "Hodges: Gummy candy. I'm partial to Jujubes myself. Is it something I said?", "Sara: (smiles) Probably.", "(Greg returns carrying the radio.)", "Greg: Joey Zack's print was found on the radio, which was tuned to 107 FM. (Greg turns the radio on.) Now, as far as I know, there is only one place in town where you can get gummies, a generic cheeseburger, and 107.1 gets anything other than static.", "(Greg finds the station and all we hear is static.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DRIVE-IN -- NIGHT]", "(The sign outside reads:", "THIS WAY TO THE", "MOONLIGHT! TUNE", "YOUR RADIO TO", "107.1FM FOR SOUND )", "Drive-in Manager: Sorry, I don't recognize him. Most of the time when people come here, it's dark.", "Greg: How about this? You ever seen this car before?", "Drive-in Manager: No. All I remember from the last two weeks is what's playing 'cause I've seen it 8,000 times:\"Killer Punch\" --a big draw for crap cars.", "Sofia Curtis: We're gonna need to talk to your employees.", "Drive-in Manager: (groans) Oh, come on, please. Is that really necessary?", "Sofia Curtis: It's a homicide investigation.", "Greg: We could just call the health inspector and ... see how many code violations he has festering in that concession stand.", "Drive-in Manager: Geez, fine, knock yourselves out. Jerry's on tickets ... Maddox runs the projector, and Darryl's in concessions. No. No, he quit last week.", "Sofia Curtis: Why?", "Drive-in Manager: He said he was gonna go live with his parents up in Mesquite.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM ]", "(Sofia goes through the papers on Darryl Blakeney with Greg, Sara and Grissom.)", "Sofia Curtis: Guy's name is Darryl Blakeney. (She hands it to Grissom.) Small-time hood with priors for B&E and possession.", "Sara: His prints were on the steering wheel of the Grand Am.", "Greg: When he quit his job at the drive-in, he was in court-ordered rehab.", "Sofia Curtis: We figured Blakeney was one of Joey Zack's customers. One night, Blakeney sees his coke dealer's Grand Am at the drive-in, and the fiend snaps.", "(Quick flash of: Darryl Blakeney walks up to the car and bursts into the back seat. Clara James and Joey Zack are in the front seat with the Gooeybunz. He holds the gun on them.)", "Darryl Blakeney: Move, and you're dead! Shut up!", "Joey Zack: All right, all right, all right!", "Darryl Blakeney: Give me the coke, Joey! Give me the coke!", "(He grabs the box, knocking the bun on the floor.)", "(End of flash.)", "Grissom: Do we know where he killed them?", "Greg: We don't know where yet.", "Sofia Curtis: Or why.", "Sara: Maybe the girl started freaking out; maybe Blakeney's just a psycho. Anyway, uh, Blakeney tossed the bodies, and throws them in the trunk and drives home. The street where the Grand Am was found is a block away from his last known residence.", "Greg: He leaves it there collecting parking tickets, skips town, and uses the same gun two days later in another drug-related crime in Mesquite.", "Sofia Curtis: The scumbag's still in the wind.", "Grissom: At least he's in the system with a double homicide.", "Sofia Curtis: That's not going to satisfy Clara James' father.", "(Sara sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM]", "(Catherine, Warrick and Nick are in the locker room getting ready to leave. Nick needles Warrick. )", "Nick: Can she cook? Is she a good cook? Come on, Warrick.", "(Warrick sighs. Nick sees Grissom walk by the door and catches him.)", "Nick: Hey, Grissom. We're taking Warrick to the Pepper Mill to celebrate his marriage and to condemn his elopement. You in?", "Grissom: Did you invite your wife?", "Warrick: I don't think I'm ready to subject her to the crew just yet.", "Catherine: I got to beg off, you guys. Got to take Lindsay to school.", "Nick: All right.", "Catherine: Bye.", "(Catherine closes her locker and leaves.)", "Nick: Bye. So?", "Grissom: I got one more thing to do.", "(Grissom leaves.)", "Nick: All right.", "(Nick glances at Warrick, who shakes his head and closes his locker.)", "Warrick: Don't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Grissom and Archie are listening to the recording.)", "Walter Gordon: (from recording) So, breathe quick. Breathe slow. Put your gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. Any way you like, you're going to die here. Okay?", "Voice 2: (from recording) Perfect.", "(Grissom rewinds it a little.)", "Walter Gordon: (from recording) Okay?", "Voice 2: (from recording) Perfect.", "(Archie looks at Grissom.)", "Archie: How'd you know it was going to be there?", "Grissom: If that \"okay\" had been meant for Nick, it wouldn't have been in the form of a question. I think maybe Walter Gordon had an accomplice.", "(Grissom plays it again.)", "Voice 2: (from recording) Perfect.", "Grissom: Male or female?", "Archie Johnson: It's, um ... hard to say. The tape was pretty mangled. Enhancement and noise cancellation increase intelligibility, but it alters timber and tone. So, I don't know there's any more I can do here. You know, Nick recorded a message on the flip side of the tape. You think maybe we should ...", "Grissom: No. This is between you and me.", "(Camera holds on Grissom.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Bodies in Motion
[ "The CSI team investigates the case of a woman found dead on the staircase of her suburban home. Suspicion quickly falls on the victim's husband, but the blood-spattered evidence tells a complicated story." ]
[ "FLASH IN.", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "Operator: (V.O.) 911. What is your emergency?", "Ray Lester: (V.O.) (panicked) Yes. There's been an accident. An accident. Please ...", "[EXT. - NIGHT]", "Operator: (V.O.) What kind of emergency, sir?", "(A paramedic takes his kit from the vehicle.)", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "Ray Lester: (V.O.) Please, ma'am, I need you to send an ambulance. Please, just hurry.", "[EXT. LESTER RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE - NIGHT]", "Operator: Calm down, sir, paramedics are on their way.", "(The paramedics head for the house. A man with blood on his shirt runs out of the house.)", "Ray Lester: Oh, my God! Please, you've got to help me! Please, hurry!", "Paramedic: Sir, where are you injured?", "Ray Lester: What the hell? No, not me, my wife!", "(He turns and leads them to his house.)", "Ray Lester: Hurry! She's in here!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LESTER RESIDENCE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(He leads them into the darkened house to show them the woman on the stairs in a pool of blood.)", "Paramedic 1: Get out of the way, sir.", "(Paramedic 1 rushes over to the woman. He steps in the pool of blood. He turns and looks over at his partner.)", "Paramedic 1: De-fib.", "Paramedic 2: Yeah.", "(The paramedic places the defibrillator on the ground. Ray Lester starts panicking.)", "Ray Lester: What does that mean?", "Paramedic: Sir, sir!", "Ray Lester: Wh-What does that mean?", "Paramedic: Sir, please stand back. (to the other paramedic) Go ahead. Go ahead.", "(He puts the electrodes on her and turns on the machine. There's a flatline and steady tone.)", "Paramedic: No response.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. LESTER RESIDENCE - FRONT WALK - NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Grissom, both carrying their kits, duck under the crime scene tape to meet up with Brass and the two paramedics.)", "(Brass turns around and immediately starts filling them in.)", "Brass: There was an emergency call-out; the paramedics responded. They found Mrs. Lester on the back stairs. They pronounced at 12:16 a.m.", "(Grissom notes the paramedics' bloodied shoes.)", "Grissom: And, of course, you walked through the house.", "Paramedic: We were responding to a traumatic injury. Our priority was to assist the victim.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LESTER RESIDENCE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass leads Catherine and Grissom into the house. There are bloodied footprint tracks on the floor. Over in the living room, Ray Lester is sitting in a chair, his legs, shirt and hands bloodied.)", "Brass: That's Ray Lester, the vic's husband.", "(Brass continues into the house to lead them to the dead body.)", "Catherine: Was he injured?", "Brass: No, uh, that's his wife's blood. He said he checked to see if she was still alive and he held her until the paramedics came.", "Catherine: Wouldn't you?", "Brass: You never met my ex.", "[INT. LESTER RESIDENCE - KITCHEN - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(They enter the kitchen and find a bottle of tequila, less than a quarter full, and two empty shot glasses on the counter.)", "Catherine: Tequila will always remind me of Señor Frog's.", "Brass: Which one?", "(Grissom looks outside", "Catherine: Cancun. My honeymoon. My dime.", "Brass: Well, if you ever want to go back, it's on me.", "Catherine: Is that a proposal?", "(They continue to follow the bloodied footprints through the kitchen and on into the next room where the body is.)", "David Phillips: It's like the Red Sea in here.", "Grissom: The Red Sea's not red, David.", "David Phillips: No, it's blue from afar and transparent when held in hand, like any other body of water. I was just speaking figuratively.", "Catherine: I'm assuming those boot prints aren't yours.", "David Phillips: Please, I was just waiting for you guys to clear a path. Blame the paramedics.", "Grissom: This girl's head and spine are perfectly aligned.", "Catherine: Yeah, when you fall down the stairs, your head tends to go in one direction, your body in another.", "Brass: I'll take a statement from the husband and the paramedics; see if she was moved.", "(Grissom looks at the door.)", "David Phillips: You know, twice as many people die each year from falling down stairs than from accidental gunfire?", "Brass: You didn't just get back from one of those coroner's conferences, did you?", "(Grissom looks at Catherine, who glances at him and sees his look.)", "Catherine: What are you thinking?", "Grissom: Led Zeppelin, \"Stairway to Heaven.\"", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LESTER RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE -- DAY]", "(The coroner's van is parked in the driveway. Officer keeps the crowd behind the taped-off area. One of the paramedics puts his shoes into the paper bag Greg holds for him. The other paramedic is doing the same.)", "(Sara parks the car. Warrick, Nick and Sara exit the car and walk over to Greg.)", "Warrick: Hey, Sanders.", "Greg: Hey. Back stairs. And, uh, you might want to hug the wall.", "(They turn and head for the house as Greg bags the other paramedic's shoes. He glances in the bag and takes a whiff of it.)", "Greg: Whew! Did you ever hear of Odor Eaters? Never mind.", "Paramedic 1: We don't get another boot allowance till spring.", "Greg: Well, I'll try to get 'em back to you before your next shift, okay? Uh, one more question: Did either of you guys move the body?", "Paramedic 2: Didn't have to. She was face-up.", "Paramedic 1: I unbuttoned her blouse to apply the leads, but that's it.", "Paramedic 2: We tried not to touch anything. Once we saw that blood, we knew you'd be showing up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LESTER RESIDENCE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Everyone stands at the base of the stairs looking down at Becky Lester's body as Grissom preps them.)", "Grissom: Becky Lester. Catherine and I got here a half an hour after her husband called 911.", "Catherine: Edges of the blood pools were already dry. The pools themselves were tacky.", "Nick: Which means she'd been down here at least an hour or two before you guys even got here.", "Sara: Why did the husband wait so long to call?", "Catherine: Good question.", "Grissom: Coroner won't touch the body till Catherine and I are done processing around it, so, Sara, would you please go up the front stairs and work your way down the back stairs?", "Sara: You got it.", "(Sara picks up her kit and leaves.)", "Grissom: Warrick, could you process the blood evidence from the front door to the back stairwell? And if you'll notice, she doesn't have any blood on her feet.", "Warrick: So I can assume those bloody footprints aren't hers.", "(Warrick turns and leaves.)", "Grissom: Nick, Brass is in the study with the husband and he's waiting for you.", "(Nick picks up his kit and leaves.)", "(In the kitchen, Warrick puts an evidence marker down on the floor and snaps a photo of the bloodied footprints.)", "(He continues to process the scene.)", "(Various dissolves of Warrick putting down more evidence markers and taking more pictures as he works his way to the door.)", "(Off on the counter, he notices a single blood drop. He snaps a photo of it. He puts a plastic protective covering over it, then looks around in the trash. He finds a napkin with blood on it. He picks it up.)", "(On the second floor, Sara examines the stairs, starting from the top, and works her way down.)", "(Grissom puts a measuring ruler near some blood drops and snaps a photo of it.", "(Catherine takes a swab of the blood pool.)", "(Sara prints the side of the stairway wall.)", "(Catherine measures the blood spatter on the wall near the body.)", "(Grissom is snapping photos of the contents in the hallway closet nearby.)", "Catherine: Hey, Grissom, spatter on the wall doesn't exceed 18 inches.", "Grissom: Well, that's consistent with the fall.", "(Quick flash of: Becky Lester appears at the top of the stairs and trips. She falls down the stairs. Blood spatters on the wall near the bottom.)", "(End of flash.)", "(Sara is dusting the stairway walls.)", "Sara: Guys, if she fell, even if she was pushed down these stairs, I would expect to find smudge marks on these walls.", "Catherine: Yeah, she would've instinctively reached out for leverage.", "Sara: There are none. Not to mention, that if she was up here before she was down there ... she should've landed head first.", "(Quick flash of: Becky Lester trips and falls. She lands head on the bottom of the steps. End of flash.)", "Sara: The body position is inconsistent with the fall.", "Catherine: Well, it's inconsistent if she fell down the stairs. Maybe she fell up.", "(Quick flash of: Becky Lester is walking up the stairs. She trips and falls, hitting her head on the stairs. She then falls a couple steps down. She gets up long enough to flip over, then falls back on the steps. End of flash.)", "Sara: Catherine, can I borrow your micrometer?", "(Catherine hands Sara the micrometer, which Sara uses to measure one of the blood drops on the wall.)", "Sara: Blood spatter measures two millimeters.", "Grissom: Medium spatter. Suggests impact with a blunt object.", "(Quick flash of: Becky Lester is being beaten with an object. End of flash.)", "Sara: But if she was hit, where's the castoff?", "(Grissom looks at the ceiling above them.)", "Grissom: It is a low ceiling. Pretty hard to swing a weapon.", "Catherine: Sometimes first blush gives you a head rush.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LESTER RESIDENCE - SITTING ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass interviews Ray Lester while Nick gathers evidence from him.)", "Ray Lester: I don't think I moved her. Um, I mean, I cradled her head in my lap. Tried to wake her up, but that's it.", "Brass: So, you and your wife went to Piero's for dinner, got home around 10:00, got out the tequila. Then what?", "Ray Lester: I, you know, got comfortable ... then we went outside and did a few shots.", "Nick: How'd the tequila get back inside?", "Ray Lester: Um, the phone rang and it was my daughter Susan.", "Brass: Your daughter?", "Ray Lester: Yeah, from my first marriage. She's, she's staying at Becky's dad's.", "(Quick flash of: Out the patio, the phone rings; Ray Lester answers it.)", "Ray Lester: (to phone) All right. It's Susan.", "Becky Lester: Oh. (to phone) Hey, babe. Uh-huh.", "(Ray pours himself a drink.)", "Becky Lester: (to phone) Okay. (to Ray) It's boy trouble. I'll take this inside.", "(She presses the hold button on the phone, stands up and heads inside.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Brass: What did you do after that?", "Ray Lester: Another shot or two and then I guess I fell asleep. And I woke up around midnight. (Nick looks up from what he's doing.) And I figured that she and Susan had just gotten into one of their talk-a-thons.", "(Quick flash of: Ray goes back into the house and puts the tequila and glasses on the counter.)", "Ray Lester: (V.O.) I took the tequila and the glasses into the kitchen and that's when I saw her.", "(He turns and sees Becky on the stairs.)", "Ray Lester: Oh, my God. Oh, please!", "(He runs over to her and holds her.)", "Ray Lester: Oh, please, please! Oh, God. Oh, please, Oh please.", "(He puts her back down, his hands in her blood.)", "(Flash to: He runs to the phone and dials, the blood from his hands all over the phone.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Brass: Now, is there any reason you can think of why your wife would be using the back stairs?", "Ray Lester: From the kitchen, it's closer to the bedroom.", "Brass: You never mentioned anything about the bedroom.", "Ray Lester: Are you trying to trip me up or something? I mean, I don't ... maybe she went to, uh, brush her teeth or put on her nightgown. I really don't know.", "Nick: Okay, sir. I'm going to need to take your clothing.", "Ray Lester: I'll go upstairs and change.", "(Ray stands up; Nick stops him.)", "Nick: No, that's okay. We're still processing upstairs. You can remove them right here and I'll give you a jumpsuit.", "(He turns and looks at Brass.)", "Brass: I'll close my eyes, if you're shy.", "(Ray removes his shirt to show teeth marks on his chest.)", "Nick: Those don't look like mosquito bites.", "Ray Lester: My wife likes to bite, and I don't mind it, okay?", "Nick: (nods) Okay.", "(Nick puts the shirt in a bag.)", "(The coroners wheel out the body on a gurney. Ray's eyes follow the gurney as it passes the sitting room doorway on its way out of the house. He appears very upset.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LESTER RESIDENCE - BACK ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass walks back into the room where Grissom and Catherine are working.)", "Brass: Okay, the husband says he fell asleep, he woke up his wife was dead.", "Grissom: He's a good sleeper.", "Brass: Yeah, I'm sure he's gonna say something like that. Anyway, there's a daughter. She spent the night at her grandfather's, who lives a few blocks away. I'm gonna check it out.", "(Brass leaves.)", "Warrick: I'm ready.", "(Grissom and Catherine head for the kitchen where Warrick is.)", "Warrick: The blue markers denote the footprints. They're all consistent with the husband.", "(Quick visualization of: Ray is near Becky's body. He's already stepped in the pool of blood. He runs over to the phone, leaving bloodied footprints behind him.)", "Warrick: The footprints are associated with gravitational blood drops.", "(The visualization continues: Ray puts the phone down and runs back to the body. The wet blood from his hands drops to the wooden floor.)", "(Warrick points to the other markers.)", "Warrick: The yellow markers denote the paramedics' boot prints.", "(Quick visualization of: The two paramedics are at the body. They stand up and head back out, leaving a trail of bloody prints on the floor. Visualization ends.)", "Catherine: And what about this here, on the counter?", "Warrick: It's a single blood drop.", "(Quick flash of: A single blood drop falls and hits the counter.)", "Warrick: I'm thinking that's from when the husband reached for the phone.", "Grissom: That's a good observation. What do you got in the bag?", "Warrick: This ...", "(Warrick opens the bag and takes out a paper towel.)", "Warrick: ... is a bloody paper towel I found in the trash. It's too textured to print, but Sanders talked to the paramedics, who confirmed that it wasn't theirs. I'm thinking it was from the husband when he tried to clean up and saw it wouldn't be too easy.", "Catherine: Lucky for us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LESTER RESIDENCE - SECOND FLOOR BEDROOM - DAY]", "(Grissom climbs up the stairs and reaches the top. He looks around. The nearest bedroom is a girl's room. He looks around inside from the doorway.)", "(He turns and walks down the hallway. At the end is another bedroom. He looks inside and notes it's a man's bedroom. A pair of reading glasses and a wallet are on the nightstand; a pair of shoes is next to the bed.)", "(He turns and finds Sara in the woman's bedroom.)", "Sara: Hey. Husband slept in the other room. His reading glasses are on the nightstand. Clothing's in the dresser.", "(Sara looks under the bed covering.)", "Grissom: That's odd. A man and a woman who don't share a bedroom arrange to have a night alone, send their daughter to a relative, go out to dinner, have drinks by the pool, but they sleep in separate bedrooms.", "Sara: Maybe one of them snored or had insomnia or liked to work at night.", "Grissom: Or maybe they were suffocating each other and he couldn't breathe.", "(Sara turns and opens the nightstand drawer. She finds a tube and picks it up.)", "Sara: Sexual lubricant. It's half empty. Sticky. You know, you don't have to sleep in the same bed together to have s*x or ... have romance.", "Grissom: I'm going to go see the doctor.", "Sara: I'll grid the house.", "(Grissom turns and walks out of the bedroom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. LESTER RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Open on various framed family photos on the counter. Brass interviews Susan Lester and Grandpa Stein.)", "Grandpa Stein:I don't understand. Becky was in perfect health. Can I see her? I'd like to see my daughter.", "Brass: Well, her body's with the coroner, sir. There will be an autopsy as a part of our investigation. Grandpa Stein:But you said she fell.", "Brass: Yeah, um, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you both a few questions. Grandpa Stein:Anything.", "Brass: When was the last time either of you saw her? Grandpa Stein:When she dropped Susan off yesterday evening, she came in for a few minutes. Said she was headed home and out to dinner with Ray.", "Brass: And that's the last time you spoke with her. Grandpa Stein:Yeah.", "Susan Lester: No. I called her. A little after 10:00, after Grandpa went to bed.", "Brass: What did you talk about? Grandpa Stein:Why is that important?", "Brass: Well ...", "Susan Lester: Stupid stuff. My best friend Jamila and I, we both like Leon. And I know, friendship first. I just wanted Becky to say it, you know?", "Brass: Uh, yeah, okay. Thank you. Thank you, Susan. Grandpa Stein:Susan, would you give me a moment with the detective?", "Susan: Okay.", "(Susan leaves.)", "Grandpa Stein:You said you found my daughter's body on the stairwell?", "Brass: That's right. Grandpa Stein:You're aware that Ray's first wife, Susan's mother, was found the same way?", "Brass: Well, now I am. Grandpa Stein:They said Susan's mom died of a stroke.", "Brass: But you don't think so? Grandpa Stein:I never had any reason to doubt it.", "Brass: So how would you, uh, how would you characterize your daughter's marriage? Grandpa Stein:Ups and downs. About a year ago, Ray's business went under. And Becky works for Western Airlines. They've been downsizing since 9/11. It's been rough.", "Brass: Yeah. Mr. Stein, does your son-in-law have a temper? Grandpa Stein:Do I have to answer that?", "Brass: You just did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the findings with Grissom.)", "Robbins: Becky Lester, 32. Final meal, pasta. I can't tell you the variety of the noodle, but there was a white sauce with clams. And I found some blood in her stomach. Her tongue was lacerated perimortem.", "Grissom: She probably chomped down on it when she hit the stairs.", "Robbins: I sent a blood sample to Tox and Nick asked for teeth impressions. Husband claims she's a biter. Fine line between pleasure and pain. But who doesn't like to cross it every once in a while, right?", "(Grissom gives Robbins a look.)", "Robbins: Anyway, um, I don't know if it's probative, but there's semen in her vaginal vault. Sperm motility and positive acid phosphates suggest intercourse approximately six to 12 hours prior to death.", "Grissom: Yeah, I'm mostly interested in cause.", "Robbins: Exsanguination from five lacerations: two to the forehead, one to the right temple, and two to the occipital bone.", "Grissom: Are they consistent with a fall?", "Robbins: Yes, but I'd expect to see hand fractures as a result of the impact, and there are none.", "Grissom: Are they consistent with blunt force trauma?", "Robbins: Sure, but if the husband bludgeoned her, there'd be fractures to the skull.", "Grissom: And there are none.", "Robbins: None.", "Grissom: Well, you've given me a lot of information, doc, and none of it very helpful.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Grissom spits out some ketchup onto a wall. He looks at the spatter, then pours more ketchup into a plastic teaspoon. He puts the ketchup in his mouth.)", "(Catherine walks up to him.)", "Catherine: You want fries with that?", "(Grissom spits the ketchup onto the wall.)", "Grissom: Robbins said the vic bit her tongue. Theoretically, she could've expirated the blood on the wall, providing an alternative explanation for the medium velocity spatter.", "(He looks at her.)", "Grissom: Do me a favor, check it out.", "(Catherine measures the spatter.)", "Catherine: Well, it looks like two millimeters--same as the blood at the scene. So, maybe it was just an accident.", "(Quick flash of: Becky Lester goes to climb up the stairs. She trips, falls and hits her head against the steps.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) As she tried to get up, she expirated the blood on the wall.", "(She gets up and spits blood on the wall.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) She failed to regain her footing, impacting her temple ...", "(She falls back down, flips over and dies.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: ... and then she bounced on her occipital bone.", "Catherine: So we've got two theories, supported by physical evidence.", "Grissom: Yeah, if we ever find a murder weapon, my theory's done.", "Catherine: Well, I know that there was no blood found in the car, so it's unlikely that Ray took a drive to dispose of the weapon.", "(Brass walks in carrying a file folder.)", "Brass: Hey, ready for a quiz? Guess how Ray's first wife died?", "Grissom: Wait. She had a stroke on a stairway. Robbins told me. Is that the autopsy report?", "Brass: No, these are medical records. There was no autopsy. Jackie Lester had a heart condition. Three weeks before she died, she was admitted to a hospital with vertigo. She ignored the doctor's warnings, didn't take her medication. Family physician pronounced it a stroke.", "Catherine: Well, if she wasn't cremated, it's not too late for a postmortem examination.", "Brass: Judge Witherspoon is issuing a court order for exhumation. Now, look, I just came from the DA. I gotta tell you, he's already made up his mind. Husband and wife, home alone, all that blood, shaky alibi. Plus, he says, \"He just looks guilty.\"", "Grissom: How does one \"look\" guilty?", "Brass: You know, I'm just a messenger. What do you think the chances are he didn't do it?", "Catherine: Well, what do you think the chances are we're going to give you an answer before all the evidence is in?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg walks through the hallway when Henry Andrews stops him.)", "Henry Andrews: Greg ... Becky Lester had a BAL of .18. And I found trace amounts of diazepam.", "Greg: Thanks!", "Henry Andrews: Hey, I heard the coroner found semen, so I tested for birth control. Estrogen and progesterone levels were spiked.", "Greg: Where did you hear about the coroner's findings?", "Henry Andrews: Actually, I read the report. Maybe I don't want to be a toxicologist my whole life. I mean, you went from DNA to the field, and I guess you're kind of a role model to me.", "Greg: A role model, huh?", "Henry Andrews: Yeah. By the way, where do you get your hair cut?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Nick is examining the photos of the bite marks from Ray Lester's chest.)", "(He makes a teeth print from a mold of Becky's teeth. He matches the bite marks to the mold print. They don't' match.)", "(He tries to match the mold to the bite marks. Still, they don't' match.)", "(Catherine walks in.)", "Nick: Quick. How many teeth in the human mouth?", "Catherine: Without wisdoms? 28.", "Nick: Yep, and the 28 teeth in Becky's mouth do not match the bite impressions on her husband's body.", "Catherine: I guess Ray found himself another set of pearly whites.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine interviews Ray Lester.)", "Ray Lester: Look, I loved my wife. But, a year into our marriage, she told me that she wasn't into s*x anymore. And, uh, she went frigid on me. Asked me to move into the other bedroom.", "Catherine: And you were okay with that?", "Ray Lester: Well, I kept hoping things would get better. And we had fun and we respected each other. And she was a great mom to Susan.", "Catherine: I'm still confused about the bite marks.", "Ray Lester: I found a way to make our relationship work.", "Catherine: You found yourself a vampire?", "Ray Lester: I met a girl online. She liked biting. I liked being bit. It just seemed like a good match, and it never got sexual.", "Catherine: Uh-huh. And, uh, what is her name?", "Ray Lester: I know her as buffy227(a)", "Catherine: And your wife never suspected anything?", "Ray Lester: We'd meet at a motel ... every few weeks. I'd tell Becky that I was going out for a bite. It was consensual and it wasn't sexual. It was not cheating.", "Catherine: But you never told your wife?", "Ray Lester: I didn't tell Becky everything I did every minute of the day, but that doesn't mean that I was unfaithful.", "Catherine: When, exactly, was the last time that you had sexual intercourse with your late wife?", "Ray Lester: Four years ago. (He holds up his hand.) Rosy Palm and Thumbelina are the only action that I get.", "Catherine: Uh, wow, you know, uh, a joke like that doesn't quite seem appropriate for a distraught husband.", "Ray Lester: I'm just answering the questions.", "Catherine: Mr. Lester, did you know that your wife was having an affair? The day that she died, she had had intercourse.", "Ray Lester: Are we done here?", "Catherine: For now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "(Archie and Nick are watching the monitor where a beautiful blonde woman leans forward and bites a man on the chest.)", "Archie Johnson: Ow ... ooh. She's hot. But I still wouldn't let her fang me.", "Nick: No, no. I'm with you. Was the video encrypted?", "Archie Johnson: No. I was processing Ray's computer and it was just sitting on the desktop ... in a folder called \"dental records.\"", "Nick: Did you get an ID on Buffy?", "Archie Johnson: Grissom got us an administrative subpoena. ISP sent over the subscriber information: Dr. Jeri Cohen -- aka Buffy227 -- is a dentist.", "Nick: Are you kidding me?", "Archie Johnson: I could not make this stuff up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARMENT - WAITING ROOM]", "(Nick and Brass talk with Dr. Jeri Cohen.)", "Jeri Cohen: I'm not ashamed of my predilection. Assuming both parties are healthy, biting can be orgasmic.", "Nick: Huh.", "Brass: Dr. Cohen, where were you last night?", "Jeri Cohen: Home alone, like most nights.", "Brass: Ma'am, we're here to talk about your relationship with Ray Lester.", "Jeri Cohen: Well, I wouldn't call it a relationship, per se. There was no s*x, no commitment. We'd meet at a motel room, once or twice a month.", "Nick: You e-mailed Ray digital video of your sessions together.", "Jeri Cohen: Ray bought me that camera for, uh, my birthday. It was fun.", "Brass: If you say so.", "Jeri Cohen: The Kama Sutra says that any place on the body that can be kissed can also be bitten--except the upper lip, the interior of the mouth, and, of course, the eye. It also goes on to describe eight different ways to bite your partner. Ray liked \"the broken cloud.\" Teeth ... are sexual organs.", "Nick: (clears throat) Um, Dr. Cohen, did, uh ... did, uh ...", "Brass: Ray.", "Nick: ... Ray ever mention his wife?", "Jeri Cohen: He told me he was married. It wasn't a problem for me. He said they made better friends than lovers and she was a good mother; that's about it.", "Brass: Was he violent?", "Jeri Cohen: Ray? No, he was nothing like that.", "(Jeri Cohen undoes the top buttons on her blouse and shows them her chest - her unbitten chest.)", "Jeri Cohen: See? No bite marks. I'm the aggressor. Ray just lies there and takes it. He's a real sweetheart.", "(Nick picks up the mold.)", "Nick: Uh, ma'am ... would you mind biting down on this for me?", "(She smiles at him.)", "Jeri Cohen: You know I wouldn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Warrick and David Phillips are with Robbins and the coffin.)", "Warrick: They don't tell you about this part of the job when you're training to become a CSI.", "Robbins: Come on, after five years, at least they don't smell anymore.", "David Phillips: Always with the silver lining.", "Robbins: Right.", "Warrick: You ready?", "(David and Warrick open the coffin. Inside is a corpse.)", "Warrick: Well, hello, Jackie Lester. On three.", "(Warrick and David reach into the coffin.)", "Warrick: One ... two ... three.", "(They lift up the corpse and put it on the empty table next to them.)", "(Robbins puts a hand on the corpse's head and looks at Warrick and David.)", "Robbins: If you two don't mind ... we'd like some alone time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Robbins goes over the body.)", "(Various dissolves of: Robbins cuts her hair off. He shaves the head, then cuts and peels the remaining skin off. He sees something.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Warrick walks in.)", "Warrick: You done with your alone time, Doc?", "Robbins: Just completed my prelim, but check this out. Subgaleal hemorrhages, consistent with lacerations to the occipital bone.", "Warrick: So both of Ray's wives end up dead at the bottom of the stairs with lacerations to the head.", "Robbins: If my full autopsy confirms murder, you may be looking at the first serial stairway killer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara and Catherine walk through the hallway.)", "Sara: If there was a murder weapon, it was not in that house. We searched everywhere.", "Catherine: What's in the bag?", "Sara: s*x lube, found at the crime scene. Autopsy revealed that Becky was sexually active. Ray claims that they've both been celibate for the past four years.", "Catherine: And you wanted to see if her lover's prints were on that bottle.", "Sara: Two viable prints, both in a light coat of lube. One was Becky's and the other is an Adam Gilford. Work card is in the system. He's an executive at Western Airlines.", "Catherine: Lovers and co-workers. That never works.", "Sara: If Ray did find out about the affair, that's motive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WESTERN AIRLINES BUILING - GILFORD'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Sara interview Adam Gilford.)", "Adam Gilford: Of course I knew Becky Lester. I'm her boss. I'm the one who hired her. Hard to believe that was six years ago. And it's such a tragedy. She was loved.", "Catherine: By some more than others.", "Adam Gilford: Excuse me?", "Sara: Mr. Gilford, we know that the two of you were sleeping together.", "Adam Gilford: Becky wasn't in love with Ray. They'd stopped having s*x. If they divorced, she'd owe him alimony, and Becky didn't think that was right.", "Sara: Becky told you that?", "Adam Gilford: She told me everything. She and Ray were living on vapors. They'd just taken a second on the house. She also told me that Ray was hiding money from her -- the insurance payout on his first wife. Look, if you suspect she was murdered, I can tell you why Ray did it.", "Catherine: We're listening.", "Adam Gilford: At Western Airlines, VP's and above receive corporate life insurance policies--quarter mil payouts. Last week, a round of pink slips went out. We both got hit. Two weeks, she would have been out of here. And the insurance policy, suspended.", "Catherine: And Ray is the beneficiary.", "Adam Gilford: He killed her just in time to make a killing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Grissom's behind his desk when Ecklie walks in.)", "Conrad Ecklie: DA's planning to file charges against Ray Lester -- tomorrow, after an ADA stops by the crime lab for a full briefing.", "Grissom: That's too soon.", "Conrad Ecklie: Tell me about the first wife.", "Grissom: Preliminary investigations suggests foul play, but we've got nothing definitive until she's fully posted. And the physical evidence in Becky Lester's death is completely ambiguous.", "Conrad Ecklie: The DA figures he'll make a headline while you find corroborating evidence. You think he's guilty, right?", "Grissom: I don't think that yet.", "(Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: Oh, um, am I interrupting?", "Grissom: No.", "Catherine: Brass just called with a heads up. Since when does the DA's office tell us when we're ready?", "Conrad Ecklie: When the case is high profile and the DA is feeling heat from the sheriff. Look, you'll just walk him through the evidence. You won't bias your reports or skip anything ambiguous. It is what it is. If the DA wants to shoot his wad too early, we can't stop him.", "Grissom: Okay.", "(Ecklie leaves.)", "Catherine: Sara and I may have uncovered motive. In the last two weeks, Ray filled out five loan applications--200 g's a pop. All denied. With his wife dead, he is the beneficiary of a $250,000 policy.", "Grissom: Huh. I wonder what he needed the money for.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews Ray Lester.)", "Ray Lester: I was ... being blackmailed. Um, someone found out about Buffy. I ... I got a letter and a photo in the mail. They wanted 200 grand or the ....", "Brass: Otherwise, they'd share your biting secret with your wife.", "Ray Lester: Yeah. Our marriage was having enough problems.", "Brass: I mean, you're covered in those bite marks. Didn't your wife ever ask where they came from?", "Ray Lester: She hadn't seen me naked in a long time. I just ... I would've been humiliated if she found out about Buffy. She was a great mom. And she kept ... she kept me sane when my business went under.", "Brass: You still have the blackmail note?", "Ray Lester: Yeah. I couldn't risk letting Becky find it. Soon as I opened that letter, it went right into my briefcase. I've got the only key.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Sara look at the note. There are fingerprints on the front.)", "Sara: (reading) \"Send $200,000 to P.O. Box 4976, Searchlight, Nevada, 89431 within two weeks or I'll send photos to your wife.\"", "Catherine: P.O. Box was through a private company, paid for in cash with a pseudonym: Abe Lincoln. Ninhydrin picked up six distinct prints. Five were matched to Ray.", "Sara: What about the sixth?", "Catherine: Becky Lester.", "Sara: Hold on. Ray told Brass that Becky never saw that note, which means he was lying. If she read the note, then it's possible that Ray freaked out, bludgeoned her to death.", "Catherine: What if Ray's telling the truth?", "Sara: Well, Catherine, if he was, her fingerprints would not be on this note.", "Catherine: Unless she touched the letter before it was sent, which would make her the sender.", "Sara: Well, that doesn't make any sense.", "Catherine: Becky thought that Ray was squirreling away money. Maybe this is her way of getting her hands on it.", "Sara: She used his fetish against him?", "Catherine: She blackmailed her own husband, knowing that he would pay up, so she wouldn't find out his secret.", "Sara: That's ingenious. And really sad.", "(Catherine laughs.)", "Sara: If it's true.", "Catherine: Well, if Becky's saliva's on that envelope, it's indisputable.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[CGI EFFECTS]", "(Quick CGI POV of: Camera reverses out from inside a brain.)", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Robbins points to the brain on the metal tray as he explains to Warrick what happened.)", "Robbins: This is a blood clot. Take a look.", "(Robbins pries the brain apart to show Warrick what it looks like inside.)", "Warrick: Huh. The blood's continuous.", "Robbins: Comes from deep within the parenchyma. The first wife had a stroke and it was fatal.", "Warrick: What about the scalp lacerations?", "Robbins: Perimortem.", "Warrick: So she must've hit her head on the stairs on the way down.", "Robbins: Well, I can't tell you about the second wife, but this was a natural.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Greg runs an ALS over the blackmail note. He finds a watermark on the bottom.)", "Sara: That's the Western Airlines logo.", "Greg: Over the past few years, corporations have begun embedding their insignia into the stationery for security purposes.", "(Catherine's phone rings; she answers it.)", "Catherine: If Becky wrote the note, she wrote it at work. (to phone) This is Catherine. Oh, yeah. I'm on my way.", "(Catherine leaves the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Grissom meets with Ecklie and ADA Jeffrey Sinclair.)", "Grissom: For the record, I think you're filing prematurely.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: As always, I value your opinion. But I'm confident in our decision to move forward. But, come on, Grissom, granted the first death was a natural -- but two dead women married to the same guy found in a stairwell? Lightning doesn't strike in the same place twice.", "Grissom: Actually, it does. The Empire State Building gets struck twenty times a year.", "(Sinclair looks at Ecklie, who rolls his eyes.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Let's just run the case.", "(Catherine rushes into the lab.)", "Catherine: Sorry, I got held up.", "Grissom: No, you're just in time. Ms. Willows, would you bring Mr. Sinclair up to speed?", "Catherine: I'd be happy to. Ray and Becky Lester were unhappily married. She was having an affair with her boss; he was indulging his biting fetish. They were having financial problems. But Becky believed that Ray was hiding money. Two weeks ago, Ray received a blackmail note demanding 200 grand or the wife finds out about bite girl. Well, we have just confirmed that the blackmailer and the wife are one and the same.", "Grissom: Based on what?", "Catherine: The envelope of the ransom note. DNA was a match.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: The wife was blackmailing the husband?", "Catherine: (chuckles) Never underestimate the deviousness of a malcontented spouse.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Well, he found out and he killed her.", "Grissom: We don't have any evidence to support that.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Run the timeline.", "Grissom: Couple got home around 10:00 P.M. They went outside and had some tequila. At 10:08, Ray's daughter from his first marriage phoned. Becky went inside to take the call.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: How long did they talk?", "Grissom: It's not in Brass's notes.", "Catherine: Well, I have the phone records here, so ... uh, the call lasted ... two minutes?", "Conrad Ecklie: I thought the husband told Nick it was a marathon call.", "Catherine: Yeah, I'm just seeing this for the first time here. Um ... the incoming call did not come from the grandfather's house.", "(Catherine turns her phone on.)", "Catherine: I'm gonna call this number.", "(The phone rings. An answering machine goes on.)", "Ray Lester: (answering machine) You've reached the home office of Ray Lester. Please leave your details after the beep.", "Catherine: Susan called her stepmother from inside the house.", "Conrad Ecklie: Did anybody process that office phone?", "Grissom: The office was away from the crime scene. We, uh, checked it for a murder weapon, but that's about it. I'll get an investigator over there. Unless you're in too much of a hurry.", "(Grissom leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LESTER RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Greg and Sara enter the house. They look over at the desk and see the phone.)", "Greg: There it is.", "(Greg snaps a photo of the phone. Sara picks the phone up and checks it. She flips it over and finds the blood on the back.)", "(Camera zooms in for a close-up.)", "Sara: Greg ... there's a fingerprint in blood.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT./INT. STEIN RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Brass knocks on the door. Grandpa Stein answers it. Catherine and Brass are on the front porch.)", "Grandpa Stein:Detective, what's going on?", "Brass: Mr. Stein, where's Susan?", "(Susan steps out from the back.)", "Susan Lester: Is everything okay with Dad?", "Brass: We have a warrant to search your house.", "(Catherine slips inside the doorway.)", "Grandpa Stein:A warrant?! What?", "Brass: Would you both please step outside with this officer?", "Susan Lester: Can I get my homework?", "Brass: Well, uh ...", "(Catherine turns and looks at Brass.)", "Catherine: Sure. That'd be all right.", "Susan Lester: Okay.", "(Susan hurries to her room. Catherine follows her.)", "(In the bedroom, Susan is closing her backpack. She turns around just as Catherine steps in the doorway.)", "Catherine: I'm gonna need to see inside your backpack.", "Susan Lester: It's just my books and stuff.", "Catherine: I'd like to see what you're studying.", "(Catherine takes the backpack from her. She puts it on the bed and opens it. Inside the backpack, Catherine finds books ... and a bloodied shirt.)", "Catherine: What did you hit her with?", "(Susan looks around. Catherine looks at the closet door.)", "Susan Lester: I want to talk to my dad.", "Brass: Why don't we take a ride downtown. You can call him from there.", "(Susan leaves.)", "Brass: (to Catherine) Nice work.", "(Catherine puts the shirt aside. She picks up the camera and opens the closet door. She takes a photo of the shirts hanging inside.)", "(She takes out her flashlight and looks around. She pushes the clothes aside and finds a cane leaning against the wall. She looks at the cane handle and puts it on the doorknob. She takes a swab and tests for blood. The swab turns pink.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews Susan Lester. Ms. Karpell sits next to her.)", "Susan Lester: My stepmom was a bitch.", "Ms. Karpell: Susan, you're not helping. Please, stay quiet.", "Brass: Excuse me for a minute.", "(In the observation room, Grissom and Catherine watch the interview.)", "Grissom: You know, I guess this could explain why Becky's skull was lacerated and not fractured.", "Catherine: She wasn't strong enough.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "Susan Lester: I had to protect him.", "Brass: Protect who, Susan?", "Ms. Karpell: Susan!", "Brass: Protect your father? Protect your father from what?", "Susan Lester: She was gonna leave him.", "Brass: So that's why you killed your stepmother--to protect your father.", "Susan Lester: Last week, I skipped soccer practice and came home early.", "(Quick flash of: Susan rushes up the stairs and puts her backpack in her room. She hears Becky and a man laughing.)", "Becky Lester: You are so damn brilliant.", "Adam Gilford: I just found the digital video and printed out the stills.", "(Susan heads for Becky's bedroom and finds Becky in bed with Adam Gilford.)", "Becky Lester: \"Dental records.\" I married a moron.", "(She sees them kiss.)", "Adam Gilford: Did you check the P.O. Box today?", "Becky Lester: Empty, but he's got another week. Ray's whipped. He brought up counseling again. The idiot would die before letting me in on his freak-ass fetish.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Susan Lester: My dad only married Becky because of me.", "Brass: Explain that to me.", "Susan Lester: Well, he thought I needed a mom and that's why he stayed with her.", "Catherine: Blaming herself for the marriage.", "Grissom: She doesn't seem to blame herself for ending it.", "Brass: So you waited for your granddad to go to sleep and you snuck out of the house, snuck back into your house then you called your stepmom from your dad's telephone line. Pretty tricky. And then, you must've ... hid somewhere.", "Susan Lester: I hid in the closet. I told her we had to talk and that I knew about her boyfriend.", "(Quick flash of: Susan is in the closet and on the phone.)", "Susan Lester: (to phone) Uh, hey, Dad. Is Becky there? Could I talk to her?", "Ray Lester: (to phone) All right.", "(He hands the phone to Becky.)", "Ray Lester: (to Becky) It's Susan.", "Becky Lester: (to phone) Hey, babe.", "Susan Lester: (to phone) Just tell Dad you'll take the call inside and meet me in my room.", "Becky Lester: (to phone) Okay. (to Ray) It's boy trouble. (she puts the call on hold) I'll take this inside.", "(Flash to: Becky heads inside. As soon as she passes the closet and heads upstairs, Susan rushes out and uses the cane to hit her over the head.)", "(Becky hits her head on the stairs. She gets up and turns around. Susan hits her again. She falls backward. Susan hits her again, blood spatters on the wall.)", "(She looks at the blood on the cane handle and on her shirt.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Ms. Karpell: Are we done here?", "Brass: Almost. We're almost done. You know, Susan, there was a bloody paper towel left in the trash. Can you tell me about that?", "(Quick flashback to: Susan runs to the kitchen and grabs a paper towel to wipe the blood off the cane handle.)", "Susan Lester: (V.O.) I went into the kitchen. Tried to clean up.", "(She tosses the paper towel in the trash.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Susan Lester: I put the phone back in my dad's office and I walked back to Grandpa's.", "Brass: Where was your father when you killed your stepmother?", "Susan Lester: He was outside. Asleep.", "(In the observation room, Grissom and Catherine listen.)", "Grissom: Did you catch that?", "Catherine: Timeline is off.", "Grissom: Curious. You want to talk to the dad and I'll call the DA?", "Catherine: Sure.", "(Grissom leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM]", "(Ray Lester waits in the waiting room with an officer. Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: You knew.", "Ray Lester: What?", "Catherine: Your daughter killed your wife and you knew it.", "Ray Lester: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Catherine: Susan attacked Becky as soon as she went into the house. But you admitted to having another drink. You would've heard the attack.", "Ray Lester: I'm sorry, but that's what happ ...", "Catherine: You went into the house and found Susan wiping blood off of her hands. You sent her back to her grandfather's. You came up with a story to tell the cops, and then called 911. You were protecting your daughter. And now she's protecting you.", "Ray Lester: You can't prove it.", "Catherine: Well, either way, you have to live with it.", "(Catherine turns and leaves. She walks down the hallway. Susan Lester, Ms. Karpell and an officer exit the interview room. Catherine walks past them.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Bite Me
[ "The CSIs are called in when a homeowner finds a disheveled group of teenagers dumping a body in his yard. It is soon discovered that the group is a cult , but when Grissom and Catherine find the cult's headquarters, they find the members all dead from what appears to be a mass suicide. As the team investigates further, they find out that the mass suicide didn't go as the cult leader planned." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(Camera pulls out and away from the city.)", "[EXT. COPELAND RESIDENCE (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(A dog barks. The house is dark; the lights are off. The dog continues to bark and growl viciously at something.)", "[INT. RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - NIGHT]", "(Mr and Mrs. Copeland are sleeping in bed. They get up.)", "Mr. Copeland: Tucker's barking.", "Mrs. Copeland: Probably another coyote.", "(Suddenly, they hear something clanging from downstairs. Mr. Copeland looks at the open bedroom door. The sounds continue.)", "(He opens the nightstand drawer and takes out a gun.)", "Mrs. Copeland: What are you doing?", "(He snaps the cartridge in the gun, loading it.)", "Mr. Copeland: Call the police.", "(He walks over to the door and looks out. He turns back.)", "Mr. Copeland: (whispers) Do it!", "Mrs. Copeland: (whispers) Okay!", "(She picks up the phone and makes the call.)", "(He heads downstairs. In the background, we hear the dog's low growl, then a whimper.)", "(He reaches the bottom of the stairs and finds someone in the kitchen taking food from the refrigerator. His arms are full of food and he's stuffing whatever he can in his mouth.)", "Mr. Copeland: Freeze! I said freeze!", "(The intruder drops the food and runs out of the house. He runs outside.)", "Mr. Copeland: I'm not afraid to use this.", "(The man chases him out of the house. He stops running when he finds a large group of people in his yard. He's stunned for a moment. They all are.)", "Mr. Copeland: Nobody move.", "(Suddenly, the group runs.)", "(The man starts to chase them, then trips over a dead body.)", "Mr. Copeland: Oh, my God.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[EXT. COPELAND RESIDENCE - BACK YARD -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine snaps photos of the dead man. David Phillips takes the liver temperature.)", "David Phillips: No wallet, no ID. (The thermometer beeps.) 80.6 degrees. He's been dead around twelve hours.", "Catherine: Broken nose, broken cheekbone. Somebody worked him over pretty good. There's a piece of his shirt that's missing. That doesn't look like a tear from a struggle. It looks like it got snagged on something.", "(She looks around and snaps photos of the shoe prints in the dirt near the fence.)", "Catherine: There's heavy foot traffic but no blood. It's got to be a body dump.", "David Phillips: Could be.", "Catherine: But why here?", "(Brass walks over to Catherine. She notices the sheet over a second body nearer the house.)", "Catherine: Dispatch didn't say anything about another body.", "Brass: It's Tucker, their dog. He was found dead with his tongue hanging out. I guess they must've slipped it something.", "Catherine: I'll get its blood to tox.", "Brass: The homeowner said that nothing was missing in the house but food.", "Catherine: They get a look at the intruders?", "Brass: Yeah, the husband says they were dirty, you know, like filthy, like they hadn't showered in months. Didn't know if there were five or fifty of them. Where is he?", "(Catherine motions with her head.)", "(Grissom is standing outside the light and looking up at the sky at the meteor shower overhead.)", "(Brass walks up to him.)", "Grissom: The Orionid meteor shower. You never get a view like this in town.", "Brass: Hmm. So, uh, is this part of the investigation?", "Grissom: No. But we're here, and it's beautiful.", "(Grissom turns on his flashlight and points it on the ground in front of him.)", "Grissom: Footprints going in both directions. They came and they went.", "Brass: So dump the body, raid the refrigerator.", "Grissom: Maybe they had an appetite for murder.", "(Grissom and Brass both turn and look up at the sky.)", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. COPELAND RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Brass checks the back sliding door and sees that the screen is ripped. He uses a pen and pushes the sliding door open. He steps into the house.)", "Brass: Well, it's no secret how they got in.", "(Sara is in the kitchen dusting the refrigerator for fingerprints. Brass sees the food on the floor.)", "Brass: Whoa. Looks like somebody had a super bowl party in here.", "Sara: They had some kind of party. Suspect made a mess. Seems like they were looking for junk food.", "(Brass puts on a pair of gloves. See sees the fingerprints on the refrigerator door.)", "Sara: Somebody had sticky fingers.", "[EXT. COPELAND RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(Catherine jumps over the fence and joins Grissom on the other side. He's staring out at the desert.)", "Catherine: It's a big desert.", "Grissom: About 25,000 square miles.", "Catherine: And the nearest town is Pahrump. That's about 30 miles from here.", "(Grissom shows her his canteen.)", "Grissom: But I got water. We can share.", "(He heads out.)", "Catherine: Who are you today, Moses?", "(Catherine takes out her phone and dials.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Yeah, Jim, uh ... (chuckles) Grissom and I are going to take a little walk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Nick walks in. They go over Robbins' findings.)", "Nick: Hey, Doc.", "Robbins: Hi, there, Nick. I've lost count as to how many broken bones this guy has. Multiple fractures to the spine, ribs, pelvis, skull. Multiple lacerations and contusions. No vital response to the injuries.", "Nick: Perimortem.", "Robbins: Yep.", "Nick: He was dumped in a backyard by a whole bunch of other people. Do you think they could've beat him to death?", "Robbins: Nick, it took a lot of people to do this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COPELAND RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Warrick snaps photos of the shoe prints on the dirt. He makes a plaster cast of the prints.)", "(When the casts dry, he removes them and lines them up.)", "Warrick: Dirty dozen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT -- DAY]", "(Grissom and Catherine are out walking in the desert following the tracks as it leads them farther and farther away from the house.)", "Grissom: I count five distinct treads: boots, shoes, sneakers. Drag marks are always right in the middle -- thin, parallel lines.", "Catherine: The vic's shoes were scuffed at the toes, so he must've been dragged.", "(Quick flash of: The victim's feet drag on the ground as people half carry, half drag him. End of flash.)", "(Catherine finds a candy wrapper caught on a branch.)", "Catherine: Well, whoever they are, they like junk food.", "Grissom: Who doesn't?", "(They continue walking.)", "Grissom: You ever seen the Pyramids?", "Catherine: Does the Luxor count? Eh, what do you think? I haven't even been to New York.", "Grissom: I'd like to see the Pyramids one day.", "Catherine: Keep walking, we could come upon them today.", "(Grissom smiles.)", "Catherine: So you like archeology, huh?", "Grissom: Oh, yeah. Whenever I want to feel small.", "(In the distance, they see a column of black smoke rising in the air.)", "Grissom: Smoke?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Catherine and Grissom walk up to the burnt car. Catherine snaps some photos.)", "Catherine: I found the point of ignition.", "(She snaps a couple of photos.)", "Catherine: Molotov.", "(Quick flash of: Someone lights the fuse and leaves. The car explodes. End of flash.)", "(Grissom is looking at the back of the car, when he stops and stands up.)", "Grissom: You hear that?", "(He turns and looks around.)", "Catherine: Sounds like a motor.", "(Nearby is a compound.)", "Catherine: Think someone's in there?", "(They head for the compound.)", "(As they approach the compound, Grissom sees the generator running on the side of the wall.)", "Grissom: This looks like some sort of observation post. Maybe used to monitor nuclear tests.", "(They head for the entrance.)", "Catherine: Half of Nevada was a weapon site.", "(Grissom starts walking down the entryway stairs.)", "Catherine: Stop. You're not going any further without backup.", "(Catherine's phone rings. She answers it.)", "Brass: (from phone) Catherine, where the hell are you guys?", "Catherine: (looking around) That's a good question, Jim. I think we're about three miles northeast of the Copeland house, in front of some kind of military installation.", "(Static crackles over the phone.)", "Brass: (from phone) Hello, Catherine.", "Catherine: Jim, can you hear me?", "Brass: (from phone) I'm losing ...", "Catherine: you're breaking up. Jim?", "(She hangs up.)", "Catherine: Lost him.", "Grissom: Well, we got two choices: Go back ... or go forward.", "(Catherine takes her gun out. Grissom turns and heads inside the compound.)", "[INT. COMPOUND - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom opens the door and looks inside.)", "Catherine: I don't hear anything but the generator.", "(Grissom and Catherine both turn their flashlights on. She nods to Grissom.)", "Catherine: After you.", "(Grissom steps inside. High above them is a large ceiling fan. Down below are several floors.)", "Grissom: (shouts) Las Vegas Crime Lab!", "Catherine: (shouts) Anyone here?", "(They walk deeper into the compound. The hallway wall is covered with graffiti.)", "(At the end of the hallway, they reach a large room lined on either side with wire cots. There's a dead person on each cot.)", "(Grissom and Catherine walk into the room.)", "(Grissom knocks over an empty water bottle.)", "Grissom: I count eleven.", "Catherine: Me, too. They're so young.", "(The bed on the end is empty.)", "Grissom: And number twelve is missing. Maybe that was the guy we found in the yard.", "(Behind them, a loud clanging sounds. Catherine whirls around, her gun raised.)", "Catherine: (shouts) Who's there?!", "(There's no answer. Grissom and Catherine head back toward the doorway)", "Catherine: (shouts) Las Vegas Crime Lab! Identify yourself!", "(Suddenly, two officers appear in the doorway.)", "Officer: Don't shoot, don't shoot. LVPD. Captain Brass radioed us. Said you might be in here and need assistance.", "(Grissom turns around and looks at the dead bodies in the room.)", "Grissom: Well, unfortunately, we're not the ones who need the help.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BUNKER -- DAY]", "(Greg looks into the burned car's broken window. He can barely make out a VIN number. He walks to the other side of the car and looks at the burned glove compartment. He snaps a photo of it. He takes out what looks like a burned piece of an ID card.)", "(An SUV drive up. Nick gets out of the car.)", "Nick: Hey!", "(Nick waves to Greg, who waves back. Nick heads over to Robbins, who stands near the compound entrance.)", "Robbins: Hey, Nick.", "Nick: How many we looking at Doc?", "Robbins: Eleven total. And it's hot. You got to move.", "Nick: Okay.", "(Nick heads for the compound, then stops when he realizes that it goes underground. He overhears two officers talking to each other.)", "Man: Yeah, eighty feet underground, no A/C. Thought I was going to suffocate.", "Man 2: I can't even get down there. Claustrophobic.", "Man: Yeah. Uh, listen, preliminary sketch here ...", "(Nick glances back at them. He looks at the compound and forces himself to continue.)", "(He pauses at the door and takes several deep breaths. He heads inside.)", "[INT. COMPOUND - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick walks down the stairs. He passes an officer on his way out. The officer points down below.)", "Officer: Just keep on going.", "(Nick reaches the corridor. He passes the coroners wheeling out a gurney with a body bag. Nick continues down the corridor.)", "[INT. SLEEPING CHAMBERS - COMPOUND - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Various photo flashes of: The empty water bottle, the victim's ankle, the victim's face.)", "(Catherine continues snapping photos. Nick arrives and walks up to Catherine.)", "Nick: Oh, man. What is this place, a mini Jonestown?", "Catherine: I don't know if they drank spiked Kool-Aid, but they drank something. Smells like alcohol.", "Nick: I'll process the bottles.", "(Nick heads for the end of the row of beds.)", "(On the empty bed is an empty water bottle and funnel. Catherine takes a picture of it.)", "(Nick picks up the funnel and looks at it.)", "(Camera zooms in and notes the residual on the outside of the funnel.)", "(Grissom looks around the compound and comes across a large room. On one of the walls, he finds various article clippings posted - of aliens, Stonehenge, the Pyramids, astrology and other things. On the opposite wall near a single bed, he finds a mural of people ascending into a spaceship through a white beam of light.)", "(Next to the bed is a nightstand filled with bottles and things. Just behind the bed is a large metal sphere with a ring around it. Grissom walks up to the planet and turns it on. The light from inside the metal planet shines through the holes in the surface, casting different sized spots of light on the ceiling and walls as it turns.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins has two bodies out on the table. Camera moves through the first autopsy room and into the hallway where we see that the other bodies are pushed up against both walls.)", "(Camera continues through the hallway into a second room where Warrick and Sara are documenting the physical evidence gathered from the bodies. Warrick takes a photo and matches it against one of the victim's shoes while Sara is taking photos.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(On the table in front of them, Warrick has the shoe prints and the casts from the Copeland house matched.)", "Warrick: Well, I've matched the shoes from all the bodies in the bunker to the impressions that we found at the scene.", "Sara: You got one extra.", "Warrick: It's a size eight athletic shoe. I can't account for it. It doesn't belong to the guy who was dumped there, and I've already ruled out Mr. and Mrs. Copeland.", "Sara: So one of the people that dragged that body through the desert did not die in the bunker.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BUNKER - CIRCULAR ROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom snaps photos of the mural on the wall while Catherine is processing the bed. After snapping several photos, Grissom pauses.)", "Grissom: The mythology here appears to be similar to the Heaven's Gate Cult in California several years ago. They committed mass suicide to shed their earthly bodies and hitch a ride on a spaceship hidden in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet.", "Catherine: Well, these earthly bodies got a good workout first. Big room, big bed, light show. This cult was about getting laid.", "Grissom: Well, Jim Jones and Charles Manson used s*x to manipulate their followers. I'm guessing they were timing their ascension to the Orionid meteor shower last night?", "Catherine: So while you were watching shooting stars, they were dying.", "Grissom: There's twelve bunks in there, one bed in here. There should be thirteen bodies. One prophet, twelve apostles.", "Catherine: And two people are missing.", "Grissom: Maybe they caught the spaceship.", "Catherine: Well ... would you settle for a flying saucer?", "(Catherine finds a metal bowl with burned pieces of paper inside. Grissom snaps photos of the bowl and contents.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BUNKER - CORRIDOR -- DAY]", "(Nick is headed out carrying several evidence bags when something on the floor catches his eyes. He shines his flashlight on what appears to be smudges of blood on the metal floor.)", "(He looks at the blood on the floor and takes a couple of steps back, but the blood smudges stop. He then looks up at the walkways above.)", "(He sees some cloth caught on one of the metal walkways.)", "(Quick flash of: A body falls from above and hits the metal walkway, causing a tear in the clothes. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Greg smashes through the windshielf and removes the VIN plate off the front dashboard. He works on it and gets the VIN: YZ1AX8848E194189.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Greg reports his findings to Sara.)", "Greg: VIN plate on the burned-out car came back to a Vivian Bentley. She died two years ago at the ripe old age of 90. Car was never re-registered.", "Sara: Dead end.", "Greg: Not exactly. I also found a melted name tag with a sunburst logo. Figured I'd let my fingers do the walking.", "Sara: You scanned the yellow pages.", "Greg: I knew the first three letters. By the way, do you know how many companies in Las Vegas start with S-U-N?", "Sara: I so don't care.", "Greg: Well, only one has the sunburst logo: Sunview Travel Agency. Vivian's grandson, Ty Bentley, works there. I pulled his DMV photo.", "(He shows her the copy of the NEVADA DRIVER LICENSE. It reads:", "IC# 1800592214", "EXPIRES: 02-17-2006", "ISSN: ??03-45-734", "CLASS: C", "ENDORSE", "RESTRICTIONS", "BIRTHDATE: ??-17-1975", "s*x: M", "HEIGHT: 5'7\"", "WEIGHT: 165", "EYES: BRN", "HAIR: BRN", "BENTLEY, TY", "7748 CANYON AVENUE.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101 )", "Sara: That's the guy that was dumped at the house.", "Greg: Brass is going to check it out. How are we doing on the other IDs?", "Sara: Including the one that you just made, we got one.", "(She hands the file folder to Greg and walks out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SUNVIEW TRAVEL AGENCY - LOBBY -- DAY]", "(Brass is talking with the travel manager.)", "Travel Manager: Ty hasn't been here for the last two days. Didn't even call in. This is his desk. It's really not like him. Is he okay?", "Brass: Does Ty work here full time?", "Travel Manager: Yeah. Puts in more hours than anybody.", "Brass: Was he a member of any religious organizations that you know of?", "Travel Manager: I don't know. It never really came up. Something happened to him, didn't it?", "Brass: Yeah. So the last time you saw him was two days ago?", "(Brass finds a photo of Ty Bentley with a young woman.)", "Travel Manager: He's worked here over a year, never raised his voice. Then this strange-looking customer came in. Ty must've known him ...", "(Quick flashback of: Ty stands and yells at an older man.)", "Ty Bentley: I want to talk to Emma, you freak!", "Joseph Diamond: She's moving on, boy.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Brass: Would that customer's information still be in the computer?", "Travel Manager: Nobody's touched it since. Should be the last entry.", "(She sits at the desk and uses the computer. Brass shows her the photo.)", "Brass: Do you know the person in this photo?", "Travel Manager: That's Emma, Ty's girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend. They broke up last year. Here we go. Last customer was a Joseph Diamond. Booking a trip to Australia-Sydney-one way.", "Brass: One way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(The print search runs on the database. The computer beeps showing a \"POSITIVE MATCH\". Sara walks in. Mandy Websterk reports.)", "Sara: Any good news, Mandy?", "Mandy: A little bit. A male DB, at the bunker--matched your partial from the kitchen door. So far, he's the only one with a record.", "(The following record appears on screen:", "FILE PRINT A", "LAS VEGAS POLICE", "NAME: MATTHEW DICKENS", "AGE: 19 HEIGHT: 5'8\"", "WEIGHT: 130 LBS EYES: BLUE", "RACE: CAUCASIAN s*x: MALE", "HAIR: BROWN DOB: MAR 1, 1986", "LAST KNOWN ADDRESS:", "WESTERN LAS VEGAS UNIVERSITY", "SUNSET HALL, 574 CANYON GROVE", "LAS VEGAS, NY 89107", "STATUTE: HRS 205 0528", "ARREST: MISDEMEANOR PETTY THEFT", "DISPOSITION: ONE YEAR PROBATION (2002)", "STATUTE: HRS 205 0528", "ARREST: MISDEMEANOR PETTY THEFT", "DISPOSITION: ONE YEAR PROBATION (2004)", "Mandy: Matthew Dickens, 19. Busts for petty theft.", "Sara: College student.", "Mandy: Yeah, very impressionable. When I start my religion that's where I'm going to recruit.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WESTERN LAS VEGAS UNIVERSITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Man (Ryan?): (V.O.) I remember him. Matt Dickens. We used to call him Hollywood.", "[EXT. WESTERN LAS VEGAS UNIVERSITY - CAMPUS -- DAY]", "(Sofia Curtis talks with two students. Dexter is playing a hand-held game. He's wearing earplugs.)", "Ryan: He was in our, uh, our freshman dorm. He was a ...", "Dexter: ... religious studies major.", "Ryan: Right. Hard core trekkie, too.", "Dexter: Mars bars.", "Ryan: Right. That dude loved junk food. He smoked a ton of weed.", "Dexter: Guy was a loser.", "(Sofia grabs the game from Dexter. He pulls the earplugs out from his ears.)", "Sofia Curtis: What do you mean?", "Dexter: His parents sent him loads of cash. He spent it all on dope, and then he stole stuff to get more dope.", "Sofia Curtis: According to the registrar, he was taking classes till the end of term last fall. Why did he leave?", "Dexter: He started hanging out with some other losers, and they convinced him to drop out.", "Ryan: Yeah, there was a redhead. She was hot, but in a ... in a weird kind of way.", "Dexter: Hollywood was a moron. One week, the guy's saving the whales, and the next week, he's American Taliban.", "Ryan: Yeah. He was totally into that girl.", "Sofia Curtis: She have a name?", "Dexter: Emma.", "(She shows them a morgue photo of Emma.)", "Sofia Curtis: Was this her?", "(Ryan looks at the photo and points.)", "Ryan: Is she dead?", "Sofia Curtis: They're all dead.", "Ryan: Emma was working Hollywood with some old guy named Diamond.", "Sofia Curtis: Working him?", "Dexter: Yeah, they were running some kind of religious scam. E-Emma tried to recruit me ... with her hands down my pants.", "Ryan: She did that to me, too.", "Dexter: No kidding?", "Ryan: Yeah.", "Dexter: (sighs) Anyway, uh, the second she started talking about outer space and transcendence, I blew her off, 'cause I do not waste time on crazy chicks.", "Ryan: She was really hot, though.", "Dexter: That was almost a year ago. Then the last time I saw Hollywood, he was with some other freak. A notch down, though. Abbey ... I think her name was. They said they were going to some better place.", "Ryan: I thought they meant UCLA.", "(The two boys look at each other and chuckle. They quickly stop when they look at Sofia.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BUNKER -- DAY]", "(Catherine is on the phone. She's walking quickly out of the bunker.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Nick, I got a real low signal; you're cutting in and out. Say that again.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Nick is walking past reception.)", "Nick: (to phone) I said all the prints on the bottles belong to the victims. The prints on the funnel came back unknown though.", "Catherine: And what about the blood in the elevator shaft?", "Nick: It matched to Ty Bentley, but we can't confirm he was murdered. For all we know, he fell down that shaft.", "Catherine: No, that's unlikely, after all they torched his car, dragged his body three miles and dumped it in the Copelands' backyard. Anything on the liquid in the bottles?", "Nick: Yeah, tox results just came back: 40 grams percent ethanol. Now, that's about 80 proof. Kind of smelled like vodka, the cheap stuff.", "Catherine: Nobody dies from a martini.", "Nick: No, but you add ten grams percent of ketamine and they do.", "Catherine: Well, that's enough to kill a horse.", "(Nick walks into the break room and gets himself a cup of coffee.)", "Nick: Yeah, or the Copelands' dog for that matter. Ketamine's a disassociative anesthetic, which means they were hallucinating, having out-of-body experiences ...", "Catherine: So I was wrong; they did take a trip.", "Nick: Well, there are a lot of different ways they could have killed themselves, so I'm guessing that was the point.", "Catherine: Ten grams percent of ketamine times 12 bottles, that's 300 milliliters of ketamine? Can't score that on the street.", "(Nick picks up his cup of coffee and walks across the break room.)", "Nick: Well, we didn't find any ephedrine, which is generally used to cut ketamine. Veterinarians use liquid injectable ketamine as an animal sedative, so Sofia's checking with the local vets now.", "(Grissom walks up to Catherine.)", "Catherine: What did autopsy say time of death was?", "Grissom: 3:15 A.M.?", "Nick: Between 3:00 and 3:30.", "Catherine: (to Grissom) How did you know that?", "Grissom: That's when the Orionid meteor shower passed over Vegas. Ask him if they all died about the same time.", "Catherine: Nick, was TOD same for everyone?", "Nick: Approximately. It varied with body weight. Took between 12 and 20 minutes for them to die.", "(Quick flash of: Someone drinks from the bottle of water. He falls back on the bed and groans in pain with everyone else. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Ketamine's really hard on the stomach; it induces vomiting.", "(Quick flash of: Someone throws up. End of flash.)", "Nick: I think a combination of alcohol and the drug just slowed their lungs.", "(Quick flash of: Someone falls back on the bed. Camera zooms in for a close-up. The person's eyes open wide.)", "(Quick CGI POV of: The camera zooms in to the person and shows their lungs stop working. End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Nick: (from phone) Ultimately, they died of respiratory arrest.", "(In the distance, Catherine sees buzzards flying overhead.)", "Catherine: Okay, thanks, Nicki. Got to go.", "(She hangs up.)", "Catherine: (to Grissom) Did you notice those buzzards earlier?", "Grissom: No. But something sure smells good to them.", "(They both head off toward the buzzards.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. EXAM ROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick is having his throat checked.)", "Tina Brown: Say \"ah.\"", "Warrick: Ah.", "Tina Brown: Ahh ...", "Warrick: Ahh ...", "Tina Brown: Sore throat, you say? Okay, I don't see any inflammation. Take off your shirt, please.", "(Warrick starts to unbutton his shirt. He looks at his wife.)", "Warrick: Can't we just make out?", "Tina Brown: I'm working, Mr. Brown.", "Warrick: I don't care, Mrs. Brown.", "(He pulls her toward him and they kiss.)", "Tina Brown: There's nothing wrong with you. You're just working too hard.", "Warrick: What time you get off shift?", "Tina Brown: Midnight. You?", "Warrick: Who knows?", "Tina Brown: I got to get back to work.", "(They step out into the hallway and start to kiss.)", "Woman: (over loudspeaker) Dr. Curry, please check with the message center. Dr. Curry, please check with the message center.", "(He looks up and sees a man talking with a woman at the end of the hallway. The man looks back at Warrick. Tina glances back at the man. She looks at Warrick.)", "Tina Brown: Don't even say it, Warrick.", "Warrick: I didn't say anything. You got to admit, though, working around the ex is a little strange.", "Tina Brown: It was a long time ago.", "Warrick: It was a year ago.", "Tina Brown: You have to trust me.", "Warrick: I do trust you.", "Tina Brown: Look, there's still so much that we don't know about each other yet. Okay?", "(Warrick nods.)", "Tina Brown: But we've got the rest of our lives to figure it out.", "(They kiss. Tina leaves. Warrick watches her go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT -- DAY]", "(Grissom and Catherine find a car under a makeshift roof.)", "Grissom: Are you having the same mirage I'm having?", "Catherine: A silver Beemer in the middle of the damn desert? Yeah. Nice wheels. Somebody sure went out of their way to hide this car.", "Grissom: Well, you can sure smell what the buzzards are after.", "Catherine: Decomp.", "(They pop the trunk and find the dead body inside.)", "Catherine: Fits the description of the leader, Joseph Diamond. Guess he never made it to Australia.", "Grissom: Something tells me this wasn't a suicide. Like this tire iron-- convenient weapon of choice.", "Catherine: Well, assuming this is Diamond and Ty Bentley was a spurned lover and not a member of the cult ... we're still short one body.", "Grissom: Which I believe makes that body our number one suspect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick is in the lab pulling out the partially burned pieces of paper. He groups the pieces together.)", "(Various dissolves of Warrick working.)", "(As he finishes the papers, he places a piece of glass over it. He puts the glass and paper into the machine. He passes it under different colored lights to see the writing on it.)", "(The first burned letter is from \"Mom\".)", "(Cut to: Warrick scans the letter into the copier.)", "(Cut to: Warrick pins copies of the different letters up on the wall. He looks at the letters.)", "Voice (woman): (V.O.) \"Thank you for writing. Your father and I miss you so much.\"", "Voice (man): (V.O.) \"Money's kind of tight, I hope this helps. Send more when I can.\"", "Voice (woman 2): (V.O.) \"Mom and Dad went to the police to report you missing. Please come home, even if it's just a visit.\"", "Voice (man 2): (V.O.) \"I don't understand what you're doing with your life. Your roommate says you left your things behind.\"", "Voice (man 3): (V.O.) \"I wish you could tell me why you need this money.\"", "Voice (man 4): (V.O.) \"Mom says you joined a commune. She's mad. Hey, Dad sent the money. When you talk to Mom ...\"", "Voice (woman 3): (V.O.) \"No more money until I hear from you. I love you.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Brass and Sara walk through the hallway.)", "Brass: The FBI keeps tabs on high-risk groups, cults, religious fanatics. They were good enough to fax this over. Makes good reading.", "(He hands her the report. They walk into his office.)", "Sara: \"Joseph Diamond, AKA Sirus Bent, AKA Kelvin Adams ...\"", "(Brass and Sara sit down.)", "Brass: Yeah, he founded a group called \"Soul Survivors\" in Tulsa in the mid- 90s. A few years later, same thing in Guadalajara, Mexico.", "Sara: \"Recruited susceptible youths, keeping them isolated for nine months to a year.\"", "Brass: Yeah, prior to the arrival of the mother ship, which they can only enter in spirit form, leaving their temporal vehicles, their bodies, behind.", "Sara: Mass suicide.", "Brass: Attempted mass suicide. They woke up -- probably with a hangover -- and both Diamond and their money were gone. And in both cases, his disappearance coincided with a meteor shower just like the one last night.", "Sara: Only last night everybody died.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Robbins goes over the body with Grissom.)", "Robbins: Depressed fracture.", "Grissom: Well, we found a tire iron at the scene.", "Robbins: That would do it.", "Grissom: What about TOD?", "Robbins: Well, it's hard to say. Desert heat, locked in a trunk ... both can make liver temp actually rise.", "Grissom: What about relative to the other bodies? Did he die before or after the others?", "Robbins: Given the degree of decomp, it appears that he died before the others. I can run some chemical tests, but that's going to take some time.", "(David walks up to the body and lifts the shirt.)", "David Phillips: What's this?", "(He finds a belt wrapped around the body's waist. He unzips the belt and takes out folded bills.)", "David Phillips: Hmm, looks like a money belt.", "(Warrick walks in as David hands some money to Robbins.)", "Robbins: Gives new meaning to \"strapped for cash.\"", "Warrick: Diamond was running a cash business. He had all those kids write home and ask for money. His return address was a P.O. Box that I found.", "(Grissom reaches into the money bag and takes out a plastic bag of pills.)", "Robbins: I didn't find any undigested pills in the victims' stomachs.", "Warrick: We assumed that they were ingesting a liquid ketamine.", "Grissom: So what are these?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(Henry Andrews reports to Grissom.)", "Henry Andrews: Zolpidem. Popped one when I went to Europe. Six hours sleep, no hangover.", "Grissom: Are there enough pills in that bag to kill 11 people?", "Henry Andrews: Well, if only one person downed all these, yes, it'd be lethal. But divvied up, no way. Zolpidem's a pretty safe sedative.", "Grissom: And from what we know, Diamond was a con man, not a murderer.", "(Greg walks in.)", "Greg: Hey, I lifted a partial off that tire iron. Matched it to a print that Nick lifted off the funnel from the bunker. Whoever whacked Diamond mixed the ketamine cocktail.", "Grissom: So who brought the ketamine to the party?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. VETERINARIAN'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Sofia and Nick walk into the vet.)", "Sofia Curtis: They had a break-in the day before yesterday.", "Nick: Has it been forensicated?", "Sofia Curtis: Not yet. Not much stolen, so ...", "Nick: It's a low priority for CSI.", "Sofia Curtis: Expensive equipment, pharmaceuticals -- doctor even had his laptop open on the desk. They obviously knew what they wanted.", "Nick: Hmm, and where to look for it. Drugs have been alphabetized.", "Missing drug was between ivermectin otic suspension and methocarbamol.", "Nick: \"K\" for ketamine.", "Sofia Curtis: Yeah. They took it all.", "Nick: Okay, well, it's probably an inside job. Just get me a list of current and former employees, and we'll ... go from there. Thanks.", "(She hands him the list.)", "CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEE LIST", "AARON CAPOLA", "1153 STONE CREEK", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101", "CARLISLE DEAMS", "170 STORM CLOUD LN.", "SUMMERLIN, NV 89129", "JANET FROMMER", "17611 COLLIE LANE ... )", "Nick: Wow, it's alphabetized. (She puts on her gloves.) Now what are you doing?", "Sofia Curtis: You'll be dusting for prints. I'll help.", "Nick: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - MORGUE / HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick slides the table out to allow Mr. and Mrs. Meyers a chance to identify the body of the young woman on it.)", "Mr. Meyers: That's Emma. That's our daughter.", "(They cry.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Warrick leads the Meyers out into the hallway with the other family members. Mrs. Meyers turns and stops Warrick.)", "Mrs. Meyers: Excuse me, sir. Mrs. Spencer isn't here. Her daughter went to college with Emma. They disappeared at the same time. Uh, we both received letters from them last month.", "Warrick: Spencer, you said?", "Mrs. Meyers: Her daughter's name was Abigail.", "Warrick: Well, ma'am, you see, the letters that we recovered were damaged. Not all of them yielded a name.", "Mrs. Meyers: Well, perhaps she was luckier than me.", "(They turn to leave; Warrick stops them.)", "Warrick: Ma'am ... would you be able to identify Abigail?", "Mrs. Meyers: (nods) Absolutely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB - NIGHT]", "(Nick is in front of the computer running the prints through the database. Warrick walks in just as the computer beeps to show a \"MATCH FOUND\".)", "Warrick: Nick, you have that employee list from the vet's office?", "(Nick hands the folder to Warrick.)", "Nick: The prints found at the clinic break-in are a perfect match to the ones lifted off of the tire iron and the funnel.", "(Warrick looks at the employee list:", "EARL MICHAELS", "50 VIKING CIRCLE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101", "ABIGAIL SPENCER", "217 WOLF COURT", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101", "Warrick: Abigail Spencer. She was a cult member. She used to work for your vet until last year, and she's missing.", "Nick: Her W-2's in the file.", "Warrick: I'll call Brass.", "(Warrick leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SPENCER RESIDENCE - FRONT PORCH - NIGHT]", "(Brass and Warrick knock on the front door. Mrs. Spencer opens the door.)", "Brass: Mrs. Spencer?", "Mrs. Spencer: Yeah?", "Brass: I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas police. Do you have a daughter named Abigail?", "Mrs. Spencer: Yes. Why?", "Brass: We have a warrant to search these premises.", "Mrs. Spencer: A warrant? What for?", "Brass: Your daughter is wanted for questioning in the murder of Joseph Diamond.", "(He shows her the warrant and steps past her into the house.)", "Mrs. Spencer: I haven't seen Abigail in almost a year. I have no idea where she is.", "(Brass heads for the bedrooms and finds an unmade bed. He touches the sheets.)", "Brass: The bed's still warm. Where is she?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY - NIGHT]", "(Abigail Spencer is running down the alleyway.)", "[INT. SHED - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Abigail steps into a shed and hides in a corner. She uncaps several bottles and drinks it. She chokes a little, then uncaps a large bottle of vodka and drinks that.)", "(She closes her eyes and looks up.)", "Abigail Spencer: (softly) Please. Take me with you.", "(The shed starts to rumble and the tools hanging on the wall fall off. The shed continues to rumble. A bright light shines outside.)", "(Abigail gets to her feet and walks to the center of the shed. The bright light shines down on Abigail.)", "(Above, we hear the sounds of helicopter blades whirring.)", "(Abigail spreads her arms out to receive the light.)", "(Just then, the shed door opens and Brass walks in. Abigail looks stunned. A voice from the helicopter speaker filters through the blades whirring.)", "Voice (man): (over helicopter speaker) Freeze! Remain where you are.", "(Abigail closes her eyes and falls to the floor.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - ROOM - DAY]", "(Abigail opens her eyes and finds Grissom sitting next to her hospital bed.)", "Grissom: Abigail?", "Abigail Spencer: You pumped my stomach?", "Grissom: Yeah. Just in time.", "(She turns her back to Grissom.)", "Grissom: Are you disappointed?", "Abigail Spencer: They're all up there right now. In rapture. A higher plane of existence. No wars, poverty, politics. Our bodies are just shells. They're worthless.", "Grissom: Well, how come you didn't die with your friends? And why exactly did you kill Mr. Diamond?", "Abigail Spencer: He was the most beautiful person I ever met.", "(Quick flashback to: Joseph Diamond speaks to a group of kids as they sit on the ground listening to him.)", "(Cut to: Joseph Diamond grunts and rolls off Abigail Spencer in bed. She stares up at the moving lights across the dark ceiling.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: We found your fingerprint on a tire iron that was used to split his head open.", "Abigail Spencer: He always said we'd be tested.", "(Quick flashback to: Joseph Diamond opens the car trunk as Abigail walks up to him.)", "Abigail Spencer: (V.O.) I was taking a walk when I spotted a car parking about a mile away from the compound.", "(She surprises him.)", "Abigail Spencer: Whose car is this? Where have you been?", "Joseph Diamond: I received a message last night from the Orionid. I have to move on, spread the word.", "Abigail Spencer: What about us?", "Joseph Diamond: Come with me, Abbey. We'll do it together ... somewhere near a beach.", "Abigail Spencer: We're ascending tomorrow night to the mother ship.", "Joseph Diamond: You're a smart girl.", "(He takes out a small plastic bag with the pills inside and gives it to Abbey.)", "Joseph Diamond: Just two or three of these, and everyone will get a real good night's sleep. Time to get out of town. Everyone's parents have been really good to me.", "(He turns his back to her and continues to put his things in the trunk of the car.)", "Joseph Diamond: I got forty grand.", "(Abigail picks up the tire iron and hits him over the head with it.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Abigail Spencer: I knew the others would be looking to me now.", "Grissom: But you didn't tell them, did you?", "Abigail Spencer: We were on a schedule.", "Grissom: And fortunately, you knew where to find something a little stronger than zolpidem?", "Abigail Spencer: It was important that no one suffered.", "Grissom: Ty Bentley suffered.", "Abigail Spencer: That was unfortunate.", "(Quick flashback to: Abigail sees Ty Bentley arrive with his own car. She sees him running toward them.)", "Abigail Spencer: (V.O.) Ty must've followed Diamond back to our compound. I'm sure he was looking for his ex-girlfriend, Emma.", "(Cut to: In the bunker, Ty pulls Emma toward the door.)", "Ty Bentley: These people are freaks, Emma! You're coming with me!", "Emma Meyers: This is my family now.", "Ty Bentley: Fine. I'm coming back, and I'm bringing the cops with me.", "(Ty Bentley leaves. On the way out, Abigail walks in. She grabs him and pushes him over the railing. He falls down the shaft, hitting one of the metal railings on the way down.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Abigail Spencer: Emma lost it, said we couldn't leave his body there. The others started to get restless.", "Grissom: And as you said, you were on a schedule. The peak of the meteor shower was 3:00 A.M.", "Abigail Spencer: (nods) We agreed to dump the body where it would be found ... given a decent burial.", "Grissom: And then you went back to the compound ... and you used the funnel to distribute the ketamine and vodka.", "(Quick flashback to: The funnel is placed on a water bottle. The ketamine bottles are opened and poured into the funnel. End of flashback.)", "Abigail Spencer: I had to be the last to drink.", "Grissom: Did you watch them all die? What was it like?", "(Quick flashback to: The kids drink the bottle and start coughing and throwing up. They groan and cry out in pain. On the last bunker, Abigail stares at her water bottle. She doesn't drink. One by one, they gasp for breath and die on their beds. She recaps the bottle.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Abigail Spencer: They just died.", "Grissom: And you went home to your mother.", "Abigail Spencer: I know they're all up there ... happy ... healthy ... perfect. You don't believe we're one in the universe?", "Grissom: Abigail ... I'm sure if there is something out there looking down on us from somewhere else in the universe, they're wise enough to stay away from us." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Shooting Stars
[ "The CSIs are called to a house in which the inhabitants, a family of four, have gone missing, and large pools of blood cover parts of the floor. Murder is immediately suspected, but without any bodies, it is difficult for the team to ascertain what happened." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "(Various dissolves of the camera pulling away from the city and into a small town.)", "[EXT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(Except for a couple of lights on, the house is dark and in a quiet neighborhood. The sound of crickets chirp over the whistling wind.)", "(Dissolve to: Camera moves slowly up the front steps toward the front door. There's no sign of movement in the house.)", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) They came to ... my house.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE - FOYER - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) They had a fight.", "(In the foyer, we see the large puddle of blood and messy footprints on the floor and on the stairs. There are no bodies.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Camera pans over the items on the desk in disarray.)", "(It moves continuously over to the foyer table filled with framed photos of various smiling family members.)", "(Camera moves over the photos and across the tossed room to the mantle with more framed photos of various smiling family members.)", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) They couldn't find what they were looking for.", "(Camera swings around and zooms over to the dining table with a plate of food on it and other items in disarray.)", "(Camera lingers on more bloodied prints going from one room to another. The camera turns and goes back to the foyer. It lingers on the pool of blood near an abandoned red sneaker.)", "(The camera moves up the stairs to the second floor bedroom. We see into the master bedroom. The camera turns and heads over to the little girl's room.)", "(Inside, we find Nick standing at the foot of a little girl's heart-framed bed. He stares at the unmade bed. The window above it is open, the light breeze moving the wispy curtains.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE - FRONT - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sheriff Brackett stands near the front porch as an officer looks around the grounds.)", "(Behind him, the door opens and Nick exits the house to join him.)", "Nick: Sheriff? Who, uh ... who called it in?", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Anonymous 911.", "(Nick nods.)", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Listen, we haven't had a murder in all of Lincoln County in ten years, let alone a quadruple.", "Nick: Without the bodies, I can't confirm there was a murder.", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: No offense, Mr. Stokes, but did you see the amount of blood in that house? Somebody's dead.", "Nick: What do you know about the family?", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Jude McBride -- great guy, stay-at-home dad. Nina owns a local coffee shop. Jeremy's a junior in high school, smart kid. Ten-year-old daughter, Cassie. Pip-squeak.", "Nick: Sounds like all that's missing is the white picket fence, huh?", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Yeah. We don't even know where to start looking.", "(The sheriff looks out at the group of officers combing through the grounds with their flashlights in the dark.)", "Nick: Begin at the beginning.", "WHITE FLASH TO: END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE -- MORNING]", "(Various dissolves of individual framed photos of a happy couple and smiling children. In the background, we see Nick.)", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) I loved my family.", "(Final photo is of Cassie McBride.)", "(Nick is looking at a particular family photo - Jude McBride has his arm around his wife's shoulders in an easy manner, Jeremy stands next to Cassie making rabbit ears with his fingers on the back of her head. They're all smiling in an easy manner.)", "(He continues to look around the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROAD - DAY]", "(An SUV travels along the long road. Sara takes the exit to her right. She continues driving - over a bridge, through a small town.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE - KITCHEN -- MORNING]", "(Nick is in the kitchen leaning over the counter and looking at the coffee machine.)", "(Sara walks in carrying two cups - one of coffee, one with tea. She notes the bloody prints on the floor. We hear the coffee machine perking.)", "(She walks into the kitchen.)", "Sara: Are we having a Taster's Choice moment?", "(Nick turns and looks at her.)", "Sara: Grissom called me from the airport. He's teaching a human remains recovery class at the body farm. He said you needed backup, and I figure you needed coffee, but ... looks like you already took care of it.", "Nick: Oh, no. No, I didn't do it. Coffeemaker's programmed to go on Monday through Friday.", "(The timer on the coffee maker reads 6:00.)", "Sara: So, somebody cleaned up Friday's coffee and reset it to go off today?", "(She looks around the kitchen and sees the place a mess. All the cupboards are open, the drawers are open and some things are on the floor.)", "Nick: You'd have to be alive to do that.", "Sara: Which means whatever happened here happened over the weekend.", "Nick: Blood pools are dry, so, crime scene's at least 12 hours old.", "[INT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE - FOYER -- MORNING]", "(Nick leads Sara into the main hall.)", "Nick: There were at least three major blood events -- Here ... here ... and up the stairs. Without the bodies, we'll have to confirm the source of the blood through DNA comparison.", "Sara: I'll collect toothbrushes, hairbrushes ... you know, it's possible it wasn't the family that died here.", "Nick: The sheriff confirmed the McBrides' cars are parked out front, and their cell phones, car keys, wallets are all right there.", "(Sara turns and looks at the things on the hallway table.)", "Sara: Can't get far without those.", "Nick: Mm.", "(Sara turns and looks around.)", "Sara: It would also seem to eliminate robbery as a motive.", "Nick: Yeah.", "(Warrick and Greg walk into the house. Warrick takes it in.)", "Warrick: (exhales) What a mess.", "Greg: If you're not gonna clean it up ... why take the bodies?", "Warrick: Yeah. Well, I'm gonna start upstairs.", "(Warrick heads for the stairs.)", "Greg: I'll take outside.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE -- MORNING]", "(Greg is on the outside of the house examining the window. He tries to open it, then takes several photos of it.)", "[INT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE -- MORNING]", "(Dissolve to: Sara makes her way down the stairs carrying plastic bags with shoes in them. Nick is on the base of the stairs looking through a camera set up on a tripod. He takes several photos of one of the blood pools.)", "(Dissolve to: Nick marks the shoe prints with colored circle stickers. He places a yellow sticker next to one of the shoe prints.)", "(Several dissolves of Nick continuing to mark the shoe prints throughout the room.)", "(Dissolve to: Near the outside doorway, Sara puts a measuring ruler down near a print. She notes it down in her log: shoeprint size 11.5 multiple prints shoeprint size 10.5 )", "(Dissolve to: Nick swabs some blood on the stairs. He caps the swab tip and puts it in the box.)", "(Dissolve to: Sara lifts the shoe print. She looks up and stands up.)", "Sara: Based on their shoes, dad wore a nine-and-a-half, mom wore a nine. Jeremy wore an eight-and-a-half, and Cassie wore a one.", "(Nick notes the size of the shoe print he's working on.)", "Nick: There is that men's nine-and-a-half between blood pool number one and blood pool number two.", "Sara: And the barefoot print on the stairs looks smaller.", "Nick: Yeah, they're consistent with the mom, size nine. No matches to Jeremy or Cassie, though.", "Sara: Let's just assume they were shot. Maybe they were shot first. There's no blood to step in if you're first.", "(Quick flash of: Cassie opens the door and someone shoots her. End of flash.)", "Sara: Or mom could have grabbed Cassie up, try to take her away from it all.", "(Quick flash of: Nina McBride grabs Cassie and runs up the stairs.)", "Sara: (V.O.) Bullet penetrated both bodies.", "(Someone fires one bullet and hits them both. Nina falls to her knees. End of flash.)", "Nick: Could explain why there are only three blood pools.", "Sara: There are three other sets of shoeprints. One size 12, two size 11.", "(Nick looks down at the blue-stickered shoe prints on the floor. He also notes the white-stickered shoe prints.)", "Sara: Two of the sets appear to be going back and forth from the kitchen area to the front door. One set, and only one set, headed upstairs for the bedrooms.", "(We note the yellow-stickered shoe prints up the stairs.)", "Nick: I'll go up there and see what I can find.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE - SECOND FLOOR -- MASTER BEDROOM -- MORNING]", "(Warrick opens the bag and takes out a JIMMY BUFFET shirt.)", "(Nick makes his way cautiously up the stairs.)", "(Warrick opens the bedside table and finds a gun inside. He takes several photos of the drawer's contents.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE -- MORNING]", "(Sheriff Brackett's deputies are out in the yard looking around.)", "(Greg snaps a couple of photos of a tire print in the dirt.)", "Greg: Sheriff Brackett ... did your deputies drive anything up here with a hitch?", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: No. Why?", "Greg: I got an odd-sized tread here.", "(Greg stands up and looks around the area. He finds some weed. He picks it up, then puts it back down. He looks around and finds some Bubblicious gum near the front walk. He snaps some photos of it.)", "[INT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE -- MORNING]", "(Inside, Nick snaps some photos of bloodstains on the carpet. He walks over to the bed and finds some hair strands. He snaps photos of it.)", "(He puts it in a bindle.)", "(Nick leans down under the bed and finds a plate with half-eaten bread on it, a bottle of cough medicine and a shoe.)", "(He shines his light under the bed and visualizes seeing Cassie McBride huddled underneath, scared.)", "(He reaches under the bed and takes out the bottle of medicine. He looks at the label.)", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) I hate the taste of that stuff.", "(The label reads: Cough Syrup Multi-Symptom Relief Original Flavor", "Relieves: Headache, Aches, Pains, Runny Nose, Sneezing, Cough, Sore Throat, Nasal Congestion, Fever.)", "(Nick reaches under the bed and takes out a shoe. Inside the shoe is some green liquid. He smells it, then pours it into a plastic sample container.)", "(Cut to: Nick looks around Cassie's room. On the shelf, she has a row of Nancy Drew books.)", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) I like Nancy Drew. She always gets the bad guy.", "(On the shelf below, he sees a toy bubble gum ball dispenser and other things.)", "(He looks at the photos pinned to the wall next to the shelf. In one of them, Cassie's in a swimsuit, hair cap and goggles. She's smiling with her coach. He also sees the medal on the wall with a photo of her with her coach.)", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) I knew all my lines and Hansel's, too.", "(Also pinned to the wall is a CHILDREN'S THEATRE program book for HANSEL AND GRETEL. Above it is a photo of Cassie dressed as Gretel standing next to Hansel.)", "(Nick smiles.)", "(He continues to look at the other photos of Cassie pinned to the wall.)", "(Cassie giggles.)", "(There's a photo with Cassie blowing a bubble with her gum.)", "(Cassie giggles.)", "(Nick looks around, confused by something. He steps out of the room and into the hallway.)", "(Cassie giggles.)", "(Nick walks over to the next room.)", "(Cassie giggles.)", "(Nick pushes the door open and walks into Jeremy's room. He finds Warrick standing over a keyboard.)", "Nick: What is that?", "(Cassie giggles.)", "Warrick: If it's labeled correctly, it's, uh, Cassie's laugh.", "(Nick walks over to the keyboard to see an \"F\" key labeled \"CASSIE'S LAUGH\". Warrick presses it and we hear Cassie giggle.)", "(Nick and Warrick look around the room. Nick looks over by the bed. Warrick finds some composition papers on the desk: \"The Influence of Classical Philosophy On Shakespeare\" Jeremy McBride 5th Period English Literature Mr. Rothchild", "(The next paper reads: 'The Relevance of Shakespeare for the 21st Century Student\" Mark Hervatin 4th Period English Literature Mr. Rothchild", "(Warrick sits down at the desk and goes through the stack of papers: \"The Definition and Uses of Infrared Light\" Mark Horvatin 1st Period Physics Ms. Bakken", "The next papers show: Jeremy McBride 2nd Period Social Studies Mr. Sauls", "Jeremy McBride 5th Period English Lit Mr. Rothchild", "Mark Horvatin 6th Period World Politics Mrs. Olviera", "Mark Horvatin 4th Period English Literature Mr. Rothchild", "(Finally on the bottom, he sees a composition tablet with some $100 bills in the pages.)", "(He opens the composition notebook and notes the list and prices of the papers.)", "Warrick: Our man Jeremy's a bit of an entrepreneur here.", "Nick: Oh, yeah? How's that?", "Warrick: He's trafficking in term papers.", "Nick: Whatever happened to just flipping burgers, man?", "[INT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE - KITCHEN -- DAY]", "(Sara is in the kitchen dusting for prints. She finds prints on the counters. She continues dusting.)", "(She walks over to the bulletin board and sees the calendar with the stars on it. Greg walks into the kitchen.)", "Sara: I think I figured out when all this happened. Cassie never got to her Saturday morning chores. I was really into gold stars when I was a kid.", "Greg: As opposed to now?", "(Greg looks at Sara. Sara scrunches her eyes, then turns and walks away.)", "(Greg looks at the mail in the mail carrier. The envelope is from the EAST SIDE WATER & POWER COMPANY. He looks through the mail and opens the electric bill.)", "Greg: Whoa! The McBrides must have a broken meter. Even if they left every light on day and night, it wouldn't add up to $2,000.", "(Sara clears her throat and rubs her nose.)", "Greg: Maybe Brass can check it out.", "Sara: I think this print dust is getting to me. Would you mind finishing the fridge?", "(Sara passes Greg on her way out.)", "Greg: Do I get a gold star?", "Sara: (dryly) Ha-ha-ha.", "(Sara walks around the corner and sees some blood on the mat in front of the door leading to the cellar. She notes the lock is missing from the door.)", "(She opens the door and looks inside.)", "(Sara turns on her flashlight and looks down the stairs leading to the cellar. She heads downstairs. She turns the corner and sees something.)", "Sara: Greg? I found something.", "(Greg joins her.)", "Greg: Is it the bodies?", "Sara: No.", "(In the cellar, the McBrides have a pot farm complete with artificial light. Greg walks down.)", "Greg: Sweet Mary Jane. The emerald city.", "(Sara walks down the steps and joins him.)", "Sara: Explains the $2,000 electric bill. And all the footprints throughout the house.", "Greg: It's a ganja graveyard.", "Sara: No ... it's motive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE - BASEMENT -- DAY]", "(Sara snaps photos of the various items in the basement. Warrick comes down the stairs.)", "Warrick: Whew ... ! Looks like someone shot out the lock upstairs. I found what looked like fragments of two bullets; they may be too m-and-d for a comparison, but I could probably get type and caliber.", "(We see that Nick and Greg are also in the basement processing. Warrick looks around. He notices the empty lines used for drying the plants.)", "Warrick: Man. If those suspects got everything on those lines, they made out like fat cats.", "Greg: Yeah, but they were only interested in the dried stuff.", "Nick: If this was a territory war, or something like that, wouldn't the dealer want to take the new growth, to try to put these guys out of business?", "Sara: Maybe one of the customers got greedy.", "Warrick: Well, we're talking about getting rich, not getting high, you know? And these dry ones go a lot faster than those. The price of an ounce these days is anywhere from $200 to $400.", "Greg: Don't you guys think it's weird that the McBrides did all this with two kids in the house?", "Nick: (scoffs) Yeah, if they didn't care before, I bet they do now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE -- DAY]", "(One of the sheriff's men carries out a paper bag full of marijuana. Nick is standing at the car, the back hood open as he writes on an evidence box. He puts the box in the container.)", "(Sara exits the house and walks over to him.)", "Sara: Well, we took some representative samples of the green plant material.", "Nick: Okay, Ecklie's sending out a tech. I'll include it with the other evidence.", "(Sara hands Nick the sample bags.)", "Sara: Pioche PD's going to hold on to the rest until we can secure it for bulk transport. How's it going with the phone records?", "Nick: No outgoing calls from the house after 6:00 P.M. Friday night. I scrolled through Jude McBride's recent cell phone calls. No activity all weekend until Sunday night. Several incoming calls, all from the same number. According to Pioche PD dispatch, it's the same number as the anonymous 911 call. So I had the phone company cross-check it. The guy's local: Dr. Malcolm Parker.", "Sara: I'll go check it out.", "(Nick nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROAD - DAY]", "(Sara drives back into town. She turns into the PIOCHE MEDICAL CLINIC, A Satellite Facility of Pioche Medical Group.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PIOCHE MEDICAL CLINIC - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Dr. Malcolm Parker and a patient walk out from the office into the hallway.)", "Malcolm Parker: Be careful with those stitches, okay? I just put them in a couple days ago. Your mom will kill me if it scars.", "Patient: Okay.", "(The patient leaves. Sheriff Brackett and Sara both stand up from their hallway seat.)", "Malcolm Parker: Sorry about that, guys. You had some questions?", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: You placed an anonymous 911 call Sunday night. Said you were outside the McBrides' house and you could see blood in the entryway.", "Sara: Right before that, you called Jude McBride's cell phone three times. Late night house call ... ?", "Malcolm Parker: Dennis, do I have to answer that?", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: It looks worse if you don't.", "Malcolm Parker: Well, Jude and I have a standing Sunday night appointment.", "Sara: For what?", "(He looks anywhere but at Sara.)", "Sara: You are aware that it's illegal.", "Malcolm Parker: Okay, look, I have no idea what went on out there, before I got there.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. MCBRIDE - FRONT PORCH - NIGHT] Malcolm Parker is on the phone outside the closed front door.)", "Malcolm Parker: (to phone) Hi, Jude, it's 8:00. Where are you guys?", "(He looks in the window and sees the blood on the foyer floor.)", "Malcolm Parker: I called 911.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Malcolm Parker: I didn't leave my name, because ... because I didn't want to explain what I was doing there.", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: You and Jude are making me look like an idiot. He's selling drugs, and you're buying them. Tell me something, Malcolm. Are you high when you treat my daughter?", "Malcolm Parker: Dennis, of course not. And Jude was discreet. He rarely sold to anybody in town. He sent most of it out of state.", "Sara: Dr. Parker, what size shoes do you wear?", "Malcolm Parker: What size shoe do I wear? A ten.", "Sara: And where were you Friday night?", "Malcolm Parker: I was here, doing rounds.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MCBRIDE RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE -- DAY]", "(A woman exits her car parked in the driveway. Nick is sitting on the front porch drinking his water - his kit open next to him and a writing board on his lap.)", "(The woman looks around and sees Nick.)", "Sage: Hello, there.", "Nick: Hi. Can I help you?", "Sage: I'm Sage. I'm looking for Nina.", "Nick: Yeah? So am I.", "Sage: She left work early Friday to see Jimmy Buffet in Tahoe. But then she never showed up at the shop today.", "Nick: And what was your name again?", "Sage: Sage.", "Nick: Sage. Okay, yeah, maybe you can help me out. Um, the family, what do you know about them? Are they having problems? Marital problems, anything like that?", "Sage: Are you kidding? Jude and Nina had the marriage we all wanted.", "Nick: Really?", "(She looks at Nick and smiles. She leans forward and gently touches his forehead.)", "Sage: You know, uh, your third eye is so open right now. Are you having visions or hearing voices?", "Nick: No.", "(She suddenly crouches down to look at Nick.", "Sage: I'm really sorry. (Nick smiles.) But you're radiating this crazy feminine energy.", "Nick: (chuckling) Really.", "Sage: Mm-hmm. Do you believe in past lives?", "Nick: No, ma'am.", "Sage: How come?", "Nick: Because I'm just trying to make it through this one.", "Sage: (suddenly very serious) I think you're doing pretty well.", "(Sage suddenly gets to her feet, turns and heads back to her car. Nick gets up and stops her.)", "Nick: Hey ... Sage. (She looks back.) Thanks.", "(Sage heads for her car.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Catherine is on the phone with Nick.)", "Catherine: Hey, Nick. Well, there's no hits off the fingerprints from the kitchen cabinets. Dozens of unknowns, none of which were in the system -- no work cards, no prior crime. So I expanded the search to other databases, and I did get one hit: a Mark Horvatin, 17 years old, junior ROTC. His print was in the kitchen, but not in blood. Could just be a friend.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PLAYING FIELD - LATE DAY]", "(Mark Horvatin leaves the field with his friends.)", "Mark Horvatin: That was nice, dude. That was nice. You got smoked.", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Hey, Mark! Mark!", "(Mark looks up. Sheriff Brackett waves. He and Nick are standing by Mark's car. Mark looks at his friends and excuses himself.)", "Mark Horvatin: Hey, I'll catch up with you guys later.", "Friend: Later, man. FRIEND: Later.", "(Mark walks over to Sheriff Brackett and Nick.)", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Nice game Saturday.", "Mark Horvatin: Oh, hey, Dennis.", "Dennis Brackett: Listen, we should probably go with Sheriff Brackett on this one.", "Mark Horvatin: Oh, okay, Sheriff.", "Dennis Brackett: This is Mr. Stokes from the Las Vegas Crime Lab.", "(Nick waves and steps forward.)", "Nick: What size shoe do you wear?", "Mark Horvatin: Twelve.", "Nick: Can I see the bottom?", "Mark Horvatin: Should I get my dad?", "Dennis Brackett: No, we're just talking.", "(He shows Nick the bottom of his shoes.)", "Nick: Oh, yeah, they're new, huh?", "Mark Horvatin: Yeah, I got them this weekend. My old ones were thrashed.", "(Mark walks over to his car and opens the back door to put his gear inside.)", "Nick: Huh. You know, when I played ball, I used to stick all my gear in the trunk.", "Mark Horvatin: Yeah, well, this is just easier.", "Nick: Parking lot still school property?", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Yep.", "Nick: Why don't you go ahead and pop the trunk for me?", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Go ahead.", "(Mark opens the trunk. Inside are the dried marijuana plants.)", "(Nick reaches inside and opens the bags.)", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (whispering) Daddy's garden was supposed to be a secret. Someone must have told the secret.", "(Nick turns and looks at Mark.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - EVENING]", "(Mark Horvatin is in the interview room. We hear Sheriff Bracket's voice over the speaker.)", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: (over speaker) This doesn't look good, Mark. Not a lot of places you can get that much marijuana. There's no way it could be a coincidence. Tell me where the bodies are.", "(In the observation room, Nick and Sara watch the interview.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - GARAGE - EVENING]", "(Warrick has the plants on the lit table while Greg is looking the car interior over with an ALS.)", "Greg: I'm not finding any blood in here. Besides, four bodies would never fit inside this car. You know, maybe, the pot was stolen after the fact. Crime of opportunity?", "Warrick: (scoffs) What are you, his lawyer? Whoever stole the pot ... had a gun and shot the lock off the basement door.", "(Greg finds a receipt in the back of the car.)", "Greg: Someone went to the ATM at 10:03 Friday night. Right in the window of the murders.", "Warrick: Hand that over to Sheriff Brackett. He can run the account number.", "(Greg looks around the inside of the car. In the back seat floor, he finds a Bubblicious piece of gum. He stops and looks at it.)", "Greg: I found this exact kind of gum in the driveway at the McBrides'.", "(Warrick doesn't say anything immediately. He's looking through a microscope and getting very frustrated.)", "Warrick: (groans) This microscope I got from the high school is a joke. How am I ever going to prove that this is the pot from the house? Where's that evidence we collected?", "(Greg points. Warrick turns around and gets the bag out from the closet. Greg walks over to him, watching as Warrick empties out the plastic bag.)", "Warrick: All right, this is the bag from the house. And this is the bag from the car.", "(He lines up the ends of the bags.)", "Warrick: The striations line up. These bags are from the same roll.", "Greg: Nicely done.", "(Nick walks in.)", "Nick: Fellas. We have a little problem. Mark's not talking, not even to pass the buck. And his dad, Mark Sr., is a lawyer, and he's challenging our search and seizure, saying that even though we were on school grounds, we lacked probable cause to search personal property.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine spreads out the crime scene photos on the trace table in the same pattern as it appeared in the house.)", "Catherine: (sighs) Blood pool closest to the front door, and the size nine-and-a-half shoe print ... both in Jeremy's blood.", "(Quick flash of: The shooter cocks the gun and points it at Jeremy. He appears surprised. The shooter fires, shooting Jeremy.)", "Jude: (o.s.) Jeremy, what's going on?", "(Jeremy falls down the stairs. Jude runs into the foyer.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Jude stepped in Jeremy's blood.", "(Jude's shoe slips in a pool of blood.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Blood pool number two. In the hallway,", "(Quick flash of: Jude McBride is dead on the floor in a pool of blood.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) ... between the foyer and the kitchen.", "(There's a second gunshot. Jude falls to the floor near Jeremy.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: Nina's footprints, dual contribution, Jeremy and Jude.", "(Catherine notes, \"J & J's blood\" on the photo.)", "(Quick flash of: Jude and Jeremy are on the floor. Nina McBride comes down the stairs.)", "Nina McBride: Jude? Jeremy? Is everything okay?", "(She sees Jude on the floor in a pool of blood. She rushes downstairs and sees Jeremy.)", "Nina McBride: (crying) Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Jeremy!", "(She kneels down next to Jeremy, her feet slipping in the blood on the floor. She hears a sound behind her.)", "(From the kitchen, a man walks out. Nina sees him and runs up the stairs. Mark picks up the gun and points it at her.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Blood pool number three ...", "(He fires and hits her in the back. She falls on the stairs.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) ... Nina's blood.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Catherine makes the notation on the photos. She turns the cassette recorder off and looks over the DNA results.)", "(She picks up the phone and calls Nick.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Yeah, Nick, I got the DNA results back. Blood pools were confirmed for mom, dad and Jeremy. None of the blood was Cassie's, so ...", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[EXT. PIOCHE - SIDEWALK - DAY]", "Catherine: (from phone) ... either her death was a bloodless crime ...", "Nick: ... or they took her alive. Thanks, Catherine.", "(Nick hangs up and heads over to the park table where Warrick, Sara and Greg are sitting, eating and discussing the case.)", "Sara: How did Mark know where the pot was, if McBride was as discreet as Dr. Parker claims?", "(Nick returns to the table.)", "Nick: DNA confirmed to everyone but Cassie.", "Sara: Interesting.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "(He sits down.)", "Warrick: Mark knew the pot was there because of Jeremy. Come on, I'm sure Jeremy wasn't voted the most popular boy in school. He's done everyone's term paper. He's a nerd.", "(Quick flash of: Jeremy gets his books from his locker. He talks with Mark Horvatin.)", "Jeremy: So you guys want to come over and hang out? I could sell you some pot.", "Mark Horvatin: Now, where are you gonna score fresh herb?", "Jeremy: My parents are going out of town. My dad has pounds of it.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Greg: Yeah, so how does that end up a quadruple murder?", "Sara: One of them was stupid enough to bring a gun.", "Warrick: I was talking to Tina the other night. She said something to make me think.", "Greg: (coughs) Yoko Ono. (coughs)", "(Nick laughs.)", "Warrick: Tina's dad is a doctor of anthropology, so, one day, when she was a little girl, she asked her dad where on her body her anthropology was. You know, he's a doctor. Mark's dad's a lawyer.", "(Sheriff Brackett pulls up along the curb nearby and gets out of his car. He makes his way toward them.)", "Warrick: Maybe Mark was thinking habeas corpus -- \"body of the crime\"?", "Sara: \"Body of the crime\" is content of the case, not an actual body.", "Warrick: Yeah, but a kid could easily misinterpret. Maybe he's thinking, \"no body, no crime, no crime, no punishment.\"", "Sara: Does Yoko Ono want a job?", "(They chuckle.)", "(Sheriff Brackett puts a basket of muffins on the picnic table.)", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Morning.", "Voice: Morning.", "Sara: Hello.", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: My wife made muffins.", "Sara: Thank you.", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: You're welcome. We got a lead on the ATM. The account belongs to Jim Locke. He's got a son named Peter, the same age as Mark. We pulled some surveillance footage. It's a little grainy, can't see much.", "(He gives the video tape to Warrick.)", "Warrick: I'll give it over to Archie and see if he can clean it up. Thanks.", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: All right. I'll be in the car waiting when you guys are ready.", "Nick: All right, thank you.", "(The sheriff steps out of camera frame.)", "Greg: You feeling a little homesick there?", "Warrick: You want to draw straws?", "Greg: No.", "Warrick: Call me if you need me.", "Nick: All right.", "(Warrick stands and leaves.)", "Sara: All right, let's head over to Locke's house, and see what we can find.", "(Greg and Sara gather their things. Nick stays where he is.)", "Sara: You coming?", "Nick: No ... no, you go ahead, I'll catch up.", "Sara: You think she's alive.", "Nick: (nods) You don't? (Sara shakes her head.) None of her blood was found at the house.", "Sara: I think she was drugged, and ... she was lucky if all they did after that was kill her.", "Nick: I don't think she was drugged. She's a smart little girl. She hid that cough medicine in her shoe; that's like hiding green beans in your napkin, you know?", "Sara: I hope you're right. But everything in our experience tells us they're dead, all four of them.", "Nick: Doesn't mean we just give up.", "Sara: No one's giving up. It's just that ... you're acting like you're going to rescue a person, not recover a body. And on this job ... that's just not usually the case.", "Nick: (shrugs) I was rescued.", "Sara: It was not your day to die. When it's your day, it's your day, you know?", "Nick: I don't think it was Cassie's day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT / COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. LOCKE RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE -- DAY]", "(Greg and Sara are looking at the boat parked in the driveway.)", "Greg: That looks like the plant material I found in the McBrides' driveway.", "Sara: And this looks like the same wheelbase as the tread you found.", "(Sheriff Brackett talks with Jill Locke, Peter's mother.)", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: We found something in Mark's car that we think might be Peter's. Is that your account number?", "(He shows her the receipt:", "UNION INTERSTATE BANK Thank you for visiting a Union Interstate Bank ATM", "10/14/05 0217PM SGI090", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX4302", "PIOCHE, NV", "WITHDRAWAL FROM CHECKING $100.00 )", "Jill Locke: Yes.", "Sara: Does Peter have access to it?", "Jill Locke: Sure. He has a limit, but he's never gone over it.", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Mrs. Locke, when was the last time you took the boat out?", "Jill Locke: Friday night. Peter and some of his friends took it out for one last hurrah before it gets too cold.", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Do you know which friends?", "Jill Locke: I was already in bed. Sorry.", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Do you mind if the CSIs take a look at it?", "Jill Locke: Sure. Have the boys been drinking beer on the boat again?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARK -- DAY]", "(Nick sits at the park table and looks at a photo of Cassie. In the background, we hear the sounds of kids playing.)", "(In front of him, Nick has the file folder open with several photos out on the table.)", "(Out in front of him, four children play ball with a dog. They bounce the ball between them and laugh as they watch the dog jump for the ball. The children laugh as the dog barks. They continue to play. Nick smiles.)", "(He picks up twp photos - one of Cassie blowing a bubble with her bubble gum and the other of Cassie dressed as Gretel and standing next to Hansel.)", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) Everyone told me I was the best Gretel ever.", "(Nick looks up and watches the children play, bouncing the large rubber ball between them. One of the girls lifts the ball to throw it. Nick stops and looks at the photo of Cassie blowing a bubble with her bubble gum.)", "(In front of Nick on the table is the photo of a Bubbilicious bubble gum found outside the house.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LOCKE RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE -- DAY]", "(Greg looks at the frayed rope.)", "Greg: My dad used to take me sailing when I was a kid. Do you know what the inboard end of an anchor rope is called? \"The bitter end.\"", "(Greg and Sara are both on the boat, looking around on deck. Sara opens the compartment and takes out a roll of trash bags.)", "Sara: This explains why we're not finding any blood.", "(Sara climbs out of the boat and puts the roll of trash bags down on a paper bag. Her phone rings; she answers it.)", "Sara: (to phone) Hey!", "Nick: (from phone) Hey!", "INTERCUT WITH:", "(Nick is walking back to his car.)", "Nick: (to phone) Sara, did you find any gum on that boat? Any gum at all -- wrapped, unwrapped-- anywhere?", "Sara: Yeah ... how did you know that?", "(Sara turns around and walks to the end of the evidence line where the gum is in a plastic bag.)", "(Nick gets in his car.)", "Nick: I think Cassie was on that boat -- alive. I think she was leaving us a trail ... of gum, \"gum drops.\" (Sara picks up the plastic bag.) In the driveway, in the car, on the boat. It's like Hansel and Gretel. Half the pictures I've seen her in, she's chewing gum.", "Sara: Nick, that's a bit of a stretch. A lot of people chew gum.", "Nick: You tell Sheriff Brackett I'll meet you at the station.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE STATION - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Sheriff Dennis Brackett interviews Peter Locke.)", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Peter, we know you were in Mark's car. We found your ATM receipt. We also know you guys took the boat out Friday night.", "(Quick flash of: Photos of Cassie in her swimsuit with her coach, Peter Locke. End of flashes.)", "(In the observation room, Nick and Sara listen to the interview.)", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: We know that there were three people involved. Who was the third?", "(Peter doesn't say anything.)", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Pete, we found your print on a cough syrup bottle, underneath Cassie McBride's bed.", "(Quick flash of: Cassie scared and hiding under the bed. The covers lift and Peter looks under the bed. End of flash.)", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Your buddy Mark's not talking. He's gonna pay for that. You be smarter. You do the right thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(In the lab, Archie is working on the security tape from the ATM machine. He grids a specific portion of several video frames and extracts the image in pieces.)", "(He works quietly and efficiently. He goes frame by frame, meticulously removing the pieces of the image in the back seat of the car.)", "(Once he has the pieces, Archie works on putting the pieces together to get a single image. The pieces move, shift and turn on the screen.)", "(Finally, the pieces stop and meld to form one picture: Mark Horvatin holding Cassie in the back seat, her eyes closed and sucking her thumb.)", "(Archie looks at the image.)", "Archie Johnson: Dead bodies don't suck their thumbs.", "(He sends the image to Nick.)", "CUT BACK TO:", "[INT. POLICE STATION - OBSERVATION ROOM /INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(In the observation room, Nick's PDA beeps. He checks it as the image comes in:", "INCOMING FILE", "RE: ATM FOOTAGE", "FROM: A_JOHNSON(a)LVPD.COM", "TO: N_STOKES(a)LVPD.COM", "(The image appears. Nick looks at it. He looks at Peter Locke in the interview room. His face hardens.)", "[INT. POLICE STATION - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Nick exits the observation room and bursts into the interview room, seething angry. He walks up to Peter and grabs his wrist showing Peter's injury.)", "Nick: How'd you hurt your hand?", "(Nick grabs Peter's hair and pulls his head back to look at him.)", "Nick: What's the matter? She fight back?", "(Sara follows Nick into the room.)", "Nick: (to Peter) You tried to drug her, but guess what? She was too smart for you. You coached the little girls' swim team, 'cause you liked to watch 'em in their bathing suits, is that it? You're gonna answer me right now!", "(Nick grabs Peter by his shirt, pulls him to his feet and slams his back up against the wall.)", "Nick: (shouts) No more screwing around! Where is she?!", "(Peter doesn't say anything. Sara and the sheriff watch.)", "Nick: Where is she?", "(Peter starts crying.)", "Nick: Where is she?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PIER -- DAY]", "(Officers are around the pier. Sara stands on the pier talking with an officer. Nick rushes up to her.)", "Nick: Okay, my guess is the guys stopped at the ATM to get cash for gas. That's cash only, and Eddie over there says he filled the tank to the top Friday night.", "(He points to the man filling up the boat with gas. Sara looks and nods. Her mind is on another matter.)", "Sara: Can I talk to you for a minute?", "Nick: Sure, what's up?", "Sara: I-I think I need to talk about what happened at the station.", "Nick: Oh, yeah.", "Sara: I'm slightly concerned about its effect on the case, but more than that, I'm concerned about the case's effect on you, Nick, and I'm absolutely sure that, six months ago, you wouldn't have lost it like that.", "Nick: I know, I'm sorry. I apologize for that.", "Sara: How much gas was left?", "Nick: Three-quarters of a tank. Took an eighth to get out there, an eighth to get back. (He pulls out a map.) And according to the gas mileage, on the Lockes' boat, that would have been about three miles out from this launch point right here.", "(He points and motions for Sara to follow him.)", "Nick: Come on.", "(Sara takes a step to follow him. She stops and checks under her shoe and removes a piece of Bubblicious gum.)", "Sara: Nick?", "Nick: Yeah?", "(She shows him Cassie's gum. Nick takes a breath and looks at his map again.)", "TIME CUT TO:", "[EXT. LAKE - DAY - 45 MINUTES LATER]", "(The patrol boat is out on the lake.)", "Patrol: (to Sara) This is the three-mile mark.", "(Sara nods. The boat's engine is cut. Nick opens the kit next to him and takes out the underwater remote camera. They put it in the water and wait.)", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) I used to love going to the lake, but not anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(They gather around the monitor as the underwater remote camera moves under the water.)", "(After a while, they find something.)", "Patrol: There's something there.", "(cc) CASSIE MCBRIDE: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) They killed my whole family.", "(On the monitor, they find Jeremy, Nina and Jude dead, their heads sticking out of the plastic trash bags wrapped around them.)", "(The remote continues past Jude, but they find nothing, but the weights tied to the body.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(The diver opens the body bags. Sara snaps several photos of Jude, Nina and Jeremy.)", "Sara: Where's the fourth?", "Diver: We only found three.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the findings with Warrick.)", "Warrick: COD?", "Robbins: Gunshot wound to the chest. (He picks up Jude's hand.) Though it appears to have gone through his hand first.", "(Close-up: The bullet hole in Jude's hand.)", "Warrick: Dad wrestled with the gun, huh?", "(Quick flash of: Jude wrestles for the gun. The gun goes off. End of flash.)", "Warrick: Anything else?", "(Robbins points to Jeremy's body on the second exam table.)", "Robbins: Contact wound on the boy. (Warrick turns and looks at the body.) Shot up-close and personal.", "(Standing behind Robbins, David is writing on a clipboard.)", "David Phillips: Mom was shot twice in the back. Not up-close.", "(Robbins picks up a metal dish with the bullet inside and hands it to Warrick.)", "Robbins: Rinsed and ready for you.", "(Warrick picks up the bullet and looks at it.)", "Warrick: ..22 ... probably from a revolver. (He puts the bullet back in the metal dish.) Six shots. Four in the bodies, two in the lock. Well, that would explain why we didn't find Cassie's blood in the house. They ran out of bullets.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Warrick is walking through the hallway; he's on the phone with Sara.)", "Warrick: Sara, the bullets pulled from the bodies were from a .22-caliber revolver. Ibis bounced back a hit. They were entered into Ibis from the Department of Wildlife, for shooting a deer with a small caliber handgun. Firearm was returned to the owner -- a Chris Daniels from Pioche, Nevada.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DANIELS RESIDENCE - BACK -- DAY]", "(Chris Daniels is grilling steaks on the barbeque. The steaks sizzle as he prods them with the fork. The sports announcer is on the radio in the background.)", "(Sheriff Dennis Brackett and Sara walk alongside the house.)", "Chris Daniels: Hey, Dennis, what's up? Hey, just in time for steaks.", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: Mr. Daniels, do you, uh ... do you own a .22 revolver?", "Chris Daniels: You know the answer to that. You cited it and fined me two hunting seasons ago.", "Sara: Sir, I'm Sara Sidle from the Las Vegas Crime Lab. It's evidence in a homicide investigation. I'm going to need it.", "Luke Daniels: (o.s. from the house) Dad, how long on the steaks?", "(The back door opens and Luke stops in the doorway. He sees Sheriff Brackett and Sara.)", "Sheriff Dennis Brackett: We're going to need to speak to Luke.", "Chris Daniels: What did you do with my gun? (Luke doesn't say anything.) If you did anything to jeopardize that football scholarship of yours, you're done.", "(Chris turns to look at Luke. Luke glances down at the cooking fork in his dad's grip. Sara also notes Mr. Daniels tightening his hold on the fork as he glares at his son.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DANIELS RESIDENCE - FRONT PORCH -- DAY]", "(Sara exits the front door onto the porch. Sheriff Bracket escorts Luke out of the house.)", "(From his car, Nick watches them head for the officer's car. Chris Daniels remains behind on the porch.)", "(Sheriff Brackett helps Luke Daniels into the back of his squad car. Luke has his wrists handcuffed behind him.)", "Brackett: Duck your head.", "(Chris Daniels turns and heads back inside.)", "(Sara carries the evidence bags to Nick. She shows him the large hunting knife.)", "Sara: Found this in his pocket when I patted him down. Tested positive for blood.", "(She shows Nick the shoes.)", "Sara: As did these.", "(Luke is in the back seat of the police car. He turns and levels a cold stare at Sara talking to Nick and showing him the evidence bag.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE STATION - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Luke Daniels sits in the hallway under the watchful eye of an officer. Sara exits the room and sits in the seat next to him.)", "Sara: You just wanted to intimidate Jeremy, right? Scare him a little? But Mr. McBride was still home and he didn't scare so easily.", "(Quick flashback to: [MCBRIDE HOUSE - FOYER - NIGHT] Jeremy meets with Mark Horvatin, Luke Daniels and Peter Locke. Jeremy is trying to get the guys to leave.)", "Jeremy McBride: You guys have to go. My parents are still home.", "Luke Daniels: Dude, I thought you said there were pounds of pot.", "(Jeremy pushes them toward the door, but they don't go.)", "Jeremy McBride: You guys got to get out, okay? Please, just get out of here, all right?", "Peter Locke: Just listen to him, man. Do what he said.", "(Luke takes out the gun and points it at Jeremy.)", "Jude McBride: Jeremy! Jeremy, what's going on?", "Voice: What the heck?", "Jude McBride: Jeremy, what's going on?", "(Jude steps out from the kitchen.)", "(The gun fires and hits Jeremy in the chest. Jeremy falls to the floor.)", "(Jude grabs the gun. Luke fires and Jude falls to the ground.)", "Peter Locke: What the hell did you just do?", "(End of flash.)", "Sara: Mrs. McBride came downstairs, so you had to shoot her, too.", "(Quick flash to: Luke fires and hits Nina McBride in the back. She falls on the stairs. End of flash.)", "Sara: Peter went upstairs to deal with Cassie ...", "(Quick flash to: In Cassie's room, she hides under the bed. The bed covers lift and Peter finds her. End of flash.)", "Sara: ... while you and Mark bagged the pot and wrapped the bodies in garbage bags. But ... Peter couldn't do it. He couldn't kill Cassie ... so he tried to drug her. You guys got in Mark's car, you went to the ATM, you got cash, you picked up Peter's boat, you went back to the McBrides' and you loaded the bodies onto the boat.", "(Quick flash to: On the boat, the boys wrap the bodies in the trash bags and tie them together.)", "Sara: (V.O.) You were out of bullets, way out on the lake. One small, loose end to tie up.", "(Peter gently brushes the hair from Cassie's face. Her eyes are closed and she's leaning against the side of the boat. He looks back at Luke.)", "Luke Daniels: Bring her over here.", "Peter Locke: No!", "Luke Daniels: She can identify us! There's no way she's staying alive.", "(Peter stands up and punches Luke.)", "Peter Locke: I said she was a strong swimmer. I didn't say we could throw a drugged ten-year-old into the lake.", "(Luke opens his knife and pushes Peter aside. He heads over toward Cassie.)", "(He kneels down and puts the knife to Cassie's neck.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Did it make you feel like a man? To kill a little girl?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE -- NIGHT]", "(Nick and the Patrol are out on the boat searching the waters for Cassie's body. They reach the edge of some rocks and trees. They shine their flashlights, looking for any sign of Cassie.)", "(They follow the line where the water meets the land. Nick sees something partially hidden in the grass. He doesn't take his flashlight off the object.)", "Nick: Stop the boat. Stop the boat. Let me out.", "(Nick takes his cap off and tosses it aside.)", "Nick: Let me out.", "(Nick jumps in the water and rushes over to the shore. On the ground, he finds Cassie. He checks for a pulse. We see that her face is white and dirty, her eyes closed.)", "(Nick checks her hand and sees the rest of her Bubblicious gum in her grip.)", "(Nick looks back at the boat and around. He puts a hand on Cassie's head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[VARIOUS FLASHES OF: PHOTOS OF CASSIE]", "(Cassie is on the ground, her eyes are closed and the knife cut evident on the left side of her neck.)", "(Cassie, young and healthy, smiling as she blows a bubble with her gum for the camera.)", "(The McBride family photo.)", "Cue Sound: (PRE-LAP) RESPIRATOR PUMP", "(With every fade out/in, we hear a heartbeat.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - CASSIE'S ROOM]", "(Cassie is in the hospital bed, sleeping.)", "FADE OUT/IN.", "(Cassie's eyes are open.)", "FADE OUT/IN.", "(Cassie's awake and coloring. She looks up when she hears someone enter the room. In the background, we hear the heart monitor beeping.)", "(Nick walks up to Cassie's bed. She stops coloring.)", "Nick: Hi.", "(He puts his things down on the bedside table. Cassie gives Nick the card she's been working on. The cover has a picture of a house and a lake. It reads: Thanks for finding me! (He opens the card:", "FROM: CASSIE", "TO: GOOD GUYS", "ABOUT: BAD GUYS", "(Nick is touched. He smiles.)", "Nick: You're welcome, sweetie.", "(He puts a hand on her head. Cassie writes in her notebook: WHERE IS MY FAMILY?!)", "(She looks at Nick.)", "Nick: They're in Vegas.", "(Cassie writes:", "I'M TEN YEARS OLD", "DON'T BABY ME !!!", "(She underlines the words several times.)", "Nick: Their bodies are in the coroner's office, honey.", "(Cassie puts her notebook aside.)", "Nick: Hey, Cassie ... I know when bad things happen, it's hard to remember. But if I give you some details, do you think you could tell me the story of what happened to your family?", "Cassie McBride: (hoarse whisper) Okay.", "Nick: Okay. We'll go slow, okay?", "(Nick sits down next to the bed.)", "Nick: And we'll just begin at the beginning, okay?", "(Nick puts a hand on her arm. She struggles for a while, then starts.)", "Cassie McBride: (hoarse whisper) They came to ... my house.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Out in the hallway and through the glass in the door to Cassie's room, we see her in bed. Camera is pulling back.)", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) They had a fight.", "(A nurse walks past.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Camera is pulling back down the hallway. More people walk across the hallway, in and out of camera frame.)", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) They couldn't find what they were looking for.", "(She takes a deep, shuddering breath and exhales.)", "Cassie McBride: (V.O.) (hoarse whisper) I loved my family." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Gum Drops
[ "When a young mother is found dead in what appears to be a suicide, the CSIs find evidence to the contrary, thus opening up a homicide investigation. Meanwhile, Grissom, under pressure from the Sheriff and Ecklie, must disprove the evidence presented by a corrupt entomologist in court." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[EXTREME CLOSE UP: SPERM (STOCK)]", "(Sperm zooms past the camera and toward the egg.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[CU: EGG (STOCK)]", "(The sperm swarm around the egg. Camera zooms past the sperm toward one that enters the egg.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[CU: EGG (STOCK)]", "(The fertilized egg starts to divide.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[CU: The fetus (STOCK)]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAWN]", "[CU: The fetus (STOCK)", "(Close-up of the feet and toes. We hear the fetus' heart beating.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - MORNING]", "[CU: The fetus (STOCK)]", "[CU: The baby]", "(A baby is awake in his crib. The doorbell rings.)", "(The camera sweeps around the room to show there's no one there. There's no answer.)", "(The doorbell rings again.)", "(On the floor, a woman is dead in front of the baby's crib.)", "[EXT. ADALIAN FRONT PORCH - MORNING]", "(Lana Adalian knocks on the front door to her sister's house. A dog barks in the background. After a moment, she peers into the house through the side window.)", "(Inside the house, the baby cries.)", "(Lana Adalian peers into the window and sees the baby in the crib and the body on the floor.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. ADALIAN RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(A police car is parked in the driveway as officers question people outside. The front of the house is taped off.)", "(The CSI SUV drives up and parks on the road. Brass turns from talking with an officer and sees the car.)", "(Catherine and Sara carry their kits as they make their way toward the house. Brass meets them.)", "Brass: The decedent's name is Christina Adalian, 28. Gunshot to the temple. Her sister is over there, (He nods toward the dark-haired woman standing near the officer car and carrying the baby.) ... just came in from L.A. When no one answered the door, she looked inside. Saw her sister on the floor. The playpen with the baby was next to the body. Police officers kicked in the door.", "Catherine: Where's the father?", "Brass: Well, according to her sister, she's a single mom. They lived alone.", "[INT. ADALIAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass, Catherine and Sara enter the house. David Phillips is there with the body.)", "Brass: Hey.", "David Phillips: Lividity suggests she hasn't been moved. Liver temp is 92 degrees, which means she's been dead four to five hours.", "(Catherine notes the wound and the gun in the woman's hand.)", "Catherine: Wound pattern and GSR suggest a tight contact shot.", "Brass: Consistent with suicide. Oh, there's a note on the white table.", "(On the table, Catherine finds the hand-written note signed by Christina Adalian.)", "Catherine: \"Joey is better off without me. Christina Adalian.\" Postpartum depression so bad, it leads to suicide?", "Sara: Sister was feeding the baby. Where'd she get the bottle?", "Brass: The fridge is full of bottles of breast milk.", "Sara: Mom stocks the fridge and kills herself, knowing her sister was going to show up.", "Catherine: She wanted to make sure that her baby was quickly found and fed.", "Sara: David, do you mind if I render the gun safe?", "David Phillips: Better you than me.", "(Sara removes the gun from the body's grip and checks it. Catherine looks at the victim's hand. Sara checks the cylinder.)", "Sara: One shot fired.", "Catherine: Sara, check out the blood on her hand.", "Sara: There isn't any.", "(Sara checks the gun.)", "Sara: The gun is spattered in dried blood. She wasn't holding this gun when she was shot.", "Catherine: And what appears to be -- is not.", "SMASH CUT TO: END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ADALIAN RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(David pushes the gurney with the body down the front drive toward the coroner's van. He rolls the gurney past the victim's sister, Lana Adalian, who is standing next to Brass on the front road. The baby is in her arms.)", "Lana Adalian: Honest. I am good with kids. I'll get a hotel. I'll stay in town.", "Brass: I know we've been over this before. Like I said, he'll be placed in Child Services until appropriate custody can be determined. That's just the way it is. I'm sorry.", "(An officer joins them.)", "Officer: Metro just arrived with a baby seat. We're ready.", "Brass: All right.", "Lana Adalian: I'd really like to go with him.", "Brass: Okay, after we're finished, an officer will take you to the facility.", "Lana Adalian: Finished with what?", "Brass: Well, we have a few more questions. And, uh, CSI has to take your fingerprints. We won't take long, believe me.", "Lana Adalian: Well, what about his bottles?", "Brass: They're in a cooler in the officer's car.", "(The officer holds his hands out for the baby. The baby starts to cry.)", "Officer: Ma'am.", "(Lana hesitates.)", "Officer: It's okay.", "Brass: (softly) It's okay. It's gonna be all right.", "(The officer takes the baby from her. The baby screams louder.)", "Officer: (to the baby) Hey, buddy. It's okay. It's okay.", "(The officer leaves with the baby.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. ADALIAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom snaps photos of the note. He pauses and looks at the note.)", "(Catherine walks into the room.)", "Catherine: Can't find a red pen anywhere.", "Grissom: Well, maybe the killer brought his own pen. Or took it with him as a souvenir.", "(Grissom's phone rings. He checks the caller ID and sees: ECKLIE.)", "(He tucks the phone back into his pocket. Warrick enters the room.)", "Warrick: Okay, guys. I swept the perimeter. I think someone jimmied the back kitchen door.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[EXT. ADALIAN RESIDENCE - BACK KITCHEN -- DAY]", "(Warrick leads Grissom and Catherine outside to show them the back kitchen door.)", "Warrick: Now, I printed the doorknob. Nothing but smudges. Check out the fresh scrapings there on the doorjamb and the striker plate.", "(Grissom leans forward for a closer look.)", "Grissom: Looks like forced entry with a metal object.", "(Quick flash of: Someone jams a long, thin metal object to jimmie the door open. End of flash.)", "(Catherine leans forward and notices the dust on the floor.)", "Catherine: Some black and white particles. Want to hand me a hinge lift?", "(Warrick hands Catherine the hinge lift from his kit.)", "Warrick: Good eyes.", "(Grissom snaps a photo.)", "(His cell phone rings again. Grissom notes the caller ID and shuts the phone off.)", "Catherine: (without looking up) Who do you keep avoiding?", "Grissom: Ecklie.", "Catherine: Ah, that means you should answer it.", "Grissom: No, he just wants to yell at me because I'm late with the personnel evaluations. It can wait.", "Catherine: No, it can't.", "(Catherine gets a tape lift of the black and white particles.)", "Catherine: No one on your team receives cost-of-living adjustments until those evaluations are turned in.", "(Catherine stands up and looks at Grissom.)", "Warrick: Well, she kind of has a point. I do like to take the wife out to dinner every now and then.", "Grissom: Mm-hmm. I'll do them as soon as I get back to the lab.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ADALIAN RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(Lana Adalian talks with Sara and Brass.)", "Lana Adalian: Last time I saw my sister was over a year ago. She was just beginning to show. She'd gone through a really bad breakup and couldn't stop crying.", "Brass: Is the ex the baby's father?", "Lana Adalian: I'm not sure.", "Brass: Well, we need to contact him regarding Joey. It would be helpful to know his whereabouts.", "Lana Adalian: I only know his first name. Evan. But Christina referred to him as \"the jerk.\" They met at a church social a few years back. Christina complained he wasn't very Christian-like. But that was part of the attraction, if you ask me. He was older. Didn't want to get married. You know, Christina never said he was the father.", "Sara: So there were other guys?", "Lana Adalian: No. As far as I knew, Christina was a prude. She'd turn red if somebody told a dirty joke. I always thought she was a virgin until ...", "Sara: Until she got pregnant.", "Lana Adalian: Yeah.", "(Sofia walks up to them.)", "Sofia Curtis: Excuse me, have either of you two seen Grissom?", "Sara: He's in the house.", "(Sara watches as Sofia heads for the house.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. ADALIAN RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(Sofia removes her sunglasses as she steps inside the house. Catherine turns around and notices her.)", "Catherine: Sofia.", "Sofia Curtis: Hey, Catherine. Grissom, Ecklie's been looking for you. Is your cell not working?", "(Grissom is kneeling in front of his open kit, his back to her. He doesn't turn around.)", "Grissom: (over his shoulder) What are you doing here?", "Sofia Curtis: Well, apparently, I was a CSI, then a detective, but now I'm a messenger. You're needed at the lab ASAP.", "Grissom: Why?", "Sofia Curtis: I have no idea. But the undersheriff's camped out in the break room.", "(Sofia turns and leaves. Grissom doesn't move.)", "Catherine: I'll have Greg run down the gun's serial number. Nick is covering the autopsy. (Grissom slowly shuts the lid to his kit.) Warrick and I will finish the processing here and I'll keep you posted.", "(Grissom slowly snaps the kit shut, locking it.)", "Grissom: (sighs) Thanks.", "(Grissom grabs his kit and stands up. He walks past Catherine as he heads out.)", "Catherine: (quietly) What would you do without me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / BREAKROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom walks through the hallway and heads toward the break room. Inside the break room, Ecklie and Undersheriff McKeen sit side-by-side at the table. They both stand when Grissom walks in.)", "Ecklie: Grissom.", "Grissom: Conrad. Sheriff. It's always lovely to see you fellas, but I'm right in the middle of a crime scene.", "Ecklie: We have a situation, Gil. Preston Breckman who's on trial for the murder of Joanna Whitson.", "Grissom: Yeah, I know. (to the sheriff) She was a friend of yours. I'm sorry.", "Undersheriff McKeen: I was her godfather. Grew up with her dad. Two weeks before she was murdered I gave a toast at her sweet sixteen.", "Grissom: Well, they say it's a slam dunk case.", "Ecklie: You would think. (He looks down at the file folder in front of him.) We've got an eyewitness who saw him stab her. Hair, fiber, even DNA from the killer's tobacco indict, Breckman.", "(He hands the folder to Grissom.)", "Ecklie: We got the right guy.", "Grissom: Then what am I doing here?", "Ecklie: Defense has called entomologist Mark Thayer as an expert witness.", "Grissom: He's a gun for hire.", "Ecklie: He's gonna say that the insect activity on the body proves defendant was out of town at the time of the murder.", "Grissom: And you want me to refute his testimony?", "(Ecklie nods. Grissom looks at the folder.)", "Grissom: When does he take the stand?", "Undersheriff McKeen: Half an hour. Look, he's been on the list, but the DA assured me he was unavailable.", "Ecklie: Gil, we need you to listen to his testimony. Prosecution may need your assistance on cross.", "Grissom: I'll do my best.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - MORGUE -- DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the preliminary findings with Nick.)", "Robbins: No mystery here. Penetrating gunshot wound to the right temple killed our virgin Mary. I sent the bullet to ballistics.", "Nick: Virgin Mary?", "Robbins: Hymen's intact, which means she's never had intercourse. But she gave birth ... caesarean scar.", "NICK; So other than divine intervention, how do you explain this miraculous conception?", "Robbins: Well, the most obvious explanation would be frottage.", "Nick: You mean dry humping?", "Robbins: In s*x ed, Nick, they teach that rubbing body parts is safe. But since the hymen's not a barrier to semen, there's still a risk of pregnancy, not to mention STDs.", "Nick: Right. Sperm meets labia, all bets are off.", "Robbins: It's all about gravity.", "Nick: Thanks, Dr. Ruth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB -- DAY]", "(Bobby Dawson goes over the bullet findings with Greg.)", "Greg: The test fire bullet matches the evidence bullet.", "Bobby Dawson: That confirms the gun found at the scene was used to kill this, uh ... (He opens the file folder and looks at the victim's name.) Christina Adalian.", "Greg: You run the serial number?", "Bobby Dawson: Yeah, of course. Anyway, Greg, your two-inch Colt was originally purchased in 1986 by a Mr. Duane McWane from Henderson. Good luck.", "(He hands the file folder to Greg.)", "Greg: Thanks.", "(Greg turns and leaves the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WITHERSPOON'S COURTROOM -- DAY]", "(Open on a courtroom chart titled: LIFE CYCLE OF THE BLACK BLOWFLY (P. Regina). The cycle shows from egg to pupa to adult.)", "(Mark Thayer is on the stand.)", "Mark Thayer: Well, as you can see, the life cycle of the black blowfly, from egg to larva to puparium to adult, is like clockwork.", "Adam Matthews (defense): So, to be clear, we can use the fly's lifecycle to accurately determine the precise day the victim was killed.", "Mark Thayer: That's correct.", "Adam Matthews (defense): The victim was murdered in a woodsy area near Lake Mead. In that vicinity, how long would it take for the blowfly to lay eggs in Joanna Whitson's body?", "Mark Thayer: Within minutes of her death.", "(In the audience, Ecklie turns to Grissom.)", "Ecklie: (quietly) Is that true?", "Grissom: (nods) Mm-hmm.", "Adam Matthews (defense): Doctor, based on your review of the blowfly activity as documented by CSI, can you tell this jury the exact date Joanna was murdered?", "(In the back of the audience, Undersheriff McKeen sits watching the proceedings.)", "Mark Thayer: CSI found puparia on the body, but no adults. So that means that the victim had been dead for fifteen days.", "Adam Matthews (defense): The body was discovered November 15. So based on your analysis, the victim was killed November 1?", "Mark Thayer: That's correct.", "Ecklie: (to Grissom) Defendant was in Mexico 'til November 3. We think he killed her on the fourth.", "Grissom: (quietly) Well, he's still got to prove his timeline.", "Adam Matthews (defense): Dr. Thayer, this timeline you suggest-- from egg to puparia, has this been documented?", "Mark Thayer: I documented it myself. In fact, in preparation for this trial, I videotaped a black blowfly breeding on a pig carcass. Now, this videotape will illustrate that the timeline from egg to puparium is, in fact, precisely fifteen days.", "(Adam Matthews turns back to his table and picks up a video tape. He holds it out for the court.)", "Adam Matthews (defense): Your honor, on this video tape, I have relevant footage of Dr. Thayer's experiment. With your permission, I'd like to play it for the jury.", "(Grissom leans forward toward the prosecutor.)", "Grissom: Have you seen this tape?", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair (prosecutor): (to Grissom) No. (louder, to the court) Objection. Your honor, the defense never produced that tape for our review. We haven't had the opportunity to examine its authenticity.", "Adam Matthews (defense): It's not our fault. It was never requested.", "Judge Witherspoon: Is that true, counselor?", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair (prosecutor): The defense is playing games, your honor. We subpoenaed the expert's files, reports and opinions. But, apparently, they've conveniently construed the subpoena too narrowly. They're acting in bad faith, your honor, and cannot expect this court to usurp ...", "Adam Matthews (defense): Your honor, your honor. If I may ...", "Judge Witherspoon: (interrupts) You may not. You blindsided the court. You knew that the ADA would want to see that tape and you deliberately withheld it. (to the ADA) How much time do you need?", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair (prosecutor): We won't know until we review the video.", "Judge Witherspoon: Fine. The defense is to hand over the tape and all associated evidence. (to the jury) The jury is dismissed until 1:00 P.M. tomorrow.", "(The judge bangs her gavel. Court is dismissed. The prosecutor immediately turns toward Grissom.)", "Grissom: Send everything over to the lab. I'll be there.", "(Still seated on the stand and with a glint in his eyes, Mark Thayer notices Grissom. Grissom looks up directly over at Thayer.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges reports his findings to Catherine and Warrick.)", "Hodges: Your black-and-white particles were composed of plagioclase, biotite, hornblende and pyroxene.", "Catherine: Diorite granite.", "Hodges: You remember your geology.", "Catherine: Yes!", "Warrick: Wow.", "Catherine: Actually, senior year I took \"rocks for jocks.\" I dated the TA.", "Hodges: Lucky guy.", "Warrick: I'm sure you got an \"A.\"", "Catherine: (smugly) As a matter of fact, I did.", "Warrick: Mm-hmm.", "Hodges: (to Warrick) You're married? Don't flirt. (Warrick's jaw drops.) Anyway, uh, diorite granite is used in high-end bathroom vanities. Was there any recent construction at the house?", "Warrick: No, I processed the bathroom and the countertops for some kind of plastic laminate.", "Hodges: Made a few calls. There's only one slab yard in Clark County that works with diorite. It's on Alonzo Avenue across the street from the old theater.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SLAB YARD -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Warrick talk with the shop manager.)", "(The shop manager watches a fork lift pass by.)", "Shop Manager: (to the driver) Hey, take it easy with that thassos. It's the last shipment of the month. (to Catherine and Warrick) Sorry about that.", "(He looks at the NEVADA DRIVER'S LICENSE. It reads:", "(to right corner) 05-14-1991", "LIC # 1800592214", "EXPIRES 05-12-2005", "SSN 503-45-734", "CLASS C", "ENDORSE", "RESTRICTIONS", "BIRTHDATE 05-12-1980 s*x F", "HEIGHT 5'8\"", "WEIGHT 120", "EYES BRN", "HAIR BRN (printed) Christina Adalian", "ADALIAN, CHRISTINA", "16 SOUTH MEADOWS LN", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101", "Shop Manager: Sure, I know Christina. Dated one of my guys. Real sweet gal. Used to bring donuts around before they broke up.", "Catherine: Her ex happen to be working today?", "(The shop manager turns and looks around the yard. He turns and points.)", "Shop Manager: Yep. His name's Evan.", "(They turn and see a young man working.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[EXT. SLAB YARD -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Warrick talk with Evan Peters.)", "Evan Peters: Well, I'm sorry to hear about Christina, but we broke it off months ago. I haven't seen her since.", "Warrick: Really? Was she dating one of your co-workers?", "Evan Peters: Huh?", "Warrick: Well, we found marble particles in her house and we identified the stone. It came from this facility.", "Catherine: See, Mr. Peters, we know that you and Christina technically never had s*x, so when you found out that she was pregnant, I'm guessing that you felt that she cheated on you.", "Evan Peters: How in the hell do you know about my s*x life?", "Catherine: I mean, that had to have made you really angry, right?", "Evan Peters: Well, that's why I dumped her.", "(Catherine nods.)", "Evan Peters: And fine, I saw her a couple of days ago. She called me in a panic. Dingbat had locked herself out with her damn baby still inside the house. Thought I had her spare key. I didn't. She sounded hysterical, so I went over to help.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT/INT. ADALIAN RESIDENCE - BACK KITCHEN DOOR - DAY] Evan jimmies the lock with a long, thin piece of metal. We hear the baby crying inside the house.)", "Christina Adalian: Please hurry.", "(Evan opens the door and Christina runs inside.)", "Christina Adalian: Joey!", "(Evan follows slowly behind her. He's looking at the piece of metal and absently scrapes the bottom of his boots on the door mat.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: You followed her into the house?", "Evan Peters: Yeah. Well, she wanted to talk.", "Warrick: What did you talk about?", "Evan Peters: All right, get this. She tried to tell me that God got her pregnant. (He laughs.) I mean, if that's true, the big guy owes me an apology 'cause she was my girlfriend. He should have asked me first.", "Catherine: Why did you lie to us? Claim that you hadn't seen her in months?", "Evan Peters: Well, you guys were investigating her murder, and I want to stay out of it.", "Catherine: Well, it's too late for that, my friend. We need your DNA. Open wide.", "(Evan opens his mouth.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Greg talks with Duane McWane.)", "Duane McWane: The day I got married, I got rid of my gun. The wife didn't want it in the house.", "Greg: You sell it?", "Duane McWane: No, I gave it to my paralegal. I'm an attorney. Look, it's just a handgun, so I wasn't required to register the transfer.", "Greg: What's your paralegal's name?", "Duane McWane: Rita Day. She left the firm years ago. She's a paramedic now at emergency care ambulance.", "Greg: You still keep in touch with her?", "Duane McWane: I get a card every Christmas.", "Greg: All right, well, thanks, Mr. McWane.", "Duane McWane: Look, just, just so you know, she only got that gun for her own protection. Whatever you're investigating, Rita didn't do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Grissom is in his office reviewing the tape from the trial on his laptop. On the monitor, he watches the pig carcass on day 10.)", "(He closes the video and goes back to the main menu. He scrolls down from day 10 to day 11. He runs the video.)", "(On the monitor, he watches the infestation in the pig carcass's mouth.)", "(Grissom reviews the file when Ecklie walks in.)", "Ecklie: How is it going?", "Grissom: Well, according to my experience and all three of these textbooks, the P. Regina would develop from egg to puparium in eleven days.", "Ecklie: Great. That discounts Thayer's testimony and puts Breckman in Vegas at the time of the homicide.", "Grissom: Yeah, but his demonstration speaks for itself. There's no visible puparia for fifteen days, just as Thayer asserts.", "Ecklie: And jurors might be more receptive to video documentation than books.", "Grissom: The science in these textbooks is sound, but the tape is more than enough to get reasonable doubt.", "Ecklie: Well, there's no doubt in my mind that Thayer worked his science to get the answers the defense needed. We just need to know how he did it. Could he have altered one of the variables?", "Grissom: I've reviewed his documentation. He purchased the pig from a reputable dealer. He conducted the experiment at a private lab with eyewitnesses, controlled all variables to replicate the conditions at Lake Mead during the time in question--65 to 73 degrees, no precipitation, on and on.", "Ecklie: Can you conduct your own experiment?", "Grissom: Sure, if the judge will give me eleven days.", "Ecklie: Well, we know that's not gonna happen.", "Grissom: I'll have Archie review the video footage. Maybe he messed with the time code or something. (He shrugs.) I'll let you know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine is with the new DNA tech, Wendy Simms.)", "Wendy Simms: So I heard that my predecessor in DNA had all these you know, personal hygiene issues. Well, just for the record, I'm not like that. I have always been very touchy-feely. I mean, I used to work in San Francisco, you know. So ... every day we started with hugs.", "Catherine: Uh-huh. Yeah. That must've been nice for you. So ...", "Wendy Simms: (interrupts) Hey, how about lunch tomorrow? Just you and me. Cause, see, I-I figure that you gotta know where the bodies are buried around here. So to speak.", "Catherine: Is that why you paged me?", "Wendy Simms: No. No, um ... I compared Christina Adalian's DNA to baby Joey's, and guess what? Mother and son -- they're not mother and son. At least not genetically speaking. There's no relation.", "Catherine: And Evan Peters isn't the father?", "Wendy Simms: Nope. So assuming that there was no big baby mix-up at the hospital, I'm thinking that Christina Adalian had to be a surrogate.", "Catherine: Surrogacy ... that would explain her hymen.", "Wendy Simms: Hello.", "Catherine: Her hymen was intact, which is consistent with in-vitro fertilization.", "Wendy Simms: Yeah, but there's one problem. A surrogate's not supposed to keep the baby. The surrogate is supposed to be a gestational carrier who returns the child to the biological parents after it's been born.", "Catherine: Yeah, that is a problem.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Grissom is sitting behind his desk when Archie knocks on the door before entering.)", "Archie Johnson: Hey, Gris. I reviewed your videotapes. Checked for insertions, deletions, omissions. They're all authentic.", "Grissom: You're certain?", "Archie Johnson: Oh, yeah. I de-interlaced the video, checked the head switching, the hbi-vbi looked for in-out signals. The tapes are clean. Sorry.", "Grissom: Did you blow up the frames?", "Archie Johnson: Yeah. One every six hours. They're in layout, when you're ready.", "Grissom: Okay.", "(Archie leaves; Catherine enters.)", "Catherine: Oh, hi, Archie.", "Archie Johnson: Hey.", "Grissom: I just finished your eval.", "Catherine: And?", "Grissom: In the comments section, I noted that if you had my job, these evaluations wouldn't be late.", "Catherine: Thank you. So I understand that you're going up against Mark Thayer.", "(Catherine sits down.)", "Catherine: The guy's an ass.", "Grissom: He used to be a competent scientist. We actually co-authored a paper together ten years ago. I believe greed has gotten in his way.", "Catherine: Well, I've seen him on the stand. He manipulates evidence.", "Grissom: He manipulates people. The public assumes that scientists are ethical, but many of us are no better than politicians, evidently.", "Catherine: So do you think that Thayer is presenting the jury with faulty forensics?", "Grissom: I know he is. I just don't know how. Videotapes are clean. The science appears sound. How's your case going?", "Catherine: (chuckles) Huh. I don't know who killed Christina Adalian, I don't know how she got pregnant and I don't know the identity of the baby's biological parents.", "Grissom: It's always good to know what you don't know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. AMBULANCE SERVICE (BUILDING) - FRONT -- DAY]", "(Greg interviews Rita Day.)", "Rita Day: Sure, I know Duane. He's a good boss. I just hated being cooped up in an office building all day.", "Greg: He claims he gave you his gun several years back.", "Rita Day: Yeah, sure. Why?", "Greg: It was recently used in a homicide.", "Rita Day: Damn. Well, I'm sorry.", "Greg: So, the gun's no longer in your possession?", "Rita Day: Lost the Colt in a poker game years ago.", "Greg: Do you remember who you lost it to?", "Rita Day: I was drunk as a skunk. Met these guys at a bar. Lost a small fortune trying to keep up with their raises.", "Greg: Can you tell me anything about the guy who won the gun?", "Rita Day: Well, he's an older guy, at least fifty. I remember guys were calling him \"Cy,\" but that wasn't his real name. He had this large mole between his eyes.", "Greg: \"Cy,\" short for, uh, \"cyclops\"?", "Rita Day: Yeah. I swear I thought that thing was winking at me.", "Greg: Thanks for your help.", "Rita Day: No problem.", "(Greg turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CATHERINE'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Catherine is sitting at her desk working when Sara walks in. She sees the wooden ducks on Catherine's desk.)", "Sara: Oh, ducks. That's a new decorating choice.", "(Catherine immediately grabs the ducks and puts them on the counter behind her.)", "Catherine: I now have to share this office with the day shift supervisor. She's got some kind of thing for waterfowl. What's up?", "(Sara sits down and opens the file folder she's carrying.)", "Sara: Warrick and I tracked down Joey Adalian's birth certificate. Christina's named as the mother, father's unknown. (She hands the reports to Catherine.) We also found another document in her desk. It's a registration form for an organization called Project Sunflower. They find mothers for abandoned embryos.", "Catherine: Abandoned embryos?", "Sara: According to literature, Project Sunflower believes that every fertilized egg or embryo is a baby from the moment it's created in a laboratory dish. Fertility clinics freeze fertilized eggs for their clients undergoing in-vitro fertilization. Often, the clinics freeze more eggs than they ultimately need.", "Catherine: And Sunflower tries to find women willing to gestate and raise the leftovers?", "Sara: Uh-huh. Project Sunflower promotes itself as doing God's work.", "Catherine: I knew a stripper who claimed the exact same thing. So, is there any chance that you have a record of the baby's biological parents?", "Sara: Not yet. But I do have an address for Sunflower's local chapter.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PROJECT SUNFLOWER OFFICE - DAY]", "(Sara and Catherine meet with Dr. Emily Ryan.)", "Emily Ryan: It's a tragedy. There are over four hundred thousand embryos currently in cryobank storage in the United States. Pre-born children suspended in time.", "Catherine: If I understand your program correctly, you take these embryos and you place them in available wombs.", "Emily Ryan: We seek out special unselfish women who are prepared to adopt at the embryonic stage of development. We believe that the soul is infused when sperm meets egg. That's when life begins.", "Catherine: Are you aware that throughout much of history, the official church position held that a child's life begins when the mother first becomes aware of movement?", "Emily Ryan: Oh, that's your opinion.", "Catherine: In the 16th century, the pope proclaimed that embryos less than forty days old are not human. That is not my opinion.", "Emily Ryan: You've had an abortion, Miss Willows?", "Catherine: Huh. No. Thank God I decided not to have one. But we are not talking about me, Dr. Ryan. Are you a medical doctor?", "Emily Ryan: I don't care for that insinuation.", "Catherine: Oh, it's just a question. I take it that's a no?", "Emily Ryan: I have a very busy afternoon. What exactly can I do for you?", "Sara: I have a question. Do the biological parents get to meet the embryo adopters?", "Emily Ryan: Of course. If you are going to give up your pre-born child, you'd want to approve of his or hers future parents, right?", "Sara: Uh, one of your special women, Christina Adalian, was murdered. We're going to need the names of her son's biological parents.", "Emily Ryan: I am, I'm sorry to hear about Christina. I conducted her intake interview personally. A lovely woman. Our records are confidential. I'm sorry.", "Catherine: We can get a court order.", "Emily Ryan: So get one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(Grissom has the photos he asked Archie to take spread out on the table and up on the walls. Grissom walks up to the wall and uses a magnifying glass to look at the particular photo. He steps back and looks at another photo. He looks at the day 2 photos on the table.)", "(Undersheriff McKeen walks into the room.)", "Undersheriff McKeen: Ecklie said the tape might be authentic.", "Grissom: Seems so.", "(Grissom goes back to looking at the day 2 photo. He uses a pen and circles the indentions on the pig carcass.)", "Undersheriff McKeen: Grissom, I don't know what to do: Instruct the DA to offer second degree? I mean, I can't risk letting this guy back out on the street but to plead this out after what he did to someone I loved. I need some guidance here.", "Grissom: I can't tell you what to do, Sheriff.", "Undersheriff McKeen: No, you can't. But you can tell me where we stand. What are you doing?", "Grissom: Circling blowflies.", "Undersheriff McKeen: Why?", "Grissom: 'Cause dead flies tell no lies.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - Q.D. -- DAY]", "(Professor Rambar has the suicide note up on the overhead as he reports his findings to Catherine.)", "Professor Rambar: The signature is definitely hers, and you're right, she wrote the note under duress.", "Catherine: Have you been able to analyze the ink?", "Professor Rambar: Thin-layer chromatography tells us the red dye is consistent with a standard coda pen. But find the pen. I should be able to match it to the note.", "Catherine: You can match ink?", "Professor Rambar: I can match its flow.", "(He walks around the table and focuses the overhead close on the letter \"T\".)", "Professor Rambar: What do you notice about the ink?", "Catherine: Uneven distribution?", "Professor Rambar: (nods) The pen socket that holds the ball in place was askew.", "(Quick flashback of: Christina Adalian cries as someone writes out the suicide note.)", "Professor Rambar: (V.O.) The cockeyed socket caused ink disruption as it flowed down to the paper.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Professor Rambar: The damaged socket is quite common in sheet-writing instruments. Lucky for us, the uneven distribution of the ink will be unique to the pen that wrote the note.", "(Sara knocks on the door before entering.)", "Sara: Hey, Professor. Looking good. (to Catherine) You know how sometimes fact is stranger than fiction?", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Sara: Brass got the court order for Joey Adalian's biological parents: A Kenli and Dan Johnson in Seven Hills. We also found Christina's will. Guess who she named as Joey's guardians.", "Professor Rambar: Kenli and Dan?", "(Sara looks at the professor and smiles.)", "Professor Rambar: (sheepishly) Excuse me.", "Sara: (nods) You're right.", "Catherine: A single woman adopts a leftover embryo from an infertile couple and upon her death agrees to give the child back to its biological parents?", "Sara: Who gave up the embryo in the first place?", "Catherine: You happen to have an address for this Mr. and Mrs. Johnson?", "Sara: Let's go.", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara and Catherine step out of the lab and into the hallway where Greg joins them.)", "Catherine: Oh, hey. How's the way of the gun?", "Greg: It was lost in a poker game.", "Sara: Did you get the winner's name?", "Greg: No, but he has a large mole between his eyes and his nickname's \"Cy.\" That's all I got, so sorry.", "Catherine: Greg, never apologize for doing your job.", "(Sara and Catherine leave.)", "Greg: Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. JOHNSON RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara and Catherine interview Kenli Johnson while her mother, Sandra Walkey prepares a cup of tea in the kitchen.)", "Kenli Johnson: Dan and I were desperate to have a child, and the doctor said our only hope was in-vitro.", "Catherine: Where is your husband now?", "(Sandra Walkey sits down next to Kenli.)", "Kenli Johnson: He ... he passed away.", "Sandra Walkey: Are you sure I can't get you something?", "Catherine: No, thank you.", "(Sandra hands the cup of tea to Kenli.)", "Kenli Johnson: Thank you, Mom.", "Sandra Walkey: You're welcome, baby.", "Kenli Johnson: It's been almost a year. We were coming home from a movie when we were broadsided. The guy kept going and Danny never woke up.", "Catherine: I'm so sorry. Can I ask you ... did you ever conceive a child?", "Kenli Johnson: My body kept rejecting the procedure, so we tried three times and then called it quits.", "Catherine: Had you ever considered a surrogate?", "Kenli Johnson: It's very expensive. Danny just was never comfortable with the notion that ... well, we just figured we weren't meant to be parents.", "Sara: And that's why you decided to give away your embryos.", "Kenli Johnson: Yeah, I had seen a flyer at the clinic.", "Catherine: Are you aware that one of those embryos was carried to term?", "Kenli Johnson: Dan and I pre-screened Christina, and we went to see Joey and her once a month. So that's why when I got your call, I just don't know who'd want to hurt such a sweet girl.", "Sara: According to Christina's will, you were named Joey's guardian.", "Kenli Johnson: Yes, that was very important to Christina. She's not close with any of her family, so I've already called Child Services, and as soon the lawyer reviews the will, I'm supposed to pick him up.", "Catherine: Well, if you don't mind, I'd like your permission to take a look at the clothing that you wore two nights ago.", "Kenli Johnson: You can't possibly think I had anything to do with this?", "Catherine: It's protocol. The victim was shot at close range.", "(Kenli walks over to the utility room and brings back a laundry basket.)", "Kenli Johnson: I wore the white blouse.", "Catherine: We're going to need to take all the laundry back to our lab.", "Kenli Johnson: You never found the guy who killed my husband, and now you're wasting time looking at my dirty clothes. That's fine. Take it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Open on the label on an evidence container. It reads:", "SECOND STAGE LARVAE", "LVPD 05.11 2104GG", "GG", "(The container is filled with larvae. Henry Andrews, the lab tech, processes the larvae. He blends them, takes a sample of them and puts the sample in the machine.)", "(Various dissolves of: The sample is processed. The results print out.)", "(Grissom walks into the lab.)", "Henry Andrews: Why did the fly, fly?", "Grissom: Because the spider spied her. Catherine's daughter told me that when she was three. Do we have results?", "(The lab tech gives Grissom his results. Grissom looks at it.)", "Grissom: Thank you.", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom walks into the hallway and meets up with Catherine.)", "Catherine: Oh, hey, Ecklie said you wanted to see me.", "Grissom: Yeah. A Dr. Ryan called and said that you verbally harassed her?", "Catherine: I met Dr. Ryan in the course of my investigation. She runs an organization called Project Sunflower. Philosophically, I completely disagree with the organization. Perhaps I expressed myself.", "Grissom: Which means?", "Catherine: I'm pro-choice. I'm in favor of stem cell research. I'm sorry she felt harassed, but my comments were in response to her statements. I don't think I was out of line.", "Grissom: You should have cited Leviticus 17:11. \"The life of the flesh is in the blood.\" Taken literally, life doesn't begin when the sperm meets the egg, but 18 days later. When the embryo is infused with blood.", "Catherine: Is that your position?", "Grissom: Well, if I were speaking with a woman who prefers theology to science, it's a position she'd find tough to refute.", "Catherine: So are we having a philosophical discussion here, or am I being reprimanded?", "Grissom: (shakes his head) I don't know. I got to go to court.", "(Grissom leaves. Catherine turns and sees Hodges leaning up against the door frame to his lab as he watches her.)", "Catherine: What?", "Hodges: Your white blouse. The results are printing.", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - CONTINUOUS]", "(The results print out.)", "Hodges: It seems like you and Grissom were having a fairly intense conversation. Can I ask ... ?", "Catherine: (interrupts) Tell me about the blouse, please.", "Hodges: I ran the S.E.M. over the adhesive disks and confirmed gunshot residue.", "(Catherine looks at the results.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine interviews Kenli Johnson as her attorney, Carol Allred, sits next to her.)", "Carol Allred (attorney): You found clothing in a laundry basket that tested positive for gunshot residue. So what? That doesn't mean my client killed anyone.", "Catherine: It proves that she fired a gun, Carol.", "Kenli Johnson: I've never fired a gun. I've never even touched a gun.", "Carol Allred (attorney): Catherine, I'm sorry, but if I understand your forensics, the GSR test does not, in fact, confirm that she fired a gun. I mean, it's possible she rubbed up against someone who did.", "Catherine: Theoretically.", "Kenli Johnson: I cared about Christina.", "Catherine: I'm sure that you did. But looking into Joey's eyes and seeing your husband must've torn you up inside. And the only person standing between you and your baby was the victim.", "Carol Allred (attorney): Okay, don't respond to that.", "Catherine: When was the last time you actually saw Christina?", "(Kenli looks at Carol. Carol nods for her to answer the question.)", "Kenli Johnson: Two days ago. I took them to lunch.", "Catherine: What were you doing two nights ago, around 11:00 P.M.?", "Kenli Johnson: I was home all night.", "Catherine: Can anyone verify that?", "Kenli Johnson: My mom lives with me, but she wasn't home. That's gin rummy night.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Catherine walks out of the interview room and heads over to the waiting room where Sandra Walkey is waiting.)", "Sandra Walkey: What's going on in there? Kenli had nothing to do with this.", "Catherine: Mrs. Walkey, I need your help. Your daughter claims that two nights ago she was home watching television. Can you confirm that?", "Sandra Walkey: Well, of course. I was with her.", "Catherine: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Sara is examining the laundry basket clothes under the ALS. She stops and turns the lights back on when Catherine walks in.)", "Sara: If you had to guess, what's Kenli's dress size?", "Catherine: Four, maybe six.", "Sara: I found blood spatter on this blouse. Size 12.", "Catherine: There're two women that live at that house. Only one is a size", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine interviews Sandra Walkey.)", "Sandra Walkey: I don't need an attorney. I've done nothing wrong.", "Catherine: Would you mind emptying the contents of your purse?", "Sandra Walkey: First you go after Kenli, now me. A few hours ago, you guys were saying there was gunshot powder on Kenli's blouse. You make a mistake?", "Catherine: No, it was probably transferred from your blouse, the one that you wore that night. I have a warrant to search your person and your home. Please empty the contents of your purse onto the table.", "(Mrs. Walkey dumps the contents of her bag onto the table. Catherine finds a red pen.)", "Catherine: A red coda pen.", "(Quick flashback of: Mrs. Walkey holds the gun on Christina Adalian as she writes out her suicide note.)", "Sandra Walkey: Joey ... is ... better off ... without me.", "(Christina finishes the note and looks at the baby.)", "Christina Adalian: Please don't do this. Oh, God, please.", "Sandra Walkey: Sign it. Sign it!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: You knew that her sister was coming for a visit, so the baby would be okay. You killed her and then staged the scene.", "(Quick flashback to: The baby is in the crib. Mrs. Walkey fires. Christina falls to the floor. Joey screams.)", "(Mrs. Walkey quickly grabs the red pen. She kisses Joey on his head, then leaves.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sandra Walkey: You have a wild imagination, Ms. Willows.", "(Catherine looks down and sees a photo on Mrs. Walkey's keychain.)", "Catherine: Is this your husband?", "Sandra Walkey: Arnold. He passed away. Two years ago, May.", "Catherine: He looks like a poker player.", "Sandra Walkey: You can tell that from his photo?", "Catherine: Actually, it's ... the mole between his eyes that's his tell.", "Sandra Walkey: Why are we talking about Arnie?", "Catherine: Because you used his gun. The gun he won in a poker game.", "Sandra Walkey: Are you going to put me in jail?", "Catherine: That's how it works.", "Sandra Walkey: And the baby -- he goes with Kenli, right?", "Catherine: I'm sure that Child Services will follow the dictates of Christina's will.", "Sandra Walkey: Then it was all worth it. My baby has her baby. That's all that really matters.", "Catherine: Did you ever consider that Christina Adalian is somebody's baby?", "Sandra Walkey: We each protect our own. That's how it's done.", "Catherine: Officer, would you please escort Mrs. Walkey to lockup?", "(The officer steps forward and escorts Mrs. Walkey out of the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JUDGE WITHERSPOON'S COURTROOM - DAY]", "(The court watches the video of the dead pig on day 14.)", "Mark Thayer: As you can see, on day 14 -- plenty of larvae, commonly known as maggots, but no puparia.", "(Video cuts to the dead pig on day 15.)", "Mark Thayer: Finally on day 15, you'll notice the puparia swimming in the brown liquid.", "(Mark Thayer is on the stand.)", "Mark Thayer: Based on that evidence, I can reliably conclude that Joanna Whitson was killed on November 1.", "Adam Matthews (defense): You're absolutely certain of that timeline?", "Mark Thayer: Yes.", "Adam Matthews (defense): Thank you. No further questions.", "Judge Witherspoon: Your witness.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: We have no questions for Dr. Thayer. But I now call to the stand Dr. Gil Grissom as a rebuttal expert witness.", "Judge Witherspoon: Dr. Thayer, you're dismissed. Dr. Grissom, please approach the stand to be sworn in.", "(Mark Thayer leaves the stand. Grissom stands up and walks over to the stand.)", "Bailiff: Raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, so help you God?", "Grissom: I certainly do.", "Judge Witherspoon: You may be seated.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Dr. Grissom, you've had a chance to review Dr. Thayer's tape and associated evidence, is that correct?", "Grissom: Yes.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Do you agree with his finding that Joanna Whitson was murdered fifteen days before her body was discovered?", "Grissom: No.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Can you please elaborate?", "Grissom: Our crime lab analyzed fly larvae that was taken from the pig used by Dr. Thayer in his demonstration. Apparently, they digested dimethyldithiophosphate and t-mulz light aromatic.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: A toxin commonly known as malathion?", "Grissom: Yes. I believe the malathion was sprayed onto the pig's skin.", "(Quick flashback to: Malathion is sprayed on the dead pig. End of flashback.)", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: How would malathion affect a fly's life cycle?", "Grissom: It would delay the time it takes for puparia to appear. Specifically, the malathion would delay oviposition.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Oviposition?", "Grissom: Laying eggs. Without malathion, adult flies would immediately lay new eggs on the pig's flesh. But with malathion, oviposition would be delayed up to four days.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: A four-day delay would mean that Joanna Whitson died on November 4, not November 1, is that correct?", "Grissom: Yes.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Is there any scientific rationale for spraying a pig with malathion before documenting a fly's life cycle?", "Adam Matthews (defense): Objection.", "Judge Witherspoon: Overruled.", "Grissom: The only rationale I can think of would be jury manipulation. Every entomologist knows that early oviposition is undetectable because flies lay their first round of eggs inside body openings. Anyone reviewing the tape would assume that the eggs were being laid, when in fact they were not. If our lab had not tested the larvae for toxins, we would never have known that. Nor would the jury.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Thank you. No further questions.", "Judge Witherspoon: Counselor, your witness.", "Adam Matthews (defense): Uh, we have no questions at this time.", "Judge Witherspoon: Oh, in that case, we are adjourned until 9:00 A.M. tomorrow morning.", "(The judge bangs her gavel. Court is dismissed.)", "(Grissom steps down from the stand. Mark Thayer stands up to meet with him.)", "Mark Thayer: I want to talk to you.", "Grissom: I have nothing to say to you.", "Mark Thayer: You impugned my character.", "Grissom: What character?", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Uh, excuse me, Dr Thayer.", "Mark Thayer: (annoyed) What the hell do you want?", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Well, to inform you that you have the right to remain silent. The DA'S filing charges for perjury ...", "(Jeffrey Sinclair motions for the officers to step forward.)", "Mark Thayer: (groans) Oh, my God ...", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: ... and obstruction of justice. We won't be accepting a plea.", "(Mark Thayer turns and glares at Grissom.)", "Mark Thayer: This is all your fault.", "Grissom: I hope so.", "(The officers escort Mark Thayer out of the courtroom.)", "(Grissom heads for the door. Undersheriff McKeen meets with him.)", "Undersheriff McKeen: Grissom. Great work up there.", "Grissom: Actually, the work was done in the lab.", "Undersheriff McKeen: When I took this job, I heard a lot of things about you. If you ever need a favor, if I can help you in any way ...", "Grissom: You know Sheriff, you could help me. I'm late delivering my team's personnel evaluations.", "Undersheriff McKeen: I'll tell Ecklie. He'll backdate your cost-of-living adjustments.", "Grissom: Thank you.", "Undersheriff McKeen: So, Grissom, I'm not sure of your ambitions, but if you're interested in taking on more responsibility, maybe a promotion, I'd be glad to pass ...", "Grissom: (interrupts) You know, Oscar Wilde once said, \"Ambition is the last refuge of failure.\" I'm fine. Thanks.", "(Smiling, Grissom heads out of the courtroom.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Secrets and Flies
[ "The CSI's continue to sift through the overwhelming evidence from the shootout in order to determine who is responsible for the death of a police officer killed during the incident. The team also looks into what started the shootout to begin with. They must also prove that the young boy found injured near the shootout was not shot by police, but by the fleeing suspect." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Reporter (woman): (V.O.) This is Channel 8 news ...", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "(A news helicopter flies overhead.)", "Reporter (woman): (V.O.) ... reporting with an update to yesterday's wild police pursuit and shootout where three suspects and one police officer were killed by gunfire at Third and Jefferson ...", "[EXT. MOTEL - PARKING LOT - DAY]", "(Camera close-up of the long, thin line of blood on the asphalt. Camera follows the blood trail straight to Jose Fausto, dead on the ground.)", "Reporter (woman): (V.O.) ... Shortly after being taken into custody, Jose Fausto, the last suspect, was gunned down by an unknown ...", "[EARLIER]", "[Scene from 6X07: A Bullet Runs Through It (1)]", "(A gunshot rings out. A woman screams. Warrick is spattered with blood from Jose Fausto.)", "Cavaliere: Down! Everybody down! Down!", "(Officers scramble, their guns raised and looking around for the shooter.)", "(Camera lingers on Jose Fausto, dead on the parking lot ground.)", "[EXT. MOTEL - PARKING LOT - DAY -- PRESENT]", "(Officers tape up the parking lot crime scene. Warrick and Cavaliere kneel down next to the body.)", "Cavaliere: Somebody shot this guy in front of all these cops? They did not want him talking to us.", "Warrick: This was not some doped up drive-by. The shooter had skill. Just one shot went through the ten ring.", "Cavaliere: How'd they know Fausto was here?", "Warrick: I don't know.", "Cavaliere: I bet you he tried to reach out for help, you know? Maybe money or a ticket out of here.", "Warrick: I'll check the phone records and see if there was any calls in or out.", "Cavaliere: Glad I'm not Vartann. He's got to tell the undersheriff.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Vartann and Undersheriff McKeen are walking through the hallway as Vartann delivers the bad news.)", "Undersheriff McKeen: Are you seriously telling me our only live suspect, a cop killer, was gunned down in your custody?", "Vartann: I'm sorry to say yes, sir.", "Undersheriff McKeen: And you didn't catch the shooter?", "Vartann: That's also correct, sir.", "Undersheriff McKeen: Stop calling me sir, you worthless ... (He sighs.)", "(They turn and walk into the room.)", "Undersheriff McKeen: Where's Grissom?", "Conrad Ecklie: He's on his way.", "Undersheriff McKeen: All right, let's start without him.", "(On the wall monitor are large photos of Jose Fausto, dead on the parking lot ground.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Inside the conference room, Nestor Ortega presents his findings to Undersherrif McKeen, Ecklie and Vartann.)", "Nestor Ortega: Sergeant Adams and Officer Bell were making a routine traffic stop on a Buick. Before they were able to effect the stop, a stolen Caprice intervened.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. STREET - DAY]", "[All flashbacks are scenes from 6X07: A Bullet Runs Through It (1)]", "(A dark Caprice turns in front of the officers.)", "Nestor Ortega: (V.O.) Adams said they just cut him off and started firing.", "(Gunfire erupts from the dark Caprice.)", "(Additional officer cars join behind them.)", "Nestor Ortega: (V.O.) They were followed in pursuit by Officers Davis and Carroll and Detectives Brass and Curtis.", "(End of flashback.)", "Nestor Ortega: The, uh, Caprice TC'd during the pursuit.", "(Quick flashback to: The dark Caprice flips over.)", "Nestor Ortega: (V.O.) And they just kept firing.", "(The gunmen crawl out of the car and continue firing at the officers.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Vartann: We got three of them off of prints. Priors for narcotics and connections to the Mexican mafia.", "Conrad Ecklie: And additional set of prints from the Caprice came back to Jose Fausto, the guy shot at the motel.", "Undersheriff McKeen: I've heard enough about him. Why would these knuckleheads pull in front of a police car making a traffic stop and engage us in a gunfight?", "Nestor Ortega: If the Buick was moving drugs, maybe the Caprice was providing security, keeping the cops and rival gang members away.", "Conrad Ecklie: We don't have the Buick, so there's no evidence to confirm that.", "Undersheriff McKeen: Well, if these guys were a bunch of drug-dealing thugs, why on the news were they unarmed and we shot 'em in the back?", "Conrad Ecklie: Because that's what the eyewitnesses are saying.", "Undersheriff McKeen: Oh. And that we shot an innocent high school kid riding his bike.", "Conrad Ecklie: Uh, Ricardo Estevez, male Hispanic, 22, shot in the alley east of Third.", "(Ecklie circles the area on the map on the table.)", "(Quick flashback to: [ALLEY BACK OF THIRD (EAST) - DAY] The gunman in a white t-shirt is shot.)", "Conrad Ecklie: (V.O.) Three entrance wounds to the front torso, none to the back.", "(End of flashback.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Ballistics matched the bullets to Sergeant Carroll's gun. Recovered a .45 auto next to the body.", "(The overhead shows evidence marker #14 next to a gun by the body.)", "Nestor Ortega: Captain Brass states the suspect had it pointed at the sergeant when he came around the corner.", "Vartann: Now, we have eyewitnesses who claim that they saw the suspect with his hands raised just before he was shot.", "Undersheriff McKeen: Can we resolve this?", "Nestor Ortega: Sergeant Carroll partially confirms eyewitness accounts. When Captain Brass approached, he momentarily took his eyes off the suspect. When he looked back, the suspect was holding a gun.", "Vartann: Probably pulled it from his waistband.", "Conrad Ecklie: There's no evidence to place the gun in the suspect's hand at that point.", "Undersheriff McKeen: What about the guy in the other alley?", "(He circles the area on the satellite surveillance photos.)", "(Camera zooms into the photo for a flashback: The gunman in the black tank is shot.)", "Conrad Ecklie: (V.O.) Salvador Rosario, 19, also shot in the front.", "(End of flashback.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Autopsy's pending. Chemical tests show that he held a gun. You're not going to believe this. A bullet from Officer Davis' gun hit the suspect's revolver, jamming the cylinder.", "Undersheriff McKeen: That would mean the revolver had to be pointing at Officer Davis.", "Vartann: There are several eyewitnesses who claim that they saw him plant the gun on the body.", "Nestor Ortega: It wasn't planted. It was mishandled.", "Undersheriff McKeen: Mishandled by who?", "Nestor Ortega: Contrary to policy, Officer Davis prematurely picked up the gun.", "(Quick flashback to: [ALLEY BACK OF THIRD (WEST) - DAY]", "(Officer David picks up the gun.)", "Nestor Ortega: (V.O.) Detective Curtis instructed him to set it back down, which he did.", "Sofia Curtis: What are you doing? Put it down.", "Officer Davis: Sorry, I was just trying to secure his gun.", "(End of flashback.)", "Conrad Ecklie: An eyewitness seeing that certainly could misinterpret it as planting a gun.", "(Grissom walks in.)", "Undersheriff McKeen: : Please tell me you've got some good news.", "Grissom: I have the autopsy findings on Leandro Chavez. He died of survivable wounds. Bled out at the crime scene waiting for transport.", "(Quick flashback to: Leandro Chavez is shot in the thigh. He talks to the officer watching him.)", "Leandro Chavez: Dame una ambulanica quey.", "Officer: I don't speak Spanish.", "(End of flashback.)", "Vartann: There's justification for this.", "Undersheriff McKeen: I can't wait to hear what that is.", "Vartann: Paramedics prioritized transport of the injured. Downed officer first, civilians next. By the time they got to the suspect, he'd passed on. You know, just a little retroactive birth control.", "Conrad Ecklie: See, this is the problem that the community has with us. You don't speak Spanish, so you think they don't speak English and then when you run your mouth ...", "Undersheriff McKeen: All right, keep on point here. Which one of these buttheads shot Officer Bell?", "Grissom: We have reason to believe that Officer Bell was killed by friendly fire.", "(Quick flashback to: Officer Bell is shot and falls to the ground. End of flashback.)", "(Various photos of Officer Bell on the ground at the crime scene are shown overhead.)", "Grissom: It was a through-and-through, and we haven't recovered the bullet yet. It's a big crime scene.", "Undersheriff McKeen: Unacceptable. Get back out there and find that bullet. I don't care if it takes everybody you got working around the clock.", "Grissom: I said we haven't found it yet. I didn't say we weren't looking.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Grissom and Undersheriff McKeen are walking through the hallway.)", "Undersheriff McKeen: Just do whatever it takes to find that bullet. Don't worry about the overtime. (He glances at his watch.) As soon as day shift comes in, I'll send them out, too.", "(Undersherrif McKeen leaves down the hallway. Grissom meets up with Bobby Dawson and they continue down the hallway.)", "Bobby Dawson: Hey, Grissom. So Warrick recovered a nine-millimeter pistol from Fausto's motel room, and I matched it to the cartridge case from the kid in the hospital. I also found the kid's bike there.", "(Bobby Dawson turns the corner and leaves. Grissom walks into his office.)", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom mutters to himself.)", "Grissom: Shot him in the back for his bike. Great.", "(Grissom moves behind his desk.)", "Sofia Curtis: (o.s.) Hey.", "(Grissom looks up and sees Sofia in his office.)", "Sofia Curtis: I left you a couple of messages.", "Grissom: Oh, yeah ... I haven't gotten to them yet. Sorry. You're on administrative leave, though. You should be home getting some rest.", "Sofia Curtis: Yeah, I tried. But I ... can't stop thinking about this ... this Bell shooting.", "Grissom: It's understandable.", "Sofia Curtis: Grissom, I think there may be a possibility that maybe ... I shot him.", "Grissom: Sofia ... we can't discuss the investigation.", "Sofia Curtis: (interrupts) It's, it's something I remember when I was giving my statement.", "Grissom: Then it's already on the record.", "Sofia Curtis: No, something I didn't mention.", "Grissom: Sofia ...", "Sofia Curtis: (interrupts) Please listen to me. Bell was between me and the suspect. I was shooting over his cover, which is a violation of policy.", "(Quick flashback to: [GUNFIRE] Sofia is firing her gun. Officer Bell falls to the ground. End of flashback.)", "Sofia Curtis: I was, I was just trying to stay alive. But if I did it, I ...", "(Sara walks into Grissom's office.)", "Sara: Hey, Grissom, I have a question.", "(She stops when she sees Sofia.)", "Sara: Sofia? You're on administrative leave.", "Sofia Curtis: I know.", "Sara: You should not be in this building.", "Sofia Curtis: I was just talking to a friend. If I can't talk to a friend, who the hell am I supposed to talk to?", "Sara: Any friend outside the department.", "Sofia Curtis: And how many friends outside of work do you have, Sara? Maybe I should go talk to my mother. Oh, no, sorry. I forgot. She's a cop, too.", "Sara: I can recommend a departmental psychologist.", "Sofia Curtis: All right, then. This was a really bad idea. I'm sorry.", "(Sofia turns and leaves the office.)", "(Sara turns and looks at Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. MOTEL - PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(Detective Cavaliere walks over to Warrick.)", "Chris Cavaliere: Hey, listen. One of the officers searching for the shooter found an expended cartridge up there on the seventh floor.", "(He points to a building across the street. Warrick looks down at the bloodstain on the ground, then back up at the building.)", "Warrick: That would put him in the right position.", "(Cavaliere is already moving in that direction. Warrick follows him.)", "Chris Cavaliere: Freemont Street's not far. It makes for an easy escape.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MOTEL ACROSS THE STREET -- HALLWAY / ROOM -- DAY]", "(Detective Cavaliere and Warrick walk through the hallway. They pass by the officer standing outside the door of the room where the cartridge was found.)", "Warrick: (to the officer) Good job.", "(They walk through the main room and into the bedroom. There, on the floor is the cartridge.)", "(Warrick looks at the cartridge, then out the window. It's an unobstructed view to the parking lot.)", "Warrick: Nice.", "(He puts a ruler down next to the cartridge and snaps some photos of it before picking it up.)", "Warrick: .223 Remington. Most likely from a semi-auto.", "Chris Cavaliere: Didn't even bother to pick it up.", "Warrick: Yeah. Wasn't afraid of getting caught. I'll give it to Bobby. Have him run it through IBIS. See if the gun was used before.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MOTEL - PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(Out in the parking lot, the area is bustling with observers and officers.)", "Cavaliere: (over radio) Vartann, this is Cavaliere. We've recovered an expended .223 cartridge case from a building overlooking the motel. It's on its way to the lab now. Scene here is secure. Patrol just called. They found a 411-a behind 5203 Maryland Parkway. Sounds like it might be the Buick Regal. I'm going to head over there now.", "(Inside the car, Brass is listening to the police band radio.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY -- DAY]", "(Officer cars block the alleyway. In the center is a smoking car burned to a crisp.)", "Chris Cavaliere: Buick Regal, no plates. You run the VIN?", "Patrol Officer: Yeah. It came up stolen.", "Chris Cavaliere: Yeah. It's a good chance this is the car we're looking for.", "(He looks inside.)", "Chris Cavaliere: Yep. Torched it to destroy any evidence. Let's get this thing towed back to the lab, okay?", "Patrol Officer: You got it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. STREET - DAY]", "(Sergeant Adams is with Nestor Ortega and Catherine. They're walking through the EASY AUTO PARTS parking lot as Sergeant Adams shows them what happened.)", "Nestor Ortega: Sergeant Adams, this is your standard after-shooting walk through, okay? Now I want you to describe to us exactly what happened yesterday morning.", "Sgt. Adams: We were southbound on Roosevelt. Bell observed a male and female Hispanic having a domestic dispute.", "Catherine: Where were they?", "Sgt. Adams: Over in that last spot.", "(Quick flashback to: A man grabs a pregnant woman by her hair and pushes her into he car.)", "Sgt. Adams: (V.O.) They got out of a green Geo Metro. Walked this way. By the time we'd turned around, they'd gotten into the Buick Regal.", "(End of flashback.)", "Sgt. Adams: They were driving away. She was pregnant, about to pop, just like Bell's wife. He said we should pull 'em over.", "Nestor Ortega: Which way'd they go?", "Sgt. Adams: Southbound on Roosevelt. As soon as we turned on Desert Springs, the Caprice cut us off.", "Nestor Ortega: Okay, thanks. Hey, hang around for about a minute or two, okay? I'll give you a ride home.", "(Sgt. Adams steps aside as Ortega turns to Catherine.)", "Nestor Ortega: Your thoughts?", "Catherine: I wonder if that camera works.", "(Catherine points to the security camera nearby. Ortega turns to look.)", "Nestor Ortega: Well, it's worth checking out. Come on. I'll even let you buy me a donut.", "(Ortega walks out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(The bullets gathered from the crime scenes are lined up on the table and labeled. Also on the table is a clipboard and photos of the crime scene area.)", "(Greg writes down something on one of the photos.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Grissom walks into the lab from the hallway. Greg reports.)", "Greg: I got to the end of my road.", "Grissom: And?", "Greg: Well, the suspect started shooting near the intersection of Jefferson and Desert Springs. That's nearly 20 blocks north of the crime scene. All ammo evidence was 7.62-millimeter casings and bullets.", "Grissom: Only AK ammo? No police cartridge cases or bullets?", "Greg: Not one out of 233 items. But cops don't get to shoot car-to-car, only bad guys do, right?", "(Hodges walks into the room.)", "Hodges: Oh, hey, Greg. Been on vacation? (to Grissom) Look, I know the undersheriff's on your back, so I figured I better get to you quick.", "(He shows Grissom the file folder.)", "Grissom: Okay, you got to me.", "Hodges: Found red clay chips and dust in the gouges on Ricardo Estevez's .45.", "(He hands the report to Grissom. The report reads: RED 7.5 NONE 1.5mn None 9 mm N/A N/A SYNTH", "RED CLAY, CONSISTENT OF ROOF TILES, POTTERY", "Hodges: He was the guy that was in the east alley with Brass.", "Grissom: Red clay chips?", "Hodges: Traces consistent with roof tiles and clay pots.", "Greg: Who keeps their gun in a clay pot?", "Hodges: That would be no one. Trace evidence is fresh, so it definitely came from the alley. In a crisis, you can always count on me.", "(Hodges leaves.)", "Greg: Doesn't he bug you?", "Grissom: No more so than anyone else around here.", "(Grissom leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MAIN CRIME SCENE -- DAY]", "(Various members of Forensics are removing bullets embedded in walls and other areas. Officers are there looking around and gathering anything that may be a part of the investigation.)", "(Sara is sitting in the back of the SUV. Grissom walks up to her. He's got a ladder slung over his shoulder.)", "Grissom: Sara? Will you come with me to the east alley, please?", "Sara: I thought my top priority as per the undersheriff was finding the bullet that went through Bell.", "Grissom: Well, this is per me. Come on. It'll be fun.", "Sara: (shrugs) Okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEY BEHIND THIRD (EAST) - DAY]", "(Grissom uses a ladder to climb up to examine a roof of a nearby building. He sees some clay roof tiles.)", "(Quick flashback to: [LAB - DAY] Hodges scrapes the clay off the gun handle. End of flashback.)", "Grissom: Sara?", "Sara: Yeah?", "Grissom: Call Hodges at the lab. Have him bring two exemplar .45s out here. I'll get Ortega to bring Brass and Sergeant Carroll.", "Sara: Are ... you gonna tell me what's going on?", "Grissom: What goes up ... must come down.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEY BEHIND THIRD (EAST) - DAY]", "(Ortega, Brass, Officer Carroll and Hodges are in the alley with Grissom and Sara.)", "Grissom: So, where exactly was Estevez standing when you guys saw him?", "Brass: Right there, facing this way.", "Officer Carroll: That's right.", "Grissom: And he had a gun in his hand.", "Brass: He had a gun in his hand.", "Officer Carroll: And I shot a, uh, armed suspect who'd been shooting at the police, sir.", "Grissom: I believe you. But the witnesses may also be right.", "Brass: Look, don't make this some intellectual exercise for your own personal amusement.", "Grissom: Check it out. Hodges, stand over here.", "Hodges: Yes, sir. (Hodges moves to position.) Right here.", "Grissom: See that roof?", "Hodges: It's red clay.", "Grissom: Toss one of the guns up there.", "Hodges: Actually, they're Bobby Dawson's guns. He made me sign for them -- I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate if we brought them back damaged.", "Grissom: Technically, they're my guns -- so toss one up there.", "Hodges: Just for the record, I've never really been good at sports.", "Grissom: Sara?", "Sara: Yeah.", "(Sara moves into position. Hodges gives her one of the guns. She tosses the gun up onto the roof.)", "(Quick flashback to: Ricardo Estevez partially climbs the fence and tosses the gun up onto the roof. It stops there. End of flashback.)", "Nestor Ortega: How does that prove the guy tossed the gun up there? You recovered it from the ground.", "Grissom: There's a cracked tile up on the roof. I found a series of scratches stretching from the cracked tile to the end of the roof.", "Hodges: I found scratches and red clay dust in the suspect's 5.", "Grissom: It explains how the witnesses could see Estevez with his hands up, and Sergeant Carroll then saw him with a gun in his hand.", "Nestor Ortega: The gun's still up there.", "Grissom: Sara ...", "(Hodges hands Grissom the second gun.)", "Grissom: Try it again.", "(Sara tosses the gun up onto the roof.)", "(Quick flashback to: Officer Carroll turns into the alley and runs toward Ricardo Estevez, who is partially up the fence.)", "Officer Carroll: Stop! Police! Get down!", "(Ricardo Estevez climbs down the fence.)", "Officer Carroll: Don't move.", "(Officer Carroll hears a sound and turns to see Brass enter the alley behind him. The gun slides down the roof and Ricardo catches it.)", "(Officer Carroll turns back to see Ricardo holding the gun. He's shot several times.)", "(End of flashback.)", "(Just then, the gun Sara threw up the roof slides down. She catches it.)", "(Brass and Officer Carroll both sigh.)", "Grissom: There you have it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Ecklie are reviewing the donut shop security video.)", "(On the video, the Buick Regal enters the parking lot and parks.)", "Catherine: There's the Geo Metro. There's the Buick Regal.", "(The man and the pregnant woman get out of the car.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Oh, she's pregnant, all right. Doesn't look like she wants to go with him.", "Catherine: He's not giving her much choice. So, just how bad was the meeting with the undersheriff?", "Conrad Ecklie: Worse than the dentist. Better than the proctologist.", "Catherine: Mm.", "(On the video, the man checks the back tire rim.)", "Conrad Ecklie: What's he doing?", "Catherine: Looks like he's pulling out a hide-a-key.", "(Catherine enhances the portion of video.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Means the car was waiting for them.", "Catherine: Whatever they were about to do, they weren't going to do it in the Metro.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Nick is looking through the burned Buick. Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: Hey, Nick?", "Nick: Hey.", "Catherine: Have you checked the inside of the wheel wells?", "Nick: No. I was having too much fun in here.", "Catherine: Oh, yeah, I can see that. Um, well ... since you're already dirty, would you mind checking out the left rear one for me?", "Nick: Yeah, sure.", "Catherine: Thank you.", "Nick: What are you looking for?", "Catherine: I am looking for something to hide a key in.", "Nick: Okay. Although, most hide-a-keys are held on with a magnet, which would've been demagnetized by the heat of the gasoline fire.", "Catherine: Right.", "(He checks and doesn't find anything.)", "Nick: Nope.", "Catherine: Well, it probably fell off at the location.", "Nick: Maybe. Auto transport usually sweeps up the debris. Good luck with that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine carries the paint pail bucket labeled AUTO DETAIL into the lab.)", "(She empties the bucket and goes through the debris from the site.)", "(She finds the key holder.)", "(She opens it and removes the cover.)", "(She puts on some goggles and scans it under the ALS. She finds a print.)", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. PARKING LOT -- DAY] The man puts the key holder back under the tire rim. End of flashback.)", "(Camera holds on Catherine.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDEWALK -- DAY]", "(Sofia jogs down the sidewalk and is haunted by the memory of the shooting.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "(Quick flashbacks of: [SHOOTOUT] From Sofia's POV, we see Officer Bell's back as he stands up and is hit by the bullet. He turns around and looks at her.)", "(Officer Bell falls.)", "(Sofia continues running.)", "Danilo Zamesca: (V.O.) My son was riding his bike to school.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - GERALDO'S ROOM]", "(Mrs. Zamesca sits next to her son's bed.)", "Danilo Zamesca: (V.O.) Today he's in a coma. But ...", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- DAY]", "(Danilo Zamesca is on tv during a press conference. The officers watch. )", "Danilo Zamesca: ... when he wakes up, when he ... opens his eyes again and smiles at his mother, he will see all the ... flowers and cards that he's been sent from total strangers wishing him well and ... praying for his recovery. Sheriff Burdick h-hasn't called. I've left so many messages I've lost count. It's inconvenient, I know, but I have questions. Who did this to my son? Why did they do it? No one wants to answer me? If the cops didn't shoot him, why won't they talk to me? If I have to go to court to find out, if I have to sue each and every officer involved, I'll do it. I will put the sheriff in front of a jury and get my answers there.", "(Out in the hallway, Undersheriff McKeen watches the news report. His phone rings; he answers it.)", "Undersheriff McKeen: (to phone) McKeen. Yes, sir. I saw the news. I still think we should wait to issue a statement, at least until the lab has something concrete.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - DAY]", "(Hodges, Bobby Dawson and Sara are in the lab.)", "Bobby Dawson: Hodges, it's not so much that these guns are my babies, okay? It's just that in order to replace them, I got to go to property, got to locate another gun, fill out all that paperwork, so all I'm saying is, I would appreciate not being left out of the loop, okay?", "Hodges: I'm only a soldier in this war. The general gave me an order, and I followed it.", "Bobby Dawson: Whatever.", "Hodges: I've finished checking this batch for trace.", "(Warrick steps into the lab.)", "Warrick: Bobby, police said they entered my cartridge case from the sniper into IBIS.", "Bobby Dawson: It has become my priority, or so I was informed by Undersheriff McKeen -- give me about an hour?", "Warrick: Okay.", "(Warrick leaves.)", "(Hodges takes a swab from a bullet. He tests it.)", "Hodges: I got blood.", "Sara: Where's it from?", "Hodges: Expended bullet, Torres house, candle in the living room.", "Sara: That's our through-and-through.", "Bobby Dawson: Looks like a copper-jacketed nine-millimeter, consistent with cop ammo.", "(Quick flashback of: [SHOOTOUT] Various cuts of the officers shooting. Officer Bell is hit. He grunts from the impact.)", "(CGI EFX: The bullet zooms through Officer Bell and across the street and into the Torres' window. It smashes through the glass, goes through the living room and hits the candle on the shelf, embedding in the wax.)", "(End of flash.)", "Sara: Brass, Sofia, Adams, Davis and Carroll were all shooting nines. Compare it with their firearms ASAP. I'm gonna go tell Grissom.", "(Bobby nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Grissom walks up to the burned Buick and looks at it. Nick notices him.)", "Nick: Looking for something?", "(Grissom holds up the bagged hubcap.)", "Grissom: At least this car still has a nice hubcap.", "Nick: Where'd you find that?", "Grissom: On the pursuit route, Jefferson, about ten blocks north of Third.", "Nick: (nods) Well, I've been through this car twice. There's no evidence of cartridge casings, blood, drugs of any kind. So there was nothing here to begin with, they cleaned it out pretty good before they torched it.", "(Sara enters the room.)", "Sara: Hey, Nick, Grissom. We found the through-and-through bullet. Bobby's doing a comparison. I sent a sample of blood to DNA.", "(Grissom sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. DINER -- DAY]", "(Sofia sits at a table staring out at nothing.)", "Brass: (o.s.) Hey.", "(She looks up as Brass joins her.)", "Brass: I'm glad you called. I've been thinking about you.", "Sofia Curtis: Good. Yeah, I wasn't sure.", "Brass: How you doing?", "Sofia Curtis: I've gone a little crazy.", "Brass: Yeah. It's the waiting.", "Sofia Curtis: Yeah.", "Brass: You know, I've beensuspended or disciplined like six or seven times, and it's always the same, the waiting. What you never forget is that you know a police officer lost his life.", "(Quick flashbacks of: [SHOOTOUT] From Sofia's POV, we see Officer Bell's back as he stands up and is hit by the bullet. He turns around and looks at her.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Sofia Curtis: I have seen it so many times, I don't know if it's real or not.", "(Quick flashback of: Officer Bell falls. End of flashback.)", "Sofia Curtis: Jim, it's like he's looking at me -- like as if he ... as if he knew.", "(Quick flashback of: Officer Bell falls. End of flashback.)", "Brass: Sofia, you got to get it out of your head; that's poison.", "Sofia Curtis: You telling me you're not thinking about it?", "Brass: Oh, I'm thinking; I'm thinking about a lot of stuff.", "(On the television monitor over the counter, the coroners remove a body on a gurney. The body is covered with a white sheet.)", "(Sofia can't take her eyes off the TV. Brass turns to see what she's looking at.)", "Reporter: (from tv) ... an officer killed in the cross-fire ...", "(Brass takes a sip from his cup.)", "Brass: Let me tell you something. You know, when I was a young cop in Jersey, there was this kid -- responded to an all shots fired. Never got a radio call, never knew what hit him. I was the first officer on the scene -- a patrolman, too. You know, it tore up the department pretty good. Everybody was all twisted and ... but we managed somehow to ... I don't know, get through it, some way.", "Sofia Curtis: Who shot him?", "Brass: It really doesn't matter.", "Sofia Curtis: It does matter. I could see Bell's face when I was shooting him, which means I was ... I was shooting near him. I made a mistake. I shouldn't have fired.", "Brass: No, come on. It was chaos. You were just responding to a situation. It was instinct, it was training.", "(As Brass talks, two officers walk into the diner. Sofia imagines they're talking about them.)", "Brass: No. Don't, don't think that way.", "(The officer looks up straight at Sofia. Brass turns to see what she's looking at. The two officers take their order and leave the diner.)", "Sofia Curtis: I'm always going to be the cop who shot a cop.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY]", "(Nestor Ortega, Catherine and several officers approach the driveway with the green Metro.)", "Nestor Ortega: There's the green Geo Metro. (to the officers) Okay, you come with me. You two cover the back. Stay with her.", "(The officers head for the front door.)", "Nestor Ortega: Police! We have a search warrant! Open up!", "(The side window smashes and someone crawls out. Catherine sees him and shouts to the officers.)", "Catherine: Hey!", "(The officer with Catherine chases the suspect.)", "Catherine: Suspect on the run!", "(The suspect runs to the back and starts climbing the fence. The officer reaches him, grabs him and pulls him down.)", "(A second officer arrives.)", "Officer: Get him. Get him.", "(They apprehend the suspect.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(The two officers walk out with the suspect in handcuffs between them.)", "(Another officer escorts the girlfriend out of the house. She, too, is in handcuffs and she's no longer pregnant.)", "Officer: Okay, come on. We have her, Detective.", "Catherine: Wow. You had the baby and got your figure back in one day.", "Nestor Ortega: That's impossible. Believe me, I know. My wife's had five kids.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick checks his sandwich as Sara quietly watches.)", "Warrick: (groans) Oh, Tina, baby -- no. Peanut butter without the jelly? She's trying to get me to cut down on sugar. But this is ridiculous.", "(Sara gives him half of her sandwich.)", "Sara: Here.", "Warrick: Thanks.", "Sara: Do you ever want to be a cop?", "Warrick: Every time I get a speeding ticket, yeah.", "Sara: No, I mean like guns and car chases and \"put your back against the wall,\" that kind of stuff.", "Warrick: No, I prefer the scientific side of law enforcement.", "Sara: Me, too.", "(Warrick's phone rings; he answers it.)", "Warrick: (to phone) Brown. Hey, Catherine.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD -- DAY]", "(Catherine is holding the 'pregnant woman' padding.)", "Catherine: We got the couple driving the Buick. Female wasn't pregnant. She was a mule.", "Warrick: Really.", "Catherine: Found her rig for transporting narco inside the house, and unless these guys were in the mail order business, I think they were being shipped drugs.", "(She looks at the box #834662324880 with the label that reads:", "FROM: ETHAN KEISO 702-555-0160", "32 POINT VIEW", "LAS VEGAS NV 89120", "TO: BIANCA GUERRO 702-555-????", "Warrick: And delivering them to the guys up the food chain.", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Warrick: You think these are the same guys who whacked Fausto?", "Catherine: It's the best lead we've got.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nestor Ortega questions Bianca Guerro. Her lawyer and Catherine are there.)", "Nestor Ortega: You were a passenger in a stolen vehicle that failed to yield to the police. We've also connected you to a drug ring which was responsible for the death of a police officer. Miss Guerro? You're looking at prison time, so think about it. Whatever you could tell us about these guys will be in your best interest.", "Catherine: Surveillance footage from Angie's Donut Shop shows you carrying drugs and getting into the delivery car. That alone gets you ten years.", "Nestor Ortega: Okay, this is your last chance for your client to help herself out.", "(Bianca Guerro confers with her lawyer.)", "Bianca Guerro: You don't understand. We had no choice. They would have killed us.", "Nestor Ortega: Who would've killed you?", "Bianca Guerro: There is nothing that you can do to me that is worse than what they can do. I'm done. I'm not talking no more.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2 - DAY]", "(Cavaliere interviews Carlos Contranos with his lawyer. Warrick is there.)", "Chris Cavaliere: Mr. Contranos has served time for narcotics possession. He's been deported three times for entering the country illegally. This time, we're going to throw away the key.", "Lawyer: Mr. Contranos has no interest in speaking to you.", "Warrick: We're talking about the difference between life without parole and the needle, here.", "Lawyer: He's prepared to do his time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Warrick walks into Grissom's office.)", "Warrick: Grissom, I managed to get a hit off of that sniper's cartridge case. Links up to a drug rip-off in L.A. last year -- unsolved.", "Grissom: What about the phone records from the motel?", "Warrick: Fausto made one call about an hour before he died. We ran it down to a disposable mobile phone.", "(Ecklie walks in.)", "Conrad Ecklie: So is there anything I can tell the undersheriff?", "Grissom: Yeah. Dead end on Fausto.", "Conrad Ecklie: You tell him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY TO DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Grissom walks through the hallway and heads to the DNA Lab where Wendy Simms reports her findings.)", "Wendy Simms: I got your results from the blood on the bullet. It definitely belongs to Officer Bell.", "(She hands the results to Grissom.)", "Wendy Simms: This is my first deceased police officer. I heard that his wife is pregnant.", "Grissom: Wendy, you understand that this is confidential.", "Wendy Simms: Yes, sir.", "Grissom: And you can't discuss it, even with your coworkers.", "Wendy Simms: I understand what this means.", "(He nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB -- DAY]", "(Bobby Dawson reports his findings to Grissom.)", "Bobby Dawson: Hey. Warrick tell you about the IBIS hit?", "Grissom: Yeah. How are you doing with Bell's bullet?", "Bobby Dawson: I was confirming my findings. Don't want to make any mistakes.", "Grissom: Does that mean you have results?", "Bobby Dawson: The bullet has the right GRC's for a Sig-sauer. Sergeant Adams carries a Beretta. Carroll, too. Davis has a Glock, so that rules him out. However, both detectives Brass and Curtis carry Sigs. But take a look.", "(He turns the monitor toward Grissom to look at a close-up of the bullet.)", "Grissom: There's hardly any jacket left.", "Bobby Dawson: Means there's almost no chance of identifying that to a specific gun.", "Grissom: What if you had more time? Could you do it?", "Bobby Dawson: Sorry, boss. I mean, there's just no way I can tell you who shot Officer Bell.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine looks at the delivery box. Ecklie is in the lab with her.)", "Catherine: You know, based on the dates of these address labels, it appears that Carlos and Bianca were receiving two to three drug shipments a day.", "Conrad Ecklie: So the dogs hit on the boxes?", "Catherine: Yes, and Narco found trace amounts of cocaine, for whatever that's worth. Well, the return addresses are all bogus, the couple is not talking, and all four suspects are dead. There's nothing more we can do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[EXT. MAIN CRIME SCENE -- DAY]", "(Grissom and the team are back at the crime scene.)", "Grissom: Okay, Nick, the Cruiser's right front tire is 19 feet, 5 inches from the south curb.", "(Nick measures the distance. He motions for the car to move forward and to stop.)", "Grissom: Sara, the detective unit's left front tire is five feet two inches from the south curb.", "(Sara measures the distance and the second car moves into position.)", "Grissom: All right. Nick, you be Brass. Sara, you be Sofia.", "Sara: Good.", "Grissom: I'll be Bell. Officer Bell was crouched down behind his door.", "(Grissom kneels down behind the door.)", "(Quick flashback to: The shootout begins. The gunmen fire. Officer Bell, kneeling behind his car door, fires.)", "(End of flashback.)", "(Grissom is behind his door.)", "(Sara positions herself behind her door. She can't see Grissom.)", "Sara: Griss -- ? I can't see you from here. You're blocked by both cars.", "Nick: Yeah, me either. I'd have to shoot through both cars to get to you. I processed them both -- no shots entered from the back.", "(Grissom thinks about it, then stands up.)", "Grissom: Can you see me here?", "Sara: Yeah, I can see you.", "Nick: Yeah, now.", "Sara: What would make Bell stand up in the middle of a gunfight?", "Grissom: Maybe he had to change positions. We know that the suspects were starting to run, right?", "Nick: Okay, he popped up, took one in the vest.", "Grissom: Let's assume that. We'll line up the exit trajectories with the apartment window, and we'll use lasers, but we may have to wait until it's dark.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MAIN CRIME SCENE -- DAY]", "(It's dark. Grissom has a dummy positioned where Officer Bell stood behind his car door. In the dummy's neck is a laser rod.)", "Sara: (to phone) We're turning on the lasers. Is the candle in position?", "(Inside the Torres' residence, Greg is in the living room and on the phone.)", "Greg: (to phone) I'm ready on this end.", "Sara: (to phone) Let me know when the beam hits the candle. (to Grissom) Good to go!", "(Down on the street, Grissom turns the laser light on.)", "(In the Torres' apartment, Greg keeps his eye on the beam.)", "Greg: (to phone) Uh ... good height. Move it six inches to the left.", "Sara: (to Grissom) Six inches to the left.", "(Grissom moves the beam. Greg turns and sees the light going in the wrong direction, away from the candle.)", "Greg: (to phone) Oh, no, no. My left.", "Sara: (to Grissom) He meant the other left.", "Greg: A little more. Little more. (The beam hits the candle.) Right there.", "Sara: Perfect. (to phone) I'll call you back.", "Grissom: Okay, we got the exit. Now we need the entrance. Sara, turn your laser on.", "(Sara turns her laser on. Grissom can't find the beam. He holds up his hand and sees the beam is completely off.)", "Sara: The path of my laser is off.", "Grissom: Yeah, it's a bad angle. Move it to the left.", "(Sara tries, but can't.)", "Sara: Gris ...", "Grissom: Hmm?", "Sara: It's blocked by the car. It's not possible.", "Grissom: Turn it off. Nick, turn yours on.", "Nick: Mine's been on the whole time. It's still blocked.", "Grissom: Raise it up.", "(Nick raises the laser. It hits the dummy perfectly. Grissom and Nick both look at the path of the beams.)", "Nick: He stood up.", "(Quick flashback to: [SHOOTOUT] Brass fires. As the suspect runs, Brass stands. He follows the line of sight of the suspect running.)", "(He fires.)", "(And hits Officer Bell in the neck.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Everyone is silent.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BRASS' RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Grissom sits in his car waiting for Brass. Brass steps out and gets into the car.)", "Brass: Hey. Well, your call was a little cryptic. Must've got the results from the ballistics test.", "Grissom: We did, but it was inconclusive, so I went back to the intersection and ran a reconstruction.", "Brass: Well, I don't know how you reconstruct a war zone. You have no idea what it was like. I mean, it was a firefight. Have you talked to Sofia?", "Grissom: It wasn't Sofia. You must have stood up ... fired at the suspects over the black and whites. Officer Bell stood up at the same time, right into your line of fire. Fausto shot him in the vest, which spun him a little. At the same time, you hit him in the neck.", "Brass: (sighs) Oh, I-I swear, I was behind the car, I ... I-I stood up?", "Grissom: Sheriff wants me to present our findings at a community meeting in an hour.", "(Brass sighs.)", "Brass: Don't keep 'em waiting.", "(Brass gets out of the car and leaves. He slams the car door behind him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Nestor Ortega talks with Sofia.)", "Nestor Ortega: I just received a report from the shooting review board. You've been cleared. (He gives her back her gun and her badge.) You can go back to work.", "Sofia Curtis: Thank you.", "(She takes her gun and her badge off the desk.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY CHURCH (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. COMMUNITY CHURCH -- DAY]", "(The church is filled with every seat taken. Reporters line the back. Grissom is standing up front to deliver his report.)", "Grissom: Hello. My name is Dr. Gil Grissom. I'm the night shift supervisor for the Las Vegas Police Department's Crime Lab. I'm not a police officer; I'm a scientist.", "Man: You work for the cops. That makes you a cop. You're not on our side.", "(The audience clamors. Grissom waits for them to quiet down.)", "Grissom: Actually, I'm a forensics expert. My job is to identify, collect, and examine physical evidence from a crime scene, to determine who did what to whom and how did they do it. I've been asked to come here today by the mayor and Sheriff Burdick to present our analysis of the evidence in this case to your community.", "Woman: Why aren't they here? Why should we believe your evidence?", "Grissom: Physical evidence cannot be wrong. It doesn't lie. It's not influenced by emotion or prejudice. It's ... it's not confused by the excitement of the moment. I'm here, in God's house, to explain to you the truth about exactly what happened the other day. I'd like to start by showing you some photos. (Grissom shows the bullet on screen.) This is a bullet that was recovered from the Kevlar vest of Officer Daniel Bell, now deceased.", "(Danilo Zamesca stands up.)", "Danilo Zamesca: (interrupts) What about my son? What-what does the evidence say about my son?", "Grissom: Okay, if you like, we can start there.", "Danilo Zamesca: Please.", "(Grissom moves over to the second display.)", "Grissom: This photo is a comparison of two cartridge cases. The one on the right was found next to your son. The one on the left was test-fired from Jose Fausto's pistol. As you can see, there are corresponding individual marks on both cartridges. These are unique, like fingerprints. It means that they were fired from the same gun. It proves that while attempting to escape from the police ... Jose Fausto shot your son Geraldo in the back.", "Danilo Zamesca: Why would he do that?", "Grissom: We recovered your son's bicycle from Jose Fausto's motel room. Your son was on his way to football practice.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY] Geraldo Zamesca is on his bike and riding down the sidewalk. Jose Fausto shoots him in the back. End of flashback.)", "Grissom: It appears that Jose Fausto shot your son so he could use his bike.", "(Danilo Zamesca is quiet. He sits down.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEVADA MOUNTAINS (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. BELL RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(The side table is filled with framed family photos. The house is filled with family and friends there to support Tracy Bell and her family.)", "(In the foyer is a large framed photo of Officer Bell in uniform.)", "(Brass walks in. He's dressed in uniform as well.)", "(Undersheriff McKeen is talking with Nestor Ortega. They both notice Brass. Brass removes his hat.)", "(Sofia walks up to him.)", "Sofia Curtis: Jim, I was just on my way out, but if you want me to stay ...", "Brass: No, I-I think I can handle it. I think. Thanks.", "Sofia Curtis: Okay.", "(Sofia leaves. Brass walks in. The officers there clear away from him as he makes his way around the room. No one approaches him.)", "(Brass sits down and puts his hand down on the seat next to him. The other officers stare at him. Brass fiddles nervously with his fingers.)", "(Nestor Ortega takes the seat next to Brass.)", "Nestor Ortega: The shooting review board wants to talk to you. You're going to have to explain your tactical decision for shooting in the direction of a fellow officer.", "Brass: I'm ready when they are.", "Nestor Ortega: As far as I'm concerned, there's no question ... it was a bad shoot.", "Brass: I'll have to live with that.", "(Nestor Ortega stands up and leaves.)", "(Brass looks over and sees Tracy Bell in the next room drying her tears. She steps out and heads into the main room.)", "(Just then, Jeannie Bell skips and trips in front of Brass. He quickly reaches out and catches her from falling.)", "Brass: Oh, whoa! Hey. What's your name?", "Jeannie Bell: Jeannie.", "Brass: Well, that's a pretty name. (Tracy sees Brass with Jeannie and smiles.) Is that your mom over there?", "(Jeannie nods.)", "Brass: Huh? Okay, be careful, Jeannie ...", "(The officer standing next to Tracy leans over and whispers into her ear. Tracy looks over at Brass. Brass stands up and walks over to her.)", "(The room gets quiet as everyone watches them. Tracy walks up to Brass.)", "Brass: Mrs. Bell ... I'm Jim Brass.", "Tracy Bell: I know.", "Brass: (voice breaking) I want you to know ... if there's, um ... if there's any, um ...", "(She holds up her hand and stops him.)", "(She reaches out and holds him as she cries.)", "Tracy Bell: (whispers) I know it wasn't your fault.", "Brass: (crying) I ... I'm ... I'm so sorry." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
A Bullet Runs Through It (2)
[ "The CSI team is called to help when Karen Mathews reports her son, Jesse, missing from a playground where he was playing on the swings. Witnesses report seeing a man with a blue baseball cap near the swings. Clues in the park bathroom include blood and the boy's underpants. The boy is eventually found in a store, accompanied by a woman with a man fitting the earlier description. But the couple with the boy claim that he is their son Adam, while Karen insists he is her missing son Jesse." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. MESA VALLEY PARK - DAY]", "(The park is bustling with children playing. In the center of the green grass near the pathways, Karen Matthews pulls out items from the large wicker picnic basket open near her. She's packing up, covering a juice bottle and tucking it into the picnic basket.)", "(She turns and looks over at the jungle gym set, a small smile on her face. Her smile disappears when she can't locate her son, Jesse.)", "(She quickly stands up and takes several steps, looking around the area for her son, Jesse.)", "Karen Matthews: Jesse? Jesse?", "(She doesn't see him. She looks around the area, her voice getting louder.)", "Karen Matthews: Jesse ... Jesse, can you hear me? Jesse, please!", "(She looks around.)", "Karen Matthews: (shouts) Jesse!!", "FADE TO WHITE:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MESA VALLEY PARK - DAY]", "(Grissom and Warrick walk with Brass, who fills them in as they head toward the park. Brass holds out a small photo of a small dark-haired little boy.)", "Brass: Jesse Matthews, six years old.", "(Grissom grabs the photo from Brass and looks at it.)", "Grissom: Is this an old photo?", "Brass: Yeah, it's the only one the mom had. She said one minute, he's on the swing, the next minute he's gone.", "Grissom: Abduction.", "Brass: Well, the search radius is over a mile -- no sign of the boy.", "Warrick: What about the father?", "Brass: The father is, um ... Army Sergeant, uh ... (He looks at his notes.) ... Dwight Matthews. Killed in Afghanistan four years ago.", "Grissom: Any other family members? Grandparents? Boyfriends?", "(An officer gives Karen Matthews a cup of something to drink.)", "Brass: No, her parents are dead and her husband's parents -- she lost communication with them since he died.", "(They walk up to Karen Matthews.)", "Brass: Mrs. Matthews ... this is Gil Grissom and Warrick Brown from the Crime Lab.", "Karen Matthews: I, uh ... I never bring Jesse to the park. But this afternoon, the backyard just couldn't hold him, so we came here and ... uh ... he was on the swings; I couldn't even get him off, and then I look around and he's gone; he's just ...", "Brass: Mrs. Matthews, there's really nothing more you can do here. Why don't you let us give you a ride home?", "(She turns and looks at Grissom.)", "Karen Matthews: I'm not leaving. (She looks at Brass.) Not without Jesse.", "(She gets up, turns and walks away from them. Grissom looks down at the little boy's photo.)", "Warrick: I called the team.", "(Warrick looks at the photo.)", "Warrick: They always look so vulnerable.", "Grissom: They are.", "CUT TO: END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MESA VALLEY PARK - SAND BOX -- DAY]", "(Greg and Sara are in the sand box area. Greg is looking at the sand while Sara is dusting the jungle gym pipes.)", "Greg: It's like trying to get an ID on swimmers from ripples in the pool. How about you?", "(Sara looks at the prints.)", "Sara: Lots of little fingers ... and some big ones.", "Greg: Helping hands?", "(Sara heads back to her kit as Greg snaps photos of shoe prints in the sand.)", "(In the background, we see Nick arrive and head toward the swimming pool area. He walks through the wire gate and looks at the nearly empty pool.)", "(Carrying his camera, Warrick is headed toward the restrooms. In the background, we see Brass showing Jesse's photo to a housekeeper.)", "Brass: Here, ma'am. Look at this picture. Do you remember this boy? It's not a recent photo.", "(The housekeeper looks at the photo and sighs apologetically. She gives the picture back to Brass.)", "Housekeeper: I had my hands full. I don't take my eyes off him ever.", "(She nods toward the little boy holding her hand.)", "Brass: Sure. I understand.", "Housekeeper: But there was this man near the swings -- he kept looking around like he was waiting for something.", "Brass: What'd he look like?", "Housekeeper: He was a white guy, blue baseball cap ... that's all I remember.", "Brass: Did he seem interested in one of the kids?", "Housekeeper: Yeah. A boy. Could be that boy. (She looks at the photo again and shakes her head as she gives the photo back to Brass.) Mm ... it's hard to tell.", "Brass: Okay ... thank you. Thank you very much.", "Housekeeper: You're welcome.", "(Brass turns and looks over at Karen Matthews standing near an officer.)", "(Brass walks over to her.)", "Brass: Mrs. Matthews ... (She turns and looks at Brass.) I know this is difficult for you, but I have to ask you again -- do you remember seeing anyone hanging around near the swings? Anyone. Maybe, maybe a man in a blue baseball cap?", "(Quick flashback to: [SWINGS] A little boy is swinging on the swings. Standing and watching him nearby is a man wearing a blue baseball cap.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Karen Matthews: Yes.", "Brass: Can you describe him?", "Karen Matthews: He was white ...", "Brass: (prompts) ... white ...", "Karen Matthews: Uh ... just under six feet, I think.", "Brass: Six feet. Great.", "Karen Matthews: Jeans.", "(Quick flashback to: [SWINGS] The man wearing the baseball cap heads over to the little boy riding the swings.)", "(Flash to: The swing seat is empty.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(She looks at Brass.)", "Karen Matthews: Did he take Jesse?", "Brass: We don't know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MESA VALLEY PARK - PARKING LOT -- DAY --- CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick walks through the parking look, looking at the cars in the stalls. He stops in front of the car and checks under the car.)", "(He stands up and sees Kelly Gordon standing just a couple cars away from him. She's startled that he's noticed her. She quickly turns and leaves.)", "(Nick looks around.)", "[EXT. MESA VALLEY PARK - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(An officer's car pulls up and parks. Grissom sees the car. He turns and talks with Karen Matthews.)", "Grissom: Our K-9 officers are going to need something that Jesse's worn recently.", "Karen Matthews: Uh ... his jacket. It's in the car. I'll get it for you.", "(Karen turns and walks out of camera frame. In the background, two officers lead two K-9 dogs out of the car.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[EXT. MESA VALLEY PARK - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The officers let the dogs smell a red jacket.)", "Officer: Okay, man. All right? Seek!", "(The dogs start to search the playground area as Grissom, Karen Matthews and the other officers watch. The dogs weave in and out through the various apparatus, searching for a scent.)", "Officer: Let's go! Come on!", "(The dogs turn to the side of the playground area and head toward the fence as everyone watches.)", "(The dogs turn and head back toward Grissom, Karen Matthews and the other officers. Grissom takes his sunglasses off.)", "(The dogs complete the circle and stop in front of Karen Matthews, jumping on her.)", "(A dog barks.)", "Karen Matthews: Whoa! Whoa! What are they doing?", "Grissom: Pull the dogs back, please.", "(The officers pull the dogs back.)", "Officer: Heel!", "(Grissom reaches for the red jacket the officer is holding.)", "Grissom: Can I see this jacket?", "(He looks at the jacket that appears barely worn.)", "Grissom: (to Karen) Has Jesse ever worn this?", "Karen Matthews: I just bought it for him. He's been growing so fast. I'm sorry, I ...", "Grissom: That's okay; we'll get something from your house.", "(She nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MESA VALLEY PARK - PUBLIC BATHROOMS (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. MESA VALLEY PARK - PUBLIC BATHROOMS -- DAY]", "(Warrick uses his flashlight to look around the dingy, dirty public bathroom. He shines the light on the bathroom floor and finds what appears to be blood spatter. He opens the stall door and looks around.)", "(He finds part of the toilet tissue roll holder on the floor, its end stained red with blood. He snaps photos of it and continues looking at the stall.)", "(Grissom walks into the bathroom.)", "Warrick: What do you make of this?", "(Grissom walks up to the stall door and looks inside.)", "Warrick: Possible struggle ... that could've been used as a weapon. (He shines his flashlight on the bloodied roll holder.) The blood drops could be castoff.", "(Behind the toilet bowl, Warrick finds a little boy's white underwear. He picks it up and looks at it.)", "Warrick: Maybe the poor kid had to pee while his mom was in the car.", "(Quick flashback to: [STALL] The door opens and the little boy steps inside to pee into the toilet. We hear him unzip his pants but before he does anything else, a man steps into the stall behind him and picks the little boy up. The boy screams.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "[EXT. MESA VALLEY PARK - PUBLIC BATHROOMS -- DAY]", "(Grissom and Warrick walk away from the bathrooms and head toward Mrs. Matthews, talking with an officer.)", "Warrick: Mrs. Matthews, I need you to take a look at something. Do you recognize these?", "(Warrick shows her the white underwear in an evidence bag. She looks at it and gasps, her mouth moving as she struggles to find the words.)", "Karen Matthews: They're ...", "(Suddenly, she retches, covers her mouth and takes a few steps backward as she collapses on the seat behind her.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Police sirens wail in the background.)", "[INT. MATTHEWS' RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine walks across the street. Greg grabs his bag and slams the car door shut. He turns and joins her as they head toward the Matthews' residence.)", "(Greg hands Catherine her kit as they meet up with Brass, who is waiting out front for them.)", "Catherine: Mrs. Matthews inside?", "Brass: Yeah. Every mother's worst nightmare.", "(Catherine turns and looks inside the house through the open front door.)", "Brass: (continues) I checked her answering machine: No calls.", "Catherine: Well, I'll get a DNA exemplar for Jesse and let her get some sleep.", "Brass: She won't sleep. (to Greg) Okay, Greg, let's do a little legwork, what do you say? You take this side of the street; I'll take the other -- find out if anybody's seen anything suspicious.", "[INT. MATTHEWS' RESIDENCE - FOYER / LIVING ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine enters the house. The living room is littered with toys, clothes and other evidence of a child living there.)", "(Catherine turns and notices the framed photos on the wall. On the foyer table are more framed family photos of Jesse with Karen and her husband.)", "(Catherine picks up a recent photo of Jesse in an orange-striped shirt.)", "Catherine: Mrs. Matthews?", "(Catherine looks around. She sees Mrs. Matthews standing in the next room, looking out the window and lost in her thoughts. Catherine steps into the next room.)", "Catherine: Mrs. Matthews?", "(Karen puts down the toy she's carrying and turns around. She quickly makes herself busy and tries to tidy the table.)", "Catherine: I'm Catherine Willows from the Crime Lab.", "Karen Matthews: Sorry about the mess.", "Catherine: It's okay.", "Karen Matthews: Jesse was so full of energy this morning. He didn't give me time to clean up.", "Catherine: I understand.", "(Catherine shows Karen Matthews the photo of Jesse in the orange shirt.)", "Catherine: This photo ... is it recent?", "Karen Matthews: Uh, yeah, that's, uh, that's from last month.", "Catherine: If it's all right with you, I'd like to borrow it. I'll get it to Nevada Child Search, and they can get it out to the media.", "Karen Matthews: Sure.", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(Catherine looks around the living room and notices the finger painting pictures hanging on the wall.)", "Karen Matthews: Jesse's home-schooled. We do art together ... music ... everything.", "(Catherine leans forward and notices the penciled lines on the side wall with indications of Jesse's height and age: 6 years - 36 1/2 \" 5 years - 34 \" 50 months 4 years - 31 1/3\"", "(Karen smiles.)", "Karen Matthews: Do you have children?", "Catherine: I have a daughter. Thirteen.", "Catherine: \"Thirty-six and a half inches.\" I'll add it to the physical description. And, Mrs. Matthews, our K-9 unit will need something with Jesse's scent.", "Karen Matthews: Oh, right, right. Um ... maybe ... maybe his stuffed dinosaur? He holds it while he's sleeping.", "Catherine: That'll work. And I will need something with his DNA: A toothbrush, hairbrush, pillowcase ...", "Karen Matthews: Why do you need that?", "Catherine: Well, if we locate anything that could lead us to him, we want to make sure we've got the right boy.", "Karen Matthews: Well, I'll get those things for you.", "(Karen turns and leaves the room.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[INT. MATTHEWS' RESIDENCE - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(As Catherine steps out into the garage, Officer Ackers pulls up driving Karen Matthews' vehicle. He parks and gets out of the car.)", "Catherine: Hi.", "Officer Ackers: Hey. Captain Brass asked me to drive the lady's car home.", "Catherine: Oh ... okay. Yeah, I'll let her know.", "(He gives her the keys.)", "Officer Ackers: Thanks.", "Catherine: Mm-hmm.", "(He turns and leaves.)", "(Catherine takes a moment and looks around the garage. She notices wrapped birthday presents stacked on the wall shelf. One of the labels reads:", "HAPPY BIRTHDAY", "JESSE!", "LOVE, GRANDMA & GRANDPA", "(The next package she looks at is a Christmas present with the label:", "TO: JESSE", "FROM: GRANDPA & GRANDMA", "(Catherine is surprised by the discovery.)", "[EXT. MATTHEWS RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(Greg interviews Karen Matthews' next door neighbor, Ken McCracken. Ken is carrying is dog in his arms.)", "Ken McCracken: Since her husband died, kid's toys always laying around. I'm always tossing balls over my fence back into her yard. They keep to themselves, which is fine by me.", "Greg: Sir, have you seen any suspicious cars in the neighborhood, or strangers?", "Ken McCracken: I work all day and I don't spend my nights looking at the neighbors, okay?", "Greg: Well, what about the weekends?", "(The dog snarls at Greg.)", "Greg: Aggressive little pooch.", "Ken McCracken: Oh, she's my sweetie.", "(Ken buries his face in his dog's fur as he croons to his pet. Greg swallows, a little freaked by the man's behavior with his dog. The dog licks Ken's face as he continues to croon.)", "Ken McCracken: Who's my good girl? Queenie's my good girl. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. (He stops and looks at Greg.) Interesting how things work out.", "Greg: What do you mean?", "Ken McCracken: Her kid getting killed. This is Queenie. My last dog, Princess ... Princess died, and she did it.", "Greg: Karen Matthews?", "Ken McCracken: Four years ago. I found Princess hanging off the back fence. Supposed to look like it was an accident, like she got caught on collar and choked.", "Greg: Did you see her do that?", "Ken McCracken: No, but I knew. See, Princess used to bark through the fence at her kid. She just wanted to play. (Ken kisses his dog.) If you ask me, you know what? The kid liked it, but Karen she just went off the deep end.", "Greg: Mr. McCracken, who told you her son was killed?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MATTHEWS' RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT ]", "(Camera opens on the framed family photos hanging on the wall. Catherine turns and heads into the little boy's bedroom. There are dinosaur toys on the shelf and a plastic cage with two pet hamsters.)", "(Catherine leans forward and taps the side of the cage. Karen walks in.)", "Catherine: Who takes care of the hamsters?", "Karen Matthews: Jesse. When he remembers. Which is as about as often as he remembers to brush his teeth.", "(She shows Catherine the toothbrush. Catherine opens a plastic bag and holds it out for Karen to put the toothbrush in.)", "Catherine: Mrs. Matthews, has Jesse ever run away from home?", "Karen Matthews: (shakes her head) He'd never do that.", "(Karen walks over to the bed and picks up the stuffed dinosaur. She turns and looks at Catherine.)", "Catherine: Was he upset about anything?", "Karen Matthews: No. No. No. You're going to find him. If something happened, I'd know.", "(She gives the stuffed dinosaur to Catherine.)", "Karen Matthews: (points to her heart) I'd know here.", "Catherine: Of course. I'd feel the same.", "(Karen turns and makes the bed.)", "Catherine: Mrs. Matthews, when the officer brought your car back, I noticed that there were gifts in the garage that were from your husband's parents.", "Karen Matthews: The, um ... the colonel and his wife. We're, uh, we're not in touch anymore. Ever since Dwight was ... ever since Dwight died, my father-in-law thinks he should be raising Jesse, not me. He runs that house like an army barracks. Do you know what that does to a boy? Well, I saw what it did to Dwight, and I will not let him do that to Jesse.", "Catherine: I'm still going to need some contact information.", "(Karen stops and thinks about it.)", "Karen Matthews: They took him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(Wendy Simms cuts the end of the toothbrush bristles with an electric handsaw to find a DNA sample to process.)", "(She puts the piece of toothbrush into a test tube, adds the solution and puts it in a machine that rocks it back and forth gently.)", "(She removes the test tube from the machine, removes the toothbrush from the test tube, takes a sample of the solution and puts it in a second smaller sample container. She caps the smaller sample container, puts it in a second machine that spins the sample. She closes the machine and turns it on.)", "(The machine whirls.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - DAY]", "(Brass interviews Faye and Colonel Warren Matthews, Jesse's paternal grandparents.)", "Warren Matthews: We haven't seen Karen or Jesse since, um ... (He falters, obviously unable to recall the information.) ... uh ... since ...", "Faye Matthews: We haven't seen them in four years, since the day we buried our son.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. CEMETERY - DAY] The funeral procession moves along. Karen holds the folded flag in her arms, her other hand is tucked in the crook of her escort's arm.)", "(Behind her, Jesse is between Warren and Faye Matthews. Warren leans down and gives Jesse a plastic toy soldier.)", "Warren Matthews: (to Jesse) Here. Here's your toy soldier.", "(Karen overhears him. She turns around and gasps. She grabs the toy soldier from Jesse and glares at Warren. She shoves the toy soldier back at Warren.)", "Faye Matthews: (quietly) Warren, not today.", "Warren Matthews: (insistent) He's my grandson. It-it's, it's a toy.", "Karen Matthews: (upset) I will raise my own son-- not you.", "(She grabs Jesse's hand away from Faye's and leads Jesse away from them.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warren Matthews: Jesse comes from a, from a long line of military men going all the way back to Bull Run. Were you in the service?", "Brass: Yes, sir. Marine Corps.", "Warren Matthews: I bet your dad was, too, right?", "Brass: You know, we're here to talk about your family, not mine.", "Faye Matthews: If we hadn't seen Jesse's picture last night on TV, we wouldn't know what he looked like now.", "Warren Matthews: She blames me.", "Faye Matthews: I do not.", "Warren Matthews: Don't tell me what I know and don't know, all right?", "Faye Matthews: Can I please just go to the bathroom?", "Brass: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.", "Warren Matthews: Where is it?", "Brass: It's. Uh ... down the hall to the right, through the door.", "Faye Matthews: Excuse me.", "(Faye Matthews gets up and leaves the office. Warren Matthews pulls his chair closer to Brass' desk.)", "Warren Matthews: (confidentially) This is just between you and me. I saw Karen last week.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. MATTHEWS' RESIDENCE - FRONT PORCH - DAY] Warren Matthews knocks on the front door. Karen opens the door.)", "Warren Matthews: Oh, hi, Karen, uh, could I see Jesse please?", "Karen Matthews: No.", "(Karen starts to close the door; he pushes the door open.)", "Warren Matthews: Karen, he's my only grandson.", "Karen Matthews: You can't have him, okay?", "Warren Matthews: I don't want to keep him, Karen. I just want to give him these. Please.", "(He shows her the army tags.)", "Karen Matthews: Just leave us alone.", "(She again closes the door. He starts shouting.)", "Warren Matthews: Jesse! It's Grandpa. Jesse!", "Karen Matthews: No, please.", "(She closes the door on him.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Warren Matthews falls silent and looks down a little lost.)", "Brass: (prompts) Colonel?", "(Warren looks around.)", "Warren Matthews: Where's my wife?", "Brass: She's in the ladies' room. It's okay. Do you get these uh ... these spells often? There's some memory loss?", "Warren Matthews: It's early Alzheimer's.", "Brass: That's a tough one.", "Warren Matthews: All I wanted was to see my grandson. Find him for me.", "Brass: We'll do our best, sir. We'll do our very best.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Warrick and Sara walk through the hallway.)", "Warrick: Any luck with those prints from the swing?", "Sara: Nothing on AFIS, but Brass did put out a bulletin for the guy in the blue baseball cap.", "Warrick: I wouldn't get our hopes up -- it's a vague description.", "Sara: What about the K-9 search?", "Warrick: Nothing.", "(Warrick enters the DNA Lab as Sara leaves down the hallway.)", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "Warrick: What do you got for me?", "(Wendy Simms reports her findings.)", "Wendy Simms: Well, I ran the exemplar toothbrush against a blood sample from the men's room. It's not a match.", "Warrick: What about the underpants?", "Wendy Simms: Couldn't get enough epithelials for DNA 'cause the kid probably hadn't been wearing them for very long.", "(The label on the evidence bag reads:", "CRIME SCENE SEARCH EVIDENCE REPORT Name of Subject:", "Offense: LVPD 051207-1165 GG", "Date of Incident: 12-07-05 TIME: 11:28 AM/PM", "Search Officer: W. BROWN", "Evidence Description: BOYS UNDERPANTS", "Location: Mesa Valley Park Men's Room", "Warrick: I wonder why.", "Wendy Simms: Well, I did confirm a positive result for urea in the underpants. And the quantity and distribution suggests that the kid wet himself.", "Warrick: Ditched his wet tighty-whiteys and went back out to play.", "(Wendy goes to the computer and pulls up an ID.)", "Wendy Simms: I got a hit on your blood. Conner Daly. Convicted of NRS 201.450. Out on parole.", "(The information on the screen reads:", "ADDRESS: 1204 Bonnie Brae Las Vegas, NV 891-", "CRIMINAL HISTORY:", "NRS 201.450 Sexual Penetration of a Dead Human Body One Year State Prison", "RELEASED: November 21, 2005 )", "Warrick: What's a 450?", "Wendy Simms: That'd be \"s*x with dead body.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick interviews Conner Daly.)", "Warrick: Mr. Daly, where were you yesterday afternoon?", "Conner Daly: Playing nickel slots downtown. I, uh .... I'm not trying to win the big jackpot or anything; just passing time. It relaxes me.", "(Warrick leans against the wall, looking through the open file folder in his hand.)", "Warrick: Where did you go next?", "Conner Daly: Walked in the park. Fresh air. I'm allergic to smoke.", "(Warrick looks up and at Conner Daly.)", "Warrick: Which park?", "Conner Daly: One near my apartment.", "(Warrick walks over to the table.)", "Warrick: Would that be Mesa Valley Park?", "Conner Daly: (nods) Yeah. Then I sat down on a park bench and read a copy of the RJ that I picked out of the trash. What's this about?", "Warrick: Did you go to the men's room at any time?", "Conner Daly: Only when nature called.", "Warrick: What did you do there?", "Conner Daly: I amused myself.", "Warrick: What did you do next? We found your blood on the floor.", "Conner Daly: I get nosebleeds. Too much cocaine back in the day.", "Warrick: Yeah. I'm sure we'll find that in your medical records.", "(Taking exception to the comment, Conner Daly stands up.)", "Conner Daly: (seethes) My whole damn life is on record. So, why don't you look at the freakin' records, huh?", "Warrick: You have anger issues, Mr. Daly?", "(The officer standing in the back of the room steps forward.)", "Conner Daly: Yeah.", "Warrick: Would you take a seat for me, please.", "(Conner nods and sits down again. Warrick sees a large gash on Conner's left hand between his thumb and index finger.)", "Warrick: What's that cut on your hand from? Pick the wrong partner?", "Conner Daly: (shakes his head) No.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. BATHROOM - STALL - DAY] The stall door opens and Conner quickly sits down on the toilet, his hand holding his bleeding nose while the other reaches for some toilet tissue. The tissue holder roll is empty and he gets angry, ripping the holder out of the stall wall.)", "(Part of the holder falls to the floor, his blood on it.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Conner Daly: Look, I'll send the county a buck-fifty. They can buy a new one.", "Warrick: You recognize this boy?", "(Warrick puts Jesse's photo on the table. Conner leans forward and looks at it. He sits back in his chair.)", "Conner Daly: Looks like a kid that this guy brought into the bathroom but I didn't stay to watch.", "Warrick: Did you get a look at the guy?", "Conner Daly: (shrugs) 51's fan.", "(Warrick looks at him, not following him. Conner points to his head.)", "Conner Daly: His cap.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[MONITOR]", "(The news report is on for an AMBER ALERT. Jesse's photo is shown as Paula Francis reports.)", "Paula Francis: (from tv) Las Vegas police may have a break in the case of a missing boy. An eyewitness has come forward with a more complete description of the suspect.", "(A sketch of the man's face appears on screen.)", "Paula Francis: (from tv) Authorities are now seeking this man in connection with the disappearance yesterday of six-year-old Jesse Matthews.", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM - DAY]", "(Grissom is watching the report on the television.)", "Paula Francis: (from tv) Initial reports from the scene only mention a man in a blue cap, but the police artist had a lot more to work with after the eyewitness came forward.", "(On the monitor, reporters interview Karen Matthews.)", "Karen Matthews: (from tv) Uh, uh ... I'm ju ... I'm just trying to stay positive. And, um, you know, I know that Jesse'll be safe at home again soon.", "Reporter (woman): (from tv) Do you think there's anything else the police ...", "Karen Matthews: (from tv) (interrupts) So. I know he'll be safe.", "(The report goes back to Paula Francis.)", "Paula Francis: (from tv) The boy's mother, Karen, is holding out hope that she'll see her son again. She's seen tragedy enough. Four years ago, she lost her husband in combat in Afghanistan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[INT. CONVENIENCE STORE -- NIGHT]", "(Victor Esposito, wearing a blue baseball cap, and his wife Valerie wait at the checkout counter as 'Jesse' looks at the displays behind them.)", "Valerie Esposito: What's going on?", "(Off to the side, Brass takes out the photo of 'Jesse' and compares it to the little boy looking at the displays. He tucks the photo back into his jacket pocket.)", "(We hear a beep off screen from behind the counter.)", "Victor Esposito: (under his breath) It's ridiculous.", "(The clerk runs the credit card through the reader. It beeps again. He looks at the Espositos.)", "Clerk: Sorry. Declined again. You have another card?", "Victor Esposito: Aw, come on. That's the fourth time.", "Valerie Esposito: Maybe we got identity theft-ed or something.", "(She catches a glimpse of 'Jesse' reaching for the candy on the display.)", "Valerie Esposito: (to 'Jesse') Hey, hey, leave that candy alone.", "Clerk: It could be the card-reader. My manager'll be right back. If you guys want to get some coffee, it's on the house.", "(Brass nods to the officers just outside the doorway.)", "Brass: All right. Let's go.", "(He takes out his ID and badge and holds it up as he walks over toward the Espositos.)", "Brass: Las Vegas police. You're under arrest.", "Victor Esposito: What? VALERIE ESPOSITO: What?", "(The clerk looks at Brass.)", "Clerk: That's the kid from the news, right?", "Brass: Yeah. You did good.", "(Officers handcuff Valerie and Victor Esposito, who are confused.)", "Valerie Esposito: What?", "Victor Esposito: Yeah, what the hell is going on here?", "(Brass turns toward 'Jesse' as the Espositos.)", "Valerie Esposito: Hey, let go of me.", "Victor Esposito: What are you arresting us for? Huh?", "Valerie Esposito: Let go of me, huh! What the hell is going on here?", "Victor Esposito: What's going on? What are you arresting us for?!", "Valerie Esposito: Get away from him. Get away from him!", "(The officers lead Victor and Valerie out of the convenience store. Brass puts a hand on 'Jesse's' shoulder.)", "Brass: It's all right, son. You're safe now ..", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Karen Matthews rushes into the building. Catherine turns the corner to meet with her.)", "Karen Matthews: Oh, God, where is he?", "Catherine: He's in with a social worker. He's okay.", "Karen Matthews: Jesse!", "(She hurries past Catherine and rushes into the waiting room.)", "Karen Matthews: Jesse!", "(She puts her arms around him and hugs him. He doesn't hug her back.)", "Karen Matthews: Oh, Jesse, thank God. Thank God you're okay. No, no, no, it's okay. Mommy is here. You're safe now.", "(Adam turns to the side and sees someone off screen.)", "Adam Esposito: (shouts) Mommy!", "(Warrick and Catherine, who stand on the side watch, confused by what's going on.)", "Adam Esposito: Mommy!", "Valerie Esposito: Adam!", "Adam Esposito: Mommy!", "(Just outside the waiting room windows in the hallway is Valerie Esposito.)", "Valerie Esposito: Adam!", "Karen Matthews: (interrupts) No, your mommy's here, honey.", "Valerie Esposito: No, please. (shouts) Get away from my kid!", "(The officer leads Valerie Esposito away.)", "Karen Matthews: (to Adam) What did they say to you?", "Victor Esposito: (o.s.) Adam! Don't say nothing!", "Karen Matthews: What did they make you say, sweetheart?", "Victor Esposito: (shouts) Look at me. Don't say nothing to nobody. You hear me, little man, huh? Don't say nothing!", "(The officers lead Victor Esposito away as he continues to shout down the hallway.)", "(Brass stops alongside Warrick and Catherine as they all look at Karen with Adam.)", "Karen Matthews: Look at me. Just look at me. Don't look at those people. Just look at me. Just look right here.", "(Catherine shakes her head.)", "Catherine: Jim?", "Warrick: What the hell's going on?", "Brass: That's Victor and Valerie Esposito. Transplants from Jersey. Check this out.", "(He shows Catherine the photo key chain. It's a photo of the Espositos with Adam. Victor Esposito is wearing a Santa's cap.)", "Brass: It was with Mrs. Esposito's personal belongings at booking.", "(Catherine looks over at Adam with Karen.)", "Catherine: He's got the same scar over his eye as in Karen's photos.", "Warrick: So this kid has two moms?", "Brass: King Solomon threatened to cut the baby in half. What are you going to do?", "Catherine: King Solomon didn't have a DNA lab.", "(Brass heads for the interview rooms while Catherine and Warrick walk into the waiting room.)", "(Karen gives a plastic toy to Adam.)", "Karen Matthews: Here you go, sweetie.", "(He takes it from her. Karen holds Adam close to her.)", "Catherine: Hey, is it all right if he goes with CSI Brown for a little while? It won't be long.", "(Warrick kneels in front of Adam.)", "Karen Matthews: (nods) Okay.", "Warrick: Hey. My name's Warrick. You want to go for a walk?", "Karen Matthews: It's okay, sweetheart. He's a friend.", "(Adam gets up.)", "Warrick: Come on, we'll have some fun.", "(They start to leave when Karen stops them.)", "Karen Matthews: Oh, wait.", "(She holds out Jesse's jacket.)", "Karen Matthews: He gets cold.", "(Warrick takes the jacket from her.)", "Warrick: Thanks.", "(Warrick and Adam leave. Karen turns to look at Catherine.)", "Karen Matthews: Thank you.", "(Catherine smiles and nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Clutching the plastic toy dinosaur in his hand, Adam is in the break room looking through the glass as people work in the lab next door.)", "(Warrick walks over to him and kneels down next to him. He looks through the glass as well.)", "Warrick: Wow, everybody's so busy in there, huh? Hey, I hear you like dinosaurs. Which one's your favorite?", "(Adam doesn't say anything.)", "Warrick: You know what mine is? T-rex. 'Cause he's got teeth like this big.", "(Warrick hold out his hands to show the size of the teeth. Grudgingly, Adam looks sideways at Warrick, but he doesn't turn around. And he doesn't say anything.", "Warrick: I bet you wouldn't want him for a pet, would you?", "(Adam turns and looks at Warrick.)", "Warrick: You want to see something cool? Come over here. Let's sit down.", "(Warrick and Adam move over to the table where Warrick has his kit. He and Adam sit down at the table.)", "Warrick: This is my special science kit.", "(He pops the kit open and shows Adam the things inside.)", "Warrick: Got all kinds of stuff in here. Let me see ... I got rubber gloves.", "(Warrick takes out a latex glove and blows it up like a balloon. He hands the glove to Adam.)", "Warrick: Here ... put that on. (Adam takes the glove from him.) What else I got in here? I got pens that turn into flashlights.", "(He takes out the penlight, turns it on and shows it to Adam. He puts it down in front of Adam.)", "Warrick: You want to see something invisible? Go like this.", "(Warrick swipes his thumb on the side of his nose and presses it down on the paper. Adam copies the motion and presses his thumb down hard on the blank sheet of paper.)", "Warrick: See, there's nothing there, right?", "(Adam nods. Warrick takes out the magnetic brush from his kit and shows it to Adam.)", "Warrick: But take my magic wand right here, and I put it in my special magic powder like this. (He dips the magnetic brush in the container.) Watch this.", "(He brushes the paper and the fingerprints appear.)", "Warrick: What appears is our fingerprints. (Interested, Adam leans forward to look.) Now shine the flashlight on it.", "(Adam quickly grabs the penlight and shines the light on the print.)", "Warrick: Wow ... Good job. Will you be my assistant?", "(Adam doesn't say anything, but he's definitely interested.)", "Warrick: See, no two people's fingerprints are alike. Just like no two people's spit is the same.", "(Warrick takes out two swabs from his kit and opens one.)", "Warrick: So if I took my spit like this ...", "(Warrick swabs the inside of his own mouth and caps it.)", "Warrick: Now you do it.", "(He opens the second swab and hands it to Adam. Adam takes the swab and swabs his own mouth. He gives the swab back to Warrick.)", "Warrick: See, even if I mix them up, I have a machine to tell me which one is mine and which one is yours. Now, I need you to tell me something.", "(Warrick holds out the two photos.)", "Warrick: Which one of these two pretty ladies is your mom?", "Adam Esposito: That one.", "(Adam points to Valerie Esposito.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine takes a swab from Valerie Esposito.)", "Catherine: Thank you.", "Valerie Esposito: Yeah, whatever. Can I see Adam now?", "Catherine: Adam?", "Valerie Esposito: Yeah. My kid.", "Catherine: Well, once our lab confirms DNA, he can go home with his mother.", "Valerie Esposito: Who the hell do you think I am?", "Catherine: Mrs. Esposito ... did you adopt Adam?", "Valerie Esposito: (scoffs) Give me a break. Twenty-six hours in labor. Finally had a c-section.", "(She stands up, lifts up her shirt and shows Catherine the scar on her abdomen. She sits back down.)", "(Catherine glances over at Karen Matthews in the waiting room.)", "Catherine: (reaching) Did you have twins?", "(Valerie Esposito rolls her eyes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine exits the room. Karen Matthews stands up as Catherine walks into the waiting room.)", "Karen Matthews: Hi. Can I take Jesse home now?", "Catherine: I need your help to tie up a few loose ends.", "Karen Matthews: Of course, anything.", "Catherine: Let's start with a sample of your DNA.", "Karen Matthews: What?", "Catherine: We have to follow procedure for everyone's protection. In fact, Jesse can't even be released without a positive match.", "Karen Matthews: You know, he doesn't stay up this late.", "Catherine: I'll make it a rush, I promise.", "(Catherine takes out a swab.)", "Catherine: Open your mouth, please.", "(Catherine takes a swab sample.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Warrick look at the two photos side by side, comparing the two sons.)", "Catherine: It's the same kid. It's a doppelganger, with an identical scar.", "Warrick: He picked Mrs. Esposito.", "Catherine: I know there's cases in which the kidnappers threatened their victims, \"Tell them that I'm your mother or I'll kill your real mom.\"", "Warrick: I don't think he's lying.", "Catherine: I don't think that Mrs. Esposito's lying either. Karen Matthews had a house full of photos of him.", "Warrick: Well, I'm sure the Espositos do, too.", "(They enlarge the photo of Karen Matthews and Jesse at the beach.)", "Catherine: There's something off about this picture.", "Warrick: It seems kind of set up, doesn't it?", "(Warrick enlarges the photo a little more and notices that Jesse's face starts to pixelate while Karen Matthews appears normal.)", "Warrick: The pixel density's not the same.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Valerie and Victor Esposito look at the photo of Karen with Adam.)", "Valerie Esposito: Where'd she get this picture of Adam? How'd she get it?", "Victor Esposito: Maybe she's a stalker.", "Valerie Esposito: No, she wouldn't have stalked us to Cape May. This isn't it. It's the only shore we've been to.", "Catherine: Do you recognize anything in the picture?", "Valerie Esposito: Yeah, that's the shirt his Nana gave him last summer. He only wore it that once, at our family reunion.", "Catherine: Was Karen Matthews there?", "Victor Esposito: No way.", "Catherine: Mr. Esposito ... several witnesses saw a man matching your description at Mesa Valley Park ... (he nods) ... when Jesse disappeared.", "Victor Esposito: Yeah, I'm there all the time. We live around the corner.", "Valerie Esposito: We just had Adam's birthday party there last month.", "Victor Esposito: Yeah.", "Catherine: Were you there the day before yesterday?", "Victor Esposito: Yeah, with Adam. Yeah.", "(Valerie turns and looks at Victor.)", "Valerie Esposito: You told me you were taking him for ice cream. What were you doing in the park?", "Victor Esposito: I had to meet a guy.", "Valerie Esposito: A guy? Oh, my God. You're putting money down on a game? You promised you'd quit.", "Victor Esposito: I did, all right? It's for a guy at work.", "(Quick flashback. [EXT. PARK - DAY] Adam is on the swings as Victor watches. A car horn honks behind him and he turns.)", "(Flash to: Victor gives the guy in the car some money.)", "Victor Esposito: Three-to-one, right?", "Bookie: Yeah.", "(Finished with his business, Victor looks at Adam.)", "Victor Esposito: (shouts) Adam.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Valerie Esposito: Well, you should have just took him for ice cream.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(On the monitor, Archie has a photo of Adam enlarged. Warrick points to the photo.)", "Warrick: So Karen took a picture of herself at the beach and Photoshopped Jesse in.", "Archie Johnson: Right.", "Warrick: So if that's really Adam Esposito, where did she get the pictures from?", "Archie Johnson: Well, let us see.", "(Archie Goggles \"ADAM ESPOSITO\" in the search engine.)", "Warrick: Where are you going?", "Archie Johnson: Image search.", "(He finds the ESPOSITO FAMILY web page.)", "Archie Johnson: Family home page. My mom wants me to do one of these for our family.", "Warrick: Ah. Click on where it says \"Adam's Birthday Party.\"", "(Archie clicks to the page. Warrick points out a particular photo.)", "Warrick: That one.", "Archie Johnson: Maybe Karen found the site. Cut out the kid's picture.", "Warrick: That's Mesa Valley Park.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Warrick walks into Grissom's office to report to him.)", "Warrick: Karen Matthews faked those photos that she gave Catherine.", "Grissom: How?", "Warrick: Cut-and-paste. The photos that she got off the Internet.", "(Warrick gives Grissom a photo.)", "Grissom: The Espositos told Catherine that they were at the park with their son the day Jesse Matthews disappeared. Is that a coincidence?", "Warrick: No. My guess is Karen's been downloading pictures from the family website for a while -- the most recent being from Mesa Valley Park.", "Grissom: Could Karen have recognized the park from the pictures on the website?", "Warrick: Yeah, and she went there hoping to see him again.", "Grissom: But she reported him missing. That makes no sense.", "(Catherine walks in and joins them.)", "Catherine: Hey, I got the DNA results. The boy is Adam Esposito. Victor and Valerie are his parents.", "Warrick: There you go, she's lying. She doesn't have a son.", "Catherine: Uh, not quite. She's got 13 alleles in common with the male DNA that we got from the toothbrush exemplar.", "Grissom: So she does have a son.", "Catherine: I was inside the house. Believe me, a kid does live there.", "Grissom: And we're still looking for Jesse Matthews.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - WAITING ROOM]", "(Karen Matthews is sleeping in the waiting room. Brass walks in with a female officer.)", "Brass: Karen Matthews.", "(Karen wakes up and stands up. She smiles at Brass.)", "Karen Matthews: Can I take Jesse home now?", "Brass: I'm afraid not. No. The DNA confirms the boy's not your child.", "Karen Matthews: I ... that's impossible.", "Brass: Your actions regarding the Espositos constitutes stalking and possible kidnapping. Please go with this officer.", "Karen Matthews: No, no ... what have you done with Jesse?", "Brass: Ma'am ...", "Karen Matthews: No. Where is he?", "(Karen turns around and heads into the building, determined to find Jesse.)", "Officer: Ma'am ... Please ...", "Karen Matthews: Jesse?", "Officer: Ma'am ...", "Karen Matthews: Jesse? Jesse, where are you?!", "(The female officer takes off after her and catches up with her.)", "Officer: Ma'am, please ...", "(A second officer arrives to help detain Karen Matthews. Brass watches from the side.)", "Karen Matthews: I need to see my son! (screams) Jesse! Jesse, where are you?!", "(She struggles against them as they stop her from going any further.)", "Karen Matthews: (screaming) Please! Please! Jesse! Jesse! Jesse, where are you?!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- DAY]", "(Greg reads the information he's found about Jesse to Warrick, Catherine and Sara. The layout table in front of them has the various photos from the investigation.)", "Greg: \"Jesse David Matthews. Mother Karen, father Dwight. Born August 31, 1999.\" I also checked for a death certificate. Nothing on file.", "Catherine: These are all in chronological order. Archie confirmed that all the photos taken along the top row were genuine. Up until the photo taken at the funeral in which he was two.", "Sara: So, the rest of these were faked using Adam Esposito?", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Sara: (to Greg) You talked to the neighbors. What did they say?", "Greg: Jesse and Karen kept to themselves. But he was always leaving his toys around outside.", "Sara: They saw his toys -- Did they see him?", "Greg: Well, when I asked, \"When was the last time you saw Jesse?\" No one remembered exactly.", "Warrick: What about his grandparents?", "Catherine: They haven't seen him since the funeral.", "Warrick: Has anyone seen Jesse since he was two? His teachers or a doctor, baby-sitters ... ?", "Catherine: Well, he was home-schooled. And we're looking into a doctor and a sitter.", "Warrick: Well, I guess we can impound her car and find out if there's any evidence that he was even in there.", "Catherine: For four years she's created an elaborate fantasy -- which collided with reality at Mesa Valley Park.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. MESA VALLEY PARK - DAY] Karen sits on the grass. She turns around and sees Adam on the swings.)", "(She stands up and smiles as she watches him.)", "Karen Matthews: Jesse.", "(As she watches, the man in the blue baseball cap walks up to Adam and picks him up. She imagines him calling out to her.)", "Voice: Mommy!", "(Suddenly worried, Karen starts shouting for her son.)", "Karen Matthews: Jesse? Where are you?! Jesse?!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: I suppose she thought it was her son that was gone when she looked back at that empty swing.", "Catherine: When she couldn't find him, she called the police.", "Sara: Jesse's been missing for four years. We're chasing a ghost.", "(Camera holds on the last photo of Jesse Matthews.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine interviews Karen Matthews.)", "Karen Matthews: We went to the park. I-I brought Jesse's new jacket. He was on the swings and when I wasn't looking, a man in a blue cap took him.", "Catherine: Karen, tell me what happened four years ago after your husband was killed.", "Karen Matthews: I-I ... that's a ... I am not the one that should be here. You should be talking to the man that took Jesse.", "Catherine: Did Jesse get sick? Was there an accident?", "(Karen doesn't say anything as she stares at Catherine.)", "Catherine: Karen? Did something happen to Jesse? Is Jesse dead?", "Karen Matthews: You saw him. You were ... you were there while I held him in my arms. Why are you putting me through this? Tell me. Why?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MATTHEWS RESIDENCE - BACK YARD -- DAY]", "(Warrick is putting the three soil probes together. Greg and Sara join him.)", "Greg: So how do we do this?", "Warrick: Old school. Soil probes. The probe goes deeper where the soil's been disturbed.", "(They look around the back yard.)", "Greg: And that's where we dig?", "Sara: On the one hand, you really want to find the body. Give it respect, provide closure ... on the other hand ...", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(He hands Sara a soil probe.)", "(Sara, Greg and Warrick each spread out in the back yard.)", "Warrick: She would have buried the body where he would have still been close to her.", "Sara: You know, I'm not finding any density changes.", "Greg: Me neither.", "(Warrick looks around and notices the different wood board color in the fence. In the background, we hear a dog bark.)", "Warrick: Somebody replaced this fence board right here. These other ones look like they've been chewed on.", "Greg: Guy said that Karen freaked out when his dog barked at her kid. Maybe the dog chewed through the fence.", "(Warrick tests the soil.)", "Warrick: There's definitely a change in density there.", "Sara: Let's start digging.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MATTHEWS RESIDENCE - JESSE'S ROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom photographs the paintings on the wall. One of the pictures is of a rainbow. Grissom puts his thumb up against the finger painting to measure the size and width of the strokes which match an adult's thumb.)", "(He steps back and looks at the paint bowl on the table.)", "(Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: I found this in Karen's medicine chest. Olanzapine.", "(She's holding a bagged prescription bottle.)", "Grissom: That's a heavy-duty antipsychotic.", "Catherine: Yeah. But the prescription is over four years old. I'll have Brass subpoena her medical records.", "Grissom: You know, if she was being treated for psychosis, it could explain all of this, because she didn't overlook a single detail. I think she even did the finger paintings.", "Catherine: It's hard for anyone to let go of someone they love.", "Grissom: Yeah. After my dad died, my mom would still get him a present every Christmas. She'd put it under the tree. Christmas morning, the wrapping paper would be all crumpled up and, uh ... the tie or the sweater, whatever it was, would be hanging in their closet.", "Catherine: How old were you when he died?", "(Grissom snaps photos of the play table.)", "Grissom: Nine.", "Catherine: Little guy. (Grissom stops and looks around, lost in his own thoughts.) I'll get started in Karen's room.", "(Catherine turns to leave, but Grissom stops her.)", "Grissom: (suddenly) He taught botany. He, uh ... came home from school one hot, humid day, laid down on the couch. I was watching TV. My mom brought in some cold drinks ... but she couldn't wake him up.", "(They fall silent.)", "Grissom: No one would tell me why.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Nick is going through Karen Matthews' car. He's examining the car trunk.)", "(He removes the carpeting and tosses it aside. He examines the trunk and finds some fibers. He takes a sample of the fibers and puts it in a container.)", "Receptionist: (over P.A.) Nick Stokes, you have a visitor in reception. Nick Stokes, you have a visitor in reception.", "(Nick stops and listens when he hears his name.)", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick walks into the lab.)", "Nick: Hey, Hodges.", "(Hodges turns around.)", "Hodges: Oh, hey, Nick. Did you hear you had a visitor?", "Nick: Yeah, and you have a tissue sample with adherent hairs. Examine the hairs and get the tissue sample to DNA. Priority.", "Hodges: I'll just drop everything I'm doing. Priority, Nick Stokes.", "Nick: You're coming around, Hodges.", "(Nick leaves and heads over to Reception.)", "[INT. CSI - RECEPTION - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The receptionist is on the phone.)", "Nick: Hey. I, uh, I have a visitor?", "(She points to the side.)", "(He turns and sees Kelly Gordon sitting on the chair.)", "Nick: Kelly?", "Kelly Gordon: Hi.", "Nick: Hi. You ... you got out.", "Kelly Gordon: Couple days ago.", "Nick: (nods) Mm ...", "Kelly Gordon: Parole Hearing Board liked my smile.", "(He smiles a little.)", "Nick: You know, I thought I saw you at a crime scene the other day.", "Kelly Gordon: You did.", "Nick: I did?", "Kelly Gordon: Just checking it out. (She stands up.) You know how, when you came to see me, what you said about when I get out, not taking it with me? I've been thinking a lot about that. I wanted you to know.", "Nick: You all right?", "Kelly Gordon: Perfect.", "(Kelly turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MATTHEWS RESIDENCE - BACK YARD -- DAY]", "(Warrick and Greg carefully dig out the soil in the area in front of the fence. They put it in a sifter where Sara goes through the soil.)", "(They take a canister sample of the soil. On the other side of the fence, we see Queenie trying to dig through the rocks to get under it.)", "(Greg puts a shovel full of dirt into a canister.)", "Greg: That would be Queenie.", "(Queenie growls and barks.)", "Sara: Even after four years, you'd expect to find some bones. There's nothing.", "(Sara and Warrick sift through the dirt as Greg digs. Warrick finds a plastic toy dinosaur in the dirt.)", "Warrick: Jesse liked dinosaurs.", "(Quick flashback of: Karen puts a plastic toy dinosaur in the hole with Jesse. She covers him up with dirt. End of flashback.)", "(Everyone falls silent.)", "Greg: Let's see what Hodges can tell us.", "(Greg tightens the container cover.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Grissom, Catherine and Brass sit and share their findings.)", "Grissom: The GCMS soil analysis found cadaverine, putrescine and several other organic compounds.", "Brass: Yeah. English, please?", "Grissom: It means there was a body buried in Karen's backyard.", "Catherine: Just too long ago to get any DNA. But Hodges also found traces of olanzapine.", "Brass: Well, that's interesting, because a warrant came through on Karen Matthews' medical records, and after her son was born, Karen was treated for postpartum psychosis, which her doctors treated by prescribing olanzapine.", "Grissom: Even a small amount of that stuff would be lethal to a two-year-old.", "Catherine: Karen is already mentally fragile when her husband is killed. She gets into a very heated argument with the in-laws at his funeral, goes over the deep end, poisons Jesse and buries him in the backyard near the fence.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- DAY]", "(Karen puts her earring on the table. The officer takes it and puts it in an envelope.)", "(Karen removes her wedding ring.)", "Brass: (V.O.) But then she digs him up. Why?", "Grissom: (V.O.) We have evidence to suggest that the neighbor's dog ...", "(Karen puts her wedding ring on the table.)", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "Grissom: ... was digging in Karen's backyard.", "Catherine: The neighbor claims that Karen killed his dog. If the dog detected decomp and dug near the grave, ...", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- DAY]", "(An officer pats Karen down.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Karen may have moved the body to protect him.", "Brass: (V.O.) So, where's Jesse's body?", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "Catherine: Nick found a patch of tissue and hair in trunk of Karen's car. The DNA matches the toothbrush.", "Grissom: If Karen doesn't tell us where to look, I doubt we'll ever find the body.", "Brass: You know, as long as I do this job, I can never understand ...", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- DAY]", "(Karen puts on the red shirt on.)", "Brass: (V.O.) ... how a mother can kill her child.", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "Grissom: Euripedes tried to understand it when he wrote Medea. \"I will slay my children without delaying long enough to hand them over to some more savage hand.\"", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- DAY]", "(The officer puts handcuffs on Karen's wrists.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Medea, like Karen, was a soldier's wife.", "Catherine: (V.O.) His father was a soldier, his grandfather was a soldier, ...", "(The officer leads Karen away.)", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "Catherine: ... Karen did not want that for Jesse.", "Brass: Well, it's still murder.", "(Grissom shrugs.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(The officers open the door as Karen walks through into the hallway. They walk her through the hallway.)", "(Suddenly, Karen stops. In her mind, she hears a child's voice call out to her.)", "Voice: (faintly) Mommy ... Mommy!", "[OFF KAREN]", "(Karen turns around, she smiles brightly as she kneels down and raises her arms out in front of her to welcome her child.)", "(We see there's no one there.)", "(But she sees otherwise. With arms outstretched in front of her, Karen smiles as the camera moves directly toward her.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Still Life
[ "The team takes on a poignant case as they investigate the death of a man with a condition in which he grows excessive body hair . They soon discover the man had a twin sister who, along with their mother, is mysteriously missing." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(It's raining. Thunder rumbles; lightning flashes.)", "Cue Sound: (PRE-LAP) RING TONE", "[PHONE BOOTH]", "(Through the smoky glass, we see the figure of someone inside the phone booth making a call.)", "Officer Mularz: (over phone) LVPD. Officer Mularz. Can I help you?", "(There's no response.)", "Officer Mularz: (over phone) Is anybody there?", "(Inside the phone booth, someone wearing a hooded jacket is on the phone. There's a prolonged pause before the person speaks.)", "Whisperer: (to phone) I'd like to report a murder.", "Officer Mularz: (over phone) Your name?", "(There's another pause.)", "Officer Mularz: (over phone) Hello? Is there somebody there?", "(The person in the phone booth puts their gloved hand on the glass.)", "Whisperer: (to phone) The body can be found at 1812 White Oak Road.", "Officer Mularz: (over phone) I'd like to help you. Please identify yourself.", "Whisperer: (to phone) Send someone to pick up the body.", "(The camera blurs on the figure inside the phone booth.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(There's a full moon shining down on the scene. Officer cars are parked outside the residence.)", "(Warrick, Grissom and Sara walk down the front drive toward the house. Brass exits the house to meet up with them.)", "Brass: So an anonymous call came into metro about an hour ago. (He checks his watch.) Investigating officer found the dead body. The coroner's inside.", "(They turn and head toward the house.)", "Brass: The, uh ... the door was open. Unlocked.", "[INT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass leads them through the hallway. They note the multiple tufts of hair on the floor.)", "Brass: So the house is owned by the decedent, Hayden Bradford. Neighbor says he lives alone.", "Grissom: The floor is covered in hair. Has he got a cat or a dog?", "Brass: Nope. But as you can see our dead guy is ... I guess you could say he's hirsute.", "(They reach the body and it's apparent that Hayden Bradford is very, very hairy.)", "David Phillips: \"Hirsute\" is an understatement. It's like he's wearing a pelt.", "(Grissom notes the hairy legs and arms. There's blood on his left shoulder where he was shot. Hayden's eyes are open.)", "(We hear buzzing. Everyone checks their pager. Warrick motions to the pager next to the dead body.)", "Warrick: Hey, David, would you grab that?", "(David picks up the cell phone out of the victim's pocket and hands it to Warrick.", "Warrick: Thanks.", "(Warrick checks it. The information shows:", "MISSED", "MICHELLE 702-555-0194", "Warrick: A missed call from a Michelle.", "(Additional information of the calls missed shows: Michelle 702-555-0194 12:08 a.m. Michelle 702-555-0194 11:44 p.m. Michelle 702-555-0194 10:15 p.m. Michelle 702-555-0194 8:32 p.m. Michelle 702-555-0194 6:02 p.m. Michelle 702-555-0194 3:53 p.m. )", "Warrick: She called six times since 3:53 p.m.", "David Phillips: Liver temp's 80 degrees. Been dead around twelve hours.", "Sara: Which makes TOD around 3:00 p.m.", "(Grissom examines a tuft of fallen hair.)", "David Phillips: Explains why he didn't take her calls. COD -- bullet to the chest.", "(David pulls the shirt aside to show the wound.)", "Grissom: These strands are smooth, not coarse. They're human.", "Sara: Are the roots intact?", "Grissom: Yeah. (shrugs) Evidently, this guy was shedding.", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - FRONT STREET -- DAY]", "(David and James push the gurney out the front walk and across the road.)", "(Catherine and Nick head toward them on the way into the house.)", "Catherine: Hey, Dave, James.", "(Just then, the gurney's back wheel gets stuck in a rut in the dirt road. David struggles with it for a moment.)", "David Phillips: Aw, c'mon.", "(David lifts up the gurney to get it out of the rut. Nick and Catherine walk past David.)", "Catherine: Hey, Dave, you've got to pick it up.", "Nick: Lift with the knees, Super Dave, lift with the knees.", "Catherine: Yeah.", "David Phillips: (irritated) Thanks, I ... have done this before.", "(David lifts up the gurney and the victim's right arm falls out from under the sheet and hangs off the side of the gurney exposing his very, very hairy arm.)", "(Sara exits the house.)", "Sara: Hey.", "Catherine: So, Brass gave us a quick briefing. How can we help?", "Sara: Warrick and I are processing the interior, room to room.", "Catherine: So that leaves the perimeter.", "Sara: Thanks.", "(Sara leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(Warrick looks at the framed photos on the table. They are photos of Hayden with a pretty, blonde-haired woman. He picks up a photo as Sara re-enters the living room and heads for her kit.)", "Warrick: Well, this victim definitely had a lady in his life.", "Sara: That's odd. There is not a single feminine touch in this house.", "(Sara turns her flashlight on and looks around the room as she heads over toward Warrick. Warrick flips the framed photo over and removes it from the frame. On the back is some writing:", "MICHELLE", "CHRISTMAS 2004 )", "Sara: Michelle. Christmas, 2004.", "Warrick: Probably the same Michelle that tried to reach him six times on his cell phone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - OUTER PERIMETER - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine and Nick walk around the side of the house, paying close attention to the ground and windows.)", "(Catherine finds a broken window.)", "Catherine: Broken window.", "(She takes a photo of it.)", "(She sticks her hand inside the broken pane and pushes the window open.)", "Catherine: Yeah. It slides. The front door was locked. The killer probably broke the window and exited out the front.", "(Quick flash of: The killer smashes the glass window. End of flash.)", "Nick: I'll need to print the window, but, uh ... why don't we get to this first.", "(He points to the ground. They both kneel down in front of a large rock.)", "Catherine: Doesn't look big enough to have done the job.", "(Catherine sees the broken shards of glass on the ground and reaches out to pick one up. Nick dusts the rock for prints.)", "(He finds a print and smiles.)", "Nick: We have a print.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara and Warrick enter the bedroom. They note the various pictures and color schemes on the desk. Warrick takes the printed e-mail from the printer and reads:", "From: casinodan(a)", "To: misterbradford(a)", "Date: January 2, 2006 12:08 pm pst", "Warrick: \"Hey, jackass-- this is your last chance. Pay your debt or I'll hunt you down.\"", "(Sara stands up from what she's looking at to read the e-mail.)", "Warrick: Makes our job easier when the suspect prints out his motive. He has an e-mail printout from casinodan(a) to (a)misterbradford(a)", "(Outside, Catherine and Nick continue surveying the perimeter of the house. Near the back of the house, they find a patch of disturbed dirt.)", "Catherine: Well, that ain't no anthill. That dirt's fresh. Looks like something's buried there.", "(Nick kneels down next to Catherine.)", "Catherine: Hang on.", "(She snaps a photo of the dirt.)", "(Nick brushes the dirt away and they find a gun.)", "Nick: No way.", "(Catherine snaps more photos. Nick picks up the gun.)", "Nick: .32 Beretta. Victim was shot, right? It's going to be hard to get a print, but I'll get it to Ballistics.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins shaves the area around the bullet hole on Hayden Bradford's chest. Grissom watches.)", "Grissom: Well, we knew he was hairy. I didn't realize the full extent.", "Robbins: Hypertrichosis. I've only read about it. Excessive hair growth. Genetic. Extremely rare. His case was relatively mild. In some individuals, hair grows everywhere except the eyes and the mouth.", "Grissom: The human werewolf syndrome.", "Robbins: In Mexico, there's a family thirty members are afflicted. Two of the teen boys were recently adopted by the National Circus.", "Grissom: Great. The bearded lady, the dog-faced boy -- physical deformities as family entertainment.", "Robbins: I cleared a path for the bullet.", "(Robbins extracts the bullet and looks at it. He puts it in a bindle.)", "Robbins: I figured you'd want to get this to ballistics ASAP.", "Grissom: Thank you, Al.", "(Robbins gives the bindle to Grissom.)", "Robbins: You know, Gil, we're all intrigued by our nightmares, and when we watch freak shows, basically we're all thinking the same thing.", "Grissom: Yeah, I'm glad they're not looking at me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg walks into the lab. Archie is working at the computers.)", "Greg: Hey, Archie.", "Archie: Hey.", "Greg: Please tell me you've ID.'d Casino Dan.", "Archie: Yep. The ISP provider sent over the subscriber information for a casinodan(a) It's registered to a Dan Nobler, who runs a gambling website.", "(The information pops up on screen:", "Domain Name:", "IP Address: )", "Greg: If I wanted to visit Dan in person, where would I go?", "Archie: Well, the server for is in Argentina, which allows him to skirt U.S. gaming laws. However, he's got a Nevada business license. And I have the address.", "(Archie holds out a slip of paper. Greg takes it and looks at it.)", "Greg: Anything else I should know?", "Archie: Uh, well, I don't know if it's relevant, but he recently opened an account with", "Greg: Who was he looking for?", "Archie: I don't know. I'll triage the computer's hard drive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NOBLER RESIDENCE - FRONT WALK -- DAY]", "(Warrick and Greg head for the Nobler residence. A car pulls up. Dan Nobler gets out.)", "Archie: (V.O.) Reconstruct the deleted e-mails. I'll get back to you on that.", "Dan Nobler: Can I help you?", "Greg: You Dan Nobler?", "Dan Nobler: Yeah.", "Warrick: We're from the Crime Lab. We need to ask you a few questions.", "(Dan quickly walks past them and heads for the house. Warrick and Greg follow him.)", "Dan Nobler: Look, if you're here about my business, you can save it for my attorney.", "Warrick: No, actually we're inquiring about a Mr. Hayden Bradford. You sent him some threatening e-mails.", "(Dan stops and turns around to look at them.)", "Dan Nobler: Bradford is a lying son of a bitch.", "Greg: Care to elaborate on that?", "Dan Nobler: I run an online gambling business. Bradford had an account, ran up $10,000 in debt and refused to pay it.", "Warrick: Isn't it true in online gambling you have to submit your credit card, prior to gambling, to insure your losses?", "Dan Nobler: That's true. And when Brad was winning, it wasn't a problem. But when his luck changed, he called his credit card holder and said the charges were fraudulent. The credit card company issued a charge back and I got screwed.", "Warrick: Is that when you decided to hunt him down?", "Dan Nobler: Look, I wrote him an e-mail, hoping to scare him. Sorry. I was angry. If I write an apology, can we drop this?", "Warrick: No, Mr. Nobler, I'm sorry, we can't do that. Mr. Bradford's dead.", "(He looks at them both.)", "Dan Nobler: Any other questions, contact my lawyer. We're done here.", "(He turns and heads into the house. Before he enters the house, he wipes his feet on the mat. Warrick sees him.)", "Warrick: You see that?", "Greg: Yeah, the guy's a jerk.", "(Warrick heads for the mat.)", "Warrick: No, he wiped his feet on the mat. I'm hoping to get a little trace evidence here. Yeah, you see these pebbles? They look like the same ones that were found at the crime scene.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB -- DAY]", "(Bobby Dawson puts his earphonesand protective eyewear on. He picks up the gun and puts it in the firing container. He cocks the weapon.)", "Bobby Dawson: Fire in the hole!", "(He fires.)", "(Quick CGI POV: The bullet travels out of the gun and into the container full of pellets. End of CGI POV.)", "(Bobby removes the canister and empties out the contents into a plastic bin. He finds the bullet and puts it under the scope to scan into the computer.)", "(Catherine enters the lab.)", "Catherine: Bobby.", "Bobby Dawson: Hey.", "(He compares the two bullets.)", "Bobby Dawson: So, that, uh, buried gun y'all recovered, wasn't used to kill Bradford.", "(He turns the monitor to show Catherine.)", "Catherine: GRCs aren't even close.", "Bobby Dawson: Most bullets are copper, but take a look at the fatal bullet. It's silver.", "Catherine: How do you kill a werewolf?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(David Phillips is combing the body's hair, catching the trace material in a metal bin. There's a knock at the door.)", "(The door opens.)", "David Phillips: No one's home.", "(Hodges, Archie and Henry Adams walk in.)", "Hodges: We want to see the Wolfman.", "David Phillips: Yeah, well, he's not available right now. I am trying to prep him for autopsy.", "(They all surround the body.)", "Hodges: Wow. And I thought Robin Williams had hairy arms.", "Henry Adams: Can I touch him?", "Archie: You mean \"pet\" him.", "(Henry reaches out to touch him; David Phillips smacks his hand away. Archie raises a camera to snap a photo of the body.)", "David Phillips: No! You may not touch or pet the decedent.", "Hodges: Is it soft like fur or ... ?", "(Henry Adams leans forward, turns and smiles for the camera. Archie snaps the photo.)", "David Phillips: I was supposed to have him prepped hours ago. Please. Okay, you guys gotta go.", "Hodges: Relax, Dave. It's not every day that Chaka ends up on a slab.", "David Phillips: Yeah, I need you to leave.", "Archie: Whoa.", "Hodges: Fine, but if I get a Sleestak in my lab, and you want to see it, I'm gonna get cranky.", "(The guys leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick interviews Brent Moyer.)", "Nick: Mr. Moyer, you're here about Hayden Bradford. Do you know him?", "Brent Moyer: Of course. He's one of my closest friends.", "Nick: Yeah ... yeah, I'm sorry. We found his body this morning. You didn't recently try to break in his home ... did you?", "Brent Moyer: Excuse me. What?", "Nick: We found a rock by a broken window, with your fingerprint on it.", "(He chuckles.)", "Nick: Is that funny?", "Brent Moyer: No. It's just. Uh ... last week we were playing toss with a ball.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - FRONT - DAY] Brent and another guy are playing toss. The ball overshoots the catcher and smashes into the window. End of flash.)", "Nick: That still doesn't explain to me how your fingerprint got there.", "(Quick flashback to: Brent walks up to the broken window.)", "Brent Moyer: (V.O.) There was glass everywhere, so I knocked out the loose pieces.", "(He uses the rock to smash out the jagged edges. End of flash.)", "Nick: You guys being good friends ... you were aware of his medical condition, right?", "Brent Moyer: That he was a hairy SOB? Yeah. Of course. Why?", "Nick: Do you know why anybody'd want to hurt him?", "Brent Moyer: He's a friendly, quiet guy. I've known him since high school. He's been dating my sister. Oh, God. She doesn't know yet, does she?", "Nick: Who, Michelle?", "Brent Moyer: Yeah.", "Nick: I tried to call her cell phone and ...", "Brent Moyer: She's at my parents, in Pahrump. Her cell phone's probably out of range.", "Nick: But you can get me their home number, address, all that?", "Brent Moyer: Sure. But if it's okay, I'd ... I should break the news to her in person.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROAD - PHONE BOOTH -- NIGHT]", "(Sofia leans against the outside phone booth. Sara walks toward her carrying her kit.)", "Sofia Curtis: I've been waiting for you.", "Sara: Sorry. I headed out as soon as I got your page.", "Sofia Curtis: Really? 'Cause, uh ... I left a voicemail several hours ago.", "Sara: What's up?", "Sofia Curtis: The anonymous call was traced to this phone booth, so I figured you'd want to process.", "(Sara looks at the phone and sees the print powder on it.)", "Sara: There is fingerprint powder on the phone.", "Sofia Curtis: Yeah, I got bored waiting. I thought you might need some help. No usable prints, but check out the floor.", "Sara: There's a lot of hair. Similar to the crime scene.", "Sofia Curtis: The victim was killed twelve hours before this call was made. If that's his hair, what's it doing here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - NIGHT]", "(Wendy Simms reports her findings to Sara.)", "Wendy Simms: The hair isn't Hayden's. The chromosomes are XX.", "Sara: Female.", "Wendy Simms: Yeah. So I took the liberty of comparing the sample's DNA to the victim's DNA. There are seven alleles in common.", "Sara: Brother and sister.", "Wendy Simms: (nods) Mm-hmm.", "Sara: She's likely our anonymous caller.", "Wendy Simms: Yeah, well, given the amount of hair that you collected, she's also probably a very hairy woman.", "Sara: Wendy, can you do me a favor?", "Wendy Simms: Hmm?", "Sara: Can you see if any of the follicles from the crime scene are a match to the hairs from the phone booth?", "Wendy Simms: You want to see if the sister was in the victim's house.", "Sara: If she was, she's not just the caller, she's a suspect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine and Sara walk and talk through the hallway.)", "Catherine: I hear the vic has a sister.", "Sara: A twin sister, in fact. I tracked down the victim's birth certificate. He was born to a Rita Bradford in Fresno, California. Ms. Bradford apparently had twins, Hayden and Allison. There's no record of any other children.", "Catherine: I'm assuming you contacted Allison.", "Sara: Well, that's where it gets odd. Allison Bradford has never filed with the IRS, has never had a driver's license, has never filled out a W-2. How do you go through life without a paper trail?", "Catherine: She's dead.", "Sara: There's no record of a death certificate. We found her hair in the phone booth. And DNA just confirmed that some of the hair follicles that we collected at the crime scene are hers.", "Catherine: Well, other than hair, when you and Warrick processed the house, did you find any evidence of a sister?", "Sara: No, but we were not looking for one.", "Catherine: We are now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(Officer cars are parked in the front. The porch light is on.)", "[INT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - BEDROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sara steps into the bedroom and looks around, taking note of the desk area. She looks at the screen saver on the monitor.)", "[INT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - KITCHEN - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Warrick is looking through the kitchen area. He looks around. He stops in front of the kitchen table where a chess board is set up with evidence of a game in play.)", "[INT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine looks around the shelves in the living room. She goes through the mail for:", "HAYDEN BRADFORD", "1812 WHITE OAK ROAD", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89147", "(Warrick steps out of the kitchen.)", "Warrick: Catherine, I've covered the kitchen. I've found no evidence of a sister living here.", "(Sara exits the bedrooms.)", "Sara: Ditto for the bedroom. I think I'm gonna take a look outside.", "Warrick: I'll do the same.", "(Both Sara and Warrick leave.)", "Catherine: Thanks, guys.", "(Catherine looks around and notices a small hole in the wall. She kneels down and looks through the hole and sees light moving behind the wall.)", "(She looks down under the wall and sees the light turn off.)", "(Catherine knocks on the living room wall and finds that part of the paneling is hollow. She pushes the paneling and the wall gives, moving forward.)", "(There's a surprised grunt behind the paneling.)", "(Catherine is shocked.)", "Allison Bradford: (muffled behind wall) Please go away.", "Catherine: Allison?", "Allison Bradford: (muffled behind wall) This is my home. I would like you to leave.", "Catherine: Allison ... (Catherine stands up.) I need to talk with you. Can you please come out?", "Allison Bradford: (muffled behind wall) I'd rather not.", "Catherine: Allison, my name is Catherine Willows. I'm with the Las Vegas Crime Lab. I know that you suffer from hypertrichosis. I understand why you would rather not talk with me. But we need to discuss your brother's murder. Would you please come out?", "(The paneling opens to reveal a hidden bedroom. Catherine takes a step forward. Allison is hidden by the shadows coming from the light behind her.)", "Catherine: May I ... ?", "(Allison shies back, not wanting Catherine any closer.)", "Catherine: Would you step out? Please?", "Allison Bradford: You want to see what I look like?", "Catherine: No, I ... no. I don't want you to have to hide from me. Allison ... I'm a scientist. Excess body hair does not evoke fear ... or morbid fascination. It's simply a genetic quirk, like ... blue eyes or flat feet.", "(Allison steps forward. Catherine's eyes widen imperceptibly. Catherine holds her hand out.)", "Catherine: It's nice to meet you, Allison.", "(They shake hands. We note that Allison's entire hand and arm are covered with hair.)", "Allison Bradford: How can I help you, Ms. Willows?", "(Allison steps forward and we see that her entire face is covered with hair.)", "Catherine: What can you tell me about your brother's murder?", "Allison Bradford: No one knows I live here, so when we get a visitor, I go to my room.", "(Catherine notes the yarn quilt on Allison's bed over the duvet.)", "Allison Bradford: Yesterday, around 3:30, the doorbell rang.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY] The doorbell rings. Bradford turns.)", "Hayden Bradford: (shouts) Just a sec!", "(Allison goes into her room and shuts the door.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Allison Bradford: And when I came out of my room, Hayden was dead.", "Catherine: Why did you wait twelve hours to call the police?", "Allison Bradford: Because I didn't want the call traced to the house, back to me, so ... I waited till midnight, and then I walked to a pay phone. You weren't supposed to find me.", "Catherine: Do you have any idea why someone would want to hurt your brother?", "(She shakes her head.)", "Allison Bradford: He was my only friend. (cries) He was my connection to the outside world.", "Catherine: What about your parents?", "Allison Bradford: I never knew my father. My mother died when we were teenagers.", "Catherine: No one else knows that you exist?", "Allison Bradford: I hope ... I hope you'll help me.", "Catherine: Help you-- with what?", "Allison Bradford: Staying secret. It's best for everyone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom is going through the Internet and is looking at a page with a GERMAN WEREWOLF WOODCUT, 1722, picture.)", "(Nick walks into the office.)", "Nick: Hey, Grissom, you got a second?", "Grissom: Did you know the word \"werewolf\" was derived from the old English word \"Wargwolf,\" which is a synonym for \"serial killer\"?", "Nick: No, I didn't.", "Grissom: Imagine if you had some deep, dark secret ... something that brought you tremendous shame. But instead of being able to hide it away, you had to wear it out on your skin, so that the first time anyone saw you, they saw your secret.", "Nick: You talking about Allison?", "Grissom: Yeah. Catherine said she's scared to death of people and what they'll think of her.", "Nick: Well, if that's the case, why not try electrolysis or depilatory lasers?", "Grissom: With that much hair -- be a lot of scarring, and a great deal of pain. Plus, imagine how expensive it would be. What have you got?", "Nick: Well, I just ran into Archie. The decedent used a company called to try to locate his mother.", "Grissom: Catherine spoke to Allison. Their mother's dead.", "Nick: Apparently not. She's alive and well, and has an address in Henderson, so I'm gonna go out there, check it out.", "(Nick turns to leave. Grissom stops him.)", "Grissom: Hey, Nick.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Grissom: Bring her back here, will you?", "Nick: Sure. Why?", "Grissom: I want to talk to her. Find out why a mother would play dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB]", "(Hodges is in the lab when Greg and Warrick walk in.)", "Hodges: Oh, good, you're here. I love an audience.", "Greg: Well, don't expect any applause.", "Warrick: What do you got?", "Hodges: I compared pebbles from the crime scene to the pebbles from Dan Nobler's doormat. They're consistent with each other -- a composite commonly known as pea gravel. The pebbles weren't the only trace elements I found in that doormat. I also found several slivers of glass ... glass consistent with a broken window.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Warrick is talking with Dan Nobler and his lawyer, Duane McWane.)", "Dan Nobler: I'm here about pebbles and glass. Come on.", "Duane McWane: Look, this is ridiculous. I mean, we're talking about trace evidence on a doormat? Come on. Besides, I read the file. A guy named Brent Moyer already admitted to breaking the window.", "Warrick: This is true; he did. But we believe that Mr. Nobler here stepped in the shards of glass. Listen, neither the glass nor the pebbles are probative on their own, but together, they put your client at the crime scene. Not to mention, his threatening e-mail gives us motive.", "Dan Nobler: Fine. I was there.", "Duane McWane: Dan ...", "Dan Nobler: No, look, I get ripped off by jerks all over the world. This guy was a local. I knew his address and, yeah, I wanted to shake him down. Let him know that by declaring credit card fraud, he was stealing from me.", "Warrick: Okay, I'm listening.", "Dan Nobler: A few days ago, I went over to his house. Then I started thinking, \"What if this guy's like twice my size?\" I figured I should get a look at him before I had our \"conversation,\" so I went around back ...", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - BACK WINDOW - DAY] Dan Nobler quietly walks up to the back of the house. The window is already broken. He steps in the glass and peers into the window.)", "(Hayden sees him, gets up and heads for the window.)", "Hayden Bradford: Hey ... hey, hey!", "(Dan Nobler turns and runs.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Dan Nobler: At first, I thought he was wearing a costume, but then I realized, it was ... it was real hair. Disgusting, right?", "Warrick: What happened next?", "Dan Nobler: Well, when the dude saw me, I took off.", "Warrick: Why?", "Dan Nobler: Uh, he was a freak of nature. I no longer wish to speak with him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(Hodges pushes his chair back and rolls across the floor toward one of the machines. He opens it and puts the silver bullet inside. He closes the machine and starts it.)", "(Quick CGI POV: Inside the machine, a red laser light beams from the top straight down to the core of the bullet. End of CGI POV.)", "(Hodges fiddles with the knobs and makes adjustments as he looks at the bullet through the computer monitor.)", "(He gets a reading:", "92.5% SILVER Ag )", "(Nick walks in.)", "Nick: Hey, man.", "Hodges: Hey.", "Nick: What are you smiling about?", "Hodges: Oh, I was just thinking of the Howling II: The Werewolf Bitch. I don't care what anyone says. It was much better than the first one.", "Nick: Is it?", "Hodges: Yeah, yeah. I got the whole anthology. Want to borrow it?", "Nick: No, thanks. I would like to know about my bullet, however. I assume it was homemade since the manufacturer doesn't sell it in silver.", "Hodges: Right. Simple clamshell mold.", "(Quick flash of: Someone melts silver and pours it into a mold. They then pop out the bullet from the mold. End of flash.)", "Hodges: Ninety-two point five percent pure with trace amounts of copper, nickel and chromium lead.", "Nick: Elemental properties are consistent with sterling silver jewelry.", "Hodges: And sterling silver has a high melting point. Someone went through a lot of trouble to make it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Sofia Curtis interview Michelle Moyer.)", "Michelle Moyer: Sorry I didn't get here sooner. I was pretty upset.", "Catherine: Michelle, your relationship with Hayden, was it serious?", "Michelle Moyer: We were engaged. I can't believe he's gone.", "Sofia Curtis: The day he died, you called him six times.", "Michelle Moyer: There was a golf tournament on ESPN that night. He wanted me to tape it for him. I was trying to reach him because I was at my folks' place and the VCR was broken. Sounds so silly now. I'd like to see him ... to say good-bye.", "(Catherine looks at Sofia.)", "Sofia Curtis: He's with the coroner.", "Catherine: Michelle, I understand that you were at your folks and you were trying to get a hold of Hayden on your cell, but we were unable to reach you on it. Can you explain?", "Michelle Moyer: I called Hayden so many times that my battery died. (sniffs) I'm sorry.", "Catherine: Do you have any idea who could have done this?", "(She looks at them.)", "Michelle Moyer: You know about his condition, right? It made him really sweet. I mean, it was like he was constantly trying to make up for his physical imperfections by doing everything perfectly. He was the perfect boyfriend, the perfect lover, my best friend. I don't know what I'm going to do without him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Grissom meets with Rita Bradford. She stirs her cup of coffee.)", "Rita Bradford: I was in labor for 27 hours. They didn't want to come out. Who could blame 'em.", "Grissom: Mrs. Bradford, why does Allison think you're dead?", "Rita Bradford: I thought it would be easier.", "Grissom: Easier than what?", "Rita Bradford: I did the best I could, Mr. Grissom. Their father couldn't look at 'em. Took off when they were a few weeks old. Babies are supposed to be cute.", "(She takes a sip of coffee.)", "Grissom: Mrs. Bradford ... ?", "Rita Bradford: At the time, we were living in Fresno. Family, friends stopped visiting. They were scared of my children. Especially Allison. She ... she looked like ... when she started nursery school, the kids teased her, called her names, made her cry.", "Grissom: So you moved to Vegas and decided to keep her a secret?", "Rita Bradford: It was best for everyone but she became completely dependent on me, and for eighteen years, I took care of her.", "Grissom: I'm sorry, but I still don't understand why she believes you're dead.", "Rita Bradford: One day, Allison wanted to take a walk ... outside. I didn't want anyone to see her. We had a fight. I locked her in her room -- my own child - because she wanted fresh air. At that moment, I knew I needed to leave. I told Hayden to tell her I was in a car accident. Two days later, he put on a black suit, told her he was going to my funeral.", "Grissom: And she didn't go because she couldn't leave the house.", "(Rita Bradford nods.)", "Grissom: You thought it would be easier for her to accept your death than your abandonment?", "Rita Bradford: Please don't judge me. I spend enough time doing that.", "Grissom: I'm just trying to find out who killed your son.", "Rita Bradford: I haven't seen either of them for seven years. I wouldn't have any idea.", "Grissom: You know, Mrs. Bradford, your daughter's all alone now. It's not too late for you to go back to her.", "Rita Bradford: And tell her what? That I faked my death to escape from her? How do you say that to your own flesh and blood?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins is looking at the body completely devoid of hair. He's shaved it all off; the hair on the table around the body.)", "(Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: What's up with the 911?", "Robbins: David didn't notice the victim's lividity at the crime scene because it was obscured by his body hair. But when we shaved him ... well, check out his left side.", "Catherine: So it was on his side where the blood settled.", "Robbins: Correct, but he was found face up.", "(Robbins hands her the file.)", "Catherine: So, uh, somebody moved him several hours postmortem.", "Robbins: There's more. Vic was found on a hardwood floor, but when David brushed his body hair for trace, he found blue carpet fibers.", "(He hands the tape sample to Catherine.)", "Catherine: Well, there was blue carpet in the sister's room.", "(Quick flashback to: Catherine notices the blue carpet in Allison's bedroom as she talks with her. End of flashback.)", "Robbins: Hayden was shot through the chest; it would have exsanguinated on impact. Any blood in the sister's room?", "Catherine: I'll get back to you on that one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Sofia Curtis walk through the living room and head toward Allison's bedroom door. Catherine knocks.)", "Catherine: Allison, it's Catherine. I need you to step out.", "Allison Bradford: (muffled through door) Who else is there?", "Catherine: There's another woman with me.", "Sofia Curtis: Allison, I'm Detective Curtis.", "(The door opens. Sofia sees Allison and is a little startled. Allison clutches a doll to her.)", "Catherine: (softly) I need to get inside your room.", "(Allison steps aside. Catherine enters the room.)", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(Catherine moves to close the bedroom door, shutting Allison out in the living room with Sofia.)", "(An awkward silence falls between the two women.)", "[INT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - ALLISON'S BEDROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine uses the hand-held ALS in Allison's room, looking for blood.)", "(The far wall is covered with various porcelain dolls. In front of the wall is an elaborate miniature dollhouse. Catherine steps closer to it for a better look.)", "(She turns around and notices a stain on the carpet in the center of the room. She looks under the bed and sees another stain.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Catherine and Sofia Curtis question Allison. Allison has her doll clutched tightly to her.)", "Allison Bradford: I don't know anything about it.", "Catherine: You can't expect us to believe that you live in a secret room that only you go into, yet you can't explain why your bed is covering up blood.", "(Allison's very quiet.)", "Catherine: Did you kill him?", "Allison Bradford: What?!", "Catherine: Did you?", "Allison Bradford: (distressed) Hayden's all I had. He's the only one that knew about me. Why would I kill him?", "Catherine: Because he was going to leave you ... for Michelle. That had to have been scary for you.", "Allison Bradford: You think I'm some sort of animal? I wanted him to be happy. I loved Hayden, I wanted him to be happy.", "Sofia Curtis: Did Michelle know about you?", "(She starts to pet her doll.)", "Allison Bradford: (rambles) No, but he said that he was going to tell her and that she was going to move in here and she would accept me -- Hayden promised.", "Catherine: Allison ... if you didn't kill him, who did?", "(Allison doesn't answer her.)", "Sofia Curtis: (bursts out) Okay, I'm sorry. We can do this here or we can take this downtown.", "Allison Bradford: No, please. Please.", "Catherine: Okay, okay. I know that you're scared ... but you have got to tell us what happened.", "Allison Bradford: The doorbell rang. I went into my room.", "(Quick flashback to: [ALLISON'S BEDROOM - DAY] The door opens and Hayden rushes in.)", "Hayden Bradford: Allison, where's the gun?", "Allison Bradford: I ... I ...", "Hayden Bradford: Damn it, Allison, where's the gun?", "(He opens a drawer, looking for the gun. He turns and faces the living room. A gun fires and Hayden is hit in the chest. He falls to the floor.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Catherine: And when he was shot, what did you do?", "Allison Bradford: I hid. Behind the door.", "(Catherine moves behind the door. She looks at Allison, who nods, that's where she was. Catherine looks around and sees Sofia in the reflection of the small television set.)", "Catherine: Was the television on?", "Allison Bradford: No. It's busted. It hasn't worked in years.", "Catherine: So you had a pretty good view of the living room through the reflection in the tube. What did you see?", "(Quick flashback to: [ALLISON'S BEDROOM - DAY] The door bursts open. Hayden turns around. A gun fires and Hayden falls to the ground. In front of him is Brent Moyer.)", "(Allison hides behind the door as Brent steps forward to check on Hayden. Allison looks at the television set and sees Brent Moyer's reflection in the monitor.)", "(Brent walks up to Hayden and looks at him.)", "Brent Moyer: Freak.", "(Brent turns and leaves.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: You're sure that it was Brent?", "Allison Bradford: I've seen him through the peephole. They were best friends.", "Catherine: Okay, um ... let's just go back to the gun.", "Allison Bradford: A couple of days ago, Hayden said he saw a guy sneaking around the back. So he bought me a gun for safety. But I don't like guns so ... I just buried it in the backyard.", "Catherine: (nods) Yes, we found it.", "Sofia Curtis: Allison ... why was it so difficult for you to tell us the truth?", "Allison Bradford: I think you're going to make me testify and I won't do that. I want Brent to go to jail, but I won't be the sideshow freak.", "Catherine: Well, we can try to build a case without you.", "(Allison nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Catherine talks with Grissom.)", "Grissom: You can't get a warrant unless she goes on record.", "Catherine: Well, just hear me out. We have a rock with Brent Moyer's fingerprints on it.", "Grissom: Yeah, but Allison told you that Brent entered through the front door. The rock is extraneous evidence, isn't it?", "Catherine: Well, let's just leave Allison's testimony out of it. We simply inform the judge that our suspect's fingerprints were on a rock that may have been used to break a window at the murder scene.", "Grissom: If you have no qualms about filing the petition, then file it.", "Catherine: Oh, no, I don't have any qualms. It's just that my moral compass doesn't always point in the same direction as yours.", "Grissom: So if I tell you not to file it, you won't?", "Catherine: (carefully) I'd take it under advisement. Why, is that what you're recommending?", "Grissom: How many times have we been prevented from getting a warrant when we knew we had the right guy?", "Catherine: Way too many.", "Grissom: Right. So rock and roll.", "(They continue walking out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MOYER RESIDENCE - FRONT YARD -- DAY]", "(Sofia Curtis and several officers walk up to Brent Moyer's front door. She knocks.)", "Sofia Curtis: Las Vegas PD. We have a search warrant.", "(The door opens.)", "Brent Moyer: What's going on?", "Sofia Curtis: Please step outside.", "(Brent steps outside.)", "[INT. MOYER RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sofia and the officers look around the living room. She sees the rifle rack and four rifles on the wall. The television set is on.)", "(They continue into the kitchen.)", "(In the room, Sofia finds the mold and slivers of silver on the worktable.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine and Sofia Curtis question Brent Moyer with his lawyer, Margaret Finn.)", "Brent Moyer: Why would I kill my best friend?", "Sofia Curtis: That's a very good question.", "Margaret Finn: A bullet clamshell isn't enough for the DA to file. What am I missing here?", "Catherine: Our Trace Lab analyzed the silver found in the bullet mold. It's identical composition to the bullet in the victim. DA says it's a slam dunk.", "Brent Moyer: Hayden was going to marry my sister.", "Margaret Finn: (interrupts) Brent, I recommend that ...", "(He looks at her. She stops. He continues.)", "Brent Moyer: I couldn't let that happen. He was diseased. Wasn't a problem for me. But my sister deserved better.", "Sofia Curtis: So you killed him?", "Brent Moyer: Did you see his body? Hayden was a monster passing for a regular Joe. My parents blamed me for introducing them. You know, the werewolf disease, it's hereditary. It means my sister could've given birth to freaks.", "Catherine: And the silver bullet?", "Brent Moyer: Figured it was appropriate.", "Catherine: So you left your parents', you went back to your place to make the bullet and then you went over to Hayden's.", "Brent Moyer: Yeah.", "Catherine: So it was premeditated. I guess you can forget heat of the moment as a mitigating factor here.", "Brent Moyer: I did the right thing. My sister's out there waiting. Since I confessed, can I at least go out and talk to her? Explain why I did it.", "Sofia Curtis: Why don't I do that for you.", "(Sofia stands up and leaves.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sofia exits the interview room and walks over to Michelle, sitting in the hallway.)", "Sofia Curtis: Ms. Moyer ... your brother confessed to killing Hayden.", "(Sofia sits down next to Michelle.)", "Sofia Curtis: After our last conversation, I checked the TV listings. There was no golf tournament that night. I think you were calling Hayden to warn him about Brent.", "(She nods.)", "Michelle Moyer: I had just announced our engagement to my family. Brent flipped out. I was upset. Everyone was yelling at me. I went for a long walk to clear my head. And when I got back, Brent was gone. He told my parents that he was going to \"speak\" with Hayden.", "Sofia Curtis: But you had your doubts.", "Michelle Moyer: My brother has a temper.", "Sofia Curtis: Why didn't you tell us this before?", "Michelle Moyer: When Brent called and told me that Hayden was dead, he said that if I told you guys ... if I implicated him ...", "Sofia Curtis: He threatened you. (She nods and cries.) It's okay. (She puts a comforting hand on Michelle's leg.) You're safe now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Allison holds a cup in her hand.)", "Catherine: Allison ... what are you going to do now?", "Allison Bradford: I'll be okay. It's not like when I was a kid. I can pretty much get anything I need off the Internet.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[EXT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - FRONT - NIGHT]", "(A car pulls up.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) And you're set with money?", "Allison Bradford: (V.O.) I'll manage.", "Catherine: (V.O.) Allison, I have every confidence that you're going to be just fine here, but ...", "(The car parks and the door opens. Rita Bradford steps out of the car.)", "[INT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "Catherine: If you ever need anything, would you please give me a call?", "Allison Bradford: I-I will, Ms. Willows.", "Catherine: Catherine.", "Allison Bradford: Catherine. I haven't been completely honest with you. I told you my mother was dead, but that's not true.", "Catherine: I'm not sure I follow.", "Allison Bradford: Hayden told me she was in a car wreck ...", "[EXT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - FRONT - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Rita Bradford walks toward the front door.)", "Allison Bradford: (V.O.) ... and I called the funeral home to send flowers and they had never heard of her, so I called the local hospitals. Same thing.", "(Rita stops before she reaches the front porch. She stares at the door.)", "[INT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Allison plays with the rim of her cup.)", "Allison Bradford: Recently, I contacted and, apparently, she lives in Las Vegas. She just couldn't live with me.", "[EXT. BRADFORD RESIDENCE - FRONT - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Outside, Rita turns and heads back to her car.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) So you were the one that contacted peopledetectors.", "(Rita walks back to the car and reaches for the door handle. She stops and suddenly turns around.)", "Allison Bradford: (V.O.) Yeah. When my brother was out, I used his computer.", "(She heads back to the front door. She walks up the front steps and stops in front of the door.)", "(She takes a deep breath.)", "(She raises her hand and knocks.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "The CSIs investigate the stabbing of a motocross racer who was about to leave town with a woman he had been living with. Meanwhile, as Catherine and Nick investigate the death of an accountant hit by her own car, Nick comes closer to the truth about his kidnapping." ]
[ "[INT. VARIOUS DANCE CLUB - NIGHT]", "(People in a dance club party, the music blaring.)", "(Two girls and a guy hurry into one of the rooms.)", "(In one of the darkened private rooms, a man and a woman are in bed.)", "[INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - NIGHT]", "(Bianca Desmond enters the bedroom. Chelsea Wannamaker is in bed sleeping. Bianca climbs into bed with Chelsea and lies down, staring at her. She brushes the hair from her face, waking her.)", "Chelsea Wannamaker: Hey, lady. Hey.", "Bianca Desmond: I can't sleep.", "Chelsea Wannamaker: You want to try to eat something?", "Bianca Desmond: Yeah.", "Chelsea Wannamaker: All right. I'll go get Ahren. You get dressed.", "(Chelsea climbs out of bed. She picks up her robe and puts it on.)", "Chelsea Wannamaker: Ahren?", "(She heads out of the bedroom.)", "[INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - STAIRS / GARAGE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Chelsea goes down the stairs.)", "Chelsea Wannamaker: Ahren?", "(She walks through the house looking for Ahren.)", "Chelsea Wannamaker: Ahren?", "(She heads for the garage. She opens the garage door and gasps.)", "Chelsea Wannamaker: Ahren...", "(She finds Ahren dead in the center of the floor in a large pool of blood. She goes down the garage steps.)", "Chelsea Wannamaker: (gasps) Ahren ... Ahren ...", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - GARAGE - NIGHT]", "(David Phillips is in the garage with the body. Brass stands near the tape just outside the open garage door. He holds up the tape as Grissom and Warrick both duck into the garage.)", "Brass: Okay, Ahren Green, 29 years old, lives here with Bianca Desmond, that's the brunette. The blonde is Chelsea Wannamaker. She was just spending the night. One was asleep, one was in the bathroom. They said Ahren was probably working on his bike.", "(Warrick snaps photos of the body - the blood on his hands, the blood near his groin, the body's face.)", "(David checks the body's pupils.)", "David Phillips: His pupils are dilated. Lividity is consistent with body position. Looks like he bled out from a stab wound to his upper leg or pelvic area.", "Grissom: Well, in my experience, I found that most threesomes end up being one too many. So, David, uh ... check and make sure that they didn't pull a Lorena Bobbitt.", "(David glances at Grissom.)", "Grissom: Take a look.", "(David pulls the pants waist up and sticks his hand inside to check.)", "David Phillips: No, we're good. My man's all there. We're ... good.", "Warrick: Something must be wrong with his gear. He could be partying with two hot chicks inside, but he's out here working on his bike at 4:00 in the morning?", "Grissom: Maybe he wasn't invited.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - FRONT - NIGHT]", "[INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT]", "Sara: Hold out your hands, please?", "(Sara shines the ALS on Bianca's hands while Brass watches. There are splotches all over the back of her hands.)", "Sara: And the other side.", "(Bianca flips her hands over to show the splotches on the palms as well. Sara removes her goggles.)", "Sara: What were you doing right before Ahren was killed?", "Bianca Desmond: Cleaning.", "Sara: With what?", "Bianca Desmond: Bleach. It's the only thing that works.", "Sara: Okay.", "Brass: You know, you could put some clothes on if you want, if you're cold.", "Bianca Desmond: She won't let me back in my room.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - GARAGE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Warrick snaps photos of the tools on the work area.)", "(Grissom examines the scratches on the concrete floor.)", "(Warrick continues to snap photos of the tools.)", "(Grissom takes a tape lift of the particles in the gouges.)", "(Camera zooms in to show the particles lifting off the concrete and sticking onto the tape.)", "(Grissom presses the tape lift closed.)", "Warrick: Man, I give this guy an \"A\" for organization. He's got a spot for everything. Why is that helmet over there?", "(He points to the helmet on the floor.)", "Grissom: Maybe he threw it, defending himself.", "(Quick flash to: The attacker flips open a knife and fights with Ahren Green. The attacker stabs Ahren in the upper leg. End of flash.)", "Warrick: Yeah, but he looked like he was in pretty good shape. It'd be kind of hard for one of those women to wrestle him down.", "Grissom: Not if she walks softly and carried a big knife.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Brass questions Bianca Desmond:", "Brass: How long have you known Ahren?", "Bianca Desmond: Six months.", "Brass: Did, uh, did he have any enemies that you know of?", "Bianca Desmond: No, I mean ... I don't know.", "Brass: You don't know ... I mean, you two lived together right?", "Bianca Desmond: Yeah, but we were still getting to know each other.", "Brass: I see.", "Bianca Desmond: We met one night at Light. He was in town for a motocross race. It was love at first sight. I asked him to come back here, and he never left. We actually just decided tonight to move to Colorado together.", "Brass: What, just pick up and leave all this?", "Bianca Desmond: My father has a cabin where we could stay.", "Brass: Did Ahren have a job?", "Bianca Desmond: Yeah. Motocross racing.", "Brass: Right. You said that.", "Bianca Desmond: He's a professional athlete.", "Brass: And you, what about you? What do you do?", "Bianca Desmond: I'm in fashion.", "Brass: Mm-hm. What's the matter?", "Bianca Desmond: I have the worst luck with men.", "Brass: What do you mean?", "Bianca Desmond: They're either jerks or they leave me, or they get killed. What's wrong with me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Nick and Catherine exit their vehicle. They meet up with Sofia Curtis and head over to the dead body in the garage.)", "Nick: What do you got?", "Sofia Curtis: Well, I wasn't sure if I should call it in as a 419 or a 401a.", "Catherine: Hit and run?", "Sofia Curtis: You tell me.", "(They walk over to the car that's smashed up against the concrete garage wall. The victim is pinned up against the car and the wall.)", "Nick: Mm, I don't know. When you run, you usually take the car.", "Sofia Curtis: The vic's Sylvia Mullins. Works in one of the offices upstairs. The security guard found her.", "Catherine: Did you run the plates?", "Sofia Curtis: That's why I went with the 419. RO's the vic.", "(Sofia walks away to leave the scene to them. Nick sighs.)", "Nick: Hit with her own car in her own spot.", "(Sofia talks with the guard.)", "Guard: Ms. Mullins must have been working all night. You know, tax season.", "Sofia Curtis: She's an accountant?", "Guard: Has her own firm up on 11.", "Sofia Curtis: Did you see anything on your monitors?", "(He turns and looks at the security video.)", "Guard: Uh, no. But I heard the crash. I sort of fell asleep.", "Sofia Curtis: We're going to need to see your tapes.", "(He nods.)", "(Catherine and Nick examine the car and the items around the victim.)", "Catherine: Cell phone, a shoe and a briefcase. Probably lost them all on impact.", "Nick: Looks like she saw the car coming. Impact's pretty evenly distributed. The car hit her straight on.", "Catherine: Most cars have to be going at least 14 miles an hour to trigger the airbag.", "(Catherine opens the car door and looks inside. She notices the ignition missing.)", "Catherine: Well, I can't be sure, but it looks like somebody popped the ignition.", "(Quick flash to: The carjacker uses a screwdriver and pops the ignition. End of flash.)", "Catherine: Carjacking gone bad? Vic gets off the elevator, walks to her spot ...", "(Quick flash to: Sylvia Mullins walks out into the garage and automatically heads to her parking space. She's on the phone and doesn't notice the car missing till she's standing in the parking space.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) ...on the phone, distracted, catches the guy stealing her ride ...", "(She turns around. The car starts and heads straight for her.)", "Sylvia Mullins: No!", "(The car hits her in the abdomen and pins her to the wall. The carjacker runs.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: He runs her over and splits.", "Nick: Pedal to the metal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - BATHROOM - NIGHT]", "(Greg is in the bathroom using the ALS on the walls. There are splotches everywhere. Sara walks in.)", "Sara: Hey.", "Greg: ALS is lighting up everywhere.", "Sara: Evidently she bleaches everything. So there could be some false positives.", "Greg: Yeah, including her teeth. Check out the cabinet.", "(Sara opens the cabinet and looks inside.)", "Sara: Lots of teeth whitener and acne cream. (She turns to look at Greg.) Are you thinking what I'm thinking?", "Greg: Speed freak.", "Sara: Definitely.", "Greg: Maybe she killed Ahren in the garage, then came up here to take a Silkwood shower.", "(Quick flash to: Bianca is in the shower washing the blood down the drain. End of flash.)", "Sara: Okay, but she's claiming she loved him. What's her motive?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass talks with Chelsea Wannamaker.)", "Chelsea Wannamaker: Uh, we started out at Light and then we went to Road Runner, and from there we were at Double Down, and then Copper K, and then we ended up at Drai's.", "Brass: Drai's, that's a good place to end. So what are you on besides meth?", "Chelsea Wannamaker: Not meth. Glass.", "Brass: Uh-huh.", "Chelsea Wannamaker: We did some coke at the club, had a couple of drinks. There was this guy that gave us these, uh, these blue pills, but I had to come home and lie down.", "Brass: Ecstasy.", "Chelsea Wannamaker: We only do this when we're, when we're clubbing. I mean, it's just a hobby, it's not a habit. We have it under control.", "Brass: Well, the dead guy from the garage might beg to differ.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - DAY]", "(Sara and Gregg ALS the sheets. There are splotches on the sheets.)", "Sara: Eww, busy.", "Greg: If Bianca killed him, and then came up here to take a shower, wouldn't she have left a trail?", "Sara: Maybe.", "(Greg ALS's the carpet. He finds something.)", "Greg: It appears she missed a spot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - GARAGE - DAY]", "(Warrick moves the evidence bags to the counter. He finds some sticky liquid on the ground next to a stack of soft drinks. The cardboard containers are soaked. He looks it over and finds a can with a bullet hold in it.)", "(He looks out of the garage and visualizes the shooter.)", "(CGI EFX: The shooter stands just outside the garage. He raises his gun and fires. The bullet hits the soft drink can. End of CGI EFX.)", "(Warrick shakes the can and hears something metal inside. He pops the can open and drains out the liquid into a red plastic bucket. The bullet falls out. He picks up the bullet and looks at it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(David Phillips is washing the dead body. The phone rings.)", "David Phillips: (to phone) Las Vegas Coroner's office.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "(Warrick is at the garage.)", "Warrick: David, it's Warrick. Have you washed the body yet?", "David Phillips: I just got started, but I can be done by the time you get here.", "Warrick: No, stop. I uh, just found a bullet. I have no idea who fired it. Do me a favor: Test his hands for GSR and run it through the fluoroscope.", "David Phillips: No problem.", "Warrick: Thanks.", "(Warrick hangs up. Grissom ducks under the crime scene tape and enter the garage. Warrick holds the bullet up for him to see.)", "Warrick: Who brings a gun to a knife fight?", "Grissom: The winner?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Nick and Catherine walk through the hallway.)", "Nick: The killer knew how to steal a car.", "Catherine: No prints?", "Nick: No. No, it's wiped clean.", "(They walk into the A/V Lab.)", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "Catherine: Hey, Arch. You get anything off the parking garage camera?", "Archie: Um, sort of.", "(He shows the video.)", "Nick: What's up with the focus?", "Archie: That's what I was wondering, too. Check out what happened about an hour earlier.", "(He goes an hour back and shows that someone reaches up and changes the focus on the camera.)", "Archie: It's an old security cam. Adjustable focus ring.", "Catherine: Killer was camera shy.", "Nick: For good reason.", "Catherine: This wasn't a carjacking gone bad. It was premeditated.", "Nick: If he touched the camera, maybe I can get some prints off it.", "Catherine: Keep working the video, Arch. See if you can get us a face.", "Archie: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins reports his findings to Grissom. Behind him, David Phillips works on something.)", "Robbins: Fluoroscope detected no bullets. But there are peri-mortem bruises on his wrists and forearms, look like defensive wounds.", "Grissom: COD?", "Robbins: The weapon went pretty deep. Punctured the femoral artery. I'd say he bled out in a matter of minutes, if his dilated pupils are an indication of amphetamines in his system. The faster the heart rate, the faster the blood pumps. Now, for the details. The fatal blow. Weapon appears to have a triangular shape. Angle of entry was upwards.", "Grissom: Like a cornada.", "Robbins: I'm sorry.", "Grissom: A cornada-occupational hazard for matadors during a bullfight. The bull rears up and gores them.", "David Phillips: (absently interrupts the conversation) So just find a bull with a bloody horn, and you've got your killer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Bobby Dawson walks through the hallway as he reports his findings to Warrick.)", "Bobby Dawson: So your \"soda-can killer\" was a copper-washed .22. Now I could only get general rifling characteristics -- six lands and grooves with a right-hand twist, um, but ...", "Warrick: But not enough individual characteristics to run it through IBIS.", "Bobby Dawson: Exactly. Sorry, man.", "Warrick: That's all right.", "(Bobby Dawson turns and leaves. Warrick continues on through to the Trace Lab.)", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Hodges turns around.)", "Warrick: Hodges.", "Hodges: Your victim did not have GSR on his hands.", "Warrick: Okay, what about metallic trace from the garage floor?", "Hodges: Thank you, Hodges, for performing that incredibly elaborate test requiring copious concentration and an advanced degree.", "Warrick: So you don't have any results from the metallic trace on the garage floor?", "Hodges: But I will. That's the beauty of me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Nick goes through the contents in Sylvia Mullins' bag. He takes out a tape recorder, camera and other items.)", "(He turns the tape recorder on.)", "Sylvia Mullins: (from tape) Well, Mr. Miller, what I would recommend is adding some tax-deferred investments to your portfolio. Like a Roth IRA. That'd be perfect for you.", "Mr. Miller: (from tape) I never got what that Roth stood for.", "(Nick turns the tape recorder off.)", "(He opens Sylvia Mullins' planner and finds an entry for Kelly Gordon and Walter Gordon. Surprised by the find, Nick checks the tape recorder again.)", "(He fast forwards the tape.)", "Sylvia Mullins: (from tape) Hey, Kelly. Have a seat.", "Kelly Gordon: (from tape) Thanks for seeing me. I know you said we didn't have to do this in person.", "Sylvia Mullins: (from tape) No, I'm really glad you came. Kelly, your father loved you very much.", "Kelly Gordon: (from tape) A little too much. I just wanted to talk about his estate. Is what he did going to affect it?", "Sylvia Mullins: (from tape) Well, it's kind of complicated.", "(He shuts the tape off, then picks up the cell phone to make a call.)", "Parole Officer (man): District four, Parole and Probation.", "Nick: (to phone) Yeah, this is Nick Stokes with the Las Vegas Crime Lab. We're trying to reach Kelly Gordon's parole officer.", "Parole Officer (man): (from phone) That's me.", "Nick: (to phone) Great. I need Kelly's contact information.", "Parole Officer (man): (from phone) Sure, but I gave her permission to go out of town. Her bus left a couple hours ago.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - DAY]", "(Greg walks into the DNA Lab.)", "Wendy Simms: Oh, hey, I'm glad you're here. I got the results back from the blood on Bianca's bedroom floor.", "Greg: The dead guy?", "Wendy Simms: Uh, no. It's a male, but it's not a match to Ahren Green. Then I ran it through CODIS and I actually got a hit. Justin Cole. He's in the system for statutory rape a couple years back. Among other things.", "(The monitor shows him in for:", "STATUTE: NRS 453.3385", "ARREST: DRUG POSSESSION (METHAMPHETAMINE)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass and Greg interview Justin Cole.)", "Justin Cole: So, why am I here?", "Brass: What, you getting homesick for the train tracks behind Union Plaza already? Bianca Desmond.", "Justin Cole: Girl's like an oven in there. Used to love it in there.", "Brass: How long ago was that?", "Justin Cole: A few months.", "Greg: Did you stop by recently to check out the competition?", "Justin Cole: No. We lost touch.", "Brass: So it wouldn't bother you to know Bianca's moved on, and she's living with another guy.", "Justin Cole: It was good while it lasted.", "Greg: We found your blood in her bedroom. And her dead boyfriend in the garage.", "(Justin chuckles.)", "Brass: That's funny?", "Justin Cole: Nah. Just ... Bianca's all fun and games until someone shoots you in the leg.", "Brass: When was that?", "Justin Cole: Six months ago.", "(Quick flashback to: [DESMOND RESIDENCE - DAY] Justin Cole walks in. He checks the answering machine.)", "Bianca Desmond: (answering machine) Hey, sweetie, I went shopping with my mom. (He sees the small plastic container.) I'll be home late. There's some candy for you on the table. See you then, lover.", "(He snorts some coke from the container.)", "(He walks into the bedroom while taking his shirt off. He's shot in the leg.)", "(Someone with a gun walks up to him and holds a gun on him.)", "Man (voice): Stay away from Bianca.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Justin Cole: So I packed my stuff and left.", "Brass: Did you report it?", "Justin Cole: Nah. Still on probation for that \"she-looked-18\" incident.", "Greg: This the guy who shot you?", "Justin Cole: (shakes his head) Didn't really get a good look. I was too busy bleeding.", "Brass: You go to the hospital?", "Justin Cole: Sort of had my own anesthesia thing going on.", "Greg: So whatever happened to the bullet?", "(He stands up and rolls up his pants leg to show them the scar.)", "(Quick CGI EFX: Inside the leg, the bullet is still there covered with tissue. A forceps reaches in and removes the bullet.)", "(End of CGI EFX. Resume to present.)", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - DAY]", "(Bobby takes the bullet from the bindle and looks at it.)", "Bobby Dawson: Yeah, see, human tissue sticks pretty darn good. And I can't scalpel it off, because I might damage the bullet's characteristics. So, uh ...", "(Bobby puts the bullet in a pan.)", "Greg: So I guess we wait.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Warrick has all the tools from the garage in the lab, tagged and spread out on the table. He talks with Grissom.)", "Warrick: Half of these tools don't match the size and the shape of the wound. And the ones that do don't have blood on them.", "Grissom: The killer could have wiped it off.", "Warrick: I don't see why the killer would have used a tool anyway, when he had a gun.", "Grissom: Maybe Ahern disarmed him and he grabbed whatever was handy.", "(Quick flashback to: The two men fight in the garage. End of flashback.)", "(Warrick shows Grissom a photo of the tool board from the garage.)", "Warrick: Take a look at this. This guy was tweaker organized. There's a place for everything. Except for this.", "(Warrick picks up a red screwdriver.)", "Warrick: It's got no space in the pegboard and it doesn't match any of the sets.", "Grissom: How about that?", "(Warrick looks at the handle under the magnifying glass.)", "Grissom: Got anything else?", "Warrick: Nope.", "Grissom: Print it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(Mandy runs the print from the screwdriver through the database. She finds a match to a TOM HARPER.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD -- DAY]", "(Tom Harper has the NEVADA CONNECT VAN parked on the side of the road. Brass exits his car and walks over to him.)", "Brass: Hey, Tom Harper? Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police. May I ask you a couple questions? Do you know a Bianca Desmond?", "Tom Harper: Sounds familiar.", "Brass: You know she's at 1330 Wildflower Lane.", "Tom Harper: Oh, yeah, right. Her. I installed some DSL lines there a few days ago. She answered the door in her panties.", "Brass: So you've got that hard hat/tool belt thing working for you, huh?", "Tom Harper: I wish. Kind of girl that makes you happy to be a man, know what I'm saying?", "Brass: Yeah, I kind of remember. Anyway, we found a tool with your prints on it in a garage, next to a dead guy.", "Tom Harper: Whoa. I-I lost an awl at a job recently. It must have been there.", "Brass: Well, we're going to need to confirm that. Could you get me a work order?", "Tom Harper: Yeah, sure. Um, I'll pull one from the office. I'll run it right over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Nick talks with Kelly Gordon.)", "Nick: Kelly, where you going in such a hurry?", "Kelly Gordon: I have relatives in Provo. I was going to visit them. I cleared it with my PO. You gonna tell me why a state trooper pulled over my bus and yanked me off?", "Nick: You know a lady named Sylvia Mullins?", "Kelly Gordon: Yeah.", "Nick: Did you have a meeting with her yesterday?", "Kelly Gordon: Yeah. So ... ?", "Nick: So why did you have a meeting with her?", "Kelly Gordon: Sylvia's handling my dad's estate.", "Nick: Hmm.", "Kelly Gordon: She's the trustee. What's going on here?", "Nick: Ms. Mullins was found in her parking garage ... crushed by her own car.", "Kelly Gordon: And you think I have something to do with it.", "Nick: When you worked in the prison garage, did you just learn how to fix cars or did you learn how to steal them?", "Kelly Gordon: Are you kidding me?", "Nick: Does it look like I'm kidding you? You waited for her to get out of work so you could let her know how you felt about her.", "(Quick flashback to: [GARAGE - NIGHT] Kelly is behind the steering wheel. She sees Sylvia Mullins in the parking stall. She starts the engine and guns the car toward her.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Kelly Gordon: Sylvia was my dad's friend. She was helping me get back on my feet. How I felt was grateful. CSI puts me in jail for something I didn't do. Do you really think I'm going to kill somebody the minute I get out?", "Nick: Hold out your hands.", "(He picks up a swab.)", "Nick: Hold out your hands. Ms. Mullins' air bag deployed on impact. Air bag dust gets everywhere.", "(Quick flash of: [AIRBAG] The air bag opens. End of flash.)", "Nick: It's really hard to get rid of.", "Kelly Gordon: Not if it isn't there.", "(She holds out both her hands. On her left palm is a tattoo. Nick swabs under her fingernails.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Sara, Greg and Warrick gather in the lab.)", "Sara: So the soda can bullet and the leg bullet are from the same gun?", "Greg: Yeah. Bobby was able to pull more stria off the leg bullet, but still no IBIS hits. So what about the phone guy, huh? The utility man's always a shade-ball.", "(Hodges and Wendy Simms walk in.)", "Hodges: As much as I love your generalizations, actually, this time you're wrong. The metallic scrapes on the garage floor were titanium. The phone guy's tool was carbon steel.", "Warrick: Remember we thought that they might be dealing meth? Brass went ahead and subpoenaed the phone and bank records. Guess who's paying Bianca's mortgage?", "(Warrick pulls up the records.)", "Warrick: A Mr. Harry Desmond.", "Sara: Happy Harry? Gas n' Sip Harry Desmond?", "Wendy Simms: Who's your daddy?", "Greg: No wonder she didn't work. He owns fifty Gas n' Sips in Vegas.", "Warrick: Well, Harry was nice enough to leave us a voice message that was listened to and saved the night of the murder.", "(He finds the voice message and plays it.)", "Harry Desmond: (recording) Bianca, sweetie, it's Daddy. I got your message about moving to Colorado with Ahren. You can borrow the cabin, but we need to talk about this move. Call me, princess. I love you.", "(The message ends. Warrick shows Sara and Greg a picture of the cabin.)", "Warrick: And this is the Desmond cabin in Telluride.", "Sara: Oh, maybe Mr. Desmond is trying to protect the family fortune.", "Wendy Simms: Or the family jewels. I got the results back from all those s*x stains on the sheets. Three donors: Ahren, Bianca and Chelsea.", "Warrick: I guess they were having a little threesome.", "Wendy Simms: Yeah, I just really hope he was only doing one woman at a time. Chelsea is Bianca's mother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Brass talks with 'Happy' Harry Desmond.)", "Brass: Look, I know what it's like to want to kill your daughter's boyfriend.", "Harry Desmond: I don't pick fights that I can't win. I kill this one, I got five more dipsticks waiting to take his place. I'd just be pushing the rock up the hill. Besides, I was in New York yesterday.", "Brass: Yeah, but you didn't want them to move away together.", "Harry Desmond: I wanted Bianca to get a job. My biggest mistake in life? Giving my baby everything she ever wanted.", "Brass: Your wife doesn't seem to mind your lifestyle.", "Harry Desmond: When Bianca was a teenager, they fought like cats in a sack. It's good they've been spending time together.", "Brass: Do you know what they're doing?", "Harry Desmond: Well ... they're shopping, dancing ... you know, girl stuff.", "Brass: They're sleeping with the same man.", "(That surprises Harry.)", "Harry Desmond: Look ... there was no good reason for Chelsea to marry me back in the day. I had a little money. Nothing like what we have now. She was half my age and ten times better looking. I thought if I kept her on a long leash ... maybe she'd never stray that far.", "Brass: You the kind of guy that likes to keep guns in the house?", "Harry Desmond: Yeah, of course.", "Brass: I'm going to need to see them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM]", "(Nick finds Catherine in the layout room.)", "Nick: Hey, Catherine, I just got back trace on Kelly Gordon's fingernails. I was looking for air bag dust, but all Hodges found was air.", "Catherine: Well, join the club. No usable prints on the parking garage camera either.", "Nick: Okay, I'll have Sofia release her from holding. Those the vic's phone records?", "Catherine: Yeah. From her office. Lots of international calls.", "Nick: A lot of 345s.", "Catherine: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Where's that?", "Catherine: Cayman Islands. Popular with scuba divers and money launderers. I called a few of the numbers; all banks.", "Nick: Suggests offshore accounts. It's not illegal, but it is very anonymous.", "Catherine: It's also a good way to siphon money away from your clients.", "Nick: Well, that's a leap.", "Catherine: Hey, somebody wanted this woman dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Nick is in an empty room. He pulls up the computer files on SYLVIA MULLINS:", "CASE NUMBER 06 01 18 1738-CW", "CASE CREATED: 1/19/06", "CASE MODIFIED ON: 1/19/06", "VICTIM: SYLVIA MULLINS", "PRIORITY ACTIVE", "REQUESTED ANALYSIS: DNA, TRACE, FINGERPRINTS", "DEPARTMENT: LVPD", "AGENCY INCIDENT #: 627300-23", "SCENE LOCATION: 8223 KOVAL LANE, LAS VEGAS 89134", "ADJUCATION: NO SELECTION", "CASE PLAYERS - TYPE - STATUS - ALIAS - STATE ID KELLY GORDON - SUSPECT - ALIVE - N/A - 792-3", "WALTER GORDON - SUSPECT - DECEASED - NA - 312-5", "(He brings up a photo of Kelly Gordon.)", "(He clicks on her photo and on \"RELATED CASES\".)", "(He pulls up his own case file:", "CASE CREATED ON: MAY 19 2005", "CASE MODIFIED ON: SEPT 23 2005", "-- VOICE ANALYSIS", "-- 84938-47-R9", "921 DESERT WAY, LAS VEGAS 89109", "(He clicks on \"CASE MODIFIED ON\" and finds NEW EVIDENCE LOGGED.)", "(Puzzled, Nick goes over all the photos of the evidence logged and finds a recording. He clicks on the recording.)", "Walter Gordon: (from tape) Hi, CSI guy. You wondering why you're here?", "(Quick flashback to: Nick is listening to the tape recorder in the coffin. Various flashes of Nick's time in the glass coffin.)", "Walter Gordon: (from tape) Because you followed the evidence. Because that's what CSIs do.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Walter Gordon: (from tape) So breathe quick, breathe slow, put your gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. Any way you like, you're going to die here. (softer) Okay. Perfect.", "(He plays the last part again.)", "Walter Gordon: (from tape) You're going to die here. (softer) Okay. Perfect.", "(Nick notes the evidence was logged in by GRISSOM.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Nick walks into the lab with the cassette tape.)", "Nick: Hey, Archie.", "Archie: Hey, I did my best to enhance the parking garage footage, but I just can't get an image on the killer's face.", "Nick: If you got a couple of minutes, I need a voice comparison.", "Archie: Yeah, what do you got?", "Nick: Kelly Gordon's voice on tape. I want to see if it's the other voice on the Walter Gordon audio file.", "Archie: Grissom told you.", "Nick: No, but he obviously told you.", "(busted.)", "Archie: Nick, uh, ...", "Nick: You know what? Forget about it. If this girl's involved, that means she's capable of murder. It's all cued up for you. Her voice is first.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY OUTSIDE INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick is walking through the hallway. He's on the phone.)", "Warrick: (to phone) Grissom, it's Warrick. None of the guns Bobby test-fired were a match to the bullets, but Chelsea Wannamaker purchased a .22 in her name that was not picked up with the warrant for Harry's guns. Okay. I'm on it.", "(Warrick hangs up and enters the interview room.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Chelsea Wannamaker is in the room.)", "Warrick: Mrs. Wannamaker. Wow, that's a hell of a rock. I'm surprised I didn't see that the other night.", "Chelsea Wannamaker: Well, I don't feel safe wearing this to a club.", "Warrick: Is that why you own a gun?", "Chelsea Wannamaker: Well, I used to. But my gun was stolen out of my purse one night when we went out. Is there something you want to say to me?", "Warrick: You trying to buy back some time there, Mrs. Wannamaker?", "Chelsea Wannamaker: Life's short, but it doesn't end at forty.", "Warrick: Oh, I agree with you. But it must be tough for Bianca to have the kind of mother that'd sleep with her boyfriend.", "Chelsea Wannamaker: The thing with Ahren the other night shouldn't have happened. We were on ecstasy ... and a line got crossed.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - NIGHT] Bianca and Chelsea enter the bedroom. Chelsea lies on the bed.)", "Bianca Desmond: Oh, yeah. Lay down.", "Chelsea Wannamaker: Okay.", "Bianca Desmond: I'll come back.", "Chelsea Wannamaker: All right, you come right back.", "(Cut to: Ahren exits the bathroom and joins Chelsea on the bed. He kisses her back and she moans. He rolls her over and realizes it's Chelsea.)", "Ahren Green: Oh, Chelsea, I'm ... I'm sorry. I totally thought you were Bianca.", "Chelsea Wannamaker: That felt so good.", "(They kiss.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Chelsea Wannamaker: Bianca came in and found us. (Shakes her head.) I wish it never would have happened.", "Warrick: What's that, getting busy with her boyfriend or getting caught?", "Chelsea Wannamaker: I went into the living room and I let the two of them talk it out. Next thing I know, she announced that they were moving to Colorado, so it seemed to me like they worked it out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT./INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(Warrick and Sara walk up the front toward the door.)", "Sara: Freud would have a field day with this family.", "Warrick: Dad loves his daughter, but mom only sees the daughter as competition.", "Sara: And everyone wonders why Bianca can't meet a nice boy.", "Warrick: Bianca eats nice boys for brunch.", "(They find the door unlocked. Warrick and Sara take their guns out before entering.)", "Warrick: (loud) Las Vegas Crime Lab.", "(They enter the house and check the living room. Warrick finds Bianca out on the sofa.)", "Warrick: Oh. Sara.", "(Sara walks up to her and checks her.)", "Sara: Bianca, can you hear me? We need an ambulance.", "Warrick: (to radio) Dispatch, this is CSI Brown. We have a woman down. We need a paramedic.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - BIANCA'S ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara walks into Bianca's room. Both her parents - Harry Desmond and Chelsea Wannamaker - are sitting in chairs beside her bed.)", "Sara: Hey, Bianca. How you feeling? Mr. and Mrs. Desmond ...", "Harry Desmond: It's Wannamaker. She's never changed her name.", "Sara: Ms. Wannamaker, I'm going to need a few moments alone with Bianca.", "(Chelsea gets up and leaves. Harry leaves.)", "Bianca Desmond: You never should've told him. My father's an optimist. How do you think they stayed married for twenty years?", "Sara: Bianca, I'm going to assume that whoever did this to you also killed Ahren. And I'm also going to assume that you know who that is. I think you need to stop protecting everyone from themselves.", "Bianca Desmond: I can't.", "(She turns her head away from Sara. Sara notices bruising on her neck. The nurse walks in.)", "Nurse: Excuse me. I just need to check the swelling. (to Bianca) How's the tenderness?", "Bianca Desmond: It's fine.", "(The nurse finishes and exits the room. Sara quickly makes her exit.)", "Sara: (to Bianca) I hope you feel better.", "(She rushes through the hallway to catch up with the nurse.)", "Sara: Nurse ... nurse?", "(The nurse stops.)", "Sara: Can I get that glove you were just using? I'm Sara Sidle, I'm with the Las Vegas Crime Lab.", "(Sara holds out an envelope. The nurse puts the glove in the envelope.)", "Nurse: Here you go.", "Sara: Thanks. Uh, I'm also going to wait around for the SAE kit.", "Nurse: She refused.", "(Surprised, Sara turns and looks back at the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Nick finds Grissom in his office.)", "Nick: Hey, Grissom ... You want to talk to me?", "Grissom: Yeah, sit down.", "(Nick sits down.)", "Grissom: I heard that Kelly Gordon may be a suspect in your murder case.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Grissom: Is that a problem?", "Nick: No. No, it's not a problem. And by the way, I heard the tape. I did a voice comparison.", "(Quick flash to: Nick turns the tape recorder on.)", "Sylvia Mullins: (from tape) Like a Roth IRA, that'd be perfect for you.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Sylvia Mullins is the other voice on that tape. She's Walter Gordon's ex-business manager, so ... I'm pretty sure she had something to do with my kidnapping.", "Grissom: But now she's dead.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Grissom: So ... it's over.", "Nick: (nods) Yep.", "Grissom: Good.", "Nick: Good.", "(Nick stands up and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara, Warrick, and Greg meet in the break room to discuss the case.)", "Sara: Look. Bianca is covering for her father.", "Warrick: Well, we figured out the sticky stuff on Bianca's neck was creosote. It's a timber preservative found on fences, telephone poles and railroad ties.", "Greg: Justin lives on the train tracks. And he's pretty tweaked out.", "Sara: Yeah, but he didn't shoot himself. And I think that if he had done it, Bianca would've told us.", "(Warrick looks for something.)", "Greg: What is it?", "Warrick: Telephone poles. Tom Harper's work order for Bianca's DSL line was dated December 18. December 18 ... fell on a Sunday. How many workers you know work on a Sunday?", "Sara: Is this the original document?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Sara: I'm on it.", "(Sara takes the work order and gets up to leave.)", "Greg: Always the utility guy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - QD -- DAY]", "(Sara processes the work order. She cuts off the date, then cuts each number and puts it in its own dimple. She adds liquid to each sample and lets it soak for a little while.)", "(Sara continues to process the ink.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Sara reports her findings to Warrick and Grissom.)", "Sara: There were two different inks on the work order, which means the date on the work order was compromised. Tom Harper made a service call to Bianca's house not in December, but ten months earlier, in February.", "Warrick: Why would the guy lie?", "Sara: It appears that he was a lot more to her than just the phone guy. Our bachelorette was a very busy girl.", "(Sara turns and points to the phone logs she has highlighted and posted on the walls.)", "Sara: Phone calls from Bianca to Tom are in yellow, from Bianca to Justin are in blue, and from Bianca to Ahren are in pink. There was always overlap. Bachelor number one: Tom, phone guy -- strong showing from February 18 until June-ish. She called him two, three times a day. And then around June 5, bachelor number two enters the picture -- Justin. Ten days of overlap and then all the calls to Tom stopped until ...", "Grissom: The week Justin was shot and moved out.", "Sara: Exactly. Ahren entered the picture about five days later in mid- September. At that point, all the phone calls to the other guys stopped until just about a week ago.", "Grissom: When she started calling Tom again.", "Warrick: Every time this chick calls Tom, somebody gets shot.", "Grissom: It's like thermite.", "Sara: Thermite?", "Grissom: When you combine two seemingly harmless elements -- aluminum and rust -- press them together, add heat ... it creates an explosion so hot it'll burn through steel. Powerful but uncontrollable. It burns and burns until it burns itself out, finally consuming both elements.", "Sara: I guess some people just shouldn't be together.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD -- DAY]", "(Tom Harper is climbing down a telephone pole when officer cars pull up below. Brass and Sara exit the car.)", "Brass: Tom Harper! Come on down!", "(Tom steps down from the pole.)", "Brass: You made me find you twice, Tom. That's a drag.", "Tom Harper: What's the problem?", "Brass: You know, I think you saw Bianca in her panties more than once.", "(Sara notices Tom's climbing spikes attached to his shoes. She kneels down for a closer look.)", "Sara: Now those could change a man. (Camera zooms in for a close-up to show the blood still on them.) And it looks like they did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews Tom Harper.)", "Brass: You know, it's fill in the blank. If it walks like a stalker, talks like a stalker ...", "Tom Harper: I'm not a stalker.", "Brass: Then what's this? Excellent service? Here's the top of the telephone pole near Bianca's house.", "(Brass shows Tom a photo of the cut wires.)", "Brass: Ahren was tapping your girl, so you started tapping her phone.", "Tom Harper: I only listened when I thought she was in trouble.", "Brass: Look, her father called her at 7:00 A.M. New York time, that's 4:00 in the morning in Vegas. You had to be on the pole to hear it because we were on the scene an hour later.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Tom Harper is on the top of the telephone pole and hears the phone message to Bianca.)", "Harry Desmond: (from phone) Bianca, honey, it's Daddy. I got your message about moving to Colorado with Ahren.", "(Cut to: Ahren is in the garage. He turns around and finds Tom behind him.)", "Tom Harper: Stay away from Bianca.", "(Tom takes out a gun and points it at Ahren.)", "Ahren Green: Who are you?", "Tom Harper: You're not taking her to Colorado.", "Ahren Green: The hell I'm not.", "(He throws the helmet at him and the two men fight. The gun goes off and they continue to fight.)", "(Ahren punches Tom back to the ground. He goes after him. Tom stabs him in the upper leg with the spikes in his boots. Tom grabs his things and leaves.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Tom Harper: I just wanted her to be happy.", "Brass: With you and no one else.", "Tom Harper: No. Those other guys were jerks. I only wanted to scare him off.", "Brass: Oh, like you did with Justin?", "Tom Harper: That worked.", "Brass: Yeah, but Bianca didn't come running back to you, so I guess you had to scare her, too.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - DAY] Bianca Desmond is sitting on the sofa when Tom walks in. She turns around and sees him.)", "Bianca Desmond: What are you doing here?", "Tom Harper: I came to see you.", "Bianca Desmond: I think you should leave.", "Tom Harper: Your mom wants us to be together.", "Bianca Desmond: My mom?! Let go!", "(They two struggle.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Tom Harper: Her mother and I weren't always going to be around to clean up her messes.", "Brass: Wait a minute. Are you telling me that Chelsea asked you to hurt these guys?", "(He nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass interviews Chelsea Wannamaker.)", "Chelsea Wannamaker: So you have some lunatic stalker telephone repairman claiming that I told him to kill my daughter's boyfriends? Give me a break.", "Warrick: We have multiple calls to him from Bianca's house and it was not her. We also have on the record that you called him from your cell.", "Brass: Coincidentally, right around the time Justin was shot and Ahren was killed. We call that 'solicitation for murder.'", "Warrick: But you'd probably call it, what, good mother?", "Chelsea Wannamaker: I love my daughter.", "Warrick: Yeah, apparently, a lot of her boyfriends, too.", "Chelsea Wannamaker: I called Tom. I asked him to scare Justin away. He was after Bianca for her money. I mean, we have to protect ourselves.", "Brass: Yeah, but Ahren didn't love her for her money. What was wrong with him?", "Warrick: So he was good enough for you, but too good for your daughter, was that it?", "Brass: I mean, finding a soul mate is hard enough, but competing with your mother, that shouldn't be an issue. That goes against ... I don't know, nature.", "Chelsea Wannamaker: I was attracted to Ahren ... and I was just trying to keep him away from Bianca and me.", "Warrick: Lady, you unleashed an unstable man that you knew was in love with your daughter. You had to know that that was not going to end well.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Catherine catches Nick in the hallway.)", "Catherine: Oh, hey, Nick. Nick.", "Nick: Yeah?", "Catherine: We caught a break.", "Nick: The security guard confessed.", "Catherine: No. Archie isolated a frame of the killer turning the focus ring.", "(She shows him the photos of the killer's hand. On the center of the hand is a tattoo.)", "Nick: She did it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE KELLY'S APARTMENT -- DAY]", "(Sofia Curtis, a couple of officers and Nick approach the door with guns drawn.)", "(Sofia pounds on the door.)", "Sofia Curtis: Las Vegas Police! Open up!", "(There's no answers. Sofia nods and an officer smashes the door open.)", "(Sofia and the officers enter.)", "[INT. KELLY'S APARTMENT -- DAY]", "(Sofia finds Kelly sitting on the bed.)", "Sofia Curtis: Kelly Gordon, you're under arrest for the murder of Sylvia Mullins. Stand up.", "(She doesn't move.)", "Sofia Curtis: Stand up!", "(Kelly stands up. She's very lethargic. Sofia has a hard time keeping her hands up to pat her down. Kelly looks at Nick.)", "Kelly Gordon: (quietly) Care why I did it?", "Nick: Doesn't really matter now.", "Kelly Gordon: She told me my dad didn't leave me anything. He never would've done that. He loved me.", "(Sofia cuffs her.)", "Sofia Curtis: So you killed her?", "(Nick looks at the bottle on the bedside table.)", "Kelly Gordon: The ransom was her idea. She didn't get the money. She took it from me.", "(Kelly falls back to the bed and convulses.)", "Nick: She's OD'ing. She's OD'ing right now.", "Sofia Curtis: Call a paramedic.", "(In the background, we hear an officer making the call.)", "Nick: Vicodine, INH, methadone. Kelly!", "(Nick leans over her.)", "Nick: Kelly! Kelly!", "(Kelly stops convulsing.)", "(Nick looks at Sofia. Sofia checks for breath, then starts chest compressions.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Daddy's Little Girl
[ "The CSIs question the city's crème de la crème at a party to discover who killed a young man. As Catherine's father Sam Braun is once again a suspect, personal conflict grows between the two." ]
[ "VARIOUS B/W FOOTAGE OF OLD LAS VEGAS, THE FIGHTS, CELEBRITIES", "VARIOUS B/W FOOTAGE OF OLD LAS VEGAS, SHOWS", "FADE INTO:", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE -- FRONT - NIGHT]", "(Party guests climb up the front steps. Sam Braun is greeted at the entrance.)", "Doorman: Good evening, Mr. Braun. Go right in.", "(Sam Braun continues into the party.)", "[INT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE -- FRONT - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sam Braun mingles as he makes his way into the party.)", "Voice: How are ya?", "Sam Braun: Good to see you. How've you been? Drop by the Tangier's. Dinner's on me.", "(Camera pans over the table and we see a display of books, \"Kisses & Kisses\").", "(Various cuts of the guests at the party. Most of them are from an older crowd.)", "(Sam greets a dark-haired woman.)", "Sam Braun: Hi.", "Woman: Hi! How are you!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Sam shakes hands with a white-haired man.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Sam passes a waiter and grabs a glass of wine off the tray.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - NIGHT]", "(The double doors open and Tim Duke, dressed as a waiter, walks in. He takes out a revolver and cocks the weapon.)", "(Sam Braun walks up to the edge of the dance floor, his eyes on the woman dancing center stage with her partner.)", "(In the dressing closet, Tim Duke walks through and puts the gun down on the counter. He opens a drawer.)", "(The woman continues to dance with her partner as others watch and applaud.)", "(The song ends.)", "Lois O'Neill: Woo! I haven't been this out of breath since I bet Frank Sinatra I wasn't ticklish.", "(The crowd watching laughs.)", "Lois O'Neill: In a few minutes, there'll be cake and champagne, so stick around; the party's not over yet.", "(Lois walks off the dance floor and Eve Girard meets up with her.)", "Eve Girard: You've got eight minutes to change. I'll come help you.", "Lois O'Neill: No, no, no. I'm fine. Go get the cake ready.", "Eve Girard: Okay.", "Lois O'Neill: And, Eve ... light the candles.", "(Eve looks at her, nods and smiles. She turns to leave and bumps into Li'l Cherry.)", "Eve Girard: Oh ... hi.", "(Eve leaves; Li'l Cherry turns to Lois.)", "Li'l Cherry: Oh, hey, happy birthday. Um, I got to go soon ... I got to go do my show. So ...", "(Lois turns and looks at Li'l Cherry.)", "Lois O'Neill: For years, I did two shows a night, partied with the boys for hours, got a little sleep, played some tennis, gave interviews, got on stage and did it all over again. That's talent. You've got a look. Pace yourself, honey.", "(The woman looks at Lois as Lois turns to head upstairs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - NIGHT]", "(The doors open. Brass, Grissom and Greg walk in.)", "Brass: Lois O'Neill's bedroom ... the stuff dreams are made of.", "(Grissom points to the dead body in the walk-in closet.)", "Grissom: Or nightmares.", "(They head for the walk-in closet.)", "Grissom: Did, uh, Miss O'Neill tell you about this guy?", "Brass: We don't know where she is. She disappeared about an hour ago. Her assistant went looking for her, found the victim. ID'd him as Tim Duke.", "Greg: Gun left on the body ... isn't that how the mob used to do it?", "Brass: Well, back in the day, Lois O'Neill was famous for singing and dancing. She was also famous for being the girlfriend of Tony Constantine, one of the founding fathers of Vegas.", "(Grissom snaps a couple of pictures of the dead body with the camera.)", "Greg: Looks like a bank vault.", "(Greg points to the gold-colored door at the end of the closet. Greg heads over to the door.)", "Grissom: Well, the founding father has placed a high priority on home security. Have we been in there yet?", "Brass: No, it hasn't been cleared yet. I'll go get the combination.", "(Brass turns and leaves.)", "(Greg puts his kit down on the ground. He sees two dents on the door.)", "Greg: Ricochet marks.", "(Grissom walks over and snaps a couple of pictures.)", "(Greg takes out a glove and finds something on the carpet.)", "Greg: Possible bullet fragments.", "(Grissom snaps another photo.)", "Greg: Bullets here, body there ...", "Grissom: Moving target, maybe.", "(Brass returns with Eve Girard.)", "Brass: Gentlemen, this is Eve Girard, Miss O'Neill's assistant. Would you open the vault, please?", "Eve Girard: Okay.", "Brass: I'll be downstairs.", "(Eve walks over to the door and twists the combination lock. The lock clicks. She pushes the door open and steps aside.)", "(Grissom turns his flashlight on and steps inside.)", "Grissom: Thank you.", "(He looks around. We hear whimpering coming from off screen. Grissom turns and finds Lois O'Neill cowering on the floor under the counter.)", "Lois O'Neill: Just get it over with.", "Eve Girard: Lois!", "(She rushes over to her.)", "Eve Girard: Lois! Oh, my God!", "(Eve helps Lois to her feet. She clings to Eve.)", "Lois O'Neill: Oh ... I thought this was my last birthday.", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(Lois is sitting on the sofa and sipping from a coffee cup.)", "Brass: In the middle of the party, you went upstairs to change. Isn't that unusual?", "(Lois laughs.)", "Lois O'Neill: No, I ... I always wear one outfit to greet guests, another for dinner and dancing, and another for dessert.", "(The waiter brings Lois a glass of brandy. She adds it to her drink.)", "Lois O'Neill: Thanks.", "Brass: So, uh, Tim Duke, the waiter ... did you know him before this?", "Lois O'Neill: He worked the children's hospital dance a few weeks ago. He was charming.", "(She takes a sip from her drink.)", "Lois O'Neill: I thought he could use the job.", "Brass: Right.", "Lois O'Neill: I was changing. I'd ordered a drink brought up.", "(Quick flashback to: A gun fires. Tim Duke grunts and falls to the floor. Lois O'Neill is in her vault changing. She sees him crawling on the floor.)", "Lois O'Neill: (V.O.) He was crawling, to get away.", "(She closes the vault door. Outside, two shots ricochet off the door.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Lois O'Neill: And then I heard another shot.", "(She imitates the sound of a gunshot.)", "Lois O'Neill: (cries) That's, uh ... that's when I knew it was a mob hit.", "(Greg nods.)", "Lois O'Neill: Look, if you find his family, I'd like to do something for them. I mean, after all, if he hadn't come in just then, I'd be dead.", "Greg: Who'd want to kill you?", "(She turns and looks at Greg. She sees his name on his jacket.)", "Lois O'Neill: Do you have a first name, Sanders?", "Greg: Greg.", "Lois O'Neill: Greg ...", "(She turns and takes a book off the table next to her. She looks at Brass and holds out her hand.)", "Lois O'Neill: Do you ... ?", "(Brass hands her his pen.)", "Lois O'Neill: Thank you.", "(Lois signs the book. Brass glances over at Greg and they both share a grin.)", "(She hands him the book.)", "Lois O'Neill: Hot off the press. I didn't hold back. I named names. After all this time, I thought, who'd care?", "Greg: Well, maybe you thought wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE - BEDROOM CLOSET -- NIGHT]", "(Sara snaps a photo of the dead body. David Phillips finishes taking the liver temperature.)", "David Phillips: Based on liver temp, been dead one to two hours. It looks like two shots -- to the chest, and a through-and-through to the head.", "(She takes more photos.)", "Sara: Not a lot of blood. Shot to the heart . Sometimes it collects in the chest cavity rather than bleeding out.", "(David finds a wad of bills in the dead man's pocket. He takes it out and quickly looks at it, counting the amount.)", "David Phillips: A thousand ... when I was a waiter back in college, if I had three twenties in my pocket, it was a good night.", "Sara: At Chuck E. Cheese, that was a good week.", "(Sara finds a crack vial.)", "Sara: Crack vial? Could explain the cash; maybe he was dealing.", "(David nods.)", "David Phillips: And these ...", "(He opens the man's hand to show her the black burn on the man's fingertip.)", "(Sara snaps a photo of it.)", "(Quick flash to: Someone burns crack in a smoking pipe. He inhales and burns his finger on the glass tube. End of flash.)", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. O'NEILL'S RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine stands in front of the bedroom side table up against the wall. She's standing very still and staring at something. Sara exits the bedroom closet.)", "Sara: Found a crack vial on him, and $1,000 in cash.", "(Catherine turns and shows Sara the table full of framed photos.)", "Catherine: Presidents, movie stars ... a drug-dealing waiter isn't the kind of guy usually associated with Lois O'Neill. On the other hand ... (She picks up a particular photo.) Tony Constantine.", "(She picks up another photo of four showgirls. She looks at the photo and chuckles.)", "Sara: What?", "Catherine: The Copa girls from the Sands. (points) That's Lois O'Neill. (points) That's my mother.", "(She puts the photo back down on the table and notices the note on the flowers arrangement.)", "Catherine: (reads) \"Happy birthday to my beautiful doll! Love always, Tony\"?", "Sara: I thought he was dead.", "Catherine: Dead, like Jimmy Hoffa. The only guys who know aren't telling.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE - LOBBY - NIGHT]", "(Nick goes over the itinerary with Eve Girard.)", "Nick: This party is organized like an invasion plan. \"6:15: Bar set up and ready. 6:25: Lois greets guests in foyer. 7:15: Lois changes into her dinner outfit.\" Talk about attention to detail.", "(Eve holds out three video tapes for Nick.)", "Eve Girard: From the security cameras on the perimeter of the building.", "Nick: What about the interior cameras?", "Eve Girard: With all the extra measures, Lois felt they weren't necessary. Frankly, I think she just didn't want to be caught on tape first thing in the morning.", "Nick: Hmm. I'll need a list of all the guests who were here tonight.", "(She hands him the list.)", "Eve Girard: Guests and staff, their affiliation and recent accomplishments ... Lois likes to personalize conversation. Everyone's still here.", "Nick: (nods) You're thorough.", "Eve Girard: Well, that's my job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SECOND FLOOR BALCONY - NIGHT]", "(Catherine steps out onto the balcony and looks around at the railing.)", "(She looks down and sees a white cloth on the concrete.)", "(Quick flash to: Someone in a tux walks out onto the balcony and slips over the railing. He drops the white cloth as he leaves. End of flash.)", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE - FOYER - NIGHT]", "(Undersheriff Jeff McKeen talks with Grissom.)", "Undersheriff Jeff Mckeen: Grissom, do you have any idea who's in this crowd?", "Grissom: I sure do.", "(Looks at the guest list and notes. Nick stands on the side and watches.)", "Grissom: \"Under-Sheriff Jeff McKeen. Arrival: 6:38 pm. Wife: Amanda. Recent accomplishment: Ran marathon for children's hospital, placed tenth in his age group.\" Good job, Jeff.", "Undersheriff Jeff Mckeen: More than one of these VIPs has the governor's home number, which is why my phone's been ringing with orders to let them go.", "Grissom: Well, no one on this list came late or left early, so everyone here is still a suspect, until they're not.", "Nick: And based on our interviews so far, only a few people actually left the room when Lois O'Neill was gone.", "Undersheriff Jeff Mckeen: Who?", "Nick: Among others, her ... a pop star known as Li'l Cherry. She was due onstage at Mandalay Bay half an hour ago.", "Undersheriff Jeff Mckeen: Keep her and anyone else who left the room. Let the rest go.", "(Grissom looks a little surprised by the order. He looks at Nick and nods. Nick sighs.)", "(Catherine walks up to Grissom and shows him the handkerchief in a plastic bag.)", "Catherine: Found this handkerchief hanging off the balcony. I'll get it to Hodges.", "Grissom: Good. By the way ... Sam's here.", "(Grissom points. Catherine turns around and sees Sam Braun sitting alone on the couch.)", "Grissom: He's one of the guests who was out of the room when the murder occurred.", "(She turns and looks at him.)", "Catherine: Well, I should say hi to dear old Dad.", "(Catherine walks over to Sam Braun.)", "Catherine: Hi, Sam.", "(He looks up and sees her.)", "Sam Braun: Mugs.", "(He automatically rises to his feet as Catherine sits down next to him. They both sit down.)", "Catherine: Sam, when you left this room tonight, where did you go? Upstairs?", "Sam Braun: Just walked around downstairs, saying hello to the old ghosts. You know, I introduced Lois and Tony, back when I was a floor manager. She was in the line with your mother.", "Catherine: (nods) Mm. Maybe Mom fell for the wrong gangster.", "Sam Braun: Lily was a sweet girl. But Lois ... she had to be a star. A real Coal Miner's Daughter from Rackville, Pennsylvania. But once she met Tony, she never had to go back.", "Catherine: You always were a sucker for a hot dancer, weren't you, Sam?", "Sam Braun: Me and Lois -- I love her, but I like to be in the driver's seat. Like this dancer I'm seeing now -- she's working tonight; that's why I came stag.", "Catherine: Must be serious. That's the first time you haven't asked me how Mom's doing. She's fine, by the way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Nick walks over to talk with Bobby Jensen.)", "Nick: Mr. Jensen. I'm Nick Stokes. I'm with the Crime Lab. I'm familiar with your daughter's case.", "[Note: Reference to episode CSI-5X07: Formalities]", "Nick: Sorry for your loss. You knew Mr. Constantine, right? (He nods.) Were there any other friends of Mr. Constantine here tonight?", "Bobby Jensen: Yeah, there were friends here. And enemies.", "Nick: You want to elaborate a little bit more on those enemies?", "Bobby Jensen: Stokes, you trying to get me in trouble?", "Nick: Hey, man, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of what happened here tonight. Several witnesses said they saw you leave the room. Alone.", "Bobby Jensen: I went outside to have a cigarette-- told her I wouldn't smoke in the house. Filthy habit. Trying to quit.", "Nick: Mm.", "(Grissom walks up to talk with Li'l Cherry. Her bodyguard stands nearby.)", "Li'l Cherry: (to phone) Frickin' cops won't let me go. Yeah.", "Grissom: Miss Cherry?", "Li'l Cherry: (to phone) Bye-bye.", "Grissom: I'm with the Crime Lab. I need to ask you a few questions.", "(She scoffs, ignores him and starts dialing.)", "Li'l Cherry: (to phone) Hey, it's me. Are they freaking out backstage?", "(Grissom grabs her wrist and pulls her phone away from her ear.)", "Grissom: Excuse me ...", "Li'l Cherry: What the ... ?", "Grissom: Please?", "(She shuts her phone. He glances down and sees the burn on her finger.)", "Grissom: Where did you go when Miss O'Neill left the ballroom early this evening?", "Li'l Cherry: Uh, the bathroom.", "Grissom: Do you recall what time you came back?", "Li'l Cherry: What, do you punch a clock every time you take a leak?", "(He glances down and notices the bruises on her knees.)", "Grissom: Did you know the victim, Tim Duke?", "Li'l Cherry: I don't know anybody, okay? My publicist made me come to this thing. I guess Lo-Lois needed somebody with a pulse, so ...", "(As she talks, he puts on some gloves.)", "Grissom: May I take a look at your handbag?", "Li'l Cherry: I got a show to do. I've got two thousand people waiting for me right now.", "Grissom: We can get a warrant, but you'll get out of here faster if you let me see the bag.", "(She tries to run and is stopped by an officer.)", "Officer: Hey! Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa!", "(The bodyguard steps forward and punches the officer.)", "(Li'l Cherry tries to run again. A second officer grabs her.)", "Bodyguard: Get your hands off of her!", "Officer: (o.s.) Hey, you're under arrest for assaulting an officer. BODYGUARD: (o.s.) I was doing my job.", "(Li'l Cherry drops her bag.)", "Grissom: Well ... now I don't need a warrant.", "(He picks up her bag and finds the glass pipe inside.)", "(Grissom looks at her, his lips twitching.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Brass and Sofia Curtis interview Li'l Cherry, who is with her lawyer.)", "Li'l Cherry: I don't know how that crack pipe got in my purse, so ...", "Lawyer: There. My client denies the pipe is hers, denies any drug use, doesn't know the victim and has no prior relationship to Miss O'Neill. There's nothing to discuss.", "Brass: The pipe was in your possession. Plus, you were displaying symptoms of crack use publicly.", "Sofia Curtis: And you were at a recent party where the victim, who also used crack, was working.", "Brass: And now you admitted to leaving the ballroom after Ms. O'Neill.", "Lawyer: Coincidences don't make a homicide.", "Sofia Curtis: You recognized Tim Duke and you needed a fix.", "(Quick flashback to: [BEDROOM CLOSET] The doors open. Tim Duke and Li'l Cherry enter. She's badgering him for a fix.)", "Li'l Cherry: Come on ...", "Tim Duke: Look, I'm not holding. I told you before.", "Li'l Cherry: Come on, man. Look ... here, man. See?", "(She finds the crack vial.)", "Tim Duke: What are you gonna give me?", "(He grabs her. She pushes him back, takes a gun out of her bag and fires.)", "Li'l Cherry: Hey!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sofia Curtis: You wiped down the gun with a handkerchief ...", "Lawyer: No one has established that my client had a gun.", "Sofia Curtis: And you didn't want to be seen leaving the bedroom, so you climbed down the balcony to rejoin the party.", "Brass: Which is how you scraped your knees.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. BALCONY] Li'l Cherry runs out onto the balcony and climbs over the railing. End of flashback.)", "(Li'l Cherry laughs.)", "Li'l Cherry: Okay, I'll admit I was outside. But ...", "Lawyer: It's in your best interests not to ...", "Li'l Cherry: It's cool. Um ... it wasn't just, uh, Lois's birthday tonight, it was also my bodyguard's birthday, and I scraped my knees giving him his present.", "Sofia Curtis: You're going to need to cancel your shows for awhile. We're holding you on possession of paraphernalia, and unlawful use.", "Li'l Cherry: What do I have to do to make you believe me?", "Brass: I already had my birthday.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Robbins and David Phillips look at the body under an x-ray. Warrick is watching the monitor.)", "Robbins: All right, areas of callus here. Old fractures ... ribs ...", "Warrick: This guy must've worked some pretty rough shifts. That must be the bullet, right there.", "Robbins: Yeah, I'll yank it in autopsy.", "Warrick: What's that happening all around the nose area?", "Robbins: It's a nose cage.", "(Quick flash of: The bridge of the nose on the patient is cut open.)", "(Camera zooms in and we see an extreme close-up of a drill drilling holes.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) Nose has been wired to the skull to hold it in place.", "(CGI EFX has wire staples in the holes to hold the two pieces together. The pieces are pulled together, sealing the gaps.)", "(Camera zooms back out.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: We find them sometimes in boxers, accident victims ...", "Warrick: You ever see one on a waiter?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE - BEDROOM CLOSET - NIGHT]", "(Sara is on the floor looking at the bloodstain on the floor when Greg walks in. He's already reading the book.)", "Greg: Wow! You know, Lois had her first sexual experience on her ninth-grade field trip to the state capitol ... with the governor.", "Sara: I found the bullet hole. Could you bring the Sawzall?", "Greg: Well, you know, this place is a piece of Las Vegas history; you don't want to just go and chop it up.", "Sara: It's a crime scene, and there's evidence under the floor.", "Greg: Yeah, but we don't know exactly where it is, so ...", "(Greg pulls out a case and opens it. He lifts out the camera.)", "Greg: ... I thought we'd let Hawkeye here do a little exploration for us.", "Sara: Sure. I wouldn't want to damage priceless, 40-year-old carpeting.", "Greg: No.", "(Cut to: Greg sets the camera up and turns the light on. Sara inserts the tip of the camera into the carpeting. She continues to push the camera deeper into the carpeting. They see something on the monitor.)", "Sara: What's that say? Pull it up.", "(They see what appears to be the paper wrapping of a stack of bills.)", "Greg: Ten grand brick. Benjamin bit the bullet.", "Sara: \"In God we trust.\" If she has a vault, why is she keeping cash under the floor?", "Greg: No more room under the mattress?", "(Cut to: One floor below, Sara is standing on a ladder and looking at the light fixtures in the ceiling.)", "(Greg hands her a flashlight.)", "Greg: Easy access in case you need to rewire.", "(She reaches up into the hole in the ceiling and takes out several stacks of bills.)", "Sara: Or steal a million.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - NIGHT]", "(Nick is looking at the monitor when Warrick walks in.)", "Warrick: Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Warrick: Mandy got an AFIS hit off the vic. His AKA is Tim Duke, but his real name is Vincent Pullone, a one-time golden gloves wannabe.", "Nick: That would explain the prior injuries.", "Warrick: Yeah, well, so does his rap sheet. The guy was busy: Multiple assaults, theft ... is that the surveillance footage?", "Nick: Yeah. I've been through the footage throughout the entire day. I've got party, staffers going in and out the back door. But, get this - same time, different entrance.", "(Nick pulls up the footage. A car pulls up and Tim Duke exits the car.)", "Warrick: Well, that's our vic.", "Nick: Yeah, a couple minutes late. Now, here ...", "(He pulls up another section of the table.)", "Nick: ... around the time of the murder, same car ... pulls up ... waits.", "Warrick: Freeze that. Can you get a plate number?", "Nick: Yeah.", "(Nick zooms in on the license plate and brings it into focus. The NEVADA license plate is 295-OHU.)", "Warrick: Nice.", "Nick: Nevada 295, ocean, henry, union.", "Warrick: \"Nanci... mc... ma...\"", "Nick: McGinnigle ... McGonigle.", "Warrick: McGonigle?", "Nick: McGonigle.", "Warrick: I'll run it through Brass.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Catherine and Hodges walk through the hallway.)", "Hodges: Handkerchief is linen. Edging appears to be hand-stitched. Pretty nice rag to be wiping a gun off with.", "Catherine: Oh, so it was positive for gun oil.", "Hodges: Yeah. And the diphenylamine test was also positive for oxidizers and partially burned gunpowder. Uh, negative for prints or DNA.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Grissom is in his office when Greg walks in.)", "Greg: So, Mandy wasn't able to lift any prints off of the cash we found.", "Grissom: Fingerprints are just oil, water and amino acids, Greg. They don't last forever.", "Greg: No kidding. You ever hear that expression \"old money\"? This stuff was ancient -- some of it's signed by Eisenhower's treasury secretary. Series dates all before 1965. Same with the grand we found on the vic.", "Grissom: \"Ancient?\"", "(Greg nods. Suddenly, there's a clattering somewhere nearby and off screen. Grissom looks up somewhat surprised as he pulls his glasses off.)", "Lois O'Neill: (o.s.) Set them down ... there.", "(Out in the hallway, Lois O'Neill arrives with four waiters in tow. Three of them carry a large platter of something to eat; the fourth carries a basket.)", "(Grissom steps out of his office. Greg is just behind him.)", "Grissom: Miss O'Neill! Nice to see you. What's all this?", "Lois O'Neill: An army travels on its stomach. I wanted you and your people to know how grateful I am for all you've done for me.", "Grissom: Well, thank you. But, uh, we can't accept anything that might influence the outcome of the case -- it's our policy.", "Lois O'Neill: Oh, come on. Cold cuts ... a little shrimp salad ...", "Greg: (wow) Shrimp salad ...", "(Lois smiles and clicks her tongue at Greg.)", "Grissom: I know what we can do. Have your boys take it down the street to the St. Vincent homeless shelter. They need it more than we do.", "Lois O'Neill: Well ...", "(She huffs with disappointment. Grissom nods. Lois waves her hands and the waiters take the platters and basket away.)", "(She glances down and notices Greg holding her book.)", "Lois O'Neill: Having fun with my book, Greg?", "(Greg grins.)", "Greg: Oh, yeah. That beach party ... hoo-hoo-hoo. Marilyn Monroe and the president ... Swing-a-ding-ding.", "(Lois gushes happily.)", "(Grissom glances at Greg and Greg's smile falls a couple of notches.)", "Grissom: By the way, Miss O'Neill, we made an interesting discovery under the floor of your bedroom. I was hoping you could tell us about it.", "Lois O'Neill: Under the floor ... ? You tell me.", "Greg: Approximately one million dollars in cash.", "(She laughs, surprised as she thinks about it.)", "Lois O'Neill: What do you know. Tony always said I'd be taken care of.", "Grissom: If you don't know anything about the money, maybe you know someone who does.", "Greg: Benny Dunbar, Jimmy the Crumb ...", "(Grissom's brow furrows a little.)", "Lois O'Neill: You'd have to ask Tony. Where is the money now?", "Grissom: It's in our evidence vault.", "Lois O'Neill: Oh. And, uh ... when will it be returned?", "Grissom: We have to finish our investigation first.", "Lois O'Neill: You do that. You know ... (sighs) The boys who want me dead have been doing this a lot longer than you have. I need you to catch up. Fast. Oh, and remember, when your tummy starts to rumble, I tried to help.", "(Lois smiles, turns and walks out the hallway. Her bodyguard follows close behind her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "(Nick and Archie are reviewing the video. On the monitor, they watch as the waiter runs back to the car.)", "Nick: There. There, that piece of paper, zoom in on that.", "(The video stops. Archie zooms in on the piece of paper in the waiter's hand.)", "Archie Johnson: See if I can enhance that.", "Nick: What is that, a bar code?", "Archie Johnson: Looks like a PDF417 ... two-dimensional bar code.", "Nick: Can you decode it?", "Archie Johnson: Yeah. I think so.", "(He enhances the image and reads the barcode.)", "Archie Johnson: Okay, it's an airline boarding pass, last night: Vegas to Philadelphia, then on to Rome, and Sardinia.", "(Archie pulls up the computer information.)", "Archie Johnson: Two passengers: Nanci McGonigle and Vincent Pullone.", "Nick: Vincent Pullone was the vic's real name, and he arrived at the crime scene in Nanci McGonigle's car.", "Johnson: According to the airline global distribution system, she boarded the flight, he didn't.", "Nick: He was busy being dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara and Sofia Curtis interview Eve Girard.)", "Sara: Your fingerprint was on the light fixture in the hallway. You knew about the money.", "Eve Girard: When the light fixture shorted out, Lois wanted it replaced right away. I did it myself, and I found the money.", "Sofia Curtis: How much did you take?", "Eve Girard: One bundle -- 10,000. I-I still have most of it.", "Sofia Curtis: Did you tell Miss O'Neill?", "Eve Girard: No. And that was wrong. But it was also wrong of her to hire me as a book editor and use me as a personal slave.", "Sara: How well did you know Vincent Pullone?", "Sofia Curtis: AKA \"Tim Duke.\"", "(She sighs heavily.)", "Eve Girard: Not very well.", "Sara: But well enough to give him a thousand dollars?", "Eve Girard: We were dating. He needed the money.", "Sofia Curtis: If you were dating. Why was he planning to fly to Sardinia after the party with Nanci McGonigle?", "Eve Girard: He didn't mention her.", "Sofia Curtis: Someone in the house gave him the tickets.", "Eve Girard: Well, not me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins is getting a bullet out and drops it into the metal dish. The metal clanks. Grissom walks in.)", "Grissom: Sounds like the bullet to me.", "Robbins: Yeah. Deformed, medium caliber, consistent with a .38. Take a look at the heart.", "(Robbins shows Grissom the heart.)", "Robbins: Bullet passed into the base of the right ventricle, crossed the intraventricular septum and destroyed the av node.", "Grissom: Heart stopped on impact.", "Robbins: Right. Bullet then exited out the back of the left ventricle and entered the vertebral spine, transecting the spinal cord.", "(Quick CGI EFX: A gun is fired. The bullet travels through the air and hits the waiter in his chest.)", "Tim Duke: Oh!", "(The bullet continues in through the flesh and lodges in the heart. End of CGI EFX.)", "Grissom: Could the victim have crawled around after suffering that kind of damage?", "Robbins: Negative. He would have been paralyzed instantly.", "Grissom: Could the shot to the head have occurred first?", "Robbins: You are \"O\"-for-two. Check out the brain.", "(Robbins picks up the metal dish with the brain inside and hands it to Grissom. Grissom reaches in and picks up the brain. He slides his thumb along the slick surface, looking for something.)", "Grissom: There's no blood in the wound track.", "Robbins: Nope.", "Grissom: So his heart had already stopped pumping.", "Robbins: From the absence of blood, I'd say that this shot was at least ten minutes after the shot through the heart.", "Grissom: Lois O'Neill claims that she saw the victim crawling away after she heard the first shot.", "Robbins: Well, maybe Lois' memory is a little flawed.", "Grissom: Oh, no. She has a great memory.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[INT. DOMENICI'S - NIGHT]", "(Brass and Grissom walk in through the entrance and are greeted by the maitre d'.)", "Maitre D': Welcome to Domenici's, gentlemen. Do you have a reservation?", "Brass: No, we're all set.", "(Brass and Grissom walk in and head over to Lois O'Neill and Bobby Jensen. They're talking and laughing. Lois turns and sees Brass and Grissom.)", "Lois O'Neill: The gang's all here!", "Brass: We need to ask you some questions.", "Lois O'Neill: Well, please, sit. I-I have no secrets from Bobby ... my guardian angel.", "Brass: Yeah, we've met. Isn't that right, Bob?", "Bobby Jensen: Uh, yeah, that's right.", "Lois O'Neill: Please, sit. How often do you get invited to the best table in town? (to Grissom) I know you must be hungry.", "(Grissom and Brass sit down.)", "Grissom: Miss O'Neill, we found some inconsistencies in your account of last night's events.", "Lois O'Neill: Wha ... ?", "Grissom: You said that you saw Tim Duke crawling away after you heard the first shot.", "(She stops and recalls.)", "Lois O'Neill: (sighs) Yes. (voice breaking) It was horrible.", "Grissom: According to our autopsy, the first shot paralyzed him. He would've been unable to move.", "(She stares at him.)", "Lois O'Neill: (stammering) Well ... it-it all happened in such a flash ...", "(Quick flashback to: [BEDROOM CLOSET - NIGHT] A gun fires. The waiter grunts and falls to the ground.)", "Voice: (o.s.) Hey!", "(Lois closes the vault door.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Lois looks at them and shakes her head.)", "Bobby Jensen: All right. She's the target. She told you all she knows.", "(Clearly upset, Lois chuckles wryly.)", "Lois O'Neill: This has been fun, but ... we have to go. Beauty sleep, you know. Speaking of which ... when is that ugly yellow tape coming off my bedroom door?", "Grissom: Just as soon as we finish our work, I promise.", "Lois O'Neill: Anymore questions ... just call.", "(She smiles at him and moves closer to him. Grissom backs away and lets Lois stand up. Brass also stands up to let Bobby Jensen get out of his seat.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Greg looks forlornly at his tuna sandwich takeout.)", "Greg: Tuna ... and the homeless are dining on shrimp salad. Lucky Clydes.", "(Greg takes a bite.)", "Sara: \"Lucky Clydes?\" Is that lingo from Lois' book?", "Warrick: She say anything in that book about all that dough we found under her floor?", "(Warrick takes a seat at the table.)", "Greg: Not exactly. But she does say back in '65, Vegas was getting a little bit too hot for Tony C, so he had to take a powder for a while. And dig this: while he was gone, the famous Pan Am heist was pulled off back east.", "Warrick: The famous Pan Am heist?", "Greg: (nods) And, compadre, in the next chapter, Tony builds Lois the house. Connect the dots, buddy boy.", "(Sara chuckles.)", "Warrick: All right, this is what we got so far: we got a loser boxer, who's a crack head, probably selling drugs -- and someone buys him two tickets to Sardinia. Why?", "Sara: Maybe somebody wanted Lois dead, knew that Tim had access and that he needed the money for a drug habit?", "Warrick: Are you saying that he was a hit man and not an innocent bystander?", "Sara: Well, it would make Lois' story correct - that she really was the target.", "Warrick: Yeah, but who killed him? And why?", "Greg: Consider this nutty notion: Tony's not worm food, he's around; he finds out that Lois went canary and wrote the book, so he hires some protection, someone who'd be at the party.", "Sara: Whether Tim Duke was a hit man or not, he could have been the target all along.", "Warrick: Yeah, yeah. Then you go whack him when he's working around every VIP in town. Sure.", "Sara: Sure. Especially if Lois was an accomplice. Or, dare I say, the killer.", "Greg: Well, I don't see homicide anywhere on her schedule.", "(Sara laughs.)", "Greg: Wait a sec ... that's Lois' dinner outfit, and that's the dress she was wearing when we opened up the vault.", "Sara: Let's test them both for blood and GSR.", "(Greg nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE - BEDROOM CLOSET -- NIGHT]", "(Sara is looking up the dress in the computer catalog.)", "Sara: Looking under \"formal\" ...", "(The dress picture and ID scroll onto the screen:", "BIN #161", "Gown: 75% Tracitate 25% Polyester", "Lining: 100% Polyester", "F# 4333_LP Color Type )", "Sara: Dress number 161.", "(Catherine starts looking for the dress in the closet. She's more than impressed by the clothes.)", "Catherine: 130, 131, 132 ... got to admit, this is some kind of closet.", "(Sara smiles at Catherine's obvious pleasure. She continues to look for the dress.)", "Catherine: Oh, let's see. It's 1-60 ... 1 ...", "(Catherine finds the hanger.)", "Catherine: Oh. 161 -- hanger's empty.", "Sara: She got rid of the clothes?", "Catherine: It's possible she sent them to the cleaners to get rid of blood and GSR. We can get a warrant.", "Sara: Well ... she wouldn't have sent her jewelry to the cleaners.", "(Sara goes back to the computer catalog, finds the ring and clicks on it. The image and information appears on the monitor:", "JEWELRY", "CANARY DIAMOND", "DRAWER #19 Rec# 4782", "Color Type: )", "Sara: Got it. Drawer 19.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(The jewelry drawer opens.)", "Catherine: Oh. How apropos that she's named names.", "(Catherine picks up the ring.)", "Catherine: A canary diamond.", "Sara: Want to bet the birdie sings in the key of GSR?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Hodges takes a sample from all over the ring. He puts the sample into the machine and closes it.)", "(He types on the keyboard and presses enter.)", "(The machine makes the calculations and he sees the following results: 27.2% Antimony 23.8% Barium 31.0% Lead )", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CATHERINE'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine enters her office and finds her mom, Lily Flynn, inside lying on the couch.)", "Catherine: Mom? What are you doing? Where's Lindsey?", "Lily Flynn: She's on a sleep-over. (She sits up.) So kill me. And I had dinner at Drai's with the girls. Filet to die for.", "(She picks up the doggie bag and offers it to Catherine.)", "Catherine: Drai's ... The girls like to spend.", "(Catherine takes the bag and Lily sneezes.)", "Lily Flynn: Red wine always makes me two of the seven dwarfs: Sleepy and Sneezy.", "(She sniffs, opens her bag and pulls out a handkerchief.)", "Catherine: Where did you get that hanky?", "Lily Flynn: A friend.", "Catherine: A friend who was at Lois' party?", "Lily Flynn: (sighs) Now don't get mad, Catherine.", "Catherine: You can't be seeing Sam?", "Lily Flynn: And why not?", "Catherine: Oh, for one thing, he's a player.", "Lily Flynn: I don't expect monogamy from him.", "Catherine: (groans) Oh. I can't believe this.", "Lily Flynn: And I am not promising that he'll get it from me, either. (Catherine turns around and gets an envelope from behind her desk.) What are you doing?", "(She holds the envelope open.)", "Catherine: Put it in the envelope.", "Lily Flynn: Why?!", "(Lily puts the handkerchief in the envelope.)", "Catherine: Because we haven't cleared Sam as a suspect.", "Lily Flynn: He can't be! He has been so wonderful to me these past few weeks.", "Catherine: Oh, this has been going on for weeks, huh?", "(Catherine sits down.)", "Lily Flynn: We have a history together, Catherine. We were young together. Some day, maybe you'll understand.", "(Catherine looks at her mother.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(A police siren blares.)", "[EXT. STREET - NIGHT]", "(Catherine walks up to the limo they've just pulled over. A couple of officers step out onto the sidewalk. Catherine opens the back limo door and gets inside.)", "(She closes the door behind her.)", "[INT. LIMO (PARKED) - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine settles in the seat across from Sam Braun.)", "Sam Braun: You want to see me, Muggs, all you need is a phone.", "Catherine: You lied about being in Lois O'Neill's bedroom.", "Sam Braun: I was in that bedroom once. In 1967. As a gentleman, I would prefer not going into details.", "Catherine: Your handkerchief puts you there when the waiter was shot.", "(Sam pulls out a handkerchief from his jacket pocket.)", "Sam Braun: One of these? Lois and I were going over old times. She got a little weepy. What she did with it after that, I don't know. My housekeeper made me a dozen for Christmas. I've only got half left.", "Catherine: So quit giving them away.", "(Sam chuckles.)", "Sam Braun: Oh ... you're mothering me.", "Catherine: You know, Sam, this is the second time that I thought that you might be a killer.", "Sam Braun: Come on, you know better.", "Catherine: The thing is, I don't. It never occurred to me for a minute that this is something that you wouldn't have done. And that wouldn't bother me, except you're dating my mother.", "Sam Braun: Look, I'm being good to Lil this time around. Give us a chance. Give me a chance. You'll see.", "Catherine: Making up for stabbing one girl by being kind to another. Hmm.", "[Note: Reference to episode CSI-3X23: Inside the Box]", "Sam Braun: If you weren't my daughter ...", "Catherine: What? What would you do, Sam?", "(Catherine gets up and leaves the limo. She closes the door behind her.)", "(Camera lingers on Sam.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Hodges uncaps a black indelible marker and tries to cover the gray hair on his left side. He's using a glass cover as a reflective surface.)", "(Grissom and Sara walk in. They stop and watch Hodges.)", "Grissom: Vanity, thy name is Hodges.", "(Startled, Hodges quickly caps the pen.)", "Hodges: This isn't what it looks like. I actually like my gray hair. The few that I have.", "Sara: (smiling) Hodges, don't you know that gray hair can be very attractive?", "(Grissom perks up and glances sideways at Sara. Hodges turns and smiles at Sara.)", "Sara: The ring?", "(Dazed by Sara's smile, Hodges nods automatically.)", "Hodges: The ring? (He shakes himself out of it and turns to get the results as he reports.) The ring. The ring was positive for GSR.", "(Hodges hands the results to Grissom to look at. Sara reads it over his shoulder.)", "Sara: That means Lois could be the shooter.", "(Quick flashback to: Lois fires the gun.)", "(Extreme close-up of: [THE RING] Black residue falls on the ring.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: I guess we'll have to bring her in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE - FRONT -- DAY]", "(Brass and Grissom arrive at the front. Brass sees the crime scene tape is gone.)", "Brass: One of your guys take the crime scene tape down?", "Grissom: Sara and Catherine cleared the scene about two hours ago.", "(They enter the house.)", "[INT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE - FOYER - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass, Grissom and an officer walk through the foyer.)", "Brass: (loudly) Miss O'Neill, Las Vegas Police.", "(There's no answer.)", "(Brass and Grissom continue into the foyer.)", "Brass: Miss O'Neill?", "(At the base of the stairs, they hear music coming from upstairs. Grissom and Brass head upstairs.)", "[INT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass pushes the bedroom doors open. He and Grissom walk inside. They approach the bed. Lois O'Neill is on the bed, dead.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. O'NEILL RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - DAY]", "(Robbins snaps a photo of Lois. Greg stands nearby, putting something into a plastic bad.)", "Greg: Wow, it's the end of an era.", "Robbins: From the containment of the blood, it appears she was shot while lying down.", "Greg: Asleep ... or surprised by someone she trusted?", "Grissom: Nick just found out that Tim Duke's airline tickets were purchased by a credit card under the name of Double-X Associates.", "Greg: That's Lois O'Neill's company.", "Grissom: How do you know that?", "Robbins: She was the double-kiss girl.", "Greg: Yeah, you can't say her name without kissing twice. Lois O'Neill -- Kiss-Kiss. XX.", "Grissom: Huh. Well, Nick also found out that the only two names authorized to sign on that card were Lois O'Neill and Eve Girard.", "(Grissom pauses.)", "Grissom: She looks perfect, doesn't she?", "Robbins: Except for these smudges on her eyelids.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Grissom dusts Lois O'Neill's eyelids for prints. He adds powder, turns the light on, then adjusts the camera.)", "(He snaps a photo of the print on her eyelid.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- EVENING]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Greg bursts into the office. He kneels down and looks at Grissom between shelve levels. Grissom looks up from the report he's reading.)", "Greg: Grissom, you know I was looking into that Pan Am heist in '65?", "Grissom: On your own time, I hope.", "Greg: It's related to our case. I just got off the phone with the FBI Lab at Quantico. Bobby Dawson sent them ballistics on the gun we found on Tim Duke.", "Grissom: And?", "Greg: It's a match to the gun that was used to kill a guard in the Pan Am heist. So I sent them serials on the cash we found.", "Grissom: Also a match to the Pan Am heist?", "Greg: Right-o, Daddy-O.", "Grissom: Congratulations, Greg.", "(Greg nods. Grissom turns and heads back to his desk to sit down. Greg walks over to his desk.)", "Grissom: This is Doc Robbins' preliminary autopsy report on Lois O'Neill. When he opened her up, he found that her body was riddled with advanced tumors.", "Greg: Wow.", "(Greg sits down.)", "Greg: She knew she was going to die. That's why she wrote the book, 'cause she knew that if she was gone, there'd be nobody left to tell the true story.", "Grissom: You read it. Do you think that's how she wanted to go out?", "Greg: No. But, uh ... looking beautiful -- yeah. In all the papers -- yeah. Murdered ... only if she was the one who called the shots.", "Grissom: (agrees) Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Bobby Jensen chuckles.)", "Bobby Jensen: Oh, we had some good times.", "Grissom: You knew she had cancer?", "Bobby Jensen: No, she had guts. She staged her exit like a pro. The book, the party ... she only made one mistake -- she hired an amateur.", "Brass: Tim Duke? Also known as Vincent Pullone?", "Bobby Jensen: A wimp and a thief. Lois would give you all the cookies you wanted, but you stuck your hand in the cookie jar ... she'd chop it off.", "(Quick flashback to: [BEDROOM CLOSET] Lois talks with Tim Duke.)", "Lois O'Neill: Try to relax, honey. This'll be easy. I'll be on the bed, one shot. Don't be sloppy.", "(She opens the vault and goes inside.)", "(Tim turns around, opens the nearest drawer and starts pocketing the jewelry inside. Lois returns with the gun and finds him stuffing his pocket with her jewelry.)", "Lois O'Neill: What the hell?", "Tim Duke: What do you care? You're going to be dead anyway.", "Lois O'Neill: Nobody steals from me.", "(She cocks the gun and fires.)", "(Tim Duke falls to the ground instantly. Lois turns around and fires two shots at the vault door.)", "(She wipes the gun.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: Why'd she ask Duke, not you?", "Bobby Jensen: She didn't want to involve an old friend.", "Grissom: Until yesterday.", "Brass: Yesterday afternoon, Lois O'Neill wired $250,000 to your sister in Sarasota. Now you were Tony C's driver. The only one he trusted to bodyguard Miss O'Neill. You took care of her right until the end.", "Bobby Jensen: Well, who else do I have to take care of?", "Brass: My guess is she wired you the money, but being a friend you refused. So she sent it to your sister instead.", "(He wipes his mouth and chuckles softly.)", "Bobby Jensen: She sent it to my sister. You know, you've got a choice between checking out all shriveled up, in a hospital, or at home, looking like a million bucks. Any guy who'd do that for a good friend, he's okay by me.", "(Quick flashback to: [BEDROOM] Lois is on the bed.)", "Lois O'Neill: If you see Tony, tell him I love him.", "(He cocks the gun.)", "Bobby Jensen: Doll ... you're going to see him before I do.", "(She looks at him and kisses the air twice.)", "(He fires.)", "FLASH TO WHITE:", "(Lois' hand gently falls to the bed as Bobby Jensen watches. He closes his eyes and tosses the gun on the bed.)", "(He uses his thumbs, closes her eyes and cradles her face in his hands.)", "CUT TO: END OF FLASHBACK.", "[INT CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Robbins is at his desk. He slips a photo of Lois O'Neill in a sheet protector in a binder.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT]", "(Sam and Lily are at dinner. He reaches over and wipes the corner of her mouth with a napkin. She smiles back at him.)", "(Sam turns around and sees Catherine walking toward them. He stands up and pulls a chair for her. She sits down and joins them.)", "(Sam raises his hand and motions for a waiter to pour her a drink.)", "(Catherine looks at Lily, then at Sam.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Greg opens his locker and takes his hat out. He puts it on his head, closes his locker and heads out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Grissom picks up Greg's book from his desk. He opens it and looks at the inscription inside.)", "TO GREG", "THE BEST IS YET TO COME!", "LOIS O'NEILL", "XX", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "VARIOUS B/W FOOTAGE OF OLD LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS", "BLUR OUT" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Kiss-Kiss, Bye-Bye
[ "The CSI investigate two murders in the same area: a man killed in a shady motel, and a teenage girl killed in a car accident, but after getting out of her vehicle, killed by being strangled to death. The killer's story is also followed as they try to live a normal life despite his actions." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY -- NIGHT]", "(A man walks through the alleyway. He stops midway and drops the cigarette he's smoking down on the concrete pavement. He smashes the butt out with the toe of his right foot.)", "(He takes a couple of steps, turns, then reaches down to pick up the cigarette butt. He pockets the butt, then continues walking quickly through the alleyway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BUILDING -- NIGHT]", "(The man in the jacket climbs up the fire escape stairs to a building behind a large screen billboard.)", "(He reaches the room he's looking for and stops. He slips a thin, long piece of metal through the crack in the window and pushes the latch open.)", "[EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - NASH'S ROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(The man climbs through the open window and into the bedroom where a man is sleeping. The lamp on the bedside table is on.)", "(Karl Cooper shuts the window closed, picks up a chair and puts it down near the bed. He sits down, places his foot on the bed and unmercifully shakes it, waking the sleeping man.)", "Clayton Nash: Red. Hey. (He chuckles nervously.) You look good, man. It's been a while, hasn't it? Haven't seen you forever. Of course, you know that better than anybody.", "(\"Red\" doesn't say anything.)", "Clayton Nash: I'm ... surprised to see you here. Actually, you know what, I'm not that surprised. Listen, I'm glad you dropped by, 'cause there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about.", "(\"Red\" raises his gun and points it at Nash.)", "Clayton Nash: You know, I-I just wanted to say ...", "(He fires twice and hits Nash in the chest.)", "(\"Red\" gets up and walks close to Nash. He fires again.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT - 2:36 A.M.]", "(\"Red\" heads for his parked car. He gets inside and fastens his seat belt. He adjusts the rearview mirror. It's 2:36 A.M. He flips the radio on to FM1 station 87.9.)", "(He starts the car engine and drives out of the alleyway.)", "[INT. CAR (MOVING) - LATE NIGHT]", "(The light a the end of the alley is red. \"Red\" stops. The light turns green. As he drives across the intersection, a second car zooms out of nowhere and hits him on the side.)", "(The two cars stop.)", "(Ally Sullivan gasps as her airbag inflates upon impact.)", "Ally Sullivan: Oh, my God! Oh, my God!", "(She gets out of the car to check on the other driver. She stumbles out of her car, obviously a little drunk.)", "Ally Sullivan: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.", "(\"Red\" groans.)", "Ally Sullivan: Are you ... are you okay?", "Karl Cooper: Huh? (He looks at her.) Yeah, yeah, I'm ... I'm okay. I'm okay.", "(He opens the car door and groans as he gets out.)", "Ally Sullivan: I-I am so sorry. I was on the phone, and I was going too fast, and I just ...", "(\"Red\" stands up and doesn't look too good.)", "Ally Sullivan: Oh, God, um ... I'm going to call 911, and I'm going get you an ambulance.", "Karl Cooper: I'm fine, honest, I am.", "Ally Sullivan: Okay.", "Karl Cooper: Really, it's nothing.", "Ally Sullivan: At least, can I just ... I'm going to call the police and make a police report.", "Karl Cooper: I'd really rather you not do that. I'll tell you why. I don't, uh, I don't have any insurance.", "Ally Sullivan: No, no, no. That's okay. I do. Look, it was my fault; I know that. And that is exactly what I will tell them. My dad just said, if I ever got into an accident that I had to make a police report.", "Karl Cooper: Can I tell you something, sweetheart? You're drunk right now, okay? And you hit me. Now, that's a DUI, and if you call the police, they're going to take your license away, and they're going to throw you in jail. Now, what I'd like you to do is get in your car, drive yourself home and forget that this ever happened. Can you do that?", "(She hesitates.)", "Karl Cooper: I'm fine. Go on. I'm fine, honest, I promise. You go.", "Ally Sullivan: Okay.", "(Ally Sullivan turns and heads back to her car. Karl Cooper turns, groans as he heads back to his car.)", "(Through the side view mirror, he sees Ally take out her cell phone and dial.)", "(He closes his eyes and shakes his head. He turns around as he makes a decision.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. ROADWAY - NIGHT]", "(Cameras flash as photos are taken of Ally Sullivan's dead body.)", "(Grissom and Sara stand nearby as David Phillips kneels down next to the body, writing on a clipboard. Brass stands just behind David Phillips.)", "Brass: Her name is Ally Sullivan. She's the registered owner. Patrol unit investigating the wreck found the body. So far, we have nothing on the other car.", "(Grissom turns and notes the deflated air bag.)", "Sara: Where's the nearest traffic camera?", "Brass: Four blocks north. We've been pulling bodies out of this neighborhood twice a month, it seems like.", "Grissom: I think that's actually an improvement.", "Brass: Yeah. Well, it's a cold night. I'm going to get you some coffee and donuts.", "(Brass leaves. Grissom and Sara both kneel down near the body. They note the open cell phone in her left hand.)", "(Grissom picks up the cell phone.)", "Grissom: Nine-nine-nine ... five-five-two.", "Sara: Most people would have called 911.", "(David pulls away Ally's collar and notes the bruising underneath.)", "David Phillips: Well, there's a seat-belt contusion on her shoulder.", "Sara: So ... She survives the crash. She gets out of the car, she dies on the street?", "Grissom: Internal injuries maybe.", "Sara: Maybe.", "Grissom: How'd the car end up in this position? It looks like she caused the wreck.", "[INT. COOPER RESIDENCE - BATHROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Karl Cooper wipes the steam off the bathroom mirror with the palm of his hand and looks at his reflection in the mirror.)", "Sara: (V.O.) Usually, the guy who hits is the guy who runs.", "(He leans over the sink and splashes water on his clean-shaven face.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Well, either way, they left the scene, so it's still a hit-and-run. And this girl's dead. So, we may have a murderer.", "(He turns the water off and dabs his face dry with a towel.)", "[INT. COOPER RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(He puts the towel on the sink, turns and heads back into the bedroom. His wife, Janice is sleeping.)", "(He slips into bed behind her. She sighs.)", "Janice Cooper: It's late. I was worried.", "Karl Cooper: Sorry.", "(She grabs his hand and pulls his arm around her.)", "Janice Cooper: Love you.", "(Camera rises up and we see that Karl Cooper is \"Red\" without the beard.)", "Karl Cooper: I love you, too.", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Brass speaks with Mr. Sullivan, Ally's father.)", "Jack Sullivan: Ally was out late all the time. I never worried about her.", "Brass: She liked nightclubs?", "(The conversation continues in voice over.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Grissom examines Ally's hands while using an ALS.)", "Jack Sullivan: (V.O.) She liked the club business. She wasn't a party girl.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - NIGHT]", "(Sara pus on a pair of latex gloves and heads over to the car.)", "Jack Sullivan: (V.O.) She wanted to be a VIP hostess.", "(We hear a camera shutter snapping.)", "(Mr. Sullivan continues.)", "Jack Sullivan: Way you do that in this town is you ... get your face out there, ...", "(In Forensic Autopsy, Grissom is using the ALS while examining Ally Sullivan's clothes.)", "Jack Sullivan: (V.O.) ... meet the right people, ...", "(Grissom leans in close and examines her magnate necklace.)", "Jack Sullivan: (V.O.) ... be seen.", "(He sees some fibers caught on her necklace.)", "(In the garage, Sara dusts the windshield. She takes a tape lift of the prints.)", "Jack Sullivan: (V.O.) I taught her to be responsible. If there was an accident, call the police. Help anyone who needed it.", "(Sara looks at the print she just lifted.)", "(Mr. Sullivan continues.)", "Jack Sullivan: I'd say to her all the time, no matter how pretty you are today, someday, all that will be gone. She knew that.", "(In the garage, Sara scrapes samples and puts it in a bindle.)", "Jack Sullivan: (V.O.) She knew she had to treat people with respect.", "(Sara takes a photo of the clear plastic cup in the front seat.)", "Jack Sullivan: (V.O.) She always did the right thing; that's why I don't get it.", "(Sara puts the camera aside and dusts the side of the plastic cup for prints.)", "(Mr. Sullivan finishes.)", "Jack Sullivan: Whoever was in the other car ... I don't care why they left. All they had to do was call an ambulance instead of leaving her there to die.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Robbins goes over the findings with Grissom.)", "Robbins: C.O.D. was hyper-extension of the neck with a rotational snap, resulting in a ruptured vertebral artery, mid-cervical.", "Grissom: (surprised) Mid?", "Robbins: Yeah.", "Grissom: Most MVA's break down low or up high, don't they?", "Robbins: That's why I don't think the accident did it. The injury was more consistent with a stranglehold.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Karl Cooper has his arm around Ally Sullivan's neck. She struggles against him.)", "(Camera zooms in through Ally's mouth for a CGI POV of: Her spinal column is twisted around and snaps.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) The head was rapidly twisted relative to the spinal column.", "(End of CGI. Ally passes out.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: She would have been dead within a minute. Whoever killed this poor kid knew what they were doing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COOPER RESIDENCE - KITCHEN -- DAY]", "(Kyle Cooper chops bell peppers on the cutting board. He glances at the article in the paper with the headline, \"Local Party Girl Slain\", by Ruben Munoz, Review-Journal. He stops and stares at the photo of the covered body beside the smashed car.)", "(A portion of the article reads: ... survived by her father Jack ... ... anyone with information ... ... can call LVPD at 800 ... ... car dealers have ...", "(Karl's daughter,Maddy sits on the counter and is stirring the bowl of eggs with a whisk.)", "Maddy Cooper: I don't like gruyere, daddy.", "Karl Cooper: No gruyere in it, sweetie; I promise. All right, egg me.", "(Maddy laughs, picks up the egg and cracks it on the side of the bowl. Janice walks in.)", "Maddy Cooper: Hello, Mommy. I'm cooking.", "Janice Cooper: I see that. Good morning, honey.", "(She kisses Maddy, then walks over to the counter to fill her cup with coffee.)", "Karl Cooper: Morning.", "Janice Cooper: Yeah, well, the jury's still out on that as far you're concerned. You must have had quite a night.", "Karl Cooper: Yeah. I guess I lost track of time.", "(Janice yawns.)", "Janice Cooper: That Joey's a dog. If you don't watch out, he's going to get you into trouble.", "Karl Cooper: I kind of doubt that. I wouldn't worry, though. It won't happen again. These days I'm all about you, baby.", "Maddy Cooper: I'm the baby.", "Karl Cooper: I know. I know, but daddies can have more than one baby.", "Janice Cooper: Yeah, pretty talk, talk, talk.", "(Janice reaches to sample breakfast from the platter. Karl grabs a different plate and offers her the food on it.)", "Karl Cooper: Here, wait, wait. Try this, try this. Maddy made them.", "(Janice samples a piece.)", "Janice Cooper: Mm, it's delicious. Very good.", "(Maddy beams at the praise. She reaches over and touches Karl's cleanly shaved cheek.)", "Janice Cooper: I'm glad you shaved. I barely recognized you under all that scruff. (Janice picks up part of the paper.)", "Karl Cooper: Hadn't quite finished that.", "(Janice takes the paper and leaves the kitchen.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Camera pans over a photo of the print on the plastic cup and of the ID from the print for HALL, TRENT.)", "(Brass interviews Trent Hall.)", "Brass: Hello, rapist.", "Trent Hall: Man, I'm not a rapist. I was a date rapist, which is not even the same thing. And besides, back then, roofies were in.", "Brass: So you miss the action of the good old days, huh?", "Trent Hall: It's not like that. It's not like that at all.", "(In the observation room, Grissom watches the interview.)", "Brass: What's it like?", "Trent Hall: What -- ?", "(Brass picks up the soda can and takes a sip from it. Trent Hall watches him, obviously wanting a drink. Brass deliberately puts the soda can down on the table in front of Trent.)", "Trent Hall: Can I get a soda, too? I'm, like, parched.", "Brass: You want to tell me what your fingerprints are doing on a cup in a dead girl's car?", "Trent Hall: Uh, yeah, yeah. I was out at Jet ... I was kind of faded, I guess. Um, I bumped into Ally, and she offered me a ride home. I needed it.", "Brass: So that's what you were doing on Harmon Road?", "Trent Hall: Yeah, Ally don't care where I live; she's a cool girl.", "Brass: You were close?", "Trent Hall: Oh, yeah.", "Brass: Were you banging her?", "Trent Hall: Nah.", "Brass: So, what, are you like, pen pals? Girlfriends? What?", "Trent Hall: No, look, we really didn't talk that much. But we would text all the time. That's, like, when you use your cell phone to send, like, you know, words.", "(He motions with his hands as if texting on the phone.)", "Brass: Yeah. I know what text messaging is.", "Trent Hall: Fine.", "(Brass picks up the can of soda and takes a sip from it. Trent watches him longingly.)", "Trent Hall: Sorry. Look, I'm telling you the truth, you really couldn't get Ally on the phone, it's all texting with her. Well, what do you want my DNA? You want me to pee into a cup? You want my underwear?", "(Grissom listens, then flips open the file folder and looks at the notes. It reads:", "CELL PHONE, OPEN WITH", "NUMBER ENTERED 999552", "Trent Hall: Whatever you want, you got it, cause I didn't kill Ally.", "(The voices fade into the background.)", "(Grissom takes out his cell phone.)", "Brass: (over speaker) I'll tell you what I want. I want you to write down exactly where you were last night and when. Think you can handle that?", "Trent Hall: Can I get a soda?", "Brass: Shut up and write.", "(Grissom flips open the cell phone, selects TEXT MESSAGING. He types in", "\"999552\" and comes out with: yka.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges goes over his findings with Sara.)", "Hodges: Paint scrapings from your vic's bumper are consistent with a '91 to '96 blue Ford.", "Sara: So that narrows it down to a few thousand cars in the greater Las Vegas area.", "Hodges: Yeah, but the car you're looking for is also a piece of crap.", "Sara: Make and model I get, but unless you have a new test that quantifies \"crappiness\" ...", "Hodges: Actually, take a look.", "(Sara looks through the microscope.)", "Sara: Firebird's on the left, blue Ford on the right. What's the gray-blue in the middle?", "Hodges: A mixture of rustoleum and house paint. The killer's car had exposed primer. Swanky.", "(Grissom walks in and holds up his phone.)", "Grissom: Might have found a few letters from the license plate. \"Y-K-A.\"", "Sara: You found a witness?", "Grissom: No. Just behavior. But according to Ally Sullivan's father, she was the type of girl that might have noticed the license plate of the car that hit her. And according to her good friend, she preferred text messaging to leaving voice messages. She was dying, right? Disoriented? I don't know, but maybe she thought she was texting when in fact she was just dialing her phone.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Ally Sullivan has her phone out. She looks at the license plate of the car as it drives away and dials her phone.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: That's a bit of a long shot.", "Grissom: Yeah. It's still a shot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. GOLDEN NUGGET (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CASINO - BAR -- NIGHT]", "(Karl Cooper is having a drink. In the background, we hear the news report from the nearby tv.)", "Paula Francis: (from tv) Good evening, I'm Paula Francis. A weekend of sordid crimes has Las Vegas police working double-time. At the same time, the police are doing all they can to protect residents from the ...", "(Sitting next to him is a man, Joey, who is hitting on the pretty, blonde cocktail waitress.)", "Joey: Come on, admit it. Come on. That's a little smile. Come on ... Huh? You know you're crazy about me. I want you to come back. As soon as you're done, come back.", "(The waitress leaves as Karl tries to catch Joey's attention.)", "Karl Cooper: Joey? Joey? Hey.", "(Joey turns and looks at Karl.)", "Karl Cooper: You don't hit on a cocktail waitress at the bar. Go sit at a table, then she's got a reason to come over and serve you, and it's less obvious.", "Joey: Hold on. Wait, wait. The house-husband's giving me tips on women?", "Karl Cooper: I married a cocktail waitress.", "Joey: (surprised) Janice -- cocktail?", "(Karl nods.)", "Karl Cooper: This crappy little joint in Cleveland.", "Joey: Really?", "Karl Cooper: Mm-hmm.", "Joey: I'm not looking to marry this broad. Although, she might think so. At least for tonight.", "(He laughs.)", "Karl Cooper: Joe, you're, like, 40-something, right? Shouldn't you be toning it down a little?", "Joey: Tone it down? Karl, I'm looking to take it up a notch. I got, like, ten more years of fun left and my wingman's got a curfew. No? Why'd you bail out so early last night?", "(Karl is quiet and not just a little surprised that Joey noticed his disappearance.)", "Karl Cooper: I missed my family.", "Joey: You're so sweet. You should work for Hallmark.", "Karl Cooper: I'll send them my resume.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. NASH'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT]", "(Clayton Nash is dead on his bed, shot in the chest, his eyes wide open. The manager talks with Sofia as she looks over the scene.)", "Manager: It wasn't the smell that got my attention, you know? Usually when I find a body, it's, uh ... it's very, uhm ... raunchy.", "Sofia Curtis: It's called \"decomp,\" in case you're interested.", "(On the floor, Sofia notices the discarded gun and bullet casing next to it. The gun isn't too far away from the victims bloodied hand.)", "Manager: I'll remember that for next time.", "Sofia Curtis: If it wasn't the smell, why did you check the room?", "Manager: Rent is due every week.", "Sofia Curtis: What's his name?", "Manager: We ask for cash, not names.", "(Sofia turns and glances back at him.)", "Manager: (sheepishly) We take who the casinos won't. Someone's got to do it.", "Sofia Curtis: You touch or move anything?", "Manager: First thing I did was call you guys. Got you on speed dial.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CASINO - BAR -- NIGHT]", "(The news report on the television set in the bar continues.)", "Paula Francis (newscaster): (from tv) And finally, in local crime, an update on yesterday's tragic death of Vegas party girl Ally Sullivan. Police are still examining all the evidence from the gruesome crime scene.", "(We see that Joey has turned his attention once again to the cocktail waitress. Karl is watching the news report.)", "Paula Francis (newscaster): (from tv) Detectives tell eyewitness news they have little to work with. And something that stumps them: What was the motive for the killer in this violent end to a young and beautiful life?", "(On the tv, footage changes to a small crowd of reporters gathered around Jack Sullivan's front porch. Jack Sullivan turns around to look at the cameras.)", "Reporter: (from tv) (o.s.) Mr. Sullivan, when was the last time you saw her alive?", "Jack Sullivan: (from tv) What are you people thinking? Think I'm going to say something magical, to bring Ally back to me? I'm not talking to you people.", "(Karl Cooper watches as Jack Sullivan turns and heads back inside. The reporters continue to shout question at his back.)", "Reporter: (from tv) (o.s.) Mr. Sullivan, what was your daughter doing in that section of town? You think it was drug-related?", "(Karl looks down regretfully at his drink. Footage cuts back to the newsroom.)", "Paula Francis (newscaster): (from tv) Police are hoping that passersby or other eyewitnesses will come forward to help the investigation of this terrible murder.", "(A number appears on the bottom of the TV screen: 1-800-555-0199.)", "Paula Francis (newscaster): (from tv) If you have information that might help police, you are urged to call LVPD at the toll-free number on the screen.", "(Karl looks around the bar, then nervously drinks from his glass.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. NASH'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT]", "(Sofia puts on a pair of gloves and picks up the wallet on the bedside table. The NEVADA DRIVER LICENSE READS:", "... 800592214 EXPIRES: 02-17-2007", "NASH, CLAYTON", "217 EAGLE DRIVE ...", "(She takes out her handset and makes the call.)", "Sofia Curtis: (to radio) Control, this is Detective Curtis. I'm at 1773 Twain, Riviera Suites. I got a 4-19. I need CSI.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. NASH'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine snaps a couple of photos before she stops and looks around the apartment.)", "Catherine: You know, I think I've been called out to this place before.", "(Warrick looks around the room.)", "Warrick: I think I've processed this very room before.", "(David removes the thermometer from the body.)", "David Phillips: Liver temp is close to ambient.", "(David turns the body over to check.)", "David Phillips: But lividity is fixed. (He opens the victim's mouth.) And rigidity starting to pass.", "Catherine: So he's been dead for at least twenty hours.", "(David circles the bullet hole on the body. Catherine continues to snap photos. Warrick looks around and sees the bullet casing on the floor. He picks it up and checks it.)", "Warrick: \".380 auto.\" That's federal ammo.", "(Catherine picks up the gun and checks it.)", "Catherine: .380s make a lot of noise. It's odd that no one heard anything, even in a dump like this. \"Walther PPK.\" Two shots in the body, one to the head.", "Warrick: Sounds like a professional hit to me.", "(Catherine notices the scratches on the gun's barrel.)", "Catherine: Looks like the killer used Armorall. The gun is clean.", "Warrick: Looks like the victim was doing a little cleaning of his own. He was a 12 stepper. Trying to make amends. He was on step number nine.", "Catherine: Apparently not enough.", "Warrick: Well, it's pretty obvious he came in through the window.", "(Warrick sees a large shoe stain on the carpet near the window.)", "Warrick: Whew. One thing's for sure, this killer's lugging around some pretty big dogs.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY - FRONT CURBSIDE -- DAY]", "(A man puts the package he's carrying on the car, license # 139-VGO. He turns and checks the mail for house #299. He goes through the mail, then sees a package in the mailbox. He opens the package and finds four stacks of bills. He turns and glances around the area.)", "(The scene goes out of focus and we see Karl Cooper's reflection through a side-view mirror from the nearby parked car as he watches the man.)", "(Karl takes a puff from his cigarette.)", "(The man turns, picks up his package and heads into the house.)", "(Camera holds on Karl Cooper.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY/GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Hodges catches Grissom walking through the hallway.)", "Hodges: Oh. Hey, Grissom, I just ID'd those fibers you found on Ally Sullivan's necklace.", "(He hands Grissom the report and they continue walking through the hallway.)", "Hodges: They were not from her jacket or her dress. They're made of lambskin and rabbit fur. You know, just between you and me, I used to carry a rabbit's foot. I mean, I'm not superstitious. It's just, I figure why take the chance?", "Grissom: You know, as a kid, my grandfather used to have a rabbit farm.", "(They enter the garage where Sara is receiving the crushed vehicle.)", "Grissom: Is this our Ford Taurus?", "Sara: Once upon a time.", "Hodges: Told you it was a piece of crap.", "(Hodges leaves.)", "Sara: The vehicle was abandoned near a junkyard off Boulder Highway. By the time they checked the plates, it was already in the crusher.", "(Sara pulls the license plate and shows it to Grissom, YKA 646.)", "Sara: Plates and paint are a match to your BOLO.", "Grissom: Did Brass run those tags?", "Sara: Yeah, it was last registered to a Betty Grinly in Henderson. She passed away last month.", "(She leans forward and smells the car.)", "Sara: Gasoline. They torched it.", "(Quick flashback of: Karl Cooper lights the fuse with his cigarette lighter. He stands aside as the car burns. He turns and walks away. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Grissom: So he burns the evidence near a junkyard so that they'll find it and dispose of it. Clever.", "Sara: Looks like we're dealing with a professional.", "Grissom: Professional what, though? Ally Sullivan was killed over a fender bender.", "Sara: You're right. He probably just loved his car and has a really bad temper.", "(Grissom shines his flashlight on a metal strip on the car. It has the image of a yellow pineapple and the letters A-L.)", "Grissom: And he likes pineapples.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALOHA AUTO SALES - DAY]", "(Sara interviews the salesman of the used car lot. The salesman is wearing a mustard-colored jacket and thick black-rimmed glasses.)", "Salesman: Ah, yeah, I remember that Taurus. Cheap and reliable. That combo always sells.", "Sara: Could you give me a description of the person who bought it?", "Salesman: Honey, I'm not even sure I can tell what you look like. All I remember is he came off the bus ...", "(Quick flashback to: [DAY] A man walks up to the salesman and holds out a thick stack of folded bills.)", "Salesman: (V.O.) ... he walked right up with a big wad of cash.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Salesman: I put him in that Taurus, and fifteen minutes later, he drove off the lot.", "Sara: Did you get a transaction record?", "LATER:", "[INT. ALOHA AUTO SALES --- OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(The salesman shuffles through the folders on his desk as Sara patiently waits for him to find the folder.)", "Salesman: Let's see. Taurus, Taurus, Taurus, Taurus ... ah, here you go.", "(He finds a folder and hands it to Sara. Sara opens the folder.)", "Sara: This is for a '99 Jeep Cherokee .", "(She hands the folder back to the salesman. He puts the folder label up close to his eyes to read the label. Obviously the thick glasses aren't helping a bit.)", "Salesman: It sure is.", "(He shuffles through the folders on the desk again and hands Sara another folder.)", "Salesman: Um, hold it. It's over here.", "(Sara opens the folder to find a copy of the driver's license, the photo and information obscured and blurred.)", "Salesman: How's that one look?", "Sara: (shakes her head) Not so great.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins goes over Clayton Nash's body. He removes a bullet from the torso. He washes the bullet and puts it in a bindle.)", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - DAY]", "(Bobby takes the bullet out of the bindle and looks at its markings under the scope.)", "(Bobby picks up the gun found at the crime scene and examines the barrel with a scope.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine shares her findings with Warrick.)", "Catherine: The coroner's bullets matched the Walther, but Bobby found an additional striated mark on the o-jive, so he went back to the gun. There was threading inside the muzzle.", "(Warrick picks up a photo and looks at it.)", "Warrick: Killer used a silencer.", "(Quick flash of: The killer puts the cartridge in the gun. Camera zooms into the gun. The gun is fired; the bullet is fired. It passes through the gun and through the silencer. End of flash.)", "(Catherine and Warrick both stand in front of the layout table where all the photos of the weapon and bullet are spread out.)", "Warrick: Slightest imperfection in the barrel of a silencer could explain these scratches on the bullet.", "(Warrick picks up a photo of the bullet and points to the scratches.)", "Catherine: (nods) Oh. Also explains why no one heard anything. But leave the gun, take the silencer?", "Warrick: Well, you can't legally buy a silencer, and those things are hard to make.", "Catherine: If the silencer was homemade, we might have been able to match the killer's tool marks. Assuming we ever find this guy.", "Warrick: I don't know who would go through this much trouble to kill a nobody like Nash.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COOPER RESIDENCE - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Karl Cooper sits at his worktable.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Well, he was a somebody to the killer.", "(He's typing on the computer, a framed photo of Maddy on the countertop next to him. He's on GOOGLE and enters \"CLAYTON NASH\")", "(He looks through the listing and finds: ... the body of CLAYTON NASH was ... the site of Ally Sullivan's murder ... - Cached", "(He clicks on the site and finds the page:", "ROCKETBOOM Daily with Amanda Congdon \"... the body of Clayton Nash was found just two blocks away from the site of Ally Sullivan's murder ... \"", "(The streaming video starts playing.)", "Amanda Congdon (reporter): Hey, people, Amanda Congdon from with this week's creep report. If you were planning on checking out that new club, Bubbles, down near Harmon and Twain, you might want to think twice, because the corpses are really piling up down there. The body of Clayton Nash was found just two blocks away from the site of Ally Sullivan's murder, and the killer's still at large. Is this just another crime spree, or the work of one deranged maniac? Don't ask the cops. They don't have a clue. Remember, Amanda warned you.", "(The garage door opens.)", "Janice: Karl?", "(Karl immediately shuts the page down. A photo of Mandy appears on the screen.)", "Karl Cooper: Mm.", "(Janice, who is carrying Maddy, walks into the garage. Karl gets to his feet.)", "Janice Cooper: What are you doing?", "Karl Cooper: Oh.", "Janice Cooper: Not even ready for dinner.", "Karl Cooper: I was checking our stocks.", "Janice Cooper: Well, you're not wearing that to the Eiffel Tower.", "Karl Cooper: I'll throw some clothes on.", "Janice Cooper: Hurry up. My mom's waiting for Maddy. I don't want to lose that table.", "Karl Cooper: Two seconds.", "(Karl leaves. Janice walks up to the computer and moves the mouse.)", "Janice Cooper: Okay. Well, now, who's that beautiful girl, huh?", "(She chuckles as the login appears. She types in a password. The computer beeps and shows, \"INCORRECT PASSWORD\". She tries again. Still, she gets", "\"INCORRECT PASSWORD\".)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Archie scans the blurry copy of the DMV license into the computer.)", "(He works on clearing up the license photo.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM]", "(Sara opens the MAY 2005 TRANSIT GUIDE to page 107 for Boulder Highway. She uses the guide to mark the large map on the table.)", "(She locates the times and marks the map with a red pen. She follows the route down the map.)", "(She looks at Invoice #459465, for Customer Order No. 08769542, dated 1-27-06, made out at 4:46 pm for 1 1995 Ford Taurus", "VIN # 0155554UT598741.", "AMOUNT: $1,500.00", "(She marks the area on the map and looks at it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews the bus driver.)", "Brass: So, you drive route 107 southbound during the week, is that right?", "Bus Driver: 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Yeah, I'm a morning person.", "Brass: Now, is there any chance, any chance at all, that you remember this guy? I know it's not the best picture.", "(Brass shows the bus driver the blurry DMV photo.)", "Bus Driver: Oh, yeah. I let him out on stop \"E\" around 4:30 day before yesterday.", "Brass: Oh, you know, you get hundreds of people on and off your bus every day. We got to be sure -- are you sure you remember him?", "Bus Driver: I look at every face that steps on my ride. I saw the movie 'Speed' -- I'm not gonna be hijacked.", "Brass: Well, you know, actually 'Speed', it ... it wasn't hijacked, it was wired to explode.", "Bus Driver: Whatever.", "Brass: Well, all right. What exactly do you remember about him?", "Bus Driver: He paid in cash, told me to keep the change -- everybody else uses a bus pass. He was a real gentleman -- tucked-in shirt, new shoes ... nice smell. Kind of stands out on my route.", "Brass: So I guess you remember where you picked him up, then?", "Bus Driver: He came walking out of the desert like Moses himself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT (ROUTE SIGN 201) -- DAY]", "(Nick, Greg and Sara stand in front of CAT Busline's Route 201 stop sign.)", "Greg: So the bus driver said the guy got on here? You sure this is a working stop?", "Sara: You know, the CAT bus stops here 59 times a day.", "Greg: For what?", "(They look around and sees ATV riders in the distance.)", "Sara: Construction workers, hikers, migrants. The name on the driver's license was fake, but the picture's got to be real. I'm gonna go ... wave it around the neighborhood.", "(Sara turns and leaves.)", "Nick: Okay.", "(Greg and Nick walk down the road where they pass more ATV riders.)", "Greg: Assuming our guy's not from around here, how'd he get here?", "Nick: (indicates the ATV vehicles) The same way they did.", "(Nick finds a set of motorcycle tire tracks.)", "Greg: Every time I come to the desert, I see porno mags. Who brings spankables out here?", "(Nick sees discarded magazines.)", "Nick: It's probably just trash blown in from off the street.", "Greg: Nobody throws away p0rn. They're like heirlooms. Passed on down the family tree.", "(Nick follows the tire tracks as Greg's rambling becomes more and more distant.)", "(At the end of the tire tracks, Nick finds a large pile of black ash and burned items.)", "Nick: Hey, Greg. Come here and check this out.", "(Greg joins Nick.)", "Nick: A single set of ATV tracks goes off the trail back there into here -- killer could've dumped the ATV and then got on the bus.", "(Greg snaps photos of the pile. Greg and Nick sift through the items in the pile. He finds a shoe.)", "Greg: Whoever was here had some big shoes.", "(He finds some socks.)", "Greg: Not necessarily big feet. Multiple socks.", "Nick: Another precaution to cover your tracks.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] The killer drops the items into the large fire. End of flashback.)", "Greg: Assuming it's our guy.", "(Greg snaps another photo of the burned items.)", "Nick: I'd say it's our guy.", "(Nick finds a burned rubber glove with its middle finger pointed high in the air. He shows the glove to Greg.)", "Nick: And I think he just gave us the finger.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Grissom goes through the items from the pile of ashes in the desert. Hodges walks in.)", "Hodges: I have an update for you. The burned gloves that Nick submitted are lambskin lined with rabbit's fur. They're consistent with the fibers found in Ally Sullivan's necklace.", "Grissom: Good.", "(Hodges turns and leaves.)", "Grissom: Thanks.", "Hodges: Mm-hmm.", "(Grissom continues to sift through the pile of ashes. He finds an item that looks like a silencer.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - SOFIA'S DESK]", "(Catherine talks with Sofia.)", "Catherine: I'm guessing that Clayton Nash had a record.", "Sofia Curtis: 1985, aiding and abetting, extortion in '87, armed robbery in '92, assault in '95, uh, loan sharking the same year.", "Catherine: I get the drift.", "Sofia Curtis: But, uh, take a look at this -- it's FBI surveillance.", "(She hands Catherine a photo of a group of men in baseball caps and mitts sitting on the park tables under a pavilion. The figure of a man sitting on the table is highlighted.)", "Catherine: What is this, summer camp?", "Sofia Curtis: Well, not the kind you want to send your kid to -- they're bank robbers.", "Catherine: All of them?", "Sofia Curtis: Apparently, Nash and his buddies would get together every year, talk shop, hire hookers, play flag football. Nash did mostly grunt work -- driver, lookout. Never handled the cash. He got busted in an armored car heist in Ohio ten years ago. Testified against practically everyone he'd ever worked with.", "Catherine: Well, that certainly explains why someone would want to kill him.", "Sofia Curtis: Most of those people in the picture are either dead or in prison.", "Catherine: Who isn't?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. GOLDEN NUGGET - BAR]", "(Joey walks up to the Bar toward Karl Cooper, who is already there nursing his drink.)", "Joey: (to bartender) Give me a Heine, please. (to Karl) What is that? Anybody should be drinking water, it's me, let me tell ya. Really blasted my quads. Let's do shooters. Wanna?", "Karl Cooper: Let's pretend ... that you're wearing a suit, and let's pretend we're in your office, and let's pretend I just cut you a big check for your services because you are still my damn lawyer.", "Joey: (suddenly serious) All right, man, all right, I'm listening.", "Karl Cooper: There's some stuff I need. No particular order.", "(He gives Joey a list. Joey looks at it.)", "Joey: Credit card blanks? DMV license blanks? What is this?", "Karl Cooper: No questions.", "Joey: Laminating machine, blank bar code labels. What are you doing? What makes you think I can even get this stuff?", "Karl Cooper: I know the guys you represent. I'm one of 'em. I need the stuff fast. Don't let me down.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB]", "(Bobby works on the silencer Grissom found in the pile of ashes.)", "(He attaches the silencer to the gun and tests it. He examines the bullet under a scope and finds the match.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM]", "(Grissom, Catherine, Warrick and Sara meet and discuss the case.)", "Grissom: There was no reason to connect the two murders until ballistics matched the silencer we found in the desert with the gun you found at the Riviera Suites.", "Catherine: Two murders, same killer.", "Sara: Here's how we think things went down. The killer drove his ATV into the desert, concealed it in the brush, takes a bus to a used car lot and buys a blue Taurus.", "Warrick: Then he drives to the apartment, puts a cap in Clayton Nash, gets into his car and drives away, free and clear.", "Catherine: It's a good plan, well executed.", "Grissom: Yeah, right up until the point that Ally Sullivan smashed into his car.", "Sara: Collateral damage -- he killed her so she couldn't identify him.", "Warrick: Okay, that all sounds great. How do we find the guy?", "Catherine: We know his original target, Clayton Nash. Small-time hood who gave up a lot of his big-time cronies. He's got a list of enemies.", "Grissom: How many guys got convicted off Nash's testimony?", "Catherine: Seven. Three of them are still in prison. One is dead, one is out on parole, and two served their time and are now out.", "Warrick: So we have three potential killers and nothing to tie them to either crime scene.", "Sara: Not quite. I ruled out most of the prints from Ally Sullivan's car -- the vic, the father, her boyfriend -- but there were a few unidentified partials.", "(Sara hands the print cards to Grissom, who looks through it.)", "Catherine: It's not enough detail to run through AFIS?", "Grissom: Well, if this guy is a major case felon, then his prints are definitely in the system.", "Warrick: I dusted every inch of that apartment window. He never took off his gloves.", "(Grissom again looks at the print cards.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Grissom looks at a print card for:", "LVPD 06 02 01 - 1158B GG", "1995 FIREBIRD DRIVER SIDE WINDOW", "(Quick flash of: The killer and Ally Sullivan struggle. The killer puts his hand on the car window to brace himself. The part of the base of his palm not covered by the glove hits the window. End of flash.)", "(Grissom looks through the print cards of the suspects:", "LYLE, PETER", "#6587-7438-73698F", "(He visually compares the prints.)", "(He looks at the second suspect's print card:", "COOPER, KARL", "#4569-8741-56998A", "(He finds a visual match.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COOPER RESIDENCE - GARAGE]", "(Janice finds the card machine and a fake driver's license and several credit cards for a JORDAN DEAN. She finds more fake cards on Karl's worktable in the garage.)", "(Karl opens the garage door.)", "Janice Cooper: You going somewhere?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COOPER RESIDENCE - GARAGE]", "(Janice and Karl talk.)", "Janice Cooper: (upset) The fake ID cards?! The staying out all night, and then this mysterious ATV ride in the desert.", "Karl Cooper: You gave me the ATV for my birthday. I ride it because I love you.", "Janice Cooper: Yeah, at three o'clock in the morning?", "Karl Cooper: Yeah.", "Janice Cooper: Uh-uh. You're planning a job.", "Karl Cooper: I'm not planning a job! You know I don't do that anymore.", "Janice Cooper: You're a liar, Karl. You're lying!", "Karl Cooper: Honey, listen -- honey! Janice, look ... I had to take care of something.", "Janice Cooper: And what's that supposed to mean?", "Karl Cooper: I killed Clayton Nash.", "Janice Cooper: You even think about Maddy? Your daughter? You promised ... on her life, you promised! (She hits him.) No more robberies!", "Karl Cooper: I don't do robberies anymore.", "Janice Cooper: Now you just kill people.", "Karl Cooper: He was a rat.", "Janice Cooper: Oh, Karl. All the waiting. All the maneuvering, the lying. I did it. And I did it for us, for this family. I kept money in our wallets. I invested it, so all you had to do was watch football on TV.", "Karl Cooper: And Nash was the reason. The reason that you had to hide the money and live on the run. I never got caught! And I never would've got caught, except for that ... that lousy junkie who gave me up. I only had one rule: You never talk! And he talked.", "Janice Cooper: And you jeopardized everything we have for some scumbag that nobody gives a damn about.", "Karl Cooper: Janice, he called me four weeks ago. He said, \"I'm in town for a while. Maybe we could we get together.\" He had something to tell me. Tell me what? \"I'm sorry? I'm sorry I stole seven years of your life.\" I-I couldn't let it go.", "Janice Cooper: Oh, God, he had it coming. And you were careful, right? So what's with the fake IDs? Karl? You don't make mistakes.", "Karl Cooper: I didn't. Somebody else did. A girl named Ally Sullivan.", "Janice Cooper: The ... the girl on the tv? Oh, Karl! Oh, God, she was just a kid!", "Karl Cooper: She crashed into my car right after I did Nash. She was gonna call the cops. I had to do it. I had to.", "Janice Cooper: I want you to go up the stairs. I want you to kiss Maddy. I want you to tell her that you love her ... and I want you to get out of this house.", "(Janice turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Catherine is talking with Grissom.)", "Catherine: Karl Cooper. At age 19, he was an Army Ranger. By 42, he was one of the most successful bank robbers in U.S. History. He pulled off dozens of heists, going back two decades, all without killing a single person, and he was known to his bank-robbing buddies as \"Red.\"", "Grissom: He doesn't have red hair.", "Catherine: Well, he got the nickname because he was always in debt ... \"in the red.\"", "Grissom: Do we have 'In The Red's address?", "Catherine: Last known was the U.S. Federal Penitentiary in Marion, Illinois. When Nash gave him up, Cooper plead guilty. He served the full seven years' term. He got out, dropped off the face of the earth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Nick is on the computer working on the tire print from the desert. He runs it through the database and finds a match to a:", "Brand: DUNLOP", "Tyle: KT577A", "PATTERN: BLOCK", "DROOVE: 3", "ATV MODELS CONSISTENT WITH DUNLOP KT577A", "VEHICLE MODEL 1: KAWASAKI, ATV 04552F", "VEHICLE MODEL 2: HONDA, ATV 0157FS", "VEHICLE MODEL 3: YAMAHA, ATV 01254SE", "VEHICLE MODEL 4: TOYOTA, ATV 01452SFS )", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Nick reports his findings to Catherine and Grissom.)", "Nick: The tire model is a Dunlop KT-345. I checked with the local dealers. The only ATV that uses that particular type of tire has only been on the market for about a year. It's called the Yamaha Raptor. So I got the list of the names of everybody in Las Vegas who's recently bought one. The only Cooper on the list is female -- Janice.", "Catherine: Well, Karl Cooper had a girlfriend back in Ohio, a Janice Hanford. I mean, she could be Cooper now.", "Grissom: Do we have her address?", "Nick: Yeah. It's, uh, second page.", "(Nick hands the list to Grissom, who looks at it.)", "Grissom: I think you broke the case, Nick.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY ( STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY - STREET -- DAY]", "(Sirens blaring, officer cars speed down the street toward the Cooper's house.)", "(The cars stop in front of the house, tires screeching.)", "[INT./EXT. COOPER RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Inside the house, Janice Cooper sits at the small wicker table with her daughter Maddy. Through the closed sheer curtains, she sees the cars outside.)", "Janice Cooper: Maddy ... sweetie, come with me, okay?", "(She picks Maddy up.)", "(Officers rush toward the door. Someone pounds on the door.)", "Officer: Las Vegas police. Open up!", "(Janice Cooper opens the door. The officers with their guns in hand enter the residence. Brass enters last.)", "Brass: Janice Cooper?", "Janice Cooper: Yeah.", "Brass: We're looking for your husband.", "Janice Cooper: He's not here.", "(He looks around.)", "Brass: Don't take it personally, but I'm not going to take your word for that.", "Janice Cooper: You guys never do. Look around all you like.", "Brass: Please step outside with the child. It's for your own safety.", "Janice Cooper: Like I said, he's not here.", "(Janice steps outside.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[EXT. BUS - SIDEWALK - DAY]", "(Karl Cooper reaches the bus station. He's carrying a heavy overnight bag. He puts the bag down as he puts a cigarette in his mouth.)", "(He lights his cigarette.)", "[INT. COOPER RESIDENCE - GARAGE - DAY]", "(Nick enters the garage and sees the ATV. He snaps a photo of the vehicle.)", "(He walks up to Karl's workstation and snaps a photo of the items on the counter, including a homemade silencer.)", "(He takes out a glove and uses it to pick up the silencer. He looks at it.)", "(Inside the house, Maddy looks at Brass.)", "Maddy Cooper: Mommy doesn't like you.", "Brass: Really? Well, that's too bad. She hardly even knows me.", "Janice Cooper: Maddy, you be nice, baby, okay?", "Brass: Definitely. Let's all be nice.", "Nick: Jim ... ATV has the right tires and there are plenty of machine tools and parts back there to build a silencer.", "Brass: (to Janice) Where's Karl?", "Janice Cooper: Go to hell.", "Brass: All right. Here's the way it is. You're going to jail, she's going to Child Services. End of story.", "Janice Cooper: I've had cops in my face for half my life. You don't scare me.", "(The phone rings.)", "Brass: Well, maybe that's your lawyer now.", "(Janice answers it.)", "Janice Cooper: (to phone) Hello?", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[EXT. BUS STATION - SIDEWALK - DAY]", "(Karl is on the phone.)", "Karl Cooper: (to phone) Just answer yes or no -- are the cops there?", "Janice Cooper: (to phone) Yes.", "Karl Cooper: (to phone) Are they threatening to take Maddy?", "Janice Cooper: (to phone) Yes.", "Karl Cooper: (to phone) That's what happens when you marry a crook.", "Janice Cooper: (to phone) (whispers) I think they're tracing this call.", "Brass: I'll take that phone.", "(Brass takes the phone from Janice.)", "(Karl hangs up. He looks in front of him and sees an officer near the bus.)", "(He takes a drag from his cigarette, exhales and drops it on the sidewalk. He smashes the butt with his shoe and leaves it there.)", "(Karl walks up to the officer, whose back it to him.)", "Karl Cooper: Hey, officer.", "(The officer turns around as Karl puts his bag down.)", "Officer: Yup?", "Karl Cooper: I'm going to make your day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BULLPEN - DAY]", "(The officers in the bullpen congratulate the officer at the bus station.)", "(In the hallway, an officer escorts Karl Cooper into an interview room where Grissom is. Grissom puts on a pair of gloves.)", "Grissom: Uncuff him, will you, Mitch?", "(Officer Mitchell removes the handcuffs.)", "Officer Mitchell: Karl. Don't do anything stupid.", "Grissom: Palms out, please.", "(Karl holds his hands out in front of him, palms up.)", "Karl Cooper: I know the drill.", "(Grissom rolls some ink on his right hand. Karl puts his hand and palm print down on the card in front of him.)", "(Grissom inks Karl's left hand. Karl looks at Grissom.)", "Karl Cooper: So, tell me ... where'd I go wrong?", "(Grissom looks at him.)", "Grissom: You killed two people.", "(Karl puts his left palm print down on the card.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "A half-naked woman is found half buried in the desert with a branding on her arm. She has no hair and is missing her right hand. The woman turns out to be Lady Heather 's estranged daughter. The autopsy reveals that the woman was a victim of an experiment and starved to death. The team investigates the Betz Clinic where the deceased underwent a sleep therapy session for her insomnia." ]
[ "DUE TO MATURE THEME, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED", "COLD OPEN.", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS DESERT (STOCK) -- DAY]", "(Heavy winds blow sand across the desert, making it difficult to see.)", "(A car travels along the road through the sight-obscured desert.)", "[EXT. DESERT (OFF HIGHWAY 55, NEAR SPARKS) - DAY]", "(Grissom arrives at the site and parks near the other officers' cars. In front of them, Brass is talking with a man in a heavy jacket. Brass has his hand over his nose and mouth to keep the dust and sand out.)", "(Grissom gets out of the car and joins Brass.)", "Brass: Guy was on his way to a landscaping job in Palm Springs. Saw a body sticking out of the sand.", "Grissom: Well, out this far, it's probably a body dump.", "(They reach the body. Nick is already there.)", "Nick: Looks like they starved her to death first.", "(They get a good look at the body. A bald, thin woman in her underwear partially covered by the blowing sand.)", "Brass: Well, Jesus fasted in the desert.", "Grissom: Yeah, but he had a choice.", "Nick: No clothes, no shoes, no hair.", "(The coroner's van arrives and backs up to the spot.)", "Brass: Maybe her dome was shaved 'cause she spent time in the pen.", "Nick: No right hand either. Could have been disarticulated by a wild animal.", "Brass: The only wild animal was the one who left her out here.", "(David Phillips gets out of the van and joins them.)", "David Phillips: Hey, Grissom.", "(Grissom turns and looks at David Phillips.)", "David Phillips: Conditions are less than ideal. Is it okay if we just do a scoop and run?", "Grissom: Yeah, David, shoe prints, tire treads -- all they are is ...", "Brass: ... Dust in the wind.", "(David smiles, turns and heads back to the truck to get his things. Grissom leans forward and notices the brand on the victim's upper left arm: 19.)", "Grissom: Looks like she was branded.", "Brass: Emaciated, bald, and numbered. What does that remind you of?", "(Grissom turns and looks at him.)", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins, Nick and David Phillips are around the victim on the morgue table. Nick sits on the seat to the left of Robbins as he looks at the #19 branded on the victim's upper arm.)", "Nick: Branding.", "Robbins: A brand is a kind of contract.", "(Phillips takes a swab from the victim's right wrist.)", "Nick: Tell that to a bull when he gets stuck on his rear with a hot iron.", "Robbins: In that case, it signifies ownership. To a Maori tribesman, or a marine, it signifies belonging. (to Phillips) Did you get a liver temp?", "David Phillips: Couldn't get an accurate reading. You want me to pull vitreous from the eye?", "Robbins: Yeah. One eye is much more desiccated than the other.", "Nick: Could be an infection.", "Robbins: Take samples from both.", "(Phillips sticks a needle in the victim's left eye to take a sample of the fluids inside as Nick watches.)", "Robbins: The eye is sequestered space. Changes that happen in the blood after death happen more slowly in the vitreous. Could give us more accurate levels.", "(Phillips gets a second needle and sticks it in the victim's right eye to get a sample. He pulls the needle and the entire eye pops out of the victim's eye socket.)", "(Nick closes his eyes at the sight.)", "(Phillips is at a loss as to what to do next.)", "Phillips: Um ... Dr. Robbins ...", "(Robbins turns around and looks at the eye.)", "Robbins: The optic nerve's been severed.", "Nick: (swallows hard) That kind of defeats the purpose of an eye transplant, doesn't it?", "(David puts the eye aside.)", "Robbins: An eye transplant's just the cornea; it's not the whole eye. David, check the other eye.", "(David sticks his fingers in the left eye to see whether it comes out easily. It doesn't.)", "Phillips: This one's still connected.", "Robbins: Well, clip it. Nick, send both eyes to DNA.", "(Nick raises his hand and looks away. He gets it.)", "Nick: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(Wendy Simms puts on a fresh pair of latex gloves. In the specimen containers in front of her are the two eyes taken from the victim.)", "(She grabs the container with the right eye and opens it. She removes the eye and sticks a needle inside to get a sample of the fluid. She dispenses the fluid in a test tube.)", "(She grabs the second container with the left eye and opens it. The label on the container reads:", "LEFT EYE 427872-GG Date Found, Located or Developed; 2/6/06 ROUTE 17 ETV", "Where this article was found: Removed from Victim #872 G. Grissom )", "(She opens the container and takes a sample of the fluid with a needle. She empties the liquid into a test tube.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Robbins is in the middle of his autopsy. He pulls out a metal bit from the victim's mouth. He looks at it, then puts it in a container. He tightens the container cover and puts it aside.)", "(Grissom enters the room. He's putting his gloves on.)", "Robbins: Pull up a chair. It's been a long, strange trip for this poor girl. I found puncture wounds around her glandular areas, from large-gauge needles commonly used to draw out fluids.", "Grissom: Maybe she was undergoing some kind of medical treatment.", "(Grissom picks up the container with the metal bits in it. He looks at it.)", "Grissom: What's in this?", "Robbins: I'm not sure. I found it in her teeth. Could be from her last meal. Also, another surprise: She had a D & C.", "Grissom: Abortion?", "Robbins: Well, maybe polyps, hyperplasia.", "Grissom: Infection?", "Robbins: And how. Starvation shrinks a lot of things, but not your organs.", "(Robbins points to the victim's organs. Grissom leans forward to look.)", "Grissom: They're all abscessed.", "Robbins: Which explains why I couldn't find the liver. There's not much left.", "Grissom: What, some kind of flesh-eating disease?", "Robbins: (nods) Necrotizing faciitis. I've never seen anything like this.", "(Quick CGI POV to: Camera zooms quickly toward an open wound on the arm and into the flesh inside. Green bits of bacteria eat the flesh inside.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) Typically streptococcus enters through an open wound and starts eating through the skin, then uses the blood stream as a conduit to reach the internal organs.", "(The bacteria flow through the bloodstream, pass through the walls and penetrates the organs.)", "(Camera zooms, out focusing on the organs which quickly deteriorate.)", "(End of CGI POV. Resume to present.)", "Robbins: In her case, the bacteria started in her blood stream. Means her skin is fine.", "Grissom: Maybe the puncture wounds were used to put something in, rather than take something out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY TO DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(On their way back to the DNA lab, Wendy Simms shares her findings with Sara.)", "Wendy Simms: So Henry found oxycodone and chlorpromazine in both the right and left eye. Now, one kills pain and the other puts a lid on panic.", "Sara: Chlorpromazine-- they give that to mental patients.", "(They enter the DNA Lab.)", "Wendy Simms: Yeah, but this gets so much weirder. Because that dead up eyeball -- it actually belongs to somebody else.", "Sara: What?", "Wendy Simms: See, the vitreous fluid from her eyeball showed that she'd only been dead for a day; but the DNA from the other eyeball, well, it was male, and it seems to have been separated from its owner for about a week. So, I ran it through CODIS. And the eyeball belonged to a Jack Landers, who is a convicted s*x offender.", "Sara: Would sticking your eyeball in a woman's eye socket constitute a s*x offense?", "Wendy Simms: Well, rape is legally defined as putting an unwanted foreign object into a genital opening. So sexual ... no ...", "Sara: But offensive ... yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. STREET -- NIGHT]", "(Brass and Sara walk with Parole Officer Ruben Caster.)", "Ruben Caster: Look, guy got out of jail six weeks ago. A weenie wagger with two eyes. As a parolee, he has to check in with me once a month. Missed our last appointment, but before I could file the paperwork, he showed up here, across from his halfway house, thinking he's Captain Crunch.", "(They stop. In front of them is Jack Landers, dressed like a bum, his back turned toward them. He's mumbling under his breath.)", "Ruben Caster: They thought he was piped up on something, but his urine was clean and his high hasn't faded.", "(He hands the folder to Sara to look at.)", "Ruben Caster: Hey, Jack.", "(Jack Landers turns to look at them. He's wearing an eye patch over his right eye.)", "'CAPT' JACK LANDERS: Captain Jack to you. Ahoy, mateys.", "Ruben Caster: Captain Jack, these people want to ask you some questions.", "'CAPT' JACK LANDERS: (mumbles) Orphaned at the age of five. Stowed away on the Good Ship Lollipop. The sea ... is an evil mistress. Spit me out and fed me to the beast.", "(He leans in close to Brass.)", "'CAPT' JACK LANDERS: A puppet I am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY/ EXAM ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Nick enters the hallway and finds Sara waiting for him.)", "Nick: Hey, Sara, got your message. No AFIS hits on my Jane Doe. So I put a bulletin out to surrounding agencies and the media. Maybe somebody will recognize her from the photo. Where you at right now?", "Sara: On the train to crazyville.", "(They head for the exam room.)", "Nick: Did you get a peek under the patch?", "Sara: No, no, no. I left that for the doctor.", "(They enter the exam room where the doctor is trying to check Jack, who is sitting on the bed.)", "Dr. Mulligan: Jack, look this way.", "(Jack mumbles loudly to himself.)", "Dr. Mulligan: I need you to sit still for me.", "'CAPT' JACK LANDERS: Where's my patch?", "(The doctor lifts Jack's head and shines his penlight into Jack's right eye socket.)", "Dr. Mulligan: Come on, look this way.", "'CAPT' JACK LANDERS: (mumbles) Draw my sword ... make you walk the plank.", "(Dr. Mulligan looks into Jack's eye socket and finds it empty.)", "Dr. Mulligan: Jack, were you in an accident or a recent fight?", "'CAPT' JACK LANDERS: Captain Jack don't do much recallin'.", "Dr. Mulligan: Did he have an ocular tumor, or recent surgery?", "Sara: I have no idea. He's a suspect in a murder investigation. Do you think he's crazy, or ... ?", "(Dr. Mulligan picks up a patient robe for Jack.)", "Dr. Mulligan: I think he's been lobotomized. (to Jack) Jack, I want you to undress and put this on for me. I want to do a CT scan to confirm, but in the '30s and '40s lobotomies were often done via the eye socket.", "Nick: Right, right, but lobotomies -- they're not common practice today?", "(Jack removes his shirt and we see the branding on his upper arm: 13.)", "Dr. Mulligan: Hardly.", "Sara: Nick ... take a look at his arm.", "Nick: He's not a suspect; he's a victim.", "(He looks at Sara.)", "Nick: Jane Doe is #19.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Brass is in his office.)", "Brass: I know it's tough, but we're going to need you to identify the body.", "(A woman sits in front of his desk. Her back is to us. She has long, dark hair.)", "Lady Heather: Fine.", "Brass: Someone from the coroner's office will get in touch with you.", "(Around her neck, the woman wears a black and silver crucifix on a matching chain. She grabs it.)", "Lady Heather: For reasons I think we both understand, I would appreciate some level of anonymity.", "Brass: Sure, I'll do my best.", "(The woman stands up. Still we see only her back.)", "Lady Heather: Thank you, Captain Brass.", "Brass: Thanks for coming in.", "(The woman turns and heads for the door.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Lady Heather exits Brass' office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Grissom is in his office looking through a book. He has the page on eye-socket lobotomies tabbed. The picture in the book is graphic.)", "(He turns the page to show two more photos of the procedure.)", "Brass: (o.s.) The, uh ...", "(Grissom looks up as Brass walks in his office.)", "Brass: The Jane Doe is Zoe Kessler. Her mother saw her picture on the news and identified her as her estranged daughter. I did a DMV check, and I have the victim's last known address.", "(Grissom puts the book down on his desk.)", "Grissom: Good. I'll come with you.", "Brass: There's something you should know. The mother's a friend of yours.", "(Grissom takes his glasses off.)", "Grissom: (distracted) Who's that?", "Brass: Lady Heather.", "(Surprised, Grissom looks straight at Brass.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. ZOE'S APARTMENT -- DAY]", "(Brass opens the apartment door.)", "Brass: Apartment 106.", "(Brass, Grissom and Catherine enter Zoe's apartment.)", "Brass: The landlord was getting ready to evict her.", "(Catherine snaps several photos of the mail on the floor behind the door. Grissom and Brass look around; Catherine picks up the mail to look through it. There's an officer posted in the hallway outside the door.)", "(Grissom shines his flashlight through the closet and sees nothing but clothes on hangers and shoes on the floor. He moves over to the desk and looks at the book titles on her shelf.)", "Grissom: Freud, Goethe ...", "(He picks up a book and looks at the cover.)", "Grissom: (surprised) Rilke ... in German. Briefe an einen jungen Dichter.", "(Brass returns to the room.)", "Brass: Nothing sounds good in German.", "(Catherine continues to sort through the mail.)", "Catherine: How did she get from Harvard to here?", "Brass: Practice, practice, practice.", "Grissom: How do you know she was at Harvard?", "Catherine: Lady Heather told me. She was very proud of her.", "(She finds the date of the mail from NOV 12 2005.)", "Catherine: Well, it looks as though she hasn't checked her mail in ten weeks. The postmark dates back to November 12th.", "Brass: She died yesterday. Where's she been all this time?", "(Grissom sees a note reminder on the desk.)", "Grissom: This looks like an appointment. \"Betz, 11-12, 7:00 P.M.\"", "(Grissom checks the answering machine.)", "Answering Machine: First message:", "Audrey: (from answering machine) Hi, this is Audrey at the Betz Clinic. We're just calling to see how you're feeling. Give us a call.", "Answering Machine: Second message:", "Audrey: (from answering machine) Hi, this is Audrey at the Betz Clinic. We didn't hear from you, and we have some follow-up questions about your tests. Please call us.", "Answering Machine: Third message:", "Woman 2 (citibank): (from answering machine) This is Citibank. We're trying to reach Zoe Kessler.", "(Grissom opens the desk drawer.)", "Catherine: Betz Clinic?", "Brass: (sighs) Yeah. I'll check it out.", "Woman 2 (citibank): (from answering machine) ... At 1-800-555-01 ...", "(Grissom takes out a photo of a young, blonde-haired woman standing next to an older, dark-haired man with glasses. Grissom notices Zoe's eyes.)", "Grissom: Heterochromia. It appears Zoe had one blue eye and one brown eye.", "Brass: The pirate had one blue eye.", "(He looks at the second photo of Zoe with Lady Heather.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Lady Heather and Robbins stand aside the open morgue table with Zoe's body. There's an eerie moment of silence as Lady Heather stares at her daughter on the table.)", "Lady Heather: What happened to her?", "Robbins: We're trying to find out.", "Lady Heather: May I touch her?", "Robbins: Go ahead.", "(She reaches out and gently places the palm of her hand against her daughter's cheek. She slowly runs her hand down her daughter's face to her shoulders to her upper arm. She finds the branding.)", "Lady Heather: This required skill ... and the infliction of pain. Did you shave her head?", "(She doesn't look at Robbins; her eyes are on her daughter.)", "Robbins: No, she was found like this.", "Lady Heather: Can you tell if she's ever given birth?", "Robbins: There was some scarring on her pelvic bones, but given the condition of the body, it's hard to say for sure.", "Lady Heather: She always wore her grandmother's ring on her right hand. (She looks at Robbins.) Did you find it?", "(Robbins doesn't answer her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY OUTSIDE FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Grissom waits outside the hallway, a file folder in his hands. Lady Heather exits the morgue and stops abruptly when she sees Grissom there.)", "Grissom: Hi. I'm so sorry about your loss.", "Lady Heather: But you need to ask me some questions.", "Grissom: I'd like to know some things about your daughter. When was the last time you saw her?", "Lady Heather: She dropped out of school about a year ago. I didn't even know she was in town.", "Grissom: So you weren't in contact with her?", "Lady Heather: No.", "Grissom: Can you tell me why?", "Lady Heather: What difference does it make now?", "Grissom: Did she have any medical conditions?", "Lady Heather: Not that I know of.", "Grissom: Because in November, she participated in a medical study at the Betz Clinic. Right after that, she went missing.", "Lady Heather: Where was she found?", "Grissom: In the desert.", "Lady Heather: Just out in the middle of nowhere?", "Grissom: Off highway 55, near Sparks.", "(She's quiet. A grim look of determination crosses her face.)", "Lady Heather: I have to go.", "(Lady Heather brushes past Grissom and leaves. He turns around and watches her go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BETZ PHARMACEUTICAL -- DAY]", "(The receptionist is busy answering the phones.)", "Receptionist: Betz Pharmaceutical. Can you hold, please? Betz Pharmaceutical. Can you hold, please? Thank you. Betz Pharmaceutical. Can I help you? He's on the line right now. May I take a message? And your phone number?", "(Dr. Jacob Wolfowitz walks out behind the reception area. He walks over to Catherine and Greg. He hands Catherine the file folder.)", "Jacob Wolfowitz: Here are the files on Zoe Kessler that you asked for in the warrant along with a list of everyone who was here on November 12th.", "Catherine: Including the employees?", "Jacob Wolfowitz: Yeah. The nighttime staff's pretty minimal. I was supervising that night.", "Greg: What brought Zoe in?", "Jacob Wolfowitz: Chronic insomnia. She came in for an overnight sleep study but left early.", "Greg: Was there a problem?", "Jacob Wolfowitz: No. Some people just get freaked out spending a night in a strange place. Happens all the time.", "Catherine: We'll need to see those testing rooms.", "(They turn and head to the back.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[INT. BETZ PHARMACEUTICAL - TESTING ROOM HALLWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine peers into the small window in the door of a testing room. Inside, it appears to be like a normal bedroom - a single bed and night table with lamp.)", "Jacob Wolfowitz: As you can see, we try to make the facility as normal as possible.", "Greg: Put a TV in there, it wouldn't be half bad.", "Jacob Wolfowitz: But that would defeat the purpose. We can't have anything in there that would reveal the actual time.", "Catherine: How do you monitor your patients?", "Jacob Wolfowitz: Our monitoring process is twofold.", "(He walks down the hallway.)", "Jacob Wolfowitz: Electrodes measure EKG and REM sleep, and we have a vid cam in the room to help insure the patients actually stay in bed.", "Greg: You worried about hanky-panky?", "Jacob Wolfowitz: Sleepwalking. After the meds are distributed, we ask that the patients assume a sleep-ready position. Many people assume they have insomnia simply because they don't get in bed.", "Catherine: What is your screening process?", "Jacob Wolfowitz: It's intensive. There's a written application, a personal interview, physical exam. We only take people in the normal range. You'd be surprised how many people just want a pharmaceutical lullaby these days.", "Catherine: No, I wouldn't.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Greg reports back to Grissom.)", "Greg: This clinic is like Hotel California: You can check in any time you like, but you might never leave. Zoe Kessler and Captain Jack were part of the same sleep study.", "Grissom: How many other people in the sleep study?", "Greg: A dozen. I have called all of them on the list. They're intact, and none of them are numbered.", "Grissom: Zoe's car was found at an impound lot downtown. It was towed from Betz's parking lot on November 15th.", "Greg: Wolfowitz said Zoe left in the middle of the night on the 13th.", "Grissom: With Captain Jack?", "Greg: I don't know, but according to their records, he also left early.", "Grissom: \"Left early\" seems to be a euphemism.", "(Grissom and Greg continue down the hallway past the DNA Lab. Camera stops in the DNA Lab.)", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Wendy Simms reports her findings to Nick.)", "Wendy Simms: I got the results for the sinew in the girl's teeth, and in this case, the hand that feeds ... was her own.", "(She hands the file folder results to Nick.)", "Nick: She chewed off her own hand?", "Wendy Simms: Yeah. Now, I don't know about you, but I would rather die of starvation than to eat my own hand.", "Nick: Animals in traps do it all the time.", "Wendy Simms: You think she was trapped?", "Nick: Like a rat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. DESERT (OFF HIGHWAY 55, NEAR SPARKS) - DAY]", "(Warrick and Nick walk down the unpaved road. They're each carrying their own camera.)", "Warrick: A hand in the desert is worth two in the bush.", "Nick: Right now, the hand's all we have to go on.", "Warrick: Okay, \"Grissom\". Come on. What are we doing here? What are the odds that this hand is not being eaten right now by a coyote?", "(The guys walk up to a group of cadets already there waiting for them.)", "Nick: Hey, look, the condition she was in, she couldn't have gotten very far. Maybe if we find the hand, we find the torture chamber.", "Warrick: Torture chamber?", "(Nick turns to address the group of cadets.)", "Nick: All right, everybody gather around. Let me have your attention. We're going to proceed forward covering the immediate area bordering the road to the south, the rocks to the west and the dry creek bed to the east.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[EXT. DESERT (OFF HIGHWAY 55, NEAR SPARKS) - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The group of cadets are spread out and searching the ground for the missing right hand.)", "(Warrick and Nick watch from behind.)", "(Dissolve to: Warrick and Nick proceed down the unpaved road.)", "(Cut to: Cadets carrying a metal detector search the grounds. Other cadets walk around the area, looking down at the ground.)", "[EXT. DESERT (OFF HIGHWAY 55, NEAR SPARKS) - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Warrick and Nick continue down the unpaved road toward the top of the hill.)", "(They look down the hill below and find the rooftop of a residence.)", "[EXT. DESERT (OFF HIGHWAY 55, NEAR SPARKS) - RESIDENCE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Warrick and Nick reach the bottom of the hill as they make their way to the residence. As they approach, we hear flies buzzing.)", "(Nick stops Warrick.)", "Nick: Woah, you smell decomp?", "Warrick: I do.", "(They both reach for their guns as they approach the house. Nick puts his camera down on the ground.)", "(On the side is a large pile of dirt with a lot of flies buzzing around it.)", "(Nick stops in front of the large pile of dirt and looks at it. Warrick stops and looks at Nick.)", "Warrick: You think the hand is in that pile?", "Nick: Maybe. Let's get a sample.", "(Nick reaches out and grabs a handful of dirt from the pile and smells it. He doesn't react to the smell.)", "(Warrick approaches the garage and moves closer to some potted plants.)", "Warrick: Whoo!", "(He leans forward and smells the potted plants.)", "Warrick: Whew! The smell's coming from these plants.", "(He reaches out and reads the tag on the plant: Titan Arum, \"Corpse Flower\".)", "Warrick: \"Amorphophallus titanum, corpse flower.\" Now who's going to have a plant that smells like decomposing flesh?", "Nick: Somebody who's trying to cover up the real deal.", "(They head into the garage. In the front of the garage, there are tables with various plants on it.)", "Nick: (calls out) LVPD!", "Warrick: You smell a warrant?", "(In the back of the garage, there is a large storage freezer.)", "Nick: We can look, but not touch.", "Warrick: I'm in if you're in.", "(Nick smiles.)", "Nick: All right, here's the real catch-22. If we open it up, find something probative, we can't use it. But we can't find something probative ...", "Warrick: ... unless we got the warrant to open it.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Warrick: That's funny. You don't strike me as the delayed gratification type.", "Nick: I'm not. Grissom is.", "(Warrick turns away from the freezer and continues looking around the garage.)", "Warrick: Right. There are some freaky-looking plants in here.", "Nick: Yeah, it's all about genetic modification.", "Warrick: Well, if this is where they genetically modify the plants, there's got to be a house around here somewhere.", "(Warrick and Nick leave the garage and head toward the main house.)", "(They approach the front door. They pick up a delivery package on the box and look at the delivery label that reads:", "Resident's Name: Jacob Wolfowitz", "Phone: 702-555-0166", "Company: Betz Pharmaceutical", "Address: 5 Diablo Rock Dr.", "City: Las Vegas State: NV Zip: 89170 )", "Warrick: \"Jacob Wolfowitz.\"", "Nick: Isn't that the same guy from the Betz Clinic?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(They hear something clanging from inside the house. Warrick puts the box down. They each have their guns in their hands.)", "Nick: (shouts) Mr. Wolfowitz?", "(Warrick moves to the side of the front door.)", "Nick: Mr. Wolfowitz, come out of there now. We're from the Crime Lab. We need to speak with you.", "Warrick: We can hear you, sir. Just open the door.", "(The front door opens. It's Lady Heather.)", "(Warrick removes his glasses. Nick looks surprised.)", "Lady Heather: He's not home.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- EVENING]", "(Grissom talks with Lady Heather.)", "Grissom: Are you and Mr. Wolfowitz acquainted?", "Lady Heather: No.", "Grissom: Why were you at his house?", "Lady Heather: Breaking and entering.", "Grissom: Is that why we found this etching in your handbag? You were stealing it?", "(He shows her the page from the book.)", "Lady Heather: Yes.", "Grissom: Why?", "Lady Heather: Multiple reasons.", "Grissom: Which are?", "Lady Heather: You told me Zoe was having tests done at Betz. I found out who oversaw the tests -- Mr. Wolfowitz. He lives close to where you found Zoe. If I'm caught stealing, he may want the police to investigate.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE -- EVENING]", "(Brass interviews Jacob Wolfowitz.)", "Brass: We know the woman who broke into your house, and you don't want to press charges?", "Jacob Wolfowitz: She's clearly disturbed. She just lost her daughter, and I was one of the last people to see Zoe Kessler alive. I'm sure she was just looking for a connection.", "Brass: You don't want us to look around, see if anything else was stolen?", "Jacob Wolfowitz: I live pretty simply. I don't have anything worth taking. But I appreciate your concern.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- EVENING]", "(Grissom continues to talk with Lady Heather.)", "Grissom: However, if he refuses to press charges ...", "Lady Heather: I'd have to ask myself what kind of person would do that.", "Grissom: Someone with something to hide.", "Lady Heather: Precisely.", "(He nods.)", "Grissom: Why, uh, steal this?", "Lady Heather: It's one of the earliest illustrations of the Romulus and Remus myth. It's printed from a plate. Must be worth thousands.", "Grissom: So?", "Lady Heather: Well, it looks like a page from a book. I find that people who don't respect books have a general disregard for keeping things whole.", "Grissom: So you think he stole it?", "Lady Heather: I think a pencil pusher in a pharmaceutical lab couldn't afford it.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE -- EVENING]", "(Brass continues to talk with Jacob Wolfowitz. )", "Brass: How long have you worked at Betz?", "Jacob Wolfowitz: Eighteen ... 18 years.", "Brass: Eighteen years. Oh. But that's a long way from your home to your office, isn't it?", "Jacob Wolfowitz: I like the solitude and, uh, space for my plants.", "(Brass stares at Jacob Wolfowitz.)", "Jacob Wolfowitz: Did I do something wrong, Captain?", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- EVENING]", "Grissom: Even if all this is true, we still don't know if he killed your daughter.", "Lady Heather: Too many coincidences.", "Grissom: You have to stay away from him.", "Lady Heather: You forfeited the right to give me advice some time ago. But thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - EVENING]", "(Lady Heather leaves the interview room and is escorted out by an officer. As she passes Brass' office, she notices that Jacob Wolfowitz is there.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - QD -- EVENING]", "(Professor Rambar examines the Romulus and Remus print. He shares his findings with Grissom.)", "Professor Rambar: Ah, I believe this is authentic. Iron-gall ink from the 16th century tends to turn a brownish color. Especially when it's been sitting around for a few centuries.", "(He hands the magnifying glass to Grissom, who looks at the print.)", "Professor Rambar: See how the ink bites into the parchment of the page.", "Grissom: Is that an acidic compound?", "Professor Rambar: Gall inks are often made with wine or vinegar. Recipes were specific to the manuscript illuminator.", "Grissom: So it is from a manuscript? (Grissom continues to look at the print.) The edge appears fairly pristine. How could he remove it from the book so cleanly?", "Professor Rambar: My guess? Classic spit and string.", "(Quick flash of: [UNLV -- LIBRARY] Jacob Wolfowitz glances around to see that no one's watching. He opens the book to the page he wants. He moves a long piece of string from his mouth and lines at the binding on the page.)", "Professor Rambar: You use saliva. It's absorbed into the fabric of the paper and softens its fibers.", "(He closes the book on the string, then gently pulls the page out from the binding of the book.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Grissom takes a swab and swabs the edge of the print page.)", "Grissom: Even if this tests positive for DNA, I'm gonna need the book to match it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Greg review the video tapes from the sleep sessions. On the monitor, we see Zoe Kessler sleeping in bed.)", "Catherine: Here's Zoe Kessler at the start of her session.", "(The time on the bottom of the monitor of the tape with Zoe sleeping reads:", "Catherine: And here she is at hour number four.", "(Catherine presses the remote and the time on the bottom of the monitor jumps ahead: 04:02:41.)", "Greg: Well, she doesn't look freaked out. Looks like she's sleeping like a baby.", "Catherine: Except ... check it out.", "(On the monitor, Zoe gets out of bed.)", "Greg: Okay, so she gets up ... gets out.", "Catherine: Look at the bottom right hand corner.", "(Catherine rewinds the tape and pauses it at 04:03:04:14. On the bottom right hand corner of the monitor, through the shadow of the light from the window in the doorway, there's the shadow of someone standing there.)", "Catherine: See that shadow? Somebody opened the door.", "(The shadow moves and leaves.)", "Greg: Well, she didn't just pop out of bed, she was woken up by someone. How much you want to bet that's Wolfowitz in the doorway?", "(Catherine changes tapes and shows Jack Landers' sleep room.)", "Catherine: Here's Jack Landers.", "(Jack Landers gets up and out of bed.)", "Greg: A trip to the bathroom, maybe?", "Catherine: Except he never returned. Wolfowitz works at the clinic. He has access to both victims. One victim was found less than mile from his house, which smells like human decomp.", "(Grissom steps into the lab holding the book in his hand.)", "Catherine: How do we get to him?", "Grissom: Rambar checked the rare book collections. This guy likes to steal in his own backyard. UNLV library is missing plate 62. It's enough for us to get a warrant.", "(Catherine smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BETZ PHARMACEUTICALS - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom steps out of the garage elevator, his kit in his hand. We can see that officer car lights are flashing and we hear background police radio chatter off screen. Something is going on.)", "(Grissom walks past an officer, who is listening to a woman talk.)", "Receptionist: I left him a couple of messages at home. And when I left for the day, I just saw him like this.", "(Grissom walks toward Brass, who is leaning against the car in question. David Phillips is looking at the body inside the car.)", "(Grissom leans forward and sees that the dead body is Jacob Wolfowitz.)", "Grissom: I guess I didn't need a warrant.", "(Grissom uses his flashlight and looks around the body and driver's area.)", "Grissom: No signs of trauma or blood.", "Brass: The seat's wet.", "(Grissom sees that the body is dripping onto the car seat.)", "Grissom: He's wet.", "(He notes that the chair back is also filled with condensation, the body stiff.)", "Grissom: Looks like he's in rigor, which means he's been dead for at least six hours.", "Brass: You mean this guy's been down here in the parking lot dead all that time and no one noticed? That's weird.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Robbins starts the Y-incision on the body as he cuts through the skin with a knife.)", "(Cut to: Robbins pulls the skin apart to expose the front.)", "(Robbins reaches for the handsaw. He turns the saw on and cuts through the rib cage.)", "(Finished, he turns the saw off and puts it aside. He grunts as he cracks the rib cage open.)", "(He picks up a scalpel and tries to cut through one of the inner organs.)", "(The scalpel snaps. Robbins lifts the scalpel up and we see that the tip has broken off.)", "(Grissom enters the room.)", "Grissom: Still frozen?", "Robbins: I'm not gonna be able to determine COD until he's completely defrosted, and that could take a while.", "Grissom: How long does it take to freeze an entire body?", "Robbins: To the core? Two solid days. His heart's completely frozen. Before the Y, I found bruises and puncture wounds all over his body.", "Grissom: Over the glands, too?", "Robbins: Yep. Same as Zoe. So is this.", "(Robbins rolls the body to show Grissom the branding on the victim's upper left arm: 1.)", "Grissom: Test subject #1.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Grissom and Catherine walk through the hallway.)", "Catherine: Gil, I saw him. Yesterday. He wasn't frozen. I mean, maybe he knew too much, and someone at Betz sensed that we were getting to close and ...", "Grissom: So what? They dunked him in liquid nitrogen? Cryogenically froze him?", "Catherine: Well, I know what I saw.", "Grissom: You've got to find some explanation.", "Catherine: I'm on it.", "(Catherine turns and heads out the door. Grissom walks down the opposite hallway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE (LEVEL 5) -- DAY]", "(The elevator bell dings and the doors open. Grissom exits and heads for his car. He stops when he sees Lady Heather waiting for him.)", "Grissom: What are you doing here?", "Lady Heather: I think I might be able to help you.", "Grissom: I'm listening.", "Lady Heather: You would have liked Zoe. She was a lot like you. Thoughtful, pragmatic, patient. She was studying psychology. I appreciate that it would have been difficult to have someone like me as a mother. But if I stressed anything, it was empowerment and independence. So when she called me from Boston last year to tell me that she was pregnant with her therapist's baby, I got angry. Not with her, with him. He violated an oath. Not only was he married, she was a patient. A junior in college with her whole life in front of her.", "Grissom: And you didn't want him to screw it up.", "Lady Heather: (nods) I called the AMA, filed a complaint. They revoked his license. Zoe stopped speaking to me.", "Grissom: Did she have her baby?", "Lady Heather: Your coroner couldn't confirm. I assumed you might need a DNA sample from Mr. Wolfowitz.", "(She reaches into her bag and takes out a rolled ziplog baggie. She gives the baggie to Grissom.)", "(He looks at the used condom inside.)", "Grissom: How did you get this?", "Lady Heather: The rage was stronger than the repulsion. People have used s*x for much less worthy causes.", "Grissom: When did you ...", "Lady Heather: Last night. You may not approve, Grissom, but you can't arrest me for sleeping with him. He was consenting. I am playing by your rules. But if I had it my way, this man would die the same way, my daughter died.", "Grissom: He's already dead.", "Lady Heather: What?", "Grissom: He's been dead for two days.", "Lady Heather: That's not possible.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Catherine sits in Jacob Wolfowitz's car and dusts the driver's steering wheel.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(Wendy Simms processes the condom. She takes a swab from inside the condom.)", "(In the garage, Catherine takes a tape lift from a print on the steering wheel.)", "(Wendy Simms snips the end of the swab. She adds it to a container and adds some solution to it.)", "(Catherine takes a tape lift and sticks it on the rear view mirror.)", "(Wendy Simms adds solution to the container, caps it and places it in the machine. She caps the machine and turns it on.)", "(Catherine looks around the driver's seat area in the car. She finds a pill stuck in the passenger seat folds.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(Wendy Simms reports her findings to Grissom.)", "Wendy Simms: The dirt from outside the barn tested positive for human DNA. And I mean a lot of it, over a dozen profiles. And one of them matched Zoe Kessler.", "(She hands the print out to Grissom, who looks at it.)", "Grissom: Her hand.", "Wendy Simms: And although chain of custody is a bit problematic, 'cause a plastic lunch bag isn't department issue bindle, the DNA from the condom, it matches both the saliva from the book page and the dead guy, Jacob Wolfowitz.", "(She hands those results to Grissom.)", "Grissom: Thanks.", "Wendy Simms: I have a question. How do you have s*x with a guy who killed your daughter?", "Grissom: Revenge is an act of passion.", "(Grissom shakes his head, turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom takes the results and walks through the hallway to the lab to join Catherine, who reports her findings.)", "Catherine: So, none of the fingerprints from the car belong to Jacob Wolfowitz. They're all a match to a Leon Sneller.", "Grissom: Who?", "(On the monitor are the MATCH RESULTS:", "NAME: LEON SNELLER", "DOB: 02.16.1964", "AGE: 42", "HEIGHT: 5'10\"", "WEIGHT: 167 LBS", "EYES: HAZEL", "RACE: CAUCASIAN", "s*x: MALE", "HAIR: BROWN", "WORK HISTORY", "ENLISTED IN THE ARMY (JUNE, 1985)", "STATIONED IN BERLIN", "FIELD HOSPITAL WORK (SEPT 1985 - 2005)", "CRIMINAL HISTORY: NONE )", "(She indicates the photo on file.)", "Catherine: That's John Sneller.", "Grissom: Looks like Wolfowitz, only younger.", "Catherine: Which explains how I saw and how Lady Heather ... did a dead guy.", "Grissom: Identical twins.", "Catherine: I thought that she killed him, too. I would've. I mean, I wouldn't have slept with him first, but ...", "Grissom: Same DNA, different prints. So all the DNA that we attributed to Wolfowitz, could be Sneller's.", "Catherine: Which makes you wonder who's on the autopsy table. Sneller joined the army in 1985. He was stationed at a field hospital near Berlin until about a year ago.", "(Quick flashback to: [WOLFOWITZ'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT] Sneller knocks on the door. The door opens. Wolfowitz and Sneller look at each other.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) At which point, I think that he came to Vegas, ...", "(Cut to: Sneller puts Wolfowitz's dead body in the large freezer chest in the garage and closes it.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) ... put his brother on ice, started impersonating him.", "(Cut to: [BETZ PHARMACEUTICALS - DAY] Sneller walks into the Betz Pharmaceuticals lobby past the receptionist.)", "Receptionist: Good morning, Mr. Wolfowitz.", "Sneller (as Wolfowitz): (mumbles) Good morning.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: I mean, I know this theory's a little out there, but given the evidence ... it's the only conclusion that makes any sense.", "Grissom: Occam's razor, principle of parsimony. If you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.", "Catherine: Given twins ... go with twins.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. WOLFOWITZ RESIDENCE - FRONT DOOR -- NIGHT]", "(Officers line up next to the front door ready to burst in. Brass, Catherine and Grissom trail behind. The first officer smashes the door in. He quickly moves to the side as the other officers rush in, their guns raised.)", "[INT. WOLFOWITZ RESIDENCE - MAIN ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(The officers burst into the residence to clear the place.)", "[EXT. WOLFOWITZ RESIDENCE - FRONT DOOR -- NIGHT]", "(Officer Metcalf steps out of the house.", "Officer Metcalf: Everything is code four.", "(Brass, Catherine and Grissom enter the residence.)", "[INT. WOLFOWITZ RESIDENCE - MAIN ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(They look around the place.)", "Grissom: Well, this isn't a torture chamber, it's a time capsule.", "Brass: Wolfowitz inherited this place from his parents. Took over the deed about ten years ago.", "Catherine: Love what he's done with the place.", "(Catherine picks up the prescription bottle on the table and looks at the pills inside.)", "Catherine: I found a blue pill in the car. Tox came back, didn't match any known pharmaceutical.", "Brass: Sampling the company candy.", "(Grissom looks around at the far end of the living room.)", "(Catherine walks over to the hutch and opens the drawer. Inside she finds a silver menorah.)", "(Grissom turns and heads back across the living room. As he crosses, he comes to a place in the center of the room where the floor creaks.)", "(Grissom stops.)", "(He looks down and bounces up and down on the creaky floorboards.)", "(Catherine removes the menorah from the hutch drawer.)", "Catherine: Shabbat shalom.", "Brass: Jewish?", "(Grissom continues to bounce up and down on the creaky floorboards. He turns around in a complete circle, the floorboards creaking under him.)", "(He steps aside and lifts the throw carpet. Under it, he finds a trap door.)", "Grissom: Well.", "(Catherine and Brass join him.)", "(He opens the trap door and they find a flight of stairs leading downward to a door at the bottom.)", "[INT. WOLFOWITZ RESIDENCE - BASEMENT - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass opens the door, his gun raised and his flashlight in hand. He steps into the room. Grissom and Catherine follow him.)", "(Inside this secret room is what appears to be a lab. There are barred open windows at the top of the room, shelves with books, and experiment apparatus.)", "(On the counter is what appears to be an organ on a foiled plate under a glass dome. The organ has black spots and gray pus on it.)", "(There are anatomy posters of the human brain and other body parts on the wall and large archaic looking machines in the corner.)", "(On the other counters are more glass tubes, apparatus and sketched notes. There are large petri dishes with appendages in them.)", "(Brass walks into the room and sees the machines, scalpels, hand saws and other surgical instruments.)", "(Grissom walks up to the desk and finds large journals open to sketches and notes.)", "Grissom: It appears he was meticulously documenting experiments. This one looks like it deals with craniometry. I think he was measuring skulls to determine intelligence.", "(Catherine walks up to one of the machines.)", "Catherine: I think this is a gynecological device from a hundred years ago.", "(On the wall, Grissom finds a Nazi swastika and eagle on a plaque with words on the top.)", "Grissom: (reads) \"Arbeit macht frei.\" (interprets) Work will set you free. These words hung over the gates at Auschwitz.", "Catherine: Zoe Kessler would've made the perfect uber-woman except for her one brown eye.", "(Brass reaches out and picks up the hand saw from the tray of surgical instruments.)", "Brass: So I guess, uh, what nature couldn't fix, our Dr. Mengele could, is that it?", "(Catherine notes the clock on the nearby wall. It has no numbers on it.)", "Catherine: Hey, check out the face of the clock.", "(Grissom and Brass step closer to look at the clock.)", "Grissom: No numbers.", "(In the eerie silence, they hear faint groaning.)", "(Grissom and Brass look at each other. They both step forward to examine the clock.)", "(The groaning continues.)", "(They push the clock aside to reveal an open door into a small hidden room. In the center of the room, a bald, naked man is lying unconscious on the floor. He appears to be naked and a blanket barely covers his backside.)", "(Grissom, Brass and Catherine enter the small chamber to check on the man.)", "(Catherine kneels in front of the man as Grissom walks around to his other side.)", "Catherine: (softly) Sir ...", "(The number branded in the man's upper arm is 21. Catherine reaches out to put her hand on the side of the man's face.)", "(Grissom looks at the blood-spattered sheet barely covering the man and lifts it.)", "(He finds a second body horrifically attached back-to-back to the first body.)", "(Catherine's eyes widen at the sight.)", "Brass: I'll call a paramedic.", "(Brass quickly leaves the room.)", "(Grissom checks for a pulse on the second body and doesn't find any.)", "Grissom: This one's dead.", "(Catherine looks down at the first body. The man's eyes are open and looking back at her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - NURSE'S STATION - NIGHT]", "(Catherine talks with the nurse.)", "Catherine: Massive blood loss was the cause of death.", "(The nurse behind the counter nods.)", "(Nick walks up to Catherine.)", "Nick: Hey, Catherine.", "(Catherine turns around as Nick fills her in.)", "Nick: So Brass has put the lockdown on the airport, bus depot and train station. But so far, no Sneller.", "Catherine: Well, the other twin didn't make it.", "Nick: Well, speaking of twin we got a call from Social Services. Sneller was their birth name. But they were adopted by a Jewish couple named Wolfowitz.", "Catherine: That explains Judaica. I guess Jacob went nurture and Leon went nature.", "Nick: Maybe he went Nazi, trying to kill the Jewish half of himself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. WOLFOWITZ RESIDENCE - BASEMENT - NIGHT]", "(Grissom settles at the desk and puts his glasses on, the open journals in front of him.)", "(He flips through the pages, reading through the notes.)", "Leon Sneller: (V.O.) \"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle, do not deserve to live.\"", "(The quote is signed. A.H. (193- )", "(Grissom continues to look through the journal.)", "Leon Sneller: (V.O.) \"The only difference between my research and that of the government is funding. See: Tuskegee, US Naval Hospital. See: Pesticide testing done by U.S. Government.\"", "(Grissom stops and looks at the sketches and notes on the experiments done on the human brain.)", "(The notes read: Comments: Physically pure - Solution: Frontal lobotomy", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(The notes read: Patient No. 19 Zoe Susan Kessler 21 year old white female Daughter of Heather Father unknown Birth mother of infant - Born August 3, 200-", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(The notes read: Comments: Physically pure Exception of right", "Solution: Dye injections Eye transplant", "(Grissom snaps photos of the chamber. There's a metal pipe running across the lower half of the wall with several handcuffs hanging in intervals along the pipe. Some of the handcuffs are open; some are still closed.)", "(Grissom turns and looks at the set-up inside the room. He visualizes Zoe kneeling on the ground, her right wrist handcuffed to the pipe. The visualization ends.)", "(Grissom stops taking photos. He leans forward and takes a step closer toward the pipe. He visualizes Zoe handcuffed to the pipe. Zoe turns and looks out the open door. She sees Jack Landers on the table face-up and Leon Sneller above him. Landers screams.)", "(Beyond scared, Zoe looks at her bound wrist, then makes a decision as she starts gnawing at her own wrist near the handcuff to get herself free.)", "(White flash to end of visualization. Resume to present.)", "(Grissom turns his attention to the other side of the small chamber where he finds the branding iron with interchangeable number plates next to a metal pit with charcoal and burnt wood chips inside.)", "(Grissom picks up one of the iron rods and looks at the numbered tip. Burned flesh is stuck to the end of the rod.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WOLFOWITZ RESIDENCE - MAIN ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom climbs up the stairs out of the basement and into the main part of the house. Officer Metcalf waits in the living room. Grissom unlatches the trap door and closes it.)", "(From his position close to the ground, he sees a familiar item under the far couch.)", "(He shines his flashlight on it and walks over to see what it is.)", "(Grissom picks up Lady Heather's black and silver cross.)", "Grissom: Have you guys secured the entire perimeter? The house and the barn?", "Officer Metcalf: Yes, sir. All clear.", "(He looks at the cross.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CAR (MOVING) -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom drives, the car speeding down the road. He hurries to get back to the spot where they found Zoe's body.)", "(He drives past the sign for, SPARKS 2.)", "(He continues to drive.)", "(Off the side of the highway, he sees Lady Heather standing in front of her SUV, the lights from her vehicle shining on her as she moves her arm in wide arcs.)", "[EXT. DESERT (OFF HIGHWAY 55, NEAR SPARKS) - NIGHT]", "(Grissom takes the turn onto the dirty road and drives toward Lady Heather's car.)", "(In the spot where her daughter's body was found, Lady Heather unleashes her rage and grief on Leon Sneller. Sneller is bound to the front of her car as she whips him. His face and chest are cut and bloodied. He cries out with pain at every crack of her whip.)", "(Behind her, Grissom parks and gets out of his car.)", "(Lady Heather doesn't let up.)", "Grissom: (shouts) Heather! Stop it!", "Lady Heather: No. Let me finish.", "(Beyond reasoning and out of control, she continues to whip Sneller. She pulls her whip back to continue, but Grissom steps forward and catches the end of the whip.)", "(She whirls around and tugs her whip, trying to get it out from Grissom's grasp.)", "Grissom: (shouts) You cannot do this!", "Lady Heather: No! Let go! Let ... !", "Grissom: No!", "Lady Heather: (begs) Please ...", "(The whip between them, she continues to struggle to get it free from his grasp.)", "Grissom: Stop. (firmly) Heather.", "Lady Heather: (begging) Please ...", "Grissom: I'm saying stop.", "(Lady Heather stops and looks at Grissom. She gasps deep, heaving sobs. Grissom pulls the whip closer, bringing him closer to her.)", "(Dissolving into tears, Heather cries as Grissom holds her.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Pirates of the Third Reich
[ "When a body is found badly burned in a chimney, Catherine and Warrick recall the house's owner as a suspect in an unsolved murder case a year earlier. Against protocol, the two then use the investigation of the burned victim as an excuse to re-open their case and inspect the house." ]
[ "COLD OPEN.", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Angie walks around the living room with a glass of champagne in her hand as she admires the photo nudes on the walls.. She's dressed in her black lace underwear and an open shirt. )", "(She looks over at Martin, who is starting a fire in the large fireplace.)", "Angie: You know, first time I had s*x was in front of a fire ... on a bear skin rug.", "(She sits down on the bearskin rug.)", "Angie: It was so romantic.", "(Martin laughs wryly as he joins her. He picks up his glass.)", "Martin Sidley: Gee, and all this time ... I thought you were still a virgin.", "Angie: (snickers) Yeah, right. You only asked for my number 'cause you heard I was easy.", "Martin Sidley: Oh, you found me out.", "Angie: I did.", "(As they laugh, something from inside the chimney falls into the fire. The fire crackles and grows larger.)", "Angie: Cheers.", "(They clink glasses and sip. Angie sees the smoking coming out of the fireplace. Something is blocking the chimney.)", "Angie: Oh, my God!", "(The smoke alarm beeps.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - FRONT -- NIGHT]", "(The police and fire department vehicles are parked outside the Sidley residence.)", "(The firemen climb up the roof to check the chimney. They peer inside and find a dead body.)", "Fireman: We've got a body! Alert homicide and CSI!", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - ATTIC -- NIGHT]", "(The attic door opens. Sara and Nick climb inside to check the chimney.)", "(Sara looks around and sees various items - bikes, roller skates, boots, crutches - around. She sees a dead, petrified rat in a trap.)", "(Nick puts his kit down.)", "Sara: Chimney extends about four feet from the roofline ... assuming the vic was average height ... and didn't curl up ... head should be right about here.", "(Sara drills her way through the bricks in the chimney.)", "Nick: Good!", "(She clears off some bricks.)", "Nick: Okay.", "(She and Nick clear the bricks. Nick punches through the clay backing and they find the burnt remains.)", "Sara: Whew! Smoldering flesh has the stench of burnt pork ... except much worse.", "Nick: I smell a little decomp, but mostly the fireplace down below. The body's really positioned too far to be in that condition.", "Sara: Which means ... the vic was charbroiled somewhere else, tossed in the chimney, and smoked.", "(Nick nods.)", "CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - ATTIC -- NIGHT]", "(Nick and David Phillips stand in front of the open chimney looking at the burned body.)", "Nick: Check out that mold. It's just eating away at the flesh.", "David Phillips: That much mold would suggest he was burned at least a few days ago.", "Nick: He?", "David Phillips: I measured the pelvic bone -- sub-pubic angle's less than ninety degrees. He's male. Any suggestions on how to proceed?", "Nick: Wrap and roll.", "David Phillips: Great.", "(David picks up a sheet and hands it to Nick. David spreads a second sheet out on the attic floor. Nick wraps his sheet around the body.)", "Nick: Okay, you get the head.", "David Phillips: Okay.", "Nick: On three ...", "David Phillips: Yeah.", "Nick: One, two ... three.", "(They remove the body from the chimney.)", "David Phillips: Mm! He's lighter than I expected.", "Nick: Most of the muscle and flesh have burned away. He's pretty well drained of fluids. He probably weighed twice as much when he was alive.", "David Phillips: Well, that would explain how the killer was able to carry him up to the roof and then foist him down the chimney.", "Nick: Yeah. Get him to the morgue.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - FRONT - NIGHT]", "(Sofia talks with Martin Sidley.)", "Martin Sidley: I started the fire and the smoke just started pouring out.", "Sofia Curtis: And it was just the two of you in the house.", "Martin Sidley: Yeah.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "(Meanwhile, Brass talks with Angie.)", "Angie: I had just gotten off work; I came over for a nightcap.", "Brass: So how long have you known each other?", "Angie: Mm ... a few months.", "Sofia Curtis: Do you live alone?", "Martin Sidley: Yeah. Divorced. Have a son in college.", "Sofia Curtis: Did you hear anything up on the roof in the past week or so?", "Martin Sidley: Well, no, I was out of town on business till yesterday.", "Sofia Curtis: And when was the last time you used the fireplace?", "Martin Sidley: A few months ago ... around Christmas.", "Brass: I mean, there was a dead man in your chimney. Didn't you notice anything when you lit the fireplace?", "Angie: Martin's got a rat problem. Um ... the little suckers get caught in the traps, and just stink for a couple of days. We smelled something, but we figured it was ...", "Martin Sidley: ... a rat.", "Sara: (o.s.) Excuse me, Mr. Sidley?", "(He turns around to find Sara standing behind him.)", "Sara: There's a ladder leaning against the side of the house ... ?", "Martin Sidley: Yeah, that's mine. It been there since ... about New Year's, when I took down the Christmas lights.", "Sara: I'd like to get a set of your fingerprints. I'm going to be dusting the ladder for prints. I'd like to eliminate yours.", "Martin Sidley: Yeah, sure.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(David goes over the body, taking various swab samples. He lifts a plastic credit card-shaped item out of the victim's shirt pocket. He looks at it and places it in a metal bin.)", "(Nick walks in.)", "Nick: Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside?", "David Phillips: Crispy though and through. Based on the melted fibers, he was probably wearing a polyester shirt.", "Nick: Well, synthetics are just plastic polymers. They melt instead of burn. (Nick sees the burned plastic in the metal bin.) What's that?", "David Phillips: Oh, some sort of plastic. I found it where his shirt pocket would've been. I'm thinking maybe a credit card.", "Nick: Good, good. I'll work it up; try to get an ID.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Catherine walks through the hallway when Warrick finds her.)", "Warrick: Catherine ...", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Warrick: Do you remember this Caroline Fitzgibbons case? About a year ago?", "(She takes the file from him.)", "Catherine: Of course I do, yeah. Missing person, we never found her.", "Brown: Yeah, she was a minor, allegedly having an affair with a Mr. Martin ... Sidley?", "Catherine: Ugh, yeah, what a creep.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - FRONT PORCH - DAY] Catherine is at the front door talking with Martin Sidley.)", "Martin Sidley: She's an aspiring photographer. I recently purchased several of her self-portraits.", "Catherine: Mr. Sidley, her father says that she was headed over here the day before yesterday, and he hasn't heard from her since.", "Warrick: Would you mind if we come in?", "Martin Sidley: You know, now's not a good time. So, unless you have a warrant, the answer is no.", "(He closes the door on them.)", "END OF FLASHBACK CUT TO:", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS SCENERY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - FRONT -- DAY]", "(Warrick and Catherine exit their SUV. Sara sees them.)", "Sara: What are you guys doing here?", "Warrick: We were hoping that you'd invite us to help out with your investigation.", "Sara: Invite you?!", "Catherine: Warrick and I were looking for a missing person about a year ago, and we tried to get a warrant to search this residence. The owner denied us access.", "Sara: Now that it's a crime scene, it's fair game, if you're part of the investigation.", "Warrick: You're picking up what we're putting down.", "Sara: Well, I've processed room-to-room, photo-documented, sketched the layout ... feel free to dig a little deeper. I'm gonna dust the chimney for prints. I'll be on the roof for awhile.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick processes the burned ID card. Greg walks in and looks around at the monitor.)", "Greg: I'll take \"video spectral analysis\" for two hundred, Nick.", "Nick: Yeah, it's a charred piece of plastic found in chimney guy's pocket. It may be a credit card. I'm trying to get some ID off of it.", "Greg: That's a gym membership card.", "Nick: How do you know that?", "Greg: The logo in the corner -- it's Burt's Gym -- I belong to the one on Flamingo.", "Nick: Oh, yeah? You, uh ... been pumping iron there, Greg?", "Greg: Yeah, a little, uh ... Muy Thai. It's competitive kickboxing. Gotta balance weights with cardio, you know what I mean?", "Nick: Yeah, okay, thanks. Anyway, I'll, uh, check it. Maybe I can get a membership name.", "Greg: Oh, you won't. Member names are printed in black ink. VSA only brings out the colors.", "Nick: Oh. Maybe it'll help us clear up the photo.", "(Nick works on the photo and comes up with a picture.)", "Nick: Nice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - ROOFTOP -- DAY]", "(Sara is on the roof. She dusts the chimney bricks and removes a set of prints.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - LIVING ROM - DAY]", "(Catherine looks around the living room. On the side are framed photos of a beautiful, blonde-haired woman, Caroline Fitzgibbons.)", "(Quick flashback to: The photo of Caroline Fitzgibbons from the file folder. End of flashback.)", "(Catherine turns around to look at the living room.)", "(Sara carefully makes her way down the side of the roof to the vent.)", "(She takes out a camera and snaps a photo of the vent. She dusts and finds a print.", "(Catherine uses the ALS on the hardwood floors on the base of the stairs.)", "(Various dissolves as Catherine works throughout the room.)", "(Warrick snaps a photo in the bedroom. He looks around. He opens the chest at the base of the bed. He walks over to the desk and opens the drawer. He snaps a photo of the drawer.)", "(Sara turns around and finds a white piece of thin plastic. She snaps a photo and picks it up.)", "[INT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - FOYER / LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Using the ALS, Catherine finds something on the stairs. She quickly swabs it and tests it for blood. It tests negative. Warrick walks down the stairs and notices the photos in the living room.)", "Warrick: Well, hello, Caroline. She was, what, like 16? Isn't it a felony to purchase pornographic pictures of a minor?", "(Warrick snaps a photo of the photo.)", "Catherine: Well, believe it or not, exceptions are made for photographs with serious artistic or scientific merit.", "(He walks over to the other photos hanging on the walls.)", "Warrick: (scoffs) Oh, yeah. These look real scientific.", "(He snaps photos of them as well.)", "Catherine: I don't make the rules. So found a large, diffuse pool of fluorescence here on the wood floor. It's consistent with bleach or some other cleaning compound.", "Warrick: Bleach on a wood floor, huh?", "Catherine: Mm.", "Warrick: I presume you pheno'ed it?", "Catherine: Yeah. It was negative for blood.", "(Warrick looks at the stairs.)", "Catherine: What are you doing?", "Warrick: I'm looking for the tiniest crack between the planks. You know, you can scrub blood off a surface, but you can't scrub beneath it.", "(Warrick takes out a pocket knife and pries it in the crack in the stairs.)", "Warrick: Yeah ...", "(A piece of the board clatters to the floor. On the board is a spot of blood.)", "Warrick: We got blood.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine talks with Martin Sidley and his lawyer Duane McWane.)", "Martin Sidley: As I told you last year, I knew Caroline professionally. We had coffee a couple of times. She was a promising photographer; I'm a collector. We had a lot to talk about.", "Catherine: How many times is \"a couple of times\"?", "Martin Sidley: I don't know, five or six times over a month or two.", "Catherine: Were they dates?", "Martin Sidley: Well, we weren't having sexual relations, if that's what you're getting at.", "Catherine: Was she ever in your house?", "Martin Sidley: Yeah, I invited her over to see my collection. Look, I'll admit that I was attracted to her, but when she told me her real age, I told her, it was inappropriate for us to see each other.", "Catherine: How very responsible of you. And you had that conversation how many days before she went missing?", "Duane McWane: I'm sorry, but we're not here to talk about Caroline, all right? So unless you're on some kind of cold-case fishing expedition ...", "Catherine: We found an old blood pool in your living room. You want to tell me about that?", "Duane McWane: Don't answer that. Ms. Willows, let's get something straight. You found a body in the chimney, so you searched his house for clues, but you had no legal right to look for any evidence unrelated to this case.", "Catherine: We were just working the scene.", "(Catherine places an evidence bag with the piece of wood on the table. She clears her throat.)", "Catherine: This piece of wood was pried from your living room. The surface was scrubbed with a cleaning agent, but we found a spot of blood ... right there.", "(She points to the spot of blood on the wood.)", "Martin Sidley: You mean, you ripped up my damn floor. What is going on here?", "Duane McWane: As soon as this is over, I intend to file an emergency motion to limit the scope or your warrant. I also intend to file a motion in limine to exclude this evidence, which was illegally seized, in violation of my client's fourth amendment rights.", "Catherine: This house was processed in accordance with CSI protocol, but do what you have to do.", "Martin Sidley: You've been coming at me since day one, and I'm starting to resent it.", "Duane McWane: Martin ...", "Martin Sidley: You have a problem with me because I appreciate younger women? I had nothing to do with that girl's disappearance. You want to come after me? You're going to regret it.", "Catherine: Your client has a bit of a temper.", "Duane McWane: Well, if you don't have any questions pertaining to the dead body in his chimney, we're done here.", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(Nick watches as Duane McWane gets to his feet. Catherine holds up a hand.)", "Catherine: Sit down. Please.", "(Catherine turns to the window and nods. Nick leaves the observation room.)", "[INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Nick walks into the room.)", "Catherine: Gentlemen, this is Nick Stokes. He's a colleague of mine. We found identification on the decedent in the chimney.", "Nick: A gym card. Actually, it was found in his pocket. The Crime Lab restored the charred image, but we couldn't get a name. We we're hoping you could help make a positive ID.", "(Nick puts the photo on the table. Martin looks at his lawyer. Duane McWane nods.)", "(He looks at the photo.)", "Martin Sidley: This belonged to the person in my chimney?", "Nick: Yes, sir. You recognize him?", "Martin Sidley: Well, this is-this is Tad. This is my son.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Dr. Robbins goes over the body with Nick.)", "Nick: Let me guess: He burned to death.", "Robbins: I can't confirm COD.", "Nick: Come on, Doc, this isn't a hard one.", "Robbins: His bones are fractured; check out the femur.", "Nick: It's not uncommon to find bone fractures in fire victims.", "(Quick CGI EFX: The bones are on fire, crackle and break.)", "Nick: (V.O.) The body produces heat, causing the long bones to contract and fracture.", "(End of CGI EFX.)", "Robbins: Well, that's right, but check out the chips in the skull.", "Nick: Bone chipping is also a symptom of extreme heat.", "(Quick CGI EFX: The skull burns and the bones chip away.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) Very good. So, if we didn't know better, fire could be the cause of death.", "(End of CGI EFX.)", "Nick: What are you getting at?", "Robbins: You see the blood spot on the interior of the forehead?", "Nick: Yeah ...", "Robbins: As far as I know, fire can't explain a subdural hematoma.", "Nick: No. No, it can't.", "Robbins: Our victim suffered blunt force trauma, prior to going up in flames.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(Mandy Webster is processing the prints found on the Sidley rooftop.)", "(She compares the prints with Martin Sidley. There's NO MATCH.)", "(She compares the prints with Tad Sidley. There's NO MATCH.)", "(She runs the unidentified print through the database.)", "(Sara walks into the lab.)", "Sara: How are you doing on the prints?", "Mandy Webster: Well, all three prints from the chimney are consistent with each other. I compared them to the homeowner's prints and his son's prints; the work card's in the system. There's no match. I'm running the print through I-AFIS.", "Sara: What about the print from the chimney cap?", "Mandy Webster: There's not a match to the chimney prints, not a match to either Sidley. There's no hits on I-AFIS. I'm sorry.", "Sara: Not your fault.", "(The computer beeps and finds a match to:", "NAME: JONATHAN WAX", "(CASE #LVPD 01 07 21-1645 SC)", "DOB: 04-14-78", "AGE: 27 HEIGHT: 5'10\"", "WEIGHT: 163 LBS EYES: BROWN", "RACE: CAUCASIAN s*x: MALE", "HAIR: BROWN", "LAST KNOWN ADDRESS:", "2128 DESERT WAY", "HENDERSON, NV 89012", "ALIAS: NONE", "CRIMINAL HISTORY:", "STATUE: NRS 200-366", "ARREST: ATTEMPTED RAPE", "CONVICTIONS: SENTENCED 4 YEARS", "DISPOSITIONS: RELEASED OCTOBER 2005 )", "Mandy Webster: At least you got yourself a match for the chimney prints -- a Jonathan Wax, from Henderson, served four years for attempted rape and he was released six months ago.", "Sara: Thank you.", "Mandy Webster: You're welcome.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara interviews Jonathan Wax.)", "Jonathan Wax: I served my time. What do you want with me now?", "Sara: \"Attempted rape.\" What exactly happened?", "Jonathan Wax: Pepper spray. That stuff really stings.", "Sara: Uh, what can you tell me about, um, Tad Sidley?", "Jonathan Wax: (shakes his head) Who?", "(Sara puts the DMV license photo on the table for TAD SIDLEY", "247 DUNPHY RD.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101", "Jonathan Wax: Sorry.", "(Sara pushes the photo of the burned corpse across the table toward him to look at.)", "Sara: Maybe you remember him a little more like this?", "(He looks at the photo.)", "Jonathan Wax: (chuckles) Holy mother ...", "Sara: He was murdered, set on fire, stuffed in a chimney, and the only prints on the chimney are yours.", "Jonathan Wax: You said the last name was Sidley?", "Sara: Uh-huh.", "Jonathan Wax: Well, I worked a Sidley place out near Lake Mead, right?", "Sara: What were you doing on the roof?", "Jonathan Wax: That's what I do -- Chad's Chimney Sweeps. I clean fireplaces and chimneys. I was out at that Sidley place about a month ago. You can call Chad. I remember that place. Man, that guy had one big-ass chimney.", "Sara: I don't suppose you saw a body while you were there?", "Jonathan Wax: Look, I may be an ex-con, but even I would've dialed 9-1-1.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Conrad Ecklie is talking with someone in the hallway when Catherine turns the corner. He sees her and stops her.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Catherine. (to the man he's talking with) Excuse me.", "(They continue down the hall together.)", "Conrad Ecklie: I just got a call from the DA about you. Martin Sidley's attorney filed a motion to suppress.", "Catherine: Oh, it's just posturing. There's no way that our search violated his rights.", "Conrad Ecklie: Fortunately, the judge agreed with you.", "Catherine: Good.", "Conrad Ecklie: But ... we have been warned: Future searches of the residence are limited to areas specifically pertaining to the case at hand. And I think it's best if neither you nor Warrick went back to the house.", "Catherine: Well, hopefully, we have to.", "(Warrick catches Catherine in the hallway with Ecklie.)", "Warrick: Hey. I was able to get in touch with Caroline's father. He's on his way back to his house to pick up his daughter's toiletries, and he'll meet us back here.", "Catherine: We're trying to get a DNA sample from Caroline's personal effects and compare it to a blood drop that was on the living room steps.", "Warrick: Incidentally, I was able to speak with someone at WLVU. Tad Sidley was a student there, with the roommate. Now, Doc Robbins told me the kid had been dead for at least two weeks. I'd be interested in talking to the roommate to find out why no one reported him missing.", "Catherine: Absolutely.", "Warrick: Come with?", "Catherine: Yeah.", "(Warrick and Catherine leave.)", "Conrad Ecklie: (calls out) Okay, guys, good luck.", "Catherine: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WLVU CAMPUS - HALLWAY/DORM ROOM #62 -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Warrick walk up to Tad Sidley's dorm room. They knock on the door and the roommate answers.)", "Roommate: Can I help you?", "Catherine: This is Tad Sidley's dorm room, right?", "Roommate: Yeah ... look, whatever he did, I wasn't involved.", "Warrick: When was the last time you saw him?", "Roommate: I-I don't know. A couple weeks ago.", "Catherine: And why didn't you report him missing?", "Roommate: Look, Tad's a third-year freshman. Or as he likes to call it, \"a three-peater.\" He disappears for weeks at a time. (rolls his eyes) What happened to him?", "Catherine: He was murdered. May we come in?", "(He nods and they enter the room.)", "Catherine: Were you and Tad good friends?", "Roommate: No, not exactly.", "Catherine: Why not?", "Roommate: Look, I study my ass off. When Tad's here, he's baked for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He's distracting. He blares his music. He invites his friends over to party. He is ... or was ... inconsiderate. Fortunately, he wasn't around much.", "Catherine: Any idea who killed him?", "Roommate: Look, the guy was a pain in my ass, but everybody else seemed to love him. His dad's totally loaded, and tad was pretty generous.", "Warrick: (interrupts) Catherine ...", "(He finds a yellow post-it on the bulletin board for", "DON FITZGIBBONS", "Warrick: Don Fitzgibbons and a phone number?", "Catherine: Caroline's dad. (to the roommate) What do you know about this?", "Roommate: I never noticed it.", "Warrick: You mind if I take it with me?", "Roommate: Go ahead; take whatever you want. Look, there's this rumor going around campus that if your roommate dies, you get an automatic 4.0 for the semester. You know, because of all of the traumatic stress. Who ... who should I talk to about that?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges processes the plastic found on the Sidley roof. He removes it from the evidence bag. The label reads:", "CRIME SCENE SEARCH EVIDENCE REPORT", "NAME OF SUBJECT: JOHN DOE", "OFFENSE: LVPD 06 02 15 1713", "DATE OF INCIDENT: 02-15-06", "TIME: 21:14", "Search Officer: S. SIDLE", "EVIDENCE DESCRIPTION: TRACE", "LOCATION: SIDLEY ROOF", "(Hodges removes the piece of plastic, cuts a small piece off it and sticks it to a slide. He puts it under the scope and looks at it.)", "(He gets an analysis of the material. He prints out the analysis.)", "(Sara walks in.)", "Hodges: Roof trace analysis. Afraid it's not going to be very helpful.", "Sara: Why?", "Hodges: Polyethylene plastic.", "Sara: Compounds used in about a million different products.", "Hodges: I hope that's not all you got.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Catherine talks with Don Fitzgibbons.)", "Don Fitzgibbons: I don't understand. If you found blood in Sidley's house, why isn't he in jail? I mean, can't you at least hold him until you determine whether or not it's Caroline's?", "Catherine: That's not my decision to be made. Unfortunately, the DA feels that we need more.", "Don Fitzgibbons: (snorts) It's just like a year ago. It wasn't enough that I believed that Martin was sleeping with my daughter ... that she disappeared on the way to his house. Ms. Willows, the man paid her $800 for her photos and told her she had a great eye. (He gives the plastic bag to Catherine.) I brought her brushes and combs. Anything else I could find. Think you'll be able to get enough DNA off that stuff?", "Catherine: Oh, yes, absolutely.", "Don Fitzgibbons: I know the cops say that if you don't find them quickly, you don't usually find them alive. But every time the phone rings or there's a knock at the door, my first thought ... my first hope is that, uh ... it's Caroline.", "Catherine: Mr. Fitzgibbons, we found your name and number written on a post-it in Tad Sidley's dorm room. Can you explain how it got there?", "Don Fitzgibbons: When you guys were first investigating her disappearance, you couldn't get access to Sidley's place, so I appealed to his kid.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. DORM ROOM-DAY] Don Fitzgibbons talks with Tad Sidley.)", "Tad Sidley: Okay, look, I may not like my old man, but he's not a killer. And if you think he is, go to the cops.", "Don Fitzgibbons: The cops can't get a warrant. I'm not saying he hurt Caroline, but maybe there's something in your house that will help me find her.", "Tad Sidley: I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I can't just ...", "Don Fitzgibbons: Look, maybe you could just talk to him. Convince him to let me take a look around the place.", "Tad Sidley: Look, I see my dad once a month... when I pick up my check. He's not going to listen to me.", "Don Fitzgibbons: All right, if you change your mind, give me a call. Anytime.", "(Don Fitzgibbons writes down his name and number on a post-it, then places it on the bulletin board.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Don Fitzgibbons: Unfortunately, I never heard from him. Ms. Willows ... if the blood you found matches my daughter's DNA, tell me that the b*st*rd's going to jail ... for the rest of his life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Wendy Simms talks with Catherine and Warrick as they walk through the hallway.)", "Wendy Simms: So the DNA I extracted from the hair on Caroline's brush is consistent with the blood found on the wood floor.", "Warrick: Thank you. Case closed.", "Catherine: Now wait a minute. We only found a single drop of blood. No doubt Sidley's attorney will argue that Caroline may have cut herself. He already admitted that she was in his house.", "Warrick: Oh, come on, you saw the amount of fluorescence on that floor. You don't use a bucket of bleach to clean up a paper cut.", "Catherine: Yeah, and you don't get a murder conviction off of a single drop of a victim's blood.", "Wendy Simms: So you need to find the body.", "Catherine: That would certainly help.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Grissom is in his office looking at Tad Sidley's DMV photo in one hand and a photo of the burned body in his other. Sofia Curtis walks in.)", "Sofia Curtis: Sorry to interrupt. As per protocol, Metro flagged Tad Sidley's credit cards. A couple of hours ago someone used his AMEX to purchase gas in Seven Hills.", "Grissom: Is that someone in custody?", "Sofia Curtis: Unfortunately, the Gas and Go cashier ran the card manually. So by the time the credit card company flagged the purchase, the guy had taken off. But the station has video surveillance and the cashier claims he could ID him.", "Grissom: Have you told Nick and Sara?", "Sofia Curtis: Nick's in the AV Lab now with the videotape and the cashier.", "Grissom: So the next time this someone uses the credit card ...", "Sofia Curtis: We're all over it.", "(Sofia leaves. Grissom gets up and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick is going through the security video from the Gas and Go, while Larry, the cashier, stands next to him ready to ID the suspect.)", "Nick: You sure you remember this guy who stole Tad Sidley's credit card?", "Larry Smite: For sure. It was a platinum and the guy was like young. I mean, I couldn't even qualify for a VISA.", "(Grissom walks in.)", "Nick: Grissom, meet Larry. Larry's from the Gas and Go.", "Grissom: Thanks for coming in, Larry.", "Larry Smite: Oh, for sure.", "(They go back to watching the video on the monitors. He sees something.)", "Larry Smite: Wait. Stop ... stop the video.", "(Nick stops the video.)", "Larry Smite: Yeah, I remember that jacket and the blond hair. That's his sweet car right behind him. Lucky son of a bitch. I drive an '82 Buick.", "Grissom: Nick, try the unsharp mask.", "(Nick focuses in on the suspect in the video and zooms in. He's momentarily distracted when Larry starts hitting his hands together. The computer program adjusts the pixelation.)", "Larry Smite: Yeah, that's it. That's him. That's your dude.", "Grissom: That's Tad Sidley.", "Larry Smite: That was the name on the credit card.", "Grissom: Is this video from today?", "Nick: Yeah, I downloaded it myself.", "Grissom: Well, if that's Tad Sidley, who's in the morgue?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara is in the layout room, the photos of both cases spread out on the table in front of her. Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: Hey. Thanks for your help.", "Sara: No problem. I laid out the photos and sketches.", "Catherine: Thank you.", "Sara: What are you looking for exactly?", "Catherine: When we showed up at the scene a year ago, Sidley wouldn't let us into his house. I'm guessing because the body was still inside.", "Sara: He knew you'd detect the smell.", "Catherine: Kind of like \"Telltale Heart.\"", "Sara: Edgar Allan Poe.", "Catherine: Guy commits a murder and buries the body under the floorboards of his house.", "Sara: Catherine, I got to tell you, I don't see anything probative.", "Willows: Are both these sketches drawn to the same scale?", "Sara: Yeah, half inch equals a foot.", "(She puts the two sketches over each other.)", "Catherine: All right ... the attic is above the living room. They both share the same chimney.", "Sara: Yeah? What are you thinking?", "Catherine: The east wall of the house is 17 feet from the chimney in the living room. But that same east wall is only 14 feet from the chimney in the attic. When you retrieved the body, did you excavate the entire chimney?", "Sara: No. We just removed the bricks from the west-facing side.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - ATTIC -- DAY]", "(Sara and Catherine are in the attic. Sara is drilling through the bricked-up chimney.)", "Catherine: There's no question that somebody extended the brick exterior of this chimney. There's a slight color disparity between the old and the new bricks.", "(Sara breaks through the bricks and pulls them out.)", "Sara: It's hollow. There's no clay backing. This is just a facade.", "(She clears a hole in the chimney and stops.)", "Sara: Catherine ... we found her.", "(Catherine looks at the petrified body inside.)", "Sara: She was still bleeding when she was brought here.", "Catherine: Which means that her heart was probably still beating.", "Sara: This isn't the \"Telltale Heart,\" it's the \"Cask of Amontillado.\" She was sealed into a wall and left to die.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. STREET -- NIGHT]", "(Officer Clark reports to Sofia and they both walk over to Tad Sidley. )", "Sofia Curtis: I just got your page. Did he stick around?", "Officer Clark: Yeah, we explained the situation, and he thinks it's hilarious.", "Sofia Curtis: Tad, Detective Curtis. I'm glad to see you're okay.", "Tad Sidley: (chuckles) Yeah, me, too. Uh, he said you wanted to talk to me?", "Sofia Curtis: Yeah. Where have you been for the past few weeks?", "Tad Sidley: Tijuana, L.A., quick stop in Santa Barbara. Just got back this morning.", "Sofia Curtis: Any idea how your gym membership got into a dead man's pocket?", "( Chuckles )", "Tad Sidley: No. I'm sorry, I didn't even know it was missing. I'm-I'm not exactly big on the weights, you know? Look, uh ... I'm late for a movie. You mind if I get out of here?", "Sofia Curtis: Sure. I'd just like to get your cell phone number.", "Tad Sidley: Gonna ask me out?", "Sofia Curtis: It's just in case I have any further questions.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins reports his findings to Catherine.)", "Robbins: Caroline did not go gently.", "Catherine: Defensive marks?", "(He shows her the marks on the arm.)", "Robbins: Ten on her right forearm.", "(Quick flash to: Caroline screams as she's being attacked by someone with a knife. End of flash.)", "Robbins: Another three on the left.", "(Quick flash to: Caroline screams as she's being attacked by someone with a knife. End of flash.)", "Robbins: And several more on the palms.", "(Quick flash to: Caroline screams as she's being attacked by someone with a knife. End of flash.)", "Robbins: Catherine, there are tears on her labia and hymen. Too much time's passed to check for semen, but she was raped.", "Catherine: We found a potential blood pool in the living room and another much more substantial one in the attic -- is that consistent with your findings?", "Robbins: Yeah. Caroline was stabbed four times: twice to the abdomen, one to the spleen, one to the intercostal artery. No vital organs were penetrated, which means she would have bled to death slowly.", "Catherine: Probably stabbed in the living room and then moved to the attic where she continued to bleed until she died.", "(Grissom walks in.)", "Grissom: Is the chimney guy still in your drawer?", "Robbins: Yeah, right over there.", "(Grissom opens the drawer.)", "Catherine: What's going on?", "Grissom: Tad Sidley is alive. We assumed that this guy was Tad, based on a gym membership card we found on his body -- we were wrong. This guy is now a John Doe.", "Catherine: Does his father know?", "Grissom: Not yet.", "Catherine: Well, I'm on my way to the PD to meet up with him and his lawyer -- I'll give him the good news.", "(Catherine leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine interviews Martin Sidley in the presence of his lawyer, Duane McWane.)", "Martin Sidley: Like I've already told you, Caroline and I were friends. Now, if you keep this up, I'm gonna file a harassment charge against you personally.", "Duane McWane: Ms. Willows, on the phone you said that you had new information regarding my client's son?", "Catherine: Yes, I will get to that. But first I wanted to let both of you know that Caroline's body was recovered in Mr. Sidley's attic.", "Martin Sidley: What?", "Catherine: The coroner confirmed that she was raped, stabbed and bled to death.", "Duane McWane: Wait a minute. You searched the house again? Ms. Willows, I thought that the judge was perfectly clear.", "Catherine: I searched the chimney, specifically, in accordance with the original warrant and subsequent limitation.", "Martin Sidley: I didn't do it, I swear.", "Catherine: You live alone, Mr. Sidley ... and you have no idea how her body got bricked into your attic? Oh, come on. What happened? Did she say no one too many times?", "Duane McWane: Ms. Willows, you are way over the line.", "Catherine: If you didn't kill her, Mr. Sidley, then tell me, is there anyone else who had access to your house? Who else could have raped Caroline under your roof?", "Martin Sidley: I know what happened.", "Duane McWane: Martin ...", "Martin Sidley: No. I've been covering too long. I need to tell the truth. I was out of town, I came home early. I heard noise coming from the attic.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - ATTIC - DAY] Martin Sidley walks into the attic and finds Tad bricking up the chimney.)", "Martin Sidley: (V.O.) He told me that they'd been seeing each other...", "Martin Sidley: What's going on?", "Tad Sidley: Dad ...", "Martin Sidley: ... that they'd gotten into a fight, and he raped and killed her.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Martin Sidley: I should have told the police, but ... she was already dead. He's my son. I wanted to protect him. I didn't know what else to do. He's been out of cont--", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(Tad Sidley is in the observation watching the interview. He sniffles.)", "Tad Sidley: (quietly) Son of a bitch.", "(He turns to look at Sofia and Warrick.)", "Tad Sidley: He's lying.", "Sofia Curtis: Do you want to tell us what actually happened?", "Tad Sidley: (shakes his head) I have no idea what really happened. I met her once ... at the house. A month or so later, I see her on the news -- she's missing. I can tell you that for two weeks after that, he wouldn't let me anywhere near the house. Claimed that he was painting, and he didn't want me breathing in the fumes.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - ATTIC - DAY] Martin Sidley is bricking up the chimney in the attic. End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Tad Sidley: He killed her. I'm sure of it.", "Warrick: Well, if you'd like to have a word with your old man, I'd say now would be the time.", "(Tad quickly exits the observation room.)", "[INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Tad enters the interview.)", "Tad Sidley: Hi, Dad. I heard everything.", "(He stands up.)", "Martin Sidley: Tad ... son, you're ...", "Tad Sidley: Yeah. I'm not dead. You're dead to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Catherine is in the hallway when her phone rings.)", "Catherine: (to phone) This is Catherine.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB - DAY]", "(Sara is on the phone.)", "Sara: (to phone) Hey, Cat, when you're done at the PD, can you head over to the Print Lab? There's something you're gonna want to see.", "Catherine: I'm on my way.", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Sara is in the Print Lab.)", "Sara: Hi.", "Catherine: Hi.", "(Catherine walks in.)", "Sara: I know why a John Doe was stuffed down the Sidley's chimney. When you and Warrick were working that missing person's case, you couldn't get a warrant, and Martin wouldn't let you in, right?", "Catherine: Right.", "Sara: Don Fitzgibbons tried to gain access to the house through the son ...", "Catherine: But the son wouldn't cooperate.", "Sara: I think he knew that if the house became a crime scene, CSI could get in there.", "Catherine: Well, it's a logical theory, but to kill someone and stuff him in a chimney in hopes of getting information on your missing daughter ...", "(Sara pulls up the prints.)", "Sara: Check out the screen. On the left is an unknown fingerprint I lifted off the chimney cap. On the right is a partial I lifted off of Don Fitzgibbons' post-it you took out of Tad's dorm room. Now, the print on the post-it is only a partial, but it's a match to the chimney cap.", "(She compares the prints. They match.)", "Sara: I also found trace evidence on the roof. Polyethylene plastic. Don Fitzgibbons works at Desert Palms Hospital. I just got off the phone with the administrator. The hospital's body bags are made out of ...", "Catherine: Polyethylene plastic?", "Sara: Don Fitzgibbons has access to those body bags.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. SIDLEY RESIDENCE - ROOFTOP - NIGHT] Don Fitzgibbons is up on the roof and pulls the body in the body bag up to the chimney. He pulls the body bag and snags it on the roofing. A piece is left behind.)", "(He climbs up the chimney and unscrews the chimney cap. He takes the body out of the bag and dumps it into the chimney.)", "END OF FLASHBACK CUT TO:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine talks with Don Fitzgibbons.)", "Don Fitzgibbons: It's true. All of it. You gonna arrest me?", "Catherine: You just admitted to murder; I think you know the answer.", "Don Fitzgibbons: Hold on. I didn't kill anyone.", "Catherine: And the body in the chimney?", "Don Fitzgibbons: (sighs) I took the body from Desert Palms Hospital, from the morgue. He was already dead, a John Doe. Auto accident in a stolen vehicle. Car exploded, he was burned beyond recognition. Ms. Willows, I stole a dead body and I trespassed, but that's it.", "Catherine: And Tad Sidley's ID? Did you place the gym card on the body?", "Don Fitzgibbons: You're a mother, right?", "Catherine: Yes.", "Don Fitzgibbons: Why do you think I did it?", "Catherine: You wanted Martin Sidley to know what it's like to lose a child.", "Don Fitzgibbons: (nods) When I was in Tad's dorm room, I snagged it. I scorched the surface of the card to make it look like it belonged to the John Doe ... to make Martin believe that it was his son. I'd hoped that you'd be able to restore the image. (crying) Look ... I wish I could say that I was sorry for the trouble I've put you through, or the-the petty crimes that I've committed, but I didn't hurt anyone ... and Martin Sidley is behind bars, and my daughter's getting her funeral. And that's all I wanted.", "Catherine: I'm sorry. I'm sorry that we couldn't find your daughter without your help.", "(He nods.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Up in Smoke
[ "The team is followed by a reality TV crew as it investigates the vicious rape of a real estate agent. Thanks to a video surveillance system, suspicion falls on someone taped entering the building and leaving flowers at the victims door, but forensics clears him. Suspicion then falls on the possibility that the perpetrator is a fireman when they find trace evidence of a fireman's uniform" ]
[ "COLD OPEN.", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. OMNI BUILDING LOBBY - NIGHT]", "(Through the glass, we see a yellow taxicab pull up to the curb. Chloe Davis gets out of the cab and walks up to the locked glass doors to the front of the building.)", "(Cameras pan down and we see that there's a security station just inside the lobby equipped with security cameras on the front doors, elevators and other entrance and exit points in the building. On the security station console, there's an open burger and fries - and no sign of the guard.)", "(Chloe Davis uses a key to get through the glass doors. She opens the doors and walks in. She walks past the security station without turning or acknowledging anyone, which leads us to believe that there's no one at the station. The glass doors close behind her.)", "(Through the monitors for CAMERA 3 and for CAMERA 4, we see Chloe Davis arrive at the elevators. She presses the button and leans heavily against the wall waiting for the elevators to arrive.)", "(Camera pans over to the monitor for CAMERA 2, inside the elevator. We hear the elevator bell ding and see the doors open on the monitor. Clearly, with a little too much to drink, Chloe Davis staggers into the elevator and presses the button for her floor. The elevator doors close.)", "(She turns and looks up directly into the security camera and fixes her hair. She rubs her fingertip against her lips and turns around to face the elevator door. The elevator doors open.)", "[INT. OMNI BUILDING - HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Chloe Davis walks crookedly on her high-heeled shoes as she makes her way down the hallway to her apartment. She staggers through the hallway and reaches her apartment door. She tries unsuccessfully to get her key into the keyhole, but it's not working.)", "(Suddenly, the door to the apartment behind her opens. A naked woman runs out, bleeding and delirious. She collapses into Chloe Davis's arms.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OMNI BUILDING LOBBY - NIGHT -- LATER]", "[ON CHRISTINA HOLLIS]", "(The naked woman is on a gurney, fitted with a nasal cannula. Her hearing is unclear, her eyes dart from side to side and her tongue constantly licks her dry lips.)", "[EXT. OMNI BUILDING LOBBY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The paramedics wheel out the victim on the gurney to an ambulance waiting outside. Near the doorway, the woman in blue talks with an officer.)", "(The paramedics put the gurney in the back of the ambulance. Sofia Curtis walks up to Grissom and Catherine.)", "Sofia Curtis: Vic's name's Christina Hollis. She's a sales agent for the building. Neighbor said she just came running out of her unit, delirious and hysterical.", "Catherine: Sexual assault?", "Sofia Curtis: Definitely. I'm gonna go with her to the hospital, see if I can get a statement.", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(Sofia leaves them. Grissom and Catherine walk toward the building. As they head inside, Grissom notices the security cameras.)", "Grissom: Video cameras. That's good for us.", "Catherine: Vic probably thought it was good for her, too.", "(They walk into the building.)", "[INT. OMNI BUILDING LOBBY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(As soon as they step inside, two men, one carrying a microphone and the other a camera, both step in their path.)", "Producer: Excuse me, hi, can you identify yourself for the camera, please? Just look right in the lens.", "['LIVE' CAMERA POV]", "(Grissom isn't happy about his. Catherine looks as if she's recalling or thinking about what this means.)", "Grissom: What is this?", "(Grissom and Catherine walk across the lobby and head for the elevators.)", "Producer: (o.s.) It's a reality crime show. We're following you for this investigation. Sheriff promised full cooperation.", "Catherine: We got that memo. They're 'Hard Crime.'", "Producer: (o.s.) That's us-- we're the guys who put the folks who look in the microscopes under the microscopes.", "Catherine: Right.", "(They reach the elevators. The door opens. The officer standing next to the door holds it open for them.)", "Catherine: You see, it's good PR for the department. Try not to bust their chops, okay?", "Producer: (o.s.) You ever see the show? It's got a lot of forensics.", "Grissom: There's too many forensics shows on TV.", "(The elevator doors close.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OMNI BUILDING - HALLWAY OUTSIDE HOLLIS' APARTMENT -- NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom and Catherine walk through the hallway toward the room. Brass is waiting for them outside.)", "Brass: The doorknob, the frame, the strike plate are all clean. No sign of a forced entry.", "Grissom: So she might have known her assailant.", "Catherine: Either that or he talked his way in.", "(In the background behind them, we see the 'Hard Crime' camera crew turn the corner and head for the scene. Grissom and Catherine duck under the crime scene tape and enter the room. The camera crew tries to follow, but Brass stops them.)", "Brass: Hey, hey, hey. Stay behind the crime tape.", "(They stop, but the camera continues to be on Grissom and Catherine inside the apartment.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Don't cut. Did you get all that?", "(Grissom turns and comes into view of the bed. Catherine comes up right behind him. They both have their flashlights on.)", "[INT. HOLLIS' APARTMENT -- NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "[OFF GRISSOM AND CATHERINE]", "(Their eyes widen at the sight.)", "[ON BED]", "(The bed is rumpled and unmade. Restraints from the bedposts at the head of the bed are bloodied near the ends and on the sheets and pillows. More blood is on the center of the bed. Something horribly bad happened here.)", "Producer: (o.s.) (calls out) Mr. Grissom, can you please describe what you're seeing?", "(He doesn't look at them.)", "Grissom: A long night.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Christina Hollis is on the stirrup table, propped up. Sofia Curtis stands next to her. Christina is still disoriented.)", "Christina Hollis: I don't understand. Why am I here?", "Sofia Curtis: Miss Hollis, you've been assaulted.", "Christina Hollis: Who ... ? I ...", "Sofia Curtis: You don't know who did this? (She shakes her head.) What was the last thing you remember?", "(She stops and tries to remember. She shakes her head.)", "Christina Hollis: I don't know.", "(She looks down at her wrists and sees that they're red, raw and partially bleeding from the restraints.", "Christina Hollis: Oh, my God.", "(She looks down at her legs, lifts up her hospital gown a little to expose her thighs and sees them red and bruised.)", "Christina Hollis: Oh, my God!", "(She looks down at her feet and sees them pedicured perfectly with her toenails painted red.)", "Christina Hollis: (panicking) Okay, this isn't right. Why isn't this right? Why don't I look right? Right ... This isn't --", "Sofia Curtis: Christina, it's okay.", "Christina Hollis: No, it's not okay. It's not okay. Why don't I look right? I don't underst- ...", "(She looks up and beyond Sofia, she sees the cameras on her.)", "Christina Hollis: Why are they st- ... why are they staring at me? (hysterical) Stop looking at me!", "(Sofia quickly shuts the curtains closed.)", "Sofia Curtis: Nurse, get in here!", "(Christina dissolves into hysterical sobbing. Sofia grabs her and holds her tightly.)", "Sofia Curtis: (softly) It's okay. It's okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - NIGHT -- LATER]", "(The cameraman turns the corner. The producer calls his attention and points down the hallway.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Hey.", "(At the end of the hallway, Sofia Curtis is talking with the nurse.)", "Nurse: I did a wet mount from a vaginal swab and got four-plus motile sperm present.", "Sofia Curtis: So she was raped within the last few hours. No condom means he's not in the system or he doesn't care if he gets caught.", "Nurse: Guys like this, they keep doing it.", "(Finished, Sofia turns to leave. The producer tries to catch her attention.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Excuse me, detective. Can I ask you a question?", "(She ignores him and continues walking down the hallway.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Detective.", "(Sofia looks back as she continues down the hallway.)", "Sofia Curtis: You try something like that again and you're gone. I don't a give a damn what the sheriff says.", "Producer: (o.s.) Look, we never put anyone on screen without a signed release.", "Sofia Curtis: You invaded her privacy at her most vulnerable moment.", "Producer: (o.s.) I am trying to give the crime a face.", "Sofia Curtis: Yeah, well, we're going to lose an hour waiting for her to calm down. That's on you.", "Producer: (o.s.) I apologize. It won't happen again. Look, can I just ask you what you've got there?", "(She stops and shows it to him.)", "Sofia Curtis: It's a sexual assault evidence kit and blood sample. I've seen date rape victims in similar dissociative states. We're going to run a tox screen, see if she was drugged.", "Producer: (o.s.) You were a CSI, right?", "Sofia Curtis: Yeah.", "Producer: And now you're a detective. So which side of the fence do you prefer?", "Sofia Curtis: It's the same side.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOLLIS APARTMENT -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom snaps photos of the bloodied restraints and the sheets.)", "(Quick flash to: Christina Hollis struggles on the bed, her wrists tied to the bedposts. She struggles against the restraints. End of flash.)", "(Grissom puts the camera down and looks at the bed. He slowly walks around the bed and takes a picture of the framed photo on the bedside table of the victim with blood spattered on the glass frame. He takes additional photos of the pictures on the table of the victim with an older woman.)", "(Catherine opens the closet and we see that Christina has a lot of high-heeled shoes. Catherine snaps a photo of the yoga mats on the closet floor. Catherine closes the closet door.)", "(Catherine walks up to the kitchen counter where there are candles burning. She snaps photos of the candles, the wax spilled out and melted on the counter top.)", "Catherine: Candles burned down. A bouquet in the trash.", "(She takes a photo of the bouquet in the trash bin next to the kitchen counter.)", "Catherine: Flowers and candles -- sure seems like a date.", "(She looks around and snaps more photos.)", "Grissom: Some date.", "(Grissom snaps a photo of a glittery substance in the blood on the bedsheet.)", "(Catherine walks over to another side table with a candle burning on it. She notices something.)", "Catherine: Got a void in the wax.", "(Sure enough, in the melted wax on the counter, there's a large block as if something were taken that used to be on the table when the wax melted.)", "(She snaps a photo of it and notices something else on the wooden floor. It's a yellow piece of material. She snaps photos of it and puts her camera aside to get the material.)", "(Meanwhile, Grissom notices something on the bed frame.)", "Grissom: Some kind of white flaky substance.", "(He takes a tape lift of it. Catherine joins him.)", "(He also sees a drop of something red and shiny on the bed frame.)", "Grissom: This looks like blood, but ...", "(He tries to take a swab sample of it and finds that it's dried and doesn't come off.)", "Catherine: I think it's nail polish.", "(She snaps a photo of it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OMNI BUILDING LOBBY - SECURITY STATION -- NIGHT]", "(The security station monitor for CAMERA 8 shows a maintenance man working in the dark corridor in the basement. Brass walks up to him.)", "[INT. OMNI BUILDING - BASEMENT - NIGHT]", "(Brass walks up to the maintenance man as he works on the pipes.)", "Brass: Hey, how's it going?", "(The maintenance man turns and looks at Brass.)", "Brass: According to your supervisor, you were doing maintenance work on the 11th floor at 5:00 A.M.", "(The maintenance man notices the security camera in the corridor.)", "Brass: What were you fixing at 5:00 in the morning?", "Maintenance Man: I was just clocking a little overtime.", "Brass: Uh-huh.", "Maintenance Man: Management said they wanted a few extra coats of paint on three, seven and eleven. Got to keep everything nice and pretty for the tenants.", "Brass: You know, the security guy didn't see you on his camera. Why is that?", "Maintenance Man: Yeah, well, that guy doesn't see much. Service elevator's out. We have to use the stairs. God forbid the tenants ever have to look at one of us.", "Brass: You got a master key to all the apartments?", "Maintenance Man: Yeah. But we only go in if a tenant specifically asks us to fix something.", "Brass: You ever fix anything for Christina Hollis?", "Maintenance Man: Nope. Never.", "(Brass notices the roll of duct tape on the maintenance man's tool belt. He reaches out and removes the roll and looks at it.)", "Brass: You're running a little low on duct tape, my man.", "Maintenance Man: Yeah. It's holding up half the building.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB]", "(Hodges looks at the duct tape through the scope. He writes on the clipboard when Nick walks in holding two evidence bags.)", "Nick: Two pieces of duct tape; both have been swabbed for DNA and fingerprinted. Grissom wants you to compare adhesives. He's looking for a match. ...", "Hodges: Okay. (nods cheerfully) That'll take a laser ablation test. That's good.", "(Hodges smiles and casually looks around.)", "Nick: (frowns) Why's that good?", "Hodges: Well, laser ablation is both visual and dramatic.", "Nick: Are you looking for the video crew right now?", "Hodges: I would think that they would be looking for me.", "Nick: Relax, man, the show's only an hour long. Laser ablation takes, like, six.", "Hodges: Yeah, but when they cut it together, it'll only take thirty seconds.", "(Nick smiles and nods. He turns and leaves.)", "(Hodges picks up the two evidence bags. He again glances around the area.)", "(Cut to: Hodges opens the evidence bag and removes the duct tape piece from it. He cuts a piece of the duct tape off.)", "(He again glances around the area.)", "(He puts the piece cut off into the machine and shuts the drawer-like door. He starts the machine and it whirrs. He moves to the monitor and starts the lasers.)", "(Quick CGI EFX: Camera zooms into the machine and shows the laser cutting an S-pattern from side-to-side on the piece of duct tape.)", "(The particles burned off the sample are sucked into the cylinder tube.)", "(End of CGI EFX. Resume to present.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Hodges reports his findings to Grissom.)", "Hodges: Ran laser ablation on the duct tape samples. (He hands the report to Grissom.) Not a match.", "Grissom: So she wasn't tied up with the maintenance man's tape.", "Hodges: (shakes his head) Mm-mm.", "Grissom: What about the rest of the trace?", "Hodges: White powder was primarily biological, so I kicked it back to DNA. It did contain some glassy particles. Might be industrial diamonds.", "Grissom: And the yellow reflective flakes?", "Hodges: My next priority.", "(They turn the corner and we hear the producer talking.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Okay, we're rolling. Go ahead.", "(He points and scoffs as they pass by the A/V Lab.)", "Hodges: That's a waste of film.", "(Hodges and Grissom walk out of camera frame. The camera lingers on Archie and Catherine in the A/V lab with the camera crew.)", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "Archie Johnson: The victim came out of her apartment around 5:00 A.M., so I've been working my way back from then.", "(Archie rewinds the video. The time clock is around the 10:34 hour.)", "Archie Johnson: In the previous seven hours, 37 people came and went from the 11th floor, 21 of them male.", "Catherine: So the assailant could be any one of them ... (Archie nods.) ... assuming that our guy didn't take the stairs which, of course, aren't monitored.", "(Archie shows a particular man stepping into the elevator.)", "Archie Johnson: Okay, now, here: This guy got off on the vic's floor at 10:32 P.M. There's no footage of him coming back down. And check this out.", "(He enlarges the flowers in the man's hands.)", "Catherine: He brought flowers. How romantic.", "Archie Johnson: But I don't think this was a first date.", "(Archie brings up another camera view of the front doors. The time clock reads 10:27 P.M. On the monitor, we see the man walk up to the building doors and use a key to get inside.)", "Archie Johnson: Guy had his own key.", "Catherine: So he could've been with the victim the whole night.", "(Archie nods.)", "Catherine: Pull the best image of his face you can, and get a printout to Brass.", "Archie Johnson: I'm on it.", "(Catherine stands up to leave. The producer stops her.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Ms. Willows, hold on a second. All you have is a guy's face. How do you figure out who he is?", "Catherine: Good question.", "(Catherine turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick waits.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Guys, we're good to go. Speed. VOICE: (o.s.) Fine.", "(He clears his throat and waits.)", "Producer: (o.s.) So what have you found so far?", "Nick: I lifted two identifiable prints off the bouquet wrapper.", "Producer: (o.s.) How do you know they belong to the suspect?", "Nick: We don't, but one matched a print found on the duct tape, right here, used to tape up the victim. (He shows the photo of the duct tape.) Unfortunately, that print's not in our database.", "Producer: (o.s.) So your suspect doesn't have a record?", "Nick: Apparently not, no.", "Producer: (o.s.) Well, how do you find a guy who's not in the system?", "Nick: (chuckles) You just got to get creative, you know? I mean, the flowers ... (shows the flowers) ... came from a small shop off-strip. Took the suspect's image to the clerk, (Nick holds up the photo) ... showed it to him. He gave me a credit card receipt. From that receipt, I got a name. That name gave me a driver's license. (He holds up the DMV printout.) Dwight Reynolds. Police are bringing him in now.", "Producer: (o.s.) Great, okay. Clear and concise, thank you.", "(He breathes and relaxes.)", "Nick: Thanks. Yeah, well, we have to do it in court all the time. If you can't explain it to a jury, then the bad guy usually walks, and we don't like it when the bad guy walks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY]", "(Sofia and Brass walk through the hallway on their way to the interview room.)", "Sofia Curtis: Unit picked him up at the double down. He was plastered.", "Brass: What'd he blow?", "Sofia Curtis: One nine.", "(They stop just outside the interview room.)", "Brass: That's almost enough to wash away your sins.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, we're going to have wait until he sobers up.", "Brass: No, no, let's not wait, let's move on this. I think we got a chance. Look, why don't you come in there with me, huh? Maybe pop a few buttons?", "(She chuckles.)", "Brass: No, seriously. See how he reacts.", "Sofia Curtis: If he tries too hard not to look, it could be a guilty conscience?", "Brass: Yeah, maybe, something like that.", "Sofia Curtis: If he is the guy, and we interview him now, anything he says could be thrown out of court.", "Brass: It's worth a try. What do you think, huh?", "(Smiling, Sofia undoes the top button of her blouse.)", "Sofia Curtis: Let's go.", "(They enter the interview room. The 'Hard Crime' cameras remain outside. The door closes.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass and Sofia interview Dwight Reynolds.)", "Brass: How's it going?", "Dwight Reynolds: Okay.", "Brass: Did you know a Christina Hollis?", "Dwight Reynolds: Yeah, we used to date.", "Brass: You seen her recently?", "Dwight Reynolds: No.", "Brass: Then how come we found your prints on some flowers at her place?", "Dwight Reynolds: I dropped some flowers off ... but I didn't see her when I did.", "Brass: You had a key?", "Dwight Reynolds: Yeah. She likes me to come over sometimes, you know? Help her move stuff.", "(Sofia leans forward across the table.)", "[HARD CRIME CAMERA POV]", "(Sofia leans forward across the table; the camera lingers on her chest.)", "[RESUME BRASS]", "Brass: Oh, come on, what really happened, huh? You went over to move some stuff, and she wasn't in the mood, is that it?", "Dwight Reynolds: I told you -- I didn't see her.", "(Quick flashback to: [HALLWAY OUTSIDE CHRISTINA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT] Dwight takes out the keys and starts to unlock the door. He hears loud Barry White music coming from inside. He stops and throws the bouquet down on the hallway floor. He leaves.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Dwight Reynolds: She was playing Barry White. Everybody knows what that means. I guess it wasn't my night.", "Brass: You're lying! We found the flowers inside her apartment in the trash, and you didn't use the elevator to leave.", "Dwight Reynolds: I was pissed. I tried to walk it off. I figured eleven flights down, It's better than a cold shower.", "Sofia Curtis: Christina Hollis was tied up and brutally assaulted in her apartment last night.", "Dwight Reynolds: What?", "Brass: And you were there.", "Dwight Reynolds: Is she ... ?", "Sofia Curtis: She's alive and talking.", "Dwight Reynolds: Last night? The guy who with her was ... was doing that to her?", "(Quick flash to: [PEEPHOLE VIEW] Dwight Reynolds is standing in front of the door. He throws the flowers down on the floor and leaves. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Dwight Reynolds: I could've stopped it.", "(Sofia and Brass glance at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - DAY]", "(Wendy Simms reports her findings to Catherine.)", "Wendy Simms: So the powder that you found on the bedroom floor was actually keratinized skin cells. They belong to the vic, and morphology suggests that they're probably from her cuticles.", "Catherine: Cuticles?", "Wendy Simms: Mm-hmm.", "Catherine: Nail polish, diamond particles ... maybe she was giving herself a mani and pedi before the assault.", "Wendy Simms: I don't know about you, but if I could afford to live in an apartment like that, I'd be in a spa every week.", "Catherine: Yeah, I hear you there. Thank you.", "Wendy Simms: Mm-hmm.", "(Catherine takes the results and leaves the lab. The camera crew follows her.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine catches up with Grissom and reports.)", "Catherine: Wendy ran the semen, no hits in CODIS.", "Grissom: Yeah, the, uh ... ex-boyfriend didn't match any of the prints on the duct tape, either.", "Catherine: SAE found oral, vaginal and a**l smears positive for semen. Degraded and intact sperm suggests multiple deposits.", "(They walk into his office and continue their conversation. The 'Hard Crime' camera crew remains outside in the hallway.)", "Grissom: Which means that he probably raped her on and off, for a long time.", "Catherine: Yeah, well, tox came back -- lorazepam in the vic's blood.", "Grissom: I didn't find any prescription bottles in her apartment.", "Catherine: No, nor did I. Lorazepam is a hypnotic sedative, and I know in high doses, it causes acute amnesia. Maybe that's what he was counting on to cover his tracks.", "Grissom: Well, it usually takes an hour for a drug like that to kick in. How did he subdue her in the meantime?", "Catherine: (shakes her head) Low-profile entry, sedatives, duct tape -- I mean, if he's not a serial, he will be soon.", "(Grissom glances back at the cameras outside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges fixes his hair and his eyebrows. Sara walks in. Hodges smoothes out his eyebrows and checks his teeth. Sara startles him.)", "Sara: Hey, there, gorgeous.", "(Hodges turns around and casually looks around for the cameras.)", "Sara: I'm going to be running with the trace from the victim's apartment. Would you mind bringing me up to speed?", "Hodges: (nods) Certainly.", "(Hodges pauses, waiting for something. In the background, we see the camera crew turn the corner and head for the Trace Lab.)", "Sara: Take your time.", "(The camera crew rushes into the lab.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Did you page us?", "Hodges: Um ...", "(Hodges turns and looks away.)", "Sara: (shakes her head) No. Mm-mm.", "(Hodges opens the file folder and reports to Sara.)", "Hodges: According to the gas chromatograph mass spectrometer, the glossy red drop you found on the footboard was ... nail polish.", "Sara: Well, that's not unusual in a woman's apartment.", "Hodges: What is far more intriguing is the reflective yellow flakes. Follow me to the Fourier transform infrared microscope.", "Sara: (under her breath) Hodges, what's wrong with you?", "(Hodges shakes his head.)", "Hodges: Nothing.", "(Sara walks over to the scope.)", "Producer: (whispering) Guys ... stay with the girl.", "(Hodges leans in closer to her, where the camera has a nice angle on his face.)", "Hodges: As you can see, the flakes are fluorescent reflective lenses bonded to an aramid backing by a special polymer layer. And it's used exclusively in the reflective trim of firemen's turnouts.", "Sara: You're telling me there was a firefighter in the victim's bedroom.", "(Hodges ponders that thought.)", "Hodges: Hmm ...", "Sara: Thanks.", "(Sara turns to the camera.)", "Sara: Thanks, Hodges.", "(She turns to leave.)", "Hodges: Anytime.", "(The camera lingers on Hodges. He turns and looks through the scope.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. FIRE STATION -- DAY]", "(Brass and Sara talk with Captain Hendricks.)", "Captain Hendricks: Yeah, all right, okay, let 'em roll.", "(He waves over at the camera crew.)", "Captain Hendricks: But you're buying the lobster.", "Brass: Yeah, right.", "(The 'Hard Crime' camera moves in closer to the three.)", "Brass: (to Sara) See, one of the guys gets on TV, that guy has to buy lobster for the whole company, you know? (The Captain chuckles.) These guys eat well - - lobster thermidor! Check it out. (louder) So, according to dispatch, you responded to an alarm at the Omni condos last night?", "Captain Hendricks: Yeah, at 6:58 P.M. We were on scene in about four minutes. Three smoke bombs on three different floors, three pains in my ass. There's no major damage, just paint and wallpaper. We were there about a half hour.", "Sara: What'd the arson guys find?", "Captain Hendricks: They didn't find much. Uh, the smoke bombs were made out of soda cans. (He shrugs.) Kids, Internet, you do the math. It's all in your lab.", "Sara: Really? What for?", "Captain Hendricks: A couple guys from the day shift were gonna compare 'em to those bombs we found a couple of weeks ago.", "Brass: What are you talking about?", "Captain Hendricks: Apartment building over on Paradise. Smoke bombs started a fire, one woman died. We still don't have a suspect in that.", "(Sara thinks about it. She leaves Brass to continue to talk with Captain Hendricks and she moves over to the lockers and benches to check out the firemen's gear.)", "Brass: Were you on the scene?", "Captain Hendricks: I saw it after. Smoke bomb was too close to the wall, the whole place was ...", "Brass: Where was the woman who died?", "Captain Hendricks: Down the hall asleep.", "(Sara reaches down and checks the base color of the reflection material at the base of the fireman's yellow jacket.)", "Brass: Which of your guys were up on the 11th floor at the Omni?", "Captain Hendricks: I don't know. I'd have to ask around. Why?", "Brass: A woman was raped last night.", "Captain Hendricks: You think one of my guys did it?", "Brass: No. I'm not saying that, but we found some evidence that a fireman was near her bed.", "Captain Hendricks: You came here to accuse my guys of this in front of the camera?", "Brass: No, no, no. Settle down, settle down...", "Captain Hendricks: The hell I will. No wonder they call you Brass, because you really got a set.", "Brass: Aw, come on, Sparky ...", "(Sara returns.)", "Sara: Excuse me, gentlemen. Captain, uh, which of your guys ... wears a yellow reflective stripe on their turnouts?", "Captain Hendricks: Nobody; department's color is orange.", "Sara: The reflective flake we found in Christina Hollis' apartment was yellow.", "Captain Hendricks: Then you're not looking for a Las Vegas fireman.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Archie reports his findings to Catherine and Grissom.)", "Archie Johnson: According to surveillance, the victim came home at 6:19 P.M. And the firemen were in her building at approximately 7:00. They took the stairs, so we don't have them on this camera. Now take a look at this ...", "(Archie shows the video at 6:36 P.M.. On it, a fireman is pounding on one of the doors.)", "Catherine: Well, he certainly looks the part.", "Archie Johnson: He touched the door with his bare hands. Might get prints.", "Catherine: The time code says 6:36 P.M. But the alarm went out at 6:58. That's 22 minutes later.", "Archie Johnson: What kind of fireman comes before the fire?", "Grissom: Someone who knows it's coming.", "(beat)", "Producer: (o.s.) Uh, Mr. Grissom, we may have missed that. Could say it one more time for the camera?", "(Grissom turns and glares incredulously at the cameraman.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(COMMERCIALS ET)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OMNI BUILDING - PARKING -- DAY]", "(The janitor is talking with an officer. Greg is printing the garage door.)", "Producer: (o.s.) You ever hear the saying, \"Only the dumb ones get caught?\"", "Greg: Yeah ... but we catch the smart ones, too. And this guy's definitely smart.", "(Quick flash to: Someone places a lit soda can on the center of the hallway floor.)", "Greg: (V.O.) He lights smoke bombs on three different floors so as not to call attention to his target.", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Greg continues to print the door.)", "Greg: Victim sees the smoke, sees him, and opens the door.", "(Quick flashback to: The smoke bombs are smoking in the hallways. The fake fireman goes to the door and knocks.)", "\"FIREMAN\": Fire Department, open up.", "(Christina opens the door and the fireman bursts into her apartment.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Greg: I mean, who wouldn't trust a fireman, right?", "(Greg continues to print the door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Christina Hollis is in the interview room sipping from a coffee cup. Her wrists are wrapped up. Her interview with Sofia Curtis is being video recorded.)", "Sofia Curtis: It takes a lot of courage to do this.", "Christina Hollis: Thank you.", "Sofia Curtis: And if you change your mind about the camera, all you have to do is say so -- no one ever has to see this.", "Christina Hollis: No, I want him to see it.", "Sofia Curtis: He'll watch it in jail. Okay, so, you said you were beginning to remember what happened?", "Christina Hollis: Yeah, a little.", "Sofia Curtis: Can you tell me what he looked like?", "Christina Hollis: Um ... no, not really. It's mostly, uh ... just feelings.", "Sofia Curtis: Feelings. Of what?", "Christina Hollis: I know he raped me.", "(Quick flash of: Christina Hollis is tied and bound in her bed. End of flash.)", "Christina Hollis: What I remember most ... it was, um ...", "(Quick flash of: The person is touching her feet. End of flash.)", "Christina Hollis: (sniffles) He ... he kept ... he kept touching my feet.", "(She cries.)", "Christina Hollis: He kept touching my feet.", "(She covers her eyes as she cries.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom and Catherine walk through the hallway.)", "Grissom: A foot fetish is a visual pathology. The suspect would have had to be close enough to the vic to see her toes and then get aroused.", "Catherine: We live in a desert, Gil. You want to see a woman's bare feet, all you have to do is look down.", "(They walk out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sara is going through the selection of firemen outfits on the Internet. Greg enters the room.)", "Greg: Door in the parking structure was like the arm of a slot machine: Smudge city.", "Sara: Anything useful from the janitor?", "Greg: Yeah, he gave us a full description. Said he looked like a fireman.", "Sara: Well, between eBay, uniform shops, and national manufacturers, there's about a hundred different places that you can buy yellow-striped turnouts.", "Greg: Maybe he was a fireman in another city.", "Sara: Maybe.", "Greg: What's that?", "Sara: When I was at the firehouse, all of the air tanks were rigged with the valves on the bottom, like this one. (She looks at a security photo.) But our guy ... his valve is on top.", "Greg: A real fireman probably wouldn't make that mistake.", "Sara: His airline isn't even rigged to his mask. It's rigged to a second mask on his side.", "Greg: Maybe he put something in the tank to subdue her.", "Sara: He used lorazepam.", "Greg: Eventually. But this guy was somehow able to get her from the door to the bed without a struggle. (He thinks about it.) I bet he used nitrous oxide. That stuff will knock you out real fast.", "(Quick flash to: [Christina's apartment] The door opens. The fireman steps inside and puts the gas mask over Christina's face. She struggles. He steps inside and the door closes behind him.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Greg: And it's undetectable in the blood after a few minutes. Pretty easy to come by. And it would explain the valve on top. It's liquid under pressure. It would spill if it were upside down. All you need is a driver's license and a deposit for the tank. If this guy bought nitrous from a local distributor, there's definitely a record.", "Sara: Check it out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick is alone and talking on the phone.)", "Warrick: (to phone) Come on, Tina. Like, I'm the only one working doubles here. (He listens.) Oh, so it's my fault that we have strange schedules. Great. Go out with your friends. (scoffs) I'm sure you'll be seeing Robert again tonight, too, huh?", "(Warrick notices the cameras entering the room behind him and he quickly ends the call.)", "Warrick: (to phone) You know what? It's fine. I got to go. Have a fun time.", "(He hangs up.)", "Producer: (o.s.) This a bad time?", "Warrick: No. Great time. What can I do for you?", "Producer: (o.s.) What are you working on?", "Warrick: I'm examining smoke bombs recovered from, uh ... the victim's condo, and comparing them to smoke bombs from an arson case a couple of weeks ago.", "Producer: (o.s.) How do you know which is which? I mean, how do you tell them apart?", "Warrick: Well, so far, I've only opened up one item from each case. CSIs, when we work a case, we take extensive notes at the scene, and photos of each item. And, uh ... they're very similar, I know. But, based on the construction and the components, I'd say these two bombs were made by the same person.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Robbins is on a treadmill and talking with the producer on camera.)", "Producer: (o.s.) So I guess this is a slow day at the morgue.", "Robbins: You can't really predict this job. Today it's like this, tomorrow it's a bus accident. So I am here.", "(Grissom enters the room.)", "Grissom: Albert.", "Robbins: Yeah?", "Grissom: Did you find the blood sample I called you about?", "Robbins: Female arson fatality. COD is smoke inhalation. Partial tox came back carboxyhemoglobin and cyanide.", "Grissom: I need a test for lorazepam.", "Robbins: Blood's on its way to tox.", "Grissom: You recall any other sexual assault victims that tested positive for lorazepam?", "Robbins: Uh ... nothing comes to mind, but I'll check my files, confer with Toxicology.", "Grissom: Thanks.", "(Grissom leaves.)", "Robbins: Yeah. (to camera) A slow day is a good day.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM]", "(Inside the waiting room, there is a crowd of people. Outside in the hallway, Sofia talks with Sara.)", "Sofia Curtis: These people lived on the same floor as the female arson fatality from two weeks ago.", "Sara: Tox on the arson victim came back negative for lorazepam. So maybe she wasn't the target.", "(They both head into the waiting room.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Ms. Sidle, is this what you guys call a 'fishing expedition?'", "Sara: We call this 'following a lead.'", "Producer: (o.s.) Forgive me, but it's not very much of a lead.", "Sara: What's that supposed to mean?", "Producer: (o.s.) Well, this case is even colder than the one you're on. You'd almost be better off if you had a new rape victim and a fresh scene.", "Sara: That might be true, but that is definitely not the outcome that we're looking for.", "(Sara turns and heads into the waiting room. She walks up to a young woman and introduces herself.)", "Sara: Hi. I'm, uh, Sara Sidle. Maybe we could talk in here?", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara talks with Stephanie.)", "Stephanie: I didn't really know the girl who died. I still can't believe what happened. It's just awful.", "Sara: Tell me what you remember.", "Stephanie: I was alone in my apartment Saturday night. Hello. What's new, right? I was reading or something.", "(Quick flashback to: [SATURDAY NIGHT] Someone pounds on the door to apartment", "Stephanie: (V.O.) And then, suddenly, there was someone pounding on my door.", "(Stephanie opens the door. She looks around and sees the smoke. Her eyes widen.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Can you describe what he looked like?", "Stephanie: Well, he was a fireman. I mean, he was wearing a mask. It all happened pretty quick. (Sara sighs.) Why?", "Sara: We're looking for a rapist who masquerades as a fireman. He uses smoke bombs to get his victims to open their doors.", "Stephanie: He knocked on my door. Are you saying you think he was going to rape me?", "Sara: It's possible.", "Stephanie: You know, I was pretty freaked.", "(Quick flash to: The walls are on fire. Stephanie takes a step to get out as well.)", "Stephanie: (V.O.) When he was standing there in front of me ... just before he left ...", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Stephanie: ... I swear, for a second, it felt like he wasn't going to let me go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine, Sara and Greg meet to discuss the case.)", "Sara: Turnouts were a dead end. And there's nothing to track off of the smoke bombs.", "Greg: I've got hundreds of names of people who purchased nitrous oxide in the last six months.", "Catherine: What? You got to narrow that down.", "Greg: That is narrowed down.", "Catherine: Okay. Our rapist is a foot fetishist. That's what gets him off. He has to see his victim's feet somewhere. If we can figure out where, maybe we can find him.", "Greg: What do the victims have in common?", "(Catherine looks at the file folder.)", "Catherine: Christina Hollis. African American. Single. Lives and works at the Omni. She lives on the 11th floor, so there's no real way for a peeper to see in. And she uses the gym, but not the pool.", "Sara: Stephanie Daniels lives across town. Caucasian. Also single. No gym membership, but she does use the pool at her apartment complex regularly. There's a couple of adjacent buildings. It's possible that somebody could see into her place with a telescope, but she has shades and curtains. I kind of doubt it.", "Greg: So they have nothing in common.", "(Grissom walks in carrying a file folder.)", "Grissom: Sure, they do. They both have feet. We may have a third victim who may also be our first victim. Tara Weathers. Last month, she claimed she was drugged in a bar and woke up in her apartment with her toes freshly painted. They did a tox on her at the time. Found lorazepam in her system.", "(Catherine looks at the photo of feet.)", "Catherine: Well, she does have nice feet. And the nail polish looks like a similar shade to Christina Hollis'.", "Grissom: Yeah. So the pattern starts a month ago. Our guy drugs Tara Weathers in a bar, takes her to her apartment, paints her toes, leaves. Two weeks later, he steps it up.", "Sara: Poses as a firefighter, places smoke bombs in an apartment building, only things don't work out the way that he planned. The building catches fire, and he runs.", "Catherine: He waits a couple more weeks, he does it again, but this time he goes all the way.", "Grissom: Yeah. And now he's escalating.", "Greg: Where does he go from here?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. TARA WEATHERS APARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Tara Weathers opens her front door and finds Brass and Catherine standing there.)", "Brass: Tara Weathers? I'm Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police. This is Catherine Willows from the Crime Lab.", "Tara Weathers: What do you want?", "Brass: Well, we're here to ask you about the incident you reported to the police last month.", "Tara Weathers: The nail polish thing?", "Brass: Yeah, the nail polish thing.", "Tara Weathers: You guys said I should consider myself lucky, that there was no real crime anyway.", "Catherine: Well, we may have be wrong about that.", "Tara Weathers: I knew it, that's what I tried to tell you the first time.", "(She lets them inside.)", "(Inside, they talk with her.)", "Brass: The guy who drugged you is a rapist and a murderer, and we're looking to stop him before he does it again.", "Tara Weathers: Are you serious?", "Catherine: Very. We're trying to understand what you have in common with the other victims that might lead us to him.", "Brass: Now he has a foot fetish. He's into feet. Is there any way that he could've ... seen your feet?", "Tara Weathers: (shakes her head) Um ... I - I ... I don't know.", "Catherine: Where do you buy your shoes?", "Tara Weathers: All over.", "Brass: Do you go to a gym?", "Tara Weathers: No, not really.", "Catherine: Pool?", "Tara Weathers: No, never. I burn easily. I'm a legal secretary, I don't get out much. My work starts early and it goes late. The firm is so conservative, we're not even allowed to wear open-toed shoes.", "(Catherine sees the yoga mat.)", "Catherine: I notice that you do yoga.", "Tara Weathers: Yeah.", "Catherine: Where?", "Tara Weathers: Out on the balcony. It's practically the only fresh air I get.", "(Catherine turns and looks out the balcony at the apartments around the area.)", "Catherine: Anybody in those apartments has a clear view of her bare feet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BUILDING - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Brass run through the hallway. The 'Hard Copy' producer and camera follow.)", "Producer: (o.s.) So how'd you get the warrant?", "Catherine: The tenant's name was on the nitrous oxide list.", "(They stop at Richard McQueen's apartment door. There are other officers there and the manager with the key.)", "Brass: (loud) Las Vegas Police. Open up, we have a warrant. Open up, police.", "(There's no answer.)", "Brass: (to the manager) Open it.", "(The manager uses the key and opens the door. He quickly steps aside. The officers and Brass enter the apartment.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Let's go.", "(Catherine stops the camera from following.)", "Catherine: No, no, no, you're not going in there, no.", "(He hands her a flashlight.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Well, will you take this cam-light in, it's a flashlight camera. It'll record anything you point it at.", "(Catherine takes the flashlight-cam.)", "Producer: Thanks.", "(Officer Akers exits the apartment.)", "Officer Akers: All clear.", "Catherine: Okay, thanks.", "(Catherine enters the apartment.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Okay, you get any of this? Zoom in. Zoom in.", "(The producer holds the hand monitor and we see the image on the small screen. Camera zooms in close to the monitor screen.)", "(On the monitor, Catherine makes her way over to Brass.)", "Brass: Perfect view of Tara's balcony.", "(Inside the apartment, Catherine finds yoga class flyers on the counter.)", "Catherine: Yoga flyers from all over town.", "(Next to it on the counter is an open manicure-pedicure kit.)", "Catherine: Guy's got everything he needs for a pedicure.", "(On the monitor, we see posters and pictures of women and their feet hanging on the walls.)", "(Catherine walks over to Brass.)", "Brass: Hey, check this out. God bless the Internet.", "(On the wall, Brass stands in front of a bulletin board with pictures pinned to it. Catherine shines her flashlight on the pictures of women in exercise outfits with focus on their feet and women wearing high-heeled shoes. Photos upon photos of feet and toes and shoes.)", "(Catherine rolls her eyes, turns and continues looking through the apartment.)", "(Catherine and Brass walk into the next room. On the wall is a large poster of women's shoes. On the table, Brass finds bomb-making paraphernalia. On the floor next to the table is a case for a 'Breathing Air Unit'.)", "Brass: Fireman's air tank case.", "(He opens the case and finds it empty.)", "Brass: Where's the tank?", "(Catherine puts on some gloves.)", "(Brass takes out his phone and makes a call.)", "Brass: (to phone) Yeah, this is Brass. I want to put a broadcast out on Richard McQueen. That's M-C-Q-U-E-E-N.", "Dispatch: (from phone) McQueen copy that, we'll put it on the wire.", "(On the table, Catherine finds a video camera. She lifts it up and finds candle wax stuck to the bottom of the camera.)", "Catherine: Candle wax on the camera.", "(She puts the camera down and flips it on.)", "(The image of Richard McQueen giving Christina Hollis a pedicure fills the screen. She is tied to the bed.)", "(Catherine picks up the flashlight camera and shines it on the digital video camera.)", "(On the monitor, Richard McQueen turns and looks at the camera.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BUILDING -- DAY]", "(Officer cars stop in front of the building. Brass gets out and runs past the fire engines to get inside. The camera crew follow him.)", "(They run inside the building.)", "[INT. BUILDING - DAY]", "(Off screen we hear someone grunt and a loud voice.)", "Voice: Stay down! Stay down!", "(Brass and other officers run through the smoke-filled corridor toward the commotion.)", "Brass: Las Vegas PD!", "(We hear the sounds of fists hitting flesh. All we see is smoke.)", "Brass: Las Vegas PD! Break it up! Break it up!", "(The officers arrive and pull a couple of firemen off a man on the floor.)", "Brass: What the hell's going on here?", "Captain Hendricks: Smoke bombs. We caught this creep sneaking away. My guys tried to stop him.", "Richard McQueen: She wouldn't let me touch her feet.", "Brass: Get him out of here.", "(The officer pulls Richard McQueen away. Captain Hendricks points into the apartment.)", "Captain Hendricks: You should see what he did?", "(Brass rushes into the apartment. He passes several men in the living room heaving deeply, appalled by whatever they've seen in the bedroom.)", "(Brass enters the bedroom and leans against the door frame at the sight of the young dead woman, naked and bound to the bed. The gas mask is still on her face, her eyes wide open and staring off to the side.)", "(Brass stands at the base of the bed and shakes his head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY/ FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Doc Robbins puts on his gloves as he talks to the camera.)", "Robbins: Women are four times more likely than men to be the victims of a sex-related murder. And men are ten times more likely than women to be the murderer. It's just the way it is.", "(He pushes the doors open and enters the morgue. Inside, the young woman is on the table. He takes a knife and starts the Y-incision.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine is putting her things away and getting ready to go home. The producer sits nearby watching.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Is that your daughter?", "Catherine: Oh, yeah, these are old pictures. She's a teenager now.", "Producer: (o.s.) With all the things you see on this job, do you ever worry about her?", "Catherine: Are you kidding? I keep a vial of her blood in my freezer.", "Producer: (o.s.) Like as a DNA sample in case you need to identify her?", "Catherine: Well ... one thing you learn doing this job is that bad things happen to people who never expect it ... every day.", "(Catherine turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(With chains around his wrists and ankles, Richard McQueen is escorted away. He turns around and looks back at the camera.)", "(Brass talks with the camera.)", "Brass: Yeah, we got a confession. He didn't choose women's feet, women's feet chose him. He lit candles, he played music, he thought he was on a date.", "Producer: (o.s.) But did he explain, you know, why he did it?", "Brass: Oh, yeah. Oh, sure. His mother was a hooker, she put him under the bed when she did her business, her feet dangled over the edge of the bed. He watched her feet;they were perfect. You know, I don't know if it's true.", "Producer: (o.s.) What about the fireman thing?", "Brass: I don't know, I guess he wanted to be a fireman when he grew up. Didn't you? Look, juries love explanations; they want it nice and neat. They don't want to know we live in a random world; they want meaning. It's that simple.", "Producer: (o.s.) So how do you cope with a day like today? What do you do?", "Brass: What do you want me to tell you, that I go home, I get drunk, I go to a bar, I stay out all night, I don't sleep ... huh? That's not the truth. You know what happens? I take care of myself; I sleep very well.", "Producer: (o.s.) How well did you sleep after you learned you killed that fellow officer in that shootout last year?", "Brass: (angry) Uh, yeah. Oh, is this ... is that ... oh, is this what this is about? Who've you been talking to, huh? What, you come here with your camera and you roll a little film and ... what, you think you know what it's like to be a cop? You? You're all done. You're all done with this. Get out of here.", "(Brass turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY TO GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Grissom walks through the hallway on his way back to his office. The cameras follow him.)", "Grissom: The truth is if there isn't any evidence, we have nowhere to go.", "Producer: (o.s.) So you feel you did the best you could?", "Grissom: Yes, I do.", "Producer: (o.s.) Do you think forensic shows are just teaching the criminals how to get away with crimes?", "Grissom: Everyone learns from science. It all depends on how you use the knowledge.", "(Grissom enters his office and closes the door behind him.)", "Producer: (o.s.) Keep going, go inside for a close-up.", "(Camera moves in close to the door and holds on Grissom, who takes a seat behind his desk and continues working.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
I Like to Watch
[ "A teenage boy, Marlon, is being prosecuted for a murder of Stacey, one of his female classmates. During his trial, his 12-year-old sister Hannah takes the stand, and admits that she herself murdered Stacey. The CSI team is now faced with a strange dilemma - two confessions for the one murder. As Hannah is a genius, in high school already, some CSI members suspect that she could not have physically committed the murder. Finally the brother is found to be not guilty by the jury. Later, Hannah reveals to Sara that it was Marlon all along." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. TENNIS COURTS -- NIGHT]", "(A girl practices hitting balls being thrown by a machine.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. TENNIS COURTS -- NIGHT]", "(The girl grunts as she hits the ball.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. TENNIS COURTS -- NIGHT]", "(The girl runs around the courts as she practices. As she continues hitting balls, we hear a voiceover:", "Sofia Curtis: (V.O.) Stacy Vollmer was last seen practicing alone on the school tennis court that Friday at around 9:00 P.M.", "[INT. LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Stacy Vollmer opens her locker. She takes out some clothes and puts them down on the bench behind her.)", "Sofia Curtis: (V.O.) The clothes she was wearing were found in her locker.", "(She puts some clothes back in the locker.)", "(She takes off the shirt she's wearing.)", "(In the foreground, a shadowy figure walks across the camera frame.)", "(Stacy removes her bra.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD - DAY]", "[CU: STACY'S FACE]", "(The body is wrapped in plastic and buried, her face and head exposed. Camera pulls back.)", "Sofia Curtis: (V.O.) Her body was discovered near the football field by the landscaping crew the following Monday morning.", "(Forensics removes dirt as she's being dug up and he puts it in a plastic container. Officers look around the area. Her body is buried in an area shaped like the letter 'T'.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COURTROOM - DAY]", "(Sofia Curtis is on the witness stand and being questioned by ADA Jeffrey Sinclair.)", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Can you tell us the exact location of the body?", "Sofia Curtis: She was dumped in a flower bed, wrapped in a shower curtain.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK TO:", "[EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD - DAY]", "(Nick arrives. He walks past Sofia, who is talking with someone at the scene.)", "Sofia Curtis: (V.O.) CSI arrived an hour later, excavated the body and began processing the scene.", "(Nick looks around at the small crowd of students gathered just outside the fence. He turns and looks back at the body being dug up.)", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: (V.O.) Dr. Robbins, will you explain how Stacy died?", "Robbins: (PRE-LAP) (V.O.) Beneath this laceration, ...", "END OF FLASHBACK: RESUME TO COURTROOM:", "(Dr. Robbins is on the stand. Next to him, is a monitor with photos. As he speaks, the appropriate morgue photo is viewed.)", "Robbins: ... I found a complex fracture of the occipital bone. Multiple shards of bone were driven into the occipital lobe of the brain, resulting in massive bleeding. The cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage, consistent with a single, sharp blow to her head.", "INSERT: CGI POV:", "(The female body falls back, her head hits the ground. We see the image of her skull and the impact as the skull is shattered.)", "(Camera zooms in for a close-up to show the image of her skull being cracked at the impact.)", "END OF CGI POV: RESUME TO COURTROOM:", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Nick is now on the witness stand giving his testimony.)", "Nick: A search of the defendant's house yielded a laundry hamper containing the clothes he wore the night of the murder.", "(The photo of the clothes in the hamper is shown on the monitor.)", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Did you find any blood or DNA on the clothes?", "Nick: No. We determined they had been bleached.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Isn't bleach used to destroy blood and DNA evidence?", "Carol Allred (defense): Objection: Argumentative.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Withdrawn. What else did you find in the house?", "Nick: Human hairs consistent with the victim - (Nick turns to look at the monitor where a photo of hairs stuck in a drain are shown.) -- were discovered in the drain of the bathroom sink. DNA was extracted and was also matched to the victim.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: And based on this evidence, police arrested Marlon West.", "(Nick looks at the defendant.)", "Nick: That's correct.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Thank you, Mr. Stokes. No further questions.", "(There's a dramatic pause.)", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: The state now calls Hannah West.", "(Carol Allred stands up.)", "Carol Allred (defense): Your honor, defense reiterates our objection. She's a 12-year-old girl.", "Judge Crawford: We've been through this already, counsel. (to the jury) The defendant's sister is being called as a hostile witness. That means the district attorney is permitted to ask leading questions. (to Sinclair) Be nice.", "(Hannah West gets up and takes the witness stand.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(ADA Jeffrey Sinclair questions Hannah West.)", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Now, Hannah, isn't it a fact that on the night of Friday, December 2, 2005, your parents left you and your brother, the defendant, home alone?", "Hannah West: They went away for a ...", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Yes or no, please.", "Hannah West: Yes.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: And isn't it also a fact that you and your brother were not together between the hours of 6:00 and 10:00 P.M.?", "Hannah West: Well, Marlon -- he didn't really...", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Yes or no?", "Hannah West: Yes.", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Thank you, Hannah.", "Hannah West: I'd like to say something ...", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: No further questions, your honor.", "Judge Crawford: Cross-examination?", "(Carol gets up.)", "Carol Allred: Absolutely, your honor. Uh, Hannah, wh-what were you trying to say?", "ADA Jeffrey Sinclair: Objection: Calls for a narrative.", "Judge Crawford: Overruled.", "Carol Allred: You go ahead, Hannah. You say what you need to say.", "Hannah West: Marlon didn't kill Stacy. I did.", "(The jury and observers react.)", "Judge Crawford: Ladies and gentlemen. Order in the court.", "(She stands up.)", "Hannah West: And I was wearing this when I did it.", "(She unzips her jacket to show her blood-stained blouse underneath.)", "(The jury gasps.)", "Judge Crawford: Order in the court. Please -", "(Jeffrey Sinclair turns around and looks at Nick.)", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Conrad Ecklie joins Nick, who is picking up his messages. They turn and head down the hallway.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Good news is Judge Crawford denied the defense's motion to dismiss.", "Nick: Of course he did. She's just a mixed-up kid trying to protect her older brother. All the evidence points to Marlon.", "Conrad Ecklie: Yeah, and all the jury's going to remember is a little girl in a bloody shirt confessing to murder. That's reasonable doubt on a silver platter.", "Nick: All right, then we have to prove that Hannah could not have done this.", "Conrad Ecklie: Exactly.", "Nick: We'll need a week to reexamine the evidence.", "Conrad Ecklie: Judge gave the DA a 72-hour continuance.", "Nick: Come on ...", "Conrad Ecklie: Best he could do, Nick. Now you go do your best.", "(Nick chuckles wryly as Ecklie leaves. He shakes his head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Hannah removes her jacket She takes off her bloodied shirt and gives it to the officer in the room.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Hannah puts on the too large orange uniform.)", "(The officer takes Hannah's fingerprints.)", "Marlon West: (PRE-LAP) (V.O.) Everybody thought Stacy was so ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[VIDEO FOOTAGE - TIME STAMP: 7:51 PM]", "(Marlon West talks with Sofia Curtis.)", "Marlon West: ... special. She thought so, too. She wasn't. Stacy was a stuck-up bitch and a miserable person. I just put her out of her misery.", "(He sighs and leans back in his seat.)", "Marlon West: I killed her and I put her in the ground. That's all I've got to say.", "(Nick uses the remote and puts the video player on pause.)", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - DAY]", "LEGEND:", "68 HOURS TO TRIAL", "(Nick and the rest of the team are around the layout table as he goes over the case with everyone. The crime scene photos are spread out on the table.)", "Nick: The judge suppressed the video because the child advocate was never brought in, even though Marlon had waived his rights. We really didn't need a confession out of him. The case against this kid was solid.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[INT. LOCKER ROOM - SHOWERS - NIGHT]", "(Stacy Vollmer, a towel wrapped around her, passes by a string of OUT OF ORDER signs blocking the various shower stalls.", "Nick: (V.O.) It started out as a prank: A sabotaged showerhead.", "(She puts her towel aside and steps into the shower. She turns the shower on. The showerhead explodes.)", "(Stacy screams.)", "END OF FLASHBACK RESUME TO PRESENT:", "(Nick holds a photo of the exploded showerhead.He hands the photo to Catherine to look at.)", "Nick: pH tests later revealed the presence of a strong base substance, which was later identified as sodium hydroxide.", "Sara: Sounds like Marlon packed the showerhead with elemental sodium.", "Nick: A high school chemistry favorite, yeah. Just add water, and instant kaboom.", "Warrick: Those out-of-order signs must've been part of his game. You funnel the victim to the right showerhead. Did you process these?", "Nick: Yeah, I matched the spindle marks on the paper to a laser printer in the high school library.", "Sara: Accessible to any student.", "Nick: (nods) Mm-hmm.", "Catherine: (reads) \"Multiple fragments of metal penetrating skin and dermis as deep as the superficial musculature of the back and neck.\" The showerhead explosion didn't kill her.", "Nick: No, no, it did not.", "(She points to a photo of a shower rod with empty rings on it.)", "Catherine: What happened to the shower curtain?", "Nick: Well, the vic was injured, disoriented. She grabbed the first thing she could to cover up and ran.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[CU: SHOWER CURTAIN]", "(Stacy screams and pulls the shower curtain off the rod.)", "(She runs out of the locker room and down through the hallway.)", "Nick: The intermittent blood trail started in the locker room and headed down a hall.", "(She leaves drops of blood behind her.)", "END OF FLASHBACK - RESUME PRESENT", "Warrick: So Marlon followed her out just to hear her squeal?", "Nick: Or chased her out, yeah. There's no way to know. Either way, she ended up at the bottom of the stairs. The size of the blood pool indicates that the fatal wound occurred there.", "(He points to the photo of the blood pool.)", "Sara: Do you have any physical evidence that would conclusively rule Hannah out as a suspect?", "Nick: Well, yeah -- she's four-foot-three and 65 pounds. The crime just required more strength than she's got.", "Catherine: How old is she?", "Nick: Twelve.", "Warrick: In high school?", "Nick: She's a high school senior. She skipped six grades. She's a prodigy.", "Sara: Which means she has the brains for murder.", "Nick: Yeah, but not the brawn. The body was moved from the high school building across a football field and then hastily buried. The vic's car was then driven two miles from campus and parked in front of the house of a kid named Scott Baird, Stacy's boyfriend -- I think possibly to frame him.", "Warrick: Was he ever a suspect?", "Nick: No. He plays varsity hoops. He was out of town on an away game.", "(He picks up a photo of a blue car.)", "Nick: I found blades of grass with blood on them near the vic's car -- nondescript tracks headed towards the next-door neighbor's house.", "Catherine: Marlon West.", "Nick: Yeah. This kid's been in trouble before. Multiple fights, threats. It just got out of hand this time. Marlon West killed Stacy Vollmer. His little sister's just trying to exonerate him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges has the bloodied shirt on a tray. He puts the tray in front of him and takes a sample of the dirt on the shirt and processes it.)", "(He takes a sample of known dirt and processes it as well.)", "(He takes off his gloves.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(He compares the two results.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Nick turns the corner and hurries through the hallway when Hodges steps out of the lab and catches him.)", "Hodges: Hey, Nick.", "(Nick stops.)", "Nick: Hodges, did you get the soil analysis back on Hannah's shirt?", "Hodges: Matches the site of the body dump.", "Nick: Really!", "Hodges: So does this make Doogie Howser-ette your killer?", "Nick: Uh, I kind of doubt it.", "Hodges: Don't be so sure. It's not easy.", "Nick: What isn't easy, Hodges?", "Hodges: (patronizingly) Being profoundly gifted, knowing that everybody knows that you're always ten steps ahead of them. It's a lot of pressure.", "(Nick takes a breath; Hodges is just so full of it. Nick turns and leaves.)", "Hodges: Some days you feel like you're just going to snap.", "Nick: (mutters) I know the feeling.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "LEGEND:", "61 HOURS TO TRIAL", "(Sara talks with Sofia Curtis.)", "Sara: In his confession, Marlon basically said that Stacy deserved to die.", "Sofia Curtis: He was alone in that opinion. Everybody liked Stacy -- parents and students. 4.0 GPA, varsity tennis team, homecoming queen. She even took a public virginity pledge with some of her classmates. Did they have those in your high school?", "Sara: No. Do you believe that Marlon killed her?", "Sofia Curtis: I was looking right into his eyes when he told me he did it. There's no doubt in my mind.", "(They walk out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(OPEN of a pair of child's feet dangling off the floor.)", "(Sara and Sofia talk with Hannah West. The child advocate sits next to her.)", "Sofia Curtis: Two confessions, one crime. We don't get that a lot. When did you last speak with Marlon?", "Hannah West: The day the police came to my house and arrested him.", "Sara: You don't visit him?", "Hannah West: My parents won't let me see him in jail. Bad environment. Marlon didn't put me up to this. He was trying to protect me. It would've been wrong to let him be punished for something I did.", "(She looks at Sara and Sofia, who both look as if they don't believe her.)", "Hannah West: You don't think I could have done it. Neither one of you.", "Sara: That's a big job for a little girl.", "Hannah West: Not if you have the right tools.", "Sara: Smart kid like you ... knows your brother's suffering. You feel bad, you want to help, so you fabricate some evidence.", "Hannah West: If you thought that the evidence was fake, I wouldn't still be in jail.", "(Sofia and Sara glance at each other.)", "Hannah West: Aren't you going to ask me why I did it?", "Sara: Would you like to tell us?", "Hannah West: I throw off the curve. When I'm in a class, people who usually get A's, suddenly get C's. Stacy was applying to Harvard. She wanted me to dumb myself down. I said no. She didn't like that.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[INT. LOCKER ROOM - DAY]", "(The locker room is full of girls blow-drying their hair. Hannah tries to get to the sink.)", "Stacy Vollmer: Uh ... babies use the wall dryer.", "(Hannah goes to the wall dryer and turns it on, the air is too strong and it blows in her face. The other girls laugh at her.)", "END OF FLASHBACK - RESUME PRESENT", "Sofia Curtis: So you killed her because she messed up your hair?", "Hannah West: No. I'm used to pranks like that. I get them most every day. But Stacy ... didn't stop there. She had to take it to another level. And she used Scott to do it.", "Sofia Curtis: Scott Baird, Stacy's boyfriend.", "Hannah West: I was his tutor.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[INT. ROOM - DAY]", "(Hannah is studying with Scott.)", "Scott Baird: You know, I was really pissed off at Stacy when I heard about the whole ... hair dryer thing, but her ... her friends had put her up to it. Stacy wanted me to give you something.", "(He gives her a box and opens it. Inside is a dress.)", "Scott Baird: It's a peace offering. I think you'll look great in it at the spring formal. Oh, you are so going.", "END OF FLASHBACK - RESUME PRESENT", "(Sara smiles at Hannah.)", "Sara: You like him.", "Hannah West: He's on the basketball team. I'm twelve; I'm not allowed to like him, but ... I went anyway.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[INT. AUDITORIUM - NIGHT]", "(Hannah arrives and looks for Scott, who is dancing with Stacy. He waves to her.)", "Scott Baird: Over here.", "(She steps under the black light to reveal writing on the front of her dress: FLAT. Arrows point to her chest. Additional writing is on the bottom, \"RAINBOW PARTY QUEEN.\")", "(Scott closes his eyes and turns away, feeling sorry for her.)", "(Stacy and the other girls laugh at her, taking pictures of her.)", "END OF FLASHBACK - RESUME PRESENT", "Hannah West: The pictures were up on my space that night. I got a ton of e-mails.", "Sara: You put sodium in the showerhead to get back at her?", "Hannah West: (nods) A prank for a prank. I thought that there'd be a few sparks, that she'd freak out and that'd be it, but the nozzle exploded. Stacy ran ... and fell down the stairs ... and died.", "(Sara watches her carefully.)", "Hannah West: I tried to cover it up.", "Sara: You miscalculated.", "(Hannah lifts up her head.)", "Hannah West: I guess I did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine is in the lab looking at the test results. Warrick walks up to her.)", "Warrick: You rang?", "Catherine: Got the DNA results on the blood from Hannah's sweater.", "Warrick: Stacy.", "Catherine: Hannah.", "Warrick: So she fabricated evidence, and put her own blood on the shirt.", "Catherine: Maybe, maybe not. The soil on the shirt was consistent with the dumpsite. Hannah could've been at the scene.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD - NIGHT]", "(Hannah buries the body and cuts herself.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) She could have cut herself burying the body.", "(She wipes the dirt and blood on her shirt.)", "END OF FLASHBACK - RESUME PRESENT", "Warrick: Or she could have gone back to the field at any time within the last four months and rubbed her shirt in the same kind of dirt.", "Catherine: And counted on us to make the match? Well, that's just plain scary smart. I mean, my daughter's a few years older than her, and the most important thing on her mind right now is how much belly button to show off at the mall.", "(Warrick chuckles.)", "Catherine: Never thought I'd be grateful for that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. WEST RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "LEGEND:", "44 HOURS TO TRIAL", "(The CSI SUV pulls up to the curb and parks out front of the house.)", "[INT. WEST RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Photos and trophies grace the countertop. Sofia Curtis interviews Sally and Jim West.)", "Sally West: You have to understand. My child's not capable of murder.", "Sofia Curtis: I assume you mean Hannah.", "Sally West: Of course.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, Marlon's your child, too.", "Jim West: Marlon's from my wife's first marriage.", "Sally West: He's more like his father.", "(Off screen, we hear the door open. Nick and Sara enter the house. They turn and head for the bedrooms.)", "[INT. WEST RESIDENCE - MARLON'S BEDROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "Nick: This is Marlon's room.", "Sara: No kidding.", "Nick: It's pretty much the way I left it. The bleached clothes were in the hamper.", "(He points to the hamper on the side.)", "Nick: But the real action ... was in here.", "(He pushes the bathroom door open.)", "[INT. WEST RESIDENCE - MARLON'S BATHROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara and Nick enter the bathroom. Sara notes the second door to Hannah's bedroom.)", "Sara: Shared bathroom. Very Brady.", "Nick: Pulled Stacy's hairs out of the sink trap the first through. And I found some burn marks around the bathtub drain. pH tested positive for sodium hydroxide, so ... I figured Marlon probably did a test run.", "(Nick looks over at the stool with Hannah's name on it.)", "[INT. WEST RESIDENCE - HANNAH'S BEDROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara enters Hannah's bedroom. There's a poster of Albert Einstein on the wall, a neat desk with laptop on it and a printer nearby.)", "(In the corner of the room, there's a music stand with an open music book and a chair with a violin on it.)", "(Sara looks at the binders on the shelf for AP COMPUTER SCIENCE, AP US HISTORY, AP GOVERNMENT COMPARISON, AP CALCULUS B, and AP FRENCH.)", "(Sara puts on some gloves. Nick enters the room.)", "Nick: The scope of the warrant only covered Marlon's room and other common areas of the house. I popped my head in here. Nothing in plain sight at the time.", "(Sara notes the box of blue latex gloves. She finds a folded posterboard next to the dresser. She opens it. It's for a science fair project on the QUALITATIVE COMPARISON OF SODIUM AND LEAD-COOLED FAST REACTORS REGARDING EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY, AND SAFETY.)", "Sara: Was this here before?", "Nick: It wasn't in plain sight. I didn't check it.", "(Sara notes the blue ribbon on the posterboard.)", "Sara: Looks like Hannah won the science fair with a project about sodium.", "(Nick looks around the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WEST RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sofia Curtis continues to interview Sally and Jim West.)", "Sally West: Hannah's just trying to help Marlon.", "Sofia Curtis: So they're close?", "Jim West: No, not really. Sometimes I think if they didn't share a bathroom, they wouldn't see each other at all.", "Sofia Curtis: What do you mean?", "Sally West: They're on different academic tracks. Never take any of the same classes, and travel in completely different social circles.", "Sofia Curtis: From what we understand, Hannah doesn't really have a social circle.", "Sally West: (shrugs) The other students bore her. Hannah spends most of her time with her teachers.", "Sofia Curtis: And Marlon?", "(Sally shrugs.)", "Jim West: I guess ... I guess he spends most of his time alone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WEST RESIDENCE - HANNAH'S BEDROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick snaps photos of a paperback book: CARRIE, by Stephen King. He picks up the book. Right under it is a hard cover, West's FEDERAL PRACTICE DIGEST 4th. Nick looks at paperback.)", "(Sara looks at Hannah's closet with an ALS.)", "(She finds the pink dress with the writing on it. She holds it up and reads it.)", "Sara: \"Rainbow party\"?!", "Nick: Yeah, it's a party game where boys get the girls to wear different colored lipsticks while they have oral s*x. Boy with the most colors wins. Supposed to be trendy.", "Sara: So much for \"Spin the Bottle.\"", "Nick: Carrie. \"Weird high school girl gets humiliated at the prom, only to exact her revenge.\" Hannah wanted us to find this.", "Sara: Maybe. Question is: did she read the book before ... or after the murder?", "[INT. WEST RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sofia continues her conversation with Hannah's parents.)", "Jim West: We had Hannah's IQ tested when she was eight. It's 177.", "Sofia Curtis: She really is one in a million.", "Jim West: Hannah's special.", "Sally West: She's an indigo child.", "Sofia Curtis: Indigo child?", "Sally West: A new breed. Hannah doesn't just see the world, she sees through it, through people, with an intuition none of us can comprehend. She's compelled to help others, whether they're worth helping or not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - EVENING]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "LEGEND:", "32 HOURS TO TRIAL", "(Nick hangs up the shower curtain and looks at the large bloodstain on it. He turns around and looks at the print card for:", "WEST, HANNAH", "SSN: 715-237-5412", "(He picks up the print card with the unknown prints from the shower curtain. He turns and looks at the shower curtain.)", "(Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: Ah, the shower curtain the vic was wrapped in.", "Nick: Yeah, I had Mandy run the unknowns from the original case against Hannah's prints. She got a match.", "Catherine: Okay. But Hannah uses those showers after gym class.", "Nick: This curtain was used in the handicapped shower. Why would she do that?", "Catherine: Probably hiding her body. She's twelve. She hasn't reached puberty. Undeveloped teen girls are very self-conscious.", "Nick: Mm-hmm. Four ... fingers, closely spaced. Grabbing, maybe.", "Catherine: Could be from Hannah dragging Stacy's body.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD - NIGHT]", "(Hannah grabs the shower curtain and pulls Stacy's body across the field.)", "END OF FLASHBACK - RESUME PRESENT", "Nick: Hannah weighed 65 pounds. Stacy about a hundred. Dead weight.", "Catherine: Plastic slides on grass. It makes it easier. It's certainly possible.", "Nick: DA's not going to like the sound of that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HIGH SCHOOL (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. HIGH SCHOOL - CLASSROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara talks with Mr. Estrin, the science teacher.)", "Mr. Estrin: Sodium demonstration is always a real crowd pleaser.", "(Sara chuckles.)", "Mr. Estrin: It's ended up in a senior prank more than once. I keep it over here, under lock and key, but, unfortunately, the lab's always getting broken into.", "(Sara leans forward and notes the broken lock and cracked glass.)", "Mr. Estrin: It's certainly possible Marlon got the sodium from here.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(During a science experiment, Marlon stands in front.)", "Mr. Estrin: Everyone have their goggles on?", "(SLOW MOTION. He drops the sodium into the water.)", "END OF FLASHBACK - RESUME PRESENT", "Mr. Estrin: Which is precisely what I told the cops four months ago.", "(Sara notes the box of blue gloves.)", "Sara: You need gloves to handle elemental sodium.", "Mr. Estrin: Of course. It burns skin. We keep it in kerosene to stabilize it.", "Sara: Do you think it's possible that Hannah could have stolen it?", "Mr. Estrin: Hannah would never do that.", "Sara: I'm just wondering if it's possible. She obviously has access to this room.", "Mr. Estrin: Ms. Sidle ... I've had my share of good students over the years, but Hannah ... sometimes, right in the middle of a lecture, I'll catch her staring at some little thing in the yard -- a tree, a squirrel ... and all I can think about is how much I wish I could see it the way she does. If Hannah came up and asked me for a chunk of sodium, I'd give it to her, just to see what she would do with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Warrick and Catherine, both in coveralls, walk up to the car in the garage.)", "Warrick: The victim's car originally impounded ... in front of Scott Baird's house. Traces of blood and soil consistent with the crime were found in the front seat. Now, if Hannah's the killer, she had to drive this car.", "(Catherine opens the driver's door and looks inside.)", "Catherine: Well, it's got adjustable seats, tilt and telescoping steering wheel -- It's certainly possible.", "(Warrick looks in through the back seat. He notes the blood smear on the carpet.)", "Warrick: Soil and blood on the carpet. That was in the report.", "(He reaches in and flips over the underside of the material covering the car seat. He finds a drop of blood.", "Warrick: Hmm. But this wasn't.", "(Warrick gets out and removes the driver's seat from the car. Catherine closes the door as Warrick flips the seat over onto the nearby table.)", "Warrick: Okay, what do we got?", "(Catherine finds a fingerprint in the blood on the material under the chair.)", "Catherine: I'd say the killer moved the seat.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[INT. CAR - NIGHT]", "(Hannah reaches under the chair to move the seat forward. Camera zooms in as she leaves a bloodied fingerprint on the material under the seat.)", "END OF FLASHBACK RESUME PRESENT", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB - NIGHT]", "LEGEND:", "23 HOURS TO TRIAL", "(The print is being run through AFIS.)", "(Nick waits as Mandy Webster runs the print.)", "Mandy Webster: Twelve-year-old killer, huh?", "Nick: Starting to look that way, yeah.", "Mandy Webster: I bet that grand theft auto had something to do with it.", "Nick: Mm, I don't know. I don't think Hannah's really the video-game type.", "Mandy Webster: Never know. Between you and me, I actually think it's a ton of fun.", "(She finds a match to SCOTT BAIRD.)", "Mandy Webster: Print is a match to a Scott Baird. Isn't that the victim's boyfriend?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Sofia Curtis interviews Scott Baird with his father, Mr. Baird, sitting next to him.)", "Mr. Baird: Two people confessed to the murder, and now you're accusing my son?", "Sofia Curtis: Kids do stupid things. Marlon covers for Hannah, Hannah covers for Scott.", "Scott Baird: Dad ...", "Mr. Baird: (interrupts) Don't say a word.", "Sofia Curtis: DNA confirmed your fingerprint in Stacy's car, in Stacy's blood.", "Mr. Baird: Scott loved Stacy. We all did. And when whoever killed her parked her car in my driveway to frame my son, I understood why you had to talk to him. But this? That's it. We're leaving. Come on, Scott.", "Sofia Curtis: This is the only chance you're going to get. If you walk out that door, you're under arrest.", "Mr. Baird: I want a lawyer.", "Scott Baird: I want to talk.", "Mr. Baird: Scott.", "Scott Baird: Without my dad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - OBSERVATION ROOM -- NIGHT]", "LEGEND:", "19 HOURS TO TRIAL", "(In the interview room, Mr. Baird puts up a fuss before leaving.)", "Mr. Baird: This is ridiculous.", "(DA Jeffrey Sinclair, Nick and Sara are in the observation room watching the interview room.)", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: I asked you guys to rule out one suspect, now we have three.", "Nick: If he's willing to talk, I'd say, we caught a break.", "Sara: The father's going to sue.", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: Oh, I'd put money on that.", "(In the interview room, Scott Baird talks with Sofia Curtis.)", "Sofia Curtis: Okay, Scott. You said you wanted to talk. Let's talk.", "Scott Baird: This doesn't get back to our families, all right? My dad's a deacon, and Stacy's dad is, too. They'll never understand.", "Sofia Curtis: They won't hear anything from me.", "Scott Baird: I was pressuring Stacy to have s*x. She kept resisting. It was that stupid virginity pledge that she had taken at the high school. I told her that I loved her, and that nothing should get in the way of that.", "Sofia Curtis: I take it that convinced her.", "Scott Baird: (nods) Yeah.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[INT. CAR (PARKED) - NIGHT]", "(Scott and Stacy are kissing.)", "Stacy Vollmer: I mean, really? You really do?", "Scott Baird: Yeah. I love you. I love you with all of my heart.", "END OF FLASHBACK - RESUME TO PRESENT", "Scott Baird: There was a little blood. Not a lot, but ... after, she ... she started feeling guilty, so I went back into the front of the car and I tossed the condom. And ... then I ... wiped my fingers under the seat.", "(In the observation room, Nick takes out his phone and makes a call.)", "Hodges: (over phone) Hello?", "Nick: (to phone) Hodges, Stokes. Listen, there's a bloody fingerprint in the back freezer from Stacy Vollmer's car. Pull it and test it for spermicides and lubricants. (Sara nods.) We need it quickly, all right?", "Hodges: (from phone) I'm on it.", "(Nick hangs up.)", "Sara: If it tests positive, it will clear him.", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: Yeah. Which means we're down to Malcolm and Hannah. Right back where we started.", "(Sara rolls her eyes as she looks at Sinclair, then at Nick.)", "Scott Baird: Stacy said that she was afraid that God would punish her for having s*x. I told her that was crazy. Guess I was wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY TO TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Sara talks with Nick.)", "Sara: Archie is not getting much off of Hannah's computer. Most of her files are encrypted aes-256. It's going to be nearly impossible to crack.", "Nick: What do you mean by \"most\"?", "Sara: Well, it's not much, but apparently Hannah had IP access to the laser printer in the high school library.", "Nick: Same one that printed the \"out of order\" signs for the shower.", "Sara: If she printed those signs, it shows intent.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "(They enter the Trace Lab where Hodges reports his findings.)", "Hodges: Ah, teen lust. Starts with some chemistry, and then you mess around with some biology, and once you have some experience \"under your belt,\" then you introduce the physics.", "(Hodges shows Nick and Sara the test results.)", "Hodges: Apparently, chivalry is not dead: The bloody fingerprint tested positive for nonoxynol spermicide.", "Nick: So much for the boyfriend.", "Sara: If we can't pin this on Hannah or Marlon, they could both walk.", "Hodges: You could flip a coin.", "Nick: I have a better idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HIGH SCHOOL (STOCK) - DAY]", "(The school bell rings.)", "[INT. HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Nick and Sara walk through the hallway.)", "Sara: I bet you really liked high school.", "Nick: Yeah, playing football, chasing girls, books when I wanted to learn something -- What's not to like?", "[INT. LOCKER ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(They meet up with Warrick and Darcy. Darcy's barely paying attention to them as she listens to her iPod.)", "Warrick: Hey, guys.", "Nick: Hey.", "Warrick: This is Darcy, my wife Tina's niece.", "Sara: Hi, Darcy.", "Nick: Yeah. You were right; she's about Hannah's size.", "Warrick: More or less.", "Darcy: Stop talking about me. (Warrick reaches out and pulls the earplugs from her ears.) Hey, that's the best part!", "(They turn into the showers.)", "Warrick: That's what the pause button's for. It's time to work; it's child labor day.", "(They stop in front of the showers.)", "Nick: Okay. Crime started right here.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Stacy turns the shower on. The showerhead explodes.)", "END OF FLASHBACK - RESUME TO PRESENT", "(Warrick looks at Darcy.)", "Warrick: Think you could reach that?", "(Darcy reaches up and tries to reach the showerhead. She can't.)", "Warrick: It's kind of hard to sabotage a showerhead you can't touch.", "Nick: Depends on what's behind the curtain.", "(Nick pushes the curtain aside and finds a stool.)", "Nick: A stool. Just like the one in Hannah's bathroom. Try this.", "(Nick sets the stool down under the showerhead. Darcy steps on the stool and reaches for the showerhead.)", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Hannah removes the showerhead and adds the sodium to it.)", "Sara: (V.O.) Hannah had access to the chem lab, and she knew how to handle sodium ...", "(Cut to: Hannah hides as Stacy enters the shower. She turns the shower on. The shower explodes; Stacy screams.)", "(Stacy grabs the shower curtain. Hannah hides as Stacy runs through the locker room.)", "Sara: (V.O.) Stacy would not have known what hit her. Or where she was going.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "(Stacy runs out into the hallway. She trips on the edge of the shower curtain and falls down the steps. She hits the concrete, a pool of blood under her head.)", "(The image of Stacy Vollmer on the ground dissolves out.)", "Sara: Stacy landed here and bled out from the trauma to her skull.", "Nick: Darcy, why don't you put those headphones back on?", "Darcy: Like I didn't hear what you guys just said?", "Sara: Hannah could have done this.", "Nick: Maybe. But the next part, that was the toughest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- DAY]", "(Darcy grunts as she pulls the shower curtain with the body weight inside.)", "(Darcy grunts.)", "Darcy: It's too heavy!", "Warrick: Come on, you're almost there! It's building character!", "Sara: It's slow going, but you're doing it.", "Nick: Yeah, so far.", "(Darcy's halfway across the track when she lets go.)", "Nick: (to Darcy) That's okay. Look, even if she makes it to the grass, you think she could've pulled the body the entire length of the football field?", "(They walk out onto the center field.)", "Nick: There were scratches on the shower curtain -- the body was dragged at least part of the way.", "Sara: There's no way Hannah pulled it the entire distance.", "Nick: Not by herself. They did it together.", "(They pause a moment to think about it.)", "Darcy: So ... did I help the dead girl?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "LEGEND:", "10 HOURS TO TRIAL", "(Nick and Sara walk through the hallway.)", "Nick: If Marlon and Hannah worked this crime together, then they're probably still working as a team.", "Sara: It's all part of the plan: He confesses, then she confesses. Muddy the waters enough, they both get off on reasonable doubt.", "Nick: Mm-hmm. Well, if we can't get one to implicate the other, we're screwed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 - DAY]", "(Nick talks with Marlon West in the presence of the child advocate.)", "Marlon West: I don't get it. What's wrong with you people? You want me to confess? Again? Fine, I will.", "Nick: Marlon, you need to confirm that you're willing to talk to me without a parent or lawyer present, just a child advocate.", "Marlon West: I already said that was okay. I killed Stacy; what else do I have to tell you?", "(Nick sits down.)", "Nick: Well, the truth works for me. I like the truth.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2 - DAY]", "(Hannah West talks with Sara.)", "Hannah West: Look, I don't need a lawyer, and I don't need my parents. I just want to do what's right.", "Sara: Hannah, taking the blame for something you didn't do may be noble, but it doesn't make it right.", "Hannah West: That's deep. Okay. It happened like this: Stacy humiliated me, I wanted revenge.", "Sara: Yeah, and you knew that there was no way you were ever going to get it by yourself.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 - DAY]", "(Nick continues his interview with Marlon.)", "Nick: You moved the body, you buried it ...", "Marlon West: I know I did; I was there. What's the problem?", "Nick: Well, the problem is what happened in the locker room. I mean, you're not the kind of guy who puts sodium in a showerhead to get back at somebody. You just trip them in the hallway.", "Marlon West: So you think I'm too stupid to have done it. Great, join the club.", "Nick: I don't think you're stupid, Marlon; I didn't say you were stupid. But this is Hannah's game. The whole way.", "Marlon West: (shakes his head) Uh-uh. I broke into the chem lab. I stole the sodium. Me. All by myself.", "Nick: It takes skills to handle a chemical like that properly. And, quite frankly, man, you just don't have the skills.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2 - DAY]", "(Sara continues her interview with Hannah.)", "Sara: Your prank went bad, and Stacy ended up dead.", "Hannah West: That's what I said.", "Sara: Marlon helped you bury her.", "Hannah West: No. Why won't you believe me?", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 - DAY]", "Marlon West: Stay away from Hannah. She had nothing to do with this.", "Nick: No, no, she had everything to do with this. You two were working together from the beginning.", "Marlon West: Just leave her alone.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2 - DAY]", "Sara: Marlon helped you move the body.", "Hannah West: He didn't!", "Sara: You expect me to believe that a little girl like you lugged a hundred pounds of dead weight the length of a football field by yourself?", "Hannah West: No, of course not, that's why I had to use the cart.", "Sara: What cart?", "Hannah West: The electric cart. The one the landscapers were using. It was just sitting there, right outside the door.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- A/V LAB - DAY]", "(Warrick is digitally going through the various crime scene photos while on the phone with Sara.)", "Warrick: (to phone) Wait a minute. I got something. Let me clean up this image.", "(In the background, he sees the cart.)", "Warrick: (to phone) I see a cart, Sara.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Hannah drives the cart across the football field with the body in the back.)", "END OF FLASHBACK - RESUME TO PRESENT", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY OUTSIDE INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara is in the hallway and on the phone.)", "Sara: (to phone) So Hannah could be telling the truth.", "Warrick: (from phone) It's enough for reasonable doubt.", "Sara: (to phone) Great. Thanks, Warrick.", "Warrick: (from phone) Yeah.", "(Sara turns and looks at Hannah sitting inside the interview room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Nick meets with DA Jeffrey Sinclair and Conrad Ecklie.)", "Nick: The evidence says either one of them could have done it, but I think they were in it together.", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: Okay, I'll proceed against Marlon for the murder and bring charges against Hannah for conspiracy.", "Conrad Ecklie: Another trial? You sure you want to go through all this again?", "(Sara walks into the room.)", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: Stacy's parents and the community will have my ass if I don't.", "Sara: Well, then maybe this is good news. I was just going over Sofia's notes from the original investigation. The night of the murder, Hannah and Marlon's parents had left them alone in the house. A pizza was delivered to the residence around 9:00 P.M.", "Nick: That's right around Stacy's TOD.", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: So, did anybody talk to the delivery guy?", "Sara: Yes, and at the point that Sofia did, a month had passed. Now, the delivery guy's at the house all the time. He recognized photos of both kids, but he could not be sure which one answered the door that night.", "Nick: But one of them did answer the door. (Sara nods.) So that means they were not together at the time Stacy was killed.", "Conrad Ecklie: Yeah. So much for conspiracy. We're right back where we started.", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: Where we are is in the crapper. Look, I have to disclose the cart. Defense is going to eat me alive.", "Nick: Marlon's your guy. He's your guy -- just because Hannah wasn't there doesn't mean she didn't help plan this.", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: Well, I sure hope it's Marlon, because he's the one we have on trial.", "Nick: I stand by the case we filed.", "Conrad Ecklie: I agree. The girl's just trying to protect him.", "(There's a pause.)", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: Sara?", "Sara: (shakes her head) This was more about brains than brawn. I think Hannah did it.", "(Nick shakes his head.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Two out of three.", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: In my world, that's called an acquittal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COURTROOM BUILDING (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. COURTROOM - DAY]", "(The trial resumes.)", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: High school. Even if you're popular, or a jock, or a brain ... it can be hell. Everybody here remembers what it was like ... what it was really like. Now take a look at Marlon West. Take a good, hard look. Not popular ...", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Nick puts the evidence bags back into the storage box.)", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: (V.O.) ... not a jock ... not a brain.", "(He stops and looks at a photo of Stacy Vollmer.)", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: (V.O.) Now imagine what it must be like to be Marlon West day after day after day in the sociological pressure cooker of high school.", "(Nick picks up the folded clothes on the table and continues to put them back in the evidence bags.)", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: (V.O.) This imposing, struggling outsider like Marlon resenting someone like Stacy Vollmer, who made it look so easy to be popular, athletic and smart.", "(Nick seals the evidence bag and removes the gloves from his hands.)", "(He takes a red seal and seals the evidence bag.)", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: (V.O.) That strong resentment was already festering when Stacy made Marlon's sister the object of a typical high school prank.", "(He initials and dates the seal: NS 3/29.)", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: (V.O.) And that is when Marlon, his resentment ...", "[INT. COURTROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: ... boiling over, crossed a line: He stalked Stacy. You've seen and heard evidence illustrating the elaborate pains he took to rig a showerhead to torture Stacy,", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[INT. SCIENCE CLASSROOM]", "(Marlon wears goggles as he watches the sodium experiment.)", "(Cut to: Stacy Vollmer, wrapped in the plastic shower curtain, runs out of the locker room and into the hallway.)", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: (V.O.) ... how he forced her to run and fall, ...", "(Cut to: Stacy turns and falls down the steps.)", "END OF FLASHBACK - RESUME TO PRESENT", "DA Jeffrey Sinclair: ... and watched her die in a pool of her own blood. You know, for the first time in his life, Marlon feels like a hero. He's not invisible anymore. He's a killer ... and he is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt.", "Carol Allred: \"Reasonable doubt.\" You know, I'm not surprised to hear the prosecution say those words, because its case offers nothing but reasonable doubt.", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara logs in Hannah's bloody shirt as evidence. She signs the form.)", "Carol Allred: (V.O.) Access to sodium?! Marlon couldn't find sodium on a periodic table of the elements, let alone a locked supply closet.", "(Sara puts the pen down and walks around the table full of evidence bags.)", "Carol Allred: (V.O.) Access to library printers? Do you really think a kid like Marlon spends any time in a library?", "(Sara picks up the print cards off the table.)", "Carol Allred: (V.O.) The showerhead. Yes, Marlon's tall enough.", "(Sara picks up the print card with the unknown prints from the shower curtain.)", "Carol Allred: (V.O.) He could reach it, but he still would have had to have handled a volatile chemical with expert safety precautions in order to orchestrate an explosion.", "(She looks at the photos of Hannah's science project board and of the blue gloves found in her room.)", "[INT. COURTROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(The closing remarks continue.)", "Carol Allred: I mean, ladies and gentlemen, do you know how to do that? I don't know how to do that. Right? You'd have to be ... a genius.", "(She turns and looks at Hannah.)", "Carol Allred: Marlon? Not a genius. You know, one of the underpinnings of our justice system is that it is better to send a hundred guilty men free than to imprison even one who's innocent. Marlon West is an innocent man.", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM - DAY]", "(Nick and Sara sit in the break room.)", "Carol Allred: (V.O.) Reasonable doubt compels you to find him not guilty.", "(Nick's phone vibrates.)", "(The message reads: NEW TEXT MESSAGE.)", "(Sara's phone rings.)", "(The message reads: NEW TEXT MESSAGE.)", "(Nick checks his message: JURY'S IN.)", "[INT. COURTROOM - DAY]", "(The foreperson hands the note to the bailiff to takes it to Judge Crawford. Judge Crawford takes the note.)", "Judge Crawford: Thank you.", "(He looks at it. Nick and Sara are seated in the courtroom.)", "Bailiff: Defendant shall rise.", "(Carol Allred and Marlon West stand.)", "Judge Crawford: Madam Foreman, what is the jury's verdict?", "Foreman: On the sole count of murder in the first degree, we, the jury, find the defendant, Marlon West ... not guilty.", "(Carol turns and hugs Marlon. Hannah smiles.)", "(Mrs. Vollmer cries in her husband's arms. Nick shakes his head.)", "Judge Crawford: So noted. Court orders the defendant released from custody. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, thank you for your service. Court is adjourned.", "(Judge Crawford bangs the gavel.)", "(Hannah quickly pushes the gate open and hugs Marlon tightly around his waist.)", "(Marlon barely reacts.)", "(Nick and Sara watch him as he puts a hand around Hannah.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Jim West and Marlon West sign the release forms.)", "Jim West: Can you sign this as well?", "(Out in the hallway, Sally West waits with Hannah. Sara turns the corner and walks up to them.)", "Sarah: Hey, there.", "Hannah West: Did you come to say bye?", "Sara: No. Actually, you and I are going to be seeing a lot of each other. If you thought the DA wouldn't prosecute a twelve-year-old for murder, you were wrong. He wants justice for Stacy and her family.", "Hannah West: Of course. He's a totally linear thinker. Most of you guys are.", "Sally West: Shame on you, Ms. Sidle. Come on, Hannah. You don't need to listen to this.", "Hannah West: Mom, just give us a second.", "(Sally steps away and joins Jim and Marlon at the counter.)", "Hannah West: You were saying?", "(Sara looks around and walks over to the hallway seats.)", "Sara: Here.", "(She sits down and looks eye-to-eye with Hannah still standing in front of her. She sighs.)", "Sara: Hannah, with your gifts, you could've done anything you wanted, and you picked murder. You can't take that back.", "Hannah West: You're worried how I'm going turn out.", "Sara: Of course I am. I know it seems like a really long time, but ... in five years, the Stacies of the world would've been behind you.", "Hannah West: Let me guess. You were a smart kid in school. Maybe you feel we're a little bit alike.", "Sara: There aren't many people like you.", "Hannah West: That's what my parents always say, too. The last four months, all they cared about was the effect of the trial on me ... not Marlon. It's been that way ever since I was 14 months old and started spelling words with plastic letters. It's so unfair, and nobody ever sees it. He doesn't deserve to go to jail. If I get convicted, what's the worst-case scenario? I mean, I'll be out in five years with an undergraduate degree. There's no \"Son of Sam\" law in Nevada -- that was ruled unconstitutional -- so I'm free to write a book about all this. (Sara shakes her head.) The story'll be worth millions. Freaks are always good box office.", "Sara: You're not a freak.", "Hannah West: (chuckles) When's the last time you had to sit down to be eye-level with a murder suspect who was standing up?", "Sara: Hannah, you are smart.", "Hannah West: So I've been told.", "Sara: But you're not smart enough to get away with murder.", "Hannah West: I think I am. A lot of people are smart enough to get away with murder. You probably are, too. But you have to be really smart to make people think things happened that never did.", "Sara: What do you mean, exactly?", "Hannah West: Please don't worry about me. I'm going to be fine.", "(Hannah leans in close and whispers to Sara.)", "Hannah West: (smugly) I didn't kill Stacy. Marlon did.", "(Hannah turns and walks down the hallway, leaving Sara stunned.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
The Unusual Suspect
[ "When a psychic is found dead in her own shop, the available evidence leads Greg to believe she foresaw her own death. Greg also reveals that his grandmother was a psychic, but Grissom resolves to use his scientific methods to find out what happened. Meanwhile, retired Detective Packey Jameson, an old friend of Brass, suspects the case is linked to an unsolved murder he worked on years ago, and persuades the CSIs to help him revive his old case. In the end it is revealed that the killer is the same person." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. STREET OUTSIDE THE SIXTH SENSE OCCULT SHOP - NIGHT]", "(Sirens wail in the distance. There's low to medium traffic on the street - a car parks and people get out. People walk on the sidewalk on both sides of the street.)", "(Camera focuses on the neon sign on the occult shop's window - a neon eye on a neon yellow triangle in the center of the shop name: SIXTH SENSE.)", "(We slowly push in toward the sign, through the center of the eye's pupil as we enter through the window and into the ...", "[INT. THE SIXTH SENSE OCCULT SHOP - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The shop is dimly lit with lamps and low lighting. We push further into the shop past a shelf with skulls and a crystal ball on a stand.)", "CUE Voices:", "(Sounds of conversation filter from the back room. We move completely through the crystal ball and past the shelves of different colored bottles filed with various items.)", "Sedona Wiley: (o.s.) Focus all your intention on the crystal for your highest truth.", "(We pass hanging baskets with a sign that reads \"CHICKEN FEET\", across the countertop with various colored bottlesand a wall with various photos as we move to the back of the shop.)", "[INT. SIXTH SENSE - BACK ROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "Sedona Wiley: (o.s.) What is your first question?", "(We continue past a cabinet and stop in front of the entryway to the back room. The voices are clearer.)", "Lori: I want to know if he loves me.", "FLASH TO:", "[CRYSTAL BALL]", "(We see the reflection of two women in the glass.)", "Sedona Wiley: I see red.", "(Sedona Wiley sits across a small table from two young women - the same two women from 1X22: Evaluation Day.)", "Sedona Wiley: That can be passion. The connection between you is very strong.", "(Lori smiles, pleased with the answer. Anna Leah watches Sedona skeptically. Sedona takes a breath and closes her eyes.)", "Sedona Wiley: I see blood. There's danger around you.", "Lori: Well, my parents do hate him.", "Sedona Wiley: I'm getting a name Ray. Ray. And a letter \"B.\"", "(She opens her eyes.)", "Sedona Wiley: Uh, when, when we put the name Ray with the letter \"B,\" does anything come up for you?", "Anna Leah: We don't know anyone named Ray. And my boyfriend's name is Stuart.", "(Sedona looks at the clear marble in her hands.)", "Sedona Wiley: There's something else -- \"R.\" Ro-ro ... rode, rode, rodeo. Is he connected to a rodeo? Is he taking you to a rodeo?", "Lori: I don't think so.", "(Sedona appears upset, as if she's doing this reluctantly.)", "Sedona Wiley: I'm getting another image. Um ... an arm. It's a one-armed cactus, but it's not in the ground. And then it's cold.", "(She opens her eyes and looks at them.)", "Sedona Wiley: I don't usually tell people when I see bad things, but the danger is so strong I can feel it.", "(Spooked, Anna Leah gets to her feet.)", "Anna Leah: Okay, this is stupid. You're scaring us.", "(Concerned, Lori gets to her feet. Sedona grabs her hands.)", "Sedona Wiley: Don't ... go.", "(Anna Leah grabs Lori and the two head for the door.)", "Anna Leah: Come on.", "Sedona Wiley: Don't!", "(Anna Leah and Lori leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. STREET OUTSIDE SIXTH SENSE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(The doorbell jingles as Anna Leah and Lori leave the shop. They head across the street. As soon as Anna Leah steps off the curb, a car stops, tires screeching.)", "(She whacks the car hood with the palm of her hand.)", "Anna Leah: Jerk!", "[DRIVER POV]", "(Anna Leah and Lori continue walking down the street in front of the car, their images blurring.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. STREET OUTSIDE SIXTH SENSE - NIGHT]", "(The area is crowded with officer cars, lights flashing. Grissom exits the SUV and joins Brass.)", "Brass: Say hello to Anna Leah and Lori. You may remember them. A few years ago they stole a car and found a severed head in the trunk.", "Grissom: How could I forget that?", "Brass: Well, now they found a dead psychic, Sedona Wiley, in the occult shop.", "Lori: She said there was danger all around us. I mean, we almost got hit by a car right here, and then she's dead.", "Grissom: Wait, I'm confused. You left and then you came back?", "Lori: Yeah. I forgot my sunglasses. Two hundred bucks.", "Brass: This officer will take you downtown to take your statement, okay?", "(Anna Leah rolls her eyes.)", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. SIXTH SENSE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sedona Wiley is dead, faced-up on the floor, her arms away from her body.)", "(Grissom enters the shop. Photo flashes snap as someone takes pictures of the body. The entire room is trashed.)", "Grissom: Greg?", "(Crouched near the body alongside David Phillips, Greg looks up at Grissom. Greg stands up.)", "Greg: Hey.", "Grissom: I thought I paged Warrick on this.", "(Grissom puts his kit down.)", "Greg: Yeah, about that, uh, we traded days.", "(Grissom shines his flashlight on Greg.)", "Grissom: Because?", "(Greg puts a hand up to block the light.)", "Greg: Well, uh, it's a long story, but the short answer is I have an expertise in the occult.", "Grissom: Huh. Hello, David. What do you know?", "(Grissom heads toward them. Sedona's body is located near the backroom entryway.)", "David Phillips: Gunshot to the chest. Liver temp is 98 degrees which is odd unless she's running a fever. It means I can't give you an accurate TOD. Sorry.", "(Greg continues taking photos. David rolls the body over.)", "David Phillips: Bullet was a through-and-through. Based on lividity, the body wasn't moved.", "Grissom: What's in the back room?", "Greg: A small office. Probably where she did the readings. There's, uh, incense, pendulum, jar of marbles. They're used for divining. It's hipper than the old crystal ball.", "Grissom: Where did you say your expertise comes from?", "Greg: Oh, my grandmother, Nana Olaf. She was a psychic. She didn't have a store. She just had a kitchen table and she prognosticated for free. She had a sixth sense. And the family thinks that I might have inherited it.", "Grissom: Okay. What am I thinking?", "Greg: That I'm due for a promotion?", "Grissom: I'm thinking you should focus on your other five senses.", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SIXTH SENSE - DAY]", "(Greg snaps photos of blood drops on a skeleton-decorated stool. He turns and snaps more photos of the broken jars and bottles on the shelves and countertops. He finds more blood drops.)", "Greg: (puzzled) Got some blood drops over here.", "Grissom: Connected to the blood pool?", "Greg: No.", "(Grissom snaps a photo of the floor near evidence marker B.)", "Greg: Maybe the killer cut himself?", "(Quick flash of: Someone swings his arm, knocking the jars and bottles off the countertop. Blood drops fall on the surface. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Greg puts his camera down and digs into his pocket for a swab.)", "Greg: I'll swab it.", "(then)", "Greg: You ever been to a psychic?", "Grissom: Would it surprise you if I had?", "Greg: Yeah.", "Grissom: Surprise. So go ahead and run it for me.", "(Greg looks around and points to the cash register.)", "Greg: Sure. Uh, cash register's empty, which could mean robbery gone bad.", "(He turns to the bullet hole in the wall.)", "Greg: The shot was a through-and-through. Bullet went into this wall. Haven't extracted it yet. Shot was fired along this line.", "(Greg places his back to the wall, aligning himself in line with the bullet trajectory.)", "(Quick flash to: The killer stands in the same position, raises a gun and fires. The bullet heads straight for Sedona Wiley.)", "(We hear her grunt as the bullet hits flesh.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "(Greg straightens.)", "Greg: Which puts the shooter on the far side of the body.", "(Grissom looks around at the damage to the shop.)", "Grissom: Well, if it was a robbery, why'd they trash the place?", "Greg: Well, I can think of two reasons: One, the shooter was on drugs and did it just to do it. Or there wasn't enough money in the register and he decided to look for more.", "Grissom: Go on.", "(Grissom heads for the back room.)", "[INT. SIXTH SENSE - BACK ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom pushes the hanging bead divider and looks in the room as he listens to Greg talk.)", "Greg: (o.s.) Well, uh, he figured that the victim must have had a purse or a safe somewhere ...", "(Grissom steps into the room and looks around.)", "Greg: (o.s.) and terrorizing her is one way to get her to give it up.", "(Grissom picks up a book on the counter nearby. There's a five-point star in a circle on cover. The book is labeled \"DEATH\". He puts the book down and notices Sedona's purse on the counter. He looks through the purse and takes out her wallet. He opens it, sees the driver's ID, credit cards and cash inside.)", "NEVADA DRIVER LICENSE", "EXPIRES: 09-21-2006", "s*x: M", "HEIGHT: 5'5\"", "WEIGHT: 114", "EYES: BRN", "HAIR: GRN", "WILEY, SEDONA", "32 POINT VIEW", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101", "Grissom: They didn't take her purse. (Greg snaps more photos. Grissom finds a tape recorder. He turns it on and rewinds it a little.", "Sedona Wiley: (from tape) I'm getting a name: Ray. Ray. And a letter \"B.\" Um, when, when we put the name Ray with the letter \"B,\" does anything come up for you?", "(Greg enters the back room and listens to the tape. He looks down on the table and sees a pair of sunglasses.)", "Anna Leah: (from tape) We don't know anyone named Ray, and my boyfriend's name is Stuart.", "(Greg picks up the sunglasses and looks at Grissom.)", "Greg: Ray Bans -- \"Ray B.\"", "Sedona Wiley: (from tape) There's something else. \"R,\" ro, rode. Rodeo. Is it connected to a rodeo? Is he taking you to a rodeo?", "Lori: (from tape) I don't think so.", "(Greg steps out of the back room.)", "Sedona Wiley: (from tape) I'm gettin another image, an arm.", "(He looks out the window.)", "Sedona Wiley: (from tape) A one-armed cactus, ...", "(And sees a one-armed cactus sign on the building across the street.)", "Sedona Wiley: (from tape) ... but it's not in the ground. And then it's cold ...", "(Greg looks down at the broken glass on the floor. Something catches his eye. He kneels down and the partially covered label on the broken glass reads: RHODE--. The other partially-covered label on the broken glass reads: LAEO--.)", "Sedona Wiley: (from tape) I usually tell people when I see bad things, but the danger ...", "(Greg looks at the labels ... then up at the partially covered one-armed cactus sign on the building across the street.", "Greg: Grissom?", "Sedona Wiley: (from tape) ... is so strong, I ...", "(Grissom appears in the doorway, pushing the hanging beads to the side.)", "Greg: (points) Take a look out there. What do you see?", "(Grissom looks at the sign.)", "Greg: A one-armed cactus. And take a look at these labels. \"Rhode ... eo.\" They spell rodeo.", "Grissom: Power of suggestion, Greg.", "(Greg stands up.)", "Greg: I think that the victim saw images of the crime scene. Grissom, I think she foresaw her own death.", "(Grissom smiles slightly, then closes the hanging beads.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins is standing next to the body on the autopsy table when Grissom enters.)", "Robbins: Before you ask, no, I did not find her third eye.", "Grissom: What did you find?", "Robbins: Center-mass shot front to back. Large caliber bullet. Clipped her aorta. COD was exsanguination. She bled out.", "Grissom: David said she was running hot.", "Robbins: There's no signs of infection but I did find trace amounts of a white powder in her nasal cavities and lungs. Possibly cocaine-induced hyperthermia. I ordered a full drug panel and sent a sample to Hodges. It could be a hallucinogen. In some native cultures, shamans use peyote to call forth visions.", "Grissom: Al, when someone sells love potions and magic spells, the only visions they see are dollar signs.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SIXTH SENSE OCCULT SHOP -- DAY]", "(Greg prints the cash register. He finds some prints and tapes them. He puts the tape on the others on the counter.)", "(He looks in the cash register and finds some gold-colored flecks. He takes a tape sample of the flecks.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Grissom and Warrick are moving through the hallway. Grissom is holding a file folder.)", "Grissom: Five right 44, consistent with a Smith & Wesson, but no hits in IBIS.", "Warrick: Whew, somebody used some heavy artillery on that psychic.", "Grissom: And remind me again why you didn't show up at the crime scene?", "Warrick: 'Cause your former lab boy begged me for it. He offered to take my next holiday on-call. I thought he was nuts, but I wasn't going to pass him up. To be honest with you, Grissom, my wife's having a hard time with my schedule. She's spending a lot of time alone. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal.", "Grissom: Well, you should have cleared it with me. And by the way, you're still on the case.", "(Grissom hands the file folder to Warrick.)", "Warrick: All right.", "(Grissom and Warrick enter the Print Lab.)", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Mandy Webster reports her findings to Grissom and Warrick.)", "Mandy Webster: I paged Greg. I don't know where he is.", "Grissom: That's okay, 'cause Warrick is now backing him up.", "Warrick: What do you got?", "Mandy Webster: There's too many prints and there's too many hits. I need some help. Can you talk to Ecklie, please?", "Grissom: I'll do what I can. What about the cash register?", "Mandy Webster: I ran those per Greg ... per you. All the prints belonged to the victim except for two. Both of which were a match to a Reese Bingham. His work card's in the system.", "(She points to the monitor which reads:", "REESE BINGHAM", "AGE: 22 HEIGHT: 5'9\"", "WEIGHT: 139 LBS EYES: BROWN", "RACE: CAUCASIAN s*x: MALE", "HAIR: BROWN DOB: SEPT 7, 1984", "LAST KNOWN ADDRESS:", "30382 DESERT WAY", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89109", "CURRENT OCCUPATION:", "2004 - PRESENT: BASMATI RESTAURANT", "DELIVERY BOY/SERVER", "Warrick: Okay, I'm on it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Warrick and Brass interview Reese Bingham.)", "Brass: The state has a law that murder committed during the commission of a felony buys you the death penalty. Do you understand that?", "Reese Bingham: This has to be a mistake. I don't even eat meat. Or cheese. I won't even hire an exterminator.", "Warrick: Your prints were found at the crime scene.", "Reese Bingham: I haven't been to any crime scenes.", "Brass: You been to any occult shops lately?", "Reese Bingham: Yeah, I work next door to one.", "Warrick: You want to explain to me why your prints were found on the cash register?", "Reese Bingham: The owner's my friend. Did something happen to her?", "Brass: You don't know that she's dead?", "(He sighs, saddened.)", "Reese Bingham: No.", "Warrick: She was killed and then robbed, and your prints are on her cash register.", "Reese Bingham: Okay, yeah, wait ... I can explain that.", "Brass: Start explaining.", "Reese Bingham: I work at a vegetarian restaurant. We make these soy burgers. Sedona was hooked on them. So, you know, she'd order, I'd deliver.", "Brass: So you're a soy-burger-making, vegetarian delivery boy, hmm?", "Reese Bingham: Look, she's always busy doing a reading or whipping up some kind of potion. She told me to take the money out of the drawer.", "Brass: Give yourself a tip?", "Reese Bingham: Soy burger and fries was $6.95 plus tax. I'd take a ten.", "Warrick: You delivered to her last night?", "Reese Bingham: (shakes his head) No.", "Brass: Was it your day off?", "Reese Bingham: Like most nights, I work until six and then I like ... to go to the Stripperama.", "Brass: I thought you didn't like meat?", "(He chuckles unsure.)", "Warrick: Is there anyone who can confirm that?", "Reese Bingham: Well, yeah.", "Warrick: She got a name?", "Reese Bingham: Girls aren't allowed to tell you their real names, but I call her Star 'cause she has these ... blue stars tattooed on her hips. And it kind of looks like a meteor shower when she dances.", "Warrick: Would you stand up, please.", "(Reese stands up slowly, unsure.)", "Reese Bingham: I can go?", "Warrick: No. You can strip down to your skivvies.", "Reese Bingham: Excuse me?", "Brass: You want some music?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Packey Jameson waits out in the hallway. Brass exits the room and sees him.)", "Det. Packey Jameson: Hey, Jim.", "Brass: Packey.", "(They shake hands.)", "Brass: What are you doing here? Aren't you retired?", "Det. Packey Jameson: Well, I'm here on business.", "(They turn and head down the hallway toward Brass' office.)", "Brass: Business? I thought your only business was playing golf.", "Det. Packey Jameson: (chuckles) Any leads on your dead psychic?", "(They stop in front of Brass' office door. Packey Jameson reaches for the doorknob and opens the door.)", "Brass: Why? What's the interest? You looking to make a bet?", "Packey Jameson: I knew the victim. A few weeks ago I went to see her about the Wallace case.", "Brass: So you're still hunting the white whale, huh?", "(They enter Brass' office.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "Packey Jameson: Fifteen years, no arrests. (The door closes behind him.) Still burns me he used to be one of us. I really wanted to catch Wallace before I retired.", "Brass: So you talked to a psychic.", "(Brass sits behind his desk. Packey remains standing.)", "Packey Jameson: Jim, she told me things that she couldn't possibly know about this case. She also told me that Claire Wallace was murdered by her husband and he buried the body in Summerlin.", "Brass: Too bad she didn't give you an address.", "(Brass chuckles. Packey watches him, not pleased at being laughed at. He turns to leave. Brass stops him.)", "Packey Jameson: Forget it.", "Brass: No, hey, come on, Packey. Come on, come on. Sit down. Sit down.", "(Packey sits down.)", "Packey Jameson: Look, Jim, I interrogated him at least a dozen times. And I never got a rise from the smug b*st*rd until the last time -- until I repeated what this psychic told me.", "Brass: So you think Wallace killed her because ...", "Packey Jameson: He was afraid she'd eventually lead me to the body. I even scheduled another reading with her, but ...", "Brass: Did he know her?", "(Packey shakes his head, no.)", "Brass: Did you tell him her name?", "Packey Jameson: Of course not.", "Brass: Well, if he didn't know who she was ...", "Packey Jameson: All right, all right. At least do me the courtesy of running Gordon Wallace's prints against any prints found at the crime scene.", "(Packey stands up.)", "Packey Jameson: Check the case file. The last interrogation tape's still in there. You'll see.", "(He turns and leaves the office. Brass watches him go. He takes a moment and thinks about it, then reaches for the phone and dials.)", "Brass: (to phone) Gil, I need a favor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. STRIPPERAMA -- NIGHT]", "(The Stripperama is packed and busy. Girls in high heels and skimpy outfits dance on stage as men sit around with bills in their hands.)", "(Warrick talks with the manager.)", "Manager: Most of my girls have tats.", "Warrick: He said they were shaped like stars.", "Manager: What color?", "Warrick: Blue.", "Manager: That'd be Tammy.", "(He indicates the blonde talking with someone at the bar.)", "Manager: She's at the bar. Help yourself.", "(The manager leaves.)", "Warrick: Thanks.", "(Greg walks in and joins Warrick.)", "Greg: Hey.", "Warrick: Greg, what are you doing here?", "Greg: Oh, Grissom said you're backing me up. Can't back me up if I'm not here.", "Warrick: The next time you screw me up with Grissom, I'm going to back you up right off a cliff.", "Greg: (saunters) Oh, come on, Rick, ain't no thing. We're working the case. Flash the badge, no cover charge. (He stops in front of the stage and watches the girl dancing.) Get to see the ladies.", "Warrick: Let's go.", "(Warrick and Greg head over to the bar to talk with Tammy. She has blue stars tattooed on her hip.)", "Warrick: You must be Tammy.", "(She smiles at him.)", "Tammy: Yes.", "Warrick: Is there a quiet place where we could talk?", "(The man talking with Tammy at the bar glares at Warrick and Greg before walking away.)", "Tammy: You got the dime, I got the time.", "Greg: Unfortunately, the Crime Lab doesn't have a budget for that. Greg Sanders, Warrick Brown. Las Vegas Crime Lab.", "Tammy: Well, we get the bottom of the barrel around this place. Who's in trouble now?", "(Warrick shows Tammy Reese Bingham's photo.)", "Warrick: He is. Have you seen him?", "Tammy: He comes in all the time. Smells like nasty pickles.", "Warrick: Was he here last night?", "Tammy: Yeah. Let's see, I go on around seven. He was in the front row waiting. Hung around all night. Then he waited in the parking lot to say good-bye.", "Greg: So he was stalking you?", "Tammy: (chuckles) No, nothing like that. He's harmless. (to Greg) Like you, sweetie.", "(She looks at Greg and kisses the air. Warrick smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom stands at the table with CLAIRE WALLACE'S file box as he puts the file folder aside. He opens the box and goes through the photos. He looks at the photo of Claire Wallace, smiling and holding a black dog in her arms.)", "(Grissom sits down and looks over the file folder.)", "(He picks up a second photo of Gordon Wallace in uniform, holding Claire Wallace. Both are looking at the camera.)", "(Grissom sets the photo aside and picks up a third photo of the front seat inside a car. There's a pink sweater on the passenger seat.)", "(He looks through all the photos and puts them down on the desk.)", "(He flips through the file and looks at the MISSING PERSON report:", "Date of report: 6-15-91 Time: 0952", "Name: Wallace, Claire", "Race: Caucasian s*x: F", "Birthdate: 3-29-66", "Driver's License Number: T5616624 State: NV", "Social Security: 121-5---", "License Plate: 079 HVA State: NV Year: 91", "Year of Vehicle: 1990 Make: Honda Type: Accor", "Claire Wallace was reported missing by her sister Emily, on June 15, 1991, M.P.'s vehicle located in McCarran parking lot B by airport police. Vehicle impounded. No signs of violence in vehicle. M.P.'s sweater postive (sic) ---band. Husband claims wife left him for another man.", "Arresting Officer: Packey Jameson ID No. 7204", "(Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: Hey, Gil, if you're swamped, I can always cancel my vacation plans.", "Grissom: We've got it covered.", "Catherine: Good, 'cause I really wasn't that serious. What are you working on?", "Grissom: A favor for Brass.", "(She picks up the Claire Wallace photo on the desk.)", "Catherine: Oh, the Wallace case. Yeah, I wanted on this way back when. But I was the new kid, and my supervisor wouldn't let me do it. I probably would have solved it, too. Is there a new lead?", "Grissom: I'm not sure yet.", "Catherine: I heard Jameson dug thirty holes in the desert looking for her body?", "Grissom: Thirty-seven actually.", "Catherine: That's dedication. (beat) Or obsession. You know, my sister lived near the Wallaces out in Henderson. Their fights were legendary. I was at a barbecue one time, I heard them screaming at each other from three blocks away. Made me and Eddie seem like amateurs.", "(Grissom picks up a photo off the desk and heads out the office door with Catherine.)", "Grissom: Where are you and Lindsay going this year?", "Catherine: Disneyland. With the parents.", "Grissom: Quality time with Dad?", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(They walk through the hallway.)", "Catherine: Oh, yeah. And Sam wanted to take us on the Tangiers jet but my mother refused. Said it wasn't the tradition. So now we're driving. Yeah, that'll be a hell of a road trip.", "(Catherine continues down the hallway as Grissom stops in front of the Print Lab.)", "Grissom: Have fun. Say 'hi' to Sam.", "Catherine: (o.s.) Will do.", "(Grissom enters the Print Lab.)", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The computer beeps periodically as Mandy continues working on the prints.)", "Mandy Webster: Still working on those prints from the occult shop. Thank you for talking to Ecklie. He sent me some help.", "Grissom: Good. I have one more for you.", "(Grissom hands her a print card for GORDON WALLACE, SSN 399-81-9789.)", "Mandy Webster: This is LVPD. It's not going to be in the AFIS criminal database. I'm going to have to do a manual comparison. It's going to take longer. Is he a suspect?", "Grissom: He's a person of interest.", "(Grissom turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE -- NIGHT]", "(The label on the evidence bag reads:", "ARTICLE: TRACE EXHIBIT NO. 28", "DATE FOUND, LOCATED OR DEVELOPED: 04/12/06", "WHERE THIS ARTICLE WAS FOUND: VIC'S NOSE", "INVESTIGATION OFFICER: GREG SANDERS", "(Henry Andrews takes a swab of the evidence bag. He takes some chloroform and adds it to the sample.)", "(Various dissolves as Henry continues to process the sample. He puts the sample in the machine.)", "TIME CUT TO:", "(The results print out just as Greg walks into the lab.)", "Greg: Hey, Henry, what's up?", "Henry Andrews: My job can get a little mundane sometimes ... not today.", "Greg: I'll second that and raise you a stripper.", "Henry Andrews: Okay, sure ... anyway, the powder on your victim's nose and lungs is atropine. It's used to dilate pupils, control bladder problems and it can be fatal in large doses.", "Greg: Atropine comes from a plant, right?", "Henry Andrews: Belladonna. Also known as 'deadly nightshade.' Most people don't know it grows wild throughout the southwest.", "(Quick flashback to: A broken bottle with the label, BELLADONNA. End of flashback. Resume scene.)", "Greg: The psychic had that in her shop. Can you tell from the blood work whether she absorbed enough for it to be lethal?", "Henry Andrews: Levels were fairly low. No other drugs detected. So, no. But if she hadn't been shot, it would have made her sick.", "Greg: What about hyperthermia?", "Henry Andrews: Definitely. Why?", "Greg: The vic's temperature was elevated. Belladonna would help explain it.", "(Greg turns and sees Wendy walk past the lab.)", "Greg: Later.", "(He rushes out of the lab to catch up with her.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Greg and Wendy are on the move through the hallway.)", "Wendy Simms: Hey, I'm on a break. I'll see you in twenty.", "Greg: Vending machine's on me if you give me your results first.", "Wendy Simms: No, make it dinner.", "Greg: Me and you?", "Wendy Simms: Me, you and my friend Julie.", "Greg: Okay, but I get to sit in the middle.", "Wendy Simms: Deal.", "(They enter the break room.)", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Wendy opens the refrigerator door and gets a plastic container out.)", "Wendy Simms: So the isolated blood drops from behind the register are not a match to your vic. In fact, they are male.", "(She shuts the refrigerator door. She sits down.)", "Greg: Really? Can I have the file?", "(She shakes her dinner.)", "Wendy Simms: Later. So, Mandy says that you have a suspect. The guy have any cuts?", "Greg: Warrick didn't find any, and the suspect had an alibi. But I think you just broke the case.", "Wendy Simms: How'd I do that?", "Greg: Well, one of the broken jars at the store contained belladonna, which is a poison. The vic only inhaled it, but if the killer had an open wound, he not only inhaled it ...", "Wendy Simms: It went directly into his bloodstream.", "(Quick flash to: Someone knocks the bottles off the shelves. A cloud of white dust rises around the person as they inhale. End of flash. Resume scene.)", "Greg: (perks up) I need to check the hospitals.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Detective Sam Vega and Greg head for the hospital room.)", "Sam Vega: Got to hand it to you, Sanders -- nice call. They brought the guy in after he ran his car up onto a median, right behind the Las Vegas sign.", "Greg: That's like ten blocks from the crime scene.", "Sam Vega: Yeah. Name's Damon Mitchell. Showed symptoms of narcotics withdrawal. According to the police report, he ran his car off the road up onto the median. No damage to the car, no injuries. But he's apparently hyped up on something.", "(They enter the hospital room where a physician is attending to Damon Mitchell.)", "Sam Vega: What do you got, doc?", "Dr. Franks: Well, the lab just confirmed his blood is positive for atropine. So I'm starting him on an IV drip of physostigmine.", "Greg: You swab that wound on his hand yet?", "Dr. Franks: Right when he came in.", "Greg: Swab's still around?", "Dr. Franks: Saved it for you. It's in the biohazard bag.", "(The doctor steps aside. Detective Vega steps forward.)", "Sam Vega: Mr. Mitchell? I'm Detective Vega.", "[MITCHELL'S POV]", "(Detective Vega's voice is distorted and his face is blurry.)", "Sam Vega: Mind if I ask you a few questions?", "(Damon puts a hand up, tripped by what he sees.)", "Damon Mitchell: Oh ... man. Your face is melting.", "(Vega turns and looks at Greg. Greg shakes his head.)", "Damon Mitchell: I think I'm going to puke.", "Sam Vega: (to officer) Make sure you book him when he gets sober.", "(Vega and Greg turn and leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[VIDEO TAPE]", "(Packey Jameson interviews Gordon Wallace on tape.)", "RESUME SCENE", "(Brass looks over at Grissom as they watch the tape.)", "Packey Jameson: (from tape) I got a psychic who can communicate with the dead. The FBI uses her to locate people. Your dead wife's been talking to her. Says her spirit is stuck in Summerlin. She can't cross over until the b*st*rd who murdered her is caught. Psychic says it's you.", "(Grissom rewinds the tape.)", "Grissom: Watch this again.", "Packey Jameson: (from tape) Your dead wife's been talking to her. Says her spirit is stuck in Summerlin. She can't cross over until the b*st*rd who murdered her is caught.", "(Close-up on Gordon Wallace's eyes. They pause the tape.)", "Brass: Yeah, Packey, said he got a rise out of him.", "Grissom: Right when he mentions Summerlin.", "Brass: So, old Packey has been punching holes in the wrong part of the desert all these years, huh?", "(Mandy knocks on the door.)", "Mandy Webster: Sir?", "Grissom: Yeah?", "Mandy Webster: You said you wanted the print results as soon as I got them?", "Grissom: Yes.", "Mandy Webster: I tried to run Wallace's ten card, but the finger rolls were too sloppy. So I used the latents from the crime scene against the AFIS civil database, knowing he'd be in there, 'cause he used to be a cop.", "Brass: Did you get a hit?", "Mandy Webster: Yeah, I got two. Uh, Wallace's prints were on the inside of the door handle.", "Grissom: That places him at the scene.", "Brass: Well, what do you know?", "Grissom: Were the other ones Greg's?", "Mandy Webster: No. They were another cop. A ... retired Detective Patrick Jameson.", "Brass: Yeah, Packey said he went there to get a reading.", "Mandy Webster: Yeah. Found a few on the table, then there were a few more on the broken jars that were found behind the counter.", "Grissom: Why was he behind the counter?", "Brass: Come on. Why would Packey want to kill Sedona?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom finds Greg walking in the hallway.)", "Grissom: I need to talk to you.", "Greg: You heard about the strip club?", "Grissom: I hear about everything, Greg.", "Greg: Then that ear surgery paid off. Our first lead didn't pan out, but I got a better one. Damon Mitchell crashed his black Chevy into a median only ten blocks from the occult shop, right around the time the psychic was killed. His prints match latents we found at the scene. He was hospitalized for what turned out to be belladonna poisoning. And get this -- he worked the National Finals Rodeo last year. Slam dunk. I'm meeting Vega at PD in twenty minutes.", "Grissom: We have one more lead to follow up before we call this a slam dunk.", "Greg: What lead? I don't think your sixth sense is working as well as you'd hoped.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE]", "(Brass talks with Packey Jameson.)", "Packey Jameson: Are you accusing me of something?", "Brass: Oh, come on, Packey, you know how this works. I'm just trying to put the pieces together.", "Packey Jameson: I went to Sedona's shop for a consultation. I brought her Claire Wallace's sweater, from the car we found at the airport. And for your information, I signed it in and out of evidence, per chain of custody.", "Brass: Okay ...", "Packey Jameson: I also showed her a couple of photos. She did her thing; I paid her; I left.", "Brass: So you were only in the back of the shop?", "Packey Jameson: You've been there. You know you have to walk from the front to get to the back. Now, come on, Jim. You want ask me something? Don't be shy.", "Brass: Somebody trashed the place, and we found your prints, on the pieces of broken glass.", "Packey Jameson: And you think, what, I did it?", "Brass: No, but I want to know what your prints are doing on those glass jars.", "(He sighs.)", "Packey Jameson: She had all these weird powders and fairy dust, and something called a gris-gris bag. Said she had her mojo working. Seemed sketchy. I figured she was dealing.", "Brass: Oh ... I don't know, Packey, that's a stretch.", "Packey Jameson: Come on, Jim. You know these hippy-dippy types. They love their drugs, so I questioned her. Got a lesson in alchemy. Have you ever seen a wolf's heart? (Brass shakes his head.) A dried bat? (no.) Well, I held 'em. Satisfied?", "(Brass sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Damon Mitchell drinks a cup of water. Detective Vega and Greg interview him.)", "Damon Mitchell: Can I get some more water?", "Sam Vega: We're all out. Mr. Mitchell, are you into psychics?", "Damon Mitchell: No. I'm not ... I'm really thirsty. Doctor said push the fluids.", "Sam Vega: We know that you went to an occult shop.", "Greg: Yeah, you left your fingerprints and your blood at the location. And according to this tox report, you were most likely poisoned at the same place.", "Damon Mitchell: Okay. I was there, but I didn't kill that little con artist bitch.", "Sam Vega: Then why lie about it?", "Damon Mitchell: 'Cause I didn't think you'd believe me. (He shows them the handcuffs.) I'm in enough trouble already.", "Sam Vega: Give it a shot.", "Damon Mitchell: My wife is a junky. She's a psychic junky. She spent our entire savings on consultations, tarot readings and other garbage. Thousands of dollars. I told her she had to quit seeing this woman. That was my mistake. The week after, Sedona starts having these visions of me cheating. You ever try to defend yourself against a psychic's vision?", "Sam Vega: I bet that pissed you off. So you got revenge by ...", "Damon Mitchell: I went down there to confront the bitch because she ruined my life. You want to know what she said to me?", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. SIXTH SENSE OCCULT SHOP - DAY] Damon Mitchell talks with Sedona Wiley.)", "Sedona Wiley: You want your wife back? That's going to cost you $5,000.", "Damon Mitchell: What?!", "Sedona Wiley: Cash. I will look into her future and I'll tell her that she takes you back, and you live happily ever after.", "(End of flashback. Resume scene.)", "Damon Mitchell: She tried to extort more money from me after she had already taken it all. I lost it.", "(Quick flashback to:", "Damon Mitchell: You think this is funny? Huh!", "(Damon Mitchell trashes the shop, knocking the glass bottles off the counters, smashing them to the floor.)", "(End of flashback. Resume scene.)", "Sam Vega: Mr. Mitchell, do you own a gun?", "Damon Mitchell: No. Look, when I left there, she was alive.", "Greg: What time was that?", "Damon Mitchell: It was after nine, around ... closer to 9:30.", "Sam Vega: Then where'd you go?", "Damon Mitchell: Uh ... I went around the corner to the liquor store for some bourbon. But before I even opened it, I started to feel woozy. You know, then ... everything kind of went sideways.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Warrick and Greg move through the hallway.)", "Warrick: The cops find the gun or the stolen cash in the vehicle?", "Greg: No. Only a full bottle of bourbon. But he could've ditched the gun.", "Warrick: Well, the victim took him for several grand. He's not ditching the money.", "(Hodges turns the corner. He's wearing a suit.)", "Warrick: Tight suit, baby.", "Hotches: Actually, it's not. Um, I've only gained a couple of pounds, and I tend to gain ...", "Warrick: No, I mean it, looks good on you.", "Hodges: I see. Well ... Thank you, Warrick.", "Greg: So, what's with the ghetto?", "Hodges: I was with Conrad and the mayor at the City Council budget meeting, requesting more funds for you slackers.", "Greg: So you probably didn't have any time to get some work done?", "Hodges: Au contraire.", "(He turns and motions them to follow him.)", "Hodges: Multitasking is my forte. In fact, I shared your results with the City Council. (to Greg) Fine crime fighting, courtesy of your Trace Lab.", "(They enter the Trace Lab.)", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - CONTINUOUS]", "(Hodges goes over the results with them.)", "Hodges: The gold flecks that you pulled from the cash register was iron pyrite, commonly known as 'fool's gold.'", "Warrick: What was it doing in the cash register?", "Hodges: It's also known as 'prosperity dust.' It could be for good luck.", "Greg: Didn't work for Sedona Wiley.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS SKYLINE (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CONCERT VENUE - BACKSTAGE -- DAY]", "(Brass and Grissom walk up to Gordon Wallace standing in the center of the stage. Grissom is carrying a file folder. Gordon Wallace oversees the work going on around him. He turns around and sees them.)", "Gordon Wallace: Jim Brass. Been a long time.", "(They don't shake hands.)", "Brass: How's it going, Gordon? This is Gil Grissom from the Crime Lab. So, Gordon, where were you the night before last between six-thirty and ten?", "Gordon Wallace: Well, I'm working 24-7 for Joslynn Raines ... (He turns to point her out.) ... while she's in town, so I was here with my crew until ten. Raced over to the airport, picked up my brother. Flew in from Florida, landed around ten-thirty. Brought him back here for the last show.", "Grissom: You ever been to the Sixth Sense Occult Shop?", "(Gordon Wallace scoffs.)", "Brass: What? That's funny?", "Gordon Wallace: Nah, it's just, I ... I thought you were busting my chops for your boy, Jameson. Yeah, I was there, earlier this week. Joslynn wanted to buy a love potion. Despite her killer looks, the young lady is unlucky in the romance department. (off their looks) You don't believe me? Let's go ask her.", "(He turns around and heads over to Joslynn Raines.)", "Gordon Wallace: Hey, Joslynn can you spare a minute for the, uh, boys in blue?", "(She turns around as Gordon sits down on a speaker and crosses his feet.)", "Joslynn Raines: Friends of yours? Sure. Nice to meet you. Love your city. So you got a pen, or ... ?", "(Puzzled, Grissom gives her his pen. She takes the pen ... and the file folder in his hand. She signs the folder for him.)", "Brass: Um, Miss Raines, were you at the Sixth Sense Occult Shop earlier this week?", "(She hands the signed file folder and pen back to Grissom.)", "Joslynn Raines: Yeah. Gordie took me. I got a reading, picked up a few things.", "Brass: Uh-huh. Did, uh, did Gordie go inside the shop with you?", "Joslynn Raines: Mm-hmm. He goes where I go.", "(Grissom notices the underside of Gordon's shoes. There's a piece of red glass stuck in the rubber.)", "Joslynn Raines: I offered to pay to clear his aura, but he wasn't in to it. It's good for his soul.", "(Gordon stands up.)", "Gordon Wallace: Are we done? You're going to need to ... exit out the front.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Brass and Grissom are making their way to the front.)", "Brass: Maybe we can get a warrant and match the glass in Wallace's shoe to the glass we found at the scene, and then tie him to the murder.", "Grissom: I don't know how. Glass breaks all the time. It's not a unique event. Plus, he admits to being in the shop, which accounts for his prints.", "Brass: You know, maybe Packey was right -- maybe Wallace did kill that psychic.", "Grissom: Well, he'd only kill her if he also killed his wife.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Packey Jameson opens the map on the table between him, Greg and Warrick.)", "Packey Jameson: This is the map I've been working off of, and each of these red stickers represents a hole I dug based on different information.", "(He points to the red dots on the map over and near SUNRISE MANOR.)", "Packey Jameson: Now, most were around the house he owned in Sunrise Manor. These were near his, uh, brother's place, and a few near his sister's place. That's where they grew up, in Henderson.", "Greg: So you never looked in Summerlin?", "Packey Jameson: No reason to.", "Warrick: Well, it says here, when Wallace was a cop, he worked the northwest substation, that includes Summerlin.", "Packey Jameson: Yeah, but he hadn't been on the job that long, and Summerlin is out of his comfort zone and a long way from where they live. No, he ... he had better options closer to home.", "Warrick: So, where would his parameters be?", "Packey Jameson: Well, he'd pick a place where people don't normally go.", "(Warrick looks at Gordon Wallace's work log.)", "Warrick: Wallace worked northwest from January 1990 to August '92. He responded to like 20 crime scenes in Summerlin. If we just limit it down to the remote location ...", "Packey Jameson: Yeah. Let me look at that.", "(He looks at the list of calls:", "Illegal Dumping Susp. Person Vandalism Broken water pipe Illegal dumping at abandoned septic tank Disturbance Susp. Persons Abandoned property Abandoned vehicle Illegal Dumping Illegal Dumping", "Warrick: Summerlin's changed a lot over the last ten years.", "Packey Jameson: Yeah, but there's two ...", "(He looks back up the list.)", "Packey Jameson: ... three, possibilities. I got an idea.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SUMMERLIN -- NIGHT]", "(Various personnel are looking around the area. They each are pushing equipment to look at what's buried underground.)", "(Grissom and Packey Jameson are standing behind an open SUV.)", "Packey Jameson: Back in the day, squatters were always camping their RVs in this area. That's what brought Wallace up here. Illegal dumping of human waste on public lands.", "(Warrick finds something.)", "Warrick: Grissom! I've got something!", "(He turns and looks at the monitor.)", "Grissom: That's a metallic signature. This could be the abandoned septic tank.", "Packey Jameson: Time to find out.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Warrick, Greg and others are digging in the area. Packey watches from the side.)", "(They find the septic tank lid and clear it.)", "(Greg hooks the wires to the lid. Warrick hooks the wires together.)", "Warrick: Clear!", "(He activates the pulley and the lid is dragged off the septic tank.)", "(Grissom and Packey Jameson turn on their flashlights and look inside. They find a wrapped body on the bottom.)", "[INT. TANK - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Greg goes down into the tank and unwraps the body. Sure enough, there's a skeleton. It's a grim find.)", "Grissom: Mrs. Wallace, I presume.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SUMMERLIN -- DAY]", "(It's day. Grissom, Packey and other personnel are still out at the site. Grissom looks in the tank and sees something.)", "Grissom: Hey, Greg. (Greg looks at him.) You missed some.", "(Greg sighs and gets to his feet. He heads over to the tank.)", "Greg: (mutters) Well, one more spider bite won't make a difference. But you, being the bug guy, would probably enjoy being bitten.", "[INT. TANK - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Greg enters the tank. He sees the bone just under the dirt and picks it up. It's a small curved bone. He looks at it, then heads back up.)", "(He hands the bone to Grissom.)", "Greg: (o.s.) Could be rib.", "(Grissom looks at the bone.)", "Grissom: It's too small.", "(Greg brushes the dirt away from more bones in the ground.)", "Grissom: (to Packey) Did the Wallaces have a kid?", "Packey Jameson: No. That was part of the marital discord.", "Greg: Check this out.", "(Greg hands a small skull and some spine to Grissom. Grissom looks at it.)", "Grissom: Claire Wallace did have a dog.", "Packey Jameson: Yeah. Yeah, I interviewed her sister. Said Claire had a little bulldog named, uh ... think it was Sneakers.", "(Warrick stands up and snaps a photo of the bones.)", "Packey Jameson: Took him everywhere with her.", "(Warrick notice something.)", "Warrick: What's this around the neck?", "Grissom: It's a wire.", "Packey Jameson: Killed the dog. He had to kill the dog to make it look like Claire took Sneakers with her. Otherwise, nobody'd believe his story.", "Greg: No collar or tags down here, but I found this ... whatever it is.", "(Greg hands Warrick the metal contraption. It looks like a small brace with two tires.)", "(Grissom looks at the item.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins and David Phillips stand around the table. David is holding a clipboard. Grissom walks in.)", "Robbins: (to David) Really thin, high-bridge nose. All indicate caucasoid.", "Grissom: Any chance at an ID?", "Robbins: Well, so far, everything's consistent with Claire Wallace. Unfortunately, because she was in a metal box in the desert, DNA's not likely viable. I sent samples of the long bones to Wendy anyway, but I don't expect results.", "Grissom: Dental records?", "(Robbins picks up the skull.)", "Robbins: (sighs) The, uh, killer knocked out most of her teeth. Roots are still in the bone. She was brutalized.", "Grissom: Cause of death?", "(He points to the holes in the skull.)", "Robbins: I noted three separate and distinct fractures: One on the right side ... and two distinct fractures on the left side. We were able to identify the missing skull fragments, but when I tried to fit them back together, I couldn't. There was deformation of the bones. Pre- or peri-mortem, the human skull has an elastic quality, so when there's a fracture, the pieces will change shape. But post-mortem, the bone is brittle, and when it's fractured, the pieces retain their shape. It's not unlike breaking a vase or a bowl.", "INSERT: CGI EFX:", "(The pieces fit in perfectly in the hole in the skull.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) The pieces all fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.", "RESUME SCENE:", "Robbins: So based on the fractures to her skull, it appears she was struck in the head three separate times, and since the pieces won't fit back together, blunt force trauma to her skull is your COD.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg and Warrick stand over the table with the dog bones on it.)", "Greg: Did you know that there are approximately 280 bones in a dog's body?", "Warrick: Yeah?", "Greg: Well, the, uh, forensic vet should be here soon. Hopefully, he'll be able to determine whether this is a French Bulldog.", "Warrick: I'm thinking this dog was an amputee.", "Greg: Based on what?", "(He picks up the metal contraption.)", "Warrick: This contraption. Looks like the, uh, canine equivalent of a wheelchair. My grandmother had a neighbor whose dog was hit by a car. The dog lived, but the doctor had to amputate the hind legs mid-femur.", "(He picks up a bone.)", "Warrick: This is the hind femur, or what's left of it. You see how it was cut?", "(Greg takes the bone and looks at it under the magnifying glass.)", "Warrick: You know, if Sneakers here was a handicapped dog, ID-ing it just became a whole lot easier.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -DAY]", "(Grissom and Brass talk as they walk through the hallway.)", "Grissom: If we can ID the dog, it'd at least give us a compelling argument that the body found was Claire Wallace.", "Brass: Yeah, but even with a cause of death of blunt force trauma, we still don't have enough to arrest him.", "Grissom: So, we re-focus on Sedona Wiley?", "Brass: Well, it's like a Chinese puzzle. She knew who Wallace was, but Wallace didn't know her.", "Grissom: Greg's suspect, Damon Mitchell, claims that she tried to extort money from him.", "Brass: So maybe she hit up Wallace, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Archie is going through the phone logs.)", "Archie Johnson: 702-555-0122 that's GW Security.", "Brass: That's Wallace's company.", "Archie Johnson: She called that number three times in the last week or so.", "Brass: She was reaching out to him.", "Archie Johnson: She called him again four days before she was murdered.", "Brass: Upping the ante, maybe.", "(Quick flash to: [INT. SIXTH SENSE OCCULT SHOP - DAY] The doorbell jingles. Joslynn Raines and Gordon Wallace walk into the shop.)", "Sedona Wiley: (to Joslynn) Hi.", "(Sedona looks up and sees Gordon Wallace there. She doesn't appear pleased to see him.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Maybe he went there to intimidate her.", "(End of flashback. Resume scene.)", "Brass: So she was shaking him down when he went in the store to shake her up. You know, Wallace said it was the singer's idea to go in there, not his.", "Grissom: Yeah, he also said he didn't murder his wife.", "Brass: You know, the girls said something curious -- the two that found the body. I didn't think it was important at the time. When they left the store, a car almost ran them down.", "(Quick flash to: [EXT. STREET OUTSIDE SIXTH SENSE OCCULT SHOP - NIGHT] A car speeds along the street just as Anna Leah and Lori are crossing. The car barely stops in time, tires screeching.)", "Anna Leah: Jerk!", "(Anna Leah hits the car with the palm of her hand.)", "(End of flash. Resume.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Greg and Brass talk with Anna Leah and Lori.)", "Greg: So, your hand made contact with the hood of the car?", "Anna Leah: You bet it did. I was born in Manhattan.", "Greg: Well, I'm going to need an impression of your palm and your fingerprints.", "Anna Leah: If it helps nail the guy, sure.", "(She holds out her right palm. Greg rolls black ink on it.)", "Brass: Do you remember anything about the vehicle? Was it a car, a truck, SUV?", "Lori: I think it was a car.", "Brass: What color was it?", "Lori: It was red. Stuck in my head after what the psychic said. Blood red.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CONCERT VENUE -- NIGHT]", "(The parking lot is filled. Greg and Grissom are leaning over the hood of a red car. Greg dusts the hood and finds a palm print. He tapes the print.)", "Greg: Voila.", "(An officer escorts Gordon Wallace out of the venue and into the parking lot.)", "(Greg does a visual comparison. Both he and Grissom are satisfied it's a match.)", "(Gordon Wallace walks up to Packey Jameson.)", "Gordon Wallace: You sad old man. Is this all you have to live for?", "(Greg and Grissom join them.)", "Greg: Palm print on the hood of the car appears to be a solid match to Anna Leah.", "Gordon Wallace: Who's that?", "Brass: She's a good witness who places your car outside the shop on the night of the murder.", "Gordon Wallace: (shrugs) Maybe I was in the neighborhood. It's not a crime to drive around Vegas. I was only in that shop once, and I got my own witness. You got nothing.", "Grissom: Our warrant also includes your shoes.", "(Grissom holds up the warrant.)", "Gordon Wallace: You like 'em? They're new. Threw the old ones away.", "Grissom: May I take a look at your wallet, please?", "Gordon Wallace: What for?", "(Grissom holds up the warrant.)", "Grissom: Because I can.", "(Gordon Wallace takes out his wallet and gives it to Grissom. Grissom tucks the warrant in his jacket pocket and takes the wallet. He opens the wallet and pulls out some of the bills a little to look inside.)", "(Gordon Wallace watches him smugly. Grissom turns on his flashlight and finds gold flecks on the bills.)", "Grissom: You didn't make a purchase at that shop, did you?", "Gordon Wallace: Already told you that.", "Grissom: Gold flecks ... similar to the substance we found in Sedona Wiley's cash register.", "INSERT FLASHBACK TO:", "[INT. SIXTH SENSE OCCULT SHOP - NIGHT - FLASHBACK]", "(Sedona gasps. Gordon Wallace steps forward, aims his gun and fires. He takes the cash out of the register.)", "END OF FLASHBACK - RESUME SCENE", "Greg: You took the money to make it look like a robbery.", "Packey Jameson: We got him.", "Brass: You know, Packey, you've been waiting a long time for this. Why don't you take him down?", "(Packey looks at Gordon Wallace.)", "Packey Jameson: I couldn't get you for the murder of your wife, but you are now under arrest for the murder of Sedona Wiley.", "(The officer handcuffs Wallace and leads him away. Packey smiles, satisfied.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Greg and Grissom sit at his desk and talk.)", "Greg: You have to admit, it's, uh, pretty eerie -- Sedona's visions of her own death.", "Grissom: Yeah. Maybe you should ask Nana Olaf to contact her, see how she's doing.", "Greg: Yeah, I know you're a cynic. I just think that you can have beliefs and still be a scientist.", "Grissom: I agree. The problems arise when people mistake their beliefs for the science.", "(Greg nods. He looks pointedly at the book in Grissom's hand.)", "Grissom: I've been reading her notebooks.", "(Grissom opens the notebook and shows Greg the title: DEATH.)", "Grissom: Take a look at this.", "(Grissom opens to a page and shows it to Greg.)", "The text reads: I see that something is blocking ... cannot move alone. I am looking through an immense cloud ... a thick fog. I sense discomfort, uneasiness in the path ahead. He/she is in Summerland, but there is chaos and darkness surrounding him/her. He/she is in Summerland, but she can't cross over yet.", "Greg: (reading) \"She is in Summerland ... but there is chaos and darkness surrounding her. She is in Summerland, but she can't cross over yet.\"", "Grissom: Sedona said Claire Wallace was \"In Summerland,\" not buried in Summerlin.", "Greg: What's Summerland?", "Grissom: Pagans believe it's a mystical place where souls go to rest before they reincarnate.", "Greg: So Jameson heard Summerlin ...", "Grissom: Because he was desperate to solve the case. Then when Wallace heard Summerlin ... he assumed Sedona was the real deal.", "(Greg thinks about it and closes the book.)", "Greg: The power of suggestion.", "(Off Grissom's knowing look, we ..." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "The CSI team is led into the rap music world as they investigate the murders of three street team members. Guest stars Method Man and Obie Trice." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[EXT. CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE - NIGHT]", "(Open on a concert poster-covered pole or palm tree. A kid carrying a backpack with a pink-colored canister tucked in it runs to the pole. He stops at the base and pauses to cover his mouth and nose with his black sweater, completely obscuring his face except for his eyes. He pulls down his black cap lower on his forehead.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "(The young man pauses and peers around the pole. Two other young people dressed similarly appear with him. They all peer around the pole to make sure the coast is clear.)", "(They run quickly across the street. They each run to a poster-covered pole and start climbing the pole.)", "POV: BARREL OF THE GUN", "(Through the center of the gun barrel, we see one of the young people climbing the pole.)", "RESUME VIEW", "(Fireworks burst in the night sky.)", "(The young man climbing the pole nearly reaches the top. He climbs quickly.)", "POV: BARREL OF THE GUN", "(Through the center of the gun barrel, we see the young man continuing to climb up the pole.)", "(Quick CGI EFX: A gun fires and the bullet exits the barrel. The bullet speeds up straight toward the climber.)", "(The climber grunts upon impact.)", "SMASH CUT TO:", "[EXT. CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE - NIGHT]", "(The body is hanging from the top of the pole. A light shines on the dead body dangling mid-air.)", "(From the ground, Nick shines his flashlight up at the body. Grissom walks over to him. He stops and looks at Nick.)", "Grissom: Feel like getting high?", "Nick: Do I have to?", "(Grissom nods. He turns and walks past Nick, who takes out his radio.)", "Nick: (to radio) Hey, this is Stokes. I need a lift, Convention Center Drive.", "Dispatch: (from radio) Copy that --", "(Grissom and Nick head over to Brass, who is standing on the road nearby a second body.)", "Brass: Looks like somebody had some late-night target practice. Three Boy Does. No IDs. Nobody saw anything.", "(Grissom looks down at the body nearest him. There are bullet shells on the road nearby.)", "Grissom: Nine-millimeter shells all over the place.", "Nick: That's a lot of racket. Somebody heard something.", "Brass: Well, the only ones who did thought it was the fireworks show at the Wynn. Good luck.", "(Brass turns and walks away. Grissom turns and walks over to the second body on the pavement. David is near the body with another forensics person. David peels open the victim's shirt to find a thin clock hanging from the front, a bullet-sized hole hanging securely around his neck.)", "(Grissom kneels down next to them. Nick looks over his shoulder.)", "Grissom: What do you think? Time of death: 3:17 A.M.?", "David Phillips: Shot through a Flavor Flav clock. Haven't seen one of these since high school.", "Nick: Old school's the new school.", "(Right in front of him, Grissom picks up a stapler from off the pavement.)", "(CAMERA ZOOMS in for an extreme close-up of the bloodstains at the tip of the stapler.)", "(Grissom looks up at the poster-covered pole. At the top are posters for BANK NEW ALBUM APRIL.)", "Nick: (to Grissom) So, what do you think? This has got to be a gang war, huh?", "Grissom: Well, if it's a gang war ... (he looks at the stapler) ... these kids were outgunned.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "WHITE FLASH IN:", "[EXT. CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE - DAY]", "(In the broad daylight, the body is still up on the pole, hanging upside down, dangling by his legs. In the background, we see two police cars parked in the center of the road to block traffic. Nick has put in pink rods in the bullet holes at the top of the pole.)", "(Nick is standing on the lift as he goes through the dead body's pockets.)", "Nick: (shouts) No personal effects! No keys, no ID! Nothing!", "(Down below, Warrick is standing near a body with his camera. He pauses and looks up at Nick.)", "Nick: Either these kids were traveling light, or they were robbed blind.", "Warrick: And who the hell would rob them up there? Andre the Giant?", "(Warrick steps away from the body and walks over to the next body Robbins is examining.)", "Warrick: Hey, Doc, is it just me, or did something crush his legs?", "Robbins: Well, first off ...", "(Robbins pulls the sweater away from the victim's face and shows that the BOY Doe is really a GIRL Doe.)", "Robbins: ... looks like he is a she, and something crushed her legs.", "(Warrick snaps photos of the body. He leans down and sees something just under the girl's leg. He snaps a photo of it and reaches down to pick it up. Robbins gets to his feet.)", "(Warrick holds up the round circular tubing.)", "Warrick: What do you think this is?", "Robbins: That's your job.", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(Warrick puts the item down and stands up.)", "Warrick: Well ... I did find casings in such a wide distribution ... and a lot of them were flattened, so it suggests to me that the killer was moving when he was shooting.", "(Quick flash of: Tires screech. A car moves by quickly as bullets swish by amidst gunfire.)", "(A body falls to the ground. The car continues. A person is leaning out the car window as the car passes.)", "(More gunfire is heard. The car runs over the girl's legs. The heavy metal tubing falls to the ground.)", "RESUME TO SCENE", "Robbins: Drive-by?", "Warrick: Yeah, with a hit-and-run chaser.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - DAY]", "SCOPE VIEW: THE BULLET", "(Under the scope, the bullet turns around its side.)", "RESUME VIEW", "(Bobby Dawson is looking through the scope. He lifts his head as he thinks.)", "(Nick enters the lab.)", "Nick: What up, Country?", "Bobby Dawson: So, the bullet is practically smooth. I mean, no sharp-edged rifling marks.", "Nick: Which means it was probably fired from a polygonal barrel. Did you run cartridge casings yet?", "Bobby Dawson: Yeah, yeah, and got an IBIS hit off of a firing pin impression. Murder weapon is an H&K MP-5.", "Nick: That's a $2,500 firearm. That's not your typical street piece.", "Bobby Dawson: Yeah. It's registered to LVPD.", "Nick: Really?", "Bobby Dawson: Yeah.", "(Bobby turns to the computer, hits a key and a new screen with information appears:", "{Right side: Photo of Bullet} SPEER 9 mm LUGER", "ID: 37283-2", "{Left side: INFO}", "LVPD FILE #: 05 11 17 6194-RC", "NEVADA REVISED STATE: NRS 406.065 Property Burglarized", "ITEM STOLEN: HGK MP-5", "TIME/DATE OF INNCIDENT: NOVEMBER 11, 2005: 4:17 PM", "SUSPECT INFO: --", "MISCELLANEOUS: LOCAL REF # 4738-43", "NOTE: Weapon stolen from SWAT vehicle during a drug raid on Vegas Valley and Sandhill. Contact LVPD immediately with any new leads.)", "Bobby Dawson: Those babies are very popular with law enforcement, and that one is issued to SWAT ... and reported stolen during a drug raid on Vegas Valley and Sandhill ... six months ago.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges examines the rod Warrick found at the crime scene. He finds a number etched in it: 867252B--.)", "(He scrapes a paint sample off the edge of the rod and looks at it under the scope.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - LATER]", "(Warrick enters the lab.)", "Warrick: Hodges, you getting anywhere with that steel rod we found?", "(Hodges is looking at the monitor on the RED'S PRO-SERIES HYDRAULICS site, which reads:", "2005-2006 HYDRAULIC SUSPENSION COMPONENTS ONLINE CATALOG", "COILS HYDRAULIC KITS DUMPS", "ALL PRICES ARE FOR RETAIL CUSTOMERS ONLY", "PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME", "<<<<CLICK ON CATEGORIES TO VIEW ITEMS", "FOR WHOLESALE AND DISTRIBUTION INFO", "CONTACT US AT 1-800-REDS-321", "(He clicks to the rods listing.)", "Hodges: Your steel rod is part of a custom hydraulic cylinder. Size and shape is a match for a brand called \"Red's.\"", "Warrick: Oh, this guy was driving a street hopper. Low-riders get little clearance ...", "(Quick flash to: [ROAD] The car runs over the dead body's feet. It hits the legs and the rod falls off onto the road. End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: I'm sure he was more busted up about his ride being damaged than the three kids he whacked.", "Hodges: Hmm.", "(Hodges walks around the table to pick up a file folder with the test results.)", "Hodges: Also found paint traces on the rod. Color is Chesapeake Blue Pearl. It's from a Dupont line called \"Brilliantz.\" Mostly used on show vehicles. Red's auto parts are individually serialized. Shouldn't be too hard to find out where it was sold.", "Warrick: Cool.", "Hodges: A'ight, G, so ...", "(He holds up two fingers. Warrick turns and heads out.)", "Warrick: Don't make me shoot you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Warrick and Nick walk and talk with the owner, Marcus. They walk past various cars in the garage. The place is busy.)", "Marcus: Crime Scene Investigation. Hell, I love a bloody scene ... DNA and all that. Look, you give me a serial number, I can definitely figure out who bought it.", "Nick: Yeah, yeah, here you go.", "(Nick hands Marcus the slip of paper with the number on it.)", "Marcus: A'ight.", "(He looks at the number.)", "Marcus: This is the old style cylinder. Give me a second.", "(Marcus sits behind the computer and types the number into the AUTOMOTIVE RESTORATION CUSTOMER DATABASE. The screen pops up.)", "ENTER SERIAL NUMBER: 62867252B", "Owner: JEREMIAH CALVIN", "ADDRESS: 59391 SANDHILL", "CITY STATE: LAS VEGAS, NV", "(He looks at the name, then hits DELETE.)", "Marcus: Yeah, man, this, uh ... serial's not showing up.", "Nick: You said \"definitely.\"", "Marcus: Yeah, but these old serial numbers sometimes get erased from the system. I mean, it's happened, you know?", "Warrick: Sounds like the wrong name might've just popped up.", "Marcus: No name popped up.", "Warrick: What's the matter, man? You worried about having some hard times if you give your homey's name up?", "Nick: I'll get a warrant. You don't mind taking a break for a while, sitting on the curb while we get some cops up in here.", "Marcus: Look, man, I don't need that kind of a scene around here.", "Warrick: How 'bout we do this? How 'bout you let us muscle you off your computer, and we can get the information ourselves? That way, if you're ever asked, you can say there was nothing you could do. You can let us do our jobs, and we'll be out of your hair.", "(Marcus thinks about it.)", "Marcus: I can live with that.", "(Marcus gets up and walks away.)", "Nick: Good man.", "(Warrick types in the number and the screen for JEREMIAH CALVIN pops up on the monitor.)", "Warrick: Jeremiah Calvin, 59391 Sandhill.", "(Nick leans forward, his voice low so as not to be overheard.)", "Nick: That's the same part of town where the SWAT cop lost his gun.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS - SANDHILL (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. ROAD -- DAY]", "(Nick and Warrick wait in the SUV. They've been waiting a while.)", "Nick: How long ago did I call for backup?", "Warrick: About fifteen minutes.", "(Nick sighs and picks up the radio to make the call again.)", "Nick: (to radio) Dispatch, this is unit 3D7. We are 465 at 59391 Sandhill. ETA on that backup?", "Dispatcher: (over radio) Unit 3D7 copy, ETA approximately five minutes.", "(Nick and Warrick continue to sit outside the house they're watching.)", "Nick: (to radio) Copy that. We'll sit tight.", "(Just then, a car pulls up outside the house.)", "Warrick: Hello. There's our gangster ride right there.", "Nick: With a gangster in it.", "Warrick: Yep.", "(The car stops, but doesn't park. It jumps up and down, then takes off.)", "Warrick: Look at that.", "Nick: He saw us.", "Warrick: I think I'll go get him now, man, before I lose that boy.", "Nick: Go for it, go for it.", "(Warrick starts the engine and follows the blue car.)", "Nick: (to radio) Dispatch, this is unit 3D7. Suspect is on the move. It's a, uh, royal blue Chevy Impala northbound on Vegas Valley Drive. License 4-2-3- Nora-Queen-John. Northbound.", "Dispatch: (from radio) Copy that. I'll inform the backup.", "(Warrick continues to follow the car. Nick looks around for street signs.)", "Nick: Where are we now? Where are we now?", "(The car turns; Warrick turns.)", "Nick: (to radio) Dispatch, Westbound Hatteras. Westbound Hatteras. Suspect is now west on Crag Avenue.", "Dispatch: (indiscernible response)", "Nick: We're now southbound on Eastern.", "Dispatch: (indiscernible response)", "(The suspect's car turns the corner. Warrick turns and finds the car parked.)", "Nick: Dispatch, uh, this is unit 3D7. Suspect has pulled into an alley on the 7700 block on Eastern. Requesting backup.", "(The driver of the car leans to the right.)", "Warrick: He's reaching for something.", "(The driver gets out of the car, his hands in his pockets.)", "Warrick: Hey, what are you doing?", "Jeremiah Calvin: I told you little punk ... airport cops to stop riding me, man.", "Warrick: Son, get back in the car.", "(Jeremiah Calvin doesn't listen. He advances toward the car, his hands still in his pocket and voice rising.)", "Jeremiah Calvin: You get out the car! All this old crime scene stuff followin' me, man.", "(Nick gets out of the car.)", "Jeremiah Calvin: Y'all think you're all cops? Y'all ain't cops.", "(Nick takes out his gun and points it at Jeremiah Calvin.)", "Nick: That's right, we're not cops. We're mad scientists. (commands) Back away from the vehicle and let me see your hands right now.", "Warrick: Dispatch, we got a code three.", "Jeremiah Calvin: Hey, hold on, man, you calling for backup? Your backup or my backup?", "(The tension level rises a notch higher. Warrick takes his sunglasses off.)", "Warrick: Son, you trying to win the wet tee shirt contest? My partner here's a great shot.", "Jeremiah Calvin: Yeah, you're real cute with that gun, too.", "Nick: I'm not going to tell you again.", "Jeremiah Calvin: You know what, man? I've had so many damn guns pointed at my face, I feel right at home looking at yours.", "Nick: Let me see your hands.", "Jeremiah Calvin: How you know I won't shoot your man? Huh? How you know I ain't got something at my waist pointed at your man right now?", "Warrick: Listen --", "(Jeremiah Calvin steps closer to Warrick's door.)", "Jeremiah Calvin: You know, hollow points'll go right through the door.", "(Warrick reaches out through the open car window and grabs Jeremiah's jacket, pulling him forward and knocking his head against the door.)", "(Nick rushes around the car to help subdue Jeremiah Calvin. Sirens blare in the distance and grow louder as the officer car arrives.)", "Jeremiah Calvin: I got nothing on -", "Warrick: You don't listen -", "(There's some commotion as two officer cars arrive to assist.)", "Nick: (to the officers) Whoa, whoa, hey, right here.", "Warrick: You have a hard time listening, huh?", "(The officers run out to help. They handcuff Jeremiah Calvin.)", "Nick: Check him for weapons, Mitch.", "(Officer Mitch checks Jeremiah Calvin for a weapon.)", "Officer Mitch: It's cool. He's clean.", "Warrick: He's clean?", "Jeremiah Calvin: I don't need no gun for you!", "(The officers grab Jeremiah Calvin and lead him to the car.)", "Officer Mitch: Stay down.", "Nick: (to Warrick) Be cool. Cool. Just be cool.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Jeremiah Calvin is ranting to Brass.)", "Jeremiah Calvin: I'm telling you, man, I'm ready to file a complaint right now. And that not-a-cop better be lucky I ain't suing his ass.", "[INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick is watching the interview through the glass when Warrick walks in.)", "Jeremiah Calvin: (through speaker) Maybe I will. Look, man, I wasn't even doing nothing.", "Nick: (to Warrick) Hey. How'd things go with Ecklie?", "Warrick: (sighs) Not good.", "Jeremiah Calvin: I wasn't speeding ...", "Nick: Don't worry. I'll talk to him.", "Warrick: No, don't talk to him.", "(They share a look and a nod.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass talks with Jeremiah Calvin.)", "Brass: You want to tell me what your car was doing at the scene of a triple homicide two nights ago?", "Jeremiah Calvin: Wait, hold up, h-hold up, man. Let's get this straight. I don't own a car. You can check the papers. That's my grandpa's ride.", "Brass: So you borrowed it two nights ago?", "Jeremiah Calvin: No, I didn't. I was working, man. I deejay over at O.G. If you don't believe me, you could ask Jeni, and Rocker Jules, and GG, and Lina, and Blaze and you know, I had my first five-some that night. And there wasn't no homicides goin' down. You could believe that.", "Brass: I'm happy for you, man. So, what, are you pinning this rap on Grandpa?", "Jeremiah Calvin: Yo, man, my grandpa was a gangster back in the day. You'd be surprised.", "Brass: Yeah, I'm really not surprised by much anymore. We have a warrant to search your house ... and I bet I find a crime to go with every gun.", "Jeremiah Calvin: If I'd killed those kids ... you would never find a gun.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CALVIN RESIDENCE - FRONT WALK/FRONT PORCH -- DAY]", "(Detective Sam Vega, Catherine and a couple of uniforms head up the walk. Sam Vega knocks on the door.)", "Det. Sam Vega: Las Vegas Police. We have a warrant to search the premises.", "Man: (through door) Come on in.", "(Sam Vega looks at the officers and nods. He steps aside as the officer reaches over and opens the door.)", "[INT. CALVIN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Inside, Grandpa Calvin sits in the lounge chair watching television. He looks up and sees the officer with his gun out turn and head into the back rooms.)", "(Sam Vega walks in.)", "Grandpa Calvin: Costs money to fix a door. Thanks for knocking.", "[INT. CALVIN RESIDENCE - HALLWAY -- DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(In the hallway, the officer checks the bedrooms.)", "[INT. CALVIN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine walks into the house.)", "Officer: (o.s.) Clear.", "Sam Vega: Got any guns in the house, sir?", "Grandpa Calvin: I don't allow that garbage in here.", "Catherine: Where's Jeremiah's room?", "Officer: (o.s.) Clear.", "Grandpa Calvin: End of the hall.", "(Catherine heads for the hallway.)", "[INT. CALVIN RESIDENCE - HALLWAY / BEDROOM -- DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(She walks to the bedroom at the end of the hall and sees the officer inside looking under the mattress.)", "Officer: Got nothing.", "(Catherine turns and looks at the second bedroom.)", "[INT. CALVIN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Detective Sam Vega talks with Grandpa Calvin.)", "Sam Vega: I'm going to need you to verify the whereabouts of your grandson Jeremiah two nights ago.", "Grandpa Calvin: How the hell would I know? Man, you're making me miss my program. It's not like I got that TIVO.", "Catherine: Mr. Calvin? Whose room is next to Jeremiah's?", "Grandpa Calvin: Morris'.", "Catherine: Did Morris ever drive the car?", "Grandpa Calvin: (exasperated) Go ask him.", "Catherine: Where is he?", "Grandpa Calvin: He wasn't in his room? He's been in there all day.", "[INT. CALVIN RESIDENCE - SMALL BEDROOM - DAY (MOMENTS LATER)]", "(Catherine knocks on the bedroom door as she steps inside.)", "Catherine: Morris?", "(Detective Sam Vega is behind her, his gun in his hand.)", "Catherine: Morris?", "(He checks under the bed as Catherine reaches for the closed closet door.)", "(She opens the door and Morris falls out onto the floor, shaking violently and sweating. He doesn't say anything ... or can't say anything.)", "(Catherine calls for assistance on her phone.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Control, this is CSI Willows. We need an ambulance.", "(She looks down and sees that his right calf is red and infected.)", "Catherine: Hey, Morris, somebody's coming.", "(She hangs up. Morris shakes on the floor.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "(Establish.)", "[INT. HOSPITAL ROOM -- DAY]", "(Doctor Leever reports to Catherine and Detective Sam Vega as they stand around Morris Calvin's bed.)", "Dr. Leever: He doesn't have a bad attitude, he has clostridium tetani.", "Catherine: Tetanus.", "Dr. Leever: I extracted this from the wound in his calf.", "(He takes out a container with the staple in it.)", "(Quick CGI flash to: The staple gun is pushed up against the leg and fired, ripping through the skin and flesh. CAMERA ZOOMS FOR ECU as the staple goes into flesh. Bacteria from the staple enters the bloodstream. CAMERA ZOOMS through the bloodstream and into the nervous system, up the spine, and all the way to the JAW, where it spasms and locks.)", "Dr. Leever: (V.O.) Bacteria on the staple got into the bloodstream, releasing toxins that enabled muscular contractions. That's why they call it lockjaw.", "(End of CGI flash. Resume to present.)", "Catherine: No wonder he wouldn't talk -- he couldn't.", "Sam Vega: How long before he can?", "Dr. Leever: Take couple of days for the antibiotics to flush it out of his system.", "(Dr. Leever leaves. Catherine looks at Morris still shaking on the bed. She turns to Sam Vega.)", "Catherine: Well, he doesn't have lock-wrist. You got a pen?", "(Vega gives Catherine his pen and notebook.)", "Catherine: We matched your blood to the staple gun; it puts you at Convention Center Drive and you go down for three murders.", "(She puts the pen in Morris' hand and the paper in front of him.)", "Catherine: You have anything to tell us, now's the time.", "(Morris writes: $.)", "(Puzzled, Catherine shows it to Vega.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Sara is processing the car. She snaps photos of the tires and hubcaps. She snaps a photo of the steering wheel and another of the stick shift and dashboard.)", "(In the back seat, she finds a bullet casing. She opens the door and goes inside the car to pick up the casing.)", "(Quick flash to: [EXT. STREET - NIGHT] The gunmen, with their guns sticking out of the windows, fire out the moving car. The camera follows the bullet casing as it falls onto the back seat.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "[CU: BULLET]", "(Sara looks at the bullet casing. She puts the bullet into a bindle.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Sara examines the outside car door with an ALS. She finds some drops on the material roof.)", "(Quick flash to: [EXT. STREET - NIGHT] The gunmen, with their guns sticking out of the moving car window, fire at the person up on the pole. The person is hit and falls back, their shoe caught up on top. The car with the gunmen passes by.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "(Blood drops fall on the car's material roof.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Sara takes a swab sample of the blood and tests it. The swab turns red.)", "(Quick flash to: [EXT. STREET - NIGHT] The gunmen, with their guns sticking out of the moving car window, fire upward. Blood drops fall on the car's door.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Sara tests for GSR. The pad turns red.)", "(Sara dusts the dashboard for prints. She finds two sets.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Sara walks into the room and finds Grissom, Catherine and Nick at the table going through the files.)", "Sara: Hey, so the car was definitely at the scene. Blood on the soft-top was a match to one of the vics.", "(Sara sits down.)", "Catherine: And Morris Calvin was there. DNA confirmed that it was his blood on the staple gun.", "(Quick flash to: [EXT. STREET - NIGHT] Tires screech as the car zooms past, guns firing, bodies falling to the ground. The car door opens and Morris Calvin gets out. He walks up to one of the bodies. The person reaches over with the staple gun and staples his leg. Morris Calvin fires at the person.)", "(End of flash. Resume to present.)", "Nick: Yeah, but we don't have a murder weapon, so we can't confirm Morris was the shooter.", "Sara: There's a ton of unknown prints on the car. GSR in the backseat. Had to be other people involved. If we could id the vics, it might tell us who'd want them dead.", "Grissom: Standard procedure for a drive-by is shoot as much as you can as fast as you can, right? Then leave as fast as you can. So why did Morris get out of the car?", "Sara: Maybe the vics had something he wanted.", "Nick: The only thing the victims on the ground had on them were the clothes on their back. And the kid in the palm tree, empty satchel.", "Catherine: Vega ran the vics past the guys in the gang unit. Nobody recognized them.", "Nick: And tox panels on them all came back negative. There were no drugs in their system, no personal effects. I doubt they were even packing.", "Grissom: They were packing posters.", "Sara: Are you suggesting that they were killed for their posters?", "Grissom: Maybe for what was on them.", "Nick: All right, now wait a minute, Grissom, there were posters all over that street. Man, we have no way of knowing which posters they put up.", "Grissom: Well, you got the staple gun. Figure out what they stapled.", "SMASH CUT TO:", "INSERT: CGI EFX", "ECU: CAMERA ZOOMS through the stapler to the chisel inside and out of the stapler.", "RESUME VIEW", "(The staple pops out of the stapler gun and into the flask. Greg tilts the flask and the staple falls out onto a Petri dish.)", "CUT WIDE and we find ourselves in the ...", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Greg is standing in front of the scope. The table is covered with a variety of posters from the pole.)", "(Greg puts the staple under a scope.)", "[EXT. CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE - DAY]", "(Nick is on the lift removing the staples off the posters from the pole.)", "(On the ground, Warrick is removing staples from the posters as well. He puts the staples in a bindle.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Greg puts the staple from the bindle into a dish. He places the dish under the scope.)", "(He looks through the scope to compare the staple from the staple gun to the staples off the posters.)", "[EXT. CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE - DAY]", "(Nick lowers the lift and continues removing posters off the palm tree. He puts the posters in a bag.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Greg compares the two staples. No match.)", "[EXT. CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE - DAY]", "(Warrick climbs up a ladder and starts removing the posters.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Greg continues to work at the scope.)", "[EXT. CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE - DAY]", "(Warrick takes a piece of poster off the pole.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Greg puts another staple into the dish. He places the dish under the scope. The two staples match. Greg looks around and finds the poster. He picks it up and looks at it.)", "(Quick flash to: [EXT. STREET - NIGHT] Morris Calvin rips the poster off the pole. End of flash.)", "(Greg looks at the paper. The back reads: TROY'S COPIES.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. TROY'S COPIES -- DAY]", "(Troy Thompson is walking among his large copy machines. In the back of the room, we see Brass and Greg walk in with a uniformed officer.)", "(They walk up to Troy Thompson.)", "Brass: Hey, slick.", "Troy Thompson: I saw my PO yesterday, guys, so you can just go home.", "Brass: Parole officer didn't bring us here, cousin. A poster did.", "Troy Thompson: If you're trying to stick me with some kind of child porno thing or something sick like that, I'm not your guy. I do mainly concerts and conventions and have for the past twenty years. I'm cheap, fast, and open 24/7.", "Brass: Just like my ex-wife.", "(Greg hands him a portion of the poster. He looks at it.)", "Greg: You have any idea where this came from?", "Troy Thompson: You know, maybe.", "(He motions for them to follow him. He leads them to a wall with various poster samples stapled.)", "Troy Thompson: The wall of fame. This is where my customers can appreciate my work. Let's see here.", "(He holds up the photo of the poster piece and matches it to a poster:", "DOLLAR", "DUDES GONE NUTZ", "(The poster is of Dollar in a bikini.)", "Troy Thompson: Yeah, now this is a classic. Now I know about \"Chicks Gone Nutz\" because of their booby videos but \"Dudes Gone Nutz\" now ... (chuckles) that really busts my belt.", "(Greg walks up to the poster.)", "Greg: You know, wait a second ... I think I've seen that guy before. It's Dollar. He's a rapper.", "Troy Thompson: (still chuckling) No kidding. Those dudes are nuts.", "Brass: Yeah, well, everybody goes nuts. Any idea who ordered up the poster?", "Troy Thompson: Skinny little black kid, day before yesterday.", "Brass: One of these?", "(Brass takes out the morgue photos and shows them to Troy Thompson. He looks through them.)", "Troy Thompson: Oh ... man. That's too bad. Yeah, there he is.", "(Greg finds something on the poster.)", "Brass: How did he pay?", "Troy Thompson: Wad of cash.", "Greg: Interframe artifacts. It's a still frame from a video.", "Brass: I'm afraid we're going to deplete your wall of fame -- that posters coming with us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Greg and Nick are walking through the hallway.)", "Greg: I did a search on Dollar. His real name is Jessie Cleveland. Vegas street kid made good, first CD went platinum. Brass is contacting his managers. Here he is.", "(Greg shows Nick the poster of Dollar in a bikini.)", "Nick: I'm guessing this is not his next album cover.", "Greg: I doubt it.", "(Greg turns and heads into the A/V Lab. Nick follows him.)", "Greg: So when I went online, I found the usual things ... websites, photos, and this ...", "(Greg plays the video on the monitor. It has Dollar on his hands and knees on a bed. He's in a string bikini - the same as on the poster.)", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: (from video) Playa, look, Dawg, you know what I'm saying, I got stacks of cash in the back, man, I got jewelry, I got black American Express cards. I got whatever you want, man, take it all, Dawg.", "Voice (man): (o.s.) Put your face in the bed, your ass in the air, and say what I want you to say.", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: (from video) I'm Dollar ... from \"Dudes Gone Nutz\" and I liked it ... (He exhales heavily.) I like to take it ...", "Greg: Video was mirrored on a dozen rap sites. It's all over the Net.", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: (from video) This ain't right, Dawg.", "Nick: So this is a rap thing?", "Greg: Biggie and Tupac?", "(The man off screen raises a gun and cocks it. We see the gun and the hand holding the gun on Dollar.)", "Man: (o.s.) Who's the bitch now?", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: You got it, Dawg.", "Nick: If these guys would shoot somebody over lyrics, they'd definitely kill over this.", "Greg: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. HARD ROCK TOWERS -- CORRIDOR]", "(Brass, Nick and a uniformed officer walk through the hallway with the concierge.)", "Concierge: Mr. Dollar left strict instructions not to be disturbed.", "Brass: Well, that's too bad 'cause we're conducing a murder investigation.", "(She points to a door. Brass knocks.)", "Brass: Las Vegas Police. Open up.", "(They wait a moment. There's nothing but silence. Brass turns and looks at the concierge.)", "Brass: Would you open the door, please?", "(She unlocks the door and lets them inside.)", "Brass: Thank you.", "[INT. HARD ROCK TOWERS -- SUITE]", "(The place is cluttered with boxes with Dollar posters. Nick finds a DOLLAR poster.)", "Nick: Hey, Jim, check it out. Geniuses hitting on 21. P-I-M-P.", "Brass: Yeah. Don't kid yourself. He's getting pimped in that video, too.", "Concierge: Excuse me, but if Mr. Dollar's not here, you're going to have to leave.", "Brass: But - but -- We haven't even checked under the bed yet.", "Nick: Yeah, and what's with all the boxes, clothes?", "Concierge: It's MAGIC.", "Brass: You know, for a concierge, you're not really very helpful.", "Concierge: It's a convention, sir. M.A.G.I.C.-- Men's Apparel Guild In California. It's the largest fashion show in the world. With every rapper, there's a clothing line. They all come to MAGIC to promote it. Biggest party in town.", "Nick: Hmm.", "Brass: So what kind of car did he drive?", "Concierge: Um, sir, his vehicle's still in valet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HOTEL LOBBY]", "(Brass and Nick walk through the valet service and over to the Range Rover.)", "Brass: There it is right there.", "Nick: Yeah, is that it?", "Brass: Range Rover. It's the only one with 22-inch rims; it's got to be.", "(In the back of the range rover, Brass notices a trunk.)", "Brass: What's that? Open this up.", "(The two uniformed officers open the back of the truck and pull out the trunk. They open the trunk and find Dollar tucked inside. He's wearing a bikini and a gag.)", "(He groans and squints at them.)", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: Where we at, man?", "Brass: You're outside your hotel, sir.", "Nick: Don't worry, we're gonna get you out of there and get you medical attention.", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: Man, is you crazy? Look what I got on. I got all these people around here, the press. Man, let me know when we get to the hospital, man.", "(Dollar grabs the trunk cover and slams it shut over himself.)", "(Brass shrugs.)", "Brass: He's got a point.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - DOLLAR'S ROOM -- DAY]", "(Dollar is in bed as he talks with Brass and Nick.)", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: My prints? The hell you want my prints for? I'm the guy that was forced to wear the bikini, remember? I was in a trunk. I was in two trunks.", "Brass: Three teenagers were killed on Convention Center Drive. They were shot down putting up posters of you.", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: Man, there's posters of me all over town. Got a record coming out.", "Brass: I know. I like the album cover.", "(Brass shows him the poster of Dollar in a bikini.)", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: Where'd you get that?", "Brass: Like you said, they're all over town.", "Nick: We need your prints so that we may exclude you as a suspect.", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: Yeah, right. Go ahead, take my prints.", "Brass: So what's the story with the video?", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: Man, I left the Sean John party, swerving. Big bubble butt on one hand, bottle in the other. Went back to the room and I passed out before I could even get my lay on. When I woke up, I had a gun and a video camera shoved in my face. Y'all know where that ended up. Next thing I know, I'm in my luggage with a fat-ass lip.", "Brass: What'd the guy look like?", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: I don't know. He had on a mask.", "Brass: Anyone following you at the time?", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: Man, I was so blunted and liquored up, I have no idea. Yo. Listen, man, y'all find out who did this for me, like, I'm telling you, like, I'll take care of you. I'll give you a whole new closet full of suits. Like, whatever you want. Like, you'll be popping tags for over a year. Like, you'll be the freshest cops on the street, I swear to God.", "Brass: So, why would somebody want to do this to you?", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: Man, why wouldn't they? I've been dealing with beef like this my entire life, you dig? I bought my first bulletproof vest when I was fifteen years old, and I wore it to school. Them putting me in that bikini, man, that poster ain't nothing, man. I'm lucky to be alive.", "Nick: Okay, look, why \"Dudes Gone Nutz\"?", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: I don't know, man. I did some guest spots on the little \"Chicks Gone Nutz\" video. You know, the girls flash their thing things. Dudes just jealous, man. I dodge haters for a living. I got more enemies than some countries got people.", "Brass: Give us some names.", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: It'll be a long list.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara finds Grissom and they walk down the hallway.)", "Sara: Griss, we are not having any luck identifying the three teenagers from CC Drive. It's been two days, no one's come forward. Without an ID, it's like they never even existed.", "Grissom: We need to get their faces out in the public -- newspapers, billboards.", "(She hands the pictures to Grissom.)", "Sara: Well, maybe you could breathe a little bit more life into them.", "Grissom: Yeah. I'm pretty good at mouth-to-mouth.", "(Grissom walks away, leaving Sara puzzled by him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Grissom puts the autopsy HEADSHOT photos on the computer. The first autopsy photo is of the girl. The second autopsy photo is of a man.)", "(On a second computer, he flips through a selection of HEADSHOT photos of various different subjects, looking for the one that most resembles the victim. He finds one and puts it on the screen next to the autopsy photo. He cuts the smiling mouth out and layers it over the morgue photo. He cuts the open eyes out of the smiling photo and puts it over the morgue photo. He melds the two photos together so now the victim is open-eyed and smiling - giving him a new 'look'.)", "(Grissom pulls up a third morgue photo. He flips through a selection of HEADSHOT female photos and finds one that most resembles the victim. He changes her look as well, so now she's open-eyed and smiling.)", "(When he's finished, he pulls the three photos up on the monitor.)", "(Grissom nods, pleased.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - SQUAD ROOM -- DAY]", "(OPEN on the morgue photo with the different 'look'. Sofia Curtis interviews Margaret Kendric.)", "Margaret Kendric: (o.s.) Gentra just loved the hip-hop music. And it kept her out on the streets. She actually wanted to be a rapper herself. She did a couple of talent shows. Didn't do too well. So she joined a street team.", "Sofia Curtis: A street team?", "Margaret Kendric: Groups of kids who hit the streets to promote their favorite rapper. It kept Gentra around what she loved.", "Sofia Curtis: Do you know which rapper she worked for?", "Margaret Kendric: Hi-Def. That's what he calls himself.", "Sofia Curtis: The State of Nevada's willing to pay to send your daughter back to California for burial.", "Margaret Kendric: I couldn't afford to bury my husband.", "Sofia Curtis: In that case, she'll be cremated. I'll make sure you get the remains.", "Margaret Kendric: You send her ashes to Hi-Def.", "(Margaret Kendric gets up abruptly and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MAGIC SHOW AFTER PARTY - DAY]", "(The party is in swing. Girls are in bikinis and dancing to the live music.)", "(In the background, we see Sofia, Nick, Sara and a couple of uniformed officers making their way through the crowd. Sofia stops when she sees him.)", "Sofia Curtis: That's our guy. The one in the red hat. That's Hi-Def.", "(Nick notices a group of people wearing black shirts - the same black shirts he saw in the hotel room.)", "Nick: Looks like Dollar's crew is here, too. All the rappers come to MAGIC. Go ahead, I'll catch up.", "(Nick heads off in a different direction.)", "(Sofia and Sara make their way toward Hi-Def. They walk up toward him, but stop at the red velvet ropes.)", "Sara: Afternoon.", "(J-Lady steps forward.)", "J-Lady: You must be in the wrong spot. This isn't the security hut.", "Sofia Curtis: We need to talk to Hi-Def.", "J-Lady: Can't wait till after the show?", "Sofia Curtis: Either you get him or we will.", "(J-Lady turns and heads over to Hi-Def. She talks with him for a moment before he gets up and walks over to Sara and Sofia.)", "HI-DEF: What do you cops want from me?", "Sofia Curtis: You ever see these kids?", "(Sofia shows Hi-Def the autopsy photos.)", "HI-DEF: Never.", "J-Lady: I have. They're from our street team. They look kind of weird in those pictures, but Ray never smiles.", "Sara: They're dead.", "J-Lady: (surprised) What?", "Sofia Curtis: They've been gone three days. You didn't notice?", "HI-DEF: Don't look at me, ma'am. I never seen those kids before ever, sorry.", "(He steps aside.)", "J-Lady: Look, we've got kids coming and going all the time. It's hard to keep up. I mean, I know who they are; it's Ray, Marvin and Gentra.", "Sofia Curtis: Do you know their last names?", "J-Lady: No, I'm sorry.", "Sara: Well, do you know where they got this?", "(Sara shows J-Lady the DOLLAR poster.)", "J-Lady: Probably the same place I got this.", "(She takes out her cell phone and dials. She hands the phone to Sofia. Sofia and Sara watch the Dollar in a bikini video.)", "CUTS BETWEEN THE TWO INTERVIEWS:", "[EXT. MAGIC SHOW AFTER PARTY - OTHER SIDE OF THE POOL - DAY]", "(Meanwhile, Nick makes his way over to Dollar's crew.)", "Nick: Hey, guys.", "(Drops steps forward between Nick and Dollar's crew.)", "Drops: Whoa, whoa, whoa.", "Nick: How you doing?", "Drops: Let me get one of those for you. Here you go.", "(Drops grabs a rolled-up poster and hands it out to Nick.)", "Nick: No, thanks, man, I'm all set. You know, personally, I think it's a bad idea to hit on blackjack.", "Drops: Well, you know, that's just how we do. We never bust.", "Nick: I know all about Dollar. What's your connection?", "Drops: Are you a cop?", "Nick: I work with the police department, yeah. Crime Lab. My name's Nick Stokes.", "Drops: Drops. And let's just say Dollar pays the bills.", "[EXT. MAGIC SHOW AFTER PARTY - DAY]", "(J-Lady explains where she got the video.)", "J-Lady: The video just showed up on my desk. First day of the show. It was in a plain manila envelope.", "Sara: So you put it on the Net.", "J-Lady: I never said that, but things happen.", "Sofia Curtis: Did Hi-Def and Dollar have a beef before this?", "J-LADY; Yeah, a couple of years ago, Dollar did song called \"New Vegas.\" Talking about how Las Vegas is the new New York. Hi-Def is New York. He and Dollar been punking each other ever since.", "[EXT. MAGIC SHOW AFTER PARTY - OTHER SIDE OF THE POOL -- DAY]", "Nick: What's the deal with these street teams. What's going on?", "Drops: They do all the filthy, dirty, grimy promo for Dollar. Snipe posters, give away stickers, pass CDs around. Nothing really.", "Nick: You know, three kids were murdered the other night doing the exact same thing.", "Drops: What can I say, man? These kids run the streets, bro. Anybody at any given time can run up on them and try and lullaby their ass.", "Nick: Yeah, I don't know about that. They were putting up posters of your boy Dollar -- ones that made him look a lot stupider than just hitting on blackjack, you know what I mean?", "(Nick takes out the morgue photos and shows them to Drops.)", "Nick: Take a look at these kids. See if you recognize any of them.", "Drops: Nope.", "Nick: Show them.", "(Drops nods. He hands the photos to the crew, Ben and Dante. They look at the photos.)", "Drops: (to Nick) Nice suit. Glad to see you dressed for the occasion.", "Crew: No.", "(He hands the photos back to Drops. Drops gives them back to Nick.)", "Drops: Eh, sorry, Crime Lab, Nick Stokes. Nobody here's got a clue.", "Nick: Yeah, okay.", "Drops: Yeah, okay. Oh, well, what do you know? There goes one of my birds. Sorry, got to go. Peace.", "(He holds out his hand. Nick doesn't take it.)", "Nick: I'll see you soon, Dawg.", "Drops: Yeah, whatever. Look, you need any more posters, just scream at me.", "(Drops looks past Nick and heads off in that direction, bumping Nick on his shoulders as he walks past him.)", "Drops: Hey, Tweety! Tweety!", "(Dollar's crew leaves Nick and follows him.)", "(Nick looks down at the photos ... and the visible fingerprints on the photo paper.)", "(Nick smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Sara catches Nick in the hallway. They're both on the move.)", "Sara: Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Sara: Mandy matched two prints off the photo that you gave to Dollar's street team to the unknowns that I found in the low rider.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Sara: One was on the passenger side door, the other one was on the steering wheel.", "(Nick sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL -- DAY]", "(Dollar is sitting on the bed getting his hair cut while he is on the phone. Around him, the room is filled with his various ENTOURAGE MEMBERS.)", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: (to Drops) Hey, yo, yo, yo, make sure you tell him about that crazy new suit line we got coming out.", "Drops: (o.s.) Mr. Yen says, \"Moshi, moshi.\"", "(He turns around as Brass enters the room with a uniformed officer.)", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: Now what?", "Brass: I'm here for Drops. (He motions to the phone.) Hang up.", "Drops: (to phone) Konnichiwa.", "(He hangs up.)", "(Drops steps closer to Brass.)", "Drops: I'm expanding into Asia.", "Brass: No kidding? Where's your street team?", "Drops: They're grubbing -- they went down to the cafe hospital. You know, they're kind of Benigni over that Waldorf salad.", "(He looks over at the ENTOURAGE. They chuckle.)", "Brass: They're murder suspects.", "(Drops turns and looks at Dollar, who has been listening to the conversation.)", "Jessie \"Dollar\" Cleveland: (serious) Get them up here.", "(Drops sighs and shakes his head.)", "Drops: This is very disappointing.", "(Brass sighs, unimpressed.)", "(He turns around just as the DANTE and BEN return. They step out of the elevator and into the hallway. They turn and see Brass in front of them. They stop mid-conversation, pause and turn in the opposite direction intending to escape.)", "(They're instantly blocked by two uniformed officers.)", "Officer: Yo, gentlemen, on the wall.", "(The two kids turn and are forced to put their hands on the hallway wall as the officers frisk them.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM A -- DAY]", "(Sofia Curtis interviews Ben.)", "Ben: I didn't shoot nobody. Please, you got to believe me. I just wanted to drive that car. Morris was always bragging about it.", "Sofia Curtis: I'll believe you if you tell me what really happened.", "Ben: I was picking up an order for Drops. I saw that poster on the wall. I just told the other guys what I saw. Look, I know I shouldn't have done that, 'cause as soon as I did, Morris wanted to see the poster. Morris would do anything for Dollar. You know, Dollar's his life. He only has Dollar in his ipod. No one else.", "Sofia Curtis: So then you went to CC Drive.", "Ben: Yeah. We just waited for them to show up.", "Sofia Curtis: Who is \"they\"?", "Ben: Some other snippers. Hi-Def street team. Morris didn't care who they were, ...", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. STREET - NIGHT] The three kids from Hi-Def's street team run and scatter across the street to put up the posters. Ben and Dante sit in the car with Morris Calvin.)", "Ben: (V.O.) ... as long as they was putting up them posters, they was dead to him.", "Dante: Morris, hurry up, man -- you just said you were gonna scare them.", "(Morris Calvin sits in the back seat of the car holding the gun. He watches the other kids.)", "Morris Calvin: Nah, man. That poster makes Dollar look like a ho. Dollar's nobody's ho.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Morris fires on the kids.)", "(Scared, Ben takes off.)", "(Morris continues to fire. One of the kids falls on the road. Ben runs the car over the kid; the car rod falls off.)", "Ben: (V.O.) I ran them over.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Ben: After he got the first one ... he said he had to get the rest.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. STREET - NIGHT]", "( Gunshots )", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. STREET - NIGHT] Morris continues to fire. The kid on the palm tree is hit and falls backward.)", "Ben: (V.O.) He shot the second one next, down off the palm tree.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Ben: The last one almost got away.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. STREET - NIGHT] The remaining kid runs like hell down the street.)", "Morris Calvin: (o.s.) Drive, man! Drive!", "(The car engine roars as Morris shoots the kid down.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sofia Curtis: What was Dante doing during all of this?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM B - DAY]", "(Brass listens to Dante.)", "Dante: I was just riding shotgun, watching Morris.", "Brass: You didn't do anything about it?", "Dante: He was out of his mind.", "Brass: Where did Morris get the gun?", "Dante: It was in the trunk. He said his brother swiped it off some dumb-ass cop.", "Brass: Where is it now?", "Dante: Broken apart and thrown away.", "Brass: Pro style.", "(Dante nods.)", "Brass: Looks like you and your buddy are gonna get broken apart and thrown away, too.", "Dante: I guess there's nothing else to say.", "Brass: Guess not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Nick empties the bag's contents on the table. Among the various contents, Nick finds a piece of wood.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - NIGHT5]", "(Nick is reviewing the video.)", "Dollar: (from video) This ain't right, Dawg.", "Gunman: (from video) (o.s.) Now who's the bitch? Huh? Who's the bitch now?", "(In the last bit of video, Nick freeze-frames and enhances the picture of the gunman's hand and gun.)", "(The gun has a wooden handle.)", "(Nick has a digital image of the wooden piece found in Morris' backpack and matches it to the wood on the gun's handle.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Nick reports his findings to Grissom.)", "Nick: I figure Dante had that revolver when he was going up and down those poles. Grip gets thumped, chips off in the satchel.", "(Grissom compares the two photos.)", "Nick: Wood grain seems consistent, this means Dante made the video.", "Grissom: You said Dante works for Dollar.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Grissom: He's a fan. Why would he humiliate someone he respects?", "Nick: (sighs) I don't know. I don't know, but on the video, Dante did say, \"Who's the bitch now?\" So ... you could say it got a little personal.", "Grissom: So ... get personal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Crime scene photos are spread out on the table. Nick goes through all the photos. In front of him, he also has the three victims' file folders open. He also has the suspects' file folders open.)", "(He sees something in Dollar's folder. Information that reads:", "\"DOLLAR\"", "SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION:", "CLEVELAND PRODUCED VIDEOS IN THE", "THE \"CHICKS GONE NUTS\" VIDEO SERIES )", "(Nick looks at the information on Morris' file.)", "Father: WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN", "Siblings: ONE Sister: TISHA JANNETT", "LAS KNOWN ADDRESS:", "493 BRIAR WAY LAS VEGAS NV 89122 )", "(Nick looks back at Dollar's file folder:", "CHICKS GONE NUTS", "(He looks back at Morris' file folder:", "Sister: TISHA JANNETT", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[CHICKS GONE NUTS VIDEO]", "(Dollar sits in bed while Tisha Jannett, dressed in a two-piece bikini, jumps on the bed.)", "Dollar: (from video) Yo, what's up, it's your boy Dollar, from \"Chicks Gone Nuts\". We're out here in Vegas, baby. We got whatever you want -- chicks, jewelry. We got the bottles. Come holler at us, you know.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Brass and Nick show Tisha Jannett, Dante's sister, the video. She's a pretty, young woman with deep, disfiguring scars on her face.)", "Brass: So you obviously know Dollar. You know, your brother has been arrested for felony kidnapping and assault and accessory to murder. Now if there's anything that you know that can help us understand his motivation, now's the time to tell us, okay?", "(She looks away for a moment.)", "Nick: Tisha ... what happened to your face?", "Tisha Jannett: About a year ago, during black spring break, Dollar caught me walking through the MGM. He was hosting this Chicks Gone Nuts video. Said he'd give me $500 to put on a bikini and jump on his hotel bed. I needed the money ... so I did it. I got my money and went home. Couple months later, Dante came busting into my room with the tape. He cussed me out ... forgot about that, too. Until my dad saw the tape. He called me a whore and a slut. He had his car keys in his hand. He cut up my face, my chest, my stomach. I haven't seen him since.", "Nick: And Dante blamed Dollar.", "Tisha Jannett: He couldn't find Daddy. He wouldn't blame me.", "Nick: So he joins Dollar's street team to get close to him, close enough to sneak into his hotel room and videotape him, the same way he videotaped you.", "Tisha Jannett: I know he didn't mean for anyone to die. He just did it for me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "VARIOUS SCENES -- MONTAGE", "[DOLLAR'S POSTER]", "(Camera pulls back and we find Dollar back in his hotel room and on the phone. Business continues as usual.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Brass is sitting on his desk and looking through a file folder. An officer walks in carrying a large, flat box wrapped in purple paper and topped with a yellow bow. She puts it on his desk and leaves.)", "(Brass opens the box and lifts the purple tissue paper. He looks away and drops the tissue paper. We don't see what's inside the box, but we can guess.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(Nick opens his box and finds a suit inside. He takes the suit out of the box and looks at it.)", "[EXT. POOLSIDE - DAY]", "(A courier carrying a canister of ashes walks up to Hi-Def and J-Lady. The courier gives the canister to Hi-Def. He takes the canister and looks at the label:", "IN LOVING MEMORY:", "GENTRA KENDRIC", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass walks out of the office with the box. He puts it on the receptionist's desk. The box has a new label on it:", "SEND TO:", "SALVATION ARMY", "[CU: DOLLAR'S POSTER]", "[EXT. STREET - NIGHT]", "(The pole with the DOLLAR'S concert poster is covered with a new poster being stapled in its place:", "M.N.E. FAMILY PRESENTS", "HEAD STATE", "I.E. TO THE DAY", "AVAILABLE NOW www.madeit**", "SMASH CUT TO BLACK." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Poppin' Tags
[ "A wealthy but disagreeable prosecutor is murdered at her son's wedding, and the CSI are called in to investigate. However, Nick's car is stolen with all the evidence inside it, and the case becomes compromised. The CSIs must think back to their investigations as well as search for new evidence to find the killer." ]
[ "[EXT. HOTEL - FRONT DRIVE -- DAY]", "(SLOW MOTION. The bride and groom sit on back of the open convertible as it slowly passes the wedding party and guests cheering them on.)", "(As the convertible passes, the horrified guests in the back yell for them to", "Guests: Stop! Guests: Stop!", "Crowd: Stop!", "(The camera moves to the tail end of the car where normally cans are tied to the bumper. The car passes and we see a woman in a white dress dragged behind the car, leaving a streak of blood on the driveway.)", "(The crowd continues to scream.)", "(Close-up of Diane Chase being dragged on the driveway.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. FRANK'S COFFEE SHOP -- PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(Nick pulls up his SUV and parks. He gets out and heads for the diner.)", "[INT. FRANK'S COFFEE SHOP -- DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara and Greg are in a booth eating. Through the window, we see Nick head for the diner.)", "Sara: Why do we always come here?", "Greg: Open 24 hours.", "Sara: Everything in Vegas is open 24 hours.", "Greg: It's cheap.", "(Nick enters and sits next to Sara.)", "Nick: Smells like bacon in here. (to Sara) Slide over. That scene took forever. We were there like, what, nine hours?", "Sara: Eleven.", "Greg: A dead lawyer and two hundred eyewitnesses -- it's going to take awhile.", "Nick: Come for a wedding, stay for the funeral. Why do we always eat here?", "Greg: It's tradition.", "Sara: Ah, tradition. Like becoming property exchange between your father and your husband?", "Nick: Oh, that's not what a wedding is. It's a public declaration of love.", "Greg: I'm with Vince Vaughn on this one. Dozens of horny, single women with access to an open bar and coupling on their mind.", "(The waitress appears and puts a cup down on the table in front of Nick. She fills the cup as she listens to Greg.)", "Waitress: Weddings are a Rorschach. Everybody sees what they want to see. My first five were good.", "(The waitress leaves. As she moves off, we see a large blue truck pull up in the parking lot outside the window, blocking our and their view of Nick's SUV. Greg looks up as we overhear the news report on the television set.)", "Paula Francis: (from tv) Noted criminal defense attorneyDiane Chase was killed yesterday. Crime Scene Investigators say ...", "(On the monitor, we see Sara next to the body collecting evidence. The area is taped off.)", "Greg: We haven't even gone back to the lab yet, and we're already on TV.", "(Nick and Sara also watch the report.)", "INSERT: NEWS REPORT", "(The monitor cuts back from footage to Paula Francis reporting from the studio.)", "Paula Francis: (from tv) In a tragic twist, Ms. Chase was killed while attending her son's wedding. She was best known for taking on the toughest cases, and it was her defense of high-profile, organized crime associates that really made her a name in legal circles.", "(On the monitor, we watch file footage of Dino Fatelli walking out of the courtroom with Diane Chase by his side. They are surrounded by reporters.)", "Diane Chase: (from tv) If it was an intelligent question, I'd stop to answer it.", "Paula Francis: (from tv) Most recently, she represented Dino Fatelli of the Fatelli crime family, who was sentenced to life last month for the brutal slaying of casino mogul Remy James.", "(On the monitor, we watch file footage of Remy James on the street, his legs tied to the back of a car, license #417 DXO.)", "RESUME SCENE", "Greg: The stones on these guys -- to take her out at her son's wedding?", "(Through the window, we see the blue truck gone.)", "Nick: Pass the cream, will you?", "(Sara reaches for the creamer and hands it to Nick. As he eats, Greg absently glances out the window. We see a blue truck drive away. But, more noticeably, we don't see Nick's SUV parked anywhere.)", "Greg: Dude, where's your car?", "Nick: (points) It's parked right ...", "(Nick and Sara both turn to look and find that it's definitely gone. Sara's jaw drops.)", "(Oh, no!)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "[EXT. FRANK'S COFFEE SHOP -- PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(A police siren sounds. Out front of Frank's Restaurant are the CSIs, Grissom and Brass.)", "(Tires screech as a car turns into the parking lot and stops in front of them.)", "(Undersheriff Jeff McKeen exits the car. Brass turns to the others.)", "Brass: Incoming.", "(Grissom instructs the CSIs.)", "Grissom: I'll talk. You guys just look apologetic.", "(Nick takes his sunglasses off and tucks them in his pocket. Jeff McKeen walks up to them.)", "Jeff McKeen: All right, let me see if I understand this correctly. You let one of the members of your team drive his personal vehicle to a crime scene investigation; and then, even though there was a perfectly good crime scene vehicle there, that personal car was crammed with every bit of evidence collected at a major murder investigation, because two of you were maxed out on overtime. And then the driver, of said car, instead of securing that evidence in the lab, gave priority to his need for runny eggs and the aforementioned vehicle was stolen from a parking lot filled with police cars. Is there anything I missed?", "Grissom: Just this: Even if we recover the vehicle, the chain of custody has been broken, so all the evidence has been compromised.", "(Jeff McKeen removes an antacid from his roll.)", "Grissom: No judge will allow any of it to be admitted into court. Also, we released the crime scene, so it, too, is compromised, leaving us nothing to go back for.", "Jeff McKeen: Thank you for clarifying the situation.", "(He pops the tablet in his mouth, glares at the silent CSIs, turns and heads back to his car.)", "(Brass shrugs.)", "Brass: Well, it could've been worse.", "(The car engine sounds and gas revs as the car takes off, knocking down the line of orange road cones in its wake as it speeds on the main road. Car horns honk,.)", "Off Nick, we", "SMASH CUT TO: END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FRANK'S COFFEE SHOP -- PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(Nick talks with Brass, who takes notes.)", "Nick: We were seated at a booth, with clear visual access to the vehicle. A delivery truck pulls up, blocks our view.", "Brass: For how long?", "(Sofia walks up to join them.)", "Nick: Two, three minutes, tops.", "Brass: What kind of truck?", "Nick: Bread, dairy ... I can't remember.", "Brass: Did you have an alarm?", "Nick: Yeah. Yeah, it didn't go off.", "(Nick sighs and takes his glasses off.)", "Brass: Are you sure it was locked?", "Nick: Yeah, absolutely. And I have a tracking system on my truck, too. I called it in as soon as I realized it was missing.", "Brass: Okay. I'll follow up. I mean there's about a dozen places to hide a tracking system on a car. I'm sure the Fatellis know 'em all.", "Sofia Curtis: No broken glass. No bolts from a disengaged transmission. No tire treads or skid marks.", "(Brass and Sofia turn. They start to leave. Nick stops them.)", "Nick: Hey, Jim.", "(Nick glances around.)", "Nick: I need a ride.", "(Brass chuckles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY TO BREAKROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom heads down the hallway, straight to the break room where Greg, Sara and Nick sit behind the table waiting for him.)", "Grissom: Internal Affairs Bureau is coming to take our statements. They'll want to know what's been lost. So let's not make ourselves look any worse than we already do. Write down everything -- evidence collected, interview notes, etc ... every detail. No one leaves until they've given their account of the event.", "(Greg nods. Suddenly rock music sounds as Greg's phone goes off. He scrambles, digs into his pocket and turns the phone off. Once more, silence ensues.)", "(Grissom turns and leaves the room. Everyone is quiet. Greg exhales.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Grissom is reading through a file folder and walking through the hallway when Catherine finds him.)", "Catherine: So aside from the accident, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the show?", "Grissom: Not good. Fatelli was handled by the day shift. Let's pull the file.", "Catherine: And compare it to what? We've got no crime scene photos.", "Grissom: I have mine, but they're only of the ballroom. But every wedding these days has a videographer. We got to get the video.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(David Phillips looks over Diane Chase with his flashlight. She's dead, her eyes wide open. He puts the flashlight down and checks her teeth. He then checks her hands. He collects scrapings from her under nails.)", "(He picks up his camera and takes photos of the marks around her ankles.)", "(He puts the camera down and touches the marks.)", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[EXT. HOTEL - FRONT DRIVE - DAY]", "(The car pulls along Diane Chase's body.)", "RESUME SCENE", "(David shaves the hair off the back of her head.)", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[EXT. HOTEL - FRONT DRIVE - DAY]", "(Diane is dragged along the front drive, the back of her head scraping against the road.)", "RESUME SCENE", "(Grissom enters the room.)", "David Phillips: Oh. Hey, Grissom. I'm sorry to hear about the setback.", "Grissom: Yeah, well, it's all about the body now, David.", "David Phillips: There was a vital response in the ligature marks around her ankles.", "Grissom: So she might have been unconscious, but she was probably still alive when she was tied to the car.", "David Phillips: Yeah, all the significant trauma was to the back of her head. We'll know more after autopsy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Undersheriff Jeff McKeen walks with Brass through the hallway.)", "Jeff McKeen: So you tell me how I'm going to spin this thing. I've got a dead lawyer, a known enemy of the department, who made her career picking us apart. And now, we've lost the evidence in her murder. Even I don't buy it.", "Brass: The Fatellis are on our radar.", "Jeff McKeen: Press is going to eat us alive. Six-month trial, we finally get Fatelli shipped off to Lompoc. He's not even in the state. How long are his arms?", "Brass: I talked to the feds. They're checking the call logs, visitors' logs.", "Jeff McKeen: It's going to look like the CSIs were paid off. Nobody's going to believe that this was an unfortunate series of coincidences. So my choices are: We're idiots, or we're dirty.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Greg, Sara and Nick are writing their notes down quietly.)", "Jeff McKeen: (V.O.) So which are we?", "Greg: It was a big scene. I threw tons of stuff into the back of your truck. Figured I'd just sort it out later. Print lifts, swabs, my camera.", "Sara: Well, maybe if we talk it out, it will help. I started with the \"just married\" convertible.", "Nick: Well, thankfully, that didn't get stolen. Where is it?", "Sara: Because of possible Fatelli involvement, the undersheriff ordered it swept at the scene before they brought it back to the lab. It could be hours.", "Greg: Did you get anything from it?", "Sara: Prints ...", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. HOTEL -- FRONT DRIVEWAY - DAY - SARA'S FLASHBACK]", "[SARA'S POV]", "(The entire scene is high definitioned and tinged with a green-ish hue.)", "(She's standing behind the car - the ribbons with empty beer cans tied to it have been untied from the bumper and are on the driveway. The convertible is just beyond the crime scene tape.)", "(Camera moves forward toward the body. Sara's kit is open by Diane Chase's bare feet. Sara waits as David Phillips checks the body.)", "Sara: (V.O.) I remember David saying ...", "(David turns and looks at Sara as he mouths)", "Sara's Voice: \"You'd think she'd know better than to wear white on the bride's big day.\"", "(Sara looks away and heads over to the arch to the reception area in the gardens.)", "Sara: (V.O.) So there we were at Cupid's kiss, a nuptial Neverland where the cheese factor was dangerously high and the flowers were ... obviously fake.", "(Sara reaches the flower-covered arch and takes her sunglasses. She looks at the flowers and notices the plastic bands. Yep. Fake.)", "(She proceeds through the archway toward the reception gardens.)", "Sara: (V.O.) Can the love be real when the flowers aren't?", "(She comes out the other side and notices two female guests walking up to each other and fake-kissing the air in greeting.)", "(Sara shakes her head.)", "(As Sara continues walking, she notices Nick talking with two bridesmaids, Mindy and Cindy. She walks past them and hears them speaking gibberish, in fast-forward.)", "Mindy: Shidigee widias a bidigitch.", "Cindy: Widigee hidiga tidiged hidiger.", "BACK TO SCENE:", "Nick: (without looking up) Oh, you really have a thing about weddings, don't you?", "Sara: (eyes glued to paper) Hey, I didn't interview them. It was just my impression.", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. HOTEL -- FRONT DRIVEWAY - DAY - SARA'S FLASHBACK]", "(Back to the reception gardens -- half-filled champagne glasses and laughter. The groomsmen are in a group with some women. One of the groomsmen breaks away from the group. He's holding a beer can, turns and swaggers over to Sara.)", "(Sara puts the glasses on her head and her kit down as she introduces herself.)", "Sara: Hi, there. Hi. I'm, uh, Sara Sidle. I'm with the Crime Lab.", "(He raises his beer can.)", "Bryce Gundy: Bryce Gundy, groom's side.", "Sara: Did you guys decorate the wedding car with those beer cans?", "Bryce Gundy: (drunk) Yep.", "Sara: Did you drink all the beer first?", "Bryce Gundy: Yep.", "Sara: Awesome. Did you also tie the groom's mom to the bumper?", "Bryce Gundy: Nope.", "Sara: Good chat. Um, I'm going to need to get your fingerprints so I can compare them to the prints that I got off the car.", "Bryce Gundy: Cool.", "(Sara takes out the ink pad.)", "Sara: You are aware that someone has died?", "Bryce Gundy: Nobody's going to miss her except her son and her cell phone provider.", "Sara: Oh, what do you mean?", "Bryce Gundy: She's creepy close to Adam. Must have called him fifteen times a day.", "Sara: Huh. Uh, do you mind just putting your finger right here?", "(He leans forward to put his finger carefully on the ink pad and promptly tips face-forward into Sara. She barely catches him.)", "Sara: Oh! Okay, Mr. Gundy ...", "Bryce Gundy: I think I love you.", "(She pushes him back to his feet.)", "Sara: Yeah, thank you. You need to sit down.", "(Bryce turns around and heads back to the group of groomsmen.)", "Sara: (louder) Have a club soda.", "(He takes step and falls on his face on the ground. Sara raises her pen with a woman's thong hanging on it.)", "Sara: Um, um, excuse me, you dropped this.", "(Mikey Shoemaker grabs the thong and steps in front of Sara.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: Sorry about him.", "(He glances behind him at Bryce, out cold on the grass.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: Why do the jerks get all the tail?", "Sara: (smiling) Sara Sidle, Crime Lab.", "(Having touched the thong, Mikey opts not to shake hands with Sara.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: I'm, uh, Mikey. Best man. Brother of the bride.", "(He wipes his hand on his vest as he explains why he's not shaking hands with her.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: Yeah, it's, you know.", "Sara: Yeah.", "Mikey Shoemaker: Hey, this is a pretty crazy-ass situation, huh? (Sara shakes her head.) They say it's good luck if it rains on your wedding day. What do you think about a dead body?", "Sara: What do you think?", "Mikey Shoemaker: I think my sister's better off. You ever think about getting married?", "Sara: (shakes her head) Um ...", "Mikey Shoemaker: I'm just saying, you know, I think Bryce could make an honest woman out of you.", "(He turns back to look at Bryce - still out cold on the grass. The other groomsmen are taking pictures of him. Who knows what they've done to him.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: Oh, look at that -- your rejection broke his little heart.", "(Sara laughs.)", "Nick: (interrupts, v.o.) Should I put flirting in the case file?", "BACK TO SCENE", "Sara: I was printing. He was flirting.", "(Right.)", "Nick: Hmm.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine is going through the things in the box when Sofia Curtis walks in.)", "Sofia Curtis: Uni found the tracking device from Nick's car in a trashcan, a couple blocks from the diner. Pro job.", "Catherine: Has it been to prints?", "Sofia Curtis: Well, no. But if it was the Fatellis, it's going to be clean.", "Catherine: Yeah. Nick's truck has no street value. The value was what was inside.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Greg, Sara and Nick are still working on their statements. The room is quiet. Nick puts his pen down and sticks his hand in his jacket pocket. He pulls out a napkin, somewhat confused as to how it got there.)", "(He opens the cocktail napkin and we see in gold lettering,", "ADAM AND JILL April 22, 2006", "(Just below it is a pink lipstick kiss. And just below that is:", "MINDY", "(Nick stares at the napkin. Greg notices him.)", "Greg: Did you get a number?", "Nick: No. No, I didn't get anything. She must have put it in my pocket. Mindy.", "(Sara smiles smugly at him.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. HOTEL -- FRONT DRIVEWAY - DAY - NICK'S FLASHBACK]", "(David kneels down next to the body, seemingly looking at Nick. He looks at Nick and mouths:", "Nick's Voice: You think she'd know better than to wear white on the bride's big day.", "(Nick walks past David and heads over to the garden arch. He walks through it, raises his hand and touches the flowers.)", "Nick: (V.O.) The perfume of American beauties was everywhere. Though a rose by any other name would have smelled just as sweet on a day with that much love in the air.", "(As he walks by, he notices a cream-colored rose. He snaps it off the stem and smells it as he exits the garden arch.)", "(The guests step aside, making a clear pathway for him down the aisle.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "(Nick walks up to Mindy and Cindy.)", "Nick: Ladies, hi, how you doing?", "Mindy/Cindy: Hi.", "(He puts his kit down.)", "Nick: I'm with the Crime Lab. My name's Nick Stokes. I'm going to need to print you both, okay?", "(Mindy rubs her arms.)", "Mindy Faberge: Mindy Faberge. Bride's side. Um, can we go in and change. I can't get warm.", "Cindy Jansen: Cindy Jansen. I think she's still in shock.", "Nick: You were in the wedding party. Did you spend most of the day here with Ms. Chase?", "(Nick unzips his jacket and removes it.)", "Cindy Jansen: She was on her best behavior. (frowns) Outside that toast she gave.", "(He hands his jacket to Mindy.)", "Nick: There you go.", "Mindy Faberge: Thank you.", "(Mindy puts the jacket on.)", "Mindy Faberge: Um, well, I think that was the alcohol talking.", "Nick: So, she was a drinker?", "Mindy Faberge: By the end of the toast, she was slurring her words and swaying all over the place. I almost felt bad for her.", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine walks in carrying a DVD case.)", "Catherine: Anyone interested in the wedding DVD?", "Greg/Nick: (both) Yeah.", "(Catherine kneels in front of the television set.)", "Catherine: Courtesy of Frank Rosetti, owner of Cupid's Kiss.", "(Catherine puts the DVD in and turns the television set on. She steps back to take a seat at the table.)", "Catherine: All right, where do you want to start?", "Sara/Nick/Greg: (all) The toast.", "(Catherine goes to CHAPTER 7 on the MENU and plays.)", "INSERT: VIDEO RECORDING", "[INT. HOTEL -- BALLROOM - DAY]", "(Someone taps the side of the champagne glass to quiet the room.)", "Diane Chase: (from dvd) Everyone ... everyone.", "(Diane gets to her feet. She's sitting at the head table right next to the groom.)", "Diane Chase: (from dvd) I want to thank your for coming.", "(She reads from a slip of paper.)", "Diane Chase: (from dvd) You know, the bible says, \"Love is strong as death,\" and as mother of the groom, a wedding is bittersweet. You are giving up as much as you are gaining.", "(Diane takes a breath, pauses and sways. She braces her hand on the table to steady herself.)", "Diane Chase: In some cases you are giving up ...", "(She accidentally tosses the slip of paper across the table. It falls to the floor. The bride and the groom appear surprised.)", "Diane Chase: (from dvd) Oh ... up much more. Oh.", "(Diane leans forward and looks at the slip of paper on the floor. She sways and pauses. Very awkward pause. Camera cuts to the bridesmaids at their table.)", "Diane Chase: (from dvd) (slurs) To hell with it. I'll wing it.", "(She straightens and braces herself to start again. She turns and smiles at her son.)", "Diane Chase: (from dvd) My Adam ... he studied at Oxford. He went to Harvard School of Business. And of all the intelligent, wonderful, beautiful women he met along the way, he ended up with Jill.", "(The room is silent. Jill sits up.)", "Diane Chase: (from dvd) Plain, little Jill.", "(The crowd gasps. Greg turns and looks at Sara, whose jaw has dropped open.)", "Diane Chase: (from dvd) There's nothing wrong with her. But what's right with her?", "(Catherine can't believe what she's watching.)", "Diane Chase: (from dvd) (chuckles) I mean, even her name is boring.", "(Jill punches Adam in the arm to get him to stop her. She puts her face in her hand. Camera pans the wedding party to show their grim, embarrassed looks.)", "(Diane turns and talks to Adam.)", "Diane Chase: (from dvd) (to Adam) Adam, it's all right to take a lover. You just don't have to end up marrying her. (Adam stands up to stop her.) I mean, do you really want to shallow our gene pool like this?", "(Adam pulls his mom aside.)", "Adam Chase: C'mon. C'mon. That's all", "Diane Chase: Oh ...", "(She turns back to the crowd.)", "Diane Chase: (slurs) Oh, I want to thank you all so much for coming. Oh, I love you, Adam.", "Mikey Shoemaker: Hey, hey, good comedy, Diane ...", "(Greg, Nick, Sara and Catherine are stunned. Catherine clears her throat. Someone's got to say it.)", "Catherine: Justifiable homicide?", "(Off Sara, trying not to laugh, we:", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara, Nick, Greg and Catherine show the DVD to Grissom.)", "Diane Chase: (from dvd) Thank you all for coming. I love you, Adam.", "(Sara turns the DVD off.)", "Sara: (to Grissom) You talked to the bride. This seems like motive. Do you think she did it?", "Grissom: When would she have had the time?", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. HOTEL -- FRONT DRIVEWAY - DAY - GRISSOM'S FLASHBACK]", "(David is kneeling down next to the body. He turns and looks at Grissom.)", "Grissom's Voice: You'd think she'd know better than to wear white on the bride's big day.", "(Grissom heads for the arch.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Spring is but a song, where love and laughter are not wrong. The blossoms of desire do belong, and harmonia axyridis fly along.", "(Grissom pushes his sunglass down as he enters the arch. He notices the ladybug on the rose.)", "(CAMERA ZOOMS IN for an extreme close-up on the ladybug It also SLOWS DOWN and lingers excruciatingly on the ladybug as she lifts her shell and spreads her wings - the image moves so slowly it almost seems frozen. The detail on the bug is mind-bending. He can't help himself. Grissom notices these things.)", "RESUME VIEW", "(Grissom puts his sunglasses on and continues through the archway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Grissom talks with Jill Shoemaker-Chase, the bride. The camera irritatingly notices the details - her earring, her smudged make-up, the tear on her face.)", "Jill: For the past six months, she made my life hell. And so I told anyone who'd listen that she should die a fiery death. So now everyone's going to think that I killed her.", "Grissom: Would like to be more specific?", "(It's as if Grissom can't keep focus. He notices the man in the tux talking with the officer in the distance behind Jill. The tear on her face, her earring, her necklace.)", "Jill Shoemaker: Okay, well, when we got engaged, she ran into the backyard and she screamed, \"Why, God? Why me?\" Okay, she wore white today. She invited Adam's very, very attractive, very, um, single ex-girlfriend. When she found out that I had registered for sporting goods, she went behind my back and she changed the registry to housewares, saying that I'd better learn how to cook, okay? I'm a vegetarian, and she demanded roast beef. Um ... oh, and then ... then there's the toast. The ... the toast.", "Grissom: Are you trying to make me think that you didn't kill her?", "Jill Shoemaker: I would never do that to Adam. I honestly don't know how such an amazing man came from-from ... that. Look, it wasn't just me, okay? She fought with everyone today. She fought with the valets and the bridesmaids and the waiters. The caterer -- I thought for sure he was going to poison her.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY - STILL GRISSOM'S FLASHBACK]", "(Grissom talks with Frank Rosetti, the Caterer. He motions Grissom inside the kitchen.)", "Frank Rosetti: Want to see a crime scene? I'll show you a crime scene. Come here. Come here. Look at this, huh?", "(He shows Grissom the wedding cake with a rolling pin smashed in it.)", "Frank Rosetti: What this woman had against the color peach -- I've never seen anything like it. \"If you think you're serving that flesh-colored abomination, and I'm paying for it, you can think again!\" Boom! I'm a 42-year-old paisan. She scared me. I wouldn't be surprised if her pantyhose rebelled against her and tied themselves to the car. The dame was a pill. I swear to God, she may have taken two or three years off my own life. Weddings are a blood, sweat and tears marathon, my friend. I'm on a tight schedule. 12:00 noon, I got first intro of the couple. 12:30, salad course. 12:45, first dance. One o'clock: chair dance, chicken dance, groom dance, I don't care. I'm equal opportunity. 1:30, main course. 2:15, first toast groom's side. If the best man shuts his mouth, at 2:16 we have the first toast on the bride's side. 3:00, we cut the cake. 3:30, bouquet toss.", "Grissom: That's a tight schedule. She would have barely had time to go to the bathroom.", "Frank Rosetti: I don't sell bridal diapers for nothing. BACK TO SCENE:", "Greg: He was kidding about the diapers, right?", "(Grissom doesn't bother answering.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sofia Curtis interviews Sylvano Fatelli.)", "Sylvano Fatelli: You're way too pretty to be a cop.", "Sofia Curtis: I need to ask you about your brother, Dino Fatelli. Dino always was the bad seed.", "Sofia Curtis: I heard you guys share the taste for blood.", "Sylvano Fatelli: I once was lost, but now I am found.", "Sofia Curtis: You and your brother keep in touch?", "Sylvano Fatelli: Yeah, yeah. Last thing he said was he didn't like the food at Lompoc. I told him to call his lawyer. (shrugs) It's too late now.", "Sofia Curtis: Where were you yesterday afternoon?", "Sylvano Fatelli: You want to crawl up my ass? You can take a number.", "[INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "(Federal Agent and Jeff McKeen watch the interview from the observation room.)", "Sofia Curtis: (through speaker) No thanks.", "Sylvano Fatelli: (through speaker) 50-to-one, Freddie the Feddy is out there right now talking to you guys.", "Jeff McKeen: Did you know you were made?", "Federal Agent: Yeah. Not even Diane Chase could keep these guys out of jail. And we figure it's just a matter of time before we get something on Sylvano.", "Jeff McKeen: Like another murder?", "Federal Agent: Sorry. He didn't kill the lawyer. Runs numbers out of his bar all day. Trying to pass a kidney stone. Hates his wife and his girlfriend. I hear everything.", "Jeff McKeen: Could have ordered one of his guys to do it.", "Federal Agent: The brothers like to be hands-on. And all we're hearing is them bitching about how somebody snatched their MO ... as if it's copyrighted.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins goes over his findings with Greg.)", "Robbins: Based on my dissection, I've detected two separate events.", "(He points to one of the puncture wounds in the skull.)", "Robbins: I believe that this puncture wound happened first.", "INSERT: CGI EFX", "(Camera zooms inside the puncture in the skull and punctures an artery, blood squirts out.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) The object lacerated a cerebral artery, creating a subdural hematoma.", "(Camera zooms back out, blood quickly filling the puncture wound.)", "RESUME SCENE", "Robbins: Then subsequent blows to her skull, from a ride behind the car, created additional fractures, which caused a few bleeding on the brain, resulting in her death.", "Greg: So punctured and bobbled?", "Robbins: Yeah. I autopsied the Fatellis' original victim. They're sadists.", "(Greg flips through the autopsy photos. He stops on a particular photo of the wound.)", "Robbins: First Remy James is dragged behind the Cadillac, and when he wouldn't talk, they shot him in every joint. And when he still wouldn't talk, they finished him off with a shot to the head. The Fatellis don't mostly kill someone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Catherine and Nick are moving through the hallway.)", "Catherine: So you took the perimeter of the scene, right?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Catherine: Well, I saw this guy in the shadows. Archie blew it up. He looks more like a suspect than a guest.", "(They enter the A/V lab, where Catherine has the equipment set up. She points to the monitor.)", "Catherine: That face look familiar?", "(On screen, there's a man peering through the window and smiling.)", "Nick: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I caught that guy trying to sleep one off in the bushes. That's the groom's old man.", "Catherine: Wow, I thought my wedding was bad. Where is he?", "Nick: I sent him to detox, in the tank.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Ernest Chase fiddles with the cotton ball under the bandaid on his inner arm near his elbow. It appears they drew blood from him. Brass interviews Ernest Chase.)", "Brass: See, that's the problem with being a deadbeat dad. If you're not around for the bad times, they don't want you around for the good times.", "Ernest Chase: I didn't ... I'm not ...", "Brass: Let's just cut right through the lie-and-deny part of the chat, and I'll tell you what I know.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. HOTEL -- FRONT DRIVEWAY - DAY - BRASS'S FLASHBACK]", "(Brass talks with Adam Chase.)", "Adam Chase: My mother was a powerful woman; she had a lot of enemies. My mother and Jill worked so hard to make this day perfect. It seems silly now. They had a fight about the gifts, then ... then there was a disagreement with the bridesmaids. And my mother accidentally brought the wrong dress.", "(Behind Adam, Brass notices the waiter drinking from the champagne glass.)", "Adam Chase: Then the dinner was wrong, and the cake was wrong. And my father showed up.", "Brass: What, he wasn't invited?", "Adam Chase: Um, no. My parents are divorced. I think that's why today was so hard on her. The wedding brought up a lot of issues for her.", "(Again the waiter finishes up the champagne in the glasses as he collects them.)", "Adam Chase: She sacrificed so much for me. Single parent, grad school. She was a champion. (Brass nods.) My father is ... unstable. For years, he's had a drug problem.", "Ernest Chase: (V.O.) She told him that.", "RESUME TO SCENE", "Ernest Chase: I don't believe that bitch!", "Brass: So you do or you don't have a drug problem.", "Ernest Chase: Don't take everything you see at face value. Fifteen years ago, Diane decided she wanted to go back to work. And I encouraged her. But then she became ... driven. And I was slowing her down. She got nasty. I got depressed. I started taking antidepressants. She was mortified. Said it wouldn't look good. I said, \"Hey, I'm not one of your clients. I'm your husband.\" \"Not anymore,\" she said. She filed for divorce. And she said it was because the drugs affected my libido. We hadn't had s*x for eight months before I started taking the drugs.", "Brass: Did you have an altercation with her at the wedding?", "Ernest Chase: Yeah. Yeah. Because of the meds, I don't drink very much. I did today because I thought it would take the edge off. It put the edge on.", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. HOTEL -- FRONT DRIVEWAY - DAY - ERNEST'S FLASHBACK]", "(Diane stands at the front of the aisle greeting guests as they enter to take their seats.)", "Diane Chase: Good to see you. Hi. How are you? It's great to see you ...", "(Ernest tries to sneak past, but she sees him.)", "Ernest Chase: Excuse me.", "Diane Chase: Excuse me.", "(Diane grabs Ernest and walks him back out, away from the seats.)", "Diane Chase: You were not invited.", "Ernest Chase: I read the papers, Diane.", "Diane Chase: They teach literacy at the halfway house?", "Ernest Chase: I didn't come here to fight.", "Diane Chase: You're not here at all.", "Ernest Chase: He's my son, too.", "Diane Chase: I wouldn't be so sure of that.", "RESUME SCENE:", "(Ernest continues his story.)", "Ernest Chase: I stuck around to see the ceremony. I even saw a little bit of the reception. I was sleeping it off when your guys found me.", "Brass: So you didn't kill her?", "Ernest Chase: No. But you better check to see if she's really dead, because I don't think you can kill the devil.", "(Brass can't help but chuckle.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Henry Andrews reports to Nick and Sara.)", "Henry Andrews: Nick, you drew Mr. Chase's blood at the scene. His BAC was .28. That was at 4:00 P.M. And officers drew it again at the station an hour later. It was .22. So he was in the elimination phase. That means, when the victim was tied to the car, his blood alcohol level was even higher. Mr. Chase was blotto. He couldn't have tied his own shoes.", "Sara: Assuming whoever took your truck is the killer, Mr. Chase was in the tank. He couldn't have done it.", "Nick: One suspect down.", "Henry Andrews: Speaking of downers, Ms. Chase liked her diazepam. Blood levels were somewhere between therapeutic and toxic.", "Nick: That's ... that's weird. Her ex-husband told Brass she was very anti-psychopharmaceuticals.", "Henry Andrews: As a toxicology tech, I'd say often those who adamantly oppose the d-train are its most frequent passengers. But, since she is deceased, I was able to get her medical records. No diazepam scrip.", "Sara: So she got daffy on someone else's pills.", "Nick: That explains Mindy's account of her behavior. And the toast.", "Sara: Doesn't explain how she was conked out, tied to a bumper.", "(Greg enters.)", "Greg: I might know what happened.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. HOTEL -- FRONT DRIVEWAY - DAY - GREG'S FLASHBACK]", "(We start where we start: David is kneeling next to the body. The entire flashback is sepia-toned. The blood on the road and on the victim is red, the only color allowed in this flashback.)", "(David looks at Greg and mouths the words:", "Greg's Voice: You'd think she'd know better than to wear white on the bride's big day.", "(Greg heads for the arch. His voice over is something out of a film noir detective movie.)", "Greg: A dame was dead, but enough about her. The air was hot and heavy with wrong, making me thirsty. Thirsty for a tall drink of water.", "(Greg notices the tall woman walking in front of him dressed in a tight evening gown.)", "Greg: That's when I saw her -- a flower -- but not the kind you pin on a lapel. She was long-stemmed.", "(The woman turns, glancing over her shoulder. Her lips are red, the only color allowed in this flashback.)", "Sara: (V.O.) All right, Raymond Chandler, we get it.", "(Greg walks through the reception area toward Valerie Whitehall and Lacy Finn, two bridesmaids sitting on the concrete railing overlooking the misty pond.)", "Greg: And those weren't just miracle bras. They were creating four wonders of the world.", "(He approaches them and puts his kit down.)", "Greg: I'm Greg Sanders, with the Crime Lab. I need to take your prints.", "(He opens his case. Valerie's and Lacey's lips are red.)", "Valerie Whitehall: That's quite a case you got there. Is that your magic kit?", "Lacy Finn: Or your toy box?", "Greg: You don't seem to be very upset about what happened.", "Valerie Whitehall: Sweetheart, I've had so many martinis, I'm both shaken and stirred.", "Greg: Numbing the pain?", "Lacy Finn: Look, we're not gonna pretend to be all liquid and soft, okay? All that's missing here are the striped socks.", "Valerie Whitehall: Ding, dong, the witch is dead.", "Greg: So you're not a fan?", "Lacy Finn: Cruella made me wear underwear today. No one makes me wear underwear.", "(As Lacey talks, Valerie reaches into Greg's kit and removes a swab stick.)", "Valerie Whitehall: I'll do you if you do me.", "(Lacey opens her mouth and Valerie sticks the swab in her mouth --", "Sara: (interrupts) (V.O.) They did not.", "BACK TO SCENE", "Nick: (confused) So how does that help explain how Diane Chase died?", "Greg: I'm getting there.", "[EXT. HOTEL -- RECEPTION GARDENS - DAY - GREG'S FLASHBACK]", "Greg: Okay, ladies, let's slow it down. When was the last time you saw Diane?", "Lacy Finn: In the hospitality suite. I came in to fix my hair. She was complaining of a headache. Next time I saw her, it was bottoms up, mommie dearest.", "(Valerie hands the swab to Greg.)", "[INT. HOTEL - HOSPITALITY SUITE- DAY - GREG'S FLASHBACK]", "(Greg pushes the suite double doors open.)", "Greg: (V.O.) So I headed behind the pink curtain, where the girls go to get glossy.", "(He picks up his kit and walks into the suite. Vanity tables are lined up on both sides of the room. He walks over to one of the tables and picks up a blush brush still covered with powder.)", "(He blows.)", "(A puff of red-colored dust billows in the air. He puts the brush back down on the table and looks around the room.)", "Greg: (V.O.) A little shine here, a little pouf there. A little ...", "(Greg pauses as he picks up a silicone bra cup and curiously looks at it.)", "Greg: (V.O.) Hmm. Well, I don't exactly know what that was, but I liked the feel.", "(He puts the silicone bra cup down on the table and continues looking at the room. He notices snowboarding equipment in the back of the room piled with the other gifts and things.)", "Greg: (V.O.) Marriage was looking like a lucrative endeavor. And that's when I saw it.", "(He turns and sees a cupid's statue complete with bow and arrow. The arrow, he notices, is stained red with blood.)", "(He looks down and sees a towel with a couple drops of red blood.)", "Greg: (V.O.) Just a few drops.", "(Greg takes out a swab and preps it.)", "Greg: (V.O.) I figured the blood could have been incidental - a nosebleed, shaving accident.", "(He tests it. It turns red.)", "(He takes a second swab and stands up to take a sample of blood from the tip of the statue.)", "Greg: (V.O.) But, what if, high as a kite on a slipped mickey, ...", "BACK TO SCENE", "Greg: ... she slips-- and BAM! - Straight to the back of the skull. The arrow was four-sided. It would leave a diamond-shaped wound.", "(Greg hands the autopsy photo to Sara. It shows the wound on the back of Diane's head.)", "Greg: They match.", "Sara: If the initial wound was accidental, why was she panty-hosed to the back of a car?", "Greg: Don't know yet.", "Nick: Narrows the field of suspects down to someone who had access to that suite.", "(Sara nods.)", "Nick: Where's the statue?", "Greg: In your car.", "Nick: Ah!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Hodges makes his way down the hallway to Grissom's office. Grissom is behind his desk.)", "Hodges: I know every piece of evidence regarding this case is precious, given the circumstances, so I just wanted to let you know that I've moved Ms. Chase's fingernail scrapings to the top of my extensive queue. Composite substance. You're never going to believe this.", "Grissom: Egg whites, sugar, butter, milk, food coloring.", "Hodges: How did you know?", "Grissom: Butter cream frosting. She had an incident with wedding cake.", "(Having the punchline stolen from him, Hodges straightens and sighs thoughtfully.)", "Grissom: Are you done?", "Hodges: You know, you and me, we're not the marrying kind. The intricacies of our nature can never be understood by just one woman.", "Grissom: Would you close the door, please?", "(Hodges goes to the door and closes it. He's still in the office.)", "Grissom: From the other side.", "(Hodges turns and leaves the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM]", "(BLURRY CLOSE-UP of a hand dangling off the benches. The locker room door opens and Catherine enters.)", "Catherine: Sara?", "(Sara stirs, her dangling hand moving as she wakens from resting.)", "Catherine: Sara?", "Sara: IAB here?", "(Sara gets up.)", "Catherine: No. They're still held up with that officer-involved shooting, but the bomb squad has cleared the convertible.", "Sara: Oh. Finally ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- GARAGE]", "(The blue convertible is parked in the garage.)", "Sara: (V.O.) ... something to process.", "(Sara and Greg open the car trunk. They both look inside.)", "Sara: I thought you said the snowboards were in the suite.", "Greg: I did.", "Sara: Then what's the case doing in the trunk?", "(Sara snaps photos of the snowboard case. Greg reaches out and opens it. Inside are bloodstained towels.)", "(Sara snaps more photos.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Archie goes over the reception DVD with Catherine.)", "(Archie speeds through the beginning of the DVD.)", "Archie Johnson: So you asked me to follow her comings and goings and her food and drink intake. As far as I can tell, she didn't touch her soup or salad. And the main course?", "(On the monitor, the food is served. Diane looks at her plate, then at Adam's. Adam is busy with Jill and doesn't notice her promptly switching plates with him.)", "Catherine: And what did Diane have to drink?", "Archie Johnson: Um ... I only saw her with two glasses, both champagne, first one around 2:00.", "(On the monitor, Valerie Whitehall brings Diane a fresh glass of champagne.)", "Archie Johnson: But maybe she was hitting the bar, because look:", "(He fast forwards through the reception. On screen, Diane Chase is woozy and can barely keep her head up.)", "Archie Johnson: This is fifteen minutes later.", "Catherine: Oh, my.", "Archie Johnson: The waiter gave her a second glass for her toast, which I watched five times.", "(Catherine chuckles.)", "Archie Johnson: And that was it.", "Catherine: When was the last time she was on camera?", "Archie Johnson: Well, her exit was neither polite nor discreet.", "(He cues the DVD.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: You know, I know I may just be a grease monkey, but I drive a tow truck, and I think I know a little something about getting hitched.", "(Diane Chase stands up and walks over to Valerie Whitehall.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: (from DVD) And these two ... uh ... there's more. Uh ... I think these guys are in it for the long haul. (re: Diane and Valerie) Making friends over here. No, but seriously, uh ... I don't mean to get all sentimental or anything, but these two are going to have a lot of s*x tonight.", "(Diane turns and leaves.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: (from DVD) And ... what? What? Are you embarrassed? She's embarrassed.", "(Lacey quickly stands up and follows Diane out.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: (from DVD) I'm her older brother. I changed her diapers.", "(Archie stops the DVD.)", "Archie Johnson: That was 2:25.", "Catherine: Would you play that again?", "Mikey Shoemaker: (from DVD) I know I may just be a grease monkey, but I drive a tow truck, ...", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. FRANK'S COFFEE SHOP PARKING LOT - DAY] A tow truck hitches onto Nick's SUV and pulls it away as the blue truck moves out of view.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: (V.O.) ... and I think I know a little something about getting hitched.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Catherine is on the phone.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Yeah, Jim. Check into a Mikey Shoemaker, the bride's brother. Run his wants and warrants. And also look into the location of his tow yard. Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Sara and Greg are going through the contents of the bags. Sara pulls out a nightie and holds it up as to her she looks it over.)", "(Nick walks in.)", "Nick: So?", "Sara: We need your hands.", "(She turns and looks at Nick, the nightie still held up against her.)", "Nick: (mutters) I thought you'd never ask.", "Sara: (clarifies) I need you to reprint the bumper because the tape lifts were stolen.", "(Nick grabs a pair of gloves of the table.)", "Nick: Anything to keep me awake.", "(Nick kneels in front of the bumper. Greg finds something. He's holding a prescription bottle.)", "Greg: Uh-oh! Looks like we had some bride's little helper going on. Diazepam.", "(The label reads: No. 1337511 Dr. Whitehall", "JILL SHOEMAKER", "TAKE AS NEEDED", "Discard after: _____", "DIAZEPAM 10 MG TAB", "Refills: 0", "Greg: Just filled. Rx calls for six ten-milligram pills.", "(Nick lifts a print off the bumper. Greg shakes the bottle to hear the rattle.)", "Greg: Two left.", "Sara: Forty milligrams would match mom's blood level.", "Greg: Jill gets some pills to calm herself, decides to calm her mother-in-law instead, and make everybody happy.", "(Wendy Simms walks in.)", "Wendy Simms: Okay, the blood from the snowboard bag was a match to Mother Chase.", "Greg: That could have been what they used to transport her from point to point B.", "Wendy Simms: Yeah, \"they\" is right, 'cause I also found two female epithelial contributions. One on each handle of the bag, and then one of the same females was also a match to the DNA from the knot in the pantyhose.", "Greg: We could compare them to the buccal swabs we collected ... if we still had them.", "Sara: Well, we'll just have to recollect them.", "Greg: All two hundred of them?", "Sara: Yeah, and since we can't leave, someone else is gonna have to recollect them.", "Nick: (snaps) This is crap! I've been waiting on IAB for ... (He pulls his gloves off with a snap.) ... fourteen hours. I'm tired ... (He tosses the gloves aside.) ... and I kind of smell, and I don't have a freaking car.", "(Nick leaves the garage.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick is tying his shoes when Nick walks in.)", "Warrick: Hey, buddy.", "(Nick opens his locker.)", "Nick: Hey.", "Warrick: How you doing? You all right?", "Nick: Hey, this, this sucks, man. I didn't do anything wrong, and everybody's looking at me like I'm the bad guy.", "(Nick unzips his jacket to change clothes.)", "(OFF WARRICK. Warrick nods sympathetically and glances at Nick. He does a double take, his eyes serious.)", "Nick: If I had to do it all over again, I'd do the exact same thing.", "Warrick: (interrupts) Nick, ...", "Nick: I mean, how do I ...", "Warrick: Nick ...", "Nick: ... fix the situation?", "Warrick: (louder) Nick!", "Nick: It was already screwed up to begin with. (Nick turns to Warrick.) What?", "(Warrick looks at Nick's shirt. Nick looks at Nick's shirt. It's stained with a lot of blood.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Wendy Simms is cutting the shirt off of Nick.)", "Nick: (thinking out loud) I loaned one of the bridesmaids my jacket. She was wearing black. There was no reason to ALS. Blood must have transferred from her to my jacket, to me. I didn't want to contaminate it by pulling it over my head, you know?", "Wendy Simms: That was good thinking.", "(She cuts completely through one side of the shirt and helps take it off Nick.)", "Nick: All right. Hey, Wendy, ...", "Wendy Simms: Uh-huh?", "Nick: I don't know if you'll be able to get anything off of this, but I want you to compare the female epithelials you found on the snowboard bag against the napkin that I have in my right front pocket.", "(Wendy smiles at Nick.)", "Nick: Come on.", "(Wendy removes the cocktail napkin from Nick's front pocket. She opens it and sees the lipstick print, Mindy's name and number.)", "(She looks at Nick and smiles.)", "(Nick turns and leaves.)", "(Wendy laughs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Brass are walking through the hallway on their way to the garage.)", "Brass: So that was a good call on the bride's brother, Mikey Shoemaker. He had a prior conviction for car theft.", "Catherine: Where did you find Nick's truck?", "Brass: In one of the paint bays of his auto body shop, right next to a delivery truck. We're looking for Mikey now.", "Catherine: Well, I watched the rest of the wedding video. He may have stolen the car, but once Diane disappears, Mikey never leaves the party.", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(They enter the garage just as Nick's truck is brought in.)", "Brass: Maybe he wasn't acting alone. (to Nick.) Hey, pip. How you like your new ride?", "(Nick's SUV has been painted over with pictures of dice, hundred dollar bills and a blonde-haired woman in a bikini.)", "Catherine: Hey, look. They fixed it.", "Nick: (groans) Oh. Oh, that's not funny.", "Catherine: Oh, it's a little funny.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg measures the size of the wound in the morgue photo to the cupid's arrow tip.)", "(Sara walks in.)", "Sara: Where did you get that?", "Greg: Unis found it in a dumpster behind Mikey Shoemaker's body shop.", "Sara: He went through all that trouble to steal the car and that's where he ditches it?", "Greg: Well, they didn't find any biological evidence, and he probably hocked the cameras, but at least I've been reunited with love's deadly arrow.", "Sara: You know that's not going to stand up in court, right?", "Greg: Well, negative Nelly, I know that, and you know that, but the suspects might not. We have to convince them that we know what happened.", "Sara: Do we?", "Greg: We're close. Can you put the UV filter on the camera?", "Sara: Sure.", "(On the table in front of them are the photos and in the center is Diane's bloodied white dress. Sara puts the lens on the camera. Greg turns off the lights to ALS the dress. She looks through the camera lens and sees that there are two hand-sized prints on the front of the dress.)", "Sara: How did you ... ?", "Greg: I didn't, until I processed it. But I was thinking this statue punctured her in the back of the head, which means one of three things might have happened.", "(Sara snaps photos of the dress.)", "Greg: Either she was stabbed by it ...", "Sara: Well, the statue looks a little unwieldy.", "Greg: Or she accidentally fell on it.", "Sara: But with no one to blame, why wouldn't someone just call 911?", "Greg: Which leaves us with option number three: She was pushed.", "(He raises his hands and pushes ...", "(Quick flashback to: [HOSPITALITY SUITE - DAY] Someone pushes Diane Chase. She falls backward and hits the cupid statue. Her eyes widen from shock. End of flashback.)", "Sara: Lucky for us someone had something on their hands.", "Greg: Something that left good ridge detail.", "Sara: I'll swab it for trace.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(The monitor shows the print results:", "NAME: LACEY FINN", "AGE: 23", "HEIGHT: 5'2\"", "WEIGHT: 107 LBS", "EYES: BLUE", "RACE: CAUCASIAN", "s*x: FEMALE", "HAIR: BLONDE", "DOB: JAN 7, 1983", "LAST KNOWN ADDRESS:", "1689 DESERT WAY", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 )", "(Mandy Webster reports her findings to Greg.)", "Mandy Webster: Prints are a match to a bridesmaid, Lacey Finn.", "Greg: She's in the system?", "Mandy Webster: Yeah, she was a cocktail waitress for a short time.", "Greg: Of course she was.", "Mandy Webster: And I pulled the prints off of this pill bottle, but I didn't find a match.", "Greg: Which means the bride didn't do it because as a nurse, she'd also be in the system.", "Mandy Webster: Correct. However, I did find something. Look at the prescribing doctor on that label. I was cross-checking with the guest list, and guess who the good doctor's wife is. Mrs. Valerie Whitehall. She's also a bridesmaid.", "GREG FLASHBACK TO: VALERIE WHITEHALL, sepia-toned and red vampy lips.", "(Oh, yeah. Her.)", "BACK TO SCENE", "Greg: Well, she knew where the pills were. She had access to the suite, so maybe Jill didn't poison mom, Valerie did.", "Mandy Webster: A little bonus in the bubbly.", "(Hodges walks in with his results.)", "Hodges: I got the results from Mama Chase's suit jacket.", "Greg: What's the trace?", "Hodges: Hair gel.", "Greg: Lacey said that she went to fix her hair.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Mikey Shoemaker is in the interview room when Catherine walks in carrying a file folder.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: Where's that Sara chick?", "Catherine: Oh, Romeo, I don't think that you have time for romance. You're being charged with grand theft auto, obstruction of justice and conspiracy to murder.", "(Catherine sits down.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: Okay, I will cop to everything but the murder.", "Catherine: Well, if you didn't commit the murder, why did you steal the car?", "Mikey Shoemaker: Look, the lady was already dead, all right? And then, then you guys show up and this bridesmaid comes up to me and starts asking me all these questions about my tow truck.", "Catherine: Which bridesmaid?", "Mikey Shoemaker: The hot one. Next thing I know, she wants to be the Bonnie to my Clyde. Asked me to steal this car and trash all the evidence.", "Catherine: So you committed grand theft auto to get laid?", "Mikey Shoemaker: Ever stolen a two-ton piece of machinery? It is way better than s*x. And finding a girl that doesn't want to kick you to the curb for it? I mean, come on. That is just hot. Besides, I hadn't gotten a wedding gift for my sister yet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Wendy Simms reports her findings to Nick.)", "Wendy Simms: So I don't have a match to one of the handles to the snowboard case, but, um, your napkin girl ...", "Nick: That Mindy Faberge?", "Wendy Simms: She got to be a bridesmaid.", "Nick: Yeah.", "Wendy Simms: She matches the other handle.", "Nick: Well, she was in the suite with the gifts. She could have touched it then.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick, Sara, and Greg are sitting in the break room when Grissom walks in.)", "Grissom: You paged?", "Greg: We think that each of the bridesmaids is responsible for killing her. Not individually, but working in cahoots. Each one played their part.", "(Grissom sits down.)", "Grissom: Did you know the original role of the bridesmaid was to act as a human shield against the bride's enemies?", "Sara: Women would dress similar to the bride in an effort to confuse and outsmart evil spirits that might try to overtake her on her wedding day.", "Nick: Wow, for somebody who's anti-wedding, you certainly know a lot about it.", "Sara: I'm not anti-wedding. I'm just anti-stupid -- you know, people who do things for the sake of tradition with no clue as to why.", "Grissom: Anyway, let's start at the beginning, shall we?", "(Greg turns the DVD on. On the monitor, we see Valerie getting a drink.)", "Greg: Valerie kindly gets mom a drink.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "(At the counter, Valerie put the drug in the glass and fills the glass with champagne.)", "BACK TO SCENE", "(On the monitor, Valerie turns around and carries the glass back to the table.)", "Greg: Then during her toast, Diane starts to feel the effects.", "(On the monitor, Diane sways forward.)", "Greg: By Mikey's toast, she decides that she's toast.", "(On the monitor, Diane gets up and walks over to Valerie.)", "Mikey Shoemaker: (from video) ... A little something about getting hitched.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "(Diane goes up to Valerie.)", "Diane Chase: (slurs) I know what you did. I'm going to have your husband's medical license, and I'm going to have you put away for attempted murder.", "(Diane leaves.)", "Greg: (V.O.) Lacey overhears Diane's paranoid, yet correct ramblings and eventually follows her out.", "(Lacey stands up and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITALITY SUITE -- DAY]", "(Lacey pushes the doors open and finds Diane sitting inside. Lacey sits down at the vanity table.)", "Lacy Finn: You okay?", "Diane Chase: The gall of you to ask me that! You know I'm not okay, you little tart. You're all just as bad as she is.", "Lacy Finn: Don't get mad. Valerie was just trying to make you feel better.", "(Diane stands up.)", "Diane Chase: Oh, by giving me a controlled substance? You are going down for conspiracy!", "(Angry, Lacey gets to her feet.)", "Lacy Finn: All right! You know what, lady?! That's enough!", "(She turns around and pushes Diane. Diane falls backward, hitting the cupid statue.)", "Greg: (V.O.) Leaving her incapacitated but not dead.", "(Lacey stands up and hits Diane on the arm to make sure she's not dead.)", "BACK TO SCENE", "(On the monitor, Lacey appears back on the monitor. She heads over to the table.)", "Nick: (V.O.) At which point Lacey tells Mindy and Cindy.", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. HOTEL - BALLROOM - DAY]", "(Lacey finds Mindy and Cindy.)", "Lacy Finn: (quietly) I made a mess in the bridal suite.", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. HOSPITALITY SUITE - DAY]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Nick: (V.O.) They formulate a plan.", "(Mindy and Cindy are in the hotel suite. Mindy pulls Diane's head from off the arrow, we hear the crunch of flesh and bone as the body comes loose. Cindy spreads out the snowboard bag on the floor.)", "Mindy: Oh, God! Once we get her in there, what are we going to do with her?", "Cindy: Oh, um, let's make it look like it was, um, Forelli ... Fas-", "Mindy: Oh, the Fatelli brothers?", "Cindy: Fatelli brothers! We'll just make it look like they did it.", "(They set the body down in the snowboard bag.)", "Mindy: Oh, my God.", "RESUME SCENE", "Nick: They tie her to the car, chuck the bag in the trunk, return to the party.", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. HOTEL - BALLROOM - DAY]", "(Mindy and Cindy push their way to the front of the group. The women are in the group clamoring as Jill tosses the bouquet over her shoulder.)", "(Mindy catches the bouquet.)", "Mindy: Got it, yes!", "RESUME SCENE", "(She fast-forwards the DVD.)", "Sara: And everyone just continues along with the joyous festivities until ...", "(Sara plays the DVD. The bride and groom are on the convertible leaving and waving to the passing crowd. The crowd's cheers turn to horrified screaming as the body is dragged behind the car.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM A]", "Mindy Faberge: I'm not a bad person, and we didn't exactly kill her. I mean, I like to think she killed herself because she was ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM B]", "Cindy Jansen: ... crazy. She did crazy things to our friend. I mean, who hates a pediatric nurse? Granted, we'd all been drinking, but she drove us to it. We did what we had to do. Sisterhood is powerful ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM C]", "Valerie Whitehall: ... this and powerful that. She was on a total trip. There was no way Jill could endure a life of that. I just ... I wanted to shut her up with the drugs, but that backfired ... leaving us ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM D]", "Lacy Finn: ... no choice. She was coming at me. I just, I just defended myself. I didn't mean to take her down, but once she was, I ... I felt nothing. There she was just, just staring at me, and all I could think was ... \"Thank God.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[BRASS]", "(Brass doesn't say a word. He stands up and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick is lying on the couch, his head back against the arm rest, his arm thrown over his face. Grissom and Sara are sitting at the table, their backs to the doorway. Greg paces the floor. He turns and sees McKeen and three IAB officers headed their way.)", "Greg: Grissom?", "(Grissom looks at Greg, who motions to the door. Grissom turns around.)", "McKeen: IAB is here.", "Grissom: Lovely. You should know that while waiting for IAB, we recovered the car and solved the case.", "(Nick gets to his feet.)", "Jeff McKeen: Well, this is not a \"no harm, no foul\" situation. Disciplinary action may still be taken.", "Grissom: Okay.", "McKeen: So who wants to go first?", "(Grissom looks at the CSIs and shrugs.)", "Grissom: I don't think it matters. I'm sure our stories are all the same." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "The CSIs wait by the bedside of Brass, who is transported to the hospital, and is fighting for his life. Grissom faces a hard choice by having the power of attorney (rather than Brass' daughter Ellie), and decides to proceed with the risky operation to recover the bullet. Meanwhile, the rest of the team investigates the strange ways of life of two victims: a Civil War re-enactor found decapitated by a train, and a 40-year-old man found dead in a hotel." ]
[ "[CU: WILLIE CUTLER'S EYES & SWEATY BROW]", "FADE TO", "[CU: GUN]", "(Willie Cutler raises the gun.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[WILLIE CUTLER]", "(Willie Cutler fires twice.)", "(EXTREME SLOW MOTION. The two bullets whiz through the air and across the room.)", "(One of the bullets hits Brass in the chest, past the bullet-proof vest he's wearing. He grunts at the impact. His eyes grow wide.)", "(Brass falls back to the floor.)", "(Behind him, the door bursts open. SWAT runs into the room.)", "SWAT Leader: (distorted) Get the paramedics.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[BRASS' POV]", "(We hear the sounds of a heart-monitoring machine beating regularly.)", "(Warrick leans over him, hovering next to the SWAT LEADER attending to Brass. He looks worried.)", "(HOLD on Brass, his face filled with fear. The room breaks out into commotion, both on screen and off.", "SWAT Leader: Hang in there, Jim, hang in there. SWAT LEADER: Right here. Right here. Good job.", "(Warrick moves aside. Brass is surrounded by SWAT trying to help him. Someone presses a white towel to his wound.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(The paramedics arrive and are working on Brass. He's still on the floor, blood smudged over his face, his eyes glassy and in shock.)", "Voice: Sir, sir, can you see me? VOICE: Sir, can you hear me?", "(Brass' hand reaches up wildly in the air.)", "(Brass is removed from the room.)", "[BRASS' POV]", "(The hallway ceiling moves as he is pulled through the corridor on the gurney.)", "(Blurry flashes of the paramedics pulling the gurney.)", "(Blurry flashes of the casino lobby's ceiling.)", "(Blurry flashes of the ambulance as Brass is put in the back.)", "(Blurry flashes of the paramedics working on Brass in the ambulance.)", "Distorted Voice: Sir, stay with me. DISTORTED VOICE: Sir? DISTORTED VOICE: He's got a pulse of 120.", "(The paramedic shines a light in Brass' eyes.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL - ER - TRAUMA HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "BRASS' POV", "(The ceiling passes by as Brass is rolled quickly through the corridor. His eyes are open and he's still conscious. He sees images of the paramedics and of people in the hallways as he's wheeled by.)", "SMASH CUT TO: RESUME TIME:", "(The emergency doors burst open and the paramedics quickly fill in the physician and nurses on the situation.)", "Paramedic: (quickly) Fifty-five year-old male, GSW left anterior chest, entering at the level of the deltoid and ac joint. Minimally responsive. He's a cop.", "ON BRASS:", "(His vision's blurry and he's still conscious.)", "Paramedic: (echo-y) Tachycardic in the 120s, BP's 86 over 40 and dropping, 02 stats in the 80s with assisted ventilation ...", "(The attending physician looks at him as everyone works on him.)", "Attending Physician: Okay, we're losing a lot of blood here. (fades in and out) We need two large-bore IV's. Run the fluids wide, he's extremely hypotensive.", "Nurse: We need to get a --", "Attending Physician: Absent breath sounds on the left. Likely pneumothorax. Let's put in a chest tube and pressors for that BP stat.", "(Brass' raised hand suddenly falls. The heart monitor flatlines at zero.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cue Sound: WHINE OF A DEFIBRILATOR POWERING UP", "[BRASS]", "(Brass's body lurches as the paddles are charged and pressed to his chest. The heart monitor continues to flatline.)", "Nurse: Still in v-fib.", "(The heart monitor is at zero.)", "Attending Physician: Three hundred!", "(The paddles whine as they're powered up.)", "Nurse: Three hundred!", "Attending Physician: Clear!", "(Brass' body lurches again as the paddles are charged and pressed to his chest.)", "Attending Physician: Come on. Come on!", "(The physician waits for a response. Suddenly.)", "Attending Physician: Three-sixty!", "Nurse: Three-sixty!", "Attending Physician: Clear!", "(The paddles are pressed to his chest. Brass' body lurches. The heart monitor starts beeping rapidly, the number at 192.)", "Nurse: (o.s.) Out of v-fib.", "(Brass gurgles. But he's breathing.)", "Brass: (V.O.) I envy these parents who live in ignorant bliss because ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - NIGHT -- FLASHBACK]", "(Brass is talking.)", "Brass: ... I know how my daughter Ellie lives. I know the company she keeps and I know what she does to get by. And ... (he shakes his head) ... anyway, I mean, I'm ... I'm ... a couple of nights ago I'm in LA and sitting in my car on Hollywood Boulevard watching her work a corner and my eyes are playing tricks on me because I don't see what she's doing, I see what she was. I see a little six year-old girl with a ponytail, playing with crayons ... singing a little tune to herself. It's ... I don't know, all I want to do is save her.", "(Grissom is in the room, listening.)", "Brass: But the thing is, you know, if something happened to me ... I don't think Ellie would, uh ... care.", "(He picks up the papers off the desk and hands them to Grissom to look at.)", "Brass: So I'm asking you to do me this favor. There's no one I trust more with my life, or my death ... than you.", "RESUME SCENE:", "[INT. DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL - ER - TRAUMA HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(The surgeon talks with Grissom. Undersheriff Jeff McKeen is there.)", "Surgeon: Captain Brass was shot twice. First bullet lodged in his vest. Second entered through his axilla, hit an artery, and is lodged near his heart. He's has internal hemorrhaging.", "Grissom: Any neural damage?", "Surgeon: We won't know until we stop the bleeding. If we stop it. (then) Have next-of-kin been notified?", "Grissom: For, uh, medical purposes, I have his power of attorney.", "(The surgeon nods.)", "Surgeon: You may have a decision to make. (then) I'll let you know.", "(The surgeon turns and exits. Grissom's phone starts ringing. He answers it.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom. Yeah. (long pause) Okay.", "(Grissom hangs up and looks at McKeen.)", "Grissom: DB in Henderson on the train tracks.", "McKeen: I'll take the first watch. You go to work.", "(Grissom turns and exits. He turns the corner and there are officers there in the hallway also waiting.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. TRAIN TRACKS -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom and Sofia Curtis walk down the train tracks toward the dead body. Grissom is carrying his kit.)", "Sofia Curtis: I just spoke with McKeen. I heard it's bad.", "Grissom: Pretty bad. They're trying to stabilize him.", "(They walk up to the headless body. David Phillips is there examining the body with Nick.)", "Sofia Curtis: The last train passed through here an hour ago. The engineer thought he saw a body on the track, but couldn't stop on time. He radioed dispatcher, who called 911.", "Nick: No ID. Probably decapitated by the train.", "Grissom: Well, if scavengers nicked his clothes, they left a nice pair of riding boots.", "Nick: They probably didn't have time to finish the job before other trains roared through here.", "Sofia Curtis: Well, the engineer isn't saying anything else until his union rep gets here, which ... could be a while. I'll let you know.", "Grissom: Great.", "(Sofia walks away while Grissom puts his kit down.)", "Nick: You know, there's not a lot of blood on the ground for a decapitation like this.", "Grissom: Well, we don't know how far he was dragged. Where's the head?", "Nick: I'll find it.", "(Nick turns and walks along the tracks. Grissom looks around the area and finds a toupee off the tracks.)", "Grissom: Hey, Nick?", "Nick: Yeah?", "Grissom: I think I found a toupee. Our vic may be bald.", "Nick: (dryly) Thanks, that will help me distinguish it from the other severed heads I find out here.", "(Grissom nods and heads back to look at the body. David is just unbuttoning the man's undershirt and opens it to reveal an hour-glass figure.)", "David Phillips: Whoa.", "(Grissom shines his light on the victim's body.)", "Grissom: What a waist.", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. TRAIN TRACKS -- NIGHT]", "(David inserts a thermometer in the victim's torso. He pulls the thermometer out and marks the torso.)", "Grissom: David, are you getting the liver temp or performing acupuncture?", "(Sara arrives at the scene and puts her kit down. David sticks the thermometer in again.)", "David Phillips: Well, his liver's not where it's supposed to be.", "(He pulls the thermometer out.)", "David Phillips: Do you think this is some kind of birth defect?", "(He turns and looks at Sara and Grissom. Grissom looks at Sara.)", "Grissom: What do you think?", "Sara: I think I feel fat.", "(David inserts the thermometer in the torso and finds the liver.)", "David Phillips: Yes. Got the liver.", "(Sara sticks her hands in her pockets and thinks about it.)", "Sara: Suicide?", "(Quick flash to: [NIGHT] The victim puts his head on the railroad tracks. In the distance, a train whistle blows and the train lights shine.)", "Sara: (V.O.) A guy loses his shirt at the tables, decides to take a permanent nap on the tracks.", "(The train whistle blows, arrives at the site and runs over the body on the tracks. The man screams.)", "RESUME TO SCENE:", "Grissom: Well, he died with his boots on.", "(They turn and look at the body.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS SKYLINE - ESTABLISHING - DAY]", "[INT. UPSCALE APARTMENT BUILDING - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(The super leads Catherine down the hallway. The guy is talking continuously.)", "Super: You don't have to go through the dude's mail. Name's Manny Rupert. He's a new tenant. Paid first and last in cash.", "(Catherine doesn't say anything. The super continues.)", "Super: We got a lot of party people around here. You know, so there's loud music every night, but this dude was pumping tunes at seven in the morning. You know, I knock on the door, I go in, that's when I see the dude all laid out on the bed. Uh, figured I better step out, call in the big guns. That's you.", "(They reach the front door and someone off screen greets them. They wave back.)", "(Catherine turns to enter the room. The super stops outside the door, offended by Catherine's lack of response to him.)", "Super: Um, listen ... if my good citizenship is not going to be appreciated here, maybe I just don't call the next one in, you know?", "(Catherine pops back out of the apartment.)", "Catherine: Just stay here and shut up. I'll be back to take your prints, assuming they're not already in the system.", "Super: Um ... okay.", "(Catherine turns her flashlight on and enters the darkened apartment.)", "[INT. UPSCALE APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Warrick is already inside looking at the various half-eaten food items on the counter. Empty booze and beer bottles litter the countertops.)", "(CUT WIDE: Catherine steps into the trashed apartment. The place looks as if there was a wild party there. She heads for the body on the bed. Dr. Robbins is already there examining the body.)", "(Warrick snaps a photo of a white powdery substance on a glass plate, the joint and pills on the countertop.)", "(Catherine gets closer to the body on the bed and sees there's a plate of cocaine lines and joints on the bed next to the body.)", "Catherine: Which of the seven deadly sins are not represented here?", "Robbins: Petecchial hemorrhaging. Could be from vomiting or asphyxiation.", "(Catherine nods.)", "Warrick: This guy was rolling on all cylinders. He was bound to throw a rod.", "Catherine: Or somebody threw it for him. Pillow or a hand on the face certainly could've done the trick.", "(Robbins tries to open the victim's jaw and finds it pliable.)", "Robbins: Well, based on the lack of rigor, TOD's three or four hours ago; tell you more after we clean him up and open him up.", "(Warrick finds the victim's wallet on the countertop mess. He opens it and checks it.)", "Warrick: Wallet's empty.", "(Catherine looks at the broken mirror hanging on the wall and the glass on the floor.)", "Catherine: You know what they say, it's not a real party till somebody breaks something.", "(Catherine kneels down and checks the broken glass.)", "Catherine: I got blood.", "(Warrick finds a gun in the bedside drawer.)", "Warrick: I got a noisemaker.", "(Catherine looks around as Warrick pulls the drawer out to snap a photo of the gun inside.)", "(Catherine looks at the wall.)", "Catherine: Bullet holes. (She stands up.) Somebody shot out the mirror.", "Robbins: No apparent gunshot wounds on the vic.", "(Catherine takes her jacket off.)", "Catherine: Let's get busy, boys.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. TRAIN TRACKS -- DAY]", "(Train #100 rolls down the tracks. The train whistle blows.)", "(Up on the tracks, Nick walks along the bridge, holding his camera. He walks off the bridge and climbs down the side toward the stream.)", "(He peers inside a barrel with some still-burning contents inside. He snaps photos of the contents. He looks inside and around. He picks up a metal pole and uses it to pick up an item from the bottom of the barrel. He looks at it, then puts it back inside.)", "(He drops the pole and moves to the side of the stream, something catching his eye. He kneels down and moves away some branches to expose a head.)", "(Nick reaches down and picks up the head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Sara stands on a ladder and snaps photos of the headless body on the table while David Phillips examines what he can.)", "(He reaches over to the side and picks up the head. He matches the head to the body.)", "(Sara continues to snap photos.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(In another lab, Nick uses a shovel and takes the barrel contents out and pours them into a sifting pan on the table.)", "(He sets the shovel aside and starts to sift the pan, the dirt falling out from the bottom and onto another pan on the table. He sifts through it all and fingers through the larger itemed content left in the pan.)", "(He picks up a button and blows on it. He wipes it and sees the eagled-shaped pattern on it.)", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Sara leans forward and looks at the torso through a magnifying glass. She picks some fibers off the body and looks at it.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Nick continues to go through the items in the pan.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(CAMERA MOVES across the monitor with the images of the head next to the body's neck.)", "(Grissom walks in the room to listen to Robbins' findings.)", "Robbins: This man's organs were displaced. It's similar to the way a pregnant woman's internal organs get rearranged to compensate for her expanding uterus. (He points to a scar on the skin.) Some of these blisters are fresh. But there's evidence of scarring and irritation going back years. It all suggests a consistent long-term pressure on the waist.", "(Robbins places the palm of his hand on the torso's stomach.)", "(Camera zooms into the victim's torso to a CGI IMAGE of the organs inside the rib cage. We hear squeezing sounds and see the organs shift and move upward to accommodate the pressure.)", "WHITE FLASH BACK TO SCENE:", "Grissom: So what? Torture or self-inflicted?", "Robbins: I don't know. But either way, it must have been agonizing.", "Grissom: I'm beginning to sense that COD was not decapitation.", "Robbins: (points) There's a bullet hole ... COD, shot to the head with this.", "(Robbins hands Grissom a pan with a flattened bullet inside.)", "Grissom: It looks like lead. .44 caliber is my guess.", "Robbins: That's a cannon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - SUNSET]", "[INT. DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL - CORRIDOR -- DAY]", "(The surgeon talks with Grissom.)", "Surgeon: We managed to stop the bleeding, but his condition is critical.", "Grissom: What are the options?", "Surgeon: We could try to remove the bullet.", "Grissom: What are the risks?", "Surgeon: If we go in, the vertebral artery could be impacted. He could bleed out or stroke out. Permanent incapacitation.", "Grissom: And without surgery?", "Surgeon: The bullet could migrate into the artery and, again, cause a stroke or kill him. Or it could stay there for years and do nothing. He might never wake up.", "Grissom: What are the odds?", "Surgeon: Mr. Grissom, this isn't a casino. I don't give odds. It's your call.", "Grissom: Do it.", "(Grissom nods at him.)", "[INT. DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL - BRASS' ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Brass is unconscious on the bed - heart monitors beep, ventilators extend from his mouth, IV lines run from his arms. Nurses sit nearby charting and monitoring his stats.)", "(Camera pans across the room to the hallway window. Grissom is standing outside and is on the phone. He's holding a yellow note.)", "Ellie: (answering machine) Hi, it's Ellie. You know the drill.", "(The answering machine beeps.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Ellie, this is Gil Grissom from the Las Vegas Crime Lab. I'm a friend of your father's.", "[CU: ANSWERING MACHINE]", "(Grissom's voice continues over the machine, a pack of matches on the table nearby.)", "Grissom: (from phone) I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but your dad's been shot.", "(Camera pulls back and we see Ellie smoking a cigarette, listening to the message as it records.)", "Grissom: (from phone) And his condition is serious.", "(She inhales, long and slow from the cigarette.)", "Grissom: (from phone) I think you should come and see him. It would help him a lot. Please call me at 702-555-0141.", "(She exhales, a long cloud of white smoking streaming out her lips. She closes her eyes and taps the cigarette ash into the tray.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Hodges reports his findings to Nick as they talk and walk down the hallway.)", "Hodges: White residue on your guy's so-called waist was topical cortisone, prescription strength.", "(He hands the report to Nick to look over.)", "Nick: The guy had an itch.", "Hodges: He was doing more than scratching. Topical doesn't get absorbed into the bloodstream. But Henry says that the guy's blood was flooded with cortisone.", "(They turn the corner and enter the Trace Lab.)", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick walks in and puts the report on the counter. Hodges follows.)", "Nick: That makes sense, as much orthopedic pain as the guy was in.", "(Hodges is silent. Nick catches him looking at him.)", "Nick: Hey, you checking out my waist?", "Hodges: I'm a 32-incher myself. Same as in college.", "Nick: Oh. Congratulations.", "Hodges: Women aren't the only ones who feel the pressure to look good. Time was, having a rotund belly was a sign of prosperity and success. Now it just means you're a lazy glutton, not getting any.", "Nick: Fibers.", "Hodges: The fibers from the victim's long johns are consistent with the fibers found in the burned-up clothes.", "(He points to the scope. Nick looks in the scope at the fibers.)", "[INSERT SCOPE VIEW: FIBERS]", "Nick: Means those were the clothes he was wearing.", "Hodges: Raw wool, dyed grey.", "Nick: Did you get a manufacturer?", "Hodges: No one from my database. But I did find pomegranate berry extract used to turn wool dye in the 1800s.", "[INSERT SCOPE VIEW: DIFFERENT FIBERS VIEW]", "Nick: There's insect activity all over these fibers. Maybe moths or mites. Check it out.", "(Hodges looks at the scope.)", "Hodges: Means that the fabric was old. Vintage clothing, maybe?", "Nick: Maybe. Did you analyze the bone fragments?", "Hodges: I'm only one highlygifted person.", "(Nick sighs. That means no. He leaves the lab.)", "Hodges: I'll let you know.", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom is walking through the hallway when Nick finds him.)", "Nick: You been to the hospital?", "Grissom: They're prepping him for surgery.", "Nick: I'll keep good thoughts.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Henry Andrews reports to Warrick.)", "Henry Andrews: Mr. Party till I drop. His blood alcohol level was .28.", "Warrick: Point two-eight?! That's barely conscious for most people. That's like falling down drunk.", "Henry Andrews: Drunk just gets you in the door. We're also talking cocaine, opiates, barbiturates, methamphetamine, MDMA, THC. Serum was milky white with triglycerides.", "Warrick: Wow. If it was illegal, fun or nasty, this guy was into it.", "Wendy Simms: (o.s.) Yeah, I'll say.", "(They turn and Wendy Simms walks into the lab with her own report.)", "Wendy Simms: I just analyzed the secretion swabs you collected from his body.", "Warrick: Was there enough for DNA?", "Wendy Simms: Oh, yeah. The donor's female. She's consistent with both the blood from the mirror and the pubic hair from the victim's mouth. And then I ran the profile through CODIS, and you got really lucky.", "(She hands Warrick the file folder and photo.)", "Wendy Simms: She's a local prostitute. She's in the system for a trick roll.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins reports his findings to Catherine.)", "Robbins: There's evidence of sexual activity in every orifice, including his ears.", "Catherine: You joking?", "Robbins: No. We've got pubic hairs, vaginal secretions.", "Catherine: Maybe he suffocated during oral s*x.", "Robbins: Would you care to move on to stomach contents?", "Catherine: Guess we're done with the appetizers.", "Robbins: Well, the main course was enough alcohol and cake to cater a wedding.", "Catherine: Well, at least he went out in style, hmm?", "(Quick flashback to: [APARTMENT ROOM] FAST FORWARD. The man and two women gorge themselves on food, drink and drugs. They move to the bed. They move out of the bed and back to the counter for more food, drink and drugs.)", "BACK TO SCENE:", "Robbins: Alone, maybe none of it would've been fatal, but taken all together ...", "Catherine: ... means he died with a smile on his face.", "Robbins: Among other things.", "(Catherine and Robbins share a chuckle. The door opens and David Phillips enters with a covered body on a gurney.)", "David Phillips: (absently) Hey. Just came from the hospital.", "(Suddenly, all laughter and levity dies in the room. Catherine stares at David, her mouth open with shock and horror.)", "(He looks at their reaction and realizes what they must be thinking.)", "David Phillips: Oh. No, no. (points to the body) Traffic fatality.", "(Catherine's eyes close with relief.)", "David Phillips: Sorry.", "(Catherine covers her eyes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL - OR WAITING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Camera pans across the room. Nurses move around inside. Out in the hallway, Grissom turns the corner and sees Greg sitting on a chair.)", "Grissom: Where's McKeen?", "(Greg stands up.)", "Greg: (joking) I sent him home. (then) Just kidding. He, uh, went to get something to eat. Brass just went into surgery.", "(There are other officers in the hallway waiting.)", "Greg: You two have known each other for a long time.", "Grissom: We've worked together ever since he came from New Jersey.", "Greg: Just between you and me, does he always wear a suit? Like when you guys go to dinner, the movies or whatever it is you do when you hang out. 'Cause I got to tell you, thought of him in a sweater kind of freaks me out.", "Grissom: We don't \"hang out,\" Greg.", "Greg: No kidding. (shrugs) I just assumed ...", "(In the silence, voice off screen rises. Grissom turns to look.)", "Ellie Brass: (o.s.) What do you mean consent was given? Nobody has asked my consent to do anything, and I'm his daughter.", "Nurse: (o.s.) I understand you're upset, miss, but there's no need to take that tone.", "(He turns the corner and sees Ellie Brass at the nurse's station. He walks up to her.)", "Ellie Brass: Look, I'm just here to see my father, okay? He's a cop.", "Nurse: He's in surgery. The only thing you can do right now is take a seat and wait until he gets out.", "Grissom: Excuse me, Ellie?", "Ellie Brass: What?", "Grissom: I'm Gil Grissom. Thanks for coming.", "Ellie Brass: So I guess you're the one who's in charge. How long is his surgery going to take?", "Grissom: Probably a few hours.", "Ellie Brass: Look, I just got off a bus, I would really like to take a shower and change and maybe get a little rest. Do you have the keys to his house?", "Grissom: No.", "Ellie Brass: Well, you're a cop, right? How 'bout you just let me in?", "Grissom: You know, there's a motel just down the street. I'll get you a room.", "Ellie Brass: Do you want to check my arms? (She pulls up her sleeves.) Go ahead. All right? It looks like Daddy already told you all about me. I don't even know why I bothered to come.", "(She grabs her bag off the counter, turns and storms away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Grissom is sitting in his office looking through a book when Sara walks in carrying a file folder.)", "Sara: How's it going? You okay?", "(She puts a hand on his shoulder. He looks at her.)", "Grissom: I'm okay.", "(She looks at him for a moment, assessing. She then looks at the book he's flipping through. A book with picture ads for MADAME DOWDING.)", "Sara: That's a ... man in a corset.", "Grissom: Corset-training. A venerable practice.", "Sara: Maybe for Scarlett O'Hara. Since when was it equal opportunity?", "Grissom: In Victorian times, it was considered a staple of masculine attire. Students in British boarding schools were encouraged to lose an inch a year from the time they were 14 on.", "(Sara takes a breath and sits down.)", "Sara: I guess I should feel comforted that sadistic ideas of beauty aren't restricted to women.", "Grissom: Mmn.", "(He flips to the next page - a photo of a man with a tiny waist. The headline on top reads, \"BODY PLAY.\")", "Grissom: It's called a wasp-waist, which is revealing. A wasp is from the insect group hymenoptera. The notion of hymen indicates virginity. In predacious wasps, the genitalia no longer function as a reproductive organ. It's used as a stinger.", "Sara: Go in for s*x and get stung. Pretty much every man's fear.", "Grissom: (nods) Mm. (beat) The victim was shot, body dumped, clothes burned.", "(She gives him the file folder.)", "Sara: The corset, too. The bone fragments that Nick found at the crime scene were whalebone, which is what they used to make corsets out of. Where did you learn so much about corsets?", "Grissom: (enigmatically) I have my sources.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS SKYLINE (STOCK) - ESTABLISHING - DAY]", "[INT. ANTIQUE CLOTHING STORE -- DAY]", "(CAMERA MOVES PAST an old sewing machine and trays of various items, stacks of books, mannequins in old clothes. Victorian suits and dresses and other turn-of-the-century items.)", "Mr. Phillipe: (o.s.) The embroidery is Chinese, silk. The lace is made from hand-tatted linen thread. Ribs are pure whalebone. They don't make them like this anymore.", "(Mr. Phillipe is talking with Sara while showing her an antique whalebone corset on a female mannequin bust.)", "Sara: I'm sure the whales appreciate that. How many, if any, do you sell to men?", "Mr. Phillipe: More than you'd think. Many men with back problems have remarked how much better a boned-tabbed Elizabethan corset feels than a steel back brace.", "Sara: Oh. Uh, let's focus on your customers that don't have back problems.", "Mr. Phillipe: Ms. Sidle, people's private lives are their own business. I don't want to ...", "Sara: (interrupts patiently) Mr. Phillipe, I have a dead man with a 19-inch waist and no way to identify him. Any help at all would be appreciated.", "Mr. Phillipe: Do you have a picture?", "Sara: I have a head shot.", "(She opens the file folder and shows him the photo of the victim's head, cleaned up and on the autopsy table.)", "(Mr. Phillipe starts hyperventilating.)", "Mr. Phillipe: Oh, my God, that's, uh, that's, uh, Caleb Carson. He comes in once a year for a re-stitch and, uh, reinforcement.", "Sara: Is he into pain, masochism?", "Mr. Phillipe: I don't know.", "Sara: How about cross-dressing?", "Mr. Phillipe: I seriously doubt that.", "Sara: How come?", "Mr. Phillipe: Mr. Carson never spoke much, but he was the type of man who, when he came into the store, if I were sitting down, I'd immediately stand up. He treated me like a servant. And, truth be told, he actually made me feel like one.", "Sara: I'm going to need his address.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CARSON RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Sara and Sofia enter Caleb Carson's residence. They look around at the various civil war memorabilia in the large room. Sofia stops in front of a portrait.)", "Sofia Curtis: Colonel Caleb \"C.C.\" Carson. 1864.", "(They look at the portrait.)", "Sara: Resembles the victim. At least from the neck up.", "(They share a smile and soft chuckle.)", "(They note the various photos on the fireplace mantle.)", "Sofia Curtis: These are civil war-era photos.", "Sofia Curtis: They didn't smile much back then.", "Sara: Subjects had to hold completely still for five minutes. Otherwise, the exposure would blur. It hurt to hold a smile.", "Sofia Curtis: Bet these hurt more.", "(Sofia looks down at the collection of guns and bullets in the display case. She leans forward and looks at the bullets.)", "Sofia Curtis: It's the same caliber killed the vic.", "Sara: They don't make 'em like they used to.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CARSON RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(\"Dixie\" and gunfire play on recording in the background. The camera shows various close-ups of various Civil War soldiers - both blue and the gray in a recreation of a battle display. We see various views of the toy soldiers by the light of a flashlight.)", "(Grissom reaches down and picks up a toy piece and looks at it closely. Sofia walks in.)", "Sofia Curtis: Warrick just called from the hospital. They got the bullet.", "Grissom: How's he doing?", "Sofia Curtis: He hasn't regained consciousness yet.", "Grissom: This fellow seems to have lost his way.", "Sofia Curtis: Is this Gettysburg?", "Grissom: You into military history?", "Sofia Curtis: My dad was. Used to spend the summer touring Pennsylvania in an RV, so I could learn things.", "Grissom: You were a lucky girl.", "(Sofia smiles.)", "Grissom: Pickett's charge, I think. The Confederates advanced from this position to Cemetery Ridge. They marched to their doom, but kept their honor. Carson obviously was a son of the South.", "[INT. CARSON RESIDENCE - BEDROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara is printing the back of a corset on a mannequin bust when Sofia and Grissom walk in.)", "Sofia Curtis: Looks comfortable.", "Grissom: Well, he was into discipline and self-denial.", "Sara: This corset ties from the back, which means Mr. Carson couldn't have tied the laces by himself.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Caleb Carson is in the bedroom wearing a corset as a second man tightens it for him.)", "Sara: (V.O.) He had to have help.", "(He turns around and faces the camera.)", "RESUME TO SCENE:", "(Grissom looks down and sees a photo on the table. He opens the frame and inside is an old photo of a man wearing a corset.)", "(Sara tape-lifts the print off the corset. Grissom shows the photo to Sofia.)", "Grissom: Seems to run in the family.", "(He flips the photo over and shows it to Sara.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL - CORRIDOR -- DAY]", "(Warrick is walking outside and talking on the phone when he sees Ellie smoking and waiting.)", "Warrick: (to phone) Oh, I don't really know. I ... you know what? Let me call you back, okay?", "(Warrick walks over to Ellie.)", "Warrick: Ellie? (She turns around and sees Warrick.) Hey. You know your father's out of surgery.", "Ellie Brass: Yeah. How's he doing?", "Warrick: It's a little too early to tell, but I know when he wakes up, he'll be happy to see you.", "Ellie Brass: You think so?", "Warrick: I know so. You look good.", "Ellie Brass: Yeah, you mean I don't look like a crack whore anymore?", "Warrick: That's not what I meant, but no.", "Ellie Brass: Does he ever talk about me? (Warrick remains silent.) That's a no.", "Warrick: Look, what do you want me to say, hmm? It's not really about you right now, okay? But the fact that you're here is saying a lot.", "(She finishes up her cigarette, tosses it on the ground and smashes it out.)", "Ellie Brass: Yeah, well, thanks for clearing that up for me.", "(Ellie walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS SKYLINE - ESTABLISHING - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(OPEN on Catherine.)", "Catherine: Remember that trick roll that you pled out last year?", "(Catherine is interviewing Sindee, a hooker.)", "Sindee: I have no idea what you're talking about.", "Catherine: Your DNA in our database says that you do. (beat) We found your blood in Manny Rupert's apartment, with him lying there dead. (She swallows.) If you Belushi'd the guy, maybe you didn't mean to. Now would be the time to say it.", "Sindee: Look, I'm the victim here.", "Catherine: Funny, you don't look dead.", "Sindee: (sighs heavily) Look, the whole night started out normal, okay? I mean, he paid for everything. He was kind of fun. WHTIE FLASH TO:", "[INT. UPSCALE APARTMENT - NIGHT -- FLASHBACK]", "(The champagne cork pops. In the background, Manny and Sindee are kneeling on the bed as Manny pours champagne down Sindee's open mouth.)", "Sindee: (V.O.) ... and he was up for anything. I mean, there was champagne, e, coke, cake.", "(Cut to: Manny and Sindee are kissing.)", "Sindee: (V.O.) And he wasn't even badlooking.", "(Cut to: The two continue to kiss, the bed creaking as they move.)", "WHITE FLASH TO -- BACK TO SCENE:", "Catherine: So, how did it go so bad?", "Sindee: Well, usually, a guy is good for maybe one or two. This guy wanted more after six, if you know what I mean.", "Catherine: No \"off\" switch?", "Sindee: No, not even close. WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. UPSCALE APARTMENT - LATER]", "(Through the mirror's reflection, we see that Sindee is disheveled and in her underwear. She gathers her things as she tries to leave.)", "Sindee: It's getting kind of late.", "(Manny grabs her wrist and doesn't let go.)", "Manny Rupert: No, look, you're not ... you're not going anywhere!", "(She tugs her arm trying to get free from him.)", "Sindee: Okay, honey, you need to get some rest.", "(She pulls her arm free. Manny reaches for the gun in the nightstand.)", "Manny Rupert: No. I paid for the whole night!", "(He fires. The bullets hit the mirror, smashing it.)", "Sindee: (screams) Ow. Ouch. Ow.", "(Sindee heads for the door anyway, her bare feet stepping over the broken glass.)", "(CU: HER FOOT)", "(She cuts her foot on the glass, leaving her blood behind.)", "WHITE FLASH TO: BACK TO SCENE:", "Sindee: He was whacked out, but he was alive when I bolted.", "Catherine: Well, that's a great story, but it doesn't sound like it was worth the ten g's that we found in your purse.", "Sindee: I earned that money.", "Catherine: Don't take it personally, but you are not a $10,000-a-night girl.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(Warrick enters to find Mandy Webster at the monitor surrounded by latent lifts. She appears busy.)", "Warrick: Are you finished processing those prints from Manny Rupert's apartment?", "Mandy Webster: Does it look like I have? (off his nod) So far, the decedent's prints are everywhere. Got them on liquor bottles, drug paraphernalia, the gun, the dishes. Are you looking for something in particular?", "Warrick: We're looking for anything the hooker might have touched. We're thinking she might have slipped him something that pushed him over the edge.", "(Mandy looks at the file folder with photos and matching print lifts.)", "Mandy Webster: Uh ... I got her prints off of the bedpost, the chair, and a soda can. She didn't touch the booze or pills. Maybe she's in AA.", "Warrick: Hmm. Maybe she's not a killer.", "(Warrick turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sofia Curtis interviews Gregory Kimble.)", "Gregory Kimble: I just can't believe it. I've been with Mr. Carson for years.", "Sofia Curtis: How do you mean?", "Gregory Kimble: Nothing like that. I was his driver. I take it you got my fingerprints from my work card?", "Sofia Curtis: That's right. They were on one of Mr. Carson's corsets.", "Gregory Kimble: I was also Mr. Carson's dresser.", "Sofia Curtis: What did that entail?", "Gregory Kimble: In the 19th century, a dresser's job was to help gentleman soldiers with their equipment.", "Sofia Curtis: So, you dressed him in rebel drag.", "Gregory Kimble: If you're asking, did I lace his corset, of course. Every morning.", "Sofia Curtis: Did it hurt?", "Gregory Kimble: Absolutely. But he controlled the pain.", "Sofia Curtis: When was the last time you saw him?", "Gregory Kimble: Yesterday morning.", "Sofia Curtis: At the house.", "Gregory Kimble: No. At a duel.", "Sofia Curtis: A duel? Where?", "Gregory Kimble: Gettysburg.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BATTLEFIELD ON OUTSKIRTS OF VEGAS -- DAY]", "(Soldiers line up, their guns raised. Smoke billows around them as they fire.)", "(On the other side, cannons fire. A man screams as he's thrown in the air.)", "(Camera pulls back to reveal a Civil War re-enactment - two sides of soldiers in Civil War uniforms, the blue and the grey, waving guns and firing smoke.)", "(The war re-enactment continues.)", "(Grissom and Sofia interview a Union Soldier, his arm in a sling. Behind him, another soldier stands nearby listening.)", "Sofia Curtis: If all you do is Civil War recreations, why were you and Caleb Carson having a duel?", "Union Soldier: Ugh! Apparently, I offended him.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[EXT. BATTLEFIELD - SEVERAL DAYS AGO -- DAY]", "(During the middle of a re-enactment, the Union Soldier leans casually against a cannon while talking on his cell phone.)", "Union Soldier: (to phone) Honey, I'm right in the middle of Cemetery Ridge here. I care what we have for dinner. Well, check the cupboards ...", "(Caleb Carson walks up to him and knocks the phone out of his hands.)", "Caleb Carson: Sir! You dishonor the dead.", "(The Union Soldier leans down to pick up the phone.)", "Union Soldier: Damn it, Caleb, that was my wife I was talking to.", "(He hangs up.)", "Caleb Carson: My great-great grandfather spilled blood on this hallowed ground.", "Union Soldier: Oh, really? (scoffs and looks around) I didn't know Gettysburg was in Nevada.", "Caleb Carson: I demand satisfaction.", "(He takes out a white glove and slaps the Union Soldier's cheek.)", "Caleb Carson: I challenge you to a duel, sir!", "(The Union Soldier sighs heavily.)", "Union Soldier: Okay. Fine. Let's do it.", "(He turns and walks away.)", "WHITE FLASH TO: BACK TO SCENE:", "Union Soldier: I'd never reenacted a duel, so, uh, we agreed to meet on the field of honor with our pistols.", "Grissom: And real bullets?", "Union Soldier: No, no, not in my gun. No, I figured we were just going to blast some powder and then go out for pancakes. Caleb wanted a little more authenticity.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[EXT. BATTLEFIELD - DAWN]", "(The two men stand back to back. On the side, their seconds stand watching.)", "Gregory Kimble: Guns at the ready and ...", "(The two men start walking in separate directions.)", "Gregory Kimble: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.", "(Caleb Carson stops, turns and fires. The bullet hits Union Soldier in his arm. He screams and falls to the ground.)", "WHITE FLASH TO: BACK TO SCENE:", "(The Union Soldier lifts his elbow in his sling.)", "Union Soldier: Look, this isn't a recreation, you know. He really shot me. Almost nicked the bone. It's a good thing my second was there.", "(He points to BUGLE BOY standing behind him.)", "Union Soldier: He's a male nurse.", "(BUGLE BOY shrugs and nods. Grissom smiles and nods back.)", "Sofia Curtis: A man shoots you, and you don't call the police?", "Union Soldier: He shot me 'cause I was taking a cell phone call. What do you think he was going to do if went to the cops? When that bullet hit me, I ran for my life. I jumped in my car and got the heck out of ...", "Sofia Curtis: What about him?", "Union Soldier: Oh, we-we carpool.", "(Grissom nods at the gun hanging from Union Soldier's belt.)", "Grissom: Colt .44?", "Union Soldier: (pats the gun) Yeah.", "Grissom: Is that your dueling pistol?", "(Union Soldier nods.)", "Grissom: We're going to have to take that with us.", "Union Soldier: Why?", "Grissom: I, too, demand satisfaction.", "(Grissom looks at him. He turns and looks back at Bugle Boy.)", "(The Civil War soldier continues to play fighting.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BATTLEFIELD -- DAY]", "(Sara and Grissom are back to back. Sara lifts up her camera.)", "Sara: Ready?", "(Grissom lifts up his camera.)", "Grissom: Ready.", "(They start counting their paces as they head in opposite directions.)", "Sara/Grissom: (both) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.", "(They both whirl around. Sara snaps her camera first. Grissom snaps his camera.)", "(They grin at each other.)", "(Sara turns and starts looking at the ground around the area. She finds blood on some leaves on the ground.)", "Sara: (shouts) I got blood drops. Heading way from Mr. Carson. Consistent with the duelist's story.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(A gun fires. A man screams and the two men run from the area.)", "RESUME TO SCENE:", "(Grissom looks down at the ground and finds a larger circle of red-colored leaves.)", "Grissom: I got something here, too. This could be the blood that we didn't find at the train tracks -- it's a lot of blood.", "(Sara kneels down to work. Grissom raises camera and snaps photos of the bloody leaves.)", "Grissom: Maybe Carson was killed here?", "(Sara looks back at Grissom. Grissom raises his camera to take more photos.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. HOSPTIAL - RECOVERY ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass is in recovery. Out in the hallway, Ellie watches through the windows. Behind her, Nick watches Ellie. He turns the corner and continues his phone conversation.)", "Nick: (to phone) Yeah, she's here. Been drinking a ton of coffee and going outside for smokes; on her cell. Not real sociable, you know? You want me to keep an eye on her?", "Grissom: (from phone) It sounds like you already are.", "Nick: (to phone) Nah. I'm off the clock. I'll stick around for a while, let you know if there's any change.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Grissom is moving through the hallway.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Thank you, Nick.", "(Grissom hangs up and heads to the Ballistics Lab.)", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom enters the lab while Bobby Dawson works.)", "Grissom: Did you compare the bullet from the victim to this pistol?", "Bobby Dawson: Uh, no, not yet, but, boss, I don't think that's your murder weapon.", "Grissom: And you know this how?", "Bobby Dawson: Uh, here, I'll let Hawkeye show you.", "(Bobby slides the borescope down the barrel of the Colt. Grissom looks at it.)", "INSIDE THE BARREL:", "( -- is coated with a residue.)", "Grissom: What is that?", "Bobby Dawson: Well, Hodges will have to confirm, but I'm pretty certain it's cream of wheat.", "(Grissom stands up.)", "Grissom: So he's a cereal killer.", "Bobby Dawson: (amused) Snap, crackle and pop. Uh, the dried powdered wheat particles actually augment the smoke, and, uh, seal the gunpowder in the cylinder.", "Grissom: Which would be perfect for Civil War re-enactments.", "Bobby Dawson: (nods) Yeah. I don't think that Colt's fired a real bullet in quite a while.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CORONER'S OFFICE - AUTOPSY ROOM - DAY]", "FROM INSIDE THE MORGUE DRAWER", "(Dr. Robbins pushes Manny Rupert's body back into the drawer.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) Miss Rupert, as far as we can tell, your brother died from diabetic shock.", "(Dr. Robbins shuts the drawer door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CORONER'S OFFICE - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Warrick is talking with Darcy Rupert, who is devastated by her brother's death.)", "Darcy Rupert: What? How?", "Warrick: Well, it seems that he went on a bender. He consumed a great deal of alcohol, sugar and narcotics. Did he party like this a lot?", "Darcy Rupert: No. No. He was just diagnosed as pre-diabetic.", "Warrick: So he was aware of his condition.", "Darcy Rupert: (nods) Yeah.", "Warrick: Do you think that this was self-induced?", "Darcy Rupert: (sighs) You know, our family has a history of heart disease and diabetes. Both our parents died of heart attacks in their forties. Two of our grandparents, too. Well, Manny turned forty last week and he acted like it was a death sentence. You know, but he ... he always said, \"You can't fight bad genes.\" You know, he had a vasectomy when he was 22.", "Warrick: Hmm.", "Darcy Ruper: Never got married, just didn't see the point.", "Warrick: So he just ... gave up? He quit?", "Darcy Rupert: You don't know what it's like to live with a death sentence hanging over your head.", "Warrick: No. You're right, I don't.", "Darcy Rupert: No.", "Warrick: But I've seen what it's like to not have a choice. And he did. He could have fought it, but he just chose not to.", "Darcy Rupert: You know, I just lost my brother, and you're judging him? How dare you.", "(Warrick takes a deep breath and stops.)", "Warrick: I'm-I'm so very sorry for your loss.", "(He walks away from her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "[COMPUTER MONITOR]", "Medical Research Gunshot Wounds", "-- arterial access to a part of -- -- or debris in the arterial b-- -- embolus is most frequently--", "[NEXT SCREEN]", "data suggests, that in -- post-operative strokes -- in sixty -two percent of -- In thrombotic --", "(Grissom sits at his desk and is reading on-line information about Brass' injuries.)", "(Sofia walks up and knocks on the door before entering.)", "Sofia Curtis: Am I interrupting?", "Grissom: No.", "Sofia Curtis: I just got a heads up from a friend in Payroll at PERS. Ellie Brass just called about Jim's pension. She wanted to know how much there was and was she a beneficiary.", "(Grissom pulls his glasses off.)", "Sofia Curtis: This girl is circling like a vulture. Jim doesn't need this kind of energy around him now. Now ... Ellie's been in a lot of trouble with the law. It wouldn't be difficult to chase her out of town.", "Grissom: Well, I'm sure he'd appreciate the offer, but I don't think he'd want you to do that.", "(Just then, Wendy Simms enters.)", "Wendy Simms: Excuse me. I got the DNA results for your decapitated Civil War corset victim, and the blood from the field is a match to Carson ... but the epithelials on the toupee from the train tracks are not. So, were any of your suspects wearing a rug?", "Sofia Curtis: I can think of one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sara and Sofia sit facing Gregory Kimble as he removes the hairpiece.)", "(He puts it in the bag Sara's holding open for him.)", "Gregory Kimble: Please be careful. That's a very expensive piece.", "(Sara seals the bag.)", "Gregory Kimble: I don't understand why I'm here again. It's not a crime to lose your hair.", "Sofia Curtis: Depends on where you lose it.", "Sara: If it's on the train tracks near a decapitated body with the victim's blood on it, it's usually a crime.", "Sofia Curtis: Mr. Kimble, would you like to revise your prior statement?", "Sara: Or would you prefer to wait in a cell while we match toupees?", "Gregory Kimble: It was an accident.", "Sofia Curtis: Which part?", "Gregory Kimble: I suppose mostly the part when I shot him. I could see the insanity in his eyes.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. BATTLEFIELD - DAWN -- FLASHBACK]", "(At the duel, Caleb Carson whirls around, points, aims and shoots the Union Soldier. The Union Soldier screams and falls to the ground with a thud. Gregory Kimble turns aghast at Caleb Carson.)", "Gregory Kimble: Mr. Carson, you shot him! You really shot him!", "(Gregory Kimble heads over to Caleb Carson. Bugle Boy turns to help Union Soldier.)", "(Caleb Carson cocks his weapon again and points it.)", "Caleb Carson: And I intend to kill him.", "(Gregory Kimble reaches him.)", "Gregory Kimble: Don't shoot.", "Caleb Carson: Get out of my way!", "(Gregory Kimble wrestles with Caleb Carson for the gun as the Union Soldier and Bugle Boy run away.)", "Gregory Kimble: Please!", "(They struggle for the weapon and it fires. Caleb Carson falls backward.)", "WHITE FLASH TO: BACK TO SCENE:", "Gregory Kimble: He was really going to kill that man.", "Sofia Curtis: If it was an accident, you should have called 9-1-1.", "Gregory Kimble: I couldn't let him be found like that. His corseting was private.", "Sara: You're right, it's much better to have his body found stripped and dumped on some train tracks.", "Gregory Kimble: His great-great-great grandfather died trying to stop a Yankee train from entering Virginia. Legend has it he stood square on the tracks firing at the engineer until the train ran him down. Mr. Carson spoke of it frequently. He said it was an honorable death. I was just trying to give him the same.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY]", "(An officer escorts an irritated Ellie down the hallway. She pulls her arm out from Officer Metcalf's grip.)", "Ellie: All right, look, are you guys arresting me or what?", "Officer Metcalf: Hey, don't get in my face. All he told me was bring you here.", "(They stop in front of Brass' office.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom greets her.)", "Grissom: Hi. Come in.", "(Ellie shrugs and steps into the office. She notes the nameplate on the desk.)", "Grissom: This is your dad's office.", "Ellie Brass: Yeah, I can read.", "Grissom: Have a seat.", "Ellie Brass: Why?", "Grissom: Why not?", "(Ellie moves around the desk and sits on the desk. She props her feet on the corner of the desk.)", "(She looks over and finds a framed photo of a blonde-haired girl on the desk. It's her. She chuckles as she seems to remember.)", "Ellie Brass: Oh, wow.", "Grissom: That's the reason we asked you to come in.", "Ellie Brass: That's like loving a puppy. That's easy. You know, did you ever think that maybe he's better off just lying there and not waking up? A lot easier.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Dr. Stewart pours himself a cup of coffee as he talks with Catherine. They're both standing in the lounge looking at Brass through the window.)", "Dr. Stewart: Every patient is different, but for now, no change is good news.", "(Catherine's phone rings; she answers it.)", "Catherine: Excuse me. (to phone) Hi, Lindsey. I know, I told you that I might be a little while. No, I said that we could try and see a movie. Hey, you know what? I've got a friend here who is fighting for his life. I would appreciate a little understanding. I will talk about this with you later. Good-bye.", "(She hangs up.)", "Dr. Stewart: How old?", "Catherine: Fourteen. Supposedly.", "Dr. Stewart: I got one of those in high school myself. World's pretty small at that age.", "(The alarms start ringing.)", "Catherine: It feels pretty small to me right now, too.", "Voice: (over PA) Code blue. Code blue.", "(The doctor leaves the room as the crash cart is pushed and brought to Brass' room.)", "(Grissom and Ellie walk in to stand next to Catherine and watch.)", "(The nurses and personnel work on Brass.)", "(As they work, Ellie grabs Grissom's sleeve. It's a tense moment as they watch the nurses and physicians work.)", "(The heart monitor comes down.)", "Nurse: He's coming back. That's an improvement.", "Doctor: Okay, we're back.", "(The crisis is over.)", "(Brass stirs on the bed, his eyes open and he sees Ellie.)", "(Ellie stares.)", "(Brass raises his hand, his finger reaching for her.)", "(Ellie shakes her head and slowly backs away from the window. She backs away, turns and leaves.)", "(Grissom looks at Brass. He turns and looks at the empty space next to him where Ellie was standing. She's gone.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL - BRASS' ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Brass is awake and off the ventilator. Grissom is standing next to him. Behind him in the hallway, officers look into the room through the window.)", "Brass: Hey.", "Grissom: Hey. Have some water.", "(Grissom lets Brass drink from a cup and a straw.)", "Brass: Thanks for not pulling the plug.", "Grissom: Your, uh, fan club is here.", "(He turns and indicates the second window in the hallway where the CSIs and Dr. Robbins wait, smile and wave to him.)", "(Brass nods and waves back.)", "(Catherine smiles, turns and hugs Dr. Robbins. Sara is hugging Warrick, who has a hand on Nick's shoulder. Greg turns around and hugs Catherine.)", "(Brass smiles.)", "(Grissom looks at Brass and sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. BEDROOM -- NIGHT]", "(CLOSE-UP ON Grissom as he lounges on the bed in a blue and white shirt, pondering death. The camera slowly pans around him, picking up various clues from the bedroom - warm lights, photos and other knick-knacks on the bed stand behind him.)", "Grissom: (thoughtfully) I don't know. Most people want to die in their sleep, I suppose. Never know that it's happening.", "(Behind him we see pale cream and sage-colored pillows in front of the headboard.)", "(Grissom continues to think out loud.)", "Grissom: Like a crime scene. Surprise, you're dead. I'd prefer to know in advance that I was going to die. I'd like to be diagnosed with cancer, actually. Have some time to prepare.", "(On the second night stand, we see more photos, knick-knacks, flowers and an alarm clock.)", "(Grissom sighs as he stares off in the distance and continues to ponder death. The camera continues to pan around Grissom.)", "Grissom: Go back to the rain forest one more time. Re-read 'Moby Dick.' Possibly enter an international chess tournament.", "(The camera stops behind Grissom and on the connecting bathroom doorway. From the angle, we see the waist and legs of a woman in an off-white knee-length robe exit the bathroom. She enters the bedroom and heads toward Grissom.)", "(He continues to ponder death and good-byes.)", "Grissom: At least have enough time to say good-bye to the people I love.", "(Sara kneels down in front of the bed, her arms reaching out along the bed cover. She shakes her head and smiles as she responds.)", "Sara: I'm not ready to say good-bye.", "(Camera holds on Grissom as he smiles at her.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Way To Go (2)
[ "The deceased victims in the CSI coroner's office give voice to their own murder investigations for the first time: a drowning victim found in an elevator investigated by Catherine, a woman who fell off a cliff investigated by Warrick, Sophia and Greg, a soldier stabbed just after returning from Iraq investigated by Nick, and two victims of a chainsaw massacre investigated by Grissom and Sara." ]
[ "CUE MUSIC: \"Sleeper's Awake,\" J.S. Bach", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins sews up the final stitches after an autopsy. He snips the thread. The body he's working on is a woman; her scalp is exposed and folded over.)", "(The toe tag reads:", "BASSET, DONNA", "5TH FLOOR ELEVATOR", "(Robbins folds the scalp back over her head. Finished, he heads to the door, flicks off the overhead light and leaves.)", "Grissom: (o.s.) Generally, autopsies are performed in the morning.", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY OUTSIDE FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom leads a group of students through the hallway just outside Forensic Autopsy.)", "Grissom: Hello, David.", "David Phillips: Hello, Grissom.", "(David comes out of one of the autopsy rooms pushing a body on a gurney.)", "Grissom: David Phillips, everyone, our excellent assistant coroner and baseball trivia expert.", "(David waves to them.)", "Male Student: (re: the body) And who's that?", "Grissom: I'll introduce you to her later. (They continue on.) Afternoons are usually for paperwork and court.", "(David pushes the gurney through the hallway. He stops and opens the door to the morgue.)", "[INT. MORGUE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(David pushes in the gurney into the room. There's another body on a gurney already there. He leaves the two gurneys next to each other and leaves.)", "(The door closes behind him.)", "CU: DONNA BASSET", "(Her eyes open. She blinks several times. She sits up and looks around. The body on the gurney next to her sits up as well.)", "Rebecca McGill: Hi. I'm Rebecca.", "Donna Basset: Donna. (They shake hands.) I'm ... I was Donna.", "Rebecca McGill: But you know, I don't think that matters much anymore.", "(Donna looks around.)", "Donna Basset: So ... so we're ... ?", "Rebecca McGill: (sympathetically) Yeah.", "Donna Basset: Huh. Somehow ... it's not quite what I expected.", "Rebecca McGill: What were you expecting? White light, puffy clouds?", "Donna Basset: My mom.", "Rebecca McGill: So how'd you get here, anyway?", "Donna Basset: You know ... someone will figure it out.", "WHITE FADE OUT TO:", "[INT. HOTEL - 5TH FLOOR ELEVATOR - DAY]", "(Catherine looks at the body in the elevator floor. The body is wrapped in a towel.)", "(Brass stands in the hallway talking with the housekeeper, Gloria.)", "Brass: So you're the one who found the body?", "Gloria Torres (housekeeper): Yeah, I pushed the button, the doors open, I get this.", "Brass: Right. Do you recognize her?", "Gloria Torres (housekeeper): No.", "(Catherine snaps a couple of photos.)", "Brass: At any time did you step inside the elevator?", "Gloria Torres (housekeeper): Get closer to that? No, thanks.", "Brass: All right, thank you, Gloria. Thank you.", "(The officer escorts Gloria away. Brass turns his attention to the elevator. Catherine finds a white fiber in the elevator door tracks. She picks it up and looks at it.)", "Catherine: Some white cotton fibers. Probably from the towel. Could be she was dragged into the elevator.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Someone drags the body from the hallway into the elevator. The towel brushes against the door tracks and leaves cotton fibers behind.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Catherine looks at the outer door track and shakes her head.)", "Catherine: From any floor except this one.", "Brass: How many floors we got?", "Catherine: Well, no 13th. (As she puts the fiber in a baggie, she glances at the button panel and stops.) No four and no 14. (nods) Yeah, unlucky numbers. Different countries, different superstitions. That was something Sam taught me.", "(She puts the baggie away.)", "Brass: Yeah.", "Catherine: (sighs) And we just eliminated the one we're on.", "Brass: You do the math.", "Catherine: Thirty-three floors.", "David Phillips: Hey, I'm sorry I'm late.", "Brass: The wedding planner. Hmm?", "David Phillips: Yeah. Twenty-one days and counting.", "Catherine: That's all right, David. Why don't you help me turn the body? Examine her for injuries.", "(David kneels to help Catherine, but she sees something.)", "Catherine: Wait a second.", "(A rose petal on the floor near the victim's head. She picks it up and looks at it.)", "Catherine: A rose petal. American Beauty.", "(They roll the body over.)", "Catherine: Oh!", "(Water pours out of the victim's mouth.)", "Catherine: I'm gonna take a wild stab and guess drowning.", "Brass: How do you drown in an elevator?", "(Catherine turns and looks at him.)", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[BLACK SCREEN, WHITE TEXT]", "CHAPTER I:", "AMERICAN BEAUTY", "[INT. HOTEL - ELEVATOR - DAY]", "(The elevator bell dings and the doors open. Catherine looks out at the basement hallway leading to the elevator. She kneels and checks out the elevator door tracks. She runs her hands on the grooves.)", "[CU: ELEVATOR PANEL]", "(She presses button #18.)", "[INT. HOTEL - ELEVATOR - DAY]", "(The elevator bell dings and the doors open. A housekeeper stands near her cart by the far SERVICE DOORS. She turns to look at Catherine.)", "(Catherine looks down at the elevator door tracks.)", "[CU: ELEVATOR PANEL]", "(She presses button #26.)", "[INT. HOTEL - ELEVATOR - DAY]", "(The elevator bell dings and the doors open. A service table on wheels with a setting for two is out in the hallway across from a janitor's mop and bucket. Catherine looks out.)", "[CU: ELEVATOR PANEL]", "(She presses button #29.)", "[INT. HOTEL - ELEVATOR - DAY]", "(The elevator bell dings and the doors open.)", "[CU: ELEVATOR PANEL]", "(She presses button PH.)", "[INT. HOTEL - ELEVATOR (PH FLOOR) - DAY]", "(The elevator bell dings and the doors open. Out in the hallway, Catherine sees several linen and laundry push carts. She looks down at the elevator door tracks and kneels to get a closer look. She finds another white cotton fiber. She's on the right floor.)", "(She steps out into the hallway and checks the laundry bags. It's empty. She checks the towels stacked on the push cart, then turns to check the other carts as well. In the second cart, she finds used white cotton towels. She reaches in and takes them out. Under that, she finds dark clothes. She takes that out. Under that, she finds a gun in a holster.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Brass and the hotel manager burst in through the double doors.)", "Brass: What do you got?", "(Catherine shows him the badge and ID.)", "Catherine: We got a dead cop.", "(Brass looks at the ID.)", "Brass: Donna Basset out of San Francisco.", "(MARTIN) HOTEL MANAGER: She's not a registered guest.", "Brass: San Francisco PD lets their guys moonlight. Do you know anyone on this floor needs private security?", "(MARTIN) HOTEL MANAGER: Mr. Hsing. Robert Hsing. He's an architect. A pretty big deal in Hong Kong.", "Brass: Which room?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL - PENTHOUSE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass kicks the door open and bursts into the room, gun drawn. A couple of officers follow him inside.)", "(Brass checks the main room while the officers check the other rooms.)", "Officer: Clear!", "(Catherine and the hotel manager enter the penthouse.)", "Brass: Clear and empty.", "(Brass tucks his gun back in his holster. Catherine looks around the living room.)", "Brass: (sighs) We need to locate Mr. Hsing.", "Catherine: I know these suites. This furniture's been moved.", "(MARTIN) HOTEL MANAGER: Per Mr. Hsing's request.", "(Catherine looks at the room's furniture pattern.)", "Catherine: What is this is, an eight-sided pattern? Feng shui?", "(MARTIN) HOTEL MANAGER: (nods) He's exacting. The furniture we moved left impressions in the carpet. We vacuumed them out. Some numbers patterns make elements flow. Luck, energy, chi.", "Brass: So you believe in all this feng shui stuff?", "(Catherine turns and heads over to the next room.)", "(MARTIN) HOTEL MANAGER: When a guest gambles several million dollars per visit, it doesn't matter what I believe.", "[INT. HOTEL - PENTHOUSE - BEDROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine steps into the bedroom and finds a bathtub in the room. The water is overflowing. Rose petals float on the top of the water.)", "Catherine: (to Brass) Now we know how you drown in an elevator. You don't. (louder) Martin, could you join us?", "(She stops him from entering.)", "Catherine: Don't step in. Just take a look around and do you notice anything missing or out of place?", "Martin (hotel manager): There's a couple of towels missing. And a bath sheet.", "Catherine: And do all your infinity tubs come with rose petals?", "Martin (hotel manager): No, we did that.", "Catherine: When the water flows, the money flows?", "Martin (hotel manager): Four dozen red rose petals exactly. Imported bath oil.", "Brass: Per Mr. Hsing's request, hmm?", "(The hotel manager's phone rings. He steps away and answers it.)", "Martin (hotel manager): (to phone) This is Martin. Great. What floor? Who's in the room with him?", "(Catherine watches Martin for a moment. Brass watches Catherine.)", "Brass: (quietly) You okay? You know, I mean, working Sam's hotel so soon after the, you know?", "Catherine: I think that working helps. I mean, you know that.", "Brass: Yeah.", "Martin (hotel manager): (b.g.) (to phone) No, stay put. (to Catherine) We found Mr. Hsing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL - SUITE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "Martin (hotel manager): (V.O.) He's gambling in a private suite downstairs.", "(The dealer deals the cards, then flips his own over.)", "Dealer: Player has five.", "(Mr. Hsing checks his cards and tosses them over and in.)", "Dealer: Natural nine. You win.", "(Robert Hsing smiles. The door opens. Brass, Catherine and a couple of officers walk in.)", "Robert Hsing: Close the door.", "Brass: Mr. Hsing, I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police. (Robert Hsing gets to his feet.) Your security officer, Donna Basset, was found dead tonight. Murdered in your hotel room.", "Robert Hsing: I'm so sorry. Donna's worked for me the last twelve times I've come to your city. Have you notified her family?", "Brass: We'll take care of that. When did you last see her?", "Robert Hsing: When she escorted me here about four hours ago.", "Brass: Mm-hmm. Mr. Hsing, when you hire security, how much of it is for real threat and how much is perceived? Do you know what I mean? How much is for show?", "Robert Hsing: I have very real enemies.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Robbins holds the victim's right eye open as he shares his findings with Catherine. CGI CU of the eye vessels turning red.)", "(Robbins and Catherine are standing on either side of the body on the autopsy table.)", "Robbins: Yeah, she drowned, all right. Slight petechial hemorrhaging in both eyes.", "Catherine: Any chance it was an accident?", "Robbins: When was the last time you took a nap in Grissom's tub? Take a look.", "(He shows her the bruising on the victim's shoulders.)", "Catherine: Oh, yeah. Someone held her down.", "Robbins: And she ...", "(He shows her the cuts on the victim's knuckles.)", "Catherine: ... put up a fight.", "[INT. HOTEL - SUITE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass talks with Robert Hsing, as the game is on hold.)", "Brass: So, you checked in around 6:00. Where have you been since?", "Robert Hsing: Here, playing. It's why I come to Vegas.", "Brass: So you never left this room all night?", "Robert Hsing: Once, about three hours ago.", "Brass: (nods) Oh, that's helpful. Why'd you leave?", "Robert Hsing: My luck was bad. I went to change it.", "(Brass chuckles.)", "Brass: And how'd you swing that?", "Robert Hsing: Called Detective Basset to escort me back to my suite. She didn't answer. I went by myself.", "Brass: I see. (to the dealer) You can corroborate this?", "Dealer: He used the hotel phone.", "Brass: Okay, good, there's a record then. So you get back to you suite. Then what?", "Robert Hsing: I urinated. Changed my underwear. Came back. Kept playing.", "Brass: So changing your skivvies can change your luck?", "(Robert Hsing turns to look at the dealer.)", "Dealer: Mr. Hsing's was down $1.2 million. Now he's up over $2 million.", "Brass: Wow. I'll have to try that.", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- NIGHT]", "MONITOR: TOP VIEW DOWN", "(The elevator security camera shows Donna Basset's body pushed into the elevator. The man's arm reaches in and presses a button. Video pauses.)", "(Archie and Catherine sit in front of the monitors reviewing the security video.)", "Archie: Well, got part of your killer.", "Catherine: He knew there were cameras in the elevators, but not in the hallways or the service area.", "Archie: So what do you want to do now?", "Catherine: His sleeve is wet.", "(She gets an idea.)", "Catherine: Stop and smell the roses.", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine opens and lines up all the rose petals taken from the hotel room tub. She takes the rose petal found with the body and cuts a piece of it off.)", "VARIOUS CUTS:", "(Catherine tests and analyzes the rose petal.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL - PENTHOUSE -- NIGHT]", "(The door opens and Robert Hsing finds Catherine, Brass and an officer at his door. Right behind him are his bags and things.)", "Robert Hsing: You just caught me.", "(Catherine steps into the room.)", "Catherine: Mr. Hsing, I'm Catherine Willows, from the Crime Lab, and I need to see the suit that you wore last night.", "Robert Hsing: You already have my fingerprints.", "Brass: Well, we can be finicky.", "Catherine: A rose petal from the victim's body was found to contain traces of vitisvinifera -- grapeseed oil. The kind that this hotel puts in your tub. We know that the killer's shirt was wet, so I need to see your clothes.", "(He takes the shirts wrapped in plastic off the suitcase rack.)", "Robert Hsing: I'll leave you my address in Hong Kong. You can ship them back to me when you're done.", "(She takes the shirts from him.)", "Catherine: Thank you.", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - NIGHT]", "(Catherine is back in the A/V Lab reviewing video from the elevator security camera. She watches it over and over again and appears to be stumped. She shakes her head as she thinks.)", "(Grissom walks in.)", "Catherine: Rose petals in the bathtub had traces of grapeseed oil. Killer's sleeves were wet.", "Grissom: So you get the clothes, you get your guy.", "Catherine: Dry cleaner screwed us.", "Grissom: Did he push all the buttons?", "Catherine: Yeah. Enough to keep that body moving, and leave me with a lot of partials.", "Grissom: A lot?", "(Catherine gets it. She looks at Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB - NIGHT]", "(Catherine scans all the partial prints into the computer.)", "VARIOUS CUTS", "(She puts a composite print together and runs it through the search to specifically match against Robert Hsing.)", "(The computer beeps. MATCH FOUND.)", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Robert Hsing is in the penthouse changing his tie. He turns and sees Donna Basset taking a bath in his tub.)", "Robert Hsing: You're in my water. You're the reason I'm losing!", "(He grabs her shoulders and pushes her down under the water. She struggles and gurgles.)", "Donna Basset: (V.O.) I changed his luck, and he took my life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - MORGUE]", "(Donna Basset talks with Rebecca McGill.)", "Donna Basset: Every time he came to Vegas, he would gamble for four hours exactly. And, you know, I took that bath every time.", "Rebecca McGill: You were murdered.", "Donna Basset: I was a cop. Thought I could see danger coming.", "Rebecca McGill: Well, not me. I got into more train wreck relationships than I can count. And then I met Gavin.", "Donna Basset: And ... ?", "(We move around to the back of Rebecca's head where we see a large hole and her skull empty. Her brains are gone.)", "Rebecca McGill: He was a great guy. And then I fell ... I fell hard.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[BLACK SCREEN, WHITE TEXT]", "CHAPTER II:", "NO BRAINER", "CUE SOUNDS: (PRE-LAP) A WOMAN GROANING, A CRUNCHING SOUND, THEN A WOMAN SCREAMING", "[EXT. NEVADA DESERT - DAY]", "INSERT: CGI VISUALIZATION", "(Looking up from the bottom of a tall cliff, a woman's body falls off the top. She screams as she hits the rocks and ledges on her way down.)", "(She hits the bottom.)", "Warrick:", "(Warrick is at the top of the cliff looking down at the drop below.)", "(Sofia walks up to him and joins him at the cliff's edge.)", "Sofia: Rebecca McGill. She was taking a hike with her husband Gavin. He was taking photos. One second she was there, the next she was gone. He went for help.", "Warrick: Hiking accident?", "Sofia: Maybe.", "(Sofia looks around.)", "Sofia: It's going to take you some time to get down there.", "(Warrick puts his dark glasses on.)", "Warrick: It's better than the express route she took.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEVADA DESERT (STOCK) - DAY]", "(Camera moves low and fast along the desert terrain.)", "[EXT. NEVADA DESERT - CLIFFSIDE -- DAY]", "(The coroners are at the bottom of the cliff with Greg. Warrick is near the top.)", "Warrick: Okay, Mr. Boy Scout.", "Greg: Eagle Scout. I didn't earn a chestful of merit badges for nothing.", "(Greg puts a flagged marker near a piece of bloodied cloth.)", "Greg: You see anything interesting up there?", "INSERT: CGI VISUALIZATION", "(The victim's body falls down the cliffside.)", "Warrick: Well, looks like she bounced around a lot up here at the top before she caught air.", "(The CGI body hits the side of the cliff and vanishes as it comes to a stop at the bottom.)", "Greg: She was hot.", "Warrick: You pay for \"hot,\" believe me.", "(Greg turns the head and sees the large empty hole in her skull.)", "Greg: It's a no-brainer. I guess that makes me the search party.", "(Greg starts climbing.)", "Warrick: Oh, I see it. You're getting warm.", "(Greg sees the bits of brain on the dirt.)", "Warrick: Hotter by the foot.", "(Greg continues climbing till he finds the brain in the grass.)", "Warrick: There you go.", "(Greg takes out a digital camera and snaps photos of the brain.)", "INSERT: CGI", "(Through the hole in the victim's head, the brain on the ground \"rewinds\" back into her skull.)", "Greg: It's hard to crack an egg without breaking the yolk.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Warrick: That's amazing.", "(Greg shuffles over to the side and picks up a cell phone.)", "Greg: Don't think she'll be needing it, but ... I found her cell phone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEVADA DESERT - TOP OF CLIFF - DAY]", "(Sofia and Warrick talk with Gavin McGill, Rebecca's husband. The body is wheeled on a gurney to the back of the coroner's van.)", "Gavin McGill: It was a bald eagle, and they're extremely rare, and Rebecca had to have a picture for our Christmas card.", "(He glances over at the body on the gurney.)", "Gavin McGill: (swallows) You take a picture, and you turn back around, and life as you know it is forever changed.", "Warrick: Sir, is that the camera that you used?", "Gavin McGill: Yeah.", "Warrick: May I see it?", "(He gives Warrick the camera. Warrick looks at the photos of Gavin and Rebecca.)", "Gavin McGill: This was supposed to be our second honeymoon. We fell in love at an Internet convention at the Hilton. Couldn't believe my luck. A model ... and a guy like me. Beauty and the geek.", "(There are six photos in the camera - a couple of Gavin and Rebecca; a couple of Rebecca showing off her wedding ring; and a couple of a flying eagle.)", "Warrick: What did you do after she fell?", "Gavin McGill: I ran to the edge, called down to her, and she didn't move.", "Sofia: Mr. McGill, you hiked to the ranger station for help. Why didn't you just use your cell phone?", "Gavin McGill: Bad reception.", "Sofia: You're free to go. But stay local.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENCIS AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins goes over his findings with Warrick.)", "Robbins: (re: the brain) Impressive that it remained intact.", "Warrick: I'd say.", "Robbins: So take a look at this.", "(CU of the victim's neck.)", "Robbins: The multiple embedded small rocks present in the neck area.", "(Camera zooms out.)", "Robbins: Also in the parietal and occipital scalp, suggest she landed head first. Extremity fractures, rib fractures, spine fracture -- all consistent with a fall. Multiple abrasions on the arms and legs. So I am guessing most were sustained before hitting the ground.", "Warrick: Well, I did find some blood on the rocks at the top of the cliff, as well as a piece of his shirt. Looks like it was a bumpy ride all the way down.", "Robbins: Yeah. Which could explain these abrasions.", "Warrick: She tore up her hands grabbing on to anything she could.", "Robbins: Severe lacerations on the backs of both hands and a broken right middle finger.", "Warrick: Was that sustained during the fall ... or did someone step on her hand?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick is on his cell phone leaving a phone message for Tina.)", "Warrick: (to phone) Tina, baby, can you give me a call when you get this? Listen, I know we haven't been spending quality time with each other, but I was thinking tonight we could ...", "(Henry Andrews steps out of the lab. He's carrying a file folder.)", "Henry Andrews: Uh, Warrick - Oh.", "(He sees Warrick on the phone.)", "Henry Andrews: (whispers) I'll come back.", "(Warrick hangs up and puts his phone away.)", "Warrick: Work comes first. What's up?", "(They start walking down the hallway together.)", "Henry Andrews: Oh, uh, tox came back. I detected traces of sertraline in the vic's blood. It's a currently popular anti-depressant. She had moderate levels of alcohol, oh, six percent.", "Warrick: That's a dangerous combination.", "Henry Andrews: But it's not that unusual.", "Warrick: Well, would you let your wife drink if she was on medication?", "Henry Andrews: If I had a wife? No.", "(They walk out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Warrick and Sofia interview Gavin McGill.)", "Warrick: So let me get this straight. You took your depressed wife to the top of Red Rock Canyon, shared a bottle of wine, and then you went on a nature hike?", "Gavin McGill: What are you implying?", "Sofia: Did you know she was on anti-depressants?", "Gavin McGill: She made her living with her looks and, lately, she'd been worried about ... losing them.", "Sofia: Worried enough to kill herself?", "Gavin McGill: (smiles) I was going to take her to New York and then to Paris. We started talking about planning a family. Suicidal people don't make plans.", "Warrick: Maybe it wasn't a suicide, but then again, you're the only one left. You can say anything you want.", "Sofia: Let's just say your marriage wasn't so rosy. Alimony's a bitch. You get her drunk. It's cheap just to shove her off a cliff.", "Warrick: According to the coroner, the evidence suggests that her hands may have been stepped on.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Rebecca hangs off the edge of the cliff. Gavin steps on her hands and she falls. Rebecca screams. Her body hits the bottom.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Gavin McGill: You're right, Rebecca was drifting away. She became a different person. The meds weren't helping enough. I thought if I took her to Vegas, where we met, it would snap her out of it, but instead, she jumped.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Rebecca stands at the edge of the cliff. Gavin starts running to her.)", "Gavin McGill: No, no.", "(She jumps.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Gavin McGill: (crying) It is my fault. I never should've taken her out there.", "Sofia: Why didn't you just tell us this in the first place?", "Gavin McGill: Would you want people to know that your wife would rather be dead than spend another minute with you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Warrick shows his findings to Grissom as they walk through the hallway. Grissom reads the report.)", "Warrick: Well, if he is lying, somebody should give him an Emmy award.", "Grissom: Well, there's plenty of physical evidence, but it's all ambiguous.", "Warrick: Yeah. Ultimately, I think he is responsible, whether he meant harm or not.", "Grissom: Well, you know, there's precedent for charging him with promoting a suicide attempt. It's reckless endangerment. There was a case in New York, but it's hard to make that charge stick.", "Warrick: Well, what if I can prove she tried to kill herself before?", "Grissom: How do you do that?", "Warrick: Well, I have her phone. I could go through the most recent calls. If I know women, the husband's usually the last person to know anything.", "(Grissom hands the file folder back to Warrick and walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Warrick takes the cell phone out of the evidence bag, hooks it up to the computer and checks the RECENT CALLS. A list appears:", "(He copies the list to the hard drive. He checks the PICTURE HISTORY and finds the FOLDER IS EMPTY.)", "(He checks the CAMCORDER and finds VIDEO R1004.MP4.)", "(He plays the video.)", "(Rebecca and Gavin are struggling. She falls and he looms up above her. He steps closer, looks down at her, kicks her and she falls. The monitor goes black.)", "(Warrick is stunned.)", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Gavin walks up to Rebecca. She turns and they struggle.)", "Rebecca McGill: Gavin, what are you doing? Gav ... wait ... No! No!", "(He pushes her off the cliff. She slides and manages to hang on to the edge.)", "Rebecca McGill: Wait! No - Oh, my God ...", "(Gavin steps up to her and kicks her hands.)", "(She falls.)", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Warrick shows Gavin the photo of him.)", "Warrick: We have a witness. Why did you kill your wife, Mr. McGill?", "Gavin McGill: You try having a hot wife. You pay for it every day. I want a lawyer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - MORGUE]", "(Rebecca shakes her head.)", "Rebecca McGill: I finally found a guy who liked me for my brains. Turns out he thought I didn't have any.", "(The door opens.)", "(A fourth body is rolled into the morgue in between Rebecca and another gurney on the far end with a red-haired man on it. The new body has a tattoo on his upper right arm.)", "(The door closes.)", "(Jack Day sits up and looks around.)", "Jack Day: Excuse me, ladies? Have you seen my wife? Her-her name's Cara.", "Rebecca McGill: No.", "Jack Day: Or my little girl? I had a beautiful little girl. She was only about that big. (He holds his arms as if carrying a baby.) You ain't seen her, have you?", "Donna Basset: (shakes her head) Nope. Just us.", "Jack Day: So they're not here?", "(He looks up and away. He exhales, relieved.)", "Jack Day: Okay. Then, it's okay. Anywhere but here, right?", "(He laughs, relieved.)", "Rebecca McGill: So, how'd you get here?", "Jack Day: Oh, ma'am, I thought the war was hell until I came to Vegas.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[BLACK SCREEN, WHITE TEXT]", "CHAPTER III:", "EMBALMY DAY", "CUE SOUNDS: (PRELAP) CAR TIRES SCREECH, CAR CRASHES", "[EXT. VEGAS STREET -- NIGHT]", "(Inside the car, a red-haired man is face-forward in his steering wheel.)", "(Outside, Nick ducks under the crime scene tape as Officer Linda Mendosa explains what happened.)", "Linda Mendosa: Knucklehead just blew the stop and ran right into the side of my car.", "(They walk toward the two cars - one black four-door smashed into the side of the officer car.)", "Nick: Damn. You're lucky -- I don't even see any skid marks.", "Linda Mendosa: Didn't even try to stop! Just dropped off my partner -- otherwise I would've been sitting in that passenger seat.", "(Nick snaps a photo and sees the blood on the outside driver's door handle.)", "Nick: Hey, Linda ...", "(Nick removes his camera from around his neck. He takes out a swab and preps it.)", "Nick: You didn't touch the outside of that door handle, did you?", "Linda Mendosa: No. I know better. Been to a couple of forensic classes taught by you lab guys. Reached in through the window to check his vitals -- he was dead. Paramedics pronounced; made sure no one touched anything.", "Nick: You did good. This might take a while, if you want to take a little break or something. Thanks.", "(Linda Mendosa leaves.)", "(Nick swabs some blood off the car door.)", "Robbins: (o.s.) Hey, Nick.", "Nick: Hey, Doc. What brings you out?", "Robbins: David's on a pickup, and he's got another two lined up after that. He's going for some sort of record.", "Nick: Dig in.", "(Robbins opens the car door and looks at the body as Nick walks around the car.)", "Robbins: What was going through his mind just before he crashed into the police cruiser? \"I want to die today and take somebody with me\"?", "Nick: Huh?", "Robbins: Nothing.", "(Robbins reaches in and removes the victim's wallet.)", "Robbins: Got a wallet.", "(He takes out the driver's license. It reads:", "CARIS, RUSSELL", "50 VIKING CIRCLE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101 )", "Robbins: Mr. Russell Caris.", "(Nick opens the passenger door and snaps a photo.)", "Robbins: He has dried blood on his hands and on the steering wheel but no bleeding wounds that could have contributed to it.", "(Nick finds a knife on the passenger seat.)", "Nick: This could explain the blood.", "(He holds it up. The blade is bloody.)", "Nick: Sofia ...", "(Sofia, who is on her phone, walks toward them. Robbins hands her the driver's license.)", "Robbins: Here you go.", "(She looks over at Nick.)", "Nick: You might want to put out a broadcast on Mr. Caris and his vehicle. (She shows him the knife.) Possible stabbing suspect.", "Sofia: Well, he's definitely good for something. I'll include the local hospitals in case they've had a stab victim.", "Robbins: Why wouldn't he have thrown that knife away?", "Nick: He's not smart.", "(Robbins laughs.)", "Robbins: This is natural selection. The dumb ones die.", "(Sofia hangs up.)", "Sofia: The good ones, too. I just found your stab victim.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. GAS STATION -- DAY]", "(Officers tape off the area. A large American flag flies on the pole nearby.)", "(Nick and Sofia stand over the dead body.)", "Sofia: Patrol got a 415b call. Man with a knife. The paramedics rolled up soon after they did. The guy was already dead.", "Nick: Was he alone?", "Sofia: No. He was with his family.", "(Nick puts his sunglasses on and sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Nick and Sofia talk with Cara Stone, Jack's wife. She's carrying her baby daughter.)", "Cara Stone: We were getting gas, and, uh, some lunatic came up ...", "(The baby starts crying.)", "Cara Stone: ... just stabbed my husband in the chest. My baby saw Jack get stabbed.", "Sofia: Did your husband know the man?", "Cara Stone: No. And Jack offered him his wallet. The guy just muttered something, just ... just stabbed Jack. And left the wallet. Why ... why did he do this? My ... my husband just met his daughter.", "Sofia: Wha ... what do you mean, he just met his daughter?", "Cara Stone: He just got back from his second tour in Iraq.", "Nick: Would you recognize this guy if you saw him again?", "(Cara nods.)", "(Nick shows her his digital camera view screen and a photo of the red-haired man from the car crash.)", "Nick: Is that him right there?", "Cara Stone: That's him. Well ... is he dead? Who is he? Why did he kill my husband?", "Nick: That's what I'm gonna find out for you. Why don't you go with this officer right now. She'll take care of you, all right? I'll do my best to keep you informed, ma'am, I promise.", "(Cara Stone and the officer leave. Nick and Sofia head back to the victim.)", "Sofia: Um ... I'll check with the clerk, see if his surveillance camera was working.", "Nick: Yeah, there's some-some ... oil and grease around the pump. I'll check the tire and ... shoe impressions.", "(They reach Jack. Nick sighs.)", "Sofia: Made it back from the war to die on the streets of Las Vegas.", "Nick: I'm telling you, no place is safe anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins reports his findings to Nick.)", "Robbins: Sergeant Jack Day was in top condition except for the single stab wound to his chest. Knife entered the fourth intercostal space, transected the fourth intercostal muscle, and the left internal mammary artery. COD's exsanguination.", "Nick: What about the crash-test dummy here?", "(Nick and Robbins turn to the body on the second table.)", "Robbins: Interesting case. He has intense erythema of the tracheal mucosa extending down into the main stem bronchi.", "INSERT: CGI ENHANCEMENT", "(The victim inhales. An x-ray view of the victim's chest shows the smoke entering into his lungs and turning the lungs black.)", "BACK TO SCENE", "Nick: You don't get that from an auto accident, do you?", "Robbins: No. You get it from inhalation of some caustic poison or drug. I sent samples to Tox.", "Nick: Okay, good. So ... COD?", "Robbins: Well, the impact of the accident caused the first cervical vertebrae to tear away from his skull, lacerating the brain stem.", "Nick: His skull separated from his spine.", "Robbins: Exactly.", "Nick: Should've been wearing a seat belt.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "(Nick and Archie are reviewing surveillance tapes from the gas station. On the monitor, they watch the car crash victim get out of his car and stagger over to Jack Day, who is filling his car up with gas.)", "(Jack backs away from him. The attacker takes out a knife. Jack reaches into his back pocket and takes his wallet out. He offers it to the attacker.)", "(We push into the monitor and see the scene as a flashback. Jack backs away.)", "Jack Day: No!", "(The attacker stabs Jack in the chest.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Archie shakes his head.)", "Archie: Well, why'd he stab him? I mean, it's not like he put up a fight.", "Nick: And why does he pick the biggest guy at the station?", "Archie: You think that guy in the back would be an easier target.", "Nick: Rewind it back to this fool getting out of the Buick.", "(Archie rewinds the video and they watch it again. The attacker gets out of the car and staggers as he heads for Jack.)", "Nick: He seems disoriented, shaky ... high on something.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Henry Andrews: (V.O.) He had fairly high levels of THC in his blood.", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Henry Andrews shares his findings with Nick.)", "Henry Andrews: 97 nanograms per milliliter.", "Nick: THC? That's it?", "Henry Andrews: Isn't that what you were looking for?", "Nick: No, I was kind of thinking there was something else in there. You should've seen this guy -- he was acting really ... sketched out.", "Henry Andrews: Sometimes people are just crazy.", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - DAY]", "(Nick examines the smashed-up Buick. He opens the ashtray and finds a joint.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Henry Andrews is holding the joint Nick found in the ashtray. He reports his findings to Nick.)", "Henry Andrews: Well, you're persistent, I'll give you that. I tested the remaining marijuana in the paper wrapper. You were right. The joint was dipped.", "Nick: PCP?", "Henry Andrews: No. Embalming fluid.", "Nick: \"Embalming fluid\" is the street name for PCP.", "Henry Andrews: Yeah, but I don't use street names when I don't mean to. No, I mean real, inject-into-a-dead-person embalming fluid, made of formaldehyde, methanol, ethanol, all that bad stuff.", "Nick: So this guy was smoking wet.", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Grissom and Nick talk.)", "Grissom: Well, the embalming fluid would make the marijuana burn slower, giving it more chance to be absorbed, creating a longer lasting high, I would imagine.", "Nick: So, now, what do I tell Sergeant Day's widow? A retired Marine who served two tours in Iraq. That-that all this is about getting higher?", "Grissom: You got to tell her the truth.", "[INT. CSI - WAITING ROOM - DAY]", "(Nick talks with Cara Stone.)", "Cara Stone: (crying) It-it was ... it was just random? That's the reason I don't have a husband? That's why?", "Nick: (softly) I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MORGUE]", "(Back in the morgue, Jack Day smiles.)", "Rebecca McGill: So after all that, how can you be happy?", "Jack Day: (shakes his head) You don't get it. This is the best week of my life. I got to hold my baby girl.", "(He looks at her and winks. He lies back down on the morgue table and closes his eyes, a small smile on his face.)", "(Suddenly, Lou Beltran, a dark-haired man on the gurney at the far end of the line-up, sits up. He looks around and swears violently.)", "Lou Beltran: Oh, son of a bitch!", "(The man on the gurney next to him also sits up. He's missing his left arm.)", "Ray Gaynor: Let me tell you something, you got nothing to bitch about here.", "(Ray Gaynor puts a cigarette in his mouth with his good right hand. Donna Basset watches wide-eyed as Ray tries to open a matchbook with his right hand.)", "Donna Basset: I don't think you can smoke in here.", "Lou Beltran: Nah. Let him try.", "Rebecca McGill: No, you guys, we're gonna be here a long time. Let's just try to keep it pleasant, okay?", "Lou Beltran: (angry) I'm not even supposed to be here.", "Ray Gaynor: Tell me about it.", "Cue Sound: (PRE-LAP) CHAINSAW WHIRRING", "[BLACK SCREEN, WHITE TEXT]", "CHAPTER IV:", "THE NEVADA CHAINSAW MASSACRE", "CUE SOUNDS: (PRELAP) CHAINSAW WHIRRING CONTINUES, TWO MEN SCREAMING, CHAINSAW STRIKES SOMETHING HARD AND STOPS.", "[CU: A WEDDING PHOTO]", "(A man in a suit and a woman in her wedding gown smile happily at the camera.)", "[EXT. BELTRAN RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE - DAY]", "(Camera pulls back and we see the framed photo in the trash bin.)", "(Brass joins up with Grissom and Sara as they all head for the house.)", "Brass: The hot weather, the full moon, too many people moving to Vegas. Whatever the reason, the natives are restless. (points) Scene's in the garage.", "(On their way up the driveway, Sara and Grissom see a splotch of something messy on the center of the concrete.)", "Sara: Well, that's not a good sign.", "Grissom: Bacon and eggs?", "(They both stop and examine the mess. Brass waves them to continue up the driveway.)", "Brass: Yeah, no, you know, don't bother about that. That's the water delivery boy. He lost his breakfast, and his bottle.", "(They continue up the driveway and walk past the water bottle on the ground.)", "Brass: He said the house belonged to a guy named Lou Beltran.", "Grissom: Is he one of the victims?", "Brass: He couldn't tell. The door's been forced.", "(They reach the garage door and see that it's partially opened.)", "[INT. BELTRAN RESIDENCE - GARAGE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The door creaks open and Sara steps inside. The garage is a mess. There are two dead bodies; one of them has their left arm completely severed and is lying in a pool of blood. The second body is nearby in another pool of blood, a bloodied chainsaw between them. Broken furniture covered with a layer of blood spatter is scattered around the room.)", "(Sara and Grissom both remove their sunglasses. They're stunned by what they're looking at.)", "Sara: I thought this only happened in the movies.", "VARIOUS CUTS OF THE DEAD BODIES", "Grissom: Life imitates art.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BELTRAN RESIDENCE - GARAGE - DAY]", "VARIOUS CUTS OF THE DEAD BODIES", "(The camera flashes as Grissom stands on top a ladder and takes photos of the blood-spatter patterns on the ceiling.)", "(Finished, he checks out the ceiling to make sure he's got it all. Then, he checks out Sara, who is printing the door, her head down and concentrating on her work.)", "Grissom: Okay. You first.", "(Grissom climbs down the ladder.)", "Sara: All right. Kicked-in door, one bloody chainsaw, two dead bodies. Someone broke in, cut up the two guys, left the murder weapon and split.", "(Grissom looks at the furniture cut into pieces.)", "Grissom: What about all this mess, the furniture and appliances?", "Sara: Some of the furniture looks new. Some of it's cut up, some of it's not. (She puts her printing powder and brush down. She steps into the room as she theorizes.) Maybe they were cutting it up when the assailant came in.", "Grissom: That's a workable theory for now.", "(Grissom snaps photos of the blood spatter on the furniture.)", "(Sara sits on a nearby overturned tub.)", "Sara: You know what this reminds me of? The first time we met. San Francisco. Your lecture. Double murder in a garage. I'd heard you were a little ... dull as a speaker, but you can't rely on your first blush.", "(beat)", "Sara: That was the, uh, subject of your talk.", "Grissom: I believe I said first opinions are crucial, but if the evidence changes, so must the theory.", "Sara: Exactly.", "(Brass steps into the room, putting his gloves on. He stops at the doorway.)", "Brass: Hey. Any ID on them yet?", "Grissom: We're still working our way in.", "Brass: Well, you know, I'm kinda stuck until I know who they are, so, uh ... Sara, do me a favor, will you? Reach into that barbecue and hand me his wallet.", "Sara: Sure.", "(Sara carefully steps near the body and reaches down to pull out the wallet from the man's pants pocket. She hands it to Brass.)", "Brass: Thank you.", "(He checks out the driver's license. It belongs to:", "GAYNOR, RAY", "31160 DESERT WAY", "HENDERSON, NV )", "Brass: This guy doesn't live here. This is Ray Gaynor, lives a few houses down.", "(Grissom stops taking photos and looks up from his camera. Sara points to the other body.)", "Sara: Maybe the other one's Lou.", "Brass: I don't know, but I'd bet my right arm that's his left arm.", "(Grissom tosses them a look.)", "(Brass chuckles. Sara stifles a smile.)", "Brass: I'm gonna see if the one-arm man has a wife who knows how to operate a chainsaw.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Someone wielding a chainsaw attacks Ray Gaynor.)", "BACK TO SCENE", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins shares his findings with Grissom. Both bodies are out in the room.)", "Robbins: It was a jagged, sharp force injury to the base of the neck on the right side. Wound extends down and left laterally from the right shoulder to the left hip. Wound becomes shallow and then separates into individual incisions.", "(Grissom notes the watch tan on the victim's right wrist.)", "Robbins: Directionality of the individual wounds is from bottom to top.", "Grissom: All chainsaws operate the same way, right? (Robbins nods.) Chain travels around the bar, teeth move away from the operator around the top and come back on the bottom.", "Robbins: Mm-hmm.", "Grissom: So, if our guy, Lou, was attacked from the front, the teeth would hit him from a downward angle.", "Robbins: Leaving downward wounds instead of the upward wounds you see here.", "Grissom: So ... what? He was attacked from behind?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Sara is swabbing blood off the chainsaw when Grissom walks in.)", "Sara: Guess who owns the chainsaw.", "(Grissom puts his glasses on and looks at the etching on the plastic:", "RAY GAYNOR", "Grissom: Ray Gaynor. The neighbor.", "Sara: I also found bits of wood and metal shavings on the inside of the cover plate, consistent with the furniture and appliances. The teeth on the chain are dull, probably from cutting them up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews Lou's wife, Julia Beltran. She's also the woman in the framed wedding photo found in the trash outside the house.)", "Julia Beltran: Don't tell me Lou cut up my mother's headboard.", "Brass: Was it blue?", "(She takes a deep breath. She nods.)", "Brass: Sorry.", "Julia Beltran: How about my dining room set?", "Brass: Um ... I think there's a couple of chairs left.", "Julia Beltran: Damn that man. Everything I asked for in the divorce. Did he get the living room furniture?", "Brass: No.", "Julia Beltran: Figures. That was going to be his. Well, now it's mine. The b*st*rd can rot in hell.", "Brass: So, Mrs. Beltran, I assume the divorce wasn't final.", "Julia Beltran: No. Lou held it up out of spite.", "Brass: Hmm. Do you know Ray Gaynor?", "Julia Beltran: Decent guy. Never married. Lots of women around, though. Pretty handy with his tools.", "Brass: Uh-huh.", "Julia Beltran: Halfwit would go over there and Ray'd teach him how to do things. Too bad he never taught him how to be more of a man.", "Brass: Look, I gotta ask you this -- where were you last night?", "Julia Beltran: Thirty-two thousand feet over the Pacific with 300 other people.", "Brass: So you were in a plane.", "Julia Beltran: I'm a flight attendant. But go ahead and ask me if I'm sorry he's dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Sara wheels a dummy into the mini plastic room they've put up. Grissom goes to stand next to the other dummy already there. Each dummy has a white foam strip covering the saw cuts for the person they represent --- Grissom's dummy has a foam strip on its left shoulder and Sara's dummy has a foam strip across its chest.)", "Sara: Where do you want him?", "Grissom: Put him under the Lou Beltran spatter. And load him up.", "(On the ceiling are red lines indicating the blood spatter similar to that found at the crime scene. Sara positions the dummy in the right spot.)", "VARIOUS DISSOLVES OF SARA AND GRISSOM BOTH SPRAYING BLUE INK OVER THE WHITE FOAM STRIPS ON THE DUMMIES.", "(When they're finished, they put their spray bottles down. Grissom picks up his chainsaw.)", "(Grissom powers up his chainsaw and cuts downward into the foam strip. The blue paint spatters on the ceiling plastic in the opposite direction of the red spatter.)", "(Grissom stops and looks up.)", "Sara: Blue test paint is not lining up with the red known spatter.", "Grissom: Well, the body's in the correct relative position. But the angle's off.", "Sara: What could throw the angle off?", "(Grissom looks at the ceiling and at the chainsaw. He tries to line it up.)", "Grissom: I don't know, but it's very awkward to try and line this up.", "(Sara watches him for a moment, then gets an idea.)", "Sara: You know ...", "(She reaches for the chainsaw and takes it from Grissom.)", "Sara: ... what if you line it up switching hands, like this?", "(Sara holds the chainsaw differently. She powers it up and cuts into the foam. The blue ink spatter lines up with the red spatter.)", "Sara: Ray Gaynor's killer was left-handed.", "Grissom: Lou Beltran wore his watch on his right wrist.", "INSERT: PHOTO FLASH OF LOU BELTRAN'S RIGHT ARM.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Grissom: I bet he was left-handed.", "(Sara lifts up her mask.)", "Sara: So ... Lou could have killed Ray, cut off his arm ... but who killed Lou?", "Grissom: Doc Robbins said that the cuts on Lou's body were made when the chain was traveling upwards.", "(Sara motions with the chainsaw. Grissom's eyes widen.)", "Sara: Well, if I attacked you, the chain would be traveling downwards when held normally by a left-or a right-handed person.", "Grissom: Which means that the top of the chain had to be facing him.", "Sara: The way that this works, is if Lou was holding the saw.", "(Sara steps back.)", "Sara: The chain was dull from cutting up his wife's things. The wife told Brass that he wasn't very handy.", "Grissom: An inexperienced left-handed operator with a dull chainsaw certainly increases the risk for injury.", "(Sara lifts the saw straight upward and back toward her.)", "Sara: Kickback.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[INT. BELTRAN RESIDENCE - GARAGE - DAY]", "(Lou Beltran is using Ray's saw to cut up his wife's furniture.)", "Ray Gaynor: You don't know what you're doing!", "(Ray grabs Lou from behind, trying to get him to stop.)", "Lou Beltran: I know exactly what I'm doing!", "(Lou pushes Ray away from him. He swings the chainsaw around and cuts Ray.)", "(Ray screams.)", "(Blood spatters on the ceiling.)", "(He hits the floor with a thud.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "[INT. MORGUE - DAY]", "(Grissom is in the morgue teaching the class. They surround the bodies on the tables. He summarizes.)", "Grissom: So he chainsawed his wife's furniture and appliances, the metal dulled the blade, and the kickback from the chainsaw is what killed him.", "Smart Girl: So it was an accident.", "Grissom: How many of you are right-handed?", "(Most everyone raises their hands.)", "Grissom: Left-handed?", "(The smart girl raises her hand.)", "Grissom: Twenty-five hundred left-handed people die each year using products designed for right-handed people.", "Smart Girl: Okay, but how do you know there wasn't a third person that killed both of them?", "Grissom: A third person would have left shoe impressions in the blood, various other sign -- there was none.", "Smart Girl: You're absolutely certain?", "Grissom: Part of being a CSI is learning to work in the absence of absolute certainty. Each and every case brings us a new opportunity to learn something. For instance, in the case of Donna Basset, we can see that there is no such thing as an insignificant detail. (He points to Rebecca McGill.) Here, the evidence itself can bear witness. Don't just look for what you think you're going to find. (He points to Jack Day.) And this one, never impose logic on an illogical act. (Then to Ray and Lou.) And finally, if the evidence changes, your theory must change as well. Questions?", "(The male student raises his hand.)", "Male Student: How do you deal with the smell?", "Grissom: You get used to it.", "Male Student: I'm not sure I can do this.", "Grissom: Well, not everyone can.", "Smart Girl: Why do you do it?", "Grissom: Because the dead can't speak for themselves.", "(They look at each other.)", "TOP VIEW DOWN", "(The students and Grissom leave the room. We hold on the six bodies in the morgue.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Toe Tags
[ "The team investigates a series of brutal tourist beatings that take place within the span of a few hours throughout the city, all done by a bizarre group of hooded people with strange physical features. The case gets personal for the CSI when one of their own is badly beaten trying to save one of the victims during an assault." ]
[ "FLASH IN:", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[CU: CLOCK]", "(The time clock reads midnight. Vasco Ruiz punches out. He takes his name tag off and puts it in his pocket and walks through the hallway.)", "[INT. GOLDEN SAPPHIRE -- GARAGE - CORRIDOR -- NIGHT]", "(Vasco Ruiz takes out his cell phone and dials.)", "Vasco Ruiz: (to phone) Hola, cariño. Todo bien? Estan mis bebes durmiendo como bebes?", "(He continues walking through the corridor and heads for the garage. He passes by a man dressed for work walking in the opposite direction.)", "Vasco Ruiz: (to phone) Sí, ya se, ya se. No me reganes mas. Sí, sí. Comida para el bebe. Sí, pan, leche. Mira, cariño, ahorita vengo.", "(He reaches the garage and continues walking. A car slowly drives down the ramp. He doesn't pay any attention to it.)", "Vasco Ruiz: (to phone) Te quiero.", "(He hangs up with a smile on his face. He kisses the phone, folds it and continues walking through the dark garage.)", "(Vasco Ruiz walks down the ramp and passes by a drunk singing in the dark.)", "Drunk: (singing) Danke schoen / Oh, darling / danke schoen / danke schoen, oh, darling / danke schoen / thank you for all the joy and pain ...", "(He continues through the garage.)", "(A figure moves swiftly across the camera and disappears back into the darkness.)", "(Vasco Ruiz continues walking. The drunk's singing fades into the background. Vasco has his keys in his hand. He turns when he hears clanking behind him.)", "(He continues walking.)", "(Suddenly, a masked figure runs up to him from behind, grabs him and punches him hard. Vasco drops his phone and falls to the ground. The masked figure continues to punch and beat up Vasco.)", "(As the beatings continue, we hold on the photo image of Vasco and his wife Lucita on the phone.)", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. GOLDEN SAPPHIRE HOTEL - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom and Catherine shine their flashlights on Vasco Ruiz's body. His face is bloody.)", "(Brass walks up to them carrying an ID badge.)", "Brass: The vic had nothing on him but his casino ID. Name is Vasco Ruiz. He's a dishwasher here at the Golden Sapphire.", "(Grissom snaps photos. Catherine kneels down next to the body.)", "Brass: My guess he got off his shift, went to his car, got whacked.", "Catherine: By what?", "Brass: A blender?", "(Grissom snaps more photos.)", "Grissom: Surveillance?", "Brass: Not in the employee structure.", "Grissom: Witnesses?", "Brass: Well, we found a Wayne Newton impersonator, but all I could get him to do was sing a few bars of \"Danke Schoen\". But no wallet no cash, no cell phone, no car keys. Smells like a robbery.", "Catherine: Maybe it was his payday.", "Grissom: Even if this guy was walking out of here with a million dollars ... this is way more than excessive.", "Catherine: Personal.", "Brass: Yeah, I'm gonna go get personal with his boss. See what he knows.", "(Brass hands the phone to Catherine. He turns and leaves the area.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MOTEL -- NIGHT]", "(A young woman steps out of her motel room and starts walking across the dark parking lot. She's alone and dressed to have a night out on the town. In her hands, she has her drink and her bag.)", "(She reaches the end of the parking lot and sees the strip off in the distance several blocks away from her. She smiles, takes a sip of her drink, and starts walking.)", "[EXT. SIDEWALK - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(A man rides past her on a bike. He rings the bike bell. The young woman continues walking down the sidewalk. Sirens wail in the distance.)", "(She turns the corner and walks through an unlit parking area.)", "(She takes out a small pocket mirror and checks her lipstick. She turns the mirror and sees a hooded figure standing behind her.)", "(She puts the mirror down and finds a hooded figure standing in front of her.)", "(She screams.)", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. GOLDEN SAPPHIRE HOTEL - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(The area in the parking garage is taped off. Grissom walks down the aisles looking for evidence. He stops and finds a set of keys near a side pillar. He picks it up and looks at it.)", "(Grissom looks around the area at a car parked nearby. He gets up and walks over to the parked car. He tries the key and opens the door. He kneels down and sees two dice hanging from the rear-view mirror. On the dice are pictures of Vasco Ruiz's two kids, one on each fuzzy block.)", "(He looks around the car.)", "(In the background, Grissom hears dispatch over the police radio. He looks up and sees the police scrambling for their cars. The next call is only a few blocks away from their present location.)", "Dispatch: (muffled)", "Officer: Got a 4-15, we gotta go.", "(Grissom stands up. The police officers start their car engines, turn their sirens on and head up the parking garage ramp.)", "(Grissom goes back to looking at the car.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Sirens wail in the distance.)", "[EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT]", "(Jessica is wheeled out on a gurney, her head in a brace. She is badly beaten and bruised.)", "(The gurney passes Warrick and Brass on their way in.)", "Warrick: (to Brass) You got a name?", "Brass: She's not talking.", "Warrick: What about ID?", "Brass: He must've taken her wallet.", "Warrick: Cell phone?", "Brass: It's not here; they took it. Somebody had to see something.", "(Brass walks away. Warrick reaches Nick at the site.)", "Warrick: Hey.", "Nick: Hi.", "(Warrick looks at her things on the ground, most stained with blood.)", "Warrick: Well, we got a souvenir cup that screams \"tourist.\"", "Nick: (nods) Yep.", "Warrick: I don't see a bar anywhere around here. She must've been either going to or coming from the strip.", "(Nick looks around the area. It's isolated, dark and dangerous-looking.)", "Nick: But she shouldn't have been walking around here, Warrick. Couldn't pick a shadier part of town, man.", "Warrick: You know these tourists don't know what they're getting when they book a trip to Vegas online.", "(Warrick kneels down and looks around.)", "Warrick: They think \"I got a room on the strip for 75 bucks. Whoo, what a deal.\"", "Nick: Then they mosey through the naked city with their thousand dollar cameras.", "(Warrick nods.)", "Nick: Next thing you know, we're taking their picture.", "Warrick: You know what? Grissom's crime scene is just five blocks from here. Both victims had their wallets and their cell phones stolen. And they were both beaten down in the same way.", "Nick: Looks like someone's on a little crime spree.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(David Phillips washes down the victim's head as Catherine watches.)", "Catherine: Uh, David, hang on.", "(She stops David. She finds a piece of toenail in the victim's mouth and removes it. She holds it up.)", "David: Looks like a woman's toenail.", "Catherine: Well, it's not necessarily a woman's.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(In the hospital room, Sara snaps photos of Jessica's cuts and bruises. Jessica is in a neck brace. She flinches from the camera flashes.)", "(Sara moves in closer and snaps more photos.)", "(Sara sets the camera down, then picks up forceps and a bindle.)", "Sara: Jessica ... this might hurt a little bit, but it's going to help us get the people who did this to you.", "(Sara picks off trace she finds on Jessica's facial cuts and puts it in the bindle. Jessica flinches and groans.)", "Sara: I'm sorry. Thank you.", "(Sara sets the bindle aside and picks up the camera again.)", "Sara: Do you have any other injuries?", "Jessica Hershbaum: Yeah. On my left side. Ow.", "(Jessica rolls over on her side, her back to Sara. Sara leans in and looks.)", "Sara: Could you lift your left arm for me, please?", "(With a lot of pain and difficulty, Jessica raises her arm. She cries from the effort. Sara snaps a photo of the bruised indention on her side. It's in the shape of an \"F.\")", "Sara: Thank you.", "(Sara steps away. Jessica lowers her arm and rolls back.)", "Jessica Hershbaum: I just got out of a ten-year relationship. So I decided to take a solo trip to Vegas. You know, try the whole \"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.\"", "(Sara picks more trace out of Jessica's facial cuts and places it in a bindle.)", "Sara: Been there.", "Jessica Hershbaum: Yeah, well, I get to take this face back with me.", "(Jessica cries. Sara picks up a pen to mark the bindle.)", "Jessica Hershbaum: Well, did anybody else get hurt?", "Sara: Why do you ask?", "Jessica Hershbaum: I heard them say that I was number two. Was there a number one?", "Sara: There was.", "Jessica Hershbaum: How are they doing?", "Sara: He died.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY -- NIGHT]", "(The pack of hooded people moves swiftly through the dark alleyway. Someone violently kicks something in their way and laughs.)", "(The pack continues on.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine is marking the various shoe prints on the victim's shirt. She sticks a sticker next to each print as she identifies it.)", "(Greg walks in. He's dressed in a suit and looking snazzy. There's a gait in his step and his spirits are up. Catherine looks up and he poses for her, turning this way and that to show off his threads.)", "Catherine: All right, slick. Now what's with the suit?", "Greg: (proudly) Today was my first jury trial.", "Catherine: Today ended ... (she checks her watch) ... an hour and a half ago.", "Greg: Well, maybe I just don't want the day to end.", "Catherine: Well, if that's the case, why don't you help my day end quicker and help me isolate some shoe treads. (She tosses the roll of stickers to him. He catches it.) Take the pants.", "(Greg walks around the table and grabs some latex gloves from the box. He puts them on.)", "Catherine: So ... ? How'd you do on the stand?", "Greg: So good the prosecutor took me to dinner.", "Catherine: Female?", "Greg: Yeah, she was icing. (Greg puts a sticker on the pants near a shoe print.) I was just happy to finally see a case from the crime scene to the courtroom. We freakin' buried the guy. It was bad ass. I dropped the hammer ... he was squirming in his chair.", "Catherine: How many different patterns you have there?", "Greg: Five different patterns.", "(Greg walks around the table and moves the pants closer to Catherine's shirt so she can see and compare the patterns herself.)", "Catherine: Well, I've got three different ones on the t-shirt.", "(She points out the different shoe patterns.)", "Catherine: I mean, this one that looks like an athletic shoe sure got around. As did this pointed toe high-heeled one. Check out the heel mark.", "Greg: So did this work boot.", "Catherine: (teases) What do you know about work boots? I'm guessing you haven't worked a day of hard labor in your life.", "Greg: I wore Doc Martens in high school. It was the style.", "Catherine: Yeah, for skinheads.", "Greg: Yeah, they kind of ruined it for everyone.", "Catherine: You know, one of the victims was Hispanic, the other was Jewish. Maybe this was a hate crime.", "(Greg picks up a photo of the victim's bashed-in face.)", "Greg: Sure looks like hate to me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Robbins looks at the body as he shares his findings with Grissom. Grissom writes on the clipboard.)", "Robbins: Vasco Ruiz was someone's punching bag. He suffered multiple abrasions, lacerations, contusions. I found no particular patterns, sharp edges or tool marks from any weapons.", "Grissom: Do fists and feet count?", "Robbins: He had too many bruises to count, one on top of another. And under the skin, things get even worse.", "INSERT: CSI ENHANCEMENT", "(Camera zooms in to the bones in the victim's hands. As Robbins speaks, the bones snap and break.)", "Robbins: Long bone fractures of the fingers, radius, ulna, humerus.", "(Camera zooms in to the chest cavity. The bones break there as well.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) Rib fractures, flail chest. Fractures of the vault and base of skull. Almost every bone in his face.", "(The skull bones break as well.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Robbins: Somewhere along the way, he took a shot to the head that resulted in a subdural hematoma. COD is multiple blunt force trauma.", "Grissom: Could one person have done this?", "Robbins: (shakes his head and sighs) Not even Mike Tyson.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. LIQUOR STORE -- NIGHT]", "(The liquor store owner rattles off the damage to Sofia.)", "Liquor Store Owner: (rambles quickly) Okay, okay, okay, they took my good vodkas, my single-malt whiskies, they took vermouth, cognac, VSOP cognac. Am I going to get any of the stuff back? What are you guys going to do about this?", "Sofia: Okay, slow down. You're talking too fast.", "Liquor Store Owner: All right, you know what? Just let me know when you're ready.", "Sofia: I'm ready, sir, I just, I just need you to talk slower.", "Liquor Store Owner: Okay, I can do that. These creeps come flying in here -- they take a lot of my good stuff. And I chased one of them and I snatched the sweater right off his back.", "Sofia: How many did you see?", "Liquor Store Owner: I don't know. There was a bunch.", "Sofia: A bunch. Two? Five? Ten?", "Liquor Store Owner: Closer to the ten.", "Sofia: Any descriptions?", "Liquor Store Owner: They had hoods on. They were hooded.", "Sofia: You took the sweater off one of them and you didn't get to see what he looked like?", "Liquor Store Owner: He was on his way out the door. What I did see was really weird. Anyway.", "Sofia: What does \"weird\" look like?", "Liquor Store Owner: I don't know. His face. His nose was all deformed. The whole thing creeped me out.", "Sofia: Thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Greg walks through the hallway. He passes a tech, who smiles and high-fives him.)", "Tech: Way to go.", "Greg: Thank you.", "(Greg continues down the hallway. Grissom steps out of his office, his face buried in the clipboard he's writing on.)", "Grissom: Greg ... lose the monkey suit, you got a scene; liquor store robbery. Here's the address.", "(Greg takes the slip of paper from Grissom.)", "Greg: Related to the earlier 415s?", "Grissom: Could be -- Sofia's got one of the suspect's sweaters. I need you to seal it, bring it back here and anything you can find.", "Greg: All right. Who's my wingman?", "Grissom: You're a big boy, Greg. You don't need a wingman for this.", "(Grissom turns and leaves.)", "Greg: Primary. (smiles) Nice.", "(Greg heads out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Sara dips the toe of her shoe in a pan of dark-colored dirt. She kicks the dummy on the ground. The dummy's wearing a white jumpsuit.)", "(With her back to the doorway, Sara kicks the dummy again and again.)", "(She moves the dummy to get a bigger area to kick. She pulls back and kicks again and again.)", "(She dips the toe of her shoe in the pan of dirt again. She continues to kick the crap out of the white-suited dummy on the ground.)", "(Grissom walks in from the hallway and watches her. Sara pulls back and kicks the dummy hard.)", "Grissom: Whoa! Pick on somebody you're own size.", "(Sara turns around and looks at Grissom.)", "Sara: Are you volunteering?", "(Grissom looks at Sara. He raises his eyebrow at her.)", "Grissom: No.", "(Sara wipes her forehead with the towel. She points to the two dummies wearing the victim's clothes.)", "Sara: The two scenes are related. I found two common treads on both vics: an athletic shoe and a boot. I ran them through the SoleMate database. The athletic shoe ... is a converse Chuck Taylor and the boot is a Doc Marten.", "(She shows Grissom the printouts.)", "(Grissom looks at the shoe prints on the shirt.)", "Grissom: Could this be a woman's shoe?", "Sara: Yeah, I ran that through the SoleMate database, too. That is a Steve Madden Dynasti Stiletto. Open-toe shoe.", "Grissom: 'Cause Catherine found a broken female toenail in the vic's mouth.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(A woman grunts as she kicks the victim in the mouth. Blood spatters into the air.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Sara: Most of the treads are on the sides and back of the victim's clothing.", "Grissom: Which suggests that they were on the ground for most of the beating.", "Sara: Kicked to death.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY / WAITING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(An officer is outside with Vasco Ruiz's two boys. In the waiting room, Brass talks with Lucita Ruiz, Vasco's wife.)", "Lucita Ruiz: How am I going to feed my boys?! Pay the rent, gas, car? God ...", "Brass: Mrs. Ruiz, I'll do the best I can. I'll put you in touch with state services that'll help you deal with these issues, okay? But right now I need your help to do my job. I need some information, okay?", "Lucita Ruiz: (nods) Whatever you need.", "Brass: All right. When was the last time you talked to Vasco?", "Lucita Ruiz: Midnight. He calls me every night after work.", "Brass: Did he have any enemies that you know of?", "Lucita Ruiz: No. He was a good man with a good heart. No one disliked him.", "Brass: Okay. Did he carry a wallet or a cell phone?", "Lucita Ruiz: He had both.", "Brass: I want you to write down his cell phone number on this piece of paper, okay? I need to access his records.", "(He slides the pen and paper to her. She writes it down.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(The door opens and Brass walks over to the two boys. He kneels down in front of them.)", "Brass: Hey, guys, this officer's going to take you and your mom home, make sure you all get home safe, okay?", "Lucita Ruiz: Thank you.", "(Brass walks away and leaves the Ruizes with the officer. Brass continues and steps into the lobby area. He turns and watches the report on television.)", "Reporter: (from tv) I'm standing across from the Holiday Motel where a brutal beating just occurred a few hours ago. We have the footage which was recorded by an anonymous bystander's cell phone.", "(Brass turns and takes interest in the news report.)", "Reporter: (from tv) Although the quality is poor, you can see several images assaulting the lone female victim. Anyone living near the strip is being told to stay at home until the assailant is caught. For anyone who has any information, please call 555-0155.", "(Brass turns to the officers standing nearby.)", "Brass: Get this reporter on the phone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. SUV (MOVING) -- NIGHT]", "(Greg is driving on the road, making his way to the liquor store to pick up the sweater from Sofia. As he drives, he hears sounds of people grunting and yelling.)", "(He turns and sees an attack at the far end of an alleyway. Greg stops and reverses.)", "(Sure enough, there is a group of about a dozen individuals beating up a man on the ground.)", "(Greg stops and calls it in on his radio.)", "Greg: (to radio) Control, control, this is CSI Sanders. I need some help.", "Control: (from radio) Control, go with your information.", "Greg: (to radio) Okay, I got an assault in progress one alley south of Casino Central Drive, cross street Shane.", "Control: (from radio) How many suspects involved?", "Greg: (to radio) Multiple suspects. Could be the guys who've been doing it all night.", "Control: (from radio) The closest unit has a five-minute ETA. Rolling code three. Are they armed?", "(As Greg watches, the group continues to kick and beat up on the man on the ground.)", "Greg: (to radio) I don't know. I don't know. Ma'am, please, listen. You got to get here quicker than this.", "Dispatch: (from radio) Copy that. We'll roll two additional units ASAP. Wait for backup.", "(Greg watches the group in the alleyway. Five minutes seems too long. The man might not survive. Making a decision, Greg puts his SUV in gear and heads into the alley.)", "(With headlights on and lights flashing, Greg beeps his horn, trying to disrupt the gang.)", "(The gang continues to kick and beat up the man on the ground.)", "Greg: Move!", "(The beating continues. Greg beeps his car horn and flashes the siren. Several people in the group turn and notice the vehicle. They disband and run, leaving a single person behind who continues kicking the man on the ground.)", "Greg: (shouts) Get out of here!", "(The single person continues to kick and beat the man on the ground. Greg drives up close enough and stops. He honks the horn, but the person continues kicking the man.)", "(Then, the man turns around and looks at Greg. His eyes glow eerily and unnaturally in the shine of the car headlights.)", "(Greg doesn't move.)", "(The man runs to the side and picks up a large rock. He motions as if to bash the victim's head, then turns and starts running toward Greg.)", "(Greg watches for a moment, then presses the gas. The SUV lunges forward and hits the hooded man. He falls to the ground.)", "(Greg remains inside. He looks around. It's very quiet.)", "SMASH!", "(The back door glass smashes into pieces. Greg whirls around to see what's going on.)", "CRASH!", "(Greg ducks as the driver's side glass window is smashed into pieces.)", "(Someone from outside reaches in through the window and pulls Greg out of the SUV.)", "(Greg struggles. The rest of the gang returns. They take up where they left off ... this time with Greg as their victim.)", "(They turn on him, kicking and beating him up. Greg tries to stay on his feet. They push him into the nearby chain-linked fence, laughing as they kick and punch him in the back.)", "(They pull him away from the fence and toss him back to the center of the alleyway. Greg lands on his hands and knees. He tries to get up and crawl away, but they keep kicking and punching him in the back.)", "(Finally, Greg collapses on the cold ground.)", "(They kick him over onto his back ... and they continue beating, kicking and punching him.)", "(Greg is senseless, barely taking in anything anymore. His vision's blurred; sounds of his attackers' laughter echo around him. The kicks and punches don't stop.)", "(One of the attackers spits on Greg's vest. He steps over Greg and walks away. Greg reaches up and grabs the attacker's ankle as he leaves.)", "(Face bloodied, Greg opens his eyes and watches as the car leaving scratches against his SUV.)", "(We hold on Greg.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. ALLEYWAY -- MORNING]", "(A group of observers has gathered at the taped-off entry to the alley. Sofia talks with a hysterical Marla James, Demetrius' mother.)", "Marla James: Please let me see Demetrius. I just want to talk to him.", "Sofia: I'm sorry. It's a crime scene. I can't let you pass. I'm sorry.", "Marla James: (o.s.) He's not dead, is he?", "(Sara runs up to the tape.)", "Sofia: He's been badly injured, but he's being attended to, I promise you.", "(The officers lift the tape for Sara. She rushes past Sofia, who walks with her to the scene.)", "Sofia: Hey.", "Sara: Hey.", "(Sara sees three bodies on the alley floor. Medics attend to the beaten visitor and the attacker. Greg is unattended in the center.)", "Sara: Why isn't there a medic on Greg?", "Sofia: He's been stabilized. Sara, he's going to be okay.", "(Sofia walks away. Sara walks over to Greg and kneels next to him. Greg's eyes are closed.)", "(Sara puts a hand on Greg's hair, lightly stroking, offering what little comfort she can.)", "Greg: (faintly) Sara ...", "Sara: I didn't think you could see me.", "Greg: I can't ... but I know that Sidle scent.", "Sara: I'm going to take that as a compliment.", "(Sara looks up and turns away as she sniffles.)", "Greg: (rasps) I scratched one of them.", "(Sara takes Greg's hand with hers, careful to avoid touching his fingernails.)", "Greg: And you should check my vest. I think the same guy s-spit on me.", "(Sara doesn't say anything.)", "Greg: And one of their cars crashed into the Denali. I guarantee there's transfer on it.", "(Sara doesn't move. She continues to stroke Greg's hair.)", "Greg: You should process the scene now. Me later.", "Sara: I came here for you, Greg.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - ROOM -- DAY]", "(Stanley Tanner's leg is in a cast. His arm is in a cast and his face is bruised and beaten. Brass talks with him.)", "Brass: So how long you been in town, Mr. Tanner?", "Stanley Tanner: About twenty hours, man.", "Brass: You on vacation?", "Stanley Tanner: Straight from Union City, Tennessee.", "Brass: Okay, tell me what happened.", "Stanley Tanner: Well, I was cutting through that alley trying to find a taxi off one of them side streets. Next thing I know I'm on the ground just getting pounded all to hell. I thought I was gonna die. Even give it up to the man. Then I heard that horn honking and engine revving toward me.", "(He fades out and smiles at the thought.)", "Brass: Can you give me any descriptions?", "(Stanley shakes his head, no.)", "Brass: Okay. All right. You take it easy.", "Stanley Tanner: Could you do me a favor?", "Brass: Sure, I'll do my best.", "Stanley Tanner: The man that saved my life, I'd like to meet him, give him a thank you.", "Brass: His name is Greg Sanders. And I'm sure he'd appreciate it. I'll tell him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY -- DAY]", "(Nick scrapes red paint transfer off of Greg's dark-colored Denali. He's quiet and disturbed by the scene.)", "(Warrick snaps photos of the blood on the ground. He even snaps a photo of a small tuft of brown hair.)", "Warrick: I think I just found a piece of Sanders' hair.", "(Cole Tritt, standing at the tape line, shouts to the CSIs inside.)", "Cole Tritt: So what, did somebody else get a beat down?", "(Nick turns to see the man standing outside the crime scene tape.)", "Cole Tritt: You bitches haven't caught them cats yet?", "Nick: Excuse me?", "Warrick: You fellas want to keep it moving? We're trying to work here.", "Kid 2: You call that working? Why is there an ass-whupping on every other block?", "(Nick stands up.)", "Nick: There's about to be an ass-whupping on this block.", "Kid 2: Is that right?", "Nick: That's right.", "Warrick: Hey, Nick ...", "Cole Tritt: Man, you're weak, weak, weak, weak.", "(The officer grabs kid 2 and pushes him up against the wall. Nick makes his way toward Cole Tritt.)", "Officer: Come on, man.", "Kid 2: You can't do this. I'll say what I want.", "(Cole Tritt holds his hands up in surrender.)", "Cole Tritt: I'm sorry. You're not weak.", "(Warrick is picking up something when he notices Nick heading toward Cole Tritt.)", "Warrick: (warns) Nick.", "(Nick stops in front of Cole Tritt.)", "Warrick: Nick ...", "Cole Tritt: You're a joke.", "(Nick turns around and smiles at Warrick. Warrick shakes his head, no.)", "(Nick turns and punches Cole Tritt in the stomach. The crowd reacts. Nick pulls back his fist and Warrick grabs his arm in a lock. He turns and pushes Nick toward the SUV.)", "Warrick: Nick. Come on!", "Cole Tritt: (to the crowd) Anybody get that on video? Man, I'll take a picture myself.", "(Cole Tritt takes out his phone. Warrick walks up to him and grabs the phone from him. He looks at it.)", "Warrick: That's a nice phone you got there, man. Real nice phone. Wonder how many drug dealers' numbers you got on this phone here.", "(Warrick ducks under the crime scene tape and gets in Cole Tritt's face.)", "Warrick: Feel like going to jail tonight? Listen, I'm sorry about the little spill you had earlier, but that's why we got the crime tape up, so you could see it. Watch where you're going next time. (Warrick pushes him away.) Get you home safely.", "(Warrick ducks back under the tape and heads over to Nick.)", "Warrick: What are you doing? We beating people up now?", "Nick: I'm sick of these punks, man. I'm serious, I'm sick of it.", "Warrick: Then you're in the wrong town.", "Nick: Maybe.", "(Nick pushes past Warrick and heads off screen.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - GREG'S ROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom walks into the room and stops at the foot of Greg's bed. Greg's eyes are closed.)", "Grissom: Greg?", "(Greg's one good left eye flutters open.)", "Greg: Grissom.", "Grissom: Just another day at the office, huh?", "Greg: Well, at least I can see now. The guy they beat up ... how is he?", "Grissom: He's gonna be fine.", "Greg: What about the other guy? The guy I hit.", "Grissom: His name is Demitrius James. He's in surgery.", "Greg: Is he, like, a gangbanger or something?", "Grissom: Actually ... he's a student at the university.", "Greg: He gonna be okay?", "Grissom: I don't know.", "(Greg turns away and sighs.)", "Grissom: Has someone called your parents? We should let them know.", "Greg: Mmph.", "Grissom: What's the matter?", "Greg: They still think I'm in the lab.", "Grissom: (confused) Why do they think that?", "Greg: When I was in high school ... I never played any sports. No football, no basketball. Definitely no hockey.", "Grissom: I never would've guessed.", "Greg: Well, it wasn't by choice. My mom wanted four kids. Ended up with only one. She always made sure I stayed close. If I got a nosebleed, she'd take me to the ER.", "Grissom: Well ... now would be the time to come clean.", "Greg: (upset) My mom's gonna freak.", "Grissom: You tell her that you risked your life to save someone else's ... and I think she'll be very proud of you.", "(Greg cries quietly.)", "[INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom steps out of the room and walks down the hallway. Sara turns the corner.)", "Sara: Hey.", "(She heads toward him.)", "Sara: Doctor found these on Demitrius James.", "(She shows him a container. He takes it and looks at it. There is a pair of contact lenses inside.)", "Grissom: Contact lenses?", "Sara: Special kind. They're called Halloween lenses. They're wearing costumes.", "Grissom: Great. Just a game to them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI -- DAY]", "(The fax machine prints out a sheet. Catherine looks at it. It reads:", "TEL NEVADA", "CELLULAR PHONE RECORD", "VASCO RUIZ", "(She looks at the numbers.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Is that your number, Cha Cha?", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine interviews Cha Cha Romero.)", "Cha Cha Romero: Yeah, that's my number.", "Catherine: So tell me ... what does a dead guy sound like?", "(Catherine puts the post-mortem photo of Vasco Ruiz on the table. Cha Cha Romero looks at it and laughs.)", "Catherine: Oh, is that funny?", "Cha Cha Romero: Oh, man, I mean, isn't it supposed to be?", "Catherine: Someone called you from his phone-- who was it?", "Cha Cha Romero: When'd they call again?", "Catherine: 12:33 A.M., last night.", "Cha Cha Romero: Man, you know how many people blow me up at that time? Shoot, that's like prime time. Finding-the-right-party time. Half my calls go to voice mail my line's so busy.", "Catherine: Who's this guy?", "(Catherine flips through the photos and shows her a picture of Demetrius James.)", "Cha Cha Romero: (sighs & shrugs) M-maybe I seen him before, I don't know.", "(She reaches down and picks up her bag. She puts it on the table. Catherine notices the large \"F\" insignia on the bag flap. She unzips the bag.)", "(Catherine looks at the photo of the large \"F\" shaped bruise taken from Jessica after her beating.)", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(The gang punches and hits their victim. Cha Cha swings her bag and hits the victim.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Catherine: Farami, huh?", "Cha Cha Romero: Yeah. You like?", "Catherine: If it was real, I might.", "Cha Cha Romero: Whatever. (She stands up and walks over to the door.) Can I go now?", "(Catherine shows her a photo of Jessica.)", "Catherine: When I swab that knockoff Farami buckle and I find this tourist's DNA on it, you're going down for murder.", "Cha Cha Romero: (scoffs) She didn't die.", "Catherine: No, but Mr. Ruiz did. And you were the last person that he called. That connects you to both crimes.", "Cha Cha Romero: (sighs) Tara, okay? Tara called me. It's funny, 'cause the only reason I picked up my phone is 'cause I didn't know the number. (She sits back down.) Thought it was this hot boy.", "Catherine: And what did Tara want?", "Cha Cha Romero: Her boyfriend Pig invited her to a party at a motel. She invited me, so I rolled.", "(Quick flashback to: The group beats up a tourist in the parking lot. Tara and Cha Cha step into camera frame.)", "Tara Miller: Go get a piece. It's fun.", "(Tara puts her hood on and heads for the group. After a beat, Cha Cha puts her hood on and joins them.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Catherine: Is that your idea of a party?", "Cha Cha Romero: Man, everyone loves a good fannysmackin' session.", "Catherine: A what?", "Cha Cha Romero: Beating up fannypackers. You know, tourists.", "Catherine: Why would you want to do that?", "Cha Cha Romero: (shrugs) Nothing else to do.", "Catherine: And you do this all the time?", "Cha Cha Romero: Yeah, but this was the first time I ever heard of anyone dying.", "Catherine: What is Pig's name?", "Cha Cha Romero: I just know \"Pig.\"", "Catherine: So if ... fannysmackin' is all about tourists, why'd you go after a dishwasher at the Golden Sapphire?", "Cha Cha Romero: I don't know. Maybe he was just practice.", "(Catherine looks absolutely speechless.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Sofia meets up with Brass.)", "Brass: So, you think we're out of the woods yet?", "(She looks at her watch.)", "Sofia: Well, the beatings were occurring every half hour, and it's been three hours since the last one, so maybe.", "(In the background, they hear voices rise from a commotion at reception. They head over.)", "Officer: You need to sign in.", "Dean Harden: Do I look like I want to sign in? I want to talk to a cop, okay? (shouts) Somebody get me a cop! I want to talk to a cop now!", "(Brass and Sofia turn the corner.)", "Sofia: (points to Brass) He's a cop.", "Brass: (points to Sofia) She's a cop.", "(Dean Harden and Anthony Himmer walk over to Sofia and Brass. Anthony points to Dean's beaten face.)", "Anthony Himmer: Hey, my friend, he got beat up and robbed.", "Brass: I can see that.", "Sofia: Where?", "Dean Harden: On the corner of Decatur and Jones. They-they took the ten g's that I had on me, they took my watch, they took my cell phone.", "Anthony Himmer: And look at his face. They beat him up, too.", "Brass: Did you get a good look at 'em?", "Dean Harden: Not really -- they were wearing hoodies.", "(Brass and Sofia look at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MILLER RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(The door opens. Tara Miller, escorted by two officers, walks out of the residence. Her hands are cuffed behind her back. She's got a large bandage on her left big toe.)", "(They put her in the back of the officer car.)", "(Nick exits the residence carrying a couple of bags of evidence. He walks past a red car and stops to look at the scratch on its side. He turns and looks at Tara in the back seat of the officer car. She's watching him.)", "(Nick puts the packages down and opens the car door. He crawls inside and opens the glove compartment. He opens the center armrest compartment and finds a wallet and cell phone. He takes the wallet and cell phone out of the car and shuts the door.)", "(He opens the wallet and finds VASCO RUIZ's driver's license inside. Nick looks at Tara. She knows she's busted.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / LAYOUT ROOM -- DAY]", "(Hodges walks through the hallway and finds Grissom in the layout room, various items spread out on the table.)", "Hodges: Processed the sweater found at the liquor store. Found blood.", "(He shows the results to Grissom.)", "Hodges: Sent it to DNA. Wendy found two types, matched both to your vics. She also ran saliva on Greg's jacket. Came back unknown male. Same unknown male that Greg scratched.", "(Finished, Hodges puts the results back in the folder and looks at the map and various evidence out on the table.)", "Hodges: Nice map.", "Grissom: What do you see?", "Hodges: My old neighborhood. What do you see?", "Grissom: Inconsistency.", "Hodges: In what?", "Grissom: The dishwasher, both tourists and Greg were attacked near the strip. Dean Harden claims that he was attacked all the way over here in southwest Las Vegas. Swarms don't backtrack.", "Hodges: We're talking about humans here, not bugs.", "Grissom: Humans have always adapted strategies from insects. Swarming is an ancient military tactic. You surround your enemies, then attack from all directions simultaneously. Alexander the Great pioneered the maneuver 2,000 years ago. Although swarms consist of several individuals, they must be treated as a single entity, which lives, thinks and moves as one, built with an internal logic to continue forward, gain momentum and never backtrack.", "Hodges: So this guy Dean probably was not a victim of this swarm, or he's lying.", "Grissom: Take a look at these clothes.", "(Grissom shows Hodges Dean Harden's clothes.)", "Grissom: In contrast to the other beatings, I found only one type of shoe tread on Dean's clothing. The print matches a size 12 Nike Air. And this tennis shoe is ... his own.", "Hodges: He swarmed himself?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sofia talks with Dean Harden and Anthony Himmer.)", "Dean Harden: I owe my Uncle Lenny ten g's. And I don't got it, all right?", "Sofia: Am I supposed to know who Uncle Lenny is?", "Anthony Himmer: Uncle Lenny? Lenny G. The famous sports handicapper.", "Sofia: (interrupts) Yeah, it's not ringing any bells.", "Anthony Himmer: He's black-booked from the casinos.", "Dean Harden: But he still likes to bet.", "Sofia: And you bet for him.", "Dean Harden: Yeah, he gave me five dimes to bet the Eagles this past Sunday. You see, me and Ant, we're hurting for cash right now.", "Anthony Himmer: We didn't think the Eagles had a chance, so we thought we would just pocket the cash.", "Sofia: But they won and now you owe Uncle Lenny G. ten gs.", "Dean Harden: Yeah. And when we saw these beatings on TV and ... just thought it was a great idea.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT - NIGHT] )", "(Dean and Anthony discuss the beatings.)", "Dean Harden: Don't go near the package.", "Anthony Himmer: Why am I going to go near your package?", "Dean Harden: All right. All right.", "Anthony Himmer: It'll be like Pesci did it to De Niro in \"Raging Bull.\" Remember that?", "Dean Harden: Yeah, all right, just do it, man, come on.", "Anthony Himmer: Okay.", "Dean Harden: All right, just do it, man!", "Anthony Himmer: I'm doing it!", "(Anthony punches Dean in the face. Dean yells and groans. He starts crying from the pain.)", "Anthony Himmer: What, are you crying?", "Dean Harden: Shut up, man! It's not funny, all right?!", "(End of flashback.)", "Anthony Himmer: I figured if Dean said we got beat up and robbed, we wouldn't have to pay up.", "Sofia: Yeah, well, now you're eleven g's in the hole. The ten thousand you owe Uncle Lenny for the bet, and the thousand you owe us for filing a false police report.", "(Sofia turns and leaves the room. Dean shakes his head and exhales.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick empties out handbag contents on the table. He picks up the cell phone and checks the messages. There is one new text message.", "CALLBACK #: 702-555-0165", "MESSAGE: FROM PIGMAN. WHERE DA HELL U @", "CALLBACK #: 702-555-0165", "MESSAGE: U ROLLIN OUT TONIGHT", "SENT ON: SEP 11, 06 8:58 PM", "1 NEW TEXT MESSAGE", "MESSAGE: PIGMAN: HEY Y'ALL. GOLDEN SAPPHIRE FANNYSMACKIN' SESSION. 11. MESSAGE SENT 9:33 PM", "(Nick continues to check the messages when Catherine walks in.)", "Nick: Hey, Catherine. I think I'm on to something. Check this out.", "(Catherine takes a latex glove and uses it to hold the phone as she reads the text message.)", "Catherine: Oh ... the king swine.", "Nick: Now, \"y'all\" is plural. Believe me, I used the word a lot, so I have a feeling he sent that to more than one person.", "Catherine: It could be a mass text. Lindsey once sent everyone in her phonebook the same message at the same time. I got stuck with a $300 bill.", "Nick: Hmm, we got this punk's phone number. All we have to do is subpoena his phone records. We'll get every one he sent the message to. We'll text him, we'll tell him to meet us somewhere.", "Catherine: From Tara's phone? They'll know it's us.", "Nick: No, from Pig's phone.", "Catherine: We don't have Pig's phone.", "Nick: Don't need it. When you text from a computer, you put in the number that you're calling from. We'll just use Mister Piggy's.", "Catherine: Okay, but how do we get the pig?", "(Nick turns and looks at Catherine.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass talks with Tara Miller.", "Brass: Look, I'm not going to play you, Tara. So let's not waste each other's time. I have enough evidence to try you for first-degree murder. But I'm greedy. I want the rest of the Mickey Mouse Club. So you have a choice. You can either spend a very, very long time in jail or you can help me out.", "(Tara holds her wrists out for him to handcuff. She bobs her head from side to side. Brass looks at her and bobs his head from side to side in the same manner.)", "Tara Miller: I'm not saying nothing.", "Brass: You don't have to say anything.", "(Brass slides a pad and pen toward her.)", "Brass: Write a text message. Something Pig would send to his buddies to gather them all up for another fannysmackin' party. Look, Tara, I don't think that beating these people up was your idea, so why should you and Cha Cha take the fall? These guys don't care about you. I mean, let's face it. You're just a piece of tail to them. Right? So what's it going to be? Are you going to let a guy with the colorful but unfortunate name of \"Pig\" run free while you go to jail? You know, it's funky in there. No Posh Spice. No parties, no purses or pedicures or pasta primavera. So you decide. (firmly) Decide.", "(She grabs the pen and starts writing.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[CU: MONITOR]", "(The text messages are sent out. It reads:", "From: 702-555-0165", "Pigman: yo. Fannysmakin' championship .Round two. Meet @ 5 @ da spot. 09/22/2006 7:50", "PM", "[INT. DA SPOT - NIGHT]", "(A couple of guys wearing masks sit in their car. A second car pulls up along side theirs.)", "Hooded Kid #1: Pig text you?", "Hooded Kid #2: (nods) Yeah.", "(Several more cars pull into the warehouse and park.)", "Hooded Kid #3: Hey, Pig, thanks for that text. I'm ready for some smackin'.", "\"PIG\": I didn't text you.", "Hooded Kid #3: You didn't?", "\"PIG\": Nah. Did you text me.", "Hooded Kid #3: I didn't text you.", "(Suddenly several officer cars pull into the warehouse, their sirens pulse on and off, lights flashing.)", "(Brass parks his car.)", "(Sofia parks and gets out of her car, a shotgun in her hands. Nick parks and gets out of his car, his gun out and leveled at the kids. More cars pull in, surrounding the kids.)", "Brass: (over bullhorn) Everybody out of the car, now. Get out of the car.", "(One-by-one, the kids get out of their cars.)", "Brass: (over bullhorn) Let's see those hands. Put them on the top of the car.", "(The officers move forward.)", "Officer: Put 'em where I can see 'em.", "(Nick takes special notice of a kid who hasn't moved from his car. Sofia heads forward toward the car. She cocks her shotgun on her way to the car.)", "Sofia: Turn off the truck. Get out. And put your hands above your head.", "(The kid doesn't move.)", "Brass: (over bull horn) Get out of the car!", "(\"Pig\" gets out of the car. The officer steps forward and slams him face-down onto the hood of the car.)", "Sofia: You're going to jail.", "(He looks at her.)", "\"PIG\": Free shower, free food, free sleep.", "(\"Pig\" chuckles. Nick pushes his way toward \"Pig.\" He tucks his gun away.)", "Nick: Let me in there.", "(Nick pulls the mask off and finds it's the guy from the alleyway crime scene.)", "Cole Tritt (Pig): This little piggy went, \"wee, wee, wee,\" all the way home.", "(Nick knocks the cap off Cole's head. Cole looks at Nick and snorts like a pig as the officers pull him away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - GREG'S ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Greg is feeding himself. He lifts his head and through the glass window between the two rooms, he sees Demetrius' mother and brother standing over Demetrius' bed.)", "(He hears voices and turns to find Nurse Lizzy pushing Stanley Tanner in a wheelchair. They enter his room.)", "Nurse Lizzy: I think this is the room, sir.", "Stanley Tanner: There he is.", "(Greg pushes the bedside table away and gets to his feet.)", "Stanley Tanner: Mr. Sanders?", "Greg: Hey. How you doing?", "Stanley Tanner: Better than dead. Get me over here, Lizzy, where I can shake this man's hand.", "(Lizzy pushes his wheelchair closer. Greg holds up his bandaged hand. Stanley holds up his arm in a cast. It's a little awkward, but Stanley grabs Greg's left hand with his right in a firm grip.)", "Stanley Tanner: You're a brave man. Thank you.", "Greg: You're welcome.", "Stanley Tanner: (to the nurse) Home, Elizabeth.", "Nurse Lizzy: Okay.", "(Nurse Lizzy backs Stanley toward the door.)", "Stanley Tanner: I cook some mean barbeque, if you ever get yourself to Union City, Tennessee.", "Greg: I'll look you up.", "Stanley Tanner: You do that.", "(In the next room, Marla James cries hysterically over her dead son's body. Greg turns and steps closer to the window. She drapes herself over her son and sobs loudly.)", "(Her other son Aaron stands helplessly on the side. He looks up and sees Greg watching them. He glares at Greg. Greg looks down and steps away from the window.)", "(He continues to glare at Greg.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - MORNING]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM -- MORNING]", "(Sara removes the lock from her locker and opens it. She turns and addresses Warrick, who is sitting on the locker bench, and Nick, who removes the cartridge from his gun before tucking it back into his locker.)", "Sara: I am going to pick up some Roberto's, take it over to Greg. I'm sure he's sick of that hospital food -- anybody want to come?", "Warrick: I'll take a ride with you, but I'm going to pass on the Mexican food at 10:00 in the morning.", "Nick: (chuckles) No, I'd like to see Greg. I'm definitely in, yeah.", "(Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: Pig and the piglets are in the pigpen.", "Warrick: It's about time. Finally, some good news.", "Catherine: Did you know that Pig, aka Cole Tritt, was the only adult. The rest of them were under 18. One was 14.", "Warrick: Are you kidding? Who raises these kids?", "Catherine: I mean, they weren't all delinquents. Demitrius James was a college student.", "Nick: Hanging out with the wrong crowd in the wrong town. I'm telling you ...", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BOOKING - DAY]", "(The kids are being processed. One is outside the holding cell while the others wait inside, sitting on benches.)", "Nick: (V.O.) ... a fake ID in Las Vegas is like having a free ticket on the hell train. s*x, drugs, gambling, no adult supervision, 24/7.", "(The officer grabs the next kid and lead him to the holding cell door.)", "Nick: (V.O.) By the time they're 21, they've done and seen it all.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Catherine looks shocked by their assessment of today's young people.)", "Catherine: Make me slit my wrists, why don't you? I'm raising a teenager here.", "Warrick: Oh, you're doing a great job. Lindsey's gonna turn out to be a beautiful young woman. Besides, I grew up in Vegas. I didn't turn out so bad, did I?", "Nick: Yeah, that was pre-Mirage, back when you were a little squirt going to the casino playing the arcade games.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BOOKING - DAY]", "(Camera moves down the line of bored kids sitting on the benches inside holding cells as they wait to be processed. There's no fear on their faces. No remorse. Nothing.)", "Nick: (V.O.) No, Vegas is a different animal now.", "Warrick: (V.O.) Yeah, these kids need to beat people on the street to be entertained. They just need some good discipline.", "BACK TO SCENE", "(Sara finishes and turns to listen. Warrick tucks his things in his pockets as he smiles at Nick.)", "Warrick: They need their grandmother whupping their ass like, like I had.", "Nick: (nods) Yeah, a good slap.", "Sara: You know, it kind of sounds like you guys are blaming everybody but these kids. I mean, you don't get a bye just 'cause you grew up here or your parents are on drugs. Those kids are perfectly capable of telling the difference between a wild night out and ... beating somebody to death.", "Grissom: (o.s.) The truth is ...", "(Grissom, who has been unnoticed in the room all this time, shuts his locker closed. He has everyone's attention.)", "Grissom: ... a moral compass can only point you in the right direction, can't make you go there. Our culture preaches that, uh, you shouldn't be ashamed of anything you do anymore.", "INSERT: VARIOUS FLASHES OF THE KIDS HAVING THEIR MUG SHOTS TAKEN.", "Grissom: (V.O.) And unfortunately, this city was built on the principle that there's no such thing as guilt. \"Do whatever you want; we won't tell.\" So without a conscience, there's nothing to stop you from killing someone. And evidently, ...", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Grissom: ... you don't even have to feel bad about it.", "FLASH TO BLACK." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "Grissom and his team investigate the case of a woman found dead in a church. They soon discover evidence of a love triangle dating all the way back to the victim's high school years that could reveal who is responsible for her death." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY - EARLY MORNING]", "[INT. CHURCH - EARLY MORNING]", "(Two nuns, Sister Elizabeth and Sister Bridget, walk into the church. Both are carrying large vases of flowers. The vases are so large, they can barely see in front of them. Sister Elizabeth sniffs the air.)", "Sister Elizabeth: Urine.", "(Sister Bridget sniffs the air. They make their way to the front of the church.)", "Sister Bridget: I don't smell it.", "Sister Elizabeth: Ever since Father started leaving the church open at night --", "Sister Bridget: -- the church has gotten a lot more use.", "Sister Elizabeth: Yeah, as an orgy house and a toilet.", "Sister Bridget: No. People come in at all hours of the night to pray.", "Sister Elizabeth: \"Dear Jesus, please keep me from blowing all my laundry money on the nickel slots at the Gas 'n' Go.\"", "(Sister Bridget puts her vase down on the floor next to a pew. Sister Elizabeth continues to the front. She sees a stream of liquid leading to the base of the statue of Jesus.)", "Sister Elizabeth: Oh, somebody's done their business right here next to Jesus.", "(She puts her vase down on the floor near the statue of Jesus. She steps back, her eyes wide and fixed on the statue in front of her. Sister Bridget heads over.)", "Sister Bridget: Oh, no, not again.", "(She turns and sees the older nun's reaction. She looks at the statue of Jesus and sees the blood on the palms of the statue's open hands.)", "(The two nuns look at each other. Sister Bridget gasps. Sister Elizabeth crosses herself.)", "Sister Elizabeth: Right here on the eve of the apocalypse, a miracle.", "CU: BLOODY STATUE HAND", "(SLOW MOTION. A single drop of blood falls and spatters on the statue's hand.)", "(The two nuns look up.)", "(There hanging from the rafters is a woman dressed in a white gown, her arms spread out wide and away from her body.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CHURCH -- DAY]", "(Sirens wail in the distance.)", "(Crime scene tape is attached to the pews to block aisle entry. Grissom and Brass stand at the base of the statue, looking up at the dead body hanging from the rafters.)", "Brass: Somebody went to a lot of trouble to get her up there.", "Grissom: Why? I wonder. Somebody had a grudge against the church or somebody in the church.", "Brass: Or maybe they were just mad at God.", "(They look at each other, then turn and look up at the body above them.)", "Grissom: Well, Jesus died for our sins. What sin did she die for?", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CHURCH -- DAY]", "(Warrick stands on the ground taking photos of the dead body. Nick is on the rising platform nearby.)", "Nick: You know if you think about it, this is one of the oldest ways to kill somebody.", "(The platform stops near the pulley system holding the body up in mid-air.)", "Warrick: Considering where we are, highly symbolic. All right, what do you got? How we gonna do this?", "Nick: Well, the two-by-four is tied to the scaffold with a single loop. There is an empty pulley up here. We could lower her down with that.", "Warrick: (looking up) That's probably how the killer got her up there in the first place. Then he ditched the rope. (looks around) I wouldn't be surprised to find it around here someplace.", "Nick: First things first. We'll use our rope; I'll run it through this pulley, and then let you take the weight. I'll mark the rope, cut the knot; down she goes.", "(Warrick picks up their rope from the ground.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Nick tightens the rope around the two-by-four. He has the rope through the pulley.)", "Nick: Ready?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Nick: You take the weight. I'll cut it on three.", "(Down below, Warrick braces himself as he holds the end of the rope.)", "Nick: One, two, three.", "(Nick cuts the rope.)", "Nick: Got it?", "Warrick: Yeah, ready. (groans) Oh. Whoever tied her up there had to be strong enough to deadlift her weight.", "(Nick brings the platform down with the body.)", "Nick: Yeah, either that or highly motivated. You know how it is once somebody's adrenaline gets pumping. Feel like they can do anything.", "(The platform and the body reach the ground.)", "Nick: All right, that's it.", "(Warrick and Nick put the cross and body flat on the plastic over the ground.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CHURCH - FRONT (STOCK) -- DAY]", "(Sirens wail in the background. An officer ducks under the crime scene tape and walks away.)", "[INT. CHURCH - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Greg finishes fingerprinting the two sisters, Sister Elizabeth and Sister Bridget. Brass stands nearby as they talk. The sisters wipe the ink of their fingers.)", "Brass: Look, shouldn't Father Frank be here by now?", "Sister Elizabeth: Father Frank lives in mañana land.", "Sister Bridget: Well, I'm sure he's on his way. Father Frank is a wonderful priest. And since he's been here, church attendance has tripled.", "Sister Elizabeth: (gruffly) Among our female congregants.", "(Sister Bridget sighs. She turns back to Brass and smiles.)", "Sister Bridget: And we have sponsors for our building fund.", "Sister Elizabeth: One sponsor.", "Greg: The Big Hombre?", "Sister Elizabeth: The car dealership.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CHURCH -- DAY]", "(Robbins wipes his liver thermometer. Grissom stands nearby with his clipboard.)", "Robbins: Time of death was sometime between 2:00 and 4:00. Nasty head wound. She was actively bleeding, so she had to have been alive when she was tied to the cross. Good chance she died of suffocation.", "Grissom: Like Jesus.", "Robbins: Well, Jesus had a footrest. He was able to lift himself up and take short breaths. But this young lady was hanging. Her pectoral muscles probably became paralyzed and the intercostal muscles were unable to function. She was able to breathe out, but not breathe in.", "INSERT: CGI ENHANCEMENT", "Robbins: (V.O.) In time, carbon dioxide built up in her lungs and bloodstream. Edema built up in the chest cavity. Heart went into fibrillation.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Grissom: Gruesome torture in any century.", "(Catherine walks up the aisle.)", "Catherine: In eighteen years, this is my first crucifixion. In a Catholic church with no crucifixes.", "(Catherine notes the blood on the palm of the statue of Jesus.)", "Grissom: I imagine the priest is a resurrection theologian, as opposed to a crucifixion theologian. They believe in forgiveness rather than penance.", "Catherine: We could all use a little forgiveness.", "Grissom: She was bleeding from her head wounds, and the beating didn't take place up there.", "(Catherine notes the blood at the base of the statue of Jesus.)", "Catherine: Well, the blood pool is gravitational. And the blood trail ...", "(She looks around at the trail on the floor.)", "Catherine: ... the tips are pointing towards the statue. She was bleeding on the way in. I'll backtrack, see if I can find the point of origin.", "(Catherine follows the blood to the door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CHURCH - FRONT -- DAY]", "(A crowd of reporters and on-lookers have gathered around the front of the church. Father Frank Berlin pushes his way through the crowd to the church. Marty, a crackhead, follows him and gets too nervous with the police there.)", "Marty: Uh, ... I-I got to go, Father. I'll see you.", "Frank Berlin: Okay.", "(Marty leaves. Frank Berlin stops at the tape barrier and talks with Officer Mitchell.)", "Frank Berlin: I'm the pastor of the church.", "Officer Mitchell: (over his shoulder) Hey, Captain. He'll take care of you.", "(Officer Mitchell holds up the tape and Father Frank Berlin ducks under it.)", "Frank Berlin: Thank you.", "(Brass walks over to him.)", "Frank Berlin: Father Frank Berlin.", "Brass: I'm Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police. You were supposed to be here 45 minutes ago. Where you been?", "Frank Berlin: Been serving breakfast at the shelter. I understand there's been a death in the church. How soon before you're out of here?", "Brass: Father, this is a murder investigation.", "Frank Berlin: It's just we hold mass at ten o'clock.", "Brass: Yeah, I understand. Sorry, Father, but, uh, this is a crime scene. You're not gonna get your church back for a while.", "Frank Berlin: Is it all right if we set mass in the community center?", "Brass: Yeah, sure, I have no problem with that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CHURCH - FOYER / SANCTUARY - DAY]", "(Sisters Elizabeth and Bridget are wiping their hands. They stand up when Father Frank Berlin walks in.)", "Frank Berlin: Sister, would you tell the choir we'll be singing \"In Paradisum.\"", "Sister Bridget: I'll take care of it, Father.", "(Sisters Bridget and Elizabeth leave. Greg gets up and follows Frank Berlin and Brass, who walk to the church sanctuary.)", "Frank Berlin: We sing the hymn for the dead every time we have a death.", "(They turn and enter the church sanctuary and walk down the aisle toward the body.)", "Brass: Sisters couldn't identify the victim, so we'll need you to take a look.", "Frank Berlin: Sorry. I didn't mean to sound cavalier. It's just we've had over half a dozen deaths this year. We've never had to close the church.", "Brass: That's because in this neighborhood those derelicts and drug addicts died of heatstroke, overdose and old age. None of them were strung up in the rafters.", "(They reach the front. Grissom turns around.)", "Brass: Father Frank Berlin, this is Gil Grissom from the Crime Lab.", "(Robbins turns the victim's head toward Frank Berlin so he can see her.)", "Brass: Do you recognize her?", "(Frank Berlin is quiet and distressed. Obviously he does recognize her. He shakes his head, no.)", "Brass: I'll take that as a no.", "(Grissom watches Frank Berlin.)", "Greg: Excuse me, Father. Is that blood on your jacket?", "(Frank looks at the blood on the back of his upper arm.)", "Frank Berlin: Yeah. We had a fight in the shelter. I had to break it up.", "Grissom: We're gonna need to take your clothes.", "Frank Berlin: No, you can't have my clothes.", "Brass: Then you have to come downtown to the police station.", "Greg: If you're gonna say mass later, you have to change anyway, right?", "(Frank Berlin turns and leaves. Grissom motions to Greg.)", "Grissom: Greg, go with him, collect his clothing.", "(Greg shrugs and leaves to follow Frank Berlin.)", "Brass: Is it a bigger sin to lie if you're a priest?", "Grissom: I hope so.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CHURCH - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Catherine follows the blood trail. She looks up and sees the candles on the stand near the window. She walks over.)", "(She looks around. She takes a bill out, puts it in the donation slot. She takes a match from the matchbox and lights it.)", "Catherine: This one's for you, Sam.", "(She lights the candle and blows the match out. She crosses herself.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CHURCH - STAIRS -- DAY]", "(Greg follows Frank Berlin down the stairs. Greg carries the bag of clothes with him.)", "Frank Berlin: When will I get those back? I only have three sets of clothes.", "Greg: Respectfully, Father, a woman's been murdered in your church and your clothes have blood on them. You're lucky you're not under arrest.", "(Greg continues walking. Frank Berlin stops and sits down on the steps, upset.)", "(Greg stops walking. He turns around and watches Frank Berlin for a moment. Greg turns and continues walking.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Sara gathers trace from the victim's body. She finishes marking the envelope and puts it on the tray. She picks up another envelope and gathers scrapings from under the victim's fingernails.)", "(She finishes and sets it aside. She picks up the magnifying glass and looks at the victim's feet. She finds a thorn in the victim's feet and snaps a photo of it.)", "(She removes the thorn and looks at it. She continues working.)", "(The door opens and Grissom walks in. Without looking up, Sara knows it's him. Grissom puts his gloves on. Sara pulls out another thorn from the victim's feet.)", "Sara: Was there bougainvillea at the crime scene?", "(Grissom stops and thinks about it.)", "Grissom: Two shrubs at the entrance of the church. A row of four on the wall of the community center. Three bushes behind the rectory adjacent to the statue of St. Jude.", "(She turns and smiles at him.)", "Sara: Did you anticipate that question in order to impress me with your powers of observation?", "Grissom: Memory's a gift.", "(Sara goes back to examining the victim's feet. Grissom looks at the victim.)", "Sara: Mmm. From whom?", "Grissom: Who do you think?", "Sara: Well, I wouldn't necessarily call myself an atheist, but I am not sold on the notion of a higher power. However, I used to love the stories of the saints.", "(Grissom notices a bruise pattern around the victim's neck. He puts his glasses on.)", "Grissom: This job certainly challenges your faith.", "Sara: Yes, it does, but I have science.", "Grissom: I believe we need a little of both.", "(Grissom thinks about it a moment. He takes his glasses off.)", "Sara: Sometimes I think we made up God just to have someone to blame for our mistakes.", "(Grissom's quiet and doesn't answer her. He gets an idea and quickly leaves the room.)", "Sara: (calls out) It's just a theory.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CHURCH - BACK -- DAY]", "(Catherine puts evidence marker #18 down next to a drop of blood on the stone walkway. She continues walking and puts evidence marker #19 down near some blood near a statue.)", "(She snaps a photo of it and looks around. Near the bushes, she finds a high-heeled sandal on the ground. She snaps photos of it and looks around the area. She finds the second matching sandal on the bougainvillea bush. She picks up the sandal and puts it on the ground next to the other sandal.)", "(She looks around and sees a set of keys on the ground nearby. Catherine walks over and picks it up. She looks at it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Catherine steps out onto the sidewalk and holds out the car keys. She points it down the long row of cars and presses the alarm.)", "(The car alarm blares behind her. She turns around and looks at the car parked right in front of the church.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CHURCH -- DAY]", "VARIOUS DISSOLVES OF:", "(Warrick checks the scaffolding for prints. He climbs up the ladder and swabs the scaffolding. He tests the swab.)", "(Warrick looks around. He climbs up and finds a piece of hair on the scaffolding. He picks it up and puts it in a bindle.)", "(He swabs some blood on the metal scaffolding. He tests it. It tests positive.)", "(He climbs up further and finds a blood smear on the scaffolding.)", "[INT. CHURCH - WALKWAY/BACK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick is walking through the side hallways. He finds things lying against the wall. He opens a backroom door and finds the mother lode.)", "Nick: (chuckles) Hey.", "(He steps inside and finds rope and other supplies.)", "Nick: (shouts) Hey! Hey, I found it. Rope, nails, hammers, everything.", "(Nick lifts up the rope and finds more hammers under it. He picks up the topmost hammer and examines it.)", "Nick: (softly) Oh, yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Grissom walks in his office. He heads for his desk. He opens his top right-hand drawer and picks up a small wooden box.)", "(He takes the box and walks out of his office.)", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom walks back into the room. Sara is examining the body. She doesn't look up.)", "Sara: Something I said?", "Grissom: No, dear.", "Sara: I didn't offend you, did I? Did I say something offensive to you as a Catholic?", "Grissom: I'm not really a Catholic anymore, you know. I suppose I practice a kind of secular Catholicism that involves ritualizing certain aspects of everyday life and imbuing them with a spiritual intensity they might not otherwise possess, but I don't want to put too fine a point on it.", "(Grissom opens the box and takes out rosary beads.)", "Sara: And the rosary beads are a part of that.", "Grissom: This belonged to my mother.", "(He holds the beads up against the bruising around Jane Doe's neck. It matches.)", "Grissom: Take a look at this pattern.", "(Sara leans in to look. She picks up the camera and snaps photos of the beads and bruising.)", "Grissom: Five series of ten beads, each representing the \"five mysteries\" separated by five \"our father\" beads.", "Sara: Who would strangle someone with a rosary?", "Grissom: Probably the same person who would crucify someone in a church.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CHURCH -- DAY]", "(Grissom walks out of the church and heads over to Father Frank Berlin, who is talking with a man. When he's finished, the man leaves. Father Berlin picks up the scrub brush and starts working on removing the black ink from St. Jude's back.)", "Grissom: St. Jude. (Frank Berlin turns around.) Patron saint of lost causes.", "Frank Berlin: And that's why it's so difficult to keep the local kids from defacing this statue. Did you run those tests on my clothes?", "Grissom: We did. The blood on your clothes is not a match to the blood on the victim.", "Frank Berlin: So do I get my clothes back?", "Grissom: Not just yet.", "(Frank Berlin turns to leave. Grissom stops him.)", "Grissom: I have a favor to ask.", "Frank Berlin: You steal my clothes and then you want to ask for another favor?", "Grissom: We'd like permission to search your rectory and the nuns' apartments.", "Frank Berlin: Just because someone dies in our church doesn't mean we have anything to do with it.", "Grissom: Well, we want to eliminate you as suspects.", "Frank Berlin: That's what you said when you fingerprinted us, and the truth is you don't have enough for a warrant.", "Grissom: You're right. But you have nothing to hide.", "Frank Berlin: You really think if I killed a woman, I'd leave her body in my own church?", "Grissom: It's so obvious that it obviates suspicion.", "(In the background Sister Bridget walks over toward them. The church bells start to ring.)", "Frank Berlin: Mmm, I'm not that smart.", "Grissom: Well, that's hardly the argument to make.", "Frank Berlin: What is it you're looking for?", "Grissom: Rosaries.", "Sister Bridget: Mr. Grissom, I didn't realize you were here.", "(Frank Berlin takes the glass of water from her.)", "Frank Berlin: That's all right, Sister. We don't have to hide anything from Mr. Grissom. Uh, he's here to confiscate our rosaries. I don't know where mine are. Do you?", "Sister Bridget: It's probably in the sacristy.", "Grissom: We'll need all the rosaries.", "Sister Bridget: Uh, even Sister Elizabeth's? She's not going to like that.", "Frank Berlin: Happy day for Sister Elizabeth, for she delights in what she dislikes.", "(Grissom notes Sister Bridget smiling at Father Frank Berlin.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick and Warrick have the hammers on the table in front of them. The other supplies from the church are also in the lab.)", "(Nick sprays the hammers. Warrick finds the matching rope ends.)", "Nick: The killer used materials from the church: the rope, the 2x4s, and one of these hammers. I just haven't found it yet. But all this was in the same utility closet.", "Warrick: He didn't bring anything with him?", "Nick: Hmm-mm.", "Warrick: What does this feel like to you?", "Nick: Inside job.", "Warrick: I mean maybe one of the construction workers wasn't a fan of the victim. I'm going to call Brass.", "(Warrick heads out of the lab.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / TRACE LAB - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Warrick walks out across the hallway. Hodges sees him and knocks on the glass window to get his attention. Warrick looks up and Hodges motions for him to come to his lab.)", "(Warrick walks in.)", "Warrick: What?", "Hodges: I've solved your case.", "Warrick: Bull.", "Hodges: No, cow. Those hairs you found on the scaffold ... not human.", "(Warrick looks at the scope.)", "SCOPE VIEW: BOVINE HAIR SHAFT.", "Hodges: Bovine.", "Warrick: They have red cows?", "Hodges: You betcha, partner. Guernseys. Maybe the scaffold was used somewhere else. Like on a farm.", "Warrick: Or maybe it was secondary transfer.", "Hodges: Well, you can take care of that. I've done all the heavy lifting. As usual.", "(Warrick rolls his eyes and leaves the lab.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Catherine is walking through the hallway when she meets up with Greg.)", "Catherine: Oh, hi.", "Greg: Hi.", "Catherine: I saw you at the crime scene. I thought you were on desk duty until the coroner's inquest.", "Greg: Yeah, I was starting to get a serious case of trucker butt so I told Grissom that I wanted to, uh, get back out with the team.", "Catherine: Yeah, there's no therapy like work.", "(Catherine turns and looks at Greg.)", "Catherine: You doing okay?", "(He motions absently to the bruises still evident on his face. It looks somewhat painful.)", "Greg: Yeah.", "(He smiles.)", "Catherine: Well, hang in there.", "Greg: All right.", "(Catherine walks away. Greg sighs and heads off in another direction.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sofia walks in and talks with Hugo Bombay.)", "Sofia: Mr. Bombay. We found your keys at the scene of our murder. We also found your car close by.", "Hugo Bombay: I don't know anything about a murder.", "Sofia: (looking in file folder) Well, we also found a wad of bloody tissues in the front seat of your vehicle.", "Hugo Bombay: What ... what's going on?", "Sofia: You tell me.", "Hugo Bombay: I loaned my car to a woman I work with last night. She sings at my club. Charlotte Danville. Is she all right?", "(Sofia puts a photo on the table. He looks at it. It's the victim's morgue photo. He takes a moment.)", "Sofia: Was this your friend?", "Hugo Bombay: Yeah, that's her. (He pushes the photo back to Sofia, visibly upset by the image.) Who did ... who did this to her?", "Sofia: Why did she borrow your car?", "Hugo Bombay: (stares at photo) She had to ... she had to do another set and needed to change her clothes.", "Sofia: Doesn't she have her own car?", "Hugo Bombay: She had a Toyota Solara. Totally tricked out.", "Sofia: So why did she borrow yours?", "(He flips the photo over.)", "Hugo Bombay: I don't know. I didn't get the whole story. She seemed upset. She was talking to this guy.", "(Quick flash to: [INT. CLUB - NIGHT] Charlotte Danville sits at a table and talks with someone. A waitress walks over and whispers to her.)", "Hugo Bombay: (V.O.) I had to send a waitress over to remind her that she was getting paid to sing.", "(End of flashback.)", "Sofia: You ever see the guy move forward?", "(Quick flash of: Cody White talks with Charlotte.)", "Hugo Bombay: (V.O.) Yeah, it's that guy that sells cars on television.", "(End of flashback.)", "Hugo Bombay: Uh ... Cody White. I mean, but a lot of guys came in to see Charlotte. I mean, it's not like she slept around or anything. I tried. Can I go now?", "Sofia: Not without an alibi. Where did you spend the night?", "Hugo Bombay: I allowed myself to succumb to the pleasures of Donna. And she kept me up to the wee hours of the morning gratifying her abnormal lust.", "(Marty turns around and waves to a buxom brunette sitting out in the waiting room. Donna waves back.)", "(Marty looks at Sofia.)", "Hugo Bombay: (whispers) She sleeps with her eyes open.", "(He grimaces. Sofia stifles a smile.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "(FAR VIEW of HOMBRE MOTORS.)", "[INT. HOMBRE MOTORS -- DAY]", "(Brass walks over to a car with Cody White.)", "Brass: Yeah, this is it.", "Cody White: Well, this car's already been cleaned and detailed. It's ready to be sold.", "Brass: Well, I guess it's a change of plans.", "Cody White: No. No, there's not a change of plans. This baby's staying right where she sits. I'm not in the give-away-the-car-to-cops business. I'm in the sell-the-car-to-willing-victims business.", "Brass: Mr. White, we have a court order to examine this car for evidence related to the murder of Charlotte Danville.", "Cody White: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Charlotte? She and I are friends. I ... I knew her.", "Brass: Yeah, I know. We have a witness who places you arguing with her last night. You may be one of the last people to see her alive.", "Cody White: Yeah. I was with her. I went to see Charlotte to give her the car. Helped Charlotte through a rough patch, but lately she's been ducking me.", "(Quick flash of: [INT. CLUB - NIGHT] Cody White talks with Charlotte Danville.)", "Charlotte Danville: What am I supposed to do now? Walk home?", "Cody White: I'll give you money for a cab. Tomorrow, we'll see about getting you a good used car.", "Charlotte Danville: Some junker. Thanks a lot. Some friend you are. Take your damn car.", "(She picks up the keys off the table and tosses them to him. She knocks over a glass and stands up.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Cody White: Guess that's what you get for helping a friend, you know. Look, I feel awful about Charlotte. I really do. But I'll tell you this: Whatever happened, happened after I got this car.", "Brass: Well, I feel awful too, but the car is coming with me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Catherine: (V.O.) No sign of forced entry.", "[INT. DANVILLE APARTMENT -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Sofia walk into the apartment.)", "Sofia: Pricey address.", "Catherine: Does this look like the condo of a woman who sings weekends at the Gorilla Room?", "(They look around the living room. Catherine finds blood.)", "Catherine: Fight must've started here. Got some blood, some here on the pillow. But no blood trail. The real beating took place in the bushes at the church.", "Sofia: This was just the opening act.", "Catherine: Explains the bloody tissue found in the back seat of Hugo's car. I guess she got a bloody nose or a fat lip here, ran out and used Hugo's car to go to the church.", "(Catherine looks at a scrapbook with newspaper clippings.)", "Sofia: The killer must have followed her and caught up with her there.", "(Catherine smiles as she reads the newspaper clipping headline: CHARLOTTE DANVILLE FLOORS 'EM AT THE LAVISH CAFÉ.)", "Catherine: She had quite the career.", "(She turns the page and finds a large colored photo of a happy Charlotte and Frank Berlin.)", "Catherine: Sofia.", "(Sofia walks over.)", "Catherine: You recognize that guy? That's Father Frank Berlin. I mean, a lot younger, obviously.", "(Catherine points to another man in another photo.)", "Catherine: You know him?", "Sofia: No.", "Catherine: That's 'the Big Hombre.' He sells cars on TV. She's known these guys forever.", "(Sofia turns and looks around the room. Catherine continues looking through the scrapbook. Sofia finds some rosary beads on a pair of black high-heeled shoes. Sofia walks over and kneels down.)", "Sofia: Here's a rosary.", "(Catherine turns around.)", "Sofia: Looks like it's broken.", "(Catherine picks the beads up.)", "Catherine: Hmm. Could be the one she was strangled with.", "(Sofia looks around and finds a bag and cell phone on the living room table.)", "Sofia: And here's her purse and cell phone. You don't leave home without those unless you're in a hurry.", "Catherine: Or you're being chased.", "(Catherine notices the television set.)", "Catherine: DVD's on pause.", "(She hits 'play' and a home video of Charlotte Danville, Cody White and Frank Berlin singing karaoke appears on screen.)", "Catherine: Well, there they are again.", "Sofia: Someone was taking a trip down memory lane.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DANVILLE APARTMENT - BEDROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine is in the bedroom using the ALS on the bedsheets.)", "Catherine: There was a man in her life.", "(She pulls back the bedcovers and finds semen on the bedsheets.)", "(She looks through more sheets and finds more semen.)", "Catherine: Mr. Frisky.", "[INT. DANVILLE APARTMENT - KITCHEN - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine steps out of the bedroom and finds Sofia looking at the trash.)", "Sofia: Drain smells like whiskey, empty bottles in the trash, more liquor than you could use in a wild weekend. She might have been going on the wagon.", "(Catherine steps into the kitchen and picks up a bottle of vitamins.)", "Catherine: Folic acid.", "(Sofia opens the refrigerator door and finds it completely stocked. Catherine continues to look through the vitamin bottles.)", "Sofia: Fresh fruit, vegetables, plenty of milk.", "(They stop and get the same idea at the same time. They turn and look at each other.)", "Sofia: You think she was pregnant?", "Catherine: We'll have Robbins run a pregnancy test.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Grissom takes the memory chip out of the camera and loads it into the computer. He goes through the photos. He finds a particular photo of the bruising around the victim's throat and prints it out.)", "(Grissom puts his glasses on. On the table is the bagged silver rosary beads belonging to Father Frank Berlin. Grissom takes the beads out of the bag and places them over the bruises in the photo.)", "(Sara walks in carrying an evidence bag.)", "Sara: Hey. Got another rosary for your collection.", "(Sara hands the evidence bag to Grissom.)", "Grissom: Where'd you get this?", "Sara: Catherine found it in Charlotte's condo. There is some evidence that the fight started there.", "(Grissom takes the beads out of the bag. He compares them to Father Frank Berlin's rosary beads. They look exactly alike.)", "Sara: Charlotte's bag and cell phone were there, as if she left in a hurry. Are those Father Frank's?", "Grissom: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CHURCH - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Brass meets up with Sister Elizabeth and Sister Bridget.)", "Brass: Where's Father Frank?", "Sister Bridget: Father Frank is hearing confessions tonight.", "(Brass turns and heads for the main sanctuary. He walks out of frame. The two sisters linger behind. Sister Elizabeth leans toward Sister Bridget and whispers to her.)", "Sister Elizabeth: It's St. Bart's all over again. Only that time, he went in handcuffs.", "Sister Bridget: That never happened. It was just a rumor.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CHURCH - SANCTUARY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Father Frank Berlin runs out of the confessional booth. He opens the other confessional door and hauls Cody White out. The two men start fighting.)", "Voice: Get away.", "(Brass rushes in.)", "Brass: Hey!", "(The two men stop fighting.)", "Brass: Didn't your mother tell you you're not supposed to fight in church? Cody White. What's up, Hombre?", "Cody White: Father Frank and I are actually old friends. Just having a conversation about church finances.", "Brass: But aren't you the one who's funding the renovation of the church?", "Cody White: Not anymore. Well, there you go. We done here?", "Brass: Yeah.", "(Cody White leaves through the side door.)", "Brass: So what sins did he commit to earn the punch-out penance? Let's talk about it downtown.", "(Brass and Frank Berlin walk out the front -- past the sisters and curious on-lookers.)", "(We hold on Sister Bridget.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom puts photos of the rosaries out on the table in front of Father Frank Berlin as he and Brass question him.)", "Grissom: These are unique rosaries, Father. Handmade in Italy. And they're sequentially numbered on the back. So we know that they were purchased together. One of them is yours; one we found at the victim's condo. Did you give it to her?", "Frank Berlin: Yes.", "Brass: You know, Father, when we asked you if you knew her, you said you didn't.", "Frank Berlin: After I saw Charlotte's body, I don't recall being asked any questions. Um, uh, maybe I said \"no\" to what I was seeing. I don't really remember much about yesterday.", "Brass: What about the night before?", "Frank Berlin: I was at the shelter.", "Brass: You know, we can't find anyone who remembers seeing you there after midnight.", "Frank Berlin: Because I wasn't there past midnight.", "Brass: Where were you?", "Frank Berlin: One of our regulars, Marty, came in high on crack. He got into an argument, a fight with one of the other men, and I ...", "Brass: What time was that?", "Frank Berlin: Uh, it was late. I don't wear a watch. We had to call the paramedics; you can check with them.", "Brass: Charlotte died around 2:00 A.M. Where were you then?", "Frank Berlin: I was out with Marty trying to walk off his high to keep him out of trouble.", "Brass: Does crackhead Marty have a last name?", "Frank Berlin: I-I don't know.", "Brass: You know, Father, listen, I'm telling you, these answers -- none of them work for me.", "Frank Berlin: Well, then put me in jail. I'll still be doing exactly the same work I'm doing out here with exactly the same results.", "Brass: I don't want to do that.", "(There's a knock on the door. Brass gets up to answer it.)", "Brass: Sister Bridget?", "(Grissom quickly gets up and follows Brass out of the room.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Officer Mitchell is holding a bloodied hammer wrapped in a towel. Brass and Grissom step out of the room.)", "Officer Mitchell: I think you should see this, cap.", "Sister Bridget: I'm sorry I didn't come forward sooner, Father.", "Officer Mitchell: We caught her trying to bring this into the building.", "Sister Bridget: This is the hammer I used to build the cross.", "Frank Berlin: No, no, she didn't. She must've got that out of my office at the shelter. I took it off Marty.", "Brass: Father, sit down, please.", "(Frank Berlin goes back into the interview room and sits down.)", "Grissom: Sister, excuse me, but ... could you tell us how you managed to haul the victim's body to the top of the scaffolding?", "Sister Bridget: I used the rope and the pulley, the one the workmen use.", "Brass: But why did you kill her?", "Sister Bridget: Because she had to be stopped. She was coming for Father, and I couldn't let that happen. Now ... do your job. Arrest me.", "Grissom: Sister, how much do you weigh?", "Sister Bridget: 123 pounds.", "Grissom: It's a question of physics. Charlotte weighed 140 pounds, plus the weight of the cross. You don't weigh enough or have enough strength to have hoisted the body 17 feet into the air.", "Sister Bridget: It was a miracle.", "(Grissom nods and doesn't say anything. He turns to Brass.)", "Brass: The only miracle is I'm not charging you with obstruction.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick preps a swab and swabs the hammer's handle. He caps the swab.)", "(He sprays the handle and finds a print. He takes a photo of the print. He puts the camera card into the computer and compares the print with Father Frank Berlin. He has a POSITIVE MATCH.)", "Nick: Father Frank.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOUNGE -- DAY]", "(Nick talks with Sara and Grissom about his print findings.)", "Nick: The blood on the hammer is a match to the blood found on the father's clothes, but none of it is from Charlotte.", "Grissom: Well, you know, he told me that he broke up a fight at the shelter.", "Nick: I think Sister Bridget found the bloody hammer and confessed to the murder because she thought Father Frank was guilty.", "Sara: If she thinks he did it, maybe he did it. But why does she think that he did it?", "Grissom: You know, his move from St. Bart's to St. Jude's involved a female parishioner who committed suicide. No charges were filed, but the parish board asked that he be removed.", "Sara: I can do you one better. Catherine found two sets of semen stains on Charlotte's bedding. Unknown contributor on the bed skirt. Probably doesn't get washed as often. But the one on the sheet is a match to Father Frank. It's probably more recent. And here is the big thing: Uh, Doc Robbins says that Charlotte was about ten weeks pregnant.", "Nick: Maybe he's the unwilling father of her unborn child.", "Grissom: Well, DNA will give us a profile.", "Sara: One more thing that he did not tell us.", "Grissom: We didn't ask.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOMBRE MOTORS -- DAY]", "(Brass talks with Cody White.)", "Brass: I don't know, I mean, most people give their friends, uh, subscriptions to a fruit-of-the-month club. But you gave your friend Charlotte a condo and a car.", "Cody White: It's like I told you before, I was helping her out. I was letting her live there and use the car till she got on her feet. She came back to Vegas broke and strung out, and I was helping her.", "Brass: So it was supposed to be a short-term thing?", "Cody White: It was supposed to be short-term, but it was endless. Sort of like renovating St. Jude's.", "Brass: So is that what the fight in the church was about?", "Cody White: No, that's not what the fight was about. I went to talk to him about Charlotte. I thought maybe taking the car back had something to do with her death. I don't know. Then he said something; I said ... I don't even remember, to tell you the truth. But I'll tell you this: he lost it. I've never seen Frank like that.", "Brass: So do you always have personal conversations in the confessional?", "Cody White: Can't talk to him in his office with that Sister Bridget hovering around. Besides, I'd never want his relationship with Charlotte to be open to misinterpretation.", "Brass: Now, why would their relationship be open to misinterpretation?", "Cody White: They were more than friends.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Grissom looks through Charlotte's scrapbook. Sara and Nick are still in his office.)", "Grissom: Going by her scrapbook, this seems to have been a golden time in Charlotte's life -- high school. There's a lot of pictures of the three of them together, but the only two-shots are of Frank and Charlotte except for this one.", "(Nick leans forward to look at the picture Grissom's talking about.)", "Grissom: Evidently, she went to her prom with Cody.", "Nick: She looks thrilled.", "(not.)", "Grissom: The next picture of Frank, he's in a seminary. Maybe, uh, giving up Charlotte was the sacrifice he made to join the church.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Frank Berlin sits at the interview room table. Brass walks in.)", "Brass: I need to ask you a few more questions.", "Frank Berlin: Go ahead and ask the question you really want to know.", "Brass: Who killed Charlotte Danville?", "Frank: I did.", "(He looks away. Brass sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - PARKING GARAGE -- DAY]", "(The elevator bell dings and the doors open. Grissom and Brass step out into the garage.)", "Brass: Single malt express is leaving the station as soon as I get home.", "Grissom: Look, I know it sounds nuts, but this is not the way a resurrection theologian would kill his pregnant mistress.", "Brass: He confessed.", "Grissom: He's a Catholic. They're full of guilt.", "(Brass walks over to his car.)", "Brass: He's a priest, for God's sakes. That's the whole point of the priesthood. No sleeping around. More energy for good works and noble deeds. Now you find me some evidence to exonerate the good father, and we'll talk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Sara is in the car, wearing a mask, and spraying luminol on the car seats.)", "Catherine: Hi. I heard Grissom wants us to keep digging. This Charlotte's car?", "Sara: Yeah. I found blood smears, but they've been washed. Cody said he repo'd the car at the club and drove it back to the lot. There shouldn't be any blood in this car.", "Catherine: Well, unless Father Frank drove it that night, and we've got no reason to believe that he did.", "Sara: Which brings us back to Cody.", "Catherine: Do you have a big enough sample for DNA?", "Sara: No. But I do know one spot the detailers never hit.", "(Sara sprays the pedal. It lights up.)", "Sara: Bloody shoe impression on the brake pedal.", "Catherine: Well, I'll compare it to Father Frank's shoes. If it's not a match, I'll get a warrant for Cody's shoes.", "Sara: I'll get a sample of the blood to DNA.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. HOMBRE MOTORS -- DAY]", "(Sara and Sofia wait for Cody White to read the warrant. Cody is wearing a cowboy outfit complete with yellow hat.)", "Cody White: I'm trying to shoot a commercial here, so I don't see why this can't wait.", "(He looks at the warrant.)", "Cody White: I can't even read this, so why don't you tell me what it is that you want?", "Sara: Your boots and a DNA sample.", "Cody White: Well, there's my wife. (shouts) Candy! Get my damn lawyer on the phone now.", "Candice White: What's wrong?", "Cody White: Would ... would you just do it, please?", "Sara: We found rust-colored fur on the scaffold at the crime scene.", "Sofia: Well, I'll call a judge and get him to amend the warrant to include the vest.", "Cody White: J-j-j-j-j-J... hold on for a minute, all right? J-Just hang on?", "(Greg appears behind them carrying a plastic bag with cowboy boots in it.)", "Greg: Hey, I found these in his office. Positive for blood on the right sole.", "Cody White: Where's my wife? (shouts) Candy?!", "Greg: Well, Big Hombre, it looks like you're going to the hoosegow.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM A -- DAY]", "(Brass and Grissom talk with Frank Berlin.)", "Brass: So, you don't like crucifixes, but maybe you made an exception when you found out Charlotte was pregnant, hmm?", "Grissom: Father ... I want you to take a look at this.", "(Grissom puts the crime scene photo of Charlotte hanging from the rafters. Frank Berlin looks at the photo and grimaces sadly.)", "Frank Berlin: I'm responsible for her murder. I could never do that.", "Brass: In my world, Father, you're either guilty or innocent.", "Frank Berlin: Well, in my world, you can be both.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM B -- DAY]", "(Sofia interviews Cody White.)", "Sofia: The blood on your boot is Charlotte's. Your footprint was found on the brake pedal of her car in blood. The lab also matched hair from your fur vest to hair found dried in the blood of the victim in the church.", "(Cody White shrugs and laughs.)", "Cody White: No matter how much evidence you have, I'm the Big Hombre. I get whatever I want, including store-bought justice.", "Sofia: And yet, the one thing you couldn't get was Charlotte's love.", "Cody White: Yeah, like I said, I only saw her that last time to get the car.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. CLUB - NIGHT] Charlotte sings and plays piano as Cody White listens.)", "(She finishes and the audience applauds.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Charlotte sits at Cody White's table.)", "Charlotte Danville: Thanks for coming.", "Cody White: Come on. I'd come every night if you wanted me to. You know that.", "(Charlotte takes the keys out of her bag and puts them on the table.)", "Charlotte Danville: Here's the car back. You're a good friend.", "(End of flashback.)", "Sofia: No, you gave her the car. You gave her everything. And how did she pay you back? She dumped you for your best friend.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. CLUB - NIGHT] Charlotte puts the keys on the table.)", "Charlotte Danville: Here's the car back. And I'm moving.", "Cody White: Why would you do that?", "Charlotte Danville: I can't do this anymore. It's not right. I'm in love with another man. I'm sorry, Cody.", "Cody White: That's what you got for me? You got, you're sorry? I'm sorry, too.", "(He angrily knocks the glass over, spilling the drink all over her dress. She gasps and stands up.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM A -- DAY]", "(Grissom and Brass talk with Frank Berlin.)", "Grissom: We, uh, found a letter you wrote to the bishop and pulled it off your computer. \"The spirit has left my vocation. I've crossed a line in my discipline and committed an act unfit for the priesthood.\" What act is that?", "Frank Berlin: Putting my love for Charlotte above my love for God.", "Grissom: So, you were leaving the priesthood?", "Frank Berlin: I was leaving because I loved her, and I wanted to be with her in all ways. Her dying doesn't change that. I still love her.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. CHURCH] Frank Berlin talks with Charlotte.)", "Frank Berlin: I talked to the monsignor. It's a complicated process, but I told him I'm leaving.", "Charlotte Danville: Are you sure?", "Frank Berlin: I prayed about it. What came to me was that God is love. Wherever there is true love, God is, as well. I have to follow my heart.", "(End of flashback.)", "Frank Berlin: And we only made love once, but in the wake of that, I found the husband in me, the father in me. I wanted to be those men for her. And I always loved her.", "Grissom: And what if the baby wasn't yours?", "Frank Berlin: A child is always welcome.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM B -- DAY]", "(Cody talks with Sofia.)", "Cody White: Yeah, I decorated her condo, you know that? I bought her that car. Special-ordered the paint to match the color of her eyes. She didn't care as long as she had a place to stay. That's all she cared about.", "Sofia: She cared about Father Frank, didn't she? Did you suspect that she was leaving you for him?", "Cody White: Should have, but I didn't.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. CHARLOTTE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT] Charlotte changed and steps out into the living room. She finds Cody sitting there.)", "Charlotte Danville: What are you doing here?", "Cody White: Look, I'm sorry about the dress, all right?", "Charlotte Danville: I have to get back to the club.", "(Charlotte grabs her things off the table. Cody gets up and grabs Charlotte's arm. She gasps.)", "Cody White: Wait, wait, wait. I want to know who you're leaving me for.", "Charlotte Danville: No.", "(He slaps her. She falls backward over the chair.)", "Cody White: What is that?", "(He sees the rosary on the floor. He picks it up.)", "Cody White: It's Frank, isn't it? (shouts) Isn't it?", "(He uses the rosary and chokes her. She gasps.)", "Cody White: It's always been Frank.", "(Charlotte kicks Cody off her. She scrambles to her feet.)", "(End of flashback.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM A -- DAY]", "(Brass and Grissom talk with Frank Berlin.)", "Brass: You know, he doesn't think you did it. But I think that you know who killed Charlotte. He came to the church that day to confess, didn't he?", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. CONFESSIONAL] Cody confesses to Frank.)", "Cody White: Bless for I have sinned. My last confession was two weeks ago. I lied to my wife seven times. I cheated an old lady out of a classic car. And I killed my best friend for cheating on me with you.", "(Frank turns and looks at Cody when he realizes what he just said.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Frank Berlin: You know I can't discuss that.", "(Brass sighs.)", "Frank Berlin: You know, in Vegas, it's routine to hear the most heinous sins, and as a priest, you listen, and in Christ's name, you forgive.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM B -- DAY]", "Cody White: I knew she'd go running to him. She'd always run back to Frank, and I knew he wouldn't be there. He was never there.", "(Sofia sits down.)", "Sofia: Is that when you thought of crucifying her in Frank's church?", "Cody White: I don't know how I came up with that. You know, Frank always used to talk about the problem of human evil. How ... you better watch out 'cause it'd come into you in times of despair. Something terrible came into me that night.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. CHURCH] Charlotte is walking outside the church when Cody jumps out and hits her. She falls to the ground. He jumps over her and chokes her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CHURCH - NIGHT]", "(Cody hammers the plyboards together. He uses the string and ties Charlotte to the make-shift cross.)", "(As Charlotte comes to, Cody uses the pulleys to lift Charlotte and the cross up to the rafters.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Cody White: I loved Charlotte more than anything.", "Sofia: The paternity test came back. You were the father.", "(Cody turns and looks at Sofia.)", "Sofia: You killed your own baby.", "(Cody cries.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Father Frank Berlin alone sits in the hallway. Grissom walks down the hallway toward him. From the opposite end of the hallway, officers escort Cody White out of the interview room and past Frank Berlin. Frank gets to his feet.)", "(Cody stops in front of him.)", "Cody White: You were my friend. You should have come to me like a man.", "(The officers lead Cody away.)", "(Grissom watches them go. He turns and looks at Frank Berlin.)", "Grissom: Can you forgive him?", "Frank Berlin: That's Christ's mandate. You know what that means.", "Grissom: You have no choice." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Double Cross
[ "When two young boys are reported missing, a known neighborhood sex offender, played by Alan Tudyk , is the primary suspect. In an attempt to extract his confession, Grissom asks for the pedophile's help in catching the boys' abductor. However, the case turns out to be much more complicated than Grissom or the rest of the CSI team ever expected." ]
[ "[BLURRY IMAGES]", "(We're inside a dark room, the blinds are closed. Light filters in through the blinds. Muffled sounds are heard. The rooms spins around slowly, then blurs out)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[FADE IN: BLURRY IMAGES]", "(Figures walk past the blinds. Sounds are still muffled. The room is tilted. The images blur out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[FADE IN: A DARK ROOM]", "(Blurry images continue to walk past the window. Voices of people arguing loudly are heard.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Grissom is lying on the couch, his eyes closed. He blinks hard, his eyes squinting and forehead contorted in pain. He hears the muffled sounds of arguing voices coming from outside the room.)", "(He looks around the room, the lights flash and pierce his eyes.)", "Reporter (woman): (o.s.) (clearly) There's an Amber Alert this evening in Clark County for two missing boys.", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - CONFERENCE ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Brass briefs the roomful of officers.)", "Brass: Okay, we have two missing criticals -- Jason Crowley, age eleven -- black, male, four-foot-six; Lucas Hanson -- age ten, Caucasian, male, five feet. Now, uh, the boys were last seen at this location at 15:30 hours -- Jason Crowley's house. Jason lives with his grandfather, Terrance Crowley. The address is on your handouts. Terrance Crowley assumed that they were staying at Lucas's house. Dawn Hanson, Lucas's mother, returned home from work at 21:00 hours. She assumed they were at Terrance Crowley's house. She reported them missing at 24:00 hours. Now, we searched the schools, playgrounds, basketball courts. Found nothing. Canine is on the scene. Neither of the boys carried cell phones or pagers. Now, any questions?", "Officer: Boys ever run away before?", "Brass: No, and, uh, we interviewed the teachers at the school, and according to them, they're both good kids.", "(Grissom's cell phone beeps; he checks it.)", "Officer 2: (o.s.) Any, uh, distinguishing features or marks?", "Brass: Well, as you can see, Jason wears glasses, but that's it. Yeah?", "(Grissom's message reads:", "MY 204 MIGHT BE YOUR 418. NICK )", "(Grissom gets up and slips out of the room.)", "Officer 3: (o.s.) Did Amber Alerts go out to any other states?", "Brass: Amber Alerts have gone out to the states of Utah, California ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ARSON SITE (FISHER RESIDENCE) - NIGHT]", "(Grissom walks up the front drive. The fire is out. The area is taped off with emergency personnel at the scene. Grissom walks up to Nick, who is looking at a car parked in the driveway.)", "Grissom: Okay, so what does your arson have to do with my missing kids?", "Nick: Upon initial search of the premises, farmer located one adult male unconscious on the living room floor. His name's Carl Fisher. Paramedics have him on the bumper now. Once he came around, he started claiming every time there's an Amber Alert, somebody tries to kill him.", "Grissom: Child molester.", "Nick: Tier Two, by his own admission.", "(Grissom seems surprised. He heads over toward Carl Fisher, who is sitting on the back of the ambulance, the paramedics finished with him.)", "Grissom: Excuse me, Mr. Fisher?", "(Carl Fisher looks at Grissom. He's dirty and looking exhausted.)", "Grissom: My name's Gil Grissom. I'm with the Crime Lab. What happened to your shoes?", "Carl Fisher: They're in the house. I was asleep.", "Grissom: Are you familiar with the names Lucas Hanson or Jason Crowley?", "Carl Fisher: The kids from the Amber Alert? No, sir. I'm a convicted pedophile. That would be a violation of my parole.", "Grissom: Which is it -- boys or girls?", "Carl Fisher: Boys. Pre-teen. I know what you're thinking.", "Grissom: No, you don't.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FISHER RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT -- FLASHBACK]", "(Carl Fisher is on the couch, the flames of the fire in the living room. He coughs and looks around.)", "Carl Fisher: (V.O.) Don't know what woke me up, the smoke or the fire.", "(He looks at his cell phone on the floor and reaches for it with his left hand. It's too hot for him to pick up.)", "Carl Fisher: Ahh!", "(End of flashback.)", "[INT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT]", "(Carl Fisher is in a gown talking with Brass as Grissom picks up his camera.)", "Carl Fisher: Next thing I remember, I was outside, looking up at the paramedics.", "Grissom: Hold out your hands, please.", "(Grissom snaps photos of Carl Fisher's hands. His left hand is more burned than his right.)", "Grissom: Turn them over.", "Brass: So, uh, can you account for your whereabouts the last 24 hours?", "Carl Fisher: I worked from 6:00 until 2:00 p.m., and then I went straight home.", "(Grissom snaps photos of the blisters on Carl's back.)", "Brass: Where do you work?", "Carl Fisher: At the feed lot off Highway 111. I've got a Masters in English Literature. I used to teach high school.", "Brass: Let me guess -- the kids loved you.", "Carl Fisher: Someone set fire to my house. I almost died. Why don't you ask me about that?", "Brass: Okay. Who would want to barbecue you?", "Carl Fisher: My neighbors make it clear every day how they feel about me. I would start with Mr. Hamilton. He threw a rock through my window a few months back when a little girl went missing. Hamilton ... he barely finished high school. He has a lot of displaced anger.", "Brass: Hmm.", "Carl Fisher: You're not writing any of this down.", "Brass: I have a good memory.", "Carl Fisher: Listen, I've called you guys half a dozen times in the past two years. I've had my house graffitied, my windows broken, my tires slashed.", "Brass: Well, you know, Carl - (he sighs) -- sometimes bad things happen to bad people. (Grissom stops and looks at Brass. He doesn't say anything.) But I'll tell you what -- I'll let you file a formal complaint down at the police station.", "(Brass's phone rings; he checks his message. It reads:", "FROM: L.V.P.D.", "DAWN HANSON WAITING IN RECEPTION FOR YOU. )", "Brass: I got to go. You all right here?", "Grissom: I'm almost done.", "(Brass leaves. Grissom continues working.)", "Carl Fisher: I've been living right the past five years since I got out of prison. I haven't gone near a child. I go to a support group every week. I've even lectured social workers on how to recognize sexual predators. Ask my parole officer.", "(Grissom doesn't say anything. He continues working.)", "Carl Fisher: (frustrated) Doesn't that count for something?", "Grissom: I don't know. But it doesn't change anything, does it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[TELEVISION MONITOR]", "Paula Francis (news Reporter): (on tv) Police have no new clues in the disappearance of ten-year-old Lucas Hanson and 11-year-old Jason Crowley.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Dawn Hanson sits in the waiting room waiting for Brass.)", "Paula Francis (news Reporter): (on tv) Teachers and classmates are planning a six p.m. vigil at Rockwater Elementary ...", "(Brass walks in.)", "Brass: Mrs. Hanson, I got your message. You said it was urgent.", "Dawn Hanson: You told me to go home and look around. That's what I did. My ex took 'em.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Brass looks at the empty hide-away key container.)", "Brass: Ms. Hanson, I thought you told me that your ex-husband wasn't involved in Lucas's life.", "Dawn Hanson: He doesn't care about Lucas. He barely uses his visitation, and then, six months ago, I don't know, he-he got into some kind of trouble. He started coming around when Lucas was home alone. He'd gone through my mail, my checkbook. He-He stole our TVs.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. HANSON RESIDENCE - FRONT - DAY] Perry Hanson carries a television set down the front walk as Lucas and Jason Crowley follow.)", "Lucas Hanson: Daddy, please. Mama said she's gonna call the cops. Put it back.", "(Perry Hanson drops the television set into the back of his convertible.)", "Perry Hanson: Your mom can do whatever she wants. I paid for this. It's mine.", "(He gets in the car and leaves the two kids staring at him.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Dawn Hanson: So I told Lucas that he couldn't be home alone anymore, and I took his key.", "Brass: You locked your son out of his own house?", "Dawn Hanson: I made arrangements with Jason's grandpa. The hide-a-key is for emergencies only.", "Brass: So it's possible that Lucas took the key.", "Dawn Hanson: (voice breaking) Lucas ... Lucas always drops his book bag in the hallway and turns on the TV. I bought him a new one. I'm positive he didn't come home.", "Brass: Okay, all right, all right. Give me an address for your ex-husband.", "Dawn Hanson: 225-IHG.", "Brass: That sounds like a license plate.", "Dawn Hanson: Yeah, well, he moves around a lot. Practically lives out of his car. He ... He runs a stripper circuit on I-15.", "(Brass puts a mug photo of Carl Fisher on the desk and points to it.)", "Brass: Have you ever seen this man?", "Dawn Hanson: No. Why?", "Brass: Uh, he's a person of interest.", "(Brass turns to make the call.)", "Dawn Hanson: (interrupts, affronted) Lucas knows better than that. You don't talk to strangers.", "(Brass holds up a hand as he makes the call.)", "Brass: (to intercom) Ah, it's okay. Uh, yeah. Put out a broadcast on Perry Hanson.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY SUBURBAN COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CROWLEY RESIDENCE - JASON'S BEDROOM - DAY]", "(Sofia talks with Terrance Crowley as Catherine snaps photos of the residence.)", "Terrence Crowley: Look, Jason and Lucas probably just ran away. They're at that age. You know what I'm saying?", "Sofia: Well, kids with no money and no place to go usually come home quickly.", "Terrence Crowley: Do you know how hard it would be to catch them? Lucas is a big boy. And Jason ... (chuckles) Jason is fast.", "(Catherine sees two backpacks against the bedside table.)", "Terrence Crowley: The red one is Jason's.", "Catherine: Your grandson's into sports, huh?", "Terrence Crowley: Yeah, you'd think. Plays them damn video games. That's all he wants to do. I told him I don't allow that stuff in my house. Boys need fresh air and sunshine.", "Sofia: Uh, we haven't been able to reach Jason's father. Have you spoken to him?", "Terrence Crowley: You know, my son fell apart when his wife died. Quit his job. I was basically taking care of both of them. And then he got a great opportunity in Houston. Couldn't get Jason into a school until next semester, so I said I'd keep him until then.", "(A dog barks outside. Terrance Crowley turns and looks out the window. Sofia notices he's got a tooth missing.)", "Terrence Crowley: How do those dogs find people?", "Catherine: Just like the movies, they sniff them out.", "Terrence Crowley: Bet it's expensive, huh?", "Catherine: You worried about the money?", "Terrence Crowley: Let me tell you something. Boys are gonna walk right in here just like that runaway bride. And you people are gonna be handing me a bill for all the looking, you watch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FISHER RESIDENCE - FRONT -- DAY]", "(Nick is holding a hand-sized device and is testing the car hood. The meter beeps at regular intervals. Greg turns the corner of the house and walks over to Nick.)", "Greg: Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Greg: I talked with the neighbors. A Mrs. Hamilton says she walked her dogs around 6:00 last night. She saw Carl watering his outside plants. He was alone. She also said that after dark, everyone locks up their doors, and the kids stay inside.", "Nick: And let me guess. Nobody saw or heard anything, right?", "Greg: Right.", "Nick: Right.", "(Nick turns the hand-held reader off.)", "Greg: What do you got?", "Nick: Based on the burn pattern, the origin of the fire was definitely here. I detected an accelerant on the front of the car, and on the ground, both consistent with gasoline. Now, the back seat's still intact, so I figure the fire jumped from the car to the house and fast.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Someone lights the car. The house catches on fire.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Nick walks over to the prints on the concrete marked by evidence markers and rulers.)", "Nick: Check this out.", "(Greg kneels down and looks at the prints.)", "Greg: Full shoe impression on the concrete.", "Nick: Someone stepped in the accelerant before the car was lit.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(As someone leaves, they step in a puddle of gasoline and trail a wet shoeprint behind. It burns an impression into the concrete.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Greg: Treads lead toward the street. Could've been a neighbor.", "Nick: Could've been anybody.", "[INT. FISHER RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Meanwhile Sara snaps photos of a pair of shoes inside the house next to evidence marker #1. She picks it up and looks at it. She puts it in a container.)", "(Sara looks around. She notices the burned stack of video games and video equipment. She snaps photos of it. She snaps photos of the burned video games on the living room floor.)", "(Warrick walks in.)", "Warrick: Well, so far, the only prints I found in the bedroom are Carl Fisher's. No semen stains in the bed. And nothing to indicate children.", "Sara: Well, there's tons of these.", "(She picks up the burned comic books.)", "Warrick: What's that?", "Sara: 'Spencer's Last Straw,' 'Wiz Kids,' 'Mayhem and McCabe,' 'Secret City.' Guy lives in a trailer. He drives an old Mercury. He has a ton of expensive DVDs and video games. There's gummi bears and chips on the floor. House might as well be made out of gingerbread.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY HIGHWAY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "(A police siren sounds.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS STREET -- DAY]", "(A blue convertible, license #225-IHG, is stopped by the side of the road. Brass and a couple of officers head toward the vehicle.)", "(Perry Hanson and a blonde stripper lean back against the side of the car.)", "Officer: Vehicle matched the description. Went to pull him over, he tried to split on us.", "(Brass looks at the driver's license.)", "Brass: Perry Hanson? So, Mr. Hanson, where are the boys?", "Perry Hanson: Which boys?", "Brass: Lucas and Jason.", "Perry Hanson: My kid, Lucas? What, did he ditch school or something?", "Brass: No, he's missing, and so is his best friend. You mean, you didn't hear the Amber Alert, or check your messages?", "Stripper: You don't have to talk to him, okay, Perry? (to Brass) See, I know the frickin' Constitution.", "Brass: I bet you do. Somebody get Ben Franklin out of here.", "(Officer Mitchell grabs the stripper's arm and pulls her away.)", "Officer Mitchell: Yes, sir. Ma'am.", "Stripper: Don't ...", "(She grumbles all the way.)", "Stripper: You didn't have to cuff us, you know? It's not like we're frickin' terrorists.", "Officer Mitchell: Put her in the car --", "(The officers put the stripper in the car.)", "(Brass, meanwhile, looks in the car and notices the open glove compartment. He sees a key. He picks it up and looks at it.)", "(He then checks out the back seat and finds a baseball glove. He takes out a handkerchief and picks up the baseball glove. It has JASON CROWLEY'S name on it.)", "Brass: You want to tell me what Jason Crowley's baseball glove is doing in your car?", "Perry Hanson: (shrugs) Lucas must've left it there. I don't know, man, kids are always taking each other's crap.", "Brass: Yeah, well, I'm not taking any more of yours. You're under arrest.", "(The officer leads Perry Hanson to their vehicle.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CROWLEY RESIDENCE - SIDE -- DAY]", "(The search dog barks. Catherine, Sofia and the officers stop at the wire gate. The dog whines, kneels forward and down at something at the base of the fence.)", "Catherine: Got something here.", "(Catherine finds a piece of khaki material caught in the wire fence. She picks it.)", "Catherine: Lucas was last seen wearing khaki-colored board shorts.", "Sofia: I've had calls here before. A lot of these houses are vacant.", "Catherine: Perfect place for a little privacy.", "Sofia: (to the officers) Okay, let's get around this fence.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass walks in and talks with Perry Hanson.)", "Brass: Okay, let's hear it.", "Perry Hanson: You know my ex is crazy, right? Always been a drama queen. She probably told you that I stole the TV.", "Brass: I don't care about the TV. When was the last time you were in your house?", "Perry Hanson: Day I left -- I've never been back.", "(Brass shows a photo of the key.)", "Brass: I found this in your car. Guess whose front door it opens?", "Perry Hanson: Look ... my ex will hardly even let me see my kid. You know, not until I pay up on the vaginamony that I owe. And that's illegal. She doesn't care. Yesterday, I-I just wanted to see my boy. You know? So I went over there and he wasn't home. I guess I forgot to leave the key.", "Brass: Another sad, suffering single dad.", "Perry Hanson: You better find my kid. And if I were you, I'd start with Dawn's boyfriends.", "Brass: (scoffs) Oh, if you were me.", "(Brass gets up and heads for the door.)", "Perry Hanson: She only dates scumbags and bottom-feeders. At least I never been in prison.", "Brass: Well, that can change.", "(Brass leaves the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. ABANDONED RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(A dog barks.)", "Officer Metcalf: (o.s.) LVPD.", "(The door opens open and officers enter. The officer with the search dog also enters. The dog barks.)", "Officer: Kitchen's clear.", "(Sofia enters the room with Catherine behind her.)", "Officer: Clear!", "(They stop in front of a closed closet door. The dog continues barking.)", "(Sofia opens the closet door and finds no one inside.)", "Sofia: Closet's clear. (to officers) Check the rest of the house.", "(The officers leave the room to check the rest of the house. The dog continues to bark at the closet. Catherine steps forward and closes the closet door. She finds blood on it.)", "Catherine: It's the door itself, not what's inside. There was a struggle here. (She uses a magnifying glass and looks at it.) I've got blood ... and short dark hairs caught in the wood. Could be Jason's.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Someone pushes Jason up against the door. He grunts upon impact.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Sofia looks around the room.)", "Catherine: We've got tags.", "(Sofia finds blood on the floor.)", "Sofia: Blood smear.", "Catherine: That's far enough away from the door. It's possibly a separate event.", "(Sofia continues to walk through the room.)", "Sofia: Toys and candy.", "Catherine: Somebody's kids were playing here.", "(Catherine looks around the room and finds something on the floor.)", "Catherine: Sofia ... A dental bridge.", "(She picks it up and looks at it.)", "Catherine: Two premolars.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Sofia remembers Terrance Crowley's missing teeth.)", "Terrence Crowley: How do those dogs find people?", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Sofia: Grandpa lied through his teeth.", "(Catherine and Sofia share a look.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sofia puts a photo of the teeth on the table as she interviews Terrence Crowley.)", "Sofia: Recognize these?", "Terrence Crowley: You brought me way down here to show me a picture of my teeth? Huh? The least you could do is give 'em back.", "Sofia: Remember those dogs ... you were so interested in? Well, they led us to an abandoned house, not far from where you live, and that's where we found your teeth. We also found physical evidence -- blood evidence -- that tells us that your grandson and Lucas --", "Terrence Crowley: You think you're real smart, lady. Don't you?", "Sofia: Before I start thinking you killed those boys, why don't you tell me what happened.", "Terrence Crowley: I was defending myself.", "Sofia: Against a pair of sixth graders?", "Terrence Crowley: You're damn right. Two boys can cause a lot of damages. Especially that Lucas.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Lucas and Jason are playing in the abandoned house. Terrence Crowley walks in and finds them. He starts yelling and they immediately stand up.)", "Terrence Crowley: Hey, hey, hey! Dinner was at 5:00, now it's cold -- let's go!", "Lucas Hanson: We don't want your food. We're going to eat at my house.", "Jason Crowley: My dad said I could stay with Lucas and his mom. I like it better there.", "Terrence Crowley: Don't you lie to me, boy.", "Jason Crowley: I'm not lying. I wish you weren't my grandpa.", "Terrence Crowley: Don't talk to me like that again.", "(Terrence grabs Jason and slams him up against the closet door. Lucas pushes Terrence away from Jason. Terrence's teeth fall out.)", "(Terrence pushes Lucas away from him. Lucas falls face forward on the hard floor.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Terrence Crowley: They had it coming. Those boys have no respect. They're punks. Now, I love my son, but he didn't do right by Jason.", "Sofia: So you thought you'd beat respect into him.", "Terrence Crowley: I don't need a lecture about how to discipline my grandson. That's the trouble with parents today, they're afraid of their own kids.", "Sofia: Sounds like they were afraid of you.", "Terrence Crowley: That's the way it's supposed to be.", "Sofia: What happened after the altercation?", "Terrence Crowley: They ran off. You don't want to eat, you go hungry. That's how you learn.", "Sofia: Why didn't you tell us this before?", "Terrence Crowley: I told you what was important, lady. Now those boys are going to be fine. What they're trying to do, they're trying to punish me. That's what they're trying to do. And you'll see, they'll be back. And then I will sit down and I will talk to Jason. Now, what about my teeth?", "Sofia: They're evidence. We'll give them back to you when we're done.", "Terrence Crowley: It was self-defense and you can't charge me.", "(Sofia looks at him for a moment, then nods.)", "Sofia: Okay, I'll let you go. Until we find the boys.", "(She gets up and heads for the door.)", "Terrence Crowley: Well, how am I supposed to get home? You took my car, too.", "Sofia: (on her way out) There's a bus stop down the street.", "(Sofia leaves the room. Terrence Crowley stands up to leave.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sofia walks through the hallway. Terrence exits the interview room. A man walks past Sofia and heads for Terrence.)", "Gerald Crowley: Where is he? What did you do?", "Terrence Crowley: You better watch your tone.", "(Sofia heads back toward them.)", "Gerald Crowley: You swore you wouldn't lay a hand on him.", "Terrence Crowley: You better get out of my face, boy.", "Sofia: Are you Gerald Crowley? Jason's dad?", "Gerald Crowley: Yes, ma'am. Did you know this man is a bully? Big college football coach until he got caught abusing his own players. Almost got thrown in jail. You just had to take care of him for a few months. What the hell is wrong with you?", "Sofia: Okay, let's go talk some place.", "Gerald Crowley: (quietly) I swear ... If you hurt Jason ... I will kill you.", "(Sofia leads Gerald Crowley away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Sara examines the back seat of Carl Fisher's burned car. She finds a crushed large plastic drink container stuffed in the pocket of the seat in front of it. She puts it in a container.)", "(She then finds a cover of an old style whisky bottle. She checks between the cushions and pushes the armrest cushion down. She finds a napkin with picked-off mushrooms inside.)", "(Greg checks the front seats. He pries a melted piece of plastic off the floorboards and looks at it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg and Sara look at the melted piece of plastic.)", "Sara: It's a gas container.", "Greg: Yeah. I found it melted to the floorboard.", "INSERT: CGI", "(The plastic gas container is on the floor as the fire melts it down to plastic.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Sara: People are so predictable.", "Greg: Lucky for us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - ROOM -- DAY]", "(The nurse pushes the dividing curtain back. Brass talks with Carl Fisher.)", "Carl Fisher: You want me to go to the station, and repeat all the facts I already told you.", "Brass: If you want to file a formal complaint to make it official, yes. (He looks at the form in Carl's hand.) Oh, is that a Red Cross voucher? I'll call and make a hotel reservation for you.", "(Carl stands up.)", "Carl Fisher: I got to go to the bathroom. You want me to leave the door open?", "Brass: I'm too old for you.", "(Brass speed dials his cell as Carl walks out of camera frame to the restroom..)", "Grissom: (from phone) Grissom.", "Brass: Yeah, Gil, yeah. He's agreed to come to the PD. But I can't keep him there long, so let's ratchet it up a notch and get something to hold him on, all right?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick examines the prints of various kinds of shoes. Grissom walks in.)", "Grissom: Carl Fisher's on his way in to the station to sign off on his arson claim. Brass needs something from us to hold him.", "Nick: Yeah, if he's got those kids stashed somewhere, he could try to take them out of state.", "Grissom: Or worse.", "Nick: I wish I had more. The burned shoe impression was a size 11. Carl Fisher wears a size 11. But none of the patterns match up. And the shoes that Sara found near the sofa ... I can't even identify a brand.", "(He takes it out of the container and shows Grissom the print completely melted off.)", "Nick: Sorry.", "(Grissom leaves the room.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Loud music blasts inside the room when Grissom walks in. He grimaces and turns the music off. Greg turns and looks at Grissom.)", "Grissom: Didn't we talk about this once before, Greg?", "Sara: I'm the one who turned the music on.", "(Grissom doesn't say anything. He heads over to Greg.)", "Grissom: What have you found?", "Greg: A gas container. As the heat melted the plastic, it formed pockets, trapping the gasoline inside.", "INSERT: CSI", "(The plastic melts and traps the liquid inside.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Greg: And if Hodges can isolate any unique compounds from the gas, you know, like, gas DNA.", "Grissom: Gasoline comparisons are only credible if you have pure samples. Otherwise, there's too many variables.", "Greg: I know that, Grissom. What I've extracted was never exposed directly to the fire. So, if we can identify either a dye, or a unique compound, and match to a particular station, then we might be able to prove whether Carl set the fire.", "(It's an extreme long-shot and it shows on Grissom's face.)", "Greg: I'll get this to Hodges.", "(Greg leaves the room.)", "Sara: Greg's got the coroner's inquest coming up. He's been under a lot of stress. Maybe you could be a little nicer to him.", "Grissom: I just want to find these boys.", "Sara: Okay. Carl Fisher, apparently ...", "(She shows him the plastic container with remnants of fruit punch inside.)", "Sara: ... eats and drinks in the backseat of his car. I found it in a seat pocket.", "Grissom: Fruit punch?", "Sara: Or a mixer.", "(She shows him the whiskey bottle cap.)", "Sara: Whiskey -- I did not find the bottle.", "Grissom: And ... so?", "Sara: Mushrooms, picked off a cheese pizza. I found it stuffed between the cushions in the backseat of the car.", "(She shows him the napkin with the mushrooms inside.)", "Sara: If you're an adult, and you don't like mushrooms, you don't order them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Carl Fisher is signing the form.)", "Brass: Oh, did I tell you, you can't check into the hotel till after four.", "Carl Fisher: I'll find something to do.", "Brass: Well, I'm wondering if you might hang out and volunteer your services here. Isn't that what you do? Talk to groups about sexual deviancy?", "Carl Fisher: You want me to help you do your job? Help you find those missing kids?", "Brass: Yeah, that's what I want. So you going to help us out or what?", "Carl Fisher: I may be able to offer some insights. But only if I can talk to the other guy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Carl Fisher has a coffee cup on the table near his bandaged right hand as he talks with Grissom.)", "Carl Fisher: I'm a victim of abuse. My older brother. I was eight. He was much older -- sixteen. He was jealous and angry. He wanted to destroy me. It's not offered as an excuse, but it might explain why I'm here with you right now.", "(Grissom opens the file folder and shows Carl the photos and info inside.)", "Grissom: These are known child molesters living within our search radius.", "(Carl looks at the photos.)", "Carl Fisher: I met him in prison. He's an environmental offender. Situational. Only molests members of his own family. Small world -- he's in my support group.", "(He continues looking through the photos.)", "Carl Fisher: Your boys are too ripe for him. He likes toddlers. A couple of these guys are mysopeds -- aggressive pedophiles. Some of their pleasures derive from physical violence. They like to molest, then beat, and sometimes kill their victims. But these guys aren't killers.", "Grissom: Who said the boys were dead?", "Carl Fisher: They've been gone a long time.", "(Grissom's phone beeps. He looks at it.)", "FROM W. BROWN", "419 CHILD FOUND.", "Carl Fisher: Bad news?", "(Grissom stares at Carl Fisher.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. GOLF COURSE -- DAY]", "(Dawn Hanson and Gerald Crowley run across the greens as they head for the sand trap. The area has been taped off. When they reach the crime scene tape, two officers positioned there stop them.)", "Officer 1 (man): Sir, hold on.", "Officer 2 (woman): Ma'am, I'm sorry. I can't let you in.", "(As they watch, Warrick and Nick lift the small Caucasian boy and put him back down in the sand trap. Lucas's arms are crossed over his chest.)", "(Dawn Hanson screams.)", "Dawn Hanson: Oh! Oh, God!", "(She collapses to her knees. Gerald Crowley turns to help her.)", "Dawn Hanson: (cries) Oh, God, no!", "(Brass and Warrick turn as they hear Dawn Hanson cry.)", "(We hold on Dawn Hanson.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(David Phillips cleans the body and Nick goes over it for trace.)", "David Phillips: There's a scrape on his left cheek.", "Nick: Yeah, there's some minor bruising on the knuckles of his right hand. Probably a defensive wound.", "(Nick walks over to the table with Lucas's pants on it. He looks at the pants.)", "Nick: Catherine found some brown fabric on a fence nearby. I bet it's from these shorts.", "(He finds the tear. He puts the pants down and picks up the shirt.)", "Nick: Hey, super, you didn't leave this shirt inside out when you took it off the body, did you?", "David Phillips: No. Could be a redress.", "Nick: Yeah. Yeah, it could. (He puts the shirt down.) Okay ... Well, SAE kit should tell us whether or not he was molested.", "David Phillips: Sometimes this job gets to me.", "Nick: (nods) Yeah, me, too, buddy. Me, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. GOLF COURSE -- DAY]", "(Warrick and Brass walk around the sand trap and nearby water trap.)", "Warrick: Grandpa play golf?", "Brass: I think golf's a little too rich for his blood.", "Warrick: Doesn't mean he didn't follow them here. A killer wouldn't take time to bury him that way; it was too nice. It suggests whoever killed him cared about him, knew him, you know?", "Brass: Well, my money's still on the pedophile.", "(They stop near a large drainage pipe with a broken wire mesh in front of it. They both kneel down and look at the hole.)", "Warrick: A ten-year old could fit in there, huh?", "Brass: Well, Jason's a skinny kid.", "(Warrick steps forward and shines his flashlight inside. He finds a pair of broken kid-sized wire-rimmed glasses.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- DAY]", "(The Pizza Gal talks with Sara. She points to Lucas's photo .)", "Pizza Gal: I didn't see this boy at the pizza place, but I remember the little guy. (She points to Jason's photo .) He had a fat lip. I asked him where he got it.", "Sara: What did he tell you?", "Pizza Gal: He said his grandfather was a bully. I started to walk out with him and I was worried. But he swore he was safe. With friends.", "Sara: Did you see who he was with?", "Pizza Gal: Some white guy. It was pretty dark.", "Sara: And there was no one else with him?", "Pizza Gal: Not that I saw. But they ordered an extra-large with everything -- and that's 18 slices-and a full liter of cherry soda. If it matters, they sat in the parking lot for a while.", "Sara: Is there anything you can remember about the car? Make? Color?", "Pizza Gal: It was a Mercury Marquis.", "Sara: Are you positive?", "Pizza Gal: Yeah. My boyfriend's a street ... uh, he's into cars, so ... I know cars.", "(Sara nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENCIS AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the body with Nick.)", "Robbins: No sand in his nasal passages or lungs. He was dead before he was buried.", "Nick: Are those palm prints on his sternum?", "Robbins: Consistent in position and pressure with CPR. Also found air in his stomach.", "INSERT: CGI", "(Side view of a victim flat on their back. Someone blows air without tiling the head back and we see the air go into the esophagus and into the stomach. The stomach expands.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) If you don't tilt the head back, the trachea doesn't open. It forces air into the stomach instead of the lungs and that's bad CPR.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Nick: Now, what kind of a killer performs CPR on their victim?", "Robbins: Well, maybe he didn't mean to kill him. His pupils were dilated.", "(Robbins picks up the metal bowl with the brains inside.)", "Robbins: I found a subdural hematoma in the left frontal lobe. That's your preliminary cause of death. I sent samples to Tox, of course.", "Nick: Catherine found blood smear on the floor where he was playing. He has a laceration on his cheek. And the grandpa admits he pushed Lucas down when he hit his head.", "Robbins: Except that, by itself, the head injury wouldn't have been immediately fatal or necessarily incapacitating. But, yeah, he would've had a headache.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Greg pushes a cart with gasoline samples on it over to Hodges, who waits for him in the doorway to Trace.)", "Greg: Hey, got some gasoline samples for you.", "Hodges: Thanks, Greg. It's gonna take a little while to fill my tank. Why don't I get you a funnel?", "(Greg doesn't smile.)", "Hodges: Kidding. You think your arson case has something to do with these missing kids?", "Greg: Well, Carl Fisher lives in the neighborhood, but, so far, his alibi checks out.", "Hodges: I don't know why pedophiles just don't kill themselves.", "Greg: Who knows, he might have tried. I collected these from service stations closest to his house.", "Hodges: Did you consider ...", "Greg: That he might have filled up on his way to work or anywhere else in Vegas? Yes -- that's why I wanted to get you started on these before I hit the other stations on the list.", "Hodges: Good job, gas-hopper.", "(Hodges takes the cart and heads back into Trace while Greg turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom is sitting. He has his eyes closed and rubs his temple with the tip of his index finger. He's obviously fighting a headache. And still talking with Carl Fisher.)", "Grissom: Okay, then ... what would you do if you were going to take those boys?", "Carl Fisher: I would be studying them. Do they like sports? Comic books? Do they skip school? Have any friends? Good parents, or are they neglected? Unhappy? Angry?", "Grissom: And then?", "Carl Fisher: What do you do when you like a woman? It's a game of seduction. Once you know what they like, you make contact. You start slowly, play it cool. Especially with boys. It's about building trust. (beat) Like you're doing with me.", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Grissom is standing.)", "Grissom: Do you like mushrooms, Carl?", "Carl Fisher: I like all the nightshade vegetables. Are you going to buy me dinner?", "Grissom: We found mushrooms in the backseat of your car.", "Carl Fisher: Is this turning into an interrogation?", "Grissom: (indicates the door) You're free to leave. (Carl doesn't move.) On the night the boys disappeared, witnesses said they saw them sitting in a car with a man, eating pizza.", "Carl Fisher: You take a date out to a nice steak dinner. Kids would rather have hamburgers or pizza.", "Grissom: Did you take the kids out for pizza?", "Carl Fisher: No, I'm talking hypothetically. You must be desperate for a suspect, or a scapegoat. Do you need to give the press something to chew on?", "Grissom: We just found Lucas Hanson's dead body. They're chewing on that.", "Carl Fisher: What about the other boy?", "Grissom: He's still missing.", "Carl Fisher: In my opinion, if someone killed one boy ... he'd kill them both.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Grissom pops two extra-strength acetaminophen and drinks them down with water from the water fountain. Brass walks up to him.)", "Brass: So, we're working on a couple of Jason sightings. Camper in Red Rock spotted a kid who looks like Jason, so I sent Vega. And Sofia is on her way to Bullhead City, Arizona. A woman on a bus called the cops. She swears that Jason's sitting next to her. That's what I've got. Any luck with Carl Fisher?", "Grissom: I don't know. He wants something from me ... or he wouldn't still be here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom enters the room carrying a cup and takes his seat at the table. He gives the cup to Carl. Grissom and Carl look at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges processes a gasoline sample from a container.)", "VARIOUS CUTS OF HODGES PROCESSING THE GASOLINE", "(He puts the sample in the machine and turns it on.)", "INSERT: CGI GRAPHICS", "(The results print out. He takes his phone out and calls.)", "Greg: (from phone) Sanders?", "Hodges: You can stop gassing up. I've got a match. AvCon on Buffalo Canyon. Pump six.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. PARKING LOT (BULLHEAD CITY, ARIZONA) - DAY]", "(Sofia talks with the driver of the bus parked nearby and the woman who called it in.)", "Sofia: Where did he board?", "Bus Driver: Vegas depot.", "Sofia: Was he with anyone?", "(The bus driver hesitates.)", "Sofia: So, I'm not gonna report you. You can tell me the truth.", "Bus Driver: Children aren't supposed to travel alone, but it was a full bus when I took off today. I couldn't tell you.", "(The woman is holding the MISSING flyer.)", "Female Passenger: He was definitely by himself. I saw this; I knew it was him.", "Bus Driver: I radioed my dispatcher. She told me to pull over at the next town, make sure he doesn't get off, and wait for you.", "Sofia: Thank you for your help. (to the woman) Can you tell me where he's sitting?", "Female Passenger: Back row.", "(Sofia steps into the bus.)", "[INT. BUS (PARKED) - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sofia heads for the back row. Jason peeks out from the seat he's hiding behind. Sofia takes her dark glasses off and sits in the seat across the aisle from where Jason is hiding.)", "Sofia: Hey. My name's Sofia. Are you Jason?", "(Jason doesn't say anything.)", "Sofia: There's nothing to be afraid of, Jason. You're not in trouble. I just want to help you. You're on your way to Texas to see your dad, right? It's just ... well, when you went missing, your dad flew to Las Vegas to find you. He's waiting for you. Can I take you to him?", "(She holds out his hand. Jason takes it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "Warrick: (V.O.) Is that the tox report for Lucas Hanson?", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Nick and Warrick walk through the hallway. Nick hands the report printout to Warrick.)", "Nick: His blood alcohol -- point one six.", "Warrick: Geezus. It's a drunk kid.", "Nick: And Sara found a whiskey cap in Carl Fisher's car.", "Warrick: Oh, perfect way to loosen up a little boy -- give him pizza and whiskey.", "Nick: Yeah, well, listen to this. According to the report, Lucas also had 98 micrograms per milliliter of salicylates in his system.", "Warrick: Well, I guess he took the aspirin after he hit his head.", "Nick: Wonder who gave him that.", "Warrick: Probably the same responsible adult that gave him the whiskey.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM --NIGHT]", "(Grissom looks exhausted. He rubs his temple with the tips of his fingers as he listens to Carl.)", "Carl Fisher: So, you think I got the boys drunk, and then killed them?", "Grissom: Not exactly. We found Jason Crowley. Alive. On a bus headed for Houston.", "Carl Fisher: One of the lucky ones.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Gerald Crowley sits in the waiting room. Sofia walks in with Jason. Gerald gets to his feet, then kneels to hug Jason.)", "Gerald Crowley: It's okay, Jason. Daddy's here, boy. Daddy's here.", "(Sofia stands on the side watching them.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM --NIGHT]", "(Grissom talks with Carl Fisher.)", "Grissom: That bus ticket costs $95 for a child under twelve. Jason's grandfather doesn't keep any cash in the house, and he doesn't give him an allowance, so where do you think Jason got the cash?", "Carl Fisher: Maybe he stole it.", "Grissom: From whom?", "Carl Fisher: I don't know. Why don't you ask him? GRISSOM: I will.", "(Grissom stops for a moment and closes his eyes. He's still got his headache pain. Carl notices.)", "Carl Fisher: Do you get a lot of migraines, Gil? You should ask your doctor for a prescription of sumatriptan. Works for me.", "Grissom: Captain Brass wants to put you in a lineup. If you'll agree to it, then I think this will all be over with.", "Carl Fisher: Then let's do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[LINE UP]", "(Jason stands in the observation room looking at a line-up of similar men in body building and coloring to Carl Fisher. Jason's father, Gerald, is in the room standing behind Jason.)", "(The lights switch on.)", "Sofia: Do you recognize anyone, Jason?", "(Jason nods.)", "Sofia: Which number?", "(Jason points to Carl Fisher.)", "Sofia: Number two?", "Jason Crowley: Yes.", "Sofia: Was he the man who kidnapped you and Lucas?", "(Jason shakes his head.)", "Sofia: Jason, remember, you can see him, but he can't see you. Did number two hurt Lucas?", "Voice: (v.o., distant, distorted) I'll kill your dad if you tell ...", "Jason Crowley: No, ma'am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Sofia walks Jason and Gerald through the hallway. Grissom steps out toward them and she shakes her head at him, no.)", "(They turn and leave.)", "(Greg enters the hallway. He hands Grissom the folder.)", "Greg: The gas DNA panned out.", "Grissom: (surprised) It did?", "Greg: Yeah. Hodges and I traced the gas back to a service station near Fisher's house. Station had security cameras. Got him filling up the night of the fire, so I went through the electronic receipts. All of them. Carl Fisher purchased 16 gallons.", "Grissom: And?", "Greg: His Mercury Marquis only holds 14, so, where did he put the extra two gallons?", "Grissom: In a plastic gas can?", "Greg: All which he paid for with his ATM.", "(Greg hands the ATM receipt to Grissom.)", "Greg: Not the same as cash.", "Grissom: Thanks, Greg.", "(Grissom turns and walks down the hallway, back to the interview room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HOLDING CELL --NIGHT]", "(Grissom talks with Carl Fisher.)", "Carl Fisher: No one has told me why I'm being detained.", "Grissom: Arson is a felony. You torched your own car. We have video surveillance and electronic records that show you purchasing gas and a gas can.", "Carl Fisher: I was trying to scam my insurance company. I needed the money.", "Grissom: You were destroying evidence of Lucas Hanson and Jason Crowley in your car. And I think you helped kill Lucas.", "Carl Fisher: No, I didn't. And you're not charging me for that, so I'm guessing Jason didn't pick me out of the lineup.", "Grissom: He told us he knew you. Kill one, kill both, remember?", "Carl Fisher: If I had killed Lucas, I would have killed Jason.", "(Grissom doesn't believe him. Carl sighs.)", "Carl Fisher: Lucas was looking for a father. His real one was an accident of biology. His mother was limited, always working. He was lonely. He found me.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY - FLASHBACK]", "(Carl is walking down the sidewalk bouncing his basketball. He's sweaty and just finished with a workout.)", "Lucas Hanson: (o.s.) I see you every day. You play a lot, huh? Maybe we can play sometime.", "(Carl turns and looks at Lucas.)", "Lucas Hanson: My best friend's always grounded. How about tomorrow?", "(Carl turns and tosses the basketball to Lucas.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Carl Fisher: Did you know that most parents spend less than twenty minutes a day of quality time with their kids? Lucas was starved for attention. All his mother did was complain about his father and how he'd abandoned them. Do you know what that does to a child?", "Grissom: It doesn't kill them.", "(Carl doesn't say anything.)", "Grissom: Okay, Carl, just tell me what happened.", "(Carl sighs.)", "Carl Fisher: Lucas and Jason had gotten into it with Jason's grandfather. He knocked the boys around. They ran to Lucas' house, but couldn't get in, so they came to me.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[INT. FISHER RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY - FLASHBACK]", "(Carl Fisher sits in his living room when there's a knock at his door.)", "(He finds Lucas and Jason standing outside.)", "Carl Fisher: Come on in, guys.", "(He lets them in.)", "Carl Fisher: (V.O.) I explained to them that hitting wasn't okay.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Carl Fisher: I said Jason needed to call his father and tell him what was going on.", "Grissom: Did you let them use your phone?", "Carl Fisher: But they were too upset. When the grandfather pushed Lucas, he hit his head. I gave him a couple of aspirin.", "Grissom: Well, if he didn't want to call his mother, why didn't you call her?", "Carl Fisher: I couldn't risk it. She might have turned me in.", "Grissom: So, instead, you took them for pizza?", "Carl Fisher: I didn't touch him. I didn't want to hurt him.", "Grissom: You gave him liquor.", "Carl Fisher: I stopped and bought some whiskey before we picked up the pizza-- I was nervous about them being in the car with me. I didn't want to go back to prison.", "Grissom: And you wanted to get them drunk.", "Carl Fisher: They ... they just wanted to try it. I gave them a taste.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[INT. CAR (PARKED) - NIGHT]", "(Carl gives Lucas some whiskey as Jason sits in the back seat of the car eating pizza.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) It was more than a taste, Carl. Lucas' blood alcohol level was point one six. That's twice the legal limit for an adult.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Grissom: Why didn't you take them home?", "Carl Fisher: They didn't want to go home. They wanted an adventure. I promised them a dollar for every golf ball they brought back.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[EXT. GOLF COURSE - NIGHT]", "(The car pulls up to the golf course.)", "Carl Fisher: (V.O.) Lucas wasn't feeling well, so he stayed in the car with me.", "(Jason gets out of the car. Lucas is in the car with Carl. His eyes are closed. Jason heads for the golf course.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Grissom: And you knew that Jason wanted money, so he could go to Texas and see his dad, so you bribed him in order to be alone with Lucas.", "Carl Fisher: I didn't molest him.", "Grissom: Who took his shirt off?", "Carl Fisher: He was hot.", "Grissom: What were you gonna do to him once his shirt was off?", "Carl Fisher: It was innocent. He wasn't feeling well. He laid his head in my lap. I touched his hair. I didn't want to ... I loved him. I loved Lucas, and he loved me.", "Grissom: Is that what you think? Then why didn't you help him? He told you he hit his head. He was in pain. He had a concussion, Carl. You must have known that. I'm sure he was dizzy, probably had no appetite. Maybe he was even slurring his words, but you didn't care about that, because you wanted what you wanted.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[INT. CAR - NIGHT]", "(Carl helps take Lucas' shirt off as he shivers.) . Lucas puts his head on Carl's lap.)", "Carl Fisher: Lucas?! Lucas!", "(Cut to: Lucas is flat on the asphalt outside as Carl tries to help him.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) His brain was bleeding.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Grissom: Now, most kids won't die from that, because someone who really loves them takes them to the hospital, but instead, you gave him alcohol and aspirin, a lethal combination for his head injury. It prevented his blood from clotting. You killed him, Carl.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[EXT. GOLF COURSE - NIGHT]", "(Carl is over Lucas's dead body. Jason returns, his shirt full of golf balls. He sees Lucas dead and drops the golf balls.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) And you would have killed Jason, too, except he ran away from you and out of your reach.", "(Jason turns and runs.)", "Carl Fisher: Jason --", "(Jason runs and crawls into a drain pipe.)", "Carl Fisher: Jason!", "(Carl runs and finds Jason in the drain pipe.)", "Carl Fisher: Hey, what are you doing in there?", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Carl Fisher: You're not listening to me. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I need you to believe me.", "Grissom: I don't. You had choices. You made the wrong ones. And now this little boy is gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom and Brass talk in the hallway in front of his office door.)", "Brass: So I talked Voris into violating parole, and we're adding the charges of negligent homicide. You're not gonna see Carl for a long time.", "(Officer Mitchell turns the corner with Carl Fisher in handcuffs.)", "Brass: Also, we, uh ... we've arrested the grandpa, Terrance Crowley, for child abuse.", "Grissom: Everybody wins.", "(Brass shrugs.)", "Grissom: Except Lucas.", "(Officer Metcalf turns the corner with Terrance Crowley in handcuffs. The two men cross in the hallway.)", "Terrence Crowley: (hisses to Carl) You're gonna fry.", "(Carl lunges at Terrance.)", "Carl Fisher: You drove him right to me, you b*st*rd! You did this! You did this!", "Terrence Crowley: I'll kill you!", "(Officers pull the two men apart. Brass rushes over to join them.)", "(Grissom turns when he hears more arguing in the hallway adjacent to him. Margaret Finn and Brad Lewis, the two lawyers, argue with an officer. Their voices echo and get distorted from the pain in his head.)", "Margaret Finn: Where is Carl Fisher? You can't take him to County ...", "Brad Lewis: Mr. Crowley's civil rights were violated. This department is racist.", "Margaret Finn: Excuse me! I was here first. My client has been detained illegally.", "(Grissom slips into Brass's office.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS'S OFFICE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(He closes the blinds. The voices outside echo as the arguing continues.)", "Brad Lewis: You cannot charge Mister ...", "(Grissom turns and makes his way over to the couch. He sits down, exhausted. He closes his eyes from the pain in his head, then lies back, his head on the armrest.)", "(He sighs and squeezes his eyes closed.)", "(The arguing outside continues. The blurry images from the teaser are repeated here.)", "(Light filters in through the blinds. Muffled sounds are heard.)", "(Figures walk past the blinds. Sounds are still muffled. The room is tilted.)", "(Grissom squeezes his eyes closed. The arguing outside continues.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Burn Out
[ "When an elderly woman is murdered, the CSIs look to the neighbor and nephew as possible suspects. Mid-investigation, Grissom receives an exact miniature replica of the current crime scene, changing his thinking on the crime. Meanwhile, Greg faces an angry courtroom when he attends a hearing to ascertain his culpability in the death of a teenager he accidentally killed while defending himself against a mob." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Heavy black clouds cover the sky. Lightning flashes. Thunder rumbles as it prepares to rain.", "[CU: TURNTABLE]", "(Someone puts the needle on the LP.)", "Lyric: \"Lollypop, lollypop. Oh, lolly, lolly, lolly. Lollypop, lollypop - \"", "(An old woman dabs at her nose with a white handkerchief. She sniffles.)", "(Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles outside.)", "(She tucks the handkerchief into the right sweater sleeve.)", "TOP VIEW DOWN", "(The woman sits in a chair.)", "(She opens a cigarette case and removes a single cigarette. She puts the case down in the side-table tray. She picks up a heavy lighter and lights the cigarette between her lips. She breathes deeply.)", "(She exhales as she puts the heavy lighter aside. She coughs.)", "(The old woman takes out a bottle of CHERRY HERRING liqueur and uncaps it. She pours herself a glass.)", "(She sits back and enjoys her cigarette and glass of liqueur as she listens to the music.)", "(She finishes her glass.)", "(She picks up the paper and cuts coupons out. She cuts a coupon out and looks at it.)", "(Thunder rumbles outside.)", "(She gets up.)", "[EXT. VIEW]", "(Through the covered windows, we see the shadow of a figure moving about in the room. The figure's arms are moving about as the person moves to and fro, almost as if they're dancing. The figure's arms bump into the lamp stand, causing it to tilt, but not fall over.)", "(Finally, the shadow of the figure rushes across the room into the arms of a second shadowy figure that suddenly appears in the room. The two figures move close with each other and appear to sway to the music.)", "(We move in closer toward the large clear glass windows of the room. The two figures continue to move together across the room.)", "(Suddenly, the shadowy figure of the old woman moves swiftly from one end of the room and SMASH! -- into the glass window as it breaks. The old woman slumps on the broken shards of glass, over the window frame, hanging partially outside.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT./INT. GARDEN RESIDENCE - ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Penny Garden hangs over the broken picture window frame, shards of glass cutting through her skin. We hear the camera snap and see the lights flash.)", "(Grissom kneels outside in front of the body as he takes photos of the dead woman.)", "(Brass is inside the room as he reports to Grissom. Sara walks around the room snapping more photos.)", "Brass: Her name is Penny Garden. Age 65. Retired cocktail waitress.", "(Sara holds the camera and snaps a photo of the overturned liqueur bottle, overturned glass and coupons scattered on the floor.)", "Brass: Been living here since the Rat Pack days.", "Grissom: She may have served them drinks.", "Brass: Well, they must have tipped well because twenty years ago, this was a nice neighborhood. Anyway, a guy next door heard a racket, called 911. Down the hallway, there's a spare bedroom. The bed's unmade. So if the vic had a houseguest, they're nowhere to be found, so I'm going to dig around.", "(Brass walks away.)", "(Sara continues to snap photos of the room. Grissom notes the windows.)", "Grissom: Unfortunately, these windows aren't tempered.", "Sara: Very dangerous if broken.", "Grissom: And she went through face first.", "Sara: The door's right here -- I doubt she missed it. Maybe she had some help.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(The man in the hooded sweater has his hands around Penny Garden's face and neck as he pulls her toward the window. Penny screams.)", "END FLASHBACK", "Sara: Those coupons on the floor on top of the glass suggests they were scattered after the window broke.", "Grissom: Maybe they went through the room after they killed her.", "(Sara looks back at the room.)", "Sara: There's nothing particularly valuable here.", "(Grissom looks at the dead body in front of him.)", "Grissom: There used to be.", "SMASH TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. COURTROOM -- DAY]", "(Greg is looking around the courtroom.)", "Greg: (V.O.) (faintly) Control, Control, this is CSI Sanders. I need some help.", "FLASH TO FLASHBACKS", "[Scenes from 7X04: Fannysmackin']", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY - NIGHT]", "VARIOUS FLASHES", "(Greg is witnessing a mob go after a man in the alley. One of the hooded attackers turns and looks back at Greg.)", "Woman: (V.O.) Control, go with the information. GREG: (V.O.) Assault in progress.", "(The driver's side window smashes and the mob pulls Greg out of the SUV.)", "(They attack Greg.)", "Control: (V.O.) How many suspects? Are they armed?", "Greg: (V.O.) Ma'am, please, they gotta get here quicker than this.", "(They continue to surround and beat up on Greg.)", "(The SUV smashes into one of the hooded mob men.)", "END FLASHBACK", "(We are in what appears to be a courtroom. Greg is sitting behind the table.", "Pete Athens: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Pete Athens. I am the coroner of Clark County; I want to thank you all for being here. Coroner inquests go back to medieval times during the reign of Richard I in England. In fact, \"coroner\" comes from the word \"crown.\" A public inquest was one of the crown's checks and balances on the powers of the sheriff. And today, a thousand years later, it serves the same purpose in our county-checks and balances on the sheriff and for those who work for him. The Honorable Clayton Trueblood will be our hearing master. He's not a judge, but he's going to be more like a, um ... a traffic cop, because an inquest isn't a trial.", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: We're going to examine the death of Demetrius James. The Assistant District Attorney Valerie Nichols will present the facts in the case, introduce the witnesses and ask them questions. Any member of the jury may also ask questions, either orally or in writing. I understand that there are family members of the deceased present.", "(He looks out and several people raise their hands. Greg turns to see who.)", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Marla James cries over the body of her dead son. Greg looks out the window. Aaron James turns and glares at Greg.)", "END FLASHBACK", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: I'm very sorry for your loss, and I want you to know that as what the State calls \"interested parties,\" you may ask questions, too. When all the facts have been presented, the jury will then rule the death in question as either justifiable, excusable or criminal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT./INT. GARDEN RESIDENCE - ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sara looks at the body draped over the windowsill. She's kneeling outside the house looking at the body while David and the other coroner are inside the house.)", "Sara: Cut's pretty deep. Let's try and keep her head on while we move her.", "(She helps David and the coroner remove the body from the windowsill.)", "David Phillips: On three: one, two, three.", "(They lift the body. David and the coroner take the body into the house. Sara steps away from the window.)", "(David and the coroner put the body down on an open bag. Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: Hi.", "(Sara looks up from writing on her clipboard.)", "Sara: Hi.", "Catherine: Grissom said you could use some help. What haven't you done?", "Sara: (grimaces) The rest of the house.", "(Catherine nods as she turns and leaves the room.)", "(She walks back through the hallway and looks into one of the rooms. She continues through the hallway and stops at the end room. She looks inside and notes the tubs of poker chips on the table.)", "(She walks into the room and kneels next to the bed. She picks up a prescription bottle.)", "(Catherine opens the bedside drawer and finds dozens of prescription bottles inside.)", "Catherine: (to herself) Hope I die before I get old.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEIGHBOR - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass talks with the neighbor, Jason Tua. Behind him, a couple of other men sit in lawn chairs drinking beer.)", "Jason Tua: Man, I was just lampin' in the crib with my boys when all of a sudden, psssh. I thought someone was breaking in next door. Took a look over the fence, old Penny was breaking out.", "Brass: Did you hear anything? Any voices, yelling, screaming?", "Jason Tua: (shakes his head) Mm-mm. I don't even think Mrs. Penny could scream. She had, like, a real low, raspy voice.", "Brass: Yeah. Well, you think that's sexy? Is that the way you roll? Huh? All right, I'll take that for a \"no.\" You see anybody leave the house?", "Jason Tua: No, sir. Not last night.", "Brass: Who's she got staying with her?", "Jason Tua: Don't know his name, but I seen him always going in and out of there.", "Brass: Describe him.", "Jason Tua: White dude. Skinny. Always wears jeans and white tees.", "(Jason sees the coroners wheel out Penny's body on a gurney wrapped in a white sheet.)", "Jason Tua: Man. I liked that old lady. She made some good vittles and always had an extra stogie if I was out.", "Brass: This is my card. If you see that white skinny guy, give me a call, will you? All right?", "(Brass gives him his card.)", "Jason Tua: Yeah.", "Brass: All right?", "Jason Tua: Yeah.", "(Brass turns and leaves. Jason Tua heads back to his own house.)", "(Officer Mitchell heads over toward Brass. Brass turns and sees a house nearby with CLOSED CIRCUIT TV.)", "Brass: You talk to that guy in that house?", "Officer Mitchell: Been there twice. Still nobody home.", "Brass: Put someone on his doorstep until he shows. He's got security cameras. I want the video.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. JUDGE TRUEBLOOD'S COURTROOM -- DAY]", "(Sofia is on the stand. ADA Valerie Nichols is questioning her.)", "Sofia: The first attack that night occurred just after midnight, in the employee parking structure at the Golden Sapphire Hotel.", "(On the monitor, the location and name of victim appears on the map on screen.)", "Sofia: A group of youths ranging from teens to early 20s attacked Vasco Ruiz, a hotel dishwasher on his way to his car.", "(Various photos of the badly beaten victim appear on the screen.)", "Sofia: He was apparently selected at random.", "INSERT: FLASHBACKS OF", "(Vasco Ruiz is beaten by a group of people. They punch and kick him in the face and all over his body.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Sofia: Mr. Ruiz was found dead at the scene.", "Valerie Nichols: And what was the mob's next move?", "Sofia: Approximately thirty minutes after the first attack, not far away, at the Holiday Motel, they attacked their next victim, Jessica Hershbaum.", "(A second caption pops-up on the monitor map: JESSICA HERSHBAUM, HOLIDAY MOTEL.)", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(The gang beats Jessica up.)", "Jessica Hershbaum: Stop it! Stop it!", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Valerie Nichols puts a photo of Jessica's injured face on the monitor. She turns to Sofia.)", "Valerie Nichols: Now, Miss Hershbaum survived.", "Sofia: She's alive. But she has physical and emotional scars from the attack that she may never recover from.", "Valerie Nichols: So when Mr. Sanders was coming to your crime scene, would he have known about these first two swarming attacks?", "Sofia: Absolutely. CSI was still processing those crime scenes, and then I heard on my radio about another attack- - the third that night -- and that a CSI was one of the victims.", "(A third caption pops-up on the monitor map: STANLEY TANNER, CASINO CENTER DR. ALLEYWAY.)", "Valerie Nichols: Is this the location of the third swarming attack?", "Sofia: Yes. I drove over there immediately.", "Valerie Nichols: And what did you find?", "Sofia: Three men, all seriously injured. Stanley Tanner was unconscious, as was Demetrius James and CSI Sanders.", "(Photos of Demetrius James appear on the monitor.)", "Sofia: The mob had pulled CSI Sanders from his vehicle and beaten him.", "(Photos of Greg on the ground appear on the monitor.)", "Sofia: But it was his intervention that saved Stanley Tanner's life.", "(One of the male jurors hands a note to the juror next to him. She hands the note to the bailiff. The bailiff hands it over to the judge.)", "(The judge reads the note.)", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: While I appreciate your participation in the process here, I don't find this question relevant.", "(The male juror stands up.)", "Male Juror 1: Excuse me, Your Honor. The question's quite relevant. Are we just going through the motions here, so it looks like someone actually asked whether or not it's okay to run over black kids in the street?", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: Do you have a question, sir?", "Male Juror 1: Yeah. Are you also going to be censoring verbal questions?", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: Relevance is at my discretion here. Now, please, take your seat.", "(The male juror sits down, then turns and glares at Greg.)", "(We hold on Greg.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the findings for Penny Garden with Grissom.)", "Robbins: Multiple lacerations on face, neck shoulders. If it weren't for the couple dozen glass fragments I tweezed out, I'd say somebody went to town on her with a straight razor. COD is exsanguinations due to sharp force injury to the jugular-carotid complex, but she was already on her way out.", "(Robbins shows Grissom the lungs on a metal pan.)", "Robbins: Cannonballs of tumors on her lungs.", "Grissom: Man ... her cancer had cancer. I guess she liked smoking more than living, huh?", "Robbins: Or else she wanted to die with a cigarette in her mouth.", "Grissom: You know, Catherine found antidepressants, laxatives, acid-reflux meds in her house, but I don't think she found anything for pain.", "Robbins: I guarantee you, this lady was in pain. She must have been taking something for it.", "Grissom: Maybe the killer took it with him.", "Robbins: Well, there's a big market for that stuff now. I'll get her medical records.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. GARDEN RESIDENCE - KITCHEN - DAY]", "(Catherine closes the washing machine cover and looks around the kitchen. She finds a piece of glass on the rug near the door.)", "(Sara steps into the room and finds Catherine down near the rug to look at the glass.)", "Sara: Did you find something?", "Catherine: Bloody glass.", "(Sara snaps a couple of photos.)", "Sara: The killer on his way out?", "(Catherine picks up the glass and stands up. Sara toes the door open and slips out of the house.)", "[EXT. GARDEN RESIDENCE - BACK YARD - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara checks outside and finds another piece of bloodied glass on the grass. She snaps a photo of it.)", "(She continues walking along the back of the sunroom past the open doors and broken window. She turns and sees a peephole cut into the fence. She walks over to it and snaps a photo of it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. GARDEN RESIDENCE - FRONT - DAY]", "(Officer Mitchell keeps a skinny man in a white t-shirt and carrying a bag of groceries out of the taped-off area.)", "Henry Briney: You can't keep me out of there! This is where I live, man!", "Officer Mitchell: Sorry, son. This is a crime scene. You don't want to be in there.", "Henry Briney: Look, I just want to see my Auntie Penny. Where is she?", "(Sara exits the house and heads over toward them.)", "Officer Mitchell: Calm ... calm down.", "Henry Briney: I don't want to calm down!", "Sara: Do you live here?", "Henry Briney: Yeah, that's what I was just telling this guy. What's going on?", "Sara: What's your name?", "Henry Briney: Henry. Henry Briney.", "Sara: Henry, I'm going to need you to come down to the police station, give us a statement.", "Henry Briney: For what?", "Sara: Um ... Sorry to tell you, but your aunt is dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JUDGE TRUEBLOOD'S COURTROOM -- DAY]", "VARIOUS FLASHES OF the mob beating up Stanley Tanner.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: (V.O.) Mr. Tanner, can you tell us what injuries you sustained as a result of the attack?", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Stanley Tanner is on the stand.)", "Stanley Tanner: Cuts, some of them pretty bad, mostly on my face. Broke left arm, crushed windpipe, one eye socket cracked, broke right ankle. And I got this headache they tell me might be permanent.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: Would it be correct to say that while you were being attacked, you felt like your life was in danger?", "Stanley Tanner: Hell, yeah.", "Male Juror 1: I have a question.", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: Go ahead.", "Male Juror 1: Did you actually see Demetrius James attacking you?", "Stanley Tanner: Oh, I couldn't tell who was who. I mean, hell, my hands were on my face. I was just trying to stay alive. If Mr. Sanders hadn't shown up just then, I'd have been like that first guy -- dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JUDGE TRUEBLOOD'S COURTROOM -- DAY]", "(Robbins is on the stand. A photo of a brain is on the monitor as Robbins goes through his testimony.)", "Robbins: There was a large laceration where Demetrius James' head hit the ground when he fell. Underlying that wound was a fracture of the occipital bone, which crosses at the base of the skull. The motion of the impact caused the brain to collide with the bony protrusions inside the skull, resulting in what we call contra-coup contusions. There was also prominent cerebral edema -- or swelling -- as well as hemorrhages of the brain stem.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: So your official cause of death was ... ?", "Robbins: Blunt force trauma to the head following a motor vehicle collision.", "Male Juror 1: So this was a death at the hands of another?", "Robbins: Yes.", "Male Juror 1: And what do you call that kind of death?", "Robbins: A homicide.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass talks with Henry Briney.)", "Brass: So where did you go last night?", "(He puts a ticket stub on the table.)", "Henry Briney: Movies.", "Brass: Oh, a ticket stub. That's good. Who'd you go with? You went by yourself?", "Henry Briney: Who else would I go with?", "Brass: I don't know. A friend?", "Henry Briney: No. I don't have friends.", "Brass: Okay, so the movie ended. You're all by yourself, then what?", "Henry Briney: I sat in the Keno Lounge all night, hit the grocery store, and then came home to cops.", "Brass: Why are you staying at your Aunt Penny's?", "Henry Briney: Because my parents threw me out.", "Brass: Why would they do that?", "Henry Briney: Because they don't like me.", "Brass: Let me see your arms.", "(Henry shows Brass the scars on the inside of his right arm.)", "Brass: Are you \"booting that good oodgie\"? You ever use intravenous drugs?", "Henry Briney: Not anymore, but I did for a while.", "Brass: You know, your Aunt Penny had some scrips for some pain medication - Oxycontin, Fentanyl, Methadone. When we searched her house, we didn't find any. Did you take them?", "Henry Briney: No, I didn't take them. She must have taken them. I don't touch them. I just got out of rehab. Haven't touched a pill, line or needle in six months.", "Brass: (scoffs)", "Henry Briney: My parents threw me out, and she took me in. I would not screw her over.", "Brass: We're going to need to take your clothes and your shoes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara is using the ALS on Henry Briney's clothes. Catherine walks in as Sara turns the ALS off.)", "Catherine: Any luck?", "Sara: No. No blood on the nephew's shoes or clothes.", "Catherine: Drug panel on his urine came back negative. He's clean.", "Sara: What about Auntie Penny?", "Catherine: No pain meds in her system either.", "Sara: We've got a lot of serious drugs that are unaccounted for.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JUDGE TRUEBLOOD'S COURTROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick is on the stand. A photo of the glass fragments is on the monitor.)", "Nick: These glass fragments are from the mob breaking out the windows of CSI Sanders' Denali.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(The group breaks through the car's back window. They pull Greg out of the car.)", "Nick: (V.O.) That's how they dragged him out.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Nick continues. His testimony is interspersed with flashes from 7X04: 'Fannysmackin'.)", "(On the monitor, he shows a photo of Greg's torn hair and a photo of a rock.)", "Nick: This is a clump of his hair, torn from his scalp. And that's the rock Demetrius James used as a weapon.", "Male Juror 1: According to who? This is the first we've even heard that Demetrius James had a weapon.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: In his report, Mr. Sanders testified to that fact. The rock was found at the scene.", "Male Juror 1: How do we know the cops didn't plant it there?", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: Sir, I've warned you.", "Nick: I'd like to answer that question. Usually, when someone plants a weapon, whoever did it puts it right beside the body -- in this case, the rock was found near the front tire of the Denali. Skid marks suggest it was dropped upon impact.", "Male Juror 1: A rock against two tons of steel.", "Nick: No. More like one man against an extremely violent, out-of-control mob.", "Male Juror 1: What's department policy in a situation like that?", "Nick: It has always been department policy not to harm innocent civilians. You call for backup, you try to be a good witness, and you stay out of the way.", "Male Juror 1: So what makes it okay to start running over people?", "Nick: Well, when those people are wearing masks, running around beating people up.", "Aaron James: Man, DJ was going to a costume party.", "Nick: One victim was dead. Another was seriously injured. Another fatality imminent. I'd say the use of deadly force in this case was consistent with department policy, absolutely.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: Demetrius James was going to finish off the victim with the rock.", "(Marla and Aaron James surge to their feet.)", "Marla James: (shouts) You're a liar! AARON JAMES: (shouts) My brother wasn't a killer!", "ADA Valerie Nichols: Excuse me.", "Marla James: Demetrius was going to college.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: Mrs. James!", "Marla James: He had a 3.6 GPA.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: We are all very sorry for your loss, but you are not a witness here.", "(Judge Clayton Trueblood doesn't say anything.)", "Marla James: (shouts) You didn't know him! AARON JAMES: (shouts) DJ had a future!", "Marla James: I knew him! We knew him!", "ADA Valerie Nichols: Judge, can we have some order here?", "Marla James: You didn't run over a mob, you ran over one boy! My boy!", "ADA Valerie Nichols: Judge?", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: Mrs. James' comments give context to the events of the night in question. I'd like to hear what she has to say.", "(Valerie Nichols sits down. Greg leans over toward her.)", "Greg: Why is Trueblood letting her do this?", "ADA Valerie Nichols: It's probably good for his campaign. He's running for Assembly.", "Greg: Now you tell me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Sara walks into the lab. Archie is reviewing the tapes from the neighbor's security camera.)", "Sara: Got your page. Surveillance footage from the neighborhood watch guy across the street.", "Archie: Yeah, he was paranoid, but lazy. He had four security cameras on his house; three of them were cardboard boxes. Homemade security is the worst. Okay, so the nephew comes in and out of the house a couple times during the day.", "Sara: Yeah?", "Archie: It's a whole different story next door. Okay, this guy comes out of the house and meets with a different car at least three times an hour.", "Sara: He's slinging drugs.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass shows Jason Tua a couple of photos of pills.)", "Brass: We found these in your house. The white one is Carisoprodol. It's a muscle relaxant.", "Jason Tua: Yeah, I strained my pecs bench pressing.", "Brass: Oh, yeah. And the blue one is Prevalis. You look a little young to need that.", "Jason Tua: Well, I've had my share of women. Mr. Johnson's gotten bored over the years, so?", "Brass: Well, he's going to get really bored in prison. You hope.", "Jason Tua: What, you gonna bust me for selling Prevalis?", "Brass: Well, you think a guy in my job doesn't know what goes on in the clubs and in the street? You ever hear of a Las Vegas Cocktail.", "Jason Tua: I don't drink.", "Brass: It's a combination of Carisoprodol, Prevalis and very strong painkiller called Fentanyl. Problem is, Fentanyl's hard to get. I mean, doctors don't just give it away. You got to be in really serious pain to get it, like dying of cancer. On the street it's called \"perc-a-pop\".", "(Jason Tua shakes his head.)", "Brass: Now, Penny Garden was prescribed 40 a month. Problem is, we couldn't find any in her house.", "Jason Tua: So what, you think I stole them?", "Brass: Yeah, I do.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. GARDEN RESIDENCE - NIGHT] Penny sits in her chair clipping coupons when Jason Tua walks in.)", "Jason Tua: Where are the pops, old lady?", "Penny Garden: Get out of my house.", "(He grabs her and pushes her back.)", "Jason Tua: Where are they?", "Penny Garden: Back off, bully!", "Jason Tua: No you won't.", "(He throws her toward the glass windows. She smashes through the glass.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Jason Tua: Never. Never, never, never. Look, I told you, I liked the lady. She made me dinner. She lent me smokes, man.", "Brass: You liked her 'cause she had what you needed.", "Jason Tua: No, man. No way. (He turns and looks around.) Hey, I need a lawyer in here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara and Catherine talk.)", "Sara: So we have a drug dealer and a former drug user, both of which would have motive to steal Penny's drugs.", "Catherine: Well, there wasn't any trace of Fentanyl in the nephew's system.", "Sara: He's broke, he's unemployed; maybe he's stealing them from Penny so he can sell them to the neighbor.", "Catherine: If that's the case, it's motive for both.", "(They turn the corner and stop at reception.)", "Henry Briney: (o.s.) Excuse me.", "(Henry Briney is at reception carrying a large box.)", "Sara: Hi, Henry. What are you doing here?", "Henry Briney: Um ... I just found this on my porch -- I opened it and thought I should bring it down to you guys. It's ... pretty creepy.", "(Sara and Catherine step forward to look inside the box and find an exact miniature replica of Penny Garden's crime scene.)", "(We hold on Sara.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[CU: MINIATURE]", "(There's broken glass on the grass outside the room and roses just outside the windowsill where the miniature body of Penny Garden hangs partially outside.)", "(Camera continues over the body and into the miniature crime scene room where furniture is overturned, clipped coupons are strewn on the floor, Chinese take-out containers are on the table. The detail is amazing.)", "(Camera continues moving through the room, then moves on to the first miniature crime scene with a miniature Izzy Delancy slumped over the kitchen table.)", "(Camera moves in toward the blood on mini-Izzy Delancy's shoe, then rapidly pulls back and out.)", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(TOP VIEW DOWN. The two miniature crime scenes are side-by-side on the table.)", "Sara: If one was horrifying ... what is two?", "(Sara and Grissom look at the two dioramas.)", "Grissom: Possible serial killer.", "Sara: I'd say that it takes the nephew and the neighbor off the hook. I doubt either one of them could afford a mini-contractor, anyway.", "(Grissom picks up one of the small pillows with an image on it. He looks at it under the magnifying glass.)", "Sara: A bloody doll. Similar to the one in the other miniature.", "(Sara pulls out the photo and they compare the two.)", "Grissom: Look at the blood on the doll's forehead.", "Sara: Same pattern on both.", "Grissom: Could be two different views of the same subject.", "Sara: Maybe it's a signature.", "Grissom: Yeah, but we have no context. It could mean or represent just about anything.", "Sara: Okay ... again, the miniature suggests that the killer had an intimate familiarity with the victim, home and habits. So what do they have in common?", "Grissom: Izzy Delancy, 50-year-old white male, washed-up rock star. Penny Garden, cancer-stricken retiree.", "Sara: Different friends, different family, different social circles.", "Grissom: Why wasn't this one left at the crime scene like that one?", "(Grissom picks up the Penny Garden diorama and shakes it. Something rattles.)", "(He and Sara share a look.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JUDGE TRUEBLOOD'S COURTROOM -- DAY]", "(Marla and Aaron James stand in front of the courtroom.)", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: Marla and Aaron James are not sworn witnesses. If they were, they couldn't be in the courtroom during testimony and that would effectively take away their rights as interested parties to question witnesses. So please try to remember that their remarks are not evidence. Go ahead.", "Marla James: My sons didn't grow up with a father. Barely had a mother on account of me working all the time. They got into trouble. Mostly 'cause of where we live. Aaron here, he got into a whole lot of trouble.", "Aaron James: And I did my time, too. I did my time, but that wasn't D.J. He was helping me turn my life around. Coached me on my GED. Made me feel like there was a chance for me, you know. (to Greg) Man, you have no idea what you killed when you killed my brother.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE COURTROOM -- DAY]", "(Reporters record their segments as people mill about.)", "Reporter 1 (woman): Everyone was moved by the compelling testimony of the victim's mother, Marla James. Her outburst in the courtroom today --", "Reporter 2 (man): It wasn't the judge, the jury or the lawyer. Instead it was the mother of Demitrius James that had the courtroom asking did her son behave ...", "(Greg exits the courtroom and meets up with Sofia at the end of the hallway.)", "Sofia: Hey.", "Greg: Nichols was right. This isn't a trial, it's a circus.", "Sofia: Yeah, I heard. Starring the mother.", "(She indicates Marla and Aaron James giving an interview with a reporter.)", "Greg: I feel like I should say something.", "Sofia: Like what?", "Greg: I don't know.", "Sofia: Sorry? You going to apologize to the mother of a guy who beat one man to death and was trying to do the same to you? That's as good as saying you're guilty and setting yourself up for one hell of a civil suit besides. You did nothing wrong.", "Greg: I just want to be able to sleep again.", "Sofia: We put ourselves in harm's way every single day and sometimes we pay one hell of a price for surviving it. Other people will never understand that.", "(Greg again turns and watches Marla and Aaron James giving their interview to a reporter.)", "Aaron James: No way D.J. was a violent person.", "Marla James: My son is not a killer. He was trying to stop that killing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom turns the MINI-RAD 3000 X-RAY MACHINE on. It's pointed at the Penny Garden diorama, which appears on the laptop monitor.)", "(Grissom turns the diorama around and adjusts the lens on the x-ray machine. As he adjusts the image and finds something, he picks up a loose rock on the grass and looks at it.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[EXT. GARDEN RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(Sara kneels on the grass outside the windows as she takes photos of the rock in front of the bushes lining the wall.)", "(She puts her camera down and moves the rock aside.)", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- DAY]", "(Under the rock, Grissom finds something wrapped in plastic. He picks it up and looks at it.)", "[EXT. GARDEN RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(Sara picks up a syringe wrapped in plastic. It's marked FENTANYL 400 MCG.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOMS - DAY]", "(Nick is at his locker when Warrick walks in.)", "Warrick: Hey.", "Nick: Hey.", "Warrick: How'd it go in there?", "Nick: I don't know.", "Warrick: Really?", "Nick: Yeah.", "Warrick: You know, I know it was a hardcore situation that Greg ran up on, but you think it ever would have occurred to him to just put it in reverse and get the hell out of there?", "Nick: Well, that's not the question. What a jury wants to know is did Greg do what any reasonable person would have done under the circumstances.", "Warrick: I know Greg must have been scared as hell, man.", "Nick: What can we do to help him?", "Warrick: We'll put the jury behind the wheel of the car.", "(Nick smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "VARIOUS CUTS OF NICK AND WARRICK", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Warrick hooks the Denali's black box to the laptop and downloads the information.", "ENGINE SPEED", "RPM/100", "BRAKE SWITCH", "CIRCUIT STATUS", "100=ON", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY -- DAY]", "(Nick uses a hand-drawn layout of the crime scene and is setting up the alleyway, marking the area with cones.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Warrick is working on a computerized reenactment of the events of the night.)", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY -- DAY]", "(Nick marks two cones - one \"DJ\" and the other \"DENALI\".)", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY -- DAY]", "(Warrick shows Nick the computer reenactment.)", "Warrick: All right, the Denali's black box reports only five seconds before impact. Now, Greg was idling with his foot on the brake. And then he accelerated for no more than two seconds.", "Nick: Yeah, according to the acceleration skid marks, the front end went from there to there with D.J. coming at him.", "Warrick: Want to give it a go?", "(Nick nods and heads for the Denali.)", "Warrick: Take it for a spin?", "Nick: Yeah.", "(Nick removes the cone in front of the Denali. He climbs behind the driver's wheel and starts the engine.)", "(Warrick turns the laptop timer on.)", "Warrick: You ready?", "Nick: Ready.", "Warrick: Go.", "(Nick presses the gas and heads to the second cone.)", "Warrick: Stop!", "(Nick stops the car. Warrick walks over.)", "Nick: (shakes his head) With this kid running at him the whole time, there's no way Greg could have avoided hitting him.", "Warrick: You think a jury will see it that way?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COURTHOUSE - BATHROOM -- DAY]", "(Greg walks into the bathroom and leans against the sink as he looks at himself in the mirror.)", "(A man exits the stall and leaves.)", "(Greg runs the faucet, washes his hands and wets his face. The door opens and Aaron James walks in. He lingers in the doorway and watches Greg.)", "(Greg looks into the mirror, then notices Aaron James standing there.)", "Aaron James: How tough you feel when you're not in your big SUV, huh?", "(Greg says nothing. Aaron James walks toward him.)", "Aaron James: I asked you a question, killer.", "(Greg turns and looks at him, still saying nothing.)", "(A man walks in and heads for the faucets. He walks between them.)", "Man: Excuse me.", "(Aaron James backs away and leaves. We hold on Greg.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JUDGE TRUEBLOOD'S COURTROOM -- DAY]", "(Greg is sworn in.)", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: In the cause now pending before this court, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?", "Greg: I do.", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: Be seated.", "(Greg sits down.)", "ADA Valerie Nichols: All right, let's take a look at the official transcript of your call for backup.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: 01:54 and 21 seconds, Dispatch Control answers. Would you please read your response.", "(The transcript appears on the monitor.)", "Greg: (reads) \"Control, Control, this is CSI Sanders. I need some help.\"", "ADA Valerie Nichols: You took a couple of seconds to look at the street signs. There's a few more exchanges and then dispatch tells you: \"Closest unit has a five minute ETA.\" Five minutes. Control continues-- \"Rolling Code 3. Are they armed?\" Please read your response.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "Greg: I don't know, I don't know. Ma'am, please, listen. They gotta get here quicker than this.", "Dispatch: Copy that.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: What'd you do?", "Greg: I thought I'd try to break up the mob. I turned into the alley, hit the horn, yelled, anything.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: Did that stop the beating?", "Greg: Not entirely. One guy decided not to run away. Instead, he turned around, picked up a rock ... and moved like he was going to finish off the victim. But he turned and started coming at me with it.", "Aaron James: Oh, come on, that's just his word, man. His word against my brother's word!", "ADA Valerie Nichols: Mr. James.", "Aaron James: You know, we can't get his side, now can we?", "ADA Valerie Nichols: All right. Your Honor?", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: Ms. Nichols. The man has a right to speak.", "Marla James: C'mon. Sit down. C'mon.", "(Marla and Aaron sit down.)", "ADA Valerie Nichols: At this point, did you fear for your life?", "Greg: Yes.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: Did you have a weapon, a gun?", "Greg: No.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: What were you thinking when D.J. left Stanley Tanner's unconscious body and ran at you with that rock?", "Greg: I thought that he could make me his next target. I thought he wanted to kill me. No matter what, I knew that I had to incapacitate him.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: Now it's taken us several minutes to go through the events of that night. And I'm sure that you've all formed some kind of opinion about what happened. But, right now, let's put ourselves in Mr. Sanders' position. Let's see how much time Greg had to save a man's life.", "(She runs the computer-generated scenario.)", "ADA Valerie Nichols: Seconds. Mere seconds. What would you have done? Mr. Sanders, was it your intention to kill Demitrius James?", "Greg: No. I wish he hadn't come at me. I wish that he had just run away.", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: Mr. Sanders ... aren't you leaving something out?", "Greg: I don't think so.", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: You testified at a criminal trial earlier that day, didn't you?", "Greg: Yes.", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: ADA Ulrich must've been pleased with your testimony. She took you to dinner at the Tillerman. I'm looking at a copy of her credit card receipt. How was the sea bass? And the bottle of Pinot Grigio Santa Margherita 2005. How was that?", "ADA Valerie Nichols: Your Honor ...", "Greg: I ... wasn't on shift, and I only had ...", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: Mr. Sanders, I'm sure the jury's wondering, if you hadn't been drinking before going to work, would Demitrius James still be alive?", "Greg: (clearly) Alcohol wasn't ... a factor. ADA Ulrich insisted on ordering the wine. I drank half a glass. About six ounces. At my weight, 150, that would give me a blood-alcohol content of .02%. Even without food, the alcohol burn-off rate would be .015% per hour ... meaning that there was no alcohol in my bloodstream after ninety minutes, well before I reported for my shift and about ... seven hours before the incident.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - LATE DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 -- DAY]", "(Sara shows Henry Briney the file folder.)", "Sara: This is where we found your aunt's Fentanyl, so we know that you didn't take it.", "(She puts the file folder on the table.)", "Sara: Which means you've gone from a suspect ...", "(Camera follows Sara as she walks around the room, then veers off through the wall and into -", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2 - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass interviews Jason Tua.)", "BRASS -- to a witness. Now it's up to you to help us find the real killer. If you really cared about Penny, you'll tell us the truth about everything.", "Jason Tua: So this is off the record?", "Brass: Yeah.", "Jason Tua: So I ain't going to jail?", "Brass: Yeah, what do you want to know?", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara continues interviewing Henry Briney.)", "Sara: Who was Penny hiding her drugs from?", "Henry Briney: I don't know. Maybe it was me, although I never would've taken them. Or maybe you should ask the guy next door.", "Jason Tua: No, man, I'd never take those things from her. I buy 'em, 50 bucks a pop.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "[EXT. FENCE - NIGHT]", "(Jason Tua knocks on the fence. Fentanyl syringes in plastic wraps are pushed through the hole. He takes the syringes and puts the cash through the hole.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "Sara: Did you know your aunt was selling her drugs?", "Henry Briney: Yeah, I had an idea. I figured it was how she was supporting her habit.", "Sara: Which one?", "Henry Briney: I guess I should've said \"habits.\" Um, she loved her liqueur, and she loved her cigarettes, but what she really loved was video poker. She liked the sound the coins made when she hit a jackpot. She offered me a couple of bucks a week to keep the house clean, and ... and she paid me in nickels and quarters.", "Sara: Can you think ... of anyone else that might have known that those drugs were there?", "Henry Briney: No. I lived with her for a couple of months, and ... and she never had anyone over but me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Grissom is examining the latest miniature crime scene through a scope. He pushes the scope through the room and notices something on the miniature chair.)", "(Hodges walks in.)", "Hodges: I know that look. You just figured something out.", "(Hodges looks at the miniature.)", "Hodges: This is much better than dead rock star kitchen. The whole al fresco thing? (Grissom looks at Hodges.) Come on, share. (beat) Please?", "(Grissom hands the scope to Hodges.)", "Grissom: Look carefully at the back of the doll and at the pillow on the chair. There appears to be remnants of glue on both.", "Hodges: So the doll was originally glued to the back of the chair.", "(Grissom studies the chair.)", "Grissom: I think the killer expected the victim to die in this chair.", "INSERT: VISUALIZATION", "(The image of Penny Garden appears in the chair, drinking her liqueur.)", "(From above, Grissom visualizes what must've happened.)", "(As Penny Garden sits, the hooded intruder comes up from behind her.)", "Hodges: Well, if that's the case, then how did the killer expect to ... kill her?", "(Grissom continues visualizing Penny Garden sitting in the chair, drinking from her glass. The killer is behind her, waiting.)", "(Grissom reaches down and tries to pick up the miniature liqueur bottle from off the floor. It doesn't move. It's glued there.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. JUDGE TRUEBLOOD'S COURTROOM -- DAY]", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: I understand the jury has reached a verdict?", "Woman Juror: We have, Your Honor. (reads) We, the jury in this inquest, find the death of Demitrius James excusable.", "(The people murmur.)", "Coroner Pete Athens: Well, thank you, ladies and gentlemen, Judge Trueblood. This inquest is concluded.", "ADA Valerie Nichols: (mutters under her breath) \"Excusa ...\" No. (She turns to Greg.) See, \"excusable\" is a lawful act with no intention to kill. \"Justifiable\" means that the action was the only alternative. That's what they should have found.", "Greg: It's okay. I think they may have it right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COURTHOUSE - FRONT STEPS -- DAY]", "(The Male Juror 1 interviews with a reporter.)", "Male Juror 1: Look, look, I got nothing against Mr. Sanders personally, but all these inquests ever really seem to do is protect the cops. ...", "(Camera moves past him and we see Greg exit the courthouse. He looks around and we see Judge Trueblood interviewing with another reporter.)", "Judge Clayton Trueblood: As I've emphasized during my campaign, the public deserves the truth about any death at the hands of law enforcement.", "(Just behind him, Marla and Aaron James are interviewing with yet another reporter.)", "Marla James: No, it's not over. We won't get justice till Demetrius --", "(Greg continues walking through the crowd. A reporter stops him.)", "Reporter: Mr. Sanders, Mr. Sanders, do you think the verdict was fair? Was your killing Demitrius James excusable?", "(Before Greg can respond, a friendly arm wraps around his shoulders. Stanley Tanner appears at his side.)", "Stanley Tanner: This kid saved my damn life. He is a hero, a genuine hero.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EARLY EVENING]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- EVENING]", "(Hodges removes the Cherry Herring Liqueur bottle from the evidence bag. He takes a sample and processes it.)", "(He puts it in the machine and switches it on. The machine runs and Hodges takes a moment to dance along with the machine and background music.)", "(The results print out.)", "(Hodges smiles and heads out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(The results read: NICOTINE - FATAL LEVEL.)", "(Grissom shares his findings with Sara.)", "Grissom: Penny Garden was poisoned with nicotine.", "Sara: Well, that's not exactly a surprise -- the woman smoked liked a chimney.", "Grissom: She didn't smoke it. She drank it. Liquid nicotine. Truman Capote used it as a murder weapon in his story, \"Hand-Carved Coffins,\" and our killer put it in Aunt Penny's liqueur bottle.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(The killer drops liquid nicotine into the cherry liqueur bottle.)", "(Penny Garden sits, lights her cigarette and pours herself a drink.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) A cigarette introduces approximately one milligram of nicotine into the body. The liqueur contained over 60. A dose that massive can induce severe convulsions ...", "(Penny stands up and starts convulsing. She takes several steps, knocking things over along the way. She coughs and gags.)", "[EXT. GARDEN'S RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(The shadow moves around the room, till she finally smashes into the window, falling on broken glass on the windowsill.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) ... and evidently, mess up a meticulously crafted murder.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Grissom: That's why the miniature wasn't at the crime scene. The killer was compelled to fix it, so that it would match what actually happened.", "VARIOUS FLASHES OF: The killer pulls the miniature Penny doll off the chair and puts it on the windowsill.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Sara: Liquid nicotine is in a lot of smoking cessation products.", "Grissom: Yeah. Commonly available to just about anyone. Any luck with the vic's calls?", "Sara: Kind of. I data-mined the home phone numbers of Izzy Delancy and Penny Garden. They actually had ten numbers in common. Information, couple of mail-order catalogs, power company, Moviefone. There's one other number which turned out to be an untraceable disposable cell phone - suggests someone who doesn't want to be found.", "(Greg appears in the doorway.)", "Greg: Hey, boss, unless you need me for something, I'm gonna take off.", "Grissom: Yeah. Take off that suit, too.", "(Greg turns to leave; Grissom stops him.)", "Grissom: And Greg ... you did a good job.", "Greg: I'm glad you think so.", "(Greg turns and leaves. Sara turns to look at Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PARKING GARAGE]", "(Greg is on his way to his car. A car engine starts and revs. He looks up and sees Aaron James sitting behind a driver's wheel revving the engine.)", "(A man walks up to Greg and hands him some papers.)", "Man: Mr. Sanders, you've been served.", "(The man leaves. Greg looks at the papers:", "DISTRICT COURT", "CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA", "THE ESTATE OF DEMITRIUS JAMES, PLAINTIFF, VS.", "GREG SANDERS, AND DOES 1 THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE AND EACH OF THEM, DEFENDANTS", "CASE NO. CIV. 11456", "COMPLAINT FOR WRONGFUL DEATH", "(Greg turns around and looks at Aaron James behind the car wheel.)", "(Aaron James guns the engine and the car surges forward, tires screeching and headed straight toward Greg. Greg steps aside as the car passes him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Archie is reviewing security video. Grissom walks in.)", "Grissom: What is it, Archie?", "Archie: Oh, hey, Gris. I was just looking at footage from the next-door neighbor's, the night the package was delivered.", "(Archie runs the video. Someone walks up to the front door.)", "Archie: Never underestimate the Neighborhood Watch.", "(Archie enhances the video. The person carries the box to the front door and puts it down.)", "Archie: I don't see a delivery truck.", "Grissom: Well, fortunately for us, this was a personal delivery ... right to our front door.", "(On the video, the person walks away.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Post Mortem
[ "The CSIs investigate the death of two identical twins within a two-hour time frame, on opposite sides of town. When the team discovers that the twins knew nothing of each other, they begin to wonder if the two cases are connected, or just a very bizarre coincidence." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Establish. We start in the city, then pull out to the suburban community.)", "[INT. SINCLAIR RESIDENCE - KITCHEN -- NIGHT]", "(Amanda Sinclair stares at the kitchen window at her own reflection. After a moment, she goes back to washing the dinner dishes. Her mind is elsewhere.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CASE APARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT]", "(Jill Case wipes the steam off the shower door with the palm of her hand. She opens and pushes the door open, grabs a towel and steps out of the shower stall as she wipes herself.)", "(She walks over to the bathroom sink and picks up the wine glass on the counter. She drinks.)", "[INT. SINCLAIR RESIDENCE - KITCHEN -- NIGHT]", "(Amanda Sinclair drinks from her baby's sippy cup before she opens it and adds it to the dishes to wash.)", "(Her son, Henry, runs into the kitchen and holds his arms up to her.)", "Henry Sinclair: Mommy, up. Up, Mommy, up.", "Amanda Sinclair: Not now, baby, Mommy's busy. Go find Daddy.", "(Henry turns and runs out of the kitchen. Gary, Amanda's husband, steps out into the hallway and scoops Henry into his arms.)", "Gary Sinclair: Aah ...", "(He enters the kitchen.)", "Gary Sinclair: Honey, I cannot find my navy suit.", "Amanda Sinclair: Oh, I'm sorry, shoot. I meant to get it this morning, but Henry was doing his ear-itchy thing, so I took him to Dr. Neilsen. I'll get it first thing tomorrow.", "Gary Sinclair: Oh, I have an early meeting, sweetie.", "Amanda Sinclair: So go get it.", "Gary Sinclair: Oh ... all right.", "(He tries to put Henry down on the floor, but Henry complains.)", "Henry Sinclair: Daddy, no leave. Daddy, no leave.", "Gary Sinclair: Aw ... Daddy no leave.", "(Henry giggles.)", "Amanda Sinclair: You give him a bath, I'll go.", "(She looks at her watch - its 7:45.)", "[INT. CASE APARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT]", "(Jill Case adjusts her watch. Her radio is on.)", "Disk Jockey: (from radio) Welcome to LVRP, Rat Pack Radio. Here's an oldie but a goodie by two salty dogs of stage and screen, Bobby Darin and Johnny Mercer.", "(She sings along with the radio.)", "Lyric: (singing) Two of a kind / For your information, we're two of a kind ...", "[INT. AMANDA'S CAR - NIGHT]", "(Amanda backs out of her driveway. She sings along with the radio.)", "Lyric: (singing) Like peas in a pod and birds of a feather, alone or together you'll find that we are two-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo of a kind.", "(She puts her hair up in a ponytail with a scrunchie.)", "[INT. CASE APARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT]", "(Jill puts her hair down.)", "Lyric: (singing) Now, who's to say if we're going the whole way? At least we got this far.", "[INT. CASE APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(The television set is on to channel 19 with BREAKING NEWS coverage. The volume is off.", "Lyric: (singing) Sharin' our lives, our vittles, and viands, we're two of an ilk. Say, what if we've got rare Chateaubriands or crackers and milk? Makin' it plain. Explainin' it fully. We're similarly inclined, --", "(Jill is in her black slip and secures her thigh stockings. She gets up and pulls her black dress out of the plastic covering. She tosses the hanger on the bed. The advert on the hanger is for CHEN'S ONE HOUR CLEANERS.)", "Lyric: (singing) Because we're --", "[EXT. CHEN'S ONE HOUR CLEANERS - NIGHT]", "Lyric: (singing) - two-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo of a kind.", "(Amanda pulls into the lot and parks her car. She gets out of the car and opens the back door. She gathers the laundry and notices a lipstick print on her husband's white shirt collar. She smiles.)", "[INT. CASE APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Jill Case blots her lipstick. She does a last look-over in the mirror, then heads out of her apartment. The door slams shut behind her.)", "[EXT. CHEN'S ONE HOUR CLEANERS - NIGHT]", "(Amanda Sinclair closes the car door and activates the car alarm. She turns toward the cleaners. Two gunshots fire and hit her square in the chest.)", "[CU: SHOES]", "(A pair of black high-heeled shoes hit the ground.)", "[AMANDA]", "(Amanda falls backward and hits the concrete ground. Her eyes dilate.)", "[JILL]", "(Jill's eyes are clouded over as she hangs from a dog leash, her feet bare and shoes on the floor.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CHEN'S ONE HOUR CLEANERS - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(Police radio chatter is in the background. A flashlight shines on Amanda Sinclair, dead on the pavement.)", "(Catherine and Nick walk up to the body.)", "Nick: (sighs) Bad day when you can't even run a simple errand.", "Catherine: Everybody's got dirty laundry. Sometimes it gets you killed.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CASE APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Warrick and Grissom walk into the apartment and find Jill Case hanging in the middle of the room.)", "Warrick: What would she have done if she didn't have a second story?", "Grissom: Every death has at least two stories.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CASE APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(The coroners cut the body down and place it on the gurney. They cover her face with a white sheet.)", "[EXT. CHEN'S ONE HOUR CLEANERS - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(David covers Amanda Sinclair with a white sheet. He turns and talks with Catherine.)", "David Phillips: Two GSWs to the chest. Rigor hasn't set. Probably been dead less than four hours.", "Catherine: Thanks, David.", "(David leaves. Catherine looks at the blood on the concrete. Nick walks up to her.)", "Nick: Mr. Chen works here alone with his wife, and English is not their first language. I'm not even real sure that it's their second, but what I did gather is that the steam machines are very noisy, so neither one of them really heard anything. Mr. Chen found the body when he was closing up around 9:00. Said she's a regular customer.", "Catherine: Well, I got a phone and keys, but no purse.", "Nick: Mugging?", "Catherine: Take the purse, leave the Lexus?", "Nick: Yeah, that's not real savvy, is it?", "Catherine: Hmm. Car's been keyed.", "(She opens the front door, climbs inside and checks the registration. It's for:", "DR. GARY SINCLAIR", "143 SHADY OAK LANE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101", "Catherine: Registered to a Dr. Gary Sinclair.", "(Nick is looking at Amanda's cell phone record of missed calls.)", "Nick: Yeah, that's gonna probably be the husband. \"Gary Home\" has called her six times in the last hour.", "(Catherine looks at the clothes and car seat in the back.)", "Catherine: Wife and mother.", "Nick: I'll check the trashcans for the complex, see if I can find her purse. Maybe they dumped what they couldn't liquidate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CASE APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Warrick looks around the living room.)", "Warrick: Well, she obviously doesn't have any kids. Place is like a museum. This chick hung out with some big wigs.", "(He looks at framed photos of Jill with some famous political people.)", "(Grissom is in the kitchen looking at the LAS VEGAS GLOBE and NEVADA Driver's License.)", "Grissom: She was a big wig. Jill Case, Editor-in-Chief of the Las Vegas Globe. She was a wunderkind. One of the youngest women in history to run a newspaper.", "(Brass walks into the kitchen.)", "Brass: Well, I've been all around the house, --no sign of a forced entry.", "Grissom: Consistent with suicide.", "Warrick: So is this.", "(Warrick shows them the hand-written note: \"I apologize to everyone.\")", "Warrick: You can't even use a whole sheet of paper on your suicide note?", "Grissom: Well, I don't know. Maybe if you feel like you don't deserve to take up space on the planet, you don't deserve a whole piece of paper.", "(Warrick snaps photos of the note under a foiled doggie bag in the shape of a swan.)", "Warrick: She obviously ate at Joie de Vive. It's the only place that still serves old school swan doggie bags.", "Brass: Yeah, dressed in a fancy outfit, having a fancy meal.", "Warrick: If you're planning on killing yourself, why do you bring home a doggie bag?", "Grissom: (shrugs) It's human nature. We continue to perform the routine motions of our life until the moment of our death.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CHERI'S ONE HOUR CLEANERS - PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(Nick goes through the trash on the side of the building.)", "(He goes through the smaller bins, then heads over to the large garbage bin. He looks inside and finds the purse under a garbage bag.)", "(He snaps a couple of photos.)", "(Nick dives into the bin and pulls out the bag. On the bag is a stocking.)", "(Quick flash of: The killer wears a stocking over his face. End flash.)", "(Nick takes out the wallet and looks at the driver's license inside:", "AMANDA SINCLAIR", "143 SHADY OAK LANE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101", "(He takes out a datebook and finds an envelope. Inside the envelope, he finds a hand-written note, \"Please do not ever contact me again. Sincerely, Dora.\")", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - EARLY EVENING]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY --", "(OPEN ON A TOE TAG:", "OFFICE OF CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER", "THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS", "AMANDA SINCLAIR", "CHEN'S PARKING LOT", "LVPD 06115-2198-", "[NEXT_ON]", "(The two women are side-by-side on two tables in the room.)", "(The door opens. Catherine, Warrick and Robbins walk in.)", "Robbins: DNA's been sent out, but this is one case where I don't need to wait for results.", "Warrick: Identical twins? You got to be kidding me.", "Catherine: They're even wearing the same toenail polish.", "(He hands Warrick the evidence bags.)", "Robbins: And both ... wore the same watch, too.", "Warrick: Oh, it's just too much.", "Catherine: Well ... eight-year-olds dressing alike I kind of get, but grown women? That's weird.", "Robbins: Some people like it. I'm a twin.", "Warrick: Really?", "Robbins: Well, I was. My twin died in utero. My mother didn't tell me about it until I was an adult. When I decided to become a coroner, she blamed herself. She said it was because I'd spent so many days living next to a dead body.", "Warrick: Well, speaking of dead bodies, uh ...", "Robbins: Right. Right. Jill has petechia around the eyes, bruising around the neck, and a broken clavicle. All consistent with a hanging. And I extracted these from Amanda.", "(He shows them the two bullets.)", "Robbins: One went straight to the heart. The other penetrated the right lung. Sharp shooter or close range.", "Catherine: Don't tell me they died at the same moment.", "Robbins: Not quite. Amanda was a couple hours ahead of her sister.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Grissom is reading a letter from:", "WILLIAMS COLLEGE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION", "450 CASTLE AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR", "WILLIAMSTOWN, MA 01265", "NOVEMBER 9, 2006", "DEAR MR. GRISSOM, As an accomplished entomologist in the field-- invite you to join us for an interdisciplinary-- VARIOUS CU OF THE LETTER WITH FOCUS ON:", "* \"interdisciplinary\" * \"Walden Pond\" * \"term graduate seminar\" * \"specialists\" * \"entomology,\" * \"consider taking\" * \"sabbatical\"", "(Catherine knocks on the door before walking in. Grissom looks up and puts the letter away.)", "Catherine: Our two cases have become one.", "Grissom: Could still be two cases.", "Catherine: What happened to Mr. No-Such-Thing-As-Coincidence? Simplest hypothesis is usually the correct one. If you hear hooves, think horses not zebras.", "Grissom: What would the horses be in this case?", "Catherine: Murder/suicide. Jill killed Amanda. Felt guilty, then killed herself.", "Grissom: And, uh, what do you got to support that?", "Catherine: Did you notice any photos of Amanda or her family in Jill's house?", "Grissom: No.", "Catherine: Right. And I looked through Amanda's phone book. Jill was not even in it.", "Grissom: Well, maybe she had her number memorized.", "Catherine: Brass spoke with Jill's attorney for next of kin. None existed. She's leaving a small fortune to various charities. It just sounds to me like estrangement. Okay, even if that's not the exact way it went down, I'll bet you a dollar that the twins' deaths are related.", "Grissom: Two women found dead on opposite sides of town. If they didn't look alike, would you still link them?", "Catherine: If they're relatives, yes: sisters, husband and wife, father and son.", "Grissom: Okay.", "Catherine: Okay, what?", "Grissom: I'll take the bet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[BLACK SCREEN W/WHITE LETTERS]", "AMANDA", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Dr. Gary Sinclair sits in the hallway chairs as Sofia talks with him. Henry is on the opposite side of the hallway looking through the glass windows.)", "Gary Sinclair: I must've called her ten times, then after about an hour I got so worried.", "Sofia: Did your wife have any enemies? Anyone she was fighting with?", "Gary Sinclair: No, she was a good wife, great mother. There's no one ...", "Henry Sinclair: Home, Daddy, home.", "Gary Sinclair: Okay, buddy. Can you-- hey, you know what? Come over here. Can you come over here and draw your butterfly for daddy?", "Sofia: What was her relationship like with Jill?", "(Sofia sits down.)", "Gary Sinclair: Jill who?", "Sofia: Her twin sister, Jill Case.", "Gary Sinclair: Amanda didn't have a sister.", "Sofia: DNA tells us otherwise.", "Gary Sinclair: My wife was an only child. Sh-she was adopted, but ...", "Sofia: Is it possible that ... your wife knew she had a twin, but she hadn't told you?", "Gary Sinclair: Well, I'd like to think no ... that we told each other everything. But that's not ...", "Sofia: True?", "Gary Sinclair: A marriage. Married, Detective?", "Sofia: No.", "Gary Sinclair: Something weird happens between two people who know each other for years, see each other every day. Every night I drive home from the hospital and I think of twelve things I want to tell Amanda. And then I get home and, uh ... she's cooking. And we read stories to Henry and then ... the phone rings, so I -- you know, you say, \"Oh, I'll just tell her tomorrow. Tomorrow.\" I'd like to meet her. Jill.", "Sofia: I'm sorry that's ... that's not possible. We found them both ... last night.", "Gary Sinclair: What happened?", "Sofia: Right now ... we don't know.", "Henry Sinclair: It's okay, Daddy. Let's go home and see Mommy.", "Gary Sinclair: (cries) Okay.", "(Henry hugs Gary.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(Mandy prints the envelope. She scans the print into the computer and runs it through the database. The computer beeps. Mandy stares at it with surprise.)", "LATER:", "(Nick walks into the lab.)", "Nick: Hey. I got your text. What's up?", "Mandy Webster: Sing it, dude. This is huge.", "Nick: Oh ... (sings) Oh, Mandy / Oh, you came and you ...", "(Mandy shakes her head. She motions for him to try again. Nick glances behind him and tries again. This time, louder.)", "Nick: (singing) Oh, Mandy / Well, you came and you gave / Without taking / But I sent you away ... (holds note) Oh, Mandy.", "Mandy Webster: Okay. I got a hit off of that envelope you found in Amanda's purse. It's a Dora Pomerantz.", "Nick: Oh, that would make sense. The letter was signed \"Dora.\"", "Mandy Webster: Do you wanna know why she's in the system?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS DESERT (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. FARM -- DAY]", "(Sofia and Nick walk up to the fence.)", "Sofia: Mrs. Pomerantz?", "(Dora Pomerantz leads her horse over to the fence.)", "Dora Pomerantz: Who wants to know?", "Sofia: Detective Curtis and CSI Nick Stokes.", "Nick: Hi.", "Sofia: We just need to ask you a few questions.", "Dora Pomerantz: About what?", "Nick: Your twins.", "(Dora opens the gate and leads her horse through it. Sofia and Nick follow her.)", "Dora Pomerantz: That was a very long time ago.", "Sofia: We were just curious about the circumstances under which they were adopted.", "(She tethers her horse.)", "Dora Pomerantz: I was eighteen years old when I got pregnant. Charlie said he'd stay with me. Then he got drafted to Vietnam. Came home six months later ... in a box. These two chirping birds. \"Waa, waa, waa.\" I couldn't get them to stop. I couldn't take it. So one day I just ... Boop ... snapped. That was it. No more babies. I spent ten years in a state facility, you know?", "Sofia: We were aware. How have you been since?", "Dora Pomerantz: Oh ... fine. A smart doctor put me in touch with an equine assisted therapy program. Saved my life. Horses don't have judgments. They have needs. Meet the needs, the horse is happy. Helped retrain my brain.", "Nick: Healthy enough to get back in touch with your daughters?", "Dora Pomerantz: Oh, no. Uh ... not recommended. Sometimes you just can't go back.", "Nick: Is that why you wrote Amanda this letter saying, \"Please do not ever contact me again?\"", "Dora Pomerantz: Who's Amanda?", "Sofia: One of your daughters.", "Dora Pomerantz: We keep envelopes loose in a desk drawer. I must've touched it before she sent it.", "Sofia: Who?", "Dora Pomerantz: The handwriting, it's Tiffany's.", "Sofia: I'm sorry. Who's Tiffany?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FARM (LATER) -- DAY]", "(Tiffany Hughes talks with Sofia and Nick. She gets off her horse.)", "Tiffany Hughes: I had no idea my mom had given up a kid. But I did know that there was no way she could handle dealing with it.", "Nick: So ... you always go through your mom's mail?", "Tiffany Hughes: Yeah. My dad and I have a system. We screen all her mail.", "Nick: Why's that?", "Tiffany Hughes: She's got this problem. Any time a children's charity solicitation comes, she donates and not just a little. Half my college fund was gone before we realized what was going on.", "Sofia: So you thought Amanda had her hand out?", "Tiffany Hughes: Wasn't worth the risk. The anti-depressants and the horses help, but my mom's barely hanging on. And I only have a year left before I go to college. I just need her to hang on one more year. So, I sent the polite response and hoped it was over.", "Nick: Did Jill ever try to contact your mom?", "Tiffany Hughes: Who's Jill?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Wendy Simms reports her findings to Catherine.)", "Wendy Simms: So I got bad news and weird news. Which would you like to hear first?", "Catherine: Bad.", "Wendy Simms: Bad news: I got nothing from the blue stocking that was found in the trash. Weird news: I tested the red lipstick on Gary Sinclair's collar and I got DNA, but it wasn't his wife's.", "Catherine: Well, based on the contents of her purse, she's more the lip balm type.", "Wendy Simms: You know I like to be thorough, so ... I ran it through CODIS and I actually got a hit: Natal Peled. She's in the system from a rape charge in L.A.", "Catherine: They don't put victim's DNA in the database.", "Wendy Simms: No, they don't. Yeah, I had to know, so I called a friend of mine at L.A. Sheriff's Department, and apparently, Natal was a nurse at a Hollywood hospital. And she went to the annual Christmas party, she fed this doctor a bunch of cocktails, slipped him a Prevalis, and then took him up to a hotel room. And rumor has it, it was in order to have unprotected, you know ... baby-making s*x. So he pressed charges, she was arrested, and then they settled out of court. And now Natal's a nurse at our very own Dessert Palm.", "Catherine: With Amanda's husband, Dr. Gary Sinclair.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DESERT PALM - DAY]", "(Catherine talks with Gary Sinclair.)", "Gary Sinclair: Doctors have a name for what Natal is.", "Catherine: What she is?", "Gary Sinclair: A woman who trolls hospitals looking to land themselves a doctor. Call them bedpans: shiny, full of crap, and ... best when dumped.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT PALMS HOSPITAL - DAY]", "(Nick talks with Natal Peled. She's smoking a cigarette.)", "Natal Peled: Of course we slept together. Who wouldn't want to get with this? Of course he's gonna deny it because of that little wife of his.", "Nick: So you met his wife, Amanda?", "Natal Peled: Please. Yes, I've met her. Always coming by the hospital, check up on him. Talk about paranoid.", "Nick: Hey, with you around ... sounds like she had pretty good reason.", "Natal Peled: Mr. Stokes ... men are like tigers -- if you can't tame them, you must let them roam free. I go now, yeah?", "(She holds up her hand to wave him goodbye. She has her keys in her hand and Nick sees the car paint shavings embedded in the key grooves.)", "INSERT: CGI", "(A laser cuts into the key and takes a sample of the car paint shavings.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(Hodges reports his findings to Nick.)", "Hodges: Yes. It seems that the paint on the Sabra's key is consistent with Lexus factory issue. Color's Galactic Grey Mica IE9. Same as Amanda's.", "Nick: So ... crazy chick keys the wife's car. Is it gateway violence that led to murder or just another coincidence like everything else in this case?", "Hodges: I almost keyed a car once.", "Nick: You what?", "Hodges: I know, but, in the end, I couldn't go through with it. So I peed on the door handles instead.", "Nick: So they'd freeze up and can't get them open?", "Hodges: No. It was San Diego.", "Nick: Over a girl?", "Hodges: Over a \"B.\" Professor gave me one on my term paper. I felt I deserved an \"A\".", "(And with that, Nick leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Nick and Catherine talk.)", "Nick: So she definitely keyed the car, and may or may not have been doing the husband.", "Catherine: I'm going with yes. Ballistics came back on the bullets that killed Amanda. There's only one gun with a six right polygonal barrel that comes in a .41 caliber: a Baby Eagle-- Israeli military issue.", "Nick: Israeli guns are really hard to find.", "Catherine: Unless you served in the Israeli army like Natal.", "Nick: Okay. Okay, I certainly wouldn't put it past her, but what about the husband?", "Catherine: Classic \"he said, she said.\" They're either acting in cahoots, trying to confuse us, or Natal is acting on her own, thinking that the wife is the obstacle standing between them.", "Nick: Nothing quite says \"I love you\" like, I killed your wife so we can be together.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SINCLAIR RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Gary Sinclair opens the front door and finds Sofia there. She hands the warrant to him.)", "Sofia: Sir, we have a warrant to search the premises, and we need you to come down to the station. If you can't make arrangements for your child, we have a Child Services Advocate who can take him.", "Gary Sinclair: This is ridiculous. I've been nothing but cooperative. You harass me at my place of work. You harass me at my home. Now you want to take my kid away?", "Sofia: Sir, are you resisting?", "Gary Sinclair: I didn't kill my wife. I was giving my son a bath. I couldn't have done it. Can I at least put my shoes on?", "(Sofia nods for the officers to go with him. Gary and the officers head into the house.)", "[EXT. SINCLAIR RESIDENCE - FRONT - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick looks around the area and finds a small batch of cigarette butts out on the opposite side of the road. He looks at them and snaps a photo of them.)", "(Quick flash to: Natal Peled sits in the car smoking her cigarette as she watches the house across the street. She watches as Amanda gets into her car and drives away. Natal tosses her cigarette out the open car window, starts her own car engine and follows her. End of flash.)", "(Nick picks up a cigarette butt and looks at it. Sofia joins him.)", "Sofia: What have you got?", "Nick: A smoking gun.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EARLY EVENING]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Wendy reports her findings to Nick.)", "Wendy Simms: You're not going to like the answer. The DNA on the cigarette butts doesn't match Natal.", "Nick: Come on. You can't tell me we're back to square one on this deal.", "Wendy Simms: Well, we're not. DNA was female, so I ran it against Amanda, thinking, I don't know, maybe she takes super-secret cigarette breaks. And it wasn't a match, but they do have seven loci in common. So, is there another sister maybe?", "(Nick looks at the printout and thinks about it.)", "Nick: Tiffany.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sofia talks with Tiffany Hughes.)", "Tiffany Hughes: I'm confused. This is 'cause I was smoking?", "Sofia: Well, no, smoking is bad for you, but, no, this is really more about where you were smoking.", "Tiffany Hughes: I'm an only child who lives on a horse farm in the middle of nowhere with a horse- whispering mother and a dad who works all the time to avoid her. When Amanda's letter came ... I was so excited at the idea of having a sister. I was jumping out of my skin. So I told my mom I joined cheerleading. And after school, I would ...", "Sofia: You'd what?", "Tiffany Hughes: It started where I would just drive by.", "Sofia: And then it escalated?", "Tiffany Hughes: Well ... once, I saw her in the yard, playing with her little boy. So I started parking out front, hoping to see her again.", "(Quick flash to: Tiffany sits in the car watching Amanda push Henry in his plastic tricycle.)", "Tiffany Hughes: (V.O.) Basically, I would just sit there, imagining her in my life. She'd make me tea. And we'd go over my college applications and talk about boys.", "(End of flashback.)", "Tiffany Hughes: It was like a TV commercial.", "Sofia: And then what? Did your ... curiosity ... become an obsession?", "Tiffany: Oh, my God. No. I could barely get up the courage to introduce myself. That's why I'd just sit there smoking. And then my stomach would hurt, so I would just drive home. And now, I'll never get the chance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CASE RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Two high-heeled black shoes hit the floor. Jill Case's body sways mid-air.)", "[BLACK SCREEN W/WHITE TEXT]", "JILL", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - EARLY MORNING]", "[INT. CASE RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- MORNING]", "(Warrick walks around the room with his camera. He approaches the computer table and finds something missing. He snaps a photo of the cables.)", "(He opens the desk drawer and notes the labeled container for PUSH PINS, BINDER CLIPS and NOTE PADS.)", "[EXT. CASE RESIDENCE - GARAGE - MORNING]", "(Warrick opens the garage door and looks at the car inside. He opens the back door and looks at how neat it is. He slams the door closed and opens the car's back door. He looks inside, then slams it shut.)", "(He opens the passenger door and looks around at how neat the car is.)", "[INT. CASE RESIDENCE - BEDROOM -- MORNING]", "(Warrick looks around the bedroom and snaps a photo. He opens the bedside table drawer and snaps a photo of its contents.)", "(Greg walks in.)", "Greg: Hey, Grissom said you might need some help.", "(Warrick turns and looks at Greg.)", "Greg: What?", "Warrick: I don't know, you don't look like you've been put through the ringer.", "Greg: Well, I guess the inquest was the easy part. Now the kid's family wants to sue me. Know any good lawyers?", "Warrick: I hate lawyers. Want to take the bathroom?", "Greg: Sure.", "(Greg heads for the bathroom. Warrick opens the second drawer and finds it full of handcuffs and toys. He picks up a pair of handcuffs.)", "Warrick: I found her naughty drawer.", "(Greg is in the bathroom.)", "Greg: My favorite part of any bedroom search.", "Warrick: I don't believe these girls anymore.", "(Warrick heads over to the second bedside table. He opens the drawer and finds men's stuff - deodorant stick, shaving gel, a shaver, comb and condoms.)", "(Warrick picks up a shaver.)", "Warrick: Looks like someone's been elevated to drawer status.", "(Greg steps out into the bedroom, holding bottles of pills.)", "Greg: Well, apparently, love can't cure all that ails. Alprazolam, clonazepam, diazepam and sertraline -- all in her medicine cabinet.", "Warrick: Well, I said dude had a drawer, I didn't say it was love.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Grissom talks with Dr. Gus Hoffman.)", "Gus Hoffman: Jill had OCD-related depression, which is very deceiving because the sufferers are high functioning. It's not your usual, you know, \"lie on the couch and listen to the Beatles\" kind of depression.", "Grissom: Did she ever talk about family?", "Gus Hoffman: You know, when a patient dies, the doctor-patient confidentiality clause is void. But I'm just sort of feeling a little uncomfortable. Do I have to ... call a lawyer?", "Grissom: It's entirely your choice. We can subpoena her records, or you and I can talk.", "Gus Hoffman: Okay. All she would say was that she didn't get along with her parents, and that, um, you know, relationships in general were difficult. I mean, her condition made her excel professionally but flop personally.", "Grissom: We, uh, checked her records. She was adopted as an infant.", "(Grissom looks at the file folder in front of him.", "STATE OF NEVADA", "CHILD ADOPTION RECORDS DIVISION", "DATE: 11-15-06 TIME: 14:17", "DL/NO: EXPIRED*B/D: 11-04-55: MONA/TAYLOR*", "ADDR AS OF 10-23-01: 102 MESQUITE AVE LAS VEGAS NV 89101", "OTH/ADDR", "AKA", "CHILD >>>>> CASE, JILL", "BIRTH MOTHER >>>>> SUPPRESSED", "ADOPTION DATE >>>>03/14/72", "OPERATOR: 3398 /////8714DAKOTA CLASS C )", "Gus Hoffman: Her parents never told her. Huh. Well, that explains her abandonment-attachment issues, and why she always felt like a square peg in a round family.", "Grissom: Did you believe she was suicidal?", "Gus Hoffman: Off the record, no, I don't. I don't think she was suicidal, I thought, I actually thought she was getting better.", "Grissom: So then how does an attractive, successful 36-year-old woman hang herself from her own balcony?", "Gus Hoffman: 'Cause the choice was there.", "(Quick flash to: Jill Case puts the tie around her neck and climbs over her second floor balcony.)", "Gus Hoffman: (V.O.) At the end of the day, when an obsessive brain is presented with a choice, it just, sometimes, it just can't shut off the clatter of the idea until it sees it through to conclusion.", "(End of flash.)", "Gus Hoffman: The idea found its way in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins pulls out the morgue cabinet with Jill Case's body on it. He explains his findings to Grissom.)", "Robbins: It wasn't suicide. These bruises developed postmortem. Two on the front, eight on the back.", "Grissom: Strangulation.", "(Quick flash to: Someone strangles Jill Case. End of flash.)", "Robbins: Murder.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "INSERT: CGI", "(We start at the camera, then follow the UBS cord IN THROUGH the disk as it writes and OUT TO the monitor where its --- DOWNLOADING photos on a monitor.)", "[INT. LAS VEGAS GLOBE - NEWSROOM - DAY]", "(Brass and Warrick cross the newsroom.)", "Allison Shram: (to phone) No, she missed the morning news meeting. All the section editors are biting my head off. Look, I don't have a straight answer for you. No, I've called, I've e-mailed, I've texted. She'd have to be lying dead in a ditch not to answer her phone. I know. Bye.", "(She looks up. Brass shows her his badge.)", "Allison Shram: Can I help you?", "Brass: I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police. This is Warrick Brown from the Crime Lab. We have a warrant to search Jill Case's office.", "Allison Shram: Okay, is she in some kind of trouble?", "Brass: Well, it wasn't a ditch.", "Allison Shram: Oh, my God. I ... (Several reporters step closer.) God.", "(They linger around.)", "Jake Lenoir (reporter): What's going on?", "Allison Shram: Back off. Get away. All of you, go! Go!", "(She takes her earpiece off and whispers to Brass.)", "Allison Shram: Look, you can't drop a hot one in a room full of vultures. They smell blood. Half of them were wanting to pry her ass out of that chair for months.", "Brass: I'll need a list of all the employees who work for the paper -- can you provide that?", "Allison Shram: I don't have access to that kind of information. You're gonna have to go down to Human Resources.", "Brass: Human Resources. Okay. (to Warrick) You're on your own.", "(Brass leaves.)", "Warrick: I'll be taking a look inside her office, okay?", "(He heads for her office. Allison follows him.)", "Warrick: Did Jill have a computer?", "Allison Shram: Yeah, her laptop, of course. It was like an extra limb.", "(Warrick opens the drawers and finds them just as organized as the ones at home. The final drawer won't open.)", "Warrick: What's with the locked drawer?", "(He notes the damage to the desk. He tugs and the drawer opens.)", "Allison Shram: That was a new thing. She's always been neurotic, but lately she's been secretive, like sneaky - rolling her own calls, making her own appointments, talking with editors from other newspapers. Honestly, I just thought she was looking for another job.", "(He looks through the drawer, then pulls it completely out. He finds a flash drive taped to the side.)", "Warrick: Did you ever try to open this drawer?", "Allison Shram: Are you kidding? She had the only key, and protecting her privacy was how I kept my job.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Archie: (V.O.) Because Amanda's murder --", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "(Archie goes over his findings with Grissom and Catherine. He has the address books on two monitors.)", "Archie: -- is still unsolved, I cross-checked the twins' address books. Now, they have no contacts in common, but ... there are a couple freaky things.", "(On the monitor is Amanda's hand-written address book with dry cleaning crossed out and \"Henry ear doctor\" written in.)", "Catherine: So Amanda was set to pick up dry cleaning in the morning, but it looks as though she had a sick child, so she went at night instead.", "Archie: Right. And if she'd gone earlier than she was supposed to, she might've run into Jill, who was scheduled to pick up her dry cleaning at 8:30 in the morning.", "(On the monitor, Archie has Jill's printed address book with the following:", "PILATES", "PICK UP DRESS AT CHENS", "MEETING WITH LAYOUT DESIGNER", "LUNCH MEETING )", "Archie: But it gets better. Based on receipts from Amanda's planner and Quicken listings from Jill's Treo, they used the same dry cleaner, same car dealership, they both had a weakness for the same frozen yogurt and blended mochas, and in two weeks, Jill was scheduled to teach a university extension class in photography. Guess who was signed up to take the class?", "Catherine: Amanda.", "Grissom: Huh. They would've finally met.", "Catherine: So having the same toe nail polish and watch made sense when we thought they knew each other, but now? I mean, they even have almost the same handwriting.", "Grissom: Well, people's first explanation with twins is always parapsychology, but the truth is, there's a lot of biological encoding at work. I mean, if you have the same musculature and bone structure in your hand, the chance of writing the same is not out of the question. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you both see with the same eyes or taste with the same tongue ...", "Archie: Well, I don't know whose eyes she was using for this guy. (In her address book, she has: 7:00 pm DINNER AT JOIE DE VIVE", "Archie: Jill was scheduled to have dinner at Joie de Vive on the night she died.", "(Archie shows footage of Jill holding flowers and being kissed on the cheek by a man.)", "Archie: So Warrick called over and got the surveillance footage. I don't have an ID yet.", "(He pauses the footage and Grissom recognizes the man.)", "Grissom: I do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Brass talks with Gus Hoffman.)", "Gus Hoffman: Her relationship with me was the most intimate she's ever had. I actually felt like we were making progress.", "Brass: Until the murder.", "Gus Hoffman: What are you talking about? She committed suicide.", "Brass: Did I tell you that?", "Gus Hoffman: What are -- What are you suggesting, that I murdered my own patient?", "Brass: Let me run down the sequence of events. So you took your \"girlfriend\" out to dinner.", "(Quick flash to: Jill is tied to the bed.)", "Brass: (V.O.) Then you brought her home for a little tie-me-up, tie-me-down. But things get wonky and in the throes of passion, you remembered, \"Wait a minute she's a patient. Uh-oh.\"", "(Cut to: Jill is dead on the bed. Gus picks up the dog leash.)", "Brass: (V.O.) So she had a history of depression. So you used that knowledge to cover it up.", "(End of flashback.)", "Gus Hoffman: Well, we did go to dinner that night, but afterwards I dropped her off. Because she said she had to work to do. I didn't even go inside, so I don't even understand your question.", "Brass: Are you saying the two of you never had rough s*x? Now, be careful here, doctor.", "Gus Hoffman: Yeah, It's true that, in the past, we engaged in some, you know, some, uh, role playing s*x games to help get her comfortable, but ...", "Brass: But what?", "Gus Hoffman: She was the \"S.\" I was the \"M.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Wendy Simms catches up with Greg in the hallway.)", "Wendy Simms: Hey, um ... you know, how we thought that the shrink was a slam dunk for Jill's strangulation-hanging-combo?", "Greg: Yeah.", "Wendy Simms: Well, I ran his DNA against the epithelials we found on the leash. And the epithelials are male, but they're not his.", "(She gives Greg the results.)", "Greg: Thanks.", "(Greg turns and enters the --", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "Greg: News on our case ...", "(Warrick and Archie don't look surprised.)", "Warrick: The shrink might not have done it?", "Greg: How did you know?", "Warrick: Because Archie found us another strong suspect. You know that flash drive that I found in the locked drawer in Jill Case's office, ? I thought it was just a bunch of photos, but it turns out there was a little bit more than meets the eye.", "Greg: You mean the flash drive was a transformer?", "Warrick: No.", "Archie: Well, the pictures kind of were. Check it out. Look familiar?", "(Archie puts a war photo on the monitor.)", "Warrick: This got bought by the AP. It was on the front page of the Las Vegas Globe. It won a Pulitzer. It was everywhere.", "Greg: Okay. So what?", "(Archie puts a series of photos up on screen.)", "Archie: These are Jake Lenoir's photographs taken in Iraq last summer. Watch this.", "(He puts components of the photos together to make the winning photo.)", "Greg: The front-page news was actually a composite?", "Archie: Well, it's a ... essentially an art project.", "Warrick: And Jill printed it. I assume she didn't realize it until it was too late. And before she died, she was trying to figure out how to handle it.", "Greg: The only thing standing between Jake and the rest of his career was the truth.", "Warrick: And Jill Case.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE]", "(Brass holds a printout of the photo and talks with Jake Lenoir.)", "Brass: Got a job that takes you around the world, get to meet some great girls, even win some awards. So why would an adrenaline junkie like you waste his time with Photoshopping?", "Jake Lenoir: Let me tell you something that the, um ... newspapers, TV stations don't want to hear. There's nothing over there to photograph. Insurgents? They fire off their outdated weapons, then run the other way. When we do midnight raids in the villages, you know what the people tell us? \"Ali Baba not here.\" We are fighting a fictional character. And you got thousands of soldiers over there, kids, 18 years old, pumped up on testosterone, full of nicotine, and caffeine, waiting for something to bloody well happen. And you know what? You pray for a roadside bomb because it feels like action. But you can't photograph the taste of gasoline. It just looks like smoke. So one day, yeah, I'm screwing around on my computer. Couple of soldiers come by, took a look at what I'm doing. You know what they say? They say, \"Yeah, yeah, that's our war. That's what it's like waiting and bodyhauling.\" So I had it. I had the image that said it all. So yes, I used a lie to tell the truth.", "Brass: Well, thanks for the insight. But I'm looking for another kind of confession. I'm here to bust you for the murder of Jill Case.", "Jake Lenoir: What?", "Brass: Come on, she was hip to your, uh, you know cut-and-paste scheme and she was going to blow the whistle on you.", "Jake Lenoir: Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, I heard she committed suicide and look --", "Brass: Oh, is that what you heard?", "Jake Lenoir: Yeah. Me and her, we-we had a history, okay. We dated. But if she felt like outing me for this all I had to do was accuse her of sexual harassment and we both go down.", "Brass: Maybe ethical journalism was worth the price for her.", "Jake Lenoir: Doubtful. Without her job, she had nothing.", "Brass: Well, for a while, she had you.", "Jake Lenoir: Yeah, but not for long. Bird was rigid in everything she did. Having s*x with her was like ... eating glass.", "Brass: The lab did a DNA test. Your skin cells are all over the dog leash that was used to hang her.", "Jake Lenoir: Well, I was probably the last person to actually walk that dog. God knows she never did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LENOIR APARTMENT - DAY]", "(Greg and Warrick enter the apartment and look around.)", "Greg: Guess this is more like his crash pad between foreign assignments.", "Warrick: I'm sorry, I just don't see Miss Neat Knickers and this guy making it as a couple, you know.", "(They look around. Warrick looks in the satchel.)", "Warrick: Still no laptop.", "(Greg finds an empty software box in the trash.)", "Greg: Steal it, scrub it and lose it.", "Warrick: This guy's smart. This is all just circumstantial.", "(Warrick finds a note pad with some writing on it. \"On behalf of the Las Vegas Globe, I apologize for the mistakes I made.\" \"I apologize to the readers of this paper.\" \"My deepest apologies\" )", "Warrick: Now we know how he got her to write the suicide note. She wasn't sorry to be living. She was sorry that Jake was such a liar.", "Greg: Well, this is more like what we need.", "(Greg puts the pad down and looks around the area. He finds a vent with a blue stocking on it.)", "Greg: Hey, Warrick. Didn't Nick's case have a blue thigh high stocking?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(Greg checks the dryer and takes out a shirt.)", "Warrick: Even if he was the one that strangled Jill, there was no blood at the crime scene.", "Greg: Well, with two gunshots to the chest, Jill's twin sister was a bloody mess.", "(Greg tests the shirt for blood. It tests positive.)", "Greg: Checkmate?", "Warrick: So he killed them both.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Brass talks with Jake Lenoir.)", "Brass: You must have thought you were losing your mind? Let me run it for you.", "(Quick flash of: Amanda pulls into Chen's parking lot. Jake is waiting for her, thinking it's Jill.)", "Brass: (V.O.) Jill always picked up her dry cleaning on Thursday nights. So right place, right time, right car, looks like the right woman.", "(He puts the stocking on, walks up to her and shoots her twice in the chest.)", "Brass: (V.O.) You thought it was done. So you go to the house, get the computer files and you think you're seeing your conscious walk through the door.", "(Jake is inside Jill's apartment when Jill comes home. She goes to her computer, turns around and sees Jake in the house. He is surprised to see her and reaches out to touch her arm.)", "Jill Case: Don't touch me!", "(She fights him and he chokes her. She falls to the floor, dead.)", "(He carries her up the stairs to the second floor.)", "Brass: (V.O.) The first time you had a plan. Try to make it look like a mugging. The second time, you had to improvise.", "(Jake secures the leash around Jill's neck and tosses her off the second floor balcony.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Jake Lenoir: So there were two of them. I dated Jill. She kept the most rigid schedule of anyone I've ever met, you know. It was always Thursday night pick up the dry cleaning night. And I mean, God forbid I wanted to see a movie or catch a show or something. Leave it to Jill to be so thorough. Makes me have to kill her twice.", "(Brass stands up and leaves the room.)", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(Catherine and Grissom are watching Jake in the interview room. Catherine rips the bill in half and offers it to Grissom.)", "Catherine: We were both right.", "Grissom: That's a federal offense, you know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom is reading \"Walden\" when Sara walks in.)", "Sara: I heard the guys solved a double murder.", "Grissom: Mm-hmm.", "Sara: I spent the day sitting on a bench outside the courtroom; they never got to me.", "Grissom: That sucks.", "Sara: Feeling transcendental?", "Grissom: Hmm?", "Sara: Thoreau. I, uh, I haven't read him since college.", "Grissom: Me, neither. It holds up. \"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.\"", "(Sara turns and picks up the clipboard with the crossword puzzle on it.)", "Sara: Oh, look, you missed one. Sixty-three down. \"Misanthrope.\"", "(Grissom looks at her. She puts the clipboard down.)", "Sara: I won't wait up.", "(She turns and leaves the room. Grissom closes the book.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "The Cadillac of an infamous 1970's mob boss, Mickey Dunn, is found in a lake after he disappeared years ago. Shortly afterwards, a string of murders occur in which the killers almost eagerly leave evidence of their appearance for witnesses and the CSIs. Furthermore, an old picture of the victims standing next to Dunn outside the Desert Inn casino is planted on their bodies. The team must then find out what the connection is between the murders, Dunn and a missing policeman. Roger Daltrey of The Who guest stars as Mickey Dunn." ]
[ "[CH 19 FOOTAGE]", "CAPTION:", "BREAKING NEWS", "MOB BOSS DISCOVERY", "(Open on various cuts of footage of the GOLDEN NUGGET GAMBLING HALL.)", "Tally Jeffers (reporter): (V.O.) It was the '70s, it was Las Vegas, it was the time of Mickey Dunn ...", "(A rolls pulls up to the front of the casino. Mickey Dunn exits the car.)", "VARIOUS PHOTOS OF MICKEY DUNN", "Tally Jeffers (reporter): (V.O.) ... the legendary organized crime figure who ran Vegas operations of extortion and racketeering by day ...", "(Mickey Dunn is in the casino with a woman in each arm.)", "Mickey Dunn: I love America!", "(More footage of Mickey Dunn playing in the casino.)", "Tally Jeffers (reporter): ... and partied on its disco dance floors by night. Until August 1976, when federal authorities linked Dunn to the murder of a low-level mob informant.", "(Photo of a dead man on the concrete.)", "Tally Jeffers (reporter): (V.O.) It was the case prosecutors were waiting for. The arrest warrant was issued, the party was over. But the legend had just begun.", "(Photo of Mickey Dunn in front of his Cadillac with the license plate, CHAINSAW.)", "Tally Jeffers (reporter): (V.O.) Mickey Dunn and his fabled gold Cadillac vanished that hot summer night, never to be seen again -", "(On the footage, \"the\" Cadillac turns the corner out of view.)", "(Cut to: TALLY JEFFERS reporting. The news caption reads: BREAKING NEWS, RECORDED EARLIER.)", "Tally Jeffers (reporter): (V.O.) -- until today.", "(She turns to speak with an old Spanish-speaking fisherman.)", "Fisherman: (in Spanish)", "(He holds up a gun.)", "Tally Jeffers (reporter): (from tv) So you went fishing, your line got stuck, and you pulled this up. Do you know what this might be?", "Fisherman: Si, si ... Everybody, they know Mickey Dunn.", "(A small crowd had gathered just beyond the crime scene tape. One person watches the news report on a portable tv.)", "Tally Jeffers (reporter): (from tv) I'm TALLY JEFFERS, KRAC-TV, Lake Mead, Nevada.", "Anchorman: (from tv) Thank you, Tally. We look forward to the next installment of the Mickey Dunn story.", "(Catherine and Warrick make their way through the crowd toward the crime scene tape.)", "Warrick: Coming through. Crime Lab, coming through.", "(The officers hold the tape up for them to walk through.)", "Warrick: Thank you.", "(They make their way toward the lake.)", "Voice: (o.s.) All right, we're all hooked up-- let 'er rip.", "(A couple of divers are in the lake near the car.)", "Catherine: You ready for this?", "Warrick: Ready to waste my morning on another Mickey Dunn sighting? Yeah, right.", "Catherine: The guy's been spotted more places than Elvis.", "Warrick: I know somewhere in hell, Mickey and his old pal Jimmy Hoffa are laughing their asses off at us poor dumb taxpayers.", "(The crane starts and the car is pulled out of the lake.)", "Workman: Easy now. WORKMAN: All right, here she comes. Easy ... easy ...", "(Warrick stops.)", "Warrick: What do you know.", "(Catherine reads the license plate.)", "Catherine: CHAINSAW.", "Warrick: That looks like him.", "Workman: (b.g.) That's good. Keep it coming.", "(The car is pulled out onto the beach.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. KARAOKE BAR - NIGHT]", "(A man is on stage singing.)", "Michael Myers: (singing) 'Cause this fine old world keeps spinning round, I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king, I've been up, down, over and out and I know one thing, Each time I find myself laying flat on my face, I pick myself up and get back in the race. That's life, That's life. I just can't deny it, Many times, I've thought of quittin', But my heart won't buy it.", "(A man in the audience simply enjoys the singing.)", "Michael Myers: (singing) But if there's nothin' shakin', Come here, this July, I'm gonna roll myself up, in a big ball, and die -- my, my.", "(The audience cheers and applauds.)", "Ken Billings: Shut the machine off. You can't top that.", "(He laughs. He sees Michael Myers leaving the stage and stops him.)", "Ken Billings: Hey, whoa, whoa, man, man. No, no, you're not going anywhere until I buy you a round. Come on.", "(Michael Myers stops and heads over to Ken, who is in a wheelchair. They shake hands.)", "Ken Billings: That's my music!", "(Michael sits down.)", "Ken Billings: Them that can sing it, never heard of it, and them who heard of it, they can't sing it no more.", "Michael Myers: Well, there's still some of us left.", "Ken Billings: I thought I was the last of a dying breed.", "Michael Myers: Myers. Call me Michael.", "Ken Billings: Ken Billings. What are you drinking?", "Michael Myers: What do you got?", "Ken Billings: Tina, Tina.", "(The waitress comes over and takes several Polaroids of the two men, drinking and having a grand time.)", "(She hangs one up on the board.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[LATER]", "(Everyone has gone and the two men are still having drinks.)", "Ken Billings: I don't remember the last time I closed a joint down. You know ... we gotta do this again.", "Michael Myers: Anytime. Now, can I give you a hand?", "Ken Billings: Oh, no, no, no, no. I'm fine; I'm fine. No problem.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. KARAOKE BAR - NIGHT]", "(Michael Myers is behind Ken as they leave the karaoke bar. Ken is singing.)", "Ken Billings: (singing) Riding high in April, shot down in May ...", "(Michael grabs the wheelchair bars.)", "Ken Billings: No, wait. I told you, I don't need any help.", "(Ken lets Michael push him. He points to his car, the only one left in the parking lot.)", "Ken Billings: Right over there.", "(Michael continues pushing Ken past his car.)", "Ken Billings: I thought I was drunk. No, back there. Back there.", "(Michael isn't drunk. He continues to push Ken down the sidewalk.)", "Ken Billings: Back there!", "(Now, he starts running.)", "Ken Billings: What are you doing?", "(In front of him is the busy road.)", "Ken Billings: No, no, stop ... Stop! Stop! Stop!", "(Ken uses his hands and tries to stop the wheels, but Michael continues to push the wheelchair toward the busy road.)", "Ken Billings: Stop! Stop! Help! Help!", "(Michael pushes the wheelchair into the path of an oncoming SUV driven by a group of partying kids.)", "(The car hits the wheelchair.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROAD -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom examines the wheelchair. Brass is interviewing the kids.)", "Brass: All right, fine. Okay, all right. Thanks.", "(He finishes the interviews and heads over to Grissom. He sighs. Grissom snaps photos of the wheelchair.)", "Brass: At least the driver was sober. I can't say the same about the boatload of high school kids he was driving around town. Listen to some of the wonderful statements I got: \"We go, 'errr ...' dude goes 'aah.' \"We go bam ... Dude goes, 'Aah!'\"", "Grissom: The wheelchair brake attachment has been loosened.", "Brass: Well, maybe it broke on impact.", "Grissom: Impact was from the left side. But the bolts were loosened on both sides.", "(Grissom stands up and looks at the body on the road.)", "Brass: Well, then... that looks like we have a homicide-related road pizza.", "Grissom: Yeah. Who ordered it?", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROAD -- DAY]", "(Grissom is measuring the distance from the car to the body. David Phillips is checking out the body.)", "Grissom: Force of impact propelled the body just over 47 feet.", "David Phillips: Not a lot of spatter.", "Grissom: External damage, mostly superficial.", "David Phillips: Bet he's mashed up on the inside.", "Grissom: Probably dead before he hit the ground.", "(Quick flash of: The car hits Ken Billings. End of flashback.)", "(David checks the body and finds something.)", "David Phillips: Oop ... Wallet.", "(He checks the wallet. Grissom looks around the area. The wallet info reads:", "BILLINGS, KEN", "7543 CASTLE BANKS RD.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89101", "David Phillips: License ... registration ... Kenneth Billings. Nevada resident. Date of birth, 11-9-52.", "(David finds a photo in the front shirt pocket.)", "David Phillips: Photo.", "(He hands the photo to Grissom. Grissom takes it and looks at it. It's a photo of Mickey Dunn and four other men standing in front of a Cadillac. Two of the men have large black X's on their faces.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. KARAOKE BAR -- DAY]", "(Brass talks with Tina, the bartender. She pulls the Polaroid off the bulletin board and hands it to Brass.)", "Tina: Michael Myers. Never seen the guy before. Sure was the life of the party, though.", "Brass: Hmm. And the victim?", "Tina: Kenny -- a regular. He'd come in for Karaoke Nght. Drink a little, go home. You'd never notice him, except for the wheelchair.", "Brass: Well, this is a late-night place. It ever get rough in here?", "Tina: Sometimes. You think it could've been a hate crime?", "Brass: It's a karaoke bar. I don't see a lot of hate here.", "Tina: Me neither.", "(Nick looks at the WHO'S NEXT? sign up board. M. MYERS is listed at #9.)", "Nick: M. Myers. Here he is, Jim. Knucklehead left us his autograph.", "Brass: So what was our boy drinking?", "Tina: The good stuff -- Well's Head Lager.", "Brass: You sell much of that?", "Tina: (shakes her head) I'm lucky if I move a case a year.", "Nick: Got trash?", "Tina: (nods) Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Empties should give us DNA and fingerprints. Not that we really need them. Mr. Myers has already left us his photograph and signature.", "(Nick snaps photos of the empty bottles)", "Brass: And he sang karaoke. Do you have video?", "Tina: Tape's in the machine.", "Brass: Perfect.", "Nick: Boy, you got to love it when a guy makes it easy for you.", "(Nick chuckles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Greg unwrap the Cadillac from the lake, making sure the plastic is completely under the car.)", "Greg: Mickey Dunn's ride. Well, I guess it looked better in the '70s.", "Catherine: Live fast, die young ... Doubt he left a good-looking corpse.", "(Catherine opens the passenger's front door and all the sludge and water from the car pours out onto the plastic.)", "Greg: Look at this. Thirty years of toxins, pesticides, heavy metal ... maybe some decomp.", "Catherine: Little piece of Vegas history right here.", "Greg: You know, in 'Kicks and Kisses,' Lois O'Neill wrote a whole chapter about Mickey Dunn.", "(Greg walks over with a sieve and water bottle. He places it on the bin.)", "Catherine: What, that he was a thrill in the sack?", "(Catherine grabs some sludge and puts it on the tray. Greg works through the dirt.)", "Greg: No ... no, that was Tony Constantine. Apparently, Mickey wanted to go down in a barrage of bullets, like Sonny in 'The Godfather.'", "Catherine: Quite the ego on that guy. Even in death, he was larger than life.", "Greg: Well, sure, but all the original mobsters were like that: Tony, Mickey Dunn, Sam Braun ...", "Catherine: My father was not a Mob guy.", "(Greg stops.)", "Greg: I wasn't comparing ... or speaking ill of the dead.", "(Catherine finds something in the car.)", "Catherine: Greg --", "(She pulls out a skull. Greg clears off the sludge and they find the skull has a bullet hole in the center of its forehead.)", "Greg: Now we know how Dunn-Dunn died.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Sara and Archie watch the video of Michael Myers singing.)", "Sara: How can we be sitting on this much evidence and still have nothing?", "Archie: Well, I can tighten up the image for you.", "Sara: I don't think more pixels are going to solve the problem. You got the face.", "Archie: And the name.", "Sara: Plus photos, witnesses, DNA samples, handwriting, prints. There's no record in DMV or AFIS.", "Archie: He knew exactly where the cameras were.", "Sara: He played right to them.", "Archie: Obviously wasn't afraid of being identified.", "Sara: Why not?", "(Sara and Archie look at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Nick is in the lab working on the photo. He clears some of the dirt off, wipes it, then puts it under different lights.)", "(He removes the black X's off the faces and comes up with a clear picture.)", "(Camera moves along the row of men and stops on the man standing next to Mickey Dunn.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Mason Carter kisses his hooker girlfriend goodbye as she escorts him to the door.)", "Hooker: Same time next week?", "Mason Carter: Sure, baby.", "Hooker: Okay.", "(She closes the door. He walks down the hallway and is stopped by an older woman peering out the open door.)", "Old Woman: Excuse me, sir? Please, could you help me with my bags? I hate to bother you, but my back ... Getting old ain't for sissies.", "(Mason Carter walks into the room. She closes the door.)", "[INT. ROOM 200]", "(He reaches for the suitcases. From behind, she wraps something around his neck and pulls.)", "(He chokes and dies.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. ROOM 200 -- DAY]", "(Sara snaps photos of the dead man with the marking around his neck.)", "Sara: Garroted. Wire broke the skin but, from the discoloration, I'd say suffocation killed him.", "Sofia: Do you know anyone who'd want to do this to him?", "(Sofia talks with the hooker.)", "Hooker: I know he wasn't into breath-play. Choking on purpose. More bang for your buck.", "Sofia: After he left the room, did you hear anything -- argument, shouting - anything like that?", "Hooker: No. Whatever happened, happened fast.", "Sofia: Okay, thank you; if we have any more questions, I'll contact you.", "(The hooker leaves.)", "Sofia: I don't get it. A john walks by, the door may be open, but why walk in?", "Sara: Who was the room registered to?", "Sofia: Well, the manager said an older woman. A \"Pamela Voorhees.\" He's got a camera in the lobby.", "Sara: So we'll get a face. I'd love an address to go with that.", "(Sara checks the bags. The labels are blank. The suitcases are light.)", "(Sofia looks in the closet and finds it empty. Sara opens the suitcase and finds it empty as well.)", "Sara: Empty bags. Empty closet. Bags could have been a lure.", "(David Phillips walks in.)", "David Phillips: Hey, guys. Busy day.", "Sara: Hey, David. David ... can you get us a TOD, please?", "(He opens the victim's mouth and finds it stuffed.)", "David: Oh ... There's something in the mouth. Bizarre.", "(He opens the crumpled photo. It's of Mickey Dunn.)", "David Phillips: It's my second one today. (points) That guy got hit by a limo.", "(Sara looks at the photo.)", "Sara: I guess that makes this a hit list.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Greg continues to sift through the dirt, mud and debris from the car. Everything he finds, he puts aside next to the skull.)", "VARIOUS CUTS:", "(He finds pieces of bones.)", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins goes through the cleaned bones and puts them together on an autopsy table.)", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - DAY]", "(Greg finds a tattered piece of cloth and what looks like a pin. He puts it down on the table, then continues to sift through the dirt.)", "(He finds a bullet.)", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Warrick takes the bullet from the matching hole in the skull. He holds the bullet up and looks at it.)", "Warrick: A lead .38 round-nose. I like it. It's kind of '70s.", "(Warrick and Catherine stand on either side of the table with the bones on it.)", "Catherine: You were a kid in the '70s.", "Warrick: Yeah, but I was a Vegas kid, so I grew up on all those '70s stories. Like the \"Ghost Rider\" story. Remember that one?", "Catherine: No.", "Warrick: You never heard of the \"Ghost Rider\" story? That has everything to do with Mickey Dunn. Yeah, August 12, 1976. Officer Eddie Sanchez was the real-life motorcycle cop who radios in the last known sighting of Mickey Dunn's funky, gold Cadillac.", "Catherine: Is this on record?", "Warrick: It's stuffed away in some police file somewhere. Know what happened to the cop?", "(Catherine shakes her head.)", "Warrick: No one does. Officer Sanchez and his motorcycle disappeared that night.", "Catherine: What? In a puff of smoke?", "Warrick: A puff of smoke -- never to be heard from again. Legend has it that you can still hear the Ghost Rider gunning up and down that highway. My grandmother used to try to scare me into good behavior with that one.", "Catherine: Did it work?", "Warrick: Not when I was six. No. But a .38 round-nosed lead bullet was what Nevada Highway Patrol used back in the day. And I don't need to tell you there was a lot of dirty cops back then.", "(Catherine picks up the gold pin.)", "Catherine: There was a lot of dirty everything back then.", "Warrick: Think about this. You're a motorcycle cop. You pull over a speeding gold Cadillac. Sitting in the driver's seat is Mickey Dunn.", "Catherine: Skipping town with a load of cash.", "Warrick: Bang. Put a cap in Mickey Dunn.", "Catherine: So you think this motorcycle cop killed him?", "Warrick: I think I'd like to find that police file.", "(Catherine fingers the gold pin.)", "Warrick: What, you got a better story?", "Catherine: I was sixteen.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. CASINO (1970'S) - NIGHT] Mickey Dunn walks through the casino.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Jaws was sold out, so I went looking for trouble. Found Mickey Dunn.", "(Catherine smiles at him. He turns around. She notes he's wearing the tie clip. He smiles at her; she smiles back.)", "(He turns and whispers something in her ear.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) All he said was, if I met him outside at 2:00 a.m. sharp, --", "(End of flashback. Resume present.)", "Catherine: -- he'd show me the time of my life.", "Warrick: No way. You and Mickey Dunn ...?", "Catherine: Well, I showed ... he didn't.", "Warrick: You were sixteen, hot and ready, and he stood you up?", "Catherine: All I know is that I dodged a bullet. And he didn't.", "(Catherine walks out of the lab. Warrick puts the pin down and follows.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Grissom and Archie review the registration security video. On the video, the woman stands at the front desk talking with the clerk. The video is date-stamped, 11/24/06 at 9:55 AM.)", "Grissom: Our killer pays in cash to avoid identification.", "(Archie hits a couple of keys on the keyboard.)", "Archie: Then she signs in.", "Grissom: Yeah -- giving us her name.", "(Grissom looks at the registration card for PAMELA VORHEES.)", "Grissom: Why?", "(Nick walks in.)", "Nick: Gentlemen ... blew up a clean copy of our hit list photo. Look at that.", "(He shows the photo to Grissom.)", "Grissom: Planted on two separate bodies by two separate killers. You know, Mickey Dunn practically owned Las Vegas -- these guys look like employees.", "Nick: Busboys, waiters, obviously at the Desert Inn.", "Grissom: Rumor has it that Mickey had a percentage of the DI.", "Nick: It still begs the question: Why are those guys killing these guys?", "Grissom: Yeah. I'll get PD to identify the last two. See what they have to say.", "(Grissom's phone rings. He answers it.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom. Yeah. Okay. (He hangs up.) Brass just got a call from someone claiming that the ghost of Mickey Dunn wants to kill him.", "(They look at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. D'ANGELO RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVE -- DAY]", "(Brass walks up the front drive. An officer follows him. He reaches the front door and rings the doorbell.)", "(The door opens.)", "Brass: Johnny D'Angelo -- Las Vegas Police. Look, we tried you at work, down at the chicken joint, but no Johnny.", "Johnny D'Angelo: I'm not coming out. Think I'm crazy?", "Brass: Slow down. Take it easy.", "Johnny D'Angelo: He killed all the others, now he's coming for me.", "Brass: Take it easy.", "Johnny D'Angelo: Can't arrest him. How do you kill a man who's already dead?", "Brass: Why don't you make it easy on all of us and blow off this ghost business, and ID the person who's after you -- preferably someone living. Okay? Now, you don't even have to say a name, all right?", "(Brass holds up the photo.)", "Brass: Just point at one of these guys.", "(Johnny D'Angelo glances outside, then points to Mickey Dunn.)", "Johnny D'Angelo: That's the ghost of Mickey Dunn.", "Brass: Okay, Johnny, I'll bite. Why would a dead guy have a beef with you?", "Johnny D'Angelo: You know? Back in the day ...", "Brass: Yeah?", "Johnny D'Angelo: Vegas was like ...", "(Quick flash to: [CASINO (1970's) - NIGHT] Mickey Dunn sits with a beautiful woman under each arm.)", "Johnny D'Angelo: (V.O.) -- out of some kid's book. And Mickey Dunn was the king -- only this was real. And, in reality, --", "(Mickey Dunn pulls up in his Cadillac and passes the keys to his valets. He puts his arm around a beautiful woman and heads into the casino.)", "Johnny D'Angelo: (V.O.) -- the king has guys who work for guys all the way from the top to the bottom of the barrel.", "(He passes the bartender.)", "Johnny D'Angelo: (V.O.) -- That was us: Kenny, Mason, me and Derek.", "(The four workers are in camera frame.)", "(End of flashback. Resume present.)", "Johnny D'Angelo: You know how they say nobody saw Mickey Dunn leave Vegas that night?", "Brass: Yeah.", "Johnny D'Angelo: It's true.", "(Quick flashback to: [CASINO (1970'S) - NIGHT] Mickey Dunn leaves the casino. He pushes past one of his workers and puts his briefcase in the trunk of his car.)", "Johnny D'Angelo: (V.O.) 'Cause we saw him, and we was nobody.", "(He shuts the trunk, takes his jacket off and gets into his car.)", "Johnny D'Angelo: (V.O.) Mickey was acting like he owned the joint. Like he owned us.", "(The four workers watch Mickey start the car and leave. Derek talks to the others.)", "Johnny D'Angelo: (V.O.) That's when Derek got smart.", "(Cut to: The car zooms down the road. Another car follows.", "Johnny D'Angelo: (V.O.) Derek explained that we hadn't been paid in months.", "(Cut to: Mickey swerves off the road and hits a wire gate that gives way and opens. He parks. The second car parks behind him and the four workers get out.)", "Johnny D'Angelo: (V.O.) We were young. We were stupid. But Derek ...", "(Derek walks up to the car and fires a shot at Mickey.)", "Johnny D'Angelo: (V.O.) ... he was insane.", "(End of flashback. Resume present.)", "(Johnny D'Angelo takes a pill out and puts it in his mouth.)", "Brass: What do you got there, nitroglycerine?", "Johnny D'Angelo: (nods) Bum ticker.", "Brass: You know you just confessed to armed robbery, right?", "Johnny D'Angelo: (scoffs) Least of my worries. Now, either you get out there and you arrest the ghost of Mickey Dunn or you get the hell off my property.", "Brass: We're the cops, not the Ghostbusters.", "(Johnny shuts the door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Robbins heads back to his autopsy room. From out in the hallway, he sees camera lights flashing and hears the shutter click.)", "(He enters the autopsy room and finds a man snapping photos of the bones on the table.)", "Robbins: Excuse me?", "(The man glances back at Robbins.)", "Robbins: Hello. Who are you?", "(Robbins heads toward him. The man walks around the table.", "Cameraman: I work here, in the, uh, lab.", "Robbins: No, I don't think so. I know everybody that works here, and I don't know you.", "(The man snaps another photo.)", "Cameraman: (smiles) I'm new.", "(The man snaps another photo.)", "Robbins: You're lying. Give me that camera.", "(The man looks at his camera.)", "Robbins: Now.", "Cameraman: All right, all right.", "(The man removes the camera from around his neck. The man pretends to give it to Robbins, then tries to get past him. He pushes the tray aside while snapping the camera flash in Robbins' face.)", "(As he tries to get past Robbins, Robbins trips the man with his cane. The man hits the counter and falls down.)", "Robbins: (shouts) Security!", "(Using the end of his cane, Robbins pushes the man's cheek to the side.)", "Robbins: Papparazzi.", "(Robbins looks at the bones and sees something. He turns on a light and the bones glow.)", "(An officer enters the autopsy room.)", "Robbins: Book that moron. Keep the camera.", "(The officer grabs the camerman.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. PAUL RESIDENCE - FRONT -- DAY]", "(Officer Mitchell walks up to the front door. He knocks. Iris Paul opens the door.)", "Officer Mitchell: Iris Paul?", "Iris Paul: Yes.", "Officer Mitchell: Officer Mitchell, Las Vegas Police Department. Are you Derek's mother?", "Iris Paul: Yes, I am. But I haven't seen Derek in-in months, uh, not since he got out of prison, mm-mm. He might be in Florida.", "Officer Mitchell: Florida.", "Iris Paul: Yeah. He loves it down there.", "Officer Mitchell: Can you give me a description of Derek?", "Iris Paul: Sure, sure. Uh, he's very tall, very, very lean, he has very long, dark hair that he won't cut, no matter how many times ...", "(As she speaks, a door opens and closes o.s. Derek runs out into the backyard and makes a break for the fence. Two officers grab him and catch him before he can get away.)", "(Officer Mitchell glances to the side.)", "Officer Mitchell: Kind of like that?", "(Iris Paul watches as the officers wrestle Derek to the ground and handcuff him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Sofia talks with Derek Paul.)", "Curtis: So why'd you run?", "Derek Paul: I don't like cops.", "Sofia: We hear you don't like criminals, either.", "Derek Paul: Is that right?", "Sofia: We know you worked for Mickey Dunn. We know you chased him,", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT (1970's)] Derek and the other workers get out of their parked car and head over to Mickey Dunn's parked car.)", "Sofia: (V.O.) -- you ran him off the road, you stuck a gun in his face. That's armed robbery.", "(Derek points the gun at Mickey and fires.)", "(End of flashback.)", "(She shows him the photo.)", "Derek Paul: If it happened.", "Sofia: Johnny D'Angelo said it did.", "Derek Paul: How is old scaredy-cat?", "Sofia: Credible.", "Derek Paul: There were a lot of rumors going around. Mickey owned this, he owned that. He owned a piece of the DI. We just happened to work there. A lot of us guys did.", "Sofia: See, I'm thinking that's not the full story.", "Derek Paul: You're young; you don't know. The memories, you get up there, they ... they start getting tricky.", "Sofia: Well, why don't you tell me what you do remember.", "Derek Paul: We took a little joyride, --", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT (1970's)] The car with Derek and the other workers arrive at the lot. They get out of their car.)", "Derek Paul: (V.O.) -- looking for Mickey Dunn. But we never found him -- because someone else found him first, and who that was, I don't know.", "(The men look out at the sinking car in the lake.)", "Derek Paul: (V.O.) Because, by the time we got there, whoever had killed Mickey Dunn --", "(End of flashback. Resume present.)", "Derek Paul: -- was already gone. Whoosh. Like a ghost.", "Sofia: I don't believe in ghosts. But we got one scared guy, we got two dead guys, and we got you, Derek. How do you feel about your buddies getting bumped off?", "Derek Paul: I'm all torn up inside.", "(She shows him the photos of Michael Myers and of Pamela Vorhees.)", "Sofia: You ever seen them?", "Derek Paul: Never. But ... they look like suspects. And I think you're fishing. And you got no legal right to hold me. If you can't hold me ... you got to let me go.", "(beat)", "Cue Sound: (PRE-LAP) GUN COCKS AND FIRES", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY]", "(Derek Paul is dead on the sidewalk from a gunshot to the chest. Johnny D'Angelo stands over him. He pulls out a photo and tucks it into Derek's pants pocket.)", "(The door opens and Iris Paul steps out. Johnny simply tucks the gun in his pants, grabs an apple --", "Iris Paul: Johnny? Johnny D'Angelo? -- tosses it up in the air and catches it with one hand. He turns and leaves.)", "(She sees her son dead on the concrete and Johnny D'Angelo walking away.)", "Iris Paul: No!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT./ INT. JOHNNY'S CHICKEN PALACE -- DAY]", "(Brass and several officers are outside the back door. An officer opens the door. An alarm blares.)", "Brass: Johnny D'Angelo! Las Vegas PD!", "(They enter and search the kitchen. No one is there.)", "(Brass turns and motions to the officers at the doorway. The alarm shuts off. Brass holsters his weapon. He exhales and looks around the kitchen.)", "Brass: (to radio) Yeah, go for Brass.", "Sofia: (from radio) Scene is Code 4. Johnny D'Angelo is not at his house.", "(Brass toes a broken frame and glass on the floor.)", "Brass: (to radio) Okay, got it. Thank you.", "(Up on the wall are various framed photos of famous people. There's a blank where a frame should be.)", "(Brass sniffs the air and smells something unpleasant.)", "Brass: Do you smell that?", "(Brass checks out the kitchen. He looks at the oven. He takes a couple of napkins out of the holder to use to open the oven door. We hear flies buzzing.)", "(Brass opens the large restaurant oven door and finds a dead body inside. It's Johnny D'Angelo.)", "(Brass checks for a pulse just to be sure. There's a photo clutched in Johnny's hand.)", "(Brass finds some sort of goo on his fingertips.)", "Brass: Maybe it was the ghost of Mickey Dunn.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges is at the scope. He finds something, then removes his gloves.)", "(He grabs the printout and looks at it. He smiles, turns and heads out of the lab.)", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Hodges walks into the garage. He looks at the car and whistles appreciatively.)", "Hodges: Sweet ride.", "(Hodges walks over to the open car door where Greg is working.)", "Hodges: Know what makes human bones glow in the dark?", "Greg: Love?", "Hodges: Tetracycline.", "(Greg is reaching under the car seat and pulls out a revolver. He looks at it. Hodges looks over his shoulder.)", "Greg: You want to help me with a little experiment?", "Hodges: Sure.", "(Hodges goes to the counter to put on a pair of gloves. Greg gets out and goes to the front of the car.)", "Greg: Grab that evidence bag?", "(Hodges walks over to Greg.)", "Greg: Okay, let me see that.", "(Hodges takes the hood ornament out of the bag and gives it to Greg. Greg gives Hodges the hood ornament he's carrying.)", "Greg: Take this.", "(Greg tries the hood ornament on the hood. It doesn't match.)", "Greg: No go.", "(He swaps ornaments with Hodges and tries it on the hood. Hodges watches intently. It matches.)", "Greg: Okay. Looks like a match to me.", "Hodges: This is your experiment?", "Greg: Actually, it is. Thanks.", "(He grabs the bag from Hodges.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- DAY]", "(The photos of the victims are spread out on the table.)", "Grissom: The victims-- Ken Billings, Mason Carter, Derek Paul and Johnny D'Angelo -- all murdered in the last 24 hours.", "(Grissom, Warrick, Sara and Greg surround the layout table.)", "Sara: Four victims, three killers, no connection between them.", "Greg: Johnny D'Angelo's on both lists.", "Warrick: Could be he hired the others.", "Sara: Could be. We don't know where they are. We don't know who they are.", "Grissom: Let's stick to what we do know-- all the victims worked for Mickey Dunn, who's been dead for thirty years.", "Warrick: Well, check this out. I've been digging through the police files all morning, and guess who I found--Officer Eddie Sanchez. The \"Ghost Rider.\" Now, assuming he's alive, the officer would be 55 today. And he has family down in Mexico.", "Sara: So you're thinking bike cop shoots Mickey Dunn, dumps the car and takes the money?", "Greg: And with the exchange rate, lives like a king, south of the border, for the last thirty years.", "Warrick: Fast-forward -- Mickey Dunn's car gets discovered.", "Sara: By a Mexican fisherman who would be just about the same age as the bike cop.", "Greg: Only the discovery was bogus. Turns out the hood ornament pulled from Lake Mead is a fake.", "Sara: So ... the fisherman was what, pulling off a hoax?", "Grissom: That or fraud -- he either planted that Derringer at the crime scene, or maybe someone paid him to.", "(Grissom looks at the photos of the killers and at the photos of the victims.)", "Warrick: Either way, whoever did it knew that this car was down there.", "Greg: And was missing the original hood ornament.", "Sara: Who could know that?", "Grissom: Someone who was there the night it went down.", "Greg: The motorcycle cop's looking better every minute.", "(Grissom takes the photos of the fisherman and of the killers.)", "Sara: (calls out) Hey, don't rule out the ghost of Mickey Dunn.", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Hodges catches up with Grissom as he walks through the hallway with the photos.)", "Hodges: Doc told me to tell you your last vic, the one all pretzeled up in the oven, lividity's fixed: dead two days.", "Grissom: Before the Cadillac was found.", "Hodges: Yeah. Ah, and I got trace analysis on the sample Phillips collected on Chicken Johnny.", "Grissom: And?", "Hodges: Alginate and plaster of Paris. Combination used to make dental impressions. And you don't even seem to be the teeniest bit surprised.", "Grissom: I'm not.", "(Grissom walks into his office. Hodges sighs and leaves.)", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS]", "VARIOUS CUTS OF", "(Grissom takes out a ruler and a notebook. He measures the photos and writes down his findings. He measures the fisherman's eyes and writes:", "FISHERMAN", "EYE TO EYE - 2.25", "(He measures Michael Myers' eyes and Pamela Voorhees' eyes. He writes in his notebook.)", "P. VOORHEES", "EYE TO EYE - 2.25", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(In the computer, Grissom has the three photos - the fisherman, Michael Myers and P. Voorhees. Measurements appear on the photo of the fisherman. Grissom explains his findings to Archie and Catherine.)", "Grissom: Our Mexican fisherman signed his television release form \"F. Kreuger.\"", "Catherine: Freddy Kreuger, 'Nightmare on Elm Street.'", "Archie: Yeah, and the karaoke singer was Michael Myers from 'Halloween.'", "Catherine: Parts one through nine.", "Johnson: Yeah, but ... who's the hotel killer now? Who's Pamela Voorhees?", "Catherine: 'Friday the 13th.'", "Archie: No, that's Jason. Jason's the sequel. Pamela, the mother, was the killer in the original -- that's the question that tripped up Drew Barrymore in 'Scream.'", "Catherine: Yeah, and look what happened to her.", "Archie: You watch slasher flicks?", "Catherine: (wry laugh) With Lindsay, I ... do. (scoffs) They never get the spatter right.", "(The faces of all the killers flash on the screen with the same matching measurements in every photo.)", "Grissom: All I know is the master of all scary movies was Lon Chaney, Sr., the man of a thousand faces, and that's what we're looking for.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Grissom and Brass talk as they walk through the hallway.)", "Brass: The thing that really gets me is, I talked to this killer dressed as Johnny D'Angelo, close enough to smell his breath and still he walks.", "Grissom: All the evidence says he was wearing state-of-the-art prosthetics.", "Brass: I want to see him in an orange jumpsuit and cuffs. He's got the real Johnny's wallet.", "Grissom: Well, if he's got his driver's license, he could be using it to try and escape.", "Brass: Yeah, but he said the vic's car is parked in the parking lot.", "Grissom: He doesn't need his car. He's got his face.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Brass: (V.O.) I'll pull his credit records. I hope he bought something nice.", "[EXT. HIGHWAY -- DAY]", "(\"Johnny D'Angelo\" speeds along the highway in a convertible. \"That's Life\" plays on the sound system.)", "Lyric: \"That's life (That's life) That's what all the people say / You're riding high in April, shot down in May\"", "(A couple of police cars catch up with the convertible, their sirens wailing.)", "Lyric: \"But I know I'm gonna change that tune ...\"", "(\"Johnny D'Angelo\" slows the car down.)", "Lyric: \"That's life\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(The two cars are stopped on the side of the road. The officer car doors open and officers get out, their guns drawn.)", "(Brass and Officer Mitchell approach the convertible.)", "Brass: Put your hands on the wheel! Put your hands on the steering wheel now!", "(\"Johnny D'Angelo\"puts his hands on the wheel.)", "\"Johnny D'Angelo\": (singing) I just can't ...", "Brass: Shut up and get out of the car.", "(Officer Mitchell opens the front door and helps \"Johnny D'Angelo\" out of the car.)", "\"Johnny D'Angelo\": (singing) Checking out, but my heart won't buy it", "(Officer Mitchell sees the revolver on the seat.)", "Officer Mitchell: Gun on the seat.", "(Officer Mitchell frisks \"Johnny D'Angelo.\")", "Officer Mitchell: He's clean.", "\"Johnny D'Angelo\": (singing) And then I'd buy it", "(He's handcuffed.)", "Brass: I thought I was clear on the \"shut up.\"", "\"Johnny D'Angelo\": (singing) That's life.", "(The officers pull him away from the convertible to put him in back of a squad car. Brass looks at the trunk.)", "Brass: Pop the trunk.", "(Officer Mitchell pops the trunk.)", "\"Johnny D'Angelo\": (singing) And as funny as it may seem ...", "(The hood opens and inside are the 'fake' faces of the killers and of the old Spanish fisherman.)", "(Brass looks at the masks.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine removes \"Johnny D'Angelo's\" wig.)", "Catherine: Chainsaw -- sound familiar?", "Mickey Dunn: You get to be my age, all kinds of things ring a bell.", "(Brass pushes a photo of Officer Eddie Sanchez toward him.)", "Brass: How about this? Any chimes?", "Mickey Dunn: That's a real good-lookin' boy. But as the poet said ...", "(Mickey Dunn removes his face mask and moustache.)", "Mickey Dunn: \"It ain't me, babe.\"", "Catherine: Mickey Dunn.", "Mickey Dunn: Back from the dead. (points to the fake skin still hanging on his neck) You missed a spot.", "Catherine: I think I got all I need.", "Mickey Dunn: (to Brass) Just going along.", "Brass: Well, keep going, Mickey. Do you recognize him?", "(Brass shows him Officer Eddie Sanchez's photo.)", "Mickey Dunn: Could be a dead cop.", "Catherine: Yeah, Officer Eddie Sanchez. He had a wife, two kids. He also had a skin condition commonly known as acne which he treated with tetracycline.", "(Quick flash of: [AUTOPSY ROOM] Dr. Robbins snaps photos of the glowing bones.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) That drug incorporated into his bones, making them glow under ultraviolet light.", "(End of flashback.)", "Catherine: Helped us identify him.", "(Catherine sits down.)", "Brass: Thing's aren't looking too good for you, Mickey. So now we know we got a dead cop's body in your old car. So tell me what happened. You were skipping town and Eddie Sanchez pulled you over and you shot him point-blank?", "Mickey Dunn: (to Catherine) Like I told you, you missed a spot. You missed a big spot. I shot a lot of guys point-blank. But this nosy piece of garbage bike cop that you two are so teared-up about ... I shot him from 40 feet away with a soaking-wet revolver. It was one hell of a shot.", "(Quick flashback to: [LAKE - NIGHT] Eddie Sanchez turns his bike in to the embankment near the lake. He parks his bike and follows the tire tracks in the dirt all the way to the lake.)", "Mickey Dunn: (V.O.) The poor dumb b*st*rd didn't know what hit him.", "(He sees lights of the car in the lake.)", "Mickey Dunn: (V.O.) He thought he'd been trained. They don't prepare you for what I got.", "(He's startled when Mickey Dunn comes up for air. He takes his gun out and points it at Mickey. Mickey starts to walk toward him.)", "(He sees the gun in Mickey's hand.)", "Eddie Sanchez: Stop! Stop or I'll shoot!", "(Mickey doesn't stop. He continues to walk toward Eddie.)", "Eddie Sanchez: I said stop!", "(Mickey raises his gun and fires. He hits Eddie in the chest. Eddie falls back to the ground.)", "(Cut to: Mickey smashes in Eddie's teeth.)", "Mickey Dunn: (V.O.) You found the skull had no teeth because I bashed 'em in with the barrel of my gun.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Mickey Dunn: And all the forensics in the world ain't gonna show you that when I smashed his face in ... I liked it.", "Brass: You're under arrest, Mickey, for murder.", "Catherine: Thank God you blew me off when I didn't know better.", "(Catherine gets up and heads out.)", "Mickey Dunn: Sam Braun's daughter.", "(She stops at the door, surprised that he even recognized her.)", "Mickey Dunn: You think that I would ever forget a face?", "(Quick flash to: [CASINO] Young Catherine in the casino as she smiles at Mickey.)", "Mickey Dunn: (V.O.) That face?", "(He pushes her hair back and whispers to her.)", "Mickey Dunn: Meet me outside, 2:00 a.m. sharp.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Mickey Dunn: Ask yourself what force on earth would have kept me from your soft teenage graces. Only one: Daddy.", "Catherine: Sam Braun stopped you?", "Mickey Dunn: Sam always said that if I ever touched you, he'd tear me apart. (chuckles) That took a big pair to say that to me. He said that you were family. Still, now he's gone. We're here. We could always give it a go.", "Catherine: You're not going anywhere.", "(Mickey gasps and clutches his chest. Brass gets up and checks on Mickey.)", "Brass: (to Catherine) He's having a heart attack. Call a paramedic.", "(Catherine turns and leaves the room. Brass and the other officer in the room help Mickey to the floor.)", "Mickey Dunn: (gasps) Bum ticker ... right on time.", "(Brass does chest compressions on Mickey.)", "Brass: Okay, take it easy, buddy. Take it easy.", "FADE TO WHITE:", "[INT. HOSPITAL - ROOM]", "(Mickey Dunn wakes up in a hospital bed. He's handcuffed to the bedframe. Catherine stands over him.)", "Catherine: I'll give you a hint: you're not in heaven. How long you been living with a bullet in your chest?", "Mickey Dunn: Who told you?", "Catherine: Why God invented X-rays.", "Mickey Dunn: You'd like to take it out, have a closer look. Ah, but you can't do that, not without killing me.", "Catherine: I'm guessing it's a .38 ...", "(Quick flash to: [NIGHT] Derek Paul shoots Mickey Dunn and tosses the gun in the car.)", "(Cut to: Robbins pulls out a bullet from autopsy.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) ...which matches the .38 that we took from the body of Derek Paul, --", "(Cut to: Greg sifts through the dirt found in the car and finds a bullet.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) -- which also matches the one that killed Eddie Sanchez.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Mickey Dunn smiles. Catherine sits CATHERINE: You like horror movies, Mickey?", "Mickey Dunn: You know ... I love 'em.", "Catherine: I got one for you.", "Mickey Dunn: Does it got a monster in it?", "Catherine: (chuckles) Yeah.", "(Quick flash to: [NIGHT] Mickey crashes through the wire fence gate and onto the lake embankment. Derek Paul and the other workers follow him.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) I bet you heard it. It's strictly B-list stuff. No-name cast, summer release.", "(They park and get out of the car. Derek walks up to the car.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Four Vegas punks run a monster off the road.", "(Derek shoots Mickey and tosses the gun in the car.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) They shoot him, they rob him, they leave him for dead.", "(Derek pops the trunk and takes the suitcase of cash.", "Catherine: (V.O.) But everybody knows that shooting the monster and killing him are never the same.", "(They push the car into the lake. The car hits the water. Mickey opens his eyes.)", "(The guys get in the car and drive away. Officer Eddie Sanchez arrives on his bike.", "Catherine: (V.O.) A young honest cop arrives and with him comes opportunity.", "(Mickey emerges from the lake. Eddie reaches for his gun. Mickey fires and kills Eddie. He changes clothes with Eddie.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) The monster changes his name, his face ... passes for human.", "(Mickey puts on the officer's helmet.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Rides off into the night.", "(He runs to the bike and rides away.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Mickey Dunn: And the legend is born. The end.", "Catherine: Mickey, you know that real horror stories never end.", "Mickey Dunn: Oh, this one does. (laughs) It's been huge fun coming back, trying new faces, leading you all around town by the nostrils. Setting up the big discovery.", "(Quick flashback to: [LAKE - DAY] The fisherman is holding the revolver hood ornament while being interviewed by Tally Jeffers.)", "Fisherman: Everybody here knows Mickey Dunn.", "(Mick changes masks. He pulls off his fake face.)", "Tally Jeffers: (V.O.) I'm Tally Jeffers, KRAC-TV, Lake Mead, Nevada.", "(FLASH TO: Michael pushes Kenneth's wheelchair.)", "Mickey Dunn: (V.O.) Going after Kenneth...", "(He puts the photo in Kenneth's shirt pocket.)", "Mickey Dunn: (to Kenneth) I'm Mickey Dunn.", "(He pushes Kenneth's wheelchair out onto the street. Kenneth screams as he's hit by the vehicle.)", "(Mickey removes his Michael Myers' face.)", "(CUT TO: Pamela Voorhees chokes Mason in the hotel room. He shoves the photo in his mouth.)", "Mickey Dunn: (V.O.) ...taking out Mason ...", "(He moves his Pamela face.)", "Mickey Dunn: (V.O.) ... and the best part of all, --", "(CUT TO: Mickey removes a cast from Johnny's face.)", "Mickey Dunn: (V.O.) the look on poor Johnny's face.", "(CUT TO: Mickey has his Johnny face on. He stands over Derek Paul's body and tucks the gun into his pants.)", "Mickey Dunn: (V.O.) Not the most handsome guy in the world,", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Mickey Dunn: but a face worth wearing. And the hardest part? Learning Spanish. (He chuckles.) Good times.", "Catherine: Why now?", "Mickey Dunn: Because that tiny piece of metal that Derek shot in my chest has finally moved. Doctors gave me a week, maybe two, to live. Figured I'd go out with a bang, never see the inside of a cell. It's really funny how one little bullet can make things suddenly seem so clear.", "(Catherine smiles at him and stands up.)", "Catherine: (innocently) You mean this bullet?", "(She shows him a bullet.)", "Catherine: Mob doctors ... (she puts the bullet on the table) ... become Mob doctors because they sucked in the first place. B ut we got a licensed surgeon that fixed you up good. Cheer up, Mickey, you're gonna live another twenty ... thirty years. And you'll be spending every day in the federal penitentiary. But only until you die.", "(Catherine turns and heads out. She stops.)", "Mickey Dunn: Well, I'll still go out a legend. You haven't changed that.", "Catherine: Oh, you've been out of the game awhile. The homies they have in the pen these days never heard of you.", "Mickey Dunn: That's impossible.", "Catherine: No, Mickey, that's life.", "(Catherine winks at him. She turns and leaves.)", "Lyric: \"That's life ... That's life ...\"", "(Camera holds on Mickey Dunn in the hospital bed.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Living Legend
[ "Catherine testifies in a murder trial in which a man is accused of murdering his own mother three years ago, but the suspect is found not guilty. Catherine, however, believes he did commit the crime and that he may also have killed two other people, so she and Nick set out to find the other victims. Catherine's probe leads to a small Nevada town where an elderly woman and her daughter were fatally stabbed and shot three years earlier. Back at the lab, Grissom prepares to leave on a four-week sabbatical." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(We start with the Las Vegas city lights, then rise up to look over the horizon.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. COUNTRY HOUSE -- NIGHT]", "(A two-story farmhouse with a windmill outside. The lights are on inside. Through the windows, we see movement.)", "[INT. FINCH RESIDENCE - KITCHEN -- NIGHT", "(Addie Finch is watching a television cooking show while doing the dishes. The reception isn't good and she whacks the set with frustration.)", "Addie Finch: (mutters) Piece of crap.", "(She goes back to doing the dishes. She hears the door open.)", "Addie Finch: Jay? Is that you?", "(There's no answer. She continues wiping the dishes.)", "(Someone comes up from behind Addie and stabs her in the back with a knife.)", "(She gasps.)", "(The man stabs her in the chest and she falls to the kitchen floor. She gasps for breath as the bloodied knife drips on her.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) CSI processed the knife and found blood from four different sources, --", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. COURTROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine is on the stand. A photo of the knife and ruler is on the monitor.)", "Catherine: -- three of which were intermingled together on the blade. One matched Addie Finch, the victim.", "(Catherine changes the image on the monitor to a close-up of the knife blade.)", "Catherine: The other two were also female. And based on the number of DNA markers they have in common, they're either sisters or mother and daughter. They are not related to Addie Finch. And both remain unidentified.", "ADA Jasmine Davis: And the fourth DNA source?", "Catherine: When I disassembled the knife, I found blood on the tang, which is the steel area under the handle.", "ADA Jasmine Davis: Were you able to identify this DNA?", "Catherine: It was a match to the victim's son, Jay Gregory Finch.", "ADA Jasmine Davis: The defendant.", "Catherine: That's right.", "ADA Jasmine Davis: No further questions, Your Honor.", "Judge Hyak: Cross-examination, Mr. Novak?", "(Adam Novak looks up.)", "Adam Novak: Did you recover the knife from the scene three years ago?", "Catherine: No, the defendant turned it in to PD.", "(He stands up and walks toward the jury.)", "Adam Novak: A man comes home ... only to find his mother bleeding on the floor, a knife stuck in her chest. In a desperate attempt to save her life, he removes the knife from her chest. But it's too late. He takes the knife in question to the authorities, cooperates with their investigation, and then you charge him with murder.", "Catherine: The defendant did not call for help, and he waited five days to turn it in.", "Adam Novak: He was in shock. You found two unknown sources of blood on that knife. Isn't it possible that one or both of them killed Addie Finch?", "ADA Jasmine Davis: Objection. Speculative.", "Judge Hyak: I'll allow it.", "Catherine: It's possible. However, Mr. Finch's blood was found isolated near the handle. Stabbing is a messy business. I believe that Mr. Finch cut himself ...", "Adam Novak: You've been warned about speculation, Ms. Willows.", "Catherine: It's not speculation.", "Adam Novak: From his birth until the time of his mother's death, Mr. Finch lived in that house. Isn't it equally possible he cut himself on that knife at a separate occasion?", "Catherine: Yes, but ...", "Adam Novak: For the record, her answer was \"Yes, it's possible.\" No further questions.", "TIME CUT TO:", "(ADA Jasmine Davis re-directs. Catherine is still on the stand.)", "ADA Jasmine Davis: Though Addie Finch received multiple stab wounds, the actual cause of death was a gunshot wound. Isn't that correct?", "Catherine: We believe that the defendant stabbed his mother multiple times, stood over her while she was dying, and shot her in the forehead to complete the act.", "Adam Novak: You recovered a bullet from Ms. Finch's body. Did you also recover a gun?", "Catherine: No.", "Adam Novak: So you have nothing with which to forensically match the bullet?", "Catherine: The bullet was a .38. The defendant's father, who passed away in 1989, was seen in photographs holding a .38. We also found an empty gun case in the defendant's closet which tested positive for chromium steel.", "Adam Novak: My belt buckle is also made of metal. If I kept it in a box, wouldn't it also test positive?", "Catherine: Do you keep it in a velvet-lined gun box?", "Adam Novak: No further questions.", "FLASH TO:", "[LATER]", "(The head juror reads the verdict.)", "Head Juror: On the sole count of murder in the first degree, we, the jury, find the defendant, Jay Gregory Finch ... not guilty.", "(The judge bangs the gavel. Jay Finch sighs. Adam Novak turns and shakes his hand.)", "Adam Novak: You won.", "Jay Finch: Thank you.", "Adam Novak: Take care of yourself.", "(Adam Novak turns to leave. Catherine turns to talk with him.)", "Catherine: Quite the salesman, Mr. Novak.", "(They head out of the courtroom.)", "Adam Novak: Not a hard sell.", "Catherine: Finch is guilty.", "Adam Novak: You once said the same about me. You were wrong then, too.", "Catherine: Yeah, you're not a murderer; you just set them free.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - CATHERIN'E OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Nick watch Jay Finch's interview video. The date stamp on the bottom of the monitor is from DEC 18.)", "Brass: (from video) (o.s.) Why didn't you bring the knife directly in to us.", "Jay Finch: (from video) I get these anxiety attacks ... since I hit my head real bad playing football my senior year. I get these brutal headaches. So, I climb into my car and drive. Sometimes for days. It ... it calms me. Mom and I took care of each other. We were a good team.", "Catherine: What a load of crap. (She gets up.) We found his bags packed near the door. Addie raised a momma's boy and she'd finally had enough. She was kicking his ass out and he snapped.", "Nick: Did Finch have a history of violence?", "Catherine: No, but his CT scan showed damage to the amygdala and the frontal lobe. That kind of injury has been known to change personality, to make a person more inclined to violence. We need to ID his other two victims. Charge Finch with a new crime. No double jeopardy. We can even use the knife again.", "Nick: Catherine, we tried three years ago. There were no other female-related crimes in the Vegas metro area that week.", "Catherine: He drove for five days, Nick.", "Nick: Yes, and as I recall, we put out a broadcast covering cities statewide.", "Catherine: But not to any of the small towns in between. They aren't connected to a central network.", "Nick: (sighs) Needle in a haystack.", "Catherine: It's our job to find a needle in a haystack.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Grissom opens the present and finds a WILLIAMS sweatshirt inside. Hodges stands in front of the desk and grins as Grissom takes the sweatshirt out of the box.)", "Grissom: How did you know about this?", "Hodges: I saw an approved leave of absence form on Ecklie's desk. Don't worry, I didn't say anything to anyone else. Did you think that you were going to teach at my alma mater in the dead of winter without warm clothes?", "Grissom: I thought you went to college in San Diego.", "Hodges: Graduate school. Undergraduate was all about the Bay State. Crazy times, my friend, crazy times. Those Hampshire girls down in Amherst? Insane.", "Grissom: Thank you.", "Hodges: You're welcome.", "(Grissom sets the sweatshirt and box to the side. Hodges sits down in the chair.)", "Hodges: What are you teaching?", "Grissom: The seasonal fluctuations in observed behaviors of the Walden Pond swamp mosquito.", "Hodges: Excellent. Yeah, I don't know what college was like for you, but for me it was a new beginning, a chance to reinvent myself. For the first time in my life, I felt like I fit in. Not like now. I mean ... you and I are close, but sometimes I just don't think the others get me.", "(Catherine knocks on the door.)", "Catherine: You got a second?", "Hodges: He's kind of busy.", "(Grissom and Catherine both look at Hodges. Hodges gets to his feet.)", "Hodges: Oh. When you get a chance, hit the Purple Pint. Ask for Cookie. Tell her Davey Hodges sent you. Drinks'll be on the house.", "Grissom: Crazy times.", "Hodges: Yeah.", "(Hodges leaves the office.)", "Catherine: Jay Finch got an oil change the day that he killed his mother. We compared the odometer reading on the work order against what it read when we impounded his car. The difference was 350 miles. We used that to create a search radius. Nick and I just spent six hours on the phone with sheriffs in every county inside that area. There was one unsolved case that matched our criteria in Larkston: a Laura Montoya and her 12-year-old daughter, Robyn.", "Grissom: Why are we talking about this? Finch got off, didn't he?", "Catherine: And I don't buy it. I need to go to Larkston.", "Grissom: You can't.", "Catherine: Look, I want a second shot at this guy. I want to get him before he kills again.", "Grissom: I'm going on sabbatical. You're gonna be the acting supervisor while I'm gone.", "(By the look on Catherine's face, this is news to her.)", "Catherine: When are you leaving?", "Grissom: Tomorrow night.", "Catherine: I'll be back before then.", "(Catherine starts to leave, then turns and looks at Grissom.)", "Catherine: How long have you known about this?", "(Grissom shakes his head. Catherine gives up and heads out.)", "(We hold on Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CSI -- PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine exits the building with her bag and her kit. On her way to her car, Adam Novak walks up to her.)", "Adam Novak: Need a vacation?", "Catherine: I guess I should be grateful you didn't stop by my house.", "Adam Novak: And get a gun in my face? No, thank you. I can take a hint.", "Catherine: What do you want?", "(Catherine puts her things in the car and slams the door.)", "Adam Novak: I'm here waving a white flag. Look, I owe you an apology. I regret the way I've behaved toward you in the past. I've sobered up, and I want to make amends.", "Catherine: Climbing the 12 Steps.", "Adam Novak: Got a few more to go.", "Catherine: Well, you can check me off the list. Thank you for stopping by.", "(Catherine turns her back on him and climbs into her car.", "Adam Novak: Hey ... which pissed you off more, that Finch went free or that I won?", "Catherine: I'm fifty-fifty.", "Adam Novak: (smiles) There's still hope for me.", "(Adam turns and walks away. He passes Nick, who is on his way to the car. Catherine starts the engine.)", "Nick: You all right?", "Catherine: Perfect timing. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS DESERT HIGHWAY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CAR (TRAVELING) - DAY]", "(Nick talks with Catherine as they drive through the town.)", "Nick: Sabbatical's usually a euphemism for \"sayonara.\" I don't think Grissom's coming back.", "Catherine: Why wouldn't he?", "Nick: I don't know. He shaved his beard, he's lost a little weight, he's been leaving when shift is over. I think he even took a day off last week.", "Catherine: Maybe he's got himself a girlfriend.", "Nick: That's what I'm saying. You know, I thought you were going to leave a few months ago.", "Catherine: (deadpans) Why, 'cause I shaved my beard?", "Nick: (chuckles) No, I mean, I ... you don't really have to work anymore if you don't want to, right?", "Catherine: What are you talking about?", "Nick: Well ... Sam, with your dad ... the whole thing.", "Catherine: Oh, is that what people think? That daddy's little girl got herself a big inheritance? Well, let me tell you something, Nicky. All of Sam's money is tied up in a big hole in the ground on a very nice piece of Strip real estate, but I got no dog in that fight.", "(NO AUDIO) NICK: Well, I'm glad that someone's sticking around.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LARKSTON -- DAY]", "(The large road sign reads:", "WELCOME TO LARKSTON", "CITY LIMIT", "POPULATION 1291", "(Catherine turns the car into the parking lot. She pulls up alongside Sheriff Beth McGuire, who is leaning against her own officer car.)", "(Catherine and Nick get out of the car.)", "Sheriff Beth McGuire: Hey. Now you guys aren't here to make me look bad, are you?", "Nick: No.", "Sheriff Beth McGuire: Just busting chops. Sheriff Beth McGuire.", "(They shake hands.)", "Nick: Nick Stokes. Nice to meet you.", "Catherine: Catherine Willows. Nice to meet you.", "(Beth turns and heads over to the outside tables.)", "Sheriff Beth McGuire: Hi. I just read that file that you sent over. Jay Finch, he looks like a real son of a bitch. Laura Montoya, she was a good friend of mine. So, uh ...", "(A woman walks past.)", "Sheriff Beth McGuire: Hey, Ronnie. How you doing?", "Ronnie: Hi, Sheriff.", "Sheriff Beth McGuire: I would really be happy to see this case solved.", "Catherine: Yeah, as would we.", "Nick: Why don't you ... run us through it, Sheriff?", "Sheriff Beth McGuire: Okay. Uh ... Laura ... and her daughter were right ... here eating burgers and drinking shakes. They were the last customers of the night.", "(Quick flashback to: Jake Hanson closes up.)", "Sheriff Beth McGuire: (V.O.) Luke Hanson closed up, and then he left and they were still right here, eating.", "[Note: It sounds like she says \"Luke.\"]", "Jake Hanson: I'm heading home, girls. Don't you stay all night.", "Laura Montoya: Stay hi to your mom, Jake.", "(End of flashback.)", "Sheriff Beth McGuire: And I was called about 10:00 p.m. Couple of local skateboarders. They saw the blood and they just, you know, called it in.", "Nick: No bodies?", "Sheriff Beth McGuire: No. Just a blood pool ... here. (She points.) I found some blood drops leading out through the parking lot towards the main road.", "Catherine: Abduction?", "Sheriff Beth McGuire: I don't know. One minute, my best friend is just having an Oreo smoothie with her kid, and then the next minute all I got is blood drops.", "Nick: Did you identify who the blood belonged to?", "Sheriff Beth McGuire: We sent a sample to the Reno Lab. Came back a match to Laura.", "(Nick looks around the table and stops at the other side.)", "Catherine: Mother's the bigger threat. Probably took her out first. And once she was injured, the daughter got scared into compliance.", "Nick: Any idea on the mode of death?", "Beth McGuire: Well, I know your guy used a knife and a gun, but I didn't recover any weapons.", "Catherine: We're gonna need a blood sample to compare to our knife.", "Beth McGuire: I-I got that back in the fridge at the station.", "Nick: You know, there are quite a few nicks in the pavement down here.", "(Catherine is standing.)", "Catherine: So if Laura was seated here ... the shooter would've had to aim downward to impact the asphalt.", "(Nick indicates his chest.)", "Nick: Then this would have been the trajectory of the bullet. Now, there's what appears to be a ricochet mark headed in the right direction.", "(A CGI image of Laura appears sitting at the table.)", "Catherine: Killer shoots Laura from behind...", "(Catherine points her finger as if she were shooting a gun. BAM! A CGI bullet fires from the tip of her finger, through the CGI image of Laura and hits the asphalt.)", "Nick: Wait a minute.", "(Nick looks under the table and finds the bullet.)", "Nick: Oh, yeah. I think we're in business, ladies.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Grissom is boxing up the miniature crime scenes. He places one in a plexi-glass container when Warrick walks in.)", "Warrick: Hey, Gris. So, uh, Hodges tells me you're flying the coop. What's the matter, you sick of baby-sitting?", "Grissom: Just the opposite. I'm a teacher without any students.", "Warrick: I've still got a lot to learn. Besides, having you around kinda keeps me honest.", "Grissom: Whether you know it or not, you're the rock of my team. Catherine's going to be in charge for a while while I'm gone. Be there for her like you've been there for me and we'll all be fine.", "Warrick: Thanks. It means a lot. You know I got you covered. What, are you sending those to the... the Louvre?", "Grissom: Ernie Dell did kill with an artistic touch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEVADA DESERT (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. LARKSTON -- DAY]", "(Nick and Catherine have the table on its side as Nick removes the bullet.)", "Nick: .25 caliber.", "Catherine: Finch used a .38.", "Beth McGuire: No dice, huh?", "Nick: Finch could've used a different gun, but chances are, yeah, they're unrelated.", "Beth McGuire: When you guys called, I ... I let myself believe that Laura was still alive. Well, now, I'm-I'm just gonna pray that she's dead. I just don't want to think about the alternative.", "Catherine: Thank you for your help, Beth.", "(They shake hands.)", "Beth McGuire: I gotta call her sister in Denver. This'll be the second time I've gotten her hopes up.", "Catherine: There was a first time?", "Beth McGuire: Well, there was a double murder the day after Laura went missing. It was about twenty miles outside of Larkston--a Mary Acheson and her daughter, Heather Curtis. (Catherine is stunned.) At first, I-I thought it was related to the disappearance of Robin and Laura, but, but it wasn't.", "Catherine: Why didn't you tell us this before?", "Beth McGuire: It's a closed case. We got the guy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LARKSTON P.D. - FILE ROOM - DAY]", "(Beth heads over to the file cabinet and looks for the case file. She shows Catherine and Nick the photos.)", "Beth McGuire: Robert Guffey. Okay ... He's in, uh ... Carson City. He's doing a life term in the Nevada State Prison. Yeah. His bloody fingerprints were all over the crime scene, and he confessed the next day.", "Catherine: So you initially thought that Guffey was also good for your friend Laura and her daughter's abduction. What changed your mind?", "Beth McGuire: There was no evidence to link him and, uh, he had an alibi. Plus, he would only admit to Heather and Mary's murders.", "Nick: How'd he kill them?", "Catherine: Stabbed, then shot.", "Beth McGuire: This is Heather Curtis. She and her husband lived with Mary Acheson, her mother. So, uh ... Shawn was at work, and then he called home, and then when nobody answered the phone, he knew that something was wrong.", "Nick: So the son was home?", "Beth McGuire: He was hiding.", "(They look at a photo of Guffey.)", "Beth McGuire: That. That's Robert Guffey.", "Nick: So Guffey knew the victims?", "Beth McGuire: He was their plumber. Yeah. Old house, bad pipes. Oh, he was there all the time.", "Catherine: Says here he has a history of violence.", "Beth McGuire: Beat his girlfriend. Oh, yeah, and his ex-wife has a TRO against him. But this is his very first murder. Unless, of course, he killed Addie Finch first. So maybe you're looking for my guy.", "Catherine: Was Guffey in Vegas that week?", "Beth McGuire: I don't know. I didn't ask him.", "Nick: Did you recover a handgun?", "Beth McGuire: Yeah. Oh, yeah, at his house. It was a .38, same caliber as your case.", "Catherine: But you couldn't match the bullets to it?", "Beth McGuire: Reno Lab said that the bullets were too damaged, you know, from bouncing around inside the victims' skulls so they just couldn't get any kind of comparison at all.", "Catherine: I'm assuming you have the blood samples from the two victims?", "Beth McGuire: They're at the Reno Lab, but, uh ... I can do you one better. You can take your own samples.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CURTIS HOUSE -- DAY]", "(The sheriff leads Catherine and Nick to the Curtis house. They stop at the closed gate. There's a windmill out front. The cars park and the sheriff exits her car.)", "Beth McGuire: Just a sec, I'm gonna open this thing.", "(Beth opens the gate.)", "Nick: You thinking what I'm thinking?", "Catherine: Looks like Addie Finch's house.", "(Quick flashback to: The Finch's residence complete with windmill out front. End flashback.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Beth, Catherine and Nick head for the front door.)", "Beth McGuire: Danny and Shawn got an apartment in town. They've never been back here. And Shawn, he can't quite bring himself to sell the place.", "Nick: So, nothing inside's been touched in three years?", "Beth McGuire: Nope. This door is a time machine.", "(She unlocks and opens the front door.)", "[INT. CURTIS HOUSE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(They enter the house. The sheriff starts to walk them through what happened and where as she points to the various bloodstains on the floor.)", "Beth McGuire: This blood pool belongs to Mary, the mom. And, uh ... this blood down here belongs to Heather, the daughter.", "Nick: Screen door's ripped.", "Beth McGuire: Must have been a struggle. We printed it, only got smeared partials.", "Catherine: Mary answers the door. The killer forces his way in ... stabs her.", "(Quick flashback to: The killer forces his way into the house and stabs Mary. End flashback.)", "Catherine: Heather comes to her mother's aid.", "(Catherine turns and visualizes a CGI Heather standing at the kitchen sink. She turns and heads over to help her mother.)", "Heather Curtis: Mom?", "(Heather struggles with the intruder and gets stabbed.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Gets stabbed herself.", "(Heather crawls on the floor.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) And flees to the kitchen.", "(Nick takes a swab sample of the blood in front of him.)", "Nick: The killer finishes Mary off and hunts Heather down.", "Catherine: He catches up with Heather and executes her as well.", "(End of visualization and flashbacks.)", "(Beth shows Catherine and Nick the sink.)", "Beth McGuire: This is where we found Danny. Poor little guy had peed in his pants. He wouldn't come out to anybody but his dad.", "(Nick looks out the window into the back yard.)", "Catherine: Is this the phone that you pulled Guffey's prints from?", "Beth McGuire: Uh ... yeah. Guffey admitted to having made an anonymous 911 call from the house at 3:20 p.m. And he didn't stick around.", "Nick: Whose blood on the door handle?", "Beth McGuire: Oh, we tested it. That's a mixture of the victims'.", "Nick: I think whoever did this might have seen Danny's toys in the backyard, thought the job wasn't done yet ... and went outside to finish it.", "(Nick walks outside.)", "[EXT. CURTIS RESIDENCE - BACK YARD - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick looks outside. He finds a rabbit hutch with the skeletal remains of several rabbits.)", "(He removes the sideboard and looks inside the hutch and finds another rabbit skeleton.)", "Nick: He shot the rabbits.", "Beth McGuire: I believe that Guffey thought that Danny was inside. We got a confession. We didn't need those bullets, so we didn't collect them.", "Catherine: So we found one bullet in Addie Finch, you found one in Mary, one in Heather. There're three in this hutch.", "Nick: If all these bullets were shot from the same .38, six would kick it. Three murders, one gun, one killer.", "Catherine: But was it Guffey, or was it Finch?", "Nick: Well, these bullets should answer that question.", "Catherine: Let's start digging.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CURTIS RESIDENCE - BACK YARD - DAY]", "(Catherine and Nick remove the rabbit hutch. Nick snaps photos while Catherine uses a metal detector on the grounds.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(She finds something and the detector beeps steadily.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Nick starts digging; Catherine sifts through the dirt.)", "(Catherine finds a bullet.)", "Catherine: Hey.", "(She picks it up and looks at it.)", "Catherine: There's enough here for a comparison.", "Nick: Good. Good, if it matches Guffey's gun, he stays in prison, but if it doesn't, we've got no gun to tie to Finch.", "Catherine: You need to get all the evidence back to the lab.", "(Nick takes the bullet from Catherine.)", "Nick: What are you gonna do?", "Catherine: I'm gonna go see Guffey.", "Nick: He's not gonna talk to you, Catherine.", "Catherine: We'll see.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom enters the room and finds Greg pouring himself a cup of coffee.)", "Grissom: Hey, how's it going on your civil case? Did you get a lawyer?", "Greg: LVPD said they'll provide me with an attorney.", "Grissom: Get your own counsel, Greg. That's your right.", "Greg: Well, are you gonna give me a raise? Because otherwise I can't afford that.", "Grissom: Call the PPACE, talk to your union rep. This was an on-duty incident. They'll provide you with an attorney.", "Greg: How's the union lawyer gonna be any different?", "Grissom: The department's only interest is the department. They'll throw you under the bus to protect themselves. When's your deposition?", "Greg: Three weeks from tomorrow.", "Grissom: Stick to whatever you put in the report. Don't waiver, be consistent. Everything's gonna be fine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- DAY]", "(Robbins has the autopsy photos spread out on the table and has his phone in his hand. He listens to the end of Catherine's answering machine.)", "Catherine: (from phone) Hi, you've reached CSI Catherine Willows. Please leave a message at the tone.", "Robbins: (to phone) Yeah, Cath, it's Doc Robbins.", "[INT. NEVADA STATE PRISON - DAY]", "(Catherine hands over her cell phone and keys.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) (to phone) I reviewed the autopsy photos on all three victims.", "(Catherine signs in.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) (to phone) The wounds appear consistent in all three cases. Vics were stabbed in the chest, and then presumably while choking on their own blood, they were shot. COD for each: single GSW to the head.", "(She turns around and the guard sweeps a hand-held metal detector over her front and back.)", "(Catherine picks up her file folder and heads for the visiting room. She does up the buttons on the top of her blouse. The guard opens the door.)", "Catherine: Robert Guffey?", "(The guard points to the man sitting on the other side of the glass. Catherine enters the room.)", "[INT. NEVADA STATE PRISON - VISITING ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine sits down and picks up the phone. Robert Guffey picks up the phone on his end.)", "Robert Guffey: I don't know you.", "Catherine: You can call me Catherine.", "Robert Guffey: Unless you're here for a conjugal, I'm not calling you anything.", "Catherine: What do you like to be called?", "Robert Guffey: \"The best I ever had.\"", "(He looks at Catherine, then he looks at her buttoned-up chest. Catherine notes the look.)", "Catherine: There was a murder that was committed in Vegas two days before the Acheson-Curtis murders. I think the same person committed both crimes and I think that person is you. Mr. Guffey, this is how this is going to work. Every time you answer one of my questions, I unbutton a button. Are you ready?", "Robert Guffey: (chuckles) Does that count as a question?", "(Catherine undoes the top button. She holds up a morgue photo of Addie Finch.)", "Catherine: You recognize this woman?", "Robert Guffey: Nope.", "(Catherine undoes the next button.)", "Robert Guffey: (pleased) That's it. Playing ball.", "Catherine: Why did you kill Mary Acheson and Heather Curtis?", "Robert Guffey: Ah, 'cause sometimes women get killed.", "(Catherine buttons up a button.)", "Robert Guffey: Oh, don't be like that.", "Catherine: Well, that wasn't an answer.", "Robert Guffey: It was enough for those other cops.", "Catherine: What's that supposed to mean?", "Robert Guffey: That, uh, means I didn't do it.", "Catherine: Well, then why did you confess?", "Robert Guffey: They had me in a room for twelve hours ... no food, no water, no sleep. I had to beg to use the bathroom.", "Catherine: So now you're claiming you were coerced.", "Robert Guffey: I've been claiming that since day one. I recanted the next morning. (He points.) Button.", "(Catherine undoes the button.)", "Robert Guffey: That bitch cop ... grabs my arm, points to this vein and says, \"That's where the needle will go when they put you down like the dog you are.\" If I wanted to avoid the death penalty, all I had to tell her was what she and-and-and her deputies wanted to hear. (points) That's worth two.", "(Catherine undoes just one.)", "Catherine: Just pace yourself. How come your prints were found all over the house?", "Robert Guffey: Front door was open ...", "(Quick flashback to: The front door opens and Robert Guffey looks inside. He finds Mary on the floor in a pool of blood.)", "Robert Guffey: Mary? Mary?!", "(He rushes over to check her pulse. He looks up and sees Heather on the floor near the kitchen. He rushes over to check her pulse.)", "(He turns and picks up the phone.)", "(Flash to: Robert calls for help.)", "Robert Guffey: (to phone) There are two dead bodies at the Curtis house. No, no, no, no.", "(He quickly turns and puts the phone down on the counter. He leaves the house.)", "(End flashback.)", "Catherine: So you called for help, but didn't stick around.", "Robert Guffey: I done ... a few nights in prison for smacking my wife around, my girlfriend before that. I knew how it'd look. No good deed, right? How about just one more for good behavior?", "Catherine: Let's see if your story checks out.", "(Catherine hangs up. She stands up and heads out as he watches.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Nick returns to the office with a cooler of samples. Grissom steps out of his office and calls out to him.)", "Grissom: Hey, Nick.", "Nick: Hey.", "Grissom: Where's Catherine?", "Nick: Not back yet. I got a ride here with a local deputy.", "Grissom: She told me she was going to be back before I left.", "Nick: Oh, yeah. Listen, about that ... I told my folks when I went to college I'd be back, you know? Go to work at the D.A.'s office with my dad. You can kinda see how that turned out. Anyway, I just wanted to say it's been great, man.", "(Nick gives a bewildered Grissom in a big hug.)", "Nick: Really, I've learned a lot from you, man.", "Grissom: I'll be back in four weeks. Stop hugging me.", "(Nick lets Grissom go.)", "Nick: Yes, sir.", "(Grissom shakes his head, turns and heads back into the office. Nick turns and continues down the hallway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick test-fires the gun. He gets the bullet and puts it under a scope to compare it with the bullet they found.)", "(Nick takes his phone out and calls Catherine.)", "Nick: (to phone) Hey, Catherine, I tested the rabbit bullet to Guffey's gun. No match.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[EXT. LARKSTON - DAY]", "Catherine: He's probably innocent.", "Nick: But, but it did match the stria to the bullet that killed Addie Finch.", "Catherine: Which brings us back to Jay Finch and his missing .38.", "Nick: Yes, ma'am, it does.", "Catherine: Well, look, the only way we're gonna get a conviction is we place Finch at the Curtis house. In the meantime, have Brass put a tail on Finch. I'm not sure if he's a flight risk. I don't want to take a chance.", "Nick: Okay, okay. And hey, one more thing. Tell the sheriff that I ran the bullet from her abduction case through IBIS and there was no hit as well. Sorry.", "Catherine: I'll tell her.", "(Catherine walks into the Police Department building.)", "[INT. LARKSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT - DAY]", "(Catherine talks with Beth McGuire.)", "Catherine: Robert Guffey alleges that he was coerced into a false confession.", "Beth McGuire: And you've never heard that one before?", "Catherine: Did anything unorthodox happen during his interrogation?", "Beth McGuire: What is your point, Catherine?", "Catherine: Did you ever do an interrogation tired, Beth? Use your frustration, snap at the suspect just so you can go home? Use all that edge to get a confession?", "Beth McGuire: Am I being interrogated now?", "Catherine: You questioned Robert Guffey the exact week your best friend and her daughter disappeared. That's not just edge, that's a whole blade.", "Beth McGuire: I was sure Guffey was guilty till you showed up. Who admits to a crime he didn't commit? Who does that?", "Catherine: People under duress.", "Beth McGuire: You come into this town, you make me wrong, and then you go ride off into the sunset. And where does that leave me?", "Catherine: With the opportunity to right a wrong.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - RECEPTION - DAY]", "(Adam Novak argues with the receptionist.)", "Receptionist: Sir, someone will be with you ...", "Adam Novak: Look, I already told you, babe, I ain't going anywhere. So unless you want to have a really screwed-up day, I suggest you get her down here now.", "(Nick walks up to him.)", "Nick: Mr. Novak.", "Adam Novak: Where's Willows?", "Nick: Out. How can I help you?", "Adam Novak: Why the hell is this department tailing my client?", "Nick: Concern for his safety?", "Adam Novak: That's cute. Jay Finch was acquitted of his mother's murder. He deserves all the rights of a free man.", "Nick: With all due respect, Mr. Novak, no laws have been broken here.", "Adam Novak: You can't try Finch twice for the same crime.", "Nick: No, but you can for a different crime.", "Adam Novak: Oh, I see. This is a personal vendetta by CSI Willows.", "Nick: Personal to who?", "Adam Novak: Me. She's a man-hater. No surprise, but how long do we have to pay for the sins of her father?", "Nick: You know, Catherine and I get along just great. Maybe it's you.", "Adam Novak: Well, you tell Catherine she continues badgering my client, I will file a claim with the Attorney General's office for oppression under cover of law.", "Nick: Duly noted.", "(Novak turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS DESERT (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. CURTIS RESIDENCE - FRONT -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Beth McGuire talk with Shawn Curtis. Danny Curtis sits in the truck.)", "Shawn Curtis: What do you mean, he's innocent? He confessed.", "Beth McGuire: I screwed up, Shawn.", "Shawn Curtis: He dragged their blood through my house and took off. This is bull ...", "(He turns and looks back at Danny sitting in the truck.)", "Shawn Curtis: I spent three years trying to get those memories out of my head. Are you telling me it's gonna start all over again?", "Beth McGuire: I get that. I get that, Shawn. I really do. And I wouldn't drag you and Danny out here if it weren't important.", "Catherine: Guffey was in your house, but probably after the fact. We believe we know who actually committed the crimes.", "Beth McGuire: And unless we find the evidence that he was in there, we'll never know for sure.", "Catherine: Mr. Curtis, your son was the only one that got out alive. He may have seen something.", "Shawn Curtis: I don't think I can go in there. How can I ask my son to do it?", "Catherine: May I ask him?", "(He gives his approval.)", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(Catherine walks over to the truck.)", "Catherine: Hi, Danny. I'm Catherine. I'm trying to catch the bad guy that hurt your mom and your grandma, and I could really use your help.", "Danny: Do you think they're with God?", "Catherine: What do you think?", "Danny: I think they're still in there.", "Catherine: Why?", "Danny: They're waiting to fly up to heaven.", "Catherine: What are they waiting for?", "Danny: For me to say good-bye.", "(Danny opens the truck door and climbs out.)", "[INT. CURTIS RESIDENCE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The door opens and Danny walks in. He stops in front of the first bloodstain. He turns around and looks at his father standing just outside the doorway.)", "Danny: Come on, Dad.", "(Shawn steps into the house and joins Danny. Beth and Catherine follow.)", "Danny: Mom had made cookies.", "(Flashback to: Four-year-old Danny walks into the kitchen in search of cookies. He opens the moo-cow cookie jar and swipes a cookie. The cookie jar moos.)", "Heather: (o.s.) Danny, I can hear you. Put the cookie back.", "(Instead, Danny opens the cupboard under the sink and hides there to eat his cookie. Heather comes down the stairs just as Danny shuts the cabinet door.)", "(End flashback.)", "(Danny heads over to the cabinet. He looks down and sees the splotches leading up to the second blood pool. He walks past the blood pool and heads over to the sink.)", "Danny: I hid in here.", "(Danny hesitates and looks back at Shawn. Shawn motions for him to go on. Danny opens the cabinet under the sink and tries to get inside.)", "Shawn: He's a lot bigger now. Heather always said he grew fast.", "(Danny sits under the sink.)", "Danny: Then there was someone at the door.", "(Quick flashback to: Mary struggles with someone at the door who is trying to get inside the house.)", "Mary Acheson: No!", "Man: This is my house!", "Heather: (o.s.) Mom, what's going on? Mom?", "(Danny watches as Heather arrives to help.)", "(Mary groans as she's stabbed first.)", "(Heather struggles with the man at the door. He stabs them with the knife.)", "(She crawls a little toward the kitchen, then a gun fires. A second gunshot is heard.)", "(Danny gasps, scared.)", "(The man heads over in Danny's direction. He comes close enough that Danny can see the knife in his hand dripping with blood.)", "(The cookie jar cow moos.)", "(End flashback.)", "(Danny sits under the sink.", "Catherine: And then what happened, Danny?", "Danny: I heard him eat a cookie. Then he went out the back door. I heard some more bangs. Thought he was gone, and then he came back in through the front door, called the police.", "(Catherine looks back at Beth.)", "Beth McGuire: Guffey.", "(Shawn motions to Danny. Danny gets out of the cabinet under the sink and gives his dad a hug.)", "Shawn: You did great, buddy.", "(Catherine looks around and opens the cookie jar. The cow moos, its batteries dying. On the inside cover of the cookie jar, Catherine finds a bloodied print.)", "Danny: Say good-bye, Dad.", "Shawn: Good-bye, baby.", "(Shawn cries.)", "(We hold on Catherine.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine takes digital photos of the print inside the cookie jar. She removes the card from the camera.)", "(The digital image of the print is in the computer. Catherine runs the print through the database.)", "(She takes a swab sample of the blood and heads out of the lab.)", "(Dissolve to: Catherine is typing in the computer when her phone rings. She checks the caller ID:", "ADAM NOVAK", "7:30 p.m.", "(She hangs up and puts the phone aside. The printer prints the results.)", "(Nick walks in.)", "Nick: Hey, Catherine. Wendy found two DNA markers from the bloody fingerprint on the cookie jar. Related females -- Heather and Mary.", "Catherine: And the knife?", "Nick: Also a match.", "Catherine: (smiles) We got him, Nick.", "(They knock fists. She looks at the printout.)", "Catherine: AFIS hit -- Jay Finch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. FINCH RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(A couple police cars roll quietly up the front. Their car lights are dark.)", "[INT. FINCH RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(Jay Finch is in the kitchen.)", "(Through the living room windows, we see the officers just outside on the porch. They give the signal and they enter the house quietly, their guns held in position.)", "(They make their way toward the kitchen. The SWAT officer opens the kitchen door.)", "(Inside the kitchen, Jay Finch cuts the crusts off the sandwiches he's making. He gets ready to cut the tomato when the SWAT surrounds the kitchen from all entry points.)", "(Jay cuts his tomatoes.)", "(The SWAT leader gives his signal and they enter the kitchen.)", "SWAT Leader: Mr. Finch, Las Vegas Police. Put the knife down. Stand back with your hands up.", "(Jay goes back to his sandwich. He puts butter on his bread.)", "Jay Finch: What are you doing in my house?", "SWAT Leader: Mr. Finch, put the knife down.", "Jay Finch: This is my house.", "SWAT Leader: I'm not gonna ask you again. Put it down.", "Jay Finch: No ...", "(Jay puts his sandwich together, picks up his plate and sits at the kitchen table. SWAT steps into the kitchen. Jay takes a bite of his sandwich.)", "SWAT Leader: Get him.", "(They handcuff Jay and lead him out of the kitchen.)", "(On their way out, they walk past Catherine and Nick waiting out on the porch.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. FINCH RESIDENCE - JAY'S BEDROOM -- NIGHT]", "(The bed is covered with a hand-stitched cover with his name on it, JAY.)", "(Catherine and Nick stand at the base of the bed. Catherine looks around the bedroom while Nick snaps photos.)", "Catherine: Norman Bates is keeping his mother alive and well.", "Nick: Yeah, looks like everything's still in the exact same place.", "Catherine: Including the gun.", "(Catherine heads for the closet.)", "Catherine: He kept the gun case in here.", "(Catherine pushes the closet covering aside.)", "Nick: Well, we searched everywhere the first time. He ditched the gun.", "(Nick snaps photos of the contents on the dresser.)", "(Catherine finds a box in the back of the closet shelf. In the box, she finds a composition notebook filled with pages and pages of, \"There's no place like home.\")", "(Nick stops and looks at Catherine She sighs and looks at him. She shows Nick the notebook.)", "Catherine: In court, he was always writing in his notebook. Now I know why.", "(Nick snaps a photo of the book.)", "Nick: Now I think I know why Finch stopped by the Curtis farm. He'd been driving for days. He was exhausted, disoriented. He thought he was home.", "(Quick flash to: Mary Acheson talks with Jay Finch at the front door.)", "Jay Finch: This is my house. MARY ACHESON: No, you have the wrong house.", "Jay Finch: What are you doing in my house? MARY ACHESON: I'm sorry, you have the wrong house ...", "(Back to scene.)", "Catherine: Old woman answers the door, denies him access ...", "Nick: And all Finch saw was his mom.", "Catherine: And then he saw red.", "(Quick flash to: Jay Finch tries to get into the house. Mary Acheson pushes the door closed on him. He pushes back.)", "Jay Finch: This is my house!", "(He steps into the house and stabs Mary. Heather heads over to help her.)", "Heather Curtis: Mom?", "(He grabs Heather and stabs her as well.)", "(Cut to: He walks over to Heather and fires.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine looks through the window into the interview room where Jay Finch is sitting. She turns and heads down the hallway. Adam Novak steps into the hallway in front of her.)", "Adam Novak: Do you always get what you want?", "Catherine: (shakes her head) Clearly not, but you don't have enough tricks in your bag to get him off this time.", "Adam Novak: I don't take on cases I don't think I can win.", "Catherine: Hey, you really want to defend the innocent? There's a guy doing life up in Carson City that could use an advocate -- Robert Guffey. Might even out your karma.", "Adam Novak: Ah, you're worried about me.", "Catherine: Just looking to keep my faith in the court system. Everyone deserves justice. If not the first time around, then the second.", "(She walks out of screen and we hold on Adam Novak.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM]", "(Sara is in the locker room. She takes her jacket off.)", "(Grissom walks by and stops in the doorway.)", "Grissom: Hey.", "(Sara looks up.)", "Grissom: My cab's here.", "Sara: So, you're going.", "Grissom: Yeah.", "Sara: I'll see you when you get back.", "(Sara turns back to her locker. Grissom waits a beat. He turns and looks down the hallway, then looks back at Sara. Sara is putting her ID badge on her belt.)", "(Grissom steps into the room. He lingers in the doorway, looking at Sara. Sara removes her gun from the locker. She turns and looks at Grissom.)", "Grissom: I'll miss you.", "(Sara nods.)", "(After a moment, Grissom leaves the room. We hold on Sara.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(The lights are off in the office. A man carries in a large box and puts it on Grissom's desk. The man leaves.)", "(CAMERA focuses on the box on the desk, then slowly moves in closer and closer. The box is marked FRAGILE and labeled to:", "GIL GRISSOM", "LAS VEGAS CRIME LAB", "3057 WESTFALL AVE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 81956", "(CAMERA picks up speed, ZOOMING in close to the packaging label - THROUGH THE BOX - THROUGH THE PACKAGING -", "[INT. BOX]", "-- where its stops on a MINIATURE desklamp with a light shining on a MINIATURE newspaper for the LAS VEGAS GLOBE. The headline reads:", "ANOTHER BODY FOUND!", "(Also on the front page is the photo of the doll's face-one eye open and one eye shut, bleeding from the forehead and in a pool of blood.)", "SMASH TO BLACK." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Leaving Las Vegas
[ "Catherine investigates the murder of a runaway teen whose naked body is found in a desert lot behind a hotel. Helping with the case is Mike Keppler (played by Liev Schreiber ), an experienced CSI from Baltimore who is the newest hire on the day shift but is filling in temporarily on the night shift since Grissom is on sabbatical. Their investigation reveals the dead girl may be the victim of a serial killer whose slayings may go back decades." ]
[ "FLASH IN:", "CUE SONG: \"Sweet Jane\" by The Velvet Underground TIME LAPSE SEQUENCE:", "[EXT. (OLD) LAS VEGAS STRIP (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(We're traveling along the old Las Vegas Strip.)", "[EXT. BUS STATION - NIGHT]", "(People carrying their suitcases cross the street in front of the bus station.)", "[TIME LAPSE]", "(FAST FORWARD: Night turns to day. The days pass. Seasons come and go. The weather changes. Tall buildings in the city are built.)", "[INT. BUS STATION (1970'S) - LOBBY - NIGHT]", "(FAST FORWARD to 1975: People come and go through the lobby.)", "(SLOW ON: A young blonde-haired woman carrying a suitcase arrives. She walks past a Liberace poster.)", "[TIME LAPSE]", "(FAST FOWARD TO 1989: More time passes. People come and go through the bus station.)", "(SLOW ON: A young woman with crimped hair arrives. She walks past a MIRAGE poster for their GRAND OPENING, FALL 1989.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "AS MORE TIME PASSES, FLASHES OF VARIOUS POSTERS WITH PEOPLE CONSTANTLY COMING AND GOING", "* EXCALIBUR, JUNE 1990", "* LUXOR, GRANS OPENING, FALL 1993", "* NEW YORK NEW YORK, OPENING JANUARY 1997", "* MANDALAY BAY, LAS VEGAS, OPENING 1999", "[EXT. BUS STATION - NIGHT]", "(FAST FOWARD ON: People are coming and going.)", "(SLOW ON: A blonde-haired young woman arrives with her suitcase in her hand. She looks around. A large billboard looms in the distance - MANDALAY BAY, LAS VEGAS, NOW OPEN.)", "(She walks out of screen and heads down the sidewalk, pulling her suitcase behind her.)", "(Sirens sound in the distance.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BACK LOT - NIGHT (PRESENT)]", "(Catherine carries her kit and heads over toward Brass, who stands near the body. Officer car lights flash. The area is taped off.)", "(She stops next to Brass.)", "Brass: A trucker driving by saw the body, called it in.", "Catherine: Easy to miss.", "Brass: The coroner's tied up on a multiple in Pahrump, but they're en route.", "(Catherine notes that the ground surrounding the body has been brushed neatly. The only pair of shoes is the officer's prints leading up to the body.)", "Brass: Officer Jensen was first responding. When he saw the condition of the body, he backed out of the scene, stepping in his own footprints. Anyway, we've been beating the bush looking for her personal effects, but so far nothing.", "Catherine: (nods) Jane Doe it is.", "(Catherine ducks under the tape and heads toward the body, careful to step in the shoe prints already on the ground.)", "(The blonde-haired woman is naked, her right hand raised over her shoulder, palm facing up. Catherine looks around, then puts her kit down.)", "(The ground has been brushed, the dry leaves left near the body.)", "(Quick flashback to: SOMEONE brushes the ground, obscuring their shoeprints and any other markings. End of flashback.)", "(Catherine snaps photos of the body.)", "(A second CSI, carrying his kit, arrives on the scene.)", "(Catherine stops and sees Michael \"Mike\" Keppler arrive. He's carrying a cup of coffee. He stops outside the tape and empties the liquid on the ground. He crushes the cup and tucks it into his jacket pocket.)", "Catherine: You must be Keppler.", "Mike Keppler: Willows?", "Catherine: Catherine.", "Mike Keppler: Sorry I'm late. Got stuck on the Strip.", "(He takes out his flashlight, ducks under the tape and heads for the scene, careful to step in the shoeprints already there.)", "(He kneels down next to the body.)", "Catherine: Welcome to Las Vegas.", "(He smiles at Catherine, turns and looks at the body. The girl's eyes are open, a lock of hair over her face. Keppler gently brushes the hair aside.)", "Catherine: Is that how they're doing things in Baltimore these days? Out here, we don't touch the body until the coroner releases it.", "Mike Keppler: Sorry. Just ... trying to get a better look at her face.", "Catherine: There's bruising around the neck, relatively fresh. No other obvious wounds on the body. This girl's barely out of high school.", "Mike Keppler: Catnip.", "Catherine: Excuse me?", "Mike Keppler: The way they attract men at that age; it's like catnip.", "Catherine: That's a terrifying thought.", "Mike Keppler: You have kids?", "Catherine: A daughter, fifteen.", "Mike Keppler: You must be a hit on career day.", "Catherine: I try not to bring my work home with me.", "Mike Keppler: Yeah.", "Catherine: How about you?", "Mike Keppler: What?", "Catherine: Any kids?", "Mike Keppler: (shakes his head) No. Patchy discolorations on the skin. Looks like dehydration.", "(Catherine gets a tweezers from her kit and picks up a fiber off the body.)", "Catherine: White fibers.", "Mike Keppler: I'm guessing cotton.", "(Keppler notices the dried liquid on the body's arm.)", "Mike Keppler: Looks like she's been swabbed down with something that evaporated, maybe alcohol.", "(Quick flashback to: Someone swabs the victim's arm. End of flashback.", "Catherine: Unlike most men, this one knows how to clean up after himself.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BACK LOT -- DAY]", "(Officer and crime scene units are there at the scene to process the lot. Catherine stands nearby as David goes over the body. Warrick turns and notes Keppler taking dirt samples of the area.)", "Warrick: So how long is this fellow Keppler supposed to be with us?", "Catherine: Well, he was hired to staff the new day shift, but ... since we're one shy with Grissom away, Ecklie wanted us to break him in for a few weeks.", "(David Phillips examines the body's hand.)", "David Phillips: Got a broken fingernail.", "Warrick: Please tell me she got a piece of her attacker.", "(Warrick snaps photos of the victim's nails.)", "Catherine: If the nail had been torn off, the break would be smooth. It's jagged; she's a biter.", "(Just out of the taped area, news cameras are there reporting the death. The coroners set up the gurney near the body.)", "(In another area, Brass shows the deputy a photo and instructs her. They are near where Keppler is working. He overhears the conversation.)", "Brass: So flash this photo around the Alphabets. If she's a pro or a local, somebody will recognize her.", "Deputy: Sure.", "(The deputy leaves with the photo.)", "Mike Keppler: Alphabets?", "Brass: Yeah, it's a neighborhood. You know, A Street, B Street, D Street.", "Mike Keppler: Mm.", "Brass: A through F is pretty bad -- homeless, junkies, scumbags, the hookers we chase off the Strip. I mean, if you're down and out in Vegas, sooner or later, you're gonna end up here.", "Mike Keppler: Hear you got one of the fastest growing murder rates in the country.", "Brass: Yeah, we're very competitive. Is that a Philly accent I hear?", "Mike Keppler: Trenton, born and bred.", "Brass: My condolences. I'm from Newark.", "(They shake hands.)", "Mike Keppler: How you doing?", "Brass: How are you?", "Mike Keppler: Thought I heard something familiar.", "Brass: (loudly) But you got to love Vegas, isn't that right, Catherine?", "(Catherine joins them.)", "Catherine: My hometown.", "Brass: I mean, the pizza's terrible, but everything else is paradise.", "(Keppler stands up. Brass steps away. Catherine and Keppler head out.)", "Catherine: So I see you've got the soil and vegetation exemplars.", "(The officer holds the tape up for them.)", "Catherine: (to the officer) Thank you.", "Mike Keppler: Three distinct locations. Not that it's gonna make much difference. I get the feeling our guy's not the type to track away dirt on his shoes.", "Catherine: Probably not. Our best bet's the body. Which we're probably not gonna get much from, either.", "Mike Keppler: So is the pizza really that bad?", "Catherine: I like it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - KEPPLER'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(The door opens and Keppler enters his office. He flicks on the lights. He unbuttons his suit jacket and loosens his tie. He checks the messages on his desk. They are:", "MESSAGE 1:", "FOR: M. KEPPLER", "DATE: 1-18-07 11:00 AM", "FRANK", "PHONE: 609-910-3200", "MESSAGE 2:", "FOR: M. KEPPLER", "DATE: 1-18-07 12:10 PM", "FRANK", "PHONE: 609-910-3200", "VERY URGENT", "MESSAGE 3:", "FOR: M. KEPPLER", "DATE: 1-18-07 1:00 PM", "FRANK", "PHONE: 609-910-3200", "(Keppler looks at his messages.)", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Catherine washes the body. Keppler walks in.)", "Mike Keppler: No obvious traces of semen?", "Catherine: No.", "Mike Keppler: No visible skin under the fingernails, so she probably didn't fight back.", "Catherine: There were no defensive wounds on her forearms, no ligature marks on her wrists or ankles.", "Mike Keppler: Maybe he didn't want to mark her up. I mean, look at her. So young.", "(Quick flash of: The victim as she was alive.)", "Mike Keppler: (V.O.) Innocent. He wanted to take his time.", "(End of flash.)", "Mike Keppler: He drugged her. We should expand tox to include volatiles and sedative hypnotics. You got something?", "(Catherine examines the victim's hair.)", "Catherine: Highlights and lowlights. That's a hair process that isn't cheap. Nominal hair growth is roughly half-a-millimeter a day. (She measures the hair.) And based on the length of her roots, it's been about two months since she's had it done.", "Mike Keppler: Not the kind of girl who goes missing without a report.", "VARIOUS CUTS OF:", "(The victim's prints are scanned into the computer and run through the database.)", "(A camera snaps photos of the victim - the color of her eyes and an iguana tattoo on her ankle.)", "(Information is fed into the U.S. DIRECTORY OF MISSING ADULTS, IMPERILED MISSING ADULTS database:", "EYE COLOR: BLUE", "IDENTIFYING MARKS: IGUANA", "HAIR COLOR: BLONDE", "(The computer searches the database for a print match.)", "(A POSITIVE MATCH is found.)", "NAME: VERONICA SORENSEN", "RACE: CAUCASIAN", "AGE: 17", "EYE COLOR: BLUE", "HAIR COLOR: BLONDE", "HEIGHT: 5'4\"", "WEIGHT: 125 LBS", "IDENTIFYING MARKS: IGUANA TATTOO ON LEFT ANKLE", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Greg shares his findings with Catherine.)", "Greg: Your vic's name is Veronica Sorensen, age 17. Last reported in Victorville.", "Catherine: About two months ago?", "Greg: Yeah, yeah. She's a ...", "Catherine: Runaway?", "Greg: Yeah. Parents reported her missing. PD's already made the notifications. So, what's the verdict on this Keppler guy? What? You're usually pretty quick to size people up.", "Catherine: Jury's still out, but he knows what he's doing.", "(They stop just outside the breakroom to listen to the news report on the television set.)", "Reporter (on TV): In other news, local Las Vegas police officers are still trying to identify the body of a nude woman found late yesterday evening just off Highway 51 --", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM - DAY]", "(At the same time, Sofia watches as Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen watch the news report in the waiting room.)", "Reporter: (on tv) -- in an area commonly referred as 'Alphabet' Street. It's a well-known hangout for drug users and prostitutes. However, the police believe that this time --", "Sofia: I'm Detective Curtis. (Mr. Sorensen turns around.) I'm ... so sorry for your loss.", "(Mrs. Sorensen shakes her head.)", "Mrs. Sorensen: That girl on the TV, that is not my Veronica.", "Mr. Sorensen: They wouldn't call us if they weren't sure.", "Sofia: We were able to match her fingerprints.", "Mrs. Sorensen: Then you've made a mistake.", "Mr. Sorensen: The prints that we gave to the police, they were from a school safe kit. She was ten years old. They could've changed, right?", "Sofia: Fingerprints don't change. There was a tattoo on her right ankle -- an iguana.", "Mrs. Sorensen: (cries) Oh, no.", "Mr. Sorensen: We just want to take her home.", "Sofia: Of course. As soon as we've completed the autopsy.", "Mr. Sorensen: No. No, you're not gonna cut her open.", "Sofia: Sir, this is a homicide.", "Mr. Sorensen: We're not giving our permission.", "(The Sorensens hug. On the monitor, Mrs. Sorensen watches as they cover her daughter.)", "Sofia: I'm afraid you don't have a choice. But I promise you, we'll treat her with the utmost respect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins whistles as he examines the victim's teeth. The door opens and Sofia walks in.)", "Robbins: And what can I do for you?", "Sofia: Let me know when you release the body.", "Robbins: It's going to be a while. I haven't even opened her up yet.", "Sofia: Well, just let me know.", "(Robbins turns the camera on and snaps a photo. He whistles as he works.)", "Sofia: And stop whistling.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Quick flash to: Someone strangles the victim.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) COD was asphyxiation due to strangulation, but it wasn't quick. The overlapping patterns of fours and ones suggest multiple events.", "(End of flash.)", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(Robbins goes over his findings with Catherine and Keppler. On the layout table are the photos of the bruises on the victim.)", "Robbins: I imaged subcutaneous bruises under UV from several positions around the throat. Killer choked and released at least three times. That's consistent with sexual asphyxiation. SAE is about what you'd expect. Vaginal trauma, no semen, but traces of spermicide. Guy used a condom.", "Mike Keppler: What about tox?", "Robbins: Well, blood was positive for MDMA.", "Mike Keppler: Ecstasy. That's it?", "Robbins: Yep.", "Catherine: I can't believe that she was compliant. Thanks, Doc.", "Robbins: You got it.", "(Robbins leaves. Keppler looks at the photos.)", "Mike Keppler: You ever see a cat playing with a mouse? Point isn't to kill the mouse, just keep the game going.", "Catherine: I'm guessing you've got cats.", "Mike Keppler: No. I just like the metaphor.", "(They share a smile.)", "Mike Keppler: Same game every time. Cat goes home, leaves its kill on the doorstep.", "Catherine: Our guy's done this before. I'm with you there.", "Mike Keppler: What got our cat's attention this time? Around puberty, most guys fixate on a particular body type that turns them on. Tall, skinny, short, red hair. Whatever floats your boat. It's imprinted. Hard to let go of.", "Catherine: Okay. So we know what his type is and we know what he likes to do with them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[COMPUTER SCREEN]", "(In the UNSOLVED HOMICIDES DATABASE, under VICTIMS, a search is entered.", "AGE: 16-21", "RACE: CAUCASIAN", "s*x: FEMALE", "EYES: BLUE", "HAIR: BLONDE", "(The computer beeps. SEARCH RESULTS: 3 CASES FOUND.)", "JANE DOE # 99-3218", "JANE DOE # 89-5829", "JANE DOE # 75-218", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Keppler sit in front of the monitor.)", "Catherine: Okay, we've got three that fit the type. The cases were years apart. 1999, 1989 ... and 1975.", "(The case #'s are:", "CASE #: LVPD 99 10 17-3218 PB", "JANE DOE # 99-3218", "CASE #: LVPD 89 09 12-5829", "JANE DOE # 89-5829", "CASE #: LVPD 02 07 1975-218", "JANE DOE # 75-218 )", "Mike Keppler: Let's bring up their photographs.", "(Catherine puts the three victims' photos up on the monitor. They're all posed in the same position, their right hand up near their head, palm up.)", "Mike Keppler: Look at the similarity in the body positions. They look posed, almost as if they were ... waving good-bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- DAY]", "INSERT: SEQUENCE", "(Catherine, Sara, Nick and Keppler put the photos out on the table. They each open a file folder.)", "END SEQUENCE", "Sara: Jane Doe '99 was discovered naked in a stretch of dirt off Paradise behind the old Hotel Continental. Based on the photos, her hair was matted with dirt, which suggests that it was wet when she was dumped. It's likely that her body was washed.", "Catherine: That's consistent with the latest victim.", "Mike Keppler: Any traces of alcohol or cotton swabs?", "Sara: There's nothing indicated, but there's almost nothing in this file. Based on TOD, the body was found less than four hours after death. Yet other than a general canvass, not a single person was interviewed. The homicide detective's summary is less than a page.", "Nick: Sounds like shoddy police work.", "Mike Keppler: Sounds like no police work.", "Sara: After the autopsy, COD confirmed asphyxiation by strangulation. There was absolutely no follow-up whatsoever.", "Nick: Well, there was a follow-up in spades on Jane Doe '89. She was found in a vacant lot off 28th Street near Boulder Highway. Uh, stripped of her clothing. Like the others, several peri-mortem bruises, but check out this hair.", "Catherine: Yeah, it's crimped. I remember those days. There's no way that style survives a shower.", "Nick: Killer didn't wash that one down.", "Mike Keppler: Methods evolve. Practice makes perfect.", "Nick: Again, the cops didn't come up with a single suspect. There were detailed sketches of the crime scene, microscopy on errant hairs and fibers, even ran the vic's prints through WIN.", "Sara: '89 ... that database was barely on the Internet.", "Nick: The guy that worked on this case was very thorough. He just didn't close it.", "Catherine: Okay, Jane Doe '75.", "Mike Keppler: Well ... she was found in an alley off of Bridger near Fremont Street. Based on the level of decomp, she'd been lying there about two days before they found her. Only thing about this one is, she had her clothes on. Might have been his first.", "Nick: Or maybe the first one found.", "Mike Keppler: Isolated contusions on her neck, arms and shoulders. COD listed as heroin overdose.", "Nick: Junkies do bruise easily.", "Sara: And the \"waving good-bye\" hand position is a natural way to fall. It's possible that this one is a coincidence.", "Mike Keppler: It's not.", "Catherine: How do you know?", "Mike Keppler: Because I do. This guy pays attention to the details. Knows what he likes; he doesn't mix it up. Thing that gets me is the discipline, though. He's got a habit, but he seems to be able to control it. Only needs to kill once every ten years or so, and when he does, he's got a type.", "Nick: Pretty but not pricey.", "Mike Keppler: And not likely to be missed.", "Catherine: You're a CSI, not a profiler.", "Mike Keppler: What's the difference?", "Catherine: Evidence. I want leads and IDs. Follow up on what you've got.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY / WAITING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sara leads Detective Paul Browning to a free table.)", "Paul Browning: When I left this place, it was all grey walls and cinder blocks. Very fancy.", "Sara: What made you transfer to Henderson?", "Paul Browning: Cost of living, better commute. I socked away a few bucks, bought a nice place in Green Valley.", "Sara: Ah, I take it you're a shortcuts kind of guy.", "(They sit down.)", "Paul Browning: I guess you could say that. I like to get to the heart of things right away.", "Sara: Any reason that you didn't get to the heart of this?", "(Sara shows Paul Browning photos of Jane Doe '99.)", "Paul Browning: Whoa. October 17, 1999.", "Sara: You remember the date?", "Paul Browning: Yeah.", "Sara: Why is that?", "Paul Browning: Hey, I'm not sure I like your tone.", "Sara: Answer the question, Detective.", "Paul Browning: It's my son's birthday. Day I caught the case, my wife went into labor. It was rough. There were complications. Anyway, I was out for weeks taking care of her. Used up all my vacation time. When I got back, there were a half-dozen cases on my desk. My captain told me to let it go. Look. We canvassed the neighborhood. No name. She was homeless, hooking for drug money.", "Sara: You do not know that. You didn't even ask for tox.", "Paul Browning: We didn't need to do a test. We found her at Paradise and Flamingo. What else would she be doing there?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - COLD STORAGE]", "(The door opens. Sara and David walk in. David carries a clipboard and passes shelves and shelves of plastic containers with contents inside. He stops and picks one up.)", "David Phillips: Okay, here we are. Autopsy samples for Doe, Jane. 99-103.", "(The label reads:", "DOE, JANE", "CONTENTS: LIVER", "ID: 48120071", "DATE FILED: 10/17/1999", "Female: [X]", "Sara: Uh, most recent vic had traces of E in her system. If this one does, too, there might be a connection.", "David Phillips: To a drug dealer from ten years ago? That's kind of weak.", "Sara: Weak is the best that we have right now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges processes the contents in the container.)", "Sara: (V.O.) Hodges ran the formalin-fixed tissue sample from Jane Doe '99 through GCMS. There's no traces of Ecstasy, but he did find chloral hydrate.", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Sara and Catherine walk through the hallway as Sara reports her findings.)", "Sara: Chloral hydrate is a hypnotic sedative. There were no traces of anything like that found in Veronica Sorensen.", "Catherine: Which means if our guy still sedates his victims before sexually asphyxiating them, whatever he's using now isn't leaving a trace.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM -- DAY]", "(Keppler marks the victims locations on a map. Warrick walks in.)", "Warrick: Warrick Brown.", "(They shake hands.)", "Mike Keppler: Mike Keppler.", "Warrick: I know ... You trying to do a geographic profile of your serial?", "Mike Keppler: Yeah, most of these guys tend to operate out of one place. In theory, as the killer gets more and more comfortable with each act, the locations of the bodies should spiral outward from one central point.", "Warrick: I tell you one thing that your dumpsites do have in common.", "Mike Keppler: What's that?", "Warrick: When the bodies were found, the location that they were found in at the time had the highest crime rate in the city.", "(That's new to Keppler. He closes the file folder he's looking through and looks at the map.)", "Mike Keppler: Smart. The crime center sure seems to move around pretty quickly here, huh?", "Warrick: Well, in Vegas, new is old in five years, old is history in ten, and nothing ever seems to leave a mark.", "Mike Keppler: Sounds refreshing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CAR (PARKED) -- DAY]", "(Nick shows the case file to Jake Daniels. They sit in the car as Jake works on surveillance.)", "Nick: '89 Jane Doe, this was your case.", "Jake Daniels: One of the first homicides I ever worked. Damn, I had good handwriting. Excuse me.", "(Jake pauses and uses a camera to monitor the man walking the corridor.)", "Jake Daniels: Come on, come on, I know you got company.", "(As he watches, a woman steps out from the room wearing a dressing gown.", "Jake Daniels: Yeah, that's it. Oh, man.", "Nick: You processed a mountain of evidence but didn't turn up a single suspect.", "Jake Daniels: It's not my fault, man. I had the scumbag dead to rights.", "Nick: What are you talking about? There's nothing here to indicate that you ...", "(He shows the hair analysis report to Nick.)", "Jake Daniels: This is it. That's the killer's hair.", "Nick: You did note morphology consistent with the vic.", "Jake Daniels: Yeah, but the position-location was all wrong. I pulled that out of her navel, just that one hair. It was a sexual assault, It had to be from the killer. But I couldn't prove it, so... I didn't write it down.", "Nick: This hair had a tag. Did you run DNA?", "Jake Daniels: (chuckling) In '89? Man, we were just reading about DNA. The only lab in the country that was doing that stuff was the FBI, and my supervisor -- he wouldn't have called them in on a case like this.", "(He snaps a photo of the woman carrying a suitcase and running down the corridor. He snaps a photo of the man headed toward his car.)", "Jake Daniels: I used to bust my ass to keep a crime scene pristine, and then some uniform would wobble over, stuffing his face, drop a hamburger wrapper right at my feet. Who the hell needs that?", "(He snaps a photo of the woman in her dressing gown. He puts his camera down.)", "Jake Daniels: (wistfully) Man, if I had the tools you guys do today ... I finally would have been a real hero.", "(The man gets out of the car and kisses the woman. Nick nods toward the couple.)", "Nick: There's your money shot.", "(Jake puts his camera up to get the photo, but the man is already back in his car.)", "Jake Daniels: Damn it.", "Nick: Did you preserve the hair?", "Jake Daniels: Permount on a microscope slide with a cover slip. It should still be in Central Property.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WAREHOUSE STORAGE - DAY]", "(The lights switch on and we see long rows of large boxes stacked one on top the other. The floor looks damp.)", "Clerk: Are you sure it's really here? As I said when you called, we have no record.", "Nick: Sir, I spent half the day at Central Property going through their records. Now, according to the case logs, it was transferred to this court in late 1989 and never returned. So, it's got to be here somewhere, okay?", "Clerk: Okay.", "(The clerk finds the box on the bottom of a stack.)", "Clerk: So it is.", "Nick: Excuse me, bro.", "(Nick gets to the box and opens it. There are baby rats inside the box. The paper is shredded. This doesn't look good.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick has the box and is wearing a mask as he takes handfuls of shredded material and puts them in the glass tank with the vent on. The dust is sucked up the vent as he sifts through the shredded material looking for anything salvageable.)", "(Nick puts his mask aside and sifts through the material. He find an envelope and opens it. The glass slide inside is cracked.)", "Hodges: (o.s.) You rang?", "(Hodges walks into the lab.)", "Nick: Yeah, I think I need a hand here, Hodges.", "Hodges: Well, what is this?", "Nick: It's from an '89 Jane Doe. I'm looking for anything that will help us out.", "Hodges: Those look like rat droppings.", "Nick: That's because they are rat droppings, man.", "Hodges: Are you familiar with the hantavirus? Carried by rodents, transmitted to humans when they inhale vapors from contaminated urine, saliva or feces. That crap will kill you.", "Nick: (interrupts) Hodges ... glove up.", "(Hodges sticks his gloved hands in the mess.)", "Hodges: If I start leaking blood from my eyeballs, I'm blaming you.", "(Together, they sift through the shredded material. Nick picks up an old film negative and looks through it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM -- DAY]", "(Keppler is sitting in the breakroom, the various crime scene photos spread out on the table in front of him. He has the television set turned on softly for background sound.)", "(Robbins walks in carrying a file folder.)", "Robbins: Keppler?", "(Keppler stands up.)", "Robbins: Didn't they give you an office?", "Mike Keppler: I, uh ... I like the noise. It helps me to concentrate.", "Robbins: I prefer things quiet myself. Of course, I am a pathologist.", "(Keppler turns the television set off.)", "Robbins: I reviewed that Jane Doe autopsy from '75.", "Mike Keppler: That was fast.", "(Robbins and Keppler sit down.)", "Robbins: Well, I'm sure the original examination was, too. ME was a hack named Sam Barnard. He, uh, retired a little while after I started. Once saw him do a Y with a scalpel in one hand and a hot dog in the other.", "Mike Keppler: I take it he wasn't known for his, uh, rigorous analysis?", "Robbins: He was known for liking hot dogs.", "Mike Keppler: (chuckles) Well, that's just great.", "Robbins: You know, if you really want to figure out what killed your Jane Doe, there's pretty much only one thing we can do.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LV CITY CEMETERY -- DAY]", "(There is a small crowd having a service around the coffin just before burial. The grass is green; it's sunny and it looks like a typical cemetery.)", "(We pull back and on the other side of the trees, there is an empty lot. A large bulldozer starts digging as Brass, Catherine, Keppler and Robbins watch.)", "(The ground is marked only with a small plate of numbers on a wooden stick, which indicate which coffins are buried. They're grouped in threes.)", "(Camera moves over the row of number plates:", "DOE, JOHN / 56-381", "DOE, JANE / 52-492", "DOE, JOHN / 50-021", "DOE, JANE / 92-560", "DOE JOHN / 89-013", "DOE, JANE / 75-212", "DOE, JOHN / 95-134", "DOE, JOHN / 94-012", "DOE JOHN / 88-45", "DOE, JANE / 99-063", "DOE, JOHN / 92-213", "DOE, JOHN / 86-034", "DOE, JANE / 99-103", "DOE, JANE / 89-074", "DOE, JANE / ---", "(CUT TO: The group of three crates are lifted out of the hole. They're stacked one on top of the other and are labeled on the side of the crates with large black lettering:", "DOE, JANE", "(The bottom crate is old and the most damaged. It's labeled with a metal plate screwed into the sisdeboard. The metal plate is old and dirty. The technician cleans the plate and they see that it's:", "DOE, JANE", "(Catherine points and nods.)", "Catherine: That one's it.", "(Keppler watches.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Using a crowbar, David Phillips and another coroner pry the crate open. Inside is a set of bones. They pick the skeletal remains up and put them on the examining table.)", "(David hangs a tag around the remains' toe.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the remains with Catherine and Keppler. He points to the skull.)", "Robbins: See the sutured cut across the top of her head and the Y-incision?", "Catherine: No.", "Robbins: It's because they're not there.", "Catherine: So the original ME didn't even do an autopsy?", "Robbins: What can I say? He was a lazy b*st*rd.", "Mike Keppler: That's criminal malfeasance.", "Robbins: Well, if you want to tell him, I can dig him up, too.", "Mike Keppler: Ah, right. So what do you got?", "Robbins: Check out the hyoid bone.", "Mike Keppler: It's fractured.", "Robbins: Yeah, it doesn't take much force to do it, so it's possible there were no external marks. But our girl was strangled.", "Catherine: So she is one of ours.", "Mike Keppler: Gum line filling. Silver amalgam.", "Catherine: On the outside of the tooth?", "Mike Keppler: That's a cheap way to do it. Old school. Nowadays, most dentists use epoxy and other components to make it match the enamel. I worked a mass fatality fire in Philly. Learned a lot about teeth.", "Robbins: Well, Veronica Sorensen had a similar filling in her mouth.", "Catherine: Jane Doe '99 had traces of chloral hydrate in her system. I read that dentists used to use it to sedate pediatric patients.", "Mike Keppler: Looks like our guy might be a dentist.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[MONITOR]", "(A search is entered in the AMERICAN NATIONAL DENTAL COUNCIL database for CLARK COUNTY, NV. Keppler hits enter.)", "(He types in a SEARCH REQUEST:", "TYPE: DENTAL OFFICES", "KEY WORDS: DOING BUSINES SINCE 1975", "5 RESULTS FOUND", "ARCHOFF DENTISTRY GROUP", "8973 DUNELY DRIVE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89109", "LINDALES VALLEY DENTAL", "6783 SORIANO ROAD", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89109", "VEGAS CITY DENTAL GROUP", "2030 GELSON STREET", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89110", "COLEBERT DENTAL CENTER", "9786 CHARLOTTE STREET", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89110", "BEACHOFF DENTAL OFFICE", "248 BOLSTON ROAD", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 )", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LV CITY CEMETERY - DAY]", "CU: NAME PLATE", "DOE, JANE", "(Another old coffin is raised from the ground. The technician wipes the metal plate to reveal:", "DOE, JANE", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY TO FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(A coroner pushes a crate through the hallway. A CLOSE-UP of the lettering on the side of the box shows:", "DOE, JANE", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(CU: A toe tag on skeletal remains.)", "(CU: Dental work.)", "(Robbins turns from looking at the teeth of one remains to the teeth of another remains.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Mike Keppler is back at the computer looking at the map of the city area with emphasis on the five dental groups in the area and the locations the victims' bodies were found.)", "(He places a spiral on ARCHOFF DENTISTRY GROUP and widens the spiral. It doesn't work. Some victims are outside the spiral.)", "(He moves the spiral to the LINDALES VALLEY DENTAL and widens the spiral. It doesn't work.)", "(He moves the spiral to the COLEBERT DENTAL CENTER. He widens the spiral and notes that all the victims fall inside the area.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. COLEBERT DENTAL CENTER - RECEPTION - DAY]", "(Catherine and Mike Keppler talk with the office manager. Catherine shows her a photo of the victim.)", "Catherine: Her name is Veronica Sorensen, and we believe that she might have been a patient here.", "Office Manager: Oh, yes ... that poor girl. I saw her on the news. It's terrible.", "(She barely looks at the photo and hands it back to Catherine.)", "Catherine: Yes. These girls, do you recognize any of them?", "(Catherine hands the folder with the other victims' photos to the office mnager. The office manager looks away. She doesn't look through the photos.)", "Office Manager: Are those girls dead?", "Mike Keppler: We need you to look carefully at those, ma'am.", "(She sighs and looks at the photos.)", "Office Manager: I'm sorry. I don't recognize them.", "Catherine: Well, we're going to have to see your patient files from 1975 to", "Office Manager: Oh, well, I'm sorry. Inactive files aren't kept past seven years. We just don't have the space.", "Mike Keppler: Can you tell us who worked on Veronica Sorensen?", "Office Manager: I'll have to check. (She goes to the file cabinet.) We have several dentists on staff. Even a few dental students who volunteer. There we are. (She looks at the file folder.) She saw Dr. Dave. That's Dr. David Lowry. Everyone around here calls him Dr. Dave.", "Catherine: How long has Dr. Dave been working here?", "Office Manager: Oh, as long as I have. And I'm going on my thirty-second year.", "Mike Keppler: Could you ask him to step out, please? We'd like to speak with him.", "Office Manager: It's 1:15. He's at the Quality Cafe, around the corner on Fremont. Second booth on the left facing the counter. The man is nothing if not predictable.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. QUALITY CAFÉ - DAY]", "(Catherine and Mike Keppler enter the cafe and head for the booth where David Lowry is sitting.)", "Catherine: Dr. David Lowry?", "David Lowry: Everybody calls me Dr. Dave.", "Catherine: I'm Catherine Willows. This is Michael Keppler. We're from the Crime Lab.", "David Lowry: Please, join me.", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(Catherine and Keppler sit down.)", "Mike Keppler: Dr. Lowry, we'd like to ask you about one of your patients ... Veronica Sorensen. Is this your work?", "(Keppler shows Lowry photos of the victim and her dental work.)", "David Lowry: That was a very sad business. She was a lovely, young girl. (sighs) She had a gum-line cavity. Now, normally, I would have used enamel resin to match the teeth, but this was on the inside of her mouth, so I used amalgam to fill it because it was less expensive, and she was worried about the cost, and ... her bill was never paid.", "Mike Keppler: Are these your work as well?", "(He shows Lowry the other victims and their dental work.)", "David Lowry: I have no idea -- I was ... I was seeing a lot of patients over the years. Do you know their names? I mean, that might ring a bell.", "Catherine: No, we don't know who they are. Do you ever use chloral hydrate?", "David Lowry: No one uses chloral hydrate anymore. It's too dangerous.", "(Keppler watches Lowry.)", "David Lowry: I just feel so awful.", "Mike Keppler: Why is that?", "David Lowry: I brightened her smile. Perhaps that's what attracted her predator. (He looks at them.) Oh, well ... you'll forgive, but if you don't have any more questions, I really should get back to my office.", "(He gets up.)", "David Lowry: (to Catherine) Whoever did your mouth ... he does lovely work.", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(Lowry heads out.)", "Woman: (o.s.) See you tomorrow, Dr. Dave.", "(Catherine and Keppler watch him leave.)", "Mike Keppler: I don't know, kind of reminds me of my Uncle Ralph.", "Catherine: Except for the serial killer part, I hope.", "Mike Keppler: Haven't seen him in a while. Who knows?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick looks over the damaged film negatives. He scans it into the computer. The images appear on the monitor. He works on the negatives of the victims. He finds a photo of some bruising on the victim. He clears the image and sees it's a set of teeth marks.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Nick shares his findings with Catherine and Keppler.)", "Nick: In the original photograph, it would've looked like a severe bruise. But there's a lot of information in the negative. You know, back in the day, they didn't have the capability to see this stuff.", "Mike Keppler: Pretty distinct impressions of the six upper teeth.", "Nick: Yeah. And here, there's a small gap between the two front teeth. Did Dr. Dave have a space between his teeth?", "Catherine: I don't remember.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COLEBERT DENTAL CENTER - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Keppler head for the back dental offices. The office manager tries to stop them. Catherine is holding a warrant.)", "Office Manager: But you can't go in there, because he's with a patient.", "Mike Keppler: Excuse me.", "(Keppler motions to the officer, who stops the office manager from following them.)", "Officer: (b.g.) Ma'am. I'm sorry, but you'll have to stay here.", "(Catherine knocks on the door to the room. Dr. Lowry is working on a patient.)", "Catherine: Dr. Lowry, would you please come with us?", "David Lowry: Eugenia has been seeing me for, um, how many years, my dear?", "Eugenia: (grunts)", "David Lowry: I think it's much longer than that. I'd like to finish Eugenia up before the Novocain wears off.", "Catherine: We've got a court order to collect a bite impression from you.", "David Lowry: Is this about these young girls?", "Mike Keppler: I think you know what this is about, Dr. Lowry. You're gonna need to come down to the Crime Lab with us.", "David Lowry: Bite impression. Couldn't we just do that here? It'll save us all a lot of time and trouble, unless of course, embarrassing me in front of my patient is your real intent.", "(Dr. Lowry looks at Eugenia, who looks at them. Mike shrugs to Catherine.)", "Catherine: Fine.", "David Lowry: Okay. Eugenia?", "(Eugenia grunts.)", "David Lowry: I'm going to have you wait in Exam Four, and I'll be in there in just a short while.", "(Eugenia grunts again.)", "(He helps her up and out of the chair.)", "David Lowry: No, come on, let's go. Let's see, just ... And you know the upper right teeth we worked on? Well, they're looking fine.", "(He leads her out of the exam room. Keppler closes the door.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Catherine is mixing the mold mixture. Lowry watches her work with disapproval.)", "David Lowry: (to Keppler) That's too much water. It will never set.", "Mike Keppler: We've got time.", "David Lowry: Young lady, please, please, please, let me do this. I have much more practice.", "Catherine: Be my guest.", "(He takes the container from her and mixes it himself.)", "David Lowry: You know ... I don't believe courts accept bite mark evidence much anymore. No, they'd much rather have DNA from saliva around a wound.", "Catherine: I've gotten convictions from bite marks.", "David Lowry: Not many, I suspect. Do you know that our teeth continuously migrate through our entire life? (chuckles) Yes. Dental forensics is definitely an inexact science.", "(He slathers the mixture on the holder and puts it in his own mouth. He shows it to Keppler, then settles to wait.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(The two teeth molds are made. Keppler compares it to the impression on the victim.)", "Mike Keppler: We could probably match four out of six.", "Catherine: That's not enough for a conviction.", "Mike Keppler: Has to be. It's all we've got.", "(Catherine looks at the killer's teeth impression.)", "Catherine: The killer's left front incisor is misaligned. Dr. Dave's smile is perfect.", "Mike Keppler: Would you go to a dentist with bad teeth?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY OUTSIDE INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass, Keppler and Catherine walk through the hallway on their way to the interview room.)", "Brass: So we're all on the same page, right? About giving the man to these girls.", "Catherine: Yes.", "Brass: So, Mike, the viewing room is down the end of the hall.", "Catherine: Wait, why don't you go in and I'll watch.", "Mike Keppler: What makes you think he's gonna talk to me?", "Catherine: Because I have a pretty good feeling he's not gonna talk to me.", "(Catherine gives the file folder to Keppler. She enters the observation room to watch.)", "Mike Keppler: All right.", "(Brass and Keppler enter the interview room.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass and Keppler talk with David Lowry.)", "Mike Keppler: Dr. Lowry, I'd like to show you a bite impression that we're using as evidence in the Sorensen case.", "(Lowry looks at the bite impression.)", "David Lowry: There are similarities. But I don't think it's conclusive.", "Mike Keppler: Yes. The left front incisor doesn't match, and there's a sizable gap between the two front teeth. But then we found these.", "(Keppler opens a file folder and takes out another bite impression.)", "Brass: We subpoenaed your personal records. You go to a good dentist.", "Mike Keppler: In late 1989, you had a cosmetic surgery to repair a sizable gap between your two front teeth.", "David Lowry: Diastema. It's called diastema.", "Mike Keppler: We used the X-rays taken before the procedure to modify your dental model so that it matched the configuration of your teeth in 1989. This is the new overlay.", "(He shows the comparison to Lowry. It's a match.)", "David Lowry: Very impressive. You make a good case.", "Mike Keppler: Wasn't easy, Dr. Lowry. You cover your tracks well.", "David Lowry: Dr. Dave, please, call me Dr. Dave.", "(Keppler shows Lowry the victim photos.)", "Mike Keppler: Jane Doe in 1975, Jane Doe in 1989, and Jane Doe, 1999. Three girls without identities.", "Brass: You were the last person to see them alive. You know their names. Tell us.", "Mike Keppler: You have two daughters, don't you, Dr. Lowry?", "David Lowry: This is the most cryptic conversation I've had since dental school.", "Brass: All right, let me clear it up for you. The last time you moved as a free man was when you walked into this room. When you leave here, you're gonna be charged with murder. So do yourself a favor and give us the identity of these three girls, and you might spare yourself the death penalty.", "David Lowry: At my age, I'll die before that happens.", "Brass: So what do you have to lose?", "David Lowry: I don't want to degrade the sweetness of my memories. My memories are all I have left.", "Mike Keppler: I can't imagine that you didn't feel something for these girls at some point. We're just asking you to help us return them to their families.", "David Lowry: What benefit would I get from doing this?", "Mike Keppler: You might sleep better at night.", "David Lowry: I sleep fine, thank you very much. I've always considered that a key to my good health.", "Mike Keppler: So none of this bothers you?", "David Lowry: My life has been blessed. I was married to a kind woman. Just lost her a few years ago. We raised two children. One of them is an oral surgeon, the other one is a homemaker.", "Mike Keppler: And you don't care how this might affect them?", "David Lowry: They'll be horrified, of course. They're not monsters.", "Brass: Well, I'm sure the judge will take that into consideration.", "David Lowry: You're not listening. I don't feel bad about what I've done. I feel disappointed that I've been caught, but I tend to take the long view of things. I've had a wonderful life, and I know that all things human eventually must end.", "(Keppler looks at Catherine and shakes his head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "CUE SONG: \"Sweet Jane\"", "[EXT. LV CITY CEMETERY - DAY]", "(The three crates are lowered into the grave. City workers shovel dirt back on the boxes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. - DAY]", "(Keppler sits at the table and dials.)", "Recorded Voice: (from phone) You have no new messages.", "(Keppler sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SCHOOL - DAY]", "(Lindsey heads off to school. She looks back at Catherine sitting in the car and waves to her. She runs over to join a group of friends.)", "(Catherine sits in her car and adjusts the rear view mirror to watch Lindsey.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BUS STATION - NIGHT]", "(FAST FORWARD: Just like the teaser, people walk to and from the bus station.)", "(SLOW ON: A young woman arrives and looks out at the city.)", "(Hold on the young woman.)", "SMASH TO BLACK." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Sweet Jane
[ "Keppler persuades Catherine to help him fake a crime scene and deceive their colleagues in a controversial plan to catch the west coast's biggest illegal drug supplier, who is the leading suspect in the murder of an anti-drug assemblyman who was gunned down in the desert. Keppler concocts the plan when the suspect disappears and his trail grows cold after several weeks. Meanwhile, Sara and Greg investigate a heroin addict found dead in her apartment due to blunt force trauma." ]
[ "FLASH IN:", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Radio: (V.O.) Welcome back to the voice of Las Vegas, KWMS Radio.", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS DESERT ROAD - NIGHT]", "(A lone car drives along the road.)", "Radio: (V.O.) The city remains in mourning, as we try to make sense of the murder of Assemblyman Danilo Zamesca.", "(At the end of the road is another parked car. Danilo Zamesca parks his car and engages the brakes. He looks over at the driver in the next car.)", "(Zamesca gets out of his car.)", "Radio: (V.O.) After his only son was gunned down by a drug dealer, Zamesca dedicated his life to public service.", "(Zamesca heads over toward the other parked car. The other car door opens and a man gets out.)", "Radio: (V.O.) He set his sights on the drug traffickers and the drug suppliers.", "(The man is holding a extra-large drink and a folded photo. He hands the photo to Zamesca.)", "Radio: (V.O.) He believed you get drugs off the streets by putting the suppliers out of business.", "(Zamesca takes the photo, looks at it, and rips it to shreds while saying a few choice words to the man.)", "Radio: (V.O.) That was his mission.", "(He tosses the ripped photo to the wind. A piece of the photo falls to the ground.)", "(CLOSE-UP: It shows Zamesca doing lines with a woman with a Scorpion sign tattooed on her inner left arm.)", "Radio: (V.O.) His murder's rocked headlines, --", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT ROAD -- DAY TIME (PRESENT)]", "(A corner ruler is positioned next to the photo.)", "Radio: (V.O.) -- uniting Democrats and Republicans alike, all of us asking the same question:", "(Nick snaps a couple of photos of the picture.)", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Zamesca turns away from the man and heads back to his car. The man tosses his extra large drink to the ground.)", "Radio: (V.O.) What happened out there?", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Nick snaps several photos of the drink cup.)", "Radio: (V.O.) Peg from Sunrise Manor, you're on.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(The man takes out a gun, points it at Zamesca's back and fires.)", "Peg: (V.O.) Danilo Zamesca spoke truth to power and got killed for it.", "(The empty shell casing falls to the ground.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Nick snaps photos of the empty shell casing with a ruler on the ground.)", "Peg: (V.O.) I don't think there's anybody out there who has the courage to stand up and take his place.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Zamesca manages to open the car door and get inside. Before he can start the engine, the gunman fires twice. Blood spatters on the passenger window.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Nick takes more photos of the body slumped over on his side in the car. Photos of drugs in a plastic bag on the passenger seat are taken.)", "Radio: (V.O.) Roger from MacDonald Ranch.", "(Nick picks up the plastic bag. He turns and looks over at Brass.)", "Roger: (V.O.) If this guy was pure as the driven snow, what's he doing out in the middle of nowhere with drugs in his car? Give me a break. He was dirty, just like the rest of them.", "(Nick continues to process the evidence in the car.)", "Radio: (V.O.) Okay, Roger, thank you for calling.", "(Brass makes a call on his radio.)", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(The gunman runs to the car, leaving shoeprints in the dirt.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Nick snaps several photos of shoeprints in the dirt and some foam.)", "(Catherine picks up a piece of foam and looks at it.)", "Nick: Looks like some sort of foam.", "Catherine: Found it next to the tire impression.", "(Nick stands up and heads back to the car. Catherine prepares and makes a shoeprint cast.)", "CU: BULLET", "(The bottom of the bullet is for a PMC 9MM LUGER.)", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB]", "(Bobby scans the bottom of the bullet into the computer and runs it through the database.)", "(He finds a match.)", "[INT. CSI -- PRINT LAB]", "(Nick dusts for prints on drink cup cover. He finds a print on the straw.)", "(CUT TO: He runs it through the database and finds a POSITIVE MATCH to:", "NAME: THOMAS SIMON", "DOB: JULY 21, 1972", "AGE: 34 HEIGHT: 5'8\"", "WEIGHT: 147 LBS. EYES: BLUE", "RACE: CAUCASIAN s*x: MALE", "HAIR: BROWN", "LAST KNOWN ACCRESSESS:", "431 DADSCELL CT.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 69117", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Brass walks with Undersheriff Jeff McKeen.)", "Brass: So CSI got a fingerprint off the drinking straw we found at the scene.", "Jeff McKeen: Guys like Thomas Simon never get their hands dirty.", "Brass: No. It was a very clean print. And Ballistics matched some shell casings that we found at Simon's McMansion on that raid last year.", "Jeff McKeen: Did you find the gun?", "Brass: No. So Zamesca was trying to put Simon out of business, and it cost him his life.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. STRIP CLUB - NIGHT]", "(Girls dance on stage, music blaring. The club is sparsely filled. Several officers enter the club, looking for someone. Brass walks in and looks at Officer Mitchell, who shakes his head and indicates that the person they're looking for isn't there.)", "(Brass turns and heads for the bartender. He shows him his badge.)", "Brass: Hey. I have a warrant for Thomas Simon. Is he here?", "Bartender: He's the owner, man. But even I haven't seen him in, like, three weeks. Sorry.", "[INT. RESTAURANT - DAY]", "(Undersheriff Jeff McKeen meets with Brass, Catherine and Keppler over breakfast.)", "Jeff Mckeen: The biggest drug supplier on the West Coast kills a public official, and we can't find him. I'm just the undersheriff. I have one job: make the sheriff look smart. You're not helping.", "Brass: We busted our hump trying to find this guy.", "Catherine: Science can only do so much with a cold trail.", "Jeff McKeen: You ever seen a man's face change into that kind of a demon?", "Keppler: My eggs are runny. I couldn't have been more specific with the waitress. (to Brass) You gonna eat those?", "Brass: Oh, you want my pancakes? Yeah, sure, knock yourself out. Here.", "(Keppler switches plates with Brass.)", "Keppler: Thank you.", "Jeff McKeen: I don't hear a solution.", "Keppler: We could try something I did in Philly. It's, um, a little unorthodox.", "Jeff McKeen: I only want to know if it works.", "Keppler: Philly, yes. Baltimore, no.", "Catherine: Is that why you're in Vegas?", "(Keppler smiles a little.)", "Jeff McKeen: Fifty-fifty. I can live with those odds.", "Brass: So, are you waiting for a drum roll?", "Keppler: It's called \"reverse forensics.\"", "Catherine: Oh. We fake a crime scene.", "Keppler: Basically.", "Jeff McKeen: How do we get around entrapment?", "Keppler: Well, it's not entrapment if you're not enticing anyone to commit a crime. The goal is to make Simon think he's off the hook.", "Brass: So what's the catch?", "(Catherine gets it and doesn't like it.)", "Keppler: Whole thing's a catch. The hardest part is stopping leaks. You've got to be willing to deceive the people you work with.", "Catherine: Assuming they can be deceived, which they can't.", "Jeff McKeen: Not your call.", "(Catherine definitely doesn't like it.)", "Brass: You know, I can think of nine, no, ten ways that this could screw up.", "Keppler: At least.", "Jeff McKeen: So don't screw it up.", "Keppler: The first thing we need is a victim, somebody we own. You need a fall guy to play the role of \"killer,\" somebody who's jake with having his mug shot everywhere. In Baltimore, we used a snitch. So you're going to have to bring the DA into this.", "Jeff McKeen: (scoffs) The DA?", "(He shakes his head.)", "Jeff McKeen: That bitch won't like it. (to Keppler) Thanks for breakfast.", "(McKeen stands up and leaves.)", "Keppler: You ever notice how it's the, uh, guys with all the money that never pay?", "Brass: Sure, that's how they keep all the money. (Brass offers his portion.) Here, let me get it.", "Keppler: No, I got it. New guy.", "Brass: Thank you.", "Keppler: You know, Catherine, if we do our job right and catch the bad guy, nobody's going to remember the rest.", "Catherine: I'll remember.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Warrick walks in carrying a file box, a couple of evidence envelopes and wearing a suit. He walks into the evidence room and finds Keppler there leafing through the filing cabinet.)", "Warrick: Hey, Mike.", "Keppler: Hey. Do you guys, uh, organize your files by case number?", "(Warrick signs in a clipboard.)", "Warrick: In a perfect world. We hired this, uh, knucklehead named Mahoney. He had this dyslexic filing system.", "Keppler: So what do you think? Does the dyslexic atheist not believe in dog?", "(Keppler pulls out the file for DANILO ZAMESCA.)", "Warrick: What?", "(Warrick looks up and sees the file folder a second before Keppler pulls it out of the cabinet. Keppler turns and looks at Warrick.)", "Warrick: Oh ... I get it.", "(Keppler closes the file cabinet.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM]", "(Nick shuts his locker and tucks his gun in his holster. He heads out.)", "(Catherine finds him.)", "Catherine: Hey. I need you on a 411 tonight.", "(She gives him the assignment paper.)", "Nick: Stolen motor vehicles? You got to be kidding me.", "Catherine: PD recovered twenty stolen motorcycles. They're at the Dupont Towing Lot.", "Nick: Can't you slide it to days?", "(Warrick walks by.)", "Warrick: Hey, guys.", "Catherine: Take Warrick with you. It'll go faster.", "(Catherine leaves.)", "Nick: (amused) Okay.", "Warrick: What'll go faster?", "(Nick gives Warrick the assignment sheet.)", "Nick: Giddyup.", "(Nick turns and heads down the hallway. Warrick looks at the assignment sheet and follows him out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ALLEYWAY - NIGHT]", "(A stray cat meows and runs across the alleyway. Rat is selling drugs to a kid. He takes the kid's money and gives him a pack of drugs. The kid turns and runs.)", "(Brass walks up to Rat.)", "Brass: What's happening, Rat? (They wave to each other.) Boy, you got to love junkies, huh? What stamina, what willpower. I mean, even the rain doesn't keep them away.", "Edward \"Rat\" Dennison: It doesn't keep the cops away either, I guess, huh?", "Brass: You nervous, Rat? Relax, relax, I'm just here to talk. Listen, you like game shows? Because I got a deal; listen to this. First place is a life-changing experience. You get a whole new life.", "Edward \"Rat\" Dennison: What's second place?", "Brass: There is no second place, Rat. Either way, you don't get to work the alley anymore.", "Edward \"Rat\" Dennison: Screw you.", "Brass: Screw me? No, no. Screw you.", "(Brass reaches into Rat's shirt pocket and pulls out a packet of drugs.)", "Brass: Look, take my deal. Otherwise, you're in possession of a controlled substance, and with your record, that's a mandatory sentence.", "Edward \"Rat\" Dennison: Okay. If you want information, just ask me. Just that I'm ...", "Brass: All right, let's walk, walk with me.", "(Brass and Rat walk along the alleyway.)", "Brass: It's a little complicated. You own a gun?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB --]", "(Hodges is on the phone.)", "Hodges: (to phone) That's K-E-P-P-L-E-R, Michael Keppler.", "(Just out in the hallway, we see Sara walk past, a box tucked under her arm.)", "Hodges: (to phone) Yeah, check it out. Okay, I got to go.", "(He hangs up the phone.)", "(Sara stops and watches Keppler put up sheeting over the glass windows to block out prying eyes. She watches for a moment, then stops Catherine on her way in.)", "Sara: What's going on?", "Catherine: Um, nothing I can talk about. Keep me posted on the 419. Greg's going to meet you at the scene.", "Sara: Okay.", "(Catherine enters the lab and closes the door.)", "(Hodges slides up next to Sara.)", "Hodges: (in confidence) Ten to one, it's Internal Affairs. Got a vibe off Keppler the minute he blew in. Always with a suit. If you got any dirty laundry, I hope you used bleach.", "(Sara hugs the box to her and heads out to the -", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(The locker room is empty. Sara walks in and opens her locker. She looks as if she's going to put the box in the locker, then she has second thoughts. She looks at the label and sits down on the bench. The label reads:", "(TO)", "SARA SIDLE", "3057 WESTFALL AVE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89156", "(FROM)", "GRISSOM", "WALDEN POND RESEARCH CENTER", "CONCORD, MA 01742-4511", "(She cuts the tape and opens the box. She lifts up the packing paper and finds a branch with a cocoon. She smiles. How Grissom.)", "(She picks up the branch and looks at it. She digs further into the box and finds the box empty. That is the only thing in the box. She shakes her head. How Grissom.)", "(She puts the packing paper back in the box, looks at the branch and sighs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LVPD IMPOUND LOT 17 - NIGHT]", "(Warrick and Nick are outside the impound gate. They press the buzzer. The lot attendant opens the gate.)", "Lot Attendant: What?", "Nick: I'm CSI Stokes, this is Brown.", "Lot Attendant: Where's your paperwork?", "Nick: We're from the Crime Lab, dude.", "Lot Attendant: I still need paperwork.", "Warrick: We're here to process those stolen motorcycles, man.", "Lot Attendant: I need authorization, fellas, in writing.", "(And with that, the lot attendant closes the gate. He leaves Nick and Warrick outside the lot.)", "Nick: Wh-What if, what if I promise to come back and give it to you later?", "Warrick: Okay, cut us some slack here, man. You think we really feel like being down here?", "(The gates clang shut.)", "Warrick: How do you want to handle this?", "Nick: You want to shoot our way in?", "Warrick: I'd love to bust a cap in his knee.", "(Nick chuckles.)", "Nick: Sir, don't make us call your supervisor. Now, come on. (bangs on door) Come on!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. APARTMENT -- NIGHT]", "(David Phillips picks up a maggot off the maggot-infested face of the dead body in the motel room.)", "David Phillips: (exhales) We got third Instar maggots.", "(Sara snaps photos around the apartment.)", "David Phillips: With this smell, she's been dead at least 48 hours.", "(Sara looks at the contents on the table - drug paraphernalia and pizza boxes.)", "Sara: Toys are all here. Needle, syringe, tubing, candle, spoon.", "(Sofia walks into the room. Sara picks up what looks like a black drop wrapped in plastic.)", "Sara: It looks like heroin.", "Sofia: Manager said he found her like this when he came by for a visit. Said they were friends, but he was a little unclear of her name. Monique something or other.", "Sara: Maybe she was, uh, working off the rent.", "David Phillips: No ID on the body.", "Sofia: I'll take a look around for it.", "(Sofia steps out of the room. David pushes the victim's sleeve up and finds a scorpion tattoo on her inner forearm.)", "David Phillips: Needle marks are sclerotic. Chronic user. Probable OD.", "(Sara snaps more photos off screen.)", "(Sofia looks around the kitchen. There are dirty dishes and stacks of pizza boxes.", "(Sara snaps photos of the needle marks on the victim's arm.)", "(camera shutter clicking)", "Sara: Scorpio. Ruled by Pluto. Although since it's not a planet anymore ... I'm not sure how that works.", "David Phillips: (serious) Maybe it's a \"dwarf\" sign. Like Pluto is, you know, a \"dwarf\" planet now.", "(David nods. Sara smiles.)", "(Sofia check's the victim's cell phone.)", "Sofia: Car keys. Cell phone.", "(The list of CONTACTS reads:", "FARCROFT, ETHEL 702-555-0169", "FAUREAU, MITCHELL 702-555-0143", "FINKELMAN, CONRAD 702-555-0123", "LIGHTOWER, ROBERT 702-555-0106", "WELLSLEY, GETRUDE 702-555-0139", "Sofia: No \"Mom\" or \"Dad\" listed. There's a lot of food for a junkie.", "Sara: Maybe she had a roommate.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(Catherine looks over the crime scene photos with Keppler.)", "Catherine: Zamesca was shot three times with a nine millimeter. We've got two sets of shoe impressions. Two sets of tire impressions. A plastic \"Jumbo Cola\" cup. Drugs were found in Zamesca's car, in plain view, but his tox was negative.", "Keppler: Drugs were planted.", "Catherine: Crime scene was a remote location.", "Keppler: That's in our favor.", "Catherine: Car was a bloody mess.", "Keppler: Our \"victim\" was kind enough to donate a pint of his blood.", "(Keppler has a bag of blood from \"EZEKIEL HOLSTEIN.\")", "Catherine: Did Mr. Holstein also donate his brain matter and bone fragments?", "Keppler: Brass recruited him from Narco, undercover cop. Opted to keep his brains intact.", "Catherine: Well, without actually shooting the guy, this scene is going to be slightly less than perfect, but it's just you and me out there.", "Keppler: No, can't be. We're going to need a third person processing the scene to make it look kosher -- someone who's not in on it.", "Catherine: Well, if we use one of my guys, they're going to figure it out.", "(He offers her the spray bottle filled with blood.)", "Keppler: Keep them away from the car.", "(She takes it.)", "Catherine: I'm not used to faking it.", "Keppler: When's the last time you had to?", "(Keppler smiles.)", "(Catherine climbs into the front seat of the car and sprays the blood on the passenger window.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. CAR -- DAY]", "(Greg pops open the glove compartment and snaps a photo of its contents. He reaches in and checks the registration. It's registered to:", "CARTER, MONIQUE", "155 NORTH COURT", "HENDERSON NV 89176", "VALIDATED: 06/13/06", "EXPIRES: 06/13/07 )", "(Sofia walks down the steps. She's looking through her notes.)", "Greg: Registration's expired. Want to bet she's not insured?", "(He shows the registration to Sofia.)", "Sofia: Monique Carter, 155 North Court, Henderson.", "Greg: Oh, that's a good neighborhood. Well, this used to be a nice car. Maybe she traded in her old lifestyle to ride the \"H\" train.", "SOFIA; Now the manager wants it out of here. So, I'll have it towed.", "(Greg nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(David Phillips is washing the maggots off the face of the victim.)", "(Robbins walks in, puts his glasses on and examines an injury on the victim's skull.)", "David Phillips: It looks like an impact from a weapon.", "Robbins: Very good observation, David. Shave the area. Call Sara. We may be looking at a homicide.", "(David takes photos of the injury.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Henry processes the drugs. He puts a sample into the machine.)", "(Quick CGI flash of: The sample is heated and processed and analyzed into a colored graphical output on the monitor. End of flash.)", "(Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: Hey, Henry.", "Henry Andrews: Hey. It's heroin mixed with cocaine and methamphetamine, which are the same drug components you found in Zamesca's car.", "Catherine: Really?", "Henry Andrews: Should I call Sara? It's her case.", "Catherine: Henry, I need you to step out and get a cup of coffee.", "Henry Andrews: Well, I can't leave my evidence out.", "Catherine: This is not a request.", "Henry Andrews: Oh ... okay.", "(Henry leaves the lab. Catherine takes a plastic bag and cuts off a piece of the drug. She puts it in the bag and pockets it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB -- DAY]", "(Keppler test-fires a gun.)", "Keppler: Firing one.", "(He fires. Hodges, who is standing in the next lab over, enters Ballistics and heads toward Keppler. Keppler removes the cartridge from the gun.)", "(He goes to retrieve the bullet.)", "Keppler: Is there a problem?", "Hodges: FYI, Bobby Dawson is a bit of a control freak. Doesn't like anyone in here unsupervised. So he got one accidental discharge on his record. I'm sure he doesn't want another one. Unless ... of course, this is an IA investigation, and, uh, Bobby is his subject.", "(Keppler puts the bullet in a container.)", "Hodges: Interesting that Grissom, champion of the little guys, is on sabbatical.", "Keppler: Interesting, especially if he planned it that way.", "(Keppler leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT -- DAY]", "(Edwin \"Rat\" Dennison sips from his Jumbo Cola cup.)", "(Camera slides down to his white tennis shoes ... then on to the shoeprints in the dirt.)", "(We follow the shoeprints to the car. The driver's door is open and there's a man slumped over in the front seat, bleeding from a gunshot wound to the head.)", "INSERT: CAMERA FLASHES", "(Catherine snaps photos of the body in the car. The body talks.)", "Ezekiel Holstein: This is my own blood, right? 'Cause it's starting to drip in my mouth.", "Catherine: It's all yours. You can get out now, Detective, and ...", "Ezekiel Holstein: I know, don't touch anything.", "Catherine: You got it. Oh, and there's some fresh clothes in the back of the vehicle.", "Ezekiel Holstein: Got any brandy?", "Catherine: Sorry, man.", "(Ezekiel Holstein gets out of the car. Catherine snaps another photo. Keppler walks up to her.)", "Catherine: So, Mike, you said reverse forensics didn't work in Baltimore. How come?", "(Keppler uses his elbow and shuts the driver's door. He uses a shock plug and punches a hole in the driver's window to make it look like a bullet went through it.)", "Keppler: Smart cops.", "Catherine: (doesn't look up) You steal cars before you became a CSI?", "(She puts some blood on the bullet.)", "Keppler: Stealing cars gets old fast. I like more of a challenge.", "Catherine: Note to self.", "(Catherine puts the bullet in the car.)", "Keppler: Okay, you can drop that cup now.", "(Dennison stands by another car.)", "Edward \"Rat\" Dennison: Yeah, I'm not done yet.", "(Ezekiel Holstein walks toward them.)", "Ezekiel Holstein: He said drop it.", "Edward \"Rat\" Dennison: About my new identity, um, I don't want to go to Denver. I think I'd rather go someplace where I'd fit in ... like Maui.", "(Keppler glances back at Catherine. She steps away from the car.)", "Ezekiel Holstein: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I want a threesome with Beyonce and Scarlett Johansson. Drop the cup and get your rat ass in the car.", "Edward \"Rat\" Dennison: I drop the cup.", "(He drops the cup. The cup hits the ground, the cap pops off and spills on the dirt.)", "(Keppler sees something. He removes his glasses and thinks about it.)", "INSERT: REVERSE FOOTAGE", "(REWIND: The cup undrops and ends up in the killer's hand.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Keppler: (mutters to himself) Casual.", "(Catherine turns to look at Keppler.)", "Catherine: Excuse me?", "Keppler: Simon. His soda. He wasn't expecting trouble.", "(Quick flash to: [NIGHT] Danilo Zamesca stands in front of his car facing the killer. Keppler imagines himself facing Zamesca.)", "Keppler: (V.O.) Get out of my car ... walk over to Zamesca.", "(Keppler walks toward Zamesca.)", "Keppler: (V.O.) Didn't come here to kill him ... came to talk.", "(He shows Zamesca the photo.)", "Keppler: (V.O.) Hand him the photo.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Keppler: Then something doesn't go as planned.", "(Quick flash to: Zamesca rips the photo into pieces and tosses it to the air. He turns and heads back to his own car.)", "Keppler: (V.O.) I drop the drink ...", "(Keppler drops the drink.)", "Keppler: (V.O.) -- grab my gun.", "(FLASH TO: Keppler changes to Thomas Simon. Thomas Simon grabs his gun and points it at Zamesca.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Keppler: Murder was Plan B.", "Catherine: Plan A was the photograph. Anti-drug crusader doing lines. Career buster.", "Keppler: Looks like he underestimated Zamesca.", "Catherine: He was a hard man to kill. Simon panicked. Which explains why he left evidence behind this time.", "Keppler: And why he had to disappear. And why we have to do this.", "(Catherine drops the drugs in the car.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Catherine puts up crime scene tape around the area. Keppler watches a car arrive.)", "Keppler: I'm going to call it in.", "(Keppler takes his phone out. The car stops just outside the tape and Brass steps out. He holds up his radio.)", "Dispatcher: (from phone) 911, is this an emergency?", "Keppler: (to phone) Yes, someone's been shot. I'm a quarter mile west of Mountain's Edge and Durango. There's a man bleeding from the head in his car. Looks like a gunshot wound, but I didn't see a gun. He's dead for sure.", "Dispatcher: (from phone) Sir, may I have your name?", "(Keppler shuts the phone off and removes the card.)", "(The call comes over Brass's radio.)", "Control: (from radio) 419, possible 420, quarter mile west of Mountain's Edge and Durango. Possible man down, gunshot wound to the head. 2-0cean-2, 2-0cean- 34, please respond.", "Keppler: Show time.", "Brass: (to radio) Control, this is 2-Zero-3, Charlie-Captain-Brass. I am with Charlie-Zero-4-Willows and Charlie-Zero-9-Keppler. We're around the corner. Our ETA is five minutes. We'll be responding also.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins shares his findings with Sara.)", "Robbins: COD was blunt force trauma to the right temporal region.", "(A phone rings.)", "Robbins: Wound's inconsistent with a fall. (Sara glances at the phone.) You fall into something, say a coffee table, wound's always deeper on one end.", "(The phone continues ringing.)", "Robbins: Depth here is uniform. (shouts) Would someone please answer that phone? (Someone o.s. picks up the phone.) (to Sara) I'm sorry. Tox confirms high level of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine in her system. I opened up her arm under a fresh needle mark, drew out one milliliter of dark liquid.", "(Sara opens the cut and sees the black goo in the arm.)", "Robbins: The drugs were puddled. Means they didn't circulate in her bloodstream. Injection was postmortem.", "Sara: Dead girls don't shoot up.", "(Robbins nods. David Phillips peers into the room.)", "Phillips: (to Robbins) Sorry. Catherine needs to speak to you. Says it's urgent.", "Robbins: Right.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. DESERT - DAY]", "(Catherine is on the phone with Robbins.)", "Robbins: I'm in the middle of an autopsy, Catherine.", "Catherine: Sorry. I'm at a 420. Similar MO to Zamesca. (approaching sirens wail in the distance.) Press is all over us. I need permission to get the body out of here ASAP.", "Robbins: That's fine. Just photograph and diagram it before transporting.", "Catherine: Of course. Now, which mortuary's on call?", "Robbins: Kentworth. You have that number?", "Catherine: I'll take care of it. Thanks, Doc.", "(She hangs up just as the police cars arrive at the scene.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LVPD IMPOUND LOT 17 - DAY]", "(Nick and Warrick are working on the bikes.)", "Nick: This is so lame. How much do you want to bet half the prints come back to the cops who recovered these bikes. They never wear gloves.", "(Warrick's phone rings; he answers it.)", "Warrick: (to phone) Brown. Hey, Cath. We'll see you there. Well, in that case ... I'll see you there.", "Nick: Boy, she has got it in for me today.", "Warrick: Well, giddyup.", "(Nick laughs.)", "(Warrick picks up his kit and leaves Nick to work on the bikes - alone.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT HIGHWAY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. DESERT ROAD -- DAY]", "(A small crowd of press has gathered just outside the crime scene tape. Warrick arrives and heads for the scene.)", "Warrick: CSI coming through.", "(The officers lift the tape for him and he continues.)", "Warrick: Thank you.", "(Warrick shakes Brass's hand. Brass is on the phone. Warrick arrives at the scene. Catherine and Keppler are already processing the car.)", "(Warrick notices the missing body.)", "Warrick: Where's the body?", "Catherine: Called the morticians to get it out of here. Gunshot victim.", "Warrick: Got ID?", "Keppler: Ezekiel Holstein. Local. Brass is running him now.", "(Warrick looks around the area.)", "Warrick: Hey, Cath, didn't you find Zamesca near here?", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Warrick: Got the \"Jumbo\" cup. Shoe and tire impressions. Shot in his car. Think Simon's coming out of hiding?", "Keppler: Or it's a copycat.", "Warrick: Want me to take the backseat?", "Catherine: No, um, take the perimeter, get started on a diagram.", "Warrick: Okay, sarge. Not my first barbecue.", "Catherine: Thanks, Warrick.", "(Warrick turns and heads out.)", "(The reporters' voices rise and we hear them shouting questions to Undersheriff Jeff McKeen.)", "Reporter: Undersheriff McKeen, is this related to the Zamesca murder?", "Jeff McKeen: We're in the process of conducting an investigation, so I don't have all the facts. But there does appear to be some similarities to Assemblyman Zamesca's murder.", "Reporter: Right. Right, but his body was found near here --", "Jeff McKeen: Uh, I have no further comments at this time.", "(Jeff McKeen heads for Brass as he notes the CSIs working on the car.)", "Brass: (to phone) Ezekiel Holstein. Date of birth: 07-14-72. Do a records check. Oh, and, uh, contact Narco. May be drug-related.", "Jeff McKeen: I really feel good about this.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sofia talks with the apartment manager.)", "Apartment Manager: Monique's dead body means I got to get the carpet cleaned. You said the scene was clear; I called the cleaning service.", "Sofia: It's a good way to cover your tracks.", "Apartment Manager: Like I said, she'd been shacked up with some guy.", "Sofia: Can you describe him?", "Apartment Manager: (sighs) Average-looking, white dude. I only saw him from a distance. He was driving her car. Look, she was a nice, smart lady. She helped me get out of a jam with my insurance company. I know she liked the \"candy,\" but she did not deserve to go out that way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Greg shares his findings with Sara.)", "Greg: I ran Monique Carter's phone records. Someone made a dozen calls from her cell yesterday.", "Sara: She was dead yesterday.", "Greg: Yeah, and we recovered her phone from her apartment, so someone was yakking while she was lying dead on the floor dead.", "Sara: Let's run those numbers.", "(They walk past Nick. We stick with Nick and follow him back through the hallway in the opposite direction. He's looking through a file folder.)", "(Nick glances up as he passes by the lab and he notices the JUMBO cup out on the counter. Hodges catches Nick.)", "Hodges: Hey, how's the king of property crimes? My socks keep disappearing in the dryer. You want to tackle that one?", "Nick: What are you doing with the cup from my Zamesca scene?", "Hodges: That's not your cup. It's from Catherine and Warrick's 420.", "Nick: They found the same kind of cup at their scene?", "Hodges: Same everything. Watch the news lately?", "(Nick doesn't like it. He turns and leaves the lab.)", "Hodges: (calls out) Hey, what about my socks? They're not gonna find themselves.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB -- DAY]", "(Keppler slips into the Ballistics Lab and heads for the counter. He glances around, then looks through the stack of file folders.)", "(Bobby Dawson returns to the lab.)", "Bobby Dawson: Uh, excuse me. Uh, what are you doing?", "(Keppler shakes Bobby's hand.)", "Keppler: Hi, Mike Keppler. Sorry, didn't get a chance to introduce myself before I, uh, invaded your lab.", "Bobby Dawson: Uh, well, can I help you with something?", "Keppler: Yeah, I'm looking for the ballistics on Holstein.", "Bobby Dawson: Uh, yeah, just about to run them.", "Keppler: Great. Mind if I sit in?", "(Bobby sits down at the counter and runs the ballistics. Keppler stands behind Bobby, then leans in close to watch the search over Bobby's shoulder.)", "(The search stops: NO MATCH.)", "Bobby Dawson: Bullet that killed Holstein was a nine-mill, same caliber as Zamesca, but no match. Killer could have used a different gun.", "Keppler: Thanks, Bobby. See you later.", "(Keppler leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Nick walks in as Robbins is sewing up the body.)", "Nick: Hey, Doc.", "Robbins: Hey, Nick.", "Nick: Want you to catch me up with Catherine and Warrick.", "Robbins: I haven't seen them.", "Nick: Where's the body from their 420?", "Robbins: Uh, it hasn't come in yet. It was a mortuary pickup.", "Nick: Who's this?", "Robbins: It's Monique Carter. Heroin addict, got whacked on the head.", "(Nick notices the Scorpio sign tattoo on the inner forearm.)", "(Quick flash to: [PHOTO] The photo of Zamesca with the girl with the same tattoo on her inner forearm. End of flash.)", "Nick: She involved with Catherine's 420?", "Robbins: If she was, nobody told me.", "Nick: Will you send me a photo of this tattoo? And when the body comes in at the mortuary, will you give me a call?", "Robbins: I'll get right on it.", "(Nick leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Sara dusts the steering wheel of Monique's car. Greg is working on the passenger side.)", "Sara: Seat's been pushed all the way back.", "Greg: Manager said he saw a guy driving.", "(Greg finds an envelope under the chair. It's addressed to:", "MS. MONIQUE CARTER", "32 POINT VIEW LANE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89102", "(He opens and reads the letter. From what we see, the letter reads: On behalf of the Board of - writing you to inform you of your -- attempts to have you resolve the unpaid -- informed 4 months ago, you would be dropped - ineligible status if payment was not made. - outstanding amount of $8,342.00 is paid. --", "Greg: She was a lawyer. Suspended for failure to pay her Bar Association dues.", "Sara: Lose all that to drugs, you gotta be in a lot of pain.", "Greg: Or you think you're too smart to get addicted.", "(Nick walks in.)", "Nick: You guys seen Catherine around? She's not answering her cell phone.", "Sara: Mm-mm.", "Nick: Anything from your scene link back to Zamesca?", "Sara: No. Why?", "Nick: Because I think your DB's the unidentified woman in the photo I found.", "Sara: Really?", "(Nick nods. He looks down and notices the foam in the cut in the front seat upholstery. Nick kneels.)", "Nick: And, excuse me, we found this same type of material at the Zamesca scene. If we can match it back to this car ... you could place the car at the scene. And Simon behind the wheel.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine meets with Keppler and Warrick.)", "Catherine: Got a partial print off the straw from the soda cup. AFIS hit Edwin Dennison, aka \"Rat.\"", "(She hands the photo to Warrick.)", "(Quick flash to: Dennison sips from the straw.)", "Warrick: Small-time drug dealer with a big-time rap sheet.", "Keppler: Well, I'll get Brass to bring him in, huh? Nice work.", "(Warrick hands Keppler the file folder. Keppler gets up and heads out of the room. Nick walks in.)", "Nick: I just connected Sara's vic to Simon.", "(Keppler stops. Nick turns around and motions Keppler back into the room.)", "Nick: Yeah, you might want to hear this.", "Keppler: What's the connection?", "Nick: Well, I think, that Simon was driving her BMW to meet Zamesca.", "Catherine: Nick, we got a print from the Holstein case. Street dealer. We're bringing him in now. And he looks dirty for Zamesca, too.", "(Catherine gets up and walks past Nick. Warrick notes the brush-off. Nick turns and looks at Warrick. Something's going on.)", "(Catherine walks down the hall with Keppler.)", "Catherine: Excuse me. I grew up in this town. I know about playing the odds. You are gambling with my team.", "Keppler: We talked about the risk going in. It's not like we can quit now.", "Catherine: I'm not quitting. But I don't like it. And I hate lying to my guys.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(The officers bring Edwin \"Rat\" Dennison in through the hallway in handcuffs. The press are there snapping photos.)", "(Brass follows Dennison.)", "Reporter: Mr. Dennison, could we have a comment? REPORTER: Is this relating to the ...", "(They walk out of the hallway. Undersheriff Jeff McKeen enters the waiting room where the reporters are gathered.)", "Jeff McKeen: Good afternoon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(In the breakroom, Nick is eating and watching the press conference on the television.)", "Jeff McKeen: (from tv) The Las Vegas Police Department has successfully apprehended a suspect, one Edwin Dennison, who's confessed of multiple homicides, including that of Assemblyman Danilo Zamesca.", "(The caption on the set reads:", "UNDERSHERIFF MCKEEN PRESS CONFERENCE", "ASSEMBLYMAN ZAMESCA'S MURDERER ARRESTED )", "(Nick definitely doesn't like this.)", "Jeff McKeen: (from tv) Mr. Dennison admitted to luring Mr. Zamesca to a remote location, while seeking his help to escape the drug trade. When Mr. Zamesca encouraged him to surrender to police, Mr. Dennison shot him. He later shot Mr. Holstein during a dispute over a drug deal.", "(Nick is more than pissed. He throws the remainder of his sandwich away and heads out of the breakroom.)", "Jeff McKeen: (from tv) I'd like to say how very proud I am of the swift and efficient work done that my department has done in tracking down and apprehending this dangerous criminal ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Keppler enters the Ballistics Lab and finds Warrick working on the bullet.)", "Keppler: You know that Dawson guy gets kind of uptight when people touch his stuff.", "Warrick: Well, the Holstein scene bullet was fired from the same gun that you found in Rat's car.", "(Quick flash to: Keppler fires the bullet in the Ballistics Lab.)", "(Cut to: Catherine tosses the bullet into the front seat of the car.)", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Keppler: Done deal.", "Warrick: I'm not so sure. If this bullet went through the window and a guy's head ... it would have pieces of glass and bits of bone in it.", "(Quick CGI flash of: A gun fires. The bullet breaks through the glass and goes through the person's brain. It comes out the other side and falls onto the front seat of the car - a mess.)", "(End of CGI flash.)", "Warrick: This hollow point's clean. There's no sand-blasted effect.", "Keppler: Hmm. The DNA sample yet, might have been cleaned already.", "Warrick: There's still blood on it.", "Keppler: I see your point. Maybe autopsy will show something.", "(Keppler turns and leaves the lab. Warrick notes he doesn't appear concerned at all.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE LOCKER -- NIGHT]", "(Nick is looking for the evidence in the Holstein case. Catherine walks past and stops in the room.)", "Catherine: Hey, Nick.", "Nick: I can't find the evidence in the Holstein case.", "Catherine: What do you want it for?", "Nick: Because that guy who confessed to killing Zamesca didn't do it. Sheriff's jumping the gun.", "Catherine: We have evidence and a confession. You can't just come in here and take over my case.", "Nick: Is there a reason you don't want me to see that file, Catherine?", "Catherine: Nick, as your supervisor, I'm ordering you to back off.", "(Catherine turns and leaves. Nick definitely doesn't like it at all.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDEWALK -- NIGHT]", "(Greg opens the door for Sara. They exit the building.)", "Sara: (to Greg) Thanks.", "(They join Nick and Warrick, who are already waiting outside.)", "Sara: Uh, it's freezing. Why are we having a meeting outside?", "Nick: 'Cause Catherine and Keppler are in there.", "Greg: What, have you guys been listening to Hodges?", "Nick: No, and this isn't about Keppler being IA anyway. This is about Catherine having a false confession and standing by it.", "Warrick: You'd better be able to back that one up, man.", "Nick: Zamesca knew Sara's and Greg's vic. He's dead, she's dead, same drugs are found at both scenes, and then ... those same drugs showed up at your crime scene?", "Warrick: Could have come from the same supplier.", "Greg: We see that all the time. I don't think it's a coincidence.", "Sara: (hesitates, voice lowers) You know, Catherine ... (glances behind her) ... Catherine ordered Henry to step out of his lab without putting drug evidence away.", "Greg: Why would she do that?", "Warrick: I did see Keppler checking out Zamesca's file yesterday. I didn't think anything strange about it then, but now ...", "(Sara again looks around.)", "Sara: Okay, so ... maybe there is an IA investigation.", "(Nick doesn't want to say it.)", "Nick: I can't find the Holstein evidence.", "Sara: What?", "(Nick nods.)", "Warrick: Catherine put it in a temporary locker.", "Nick: Yeah. Why didn't she put it where it belongs?", "Warrick: The Holstein bullet was a little bit too clean, and Keppler didn't seem at all concerned about it. He said that we would see at autopsy.", "Nick: Well, it's kind of hard to have an autopsy when you don't have a body, man. I talked to Doc Robbins; he's still trying to track it down. And the mortuary has no record of Catherine's phone call whatsoever.", "Sara: Do we have access to any of the Holstein evidence?", "Warrick: We got the car.", "(Warrick remembers something.)", "Warrick: Catherine sent it to the impound.", "Greg: Well, at least we know where it is.", "Nick: All right, that's it. We're a team now, the four of us. We can't trust Catherine and we can't trust Keppler. I'm serious. I'm gonna run with this one.", "Warrick: (nods) I'll run with you.", "(Nick slaps Warrick's shoulder. He knew he could count on him.)", "Warrick: (to Sara) You?", "(Sara looks at Nick as she weighs it. Then --", "Sara: I'm in.", "(They turn and look at Greg.)", "(Greg nods.)", "(Nick nods. It's settled. He heads inside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LVPD IMPOUND LOT 17 -- NIGHT]", "(A tow truck exits the open gate. Nick walks in. The lot attendant turns and sees Nick. He tries to stop him.)", "Lot Attendant: Hey. Hey, you!", "Nick: Try to stop me and I'll have you put in jail.", "(The lot attendant backs off. Nick heads over to the car. He cuts the seal open.)", "(Nick opens the car door and checks the blood spatter on the seats, on the door and on the inside car window.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Sara is in Grissom 's office. The box delivered to him from 7X11, \"Leaving Las Vegas,\" is still on his desk. Sara slides some magazines on his desk closer to her and toward the top drawer. She opens the desk drawer, reaches under the small animal skull and pulls out a key. In one smooth movement, she tucks the key under the magazines and things, closes the desk drawer and heads out.)", "(We linger on the large unopened box on Grissom's desk.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LVPD IMPOUND LOT 17 -- NIGHT]", "(Nick is on the phone.)", "Warrick: (from phone) Brown.", "Nick: (to phone) Hey, Warrick, it's Nick. When is the last time you found high-velocity exit spatter with no brain and no bone?", "Warrick: (from phone) Never.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE (TEMPORARY) LOCKER -- NIGHT]", "(Sara knocks on the door and walks in.)", "Nick: Got the evidence yet?", "Warrick: (to phone) You know what? Sara's here. And she has the key. Got to go.", "(Sara shows Warrick the key. She's still hesitant about all of this.)", "Sara: You know. I really hate deceiving people because, eventually, you get what you give.", "Warrick: I hate being deceived.", "(Sara unlocks the door and she opens it. Inside are two boxes marked HOLSTEIN.)", "Warrick: Yes.", "(Warrick grabs the first box and heads back to the table.)", "Warrick: All right.", "(Sara reaches for the second box.)", "Warrick: Anything I collected, we ignore.", "(Warrick cuts the seal.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Nick is in Trace processing his own samples. He runs several samples through the machines.)", "(Hodges returns.)", "Hodges: You running your own samples? Smart, considering that you're the odds-on favorite in the IA pool.", "Nick: There's a pool now?", "Hodges: Oh, yeah.", "Nick: Who's number two?", "Hodges: That would be me.", "Nick: Number three?", "Hodges: Grissom.", "(The machine beeps. Hodges reaches for the printout, but Nick stops him. Hodges backs off. He tries to look at it, but Nick folds it in half. Nick leaves the lab.)", "(When Nick leaves, Hodges presses REPRINT on the printer. The printer reprints the results.)", "OPERATOR: HODGES", "ACQUIRED: 01/25/07 14:39", "INSTRUMENT: GC/MS Ins", "(The results for whatever Nick was processing show ETHYLENEDIAMINE TETRA-ACETIC ACID \"EDTA\".)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick places the driver's window glass on the table. He examines it and finds something. Nick walks in.)", "Nick: How's it going in here?", "Warrick: This glass wasn't shot out. Take a look at that.", "(Warrick steps aside to let Nick look through the magnifying glass.)", "Nick: Spark plug?", "Warrick: The only mark a spark plug makes is a nick at the center. Now, who would know about that?", "Nick: Crooks. And cops. And, hey, get this. The blood found in Holstein's car had high levels of EDTA. Anti-coagulant.", "Warrick: Means the blood didn't come from his head; it came from his arm.", "Nick: That means this crime scene was staged.", "Warrick: Well, if Keppler is IA, Catherine can't tell us anything if she wanted to.", "Nick: Yeah, if this is all IA BS, then why would they play it out in the press?", "Warrick: Maybe Brass can help us out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick enters the hallway. He sees Brass exit his office. Warrick starts toward Brass and starts to call out to him, but stops.)", "(Keppler steps out of Brass's office and they talk.)", "(Warrick watches them for a moment. They appear to be on the same page and very friendly.)", "(Brass and Keppler both turn and look at Warrick.)", "(Warrick backs away and leaves without speaking to Brass. Brass walks over to the group of officers in the hallway.)", "Brass: Let's roll.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. STRIP CLUB -- NIGHT]", "(Thomas Simon is back and is talking with someone. Brass and some officers walk into the strip club.)", "Officer Mitchell: (to radio) I got a 20 on Simon, right here.", "(Thomas Simon looks up.)", "Brass: (loudly) Thomas Simon, you're under arrest! You two -- step over there.", "(The girl and the man Thomas Simon was with leave. The overhead music stops.)", "Thomas Simon: Is there a problem, Detective?", "Brass: A problem? We're charging you with the murder of Danilo Zamesca.", "Thomas Simon: You already got a guy for that murder. I saw it on the news.", "Brass: Well, it's good to meet an informed citizen.", "(Officer Mitchell finds a gun.)", "Officer Mitchell: Nine-millimeter.", "Brass: Get him out of here.", "(Officer Mitchell pulls a handcuffed Thomas Simon out with him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Keppler and Jeff McKeen stand outside in the hallway. Inside the interview room, Catherine and Brass talk with Thomas Simon and the lawyers.)", "Woman: Even your own district attorney said she wasn't aware.", "Man: There's no way you'll get a jury to believe this evidence wasn't fabricated.", "Woman: We're done here.", "(She stands up and heads out. She slows and looks at Jeff McKeen as she passes him.)", "(The team of attorneys leaves. Brass steps out into the hallway and sighs.)", "Jeff McKeen: All right. Which one of you screwed this up?", "Brass: I'm looking at him. You dropped the ball, man. You never cleared this operation with the DA, and now, she says she can't tell fact from fiction. She's not going to file charges against Simon.", "Jeff McKeen: She's a tight-ass. I told her what I thought she needed to know.", "Brass: Did you hear what I said? Now, what are you going to tell the sheriff?", "(Jeff McKeen turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Keppler talk with Nick, Warrick, Greg and Sara.)", "Keppler: It's called reverse forensics.", "Greg: Reverse forensics?", "Catherine: Simon had to believe it when he saw it on the news.", "Keppler: He was a fugitive. The only way to get him to show his face was to make him think he was off the hook.", "Warrick: And your only option was to fabricate evidence and make me process it?", "Greg: How could you think that we wouldn't figure it out? It's kind of what we do.", "Catherine: I understand how you all feel. I am sorry. I did not have a choice.", "Nick: We trust you with our lives, Catherine. You could have trusted us with this.", "Catherine: Sara?", "Sara: If I have something to say to you, Catherine, I'm gonna say it in private. No offense.", "Catherine: Okay, look. We can still get Simon. He only walked on Zamesca. He drove Monique Carter's vehicle out into the desert. Nick's established that. Did he kill her, too?", "(Nick looks away and shakes his head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(Greg shares his findings with Catherine.)", "Greg: Three calls were made from Monique's cell phone to Simon's strip club after she died.", "Catherine: There's another half a dozen calls to Hugh Griffin, Bud Small, Frank Townsend. All known associates.", "Greg: He was using her phone to do business, thinking it was safe.", "(Quick flash to: [APARTMENT] Thomas Simon is on the cell phone as Monique's dead body is on the floor.)", "Greg: (V.O.) Oh, yeah, the last call was made to his wife's cell.", "END OF FLASH. CUT TO:", "[INT. MONIQUE'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT]", "(The door opens. Nick and Sara)", "Nick: What hasn't been cleaned?", "(Nick looks around and heads for the kitchen.)", "Sara: Furniture.", "Nick: If Simon was hiding out here for a couple of weeks, he had to eat, sleep and use the bathroom. So, what did the cleaners miss?", "(Sara takes out the crime scene photos and compares it to the room.)", "Sara: There used to be a pillow here. Maybe ... he slept on the couch. I'm going to pull some hair 'cause you never know.", "Nick: We'd have to get a court order to compel a DNA sample from Simon. That takes time. Brass can only stall this guy's release for a couple hours, you know.", "(Sara does a tape lift and finds a lot of hairs.)", "Sara: Yeah, it's going to take days to sort through these.", "(Nick sighs and looks under the sofa cushions. He finds a bedsheet. He lifts the cushion and finds the handle. He smiles at Sara.)", "Nick: Sara.", "Sara: It's a pullout.", "(Sara dusts the handle for prints as Nick watches.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB]", "(Nick is running the print through the database. He finds a POSITIVE MATCH for:", "THOMAS SIMON", "DOB: JULY 21, 1972", "AGE: 34 HEIGH: 5'8\"", "WEIGHT: 147 LBS EYES: BLUE", "RACE: CAUCASIAN s*x: MALE", "HAIR: BROWN", "LAST KNOWN ADDRESS:", "431 DADSCELL CT.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89117", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB]", "(Keppler takes Simon's gun out of the box as Warrick watches. He removes the cartridge and finds blood and hair stuck to the bottom.)", "(He shows it to Warrick.)", "(Quick flashback to: Monique fights with Thomas Simon.", "Monique Carter: (screams) Give me something. You better give me something!", "(He hits her on the head with his gun. She falls to the floor.)", "INSERT: PHOTO OF MONIQUE'S POST-MORTEM SHAVED IMPACT INJURY", "(Simon injects Monique's arm with the drug.)", "END OF FLASHBACK. CUT TO:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(Officer Mitchell escorts Thomas Simon down the hallway. Brass steps out right in front of them.)", "Radio Host: (V.O.) Welcome back to the voice of Las Vegas, KWMS radio. Today, Thomas Simon, alleged drug kingpin, was charged with the slaying of former attorney Monique Carter.", "(Officer Mitchell pulls Thomas Simon off to the side hallway as Brass watches.)", "Radio Host: (V.O.) Ms. Carter and Assemblyman Zamesca were classmates in law school, and police are continuing to investigate the link between the two crimes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. RESTAURANT -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Keppler talk.)", "Keppler: So I dig up a ghost. I know he has a son who was killed by drug dealers, she's being killed by drugs. He's got a savior complex, so I use her to lure him out into the desert. It's why I drive her car. So he'll recognize it, feel safe.", "Catherine: You are aware that you talk about the killer in the first person?", "Keppler: That's the point, isn't it? Clouds my judgment to identify with the victims. Our job is to catch killers. (sighs) Guess it helps me to think like one.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick and Nick step out from the locker room into the hallway. Warrick is carrying his bag while Nick is putting his jacket on.)", "Warrick: You want to, uh, get a drink or something?", "(Nick starts down the hallway.)", "Nick: Nah. No, I'm, I'm tired. I'm going home.", "Warrick: Nick. Nick!", "(Nick stops and turns to look at Warrick.)", "Warrick: (quietly) Let it go, man.", "(Nick doesn't say anything. He turns and leaves.)", "(We hold on Warrick. After a beat, Warrick turns and leaves as well.)", "Radio Host: (V.O.) Tonight we're talking about anti-drug legislation sponsored by the late Assemblyman Danilo Zamesca. It was passed into law today by the Nevada State Legislature. Tony from Seven Hills, you're on the air." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "Nick and Keppler investigate the possible selling of body parts on the Black Market after they find a charred body of an ex-con in a welding shack with several body parts removed. The rest of the team investigates the death of a millionaire's wife, beaten to death with a champagne bottle in her home. Suspicion falls on the husband, who claims he found her after returning home early from a business trip." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. ROAD -- NIGHT]", "(The road is busy, crowded with cars. Sirens wail in the distance. Keppler walks toward the scene with his kit.)", "(He nods to Sofia and ducks under the tape the officer holds up for him. He meets up with Nick. Together, they head toward the burned house.)", "Nick: The vic is Ross Neddy. Ex-con. Spent a couple years in Jean for domestic assault. Just got paroled.", "(They look at the dead body.)", "Nick: Shop foreman says he's only been working here a few days.", "Keppler: Out of the frying pan into the fire.", "Nick: He is a crispy critter. I'd say the point of origin was him.", "(Keppler kneels.)", "Keppler: He should have stayed in prison.", "Nick: Mmm-hmm.", "(Keppler sees the burned gasoline can next to the body.)", "Keppler: Sloppy shop. This whole place is a fire hazard.", "(David walks up to Nick.)", "David Phillips: Okay if I move him out?", "Nick: Yeah, he's all yours, Super Dave.", "(Inside the room, Greg sweeps the floor with a hand-held device. It beeps.)", "Greg: There was a lot of gasoline over here. (Keppler joins Greg.) Which explains this V-pattern.", "(Greg indicates the burn on the wall.)", "Greg: Accelerant, a second point of origin. Most likely arson.", "(Nick snaps a photo.)", "Nick: Ex-con.", "(Quick flash to: Someone douses the place with gasoline and lights a torch.)", "Nick: (V.O.) Enemies on the outside ... two points of origin ... maybe we're looking at a little payback.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "(Nick turns to Keppler.)", "Nick: What do you think, Keppler?", "Keppler: I think I'd better head back to the body.", "(Keppler steps past Nick and heads out. Nick calls out after him.)", "Nick: Hey ... you know what Grissom would say here, don't you?", "David Phillips: Something ironic, I'm sure.", "(David and the coroner pass by with the body. Nick nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Keppler and David Phillips roll the body on the table onto its side. Keppler looks at the back and cuts the shirt down the middle. He peels the material apart and finds the body's back is stapled together down the middle.)", "Keppler: Looks like somebody took a staple gun to him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[CU: X-RAY]", "(X-ray images of the bones in the body's legs appear on the monitor as Dr. Robbins and Keppler look at the images on screen. They reach the thighs and they know they're not looking at bones.)", "Robbins: Those aren't bones.", "(Keppler leans forward and looks at the monitor.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Robbins removes the stables in the body's back. He reaches in and pulls out a pipe.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Robbins opens the back of the body's upper right thigh while Keppler opens the back of the body's upper left thigh. Robbins removes another pipe.)", "(Keppler removes an umbrella. The umbrella pops open.)", "(oops.)", "(Keppler moves the umbrella aside and finds Robbins spattered with blood. Robbins looks drolly back at Keppler as he wipes the blood from his scrubs top.)", "Keppler: That's bad luck, isn't it?", "SMASH TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Robbins goes over his findings with Keppler, Nick and Greg.)", "Robbins: ABC piping is sometimes used to replace bones that have been donated for transplants.", "Keppler: So that the body looks right at open casket?", "Robbins: Right.", "Greg: They use umbrellas and broomsticks for that, too?", "Robbins: Not that I've seen.", "(Greg looks at the bottom of the umbrella and notices a distinct logo.)", "Keppler: Wait a minute, they killed the guy and torched him; there's no open casket. What's the point of stuffing the body?", "(Nick has his hands in the body.)", "Nick: Looks like the long bones are gone ... ditto for the spine ... tendons and cartilage ... most major veins ... phew.", "Robbins: They took the heart valves, too.", "(Nick looks at the part of the heart that's left.)", "Keppler: So somebody murders an ex-con, then commits arson to make it look like an accident just so that they can harvest his bones and tissues?", "Robbins: That's big business -- disc replacement, joint replacement, bypasses-- more demand than supply.", "Greg: Why leave the kidneys, the heart and the liver? They're worth big money, too.", "Robbins: Organ donation is heavily regulated. Bone and tissue aren't.", "Greg: COD?", "Robbins: At this point, indeterminate. All I can say right now is based on the level of decomp, he's been dead at least a week.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BULLPEN - NIGHT]", "(Sofia talks with Joe Boony.)", "Joe Boony: You think I'm selling body parts? Come on, you're wasting your time. I sell refurbished engines. I don't know jack about body parts.", "Sofia: No one's looking for a down-and-out ex-con. It's less risky than drugs.", "(He points to the photo of Ross Neddy.)", "Joe Boony: I hired Ross to weld metal together. Even if I killed him -- not saying I did -- but if even if I did, I'd just burn the body as is, not re-pipe the guy. And I definitely wouldn't burn him at work. Fire station's a block away.", "Sofia: How do you know Ross? You meet him in the joint?", "Joe Boony: I was out before he even went in. I picked Ross up with a bunch of other guys looking for work outside that big hardware store on Herrick four days ago.", "Sofia: When was the last time you saw him?", "Joe Boony: Four days ago. He'd been working nights.", "Sofia: Really? 'Cause the coroner said he's been dead at least a week.", "Joe Boony: You calling me a liar?", "Sofia: I'd believe a dead guy over an ex-con.", "Joe Boony: Ouch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. NORTON RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Brass, Warrick and Sara duck under the crime scene tape on their way to the large plush house.)", "Warrick: Living large.", "Brass: Mm.", "Warrick: Place this big in MacDonald Ranch -- what's the occupation?", "(Brass looks over his shoulder at the man leaning against the car.)", "Brass: That's, uh, Bill Dorton. You know, Dorton Homes. Biggest homebuilder in town. He built mine.", "Warrick: Huh.", "(They reach the front door.)", "Brass: Oh, uh ... you'd better throw on some booties.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DORTON RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(The body is on the carpeted floor between the coffee table and the couch. The carpet is soaked with blood.)", "Brass: Margo Dorton, age 39.", "(Sara puts her kit down. Warrick snaps photos of the body and surrounding areas.)", "Brass: Her husband said he returned from a business trip and found her like this. No sign of a forced entry. My guys are gonna go talk to the neighbors, see what they say about their relationship.", "(Brass turns to leave.)", "Warrick: What did he say?", "Brass: According to him, it was a honeymoon every day.", "(Brass leaves. Warrick turns and looks at Sara. Sara shrugs.)", "Sara: Maybe ... she was having a honeymoon with someone else.", "Warrick: That'll be good motive for the husband.", "(Sara notices the patch of blood-free couch.)", "Sara: There's a void here. Maybe someone was sitting on the couch, or someone was sitting on the floor in front of the couch.", "Warrick: But then where's the \"someone else\"? I mean, why kill her and not the lover?", "(Quick flashback to: Bill Dorton sits on the couch and is kissing someone else. His wife walks in.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) Maybe the husband was the one having the honeymoon and the ... the wife walks in.", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Warrick: He kills her, tells his lover to beat it.", "Sara: I'd buy it. Unless the husband's alibi checks out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DORTON RESIDENCE - FRONT - DAY]", "(Brass talks with Bill Dorton.)", "Bill Dorton: Airport. I was coming home from the airport. It's a business trip. Caught an early flight to surprise Margo. I want your best cops on this. I contributed a lot to this community.", "Brass: Absolutely. Let's establish a timeline. What time did your plane land?", "Bill Dorton: Around 10:30.", "Brass: 10:30. And you arrived here at ...", "Bill Dorton: Midnight.", "Brass: Well, it took you an hour and a half at that time of night to get from McKaren to here?", "Bill Dorton: (crying) A half an hour waiting for baggage check, and half an hour to find my driver, and a half an hour to get home.", "[INT. DORTON RESIDENCE]", "(Warrick finds a ticket and key in Margo's purse.)", "Warrick: Look at this. Valet ticket. Nice purse. Nice dress. Maybe safe to say she went out last night. Maybe this will tell where.", "(Sara finds some hair.)", "Sara: Maybe this ... will tell us who.", "(Warrick snaps a photo. He looks down and sees the trail of blood.)", "Warrick: I'm gonna follow a little lead I got.", "(Warrick follows the blood drops into the bathroom. The blood drops lead to the toilet. There's a drop on the seat. He takes a swab sample of it. There's also a stain on the floor. He tests the stain. It's positive for blood.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) Well, I found a circular blood transfer in the bathroom ...", "(Warrick reports his findings with Sara.)", "Warrick: ... about three inches in diameter.", "(They look around and see the bottle on the table.)", "Sara/Warrick: Champagne bottle.", "(Sara checks it.)", "Sara: Looks like it's been wiped down.", "Warrick: Looks like we found our murder weapon.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Keppler cuts off a finger and sticks it in a liquid-filled sample container. He adds some powder to the container and shakes it.)", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB]", "(Back at the lab, he injects the solution into the finger, then takes a print off the finger.)", "(He runs the finger through the database and finds a match to a ROGER LAPINSKY.)", "(He runs the name ROGER LAPINSKY through SPYDER FINDER. He finds an obituary.)", "[CU: HEADLINE]", "(The online headline reads: Roger Lapinsky Dies at age 37.)", "Nick: (V.O.) So the crispy critter isn't Ross Neddy?", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Keppler shares his findings with Nick.)", "Keppler: Nope.", "Nick: Let me get this straight. The ex-con digs up a corpse, scoops out a few body parts to sell, then fills it back up with PVC and umbrellas, then torches the body where he works to make it look like he's the victim?", "Keppler: Cops don't come looking for you if you're already dead.", "Nick: But if this Lapinsky guy was already dead, then how come the doc didn't find traces of embalming fluid?", "Keppler: He's Jewish.", "Nick: So what?", "Keppler: Observant Jews don't believe in embalming or donating organs. It's part of their faith. They think the body should go out the way it came in.", "Nick: So, this isn't just about desecration of the body, but of the family as well.", "Keppler: Mmm-hmm.", "Nick: I'll get a court order for the exhumation.", "(Nick heads off in one direction, Keppler heads off in the other. We stay with Keppler.)", "[INT. CSI - KEPPLER'S OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Keppler walks into his office and puts his cup down on the desk. He looks through his mail and stops on a particular envelope. He opens the envelope.)", "(Inside is a funeral program for:", "AMY MCCARTY", "JUNE 28, 1969 - JANUARY 22, 1983", "You are cordially invited to a celebration of life in remembrance of Amy.", "January 22, 2007 7:00 pm", "St. Martine's Church 5689 Gelson Way, Trenton, New Jersey", "(Keppler sits down. He flips the program over and finds a note: We missed you this year kiddo. Be well. Fr. Anthony", "(Keppler takes a deep breath. He looks at Amy's photo on the cover.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB]", "(Hodges is looking through the scope when Warrick walks in.)", "Warrick: What you got?", "Hodges: Well, looks like your killer wigged out on your vic.", "(He steps aside and Warrick looks through the scope.)", "Hodges: Use the polarizer. The pink fiber's modacrylic with low birefringence. Most likely made of elura.", "Warrick: Synthetic hair. So much for DNA.", "Hodges: And the substance you found in the toilet -- if it looks like vomit and smells like vomit, it is.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara reports her findings to Catherine.)", "Sara: The champagne glasses were negative for DNA, and Mandy found nothing but smears and partials on them. And the blood from the champagne bottle just came back to the vic.", "Catherine: Any good news?", "Sara: Well, I called the phone number on the valet stub. It was a company called Chariot Parking. They operate the parking lots at thirty restaurants and nightclubs.", "Catherine: Oh, well, that narrows it down.", "Sara: Actually, it does. The ticket on Margo Dorton's key ring came from a batch at the Over-Under Cabaret.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OVER-UNDER CABARET]", "(Warrick and Sara enter the club. Warrick stops a dancer and shows her a photo.)", "Warrick: Excuse me, have you seen this man?", "(She looks at the photo and shakes her head.)", "Dancer: No. Warrick: No. Thank you.", "(Warrick and Sara continue through the club.)", "Announcer (over speakers): All right, guys! Listen up! Get ready for tonight's panty auction!", "(The crowd applauds.)", "(Sara walks up to a worker and shows her the photo.)", "Sara: Hello. Have you seen this man?", "Dancer: No.", "(Dancer leaves.)", "Announcer: All right. For our first pair, starting at the low price of $50, Cotton Candy! Doesn't accept checks, just cold, hard cash.", "(The first dancer appears on stage. She's wearing pink underwear and a pink wig.)", "Warrick: Check out the pink wig.", "(The crowd goes wild. Sara holds up her badge just as the dancer takes her panties off.)", "Sara: Bid!", "(Cotton Candy stops. Sara smiles at her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OVER-UNDER CABARET]", "(The officers hold Cotton Candy as Warrick handles her pink wig.)", "Cotton Candy: Come on, come on. Why you got to take the wig? Wig's part of my act.", "(Warrick hands the pink wig to Sara.)", "Cotton Candy: Y'all are straight stealing from me right now! Hello!", "Warrick: I'm crying for you.", "(Sara examines the wig.)", "Sara: Synthetic. Same color and texture as the one that we collected off the vic.", "(Warrick motions to the officer, who puts handcuffs on Cotton Candy.)", "Cotton Candy: Whoa, wh ... Hey, hey, hey! Look, look, look, look, look. Look, we didn't even have s*x, okay? It was all touchy feely. Jerky treats.", "Warrick: What are you talking about?", "Cotton Candy: The guy I took into VIP right before panty auction. Look, man, all we did was touch.", "Warrick: Why do you think you're being arrested?", "Cotton Candy: Solicitation, right?", "Sara: No, actually. We found this hair on this woman's dead body.", "Cotton Candy: Margo? She's dead? And you think I killed her?", "Warrick: With or without the help of her husband.", "Cotton Candy: No, no, no. Look, man, I never seen dude in that picture. And Margo, yeah, I'll admit, I slapped the ho around last night, but I didn't kill her.", "Sara: You slapped her around?", "Cotton Candy: She's always hanging out with my fiancé, okay? I couldn't take it anymore, so ... yeah.", "(Quick flashback to: Margo is walking when Cotton Candy runs out and tackles her.)", "Cotton Candy: (screams) Bitch!", "Margot Dorton: Get off of me! No!", "Man: Hey, hey, hey, hey!", "(A man grabs Cotton Candy from behind and pulls her off Margo.)", "Cotton Candy: Get off!", "(End of flashback. Resume to present.)", "Sara: Why would Margo Dorton be hanging out here with your fiancé?", "Cotton Candy: He works upstairs.", "Warrick: Upstairs?", "Cotton Candy: Look, honey, they don't call this the Over-Under for nothing, all right?", "Sara: What's your fiancé's name?", "Cotton Candy: Jesse.", "Warrick: Take her downtown. We're going upstairs.", "Cotton Candy: Are you serious? I didn't do anything.", "(Warrick and Sara leave Cotton Candy with the officer. He puts handcuffs on her.)", "Cotton Candy: (o.s.) Come on, man.", "[INT. OVER UNDER CABARET -- UPSTAIRS]", "(Sara and Warrick walk through the corridor. On each side of the hallway are rooms. They peer into room 16 and see a man and a woman sitting at a table.)", "(They continue to the next room. In room 17, there's a gathering inside.)", "(They stop at the next room where two women are looking through a binder full of photos of men.)", "Sara: Is this a restaurant?", "Warrick: If it is, I'm scared of the menu.", "(There's a bar and a bartender in the large room at the end of the hallway..)", "Warrick: The bus boy looks likes he's in charge of stocking the champagne. I'm gonna have a word with him.", "Sara: Okay.", "(Warrick walks away.)", "(The head host walks up to Sara.)", "Head Host: Would you like a Meet Book or do you have a steady host?", "Sara: Uh, actually, it's my first time. What exactly goes on here?", "Head Host: This is a host club, a place where men entertain women. It's the first of its kind in Las Vegas. They started in Japan. Take your pick.", "(He offers her a thick binder. Sara takes it and looks through it.)", "Head Host: Hosts get paid by the bottle. There's a two-bottle minimum. Bottles range from $50 to $5,000.", "Sara: What's a $5,000 bottle of champagne taste like?", "Head Host: We only sell one brand of champagne. It's the host attached to the bottle that determines price.", "Sara: Oh. Everything is legal in Clark County.", "Head Host: Miss, we don't sell s*x here.", "Sara: What do you sell?", "Head Host: A relationship. Isn't that what most women want?", "(She flips through the book and stops at a photo.)", "Sara: I don't know. But I know what I want. I want Jesse.", "Head Host: Who doesn't? Let me see if he's avail.", "(He takes the binder from her, turns and leaves Sara. Sara looks inside the room where one man sits with three women. The host approaches the man and talks to him. It's Jesse.)", "[WARRICK]", "(Meanwhile, Warrick has a chat with the bus boy.)", "Bus Boy: Never seen the old guy before, but the lady, a bunch. Last night, she got blasted on by one of the strippers downstairs.", "Warrick: Really?", "(Someone retches. Warrick turns and sees two men run into the men's room.)", "Warrick: Are they doing what I think they're doing?", "Bus Boy: Hosts get paid by the bottle. So they drink more than their stomachs can handle. Always see blood in those toilets.", "(Warrick nods.)", "[SARA]", "(Jesse approaches Sara.)", "Jesse Hottman: Ah, just off work, huh?", "Sara: Just on, actually. Sara Sidle, Crime Lab.", "Jesse Hottman: Oh. What can I do for you?", "Sara: Do you know this woman?", "Jesse Hottman: Ah. Lady Dorton. Yeah, she's one of my relationships.", "Sara: Could I ask you a few questions about her?", "Jesse Hottman: Okay. Um, I don't like to talk about my relationships out here. Let's take it someplace a little more intimate, yeah?", "Sara: Okay.", "(He takes her hand and leads her away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE]", "(The coffin is wheeled into the garage. Keppler puts on his gloves.)", "Nick: The coffin had only been in the ground for about a week. Dirt and sod were pretty loose, so it was relatively easy to take out and put back in.", "Keppler: You guys sure do a lot of exhumations here.", "Nick: As many as we have to.", "(Keppler and Nick each grab a cover. They open the coffin and find it empty of a body.)", "Keppler: Nobody home.", "Nick: No surprise.", "(Keppler takes out his flashlight while Nick snaps photos of the inside of the coffin.)", "(Keppler finds a piece of cloth caught in the wood.)", "Keppler: Look at this. (He picks it up.) Lapinsky may have been burned in this shirt, but I doubt he was buried in it.", "Nick: Dead men don't wear plaid. (Nick finds something.) Wait a minute. Is this blood?", "(Nick points to the red spots at the bottom of the box.)", "(Quick flash to: Someone opens the coffin, catches his sleeve on the wood and tears it with some of his skin. End of flash.)", "Keppler: Dead men don't bleed.", "(Nick snaps photos of the blood.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OVER-UNDER CABARET -- UPSTAIRS]", "(Sara talks with Jesse Hottman.)", "Sara: How did you meet Margo?", "Jesse Hottman: Uh, she picked me from the Meet Book.", "Sara: And then what?", "Jesse Hottman: Uh, she wanted what most women want.", "Sara: What's that?", "(He offers her a drink. She declines.)", "Sara: No, thank you.", "Jesse Hottman: The dream.", "Sara: And that's you.", "Jesse Hottman: 50 G's I make a month says I am. Who doesn't want to be swept off their feet?", "Sara: I am not sure it's something that I would pay for.", "Jesse Hottman: Yeah, but you don't want to spend your whole life waiting for it either. Right here, right now, a woman can have a relationship with a man who only wants to please her -- who can make her laugh, wipe away her tears, give her the confidence to be herself.", "Sara: And how many of these relationships do you have?", "Jesse Hottman: I can handle about twenty-five at a time.", "Sara: Is a woman named Cotton Candy one of them?", "Jesse Hottman: Yeah. She's been financially worshipping me for a while.", "Sara: Now, she says that she is your fiancée.", "Jesse Hottman: That's good. Means I'm doing my job.", "Sara: She told me that she and Margo had a scuffle.", "Jesse Hottman: Yeah. Um ... my relationships do get jealous sometimes, especially when one has more money than the other and can monopolize my time. Is that why you're here, because of that little catfight?", "Sara: No. Um, Margo Dorton was ... bludgeoned to death with a bottle of champagne.", "Jesse Hottman: Margo was ... killed?", "Sara: Yeah.", "Jesse Hottman: And you think Cotton Candy killed Margo?", "Sara: What do you think?", "Jesse Hottman: Um ... I wouldn't know.", "Sara: Would you know if Margo took you home the other night?", "Jesse Hottman: I don't see my relationships outside of here. You know, if it does happen, it marks the end of the relationship. I mean, by having s*x with me, a woman's reached her goal. There's nothing more I can give her.", "Sara: Did Margo's husband know about you?", "Jesse Hottman: She told me she was divorced.", "Sara: Well, Jesse ... I'm, uh, sorry for your loss.", "(Sara stands up and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - DAY]", "(Wendy reports her findings to Keppler.)", "Wendy Simms: I ran the blood from the coffin through CODIS, and I got a hit, but it's not Ross Neddy.", "Keppler: So he's got a partner.", "(Wendy sits at the computer.)", "Wendy Simms: Well, DNA matches a Heidi Sultz, who did time for domestic assault and is currently out on parole.", "Keppler: That's funny. Ross Neddy did time for domestic assault, too. Maybe they're sparring partners.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SULTZ RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(Sofia and Keppler get out of the SUV.)", "Sofia: This is Heidi's last known. According to her PO, she's been trying to straighten out. She's detoxed, got a job. She's dumped Ross Neddy.", "Keppler: She may be taking the right steps, but she definitely hasn't cleaned up.", "(They head for the front door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Heidi opens the door.)", "Mitchell: Las Vegas PD.", "Sofia: Heidi Sultz?", "Heidi Sultz: What's going on?", "Sofia: You're under arrest.", "Heidi Sultz: Why?", "Sofia: Where's Ross?", "Heidi Sultz: I haven't seen that dog in weeks.", "Mitchell: Anyone else living here with you?", "Heidi Sultz: Yeah, my baby and my new boyfriend, Charlie.", "Keppler: Where are they?", "Heidi Sultz: Out back, hanging out.", "Sofia: Put her in the car.", "(The officer takes her to the car.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Out back, the baby's in the playpen while Charlie is sleeping in the nearby chair. Sofia takes out her gun.)", "Sofia: Ross. Wake up, sugar.", "Ross Neddy: (absently) Hey, baby. (He opens his eyes and sees Sofia.) My name's Charlie, Charlie Keefer.", "Sofia: Get on the wall.", "(Charlie stands up.)", "Ross Neddy: I got ID. It's in my jeans.", "(The officer pulls the wallet out of Charlie's pocket. He tosses it to Keppler.)", "Keppler: Where'd you get this, the dollar store? Have a seat, Ross.", "(Ross Neddy sits down.)", "Keppler: This is your third strike, pal. Right now you're looking at a minimum of 25 years. You want to talk to us? We can make sure it doesn't get any worse. What do you say?", "(The baby fusses in the playpen.)", "Ross Neddy: Daddy will be right there, sweetheart.", "Sofia: It's ten more for falsifying an ID. Fifteen for grave robbing. Arson, that's another ten.", "Keppler: Desecrating a corpse, ten; another twenty for trafficking body parts.", "Ross Neddy: Body parts? No way. I thought those cuts were from, like, an autopsy.", "Sofia: So you admit to digging up Roger Lapinsky?", "Ross Neddy: I've been out two months and the best job I can get is five bucks an hour welding engine parts together. They wouldn't even let me flip burgers. Heidi just had the baby. It wasn't like it was gonna hurt anyone.", "(Quick flashback to: Ross and Heidi dig up a corpse and set it on fire.)", "Ross Neddy: (V.O.) We dug up someone my age, took him to work. Made him look like me. And then we torched it.", "(End of flashback.)", "Ross Neddy: All I was looking for was a fresh start. Best way to make it happen was to kill myself.", "Keppler: Should've stuck with the five bucks an hour.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the preliminary findings with Catherine.)", "Robbins: Whoever did this, must've been pretty angry.", "Catherine: Let me guess, multiple BFT?", "Robbins: You got it. Fractured skull, broken nose, cheek bones. Take a look. Defensive wounds consistent with a cylindrical object.", "Catherine: Warrick found a bloody champagne bottle at the scene.", "Robbins: That'll do the trick. But the death blow came in the neck area. Impacted her Adam's apple with so much force, ...", "(Quick CGI to: The champagne bottle hits the side of the neck. The shock hits the nerve, sending pulses to the brain, then down to the heart.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) ... it sent a flex arch to the vagus nerve, causing a stimulus to the heart. Bradycardia set in, causing the heart to slow and eventually to stop.", "(End of CGI flash.)", "(Hold on the body of Margo Dorton on the autopsy table.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass and Catherine interview Cotton Candy.)", "Brass: So where'd you go after the fight with Margo?", "Cotton Candy: Back to the pole.", "Brass: You're a real workaholic, huh?", "Cotton Candy: Look, man, the more I work, the more I can be with Jesse.", "Catherine: I know how hard it is to wiggle your ass all night. Now, why would you want to spend all your hard-earned money on a guy whose job it is to be with you and 24 other women?", "Cotton Candy: He doesn't care about them.", "Brass: Now you know this is not a real relationship. It's a business transaction.", "Catherine: He's doing the same kind of thing that you are doing on the pole for the guys.", "Cotton Candy: Those guys, they can't see past this, okay? I am more than a piece of meat to Jesse. Okay? He-he-he doesn't judge me. All right? He doesn't blow me off. He makes me smile, you know? He heals me, he heals me when I'm down. He makes me feel like I am Mrs. Steve Wynn.", "Brass: Hmm.", "Cotton Candy: Now we're going to get married, real soon.", "Brass: Can you show me some verifiable proof of where you were the night Margo was murdered?", "Cotton Candy: I was in VIP with this pit boss, Joe Brodsky -- works at the Olympia. But he's married and he'll probably deny it. But I can prove it to you if you give me my wallet right now.", "Brass: Sure. Okay, go ahead.", "(The officer puts her bag on the table. She digs inside and takes out several hundred dollar bills, holding it gingerly by the corner.)", "Cotton Candy: There it is.", "(She fans them out and puts them on the table in front of Brass and Catherine.)", "Cotton Candy: Right there. He paid me with those. Brand-new, straight from the bank.", "Catherine: And what would you like us to do with those?", "Cotton Candy: You're a CSI. You can take a print off of there, easy ... duh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Keppler is looking at the miniature diorama. Sara walks by and enters the office.)", "Sara: Hi. What are you doing?", "Keppler: Just looking.", "Sara: What do you think?", "(He looks at the various dioramas in the plastic cases.)", "Keppler: Meticulous. Obsessive. Clearly knows his way around a modeling kit.", "Sara: Grissom didn't make those.", "Keppler: No? Hmm. Fits the profile. Bugs in bottles, the Darwin desk set.", "Sara: He's a bit of a collector of certain things.", "Keppler: Yeah, I knew a guy in Philly like that. Kept a case of thumbs in his closet.", "Sara: Friend of yours?", "Keppler: No, a serial killer.", "Sara: Do you miss it?", "Keppler: What?", "Sara: Philly.", "Keppler: No.", "(Keppler leaves the office.)", "(We hold a moment on the box on Grissom's desk and additional mail piled up on the box.)", "(Sara takes a moment and walks up to the tank. In the tank, she placed the cocoon and branch Grissom sent her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[CU: LETTER]", "(VARIOUS DISSOLVES: Grissom sits behind his desk and writes Sara a letter. Parts of it read:", "Sara, Our parting was awkward. I don't know why I find it so difficult to express my feelings for you ... even though we're far apart, I can see you as vividly as if you were here with me ... I said I'll miss you, and I do.", "Sonnet #47 Betwix my eye and heart --", "(He finishes the letter and looks at it. He folds it and puts it in an envelope. He addresses the envelope:", "SARA SIDLE", "1623 WEST", "(He stops and takes his glasses off. We hold on Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Nick walks out into the hallway and is surprised to see Greg. Greg is carrying a folder.)", "Nick: Hey, thought you had a deposition.", "Greg: Oh, it got postponed. So I did a little follow-up on tissue procurement companies in the area. Turns out there's only two in the state. One is out in Summerlin. It's called Longevity Tissue Services. Check this out.", "(He takes out a web page printout and points to the logo in the corner.)", "Nick: That's the same logo you found on the umbrella that was in Lapinsky's leg.", "Greg: Yeah. It's the Chinese character for \"long life.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LONGEVITY TISSUE SERVICES - LOBBY - DAY]", "(Sofia talks with the owner, Ty Miloni, while Nick looks around the office.)", "Ty Miloni: So, what can Longevity do for the LV Police?", "Sofia: We need to know if your company received tissue or bone from a Roger Lapinsky.", "Ty Miloni: What's the problem?", "Sofia: There might not be one.", "Ty Miloni: All right. Well, I'd be happy to check. Will you excuse me, sweetie?", "(He goes to the computer and types in a search. The computer beeps.)", "Ty Miloni: Yep, there he is. Roger Lapinsky, 37 years old, died of cardiac arrest. It's tragic.", "Sofia: We're going to need a copy of his records, and we're going to need to confiscate his parts.", "Ty Miloni: And if you don't tell me what's going on, you're going to need a warrant.", "(He turns the computer monitor away from their view.)", "Nick: This is a criminal investigation. Those parts are evidence now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. LONGEVITY TISSUE SERVIES - STORAGE - DAY]", "(Nick takes a bagged bone out of the refrigeration unit.)", "Nick: You know, I was always under the impression that the body parts were to be removed at the hospital.", "Ty Miloni: Major organs have to be removed at the hospital and then transplanted into the new patients within four to six hours, but bone and tissue can be removed at any point and stored for up to five years.", "Sofia: Who gives you access to those parts?", "Ty Miloni: I always have signed consent from next of kin.", "Nick: And?", "(Nick takes the bones and tissue and puts them in a chest.)", "Ty Miloni: Most funeral homes have tissue recovery coordinators. They choose who the parts go to. If you have a good reputation, you have a better chance of getting the parts. I help the dead help the living.", "Sofia: According to your records, Roger Lipinsky's body parts came from the Silver Hills Mortuary.", "Ty Miloni: If that's what it says.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(Warrick is placing the crime scene photos on the table. Sara walks up to him.)", "Sara: Hey.", "Warrick: So you heard Cotton Candy's alibi checked out?", "Sara: Yeah.", "Warrick: And Brass talked to Mr. Dorton's limo driver. Confirms his story, he got home way past TOD.", "Sara: I don't get it, Warrick. The vic is in a good marriage, and she's spending thousands on a \"fake\" boyfriend that she's not even having s*x with.", "Warrick: It doesn't make any sense. Like this void on the sofa for instance. It suggests the presence of a third person, but we don't have any evidence to back that up.", "Sara: Maybe it's not a person. Maybe it's a thing. Rectangular, roughly, what, 11 by 14 inches?", "Warrick: It was obviously important enough that the killer took it.", "Sara: What if he didn't take it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. DORTON RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sara is back at the crime scene looking at the blood spatter on the couch. She looks around the area. She heads to the bookshelf and looks at the items on the shelf. She finds that the albums are out of sequence - 1986, 1988, 1987, 1989.)", "(She takes the 1987 album off the shelf and opens it. She flips through the pages and finds a couple covered with blood. Its labeled, CHRISTMAS 1987. Photos are of a young Margo carrying a baby.)", "(Sara looks at the blood void on the couch and visualizes the photo album open - one side on the side of the couch, the other side on the floor.)", "(Quick flashback to: Margo Dorton is on the floor between the coffee table and the couch. She's on the open photo album as the killer attacks her. End of flashback.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sara shows the photo of Margo and the baby to Bill Dorton.)", "Sara: Whose baby is this?", "Bill Dorton: Margo's.", "Brass: I remember, Bill, you telling me that you didn't have kids.", "Bill Dorton: We don't ... or I don't. She gave him up right after we met. She was seventeen. And I didn't want any kids.", "Sara: Who'd Margo give the baby to?", "Bill Dorton: The biological father, but he was a drunk. Last we heard, the kid ran away.", "Sara: She was looking at these photos when she was killed.", "Bill Dorton: Yeah. She started taking them out ever since she hit menopause.", "Brass: Wasn't she a little young for menopause?", "Bill Dorton: They call it premature menopause and she was having a tough time with it. The mood swings, the \"brain fog,\" the emotional detachment.", "Sara: The finality of not having any more children.", "Brass: Bill ... did you know that Margo was frequenting um ... a so-called host club, and paying money to a male escort?", "Bill Dorton: No. She was paying for s*x?", "Sidle: She was paying ... for companionship.", "(Bill closes his eyes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SILVER HILLS MORTUARY]", "(Salvatore Heinz, a certified tissue recovery coordinator, is working on the latest body. We hold on a TISSUE RECOVERY certificate hanging on the wall.)", "(Keppler and an officer walk in.)", "Keppler: I'm looking for Salvatore Heinz.", "Salvatore Heinz: You got him.", "Keppler: Mike Keppler, Las Vegas Crime Lab.", "Salvatore Heinz: Sorry if I don't shake. I, uh, hope you don't mind if I keep working here. I'm kind of on a deadline. That's mortuary humor.", "Keppler: I'm sure it never gets old. We're following up on a body that came through here. Roger Lapinsky.", "(Keppler shows Salvatore Heinz a photo.)", "Salvatore Heinz: You know, he does look familiar. I believe he's spending his eternal rest at Horizon Meadows Cemetery.", "Keppler: Not anymore. Someone dug him up.", "Salvatore Heinz: Aw, geez. You know, sometimes I wonder what the heck is going on with the world these days.", "Keppler: His major bones, veins and tendons were all stolen.", "Salvatore Heinz: Recovered! Not stolen. I'm a certified tissue recovery coordinator.", "Keppler: Oh, yeah? That where you learned how to stuff the bodies with umbrellas?", "Salvatore Heinz: That was a one-time thing. I ran out of PVC pipe, and, uh ... so I improvised.", "Keppler: Understandable.", "Salvatore Heinz: Look, it was a closed casket service, and uh ... I have a signed consent form.", "Keppler: Where? If you don't mind, I'd like to take a look at that.", "Salvatore Heinz: Sure. Anything for LVPD.", "(He goes to the filing cabinet and opens the drawer. Keppler follows him and notices the stack of umbrellas from Longevity Tissue Services.)", "Keppler: I take it you do a lot a work with, uh ... Longevity Tissue Services?", "Salvatore Heinz: Some.", "(He looks back and notices Keppler looking at the umbrellas.)", "Salvatore Heinz: Those are just promotional items.", "Keppler: Handy in a pinch, huh?", "(Keppler sees the death certificates on the desk. The filing cabinet drawer closes and Salvatore Heinz hands Keppler the file.)", "Salvatore Heinz: Lapinsky, Roger. It's all yours. I got copies.", "Keppler: Thanks.", "Salvatore Heinz: COD, cardiac arrest.", "Keppler: Everything seems to be in order here.", "Salvatore Heinz: Like I said.", "Keppler: Thanks for your time.", "(As Keppler heads for the door, his phone rings. He answers it.)", "Keppler: (to phone) Keppler.", "Robbins: (from phone) Robbins here. Want a COD on your Frankenstein?", "Keppler: (to phone) Beat you to it -- cardiac arrest.", "Robbins: (from phone) Not according to histology. Roger Lapinsky died of leukemia.", "(Keppler puts his phone on speaker mode and holds it out so Salvatore Heinz can hear.)", "Keppler: You want to repeat that, Doc?", "Robbins: (from phone) Sure. Roger Lapinksy died of leukemia.", "Keppler: Thanks. (He hangs up.) If you don't mind, I'll, uh ... stick around here till the warrant comes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM]", "(Keppler shows Nick the two death certificates.)", "Keppler: I got a copy of Roger Lapinsky's death certificate from Carson City. This is the one we got from the mortician, that old nut job, see? Changed the COD.", "Nick: It turns out, Ty Miloni ... is a bit of a hustler as well.", "(Nick shows Keppler a copy of a LAS VEGAS GLOBE article.)", "Nick: Those umbrellas were a promotional gift for a vitamin telemarketing company he ran a few years back.", "Keppler: This guy isn't even a doctor.", "Nick: He did drop out of chiropractic school.", "Keppler: You're telling me that any Tom, Dick, or Harry with a sign can open up a tissue bank?", "Nick: Well, if you're FDA registered, yeah.", "Keppler: How do you get FDA registered?", "Nick: You just fill out a form. In the last three years, 37 of the bone and tissue donors were from Silver Hills Mortuary that went to this Longevity clinic.", "(Nick shows Keppler the database list with the items highlighted.)", "Nick: COD in 23 of those cases was cardiac arrest. And most of those decedents were in their thirties and forties.", "Keppler: That's a lot of young heart attacks. We're going to go through all these COD's and match them up against the official death certificates.", "Nick: And do more exhumations.", "Keppler: The only thing I'm wondering -- is the mortician hustling the tissue bank guy or they're working together.", "[CU: EVIDENCE/PROPERTY BAG LABEL]", "(It reads:", "AGENCY: CSI CASE NO. 1716", "ITEM NO. OFFENSE.", "SUSPECT: LVPD 0702011716NS", "VICTIM", "DATE AND TIME OF RECOVERY: 2-1-07", "RECOVERED BY: NS", "DESCRIPTION AND/OR LOCATION", "DESKTOP EVIDENCE", "S. HEINZ", "SEALED BY: NS DATE: 2-1-07", "(Keppler puts the items down on the table. He looks at the two death certificates and then notices the desktop calendar. He takes the calendar out of the box and looks at the indentions on the paper.)", "(He scans the paper in the computer, then dusts the paper to bring out the indentions.)", "(Quick flash of: Salvatore Heinz writes over the signature, then flips to the death certificate to forge the signature. End of flashback.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1]", "(Keppler shows Salvatore Heinz a photocopy of the various signature indentions found on his desktop calendar.)", "Keppler: Dr. Stewart, Dr. Klein, Dr. Combs, Dr. Jones.", "Salvatore Heinz: That's not my handwriting.", "Keppler: Well that's the point of forgery, isn't it, Mr. Heinz? A man dies of leukemia, and his body comes into your mortuary, and you decide to ... sell his spare parts for a few extra bucks. Only problem is, nobody wants to buy diseased body parts, so you make a new death certificate, change the COD, sign off with a legit doctor's signature, and cash a check from Ty Miloni.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2]", "(Sofia interviews Ty Miloni.)", "Ty Miloni: I'm so disappointed with Mr. Heinz. He always seemed so honest.", "Sofia: Have you ever followed up on any of the patients who received parts from the Silver Hills Mortuary?", "Ty Miloni: No. That's the hospital's job. But as far as I know, none of the recipients have ever complained.", "Nick: Maybe that's 'cause they're not around anymore. We followed up on several patients who received Silver Hills bone and tissue from your clinic and now seven of them are dead. Three from hepatitis, three from cancer, and one AIDS-related. The same thing ironically killed the donors.", "Sofia: One of those victims was a 15-year-old healthy high school soccer player. You gave him a contaminated kneecap.", "Ty Miloni: Oh, my God.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1]", "Salvatore Heinz: He came to me!", "Keppler: You harvested diseased body parts and sold them under false pretenses.", "Salvatore Heinz: He told me what to do. He ... he said it was safe!", "Keppler: But you didn't have to do it, did you, Mr. Heinz? You took money, and people died. Now, whether or not we got him -- we got you.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2]", "Ty Miloni: You've got nothing on me. I don't care what that .. little body snatcher tells you.", "Sofia: The families are going to sue you and your company into bankruptcy.", "Ty Miloni: They can try. That is what signed release forms are for.", "Nick: You're reopening a very nasty, old wound for them, now.", "Ty Miloni: Uh-uh. I didn't do anything.", "Sofia: Because of you ... they're going to have to rebury their mother, their father, their son, their daughter.", "(Ty scoffs.)", "Nick: Ty ... let me tell you something. I'm gonna come down to that clinic ... and I'm going to go through it piece by piece by piece. And if something doesn't jibe, I can assure you, sir, I will find it.", "Ty Miloni: Well, that is your job, isn't it?", "Nick: Yes, it is.", "Ty Miloni: And you'll have my full cooperation.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara reads a file and shares her findings with Warrick.)", "Sara: I did a little background on Jesse, the host. He was in and out of eleven different foster homes. Brass accessed his juvie records. He had multiple arrests for prostitution, and drug possession.", "Warrick: Kid had a hard life if he had to take it to the streets to make a buck.", "Sara: We still need his DNA, and if he did kill Margo, he's not just gonna give it up.", "Warrick: What about the vomit that we found in the toilet at the crime scene?", "Sara: What about it?", "Warrick: Well, the hosts drink a lot and throw up a lot. Busboy says he always finds blood in the toilets. If Jesse's a host, chances are he's throwing up blood, too.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara interviews Jesse Hottman. She shows him the DNA results.)", "Sara: Jesse, we found your DNA in Margo Dorton's toilet. I thought that you said that you didn't see your relationships outside of the club.", "Jesse Hottman: Unless, of course, the relationship is ending.", "Brass: Oh yeah, that's a cold word for it -- for murder.", "Jesse Hottman: I didn't kill her, all right? I ended the relationship and I bounced. Champagne got me sick.", "Brass: No, I don't think it was the champagne, Jesse. I think it was Margo. She was coming to see you for a couple of months, spending a lot of money, you were running your pro-game, you know, doing the host thing. Holding her hand, touching, consoling her. Laying on the old Jesse magic. But then she laid some pretty heavy information on you.", "(Quick flashback to: Margot talks with Jesse.)", "Margot Dorton: I want you to come home with me.", "Jesse Hottman: So you want to end the relationship?", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Brass: I guess you thought, you know ... here's Margo, this cougar ... wants to take me back to the love pit, end the relationship. Sexy time. But it didn't turn out that way, did it?", "(Quick flashback to: Margot and Jesse are sitting on her couch. Jesse tries to kiss her. She pulls away.)", "Margot Dorton: Jesse, I ...", "(He tries to kiss her again.)", "Jesse Hottman: Shh ...", "(She pushes him away.)", "Margot Dorton: Jesse, no.", "(She smiles at him.)", "Margot Dorton: Look, um ... I have something I need to show you. Okay?", "(She stands up and gets the photo album. She shows him photos of her with the baby.)", "Margot Dorton: This is you. I'm your mother, Jesse. I've waited my entire life to tell you this. I love you. I'm sorry.", "(He picks up the champagne bottle and beats her.)", "Margot Dorton: No!", "(She falls to the couch.)", "(CUT TO: Margot is dead on the floor, the photo album under her. Jesse looks around. He runs to the bathroom, puts the champagne bottle on the floor and throws up in the toilet.)", "(He picks up the bottle and wipes it.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Brass: You look a little pale, Jesse. Are you getting this?", "Jesse Hottman: She lied to me. Said she hired some private investigator to find me. Said she'd been building up the nerve to tell me the truth. Said she had a lot to make up for. And that, uh ... I could have her car. And that I didn't have to work anymore.", "Sara: You thought those were lies?", "Jesse Hottman: (nods) Yeah, lies to get closer to me. All my clients have their tactics. But hers was ... insane.", "Sara: She wasn't lying to you, Jesse. You have 13 alleles in common. You killed your mother.", "Jesse Hottman: (upset) Then take me to jail. You know, call me a killer ... a murderer, whatever, but don't tell me I have a mother ... because I don't. I never did. And I never will.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - EARLY EVENING]", "[INT. CSI - KEPPLER'S OFFICE]", "(Keppler sits behind his desk, looking at the funeral program for AMY McCARTY.)", "(He shakes himself and slips the program back into his folder. He gets up and leaves the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY OUTSIDE FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Keppler heads for autopsy. Nick walks out, his arms full of evidence bags from the Longevity Tissue Services.)", "Nick: Hey.", "Keppler: Need some help?", "Nick: Aren't you off shift?", "Keppler: Yeah. Are you?", "Nick: Yeah. Yeah, thanks. I'll be back in a minute.", "(Nick leaves.)", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Keppler walks into Autopsy. There's a dark-haired woman on the table. When Keppler looks at her, he sees AMY McCARTY in her white nightgown.)", "(We hold on Keppler.)", "Voice: (o.s.) (whisper) Keppler?", "(Keppler turns around and looks behind him.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Meet Market
[ "Keppler finds himself having recurring nightmares about an incident many years ago in New Jersey, which get worse when a friend of his, a retired cop from Trenton and the father of his late girlfriend comes into town to visit. Soon, the bodies of a New Jersey police officer and a hooker are found shot to death in a hotel room, the left hand of the dead woman cut off. To Keppler's dismay, the one who found the bodies is none other than his friend. Back at the lab, Grissom returns from his sabbatical and learns about the friction caused by Keppler while he was away." ]
[ "[EXT. (PHILADELPHIA) STAIRS TO BUILDING - NIGHT -- FLASHBACK]", "(Snow falls on a young man begging for his life.)", "Alvarez: You got the wrong guy, man. I didn't do it. I didn't do it, man.", "CU: GUN", "(The shooter cocks the gun.)", "(Alvarez cries.)", "(The shooter fires the gun at Alvarez. Alvarez gets up and tries to get away.)", "(A second shot is fired.)", "(Alvarez gets to his feet and grabs the shooter.)", "(A third shot is fired point blank into Alvarez's chest.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. (PHILADELPHIA) SIDEWALK - NIGHT - FLASHBACK]", "(A man with bloodied hands carries the gun down the sidewalk. Keppler slows when someone comes down the building's front steps.)", "(The young woman stops in front of him.)", "(She reaches down for his hand. She places his hand on her chest.)", "Amy McCarty: (echoy) I love you, Mikey.", "(A bright white light shines down on them. She removes her hands from his and Keppler takes her heart out of the opening in her chest.)", "(He looks at her beating heart in the palm of his hand. He looks at her.)", "(TOP VIEW DOWN: on Keppler and Amy. They're both standing in the middle of the busy sidewalk.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. - DAY]", "(Keppler wakes up. Sirens wail in the distance. Keppler is panting and sweaty. He sits up and we see an open bottle of liquor on the coffee table next to a glass.)", "(Keppler cries.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. DINER - MORNING]", "(Keppler pushes his empty plate away from him and picks up his cup of coffee.)", "Wendy Simms: (o.s.) That is what I love about this town.", "(Keppler turns around and sees Wendy standing behind him, paying her bill at the register.)", "Wendy Simms: They've got good Eggs Benedict 24 hours a day.", "Keppler: Just getting off shift?", "Wendy Simms: No, I'm going in early. (to cashier) Thank you. (to Keppler) Do you ever eat dinner?", "Keppler: You're looking at it.", "Wendy Simms: Okay, I'll see you at the lab. Bye.", "(Wendy leaves. Keppler turns to the waitress behind the counter.)", "Keppler: Can I get a check please?", "Waitress: (points) That guy over there already paid and tipped. Says he's your friend.", "(Keppler turns and sees a white-haired man sitting in a booth. The man waves to him.)", "(Keppler stands up and heads over to the man.)", "Frank McCarty: How's it going, Mike?", "Keppler: What are you doing here, Frank?", "Frank McCarty: What do you want me to do? You don't return my calls.", "Keppler: I tried calling you, but I've been, uh ... busy.", "Frank McCarty: You didn't make it to Amy's memorial mass.", "Keppler: Yeah, I know. I got the card from Father Anthony. Couldn't get away this year.", "Frank McCarty: It's okay. Dennis Graves and I decided to come to Vegas for a few days, blow off some steam. You like standing? Sit down.", "Keppler: I can't. Look, Frank, I got to run. We'll get dinner later in the week, all right? I'll call you.", "(Keppler turns to leave. Frank stands up.)", "Frank McCarty: Mike. Listen, I, uh ... I'm in a bit of a fix; I need you to do me a favor.", "Keppler: I can't do it this time. Okay? Don't ask me to do it, Frank. I -- Things are just starting to ...", "Frank McCarty: Hey. What are you getting so excited about? I didn't say anything.", "Keppler: I'm just getting the lay of the land here, you know? Trying to move on.", "Frank McCarty: I got it, bad timing.", "Keppler: You all right?", "Frank McCarty: Don't you worry about it. I'll sort it out.", "(Frank turns and heads back to his seat. Keppler doesn't like it one bit. He turns and hurries out of the diner.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL - HALLWAY/ ROOM - DAY]", "(The elevator bell dings and the doors open. Keppler steps out and finds Nick in the hallway waiting for him.)", "Nick: Looks like it's you and me again, Hoss.", "(Nick turns and heads down the hallway toward the room. Keppler follows him.)", "Keppler: You got a problem with that?", "Nick: No, no, I like your style. It's just the whole suit thing you got to work on a little bit.", "(They enter the room.)", "Keppler: Yeah, yeah, what do we got?", "Nick: Two gunshot victims. Male, two shots in the chest. Female shot in the back, and her hand is missing.", "(They enter the bedroom and find a man dead on the bed and the woman dead on the floor. Keppler puts his kit down.)", "Nick: Why take just one hand?", "Keppler: Maybe there was something on it he wanted.", "(He puts on his gloves and looks through the open suitcase.)", "Keppler: Boxer shorts, socks. I'm guessing this is his. You see another suitcase?", "(Nick looks around the room and finds something on the floor.)", "Nick: No, no, I did not.", "Keppler: Looks like she was just visiting.", "(Nick picks up an empty shell casing.)", "Nick: .45 automatic.", "(Keppler opens the closet doors.)", "Keppler: No purse ... no valuables.", "(Keppler closes the closet door.)", "Keppler: Did you see a safe?", "(Nick looks for a safe.)", "Nick: No.", "(He opens the closet door and finds shirts hanging inside.)", "Nick: No, no safe in here.", "Keppler: Looks like a robbery.", "Nick: Hey, this guy has a bunch of law enforcement logo shirts hanging up in here. Check the bible drawer.", "(Keppler checks the bedside drawer. He finds a bible and a gun. The embossing on the leather has T.P.D. on it. He doesn't like the looks of it. He pushes the bedcovers away from the dead man's face to see who it is.)", "(Nick walks out.)", "Nick: Anything?", "(Keppler hands the gun to Nick.)", "Nick: Nine-millimeter service pistol?", "(Nick notices the embossing.)", "Nick: Stamped \"T.P.D.\" Could be any city starting with T.", "(Keppler looks at the dead man's face again. This time, we see definite recognition from Keppler.)", "Niki: I didn't find any nine-millimeter casing, so this weapon was never fired.", "Brass: The room is registered to a Dennis Graves, Trenton, New Jersey. He's a cop, Trenton PD. (to Keppler) Hey, you're from Trenton. Do you know him?", "Keppler: No. Who found them?", "Brass: His buddy, Frank McCarty.", "(Brass steps aside. In the hallway, Keppler sees Frank McCarty talking with an officer.)", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOTEL - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Brass talks with Frank McCarty.)", "Brass: So what were you two guys doing in Vegas?", "Frank McCarty: Playing a little golf, indulging in the buffets.", "(Keppler listens to the interview. David Phillips wheels the body out of the room.)", "Brass: Is that all you indulged in?", "Frank McCarty: We were down in the bar, Dennis picked up a date.", "Brass: Is she the date?", "Frank McCarty: (nods) Yeah. I didn't get a name. Anyway, they went upstairs, I played a little blackjack.", "(Off to the side, Keppler looks at the items on the dinner cart.)", "Brass: Then what?", "Frank McCarty: Then, I pulled some strings and got us a tee time at the Wynn. Dennis didn't answer his phone. I figured he was busy going around the world. After a while, I ... I knew something was wrong. I got hotel security to open the door.", "Brass: Excuse me. Yeah?", "Officer Mitchell: Captain, we got press all over the place.", "Brass: Can you stick around? I'll be right back.", "Frank McCarty: Yeah, sure.", "Brass: Okay.", "(Brass and Officer Mitchell leave the hallway. Frank is left alone with Keppler.)", "Keppler: Mr. McCarty? If you don't mind.", "(Frank turns around. Keppler points to the fingerprint kit he has set up on the table.)", "Keppler: (whispers) You want to tell me what I'm seeing here, Frank?", "Frank McCarty: Could be anything. Pimp went off on his whore. Robbery gone bad. It's a dangerous town.", "(Keppler nods. The elevator doors at the end of the hallway ding and open. Catherine steps out.)", "Keppler: Have a seat.", "Frank McCarty: Yeah.", "(Keppler turns to join Catherine.)", "Catherine: Heard we have a dead out-of-town cop.", "Keppler: Yeah, Detective Dennis Graves, Trenton PD.", "Catherine: Trenton?", "Keppler: Yeah.", "(Catherine and Keppler step into the bedroom where David is taking the body's liver temperature.)", "Catherine: David, you got the TOD?", "David Phillips: About four hours ago.", "Keppler: Male was shot twice, both frontal.", "David Phillips: No exits.", "Keppler: The girl was shot once in the back.", "Catherine: Did you find the hand?", "Keppler: (shrugs) I'm guessing the killer's got it, along with the rest of their valuables.", "(Nick is sealing up something in an evidence bag.)", "Nick: Hey, Catherine, check this out. I've got an uncapped bottle of mouthwash here.", "Catherine: Probably come back to the hooker.", "Nick: Yeah, but I've got something else, and this is good.", "(Nick and Catherine disappear into the bathroom. Keppler follows.)", "(Nick pushes the shower curtain aside.)", "Nick: There are quite a few long, light-colored hairs snagged in the soap dish right there. Not a match to either victim.", "Keppler: Sloppy housekeeping?", "Nick: I doubt the maid would miss this. What appears to be high heel shoe impressions -- I checked, again, no match to the working girl.", "Catherine: Bath towels haven't been used.", "Keppler: So who was in the tub with her shoes on?", "Nick: Hey, Keppler. Do me a favor. Go over by the body, will you?", "(Keppler heads over to the body. Nick peers through the shower glass and has a nice view of Keppler.)", "Keppler: Yeah?", "Nick: I can see you; can you see me?", "Keppler: Yep.", "Nick: What about if I get low?", "(Nick ducks below the shower glass.)", "Keppler: Not anymore.", "Catherine: So either she was lying in wait ...", "Nick: Or an eyewitness tried to hide from a killer.", "(Quick flashback to: There's a woman hiding in the shower. End of flashback.)", "Catherine: Let's pull the elevator surveillance. (She looks at Keppler.) Maybe we can find a blonde who got off on this floor.", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - RECEPTION / HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(Judy sees Grissom.)", "Judy: Welcome back, Dr. Grissom.", "Grissom: It's good to be back, Judy.", "(Grissom continues through the hallway.)", "Hodges: There are no words to describe how glad I am you're back.", "(Grissom turns and finds Hodges standing in one of the doorways.)", "Grissom: But I'm sure you'll find some.", "Hodges: The lab almost went to hell in a handbag while you were sabbaticalling. I'm sure you talked to Catherine, but just in case you didn't ... lot of hurt feelings, so in case you talk to Nick ...", "Grissom: I'd rather hear it from Catherine, thanks.", "(Grissom turns and heads for his office. Hodges stops him.)", "Hodges: Fair enough, but, uh, permit me to say that the \"Seasonal Behaviors of the Walden Pond Swamp Mosquito\" was an incredibly stimulating seminar.", "Grissom: And you know this how?", "Hodges: I took your course online. It's free to alumni.", "Grissom: Oh, you're Spanky.", "Hodges: (nods) Seven-four-three. I aced the final, didn't I?", "(Grissom nods non-committally and doesn't say anything. He turns and heads for his office.)", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom walks in and looks at the stack of mail on his desk - including the large, unopened box.)", "(He sighs and shakes his head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Robbins goes over the body with Keppler and Nick.)", "Robbins: Post-mortem tool marks to the left wrist. No vital reactions from the tissue. Cuts are scalloped, definitely a serrated blade. Not a bad job.", "Keppler: Anything to help us identify her?", "Robbins: David printed the right hand. No hits on AFIS. Lucky for you, like many young ladies her age, she had some surgical work done. Feel these.", "(Robbins hands the silicone implants to Nick.)", "Robbins: What do you think?", "Nick: Implants. Kind of big for my taste, really.", "(Robbins points to the bottom of the body.)", "Robbins: The other end.", "(Oh!)", "Nick: Oh, they're for the butt?", "Keppler: Implants are serialized. We can get an ID from those.", "(Keppler notices a metal bowl on the counter.)", "Nick: You know, I spent twelve hours on a court bench last week. I could have used a pair of these bad boys.", "(Keppler walks over to the bowl and looks at the bullet inside.)", "Keppler: What about COD?", "Robbins: Single gunshot to the back, just to the right of the spinal column. Bullet severed the aorta, lodged inside the sternum.", "(Keppler picks up the bullet and puts it in a bindle.)", "Keppler: And the cop?", "(Robbins picks up the evidence envelope.)", "Robbins: I removed these from Detective Graves. Large caliber, too.", "(He grabs the envelope from Robbins' grip.)", "Keppler: I'll get those to Ballistics.", "(Keppler opens the door.)", "Nick: Okay, so I'll run the serials?", "Keppler: Yeah.", "(Keppler leaves. Nick looks at Robbins.)", "Nick: I am an ass man.", "(He chuckles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Keppler walks through the hallway.)", "Grissom: (o.s.) Michael Keppler.", "(He stops as Grissom walks up to him.)", "Grissom: Hi, Gil Grissom. (They shake hands.) How's everybody been treating you?", "Keppler: No complaints; you've got a great team.", "(Keppler has the evidence bindles in his hands. He tucks his hands behind his back)", "Grissom: Yeah, thanks. Does Ecklie still have you slotted for days?", "Keppler: As far as I know.", "(Keppler brings his hands in front of him. Grissom can't help but notices the bindles.)", "Grissom: I hear you're working the double homicide at the Olympia. What have you got?", "Keppler: Oh, it's uh, bullets from Doc Robbins. I was going to run them through IBIS.", "Grissom: The dead cop was from your hometown, huh?", "Keppler: Yeah. Retired.", "Grissom: Did you know him?", "Keppler: (avoids) You know how many retired cops there are in Trenton?", "(Grissom shrugs.)", "Keppler: Well, it's great to finally meet you.", "(He shakes Grissom's hand again.)", "Grissom: Same.", "(Keppler turns and leaves. We hold on Grissom as he watches Keppler go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MCCARTY RESIDENCE - DINING ROOM - NIGHT -- FLASHBACK]", "(Keppler sits at Frank McCarty's dining room table along with his daughter, Amy. It's set for dinner. Amy turns to Keppler.)", "Amy McCarty: I love you, Mikey.", "(Keppler looks across the table at Frank. Frank smiles at him and sips from his wine glass.)", "(Keppler brings the knife down to cut the roast. As he cuts, the roast bleeds.)", "(He looks up and Amy is gone.)", "ABRUPT CUT TO:", "[INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT -- FLASHBACK]", "(Keppler stands at the end of the hallway. He makes his way toward the open door at the end.)", "(CAMERA ZOOMS from Keppler - ZOOMS through the hallway - ZOOMS toward the open door.)", "(The door slams shut.)", "END OF FLASHBACK", "ANGLE -- KEPPLER", "(Keppler sits on a hallway chair. He's lost in his thoughts.)", "Wendy Simms: (o.s.) Hey.", "(Keppler looks up.)", "Keppler: Hey.", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "Wendy Simms: I said, \"How do you feel about butt implants?\"", "Keppler: You don't need them?", "Wendy Simms: Thank you. I wasn't really talking about me, but ...", "Keppler: Oh, right. Sorry. You got something on the dead cop case?", "Wendy Simms: The blond hair from the tub does match the saliva left in the mouthwash bottle. And it's female, but not from the dead hooker with the big back seat.", "Keppler: Second female in the room uses mouthwash. More than likely another hooker. Looks like we got a witness.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS' OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Frank McCarty sips from his cup as he talks with Brass.)", "Frank McCarty: Dennis should've lived long enough to spoil his grandkids. He was a good man, good cop.", "Brass: Good enough to spot a hooker when he saw one?", "Frank McCarty: You don't have to be a cop to have that radar.", "Brass: So tell me about Dennis. Did he major in French? Maybe liked ménage a trois? You know, two's company, three's a party? 'Cause there was another girl in the room with him.", "Frank McCarty: Really?", "Brass: (nods) Mm-hmm. I only saw him leave with one girl. So as far as you know, there wasn't a blond in there with him?", "(chuckling):", "Frank McCarty: Dennis? (chuckles) He could barely handle one. Besides, he was a little tight with the buck.", "(Brass nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. EVANS RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Officer Metcalf talks while Warrick gathers evidence.)", "Officer Metcalf: I'm looking at the over-under in the Suns game. What do you think?", "Warrick: I don't bet sports anymore.", "Officer Metcalf: Not what I hear. According to Stokes, you're at the top of your game. Well, why don't you get your picks from him with his fat Texas mouth. I'd take the over.", "(The door closes. Warrick looks up and sees Grissom standing there with his kit.)", "Grissom: Hey. Want some help?", "Warrick: Welcome back.", "Grissom: What do you got?", "Warrick: Well, I'm just following a lead off some serialized butt implants.", "Grissom: I missed Las Vegas.", "(Warrick laughs.)", "Warrick: What are you doing here?", "Grissom: I'm avoiding the paperwork and mail that's piled up on my desk.", "(Grissom puts his kit down and puts on some gloves.)", "Warrick: Well ... we got a, uh, dead prostitute's apartment. It's obvious that it's been ransacked and robbed. I'm thinking that she was the target of the double and the cop was collateral.", "Grissom: Where would you like me to start?", "Warrick: You can hit the dinette. I haven't taken that yet. Unless you're avoiding her paperwork, too. There's a lot of it.", "(Grissom picks up the mail on the table for:", "COURTNEY EVANS", "1637 DUNCANSON AVE.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89115 )", "Grissom: Well, she was past due on her electric bill. But seems to have paid her telephone bill on time.", "Warrick: Telephone. Hooker's lifeline.", "(Warrick takes a print lift off the phone.)", "Warrick: I'm telling you, whoever hit this place left a lot of prints.", "Grissom: I, uh, heard there was some friction in the lab while I was gone.", "Warrick: You ever hear of \"reverse forensics\"?", "(Grissom looks at Warrick.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Keppler walks in through reception. He looks up and sees Frank McCarty leave Brass's office. He walks right past Frank McCarty and heads down the hall.)", "(Frank McCarty heads in the opposite direction. He takes his phone out and dials.)", "(Keppler's phone rings. He answers it.)", "Keppler: (to phone) Keppler.", "Frank McCarty: (from phone) There was someone else in that hotel room.", "Keppler: (to phone) I know.", "Frank McCarty: I need a name.", "(Keppler slips into a room.)", "Keppler: I don't have one.", "(Behind Keppler, Nick appears in the doorway to the back of the room. He sees Keppler on the phone inside.)", "Frank McCarty: (from phone) Don't let me down, kid. You got to help me here; I'm counting on you.", "(Keppler hangs up and stares out in front of him.)", "Nick: You okay?", "(Keppler turns around and looks at Nick.)", "Keppler: Yeah.", "(He closes his phone. Nick steps into the room to share what he's learned.)", "Nick: Well, I tracked down the plastic surgeon that augmented Courtney Evans' glutes. Probably the only implants ever paid for in cash by, get this ... her pimp, a guy named Eric Hong, aka ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Keppler and Nick interview Precious Ricky.)", "Keppler: \"Precious Ricky,\" huh?", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Yeah, that's what my mama calls me. Precious \"Licky.\"", "(He chuckles.)", "(Nick shows him a morgue photo of Courtney Evans.)", "Nick: Is she one of yours?", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: No, ain't seen her before.", "Nick: You bought her butt cheek implants. Is that something you normally do for girls you don't know?", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Oh, see, that's the problem. You're showing me the wrong end.", "Nick: Okay. So, then she is one of yours, right?", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Hey, I run an escort service. Strictly legal.", "Nick: I'm sure it is. So what did she do, Precious? She make you mad?", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: No. No, I don't get mad, man. I'm blissed out. I'm a Buddhist. I let the anger flow right through me. Sentient beings are numberless, and I vow to save them.", "(He slides the photo back across the table toward Nick.)", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: I didn't do nothing to her.", "Nick: Nothing? Like cut off her hand, and you kill the cop she was with?", "Keppler: We know Courtney was with a blond last night. Long hair. You got anyone who matches that description?", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Jenny, Coco, Lani ... April, May and June, too. But you know what? (jokes) The cuffs don't always match the collars, you know what I ...", "(Keppler moves swiftly. He grabs Ricky's head and slams him down onto the table.)", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Ugh!", "(Keppler holds him there.)", "Keppler: Now, look, Ricky, maybe you're a nice guy, maybe you're not, but right now I really don't care, because I think you're lying to me. And that could go very badly for you.", "(Ricky lifts his head and looks at Keppler.)", "Keppler: Do you understand what I'm saying?", "(Keppler lets Ricky go.)", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Okay, okay. They were all on the clock last night. It was a bachelor party.", "(Nick watches as Keppler straightens his jacket.)", "(There's a knock at the door before it opens. Sofia looks in.)", "Sofia: Nick, Mike, can you step out a minute?", "(Keppler and Nick step outside.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Sofia fills Keppler and Nick in. She indicates the young woman sitting in the hallway holding a baby.)", "Sofia: Miss McFarland is a babysitter, of sorts. I wouldn't leave her with my cat. I think she likes the pipe. She claims that that baby belongs to Courtney Evans.", "Nick: She had a baby? Damn.", "Sofia: I'm going to call Child Services.", "(Sofia leaves.)", "Nick: Yeah.", "(Nick and Keppler walk over to Dorothy McFarland.)", "Nick: Ma'am, I'm Nick Stokes; this is Mike Keppler. We're with the Crime Lab. You mind if we ask you a few questions?", "Dorothy McFarland: (interrupts) Um, look, Courtney was supposed to come in the morning to pick up Lila, okay. I got to work. You know, real work. Okay, look, my own problems, okay? Otherwise, I would have taken her myself, but, um, I ain't in no shape, okay? So, uh, you can find her a family, right?", "Nick: What about the father?", "Dorothy McFarland: I don't know. I heard he was in prison or something like that. I ain't never seen him.", "Keppler: When she left the baby with you, was Courtney with anyone? A friend maybe?", "Dorothy McFarland: No, no, she ain't got no friends.", "Keppler: What about enemies?", "Dorothy McFarland: You know what? I can't take this. Mm-mm, please take her. Thank you.", "(She deposits the baby in Nick's arms.)", "Dorothy McFarland: Please.", "(She backs away and starts leaving.)", "Nick: (to the officer) Go with her.", "Dorothy McFarland: I got to go.", "(Dorothy and the officer leave. Nick looks at Lila.)", "Nick: Oh. Looks like we have another victim, huh?", "(Keppler doesn't like the looks of this. He leaves Nick with the baby.)", "Nick: (to Lila) It's gonna be okay, baby.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CASINO -- DAY]", "(Keppler walks across the floor and over to Frank McCarty, who is at a poker machine.)", "Keppler: We got to talk, Frank.", "(Keppler sits next to him.)", "Frank McCarty: Hold on, hold on, I'm on a streak here. Now, do I keep the ace or draw the inside straight? I'm gonna draw to the straight.", "Keppler: She had a kid.", "Frank McCarty: Oh, God.", "Keppler: Why don't you tell me about the hand?", "Frank McCarty: Why? She scratched me, Mike.", "(He shows Keppler the blood on his shirt coming from a wound on the inside.)", "Frank McCarty: Come on, what was I supposed to do? I couldn't take the chance that one of your guys would find my DNA under her nails.", "Keppler: Why, Frank?", "Frank McCarty: You know why.", "Keppler: That was a long time ago; Dennis never said a word.", "Frank McCarty: Yeah, but he was going to. He was about to be indicted. Wife, three kids. There was no way he was doing time. He was going down, Mikey, and he was taking us with him.", "Keppler: He was a cop, Frank.", "Frank McCarty: Yeah.", "Keppler: You taught me that. You don't do that, not even to save your own ass.", "Frank McCarty: Yeah? What about yours? (to the bartender) Hey! Give me another vodka and tonic. And give my boy here a scotch. Neat, right? Make it a double. We got to loosen him up.", "(Frank chuckles.)", "Frank McCarty: Look at her. Just like catnip.", "(Keppler turns and looks at Frank.)", "Frank McCarty: Don't look at me like that, Mike. We did the right thing, all of us. But do you think the grand jury's gonna see it like that? They're gonna see a white cop turned \"Dirty Harry\" goes across the river to take out some Puerto Rican drug dealer. Shoots him in the back. They don't understand. Every time we take one step outside the box for public safety, they nail our asses to the wall.", "Keppler: Sit down, Frank.", "Frank McCarty: Hey, Mikey, there's no turning back. You did the right thing. If you hadn't taken care of that evidence ...", "Keppler: Keep your voice down, all right?", "Frank McCarty: Come on, I need some help here. Or you're gonna lose everything. And that isn't what Amy would have wanted. She loved you.", "Keppler: Don't do that.", "Frank McCarty: What?", "Keppler: Don't bring her into this.", "Frank McCarty: You think you're the only one who cared for her? I was her father, Mikey. Don't ever forget that.", "(The bartender appears with the drinks. She leaves.)", "Frank McCarty: I would've killed that scumbag who raped her with these bare hands, but you got to him first.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK of the kid in the teaser. Keppler shoots the kid.", "Frank McCarty: I love you for that. Yeah, I made compromises for you. You wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for me.", "Keppler: Yeah. Yeah. You're out of line, Frank.", "(Keppler stands up. McCarty puts a hand on his shirt to stop him. He grins at Keppler.)", "Frank McCarty: Hey, Mikey, there is no statute of limitations for murder. The kid you shot, his mother's still crying. And I got the gun ... with your prints and his blood on it.", "(Frank sits down.)", "Frank McCarty: (smugly) You go down now, you take every case you ever worked on with you. Trenton, Philly, Baltimore, Vegas. All those killers go free. All on your hands. So, pin it on the blond in the bathroom or the pimp. Just do it, I don't care how, just do it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick talks with PJ Turner.)", "(PJ Turner sniffs and pushes the photo back toward Warrick.)", "PJ Turner: I don't even know Courtney what's-her-name.", "Warrick: So how is it that your prints ended up all over her apartment?", "PJ Turner: I've never been to her apartment.", "Warrick: Did I mention she was dead?", "PJ Turner: What? Yo, I don't even know no dead person.", "Warrick: PJ, you know what I think? I think you killed her. You took her purse, went to her apartment and stole all her stuff.", "PJ Turner: No, no, no. I didn't kill nobody.", "Warrick: Well, she's dead. And so is the cop she was with. That's the death penalty.", "PJ Turner: Here's what happened -- I swear, this-- this is the truth.", "(Quick flashback to: PJ Turner is going through the trash.)", "PJ Turner: I was minding my own business. I was checking out the dumpsters behind, behind the Strip, and lo and behold, I find this lady's purse.", "(He finds the purse and opens it.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Warrick: Right there in the dumpster?", "PJ Turner: Yeah, like pennies from heaven.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(Catherine watches the interview.)", "PJ Turner: It had a wallet, it had keys, it had a cell phone. So I checked for her license, I got her address and went to her house. I was going to return the purse, I swear.", "Warrick: Oh, like a Good Samaritan?", "PJ Turner: Yeah, but, when I got here, no one was there.", "Warrick: So what'd you do?", "PJ Turner: I used the key. I was going to leave the purse inside.", "Warrick: But you didn't do that, did you?", "PJ Turner: I might have taken a couple of things.", "Warrick: Where was the dumpster?", "PJ Turner: Behind the Palermo.", "(Catherine's phone rings.)", "Warrick: Behind the Palermo.", "(She answers it.)", "Catherine: This is Catherine.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CAR (TRAVELING) - DAY]", "(Keppler is driving and is on the phone.)", "Keppler: Catherine, it's Mike.", "Catherine: Mike. Where have you been?", "Keppler: I had to take care of something. How's it going? Any ID on the blonde yet?", "Catherine: No, but we got some info from the deadbeat who burgled the hooker's apartment. Claims he found her purse in a dumpster behind the Palermo.", "Keppler: I'm just off the Strip now; I'll take care of it for you.", "Catherine: Mike, are you okay?", "Keppler: Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I'll see you in a little bit.", "(Catherine hangs up.)", "[EXT. STREET - DAY]", "(Keppler turns the car around and heads back in the direction he came from.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PALERMO - DAY]", "(Mike is going through the trash in the dumpster. He finds something wrapped in a cloth.)", "(He unwraps the missing hand.)", "FADE OUT TO:", "[EXT. SNOWY NIGHT (FLASHBACK)]", "(Keppler is shaken as he hugs Frank McCarty. He then puts the bloodied gun in a bag McCarty holds open for him.)", "(REWIND: Keppler walks backward - away from McCarty.)", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "[INT. KEPPLER'S APARTMENT - SHOWER]", "(Keppler is in the shower. His head on his arm up against the wall.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / LOCKER ROOM]", "(Catherine walks through the hallway. She turns and sees a gun on the locker room bench.)", "(Keppler steps out into view. He's dressed, his hair damp.)", "Catherine: Hey, Mike.", "Keppler: Hey.", "Catherine: Did you get anything from the dumpster?", "(Keppler puts his shirt on.)", "Keppler: Yeah ... a bad smell.", "Catherine: So ... Ecklie wants you on days now that Grissom's back, but ... I could talk to them, get you to stay with us.", "Keppler: Oh, I'm sure you guys will do just fine without me.", "Catherine: Yeah, usually transfers don't fit in, but ... think about it.", "(Catherine heads out of the locker room. Keppler stops her.)", "Keppler: Catherine.", "(She steps back inside.)", "Keppler: Thanks.", "(Catherine leaves. Keppler watches her go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY & A/V LAB- DAY]", "(Keppler is walking through the hallway when he sees Archie and Nick in the A/V Lab. They're working on the security video. Nick turns and sees Keppler.)", "Nick: Keppler. Archie found the mystery blonde. Before she was in Dennis Graves' room, she was with that cop, Frank McCarty.", "(The video shows Frank McCarty with Suzy Gibbons in the elevator.)", "Nick: They got on in the lobby, got off on 11-around the time McCarty said Dennis picked up his hooker. Hey, he never mentioned he had company, and he knew we were looking for another hooker. Now I'm starting to think we're looking at a dirty cop.", "Keppler: Who knows about this?", "Nick: PD's about to. I'm calling them right now.", "Archie: You'd think a cop would know he's on camera, huh?", "(Keppler leaves without another word.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. HOTEL - HALLWAY TO MCCARTY'S ROOM - DAY]", "(Sofia, Nick, Keppler and some officers head for McCarty's hotel room.)", "Sofia: McCarty's phone keeps going to voice mail. And, according to the receptionist, he didn't check out.", "(They reach the door. Sofia knocks.)", "Sofia: LVPD. Open up.", "(There's no answer.)", "Keppler: Give me the card.", "(The officer on the side gives Keppler the card key. Keppler unlocks the door. He opens it and walks in.)", "(There's no one in the room. On the bed is a paper package. Sofia uses the muzzle of her gun to turn the package. Nick uses a glove and takes out a plastic bag with a bloodied gun inside.)", "(Keppler looks at the gun.)", "[EXT. - NIGHT]", "(The kid is crying.)", "(Someone points the gun at the kid.)", "kid: I didn't do it ... I didn't do it, man. Come on, man; I didn't do it. You got the wrong guy, man.", "(Camera whirls around on the shooter and its --", "ANGLE - FRANK MCCARTY", "(He's pointing the gun down at Dennis Graves, who is in his underwear and sitting on the bed. He shoots Dennis first. Then he points the gun at Courtney Evans, who is trying to get away.)", "Courtney Evans: No!", "(He shoots her in the back. She falls on the floor.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Nick and Sofia are looking at the gun in the bag.)", "Sofia: It's a .45 auto.", "(Nick holds the bag up.)", "Nick: Same caliber as the gun that killed the cop and the hooker.", "Sofia: With blood stains.", "Nick: This-this is practically gift-wrapped. If the guy wants to get caught so bad, just confess, make it easy on all of us. I can't wait to get this back to Ballistics. I'll see you.", "(Nick leaves with the gun. Sofia looks at Keppler.)", "Keppler: I'll finish up here.", "(Sofia turns and leaves the room. Keppler sits on the bed and takes his phone out. He dials.)", "Frank McCarty: (voice message) You've reached Frank. Leave me a message after the tone.", "(Keppler closes his phone.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara is walking through the hallway. She's wearing the blue jumpsuit and has smudges on her face.)", "(Grissom rushes out of the office when he sees her.)", "Grissom: Sara.", "(Sara turns around. Grissom takes his glasses off.)", "Sara: Hey. You're back.", "Grissom: Yeah.", "(Grissom takes a step toward her. Sara takes a step back. She holds up her evidence packages to defend herself.)", "Sara: Uh, I've -- I've been out at a, um ... I've been at ...", "Grissom: A garbage dump?", "(Grissom continues to advance. Sara continues to back away.)", "Sara: (smiles) Yeah. It's so obvious, isn't it? Nice, um ... You look good.", "(She nods and continues to back away from Grissom, who continues to walk toward her.)", "Grissom: Did you, uh, put the cocoon in my office?", "Sara: Cool, dry, not a lot of light. It seemed like the right place for it.", "Grissom: I think you're going to be surprised when it hatches.", "Sara: I have no doubt. (Grissom stops.) I'm gonna ... go clean up now.", "(Sara turns and heads off.)", "Grissom: I'll see you later.", "(She stops and looks at him.)", "Sara: Yeah, you will.", "(Sara leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "(Archie goes over the security video footage with Keppler.)", "Archie: McCarty's mystery blonde knew the dead hooker.", "Keppler: How do you know that?", "Archie: Check out the time code.", "Keppler: 1:10.", "Archie: We recovered the hooker's cell phone, thanks to a dumpster diver. These are all her voice mails, the last couple hours before she died. At the same time the blond was making this call, Courtney Evans received a voice mail. So, I synched up the audio to the video.", "(Archie plays the footage with sound. Keppler steps closer to the monitor.)", "Suzy Gibbons: Yeah, Courty, it's me, Suzy Q. Got your message. What, are you too busy to answer me back? Uh, so anyway, I just left my guy. Eh, it went all right. Usual \"Call me Daddy\" crap.", "(She laughs)", "Suzy Gibbons: You know, he actually wanted me to whimper. Whatever. He kept calling me \"Amy.\"", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Keppler is walking down a long dark hallway. He hears a woman whimpering.)", "Keppler: (v.o., whisper) Amy?", "(At the end of the hallway is an open door.)", "(CAMERA ZOOMS toward the door and - -- the door SLAMS shut on him.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(We hold on Keppler watching the security video of Suzy Q on the phone.", "Suzy Gibbons: (to phone) ... that three-way ... I don't know, I don't know. I think I'm gonna have to --", "Catherine: Do we have an ID on the blonde?", "(Keppler turns and sees Catherine inside the lab.)", "Keppler: Just now.", "Catherine: I just finished running names off Courtney Evans' incoming calls.", "Archie: Yeah? Well, we're looking for Suzy Gibbons.", "Catherine: Here it is. Priors for prostitution and a last known.", "Keppler: Can I see that?", "(He looks at Suzy Gibbons' mug shot.)", "Archie: She knew the vic. She's the blonde in the bathtub.", "Catherine: Well, if we can find Suzy, so can a retired cop. He needs her dead.", "Keppler: If she's dumb enough to hide out in her own house, she already is.", "(Keppler turns and leaves the room.)", "Catherine: Mike? Mike, where are you going?!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Nick snaps images of a clear print into the digital camera hooked up to the computer. He scans the print and runs it through the database.)", "(Nick swabs the blood off the gun.)", "(He gets a match.)", "MICHAEL KEPPLER", "BADGE # 8590", "AGE: 40 HEIGHT: 6'3\"", "WEIGHT: 175 LBS EYES: BLUE", "RACE: CAUCASIAN s*x: MALE", "HAIR: BROWN", "ADDRESS:", "LAS VEGAS CRIME LAB", "3057 WESTFALL AVE.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89156 Law Enforcement Personnel:", "ACCESS RESTRICTED", "(We hold on Nick.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[CU: BEDROOM DOOR -- FLASHBACK]", "KEPPLER'S POV: He approaches the door that's ajar and enters the bedroom.", "(Keppler stops outside the door and sees a girl on the bed. He pushes the door open.)", "Keppler: Amy?", "(Amy McCarty is in bed. There's a man sitting on the edge of the bed. Frank McCarty walks around the bed. Keppler steps toward Amy.)", "Amy McCarty: Daddy said never tell you.", "(He looks and sees the blood on her wrists.)", "END OF FLASHBACK", "[INT. CAR (STOPPED) - DAY]", "(Keppler is in his car and stopped at the light on the street. Car horns beep for him to go at the green light. Keppler drives.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Nick shares his findings with Catherine.)", "Catherine: Why would McCarty have a bloody gun with Keppler's prints on it, in his hotel room?", "Nick: Doesn't make any sense.", "Catherine: No. Could Mike have touched it when he found it?", "Nick: No, no way. I was right there. Besides, the blood was already dry. You don't leave fingerprints in dried blood. I compared the .45 ammo evidence to the dead cop and the hooker. It's the correct make, model and caliber, but I'm telling you, it's a different gun.", "Catherine: Maybe he's being set up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Catherine and Nick report their findings to Grissom.)", "Grissom: Why? By whom? Keppler told me that he didn't know Frank McCarty.", "Warrick: He also said he didn't know the victim. Maybe he's lying about that, too. I'm sorry, Catherine. I like the guy, too, but I'm just following the evidence here.", "Nick: We should be talking to Keppler about this.", "Grissom: Where is he?", "Catherine: He was with me in A/V. Nobody has seen him since, and he's not answering his cell.", "Nick: He knows where the eyewitness lives.", "Catherine: What are you saying, Nick?", "Nick: I'm saying that if he had something to do with these two murders, then Frank McCarty's not the only one we need to worry about.", "Catherine: PD's on their way to Suzy Gibbons' apartment now.", "Grissom: Okay, grab Sara and go over there, and I'll have Brass call Trenton PD, see who knows who.", "Catherine: Welcome home.", "(Catherine stands up and leaves the office. Grissom watches her leave.)", "Grissom: What other evidence did, uh, Keppler handle?", "Nick: He brought back the three bullets from Autopsy, which didn't match the gun with his prints on it.", "Grissom: Could he have swapped the bullets?", "Nick: Anything's possible.", "Warrick: He also searched the dumpster where the homeless guy found the hooker's purse and cell phone. He told Catherine he didn't find anything.", "(Wendy Simms enters the office to share her findings.)", "Wendy Simms: I got your DNA results, and the blood on the gun from Frank McCarty's hotel room, it doesn't match either victim. There were no hits in CODIS, and the DNA print ancestry markers say that it's from a black male.", "Nick: Keppler and McCarty were both Jersey boys. Expand the search to the East Coast.", "Wendy Simms: Will do. I really hope he's clean.", "(Wendy leaves the office.)", "Grissom: We have to treat him like a suspect. I'll tell Ecklie.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. EMPTY LOT NEAR HENDERSON - DAY]", "(Keppler's phone rings. He takes the phone out of his pocket and looks at it. He doesn't answer.)", "(Keppler is standing in an empty lot; there's a pile of trash near him.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "(Greg closes his phone.)", "Greg: Still no answer on his cell.", "Archie: Hey. Got a fix on the GPS in his Denali.", "(The red blip appears on the monitor map.)", "Greg: He's near Henderson. (Archie nods.) What's he doing there?", "[EXT. EMPTY LOT NEAR HENDERSON - DAY]", "(Keppler goes to his Denali and rips the GPS antennae off the roof. He tosses it away.)", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "(The message box appears on the monitor:", "LAS VEGAS POLICE DEPARTMENT", "NO ANTENNAE DETECTED", "SIGNAL REFERENCE", "LOST #01254512", "UNABLE TO DETECT )", "Archie: He just disabled his GPS. Smart guy.", "Greg: Guilty guy. Try tracking his cell. PD-issued phones have GPS, too.", "Archie: Yeah.", "(Archie type in the phone number: 702 555-0147. The blip appears again on the monitor map.)", "Archie: Got him.", "(We hold on the BLIP.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. FREIGHT ELEVATOR -- NIGHT]", "(Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong is on the phone as he rides up the freight elevator. The elevator door opens and he steps out.)", "(Keppler steps out from his position behind the corner and follows Ricky. He turns Ricky, grabs the phone out of his hand and slams him up against the wall.)", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Okay? I'll take the phone.", "Keppler: Suzy Gibbons -- how do I find her?", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Okay, you know what? First off, you're gonna get your freakin' hands off me.", "Keppler: I don't have time, Ricky.", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Wh-Why should I tell you?", "Keppler: Because if you don't ...", "(Keppler takes his gun out, cocks it and presses the muzzle against Ricky's jaw.)", "Keppler: I'm the last face you're gonna see alive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. GIBBONS' APARTMENT -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine leaves the bedroom, walks through the hallway and heads back into the living room.)", "Catherine: I don't think Suzy works out of here.", "(Sara is in the kitchen looking through the cupboards.)", "Sara: Me, either.", "(Catherine's phone rings. She answers it.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Jim?", "Brass: (from phone) So I finally got through to the Homicide captain in Trenton.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "Brass: (to phone) Anyway, here's the story. Keppler knew McCarty. Not only did he know him, he was like a son to him. Keppler had a close relationship with his daughter and McCarty was the one who got Keppler his job as a CSI.", "Catherine: And - (sighs) -- what about the victim -- Detective Graves?", "Brass: Yeah, he knew him, too. Graves was being indicted. Seems like too many of his suspects were showing up dead before the trial. Catherine, I think all three of them are dirty.", "Catherine: Okay.", "(She hangs up.)", "Sara: You know, some women ... live out of their purses.", "(Sara shows her the motel key envelopes for:", "WELCOME GUESTS", "CHECK OUT TIME", "12 NOON", "BLUE SIREN MOTEL )", "Catherine: I know a lot of working girls operate out of the Siren.", "Sara: I think we just found her office.", "(Catherine's phone rings.)", "Sara: I'll see you back at the lab?", "Catherine: Okay.", "(Sara leaves. Catherine checks the caller ID and sees it's from: ERIC HONG.)", "(She answers the phone.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Hello.", "[EXT. BLUE SIREN MOTEL - NIGHT]", "(Keppler is sitting in his car.)", "Keppler: (to phone) It's Mike.", "Catherine: Where have you been? Everybody is looking for you.", "Keppler: I know. I'm sorry.", "Catherine: Then come back in.", "Keppler: I can't. It's kind of complicated. I ... made a mistake a long time ago.", "Catherine: Let me help you.", "Keppler: It's too late. You're gonna end up looking into my cases, Catherine. (sighs) They're clean. I promise, every one of them. Except the Alvarez homicide in Philly. If you run the ballistics again, it'll come back to Dennis Graves. Your guys are smart, they'll figure it out.", "Catherine: Mike, don't do anything stupid.", "Keppler: I got to go.", "(Keppler hangs up.)", "(Catherine looks at her phone.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BLUE SIREN MOTEL (STOCK) -- NIGHT", "[INT. CAR (PARKED) - NIGHT]", "(The line rings and clicks as the voice message starts.)", "Frank McCarty: (voice message) Hey, you've reached Frank. Leave me a message after the tone.", "(Phone beeps.)", "Keppler: If you still want to fix this, Frank, you got twenty minutes. Blue Siren Motel, Third, below Fremont.", "(Keppler steps out of the car. He heads for the motel.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Grissom is going through his mail. He comes upon the large box and looks at the label:", "GIL GRISSOM", "LAS VEGAS CRIME LAB", "3057 WESTFALL AVE", "LAS VEGAS, NB 81956 )", "(He starts to pick up the box when his cell phone rings. Grissom puts the box down and answers his phone.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom.", "INTECUT WITH:", "[INT. GIBBONS RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(Catherine is on the phone.)", "Catherine: (to phone) He just called, sounded desperate. Like a man with nothing to live for and nothing to lose.", "Grissom: Well, he's not your priority. Find the witness.", "Catherine: Yeah. I'm on my way. I just wanted you to know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. BLUE SIREN MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Suzy Gibbons sits on the bed smoking a cigarette. She appears extremely nervous.)", "(There's a knock at the door.)", "Suzy Gibbons: It's open.", "(The door opens and Frank McCarty steps inside. Suzy backs away as Frank raises his gun at her.)", "(Keppler appears behind him, his own gun pointed at the back of Frank's head.)", "Keppler: Drop it, Frank.", "(Frank freezes.)", "Keppler: Put the gun down.", "(Frank puts his hands up and places the gun on the nearby dresser.)", "Frank McCarty: Look, Mike ... about the bar, you were right. I was out of line. You know how I get -- come on. Put the gun down. (Frank lowers his hands.) You're not gonna shoot me.", "Keppler: Suzy, I want you to get up and walk out of the room, all right?", "Frank McCarty: I can't let that happen. (to Suzy) Sit down!", "(Suzy sits down.)", "Keppler: It's over, Frank. I know what you did.", "(Keppler lowers his gun.)", "Frank McCarty: What are you talking about?", "Keppler: I know what you did to Amy.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(Frank is naked and sitting on the side of Amy's bed. Amy is in bed, listless.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Keppler swallows.)", "Keppler: I killed an innocent man.", "Frank McCarty: Mikey, you're talking crazy.", "Keppler: She was your daughter, Frank.", "Frank McCarty: You watch your frickin' mouth. (Keppler raises his again. Frank backs away, his hands up.) All right, okay! Put the gun down.", "(Gibbons cries. Frank turns around to her.)", "Frank McCarty: (shouts) Shut up!", "(She stops sobbing loudly.)", "Frank McCarty: (quietly) I loved her, Mike, more than you know.", "(Keppler cocks his gun.)", "Frank McCarty: All right, okay. I'm a dirty cop, rotten to the core. What do you want from me?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BLUE SIREN MOTEL - FRONT DESK -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine closes her badge and opens the door. She looks at the rooms. She heads toward the door.)", "[INT. BLUE SIREN MOTEL - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(A police car with flashing lights silently rolls into the parking lot.)", "[INT. BLUE SIREN MOTEL - STAIRS TO ROOMS -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine climbs up the stairs.)", "[INT. BLUE SIREN MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Keppler keeps his gun pointed at Frank. Outside, police sirens get closer.)", "Keppler: I want you to tell me why, Frank. Why you would do that to your own daughter.", "Frank McCarty: Come on, Mike. You're all I've got.", "(Suzy gets up and runs for the door. She runs past Frank and Keppler.)", "Suzy Gibbson: No! No!", "(Keppler steps in front of Suzy as she reaches the door.) Frank turns, grabs his gun off the dresser, points and fires.)", "(He shoots Keppler in the chest.)", "(Suzy screams. She opens the door and runs out.)", "(Frank stares at Keppler.)", "[EXT. BLUE SIREN MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The door opens and Catherine sees Suzy run out of the room. She runs down the walkway in the opposite direction.)", "(Catherine runs to the room.)", "Catherine: Mike!", "(Behind her, officers are running up the stairs.)", "[INT. BLUE SIREN MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Keppler falls against he radiator. McCarty stares.)", "(Catherine runs to the door, her eyes on Keppler.)", "Catherine: Mike.", "(Frank turns his gun on Catherine.)", "(Keppler fires at Frank, shooting him in the chest and empties his gun into him.)", "(Frank falls back onto the bed.)", "(Keppler grunts.)", "(Catherine holsters her gun and grabs the nearby roll of paper towels.)", "Catherine: Mike.", "(She kneels next to him and presses a wad of paper towels into his wound to stop the bleeding.)", "Catherine: Mike.", "(The officers arrive in the room.)", "Catherine: Mike, hang in there. (to the officer) Call the paramedics.", "(One officer is outside the room to make the call while a second officer goes to check on Frank.)", "Officer: Dispatch, got a Code 44.", "(Catherine holds her hand against Keppler's cheek.)", "Catherine: You're gonna be okay. Just stay with me.", "Keppler: I'm sorry.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BLUE SIREN MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Suzy Gibbons talks with an officer.)", "Suzy Gibbons: I just know they both had guns.", "(The paramedics rush Keppler on a gurney toward the ambulance. Catherine runs next to them.)", "Paramedic: Move it. PARAMEDIC: Pupils still fixed and dilated. PARAMEDIC: He's moving into V-fib! Let's go!", "Catherine: I'm here. Stay with me, Mike.", "Paramedic: Place him into the back of the rig.", "Catherine: Mike?", "Paramedic: Let's go, let's go.", "(The push the gurney into the back of the ambulance.)", "Catherine: Hang on, Mike.", "(Catherine watches from the open doors. The paramedics working on Keppler charge up the paddles.)", "Paramedic: Charging, 300.", "(In the background, Grissom runs toward them.)", "Paramedic: Two placement's good. PARAMEDIC: Clear? PARAMEDIC: Clear.", "(They shock him.)", "Paramedic: No response. Hitting him again. PARAMEDIC: Copy. Clear.", "(They shock him again.)", "Paramedic: Yeah, I've got nothing. PARAMEDIC: Still in V-fib. Come on, come on.", "(They shock him again.)", "Paramedic: There's no pulse.", "Catherine: What?", "Paramedic: He's gone.", "(They stop working on Keppler and put the paddles away. Grissom glances at Catherine and steps closer to her. He puts his arm around her shoulders and holds her.)", "(Catherine looks at Keppler and she cries.)", "(Grissom turns her and leads her away from the ambulance.)", "FAR SHOT OF: Grissom and Catherine walk across the parking lot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(PRE-LAP) Warrick: (v.o., to phone) Talk to me, Archie.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. EMPTY LOT NEAR HENDERSON - DAY]", "(Warrick is on the phone while Nick looks around the area.)", "Archie: (from phone) The signal's twenty yards north of your position.", "(Warrick looks around the area.)", "Warrick: I don't see anything.", "Archie: (from phone) Hold on. I'm calling the phone now.", "Warrick: All right.", "(A beat later, a cell phone rings.)", "Nick: Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait! I got something.", "(He motions to Warrick as he turns toward a pile of rubbish on the side.)", "Warrick: (to phone) I'll call you back.", "(Nick and Warrick head for the ringing phone. Warrick hangs up.)", "(Nick finds a portable ice chest. He takes out a knife and cuts the biohazard seal. Inside he finds Keppler's phone and severed hand in a plastic bag.)", "(There's also a note.)", "(Nick looks at Warrick.)", "Warrick: Keppler left his phone so we'd find the hand.", "(Nick takes his glasses off and picks up the note.)", "Nick: \"Check under the nails. You'll find Frank McCarty's DNA.\"", "(Nick nods and sighs.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Law of Gravity
[ "Grissom is shocked when he opens a package sent to him while he was on sabbatical and finds a miniature crime scene inside, especially as the case of the previous miniatures was supposed to have been closed. Investigation reveals the murder depicted has not yet taken place but is likely to occur soon, so Grissom and the team work to analyze the miniature and find the real location before a tragedy can occur." ]
[ "FLASH IN:", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(The city is lit outside the window. The camera pulls back and passes a crackling fire inside the large, spacious living room. A cat meows and runs across the wood-paneled floor, disappearing behind the large bookshelf.)", "(The camera continues through the spacious room. There are bookshelves, couches and modern-styled lamps. Up against the wall there are filled vases. Paper crunching is heard and a light shines down from above. The camera continues around the room.)", "(More paper crunching is heard. More light appears from above, illuminating the room.)", "(The camera swings around and lingers on a LAS VEGAS GLOBE newspaper on the desk with the headline, \"Another Body Found!\")", "(The paper crunching continues. Camera swings around the miniature desk and pulls back from the miniature chair. Light shines from above as Grissom lifts the lid to the room.)", "(He can't believe his eyes and stares at the latest diorama.)", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE / HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom reaches down and lifts the miniature room out of the box. We're looking up from the room at Grissom. He carries the diorama and heads out of his office.)", "(He rushes carefully through the hallway. He glances to the side and shouts.)", "Grissom: Catherine, layout room, right away!", "(He continues toward the layout room.)", "Catherine: (o.s.) Where're you going?", "(The elevator bell dings. Grissom continues toward the layout room.)", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "(He sets the diorama down on the table.)", "Catherine: (o.s.) Gil, where's the fire?", "(Catherine appears next to Grissom as they both look at the latest miniature.)", "TOP VIEW DOWN: This miniature has a person sitting on a long, black sofa.", "Grissom: It's been sitting in my office for the last four weeks.", "Catherine: But ... we caught the 'miniature serial killer'; he confessed.", "Grissom: Yeah, I watched him blow his brains out. But I think the package was postmarked after he killed himself.", "Catherine: So maybe he arranged to have it sent postmortem.", "(Grissom turns the diorama.)", "Grissom: The three other murders, the miniature was left at the scene. This one was addressed to me.", "(Grissom uses the magnifying glass and examines the room.)", "Catherine: So, now it's personal?", "Grissom: The victim appears to be a Caucasian female with lots of books. It could be an office, somebody's living room ... or a modern hotel lobby. When I was gone, did anybody work a scene like this?", "Catherine: No ... at least not on our shift.", "(Grissom notes the miniature newspaper on the table.)", "Catherine: I'll check with days and swing, and see if anybody caught a case that matches.", "(Catherine turns to leave, but Grissom stops her.)", "Grissom: Never mind.", "Catherine: Why not?", "Grissom: Take a look at the early edition.", "(Grissom hands Catherine the magnifying glass. The date is SATURDAY, FEBRUARY", "Catherine: It's dated the day after tomorrow.", "Grissom: This murder hasn't happened yet.", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom snaps photos of the diorama. He snaps a photo of the three vases and of the newspaper on the miniature desk, of the coffee table with miniature tea set and of the woman on the couch. He continues snapping photos.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- NIGHT", "(Sara, Nick and Warrick watch the video.)", "Ernie Dell: (from video) My name is Ernest Edward Dell. I was born in 1946 in Ames, Iowa. My life's been hard, but I don't complain. I never expected better.", "(On the video, he takes a sip of his cup.)", "Ernie Dell: (from video) I'm good with my hands. I make things. I fix things. I'm a handyman. That's what I am.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - NIGHT]", "(VARIOUS DISSOLVES OF: Grissom puts the photos on the board lining the wall.)", "Ernie Dell: (V.O.) I'm not the sociable type. I-I know that. You spend any amount of time around people, you get your heart broke -- treachery, hypocrisy ... the promise of love.", "[VIDEO]", "Ernie Dell: (from video) A man has a right to an honest day's pay. Me, I service the machinery of death so that people can eat. If that makes me evil, then so be it.", "(They pause the video.)", "Sara: The 'Miniature Killer' murdered three people over a period of roughly six months. Ernie Dell was either directly or indirectly related to all of them.", "Warrick: What's with the bloody dolls?", "Sara: We're not sure. There's a different perspective of that same image in all of the miniatures. (She hands Warrick an enlarged photo.) We're thinking it could be some kind of signature.", "(The video resumes.)", "Ernie Dell: (from video) Look into the mouth of a person and you'll find lies wriggling there like maggots waiting to grow wings. The world has ... has gone mad. A man could kill from sunup to sunset, and still his work would never be done.", "(Ernie takes the gun, puts it under his chin and fires. Sara, Nick and Warrick flinch. Sara pauses the video.)", "Nick: Remember the Blue Paint killers? Maybe Ernie Dell had a partner. Like an apprentice, an accomplice, something like that.", "Warrick: Or a disciple.", "Sara: You guys make models when you were kids?", "Nick: Tanks and airplanes.", "Warrick: Classic cars.", "Sara: These miniatures are obsessively precise, half-inch scale models of the crime scenes. They probably took weeks of focused effort to create. I don't think the killer's into team sports.", "Warrick: Izzy Delancy ... he was a rock star. You know, famous brings out the nut jobs. Maybe we're just looking at a copycat.", "Sara: The miniatures were never released to the press. No photos, nothing. You can't copy what you can't see.", "Nick: Other people had access to those files. Maybe it was a cop. Or somebody in the lab. It's been known to happen.", "Warrick: Yeah, so, Ernie Dell takes the rap for three murders, and then eats a .38. Why?", "Sara: I think he was trying to protect someone -- someone he cared a lot about.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM]", "(SCOPE VIEW: Of the purse. Grissom checks the inside of the purse and finds it empty.)", "(Catherine walks in.)", "Catherine: Prints and DNA are going over the package and wrapping paper.", "Grissom: They won't find anything.", "Catherine: Return address was an empty lot. Any clue as to who the victim is?", "Grissom: No, I even went through her little purse.", "(Catherine puts her glasses on and looks at the miniature.)", "Catherine: Well, she's not wearing a wedding ring. She's probably single. Her eyes appear to be bloodshot. Petechial hemorrhaging, maybe?", "(Grissom notices something on the pillows.)", "Grissom: Look at this.", "Catherine: Blue smudges on the pillow. Blue mascara on the victim.", "(Catherine leans forward and looks through the miniature's window and visualizes the woman lying down on the couch.)", "Catherine: Our vic gets comfortable, grabs a little shut-eye ...", "(Someone leans over her and smothers her with a pillow. She struggles and stops.)", "Catherine: ... and never wakes up.", "(The people in the miniature vanish. Catherine straightens and looks at Grissom.)", "Catherine: She's going to be smothered.", "Grissom: It would seem so.", "Catherine: If you interpret this headline literally, the doll is the victim. That's different than the others.", "Grissom: Methods change. Killers evolve.", "(It sounds familiar to Catherine.)", "Grissom: What?", "Catherine: Keppler said something like that once. (She looks at Grissom.) He did come down on the right side.", "(Grissom nods. He looks at the books on the shelf.)", "Grissom: These books are all arranged by subject matter: art, religion, science ... The victim is apparently well-educated.", "(Grissom looks on the shelf and sees a framed photo of Izzy carrying his baby.)", "Catherine: That's from the Izzy Delancy miniature. What's it doing here?", "Grissom: I don't know.", "(Grissom picks up the framed photo and looks at it. He turns it over and sees the doll image.)", "Grissom: There's something on the surface. Looks like brush strokes.", "(Catherine shines the light on it and reveals the word: YOU.)", "(Grissom goes straight for the pillow on the couch - the same pillow form the Penny Garden miniature. He puts it on the table next to the framed photo. On the shelf he picks out the window covering from the Mannleigh miniature and puts that on the table as well. Under the light it reveals:", "YOU WERE WRONG )", "(We hold on Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. FILE STORAGE WAREHOUSE -- DAY]", "(Sara walks along the rows of file boxes. Greg turns the corner and walks over to her. He's in a suit.)", "Greg: Hey, Sara, I heard we got another miniature. Is that true?", "Sara: Yeah, looks like Ernie Dell was covering for someone.", "(Sara pulls a file box off the side and hands it to Greg. She grabs another for herself.)", "Greg: No kidding?", "(They head out with the two boxes.)", "Sara: Hey, you were the one who checked for next of kin after his suicide, right?", "Greg: SOP. Snail mail, email, bank accounts, police records, Google. All I got was he's a widower. Received his wife's Social Security benefits.", "(They put the two boxes down on the table.)", "Sara: He had to be connected to somebody.", "(Sara cuts the tape on the box while Greg puts on his gloves.)", "Sara: It's kind of early for court.", "Greg: Finally rescheduled my deposition for the civil suit.", "(Sara opens the file box.)", "Greg: You know, Demitrius James's family is suing the city for 3.5 million.", "Sara: That's going to be a long deposition.", "(They go through the items in the box. Under the shirts, Sara finds a stack of video tapes. The top one is labeled SUMMER '87.)", "Sara: Home movies.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / LAYOUT ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(The hallways are sparse while the janitors mop the floor. In the layout room, Grissom is still going over the latest diorama with a magnifying glass. He looks at the books on the shelves and the flowers in the vases. He goes back to the books on the shelves.)", "(He pulls out a particular book and looks at it. He puts it down, then notices the black cat resting on the bookshelf. Grissom picks up the black cat and looks at it.)", "(Hodges knocks on the door before entering.)", "Hodges: Hey, boss. We're ordering out for breakfast.", "Grissom: (interrupts) You have a cat, don't you, Hodges?", "Hodges: Mr. K. Kobayashi-Maru. It's in reference to ...", "Grissom: Do you ever take him out of the house?", "Hodges: My little Kobe? No way. Vegas is coyote country.", "Grissom: So if this is a house cat, then this must be somebody's home.", "(He looks at the cat and notices the white around the mouth.)", "Hodges: Tsk, tsk. Looks like he's been in the milk.", "Grissom: Yeah. Maybe the victim has as well. The previous murders have all involved the vic's habits and routines. So maybe this time, it's a little something extra in her afternoon tea.", "(Grissom and Hodges leans forward to look at the tea set on the coffee table.)", "Hodges: So they're going to be poisoned.", "(Flash to: The woman finishes her tea and lies back on the couch. She puts a pillow over her face. The cat sips the milk on the tea tray and jumps on the shelf.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) She lays down for her usual nap, the cat sneaks a sip, and neither one ever wakes up again.", "(End of flash.)", "Grissom: It doesn't matter how she dies if we can't figure out who she is or where she is.", "(Hodges glances at his watch.)", "Hodges: Well, you can't figure that out on an empty stomach. If you don't like this restaurant, there's plenty of others to choose from.", "(Grissom looks at the DELIVERY ZONE on the back of the menu from Hodges.)", "(Grissom puts the menu down and looks at the diorama. On the bottom of the coffee table, Grissom picks up two miniature order menus for the KRISPY WOK and the TANDOORI TEMPLE.)", "Grissom: I choose these two.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- NIGHT]", "(The fax prints the KRISPY WOK menu. Grissom looks at the delivery area on the back of the menu. He marks the area on the computer map in green.)", "(He prints out another KRISPY WOK menu and marks that area on the computer map. He does so with the additional KRISPY WOK delivery areas.)", "(He prints out a TANDOORI TEMPLE menu and does the same for that eating area. He marks it on the map in red. He does the same for the other TANDOORI TEMPLE menus and delivery areas.)", "(He finds the area where the two eating places overlap and marks it CROSSING DELIVERY.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. SIDEWALK -- DAY]", "(Brass briefs the officers.)", "Brass: We're looking for a building whose exterior looks exactly like this.", "(He gives them a photo of the exterior of the miniature. The officers spread out to canvass the area. Brass makes a call on his cell.)", "Warrick: (from phone) Talk to me.", "Brass: (to phone) So what are we looking at, Rick? We've got a modernist structure with cement beams, steel rails, frosted glass.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[ANOTHER SIDEWALK]", "(Warrick is walking and talking on the phone.)", "Brass: (from phone) Something like that.", "Warrick: (to phone) Probably, but whatever it is, it should match exactly. The killer's hyper-specific.", "Brass: Well, maybe that'll work in our favor.", "(Warrick hangs up. Nick is looking at the buildings around them.)", "Nick: Now, even if we find a match, we could already be too late.", "Warrick: Hey.", "(Warrick whacks Nick on the arm to get his attention and points to the building directly in front of them. It's exactly like the miniature.)", "(Nick checks it against the photo.)", "Warrick: Let's check it out.", "(Warrick starts running toward the building. Nick motions for the officer to follow them.)", "Nick: C'mon. C'mon.", "[INT. BUILDING - LOBBY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick, Warrick and the officer enter the lobby and walk up to the manager behind the front counter.)", "Nick: Nick Stokes, LVPD. We're looking for a woman that lives in this building. She looks like this. (Nick shows him the photo of the miniature.) Have you ever seen her?", "(The manager looks at the photo and scoffs.)", "Manager: That looks like a doll.", "Nick: Yeah, well, it's actually a death threat. Time is of the essence here. Can you help us out? Anyone in the building look like this? No?", "Warrick: She's got a cat.", "Manager: Well, that narrows it down to about a hundred tenants.", "(Warrick puts a photo of the miniature down.)", "Warrick: That's her home.", "(The manager looks at the photo and recognizes it immediately.)", "Manager: 1106. That's Ms. Tallman's place.", "[INT. HALLWAY TO 1106 -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The manager leads Nick, Warrick and the officer to 1106.)", "Dispatch: (over radio) All units responding to 3-5-0-4, 3-5-0-4. CSI Brown and Stokes have ID'd the building. Please respond.", "(The manager points to the door. They stop and listen. Behind the door, they hear music playing. Nick knocks loudly on the door.)", "Nick: Ms. Tallman? Las Vegas Police. You need to open your door, please.", "(There's no answer.)", "Nick: Ms. Tallman?", "(There's no answer. Nick looks at Warrick. Everyone moves. Nick reaches for his gun and stands on the side of the door. Warrick motions toward the door.)", "Warrick: (to manager) Open it and stand clear.", "(The manager unlocks the door and steps aside. Nick opens the door and Warrick steps through, his gun out in front of him.)", "[INT. TALLMAN APARTMENT - DAY]", "(Warrick, Nick and the officer enter the apartment cautiously.)", "TOP VIEW DOWN: It is the apartment, although no one is sleeping on the sofa.", "(Nick notices that the sofa is empty. Music continues blasting through the apartment. The fire is burning in the fireplace. Nick sees a newspaper on the desk and the books on the shelf.)", "(He hears a door open and close. Nick raises his gun as a woman returns. She sings along with the loud music, turns and sees the men in her apartment.)", "(She screams.)", "(Warrick puts his gun down and looks over at Nick.)", "Nick: Please, ma'am, calm down. We're with the Crime Lab.", "Barbara Tallman: This isn't a lab. This is my home. You must be confused.", "Nick: No, we're not confused. We're here for your protection.", "(Nick motions to the music. Warrick turns it off.)", "Warrick: Ms. Tallman ...", "Barbara Tallman: Dr. Tallman.", "Warrick: Dr. Tallman ... I need you to take a look at this.", "(He shows her the photos of her apartment.)", "Barbara Tallman: Did you make this for me? That's very sweet.", "Warrick: It's a death threat.", "Barbara Tallman: Who would want to kill me?", "Nick: Doctor, do you normally take a nap around the same time every day covering your face and eyes with the pillow?", "Barbara Tallman: (sleepily) Yes, at 4:00 p.m. I ... I have tea and cookies every day when I wake up. Have you been watching me?", "Warrick: No, Miss, no, but we think someone else has. Doctor, your life is in danger. We need you to get dressed and come with us, please.", "Barbara Tallman: Am I in trouble?", "Nick: No, ma'am. No, not anymore. This officer will help you get your things, okay?", "Barbara Tallman: No, no, no. I'll go get my things.", "(She starts to leave, then turns around.)", "Barbara Tallman: I want you to know that you young men are refreshingly polite.", "Warrick: Thank you.", "(Dr. Tallman leaves. Warrick turns and looks at Nick.)", "Warrick: Is she on something?", "Nick: She may have already been poisoned.", "(The cat jumps on the table and starts drinking from the tea set.)", "Warrick: We'll get her to the hospital.", "Nick: We should collect blood for tox.", "Warrick: And any open food or drink.", "(Nick turns and shoos the cat away.)", "Nick: Hey, get out of there! (The cat meows.) The killer did plan every detail.", "Warrick: Except for us showing up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - LATE DAY]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(The video DATE/STAMPED MARCH 7, 1988, is on the monitor. Greg, Archie and Sara watch the video. On the video, Ernie speaks with the engineer of the small train. The children run toward the train.)", "Sara: That's got to be Ernie Dell's wife.", "(They climb into the train. Ernie waves the engineer.)", "Archie: Quite the bash.", "(The train starts to move.)", "Archie: They must love kids.", "(The next video scene is of the family around a table full of kids. Ernie and his wife stand behind a little boy seated at the head of the table. Everyone sings \"Happy Birthday To You.\")", "Archie: Is that Ernie's son?", "Greg: There's no record of a son, but it sure looks like it.", "(On the monitor, the little boy glares at his birthday cake.)", "Sara: One, two, three, four, five birthday candles in 1988 would make him around 24 now.", "(On the monitor, the little boy can't seem to blow out the candles. Everyone laughs. The little boy sweeps the cake off the table and onto the ground.)", "Archie: Hmm. Don't look like a very happy birthday.", "(The little boy jumps off his seat and runs. Mrs. Dell runs to console him.)", "Greg: Did you get the boy's name?", "Archie: Cake never made it on camera.", "Sara: How about audio?", "Archie: It sucks. '80s video cam with built-in, non-directional mic, pulls in nothing but wind and train noise.", "Sara: So let's process it.", "Archie: This is processed.", "(On the monitor, Ernie Dell is with his son and eats some of the cake off his son's fingers.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Nick walks through the hallway with Grissom and fills him in.)", "Nick: We ran tox on Ms. Tallman's blood as well as her milk and cookies. She was negative on everything from pharmaceuticals and illicits, to herbicides, pesticides and heavy metals. You sure she was going to be poisoned?", "Grissom: No, but I'm pretty sure she was scheduled to die today. In each of the previous cases, the killer was at the scene to commit the murder. So maybe he was planning to show up at the condo.", "Nick: Well, it'd be kind of rude not to greet him, don't you think?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TALLMAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(\"Barbara Tallman\" walks into the living room with the tea set. She sets it down on the coffee table and sits on the sofa. She lifts her lapel and speaks into the mic.)", "Officer Kamen: I'm ready for my close-up.", "(Officer Kamen glances at the camera set up on the top of one of the shelves.)", "(In another room, Sofia watches the monitor. Officer Kamen stretches out on the couch for her afternoon nap.)", "Officer Kamen: (from mic) This definitely beats walking the beat.", "Sofia: Feed's good. Officer Kamen, how's your read?", "(On the monitor, Officer Kamen nods.)", "Officer Kamen: Time to go to sleep.", "(On the monitor, Officer Kamen picks up the couch pillow and puts it over her head as Barbara Tallman does.)", "[INT. TALLMAN BUILDING - LOBBY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass sits in the lobby reading the paper.)", "Brass: (to radio) All units, this is Brass. All right. Maintain a low profile. That means I don't want to see a uniform within three blocks of this place, okay?", "[INT. STORAGE ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sofia watches Officer Kamen pretend to sleep.)", "Brass: (from radio) Be vigilant, but be cool.", "(She takes a sip of her coffee cup as she waits.)", "[INT. TALLMAN BUILDING - LOBBY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The lobby door opens and a delivery man walks in with a package. He goes to the front desk and signs in. Officer Mitchell is behind the desk pretending to be the manager.)", "Officer Mitchell: Where you headed?", "World Send Deliveryman: Eleven.", "(The delivery man signs in.)", "World Send Deliveryman: Oh, sorry. Ten.", "Officer Mitchell: Go on up.", "(The delivery man walks past Brass on his way to the elevators. The elevator bell dings off screen in the background.)", "(A second, older man walks in. He's wearing a dark coat and carrying a large briefcase.)", "Man: Hold the elevator.", "World Send Deliveryman: What floor?", "Man: Eleven.", "(The elevator doors close.)", "Brass: (to radio) Someone's coming up.", "[INT. STORAGE ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "Brass: (from radio) White male with a suitcase.", "(On the monitors, the man gets out of the elevator on the eleventh floor. He heads toward the apartment.)", "(The man puts his suitcase down on the floor in front of the apartment.)", "Sofia: (to radio) We got a possible.", "[INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sofia and a couple of officers burst out of the storage room.)", "Sofia: LVPD. Up against the wall.", "Peyton Tallman: What?", "(The officer turns and pushes Peyton Tallman up against the nearby wall.)", "Officer: She said hands against the wall.", "Sofia: What's your business here, sir?", "(Sofia checks his wallet.)", "Peyton Tallman: Nothing. I mean, this is my sister's place. I'm Peyton Tallman. Where's Barbara? Did something happen to her?", "(His NEVADA DRIVER LICENSE reads:", "TALLMAN, PEYTON", "2672 W. 6TH ST.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 )", "Sofia: This officer will explain everything to your satisfaction. Get him out of here.", "Peyton Tallman: What?", "(The officers lead Peyton Tallman down the hallway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Grissom walks through the hallway and is on the phone with Brass.)", "Brass (from phone): Peyton Tallman's ID checks out. And you know ... and I kind of doubt the killer's going to make a miniature crime scene of his own sister's house.", "Grissom: (to phone) And we have nothing to link him to the other three murders?", "Brass: (from phone) He wants to see his sister. I'll let you know how that goes down.", "Grissom: Okay. Thanks.", "(Grissom hangs up and enters -", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(The latest miniature is on his desk. He sits down, looks at it and sighs. Grissom looks at the three vases. He zooms in on the middle vase.)", "[INT. STORAGE ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "(It's night. Sofia is watching Officer Kamen on the monitors. She looks at her watch.)", "Sofia: (to radio) Okay, that's it. Killer's not gonna show. (to officers) Let's call it a night.", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom pulls the lamp in closer for a better look. The flowers in the vases immediately melt and fall apart. Grissom thinks about it.)", "[INT. TALLMAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - LATE DAY]", "(The front door opens. Sofia walks in.)", "Sofia: All right, I know you must be exhausted from your brutal day in the field, but it's time to go.", "(Officer Kamen doesn't move.)", "Sofia: Officer Kamen?", "(Sofia knocks the pillow away from her face. Officer Kamen's dead open eyes stare back at her.)", "(Sofia gasps.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TALLMAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - LATE DAY]", "(A camera flashes as David Phillips snaps photos of Officer Kamen. Sofia stands on the side watching and upset.)", "David Phillips: She's pale. No sign of trauma. COD'll have to wait till autopsy. Sorry.", "Sofia: Not as sorry as I am.", "(Grissom steps into the room.)", "(He puts his kit down near the door. Sofia turns around and he doesn't say anything. Grissom looks around the room and sees the shelf where the black cat was found. He heads over to the shelf while putting on his gloves.)", "(He pulls the books away and finds the dead cat.)", "(Grissom shakes his head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS'S OFFICE]", "(Brass walks into the office. Barbara and Peyton Tallman are sitting at his desk.)", "Brass: Look, I know we've all had a tough day, but the sooner we get done here, the sooner we can all go home.", "Barbara Tallman: (sniffles) Why? So my little Tripper can run out to greet me?", "Peyton Tallman: Barbara.", "Brass: I'm sorry about your cat, ma'am. We lost an officer.", "Barbara Tallman: How much did you love her?", "Peyton Tallman: Barbara, please.", "Brass: When my guys went to your house, they said you were a little out of it, but you're thinking clearly now, right?", "Barbara Tallman: Well, having your home invaded can be a little bracing.", "Peyton Tallman: Captain, how can we help?", "Brass: Can you tell me why anyone would want to kill you?", "Barbara Tallman: No.", "Peyton Tallman: But you can. Well, Barbara was a high regarded psychotherapist.", "Barbara Tallman: Is. That hasn't changed.", "Brass: Is or was?", "Barbara Tallman: I'm retired.", "Brass: You seem a little young to be retired.", "Barbara Tallman: I got tired of it.", "Brass: Can you tell me why one of her patients would want to kill her?", "Barbara Tallman: No.", "Peyton Tallman: Well, no, it's-it's possible. She, um ... she counseled a lot of at-risk adults, um, halfway house kids, pro bono.", "Barbara Tallman: I also treated suburban sexual dysfunction for $300 an hour.", "Peyton Tallman: She helped a lot of people.", "Brass: Did you work out of your home?", "Barbara Tallman: For the last few years.", "Brass: Treat any sociopaths?", "Barbara Tallman: That's not a term for which there's any diagnostic criteria. You're not looking for one of my patients.", "Brass: Well, maybe I am. Maybe I'm looking for a 20-something-year-old male, last name of Dell.", "Barbara Tallman: Won't say.", "Peyton Tallman: She can't say. It's doctor-patient confidentiality.", "Brass: But you're retired.", "Barbara Tallman: Well, you know where I live. Are you done yet?", "Brass: No, we're not done yet. At least, I'm not done yet. All right, look, let's start again, all right? Let's ... Maybe we started off on the wrong foot, all right? Look, I'm asking you as a professional, as a psychotherapist, please ... help me out here.", "(He puts the photos of the miniature crime scenes out on the table.)", "Brass: Okay? Tell me ... what am I looking for?", "(She looks at them, putting her hand out over the photos. She moves stiffly and awkwardly, but nothing too much out of place.)", "Barbara Tallman: Repetition ... attention to detail indicates obsessive-compulsive disorder. Obvious antisocial personality.", "Brass: Uh, yeah, four bodies -- I'd call that antisocial.", "Barbara Tallman: Most murderers lack impulse control, inability to plan ahead, but ... this one's different.", "Brass: Different how?", "Barbara Tallman: He conceives murder ... visualizes it. Then he takes all that horror that he's imagined. He compresses it into these little rooms. These models literally indicate repressed rage. And when you start taking that apart, all that rage comes flying out ... and you will have let the monster out of the box.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM]", "(Grissom snips the shirt off one of the miniature dead bodies. Hodges stands in the doorway watching. Grissom doesn't look up.)", "Grissom: Stop hovering, Hodges. You're in or you're out.", "Hodges: In.", "(Hodges steps into the room.)", "Hodges: So, she wasn't poisoned, huh?", "Grissom: No. Hand me a scalpel.", "(Hodges hands Grissom the scalpel. Grissom cuts the miniature dead body open, performing an autopsy of sorts on it. He opens the body.)", "Grissom: Tweezers.", "(Hodges hands Grissom the tweezers. Grissom removes the body's lungs.)", "Hodges: Nice lungs.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB]", "(Hodges takes a sample of the gas inside the miniature lungs with a syringe. He tests the sample.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Grissom is in the A/V lab watching the video of Officer Kamen sleeping. His phone rings. He answers it.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Tripper is cut wide open on the autopsy table.)", "Robbins: (to phone) Yeah, Gil, uh, got a good idea on COD for your asphyxiated officer.", "(On the other table, Robbins stands in front of the table with Officer Kamen on it.)", "Robbins: (to phone) Internal organ color nailed it on both the autopsy and necropsy as ...", "(Grissom is reviewing the GCMS test results: CARBON MONOXIDE.)", "Grissom: Carbon monoxide poisoning.", "Robbins: You know, nobody likes when you do that. So, how did CO get into the room?", "Grissom: That I don't know.", "(Grissom hangs up and goes back to watching the video of Officer Kamen sleeping. He sees something and rewinds the tape. The fire in the fireplace flares.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[SCOPE VIEW]", "(Grissom pushes the scope through the living room and past the miniature body on the couch.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. TALLMAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM]", "(Nick and Warrick enter the room and put their kits down near the fireplace. Nick turns on his flashlight and checks under the flue.)", "[LAYOUT ROOM]", "(Grissom checks under the flue and finds the rigged timer. He thinks about it.)", "[INT. TALLMAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM]", "(Nick looks up under the flue and finds the rigged timer.", "(Quick flash to: [THE FLUE] The flue is open. The timer activates and shuts the flue, dropping the charcoal on the fire.)", "Nick: (V.O.) The timer goes off, activating the motor, which closes the flue and drops powdered charcoal onto the flames, producing carbon monoxide.", "(In the living room, Officer Kamen sleeps on the sofa. The fumes fill the room.)", "Nick: (V.O.) Fumes have nowhere to go but out into the apartment, into Officer Kamen.", "(End of flashback.)", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM]", "Nick: And the cat.", "(Nick reports to Grissom.)", "Nick: You know, this timer was geared to run for weeks. It could have easily been put in place a month ago.", "Grissom: That's why the killer felt safe enough to send me the miniature. He never intended to be at the scene. There was no danger of being caught.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Greg catches up with Sara and shares his findings with her.)", "Greg: Hey, Sara, check this out. I was digging through Mannleigh Chicken's employee health insurance records ...", "Sara: 45 million Americans without health coverage, and a chicken slaughterhouse provides medical benefits?", "Greg: Izzy Delancy's animal rights PSA forced the company to clean up its act in all departments. Anyway, Ernie Dell had one dependent listed: a son.", "Sara: \"Lionel Dell.\" Unbelievable.", "Greg: Yeah, the man loved his trains. Lionel changed his name to Mitchell Douglas after he turned eighteen, and get this. He did time in a halfway house after getting busted for fentanyl.", "Sara: Which connects him to the fentanyl-dealing sexagenarian, Penny Garden. Where's young Dell now?", "(They walk out of camera frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MITCH DOUGLAS'S WORKPLACE -- DAY]", "(Sara and Greg walk up to Mitch Douglas.)", "Sara: Lionel Dell?", "Mitch Douglas: My name is Mitch Douglas.", "Sara: I'm Sara Sidle. I'm with the Crime Lab. I was wondering if you knew this woman.", "(She shows him a crime scene photo of Penny Garden.)", "Sara: She used to sell fentanyl.", "Mitch Douglas: Want me to pee in a cup?", "Sara: What about this guy? He's dead, too. He was found face down in a chicken stun bath in a place your dad used to work.", "Mitch Douglas: He worked a lot of places. I met a lot of people.", "(Mitch uses a device on the canister. Sara watches him.)", "Sara: Did you know Izzy Delancy?", "(Sara shows him another crime scene photo.)", "Mitch Douglas: Yeah. His music sucks. What do all these stiffs got to do with me?", "Sara: What was your relationship like with your father?", "Mitch Douglas: Before or after he blew his brains out?", "Sara: Let's start with ... before.", "Mitch Douglas: You ever step in a pile of crap, but you're wearing boots, so you can't just scrape it off. You got to dig it out with a stick, but even that doesn't work, so you just end up tossing the boots in the trash? It was kind of like that.", "Sara: And after?", "Mitch Douglas: Much better. You gonna arrest me?", "Sara: (shakes his head) We're just talking.", "Mitch Douglas: I'm not.", "(He goes back to work.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Camera passes by all the miniature crime scene set up in plastic cases in Grissom's office. Grissom is at his desk looking at photos of the most recent miniature. Sofia knocks on the door.)", "Sofia: Did you know Officer Kamen?", "Grissom: No.", "Sofia: Me, neither. I was watching her die, and I didn't even realize it.", "Grissom: Look, Sofia, there weren't any carbon monoxide sensors in the apartment, so no one could have known.", "Sofia: Yeah.", "Grissom: And in fact, if I hadn't have gone away, we'd have had another month to work with; you'd have never been in that position.", "Sofia: It doesn't make you feel any better either, does it? You know, the scene's been released. Ms. Tallman was pretty insistent. We offered to leave a uniform with her, but she wasn't having it.", "(Grissom picks up the photo and looks at it again. He sighs.)", "Sofia: So, what are you looking for? The miniature's complete.", "Grissom: It's not perfect, though. Officer Kamen was not the intended victim.", "Sofia: Well, she was dressed like her. She died in the right position. So did the cat.", "Grissom: I'm still not sure it's perfect enough.", "(The phone rings. Grissom answers it.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom. (pause) Yeah. (pause) Okay.", "(He hangs up and looks at Sofia.)", "Grissom: Now, it's perfect.", "(He looks at the photo.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TALLMAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(TOP VIEW DOWN: Barbara Tallman is dead on the sofa. DISSOLVE IN officers and other crime scene personnel.)", "(Nick snaps photos of the real BARBARA TALLMAN dead on the sofa.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TALLMAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM - DAY]", "(Nick snaps photos of Barbara Tallman. Catherine checks a hand-held meter, then picks up the pillow.)", "Catherine: It's deja vu all over again.", "Nick: Not entirely. There's some kind of liquid. It looks like it fell and splashes on the floor ... and the body ... and it looks like ... the ear.", "(Camera ZOOMS into the liquid in Barbara Tallman's ear.)", "(Catherine looks around and sees some liquid at the base of the vase on the table.)", "Catherine: This could be the source.", "(Quick flash of: The killer smothers Barbara Tallman with a pillow.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Killer returns to ... complete the miniature the old-fashioned way.", "(As the killer leaves, he backs into the vase and knocks it over.", "Catherine: (V.O.) And things get a little messy. But in the end ...", "(The killer picks up the vase and fixes everything as best as possible.)", "(End of flash.)", "Catherine: -- he puts everything right back where it belongs.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "Peyton Tallman: (V.O.) What happened to my sister was not just some isolated tragedy.", "[EXT. -- NIGHT]", "(Peyton Tallman is holding a press conference.)", "Peyton Tallman: There have been four other murders, four deaths which could have been prevented had the public been warned by the people sworn to protect us. Barbara Tallman was the latest victim of a serial killer ... the LVPD has known about for months.", "Reporter Janine Sharell: What do they call him?", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM - NIGHT]", "(The television is on the WFIN 19 LIVE news coverage of the press conference. The caption on the bottom of the screen reads: BREAKING NEWS, BROTHER OF SERIAL KILLER VICTIM SPEAKS.)", "Peyton Tallman: (from tv) They call him the 'Miniature Killer,' because he makes little models of his victims posed in the places where they die.", "(Hodges and Grissom are watching the news coverage.)", "Hodges: I feel for the guy, but he just made our job a lot harder.", "Grissom: It was inevitable. With the murder, the amount of information that could leak rose exponentially.", "Peyton Tallman: (from tv) I'm a private person, but if this prevents just one tragedy, then it's worth it.", "(Hodges gives Grissom the test results.)", "Hodges: Trace report on the second crime scene or ... or should I say second murder? Crime scene is the same.", "(The results show:", ": C:\\Database\\Wiley275.L", ": CHLORINE BLEACH, NaCIO )", "Hodges: Haven't finished processing all the samples, but the water from the vase is consistent with the water found on the victim's clothing.", "Grissom: There's chlorine bleach in the samples. Why put bleach in vase water?", "Hodges: I knew you'd ask that. Well, I had this girlfriend who was a florist ...", "Grissom: The one with the water retention problem.", "Hodges: You remembered. Anyway ... she said that if you add a few drops of bleach to your water, it kills bacteria, and gives your flowers a nice long life, but add too much ... the flowers die.", "(Greg walks in.)", "Greg: Grissom, we may have caught a break on Barbara Tallman. She did pro bono work at Lionel Dell's halfway house.", "(Grissom removes his glasses at the news.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sofia and Sara interview Mitch Douglas.)", "Mitch Douglas: Okay, so maybe I met her. So what?", "Sofia: So, she's dead. That's four stiffs associated with you, Lionel. Five, if you count Ernie.", "Mitch Douglas: I don't.", "Sara: You know, you keep saying that you hated your dad, but I'm not buying it.", "(Sara shows him the photos of the miniature crime scenes.)", "Sara: You go through your life alone. You're good with your hands. You have weird hobbies. You make little things. And when that gets tricky ... you call your father.", "Sofia: Maybe Ernie didn't know you were a killer. Police start poking around, asking questions, showing him pictures. And when Ernie sees these ... he knows exactly what his little boy's become.", "Sara: To the rest of the world, a monster, but to him ... just a little boy knocking over his birthday cake.", "Sofia: So he confesses to crimes you committed, shoots himself in the head; it's a dead end for us.", "Sara: New start for you.", "Mitch Douglas: If only. Let me tell you about Ernie. What he cared about in this life was ... his wife, his trains, and his kids. In that order.", "Sara: Kids? You're an only child.", "Mitch Douglas: (chuckles) Again, if only. If you're looking for a love connection, then ... then you should maybe go talk to one of the chosen ones.", "Sofia: What are you talking about?", "Mitch Douglas: Fosters. My parents had, like ... dozens. They'd come and go, some before I was born. My mom loved kids. Dad loved Mom. I guess as soon as I came around ... the love ran out. And then Mom dies ... the kids leave ... and Ernie's left with me.", "(He looks at them.)", "Mitch Douglas: Ernie didn't take a bullet for me. (shakes his head) But it's a beautiful thought.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Robbins goes over the preliminary findings with Catherine.)", "Robbins: I pulled these fibers out of her nasal passages.", "Catherine: Well, they appear to be consistent with the sofa pillow cushion at the scene.", "Robbins: COD was asphyxiation. Now ... what is wrong with this brain?", "(He picks up the brain from the metal bin and shows it to Catherine.)", "Catherine: Other than the fact that it's out of its skull? Pigmentation's unusual.", "Robbins: Bingo ... or keno or whatever you prefer. Pronounced lack of pigmentation near the midbrain, along with ... clearly diminished substantia nigra. She had Parkinson's.", "Catherine: Nick and Warrick did say that she was a little ... spacey when they met her, but they didn't mention any shaking.", "Robbins: Her disease was advanced. She was on some pretty heavy meds.", "Catherine: Would they have shown up on a poison tox panel?", "Robbins: No, but those kinds of medications can cause abnormal thinking and behavior. Takes somebody with a very strong will to keep it hidden.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / CATHERINE'S OFFICE]", "(Grissom is heading into one of the labs when Catherine catches him.)", "Catherine: Hey! How'd it go with the sheriff?", "(Grissom steps into Catherine's office.)", "Grissom: Media's all over him. Which means he's all over the undersheriff, who's all over Ecklie, who's blaming me for not going public with the Izzy Delancy miniature like he told me to.", "(Catherine shows him the test results.)", "Catherine: Well, I got the final trace report on the bleach water that spilled at the scene, but ... the fluid in the ear was biological. Water and proteins.", "Grissom: Lipocalin, lactoferrin, lysozyme. Tears.", "Catherine: (nods) Mm-hmm.", "Grissom: The victim was crying?", "Catherine: The smudges are from the pillow. There were no tear tracks. I don't think the victim was crying. I think the killer was.", "(Quick flash of: Peyton Tallman removes the pillow from Barbara's face. He cries.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) When you cry, your tears sometimes can pick up skin cells from your cheek.", "(XCU: A single tear runs down his cheek and falls into Barbara's ear cavity.)", "END OF FLASHBACK", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Catherine interviews Peyton Tallman. She shows him the test results.)", "Catherine: The DNA in your tears that were found on your sister's body proves that you were there. I imagine it was the hardest thing you've ever done. But you did it.", "Peyton Tallman: You should've seen Barbara when she was young. She was fierce. And fearless. She protected me. She was the smartest, the funniest, best friend I could ask for in life. The Parkinson's just robbed her of everything. She'd take medication; she'd go away. She'd get off medication. She'd become lucid again, only in agony. She wanted to die in her own home.", "Catherine: There's no ... assisted suicide protection in Nevada.", "Peyton Tallman: She said this was the perfect opportunity. She could get what she wanted, and ... everyone would blame the 'Miniature Killer.'", "Catherine: I understand. You're under arrest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(On the monitor is the video footage from the birthday party held on MARCH 7, 1988. Then entire train is filled with kids.)", "(Sara and Grissom are watching the video tapes.)", "Sara: We reran the footage several times to get a head count. Assuming that they're all Dell foster kids, there's 13 of them.", "Grissom: At this birthday party?", "Sara: Yeah. Lionel only remembered the first names, and only a few of those. Getting the DHS records is going to be tough. Judges hate giving them out unless we can demonstrate a pressing need ... and even then, they're spotty. And a lot of a foster kids change their names when they age out.", "Grissom: Ernie Dell confessed and killed himself to protect someone he loved. And that someone has murdered five people.", "(The kids on the video look like they're having fun - girls and boys.)", "Grissom: Eenie, meeny, miney, mo. Catch a monster by the toe.", "(On the video, one of the boys elbows another boy. A dark-haired girl stops him. The boy being elbowed turns and looks at the monitor.)", "(The video ends.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Monster in the Box
[ "Grissom and his team are discouraged when they find a pool of blood as they begin investigating the disappearance of a high school basketball star named Ryan and his cheerleader girlfriend. Grissom's quip that the young lovers may have run off to Mexico is soon quashed by the discovery of drops of blood by Ryan's vacant parking spot at the school. After finding a letterman jacket and cheerleading sweater in the field house and a pool of Ryan's blood nearby, the team tries to determine what went awry." ]
[ "FLASH IN:", "[Intro: \"Good Enough,\" by Evanescence]", "[INT. RIDGE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "VARIOUS DISSOLVES OF:", "(Three cheerleaders with their pom-poms run through the hallway.)", "(The trophy case with various awards.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Primitive people refused to be photographed, fearing the camera would steal their soul.", "(Just beyond the trophy case are large photos of various high school students - Sheila Latham, Charlie Kellerman with his camera, Megan Cooper in her cheerleader uniform and Ryan Lansco in his basketball pose.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Like any good hunter, the photographer stalks, takes aim, and shoots an image. Who's to say that when the shutter traps that moment in time those primitive fears weren't well founded? (We continue past the wall and into the -", "[INT. RIDGE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL GYM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(A basketball game is in progress. Photographers stand on the side snapping photos of Ryan Lansco on the court.)", "(On the sidelines is a group of photographers. The game is in timeout and the cheerleaders step out onto the court. Ryan Lansco turns and smiles at his girlfriend, Megan Cooper.)", "VARIOUS SHOTS OF:", "(Ryan's parents are sitting in the audience. Sheila Latham is in the stands cheering her team.)", "(The photography teacher, Diane Kentner, helps a student take photos.)", "(The cheerleaders continue their routine.)", "(A camera flashes and a PHOTO is taken.)", "Various PHOTOS SHOTS of:", "-- Megan Cooper. -- Ryan Lansco. -- Sheila Latham.", "(The game continues. Megan takes a seat next to Charlie Kellerman. They watch the game. The score is 42-HOME, 43 GUEST. There's ten seconds left on the clock.)", "(The buzzer sounds and the ball is in play. Ryan Lansco gets the ball and passes to a teammate. He moves into position and gets the ball again. He shoots. He scores. Time runs out. The buzzer sounds. Game is over.)", "(Everyone rushes out onto the court. Megan runs to Ryan. Ryan's father runs up to congratulate him.)", "PHOTO FREEZE-FRAME: The scene is frozen and captured. Camera pulls back -- out of the gym and into the hallway.", "(We linger on the large photos of the students hanging on the wall. The first one of Ryan Lansco - as he slowly vanishes. The second photo of Megan Cooper as she also vanishes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Megan's parents - Brenda and Sam Cooper - and Ryan's parents - Eddie and Linda Lansco - are in Brass's office.)", "Sam Cooper: Megan has no reason to run away. She's always been a happy kid and we trust her implicitly.", "Brenda Cooper: Captain, this is not like her. Of course it's no accident they're missing together.", "Eddie Lansco: Ryan has a scholarship to Duke. He's not going to throw it away for some chippie.", "Sam Cooper: Excuse me? \"Chippie?\"", "Linda Lansco: Your daughter's the one who's calling our house twenty-five times a day.", "Brass: All right, all right, all right. This isn't helping. Now, the kids have been missing since last night. Why'd you wait till now to report it?", "Brenda Cooper: We thought that Megan was sleeping over at Sheila's.", "Brass: Sheila who?", "Brenda Cooper: Uh, Sheila Latham, her best friend. When I called Megan on her cell phone this morning, I couldn't reach her, so I called the house, and, uh, she wasn't there. And Sue Latham didn't know anything about a sleep-over.", "Eddie Lansco: Ryan doesn't have a curfew. But he never stays out all night.", "Linda Lansco: He's not answering his cell phone, and his van is missing.", "Sam Cooper: Captain, please, find my daughter before she does something stupid.", "Brenda Cooper: Stupid I can live with. I need to know they're okay.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. RIDGE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - DAY]", "TOP VIEW DOWN: Officer car #682 is parked across three parking stalls.", "(Officer Mitchell walks around the car.)", "Brass: (from radio) The last place they were seen was the parking lot at the school after the game.", "(Grissom is carrying his kit and headed to parking stall #42.)", "Grissom: (to phone) These two kids have only been missing for fourteen hours. They could have eloped to Mexico.", "Brass: (from phone) I know it's a favor, but ...", "Grissom: (to phone) All right. But you owe me one for getting me out of bed on a Saturday morning.", "(Grissom hangs up and meets up with Officer Mitchell.)", "Grissom: Mitch?", "Officer Mitchell: This is Ryan Lansco's assigned parking spot. His drives a blue '72 Ford van. It's missing.", "Grissom: What do you want me to test?", "(He indicates the dark drops on top of the oil spots in the middle of the parking stall.)", "Officer Mitchell: Doesn't look like transmission fluid.", "(Grissom opens his kit and takes out his gloves.)", "Grissom: Did you have assigned parking when you were in high school?", "Officer Mitchell: No. I didn't even have a car.", "(Grissom swabs a sample and tests it.)", "Grissom: Yeah, it's blood. I hope they're in Mexico.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. RIDGE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - DAY]", "(Nick and Grissom check the parking lot for more blood drops. More officer cars are there.)", "Nick: Forty may be the new twenty, but 16's the new 30, between cars and cell phones and the Internet.", "Grissom: Yeah, well, the world's become a very small place, Nick. All the vices are closer to home.", "(Nick swabs a stain on the asphalt and tests it. It tests positive.)", "Nick: Hey.", "(Nick and Grissom continue through the ground and head toward the track field.)", "(On the field, Nick finds some polyfill caught in the metal gate hinge.)", "(On the track, Grissom finds more polyfill.)", "Grissom: More polyfill.", "(Nick nods. Together, they continue searching for more evidence. Nick stops to check something on the track. Grissom sees blood on the football equipment.)", "Grissom: Hey, Nick?", "Nick: Yeah?", "Grissom: This looks like arterial spraying. Something bad happened here.", "(Grissom points to more blood on the equipment.)", "Nick: A little blood in the parking lot, a lot of blood here. But very little in between?", "(They look around the field. Nick sees something.)", "Nick: Hey. Look at that equipment shed door.", "(They head over to the shed. The door is partially opened. Grissom checks the ground on his way there.)", "Grissom: Some kind of broken glass.", "(There's a shoe print on the door near the knob.)", "Grissom: Well, this was kicked in.", "(Grissom uses the end of his flashlight and pushes the door open. They look inside.)", "(There's a cheerleader's top on one of the machines. There's also a jersey with 'LANSCO' embroidered draped on another machine.)", "(Grissom and Nick look at each other.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Sofia gives Sheila Latham a cup of something to drink. Sheila's mother, Sue, is there also.)", "Sofia: Sheila.", "(Sofia sits down.)", "Sofia: Megan told her parents she was spending the night with you.", "Sheila Latham: (shrugs) But first she was ... gonna hook up ... with Ryan after the game.", "Sofia: Do you know where?", "Sheila Latham: No.", "Sue Latham: Sheila ...", "Sheila Latham: What? I don't know.", "Sue Latham: Excuse me? Your best friend is missing and you're at a police station. Act accordingly. And sit up straight.", "(Sheila sits up straight.)", "Sofia: Are you okay?", "Sheila Latham: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a headache.", "Sue Latham: Were you drinking last night?", "Sheila Latham: Mom, no! (to Sofia) Look ... a couple of us went out for burgers and then I came home. Megan was supposed to call me on my cell ... and I was going to go downstairs and let her in.", "Sofia: And did she call?", "Sheila Latham: No.", "Sofia: And you weren't worried?", "Sheila Latham: I thought it was just an overtime make-out session. I fell asleep. And now I'm here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Catherine and Grissom walk through the hallway.)", "Catherine: Both kids have an ATM card. Neither's been used since they went missing. No calls were placed from either of their cell phones. There's an APB out on Ryan's van-- no hits. An APB has gone out to local hospitals-- nothing yet. I know. It sucks.", "Grissom: Any calls placed before they went missing?", "Catherine: Where do I start? Megan and Sheila phoned each other about a dozen times. A handful of calls were placed to Charlie and Bonnie. They're both on the cheerleading squad. \"Hair up or down? Black socks or gold socks?\"", "Grissom: How about Ryan?", "Catherine: Ryan, uh, and Megan exchanged a few calls. He phoned home twice. His last call was after the game to a Diane Kentner. She is the photography teacher at the high school. Warrick is following up and ... I'm going to collect DNA exemplars from the kids' houses. My favorite part.", "(Catherine walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. RIDGE VALLEY HIGH - EQUIPMENT SHED -- DAY]", "(Nick takes an impression of the shoe print off the shed door. Greg is gathering the jerseys off the equipment.)", "Greg: Wish I had one of these back in high school.", "Nick: What's that? A letter jacket?", "Greg: No. No, a love shack. Back seat of my car got real old, real fast. I was getting so much play my senior year, I seriously considered getting a hearse.", "Nick: Well, I never accused you of not being smart. Greg, you're a little weird, but ... a hearse?", "(Nick indicates the ropes tied to the equipment.)", "Nick: So what's with the ropes, Casanova?", "Greg: Well, I don't think they were working out. Looks like what started out as a good time went bad.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges puts the glass pieces together and takes the large piece and puts it in a dish. He puts it under a scope. Grissom walks in.)", "Hodges: I'd know those footsteps anywhere. The glass you found on the track is optical glass. Camera lens, not spectacle. Camera lenses have one side that's round and one side that's flat for a high refractive index.", "Grissom: It bends the light more.", "(Hodges takes the results out of the printer.)", "Hodges: It also has magnesium fluoride and calcium fluoride coatings for anti-reflection.", "(Grissom looks at the test results.)", "Hodges: You're looking for a high-end, non-compact camera -- Nikon, Leica, or Canon -- that's missing its lens.", "Grissom: Thank you, David.", "(Grissom turns to leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. RIDGE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL -- HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Warrick meets with Diane Kentner.)", "Warrick: Warrick Brown from the Crime Lab. (They shake hands.) Thanks for coming in on a Saturday.", "Diane Kentner: Diane Kentner. I took these photographs of Megan and Ryan.", "Warrick: You took these.", "Diane Kentner: Yeah, I teach photography.", "Warrick: Well, that's a nice shot right there.", "Diane Kentner: Thanks. That's Charlie Kellerman. I try to take pictures of what the kids are passionate about.", "Warrick: So I guess he's passionate about photography.", "Diane Kentner: Yeah. That and Megan. Charlie's in love with her. She's in love with Ryan. Ryan's in love with his future. Ah, high school.", "Warrick: Yeah. Did you notice any drama yesterday in class between Megan and Ryan?", "Diane Kentner: No. I mean, if a day goes by that a teenage girl doesn't cry in my class, it's a rarity. But yesterday, it wasn't Megan. And Ryan's head was already in the game. He's got a lot of pressure on him. He's oldest of six. His parents are already counting the money that he's gonna make from his first NBA contract.", "Warrick: Hmm. Ms. Kentner, what kind of cameras do you use in class?", "Diane Kentner: We have a couple of junky ones. Students usually bring their own.", "Warrick: And what about your own personal collection?", "Diane Kentner: Well, I'm old school. I mean, I took these with a Hasselblaad, but ... otherwise, I use a Minolta I've had forever. Why?", "Warrick: Just following up on some evidence. And Ryan called you after the game last night.", "Diane Kentner: Yeah, he wanted copies of the photos the photography club had taken.", "Warrick: And he called you on your cell?", "Diane Kentner: Yeah, I put it on the syllabus. You can have it if you want.", "Warrick: No, thanks. I've ... I've already got it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. RIDGE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL - TRACK FIELD - DAY]", "(Greg and Nick look at the football equipment.)", "Greg: I'm not seeing any evidence of other people. It's possible that the basketball player snapped, killed the cheerleader, took her body and drove off.", "Nick: What about the busted door?", "Greg: He starts out the big romantic ...", "(Quick flash to: Ryan is carrying Megan on his back. He kicks the door open.)", "Megan Cooper: Oh, don't break your million-dollar foot.", "Ryan Lansco: Shh.", "(They go into the equipment room.)", "Greg: (V.O.) And that's when things went south.", "(Ryan removes Megan's clothes.)", "Megan Cooper: Hey. Stop. I told you Come on. I want to wait till prom.", "Ryan Lansco: It's gonna be fun.", "(He puts her wrists in the ropes.)", "Megan Cooper: Stop it!", "(End of flash.)", "Greg: She pushes him off, makes a run for it. But he realizes that an attempted rape charge might crash a Duke scholarship, so he chases her down and bashes her head in.", "(Nick's phone rings. He answers it.)", "Nick: (to phone) Stokes. Oh, hey, Wendy. Really? Yeah, thanks.", "(Nick hangs up.)", "Nick: How does your theory account for the fact that all the blood's Ryan's?", "Greg: It doesn't.", "Nick: Okay. Let's say I'm a Lovers Lane rapist. I stalk them. I want me a high school cheerleader. What's the first thing I do?", "Greg: You take out the basketball player. Grab her, take her somewhere more private.", "Nick: Why take Ryan's body?", "(Greg shakes his head.)", "Nick: (to the officers) People ... let's spiral out.", "VARIOUS DISSOLVES OF:", "(Nick, Greg and the officers search the field for evidence.)", "(Nick and Greg are walking further out to the road. They find debris on the ground. Nick takes his camera out. He sees the broken glass and items.)", "(He kneels down in front of the bloodied shoe.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. RIDGE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL - ROAD - DAY]", "(Greg snaps photos of the debris. Grissom walks up to him.)", "Grissom: Greg.", "Greg: Accident debris. Broken turn signal light. Lots of pieces of grille for a physical match. Shoes match the description of the sneakers Megan Cooper was wearing last night.", "(Greg picks up the shoe.)", "Greg: So far, the only blood I found was on the shoes.", "(Grissom looks over at Nick, who is headed their way.)", "Nick: This road has almost no traffic at night. Take a look at this.", "(Nick shows Grissom the tire prints.)", "Grissom: Looks like acceleration marks.", "Nick: Start out heavy, and then they fade out as the vehicle gains momentum.", "INSERT: CLOSE-UP of tire burning rubber.", "Nick: They're in a direct line with the accident debris. That tells me it's probably related to the impact. If Megan was hit by a car, hard enough to knock her out of her own shoes, I doubt she just walked away from this.", "Grissom: So far there's no reports of anyone fitting Megan's description being admitted to area hospitals.", "Nick: I had a friend once that got hit by this big-ass van. Knocked him like two hundred feet in the air.", "(Grissom looks out at the area.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Nick and the officers are searching the tall grass on the side of the road. Grissom is at the top of the hill using the height to look around. He sees something.)", "Grissom: Nick!", "Nick: Yeah?", "Grissom: Straight ahead of you about twenty yards.", "(Nick heads off in the direction and sees the body on the ground. He starts running toward the girl.)", "Nick: Yeah! Yeah, I got her.", "(He checks for a pulse.)", "Grissom: Is she still alive?", "Nick: Barely.", "(Nick turns the girl's head. It's Megan Cooper.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Brenda Cooper is waiting in Brass's office. She sighs. Through the wall glass, we see Brass on the phone and headed back to his office.)", "Brass: (to phone) Yeah ... Okay ... All right. Right, yeah, yeah, hold on. (to the parents) We found Megan. She's alive. She was found on the side of the road near the high school. She's apparently victim of a hit-and-run car accident. She's in a very serious condition and has been taken to Desert Palm Hospital.", "Linda Lansco: And what about Ryan?", "Brass: We haven't found him yet. We're still looking. (to phone) Go ahead.", "(Brass heads out of the office.)", "Brenda Cooper: (to Sam) Let's go.", "(Brenda grabs her jacket and heads out with Sam. Eddie hugs Linda as they continue to wait.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. ROAD -- DAY]", "(Warrick and Sara arrive at another scene and meet up with Sofia.)", "Sofia: Uniforms found the van on patrol. They called it in. I cleared it, waited for you guys to open it up.", "(They turn and head toward the van.)", "(They check the front for impact.)", "Sara: Front end's intact. No damage, no paint transfer. There's no signs of an accident.", "Warrick: The keys are still in the ignition. There's no blood on the driver's seat.", "Sofia: Which means Ryan probably wasn't driving, because his blood was all over the field.", "(They check the back of the van.)", "(There's a stain under the back door handle. Warrick snaps a picture of it. He opens the van's back door. They find an unrolled sleeping bag.)", "Warrick: Body dump?", "(Warrick opens the sleeping bag and finds it blood stained. No body.)", "Sara: Where's the body?", "(Warrick snaps pictures of the sleeping bag.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Charlie Kellerman carries some food over to Sam and Brenda Cooper. He offers it to them.)", "Charlie Kellerman: Hospital food.", "Brenda Cooper: Oh.", "Charlie Kellerman: The best I could do. Any word?", "Sam Cooper: Not yet.", "Charlie Kellerman: You know Megan. She's a fighter. She'll pull through this.", "Brenda Cooper: Thank you, Charlie. Thank you. You've always been very good to her.", "(Nick walks up to them.)", "Nick: Excuse me. I'm Nick Stokes with the Crime Lab.", "Sam Cooper: Oh, Charlie, he's the one that found Megan.", "Charlie Kellerman: Thank you.", "Nick: You're very welcome. I left your mom a message. I wanted to ask you a few questions. You mind if I ... (to the Coopers) steal him for a minute?", "Brenda Cooper: Sure.", "(They step away. Nick and Charlie walk through the hallway.)", "Nick: I understand you and Megan were pretty close, huh?", "Charlie Kellerman: We live next door to each other. I drive her to school every day, home after cheerleading practice.", "Nick: You wait that whole time? Don't cheerleaders work out for, like, hours?", "Charlie Kellerman: No, I'm, I'm on the squad.", "Nick: Oh. (nods) Oh, okay.", "Charlie Kellerman: Cute girls, short skirts.", "Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. Did you wait for her after the ballgame the other night?", "Charlie Kellerman: I don't usually see her after Friday night games. She catches a ride home with Ryan.", "Nick: Hey, Charlie, since you guys are so close you'd know if somebody had it in for her, wouldn't you?", "Charlie Kellerman: The only person who was ever rude to Megan was Ryan.", "Nick: How rude?", "Charlie Kellerman: Ryan was a dog. And the only person that wouldn't believe that was Megan.", "(Nick nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - DAY]", "(Ryan's van is in the garage. Sara and Warrick are processing it.)", "Sara: High school kid with a van. We could have half the senior class in here.", "Warrick: Yeah, a bunch of minors that won't be in the system. That'll be helpful.", "(Sara looks at the front seat. She opens the van door and finds the seat pushed up close to the wheel.)", "Sara: Ryan is six feet. Whoever was driving must have adjusted the seat.", "(She pushes the seat back and finds a phone.)", "Sara: Hello.", "Warrick: What you got?", "Sara: I got a cell phone.", "(Warrick continues to snap photos of the back of the van.)", "(Sara checks the phone.)", "Sara: Battery's dead, so I don't know who it belongs to. But something tells me that pink is not Ryan's color.", "Warrick: I don't know.", "(Warrick picks up a pink thong.)", "Warrick: I think he might be always thinking pink.", "(Warrick snaps photos of the thongs in the back of the van.)", "Warrick: If these all belong to one girl, she's got nothing left to wear.", "Sara: You know, when I was in college, I had this boyfriend and I thought we were monogamous. And one night, during the post-coital panty search, he handed me a pair of underwear that wasn't mine.", "Warrick: Ooh. How'd he explain that one?", "Sara: He said they belonged to his sister.", "Warrick: Yeah, right.", "Sara: I know.", "Warrick: Let's hope your taste in men has improved since then.", "(Sara nods.)", "Sara: Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine has the sleeping bag open on the table and is marking the bloodstains and recording her notes into a tape recorder.)", "Catherine: There's a large rectangular blood pool at the center of the sleeping bag ... with several satellite transfers. At each corner ... a four-plus-one pattern consistent with transfer from bloody hands, indicating the body was carried on the sleeping bag.", "(Catherine turns the light off, puts her goggles on and uses the ALS.)", "Catherine: Between ten and twenty semen stains. Some overlaid with blood.", "(She uses another instrument and finds something on the monitor. She realizes what it is. Just then Grissom passes by.)", "Catherine: Ugh.", "Grissom: You okay?", "(Catherine shows him the monitor.)", "Grissom: Phthirus Pubis.", "Catherine: Yeah, crabs. I am buying Lindsey a chastity belt.", "Grissom: There's a hole in the metal to let the urine pass. So theoretically, she could still get them.", "Catherine: You are so creepy sometimes.", "Grissom: You know, the incidence of STDs in monogamous couples is slim.", "Catherine: Unless someone arrives at the party with them.", "Grissom: So assuming they both have pubic lice, if either Megan or Ryan were assaulted, they would have given them to their attacker.", "Catherine: A s*x pervert with an STD? That's not going to narrow it down.", "Grissom: Yeah, but once they jump to the fresh host, crabs contain the DNA of the receiver and the giver. Did the parents agree to an SAE kit?", "Catherine: Yes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Archie is going through the card from the cell phone Sara found in the van. Sara walks in.)", "Sara: You rang?", "Archie: Yes. Found the owner of that cell phone.", "Sara: Megan.", "Archie: Nope. Sheila Latham.", "(The phone info reads: Owner:", "SHEILA LATHAM", "MOBILE NUMBER:", "SERVICE PROVIDER:", "SIERRA NEVADA PHONE COMP )", "Sara: What is Megan's best friend's cell phone doing in the front seat of her boyfriend's van?", "Archie: (sings) If that's your boyfriend, if that's your boyfriend ...", "Sara/Archie (both): (sings) He wasn't last night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - WAITING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass walks in the waiting room and finds Sue Latham at the vending machine.)", "Brass: Hi, hi, I'm sorry I'm late, but, you know, the sun goes down on missing kids and it's news.", "Sue Latham: I know this sounds awful, but all I keep thinking is: thank God it wasn't Sheila.", "Brass: Doesn't make you a bad person.", "(She's putting money in the machine.)", "Brass: Oh, this, this, this thing is so broken. There's a trick to it.", "Sue Latham: Ah. I lost two dollars in there.", "Brass: This is Vegas, baby. That's nothing.", "(Brass does his trick on the machine and the can clatters out.)", "Sue Latham: Thank you.", "(Brass picks up the can and offers it to her.)", "Brass: Voila. Let's go to my office, okay?", "(They head out to the hallway and into the next waiting room where Sheila is.)", "Sue Latham: Look, I know you have questions for her, but, you know, Sheila almost lost her best friend yesterday and she's still a little out of it.", "Brass: No, I get it, and I appreciate you bringing her in. (loud) Hey, Sheila.", "(Sheila is sleeping on the sofa, an open book in her hand.)", "Sue Latham: See, she's exhausted. Oh, poor baby. Sheila, honey. It's time to wake up. Captain Brass is here.", "(She sets her bag down and nudges Sheila.)", "Sue Latham: Sheila?", "(She rolls of the sofa and onto the floor.)", "Sue Latham: Sheila?", "(Brass checks her.)", "Brass: We got a 421! Somebody run next door and get the squad medics.", "Sue Latham: (crying) Sheila, honey!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Sheila Latham is on the autopsy table. Robbins shares his findings with Brass and Grissom.)", "Brass: I'll tell you it's been a banner week for teens and police. Two kids disappear; one we can't find; one may not make it out of surgery; and another one ends up dead in custody. I mean, I don't want to make this about me, but I need to know my office is not responsible.", "Robbins: Did you hit her over the head? Because COD is epidural hemorrhage caused by a blow to the top of the skull.", "(Quick CGI Flash of: The brain, the hit to the brain, and blood seeping out.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) The blood clot pushed against the brain, which compressed the respiratory centers.", "(End of flash.)", "Robbins: Her brain stopped telling her body to breathe, and she died.", "Grissom: How recent was the injury?", "Robbins: I extracted about 150 cc's of partially clotted blood. Would have taken at least a day to form, maybe longer.", "Brass: Wait, so ... Sheila suffered the blow around the same time that Megan and Ryan were, um ... well, whatever they were.", "Grissom: Did her mother mention the injury?", "Brass: Injury? No.", "Robbins: Well, that's not the only secret she was keeping. She swallowed something rather unusual, --", "(The chest x-ray shows a card inside Sheila.)", "Robbins: -- and she had crabs.", "Grissom: Well, I can guess where she got those and who she gave them to. What is it that she swallowed?", "(Robbins shows them the card.)", "Grissom: Looks like a memory card from a camera.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- DAY]", "(Greg unzips Sheila's pink backpack. He takes out Sheila's pink tablet. Inside the side pouch, he finds a broken camera.)", "(He finds a strand of hair on the bottom of the camera. He takes the hair and puts it in a bindle.)", "(He measures the diameter of the broken lens from a photo and measures the size of the camera lens.)", "(He opens the card slot and finds it empty.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Archie looks at the connectors on the card under a magnifying glass.)", "Archie: Looks like the metal connectors got pretty gacked up by the stomach acids. Let's see if it still downloads.", "(Archie puts the card in the port and starts it up.)", "Archie: Ah, we're in luck.", "(On the card is Ryan Lansco tied with ropes to the equipment in the shed.)", "Archie: I'm guessing that's your missing basketball player.", "Greg: Yeah. In the equipment shed.", "Ryan Lansco: (from video) Look, I don't even know how I got crabs.", "Girl's Voice: You (from video) got them from humping everything that moved, you big loser. Now, read.", "Ryan Lansco: (from video) What are you so mad about?", "Greg: \"Danger\"? It looks like lipstick.", "Ryan Lansco: (from video) Come on, guys. It's cold in here! You could at least close the door. (reads) I, Ryan Lansco ... am a diseased subhuman s*x pervert. If you do me, you'll go home with a souvenir: your own little crab colony. (angrily) My parents better never see this!", "Girl's Voice: (from video) Oh, yeah? This is going up on YouTube, or maybe you'd like to put it on your FriendAgenda page. You put everything else up there, why not your crotch rot?", "Greg: Handheld camera. There's a light in the room. Someone opened the door. There's got to be more than one person yanking his chain.", "Archie: You know, hang on, I can give you one voice comparison right now.", "(Archie accesses the phone message left on Sheila's cell phone.)", "Sheila Latham: (from cell) Hi, guys, this is Sheila. Guess you missed me, but if you leave me a message, I'll get you back.", "(He takes a portion of it.)", "Sheila Latham: (from cell) Hi, guys, this is Sheila.", "(He compares it to the video.)", "Sheila Latham: (from video) This is going up on YouTube.", "(It's an AUDIO WAVEFORM MATCH.)", "Archie: Oh, Sheila. So does that make her a victim or a suspect?", "Greg: Maybe both.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - MEGAN'S ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick talks with Megan Cooper.)", "Nick: Megan, listen, I know you've already been through a lot, but you may be the only one that can tell us what happened to Ryan.", "Megan Cooper: Where is he?", "Nick: We don't know. Let's start with the last thing you remember.", "Megan Cooper: We were at the game ... and I did a perfect hurkey.", "Nick: What's a hurkey?", "Megan Cooper: It's a jump where you go ...", "(She starts to show him and stops.)", "Megan Cooper: I keep forgetting I can't move my legs.", "(Brenda turns and buries her head in her husband's shoulder.)", "Brenda Cooper: Oh, my God.", "Megan Cooper: Mom, you're not helping.", "Nick: Do you remember anything after the game? Anything?", "Megan Cooper: We won. Everybody was happy. I remember being really cold. There were lights. And then ... nothing. I'm sorry.", "(She starts to cry and stops.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick is watching the LANSCO FAMILY PRESS CONFERENCE on WFIN 19.)", "Eddie Lansco: (from tv) If anyone knows anything about our son, please contact the Las Vegas Police. He's a great kid, with a bright future ahead of him, and we just want him home where he belongs.", "(Grissom walks in. Warrick turns the television set off. He's on Ryan's web page.)", "Warrick: \"I'm likin' basketball, virgin daiquiris, and sweet, sweet ladies.\" It's Ryan Lansco's FriendAgenda page.", "Grissom: What's a \"Hit List\"?", "Warrick: Well, he's not an assassin. His van was like a hot sheets motel, and he wants a password.", "Grissom: Try \"Megan.\"", "Warrick: It's too obvious.", "(Grissom gives him a look.)", "Warrick: I'll try it anyway.", "(He enters MEGAN and the computer beeps. The HIT LIST appears.)", "(Warrick scoffs.)", "Grissom: Men are never as mysterious as women wish they were.", "(The HIT LIST reads:", "Sheila L. - Couldn't move it Bunny B. - Is a honey bee Diane K. - Taught me a thing or two Laurie Z - Begged for it Shelly T. - Wild woman Megan C. - Sack artist", "Warrick: \"Sheila L.-- couldn't move it. Bunny B. is a honey bee. Diane K. taught me a thing or two.\" Diane K. Diane Kentner is his photography teacher.", "Grissom: The fingerprint results on Ryan's van. No hits except on the back door handle, came back to Diane Kentner. She was arrested last year at a demonstration in support of an X-rated photography show.", "Warrick: Now, what's a photography teacher doing touching a student's van?", "Grissom: Maybe she wanted a ride.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Warrick interviews Diane Kentner.)", "Warrick: Ms. Kentner, the car that hit Megan Cooper left a broken turn signal light in the road. It's from a Saab. Isn't that the car that you drive?", "Diane Kentner: Yeah, along with hundreds of thousands of other Americans.", "Warrick: Well, we're going to need to take a look at yours.", "Diane Kentner: Get a warrant and you can.", "Warrick: We also found your fingerprint on the door handle of the back of Ryan's van. Could you explain to me how that got there?", "Diane Kentner: Well ... Ryan helped me move an enlarger I got for the photo lab for the school. My Saab wasn't big enough to move it.", "Warrick: Your name came up on, uh, Ryan Lansco's FriendAgenda page, what was called a \"Hit List.\" It's apparently a list of people that he slept with.", "Diane Kentner: (laughs) Wow. If you're under 40 years old and you teach teenage boys, they all want to make you Mrs. Robinson. It's flattering, but it's fantasy.", "Warrick: So, you are denying that you had any sexual relations with Ryan Lansco?", "Diane Kentner: I would never take advantage of a student.", "Warrick: Well, we're going to need to take a DNA sample, and that I have a warrant for.", "(He shows her the paper. Warrick takes out a swab. She shrugs and opens her mouth. Warrick takes the sample.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Greg and Archie replay the video for Nick.)", "Ryan Lansco: (from video) My parents better never see this!", "Sheila's Voice: (from video) Oh, yeah? This is going up on YouTube.", "(Archie pauses the video.)", "Archie: The only reflective surface in this whole frame is that cabinet.", "Nick: What am I looking at here, Arch?", "Archie: I'm thinking it's two faces.", "(Archie starts to process the video, enhancing and clearing out the reflective image.)", "Archie: Only time I can see it is when the light hits it.", "(Two faces appear in the metal.)", "Greg: Sheila.", "Archie: And some dude.", "Nick: Some dude named Charlie.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Charlie Kellerman is in the interview room. Nick enters and motions for the guard to leave.)", "Nick: You can grab a cup of coffee.", "(The officer leaves.)", "Nick: I know you've waived your right to counsel. I appreciate you coming in here and talking to me, Charlie. That means you're ready to be honest. That's, that's good. Because Ryan is still missing, Sheila is now dead, Megan is partially paralyzed, and you are digging yourself into a pretty deep hole here, pal.", "(Nick sits down, the file folder open in front of him.)", "Nick: I know you were there that night in the equipment shed. I have your shoe impressions at the scene; I've got you on film; and we found Sheila's cue cards in the back of her mom's trunk. So ... Where's Ryan?", "Charlie Kellerman: I don't know.", "Nick: You're an adult, Charlie. There's a big difference between going to juvie and going to state prison. Big difference. Okay, I'll tell you what I think happened.", "(Nick leans back.)", "Nick: You're in love with Megan, who's in love with Ryan, who's a dog. You said so yourself. And he gives her crabs. But does she break up with him? No. She goes right back to him after crying on your shoulder. Man, that'd piss me off. Don't make me present to a jury that you came up with this plan, this little prank, and recruited Sheila -- equally afflicted by this -- and you ran that boy's head against a tackling sled. Then when Megan freaked out and got scared, you just ran her over and left her for dead.", "Charlie Kellerman: No. No, no, that's not what happened.", "Nick: Then you tell me what happened!", "Charlie Kellerman: Okay. You're right. It started as a prank. Sheila and I wrote out that speech. Sheila brought her camera. We went down to the field house. We knew they'd be there fooling around.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. SHED] Charlie kicks the door in and finds Ryan and Megan fooling around in the shed.)", "Ryan Lansco: What the hell?!", "Charlie Kellerman: Shut up!", "(Megan gets up and holds her jersey over herself.)", "Ryan Lansco: No, no, no, no. Megan! Megan! Get off me!", "Charlie Kellerman: Shut up!", "(Charlie and Sheila tie Ryan to the equipment.)", "Megan Cooper: Stop it!", "BACK TO SCENE", "Charlie Kellerman: We tied him up. We got him to read the speech. We were just gonna post it on YouTube.", "Nick: What happened?", "Charlie Kellerman: He got loose, came tearing after us.", "(Quick flashback to: [TRACK FIELD] Charlie and Sheila run out of the shed.)", "Charlie Kellerman: He's coming. He's coming. RYAN LANSCO: You two.", "(Ryan runs after them. Charlie and Sheila throw the camera between the two of them.)", "Ryan Lansco: Give me the camera.", "Sheila Latham: Here! Here!", "(She throws the camera too high to Ryan. It falls on the track and smashes.)", "(He stops and picks it up, but Sheila has the card.)", "Sheila Latham: Come on and get it Ryan! This what you want? (She sticks the card on her tongue, teasing him.) Huh? Ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah...", "(He throws the camera at her and hits her on the head. Sheila gags.)", "Charlie Kellerman: What the heck, man?", "(Ryan walks over to them. Charlie pushes him back. Sheila continues to cough. Ryan coughs back at her, mocking her.)", "Sheila Latham: Jerk!", "(Sheila rushes him and pushes him into the equipment. Ryan hits his neck and blood gushes out from the wound.)", "Sheila Latham: Ryan? Ryan!", "Charlie Kellerman: (V.O.) Next thing I know, blood was just gushing out of his neck.", "(End of flashback.)", "(Charlie gets up.)", "Charlie Kellerman: I haven't slept. I haven't eaten. I can't stop playing it over and over again in my head. (crying) He just went down so fast. And-and I was looking at him. And it-it was like he wasn't Ryan anymore. Whatever made him Ryan was gone.", "Nick: What did you do with the body?", "Charlie Kellerman: This is where I suck. We should have just called 911, but we panicked.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. TRACK] Charlie and Sheila pull the sleeping bag with Ryan's body inside.", "Sheila Latham: Come on.", "(The sleeping bag tears on the metal gate.)", "Sheila Latham: Shut up and just pull. We don't have time to think about that.", "(They get the body in Ryan's van.)", "Charlie Kellerman: What are you doing?", "Sheila Latham: Look, let's just get him in the van. I'll drive; you follow.", "(Charlie and Sheila put Ryan in the back of the van.)", "Sheila Latham: Move. Move!", "(They shut the door.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Nick: Where is Ryan?", "Charlie Kellerman: (crying) I just told you everything I know. We left him in the van.", "Nick: What about Megan?", "Charlie Kellerman: The second we barged into that field house, she freaked out and took off. I-I didn't even know she was in the hospital until her parents called.", "Nick: Okay, come here and take a look at this.", "(Nick shows him the photo.)", "Nick: Sheila's holding the camera; you're holding the cue cards. Who's holding the light? Was there somebody else there?", "Charlie Kellerman: (shakes his head) Uh-uh.", "Nick: Hmm?", "Charlie Kellerman: I-I was holding the light and the cue card.", "Nick: Are you sure?", "Charlie Kellerman: (nods) It was just Sheila and me.", "(Nick sits back in his seat.)", "Charlie Kellerman: And now, it's just me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Grissom opens the container with Sheila's crabs in it. He takes one out and extracts a sample of blood from the crab. He tests the sample.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- DNA LAB]", "(Wendy shares the findings with Grissom.)", "Wendy Simms: Okay, we got quite the smorgasbord here. Um, the only constant from the crabs is Ryan. He's half the DNA on each of the combos. And the other contributors were Megan, Sheila, several unknowns, and everybody's favorite photography teacher, Diane Kentner. Certainly hope she gave him an A.", "Grissom: It proves s*x with a minor. Even if we can't get her for Megan's hit-and-run, it's enough for a search warrant.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. WAREHOUSE -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick and Grissom meet up with Brass and several officers outside the warehouse.)", "Warrick: So, what you find at Diane's house?", "Brass: Uh, not much, but propped up on a dresser was a rental agreement to this address and a key.", "Grissom: Looks like she drew us a map.", "Brass: Looks like it.", "(Brass pounds on the door.)", "Brass: (shouts) Diane Kentner, open up! Las Vegas Police!", "(Warrick notes the smashed car light.)", "Warrick: There's our busted headlight.", "(There's no answer.)", "Brass: Okay.", "(Brass unlocks and opens the door. He takes his gun out.)", "Brass: Let's go.", "(Flashing lights come from inside the warehouse. A high-pitched whir sounds.)", "Warrick: What the hell is that?", "(Brass and the officer enter the warehouse. Warrick and Grissom follow.)", "[EXT. WAREHOUSE -- NIGHT]", "(A camera clicks and whirs. Brass and the officers maneuver their way into the warehouse's main room.)", "Brass: Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.", "(He holds the officers back and goes in first. Up on the sheeting on the walls are larger-than-life sized projections of Ryan Lansco.)", "(Brass turns the corner first. He sees more projections of Ryan up on the sheeting covering the walls. A camera snaps, flashes and whines. Brass and the officers head to the back.)", "(The camera sounds get louder. They head deeper into the warehouse.)", "(He turns the final corridor and sees the image of Ryan dead up on the screen. They continue forward. More projections of Ryan are up on the walls.)", "(Warrick and Grissom are the last to follow.)", "(They turn the last corner and find DIANE KENTNER in bed with RYAN LANSCO. Both of them are dead.)", "Brass: Now I remember why I don't like modern art. I'm gonna go call the coroner outside.", "(Brass turns and heads back out. The camera continues to snap, flash and whine. Warrick looks at the scene.)", "Warrick: I'm slipping, Grissom. I talked to this woman twice, and this body was here the whole time.", "Grissom: No one could have predicted this.", "(Warrick picks up the empty prescription container from DIANE'S hands.)", "Warrick: She was on a daily dose of lithium. Bipolar.", "(click, high-pitched whirring)", "Warrick: What is this, Grissom, Romeo and Juliet?", "Grissom: Postmortem photography-- memento mori. In the 19th century, a photo of your dead loved one was a popular keepsake. Death remembered. One last look.", "(Up on the walls, a series of images are played out in sequential order.)", "Grissom: Hey.", "(The images show Megan pushing Ryan.)", "Grissom: Charlie told Nick that Sheila pushed Ryan.", "Warrick: Charlie lied ... to protect Megan.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - MEGAN'S ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick knocks on the door before entering.)", "Nick: How you feeling?", "Megan Cooper: Okay, considering. Oh, my parents are in the cafeteria if you want to wait.", "Nick: Oh, no, no, I'm ... I'm good. I just wanted to show you something.", "Nick: What do you think about that?", "(Nick shows Megan the photo of Megan pushing Ryan.)", "Megan Cooper: Is that me? What am I doing?", "Nick: Oh, it looks like you're killing your boyfriend. You tell me.", "Megan Cooper: Who took this?", "Nick: Ms. Kentner.", "Megan Cooper: Oh, come on. Obsess much?", "Nick: Oh, so, you do remember?", "Megan Cooper: No. Not what happened that night.", "Nick: I wish I could get selective amnesia. There's a lot in my past I'd like to forget about.", "(They look at each other.)", "Megan Cooper: If I did push Ryan, and he died, then that was wrong. Don't you think that I've been punished enough?", "(Nick says nothing. He turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(The Lanscos follow Brass through the hallway.)", "Eddie Lansco: Are you telling me you're not gonna prosecute the girl that killed my son?", "Brass: The DA decided not to file. I mean, my guess is that he probably felt he couldn't get a conviction.", "Linda Lansco: Wh ... Where's the justice in that?", "Brass: Everybody involved in this thing has been punished in some way. I mean, Diane and Sheila are dead. Charlie's probably going to jail, and Megan ...", "Eddie Lansco: Got away with murder.", "(The Lanscos leave. Brass watches them go.)", "[Intro: \"Good Enough,\" by Evanescence.]", "[INT. RIDGE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(A shrine of flowers has been placed under the photos of Sheila, Charlie, Megan and Ryan. The principal walks up to the photos and removes Charlie's photo. He turns and leaves. We linger on the pile of flowers against the wall.)", "[INT. SARA'S APARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT]", "(Sara picks up the straight razor off the bathroom counter. She looks in the mirror and hold up the razor.)", "Sara: You trust me?", "(She turns and looks at Grissom, who has shaving lather on his beard. Sara faces him.)", "Grissom: Intimately.", "(He turns his head and lifts his chin slightly to the side. Sara puts her hand on Grissom's ear and raises the razor. She starts to shave off his beard and we --" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Fallen Idols
[ "Six showgirls are murdered in their rented house and Sara is haunted by the dying words of the last victim, as she dies in Sara's arms. The investigation reveals the women's necks were slashed with a knife and that Warrick believes he knows one of the victims. Also, Greg gets some disturbing information from Grissom about the civil suit filed against him." ]
[ "THIS EPISODE CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT. PARENTAL DISCRETION IS ADVISED.", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. RESIDENTIAL SIDEWALK - NIGHT]", "(Libby Cooperson and Cammie Brookston walk home. They're dressed in sweats and carry their duffle bags with them.)", "Libby: (laughs) Oh, you were so on tonight, Cammie.", "Cammie: I was channeling my nerves in a positive way. Somebody's got to hold it together.", "(They head inside.)", "[INT. HOUSE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(The women laugh as they enter the house.)", "Cammie: I swear, Janice can't dance a straight line.", "Libby: Pigeon-toed. Should have stayed on the bluebell line. BG.", "(They put their bags down on the hallway chair in the living room. They take their jackets off.)", "Cammie: Well, you know how she scored that principal role, right? Bad on her feet, good on her back.", "(They laugh. Cammie stops and looks at the mess in the kitchen. On the center counter is a bottle of wine and two glasses.)", "Cammie: Oh, Libby, can you believe this? I am so sick of this pig sty.", "Libby: Been like this ever since Lauren got her creepy new boyfriend.", "(Libby puts the car keys back on the hook. Cammie washes her hands in the sink.)", "Libby: He's a musician. My mom dated a musician -- total freeloaders.", "(Libby stacks used pots on the stove as Cammie wipes her hands.)", "Cammie: If I get bumped to principal this week, I am so out of here.", "Libby: Take me with you.", "(She turns and points to the burning cigarette in the ashtray on the table.)", "Libby: Becca fell off the wagon again.", "Cammie: The nicotine dancer diet.", "(Suddenly, they hear loud music blasting from upstairs. The two girls look at each other and smile.)", "(They head upstairs.)", "FLASH TO PRESENT:", "[INT. HOUSE - NIGHT - PRESENT]", "(The cigarette in the ashtray on the table is burned out completely to the edge of the filter.)", "(Sara notes it and continues looking around in the kitchen on her way to the living room. The house is eerily quiet. She shines her light back into the kitchen - there's half a six-pack of soda on the counter near the stove. There's the empty wine bottle on the kitchen floor.)", "(Sara turns and slowly walks through the living room. She carries her kit and looks around as she goes.)", "(The phone rings, startling Sara. The answering machine kicks on.)", "Roommates: (on machine) Hey! You've reached Showgirl Heaven. Please leave a message at the tone. Thanks. Bye.", "Agent (woman): Cammie, great audition today. You made it, girl. You're principal. Call me for the details. Congrats!", "(Sara passes the line of duffle bags on the floor against the wall. The machine beeps off. Sara heads for the stairs.)", "(On the step, she notes a bloodied shoeprint. She looks up at the second floor, then cautiously makes her way up the stairs.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. HOUSE - SECOND FLOOR -- NIGHT - FLASHBACK]", "(Libby and Cammie reach the second floor.)", "Libby: Everyone's in my room. Follow the music.", "(Cammie pauses to pick up some clothes hanging on the stairway bannister.)", "Cammie: Be right there.", "(Libby hurries to her room. She pushes the door open --", "Libby: Hey, guys.", "(As Cammie turns to her own room, she smiles and glances at Libby long enough to hear a muffled scream and see Libby disappear into the room.)", "(The bedroom door slams shut.)", "Cammie: Libby?", "(Cammie takes a couple steps toward the room.)", "Cammie: Libby!", "FLASH BACK TO PRESENT:", "[INT. HOUSE - SECOND FLOOR HALLWAY / BEDROOM 1-- NIGHT - PRESENT]", "(Sara reaches the second floor. On the carpet are bloodied shoe prints between the rooms.)", "(We hear the snap of a camera shutter. Sara turns to Cammie's room and finds Warrick snapping photos. Warrick turns and looks at Sara. Sara nods back to him.)", "Warrick: Hell of a way to spend your night off.", "Sara: How many bodies do you have in there?", "Warrick: Three.", "(PHOTO FLASHES of the three girls - one on the floor and one on each bed. They are all tied with their hands behind their backs and gagged.)", "Warrick: Grissom's down the hall, first door on your right. Just follow the blood.", "(Sara turns and heads for the hallway bedroom. She looks down at the bloodied shoeprints on the carpet.)", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. HOUSE - SECOND FLOOR -- NIGHT - FLASHBACK]", "(Cammie makes her way slowly to Libby's room. The music is loud. She comes up even to the door when someone reaches out and grabs her, pulling her into the room.)", "(There are four other girls sitting on the floor, their hands tied behind their backs and gags in the mouths.)", "WHITE FLASH BACK TO:", "[INT. HOUSE - SECOND FLOOR BEDROOM 2 -- NIGHT - PRESENT]", "(Sara shines her flashlight into the room.)", "Sara: My date got canceled.", "(An answering light shines back on Sara. Grissom looks at her.)", "Grissom: I'm sure he had a good excuse.", "(Sara steps cautiously into the bedroom. Grissom is kneeling next to the bed with a dead body on it.)", "Sara: Looks like sexual assault. Bound, pants pulled down.", "Grissom: Yeah.", "Sara: Where do you want me?", "Grissom: Next bedroom. There's another body in there.", "Sara: Well, that makes five. The dispatch said there were six.", "(Grissom stands up.)", "Grissom: According to Brass, the boyfriend of one of the victims found the bodies. Said there were six roommates, all showgirls. Evidently, one didn't come home.", "Sara: She picked the right night.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOUSE - SECOND FLOOR BEDROOM 3 -- NIGHT - PRESENT]", "(Sara walks into the third bedroom. There's a dead girl on the bed. She pauses a beat by the doorway and looks inside. She walks in.)", "(Sara puts her kit down and steps closer to the bed, studying the scene. She looks around and notices some blood smeared on the floor next to the second bed in the room.)", "(She walks over and kneels down to look under the bed. She shines her flashlight.)", "(Suddenly, a BLOODY HAND SWIPES AT HER, SCRATCHING SARA'S FACE -", "(Sara pulls back and reaches for her gun while shouting.)", "Sara: Hot scene! Suspect under the bed!", "(Grissom appears in the doorway.)", "Grissom: Sara!", "(Sara looks under the bed and sees Cammie huddled in a pool of blood, her hands tied in front of her.)", "Cammie: (gasps) Please ... please help me. Please.", "(Sara puts her gun aside and reaches for Cammie.)", "Sara: Hold on. Victim down! Call an ambulance!", "Grissom: (o.s.) Dispatch, this is CSI Grissom ...", "(Sara holds Cammie's hand.)", "Sara: You're safe now, okay? You're safe now. It's going to be okay.", "Cammie: (gasps) Help me. Help me.", "(We hold on Sara.)", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. SHOWGIRL HEAVEN RESIDENCE -- NIGHT]", "(The street outside the residence is cluttered with officers, emergency personnel and news reporters.)", "News Repoter (man): Up until a few hours ago, this was considered one of the safest neighborhoods in Las Vegas. But with the discovery of six young women brutally slain in their beds ...", "(Nearer the house inside the taped-off area, Brass talks with Jonathan Alaniz, Becca's musician boyfriend.)", "Jonathan Alaniz: I got here at 3:45. I've been dating Becca about a month. When I saw all that blood on the stairs, I just ... I just knew.", "Sofia: Jonathan, do you have a key to the house?", "Jonathan Alaniz: Becca gave it to me. I usually try to come over and say good night, but I was ... I was late. Had a couple clients in town. But I didn't need the key. Front door was open.", "Sofia: If we brought you some photos, would you be able to ID the girls for us?", "(He nods.)", "(Greg walks past them. An officer lifts up the tape for Greg to duck under. We STAY WITH Greg. He walks up to Brass and Sara waiting outside. There's a large scratch on Sara's left cheek. She has a jacket draped over her.)", "(Greg doesn't say anything and continues on to the house.)", "(We stay with Brass as he talks with Sara.)", "Brass: Look, I know this is tough, but did she give you anything?", "Sara: She told me her name. When I went into the room, she thought that I was him.", "Brass: Anything else?", "Sara: (shakes her head) It didn't make any sense.", "(Quick flash of: Sara holds Cammie.)", "Sara: Can you tell me your name?", "Cammie: Ca ... Cam ... Cammie.", "(Sara sits on the floor and holds Cammie.)", "Sara: Cammie, I'm Sara. Who did this to you, Cammie?", "Cammie: Mm-an.... mm-an.", "Sara: The man, what did he look like?", "Cammie: Poor w ... Poor wine ...", "(Sara shakes her head. It makes no sense to her.)", "Cammie: Breast ... Breast ... knife ...", "Sara: He-he stabbed you in the chest?", "(Cammie grunts and shakes her head.)", "Cammie: No.", "Sara: (shouts) I need some help here!", "Cammie: Bye ... Fin ...", "(And Cammie dies.)", "Sara: No, no. No.", "END OF FLASHBACK", "[INT. SHOWGIRL HEAVEN RESIDENCE - STAIRS - NIGHT]", "(Nick snaps photos of the bloodied shoe print on the stairs.)", "(Greg walks in and starts climbing the stairs.)", "Nick: Looks like he was about a size 11.", "(Greg stops and looks at Nick.)", "Greg: You been up there yet?", "(Nick looks at Greg and raises his eyebrows. Greg nods back. Greg continues up the stairs, around Nick's shoe prints.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SHOWGIRL HEAVEN - BEDROOM 2 - NIGHT]", "(As David Phillips reports, Grissom tries to take a photo of the window while holding the ALS in his hand.)", "David Phillips: I've been through all the bedrooms. She's the last. Rebecca Mayford. Boyfriend ID'd her. Neck's clean. The other five victims' throats were transected. There are at least a dozen stab wounds to the chest and abdomen.", "Grissom: Yeah. He took his time with her. The others were killed efficiently.", "David Phillips: Liver temp is 95.6. Been dead at least two hours, which is consistent with four of the five other victims.", "(CAMERA POV: Grissom finds footprints on the window and is taking a photo of them.)", "Grissom: David, don't move any of the bodies just yet, okay?", "David Phillips: You got it.", "(David leaves the room. Greg walks in.)", "David Phillips: (to Greg) Hey.", "Greg: What did you find?", "Grissom: Partial footprint. Whoever kicked in this window was barefoot.", "Greg: She's wearing socks.", "Grissom: Yeah, but some of the others weren't.", "Greg: Means one of them must have been in here at some point.", "(Greg looks at the photos in the bedroom.)", "Greg: I don't think this was her room.", "(Grissom looks around.)", "Grissom: What else?", "Greg: Looks like the bindings were cut from the sheets.", "(Quick flash of: The killer rips the sheets. End of flash.)", "Greg: It takes at least a few minutes to cut up a sheet.", "Grissom: I think when he came to this house, he was unprepared. He had to use things that were already here. They say a disorganized killer is apt to obtain his victims by chance.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SHOWGIRL HEAVEN - BEDROOM 1 - NIGHT]", "(Warrick is gathering evidence from the body on the bed.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Luck of the draw.", "(He puts it in a bindle. Catherine walks in. She stops in front of the body on the floor.)", "Catherine: Busy night.", "(Warrick stops gathering evidence as he pauses to really look at the face of the girl on the bed.)", "Warrick: She looks so familiar.", "Catherine: When I first started doing this, everybody I worked on reminded me of someone.", "(Warrick stands up.)", "Catherine: Somehow, we all get past it.", "Warrick: I'm not so sure that's a good thing.", "(Catherine heads for the bathroom.)", "Catherine: I'll start with the bathroom.", "[INT. SHOWGIRL HEAVEN - SECOND FLOOR BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine walks in. There are photos tucked in the mirror frame and a long-white feather boa draped on a second wall mirror.)", "(Two evidence markers are near two shoe prints leading up to the bathroom sink.)", "(Catherine looks at the spilled powder on the counter. There are impressions in the powder. She snaps several photos.)", "(In the trash bin she finds a bloodied paper towel. She snaps photos of it, then picks it up and puts it in a paper package. She puts the evidence package on the side.)", "(She snaps more photos of the tissues in the trash bin and bags them.)", "(There are many paper evidence bags on the side.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SHOWGIRL HEAVEN - BEDROOM 1 - NIGHT]", "(Grissom finds a picture of Becca.)", "Grissom: The girl in this picture is the victim from my room.", "(He picks up the picture and the recording in the bear activates.)", "(Warrick looks up.)", "Jonathan Alaniz's Voice: (recorded) Becca, I'm so crazy about you. I just wanted to tell you happy three-week anniversary! You're awesome! And I love you bear-y much. (chuckles)", "Warrick: Sounds like Becca was still a kid.", "(Grissom puts the photo back on the shelf. He looks at another set of photos of Becca in her showgirl costume.)", "Grissom: Yeah. Well, not when she was onstage.", "Warrick: So, Grissom, I found beige carpet fibers on all three victims. It's consistent with the hallway carpet. I've also found rug burns on their knees.", "(ZOOM for CU of the abrasions on one of the victim's knees and the carpet fibers caught inside.)", "[INT. SHOWGIRL HEAVEN - HALLWAY- NIGHT]", "(Grissom and Warrick walk outside the bedroom. They follow the bloodied shoe prints on the carpet.)", "(They follow the shoe prints to the second bedroom.)", "[INT. SHOWGIRL HEAVEN - BEDROOM 2 - CONTINUOUS]", "(They look inside where the sheets have been pulled off the beddings.)", "Grissom: Killer herded them all into here. He used the sheets from that bed to tie them up, then dragged them all down the hallways to the other two bedrooms to kill them.", "(Quick flashback to: The killer ties the girls up.)", "(CUT TO: The killer grabs the girls down the hallway.)", "(CUT TO: The girls are dead on the bed.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Warrick: What about Becca? Why wasn't she dragged somewhere else?", "Grissom: Maybe he wanted to get her alone. Maybe she excited him ... or pissed him off. Either way, he was brutal with her. She was the messiest kill.", "(Catherine walks into the room.)", "Catherine: He had a gun. I found grip and slide impressions in some powder on the bathroom counter.", "Warrick: Well, a gun is one good way for crowd control. Why didn't he just shoot them?", "Catherine: Noise factor? You can't scream once your throat's been slit.", "Grissom: Yeah. He had all the time he needed 'cause the neighbors couldn't hear a thing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SHOWGIRL HEAVEN - BACKYARD - NIGHT]", "(Sara walks around the side to the back of the house. She sees a porch chair jammed under the back door knob.)", "(Sara puts her kit down and snaps several photos of the chair. She dusts the chair arm rests for prints and finds several.)", "(Quick flash of: SOMEONE jams the chair under the knob. End of flash.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. SHOWGIRL HEAVEN - KITCHEN - DAY]", "(Nick snaps pictures of the photos pinned to the bulletin board in the kitchen. He pauses a moment to really look at the faces of the women who lived in the house. He continues to take photos.)", "(He stops when the back door opens.)", "(Sara opens the door and nods to him. She walks into the house, closing the door behind her.)", "Sara: He used a chair to jam this door.", "Nick: I heard about what happened. You okay?", "Sara: I'm fine.", "Nick: There's a custom-made label on a wine bottle over there.", "(Nick points to the wine bottle on the kitchen floor. Sara kneels down and reads the label.)", "Sara: \"Love, Lewis.\"", "(Quick flash of: Sara holds Cammie.)", "Sara: Who did this to you, Cammie?", "Cammie: Mm-an .... mm-an.", "Sara: The man. What did he look like?", "Cammie: Poor w ... Poor wine.", "(End of flashback.)", "(Sara looks at Nick.)", "Sara: Cammie said something. \"Poor wine.\" Maybe it had something to do with this bottle.", "(She looks at the bottle.)", "Sara: \"Poor wine.\"", "Nick: Maybe he forced wine down her throat. Tox will tell us.", "(Sara puts the wine bottle down on the floor and looks around. Nick watches her.)", "Nick: It was good that you were there for her, Sara. She didn't have to die alone.", "Sara: We usually show up too late to meet the victim.", "(Nick nods and turns his attention back to the bulletin board. We hold on Sara.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROAD - DAY]", "(A red Chrysler is parked on the side of the road, license #011-SUZ. As we move in closer to the car, we hear the radio on.)", "Reporter: (from radio) Police have confirmed there are a total of six victims in the Green Valley showgirl murders. The names have not yet been released pending individual identification and notification of their families.", "(The driver sits, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.)", "Reporter: (from radio) According to police sources, there are no suspects at this time. LVPD has asked anyone with any information to call the following hotline number: 702-555-0132.", "(The killer takes a drink from a flask. He hangs his hand outside his open window, his finger drumming against the side of his car.)", "Reporter: (from radio) Again, that number ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY OUTSIDE FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Five bodies are on gurneys against the hallway walls. David Phillips and another coroner take notes and fill out a clipboard.)", "(We continue through the wall and into -", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Inside the room, Sara works on one of the bodies. She carefully snips off the sheet tying the girl's wrists together. She removes the sheet and puts it in an evidence package.)", "(On another table, David Phillips snaps photos of another showgirl's mouth. He puts the camera down and removes a ball of bloodied sheet stuffed in her mouth. He puts the sheet in an evidence package.)", "(CUT TO: David Phillips washes the neck wound on one of the girls.)", "(On the other table, Sara washes the wounds off another blonde-haired girl. Her showgirl make-up is still on, enhancing her blank, glassy stare.)", "(CUT TO: Sara snaps photos.)", "(CUT TO: Sara scrapes under the girl's nails.)", "(We linger on the dead girl's blank, glassy eyes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins and Sara go over the findings of all the bodies. The bodies are lined up next to each other in the large room.)", "Robbins: All six victims had ligature marks on their ankles and wrists. Jenn Smith was the only one with rib fractures. She took some abuse. Except for Becca Mayford, COD was exsanguination through incised wounds to the neck with a sharp-edged instrument.", "Sara: How did Cammie Brookston survive until we got there?", "Robbins: Well, in her case, there was only a partial transection of the jugular. Shallower cut, slower bleed.", "Sara: I found her at least two hours after the attacks.", "Robbins: She must've applied pressure to her wound. That would've bought her some time.", "Sara: So if we'd have found her sooner, she would still be alive.", "Robbins: Sara, there's nothing you could've done.", "(Sara is quiet. Robbins continues.)", "Robbins: Well, she has a C-section uterine scar. Hairline, almost invisible.", "Sara: She has a child.", "Robbins: Well, she gave birth some time ago.", "Sara: Any signs of sexual assault?", "Robbins: Not with Cammie. I found semen in the vaginas of Emily Wilson and Lauren Walderson. Both had mild reddening and some superficial abrasion at the vaginal introitus. They could have had consensual s*x in the hours prior to the attack. This young lady was raped.", "(He turns to the body on the table set aside.)", "Robbins: Rebecca Mayford had lacerations at three o'clock. Contusions extended from four to eight and ten to twelve.", "Sara: Any semen?", "Robbins: No. But, uh, look at these puncture wounds. Stab wounds have a large cutting component to the margins. Several of these stabs have additional tracks through the organ, suggesting a partial withdrawal and re-thrust of the blade.", "Sara: Is that everything then?", "Robbins: Not quite. He left something behind.", "(Robbins points to the film on the viewbox.)", "Sara: The tip of the knife.", "(Quick CGI XCU of: The knife inserted through the flesh, hitting the bone and the tip breaking off. End of CGI.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Grissom is on the phone.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Yes, sir, I understand that, but, uh, we're still analyzing the evidence. As soon as we have something to report, we'll report it. Okay.", "(He hangs up. Catherine is sitting in the seat opposite his desk.)", "Catherine: I may have something for you to feed to the monster.", "(Catherine hands him the results.)", "An attack order based on the blood evidence. In the bathroom trash, I found six bloody paper towels. Wendy ran the DNA. Each towel has blood from only one victim.", "Grissom: Bottom of the pile -- first victim, top of the pile-- last.", "Catherine: And the pattern on each is consistent with the knife being wiped off. I think that the killer cleaned off the knife after each kill.", "(Quick flash of: The victims:", "Catherine: (V.O.) First was Emily ...", "(The killer wipes the knife in the bathroom.)", "(Lauren is on the bed.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) -- then Lauren ...", "(The killer wipes the knife again and tosses the paper towel in the trash.)", "(End of flash.)", "Grissom: Both found in Warrick's bedroom.", "Catherine: Libby was next.", "Grissom: She was found dead in Sara's bedroom.", "Catherine: Then Cammie was attacked, followed by Jennifer.", "Grissom: She was found on the floor in Warrick's bedroom. There's no logic to any of this.", "Catherine: But you were right--Becca was attacked last. It was all of her blood that was tracked throughout the house.", "(Quick flash of: The killer steps in the blood --", "Catherine: (V.O.) He stepped in her blood, walks into the bathroom to clean off the knife, back out into the hallway, down the stairs.", "(End of flash.)", "Grissom: But why would he clean off the knife between victims?", "Catherine: To maintain control. I see a clean knife, I think that the others are still alive and ... I'm more compliant.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(Hodges is on the phone.)", "Sara's Voice: (from phone) This is Sara Sidle. Leave a message after the tone.", "(The machine beeps.)", "Hodges: (to phone) Sara, the knife tip Doc Robbins extracted from Becca Mayford isn't metal, it's ceramic ... and extremely sharp. I accept your thank you in advance and you're welcome.", "(Hodges hangs up. He puts his goggles on, then picks up the ALS to start checking the victim's clothes out on the table.)", "(Someone's phone buzzes.)", "(Hodges sees the phone in the evidence bag and puts the ALS down. He removes his goggles and picks up the phone. The CALLER ID reads: MOM.)", "(Hodges answers the phone.)", "Hodges: (to phone) Hello? Uh, no, ma'am, Libby's not here. My name is David Hodges. I work for the Las Vegas Crime Lab. Well, ma'am, uh ... I can't really say ... but I can give you the number of someone who can.", "(Hodges glances down at the heart-shaped necklace in the evidence bag.)", "Hodges: (to phone) Did your daughter Libby wear a heart-shaped necklace?", "(Hodges stops and sits down.)", "Hodges: (to phone) Y-Y-Yes, yeah, I-I'm still here. Uh, ma'am ... I don't know quite how to say this, but, um ... I'm afraid I have some bad news.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara and Greg are on the move as Greg reports his findings to Sara.)", "Sara: I matched Jenn Smith's footprints with a partial Grissom lifted from that broken window.", "Sara: According to Catherine's attack order, Cammie was stabbed first and then Jenn. He didn't get sloppy with Cammie; he got distracted.", "Greg: So he was with Cammie when Jenn tried to escape.", "(Quick flash of: Jenn is on the bed trying to kick out the window.)", "(The killer hears her and enters the room. He drags her off the bed and kicks her on the floor.)", "(End of flash.)", "Sara: Which explains Jenn's fractures. He kicked the crap out of her.", "Greg: He must have gone to the bathroom, cleaned off the knife, then dragged Jenn down the hallway to kill her.", "Sara: He never went back to check on Cammie.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "(Archie has a LAS VEGAS GLOBE article on the monitor. The headline reads: SHOWGIRL MANOR: SIX GIRLS, ONE LOCK. The subheadline reads, \"Living the Dream,\" by Lewis Greyburg.)", "Warrick: Six girls, one lock.", "Archie: I ran the names of all the victims. This article's the only common link.", "Warrick: \"They pooled their money and lived the dream in style.\"", "Archie: This could definitely bait a killer. The only thing missing from this is their address.", "Warrick: Well, it says \"Green Valley,\" it's got a photo of the house. If you looked hard enough, you could find it.", "Archie: Lewis Greyburg wrote the article.", "Warrick: \"Lewis\" is the name on a custom wine label that we found at the crime scene. Do me a favor. Could you zoom in on that photo?", "(Archie zooms in and Warrick recognizes one of the girls.)", "Warrick: Oh, my God. I knew I recognized her. Emily Wilson.", "Archie: Figures you'd know a showgirl. Take it you've seen her dance, then, huh?", "Warrick: No, last time I saw her, she was still wearing braces.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. STREET - DAY]", "(A kid on a bicycle rides by. Warrick leans against his car parked on the side of the road, looking at the house across the street.)", "(The front door opens and Warrick straightens as he sees Mary Wilson exit the house carrying a garbage bag. He walks over to her.)", "Mary Wilson: Warrick Brown. I remember you standing on my steps with those guilty green eyes, afraid to come in because you knew your grandma would size you up no matter what kind of trouble you got into.", "Warrick: I don't remember any trouble.", "Mary Wilson: Like when you were 13 years old and you took her new Buick out for a spin.", "Warrick: Oh, and I banged the bumper trying to parallel park. I forgot about that one.", "Mary Wilson: Mm-hmm. I haven't seen you since your grandma passed.", "Warrick: Yeah, the old neighborhood reminds me how much I miss her.", "(They walk. Warrick takes the garbage bag from her.)", "Mary Wilson: So why you here?", "Warrick: I came to see you.", "Mary Wilson: Oh.", "Warrick: Let me take that for you. New family painted right over my history.", "Mary Wilson: That's 'cause they're making their own history.", "(He throws the trash away for her.)", "Mary Wilson: You know, my daughter Chelsea died last August.", "Warrick: Oh, God.", "Mary Wilson: Mm-hmm. Lung cancer. She never smoked a day in her life, but her sorry husband did. He's healthy as an ox.", "Warrick: (interrupts) Mrs. Wilson ...", "Mrs. Wilson: You were always interrupting your grandma. But-but she liked that. That's because you were thinking, she said. Oh, she was proud of you. You remember my little granddaughter, Emily. The next time you drive up the Strip, you, you going to see her little buns in lights 'cause she's a dancer now. Uh-huh.", "Warrick: Um ...", "Mary Wilson: What, what, what, what?", "Warrick: I'm working this case. Those six showgirls ...", "Mary Wilson: The ones in the news?", "Warrick: Emily listed you as the next of kin.", "Mary Wilson: No. No. Oh, oh, please, God ... (screams) No!", "(Warrick holds her as she cries.)", "Warrick: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.", "Mary Wilson: Oh ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TRIP WIRE BAR - DAY]", "(Brass is on the television monitor at a televised police conference.)", "Brass: (from tv) We're pursuing a number of leads based on evidence gathered at the scene. Now, we believe that our suspect targeted one individual in particular and that's where the investigation is focused.", "(The killer is at a bar having a drink.)", "Brass: (from tv) Look, look, we have every available police officer out looking for him.", "(He puts his glass down on the counter and drums his fingers against the bar.)", "Brass: (from tv) He can run, but he can't hide.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick and Sara interview Mr. Greyburg. Sara puts the photos out on the table between them.)", "Nick: So, Mr. Greyburg, you don't want a lawyer?", "Lewis Greyburg: Why would I need a lawyer? I sent the wine over to express my gratitude for their cooperation on the article.", "Nick: How did you get to know them?", "Lewis Greyburg: I followed them around for a week as part of my research. They were nice kids ... uh, with big hearts.", "Sara: It's an airhead piece.", "Lewis Greyburg: My editor gave me an angle, I ran with it. But those girls raised $12,000 for a fellow showgirl with breast cancer. They organized their own walk-a-thon. They gave out swag bags, kitchen stuff.", "Sara: What kind of kitchen stuff?", "Lewis Greyburg: Uh ... cutting board, juicer, kitchen knife.", "(Something he says triggers a memory in Sara.)", "(Quick flash of: Cammie struggles to talk.)", "Cammie: Breast ... breast. ..", "Sara: He stabbed you in the chest?", "Cammie: No!", "(End of flash.)", "(Sara stares out in front of her. Nick notices her.)", "Nick: Sara.", "Sara: What did the knife look like?", "Lewis Greyburg: It had a purple handle embossed with the name of their friend and the date. It was ceramic.", "Nick: Killer shoes. There were multiple shoe impressions in blood at the house, looked just like those.", "Lewis Greyburg: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Look, I didn't kill those girls.", "Sara: Where were you last night, Mr. Greyburg?", "Lewis Greyburg: I was at home alone working on my novel.", "Nick: Prove it. We'll take your little ceramic knife, give us your shoes, and we'll take a sample of your DNA.", "Lewis Greyburg: You can have whatever you want. (to Sara) Just stop looking at me that way.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(Nick takes prints off Greyburg's shoes. He compares the two prints.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Greg walks in to report results to Grissom.)", "Greg: Wendy swabbed the ligatures cut from the sheet for epithelials. Each knot had one DNA source on it--female, but not from the victim who was tied up.", "Grissom: So he forced them to tie each other up.", "(Quick flash of: [BEDROOM] The killer holds his gun against one of the girls' heads as someone ties up another girl.)", "Killer: Tighter!", "Girl: Please don't make me do this.", "(End of flash.)", "Grissom: Thanks.", "Greg: It was all Wendy.", "(Greg starts to leave.)", "Grissom: Hey, Greg. The, uh, civil suit that was filed by the Demitrius James family, DA decided not to go to trial. So the city's agreed to a payout; $2.5 million.", "Greg: $2.5 million? That's like saying I'm the guilty one.", "Grissom: It's just political pragmatism. City wants to cut their losses.", "Greg: So they did throw me under the bus.", "Grissom: Comes with the job.", "(Greg turns and leaves. Grissom watches him go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(Hodges has the knife tip on the monitor, as he reports his findings to Sara.)", "Hodges: Ran a laser ablation on the knife tip from Becca's spine. Zirconium oxide, otherwise known as ceramic. Basically, ceramic is glass. Both the exemplar that you got from the reporter and the murder weapon have the same composition, color, texture and thickness.", "Sara: The killer could have gotten the knife from a swag bag at the walk-a-thon. Either that or he could have gotten it from the house.", "Hodges: You find me the broken knife, and I'll match the tip.", "(Sara watches Hodges.)", "Sara: What's wrong with you?", "Hodges: Nothing.", "(Sara turns to leave. Hodges stops her by the door.)", "Hodges: You ever do the right thing and still feel guilty about it?", "Sara: Yeah. Sucks, doesn't it?", "Hodges: Yeah.", "(Sara turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(Mandy Webster shares her findings with Nick.)", "Mandy Webster: So I lifted two sets of prints from the wine bottle, but there's no match to any of the victims.", "Nick: Any hits?", "Mandy Webster: One set was smudges. I'm guessing whoever they belonged to works with their hands. You know, calloused, cut. The other set came back to a Chris Mullins. His work card's in the system. He's a musician at the Legs show where all the girls danced.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MULLINS' RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(Brass exits the residence and heads for Sara and Nick waiting outside. Officers are around the area.)", "Brass: Well, there's a cold brewski on the table. We must have just missed him.", "(Officer Mitchell catches up with Brass.)", "Officer Mitchell: Captain?", "Brass: Yeah, what?", "Officer Mitchell: Neighbor gave this guy up. Mullins hangs out at a bar right down the street.", "Brass: All right, we'll check it out. But first we're going to lose the radio cars. Post an unmarked. I'm going to put a broadcast out on his vehicle. He's gotta come home sometime. (to radio) Control, this is 2-0-3 Charlie, Captain Brass.", "Control: (over radio): Go ahead, Captain.", "(Just then, two officer cars with their sirens wailing, turn the corner and speed off in front of them.)", "Nick: Whoo! Did you call for backup?", "Brass: (to radio) Look, uh, two squad cars just passed rolling Code Three. I'm at 562 Herrick Drive. Where are they en route to?", "Control: (over radio): Units are responding to a 415 Baker in progress outside the Trip Wire Bar. Person down, suspect possibly still in location.", "Brass: (to radio) All right, copy that. I'm headed to the 415B location.", "Sara: Assault with a deadly weapon?", "Nick: Feeling lucky?", "(They all head off in that direction.)", "[EXT. TRIP WIRE BAR - DAY]", "(Sofia and the paramedic are with the injured victim, Marlon Frost.)", "Paramedic: Sir, could you move your hand, please? Please? Thank you.", "(Brass, Sara and Nick turn the corner.)", "Brass: Hey, what do you got?", "Sofia: Marlon Frost, out of state. Bar patron found him.", "Brass: Anyone see the suspect?", "Sofia: Mm-mm, no witnesses.", "Brass: Okay, I'm going inside. Chris Mullins hangs out here. Somebody's got to know something.", "Sara: Incise wound to the neck?", "Sofia: Yeah. Seems to be flavor of the week.", "Sara: Did he say anything?", "Sofia: I don't think he can.", "(Sara watches as the paramedics put Marlon Frost on the gurney.)", "Nick: (o.s.) Hey, Sara?", "(Sara turns.)", "Nick: Got a knife over here.", "(Sara and Nick look at the bloodied knife.)", "Nick: Tip's broken off. That's probably going to be the murder weapon right there.", "(Quick flash of: [BEDROOM] The killer raises the ceramic knife as Becca struggles on the bed.)", "(She whimpers as he stabs her. When he raises the ceramic knife again, the tip is broken off. End of flash.)", "Nick: And it matches the one from the swag bag.", "(The label on the knife reads:", "TAWNIA'S RUN", "FEBRUARY 18, 2007 )", "Sara: Crime scene's only a couple blocks from here. I'm going to go with the vic. I'm going to collect his clothes.", "(Sara stands up. Nick stands up with her.)", "Nick: You sure that's really such a good idea?", "(Sara runs to the ambulance.)", "Sara: (to the paramedics) Hold up! I'm coming with you.", "(Nick watches her go and shakes his head.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. AMBULANCE (MOVING) - DAY]", "(Sara holds Marlon Frost's hand.)", "Sara: My name is Sara. Just hold on. You're going to be fine.", "(Quick flash of: Sara holds Cammie's hand. End of flash.)", "Sara: Do you know who did this to you?", "(Marlon looks at Sara. Sara holds his hand.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. TRIP WIRE BAR - DAY]", "(Brass questions the bartender.)", "Brass: You see this guy? Marlon Frost? He was just stabbed in the parking lot.", "Bartender: Yeah, I seen him around last couple of days. Friendly enough.", "Brass: What, did he get into an argument or something here?", "Bartender: It's not that type of place.", "Brass: Yeah, right.", "(Brass shows him the NON-GAMING PERMIT for CHRIS MULLINS.)", "Brass: Uh, how about this guy? You see him? Chris Mullins?", "Bartender: Yeah, he's a regular of mine. A-lister with the ladies, you know.", "Brass: Has he been in lately?", "Bartender: Why don't you check in the back?", "Brass: (nods) Great.", "(Brass heads for the back. Chris Mullins exits from the bathrooms.)", "Brass: Chris Mullins?", "Chris Mullins: Yeah?", "Brass: I hope you washed your hands.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass interviews Chris Mullins.)", "Chris Mullins: I didn't stab that guy, I didn't kill those girls. I will cop to drinking their wine.", "Brass: So you're in the house the night of the murders.", "Chris Mullins: I'd been messing around with Lauren since last weekend.", "Brass: You know, you don't seem too upset that she's dead. How come your fingerprints are in every single room of the house?", "Chris Mullins: It's kind of an inside joke. We did it in all her roommates' beds just to see if they noticed.", "Brass: But you're only having s*x with Lauren, right?", "Chris Mullins: She was a good place to put it till something better came along.", "Brass: I guess that's funny to somebody. But when we get a warrant for your DNA and match it to the semen we found in Lauren and Emily, the joke is going to be on you, pal.", "Chris Mullins: I was supposed to meet Lauren after her last show. She was late. Emily was home.", "Brass: And you couldn't help yourself, right, stud?", "Chris Mullins: Girl politics. One wants what the other has. Why not give it?", "Brass: So I guess when Lauren came home, you gave it to her, too. Is that right, Santa? And what about Becca?", "Chris Mullins: Was she blonde? I didn't meet all the roommates.", "Brass: Boy, you have an answer for everything, huh? What about the guy in the bar? What about him, what did he do, look at you the wrong way, bum a smoke? Or did he want you to give it to him, too?", "Chris Mullins: You know what? Lawyer. Now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(Grissom, Warrick, Catherine and Nick meet.)", "Warrick: Well, DNA confirmed that Mullins had s*x with Emily and Lauren. Assuming he's the killer, why didn't we find any semen in Becca?", "Catherine: Maybe by the time he got to her, he was unable to ejaculate.", "Nick: I was able to make a physical match between the broken tip in Becca and the knife recovered from outside the bar.", "Grissom: Was the same knife used to stab Marlon Frost?", "Nick: We don't know yet. Sara's at the hospital now -- she's bringing back a DNA sample to compare.", "Warrick: Whoever ... shanked Frost killed those girls.", "Catherine: Did you get any prints on that knife?", "Nick: Yeah. No ridge detail. Same smudges were found on the wine bottles and in the bedrooms.", "Grissom: Smudges won't put the knife in Mullins' hands, though.", "Warrick: I don't get it. He stabs the guy and walks back in the bar.", "Grissom: All the evidence at the house suggests that the killer was unfamiliar with the layout.", "Catherine: And by his own admission, Mullins had been in that house at least a couple of nights.", "Warrick: Well, that's also how he could've made the connection to Becca.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - MARLON'S ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara snaps photos of Marlon Frost's wounds.)", "Sara: Mr. Frost, I'll be out of your way soon. I'm sure you want to get some sleep.", "(Sara turns to get the ink and paper.)", "Sara: I just need to get your fingerprints. It's routine. I promise it won't hurt.", "(She takes his prints. He watches her.)", "(She notices the smudges on his fingertips. When she finishes printing him, she turns his hands over to look at his fingertips. The skin is callused.)", "(She turns and looks at Marlon Frost. He stares back at her.)", "(Suddenly, he grabs her hard with both hands. Sara tries to get away.)", "Sara: (grunting) Get off me! Get off me!", "(She frees herself from him. In the struggle, his gown slips off his shoulders, revealing a large discoloration - a birthmark.)", "(Quick flash to: [BEDROOM] Cammie sees the birthmark on Marlon Frost's shoulder as he cuts her neck. There's a noise from the other room and he gets up to check it out, leaving her on the floor.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Cammie: Port... port wine... port wine.", "(End of flashback.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara reports her findings to Grissom.)", "Sara: He has a vascular birthmark, a port wine stain, on his upper chest -- that's what Cammie was trying to tell me. We can get DNA off his bloody clothes, but we have no blood or semen at the scene to compare it to. His prints are useless -- they're all calluses. They only leave smudges, like the kind we found on the broken knife. I think the b*st*rd tried to kill himself.", "Grissom: Sara, slow down. Frost isn't going anywhere.", "Sara: I am going to nail this son of a bitch, and I don't want him to think for a single second that he is going to get away with this.", "Grissom: Okay, one step at a time.", "Sara: Frost smelled like alcohol when they took him into the ER so they ran a tox. His BAC came back .34 -- only a chronic alcoholic can function at those levels. You know what I think? I think he polished off the wine at the scene straight from the bottle.", "Grissom: So his DNA should be on it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[DNA RESULTS]", "(The DNA results are a MATCH.)", "(The suspect is ID'd as DAVID MARLON.)", "(The view REFOCUSES, revealing Sara's reflection in the monitor.)", "Brass: (from conference) The suspect's name is David Marlon. M-A-R-L-O-N.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass is talking with the press.)", "Brass: (from conference) Also known as Marlon Frost. Released from California State Penitentiary where he served time for sexual assault. Mr. Marlon is also wanted in the questioning of the assault of an elderly woman in North Lake Tahoe one week ago. We believe he stole her vehicle and then fled to Las Vegas.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - DAY]", "(Nick and Sara are in the garage with the elderly woman's vehicle.)", "Nick: Where'd Brass find it?", "Sara: A block away from the bar. Guy didn't even bother to switch plates.", "Nick: Smart.", "(Nick opens the trunk and looks at Sara. He snaps photos of the garbage bags in the back.)", "(CUT TO: Nick and Sara open the garbage bags and find various articles inside.)", "Nick: Whoa. One, two ... three, four, five, six.. . ladies' handbags.", "(He opens one and finds REBECCA MAYFORD's driver's license inside.)", "Nick: Rebecca Mayford. Becca.", "(He finds nicotine gum.)", "Nick: Mm. Looks like she was trying to quit smoking.", "(He also finds a pack of cigarettes.)", "Nick: And failing. Miserably.", "(He opens the cigarette pack and checks it.)", "Nick: There is only one missing.", "(He puts the cigarettes aside and looks in the wallet. He finds a receipt.)", "Nick: Here we go. Bought at the Trip Wire Bar at 12:48 a.m. same night as the murders.", "Sara: That's where Marlon and Becca crossed paths.", "(Quick flash to: [TRIP WIRE BAR - NIGHT] The bartender puts a pack of cigarettes on the bar for Becca. She smiles. Marlon sits at the other end of the bar and watches her.)", "Bartender: There you go.", "Becca: Appreciate it. Bye.", "(She leaves the bar. Marlon watches her leave.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Becca is walking home. Marlon follows her.)", "(End of flash.)", "(Sara continues to search through the clothes. She finds a gun.)", "Sara: I got a gun.", "(Sara picks it up.)", "Sara: It's plastic. It's a toy.", "Nick: Looks real to me. Imagine if you're petrified.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - ROOM - DAY]", "(Sara is looking at photos of a baby. Corey Archfield sits at the table.)", "Corey Archfield: How'd you find me?", "Sara: Cammie had these in her wallet. We tracked you from the birth certificate. She's a cutie. What's her name?", "Corey Archfield: Fin. After Cammie's grandmother. But her adoptive parents call her Annabelle.", "Sara: She kept in touch with them?", "Corey Archfield: They're pretty cool. We didn't have contact, but ... they would send Cammie a photo every year on Fin's birthday. And every year, Cammie and I would get together, have a beer, look at it. Biggest regret of my life is not marrying Cammie and raising Fin together. I wanted to, but ... she said we were too young. Maybe if we had ...", "Sara: (interrupts) Corey ... you can't blame yourself.", "Corey Archfield: Were you with her when she died?", "(Sara nods.)", "Corey Archfield: At least Cammie died knowing kindness.", "(Quick flash of: Cammie struggles to breathe.)", "Sara: Stay with me, Cammie.", "Cammie: Bye ... Fin ...", "(Cammie gasps and her eyes grow blank.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - MARLON'S ROOM - DAY]", "(Marlon talks with Brass.)", "David Marlon: I watched the life go out of their eyes. Um, life drains. That's ... that's how you can tell they're dead. They have, uh, empty eyes.", "Brass: That's not what I asked you. What I asked you was, why did you kill them?", "David Marlon: I saw this girl I liked at the bar.", "(Quick flash of: Becca smiling at the bartender at the bar. End of flash.)", "David Marlon: I followed her home. I knew she wanted to party. I chose her. Girls act ... sometimes like they don't want what they want ... because they want you to take it. They like that. But this girl ... she was flirting with me.", "(Quick flash of: Becca smiling at the bartender at the bar. End of flash.)", "David Marlon: And I ... I just gave her the party of her life.", "Brass: You know, there's something I don't understand, Marlon. Why are you smiling? You feel good about this?", "David Marlon: I don't feel anything. Nothing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM - NIGHT]", "(The news report is on the monitor.)", "Reporter: (on TV) Las Vegas PD has confirmed that David Marlon confessed earlier today to the murders of the six Green Valley showgirls.", "(Grissom and Sara watch the report.)", "Reporter: (on TV) He was found within a block of the crime scene in an apparent suicide attempt. I've just been informed ...", "(The report continues in the background.)", "Reporter: (b.g. on TV) ... has confirmed the names of the six victims. They are Cammie ... Libby Cooperson 22, Becca Mayfield, 20 ...", "Sara: I held his hand.", "(Sara is crying. She glances back at Grissom, who is standing just behind her.)", "Sara: Just like I held hers. I lost perspective.", "(Grissom wipes the tear off her cheek. Sara turns and looks at Grissom.)", "Reporter: (b.g. on TV) ... Lauren Walderson 21 and Emily Wilson, 19. Their families have organized a candlelight vigil that will begin here tonight.", "(He looks at her. She nods.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(With his arm around her, they walk out the hallway and turn the corner out of view.)", "(In the back of the hallway, a janitor mops the floor. And we --" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Empty Eyes
[ "While Grissom, Nick and Greg investigate the murder of a thug gunned down in a limo, they discover that the case has ties to the brother of the man Greg killed in self-defense. Meanwhile Catherine and Warrick investigate the death of a woman who was dragged behind a moving vehicle. As both cases are investigated the team discover that they are related." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[CU: TWO WOMEN KISS]", "[EXT. HOTEL FRONT - NIGHT]", "(Miss Tangiers pushes Miss Palermo away.)", "Miss Tangiers: Okay, back that thing up. I wanted to steal some gloss off my lips.", "(Miss Palermo giggles.)", "Miss Palermo: Yeah, and you bought it. Hey. You are hotter than anyone in there.", "(Just then, a young woman and a man walk past.)", "Woman: For $1,000, I'll take you around the world. MAN: I think I love you.", "Miss Tangiers: God should just flush this city down the toilet. Look, hey ... I'm going to go find our limo.", "(Miss Lucky Dragon sits on the side smoking.)", "Miss Tangiers: (disgusted) Where it's safe.", "(Miss Tangiers puts her jacket on as she heads for the valet. In the distance, gunshots and tire screeching sounds. Miss Tangiers turns her back for a moment. An out-of-control limo turns the corner and heads straight for the lobby.)", "(People scream and run to get out of the way. The limo rams through the front drive and stops when it hits a parked car.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HOTEL FRONT - NIGHT]", "(Brass gets out of his car. OFFICER BAILEY HUSKINS is already there.)", "Brass: Huskins, you first responding?", "Bailey Huskins: Yes, sir. We got one dead guy in the limo; the rest are cuts and bruises.", "(They duck under the crime scene tape on their way to the limo.)", "Brass: So, what's the story?", "Bailey Huskins: Witnesses are pretty much in sync. They heard, uh, several gunshots from down the street, they saw the limo and everybody started hightailin' it.", "Brass: (chuckles) Right. Running the Bulls, Las Vegas style. So, I got a feeling the driver didn't see anything.", "Bailey Huskins: No, sir.", "Brass: Make sure you do Nystagmus before we pound him through the FSTs. Limo equals drugs and whatnot. And collect all the cell phones.", "Bailey Huskins: Are we authorized to do that, sir?", "Brass: No. (loudly) Hey, anybody have any photos or video of the crash? If you do, I promise to get them on Channel 8 News.", "(Suddenly, everyone in the crowd holds out their phone for him.)", "Voice: I do. VOICE: I do. VOICE: I do.", "Brass: Wow.", "Voice: I got it.", "Brass: (to Huskins) You better wear gloves before you do the collection. There's a lot of interrupted lap dances out there.", "Bailey Huskins: Yes, sir. We got one on the guy in the limo. A passenger. Paramedics are working on him now. Name's Kellen Tyford.", "Brass: Oh, Kellen. I know Kellen. Calls himself \"Drops.\"", "VARIOUS FLASHES OF THE BULLET HOLES IN THE LIMO GLASS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Greg is examining the back of the limo. He sees the blood on the seat and the dead body on the floor.)", "(Grissom is looking over David Phillips' shoulder.)", "Grissom: This is what happens when you don't wear your seatbelt.", "David Phillips: That's why I always do.", "Greg: It's the law. Even in limos.", "(Greg notes the champagne bottle on the limo floor.)", "David Phillips: Found a wallet.", "(He checks it.)", "David Phillips: Got a license. Vic's name is \"Champ Landley.\"", "(The NEVADA DRIVER LICENSE reads:", "LIC # 1825588741", "EXPIRES: 10-04-2010", "SSN: 502-45-195 CLASS: C", "BIRTHDATE: 10-04-1978 s*x: M", "HEIGHT: 6'2\" WEIGHT: 195", "EYES: BRN HAIR: BRN", "CHAMP LANDLEY", "332 CALLE MATRIA RD.", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89109", "Greg: Open champagne bottle. White powder residue. I'll guess coke.", "(Grissom sees the blood spatter and other material on the limo seats.)", "Grissom: Well, then that must be ... his brain on drugs.", "Greg: Party till you drop.", "Grissom: Or get shot, whichever comes first.", "SMASH TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - MORNING]", "[EXT. CASINO/MOTEL - FRONT DRIVE -- MORNING]", "(Brass walks up to Drops who leans up against a parked car and is holding a cloth pressed to the back top of his head. He's also a mess, stained with a lot of blood.)", "Brass: Konnichiwa.", "Drops: Konnichiwa. Look. I ain't in the mood, man.", "Brass: So, let me guess--you don't have any blood on your hands. Oh, look at that, you do.", "Drops: Yeah, I got blood on my face, too. How about that?", "Brass: So, who's the dead guy?", "Drops: It's Champ.", "Brass: Yeah, we know that, but who's he to you? Huh?", "Drops: It's family, man.", "Brass: So, he's your \"cuz\", he's your gang buddy.", "Drops: Look, B, I ain't no Blud and I ain't no Crip. Champ's just a cool kid I knew from around the way. I met his ass over two decades ago riding my Big Wheel. We go back like your hairline. That's family.", "Brass: So, how did his B-L-U-D end up on your face?", "Drops: We was parlayin', chillin', slidin' to the strip club, mindin' our own.", "(Quick flash of: [INT. LIMO] Drops and Camps clink champagne glasses. A gunshot fires.)", "(Quick CGI of: SLOW MOTION. The bullet bursts through the glass and hits Champs in the head. Champs goes down immediately against Drops.)", "(End of CGI. End of Flashback.)", "Brass: So, what'd you do, piss off some rapper band again?", "Drops: The only bands I'm playin' with now is the one's I'm ripping off stacks of green. And I ain't talking about weed, B.", "Brass: You're the big cheese maker. What's your secret, anyway?", "Drops: I promote events, parties. I help the club life pop.", "Brass: Well, you must be throwing some pretty crappy parties for someone to want you and your buddy dead. Huh? So, tell me. Who lit you up?", "Drops: I don't know, okay? Could be everybody, man, could be nobody.", "Brass: Okay. Let's start with everybody.", "Drops: I know a lot of people -- friends and foes. They know I come here late night. Or maybe, maybe the limo driver cut somebody off and we're the victims of road rage. How about that?", "Brass: Look, we're going to take you down to the station.", "Drops: You can't be ser ... I'm the one that got shot at!", "Brass: You know the rigamarole: we need an official statement, we need your clothes, we need your prints, we need your DNA. Because you're a concerned citizen. You want to help us find out who did this ... unless you already know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HOTEL/CASINO - FRONT ROAD - DAY]", "(The officers and techs check the road for evidence and mark them as they find them.)", "CSI Tech #1: Got a nine mill over here.", "CSI Tech #2: .45 auto casing.", "(Grissom and Hodges walk over to Greg, who has his kit open on the ground at his feet. Hodges is carrying a kit.)", "Greg: This neighborhood rains lead.", "Grissom: Yeah, and we have to process every last drop of it.", "(Greg is digging out a bullet from the stone wall.)", "Greg: (mutters) We're going to make Bobby Dawson's boat payment this month.", "(Hodges takes his sunglasses off.)", "Hodges: I was right. This is a lot like garbage colleting.", "Greg: You're not helping, Hodges.", "Hodges: I have no intention to. Field rotation for the lab techs was Ecklie's idea. He was very explicit that I was only allowed to observe.", "(Hodges turns his attention to observing the techs on the street.)", "(Greg manages to get the bullet out of the stone wall.)", "Greg: Looks like a .38, maybe a .357.", "(Hodges looks down at the street.)", "Grissom: It's a little small for those golf-ball size holes we found in that limo.", "(Hodges finds something. He clears his throat loudly and motions for someone.)", "Hodges: A little help?", "(Grissom gives Greg a look before they head toward Hodges to see what he wants. Hodges points to the road.)", "(Grissom picks up the bullet casing.)", "Grissom: .50 caliber. Casing looks new. I bet it's from a Desert Eagle.", "Hodges: Or a coffee shop. I could drink an espresso out of that thing.", "(Grissom looks at Hodges.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. RESIDENCE - FRONT LAWN -- DAY]", "(Sofia, Catherine and Warrick stand around a dead woman's body on a front lawn.)", "Sofia: Residential area. Not much traffic. Landscaper found the body, called 911. Driver's license is in her purse. Her name's Melissa Gentry, lives off Nellis. We're trying to contact the family.", "(Sofia hands the wallet to Catherine. She takes out the NEVADA DRIVER LICENSE for:", "MELISSA GENTRY", "247 DUNPHY ROAD", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 )", "Warrick: Little bit outside of her neighborhood, isn't it?", "Sofia: Definitely.", "Warrick: Party clothes shredded. Breaded abrasions. Must've hit the ground moving.", "Catherine: No car keys and no unaccounted for ... cars in the vicinity.", "Sofia: You thinking she got jacked?", "Catherine: She gets taken along for the ride, jumps out trying to escape.", "(Quick flash of: [NIGHT] The car drives by. The door opens and the body hits the ground rolling. End of flash.)", "Warrick: Maybe she was killed first, and this is a body dump at high speed.", "Sofia: I'm going to go bang on some doors, see if anyone heard anything.", "(Sofia leaves Warrick and Catherine with the body.)", "Warrick: I'm gonna go see if I can figure out where this started.", "(Warrick stands up and starts down the road. Catherine snaps photos of the body.)", "(Warrick puts evidence marker #2 next to a shoe. Catherine snaps a photo of a particular deep mark on the body.)", "(Warrick puts evidence marker #3 next to a blue piece of cloth. Catherine snaps more photos of the scrapes on the body.)", "(Warrick finds a black broken part with a partial VIN number on it. He takes a photo and picks it up. Warrick looks around the area.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT -- INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(The officer in the room opens the door for Nick. Drops is waiting inside.)", "Drops: Whoa! \"Crime Lab Nick Stokes!\" I see we're in between bad haircuts.", "Nick: Drops. Told you I'd see you later. (He opens his kit.) It's called criminal activity. Stand up and hold your hands up for me, please.", "(Drops stands up and holds out his hands, palms down. Drops smiles at Nick.)", "Drops: Now, come on, Crime Lab, I thought we was old buddies.", "Nick: The only thing we have in common, Kellen, are the dead bodies that seem to keep piling up around you. (He snaps a photo.) Turn around, please.", "(Drops turns around.)", "Drops: Well, first of all ... I ain't never killed nobody in my life. Second, I don't have a record. (Nick snaps another photo.) Never even done a day in jail.", "(Drops turns to face Nick.)", "Nick: Well, you keep heading down this road and, unfortunately, that's where you're going to end up.", "(Drops looks at his bloodied clothes.)", "Drops: Yeah, well ... this, this ain't me. I'm not used to this. As a matter of fact, I don't even know what that is.", "(He points to the item in Nick's hand.)", "Nick: It's a test for gunshot residue. Hands up.", "(Nick takes a sample.)", "Drops: Oh, yeah, uh ... the powder from a gun. You ain't gonna find none of that.", "Nick: Maybe not. Okay, now, I need you to remove all of your clothing, including your shoes.", "(Nick gives him some red clothes.)", "Nick: You can put these on for now and I'll come back to get them when you're done.", "Drops: No, thanks. Uh, I got one of my queens bringing me a suit. I will not be throwing on these nasty ass scrubs.", "Nick: You are covered in blood. Your clothes are evidence now and I'm going to come back in here and I'm going to get them. If not, you're just going to be standing here in your underwear.", "Drops: What underwear? I don't wear drawers.", "Nick: This is not a compromise, Kellen.", "(Nick grabs his kit and things off the table and heads for the door. He passes Officer Mitchell standing inside the room.)", "Nick: You might want to close your eyes or turn around or something.", "(Nick leaves. Officer Mitchell crosses his arms. He's not budging. Drops glances at him, then turns his back to him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - DAY]", "(Greg motions as the limo is backed into the garage and parked.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(David Phillips hangs Champ Landley's bloodied jacket on a hanger and puts it next to his other clothes.)", "(Greg examines the back of the limo carefully. He notes the blood and glass on the floor and he finds something flattened on the floor, half tucked under the carpeting.)", "(David washes the blood off the body.)", "(Greg gathers pieces of glass off the limo floor.)", "(In the layout room, Nick puts the pieces of broken glass together.)", "(In the limo, Greg picks up small pieces he finds.)", "(Champs Landley is on the table with a rod in his head while Robbins reconstructs the skull pieces on a dummy head.)", "(In the limo, Greg finds a rolled up bill with white powder residue. He leans forward and sees the white circular markings.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - DAY]", "(Greg reports his findings to Grissom.)", "Greg: Fifty AE casings came back clean on IBIS, but Ballistics was able to pull type and caliber from the copper jacket fragments inside the limo.", "Grissom: Consistent with .50 caliber Desert Eagle handgun.", "(Greg shows Grissom the diagram.)", "Greg: Yeah. Blood on the seats suggests that the victim was sitting here, on the left, with Drops somewhere to the right.", "(Grissom counts the bullet lines on the diagram.)", "Grissom: Six shots into the limo. Autopsy reports cause of death was single gunshot wound to the head with variable trajectory, so one of those was the kill shot.", "Greg: Yeah, it's just hard to say which one. The crash tossed everything all over the place. And it's basically one big mess now.", "Grissom: Sounds like Drops' story is holding up, though.", "(Nick appears in the doorway. He motions to them.)", "Nick: Gentlemen. Follow me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "(Greg shows the reconstructed window findings to Greg and Grissom.)", "Nick: There were two shots fired through the glass, but as you can see, different sizes, different calibers.", "Greg: Big one's consistent with the .50.", "Nick: Yeah, but check out the beveling on the impacts.", "Greg: Well, based on the beveling, these shots were fired from opposite directions.", "Grissom: Tinting film is applied to the inside of a window, so the small-caliber round was fired from inside the limo.", "Nick: Well, I analyzed the radial cracks from both holes. The cracks from the shot that was fired out was terminated by the cracks from the shot that was fired in.", "(Quick CGI flash of: A gun fires. The bullet hits the glass and enters the limo. A second gun fires inside the limo. The second bullet hits the glass on its way out the limo. The cracks in the glass overlap each other. End of CGI flash.)", "Greg: Someone inside the limo had a gun.", "Grissom: And, evidently, Drops wasn't telling us the whole story after all.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PRICY COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. DROPS' HOME - POOLSIDE - DAY]", "(Women in lacy underwear serve drinks. Brass talks with Drops.)", "Drops: Look, I didn't lie, all right? I just left a couple of things out.", "Brass: Well, you want to fill in the blanks before I ship you for obstruction?", "Drops: We shot back; it's that simple.", "Brass: We? You both had guns?", "Drops: Nah, man, just one of us.", "Brass: Well, I bet I can guess which one. 'Cause you're the only person in the limo with a registered .38 revolver.", "(Quick flash of: [INT. LIMO] A gun fires and the bullet breaks through the glass, hitting Champ and killing him. Drops pulls out his own gun and returns fire. End flash.)", "Brass: I guess you know that blood is a good way to wash off GSR, right?", "Drops: Nah, my dude. Look, I ain't do no shooting. All right? Somebody jacked that piece off me, like, a year ago.", "Brass: You're telling me that you didn't shoot a gun from inside the limo? You're blaming it on a dead guy, a dead guy who just happens to have the same gun as you.", "Drops: What can I say, man? .38's back in style. Besides, man, Champ always had heat. Everybody know that. He got my back.", "Brass: You know, I know everything about you, Kellen. You're just a small-time street thug and drug dealer from Northtown. You got the nickname \"Drops\" 'cause when you sold the chronic, you made a lot of drops.", "Drops: Wow, and here I was thinking that I got that name based off my boxing skills, seeing as how I used to drop fools in the squared circle.", "Brass: I don't know, you're a little slow behind the jab. And all you do is a lot of bobbing and weaving. So get me the gun, and I'll let you have your massage.", "(Drops looks at Brass. It's obvious he doesn't have it.)", "Drops: I tossed it after the shooting, man.", "Brass: Look, CSI's been all over that area, they didn't find any guns.", "Drops: That's because a gun like that in a hood like that, that's rent money, baby.", "Brass: Excuse me, beautiful. We're gonna wrap up these chicken wings and take them to go.", "Drops: Whoa, okay, easy now, Kojaks.", "Brass: No gun, no happy ending. Come on.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - DAY]", "(Catherine walks into Hodges' lab.)", "Catherine: Don't tell me you're tired of the field already.", "Hodges: No, I had to catch up on my Perez Hilton.", "Catherine: I take it you're not gonna pull a Sanders on us, then?", "Hodges: Let's see: Clean, friendly lab -- bullet-strewn, urine-soaked street - - that's a tough call.", "Catherine: You have something for me?", "Hodges: Oh, most definitely. I ID'd the serial number on the piece of plastic Warrick found in the street.", "Catherine: Yeah?", "Hodges: It's a GMC seatbelt adjuster. Keeps the shoulder harness webbing from rubbing on the neck.", "Catherine: Okay. You got make and model of that car?", "Hodges: Sure do. But I don't think it's gonna help you much.", "(He hands her the first sheet full of owner names.)", "Catherine: Oh.", "(He hands her another printout ... and another and another.)", "Hodges: That's it.", "(Catherine smiles at Hodges, takes the printout and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins shares his findings with Catherine.)", "Robbins: She had atlanto-occipital dislocation, a basilar skull fracture and contre-coup injuries from bouncing her head on the ground. COD is craniocerebral trauma.", "Catherine: And are those ligature marks?", "Robbins: They are. The right wrist was broken. Take a look at the shoulder. The humeral head's in front of the usual articulation. Completely dislocated.", "Catherine: She was dragged by her wrist. (Robbins nods.) We found a seatbelt adjuster at the scene. Maybe she was dragged by a seatbelt?", "(Quick flash of: Melissa Gentry screams as she's dragged on the road. End flash.)", "Robbins: Whatever it was, the dragging went on a while. Abrasions on her elbows, ribs, and kneecaps go down to the bone.", "(Catherine notices the victim's eyes.)", "Catherine: Her eyes.", "Robbins: What about them?", "Catherine: They're the wrong color. They were green.", "Robbins: You mean these?", "(Robbins hands her a container with contact lenses inside.)", "Catherine: Green contacts.", "(Catherine checks the DRIVER LICENSE. It says her eyes are green and shows her with green eyes in the photo.)", "(Catherine thinks about it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - WAITING ROOM - DAY]", "(Warrick is with Pamela Gentry, who is crying at being told the news about the death of her daughter.)", "Warrick: I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs. Gentry, but we could really use your help. Is there anyone in this neighborhood that your daughter might have been going to see last night?", "(Warrick shows her a map of the area with a large red X marking the spot where the body was found.)", "(Pamela Gentry looks at the map and shakes her head.)", "(Warrick's phone rings. He answers it.)", "Warrick: (to Mrs. Gentry) Excuse me.", "(He stands up and steps away for a moment.)", "Warrick: (to phone) Hey, Cath. Yeah. Are you serious? You're kidding, right? I'm actually with the mother right now. I'll handle it.", "(Warrick hangs up and sits back down.)", "Pamela Gentry: I'm sorry. I don't know why Melissa would have ...", "Warrick: Ma'am, your daughter's alive.", "Pamela Gentry: What?", "Warrick: We made a mistake. The victim that we found was carrying your daughter's ID.", "Pamela Gentry: Are you sure?", "Warrick: Yes. She just spoke with my supervisor; she's fine.", "(She laughs with relief.)", "Pamela Gentry: It's a miracle. Oh, thank God. It's a miracle!", "(She hugs Warrick.)", "Warrick: All right. There's just one thing. We still need to identify the victim. Could you tell me if you recognize this girl?", "(Warrick shows her the photo of the victim. Pamela Gentry starts to cry again.)", "Pamela Gentry: That's Simone. Oh, no. (crying) That's Simone Molinez. That's my daughter's best friend. Oh ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Henry Andrews shares his findings with Greg as they walk through the hallway.)", "Henry Andrews: There were no drugs or alcohol in the limo driver's system.", "Greg: Really? What about Drops?", "Henry Andrews: Also clean. As was your head shot vic. Club scene's getting really tame these days.", "Greg: There's got to be something on the rolled-up hundred.", "Henry Andrews: It's positive for cocaine, along with every Benjamin in the country.", "Greg: But no coke in the driver or the passengers? That doesn't make any sense.", "(Greg looks at the results and looks at Henry.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - DAY]", "(Greg takes the rolled hundred out of the evidence bag and unrolls it. He examines the bill on the monitor and finds something.)", "(Wendy walks in.)", "Wendy Simms: You know, if you're still having trouble coming to terms with the fact that this is no longer your lab, I suggest counseling.", "Greg: I would like you to run this for me, please.", "Wendy Simms: Okay. (She looks at the monitor.) Hmm. Boogers on a nose straw.", "Greg: Yep.", "Wendy Simms: Well, in recognition of your years of previous service, I will make it a priority.", "Greg: Thank you.", "Wendy Simms: You're welcome.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BULLPEN -- DAY]", "(Sofia interviews Melissa Gentry.)", "Melissa Gentry: I gave Simone my license a couple of months ago. She was always getting her fakes snatched by bouncers, so I gave her my expired one. Bouncers only ever look at the birth date. We look alike.", "(She looks at the autopsy photo of Simone Molinez.)", "Melissa Gentry: Kind of, in ways, like her nose and ... parts of her chin and cheeks. (proudly) And we both have nice butts. But ... that's not on a license.", "Sofia: Do you know anyone who'd want to hurt Simone?", "Melissa Gentry: (shakes her head) No way. She was so nice, super cool ... all about fun.", "Sofia: Any guys involved?", "Melissa Gentry: Yeah. Mostly guys. Guys with money.", "Sofia: Like who?", "Melissa Gentry: I never met any of them. They weren't long-term things. She would just go out with them to party.", "Sofia: She have s*x with these guys?", "Melissa Gentry: No, no s*x. She would just use them to get drunk and hang out at penthouses.", "Sofia: Where was Simone last night?", "Melissa Gentry: I don't know, but she always starts off her night at the same place: the Gold Square on Sunset.", "Sofia: That place is a dive. That's not the kind of place to find rich guys.", "Melissa Gentry: It was kind of a confidence builder for her. Simone was a star in there. She'd always come out with at least a couple numbers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine looks through Simone's bag as Sofia watches.)", "Sofia: Gold Square Bar, gold wad of tissue in her purse -- figured it was worth checking out. Looks like a bar napkin.", "Catherine: Yeah, that's been shaped, rolled and twisted. Las Vegas origami. Pretty corny.", "Sofia: Probably work on me.", "(They both chuckle.)", "Catherine: That bad, huh?", "Sofia: Yeah.", "(Catherine unrolls the napkin and opens it.)", "Catherine: Here we are.", "(The hand-written number is:", "CAREY", "Sofia: \"Carey.\" Looks like this Carey was hitting on the vic.", "Catherine: Maybe in more ways than one.", "(Catherine snaps a photo of the napkin.)", "(Quick flash to: Someone sits on the bloodied chair and leaves an impression on the leather in the blood.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - DAY]", "(Greg looks at the impressions left behind on the bloodied leather seat. He puts the photo down and looks at the bloodied clothes. He looks through the clothes to find a similar circular pattern, but he doesn't.)", "(Wendy walks in with the DNA results.)", "Wendy Simms: Hey. Um, I got your DNA results.", "Greg: Yeah, and?", "Wendy Simms: Well, there were two donors on the nose straw. There was one unknown female and one half-known male.", "Greg: So a sibling match?", "Wendy Simms: Yeah. Greg, the male is the brother of Demitrius James.", "(Greg is surprised. He grabs the test results from Wendy to look at it.)", "Greg: (V.O.) One guy decided not to run away.", "FLASH TO:", "[Scenes from 7X04: Fannysmackin']", "(Demetrius James with his glowing contact eyes steps out into the alleyway and charges at Greg with a rock in his hand.)", "Greg: (V.O.) He picked up a rock and started coming at me with it.", "(Greg sits in the van. He steps on the gas and hits Demetrius James.)", "(Cut to: In the hospital, Marla James cries over her dead son.)", "[Scene from 7X07: Post Mortem]", "Marla James: (V.O.) You didn't run over a mob, you ran over one boy! My boy!", "(Greg sits in the courtroom during the coroner's inquest.)", "Aaron James: (V.O.) How tough you feel when you're not in your big SUV, huh?", "(Aaron James corners Greg in the bathroom.)", "Aaron James: Asked you a question, killer.", "(Flash to: In the hospital, Aaron James turns and looks directly at Greg.)", "END OF FLASHBACKS", "(Greg looks at Wendy.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Grissom and Greg show Undersheriff Jeff McKeen the camera phone image.)", "Grissom: This image was captured on a cell phone at the scene. We believe that that is Aaron James.", "Jeff McKeen: That fuzzy blob?", "Greg: We also found evidence of Aaron James inside the limo.", "Jeff McKeen: Well, I hope it's better than this photo.", "Greg: It's DNA, along with traces of cocaine on a rolled-up $100 bill.", "Jeff McKeen: Which doesn't place him in the limo. That bill could have been brought in there by anyone.", "Grissom: We found a pattern in the blood on the seat next to the vic's. It doesn't match the clothes from the limo driver or Drops, so there was at least one other passenger in that limo, and we need to question Aaron James.", "Jeff McKeen: This city just paid Aaron James and his mother $2.5 million because you ran his brother over. Are you trying to find a way to give them more money?", "Greg: I'm just trying to do my job.", "Jeff McKeen: You want to talk to Aaron James, give me more than snot on a bill, and a dot on a crummy photo. This is a PR nightmare in the making.", "Greg: We still don't have a murder weapon. Aaron James could be destroying evidence right now.", "Jeff McKeen: (to Greg) All right, first of all, stop talking. You're off the case. (to Grissom) Everything he touched gets reprocessed.", "Greg: There's nothing wrong with my work.", "Grissom: Okay. I know that. It's just standard procedure.", "Greg: Oh, procedure.", "Jeff McKeen: Open your mouth one more time, and you're on suspension. I'm trying to avoid a harassment suit here. This is cover-our-ass time. Keep me apprised.", "(The undersheriff turns to leave.)", "Jeff McKeen: This would have been so much easier if you had been the black guy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. GARAGE - DAY]", "(Sofia, Catherine and an officer walk into the garage.)", "Sofia: We're looking for Carey Corville.", "Carey Corville: That's me, Bob.", "(The young man working under the hood turns and smiles appreciatively at Sofia and Catherine.)", "Carey Corville: M ... hottest cops I've ever seen. Yeah, might be the hottest chicks I've seen all week. You guys are here to get me, take me away.", "Sofia: Pat him down.", "Carey Corville: Am I under arrest for something?", "Catherine: Yeah, that depends.", "(Catherine shows him the photo of the napkin with his name and number on it.)", "Catherine: This your idea of romance?", "(The officer pats Corville down.)", "Carey Corville: Can't really arrest me for that.", "Catherine: We found it in Simone Molinez's purse.", "Carey Corville: She kept that, for real? Oh, it's on. What are you guys doing with it?", "Catherine: She's dead.", "Carey Corville: Oh. Well, listen, I don't know nothing about none of that. Sh-she was breathing when I left her.", "(Quick flash to: [INT. GOLDEN SQUARE (BAR) - NIGHT] Corville rolls up the napkin, turns and presents it to Simone. She takes it and tucks it in her purse.)", "Simone Molinez: That's sweet. But I have a boyfriend.", "(He watches her leave.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Sofia: So you say.", "Carey Corville: Come on. I'm not that hard up. Look, she didn't like me. So what? On to the next who will.", "Catherine: You've got a GMC truck? Where is it?", "(He indicates outside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. GARAGE PARKING LOT - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine puts her gloves on as she heads for the GMC truck parked in the stall. The officer, Corville and Sofia stand just outside as Catherine opens the passenger-side doors to look inside.)", "(She checks both the front and back seatbelts while holding the photo of the seatbelt part found near the body. Catherine opens a tool chest on the back seat floor and sniffs.)", "Catherine: Disinfectant.", "(Sofia looks at Corville. Catherine dabs the seat with her forearm.)", "Catherine: Seat's damp.", "(Catherine sprays luminol and the seat glows.)", "Catherine: Hey, Carey, there's blood in your car.", "Carey Corville: Yeah, it's, uh, my boy, Scotty. He had a nosebleed.", "Sofia: Scotty who?", "Carey Corville: Scotty Brittington?", "Catherine: Well, it's a hell of a lot of blood for a nosebleed. Looks more consistent with the body of a bloody girl.", "Carey Corville: (shakes his head) I don't know what you're talking about.", "Sofia: Where would we find your boy Scotty?", "Carey Corville: I don't know. He's kind of hard to get a hold of easy.", "(Sofia hands him her notepad and pen.)", "Sofia: Address and phone. We're going to see what your boy has to say about this blood. Until then, you're coming with us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI -- DAY]", "(Catherine looks at a file folder and photo of SCOTT BRITTINGTON. The info sheet on him shows:", "PRIOR:", "487.2 PC-ARMED ROBBERTY", "SEN.: 2 YR SUJMM PROB-- )", "(Catherine's phone rings.)", "Catherine: (to phone) This is Catherine.", "Sofia: (from phone) It's me.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - DAY]", "Sofia: Scott Brittington wasn't at any of his usual haunts, so I checked the hospitals, and guess what? He was admitted last night with a severe puncture wound to his shoulder. He told the staff it was a work injury, but during surgery, they extracted a bullet fragment.", "(Sofia holds up the container with the bullet in it.)", "Catherine: Interesting line of work.", "Sofia: Doc thinks someone tried to dig it out to avoid police notification, which actually made it a lot worse.", "(Quick flash of: CORVILLE tries to get the bullet out of Scotty's shoulder. Scotty screams.)", "Carey Corville: Dude, it's ...", "Scott Brittington: Keep going. I can't go to the hospital with a bullet in me. Cops'll be all over us.", "(Corville tries to get the bullet out. Scotty screams. Corville gets the bullet out.)", "Carey Corville: It's all right, man. I got it, I got it.", "(End of flashback.)", "Catherine: Needle-nose pliers aren't exactly a fine surgical tool.", "Sofia: Yeah, that's for sure.", "Catherine: You talk to Scott?", "Sofia: Well, I'm on my way to his room right now.", "(Sofia stops. The crash team surrounds Scotty's bed.)", "Catherine: (from phone) If he's anything like his friend, I'll sure he'll give you plenty of attitude. Let me know what he has to say.", "(Scotty fails to revive.)", "Doctor: All right, let's call it, people. We've done what we could.", "(They start disconnecting the vent tube.)", "Sofia: (to phone) I don't think it's going to be much.", "(Scotty's dead.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - DAY]", "(Catherine removes the bullet from the container and puts it under the laser scanner. The bent-out-of-shape bullet is scanned into the computer.)", "(Catherine runs a scan and finds a match to a .38 CALIBER BULLET from the CHAMP LANDLEY case.)", "(The bullet matches the fragment.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM - NIGHT]", "(Catherine meets with Grissom, Nick and Sara.)", "Catherine: A .38 fragment recovered from a suspect in my homicide matched a .38 bullet that Greg found near the strip club drive-by.", "Sara: So the guys in the GMC truck got into a shoot-out with the guys in the limo.", "(Quick flash of: The GMC truck drives past the limo and fires. A bullet is fired back and hits Scotty in the shoulder. End of flash.)", "Grissom: Tie score -- one dead on each side.", "Catherine: Over what? Why were these guys shooting each other up?", "Nick: It's got to be about the girl. Her DNA matched the unknown female contribution on the hundred dollar bill, so, she was in the limo.", "Grissom: But that bill doesn't put her in there any more than it does Aaron.", "Nick: No, but it proves she was with Aaron at some point in the night.", "Catherine: Wait a minute. Why would Simone even be with those guys?", "Nick: Because of Drops. He knows everybody in the club scene, especially the party girls. He could have picked her up anywhere.", "Sara: Simone blows off the broke guys to party with the rich guys. The broke guys feel dissed, so they track down the limo and retaliate.", "Nick: Yeah. Yeah. And somewhere in between, Simone just gets ... tossed.", "Catherine: All right, how are we going to prove any of this? I mean, we're not going to get any answers from the suspect in the truck. He's lawyered up.", "Sara: So is Drops. And the undersheriff isn't letting anyone talk to Aaron.", "Grissom: What about the seat belt adjuster you found?", "Catherine: No match to the truck. Doesn't even have seat belt adjusters.", "Grissom: What about the limo?", "Sara: It's not a GMC. It's a Lincoln Continental.", "Grissom: Yeah, but maybe not entirely.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - IMPOUND -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom and Sara walk to the garage where the limo is parked.)", "Grissom: Stretch limos are custom-made. You take a Lincoln Continental, cut it apart, stretch it with whatever parts you have available: Ford, Chrysler, General Motors, doesn't matter.", "(Sara opens the back door while Grissom opens the other back door. They check the seat belt adjuster. Grissom compares the number with the adjuster in the evidence bag.)", "Grissom: Looks like the same belt adjuster.", "Sara: This one's missing.", "(Grissom looks over at the seat. Sara notes the blood on the upper seat belt.)", "Sara: This blood has to be from the shooting.", "(She pulls the seat belt and finds blood on the upper part of the belt.)", "Sara: This is from something else. There shouldn't be blood on this part of the seat belt. Think the undersheriff will let us talk to Aaron now?", "Grissom: If the DNA matches Simone Molinez's, anyone that was in this limo is up for murder. The, uh, undersheriff won't have a choice.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. JAMES RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(Sofia and two officers exit the car and head for the front door.)", "Officer Mitchell: From the hood to the hills. Didn't take him long to spend the taxpayers' money.", "Sofia: Hey, knock it off.", "(Sofia knocks on the door. Marla James opens the door. She's holding a wine glass in her hand.)", "Marla James: (loudly) You need to look in the fridge.", "Sofia: Mrs. James?", "Marla James: Oh, hell, no. I got company!", "Sofia: We have a warrant to search the premises.", "Marla James: A warrant? A warrant for what?!", "Sofia: We also need to speak to Aaron.", "Marla James: Oh, we're not talking to nobody. This is harassment!", "(She throws her wine at Sofia and tries to close the door. Sofia glances down at her shirt then pushes the door open.)", "Sofia: That could be considered assaulting an officer. Let's not make this harder than it has to be.", "(Sofia gives the warrant to Marla James and steps into the house.)", "Marla James: (shouts) Somebody get me a phone!", "[INT. JAMES RESIDENCE - BILLIARDS ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "(Aaron James looks at the pool table.)", "Aaron James: All right, ten ball, corner pocket.", "(Aaron leans in close to take his shot. Sofia and Officer Mitchell walk into the room.)", "Sofia: Mr. James?", "(Aaron stops. There are two other men in the room.)", "Sofia: We need to talk to you down at the station.", "(Aaron puts his poolstick down on the table and holds his wrists out.)", "Sofia: You're not under arrest. We just want to talk.", "Aaron James: Yeah, right.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - DAY]", "(Sofia is standing at the drinking fountain dabbing at the wine stain on her blouse. The undersheriff turns the corner and walks up to her.)", "Jeff McKeen: I hear soda water works better.", "Sofia: What'd work better is if I took it out and shot it.", "Jeff McKeen: So long as I don't see it on the 11:00 news.", "(She chuckles.)", "Jeff McKeen: The James kid, he lawyered up?", "Sofia: Yeah. Yeah, his attorney's on his way. You holding a press conference?", "Jeff McKeen: Yeah, I'm on my way there now. How do I look?", "Sofia: Like fresh meat.", "Jeff McKeen: Oh. Hope I hold my temper as well as you. You've got a big future in this department. Send the dry cleaning bill to my office.", "(He walks away. Sofia turns and watches him go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. JAMES' RESIDENCE - BILLIARDS ROOM - DAY]", "(Nick checks the cabinets. Sara walks in carrying some clothes and a pair of shoes.)", "Sara: I checked the mom's room and the guest rooms, no sign of any weapons, but ... I did find these in the laundry room. Look familiar?", "(She holds up the pair of jeans. There's a button pattern on the back pocket that matches the pattern on the bloodied leather in the limo.)", "(Quick flash to: Someone standing up and leaving the imprint on the limo seat. End of flash.)", "Nick: Yeah. Any trace of blood?", "Sara: Nothing obvious. They were just washed.", "(She smells them.)", "Sara: They smell like bleach.", "Nick: Great. What about the, uh, the hoodie in that cell phone picture? It looked like Aaron was wearing one.", "Sara: Yeah, it's still wet. Aaron wears his clothes baggy. He probably keeps them out of the dryer so they won't shrink.", "(She hands the hoodie to Nick, who feels around and finds something.)", "Nick: Looks like the little hood left us something.", "(He holds up the piece he found.)", "(Quick flash to: [LIMO] The bullet breaks through the glass and hits Champ Landley in the head. A piece of his skull flies out and lands on Aaron, who is sitting next to him. Aaron breathes in panic. End of flash.)", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Sofia interviews Aaron with his attorney Duane McWane.)", "Duane McWane: You're right. My client is guilty of partying in Las Vegas. But with this de minimus amount, you wouldn't be able to hold him for possession.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. OBSERVATION ROOM]", "(Greg enters the observation room to watch the interview.)", "Duane McWane: (scoffs) Those jeans? Come on. You'd probably find that same pattern on at least a couple thousand asses in this town. There's nothing here that places my client in that limo at the time of the shooting.", "Sofia: How about this?", "(Sofia puts a photo of the bone fragment on the table.)", "(Quick flash to: Nick places the piece of skull in the reconstruction that Robbins worked on. The piece fits perfectly.)", "Sofia: (V.O.) A piece of Champ Landley's skull in the hood of your sweater.", "(End of flash.)", "Sofia: I'd say you were definitely there.", "(Duane whispers to Aaron. When he finishes, he answers Sofia.)", "(Greg watches in the next room.)", "Duane McWane: Look, scared kid makes a couple of mistakes. It's peer pressure, all right? It's a misdemeanor, at best. You want to put LVPD through PR hell for that?", "Sofia: No. Not just that. Simone Molinez was dragged to death from your limo before the shoot-out.", "(Sofia puts Simone's morgue photo on the table.)", "Sofia: Aaron was in the car when she was being dragged. I'd say that makes him a prime suspect.", "Aaron James: No, no, no, hold it, hold it. I don't know this girl. Okay, she came up to Drops at the Gold Square.", "Duane McWane: Aaron, don't say ...", "Aaron James: No, hold up, man. I didn't kill anybody.", "Sofia: What's a guy like Drops doing at a dump like the Gold Square?", "Aaron James: Drops grew up in that 'hood. Guess he, uh ... wanted to claim his old territory.", "(Quick flash of: [GOLD SQUARE - NIGHT] Drops, Champ and Aaron walk into the bar.)", "Aaron James: (V.O.) We own that place. Picking up a girl in there was like stealing.", "(Carey Corville and Scott Brittington leave a table. Drops and Aaron sit down at the table.)", "Aaron James: (V.O.) Drops trying to open up his own club. Asked me to invest. Before I got my money, guy like Drops wouldn't have \"What up?\" to me, let alone ask me out to talk business.", "(End of flashback.)", "Aaron James: I felt like a big shot. What's the big deal?", "Sofia: We think it's that big shot attitude that's exactly what got you shot.", "(Quick flashback to: Simone leaves Corville at the bar and sits with Drops at the table. Scotty and Corville don't like it. End of flashback.)", "Sofia: Taking that girl out of the Gold Square, you pissed off a couple of locals.", "(Greg continues to watch the interview.)", "Sofia: Everyone knows Drops ends his nights at the strip club. They were waiting for you.", "Aaron James: Look, I had nothing to do with that. And I definitely didn't kick her out of that limo.", "Sofia: So who did then?", "Duane McWane: (interrupts) Aaron, unless you want to go to jail, son, don't say another word.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Sara and Greg walk through the hallway.)", "Sara: You observed the interview? If the undersheriff had seen you, he would've gone ballistic.", "Greg: Well, I'm still off the case. Besides, I just happened to be listening, and I heard Aaron say that he didn't kick the girl out of the limo.", "(Sara looks at Greg.)", "Sara: You want me to check the body?", "Greg: Well, bruises get more distinguished as a body decomposes, so just see if there's anything we missed.", "(As they talk, they don't notice the commotion going on at reception.)", "Marla James: (b.g.) That's the one I want to talk to.", "Sara: (to Greg) I'm on it.", "Marla James: (b.g.) That's the one I'm looking for.", "(Marla James steps into the hallway.)", "Judy Tremont (receptionist): Miss, excuse me. You're not allowed back there!", "(She heads over toward Greg.)", "Marla James: Taking one of my boys wasn't good enough for you, was it? Now you've got to take both? What did we ever do to you?", "Greg: Mrs. James, I don't have anything against you or your family.", "Marla James: Then what is it? Is it about the money? Then take it! I just want my boy back!", "(An officer runs into the hallway.)", "Sara: Mrs. James, you need to calm down ...", "Marla James: I'm not talking to you!", "Sara: Well, you're going to get yourself into trouble here.", "Officer: Ma'am ... you're going to have to leave.", "Marla James: (scoffs) Protecting the nice white boy from the mean black lady. (The officer leads her back out to reception.) You've got to help me. You owe me. You owe me!", "(The officer escorts Marla James back to reception.)", "(Greg turns the hallway and follows her.)", "Greg: What do I owe you?", "Marla James: Yeah, like you don't know.", "Greg: I'll tell you what I know: I know that Demitrius was a killer. And Aaron -- Aaron made the decision to hang out with Drops. He made the decision to do drugs, and to bring that girl into the limo. That's not on me. It's on him, and you.", "(She turns and looks at Greg.)", "Marla James: Aaron is all I have left.", "(Marla turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Sara is with the assistant coroner as she checks Simone Molinez's body. The assistant coroner turns over her body while Sara checks her back. They switch sides and check the other side of the body.)", "(Sara finds a shoeprint on her back. She takes a photo of it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass interviews Drops with his lawyer, Brad Lewis.)", "Brass: This bruise on Simone Molinez's body matches the heel of your buddy Champ's dress shoe.", "(Drops and his lawyer confer.)", "Drops: Man, forensics be jammin' a brother up.", "Brass: No doubt. And you saw him do it.", "Drops: Look, he was just trying to show a potential investor a good time, that's all. The boy got a short fuse.", "(Quick flash of: [INT. LIMO] Simone sits next to Aaron in the back of the limo.)", "Aaron James: All right. Whatever.", "Champ Landley: Why don't you really hook up my man?", "Simone Molinez: Hey!", "(Champ smiles at Drops. Drops hides his laugh.)", "Aaron James: Champ, come on, man. What's wrong with you, man? She's a lady.", "Simone Molinez: Let me out the car!", "Champ Landley: Oh, you want out?", "(He opens the door.)", "Champ Landley: Get out.", "Simone Molinez: Tell the driver to stop.", "Champ Landley: We're in a hurry! You want out, you get out now!", "Simone Molinez: No!", "(He kicks her out of the car.)", "Aaron James: Hey!", "(End of flashback.)", "Brass: So, what, he pushed her out of the car because she wouldn't have s*x with Aaron?", "Drops: Champ thought it was a bad look.", "Brass: Bad? Bad for what?", "Drops: Champ gets a bonus when business is good.", "Brass: You got booze, bling, girls, guns and drugs in a limo. Would you call that doing legitimate business?", "Drops: Yeah. So, um ... what's a few scrapes and bruises on this girl got to do with me?", "Brass: Yeah, a few scrapes and bruises, a broken wrist dislocated shoulder, broken neck -- add it up: it equals death.", "Drops: Death? Wait a minute, no way. See, first of all, that limo was turtle stepping' it down the block. It's like fallin' off a bike.", "Brass: Yeah, maybe so, if she wasn't tangled up in the seat belt. What, you didn't hear her dragging on the street?", "Drops: (shakes his head) The speakers were on blast. I couldn't even hear my cell phone and that was on vibrate.", "Brad Lewis: My client has corroborated your evidence. Are we free to go?", "Brass: What? No! I'm charging you with the murder of Scott Brittington.", "Drops: Scott ... Who?", "Brass: The guy you shot.", "Drops: Okay, we already went over that. Champ was the shooter.", "Brass: Yeah, so you say. But you're the only one in the limo with a registered .38. And you didn't toss that gun after you used it; you gave it to Aaron.", "(Quick flash to: [INT. LIMO] Champs is dead and leaning on Aaron.)", "Drops: Trust me, son, you don't want to be here when the cops come, okay? Here, take the ratchet, and make it disappear.", "(He hands the gun to Aaron.)", "Drops: Take the ratchet! Don't worry about it; I got you covered.", "(The car door opens and Aaron leaves with the gun.)", "Brass: (V.O.) Aaron leaves the scene with your murder weapon. Your gun.", "(Drops sits in Aaron's seat.)", "Brass: (V.O.) And you take his spot like he was never there.", "(End of flashback.)", "Brad Lewis: Captain Brass, I've seen the ballistics report. The shots fired from inside the limo were fired second. That's textbook self-defense.", "(Brass looks at Drops. Suddenly, Drops smiles.)", "Drops: \"Textbook self-defense.\" Told you, forensics be jammin' a brother up.", "Brass: I'll take my chances with the jury. I'm going to see your arms behind your back sooner than you think. Counselor.", "(Brass stands up and leaves. Drops doesn't look worried at all.)", "Drops: And all this time I thought I was paying you too much. Give me some.", "(They knock fists.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM - DAY]", "(Greg is at his locker. Grissom appears in the doorway.)", "Grissom: The DA tells me you requested he go easy on Aaron James.", "Greg: Yeah.", "Grissom: He's getting a suspended sentence. Released on his own recognizance.", "(Greg nods.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY /WAITING ROOM - DAY]", "(Aaron James walks through the hallway. Drops walks out and meets him. He smiles and holds out his hand to Aaron. Aaron doesn't smile and doesn't shake his hand. He pats Drops on the shoulder and continues down the hallway toward his mom.)", "(Marla James stands up from her hallway chair. Aaron walks over to her.)", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM - DAY]", "Grissom: If the kid's brother hadn't died, would you have done the same?", "Greg: (shrugs) I don't know. I just, uh ... you think it's wrong?", "Grissom: Doesn't matter what I think.", "(Grissom looks at Greg, then leaves.)", "(We hold on Greg.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Big Shots
[ "Grissom sends the team out with new cases and goes to spend the evening in autopsy. While he's gone, Hodges takes over his office and assembles a team leading them to believe that Grissom wants them to work on the miniature killer case. While most of his team eventually quits, Hodges does discover a connection that helps Grissom." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom walks through the hallway and meets up with Nick and Warrick.)", "Grissom: Fellas, another incident at Lolita's.", "Warrick: What now?", "Grissom: An erotic athlete claiming a 420-Z. The paramedics have her on a stretcher.", "(Grissom gives Warrick the assignment sheet. He turns and continues back through the hallway. We stay with Nick and Warrick a bit.)", "Nick: What the hell's an erotic athlete?", "Warrick: Well, I hope it's a tight end in a G-string.", "Nick: Nice.", "(Warrick and Nick leave. We follow Grissom, who continues through the hallway.)", "Grissom: Greg?", "Greg: (o.s.) Yeah.", "(Grissom walks up to Greg.)", "Grissom: (reads) 419 at Tagliferri's Restaurant on 8th Avenue.", "(Greg takes the assignment sheet from Grissom. In the back, Catherine turns the corner and heads their way.)", "Greg: (to Grissom) `All right. Thanks. I'm on it.", "(Catherine walks up to Grissom as Greg leaves.)", "Grissom: Cath?", "Catherine: Huh?", "Grissom: 415-B at the Ha-Ha-Ha.", "(She takes the assignment sheet from him and looks at it.)", "Catherine: What's the weapon? A Taser? Come on!", "Grissom: An angry clown got pissed at some heckler with clogged arteries, and it caused a heart attack.", "Catherine: So, Greg-O gets a hit at a mob restaurant, and I get a clown who can't take a joke?", "Grissom: Trust me, you don't want Greg's 419.", "(Catherine and Grissom walk over to Sara.)", "Sara: Hey.", "Catherine: Hey.", "(Catherine leaves. Grissom reads Sara's assignment.)", "Grissom: Hey. CDC needs someone out at the Omdi-Tech offices on Boulder Highway. I'm sure it's not hazardous, or they wouldn't let us collect it.", "(Sara takes her assignment sheet.)", "Sara: Okay. You coming with?", "(Grissom reads his own assignment.)", "Grissom: No, I'm spending the night in autopsy with the Lake Mead floater.", "(They walk past the lab doorway, Sara's voice fading as they pass.)", "Sara: Well, enjoy. That guy was putrid. Oh, by the way...", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -CONTINUOUS]", "(Hodges looks up from the paper in his hand. He sees Wendy in her lab across the hallway. He also sees Wendy step away from her lab.)", "(Hodges walks up to his lab doorway and looks around the halllway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Hodges' phone beeps as he sends a message.)", "(Across the hallway in the A/V Lab, Archie's phone tone plays. He checks the message and turns to look at Hodges. Hodges nods.)", "(Another phone tone plays. Mandy looks at her message, then looks up at Hodges.)", "(In Henry's lab, his phone tone sounds - it's monkey laughter. He checks his message. It reads:", "1. HODGES", "FWD: MEET ME IN GRISSOM'S OFFICE ASAP.", "TELL NO ONE.", "FROM: HODGES", "TO: HENRY", "(How mysterious.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS]", "(The camera pans across the table with the four miniature crime scenes in their respective see-through cases.)", "(Hodges, Mandy, Henry and Archie meet in Grissom's office.)", "Hodges: Four crime scene miniatures, four murder victims, and one diabolical killer with an obsessive streak who still remains at large. I don't know if any of you have noticed how distracted Grissom's been lately, but it's these. Keeping him up at night.", "(Hodges removes the padlock on the Izzy miniature crime scene.)", "Archie: You know the combination?", "Hodges: Of course. Grissom could use some fresh eyes on the case, and that's why I've asked you here. Obviously, this could be perceived as insulting to the CSIs who formerly worked the case, so secrecy is of the utmost importance. Double-down low.", "(Mandy uses her shoe as a phone.)", "Mandy: (in British accent) Oh, James, it's Moneypenny. M needs you back at HQ.", "Archie: Shoe phone was 'Get Smart,' though.", "Mandy: Oh, that's right.", "Henry: 99 was so hot.", "Archie: Mm.", "Hodges: Four people are dead, the killer is still out there, and you're mocking?", "Mandy: We're mocking you.", "Hodges: Ah. You in or out?", "Henry: I don't really know anything about these cases.", "Hodges: We'll review.", "Henry: I don't know. I have a lot of work to do.", "Hodges: And by work, you mean IM'ing your Icelandic pen pal who thinks that you look like Warrick Brown because that's the picture you posted.", "Henry: How ... ?", "Hodges: I just know. Archie, in?", "Archie: What the hell, but I got to leave early. I got a surfing trip in Santa Barbara this weekend.", "Hodges: Miss Mockery?", "Mandy: Well, we can't leave the lab, we can't talk to suspects. What exactly does Grissom wants us to do?", "Hodges: It's not always what you look at that matters; it's what you see.", "(Archie, Mandy and Henry step in closer.)", "Henry: That's Thoreau.", "Hodges: Oh, is it? Hmm.", "(Hodges opens the case with the Izzy crime scene in it.)", "Archie: Okay, professor. And your point would be?", "Hodges: The answers lie in these.", "(Hodges takes out the miniature out and puts it on the case cover.)", "Hodges: We're lab techs. We think differently than field guys. They deal with people, we deal with things. Maybe we can't find the killer, but I think we can find the thing that links all four murders. This is an opportunity. We have one shift to show Grissom what we're made of. Tonight, we could be heroes.", "Mandy: All right, all right. I'm in.", "(Hodges, Archie, Mandy and Henry lean forward and look at the miniature.)", "Hodges: It's time to think outside the box.", "SMASH TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[IZZY DELANCY'S MINIATURES]", "(Camera moves back through the first miniature of Izzy Delancy's kitchen - back through the counter full of miniature framed photos, bottles and mail. We continue to pull back through the kitchen table with a plate of breakfast and fork. We move down to the carpeting with a perfect blood pool under the miniature Izzy Delancy doll slumped on the table.)", "(A human eye appears through the miniature kitchen window as someone looks inside the box.)", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Hodges straightens.)", "Hodges: The first miniature was found at the crime scene seven months ago.", "(He turns as he carries a file folder. Archie, Mandy and Henry are also in the office.)", "Hodges: The victim is Izzy Delancy, washed-up rock star. Blunt force trauma to the back of the head.", "(Quick flash of: [Scene from 7X02: Built to Kill-2] Someone hits Izzy over the back of the head and he hits the table. End of flash.)", "(Hodges shows them the photo of the back of Izzy's head.)", "Hodges: Bonked with a rolling pin, found in the drawer at the scene.", "Henry: Stalker maybe?", "Hodges: Izzy didn't have any known stalkers, and there was no forced entry. Suspects include his first wife, his current wife, the nanny he was schtuping and his teenage son.", "Mandy: Motive thought to be s*x?", "Hodges: And-or money. Izzy's music library was for sale. Mucho dinero to be gained.", "Mandy: So?", "Hodges: So ... nothing. Every suspect was exonerated.", "(He puts the file folder down and walks over to the miniature.)", "Hodges: All we were left with was this ...", "(Flash to: [Scene from 7X02: Built to Kill-2] Grissom and Sara examine the miniature crime scene.)", "Grissom: A perfect, half-inch scale model of the room. And assuming that the killer is the same person who made the miniature ...", "Sara: It would have taken weeks, maybe even months to create with this kind of detail. It certainly qualifies as premeditation.", "(Grissom takes a swab of the blood in the miniature. He tests it.)", "Grissom: It's real blood. The killer actually stuck around to match the blood pool at the scene.", "(End of flash.)", "(Archie starts to sit down in Grissom's chair when --", "Hodges: Ah, ah, ah, ah!", "Archie: What?", "Hodges: What are you doing?", "Archie: Sitting.", "Hodges: No, no. You're tempting fate. You know how you should never try on someone else's engagement ring, hold the Oscar, use the excuse that your grandmother died when she didn't ...", "Mandy: (deadpans) I tried on Suzie Quinceworthy's diamond ring last year. It looked really good on her, and looked terrible on me. I don't think an emerald cut flatters my little ten-ies. (wistfully) Will I never marry?", "Henry: I'll marry you. Although, you know, my grandmother's still alive. She lives down in Boca. I don't know if you know this, but I am the shuffleboard champion of the Boca Surf and Sand. Mm. Ladykiller of the senior set.", "Mandy: Rock on. I can do an open marriage.", "Hodges: Why do you guys keep doing that?", "Mandy: (innocently) Do what?", "Archie: Hodges, relax, man. I don't want to run the lab.", "Hodges: We are guests in the man's office. If there was one person who was more respectful of space and boundaries, it's Grissom. (Mandy nods.) You could at least offer him the same courtesy.", "(Archie thinks about it and concedes.)", "(Henry stands up.)", "Henry: Wait. Is he okay with us being in here?", "Hodges: He said he'd be in Autopsy--won't be back for hours.", "(Henry glances at Mandy. Hodges continues.)", "Hodges: Anyway, they never solved Izzy Delancy's murder. Two months later, Penny Garden was found dead in her house.", "(TOP VIEW DOWN: The Penny Garden miniature.)", "Cue Sound: (PRE-LAP) THUNDER RUMBLES", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene from 7X07: Post Mortem]", "(A record plays, \"Lollypop, Lollypop.\" Penny Garden opens a bottle of CHERRY HERRING liqueur. She coughs and pours herself a drink.)", "(She smokes her cigarette and drinks.)", "(Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles. She finishes her drink. She cuts a coupon and looks at it. She gets up.)", "[EXT. VIEW]", "(Through the covered windows, we see Penny Garden move awkwardly from one end of the room to the other where another shadow is. The two figures move together when - SMASH! Penny Garden crashes through the glass window.)", "FLASH TO: BACK TO SCENE.", "CU: Of the miniature Penny Garden slumped over the window frame.", "Mandy: Suspects included her ex-junkie nephew, who was living with her, and her drug-dealing neighbor, who was buying prescription meds from her. Obvious motives -- drugs and money.", "Henry: Did either of them have any connection to Izzy Delancy?", "Archie: No. CSIs didn't even realize this was a 'miniature' case until this was anonymously delivered to the scene the next day.", "Mandy: And why wasn't it left with the body like the other one?", "Hodges: Good question. Grissom and I really noodled over that one.", "FLASH TO: [Scene from 7x07: 'Post-Mortem']", "(Grissom hands Hodges the scope.)", "Grissom: Look carefully at the back of the doll and at the pillow on the chair. There appears to be remnants of glue on both.", "Hodges: So the doll was originally glued to the back of the chair.", "Grissom: I think the killer expected the victim to die in this chair.", "INSERT: VISUALIZATION", "(The image of Penny Garden appears in the chair, drinking her liqueur.)", "(From above, Grissom visualizes what must've happened.)", "(As Penny Garden sits, the hooded intruder comes up from behind her.)", "Hodges: Well, if that's the case, then how did the killer expect to ... kill her?", "(Grissom continues visualizing Penny Garden sitting in the chair, drinking from her glass. The killer is behind her, waiting.)", "(Grissom reaches down and tries to pick up the miniature liqueur bottle from off the floor. It doesn't move. It's glued there.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) The killer knew that Penny was always stinko on Cherry Herring by coupon-clipping time, so ...", "VARIOUS FLASHES OF: The killer drips liquid nicotine to the liqueur. Penny pours herself a drink. Penny drinks.", "Henry: (V.O.) He laced her booze with liquid nicotine, which induced convulsions.", "(Penny gets up and staggers around the room.)", "(Penny bumps into the chair and staggers around.)", "Archie: (V.O.) And when she went all twitchy and through the window ...", "(Penny smashes into the window and slumps forward over the frame.)", "(Cut to: The killer moves the Penny doll from the chair to the window frame.)", "Mandy: (V.O.) The OCD killer had to match it with his mini, which is why it showed up late.", "END OF FLASHBACKS", "(Henry turns and sees Wendy appear in the door.)", "Henry: Red dog barks at midnight.", "(Everyone stops and turns to look at Wendy.)", "Wendy: What are you guys doing in here?", "(Hodges shakes his head.)", "Hodges: Nothing.", "Henry: Yeah.", "(Everyone innocently takes their file folder and heads for the door. They leave the office. Hodges stops in front of Wendy.)", "Wendy: All right, freakboy, your phone has been ringing off the hook, so I finally answered it, and Warrick and Nick said they have a ton of trace, and they really need you to clear the decks.", "Hodges: No problem. After you.", "Wendy: After you.", "(Hodges leaves the office.)", "(We hold on Wendy.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Robbins and Grissom are in front of a body on a table.)", "Robbins: Hmm. Irides Brown. No apparent puncture wounds, abrasions or lacerations. COD appears to be drowning.", "Grissom: We did pull him out of Lake Mead, you know.", "Robbins: Right. Based on decomp, I'd put TOD around 48 hours ago.", "(An assistant coroner pulls a headless body on a table into the room. David Phillips appears at the end of the table, pushing it through the door.)", "Grissom: Where's his head, David?", "David Phillips: They haven't found it yet.", "Grissom: (scoffs) Day shift.", "(Robbins laughs.)", "(Grissom watches as Robbins cuts into the torso. As he reaches the stomach area, the area under the skin moves. Grissom leans forward intently.)", "Grissom: Uh-oh. He's got gas. Phew.", "Robbins: Yeah, he's going to be a stinker. You want a mask?", "Grissom: No, I'm all right.", "(Robbins completes the cut. The skin continues to move.)", "Robbins: What the hell?", "(As they watch, a rat bursts out through the skin. It lands on the table with a PLOP!)", "Robbins: (screams) Rat!", "(Grissom grabs a metal pan and tries to cover the rat, misses and smashes the glass and samples on the table.)", "(The rat scampers to the floor and runs. Robbins tries to stab at it with his crutch. He misses. The rat runs across the floor.)", "Robbins: Get 'im! Get 'im!", "(Grissom runs after the rat. The rat escapes out the partially opened door.)", "Grissom: Oh.", "(Too late! Grissom stops. He turns and looks at Robbins.)", "Robbins: (sarcastic) Nice work.", "Grissom: At least I tried to get him. Where were you?", "Robbins: I hate rats.", "(Glass shatters and someone screams from the next room.)", "(As Grissom runs out, we --", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick takes out the many, many print cards and puts them on the table in front of Mandy.)", "Mandy: Wow. Don't bother being discerning.", "Warrick: Hey, what can I say? Erotic athletes are kind of gratuitous with the hands. And lube on latex leaves excellent ridge detail. What's with the, uh, blast from the past? You got new evidence on the miniatures?", "(He points to the open file on Mandy's table. She casually closes the file.)", "Mandy: Um, just refiling some stuff. Uh, G-on-G action. It's not really a big question as to who did it, is it?", "Warrick: One ring, six women. Ursula Major claims Ursula Minor was responsible for the pile drive. Only you, my dear, will know for sure. Have fun.", "(He turns and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB - NIGHT]", "(Hodge looks at the pink bikini in the evidence bag.)", "Hodges: Is that condensation?", "Nick: Oh, no, it's-it's lube ... I think. Yeah, these bikinis are from the erotic athletes at Lolita's bar. This woman, Lucy Pavorotti, broke her neck flipping around up there. Well, now she's suing everybody.", "Hodges: Okay. I'm on it.", "(Hodges turns away to get on it.)", "Nick: Nothing?", "Hodges: What?", "Nick: Nothing at all? I'm all ready for \"Luscious Lucy likey Lolita's lubey.\" Or something.", "Hodges: Every man is not an end but a beginning. Today I rise above and step up. Have a nice day.", "Nick: Good point. Hey, I've been meaning to ask you about something you might be interested in. The Forensic Academy has their conference in June.", "(Hodges' cell phone buzzes. He checks his message:", "1. HENRY", "WENDY'S HERE !!!!!!!!", "From: Henry", "To: Hodges", "(Hodges turns back to Nick and nods. Actually, he's really nodding at Henry and Archie with Wendy in the lab behind Nick. Henry looks expectantly at Hodges wanting him to do something to get them out of this situation.)", "Nick: -- and I'm going to be speaking on fieldwork. But the thing about it is, man, I'm just no good when it comes to IR trace technology.", "(Hodges nods. Henry looks trapped. Wendy and Archie are looking through a file folder.)", "Nick: (cont) But now you ... you are.", "Hodges: Oh.", "Nick: So ... what do you think? It's in Iowa. Which is ... as fun as you want to make it, but ...", "(Hodges is trapped in his office while he tries to see what's going on in Archie's lab.)", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - CONTINUOUS]", "(Wendy and Archie look through the file folders.)", "Wendy: So according to this, a month after Penny Garden's murder, Grissom investigated an electrocution at the Mannleigh chicken plant.", "FLASH TO: [Scenes from 7X10: Loco Motives]", "(The killer pulls the switch down. Raymundo Suarez is electrocuted in water.)", "Wendy: (V.O.) The victim was Raymundo Suarez, early 30s, a nighttime janitor.", "(Flash to: Grissom and Greg look around the crime scene.)", "Wendy: (V.O.) It looked like a possible industrial accident, or maybe even a workplace homicide. Right up until they found the perfect half-inch scale cast metal mini.", "(Grissom finds the miniature.)", "INSERT: VIEW OF THE MINIATURE", "END OF FLASHBACKS", "(Archie nods.)", "Archie: Suspects included the boss, Ike Mannleigh.", "(Quick flash of Bubbles and Raymundo are kissing among the chickens.)", "Archie: (V.O.) Raymundo was sleeping with his wife, Bubbles.", "(End of flashback.)", "Henry: I can't even do it with my cat watching. Wait. s*x, drugs, rock and roll. Do you think it's a pattern?", "Wendy: No, 'cause according to this, s*x may not have actually been the issue. Yeah, Ike Mannleigh was exonerated, and another co-worker, Ernie Dell, he looked good for all of the murders.", "Henry: Yeah, that's right, he was caught on tape in an animal rights PSA made by Izzy Delancy.", "Archie: Yes, he was.", "(Archie shows them the PSA on the monitor. He fast-forwards to some footage of Ernie Dell abusing the chickens.)", "Archie: Look at this.", "Wendy: Ew.", "Archie: Yeah, tell me about it. I had to scan this thing for hours. I haven't been able to eat chicken since. Anyway, Ernie Dell was really into model trains. You know, the way a serial killer's really into pets.", "(Quick flash of: A miniature man on a rooftop ready to jump off a building. The miniature train runs. On the ground below is a miniature body on the sidewalk in a pool of blood.)", "(Another part of the miniature train set shows a gang beating up a bloodied miniature person. The miniature train set circles around the entire room.)", "(There is a graveyard with a grim reaper holding a bloodied scythe.)", "(There is a blue car smashed into a pole. A bloodied miniature body hangs out of the hood. There's blood on the car and on the ground nearby.)", "(There are more violent scenes of miniature people killing other miniature people.)", "(Brass finds the miniature molds in the basement.)", "Archie: (V.O.) So when CSIs went to his house, they found these molds for all these creepy little things ...", "(Cut to: Grissom takes a pot from the miniature and matches it to a mold.)", "Archie: (V.O.) ... some of which matched pieces from the Izzy Delancy miniature.", "(Cut to: A side-by-side SCOPE VIEW of the two pots. They match.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Archie shows more footage from 7X07: Post Mortem.)", "Archie: Ernie was caught on some neighborhood watch surveillance video delivering the mini to Penny Garden's house.", "Henry: This guy can't stay away from a camera.", "Archie: You don't know how right you are. He confessed on live video, e-mailed it directly to Grissom.", "(Archie plays the video for them.)", "Ernie Dell: (from video) My name is Ernest Edward Dell. I was born in 1946 in Ames, Iowa.", "(He fast-forwards the video.)", "Ernie Dell: (from video) ... spend any amount of time around people, you get your heart broke.", "OFF HENRY:", "Ernie Dell: (from video) Treachery. OFF ARCHIE:", "Ernie Dell: (from video) Hypocrisy. OFF WENDY:", "Ernie Dell: (from video) The promise of love.", "(They continue to watch the video.)", "Ernie Dell: (from video) A man could kill from sunup to sunset and still his work would never be done.", "(On the video, Ernie takes the gun, puts it under his chin and fires.)", "(Hodges appears in the doorway behind them.)", "Hodges: Wendy? Could I speak with you a moment?", "Wendy: Sure.", "(She hands the folder to Henry and leaves the lab.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Hodges and Wendy step out into the hallway.)", "Hodges: This is exactly why I didn't invite you to join us. You take over everything.", "Wendy: Uh ...", "Hodges: Grissom asked me to gather some techs to review the 'miniature' cases. Like a think tank.", "Wendy: Yeah, I know, they told me. So, kudos to you.", "Hodges: I hand selected them with careful consideration to group dynamics.", "Wendy: Well, I can see that. I mean, it's you and your back-up singers. You're Davy Hodges and the Lemmings. You should take your act on the road.", "Henry: (o.s.) We can hear you.", "Wendy: Look, the only reason that you don't like me is because I actually stand up to you. Which, by the way, is exactly what you need. You know I would be good at all this 'miniature' stuff.", "Hodges: That's not the only reason.", "Wendy: Really? Okay, what is it?", "Hodges: You think you're too cool.", "Wendy: Oh, my God. What are we, 12?", "Hodges: I don't know, are we?", "Wendy: I don't know, are we?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY OUTSIDE FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT", "(Grissom follows David Phillips and Robbins through the hallway.)", "Grissom: It's just a rat, fellas. Why are you wearing the HazMat gear?", "(Phillips points to Robbins.)", "David Phillips: He made me do it.", "Robbins: It's a wild animal covered with potentially biohazardous material with claws. Rabies, scabies, AIDS, hepatitis. I'm thinking of this suit as a giant rubber glove.", "(Robbins and Grissom turn and head into the autopsy room.)", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom puts the intestines on the table.)", "Robbins: The vic's intestines? What are you doing?", "Grissom: Rats are neophobic -- they fear the new. We stand a better chance of catching him by giving him what he's used to.", "(Grissom cuts off a piece of the intestines and uses it as bait to bait the traps.)", "(They hear the rat scratching, squealing and thumping in the room.)", "Robbins: Pestilence, alive and well.", "(The lights power off and the back-up kicks in.)", "Grissom: (ominously) I think he's onto us, Doc.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene from 7X16: 'Monster in a Box']", "(A view of the Las Vegas City lights can be seen out the window. A fire flickers in the fireplace. A black cat meows and runs across the floor.)", "Henry: (V.O.) Miniature number four was another home, a unit in a high-rise condo, complete with a working fireplace ... and a dead cat.", "(We pan around the condo - -- around the darkened room. There are miniature flowers in the miniature vases. Paper scrunching is heard and a light shines down on the room as the box is finally opened.)", "Henry: (V.O.) But the MO on this one was full of anomalies.", "(The camera swings around and lingers on a LAS VEGAS GLOBE newspaper on the desk with the headline, \"Another Body Found!\")", "Henry: (V.O.) It was sent to the Crime Lab shortly after Ernie Dell's suicide, but before the murder had actually been committed.", "(The paper crunching continues. Camera swings around the miniature desk and pulls back from the miniature chair. Light shines from above as Grissom lifts the lid to the room.)", "(He can't believe his eyes and stares at the latest diorama.)", "Henry: (V.O.) And the really weird part was the package was addressed directly to Grissom.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Wendy, Hodges and Henry are in the room reviewing the case files.)", "Wendy: But why, to taunt him? Like suddenly it's personal?", "(Henry shakes his head. Hodges steps forward with the open file.)", "Hodges: The intended victim was Barbara Tallman, a therapist. But we got there first. PD set up a sting which resulted in the death of an undercover officer, while a roomful of detectives watched.", "Henry: Oy.", "Hodges: Again, the killer knew the habits of the victim. This one always took an afternoon nap.", "(Quick flash to: Grissom looks through the miniature through the SCOPE.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) Based on her position on the couch, the CSIs thought that the intended cause of death might be suffocation or poisoning.", "(Cut to: Nick checks under the fireplace vent.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) But they found something else instead.", "(Cut to: Grissom is looking at a miniature timer set up under the miniature fireplace vent.)", "(Cut to: Nick finds the timer set up under the fireplace flue.)", "Henry: (V.O.) Yeah, here, it looks like the killer put some kind of gizmo on the flue. See, the timer went off, activated a motor, which sealed the flap and dropped powdered charcoal onto the fire, producing carbon monoxide. So the fumes had nowhere to go but out into the apartment and into the undercover officer.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Wendy shakes her head. Someone knocks on the glass. Henry, Wendy and Hodges turn and see Archie putting on his hat.)", "Archie: Later, Betties.", "Hodges: Quitter.", "Archie: Glory whore.", "(Archie leaves. Wendy smiles and looks at Hodges.)", "Wendy: Who were the suspects?", "Hodges: Somebody directly connected with Ernie ... somebody worth killing himself for. They interviewed his son Lionel. Looks like Lionel Dell knew Barbara Tallman.", "(Hodges reviews the transcript of the interview.)", "Mitch Douglas: (V.O.) Okay, so maybe I met her, so what?", "Sofia: (V.O.) So, she's dead.", "(Quick flashback to: [Scene from 7X16: Monster in a Box] Sofia interviews Mitch Douglas, aka Lionel Dell.)", "Sofia: That's four stiffs associated with you, Lionel. Five, if you count Ernie.", "Mitch Douglas: I don't.", "Sara: You know, you keep saying that you hated your dad, but I'm not buying it. You go through your life alone, you're good with your hands, you have weird hobbies, you make little things. And when that gets tricky ... you call your father.", "Mitch Douglas: Let me tell you about Ernie. What he cared about in his life was ... his wife, his trains, and his kids, in that order.", "Sara: Kids? You're an only child.", "(He chuckles.)", "Mitch Douglas: Again, if only. If you're looking for a love connection, then you should maybe go talk to one of the chosen ones.", "Sofia: What are you talking about?", "Mitch Douglas: Fosters.", "(Cut to: Home video footage of Ernie with kids.)", "Mitch Douglas: (V.O.) My parents had, like, dozens. They'd come and go, some before I was born. My mom loved kids. Dad loved Mom. I guess, as soon as I came around, the love ran out.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Wendy looks at the photo of Lionel Dell.)", "Wendy: I had a friend who tried to reconnect with some of her old foster siblings. And honestly, it's next to impossible. The system protects minors, they change their names, and some of them just fall right off the map.", "Hodges: Well, the only link we have is a disposable cell phone number.", "Henry: Calls made to all four victims?", "Hodges: Mm-hmm. And additional minutes purchased on the phone with Ernie Dell's credit card after his death.", "(Hodges shows the bill and the number flashes: 702-555-0192.)", "Wendy: Yeah, online billing. You can just keep spending and paying until the card expires. So what happened when they called the number?", "(Hodges doesn't answer.)", "Wendy: They did call the number, right?", "Hodges: I'm sure they did.", "(He flips through the file folder.)", "(Wendy grabs Hodges phone and dials.)", "Hodges: What are you doing?", "Wendy: Shh.", "(The line rings.)", "Computerized Voice: Leave a message after the tone.", "(beep)", "(Hodges grabs the phone and closes it.)", "Hodges: Nice one, Simms. Now they have my cell phone number.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Henry, Wendy and Hodges are in the break room. The crime scene photos are a mess on the table.)", "Henry: Well, the victims don't have much in common, so I say we go metaphoric. Hypocrisy.", "Wendy: Yeah, I get it. There's Izzy the vegan eating bacon; Penny, the cigarette-smoking cancer patient; Raymundo, the church-going adulterer; and Barbara, the overmedicated shrink.", "(Hodges gets his brown lunch bag and sits down.)", "Hodges: This is the United States of America. Hypocrisy is the new national anthem. Forget it. Stretching. Grissom said they checked for commonalities between victims and got nowhere. I was reading an article in the JFS about literary forensics. They use a computer program to analyze documents to determine authorship.", "(Henry watches as Hodges puts three packages of chips on the table.)", "Hodges: For instance, when the book Primary Colors was first published anonymously, people knew it was one of Clinton's speech writers, so they compared word usage and phrasing with the writers on his staff and discovered who'd probably written it. I say we look at the work to find the author. Try to figure out who it is by what message they're trying to send.", "(They stare at him.)", "Hodges: What?", "Wendy: That was a very good idea.", "Hodges: Well, I have one occasionally.", "(They smile at each other. Henry glances between them.)", "Henry: Okay. Look, clearly the killer is into signatures, right? I mean, the miniatures themselves are signatures, and then within each miniature, they all have this doll thing.", "Hodges: That creepy little Sally.", "Wendy: Well, we're working under the assumption that the killer was a foster kid, right? With probably an abusive childhood. So a bloody baby doll? I mean, it's really not that much of a stretch to say that the doll represents the killer.", "Hodges: Grissom had something on that. (reads) \"Freud's Theory of the Uncanny raises the point that as children, we want the doll to come to life, but as adults, we are terrified by the idea. Doll could represent the uncanny that is feared, the Sandman.\"", "Wendy: Right. Or exactly what I just said.", "Henry: So, we're looking for an obsessive, meticulous, dark-ass misanthrope who seeks recognition for his efforts.", "(Hodges meticulously places one carrot stick on each bag of potato chips. He straightens the packages.)", "(Wendy and Henry turn and look at Hodges.)", "(Hodges doesn't even look at them.)", "Hodges: When would I find the time? I'm always here.", "(Henry chuckles.)", "Henry: Can I have a chip?", "Hodges: No.", "Wendy: (smiling) Here.", "(Wendy gives Henry her bag of chips.)", "Henry: Thank you.", "Wendy: You're welcome.", "(Hodges bites into a carrot stick. Henry looks at Hodges.)", "Henry: All the miniatures have food.", "(Quick flashback to: Izzy is sitting at the table when the killer hits Izzy on the back of his head. He falls face forward onto the table - right in front of his breakfast plate.)", "Henry: (V.O.) Eggs ...", "(Cut to: Penny Garden's Cherry Herring Liqueur bottle as she pours herself a glass.)", "Henry: (V.O.) Booze ...", "(Cut to: Barbara Tallman pours herself a cup of tea before she takes a nap.)", "Henry: (V.O.) Tea and cookies ...", "(The cat jumps on the table and drinks from the milk container.)", "Henry: (V.O.) ... milk ...", "(Cut to: Bubbles Mannleigh and Raymundo Suarez are kissing passionately in the chicken factory.)", "Henry: (V.O.) And a chicken?", "(End of flashbacks.)", "Wendy: But is it considered food if it's still alive and clucking?", "Henry: You've never lived in Pennsylvania.", "Hodges: I think if the killer is trying to make some sort of anti-food statement, there are much better places in Vegas to do it.", "Henry: Like blowing up a buffet.", "Wendy: Yeah. Gluttons eating crab legs. That's exactly where I'd start.", "(Henry chuckles.)", "(Hodges cell phone buzzes. Everyone stops laughing and stares at the phone.)", "Henry: Did you guys see 'Scream'?", "(The phone continues to buzz. Hodges answers it.)", "Hodges: (in a low voice, to phone) Hello?", "(Everyone stops and waits with anticipation.)", "Hodges: (to phone) Oh, hi, Catherine. Have I seen Wendy?", "(Wendy gets up and reaches for the phone as Hodges continues talking.)", "Hodges: (to phone) Uh, no. She hasn't been at her desk all day long.", "Wendy: Give me ...", "(She grabs the phone from him.)", "Hodges: (to phone) Here, let me look for her. Oh, oh, wait, here she is.", "Wendy: (whispers) Loser. (louder, to phone) Hey, Catherine, what's up?", "(Wendy rushes out of the break room and through the hallway.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY]", "(Catherine is on the phone in the hallway.)", "Catherine: Hey, you said you were gonna rush DNA off that Taser that I checked in.", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - CONTINUOUS]", "(Wendy enters her lab to get the results on the computer.)", "Wendy: Yeah, I did. And the blood on the Taser tips did match your heart attack victim, but I also found a second male contributor, who's probably your suspect.", "(Catherine walks over to the interview room. Through the window we see Brass inside interviewing a clown.)", "Catherine: Run the unknown against the semen that I found on the clown wig from my Peeping Tom case last month.", "(The clown in the interview room gets up and runs to the door.)", "Wendy: Um, okay. Why?", "Catherine: Let's just say I got a real good hunch about this one.", "(Catherine hangs up just as the clown reaches the door and finds it locked.)", "BAMM! HONK!", "(Brass catches up with the suspect at the door and smashes his face against the glass, causing the yellow-haired, dress-wearing clown's red nose to honk - right in front of Catherine.)", "Brass: Who's the big clown now, huh?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Henry studies the Izzy Delancy miniature.)", "Henry: What about music? Izzy has gold records, Penny had a record player, Barbara had high-end stereo equipment.", "Hodges: Yeah, but what about the chicken plant?", "Henry: The squeals of dying chickens?", "Hodges: No go, amigo.", "Henry: What about flowers? The flower delivery guy might have access to the space.", "Hodges: Well, I see flowers in Penny's and Barbara's, but not Izzy's.", "Henry: Flour canister?", "Hodges: Stop that. Besides, I don't think the slaughterhouse would be into the lobby bouquet.", "Henry: What about mail?", "Hodges: A crazed postal worker. Wouldn't be the first time.", "Henry: There's mail on the counter, mail on the floors, mail on the desk ... no mail in the henhouse.", "Hodges: Maybe they have puns in common.", "Henry: Look, if this is really about the killer trying to reveal something, is there anything that's gotten more in-your-face with each successive miniature?", "Hodges: Well, the way he kills has certainly gotten more complicated. Blunt force trauma to poison to electrocution to a timed booby trap of carbon monoxide in the fireplace.", "Henry: What about newspaper? Starts out on the counter, then all over the floor, then with the doll, as the headline. That's bolder and bolder.", "Hodges: No, you see, again, there's no newspaper in the chicken plant, not even shredded in the cages.", "Henry: Okay, buzz kill. You come up with a theory.", "Hodges: Hey, it's not me, it's the chicken plant. That's the streak-breaker.", "Henry: Well, then, maybe we should start with that one and work our way out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - HALLWAY]", "(Grissom and Robbins are still searching for the rat. Grissom walks up to the electrical box.)", "Grissom: Can you smell that?", "Robbins: Yes.", "Grissom: You shouldn't be able to smell that through your suit.", "Robbins: Good to know.", "(Grissom opens the box and smoke comes out from the burned wiring. Grissom closes the door for a moment as he removes the screws holding the door in place.)", "Grissom: Did you know that rodents have skeletons with flexible joints?", "Robbins: No.", "Grissom: If they can get their head through something, the rest of their body can contort to fit. They can crawl into spaces as small as a quarter.", "(Grissom removes the door.)", "Robbins: (mutters) Lousy varmints.", "(They find the rat dead and burned in the box.)", "Robbins: b*st*rd hit the main line.", "Grissom: That's not the only thing he's got in his mouth.", "(There's something stuck in the dead rat's mouth.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Grissom watches as Robbins performs an autopsy on the dead rat. Robbins cuts open the rat's stomach and takes out a piece of a capsule.)", "Grissom: What is it?", "Robbins: My guess would be black tar heroin.", "Grissom: Looks like the rat ate the mule.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Hodges uses the scope and looks at the Mannleigh chicken factory miniature crime scene. Henry's getting nervous.)", "Henry: Okay, look, we gave it a try. There's nothing in this thing but machinery. Let's just put it back.", "Hodges: Relax.", "(He continues using the scope and comes across a miniature white barrel with blood on it.)", "Hodges: What's this?", "(He knocks the miniature barrel off its spot on the floor. Oops! Henry's jaw drops.)", "(Wendy rushes into the room.)", "Wendy: You freaking broke it! That's destroying evidence.", "Hodges: I can fix it.", "(Greg appears in the doorway behind them.)", "Greg: Have any of you guys seen Grissom?", "(Hodges, Henry and Wendy immediately turn around and block Greg's view of the miniature crime scene on the table.)", "(Greg is in blue overalls with spaghetti on the front.)", "Hodges: Some garlic bread? Nice Chianti, maybe?", "Greg: Kiss my ass. I'd like to see you crawl around in a dumpster determining the difference between blood and marinara sauce with six mobster goons giving you the stink eye.", "Henry: Wouldn't know anything about that. We're holed up in a lab all day.", "Greg: What are you guys doing? (Greg doesn't wait for an answer.) You know, forget it. I don't even care. I need to go take a shower. Would one of you please call Janitorial and have them clean my Denali?", "Wendy: Sure.", "(Greg hands Henry a sample container.)", "Greg: Oh, and, uh, we think the killer might have threw up in the alley. Full panel. Enjoy.", "(Greg leaves. Henry steps away from his position in front of the miniature crime scene. He holds up the container to Hodges.)", "Henry: Got to go. Good luck.", "(He leaves.)", "(Wendy and Hodges examine the miniature white barrel with a magnifying glass.)", "Wendy: \"NaOCl.\"", "Hodges: Bleach.", "Wendy: There was bleach at the Izzy Delancy scene.", "(Quick flash of: Grissom opens the garbage drawer and finds an empty container of bleach.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) And in the vase water at Barbara Tillman's condo.", "(Cut to: Grissom shines the lamp on the miniature flowers and they die.)", "Wendy: (V.O.) Why?", "Hodges: (V.O.) Put a few drop in the water, helps kill bacteria keeps the flowers blooming a long time. Put too much bleach, flowers die.", "(End of flash.)", "Wendy: What about Penny?", "Hodges: Okay. You stay here. I'm going to switch this out for the Penny Garden.", "(Wendy doesn't like it.)", "Wendy: No, you know what? No.", "(Hodges picks up the miniature.)", "Wendy: Look, this entire thing has turned into a three-ring circus, 'cause every time we get something, something else just comes along and proves us wrong. And, honestly, I think you've lost your damn mind. I mean, what makes you think if the CSIs can't solve this, that we can? Seriously. I'm a little tired of your delusions of grandeur. And I'm way behind in work, and I'm sick of sneaking around. So that's it. I'm out.", "(Wendy takes a step to leave the room, but Hodges is in her way. They both take a step to the side, then another step to the side. Finally, Wendy holds Hodges in place while she walks around him. She finally leaves the room.)", "(Hodges exhales.)", "(And he's left holding the miniature.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM / DNA LAB-- NIGHT]", "(Hodges is sitting alone at the break room table.)", "(In the DNA lab, Wendy watches him.)", "(Sara walks up to Wendy.)", "Sara: Hey.", "Wendy: Hey.", "Sara: Here you go. I checked under the keys. Crusty white stains, pale blue under ALS.", "Wendy: Semen, huh? What made you check under the keys?", "Sara: A butt print on the credenza.", "Wendy: Yeah, okay, that's gross.", "Sara: CDC contacted us, because the whole office has a herpes simplex 1 outbreak, and nobody could figure out why. I guess you never really know what's going on in your office.", "(Wendy stops Sara from leaving.)", "Wendy: Hey, Sara? Is it true that the 'miniature' cases have been keeping Grissom up at night?", "Sara: How would I know?", "Wendy: I just thought that maybe you guys all talk about this it, and ... Hodges told me that Grissom confided in him and ... You know what? Never mind. Just forget I even asked.", "Sara: Well, listen, I-I don't know what Hodges has been telling you, but ... do you really think that Grissom would confide in him? About anything?", "Wendy: No. Of course not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Hodges sits at the break room table with three bags of chips in front of him. Wendy storms into the room.)", "Wendy: You are a liar and an ass. I mean, if you want to go running around like Sir Galahad, just yanking swords willy-nilly, that is totally your business. But you put all of us at risk here.", "(Hodges gathers his three bags of chips and gets up to leave the room.)", "Hodges: I think we might be onto something with the bleach.", "Wendy: Hey! Stop! Archie and Henry gave up a full day's work thinking that they were doing something to help Grissom. And Grissom never even asked you to do this in the first place.", "Hodges: Technically, all I said to them was that Grissom needed our help, which is true. I only lied to you.", "Wendy: Aren't you worried about your own caseload?", "Hodges: I've trained them all to believe that the laser ablater and mass spec take twice as long as they actually do.", "Wendy: Oh, my God. I cannot believe you. I can't believe that, for half a second, I actually thought that I might ...", "Hodges: You what?", "Wendy: Nothing. What on God's green earth possessed you to do this?", "(He looks down at his chips.)", "Hodges: It's my lucky day.", "Wendy: What?", "(He looks at Wendy.)", "Hodges: It's my lucky day.", "(Quick flash to: [EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY] Hodges is walking outside when he looks down and finds a dollar bill on the sidewalk. He looks around, then picks the bill up. He puts it in his pocket and continues walking.)", "(He looks up and sees a beautiful blonde walking out of the building. He smiles at her - she smiles back at him. Hodges continues to the building.)", "(Cut to: Hodges puts the bill in the vending machine and gets a bag of LUCKY chips. He reaches down to get the chips and a SECOND bag of chips falls - then a THIRD bag of chips also falls.)", "(Hodges picks up the three bags of LUCKY chips out of the vending machine.)", "(Cut to: [INT. LAB] Hodges walks into the lab. He checks his mail and finds something flashing at him. He checks the BARTER BARRELL.COM site and finds that \"THE ITEM YOU BID ON IS YOURS!\". It's for a \"Three's Company Board Game,\" Item", "Hodges: (happy) Yes!", "(The test he's running finishes. He goes to the printer and checks the results:", "MATCH FOUND", "1 IN 600 BILLION. )", "(Hodges smiles.)", "Sara: (o.s.) Well, enjoy.", "(Sara and Grissom walk past his lab door.)", "Sara: That guy was putrid. Oh, by the way, you left the miniatures unlocked.", "Grissom: Yeah, I've been looking at those a lot lately.", "(That gets Hodges' attention. They walk past. Hodges looks up and over at Wendy's lab. Wendy finishes and walks away.)", "Hodges: (o.s.) When you walked away--", "(End of flashbacks.)", "Hodges: -- it was like the stars aligned. It was my lucky day.", "Wendy: Lucky? You're a scientist.", "Hodges: I was trying to help Grissom.", "Wendy: Oh, come on. If Gil Grissom were here, he'd slap your face.", "(Wendy walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - RECEPTION / HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Grissom shows Sofia the photo of the body he's working on.)", "Sofia: Yeah, I recognize him. His street name's Ralo Perez. He's a drug runner for the Jamaican mob. According to sources, he was skimming, swallowing a couple balloons for personal use. He dropped out of sight a couple of weeks ago.", "Grissom: He dropped into Lake Mead.", "Sofia: Well, that's one off my desk.", "Grissom: Well, I'll get the drugs to Tox, and we'll wrap this up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PENNY GARDEN MINIATURE]", "(Hodges visualizes himself standing in the Penny Garden's miniature. He walks over to the table and picks up an open carton of Chinese food. He smells it, then puts it back on the table as he looks around.)", "(He picks up an empty flower pot and looks at it. He puts it back down and looks around at the coupon clippings on the floor, the items on the counter, the chair where Penny was supposed to die.)", "(He goes back to looking at the coupon clippings on the floor. He kneels down and finds a single coupon wadded into a ball. He picks it up and opens it.)", "(Hodges smiles.)", "(The room around him darkens as something blocks the light.)", "REVERSE MINIATURE HODGES' POV: Giant Grissom looms over him.", "Grissom: This better be good, Dave.", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Hodges is in Grissom's office looking through the Penny Garden miniature using an eyepiece attached to goggles. Hodges looks at Grissom.)", "Hodges: Bleach.", "Grissom: What?", "(Hodges removes the goggles.)", "Hodges: I found a common element in all four miniatures ... bleach. There's a bottle of it in the trash at Izzy's; there's a barrel of it at the chicken plant, there's, uh, bleach in the flower water at Barbara's condo, and now ...", "(Hodges gives Grissom the crumpled miniature bleach coupon and magnifying glass.)", "Hodges: -- a bleach coupon in Penny's.", "(Grissom looks at the coupon.)", "Hodges: This-this may sound crazy, but if the killer is a housekeeper or a janitor, they would certainly know the ins and outs of each location, uh, what goes in what drawer, what book on what bookshelf. Hours of operation, habits, schedules. I've thought a lot about the killer's pathology, and there doesn't seem to be any regular interval between murders, which makes me think that they're triggered by something. Maybe ... maybe the killer is triggered by bleach.", "(Grissom thinks about it.)", "Grissom: The bellows.", "Hodges: I'm sorry?", "Grissom: James Tilly Matthews. Early 19th century London. Matthews was in Bedlam Hospital awaiting trial. Doctors were trying to determine his sanity. Several interviewed him. Half thought he was sane, half insane. Turns out he was perfectly normal ... except when someone mentioned politics. At that point, he'd go into a rage about the little men who lived underground and used a bellows to push thoughts into his mind, as well as the minds of Parliament and the Queen. A specific object or word that triggers the urge to kill. That's a form of delusional psychosis. Rare, but does exist.", "Hodges: If the killer is one of Ernie Dell's foster kids, maybe bleach played a role in some sort of childhood abuse. He's getting back at the world for what they did to him.", "Grissom: Well, if having bleach in your home is the common element among victims ... then anyone can be next.", "Hodges: Did the victims use a common cleaning service?", "Grissom: Not that we know of. However, it's not unusual for people with these pathologies to become vocal toward the institutions that they feel propagate the trigger.", "Hodges: Maybe we could call bleach-manufacturing companies and see if they've received any hate mail.", "Grissom: Cross-reference correspondence with Vegas postmarks. Might be able to narrow down neighborhoods. (He stops.) Good job, Hodges.", "(Hodges blushes.)", "Grissom: Really.", "(Hodges sighs.)", "Grissom: Now ... do you mind?", "(Grissom motions for Hodges to get out of his seat.)", "Hodges: Absolutely ...", "(Hodges gets up and heads for the door. He stops.)", "Hodges: I ... I'm sorry if I crossed the line. It won't happen again.", "(Hodges smiles. He turns and leaves the office.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Hodges smiles and punches the air with success. After all, it is his lucky day.)", "(Hodges gives a little hop for joy as he continues through the hallway. He turns the corner, vanishes from sight, and we --" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Lab Rats
[ "In their attempt to identify the murderer of a has-been boxer who lived among a group of prostitutes who detested him, the team must establish which one of several life-threatening acts enacted against him that night actually killed him." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[EXT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - NIGHT]", "(Lorenzo \"Happy\" Morales punches the punching bag.)", "(CUT TO: In a boxing ring, Happy Morales spars with a partner.)", "(CUT TO: Happy Morales jumps rope.)", "[INT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - NIGHT]", "(CU: The bed sheets bounce and the bedsprings squeak rhythmically. The painting raps rhythmically against the wall. The headboard moves rhythmically.)", "(The door flings open. Happy Morales, sweaty from his workout, enters the room.)", "VARIOUS CUTS OF:", "(One of the girls, dressed in lingerie, falls back onto the bed.)", "(Cut to: Happy Morales is in the boxing ring sparring with someone.)", "(Cut to: Happy Morales has a cigarette with his eyes closed.)", "(Cut to: Happy Morales is in the boxing ring sparring with someone.)", "(Cut to: A woman in red lingerie falls back onto the bed. )", "(Cut to: Happy Morales exercises.)", "(Cut to: Dreama Little is on the bed.)", "(VARIOUS CUTS OF: Happy Morales exercising.)", "(Cut to: A woman in leopard print lingerie falls back onto the bed.)", "(Cut to: The door opens and Happy Morales, sweaty from his workout, dances into the room.)", "(Cut to: Happy Morales throws a couple of punches.)", "(Cut to: Two women fall back onto the bed.)", "VARIOUS CUTS OF: The women look absolutely bored as they endure it.)", "(Happy Morales leans against the boxing ring ropes, sighs and puts his head down.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[SWIMMING POOL]", "(The swimming pool water ripples. Happy Morales is face down dead in the water. A crowd of old people and working women from the cathouse gather along the edge of the pool.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - BACKYARD - NIGHT]", "(Sheriff Ned Bastille escorts Grissom and Sara to the swimming pool where the body is.)", "Sheriff Ned Bastille: Yeah. One of the gals fished him out of the pool, and the owner called me. No one's touched the body since.", "Grissom: Where's your coroner?", "Sheriff Ned Bastille: Oh, couldn't get him on the horn. Probably out in some barn, up to his elbows in a cow's v*g1n*.", "Sara: Excuse me?", "Sheriff Ned Bastille: Oh. Yeah. Coroner's a part-time gig here in Brime County. He's a veterinarian. That's his money gig.", "Sara: (to radio) Control, this is CSI Sidle. We're going to need a coroner for that 419 out at the Sugar Cane Ranch.", "Dispatch: (from radio) Copy that.", "(A crowd of women in their lingerie gathers outside near the pool. Ned cheerfully clears his throat.)", "Sheriff Ned Bastille: Excuse me, ladies.", "(The ladies move aside so Ned, Grissom and Sara can walk through.)", "Grissom: This is a strange crowd for a cathouse.", "Milton: (interrupts) Hey, Sheriff!", "(Milton, an elderly man in his robe, is standing in front of the neon sign.)", "Milton: Di-Did you hear about my wife? Somebody shot my wife. Yeah, I'm telling ya, they shot my wife.", "Sheriff Ned Bastille: Yeah. Okay. All right. Settle down, Milton. Settle down. Okay.", "(They continue on past Milton. The sheriff explains to Grissom and Sara.)", "Sheriff Ned Bastille: His wife died about ten years ago of a stroke.", "Sara: What is with all the old-timers out here tonight?", "Sheriff Ned Bastille: Oh, they live here. Yeah, all over these hills. Cheap rents, abundant sunshine. Life is good here in Brime County.", "(They stop in front of the body.)", "Sheriff Ned Bastille: Guy's name is Lorenzo Morales.", "Grissom: \"Happy\" Morales. I saw him fight LeRoi Steele at the Sands a couple of years ago. Took a vicious beating. Never touched the mat once.", "Sara: Well, he's definitely down for the count.", "Sheriff Ned Bastille: Listen. I want to tell you something. George and Doris Babinkian own this place. Run a real tight ship. Never had a problem in all the years they've been here.", "(Behind Ned, a working girl in tiny black two-piece lingerie walks up the steps toward him. She's carrying his gun belt. He doesn't see her.)", "Sheriff Ned Bastille: Just good people. Pay their taxes, provide employment, pillars of the community. You know, last month actually, they had a ...", "(Aimee taps Ned on his shoulder.)", "Aimee: Ned, you left this in my room again.", "(She gives him the belt and leaves.)", "Sheriff Ned Bastille: Oh. Thanks. Thanks, Aimee.", "(Ned turns and looks at Grissom.)", "Sheriff Ned Bastille: She ...", "(Grissom smiles back at him. Ned turns and leaves. Grissom turns and finds Sara smiling at him.)", "(They both turn their attention to the body.)", "Grissom: Look at this.", "Sara: Gunshot wound?", "Grissom: Maybe.", "(Grissom snaps a photo of it.)", "Sara: He's got a contusion over his right eye. Could be associated with the incident.", "Grissom: Well, he was a boxer.", "(Grissom takes more photos. Sara turns around and finds a broken lawn chair near the edge of the pool. She sticks her hand in the water.)", "Sara: Feels like bathwater. It's got to be 90 degrees. There's no way we're going to get an accurate TOD.", "Grissom: Places like this always keep their pools warm. Encourages the girls to swim topless. It's good for business.", "(Sara looks at Grissom.)", "(beat)", "Grissom: So they tell me.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - NIGHT]", "(The sign reads: BINKY'S WORLD FAMOUS SUGAR CANE RANCH.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - DAY]", "(The coroners remove the body on the gurney and put it in the back of the black vehicle.)", "[INT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - DAY]", "(The ladies are relaxing in the lounge. Brass interviews George \"Binky\" Babinkian and his wife, Doris.)", "Brass: So when was the last time you saw the deceased?", "Binky Babinkian: It was, like, an hour ago, when they took him away on that cart.", "Brass: No, I ... you know, I meant the last time you saw him alive.", "Doris Babinkian: I saw him around noon yesterday. Made him his ... favorite meal. Meat.", "Brass: Yeah. Mr. Babinkian ...", "Binky Babinkian: Oh, you call me Binky. Everybody call me Binky.", "Brass: Okay, Binky, tell me about ...", "Binky Babinkian: Lorenzo? Everybody call him Happy.", "Brass: Mm-hmm. What? Does everybody have a nickname around here?", "Doris Babinkian: Not me. I'm just Doris. Nut?", "Brass: No, thank you, Doris. So tell me about Happy.", "Binky Babinkian: Oh, Happy, Happy. He was a fighter. He was a born boxer. He had speed, he had skills, he had heart, he had ... punch! You know, four years ago, he was a top-ranked middleweight.", "Doris Babinkian: That's right.", "Binky Babinkian: Yeah. But he... I don't know ... stumble into hard times.", "Brass: Oh, yeah? What do you mean?", "Binky Babinkian: You know. Boompa, boompa sniff, sniff. Like, party time. And I... I mean, I buy his contract, I take him out here, I give him a double-wide. I build him a gym to train him, and I train him. I can make him a champion.", "Doris Babinkian: He did that.", "Brass: You took a boxer who likes to party to a whorehouse to train? Do you think that was smart?", "Binky Babinkian: Well, in hindsight, maybe not so good idea.", "Brass: So, anybody have a grudge against Happy that you know of?", "Binky Babinkian: Everybody loved Happy.", "Doris Babinkian: Yes.", "Binky Babinkian: You ... I want you to catch this person. Find him, please. And, you know ... anytime your boys need a break, we have something here we call a cop special.", "(Doris winks at him.)", "Doris Babinkian: You'll like it.", "Binky Babinkian: Any girl, no charge and one complimentary drink ...", "(Doris slaps Binky's hand.)", "Doris Babinkian: Oh, two!", "Binky Babinkian: Okay, two complimentary drinks. And one appetizer of your choice here at the bar. Tonight, we have, uh ... ?", "Doris Babinkian: Baba ghanoush.", "Binky Babinkian: Yes.", "Brass: Well, thank you. Thank you very much. You two really run a mom-and-pop operation.", "Doris Babinkian: Oh, thank you.", "Brass: And now, if you don't mind, I'd like to talk to the hookers.", "Doris Babinkian: Hooking is what girls do out on the street. Here we prefer the term \"pleasure provider.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SUGAR CANE RANCH -BACKYARD -- DAY]", "(Nick and Sara are going through the pool side. Sara opens the filter.)", "Sara: Ooh! Beer caps, candy wrappers, cigarette butts, used condoms.", "(She snaps pictures of the pool filter.)", "Sara: This is one pool I am not feeling a pressing need to take a dip in.", "(Sara takes the filter out and tips it to show Nick all the stuff inside.)", "Nick: Ugh. Me either. This chair has taken quite a beating, and this cigarette looks like it was just left here and burned out. Hand me an evidence marker, will you?", "(Sara hands him evidence marker 2, which Nick puts next to the burned-out cigarette. He takes a photo of it.)", "Nick: There is a stain on the filter. Could be blood, could be lipstick. If this fellow was shot through the throat, and had a nasty lump on the head, --", "(Quick flash to: A gunshot fires. Happy Morales falls into the pool.)", "Nick: (V.O.) -- could be how he ended up face down in the pool.", "(End of flash.)", "Sara: Yeah, but there's no blood by the pool. If he was shot here, you'd expect spatter.", "Nick: Back-splash could have washed it away when he hit the water.", "Sara: I kind of doubt it. The bloodstains on his shirt were straight up and down. They had time to settle in. I think he was shot somewhere else, and just got dumped in here.", "Nick: Well, it sounds like we need to play ... \"Find the Bullet.\"", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - MAIN ROOM -- DAY]", "(The ladies are lined up and Greg takes DNA samples from them.)", "Greg: All right. Open up, please.", "(Greg holds up the swab.)", "Lulu: Honey, come see me later. I can show you a better way to get DNA.", "(The girls laugh as Greg takes the swab sample.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - DRESSING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews the girls one-by-one.)", "Brass: So did you see Lorenzo \"Happy\" Morales last night?", "Tiff: Uh-uh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Lulu: No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dreama Little: I don't think so.", "Brass: No?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Light Pink Robe Girl: No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Aimee: Mm ... Mm-mm.", "Brass: Did you hear any gunshots? Any shouting? Anything unusual?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Dreama Little: No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Aimee: No.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Tiff thinks about it.)", "Brass: So what did you do last night?", "Aimee: A guy came in, and he brought his 18-year-old son, and I made him a man. I popped his man cherry.", "Light Pink Robe Girl: Oh, the usual stuff. I had a pretty good night. I tickled a guy.", "Brass: That's it?", "Dreama Little: I had a cold, so I stayed in my room and I read \"Pride and Prejudice\". (chuckles) I have a big fat crush on Mr. Darcy.", "Tiff: I had two ... no, three dates. Then I hung around the bar and watched TV.", "Brass: So, what did you think of Happy?", "Light Pink Robe Girl: He was fine.", "Lulu: Actually, he was kind of ...", "Aimee: Cute. And he was ...", "Dreama Little: I mean, I didn't have nothing against him.", "Brass: Let me make something clear for you. This is a homicide investigation. If you're lying to me, even a little bit, I'm going to come down on you like a load of bricks.", "(Aimee in the black lingerie bites her nails.)", "Brass: So let me ask you again. What did you think of Happy?", "(The light pink robe girl rattles off angrily in Spanish.)", "Light Pink Robe Girl: (subtitled) I couldn't stand him. If it was up to me, ... he could die in hell! He was a thief!", "Tiff: He was messed up, man. He took pills to get wood, then he couldn't even finish.", "Lulu: Plus, he had the windy problem.", "Brass: What does that mean? He talked too much?", "Tiff: No. He passed gas too much.", "Aimee: He smelled really bad.", "Lulu: I mean, I know you're not supposed to be sensitive in this line of work ...", "Tiff: -- but that guy could blister paint.", "Brass: Wow.", "Dreama Little: What pissed me off, he started coming around, and he just stopped paying for it.", "Aimee: He thought he could get anything and everything for free.", "Brass: So, did Doris and Binky have a problem with this?", "(Quick flashback to: [POOLSIDE] Binky approaches Happy, who is lounging in a chair next to the pool with a cigarette and a bottle of beer.)", "Girl: (V.O.) Binky had a big problem with it.", "Binky: You keep your hands off my girls. Okay?", "Happy Morales: Hey, this is a whorehouse. That's what they're here for.", "Binky: You lazy, fat bum. Why you don't make yourself useful around here, eh? Look at this piece of falling apart crap of a chair.", "(Binky grabs the chair and tilts it, causing Happy to stagger out", "Binky: You pick up a tool and fix it! All right?", "(Binky leaves. Happy drinks and burps.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Dreama Little: Doris, uh ... she had a little thing for Mr. Happy, if you know what I mean.", "Brass: Did he reciprocate?", "Tiff: What?", "Brass: Was it a one-way thing or a two-way thing?", "Aimee: I don't know what you're saying.", "Brass: Did Binky know?", "Dreama Little: (shrugs) I don't know.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - MAIN OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Grissom takes Doris's cigarette out of her mouth.)", "Grissom: May I?", "(He swabs her mouth, then puts her cigarette back in her mouth.)", "Grissom: Thank you.", "Doris: Mm-hmm.", "(Grissom notes the security video feeds.)", "Grissom: These monitors are live-feed only? Nothing taped?", "Doris: Absolutely not. If we did that, and word got out, we'd be out of business in about a week.", "(Grissom picks up the headphones.)", "Grissom: But I see that the rooms are wired for sound as well.", "Doris: Yeah. Well, that's for the girls' protection.", "Grissom: And to make sure that they don't short you on their financial transactions?", "Doris: I just spot-check from time to time. I trust my girls.", "Grissom: Did you hear anything unusual last night?", "Doris: Believe me, if I had heard anything, you'd have known about it already. I want to know what happened to that poor boy just as much ... just as much as anybody.", "Grissom: You cared about him.", "Doris: Happy was a child in a man's body, you know? He had no family. He had nobody. He was scared. His big comeback was going nowhere. He was finished, and he knew it. Happy knew it. Binky knew it. Everybody knew it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SUGAR CANE RANCH -- DAY]", "(Grissom and Sara walk out of the main house on their way to Happy Morales's lodging.)", "Grissom: Twenty-five people here last night, and nobody sees anything.", "(A couple of working girls walk by.)", "Woman: (to Grissom) Nice hat, honey.", "(Grissom watches them go. He and Sara continue.)", "Sara: So you've been to a place like this before?", "Grissom: I worked a murder-suicide at the Naughty Kitty once.", "Sara: No, no, come on. You know what I mean.", "Grissom: As a customer? No.", "Sara: You never paid for s*x?", "Grissom: I have not. I find the whole idea very ... bleak.", "Sara: Really? How come? GRISSOM: s*x should provide the opportunity for human connection, but paid s*x does the opposite of that. To me, s*x without love is pointless. It makes you sad.", "Sara: Well, I'm pretty sure I don't make you sad.", "Grissom: No. You make me happy.", "(They head up the stairs to the lodge.)", "[INT. HAPPY MORALES'S ROOMS - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The door opens. Sara and Grissom walk in and look around. They note the plate with various pills on it. On the table, Sara sees more pill bottles. Grissom walks over to the counter. Sara sees the old boxing posters on the wall.)", "(Grissom reads the hand-written labels on the label-less bottles.)", "Grissom: Methaqualone ... benziazepine; antidepressants.", "(Sara finds more pill bottles.)", "Sara: Anabolic steroids, beta blockers, high-blood-pressure meds, Prevalis.", "Grissom: There's no prescription labels. It's all written in Spanish. Looks like a lot of this stuff came from south of the border.", "Sara: Blood drops on the floor. Smears on the furniture and the walls.", "Grissom: This might be where they ran the opening bell.", "(She turns and looks at Happy Morales's picture on the poster.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Happy Morales is dead on the autopsy table. Catherine snaps photos while Robbins and Warrick talk.)", "Robbins: Boxers all end up the same--beaten, broken and forgotten.", "Warrick: Hmm, yeah, Joe Louis, George Foreman, Ali, Marciano, Frazier, Tyson -- Who are those guys?", "(Warrick pulls off Happy's boxer shorts. Catherine stops taking photos.)", "Catherine: Whoa.", "Robbins: Genitals are distended and patchy and covered with large red welts. Testicles are swollen, roughly three times the average size. Scrotum is filled with fluid. It's consistent with cardio edema or an STD. Maybe an infection of some kind.", "Catherine: Either that or this guy's got the world's ugliest Johnson.", "(Warrick shakes his head and holds back a laugh.)", "Robbins: Okay, I'll just slice the scrotal sack and draw out a fluid sample.", "Warrick: Oh, Doc, could you wait till I leave? Thanks.", "Catherine: This guy's got a nasty crack on his head.", "(Catherine continues taking photos.)", "Robbins: Yeah. Probably a fracture. Wouldn't surprise me if there was a hematoma to go along with it.", "Catherine: There's linear markings on the contusion.", "(Warrick turns on the ALS and looks at the markings while Catherine snaps a photo.)", "Warrick: Looks like letters of some kind. What is that?", "Catherine: I think it's backwards.", "(She looks at the digital image on the camera and flips it.)", "Catherine: (reads) I-N-C-H.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - MAIN ROOM / ROOMS -- DAY]", "(Nick walks through the hallway on his way to the rooms while Binky rushes after him.)", "Binky: Please, listen. You make me close down my doors, cop cars in front! It's not good for the business. I know a man die here, but dead is dead. I lose my shirt.", "Nick: Are the girls allowed to keep any weapons in the room for self-defense?", "Binky: No weapons. Strictly forbidden.", "Nick: Then you won't mind if I check for myself, right?", "Binky: What do you mean, check for yourself? How long will this take?", "Nick: As long as it takes.", "(Nick enters the first bedroom and closes the door behind him, leaving Binky out in the hallway.)", "Binky: (mocking) As long as it takes. Your mother sleep with Azerbaijani.", "(Binky walks away.)", "[INT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - BEDROOM - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick looks around the room. He opens the drawer and finds condoms, some other stuff and pepper spray with UV dye.", "(Cut to: In a snake-shaped lamp, he finds brass knuckles.)", "(Cut to: He opens another drawer and finds a knife among the boxes of condoms.)", "(Cut to: He moves the sheets and lifts the mattress and finds an electric prod.)", "(Cut to: He finds a large knife.)", "(Cut to: He finds a stun gun in a drawer.)", "(Cut to: Under the bed, he finds high-heeled shoes, flimsy lingerie and a crowbar.)", "(Quick CGI flash: Along the grooves are splotches of red. We pull back and see: -I-N-C-H-. We pull back further and see: MADE IN CHINA. End of CGI flash", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Brass: (V.O.) Dreama Little.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass interviews Dreama Little.)", "Brass: Is that your real name?", "Dreama Little: (sings) Stars shining bright above you, night breezes seem to whisper \"I love you,\" birds singing in the sycamore tree, dream a little dream of me.", "Brass: Do I look like Paula Abdul to you?", "Dreama Little: My daddy gave me that name 'cause he liked that song. BRASS: (sighs) Happy was hit in the head with a crowbar we found in your room. You wiped off your fingerprints, but you didn't wipe off his blood from the grooves.", "Dreama Little: He was always ... coming up to my room, getting all up on me. He liked them other girls, but he was obsessed with me. Look, look what he did.", "(She lifts up her blouse to show Brass the bruise on her side.)", "Dreama Little: He punched me right there in the ribs just for fun. Stupid.", "(She shows him the bruise on her back.)", "Dreama Little: Then he flipped me over and then he started punching me back here. Every night, drunk, crazy, messed up--whether he could get it up or not.", "(Quick flash of: Dreama on her bed.)", "Dreama Little: (V.O.) Last night I was just about to take my week off to bleed, and I wasn't in the mood.", "(Happy bursts into the room. He throws Dreama on the bed. She reaches under the bed and grabs her crowbar.)", "Dreama Little: (V.O.) So yeah ...", "(She hits him on the head. Happy groans in pain.)", "Dreama Little: (V.O.) ... I hit him.", "(He staggers out of the room.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Dreama Little: So what? He deserved it. It didn't even drop him. He just wandered off.", "Brass: I'm going to let you in on a little secret. You don't get to decide whether you kill somebody or not.", "Dreama Little: I just explained to you ...", "Brass: You whacked him on the side of the head with a crowbar.", "Dreama Little: I know, but I didn't ...", "Brass: That's assault with a deadly weapon.", "Dreama Little: He came over ...", "Brass: It doesn't matter whether he wandered off or not. He's bleeding from the brain. If he dies later on, that's murder on you.", "Dreama Little: (shocked) I killed him?", "Brass: You know, a jury may take into account the fact that you were abused, and I hope they do. But you're not gonna just walk out of here.", "Dreama Little: (crying) I killed him!", "(He gives her a pen.)", "Brass: You know, sometimes it helps to write it down.", "Dreama Little: Okay.", "(She takes the pen and paper.)", "(Brass's phone buzzes. He looks at it and sees its DR. ROBBINS.)", "(Brass stands up to answer the phone.)", "Brass: (to phone) Yes.", "Robbins: (from phone) Understand you'll be talking to the girl who crowbarred the boxer.", "Brass: (to phone) Well, yes, Doctor, I'm actually with her right now.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Happy is on the table, his head cut opened and brain removed.)", "Robbins: Yeah? Well actually I'm with him right now. And that blow to the head wouldn't do him much good. But it's definitely not what killed him.", "(Robbins looks at Happy's brain.)", "(Brass hangs up. He turns and looks at Dreama, who has her head down on the table while she cries.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins shares his findings with Catherine.)", "Robbins: The blow to the forehead caused bruising to the right frontal lobe. It's significant, but definitely sub-lethal by itself.", "Catherine: And what are those gray spots?", "Robbins: Just old scar tissue. See it on boxers all the time. It's impossible to know what kind of brain damage the guy was already living with.", "Catherine: So what killed him?", "Robbins: In addition to the brain trauma and the holes in his throat, he has needle marks on his thighs, arms and buttocks. I don't know for certain what he was shooting up. Still waiting for tox.", "Catherine: Well, he was found floating face down in a pool, so let's start with the obvious. Any evidence of drowning?", "Robbins: His lungs were partially filled with blood and water. However, the neck wound transected the trachea below the epiglottis.", "(He sticks a pink tube through the holes in the neck.)", "Robbins: So the air and the water could have entered passively postmortem.", "Catherine: Well, the entry and the exit are the same size, but ... it doesn't look like a bullet wound to me.", "Robbins: No, it seems more like a straight-through puncture. The bruising here is more developed than here. At this point, all I can say for sure is the neck wound occurred before the blow to the head.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - DAY]", "(Sara walks outside the ranch, following the blood drops on the ground. She finds blood and puts evidence marker #14 down next to it. She takes a moment and looks around the spot. She continues looking around the area. She finds more blood drops and puts evidence marker #15 on the ground.)", "(Nick walks over. He's finishing his phone call.)", "Nick: (to phone) Okay. (to Sara) Hey. Catherine said we might not be looking for a bullet anymore.", "Sara: She happen to say at we are looking for?", "Nick: Not a bullet.", "Sara: Well, it looks like we have blood drops heading towards Happy's trailer.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Milton: (o.s.) Hey!", "(Nick turns and looks at Milton, the old man, walking toward them.)", "Milton: You kids, you caught your, caught your guy?", "Nick: No, sir.", "Milton: You going to catch him?", "Sara: We certainly hope so.", "Milton: Well, think this might be of some help?", "(He shows them a photo of his wife with an arrow stuck in her forehead. Nick looks at Sara. They both stand up. He gives the photo and arrow to Nick.)", "Milton: I told you, somebody shot my wife. Come in. I'll show you.", "(He motions for them to follow him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. MILTON'S TRAILER - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick hangs the framed photo back up on its spot on his wall. Sara snaps a photo of it.)", "Nick: There is what appears to be blood on the shaft.", "Milton: I told 'em. I told 'em, but would they listen? No, no, just an old man running off at the mouth.", "Sara: Did you see this happen?", "Milton: No. Woke up this morning and found it like that. I shot an arrow into the air, and it fell to Earth I know not where.", "(Nick glances at Sara. She turns away with her camera.)", "Milton: (quoting) Oh, so swiftly it flew, the sight could not follow it in its flight. Long, long ...", "Nick: (interrupts) Sir. That's, that's really sweet.", "Milton: That's Longfellow. (chuckles wryly) What do you kids know 'bout poetry?", "Sara: Nick, arrow came in through that window.", "(She turns to indicate the window on the other side of the trailer. Just outside is a short path next to a toolshed.)", "Nick: (nods) Yeah.", "(Nick heads out.)", "Milton: (mutters) Even an idiot could see that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - TRAILERS -- DAY]", "(Nick walks away from Milton's trailer and heads over toward the path next to the nearby toolshed.)", "(He takes his glasses off and stops near the blood on the ground near evidence marker #15. He pauses and looks back at Milton's trailer. He looks over by the toolshed, then over by Happy's rooms. Nick puts his glasses on and heads over to the path by the toolshed.)", "(Nick stops. He finds a second arrow stuck in the ground near the side of the toolshed. He has a clear sight to Milton's trailer window. Nick leans up against a board and pretends to hold a crossbow.)", "(Quick visualization of: He shoots Happy. Then the arrow goes clear through the window and stops in the framed photo of Milton's wife. End of visualization.)", "(Nick walks over to the trailer window with the arrow.)", "Nick: Hey, Sara. Found another arrow shot in the ground near that old toolshed.", "Sara: Maybe the shooter got nervous.", "Nick: Well, to work in a brothel you're required to register your fingerprints, so ...", "Sara: I'm almost done here. I'll catch up.", "Nick: Okay. I'll let you know if we get lucky.", "(Nick takes the arrow and leaves. Sara turns back to the arrow in the photo.)", "Sara: A long time afterward, in an oak ...", "(Milton perks up.)", "Sara: ... found the arrow, still unbroke And the song, from beginning to end,", "(She removes the arrow from the picture.)", "Sara: I found again in the heart of a friend.", "(Milton looks at Sara.)", "Sara: Keep the faith, Milton.", "(Sara smiles and heads out. Milton smiles as he watches her go. He turns and winks at his wife's photo. We hold on the picture of his wife.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - DAY]", "(Nick finds a print off the arrow and scans it into the computer they've set up in the back of the SUV. He sends the print to: MANDY.WEBSTER(a)LVPDSCI.COM", "FILE # BIN30974-2946", "(He exhales as he waits.)", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB - DAY]", "(Mandy receives the print and scans it through the database. She finds a POSITIVE MATCH to Connor Foster, a bartender at the Sugar Cane Ranch.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SUGAR CANE RANCH - DAY]", "(Doris and Nick walk up to the bar.)", "Doris: (whispers) Connor. Honey, are you asleep?", "(Connor, the bartender, has his head down on the bar.)", "Doris: Connor.", "(Connor wakes up.)", "Connor Foster: Hello, Doris.", "Doris: Are you drunk?", "Connor Foster: No. Not too much.", "(With her eyes, she indicates Nick standing just behind her. Connor looks at Nick.)", "Connor Foster: What's up, dude?", "Nick: Mr. Foster, we're going to need to talk to you down at the police station. Okay?", "Connor Foster: Okey-doke.", "(Connor stands up, then promptly falls on the floor.)", "(Nick smiles and looks at the officer behind him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Brass interviews Connor Foster.)", "Connor Foster: Okay. So I shot Happy. I hated that guy. But it was self-defense.", "Brass: Self-defense, really? How?", "Connor Foster: I myself was trying to defend the girls. They needed me to protect them. They depended me on that. So that's what I done. (whispers) This guy was a monster!", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. NIGHT (BLACK & WHITE)] Happy staggers off into the night. He roars.)", "Connor Foster: (V.O.) He was all puffed up ...", "(End of flashback.)", "Connor Foster: -- like some big-ass ... lizard monster guy.", "(Quick flashback to: [EXT. - NIGHT (BLACK & WHITE)] Connor aims at Happy through his crossbow. He shoots and hits Happy through the neck. Happy groans. He turns and sees Connor aiming to shoot him again.)", "(Connor gets scared and puts the crossbow down to put another arrow in. Happy charges over toward him. Connor gets scared and flees.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Brass: So this is your idea of an assassination attempt? This is your Lee Harvey? You hide behind a toolshed and shoot him with a crossbow, which we all know you own -- is that it?", "Connor Foster: Yeah, but he wouldn't die. And I'm glad he did. And anyway, I wasn't the one that killed him. (whispers) He just ... kept coming at me. He wouldn't lie down.", "Brass: Right.", "Connor Foster: It was horrible.", "Brass: Connor. You shot a guy in the neck, and you don't think you killed him?", "Connor Foster: Uh-huh.", "Brass: Well, how do you know you didn't kill him? How do you know he didn't stagger off somewhere and ... you know, drop dead in the pool? I'm liking you for Happy's murder. I'm liking you a lot.", "Connor Foster: But I didn't kill him! And I'd do it again if I had a chance!", "(Brass looks at him.)", "Connor Foster: (whispers) I killed him?", "Brass: Yeah.", "Connor Foster: I killed him? I killed him!", "(He covers his face with his hands and sobs loudly. Brass's phone buzzes. He looks at it and sees its DR. ROBBINS.)", "(Brass doesn't answer it.)", "Connor Foster: Are you gonna get that?", "Brass: Yeah.", "(Brass picks up the phone and answers it.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Dr. Robbins has Happy's body open in front of him.)", "Brass: Listen, I just got a confession from the crossbow guy, so we're all set.", "Robbins: Well, then I am sorry to ruin your day, but I certainly appreciate the company. Your guy might be the shooter ... but he's not the killer.", "Brass: He-he's not ... What do you mean?", "Robbins: I mean ... It's not him.", "(Brass turns and looks at Connor. Connor sobs loudly.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[FLASHBACK]", "(Happy staggers along the grounds. His throat is swollen.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) Happy was on the verge of anaphylactic shock. His trachea was almost completely blocked.", "(Quick CGI POV of: A view of the inside of Happy's swollen neck. The arrow pierces through his neck, letting air in and Happy can breathe again.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) And then he got shot.", "(Down in Happy's chest, his lungs fill with air.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) The arrow reopened his airway--", "(End of flashback.)", "Robbins: -- in essence gave him an emergency tracheotomy.", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Robbins goes over his new findings with Brass and Catherine.)", "Brass: So the guy took an arrow through the throat, and it prolonged his life?", "Robbins: Apparently.", "Catherine: And what are the odds of it not hitting a major artery?", "Robbins: Whatever comes right before zero.", "Catherine: So COD is anaphylactic shock?", "Robbins: Not entirely. The epiglottal tissues are only slightly swollen, which suggests the anaphylaxis had enough time to subside.", "(The door opens and David Phillips appears in the doorway. He clears his throat.)", "Robbins: Not now, David.", "David Phillips: I'm sorry, but Happy's antigen assay came back. The anaphylaxis was a reaction to shellfish.", "Robbins: I didn't find any seafood in his stomach or small intestine. Just six and a half pounds of undigested red meat.", "Brass: Well, that explains the flatulence.", "Catherine: And nothing else.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - LAB - NIGHT]", "(Greg and Hodges go through the evidence gathered from the Sugar Cane Ranch.)", "Hodges: Anything?", "Greg: No shellfish yet, but plenty of used condoms, as well as antifungal powder, vaginal lubricant, hair balls, toenail clippings, hemorrhoid cream and lice-killing shampoo. Somehow, the whole brothel mystique is wearing thin.", "(Greg finds a syringe in a tampon tube. Hodges watches him.)", "Hodges: I found a couple of syringes, too.", "Greg: I thought these girls were supposed to be drug-free.", "Hodges: Well, maybe there's a legitimate medical reason for that.", "Greg: Yeah. That's why it was stuffed inside of a tampon applicator.", "(Greg snaps a photo of the syringe.)", "Greg: You know, I kind of feel bad for these girls.", "Hodges: Don't feel too bad. They have health benefits, good pay. Women get regular checkups. The industry is well-regulated, as opposed to picking a hooker up off the street. (rambles) Does she have a disease? Multiple diseases? Is she crazy? Is she gonna roll you? Where do you go? Do you do it in your car? Behind a building? Down a dark alley? So you drive around, scared out of your mind. You finally get the nerve up, pick one you like, call her over, she gets in - next thing you know, you're down on the pavement, cuffed, 'cause she's an undercover cop, but luckily, you're three months shy of your 18th birthday, so when you call your mom to come get you, it doesn't go on my permanent record.", "Greg: Okay.", "(Hodges lifts the newspaper and finds a partially eaten shrimp tail. He holds it up.)", "Hodges: We've got a winnah!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "VARIOUS CUTS OF:", "(Hodges takes a swab of the lipstick around the shrimp tail. He takes a sample of the tail shell, spins it, takes a sample of the liquid and puts it in the machine for analysis.)", "(The machine finds the color of the lipstick: SUPERLA LUSTY LAVENDER LIPSTICK", "(Greg sprays the shrimp tails and hangs it in the hood. He finds a print.)", "(Quick flashback to: Doris and Binky clink glasses.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) The prints on the shrimp tails all came back to George Babinkian, but whoever was eating the shrimp was wearing lavender lipstick -- so I'm guessing it wasn't Binky.", "(Binky takes a cocktail shrimp and feeds it to Doris.)", "Brass: (V.O.) Well, that's Doris's color.", "(End of flashback.)", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Grissom shares his findings with Brass.)", "Grissom: Doc was bothered there was no sign of shellfish in Happy's digestive tracts, so he went back and checked the genital area -- there are clear indications that the point of entry of the anaphylaxis ... was through the urethra.", "Brass: Oh ... Yeah. Oh. You know, when I talked to the girls, they told me that Doris and Happy had a thang. You add Binky into the mix, and that is one nasty little love triangle.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. SUGAR CANE RANCH]", "(Grissom and Brass interview Binky and Doris.)", "Binky: So, are we making progress?", "Brass: Well, actually, it's a ... it's a very complicated case. We were hoping maybe you'd help us out a little.", "Binky: Well, of course, gentlemen, anything.", "Brass: Well, apparently, Happy was in the midst of a life-threatening anaphylactic collapse. Do you know what that means?", "(Doris and Binky look at each other.)", "Binky: Um ...", "Brass: It's a very heavy allergy attack ... to shellfish.", "(Doris stops.)", "Brass: But the strange thing is, the allergen, it seems, was introduced into Happy's system through oral-genital contact.", "Binky: I have no idea what you're talking about now.", "(But Doris does. She starts hyperventilating with anger. Grissom watches her reaction. Binky glances at her.)", "Binky: Now ... Uh ... gentlemen, she's very hot my wife. She was very fond of ... of this boxer.", "(Binky puts a hand on her shoulder and Doris grabs Binky.)", "Brass: Apparently.", "Binky: Will you excuse us? (Binky grabs Doris and pulls her up.) I would like to ... comfort and talk to my wife.", "Brass: Well, no, wait a minute, wait a minute.", "Grissom: No. I think it'll be all right. Go ahead.", "Binky: Thank you, thank you.", "Grissom: Take your time.", "(Binky and Doris exit the main room and head for one of the back rooms.)", "Brass: What was that about?", "Grissom: (motions) Come on.", "(Grissom walks over to the security desk with Brass. He watches Binky and Doris enter a back room and waits for the door to close.)", "Grissom: These rooms are all wired for sound.", "Brass: We can't use this as evidence.", "Grissom: They have no expectation of privacy in those rooms. Binky and Doris are the ones who wired them, and they listen to their clients all the time.", "(Grissom hands Brass the earphones. He puts on his own. He flips the switch for ROOM 3.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. ROOM 3 -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Doris and Binky talk.)", "Doris: That's why you did it. That's why you fed me the shrimp.", "Binky: I feed you shrimps because I love you. And you love shrimp, no?", "Doris: Don't play dumb with me, George. Somehow you figured out that Happy was allergic.", "Binky: Oh, you crazy talk, crazy.", "Doris: No, it's all clear to me now. How long have you known?", "Binky: Known about what?", "Doris: About me and Happy.", "Binky: (oh) You were doing boxer?", "Doris: Screw you, George. You know damn well I was.", "Binky: I don't care if you have your flingy-flingys. We're living in America, no? I mean everybody's entitled to pursuit of happy. What's done is done, Doris. He was turning into big drag. He's dead now. May God take his soul and rest.", "Doris: You're setting me up, George.", "Binky: I ...", "(Binky turns and notices the mic. He shushes Doris, but she's too angry to notice.)", "Doris: Now don't you shush me, George. You know what? You've pulled some really out-to-lunch crap in your life, George, but this ... is ...", "(He grabs her face and turns her head and points to the mic. She stops.)", "(Grissom turns and looks at Brass.)", "George: What you just said ...", "Doris: I didn't mean it. That was just crazy talk.", "Brass: Yeah.", "Doris: Yeah. I mean, nobody would ever possibly believe, not for a single solitary moment, I mean not for a single solitary moment, that you, that I, that Happy ...", "Binky: Oh, come here, baby, baby, come.", "(Binky awkwardly holds Doris.)", "Doris: Oh. I love you.", "(Grissom and Brass take the earphones off.)", "Binky: I love you.", "Doris: (sobbing) I love you.", "Binky: I love you.", "(The door opens and Brass walks in.)", "Doris: (sobbing) I love you, too.", "Brass: And I love you both. Let's go. You're under arrest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom walks and talks with Catherine.)", "Grissom: Binky used Doris to induce Happy's allergic reaction to shrimp as a sort of test of her fidelity ...", "Catherine: And Happy ends up dead. Not bad. Who's Brass going to charge?", "(Robbins appears behind them. They turn around.)", "Robbins: Don't bother. You can't charge either one.", "(Grissom looks at the report in Robbins' hands and he closes his eyes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT -- FLASHBACK]", "(Robbins is examining Happy's legs.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) On secondary examination of the body, I noticed a patch of necrotic skin on the right calf. Looked like a bite of some kind.", "(Robbins puts a ruler down near the wound marks.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) So I sent blood off for prothrombin time and blood venom ratio.", "(End of flashback.)", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Robbins is talking with Catherine and Grissom.)", "Robbins: It came back positive for snake venom.", "Catherine: Smashed with a crowbar, shot by a crossbow, poisoned by shrimp and now bitten by a snake?", "Robbins: Sort of-- Happy had Western Diamondback Rattlesnake venom in his system -- the real deal -- but it wasn't from a bite.", "(Quick flashback of: Robbins cuts the piece of flesh off Happy's calf.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) I histo-ed the wound and checked the cross-section.", "(Cut to: Robbins is looking at the sample under the scope.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) Snake bite punctures are typically curved ...", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Photo scope view of a cross-section of the puncture wounds.)", "Catherine: Yeah, these are straight. And one's deeper than the other. Look like needle marks.", "Robbins: As you can see, the tissue around he wound was pretty badly degraded.", "(Grissom finds a photo of the syringe.)", "Grissom: Greg found this in the trash of one of the girls' rooms.", "Catherine: Which girl?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1 - NIGHT]", "(Brass is interviewing Dreama Little.)", "Brass: So I think you'll be happy to know that your little crowbar stunt didn't kill Happy.", "Dreama Little: Really?", "Brass: Really.", "Dreama Little: Oh, that's great. That's like I told you. So can I go now?", "(She stands up.)", "Brass: Well, don't you even want to know how he died?", "(She sits down.)", "Dreama Little: Well ... yeah, okay.", "Brass: You know, it was the damnedest thing. He had snake venom in his system.", "Dreama Little: Huh.", "Brass: Hmm.", "Dreama Little: A snake bite. Isn't that a hoot?", "Brass: Yeah, that's just what it is -- a hoot.", "Dreama Little: You know, there's a bunch of those rattlers all up over those hills. I bet he just ...", "Brass: Oh, he wasn't bitten. No, he was injected. Yeah. Somebody took a syringe full of snake venom and injected it in his leg.", "Dreama Little: I don't know nothing about that.", "Brass: Oh, we found the syringe with the venom in it and your DNA on it in the tube you hid it in. I mean, you might have walked on the crowbar thing, but this is premeditated. And that can be very, very bad for you. Look, I know that you and Connor did this together. He's already going down for the crossbow shot. That's probably why he gave you up.", "Dreama Little: He-he blamed ... he blamed it on me?", "Brass: He said that you cooked up the whole thing from top to bottom.", "(She thinks about it and smiles.)", "Dreama Little: Mm ... Connor would never say that. He was in love with me.", "Brass: Are you saying that faking the snake bite was his idea?", "Dreama Little: No. Connor ain't that smart. It was my idea.", "(Quick flash of: [EXT. HOUSE] Dreama handles two snakes out of a crate and one is wrapped around her neck.)", "Dreama Little: (V.O.) My daddy was a serpent-handling preacher. My people all had the holy fire. I had it, too, but mine came from below.", "(She takes the venom from the snake.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Dreama Little: I caught and milked that rattler.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2]", "Connor Foster: Dreama said she did it? By herself?", "Brass: That's right. You're going to walk out of here a free man. And she's going to jail, and you can visit her every third Thursday until she's a very old lady. Is that the way you want it to be?", "Connor Foster: No.", "Brass: Well, that's the way it's going to be. Unless you can convince me she's lying just to save your sorry ass.", "Connor Foster: That ain't the way it went down. Dreama thought it up, but I'm the one who stuck it in.", "(Quick flashback to: Happy is passed out on Dreama's bed. Connor prepares the syringe.)", "Dreama Little: Come on. DREAMA LITTLE: Put it in.", "(Connor injects Happy. He stirs and mumbles.)", "Dreama Little: (to Happy) That's okay. Shh. Go back sleep.", "Happy: (mumbles) Later, I'll get you later. Okay?", "Dreama Little: It's okay. (to Connor) Two holes.", "Connor Foster: Two holes. What?", "Dreama Little: Two holes.", "Connor Foster: Oh.", "(He injects Happy again.)", "(Cut to: Connor carries Happy's body.)", "Connor: And then I went and I dumped his body into the culvert. Me, by myself.", "(Connor runs away.)", "(End of flashback.)", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Grissom, Catherine and Nick look over the photos.)", "Grissom: Right now the DA's not sure who he's going to charge. What he needs from us is the most accurate timeline we can provide.", "Catherine: Well, according to Tox, the hemolytic component of the venom had time to break down tissue, which means that it had to have been in his system at least a few hours.", "Grissom: So the fake snake bite is around 1:00.", "(Quick flashback of: Happy is down in the culvert. His eyes open and he wakes up.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Happy's down ... but not out.", "(Happy gets up and climbs out of the culvert.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Nick: Well, that gets Dreama and Connor for attempted murder with conspiracy to commit.", "Grissom: And earlier that night, Binky fed Doris some jumbo tiger shrimp, --", "(Quick flash of: [INT. SUGAR CANE RANCH] Happy is in the hallway.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) -- knowing that she'd eventually find Happy for round two.", "Happy: (shouts) Dreama!", "(Doris steps out into the hallway.)", "Happy: Oye, mamita. I don't feel too good.", "Doris: Come here, baby. I know what you need. I'm going to make you feel all better. Come to Doris, baby.", "(Doris leads Happy into one of the rooms.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Catherine: Doris administers some very special first aid ... and Happy's little soldier swells to battalion size.", "Nick: Babinkian knew about that shellfish allergy -- that's intent, right?", "Grissom: In any event, Binky and Doris lawyered up. They're sticking together.", "Catherine: How romantic. So, now Happy is not so happy, because he'd heading into anaphylactic shock.", "(Quick flashback to: Happy staggers out into the night. His neck is swollen as he heads for his trailer.)", "Grissom: According to Narco, Happy had epinephrine in his trailer, which is probably what he was trying to get to in round two.", "(Connor fires the arrow and hits Happy in the throat. He aims for a second shot. Happy turns around and sees him.)", "(Connor tries to put in the second arrow and instead, turns and runs away.)", "(Happy runs to his trailer.)", "Nick: (V.O.) That's assault with a deadly weapon.", "Grissom: (V.O.) But not necessarily murder.", "(End of flashback.)", "Nick: So the field tracheotomy buys un-Happy enough time to get the epi.", "(Quick flashback to: Happy reaches his trailer and enters. He looks for the medicine and sticks himself in the leg. He sighs with relief and collapses on the floor.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Catherine: At this point, you'd think he would've just called it a night. Watched a little TV, hit the sack, but no.", "(Quick flashback to: Happy gets up again.)", "Happy: Dreama. I'm going to get you, you little bitch.", "(Cut to: Happy opens Dreama's room door and she hits him in the head with the crowbar.)", "(He turns and runs away.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Grissom: Which brings us to round four.", "(Quick flashback to: Happy staggers over to the pool. He sits down in the lawn chair, picks up a cigarette from the ground and lights it. He inhales. The smoke escapes out the holes in his neck.)", "(Happy takes a moment and just sits there.)", "(Then the lawn chair's broken leg gives way under him. Happy falls into the swimming pool with a SPLASH!)", "(End of flashback.)", "Grissom: The TKO.", "Nick: You do know what a good defense attorney is going to say to all this, don't you?", "Catherine: What?", "Nick: The lawn chair did it.", "(Catherine turns and shares a smile with Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Robbins is typing up his final report.)", "(He types: SNAKE VENOM PUNCTURES.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[MORGUE DRAWER]", "(Happy is on the drawer and is pushed into the morgue cabinet. The cabinet door slams shut.)", "(Robbins continues typing.)", "1A. First: LORENZO", "1B. Last: MORALES", "22. DEATH WAS CAUSED BY:", "UNKNOWN/ CARDIAC ARREST", "(Robbins shakes his head.)", "(Under:", "DUE TO, OR AS A CONSEQUENCE:", "(He types:", "FELL OFF A CHAIR", "(He continues typing:", "(Under:", "OTHER CONDITIONS:", "(He types:", "CONTUSION", "BFT - CROWBAR", "TRACHEA PUNCTURES", "CROSSBOW", "ANAPHYLAXSIS", "SHELLFISH", "(Robbins sighs as he continues typing -", "URETHRA - P.O.E.", "GENITALS DISTENDED", "(And as Robbins continues to type, we --" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Ending Happy
[ "Lady Heather returns when she is found injured after a meeting with a client. She was assaulted, but she didn't react in self defense. When Brass and Catherine come back to the crime scene, they find one of the security guards dead. Meanwhile, Nick and Warrick investigate when the body of a woman is found on a street; further investigation reveals that she was hit in the head by a car." ]
[ "[EXT. OAKLEY'S OLD WEST TOWN -- NIGHT]", "(A man wearing an old leather duster and a cowboy hat walks through the middle of the town's dirt road. His spurs jingle with every step.)", "(Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles.)", "(The man stops and puts his thick leather gloves on. The wind howls, stirring up dust.)", "[INT. OAKLEY'S OLD WEST TOWN -- SALOON - CONTINUOUS]", "(The dark-haired woman drinks a shot and puts her glass down on the bar counter. She turns. It's Lady Heather.)", "(The saloon doors are pushed open and the man walks in. Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles.)", "(She turns and leans against the bar.)", "Lady Heather: You're late.", "(The man takes the thick rope he has hanging from his belt and unravels it. He rolls the rope around his hand.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(The man has the rope wound around Lady Heather's neck. He kicks a random bar chair over.)", "Man: Now say it.", "(He holds the rope tight around her neck.)", "Man: I said ... say it.", "(He keeps his hold on the rope. Lady Heather gags.)", "Man: You have to say it. Say it.", "(Lady Heather gags. Her hand slips from gripping his arm as she loses consciousness.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. OAKLEY'S OLD WEST TOWN - NIGHT]", "(The lights in the western town are turned on. The dirt road is lit up. The paramedic rolls the gurney toward the ambulance as Catherine walks past. She sees it's Lady Heather.)", "Catherine: Is she going to be okay?", "Paramedic: Yes, ma'am, she's stable. Severe trauma to the neck.", "(Lady Heather's eyes open.)", "Catherine: Heather, I'm Catherine Willows. I don't know if you remember me. It's going to be all right.", "(Brass joins Catherine.)", "Brass: Like a bad penny, some people just keep showing up.", "Catherine: Did you call Grissom?", "Brass: No.", "(Catherine nods.)", "Catherine: Who found her?", "Brass: Guy over there in the ten-gallon -- Vernon Porter.", "(Catherine turns and sees a man dressed as a sheriff talking with an officer.)", "Brass: He's a night watchman. All the employees are required to wear that cowboy getup. That's the job that cops get after they retire.", "Catherine: You've got something to look forward to, Jim.", "Brass: Yes, ma'am.", "(They turn and walk over toward the saloon. Catherine sees some spit on the wooden floor near the spittoon.)", "Catherine: Chewing tobacco. Looks fresh.", "(She puts evidence marker #1 down near the spit.)", "[INT. OAKLEY'S OLD WEST TOWN -- SALOON - CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine and Brass enter the saloon. Piano music plays in the background. Catherine looks around the saloon at the gaming tables and life-sized western mannequins sitting at the tables.)", "(Catherine sees the overturned bar stool.)", "Catherine: Lady Heather has a house for this. Why take her show on the road?", "(Brass motions to the player piano.)", "Brass: Do you think you know how to ... ?", "Catherine: Yeah.", "(Catherine turns the piano off.)", "Brass: Oh, you're a genius. (He motions to the floor.) Well, this is where we found her.", "(Catherine sees the rope on the floor.)", "Catherine: Did she have ligature marks?", "Brass: On her neck, yeah.", "Catherine: Well, that doesn't make any sense. She was a dominatrix. Not a submissive.", "Brass: Maybe the party just got out of control.", "Catherine: Or somebody didn't know the rules.", "[Captioning sponsored by CBS, C.S.I. PRODUCTIONS and brought to you by Toyota.]", "WHIP OUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "(COMMERICAL SET)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Greg is in the break room going through some files. Grissom walks in carrying his cup.)", "Grissom: How you doing?", "Greg: These files are out of control. Typos, white-outs, names missing, whole sections missing.", "Grissom: Twenty years ago, the county was still using typewriters. Did you find anything?", "(Greg picks up a paper.)", "Greg: Ernie Dell's foster child. Donna Catalani. Lived with the Dells for a year. Her CASA report came with a supplemental. They forgot to black out her social security number.", "(He hands the paper to Grissom, who puts his glasses on to look at it.)", "Greg: We can use that to track her down, unless the adoptives changed it.", "Grissom: Good. I'll run it. I have to pull you off of this. Days is down to four CSI's. You're on loan-out.", "Greg: Why can't Days keep anybody?", "Grissom: Money, stress, Ecklie, maybe. Just help them with their backlog.", "(Grissom turns and leaves the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[EXT. OAKLEY'S OLD WEST TOWN -- NIGHT]", "(Brass talks with Vernon Porter.)", "Brass: So you're sure that the gate was locked?", "Vernon Porter: I come on at 6:00 when Oakley's closes. The first thing I do is lock the gate.", "(He shows Brass the keys on his large key ring hanging from his belt.)", "Vernon Porter: Make my rounds every two hours.", "(As Brass watches, Vernon tucks a large wad of tobacco in his mouth and chews.)", "Vernon Porter: 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 -- everything was Code 4.", "Brass: When did things go Code 3?", "Vernon Porter: Found the main gate unlocked at 0214. Went to check out the street, heard that music. Found her on the floor, called it in.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OAKLEY'S OLD WEST TOWN -- SALOON - NIGHT]", "(Sara snaps a photo of the broken bootle on the counter. Catherine examines the piano.)", "Sara: This is a family theme park. I'm assuming they don't actually serve alcohol here. Must have brought their own.", "(Sara picks up the label:", "THE GLEN EDMONDS", "30 YEAR OLD", "PURE SINGLE MALT SCOTCH WHISKEY", "PRODUCT OF SCOTLAND", "UNHURRIED SINCE 1924 )", "Sara: (reads) Single malt, twelve years old.", "Catherine: S & M is a rich man's sport. Kind of like hockey -- a lot of equipment.", "(Catherine takes a swab of something under the piano.)", "Sara: How much do you think a night like this would cost?", "Catherine: Heather told me, five years ago, she was clearing 20 grand a week. (Sara's shocked.) And that was before", "Sara: What is she like?", "Catherine: Beautiful ... smart, intense ... charming. The only woman I've ever seen rattle Grissom. I mean, he kind of liked that forensic anthropologist, Terry Miller. Remember her?", "(Sara puts the label in a bag.)", "Sara: Yeah.", "(She picks up her camera. Catherine opens an evidence bag.)", "Catherine: But she wasn't enough of a challenge for him.", "(She picks up the rope and puts it in the bag.)", "Catherine: Heather, on the other hand ... uninhibited and can beat him at mental chess.", "(Sara snaps a picture.)", "Catherine: They had chemistry. And he is a scientist.", "(Catherine stands up.)", "Catherine: I have no proof and I know he'd never tell me, but I'm certain they spent the night together. Wonder which one wore the chaps.", "(Way too much information.)", "Sara: Lots of ... (clears throat) ... coins and toothpicks. They don't sweep under here.", "Catherine: I mean, more power to him, really, to find somebody outside of work 'cause you start fishing from the company pier, and ... asking for trouble.", "(Sara picks up a glass and looks at it.)", "Sara: I got a shot glass. Looks like there's some lipstick around the rim.", "Catherine: My fantasy does not include costumes, or pain ...", "(Sara turns and looks at Catherine.)", "Catherine: -- and certainly not sawdust.", "(Catherine brushes the sawdust off her pants.)", "Catherine: You?", "(We hold on Sara's stunned expression.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. STREET -- NIGHT]", "(Sofia, Nick and Warrick walk over to the body on the concrete.)", "Sofia: Patrol found her.", "Nick: Any witnesses?", "Sofia: No. No businesses open, no cars on the side streets.", "Warrick: So how'd she get here?", "Sofia: Well, in this neighborhood, unless she's a hooker, I doubt she walked. I'm going to go make some calls, see if any of these places have any security cameras.", "Nick: Thanks.", "(Sofia leaves them.)", "Nick: That's a pretty nasty head wound. Where's Super Dave?", "Warrick: He's probably at the 420 on Flamingo. They left their purse.", "(Warrick picks up the bag.)", "Warrick: Oh! The thing is heavier than my kid. Ever get hit in the head with one of these?", "Nick: No. Gentlemen don't get hit in the head with those.", "(Nick snaps a photo of the victim's face.)", "(Warrick takes out several driver licenses. We see the one on the top and the address of the second under it:", "KEYSHA SAYRUN", "6589 TIBER LANE", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89151", "JEFFREY LANIER", "74112 VIXTON ST", "LAS VEGAS, NV 89151 )", "Warrick: Keysha Sayrun?", "(Warrick holds out the driver license to compare the photo to the victim.)", "Warrick: Well, that's not her.", "Nick: Maybe it's not her purse.", "Warrick: There's a whole bunch of wallets in here. Driver's permit. Kid's only 15 --", "(Warrick looks at the NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES, LEARNERS PERMIT (TEMPORARY), DIVISION OF DRIVERS LICENSES for:", "SIMON, CHAD", "7141 PACIFIC VIEW DRIVE", "s*x: M", "COLOR HAIR: BRN", "COLOR EYES: BRN )", "Warrick: -- has got a credit card? She's got to be a pickpocket.", "Nick: Aw, man, that's a shame. Look at her. She could be anything she wanted to be. Makes you wonder what happens to people.", "Warrick: I got her.", "(Warrick finds the right ID.)", "Warrick: Faith Maroney. Twenty-five ... from Southern Highlands.", "Nick: Sometimes I miss the days when I didn't take this job so personally, Warrick.", "Warrick: Yeah? Well, I miss the days when we only had five homicides a week.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom puts a miniature item on his miniature shelf. He places the shelf in the miniature of his own office. The phone rings.)", "Grissom: Grissom. Catherine. (pause) I'm on my way.", "(He hangs up and heads out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - LADY HEATHER'S ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Lady Heather talks with Brass.)", "Lady Heather: I was planning an Old West party. I was checking out the facilities.", "Brass: So why couldn't you check them out during normal business hours?", "Lady Heather: It was my normal business hours.", "Brass: You know, we spoke to the night watchman. He said the gate was locked. How did you get in?", "Lady Heather: I know the owner.", "Brass: Do you know him the way you know Judge Fincher? Because I know that's how you got out of jail last time. I need a name.", "Lady Heather: Mr. Oakley. I have his number, but not on me. You'll have to look it up.", "(There's a knock on the door. Sara walks in.)", "Sara: Hi. I'm with the Crime Lab. Sara Sidle.", "(Lady Heather watches Sara walk in and put her kit down on the table.)", "Sara: I'm here to collect your clothes and trace evidence from your body.", "(She looks away.)", "Lady Heather: Can I say no?", "Sara: Why would you want to? (to Brass) Did the nurse forget to collect an SAE kit?", "(Sara takes her camera out.)", "Lady Heather: Not necessary.", "Brass: You don't want help, that's okay by me. Just don't waste my time. I've got a lot of cases on my desk that need my attention. So when you come out of your haze, give me a call.", "(Brass leaves.)", "Lady Heather: I don't respond well to men who judge me based solely on my profession.", "Sara: I get that a lot, too. (She offers Heather a smile.) Law enforcement.", "(Lady Heather smiles back. Her smile fades.)", "Sara: May I move your hair?", "(Lady Heather nods.)", "(Sara reaches out and gently moves Lady Heather's hair aside to expose the bruises on her neck. She snaps photos of the markings. Lady Heather closes her eyes.)", "Sara: These look like rope marks on your neck.", "(Lady Heather opens her eyes. Sara takes a couple more photos.)", "(Lady Heather's eyes brighten as she sees someone outside the room, behind Sara.)", "Lady Heather: (softly) Grissom.", "(Sara turns around and finds Grissom standing in the open doorway.)", "Sara: I'll be done in a minute.", "(We hold on Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- NIGHT]", "(Dr. Robbins yawns as he holds a specimen container over FAITH MARONEY'S body on the table. Warrick walks in.)", "Warrick: What's the matter, Doc; you been hitting it a little too hard?", "Robbins: No, canine-induced insomnia. We're fostering some puppies-- Jack Russells. Had me up all night. How about a puppy to keep you company?", "Warrick: No, if I stay up all night, it's not going to be because of a puppy. COD?", "Robbins: Okay, uh, blunt force trauma to the left temporal region of the skull. The skull's fractured.", "Warrick: Any idea what kind of weapon might have been used?", "Robbins: No, but I found these imbedded in the skull.", "(Robbins lifts the pan with the sample on it.)", "Warrick: Paint chips? Could she have been hit by a car?", "Robbins: Well, it's possible. But if she was standing when she was hit, I'd expect to find pedestrian fractures on her legs. And there are no run-over marks, so she wasn't in a prone position.", "Warrick: So if she wasn't standing or lying down ...", "Robbins: She was somewhere in-between.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. STREET -- NIGHT]", "(Nick is kneeling at the crime scene. Officer Mitchell is with him.)", "Officer Mitchell: Stokes, you ready for a cup of coffee?", "Nick: No, thanks. (He stands up.) I'm only going to be about another ten minutes here, okay?", "Officer Mitchell: Your call.", "(Officer Mitchell leaves.)", "(Nick looks down on the road and finds yellow paint chips. Behind him, a station wagon takes the corner and smashes into the police car parked on the road behind Nick.)", "(The car horn blares.)", "(The passenger door of the station wagon opens and a man crawls out.", "Officer Mitchell: (muffled)", "(He heads around the car to check on the driver. Nick heads for the passenger.)", "Nick: Hey. You all right?", "(The man stumbles out and heads for the street. Nick grabs him.)", "Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not the street. Not the street.", "(Nick grabs the kid. Officer Mitchell checks on the driver.)", "Officer Mitchell: You all right, man? You all right?", "(Nick sets him down on the sidewalk curb.)", "Nick: I got you.", "(Nick's front shirt and vest are covered with blood. He looks around.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. HOSPITAL - LADY HEATHER'S ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom sits next to Lady Heather's bed.)", "Lady Heather: (rasps) Are you here in a professional capacity?", "Grissom: Does it make a difference?", "Lady Heather: (rasps) Maybe not to you. I feel exposed. The last time you saw me ...", "Grissom: You had just lost your daughter.", "Lady Heather: (rasps) That's not all I lost that night.", "INSERT: SCENES FROM 6X15: Pirates of the Third Reich", "[EXT. DESERT (OFF HIGHWAY 55, NEAR SPARKS) - NIGHT]", "(Lady Heather has Leon Sneller tied to the front of her car and whips him. His face and chest are cut and bloodied.)", "Grissom: (shouts) Stop it!", "(Grissom gets out of his car to stop her.)", "Lady Heather: (crying) No! Let me finish.", "(She pulls back the whip. Grissom steps forward and catches it.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Grissom: If a client did this, and left you to die, why are you protecting him?", "Lady Heather: I'm not.", "Grissom: Tell me the truth.", "(Lady Heather has difficulty breathing.)", "Grissom: Did they check your glucose level when you came in?", "(She puts her head back and passes out.)", "Grissom: Heather?", "(The monitor alarm rings. Grissom presses the nurse's call button. The nurse walks in.)", "Grissom: She's diabetic. I think she's going into shock.", "Nurse: The patient never told us.", "(Grissom watches as the nurse checks Heather's eyes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY SUNRISE (STOCK) - MORNING]", "[EXT. OAKLEY'S OLD WEST TOWN -- DAY]", "(Brass walks with Jack Oakley down the center of the town road. Jack's son, Benjamin, follows behind them.)", "Jack Oakley: Captain, I'll need a copy of the police report for my insurance.", "Brass: Oh, sure, sure, sure. We'll get to that. But, first, I need to straighten out a few things.", "(They stop walking.)", "Brass: Mr. Oakley, did you give Heather Kessler permission to enter the park after hours?", "Jack Oakley: No, I didn't.", "Benjamin Oakley: I did.", "(Jack looks at his son.)", "Benjamin Oakley: She called the office. Wanted to know about renting out Oakley's Saloon for a private party.", "Brass: Well, you know what she does for a living, right?", "Benjamin Oakley: Money's money -- doesn't matter who's handing it to you, right, Dad?", "Jack Oakley: As long as you're not breaking the law.", "Brass: So you have no problem with a dominatrix doing business at a family theme park?", "Jack Oakley: Captain, sometimes, my son, he ... he doesn't think things all the way through.", "Benjamin Oakley: But I'm learning.", "Brass: So how did she get in?", "Benjamin Oakley: I swung by. Wanted to meet her.", "Brass: After midnight?", "Benjamin Oakley: Yeah. Told her to lock up when she was done.", "Jack Oakley: You should have stayed, Ben. You got liability to think about.", "Benjamin Oakley: (scoffs) Right, Dad. 'Cause you always do.", "(Jack stops at the obvious jab.)", "Jack Oakley: Captain, is this about it?", "Brass: Well, I'd like to talk to Benny a little more. We need to confirm his statement.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OAKLEY'S OLD WEST TOWN -- BATHROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine walks into the bathroom, puts her kit down and starts snapping photos. She picks up her kit and heads for the stall. She opens the stall door and finds something blue stuffed in the toilet.)", "(She reaches in with a forceps and pulls it out. It's a pair of men's underwear. She finds a crumpled paper towel on the floor behind the toilet. She puts her goggles on and takes out her ALS.)", "(She checks the paper and finds body fluid on it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Warrick snaps photos of the contents of the purse out on the table. Sofia walks in.)", "Sofia: There were no security cameras at the crime scene, but Ms. Maroney had multiple arrests for petty theft and shoplifting. She had just been released on court-ordered rehab for kleptomania.", "Warrick: She got noodles, hairpins, dish towels, a can of tuna.", "Sofia: (amused) She didn't care what she took. She just had to take it.", "Warrick: You know, I was thinking. If she pinched my wallet, and I whacked her for it, I'd probably get back my wallet before I split.", "Sofia: Which means the theft victims are probably not the suspects. Got anything else?", "Warrick: A couple of loose receipts, all from last night, all paid in cash. A pack of gum from the Bargain Bin, a soda from Carlisa's, and a Bloody Mary from Diane's Steakhouse.", "Sofia: Which is less than quarter of a mile from the crime scene.", "Warrick: Yeah. At 9:52 p.m.", "Sofia: Patrol found her just after 11:00. I'll start at the steakhouse and backtrack.", "(Sofia leaves the room. Warrick nods as he watches her go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges takes a paint chip sample and cuts off a piece. He puts the piece on a slide and slips it under the scope.)", "INSERT: SCOPE VIEW of the edge of the paint chip.", "(Nick walks into the lab.)", "Nick: Hey.", "(He turns and sees the blood on Nick's shirt.)", "Hodges: Hey. What? Have you been shaving with a broken beer bottle?", "Nick: No, no. Some drunk driver ran into a radio car at my crime scene. Friggin' idiot.", "Hodges: Yeah. I heard you pulled the friggin' idiot's friend out of a burning car.", "Nick: Nothing was on fire. I didn't pull anybody from anywhere.", "Hodges: Oh, so humble. You know, some people are just destined for greatness.", "Nick: Run these against the paint chips from the body, please.", "(The results appear on the computer monitor.)", "Hodges: Sure. You mean the engine black over canary yellow paint chips from a Ford automobile? Yeah. If I had a yellow car, I'd paint over it, too.", "Nick: So the victim was hit by a car.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CAB - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Nick and Warrick walk into the garage area.)", "Warrick: Steakhouse called Faith Maroney a cab. They have a direct line to this place.", "Nick: Well, the car that hit her was yellow and black.", "Warrick: Paint color's not going to help us narrow it down any, is it?", "Nick: No.", "(The cab dispatcher steps out to meet them.)", "Cab Dispatcher: You guys from Strip-O-Gram?", "Nick: Excuse me?", "Cab Dispatcher: 'Cause last year, for my birthday, a cop showed up with a phony badge, started tearing his clothes off and trying to rub up on me. (She chuckles.) I'm an excellent tipper.", "Nick: Well, I'm sure you are, but, uh, no, ma'am, we're not dancers. We're here about the warrant.", "Cab Dispatcher: (disappointed) Okay, then. So we dispatched twenty cabs to Diane's Steakhouse last night.", "Warrick: Around 10:00?", "(She checks her clipboard.)", "Cab Dispatcher: Received a call at 10:01. Dispatched number 29. Chandru Kambhatla. He doesn't come on until 8:00.", "Warrick: Well, we're going to need to see that cab and your trip sheet.", "Cab Dispatcher: Number 29's right there. Keys are inside.", "(Warrick and Nick head for the cab #7029.)", "Cab Dispatcher: No joy riding, and don't leave the doors off like you did last time.", "Nick: Hey, we just take them apart. We don't put them back together, now.", "Cab Dispatcher: That's why nobody likes to deal with your asses!", "(Warrick and Nick laugh. They examine the cab. Nick finds blood on the front bumper. Warrick finds the camera over the rear view mirror.)", "Warrick: Hey, Nick, there's a camera in here. Maybe that'll be able to tell us if Princess Pickpocket was one of his fares.", "(Nick takes a swab of the blood on the front bumper and tests it.)", "Nick: Front bumper screens positive for blood.", "(Gus and another cab driver walk up to them.)", "Gus Difusco: Hey. I got robbed last week, filed a report. How come you're helping Chandru and not me?", "Nick: This isn't a robbery, sir.", "Cab Driver: Then, what is it?", "Nick: Do you know the guy that drives this cab?", "Cab Driver: Sure.", "Warrick: You see him last night?", "Gus Difusco: I had to cut out early. My wife's sick. But, uh, Dru's solid. Got to respect a guy who comes here and wants to be legit. Goes to work, pays his taxes, studying to be a citizen.", "Cab Driver: If you want to know about state capitals, you just ask Dru. Did you know that Vegas is not the capital of Nevada?", "Nick: Thanks for the info, fellas.", "Gus Difusco: Go get 'em.", "(Gus DiFusco and the Cab Driver turn and leaves.)", "(Nick takes a sample of the black bumper paint. Under it is the yellow paint.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Brass walk through the hallway.)", "Catherine: The substance that I found under the saloon window was chewing tobacco.", "Brass: The night watchman chews.", "Catherine: Yeah, Vernon Porter. He was fired from the force back in Chicago.", "Brass: Yeah, I know. I checked him out.", "Catherine: Oh.", "Brass: He got in an off-duty incident. He was in a fight in a bar and a woman was hospitalized.", "Catherine: I'm thinking he had a front row seat.", "Brass: Well, you know, it fits his profile. He could have waited till Heather's client left -- there's always a client ...", "Catherine: Yeah.", "Brass: ... and then attacked her. You know, I should have checked to see if he was wearing underwear.", "Catherine: There's no way that he could afford her. So why would Heather cover for him? Unless he's just a witness.", "Brass: Well, you want to see a man about a horse?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Sara looks through the scope at two fibers.)", "Grissom: Any results on Heather Kessler?", "Sara: So far, all the prints come back to her. Player piano, whiskey bottle, shot glass. There was some lipstick around the rim. I haven't had a chance to test it. You think it's her shade?", "Grissom: Heather's not supposed to drink because of her diabetes, which could explain the hypoglycemia and shock.", "(Sara nods.)", "Sara: Catherine found a pair of men's underwear in the toilet. Any evidence on them would have been washed away, but she also found seminal fluid in a tissue on the floor nearby.", "Grissom: She was sexually assaulted?", "Sara: She refused an SAE kit, so we'll never know. There were no defensive wounds, no skin or rope fibers under her nails. At first blush, I figured he might have ambushed her, except that I noted three separate strangulation attempts on her neck.", "(Sara shows Grissom the photo.)", "Sara: She had time to fight back.", "Grissom: This makes no sense. She's very strong. And tough as nails. Why didn't she fight?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. OAKLEY'S OLD WEST TOWN -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine checks the latch on the front gate.)", "Catherine: Gate's unlocked again.", "Brass: Well, it's ten after. Probably unlocked 'cause he's doing his rounds.", "Catherine: Maybe.", "(The gate swings open and they walk down the front road.)", "Brass: Ah, the Wild West, partner.", "Catherine: Okay, come on, Jim, give it up. I know you know something about Grissom and Lady Heather.", "Brass: I know something a lot juicier than Grissom and Lady Heath ...", "(They find Vernon Porter's body dead on the road. Brass has his gun out as they make their way toward the body.)", "Catherine: Oh, yeah, he's dead.", "Brass: He took one in the back.", "Catherine: Who shot the sheriff?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(COMMERICAL SET)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. OAKLEY'S OLD WEST TOWN -- DAY]", "(Catherine snaps photos as David Phillips looks over Vernon Porter's body. Brass stands behind him and watches.)", "David Phillips: Bullet entered through his back.", "(He grunts as he lifts the body to check the back.)", "David Phillips: No exit wound. There's some swelling under his lip.", "(David checks and takes out a wad of chewing tobacco.)", "David Phillips: Ugh, disgusting. You get mouth cancer from this.", "Brass: David, hand me his cell phone.", "David Phillips: Sure.", "(David hands Brass the phone. Catherine removes Vernon's gun from his holster and looks at it.)", "Catherine: Ruger Single Six. Gun hasn't been fired.", "Brass: Guess who he called yesterday?", "(The list of RECENT CALLS are: Chloe Jones Christopher Jones Heather Kessler Chloe Jones )", "Brass: Lady Heather.", "Catherine: Might have threatened her.", "Brass: And we both know how she likes to settle her own scores. I'm going to get a warrant, but it may take me some time because I have to find a judge who isn't a client of hers.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CAB CO. - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Nick shows the cab photo of Faith Maroney sitting in the back seat to Chandru.)", "Nick: You sure you've never seen her before?", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: No.", "Nick: You don't remember her at all?", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: No, sir.", "Nick: That picture was taken by the camera inside your cab. Why don't you take another look?", "(He takes another look at the photo and still doesn't recognize her.)", "Nick: Recognize her now?", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: You know, a lot of people get in my cab. There's always a big convention in town.", "Nick: Hey. Dru. I was born at night, but not last night, okay? I know you picked her up at the steakhouse. I know the last time she was seen alive was in your yellow cab. I know she was killed by a yellow car. I found blood on your front bumper.", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: (nods) Okay, I ... uh, I remember her now. She wanted to go to MGM. There is bad traffic, so she tells me to let her out. She wants to walk.", "Nick: Where'd you let her out?", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: Near the Monte Carlo.", "Nick: Mr. Kambhatla, if I match the paint from your cab to the paint we found in her skull, do you realize how much trouble you're in? (He nods.) 'Cause I'm not sure you really do. Scotty.", "(The officer Scotty standing behind Chandru leads him out of the garage.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "(Archie goes over the stills from the taxicab security camera with Nick and Warrick.)", "Archie: The older types of cameras only take stills. They take them sequentially for twenty seconds any time a passenger door is opened.", "Warrick: Can you clarify the background?", "Archie: Yeah.", "(Archie enhances an outside bench taken from picture #1.)", "Nick: I recognize the graffiti on that bench. That's the street we found her on, right there.", "Warrick: So Mr. Kambhatla was lying. That's nowhere near the Monte Carlo.", "(Archie drags and drops another photo.)", "Warrick: Go back to number two.", "(Warrick sees something.)", "Warrick: The wallet in her hand is ... black. And her wallet was white.", "Nick: Go back, show me the last three photos, Archie.", "Archie: Yeah.", "(Archie goes back to the last three photos.)", "Archie: Okay, so he's looking at her. Looks down. He's looking for something. He looks up.", "Nick: (nods) Well, he's pissed. So she did snatch his wallet after all.", "Warrick: And he ran her down and took it back.", "Warrick: Well, we have him in custody. We have his wallet. Let's, uh, go see if her prints are on it.", "Nick: Yeah. Thanks, Arch.", "Archie: Yeah.", "(Warrick and Nick head out of the lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. OAKLEY'S OLD WEST TOWN - SALOON -- DAY]", "(Sara takes photos of a bullet hole in the saloon glass window. Catherine walks in.)", "Sara: This window wasn't broken yesterday. And I got a bullet in a poker player.", "Catherine: Well, the one that killed Porter's still inside him. Porter was shot in the back. He was facing away from the saloon.", "(Quick flashback of: Vernon Porter walks down the street, his back to the saloon. He's shot in the back and falls down. End of flashback.)", "Catherine: To get to the window, this bullet had to be fired from the opposite direction.", "(Quick REWIND of Vernon Porter falling. A gun fires. The bullet zooms TOWARD Vernon Porter, misses him and hits the window and the poker player sitting at the table in front of the window. End of flashback.)", "Sara: There were two shooters.", "(Sara removes the bullet and looks at it.)", "Sara: Lead bullet. Cannelure. We're looking for a revolver.", "(Catherine looks out the window and sees the two signs for TRADING POST and GUN SLINGER MUSEUM.)", "[INT. OAKLEY'S OLD WEST TOWN - GUN SLINGER MUSEUM - CONTINUOUS]", "(Sara unlocks the door. She and Catherine walk into the GUN SLINGER MUSEUM. They look at the guns in the display case.)", "Catherine: Oh, wow. These look authentic. All revolvers.", "(Sara tries the display case door.)", "Sara: Case is unlocked.", "Catherine: I'll get the guns to ballistics.", "Sara: I'll process the ammo boxes.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick walks through the hallway. He's on the phone.)", "Nick: (to phone) Sofia, Faith Maroney's prints were found on the cab driver's wallet so there's your motive. No problem.", "(He hangs up.)", "(Nick walks into the lab. The printer prints and paper falls near him. Nick takes the printout Hodges holds for him because Hodge's is too busy working a Sudoku puzzle. Nick looks at the printout.)", "Nick: The paint from the dead girl's skull matched the paint on Chandru's cab.", "Hodges: Page two.", "Nick: The paint chips from the street are not a match to the paint chips from her skull. Are you sure about this?", "Hodges: I just finished a diabolical soduku in six minutes flat. I'm positive.", "Nick: Then what color were the other paint chips?", "Hodges: What did you have for lunch? I had a ham sandwich. Hmm? It's a clue. Your sandwich.", "(He points to the scope.)", "Nick: Oh.", "(Nick looks at the scope and sees the paint chip.)", "Hodges: The paint chips you collected are from two different cars, stuck together as a result of impact. Yellow paint, black paint, clear coat. The other half -- clear coat, black paint, yellow paint, clear coat, white.", "Nick: That's a lot of canary yellow and engine black. Cab-on-cab hate?", "Hodges: One half of the sandwich is from Dru's 29.", "Nick: What about the other half?", "Hodges: You're looking for a white Ford that's been repainted yellow and black.", "Nick: Sweet. I'm glad I figured that out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins goes over Vernon Porter's body with Sara. The body is on its side as Sara and Robbins examines the entry wound.)", "Robbins: COD's a single gunshot wound to the lower lumbar region. Bullet entered here and then traveled slightly upward.", "Sara: Where is the bullet?", "Robbins: Well, that's the fun part. He didn't die from the initial wound. It entered through his back and then penetrated the inferior vena cava.", "(Quick flash of: The gunman fires. The bullet enters Vernon's back.)", "(ZOOM in through the body and follow the bullet through the vessel.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) It traveled through that vessel into his right lung. It's called a bullet embolus.", "(End of flash.)", "Robbins: And it's hard to find. Most medical examiners would have missed it.", "(Sara smiles and takes the container with the bullet inside from Robbins. She looks at the bullet.)", "Sara: Full metal jacket, nine millimeter. The bullet that I found at the saloon was from a revolver. Colt single-action Army.", "Robbins: (nods) The gun that won the West. That bullet is from a 20th Century, high-capacity, semi-automatic pistol. I ... see a lot of bullets.", "(Sara looks at the bullet.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CAB CO. - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Nick walks out of the office with a clipboard. He heads back to Warrick.)", "Nick: Well, it looks like Friendly bought a small fleet of white cabs from another company last year that went belly-up.", "Warrick: How small are we talking?", "(Nick hands the clipboard to Warrick.)", "Nick: Seventy-five.", "Warrick: Paint samples from 75 cabs? Well, we'll be back in the lab by next week.", "INSERT: VARIOUS DISSOLVES OF WARRICK AND NICK TAKING PAINT SAMPLES FROM THE TAXICABS.", "(Nick finds a cab with a scratched car door. He takes a swab sample from the front bender. He scrapes the paint down to the silver base.)", "Nick: Hey, Warrick. I got what looks like fresh damage over here.", "(Nick looks at the driver's license. It belongs to GUS DIFUSCO.)", "Nick: Do we know that guy?", "(Warrick walks over and checks the license.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Archie puts the video from the new cab security camera up on the monitor.)", "Archie: Gus's cab is equipped with a new camera. Video, not stills, motion-activated.", "Warrick: So the impact turns it on, huh?", "Nick: Freeze that and grab a number off that cab.", "(Archie highlights the number form the cab next to him and enhances the image. The cab is numbered 7029.)", "Warrick: 7029 -- that's Dru's cab.", "Nick: If Dru was dispatched, then what was Gus doing at that steakhouse?", "Warrick: Well, he had to be staging, trying to steal Dru's fare.", "Nick: Looks like Gus took the fight to the streets. He hit him again right there.", "Warrick: Whoa. (points) Well, that's the corner.", "Nick: And we know from the paint chips we found on the ground that Gus's cab collided with Dru's on that street.", "Warrick: Well, the airbags didn't deploy, so he must have been going under fifteen miles an hour.", "Archie: I can't see Dru's cab, so Gus must have rear-ended him when he was stopped.", "Nick: It's physics. Gus's cab transferred most of its energy into Dru's -- more than enough to launch him into the girl. Car bumpers are designed to absorb the impact from another vehicle, but the bumper hitting her? Would have been like a ... elephant hitting a flea.", "(Quick flash of: The taxi hits Faith. She screams and falls onto the road. End of flash.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 1]", "(Warrick interviews Gus DiFusco.)", "Warrick: You were in the wrong. You were the one who was staging. So why road rage Mr. Kambhatla?", "Gus Difusco: Because he was gonna report it and get me fired. I'm two months from retirement. My wife's got MS. I need my health benefits. But I didn't hit that girl. He did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM 2]", "Nick: It's a bad neighborhood. Nothing's open out there. So why'd you drop her off?", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: She was screaming at me, \"Screw you, pull over.\"", "(Quick flash to: Faith is in the back seat of Chandru's taxi.)", "Faith Maroney: Let me out.", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: Sorry.", "Faith Maroney: You guys are crazy. I want out of this cab right now.", "(She's going to get out. He stops her.)", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: $6.25, please.", "Faith Maroney: (shakes her head) No way. I'm not paying for this ride.", "(Chandru realizes that she took his wallet.)", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: Hey, wait! You're a tease! Give me back my wallet!", "(She runs and trips over the side of the curb just as the other taxi rams into the back of Chandru's taxi.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: He tries to steal my fare. She tries to steal my wallet, and I am arrested.", "Nick: So why didn't you just report the accident?", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: You hit a pedestrian, it is always your fault.", "Nick: Hey, you were stopped and Gus hit you, pushing your cab into her. Now, that's not your fault. Okay?", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: Gus said it was. And he has been driving for thirty years. My cab hit her, so I am guilty.", "Nick: Yeah, well, Gus doesn't know the law, but I do. What else did he say to you? Mr. Kambhatla, this may be the last chance you have to tell me the truth, now.", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: We made a deal.", "Nick: Okay. Okay. What kind of deal?", "Chandru \"Dru\" Kambhatla: He said if I don't report him for staging, and hitting me, then he would keep quiet about me hitting the girl. And I can stay in this country ... with my mother and sisters. I need to be here to make money for them. I'm telling the truth now. Is going to be okay, right?", "Nick: No, sir, unfortunately, that's not the way it works. I've got you for obstruction, for fleeing the scene, and now you're an accessory. I'm sorry, man. I know you're confused, but ... you just made a deal with the wrong guy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LADY HEATHER'S RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(Brass, Catherine and several officers arrive on Lady Heather's front door. Catherine knocks. Lady Heather opens the door.)", "Lady Heather: This isn't a good time.", "Brass: We have a warrant to search your house. And you'd better put some sunblock on because we're going downtown.", "Lady Heather: My memory isn't any better than it was yesterday. I'm not up to it.", "Brass: Well, we'll swing by the hospital. And you can explain to them why you checked yourself out early, against doctor's orders.", "Catherine: We're investigating a homicide.", "Lady Heather: I don't understand.", "Brass: Where were you last night?", "(She opens the door for them.)", "Lady Heather: You may come in.", "[INT. LADY HEATHER'S RESIDENCE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Catherine and Brass walk into the house.)", "Lady Heather: I was here.", "Brass: Can anyone verify that? Preferably someone not on the payroll.", "Lady Heather: Captain Brass would like to know where I was last night.", "(Catherine and Brass turn around. Grissom steps out into the room carrying a coffee cup.)", "Grissom: She was here ... with me.", "(Grissom takes a sip from his cup. Catherine turns and looks at Lady Heather. Everyone looks at each other.)", "(We hold on Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Catherine talks with Grissom.)", "Catherine: You were there all night. Want to explain why? Look, I know that you don't go home and cuddle your insects every single night, but why would you go there knowing that we're in the middle of an investigation? And now she's a prime suspect with you as her alibi.", "Grissom: It was a social call, that's all.", "(Grissom sits down.)", "Catherine: So, when your personal life gets tangled up in a case, that's off limits?", "Grissom: Yes.", "Catherine: Isn't that a little hypocritical?", "Grissom: Apparently so.", "Catherine: You know I'd slap you, but I think you'd enjoy it too much.", "Grissom: Look, I went to Heather's on a hunch. There's something not right with her.", "Catherine: (disgruntled) Your timing sucked.", "(Catherine notices the miniature on Grissom's desk.)", "Catherine: What's this? So now you're building your own?", "Grissom: Yeah. Keeps my hands busy.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - BRASS'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Brass talks with Lady Heather.)", "Lady Heather: You think I paid someone to kill Porter and then used Grissom as my alibi?", "Brass: And with your history, yes. How do you know Vernon Porter?", "Lady Heather: He did some work for me. I helped him get the job at Oakley's.", "Brass: You know what? That's the first thing you said to me that doesn't sound like a lie. What kind of work?", "Lady Heather: I needed to locate someone.", "Brass: So an ex-cop does some legwork for you. So what happened-- did you have a falling out or he threaten you?", "(She takes her phone out and lets Brass listen to the message.)", "Electronic Voice: (from phone) First skipped message. Received yesterday at 12:02 p.m.", "Vernon Porter: (from phone) Hey, Heather, Vernon. Looks like you got yourself into something. If you need anything, call me. Call me anyway. Let me know you're okay.", "Lady Heather: Does that sound like a man who wants to hurt me, Captain Brass?", "(She closes the phone.)", "Brass: Oh, I don't know, Heather. I don't know. I mean, you get assaulted at Old West Town where he works, he calls it in, then he ends up dead. What is it, just one big coincidence?", "Lady Heather: I already told you I was there on business. Mr. Porter had nothing to do with it.", "Brass: Yeah, but it was your business that got him killed. Come on, come on, we both know that you weren't there for some western hoedown. So what were you doing there?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Sara are at the table. Wendy walks in.)", "Wendy Simms: The semen on the tissue in the bathroom did not come from Vernon Porter.", "Catherine: Well, the underwear that I pulled from the toilet was a 38-inch waist. Porter was a 34. He didn't attack Heather.", "Sara: But we know he was there.", "Catherine: One of Heather's clients pays for a kinky Wild West fantasy only to discover he had an audience?", "Wendy Simms: Well, I don't want to derail this but why kill Porter and not go after Heather?", "Catherine: 'Cause she's not talking. Her business is based on discretion. Couldn't count on Porter's discretion.", "(Catherine's phone rings. She checks the message.)", "Sara: So this client goes back to Oakley's the next night and shoots Porter.", "Catherine: Oh, Mandy got a hit off the revolver and the ammo box.", "(Catherine's message reads:", "2. MANDY", "GOT A HIT. SUSPECT", "BENJAMIN OAKLEY", "From: Mandy", "To: Catherine", "Received: 05/10 1:48 PM", "Catherine: Benjamin Oakley.", "Sara: His family owns the place. He had access.", "Catherine: Yeah, I'm calling Brass.", "(Catherine turns and heads out. Wendy also leaves the lab. Grissom walks in.)", "Catherine: (to Grissom) Sara will fill you in. (to phone) Hey, Jim ...", "(Grissom looks at Sara.)", "Sara: We may have a suspect.", "(Sara gathers up the photos from the table. Grissom watches her for a moment.)", "Grissom: I'm the only one Heather trusts.", "Sara: I get it.", "Grissom: Sara ...", "Sara: Yeah?", "(Grissom looks like he wants to say more.)", "Sara: It's fine. Do what you need to do.", "(Sara takes the photos and leaves the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Grissom is reading TEXTBOOK OF PSYCHIATRY. He's reading Chapter 9, \"Mood disorders, suicide and parasuicide.\")", "(Quick flashback to: Lady Heather talks with Grissom.)", "Lady Heather: When the submissive accepts they're in control, that's when they embrace their true power. They can say \"stop.\" They can choose to either end the pain or continue enduring it. But ... higher consciousness doesn't negate our animal instinct to survive.", "(End of flashback.)", "(Judy startles Grissom.)", "Judy Tremont: Dr. Grissom, you requested a custody file from the court.", "(She hands him the file.)", "Grissom: Thank you, Judy.", "Judy Tremont: I'm assuming it's for your investigation into the Miniature Killer. Everybody in the lab believes you're gonna get him.", "(She smiles and gives him two thumbs up. He nods. She leaves the office.)", "(Grissom looks at the papers:", "HEATHER KESSLER, PETITIONER", "VS.", "JEROME KESSLER, RESPONDENT", "FOCUS ON THE WORDS:", "DENIES VISITATION RIGHTS TO PETITIONER,", "DISSOLVE TO: MORE WORDS", "MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER, HEATHER KESSLER", "DISSOLVE TO: MORE WORDS", "FULL CUSTODY AWARDED TO JEROME KESSLER, MATERNAL GRANDFATHER OF THE CHILD.", "QUICK FLASH TO:", "(There are two framed photos on the mantle. The first is of Heather and her daughter, Zoe. Grissom picks up a second framed photo of Jerome Kessler with the baby girl. The photo appears to be taken without their knowledge.)", "Lady Heather: She's all I have left of Zoe.", "(Quick flashback to: Scene from 6X15: Pirates of the Third Reich)", "[INT. FORENSIC AUTOPSY - NIGHT]", "(Zoe's body is on the table. Lady Heather caresses her daughter's cheek.)", "Lady Heather: Can you tell if she's ever given birth?", "Robbins: There was some scarring on her pelvic bones, but given the condition of the body, it's hard to say for sure.", "(Quick flash to: CU: THE PHOTO OF JEROME AND THEIR GRANDDAUGHTER.)", "Grissom: This is your granddaughter. Did you take this picture?", "Lady Heather: I hired someone to find her. I can't give her love, but I can give her the freedom to be who she wants to be.", "(End of flashback.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. PARK -- DAY]", "(Grissom talks with Jerome Kessler.)", "Jerome Kessler: Is this official police business?", "Grissom: No.", "Jerome Kessler: Did Heather send you?", "Grissom: No, I'm just a friend of hers.", "Jerome Kessler: Did she tell you about me?", "Grissom: Not really.", "Jerome Kessler: We were married very young. Didn't last long. Heather left without telling me she was pregnant. I wasn't aware I had a child until after Zoe was already dead.", "(Grissom nods and looks over at Alison playing on a blanket.)", "Grissom: That's Zoe's daughter, Heather's granddaughter.", "Jerome Kessler: Her name is Alison. So why are you here?", "Grissom: I'm just trying to understand what's happening to her.", "(Alison walks up to Jerome to hand him something. He leans forward and listens to her childish babbling.)", "Grissom: I'm aware that the court has denied her visitation rights.", "Jerome Kessler: Wouldn't you?", "Grissom: I'm not sure. (Jerome is quiet.) Has Heather tried to give you any money for Alison?", "Jerome Kessler: Yes, the day before yesterday I got a call from the bank. Heather had set up a very generous trust fund for her, no strings attached. I assumed she sold her house.", "Grissom: Can you tell me how much?", "Jerome Kessler: $843,508. I know Heather had closed her business a few months ago, trying to convince the judge she'd be a fit guardian, so it had to be from the sale.", "Grissom: I wonder if she calculated the exact amount it would cost to raise a child and put her through college, especially at Harvard. That's where she sent Zoe. But it wasn't her house that she sold.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Brass interview Benjamin Oakley.)", "Catherine: You took a shot at Porter.", "Brass: That's attempted murder. Your dad's not going to like that, Benny.", "(Catherine shows him the warrant.)", "Catherine: This is a warrant for your DNA.", "Benjamin Oakley: Why do you need my DNA?", "Catherine: To prove that you also attacked Heather Kessler.", "Brass: And that makes two attempted murders. And that adds up to a lot of jail time, bud.", "Catherine: Open up.", "Benjamin Oakley: I didn't touch her, okay? I didn't kill Porter.", "Brass: What do you want, a gold star for being a bad shot?", "Benjamin Oakley: (sighs) Porter knew I lied. He wanted fifty grand to keep his mouth shut. And I was gonna pay him. I went to the bank to get the money, but somebody drained the account.", "(Quick flash to: [BANK] Benjamin goes to the bank. The transfer amount on the screen is for: $843,508.00. The remaining balance is for: $31,053.86.)", "Benjamin Oakley: There was a million dollars in that account last week. Who authorized the transfer?", "Bank Officer: (o.s.) Jack Oakley.", "(End of flashback.)", "Benjamin Oakley: I went there to kill my father.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. GUN SLINGER MUSEUM] Benjamin opens the display case and takes a gun out.)", "Benjamin Oakley: (V.O.) I knew he was going to meet Heather, but for some reason, she didn't show. And Porter got up the courage to ask my dad for the money. He'd seen my father with Heather.", "(Cut to: Jack and Vernon argue in the street.)", "Jack Oakley: You sick b*st*rd!", "Vernon Porter: You got 24 hours, then I turn you in!", "(Vernon takes a couple steps out and stops when he sees Benjamin exit the museum.)", "(A gun fires. Porter falls to show Jack with the smoking gun in his hand.)", "(Benjamin raises the gun and points it at his father. Jack advances on Benjamin. Benjamin fires wildly and hits the glass in the saloon.)", "(Jack walks up to Benjamin.)", "Benjamin Oakley: (V.O.) The Marquis de Sade's got nothing on my old man. Inflicting pain is his idea of foreplay.", "Jack Oakley: You're your mother's son, not mine.", "(End of flashback.)", "Benjamin Oakley: Do you know how much money he spent abusing women? He didn't leave anything for my mother and me except for more abuse. It had to stop.", "Brass: Where is he?", "Benjamin Oakley: His phone's off; every time his phone's off, he's with her.", "Brass: Is he at the saloon?", "Benjamin Oakley: No, he wouldn't do that, not after Porter.", "Brass: He's got to be at Heather's.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. HEATHER'S PLACE -- DAY]", "(The officer puts the cuffs on Jack Oakley.)", "Brass: So your sick fantasy was to kill her.", "Benjamin Oakley: I didn't do anything. She solicited me. Strictly a business deal. She needed the money. I paid her close to $1 million for this, you know that? That's about all I'm gonna say. I'll be talking with my lawyer.", "(The officers leave with Jack.)", "Brass: Too bad you spent the million. You could use it on your defense.", "(Brass turns to look at Lady Heather sitting in her chair.)", "Brass: Look, Heather, for what it's worth, I think you're in the clear. The DA's not gonna press charges. Attempted murder, assisted suicide, the lines are kind of blurred. But do yourself a favor. Get some help.", "(Heather doesn't say anything.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HEATHER'S RESIDENCE -- DAY]", "(The officers escort Jack to the car and put him in the back seat.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(The officer cars leave. The place is quiet and empty.)", "Cue Sound: KNOCKING", "[EXT. HEATHER'S RESIDENCE - FRONT PORCH - DAY]", "(Heather opens the door. Grissom smiles at her.)", "Heather: Leave me alone. I didn't ask you to save me.", "Grissom: I know. What am I supposed to do? I'm your friend. Besides, there's someone I want you to meet.", "(He motions for her to step outside. He takes her hand and she joins him on the porch.)", "(Jerome Kessler walks toward her with Alison in his arms.)", "(Heather looks at Grissom, then goes to meet her grand-daughter.)", "Heather: Hi.", "(Grissom watches them.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
The Good, The Bad and the Dominatrix
[ "Grissom, Nick, and Greg investigate the death of a go-kart racer whose headless body is found yards from the highway he was racing on; Catherine and Warrick work to unravel the mysterious murder of a popular men's magazine publisher at a restaurant where patrons dine in the dark." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(Sara walks through the hallway. Her arm is in a sling. She walks past the Print Lab. Mandy looks up from her worktable and watches her go.)", "(Sara continues through the hallway.)", "(She walks past the Trace Lab. Hodges looks up from his work and watches her go.)", "[INT. CSI - ECKLIE'S OFFICE - CONTINUING]", "(Ecklie closes the file folder. He's on the phone waiting for someone to pick up.)", "(Sara appears in the doorway and knocks lightly on the door to get Ecklie's attention. He looks up and motions her inside as he stands up at his desk.)", "Conrad Ecklie: (to Sara) Have a seat.", "(The line clicks and the recorded message switches on.)", "Grissom: (answering machine) This is Grissom.", "Conrad Ecklie: (to Sara) How's the arm?", "Grissom: (answering machine) Please leave a detailed message after the tone.", "Sara: Fractured in two places.", "(Sara sits down.)", "(The machine beeps.)", "Conrad Ecklie: (to phone) Gil, Conrad again. Um ... message number three. Call me back please.", "(He smiles at her and hangs up.)", "Conrad Ecklie: It's feeling better?", "Sara: Yeah.", "Conrad Ecklie: Good.", "(beat)", "Conrad Ecklie: So, you must know where he is.", "Sara: Actually, I don't.", "Conrad Ecklie: Really?", "(He picks up his folder.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Okay ... um ... Look, I don't want to play any games here. This is as difficult for me as it is for you.", "(He closes the office door.)", "Conrad Ecklie: So let's just ... uh ... get this over with, shall we?", "(He sits down on the other side of his desk and opens his notebook.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Okay then ... uh ... this is an administrative inquiry. You and your supervisor were in direct violation of lab policy ...", "Sara: (corrects) \"Are.\"", "Conrad Ecklie: \"Are\" in direct violation of lab policy, which states that members of the same forensic team may not engage in a romantic relationship. So when did you and Supervisor Grissom begin your relationship?", "Sara: We've always had a relationship.", "Conrad Ecklie: I mean, when did you become intimate?", "Sara: Two years ago. I think it was a Sunday.", "(HOLD on ECKLIE.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROAD - NIGHT]", "(SLOW MOTION. VIEW of the desert road at a SLOW 360 degree turn. For the moment, WE are the OBJECT turning.)", "MUSIC STARTS: \"An der Schonen Blauden Donau,\" Op. 314 (On the Beautiful Blue Danube\") by Johann Strauss", "(A round object comes into view. It rolls and turns as it bounces off the pavement and continues down the road.)", "(The round object bounces along the pavement, leaving dark, circular splotches on the road.)", "(A truck heads its way and it hits the bouncing object.)", "SIDE VIEW", "(Like a basketball, the bouncing object bounces against the truck and the pavement until the truck passes over it.)", "TOP VIEW DOWN", "(The object stops in the middle of the road.)", "-- AND NIGHT TURNS INTO DAY -", "(The object hasn't moved.)", "(Another truck passes by, knocking the round object off the road.)", "(The object skips and hits the pavement as it heads over to a group of highwaymen in orange vests cleaning the roadside.)", "(The object bounces off the pavement and onto the dirt, where it rolls to a STOP right in front of one of the men.)", "(He looks and sees that it's a HEAD in a football HELMET.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROADSIDE - DAY]", "(Grissom leans forward and looks at the head closely. Yep, it's a head. The helmet is for the SVHS cobras.)", "Det. Ezekiel Holstein: (o.s.) Sagebrush Valley High School.", "(Detective Ezekiel Holstein and Nick look closely at the head in the helmet.)", "Ezekiel Holstein: The Cobras.", "Nick: He looks like he could still be in high school. Boy, football's gotten a lot more brutal since my playing days.", "Ezekiel Holstein: Yeah, where's the rest of him, still on the field?", "(Nick looks down the long stretch of highway before them.)", "Nick: There's no high school football fields around here anyway. What do you think, Grissom?", "(Grissom studies the head.)", "Grissom: \"Ichabod was horror-struck on perceiving that he was headless.\"", "[Note: \"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,\" by Washington Irving]", "(Nick grins and looks at Holstein.)", "HOLD on the HEAD.", "SMASH CUT TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROADSIDE - DAY]", "(Grissom's phone rings. He's still at the crime scene and he steps away to check it.)", "INCOMING CALL", "CONRAD ECKLIE", "(Grissom shuts his phone without answering it. He walks over to Nick who is in the middle of the road looking at the bloodstain.)", "Nick: Blood pool tells me the helmet must've been here for a while.", "(Grissom looks at the stain.)", "Grissom: Vehicle tire rolled through it. Helmet has black abrasions on it consistent with being hit by a tire.", "Nick: Probably got pinballed down the road.", "(Greg joins them.)", "Greg: I checked with Traffic. No reports of any traffic accidents near here. Uh, Holstein's getting an absentee list from the high school.", "(Nick nods.)", "Grissom: Head's over there. Blood trail leads up from here. We follow the blood.", "(Grissom starts walking.)", "(Greg walks up to Nick.)", "Greg: (low whisper) He say anything about what's happening with Sara?", "Nick: (shakes his head) No.", "(They turn and follow Grissom down the road.)", "(Nick stops, puts an evidence marker down on the road. Greg raises the camera and takes a photo.)", "VARIOUS DISSOLVES:", "(Grissom continues looking at the blood trail.)", "(A camera clicks.)", "(Grissom points to something.)", "(The camera shutter clicks again.)", "(Grissom continues further down the road. Nick and Greg are a little ways behind documenting the blood trail.)", "(Nick looks out at Grissom, a good distance away from them.)", "Nick: (to Greg) Hey, did Sara ever say anything to you about her and Grissom?", "Greg: Not in so many words.", "Nick: So you knew about the two of them?", "Greg: (shrugs) Yeah.", "(Greg continues down the road. Nick spreads his arms wide.)", "(Meanwhile, Grissom finds more bloodstains on the road. This one veers off to the side. He follows the fluid trail in the dirt. He heads for the bushes and finds a body without a head.)", "Grissom: Hey!", "(Nick and Greg appear.)", "(Nick takes his glasses off and sighs from the smell.)", "Nick: Where's the uniform? (He kneels next to the body.) If he's not a player, what's with the helmet?", "(They note that the left hand is missing.)", "Greg: Maybe he's a rabid fan. There were all kinds of high school games last night.", "Grissom: Where's his hand?", "Nick: (o.s.) Got to be around here somewhere.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Nick takes prints off the dead man's hand. The door opens and Robbins walks in.)", "(In the foreground, David Phillips is struggling to get the helmet off the body.)", "Robbins: The hand -- where did you find it?", "Nick: Twenty yards away, two hours later.", "(David isn't having any success with getting the head out of the helmet. Robbins goes to check on him.)", "Robbins: David, he doesn't look prepped. What's taking so long?", "David Phillips: I can't get the helmet off.", "Nick: I better get this ten-card to Mandy right away.", "(Nick leaves with the print card. Robbins puts his cane aside and assists.)", "(Robbins holds the head; David holds the helmet and they pull.)", "Robbins: Hold it.", "(They get the head out of the helmet. Robbins sighs.)", "Robbins: His face looks like hamburger.", "(Robbins snaps photos of the victim's face.)", "(He picks up the envelope and comb. He combs the debris from the hair into the envelope. Some black powder falls into the envelope.)", "David Phillips: I found the same black powder on his clothes.", "(Robbins looks at him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY/ PRINT LAB - NIGHT]", "(Nick walks into the print lab and gives the card to Mandy.)", "Nick: Hey, Mandy. I got a ten-card on our John Doe.", "Mandy: Well, let's see if it matches the safe-kit that Holstein brought in. Only have one more kid unaccounted for at that high school.", "(Mandy takes the envelope from Nick and heads into her lab.)", "Nick: Hey, if you had a kid, would you collect a safe-kit on them?", "Mandy: Why not? It's better to be prepared. Think of it as a cheap insurance policy.", "(Mandy visually checks the two sets of prints.)", "Mandy: It's just a print card, a cheek swab and a photo.", "Nick: Then go to bed every night hoping you don't have to use it.", "Mandy: Mm ... well, there's a match. Your John Doe is Vincent Bartley.", "Nick: Yeah?", "Mandy: Yeah.", "(She hands Vincent Bartley's file to Nick.)", "Nick: Okay, good. Thanks.", "(He heads out.)", "Mandy: You're welcome.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. BLIND - LOBBY -- NIGHT]", "(The place is quiet as people speak in hushed tones. Techs snap photos and officers take statements. An officer talks with two women.)", "Shasta McCloud: Well, nothing. I mean, it was dark.", "April Kissimee: It was really dark.", "(Warrick and Catherine walk in with their kits.)", "Warrick: One minute we're married, and the next ...", "Catherine: You know what? Good for you. Divorces should be like Band-Aids, one quick yank and done.", "(They note the people sitting at the tables.)", "Warrick: You think?", "Catherine: Oh, what do I know? Eddie and I stayed together way too long. Every decision was an act of Congress.", "(Warrick and Catherine leave the main room and turn into the dining area.)", "[INT. BLIND - DINING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(The officer at the door lets them in. Catherine and Warrick note the food and the tables. They find Brass standing next to the dead body on the floor.)", "Brass: It's the end of an era, ladies and gentlemen. Hampton Huxley, publisher of Hux magazine -- where boys became men, and men became more manly -- has died.", "(Catherine puts her kit down as she waits for David Phillips to finish with the body.)", "Brass: That magazine got me through Vietnam.", "Warrick: Oh, that would explain the lookers out front. They were Kitties.", "Brass: Yes, Kitties, indeed. He was dining with a couple of them when he bought the farm. Miss Summer and Miss Winter, I believe.", "David Phillips: Every male in the Phillips family gets a lifetime subscription to Hux for his Bar Mitzvah.", "(He turns and looks at the dead body.)", "David Phillips: I guess my sons will have to settle for a Cross pen.", "Catherine: I'm sure the magazine will go on without him, Dave.", "(David nods.)", "Catherine: What are we looking at?", "David Phillips: Puncture wound. Um ... no abrasion ring. But I can re-approximate the skin.", "Catherine: So it's probably not a gunshot. (David nods.) Stabbing?", "David Phillips: Maybe. Right through the temple, into the brain. Be lights out in seconds.", "Warrick: It's a crowded restaurant. Somebody must have seen something.", "Brass: Not exactly. Welcome to the latest fad. Dining in the dark.", "(Brass holds up the remote. He presses the button and the lights go out. The shades on the windows lower.)", "Brass: Waiters are blind. No one sees anything. Piece of cake, huh?", "(The blinds close. Everyone is in the dark.)", "[BLACK SCREEN]", "(They hear the soft sounds of footfalls as someone leaves.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) Did he just leave?", "Warrick: (V.O.) I think so.", "David Phillips: (V.O.) Guys? I-I have a dead body here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BLIND - LOBBY - NIGHT]", "(TOP VIEW DOWN. A waiter dressed in black walks on screen. The tray of food is illuminated like a work of art. As he walks, the waiter vanishes ... only the food remains as it is carried across the room.)", "Pippa Sanchez: (V.O.) Dining should be an experience, like opera or art. It should feed the soul as well as the belly. You should smell it, touch it and let it rest on your tongue.", "VARIOUS IMAGES OF WOMEN EATING", "Pippa Sanchez: (V.O.) I'm selling sensuality here. I encourage eating with your hands. Texture is crucial. The salty, meaty flesh of lobster drenched in creamy, clarified French butter. The pulpy seeded flesh and firm skin of a fresh fig dipped in honey. The tongue understands four major taste groups -", "CGI ZOOM INTO THE MOUTH AND HIGH POWERED IMAGE OF THE TASTE BUDS ON THE TONGUE", "Pippa Sanchez: (V.O.) -- salty, sweet, sour, bitter -- and has over 10,000 taste buds, --", "CGI ZAP! PULSES TRAVEL FROM THE NERVES TO THE BRAIN", "Pippa Sanchez: (V.O.) -- each with a direct connection to the pleasure center of the brain, triggering endorphins. The anticipation and the release of eating good food is chemically quite similar --", "END CGI", "(The chef, Pippa Sanchez, talks with Brass.)", "Pippa Sanchez: -- to getting high on drugs.", "Brass: And apparently just as dangerous.", "(As they talk, a CSI tech takes Pippa's prints.", "Brass: So tell me what happened.", "Pippa Sanchez: I don't know. Each one of the waiters has one of those clickers. If there's an emergency, the houselights come up and a red light goes off in the kitchen.", "(Quick flashback to: A woman screams. The alarm buzzes and Pippa Sanchez comes running out of the kitchen.)", "Woman: Somebody help! WOMAN: Help! Help him!", "(Pippa reaches the room and finds the screaming woman standing next to Hampton Huxley on the floor.)", "Pippa Sanchez: Are you okay?", "April Kissimee: Hux!", "Pippa Sanchez: Call 9-1-1.", "(End flashback.)", "Brass: Oh, so you didn't see anything?", "Pippa Sanchez: I'm in the kitchen. I have two sittings a night, at 7:00 and 10:00, average 25 heads, ten courses per. I have no time to pee.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BLIND - DINING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Catherine has a floor map of the room and a seating chart.)", "Catherine: April was here ... and Huxley was here.", "(She and Warrick are putting name place cards down on the table. They finish with the Huxley table. Catherine puts the chart down. Warrick puts his goggles on and turns on the ALS.)", "(He checks the overturned chair.)", "Warrick: Okay. Got blood on the chair.", "(Catherine picks up a discarded napkin off the floor and looks at it. Warrick finds more blood drops.)", "Warrick: Blood on the tablecloth.", "(He works his way around the table.)", "Warrick: Blood drops on the floor, leading away from Hux's chair.", "Catherine: Stab him. Extract the weapon-drip, drip, drip.", "Warrick: And they end here.", "Catherine: Near Ms. Shasta.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BLIND - LOBBY - NIGHT]", "(Brass talks with Shasta McCloud, the woman in the black dress, while the woman in the pink dress is there.)", "Shasta McCloud: Shasta McCloud -- big \"M,\" little \"c,\" big \"C,\" plus \"loud.\" McCloud.", "April Kissimee: On TV, they never show anyone bleeding from a heart attack.", "Brass: Is that what you think happened?", "April Kissimee: Well, yeah. I mean, all that Prevalis and diet soda. I just figured ...", "Shasta McCloud: April, shh! He was an animal until the day he died, sir.", "Brass: Uh-huh.", "April Kissimee: Wait a minute. What did happen?", "Brass: Well-well, you're the one with blood on you. Maybe you can tell me.", "April Kissimee: I thought he just fell asleep like he always does at the end of meals.", "(Quick flashback to: The room is completely dark.)", "April: (V.O.) Come on! Wake up, Huxey.", "(April takes out the pink kitten.)", "April: (v.o., low voice) Wake up, Huxey. Wake up, Huxey-Hux. Come on, it's time to go. Meow, meow! Meow, meow!", "(She makes kissy noises. Hampton Huxley appears in the light and we see that the side of his face is smeared with blood. He falls on her and she whimpers.)", "April Kissimee: Waiter! Emergency!", "Shasta McCloud: April? April, what's wrong?!", "April Kissimee: Call 9-1-1! Help!", "(Hampton Huxley falls to the floor.)", "Shasta McCloud: April! April!", "(The waiter appears.)", "Michael Bowie: Michael here.", "April Kissimee: (screams) Code red!", "(She screams.)", "(The place is very loud.)", "Shasta McCloud: Help! Help us!", "(Michael hits his button and starts the alarm.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Brass: Okay. Um, look, I'm going to need to take your sweater.", "April Kissimee: (giggles) Yeah, like I haven't heard that one before.", "(She starts to take her sweater off. Brass stops her.)", "Brass: No. No, I don't mean right now. No, I mean, I... I'll need to take it before I go. You know, later, when I, when I leave, I have to take your sweater then.", "(April nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - NIGHT]", "(Nick walks out into the hallway and finds Matt Bartley sitting in a wheelchair and drinking from the water fountain. Nick stops.)", "Nick: Mr. Bartley?", "(Matt stops drinking. He turns his chair around.)", "Matt Bartley: Matt. I'm Vincent's brother.", "Nick: I'm... Nick.", "(Nick shakes his hand.)", "Nick: Stokes. Uh ...", "Matt Bartley: You don't need to say it. I knew when the detective asked me for that safe-kit that it was going to be Vinnie.", "Nick: Shouldn't I be talking to your parents?", "Matt Bartley: Don't have any parents. Mom skipped out when we were little, and Dad died a couple years ago. It's just the two of us.", "(Nick sits down.)", "Nick: Matt ... your brother wasn't on the football team, but when we found him, he was wearing a football helmet. Why is that?", "Matt Bartley: It was my old helmet.", "Nick: Is that how you got injured?", "Matt Bartley: No. It was the last day of spring break, and ... I was wasted. Like a dumb-ass, I dove into the Tangiers wave pool headfirst. Fractured my T-1 vertebra.", "Nick: So why the helmet?", "Matt Bartley: Well, I was a pretty good football player. He was proud of that. That and my dad's dragon belt. He got it when he was in the service. Vinnie wears it every day. It's just something that he has to hold onto ... (voice breaks) deal with.", "Nick: (softly) Yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BLIND - DINING ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Warrick are still processing the dining room. Catherine picks up a kabob skewer.)", "Catherine: You know, one of these could've been the murder weapon. It's approximate in size and shape. And everybody had one.", "(Warrick takes a swab of something on the carpet.)", "(Catherine grabs another napkin off the table and puts it in an envelope.)", "(Warrick tests the swab.)", "Warrick: Well, something dripped over here that is not blood.", "Catherine: Well, could've been whatever food was on the skewers. ALS will pick up anything that's fatty or dairy-based.", "(Warrick sees something. He finds a pair of goggles under the table and picks it up.)", "(He opens it and looks at it. He removes the goggles from the headband.)", "Warrick: Could you turn off the lights for a second?", "(Catherine puts her clipboard down and turns the lights off with the remote. She chuckles as everything is dark and the shades lower.)", "Catherine: I'm sorry, but this is a stupid idea for a restaurant.", "WARRICK'S POV: NIGHT GOGGLE VISION. Catherine is cast in green.", "Catherine: I need to see what I'm eating.", "(Warrick walks over to Catherine.)", "Warrick: I can see just fine.", "(Catherine turns at the sound of his voice.)", "Catherine: Where are you?", "Warrick: (whispers) Right here. CATHERINE: (whispers) Oh.", "(She turns the lights back on. Warrick is standing right in front of her looking through the goggles.)", "Catherine: Hi. Warrick: Hi.", "(The shades pull up.)", "Catherine: Night vision goggles?", "Warrick: Yeah, someone left these behind.", "Catherine: Kind of defeats the purpose of dining in the dark.", "Warrick: Unless you don't come here for the food.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BLIND - LOBBY - NIGHT]", "(Warrick talks with Jerry Nivens.)", "Warrick: Mr. Nivens. Are these yours?", "(He shows him the goggles in an evidence bag.)", "(Mona Nivens sits nearby and looks at her husband, Jerry. Jerry rolls his eyes, barely looking at her and doesn't answer Warrick.)", "Warrick: I'll take that as a \"yes.\"", "(The officers turn Jerry Nivens around to handcuff him.)", "Jerry Nivens: Wait, wait ... I didn't kill anyone.", "Warrick: Then why would your bring military-grade, night vision goggles to the restaurant?", "(He glares at his wife.)", "Jerry Nivens: A hunch.", "(Quick flashback to: [BLACK SCREEN] The dining room is dark. We hear the sounds of eating intermittent with a man and a woman moaning.)", "Jerry Nivens: Hey. Sweetheart, you want to try some of my steak?", "(Jerry Nivens appears in the light holding a piece of steak.)", "Mona Nivens: (o.s.) No, thanks. I'm all good.", "(He hears heavy breathing and gets suspicious. He takes out his night vision goggles and puts it on.)", "JERRY'S POV", "(Mona is sharing an intimate bite with the husband of the couple they're seated with while his wife is alone eating her meal.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Jerry Nivens: Always be suspicious when your wife wants to dine in the dark with another couple.", "Mona Nivens: You brought night vision goggles to spy on me during dinner?", "Jerry Nivens: Damn right.", "(Warrick can't believe this. Brass wipes his face with his hand and sighs. He grins sheepishly.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Nick is walking through the hallway and reading a file when Hodges steps out of his lab and joins him.)", "Hodges: Millions of tires wear out ever year. You ever wonder where all that rubber dust goes?", "Nick: No, I don't.", "Hodges: The black powder trace you found in your victim's clothing was tire rubber.", "Nick: It's not surprising. We found the body on the side of the highway.", "Hodges: Of course you would expect that. However, I did find some very interesting type of rubber.", "Nick: Okay, Hodges, dazzle me.", "Hodges: Truck tires have 27% isoprene and 14% neoprene. That's what makes them so hard. Passenger tires have a lower isoprene-to-neoprene ratio, but they also have silica for fuel economy and wet traction.", "INSERT: FLASH OF A GO-CART TIRE", "Hodges: (V.O.) Go-cart tires, or \"slicks,\" -", "END FLASH.", "(Hodges shows Nick the test results.)", "Hodges: -- to those in the know, have much higher levels of carbon black and oil, resulting in extremely high traction.", "Nick: Guess I better get my go-cart on.", "Hodges: You know, just so you know, I'm a bit of go-cart enthusiast myself.", "Nick: Oh, uh ... that's awesome.", "(Nick leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. GO-CART TRACKS -- DAY]", "(Nick and Greg talk with the girl behind the counter, Christin Gillis.)", "Greg: Have you seen this guy before?", "Christin Gillis: Day before yesterday, day before that, and the day before that. Oh, man, did he get in trouble?", "Greg: Are these the race stats?", "Christin Gillis: Uh-huh.", "Greg: You keep record of them?", "Christin Gillis: Yeah, all in here. People ask for them every day like they're some sort of trophy.", "Greg: Could you print out Vincent Bartley's trophy from the last time he was here?", "Christin Gillis: Yeah. But I'm not getting him in trouble, am I?", "Nick: No. No, not really. (to Greg) You know, when I was a kid, we used to make these things out of lunch trays and old lawn mower engines.", "Greg: When I was kid, I used to make bombs--little bombs.", "(She hands the printout to Greg.)", "Greg: Oh. \"Vinnie Vroom.\" Won all three of his races. Beat out a guy named \"Hot Rod.\"", "Christin Gillis: Vinnie ran circles around him.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK TO", "(Vinnie Vroom and Hot Rod race around the tracks.)", "Vinnie Vroom: Yes.", "(Vinnie stops and takes his helmet off to do his victory dance.)", "Vinnie Vroom: Yes. Yes, is that all you got? Is that all you got? Is that all you got? Is that all you got?", "(Hot Rod gets out of his go-cart while Vinnie continues his victory dance.)", "Vinnie Vroom: Is that all you got? Is that all you got?", "END FLASHBACK.", "Christin Gillis: Rodney went from being A-Rod to being No-Rod.", "(Behind them, they hear tires screech.)", "Christin Gillis: Hey, there he is, right there.", "(They turn around to see Hot Rod get out of his cart.)", "Hot Rod: Aw, come on. Hey, if you guys want to race, then you guys have to wear dresses, huh?", "(He takes his helmet off.)", "Hot Rod: Get your skill up, all right. I need some competition here.", "Nick: Hot Rod!", "(He turns and looks at them ... then runs.)", "(Nick and Greg look at each other. Greg shrugs and motions for Nick to go on ahead.)", "(Nick takes off after Hot Rod. He jumps right over the track fence and takes the direct route. Greg takes off, going around the fence to head Hot Rod off.)", "(Nick runs clear through the track.)", "(Hot Rod jumps over the fence on the other side.)", "(Nick jumps over the other side of the fence.)", "(They exit the building.)", "[EXT. GO-CART TRACKS - PARKING LOT - CONTINUING]", "(Hot Rod heads for his truck.)", "(He opens the truck door and gets inside just as Nick reaches the truck. Nick takes his gun out and holds it on Hot Rod.)", "Nick: Get out of the truck! Get out of the truck now!", "(Hot Rod takes his hands off the steering wheel.)", "Nick: Get out of the truck now!", "(Hot Rod gets out of the truck.)", "(Greg arrives with the officers, who handcuff Hot Rod.)", "Nick: Nothing says \"I'm guilty\" like running from the cops, dumb-ass. Give me his wallet.", "(The officer takes Hot Rod's wallet out of his pocket.)", "Nick: Rodney Banks. We're with the Vegas Crime Lab, Mr. Banks.", "(Greg looks inside the truck.)", "Rodney Banks: Hey, I didn't do nothing.", "Greg: You got quite a mess here, Rod. Mind if I take a look?", "(Greg holds up the belt.)", "Nick: Where'd you get that belt?", "Rodney Banks: I don't know.", "Nick: Where?", "Rodney Banks: I don't know.", "(Greg tests the belt for blood.)", "Greg: Blood. Looks like things just got a lot hotter for you, Rod.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BLIND - DINING ROOM - DAY]", "(Warrick continues to snap photos of the food on the table. Catherine is in the back testing the skewers.)", "Catherine: All skewers accounted for, none of them bloody.", "(Warrick picks up something off the table and looks at it.)", "Catherine: We've got a high-profile dead guy in a locked-room situation, with sixteen diners and three blind waiters. Give me something.", "Warrick: How about a Band-Aid with petals?", "(Catherine walks over and looks at it.)", "Catherine: It's not a Band-Aid. It's a nipple flower.", "Warrick: What's it doing at a table with four guys?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BLIND - LOBBY - DAY]", "(Man 1 stands in front of Brass.)", "Man 1: Can I go to the bathroom? Please, please, please?!", "Brass: Again?", "Man 1: Yes, sir.", "Brass: Yeah, okay.", "(Man 1 runs to the bathroom. The rest of the three guys in his party laugh.)", "Brass: Okay. What's so funny?", "Orange Shirt Manducci: We slipped a laxative in his beer in the dark. It's his sixth trip to the can. It's freakin' hilarious.", "Brass: What are you guys, like twelve years old? Oh, hey, hey, Curly. How come you're so pretty in pink? Huh?", "(The man in the orange shirt looks down at the pink fur on his sleeve.)", "(He points at April Kissimee, who is being comforted by Shasta McCloud.)", "Orange Shirt Manducci: Breast exam.", "(The men erupt in laughter.)", "Orange Shirt Manducci: You know, doctors without boundaries, if you know what I mean.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(It's completely dark in the room. The two women with Hampton Huxley are giggling softly. The orange shirt man turns to his buddies.)", "Orange Shirt Manducci: You guys, come here. It's total darkness. There's two Kitties. That's four ... They're all up for grabs! I'm going on a mission of mercy.", "(He gets up and heads over. He feels around for their table, then reaches April. He grabs her.)", "April Kissimee: Who is that? Hux? Stop it. Save it for later.", "Hampton Huxley: What are you talking about?", "April Kissimee: That's not you, Hux? (screams) Somebody's touching me!", "Orange Shirt Manducci: Sweet mother. Guys, they're real -- both of them!", "Hampton Huxley: Waiter? Waiter, we have a problem over here.", "(The waiter, Michael Bowie, heads over to them.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "(Brass talks with Michael Bowie.)", "Michael Bowie: Yeah, I lead Mr. Manducci back to his seat. He and his brothers had had quite a bit to drink.", "Brass: So it was the blind leading the drunk, huh?", "Michael Bowie: I could do it with my eyes closed.", "Brass: Well, did you, did you hear anything unusual?", "Michael Bowie: No. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. Until the woman in the fuzzy dress shrieked. I found Mr. Huxley slumped forward. Checked for a pulse, and he didn't have one, so I turned on the emergency lights. Then she really screamed. Is she pretty? She had a pretty girl scream.", "Brass: Oh, man. She's a Huxley Kitty. She's gorgeous.", "(Brass notes the waiter's tie is wet.)", "Brass: Hey, uh ... Let me ask you something. Did you wash your hands?", "Michael Bowie: Force of habit; I'm sorry. Waiter.", "Brass: Okay, we're going to have to take your prints, okay?", "Michael Bowie: Sure.", "(Brass leads Michael Bowie over to the print table.)", "Brass: We're going to walk, straight ahead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BLIND - DINING ROOM - DAY]", "(Warrick and Catherine look at the mess on the table.)", "Warrick: Looks like there was some kind of struggle.", "(Catherine touches the substance.)", "Catherine: Sticky.", "(She finds it on the floor as well.)", "Warrick: What do you think it is?", "(She touches it and smells it. She looks at Warrick)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BLIND - LOBBY - DAY]", "Peter Ellis: Honey? The detective needs to ask us some questions.", "(Nanci Katz holds a cold pack to her head. She shakes Brass's hand.)", "Nanci Katz: Hi, Nanci Katz. Soon to be Ellis.", "(She giggles.)", "Brass: I'm Jim Brass. Yes. So, what happened, Nanci?", "Nanci Katz: Oh, um ... ask him.", "Peter Ellis: Oh ... uh ... well, I-I thought it would be romantic ...", "(Quick flashback to: They're eating in the dark.)", "Nanci Katz: (V.O.) Mmm. I have not ever tasted a fig this juicy.", "Peter Ellis: Oh, they're so good.", "Nanci Katz: Mmm.", "Peter Ellis: It's like they're, it's like, it's better than the Newtons.", "(He feels around and opens a ring box. He takes out a diamond ring and slides it across the table toward her hand.)", "Nanci Katz: Mmm. It's so much better.", "(He pulls the tablecloth down and the plates of food fall off the table.)", "Peter Ellis: Oh, God!", "Nanci Katz: Baby, are you okay?", "Peter Ellis: Yeah, um ...", "Nanci Katz: What happened?", "Peter Ellis: Yeah. Uh ... a thing ... I'm ... uh ... okay.", "(Peter tries again.)", "Michael Bowie: (o.s.) It's Michael here. Is ... is everyone all right?", "(Peter puts the ring in Michael's hand so he can feel what he's trying to do.)", "Peter Ellis: Oh ... uh ... yeah. Michael, I'm just ... (mutters) I'm trying to get something going here.", "Michael Bowie: Oh, no problem, sir. I'll leave you two alone.", "Peter Ellis: Okay.", "(Michael leaves.)", "Peter Ellis: Uh, baby, where's your ...", "Nanci Katz: Yeah?", "Peter Ellis: Where's your hand?", "(He reaches for her hand. She gasps.)", "Peter Ellis: Ever since I met you, I've known I wanted to ask you this question. (He pauses to count her fingers to make sure he gets the ring on the right one.) One, two, three. Would you be my wife? Will you marry me?", "(She laughs.)", "Nanci Katz: Yes! Yes.", "(Since she can't see it, she feels the diamond.)", "Nanci Katz: Oh, my gosh. I can't even see it, but it feels big. The ring, I mean.", "Peter Ellis: Sure, yeah.", "Nanci Katz: Yes! Yes!", "END FLASHBACK.", "(Brass is holding Nanci's hand and looking at the ring. Peter looks at him expectantly.)", "Brass: Oh. Congratulations.", "Peter Ellis: Thanks.", "Brass: So how'd you bump your noggin?", "(She looks a little embarrassed as she glances at Peter.)", "Nanci Katz: It was dark; nobody, could see. I wanted to say yes.", "(Brass nods. He gets it.)", "Nanci Katz: Loud and clear? There's a lot of metal under those tables.", "Peter Ellis: There really is, yeah.", "Nanci Katz: Way too much.", "Peter Ellis: It's not safe.", "Brass: I bet.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "Holstein: (V.O.) Losing the race was just the beginning.", "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Holstein and Nick interview Rodney Banks.)", "Holstein: Then, you killed him. Cut his body up and dumped it on the side of the road.", "Rodney Banks: Whoa, man. I swear I didn't kill anybody. Or I didn't cut anybody up or dump 'em. All I did was ask him for a rematch ... off the track, where it really counts.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Vincent Bartley and Rodney Banks race the go-carts on the open road behind a truck.)", "(Vincent tries to pass the truck, but there's another car coming toward them. He goes back behind the truck.)", "(Rodney goes ahead and passes the truck.)", "(He stops and celebrates, knowing he won.)", "Rodney Banks: Yeah!", "(He turns and sees Vincent's go-cart swerve uncontrollably. Vincent has no head.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Nick: So your statement is he just spontaneously lost his head?", "Rodney Banks: Yeah. You know, one minute, he's staring at me. The next, I look back, and the Headless Horseman is driving his cart.", "Nick: And then what happened?", "(Rodney's quiet.)", "(Quick flashback to: He gets his helmet off and gets out of the go-cart. He gets Vincent's body out of the cart, removes Vincent's belt and uses it has a tie between the two go-carts. He climbs back into his cart and tows it back.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Ezekiel Holstein: So why you just didn't ditch the carts?", "Rodney Banks: Christin, that ... that girl at the track, she let us sneak out with them. You know, my life was turning into a horror movie -- I didn't want to bring her in on it.", "(Nick shrugs.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Conrad Ecklie moves through the hallway, determined to corner Grissom. He walks into Grissom's office.)", "Conrad Ecklie: You've been dodging me; it's time to talk.", "(Grissom is sitting at his desk.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Gil, nobody wants to hear about your love life less than I do, but since you didn't handle this right, I have to take a formal statement.", "(Ecklie sits down and opens his notebook.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Should've been a conversation between friends. I mean, we could've found some way around this. Catherine could have done Sara's evaluations. Why didn't you just tell me?", "Grissom: We didn't want you to know.", "Conrad Ecklie: Don't most women like the world to know they're dating someone?", "Grissom: Where do you get your information about women, Conrad?", "(Ecklie shakes his head.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Okay, so, when did you two, you know?", "(Grissom thinks about it.)", "Grissom: Nine years ago.", "(Ecklie rolls his eyes.)", "Conrad Ecklie: (exasperated) You know what? You two need to get your stories straight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. GO-CART TRACKS -- DAY]", "(Greg examines the go-carts. He stops and kneels next to one of the carts. He notices gravel.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE -- DAY]", "(Nick and Greg examine the go-carts.)", "Nick: There's road gravel embedded in all these tires.", "Greg: Yeah, but no visible blood on that one.", "(Greg looks at the bumpers.)", "Greg: Got a worn area on this front bumper. Some brown trace. Same goes for the rear of that one.", "(Nick moves over to look at the bumper.)", "Nick: Well, if it turns out to be leather, it would confirm Hot Rod's story that he towed the second cart back using Vinnie's belt.", "Greg: Got what looks like ... blood on this wheel well.", "INSERT: CGI BLOODSPATTER", "(Greg swabs it and tests it.)", "Greg: This is the victim's cart. Must have been movin' when his head popped off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins snaps photos of Hampton Huxley on the table as David works nearby.)", "Robbins: Well, another one for the scrapbook. Boy, he looks different without hair. Never knew he wore a toupee.", "David Phillips: Oh ... uh ... it had something sticky on it, so I bagged it for Trace. (He holds up the bag.) But if you want, we could put it back on for the photo op.", "Robbins: No, that's okay; let's get to cutting.", "(David picks up the bone saw.)", "(He turns the saw on as Robbins makes the initial cut on Hampton Huxley's skull.)", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(Robbins examines Huxley's brain.)", "Robbins: Embedded horizontally in the parenchyma of the right temporal lobe is a linear, silver-toned, metal tube that tapers to a point. And in this case, David, the pen may be mightier than the sword.", "INSERT: CGI", "(The pen punctures through the head into the brain where the tip breaks off as it's extracted.)", "(The blood and ink drip out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - BRASS'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(He empties Shasta's bag onto the desk and finds her cell phone, wallet and other items stained with leaky ink.)", "Brass: Okay.", "Shasta McCloud: Okay, that pen's not mine.", "Brass: Yeah. Nice try, sweetheart.", "(Shasta sighs and sits down.)", "Shasta McCloud: Excuse me. Can I be Lucy Logic for a bit? First of all, that purse is designer. There's no way I'm ruining it with ink.", "(April shakes her head at Brass in agreement.)", "Shasta McCloud: Second of all, I know where my bread is buttered. Hux was my meal ticket -- kill him, go hungry.", "Brass: Unless you're in the will.", "(Both April and Shasta laugh.)", "Shasta McCloud: Kitties don't get in the will. Besides, if I had touched that thing, wouldn't I have ink on my hands?", "Brass: Hmm.", "Shasta McCloud: Whoever did it ditched the pen in my bag. It was on the back of my chair the whole time. It could have been anyone.", "April Kissime: What about the guy who assaulted me?", "Shasta McCloud: Look, if you really want a suspect, you need to check out little Miss Chef Lady.", "Brass: Little Miss Chef Lady? Why is that?", "April Kissime: Hello.", "Shasta McCloud: Duh, she's ... Winter Issue? 1995.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass sits at the table looking at a magazine centerfold.)", "Brass: You certainly weren't hiding anything back then. Hmm?", "(He closes the magazine and looks at Pippa Sanchez.)", "Brass: Ms. Sanchez, according to your fellow Kitties, you and Huxley had a falling out. It's curious that you didn't mention that.", "Pippa Sanchez: I didn't mention it, because it's ancient history. Twelve years ago, a misogynist told me I should eat less. And today, I now have a hot restaurant on the Strip and two contracts for spots in LA and Chicago. \"Food Seduction\" is a best-seller. I think I won that battle already.", "Brass: So, did you and Huxley speak to each other last night?", "Pippa Sanchez: His reservation was booked under a pseudonym. I didn't even know he was there. Mr. Brass, do you know why I started my restaurant?", "Brass: No. Tell me.", "Pippa Sanchez: Because I fell in love with a blind man. He would turn off the lights and feed me. When you deprive one sense, other senses are heightened. My only focus was on my tongue. It was brilliant. And then he died. And this restaurant is an homage to him-to our love affair.", "Brass: How nice for you.", "Pippa Sanchez: I don't mean to be crude, but a murder is, quite frankly, bad for business.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Warrick takes one of the napkins out of the package and puts it in the video spectral comparator.)", "VARIOUS DISSOLVES.", "(He takes the napkin out and grabs the next package where he does the same for the next napkin and the next napkin.)", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - DAY]", "(Catherine looks at the morgue photos and spreads them out on the table. She opens the file folder and looks at the photos of various items -- of a watch, wallet and toupee.)", "(In the file, she sees:", "8) TOUPEE AUTOPSY - D. HODGES TRACE. IDENTIFY UNKNOWN STICKY SUBSTANCE", "(Warrick finishes the napkins. He looks at the napkins under various lights in the VSC and finds a print on one of them.)", "(Catherine finds the analysis for the sticky substance: HONEY.)", "(Warrick walks into the room with his results.)", "Catherine: Hey.", "Warrick: Hey.", "Catherine: So, Huxley had honey on his hairpiece, ink in his brain and blood all over. There were three people who had honey on their hands: the frisky couple and Michael. Two people who had blood on their clothing: April and Michael. And there was a total of five people moving around the room: two Manducci brothers and all three waiters. Now, that's a lot of lists for Michael to turn up on. He does work there, so there's reason for it, but ...", "Warrick: Well, there's no reason for this: Michael's print in ink, on a napkin.", "(He shows her the print.)", "Catherine: What would he have against Huxley?", "Warrick: His prints hit back to an old work card. The guy used to be a chef.", "Catherine: A blind chef?", "Warrick: He lost his sight a few years back. But before that, guess who was his sous-chef?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine reads to Michael Bowie from Pippa Sanchez's book)", "Catherine: (reads) \"The man knew his way around a kitchen, and his way into my heart. Michael would spend hours teaching me, feeding me ... loving me.\"", "Brass: So, you're the dead guy?", "Michael Bowie: She seduces me, steals my recipes, my ideas, my investors. And then she hires me as a freaking waiter. Night after night, I listen to her tell stories of the tragic love affair, of the poor, dead blind guy. Last night, I finally confronted her.", "(Quick flashback to: Michael talks with Pippa.)", "Michael Bowie: I deserve a piece of the action.", "Pippa Sanchez: At $200 a head, you're clearing at least $1,000 in tips at night. That's a lot of action for a blind man.", "Michael Bowie: I made you.", "Pippa Sanchez: You're fired. We're done.", "(End of flashback.)", "Brass: But why kill Huxley? Why not just her?", "Michael Bowie: I'm blind. She's not. But in that dining room, everybody else is blind, too. And when Huxley walked in with his Kitties, it was like a sign from the gods. I knew I could destroy her and the restaurant.", "(Quick flashback to: Hampton Huxley eats an oyster.)", "Michael Bowie: (V.O.) I waited till the oyster course. The shells clanging, and slurping, the \"oohing,\" the \"aahing, I knew it would cover any noise I was going to make.", "(As they eat, Michael stabs him with the pen.)", "(End of flashback.)", "Michael Bowie: I wanted her rotting in jail, eating bologna sandwiches.", "Catherine: If you wanted to frame Pippa, why did you plant the pen in Shasta's purse?", "Michael Bowie: I tell everyone to put their purses and jackets on the back of the chairs, so I knew exactly where her purse was.", "(Quick flashback to: Michael puts the dripping pen in the purse. He wipes his hands on the napkin and drops the napkin on the floor.)", "Michael Bowie: Old cat frames young Kitty. Kind of perfect.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Greg and Nick report back to Grissom.)", "Greg: We found high velocity blood spatter inside the rear wheel well of the victim's cart, which means he lost his head at high speed.", "Nick: So how did Hot Rod decapitate Vinnie while racing down a highway at 60 miles an hour?", "Grissom: Maybe he didn't.", "Greg: Well, people's heads just don't fly off for no reason. Well, I mean, maybe we should check the scene for some wires or branches, or something he could've run into.", "Nick: If it would've happened that way, we would've found trace from whatever did it. The only trace in the neck and arm wounds was rubber from truck tires.", "Grissom: Which was present on both sides of his wounds but not on his clothing.", "Greg: There were blown-out tire fragments all over the road.", "Grissom: But we found his body off the road. There shouldn't be any transfer from truck tires.", "(Grissom thinks about it.)", "Grissom: Unless ...", "(Nick and Greg exchange looks.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- LAB]", "(Grissom is revving up a rubber tire. In the background, Ecklie passes in the hallway and stops when he sees Greg and Nick setting up the Jell-O bust. They secure the bust at about the same height as the go-cart.)", "(Ecklie walks in.)", "Conrad Ecklie: What's going on here?", "Grissom: We're trying to determine whether a steel-belted truck tire can decapitate a kid driving a go-cart.", "(Nick puts the helmet on the bust.)", "Conrad Ecklie: I thought that was an urban myth.", "Grissom: Myths, legends, tall tales -- they all come from something real.", "Nick: If that go-cart was going 60 miles an hour drafting a truck going the same speed, and that truck blows a tire, sending a two-pound projectile into the driver's neck ...", "Conrad Ecklie: Yeah, the combined speed of impact would be 120 miles an hour. Which is about ...", "Greg: 962 foot-pounds of energy.", "Grissom: All right, let's go, fellas.", "(Nick pats the helmet secure on the bust. He and Greg get up and move behind the shield. Ecklie doesn't move. They can't do the experiment until Ecklie moves.)", "Grissom: Come on, Conrad. There's always room for Jell-O.", "Conrad Ecklie: (mutters) It's expensive Jell-O.", "(Ecklie grabs protective head gear and moves behind the shield with the others.)", "(Grissom picks up some rubber, --", "Greg: (excitedly) I love this. -- then sends it through the rolling tires.) SLOW MOTION. The rubber hits the helmet and knocks the head off the bust.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] During the race, Vincent doesn't pass the truck. The truck hits a piece of rubber on the road, sending it back toward Vincent, hitting him on the shoulder. He blocks it and continues racing.)", "(The truck hits more pieces of rubber on the road, sending it back toward Vincent. He raises his hand to block it. The rubber cuts off his head and his hand.)", "(End of flashback.)", "SLOW MOTION. The rubber knocks the head off the bust.", "(The helmet and Jell-O bounce off the lab floor.)", "(Ecklie looks at them.)", "Conrad Ecklie: Well, it worked. See if we can't reuse some of that.", "(And like a kid, Grissom smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. GRISSOM'S CAR (PARKED) -- DAY]", "(Grissom and Sara talk.)", "Grissom: When did you tell Ecklie we got involved?", "(Thinks about it.)", "Sara: Two years ago. Why? What did you tell him?", "Grissom: Nine years ago.", "(Sara laughs.)", "Sara: The Forensic Academy Conference?", "Grissom: Yeah.", "(She laughs.)", "Grissom: You ... uh ... had too many questions about anthropology, for some reason.", "Sara: Well, I was stalling. I was trying to get the nerve to ask you to dinner.", "Grissom: You had a ponytail.", "Sara: I'm going to move to swing.", "Grissom: We talked about this.", "Sara: I know that you said that you would do it, but I don't want to do that to the team. Besides ... I am sure that I could use more daylight in my life.", "(Grissom is quiet. He nods.)", "Sara: We should go.", "Grissom: Yeah.", "(They get out of the car.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. GO-CART TRACKS -- DAY]", "(The team is inside racing around the tracks in the go-carts. Sara and Grissom walk up to the fence and watch them. As they round the corner, they wave to them. Grissom gives a thumbs-up sign to them.)", "(Nick stops the cart in front of them and opens his helmet visor.)", "Nick: Whoo! (to Sara) You ... uh ... you want a ride?", "Sara: Wish I could.", "Nick: What about you, Ricky Bobby?", "Grissom: No, thanks, I like to watch.", "Nick: Okay.", "(Nick laughs, shuts the visor and heads off on his way. Sara turns at Grissom.)", "Sara: You should go.", "Grissom: Yeah?", "Sara: Yeah, you should go.", "Grissom: Okay.", "(Grissom goes through the gate and picks up the helmet off the nearby cart.)", "(Sara smiles. Grissom is in the cart and ready to go. Sara gives him a thumbs-up sign.)", "(Grissom starts the cart, gives her a thumbs-up sign and races around the track with the others. They're like a bunch of little kids.)", "(Sara remains at the fence watching them from the outside.)", "(Grissom rides the go-cart around the tracks.)", "(HOLD on Sara watching.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
A La Cart
[ "The hanging death of a possibly hermaphroditic male is connected to a tainted water supply, while the day crew investigates 40-year-old skeletal remains found at the site of a recently imploded casino. Grissom proposes to Sara, and she accepts; Greg reveals he is writing a book about the history of Las Vegas." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. RESERVOIR (STOCK) - DAY]", "VARIOUS CUTS OF:", "(A woman turns on the kitchen tap. Clear, fresh water pours into the glass. The woman takes a pill and drinks it down with the water.)", "CLOSE-UP", "(A toilet flushes. The water spins down the bowl.)", "SHOWER HEAD", "(A woman takes a bath. The water runs down her body.)", "[EXT. RESIDENTIAL AREA - DAY]", "(A man waters his bushes.)", "(Another man washes his boat.)", "(The water runs down the drain.)", "CGI ZOOM down through the sewers, following the water through the various treatment pipes.", "RESUME", "(The water rushes out the drainpipe.)", "PULL BACK and DOWN into the murky waters. A fish swims by. The fish is pulled out of the water by a fisherman's net.", "(The fisherman in the boat puts his net down and sees the body dangling from the tree off shore.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. LAKE - DAY]", "(David Phillips tends to the body. Grissom and Nick are at the site while Brass fills them in.)", "Brass: Guy in a boat spotted him this morning. No witnesses.", "Nick: How did he get up there?", "(Grissom snaps a photo of the tire tracks on the dirt.)", "Grissom: I think maybe somebody gave him a lift.", "(Nick takes his knife out.)", "Nick: Okay, super, I'm ready to cut.", "(David Phillips holds the body as Nick cuts the rope. The body is put on the gurney. David examines the body.)", "Grissom: Lacerations to his chest.", "Brass: Stabbed and then hanged. I guess he wasn't dead enough.", "David Phillips: Rope burns on both palms.", "Nick: He probably tried to pull himself up.", "Grissom: Lift his shirt up, will you, David?", "(David lifts the shirt and sees the victim's breasts.)", "David Phillips: Whoa! I ... thought this ... guy was a guy.", "Grissom: Check the plumping.", "David Phillips: Full male genitalia.", "Nick: Mutilated tranny strung up in a tree.", "(Quick flash to: Some men hang up the victim as he cries and struggles.)", "Man: Go! Go! Go! Go!", "(They drive away, leaving the victim hanging from the tree.)", "(End flash.)", "Nick: Bet I know how he got up there.", "Grissom: Hate?", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE -- DAY]", "(Nick removes the tire print cast off the ground. He sets it aside and stands up to look around the area. He puts evidence marker #2 on the ground near some blood.)", "(He puts evidence marker #3 on the ground near more blood. He puts evidence marker #4 near a pair of shoes. Nick picks up the cell phone left inside the shoe. He checks it and sees the message:", "INBOX", "PCYDEN:", "I NEED IT TONIGHT", "(He scrolls back.)", "INBOX:", "TO PCYDEN:", "CAN YOU GIVE ME MORE MONEY THIS TIME?", "PCYDEN:", "OKAY.", "(Nick puts the cell phone down. He continues looking around. He puts evidence marker #5 down near a couple of empty alcoholic bottles on the sand. Nick picks up a broken bottle and looks at the sharp glass edge.)", "(Quick flash to: Someone breaks the glass bottle against the rock and slashes Brian Towne in the chest.)", "END FLASH", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins pulls out a small piece of glass from the laceration.)", "Robbins: Lacerations aren't deep enough to have killed him. Ligature furrows canted upward. Scratches ... consistent with struggling to get free.", "(Grissom picks up the rope and looks at it.)", "Robbins: Preliminary COD's suffocation from hanging.", "(Grissom looks at the driver's license.)", "TOWNE, BRIAN", "6487 HILLIS STREET", "VERDANT GLEN, NV 89110", "EXPIRES: 4-13-2008", "WEIGHT 140 EYES GRN HAIR BRN", "Grissom: Eighteen years old.", "(Robbins snaps photos.)", "Grissom: Brian Towne. Lived in Verdant Glen.", "Robbins: Hmm. Twenty years ago, my wife wanted to buy out there, but there was no 215 freeway back then. The commute would've killed me. No physical signs of Klinefelter syndrome.", "Grissom: So he's not an XXY.", "Robbins: No, he's all skin and muscle. These can't be fatty deposits ... this is glandular tissue. His mammaries are swollen.", "Grissom: Gynecomastia. Pre-op transsexuals take a lot of estrogen.", "Robbins: I'll run an expanded tox panel, send out for a hormone screen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "(The block where the Rampart Casino once stood is now a construction area.)", "[EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE -- DAY]", "(The SIGN reads:", "COMING SOON SPRING 2008", "ECLIPSE HOTEL & CASINO", "(Catherine and her mother, Lily Flynn, stand near the sign as they watch the construction going on in front of them.)", "Lily: It wasn't easy being a Copa girl. When the curtain came down, we had to stay and decorate the Sands Casino into the wee hours.", "Catherine: Ugly guys do gamble more when there's pretty girls to look at.", "Lily: They weren't all ugly. And your father, in that tuxedo ... giving me the eye, trying not to grin, 'cause he thought floor managers had to be tough.", "Catherine: So, Mom, who made the first move?", "Lily: Sam. (She holds a chip.) Stuck this five-dollar chip in my hand and said, \"Take it, you can't miss.\" I shot craps all night with Peter Lawford and cleaned up. I was right here the day Sam opened the Rampart, his first casino.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(A young Sam cuts the tape.)", "Lily: (V.O.) And we were going to be right here again when he opened the Eclipse.", "(Sam turns and hugs Lily.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Lily: I know you wanted to be buried with this, but I just couldn't let go. I can now. They're going to build your dream on it, honey.", "(She kisses the chip.)", "Lily: Take it. (whispers) You can't miss.", "(She tosses the chip into the construction pit. The chip hits the sand.)", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. RAMPART - NIGHT]", "(The lights of the RAMPART Hotel and Casino flash in the night.)", "INSERT: VARIOUS FLASHES OF SAM", "(Lily wipes the lipstick off Sam's lips.)", "(Sam walks with his arm around Catherine.)", "(Cut to: Sam turns around.)", "(Catherine waves to him.)", "(Sam and Catherine)", "(Sam dabs Lily's mouth with the edge of his napkin.)", "(A gun fires. Someone shoots Sam. He falls backward. Catherine breaks his fall.)", "(The RAMPART explodes and falls as the observers cheer.)", "END FLASHBACKS.", "[EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE -- DAY]", "(A couple of police cars arrive at the bottom of the pit. Their sirens wail as they arrive. Catherine and Lily stand on top near the sign as they watch.)", "(Catherine goes down to find out what's going on.)", "(The foreman talks with his worker.)", "Foreman: I don't care if it's Jimmy Louise Hoffa. I want you to grab that jackhammer and bust up this concrete.", "(Catherine shows the officer nearby her ID.)", "Catherine: Supervisor Willows from Crime Lab. What's going on here?", "Officer: Worker found a body.", "Worker: I'm just following protocol. You find a body, call you guys.", "(Catherine looks at the hand sticking out of the ground.)", "Foreman: How do you know this is one of the Marquis Chimps?", "Catherine: 'Cause they played the Frontier in Ronald Reagan's act. And only humans have a saddle joint. In fact, that's how we were able to swing out of trees and end up here. Opposable thumbs.", "Foreman: Well, these casinos weren't built by saints, you know.", "(Catherine takes her phone out.)", "Catherine: Oh, I know. My dad built this one.", "(She makes the call.)", "Man: (on phone) Crime Lab.", "Catherine: (to phone) Yeah, this is CSI Willows. I need to hand a case off to swing. Conflict of interest.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. TOWNE RESIDENCE - BRIAN'S BEDROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick snaps photos in the bedroom. He closes the dresser drawer. He turns and opens the bedside table driver and finds a half-empty tray of bullets.)", "(He looks at one of the bullets.)", "(Warrick pulls the pillows off the bed as he looks for the gun. He checks under the mattress and finds a box. Inside the box, he finds the VERDANT GLEN WATER TREATMENT PLANT, the ANNUAL WATER ANALYSIS 2007 MEMO. The report is signed by JONAH QUINN, General Manager.)", "(He puts the report aside. Also inside the box, he finds a tray with vials of water samples.)", "(Warrick finds a second box under the bed filled with cash. He snaps a photo of it. Warrick counts the money.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TOWNE RESIDENCE - KITCHEN -- DAY]", "(Brian's mother, Lynn Towne, takes a glass out of the cupboard. She talks with Brass.)", "Lynn Towne: I want to know who did this.", "Brass: Well, that's what we're trying to find out.", "(She fills her glass with water from the tap and drinks.)", "Brass: Mrs. Towne, it would be of help if you could tell me a little bit more about your son Brian.", "Lynn Towne: He was kind ... and sweet and ... didn't have an enemy in the world.", "Brass: What about friends?", "Lynn Towne: Not really. He was always so busy putting in overtime down at the ... water treatment plant. He loved to take long runs. Exercise is a natural cure for depression.", "Brass: Was he depressed? I mean, there's a lot of medications here. Are these Brian's?", "Lynn Towne: No. These are all mine. I had a mastectomy eight years ago. Cancer came back three months ago.", "Brass: Oh. I'm... I'm sorry to hear that.", "Lynn Towne: I never thought I'd outlive my son. Is there anything else?", "Brass: Did you know a person with the last name Cyden? C-Y-D-E-N?", "Lynn Towne: Paul Cyden. He's a family friend; he lives a couple blocks over.", "Brass: So Brian knew him, too?", "Lynn Towne: Oh, he was like a father to Brian after my husband died.", "(Warrick enters the kitchen.)", "Lynn Towne: Why are you asking about Paul?", "Warrick: Ma'am, your son had a good deal of cash stashed away in his bedroom. Was he saving up for something?", "Lynn Towne: I don't know. (Warrick and Brass exchange looks.) What's going on here?", "Brass: Mrs. Towne, we think Brian was saving up for a s*x change operation. Were you aware of this?", "Lynn Towne: My son was not a freak.", "Brass: No, I didn't say that.", "Warrick: Ma'am, we're not trying to upset you in any way.", "Lynn Towne: (upset) I volunteered to let you in my house! And now I want you to leave. I want you to leave right now!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE -- DAY]", "(Sara and Ronnie work on excavating the body while the construction workers continue working at other areas of the site. Ronnie puts the large stones aside.)", "Ronnie Lake: In college, I wanted to be an archeologist, until I did a summer on a dig in Tunisia. Hot. But that got me into forensics. What made you pick Vegas?", "Sara: Well, it.. uh.. it kind of picked me.", "(Sara snaps some photos.)", "(The foreman stands on the side and watches them. Ronnie uncovers a piece of jewelry.)", "Ronnie Lake: Hey, check this out.", "(Sara snaps a photo. Ronnie picks it up.)", "Ronnie Lake: Turquoise and silver beads. I got the matching necklace at the Indian market in Santa Fe.", "Sara: (shouts) Everybody stop! (Ronnie is surprised.) Stop what you're doing!", "Foreman: What is the problem now?", "Sara: We have just found evidence that this might be a Native American burial site. We have to notify the Inter-Tribal Council. Until they say so, nobody touches anything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Grissom turns the corner. Henry catches him.)", "Henry: Hey, Grissom. About your hanging victim. The one with the \"chesticals.\" (jokes) The man boobs ... uh, the ... (sees Grissom's serious look) ... gynecomastia, sorry.", "(Henry gives him the report.)", "Henry: Quant hormone report. Androgen's low. Estradiol's high. It's 250 picograms per milliliter. Arogester one, too.", "Grissom: Estrogen level is five times the normal amount for an adult male.", "Henry: It's consistent with a pre-op transsexual.", "Grissom: Yeah, but there's no other pre-op drugs in his system. No spironolactone, no flutamide, progesterone.", "Henry: Maybe he's a \"do-it-yourselfer.\"", "(Grissom looks at Henry.)", "Henry: Okay.", "(Henry turns and leaves. Grissom continues down the hallway.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAKE -- DAY]", "(Paul Cyden puts his cooler in the boat. His phone rings. He answers it.)", "Paul Cyden: (to phone) Hello?", "Brass: (from phone) Paul Cyden?", "Paul Cyden: (to phone) This is he.", "(Brass hangs up as he and Catherine walk on the dock toward Cyden. He sees them.)", "Brass: Paul Cyden. I'm Detective Jim Brass, this is Catherine Willows, from the Crime Lab. I'd like to ask you a couple questions about Brian Towne.", "Paul Cyden: What a great kid. I can't believe he's gone.", "Brass: When was the last time you talked with him?", "Paul Cyden: Oh ... uh ... honestly, I don't remember.", "Catherine: Oh, you don't remember yesterday? Calling him? Texting him?", "Paul Cyden: Brian occasionally does odd jobs for me.", "Catherine: How odd?", "Paul Cyden: I ... uh ... study water. I'm a hydrologist, retired, but I still do consulting. Brian was helping me with a project.", "Brass: Well, it seems to me, according to your messages, Brian was the project.", "Paul Cyden: You're way off base.", "Catherine: Then you won't mind giving us your fingerprints and DNA?", "Paul Cyden: Not if you have a court order.", "(Brass's phone rings.)", "Brass: Look, you can do this the hard way or the easy way. But trust me, we're going to get this done.", "(Brass answers his phone.)", "Brass: (to phone) Yeah, what's up, Doc?", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins is on the phone.)", "Robbins: (to phone) Yeah, Brian Towne's mother is here. She wants to see the body.", "Brass: (to phone) Okay. If anything of interest pops up, why don't you text me?", "Robbins: (from phone) All right.", "(Brass hangs up.)", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins opens the morgue cabinet for Lynn Towne. She looks at her son and touches his hair.)", "Lynn Towne: He needed a haircut.", "(She starts to lift up the sheet and she stops.)", "(She cries.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB -- DAY]", "(Wendy is working on the two beer bottles found at the lake. Nick appears in the doorway and looks inside. He lingers. As the computer trills, Wendy turns and looks at him. Nick's back is to the door as he waits for the results.)", "Wendy: Are you lurking around here for results?", "Nick: No. No, no. I wouldn't do that. I was just ... uh... I was getting a cup of coffee.", "Wendy: Actually. You can come in.", "(Nick walks in.)", "Nick: Why, do you got something?", "Wendy: I do. I got a two-fer. I got epithelials from the rope from multiple contributors, and one of them ... drank from the bloody beer bottle.", "(She pulls up the ID results.)", "Nick: Larry Ludwig. Convicted of aggravated assault and DUI. Bring up his parole record.", "Wendy: Okay.", "(The record appears on screen.)", "Nick: There you go. He works at the same water treatment plant as my victim.", "Wendy: Thought you were getting coffee.", "(Nick looks at his cup.)", "Nick: Right.", "(He picks up his cup and heads out.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. VERDENT GLEN WATER TREATMENT PLANT - NIGHT]", "(Larry Ludwig walks up to Warrick and Nick.)", "Larry Ludwig: You sure you fellas don't want masks? The smell in here makes some people puke.", "Warrick: Mr. Ludwig, can we see your palms, please?", "Larry Ludwig: What, you gonna tell me my future or something?", "Warrick: Depends on what I see.", "Larry Ludwig: I don't think so.", "(The manager, Jonah Quinn, joins them.)", "Jonah Quinn: Gentlemen?", "Larry Ludwig: Hey, I was just getting back to work, Mr. Quinn.", "Jonah Quinn: Jonah Quinn. General Manager.", "Warrick: I'm Warrick Brown.", "Nick: And I'm Nick Stokes, we're with the Vegas Crime Lab. We're here investigating the death of one of your employees, Brian Towne.", "Larry Ludwig: I told them I had nothing to say, sir.", "Jonah Quinn: You have my permission to question and search any of my employees.", "Larry Ludwig: They don't have warrant, Mr. Quinn. They're just... they're just fishing around, sir. Anybody who doesn't want to cooperate with the police in trying to find out who killed Brian - (shouts back to everyone else watching and listening to them) -- can clean out their lockers and search for another job! (quietly to Larry) Weren't they asking you a question?", "(Larry nods.)", "Nick: Go ahead and take off your gloves. Show us your palms.", "(Larry takes his gloves off and shows them the marks on the palms of his hands.)", "Warrick: Well, now, they look like rope burns.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins and Sara talk over the bones.)", "Robbins: Did you know that there's a Paiute reservation in the heart of Las Vegas? It's only an acre, but it's right up on North Main.", "Sara: Do you think that we found the bones of one of their ancestors?", "Robbins: Well, the fusing of the plates and shape of the skull indicate a 30-year-old of the Mongoloid race.", "Sara: Which does include Native Americans.", "Robbins: And Southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders. But take a look at the teeth.", "(Sara looks at the teeth under the light.)", "Sara: I don't see any dental work.", "Robbins: But there are caries.", "Sara: Cavities.", "Robbins: Right. Teeth from ancient tribal graves usually have distinctive wear marks ... uh ... grooves from pipe-smoking, rope-making -- but no cavities. You look disappointed.", "Sara: I was ... hoping, just once, Vegas would have to honor its past.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(Nick and Warrick talk with Larry Ludwig. Larry fidgets with his ring.)", "Nick: These tire treads were under a tree where Brian's body was found. (Nick puts the photos on the table.) They're from a Chevy Colorado. Isn't that what you drive?", "Larry Ludwig: Yeah.", "Warrick: You're putting a nice polish on that wedding band.", "Larry Ludwig: Hey, this is between us, right?", "Nick: Yeah, absolutely.", "Warrick: Oh, yeah.", "Larry Ludwig: All right... I did see Brian last night. Me and my buddy, we started out at a bar, threw a few back, you know, met some ladies. And the hot one, she said, \"Let's go swimming.\"", "(Quick flashback to: Larry drives his truck over to the lake with his friend and the girls in the back.)", "(Brian sits on the bank with his beer. They join him.)", "Larry Ludwig: Brian. What's shaking?", "Brian Towne: Not much.", "(Brian shares his beer.)", "Brian Towne: Anybody want one?", "Larry Ludwig: Yes, please.", "END FLASHBACK.", "Larry Ludwig: So the girls, they wanted to play Tarzan. So I pull my pickup truck underneath the tree, I grabbed a rope out of my utility box, and we all started stripping down and everything ...", "(Quick flashback to: The girls grab the rope and swing into the lake.)", "Girls: Whoo! Come on, it's fun!", "(Brian grabs the rope and swings into the lake. He stands up and the girls laugh when they see his breasts through his t-shirt.)", "Girls: Oh, my God.", "Brian Towne: What?", "(He tries to cover himself and the guys see it too and they start laughing as well.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Larry Ludwig: I mean, the guy had boobs, man. I mean, you could see 'em right through the t-shirt.", "(He starts to laugh, but stops when he sees Nick and Warrick both don't find it amusing at all.)", "Larry Ludwig: I mean, we were all kind of cracking up about it, but ... um ... uh ... it kind of broke the party up a little bit.", "Nick: No, you kind of broke up the party, man, when you cut him up with a beer bottle and you hanged him in a tree.", "Larry Ludwig: Hey, man, I mean ... he ran off and we left. All right, I-I-I don't know what else I can tell you. I mean, you can ask Tony -- he works with me, too.", "Warrick: Where did you go?", "Larry Ludwig: I went to the ... I went to a motel with one of, one of the girls.", "Warrick: These girls have names?", "Larry Ludwig: Yeah, mine was ... uh ... she was named after some city in Texas. I don't know, like ... uh ... Dallas or Houston or something like that. The other one, she really wasn't that hot, so I don't know what her name was.", "(Warrick stands up.)", "Warrick: You better hope we find these girls.", "Nick: We better not find any of Brian's blood in your flatbed.", "(Nick also stands up. He and Warrick leave the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sara has the original Rampart plans spread out on the table as she works the layout of the construction site in proportion to the old hotel. Greg drifts into the room and looks at the plans. It hits him what he's looking at.)", "Greg: Wow! (excited) The original plans for the Rampart. Opening day, New Year's Eve, 1964. Half of the hotel tower was still under construction, but Sam decided to have the party anyway. He's got the Midas touch, and help from the boys in Kansas City.", "(Greg walks around Sara to look at the rest of the plans.)", "Greg: This is the ultimate.", "Sara: Don't you have work to do?", "Greg: Deal me in.", "Sara: Well ... the workers found the bones here ... (she points to her site layout) -- which corresponds to this area.", "(Sara points to the plans. As she talks, a CGI IMAGE of the hotel building rises up from the plans. In the visualization, a body falls from the top and hits the bottom.)", "END VISUALIZATION.", "Greg: Bottom of the construction shaft. Wonder if it's Gus \"the Beauty\" Finkel. Snitch, disappeared in '64.", "Sara: The skull shape is Mongoloid.", "Greg: Maybe it's Eddie Chang, the Peking Pimp. Caught Dean at the Sands, went out for eggs, never came back.", "Sara: Did the Peking Pimp ever wear anything like this on his arm?", "(She shows him the photo of the bracelet.)", "Greg: Nope. Just French cuffs and platinum blondes.", "(Sara starts to roll the plans up.)", "Greg: Careful with those. They're like the Dead Sea Scrolls of Las Vegas.", "Sara: I have to go back to the scene.", "Greg: I'm off the clock. You ... uh ... need a hand?", "(Sara smiles at him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE (STOCK) -- NIGHT]", "[EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE -- NIGHT]", "(Sara and Ronnie measure the length of the skeleton as Greg watches.)", "Ronnie Lake: 67.5 inches.", "Greg: (sighs):Not the Peking Pimp. He was only five-two.", "Sara: It looks like every bone in his body is broken.", "(Ronnie snaps photos of the skeleton.)", "Ronnie Lake: Check out the third vertebrosternal rib, left side. Isn't that a bullet hole?", "Sara: Exit wound. Good call. Document it.", "Greg: Nothing says \"Mob hit\" like shot in the chest, thrown down a construction shaft, and tucked in under a concrete blanket.", "Ronnie Lake: For real? My first Mob hit. Cool.", "Sara: You know, only the bones at the point of impact should be broken.", "Greg: Then the implosion must have busted up the rest of him.", "(Sara brushes away dirt from something she finds.)", "Sara: Hey, Ronnie? Will you take a picture of this for me, please?", "Ronnie Lake: Yeah.", "(She snaps a photo. Sara picks it up.)", "Sara: It looks like ... treated hide.", "Ronnie Lake: Buckskin. Maybe your ME was wrong.", "Sara: Well, only if the ancient tribes used sewing machines. The stitches are uniform.", "Greg: You know, the showroom had this Wild West Revue with cowboys, and horses, and rifles, a real stagecoach. And Indians who shot flaming arrows that ripped off the dance hall girls' clothes. It ran from the day the Rampart opened until", "(Sara stands up and looks at Greg.)", "Sara: An Indian playing an Indian?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. CYDEN RESIDENCE - FRONT -- DAY]", "(Catherine and the officer head for the front door.)", "Catherine: When I was growing up, there weren't any lakes in Vegas, just hotel swimming pools.", "(She knocks. There's no answer.)", "Catherine: I think Mr. Cyden might be dodging us.", "(She peeks in through the window.)", "Catherine: We've got a 419.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CYDEN RESIDENCE - FRONT -- DAY]", "Catherine takes photos of Paul Cyden's body on the floor.)", "Catherine: So you think that's a message or his dinner?", "Nick: Well, that's carp. Nobody really eats those.", "David Phillips: Body's in full rigor. Been dead at least ten hours. Appears to be ... one, two, three gunshot wounds to the torso.", "Catherine: Probably rules out suicide.", "David Phillips: No exit wounds.", "Nick: I don't see a gun or cartridge casings anywhere. He has some fairly dense gunshot residue patterns. Shooter was only a couple of feet away, practically face-to-face.", "Catherine: No signs of forced entry, no signs of struggle.", "Nick: I bet he knew his killer.", "Catherine: Maybe the same person who killed the tranny killed the boyfriend.", "(Catherine looks at the photos.)", "Catherine: Offer to buy his house dated... yesterday. Who tears up an offer in this tough market? \"Purchaser: Jonah Quinn.\"", "Nick: That's Brian's boss. I met him. This notebook charts hormone levels. No names, just numbers. There's over 40 test subjects here. If this guy was running some kind of underground clinic here, then where are the drugs?", "(Catherine picks up one of the vials in the tray.)", "Catherine: These could be hormones.", "Nick: Warrick found vials like that in Brian's bedroom. Check that freezer.", "(Catherine opens the freezer.)", "Catherine: Carpe diem. Lots of them. Numbered and dated.", "Nick: Shoot me a number.", "Catherine: \"R-41\"", "(Nick checks the notebook.)", "Nick: \"June 20, 2007.\"", "Catherine: Why would he be giving hormones to fish?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - TRACE LAB -- DAY]", "(Hodges is looking through a scope when Sara walks in.)", "Sara: Hodges? Here's the problem ...", "Hodges: You know, that's just what Mom says when all I ask is to come home for Thanksgiving.", "Sara: My John Doe is from 1964.", "Hodges: Well, to quote Sherlock Sanders, \"This town was built on dead bodies.\"", "Sara: The National Missing Persons Database only lists four persons in '64, none of which are a match. It might help if we knew where he was from.", "Hodges: Do I look like the Ghost Whisperer?", "Sara: Every geographic area has specific levels of oxygen isotopes due to rainfall, climate and vegetation. And you can identify those isotopes in bones.", "Hodges: You do know that those isotopes will only tell you where he spent the last three years or so of his life.", "(Sara slides the container with the bone sample inside.)", "Sara: I'll take it. It's more then we have now.", "Hodges: If this works, I write the paper for the Forensics Journal, sole credit.", "Sara: Deal.", "(Sara walks away. Hodges picks up the sample and looks at it.)", "Hodges: Me and my big mouth.", "VARIOUS CUTS OF HODGES PROCESSING THE SAMPLE", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - DAY]", "(Greg is going through the large rock pieces around the skeleton.)", "(Hodges continues processing the sample.)", "(Greg puts the rock pieces together and makes a cast.)", "(Hodges looks up the areas on the computer map. He finds something interesting.)", "(Greg pries the rock pieces apart. Ronnie walks in.)", "Ronnie Lake: Sara told me to document the detritus, but I see you beat me to it.", "Greg: Oh, sorry, yeah, I kind of got carried away, but look at this-- it's the vic's right hand. He was holding on to something and when they poured the concrete on top of him, it made kind of a fossil.", "Ronnie Lake: Whatever it was, we must have collected it, right? It's definitely not a gun.", "Greg: No, you didn't find one of those.", "(They look through the items.)", "Ronnie Lake: Cigarette lighter?", "(They compare the two. It doesn't match.)", "Greg: No.", "(Greg finds it.)", "Greg: Hey. It's film. Uh, 35 millimeters used to come in a screw-top metal can like this. Whatever's on it must be important enough for Mr. Bones to hang on to it while taking a header. Later.", "(Greg leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Archie looks at the film while Greg sits at the computer monitor.)", "Archie: Black and white Tri-X stock. It's pretty grainy. Photographers like it 'cause you can shoot fast.", "(Archie puts the film on the scanner.)", "Greg: It's like finding pictures of Lincoln at Ford's Theatre.", "(The film negatives appear on the monitor. They reverse the image.)", "Greg: The party was on the rooftop. Bring up that last shot on the roll.", "Archie: Hmm.", "(Archie enhances the image.)", "Archie: Let's see if we can take a better look at that.", "(He clears it up and it shows a ledger:", "TOTAL $58,720.00", "STATE $ 2,771.00", "FERGUS $ 1,900.00", "Greg: Looks like the casino take on opening day. Everybody got a cut -- the feds, the state -- and something called Fergus.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COVERED GREENERY AREA -- DAY]", "(Grissom is at the worktable. He's wearing coveralls and a beekeeper's mask. He picks up a smoker. Sara walks in. She's also wearing coveralls and a beekeeper's mask.)", "Grissom: Oh, I love it when you dress up.", "(Sara laughs)", "(Grissom carries the smoker over to the bees. Sara follows him.)", "Sara: Well, you know, whatever it takes to get some time with you. How's the study going? Any sign of Colony Collapse Disorder?", "Grissom: Nope, so far it's healthy.", "(He uses the smoker.)", "Sara: Nothing too healthy about smoking.", "(He puts the smoker aside.)", "Grissom: Well, the scent confuses the guard bees. They won't emit the pheromone that tells the colony there's an intruder.", "(He opens the box to show the frames and bees inside.)", "Sara: Don't worry, he's harmless.", "(Grissom takes out a frame.)", "Sara: Who's who?", "Grissom: These are the workers -- infertile females.", "Sara: They don't sting?", "Grissom: No, not unless you swat one, or close one up in your hand, or freak out. Go ahead, take off your glove.", "Sara: Eh... all right, I trust you.", "(Sara takes her glove off. A bee lands on her hand.)", "Grissom: See? It's cool.", "(Sara smiles and watches a bee walk along the back of her hand.)", "Grissom: The worker bees defend the hive, procure the pollen, make the honey, nurture the larvae and pupae in each of these brood cells.", "(Sara watches the bee on her hand. Grissom watches Sara.)", "Grissom: You know, maybe we should get married.", "(Surprised, Sara looks at Grissom. He looks at her.)", "Sara: Ouch!", "(She turns her hand over to show the swelling on the palm of her hand.)", "Sara: Oh, oh ... Ow.", "Grissom: I'm sorry.", "Sara: Ow.", "(Grissom picks up the smoker and uses it.)", "(Sara laughs.)", "Grissom: No, no, don't, don't, don't pick it out. Makes it worse, releases the venom into the bloodstream. It's better to scrape it.", "(Grissom takes out his pocketknife and starts scraping the sting from Sara's hand. He works intently. Sara watches him.)", "Grissom: So, uh... what do you think, you know, about...", "Sara: Yes. Let's do it.", "Grissom: Yeah?", "(They lean forward to kiss - and their masks bump.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Hodges finds Sara walking through the hallway.)", "Hodges: Hi, Sara. You look like you're having a good day.", "Sara: Thanks.", "Hodges: Got your isotope results.", "(She looks at the results.)", "Sara: My John Doe lived in Southeast Asia?", "Hodges: Yeah ... uh ... more specifically, southern Vietnam. Like I said, this test only dates back to the last three years of his life.", "Sara: In '64 ... soldier? Consultant, refugee? Thanks. Hmm.", "(Sara leaves.)", "Hodges: Let me know if you get an ID. It'd be a great touch for the article.", "(Hodges turns and heads back into his lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Catherine pushes the cooler on a cart past the doorway to Grissom's office. She looks in and sees Grissom at his desk, daydreaming.)", "Catherine: Hey, what are you up to?", "(He looks at her.)", "Grissom: Nothing. Why?", "(Catherine looks at the cooler. Grissom stands up.)", "Grissom: What's in the cooler?", "(She opens it.)", "Catherine: Carp. Paul Cyden died holding one. He had a freezer full of them, some kind of an experiment.", "Grissom: Huh.", "(Grissom walks over.)", "Grissom: I can process those fish if you like.", "Catherine: Do I know how to turn you on or what?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick is eating lunch when Nick walks in.)", "Nick: Hey. Heard you were looking for me.", "Warrick: Yeah, our friend Larry Ludwig -- he's sharp as a marble, but his alibi checked out. We found the motel and the girl.", "Nick: Really?", "(Nick sits down and sighs.)", "Nick: What's her name?", "Warrick: (amused) Tucson.", "Nick: Ah, yes. Tucson, the capital of Texas.", "(They both chuckle.)", "Nick: Well, Paul Cyden's DNA and fingerprints finally arrived.", "Warrick: Well, I'll run it, but I don't think it'll matter. I think Brian killed himself.", "Nick: You think he just climbed that big ol' tree all by himself?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Nick: Okay, yeah. What about the mutilation?", "Warrick: Self-inflicted. It took a while, but Mandy was able to recover some prints from the beer bottle, but it came back to Brian.", "(Quick flashback: Using the broken bottle, Brian uses the sharp edges to try and cut his breasts out.)", "(He looks up at the rope hanging from the tree. He climbs up and puts the rope around his neck. He jumps off the branch.)", "(End flashback.)", "Nick: So this was a hate crime.", "Warrick: Yeah. He hated himself.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Grissom is working on the carp when Hodges walks in and looks over his shoulders.)", "Grissom: Yes?", "Hodges: Oh, sorry, just a bad habit from ... um ... when we worked the Miniature case together.", "Grissom: That was fun, wasn't it?", "Hodges: I thought so.", "(Grissom points to the carp.)", "Grissom: What do you see?", "Hodges: Well, those are eggs-- it's a girl.", "(Grissom opens up the fish.)", "Hodges: And those white organs would be gonads. Male and female parts. Simultaneous hermaphroditism? Stop me if you already know this, but some fish do change s*x naturally.", "Grissom: Not carp.", "Hodges: I heard of a study when I was attending a forensics consortium in DC. Feminized male bass were found in the wastewater effluent of the Potomac River.", "(Grissom's eyes widen. He turns and picks up a vial of water from the tray.)", "Grissom: It's the water.", "Hodges: Yeah, it was full of excreted pharmaceuticals and what they called \"personal care products,\" all of which supposedly altered the endocrine system of the fish and their young.", "Grissom: Good, Hodges. Well, now that we're working together again ...", "(Grissom opens the cooler and takes a carp out. He puts it on Hodges' outstretched hand.)", "Grissom: ... take at least two organ samples along with blood. Send them with these water samples to our clinical lab for hormone quants.", "(Grissom puts the tray of water vials in Hodges' other hand. He leaves the room.)", "Hodges: You got it, partner.", "(Hodges is left holding the carp.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- BREAKROOM -- DAY]", "(Greg talks with Lily Flynn. She points to a man in one of the photos.)", "Lily: Melvin Fergus. He was a gaming commissioner. \"Honest Melvin.\"", "Greg: Well, it looks like Honest Melvin was on the take. Bribing a public official could cost you your gaming license. Maybe our dead guy found out about it and somebody found out about him finding out about it.", "Lily: Who was this dead guy?", "Greg: Some wisenheimer with extortion on the brain. Maybe a reporter.", "(Sara walks in.)", "Sara: Hi, Lily.", "Lily: Hi.", "Sara: Uh, Wendy ran that tooth. Pre-CODIS, but DNA confirms that our John Doe was Native American, so it was one Indian's burial ground.", "Lily: There was a reporter and I'm pretty sure he was an Indian. (pause) Lee George. He'd just come back from Vietnam for Life magazine and he was doing a piece on Vegas.", "Greg: Do you remember if he was at the party?", "Lily: Yeah, in this little Indian costume -- bracelets on his biceps, and boy, did he have biceps. Trust me. If anybody hurt him, it was Benny Dunbar, Sam's bodyguard. (She points to him in the picture.) That lump in his jacket ain't a heart full of love.", "INSERT: FLASHBACK", "(It's the grand opening of the Rampart. The ribbon is cut. The crowd cheers. Lee George snaps a photo along with the others. The party continues.)", "FLASH TO:", "(Lee George is in the back office looking through the ledger. He finds a torn piece of it and takes a photo of it. He immediately takes the film out of the camera and puts the film in the metal film container. He puts his camera back together.)", "(He hears a sound and picks up the camera to pretend to take a photo of the ledger. Benny Dunbar walks in.)", "Benny Dunbar: I'll take that camera, kemosabe.", "(Lee George tosses the camera at Benny Dunbar and runs out of the room.)", "FLASH TO:", "(Lee George is up in the unfinished areas of the hotel. He tries opening the door only to find it locked. He runs to the next door. Benny Dunbar turns the corner. He shoots Lee George in the back.)", "(He tosses Lee George off the building and down the shaft. He turns and leaves.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Sara: Either Benny tossed him or he jumped. We'll never know.", "(Greg picks up his hat.)", "Greg: This is great stuff for my book.", "Sara: Your what?", "Greg: Oh, this little piece on Vegas history -- stories that didn't make the papers.", "Lily: Honey, if you need to know anything, just ask me. I was there.", "Greg: Well, how about if I take you to dinner tonight? A bottle and a bird. We'll talk about the Peking Pimp.", "(Greg and Lily leave the room arm-in-arm.)", "Lily: Eddie Chang. They shipped him home in pieces.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- DAY]", "(Grissom shows the Verdant Glen community and stream as he talks about the plant with Nick, Warrick and Catherine.)", "Grissom: Twenty years ago, Verdant Glen was far enough outside Vegas to get the right to use well water for drinking. They also got approval to remove waste water at a private plant. There, it was cleaned, creating \"grey water,\" which was used for secondary purposes -- watering lawns, washing cars, everything but drinking. The treatment plant then stored excess grey water in the reservoir.", "Nick: Where they let the kids fish and swim.", "Grissom: It passed every water quality test.", "Catherine: And the carp from Paul Cyden's freezer had high levels of estrogen plus other prescription drugs.", "Grissom: Brian's level and tox panel correlate to the carp. Cyden was collecting water samples from the reservoir, the tap, and the treatment plant.", "Nick: Thanks to Brian.", "Grissom: According to Cyden's research, the hormone levels in the tap water are nearly equal to the water in the reservoir.", "Catherine: I thought they drink ground water.", "Grissom: They do. Cyden was convinced that the ground water was contaminated.", "Catherine: How?", "Grissom: He discovered that the reservoir was improperly lined, allowing the grey water to leech into the ground water.", "Nick: Well, if that's the case, then why didn't the other boys develop breasts?", "Grissom: There's a good chance that others have been affected, especially children who were born to women who were living there while they were pregnant.", "Catherine: Because the womb is the only place a human lives in fluid ... like a fish.", "Nick: That reservoir is supposed to be lined to prevent contamination.", "Grissom: Obviously, it's not. Or the lining's defective. Which is the decision I think Cyden had come to right before he was shot.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick and Brass talk with Jonah Quinn.)", "Jonah Quinn: You don't know where he got those samples. Cyden could have pulled them from raw sewage for all I know. And just for the record, that reservoir was built to code. You show me one complaint, one documented illness from that water.", "Nick: What about Brian Towne?", "Jonah Quinn: Listen ... it's a tragedy ... but his mother has breast cancer. You don't think it's that gene pool that might be polluted?", "Brass: Let me ask you something. Why did you offer to pay such a big price for Paul Cyden's house?", "Jonah Quinn: He's a nut. He was trying to sink me. His research was wrong, but perception is reality these days. I admit it. I was trying to buy him off. Would have been money well spent.", "Nick: But he turned you down. Is that why you shot him?", "Brass: I mean, with Brian gone, you're in the clear.", "Jonah Quinn: Look, I don't need a gun; I've got lawyers. And I would like to speak to them now.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - DAY]", "(Catherine gives the bullet to Warrick.)", "Catherine: Here's the bullets pulled from Paul Cyden.", "Warrick: Thanks.", "(He looks at them under the magnifying glass.)", "Warrick: Well, all three are jacketed hollow points with a center post. Hydra- Shok. Only one company makes them--Federal. You know what? Cath, I found a box of this same ammo in Brian Towne's bedroom. Five bullets missing.", "(Catherine sits down and checks the computer to see if Brian Towne bought a gun. Warrick looks at the bullet under the scope.)", "Warrick: Got five lands and grooves, right-hand twist. Could've been fired from a Smith and Wesson, Ruger, or a Taurus.", "(Catherine comes up with a computer result.)", "Catherine: Brian bought a Ruger SP 101 revolver two weeks ago.", "Warrick: Damn. The mother had access to that gun and motive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. HOSPITAL (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. HOSPITAL]", "(Catherine talks with Lynn Towne.)", "Lynn Towne: I was too busy taking care of me ... to see what was wrong with him. The signs were there.", "Catherine: Mrs. Towne, don't blame yourself. You had a teenager who was depressed and not communicating and you push too hard and they pull away ...", "Lynn Towne: I should have pushed. If I had gone through his room before he died ... maybe then ...", "Catherine: Is that when you found his gun?", "Lynn Towne: I was trying to understand why. I went through his e-mails. Paul was taking him to LA. I trusted him, and all those years that he pretended to be our friend ... He killed my son.", "Catherine: Mrs. Towne ... he was trying to save your son, not hurt him. We found this letter on Paul's computer. You need to read it.", "(Catherine gives the letter to Lynn.)", "Paul Cyden: (V.O.) \"I have decided to alert you to this grave matter prior to contacting the EPA. It is my professional conclusion that the water in this community contains unsafe levels of pharmaceutical contaminants, which have caused irreparable harm to wildlife and humans. One specific example is the case of Brian Towne. His endocrine system and physical body have been 'feminized' due to chronic ingestion of the water at Verdant Glen.\"", "Catherine: He was going to blow the whistle. I think that's what Paul was trying to explain to you when you went over to confront him.", "Lynn Towne: I worked two jobs to keep us in our house because ... because Brian loved it so much. And being there is what killed him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom and Catherine talk with ADA Kirkson.)", "Kirkson: The feds have already swooped in to investigate the water problem.", "Grissom: Do they plan to prosecute Jonah Quinn?", "Kirkson: They'll try, but Quinn isn't the only one involved. Verdant Glen is now owned by a conglomerate -- the Altimera World Group. They'll bring in experts to contradict the research, discredit witnesses. They'll say that there are chemicals in everything that we eat, touch, breathe. It'll be in litigation for years.", "Catherine: What about Brian's mother?", "Grissom: Are you going to prosecute her?", "Kirkson: Did you recover the murder weapon, find her prints in blood at Cyden's house, or get a signed confession?", "Catherine: Her son's gun plus motive -- that's not enough?", "Kirkson: She's a widow with breast cancer who lost her only kid.", "(Kirkson stands up.)", "Kirkson: No way I'd get her in front of a jury and ask them to convict. Nice work though.", "(She leaves.)", "Catherine: Lynn Towne goes free.", "Grissom: It's all out of our hands now.", "Catherine: That's not enough for me. If their lawyers can hog-tie the EPA for years, someone's got to go around them. They've got to take Brian's story and the research to the press. I mean, if ... if it's happened here, what's to say there aren't other Brians out there?", "Grissom: You can't give information about a case to the media. You'll get fired.", "Catherine: As a mother, maybe I don't care." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Case of the Cross Dressing Carp
[ "The FBI's Jack Malone (Anthony LaPaglia) joins forces with Grissom to track a serial killer after a boy who was kidnapped six years ago in New York matches the profile of a murder victim in Las Vegas. This episode begins a crossover with Without a Trace that concludes on \" Where and Why \"." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. DAVIS RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(The dice rolls out onto the coffee table.)", "Carmen Davis: She-bang!", "(Carmen Davis is playing with a young blonde-haired boy who sits on the couch looking very bored. She holds a glass of wine as she plays the game.)", "Carmen Davis: That's pretty cool, right?", "Evan Michaels: (nods) Mm-hmm.", "Carmen Davis: That doesn't happen very often, you know.", "Evan Michaels: I know.", "(She totals the points.)", "Carmen Davis: You won. You beat me!", "Evan Michaels: (unenthusiastic) Uh-huh.", "(She puts her glass down on the table and gathers the dice.)", "Carmen Davis: You want to play again?", "(She shakes the container. He shakes his head. The dice rattle. She sighs.)", "Carmen Davis: Fine.", "(She picks up her wine glass.)", "Carmen Davis: Whatever.", "(She gives him the television remote.)", "Carmen Davis: Knock yourself out.", "(Carmen gets up and heads down the hallway. Evan turns the television set on to watch cartoons.)", "(Carmen closes the bathroom door.)", "[INT. DAVIS RESIDENCE -- BATHROOM - NIGHT]", "(The bathtub water runs. Carmen drops the towel wrapped around her, turns the water off and climbs into the bathtub. She sighs and settles back to enjoy her bath. She has candles lit on the sink, shelves and windowsill, and she has her glass of wine with her.)", "(The small apartment starts to quiver and shake, the bottles on the sink rattle as the nearby train passes by. But Carmen is used to this. She continues with her bath and sips from her wine glass.)", "(Then, she hears a loud thud coming from outside. She puts her wine glass down on the bathroom sink. She looks at the door.)", "Carmen Davis: Evan? Evan.", "(She hears a sound coming from the other side of the door.)", "(She sees the doorknob turn and open. A bloodied hand pushes the door open.)", "(The train horn blows.)", "(She screams.)", "(The door is pushed open and a man carrying a hammer walks in. He hits her over and over and over again; blood spatters everywhere - on the sink, on the wall, on the tub.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. STREET OUTSIDE DAVIS RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(The CSI SUV turns the corner and pulls up along the curb. Grissom gets out of the car and appears puzzled by what he sees - David Phillips and the other coroner are leaning against the gurney on the sidewalk.)", "(He heads for the house.)", "[INT. DAVIS RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(Grissom peers into the house. He sees the body of the little boy on the living room floor, face down. Apparently, nothing has been done yet. Grissom walks up to the body. Greg is kneeling next to the boy. He looks at Grissom.)", "Grissom: How long have you been here?", "Greg: About six hours.", "(Grissom turns and heads for the bathroom at the end of the hall where Carmen's body is on the floor. She is covered with a towel.)", "(He turns when he hears a camera snap. Catherine is taking photos in the bedroom.)", "Grissom: Why haven't these bodies been released?", "Catherine: Good question. David was in Henderson on another call, so, when Greg and I got here, we just started processing the house.", "(Catherine walks over to him.)", "Catherine: Found the victim in the bathroom, covered with a towel. We got a plastic print on the bathroom door. It's the strongest piece of evidence -- I photographed it and transmitted the image back to the lab; Mandy got a hit to an unknown palm; case info was in ViCAP. And then, Dispatch called, telling me to stop processing immediately, by order of the FBI.", "Grissom: The FBI field office is right next to the Strip. What's taking them so long?", "Catherine: Oh, beats the hell out of me.", "(The small apartment starts to quiver and shake, the bottles on the sink rattle as the nearby train approaches. Overhead, they hear the sounds of a helicopter rotor. Catherine and Grissom look at each other.)", "[EXT. STREET OUTSIDE DAVIS RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(The FBI helicopter, #N67TV, approaches and lands near the house. Brass walks over. Jack Malone gets out of the helicopter and they shake hands.)", "Jack: Jack Malone, FBI.", "Brass: Jim Brass.", "(They head for the house.)", "Jack: I'm based in New York, but I was testifying in a case in San Francisco. When I heard about the ViCAP hit, I got here as fast as I could.", "Brass: Chopper from the Strip? That's nice. That's my tax dollars at work?", "Jack: You get a positive ID on the boy?", "Brass: No, but we have an ID on the female -- name is Carmen Davis. According to neighbors, she lives alone. Apparently no kids of her own. But if I find anything out, I'll let you know.", "Jack: Thank you.", "(Brass leaves. Jack motions for David Phillips and the other coroner.)", "Jack: You're up.", "(David takes his kit and follows him inside.)", "[INT. DAVIS RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(Jack enters the residence. He sees Greg with his camera.)", "Jack: (to Greg) You -- you get enough photos?", "Greg: Definitely.", "(Catherine and Grissom are there as well.)", "Jack: (to David) Roll the body over.", "(David rolls the little boy's body over so that Jack can see his face. Jack is quiet. He sighs.)", "Grissom: What's going on?", "Jack: Jack Malone, FBI, New York City.", "(Jack hands Catherine a photo.)", "Jack: This boy was kidnapped from his babysitter's apartment six years ago. Babysitter was killed. The only evidence at the crime scene was a bloody palm print.", "Catherine: Well, there may be a resemblance, but kids change a lot in six years.", "Jack: Mm-hmm.", "Grissom: DNA will tell us if this is your kid. But it does look like your killer came to Vegas.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DAVIS RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(David Phillips goes over the body.)", "David Phillips: Based on levidity and rigor, TOD is roughly 24 hours ago. And he's got perimortem bruising on the back of the neck. And a single sharp-force injury to the forehead.", "(Grissom notices the blood on the table.)", "ECU - THE TABLE CORNER", "(There are blonde hairs stuck to the blood on the corner.)", "BACK TO SCENE", "Grissom: Looks like he hit his head on the table.", "Jack: Or somebody slammed it against the table.", "Grissom: Well, we don't know that yet.", "Catherine: Agent Malone, why don't I fill you in on what else we do know. There are no signs anywhere that the boy actually lived here. The sleeping bag on the couch indicates that he was probably a house guest. Why don't you follow me into the kitchen.", "(Catherine heads for the kitchen. Jack looks at David.)", "Jack: Let me know when you're ready to transport the body.", "David Phillips: Yes, sir.", "(Jack follows Catherine into the kitchen. Grissom looks at the little boy.)", "ECU - THE COLLAR", "(There is a fine white powder on the collar.)", "BACK TO SCENE", "(Grissom tape-lifts the powder and looks at it.)", "[INT. DAVIS RESIDENCE - KITCHEN -- NIGHT]", "(Greg is looking through a wallet at the kitchen table when Catherine and Jack join him.)", "Catherine: Bring us up to speed, Greg.", "Greg: Okay, sure. Um ... Carmen Davis's keys were still in her purse; the car's outside. No cash in the wallet, and the credit cards have been removed and neatly stacked on the table; it appears as though they've been wiped clean. The killer was smart enough not to take anything that could be traced.", "Catherine: Which suggests that he was an experienced criminal. What do you know about this guy?", "Jack: Including everything you just told me? Everything you just told me. Six years ago, the killer took the murder weapon with him. It was a baseball bat that he found in the apartment.", "Catherine: Well, this time, we think it's hammer.", "[INT. DAVIS RESIDENCE - BATHROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Catherine shows Jack the wounds on Carmen's head.)", "Catherine: The round indentation wounds are consistent with hammer blows. Do you see any similarities between this victim and the babysitter who was killed six years ago?", "Jack: Just that they were both bludgeoned to death. The babysitter was a lot older, and she wasn't covered.", "Catherine: Covering a body usually indicates remorse on the part of the killer.", "Jack: So you think he felt remorseful about this victim and not the one from six years ago?", "Catherine: Maybe he knew Carmen Davis. There's three toothbrushes, two of them in travel cases. My guess: the killer was staying here with the little boy. There was no sign of forced entry.", "David Phillips: (o.s.) Agent Malone?", "(Jack turns and looks at the coroners.)", "David Phillips: We're read to take the boy out.", "Jack: Okay.", "(He turns back to Catherine.)", "Catherine: So, I assume we'll be sending over the case evidence to Quantico?", "Jack: We can't process the evidence from every case we're involved in. We have a massive overload already. This will be joint jurisdiction. You do your thing, I'll do mine.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - MORNING]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Catherine walks into Autopsy. Robbins fills her in on his findings.)", "Robbins: COD is multiple blunt-force trauma. Based on the development of the contusions, it appears the blow to the back of the skull was the first impact, but the ones on the face came about half-hour later.", "Catherine: Half an hour?", "Robbins: Yeah.", "Catherine: Was she raped?", "Robbins: Yeah. I ... uh ... did a wet mount, found semen in the vaginal vault, and I collected an SAE kit.", "(He hands her the kit.)", "Robbins: This guy is some piece of work.", "Catherine: (nods) I'll get it to DNA.", "(Catherine heads out.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "VARIOUS FLASHES OF THE LITTLE BOY'S BODY", "[INT. CSI - AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Grissom is using a magnifying glass to look over the body. Jack is standing in the back of the room.)", "Grissom: No birthmarks.", "Jack: Our missing boy didn't have any, either.", "Grissom: So the only way to confirm the identity ...", "Jack: (interrupts) I've had the original DNA report electronically sent to your lab.", "Grissom: Well, then you'll just have to wait for your answer. (Grissom turns around.) You know, maybe now would be a good time for you to brief us on the original case.", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. BABYSITTER'S APARTMENT - NIGHT - FLASHBACK]", "Jack: (V.O.) His name was Jason Taylor.", "(The babysitter and Jason Taylor sit on the couch and watch television.)", "(The sound of glass breaking startles them.)", "Jack: (V.O.) He was at his babysitter's apartment.", "(Someone outside opens a window.)", "(The babysitter and Jason get up.)", "Jack: (V.O.) He'd been home sick from school.", "(The intruder climbs into the apartment.)", "Jack: (V.O.) That's when it happened.", "(The intruder grabs a baseball bat leaning against the side of the wall.)", "(CUT TO: The babysitter falls to the floor, her head bleeding.)", "(The intruder carries Jason Taylor with him out the window. He keeps the bloodied bat.)", "(CUT TO: Jack enters the apartment with the officers processing the scene. He looks at the body on the floor. He looks at the open window. There's a bloodied palm print on the outside of the living room window frame.)", "Jack: (V.O.) An unidentified male entered, most likely through an open window on the fire escape, murdered the babysitter and took Jason with him.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE ROOM]", "(Jack is talking with Nick, Warrick, Catherine and Grissom.)", "Jack: Uh, we never got a decent description of the perp.", "Nick: Nothing was stolen?", "Jack: Cash was still in the babysitter's purse; the only thing missing was a baseball bat.", "Warrick: Which, based on her wounds, you figure that was the murder weapon?", "Jack: Mm-hmm.", "Nick: Baseball bat there, hammer here-- weapons of convenience. Guy seems to grab whatever's handy.", "Catherine: And takes it with him. (to Jack) Was the babysitter raped?", "Jack: No.", "Nick: Why kidnap a kid, wait six years, then kill him?", "Catherine: Most four-year-olds will do what you tell them. Most ten-year-olds will do what they want.", "Warrick: Kid starts asking the wrong questions, talking to the wrong people ... tons of possibilities.", "Jack: Yes. Way too many.", "Nick: According to this, the kid was adopted. Did you take a look at the biological parents?", "Jack: Jason was adopted as an infant. Uh, there was no way we could track his records.", "Warrick: Adoptive parents had no contact with the kidnappers? They were not given any ransom demands?", "Jack: There was no motive. I couldn't even give the parents a reason.", "Grissom: Maybe there isn't one.", "Jack: Most children are abducted by somebody who's associated with the family. Random kidnappings are extraordinarily rare.", "Grissom: Except in the US last year, there were almost a hundred. Some things are just random.", "Jack: Have you ever tried telling that to the parents of a child who's been kidnapped?", "Grissom: Yes, actually, I have.", "Jack: And how'd that work out for you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(Wendy is processing the samples.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. DAVIS RESIDENCE - NIGHT]", "(Greg walks out of the bedroom and heads for the living room. Nick is in the living room while Warrick is looking around the kitchen.)", "Greg: Hey, guys. I found an empty jewelry box in the bedroom. Maybe the killer swiped the jewelry in addition to the cash. Easy to fence in this neighborhood.", "(Nick picks up a framed photo.)", "Nick: Was the dead girl wearing any jewelry when you found her?", "Greg: Nope.", "Nick: Then that's a good call, man, 'cause she's wearing some in just about every one of these pictures.", "(Warrick is looking at a printout for a POKER TOURNAMENT at PLANET HOLLYWOOD.)", "Nick: I wouldn't doubt if she kept a lot of it in that box. I'll check with the local pawnshops, see if anything's been hocked.", "(Warrick checks the computer and finds it on a poker game.)", "Warrick: Hey, Greg, you see any books on the shelf over there on gambling or poker?", "Greg: No, just a lot of romance novels, mysteries and women's health.", "Warrick: 'Cause I got poker player stats, and multiple websites on online gambling. Seems kind of out of place to be the victim's. I think we got a mystery houseguest who is a card shark.", "(The number highlighted and circled on the poker sheet print-out is 273.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(The Planet Hollywood Hotel.)", "[INT. PLANET HOLLYWOOD - GAME FLOOR - NIGHT]", "(A poker table. The dealer shuffles and deals out the cards to the various players. Warrick, Jack and a couple of officers walk in. They look around the room, which is set up with many poker tables. They spread out between tables looking for player #273.)", "Announcer: (over speakers) Ladies and gentlemen, the first of the elimination rounds for our money poker tournament are over and we're down to our last one hundred players. Congratulations to all and good luck.", "(As they walk through the tables, they look for the player #273.)", "(Player 273 wears a dark jacket and sits at the table. Warrick sees him. Player 273 sees Warrick. He gets up and runs.)", "Warrick: Got him!", "(Warrick and the officers chase after him. Jack heads him off.)", "(Player 273 reaches the slot machines and runs, making his way to the exit. Suddenly, Jack steps out in front of him and elbows him in the face. Player 273 goes down with a thud.)", "Player 273: Ugh.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick takes Tom Michael's fingerprints.)", "Tom Michaels: You know what this is? Huh? This is police brutality.", "Warrick: Yeah, whatever.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - OBSERVATION ROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick hands Tom Michaels a tissue. In the observation room, Brass and Jack watch them inside the interview room.)", "Warrick: (through speaker) We're not done yet.", "Brass: Well, he doesn't look like much, but then again, they never do.", "Jack: If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to him first.", "Brass: You don't have to be polite, Jack. This is a federal case; you don't need my permission.", "(In the interview room, Warrick rolls some ink on Tom Michael's palm.", "Brass: How you going to go at him?", "Jack: I don't know. I usually just make it up as I go along.", "(Jack leaves the observation room.)", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(The door opens and Jack walks in. Warrick takes his things and heads out.)", "Warrick: All done here.", "Jack: Thank you. (to the officer at the door) You can leave, too.", "(Warrick and the officer leave the room. Jack closes the door.)", "Jack: Mr. Michaels. Jack Malone, FBI.", "(Jack puts the file folder down on the table.)", "Tom Michaels: Huh. FBI.", "(Jack sits down.)", "Jack: Mm-hmm. Why'd you run back there?", "Tom Michaels: Oh, I don't know. I was scared, I guess.", "Jack: Of what?", "Tom Michaels: (flippantly) Um ... of getting caught, being embarrassed.", "Jack: Right. So it's probably a good idea not to do anything that would embarrass you.", "Tom Michaels: Yeah, I know. But you never really think you're going to get caught, do you?", "Jack: Yeah, but you did. You want to talk about it? I got nowhere I have to be. And you got nowhere to go.", "Tom Michaels: (sighs) I don't know what the big deal is. I mean ... we've all thought about it, right?", "Jack: Sure. It's natural.", "Tom Michaels: Right. I had a plan. It was simple. I take it ... I play with it for a little while ...", "Jack: \"It\"? Like it's property?", "Tom Michaels: Yeah, yeah, it's nothing personal. I didn't even think Brother Willard would even miss it.", "Jack: Brother Willard? You want to talk to me about Brother Willard?", "Tom Michaels: (sighs) Oh, Brother Willard is my spiritual advisor. He's supposed to talk me out of doing things like this. But you know what? Sometimes I just ... I just feel like listening to that little voice inside my head.", "Jack: Hmm. Right.", "(Jack stands up and walks around the table. He leans in close to Tom's ear.)", "Jack: And what is that little voice inside your head telling you right now?", "Tom Michaels: Just take it.", "(Jack slaps Tom's shoulder. He sits down.)", "Jack: \"Just take it.\" This is not the first time that you've taken something that doesn't belong to you, is it?", "Tom Michaels: What do you mean?", "Jack: Six years ago, in New York City.", "Tom Michaels: I don't know anything about New York.", "Jack: Six years ago, in New York City, you took something that didn't belong to you.", "Tom Michaels: I don't know anything about New York. Look, I told you -- I was going to give it back. Really, I just had some bad luck.", "(Jack stands and grabs Tom's shoulder, pushing him down onto the table.)", "Jack: Is that what you call it?! You abducted and murdered a four-year-old boy!", "(Brass walks into the room.)", "Tom Michaels: (shouts) I don't know what you're talking about!", "(Jack knocks the file folder off the table. The crime scene photos spill out onto the floor.)", "Jack: Just bad luck?!", "(Brass reaches Jack.)", "Brass: Let him go. Look, you want to rendition him to Gitmo, be my guest, but in this house, we play by the rules. Now get your hand off the suspect.", "(Jack lets Tom Michaels go. Tom sits up and wipes his mouth. He looks down and sees the photos of Evan Michael on the floor.)", "Tom Michaels: What's that? That's ...", "(He picks up the photo and looks at it.)", "Tom Michaels: That's Evan. That's ... this is my son. This is Evan.", "(Tom Michaels starts to cry.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Jack paces the floor. Grissom turns the corner and finds Jack.)", "Jack: Guy's not the murderer.", "Grissom: I know. We ran his palm print. Doesn't match.", "Jack: He's a Mormon from Utah. Stole $10,000 from the church, entry money into a poker game. Figured he'd win the money, replace it before they noticed.", "Grissom: And decided he'd bring his kid with him?", "Jack: Single parent. Carmen Davis is an ex-girlfriend. Dropped the kid off with her.", "Grissom: And while he's playing cards, they both get murdered.", "Wendy: (o.s.) I got your DNA results.", "(They turn and see Wendy with the file.)", "TIME CUT TO:", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB - CONTINUOUS]", "(Wendy shares her findings with Jack and Grissom.)", "Wendy: The dead boy was confirmed as Tom Michael's son. So he's definitely not your kidnap victim from New York. However, the results of the SAE kit on the female victim showed two semen donors.", "(She reads the search results on the computer monitor.)", "Wendy: One was Tom and the other unknown, but that unknown was connected to two unsolved rape murders in CODIS.", "Jack: Excuse me.", "(Jack takes over the keyboard and scrolls through the screen.)", "Jack: Two years ago in Wyoming, 11 months ago in Idaho. Okay, one victim was 23, the other one 54. One blonde, one brunette. Both female. Both with their faces covered.", "Grissom: Both single, with no kids.", "Jack: Breaks the pattern.", "Grissom: If there is a pattern.", "Jack: There's a big gap between Vegas and New York. Now, this guy has been involved in four murders in the last two years. There's got to be more.", "Wendy: Well, if there are, then there may not be any associated DNA in the system. Small towns usually can't afford to run it if they don't have a suspect.", "Jack: Doesn't mean there's not a pattern. Just means we haven't found it yet.", "(Jack goes back to looking at the monitor. Grissom watches Jack.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(Jack walks through the hallway and passes Hodges in the Trace Lab. Hodges sees Jack and quickly gets up to join him.)", "Hodges: Special Agent Malone. David Hodges. (hands him file) The granular powder that you found on the dead boy's neck and shirt was largely ammonium nitrates and sulfates -- commercial grade fertilizer.", "(Jack looks at the results and sighs.)", "Jack: Great, so the killer could be from any farm in the United States.", "Hodges: Yeah, or any backyard.", "Jack: Thank you.", "(He hands the file back to Hodges.)", "Hodges: So, I was curious about opportunities at the federal level. Pay scale, working conditions ...", "Jack: You want my honest opinion?", "Hodges: Absolutely.", "Jack: There's a lot less competition in Vegas for a guy like you. The FBI has enough ass-kissers already.", "(Jack walks away. Hodges nods, stops and turns to head back to his lab.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY OUTSIDE FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Jack heads down the hallway and sees Robbins.)", "Jack: I'm looking for Tom Michaels.", "Robbins: Yeah, he's in there. You might want to give him a minute, though. He's ... uh ... saying good-bye. Do you have any kids?", "Jack: Yes. I have two daughters.", "(Robbins nods and leaves. Jack waits a moment, then steps into Autopsy where he finds Tom Michaels looking at Evan's body on the morgue cabinet.)", "Jack: Um, Mr. Michaels ... I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier.", "Tom Michaels: You're afraid I'm going to sue?", "Jack: The same man who murdered your son kidnapped another boy six years ago. He's here in Vegas, right now. And this is closest that I've ever been to him.", "Tom Michaels: You thought it was me.", "Jack: I promise you ... that I will do everything in my power to catch this man.", "Tom Michaels: Is that what you told the other boy's parents?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. PAWNSHOP -- DAY]", "(Nick is examining some jewelry on a tray when the pawnshop owner steps out from the back. Brass is there with Nick.)", "Pawnshop Owner: Those the items?", "Nick: Yep.", "Pawnshop Owner: Damn. This always happens to me.", "Nick: Is that the surveillance?", "Pawnshop Owner: Yeah.", "(He gives the image sheets to Nick.)", "Pawnshop Owner: That's the guy.", "Nick: Okay.", "Pawnshop Owner: I almost didn't call you guys, you know. What about me? I'm out 350 bucks.", "Brass: You'll live. The woman these items belonged to is dead, along with a kid.", "Pawnshop Owner: Oh. (beat) Is there a reward?", "Brass: Shut up. You saw him the night before last. You talk to him? He say anything to you?", "Pawnshop Owner: Not much. He showed me the jewels. I gave him his $350. Uh, he asked me for directions to the Tangiers.", "Brass: Hmm.", "Pawnshop Owner: I showed him how to get there. Recommended that Let It Ride game. It's been pretty lucky for me.", "Brass: Good for you.", "(Brass makes a phone call.)", "Woman: (from phone) Tangiers Hotel.", "(Nick looks at the images of the man in a baseball cap.)", "Brass: (to phone) This is Captain Jim Brass, LVPD. Would you connect me to the surveillance room, please?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- DAY]", "(Archie is reviewing the Tangier's surveillance tapes. On it is the man in a baseball cap sitting at the card table game. He's talking with the waitress. She leaves him and walks away.)", "Archie: That's definitely not a guy you want to go home with. That cocktail waitress doesn't know how lucky she is.", "Jack: We need a shot of his face.", "(Archie goes through the tape. The man in the baseball cap doesn't look up once.)", "Archie: Well, I think he knows that.", "Jack: Just ... hold on. Zoom in on the ball cap. There's a logo.", "(Archie enhances the logo. It's for HARGREEN HARVEST.)", "Archie: \"Hargreen Harvest.\"", "Jack: He had commercial fertilizer on his hands when he killed Evan Michaels. He's a migrant worker, perhaps.", "Archie: Well, Tangiers sent over more than twelve hours on this guy. It's gonna take some time, but of course I'll let you know the minute I find anything.", "Jack: Okay, great.", "(Jack leaves. Archie goes back to reviewing the tapes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Grissom walks into his office. Jack follows him.)", "Grissom: I'll call in some additional AV techs, help Archie get through the footage, ...", "Jack: All right.", "Grissom: ... but you know, I've learned that sometimes you can go faster by going slow.", "Jack: Yeah, well, I like to go faster by going fast. Waiting around is not exactly my best thing.", "Grissom: I gathered that from your interrogation technique. You know, maybe you should go back to your hotel, take a nap.", "Jack: Is this your office? Really? By choice? It's not some kind of ... uh ... surplus overflow issue?", "Grissom: What's wrong with my office?", "Jack: Oh, I don't know. Uh ... why don't you tell me?", "(Jack puts his glasses on to look at a pig fetus in a jar on a shelf.)", "Grissom: That's an irradiated fetal pig. I used it to determine the effects of radiation on tissue.", "Jack: For what?", "Grissom: For fun.", "(Sara walks in.)", "Sara: Hey, Gil, I ... uh ... Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.", "Grissom: No, no, it's fine. Jack Malone, FBI. Sara Sidle, CSI.", "Jack: Hi.", "Sara: Hello. I hear your abduction case is now a serial murder.", "(Jack nods and looks at Grissom.)", "Jack: Uh ... yeah.", "Sara: Well ... uh ... I got called into work early, but I did pick up Hank, and I took him to the sitter.", "Grissom: Thank you. I'll see you when I see you.", "(Sara turns and leaves.)", "Sara: Pleasure.", "Jack: Hmm.", "(Jack nods. He looks at Grissom.)", "Jack: Is Hank your kid?", "Grissom: Hank's my dog. She walks him for me sometimes.", "Jack: Oh, yeah, that's how it starts. Oh, I have some experience dating in the workplace.", "Grissom: Really? And, uh ... how'd it work out for you?", "Jack: Undetermined.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "(Children shout and laugh. A train horn blows in the background.)", "[EXT. COMMUNITY STREET -- DAY]", "(Several kids kick a soccer ball around on the street. They have a soccer goal set up. A kid kicks the ball at the goal and it misses, bouncing off the street and rolling on the grass. One of the kids runs to get it.)", "(He runs over the grassy hill and stops when he sees a man on the ground, bloodied and beaten up.)", "Bloody Man: Please, help me.", "(He reaches up to the kid.)", "Bloody Man: Please, help me, help me ...", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(The door opens. Detective Ruben Bejarano, Sara and a couple of officers walk in.)", "Det. Ruben Bejarno: Kid who found the old man says he lives here with his wife. She doesn't answer.", "Sara: You think the suspect's still here?", "Det. Ruben Bejarno: We'll know in a minute. You better wait here.", "(The officers continue through the house while Sara waits by the door. She sees some blood on the floor and notices it leads to the side.)", "(Dining room and Kitchen appear clear. The detective stops and turns to look at the living room. He finds a body.)", "Det. Ruben Bejarno: Sara ...", "(Sara walks over and they find a woman dead on the floor with a blanket over her.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. RESIDENCE - DAY]", "(Grissom is holding a bloodied hammer.)", "Grissom: The victim have circular indentations on her head?", "(Robbins is kneeling next to the body. Sara is snapping photos in the kitchen.)", "Robbins: Yeah. You want to do the autopsy, too? Just let me know.", "Grissom: My guess is, this is the hammer we didn't find at the Davis house.", "Robbins: Why take the murder weapon from one scene, walk around with it for more than a day, use it to kill again, but this time leave it behind?", "(She puts her camera down and opens the gun case.)", "Sara: Maybe he found something better ... Colt .45 auto. Case is empty.", "(Grissom puts the hammer in a bag. He looks at the counter and sees the cards stacked neatly on the surface with the driver's license on the top. The keys are next to the cards. Just like the Davis house.)", "Grissom: Huh.", "(Grissom checks the wallet and finds it empty.)", "Grissom: He lost the proceeds from the Vegas murders at the Tangiers. So, he probably needed more cash.", "Robbins: Double murder ATM.", "Grissom: Driver's license is on top, like before.", "Sara: He likes to know their names.", "Robbins: I heard the husband died at the hospital. But the killer was definitely here awhile. According to liver temp, she died a couple hours before the husband.", "Sara: So the husband was here and alive while his wife was being raped and killed?", "Robbins: It looks that way.", "(Sara is quiet. This disturbs her. Grissom watches Sara.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. RESIDENCE - DAY -- CONTINUOUS]", "(The officer holds the tape up as Sara leaves the house. Grissom follows her out.)", "Grissom: Sara? You okay?", "Sara: I don't know. Do you have any idea how he selects his victims?", "Grissom: No. He picks houses with no security systems, or dogs. Enters at night when most people are asleep, through open doors or windows. Easy targets.", "Sara: So, basically at random. (Grissom nods.) They were spending a night on the sofa, watching a movie. It's just ... uh ...", "(She turns --", "Sara: It's just wrong. -- and walks away. Grissom watches her for a moment. A train whistle blows nearby. Grissom quickly turns around.) TIME CUT TO:", "(Grissom steps down the hillside and finds train tracks running along the community. He looks around from the tracks to the houses. His cell phone rings.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "Jack: (to phone) You at the Boulder City house?", "Grissom: (from phone) No, I'm at a railroad spur about a quarter of a mile from the house.", "Jack: (to phone) You taking a trip?", "Grissom: (from phone) Carmen Davis's house was next to the tracks, too.", "Jack: (to phone) So?", "Grissom: (to phone) Freight trains carry bulk fertilizer. I think your killer is riding the rails.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM]", "(Grissom and Jack look at a map of the area on the table. Catherine is at the wall map.)", "Grissom: All the previous murders were committed within about a mile of an active railroad spur.", "Jack: Right, so he gets off the train, finds his victim, kills them, rapes them if he feels like it, then just takes off.", "Catherine: So, I cross-referenced similar-patterned unsolves in ViCAP by proximity to rail spurs. There's at least a dozen cases.", "Grissom: (to Jack) You know, you have the authority to stop all the trains coming in and out of Nevada.", "Jack: Well, I'm not gonna do that unless I got a face.", "Catherine: If these are the work of your guy, he's piled up one hell of a body count.", "(Camera pans across the map showing the various red-circled cities and names of the victims. The two most recent:", "LAS VEGAS", "JULIAN/CHRISTINA GARDELLA", "BOULDER CITY", "CARMEN DAVIS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB]", "(Archie and Nick are reviewing the Tangier's surveillance tapes. The first clip is from CAMERA 31, POKER PIT 15 at 17:38.)", "Archie: Guy kept his head down the entire time.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Archie: Oh, check out what happens when he runs out of money. He starts hitting on the waitress, been doing it to every one of them that walked by.", "(Archie changes the clip on the computer. The next clip is from CAMERA: 37, SLOT MACHINE PIT 4 at 17:41.)", "Archie: And this ... is the last good image of him before he leaves the casino. He stops to look at this poster and quickly makes a phone call.", "Nick: Three numbers? I don't know too many serial killers that dial 911. He's calling Information.", "(Nick takes his cell phone out and makes a call.)", "Nick: (to phone) Uh, yes, this is CSI Nick Stokes with the Vegas PD. I need to get the telephone number of one of your pay phones on the casino floor. Near the ... uh ... Let It Ride tables.", "(Archie enhances the image of the waitress on the poster the man was looking at.)", "Nick: (to phone) Yes, ma'am.", "Archie: (mutters) So, why was he so interested in this poster?", "Nick: (to phone) Oh, great. Okay.", "(Nick takes Archie's pen out of his pocket and jots the number down on his hand.)", "Nick: (to phone) Mm-hmm. Very good. Thank you.", "Archie: Look at this.", "Nick: What is it?", "Archie: South Point Casino, just outside Boulder City. Might be a reason he went there.", "(Nick sighs and makes another call.)", "Nick: (to phone) Hey, it's Nick. Uh, I need to get an AG waiver to get a hold of some phone numbers. Yeah, exigent circs. Mm-hmm. (reads off his hand) 702-555-0177. At, uh ...", "Archie: (prompts) 17-41-33.", "Nick: (to phone) 17-41-33. Yes, ma'am, day before yesterday.", "(Archie goes back to the video and enhances the waitress's name tag.)", "Archie: Well, we know this guy likes his waitresses. So maybe that's what he's looking at. (squints) Is that a \"D\"? No. \"G,\" \"G-I-R\"... \"N\"?", "Nick: (to phone) Okay, thanks. (hangs up) Gina. Gina Farentino. He called Information to get her number in Boulder City, but it's unlisted.", "(On the video, the man in the baseball cap bangs the phone's receiver against the phone in frustration.)", "Archie: Maybe that's what pissed him off.", "Nick: He knows where she works.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. (BOULDER) SOUTH POINT CASINO - DAY]", "[INT. SOUTH POINT CASINO - MAIN FLOOR - DAY]", "(Nick and Jack talk with the floor manager.)", "Floor Manager: Yeah, Gina works here; she's off today, though. Probably at home.", "Jack: We checked her house; she's not there. When was the last time you saw her?", "Floor Manager: Not since yesterday.", "Jack: What about this guy, seen him?", "(He shows her the image of the man in the baseball cap taken from the pawnshop camera.)", "Floor Manager: This is the best picture you got?", "Jack: What do you think?", "(She looks at the photo.)", "Floor Manager: There was a guy ... I don't know if it's him. He was on those slots when Gina came on her shift.", "(Quick flashback to: The man in the baseball cap wins big.)", "Man in Baseball Cap: Oh, yeah! (laughs) Whoo!", "(Confetti falls down and the other people sitting around him applaud. Gina Farentino is smiling as she heads over to him.)", "Floor Manager: (V.O.) Guess it was his lucky day. Must've thought the jackpot gave him a shot at her. He started chatting her up.", "(Her smile fades as she gets a good look at him. He heads over to her.)", "Man in Baseball Cap: Hey.", "Gina Farentino: Oh ...", "(She turns her back to him, but he starts after her.)", "Man in Baseball Cap: Don't go. What are you doing?", "Gina Farentino: No--", "Man in Baseball Cap: When do you get off work? Huh? Where are you going?", "Gina Farentino: Don't talk to me!", "Floor Manager: (V.O.) She blew him off and left. Said she wasn't feeling well.", "(Gina leaves.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Jack: And when did he leave?", "Floor Manager: He cashed out and left a few minutes later.", "Nick: How much did he win?", "Floor Manager: Um ... $2,500.", "Nick: I need to take a look at his W2-G, okay?", "SHORT TIME CUT TO:", "(At the counter, Nick prints the form.)", "Nick: If you make over twelve hundred bucks, Uncle Sam gets his cut, you know?", "Jack: Oh. That's how we stay in business.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Jack: It's got name, address, social ... The whole thing has got to be bogus.", "Nick: Yeah, the cashiers don't really seem to care, (to the cashier) -- no offense, as long as you have a picture ID. (He tape-lifts the print.) And even when that's fake ... you can't fake one of those.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. NEVADA MOUNTAINS (STOCK) - DAY]", "(A siren wails.)", "[EXT. DESERT HIGHWAY ROAD -- DAY]", "(A black car, license #ARCB-421, pulls to the side of the road in front of the state trooper, who stops him.)", "Dispatch: (from radio) Chevy Impala, Nevada license Adam-Robert-Charles-Boy-4- 2-1. No wants or warrants, welfare check only. License owner is a Gina Farentino.", "State Trooper Robinson: (to radio) Copy, Dispatch.", "(Robinson gets out of the car. He walks over to the car and looks in the backseat. He waves, then looks at the driver.)", "Robinson: License and registration, sir.", "Man In The Baseball Cap: I got it right here.", "(The man reaches to the side, picks up his gun and shoots Robinson four times in the chest. Robinson falls backwards. The black car takes off and speeds away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. DESERT HIGHWAY ROAD -- DAY]", "(Jack sits in the car watching footage from the video camera mounted on the state trooper's car.)", "(On the monitor, Robinson walks up to the car, waves, then leans forward to talk with the driver. The driver fires and Robinson falls to the ground.)", "(Grissom kneels next to Robinson's body. Jack gets out of the car and joins him. Grissom picks up the casing and looks at it.)", "Grissom: .45 auto. Same caliber as the one taken from the Boulder City double.", "Jack: You can see the whole thing on video if you want.", "Grissom: Was the waitress in the car with him?", "Jack: He was waving at somebody in the passenger seat when he got shot. According to the time code on the dash cam, it was about 33 minutes ago.", "(Grissom looks out at the long stretch of road in front of them.)", "Grissom: That's a pretty good head start.", "Jack: Yeah. I don't want to lose this guy.", "(Grissom's phone rings. He answers it on speakerphone.)", "Grissom: (to phone) Grissom.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "Catherine: (to phone) We ran the fingerprints that Nick lifted from the casino IRS form. Got an AFIS hit. Terry Lee Wicker. Served two years in Sing Sing for burglary. He got out four months before Jack's original kidnapping, and get this, when he was sent up, he was married to Gina Farentino. Brass put out a broadcast.", "Grissom: (to phone) Listen, do me a favor. Take a look at the map, find the nearest railway spur to our location.", "(Catherine enters the layout room and checks the map on the table.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Meadowood. It's off the 93, and it looks to be about ... 16 miles northeast of your location.", "(Grissom turns and looks in that direction.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MEADOWOOD -- RAILROAD SPUR (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. MEADOWOOD -- DAY]", "(Officer cars arrive with sirens blaring. They stop just behind the black car parked next to one of the trains.)", "(Jack gets out of the car with his gun out. The other officers also get out with their guns out. Jack approaches the car and finds the driver door wide open and empty.)", "(The station yard controller dressed in an orange vest approaches them.)", "Station Yard Controller: What the hell's going on?", "Jack: Did you see who drove this car here?", "Station Yard Controller: No, but I called the tow company. You can't park here.", "(A train whistle blows. One of the trains is leaving.)", "Jack: Where's that train going?", "Station Yard Controller: The Fresno 211. Chicago bound.", "Grissom: Any other trains pass through here in the last hour?", "Station Yard Controller: No, and nothing else is scheduled for another hour.", "Grissom: Can you stop that train?", "Station Yard Controller: I don't have that capacity, no. Who you guys looking for?", "(Jack, Grissom and one of the officers turn to board the train. It's several tracks over. Jack jumps onto an open car filled with motorcycles. He jumps out the other side, turns and finds Grissom already there waiting for him. Grissom shrugs and they continue toward the second train.)", "(Jack climbs up the side and jumps down the other side. Grissom follows them. They find the third train leaving.)", "(They both turn and run toward the moving train. They grab a hold and climb aboard.)", "Jack: You starting to miss the lab?", "Grissom: No, I like a good field trip.", "(Jack takes his gun out.)", "Jack: Right. Stay behind me.", "(They enter the passenger car and start looking for a man in a baseball cap.)", "(They find a man wearing a baseball cap sitting next to a window and looking outside. Jack approaches the man.)", "(Grissom motions for the officers behind him to stay close.)", "Jack: Freeze! (The man turns around.) Put your hands where I can see 'em! You Wicker?", "Baxter: No. The name's Baxter, and I ain't got no ticket.", "Grissom: Where'd you get that hat?", "Baxter: Oh ... from a man. (Baxter takes out a bill and shows it to them.) He gave me a hundred bucks to get on this train. I don't want no trouble. I mean ... don't shoot.", "(Jack puts his gun away and takes his sunglasses off. This isn't the guy. He looks at Grissom.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. MEADOWOOD -- DAY]", "REVERSE VIEW - INSIDE THE CAR TRUNK", "(The trunk opens. Grissom and Jack look inside. Grissom sighs.)", "(They find Gina Farentino's dead body inside.)", "Grissom: Maybe, uh ... he came here to kill his ex-wife.", "Jack: Why?", "(Grissom's phone rings. He puts it on speakerphone.)", "Grissom: Grissom.", "Brass: (from phone) It's Brass.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY]", "Brass: (to phone) Listen, the Boulder PD got a call from the principal at the local elementary school. Gina Farentino was supposed to pick up her son, only she didn't show up.", "Grissom: (to phone) Yeah, there's a reason for that.", "Jack: (to phone) She had a son?", "Brass: (to phone) The kid's name is Kobe. Yeah, according to the principal, a guy fitting Wicker's description came and picked him up in the mother's car. He said the kid seemed to know him.", "Grissom: (to phone) Thanks, Jim.", "(Jack thinks about it. Grissom opens the backseat door and looks inside. He finds a handheld game and an empty juice box left on the seat.)", "Grissom: Hey, Jack. I don't think that trooper was waving at Gina.", "(Quick flashback to: State Trooper Robinson approaches the car. He looks in the backseat and sees the little boy. He smiles and waves to the boy. He approaches Wicker in the driver's seat.)", "State Trooper Robinson: License and registration, sir.", "Terry Lee Wicker: I got it right here.", "(Wicker reaches for his gun, turns and shoots the Trooper.)", "WHITE FLASH TO: PRESENT", "(Jack walks up to Grissom.)", "Grissom: You said the kid who was kidnapped was six years old when he was adopted, birth parents unknown.", "(Grissom shows him the game and empty juice box.)", "Jack: That's right.", "Grissom: Terry Wicker was looking for his ex-wife ...", "Jack: ... and his son.", "Grissom: A family reunion.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. ROAD (STOCK) - DAY]", "(A MOJAVE EXPRESS bus passes by.)", "[INT. BUS - DAY]", "(The bus is full of passengers.)", "Terry Lee Wicker: (singing softly) The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round, round and round The wheels on the bus go round and round All round the town.", "(Terry Lee Wicker sits in the seat next to the sleeping blonde-haired boy.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Who and What
[ "Hodges stages hypothetical murders in the lab in order to give his fellow lab techs a chance to play CSI, but unbeknownst to them he has other motives behind his actions. Meanwhile, after Sara's farewell, everyone tries to comfort Grissom." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- EVENING]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom and Brass walk through the hallway. Grissom has a file folder tucked under his arm.)", "Grissom: Ecklie's been on me to finish the monthly stats, so I need a list of all the lab call-outs from dispatch as soon as you can.", "Brass: You'll have it by the end of shift tomorrow.", "Grissom: Thanks.", "Brass: So, you've been pulling a lot of doubles this week.", "Grissom: Yeah, it's about all I do.", "Brass: Have you been in touch with Sara?", "Grissom: We've talked a little.", "Brass: So where's she at?", "Grissom: San Francisco, visiting her mother.", "Brass: No, I mean -- that's nice. No, but I meant where's she at emotionally? You know, with respect to the two of you.", "Grissom: I can't speak for her.", "Brass: So speak for yourself.", "Grissom: I can't talk, I'm really busy.", "(Grissom walks away from Brass. He continues through the hallway and around reception. He heads into his office. Archie walks by.)", "(We follow Archie through the hallway as he reads through a file. He has a camera over his shoulder.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - NIGHT - SCENARIO 1]", "(Archie enters the garage. He stops in front of a counter with stacks of cocaine in bundles. He puts the file folder down and removes the camera off his shoulders.)", "(He puts his goggles on and opens the case with more evidence - bundles of cocaine.)", "(Archie takes the top bundle out, places it on another bundle on the counter, picks up the digital camera and takes a photo of it.)", "(He puts the camera down and logs it on the clipboard.)", "(He reaches into the case and takes the same bundle out and puts it on another bundle on the counter. He picks up the camera, takes a photo, then logs it on the clipboard.)", "(He reaches for the next bundle in the case, lifts, and -", "BOOM!", "-- the case explodes in Archie's face. The force of the explosion throws Archie backward and shatters the glass in the doors to the garage.)", "(Fire alarms blare. People run out along the hallways.)", "(Hodges saunters into the smoking garage. He sees debris on the floor and poor Archie dead in white cocaine. His chest is bloodied from the explosion.)", "(Hodges laughs maniacally in evil glee.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM - NIGHT]", "(Hodges clasps his hands together in evil glee. He has file folders open in front of him along with his lunch as he talks with Wendy.)", "Wendy: So Archie's in the garage, he's documenting evidence from a drug bust, he picks up a thing of coke, and then it blows up in his face?", "Hodges: No. He picks up a cellophane and duct-tape-wrapped kilo of coke, and the third one from the top of the stack blows up in his face.", "Wendy: Oh.", "Hodges: It's important to be specific.", "Wendy: Okay, well, this game is not as much fun as I thought it was going to be", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hodges: It's not a game, it's a thought experiment. If you want to be a good criminalist --", "Wendy: I am a good criminalist.", "Hodges: If you want to be a better criminalist, then you have to learn to train to --", "Wendy: Learn to think like a criminal. I know.", "Hodges: Look, I'm sure Grissom's told you--well, maybe not you, but he's told me many times--that we speak for the dead. Think of this exercise as a way for the dead to speak for themselves.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - SCENARIO 1]", "(We PAN across the floor and come upon Archie's dead body covered with white cocaine powder. His chest is bloodied from the explosion.)", "Wendy: (V.O.) But that's not actually what this is--", "Hodges: (V.O.) It's a chance for you to be a CSI. The only thing you need to do is answer two simple questions.", "(\"Dead\" Archie's eyes pop open and he looks DIRECTLY at the CAMERA.)", "Dead Archie: Whodunit and how?", "(His eyes close and head lolls back to the floor.)", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - SCENARIO 1]", "(White powdered cocaine dusts the floor and shows various shoe print voids and a large Archie-sized body-shaped void.)", "(Archie's body is on the gurney being pushed out by Robbins and David Phillips, who are both wearing masks.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) After HazMat cleans up the scene ... the coroner does his thing ...", "(On his way out, David Phillips passes Nick and Warrick on their way in. Both Nick and Warrick are wearing masks along with matching blue FORENSICS coveralls.)", "David Phillips: No sign of sexual trauma.", "Wendy: (V.O.) What?", "Hodges: (V.O.) I believe he's legally required to check.", "(Nick and Warrick turn around and pull their masks down. They're both crying from the death of their friend.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) What the CSIs realize is --", "Nick: (chokes) I can't believe Archie's gone.", "Warrick: (voice breaking) He was too good for this world.", "(Both Nick and Warrick sob loudly. Warrick covers his face with his hand.)", "CUT BACK TO:", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Wendy: What? They would be very upset.", "(Hodges stares at Wendy.)", "Hodges: Can we at least stipulate that they heroically contain their bereavement?", "Wendy: Yes, I suppose Archie could live with that ... so to speak.", "Hodges: Thank you.", "Wendy: Mm-hmm.", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - SCENARIO 1]", "Hodges: (V.O.) What the CSIs realize is ...", "(On his way out, David Phillips passes Nick and Warrick on their way in. Both Nick and Warrick are wearing masks along with matching blue FORENSICS coveralls. Nick and Warrick turn around and pull their masks down.)", "Nick: It's gotta be the dealer.", "Warrick: Yeah, he booby-trapped the stash so if the cops got the drugs ...", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Wendy: (interrupts) Then they would get the boom along with it? Right? Am I right?", "Hodges: No, you're wrong. Just let me finish the setup, okay?", "Wendy: Sorry.", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - SCENARIO 1]", "(The evidence in the garage is cleaned and sorted in various bins.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) What the CSIs finally realize is ...", "Wendy: (interrupts) They sorted everything already? That was quick.", "Hodges: (V.O.) Can you just let me finish!", "(Nick steps up and center. He reads through a file and records his notes on the micro-cassette recorder.)", "Nick: (to recorder) According to this, twenty bricks of coke were logged into evidence just past midnight. The explosion occurred about a half an hour later. But there are twenty-one wrappers here. And since no one entered or exited the lab during that time frame, it means the explosive was planted in the suitcase here. Which means ...", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Hodges: The killer is someone in the lab.", "Wendy: Well, if the killer is someone who works in the lab, then he could just tamper with the evidence. Which means that there's really no way for me to solve this thing, this a trick question.", "Hodges: No, no, no, that's not what I want ...", "(click)", "Hodges: My shoelace is untied. Excuse me.", "(Hodges bends down to attend to it under the table.)", "Wendy: Okay.", "Hodges: (muffled) Okay, um ... wouldn't, how about this. (Wendy reaches over and looks at papers in Hodges' file.) Since it would be pretty risky for the killer to tamper with evidence during a full-on investigation in the lab ... let's just say, for the purposes of this exercise, --", "(Hodges sits up.)", "Hodges: -- that can't happen.", "Wendy: Okay. Now what?", "Hodges: That's up to you. You have the setup. You run the investigation from here. Simple Q & A. You ask, I answer.", "Wendy: Truthfully?", "Hodges: Absolutely. No lying-- call that a rule.", "Wendy: Well, what if I get close to actually figuring it out, you're not just gonna change who did it or something like that?", "Hodges: No revisionism-- also a rule.", "Wendy: For something that's not a game, it sure does have a lot of rules.", "Hodges: You want to do this or not?", "Wendy: All right. Okay. I guess the first thing that I would do would be to examine the actual bomb mechanism to see if there's any clue as to who might have built it.", "Hodges: Good idea. Because there are a lot of clues.", "[INT. CSI -- LAYOUT ROOM - SCENARIO 1]", "(Nick sets out the bomb parts on the layout table. He records his notes in his micro-cassette tape recorder.)", "Nick: (to tape recorder) Chemicals have been sent to Trace for ID, but the bomb appears to be a binary explosive.", "(Quick flashback to: The killer packs the cocaine bricks in the case.)", "Nick: (V.O.) Killer hides the loaded brick amongst the others ...", "CGI ZOOM to the mechanism between the cocaine bricks.)", "Nick: (V.O.) ... and pressure arms it ...", "(The pressure breaks the ampoule and the red liquid bubbles out.)", "Nick: (V.O.) Liquid \"A\" in ampoule mixes with solid \"B\", creating an unstable chemical explosive ...", "END CGI ZOOM", "(Flashback to: Archie reaches for the cocaine brick in the case.)", "Nick: (V.O.) All you need to do is move it.", "(He picks it up and triggers it.)", "BOOM!", "BACK TO SCENARIO", "(Nick turns the recorder off and looks at the bomb parts on the table.)", "(He's quiet as he waits.)", "(He leans in forward to look intently at the blasting cap on the table.)", "( ... and he waits ... )", "( ... his eyes slide toward the CAMERA ... he looks DIRECTLY at the CAMERA ... and nudges his head toward the blasting cap on the table.)", "(CAMERA moves down to the blasting cap on the table ... then moves back up to NICK.)", "(What? Still don't get it?)", "(Nick picks up the blasting cap with two fingers and holds it up to the camera.)", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Wendy: Ooh, I have an idea.", "[INT. CSI -- LAYOUT ROOM - SCENARIO 1]", "(Finally!)", "Hodges: (V.O.) What?", "Wendy: (V.O.) What about the blasting caps?", "(Nick nods with approval.)", "(He goes back into position and looks intently at the blasting cap.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) Ah, well, what do you know?", "XCU: LEG WIRES", "Hodges: (V.O.) The leg wires are color coded.", "Wendy: (V.O.) Good, --", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Wendy: -- 'cause the color coding is manufacturer specific. So now we can track down the source.", "Hodges: Indeed we could.", "(Archie - alive and breathing - walks in. He knocks on the door as he enters.)", "Archie: Hey, people. What's going on?", "(He walks over to the refrigerator.)", "Hodges: Nothing.", "Wendy: You look ... better.", "(Wendy turns and smiles at Hodges.)", "Hodges: Let's say you learn that LVPD recently seized one dozen commercial grade blasting caps in an arson-explosives raid, and that the lab was processing the case evidence.", "Wendy: Well, then, I know exactly where I'd go next ...", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - SCENARIO 1]", "(Bobby walks into the gun locker with Warrick and Nick.)", "Bobby Dawson: 'Course I know where those blasting caps are. They're right in here.", "(Bobby walks around the gun cage to the locked cabinet under it.)", "Wendy: (V.O.) No, no, no, no, no.", "(Warrick rushes to stop him.)", "Warrick: Not so fast, cowboy. Give me those keys.", "(Bobby gives the keys to Warrick. Warrick unlocks it.)", "(Nick motions for Bobby to step aside.)", "(Warrick checks the lock. Nick checks the cabinet for the blasting caps. Nick picks up the box and checks it. He finds one missing.)", "Nick: Looks like you're one blasting cap shy, Bob.", "Bobby Dawson: That's not possible. No.", "(He shakes his head. Nick looks intently at him.)", "Bobby Dawson: Wait ... Y'all don't think I had something to do with ...", "(He looks at both of them.)", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "(Archie drinks his coffee near the counter.)", "Archie: Are there any prints on the lock?", "Hodges: Excuse me, we're--", "Archie: Playing a murder game. I know, I get it. I wanna play.", "(Archie sits down on the sofa.)", "Wendy: (confidentially) He says it's not a game.", "Archie: Well, I wanna play anyway.", "Hodges: No.", "Archie: Why not?", "Hodges: You're the dead guy.", "Archie: Oh. Well, then I'd have a vested interest in the outcome then, wouldn't I?", "Wendy: Oh, come on, I'll fill him in as we go along.", "Hodges: Fine.", "Archie: Yup. So. Are there any prints on the lock?", "[INT. CSI -- BALLISTICS - SCENARIO 1]", "(Warrick examines the lock.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) No, no prints. Just metal shavings.", "Warrick: Looks like this lock's been slipped.", "FLASH TO: Someone uses a knife to jimmy the lock.", "CGI ZOOM: Inside the lock. The knife slips the lock.", "END CGI", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Archie: So somebody stole the blasting cap from Ballistics to make it look like Bobby did it.", "Hodges: Nefarious, don't you think?", "Wendy: What about the chemicals that were used to make the explosive? Did we get anything back from Trace?", "(Hodges leans back.)", "Hodges: (smugly) You always get something from Trace.", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - SCENARIO 1]", "(As they walk through the hallway, Nick shares the findings with Warrick. They're both in their forensics overalls.)", "Nick: The explosive was liquid nitro-acetate and solid ammonium nitrate packed in baking soda.", "Warrick: To blend in with the rest of the cocaine bricks. Cute. Explosive liquids are generally pretty volatile. Did you ask Hodges if nitro-acetate has any special storage requirements?", "Hodges: (V.O.) It needs to be refrigerated.", "Nick: Yeah, he said it needed to be refrigerated.", "Warrick: Well, there's only so many refrigerators in the lab. Maybe \"where\" can get us to \"who\".", "[INT. REFIGERATOR 1]", "REVERSE VIEW", "(The door opens. Warrick and Nick look inside. There are various biohazard containers, test tubes on a rack, sample containers on a rack.)", "(They both shake their heads and close the door.)", "[INT. REFRIGERATOR 2]", "REVERSE VIEW", "(The door opens. There are various Erlenmeyer flasks and various brown bottles inside. Warrick pulls down a brown bottle and looks inside the fridge. Nick peers in over Warrick's shoulder.)", "(Warrick shakes his head, puts the brown bottle back on the shelf and closes the door.)", "[INT. REFRIGERATOR 3]", "REVERSE VIEW", "(The door opens. Nick kneels as he peers into the refrigerator with various food containers and ziplock bags of people's lunches. Warrick peers in over Nick's shoulders.)", "(Nothing there. The door closes.)", "[INT. CSI -- TOX - SCENARIO 1]", "(Nick opens the refrigerator door. Inside are brown bottles of SODIUM NITRATE and NITROGEN TETRA-HYDRIDE. Warrick talks with Henry.)", "Henry: What are you guys looking for?", "Warrick: I'm sorry, we can't tell you that, Henry.", "Nick: Nitrogen tetra-hydride ...", "Hodges: (V.O.) Sodium -", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Hodges: -- nitrate.", "Wendy: Wait, what happens when you mix those two compounds?", "[INT. CSI - TOX - SCENARIO 1]", "Nick: They produce nitro-acetate.", "Warrick: That's a high explosive binary, Henry.", "Henry: (nervously) Really? I didn't know that.", "(Nick picks up the open box of BRENNER'S BEST Baking Soda.)", "Henry: Look, just 'cause I have those compounds in my fridge doesn't mean I used them to make nitro-acetate.", "(Nick picks up the box of baking soda and walks over to Henry.)", "Henry: You can't prove that.", "Nick: Baking soda was used to conceal the explosive, smartass.", "Henry: (nods) It's also used to absorb odors. Nice smell is a priority of my life.", "Warrick: I think the baking soda was used to absorb a lot more than odors, Henry.", "(Quick flashback to: Henry nervously looks around, then opens his refrigerator. He puts an open beaker with a mixture on the shelf next to the baking soda. The masking tape note across the beaker reads: DO NOT TOUCH.)", "(Henry leaves.)", "CGI OF: The odors from the open beaker rise up and are absorbed by the baking soda.", "BACK TO SCENARIO", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - SCENARIO 1]", "(Henry looks nervously at Brass. Brass glares at Henry as he picks up the chair and turns it around excruciatingly slow. He puts it down firmly, deliberately. Brass' steely gaze penetrates straight into Henry's guilty soul as he ever so slowly straddles the seat.)", "(The pressure is too much for poor Henry.)", "Henry: (blurts) Okay, I confess! I did it!", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Archie: (huh?) Henry? Why would Henry kill me?", "Wendy: (confidentially) We're not supposed to care about the why.", "Archie: Whatever.", "(Archie gets up and walks out of the BREAKROOM.)", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(He passes Nick and Warrick headed in the opposite direction.)", "Archie: Hey, fellas.", "Warrick: Hey.", "Archie: (scoffs) Thanks for giving me justice at least.", "Nick: (no clue) Yeah, you're welcome.", "(We stay with NICK and WARRICK as they continue through the hallway.)", "Nick: Man, I don't know if I'm more tired or hungry right now. You wanna get something to eat?", "Warrick: Yeah. Actually, I felt like a little Pai Gow or some Blackjack. Let's hit the strip.", "Nick: After the shift we just pulled?", "Warrick: Yeah. I just drank one of those energy drinks. I probably won't sleep for another couple hours.", "Nick: (groans tiredly) I don't think so, man. Maybe another time, huh?", "Warrick: All right.", "(Warrick leaves.)", "Nick: I'll catch ya later.", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom is working at his desk when Nick walks in.)", "Nick: All right, Grissom. That's it for me. I'm out of here.", "Grissom: Have a nice day.", "(Nick lingers.)", "Nick: Yeah, I'm going over to Frank's to grab something to eat. I'll probably be there for at least an hour if you want to ... if you want to join me.", "(Nick nods and heads for the door. He turns around.)", "Nick: You know, we don't have to talk about anything in particular. Just two guys having breakfast. I just don't think it's good for people to be alone too much.", "(Nick backs out the door.)", "Nick: If you want to, cool. If not, cool. Whatever.", "(Nick leaves.)", "(Grissom goes back to work.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "(Mandy walks in and smiles at Wendy and Hodges.)", "Mandy: How are you.", "(Hodges moves the folders around to cover whatever it is he doesn't want her to see.)", "(Mandy plops down in the empty chair at the table and looks at them.)", "Mandy: Rack 'em up.", "Hodges: Excuse me?", "Mandy: Well, word on campus is, there's a murder game going on.", "Wendy: Oh, no, no, no, it's not a game. It's a thought experiment.", "Hodges: Sounds like the late Archie Johnson has a big mouth.", "Mandy: Come on, please, it's been really slow at Prints all day. (enthusiastically) Who we killin'?", "(Hodges and Wendy share a look.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. TOX - SCENARIO 2]", "(Mandy walks in while reading a file.)", "Mandy: Henry, I need the tox on that ...", "(In the background, we have a view of the freezer. Henry's face is plastered up against the window.)", "(Mandy turns, sees him and screams.)", "Mandy: Hen-ry!", "(Poor Henry's frozen cheek is stuck to the glass in the door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - SCENARIO 2]", "(Poor frozen Henry with his flat face is on the table. David Phillips and Robbins stand over him.)", "David Phillips: No sign of sexual trauma.", "Robbins: Thank God for small favors. (David taps Henry's chest.) You know, David, our job is never easy, but this is a colleague. If your emotions are too raw and you feel you need to excuse yourself ...", "David Phillips: (interrupts) Look.", "(David taps Henry's chest. There's a crunchy sound.)", "David Phillips: He's crunchy.", "Robbins: Um ...", "(David cuts open Henry's lab coat.)", "David Phillips: Frozen sweat stains. Yuck.", "Robbins: He was trapped in a small space at minus ten degrees centigrade. So it's fair to assume he was exerting himself in a state of mind-numbing terror.", "David Phillips: How long do you think he was stuck in there?", "(Robbins taps Henry's frozen cheek. It cracks.)", "Robbins: Well, several hours at least. Time of exposure in extreme cold is difficult to gauge physiologically. Why don't you let me know when he softens up and we'll start cutting.", "(Robbins starts to leave.)", "David Phillips: So we're just going to wait for him to thaw?", "Robbins: What do you want me to do, stick him in a microwave?", "Sound: MICROWAVE BEEPING", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "(Mandy opens the microwave oven and pulls out her pop tart.)", "Mandy: Ooh ... Hot ... hot, hot, hot.", "(She takes her seat at the table.)", "Mandy: So, then, okay, Henry froze to death.", "Wendy: Well, maybe not. Because if the autopsy hasn't been performed yet, then we can't be sure that's COD.", "Hodges: Well played, Simms. So it takes a few turns for the autopsy results to get back.", "Mandy: Turns?", "Hodges: Hours. A few hours. So, while you're waiting for the autopsy results, what do you do in the meantime?", "Wendy: Well, the CSIs would process the freezer. Did they find anything?", "Hodges: A virtual cornucopia.", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. CSI - TOX FREEZER - SCENARIO 2]", "VARIOUS FLASHES OF labels for METHYL-ETHYL KETONE, CHLOROFORM. Broken glass is on the floor.", "(Evidence markers 5 & 6 mark glass and an empty test tube rack.)", "FLASH TO:", "(Catherine stands in the doorway and takes photos of the mess on the floor. She looks around.)", "Catherine: (to recorder) The condition of the interior could be the result of a struggle, or the simple, understandable panic of a man trapped inside a freezer. In any event, the emergency release handle appears to have been bent and rendered inoperative, and several chemical containers broken in the process possibly releasing chloroform and methyl ethyl ketone into the space. I'm sending samples to Trace to confirm.", "(Catherine turns the recorder off. She laughs with girlish appreciation.)", "Catherine: Trace. Is there anything you can't do?", "Wendy: (V.O.) Hodges.", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Hodges: Sorry.", "[INT. CSI - TOX FREEZER - SCENARIO 2]", "(Catherine closes the freezer door and checks the outside lock.)", "Catherine: (to recorder) This could be a case of lab geek humor gone wrong.", "(Quick flashback to: Henry carries the tray of test tubes into the freezer. Someone closes the door behind him.)", "(Inside the freezer, Henry glances behind him and puts the tray on the shelf. He heads for the door.)", "(Someone on the outside secures the pin in the door.)", "(Inside the freezer, Henry can't open the door.)", "Henry: Hello?", "(He tries the door. It still doesn't open.)", "Henry: Hello!", "(Henry knocks on the door.)", "Henry: Hello?! It's not funny!", "(He pulls the emergency release handle too hard. It slips from his grip and he knocks the chemical bottles off the shelf behind him. The bottles smash on the floor and combined gasses are released.)", "(Henry inhales the toxic fumes. The image of a skull rises in the green smoke. It's a deadly combination.)", "Henry: Oh, my God.", "(Henry looks at the release handle in his hand. It came off.)", "Henry: Oh, my God.", "(He turns to try to fix the door to get out.)", "Henry: Oh, my God, help!", "(It doesn't work. He panics, shouts and pounds on the door.", "Henry: Help me!", "(Henry presses his face to the frosted glass.)", "Henry: (muffled) Please help!", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Mandy: So the merry prankster comes back later, sees the joke gone bad, then he just yanks the pin and scrams.", "(Hodges shrugs.)", "Wendy: You said that the emergency release plunger was bent.", "Hodges: Mm-hmm.", "Wendy: Well, that thing is made of solid steel. How could Henry do that?", "Mandy: Adrenaline kicks in when he finally realizes that he's dying. So, maybe in the moment of crisis, Henry has the strength of ten men. (beat) Ten small men.", "(Mandy chuckles.)", "Hodges: \"Maybe.\" That word always looks so good on a case report.", "Wendy: Was there any evidence on the handle on the outside of the freezer?", "Hodges: Just a schmear.", "[INT. CSI - TOX - SCENARIO 2]", "(Catherine checks the pin and finds the schmear.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) Sugar, soy protein, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, roasted nuts.", "(Catherine straightens and drops the pin.)", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Wendy: Peanut butter?", "Mandy: (o.s.) Well, killer's got to eat, too.", "CU: PHOTOS - of a pair of gloves in a trashcan, of peanut butter on the gloves' fingertips and of the peanut-buttered latex fingertips.", "Wendy: (V.O.) So, CSIs would check every trashcan and every biohazard disposal unit in the whole lab.", "Hodges: (V.O.) Yes, they would, and they would find ...", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - SCENARIO 2]", "(Bobby Dawson sits at the table looking at the incriminating photos.)", "(Brass picks up the chair, turns it around and sets it down. He spreads his arms out wide at Bobby.)", "Brass: What, no jelly? We found the peanut butter from inside your glove. It matches the stuff we found on the freezer door handle.", "(Brass walks behind Bobby and puts his hands on his shoulders.)", "Brass: Chunky, right?", "Bobby Dawson: I didn't kill Henry.", "Brass: Well, not on purpose.", "Bobby Dawson: No, not even by accident.", "(Brass deliberately places his hands on Bobby's shoulders.)", "Bobby Dawson: I only had a couple of minutes for lunch, and I had a bunch of photo emulsion sheets that needed to be stored. And I store them in the freezer.", "Brass: You seem very tense.", "Bobby Dawson: You know, I don't really like being persecuted.", "Brass: Yeah.", "(Brass goes back to his chair and straddles it. He glares at Bobby.)", "(Brass mouths.)", "Hodges: (v.o., raspy) Get used to it, punk.", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Wendy: No, I don't know about that.", "Hodges: What?", "Wendy: Well, Bobby's a gun guy. Gun guys shoot people.", "Mandy: Gun guys don't shoot people. People shoot people.", "Hodges: Actually, bullets shoot people, shot from guns which are usually in the hands of gun guys.", "Wendy: Can we get the autopsy results?", "Hodges: Well, I guess Henry's had enough time to defrost. COD was not, in fact, due to hypothermia.", "Mandy: Ooh, wait, no, I can guess what they found in Tox. It was chloroform.", "Hodges: Nope.", "Wendy: Methyl ethyl ether?", "Hodges: PCP.", "Wendy: What?", "Hodges: Massive, overdose amounts of PCP. Commonly known as phencyclidine, or angel dust.", "CGI SHOT", "(ZOOM through the nerves and synapses with blue lights flashing.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) PCP blocks the brain's NMDA receptors, hypothalamus goes nuts, resulting in anxiety, confusion, and fever-like overheating.", "FLASH TO: FLASHBACK", "(Henry is in the freezer, shouting and moving erratically in place as he pulls on his hair.)", "(Henry runs to the freezer, opens the door and runs inside.)", "Mandy: (V.O.) So Henry goes into the cooler to cool off ...", "(In the freezer, Henry is all over the place. He pulls the emergency door handle off.)", "Wendy: And with the PCP stimulating his adrenal glands, he has the strength of the Incredible Hulk.", "(He turns, yells and knocks over the chemical bottles off the shelves.)", "Henry: (V.O.) A duster?", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "(Henry is in the doorway.)", "Henry: (offended) You made me a lousy duster? That is totally bogus! Okay, aside from the 10,000 other reasons why I'd be crazy to even try that junk, if I were a closet PCP freak, I wouldn't do it in the lab.", "Hodges: That's very professional.", "(Hodges moves the books stacked on the table.)", "Henry: Archie told me about your sick little thought experiment, and I want to play. But I still can't believe, even hypothetically, you'd do something like this to me.", "(Henry joins them at the table.)", "Mandy: Well, Henry, I hypothetically called your mother and I explained everything. (whispers) That woman is a crier.", "Wendy: Your autopsy didn't mention powder in his nasal passages or PCP damage in his lungs.", "Hodges: That's because it wasn't there.", "Mandy: So Henry didn't inhale it, or smoke it, or snort it?", "Hodges: No, he didn't.", "(Hodges takes a chip out of the bag.)", "Henry: Then how did the PCP get into my system?", "Hodges: You tell me.", "(Hodges pops the potato chip in his mouth and crunches. Everyone is quiet as they think about it.)", "Wendy: Oh! Crusty pits.", "(Henry glances down at his shirt.)", "Wendy: Sweat stains. You said that Henry's lab coat had big sweat stains on the collar and on the armpits. So that's it -- somebody dosed the coat.", "(Hodges nods.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - SCENARIO 2]", "(Catherine takes a sample of Henry's lab coat and tests it for PCP. It comes out positive.", "Catherine: (to recording) Lab coat tests positive for PCP. Combined with body heat and sweat, the drug must've entered his system transdermally. (sighs) Like a nicotine patch from hell.", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Wendy: Well, Henry would've died of an overdose no matter what. So, all the trapping him in the freezer with the chemicals spilling, that was all completely incidental.", "Hodges: It was the logical outcome of the initial crime.", "Mandy: And it's quite funny.", "Henry: Hey.", "Hodges: Well, we're not done yet.", "Mandy: Who did the deed? Well, taking lab coats off the premises is against regulations. So the PCP would've had to have been applied in the lab, right under our noses.", "Henry: And that stuff reeks. I have to crank my fume hood up full whenever I work with it, I still go home with a headache.", "Mandy: Fume hoods. There's fume hoods in the garage, and DNA and Trace.", "[INT. CSI - LAB - SCENARIO 2]", "(Catherine swabs the sink.)", "Mandy: (V.O.) So we would have to test all the sinks for PCP.", "Hodges: (V.O.) Excellent. That's a good approach.", "(She cuts the swab and tests it for PCP.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) It's well considered, thorough and thoughtful, but you would find nothing.", "(The test is negative.)", "Wendy: (V.O.) Really?", "Hodges: (V.O.) Yeah, there's no trace of PCP in any of sinks. Squeaky clean.", "(Catherine looks at the negative result and thinks about it.)", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Wendy: Damn it.", "[INT. CSI - LAB - SCENARIO 2]", "(Catherine looks at the open tank with a plant growing inside.)", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "(Wendy thinks about it. Everyone is quiet as they think about it.)", "[INT. CSI - LAB - SCENARIO 2]", "(Catherine snaps her fingers in front of the open tank with the plant in it.)", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Wendy: Oh! Wait. (She smiles) I got it, check the plant.", "[INT. CSI - LAB - SCENARIO 2]", "(Catherine looks straight at the CAMERA: DUH!)", "Hodges: (V.O.) You got it.", "(Catherine rolls her eyes as she takes a sample of the plant.)", "FLASH TO:", "(The killer empties the mixture into the sink. The fumes from the sink rises up and are absorbed by the plant in the open tank.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) The killer cleaned up, but he left one witness.", "(The killer watches the mixture go down the drain. The killer faces the sink. CAMERA PULLS BACK TO REVEAL that the killer is WENDY.)", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Henry: (accusing) Wendy.", "Wendy: (meekly) Me?", "(Mandy's phone beeps. She checks her messages and groans.)", "Mandy: Oh, drat.", "(She closes her phone and gets up.)", "Mandy: Well, it's not a slow day for me after all. Ecklie wants me to pick up the backlog from swing. Somebody please tell me who dies next. And how. Thank you.", "(Mandy leaves.)", "(Wendy smiles and leans on the table toward Hodges.)", "Wendy: So ... you got time for one more?", "(Hodges leans on the table toward Wendy.)", "Hodges: Well, someone's having fun.", "Wendy: Maybe a little.", "Hodges: You're not bad at this.", "(Henry looks around the BREAKROOM awkwardly.)", "Wendy: Thanks. I've been thinking about taking the CSI field test. This is actually really good theory and practice for me.", "Hodges: The field test?", "Wendy: Yeah.", "(Hodges nods.)", "Wendy: What? Why?", "Hodges: Nothing.", "Wendy: Nothing?", "Hodges: That's right. A great big pile of nothing. From me, to you.", "(Wendy doesn't like the sound of that.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Catherine finds Grissom in the hallway near the BREAKROOM.)", "Catherine: Oh, hey. How are you?", "(They walk away from the BREAKROOM.)", "Grissom: Why?", "Catherine: I can't ask how you're doing?", "Grissom: I'm sorry. I've just had a lot of ... uh ... I've been busy.", "Catherine: Oh. Well, maybe you should take a few days off, for once in your career. I mean, you've got enough stored up. Go after her.", "(Grissom looks at her.)", "Grissom: It's not what she wants.", "Catherine: What do you want?", "Grissom: I want her to be happy.", "(Grissom walks away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Hodges: (teases) Field Agent Simms.", "Wendy: Stop it.", "Henry: Hey, I think it's got a nice ring to it.", "Wendy: Thank you.", "Hodges: Here she comes, flashing her badge, taking down perps.", "Wendy: (annoyed) Why is even potential advancement so threatening to you?", "Hodges: Hey, Sanders left the lab, he got his ass kicked. I'm just saying.", "Henry: All right, come on, let's do another one.", "Hodges: Okay. Fine. (smirks) Let's.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE LOCKER - SCENARIO 3]", "(The corner of the table is stained with blood. We move slowly past the table and past the stepladder on wheels.)", "(On the floor is a black pump, evidence in bags are scattered all over the floor -- and Wendy dead in a pool of blood.)", "Wendy: (V.O.) Well, now, that's a little passive-aggressive, don't you think?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE LOCKER - SCENARIO 3]", "VARIOUS CAMERA FLASHES OF - Wendy's head, her bare foot, her open hand, the shoe on her other foot.", "(Wendy is on the table. David is standing over her when Greg ducks under the tape and walks in.)", "David Phillips: (whispers) No sign of sexual trauma.", "Greg: (scoffs) No kidding.", "(David leaves with the gurney and Wendy's body. Greg looks around the room.)", "Greg: It appears as though the vic struck the edge of the table.", "(He takes a photo of the blood on the table. He looks at the mess on the floor.)", "Greg: The evidence on the floor is ... well, evidence. Brown paper bindle must have opened when it fell. Looks like the contents of a woman's purse. And here's the vic's other shoe.", "(Greg picks up Wendy's shoe.)", "Wendy: (V.O.) ... Square toe, low heel, stylish but affordable.", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Wendy: Flirty, not whory.", "Henry: You will be missed.", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE LOCKER - SCENARIO 3]", "Greg: There's an oily residue on the sole.", "(Greg notices the sheen under the shoe. He also notices the oily residue on the ladder.)", "(Quick flashback to: Wendy steps up on the ladder to reach a box on the top shelf. She stretches over, pulls the box, slips and falls, hitting her head on the table. End flashback.)", "(Greg is busy erasing the OSHA sign:", "THIS DEPARTMENT HAS WORKED", "1659 DAYS", "WITHOUT A LOST TIME ACCIDENT.)", "(He erases the 1659 and replaces it with: 0.)", "Greg: (V.O.) The evidence appears to lead to an inescapable conclusion. This tragedy might have just simply been the result of an accident in the workplace.", "Wendy: (V.O.) I fell off a ladder?", "(Greg caps the pen.)", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "(Hodges goes to get a cup of coffee.)", "Hodges: Well, you are kind of a little clumsy.", "Wendy: Since when?", "Henry: It's endearing.", "Hodges: Are you satisfied with the explanation?", "Wendy: Uh, no. What about the oily residue on the ladder?", "CU: THE LADDER", "(ZOOM IN to show bristles in the oil.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) There are bristles in the oil, --", "Wendy: (V.O.) -- which means that somebody brushed it on.", "(Greg notices the bristles in the oil.)", "Henry: (V.O.) What exactly is the oily stuff?", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "(Hodges sits down.)", "Hodges: Well, thank God ...", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - INTERVIEW ROOM - SCENARIO 3]", "Brass: (wistfully) ... for trace analysis. Hmm. Hodges, who is a genius and tragically underpaid, used the powers of his brilliant mind and the scientific method to discover that the oil that was brushed on the ladder -", "CU: TRACE ANALYSIS RESULTS SHEET", "Brass: -- was a Teflon-based two-part oil-a gun lubricant.", "(Brass points his index finger at Bobby as if pointing a gun.)", "Bobby Dawson: So?", "Bobby: So you're the gun guy, Bobby.", "Bobby Dawson: Yeah, which is exactly why I would never use Teflon-based two-part oil.", "(Brass puts his hands on Bobby's shoulders.)", "Bobby Dawson: Real gun guys hate that stuff. If it separates in the can, it separates in the gun.", "(Bobby starts to rise, Brass keeps him down in his seat.)", "Brass: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. You are tense.", "(Brass releases Bobby and moves away from him.)", "Brass: So, where do you think you're going?", "Bobby Dawson: Back to work. This is ridiculous.", "(Bobby starts to stand up again. Brass whirls around and opens his police BATON!)", "Brass: Oh. Sit down.", "(He taps Bobby firmly on the shoulder with his police BATON!)", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "(Hodges turns as if slapped.)", "Hodges: Ow!", "Wendy: No, no. Captain Brass is not the kind of cop who smacks a suspect around.", "Henry: Really? He scares me.", "(click!)", "(Hodges grabs a file folder off the table and drops it on the floor.)", "Hodges: Oh, well, look who's the clumsy one now. Excuse me.", "(Hodges quickly ducks under the table. Henry takes the opportunity and confers with Wendy on the case.)", "Henry: Okay, so we don't have nearly enough to hold Bobby, right?", "Wendy: No.", "(Hodges gathers the files and papers and slams them on the BREAKROOM table.)", "Hodges: All right. Who's up for an autopsy?", "(Wendy smiles and raises her hand.)", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - SCENARIO 3]", "(Wendy is on the table. Robbins points to the slit in her throat as he explains his findings to Greg.)", "Robbins: The carotid-jugular complex was transected, --", "(CAMERA starts to move downward toward dead Wendy's chest ...", "Robbins: -- and based on the placement and size of the wound, I'd say she had at ...", "Dead Wendy: (firmly) Hey!", "(CAMERA bounces back up to Wendy's neck.)", "Dead Wendy: It's a NECK WOUND !!", "(She glares at the camera.)", "(Wendy shuts her eyes again.)", "Robbins: Based on the placement and size of the neck wound, she was conscious 30 to 60 seconds before blood loss was fatal.", "Greg: That's a long time. No one reported her screaming or calling out for help.", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Henry: (interrupts) We have to get back to the case file.", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - SCENARIO 3]", "(Greg looks at the camera.)", "Greg: (mouths silently) I know.", "(He reaches off screen and grabs the case file. He opens it and looks at the photo of Wendy's hand.)", "Greg: There was no blood on her hands at the scene. Unless she was unconscious, she would have at least tried to stop the bleeding.", "Robbins: Well, there was no blow to the head.", "Greg: Do you think it's possible she was dead before she hit the table?", "Robbins: You mean like a cardiac event?", "(Greg nods.)", "Robbins: Well, I can't rule that out, but a healthy, 36-year-old having a heart attack?", "Wendy: (V.O.) Thirty-five in October, thank you very much.", "(Greg again looks at the photos of Wendy's hands. He compares it to her hand.)", "Greg: She has an oval, perimortem burn on her wrist.", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Henry: (interrupts) Wait a second. That's familiar.", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - SCENARIO 3]", "(Greg glares at the camera. He reaches off screen and grabs an evidence bag with the silver bracelet inside. He compares it to the markings on Wendy's wrist.)", "(Greg and Robbins share a look.)", "(Quick flashback to: Wendy reaches for the evidence box on the top shelf. She grunts as the bracelet on her wrist sizzles and burns right into her skin. The bracelet melts off and falls to the ground.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "(Henry sighs regretfully.)", "Henry: Singed right off her barely 35-year-old wrist.", "(Wendy looks at her own wrist.)", "Wendy: That bracelet wasn't old evidence. I was wearing it.", "Hodges: Correct.", "Henry: So, what melts silver and stops your heart at the same time?", "Wendy: A bolt of lightning.", "Hodges: In the lab.", "Wendy: Electrocution.", "Henry: From what?", "Wendy: Something in the evidence locker.", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE LOCKER - SCENARIO 3]", "(Greg is back in the evidence locker. He's standing up on the ladder and looks at cut wiring from the nearby box. He follows the wiring to the vent.)", "(Inside the vent, he finds a battery.)", "Wendy: (V.O.) There was a motorcycle battery in the ventilation duct?", "(The cut wire is attached to the battery.)", "(Down below, Greg sees the wire attached to the evidence box.)", "Henry: (V.O.) Wired to the ladder and the evidence box?", "Hodges: (V.O.) Precisely.", "(Greg picks up the evidence box.)", "(Quick flash to: The electrical current sizzles as it passes from the battery to the handle of the evidence box.)", "POV - INSIDE THE EVIDENCE BOX", "(Wendy finds the box and grabs it by the handle hole. Her fingers grasp the foil plate. She's zapped by the electrical current and she's electrocuted.)", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Hodges: Devilishly clever, wouldn't you say?", "Henry: No.", "Wendy: Well, who's the killer, Wile E. Coyote?", "Hodges: Well, what do you mean?", "Henry: It's ridiculous! Anyone could have walked in there. So, what, the victim's just random?", "Hodges: (lying) Uh, no.", "Wendy: How'd the killer get me up there in the first place? What did he do, pass me in the hall and say, \"Hey, Wendy, go climb up that ladder and check out the case evidence you had absolutely nothing to do with?\"", "Hodges: Not in those words exactly, but ... uh ... yeah.", "Wendy: That's completely unverifiable.", "Henry: This is so lame.", "(Hodges lowers his head to the table.)", "Hodges: (mutters) Scenario requires further revision.", "Wendy: (annoyed) Okay, what is that?", "Hodges: Nothing.", "(Wendy glances under the table. Hodges reaches for the tape recorder and rips it off the table it's taped to. He drops it in his case.)", "(uh-oh!)", "Wendy: Is that a tape recorder?", "Hodges: You are so paranoid. This thought experiment has now concluded.", "(Hodges shoves his things in his case.)", "Hodges: Thank you.", "(Henry stares at him, his mouth hanging open.)", "(Hodges quickly leaves the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LOCKER ROOM]", "(Hodges shoves his things in his locker. The door opens and Wendy walks in.)", "Wendy: Why were you recording us?", "(He shoves his case in the locker.)", "Hodges: I wasn't recording you. Why would I record you? That makes no sense.", "(Wendy pushes the locker door open and a thin, long box falls out and open on the floor. Wendy kneels and picks up the cover. It's a board game.)", "Wendy: \"Lab Rats.\" \"The Game of Science and Murder.\"", "Hodges: (embarrassed) It's a prototype.", "Wendy: \"Two to four players, ages eight and up.\" You're making a board game?", "(Hodges reaches down to pick up the game pieces off the floor.)", "Hodges: Well, it's not just a board game. Gets people to think.", "Wendy: Why were you recording us?", "Hodges: (sighs) I needed your help to flesh out scenarios, and I figured that if I hid the recorder, your answers would be candid and honest. Look, see.", "(He opens the board onto the bench in front of her to show her what he's made so far.)", "Hodges: It's like \"Clue,\" only CSI-ier.", "Wendy: Hodges this is, uh ... this is kind of impressive. In a painfully sad, geek type of way.", "Hodges: Well, painfully sad geeks have a lot of spare time on their hands and loads of disposable income. \"Lab Rats\" could be a gold mine.", "(He reaches down to pick up the rest of the pieces. Wendy reaches for the velvet pull bag and opens it to look inside.)", "Wendy: Oh!", "(She pulls out the pieces and laughs.)", "Wendy: Little lab techs.", "Hodges: Mm-hmm.", "(She goes through the pieces. The names of the pieces are on the side and the detail is on the bottom of the piece.)", "Wendy: \"Sandy Baxter, fingerprint fanatic.\" \"Reggie Chang, eagled-eyed A/V expert.\" \"Andrew Henries, top-notch tox tech.\" \"Hodgkins.\" Hodgkins.", "Hodges: Mm-hmm.", "Wendy: You named yourself after cancer.", "(It never occurred to him. Wendy picks up the last piece. Hodges tries to stop her.)", "Hodges: Oh!", "(She pulls it away and reads it anyway.)", "Wendy: \"Mindy Bimms, the clumsy yet buxom DNA tech.\" (she looks at the piece.) Clumsy yet buxom?", "Hodges: (shrugs) It's a redeeming feature. It's-it's a prototype.", "Wendy: (insulted) So, tell me, do you think that Mindy Bimms is clumsy because she's top-heavy?", "(She tosses the piece at Hodges. He flinches.)", "Wendy: Or do you just mean clumsy like this?", "(She knocks the board and the pieces off the bench and onto the floor.)", "Wendy: Oops.", "(Wendy gets up and heads for the door. She turns around.)", "Wendy: Okay, are you ... are you allergic to being honest with me? 'Cause the thing is, if you had actually asked me to help you with this game, I would have. But, no, you had to hide a tape recorder under a table and engage us all in this great big \"thought experiment!\" When in reality, it doesn't even matter, apparently, what I think because I'm just Mindy Big Boobs to you, and I ... You are the dumbest smart guy I know.", "Hodges: You think I'm smart?", "(Wendy rolls her eyes, turns and leaves the locker room.)", "(Hodges sighs heavily as he looks down at his game on the floor.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Greg walks through the hallway. As he heads out, he passes Grissom.)", "Grissom: Night, Greg.", "Greg: (grunts) Yeah, whatever.", "(Grissom turns and looks back at Greg.)", "(Grissom continues walking.)", "Hodges: (o.s.) (high-pitched voice) Oh, Hodges, I'm so sorry.", "(Grissom does a double-take and sees Hodges in the breakroom looking forlornly at his board game set up on the table. He's playing with the pieces.)", "Hodges: It's just that I'm jealous of your intellect.", "(He maneuvers the Mindy Bimms game piece over a glass of water.)", "Hodges: (normal voice) But Wendy, you have so much to live for. Don't do it. You're too close to the edge.", "(He drops the Mindy Bimms game piece into the glass of water.)", "Hodges: (high-pitched voce) Oh, and now I'm drowning! Oh, God! Oh, God, help me. Help me.", "(Grissom stands in the doorway and stares at Hodges. What the hell--?)", "Grissom: What are you doing?", "(busted! Hodges looks up and finds Grissom there.)", "Hodges: Oh, uh ...", "(Hodges takes the Mindy Bimms game piece out of the water glass.)", "Hodges: (sighs) I was ... uh ... just trying to ... develop a board game -", "(Grissom walks into the BREAKROOM, his eyes on the board game on the table. He seems genuinely interested.)", "Hodges: -- based on this place, but not in any legally actionable sense. You get evidence, scenarios, analysis. Try to solve diabolical murders.", "(Hodges holds the Mindy Bimms game piece. Grissom takes it from him and looks at it. He looks at the board, the rooms, the pieces, the timer, the dice.)", "(Hodges waits.)", "Grissom: I like games.", "Hodges: Really?", "Grissom: Yeah.", "(Grissom sits down.)", "Hodges: Okay. Let's play.", "(Hodges picks up the board game cover and reads the blurb on the inside.)", "Hodges: What makes it hard to catch a killer? Is it the sheer destructive power of the murder itself that obliterates evidence -", "CAMERA SLIDES OVER TO:", "[INT. CSI - LAB]", "(Archie is in the lab documenting a case full of cocaine bricks.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) -- as it snuffs out life?", "(He looks at the case and pauses at the next brick. He reaches into the case and cautiously lifts the brick. There's no explosion.)", "(He lets out the breath he's been holding.)", "(He continues to work.)", "CAMERA SLIDES OVER TO:", "[INT. CSI -- TOX LAB]", "(Mandy walks into the lab.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) Or is it the chain of events the murder sets into motion which obscure the true crime?", "(She turns and sees Henry inside the freezer, his face plastered up against the glass. She rushes over to open the freezer. She grabs the handle and rattles it -", "(Henry moves. He's been faking it.)", "(Mandy gasps. He laughs and opens the freezer.)", "Henry: That was good.", "(Mandy whacks him on the arm.)", "CAMERA SLIDES OVER TO:", "[INT. CSI - EVIDENCE LOCKER]", "(Wendy is standing on the ladder. It moves and she gasps and grabs the ladder handle to keep from falling. She pauses a moment, spooked.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) Or is it a mechanism so complex and diabolical that it borders on the incredible?", "(She grabs the evidence box from the top shelf and climbs down.)", "CAMERA SLIDES OVER TO:", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - SCENARIO 4]", "ON MONITOR: HODGES talks directly to the monitor camera.", "Hodges: (from monitor) In truth, it is all these things, --", "(PULL BACK to REVEAL: Hodges sits in front of the computer camera as he records himself.)", "Hodges: -- and all these things are the same. Because the only real way to catch a killer is to outsmart him ... and hope that he's not smarter than you.", "(Hodges smiles. He sits up straight.)", "BANG!", "(Hodges falls backward and rolls off the chair with a THUD!)", "ON CHAIR - empty and spinning round and round and round. ON HODGES - on the floor, dead - still wearing that grin and a bullet hole in his forehead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "(Grissom looks at his notes.)", "Grissom: Your \"speech\" in front of your computer, and you take a bullet to the head.", "Hodges: No witnesses. Nobody heard the shot, and the killer is somebody in the lab.", "(not bad.)", "Grissom: Am I eligible?", "Hodges: In this scenario, no.", "Grissom: Okay. So during the basic process of the scene, what do I find?", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - SCENARIO 4]", "(Grissom kneels and looks at the bare floor where Hodges' body was. The chair in front of the computer is still spinning around and around and around.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) A single nine-millimeter casing at the doorway to Trace.", "(Grissom picks up the casing and looks at it. He looks around.)", "Grissom: Then my first blush theory is a walk-by.", "FLASH TO:", "(Someone walks past the lab, stops in front of the computer and shoot Hodges in the head. He drops the casing as Hodges falls to the floor with a thud. The killer leaves the lab and leaves the casing behind.)", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Grissom: I'm going to need the bullet.", "Hodges: Then I'm going to need an autopsy.", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - SCENARIO 4]", "(Hodges is on the autopsy table. David Phillips and Robbins are standing around the table. David bounces on his feet with anticipation. Robbins sighs with annoyance. David wiggles his eyebrows at Robbins, waiting for his cue. He smiles and nudges his head, waiting impatiently for Robbins to give him the cue.)", "Robbins: (annoyed) Get it out of your system!", "David Phillips: (bursts) No sign of sexual trauma.", "Robbins: (barks) Out!", "(David grins at him.)", "Robbins: (shouts) Now!", "(David turns and leaves with his head down.)", "(The door closes behind him.)", "(Robbins gets to work. He puts a plastic rod in the bullet hole in Hodges' forehead. The rod sticks straight up.)", "Robbins: All right, trajectory of the shot was roughly 90 degrees from vertical, straight through his noble skull. Bullet didn't exit.", "Grissom: (V.O.) Is it intact?", "FLASH TO: LATER", "(Robbins holds Hodges' brain and pulls the bullet out. He looks at the bullet.)", "Robbins: More or less.", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Grissom: IBIS.", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS - SCENARIO 4]", "(Grissom studies the bullet under the scope.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) The bullet's nose is significantly deformed and the lead base is pitted. But there are sufficient striae to get a match for what little it's worth.", "(Grissom runs the bullet through the computer database. He finds a match. He puts the two bullets and compares the striae. The computer beeps. It's a 99.936% match.)", "(He pulls up information on the gun.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) The gun came through the lab about a week ago in a buyback program and was subsequently destroyed.", "XCU: MONITOR", "(Disposition shows \"destroyed.\")", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Grissom: So you were shot by a weapon that no longer exists.", "Hodges: Apparently.", "(Grissom nods.)", "Grissom: Okay, let's go over your snuff film, shall we? I want to see exactly what you did.", "CAMERA SLIDES OVER TO:", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - SCENARIO 4 (VERSION) ]", "(Hodges' recording plays on the monitor. Grissom's reflection is on the monitor glass.)", "Hodges: (from video) In truth, it is all of these things, and all of these things are the same.", "(PULL BACK to REVEAL - Grissom is not alone. Wendy, Archie, Mandy, David and Henry gather around him to watch the snuff film. Wendy even brought a large tub of popcorn.)", "Hodges: (from video) Because the only real way to catch a killer is to outsmart him and hope that he is not smarter than you.", "(On the monitor, Hodges smiles and sits up straight.)", "ON AUDIENCE", "BANG!!", "(Everyone bursts out laughing.)", "ON MONITOR - Hodges rolls off the chair and falls to the floor with a thud.", "Wendy: Do it again! ARCHIE: Do it again! DAVID PHILLIPS: One more time. One more time.", "(Grissom grins.)", "Hodges: (V.O.) Wait, wait, wait -", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Hodges: They all want to watch?", "Grissom: (deadpans) Professional curiosity. I guess.", "(Grissom's eyes sparkle as he looks at Hodges.)", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - SCENARIO 4]", "(Grissom sits ALONE in front of the monitor. The computer beeps as he replays the video.)", "Hodges: (from video) In truth, it is all these things, and all these things are the same.", "ON MONITOR", "(Hodges' recording plays on the monitor. Grissom's reflection is on the monitor glass.)", "Hodges: (from video) Because the only real way to catch a killer is to outsmart him and hope that he is not smarter than you.", "(Hodges smiles. He sits up straight.)", "BANG!", "(Hodges falls backward and rolls off the chair with a THUD!)", "(Grissom sees something. He rewinds the video.)", "ON MONITOR", "(Hodges smiles. He sits up straight.)", "BANG!", "(Hodges falls backward and rolls off the chair with a THUD!)", "Grissom: (V.O.) You took the shot straight into your head, --", "(The computer chair IS STILL SPINNING round and round and round.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) -- but according to the video, you were not facing the hallway.", "REVEAL - Grissom stands in the doorway looking at the computer at where the shooter would have been.", "Grissom: (V.O.) Which means the bullet didn't come from there.", "(Grissom turns and looks behind him. There's a shelf.)", "Grissom: It must've come from here.", "(He points to the shelf behind him.)", "(Grissom checks the shelf --", "Hodges: (V.O.) Yes, it did. -- and finds a barrel attached to a pager.)", "Grissom: A zip gun.", "Hodges: (V.O.) With an unrifled barrel.", "Grissom: And a remote trigger. What model year is the pager?", "Hodges: (V.O.) Pre-1990.", "Grissom: So no call-back numbers. Pre-1990 pagers didn't store them.", "Hodges: (V.O.) So, you're at a dead end?", "(Grissom looks DIRECTLY at the CAMERA.)", "Grissom: I'm just getting started.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB - SCENARIO 4]", "(Grissom swabs the zip gun barrel. The tip of the swab is black. He looks at the swab.)", "Grissom: Do I have to walk over to the GCMS or will you just tell me?", "Hodges: (V.O.) The barrel of the zip gun contains traces of black powder.", "(Grissom caps the swab.)", "(He turns and looks at the bullets on the computer.)", "Grissom: Okay, but the bullet was pitted on the base, which is the result of exposure to smokeless gunpowder. Which means that the bullet that killed you was fired twice.", "CUT TO: FLASHBACK", "(The killer fires the gun.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) The killer test-fires the gun, knowing it will be destroyed, and keeps the bullet and the casing.", "(The killer retrieves the bullet. The killer makes the zip gun.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) He puts the bullet in a metal tube on a wad of black powder.", "CGI ZOOM TO: The pager buzzes. The electrical pulses flash through the wiring and to the zip gun barrel.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) With a pager trigger, it's essentially a remote controlled musket. Call the number from any phone or through the Internet and ...", "CGI THROUGH GUN BARREL - The gunpowder ignites and fires the bullet.)", "END CGI.", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Hodges: Impressive. Can you tell me whodunit?", "Grissom: Well, Bobby Dawson is an early 19th Century firearm enthusiast. He ... uh ... loads and fires muskets for fun.", "Hodges: Oh, yeah. Big gun guy.", "[INT. POLICE DEPARTMENT - HALLWAY - SCENARIO 4]", "(Brass leads Bobby Dawson through the hallway, his hand holding Bobby's arm.)", "Bobby Dawson: I didn't do it! I didn't do anything! I swear!", "(Bobby tears out of Brass's grip and runs down the hallway to get away.)", "(Officer Mitchell blocks Bobby's path.)", "Bobby Dawson: Hey! OFFICER MITCHELL: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.", "(Brass rolls his eyes.)", "(Bobby wrestles Officer Mitchell's gun away from him. Bobby has the gun now. He holds it pointed up at the ceiling.)", "Brass: (ho-hum) Gun.", "(Bobby looks at the gun in his hand.)", "(Brass takes his out and aims at Bobby.)", "BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG !!!", "THUD !!!", "(Whipping sound.)", "(Brass holds up his gun and blows lightly across the smoking barrel.)", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Grissom: What do you got against Bobby Dawson?", "Hodges: (shakes his head) Nothing. Running gag. So, --", "(Hodges holds up the figurine.)", "Hodges: -- you think Bobby Dawson did it?", "Grissom: (confidently) No. Bobby was framed. You drew me a map.", "(Hodges puts the figurine down.)", "Grissom: The path of the bullet, if not stopped by your brain mass, would have continued straight through into Ballistics, where Bobby works. Now, Bobby's a real gun guy, and no gun guy would ever position himself down-range of a shot. You're more than a victim, Hodges.", "ON VIDEO", "(Hodges is on the monitor.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) According to your video, you straightened up just before the fatal shot was fired.", "(Hodges smiles and sits up straight.)", "CGI SHOT", "(Bullet is fired from the barrel.)", "BARREL POV", "(The bullet exits the barrel.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) You knew it was coming.", "(The bullet heads straight for Hodges.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) And you made sure that you were in the perfect position to catch it.", "THUD!!", "[INT. CSI - BREAKROOM]", "Hodges: I am a mere Padawan in the presence of the Jedi Master.", "(Hodges puts his hands flat together and bows to Grissom.)", "Grissom: True. (looks at watch) Let's play another.", "Hodges: Sure.", "(Hodges picks up the scenario cards and shuffles through them. He glances at Grissom.)", "Hodges: You weren't ready -- to leave -- this: the challenges, the puzzles, the job.", "Grissom: No.", "Hodges: But Sara was.", "Grissom: Yeah, she was.", "Hodges: You can't stand in the way of that. When it's time for someone to move on, you just gotta let them go.", "Grissom: Let's play the game, shall we?", "Hodges: Okay. Oh!", "(Hodges shows Grissom the tape recorder.)", "Hodges: Mind if I record this? (to recorder) Scenario 12, Hodges and Grissom.", "(He puts the recorder down as he starts the next scenario.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "Hodges: (V.O.) Okay, you walk into the AV Lab. You find Archie slumped over his computer with a knife in his head ..." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
You Kill Me
[ "A man's body is thrown from a garbage truck that is being chased by the police. The victim was a limo driver connected to a nightclub with mob ties. Warrick believes the club owner is responsible and sets out to prove it. Unfortunately, Warrick's addiction to pills and a sudden reckless lifestyle negatively impact his job. Later, Warrick becomes the chief suspect in another mob-related murder." ]
[ "[EXT. LAS VEGAS DESERT (STOCK) -- DAY]", "(Thunder rumbles in the distance.)", "[EXT. OPEN HIGHWAY - DAY]", "(Three men speed in a red convertible on the open road. The music is on loud and the driver has an open bottle of beer in his hand. The man sitting in the seat behind the driver reaches over and holds out a joint for him to smoke from. The driver inhales and laughs loudly.)", "Drunk Driver: Hey, bro, I'm driving drunk, and you're lighting up a J? Maybe we should wait for those ... hell, dude.", "(The man in the backseat laughs and continues smoking the joint.)", "Backseat Passenger: Man, we're in Vegas. Sweet potato Vegas! Whoo!", "(The red convertible continues to speed along the open highway.)", "(They come upon a large garbage truck in front of them with its back wide open. Slips of colored paper and other rubbish fly out the back.)", "(They laugh and continue to drive fast.)", "(Two troopers on motorcycles pull up behind them, their sirens on.)", "Passenger: Hide that! Hide it! Hide it! Get it out of here!", "(They hide their joints.)", "(The officers on the motorcycles continue to follow them.)", "Drunk Driver: Hey, hide that liquor! Hide the liquor! Hide it!", "Passenger: Throw that joint out!", "(The two officers on motorcycles speed past the red convertible. They're in the clear.)", "Passenger: Get him! Get him!", "Drunk Driver: Shoot him! Shoot him!", "[EXT. ROAD - DAY]", "(The garbage truck driver continues to speed through a small alleyway. The sirens continue to blare behind him.)", "(The driver continues out the other end onto a busy street. He doesn't stop. Car horns blare. He continues through the road with the officers behind him.)", "(The CONTROL SANITATION garbage truck continues to speed along the road. The officers continue to chase after him.)", "(The driver in the truck takes out a gun and tosses it out the window.)", "(The driver continues through the road.)", "(On the other side, two officer cars block his path.)", "(The driver turns the truck and it smashes to a halt on the side of the building wall.)", "(A DEAD BODY wrapped in torn plastic hits the pavement.)", "(The driver gets out of the carriage, his forehead is bleeding. He starts running.)", "(The two officers on motorcycles continue to chase after him.)", "(The man runs.)", "Garbage Truck Driver: Get out of the way!", "(The man continues to run. A couple of officers on foot turn the corner right behind him. The two officers on motorbikes park and get off to continue the chase on foot.)", "(The man runs through the alley and turns the corner. He stops as two officer cars block the exit.)", "Officer: (over speaker) LVPD! Hold your position!", "(The man jumps onto the nearby fence, intending to escape over it. The officers run to him. A black car comes up the other end of the alley.)", "(The man doesn't make it over. He jumps back down to the ground.)", "(The black car runs straight into him, knocking him to the hard ground - dead, his blood pooling behind his head.)", "CAMERA FLASH TO: LATER:", "(A phone rings.)", "(Greg is snapping photos as Catherine crouches next to the body. She checks the man's shirt pocket as his phone rings.)", "(She answers the call.)", "Catherine: Hello? Hello?", "(She hangs up and checks the ID.)", "Catherine: Unknown caller. No call list. Probably disposable.", "(The SUV pulls up. Grissom gets out and heads for the scene.)", "Grissom: Where's Warrick?", "Catherine: We've been calling him. There's no answer.", "Brass: See what happens when you get in a high-speed chase with a garbage truck and end up with two dead bodies.", "(Grissom looks around.)", "Grissom: Where's the other one?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY]", "(Brass leads Grissom, Catherine and Greg to the second body. David Phillips is with the body and writing in his clipboard.)", "Grissom: I take it he came out of the truck?", "Brass: He flew out. At least that's what every eyewitness tells us.", "Catherine: Well, city landfill is a couple of miles down the road.", "Grissom: What's the TOD, David?", "David Phillips: Nine, maybe ten, hours.", "Brass: I got no ID on either of the bodies. No ID on the truck. I ran the VIN number and the plates. They're not in the system. Good luck.", "Greg: Control Sanitation is the only waste company in Vegas. If the garbage man works for them, his prints would be in the system.", "Grissom: All right. Catherine, you and I got the bodies. Greg, since Warrick's MIA, you have a choice: the truck or the trail.", "Greg: I'll go for the fresh air.", "(Greg takes his kit and heads out.)", "Catherine: Do I get a choice, too? Because, if you don't mind, I'm going to take the garbage man.", "Grissom: Be my guest.", "Catherine: Good luck.", "(Catherine picks up her kit and leaves. Grissom sets his kit down to get to work.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CAR (MOVING) - DAY]", "(Warrick is on the phone while driving.)", "Warrick: (to phone) I thought I told you not to call me on this line. Maybe that's because I don't want to talk to you. (He parks.) Are you kidding me? Why don't you ask the father of your unborn child? No. That's stupid. Don't call the lawyers. Tina, don't call ... (shouts) Tina! Tina! Don't call ... Tina!", "(Warrick hangs up and tosses the phone aside.)", "Warrick: Damn it.", "(Warrick opens his pill bottle and pops a pill. He gets out of the car.)", "[EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY]", "(Grissom is snapping photos of the body when Warrick rushes in.)", "Warrick: Hey, Gris, I'm sorry I'm late. I had some business to take care of.", "Grissom: This is your business. You were first up. That means you're supposed to be here first.", "(Warrick nods. Grissom points to the garbage truck.)", "Grissom: You get to process the trash truck.", "Warrick: No problem.", "(Warrick heads to the truck.)", "Grissom: But get it off the street. Tow it to the impound yard.", "(HOLD on Warrick.)", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Catherine prints the dead body's fingerprints while David Phillips pats down the victim's coveralls. He notices the residue on his gloves.)", "David Phillips: These coveralls are brand-new.", "(He shows the stains on his gloves to Catherine.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY - DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the preliminary findings with Catherine.)", "Robbins: Your garbage man was in excellent shape. COD is as expected. Massive BFT due to his unfortunate collision with the T-bird.", "(They turn to the next body on the second table.)", "Robbins: And your other vic was in his late 20s. He was definitely crushed by something.", "Catherine: Most likely, the garbage compactor.", "Robbins: Which happened postmortem.", "Catherine: Oh, it's always better to be compacted dead rather than alive.", "(Quick FLASHBACK TO: Someone tosses the plastic-wrapped body in the back of the garbage truck. The person turns it on and the back closes on the body. It crunches from the pressure. End of flashback.)", "Robbins: Suffocation. He had petechial hemorrhaging. I found white fibers in the nose and mouth. Sent them over to Hodges. He called back, confirmed they were silk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / A-V LAB -- DAY]", "(Nick and Grissom exit the office and head down the hallway and enter the A/V lab.)", "Nick: I tried to trace garbage man's cell phone. Like we expected, it's disposable. So I tracked down the distributor. It was paid for in cash under a bogus me. But I did get an AFIS hit off his print.", "(They stop in front of a monitor with the victim's morgue photo on it.)", "Nick: Brody Biggs. Former cop.", "(He pulls up a photo of the victim when he was younger and dressed in uniform.)", "Grissom: When was this taken?", "Nick: 1975, police academy graduation. I contacted LVPD. They said he quit the force back in 1980 with a perfect record.", "Grissom: Then what?", "Nick: Social came back to several different garages around town. He was a freelance mechanic for 20 years.", "Grissom: All right, we got to get his personnel file. What about the other vic?", "(Nick pulls up the EMPLOYEMENT HISTORY and photo of the second victim.)", "Nick: It's Jason Crewes, 27. Got a hit off his work card. He's worked at five different casinos over the last six years.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CREWES RESIDENCE - FOYER -- DAY]", "(The door opens. Nick and Catherine walk into the house. Nick picks up the phone on the table. He checks it.)", "Nick: Well, it doesn't look like Jason planned on going anywhere. I know a lot of people in this phone.", "(Catherine takes the phone form him and looks at the contacts.)", "Catherine: You do not. Knows some famous people. Or uses famous nicknames for his friends.", "(They both pick up their kits and head in separate directions.)", "[INT. CREWES RESIDENCE - HOME OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Catherine opens the door to the home office and enters. She looks at the posters on the wall:", "RAIN", "NIGHTCLUB", "TANGERINE", "LOUNGE & NIGHTCLUB", "MOONSHINE IS BACK", "MOONSHINE SUNDAYS", "NOW OPEN THURSDAYS - SUNDAYS", "GHOSTBAR", "PALMS", "OPEN NIGHTLY", "(Catherine turns around and looks at the framed autographed photos on the counter. The last photo is a 1995 HUX cover signed by PIPPA SANCHEZ.)", "(Catherine goes to the desk, puts her camera down and picks up the stack of ACCESS CARDS to the various nightclubs - PURE NIGHTCLUBS, RAIN, MOON and others.)", "(In the stack of access cards, she finds a VIP card for the SUPRENE FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP.)", "[INT. CREWES RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY]", "(Nick walks into the spacious room. He hears birds tweet nearby and looks at the two birds in the cage.)", "(Nick goes to the counter and slides a bowl aside to make room for his kit. He puts his kit down and looks at the parrot in the birdcage.)", "Nick: Did you see anything?", "(The parrot squawks.)", "(Nick looks around the room. He notes the plates on the floor with half-eaten food and crumbs. There are more food and plates on the coffee table and floor nearby.)", "(Nick turns and looks at the dark couch. He opens his kit and takes out his goggles. He puts them on and takes out his ALS. He checks the throw pillows and the couch and finds splotches of body fluid on the couch.)", "[INT. CREWES RESIDENCE - BEDROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine walks through the bedroom and stops in front of a framed photo of Jason Crews with his mother.)", "(Catherine takes a photo of the bed. She looks at the label on the 100% SILK sheets.)", "(She checks the covers and finds two black spots. She takes a photo of the spots.)", "Catherine: Nick!", "(Nick walks in.)", "Catherine: I think I just found ground zero. I think Jason was killed here.", "(Quick flashback to: [NIGHT] Brody Biggs holds the gun on Jason Crewes, who is in bed and just waking up. Brody picks up a pillow and smothers Jason Crewes. Jason fights back. End of flashback.)", "Nick: Well, this would have been the perfect murder if Jason's body would have actually made it to the landfill. Would have been incinerated.", "Catherine: At least now his mother has someone to bury.", "(She turns and looks at the photo on the counter.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - BRASS' OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Brass talks with Jason Crewes' mother, Belinda.)", "Belinda: He was alone last night. We talked at about 3:00 in the morning. He said he got off work early and was going to bed, and he'd call me when he woke up. But he never did.", "(Brass shows her Brody Biggs' photo.)", "Brass: Have you ever seen this man? His name is Brody Biggs. He's a mechanic.", "(She shakes her head, no.)", "Brass: Are you sure? We think this is the man that killed your son.", "Belinda: If he's a mechanic, maybe he worked on some of Jason's limos.", "Brass: I thought Jason was a club owner.", "Belinda: He was a limo driver before that, long time ago.", "Brass: Well, couldn't be that long ago. Jason was only 27. You have to be 25 to be a limo driver.", "Belinda: He had all kinds of fake IDs. Drove his first long one at 18. The owner of the limo company liked Jason. Made him a VIP driver. Celebs liked Jason. He could take his clients to a Motel 6 and it'd be the hottest spot in town. Wasn't long before the club owners invested in Jason, made him a group partner, gave him his own spot. Then two, then five. Suddenly, he's running the whole club scene. (She starts to cry.) I guess I should say he ran the club scene. He's not going to be running anything anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. STREET (GARBAGE TRUCK)-- DAY]", "(Grissom carries a box over to the garbage truck where Warrick is sitting and reading a paper.)", "Warrick: I'll be damned. Take a look at that.", "(Warrick hands the paper to Grissom. The headline reads, \"Reagan Pleads to Gorbachev: \"Tear Down that Wall.\" President Delivers Fiery Speech at Brandenberg Gate.)", "Grissom: The good old days.", "Warrick: Yeah. Here's an ad for the Silver Slipper Casino -- buffet.", "(He hands another paper to Grissom.)", "Grissom: Back when they had real eggs, not powdered ones.", "Warrick: Hey, Gris, listen. About me being late ...", "Grissom: You have a cell phone paid for by the department. You call, you say you're running late. What's going on with you?", "Warrick: I don't know. This, uh ... this whole divorce has taken the wind out of my sails. You know, I used to have the team to distract me from all this, but even that's changed with Sara being gone. I feel kind of disconnected.", "Grissom: You've got your work. Don't screw that up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY]", "(Greg walks along the taped-off sidewalk as he looks at the spilled-out garbage on the ground.)", "[EXT. STREET (GARBAGE TRUCK) -- DAY]", "(Warrick continues to go through the garbage. He finds a broken vinyl record.)", "Warrick: Van Halen, 1984.", "(He hands the broken record to Grissom.)", "Warrick: Either this truck was delivering merchandise for a memorabilia store or it's just plain old.", "Grissom: Maybe that's why Brass couldn't find the registration record.", "(Grissom moves the box aside and looks at the license plate, NEVADA DA-80F3.)", "Grissom: These old blue license plates were issued in the '80s.", "Warrick: I don't think this truck's been on the streets since.", "[EXT. SIDEWALK - DAY]", "(Greg stops and steps over the crime scene tape. He takes a photo, then picks up the gun tossed by the garbage truck driver.)", "(He looks at it and opens it.)", "[EXT. STREET (GARBAGE TRUCK) -- DAY]", "(Grissom walks around the side of the garbage truck and looks carefully at the CONTROL SANITATION CO logo. He peels it off and finds the truck underneath is orange.)", "(Warrick climbs down.)", "Grissom: I think this guy was disguising his truck. It was orange before it was green. They used to use orange garbage trucks in the '80s.", "Warrick: The hydraulic cylinder blew.", "(Quick flashback to: The garbage truck back hatch closes on the body. It crunches. The hydraulic cylinder blew. End flashback.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Maybe when he crushed the body. That's why all the garbage flew out.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAB -- DAY]", "(Greg shows Grissom and Warrick the gun.)", "Greg: Found this .22 in the parking lot near the crash. Check these bullets.", "(He gives the bullets in a baggie to Grissom.)", "Grissom: Shorts.", "Greg: Usually used for shooting small animals, but in some cases they're used on people in place of a silencer.", "(Quick CGI POV: The bullet is in the gun chamber. The gun fires. The bullet flares.)", "Grissom: (V.O.) Less gunpowder, less noise.", "(End of CGI POV.)", "Warrick: Look, if the garbage man had this gun, why didn't he just shoot the vic?", "Grissom: He found Jason sleeping. Why make a mess if you don't have to?", "Greg: Sounds like a professional hit man.", "Grissom: Well, if he was, we still have to find the guy who hired him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM -- DAY]", "(Warrick reports his findings with Grissom and Greg.)", "Warrick: Traced the VIN on the garbage truck back to the Regency, the company that made it. The only model of that truck sold in Nevada was to a company called the Regal Sanitation Group. They shut down in '83.", "Grissom: That explains the garbage.", "(Greg sits down.)", "Greg: Regal Sanitation was owned by Anthony Pezzulo. I'm studying mob history for my book.", "Warrick: Pezzulo? Wasn't he the mob boss who owned the Starfly?", "CLOSE-UP: An old issue of the LAS VEGAS GLOBE. The headline reads, \"Pezzulo Back in Court.\" There's a photo of Pezzulo on the cover.", "Greg: They called Pezzulo \"Whacko,\" not so much for his wacky personality as for his love for whacking guys.", "INSERT: VARIOUS FLASHES of dead mob hit victims.", "Grissom: Until he himself got whacked at the Wisconsin Dells in 1983.", "INSERT: Crime scene photo of Anthony Pezzulo.", "Grissom: Every mob-owned business in Vegas shut down when Pezzulo died.", "Warrick: These scumbags lay roaches. Just when you think they're gone, they pop back up again. Somebody put a hit out on Jason. It couldn't have been Pezzulo 'cause he's been dead for 20 years.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Archie and Warrick walk through the hallway.)", "Archie: Pezzulo's wife Kate got rid of Regal Sanitation right after he died.", "Warrick: She still around?", "Archie: She fell off the radar. All I could find was this old photo.", "(Archie shows Warrick the article and photo with Anthony Pezzulo and his wife, Kate.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Brass is talking with Belinda, Jason Crewes' mother, formerly known as \"Kate,\" Anthony Pezzulo's wife.)", "Belinda: I told you the truth.", "Brass: You lied about your name.", "Belinda: The feds told me to forget I ever had the Pezzulo name.", "(Warrick is in the observation room watching the interview.)", "Belinda: I wasn't about to remember it for you. My husband had more cops than capos on his payroll.", "Brass: So you went into witness protection. You changed your identity. And then you stayed in Vegas?", "Belinda: Feds felt we'd actually be safer here. They thought if we left, we might suffer the same consequences as Anthony.", "(Grissom appears next to Warrick.)", "Brass: Did Jason have any mob ties?", "Belinda: Jason was three years old when Anthony died. He never even knew his father.", "Brass: The last time we talked you said you didn't know Jason's killer.", "(Brass opens a file folder and shows her a photo of younger Brody Biggs wearing his uniform.)", "Brass: What about this guy?", "(She looks at the photo.)", "Belinda: That's BB.", "Brass: That's the same guy. BB is short for Brody Biggs.", "Belinda: BB didn't kill Jason. There's no way. He was Anthony's friend.", "Brass: Friend? BB was driving one of your husband's old garbage trucks. Your dead son was in the back with the rest of the garbage. (She looks away.) How did BB get the truck?", "Belinda: I haven't seen BB in 23 years.", "Brass: You got rid of the business. What happened to the trucks?", "Belinda: I gave that stuff to Lou Gedda.", "(She wipes the tears form her eyes.)", "Brass: The owner of Pigalle Boulevard Strip Club.", "(She nods.)", "Brass: So did Gedda and BB know each other?", "Belinda: Of course, they were both on Anthony's crew, but they would never ...", "Brass: Never what? Never kill your son and dispose of him in one of the trucks you gave him?", "(She cries.)", "Brass: When was the last time you saw Gedda?", "Belinda: (sniffles) I haven't had any contact with him since Anthony died.", "Brass: So you're telling me you haven't seen or spoken to Lou Gedda in 23 years?", "Belinda: Gedda and I had an agreement. He was to keep away from our family. Forget Jason and I ever existed.", "(Brass stands up and closes the file folder.)", "Brass: Obviously, Lou Gedda is not a man of his word.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(There's a small crowd outside the strip club. A car pulls up in the parking lot and stops. Warrick gets out. He looks over and sees a homeless man leaning against the far corner wall and smoking a cigarette.)", "(Warrick and Brass both head for the strip club.)", "Warrick: This place has always been bad news.", "Brass: My guys are in here at least twice a week.", "Warrick: Yet there's always a line.", "Brass: Never underestimate the power of the ass.", "(Warrick laughs.)", "Warrick: Heads up.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Girls in skimpy bikinis dance on stage. Warrick and Brass walk in. The two bouncers blocking the doorway let them inside. They head for the bodyguard at the back of the room.)", "Brass: Looking for Lou Gedda.", "(The man notes the badge, then motions to the back.)", "(Warrick and Brass head up the ramp. They pass a waitress headed down.)", "Waitress: Excuse me.", "(Brass knocks on the closed door. As they wait for an answer, Warrick notes the dark-haired girl in a lacy bra headed for a back room. She enters the room.)", "Lou Gedda: (through door) Yeah, come on in.", "(Brass and Warrick enter Lou Gedda's office.)", "[INT. PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB - GEDDA'S OFFICE -- NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Lou Gedda is on a massage table getting a massage from a pretty dark-haired woman.)", "Lou Gedda: Who let you two up here? Just so I know who to fire.", "(Brass points to his badge.)", "Brass: Gold card.", "(Gedda looks over.)", "Lou Gedda: Oh, yeah, those seem to work everywhere. (The woman cracks his bones.) Got to get me one. Ahh ... !", "(He sits up on the table. The masseuse sits quietly on the couch in the back.)", "Lou Gedda: I know why you're here. And I don't know what to say. I can't control these girls. They want to leave with customers and do whatever it is they do, I can't prevent that.", "(Warrick notes the barber's chair in the office.)", "Lou Gedda: Believe me, I don't like whores. I like dancers. When I find out they're whores, I kick them curbside.", "Warrick: We're not here about your girls. We're here about this guy.", "(Warrick shows him a Brody Biggs' photo.)", "Lou Gedda: B.B. Yeah, works at my auto detailing. But I tell ya, he's in here more, getting drunk and checking out the breast-est-es.", "Brass: Well, you don't have to worry about him anymore. He's dead.", "Lou Gedda: Oh. Well ... unless you invite me to the funeral, what's this got to do with me?", "(Gedda gets up and goes to the spread on the table and makes himself a sandwich.)", "Brass: Tell me about Jason Crewes. He brings me boatloads of celebrities, which equals boatloads of money. I love the kid. Oh, don't tell me. You think Jason killed BB.?", "Brass: No, we think BB killed Jason.", "Lou Gedda: Now, see, that makes more sense.", "Warrick: When is the last time you saw Jason Crewes, sir?", "Lou Gedda: Last week.", "Brass: How long have you known him?", "Lou Gedda: A couple years at most. I still don't understand what this has to do with me.", "Warrick: You missing a garbage truck?", "Lou Gedda: Go again?", "Warrick: Regal Sanitation Group. Your buddy Pezzulo's old company. You inherited the trucks.", "Lou Gedda: So what?", "Brass: Jason Crewes' corpse flew out of one of your trucks earlier this morning.", "Lou Gedda: Do you know how much this club made last year? 30 mill. You think I'm still messing around with trash? And that's the end of this. You want to continue asking me questions, you're going to have to do it with my dream team present.", "(Warrick glances at Brass.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick opens the EVIDENCE box marked JASON CREWES LAPTOP. He opens it and turns it on. He checks the calendar and finds that on THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 2007, \"Mike Raykirk in town. Pure. Then Pigalle.\")", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - WAITING AREA -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick gets a can of soda out of the vending machine and hands it to Michael Raykirk.)", "Warrick: Here you go.", "Michael Raykirk: Thank you.", "(He opens his soda and drinks.)", "Warrick: So you're the talented Mr. Raykirk, agent to the stars.", "Michael Raykirk: Uh-uh, manager.", "Warrick: What's the difference?", "Michael Raykirk: Uh, well, an agent gets ten percent and a manager gets fifteen. Listen, I'm here in town for a film festival and I have to get to a screening, so you can you just, you know, cut to the chase?", "Warrick: Jason Crewes is dead.", "Michael Raykirk: Okay.", "(He sits down.)", "Michael Raykirk: Um ...", "Warrick: So he took you to Pigalle Boulevard in August. Do you remember that?", "Michael Raykirk: How do you know about that?", "Warrick: I'm an investigator. Some things I do know, but there's a lot that I don't. Somebody put a hit out on your friend. You want to help us out here?", "Michael Raykirk: I have an agent friend who I work with who had a bachelor party out here, and Jason hooked us up VIP-style.", "Quick flashback to:", "[PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB - NIGHT]", "(Michael Raykirk and his party are welcomed by Lou Gedda.)", "Lou Gedda: Hey, how are you! Get over here! Come on!", "Michael Raykirk: (V.O.) He took us to Moon and LAX and Drai's and then of course, naturally, we ended up at a strip club. And everyone knows the best girls are at Pigalle Boulevard.", "(The waitress hands Michael Raykirk the check.)", "Michael Raykirk: (V.O.) It couldn't get any better until the check showed up.", "Michael Raykirk: Ten grand? The manager said $800 a bottle. We ordered five.", "Lou Gedda: I hear you don't want to pay what you owe us.", "Michael Raykirk: No. No, no, no, no. I just think you overcharged us, man.", "Lou Gedda: No.", "(Raykirk gets to his feet.)", "Michael Raykirk: This place is a rip-off. And your girls? They're beat, overrated, and oversized. Get it?", "(He rips the check in half.)", "Michael Raykirk: I'm not paying.", "Lou Gedda: Let's take a walk.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB - LOU'S OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(Lou punches Raykirk in the face, knocking him to the floor. The two bodyguards pick Raykirk up and put him in the barber's chair. They tie his hands behind the chair back.)", "(Lou sharpens a razor against a leather strap.)", "Lou Gedda: I'm gonna give you a minute so you can figure out what you want to do. I'm cutting something. But I'm gonna give you the choice of what it's gonna be.", "Michael Raykirk: No.", "Lou Gedda: Oh, yeah, yeah. I can slice you here ... (he indicates Raykirk's neck) ... or I can slice you here ... (he indicates Raykirk's groin)", "(Raykirk starts to cry.)", "Lou Gedda: Come on, no, no, no. Shh, shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh. Come on, you choose.", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "Michael Raykirk: I mean, I was never more scared in my life. You know, he was so sweet enough to give me the choice of my throat or my genitals, so I chose the latter ... so I'd live. Then he charged my card and escorted us out to the parking lot. Oh, here's something really cool. I left with a broken nose, some sore wrists, and some really nice bruises underneath my arms. And I just should've given him the ten grand because I paid my plastic surgeon twice that.", "Warrick: And you told Jason about all this?", "Michael Raykirk: Oh, yeah. I mean, he gave this guy Gedda a call right in front of me. Then he cursed him out and he told him he would never take anyone to Pigalle anymore.", "Warrick: Listen, I'm really sorry about all this. But ... um ... thanks a lot for your time.", "Michael Raykirk: Oh, yeah. By the way, if you're gonna prosecute this guy, I'm not a witness. There's a reason that I didn't press charges, if you know what I mean.", "(Raykirk leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BALLISTICS LAB]", "(Greg takes the gun out of the evidence box and loads it with four bullets. He puts his goggles on and test-fires it.)", "Greg: Four shots!", "(Greg fires into the tub of water.)", "CSI SHOT - The bullets hit the water.", "(CUT TO: Greg retrieves the bullets out of the tub.)", "(CUT TO: Greg checks the bullets under the scope.)", "(He finds something.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Greg reports his findings to Warrick as they walk through the hallway.)", "Greg: Got an IBIS hit off that gun. (He gives Warrick the report.) Unsolved murder in '93. Victim was found in the desert. His car was found at Pigalle Boulevard, the last place anyone saw him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "(Warrick talks with Grissom.)", "Grissom: Our hit man's good for two murders. The unsolved in '93, where he actually used a gun, and Jason Crewes, who he suffocated. So, who hired him?", "Warrick: I have a good feeling he works for Gedda.", "Grissom: Yeah, but we don't work off feelings, do we?", "Warrick: According to Mr. Hollywood, Jason cost Gedda a lot of money, and he dissed him, which is more than enough for Gedda to order out a hit on someone, even if Jason is Pezzulo's son.", "Grissom: Any evidence?", "Warrick: I ran Pigalle's address to find out if there are any more crimes linked to it over the years. I found hundreds: 416s, 413s, 411s ... the list goes on.", "Grissom: Any consistent suspects?", "Warrick: Only thing consistent is that the victims refused to file charges and the witnesses refused to give statements. And it's funny enough the cops lost interest in pursuing it.", "Grissom: What are you saying?", "Warrick: I'm saying it looks like Gedda is running an old school extortion racket, and you can't do that without having cops on the payroll.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB - PARKING LOT -- DAY]", "(Warrick drives into the parking lot. He parks the car and gets out.)", "(He sees the same homeless guy leaning against the building corner and smoking a cigarette. The homeless guy is surprised to see Warrick.)", "(Warrick notes a man hosing the back of a van. He heads over to the man cleaning the van. The homeless guy slips back behind the building.)", "(Warrick looks around the area, then checks the side of the building where he finds the homeless guy. The homeless guy doesn't want to talk to Warrick. He tosses his cigarette and starts running.)", "(Warrick runs after him.)", "Warrick: Hey!", "(The homeless guy runs up the steps.)", "Warrick: I just want to talk!", "Homeless Guy: I got warrants, man!", "Warrick: I'm not a cop.", "Homeless Guy: I don't care. You got a piece.", "(Warrick catches up with the homeless guy on the building roof.)", "Warrick: Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. You live here?", "Homeless Guy: Pretty much. What do you want?", "Warrick: You ever see anybody get beat up inside?", "Homeless Guy: No, no, I never seen none of that.", "Warrick: Don't make me pull those warrants, man.", "Homeless Guy: Yeah, I seen guys get beat up. This is strip club strip. Guys get beat up and down this block.", "Warrick: You ever see the owner beat up anyone?", "Homeless Guy: Hey, they let me stay here. They're real good to me.", "Warrick: I didn't ask you that.", "Homeless Guy: Lots of troublemakers, they come out of there and they get hauled off. That's all I know.", "Warrick: What do you mean by \"hauled off\"?", "(The homeless guy is too scared to say anymore. Warrick looks back at the van down in the parking lot.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Warrick walks over to the van. He tries the back door and finds it locked.)", "(Warrick looks around, then tries the other van doors. He peers in through the passenger window.)", "(He turns and walks over to the garbage area. He opens the gate and looks under the heavy lid covering the hole used to burn excess garbage. The hole is smoking and sizzling from something burning inside.)", "(Warrick uses the crank and opens the lid. He starts to look at what was burning inside when Lou Gedda and his two bodyguards appear.)", "Lou Gedda: You got a warrant?", "Warrick: Do I need one?", "Lou Gedda: I own this block. Unless you're lookin' to get a detail job, you're trespassing.", "Warrick: What do you do with this?", "Lou Gedda: I burn meat.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - ROOM]", "(CLOSE-UP: PHOTO of the bruises on Michael Pacinano's arms.)", "VICTIM: PACINANO, MICHAEL", "FILE DATE: 05/03/97", "MOUNTING CODE: 39981-19-3411", "CASE LVPD 97-03-03-3185 BR", "LVPD ROUTING 738-192", "(Warrick is at the table studying the file and photos. He has an open water bottle and prescription pill bottle next to him.)", "(Through the window, we see Nick walk past. He's putting on his jacket, sees Warrick in the room and stops.)", "(CLOSE-UP: PILL BOTTLE LABEL", "HOFFARTH'S PHARMACY", "RX 2885L24 DR. R H-", "WARRICK BROWN", "TAKE 1 TABLET DAILY", "MODAFIMIL 100MG", "REFILLS (1)", "(As Nick watches, Warrick picks up the pill bottle, takes a pill and pops it while reading. He washes it down with water and continues reading.)", "(Nick enters the room.)", "Nick: Hey.", "Warrick: (doesn't look up) Hey.", "Nick: What's up?", "Warrick: (sluggish) Trying to get this warrant for Gedda's property. I'm getting close though. Check out these bruise patterns.", "(Warrick slides the photos to Nick. Nick doesn't pick them up.)", "Nick: (points) Hey, what are those?", "Warrick: What?", "Nick: Those pills?", "Warrick: Oh, they're supposed to keep me alert.", "Nick: Really?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "Nick: How long you been taking those?", "Warrick: I don't know, for a couple months.", "Nick: Aren't you still taking those sleeping pills, too?", "Warrick: What's it to you?", "(Nick walks over to him.)", "Nick: So now ... you're taking uppers and downers.", "Warrick: Gimme a break, man.", "Nick: No, you need to give yourself a break, Warrick.", "Warrick: Hey, let it go, bro.", "Nick: No. No, I'm not going to let it go.", "(Nick opens the pill bottle and throws the pills away. He drops the pill bottle. Warrick stands up and gets into Nick's face.)", "Nick: You need to take a look at yourself, Warrick. And I care because I'm your friend.", "(Warrick glares at Nick. Nick stares back. After a moment, Warrick nods and chuckles softly. He pats Nick's arm.)", "Nick: All right?", "Warrick: Yeah.", "(Warrick pats Nick's arm again.)", "Nick: All right, tell me about these bruises.", "Warrick: The 415 vic claims he got beat up inside the Pigalle. Couple days later, he dropped all the charges. And then there's the unsolved murder. They find a vic out in the desert, but they find his car outside of Pigalle's.", "CLOSE-UP: Photo of a dead man out on the desert with a bullet in his forehead.", "Warrick: Same bruise pattern. Now we got this Hollywood agent who mentions that he also has bruises under his arms. He claims that he was strapped to a barber's chair in Gedda's office.", "Nick: That should be enough for a warrant.", "(Nick looks at Warrick and smiles. Warrick nods.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - BRASS' OFFICE -- NIGHT]", "(It's late at night and the bullpen is dark. Brass is in his office. He presses the speaker button on the phone as he talks with Warrick.)", "Brass: The judge doesn't think the bruises are enough probable cause to issue a warrant.", "Warrick: (from phone) What judge?", "Brass: Greene.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[WARRICK]", "(Warrick is on the phone.)", "Warrick: (to phone) When I was running bets for Judge Cohen, she was in on the action.", "Brass: (to phone) I have no comment.", "Warrick: You know, these club owners -- they pay a lot of taxes; they fund campaigns; they hand out free drinks, all in exchange for protection. I mean, what can I do?", "Brass: (to phone) Go to the undersheriff, see if he can use his influence. But I doubt it.", "(The line disconnects. Brass pick up his glass and drinks.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick is angry as he moves quickly through the hallway. He bumps into an officer walking in the opposite direction and abruptly shoves him away as he continues through the hallway.)", "(He sees Undersheriff Jeff McKeen talking with a couple of officers at the other end of the hallway.)", "Warrick: (shouts) McKeen!", "(McKeen turns and sees Warrick headed his way.)", "Jeff McKeen: (to the two officers) Excuse me a moment.", "(The two officers leave as Warrick arrives.)", "Warrick: Judge denied me the warrant.", "Jeff McKeen: What do you want me to do?", "Warrick: Get me the warrant. Lou Gedda is getting away with murder.", "Jeff McKeen: All right, say that I get you the warrant. What are you looking for, something that made armpit bruises?", "Warrick: The barber's chair in Gedda's office made the armpit bruises.", "(He looks at Warrick.)", "Jeff McKeen: I'm agreeing with the judge.", "(Behind Warrick he sees Grissom talking with an officer.)", "Jeff McKeen: (shouts) Grissom!", "(Grissom looks over.)", "Grissom: (to the officer) Okay.", "(The officer leaves and Grissom heads over to join Warrick and McKeen.)", "Jeff McKeen: You need to save your CSI here. What he has is circumstantial based off of weird bruises and a barber chair. Brown needs to get better evidence and leave the rest in our hands.", "Warrick: I'm sorry, leave what in your hands -- Gedda's money?", "(Warrick has gone too far. McKeen glares at him, then turns and leaves. Warrick starts to leave, but Grissom grabs his arm.)", "Grissom: (quietly) Listen to me. Putting Gedda in jail is not gonna solve your problems. You just got the rest of the night off.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick sits in his car outside the Pigalle Strip Club. The back door opens and someone comes out dragging a heavy duffel bag on the ground. Warrick raises his camera and looks through the lens.)", "(The car parked nearby chirps as she turns the alarm off and drags the duffel back to the trunk.)", "(She opens the trunk and grabs the duffel bag.)", "(Warrick runs over with his gun out.)", "Warrick: Hey!", "(Candy gasps and turns.)", "Warrick: What's in the bag?", "Joanna \"Candy\": All my stuff. I'm just cleaning out my locker.", "Warrick: Show me.", "(She opens the duffel bag and shows him her clothes and stuff.)", "(Warrick sighs.)", "Warrick: Here, let me help you with that.", "(He tucks his gun away and helps her put the duffel bag in the trunk. She closes the trunk.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": Thanks.", "Warrick: I'm sorry.", "(She heads back inside. Warrick rubs his eyes and heads back to his car.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB (CLUB SIGN) -- NIGHT]", "[INT. PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB - NIGHT]", "(The girls dance on the stage while Warrick sits nearby watching. A waitress walks up to him.)", "Waitress: What can I get you tonight?", "Warrick: Got any Dom Perignon?", "Waitress: Mm-hmm.", "Warrick: What about Cristal?", "Waitress: We do. We also have DP Rose.", "Warrick: I' take one of each.", "(The waitress leaves.)", "(Across the floor, Warrick sees Lou Gedda standing in his office looking out of the blinds.)", "(The waitress goes to the bartender and talks with him. He nods. Warrick doesn't see the exchange.)", "(He does note a woman in the club across the way watching him. He thinks it might be the same woman he helped earlier.)", "(The bartender is talking on the phone. He turns and glances over at Warrick. Again, Warrick doesn't see this.)", "(Warrick gets up and heads up the ramp toward the woman.)", "Warrick: Hey ...", "(She turns around.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": Hey!", "Warrick: I'm sorry about earlier. I thought you were carrying a dead body in there or something.", "Joanna \"Candy\": You're a cop, right?", "Warrick: (smiles) I'm Warrick Brown.", "(They shake hands.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": I'm Candy.", "Warrick: Nice to meet you, Candy. So, you work here?", "Joanna \"Candy\": Yeah. What do you want?", "Warrick: Everything.", "(Across the floor, Lou Gedda watches through the blinds in his office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(\"Candy\" is giving Warrick a lap dance on his seat in front of the stage.)", "Warrick: Hey, cheers, girl.", "(Warrick clinks glasses with a woman off screen.)", "Girl: Cheers, yeah.", "Warrick: Hey, let's get out of here, you and me.", "(Behind them, Grissom passes them as he looks for Warrick.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": I'm working.", "Warrick: Come on, I just want to ask you a few questions.", "Joanna \"Candy\": I don't go home with the customers.", "(Grissom turns and finds Warrick. He taps him on his shoulder. Warrick turns.)", "Grissom: Pay the bill and let's go.", "(\"Candy\" leaves.)", "Warrick: How'd you know I was here?", "Grissom: You've been here twice already today. We're leaving.", "Warrick: Come on, Gris, why don't you sit down and have a drink with us?", "Grissom: I'm on the clock.", "Warrick: So am I.", "Grissom: So you want to get fired.", "(Warrick stands up.)", "Warrick: No, I want to let them know I'm here. I figured I'd order a couple bottles and not pay for it and see what happens.", "Grissom: You think he's that stupid?", "Warrick: It's worth a try.", "(The waitress slides her tray with the bill over to him.)", "Waitress: Here you go, sir.", "Warrick: Thank you.", "(He looks at the bill: COMPLIMENTS OF THE HOUSE.)", "Grissom: (dryly) Well, now you gotta pay for it, 'cause we're not allowed to accept gifts.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom and Warrick exit the club.)", "Warrick: (sluggish) I'm good to drive, Gris, my car is right here. You gotta admit, though, the girls are pretty fine in there. Listen ...", "(Grissom opens the car door.)", "Grissom: Get in the cab, Warrick.", "(Warrick doesn't want to.)", "Warrick: My car's right here.", "Grissom: (insistent) Go on.", "(Warrick gets in the taxi.)", "Grissom: Go home. Sleep it off. I'll see you in my office in the morning.", "(Grissom closes the door and the taxi drives away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(A taxi pulls up in front the Pigalle. Warrick gets out. He closes the door and looks around. He sees \"Candy\" head for a taxi. She gets inside and the taxi drives away.)", "Warrick: Hey ... follow that girl.", "(Warrick gets back inside the taxi. The taxi drives off.)", "[INT. TAXI (MOVING) - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Warrick blinks his eyes as he feels woozy.)", "INSERT FLASH OF: The nightclub with the girls dancing on stage.", "(Warrick sways a little.)", "INSERT FLASH OF: A dead body wrapped in plastic and thrown away with the garbage.", "(Warrick blinks.)", "INSERT FLASH OF: The barber's chair in Lou Gedda's office.", "(Warrick rubs his eyes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. BAR - NIGHT]", "(\"Candy\" walks into a bar. She motions to the bartender as she takes her coat off. She sits down at the bar and sighs.)", "(Warrick walks in. The bartender puts her beer down in front of her.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": Thanks.", "(Warrick sits down next to her.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": Cheers.", "(She drinks.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": You don't give up.", "Warrick: Not tonight. (to bartender) Irish whiskey. Neat. What's your real name, Candy?", "Joanna \"Candy\": Joanna. Krumsky.", "Warrick: Joanna. I'll stick with Candy.", "(They both laugh.)", "Warrick: So, now that we're out of the Pigalle, you can help me out with a few questions.", "Joanna \"Candy\": Good luck.", "Warrick: Well, anybody ever get heavy-handed with you?", "Joanna \"Candy\": Not with me. I'm a black belt.", "Warrick: Nice. Not even the owner, Gedda?", "Joanna \"Candy\": Not even him.", "(Joanna gets up and finds a table. The bartender gives Warrick his drink.)", "Warrick: Thanks.", "(He takes it and follows her.)", "(He sits down at the table with her.)", "Warrick: So what about the customer? They ever get beat-downs?", "Joanna \"Candy\": When the guys get drunk and start groping the girls. That's not tolerated.", "Warrick: You ever see a barber's chair in Gedda's office?", "Joanna \"Candy\": No, but I heard about one. It's supposed to be Al Capone's.", "Warrick: Al Capone.", "Joanna \"Candy\": Yeah, but that has to be a rumor. Mob guy with Al Capone's chair -- it's so cliché. Gedda's like the last wise guy left in Vegas. Guess that's his way of keeping his culture alive.", "Warrick: Scumbags like him don't have culture.", "Joanna \"Candy\": Scumbags like him started Vegas. None of these lights would be here if it wasn't for them.", "Warrick: What's a hot young thing like you doing working in a nasty place like that?", "Joanna \"Candy\": Money. The hours. The dancing.", "Warrick: How about you giving me that last dance of the evening?", "(She smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. WHITE BEDROOM]", "(CLOSE-UP: WHITE ORCHID)", "SERIES of distorted images. Warrick is in a white room.", "Joanna \"Candy\": Come here, you.", "(Warrick laughs.)", "(He's on a white bed in a white room. Joanna is in a white blouse and standing in front of a round bathroom mirror in front of a sink where the faucets come out of the wall.)", "(She turns around and raises a large knife at him.)", "Warrick: (o.s.) What is it? What is it? You kidding me?", "DISTORTED IMAGES: Warrick is holding a glass and leaning against the wall.", "Joanna \"Candy\": (o.s.) Relax.", "(Joanna holds the knife up and starts toward him.)", "Warrick: What's that?", "(Warrick's eyes widen.)", "(CHANGE TO: Joanna is holding up a pack of four condoms and starts toward him.)", "Warrick: Put that thing away.", "Joanna \"Candy\": (o.s.) It's just for your protection.", "Warrick: Oh, yeah.", "(He chuckles and laughs.)", "(Joanna laughs.)", "(Joanna opens her blouse and dances for him.)", "Warrick: (o.s.) Right. Protection.", "(She throws the blouse at him.)", "Warrick: I don't need protection from you, girl.", "(He catches the blouse and smells it.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": (o.s.) You want it?", "Warrick: Come here.", "(She unties the sarong around her waist.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": Doesn't it smell good? Very good.", "Warrick: (mumbles something)", "(Warrick is leaning against the wall.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": (o.s.) You like trouble, don't you, big boy?", "Warrick: (o.s.) You-you're a trouble-troublemaker, do you know that?", "(She's lying on the bed.)", "Warrick: (o.s.) I like trouble.", "Joanna \"Candy\": (o.s.) Hmm.", "Warrick: (o.s.) trouble ... trouble --", "(She licks her lips.)", "Warrick: (mumbles)", "Joanna \"Candy\": (o.s.) Are you scared?", "Warrick: (o.s.) (mumbles) Come get it. Yeah, like that.", "Joanna \"Candy\": (o.s.) Don't --", "(Warrick takes his shirt off.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) Yeah, yeah! JOANNA \"CANDY\": (V.O.) Yeah.", "(Sounds of distorted laughter.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) Yeah, it's all over for you - Here you go.", "(Warrick chuckles as he undoes his belt. She laughs.)", "(He staggers a bit and motions to her.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) Come here. Come here. Come here.", "Joanna \"Candy\": (V.O.) What do you got for me?", "(They kiss.)", "Warrick: Get over there.", "(He pushes her toward the bed. They're on the bed kissing.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) You bad girl. JOANNA \"CANDY\": (V.O.) Yeah. Warrick: (V.O.) You need a spanking. JOANNA \"CANDY\": (V.O.) Yeah. Warrick: (V.O.) Yeah, you need to be dealt with. Ah.", "(Warrick has his eyes closed and has a smile on his face.)", "Warrick: (V.O.) Yeah, I feel good.", "(She watches him, then quickly leaves.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": (V.O.) Sweet dreams.", "DISSOLVE OUT.", "FLASH OF: JOANNA", "(Her dead eyes are wide open. Her neck is bloodied and she's at an odd angle as if draped out of something, her arms stretched over her head.)", "[INT. BEDROOM]", "(The bedroom is dark and tinged green. Warrick's clothes are on the floor and several bottles are scattered around the room. Warrick is still in bed. He stirs.)", "(He reaches over and finds the pillow next to him empty. She's gone.)", "(He sits up in bed.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. TAXI (MOVING) -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick is in the back of a taxicab. He's woozy.)", "INSERT FLASH OF: Lou Gedda is in his office watching through the blinds.", "INSERT FLASH OF: Jason Crewes' dead body on the pavement.", "(Warrick rubs his eyes. He blinks.)", "INSERT FLASH OF: The barber's chair in Lou Gedda's office.", "INSERT FLASH OF: The homeless man leans against the building wall smoking a cigarette.", "(Warrick blinks, trying to clear his vision.)", "INSERT FLASHES OF: Joanna on the bed, smiling at him. Warrick's laughter is heard.", "Joanna \"Candy\": (V.O.) Sweet dreams.", "(Warrick closes his eyes, his head rolls forward.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(Officer cars are there. It's a crime scene. The taxi pulls up and stops. Warrick reaches in his pocket for the cash and pays the driver.)", "Warrick: Thanks.", "(He gets out of the car and stops as he gets his bearings.)", "WARRICK'S POV: His vision is incoherent. He sees Grissom walking over to him.", "(Warrick walks over to the tape and starts to duck under it. The tape surrounds the area around his car. Grissom stops him.)", "Grissom: No, no, no! You can't cross the tape! Not this time. (points) This is your car.", "(Then he sees it. Joanna is draped and lying out the car door, her neck slashed and bloodied.)", "Warrick: (screams) Nooo! Nooo! No, this is wrong! She didn't do anything!", "SMASHTO BLACK." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "The body of a wealthy socialite, known for her charitable contributions, is discovered in a dumping ground along with the bodies of several dogs. The investigation reveals the victim was involved in illegal dog fighting and may have tortured some of the animals at a kennel. Meanwhile, Warrick tries to prove he is innocent of murdering an exotic dancer whose body was found in his car outside a nightclub." ]
[ "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick is being questioned by an IAB investigator.)", "IAB Investigator: So you were at the strip club on official business earlier in the day, but then you went back on your own time later?", "Warrick: I already told you, yes.", "IAB Investigator: And that's when you met the victim?", "Warrick: Are you guys writing any of this down? I first met Candy in the parking lot of the strip club. Later on, I talked to her inside.", "FLASHBACK TO: [Scene from 8X09: Cockroaches]", "[EXT. PIGALLE BOULEVARD STRIP CLUB - PARKING LOT -- NIGHT]", "(Candy is giving Warrick a lap dance.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "IAB Investigator: Approximately how much money did you spend getting to know the victim?", "Warrick: Three hundred bucks, but that was because it was part of an investigation.", "IAB Investigator: And that would be the investigation the undersheriff told you to drop?", "Warrick: Yes ...", "IAB Investigator: You still on the modafinil and the zolpidem?", "Warrick: No, I'm off them.", "IAB Investigator: Did you take them yesterday?", "FLASHBACK TO: Warrick grabs the pill container.", "(Warrick pops a pill while waiting in the car.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "IAB Investigator: So, today is the first day of the rest of your life, hmm?", "(Warrick rubs his eyes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. OUTER LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. SILVERADO WASH (DIRT ROAD & BRIDGE) - NIGHT]", "(Greg and Nick cross a bridge as they walk away from their parked car on the road. Officer car's lights flash along the road.)", "Greg: Dispatch said body at a dump.", "Nick: Yeah, this is definitely not the city dump.", "(Nick and Greg come upon dead dogs. They share a look.)", "Sam Vega: Nick? Greg?", "(Nick and Greg head over toward Sam Vega, who is with David Phillips and the body.)", "Sam Vega: Kids were out here drinking beer, found the dead dogs. Patrol unit came, responded and found the female DB.", "(There's a woman in a red dress face down on a piece of cardboard.)", "David Phillips: Looks like animal bites on her arms and legs.", "(Nick looks at the bites on her arms. Greg snaps photos of the body.)", "David Phillips: No purse or ID.", "Nick: Okay, Dave, let's see what we got.", "(David rolls her over. There are more bites on her legs.)", "Greg: Whatever bit her must have been at it for a while.", "Nick: Yeah, maybe. But I doubt they tied her up and beat her.", "(David moves aside the woman's hair to show the bruises on her face.)", "Nick: Check out the contusions, ligature marks.", "(He notes the bruises around her wrists.)", "Greg: Disposing of animals like this is illegal. Whoever dumped the vic must have known about the site from dumping dogs.", "Nick: Yup. (Nick stands up.) It looks like he's moving up the food chain.", "FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAWN]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(Catherine takes a swab from the woman's body on the table. She caps it and picks up a second swab. She swabs inside wound #10.)", "(She picks up the camera and photographs the wounds on the woman's face and arms. She takes photos of the wounds on the woman's legs and the white substance on her heel.)", "(The door opens and David Phillips walks in.)", "David Phillips: Hey.", "Catherine: Hey, could you do me a favor? Um, bring me one of the swabs?", "David Phillips: Sure. What's up?", "(David picks up a swab and hands it to her.)", "Catherine: There's some white trace on the soles of her feet. You were at the scene. Did you happen to notice any white material that might have transferred?", "(Catherine takes a sample of the white substance.)", "David Phillips: Maybe. I can't say for sure. I mean, there were dead dogs and trash all over the place.", "(Catherine picks up her camera and moves to the side.)", "Catherine: Hmm. Excuse me.", "David Phillips: Sorry.", "Catherine: Would you help me remove her dress?", "David Phillips: Sure.", "Catherine: Let's just roll her.", "(They roll the body over. Catherine starts to remove the dress when she notices a mark on the woman's back.)", "Catherine: That look like a needle mark?", "David Phillips: I'll send samples to Tox.", "(Catherine picks up the camera and takes a photo.)", "FLASH TO:", "[JOANNA \"CANDY\"]", "Joanna \"Candy\": (V.O.) You like trouble, you ...", "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOM]", "(The IAB investigator continues to question Warrick.)", "IAB Investigator: So, in the course of developing this informant, you took her to a motel and had s*x with her?", "Warrick: That part was personal.", "IAB Investigator: CSI Brown, in your mind, is there any distinction between personal and official?", "Warrick: Have you guys bothered to call the motel? I checked in with a credit card. I checked out around 5:00. I called a cab. Talk to the cab driver. When I woke up, Candy was gone. When I got back to the club to pick up my car, she was dead.", "FLASH TO:", "[EXT. PIGALLE STRIP CLUB - PARKING LOT - NIGHT]", "(The area around Warrick's car is taped off. It's a crime scene. Warrick sees Candy is dead and inside his car.)", "Warrick: (shouts) No-o-o!", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "Warrick: Listen to me. I did not kill her. But I know damn well who did.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - HALLWAY / BRASS' OFFICE]", "(An officer escorts Lou Gedda to Brass' office. Brass is eating.)", "ND Officer: Lou Gedda to see you, Captain.", "(The officer leaves. Gedda steps into the office. Brass doesn't stand up. Gedda tosses a slip of paper on the table. It has a name and number on it:", "ALICE KRUMSKY", "(Gedda sits down.)", "Brass: What's this?", "Lou Gedda: Candy's mother's phone number.", "Brass: Her parents have already been notified.", "Lou Gedda: Candy wrote it down for me last night just before she died. That's why she came back to the club after her shift. Her mother was pressuring her to quit. Candy wanted me to call her, give her the talk. It's exotic dancing, not stripping. Show business.", "Brass: Did you make the call?", "Lou Gedda: I don't get involved in family business, but I thought it might help your investigation.", "Brass: How's this going to help me?", "Lou Gedda: How should I know? I'm just trying to be a good citizen.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY]", "(The doors open as David Phillips and another coroner roll the gurney with the woman's body on it.)", "David Phillips: Hey, Doc.", "Robbins: Hey.", "David Phillips: I heard your band killed last night.", "Robbins: Really? Who'd you hear that from?", "David Phillips: My wife's second cousin. Works in the mayor's office for the budget and finance director. He was at the country club. Grooved to your moldy oldies all night.", "Robbins: They're classics.", "David Phillips: Sorry.", "Robbins: So ... uh ... people were talking about me?", "(He chuckles. Then his smile fades as he looks down at the woman's face.)", "David Phillips: What did I do?", "Robbins: I know her.", "David Phillips: Her name's Elizabeth Rodriguez. She and her husband Felix were honored last night by the Nevada Enterprise Association. Humanitarians of the Year. They opened that outreach center in the Alphabets. They were dancing right in front of me.", "FLASHBACK TO:", "[INT. COUNTRY CLUB - NIGHT]", "(Robbins is on stage singing. Elizabeth and Felix are dancing on the floor.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) She and Felix were very philanthropic. I admired both of them.", "END FLASHBACK.", "(Robbins is talking with Sam Vega and Catherine.)", "Sam Vega: Did they leave the party together?", "Robbins: No. He left first.", "FLASHBACK TO:", "[INT. COUNTRY CLUB - NIGHT]", "(The band is playing on stage. Felix's phone rings and he checks it on the floor. He kisses her, turns and leaves her there. Robbins notes them.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Sam Vega: Do you remember what time that was?", "Robbins: Sometime between \"Louie Louie\" and \"You Really Got Me.\"", "Sam Vega: Could you be more specific, Doc?", "Robbins: Well, it was just before the end of our third set. We broke at 10:00. Just before that.", "Catherine: And she stayed?", "Robbins: (nods) For a little while.", "FLASHBACK TO:", "[INT. COUNTRY CLUB - NIGHT]", "(Robbins is still on stage with his band. Elizabeth Rodriguez is on the dance floor with someone when a waiter comes up to her and whispers something to her. She excuses herself and leaves.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Robbins: I didn't see her after that. Guess it was around 10:30.", "Sam Vega: And the kids called in the dead dogs around 2:00.", "Catherine: So, that's a three-and-a-half-hour window.", "Sam Vega: I'll talk to the husband. I'll keep you posted.", "Catherine: Thank you.", "(Sam Vega leaves.)", "Catherine: Can you tell me anything about these bites?", "Robbins: Definitely perimortem. Right around time of death.", "Catherine: So, it's unlikely it's coyotes.", "Robbins: No.", "(He turns and looks at Elizabeth on the table.)", "Catherine: Are you going to be okay with this one?", "(He sighs and shakes his head.)", "Robbins: I'm just not used to seeing them alive.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Sam Vega talks with Felix Rodriguez.)", "Sam Vega: You went home without your wife. Why?", "Felix Rodriguez: I hate dry chicken and small talk. And more than anything, I hate dancing. So, I went home, and I passed out on the couch. Next thing I know, you guys are banging on my front door. Where's Liz?", "Sam Vega: Do you always leave your wife on the dance floor?", "Felix Rodriguez: Liz is out every night at some charitable function, saving the world. We have a deal. If I make an appearance, I get to duck out early.", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. COUNTRY CLUB - NIGHT]", "(Elizabeth and Felix are dancing. Felix yawns, bored.)", "Felix Rodriguez: You know what? I've done my time. I think I'm going home.", "Elizabeth Rodriguez: All right, well, don't wait up for me.", "(He kisses her hands.)", "Felix Rodriguez: Mmm.", "Elizabeth Rodriguez: And I'll miss you.", "(He kisses her cheek and heads off the dance floor.)", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "Felix Rodriguez: Look, if you don't tell me what's going on, I'll need to talk to my lawyer.", "Sam Vega: Your wife was murdered last night.", "(Felix turns and looks at him, stunned.)", "Felix Rodriguez: What?", "(The officer outside opens the door and Greg walks in.)", "Sam Vega: Mr. Rodriguez, this is CSI Sanders. He's here to take your fingerprints and your clothes.", "(Greg puts the print card down on the table.)", "Greg: Please stand up.", "(Felix Rodriguez is still in shock.)", "Felix Rodriguez: What?", "Sam Vega: Mr. Rodriguez, stand up.", "Felix Rodriguez: I want to see my wife.", "Sam Vega: When we're finished here, we'll talk about it. Stand up, please.", "(He stands up. Greg starts to take his fingerprints.)", "Felix Rodriguez: I didn't kill her. I loved my wife.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - HALLWAY]", "(Warrick steps out of the interview room and puts his jacket on. He rubs his tired eyes. He starts down the hallway.)", "SLOW MOTION.", "(At the other end of the hallway Lou Gedda turns the corner. Warrick looks up and sees him. They walk past each other. Gedda smiles as he leaves.)", "(Warrick stops to watch him go. He turns and sees where Gedda came out from and finds Brass leaning against the doorframe watching him.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - BRASS' OFFICE]", "(Brass talks with Grissom. Brass is standing up behind his desk while Grissom is seated in front of it.)", "Brass: You should have put him in your car and driven him home.", "Grissom: I have to trust the people I work with, Jim.", "Brass: Look, Warrick's a loose cannon. We both know that. He was in Gedda's strip club ...", "Grissom: He was off the clock.", "Brass: ... conducting his own police investigation.", "Grissom: He's very passionate about this case.", "Brass: Yeah, passionate enough to sleep with the vic who ended up dead in his car. Look, I know Warrick didn't have anything to do with it, but he needs to back off. Guys like Lou Gedda -- they don't skip on murder and extortion by being lucky.", "(Brass sits down. Grissom looks at Brass.)", "Grissom: What does that mean? You think Gedda's got \"friends\" inside the department?", "Brass: (nods a little) Well, unlike Warrick, I don't make accusations until I have proof.", "(Grissom is quiet.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE]", "(Grissom is fuming inside Warrick's car.)", "(Warrick passes by and sees Grissom working in the car. He enters the garage.)", "(Grissom gets out of the car.)", "Warrick: Hey, Grissom.", "Grissom: Did you talk to IA yet?", "Warrick: Yeah. They cleared me. They didn't seem to have much interest in Gedda.", "Grissom: That's because it wasn't about Gedda. It was about you.", "Warrick: It's everything to do with Gedda. Sending me a message. Murders an innocent young girl because I got too close to them. I want this case, Gris.", "Grissom: I hope you know that's not gonna happen. You're in the rotation as of tomorrow, so go home.", "(Warrick leaves. Grissom pauses and watches him go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Hodges reports his findings to Catherine. He hands her the report.)", "Hodges: The white flaky trace on your victim's feet was permethrin, an insect repellent, also used in flea dips.", "Catherine: Mmm. She was found with a bunch of dead dogs. What about the husband's tux?", "Hodges: No flea dip, no dog hairs, no blood. Just a little bit of champagne and some underarm deodorant.", "Catherine: You just exonerated our only suspect.", "(Catherine walks out of frame.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - DNA LAB]", "(Wendy is running the samples. Hodges walks in.)", "Hodges: So how crazy was last night? You. Me. Dinner?", "Wendy: Mm-hmm.", "Hodges: I thought the Syrah was quite nice.", "(Wendy turns to get another sample.)", "Wendy: Yes, and thank you for offering to split the check. My date really appreciated it.", "(Hodges follows her.)", "Hodges: Oh, no problem. Let it be known, that I am nothing if not a gentleman.", "(She turns around and finds Hodges right behind her.)", "Wendy: Why were you at a restaurant like Nob Hill by yourself anyway?", "Hodges: The Golden Rule. Always treat yourself the way you would like others to treat you.", "Wendy: That's not exactly the rule.", "Hodges: What are you working on?", "(Hodges is looking at the multiple swabs Wendy is running.)", "Wendy: The Elizabeth Rodriguez homicide. She had bite marks on her with saliva in them, and the saliva turned out to be canine, and anytime a dog is impounded in a criminal case, its DNA is collected and profiled.", "(She turns on the CANINE CODIS.)", "Wendy: It's just like CODIS.", "Hodges: DODIS.", "(Wendy chuckles.)", "Wendy: Anyway most of the cases in the database are gang-related. But I figured, well, it's worth a shot.", "Hodges: Well, that'll look good on the old Grissom point meter.", "(Hodges steps around her. Wendy looks at him.)", "Wendy: It's protocol.", "Hodges: I'm just saying, be careful: no one likes a kiss-ass.", "(Hodges leaves.)", "Wendy: Really?", "(Wendy puts the swab box back on the rack and flips the DNA printout to the next page as she works. She continues running searches through the CANINE CODIS.)", "(She finds a match to HANNIBAL, a pit bull.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI -- HALLWAY]", "(Nick steps out into the hallway. Wendy turns the corner and finds him.)", "Wendy: Hey, Nick, have you seen Catherine?", "Nick: Yeah, she got another call-out. We're a little bit shorthanded right now. What's up?", "Wendy: The canine DNA database got a hit on the saliva. It's a pit bull named Hannibal.", "(She hands him the printout.)", "Nick: Confiscated during a drug raid at a gang house three months ago.", "Wendy: And then held at Del Santos Kennel until he was released to his owner, Gino Aquino.", "Nick: A member of the D Street Killers. Rodriguez Outreach Center is on D Street.", "Wendy: Well, you do good work in that neighborhood, and you're bound to piss off the DSKs.", "Nick: Maybe enough to want her dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. GINO AQUINO'S HOUSE - FRONT YARD -- DAY]", "(The D Street Crew Members lounge in the front yard. Nick and an officer walks past them on their way to the front door toward Vega.)", "Nick: (to the officer) Go see everyone's ID.", "(Vega is with Gino Aquino, who is looking at the warrant.)", "Gino Aquino: Fine, do your cop thing and don't tell me nuthin'.", "(They enter the house.)", "[INT. GINO AQUINO'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY - CONTINUJOUS]", "(He motions to the house.)", "Gino Aquino: Go ahead, look around all you want.", "Sam Vega: (to the officer) Keep an eye on him.", "(Nick walks into the house. Gino Aquino looks at the warrant.)", "Gino Aquino: My dog ain't here. You arrested him with me a couple months ago. I never got him back.", "Sam Vega: Well, Mr. Aquino ...", "(Deena Aquino, Gino's wife, laughs as she sits on the sofa chair in front of the plasma.)", "Deena Aquino: Quítese los zapatos!", "Nick: Lo siento pero esta prohibido.", "Sam Vega: (o.s.) Look, you or any of your homies hang out at the Rodriguez Outreach Center?", "(Nick walks through the living room and exits into the kitchen.)", "Gino Aquino: Yeah, right. A bunch of rich people trying to feel good about themselves. They should just give us the money.", "[EXT. GINO AQUINO'S HOUSE - BACK YARD / STORAGE - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "(Nick exits out into the back yard where he finds a stake in the ground with a long chain attached to it. Further on, he sees a concrete brick with a long chain attached to it.)", "(Nick pushes the curtain covering the entrance to the storage shed aside. Inside he finds a couple of treadmills, some empty dog carrying cases and a couple of water dishes. On the walls he finds leashes, chains and other items.)", "(Nick puts his kit down and opens it. He takes out a camera and snaps photos of the water dishes and the chewing toy on the dog traveling case.)", "(Nick notices the dog hairs on the treadmill. He photographs that as well.)", "(Nick tape lifts the dog hairs off the treadmill and looks at it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. AQUINO'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY]", "(Nick talks with Gino Aquino who is eating.)", "Nick: I thought you said your dog's been gone for a couple months now.", "Gino Aquino: Yeah, check the police report.", "Nick: Then why do you have a bowl of fresh water for him out in the shed?", "Gino Aquino: In case he comes back.", "Nick: And the leashes?", "Gino Aquino: I'm still in mourning.", "Nick: What about the treadmill?", "Gino Aquino: You crazy? I bought that for her.", "(He points to his wife, Deena, who is eating in front of the plasma.)", "Deena Aquino: Eh, no me metas en esto.", "Gino Aquino: Callate, ya! Do I need to tap my defender?", "Sam Vega: Tell him to meet you downtown.", "(Vega motions for the officer to come in. Aquino gets to his feet.)", "Gino Aquino: Voy a la carcel porque estas muy ocupado comiendo y no limpias.", "(Nick and Vega roll their eyes and shake their heads.)", "Deena Aquino: Mm-mm, como porque tu no llenas mis necesidades emocionales, okay?", "(They head outside. The officer escorts Gino outside as well.)", "Deena Aquino: Ah, pegame. Vas a ver. Vete de aquí!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - BREAK ROOM - DAY]", "(On the monitor: Felix Rodriguez is talking with the press.)", "Felix Rodriguez: (from tv) So I'm offering a $100,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of my wife's killer.", "REVEAL: Catherine is watching the report on television as she sips out of her cup. Henry walks in.", "Felix Rodriguez: (from tv) I will not rest until the murderer is caught and brought to justice.", "Henry Andrews: I know government employees aren't eligible for reward money, but I think we should at least get a small percentage.", "Catherine: It's called your salary. What have you got?", "Henry Andrews: Possible COD on Elizabeth Rodriguez. Overdose.", "Catherine: Phenytoin and pentobarbital. An anti-epileptic and a sedative hypnotic?", "Henry Andrews: In combination, they're used to euthanize animals.", "Catherine: Dog bites, mass dog grave, euthanizing solution. Well, those drugs are controlled substances, so their sales should be registered.", "Henry Andrews: Already put together a list of the buyers in the Las Vegas area.", "(Catherine looks at the list.)", "Catherine: Del Santos Kennel.", "(Catherine takes her phone out and makes a call. She turns and heads out.)", "Catherine: (to phone) Yeah, Nicky, where are you?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. KENNEL (STOCK) - DAY]", "(Dogs bark in the distance.)", "[INT. DEL SANTOS KENNEL - DAY]", "(Nick points to a photo of Elizabeth Rodriguez carrying two dogs.)", "Nick: Elizabeth Rodriguez.", "She was friends with the owner. She bankrolled the place. Her old man's rich.", "(He turns and looks at Catherine and the two officers on the other side of the counter. She hands him the warrant.)", "Catherine: We need to see your controlled substances; any records you have on a confiscated dog named Hannibal; and I'll have to print everyone who works here.", "All right, no problem. The owner's got the key to the cabinet. His name's Steve Card. He's just down the hall.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DEL SANTOS KENNEL - EXAM ROOM -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Steve Card heads for the cabinet with the controlled substances.)", "Catherine: Anybody else have access?", "Steve Card: Uh, no, I have the only key.", "(He unlocks the cabinet and steps away for Catherine to open.)", "Catherine: Are you a licensed veterinarian?", "Steve Card: Vet tech.", "Catherine: Oh, I didn't realize that techs were allowed to perform surgeries.", "Steve Card: Not on live animals, but once the dog dies I can harvest the organs. I sell the hearts to research labs doing heartworm studies.", "(Catherine looks at him.)", "Steve Card: (explains) It's a rescue kennel. Most the dogs who come in are problematic, aggressive. Most don't make it out.", "(In the background, we hear dogs barking. Catherine examines the substances.)", "Nick: Mr. Card, I'm going to have to ask you to step outside. We'll get your statement.", "LATER:", "(Catherine is looking at the contents of the refrigerator. She closes the door and looks inside the cabinet drawers. In the first drawer, she finds some boxes. In the second drawer, she finds a bag of scissors.)", "(She looks at the cabinet and finds a screw missing on one of the hinges.)", "(She opens the cabinet and pushes the bottles to one side. In the back, she finds a small camera set up inside the cabinet to record something in the other room.)", "(She turns around and finds a wooden contraption with a leather dog leash attached to it.)", "LATER:", "(Catherine and Nick examine the wooden contraption.)", "Catherine: What do you think that is?", "Nick: I don't know. But the pattern on these restraints is consistent to ligature marks on the victim.", "Catherine: There's a hidden camera in the medicine cabinet pointing right at it. It's an awful lot of blood.", "(Nick finds a hair on the wooden contraption.)", "Nick: Long red hairs. Hmm. I don't think these came from a dog.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DEL SANTOS KENNEL - DAY]", "(An officer escorts Steve Card out of the exam room area. They pass by Nick and Tommy Halpert.)", "Tommy Halpert: Wait, what is he being arrested for?", "Nick: Murder.", "Tommy Halpert: Who got murdered?", "Nick: Mrs. Rodriguez. Do you have any idea what that contraption's used for in the back storage room there?", "Tommy Halpert: Um, I'm not allowed back there. I just pick up the poop and walk the dogs.", "Nick: Mm-hmm. It says here you released the dog back to its owner, but Mr. Aquino claims he never got Hannibal back.", "Tommy Halpert: That's not true. I was here when he picked Hannibal up.", "Nick: How many dogs you got here?", "Tommy Halpert: Like 47 right now.", "Nick: I'm gonna need to collect saliva samples from all of them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DEL SANTOS KENNEL - KENNEL AREA -- DAY]", "(Tommy Halpert shows Nick through the kennel area where the dogs are kept.)", "Tommy Halpert: Most of these guys are pretty jacked up.", "(He opens the cage in the back to show a pit bull with a bandage around its head. He kneels and pets the dog.)", "Nick: Ooh, yeah, looks like he's been in a few fights.", "Tommy Halpert: Yeah, most of them have.", "(Nick puts his kit down and takes out a swab. Tommy continues to pet the dog.)", "Tommy Halpert: You can go ahead. He's not gonna bother you.", "(Nick takes a swab of the dog's mouth.)", "Nick: Must get pretty tough working here, huh?", "Tommy Halpert: Yeah, you try to make a difference. I spent some time in a cage, so I know what it's like.", "(Nick nods. Tommy whispers to the dog.)", "Tommy Halpert: Yeah, you're a good boy. You're a good boy.", "(Nick turns and looks at the Chihuahua in the next cage, badly injured. He looks at the pit bull with the bandage around its head.)", "Tommy Halpert: It's okay, boy. It's okay.", "(Tommy really likes the dogs.)", "Tommy Halpert: Oh, yeah.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - PRINT LAB -- DAY]", "(Mandy runs a print through the database. Warrick is in the garage looking at his car, but staying outside the taped area around it.)", "(The computer chirps and it finds a match: WARRICK BROWN.)", "(Warrick walks into the lab.)", "Warrick: You got any print results from off my car?", "Mandy: Should I be talking to you?", "Warrick: Yeah, I've been cleared.", "Mandy: Well, no, actually all I got so far are your prints.", "(Warrick sighs and heads back into the garage. The computer chirps and Mandy finds another print match.)", "Mandy: Wait, I got something.", "(Warrick turns around. The print matches: RICHARD DORSEY, the homeless man who lived in the alley behind the strip club.)", "Warrick: I know that guy.", "(Quick FLASHBACK TO: Richard Dorsey leans against the side of the building smoking a cigarette.)", "(CUT TO: Richard Dorsey runs up the building steps to the roof as Warrick chases after him.)", "Warrick: Hey! I just want to talk to you.", "(End flashback.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE -- DAY]", "(Warrick walks into Grissom's office and puts the file on his desk.)", "Warrick: His name is Richard Dorsey.", "(Grissom picks up the file and looks at the photo.)", "Grissom: You know, you keep pursuing this, you're going to end up suspended.", "Warrick: Dorsey's prints were found inside my car under the broken window.", "Grissom: Well, that's consistent with him putting the body in your car.", "Warrick: Grissom, he's a homeless guy. He lives in the alley behind the strip club. Don't you get it? He's Gedda's fall guy. This is a frame job.", "Grissom: Okay, I'll have Brass check it out. You stay out of it, though.", "(Warrick holds his hands up and backs away. He turns and leaves the office.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Catherine and Sam Vega talk with Steve Card and his lawyer, Brad Lewis.)", "Catherine: We've got the victim's blood and hair at your kennel. She died of an overdose of the same drugs that were found in a medicine cabinet that only you had access to.", "Sam Vega: If I were you, I'd save my money and start talking.", "Brad Lewis (lawyer): Are you acting as his lawyer now?", "Catherine: Mr. Card, I found this hidden camera in the exam room. Where's the receiver?", "(She shows him a photo of the camera.)", "Steve Card: I don't know anything about this.", "Sam Vega: Did you forget about the camera when you killed Elizabeth Rodriguez?", "Steve Card: I didn't kill Lizzie. She was my business partner.", "Brad Lewis (lawyer): I'm advising you to stop talking.", "Steve Card: It's not your ass. I'm a victim here.", "Catherine: How do you figure? It was on the morning news that Lizzie was dead. And when I came into work ...", "(Quick flashback to: Steve Card walks into work and finds the place a bloody mess. He cleans up and scrubs the blood off the floor.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Catherine: So instead of calling the police, you cleaned up the crime scene.", "Sam Vega: That makes you an accessory.", "Brad Lewis (lawyer): He was afraid for his life.", "Steve Card: Nobody cheats the D Street Killers out of 50 Gs and lives.", "Catherine: You cheated them out of $50,000?", "Steve Card: Not me. Lizzie.", "(Quick flashback to: Steve carries out a bag of money and puts it down on the counter in front of Elizabeth. She uncaps a container.)", "Steve Card: We banked 50 Gs. I bet Gino's getting sick of losing.", "Elizabeth Rodriguez: It never fails.", "(She pours some of the liquid in the container on the dog's back.)", "Elizabeth Rodriguez: When I fight a dog, I fight to win.", "(He watches her wipe the mixture into the dog's back. She looks at him.)", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "Steve Card: Lizzie was the #1 dog fighter in all of Vegas. That drove Gino nuts 'cause he was like this close to knocking her off the top spot.", "Sam Vega: You seriously want us to believe that Mrs. Rodriguez, humanitarian of the year, was into dog fighting?", "Steve Card: Oh, she was no Mother Theresa. But, see, she'd still be alive if she wasn't a dirty dog fighter. That rub, it made the other dog sick.", "Catherine: Gee, I hate to see the sport tainted like that.", "Steve Card: Why do you think she gave money to my rescue kennel? She didn't even like dogs, but fighting them, that was in her blood. Passed down from her daddy, who taught her the whole family business.", "Catherine: Okay ... what is this?", "(She shows him the photo of the wooden contraption.)", "Steve Card: It's a ... it's a breeding stand. The sport has a high mortality rate, and.. uh..combative bitches won't breed without a fight. So we have to tie them down to consummate the act.", "Catherine: The victim was tied to that stand.", "Steve Card: That's sick.", "(Steve looks at his lawyer.)", "Brad Lewis (lawyer): My client's willing to give you everything.", "Catherine: What's \"everything\"?", "Brad Lewis (lawyer): My client cleaned up the scene, but he didn't dispose of the evidence.", "(He puts a plastic bag on the table in front of them.)", "Brad Lewis (lawyer): We can also give you Gino Aquino.", "(Catherine looks at Steve Card.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[EXT. BUILDING -- NIGHT]", "(Several cars are parked outside a lone building. The lights are on inside the building. A car quietly pulls up in front.)", "[INT. BUILDING - NIGHT]", "(A small crowd has gathered as two owners hold their growling dogs apart.)", "(Gino Aquino collects the bills. Deena is there as well as other members of the D Street Killers gang.)", "(The black dog barks in its cage. Gino lets Hannibal go and the two dogs tear into each other as the crowd cheers.)", "(The dog fight continues. Hannibal tears into his opponent's shoulder. The dog stops fighting and lays down, its neck bloodied.)", "(The crowd continues as the money exchanges hands. The owner enters the ring and picks up his dog. Someone stops by and hands the owner some money.)", "(Suddenly, the door bursts open. Sam Vega and officers enter the room. )", "Sam Vega: LVPD! Policía! Freeze! Nadie se mueve! Manos arriba!", "(Everyone stops.)", "Sam Vega: Hands in the air!", "(They put their hands in the air. Everything is quiet for a moment. Suddenly, someone pulls out a gun and fires.)", "(The place erupts with gunfire. Gino Aquino is hit in the shoulder.)", "(An officer is hit and falls to the ground.)", "(Gino grabs his dog's leash and heads for the back door. An officer shoots one of the gang members. Another gang member quickly puts his hands up.)", "Gang Member: I give up! I give up!", "Officer: On the ground, now!", "(Gino Aquino hurries toward the back. Two officers block his path.)", "Officer: Freeze!", "(Gino turns to run and finds Vega there behind him.)", "Sam Vega: Don't even think about it. Let me guess. You found your dog.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. BUILDING -- DAY]", "(Nick closes the back of the SUV and joins the animal control officer with a dog on a leash.)", "Nick: Hey, what's going to happen to all these dogs now?", "Animal Control Officer: They'll have to be put down. Law says they're dangerous.", "Nick: And the people who turn them into killers, they just get away with a slap on the wrist, huh?", "Animal Control Officer: It's not illegal to train them to fight.", "(He puts the dog in the back of the truck and shuts the cage door.)", "Nick: Well, it should be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. HIGHWAY UNDERPASS -- DAY]", "(Grissom kneels in front of a cardboard box and shines his flashlight inside. The man sleeping stirs, then looks at Grissom.)", "Homeless Man: Get away from my house.", "Grissom: Sorry.", "(Grissom stands up and moves away.)", "Officer Mitchell: Grissom. All these guys know Dorsey. This is where he lives.", "(Grissom looks around at the homeless people sleeping on the ground. He finds Dorsey.)", "Grissom: Hey, Mitch.", "(Officer Mitchell checks, then wakes him up.)", "Officer Mitchell: Richard Dorsey! Time to wake up. You're under arrest.", "(Officer Mitchell picks Richard Dorsey up to his feet to handcuff him. Grissom notices the drugs.)", "Officer Mitchell: Meth head. No weapons. He's clean. All right, let's go.", "(Grissom finds a pink cell phone and sees Candy's photo on it.)", "(He looks around Dorsey's things and finds a bloodied knife.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. DESERT PALM HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Nick talks with the ER doctor, who is holding a plastic vial container with a bullet inside.)", "ER Doctor: Pulled this bullet out of Mr. Aquino's shoulder.", "(He gives it to Nick to look at.)", "Nick: It looks like a like .25 caliber. That's friendly fire. Thanks, Doc.", "(Nick joins Sam Vega, who is waiting for him. They both enter -", "[INT. DESERT PALM HOSPITAL - GINO'S ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS]", "Gino Aquino: (complaining) My arm ain't never gonna work right again. I'm gonna sure all your asses.", "Nick: No, no, no, it was a .25 caliber slug they pulled out of you. It means it was one of your boys.", "Gino Aquino: It was probably some cop's backup.", "Nick: Yeah, that's probably it.", "Sam Vega: Ya basta, Gino. We have a witness who says you killed Elizabeth Rodriguez because she cheated you out of 50 Gs.", "Gino Aquino: Let me guess: you been talking to Steve Card. Little screamer. That finger's pointing the other way. Lizzie had cojones. I loved that woman. I respected her. You never cross Lizzie, she'll cut 'em off. But Card, he thought he had that immunity idol 'cause he worked for her. (scoffs) Tonto.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. ABANDONED HOUSE - NIGHT] Steve Card is dripping the mixture on the back of a black dog. Elizabeth sees him and doesn't like it. She goes over to him and slaps him.)", "Elizabeth Rodriguez: You cheating little bitch. You been doing this all night?", "(She punches Steve Card in the face again.)", "Elizabeth Rodriguez: If I ever catch you cheating again, I will feed your heart to that dog.", "(Elizabeth turns to Gino, who is smiling big time.)", "Elizabeth Rodriguez: That last fight wasn't on the up. Next dog's not right either. You forfeit.", "(She gives him a stack of bills. He leaves happy.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "(Gino shakes his head with admiration.)", "Gino Aquino: Without her, he was nobody. She was a bad bitch. That's your motive. Anything else you need help with?", "Nick: Tell me about all the dead dogs I found down the Silverado Wash. Were you the one that tortured them? Made them fight? And when they died, were you the one that threw them out with the trash? Hmm? Was that you?", "Gino Aquino: I thought this was about Lizzie.", "Sam Vega: One way or another, Gino, you're not going to see the streets for quite a while.", "(Sam and Nick leave the room. Just before he leaves, Nick turns back.)", "Nick: You know, there are two things a jury can't stand: people who abuse kids and people who abuse animals. So buena suerte.", "(Nick leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Nick and Catherine walk down the hallway.)", "Catherine: Classic he said/he said.", "Nick: Steve Card was the only one with access to the drugs and he admitted to cleaning up the crime scene.", "Catherine: There's no forced entry at the kennel. He has no alibi.", "Nick: And why would he give us all of Elizabeth's personal effects? You know, I'm starting to get the feeling the guy's not really all that smart.", "Catherine: He has a good lawyer. Realized that we were onto his client and wanted to throw us off the scent.", "Nick: Well, maybe Gino's telling the truth.", "Catherine: Problem is, we don't have enough evidence to convict either one of them.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Greg looks at Elizabeth's things on the table. He picks up the shoe.)", "Greg: One pair of woman's shoes, size 7, silver. Swabbed a blood sample from the instep of the right shoe, sent it to DNA. One woman's handbag, also silver. (He looks inside.) Contents include one tube of Superla Red lipstick #36 ... one mirrored compact ...", "(He closes the compact and picks up the keys.)", "Greg: ... one set of keys holding four -- no, five keys --one Mercedes key, one Schlage brass key.", "(Greg looks at the drug cabinet key. He puts the keys down and looks in the file. He double-checks STEVE CARD PERSONAL PROPERTY: 1) Key ring containing: a) Car key w/ alarm b) Brass colored cabinet key-#6128 c) Silver colored mailbox key d) Blue colored house key.", "(Greg closes the file folder and picks up the keys. He dusts the key for prints. He finds one.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY]", "(Greg reports his findings to Nick.)", "Greg: Steve Card was lying when he said he was the only one with the key to the drug cabinet. Elizabeth had one, too.", "Nick: Means the killer could have used her key.", "Greg: Got a print.", "(Greg hands the file to Nick. The print belongs to TOMMY HALPERT.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - HALLWAY OUTSIDE / INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(Tommy Halpert is sitting in the interview room as Nick waits outside.)", "DDA Jeffrey Sinclair: (o.s.) Nick.", "(Nick turns and sees Jeffrey Sinclair walk up to him.)", "Nick: Hey. We ... uh ... we can't really talk to him yet. He's still waiting for his lawyer.", "DDA Jeffrey Sinclair: He's waiting for me.", "Nick: Hmm?", "DDA Jeffrey Sinclair: He's a confidential informant. The DA's investigating Steve Card, Gino Aquino, Elizabeth Rodriguez, everybody associated with the dogfighting ring.", "Nick: (nods) So you knew about this?", "DDA Jeffrey Sinclair: Knowing about it and proving it are two different things.", "Nick: Okay. (scoffs) Okay, so what's this guy's story?", "DDA Jeffrey Sinclair: Same old-- he... used to ride with the D-Streeters, shot his old man when he was 15, did four years in juvie, got out, tried to turn his life around. We busted him 18 months ago for possession and assault. He cut a deal.", "Nick: So he's got a history of violence. You think he killed Mrs. Rodriguez?", "DDA Jeffrey Sinclair: It took me over a year to get him inside that dogfighting ring. I'm reserving judgment.", "(Nick nods. They enter the room.)", "(Tommy looks up as they walk in.)", "Tommy Halpert: I did the best that I could.", "DDA Jeffrey Sinclair: I'm sure you did, Tommy.", "Tommy Halpert: And I told you what they were doing to those dogs and I gave you all the tapes.", "DDA Jeffrey Sinclair: It wasn't enough. We needed to see the dogs fighting; that's the felony.", "Tommy Halpert: But they had the fights in different places. I mean, she never told me where they were, s-so ...", "Nick: Tommy, did you kill Elizabeth Rodriguez?", "(Tommy looks at Nick.)", "Nick: I, I could understand if you did. A whole lot of people that would say she had it coming.", "(Nick sits down.)", "(Quick flashback to: Elizabeth hits one of the dogs as Tommy watches. End flashback.)", "Tommy Halpert: You know, I've been on the streets ... in juvie. I've seen people do some bad things to each other, but those dogs, like ... you can beat their brains in and, like, a minute later they come up to you just wagging their tails.", "Nick: I know, man. That's how they are. I always had dogs growing up. Did you?", "Tommy Halpert: No, I never had a pet. My mom was allergic.", "Nick: No, but you really cared about those dogs at the kennel. Now, I know. I saw the way you treated them.", "Tommy Halpert: Do you know how they train them?", "(Nick shakes his head, no.)", "(Quick flashback to: A dog runs on a treadmill.)", "Tommy: (V.O.) They'd run them till they dropped.", "(CUT TO: The dog jumps up to grab a piece of meat hanging in the air.)", "Tommy: (V.O.) They'd strengthen their jaws.", "(CUT TO: Elizabeth picks up a small poodle.)", "Tommy: (V.O.) Then, they would feed them little dogs, sometimes cats ...", "(She puts the poodle in the bigger dog's cage.)", "Tommy: (V.O.) ... just to give them the taste of blood.", "(End of flashback.)", "Tommy: (accusing) And I showed you what she did and you did nothing to stop her.", "(He's crying.)", "Nick: No. No, but you did.", "(He looks at Nick.)", "Nick: Didn't you?", "(Tommy nods.)", "Tommy Halpert: She was fighting dogs. All right, she was ... she was killing dogs in the ring for money week after week. And the city decides to give her an award? I gave her what she really deserved.", "(Quick flashback to: Tommy hits Elizabeth on the back of her head. He straps her onto the wooden contraption, then injects her.)", "(She groans and passes out.)", "(Tommy drags her into the kennel and opens the pit bull's cage.)", "Tommy: Go on! Go on! Go on!", "(The dog runs over and attacks Elizabeth. He opens another cage)", "Tommy: Go get her!", "(He opens more cages.)", "(Tommy watches as the dogs attack Elizabeth.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Tommy Halpert: At least I had the decency to euthanize her before I threw her to the dogs.", "(Nick is quiet.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY -- DAY]", "(Nick and Catherine walk through the hallway.)", "Catherine: Well, you don't look like a guy who just got a confession.", "Nick: Oh ... something's still bugging me. If Mr. Rodriguez hadn't left the party, Elizabeth might still be alive.", "Catherine: You think he would have gone to the kennel with her?", "Nick: I don't know, but he received a phone call from somebody that night that made him leave his wife.", "Catherine: Check the phone records.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING GARAGE - DAY]", "(Felix Rodriguez gets out of his car and engages the car alarm. Sam Vega and Nick walk up to him.)", "Sam Vega: Mr. Rodriguez. Tienes tiempo?", "Felix Rodriguez: Detective Vega, Mr. Stokes. Did you catch the man who killed my wife?", "Sam Vega: Yes, sir. Tommy Halpert. We have him in custody now.", "Nick: Hey, witnesses at the party said that you received a phone call the night of the murder and then you just left. We know that phone call was from Tommy Halpert.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. COUNTRY CLUB - NIGHT] Felix checks his cell phone and closes it. He kisses his wife and leaves her on the dance floor.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Nick: What'd you two talk about?", "Felix Rodriguez: Tommy said if I didn't speak to my wife that night, he would ...", "Nick: Speak to your wife about what?", "Felix Rodriguez: The dog fighting. He showed me the tapes.", "(Quick flashback to: [INT. CAR] Tommy shows Felix Rodriguez the dogfighting tapes.)", "END FLASHBACK.", "Sam Vega: What did Elizabeth say when you confronted her?", "Felix Rodriguez: I didn't.", "Nick: So you just left her there, knowing that Tommy was going to come after her?", "Felix Rodriguez: Violence begets violence. Is that all?", "Nick: You let this happen. You did.", "(Nick and Sam Vega turn and walk away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY]", "(Brass and Grissom interview Richard Dorsey. Brass snaps his fingers.)", "Brass: Hey, you still with me, Richard?", "(Richard lifts his head off the table.)", "Richard Dorsey: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Brass: Remember her?", "(Brass shows Dorsey a photo of Candy.)", "Brass: She worked at Pigalle.", "Richard Dorsey: They all look the same to me.", "Brass: No, they don't. There's blondes, brunettes, B-cups, D-cups.", "Richard Dorsey: How about a cup of coffee, huh? Hey, you got a cigarette I could bum off you?", "Brass: It's bad for your health. How about a diet soda?", "Richard Dorsey: Diet? No. No diet. I need the ups.", "(Grissom puts the evidence bag with the pink cell phone on the table.)", "Grissom: Where did you get this?", "(Dorsey looks at it.)", "Richard Dorsey: Where's the soda?", "(Warrick is in the observation room watching the interview.)", "Brass: (filtered) Hey, it's a two-way street, Richard. You answer the questions, we'll get you a soda.", "(Richard grabs the evidence bag and looks at the cell phone.)", "Richard Dorsey: Yeah. Uh ... I found it. That's it. I found it.", "Grissom: No, you didn't.", "Richard Dorsey: I didn't?", "(Grissom smiles at him and shakes his head.)", "Richard Dorsey: Damn. Okay. Uh, yeah, I stole it. That's right. I stole it.", "(Quick flashback to: [UNDERPASS - NIGHT] Dorsey is running with Candy's purse. She's chasing after him.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": Hey! Give me my purse! Give me my purse!", "(She catches up with him at the wire fence and tries to wrestle the purse from him. He pushes her down and runs off with the purse.)", "Joanna \"Candy\": (screams) Help! Somebody!", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "Richard Dorsey: I needed money.", "Brass: Then what happened?", "Richard Dorsey: I got high.", "Brass: Then what?", "Richard Dorsey: I got high again.", "Brass: Then what? Did you kill her?", "(Dorsey looks blankly at them.)", "Grissom: We found her purse and the bloody murder weapon in the place where you were sleeping. We found her dead body inside this car.", "(Grissom shows him the photos. Dorsey looks surprised to see her dead.)", "Brass: Why'd you pick that car, Richard?", "Richard Dorsey: I don't know what you mean.", "Brass: We found your fingerprint inside the car.", "Richard Dorsey: (scared) No, that wasn't me. Tha-tha-that w ... that was them.", "Brass: Who's them?", "Richard Dorsey: I c ... I can't talk no more.", "(Warrick has had it. He leaves the observation room. A beat later he opens the interview room door.)", "Warrick: Come on. Tell the truth.", "(Brass turns around. Grissom isn't happy to see him.)", "Brass: Get him out of here.", "Richard Dorsey: Not you.", "Warrick: (shouts) Tell the truth.", "Richard Dorsey: (shouts) This is all your fault.", "(The officer pushes Warrick out of the room.)", "Warrick: (shouts) We'll take care of you. We'll get you into rehab. Come on.", "(Grissom gets up and follows them out.)", "Richard Dorsey: (shouts) There is no truth!", "Warrick: (o.s.) Tell the truth!", "Richard Dorsey: (shouts) THERE IS NO TRUTH!", "Brass: Get your --", "[INT. PD - HALLWAY OUTSIDE INTERVIEW ROOM - CONTINUOUS]", "(Grissom stops Warrick.)", "Grissom: Hey! As of right now, you're suspended for two weeks.", "Warrick: Grissom, you and I both know that Gedda killed that girl and pinned it on that bum. They gave him drugs, got him high, and planted the evidence. You just got to give me a chance to prove it.", "Grissom: You've had all your chances. You take the suspension or you're fired.", "(Warrick walks away.)", "(He passes the bullpen on his way out.)", "(Someone in the bullpen dials a cell phone.)", "(The phone rings.)", "ND Uniform: Hey.", "INTERCUT WITH:", "[INT. PIGALLE STRIP CLUB - GEDDA'S OFFICE]", "ND Uniform: (filtered) I got an update for you. He got suspended.", "Lou Gedda: (to phone) Good work.", "(Gedda sits in the barber's chair getting a shave.)", "(He takes a deep, cleansing breath and exhales.)" ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
Lying Down with Dogs
[ "Three murders occur during an annual bull-riding rodeo in Las Vegas. The first victim is a bull rider who is discovered after hours in an empty bull ring. The second is a hit-and-run victim who is linked to the dead bull rider. Later, a third victim, a local pimp, is gunned down in a saloon's restroom. The investigation reveals the crimes may be connected to an illegal bull-breeding ring." ]
[ "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- EVENING]", "Jewel: (V.O., singing \"The Star-Spangled Banner\") And the rockets red glare--", "[INT. CENTER -- NIGHT]", "Jewel: (singing) The bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave? For the land of the free --", "(It's the opening ceremonies for the Rodeo Championships and Jewel is center stage singing the national anthem.)", "Jewel: (singing) -- and the home of the brave.", "(The audience whoops and applauds.)", "(The lights turn on and the area comes alive.)", "Voice 1: All right! Go ahead, cinch it up! VOICE 2: Let's go!", "VARIOUS CUTS OF:", "(The gate opens and the bull comes out kicking and bucking. He kicks the rider off.)", "(The gate opens and another bull comes out kicking and bucking. He kicks the rider off. The bull goes after the rider.)", "(Two bull riders run out to distract the bull and to give enough time for the others to pull the fallen rider to safety.)", "(More cuts of the competition.)", "INTERCUT FLASHES OF:", "(Cody Latshaw is dressed for the rodeo as he makes his way through the corridor.)", "(Various cuts of: Various bulls kicking and bucking their riders off.)", "(Cody Latshaw steps out into the arena and heads over to the bull's cage.)", "Announcer: (overhead, muffled) Welcome to PDR finals in Las Vegas! For two weekends, we have 45 riders competing in a race for the world title. The world champ? He goes home with a million bucks. If you want to talk about pressure, it's all in Las Vegas!", "(Cody sits on the back of a bull in the pen and secures his right hand under the BULL ROPE.)", "Announcer: (overhead) Right now, you can get ready for the starting of Coty Latshaw, Elk City, Oklahoma, riding Wintwister. This boy is a champion among champions.", "Voice: Ready?", "(Cody nods.)", "Announcer: (overhead) There's no doubt Cody Latshaw -- he's the real deal!", "(They open the gate and the bull comes out kicking and bucking. The crowd goes wild. Cody holds on, then falls off the bull. Cody falls on the ground.)", "MUFFLED AUDIO", "(The bull kicks him under the chin. Something goes crack. The audience groans loudly.)", "AUDIO RESUMES", "(The two bullfighters rush out onto the arena and chase the bull away from Cody. Cody doesn't move.)", "Man: Get up. Get out. Get out! Hyah!", "(Cash Dooley watches from the side.)", "Voice: Hurry up, man. Get him up!", "(The audience quiets down.)", "Announcer: Hold off for the main event.", "(More bullfighters go out onto the arena to keep the bull away from Cody.)", "Voice: He's a good one.", "(Cody tries to get up. Cash Dooley rushes over and kneels next to him. Cody's hand shakes on his chest.)", "Cash Dooley: Hey, Cody. You all right? You okay? Get a stretcher. (louder) Get a stretcher!", "Cody Latshaw: I don't need a stretcher.", "Cash Dooley: Are you sure?", "Cody Latshaw: I'm okay. Just give me a hand.", "All right. Here we go.", "(The guys help him back up to his feet. The audience applauds and whistles.)", "Cody Latshaw: Re-ride!", "Announcer: Oh, wait a minute! He's up. He's calling for a re-ride. I'm not sure why, but this is exactly why we call him Lazarus. (Cody waves his hat to the crowd.) Ladies and gentlemen, you knock him down, and he rises again. What an athlete! This guy's a true hero!", "(They escort Cody out.)", "WHITE FLASH TO:", "[INT. CENTER (ARENA) -- NIGHT (LATER)]", "(A body is on the ground in the arena. All we see are a pair of legs in frame. A bull rider chases a white bull around the arena trying to clear the arena. Another rider on a horse swings a lasso to catch the bull. Just outside the gate, Brass and Grissom wait.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "(Brass and Grissom head toward the body.)", "Grissom: So, who found him?", "Brass: Security. We have a tough time finding guys to wrangle a bull. Cowboys like to party when they come to Vegas.", "(Ty Murray and Dustin Lightfoot walk in and head over to join the others.)", "Ty Murray: (to Dustin) Did you see anything?", "Dustin Lightfoot: No, we just put the bull back in the pen.", "(Ty introduces himself to Brass and Grissom.)", "Ty Murray: Ty Murray, PBR president.", "Dustin Lightfoot: And seven-time world champ.", "Ty Murray: Okay, Dustin.", "Brass: Jim Brass, Vegas PD.", "Ty Murray: Nice to meet you.", "(They shake hands.)", "Grissom: Gil Grissom, Crime Lab.", "Ty Murray: Nice to meet you.", "Brass: What can you tell me about this guy?", "Ty Murray: Cody Latshaw, a real institution. Most guys his age hung up their rope a long time ago.", "Grissom: What about the bull?", "Ty Murray: Wintwister -- he threw Cody earlier tonight, but he got up and was fine. He even asked for a re-ride.", "Brass: \"Re-ride\"?", "Ty Murray: Well, if a bull doesn't buck good enough, they can ask to get on another one. That wasn't the case. Wintwister had a good day. Cody must not have been in his right mind to think he'd get a second shot.", "(Grissom indicates a rope on the ground.)", "Grissom: Is this the rope they tie around the bull?", "Ty Murray: That's one of them. That's the bull rope.", "(Grissom kneels and looks at the rope.)", "Grissom: Is that rosin?", "Ty Murray: Yeah, it helps the rope stick to the glove so they can get a good grip.", "Grissom: Do all the riders wear a glove?", "Ty Murray: Yes, sir.", "Grissom: He's not wearing one.", "(They turn and look at Cody's bare hands.)", "Grissom: Guy was living the American dream. Every kid wants to grow up to be a cowboy.", "Brass: Not a dead cowboy.", "SMASH TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Catherine snaps photos of Cody Latshaw on the table. Robbins walks in.)", "Robbins: Catherine.", "Catherine: Hi.", "(Robbins goes to the computer and attaches a flash drive for accessing.)", "Robbins: PBR Sports Medicine just sent this over. Taken after Cody's fall in competition.", "(He scrolls through various x-rays.)", "Robbins: Hmm. He was held together by every kind of hardware but roofing nails. I can relate.", "Catherine: Yeah, it's a violent sport. Check out his hand. Riders live with constant injuries and pain. (She checks his pants pocket.) They always get on that next bull and try like hell to hang on for the next eight seconds.", "Robbins: You sound like a fan.", "Catherine: I used to date a bull rider. Cowboy up.", "(David Phillips walks in and gives Robbins a flash drive.)", "David Phillips: Here you go.", "Robbins: Hey.", "David Phillips: These are the ones I took.", "Robbins: Thank you.", "(Robbins attaches the second flash drive.)", "Catherine: So there's just a few bills in his pockets. David, why don't you give me a hand here?", "David Phillips: Oh, sure.", "(Catherine and David Phillips remove Cody's boots.)", "Catherine: Some guys keep valuables in their boots.", "(In the right boot, they find Cody's cell phone and an open bag of chewing tobacco.)", "David Phillips: Cody's little doggies are right fragrant.", "Robbins: Catherine, take a look at this.", "(Catherine walks over.)", "Robbins: This x-ray shows he walked away from his earlier fall with a hairline fracture of the C1 vertebra.", "(He points to the x-ray on the monitor.)", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. ARENA - FLASHBACK]", "(SLOW MOTION. The gates open and the bull comes out of the pen bucking and kicking with Cody on its back.)", "(CGI SHOT - an x-ray view of Cody's spine as the bull continues to kick and buck.)", "Robbins: (V.O.) In bull riding, the rider's spine must sustain vertical, horizontal and diagonal thrust, together if they put tremendous force onto the spinal column.", "(An x-ray view of Wintwister's spine.)", "(Wintwister grunts and Cody falls of his back. He lands on the dirt. Wintwister turns and STOMPS on Cody's neck. X-ray view of Cody's spine shows the break.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "[X-RAY ON MONITOR]", "Catherine: That guy was a walking time bomb. Any trauma with sufficient force would snap that vertebra and sever the spinal cord.", "Robbins: It did.", "(Robbins compares the rodeo x-ray with David's x-rays.)", "Robbins: The film David just took shows a complete fracture. That's your COD. Consistent with getting thrown a second time.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. ARENA - NIGHT]", "(Grissom is walking across the grounds when Nancy Twicker calls out.)", "Nancy Twicker: Hey!", "(He turns and sees her headed toward him.)", "Nancy Twicker: You got anything to do with taking my bull off tomorrow's day sheet?", "Grissom: Do you own the bull?", "Nancy Twicker: Yeah, I'm Nancy Twicker. And I want my bull in the finals. The more he bucks, the more he's worth. So whatever you got to do to clear him, get it done.", "(She walks with him.)", "Grissom: Your bull gave Cody Latshaw a pretty brutal beating.", "Nancy Twicker: It's not the bull's fault. I blame Cody for taking him out after hours.", "Grissom: Is it true that some riders tie the bull's testicles to get them to buck more?", "(They head over to the chute.)", "Nancy Twicker: Well, sure, we always want the bulls to buck. That's why we tie a flank strap across their back. They're trying to shake it off. Think about it. If I tied a rope around your testicles, would you feel like jumping up and down?", "Grissom: Could a guy get a bull out of this chute without any help?", "Nancy Twicker: Well, one guy could get a bull all the way to the bucking chute, sure --", "(Quick flashback to: Cody sits on Wintwister's back in the chute while another person tightens the bull rope.)", "Nancy Twicker: (V.O.) -- but well, then he'd have to tie on the bull rope and the flank strap.", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "Nancy Twicker: Then he'd have to get on the bull.", "Grissom: And open the gate.", "Nancy Twicker: Not without help.", "(Quick flashback to: The gate is opened and the bull comes out kicking.)", "Nancy Twicker: (V.O.) The chute only opens from the outside.", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "Grissom: I'm going to need to process your bull.", "Nancy Twicker: Can you do it in eight seconds?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. STALLS - CONTINUOUS]", "(Wintwister is in his pen. Nancy Twicker and Grissom head over.)", "Nancy Twicker: Even confined like this, these are not the most cooperative creatures. So if my flank man says get back, you jump. Hey, Cash.", "(Cash Dooley is closing a pen gate.)", "Cash Dooley: Howdy, Cash Dooley. (He shakes Grissom's hand.) And my name's about the only cash I got.", "Grissom: And this is Wintwister? What, uh ...", "(Grissom takes out his flashlight and looks at Wintwister.)", "Grissom: What would be the safest way for me to handle his hooves?", "Cash Dooley: There ain't one. Too dangerous.", "Nancy Twicker: He's a kicker.", "Grissom: Do you think I could get him to step on something?", "Cash Dooley: Sure. But you better let me do the bending.", "(Grissom opens his kit and takes out a print board.)", "Grissom: Think you could get him to step on this?", "(Cash slips the board under Wintwister.)", "Nancy Twicker: Cash knows bulls like nobody. Heck, before these kids could even walk, they're out riding sheep, then calves and baby bulls. And finally these one-ton, back-jerkin' snot-slingin' monsters.", "(Cash uses a wire and gets Wintwister to put his hoof down on the board.)", "Nancy Twicker: Now, they get all busted up and quit ridin', but they just can't quit these animals.", "(He gives the board to Grissom, who looks at it.)", "CGI ZOOM in on the fiber.", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Hodges examines the fiber under the scope.)", "Hodges: Cotton fiber. Appears to be bloodstained. I need another piece for comparison.", "(Catherine has Cody's clothes out on the table while Hodges looks up from the scope.)", "Catherine: Forget how to use the scissors? (She slides the scissors toward him.) Put your fingers in the holes and squeeze.", "Hodges: Yes, ma'am.", "(Hodges clips off a fiber sample. He puts it on the slide under scope to examine.)", "(Catherine turns the ALS on as she examines the clothes.)", "Catherine: This looks like semen.", "Hodges: Cowboy had a roll in the hay. Either he's messy or ... uh ... we could have a Brokeback Mountain situation.", "Catherine: Oh, God, that movie made me cry.", "Hodges: Me, too.", "(Catherine turns and looks at him.)", "Hodges: You know, it takes a big man to admit that. And I am that man.", "Catherine: You don't say.", "Hodges: Fibers from the bull are consistent with Cody's shirt. Looks like Wintwister's a killer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[EXT. STREET -- DAY]", "(The SUV pulls up. Nick and Greg get out and head for the scene.)", "Officer Choi: Found her body on patrol, called in the 401AB, apparent fatal. If there were any eyewitnesses, they didn't stick around.", "(Nick looks at the body while Greg takes his camera out.)", "Nick: Okay, thanks.", "(Greg snaps photos of the woman - her tank top and calf-length boots.)", "(Nick looks around the road. Greg takes the girl's wallet out of her bag.)", "Nick: Here's the point of impact.", "Greg: Threw her that far, he must have been going at least ... 45. (Takes out her driver's license.) Tiffany Rigdon, 27, local.", "Officer Choi: I'll run her for you.", "(Officer Choi holds out his hand for the driver's license.)", "Greg: Thanks.", "(Greg gives it to him and he walks away. He walks past a greenish puddle of liquid on the road.)", "Nick: Radiator fluid.", "(Greg continues to look through the woman's bag.)", "Greg: Bunch of empty liquor miniatures. Card key from Pike's Gambling Hall.", "(The officer holds the tape up for Nick, who continues to look at the road beyond the taped-off area.)", "Nick: Hit-and-run. Hit back there ... ran over here.", "(Greg also leaves the taped-off area as he follows Nick.)", "(Nick walks over to a large truck parked on the curb.)", "(Greg opens the passenger door and looks inside. Nick walks around to the driver's side and opens the door to look around.)", "(Greg opens the glove compartment and looks at the registration slip. The car belongs to CODY LATSHAW.)", "Greg: RO is Cody Latshaw - Elk City, Oklahoma.", "Nick: Isn't that Grissom's dead cowboy?", "Greg: Yeah. Boy, he had a hell of a night.", "(Quick flashback to: [ARENA] Cody falls off the bull and the bull kicks him in the chin.)", "Greg: (V.O.) He gets humiliated ...", "(CUT TO: Cody is driving, turns the corner and hits the woman.)", "Greg: (V.O.) ... hits a pedestrian ...", "END FLASHBACK.", "Greg: ... he ditches the car, walks a couple of blocks to the arena, joyrides a bull, and then ends up getting stomped to death?", "(Pick picks up a Pike's card key.)", "Nick: Here's another card key from Pike's Gambling Hall right here.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PIKE'S LOBBY - DAY]", "(CGI IMAGE of Cody Latshaw walking across the lobby.)", "Manager: (V.O.) First one's for room 810, registered to Cody Latshaw.", "(END IMAGE.)", "(Nick and Catherine are at the front desk as the manager checks the card keys. Nick hands him the second card key.)", "Nick: Here you go.", "(The manager swipes the card and the following information appears on the monitor:", "PIKES REGISTRATION NO: XZ192116", "Guest: TIFFANY RIGDON", "ROOM NO: 810", "ROOM TYPE: SUITE", "ROOM PREFERENCES: QUEEN BED, SMOKING", "OCCUPANTS: 2", "CHECK - IN DATE: 01/09/08", "CHECK - OUT DATE: 01/12/08", "PAYMENT: MC CREDIT CARD", "CARD NO: **** **** **** 99017", "EXPIRATION DATE: 07/2010", "Manager: Second one's also to room 810.", "(CGI IMAGE of Tiffany Rigdon walking across the lobby.)", "Manager: (V.O.) It's a complimentary guest key issued to Tiffany Rigdon.", "(END IMAGE.)", "(Nick and Catherine look at each other.)", "Nick: Cody knew the girl he ran over.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PIKE'S ROOM 810 - DAY]", "(The door opens. Catherine and Nick walk in with an officer. They look around.)", "Nick: Lucky for us, housekeeping's a little slow on the uptake.", "(Catherine looks in the bag on the floor.)", "Catherine: Riding glove. So he wasn't planning on re-riding Wintwister when he left here.", "Nick: Threw back a bunch of beers, some liquor. I don't see any drugs.", "Catherine: Bed looks used. Maybe he partied with Tiffany.", "(Catherine finds a crumpled piece of paper.)", "Nick: Bet it cost him. I ran her priors. She's got a couple for solicitation.", "(Catherine opens it and finds a poem.)", "Catherine: (reads) I can't help now but wonder what your brown eyes were concealing. They just showed me reflections of all that I was feeling ... Our bodies close together like my ride hand in my glove. Hearts pounding with excitement and, dare I say it, love.", "(Catherine looks at Nick.)", "Catherine: Nobody ever wrote me a poem.", "(She continues reading.)", "Catherine: (reads) I know I'll never own you. It's your nature to run free, but I pray the Lord above that one day you'll come back to me.", "(Nick finds a note on the table.)", "Catherine: (sighs) That's sweet.", "Nick: (reads) \"By the time you read this, I'll be married. He's a great guy. Honest, Cody, I'll always be thankful for everything you did for me. Love, Tiffany.\"", "Catherine: Sounds like it was more than a money relationship.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Catherine: Broken bones -- he gets up and rides again.", "Nick: Broken heart and he's a killer.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- DAY]", "Grissom: (V.O., reads) Then we'll ride off in glory until our time is done", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY - DAY]", "(Grissom reads the poem as he walks with Nick.)", "Grissom: (reading) \"And I will be your hero, your cowboy in the sun.\"", "Nick: It's not Shakespeare.", "Grissom: I'm actually a fan of cowboy poetry.", "Nick: Are you really?", "Grissom: Yeah, it's just a way of organizing your thoughts and feelings so that you can make sense of them.", "Nick: Well, it sounds like Cody was trying to make sense out of his girl leaving him.", "Grissom: Yeah, well, poetry can help you with that, too.", "(Grissom hands the evidence bag back to Nick and he continues walking. Nick watches him go.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - FORENSIC AUTOPSY -- DAY]", "(Robbins goes over the findings for Tiffany Rigdon's body with Catherine as they stand next to the sheet-covered body on the table.)", "Robbins: Rib fractures, multiple lacerations, pulmonary contusions, lacerated aorta, lacerated liver. I could go on, but you get the idea.", "Catherine: COD was multiple blunt force trauma.", "Robbins: Right, but not all of it was from the hit-and-run.", "(Robbins lifts up the sheet to show Catherine Tiffany's legs.)", "Robbins: You see the coloration of the bruises?", "Catherine: Yellowish.", "Robbins: They're from an event at least 12 hours before the accident.", "Catherine: Maybe Cody had rejection issues. Could be why she was leaving him.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GARAGE - DAY]", "(Greg and Nick go over the SUV in the garage. Nick checks out the seats while Greg snaps photos of the back.)", "Greg: Lot of tools back here.", "Nick: Yeah. Bullriding's an equipment-intensive sport.", "(Greg puts the camera down and picks up one of the tool kits. He takes it to the counter and opens it. He finds something.)", "Greg: What have we here? (Nick watches as Greg picks it up to look at it.) Some kind of cattle prod?", "Nick: They don't use those in professional bull riding.", "(Wendy walks in.)", "Wendy: Hey, Buckaroos. Have you seen Catherine? 'Cause I just got the results from that semen stain on Cody Latshaw's jeans.", "Nick: Come up with a match?", "Wendy: I did. I had to run an Ouchterlony test on it.", "Greg: So not from a human donor?", "Wendy: No ... no. Bovine. (off their looks) Yeah ... I took a psychobiology class once and we studied a very interesting case. Okay, there was a guy, he lived on a farm, and literally the only way that this guy could get sexually satisfied was when he was with livestock.", "Nick: (interrupts) That's okay. I'm good.", "Wendy: (not deterred) Well, see, apparently, the whole thing started one night because he was in the barn -- it started snowing. He got stuck in there. He couldn't make his way back to the farmhouse, so he decided that he would try and stay warm ... well, with a sheep.", "(Nick looks at her.)", "Wendy: But then the horses were jealous, so ...", "(Greg hooks up the tool together.)", "Wendy: -- and ... you know, and I think there was a cow in there as well ...", "Greg: (interrupts) You know, I think we got the picture.", "Nick: I wish I didn't.", "(Greg turns the machine on and it starts buzzing and vibrating.)", "Greg: I think I know what this is for.", "(Nick gets the picture. Wendy smiles.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - BRASS' OFFICE -- DAY]", "(OPEN ON: a photo of the electroejaculator equipment.)", "Nancy Twicker: It's called an electroejaculator. It's used on bulls that have back trouble.", "(She looks away and isn't happy about it at all. Brass is holding the photo.)", "Brass: It looks, uh ... pretty persuasive.", "Nancy Twicker: Yeah.", "Brass: So ... uh ... was Cody helping you collect from Wintwister?", "Nancy Twicker: Hell, no. First of all, you don't collect during competition.", "Brass: Right, right, so like an athlete before a game.", "Nancy Twicker: Now you're talking. And when I do collect, I bring a service out to the ranch. You know, one collection from that old boy gives you about ... two hundred breeding units. At a hundred bucks a pop, you do the math.", "Brass: Well, if the stuff is so valuable, maybe Cody was doing a little moonlighting, you know, collecting on his own, making a little extra money.", "Nancy Twicker: Cattle rustling? No, not Cody.", "Brass: We found bull semen on his jeans.", "Nancy Twicker: Cody wouldn't steal from me. Besides, it's a two-person job, no matter which method you use.", "Brass: There's more than one?", "Nancy Twicker: In addition to your electroejaculation, you got what's called an artificial v*g1n*. Now, you get a teaser animal in there, like a steer. See, bulls go homosexual in captivity. You get that bull to mount that steer, then you get that AV in there right before the ...", "Brass: Yeah, I get the point.", "(Brass shows Nancy a MUG SHOT photo of Tiffany Rigdon.)", "Brass: Do you know this girl? We think she's Cody's girlfriend.", "Nancy Twicker: (scoffs) Yeah. I thought he had a new girlfriend in Vegas from the way his mood was changing. She's younger, probably ... does whatever he says.", "Brass: Mm-hmm.", "Nancy Twicker: Listen, if you need anything else, I'll be at the arena all day.", "Brass: I thought Wintwister didn't compete tonight.", "Nancy Twicker: Well, Captain, I'm not a one-bull kind of gal.", "(She turns at the door, winks at him and puts her hat on as she slips out the office.)", "(Just then, an officer leads a Grissley Geezer into the office.)", "Officer: Here you are, sir.", "(The officer leaves. Brass looks up from his desk.)", "Brass: Can I help you?", "Grissly Geezer: Saw a woman get killed last night.", "(Brass stands up.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - HALLWAY / PRINT LAB - DAY]", "(Catherine is on the phone with Brass as she walks through the hallway.)", "Brass: (filtered) Hey, Cath, listen, it's Jim. We got an eyewitness confirming that Tiffany's TOD was after 2:21 AM.", "Catherine: Well, that's over an hour after Cody's body was found. Thanks, Jim.", "(Catherine hangs up. She enters the print lab.)", "Catherine: Hey.", "(Nick is running the fingerprints through the database.)", "Nick: Hey. I got prints from the truck, but half of them are Cody's.", "Catherine: Well, it is his truck.", "(The computer beeps: NO MATCH.)", "Catherine: So ... get this. There's a witness that puts Tiffany's TOD after Cody's. He didn't kill her.", "Nick: I think he had a partner. There's a set of unknowns both on the truck and on the ... uh ... electro-love machine.", "Catherine: So ... say this partner thought Tiffany knew something about the semen rustling and he ran her over to keep her quiet.", "Nick: So who's the partner?", "Catherine: We've got Cody's phone. Find out who he's been talking to.", "(Catherine leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - A/V LAB - DAY]", "MONITOR SCREEN: Phone Records for", "CODY LATSHAW", "(Most of the calls are for Elk City, Oklahoma - 580-555-0194, Henry Latshaw.)", "Archie: Most of Cody's calls were to a number in Durant, Oklahoma.", "Nick: He lived on the family ranch. He was probably letting his folks know how he was doing in the finals.", "Archie: All other calls were to PBR staff and to Tiffany.", "Nick: What about her records?", "Archie: Well, they're a little more interesting. Check out ... last night.", "(Archie pulls up TIFFANY RIGDON'S records.)", "Archie: A dozen calls after midnight from Eric Hong.", "(The information sheet and MUG SHOT photo appears on the monitor.)", "Nick: Precious Ricky.", "Archie: You know this guy?", "Nick: Yeah, he's a pimp, and he quit calling her after 2:00 AM, like he knew she was already dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - DAY]", "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOM -- DAY]", "(The officer leads Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong into the room. \"Precious Ricky\" laughs.)", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: All right, I don't want nobody hitting me. All right?", "(He sits down. Nick is sitting on the table in front of the mirror.)", "Nick: Nobody's going to hit you, Rick.", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Good.", "Nick: This is about Tiffany Rigdon.", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Beautiful girl, skin like butterfly wings.", "Nick: Did you beat her up?", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: I'm a lover, brother.", "Nick: Let me tell you something, man. You play around with me, I'm gonna throw your ass in jail. You feel me?", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Yeah, I feel you.", "Nick: Good. (Nick stands up.) So she said she was leaving you, going to get married, right?", "(Eric shrugs.)", "Nick: Oh, come on. At least admit I'm right about that.", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Yeah, okay, sure.", "Nick: Is that when you took her boyfriend's truck and ran her over?", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Wait.", "Nick: It's a good plan, Rick -", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Wait.", "Nick: You get the boyfriend and a little revenge to boot. I mean, it's ...", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Okay, I didn't like the girl quitting on me, especially during one of my busiest freaking weeks of the year, and I wanted to talk her out of it.", "Nick: Is that all you did: talk?", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: No, I couldn't even talk to her. She wouldn't take my calls, so I quit trying.", "Nick: Where were you making all these phone calls from?", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: From a country-western bar. I hit them all when the cowboys come to town.", "Nick: Mm-hmm, all right, all right, I'll check it out.", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Yeah, you do that, please.", "Nick: I didn't take you for a country music fan. Yee-ha.", "(Nick heads out, leaving Eric in the room. He starts tapping his fingers against the tabletop.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. COUNTRY-WESTERN BAR - NIGHT]", "(The live band is on stage playing an upbeat country song. The place is packed.)", "Lyrics: This ol' wheel keeps on rollin' down the road This ol' wheel keeps on rollin' down the road Oh, gravel and dust fly up off of truck drivers Down a dirt road in Nashville In the summertime in 1996 I was listenin' to my dad and Johnny Cash doing \"Chain Gang\" And talkin' trash with Savannah and smokin' cigarettes But it wasn't that long Till I tasted the salt of the sea But she was still in love with the guy she left for me so She stood there cryin' as I packed my pack And I knew that I was lyin' when I said that I'd be back This ol' wheel keeps on rollin' down the road", "(A girl turns to her friend and points to a man on the side. He notices her and touches the rim of his white hat. The blonde-haired friend heads over.)", "(The band continues to play.)", "Lyric: This ol' wheel keeps on rollin' down the road Now fast forward to about 2003 I'm standin' on the corner Of Hollywood and Vine, just a six-string and me", "(A man in a white hat passes Coco at the billiard table on his way to the restroom.)", "Lyric: And that Capitol building -- lookin' up at that thing Wonderin' when am I gonna get my chance to sing But faced with that kind of predicament It'd be pretty hard not to get choked up When every hero I had has died and every band I had broke up", "(A man goes into the restroom. At the urinal, he turns and notices a body on the floor in one of the stalls.)", "(He finishes and goes to the stall.)", "(Inside, Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong is on the floor, dead from a gunshot to the chest.)", "FLASH TO:", "[INT. COUNTRY-WESTERN BAR - MEN'S ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Greg and Nick look at the body on the floor.)", "Nick: Shotgun.", "Greg: At a close range.", "Nick: Would have been pretty loud, but everything is in a place like this.", "Greg: Cowboys, cattle rustling, and now a shooting at the dance hall.", "Nick: Welcome to the Wild West.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. COUNTRY-WESTERN BAR - MAIN ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Brass talks with Coco.)", "Brass: So, Coco, you didn't see anyone threaten Precious Ricky?", "Coco: I was trying to put the nine ball in the corner pocket.", "Brass: Yeah, right. You know this girl?", "(He shows her Tiffany Rigdon's photo.)", "Coco: That's Tiffany. She got married last night. Lucky bitch.", "Brass: Do you know who the groom was?", "Coco: Troy? Troy something?", "Brass: Know anything about him?", "Coco: No. She just met him. Sweet kid. He ... uh ... took her side when that cowgirl trash got all up in her face.", "(She turns to indicate a blonde-haired girl talking with an officer.)", "(Quick FLASHBACK to: It's night. The band is up on stage. Tiffany is sitting with Precious Ricky in a booth. He whispers something to her. She gets up and heads over to the man at the bar.)", "Tiffany Rigdon: Hey, cowboy.", "Troy Birkhart: Hey.", "Tiffany Rigdon: Like that hat.", "Troy Birkhart: Thank you.", "(She takes his hat off.)", "Tiffany Rigdon: What's underneath don't look too bad, either.", "(He chuckles.)", "Tiffany Rigdon: I'm Tiffany.", "Troy Birkhart: I'm Troy.", "(Tiffany puts Troy's hat on and poses for him.)", "(Two girls walk up to them.)", "Buckle Bunny 1: (to Tiffany) We know what you are.", "(Tiffany stops smiling and takes Troy's hat off.)", "Troy Birkhart: Excuse me, Miss, but we're having a private conversation here.", "Buckle Bunny 2: Why pay that cow when others would give you the milk for free?", "(The girls laugh.)", "Troy Birkhart: I think you owe her an apology.", "Buckle Bunny 1: We don't want your kind in here.", "(Tiffany pushes the BUCKLE BUNNY 1.)", "Tiffany Rigdon: Oh, yeah?", "(Buckle bunny 1 pushes Tiffany back.)", "Buckle Bunny 1: Whore!", "Tiffany Rigdon: That's it!", "(They start pushing and shoving each other.)", "Troy Birkhart: Hey, hey! Hey!", "(Buckle Bunny 2 pushes Tiffany, who pushes her back. Troy turns to keep Buckle Bunny 1 away from Tiffany.)", "Buckle Bunny 2: Come on!", "Troy Birkhart: Hold-hold-hold on!", "(The bouncers get involved. Tiffany punches the Buckle Bunny twice in the face. She grabs Tiffany and pushes her up against Eric's table. Eric stands up. Someone in a black hat punches him in the face. It's a full-on bar brawl.)", "(Two men in black hats punch each other. The two Buckle Bunnies grab Troy Birkhart and pull him away from Tiffany.)", "Troy Birkhart: Hey! Tiffany!", "(The fight continues. The band continues to play.)", "(Troy sees Tiffany being beaten up. He runs over to her.)", "Troy Birkhart: Tiffany, come on!", "(He pushes the other girl off Tiffany. He and Tiffany head for the door.)", "Tiffany Rigdon: Wait. Wait.", "(They kiss.)", "Tiffany Rigdon: Let's go.", "(They leave the bar and the fight behind them.)", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "(Coco smiles wistfully.)", "Coco: She came back last night and said that she was going to marry the guy.", "Brass: It's kind of impulsive, isn't it?", "Coco: Hey, cop, somebody says they want to marry you, take care of you, pay all your bills, give you a nice place to live, why would you even wait?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "(Nick and Greg talk with Connie Dellaquilla.)", "Connie Dellaquilla: It's always crazy busy with the cowboys in this town. You know, I think it's being around all these bucking bulls. Gets them all worked up. Brings out their animal instinct to mate.", "(She laughs.)", "Greg: According to the marriage bureau, Troy Birkhart and Tiffany Rigdon got their license just before midnight.", "Nick: And then, what, Troy came over to your chapel to set up the service?", "Connie Dellaquilla: Yeah. He said his girl was changing at the hotel. It's the old story, you know. She gets cold feet, he can't face the truth, keeps thinking she's running late.", "Quick FLASHBACK TO:", "[EXT. DELLAQUILLA WEDDING CHAPEL - NIGHT]", "(Troy has a JUST MARRIED flag on his truck. He's got a spray can and shakes it. He writes on the window TROY & TIFF.)", "(CUT TO: Troy is waiting next to his truck. He looks at his watch as he waits for Tiffany.)", "(CUT TO: He takes his hat off as he hears a woman giggle and watches another couple exit the chapel to get into their waiting limo.)", "(The limo VANISHES and time passes. And still Troy waits.)", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "Greg: How long did he wait?", "Connie Dellaquilla: Hours. He shows me the prize buckles he's won for bull riding. Tells me he's going on the pro tour next year. The little ranch they're going to settle down on ... \"Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains.\"", "Nick: And what time did he end up leaving?", "Connie Dellaquilla: A little after 3:00 AM. Frankly, if she's not going to make a go of it, I say, better now than down the road before all the lawyers and the property and all that mess.", "Nick: Wedding chapel's only a couple blocks from the crime scene.", "Greg: Yeah, and she was killed at 2:30.", "Nick: Mm-hmm.", "Connie Dellaquilla: Killed?", "Nick: Yeah, on the way to her own wedding. I'll get a BOLO out on Troy's vehicle.", "(Nick gets up and leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT]", "[INT. GARAGE -- NIGHT]", "(Warrick pulls into a parking stall. He turns the rearview mirror and checks himself in the reflection.)", "Dispatcher: (from radio) Attention, all officers: attempt to locate yellow two-toned Dodge Ram pickup, Texas plates Charlie Nora Baker Queen Seven Five Zero.", "(Warrick turns and sees the yellow pickup next to him. Inside, Troy is struggling to put the muzzle of a shotgun under his chin.)", "Dispatch: (from radio) Troy Birkhart, white male adult, wanted in connection with a 415-Adam, Eric Hong homicide.", "Warrick: (to radio) Dispatch, this is C-21 Brown. The pickup that you're looking for is on level 3 of the PD garage. Suspect is in the vehicle, armed and agitated.", "(Troy hits the steering wheel.)", "Warrick: (to radio) I repeat: suspect is armed and agitated.", "(Warrick checks his gun.)", "Dispatch: (from radio) Copy, C-21. Units responding. Code Three.", "(Troy is trying to put the muzzle of the shotgun under his chin. In the stall over, Warrick gets out of his car.)", "(Troy takes a couple of panting breaths. Warrick approaches the truck and approaches from behind.)", "Warrick: Hey, buddy. Hey. You must be Troy, huh?", "(Troy glances to the side.)", "Warrick: Just be cool, okay?", "(Off to the side, the elevator door opens and officers get out onto the floor.)", "Warrick: All right?", "Brass: (shouts, o.s.) Hey, Troy, listen to me.", "(Brass and Nick walk over. Warrick backs up to join them.)", "Brass: We don't want anyone getting hurt, okay? So put the gun down. Come out of the truck with your hands up. Put the gun down, Troy. Just let it fall away. Now. He moves on that gun, don't wait.", "(Nick sees the truck's license plates and gets an idea.)", "Nick: Hang on, Jim. Let me ... Let me talk to him real quick.", "Brass: Okay, but we're not taking any chances.", "Nick: Yeah, yeah, okay.", "(Nick walks over toward the truck.)", "Nick: Hey, Troy, when's the last time you got down to Big Bend? Huh? You-you got the plate frame. Man, I used to go to summer camp down there.", "Troy Birkhart: Stay back!", "Nick: Hey, take it easy, Troy. Look, I got no weapon on me. Okay, I just want to talk to you for a second.", "Troy Birkhart: I killed somebody!", "Nick: Yeah, I know. You came out to Vegas, and you got in over your head, but this is getting out of control. If you don't put that gun down, these cops are going to start shooting, and that could turn out very bad for both of us. You know what I mean?", "Troy Birkhart: I'm just ... I'm just doing the right thing. Making sure you know it was me. And I'll pay for what I did. Eye for an eye, man.", "Nick: Hey.", "(Nick takes a step forward.)", "Troy Birkhart: Stay back! I'll do it, I swear! I'll do it, I swear!", "Nick: No, Troy, just wait. Hang on now. Listen to me. I know about Tiffany. I know why she stood you up at the wedding chapel.", "Troy Birkhart: (voice breaking) That Ricky. Thought he owned her.", "(Quick flashback to: [RESTROOM] Troy finds Eric in the bathroom.)", "Eric \"Precious Ricky\" Hong: Hey. Hey! Hey, what you doing, man?", "(He fires.)", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "Troy Birkhart: He wouldn't let her come.", "Nick: Hey, man, look at me. Look at me.", "(Troy turns and looks at Nick.)", "Nick: I know she wanted to be there for you. Come on out of there, man. I'll tell you all about it. You don't want to do this.", "(Nick walks over to the open truck window.)", "Nick: Give me that. Come on, give me that thing. Give it to me.", "(Troy loosens his hold on the gun. Nick reaches in through the window--", "Nick: It's going to be okay. -- and pulls the gun away.)", "(A couple of officers rush forward. Nick turns and gives the gun to Brass.)", "Brass: Nice job.", "(Nick looks at Warrick.)", "Warrick: You didn't go to summer camp.", "(Nick chuckles.)", "Nick: Missed you around here. Welcome back.", "Warrick: Thanks.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - LAYOUT ROOM -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom meets with Catherine and Nick.)", "Grissom: Well we know that Cody was alone when he died because he couldn't have opened the bucking chute by himself.", "Catherine: And we know that someone other than Cody put the electroejaculation equipment into the truck and drove away.", "Nick: Killing Tiffany.", "Grissom: Whoever that someone was knew how to get into the arena, and also how to use the equipment.", "(Hodges appears in the doorway carrying two bull ropes.)", "Hodges: (twang) More cowbell!", "(Hodges puts the bull ropes down on the layout table.)", "Hodges: I processed these for you.", "Grissom: And?", "Hodges: Well, as you can see, they're bull ropes. These are the kind that the riders hold in their hands. Every rider has one, and they're usually custom-made. I mean, look at that craftsmanship.", "Grissom: Yeah, it's exquisite.", "Catherine: Now, that's the rope that I collected from Cody's room?", "Hodges: Yes, it is. Uh, you'll note that it is polynylon. Now the rope that was collected from the crime scene, though, was long sisal, a type of hemp. Very old-school, and they stopped making it years ago.", "Nick: That means the rope found with Cody's body belonged to someone who's been around for a while.", "(Grissom looks at Nick and smiles.)", "Grissom: How'd you like to go on a roundup?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. ARENA - BACK PENS -- NIGHT]", "(The crowd roars. Brass, Nick and an officer walk up to Nancy Twicker, talking with a couple of guys.)", "Brass: Hey, Ms. Twicker, how's it going?", "(The two men leave and Nancy Twicker turns to Brass.)", "Nancy Twicker: It'd be going a lot better if my bull Wintwister was in there bucking.", "Nick: Is Cash Dooley here?", "Nancy Twicker: Cash!", "(Cash looks up from his locker.)", "Nancy Twicker: Cops want to talk to you.", "(Cash puts his lock down and heads over.)", "Brass: Hey, Mr. Dooley. So, where you staying when you're here in Vegas?", "Cash Dooley: Here.", "Nancy Twicker: He's got the sleeper cab up front.", "Brass: Oh, right here.", "Nick: Is that where you keep your clothes, the rest of your stuff?", "Cash Dooley: What's this about?", "Nick: I'd like to take a look in that cab.", "Cash Dooley: No. It's private.", "Nancy Twicker: Now hold on. I own this rig. If you guys want to search it, go ahead.", "(Cash Dooley doesn't look happy about it.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[EXT. PARKING LOT / INT. SLEEPER CAB - NIGHT]", "(Nick and the officer head over to the rig. Nick puts his kit down and opens the door. He climbs up and looks inside.)", "(Inside the open bag, he finds a buckle: PROFESSIONAL BULL RIDERS WORLD 1997 FINALS.)", "(He opens another bag and finds LATEX TUBING, a couple of tubes of LUBRICATING JELLY, and a lot of glass TEST TUBES.)", "Brass: (PRE-LAP) (V.O.) Well, bull semen is property, and that property isn't yours so it's theft.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Brass talks with Cash Dooley.)", "Brass: Now, here's what I think happened. You know Cody. He's at the end of his career. He's a little down on his luck. Never put any money aside. Wintwister's output goes for 20 grand a pop on the open market. So, you and Cody, you get together, you do the deed and ... uh ... sell it on the sly.", "Cash Dooley: If you knew Cody, you'd know he'd never do anything like that.", "Brass: And then when he told his girlfriend, you took his truck.", "Cash Dooley: He always let me borrow his truck.", "Brass: Even when it was to hunt down his girl?", "(The door opens and Catherine pops her head inside the room.)", "Catherine: Jim?", "(Brass stands up and heads out of the room.)", "[INT. PD - HALLWAY - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS]", "(Brass talks with Catherine.)", "Catherine: We ran his ten-card against the prints from the truck and the equipment. They don't match.", "Brass: So, there is a third guy?", "Catherine: Right. So now, I'm convinced that Cody Latshaw's death was not an accident.", "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOM - NIGHT]", "(Brass enters the room and sits down.)", "Brass: Okay, so who is working with you on this, Cash, huh? Who was at the wheel of Cody's truck when you ran down that girl? Was it someone in the arena?", "(Cash doesn't answer.)", "Brass: What's this, a cowboy code of silence? Look, you want to make me compel fingerprints from everyone working in that arena, I can do that.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. ARENA -- NIGHT]", "(The arena is packed as the event continues.)", "Announcer: (over PA) Here is Dale Wylie!", "(Dale Wylie is on the bull. The gates open, the bull comes out kicking and bucking.)", "[INT. ARENA - CORRIDOR -- NIGHT]", "(Grissom walks up to Brass and Nancy Twicker.)", "Grissom: We got a match! Dustin Lightfoot.", "Nancy Twicker: Dustin? He's a bullfighter.", "[DUSTIN]", "(Dustin turns and looks over at Brass, Grissom and Nancy Twicker. She turns and points at him.)", "Nancy Twicker: He's right there.", "(Dustin jumps off the fence and runs across the grounds.)", "Brass: (to radio) I got a 440 exiting the east end of the arena. Head him off.", "(An officer takes off after him. Dustin runs out of the arena.)", "[INT. ARENA - BACK PENS - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Dustin runs through the back pens. The officer is right after him.)", "Officer: (to radio) In the tunnel headed your way.", "[INT. ARENA - BACK CORRIDOR - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS]", "(Dustin runs through the back tunnels. Two officers block his exit. He stops and raises his hands up high.)", "Officer: Hold it. Freeze. Right there. OFFICER: Don't move.", "(The officer comes up behind him to handcuff him.)", "Officer: Hands behind your back.", "(Brass walks up to him.)", "Brass: Well, howdy, partner. This is a new experience for me. First time I caught me a cattle rustler.", "Quick FLASHBACK TO:", "[INT. ARENA - BACK PENS -- NIGHT]", "(Wintwister bellows softly. Cash puts his gloves on and picks up the electroejaculator.)", "Dustin Lightfoot: (V.O.) Look, Cash and me was just trying to make a little extra money.", "(Cody walks in, drinking from a bottle. He empties the bottle and tosses it.)", "Brass: (V.O.) Then Cody Latshaw came in drunk and itching for a fight.", "(Cody finds Dustin preparing to catch the semen while Cash puts lubricant on the probe.)", "Cody Latshaw: Hey! Quit that!", "(Dustin stands up.)", "Dustin Lightfoot: Hey, Cody.", "Cody Latshaw: You hear me?", "(Dustin heads over toward Cody.)", "Dustin Lightfoot: Cody, relax. Ain't nobody hurtin' anybody.", "Cody Latshaw: That ain't your property.", "Dustin Lightfoot: Cody, Cody, ...", "(Cody punches Dustin. Dustin turns and punches Cody. Cody falls to the ground. Cash stops Dustin from swinging again.)", "Cash Dooley: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.", "(He turns Cody over and checks for a pulse.)", "Cash Dooley: He ain't breathin'.", "END OF FLASHBACK.", "[INT. PD - INTERVIEW ROOMK]", "(Brass and Grissom talk with Dustin Lightfoot.)", "Dustin Lightfoot: We wasn't tryin' to kill him.", "Grissom: He had a cervical fracture from his earlier ride. It didn't take much to snap his spine.", "FLASHBACK TO: SLOW MOTION. Dustin punches Cody. Cody's neck snaps back.", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Brass: Then you tried to make it look like an accident.", "FLASHBACK TO:", "[INT. SLEEPER CAB - NIGHT -- FLASHBACK]", "(The door opens and Cash climbs up. He grabs his bull rope.)", "[INT. ARENA - NIGHT - FLASHBACK]", "(Cash and Dustin drag Cody's body out onto the arena. They put him on the ground and toss the bull rope to the side.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "Brass: But you didn't have to run over his girlfriend.", "Dustin Lightfoot: (stunned) That girl we hit -- that was ... that was Cody's girlfriend?", "Brass: Yeah, you didn't know?", "Dustin Lightfoot: We was racing to get the product to our buyer. And we took Cody's truck 'cause, well, mine ain't air-conditioned and, and he wasn't gonna be usin' it.", "FLASHBACK TO:", "[INT. TRUCK (RACING) - NIGHT - FLASHBACK]", "(Dustin is driving. Cash is in the passenger seat, clutching the cooler in his lap. They turn the corner and hit Tiffany. Tires screech.)", "BACK TO SCENE.", "(Brass nods. The officer escorts Dustin out of the room.)", "Catherine: (V.O.) It's kind of a lonely life, these cowboys, every weekend a different town.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE - NIGHT]", "(Catherine and Nick talk.)", "Nick: That's part of the tradition, you know. Solitary man out there trying to find himself.", "Catherine: Yeah, but no man is an island. I mean, obviously, he had feelings for Nancy or he wouldn't have written her that poem.", "Nick: Nancy? I don't know about that. Tiffany's the one that broke his heart.", "Grissom: (o.s.) I don't think it's about either girl.", "(Grissom reads the poem.)", "Grissom: (reads) \"I can't help now but wonder what your brown eyes were concealing.\" (to Nick) Did you read Tiffany's autopsy report?", "Nick: Oh. Yeah, her eyes were blue.", "Grissom: So were Nancy's.", "Nick: Then who did he write the poem for?", "Grissom: Wintwister.", "(Nick doesn't believe it. Neither does Catherine.)", "Catherine: The bull?", "Grissom: I think that's why he went back to the arena that night. Wordsworth once wrote, \"Through love we feel we are greater than we know.\" My guess is, riding that bull, Cody felt like a greater man.", "MONTAGE OF:", "[INT. ARENA - BACK CORRIDOR -- NIGHT]", "(Cody walks through the pens on his way out to the arena floor.)", "Grissom: (reads, v.o.) Our bodies close together, like my ride hand in my glove.", "CLOSE ON: The bull in the pen.)", "Grissom: (reads, v.o.) Hearts pounding with excitement, and dare I say it, love.", "[INT. CSI - GRISSOM'S OFFICE]", "Grissom: (reads) I know I'll never own you; it's your nature to run free. But I pray the Lord above that one day you'll come back to me.", "[INT. ARENA - NIGHT]", "(Cody is on the bucking bull.)", "Grissom: (reads, v.o.) Then we'll ride off in glory until our time is done. And I will be your hero, your cowboy in the sun." ]
CSI Crime Scene Investigation
[ "The Halliwell sisters are reunited in the grand Victorian home of their childhood. Phoebe discovers the Book of Shadows in the attic and when she reads the spell on the first page, their inherent magical abilities are activated. The sisters must try to keep their newly developed powers secret, while Prue's ex-boyfriend, Inspector Andy Trudeau , is investigating a serial killer whose victims are all witches. Piper narrowly escapes death when she discovers that her boyfriend Jeremy, an evil warlock, is the killer. When the sisters try their first spell, Jeremy is vanquished, and they discover the ancient Power of Three." ]
[ "[Scene: Serena Fredrick's apartment. She puts down a bowl of food for her cat. (Later known as Kit.)]", "Serena Fredrick: Come on, baby. Good girl. (She walks over to her altar and lights the candles with just a touch of her finger. You see someone standing outside her window. She starts saying a spell.) Ancient one of the earth so deep, master of moon and sun. I shield you in my wiccan way, here in my circle round, asking you to protect this space, and offer your sun force down. (Someone walks up behind her. She turns around.) What are you doing here? (The man pulled out a knife and plunged it in her stomach.)", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Piper walks through the front door.]", "Piper: Prue?", "Prue: In here, working on the chandelier.", "Piper: Sorry I'm late.", "Prue: What else is new? Piper, I would of been here to meet the electrician myself but you know I can't leave the museum until six. I didn't even have time to change.", "Piper: I just didn't realise how long I was in China town. Did Jeremy call?", "Prue: No, but he had some roses and a package delivered. What were you doing in China town? I thought that you had an interview in North Beach.", "Piper: I did but I went to Young Lee market after my interview to get the ingredients for my audition recipe tomorrow.", "Prue: So, that wolfgang-puck knock-off didn't hire you then?", "Piper: No, but this just may get me the job.", "Prue: Jeremy sent you port?", "Piper: The ultimate ingredient for my recipe. Oh my God, I don't believe it. Tell me that's not our old spirit board?", "Prue: Yeah, I found it in the basement when I was looking for the circuit tester.", "Piper: (Reading the inscription on the back) \"To my three beautiful girls. May this give you the light to find the shadows. The power of three will set you free. Love, Mom.\" We never did figure out what this inscription meant.", "Prue: Well, maybe we should send it to Phoebe. That girl is so in the dark, maybe a little light will help.", "Piper: You're always so hard on her.", "Prue: Piper, the girl has no vision, no sense of the future.", "Piper: I really think Phoebe's coming around.", "Prue: Well, as long as she doesn't come around here I guess that's good news.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: The witch's apartment. Police are there.]", "Darryl: Well, it's about time.", "Andy: I got here as soon as I heard. Another dead female, right? Mid to late twenties.", "Darryl: I've been paging you for over an hour, Trudeau, where have you been?", "Andy: Checking out a lead.", "Darryl: What lead?", "Andy: One that didn't go anywhere.", "Darryl: You're avoiding my question.", "Andy: Because you don't want to know that I went to an occult shop.", "Darryl: You hate me don't you? You wanna see me suffer.", "Andy: I wanna solve these murders. Someone's after witches.", "Darryl: Women.", "Andy: That woman up there, I bet she was killed with an athame.", "Darryl: Wrong. Double edged steel knife.", "Andy: Right. That's an athame. It's a ceremonial tool. Witch's use them to direct energy.", "Darryl: That woman didn't direct jack. She was stabbed. Plain and simple.", "Andy: Was she found in an altar?", "Darryl: Yes.", "Andy: Were there carvings on that altar?", "Darryl: Just do me a favour. Don't even follow a lead without checking with me first.", "Andy: You wanna go to occult shops?", "Darryl: Get to work okay.", "Jeremy: Jeremy Burns. San Francisco Chronicle. You care to comment?", "Andy: A woman was stabbed. Plain and simple.", "Jeremy: Well, that's the third one in three weeks.", "(Andy walks off.)", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Prue is fiddling with the circuit tester.]", "Prue: I don't get it. I have checked everything, there's no reason why the chandelier should not be working.", "Piper: You know how we've been talking about what to do with the spare room? I think you're right, we do need a roommate.", "Prue: We can rent the room at a reduce rate in exchange for some help around the house.", "Piper: Phoebe's good with a wrench.", "Prue: Phoebe lives in New York.", "Piper: Not anymore.", "Prue: What?", "Piper: She left New York. She's moving back in with us.", "Prue: You have got to be kidding.", "Piper: Well, I could hardly say no. It's her house too. Grams left it to all three of us.", "Prue: Yeah, months ago and we haven't seen or spoken to her since.", "Piper: Well, you haven't spoken to her.", "Prue: No, I haven't. Look, maybe you've forgotten why I'm still mad at her.", "Piper: No, of course not but she had nowhere else to go. She lost her job, she's in debt.", "Prue: And this is news? How long have you known about this anyway?", "Piper: A couple of days, maybe a week-or two.", "Prue: Thanks for sharing. When does she arrive?", "(The front door opens and Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: Surprise! I found the hide-a-key.", "Piper: Phoebe, welcome home.", "Phoebe: Hello, Piper. (Piper and Phoebe hug.)", "Piper: It's so good to see you. Isn't Prue?", "Prue: I'm speechless.", "(A car horn beeps.)", "Phoebe: Oops. I forgot about the cab.", "Piper: I'll get it. (She grabs Prue's purse.)", "Prue: Piper, that's my purse.", "Phoebe: Thanks. I'll pay you back.", "Prue: Is that all that you brought?", "Phoebe: That's all that I own and a bike. Look, I know that you don't want me here ...", "Prue: We're not selling Grams' house.", "Phoebe: Is that why you think I came back?", "Prue: Look, the only reason Piper and I gave up our apartment and moved back here because this house has been in our family for generations.", "Phoebe: No history lesson needed. I grew up here too. So can we talk about what's really bothering you?", "Prue: No, I'm still furious with you.", "Phoebe: So, you'd rather have a tense reunion filled with boring chitchat and unimportant small talk?", "Prue: No, but otherwise we won't have anything to talk about.", "Phoebe: I never touched Roger.", "Prue: Whoa.", "Phoebe: I know you think otherwise because that's what that Armani-wearing, Chardonnay-slugging, trust-funder told you ...", "(Piper comes back in the house.)", "Piper: Hey, I have a great idea. Why don't I make a fabulous reunion dinner.", "Prue: I'm not hungry.", "Phoebe: I ate on the bus.", "Piper: Okay, we'll try the group hug later.", "[Scene: Phoebe's room. Phoebe's stands in front of the mirror. The news is on the TV but she's not really watching it. Piper knocks on the door.]", "Piper: It's me.", "Phoebe: Come on in. (Piper is carrying a tray with drinks and food on it.) Thank God. I am starving.", "Piper: Figured. (She sees Jeremy on TV.) Hey, that's my boyfriend, Jeremy. What happened?", "Phoebe: Some woman got whacked.", "Piper: Whacked? Phoebe, you've been in New York way too long.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I should of stayed. Now, why didn't you tell her I was coming back?", "Piper: And risk her changing the locks? I don't think so and besides, I think you should of been the one to tell her not me.", "Phoebe: Good point, Chicken Little. It's just so hard for me to talk to her. She's always been more like a mother.", "Piper: That's not her fault. She practically had to sacrifice ...", "Phoebe/Piper: Her own childhood to raise us.", "Phoebe: Yeah, yeah, yeah.", "Piper: And we're lucky she was so responsible. You and I had it easy, all we had to do was be there.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I don't need a mum anymore, you know, I need a sister.", "(Prue knocks on the door. She's holding a blanket.)", "Prue: This was always the coldest room in the house.", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "(Prue leaves.)", "[Scene: The murdered witch's apartment. Andy and Darryl are there along with people. Andy looks at the tattoo on her neck. It's a full circle with three interlocking arcs inside.]", "Andy: It's the same tattoo that was on the other two victims.", "Darryl: So, the murderer is killing occults.", "Andy: No, the murderer's on witch hunts.", "Darryl: Oh, yeah, he's five to eight years old and he lives in Salem. Look around, Trudeau. Pentagrams, altars, offerings, all the tools of a freak fest.", "Andy: They call them Sabbaths. Which is hardly a freak fest. She was a solitary practitioner. She practiced her craft alone.", "Darryl: Mmm.", "Andy: Let me ask you something, Morris. Do you believe in U.F.O.'s?", "Darryl: Hell, no.", "Andy: Neither do I. But do you believe that there are people out there who do believe in U.F.O.'s?", "Darryl: Yes, but I think they're crazy.", "Andy: Well, then why can't you believe that there are people who believe they are witches.", "Darryl: Look, all I know is if you don't stop talking about witches, I'm gonna start questioning you. (Kit jumps up on the bench. She meows. Andy goes over and pats her.) I'd stay away from that cat, Trudeau. It's been clawing the crap out of everybody. See you at the car.", "(He leaves. Andy looks at Kit's collar. It has the same symbol on it that was tattooed on the witch.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Piper and Phoebe are sitting at the table playing with the spirit board.]", "Phoebe: When did you meet Jeremy?", "Piper: About six months ago - right before Grams died. We met in the hospital cafeteria the day Grams was admitted. He was covering a story and I was bawling over a bagel. So, he handed me a napkin.", "Phoebe: How romantic.", "Piper: As a matter of fact it was. The napkin had his phone number on it. (Phoebe laughs.) Stop pushing the pointer.", "Phoebe: I'm not touching it.", "Piper: You used to always push the pointer. More popcorn?", "(She gets up and heads for the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: Hey, I forgot your question.", "Piper: (from the kitchen) I asked if Prue would have s*x other than herself this year.", "Phoebe: That's disgusting. Please say yes. (The pointer moved to the letter 'A' by itself.) Piper. (It then moves to 'T'.) Piper, get in here!", "Piper: What?", "(Prue comes in.)", "Prue: What did you guys do now?", "Piper: Me? I didn't do anything.", "Phoebe: The pointer on the spirit board. It moved on its own. (Prue and Phoebe stare at her.) I'm serious. It spelled 'A' 'T'.", "Piper: Well, did you push it?", "Phoebe: No.", "Prue: You used to always push the pointer.", "Phoebe: My fingers were barely touching it. Look. (She puts her fingers on the pointer. Nothing happens. Prue and Piper turn and start to leave. The pointer moves to the bottom of the board, then back to the letter 'T'.) Ah, it did it again! It moved!", "(Prue and Piper turn back around and look at the board.)", "Prue: It's still on the letter 'T'.", "Phoebe: I swear it moved. (Prue leaves the room. The pointer moves again. Piper sees it too.) There. (She stands up.) Look. You saw that right?", "Piper: I think so, yeah.", "Phoebe: I told you I wasn't touching it. (The pointer moves again.)", "Piper: Prue, can you come in here for a sec?", "(Prue comes back in the room.)", "Prue: Now what?", "(Phoebe writes the letters down on an envelope.)", "Phoebe: I think it's trying to tell us something. (She holds up the envelope.) Attic.", "(There's a loud clap of thunder and the power goes out.)", "[Cut to the foyer. Piper is walking towards the door. Prue is following her.]", "Prue: Don't you think you're overreacting? We're perfectly safe here.", "Piper: Don't say that. In horror movies, the person who says that is always the next to die.", "Prue: It is pouring rain. There's a psycho on the lose. Jeremy's not even home.", "Piper: Well I'll-I'll-I'll wait in the cab until he gets home.", "Prue: That'll be cheap.", "Piper: Prue, I saw that pointer move.", "Prue: No, look, what you saw was Phoebe's fingers pushing the pointer. There's nothing in the attic, she's playing a joke on us.", "Piper: We don't know that. We've lived in this house for months and we've never been able to get that attic door open. (She crosses the foyer and picks up the phone.) Great, now the phone doesn't work.", "Prue: Yeah, the power's out. Look, go with me to the basement.", "Piper: What?", "Prue: I need you to hold the flashlight while I check out the main circuit box.", "Piper: Phoebe will go with you to the basement won't you Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Nope, I'm going to the attic.", "Prue: No, you're not. We already agreed.", "Phoebe: I am not waiting for some handyman to check out the attic and I'm certainly not waiting until tomorrow. I'm going now.", "(Phoebe walks up the stairs. Prue goes into another room.)", "Piper: Prue, wait.", "[Cut to Phoebe. She tries to open the attic door but it's locked. She gives up and turns to walk back down the stairs. She hears a creak and turns to see the attic door opening. She walks inside. A light shines on a trunk and she walks over to it. She opens it and there's a book inside. She picks up the book and blows the dust off. She opens it.)", "Phoebe: \"The Book of Shadows.\" (She turns the page and starts reading.) \"Hear now the words of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night, the oldest of Gods are invoked here, the great work of magic is sought. In this night and in this hour, I'll call upon the ancient power, bring your powers to we sisters three, we want the power, give us the power.\"", "(Prue and Piper enter the attic.)", "Prue: What are you doing?", "Phoebe: Uh ... reading an incantation. It was in this Book of Shadows, I found it in that trunk.", "Piper: How did you get in here?", "Phoebe: The door opened.", "Piper: Wait a minute, an incantation? What kind of incantation?", "Phoebe: It said something about there being three essentials of magic. Uh, timing, feeling and phases of the moon. If we were ever gonna do this, now - midnight on a full moon - is the most powerful time.", "Piper: This? Do what?", "Phoebe: Receive our powers.", "Piper: What powers? Wait, our powers? You included me in this?", "Prue: No, she included all of us. (Reading from the book.) \"Bring your powers to we sisters three.\" It's a book of witchcraft.", "Piper: Let me see that.", "[Cut to outside. A man is standing outside their house.]", "[Cut back to inside. They are walking down the stairs.]", "Prue: Spirit boards, books of witchcraft. It figures all this freaky stuff started when you arrived.", "Phoebe: Hey, I wasn't the one who found the spirit board.", "Prue: But it wasn't my fingers sliding around on the pointer.", "Piper: It doesn't matter. Because nothing happened, right Phoebe, when you did that incantation?", "Phoebe: Well, my head spun around and I vomited split-pea soup. How should I know?", "Piper: Well, everything looks the same.", "Phoebe: You're right.", "Prue: But the house still needs work.", "Piper: Everything feels the same, so nothing's changed.", "[Cut to outside. The man that was standing there slowly walks off.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside Halliwell manor. Phoebe's sitting on the stairs drinking coffee. Piper comes out.]", "Piper: You're up early.", "Phoebe: I never went to sleep.", "Piper: Don't tell me you put on a black conical hat and spent the night flying around the neighbourhood on a broomstick?", "(She sits down next to Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: The only broom I've ever had was kept in a closet beside a mop.", "Piper: So what were you doing?", "Phoebe: Reading. Is Prue around?", "Piper: She went to work early. Reading aloud?", "Phoebe: No. According to the Book Of Shadows, one of our ancestors was a witch, named Melinda Warren.", "Piper: And we have a cousin who's a drunk, an aunt who's manic, and a father who's invisible. (She stands up.)", "Phoebe: I'm serious. She practiced powers. Three powers. She could move objects with her mind, see the future and stop time. Before Melinda was burned at the stake, she vowed that each generation of Warren witches would become stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of three sisters. (They walk to Piper's car.) Now, these sisters would be the most powerful witches the world has ever known. They're good witches and I think we're those sisters.", "Piper: Look, I know what happened last night was weird and unexplainable, but we're not witches and we do not have special powers besides, Grams wasn't a witch and as far as we know, neither was mum. (Piper kisses her on the cheek.) So take that Nancy Drew. (She gets in her car.)", "Phoebe: We're the protectors of the innocent. We're known as the charmed ones. (Piper drives off.)", "[Scene: The Museum of Natural History.]", "Roger: There's been change of plan.", "Prue: Change of plan regarding the Beals expedition?", "Roger: The extra money that you help raise through private donations has sparked significant corporate interest. The Beals artefacts will now become part of our permanent collection.", "Prue: Well, that's terrific.", "Roger: Which is why the board wants someone a little more qualified to handle the collection from now on. You look surprised.", "Prue: I don't know why. I'm furious. Not only have I been on this project since its inception, but I'm the curator who secured the entire exhibition. You're the person a little more qualified aren't you?", "Roger: I could hardly say no to the board of directors, could I? But I know you'll be happy for me, after all, what's good for me is definitely good for you. Right, Miss Halliwell?", "Prue: Miss Halliwell? Since when did we stop being on a first-name-basis? When we stopped sleeping together or when I returned your engagement ring, Roger?", "Roger: I didn't realize the two were mutually exclusive. Although I certainly enjoyed one better than the other.", "Prue: b*st*rd! (She turns to leave.)", "Roger: Prue, wait. (She stops.) I feel like I should say something if only to avoid a lawsuit. (She leaves. Roger's pen in his pocket leaks and gets a blue ink spot on his shirt. He takes the pen out of his pocket and it squirts in his face.)", "[Scene: Quake. Piper is in the kitchen making her audition meal. Just as she's pouring the port wine in a measuring cup, Chef Moore enters the kitchen.]", "Chef Moore: (In his French accent) Your time is up. Let's see. (Reading the index card.) Roast pork with gratin of fennel and penne with a port giblet sauce.", "Piper: Chef Moore ...", "Chef Moore: What?", "Piper: Uh, the port ...", "Chef Moore: Yes, without the sauce it is nothing more than a salty marinara. A recipe from a woman's magazine. Puh!", "Piper: I didn't have time for--", "Chef Moore: Ah-ah!", "Piper: But, but ... (He puts some on a fork and raises it to his mouth. Piper waves her hands around and he stops. He stands there like a statue.) Chef Moore? Chef Moore? (She waves her hand in front of his face.) Hello? Hello? (She picks up a baster and fills it up with some port. She dribbles some on Chef Moore's forkful of food. He unfreezes and puts it in his mouth.)", "Chef Moore: Mmm ... this is very good. C'est magnifique.", "[Scene: Museum of Natural History. Roger's office. He's sitting in his chair facing the window, talking on the phone.]", "Roger: It was my idea to spark corporate interest in private donations. Not only have I been with this project since its inception, (Prue walks in his office.) but we both know who really secured the entire exhibit.) He swings around on his chair and sees Prue.) Prue ...", "Prue: I quit.", "Roger: (On the phone) I'm going to have to call you back. (He hangs up.) Think about this, Prue.", "Prue: Lousy job, lousy pay, lousy boss. What's to think about?", "Roger: Your future. Because, believe me, if you walk out with no notice, you can kiss any references--", "Prue: Don't threaten me, Roger.", "Roger: You know me. Had to try. You're hurt, you're angry, your pride is wounded. I understand all that. That's why you can't see that I'm doing you a favour.", "Prue: Excuse me?", "Roger: I had to take the exhibit away from you. If I hadn't, the board would of come and put a total stranger in my place. Think about it, Prue. I'm here for you. Not some stranger. You should be thanking me not leaving me.", "Prue: Well, I'm not worried. I'm certain that your intellect will make quick work of the seventy-five computer discs and thousands of pages of research I left in my office.", "Roger: You're gonna regret this.", "Prue: Oh, I don't think so. I thought breaking up with you was the best thing I'd ever done. But this definitely tops that. Goodbye, Roger.", "(She turns and leaves towards the door.)", "Roger: I hope there are no office supplies in your purse. (She stops and wraps her hands around an imaginary neck. Roger's tie tightens around his neck and starts strangling him. He opens his draw and finds a pair of scissors. He cuts the tie off.) What the hell was that?", "[Scene: On the sidewalk. Piper's in a phone booth.]", "Piper: Phoebe, answer the phone. Answer the phone. (She hangs up and walks out of the booth. Jeremy walks up to her.) Oh, God, Jeremy you scared me.", "Jeremy: I-I can see, I'm sorry. You okay?", "Piper: Yeah, now I am. I really am. Um, what are you doing here?", "Jeremy: Well, I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on your new job.", "Piper: You always surprise me. How did you know?", "Jeremy: You prepared your specialty, and everyone's who's ever sampled your work, can truly see how talented you are.", "Piper: I get so turned on when you talk about food.", "Jeremy: Hamburgers, pizza. (They kiss.)", "[Scene: On the road. Phoebe is riding her bike. All of a sudden she has a premonition. In it she sees two boys on rollerblades and they skate right in front of a car which hits them. The premonition finishes. Phoebe continues riding and then sees the car and the two boys.]", "Phoebe: No! Wait!", "(She rides in front of the boys stopping them from skating in front of the car. The car honks and Phoebe falls off her bike.)", "[Scene: Hospital. Prue walks up to the desk. Andy is standing there with his back turned.]", "Prue: Hi, um, I'm looking for my sister, Phoebe Halliwell.", "Nurse: One second please. (to Andy) What's the name again?", "Andy: (to nurse) Inspector Andrew Trudeau. Homocide. Dr Gordon's expecting me.", "Prue: Andy?", "Andy: Prue? I don't believe it. How are you?", "Prue: I'm good. How are you?", "Andy: Fine. I just can't believe I'm running into you.", "Prue: Yeah, I'm picking up Phoebe. She had some kind of accident.", "Andy: Is she gonna be okay?", "Prue: Yeah, she'll be fine. Um, what are you doing here?", "Andy: Murder investigation.", "(There's an awkward silence.)", "Nurse: (to Prue) Your sisters still in x-ray's so it'll be another fifteen minutes. (to Andy) Do Gordon's office is to the left and down the hall. He's with a patient right now but you're free to wait outside his office.", "Andy: Thank you.", "Prue: Thank you.", "Andy: Well, it's good seeing you, Prue. (They shake hands.)", "Prue: Yeah, you too, Andy. Take care.", "Andy: You know, Phoebe's busy, Dr Gordon's busy. Can I buy you a black cup of coffee while we wait?", "Prue: Sure. (They walk towards the coffee machine.) So, you're an inspector now?", "Andy: What can I say? In any other city I'd be called detective.", "Prue: Inspector's classier.", "Andy: Liking it better already.", "Prue: Your dad must be so proud.", "Andy: Third generation. You bet his happy. How about you? You taking the world by storm?", "Prue: Well, I'm living back at Grams' house, and as of an hour ago, looking for work.", "Andy: Oh.", "Prue: I heard you moved to Portland.", "Andy: I'm back. You, uh, still seeing Roger?", "Prue: How did you know about him?", "Andy: I know people.", "Prue: You checked up on me?", "Andy: I wouldn't call it that.", "Prue: What would you call it?", "Andy: Inquiring minds want to know. What can I say? I'm a detective.", "[Scene: Quake. Prue and Phoebe are sitting at the bar.]", "Prue: The Chosen Ones? The Charmed Ones? Phoebe, this is insane.", "Phoebe: Are you telling me that nothing strange happened to you today? You didn't freeze time or move anything?", "Roger: Roger took an exhibit away from me. All right, look, Phoebe, I know that you think you can see the future which is pretty ironic.", "Phoebe: Since you don't think I have one, that my vision of life is cloudy compared to your perfect hell? Even if you don't want to believe me, just once can't you trust me?", "Prue: Phoebe, I do not have special powers. Now, where is the cream?", "(The cream moves by itself and fills her cup of coffee with cream.)", "Phoebe: Really? That looked pretty special to me.", "Prue: Oh my god. So, um, I can move things with my mind?", "Phoebe: With how much you hold inside, you should be a lethal weapon by now.", "Prue: I don't believe it.", "Phoebe: This must mean that Piper can freeze time. (Prue grabs a shot of tequila and drinks it all.) Are you okay?", "Prue: No, I'm not okay. You turned me into a witch.", "Phoebe: You were born one. We all were. And I think we better start to deal with it.", "[Cut to outside Quake. Phoebe and Prue start walking down the sidewalk.]", "Phoebe: When I was looking through the Book Of Shadows, I saw these wood carvings. They looked like something out of a bosch paintings. All these terrifying images of three women battling different incarnations of evil.", "Prue: Evil fighting evil, that's a twist.", "Phoebe: Actually, a witch can be either good or evil. A good witch follows the wiccan rede. 'An it harm none, do what ye will.' A bad witch or a warlock has but one goal: to kill good witches and retain their powers. Unfortunately, the look like regular people. They could be anyone, anywhere.", "Prue: And this has what to do with us?", "Phoebe: Well, in the first wood carving, they were in the slumber, but in the second one, they were battling some kind of warlock. I think as long as we were in the dark about our powers we were safe. Not anymore.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: In a cab. Piper is in it with Jeremy. She's holding a box of fortune cookies.]", "Piper: Has anything weird or unexplainable ever happened to you?", "Jeremy: Sure. It's called luck or fate or some people call it miracles. Why? What happened?", "Piper: Forget it. Even if I could tell you, you'd swear I was crazy. Now open your fortune cookie.", "(She hands him one.)", "Jeremy: Okay. (He opens it and reads the bit of paper.) Soon you will be on top.", "Piper: It doesn't say that.", "Jeremy: Yes it does.", "Piper: Let me see that. (She snatches the bit of paper off him.)", "Jeremy: Is that a bad thing?", "Piper: Of the world. Soon you will be on top of the world.", "Jeremy: (to the cab driver) Can you make a left on 7th please.", "Driver: You got it.", "Piper: Hey, I thought that we were going to your place.", "Jeremy: We are, but you reminded me of something. I wanna show you the old Bowing building. The view of the Bay bridge is amazing.", "[Scene: Pharmacy.]", "Pharmacist: (to Phoebe) I'll be right back with your prescription.", "Phoebe: Take your time.", "Prue: Excuse me, where do you keep the aspirin?", "Pharmacist: Aisle three.", "Phoebe: Chamomile tea works great for headaches.", "Prue: Not for this one it won't.", "(They wander up the aisle.)", "Phoebe: You know I'm not afraid of our powers. I mean, everyone inherits something from their family, right?", "Prue: Yeah, money, antiques, a strong disposition. That's what normal people inherit.", "Phoebe: Who wants to be normal when we can be special?", "Prue: I want to be normal, I want my life to be... you know, isn't this aisle 3?", "Phoebe: Well, we can't change what happened. We can't undo our destiny.", "Prue: Do you see any aspirin?", "Phoebe: I see chamomile tea.", "Prue: Look, I have just found out that I'm a witch, that my sisters are witches, and that we have powers that will apparently unleash all forms of evil. Evil that is apparently going to come looking for us. So excuse me Phoebe, but I'm not exactly in a homeopathic mood right now.", "Phoebe: Then move you headache out of your mind. (She stares angrily at Phoebe and a bottle of aspirin flies off the shelf and Prue catches it.) You move things when you're upset.", "Prue: This is ridiculous! I thought that you landed on your arm, not your head.", "Phoebe: You don't believe me.", "Prue: Of course I don't believe you.", "Phoebe: Ro-ger. (A few more bottle of aspirin fly off the shelf.) Now let's talk about Dad and see what happens.", "Prue: He's dead, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: No, he's moved from New York, but he's very much alive.", "Prue: He isn't to me. He died the day he left mum.", "Phoebe: What are you talking about? He's always been a major button pusher for you. You're mad he's alive, you're mad I tried to find him, and you're mad I came back. Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad. (All the medicines and bottles fly off the shelves.) Feel better?", "Prue: Lots.", "Phoebe: The Book of Shadows said our powers would grow.", "Prue: Grow to what? (They laugh.)", "[Scene: The old Bowing building. Jeremy opens the door.]", "Jeremy: Well, here we are.", "Piper: I don't care how amazing the view is. I'm not going in there.", "Jeremy: Come on, come on. I have a surprise inside. (They step inside an elevator. Jeremy pressed the button and the elevator starts to go up.) You are gonna love this. I bet you tell Prue and Phoebe the moment you see them.", "Piper: I never mentioned Phoebe came home.", "Jeremy: Whoops. (He pulls out a knife.)", "Piper: What is that?", "Jeremy: It's your surprise.", "Piper: Jeremy, stop it, you're scaring me. Damn it! I'm serious!", "Jeremy: So am I. See, I've waited six months for this. Ever since Grams went to the hospital. I've known for some quite time that the moment that old witch croaked that all your powers would be released. Powers that would reveal themselves as soon as the three of you got together again. All that was needed was for Phoebe to return.", "Piper: It was you wasn't it? You killed all those women.", "Jeremy: Not women, witches!", "Piper: Why?", "(He raises his hand and flames come out of his finger tips.)", "Jeremy: It was the only way to get their powers. (In a demonic voice.) And now I want yours.", "(Piper screams as Jeremy raises his arm about to stab Piper. She puts her hands up and he freezes. The elevator freezes as well.)", "Piper: Okay, think, stay calm. I gotta get outta here. Okay.", "(She climbs up onto the next floor. Jeremy unfreezes and he grabs her leg. He tries to pull her back into the elevator but she grabs a wooden two-by-four and hits him over the head. He falls to the floor unconscious.)", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Phoebe presses play on the answering machine.]", "Roger: Prue, it's Roger. I've decided to let you come back to work. Seriously, let's talk. Bye.", "(Prue comes in holding a cat.)", "Prue: Piper's definitely not home unless she's turned into a cat.", "Phoebe: How'd the cat get in?", "Prue: I don't know. Someone must of left the window open. Um, did Piper leave a message?", "Phoebe: She's probably out with Jeremy. Roger called.", "Prue: Yeah, I heard.", "(The front door opens.)", "Piper: Prue?", "Phoebe: In here. (Piper locks the door.) Piper?", "Prue: Oh my God, what is it? What's wrong?", "Piper: Lock the doors, check the windows. We don't have a lot of time. Phoebe, in the Book Of Shadows, did it say how to get rid of a ...", "Phoebe: Warlock?", "Prue: Oh my God.", "[Cut to the elevator. Jeremy is waking up. He grabs the knife and runs outside.]", "Jeremy: I'll get you, you bitch.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Halliwell manor.]", "Prue: I'm calling the cops.", "Piper: And tell them what? That we're witches? That some freak with powers beyond comprehension is trying to kill us? Even if the cops did come, they'd be no match for Jeremy, and we'd be next.", "Phoebe: (At the top of the stairs) I found the answer, come on.", "[Cut to the attic. They are sitting in a circle on the floor around a low table. They have placed candles in a circle around them.]", "Prue: Okay, we've placed the nine candles anointed with oil and spices in a circle.", "Piper: Wait, I only count eight.", "Phoebe: Oh you forgot this one. (She holds up a birthday candle.)", "Piper: A birthday candle?", "Phoebe: I guess Grams was a little low on witch supplies.", "Prue: Alright, we need the poppet.", "Piper: Got it.", "(Phoebe lights the birthday candle and puts it in the pot.)", "Prue: Right, we're set. Get ready to cast the spell.", "Piper: Okay, first I'll make it stronger. (She gets a rose and places it on top of the poppet.) \"Your love with wither and depart, from my life and my heart, let me be, Jeremy, and go away forever.\" (She presses the rose thorn into the poppet and places it in the pot.) Okay, the spell's complete.", "Prue: Let's hope it works.", "(They watch the poppet and rose burn. It then explodes and catches on fire.)", "[Cut to Jeremy. He is walking down the street then suddenly he starts screaming in pain. Hundreds of thorns tear through his skin.]", "[Cut to the attic. They are cleaning up. Phoebe picks up the pot and has a premonition.]", "Phoebe: Wait! It didn't work.", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: The spell, it didn't work.", "Prue: How do you know?", "Phoebe: When I touched the pot, I had a flash. I saw Jeremy.", "Prue: You touched the pot and you saw him?", "Phoebe: He's on his way here.", "(They run out of the attic and down the stairs. They run to the door and Prue opens it. Jeremy is standing there. Piper and Phoebe scream.)", "Jeremy: Hello, ladies. (Prue stands in front of Phoebe and Piper. They slowly walk backwards. Prue uses her power and he hits the wall.)", "Prue: Piper, Phoebe, get out of here now! (They run upstairs.)", "Jeremy: Cool parlor trick, bitch. You were always the tough one weren't you, Prue?", "(She uses her powers again he hits the wall. She runs upstairs.)", "Prue: Phoebe, you're right, our powers are growing.", "Piper: Put as many things against the door as you can.", "(They push a dresser against the door and puts a chair on top of it.)", "Jeremy: (From outside) Take me now, Prue. My powers are stronger than yours. (He laughs.) Do you think a chair will stop me? (The chair slides off the dresser.) Do you think a dresser will stop me? (The dresser slides away from the door.) Have you witches figured it out yet? Nothing, nothing can keep us away. (He laughs again.)", "Piper: What do we do? We're trapped.", "(The door explodes and there stands Jeremy. Prue, Piper and Phoebe scream.)", "Prue: Come on, we'll face him together. Do you remember the spirit board?", "Piper: The inscription on the back.", "Prue: The power of three will set us free. (A circle of fire surrounds them. They hold hands.) Come on, we gotta say it together.", "Prue/Piper/Phoebe: The power of three will set us free. (They continue the chant over and over. Then strong wind blows around them. They keep chanting.)", "Jeremy: I am not the only one! I am one of millions! In places you can't even imagine! In forms you would never believe! We are hell on earth!", "(Jeremy explodes and disappears.)", "Prue: The power of three.", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. It's morning. Prue walks outside and grabs the paper.]", "Andy: Good morning! (He's holding a paper and a cup of coffee.)", "Prue: Hey, this is a surprise.", "Andy: I've been feeling really guilty about that bad cup of coffee. I just want to make it up to you.", "Prue: So, you brought me a good cup of coffee?", "Andy: Oh this? No, this is mine. I, uh, just wanted to ask you out to dinner. Unless of course you're afraid.", "Prue: Afraid of what?", "Andy: Oh, you know, having too good of time, stirring up old memories, rekindling and old flame.", "Prue: Hmm, good point, better not.", "Andy: Okay. Friday night, eight o'clock? You're hesitating.", "Prue: Yeah, but it's not what you think. It's just that ny life has gotten a bit complicated. Can I call you?", "(He gives her his card.)", "Andy: Take care, Prue.", "Prue: Bye, Andy.", "(He walks to his car. Phoebe and Piper come outside. Phoebe's holding the cat.)", "Phoebe: It's Andy. I told you I heard a man's voice.", "Piper: What did he want?", "Prue: He asked me out.", "Piper: And you said ...?", "Prue: I started to say yes and then I stopped. I wondered if I could date. I mean, do witches date?", "Piper: Not only do they date but they usually get the best guys.", "Prue: You two will not be laughing when this happens to you. Believe me, everything will be different now.", "Phoebe: Well, at least our lives won't be boring.", "Prue: But they'll never be the same.", "Phoebe: And this is a bad thing?", "Prue: No. But it could be a big problem.", "Piper: Prue's right. What are we gonna do?", "Phoebe: What can't we do?", "Prue: We are gonna be careful, we're gonna be wise and we're gonna stick together.", "Piper: This should be interesting.", "(Prue stands inside the house, looks at the door and shuts it with her power.)" ]
Something Wicca This Way Comes
[ "The sisters' estranged father Victor returns, and is immediately at odds with Prue who cannot forgive him for being an absentee father. He confesses he is trying to save the girls from the risks of having their powers by removing the Book of Shadows from the manor . However, it appears he has teamed up with the new neighbors, who are shapeshifters trying to steal the book. The sisters vanquish the shape-shifters and their father accepts their destiny. Despite planning to meet up with them, he leaves town, but leaves a videotape of a happy Christmas the family had." ]
[ "[Scene: Outside the manor. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are walking down the stairs heading towards the house across the street.]", "Prue: So, we're agreed? Twenty minutes?", "Piper: Prue, you can't do a party in twenty minutes.", "Prue: Watch me.", "Phoebe: Prue's party tips - meet, greet and bail.", "Prue: Hey, I'm sorry but some of us have a job.", "Phoebe: And some of us have fun.", "Piper: And some of us are having a really bad hair day.", "Prue: You know, that is a sign. Let's turn back now before it's too late.", "Piper: No.", "Phoebe: Prue, it's never too late for a party.", "Piper: It's never too late, Prue.", "Phoebe: Remember my sweet sixteen? (You see a dog in the bushes. They walk across the street and into Fritz, Marshall and Cynda's house.) Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we throw a party and charge commission. It's a great way to make extra cash.", "Prue: Hey, I have an even better idea. Why don't you just get a job.", "Marshall: The sisters Halliwell. Now the party can begin.", "Cynda: It's about time you chicks showed.", "Fritz: Hey, Prue, I'm glad you made it.", "Prue: Wouldn't miss it for the world, Fritz.", "Piper: Marshall, the place looks great.", "Marshall: Thank you. We're mostly just restoring it. I didn't wanna change it too much. You guys knew the old owners didn't you?", "Phoebe: Oh, we basically grew up with their kids. We probably know the house better than you guys.", "Marshall: (to Fritz) Oh, hey, how's the bar?", "Fritz: Oh, dry. I'll take care of it.", "Cynda: No, my turn.", "(Cynda crushes a beer can with her bare hands. Cynda walks away.)", "Marshall: Try to behave, Cynda. We have guests.", "Fritz: You know... sisters.", "Prue: Tell me about it.", "(Piper and Phoebe look at her.)", "Marshall: So listen, enjoy the party.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Fritz and Marshall walk away.)", "Prue: Okay, I came, I saw, I was perky. Now I just want my head on a pillow because I have to wake up early.", "Phoebe: No. I mean, not yet.", "Piper: Yeah, Prue, we just got here. It, it wouldn't look good.", "Prue: Alright, what's going on?", "Phoebe: Going on? What do you mean? (Phoebe sees Andy.) Oh, what a coinkidink. Look, who's here.", "(Prue looks over at Andy. He waves.)", "Prue: Phoebe, you didn't.", "Phoebe: Well, your fingers weren't doing the walking, somebody's had to.", "Prue: We've been through this. Okay, cop, witch, is not a love connection.", "Phoebe: Boy, girl, lighten up.", "(Andy comes over to Prue.)", "Piper: Hi, Andy.", "(Piper and Phoebe walk away.)", "Prue: We're working on their subtlety.", "Andy: Then it's onto ending hunger and creating world peace, right?", "Prue: Hmm, what will I do with my Saturdays?", "Andy: Funny you should ask. I don't mean to push you but I was wondering if you're not doing anything, I kind of have these tickets but they're for a Warriors game and you probably wouldn't be interested, so...", "Prue: Well, the team can't do any worse than they did last year. Did you see him get creamed by the Lakers?", "Andy: Impressive. Is that a yes?", "Prue: You know, um, I need to check my book because I might have a thing.", "Andy: A thing?", "(Fritz walks up to them.)", "Fritz: So Prue, I hear you're friends with a cop.", "Prue: Inspector actually.", "Fritz: Oh, yeah. I've got these parking tickets.", "Andy: My focus is mainly homicide and robbery.", "Fritz: Yeah, yeah. So I have these parking tickets...", "Prue: Gotta go.", "(Prue walks away.)", "Andy: Prue, wait.", "[Cut to outside. Prue walks back over to the manor. She notices the door's open.]", "Prue: Phoebe.", "(She walks inside and shuts the door. There's a dog on the stairs and it starts barking at her. She runs back outside. The dog's eyes glow.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there.]", "Phoebe: How big was this dog again?", "Prue: Huge. Did you see the scratches on the attic door?", "Piper: What was it doing in the house?", "Prue: I don't know. Someone obviously left the front door open again.", "Phoebe: Why do you always assume it was me? What about Piper?", "Piper: Not it.", "Phoebe: Well, it's not a big deal. We checked the house and nothing is missing except my Pat Boone Christmas CD.", "Piper: Now this is really creepy. If there were a dog in the house, then it had to have an owner. No dog I know can open that front door, let alone reach the top shelf.", "Phoebe: Hey, maybe we should get a security system.", "Prue: No, they are way too expensive. Besides after what happened, Andy will be checking in every five minutes.", "Piper: Oh, you told him.", "Phoebe: Convenient. So what should we do?", "Prue: Well, either we could rely on our vicious guard cat to protect us or we could remember to lock the doors.", "(Prue walks in the laundry.)", "Phoebe: That is a really good idea, Prue.", "(Phoebe walks over and locks the door. Prue wiggles the door handle. Piper and Phoebe laugh.)", "Prue: Unlock the door, Phoebe.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Prue's sitting at her desk writing on a notepad. Victor walks in. He clears his throat. Prue looks up.]", "Victor: I was told that you might be able to help me. (He pulls a ring off his finger.) I'd like to have this (he puts it on the desk) appraised.", "Prue: Well, you would be better off going to the ------- appraiser.", "Victor: I've been there. He'd need a week. And I just... I wouldn't feel right without it. It's a family heirloom.", "(She picks it up and looks at it.)", "Prue: I think I've seen a ring similar to this before. The setting's quite old. At least 17th century. (She walks over to a shelf and picks up a book.) The stones looks like crystallite. Keep in mind this is just an educated guess.", "Victor: Please, (he sits down) guess away.", "Prue: I am not mistaken. It's a stone that the Egyptians believed would protect them against spells, curses, evil spirits. This wouldn't be a wedding band by any chance would it?", "Victor: You tell me.", "Prue: The stones are set in two's. The symbol of twoality. Man, woman. Like in protection.", "Victor: And what does all that tell you?", "Prue: Where did you get this ring? What did you say your name was?", "Victor: I think you know what my name is... Prudence.", "Prue: Get out, (she throws the ring on the table and stands up) and stay away from us.", "(He puts on the ring.)", "Victor: I'm staying at the Ballmark. What do you say you and your sisters join me for dinner? Let's say tomorrow night. We can talk.", "Prue: After how you abandoned us? How dare you.", "Victor: Fiery temper. I like that. It reminds me of someone I know.", "Prue: I am nothing like you. I would never leave my responsibilities, my family.", "Victor: I can see we have some issues to work through.", "Prue: Oh, we've got the whole subscription. Now get out before I have you thrown out.", "Victor: Is that anyway to talk to your father?", "(He leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: At a cafe. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are sitting at a table drinking coffee.]", "Piper: I wonder why he went to you first? Why not Phoebe or me?", "Prue: Piper, it's not like I won the lottery.", "Phoebe: What was he like? Did he ask about us?", "Prue: Actually, no. (Phoebe looks upset.) Phoebe, think about it. He abandoned us. He was a no show for twenty years and then what, suddenly here he is? Why now?", "Piper: Maybe he just wants to be part of our lives.", "Prue: After all this time? Don't get your hopes up.", "Phoebe: Well, there's only one way to find out. Why wait till dinner? Let's go see him now.", "Prue: Will you be rational. Don't you find it just a little suspicious that just when we find out...", "(a waitress comes up to the table and picks up the dirty plates.)", "Waitress: Let me get that for you.", "(She walks away.)", "Prue: Just when we find out we're witches he shows up. But when mum dies he's no where to be found.", "Phoebe: He sent us birthday cards.", "Prue: Selective memory. Grams always told us he was a threat to us. There's no reason to think that's changed.", "Piper: Prue, it's not that I don't see your point but you knew him, we didn't. Why can't we have a chance to know now?", "Prue: Because we really don't know why he's here and until we do we can't trust him.", "[Scene: A hotel. Phoebe knocks on the door to Victor's room.]", "Victor: Entrée.", "(Phoebe opens the door and walks in. She walks down all hallway and into a room. She sees Victor getting a massage.)", "Phoebe: Daddy?", "Victor: Well, well. What a nice surprise.", "(He stands up.)", "Phoebe: I'm, uh, I'm sorry to just show up like this. I know I was supposed to wait for dinner but I...", "Victor: No, nonsense. Welcome. Let me get a good look at you. This is my baby girl. Little... Piper? (Phoebe looks crushed.) Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Yeah. That's okay. People confuse us all the time.", "Victor: Are you kidding? I should be slapped and persecuted. Let me make it up to you. How about some room service?", "(He heads towards the phone.)", "Phoebe: I just ate actually.", "Victor: A drink? You are legal, right?", "Phoebe: Barely but no thanks.", "Victor: A massage? I can call Lucy back.", "Phoebe: No, really, I don't want anything. I just wanted to look at you.", "Victor: It's like looking in the mirror isn't it? You've got you daddy's eyes, you know that?", "Phoebe: I noticed that.", "Victor: How about a hug? (They hug and Phoebe gets a premonition of Victor holding the Book Of Shadows. The premonition ends. The phone rings and they stop hugging.) They always manage to find me.", "Phoebe: You know what? It's okay, I, I'll just see you at dinner, I've gotta go.", "(Phoebe leaves.)", "Victor: Phoebe. Phoebe, wait.", "[Scene: Outside the manor. A mailman walks up the stairs to the front door. His index finger turns into a key, he unlocks the door and walks inside. He walks up the stairs and up to the attic. The attic door is locked so he breaks it down. He grabs the Book Of Shadows and runs back down the stairs. When he walks through the doorway, the book flies out of his hands. He picks it back up but it doesn't let him take it outside. He sees Prue coming up the stairs so he quickly closes the door and he throws the book in the living room. He shape shifts into Andy. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: Andy, what are you doing in here?", "Andy: Uh, door was open.", "Prue: Again?", "Andy: Yeah, I, uh, came by to check up and it was open. I looked around. Everything seems to be in order. (Prue sees the Book Of Shadows on the floor in the living room.) You want me to check upstairs?", "Prue: Uh, no, no, no, that's okay really. (She uses her power and the book slides under a stand.) Oh, and, um, about tomorrow night, I've changed my mind.", "Andy: Excuse me?", "Prue: Well, you'll never believe who popped back into my life after twenty years. Victor, my dad.", "Andy: Your dad?", "Prue: Yeah, he wants to have dinner and I would really rather avoid that. Too bad the game's not tonight. (Cynda knocks on the door.) Uh, hi Cynda.", "Cynda: Hey. Everything okay?", "Prue: Yeah, thanks.", "Cynda: Bye.", "Prue: Nice party last night.", "(Cynda leaves.)", "Andy: I guess I'll get going too.", "(He kisses her on the cheek and leaves. Prue locks the door. She walks over, picks up the Book Of Shadows and takes it back upstairs. She notices the broken door.)", "Prue: What the hell?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue, Piper and Phoebe's there. Phoebe sits down at the table. Prue and Piper are looking through the drawers.]", "Phoebe: You don't know for sure.", "Prue: I know plenty. First someone rips off the attic door, then the Book Of Shadows is found downstairs. Isn't that enough?", "(Piper gets a phone book out of a drawer.)", "Piper: Why would somebody want the book? Here.", "(She hands the phone book to Prue and they both sit down at the table.)", "Prue: Well, for one reason, they know what it can do. They want its power, our power.", "Piper: That would mean it's someone who knows us and knows that we're witches.", "Prue: Yeah, someone like Victor.", "Phoebe: What? Dad?", "Prue: Look, just think about it. The moment he shows up someone makes two attempts to grab the book. Coincidence? I think not.", "Piper: The craft is a chick thing, Prue. It's passed on down through the female line. There's a good chance dad doesn't even know we're charmed.", "Prue: And there's as good of a chance he does.", "(Phoebe remembers the premonition she had.)", "Piper: What would he want with the book? And why would he take it from us? Phoebe, help me out here. Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Okay. Let's just say for the sake of argument that he is after the it. Wouldn't he of taken it with him? He wouldn't of left it behind.", "Piper: Okay, we have to call the cops and report it as break in.", "Prue: And tell them what? That someone broke into our house to try steal our broomsticks? I mean, please. Besides, Andy's already been here.", "Phoebe: Oh, so Andy was here again. Talk about convenient. Did you ever think about pointing the finger at him?", "Prue: He's probably the one who scared Victor away. Until we find out what's going on and whether Victor's involved or not, we've got to hide the book. Either that or we can't leave the house.", "Piper: Fine. Then we hide the book because I'm going to dinner tonight. I wanna see dad.", "Phoebe: So do I.", "Prue: I've already seen him.", "[Scene: Restaurant. Piper, Phoebe and Victor are sitting at a table. Piper's nibbling on a carrot stick.]", "Victor: Girls, it's so nice to see you. It's not like we don't have a lot to talk about.", "Phoebe: We do. I mean, yeah, we have a few questions.", "Victor: (to Piper) You know, the last time we ate dinner together, you would only eat food that was white. I'm glad to see you've out grown it.", "Piper: That's right. I was four.", "Victor: Phoebe, that would've made you what? One? (She nods.) You know, you couldn't walk yet but you could swim. You were a fish. (Phoebe laughs.) This feels right doesn't it? This feels natural, almost like normal.", "Piper: Almost. It's just, um, well, why? I mean, after all this time, why here, why now?", "Victor: Well, I heard the food is pretty good here and it is dinner time.", "(Phoebe laughs. The waiter places a plate in front of Phoebe.)", "Waiter: Here you are, ma'am.", "Phoebe: Thank you.", "Victor: Bon appetite.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue takes a container of broccoli out of the microwave and pours them out onto a plate. The door bell rings.]", "[Cut to the foyer. Prue walks in and opens the door. Andy's there.]", "Andy: My plans for tonight fell through, figured I'd stop by.", "(Prue opens the door wider and Andy walks in.)", "[Time lapse. In the kitchen. Andy's sitting at the table. Prue carries two cups of coffee over to the table.]", "Prue: And then all of a sudden there he was. He just showed up at work.", "Andy: I can't believe it. How are you dealing?", "Prue: Honestly, I'm not.", "(She sits down.)", "Andy: I don't blame you. What do you think he wants?", "Prue: Dinner. Piper and Phoebe are there with him now. You know, they just don't understand. They don't know him like I do. I can't believe I let them go. I can't believe they went. He's acting like no time has passed, like I'm still his little girl and I'm not. There are things I want to tell him, I want him to know what he missed. You know, like the time I broke my arm or the day that I finally passed my drivers test, our prom.", "Andy: Didn't we miss that too?", "(They smile.)", "Prue: I want him to know. I want him to want to know. And I'm sorry but I also want some answers, like where the hell's he been all my life. Why didn't he come back until now? He needs to know that that's not okay.", "Andy: So tell him. I'll drop him off.", "[Scene: Restaurant. Prue walks in and goes up to the table. Victor stands up.]", "Victor: Prudence.", "Prue: Did I miss much?", "Phoebe: Uh, just catch up. Dad was filling us in. Memory lane.", "Prue: Has he mentioned where he's been all our lives?", "Piper: Prue...", "Prue: I don't understand. If you can afford a spot like this, why didn't you help out when Grams died? We actually could've used it then.", "Piper: Give him a chance, Prue. Dad's explained. The money, all this, it's new.", "Victor: It's okay, Piper. I'm a big boy. I didn't come back earlier because I was afraid I might disappoint you.", "Prue: Too late.", "Piper: I wonder what's keeping that dessert?", "Victor: Please, sit down. Have something to eat.", "Prue: I'm not hungry.", "Victor: Always in a hurry, Prue. You skipped crawling and went straight to walking.", "Prue: Ah, we're sharing memories. Well, I got one of my own, you're back walking out the door.", "(Just as a waiter walks past them holding a flambeau, Victor puts out his foot and trips him. Piper freezes him and the restaurant. She gets up and takes the flambeau out of the waiters hands. Everyone unfreezes and the waiter falls flat on his face.)", "Piper: Who wants flambeau?", "(The waiter stands back up and takes the flambeau off of Piper.)", "Victor: Nice reflexes. Now let me get this straight. Piper, you freeze time. Prue, don't you move objects? And what's you specialty, Phoebe? Premonitions? Maybe we should talk about this elsewhere.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper and Phoebe are sitting on the couch reading magazines. The mail man walks in. Piper jumps up.]", "Piper: What are you doing here?", "Mail Man: What do ya think?", "(Phoebe jumps up.)", "Phoebe: Get out now.", "Mail Man: No, you've gotta get out.", "Phoebe: We've got it under control.", "Mail Man: No you don't because they're on their way back. (The mail man shape shifts into Fritz.) I thought you were in charge. Look, shape shift into yourself and we'll get back to the book later. (Phoebe shape shifts into Marshall.) Nice plan, Marshall.", "Marshall: Don't piss me off, Fritz. (Piper shape shifts into Cynda.) How was I supposed to know Prue would come back with her sisters.", "Cynda: That little witch was supposed to be out on a date with that cop.", "Fritz: You really think you would've been able to trick Prue into getting the book out of the house?", "Marshall: Well, we sure as hell can't now can we?", "Fritz: So what now, genius?", "(Cynda laughs and then turns into a demon-like creature.)", "Cynda: We kill them.", "[Cut to outside. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Victor pull up.]", "[Cut back inside.]", "Marshall: Cynda, heal. Plenty of time for that later. Heal.", "[Cut back outside. Prue unlocks the door. When she opens it she sees three crows inside. They squawk and fly outside.]", "Victor: Friends of yours?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe, Piper and Victor are there laughing. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: Someone left the window open which is probably how the birds got in. What is so funny?", "Piper: Do you remember the day this was taken?", "(Piper shows her a photograph.)", "Prue: Yeah, family picnic. It rained.", "Victor: And your mother packed us all up and she brought us home and we had the picnic right here in the living room. Do you remember that Prue?", "Prue: Barely.", "Phoebe: Prue...", "(Victor picks up another photograph and slowly walks over to Prue.)", "Victor: This one was at one of your piano recitals. Not a very good shot. My fault. I had to take the pictures that day. Your mother was too busy holding her breath. If you look closely, (he hands her the photo) you see there, that's her.", "Prue: I never noticed that before.", "(Victor picks up another photo.)", "Victor: And this one used to be a five by seven. (It is a picture of the family but a piece is missing.) When I was still in it.", "Phoebe: I think Grams cut you out.", "Piper: There's a bunch of other stuff in the attic. Grams left us some things.", "Phoebe: Not all she left us.", "Prue: Phoebe, let's not go there.", "Phoebe: What, it's not like he doesn't already know and I'm sorry but it's kind of a relief to talk to someone about it.", "Piper: Um, does anybody want coffee?", "Phoebe: I mean, one day I am a member of the Y generation with average hair and a thing for caffeinated beverages, and the next I am a witch.", "Piper: Dad, do you take cream or, um, sugar with that?", "Phoebe: I just read from the book and 'wham!' I am Tabitha. The only thing is, is I got stuck with the power to see the future. How uncool is that?", "Victor: Well, from what your mother always said, it was actually considered one of the more desirable powers.", "Phoebe: Unless you see things you don't desire.", "Prue: So how long have you known? About us, our powers, how long?", "Victor: I knew there was a possibility. That's why I came back, to find out. It must of happened when your grandmother died, right?", "Phoebe: Yep, I just read an incantation from the book and...", "Prue: Phoebe.", "Victor: Ahh, the Book Of Shadows. Not exactly summer reading. Is it still up in the attic? You know, I haven't seen it in years. Mind if I have a look?", "[Cut to Fritz, Marshall and Cynda's house. Cynda is hitting a chair against the wall.]", "Cynda: Disappointed.", "Marshall: Patience, my sweet.", "Cynda: Patience is highly over rated. We could've destroyed them right there.", "Marshall: Then we'd have three dead witches and no way to get the book out of the house. Where would that put us?", "Cynda: Satisfied.", "Fritz: I still like my idea. We just kill two of them and we force the third to get the book out.", "Marshall: Let me explain this once again for the cerebrally impaired. These are not school girls we're dealing with. These are good witches. We can not alert them with our presence. At their full strength, battling them would be unpleasant. However, once we possess the book, we get its powers, we weaken theirs and they're easy pray.", "Fritz: You know, that sounds good in theory but, um, (he raises his voice) we've already tried everything.", "Marshall: We still have Victor.", "[Cut back to the manor.]", "Victor: What exactly are you accusing me of, Prue?", "Prue: Figure it out.", "Phoebe: Come on, Prue, take it easy.", "Prue: Are you kidding me? Am I the only one who sees what's going on here?", "Piper: Couldn't we all just take a deep breath...", "Prue: Think about it, Piper. He wines and dines and now he's back in the house he hasn't set foot in for twenty years and the first thing he wants to know is where's the Book Of Shadows?", "Phoebe: You're just looking for something to blame him for.", "Prue: Admit it. Tell them why you're here.", "Piper: Prue, stop.", "Prue: For the first time in your life, Victor, tell them the truth.", "Victor: Alright, fine. You're right. I am after the book. That's exactly the reason why I came back.", "Phoebe: Dad.", "Victor: But not for the reasons you would like to believe. It would make it easier for you, Prue, wouldn't it? If I were evil. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm not. I'm here to protect you.", "Prue: Yeah, right.", "Piper: To protect us from what?", "Victor: From yourselves. That's why I want that damn book. It's where the power of three started and it's where it must end.", "Phoebe: It's part of us, it's part of who we are.", "Victor: That's what your mother believed too. Before they killed her.", "Piper: What are you saying?", "Victor: You have no idea what evil is out there.", "Prue: Oh, I think we've got a pretty good idea.", "Victor: Listen to me, Prue. That book is a magnet for evil. As long as you have it, as long as you use it, you're in danger. All of you.", "Prue: You're unbelievable. After all these years of being an absentee dad then you waltz back into our lives and tell us how to live.", "Victor: I never wanted you to have those powers in the first place. I battled with your grandmother after your mum died. She wanted you to find out you were witches when you grew up. I didn't. I fought for you, hard. Your grandmother was too strong.", "Piper: Wait, you're blaming Grams for why you disappeared. She loved us, she raised us.", "Prue: What'd she do? Put a spell on you?", "Victor: believe me, nothing short of that would've kept me away. You have to believe me. All I want is for what's best for you. Phoebe, you believe me don't you?", "Prue: We've done fine without you.", "Victor: Prue, you can't fight this. I couldn't.", "Prue: I'm not you.", "Victor: Are you sure? Are you sure you can protect your sisters forever?", "Piper: We'll protect each other.", "Victor: Then you'll die together.", "Prue: No one can hurt us as bad as you.", "(She uses her power and he flies across the room and he hits the door frame. He stands back.)", "Victor: If you wanted me to leave, all you had to do was ask.", "(He leaves.)", "Phoebe: Why did you have to do that?", "(Phoebe follows Victor outside.)", "Piper: Did you have to throw him so hard?", "Prue: Piper...", "Piper: We could've just, you know, talked about it like normal people.", "Prue: We're not normal.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Hotel. Victor's room. Victor walks in and sits on the couch. The light turns on and Fritz, Marshall and Cynda are standing there.]", "Marshall: Hell, Victor. Where have you been?", "Victor: How did you get in here?", "Marshall: I think you should be a little more concerned with what we're doing in here.", "Victor: I was wondering when evil would rear its ugly head.", "Marshall: Consider it reared. I don't know what kind of people you're used to dealing with but ---- they aren't willing to rip you into a thousand pieces and dance on your entrails.", "Victor: Ahh, so you're lawyers. And here I was assuming you were shape shifters.", "Fritz: Those are clever words for a man about to be an appetizer.", "Victor: Cocky words for a man who can't get a simple book out of a house. Close your mouth. I mean, it's obvious. You're gonna shape shift into me and try to get to the girls that way. Am I right? It won't work.", "Cynda: Why not?", "Victor: (to Marshall) You mind if I poke holes?", "Marshall: Poke away.", "Victor: After tonight, the girls won't let me or anything that looks like me back into their lives let alone the house. I have officially been kicked out. There is however, one sister I can reach. Phoebe.", "Cynda: So why don't I just become you and I'll reach her.", "Victor: Because only her real father would know what buttons to push. The ones that would get me back in. If you kill me, you'll never know what they are. You'll never get back into the house and you'll never get the Book Of Shadows.", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. Piper and Prue are sitting at the table looking depressed. Prue's moving her food around the plate with her fork. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Good morning, Phoebe. (They ignore her. She picks up a napkin and waves it around.) Uh, guys. Can we call it truce just for five minutes please? I have a confession. Remember when we agreed to not see dad? Yeah, well, I did.", "Piper: Hello, I was with you.", "Phoebe: No, by myself before dinner and I had a premonition about dad when he hugged me. He was stealing the Book Of Shadows. Yeah, you were right about him, Prue. I didn't want the premonition to be true. I was hoping, praying that there was a perfectly good explanation for it. Hoping that, that he was really here to be with us. I just wanted him back in our lives. His our dad.", "(Prue stands up.)", "Prue: I know, Phoebe.", "(Prue hugs her. Piper notices something on the floor. She walks over and bends down.)", "Piper: Hey, look. (She picks up Victor's ring.) Dad's ring. What's it doing here?", "(She hands it to Prue.)", "Phoebe: It must of came off when he, uh... fell.", "Prue: Well, I'll take it back to the hotel.", "(She puts it on the table.)", "[Time lapse. Outside. Phoebe picks up the paper. She waves at Fritz and Marshall across the road who are leaning against their car. Victor stands behind Phoebe. Phoebe turns around and gasps.]", "Victor: Don't be afraid.", "Phoebe: What are you... you have to leave.", "Victor: Phoebe, please, this is very important.", "Phoebe: I can't. I don't wanna talk to you anymore.", "Victor: Phoebe, you gotta get the book out of the house.", "Phoebe: You have to leave.", "(She tries to walk away but he grabs her arms.)", "Victor: Phoebe, trust me. Look...", "(Phoebe has the same premonition as before again but this time Victor shape shifts into Marshall. Marshall, Fritz and Cynda walk off with the book. The premonition ends. Marshall and Fritz walk over to them. Victor lets go of Phoebe.)", "Marshall: Excuse me, hey. Is this guy bothering you?", "Phoebe: Uh, no. This is my, uh... this is Victor.", "Victor: We were just saying goodbye.", "Phoebe: Yeah, I gotta run.", "(Phoebe goes back inside.)", "Victor: What's the matter? Don't you trust me?", "[Cut to inside. Phoebe runs inside heading towards the stairs. Prue comes in.]", "Phoebe: Dad's not after the book, it's Marshall.", "Prue: What?", "Phoebe: My premonition, it wasn't dad. Gotta find a spell and banish them.", "Prue: Banish who?", "Phoebe: The neighbours. They're shape shifters. Fritz and Marshall and the...", "(Piper and Cynda walk in.)", "Cynda: Cookies. Just baked.", "(Fritz walks in.)", "Fritz: Hey, door was unlocked.", "(Phoebe starts walking up the stairs.)", "Piper: We're you going, Pheebs?", "Phoebe: Uh, just to get something. Will you save me a cookie? (Cynda smiles.) Okay.", "(Phoebe goes upstairs. Victor walks in.)", "Victor: Daddy's home.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe runs over to a closet. She pulls the clothes across and the book is in there. She flips the pages.]", "Phoebe: Come on, come on. I have no idea what I'm looking for. (The pages turn by themselves.) Okay, I can take a hint. (It stops at a page.) \"When in the circle that is home, safety's gone and evils roam, rid all beings from these walls, save sisters three now heed our call.\" (She repeats it and runs downstairs.) Dad, you can't be here, you have to leave now.", "(Another Victor walks in.)", "Piper: Whoa, time out. What's going on here?", "Victor #1: Don't worry about it, sweetie. Everything's gonna be fine.", "Victor #2: Don't trust him.", "Piper: Wait a second. Last week we had no dad and now we have two?", "Victor #1: Phoebe, remember, remember when you were little and you were afraid of the dark and I would leave the hall light on and the door open just a crack.", "Victor #2: Oh, that's original. What kid isn't afraid of the dark?", "Victor #1: Prue, she's never afraid of anything.", "Piper: He's right, Prue. You were never afraid of the dark.", "Victor #2: Lucky guess. I said I came back to protect you. Now there's only one way to do it. Kill us both.", "Victor #1: You're bluffing.", "Victor #2: Am I? Just do it because I wanna go out with a bang.", "Prue: Do it, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: The spell will kill everyone including dad.", "Victor #2: It's the only way. Prudence...", "Piper: Prue, the protection ring.", "(Prue uses her power and the ring slides across the table. Victor #2 picks it up. Prue nods and he puts it on.)", "Prue: Phoebe, now.", "Phoebe: \"In the circle that is home, safety's gone and evils roam, (Cynda turns into a creature) rid all beings from these walls, save sisters three now heed our call.\" (It gets windy.) \"When in the circle that is home, safety's gone and evils roam...\" (The shape shifters start melting. Victor #2 falls to his knees. He looks like he's in pain.) Daddy!", "Victor #2: It's okay, keep it going.", "Prue, Piper, Phoebe: \"Rid all beings from these walls, save sisters three now heed our call.\"", "(The shape shifters melt and disappear. Prue, Piper and Phoebe run over to Victor. Prue helps him up.)", "Victor: For a moment there I wasn't sure what you would do.", "Prue: For a moment there neither did I.", "Phoebe: I thought you didn't want us to use our magic.", "Victor: I didn't. Not as long as I still thought of you as my little girls. But you're obviously not anymore.", "Piper: We're still you're little girls, we're just...", "Prue: Witches.", "Victor: Yeah, witches. Well, obviously you don't need your old man to protect you from anything.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there. Prue's on the phone.]", "Prue: No, Andy, I'm fine really. Dad's gonna be here any minute, so can I take a rain check on dinner? Okay, thanks for the good advice.", "(She hangs up.)", "Phoebe: So he's dad now?", "Prue: Yes, Phoebe, and by the way my dress looks good on you.", "Phoebe: I don't have any nice clothes, Prue.", "Prue: Dad said it was casual.", "Phoebe: I don't care. I wanna look nice for him. Who knows how long it'll be before we see him again.", "Piper: You don't think he's gonna stay around?", "Phoebe: Well, let's just say I no longer have a romanticised image of him. And I'm glad about that actually. At least dad is real now.", "Prue: And at least he's not a monster which is very reassuring considering we share his genes.", "Piper: I'm just glad he came back no matter how long he stays. Kind of nice feeling like a normal family again. Whatever that means. (Phoebe nods. The doorbell rings.) Speak of the devil.", "(Piper answers the door. Piper and Leo walk back in the living room.)", "Prue: Uh, hi, you must be Mr. Wyatt.", "Phoebe: The handyman?", "Leo: Call me Leo.", "Phoebe: Gladly.", "Leo: This was on the steps. (He holds up a yellow large envelope. Prue takes it off him.) This place is, uh, you don't find many like this around anymore.", "Piper: Yeah, it's kind of falling apart.", "(Prue opens the envelope.)", "Leo: The problem isn't the manor, it's the manner in which it was treated. I'd love to see more.", "Phoebe: I would love to show it to you. The attic is right this way.", "(She pushes Piper out of the way and Phoebe and Leo head towards the stairs.)", "Prue: Guys.", "(Phoebe turns back around.)", "Phoebe: Uh, I'll be right up.", "Prue: He's not coming.", "Piper: Who's not coming?", "Prue: Dad. He sent this. Um, (she reads the note) girls, something's come up, I hate to leave town. Can't make it to dinner. Probably best if we let the dust settle anyway. I know there's a lot you would like to forget but here's what I remember. Love dad.", "(She holds up a video tape.)", "[Time lapse. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are watching the video. On the video it's Christmas. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there as kids. They are opening their presents. Victor kisses Prue on the cheek and then grabs Piper and lifts her in the air. He then asks what Phoebe got and she holds up a Barbie.]" ]
Thank You For Not Morphing
[ "Piper encounters and eventually develops romantic feelings for the amiable ghost of a recently murdered Chinese-American man named Mark Chao ( John Cho ), who needs her help to be properly buried before an ancient Chinese spirit, Yama, can harvest his soul, and to settle the score with the Chinese gangster who had killed Mark in order to fake his own death to evade the police. Phoebe takes a job as a hotel psychic to pay for Prue's birthday present, and when foreseeing the death of a hotel guest, she has to try to keep him from being hit by a car. In the end, Piper exposes the criminal who is killed by Andy in self-defense. The being Yama appears and Mark throws the criminal's soul to him, sending him to Hell. Piper is able to convince Yama to leave Mark alone and after his burial, he moves on after saying a tearful goodbye. The encounter with Mark causes Prue to change her mind about celebrating her birthday and her sisters throw her a surprise party back at the Manor." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Prue is walking towards the front door. She opens it and Andy's there.]", "Prue: Andy, hi.", "Andy: I was no where near the neighbourhood, thought I'd stop by.", "Prue: Honest man, I like that. (She steps aside and Andy walks in. She closes the door.) So, um, I had a great time last night.", "Andy: Yeah, me too. But I forgot to give you something very important. (He gets a little square box out of his coat pocket.) Happy birthday.", "Prue: But it's not my birthday until next week.", "(She reaches for the box but he pulls it away.)", "Andy: Consider this a preview.", "(She grabs the box off of him and opens it up. She pulls out...)", "Prue: A key?", "Andy: To the Calistoga Spa. We leave Friday night after work. Don't worry, I got us adjoining rooms.", "Prue: Adjoining rooms?", "Andy: Well, I wouldn't want to assume something I'm not supposed to be assuming. Although, it has been over a month since we... then decided to take it slow, but no pressure. I just want to be with you, away, together. Think about it.", "Prue: Okay.", "(He leans over and kisses her.)", "Andy: Let me know. Bye.", "(He leaves.)", "Prue: Happy birthday to me.", "[Scene: Mark Chao's mother's place. Mark and his mother are standing outside. He is holding a balloon.]", "Mark: Give me a break, mum.", "Mrs. Chao: There are a lot of hungry spirits out there, Mark.", "Mark: You're like the Chinese Shirley Maclaine, you know that?", "Mrs. Chao: Better safe than sorry.", "Mark: I'll risk it.", "Mrs. Chao: You should have more respect for ghosts, Mark. If your grandmother were here--", "Mark: She'd warn me about all the evil spirits walking the streets in Chinatown, I know, I know.", "(Mrs. Chao takes an amulet off a hook next to the door.)", "Mrs. Chao: You should take this for protection.", "(He hooks it back up.)", "Mark: Maybe the ghosts need protection from me. (He kisses her on the cheek.) I'll be okay, mum. I'm 23 now. I can take care of myself, okay. (He hands her the balloon.) I gotta go.", "Mrs. Chao: Happy Birthday, Mark.", "Mark: Thanks.", "(He walks off.)", "[Cut to Chinatown. Mark is walking down the crowded street.]", "Woman: Hi, Mark.", "Mark: Hey, how are ya?", "(Mark walks down an alley. A gang surrounds him.)", "Guy: Is this the guy?", "Tony: That's him. (to Mark) Is today your birthday?", "Mark: Who are you? What do you want?", "Tony: You. Make a wish.", "(Tony gets out his gun, points it at Mark and shoots. Mark falls to the ground. His spirits floats out his body and stands aside. Tony kneels beside Mark's body and places a ring on his finger. Another guy pours kerosene all over Mark's body and Tony lights a match.)", "Mark: What are you doing? Hey, wait. No!", "(Mark's body is engulfed in flames.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper is there putting birthday invitations inside envelopes. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Good morning. (She notices the invitations.) What are you doing? Prue's coming down. Put that away.", "Piper: Phoebe, you were supposed to send these invitations last week, the party is Friday.", "Phoebe: We're right on schedule. The restaurant is reserved, the menu selected, the cake has been ordered.", "(They hide the invitations in a drawer.)", "Piper: That's because I did all those things. At least tell me you've managed to buy Prue something other than your traditional birthday gift.", "Phoebe: What's my traditional gift?", "Piper: A card, three days late.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, I decided to break that tradition and start a new one.", "Piper: You bought Prue a gift? Where'd you get the money to pay for it?", "(Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Morning.", "Phoebe: Good morning. Hey, I forgot to ask; how was your date with Andy?", "Prue: Great, until he asked me to spend my birthday at a spa with him.", "Phoebe: (sarcastic) Oh, I hate when they do that.", "Piper: For this weekend? You didn't say yes, did you?", "Prue: Well, my body did... screamed it actually. But I don't know, I just have to think about it.", "Phoebe: A weekend of rest, rubdowns and room service. What's to think about? (Piper bangs a notepad down on the table. Phoebe remembers about the party.) I mean, uh, you could be right. Going away with a guy, is like...", "Piper: It's like bringing them home to meet the parents. It changes everything. And if you're not sure if you're ready to make a commitment or not, you know, you don't wanna send the wrong signal.", "Phoebe: Plus, you need a week to prepare for a weekend away. I mean, there's lingerie shopping, waxing, manicure, pedicure. I mean, it's basically a full time job and you've already got one. So you'll never be ready, not even if you started packing this second.", "Piper: Wow.", "Phoebe: Bottom line, unless you're ready to put your toothbrush next to his, you shouldn't go.", "Prue: You guys aren't trying to plan another surprise party for me, are you?", "Piper: No, never.", "Phoebe: No, we've given up on trying to surprise you, Prue.", "Prue: Well, that's good because you both know how much I hate surprises.", "(She leaves the room.)", "Piper: Damn it, Phoebe. If you had sent Andy his invitation we wouldn't be in this mess.", "Phoebe: Okay, what are you talking about? You heard Prue, she doesn't want a party. So you should be glad that I flaked, besides, you know as well as I do, she's gonna go away with Andy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a present to pay for. Which means I have a job interview.", "(She leaves the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: A hotel. Phoebe and Frankie, the hotel manager, are there.]", "Frankie: You know why our hotel does psychic readings at the bar, it's kind of a trademark.", "Phoebe: Well, that's why I'm here. I saw your ad in the Chronicle. I am a natural born psychic.", "Frankie: Yeah, right. What's your act? Tea leaves, tarot cards, crystal balls, what?", "Phoebe: No, I can see the future. I mean, I can't always see it, I never actually know when it's gonna work. Usually when I touch someone or I'm in the same general area as them. It's kinda hard to explain.", "Frankie: Next!", "Phoebe: No. (She stops him from walking off.) Wait, Frankie, hold it. I see it. You're having dinner with a blonde woman, she's gorgeous, all over you. Then some red head shows up. You look surprised. Ooh, she looks pissed. Your wife?", "Frankie: When can you start?", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. She's on the phone talking to Piper.]", "Piper: So have you made up your mind about Calistoga?", "Prue: I don't know, I keep thinking it's a bad idea but then I think well what's the big deal? It's not like we haven't already slept together.", "Piper: I think you should go... on Saturday.", "Prue: On Saturday, why? Piper, you promised no surprise party.", "Piper: It's not what you think. It's Phoebe. She bought you a present.", "Prue: Phoebe doesn't give presents, she gives cards three days late.", "Piper: No this year. Surprise. And she really wants to give it to you on Friday. So could you please just ask Andy about leaving on Saturday instead?", "[Cut to Piper at the manor.]", "Piper: You have no idea how much Phoebe has put herself through. She even... (Piper sees a \"Psychics Wanted\" ad circled in the paper.) she even got a job and everything.", "Prue: Okay, I'll ask, if I decide to go. So what kind of job did Phoebe get?", "Piper: Don't know. Gotta go. Ciao.", "[Scene: Hotel. Phoebe is there dressed in a pink costume. She kind of looks like Jeannie from \"I Dream Of Jeannie\". She is telling a woman her future.]", "Phoebe: You're in a large room with lots of other people. Lots of other women.", "Woman: Go on.", "Phoebe: You're standing on a podium, no wait, you're on a scale. (Phoebe giggles.) It's a Weight Watchers meeting. Ooh, honey, it looks like you've gained some weight.", "Woman: That's impossible. I only cheated once this week.", "Phoebe: No, no, I'm not judging, I'm just seeing.", "Woman: You're a fraud, that's what you are. I've never been so insulted in my life. I want my $20 back.", "(She reaches for the jar of money but Phoebe grabs it off the table.)", "Phoebe: No way. I saw you, you know I saw you. (The woman walks away.) Hey, if you want me to lie next time just say so.", "(Piper walks up to Phoebe.)", "Piper: Phoebe!", "Phoebe: Piper! I am so busted, aren't I?", "Piper: Are you out of your mind, again?", "Phoebe: No, I'm The Amazing Phoebe.", "Piper: This is not funny. Our powers are supposed to be a secret, not a marketable job skill.", "Phoebe: Relax. They didn't hire me because they think I'm a witch, they hired me because they think I'm a psychic.", "Piper: Hair splitting. You know you can't use your powers for personal gain, not without consequences.", "Phoebe: No, but it's for Prue, it's not for me, it's to pay for her present, it's completely selfless. Besides, this is the last place anyone would expect to find a real psychic, believe me.", "(Mark walks up to Piper and Phoebe.)", "Mark: Which one of you is the psychic?", "Piper: She is.", "Phoebe: Oh, I am.", "Mark: You can see me? Both of you?", "Piper: Of course we can see you, now back off.", "Mark: Oh, thank God. I've tried communicating with every psychic in the city. You were my last chance.", "(Frankie comes up to them.)", "Frankie: Phoebe, what are you doing? You've got customers waiting.", "Mark: Okay, listen to me, you're the only ones that can help me.", "Piper: Excuse us, we are trying to have an argument here.", "Frankie: (to Piper) Who are you?", "Phoebe: Uh, she's just leaving. Bye. Go now.", "(Piper walks away and Mark follows.)", "Mark: Wait, I need your help.", "Piper: Yeah, talk to the psychic.", "(Piper walks outside.)", "Mark: Please, I'm begging you, I was murdered last night, I can prove it.", "Piper: Stop harassing me, buddy.", "Mark: Please, I'm desperate, you gotta help me.", "Piper: Leave me alone or I'll call the police. (to a woman) Can you believe this guy?", "(The woman looks at her strangely.)", "Mark: All you have to do is come with me to Chinatown and see for yourself.", "Piper: Alright, that's it. Look, either back off or... look out!", "(Someone on a bike rides straight through Mark.)", "Mark: Now do you believe me?", "Piper: Oh my God. I can see you but no one else can?", "Mark: I'm dead, I'm a ghost.", "[Scene: Quake. Prue walks in looking for Andy. She sees him sitting at a table with a woman. She walks over to them.]", "Prue: Hi.", "Andy: Prue.", "Prue: Um, I tried calling the station house for you, they said that you would probably be here. (to the woman) Hi.", "Woman: Hi.", "Andy: Oh, Prue, this is, um...", "Woman: Susan. Susan Trudeau. Nice to meet you. Pleasure.", "Prue: Trudeau. Sister?", "Andy: No, actually...", "Susan: Wife.", "(Prue walks away and Andy follows.)", "Andy: Ex-wife. Prue, wait, I can explain.", "Prue: Don't bother.", "Andy: It's not what you think...", "(Prue uses her power and moves a food trolley in front of Andy. He trips over it and lands on the floor.)", "[Scene: Chinatown. Piper and Mark are walking down an alley.]", "Mark: Thanks for helping me.", "Piper: When you wouldn't leave my doorstep, you didn't leave me much of a choice. Maybe this isn't such a good idea.", "Mark: Please, I don't have much time. Somebody has to find my body before it's too late.", "Piper: Too late for what?", "Mark: It's a Chinese myth. At least I always thought it was a myth. It's called Thowhoi, when the gates of hell open. We're almost there.", "Piper: The gates of hell? I don't understand.", "Mark: If the gatekeeper, Yama, catches my soul before my body's properly buried, hell take my to hell forever.", "Piper: But you said you were murdered. How can...?", "Mark: Yama doesn't care about good or evil. He just wants souls. I should've listened to my mother.", "(Piper sees Mark's burnt body. She gasps and covers her eyes.)", "Piper: Is that you?", "(Yama appears in the distance. He's on a horse which is galloping straight towards them.)", "Mark: Yama!", "Piper: Yama? Run.", "Mark: It's too late. You better go. Run! (Piper freezes Yama.) What happened?", "Piper: I'm a good witch, remember?", "Mark: But how?", "Piper: I don't know. I panic, I put up both hands and bad things tend to freeze.", "Mark: For how long?", "Piper: Not very, let's go.", "(They run down the alley and Yama unfreezes. Yama's eyes glow bright green.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's standing outside the bathroom door.]", "Phoebe: Prue, you can't do this, Piper's gonna be crushed.", "(Piper walks in.)", "Piper: I'm gonna be crushed?", "(Prue comes out of the bathroom wearing only a towel.)", "Prue: The surprise party is off.", "Piper: What party?", "Phoebe: She's onto us. The restaurant called while we were out.", "Piper: Oh. Is that why you were so upset earlier?", "Prue: Let's just say it hasn't been a great day.", "Phoebe: Does it have anything to do with why Andy's been calling all night?", "(Mark walks in.)", "Mark: Piper, where'd you say today's paper was?", "Prue: Hey, I'm practically naked here.", "(Mark looks away.)", "Mark: Oops, sorry.", "Phoebe: What's the drunk from the hotel doing here?", "Mark: My name's Mark and I'm not a drunk.", "Piper: He's a ghost.", "Prue: Excuse me, a what?", "Piper A ghost. He was murdered and he obviously needs our help. Why else would we be able to see him?", "(Phoebe covers Prue with her coat.)", "Phoebe: Well, he can see us, that's for sure.", "Prue: Hey!", "Mark: (mumbles) Of all the days to be a dead man.", "Phoebe: You sure this guys really a ghost?", "(Piper throws a cup at Mark and it passes right through him.)", "Piper: Positive.", "[Time lapse. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are in the kitchen.]", "Phoebe: So how do we know that the guy doesn't really belong in hell?", "Piper: Because we can see him. He's one of the innocent we have to protect.", "Prue: Protect from what? He's dead.", "Piper: All we have to do is get Mark's family to give him a proper burial and then he can move on to wherever it is he moves onto.", "Prue: Okay, so call the police and let them know where the body is.", "Piper: I already did. I just wanna give them a little time to notify Mark's mum before I go talk to her.", "Phoebe: Talk to her? And tell her what? That you're a witch in touch with the ghost of her dead son?", "Piper: No, I'm just gonna try and get her to have a funeral as soon as possible before Yama gets Mark's spirit.", "(The phone rings and Phoebe answers it.)", "Phoebe: Hello? Oh, hi, I can't really talk right now. It's important? Okay, I'll be at the hotel in a little while. Bye. (She hangs up.) That was my new boss calling. I gotta run.", "(She leaves.)", "Prue: Um, okay, so, so when you called the police you didn't talk to Andy did you?", "Piper: No, it was anonymous. Why, did you decide to not go away with him?", "Prue: Actually, I decided to go and till I went to tell him and found him having dinner with his ex-wife.", "Piper: His what?", "Prue: Yeah, I mean, you would think he would've remembered to reveal that little fact before we jumped in the sack.", "Piper: Well, what did he say? Why didn't he tell you?", "Prue: I don't know, I didn't really hang around long enough to ask.", "(Mark pokes his head through the door.)", "Mark: How's it going in there? (Prue and Piper jump.) Sorry.", "Prue: Don't these guys knock?", "[Scene: Hotel. Phoebe and Frankie are there.]", "Frankie: Look, the guy's ------ could be a --------. I'm not sure, anyway, that's why I called. Make this bozo's night, read his future, tell him something good and he'll extend his stay, guaranteed.", "Phoebe: Look, like I said, I don't always know what my psychic switch is gonna be in the up position.", "Frankie: I have the most confidence in you, Phoebe, I don't know how you do it. Keep it up and you'll always have work here.", "(A man sitting at a table finishes his drink and walks off without his wallet. Phoebe sees and calls out to him.)", "Phoebe: Uh, excuse me, sir, you forgot you're...", "(She picks up the wallet and has a premonition. In the premonition, the man walks out of a building and down some stairs. He walks onto the road and drops his suitcase. He bends down to pick it up and a car heads straight for him. The car hits him. The premonition ends.)", "Frankie: Are you okay? What's the matter?", "Phoebe: Nothing, I, uh, nothing.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Mark is there trying to turn on the TV but his finger passes straight through the button. Piper walks in carrying some blankets.]", "Mark: It's still new to me. I keep forgetting I'm... Are those for me?", "Piper: Yeah, uh, stupid question... do ghosts sleep?", "Mark: I don't even get cold anymore.", "Piper: Sorry.", "Mark: It's okay, it's the thought that counts. I guess it's finally sinking in, what's really happened, what I've lost. Sucking down a bucket of oysters at the wharf, ----------- friends, coming home and hearing my mother's voice on the machine nagging me 'cause I haven't married a nice Chinese girl.", "Piper: Your mum means a lot to you, huh?", "Mark: She's a great friend... was. (Mark sits on the couch.) It was just me and her after my father died. Taught me everything I know. Especially how to cook. My mum was a great cook.", "Piper: My Grams taught me how to cook. Actually, I loved it so much I became a chef.", "Mark: Really? Ever make a Peking duck?", "Piper: No, you?", "Mark: Piece of cake. Mum told me I could've been a great chef if I hadn't sold out to the Molecular Biology program at Stanford.", "Piper: So you can make a Peking duck and clone DNA?", "Mark: The duck's harder.", "(They laugh.)", "Piper: Well, I can talk about food all night long.", "Mark: Yeah? Well, I can talk about it forever.", "(They laugh again.)", "[Scene: Hotel. Phoebe's impatiently waiting in the hallway. The man who left his wallet behind walks around the corner.]", "Phoebe: Oh, Mr. Corey, thank goodness. Uh, I need to talk to you.", "Mr. Corey: Do you? Me? Hey, you're that psychic, right?", "Phoebe: Yeah, right, look...", "Mr. Corey: Is that how you know my name?", "Phoebe: No, uh, yes... Did you get the note that I left you?", "Mr. Corey: The note warning me not to go outside? That was you? Do you get your jollies out of trying to scare people or is that how you drum up business?", "Phoebe: What? You don't understand, I... (Mrs. Corey walks around the corner.) Hi.", "Mrs. Corey: What's she doing here?", "Mr. Corey: She sent the note.", "Phoebe: It's not what you think. Look, here, when I picked up your wallet--", "Mr. Corey: You stole my wallet?", "Phoebe: I didn't steal your wallet.", "Mrs. Corey: I don't know what you want but just stay away from us, you understand. (They walk in the elevator.) But you're going to die! Uh, that didn't come out right. Look, I can't tell you how I know this but I swear if you go outside, you're gonna get run over by a pink... wait, you don't have your briefcase. That's good, that's really good. It doesn't happen without your briefcase.", "Mr. Corey: Leave us alone, or I'm gonna call hotel security.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue walks into her office and notices a bunch of flowers sitting on her desk. She walks over and smells them. Andy is standing in the corner of the room. He closes the door and Prue looks up.]", "Andy: Hi.", "Prue: You of all people should know that bribery is a crime.", "Andy: Apologising isn't, is it? Look, Prue, I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was married before, I should have. I was going to.", "Prue: Really? When? Before or after the doors of our adjoining rooms swung open this weekend?", "Andy: Okay, I deserved that.", "Prue: I don't understand how you couldn't find the time to tell me. Unless you really were trying to hide it from me.", "Andy: Come on, Prue, you know me better than that.", "Prue: Do I?", "Andy: Prue, it was an innocent dinner, that's all. I've got an ex-wife and I don't hate her, is that so horrible?", "Prue: No, no, it's not. But not being honest, not telling me up front is.", "Andy: Which I've already apologised for. Why are you trying to turn this into something it's not? What's really bugging you, Prue? Looks like I'm not the only one trying to hide a secret.", "(He leaves.)", "[Scene: Outside Mark's mother's house. Mark and Piper are there. Piper rings the bell.]", "Piper: Are you sure this is going to work?", "Mark: If you speak her language she'll trust you.", "(Mrs. Chao walks outside.)", "Mrs. Chao: Can I help you?", "Mark: (in Chinese) Hello.", "Piper: (in Chinese) Hello.", "Mark: (in Chinese) My name's Piper.", "Piper: (in Chinese) My name's Piper.", "Mark: (in Chinese) I need to talk to you.", "Piper: (in Chinese) I need to talk to you.", "Mrs. Chao: (in Chinese) You speak Chinese?", "(Piper looks at Mark.)", "Mark: (in Chinese) Berlitz, it's about Mark.", "Piper: (in Chinese) Berlitz, it's about Mark.", "Mrs. Chao: (in Chinese) You know where he is?", "Mark: She asked if you know where I am.", "Piper: You-you don't?", "Mrs. Chao: No, and I'm worried sick. I haven't heard from him since his birthday.", "Mark: The police haven't notified her yet?", "Piper: How's the possible... I mean, that he hasn't called yet?", "Mrs. Chao: I don't know, it's not like him. When did you last see him?", "Piper: Um, well...", "Mark: Piper, you have to tell her. You have to tell her where my body is so she can bury me.", "Piper: I can't... er, I can't remember the last time actually but if I see him or hear from him I-I'll let you know.", "Mrs. Chao: Thank you, thank you.", "(Piper walks down the stairs and Mrs. Chao goes back inside.)", "Mar: You can't walk away, Piper, you have to tell her. Mum, no.", "(He runs towards the house and smacks straight into the door.)", "Piper: What happened?", "Mark: She's got the house protected against ghosts. All the Chinese fairytales she told me growing up were true. And I'm gonna burn in hell.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue is cleaning. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Man trouble?", "Prue: I don't wanna talk about it. By the way, where were you last night? (Phoebe starts cleaning.) Something wrong?", "Phoebe: I don't wanna talk about it.", "Prue: Okay, you never clean and you'll talk about anything. What's up?", "Phoebe: Nothing.", "(Phoebe starts scrubbing the bench. Prue stops her.)", "Prue: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Okay, I had a premonition, a really bad one too. I saw a guy getting run over buy a pink Cadillac.", "Prue: A pink Cadillac?", "Phoebe: I know is sounds ridiculous but it's true, I saw it and I don't know what to do about it.", "Prue: Did you warn him?", "Phoebe: I tried, he thought I was out of my mind, thought I was stalking him or something. I mean, how do you tell a complete stranger that you know they're gonna die?", "Prue: Where is he now?", "Phoebe: Hotel Neptune.", "Prue: What were you doing there?", "Phoebe: I knew you were going to ask that. I wanted to get you a really great birthday present to make up for all those cards, so I got a job at the hotel as their lounge psychic. Go ahead, yell at me.", "Prue: Phoebe, you have to save him, you can't let him out of your sight.", "Phoebe: Don't worry, I waited until he went to sleep and then I broke a key off in his door to lock him in. He's safe ‘til morning. (Prue continues cleaning.) Hey, wait, that's it? You're not gonna get mad at me?", "Prue: You were trying to do something good. And now you're gonna get to do something wonderful. I couldn't ask for a better birthday present than that.", "(Piper and Mark walk in.)", "Piper: Hey, guys, you have to see this.", "Mark: They found my body.", "(Piper turns on the TV.)", "Reporter: Although police report that the body was burned beyond recognition...", "Mark: It's finally over.", "Reporter: Personal affects found at the scene, preliminarily identify him as Tony Wong, head of the Chinatown triad.", "Mark: That can't be, that's the guy who killed me.", "(Phoebe has a premonition of Tony loading bullets into a gun.)", "Phoebe: Wait, I see him. Wong, he's still alive.", "Mark: Of course he's still alive, that's me they found.", "Prue: Can you see where he is now?", "Phoebe: I see a sign. Uh, quick, give me a pen.", "(Piper hands her a pen.)", "Mark: I don't understand why Wong would wanna kill me. I never did anything to him.", "Prue: Yeah, but you look a lot like him. Maybe he used you to fake his own death.", "(Phoebe holds up her palm where she has drawn two Chinese symbols.)", "Phoebe: What does that mean?", "Mark: Warhai Imports. It's a warehouse over in Chinatown.", "[Scene: Chinatown. Mark and Piper walk into a warehouse. Piper is holding a newspaper.]", "Mark: I don't know about this, Piper, I think it's too dangerous.", "Piper: It's your only chance.", "Mark: Piper, listen to me. You don't wanna go up there. Those men pulled the trigger on me without even thinking. They'll kill you.", "Piper: I can freeze things, remember?", "Mark: But there's three thugs in there.", "(They walk up some stairs.)", "Piper: Keep talking.", "Mark: With guns.", "Piper: Even better.", "Mark: Wait, wait, wait. They've got an amulet on the door, can't go in. (Piper unhooks it and drops it on the floor.) Never mind. Scared?", "Piper: Terrified. Trust me, that's a good thing. (Piper barges in a room and freezes Tony and his gang.) Okay, phew. We gotta hurry.", "(Piper sits the paper in Tony's hands, stands back and takes a photo.) Say cheese.", "(They unfreeze.)", "Mark: Run!", "(They run outside and Tony and his gang follow. Mark and Piper jump in the car and drive off. Tony writes down the car's license plate number.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside the police station. Piper walks out of the station and over to Mark, who is standing beside her car.]", "Piper: Okay, all set. I snuck the photograph into Andy's inner office mail.", "Mark: My after life's in the hands of a cop named Andy.", "Piper: He's an Inspector and he's very good, Mark. After he sees Wong is alive, he'll know exactly what to do.", "Mark: Bust Wong maybe, but that doesn't help me. They won't have anyway of identifying the body is mine.", "Piper: I put your name in with the picture. Andy will get dental records or something and match it up. All we have to do is keep Yama away from you until then.", "Mark: I don't know what to say.", "Piper: Don't say anything. I made you a promise didn't I? (Piper opens the car door for Mark. Andy sees Piper and walks towards her.) As much as I like you, I have no intention of joining you.", "Andy: Talking to yourself, huh?", "(Piper quickly closes the car door.)", "Piper: Andy, hi. Yeah, um, it's an old habit, I do it all the time.", "Andy: My mum uses to call it interesting conversations with an interesting person.", "Piper: Yeah? Interesting.", "Mark: Very.", "Andy: Not that it's not a pleasure but what are you doing here?", "Piper: Oh, nothing, you know, just passing by.", "Andy: Prue tell you what's going on?", "Piper: No. Well, yeah, I mean, sort of. Kind of screwed up, huh?", "Andy: Any idea what I should do?", "Mark: Oh, that Andy.", "Piper: Yeah... I mean, yeah, um, hmm, just give her some space, let her work it through.", "Andy: Yeah, okay. (He hugs her.) Thanks. Take care.", "Piper: You too. (He walks away. Piper turns to Mark.) What?", "Mark: You're a really sweet person, you know that? No, I mean that. I wanna take you somewhere. Something I wanna do for you.", "[Scene: Hotel. Phoebe's waiting by the elevators. Mr. Corey walks out of one.]", "Phoebe: Oh, Mr. Corey.", "Mr. Corey: Stay away.", "Phoebe: Please, you have got to believe me.", "Mr. Corey: You locked me in my room didn't you?", "Phoebe: Just for your protection.", "Mr. Corey: What do you want? Money? Is that what this is? A shake down?", "Phoebe: No, I am trying to save your life for God's sake, listen to me.", "Mr. Corey: You're crazy.", "Phoebe: If you walk out that door, you're a dead man.", "Mr. Corey: (to the doorman) Call security.", "Phoebe: Mr. Corey, don't do it! (He walks outside and downstairs just like in Phoebe's premonition.) Watch out! (Phoebe chases after him. He drops his briefcase and a car heads straight for him.) Mr. Corey! (Phoebe runs on the road and pushes him out of the way. The car beeps his horn and drives past them.) That'll be $20. Tip not included.", "[Scene: Mark's place. Piper and Mark walk inside.]", "Piper: This is your place? It's beautiful.", "Mark: Thanks.", "(Piper picks up a book.)", "Piper: Camoo. I'm impressed.", "Mark: I wish I had a chance to finish it. Of course I can say that about almost everything, I guess.", "Piper: (reading from the book) \"I love this world is a dead world, and always there comes an hour where on is weary of prisons and all one craves for is a warm face, the warmth and wonder of a loving heart.\"", "Mark: I like that part.", "Piper: Me too.", "Mark: Listen, if your cop friend comes through, maybe I'll get a chance to ask him --------- turns out. I want you to reach for something. (He points to a small box sitting on top of a bookshelf. Piper reaches up and takes it off the shelf.) Open it.", "(They sit down on the couch and Piper opens the box. She pulls out some letters written in Chinese.)", "Piper: What are they?", "Mark: My grandfather's recipes. My dad translated them when I was born. They've been serving these in my family's restaurant for decades. They're yours.", "Piper: But they belong in your family.", "Mark: I want you to have them. For everything you've done for me. I just ask one favour, use them for your sisters surprise birthday party.", "Piper: Prue doesn't want a party.", "Mark: Birthdays are important. I know, I walked out of my last one and it never occurred to me that I wouldn't get another. She may not know it but she needs to celebrate her birthday, we all do. Don't take it for granted.", "[Scene: Manor. Prue's room. Prue's flicking through channels on the TV. Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: Prue, what are you doing?", "Prue: Just flicking through channels.", "Phoebe: You don't flick, you never flick.", "Prue: Well, I flick now. Are you okay? You look...", "Phoebe: Awful? I know. I feel fine.", "Prue: Did you warn that guy?", "Phoebe: I did better than that. I saved that guy. And it was great. I knew doing it would be good for him but I had no idea what a rush it would be for me. I felt so good and not just about myself, but about everything. That even in my own little way I could make a difference. Can you believe it's me saying this?", "Prue: What more can I say? It's been a week full of surprises.", "Phoebe: Yeah, speaking of surprises; what are you gonna do about Andy?", "Prue: I don't know. Andy kept something from me, but the truth is I keep something from him every day. And it's not like I'll ever be able to tell him about our secret, so what's the point?", "Phoebe: We're the Charmed Ones, Prue, not the Doomed Ones. We have lives just like everyone else. Call him, go see him, do something. Give to get, that's the secret of life, not our powers.", "[Cut to downstairs. Piper and Mark walk in the foyer.]", "Piper: You okay?", "Mark: I was just thinking, walking under the stars, what's really up there, what's waiting for me.", "Piper: I don't know. Maybe you can give me a hint when you get there.", "Mark: I don't want this night to ever end. I'm not ready to say goodbye, Piper.", "(She holds her hand near his face.)", "Piper: Close your eyes. Pretend you can feel my hand on your skin, that my touch gives you comfort.", "Mark: No...", "Piper: Just close your eyes.", "(They move their lips together as close as they can so it's like they're kissing without touching. They pull apart.)", "Mark: Where were you my whole life? (Suddenly, the front door flies open and two of Tony's men run in. They grab Piper and carry her outside.) No! Piper! Somebody help!", "(Prue and Phoebe run down the stairs.)", "Prue: What's wrong, what happened?", "Mark: They took her. Wong's men took Piper.", "Phoebe: Do you know where they took her? (He shakes his head.) I'm calling 911.", "Prue: No, do it from the car, let's go. We've got to find her.", "Mark: Even if it takes all night.", "(They run outside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Warehouse. Tony, his gang and Piper are there. Piper is tied up in a chair. Tony is loading bullets into his gun.]", "Tony: The first time I saw you I thought you were a ghost.", "Piper: These ropes are really tight, if you could just until my hands. Why did you kill Mark?", "Tony: I needed his identity. (He grabs her hair.) Who else knows I'm alive? I had plans. I had a boat ready to take me to Hong Kong. I had a whole new life and you screwed it all up.", "[Scene: Police station. Andy sits down at his desk. Someone puts an envelope on his desk.]", "Andy: Thanks.", "(He opens the envelope and pulls out the photo of Tony Wong.)", "[Cut back to the warehouse. Prue and Phoebe run in. Mark runs down the stairs.]", "Mark: Quick, they have her upstairs. (One of the men come out with a gun.) Look out!", "(Prue uses her power and the guy lands into a pile of boxes.)", "[Cut to upstairs.]", "Tony: (to his men) I'll take her. You shoot anyone that comes through that door.", "(He unties Piper's hands. Phoebe and Prue walk up the stairs. Prue uses her power on the men. Tony shoots at Prue and Phoebe and Piper freezes the bullet in mid-air.)", "Prue: Thanks, sis.", "(Prue and Phoebe untie Piper.)", "Mark: How long does this last again?", "Piper: Not very.", "(Tony unfreezes and the bullet hits a statue.)", "Tony: Who are you people?", "(Prue uses her power and Tony falls down the stairs. Tony runs outside and the police pull up.)", "Andy: Police! Freeze!", "(Tony fires his gun and Andy shoots him. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Mark walk out onto the balcony.", "Piper: I've never seen anybody killed before.", "Prue: Jeremy.", "Phoebe: Javna.", "Piper: I mean human.", "Prue: Come on, let's get out of here before Andy sees us.", "(Tony's spirit floats out of his body. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Mark run down an alley and Tony follows. They stop.)", "Mark: Wong.", "Tony: But you're dead.", "Mark: Yeah, so are you.", "(Yama appears on his horse and holding a spear.)", "Piper: Mark, I think you should get outta here.", "(Mark grabs Tony.)", "Mark: Make a wish, you b*st*rd.", "(He pushes Tony into Yama's spear. The spear sucks him up. Yama moves closer to Mark. Piper stands in front of Mark.)", "Piper: No, you can't take him. He's a good man, he doesn't belong with you.", "(Yama hesitates and then disappears.)", "[Scene: Mark's funeral. Mark is there watching his mother. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are standing near by.]", "Minister: We are here to celebrate the joy of Mark's life and the redemption of his spiritual journey.", "Mark: (to his mother) All those stories, all those legends you taught me, you saved my soul, mum. You were right. (He walks over to Prue, Piper and Phoebe.) Take it from me, Prue, don't miss your birthday. Not any of them, they're precious.", "Prue: I won't.", "Mark: (to Piper) I wished.", "Piper: I know, me too.", "(He holds his hand close to her face.)", "Mark: I'm gonna miss you, Piper.", "(A man appears in the distance.)", "Phoebe: Who's that man?", "Mark: (smiles) My dad. I guess this really is goodbye.", "(Mark walks over to his dad and they disappear.)", "Piper: (crying) Leave it to me to fall for a dead guy.", "Phoebe: It's an improvement. At least he wasn't a warlock.", "Piper: Yeah.", "[Scene: Manor. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk inside.]", "Prue: You know what? I've changed my mind. Maybe I should have a party after all.", "Phoebe: Are you serious?", "Prue: Yeah, why not? I mean, Mark is right.", "Piper: Well, Prue, I'm glad you said that 'cause...", "(They walk in the living room and there stands a room full of people.)", "Everyone: Surprise!", "Piper: Did I getcha? I gotcha.", "Prue: Yeah, you got me.", "Piper: Yeah.", "Phoebe: And an actual present too. It's paid for. (She hands Prue a present.) I hope you like it.", "Prue: I'm speechless.", "(They hug. Prue sees Andy standing across the room. They smile at each other.)" ]
Dead Man Dating
[ "Prue finds her sleep disturbed by strange dreams in which she is stalked and taunted by a wheelchair-bound man who is actually a sleep researcher named Whitaker Berman ( Matt Schulze ). He kills women who he feels scorned him by visiting them in their dreams where he has absolute power. While Prue is fatigued and driving home from work in her car he attacks again and successfully causes her to drive into a telephone pole. As Prue is unconscious, he unsuccessfully tries to kill her. With encouragement from her sisters, she uses her telekinesis in the dream world to throw him off a building, killing him." ]
[ "[Scene: Quake. Phoebe enters. Two guys walk up to her.]", "Guy #1: Are your parents terrorists? ‘Cos baby you're the bomb.", "Guy #2: Jim, Jim, ask her if it hurt when she fell.", "Phoebe: Uh, excuse me?", "Guy #2: When you fell from Heaven. Did it hurt. ‘Cos I know an angel when I see one.", "Phoebe: Hmm. I'm no angel. I'm a witch. But don't tell my sisters I told you. (She walks over to Prue and Piper who's sitting at a table.) Oh, I'm so glad you guys are still here. What are you staring at?", "Prue: They have been going at if for almost an hour.", "(You see a woman and a guy making out.)", "Phoebe: Hello! Oh, I can't even look.", "Piper: I know. I hate being single.", "Skye: Waitress coming through. Special delivery.", "Piper: Hey Skye.", "Phoebe: Hey Skye.", "Skye: Hi.", "(She places a glass of wine in front of Prue.)", "Prue: Um, I think there's been some kind of a mistake. I didn't order this.", "Skye: I know. You have a secret admirer. He ordered it for you.", "(She points out the Dream Sorcerer. He's sitting in a wheelchair.)", "Piper: Who's that?", "Skye: I have no idea. I'm just following the bartender's orders. And, apparently he's been eyeing Prue all night.", "Prue: Skye, can you do me a favour? Um, tell him thank you and I'm very flattered. But I'm kind seeing someone else.", "Skye: Sure.", "Prue: Thanks.", "Piper: This is a nice change of an attitude.", "Phoebe: I'll say. Does this mean you're thinking of getting serious with Andy?", "Prue: Lately I've been thinking about a lot of things.", "[Cut to the Dream Sorcerer. Skye walks up to him.]", "Dream Sorcerer: She didn't want the drink?", "Skye: I'm sorry, no. She's flattered, she's just seeing someone else.", "Dream Sorcerer: Sure she is. How about you? Maybe you'd like to have a drink with me.", "Skye: Oh, um, that's really sweet of you but I'm not allowed to date the customers.", "[Scene: Skye's apartment. She's asleep. The Dream Sorcerer is there.]", "Dream Sorcerer: Hello, Skye.", "(She wakes up.)", "Skye: What the ...?", "Dream Sorcerer: Shh... (He covers her mouth.) You in my world now, Skye. (Her room turns into her dream. It's all red and there's clouds in the sky. It kind of looks like they're on top of a building roof.) She's now wearing an evening dress.) You look beautiful in that dress. I knew you would.", "Skye: I don't understand.", "Dream Sorcerer: It's your dream, but it's my fantasy.", "Skye: Where am I?", "Dream Sorcerer: Hehehe. You're dreaming. I'm visiting.", "Skye: You're in my dream.", "Dream Sorcerer: But I can make it mine.", "Skye: You can walk.", "Dream Sorcerer: In dreams I can do anything. I can dance in your dreams, I can alter your dreams, (They start dancing.) and I can kill you in your dreams.", "Skye: No, please.", "Dream Sorcerer: Did you know that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life.", "(He takes her to the edge of the roof. He makes her look down and you can see that it's a long way down to the bottom.)", "Dream Sorcerer/Skye: Please don't hurt me!", "Dream Sorcerer: Hehehe. Now Skye, you rejected me and now you gotta pay.", "Dream Sorcerer/Skye: Please, don't do anything!", "(He laughs.)", "Dream Sorcerer Sweet dreams. (He pushes her off the edge.) Opening Credits", "[Scene: Skye's apartment. She's lying on her bed in an awkward position. She's dead. Morris and Andy are there.]", "Morris: What do we got here? Here name is Skye Russell, early twenty's, waitress at Quake.", "Andy: Every bone in her body's been crushed.", "Morris: The coroner said it's as if she's fallen of a twenty story building.", "Andy: But we're in a closed apartment, on the ground floor and the body hasn't been moved.", "[Scene: Manor. Piper is watching an exercise video and trying to copy what they're doing. Prue is sitting in a chair.]", "Piper: Uh, I give up. Two weeks and nothing strengthened but my temper.", "Prue: Piper, here's the problem. You didn't read the fine print. See. It says right here. $19.95 for the video and twenty grand for the plastic surgeon.", "Piper: Yeah. Well it's worked. She's the most desire female in America. What every man wants.", "Prue: That woman? Of course men want her. Men are not different from women. We all want what we can't have. Which is why we need to stop thinking about what men want and start thinking about what we want in a man.", "(Phoebe walks in. She's eating Froot Loops.)", "Phoebe: Tons of fun, lots of heats and no strings attached. That's what I want.", "Piper: I know this may not sound very P.C., but I want romance. Long, slow kisses, late-night talks, candle lights. I love love. I'd take what Prue has in a flat second.", "Prue: Hmm, but then you'd have to deal with the family secret, which isn't exactly normal now, is it?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Police station. Morris and Andy are sitting at their desks.]", "Andy: Did you see the coroner's report?", "Morris: Mmm hmm. Skye Russell died of massive internal hemorrhaging. Her body literally imploded upon itself.", "Andy: Ever seen anything like it before?", "Morris: On jumpers. Their bodies were usually found on side walks.", "Andy: There aren't any signs of external damage consistent with any type of fall. In fact there's not a scratch on her.", "Morris: Yeah, well, maybe we were wrong. Maybe the body was moved.", "Andy: From where? How? The front door was locked and bolted, each window had bars on it, none of which had been tampered with in any way. Nobody but she was in that apartment last night. It's not a suicide, Morris. And it's sure not death by natural causes which leaves only one thing...", "Morris/Andy: Murder.", "Morris: I hate when we say that.", "[Scene: Quake. Piper hands a guy his meal.]", "Piper: Here you go, Mr. Manford. The chicken with rice and vegetables. Just the way you like it. Chicken well done, light oil on the vegetables and rice steamed dry.", "Mr. Manford: Thanks.", "Piper: Bon Appetite.", "(Phoebe walks up to her.)", "Phoebe: Hey, why are you doing that?", "Piper: Skye didn't show up for her shift day. So we're short-handed.", "Phoebe: Ooh.", "(They walk in the kitchen.)", "Piper: So, what's up?", "Phoebe: I, uh, I found this spell. \"How to attract a lover\".", "Piper: No, Phoebe. Forget it. We're not casting any spells.", "Phoebe: Come on. There must be more to our powers than warlock wasting. I'm ready to have some fun with our magic.", "Piper: No. No personal gain, remember?", "Phoebe: How is it personal gain, if we're using our powers to bring happiness to another person. And in my case lots and lots of happiness.", "Piper: Could you pass me that colander, please?", "Phoebe: Yeah. Look, I'm not talking about marriage here. We have our 30s to freak out about that. This... this spell is about having good time.", "Piper: I admit it's tempting. The dating scene can be a little frustrating. But bringing men into our life through a spell... correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a little bit desperate.", "Phoebe: No. How is asking for what you want being desperate? I say it's not. I say it's empowering. Besides, the Book of Shadows says we could reverse this spell at any time.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper is cutting up some vegetables. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: Piper? Phoebe?", "Piper: Prue. You're in home. I thought you had a date with Andy.", "Prue: Uh, no. He had to cancel. What are you doing?", "Piper: Hmm...", "Phoebe: (from the other room) Piper, I was wrong. The spell calls for cayenne pepper not black pepper. (She walks in the kitchen and sees Prue.) Ooh. Did I say spell? I ... I meant recipe. We are so busted, aren't we?", "Prue: I would say yes. What spell are you casting?", "Piper: I realized today that Phoebe may have stumbled onto something. Something that actually makes sense.", "Prue: Now I'm worried.", "Piper: All the spells are in this book for a reason, right? And I think that this spell could be a harmless opportunity for us to test our powers, you know, really get a handle on them. I mean, why else would it say we can reverse it at any time? All I want is someone special in my life and this spell provides that exactly.", "Phoebe: I can translate.", "[Time lapse.]", "Prue: You have got to be kidding.", "Piper: We were hoping you would join us.", "Prue: No. I have got enough complications in my life. You two are on your own.", "Phoebe: You know where to find us.", "Prue: Be careful what you wish for.", "[Scene: Attic. Phoebe and Piper have everything set up on the table to do the spell.]", "Phoebe: Okay. You want to go first?", "Piper: No. You go first.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(Phoebe snatches a piece of paper off Piper.)", "Piper: Hey. That's not fair.", "Phoebe: You want a man who is single, smart, endowed?", "Piper: Employed.", "Phoebe: Oh, sorry, employed. A man who loves sleeping in on Sunday, sunset bike rides (laughs), cuddling by a roaring fire (laughs) and late-night talks. A man who loves love as much as you do (laughs). Wow. You're a romantic.", "Piper: Yep. Your turn. You want the sexy, silent type that finds you driving through town on the back of a Harley at 3:00 in the morning. A man who appreciates scented candles, body oils and Italian sheets (laughs).", "Phoebe: He's about hunger and lust and danger and even know you know all this, even know you know he'll never meet your friends or share a holiday meal with your family, you still can't stay away. And he recycles.", "Piper: He recycles?", "Phoebe: Yeah. And I think it goes without saying we both want a man who is well... employed.", "Piper: You're seriously twisted. This is the spell we have to say?", "Phoebe: Yeah. We're lucky. If we were men looking for women the spell requires putting a piece of honey cake in a sweaty armpit for day.", "Piper: Eww. Maybe we can say this.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "Phoebe/Piper: I conjure thee, I conjure thee, I am the queen, you're the bee, as I desire so shall it be. I conjure thee, I conjure thee, I am the queen, you're the bee, as I desire so shall it be.", "Phoebe: You think it worked?", "Piper: I don't know. The big spells usually require all three of us.", "(The phone rings.)", "Phoebe: Ooh.", "Piper: Ooh.", "(They run downstairs to the foyer. Prue is on the phone.)", "Phoebe: Is it for me? Is it for me?", "Prue: This is Prue. Who's this? Um, I'm sorry. Do I know you?", "Dream Sorcerer Yeah. We met at Quake. Well, we didn't actually meet. I sent you a glass of Chardonnay and you sent it back. Still, you know, I was wondering, maybe you'd like to go out sometime.", "Prue: Uh, oh, look, as I told the waitress I'm just not available. How did you get my number, my name?", "(The Dream Sorcerer hangs up.)", "Prue: Hello?", "Piper: Who is it?", "Prue: That guy from Quake who sent me a drink.", "Piper: What did he want?", "Prue: He asked me out.", "(Phoebe walks over to the door and puts on her coat.)", "Prue: Um, hello. Missy May where are you going?", "Phoebe: I'm going to Quake see if my spell worked. Want to join me?", "Piper: Pass.", "Prue: No. Thanks. I'm gonna take a bath.", "[Scene: Bathroom. Prue's lying in the bath. She closes her eyes and falls asleep. We go into her dream. The Dream Sorcerer is there.]", "Dream Sorcerer: Hello Prue.", "(Prue wakes up.)", "Prue: Who the hell...", "Dream Sorcerer: Am I and how did I get in? Hmm?", "Prue: I don't care just get...", "Dream Sorcerer: Out of the bathroom?", "Dream Sorcerer/Prue: Piper, help me!", "Dream Sorcerer: Scream all you want. No one can help you.", "Prue: How did you know...", "Dream Sorcerer: What are you thinking and know what you're going to say?", "Prue: Yes.", "Dream Sorcerer: I'm in your conscious. I know your every thought and desire.", "Prue: Who are you?", "Dream Sorcerer: I'm the man of your dreams.", "Prue: You're not real. You don't exist.", "Dream Sorcerer: That's what your mother used to say, isn't it? Every night, before you went to sleep?", "Prue: You're not real. You don't exist.", "Dream Sorcerer: As she tucked you in? She'd say if you saw any monsters to tell yourself they weren't real.", "Prue: You're not real. You don't exist.", "Dream Sorcerer: They didn't exist?", "Prue: I can't move. Why can't I move?", "Dream Sorcerer: Ha ha ha. Because I'm going to love you to death.", "(The dream sorcerer gets a sponge and rubs it on her back so hard it makes her bleed. He pushes her head under the water. Piper knocks the door and Prue wakes up.)", "Piper: Prue, are you okay?", "Prue: Uh, yeah.", "Piper: You were yelling.", "Prue: Yeah. I had a... I had a really bad thing.", "Piper: A thing?", "Prue: Yeah. Uh, I'm okay now. I promise. Just go back to bed. (Piper leaves. Prue gets out of the bath.) Ow. (She looks at her back and sees scratch marks from the sponge.) Oh, my God.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue and Piper are there.]", "Prue: Do you remember what mom used to say about nightmares?", "Piper: She said if we saw any monsters to tell them to go away that they didn't exist. Always worked, too.", "Prue: Yeah, well, not this time. He knew about mom. He knew what she told us and how did he know that? And what about the marks on my back. Piper, they were there and now they've disappeared. I don't know how and I don't know why but they were definitely there.", "Piper: How many hours did you work this week? 60, 70? And now what are doing today, on a Saturday, no less?", "Prue: Yeah, well, the auctions starts on Monday and the shipment arrives three days late. And you're changing the subject. You don't believe me.", "Piper: No. I believe you think you saw marks on your back. But I'm watching you down your third cup of coffee and we're talking about a nightmare you had while you asleep in the tub. So isn't it possible that exhaustion made you see those marks and not some dream guy?", "Prue: No. He was in my dream and it was real.", "Piper: So why didn't you use your powers to help you out? You know, move him away.", "Prue: I don't know.", "(A handsome guy enters wearing no shirt.)", "Hans: Morning.", "Prue: Uh, excuse me but who are you?", "Piper: Who cares?", "(Hans gets a bottle of milk out of the fridge and drinks it all. Phoebe comes in.)", "Phoebe: Hans, I found your t... (She sees Piper and Prue.) shirt.", "Hans: Was it in the hammock or...", "Phoebe: It doesn't matter.", "Hans: Thanks.", "Phoebe: Sure.", "Piper: (whispering) Hammock?", "Hans: I got to run.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(They kiss.)", "Hans: I'll meet you later for lunch.", "Phoebe: Okay.", "Hans: Oops. I almost forgot.", "(Hans puts the empty bottle in the recycling bin. He leaves.)", "Phoebe: Don't worry. We had safe s*x. A lot of safe s*x.", "Piper: Eww.", "(Prue laughs.)", "[Scene: Quake. Phoebe and Piper are there.]", "Phoebe: I'm telling you, Piper. The spell worked.", "Piper: Shh. A little louder, Phoebes. I don't think Oakland heard.", "Phoebe: Well, it did. Get this. Hans doesn't go to bars. He's never been to Quake but last night he's on his away back from his acting classes. (Piper laughs.) When... BAM! Flat tire on his motorcycle right across the street from Quake. So he comes in to use the pay phone and who should he bump into but me, exiting the ladies' room.", "Piper: Phoebe, you threw his clothes all over the house. That's not a spell working, that's hormones.", "Phoebe: No, that's not like that. I really like Hans. He's really cool. And he likes me too.", "(Phoebe sees Hans, she runs over to him, they hug and he spins her around. Piper takes a plate of food over to a man sitting at a table.)", "Piper: Mr. Manford, here you go. Chicken, rice and veggies. Just the way you like it.", "Mr. Manford: Thank you. And please call me Jack. Has anybody ever told you how truly beautiful you are?", "(Piper laughs.)", "Piper: Have you been drinking?", "(He laughs.)", "Jack: A sense of humor. I love that. (She turns to leave.) Wait, Piper, don't go. I don't know why but I've got to get to know you. Have dinner with me.", "Piper: Can you hang on a second?", "Jack: (whispering) Yeah.", "Piper: (whispering) Okay.", "(Piper walks over to the phone near the bar. A guy stands behind her.)", "Piper: Prue Halliwell, please. It's her sister, Piper.", "Guy: You know, you shouldn't have dinner with that guy.", "Piper: Why not?", "Guy: Because you should fly to Paris with me.", "Piper: (on the phone) Tell her it's an emergency.", "[Cut to Bucklands. Prue's office. She's talking to Piper on the phone.]", "Prue: So you're not actually thinking of going out with this Jack guy, are you?", "(Rex enters Prue's office carrying a box.)", "Rex: Have you finished the, uh, Cromwell miniatures yet?", "Prue: Rex...", "Prue: (to Piper) Hang on a second.", "Prue: (to Rex) No, I'm still cataloging the Rembrandt sketches.", "Rex: Oh, well, uh, set them aside. The, uh, letters of Ernest Hemingway are now first on the block.", "(Delivery guys bring in lots more boxes of stuff.)", "Prue: (to Piper) I don't believe it. I'm going to be here all night. Piper, let me call you back.", "(She hangs up.)", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Phoebe and Piper are there. Phoebe's tying up her shoes.]", "Piper: Jack stayed through the entire lunch shift. Talked my ear off, had me laughing at all his stories and somehow convinced me to have coffee with him.", "Phoebe: Hans and I are going dancing at Rave. You and Jack should come join us.", "Piper: Well, if our dinner date last as long as our coffee break, we wouldn't make it there till closing", "Phoebe: Maybe we could all meet back at the house later. (Phoebe grabs her coat.) This has worked out so great, hasn't it?", "Piper: Yeah.", "(Phoebe laughs and leaves with a smile on her face.)", "Piper: Great.", "[Scene: Dream lab. Morris, Andy and a are there.]", "Morris: So this is a dream lab? They actually pay people to sleep?", "Lab Technician: If you wait here, I'll tell Mr. Berman that you would like to speak with him.", "(He walks away.)", "Andy: Thank you.", "Morris: Look, just because Berman dated the first victim...", "Andy: Julie Garikson.", "Morris: Doesn't make him a killer.", "Andy: But it's a great place to start. It's our only place to start.", "(They walk in a room.)", "Morris: What do you know about this place anyway?", "Andy: It's a privately funded research facility and Julie Garikson worked here too. She and Berman teamed together on some kind of experimental project.", "(Berman arrives outside the room in his wheelchair.)", "Berman: Hello, Inspectors, how may I help you?", "(They walk back outside.)", "Morris: You Whitaker Berman?", "Berman: Yes. What's this about?", "Morris: We're conducting an investigation and would like to ask you a few questions.", "Berman: Regarding?", "Andy: Do you know this woman?", "(Andy hands him a photograph.)", "Berman: That's Julie Derikson. She was my girlfriend. I was heartbroken when she... Forgive me, it's just very hard. I still miss her.", "Andy: Another woman died just like her the other night. A waitress. Crushed to death in her sleep.", "Berman: Oh, you're kidding?", "Morris: No.", "Berman: That's-that's awful.", "Andy: Mr. Berman, can you tell us your whereabouts night before last.", "Berman: I was here in the lab asleep. I left in the morning.", "Morris: Any witnesses who can confirm that?", "Berman: A nights worth of day, two scientists and a lab technician. Shall I have them paged?", "Morris: No, that's okay Mr. Berman. Sorry we disturbed you. Thank you for your time.", "[Scene: Quake. Piper's having dinner with Jack.]", "Piper: What else can I tell you? Um, when I get stressed, I get hives... in very strange places. Which is nothing compared to what happens when I panic, believe me.", "Jack: Your honesty is so refreshing.", "Piper: Ah, well, it helps keep my ulcer under control", "Jack: It's the nineties. I mean, is there anyone who doesn't have one?", "Piper: Would you like to see my tattoo?", "Jack: Would you like to see mine?", "Piper: Uh, is there nothing I can say to turn you off?", "Jack: There really isn't. Which is kind of strange, actually.", "Piper: Not really. Jack, you're under a...", "(Jack kisses Piper.)", "Piper: Spell.", "(Piper sees a guy sitting behind Jack smiling and giving her the eye, then she sees another guy standing near by holding a glass of wine and winking at her. She laughs nervously. She looks behind her and another guy is sitting at a table holding a white rose.)", "Guy with rose: Hey, there.", "(She turns back around to face Jack and lets out a freaked out laugh.)", "[Scene: Dream Lab. Lab technicians are helping Mr. Berman aka The Dream Sorcerer into a chair.]", "Berman: Give me 30 cc's of Vandereen.", "Technician: 30 cc's? That's twice...", "Berman: I'll be in rem sleep quicker and longer. Set the dream inducement system, the level twelve.", "Technician: We haven't got the results back from level eight.", "Berman: This is my dream. My experiment. Set the machine and give me the shot.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Prue has fallen asleep at her desk. The Dream Sorcerer is in her dreams.]", "Dream Sorcerer: Hello Prue. We meet again. (Prue wakes up. She grabs a letter opener off her desk.) All that work. All those hours. You fell asleep at your desk.", "Prue: Someone help!", "(The walls of the office turn into blue and red clouds.)", "Dream Sorcerer: What do you hide from at work? Is it the pain of your past or the uncertainty of your future?", "(Prue tries to get out of her chair but she's stuck.)", "Prue: I don't hide from anything.", "Dream Sorcerer: You can't move out of the chair, can you? (He spins her around.) Don't you want to know why? Because I don't want you to. You're powerless, Prue.", "Prue: Go to hell.", "Dream Sorcerer: I, on the other hand, am the all power-full. If you don't want to talk to me, that's fine. There's always Piper, Phoebe or any number of young, single women out there. It's an endless pool for the Dream Sorcerer.", "Prue: No, wait. I'll stay.", "Dream Sorcerer: It's too late. You're falling asleep.", "Prue: No. I'm fine. I'm awake.", "Dream Sorcerer: Shall I sing you a lullaby?", "Prue: I don't think so.", "(Prue kicks him and stabs his hand with the letter opener. He yells in pain.)", "Dream Sorcerer: Good night, Prue.", "(He grabs the chair and gets ready to push her over the edge. You hear a phone ring. Prue's back in her office. She wakes up and answers the phone.)", "Prue: Hello?", "Andy: Hi, you're still at the office.", "Prue: Yeah, um, can I call you back?", "(She spins around on her chair and faces the wall.)", "Andy: Sure. I'm at the station house. Everything okay?", "Prue: It is now. Thanks, Andy. Thanks for calling.", "Andy: I just wanted to hear your voice.", "Prue: Okay, bye.", "(She hangs up. Rex touches Prue on her shoulder, she gets a fright, spins back around and nearly stabs Rex with the letter opener.)", "Rex: Bloody hell.", "(Prue notices blood on the tip of the letter opener.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Police station. Andy and Morris are there.]", "Morris: The man is in a wheelchair. He's got no motive and he's got an alibi. So tell me again why you think Berman is our suspect.", "Andy: Dream leaping.", "Morris: Dream leaping?", "Andy: That's what Berman's researching at the lab. Dream leaping. The ability to project himself into someone else's dreams.", "Morris: Into women's dreams and killing them? Now who's dreaming.", "Andy: Not just any women. Women who reject him. Just like Julie Derikson did. She broke up with him when they were driving somewhere. He got into an accident. That's why he's paralyzed. It's on there in the police report. (Andy stands up and gets his coat.) The day after he went back to work at the lab, Julie Derikson died suspiciously. Six months later, two more women died in their sleep. Crushed to death. Coincidence? You tell me.", "Morris: Love to. Can't. Let's go.", "[Scene: Manor. The front door opens and Phoebe walks in.]", "Phoebe: (calling out) I'm home!", "(She walks down the foyer and notices bunches of flowers everywhere. She sees an open box of chocolates and takes one. She walks in the kitchen. More flowers are in here too. Piper's sitting at the table drinking coffee.)", "Piper: You're home early.", "Phoebe: Yeah. So are you. What's with all the flowers. You and Jack fighting already?", "Piper: I wish. The flowers were all waiting on the doorstep when I returned. They're from men I barely know and men I've never met. All the flowers in here are for you.", "(Phoebe sits down.)", "Phoebe: Oh, well. I know they're not from Hans.", "Piper: What happened?", "Phoebe: He wouldn't leave me alone all night. He kept touching me. And practically every guy in the bar was hitting on me. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I ditched Hans and left him at the club. So, how was your date?", "Piper: Perfect. Everything was perfect. Even my faults were perfect.", "Phoebe: And this is a bad thing?", "Piper: It wasn't real. Everything he said, everything he felt, it was because of the spell, not because of me.", "Phoebe: Piper, you don't know that. Maybe he meant every word. Maybe if it wasn't for the spell he would've never had a chance to feel those things. Let alone say them.", "Piper: No, Phoebe. Love is a magic between two people that cannot be explained and cannot be conjured. What we did, it's just... it's not right.", "(Kit jumps on the table.)", "Phoebe: Hmm. Ever our poor cat's in hell. (You see cats outside trying to get in the window.) Go away horny tom cats.", "Piper: Let's reverse the spell.", "(Phoebe nods. The phone rings. Piper gets up and answers it.)", "Piper: Hello? Prue, where are you?", "Prue: I'm, um, still ate the office. Look, I fell asleep and that man from my dream, he tried to kill me again.", "Piper: What?", "Prue: Yeah. I don't understand why. All I know is I'm only safe if I stay awake. If I fall asleep, I'm dead.", "Piper: Well, stay where you are. Phoebe and I will come pick you up.", "Prue: No. I don't want to stay here another minute. Look, I want you to look in the Book of Shadows and see if you can find anything on this guy. He calls himself a dream sorcerer, ok?", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe's looking through the Book Of Shadows.]", "Piper: Nothing?", "Phoebe: Nada.", "Piper: There's got to be something.", "Phoebe: I'm telling you. There's no Dream Sorcerer stuff anywhere.", "Piper: That's impossible. The Book of Shadows has never let us down.", "Phoebe: Well, maybe he's not a demon. Maybe he's a mortal.", "Piper: Then he's got one hell of a power.", "Phoebe: You're not kidding.", "Piper: Demon, mortal, there's got to be some way to stop him.", "(The phone rings.)", "Piper: It's got to be Prue.", "Phoebe: Wait. What are you going to tell her? That we can't help her? That she can never go to sleep?", "(They run downstairs.)", "[Cut to Prue. She's in her car driving along. She's got her phone up to her ear.]", "Prue: Come on, answer the phone.", "[Cut back to the manor. Piper and Phoebe are running down the stairs. Piper answers the phone.]", "Piper: Hello?", "Prue: Hey, did you, um, find anything?", "Piper: No, we didn't but don't worry. You're not in this alone. Phoebe and I will help you.", "Prue: How can you help me when we don't even know what he is?", "Piper: The most important thing right now is for you get home safely.", "Prue: Yeah. Ok, um, look. Just keep talking. Don't let me fall asleep.", "Piper: (to Phoebe) She sounds exhausted.", "(Phoebe takes the phone.)", "Phoebe: Okay, Prue. Blast the air conditioning, crank the stereo and roll down the windows. Wait, don't crank the stereo.", "Phoebe: (to Piper) What's that song we always used to sing when we were little?", "Piper: The road trip song?", "Phoebe: Yeah. Let's sing that.", "Phoebe: Did you hear that, Prue?", "Prue: Yeah, okay.", "Phoebe: Okay, don't worry. Everything's going to be fine. Nothing is going to happen.", "(Hans knocks on the door. He sounds angry.)", "Hans: Phoebe!", "Phoebe: Hans?", "Hans: Let me in. I have to see you.", "Pheobe: Go away. (Hans breaks open the door.) Are you crazy? What are you doing?", "Prue: Piper? Phoebe?", "Hans: You left me. How could you leave me?", "Phoebe: Hans, please.", "Hans: Ever since I met you I can't do anything. Eat, drink, sleep. All I can do is think about you.", "[Cut to Prue. She's nearly asleep.]", "Prue: Piper, Phoebe.", "The Dream Sorcerer appears in her dream.)", "Dream Sorcerer: Time is now, Prue. We're almost there.", "(Prue awakes up.)", "Prue: Piper, Phoebe, where are you?", "[Cut back to the manor. Piper and Phoebe stand on the stairs.]", "Hans: What have you done to me?", "(Hans picks up a vase of flowers and throws it at them. Piper freezes him and the vase before it can hit them.)", "Piper: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: I'm fine. (Phoebe remembers Prue.) Prue.", "(They run back over to the phone.)", "[Cut back to Prue. She's falling asleep again. She drops the phone.]", "[Cut back to the manor.]", "Phoebe: Prue! Prue! She's not there.", "[Cut back to Prue. She's asleep. The Dream Sorcerer appears.]", "Dream Sorcerer: Say good night, Prue.", "(You see her heading for a pole. He starts laughing.)", "[Cut back to the manor.]", "Phoebe: She's not answering.", "[Cut back to Prue. She has ran into the pole. The front of her car is totally smashed. Prue has her head resting on the steering wheel.]", "Prue: (whispering) I can't fall asleep. I can't fall asleep.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Hospital. Prue's on a stretcher. The doctor's are pushing her down the corridor. A nurse runs up to her.]", "Doctor: (to the paramedic) What have you got?", "Paramedic: I've got a 27 year old female, one on one carved into a utility pole. BPA over 44.10. Unconscious at the scene.", "Doctor: Pupil's are responsive. Miss Halliwell, hang in there.", "Prue: (whispering) Must stay awake, must stay awake.", "(The doctor runs into a room and gives orders to a male nurse. They push Prue in the room.)", "Doctor: Ready, 1, 2, 3. (They lift her on the bed and hook her up to the machines.)", "Doctor #2: ---------- a thirty-five pulse, ----- is falling.", "Doctor: That can't be. Give me five hundred -------. Stay with us, Miss Halliwell. Damn, she's unconscious.", "(The room turns into her dream. She's still lying on the bed.)", "Prue: How did I get here? I'm not...", "Dream Sorcerer: Asleep? Actually you're unconscious. You fell asleep at the wheel. Hit a pole. Terrible terrible thing. Speaking of pain, you really hurt me last night.", "(Prue tries call from her cell phone)", "Dream Sorcerer: And not just my feelings.", "Prue: Suffer.", "(Prue starts dialing her phone.)", "Dream Sorcerer: We're definitely out of range. (He picks up a glass of wine.) A little wine with your death?", "[Cut to the dream lab. Andy and Morris are there.]", "Technician: Mr. Berman insists that he's not to be disturbed during his experiments.", "Andy: I don't care. We want to talk to him. Just wake him up.", "Technician: It's not gonna be easy. He's highly sedated.", "Andy: Just get to work.", "(The technician walks in the room.)", "Morris: I hope you're right about this.", "Andy: I know I am. Question now is if Berman is gonna kill again. But who?", "[Cut back to Prue's dream. Prue's wearing a really nice black evening dress.]", "Dream Sorcerer: Do you like the dress?", "Prue: I've worn better.", "Dream Sorcerer: Hmm, yeah.", "(The Dream Sorcerer picks up Prue off the bed.)", "[Cut to the hospital. Piper and Phoebe walk up to reception.]", "Piper: Excuse me.", "Doctor #2: May I help you?", "Piper: You called us a little while ago. Ah, our sister is here. Prue Halliwell.", "(He looks at some files.)", "Doctor #2: Oh, your sister's still in trauma one.", "Phoebe: Is she okay?", "Doctor #2: Well, if you go down to the waiting room, a doctor will be right with you.", "Piper: Okay, thank you.", "(They pretend to walk to the waiting room but when no one is looking they run down to trauma one.)", "[Cut back to the Dream Lab. Andy's knocking on the glass.]", "Andy: Mr. Berman! Mr. Berman, wake up! (to the technician) I don't care what it takes, just wake him up. (Andy continues to bang on the glass.) Mr. Berman, wake up!", "[Cut to Prue's dream. You hear Andy's voice.]", "Andy's voice: Wake up, Mr. Berman!", "Prue: Andy?", "[Cut to Prue in the hospital. Phoebe and Piper are there.]", "Piper: We're here, Prue, right beside you.", "Phoebe: Can you hear us?", "[Cut back to Prue's dream.]", "Piper's voice: Prue?", "Prue: Piper. Phoebe.", "Phoebe's voice: Prue?", "Dream Sorcerer: They can't help you. You're mine, now.", "[Cut to the hospital.]", "Phoebe: I'm scared.", "Piper: I know. Me too.", "Phoebe: What do we do?", "Piper: We don't let her give up.", "Piper: Prue, listen to me. You've got to fight with this guy.", "Phoebe: Don't leave us.", "Piper: You can do it.", "Phoebe: We need you.", "Piper: Use your power, Prue.", "Phoebe: Come back to us.", "[Cut to Prue's dream.]", "Piper's voice: Use your power.", "Phoebe's voice: You can do it, Prue.", "Prue: Where are you?", "Dream Sorcerer: You're powerless.", "Piper's voice: Prue, you can do it. Use your power against him. Prue?", "(The Dream Sorcerer carries her over to the edge of the building.)", "Dream Sorcerer: Shall I say good night, hmm?", "Prue: No, let me. Good night.", "(She uses her power and he flies over the edge of the building.)", "[Cut to the Dream Lab. The Dream Sorcerer is yelling in his sleep. He stops and he dies.]", "Andy: I don't believe it. He's dead.", "[Cut back to the hospital. Prue wakes up.]", "Piper: Prue?", "Phoebe: Are you okay?", "Prue: Yeah, I'm okay.", "Phoebe: What about the...", "Prue: He's gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Hospital. Piper and Phoebe are carrying bunches and bunches of flowers into Prue's room.]", "Phoebe: Knock, knock.", "Prue: Please, tell me you guys are here to pick me up.", "Piper: Hi. No, Dr. Black said one more day. Just to be sure.", "Phoebe: Yeah, and you know, it wouldn't kill you to get some rest.", "(She realizes what she just said and covers her mouth.)", "Prue: Phoebe, it's okay. Thanks for the flowers.", "Piper: Yeah.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Prue: What's going on?", "Phoebe: Oh, long story, not very interesting.", "Prue: Does this have anything to do with your lust spell?", "Phoebe: Mmm hmm. But don't worry.", "Piper: We reversed the spell last night.", "Phoebe: Piper called Jack.", "Prue: The guy that you had dinner with?", "Piper: And he didn't remember anything. And Phoebe called Hans...", "Phoebe: And he didn't remember anything.", "Piper: So, don't worry. Everything is back to normal.", "Prue: Good.", "(Andy walks in carrying a red rose and some take-away.)", "Andy: Afternoon, ladies. Surprise.", "Prue: Yes. It is.", "(Prue looks at Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: What are you looking at me for? I didn't tell him.", "(Prue then looks at Piper.)", "Piper: Guilty. Come on, let's go.", "Phoebe: Okay, bye.", "Piper: Um, we'll see you later tonight.", "Phoebe: After we raid your closet.", "(They leave.)", "Andy: Brought your favourite.", "(He hands Prue the take-away bag and she looks in it.)", "Prue: Oh, cheeseburgers and fries.", "Andy: Glad to see every bone in your body's not broken.", "Prue: What?", "Andy: The car accident. Never mind.", "(Andy gives Prue the rose.)" ]
Dream Sorcerer
[ "A demonic bride-to-be, Jade D'Mon, suddenly replaces a human bride, Alison Michaels, a week before her wedding, by having a magical contractual 'hold' over the grooms' mother, Grace Spencer, as well as by casting a spell over the groom, Elliot Spencer. The Halliwell sisters gradually discover the strange events about the wedding, as Piper is catering the event. Alison and the sisters formulate a plan to stop the demonic wedding. Grace helps Alison and the Halliwell sisters, resulting in the defeat of Jade and the reconciliation of Alison and Elliot." ]
[ "[Scene: Outside the Spencer's house. Allison is there. Elliot walks up to her holding a rose.]", "Elliot: Mrs. Allison Spencer I presume.", "(She takes the rose off of him and smells it.)", "Allison: You mean Mrs. Allison Michaels Spencer don't you?", "Elliot: You wanna be alone?", "Allison: No.", "Elliot: You're not getting cold feet are you?", "Allison: No, Elliot, I am definitely not getting cold feet. I love you, you know that.", "Elliot: But...", "Allison: I don't know, it's just so overwhelming. I mean, after all these years of dreaming about us getting married, I just, I don't want anything bad to happen, that's all.", "Elliot: I've got an idea. Let's elope.", "Allison: Yeah, right, like your mum would really allow that.", "(They kiss.)", "Grace: Elliot?", "Allison: Speak of the devil.", "(Grace walks up to them.)", "Elliot: Hi mum.", "Grace: I have been looking all over for you. Did you get the marriage certificate yet?", "Elliot: Not yet.", "Grace: Well, you have to. The wedding won't be legal without it.", "Allison: We're going to City Hall tomorrow before the rehearsal dinner.", "Grace: But why not go today?", "Elliot: Mum, relax will you. Why are you so bent about this?", "(Allison sees Jade standing near by.)", "Allison: Who's that?", "Grace: Oh, no.", "Elliot: Who is it?", "Grace: Someone I haven't seen for a long time. (Mrs. Spencer walks over to Jade.) What are you doing here?", "Jade: What's the matter? Forget about our little pact?", "Grace: No, Jade, but I was hoping that you did. My God, you haven't aged in twenty years.", "Jade: You could've asked for eternal youth, Grace, instead of wealth, power, all this. You've had a good life haven't you?", "(Kirsten walks up to them.)", "Kirsten: Where to?", "Jade: Oh, have the butler show you to our rooms. Tell him Mrs. Spencer was expecting us.", "(Kirsten leaves.)", "Grace: You can't just move in here. People will be suspicious. What will I say?", "Jade: Say the truth. Say your son's had a change of heart. That was our deal remember? Don't worry, Elliot won't even know what you did until it's over.", "(Jade uses her power and Elliot collapses on the ground.)", "Allison: Elliot! Elliot! (Allison starts screaming.) Help me! No!", "[Scene: One week later at the Manor. Prue knocks on the bathroom door.]", "Prue: Piper, are you still in there?", "[Cut in the bathroom. Piper's in there holding up a pregnancy test.]", "Piper: I'm almost done.", "Prue: Define almost.", "Piper: Just give me another minute... or two.", "Prue: You're positive?", "Piper: (whispering) I hope not.", "Prue: Piper, I cannot be late today.", "Piper: (whispering) I know the feeling.", "Prue: My first biannual auction starts tomorrow and...", "Prue, Piper: I want to do a good job.", "Piper: Yes, I know.", "Prue: So, can you hurry?", "Piper: Just use the bathroom downstairs.", "Prue: All my stuff is up here.", "Piper: Well, borrow mine. It's all down there.", "Prue: But then... never mind.", "(Prue leaves and Phoebe walks up to the bathroom. She knocks on the door.)", "Phoebe: Piper?", "Piper: I'll be right out.", "Phoebe: Is there any hot water left?", "(Piper throws the pregnancy test box in the bin and opens the door.)", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: Am I in for a cold shower? Yes or no?", "Piper: At certain times in our life, a cold shower is probably a good thing.", "Phoebe: Not three mornings in a row, it's not.", "(Piper leaves and Phoebe walks in the bathroom. She starts brushing her teeth and notices the box in the bin. She picks it up and has a premonition of a demon being born.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper's there cooking some food. She gets a tray of hor's d'ouevres out of the oven. Prue walks in. The phone rings and Piper answers it.]", "Piper: Hello? (listens) Okay, thanks. Bye.", "(She hangs up.)", "Prue: The three of us definitely need to figure out some kind of a morning schedule.", "Piper: I think I'm gonna be sick.", "Prue: In the upstairs or downstairs bathroom?", "Piper: Maybe Phoebe can help me cater the Elliot Spencer wedding tomorrow.", "Prue: Shouldn't you check with the chef who hired you first?", "Prue: That would be Chef Moore.", "Prue: Ah.", "Piper: Who is on his way to France and since technically the contract is with Quake, he is off hook and I'm on the line. Now I have to tell one of the most richest families in the city that the chef they hired can't do their wedding. They're stuck with me and I hope they go for it.", "Prue: Bright side? Who else they can hire in twenty-four hours? Piper, it's not the end of the world.", "(Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: What's not the end of the world?", "Prue: Piper's problem.", "Phoebe: Oh, you know too?", "Prue: She just told me.", "Piper: (to Phoebe) How do you know?", "Phoebe: Oh, I...", "Prue: Piper can definitely handle this. Frankly, I don't even think anyone will notice.", "Piper: (to Phoebe) I thought maybe you could help me.", "Phoebe: Me? What can I do?", "Piper: Pick up some supplies. Tie some bows. Offer moral support if I panic and freeze anything. Ten bucks an hour.", "Prue: Ooh, I'd take it. Good luck with the wedding.", "(Prue leaves.)", "Piper: So, will you do it?", "Phoebe: Yeah, sure.", "Piper: Okay. Here's a list of supplies I need. I'll go to the Spencer Estate and you can meet me there at 1:00.", "Phoebe: You and Prue were really just talking about a wedding?", "Piper: Yeah, what did you think we were talking about?", "Phoebe: Jeremy and his aftermath. You know, you slept with him.", "Piper: Don't ever mention that warlock's name again. It is over. He's in demon hell. End of story. Wedding yes, warlocks no. Am I clear? Good, because there is nothing in me that wants anything to do with Jeremy ever again.", "(Piper walks out of the room and Phoebe picks up an hor's d'ouevres.)", "Piper: (from other room) Don't touch those.", "(Phoebe puts it back.)", "[Scene: Outside the Spencer's house. Piper drives in the driveway and stops beside an intercom.]", "Man's Voice: Yes, may I help you?", "Piper: Uh, my name is Piper Halliwell, I'm the caterer.", "Man's Voice: I have Chef Moore listed as the caterer.", "Piper: Yeah, there's been changed.", "Man's Voice: Sorry ma'am.", "Piper: I've got ice sculptures melting over wedding cake. I've got to get in now.", "Man's Voice: Someone will be with you in a moment.", "(The gates open and two security guards walk down the driveway. A priest appears at Piper's window.)", "Priest: Please, I have to get in into the compound. This is a matter of utmost importance. I must get in.", "(The security guards grab the priest.)", "Security Guard: Father Trask. We've been expecting you.", "Piper: Hey, easy on the padre, buddy.", "Security Guard: Go right ahead in, ma'am.", "Priest: She is the bearer of the demon child. Beware Hecate.", "Piper: (to herself) Hecate? Okay.", "(She drives in.)", "[Scene: Bucklands. Rex's office. Prue and Hannah are there looking at some items.]", "Prue: It's a Lassa warrior fertility goddess. Very rare and very powerful. The tribe believed that its mere presence would help a woman conceive.", "Hannah: Hmm. You take it. My biological clock's not the one that's ticking.", "(Rex walks in.)", "Rex: Prue, your, um, sister's here to see you. She's waiting in your office.", "Prue: Which sister?", "Rex: The one who upon seeing your office, said \"Damn, I should go back to college.\"", "Prue: Phoebe. Well, for once her timing's good. The fertility icon has been catalogued.", "Rex: I'm sorry. It's, uh, no longer available. (Prue leaves.) Hannah. That was very careless of you. You should know for whom we acquired this.", "Hannah: Look, her sister's catering the wedding. Prue won't even be there.", "[Cut to Prue's office. Phoebe's sitting at Prue's desk talking on the phone. Prue walks in.]", "Phoebe: Oh, gotta go. (She hangs up.) This place rocks. No wonder you never want to come home.", "Prue: Get out of my chair.", "(Phoebe stands up and picks up a notepad.)", "Phoebe: I love too that you found time to scribble a morning shower schedule for we Halliwell sisters. I noticed that I'm the last.", "Prue: What are you doing here? I thought that you were helping Piper with the wedding.", "Phoebe: I am but I need to talk to you.", "Prue: You've got, uh, five minutes. Go.", "Phoebe: Okay, uh, I had a vision this morning and in this vision a thing was being born, so I started to think back, oh, six, eight weeks ago...", "Prue: Oh my God, you're pregnant.", "Phoebe: What?", "Prue: That's why you came back from New York, isn't it?", "Phoebe: No. But I shouldn't be surprised that you would think that. After all, I am the irresponsible sister, the black sheep who always screws up, the dark cloud over the Halliwell household.", "Prue: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: Okay, I'm not pregnant.", "Prue: But then why...", "Phoebe: Excuse me. I think I still have two more minutes. FYI, you have another sister who has had s*x. Remember Jeremy? The guy who blew up in the attic? The warlock boyfriend? Think about it, Prue. Because it wasn't me in that vision having the demon child. It was Piper. So, if you won't believe me, you can believe my power.", "[Scene: Outside the Spencer's house. Allison is there. Grace storms up to her.]", "Grace: You have to stop calling here, Allison. Do you understand?", "Allison: Do I understand? Are you kidding me? What the hell's going on? Why won't Elliot return any of my calls?", "Grace: I can't explain right now.", "Allison: You better damn well explain because I am not leaving here until you do. I have called the police, the sheriff, nobody will listen to me, nobody believes me.", "Grace: I know how hard this must be...", "Allison: Who is this Jade?", "Grace: She's an old acquaintance of the family.", "Allison: I don't believe that. Elliot would've told me about her.", "Grace: There are many things about our family that you will never understand.", "Allison: Then let Elliot explain it to me. If he's gonna marry somebody else I wanna hear it from him.", "Grace: It is over Allison, that is all you need to know. Elliot doesn't love you anymore.", "Allison: How can you say that?", "Grace: I'm sorry. He's going to marry Jade D'Mon. Please don't ever call here again.", "(She walks off.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: The Spencer's house. Kitchen. Piper's there.]", "Piper: (to a cook) Keep that at a simmer, not a boil.", "(Piper walks over to the table and buries her face in her hands. Phoebe walks in carrying two bags of groceries.)", "Phoebe: Hey, sis.", "Piper: Finally. Did you get everything?", "Phoebe: Most of it.", "Piper (to a cook) No, wait. I've got buns in the oven.", "Phoebe: (to herself) You're not kidding.", "Piper: Phoebe, I expected you over an hour ago. Where have you been?", "Phoebe: I went to see Prue.", "Piper: At the Auction House? That's all the way down... what you were doing there?", "Phoebe: Adding more bricks to the wall between us.", "(The butler walks in.)", "Butler: Mrs. Spencer and Miss D'Mon will see you now.", "Piper: Miss D'Mon?", "Butler: The bride... Jade D'Mon.", "Piper: But I thought the bride's name was Allison...", "Butler: Does not like to be kept waiting.", "Piper, Phoebe: (whispering) Okay.", "[Cut to a room. Jade, Grace and a dress maker is there. Jade is wearing the wedding dress and the dress maker is pinning the bottom of it.]", "Grace: Oh, my son is very lucky. You're going to be a beautiful bride, Jade.", "Jade: Thank you, Grace.", "(The butler, Piper and Phoebe walk in the room.)", "Butler: Miss Piper Halliwell.", "Phoebe: And her sister chopped liver.", "Piper: Mrs. Spencer, it's so nice of you to see me. (to Jade) Um, wow, your dress, it's beautiful. I'd recognize the style anywhere. It's a Shiro, isn't it?", "Jade: Is it?", "Grace: How are things in the kitchen?", "Piper: Um, right on schedule. The lobsters arrive tomorrow morning. The hor's d'ouevres are ready, Chef Moore is in France and the puff pastries are baking.", "Jade: What?", "Grace: Chef Moore's gone?", "Piper: Yeah. Um, I'll be handling the catering.", "Grace: Charles, get me my pill.", "Jade: My wedding, it's ruined.", "Piper: Oh, my, no, no, I-I would never let that happen. I know you may have made the deal with Chef Moore but I have been involved with every step of the preparation. So if you'll let me, I can guarantee a wedding that your children and your grandchildren will talk about for generations.", "Phoebe: Okay, okay. We don't need to talk about children just yet. Look, you don't know me. Hell, I barely know me. (She laughs. Grace and Jade stare at her.) Okay, I do know my sister and she is the best damn chef of this city. No one, and I do mean, no one puts the love and tender care that Piper puts into her cooking. So, you should not only be grateful that Chef Moore bagged out but you should consider yourselves lucky.", "Jade: If there is even the slightest hitch, I will have your head. Kidding.", "(Piper laughs nervously.)", "Grace: Then it's settled.", "Piper: Uh, no. Actually there's just one more thing, I need to confirm the party trays for the bachelor and bachelorette parties tonight. Um, it looks like no decision has been made yet about the type of deli sandwiches for the bachelor party.", "Jade: Whatever you decide is fine.", "Grace: I think my son can make any decisions about his own bachelor party.", "Jade: Then we'll ask him together.", "Phoebe: I thought it was bad luck to see the bride before the... (Piper pinches Phoebe's arm.) Ouch.", "Piper: Come on.", "(Piper and Phoebe walk out of the room. The dress maker continues pinning Jade's dress. Jade moves and the pin sticks straight into her skin. Jade doesn't even feel it. The dressmaker stops and stares at it in shock. Jade looks down at her.)", "Jade: Is there a problem?", "Dressmaker: No, no problem at all. (She pulls the pin out.) Uh, I-I'm finished.", "Jade: Then go.", "[Cut to outside the Spencer's house. Security guards are there.]", "Security Guard #1: Hey, Derek, get over here.", "(Derek runs over near a truck where the other security guards are standing.)", "Derek: What's the matter? What happened?", "Security Guard #1: The priest, he got away from us.", "Derek: What? Check the perimeters. Go. (They run off.) (into his radio) All sectors code three. Father Trask is on the ground. Find him.", "(He leaves. You see Father Trask hiding inside the truck. He takes off his coat and puts on another coat. He then sticks the poingnard down his pants and gets out of the truck.)", "[Cut back inside the house. Allison sneaks into Elliot's room. Elliot is laying on his bed reading a magazine. She sits on the bed.]", "Allison: Oh, Elliot, what have they done to you. (He puts down his magazine and stares blankly at her.) Listen to me, Elliot. You can't go through with this wedding. Jade doesn't love you, she barely even knows you.", "(Jade, Grace and Kirsten walks in.)", "Jade: Well, if it isn't Allison.", "Elliot: Allison?", "Allison: Yes.", "Jade: Don't just stand there, call security.", "Grace: Of course.", "Allison: Don't bother, I was just leaving.", "(Allison stands up.)", "Kirsten: Let me show you the door.", "(They leave.)", "[Cut to the hallway. The alarm is on. Piper and Phoebe are running down the hallway.]", "Piper: Is that the alarm? What happened? (They run into the foyer. Father Trask walks past them.) Hey, that's the priest.", "(Kirsten has a hold of Allison's arm and is pulling Allison down the stairs. Jade and Elliot are standing on the second looking over.)", "Allison: Don't forget, Elliot. Remember what I said. It's not too late.", "Elliot: Don't hurt Allison.", "(Jade pulls Elliot back in his room.)", "Jade: Get in here.", "(Phoebe and Piper see Father Trask walking up the stairs with the poingnard in his hand. They run off.)", "[Cut to Elliot's room. Jade is staring out the window. Father Trask walks in holding the poingnard up in front of him. Jade turns around.]", "Jade: Father Trask.", "Father Trask: I banish thee back to the underworld, Hecate.", "Jade: Not today, Trask. (Kirsten appears behind him and turns into a demon. She grabs his head and snaps his neck.) Now get rid of him.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Phoebe and Piper run up to a security guard.]", "Piper: He's after the bride upstairs.", "(They hear a smash and run outside.)", "[Cut to outside. Father Trask is lying on the driveway.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside Spencer's House. Police have arrived. Phoebe, Piper and Allison are standing near by. Allison is crying. Piper hands her a tissue.]", "Piper: Here you go.", "Allison: Thanks.", "Piper: No worries. This is all kind of freaky, huh?", "Allison: You have no idea.", "Phoebe: What my sister meant to say was, what is up with you and Elliot?", "Piper: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: You love him, don't you?", "Allison: With all my heart.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, if that's true, then why...", "Allison: I've gotta go.", "(She leaves.)", "Piper: This is so sad. We have to do something.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but what?", "Piper: I don't know. We're good witches. It's our job, right?", "Phoebe: I wouldn't be worrying about Allison's problem just yet.", "(Phoebe pats Piper's stomach.)", "Piper: What the...?", "[Cut to Andy and Morris. They are questioning Jade.]", "Jade: How many times do I have to go through this?", "Andy: Until I'm sure I understand. Did you say Father Trask chased you to the window?", "Jade: Yes, with that big knife. He was saying the most horrific things. Crazy things. He lunged at me. I screamed and I ducked and the next thing I knew, he was dead. Can I go now? Have like a million things to do before my wedding tomorrow.", "Morris: Sure.", "(She walks away.)", "Andy: Sorry the dead man on your your driveway is such an inconvenience.", "Morris: Welcome to the lifestyles of the rich and shameless.", "Andy: Look at that window, Morris. Look where Trask landed. Tell me how anyone could jump that far.", "Morris: That's why we get paid medium bucks. To figure it out.", "[Cut inside the house. Grace and Kirsten are on the second floor.]", "Grace: Kirsten, killing a priest is not part of our deal.", "Kirsten: Word of advice. You keep your eyes closed and your mouth shut. In twenty-four hours Jade will be pregnant and all of this will be over.", "(Kirsten turns to leave but Grace grabs her arm.)", "Grace: If anything happens to my son Elliot.", "Kirsten: You should've thought about that before you agreed to our arrangement. And let me remind you about one more thing, Mrs. Spencer, we're still on the second floor.", "(She walks off.)", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Prue's sitting at her desk. Rex walks in.]", "Rex: You wanted to see me, Prue?", "Prue: Yeah, I wanted to know what you wanted me to do with the fertility icon?", "Rex: Uh, sorry?", "Prue: Well, it's the companion piece to the female icon. The one you didn't want catalogued before.", "Rex: Oh, right, yeah. Um, yeah, by all means, go ahead and tag this one for the auction. The particular client only wanted the female icon.", "Prue: Okay.", "Rex: It's a wedding gift, actually. Quite a exquisite one at that, for the Spencer bride.", "Prue: Spencer? Really? My sister's catering that wedding.", "Rex: Is she? Small world. Is that the sister that I met? Um, Phoebe?", "Prue: No, I have another sister, Piper. Although Phoebe will be helping her out.", "Rex: I see. And what about you then?", "Prue: Me? I don't do weddings.", "Rex: I was just wondering how close you and your sisters were. Anyway, carry on.", "[Cut to Rex's office. Hannah's there. Rex walks in.]", "Hannah: Well?", "Rex: Fortunately you're right. Prue won't be in attendance.", "Hannah: Hmm. Does that mean we can still go?", "Rex: No, no, I'm afraid not, it's too risky. Don't pout, Hannah. I'm sure we can think of something to do. Perhaps we can go to a football match. And watch some players get injured. Huh?", "[Cut back to Prue's office. She's squatting on the floor holding the fertility icon. She's peeling a sticky tag off of its... you know. Andy walks in and sees what she's doing.]", "Andy: I'll come back when you're alone.", "(Prue puts the icon in its box.)", "Prue: Uh, no. (She stands up.) It's, it's okay, I'm finished. Somebody just put a sticky inventory tag on his... uh... on the, uh...", "Andy: Artefact?", "Prue: Yeah, yes. The artefact. I should know that word, shouldn't I? (She sits down at her desk.) Uh, where is your, um...", "Andy: Artefact? Right here.", "(He shows her a large envelope that he's holding.)", "Prue: May I?", "Andy: It's all yours. (He hands it to her.) It's the knife I called you about. (She opens the envelope and pulls out the poingnard. She looks at it.) Thanks for seeing me on such short notice.", "Prue: Anytime. I'm happy you called. This poingnard is exquisite. 14th century. Italian. (She reads the words engraved on the blade.) \"Nec prius absistit quoad protero prodigium.\"", "Andy: My Latin's a little rusty. Uh, \"He shall not...\"", "Prue: \"I shall not. I shall not rest until the demon is vanquished\". Let me see what else I can find. (She searches through some stuff on her computer.) You found this at a crime scene?", "Andy: It was on the victim.", "Prue: What was on the suspect? Chain mail and a coat of armour?", "Andy: It belonged to a priest. He was at the Grace Spencer estate.", "Prue: Spencer estate? Piper's catering a wedding there tomorrow.", "Andy: I know. I saw her and Phoebe. Don't worry, they're fine.", "(A picture of Hecate appears on the computer.)", "Prue: This can't be a coincidence.", "Andy: What?", "(He leans over the table to have a look but Prue moves the computer so he can't see.)", "Prue: Um, nothing. I'm just mumbling to myself. Do you mind if I keep this for a while? I would like to show it to Russell in armaments.", "Andy: Sure. I checked it out so you could research it.", "Prue: Right. I'll call you.", "(She stands up and leaves the room. Andy walks around the desk and has a look at the computer screen.)", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe's looking at a picture of Hecate in a book. Piper walks in holding a box of stuff.]", "Piper: I knew I wasn't crazy. Look at these matches. Look at these napkins. They all say \"Allison and Elliot\" not \"Jade and Elliot\".", "Phoebe: That explains a lot.", "Piper: And look at this. It's Chef Moore's contract for the wedding. Up top it says \"The wedding of Allison Michaels and Elliot Spencer\". Allison is supposed to marry Elliot tomorrow, not Jade.", "Phoebe: That's probably why she was crying. I wonder what happened?", "Piper: Me too. Can you imagine watching the man you love marry somebody else?", "Phoebe: No. Poor Allison.", "Piper: Now we have to help her. We're the only ones that know about this. We're the only ones who can.", "Phoebe: Okay, I can't hold this in any longer. Your name isn't Piper and that's the good news. You're really Hecate, Queen of the underworld. You're pregnant with the demon child, which means, I'm afraid I have to kill you.", "Piper: What?", "Phoebe: Not to worry. You have plenty of time. I still have to find the jewelled poingnard to kill you with. See?", "(She shows Piper a picture in the book. Prue walks in holding the poingnard.)", "Prue: Are you talking about this?", "Phoebe: The odds, Piper. What are the odds?", "Piper: I'm not pregnant. Trust me.", "Prue: Well, that's good news.", "Phoebe: Are you kidding? That's great news. (She hugs Piper.) You can live. Wait. My vision...", "Prue: Phoebe, what is it that you saw exactly?", "Phoebe: Well, I-I saw the thing being born.", "Prue: Did you see Piper?", "Phoebe: Yes, I saw her legs.", "Prue: Never saw her face?", "Phoebe: No.", "Piper: Hello, bickering sisters. I'm not pregnant but I am in the room. Phoebe, how did you know I took a pregnancy test?", "Phoebe: I, uh, found the box in the bathroom.", "Piper: You're supposed to take the trash out, not dig through it.", "Phoebe: Piper, it's not like that.", "Piper: We're making those bathroom schedules now.", "Prue: We have bigger problems to deal with. Cliff notes version. The priest who was killed today, he belonged to a secret order pledged to stop Hecate.", "Piper: Beware Hecate. That's what the Father Trask said. Then he tried to kill Jade.", "Prue: She's a demon. She comes to earth every two hundred years. She has to find a innocent, put him under her spell, and marry him in a sanctified wedding.", "Phoebe: That doesn't sound any different than most of the single women in this city.", "Prue: She needs Elliot to impregnate her. That way her child would look normal on the outside but internally and mentally, her child would be pure demon.", "Piper: This is huge. A child born into the wealth and power of the Spencer Family?", "Prue: I don't think it's a coincidence that you're catering the wedding. I think it's one of those things that we can kind of look forward to as protectors of the innocent.", "Phoebe: Hmm...", "Piper: Well, before we ruin the wedding and my career, let's make sure we're right about Jade.", "[Scene: Spencer's house. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are peeking through a window. Inside, Jade and her bridesmaids are sitting on a bed. Jade is opening presents. She holds up some lingerie.]", "Jade: This should make his assets rise.", "(They all giggle.)", "Prue: Looks like a normal bachelorette party to me.", "Piper: I don't believe it. They've barely touched my food.", "Prue: Piper...", "Piper: Those deli trays took hours.", "(Kirsten picks up the fertility icon.)", "Kirsten: And you know who this is from. They understand how important it is for you to get pregnant right away.", "(She hands it to Jade.)", "Prue: Hey, I know that piece, it's from the Auction House.", "(Someone knocks on the door.)", "Jade: Come in.", "(The door opens and a stripper dressed as a pizza delivery guy walks in.)", "Stripper: Hi. Pizza delivery.", "Piper: They ordered Pizza? (The stripper gets a small tape player out of the pizza bag and turns it on. He starts dancing.) Oh, okay, now I feel better.", "(The stripper starts removing his clothes.)", "Kirsten: Mmm, he looks good enough to eat.", "Jade: Good idea. (The women get off the bed and surround the stripper. They all touch him.) Girls, I'm the bride.", "(She scratches the stripper on his chest with her long fingernails. He starts bleeding. He yells in pain.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there.]", "Prue: Somehow, we have to stop them.", "Phoebe: So, there's only one problem with our plan. We're assuming that Allison is gonna be a willing accomplice.", "Piper: She still loves Elliot. You heard what she said.", "Prue: And the Book of Shadows says that the spell can be broken by a declaration of love sealed with a kiss.", "Piper: It's so romantic. Just like a fairy tale. And once Elliot is out of her spell, Jade's out of luck, no wedding, no honeymoon night.", "Prue: No honeymoon, no s*x and no s*x, no monster child spending alternate weekends with daddy.", "Phoebe: I still say we rely on our Power of Three thing and ix-nay the monster bride and her carnivorous bridesmaids.", "Piper: Phoebe, we're supposed to help people, not harm them.", "Prue: And that's exactly what we're gonna do. You two will get Elliot, I'll get Allison, and we'll meet at the front of gate no later than 2:30. Everybody have their weapons?", "(Piper grabs her phone, Prue grabs her phone and Phoebe grabs the poingnard.)", "Prue: I'll take that. (She takes the poingnard off of Phoebe.) Okay, so, it's time to shower, shampoo and go kick some Hecate butt.", "(Prue leaves the room.)", "Phoebe: Did she just say shower?", "Piper: She did, didn't she?", "Phoebe, Piper: Hot water!", "(They chase after her.)", "[Scene: Church. A room. Andy and Morris are there looking around. Morris is on the phone.]", "Morris: Yeah, okay, thanks.", "(He hangs up.)", "Andy: Any reports?", "Morris: Mmm hmm. It is now officially a homicide. The priests neck was broken before he went out the window..", "Andy: Told you.", "Morris: So, what? Are you saying that a little one hundred and twenty pound busting bride tossed him out the window? I don't think so.", "Andy: The security tapes from the estate will show who did it.", "Morris: Yeah, that's a good idea.", "(Morris gets a little notebook out of his coat pocket.)", "Andy: Already had them sent to the station.", "Morris: You did, did ya?", "(They leave.)", "[Scene: Manor. The doorbell rings. Prue walks in the foyer and opens the door.]", "Prue: Allison Michaels?", "Allison: Yes. Prue Halliwell?", "Prue: Thanks for coming. Come in.", "Allison: You said it was important. (Allison walks in and Prue closes the door. She shows Allison the napkin.) Where did you get this?", "Prue: This won't take long, I promise.", "[Scene: Outside Spencer's house. People are getting everything ready for the wedding. Phoebe and Piper are there.]", "Piper: (to a guy) Oh, I'll need those in the kitchen right away.", "Guy: Yes, ma'am.", "(A woman walks past them holding a tray of food.)", "Piper: (to woman) No, no, no, no, no. Not in the sun, get an umbrella.", "Phoebe: Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't we trying to stop this wedding?", "Piper: You're right. I just can't help myself.", "Phoebe: Forget the food. Let's go.", "Piper: Okay.", "[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Prue and Allison are there.]", "Allison: And everything was fine, right on schedule, until about, uh, six days ago. That's when Jade appeared out of nowhere and started working at the Spencer family business. And before I could say \"I do\", I was out and she was in. End of story.", "Prue: Did you talk to Elliot?", "Allison: They wouldn't even let me see him.", "Prue: Not a big surprise.", "Allison: It wouldn't make any difference anyway. The Elliot I know, the Elliot I love, isn't here anymore.", "Prue: What if I told you Elliot isn't himself because this woman has put him under a spell, so to speak. Allison, Elliot loves you, not Jade.", "Allison: If that were true, I would be the one walking down the aisle today.", "Prue: You still can be. All you have to do is crash your wedding.", "Allison: What?", "Prue: Look, it's not that crazy. The man that you love is marrying somebody else. Don't you want to do everything within your power to stop him?", "Allison: This isn't a fairy tale. Real life doesn't work that away.", "Prue: But what if you can get him back? Do you really wanna spend the rest of your life just wondering? In your heart of hearts, you must still love him.", "Allison: I do. God, I really do.", "Prue: Then let me help you.", "Allison: But you don't even know me. Why would you wanna help me?", "Prue: Have you ever seen that television show where there's the woman who's an angel and she helps strangers every week?", "Allison: I love that show.", "Prue: Don't get too excited, I'm nothing like that. But, uh, my sisters and I, we have special gifts.", "Allison: Gifts? What kind of gifts?", "Prue: Ones you can't return. Let's just say we come from a very interesting family three. Look, if you can, if you'll trust me, we can bring you and Elliot together.", "(Allison nods.)", "[Scene: Spencer's house. Elliot's room. Grace and Elliot are there.]", "Grace: Here we are. Finally. Your big day. (She touches his face.) Forgive me, son.", "[Cut to the hallway. Phoebe and Piper are there. Kirsten comes out of a room.]", "Piper: Stripper-eating bridesmaid ahead.", "Phoebe: Keep walking.", "Piper: Okay.", "(They walk up to Kirsten.)", "Phoebe: We need to talk to Mr. Spencer.", "Kirsten: No ones sees the groom before the ceremony.", "Piper: Actually that would be the bride. This'll only take a minute.", "Kirsten: What part of no did you not understand?", "Piper: The non-original part?", "(Mrs. Spencer comes out of the room.)", "Grace: Is there a problem?", "Phoebe: Ugh, don't even get me started.", "Piper: Could we talk to you for a sec? It'll... you know, in private?", "Grace: Certainly.", "(Phoebe, Piper and Grace walk down the hallway.)", "Grace: Is everything all right?", "Piper: It's about your son.", "Grace: What's wrong?", "Piper: Well, he, um, he's not supposed to marry Jade.", "Grace: I know.", "Phoebe: You do?", "Mrs. Spencer: I know more than you can possibly imagine.", "Piper: We can help him.", "Grace: No one can help us. It's too late.", "Phoebe: No, we have a plan. We can stop the wedding.", "Grace: (whispering) Go to the wine cellar. Wait for me there. I'll join you in ten minutes. (Kirsten looks over at them.) (louder) I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do for you.", "(Phoebe and Piper walk off.)", "[Cut to the wine cellar. Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Piper: Did you hear that?", "Phoebe: Not to worry, we still have thirty minutes before the wedding.", "(Piper and Phoebe walk down the stairs. Two bridesmaids walk in and turn into demons.)", "Piper: This is bad.", "Phoebe: Real bad. Freeze them.", "(Piper tries to freeze them.)", "Piper: I'm trying. It's not working.", "Phoebe: Yes, it is. Look. (A fly is frozen in mid-air.) You froze the fly. You have to be closer to the object you're trying to freeze.", "Piper: Forget it. Run.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Police station. A police officer puts a box of security tapes on Andy and Morris's desk.]", "Police officer: Here you go, Inspector.", "(Morris picks up a video tape.)", "Morris: Man, the Spencer's sure go through a lot of security.", "(Morris throws Andy the video tape.)", "Andy: All those cameras should've picked up something around the time the priest was killed.", "(Andy puts the tape in a VCR.)", "[Scene: Outside Spencer's House. Prue and Allison are standing there.]", "Allison: It's 2:40. Could we have missed them?", "Prue: I hope not. Where are they?", "[Cut to the wine cellar. Piper and Phoebe are sneaking around the room. Piper's phone rings. She quickly answers it.]", "Piper: Hello?", "Prue: Piper, where are you?", "Piper: We're down in the wine cellar. Help.", "(Piper and Phoebe see the demons. They run away.)", "[Cut to Jade's room. Grace, Jade and Kirsten are there. Jade is dressed in her wedding dress. Kirsten hands Jade a present.]", "Kirsten: This is from me. Your something borrowed.", "(Jade giggles and unwraps the present. It's a book.)", "Jade: Foust. I love this. I read it the last time I was here. What about my something blue? (Kirsten looks over at Grace. Grace is crying.) You're right. Nothing's bluer than the heart of a mother giving away her only son.", "(They giggle.)", "[Cut back to the police station. Andy and Morris are watching the security tapes on the TV.]", "Morris: It's just two women talking. You can't even hear them.", "Andy: What, you don't read lips? (He leans forward.) Killing a priest wasn't part of our deal.", "Morris: Man, you're good.", "[Cut back to the Spencer's house. The wedding has started. Jade is walking down the aisle. She stands next to Elliot and they face the priest.]", "Priest: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate this sacred union as we join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.", "[Cut to the wine cellar. Piper and Phoebe run up the stairs. The demons follow them.]", "Phoebe: Okay, they're really close now. Freeze them.", "Piper: Great.", "(Piper freezes the demons. Prue comes in the wine cellar.)", "Prue: Piper, Phoebe, duck! (They do so and Prue uses her power on the demons. They fly into some boxes.) Are you guys okay?", "Phoebe: Uh, huh. Nice timing.", "Piper: Where's Allison?", "Prue: Got her upstairs. Come on.", "[Cut back to the wedding.]", "Priest: If there's anyone here who knows of a reason these two should not be joined, speak now or forever hold your piece.", "Piper: We have a reason.", "Allison: I love you, Elliot", "Jade: Why, you little witch.", "Piper: Hey!", "Jade: By asteria and percease, open sky and do your worse!", "(It gets very windy and stormy. Everyone starts running. Andy and Morris pull up in their car.)", "Andy: Well, this is exciting. I wonder what's going on here?", "[Cut to Elliot's bedroom. Elliot and Jade are there. Jade turns into Hecate. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk in. Three demons push them into the room.]", "Prue: Alright, quick, we have to banish them back to the underworld. (Prue looks in her purse.) Uh, the poingnard is gone.", "(Elliot picks the poingnard off of the floor.)", "Phoebe: Elliot.", "(The poingnard starts glowing.)", "Piper: Prue, do something.", "(Prue uses her power and the demons get sucked in the poingnard.)", "Elliot: Whoever you three are, thank you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside the Spencer's house. Elliot and Allison are together hugging and kissing. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are near by.]", "Prue: We did that.", "Phoebe: And they'll live happily ever after.", "Piper: I wonder if we will.", "Prue: Of course, we will. Why shouldn't we?", "Piper: That's easy for you to say. You'll never greet your husband at the door with: \"Honey, I think I froze the kids.\"", "Prue: No, I've just accidentally moved them to another zip code.", "Phoebe: But I will see them, find them, and bring them back safely. If I can ever learn to control my powers.", "Piper: If any of us can.", "Phoebe: Just think of the obstacles that Allison and Elliot have overcome. If they can do it, so can we.", "Prue: I guess true love does conquer all.", "Phoebe: Especially if you have separate bathrooms.", "(They see Andy walking towards them.)", "Piper: Speaking of true love...", "Phoebe: Ooh.", "Andy: Fancy seeing you here.", "Prue: Yeah, isn't it? (She holds up the poingnard.) Uh, I wanted to give this back to you. I'm finished with it.", "Andy: How'd you know I'd be here?", "(He takes it off of her.)", "Prue: I didn't. I was gonna drop it off after the wedding.", "Andy: Aha, shall we talk about this in private, Prue?", "(Andy puts his arm around Prue and they walk away.)", "Phoebe: Do you believe in destiny?", "(They giggle.)", "Piper: He believes in destiny. Shh." ]
Wedding from Hell
[ "A troubled teenage witch, Aviva ( Danielle Harris ), befriends Phoebe with the hopes of joining the sisters, but is an unwitting pawn of a dark sorceress / priestess named Kali. The sisters investigate and identify the sorceress who possesses Aviva when she refuses to help anymore. Piper and Prue manage to trap Kali in a mirror and Phoebe shatters it, vanquishing her. Aviva drops her bad lifestyle and leaves to reunite with her aunt." ]
[ "[Scene: Aviva's room. Aviva puts a small statue on the rug in front of her. She is also in front of the mirror. Aviva is dressed in black and has black candles lit around her. All but one. She lights it. She then gets into meditating position.]", "Aviva: Come to me Kali. I conjure thee Kali. Come to me Kali. I conjure thee Kali.", "(In the mirror, Kali appears.)", "Kali: I'm here Aviva.", "Aviva: It's been over a week.", "Kali: I know. Be patient Aviva.", "Aviva: But I've done everything that you've asked. I've followed the Halliwell sisters. I know their every move.", "Kali: Which will all become valuable in good time. You must trust me. You must make them want you as badly as you want them.", "(Aviva looks at the closet.)", "Aviva: I talked to my mom today.", "Kali: How is she?", "Aviva: I don't know. She's better I think. I miss her.", "Kali: She's gonna be so proud of you.", "Aviva: Yeah? I hope so.", "Kali: Are you ready to receive your power?", "Aviva: (giggling a little) You know I am.", "Kali: Remember, it's a sacred power. If I give it to you, you must use it only as I say.", "Aviva: I will. I promise.", "Kali: Very well. Reach for the mirror. Put out your hands. Feel the power. (Aviva reaches her hands towards the mirror. Aviva's hands begin to glow. She receives the power. Her hands stop glowing and she puts them down.) You know what to do. Go to Phoebe, Piper, and Prue.", "(Aviva grabs her coat and leaves. We see flames in the mirror. Kali appears as her evil demon self.)", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper is sitting in the chair holding REWARD flyers for Kit. Leo walks in. He moves the fireplace screen from the fireplace and looks in the fireplace and sticks a tool up at it.]", "Leo: Uh well I think I see yep. There's definitely something here.", "Piper: (to herself) Definitely.", "(Phoebe enters the living room with a mug of coffee and makes her way around the sofa while saying this.)", "Phoebe: Oh my. Santa, you've changed.", "Piper: He's looking for Kit.", "Phoebe: The cat. Right. Four legs and fur. I remember. (Mouthing to Piper) Oh my god!", "(Leo gets up from the fireplace.)", "Leo: Sorry. You know, have you tried the shelter?", "Piper: Yeah. Nothing.", "Leo: Well, she had her collar on right? With your number on it and everything?", "Phoebe: A very distinctive collar actually.", "Piper: Anyway (She stands up.) Uh, thanks for looking. I'm sure you must be hungry after all that work.", "Leo: All what work?", "(Phoebe laughs a little and puts her arm around Piper.)", "Phoebe: Oh, that's just Piper. She's gotta be everyone's mom. Think of her as your mom. I know I do.", "(They all laugh a little.)", "Piper: Isn't she a scream?", "Leo: Well thanks, um let me go put up these flyers first and I'll be right back, OK?", "(He bumps into the fireplace screen.)", "Phoebe: Oh careful.", "Leo: Oh.", "Piper: You all right?", "Leo: Yeah. Yeah. I'll just (He puts the fireplace screen back.)", "Piper: Antique.", "Phoebe: Grandma's.", "Piper: Yeah.", "(Phoebe and Piper watch Leo leave.)", "Phoebe: Oh. Quite possibly the finest glouths in the city.", "Piper: In the state.", "Phoebe: In all the land.", "Piper: I saw him first.", "Phoebe: Uh-uh.", "Piper: Uh-huh.", "Phoebe: Oh.", "[Scene: Street. Leo hangs a flyer on a sign and walks by a car. Aviva is in the car. She watches Leo leave and then turns around to look at the flyer. It burns. She smiles.]", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper takes a cinnamon roll out of the microwave and puts it on a plate. She then pours a glass of milk. Leo is at the foyer on a later.]", "Piper: Humph.", "(She takes the plate and glass out of the kitchen.)", "[Cut to foyer. Piper comes out of the kitchen with the cinnamon and milk. She goes to Leo.]", "Piper: Here you go Leo. Non-fat milk right?", "(She gives Leo the glass of milk and cinnamon.)", "Leo: Right. Thanks.", "Piper: Just don't call me mom.", "(Phoebe and Prue are coming down the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Trust me. One hot night is all you guys need to get back on track.", "(They walk to the foyer.)", "Prue: Yeah. I hope you're right.", "Phoebe: Andy's a cop. You're a witch.", "Piper: Ahem.", "Phoebe: Except complications.", "Prue: Hey, Leo. How's it going?", "Leo: Good. Uh, this wall only needs two coats and then I gotta do the molding and then I'm done.", "Phoebe: Ah, are you sure it doesn't need 3 coats?", "Leo: Uh", "Piper: Nice outfit for 9 o'clock in the morning with no place to go.", "Phoebe: Hmm. I'm glad you like it. (Leo drinks some milk.) Oh. Leo. Come here. (She wipes the milk mustache off her face.) Got milk?", "Prue: Uh Phoebe, come here. (Phoebe doesn't) Phoebe!", "(She grabs Phoebe's arm and heads towards the kitchen.)", "[Cut to kitchen. Prue and Phoebe come in.]", "Prue: I think that Piper likes Leo.", "(She goes and gets a mug and begins making coffee.)", "Phoebe: What's not to like? He's a great guy.", "Prue: No. I mean really likes him.", "Phoebe: Your point being?", "Prue: Never mind. Classic Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Wait. Define that.", "Prue: I think you know.", "Phoebe: Okay. Look Prue, I think we need to put some major closer on this or we're gonna be in rocking chairs slurping oatmeal out of rubber spoons and I'm still gonna hear about Roger. (Piper enters to get coffee.) Piper, am I a boyfriend thief?", "Piper: Totally.", "Phoebe: Besides Roger, whom again Prue, I never touched.", "Piper: My boyfriend. Billy Wilson.", "(Phoebe laughs a little.)", "Phoebe: Billy Will Eight grade Billy Wilson?", "Piper: You kissed him at homecoming.", "Phoebe: No I did not kiss him at homecoming. I was helping him find a contact lens.", "Piper: Oh please. You were all over him with your breasts all whatever.", "Phoebe: I didn't even have breasts back then.", "Piper: Phoebe, you've always had breasts.", "Prue: So, I think I'll just let you two work this out on your own. But, um, just remember, I get the house tonight. Just Andy and me. No warlocks, no innocents to protect and especially, no sisters.", "(Prue leaves.)", "Piper: So you know it's not like either one of us has a problem finding guys.", "Phoebe: (Snorts) Please.", "Piper: So if one of us got Leo it'd be OK with the other one.", "Phoebe: Absolutely.", "Piper: So we can just consider this a friendly competition.", "Phoebe: Sibling rivalry.", "Piper: War.", "Phoebe: Exactly.", "[Scene: Aviva's room. Aviva is lying on her bed writing in her diary while listening to music.]", "Aviva: Dear Diary", "(Aunt Jackie knocks on the door.)", "Aunt Jackie: Aviva, open the door.", "Aviva: Life sucks here.", "Aunt Jackie: I'm gonna be late for work.", "(Aunt Jackie opens the door. Aviva puts her diary under her bed and sits up.)", "Aviva: So that part about this being my room, that was a lie?", "Aunt Jackie: It's my apartment Aviva.", "Aviva: So you keep reminding me Aunt Jackie.", "Aunt Jackie: Why don't you get some light and air in here?", "(She goes to open the curtain. Aviva stands up.)", "Aviva: Because I like it dark and stale.", "(Aunt Jackie stops and turns around.)", "Aunt Jackie: Why are you so antagonistic to me?", "Aviva: How come you haven't called my mom yet?", "Aunt Jackie: What?", "Aviva: To see how she's doing, or just to say \"hello\"? It would help her you know. I mean, it's not like she's got a lot of family.", "Aunt Jackie: She has to take responsibility for her own actions.", "Aviva: She's not in jail. She's in rehab. She didn't do anything wrong to take responsibility for. She's sick and that's it. It's nothing to be ashamed of.", "Aunt Jackie: Whatever.", "(She leaves. Aviva slams the door close.)", "[Scene: Video store. Andy and Prue are searching for a video.]", "Andy: Ah, ever see \"Lethal Weapon 3\"?", "Prue: Not very romantic.", "Andy: Right.", "(He puts the video back.)", "Prue: Hey. (Prue shows her the video) How about \"Double Indemnity\"?", "Andy: (Whispering) It's black and white.", "Prue: (Whispering) Right.", "(She puts it back. A video store clerk comes to them.)", "Video store clerk: Video prarallises.", "Prue: Excuse me?", "Video store clerk: You're probably two minutes away from leaving without a rental. Mind if I help? After all, I am a pro.", "Andy: Sure. (Video store clerk leaves.) Doesn't matter what we pick anyway. We'll probably never get around to watching it.", "Prue: Oh yeah? Pretty cocky. (Andy walks to her.)", "Andy: Actually what I meant was something always seems to come up. Get in our way.", "Prue: That's not true. OK, well, maybe it's sometimes true, but there's always a perfectly good reason.", "Andy: Prue, there's never a perfectly good reason. As a matter of fact, there's never usually even a reason at all. Good, bad, or otherwise.", "Prue: All right. (She moves closer to him.) You me alone tonight. Nothing and I mean nothing will get in our way. Guaranteed.", "Andy: I'll hold you to that.", "Prue: (Whispering) OK.", "(They kiss. The video store clerk comes up to them with a video.)", "Video store clerk: I got it. (Prue and Andy stop kissing.) \"Body Heat\".", "Prue/Andy: We'll take it.", "[Scene: Aviva's room. Aviva is in front of her mirror.]", "Aviva: I conjure thee Kali.", "(In the mirror, Kali appears.)", "Kali: I'm here Aviva.", "Aviva: I'm going crazy here Kali. I can't wait any longer.", "Kali: The Halliwells' don't understand our way. They don't know the full uses and joys of their powers.", "Aviva: I'll show them.", "Kali: You must gain their trust first. You must let them welcome you into their coven.", "Aviva: I won't disappoint you. I swear.", "Kali: Then it's time. (The closet door opens. Aviva goes to it and gets Kit.) Take the cat back to the Halliwells'.", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Piper looks into the foyer from the dinning room and sees Leo sanding down something. She pretty herself up and then goes over to Leo.]", "Piper: About done for the day?", "Leo: Just about.", "Piper: Uh well, Prue's got a date so we kinda gotta clear out. I was thinking about catching a movie. Wanna go?", "Leo: I can't do it.", "(He goes to another corner of the room.)", "Piper: OK.", "Leo: You know these are original to the house. I mean, they really should be sanded down, finished off with steal wool, and and restrained. Not covered in paint.", "Piper: Oh, right. Sort of like risotto with minute rice. (Leo chuckles a little.) It's a cooking analogy.", "Leo: Yeah. (They both chuckle a little.) Anyway uh I have some stain samples at home if you're interested. I can bring them by tomorrow and show them to you and your sisters.", "Piper: Or better yet, why don't you just bring them by the restaurant? Say about lunchtime? Prue's so busy and Phoebe doesn't really care. She's more into stucco.", "Leo: OK.", "Piper: OK.", "Leo: So what time's that movie?", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Phoebe: I got it.", "[Cut to Phoebe. She opens the door. Aviva is standing there with Kit.]", "Phoebe: Kit! Oh my god. Where did you find her? We were worried sick.", "(She takes Kit.)", "Aviva: I was just walking by and I um, saw one of your flyers and poof. There she was. Like magic.", "(Phoebe laughs nervously.)", "Phoebe: Wow. (She closes the door.) I can't even believe she let you hold her.", "(They go in the living room. Piper enters.)", "Piper: Oh. Welcome home Kitty! (Phoebe laughs a little as she hands Piper Kit. Leo enters) Oh. You must be starving.", "(She sits down in the armchair.)", "Aviva: (Sitting down on the couch.) I fed her.", "Phoebe: (Sitting on the arm of the couch.) I thought you said you just found her.", "Aviva: I did. Oh, um, a couple of hours ago. I mean.", "Piper: And she didn't try to scratch you?", "Aviva: Mm-mmm.", "Leo: You know, I'll take the flyers down tomorrow. Let me uh, clean up before the movie.", "Phoebe: Movie? What movie?", "Piper: A war movie.", "Phoebe: I love war movies. Mind if I tag along?", "Leo: Uh sure. Why not? I'll be right back.", "(He leaves.)", "Aviva: You guys aren't going out are you? I mean, you just got your cat back.", "Piper: Oh she'll be fine. Let me get my purse. (She puts Kit down and goes towards the table.) Uh, what's your name?", "Aviva: Oh. No. No. I don't want your money.", "(Prue and Andy enter from the parlor.)", "Piper/Phoebe: Hey Andy!", "Andy: Hey!", "Prue: Hey. I thought we all had plans tonight?", "Phoebe: This girl just found our cat for us.", "Aviva: Aviva.", "Prue: Well that's great. Um, is fifty bucks enough?", "Aviva: Uh, I don't I don't want a reward. (She stands up.) We need to talk.", "Prue: About what?", "Aviva: About wicca.", "Prue: Uh (Leo enters.) Andy Trudeau, this is Leo Wyatt. You guys chat. We'll be right back.", "Phoebe: OK. (Piper and Phoebe get up and lead Aviva away.)", "Andy: Hey. (Andy and Leo shake hands.)", "Piper: Thanks again.", "(They push Aviva away.)", "Phoebe: Yeah. I'm sorry you can't stay.", "Aviva: I'm not leaving. Don't you understand? I'm one of you.", "(She points at the popcorn Andy has and it began to rise.)", "Piper: No.", "(Piper stops time. Aviva doesn't freeze.)", "Aviva: Very cool.", "(She walks around Leo and Andy.)", "Piper: Um, wait. You didn't . she didn't .you didn't freeze?", "(Aviva walks back to them.)", "Aviva: That's because I'm a witch too.", "Prue: A what?", "Aviva: Look, I just want to be friends.", "Piper: Uh, guys, we have about 20 seconds until they unfreeze.", "Phoebe: How did you find out about us?", "Aviva: I'm gonna need more than 20 seconds for that.", "Piper: We really need to move things along here Prue.", "Prue: OK. You need to leave here now.", "Aviva: What? A why?", "Prue: Because we don't know who the hell you really are, so just leave. OK? Go. Go. Go.", "(She pushes Aviva.)", "Aviva: No. I'm not leaving. I just saved your cat.", "Prue: Leave now or else.", "Aviva: Or else what.", "(She looks at the tape Prue has and it burns. Prue drops it. Aviva leaves. Time unfreezes. The popcorn bursts open and popcorn is thrown all over the place.)", "Andy: What the hell?", "(They clean the popcorn off themselves.)", "Leo: Hey, where did that girl go?", "Phoebe: Uh. She just", "(Prue uses her power to make the front door slam.)", "Prue: Uh! Uh. Left.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Aviva's room. She's talking to Kali.]", "Aviva: You said if I brought them back their cat", "Kali: Was it the oldest? Was it Prue that sent you away?", "Aviva: Yes.", "Kali: Avoid her. She's the strongest. You must separate them. Together they're Charmed. Impenetrable.", "Aviva: But what if they don't want me?", "Kali: Phoebe will. In her own way. She's searching for someone to relate to. Someone to share her witchcraft with. What's the problem?", "Aviva: I I don't know.", "Kali: You're the one that came to me remember? You're the one who wanted sisters.", "Aviva: I know. I want a family. I don't have anybody. What do you get out of it? I mean, you know, you never really said.", "Kali: Halliwell magic is old and powerful, and I want it. And since they're new to the craft, if I'm ever going to get it, it has to be now through you. Just do as I say Aviva. Make Phoebe convent your power, then we'll both get what we want.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Next morning. Prue is on the phone with Andy as she brings a towel out from the laundry room.]", "Prue: It's not what you think Andy. It's hard to explain. It's just", "[Cut to Andy at the police station. He's going through some files.]", "Andy: Just another one of those things you can't explain. It's a broken record Prue.", "[Cut to Prue. She's sorting laundry.]", "Prue: Look, I wanted you to stay. You have to believe me.", "[Cut to Andy]", "Andy: Then what happened? Why'd you want me to leave all of a sudden?", "[Cut to Prue]", "Prue: I told you. Something came up. Sister stuff. I can't really go into detail without betraying someone's secret.", "[Cut to Andy]", "Andy: Prue", "[Cut to Prue]", "Prue: Look Andy, I'm unpredictable. OK? That's just part of who I am and you have to accept that because I can't change it.", "[Cut to Andy]", "Andy: I don't want you to change Prue. I just (He sits down.) I just want to have a normal date. That's all. Is that too much to ask for.", "[Cut to Prue]", "Prue: All right. Let's just try it again. Tonight? Uh, same time? Same place?", "[Cut to Andy]", "Andy: Same movie?", "[Cut to Prue. She picks up the burnt movie.]", "Prue: Uh, yeah. OK, so what? 8 o'clock?", "[Cut to Andy]", "Andy: I'll be there. Bye.", "[Cut to Prue]", "Prue: All right. Bye. (She hangs up and goes to the laundry room.) If I ever see that little artiest again", "(Piper and Phoebe come in. Piper stands by the dryer as Prue takes close out and puts them in the laundry basket.)", "Piper: Just got done dodging Leo's questions about her. That was close.", "Prue: Too close. The question is, who is she?", "Piper: And what does she want?", "Phoebe: Let us not forget Aviva found Kit.", "Prue: Yeah. She's probably the one who stole the cat in the first place.", "Phoebe: Hello? Paranoia check.", "Prue: Phoebe, for all we know, she's a warlock.", "(She takes the laundry basket into the kitchen and puts it on the table and begin sorting through it again. Piper and Phoebe follow her.)", "Piper: She can't be. She didn't freeze.", "Phoebe: Beside, she said she was a witch.", "Prue: OK, a bad witch maybe.", "Phoebe: Yeah, a bad witch with a really cool power. Better than mine. That's for sure.", "Prue: Why are you so quick to defend her?", "Phoebe: Why are you so quick to condemn her?", "Piper: If she is a witch, a good witch, then it might be kinda cool considering she's the first one we've run across.", "Phoebe: Exactly.", "Prue: Guys, we don't know anything about her—how she got her powers. How she found out about us?", "Phoebe: She tried to tell us, but you kicked her out.", "Prue: Yeah. She would have exposed us if I hadn't.", "Phoebe: Prue, she's just a kid. Besides, if she is a witch, she probably feels just as alone as we do. Maybe she just needs some friends.", "Prue: Or maybe she's out to destroy us. It wouldn't be the first time.", "Phoebe: OK.", "Prue: All right, until she knows who she really is, let's just steer clear. OK? (Phoebe nods.) I'm late for work.", "(She leaves.)", "Piper: Me too.", "(She leaves. The phone rings. Phoebe answers it.)", "Phoebe: Hello? Aviva?", "[Scene: High School. Phoebe is waiting for Aviva. She checks her watch. Aviva comes to the bike fence where Phoebe's waiting outside.]", "Aviva: I'm so glad that you came.", "Phoebe: I'm glad that you called actually.", "(They walk along the fence towards the door.)", "Aviva: Bet you got a few questions huh?", "Phoebe: A few. Uh, what time does school let out?", "Aviva: Uh, now.", "(She goes under the fence lock.)", "Phoebe: Uh, whoa. Whoa. Hey, what are you doing?", "Aviva: Oh, the same thing I'm sure you did a thousand times. Am I right?", "Phoebe: Well..", "Aviva: I am right. Um, you didn't tell your bitch sister about this, did you?", "Phoebe: Hey, watch your mouth. Prue had every right to be upset about what you did.", "Aviva: It's funny how you knew that I was talking about Prue and not Piper. Hey, come on. (She heads towards a car.) Let's go for a ride. I'll tell you everything that you want to know.", "[Scene: Quake. Leo walks in and looks around for Piper. He turns around and finds her with a menu.]", "Piper: Table for one sir?", "Leo: Wow. You own this place?", "Piper: No. I just run it. Um. (They begin to walk to a table.) Actually, I used to be the chef here.", "(Piper leads him to the table and he sits down. She hands him a menu.)", "Leo: I'm impressed.", "Piper: Good. I mean, um, good that you came here as opposed to the house and Phoebe. (Leo takes the stain samples out of his pocket.) How about those stain samples?", "(Leo hands them to Piper.)", "Leo: Now I only brought the ones authentic to the era in which the manor was built.", "Piper: Great. (She sits down in the chair across from Leo.) Hungry?", "Leo: Uh", "Piper: Oh, it's on the house.", "Leo: You're big on food, aren't you?", "Piper: Uh", "Leo: No. That's good. You know, actually, in the Mayan culture, the cook was second in the hierarchy only to the medicine man.", "Piper: Mayans? You know about Mayans? Well, you certainly are a handyman, aren't you?", "Leo: Uh, so, does Phoebe work here too?", "Piper: Phoebe? Work. No. No. No. No. No. No. She's probably at her gay and lesbean group right about now. So what'll it be?", "[Scene: Manor. That night. Phoebe and Aviva walk into the manor through the kitchen.]", "Phoebe: This is the dining room. This is the parlor. That's the conservatory, which is just another fancy name for family room.", "Aviva: This is so totally cool. Oh, I love it here.", "(They walk towards the parlor. Aviva opens the door.)", "Phoebe: And welcome to planet Leo.", "(They walk into the parlor.)", "Aviva: You are liking this Leo.", "Phoebe: Uh, maybe.", "Aviva: Does he like you? I mean, how can he not? You are so gorgeous.", "(As Phoebe talks, Aviva goes and sits down on the couch holding Kit.)", "Phoebe: Well, you see, Piper and I have sort of have this little competition going over him.", "(Phoebe sits in a chair.)", "Aviva: So just use your powers. Cast a spell on him or something. You do have powers, don't you?", "Phoebe: What makes you think I do?", "Aviva: Please. You're a witch.", "Phoebe: Yeah, which brings us back to how do you know that. You promised.", "Aviva: I have this teacher. She's great. She's like my mom. She told me.", "Phoebe: Who is she?", "Aviva: Another witch. Like a high priestess or something. She said you were the coolest and I would like you the best. She was right.", "Phoebe: Well I'd like to meet her sometime.", "Aviva: Yeah? (Phoebe nods.) Is your room up there?", "Phoebe: Mm-hmm.", "Aviva: Come on. I want to share something with you. (She puts Kit down and stands up.) You're gonna love it. I promise.", "[Scene: Phoebe's room. Aviva is putting on black lipstick.]", "Aviva: I like mirrors. They never lie to you. (Phoebe appears behind Aviva.) They always tell you the truth whether you like it or not. It's basic black. The color of my soul. Do you want to try it?", "Phoebe: You're soul's not black.", "Aviva: You know the feeling that I mean. You're different, you know, you'll never want what they want. You belong on the edge. We aren't pink people Phoebe. (She turns around.) You want to see something incredible? Better yet, you want to try it?", "Phoebe: Try what?", "Aviva: I'll show you my power if you show me yours.", "[Cut to kitchen. Prue comes in.]", "Prue: Anybody home? (She puts her purse on the table.) Better not be.", "[Cut back to Phoebe's room. Phoebe and Aviva are sitting on the ground Indian style. In between them is a laid out handkerchief with some candles.]", "Aviva: Don't be afraid.", "(She holds out the palm of her hands. Phoebe grabs them.)", "Phoebe: OK. Now what?", "(Aviva glances at the mirror. Kali appears slightly and then disappears. Aviva giggles a little.)", "Aviva: She's giving it to you too.", "Phoebe: Who is? Giving me what?", "Aviva: The power. Here. (She puts a potted plant in front of Phoebe.) Touch this. (Phoebe does. The plant begins to grow.) It's the power of heat. You're hand is like the sun.", "Phoebe: Whoa.", "Aviva: That's pretty cool huh?", "(Prue opens the door while saying this.)", "Prue: Phoebe, are you (She sees Aviva.)", "Phoebe: Prue (Phoebe and Aviva stand up.)", "Prue: What are you doing?", "Aviva: Get out. This is her room.", "Phoebe: Aviva", "Aviva: No. She treats you worse than my aunt treats me. It's not right.", "Phoebe: It's OK. Relax.", "(The door rings. Prue leaves. Phoebe does. Aviva kneels down and blows out the candles.)", "[Cut to foyer. Prue opens the door. Andy's standing there holding a bottle.]", "Andy: Chianti, Body Heat What do you think?", "Prue: Ah", "Phoebe: (Running down the stairs) Prue, I can explain! (She sees Andy.) Oh no!", "Andy: Oh no Let me guess? Rain check?", "Prue: Andy", "Andy: Prue, this is this is getting ridiculous.", "(Aviva comes up to Phoebe.)", "Prue: I know. Believe me. You have every right to be upset, and I can't talk about it right now but I will. I promise. Tomorrow? Quake? 1:00? Please?", "Andy: OK. Tomorrow 1:00. (He waves to Phoebe before leaving who waves back. Prue closes the door and begins to walk away. She pasts Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: I am so sorry. (She follows Prue.) I totally forgot. (They stops walking.)", "Prue: What the hell is she doing here? What's a matter with you?", "Aviva: This is her house too, OK? She can do whatever she wants.", "Phoebe: (To Aviva) Aviva (To Prue) She's not what you think she is.", "Aviva: She doesn't understand Phoebe. She'll never understand. (She leaves.)", "[Scene: Aviva's room. She's talking to Kali.]", "Kali: If there were no Prue, Phoebe would be with us now.", "Aviva: I hate her and wish that she were dead.", "Aunt Jackie: (Outside the door.) Aviva? What's going on? Who's in there with you? (She open the door and comes in.) You skipped school today and I want to know why.", "Aviva: Get out of my room!", "Aunt Jackie: How dare you speak to me in that tone! (She notices the candles as Aviva stands up.) What's going on here?", "Aviva: I said get out of my room! Leave me alone or else (In the mirror, Kali is her demon self. She throws a fireball at Aunt Jackie. It hits the bottom of her dress. She screams and tries to put it out by slapping it with a jacket.) Aunt Jackie? (She goes out of the room while slapping and hits the wall.) Oh god. (Aunt Jackie falls down the stairs. Aviva comes out and runs downstairs.) Aunt Jackie? (She stops short and sees her aunt on the floor motionless.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Aunt Jackie's apartment. Aviva is on the stairs. The cops and paramedics are there. They take Aunt Jackie away in a stretcher. Aviva walks up the stairs.]", "[Cut to Aviva's room. She's talking to Kali. Aviva is worried.]", "Kali: What did you tell the police?", "Aviva: That the candle caught her dress on fire and she fell down the stairs. Oh my god. What have I done? I didn't mean to hurt her.", "Kali: You powers are growing.", "Aviva: I know, but as soon as Aunt Jackie walks up, she'll tell them what really happened. I've got to get out of here.", "Kali: No!", "Aviva: Why not?", "Kali: You must go back to the Halliwells. You must complete what you've started.", "Aviva: But how?", "Kali: Piper won't stop you, and Phoebe's already an ally. Only Prue stands in our way. You must use your powers. You must take Prue's place in the power of three. Don't disappoint me Aviva. You said you wanted a family. And now you'll have one.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Aviva is there. Phoebe pours Aviva a cup of tea and gives it to her. Piper is on the phone in the background. Prue is also there.]", "Aviva: Thanks.", "Phoebe: You poor thing. You're shivering.", "Aviva: I'm OK. (To Prue.) I know that you don't like me and I know that the last thing you want to do is help me. But I don't know where else to turn. I don't have anybody else.", "(Piper comes to them.)", "Piper: She's telling the truth. Her aunt was admitted to the hospital.", "Aviva: How is she? Is she OK?", "Piper: She has a broken arm and a concussion.", "Prue: How did she fall again?", "Aviva: I don't know. I I heard her scream and, and then I found her on the floor and I called 911. I promise, if you just let me spend the night and get some sleep, I'll tell you everything you want to know about me tomorrow.", "Piper: She can't stay alone.", "Phoebe: She can sleep in my room.", "Prue: No magic.", "Aviva: I swear.", "[Scene: Phoebe's room. Phoebe is asleep, but Aviva is awake. Kali appears in the mirror.]", "Kali: Now is the time.", "(Aviva goes out into the hallway. Kali appears as her demon self.)", "[Cut to by Prue's room. Aviva opens the door slightly and sees Prue asleep. She then prepares to use a fireball.]", "Piper: What are you doing?", "Aviva: Um (She closes the door.) I was just looking for the bathroom.", "Piper: Oh. It's down the hall to the right.", "Aviva: Great. Thanks. Good night. (She goes to the bathroom. Piper looks in Prue's room. She's still asleep. Piper closes the door.)", "[Scene: Dinning room. Phoebe is on the ladder putting a light bulb in the lamp. Prue is with her.]", "Prue: I'm going to the hospital to see her aunt in an hour. I'll be back OK?", "(Leo walks into the kitchen and opens the door. He almost hits Aviva.)", "Leo: Whoa. Sorry. Didn't know you were there. (Phoebe turns on the light and steps down.)", "Aviva: That's OK. (Leo leaves.)", "Prue: Aviva, I'm going to go see you aunt. Let her know where you are. We'll talk when I get back OK?", "Aviva: Yeah. Sure. Tell her I love her.", "Prue: OK. (She leaves. Phoebe comes in the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: Come on. Let's get something to eat.", "[Scene: Hospital. Prue is sitting by Aunt Jackie's hospital bed. Aunt Jackie is sitting up.]", "Aunt Jackie: I don't understand. Why is Aviva staying with you? I don't even know who you are.", "Prue: Um, actually we just met your niece. We lost our cat and she found it for us.", "Aunt Jackie: Oh. That's what she was hiding.", "Prue: Hiding?", "Aunt Jackie: In the closet. She wouldn't let me go anywhere near it. You're lucky she didn't sacrifice the poor thing.", "Prue: I'm sorry? (Aunt Jackie leans closer.)", "Aunt Jackie: She's a strange kid. Very troubled. Into all sorts of wired stuff. Black magic, voodoo. God know what else. No wonder she doesn't have any friends.", "Prue: What makes you think she's into black magic?", "Aunt Jackie: You should see her room. It seems like every time I walk past there she's in there chanting or something. Sometimes, I swear, I even hear other voices. I know she's not happy there. I'm only taking care of her until her mom gets out of rehab.", "Prue: Do you mind if I stop by your place and pick up some things for Aviva?", "Aunt Jackie: No.", "Prue: Great. Thanks. Feel better. (She leaves.)", "[Scene: Quake. Piper comes out of the kitchen and goes to the table where Andy's waiting.]", "Piper: Andy, I can't seem to get a hold of Prue. I know she was going to the hospital", "(Andy stands up and takes the napkin off his lap.)", "Andy: That's all right Piper. Thanks for trying.", "(He takes some money out to pay for the drink on the table.)", "Piper: I'm sure there's a perfectly good", "Andy: Explanation? (He puts the money on the table.) Wanna bet? (He leaves.)", "[Scene: Aviva's room. Prue walks in. She looks around. She opens the closet and sees some black candles and the other stuff Aviva uses when she calls Kali. Kali appears in the mirror behind Prue in demon form and then disappears. Prue looks over her shoulder at the mirror. She then sees Aviva's diary by the bed. She picks it up and reads one of the pages.]", "Prue: \"Kali says we're close to taking over the Halliwell coven. I hate lying to them.\"", "(She puts the diary down. She then picks up her cell phone and calls home.)", "Phoebe: Hello.", "Prue: Uh, Phoebe. It's me.", "[Cut to Manor. Parlor. Phoebe stands up out of her chair. Aviva is sitting in another chair reading a magazine.]", "Phoebe: Prue, where are you? Piper called. She says you were supposed to meet Andy at Quake.", "[Cut to Aviva's room.]", "Prue: Um. Listen, we have a bigger problem to deal with. Call her back and tell her to come home. I'll I'll explain it to you guys later. (She begins to leave.) And Phoebe, whatever you do, don't let Aviva out of your site. OK?", "[Cut to Manor. Phoebe looks over her shoulder at Aviva.]", "Phoebe: Yeah sure.", "[Cut to Aviva's room.]", "Prue: All right. Bye.", "(She leaves. Kali appears in the mirror in demon form.)", "[Cut to Manor. Phoebe hangs up and turns around.]", "Phoebe: Prue's on her way home. We can have our little chat when she gets here.", "Aviva: Yeah. OK. (She puts down the magazine and stands up.) Mind if I go upstairs and lay down? I'm I'm not feeling real well.", "Phoebe: Sure. Go ahead. (Aviva leaves.)", "[Cut to Phoebe's room. Aviva comes in, grabs her backpack, and leaves. She goes to Prue's room and sneaks in.]", "[Cut to downstairs. Foyer. Leo is sanding down a corner. Phoebe picks up something by the door.]", "Leo: This last coat of stain's gotta dry. (He looks at Phoebe.) I'm uh, heading over to Filmore's in a few minutes to do an estimate.", "Phoebe: Wait. You're finished already?", "Leo: Yeah. I'll be back tomorrow to make sure everyone's happy with my work. (Leo stares at Phoebe.)", "Phoebe: What?", "Leo: Just just out of curiosity, um are you and Aviva (Phoebe raises her eyebrows in confusion.) I mean, Piper said that", "Phoebe: Piper said what?", "Leo: Uh. Nothing I think I need some water.", "[Cut to Aviva. She gets in meditating position.]", "[Cut to Kitchen. Leo comes out of the laundry room as Phoebe comes in.]", "Phoebe: Wait, Leo, what did Piper say to you?", "Leo: Uh, it doesn't matter, really---forget it. (Leo begins washing his hands.)", "Phoebe: Well, whatever she said, you should probably take it with a grain of salt, 'cuz sometimes her medication makes her say the strangest things! But, not to worry-her shrinks are on it.", "Leo: Shrinks? (Phoebe nods and chuckles behind his back)", "(She sees Aviva's jacket on the chair and picks it up. She has a premonition. In it, Prue opens the door to her room and Aviva throws a fireball at her. The premonition ends.)", "Phoebe: Oh my god. Aviva.", "(Leo hears a car door close and looks out the window. He looks back at Phoebe.)", "Leo: Prue's home.", "Phoebe: Oh no. (She leaves.)", "[Cut to Aviva. She puts something in the middle of the candles. She hears someone run upstairs. Phoebe opens the door as Aviva throws a fireball.]", "Phoebe: Aviva? (The fireball heads towards Phoebe, who catches it with Aviva's jacket. It catches on fire. Aviva stands up.) Aviva! (She shakes the jacket and throws it on the ground. She stomps on it.) What the hell are you doing? (She holds her arm.)", "Aviva: Phoebe I'm sorry. (She leaves.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe is sitting on a stool. Piper brings her a pack of ice. Prue and Leo are also there.]", "Piper: Maybe we should take you to the hospital.", "Phoebe: No. It's not that bad.", "Leo: Well, how did it happen anyway?", "Phoebe: Uh, candles. Aviva had some candles lit and I guess the sweater got to close, and then she ran out of the house.", "Leo: It sure caught fire fast.", "Prue: Um, Leo, we got this. We wouldn't want you to be late for that estimate.", "Leo: Are you sure? I don't mind.", "Phoebe: No. Prue's right. I'm fine. You go ahead.", "Leo: OK. I'll stop by later to see how you're doing.", "Piper/Phoebe: Great. (Leo leaves.)", "Prue: OK. So, how did this happen?", "Phoebe: I had a premonition that Aviva was going to hurt you, so I tried to stop her. I should have listened to you Prue. You were right about Aviva. She's evil.", "Prue: No. Actually, she's not, but she is being used by an evil spirit and I think I know which one, so come on. (They all leave.)", "[Scene: Aviva's room. Aviva is putting stuff in her backpack. She goes to the closet. Kali appears in the mirror.]", "Kali: Where are you going Aviva?", "Aviva: Go away. I don't want anything to do with you. I don't want to be a witch anymore.", "Kali: But you haven't finished what we've started.", "Aviva: But I'm hurting people. Don't you understand? First Aunt Jackie, now Phoebe. I have to leave.", "Kali: Aren't you going to say good-bye first? Touch the mirror, Aviva. It's OK. I'm not upset. Touch the mirror and I'll go away too. (She does. Kali goes into Aviva's body.) Hello (Her voice changes to evil.) Aviva?", "[Scene: Attic. The Charmed Ones are looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Prue: Kali. Kali. Kali.", "Piper: There, there. \" An evil sorceress cursed into her own dimension. She appears in reflections and has the power to possess \"", "Prue: \" innocents and use them as pawns to steal a witch's power.\"", "Piper: Wait. I don't understand. So she's using Aviva to try to turn us into bad witches?", "Phoebe: Does it say anything about how to get rid of her?", "Prue: Uh, yeah. \" To get ride of her: shatter her reflection.\" However the hell we do that. Here. (She gives Piper the book. The door slams open and there stands Kali in Aviva's body.)", "Phoebe: Aviva?", "(Kali walks towards them while saying this line and then stops)", "Kali: (In Aviva's voice) Hello Phoebe. How's (Kali's voice) the arm?", "Phoebe: You're not Aviva?", "Kali: You're not kidding.", "(She throws a fireball at them. Prue pushes her sisters to the left and she goes to the right)", "Aviva: Phoebe! Help me!", "Kali: Never mind. (Piper puts the book down. Kali throws a fireball at them. They duck and the fireball hits the mannequin. Kali looks at Prue) My power's greater then yours Prue. It's only a matter of time. (Phoebe and Piper are now kneeling)", "Phoebe: Time? Piper, that's it! (Kali looks at them) Freeze her! (Piper looks at her)", "Piper: Aviva doesn't freeze. (Kali looks at Prue.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, but Kali will. (Piper freeze Kali)", "Kali: No!", "(Aviva's body falls to the floor. Piper looks behind her and pulls down a sheet, revealing a mirror)", "Piper: Prue! The mirror! Get her to the mirror! (Prue uses her power to throw Kali in the mirror.)", "Kali: No!", "(Phoebe hits the mirror with a broom. Kali screams as the glass is shattered. She disappears.)", "[Scene: Phoebe's room. Phoebe is there holding Kit. Aviva is standing by the mirror. Her hair is washed and she's wearing a dress that's dark red.]", "Aviva: Thanks for the dress.", "Phoebe: No problem. It's Prue's. (She puts Kit down on the dresser and walks to Aviva, who grabs her jacket.) All set?", "Aviva: Yeah. I'm all set.", "Phoebe: You OK?", "Aviva: I don't think, uh, looking into a mirror is ever going to be the same. (She turns around.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, the demon's gone Aviva, forever.", "Aviva: Yeah, well, unfortunately all the other ones remain. It's so hard.", "Phoebe: Oh, I know. It was hard for me too when I was your age.", "Aviva: Yeah?", "Phoebe: Are you kidding? (Aviva goes by the dresser and grabs on her coat.) These are the hardest years of your life. (Phoebe sits on her bed.) The one thing I learned is you just gotta be yourself. (Aviva giggles a little as she puts on her coat.)", "Aviva: Easy for you to say. What if yourself sucks?", "Phoebe: Well, you don't have to worry about that. No. Aviva, I'm serious. You are a great kid. I could totally see us hanging out together in school. A couple of troublemakers. (Both she and Aviva laugh a little.)", "Aviva: I'm going to miss being a witch. Having powers and having sisters.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, you've got your mom. And your aunt will be home from the hospital tomorrow. (She stands up.) OK, now remember, do not tell anyone about us Halliwell sisters right? It's just our little secret.", "Aviva: I promise.", "Phoebe: OK. (They leave.)", "[Scene: Outside Andy's house. Prue is in her car waiting for Andy. He pulls up in his car. Prue gets out and so Andy.]", "Prue: Hey.", "Andy: Hey. (He walks towards his door and so does Prue.)", "Prue: Uh, can we talk?", "Andy: Is there really anything to talk about?", "Prue: Andy (He stops and turns around.) I'm sorry .", "Andy: So am I!", "Prue: What do you mean by that?", "Andy: I mean, come on Prue. Who we kidding? I mean, let's face it. One of us is obviously more interested in this relationship than the other.", "Prue: That's not true.", "Andy: Isn't it? Then how come I'm always the one left standing there looking like a jerk.", "Prue: I can explain.", "Andy: No, you can't. Or you won't. (He goes up the stairs and stops at the top. He throws the jacket on the ground.) Damn it Prue. I still love you. I'm not saying you have to explain it all to me Prue. (Prue walks up to him.) That you're prerogative. All I'm saying is it hurts that you don't trust me enough.", "Prue: I do trust you Andy. It has nothing to do with you, it's just it's just something that I don't know if I can ever share with anybody.", "Andy: Well I hope that's not true for your sake. All I know is there's nothing I can say or do to reassure you, that I'm there for you. (He grabs his coat and walks up the stairs.)", "Prue: Andy (He stops half-way and turns around.) Are you saying that you don't want to see me anymore?", "Andy: I don't know what I want anymore." ]
The Fourth Sister
[ "Acting on Phoebe's premonition of a woman electrocuted magically through the center of her forehead, the sisters race to stop a mysterious warlock, who came from the future for killing those responsible for creating a vaccine against warlocks. Prue casts a truth spell to find out how Andy will react to her secret. Prue sadly finds out that Andy cannot handle the knowledge of her powers and the magical parallel reality she has to deal with. She breaks up with him while Prue and Piper vanquish the warlock before he can kill a pregnant woman whose baby he is truly after." ]
[ "[Scene: Car park. Dr Mitchell is walking to his car. Gavin (the warlock) is there.]", "Gavin: Excuse me, are you Dr Mitchell? Dr Oliver Mitchell?", "Dr Mitchell: Yes.", "Gavin: What a pleasure. I can't tell you how long I've waited for this.", "Dr Mitchell: Excuse me but have we ...", "Gavin: Met? I'm sorry, only in print. I've read your work. Your studies, specifically on cell degeneration are ahead of their time.", "Dr Mitchell: You're very kind.", "Gavin: No really. It's fascinating. You've become kind of a hobby of mine. I found your article on the mutant retina gene to be particularly intriguing.", "Dr Mitchell: But I haven't even --", "Gavin: Published it yet? Don't worry, you will. And you'll help to find the vaccine.", "Dr Mitchell: The vaccine? Against what?", "Gavin: Against this. (A laser beam comes out of Gavin's forehead and burns a hole in Dr Mitchell's forehead.)", "[Scene: Movie theatre. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are waiting in line. Phoebe's holding a magic 8 ball.]", "Phoebe: (Reading the 8 ball) \"Ask again later.\" Hello, vague. How am I suppose to plan my future without a little direction?", "Prue: You, who can see the future is now looking for a magic 8 ball.", "Phoebe: My visions don't help me remember.", "Piper: I've got an idea. Why don't we ask if Prue and Andy will get back together.", "Prue: Oh, Phoebe, please don't.", "(Phoebe shakes up the 8 ball.)", "Phoebe: Ooh... interesting.", "Piper: Very.", "(Piper's pager beeps. Prue tries to look at what the ball says but Phoebe shakes it up before she can see it.)", "Prue: You are cruel.", "Piper: I forget what a day off feels like. That was my boss, Martin. I have to get back to the restaurant.", "Prue: You're kidding?", "Piper: There's a convention in town and business is just crazy.", "Phoebe: But you worked a double shift yesterday and the day before that. He's working you to death, Piper.", "Prue: I thought that you were gonna talk to Martin about this weeks ago.", "Piper: I never got around to it.", "(She gets out her cell phone and dials the number.)", "Phoebe: Well, tell him to stuff it. Tell him you're taking the night off and that's that.", "Piper: I know, you're right. I will. (On the phone.) Hello, Martin. No, I know what you want but ... okay, no that's not a problem. I'll be right there. (She hangs up.)", "Prue: Wow, you told him.", "Phoebe: Beware of the wrath of Piper.", "Piper: I will talk to him... eventually. I gotta go.", "(She walks off.)", "Phoebe: Wait, Piper, I'll walk you to the car, it's safer.", "(Phoebe follows Piper.)", "Prue: (to herself) I'll wait here.", "Phoebe: (Walking past the people) Excuse me, pardon me. (She bumps into Gavin and has a premonition of him burning a hole in a woman's forehead.) Oh my God, Piper.", "Piper: What is it?", "Phoebe: I just had a premonition. A woman's about to get murdered.", "(A police car with its sirens on drives into the car park. Phoebe, Piper and Prue run into the car park. They see Dr Mitchell lying on the ground with the hole burnt in his head.)", "Prue: Oh my God.", "Piper: Phoebe saw this murder before it even happened.", "Phoebe: No, not this one. I think I saw the next one.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Kitchen. Piper's making coffee, Phoebe's pouring cereal in a bowl and Prue sits down to read the paper and drink her coffee.]", "Prue: Uh, is this leaded?", "Piper: Oh, yes.", "(Piper knocks the cereal off the table but freezes it before it hits the ground. She places the bin underneath it. The cereal unfreezes and falls in the bin. Leo walks in the kitchen.)", "Leo: Morning, ladies. Took a look at the staircase. Shouldn't be more than two days work. You mind if I get started?", "Piper: Nope, not at all. I'll get you some coffee.", "(Piper's pager beeps.)", "Phoebe: But you're busy. I'll get it. Be right there, Leo. (Leo leaves the kitchen.)", "Prue: When are you two gonna stop fighting over him and grow up?", "(You see Phoebe and Piper fighting over the coffee cup.)", "Piper: When Phoebe realizes that she doesn't have a chance with him.", "Phoebe: Well, that doesn't matter now because I have to go protect the innocent.", "Piper: So, we'll call it truce... temporarily. I'll just take this to Leo. (She does so.)", "Prue: You know you're only into him because Piper is.", "Phoebe: That is so not true. I'm wounded. Now, is there anything in there (the paper) about last nights murder?", "Prue: Nothing of any use.", "Phoebe: How am I suppose to figure out who the girl in my vision is?", "Prue: Well, what did she look like?", "Phoebe: Well, she was about 5' 3\", hair was lightish.", "Prue: That's it?", "Phoebe: It's not on video tape. I can't just rewind it. Hey, you've got to talk to Andy.", "Prue: What?", "Phoebe: Well, if I can't find her, then I have to find the killer before he gets to her.", "Prue: Well, have you checked the Book of Shadows? From the way you described your vision that sounds like it could be demonic.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but for all we know, Andy's already hot on his trail. You have to go see him to find out.", "Prue: I can't.", "Phoebe: Won't.", "Prue: Phoebe, give me a break. We just stopped seeing each other. Don't you think it might be a bit awkward?", "Phoebe: Okay, then how about I go see him and you look in the Book Of Shadows.", "Prue: Phoebe...", "Phoebe: Prue, I had this vision for a reason. I'm supposed to save her, I know it and I have to find her.", "[Cut to the attic. Prue is there looking through the Book Of Shadows.]", "Prue: (to herself) I don't even know what I'm looking for. (She closes the book and heads towards the door. The book opens up the a truth spell by itself. Prue stops and walks back over to the book.) The Truth Spell. (She turns to a different page. The page turns back to the truth spell.) What the ... ? (She shuts the book and leaves the attic. The book opens back up to the spell.)", "[Scene: Quake. The place is full of people. Piper's sitting at the bar talking on the phone.]", "Piper: The truth is I need extra table cloths because ...", "(Some guy sitting next next to her spills his drink over her paperwork. Martin comes up to Piper.)", "Martin: I need this space. Can't you do this in the manager's office?", "Piper: You took my desk remember, Martin?", "Martin: Then go somewhere else. I've got a restaurant full of conventioners, I just ran out of white corn chowder and I need you to get hold of Protos pronto.", "Piper: What about the books?", "Martin: You can take them home with you. I come back after three weeks and the place is chaos.", "Piper: Martin, you know what I think?", "Martin: What? What do you think?", "Piper: I think I'm gonna need that number for Protos.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. She's sitting at her desk staring at a photo of her and Andy together. Phoebe comes in.]", "Phoebe: Hey.", "Prue: Hey.", "Phoebe: Can I borrow your laptop? I need to do some surfing on the web, see if I can find anything about the burns on the victims forehead. What?", "Prue: Nothing. I just never thought of you being computer friendly.", "Phoebe: Are you kidding? Chat rooms saved my life.", "Prue: Um, so, did you talk to Andy?", "(She hands Phoebe her laptop.)", "Phoebe: Actually, I spoke to his partner instead.", "Prue: You told Morris?", "Phoebe: About the case? I didn't have to. Every inspector at the station was talking about it. The only problem is they're stumped. Did you find anything in the Book Of Shadows?", "Prue: Uh, I'm not sure. So, you didn't see Andy?", "Phoebe: No, I said I didn't talk to Andy. I saw him in the parking lot when I left. But, he had that look, Prue. You know the one I'm talking about. You might recognize it from the mirror. He really cares about you.", "Prue: Yeah, don't you think I know that?", "Phoebe: So what are you waiting for? Tell him the truth. It's the only thing that's standing between you guys.", "Prue: Tell him I'm a witch? I can't do that. What if he can't handle it? It's not like I can put the genie back in the bottle.", "Phoebe: He's not going to turn you into the warlock police. At least you'd know how he feels once and for all. Otherwise, you'll never know if it could of worked out or not. If I were you, I'd figure out how to tell him. Thank you for the laptop.", "(She leaves. The sandwich lady stands at the door.)", "Girl: Sandwich?", "Prue: Hey, Tanya. Sure.", "Tanya: I saved you your favourite. Turkey, no mayo.", "Prue: You're a good woman.", "Tanya: Bye.", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Attic. Prue is looking at the truth spell in the Book Of Shadows.]", "Prue: Okay, you win.", "[Cut to outside. Piper opens the door. She's holding all the paper work. Phoebe comes up to her.", "Phoebe: Hey, stranger. Back from the war?", "Piper: More like I brought the battle home with me. Inventory.", "Phoebe: I'll help you with yours if you help me with mine.", "(They walk inside.)", "[Cut to the attic. Prue's saying the spell.]", "Prue: \"For those who want the truth revealed, open hearts and secrets unsealed, from now until it's now again, after which the memories end.\"", "[Cut back to downstairs. Piper and Phoebe walk in the parlour.]", "Phoebe: I guess you didn't talk to your boss.", "Piper: Of course I did, just like I said I would. (They sit down on the couch.) Am I getting a zit on my chin? (Phoebe looks.)", "Phoebe: Can't even see it.", "[Cut back to the attic.]", "Prue: \"Those who now are in this house, will hear the truth from others mouths.\"", "[Cut back to downstairs.]", "Piper: You really can't see it?", "Phoebe: Are you kidding? It looks like that thing has a life of its own. So you really told off Martin, huh?", "Piper: No, I lied. I chickened out. (They look at each other.)", "[Cut back to the attic. Prue's dialing on the phone. Andy's answering machine picks up.]", "Andy's voice: \"Hi, you've reached Andy Trudeau. Leave your name and number and I'll get back to you. Thanks.\"", "Prue: Hi, Andy, it's-it's um, Prue. I was wondering if - could you just call me please, soon ... within the next twenty-four hours. I need to talk to you about something so, um, just call okay, alright, um, tonight would be fine too. Okay, bye.", "[Scene: Science lab. A lab technician is working on something. Gavin enters the room.]", "Gavin: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Pearson? Alex Pearson?", "Alex: Yeah, yeah, can I help you?", "Gavin: In so many ways. Working late tonight aren't you?", "Alex: Uh, yeah. I work better at night and the soil samples are just right for the bindora planteau.", "Gavin: Ahh, Zimbabwe. Their crops have been over run by disease for decades. Well, your work will put an end to that. Let's hope that's the reality.", "Alex: Are you from the foundation? They usually don't check up on us this late.", "Gavin: Oh, no, no. But I have studied your work and I know what it will lead to.", "Alex: My work, you mean the lab's. I'm really just the technician.", "Gavin: For now. But someday, someday you will help me find the vaccine.", "Alex: The vaccine? For what? Who are you? What do you want?", "Gavin: Your future.", "(A hole opens up in Gavin's forehead.)", "Alex: God, what is it?", "(Gavin puts a hole in Alex's forehead with a laser beam-like coming out of the hole.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Kitchen. Piper hands Prue a cup of coffee.]", "Prue: Thanks. Is this leaded?", "Piper: Nope.", "Prue: It's not?", "Piper: Never has been. I just say it because it's ridiculous to make two pots of coffee when you're the only one who drinks diesel.", "(Phoebe enters the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: Prue, don't give me grief when you get the phone bill. I was up all night on the internet and I didn't find anything. That poor girl. Oh, Piper, I'm sorry about the crack I made last night about your zit.", "Piper: That's okay. So you really can't see it?", "(Phoebe looks at it.)", "Phoebe: Like I said, it's huge.", "Piper: Something weird is going on.", "(Leo enters the kitchen.)", "Leo: Morning, ladies. I should be able to finish the stairs today.", "Piper: Okay, um, I'll make some more coffee.", "Phoebe: And I'll bring it to you.", "(Leo leaves.)", "Piper: Oh, here we go again, right?", "Phoebe: Piper, we both know the only reason I like Leo is because you do. Okay, I have no idea why I just said that. (to Prue) What's going on?", "Prue: Uh ... okay, I'm late for work, busy, gotta go. (She stands up and heads out the kitchen.)", "Piper: Prue!", "Prue: Yeah?", "Phoebe: Spill. What's up?", "Prue: I cast a truth spell.", "Phoebe/Piper: What!?", "Piper: You cast a truth spell?", "Prue: Yes, so please no more questions.", "Piper: Why?", "Prue: Because I wanted to know what Andy would think of me if he knew I was a witch.", "Piper: Oh.", "Phoebe: I can't believe it.", "Prue: Look who's talking Little Miss Spell of the week.", "Phoebe: No, no. I mean it can't believe you actually took my advice. The biggest pooper at the Wicca party has finally used her power for personal gain. About time.", "Piper: Personal is affecting us. Prue, what have you done?", "Prue: The spell was only suppose to work on me. Okay, it said those in this house. I thought I was alone.", "Phoebe: Well, obviously you weren't.", "Piper: Wait, we just have to, we have to undo it right now.", "Prue: Can't. Twenty-four hour time limit. Which means until eight o'clock tonight, everybody that comes in contact with us, will have no choice but to tell the truth.", "Piper: What do you mean no choice?", "Prue: Exactly that. Ask me a question.", "Phoebe: I'm gain. Prue, what do you think of me?", "Prue: Well, I admire your confidence and your fearlessness, your utter lack of responsibility frustrates me to no end. Oh God, that is so enough.", "Piper: Oh my God, this could be very dangerous.", "Phoebe: I'm kinda diggin' it. Piper, what do you really think of your boss?", "Piper: I think he's a self serving jerk who must have a very small pen1s. Oh my God, I'm gonna be so fired.", "Prue: No, no, no. It's okay because once the spell ends, no one will remember what they've heard. You guys, I just wanted to see how Andy would react.", "Phoebe: What a way to come out of the broom closet.", "Piper: Are you nuts? We just need to, we need to lock the doors, call in sick, and stay in our own bedrooms until it just goes away.", "Phoebe: Hello, there's a demon on the loose and I still have to find that woman. Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute.", "Piper: A premonition?", "Phoebe: No. An epiphany. So you're telling me that everyone I ask a question to has to answer with the truth.", "Prue: I think so, yes. But that also means if we get asked a question, we have to answer the truth.", "Phoebe: I can work around that. This is cool. Very cool.", "(Phoebe grabs her coat in the foyer.)", "Piper: Phoebe, no, where are you going? (Phoebe leaves.) Don't even think about asking me what I think of you right now.", "[Scene: Police station. Phoebe walks up to Andy's desk.]", "Andy: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Hi, Andy. Have you talked to Prue?", "Andy: She left a message on my machine last night. Wasn't sure if I wanted to call her back or not.", "Phoebe: Believe me, trust me, definitely wanna call her back.", "(Phoebe rummages around her purse looking for a pen and paper.)", "Andy: Is that why you came here?", "Phoebe: Hardly. What do you know about the guy they found murdered in the movie theatre parking lot the other night.", "Andy: The detective says he's not the only victim last night. They found a lab technician down in Oakland. Each of them had the same cauterized mark on their forehead and their eyes were drained with colour. They were completely white. Wait...", "Phoebe: Cause of death?", "Andy: Unknown. Looks like he took a bullet to the head only there's no exit wound and no bullet. Phoebe, this is highly...", "Phoebe: Any suspects?", "Andy: Not yet.", "Phoebe: Any evidence that could lead to a suspect?", "Andy: They found a button at the crime scene, possibly from the suspects jacket made of an alloy forensics have never seen before. What's with all these ...", "Phoebe: Ah-ah! Do not ask that question. I gotta go. Thanks. Don't forget to call Prue by eight o'clock tonight.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Prue's sitting there clicking her pen. The phone rings.]", "Prue: Hello? Uh, I mean, Prue Halliwell.", "Andy: Hey, it's me.", "Prue: Andy, hi.", "Andy: Phoebe stopped by. Suggested I give you a call.", "Prue: Phoebe ... yeah, but can we meet? I really don't want to talk over the phone.", "Andy: Should I be looking forward to this or dreading it?", "Prue: Honestly, I don't know. But what are you doing for dinner? An early dinner. Let's say now?", "Andy: It's lunchtime. (She looks at the clock and it says 12.35.) But I'm gonna be interviewing a witness in your area around five. I could swing round after.", "(Someone knocks on Prue's door.)", "Prue: Yeah. Um, here? Uh, I guess that's fine, all right. I'll see you then. (She hangs up. Tanya the sandwich girl walks in with Hannah behind her.) Hey Tanya.", "Hannah: Personal call, Prue?", "Prue: Personal business, Hannah, and I swear that that's my name on the door.", "Hannah: (She picks up a sandwich.) Oh, look. Less turkey, no mayo. My favourite.", "Tanya: Actually I was saving that for Prue.", "Hannah: Yeah, you were.", "Prue: Don't you hate turkey?", "Hannah: Of course I do. I just don't want you to have it.", "Prue: Is there any particular reason why you're such a bitch to me?", "(Rex walks up behind her.)", "Hannah: Yes, because it's my mission in life to destroy you.", "Rex: Well, nothing like a bit of inter-office rivalry to get those competitive juices flowing. Um, Hannah, a word. (They leave.)", "[Cut to Rex's office.]", "Rex: What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?", "Hannah: I don't know. It-it-it came out.", "Rex: No, no, no, it didn't just come out. You almost came out. Am I supposed to believe that all of a sudden you lost complete control of your faculties?", "Hannah. No. God, she's just so Prue. Forgive me.", "Rex: Always. Hey (He gets a cigar. She blows on it and it lights up.) Go on. Get back to work.", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Living room. Piper is talking on the phone.]", "Piper: Martin, I can't work tonight, I have to do the books. (She listens.) Do the books and run the floor? That's impossible. (She listens.) But you don't unders-- Right now? I'm, on my way. (She hangs up.) Nice talking to you too, jerk. (Leo enters.)", "Leo: Hey, I had a little bit of an accident. You mind if I borrow your washer? (You see he has spilt coffee on his shirt.)", "Piper: No, not at all. Go right ahead. Can I get you some coffee?", "Leo: Ah, you better not. I'll just wind up knocking it all over again. (He starts walking towards the kitchen.)", "Piper: Leo, wait.", "Leo: Yeah?", "Piper: Can I ask you a question?", "Leo: Sure.", "Piper: Do you need another shirt?", "Leo: No, I got one in the truck. Thanks.", "Piper: Leo, wait that wasn't my question.", "Leo: It wasn't.", "Piper: No. I was just wondering do you ever think of me?", "Leo: Yeah.", "Piper: In what way? As a friend sort of way or", "Leo: You have beautiful eyes.", "Piper: That's a good way.", "Leo: I'm sorry. (They laugh.) That was totally inappropriate wasn't it?", "Piper: No, not at all. Ah, what the hell Leo, what do you think about women who make the first move?", "Leo: I'm still waiting for it to happen. (Piper kisses him.) Ahh how do you feel about guys who make the second move?", "Piper: Love them.", "(They kiss again.)", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's waiting outside an elevator. Rex walks around the corner.]", "Prue: Hi Rex.", "Rex: Hello Prue. How are you? (Phoebe walks up behind Prue.)", "Prue: I'm a nervous wreck because I am about to tell my boyfriend that I am a wi--", "Phoebe: Ner. A winner. She is a real catch, this one is. (She laughs.) I'm Phoebe, her sister, we've met, remember?", "Rex: Yeah, how could I forget.", "(Prue and Phoebe walk away.)", "Phoebe: Okay, the spell is really working.", "Prue: Yeah, I know. So, you talked to Andy?", "Phoebe: I sure did. He gave me a list of all the victims. They all died the same way. The only problem is they don't have a suspect, and I have no way of finding her. (Tanya walks past.)", "Prue: Who, her?", "Phoebe: That's the girl from my premonition.", "Prue: Tanya?", "(Tanya gets in an elevator.)", "Phoebe: Wait, hold the elevator.", "(The elevator closes.)", "[Cut to inside the elevator. Gavin's there.]", "Gavin: (to Tanya) Excuse me. Are you Mrs. Parker? Tanya Parker?", "Tanya: Yes.", "Gavin You have been most difficult to find. Never in the same place, never alone.", "Tanya: Excuse me?", "[Cut back to Prue and Phoebe.]", "Prue: Are you sure?", "Phoebe: Yes. And that's the truth.", "Prue: Alright, um, take the stairs. I'll call security.", "[Cut to the car park. Gavin has a hold of Tanya and she's screaming. Phoebe runs out and on her way she grabs a glass bottle. Gavin starts putting a hole in Tanya's head with the laser. Phoebe hits Gavin over the head with the bottle.]", "Phoebe: Run Tanya, run. (Gavin turns around to face Phoebe. She hits him with the bottle again. Tanya runs to her car and Phoebe follows. They get in and drive off. Prue runs out with security.)", "Prue: Phoebe!", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene Halliwell manor. Living room. Tanya's on the phone.]", "Tanya: Honey, I'm fine. (Phoebe walks in.) There's no reason to fly back early. I'm, um, staying with friends. I'll explain it all when you get home.", "Phoebe: Kids. Do you have any kids?", "Tanya: Not yet.", "Phoebe: Pets?", "Tanya: No. (on phone.) I love you too. (She hangs up.) Um, before I can explain any of this to my husband, you're gonna have to explain it to me. What is going on?", "Phoebe: Short story, you're in danger. And to keep you out of it, we're gonna have to keep you out of the obvious places, which is why you have to stay here.", "Tanya: But what was that thing?", "Phoebe: Truth spell. That thing was a demon.", "Tanya: I'm outta here.", "Phoebe: No, Tanya, he's killed before. Trust me. Call the cops. Check it out. That burn on your forehead, that's how he does it. I've seen it. Okay, I have visions, visions of people that I am supposed to help. I've seen his next victim. It's you. There are no coincidences. I was supposed to see you, to find you. And now I'm supposed to save you.", "[Scene: Quake. Piper's on the phone.]", "Piper: Romane, entrance three. (to Pheobe) Pheobe, you have her in there? At the house? No, I understand you have to protect the innocent, but couldn't you find one that makes a decent bernaise sauce. My kitchen is collapsing. I gotta go. I'll be there as soon as I can. (She hangs up) Martin, hi. Just the man I wanted to", "Martin: I made a list. You better check it twice. I'll be back after the dinner rush.", "Piper: Um, but I've got a family situation.", "Martin: So, you'd like to take off, go home, take care of business?", "Piper: Thank you Martin. Thank you for understanding.", "Martin: Oh, don't thank me. Because the answer's no.", "Piper: Alright Martin, what part of family situation do you not understand? Are you insane? No one person can do all of this. How do you expect me to do it all alone?", "Martin: Because I know you will.", "Piper: What?", "Martin: Why spend money on more employees when I know you'll do it. And you won't complain. I got a bargain. All the work for half the price. Piper, I don't know why I said that.", "Piper: Too late. Truths out, and so am I. You don't deserve me. I quit.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue walks in her office. Andy's there.]", "Prue: Andy, hi.", "Andy: Hello, Prue.", "Prue: I'm so sorry I'm late, my meeting ran over.", "Andy: Your assistant said I could wait here. I hope that's okay.", "Prue: Yeah, of course. Can I get you anything? Something to drink?", "Andy: I'm fine. How are you?", "Prue: A nervous wreck. You?", "Andy: Heart's pounding like a sledge hammer.", "Prue: Uh, so, Andy, how well do you think you really know me?", "Andy: Well, I know about your fondness for twizzers, how you can't stand it when people talk at the previews, how you like to argue to win, and how you pick your cuticles when you're nervous. And also know I'd love to see you again. I wish you can trust me enough to tell me whatever it is you're afraid of.", "Prue: Well, actually that's what I wanted to see you about except that instead of telling you I think I'll just show you, so here goes. See this? (He nods.) Watch. (She moves a pyramid thing with her powers. He jumps up out of his chair. He laughs.)", "Andy: What the hell was that?", "Prue: My secret. I did that with my mind.", "Andy: You're telekinetic?", "Prue: Yes. Well actually it's so much more than that. I'm a witch.", "(Andy laughs.)", "Andy: A what?", "Prue: A good witch. I have powers. I never wanted them. I didn't find out about them until recently. Right around the time that I ran into you again. Okay, you know all those times that I disappeared or would show up at a crime scene with no logical explanation? This is why. And believe me, I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. I couldn't tell anyone. (Andy is speechless.) Are – are you okay.", "Andy: I don't know. I mean of all the things I thought you were hiding, this was actually no where on the list. Does this mean Piper and Phoebe are .", "Prue: Yeah. We inherited our powers from Mum and Grams.", "Andy: So, when you have kids", "Prue: If they're girls .yes.", "Andy: Wow. That's quite a secret you've hiding.", "Prue: Tell me about it.", "Andy: Can you change? I mean, is it something you can get rid of?", "Prue: No, Andy, I can't change who I am. And that's something I've recently come to accept. The question is can you?", "Andy: To tell you the truth I don't know, Prue. I honestly don't know.", "[Scene: Halliwell Manor. Living room. Tanya is looking through the Book of Shadows for the demon.]", "Phoebe: Did Prue talk to Andy?", "Piper: She didn't say. (to Tanya) Could you find anything in the Book of Shadows?", "Tanya: Nothing I recognize.", "Piper: So, Andy said the third victim was a professor at Stanford? What's the link?", "Phoebe: He may think it has something to do with what they're working on. Biogenetics.", "Piper: A professor, geneticist, a lab technician", "Tanya: And a sandwich girl? Do you really think he's after me?", "Phoebe: Uh-oh, truth spell. (She touches Tanya and has a premonition of her holding a baby.) Piper, we need more milk. Kitchen. (She goes to the kitchen.) She's carrying.", "Piper: Carrying what?", "Phoebe: A baby. She's pregnant.", "Piper: Ohh...", "Phoebe: No, no. She doesn't know yet.", "Piper: What do we do? Do we tell her? I mean, we protect. We don't do prenatal.", "Phoebe: No, this is not the kind of information Tanya needs right now. Especially from people she just met, who are telling her that some three-eyed demon wants to suck the life out of her. Suck the life out of her Wait a minute, is it possible that it's not Tanya he wants? That it's her baby.", "Piper: How would he know she's pregnant?", "Phoebe: I don't know, maybe he sees the future too. Or else he's from it.", "Piper: Excuse me?", "Phoebe: The button. The police found a button by one of the last victims made out of some kind of funky metal they've never seen before.", "Piper: Rewind.", "Phoebe: Okay, there's a button that's not supposed to exist, a demon that the Book of Shadows says doesn't exist, and a baby no one knows exists. You got a better explanation?", "Piper: Even if you're right, how do we find him?", "Phoebe: Well, he wants Tanya, he'll find us.", "Piper: He doesn't know where we are.", "Phoebe: Well, he found Tanya at Bucklands, he saw me with Prue.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Hannah's at the doorway.]", "Hannah: Hey, last one out gets the lights. I'm, uh, going home. So, lock up when you leave. Um, Prue, about what I said earlier ...", "Prue: Now's not a good time.", "Hannah: I just wanted to say I'm sorry.", "Prue: But you really wouldn't mean that would you?", "Hannah: No! (She leaves.)", "[Cut to outside Prue's office. Gavin walks around the corner heading for Prue's office.]", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Buckland's. Prue's office. Gavin enters.]", "Gavin: Excuse me. Are you Miss Halliwell? Prue Halliwell?", "Prue: Yes. Did we have an appointment?", "Gavin: No, actually I'm looking for someone and I believe you can help me.", "Prue: I find objects, not people.", "Gavin: Well, I think you might know her, I saw you talking to her earlier. Um, petite, brown hair, the two of you were over by the elevators.", "Prue: I don't remember.", "Gavin: Are you sure?", "Prue: What do you want with her?", "Gavin: She is hiding the woman I sent back to kill.", "Prue: Sent back from where?", "Gavin: The future. What are you doing?", "Prue: Why kill Tanya?", "Gavin: I don't want Tanya. I want what's inside her.", "Prue: And the others, why kill them?", "Gavin: Pieces of the puzzle. Pieces of the vaccine. Stop this!", "(He goes for her but she uses her power to push the desk up against him. She runs outside.)", "[Scene: Halliwell manor. Piper is ringing Prue.]", "Piper: Answer. Come on, Prue, pick up. (The answering machine picks up. Piper hangs up.) There's no answer, it's after five, it's going straight to voice mail.", "Phoebe: You have to go to Bucklands.", "Piper: Okay, I'll grab my keys, you grab Tanya.", "Phoebe: No, you have to go alone. If you bring Tanya with us and he's there, it's like bringing the feast to the lion and she can't stay here by herself.", "Piper: But I need you, Phoebe, we need you.", "Phoebe: I can't always be the power of three.", "Piper: But what if we come here and you're all alone?", "Phoebe: We'll be in the attic with the book.", "Piper: Okay, be careful. (They hug.)", "Phoebe: You too.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's running down the stairs and Gavin's following. She runs in a store room and hides.]", "Gavin: I've got eight and a half months to find Tanya, Miss Halliwell. Plenty of time. Yours however, has run out.", "[Cut to Prue's office. Piper runs in.]", "Piper: Prue? (She sees the mess and Prue's purse on the floor.) Oh, no. (She runs back out of the office.)", "[Cut back to the store room.]", "Gavin: You can't hide from me forever.", "Prue: What's the vaccine for? What does it protect against?", "(He laughs.)", "Gavin: Against me of course. And all other warlocks like me in the future. The parker child will be the one to bring together all the elements to create the vaccine which will destroy us. (He finds Prue.) Unless I stop him. (He picks her up by her neck and his third eye thing opens up. Piper runs in and freezes him.)", "Piper: Hey, need a hand?", "Prue: Yeah! (Piper grabs a crowbar and loosens Gavin's grip.)", "Piper: He's not after Tanya, he's after her baby, she's pregnant.", "Prue: I know.", "Piper: Huh?", "Prue: Truth spell, later. Where's Phoebe?", "Piper: Home, protecting Tanya.", "Prue: Well, what are you waiting for, Piper? Whack him.", "Piper: No! Can't you move him?", "Prue: Where? He's from the future.", "Piper: Prue, he's gonna unfreeze soon.", "Prue: Piper, just do it.", "Piper: No, you do it.", "Prue: No, do it! Piper!", "(He unfreezes. Piper and Prue stick the crowbar in Gavin's third eye. Some big tornado thing comes and sucks him up.)", "Prue: I love it when they clean up after themselves.", "[Scene: Outside Andy's apartment.]", "Andy: Prue.", "Prue: Andy, I need to know how you feel about what I told you.", "Andy: I'm gonna need a little more time.", "Prue: I don't have time, Andy. I need to know before eight.", "Andy: Alright, won't you come inside and we'll talk about it.", "Prue: I can't.", "Andy: Prue ...", "Prue: Andy, no. Look, if I come inside and we'll have drinks, there'll be small talk and precious minutes will past. I need to know now. Can you or can you not accept that I am a witch?", "Andy: If I had to answer right now ... I don't think so, Prue. I mean, there's nothing wrong with it I guess. It's just in my future, I have a vision of having ... (A clock chimes. It's 8:00.) What were we just talking about?", "Prue: You don't remember?", "Andy: Honestly, no.", "Prue: You don't remember anything you've said to me in the last twenty-four hours?", "Andy: No. It's really weird. You wanna come inside?", "Prue: No, I have to go. (She kisses him.) Goodbye, Andy.", "(She walks around the corner and starts crying.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Quake. Piper and Phoebe are sitting at a table.]", "Phoebe: (to a waiter) Excuse me, hello. What good is saving the future when I can't get a glass of water in the present?", "Piper: Speaking of the future ... Where did Tanya go?", "Phoebe: Oh, she went to the bathroom. Morning sickness. Only she thinks it's the Halibut.", "Piper: Great, she'll probably sue the restaurant for food poisoning. Will this day ever end?", "Phoebe: Actually it did. It's 8:20, the spell is over, the world is a safer place.", "(Martin walks up to the table.)", "Martin: Piper, I see you sitting. What is wrong with this picture?", "Piper: You don't remember?", "Martin: Remember what? Piper, I need you in the kitchen pronto. We're down to sue chef.", "(He leaves.)", "Piper: I don't believe it. I finally stand up for myself and quit and he doesn't remember. Wait a minute, everybody else's forgotten the truth, why do we still remember it?", "Phoebe: Truth are consequences. Wiccan rule, right? Prue cast a spell for her own personal gain, now we have to deal with the fall out.", "Piper: I'll be right back. I need to remind Martin of something.", "Phoebe: Ooh, you go girl.", "(Piper walks in the kitchen.)", "Piper: Martin, we need to talk. (He throws her an apron.)", "Martin: Excuse you.", "Piper: I can not, no, I will not do everything by myself anymore. I need help. You restaurant needs help. You need another manager, sure chef, hostess and an extra bus boy on the weekends. If you will not agree to hire these people, than tell me now and I'll quit.", "Martin: What took you so long? All you had to do was ask.", "Piper: Really? I mean, okay. I'll see you tomorrow.", "Martin: But I-I-I just ...", "Piper: It's my night off. (She walks towards the door and pushes it open, hitting Leo in the face on the other side.) Oh, Leo! I'm so sorry. Are you okay?", "Leo: Yeah, fine, just, uh, surprised.", "Piper: Yeah, me too. What are you doing here?", "Leo: Well, I wanted to see you, I just um ... I have this really strange feeling that I did something that I should apologize for. Did I?", "Piper: No, no. Definitely not. Can I buy you a drink?", "[Cut to Phoebe. Prue walks up to the table.]", "Prue: Hey.", "Phoebe: Hey. How'd it go?", "Prue: Not well.", "Phoebe: Oh, Prue, I'm so sorry.", "Prue: Yeah, me too, but I cast the spell for an answer and I got it. Even if it wasn't the one I wanted.", "(They hug.)" ]
The Truth is Out There and It Hurts
[ "After Prue accidentally releases a warlock that was trapped inside an old curse, she ultimately gets attacked by him. She, Piper, and Phoebe then have to call upon the witch who bound him in the curse that held him for centuries: their ancestor Melinda Warren, before he can attack them for their powers, especially after he gains a pair of unlikely allies. Meanwhile, Piper works up the courage to ask Leo out, and Andy gets frustrated by Prue always showing up at the crime scenes where bizarre occurrences take place." ]
[ "[Scene: Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. A turnkey opens a cell in a jail. Matthew walks in.]", "Melinda: Matthew.", "Matthew: Hello, Melinda.", "Melinda: Why? Why did you betray me?", "Matthew: You got what you deserved.", "Melinda: So you've never loved me? All the passion, all the heat?", "Matthew: I had to make you trust me. It was the only way to share your powers.", "Melinda: And so now you have them. So why would you turn me in? You know I'll burn.", "Matthew: I had to keep my secret.", "Melinda: Well, you can keep your trinkets too.", "(She pulls off a locket that was around her neck and throws it at him.)", "Matthew: I'll find another witch to give it to.", "(He opens the locket.)", "Melinda: Maybe not.", "(He takes out a little piece of paper and it catches on fire. He throws it on the ground.)", "Matthew: What magic is this?", "Melinda: I'm taking back the powers you stole from me. \"Outside of time, outside of gain, no only sorrow, no only pain.\"", "(It gets really windy and Matthew gets sucked into the locket.)", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Rex puts some jewellery on Prue's desk. He picks up the locket and tries to open it. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: Rex?", "Rex: Ah, good morning, Prue. I've, uh, left a few things for you to catalogue. A marvelous shipment from an estate back east.", "Prue: I'll get right on it.", "Rex: Thanks.", "(Rex leaves. Prue sees the locket and picks it up. She opens it. The door slams shut and Matthew comes out of it.)", "Matthew: At last, freedom. The world has changed. What time is this?", "Prue: Excuse me?", "Matthew: Where am I?", "Prue: Who are you?", "Matthew: Matthew Tate, and if you freed me from that locket you are descendant of Melinda Warren. (He walks closer to her and she uses her power and he flies across the room.) Thank you.", "Prue: For what?", "Matthew: I tricked you into using your power on me. Now, I have it. (He uses her power and a chair pushes her against the wall. He then disappears, she runs in the middle of the room and he appears behind her.) Behind you, witch.", "Prue: How did you do that?", "Matthew: I can share your power but you can't share mine.", "Prue: What do you want?", "Matthew: I want what Melinda took from me. I want all three powers back. (He grabs her.) Defend yourself. Stop time.", "Prue: I can't.", "Matthew: Ah, so you're not alone. There are others. (He disappears and appears in front of the desk.) And the family name is now Halliwell.", "Rex: (from outside) Prue, are you okay in there?", "(Matthew uses Prue's power to break the glass on the window. He jumps out the window and floats down to the ground, landing on his feet. He walks away.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Outside Bucklands. Police are there where Matthew jumped out the window. Andy and Morris are questioning a man.]", "Man: I was just sitting there, you know, reading the sports, having a cup of joe and 'bam', this guy comes flying out of nowhere, you know. Weird clothes, bad manners, he nearly fell right on top of me.", "Morris: When you say fell...", "Man: I mean fell, you know, like from way up there, I guess. I don't know.", "Morris: That's a ten story drop, sir.", "Andy: Twelve.", "Morris: And you're telling us that he just got up, walked away without a scratch. That's what you're saying.", "Andy: Got a better explanation?", "Morris: Excuse us. (Andy and Morris walk away.) Alright, Trudeau. Pull out your secret ghost hunter decoder ring and let's hear it.", "(Andy laughs.)", "Andy: Morris, I don't know, okay. All I know is whatever happened started up there in that office.", "Morris: Uh huh. So let's find out who's office that is.", "Andy: I already know. It's Prue's.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Leo's under the sink, fixing it. Phoebe's sitting at the table and Piper's standing up.]", "Piper: So I suggested we add crab sauté to the, uh, lunch menu and it was great. Sold out. Do you like crab, Leo?", "Leo: You know what I'd love, Piper?", "Piper: What's that?", "Leo: Is the, uh, ratchet extension. Could you hand that to me?", "Piper: Sure. (Piper looks in his toolbox but doesn't know what it is. Phoebe walks over and pulls out the ratchet extension.) I knew that. (She takes it off Phoebe and gives it to Leo.) Here you go.", "Leo: Thanks.", "Piper (whispering to Phoebe) Stop it. Go away. (She tries to get Phoebe to leave.) Be right back, Leo.", "Leo: No problem.", "(Piper and Phoebe go in the dining room.)", "Piper: Stop it.", "Phoebe: My sentiments exactly. Stop hitting around and ask him out already. Give him some of your crabs.", "Piper: Don't be disgusting.", "Phoebe: Don't be so shy.", "Piper: What if he says no?", "Phoebe: Yeah, like that'll happen.", "Piper: No, I'm serious.", "Phoebe: So am I.", "Piper: I'm very serious. I've never... you know...", "Phoebe: You are kidding, right?", "Piper: No.", "Phoebe: You've never asked a guy out before?", "Piper: Not on a real date, no.", "Phoebe: I don't understand. Am I the only person in this family who's inherited the \"take a chance\" gene?", "Piper: Probably. ‘Cause if I remember my biology correctly, it's attached to the \"can't mind my own business\" gene.", "Phoebe: Ooh. Go.", "(Phoebe pushes her back in the kitchen. Leo comes out from under the sink.)", "Leo: Well, part of the pipe is stuck. I'm almost finished here.", "Piper: Terrific. Can I get you some tea?", "Leo: Yeah, that'd be great. (Piper gets the tea out of the fridge. Phoebe walks in.)", "Phoebe: What would be great?", "Piper: Nothing. (Piper puts the tea on the bench and Phoebe accidentally knocks it off. Piper freezes if before it falls on the floor.) Leo?", "Phoebe: Frozen. Quick, have your way with him.", "Piper: Do you never stop?", "(Phoebe laughs. Piper holds a bucket under the tea.)", "Phoebe: Looks like a Kodak moment to me.", "(She pretends to take photos.)", "Piper: Phoebe, you're such a help.", "Phoebe: Smile.", "(Leo and the tea unfreeze. Prue walks in.)", "Prue: You guys, we are in serious problems. (Phoebe points to Leo.) Uh, hi Leo.", "Leo: Hey Prue.", "Prue: Hey, uh, sisters. Upstairs now.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Police are there. Andy's questioning Rex and Hannah.]", "Hannah: Uh, Webster, Hannah Webster.", "Andy: You said you heard some noises in here. What kind?", "Hannah: Uh, it's hard to say.", "Rex: It almost sounded like a, a struggle of some sort. A fight perhaps.", "Hannah: Yeah, and, and then we heard a crash and I assumed that was the window breaking and we came in to check on Prue and then she just went running out.", "Morris: What did she say? What happened?", "Hannah: Nothing, actually, she just left.", "Rex: She was quite agitated too.", "Andy: She didn't say where she was going by any chance did she?", "Rex: No, no, sorry.", "Morris: Okay, thanks, Mr. Buckland. CSI will be done with the windows in a couple of hours and you can have them fixed.", "Rex: Believe me, Inspector. I really don't care about the window. I only care about Prue.", "(Rex and Hannah leave.)", "Morris: Look, maybe you oughta ask the captain to assign somebody else.", "Andy: Prue and I aren't dating anymore, there's no conflict okay. I'm fine with this.", "Morris: Okay.", "[Cut to Rex's office. Rex and Hannah are there.]", "Rex: I thought that went exceedingly well. Didn't you?", "Hannah: We may have proven the legend of the locket true and that the little witch is charmed but now we have a seventeenth century warlock running around. I think he'll stick out.", "Rex: Yep, but then again if the legend does hold true, Matthew's got a one track mind. Just like we do. He won't be difficult to find. Stop worrying, Hannah. You'll get wrinkles on your horns.", "[Scene: Attic. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there.]", "Piper: What did you say his name was?", "Prue: Matthew Tate and somehow he knows that we're related to Melinda Warren.", "Phoebe: The Book of Shadows Melinda? Our ancestor?", "Piper: The one who burned at stake and started this whole mess.", "Prue: Uh, he came out of the locket. And he has strong powers. Stronger than mine, I mean, he did the weirdest thing. One minute he was in front of me, the next he was behind me and then twelve stories down landed right on his feet.", "Phoebe: If it walks like warlock, and talks like a warlock...", "Prue: Yeah, well, he's powerful and he means business. And he wants all three of our powers.", "Phoebe: Can I see the locket?", "(Prue hands the locket to Phoebe.)", "Prue: We have to figure out who he is before he finds the two of you.", "(Phoebe opens the locket and has a premonition.)", "Phoebe: You said Matthew came out of the locket? I think I just saw Melinda put him in.", "Prue: You saw the past?", "Piper: But you only see the future.", "Phoebe: Not anymore.", "Prue: We always knew that our powers would grow.", "Phoebe: Yes, but somehow I thought I was gonna get to fly.", "(Prue and Piper smile.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: An attorney's office. He is on the phone.]", "Attorney: They want to counter sue? Fine, bring it on, I'll eat 'em alive. Plus, we can double bill and get away with it. (Matthew blinks in the room.) Excuse me. (He hangs up the phone.)", "Matthew: Are you Arnold Halliwell?", "Arnold: Yeah, and who are you? Robin Hood?", "(Matthew uses telekinesis and Arnold flies up against the wall.)", "Matthew: Tell me where your sisters are.", "Arnold: Which sisters? I'm an only child. Let me go or I'll sue you...", "(Matthew breaks his neck.)", "Matthew: Lawyers have not changed.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there. Phoebe's looking at a photo album and Piper's reading a book.]", "Phoebe: I was right. It was Melinda in my vision. Isn't she beautiful.", "Prue: Hmm. She kind of looks like mum.", "Piper: Listen to this. \"And because the warlock had stolen her love, she cursed him into the pewter heart, where he could spend eternity knowing the sting of betrayal.\"", "Phoebe: That must be what I saw.", "Prue: And I let him out early. Great.", "Piper: You're not kidding. The legend says that the warlock must never be freed or he will destroy the Warren line. That'd be us.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, he'll have to take a number and get in line behind the others warlocks.", "Prue: We've never been up against anyone like him before.", "Phoebe: So, what do we do?", "Piper: I say we hide.", "Prue: No, we have to find out exactly what we're up against. And we start with the locket and how it wound up on my desk.", "[Cut to the conservatory. Leo's there watching TV. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Leo: Hey, Prue, your work's on the news, check it out.", "Reporter: This morning witnesses claim they saw a man fall twelve stories. He got up and walked away unharmed.", "Prue: We gotta find him before he hurts somebody else, especially an innocent.", "Phoebe: There's that 'I' word again.", "Piper: Look Andy's on TV.", "Phoebe: He's here, too.", "(The doorbell rings. Phoebe answers it.)", "Phoebe: Andy, what a surprise. How you been?", "Andy: I need to talk with Prue, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Prue, wow. How out of the loop am I? And here I thought you guys broke up.", "Andy: It's not about that. It's police business.", "Phoebe: Oh, well, uh, she's not home. She's at work.", "Andy: No, she's not.", "Phoebe: Well, then, I don't know where she is, but I'll tell her that you stopped by, okay? Ciao!", "(Phoebe tries to leave but Andy grabs her arm.)", "Andy: A man fell out of Prue's office window. Which is suspicious enough. But then a man matching the same description went and killed a lawyer down the street. A lawyer named Halliwell. Now I know she knows who he is. One more time, Phoebe, where's your sister?", "Phoebe: Where's your warrant?", "(Phoebe goes back inside. Andy leaves.)", "[Cut to the living room.]", "Prue: Great, so now I'm being hunted by a warlock and the San Francisco P.D.", "Phoebe: Nobody ever said you led a boring life, Prue.", "Piper: Maybe Andy can help.", "Prue: Oh, yeah. You want to have that conversation with him? \"Hey Andy, I hate to bother you but this seventeenth century warlock is trying to kill me and my sisters.\" Any thoughts?", "Piper: Okay, it was a bad idea. But the point is we need help.", "Prue: Yeah, well, unfortunately more than Andy can give.", "Phoebe: What we need is someone who's done this before, someone like Melinda Warren.", "Prue: Okay, so what are we supposed to do? Reach back in time, grab her and tell her that we need her help?", "Phoebe: Yes. And I know exactly how to do it. As long as you both don't mind losing a little blood.", "[Time lapse. In the attic. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are sitting around a table where they have placed candles, a dagger and other items.]", "Piper: Am I the only one having the second thoughts?", "Phoebe: Yes.", "Prue: We don't really have any others options.", "Piper: But aren't we, like, raising the dead? What if she's all...", "Phoebe: I read The Book of Shadows very carefully. She will come back as a real live person, flesh and blood. She will have her powers too. Our powers.", "(Phoebe picks up the knife.)", "Piper: What's that for?", "Phoebe: Well, the spell works by blood calling blood, so it shouldn't hurt... much.", "(Phoebe stabs her finger.)", "Phoebe: I lied, I lied. Okay, come on guys. It'll be just like the summer by the lake. Remember when we made a oath blood to be friends forever, not just sisters?", "(Prue takes the knife off of Phoebe.)", "Piper: I remember my finger got infected.", "(Prue stabs her finger.)", "Prue: Ow. Yeah, but the oath worked.", "(Prue holds out the knife for Piper.)", "Piper: And I couldn't go in the water for three weeks. Don't hand me that knife.", "Prue: How are you gonna cut yourself?", "Piper: I'm not.", "Phoebe: Piper...", "Piper: I can't stand the sight of blood.", "Prue: Evil beings have blown up in our attic...", "Phoebe: Disintegrated to dust right before our very eyes...", "Prue: And you're afraid of a little drop of blood?", "Piper: Okay, just cut my finger.", "(She holds out her hand.)", "Prue: (to Phoebe) You do it.", "(She hands Phoebe the knife. Piper covers her eyes and Phoebe stabs her finger.)", "Piper: Ow!", "Prue: Okay, here.", "(They squeeze their fingers and the blood drips into a locket. Phoebe closes it and places it in a bowl.)", "Phoebe: \"Melinda Warren, blood of our blood...\"", "Phoebe, Prue, Piper: \"Our great, great, great, great, great, great, grandmother.\"", "Phoebe: \"We summon thee.\"", "(Stardust floats through the air and Melinda appears.)", "Melinda: (smiles) Oh, blessed be.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's room. Phoebe and Melinda are there. Phoebe unzips a dress.]", "Melinda: No, don't-don't rip the dress to make it fit me.", "Phoebe: Oh, no, no, I'm not ripping it. It's called a zipper, see?", "(Phoebe zips up the dress.)", "Melinda: Oh, a wise witch made this.", "(Melinda takes the dress off of Phoebe and plays with the zipper.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, and wise witches in this century keep a low profile. You slip this dress on, you'll blend right in.", "(Melinda starts putting on the dress.)", "Melinda: It's so odd to be here again. To breathe and feel. What sheep has wool so soft?", "Phoebe: A synthetic one.", "Melinda: Oh! (Phoebe zips up the dress.) So did it, did it take you long to make the dress?", "Phoebe: Make it? No, no, I bought it.", "Melinda: Oh, you must be rich.", "(Prue and Piper walk in.)", "Prue: No, she's got credit cards.", "Piper: Oh, wow, Melinda, you look great.", "Melinda: Thank you. Oh, but how do you keep your legs warm?", "Prue: We drink coffee.", "(Leo approaches the doorway.)", "Leo: Oh, sorry, I let myself in and it didn't occur to me.", "Piper: Leo, uh, it's okay. This is, uh...", "Phoebe: Our cousin, Melinda.", "Leo: Nice to meet you.", "Piper: Leo's fixing our plumbing.", "Melinda: What's that?", "Prue: Uh, we've got to go now.", "Melinda: To work with one's hands is a great gift.", "Leo: Well, I am a true labourer. I earn to eat, get that I wear.", "Melinda: Owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness.", "Leo, Melinda: Shakespeare.", "(Melinda giggles.)", "Prue: Wasn't that fun? Okay, let's go now.", "(They walk out of the room and Leo walks in.)", "Melinda: (to Piper) He is a treasure, Piper.", "Piper: Why you telling me?", "[Scene: Halliwell Hardware and Appliance. The store owner is dead and hooked up on the wall by some garden tools. Matthew is there. Rex and Hannah walk in.]", "Rex: Hello, Matthew.", "Hannah: We have got to do something about his clothes.", "Matthew: Who are you? How do you know me?", "Rex: Well, the short answer is we're the ones who gave the witch the locket to have you freed. I suppose you could say we're partners.", "Matthew: I work alone.", "Rex: No, not in this century you don't. You're new in town, new in time, you need our help. Hmm, I see you've been shopping. Find what you're looking for?", "Matthew: I want Melinda Warren's children.", "Hannah: Ooh, talk about your coincidences.", "Rex: You see, we have the means to find them for you. And you have to ability to take their powers. Come. (They turn to leave but Matthew doesn't move.) What?", "Matthew: How'd you find me?", "Rex: Prue Halliwell, a Halliwell attorney, now here. You are leaving a trail, my friend. And that has got to stop.", "[Scene: Manor. Dining room. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Melinda are sitting at the table. Prue is putting the locket around Melinda's neck.]", "Melinda: Once Matthew had what he wanted, he told the town council I was a witch and they arrested me. Then they burned me at the stake.", "Piper: Why didn't you save yourself?", "Phoebe: Yeah, why didn't you use your powers to escape?", "Melinda: I had a daughter. Her name was Prudence. She meant everything to me. If I had used my powers, I would've proven Matthew's charge and Prudence would've burned too. So I thought, I'll accept this and pray some kind soul will take pity on my daughter and raise her in a safe home. Only then could the Warren line continue. And it must've worked because here you are.", "Phoebe: Why do Warren witches lose their mum's so early?", "Melinda: Phoebe, I can't change the past but I think I can protect the future.", "Prue: How? Matthew is so strong and he has this wild power. He can be at one place and then another.", "Melinda: In the blink of an eye?", "Prue: Exactly.", "Melinda: It's called blinking. He must've copied it from another witch. I stripped him of all the powers he copied from me but who knows what others powers he still has?", "Phoebe: What you mean copied from you?", "Melinda: Matthew's gift is to copy the power of a good witch when it's used against him.", "Prue: Then he definitely has mine.", "Melinda: Once he's copied a power, it has no effect on him. Should he gain all three powers, he will be impossible to vanquish.", "Prue: So what do we do?", "Melinda: We curse him back in the locket.", "Piper: And if we can't?", "(Silence.)", "[Scene: Bucklands. Rex's office. Hannah and Matthew are there. Matthew is putting on some jeans and Hannah is sitting on a chair with her back to him.]", "Matthew: Are these pants meant to be so tight?", "(Hannah peeks over her shoulder.)", "Hannah: Absolutely.", "Matthew: No wonder your men frown all the time. It's a wonder they can even walk. So, is this right?", "Hannah: Oh, yeah.", "Matthew: If it please you to look, look.", "Hannah: I wasn't looking... much.", "(He walks over to her.)", "Matthew: Why the false honesty? I, I don't understand.", "Hannah: Well, it's a very complex issue these days. I mean, there's political correctness, sexual harassment, um, don't get me started.", "Matthew: Hmm, what a strange time this is. So open, yet so closed. Where even a warlock feels shame.", "(Rex walks in.)", "Rex: Hannah... what the devil?", "Hannah: Rex, I told you I'd get him dressed.", "Rex: Yeah, ten minutes ago.", "Matthew: Well, we tried on many things. She said it is difficult to choose.", "Rex: Play time's over, big boy. You've got work to do. (Matthew walks away.) (whispering) Remember, he goes back from whence he came once his task is completed.", "[Scene: Manor. Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Melinda walk in the attic.]", "Melinda: I can't believe I don't remember all the ingredients.", "Prue: It's been a while since you cursed Matthew.", "Phoebe: Yeah, like three hundred years.", "Piper: Whatever you don't remember should be in the book.", "(They walk over to the Book Of Shadows.)", "Melinda: The Book Of Shadows. Oh, my, it's gotten so thick.", "Prue: It wasn't always?", "Melinda: No, no. But obviously each generation of Warren witches has added to it over the years and has made it so. Have you added anything?", "Phoebe: Us? Are you kidding? We're new at this. We can't just make up our own spell... wait, can we?", "Melinda: All things in time, Phoebe. The book will grow as you grow. Sometimes you add to it, sometimes it teaches you. Oh, here's the curse.", "(Prue hands her a pencil and paper. Melinda looks at it confused.)", "Prue: Just start writing.", "Melinda: No ink?", "Prue: No.", "(Melinda starts writing.)", "Melinda: Ha! (She smiles.)", "Piper: Grams must've added this one.", "(They look at the opposite page.)", "Melinda: \"To Increase Patience.\"", "Phoebe: I bet she used that spell a lot raising us, huh?", "Prue: We weren't all troublemakers, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: I was not a troublemaker. I was just...", "Piper: A pain.", "Phoebe: A free spirit.", "Prue: A handful.", "Melinda: A Warren. The family trait. So are the short tempers, the great cheekbones, the strong wills, and of course the powers. All blessings, all signs of where you came from. This book is your connection and it began with me.", "Prue: Well, let's make sure it doesn't end with us. We need to get going.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Rex's office. Rex is showing Matthew pictures of Prue, Piper and Phoebe.]", "Rex: Now, this is Prue, you've already met. This is Piper, and this is Phoebe.", "Matthew: These are marvelous paintings. You can not feel the brush strokes.", "Hannah: Remind us to take you to the movies when this is all over.", "Rex: This is the address of Quake. Piper works there. May I suggest we go there next and take her power. Hannah will drive you.", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Everyone's there. They are making a potion and Prue is staring out the window.]", "Melinda: The curse is really simple as long as you have the ingredients I need.", "Piper: Phoebe can do the spices and I'll chop the scallions.", "Phoebe: This is so cool. We've never done a curse before.", "Melinda: Oh, I'm glad. They're not to be taken lightly.", "Phoebe: I just feel like there's so much we could be learning or doing if we had the right teacher.", "Melinda: I'd savor my first gift before I move on to the next one.", "Phoebe: I see pictures. What's to savor?", "Melinda: No, but you see visions of the future and the past. That'll allow you to protect and to heal.", "Phoebe: Hmm. Did you hear that Prue?", "Piper: Prue, stop looking for Andy, he should be long gone by now.", "Prue: Yeah, he'll be back, probably with a warrant.", "Phoebe: Yeah, like Andy would ever arrest you.", "(Prue walks over to them.)", "Prue: So do we have everything?", "Piper: Actually there's a few herbs we don't have but I can get them at the restaurant.", "Phoebe: The only problem is the feather from the spotted owl.", "Melinda: Is that a problem?", "Prue: Well, they're an endangered species. Um, certain animals from your time aren't really around anymore.", "Melinda: Why?", "Phoebe: Deforestation, pollution... it's a long story.", "Piper: Do you think they have one at the zoo?", "Melinda: What's a zoo?", "Phoebe: In theory it's this big garden kind of place where all the animals are caged and...", "Prue: You know what? I'll work on the feather. Piper, can you handle the herbs?", "Piper: Uh, yeah, after I get to Quake, though I might have a problem getting out because I'm supposed to work the night shift.", "Phoebe: Well, I'll come with you and bring back the stuff if you get hung up.", "Melinda: No, you can't leave the house. You are the two Matthew needs.", "Piper: We'll be fine. How could Matthew even know about Quake?", "[Scene: Outside Quake. Hannah and Matthew are sitting in the car across the street.]", "Matthew: I've waited over three hundred years for my revenge. As soon as Piper gets here I shall have it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Quake. Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Piper: You go ahead into the kitchen, I'm gonna cough over Martin and tell him I'm highly contagious so can I go home.", "Phoebe: Love the plan.", "(Phoebe goes in the kitchen. A waitress walks up to Piper.)", "Waitress: Hey, Piper. Did your sweetie find you?", "Piper: My What?", "Waitress: That guy with the English accent. He called earlier to see if you were working today.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Matthew and Phoebe are there. Phoebe is holding a rolling pin and Matthew is backing her into a corner. Phoebe goes to hit him with the rolling pin but he grabs it and throws it on the floor. He then grabs Phoebe and she has a premonition.]", "Matthew: Now I have your power. And I see Melinda's here. Good. She will die at my hand.", "(He pushes her on the ground and he blinks out of the room. Piper comes in.)", "Piper: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Yeah. It was Matthew. He's gone, but he copied my power.", "[Scene: Outside Manor. Andy's sitting in his car that is parked across the street.]", "[Cut to inside. Prue and Melinda are walking down the stairs.]", "Prue: Alright, I found a spotted owl at the museum where I used to work. Stuffed.", "Melinda: But we only need one feather.", "Prue: Good. Maybe that'll keep it down to misdemeanor. Look, I'll be back as soon as I can.", "Melinda: Okay.", "(Prue leaves.)", "[Cut to outside. Prue drives down the street. Andy follows her.]", "[Cut back inside. Melinda walks in the kitchen. She sees a blender on the bench. She reaches over and presses a button. It turns on and she jumps back. She quickly reaches back over and turns it off. The phone rings. She looks around.]", "[Cut to Quake. Piper and Phoebe are sitting at the bar. Phoebe's on the phone.]", "Phoebe: Come on, answer.", "[Cut back to Melinda. She walks into another room and over to the phone. The machine picks up.]", "Phoebe's Voice: \"Hi, we're not home. You know the drill.\"", "Phoebe: Prue, pick up.", "Melinda: Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Are you guys there?", "Melinda: Phoebe, I-I'm here.", "Phoebe: You guys need to be really careful.", "Melinda: Phoebe!", "Phoebe: Matthew is here, he could be on his way.", "(Melinda presses a button on the machine and turns it off.)", "[Cut to Quake.]", "Phoebe: The line went dead.", "(Piper and Phoebe run out of Quake.)", "[Cut back to the manor. There's a bang at the front door. Melinda runs into the foyer and Matthew's standing there.]", "Melinda: Matthew.", "Matthew: We meet again.", "Melinda: Yes. And the site of you still makes me ill.", "Matthew: Funny. The fact that I can now destroy your life forever, makes you so much more appealing.", "Melinda: You think I won't stop you.", "Matthew: How? You made your curse before and you still burned.", "Melinda: And yet I'm here now, aren't I?", "Matthew: You're nothing more then a dead witch watching over stupid girls who are about to die themselves.", "Melinda: You won't touch them.", "Matthew: Too late. I already have two of their powers. I just need the third. I believe her name is Piper. Unless, (he holds her up against the wall) you wanna freeze me.", "Melinda: Go to hell where you belong.", "(Matthew has a premonition of them adding the feather to the potion.)", "Matthew: So that's why they brought you back isn't it? You think you can curse me again. Or I might just kill you now.", "Melinda: Go ahead. I've already given them the curse.", "Matthew: Lying.", "Melinda: Am I?", "Matthew: The one with the feather. Where is she now? Where's Prue? Tell me.", "Melinda: She's at...", "Matthew: Yes?", "Melinda: Zoo.", "Matthew: And that's where I'll kill her. And then I'll come back for the other two. That way you can watch them die and I can watch you suffer. (He kisses her.) And then you'll be next.", "(He blinks out of the room.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Bucklands. Rex's office. Rex is sitting on the couch. Hannah walks in.]", "Rex: You lost him.", "Hannah: We've had this conversation before, Rex, please stay out of my mind.", "Rex: Well, did he copy Piper's power?", "Hannah: Something happened in that restaurant though 'cause he just took off. And so did they.", "Rex: Then why didn't you follow him?", "Hannah: I tried. Why don't you just follow him right now?", "Rex: I haven't mastered that ability yet unfortunately. We need Matthew to provide us with the sisters powers otherwise we don't stand a chance in hell. Find him.", "[Scene: Manor. Piper and Phoebe walk in.]", "Piper: Prue? Melinda?", "Melinda: In here.", "(They walk in the living room. Melinda's sitting on the couch.)", "Phoebe: Are you okay? It was Matthew wasn't it?", "Melinda: Yes. But don't worry, he's gone.", "Phoebe: He found us at the restaurant and he copied my power. He said he was gonna kill you and I was so...", "Melinda: It's alright, Phoebe. But we've got to hurry before Matthew gets back. Did you get all the herbs?", "Piper: Yeah, all we need now is the feather.", "Melinda: Good. Prue's taking care of that.", "Phoebe: How?", "[Scene: Museum. Prue walks outside holding the feather. Andy's there.]", "Prue: Andy, what are you doing here?", "Andy: You have to come with me, Prue.", "[Cut to Bucklands. Rex's office. Rex is sitting at his desk. Hannah comes flying through the door and lands on the floor. She stands back up.]", "Hannah: I found Matthew.", "Rex: I can see.", "(Matthew walks in.)", "Matthew: I need to find Prue and stop her.", "Rex: You're supposed to be after Piper and Phoebe. I don't under...", "Matthew: I got the power of premonition. With it I saw the others working on the curse. Help me find her.", "Rex: No, no, no. There's no time to be distracted. You must stay on track. You must obtain the last power.", "Matthew: But the curse will end me. They brought Melinda Warren back from the dead to do it.", "Hannah: They did what?", "Matthew: I will not go back to oblivion.", "Rex: Listen, just listen to me. If they're planning to send you back, they'll have to cast the spell at their home.", "Matthew: So?", "Hannah: So, Prue will have to return there to do it.", "Rex: Which is where you can force her and then getting the power to freeze.", "Matthew: I've already tried. They'd rather die then give me that.", "(Rex gets a gun out of his desk drawer.)", "Rex: Try again.", "[Cut back to the museum. Andy and Prue are sitting in the car.]", "Andy: Now for the last time, Prue. Why the feather?", "Prue: I told you. I already had it from before.", "Andy: Before what? No, go ahead, you can say it. Before breaking and entering a museum which of course you did after you obstructed justice.", "Prue: How did I obstruct justice?", "Andy: Oh, come on, Prue, don't play dumb with me, I know you too well. You're in a lot of trouble here. Trouble in which I can't help you out unless you help me.", "Prue: Maybe I should talk to a lawyer.", "Andy: You really wanna go there? You really want me to arrest you, is that it? What's the matter with you, Prue? This isn't a game, this is very serious.", "Prue: Andy, please, you have to let me go.", "Andy: No, I can't look the other way anymore, Prue.", "Prue: This isn't just me. It's Piper and Phoebe.", "Andy: Just tell me what's going on. For once in your life can you just trust me. It's your only choice, Prue.", "Prue: Andy, I'm sorry but I really have to go.", "Andy: No, Prue, you can't. Prue. (Prue uses her power and the air bag blows up. Prue gets out of the car.) Prue, get back here. You don't know what you're doing.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe, Piper and Melinda are there. Melinda's scooping the potion into a small pouch.]", "Melinda: We're ready now. All we need is the feather.", "Piper: And Prue. What's keeping her? You don't think...", "Phoebe: No, she should be fine. Matthew already copied her power.", "Melinda: Besides, I sent him to the zoo.", "Phoebe: She's probably stuck in traffic.", "Melinda: When she returns, we'll add the feather and seek out Matthew.", "Phoebe: Do you think he'll be hard to find?", "(Matthew appears.)", "Matthew: Not at all. I have waited too long for this moment, to hide.", "Melinda: This is our battle, Matthew. Leave them alone.", "Matthew: I will have what I came for. (He uses telekinesis and Piper moves towards him. He grabs her.) Your powers and you dead.", "Phoebe: Piper!", "Matthew: Freeze me, witch.", "Piper: In your dreams.", "(He gets out his gun and points it at Piper's head.)", "Matthew: I said freeze me. Save yourself. No? Then save your sister.", "Piper: Phoebe!", "(Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Save yourself.", "(He lets go of Piper and she runs back over to Phoebe and Melinda.)", "Matthew: Give me that feather.", "(She uses her power and the gun flies out of hands. Then a chair flies up and hits him. She runs over and hands the feather to Melinda. She puts it in the pouch.)", "Melinda: Piper, now! (Piper freezes Matthew.) \"Outside of time, outside of gain, know only sorrow, know only pain.\" (Matthew unfreezes and wind surrounds him.) It's what you deserve.", "Matthew: This is not the end!", "(He gets sucked into the locket.)", "Melinda: Yes it is. This is for eternity.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Rex's office.]", "Hannah: I followed him, he failed. What do we do now?", "Rex: I don't know. We're gonna have to think of something fast though. He's gonna be none too pleased that we have failed.", "Hannah: It wasn't a complete failure, right? I mean, we outted them, proved they were the Charmed Ones, that has to count.", "Rex: It'll pass a little bit of time but precious little.", "Hannah: You should've listened to me, Rex. We should've taken care of them ourselves.", "Rex: Yeah, you're right, Hannah. We should've done.", "[Scene: Police station. Morris and Andy are there.]", "Morris: You're gonna wake a judge at this hour? Are you nuts?", "Andy: I'm getting an arrest warrant. End of discussion.", "Morris: Based on what? Stealing a feather? He will bust your rank. You will be cleaning metres for a living.", "Andy: So I should just let it go, is that it? What about Prue's evading arrest? Am I suppose to let that go too?", "Morris: Damn right. Unless you want to tell the judge exactly how that little lady got away from you. By the way, exactly how did she get away from you?", "Andy: I don't wanna talk about it.", "(He turns to leave.)", "Morris: Trudeau. Let it go. Don't embarrass yourself.", "[Scene: Manor. Piper runs down the stairs. Leo's there.]", "Piper: Leo. You're here. Why are you here?", "Leo: I thought I'd work on the plumbing in the downstairs bathroom.", "Piper: Oh, now's not really a good time. We're getting our cousin Melinda ready to go away. Can you come back later? Like tomorrow?", "Leo: Sure.", "(He turns to leave.)", "Piper: Uh, Leo? (He turns back around.) Would you like to go out sometime? With me that is.", "Leo: I'd love to. Give me a call.", "Piper: Okay.", "(Piper goes back upstairs in the attic.)", "Phoebe: Who was it?", "Piper: It was Leo.", "Prue: Is he gone?", "Piper: We're perfectly safe.", "Melinda: Then let's begin.", "(Piper joins the others around the table. Melinda is dressed in her normal clothes. She hands Phoebe's dress back to her.)", "Phoebe: Oh, we can't take those back.", "Melinda: Why not?", "Phoebe: Because that means you're leaving", "Melinda: Well, I have to go", "Phoebe: Why? Why can't you stay here and have the life that you should've had?", "Melinda: Because this isn't my time. It's your time, and Prue's and Piper's.", "Piper: We don't mind sharing.", "Melinda: You three give me great joy. I've seen the Charmed Ones. Good witches. Women of strength and grace.", "(Phoebe takes Melinda's hand and holds it up to her heart.)", "Phoebe: Tell me what you see.", "Melinda: I see the future. Many more generations of my beautiful daughters. I see my dreams fulfilled. Oh, thank you for that.", "(She puts on the locket and they all join hands.)", "Prue: \"Melinda Warren, blood of our blood, we release you.\"", "Melinda: Blessed be, my daughters. I love you.", "(Stardust surrounds her and she disappears.)", "Phoebe: I'm gonna miss her.", "Piper: Me too.", "Prue: We can always bring her back." ]
The Witch is Back
[ "Rex uses astral projection to control Prue's mind, tricking her into stealing a tiara from a vault in the auction house. Prue ends up in jail. Rex blackmails the sisters into giving up their powers to him, but Leo, revealing himself as some kind of supernatural protector of the sisters, returns their powers to them. Now fully empowered, Prue, Piper and Phoebe defeat Rex and Hannah who are vanquished by evil forces for their failure." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Prue and Phoebe are carrying lots of shopping bags.]", "Prue: I don't know Phoebe, the Betsey Johnson dress may be a bit too much for work.", "Phoebe: That's what a new wardrobe's all about. Pushing the limit.", "Prue: Yeah, and stretching the budget. Maybe I should just check with Piper.", "(They hear Piper laughing and then Piper and Leo run in the foyer. Piper sees them.)", "Piper: Oh my God, Prue.", "(She freezes Leo, trips over his leg and slides across the floor and stops at Prue and Phoebe's feet. They help her up.)", "Piper: I'm so embarrassed.", "Phoebe: Of course, she may have other things on her mind like having her way with the handyman.", "Piper: I thought you guys were supposed to be shopping.", "Prue: Obviously.", "(Phoebe notices Piper's shirt unbuttoned.)", "Phoebe: Oh, look, front clasp bra. She means business.", "Prue: Serious business.", "Piper: Do you mind?", "Phoebe: No, are you kidding? I think it's great. As long as he's not still on the clock.", "Piper: That's what I mean. You guys have to get out of here before he unfreezes. I never know how long this things lasts. (Piper sees all the shopping bags.) How much did you guys spend?", "Phoebe: Lots. Prue's new look is perfect for an SHW.", "Prue: SHW?", "Phoebe: Single Hot Witch.", "Prue: Hmm.", "Piper: Prue, are you sure this isn't depression buying, you know, post-breakup?", "(Phoebe gets some red, sexy lingerie out of a bag.)", "Phoebe: Does this look like something a depressed woman would wear?", "Prue: (to Piper) Hmm, maybe you should borrow it.", "Piper: Okay, time's up. You two gotta go. (She pushes them in the living room.) Go, go in there and be quiet.", "Phoebe: We will if you will.", "(Piper walks over to Leo and stands where she was standing. He unfreezes and they run up the stairs.)", "[Scene: Manor. Prue's room. Kit's there. Prue walks in and unzips her sweater. Rex astral projects next to Prue. Kit growls and hisses at him.]", "Prue: Kit, what is it?", "Rex: You forgot to unpack your briefcase when you got home from work. You want to do it right now. (Prue walks over to her briefcase and unzips it. You see a tiara in there.) What you're about to pick up is a tiara but you really believe it's your date book. (The tiara is now a date book. She gets it out.) Now put it in your desk, just like you always do. (She puts it in the drawer.) Excellent. Now you want to continue getting ready for bed. (Prue takes off her shoes. Kit jumps up on the desk and hisses at Rex. Rex astral projects back in his body.)", "[Cut to Rex's office.]", "Hannah: Well?", "Rex: Prue, did exactly what I told her. You know, I rather like this new power.", "Hannah: Are you sure she didn't see you?", "Rex: No, no, she didn't see me. I was invisible.", "Hannah: But how did you get there?", "Rex: I explained this to you, Hannah. It's called astral projection. With it I can transport myself psychically and implant a subliminal thought into Prue's brain. Just like I did when I tricked her into leaving the vault today with the tiara. See, I planted the thought and made her think she came out empty handed.", "Hannah: I still don't understand how it works.", "Rex: Watch. (He walks across the room and astral projects over to Hannah.) You want to disrobe for him... desperately. (He astral projects back in his body. Hannah stands up and unbuttons her jacket.) Understand now, Hannah?", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Next morning. Manor. Prue's room. You see her try on all her clothes she bought the day before. She picks out an outfit and goes downstairs. Phoebe's at the bottom of the stairs wearing a suit.]", "Phoebe: If you ran an Employment Agency, wouldn't you want me?", "Prue: Maybe, but I'd definitely want my suit back.", "Phoebe: No, this is part of your old wardrobe. I'm just recycling.", "Prue: Well, the environment thanks you.", "Phoebe: But, take it off, I know, I know.", "(Piper comes down the stairs.)", "Piper: Hi. Bye.", "Prue: Piper, didn't you have to go in early this morning?", "Piper: Right, that was the plan. I'm running a little late. Um, just took a little longer to get out of bed this morning than I planned. Okay, bye.", "(She turns and heads for the door.)", "Phoebe, Prue: Wait.", "(They stand in Piper's way.)", "Phoebe: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You, Leo, last night, dish.", "Piper: Um, well, it was nice. It was... well, it was wonderful. We just had a few problems", "Phoebe: Problems?", "Prue: What problems?", "Piper: Well, it's been a while since, you know, I-I was a little nervous, and I kinda kept freezing him.", "Prue: Piper, you didn't?", "Piper: I didn't mean to... the first time.", "Phoebe: (making little noises) Ohh!", "Prue: Okay, so, um, at what point exactly in the process exactly did you freeze him?", "(Piper doesn't say a word.)", "Phoebe: Hello?", "Piper: I gotta go. (She walks around them and heads for the door.)", "Prue: No, no Piper, we're only teasing you.", "Phoebe: Yeah, the truth is we're just jealous.", "Prue: Yeah, seriously, we're just happy to see you with a great guy finally.", "Phoebe: I mean, between you and Leo, and Prue, the new Hot Wicca Woman, and me, soon to be employed, things are looking up.", "Piper: Don't say that! The moment someone says that, everything always goes south.", "Phoebe: Unless you freeze him. (Piper grabs her coat.) Oh, I couldn't help it. It was so good.", "Prue: Okay, okay, come on, we're going, you're going to borrow the car.", "(Leo comes down the stairs.)", "Leo: Good morning.", "Phoebe: Yeah, we heard.", "(Piper laughs nervously. Prue and Phoebe grabs their coats.)", "Prue: Ah, bye.", "Phoebe: Yeah, have a magical day.", "(They leave.)", "Leo: Um, what does she mean by that?", "Piper: Who knows. I'm late for work, bye. (She kisses him on the cheek. She goes to leave but Leo grabs her around the waist, pulls her back in and kisses her.) Bye.", "Leo: Bye.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue and Phoebe walk in. There are cops everywhere.]", "Prue: Hymie, hey. What's going on? What happened?", "Hymie: We got robbed last night, Prue.", "Prue: You're kidding? What was stolen?", "Hymie: The Romanov Tiara.", "Prue: Oh my God. Not the tiara.", "(Rex comes up to them.)", "Rex: Prue.", "Prue: Rex, hi. Hymie just told me.", "Rex: Yeah. Hello, Phoebe. Nice to see you again.", "Phoebe: Hi, Rex. I'm sorry about what happened.", "Rex: Yeah, me too. A loss of this magnitude could severely damage our reputation and who is gonna consign anything with us if...", "Prue: No, no, no. We just have to get the tiara back before word gets out.", "Rex: I agree. Will you take point on this then, you know, help the police? You're really the only one that I can trust.", "Prue: Sure, but, what about you?", "Rex: Unfortunately, I've got another commitment tonight, that I really can't get out of. It's, uh, some good friends who are giving a concert and, uh, well I promised I wouldn't miss it.", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, who?", "Rex: The Verve.", "Phoebe: Get out. Are you serious?", "Rex: Why, you know them?", "Phoebe: Know them? I worship them. Bittersweet Symphony is like the best song ever.", "Rex: Really? I have an idea. Why not join me tonight? I'm sure I can rustle up another ticket. (Prue pulls a face to show she doesn't like the idea. Rex notices.) Well, you wouldn't mind, would you, Prue?", "Prue: Of course not. Why would I mind?", "Rex: Then it's a date. Well, figuratively speaking, of course.", "Prue: Of course.", "Rex: Yeah, um, pick you up at 7:00, all right?", "Phoebe: Yeah, that sounds great, thanks... uh, oh, look at the time. I gotta get going. Hey, I promise I'll have the car back by noon.", "Prue: Uh, huh.", "Rex: Thanks for pitching in, Prue.", "(Rex leaves. Andy walks around the corner.)", "Andy: Prue.", "Prue: Andy, uh, are you on this case?", "Andy: Yep, guess fate keeps throwing us together.", "(Hannah comes up to them.)", "Hannah: You two know each other? Forgot.", "Prue: No, you didn't.", "Hannah: Well, I suggested that the Inspector speak with you since you were the last one to actually see the tiara. Um, if you need anything else, please don't hesitate to call.", "(Morris arrives.)", "Morris: We'd like to see the security tapes from the last night, as soon as possible.", "Hannah: Oh, yeah. I'm sure Prue can arrange that. Excuse me.", "(Hannah and Morris walks away.)", "Prue: How are you?", "Andy: Okay. It'd be better if you stopped by the station later on so we could talk about all this. 1:00?", "Prue: Sure.", "[Cut to Rex's office. Rex and Hannah are there.]", "Hannah: I can't believe you're taking that little witch to the concert. That was my ticket.", "Rex: Hannah, kitten. (He purrs.) You know I'm only doing it to upset Prue. All the better to frame her and force her sisters to relinquish their powers.", "Hannah: How do you even know they even can?", "Rex: They have a special spell in the Book Of Shadows. When the time comes they'll use it. Trust me.", "[Scene: Police station. Prue's there. Andy's interviewing her.]", "Andy: You said you put the tiara back in the vault before you left was anybody else there?", "Prue: The security guard Hymie.", "Andy: Did he lock up the vault?", "Prue: No I did.", "Andy: Ok, did you happen to taken anything out of the vault when you left?", "Prue: No. Is this an interview or an interrogation?", "Andy: I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get all the facts, that's all.", "Morris: The problem is there were no signs of forced entry into the auction house or the vault.", "Prue: So, do you think the one of the employees might have stolen it?", "Morris: A strong possibility.", "Prue: Someone like me?", "Andy: No, don't be ridiculous.", "Morris: Still, we have to check out everyone's story. Grand Larceny's big time could a person fifteen, twenty years easily.", "Andy: I think we got enough for now, Prue. If we have any others questions. We'll give you a call.", "Prue: Well, you know where reach me.", "Andy: I think I still remember. (Prue leaves.) What was all that about?", "Morris: You tell me. Last time you were ready to bust her for stealing a feather. Now you think she's Miss Innocent?", "Andy: That was a whole different situation, completely unrelated.", "Morris: Look, I'm not saying she did it alright. But you have to admit, a lot of the arrows are pointing in her direction. There's also this. Security tapes that Prue got hold of. One's missing. The one from the vault.", "[Scene: Quake. At the bar. Piper's counting money from the cash register.]", "Prue: You're glowing.", "Piper: Hmm?", "Prue: Your face, total afterglow.", "Piper: It is not. It's just warm in here.", "Prue: Mmm hmm.", "Piper: So, How much was that tiara worth, anyway?", "Prue: Well, I didn't get a chance to have it appraised we just got it in yesterday. But I would say well over a million dollars.", "Piper: Wow. Do they have any idea who stole it?", "Prue: Yeah, me.", "Piper: Huh?", "(Phoebe and Rex arrive.)", "Phoebe: So, what's on the desert menu?", "Piper: Hey, how was the concert?", "Phoebe: The best. It was amazing.", "Prue: Still recycling. I see.", "Rex: Thanks for taking care of things tonight, Prue. I really appreciate it.", "Phoebe: Mmm. Don't you just love that accent?", "Rex: By the way, how'd it go with the police?", "Prue: Uh, well, they think it's an inside job, actually.", "Rex: Do they? How disturbing.", "Phoebe: Okay, shop talk later. We're gonna grab a table, okay?", "Piper: Take that one by the window. I'll send, uh, Cindy over.", "Rex: Uh, you're welcome to join us, Prue.", "Prue: No, thanks. I think I'll pass.", "(Phoebe and Rex walk over to the table.)", "Piper: She's a big girl, Prue.", "Prue: Meaning?", "Piper: He's rich, he's stable, he's handsome. You should be happy for her.", "Prue: I'm thrilled.", "Piper: Are you jealous?", "Prue: No, no! More like territorial. Okay, I would just like to keep my work world separate from my home world, is that okay?", "Piper: Good Luck.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue and Piper are sitting on the couch. Piper's on the phone and Prue's reading the paper. Phoebe comes down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Good morning. Wow, roses. Who are they for?", "Prue: Guess.", "Piper: Leo, I need to call you back. Something's about to come up. I'll see you later, okay? Bye.", "(Phoebe reads the card.)", "Phoebe: “Phoebe, thank you for a lovely evening, the job is on its way. Rex.”", "Phoebe: Oh, what a sweetheart. Wait, who opened the box?", "Piper: I can't get over how beautiful these are, can you Prue?", "Prue: So, it must have been quite a night, you know, after the concert.", "Phoebe: Hmm.", "Piper: I'll put these in some water.", "(Piper goes to the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: All I did was tell Rex that I was going to the employment agency. He said he'd make a few calls and help me out. So, what's the big problem?", "Prue: Phoebe, really, it's none of my business. (The doorbell rings.) It's just, watch what you say to him, okay? Because there are certain things I don't want my boss to know about me? (Prue walks in the foyer and opens the door. Andy and Morris are standing there.) Andy, uh, what are you doing here?", "Andy: We're here to search your house for the tiara, Prue. We've got a search warrant.", "(He holds up the search warrant and walks inside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Prue's room. Everyone walks in.]", "Phoebe: Wait, how can you guys even think that Prue stole the tiara?", "Andy: We don't, Phoebe. Not necessarily.", "(Andy and Morris start looking in drawers.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, then what are you doing here? Spring cleaning?", "Morris: Any idea where the vault security cam tape is?", "Prue: I gave you the tapes.", "Morris: Uh uh, not that one.", "Andy: It wasn't there, Prue.", "(Andy opens a drawer and Piper notices the tiara in there.)", "Piper: Whoo!", "(Piper freezes Morris and Andy.)", "Prue: Why did you do that?", "(Piper gets the tiara out of the drawer.)", "Prue: That's why.", "Prue: Uh, no no no. Wait. That is not possible. How did it get there?", "Piper: I don't know but you better come up with an answer quick before they unfreeze.", "Phoebe: Someone must have planted it there", "Piper: Who? Somebody's been in our house?", "(Rex astral projects in Prue's room.)", "Prue: It doesn't matter. Just let them find it. I've nothing to hide. I'm innocent.", "Phoebe: That doesn't look very innocent. Piper, hide it.", "(Piper hides it under a pillow on the bed. Andy and Morris unfreeze.)", "Rex: (to Andy)I think you should check under the pillows.", "Andy: Morris, check under the pillows.", "(Piper freezes them and gets the tiara.)", "Piper: How did he know to look there?", "Phoebe: Uh, put it in the dresser. He's already looked there.", "(Piper puts it in the dresser. Morris and Andy unfreeze.)", "Rex: (to Andy) You want to look in the dresser again.", "(Andy walks over to the dresser. Piper freezes them again. Rex walks behind Piper.)", "Rex: This is getting ridiculous!", "Piper: This is getting ridiculous.", "Prue: No, eerie is more like it.", "(Phoebe gets the tiara out of the dresser.)", "Phoebe: I will be right back.", "(She walks out of the room.)", "Piper: Don't worry. I'll just keep freezing them until they give up.", "Rex: (to Piper) You're a miserable witch.", "(Piper gets a funny look on her face.)", "Prue: What's the matter?", "Piper: I don't know. I feel like calling a shrink for some reason.", "(Phoebe returns.)", "Phoebe: Okay, I put it in the, uh... (Andy and Morris unfreeze.) (whispers to Prue) Attic.", "(Rex disappears.)", "Andy: Nothing. I think that's good enough for now, Morris. I'm sorry about all this, Prue. I really am.", "Prue: Yeah, I know.", "Morris: Come on, Trudeau. Let's go.", "[Cut to Rex's office. He astral projects back in his body.]", "Rex: Witches.", "(He knocks something of his desk.)", "Hannah: Well, did the police find the tiara?", "Rex: No. Piper kept freezing them and then moving it.", "Hannah: Well, how can we frame her if they can't even find the evidence.", "Rex: Shh. We're gonna have to up the stakes.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room.", "Prue: Somebody is obviously trying to set me up, and they're using magic to do it.", "Piper: But who? And how?", "Phoebe: Pick a warlock. Any warlock.", "(Leo walks in.)", "Leo: Hey, uh, what were the police doing here?", "Piper: Oh, nothing much, really.", "Leo: Is it all right if I go upstairs and fix the bathroom sink?", "Phoebe: Oh, knock yourself out, Leo.", "(Leo leaves.)", "Phoebe: Did anyone ever think that maybe he's a warlock?", "Piper: Why is it always someone I'm dating that gets accused of being that? Don't answer that. (The phone rings.) Answer that. It's safer.", "(Prue answers the phone.)", "Prue: Hello? Uh, yeah, hi Rex. Look, I'm on my away in. Of course. Hold on.", "Prue (to Phoebe) It's for you.", "(Phoebe takes the phone off of Prue.)", "Phoebe: Hello? Yes, I got the flowers. And they're beautiful. That was so sweet of you. They made quite an impression over here, too. A dinner party? Yes, I would love to. Hold on, let me get a pen.", "(Phoebe walks out of the living room.)", "Piper: So, what are you gonna do?", "Prue: What can I do? My sister's dating my boss. I don't really have a...", "Piper: I meant about who's setting you up. Do you have any idea who it could be?", "Prue: It's got to be someone at the auction house. And if I had to guess, I would start with the person who said that they were out to destroy me.", "Piper: Hannah?", "Prue: Smart girl.", "[Cut to the attic. Leo walks in. He puts his toolbox down and shuts the door. He holds out his hand and all the chests open. He walks over and looks in them. He uses his powers and they close. He then opens a drawer with his powers. He hears footsteps and quickly closes the drawer. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: Leo, what are you doing? I thought you were going to fix the sink.", "Leo: Yeah, I was, I-I mean, I am. I just, uh, I need to fix a light downstairs and I was hoping there'd be some old fixtures up here that I could cannibalize. Listen, uh, there's something I need to tell you. Something I don't think you're gonna like. Uh, I might have to leave here soon. I might have to go back home.", "Piper: Is home far away?", "Leo: Yeah, it's pretty far. I mean, I don't know for sure yet, but, uh, you know, I wanted you know, just in case.", "Piper: Thanks.", "Leo: Well, I, uh, better get to work.", "(Leo kisses Piper on the cheek and he leaves. Piper notices a drawer open slightly, she walks over and sees that it's the one with the tiara hidden in it.)", "[Scene: Rex's apartment. Phoebe rings the doorbell. Rex astral projects beside her.]", "Rex: You will see a spectacular apartment. (He disappears. Rex opens the door.) Phoebe, I am so glad that you could make it. Please.", "(Phoebe walks inside.)", "Phoebe: Wow, this is...", "Rex: Spectacular?", "Phoebe: That is exactly the word I was going to use.", "Rex: We must be on the same wavelength. Champagne?", "Phoebe: Uh, no thank you.", "Rex: No, I insist.", "(Rex pours some champagne in two glasses.)", "Phoebe: Um, Am I early?", "Rex: No, you're right on time.", "Phoebe: But I thought you said you were having a dinner party.", "Rex: Yes, I am. With a very exclusive guest list. Just you and me. (Phoebe sits down on the couch.) A toast. To your interview. (He hands her the glass of champagne.)", "Phoebe: Interview?", "Rex: Yeah, at Zeitgeist magazine. They want to meet with you, you know, perhaps, um, hire you for the fashion section. Interested?", "Phoebe: Very. But what's the catch?", "Rex: You have to sleep with me. (Phoebe gets mad and she puts down her glass.) Phoebe, what sort of man do you think I am? (They laugh). Um, I hope you like sushi. Imported fresh from Kyoto. Please,", "just make yourself comfortable.", "(Rex walks into another room and astral projects next to Phoebe. Phoebe's holding a little mirror and is checking her make-up.)", "Rex: You're having a premonition. Of Prue at work. (Phoebe has a premonition.) She's in danger. You fear the warlock's after her. You must save her.", "(Rex astral projects back in his body.)", "Phoebe: Prue. (Rex comes back in the room.) Uh, I, uh, I gotta go. I-I I'm really sorry and I", "can't explain, but, uh, uh, I'll call you, okay? Sorry. Really sorry.", "(She leaves. Rex clicks his fingers and the nice apartment turns into an empty and dark place. He gets out his cell phone and dials a number.)", "Rex: 911? I'm calling from Bucklands Auction House. I think something's trying to kill me. Please hurry.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's walking down the hallway. Hymie comes up behind her.]", "Hymie: Working late? (Prue gets a fright.) Sorry, didn't mean scare you.", "Prue: It's okay, uh, I guess I'm just a little jumpy lately.", "Hymie: Can't blame you with everything that's been going on.", "Prue: Yeah, um, listen, Hymie, I was wondering. When the tiara was stolen, was anyone else still here? Like Hannah or-or-or Rex, maybe?", "Hymie: No, you were the last one out. Just like tonight. Hardest working woman I've ever met. For what it's worth, Prue, I know you didn't take it. I mean, of all people, there's no way.", "Prue: Thanks. (Hymie walks away.) Hannah's computer. (She walks in Hannah's office and sits at the desk. She types in Hannah's name and searches for it. It says 'no listing'. She types in Rex's name and 'no listing' comes up. Rex astral projects behind her.)", "Rex: Someone's after you. Behind you. (Prue looks behind her.) You fear it's a warlock. With power greater than yours.", "(Prue runs out of the office.)", "[Cut to Hymie. He's in the warehouse.]", "[Cut back to Prue. She presses the elevator button. Rex astral projects next to her.]", "Rex: You hear a scream. An innocent to protect in the warehouse.", "Prue: Hymie.", "Rex: You're to grab the artifact just inside the door.", "(She runs to the warehouse.)", "[Cut to the warehouse. Hannah hits Hymie over the head with an artifact. He falls to the ground. She throws the security tape and the artifact that she's holding on the ground and walks away. Prue comes in and picks up the artifact. She sees Hymie.]", "Prue: Hymie. Hymie.", "(Phoebe runs in.)", "Phoebe: Prue?", "Prue: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Thank God you're all right.", "Prue: He's dead.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Bucklands. Warehouse. Police are there.]", "Morris: Tape found by the body. Security. Showing Prue exiting the vault, putting the missing tiara in her briefcase.", "Prue: What? That can't be.", "Morris: I just saw it for myself.", "Prue (to Phoebe) Somebody must have manipulated me into taking it.", "Phoebe: The same away someone manipulated me into being a witness against my own sister. Morris (to Andy) Any idea what they're talking about?", "Andy: Not a clue.", "Prue: You were with Rex tonight, weren't you?", "Phoebe: Yeah, Prue, but I don't think this is the time or place to get into that.", "Prue: No, I just meant that don't you find it a little coincidental that right when you guys start dating, all this is going on?", "Phoebe: No, I do not. And, besides, I thought you thought that Hannah was behind all this.", "Prue: I do.", "Morris: Excuse me. Ladies, do you mind if we ask a few questions?", "Prue: I already told you what happened, okay? I-I-I was working late, I heard a noise, I came down and I found Hymie.", "Andy: You didn't know he had the tape?", "Prue: No, of course not.", "Andy: And why exactly did you pick up the murder weapon again?", "Phoebe: You think she killed him. Is that it, Andy?", "Prue: Phoebe!", "Phoebe: No, I want to know how far he's gonna go with this and none of this has anything to do with the fact that she dumped you, does it?", "Prue: Stop that", "Andy: Look, we got Prue standing over the dead body of the very security guard who last saw her with the tiara.", "Morris: With the missing security tape showing her taking it.", "Andy: And holding the murder weapon which you were there to witness. What are we supposed to think?", "Prue: That I'm guilty as hell.", "Phoebe: You know she didn't do this.", "Morris: Then who did? Did you see anybody run past you on the way here?", "Phoebe: No.", "Andy: I'm sorry, Prue. Brian.", "Brian: Yeah?", "Andy: You're under arrest for suspicion of murder.", "(Brian puts handcuffs on Prue.)", "[Scene: Rex's apartment. Piper and Phoebe walk up to the door.]", "Piper: We should hire a lawyer.", "Phoebe: With what money?", "Piper: I don't know but we can't let her sit in jail all night.", "Phoebe: That's why we're here. To get Rex's help.", "(Phoebe rings the bell and knocks on the door.)", "Piper: What are you doing?", "(Phoebe opens the door and sees the empty, dark apartment.)", "Phoebe: This is so weird.", "Piper: Are you sure this is the right place?", "(Phoebe picks her lipstick off the floor.)", "Phoebe: This is my lipstick, I'm positive. He couldn't have moved out that fast. It must have been an illusion, all of it. Even my premonition.", "Piper: How is that possible?", "Phoebe: Mind control, astral projection, throwing charms, who knows? Prue is right about Rex, which means, I'm dating a warlock.", "Piper: Been there, done that.", "[Scene: Police station. Prue's pacing in her jail cell and a guy in the cell next to her is making kissing noises. Prue uses her power and throws him up against the wall.]", "[Cut to in the station.]", "Morris: Hey.", "Andy: Hey.", "Morris: You wanna talk?", "Andy: I'm just running background checks on all the other employees at the auction house.", "Morris: That's not what I meant, Andy.", "Andy: Andy? Did you just call me by my first name? I wasn't even sure you knew it.", "Morris: I heard Prue say it.", "Andy: She didn't do it, Morris.", "Morris: You keep saying that.", "Andy: It's too pat, too easy. The evidence just keeps falling in our laps.", "Morris: Maybe her sister was right. Maybe your personal feelings are getting in the way.", "Andy: We've had that conversation okay.", "Morris: Okay. But you have to admit. You stopped seeing Prue for a reason, you thought she was hiding something from you. How do you know she wasn't hiding something like this?", "Andy: A secret life of crime, I don't think so.", "Morris: You got a better explanation? You wanna book her into county jail?", "Andy: No, let's just keep her here for as long as we can. At least until the arraignment.", "[Scene: Manor. Piper comes down the stairs holding the tiara.]", "Phoebe: Piper, what are you doing?", "Piper: Getting rid of the evidence. They can't bust Prue for murder if they don't have a motive.", "Phoebe: Mouth, Leo's in the kitchen.", "Piper: Oh, he is? Really?", "Phoebe: Focus and think. The last thing we have to worry about is the legal system. We're up against a warlock now.", "Piper: Two, if Prue's right about Hannah.", "Phoebe: Exactly, which means we have to figure out what they want. It can't just be to frame Prue.", "Piper: Unless is doing so, somehow they think they can't get her powers, which is what warlocks want.", "Phoebe: Which means they're trying to divide us so that we don't have the power of three to stop them.", "Piper: What are we gonna do?", "Phoebe: We have no choice. (Phoebe hides the tiara in a closet. As she walks past the couch, you see Rex has astral projected into their house and is sitting on the couch.) Let's go.", "Piper: Go? Go where? Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Piper, it's gonna be all right.", "[Cut to the police station. Piper and Phoebe are around the back.]", "Piper: This is crazy.", "Phoebe: We have to get Prue out before Rex makes his move on us.", "Piper: But we can't break her out.", "Phoebe: Yes, we can. We're witches. All you have to do is freeze the guards and then unlock Prue's cell.", "Piper: Me? What about you?", "Phoebe: Somebody's gotta to stay out here in case something goes wrong. Ready? On three.", "Piper: No Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Three.", "(Phoebe opens the door and you see a guard standing there. Piper freezes him.", "Piper: Aaah.", "(Piper walks inside and Phoebe closes the door.)", "Phoebe: Totally cool power. I hate you.", "[Cut to inside. Piper gets the keys from a frozen guard.]", "Prue: What are you doing? (Piper unlocks the gate and walks over to Prue's cell.) Are you out of your mind?", "Piper: Just so we're clear. This was Phoebe's idea.", "(Piper unlocks Prue's cell.)", "Prue: What?", "Piper: We think Rex is a warlock and he's after our powers. Phoebe's waiting outside for you to rub her nose in it. (Prue stands there.) Well, come on, Prue. Before they unfreeze.", "Prue: Piper this isn't right.", "Piper: Well, neither is the gas chamber. Look if we're lucky we'll vanquish them and still get you back here by morning rounds. (Prue puts pillows under the blankets on the bed to make it look like she's still there.) That's pretty lame.", "Prue: Well, you got a better idea?", "Piper: No.", "Prue: Let's go.", "(Prue walks out of the cell and closes the cell door. They walk past a guard holding a donut. Prue takes it.)", "Piper: Don't touch him. Don't touch him. Don't.", "Prue: Come on. (They run outside.) Come on.", "(They start running and you see a camera flash. Rex has taken a picture.)", "Rex: Quite photogenic. Now I should think the police will find this very interesting, to say the least.", "Prue: Rex.", "Phoebe: Wait, how did you know that we...", "Rex: What, that you'd be here? Well, let's just say that I've been watching your every move. Without you knowing it, of course.", "Prue: You b*st*rd.", "Rex: Don't get too angry, Prue. You wouldn't want to injure me with your power. I'm the only chance you have. While you were here, conducting your little prison break, Hannah was retrieving the tiara from your home. You should have gotten to rid it while you had the chance. Personally, I actually thought that was an excellent idea.", "Phoebe: Astral projection.", "Prue: What do you want?", "Rex: Your powers, of course. That's why I hired you in the first place, you know, to see if you really were the charmed ones. Then I waited to test your strength, see how best to make my move, and here we are.", "Phoebe: But why all the drama? Why didn't you just kill us and take our powers?", "Piper: Don't give him any ideas.", "Rex: No no no. I have seen exactly what you can do when you're been confronted directly. That's why I opted for blackmail. See, there is a special spell in the book of shadows that strips you of your powers forever. (He shows them the device that looks like a lantern.) And this device will capture those powers. Then you'll bring them to me.", "Prue: Go to hell.", "Rex: Yeah, I'd love to, darling. I miss it terribly. And this will help me return with honors. In return, I'll give you the photo and tell the police I simply misplaced the tiara. No theft, no motive for murder, no prison. You really don't have much time. Just until the prisons guards realize you've escaped. Well?", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. They have the Book Of Shadows opened up to the spell.]", "Piper: It's a Relinquishment spell. If we read it aloud, it takes away all of our powers.", "Phoebe: Is there any way to reverse it?", "Piper: I don't know. It doesn't say.", "Phoebe: Well, then I say we flip to another page and find a spell that kicks Rex's warlock ass.", "Prue: We can't.", "Phoebe: Why can't we?", "Prue: Because for all we know he's here, right now, watching us. And if we don't do exactly as he says, he'll tell to police I've escaped.", "Phoebe: But we can't give up our powers without a fight. It's like giving up who we are, who we've become.", "Piper: Who we've come from.", "Phoebe: Exactly. These powers are gifts. Gifts that were given to us to protect and ultimately to pass on to the next generation.", "Prue: Don't you think that I know that? I mean, how do you think I feel, Phoebe? I'm the one who got us into this situation.", "Piper: Prue, it's not your fault.", "Phoebe: It's not.", "Prue: Yeah, but I'm the one that the Rex tricked. I'm the reason why we're having this conversation.", "Phoebe: There has gotta to be a way out of this.", "Piper: Like what? Become fugitives? Something tells me that's not the best way to go about protecting the innocent.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, we can't protect the innocent without our powers. And, even worse, if we give them up, we'd be giving them up to evil.", "Prue: No, we can't let that happen.", "Piper: Well, we can't let you die in jail, either. Besides, with you behind bars, we'll be divided. Rex wins either way.", "Phoebe: I don't wanna have to do this.", "Piper: Neither do I, but we don't have a choice. All we can do is take the leap of faith and hope that somehow it all works out.", "(You see Leo listening from the other room.)", "[Cut to the attic. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are sitting around a table with the book in the middle.]", "Prue: “From whence they came, return them now, vanish the words, vanish our powers.”", "Piper: “From whence they came, return them now, vanish the words, vanish our powers.” (Phoebe hesitates.) Come on, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Okay. “From whence they came, return them now, vanish the words, vanish our powers.”", "(You hear a chime and it gets really windy. All the words out of the Book disappear into the device.)", "Phoebe: (Phoebe flips through the Book. The pages are blank.) Look. It was fun while it lasted.", "Piper: Yep.", "Prue: Let's get this over with.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Rex's office. Rex and Hannah are there.]", "Rex: They're coming.", "Hannah: Good.", "(Hannah gets on the floor and she turns into a panther.)", "Rex: Love you too, darling.", "[Scene: Police station. Andy's on the computer. He types in Hannah's name and the photo that shows up is an African-American woman.]", "Andy: Why Hannah, you've changed. Dead 8/20/98. (He types in Rex's name. An elderly man shows up.) Died 8/20/98. (He picks up the phone and calls Morris.) Mr. Morris, Trudeau. Get your butt over here, I think I figured out who framed Prue.", "[Cut to Bucklands. Prue, Piper and Phoebe walk out of the elevator.]", "Phoebe: Ok, I say as soon as we get the photo and the tiara back, we knock the lantern out of Rex's hands and stomp on it.", "Prue: What will that do?", "Phoebe: I don't know. Free our powers? It's better than doing anything.", "Piper: How do we know this isn't just a trap?", "(Rex comes out of his office.)", "Rex: You don't, actually. Nevertheless, here you are. Powerless, I presume.", "Prue: Where's Hannah?", "Rex: Lurking. That's what she does best. The lantern, if you please. (Prue hands him the lantern.) It all feels a little anticlimactic, don't you think? Too easy, almost. It feels as if we need a more satisfying ending.", "(Hannah comes out of the office as a panther.)", "Phoebe: Oh, oh.", "[Cut to the attic. Leo walks in and goes over to the Book Of Shadows. He holds his hands above it, light comes out of them and all the writing appears back on the pages.]", "[Cut back to Bucklands. Their power starts floating out of the lantern.]", "Rex: No. Hannah, now. Quickly.", "(The panther jumps up in the air towards Prue, Piper and Phoebe and Piper freezes it.)", "Phoebe: Wait. We have our powers back?", "Piper: How?", "Prue: Doesn't matter. Get outta here. Fast.", "(They get out of the way and Prue moves Rex underneath Hannah. Hannah unfreezes and lands on Rex and starts attacking him. Hannah turns back into a human.)", "Hannah: Rex, no. (to Prue, Piper and Phoebe.) What have you done? (Rex and Hannah start disappearing.) Wait, it wasn't my fault. I didn't fail. He did. No, please, no. (They burn and disappear.)", "Piper: What the hell was that?", "Phoebe: I think you just answered your own question.", "Prue: Okay, we gotta get me back to jail now. Let's go.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Police station. Andy and Morris are at the jail cells.]", "Andy: (to the guard) Prue Halliwell. (The guard opens the cell.) Thanks. (They walk over to Prue.) Prue?", "(Prue's asleep in the bed. She wakes up.)", "Prue: Andy? What is it? What's going on?", "Andy: Just thought you'd like to know you're off the hook.", "Morris: Turns out you were right. Rex and Hannah were setting you up, or whoever they were.", "Prue: I don't understand.", "Andy: Well, we think they killed two people, assumed their identities, and took over the auction house. Then they bilked it dry and tried to cap it off with stealing the tiara.", "Morris: Which we found hidden in his office.", "Prue: Wow, did you catch them?", "Andy: Not yet. I don't suppose you have any idea what this was doing in his office, do you?", "(Andy shows her the photo that Rex took.)", "Prue: Quite photogenic.", "Andy: Isn't it?", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are looking through the Book Of Shadows.]", "Piper: Spells, incantations, demons stuff. It's all here. Everything just like before.", "Phoebe: Thank God.", "Prue: But how? I mean, we certainly didn't reverse the spell.", "Phoebe: Maybe we screwed it up. Prue and Piper look at her.) What? It's not like it would be the first time.", "Prue: No, we didn't screw it up. Something or someone must have done it. It couldn't happened on its own.", "Piper: Why not? It's magic.", "(Leo enters the attic.)", "Leo: Knock knock.", "Piper: Leo.", "Leo: The front door was open. I hope it's all right. I left my tool box.", "Piper: That's funny. I don't remember that being there last night.", "Leo: Yeah, well, you know what Freud always said about leaving things.", "Piper: That you secretly wanted to come back for it.", "Leo: Guilty.", "Prue: Oh, don't use that word.", "Phoebe: Uh, it's a long story. Never mind.", "(Phoebe and Prue walks away.)", "Piper: Leo, you're leaving, aren't you?", "Leo: Yeah, afraid so.", "Piper: Do you really have to go?", "Leo: Well, I've fixed everything I came here to fix. But I'll be back. Promise. (Leo kisses Piper and Prue and Phoebe watch.) Nothing can keep me away from you too long.", "(Leo grabs his toolbox and leaves.)", "Piper: Well, at least he wasn't a warlock.", "Phoebe: Hey, you don't suppose Leo was the, uh... (Prue rips the relinquishment spell out of the Book.) What are you doing?", "Prue: Just getting rid the Relinquishment spell. Now we've got our powers back I certainly I don't want to risk losing them again.", "Piper: I second that.", "Phoebe: Third.", "Prue: So, witches forever?", "Phoebe: And Damn proud of it.", "(Piper lights a match and burns the page.)" ]
Wicca Envy
[ "Phoebe and Prue have their hands full when an ex-boyfriend of Phoebe's shows up looking for Prue to auction off a stolen and cursed Egyptian urn, all while trying to keep the auction house from closing due to bankruptcy. Meanwhile, Piper decides to use her powers in an attempt to match up a couple employees at Quake, but ultimately her intentions may backfire." ]
[ "Teleplay by: Michael Perricone, Greg Elliot, Chris Levinson and Zack Estrin", "Story by: Javier Grillo-Marxuach", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Cairo, Egypt. Three men are at a house. One of them smashes the glass on the door, reaches inside and opens the door.]", "Wesley: Told you. Piece of cake.", "Clay: Let's just do this and get out of here.", "Wesley: Relax, Clay. I told you no one's home, the owner is dead.", "Palmer: Stay here and keep watch. We'll get the urn. (Wesley and Palmer walk into another room while Clay stands at the doorway.) Clay doesn't know does he?", "Wesley: Why spook him? He probably believes it was the curse that killed the old man.", "Palmer: He was stung to death by a scorpion, Wesley. In a bathroom of an aeroplane.", "Wesley: Don't tell me you believe in that crap.", "Palmer: You think I'd be here if I did? (He sees the urn.) Is that it?", "Wesley: That's it. (They walk over to it and Wesley picks it up.) You see any scorpions around?", "Palmer: No, just dollar signs. Let's go.", "(A picture on the side of the urn glows and disappears. Clay comes up to them.)", "Clay: Hey, man, there's a car coming. You guys must've tripped an alarm.", "Wesley: Let's get outta here.", "(Two guards come in. Clay, Wesley and Palmer hide behind some plants.)", "Clay: Should've never let you guys talk me into this.", "Wesley: Shut up. We'll split up and meet in San Francisco. Give the urn to your friend and hock it right away.", "Palmer: Don't you think about ripping us off 'cause I'll find you.", "(Clay leaves. Wesley starts walking away but stops when he sees magic dust floating in the air in front of him. The dust turns into a woman - the protector of the urn.)", "Wesley: Whoa. What are you?", "Guardian: I'm the guardian of the urn.", "Wesley: The what? (She touches her ring and then Wesley's chest.) Hey, what are you doing?", "(A spider appears and he starts yelling in pain and falls to the floor.)", "Guardian: You are being punished for your greed. As for your friends...", "[Scene: San Francisco - 3 days later. Manor. Piper and Phoebe are walking down the stairs.]", "Piper: New York Clay? That Clay?", "Phoebe: That's the one.", "Piper: You said you never wanted to see him again.", "Phoebe: Ancient history.", "Piper: Six months?", "Phoebe: Five. (They reach the bottom of the stairs and Prue's standing there.) He's just stopping by on his way home. It's not a big deal. He was travelling or something.", "Prue: Who's Clay?", "Phoebe: Nobody.", "Piper: Her ex-boyfriend, the musician. She met him when she was working in the rainbow room. You remember?", "Prue: No, I don't. Nobody told me. They had you at the rainbow room?", "Piper: Yeah, she was the hostess until she started working at the Chelsapere.", "Phoebe: Okay, can we talk about this later please? (The doorbell rings.) A lot later. We're just friends that's all. Do I have lipstick on my teeth?", "(She smiles.)", "Piper: Yes.", "(Phoebe rubs her teeth with her finger and heads towards the door.)", "Prue: That was mean.", "Piper: That was not mean.", "Prue: Okay.", "(Phoebe opens the door.)", "Clay: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Hey.", "Clay: It's really good to see you. (They hug and Phoebe has a premonition of her and Clay in bed together. The premonition ends and Phoebe smiles. They stop hugging.) You okay?", "Phoebe: Uh huh. Ooh.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Quake. Piper and Prue are sitting at the bar.]", "Prue: What else don't I know?", "Piper: Prue, don't take this personally but sometimes you can be a bit judgmental.", "Prue: That is so not true. (Piper gives her a look.) Alright, so maybe it's sometimes true. I just don't understand why Phoebe never even told me about this guy.", "Piper: People don't like to dwell on things that end badly.", "Prue: Yeah, well, I wish my relationships ended that badly. Did you hear them last night? There was music, there was wine, there was...", "Piper: Talking. And how do you know there was wine?", "Prue: Okay, so I peeked. Well, you know, if nobody tells me anything, I have to get creative.", "Piper: Stop worrying, she's be fine. (Shelley walks past and she and the bartender look at each other. The bartender drops a tray of glasses he was holding but Piper freezes them before they hit the ground.) She knows what she's doing. Watch that entrance, make sure nobody comes in. (She walks around the bar and picks up the glasses out of mid-air, straightens the tray and places the glasses back on the tray. He unfreezes.) Whoa, Doug, easy.", "Doug: Thanks, Piper. I hope Shelley didn't see that.", "Piper: Oh, don't worry about that, you just hang in there.", "(Piper sits back down.)", "Prue: What was that?", "Piper: What?", "Prue: That. You know, the guy, the glass. Do you do that often? Freeze time in front of, ooh, I don't know, let's say everybody.", "Piper: Yeah. I'm finally getting some control over the unfreezing. The poor guy he just keeps dropping everything.", "Prue: Well, then maybe you should just fire him.", "Piper: Mmm, the owner wants me to. Actually threatened to fire me if I don't but Doug's just going through a hard time right now. Shelley the waitress just dumped him after six years of dating.", "Prue: So, what, you're playing Cupid of the risk of your own job?", "Piper: Well, yeah, I mean, Doug loves her. Even bought an engagement ring and everything, he just waited too long too ask. So now he's a wreck.", "Prue: Still, you can't just keep, you know, freezing in order to protect him.", "Piper: I know. So are you still going back to Bucklands?", "Prue: Yeah, that's where I work.", "Piper: I just figured after everything that happened with Rex and Hannah that you would be hitting the classifieds.", "Prue: Well, if we don't save the auction house I might have to. Rex... (Doug comes out of the kitchen carrying plates. He trips and Piper freezes him.) bankrupt.", "Piper: What were you saying?", "Prue: Never mind, I gotta go.", "(Prue leaves. Piper walks over to Doug and shakes her head.)", "[Scene: Park. Clay and Phoebe are walking along.]", "Clay: I wish you could've been there, Phoebe. You would've lobed Egypt. Pyramids, giant sphinx, Nile River, camel taxi's. It was amazing.", "Phoebe: You rode a camel?", "Clay: Hey, they're friendlier then some of the cab drivers I met, believe me.", "Phoebe: Can't imagine they're faster.", "(Phoebe and Clay look at each other.)", "Clay: You were right to leave me.", "Phoebe: Ooh, and the conversation turns.", "Clay: No, I'm serious. You were the best thing that ever happened to me and I blew it, I know that.", "Phoebe: Clay...", "Clay: What? Too much too soon?", "Phoebe: Yep. (They laugh.) Look, I hope you don't take this the wrong way but why are you here? With me now?", "Clay: Why, can't a guy visit?", "Phoebe: Yeah, but you're not just a guy, (she playfully hits him with her purse) you're Clay and Clay comes with strings attached.", "Clay: I never could hide anything from you.", "Phoebe: Actually you could. That was one of our problems, remember?", "Clay: I picked up this urn at an overseas market. Thought it might be worth something.", "Phoebe: So you want me to get Prue to help you because of the auction house?", "Clay: Guilty.", "Phoebe: Phew. For a minute there I thought you were here to win me back.", "Clay: No, Phoebe. I think too much for you to still believe you're interested. Look, it's no secret. I've been in some trouble, gotten in too deep. I just thought if I could sell this urn, make some money, pay off a little debt, I can make a fresh start. Hey, think about it. Please, Phoebe.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Claire's there looking through files. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: Hi.", "Claire: Oh, hi, you must be Prue.", "Prue: And you must be...?", "Claire: Claire. Claire Pryce. The bank assigned me to see if the business is worth salvaging. I'm looking for inventory records. The files in my predecessor's office were empty.", "Prue: Yes, well, Rex and Hannah weren't exactly qualified.", "Claire: Obviously why Bucklands is in such dire straights. To be honest with you, Prue, I don't know anything about art but what I do know is the bottom line. And if we don't move 1.2 million dollars worth of inventory at the auction tomorrow, I'm shutting the place down.", "Prue: Excuse me, did you say tomorrow?", "Claire: Did I stutter?", "Prue: With all do respect, you don't just decide to throw an auction okay. You need advance notice, a catalogue, buyers.", "Claire: Then it looks like you've got a lot of work ahead of you doesn't it?", "(Claire heads towards the door and Phoebe and Clay walk around the corner.)", "Phoebe: Sorry. (Claire leaves. Phoebe and Clay walk in. Clay is carrying the urn.) Who was that?", "Prue: A new sheriff.", "Clay: Hey, Prue.", "Prue: Hey, Clay, what's up?", "Phoebe: Uh, favour. Clay was hoping (she takes the urn off Clay) that maybe you would sell this for him.", "(She puts the urn on the desk.)", "Clay: Yeah, I picked it up at a market overseas.", "Prue: Picked it up? Does that mean you bought it?", "Phoebe: What else could it mean?", "Prue: Well, it's really beautiful. Gold inlay, twenty-four carats, a lot of lapis. Looks to be from Egypt.", "Clay: Exactly. That's where I was travelling.", "Prue: This etching's quite interesting, very unusual.", "Clay: You think it's worth something?", "Prue: Oh, well, I would have to determine the urns origins, it's previous owners.", "Phoebe: Oh, couldn't you just skip a step or two?", "Prue: Phoebe, I can not risk this auction house's reputation with something like this without checking on it first.", "Phoebe: Come on, come on, come on. I will, uh, what will I do? I will cook you dinner.", "Prue: Oh, don't threaten me. Fine, I'll see what I can do.", "Clay: Hey, thanks, thanks a lot.", "Phoebe: Is she the best or what? (They hug.) Thank you, thank you. Ooh, I love you.", "(Phoebe and Clay link arms and leave.)", "[Cut to outside. Phoebe and Clay leave Bucklands.]", "Clay: Thanks for doing that, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: No problem. Prue can get you a great price for it too. She's really good at her job.", "Clay: Well, it would be nice if she could like me a little bit.", "Phoebe: She likes you, she's just real protective of me, that's all.", "Clay: I remember when that was my job.", "(He puts his arm around her.)", "Phoebe: Yeah, and then I quit you.", "(Palmer walks up behind them.)", "Palmer: Hey, Clay.", "(Phoebe and Clay turn around.)", "Clay: Palmer. What are you doing here?", "Palmer: I'm bumping into you. Aren't you gonna introduce us?", "Clay: Oh, yeah, sorry. Phoebe, this is Palmer. I met him in Cairo.", "Phoebe: Hi. Oh, wow, small world, huh?.", "Palmer: Yeah, yeah. Hey, what's going on with that urn?", "Phoebe: Wait, you know about the urn too?", "Clay: Well, actually, that's where we met. The market place where I bought it.", "Palmer: Yeah, right, the market place. Right, I thought you were gonna sell it.", "Clay: Well, actually, Phoebe's sister works at that auction house. She's looking for buyers as we speak.", "Palmer: That's good, that's good. The sooner the better I guess, huh.", "Phoebe: Hey, are you okay?", "Palmer: Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine, thank you. It's just, uh, I'm a little tired, just lag, you know. Are you staying at the Ashquaff like I suggested?", "Clay: Yeah, sure.", "Palmer: Me too. Uh, maybe we'll hook up later.", "Clay: Mm hmm.", "Palmer: (to Phoebe) It's nice to meet you.", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, you too. (He leaves.) Eww, creepy guy.", "Clay: Yeah. You hungry?", "(They walk off.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Airport. Palmer walks up to a customs officer. There's a big wooden box there.]", "Customs Officer: Can I help you?", "Palmer: I was a friend of Wesley's. His family wanted me to make sure he got home alright.", "Customs Officer: Sorry. How'd he die?", "Palmer: I don't know. Spider bite I think. He's off to JFK, right?", "(The customs officer checks his papers.)", "Customs Officer: First flight in the morning.", "(The customs officer leaves. Palmer touches the box.)", "Palmer: Sorry, Wes.", "(Palmer walks away. The guardian of the urn appears.)", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. She's on the phone.]", "Prue: What am I supposed to think, Piper? Phoebe's ex pops into town and wants me to sell something for him. You think that's a coincidence?", "[Cut to Piper. She's at Quake.]", "Piper: Prue, you wonder why you're outta the loop. You worry too much about Phoebe.", "[Cut to Prue.]", "Prue: No, I don't, I just don't wanna see her get hurt, that's all. Look, I just get this really bad feeling about Clay, I can't explain it.", "[Cut to Piper.]", "Piper: I can. You don't think he's good enough for her. Just like you didn't think Jeremy was good enough for me. Of course in his case you were right, but that's not the point.", "[Cut to Prue.]", "Prue: No, your point is that it's none of my business and you're probably right. Speaking of playing matchmaker, how's Doug?", "[Cut to Piper.]", "Piper: The same unfortunately. Except I'm getting a little freeze frazzled, it's draining.", "[Cut to Prue.]", "Prue: Don't you think you need to find a better way to deal before you get fired?", "[Cut to Piper.]", "Piper: I know. (Piper sees Doug coming.) Oops, I gotta go, I gotta go. (She hangs up. Shelley walks past Doug and he knocks a vase over and drops a tray of cutlery. Piper tries to freeze him.) Sorry, Doug. Too pooped to pop.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Phoebe and Clay are there. They are eating Chinese food.]", "Clay: I'm surprised you moved back here. I remember a few late nights, a few beers, a few not so pleasant conversations about your sisters. Here you are, living together again. Necessity or your choice.", "Phoebe: I think a little bit of both. Anyway, things have kind of picked up at the Halliwell manor.", "Clay: Like how?", "Phoebe: Oh, well, let's just say, uh, San Francisco has been a lot more unusual. More rice?", "Clay: No thanks. You know, Phoebe, you really haven't said much about what you've been doing.", "Phoebe: Protecting the innocent from evil.", "Clay: Come on, be serious. I mean, you barely had a spare minute in New York. Three jobs just to afford your social calendar.", "Phoebe: Things have changed. I've changed.", "Clay: I'm trying to change too. One thing that won't change is how I feel about you. (They kiss. They stop kissing and Phoebe lets out a little noise.) I'm sorry, I shouldn't...", "Phoebe: No, it's-it's not that, believe me. I, uh, it took me a long time to get over you and I just wanna be careful.", "Clay: I understand. But if I cleaned up my act would you consider moving back?", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: Do not go there now.", "(Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Oh, sorry to interrupt.", "Phoebe: It's okay, it happens.", "Clay: I should get back anyway.", "(He stands up and starts cleaning up the Chinese containers.)", "Phoebe: Clay, stop, I got it, I got it.", "Clay: (to Prue) So how's it going with the urn?", "Prue: It's going.", "Phoebe: I think what he's trying to ask is it going, going, gone?", "Prue: Well, I put it on the auction block.", "Clay: Wow, great, that's great, thanks a lot.", "Prue: Yeah, well, I'm still waiting for the background check to come through and I guess I'll set a reserve price.", "Clay: Okay, whatever you get for it is fine with me.", "Prue: As long as it sells, right, and in a hurry?", "Clay: Well, from what I understand if anyone can do that it's you. (He kisses Phoebe.) So I will call you tomorrow. Then you can show me around the city. Let me see where I left my heart. (Prue pulls a face. Phoebe and Clay kiss again and then head towards the front door.) Hey, I really appreciate it, thanks again.", "Prue: Anything for Pheebs.", "Clay: See you later.", "Phoebe: Okay. (Clay leaves. Prue looks at Phoebe.) What?", "Prue: I can worry about my little sister, can't I?", "Phoebe: Don't ever stop.", "(They hear a small explosion coming from the attic.)", "[Cut to the attic. Piper's there doing a spell. Smoke has filled the air.]", "Prue: Are you okay?", "Piper: Nothing to see here, move along.", "Phoebe: Welcome to London.", "Prue: What did you do?", "Phoebe: More like who did you do it too?", "Piper: I put a charm on Doug but I doubled the recipe, just give love a shot and give me a break.", "Phoebe: Go ahead, Prue, yell at her.", "Piper: It's not for personal gain and it fits into the whole harm none thing we have to live by, besides Prue's the one who told me to do something.", "Prue: Did not.", "Piper: Yes you did. I just need Doug to stop dropping things so I can stop freezing things, I'm just exhausted.", "Prue: You know, maybe he and Shelley aren't meant to be together. Not everybody's supposed to be.", "Phoebe: Oh, that was, that was real subtle, Prue.", "Piper: Well, we'll never know unless Doug has the guts to pop the question. All I'm doing is giving it to him.", "Phoebe: It's just like the cowardly lion from the Wizard Of Oz. Well, it is.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Auction room.]", "Auctioneer: Ladies and gentlemen, this exquisite bronze plated carving dates back to well over one hundred and twenty years. Surely it's worth more than $2500. Do I hear $2600?", "(Prue walks up to Mark.)", "Prue: Mark, move the Escott Fitzgerald Pen to the next slot alright. Our buyer, Mrs. Gorinson is getting restless, go.", "(He leaves. Claire walks up to Prue. She's holding a sheet of paper.)", "Claire: I think you should see this, Prue.", "Prue: What is it?", "(She takes the paper off of Claire.)", "Claire: It's the appraisal of the urn you requested. The good news is it's worth a fortune, the bad news is...", "Prue: It's stolen.", "Claire: Apparently. No wonder the auction house is going under. Selling stolen goods.", "Prue: No, this is highly unusual and very embarrassing.", "Claire: Yes it is.", "(She walks away.)", "Auctioneer: Yes, now 16? $16000?", "Prue: Oh, no.", "(Prue uses her power and swaps the number over in front of the urn with another item.)", "Auctioneer: $15000 going once, going twice, sold for $15000. (Prue walks over and picks up the urn and leaves the room.) Next item up, lot number fifty-one. (The assistant picks up a painting.) This beautiful twenty-four carat gold inlay from Egypt... (He notices the painting.) Oh, obviously there's been some kind of mistake.", "[Cut to Prue's office. Prue walks in. She notices Palmer there.]", "Prue: Who are you?", "Palmer: You must be Prue, Phoebe's sister.", "Prue: Same question. Who are you?", "Palmer: Me? I'm a friend of Clay's. Why didn't you sell that urn? You were supposed to sell it.", "Prue: I think that you better leave.", "Palmer: No, don't you understand. You have to sell it before the curse...", "Prue: Curse? What curse?", "Palmer: The urn. It's cursed. Never mind, forget it, I'll get rid of it myself.", "(Palmer walks towards the urn and Prue uses her power to move it. She gasps and he stops.)", "Prue: Oh my God, it is cursed.", "Palmer: Oh, no.", "(She moves it again.)", "Prue: What's going on?", "Palmer: It's happening. It's too late. I gotta get outta here.", "(He runs out the room.)", "[Scene: Phoebe and Piper are walking on the sidewalk.]", "Phoebe: So do you believe in giving people second chances?", "Piper: Absolutely. It's probably why I want to help out Doug so much.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, Clay says he can change and I wanna believe him but...", "Piper: But you're afraid of getting hurt, that's totally understandable.", "Phoebe: So I keep my distance and then what? Hope that I'm wrong?", "Piper: Well, you could be. That premonition of yours was definitely in the future.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but the problem is I keep thinking about the past. When I moved to New York, I was so angry... alright, I was scared. And then I met Clay and he helped me out a lot and he was really good to me at a time of my life where nobody else was. (Piper gives her a look.) Sorry, you know what I mean. I didn't mean it like that.", "Piper: Alright, that's fine. So why did you leave him?", "Phoebe: Well, he kept living beyond his needs. He never thought of the future. Yeah, I know that sounds familiar. Let's just say he took one too many shortcuts. Got involved with some bad people, got in over his head, way over his head and finally I just couldn't take it anymore, I had to leave.", "Piper: And so now his back hoping to be the man you fell in love with originally.", "Phoebe: Yeah, so what do I do? What if he's the one? Like you say Doug and Shelley are. Do I just walk away?", "Piper: No, but...", "Phoebe: We can't live together forever. What, do we expect to be sixty years old and still be sharing clothes and a cat.", "Piper: Now that you put it that way, no! I don't want to live with you anymore. (Phoebe and Piper walk in Quake. Doug is at the bar shaking up a cocktail shaker. He does a little spin on the spot. There are women standing at the bar.) Oh, boy.", "Phoebe: I thought your charm was to boost his confidence, not turn him into Tom Cruise.", "Piper: Maybe I shouldn't of doubled the recipe.", "Phoebe: Uh, yeah.", "(Phoebe and Piper walk up to the bar.)", "Piper: Doug. (He walks over to them.) What's going on?", "Doug: Not sure, but whatever it is I feel great.", "(Shelley walks up to the bar. Doug pushes a drink down to the end of the bar.)", "Woman: Thanks, Doug.", "(Shelley walks away.)", "Piper: Uh, Doug, what about Shelley?", "Doug: Who cares about Shelley when I've got Thursday, Friday and Saturday all lined up and waiting. (to Phoebe) I don't believe I've had the pleasure.", "Piper: I don't believe you will. Off limits.", "(Doug walks away.)", "Phoebe: Your charm worked. You turned Doug into a...", "Piper: A monster.", "Phoebe: Mmm hmm. Oh, I gotta go, I told Clay I'd meet him over at the house. (She kisses Piper on the cheek.) Goodbye.", "(She leaves.)", "[Scene: Hotel. Palmer walks in his room. He starts packing the guardian of the urn appears.]", "Guardian: Leaving?", "Palmer: How'd you get here?", "Guardian: I came with your friend. I waited for your fear to consume you. Where's the urn?", "Palmer: It's at the Buckland auction house. I tried to get it back, I was gonna return it, I swear. I tried to make things right, please. (She makes a scorpion appear and she puts it on him.) I'm sorry. No! No! No!", "(The scorpion stings him.)", "Guardian: You are being punished for your greed.", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe's room. Clay's sitting on the bed and Phoebe's picking out a dress.]", "Phoebe: So the band goes on at 10:00 but if we get there before 9:00 there's no cover. You interested?", "Clay: In anything that involves you.", "(She gives him a look and he smiles. She holds up two dresses.)", "Phoebe: Okay.", "(He chooses one but she throws one on the ground. They laugh.)", "Clay: Deja...", "Phoebe: Vu.", "Clay: I miss this. The day to day of us.", "Phoebe: Yeah, me too. Okay, well, I'm going to change now.", "Clay: Okay. Oh, you want me to leave?", "Phoebe: Yes, kind of a loaded question but, uh, yeah, I think that-that would be best.", "Clay: Phoebe, we did live together. It's not like I hadn't...", "Phoebe: Yeah, I-I-I know but things have changed.", "Clay: Come here, come sit down.", "(She sits down on the bed.)", "Phoebe: We're very different.", "Clay: Do we have to be?", "(He starts kissing her neck.)", "Phoebe: Uh, well, you know, when you, uh... okay, stop, stop. (He stops.) Okay, go, go. (He continues kissing her neck.) What am I doing? Okay, you know this isn't fair because I love it when you... (He kisses her on the lips and they lay down on the bed.)", "[Cut to the living room. Piper's got the Book Of Shadows and she's writing something. Prue comes in the front door.]", "Piper: Ugh, Prue, you scared me.", "Prue: Where's Phoebe?", "Piper: Upstairs. (She heads upstairs.) But you might wanna knock.", "[Cut to upstairs. Prue barges in Phoebe's room.]", "Prue: Phoebe, we need to talk...", "(She sees Phoebe and Clay in bed together.)", "Phoebe: Yes, we do.", "(Prue pulls a disgusted face and walks back outside.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Phoebe and Clay are standing at the doorway. Prue's standing near by.]", "Phoebe: You know, you don't have to leave.", "Clay: Yeah, I think I should.", "(Piper stands beside Prue. Phoebe and Clay kiss.)", "Phoebe: I'll call you. (Clay leaves. Phoebe closes the door and turns to Prue.) I hope you like the show.", "Prue: Phoebe, I am so sorry. I had no idea.", "Phoebe: What, that it was my room that you barged into? I had more privacy when I lived in New York, a tiny island crawling with eight million people.", "Prue: And at least one thief.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, excuse me?", "Prue: My new boss handed this to me, thankfully just before the urn could be sold. (She hands Phoebe a piece of paper.) Clay didn't buy it at some outdoor bizarre, Phoebe, he stole it.", "Phoebe: This can't be right.", "Piper: It looks right, Pheebs.", "Prue: Seasons change, people don't.", "Phoebe: I changed. Remember what you thought of me before I walked back through that door?", "Prue: That's different.", "Phoebe: How is that different?", "Prue: You're my sister.", "Phoebe: Well, there's gotta be some mistake.", "Prue: It gets worse. If the background information is accurate, there's a curse attached to the urn. Anyone who steals it ends up dead. A victim of the guardian who protects is and she feeds off their greed.", "Phoebe: Okay, even if that's true, Clay could've never known about it. Otherwise he wouldn't of brought it here.", "Piper: Are you sure, Pheebs? You wouldn't be the first Halliwell to misjudge a guy.", "Phoebe: No, it's not about judging, it's about knowing and I know Clay.", "Prue: And I know what Clay has done. Okay, he put my job in jeopardy, he lied to me. Phoebe, he lied to you.", "Phoebe: You don't know that. Look, I am not saying that he's perfect, okay, and even if he is foolish enough to risk his own life, he would never risk mine.", "(She walks away.)", "[Scene: Hotel. Police are in Palmer's room. The coroner is looking at the sting on Palmer's neck.]", "Coroner: If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was a scorpion sting.", "Andy: Scorpion sting in San Francisco?", "Coroner: I know, but that's what it looks like.", "Andy: Any chance he was killed somewhere else and then moved here?", "Coroner: No. The levitities consist of where he was found.", "Andy: Well, I'd buy this place had roaches, I'm not so sure about scorpions. Anything else?", "Coroner: Found someone's business card in his pocket. (He reads the card.) Buckland Auction House?", "Andy: Ah-ah-ah. Let me guess, Prue Halliwell?", "Coroner: Yeah, how'd you know?", "Andy: I'm cursed. Let me know when you get the report back on the sting. (Andy walks out in the hallway. He bumps into Clay.) Excuse me.", "(He continues walking. Clay looks in the room and sees Palmer getting zipped up in a body bag.)", "Clay: Palmer?", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. The picture appears back on the urn. Prue and Claire walk in.]", "Claire: Lot 49 - $2600, lot 50 - $15000, lot 51 - excluded. (She sees the urn.) Shouldn't that be turned into proper authorities?", "Prue: I'm contacting customs as soon as we're finished here. Look, again, I just wanna assure you that I didn't have anything to do with...", "Claire: Just handle it. How did we do?", "Prue: $1.28 million. We did it.", "Claire: The auction house lives to see another day. Congratulations. (They shake hands.) Good work.", "Prue: Thanks. (Claire leaves. Andy walks in.) Andy, hi. Here to arrest me again?", "Andy: Mmm, not this time. (He sees a picture of scorpion on the urn.) A scorpion? Why am I not surprised?", "Prue: I'm afraid I don't...", "Andy: A young man died last night of a scorpion sting. Palmer Kellogg, you know him?", "Prue: I don't believe I do.", "Andy: Well, he obviously knew you. I found your card on his body.", "Prue: We did just have an auction, I met a lot of people.", "Andy: Well, I'll bring a photo by later, see if it jogs anything.", "Prue: That's fine.", "Andy: Prue, listen, just because we're not dating anymore, I want you to know I still care about you. So if you're ever in a jam or you ever need anything, just know you can always call me.", "Prue: I know, thanks.", "[Scene: Hotel. Clay's room. He's packing. Someone knocks on the door.]", "Phoebe: Are you in there?", "Clay: Phoebe?", "(He opens the door.)", "Phoebe: You stole the urn didn't you?", "Clay: Why don't you come inside?", "Phoebe: No, I am not going anywhere until you answer the question.", "Clay: Okay, yes.", "(She walks inside.)", "Phoebe: Were you planning on saying goodbye before you skipped town?", "Clay: Palmer's dead, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: What?", "Clay: He died from a scorpion sting. I called Wesley to tell him, that's when his parents tell me he's dead too. Spider bite. I don't know how, I don't know why but I know one thing, I'm not gonna stick around.", "Phoebe: You are such a liar.", "Clay: Phoebe, I'm not lying.", "Phoebe: You knew the urn was cursed when you stole it, you knew the legend.", "Clay: What are you talking about? What legend?", "Phoebe: Are you telling me that you didn't know whoever steals the urn dies?", "Clay: Palmer and Wesley. I swear, I know nothing about it.", "Phoebe: Yeah, right.", "Clay: Come on, Phoebe, you have to believe me.", "Phoebe: No, I don't. You're a liar, Clay. You will never change. You will always look for the easy way out.", "(She leaves.)", "[Scene: Quake. Piper's sitting at the bar. Doug is putting glasses on the shelf. He sees Shelley and drops a glass.]", "Doug: Sorry. Uh, I'll go get the broom.", "Piper: Good idea.", "(Phoebe comes up to Piper.)", "Phoebe: I see you reversed the spell.", "Piper: Yeah, and I've been given until tomorrow to fire him.", "Phoebe: Maybe Prue was right. Maybe they just don't belong together. Seems like the theme of the day.", "Piper: Oh, Clay?", "Phoebe: Uh huh. He totally used me, Piper. He just used me to get to Prue.", "Piper: I'm sorry.", "Phoebe: Thanks for not saying 'I told you so'. Why didn't I see it coming? What am I? A sucker for punishment?", "Piper: No, you see the good in people and that's never wrong. Besides the wrong guys are usually the most interesting. Until you get your hopes up and let your guard down and then reveal their true selves.", "Phoebe: So true.", "Piper: Look at Doug. Great guy, kind of boring on the surface, easy to over look but maybe in the long run we're better off with his type.", "Phoebe: Maybe in the way long run. I think I'm still looking for adventure.", "Piper: Then you risk paying the price.", "(They hear a crash.)", "Doug: I got it.", "Piper: Maybe it's a price worth paying.", "Phoebe: I just don't know anymore. Thanks for the ear.", "[Scene: Manor. The doorbell rings. Phoebe answers it.]", "Clay: Can I come in?", "Phoebe: No.", "Clay: Look, I made a lie about buying the urn but I swear I didn't know it was cursed.", "Phoebe: Well, that still makes you a thief now doesn't it.", "Clay: Well, that's why I'm here. I wanna make things right. I wanna turn myself into the police. (Phoebe rolls her eyes.) I mean it, Phoebe, honest. It's the only way I can redeem myself with you.", "Phoebe: And how do I know this isn't just another one of your scams?", "Clay: Well, I guess you don't. But I don't wanna take shortcuts anymore. I wanna take the urn with me to the police. There's no way Prue's just gonna give it to me, not with out you. I need your help. It's the last favour I'll ever ask, I promise.", "Phoebe: I don't think so.", "Clay: Please.", "(He touches her arm and Phoebe has a premonition of a snake about to attack Clay.)", "Phoebe: The curse.", "Clay: What?", "Phoebe: Let's go.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Prue's there. Phoebe and Clay walk in.]", "Prue: Phoebe. What is he doing here?", "Phoebe: Save it till later. I have seen the future and it's not right. Oh, good, you can give the urn to the police.", "Prue: Yeah, no, I thought that it might get you into trouble.", "Phoebe: Yeah, well, you know that little legend we were talking about? Well... (the guardian appears) I think it's true.", "Clay: What the hell is that?", "Phoebe: Clay...", "Prue: Get him outta here.", "Phoebe: Go! (She pushes him out the door. Prue tries to use her power on the guardian but it doesn't work.)", "Guardian: I don't wanna harm you. I came for the thief.", "Prue: Who are you?", "Guardian: I'm the guardian of the urn. You can not destroy me.", "(Prue uses her power again and the guardian gets pushed back slightly.)", "Prue: Uh, Phoebe, run.", "(They run outside.)", "Guardian: So now there are more who will die.", "(She disappears.)", "[Scene: Manor. Prue, Phoebe and Clay walk through the front door.]", "Clay: I still don't understand.", "Phoebe: You stay down here, we'll be right back.", "(Piper walks in the foyer.)", "Piper: What's going on?", "Prue: Tell you in the attic.", "(Prue and Piper head for the stairs.)", "Clay: Hey, where you going?", "Phoebe: Fill her in, I'll meet you guys upstairs. (to Clay) Uh, Piper is really into legends and Prue is really good with her mind, so...", "Clay: Yeah, but that thing, the guardian. She's not even...", "Phoebe: Human? Yeah, I know, but she's real and we have to figure out how to stop her before she gets you.", "Clay: I know what you're thinking, Phoebe. I do not want you getting hurt because of me.", "Phoebe: You know, I think I actually believe you. (She smiles and runs upstairs.)", "[Cut to the attic. Prue and Piper are flipping through the Book Of Shadows. Phoebe comes in.]", "Phoebe: Did you find anything?", "Piper: Nothing about Egyptian urns or Greek demons. Zip.", "Prue: Well, let's just hope that she didn't follow us here because our powers are useless against her.", "Piper: How is that possible? I mean, that's never happened to us before.", "Prue: Maybe we're not supposed to protect him.", "Phoebe: What are you saying?", "Prue: All I'm saying is maybe there's a reason. Like Piper trying to force Doug and Shelley back together again. Maybe there are just some things that we're not supposed to save.", "Phoebe: No, we're saving Clay, period. There's just gotta be something we're missing.", "Piper: Maybe this is something. It doesn't talk about the urn but it talks about the seven deadly sins. Greed being one of them.", "Prue: Wait a minute, the guardian punishes the greedy so maybe if Clay does something selfless it'll even the score.", "Piper: Good luck. (Prue and Phoebe give her a look.) Sorry.", "(They go downstairs.)", "Phoebe: Clay? Clay, where are you? Clay!", "Piper: I think he left.", "Phoebe: I don't believe it.", "Piper: Sorry, Pheebs.", "Phoebe: No, I mean I really don't believe it. He wouldn't just leave like that.", "Prue: Well, do you have a better explanation?", "Phoebe: He was worried about me, he was worried about us. I am telling you... wait, my vision, I think I know where he's gone, we've gotta stop him.", "[Cut to Bucklands. Prue's office. The guardian appears. Clay walks in.]", "Guardian: I knew you'd come back. Your greed concerns you.", "Clay: I'm not here for the urn.", "Guardian: You must be punished.", "Clay: I know. When you're done with me, that's it, right? You're not gonna hurt anybody else?", "Guardian: Not until somebody steals the urn again.", "Clay: How do you know anybody will?", "Guardian: Somebody always does.", "(A snake appears in front of Clay. Prue, Piper and Phoebe run in.)", "Phoebe: Clay.", "Clay: Stay back, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: No!", "Prue: Phoebe, look out!", "(The snake goes to bite Phoebe and Clay puts his arm up in front of Phoebe. The snake disappears.)", "Phoebe: A selfless act. Just like the Book Of Shadows said.", "(The guardian and the urn disappears.)", "Piper: Where'd it go?", "Prue: Who cares as long as it's not here.", "Clay: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Am I okay? Who says people never change.", "(Phoebe hugs Clay.)", "[Scene: Quake. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are sitting at the bar.]", "Piper: Good thing we didn't have to end up using our powers to vanquish her otherwise Clay would've seen her.", "Prue: They didn't work anyway.", "Phoebe: Not something I hope ever happens again.", "(Doug walks along holding a tray of glasses. Shelley walks near him.)", "Piper: Ooh, ooh, forgot about Doug.", "(Doug drops the tray and Piper freezes it in mid air.)", "Prue: This is getting ridiculous.", "Piper: Oh, tell me about it. That engagement ring's probably stopped burning a hole in his apron. (Prue gets up and walks over to Doug.) Where are you going? What are you doing?", "Prue: Saving your problem and keeping you employed.", "(Prue takes a ring box out of Doug's pocket and puts it on the floor. She sits back down and they unfreeze. The tray falls on the floor.)", "Doug: Sorry.", "(Shelley notices the ring on the floor.)", "Shelley: What's that?", "(She picks it up and opens it. She gasps.)", "Doug: I was carrying that around for weeks, trying to find the right time to ask you.", "Shelley: Ask me what?", "Doug: To, um, marry me.", "Shelley: But that's why I broke up with you. I gave up on waiting.", "(They smile and hug.)", "Piper: This would've happened sooner if I would've keep my little wicca nose out of their business.", "Phoebe: You can't change people, they have to change themselves.", "Prue: Speaking of that. Yum. (Clay walks towards them.) Go, baby.", "Piper: Go, girl.", "Phoebe: Alright.", "Piper: You go. You can do it.", "(They laugh. Phoebe walks up to Clay.)", "Clay: Hey.", "Phoebe: Hey. I'm glad you stopped by.", "Clay: Any chance you're gonna come back with me?", "Phoebe: No. This is my home now.", "Clay: I know I lied to you about a lot of things. But one thing I never lied to you about was how much I care about you.", "Phoebe: I know, Clay.", "(They kiss.)", "Clay: I guess I should be going.", "Phoebe: Yeah.", "Clay: Um, you know, I hope the next time we cross paths, I'll be the guy you always think you see.", "Phoebe: Goodbye.", "(He leaves. Prue and Piper walk up to her.)", "Prue: Are you okay?", "Phoebe: Oh, yeah, yeah, he was just stopping by on his way home, no big deal.", "Piper: Heard that before.", "(Prue and Piper hug her.)" ]
Feats of Clay
[ "Barbas, the Demon of Fear, spends Friday the 13th literally scaring witches to death. He tries to drown Prue in the shower, as her greatest fear is drowning. Barbas realizes that Phoebe's greatest fear is losing a sister, so he tries to drown Prue again with Phoebe watching. This time, Prue feels the presence of her late mother and manages to release her fear and vanquish Barbas." ]
[ "[Scene: Occult shop. Prue and Phoebe are there.]", "Tanjella: Excuse me, but I'm getting ready to close now.", "Prue: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that you were open until 1:00.", "Tanjella: Normally I am, but not on the evil Friday the 13th. In fact, I kinda wanna be closed by midnight.", "Prue: Alright, well, we won't be much longer will we, Pheebs?", "Phoebe: Okay, okay. So, input?", "(She holds up a necklace.)", "Prue: Nice. Let's go.", "Phoebe: It's nice? That's it? Maybe I should look for another one.", "Prue: Phoebe, the woman wants to close.", "Phoebe: I know, I know, but choosing the right good luck charm is a very big decision.", "Prue: If they all bring good luck, what's the worse that can happen if you pick the wrong one?", "Pheobe: Alright, you know, this is why I like shopping with Piper.", "(They walk up to the counter and hands the necklace to Tanjella.)", "Tanjella: Okay, you want me to put this on Piper's order?", "Phoebe: Uh, no, I'll pay separately.", "Tanjella: Cash or charge?", "Phoebe: (to Prue) Uh, will you put it on a credit card for me? I will pay you back. And tomorrow I have a job interview and...", "Prue: And the good luck charm is going to help you get the job. How much?", "Tanjella: $25.50 plus tax.", "Prue: Okay.", "Tanjella: Oh, but you get 10% off if you sign the mailing list.", "Phoebe: See? Good luck already.", "(Phoebe writes down their names.)", "Tanjella: If you're interested, we're having a Wicca gathering for the spring equinox.", "Prue: What makes you think that we would be interested?", "Tanjella: Most witches are.", "Prue: We never said that we were witches.", "Phoebe: (to Prue under her breath) Do you think she knows?", "Prue: (under her breath) How could she?", "(The clock strikes twelve.)", "Tanjella: Could you please hurry?", "Phoebe: Is there a problem?", "Tanjella: I told you I just, I want to be closed by midnight.", "Prue: Wow, you really take this Friday the 13th stuff seriously.", "Tanjella: Yeah, you should too. Especially this one.", "Phoebe: And why is that?", "Tanjella: Because once every thirteen hundred years, there's a universal convergence of negative energy on Friday the 13th and this is the year.", "Prue: Of course it is.", "Tanjella: Did you hear that? The clock struck thirteen. It's starting already.", "Phoebe: Good night, Tanjella.", "(They grab the necklace and leave.)", "[Cut to outside. Prue and Phoebe get in the car and drive off. Smoke rises out of the sewer and Barbas appears.]", "[Cut back inside. Tanjella is blowing out the candles. She turns off the light. Barbas knocks on the door.]", "Tanjella: Sorry, we're closed. (Barbas knocks on the door again.) I said we're closed.", "(Barbas walks through the door like a ghost.)", "Barbas: Not to me, witch.", "Tanjella: Oh my God.", "(Tanjella picks up an amulet.)", "Barbas: Amulet's don't work with this demon. (He passes his hand in front of her face.) Your greatest fear is being buried alive in an earthquake. (The room starts shaking and things fall off the shelves. Tanjella screams. Shelves fall down around her.) Yes. You can't run, you're frozen in fear.", "(Tanjella stops screaming and she falls on the floor. She is dead and her hair has turned white. Barbas walks over to the mailing list. He passes his hand above it and half of the names disappear.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Piper walks in the solarium holding a small box. She pulls out some necklaces and looks at them. She chooses one.]", "[Time lapse. Piper and Phoebe walk out of the kitchen into the solarium.]", "Phoebe: Think about it. When has she ever said it to you?", "Piper: I don't remember exactly but I'm sure she must of.", "Phoebe: Yeah, okay, try to think of a time, just one. Whenever I say it to her, she says something like, 'oh me too' or 'same here'.", "Piper: You know, you're right.", "Phoebe: Yeah. The girl cannot say the words 'I love you'. It's like some weird...", "(Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Morning.", "Phoebe: Oh, good morning.", "(Prue and Phoebe sit down.)", "Prue: Oh, that outfit looks great on you.", "Phoebe: Thank you for giving it to me.", "Piper: Wait, you gave her that outfit?", "Prue: Yeah, it was an early birthday present.", "Phoebe: For the next three years.", "Piper: Are you feeling okay?", "(She touches Prue's forehead.)", "Prue: I am fine. In fact, I had a wonderful dream about mum.", "Piper: Oh, how great. What about?", "Prue: Um, I was a little kid like four or five and I was reaching up holding her hand and she was taking me some place. I don't know where but it felt so safe.", "Phoebe: I wish I had dreams like that.", "Piper: Mum would have to knock before she came into your dreams.", "Phoebe: Ooh!", "(Prue yawns and Piper covers her mouth.)", "Prue: What are you doing?", "Piper: You have to cover your mouth when you yawn or you might let the Devil in. (Phoebe and Prue laugh.) Especially on Friday the 13th.", "Prue: Is that amulet one of the things we picked up for you last night?", "Piper: Yes. And this (she holds up a stone) and these. (She holds up the other necklaces.) We're having a superstition theme fundraiser at the restaurant today. I'm going to need all the help I can get.", "Prue: Don't you think that you're over doing it just a little bit?", "Piper: With all the warlocks and demons we've seen. I don't think so.", "Prue: Piper, those things are real. Okay, superstitions are like old wives tales invented to explain somebody's misfortune.", "Piper: Statistics show more bad things happen on Friday the 13th than any other day. I met Jeremy on Friday the 13th.", "Phoebe: Really?", "Piper: Yeah, and he tried to kill me. Afterwards I find out there's a superstition. That any relationship started on Friday the 13th is doomed.", "Prue: More bad things happen on Friday the 13th because people put energy in believing bad things will happen.", "Piper: Pheebs.", "Phoebe: Actually, I prefer the upside of superstition. Good fortune, which is what I hope this (she holds up a coin) little honey brings me in my job interview with the real estate agency. Will you give me a lift? I'm running late.", "Piper: Okay. (They start heading towards the doorway.)", "Phoebe: Okay, well, have a great day, Prue. I love you.", "Prue: Yeah, me too.", "(Phoebe and Piper stop and look back at her. They look at each other and continue walking.)", "[Cut to the other room.]", "Piper: I wonder if she knows she does that? (They walk in the foyer and opens the door. Andy's there who was just about to knock.) Hey, Andy.", "Andy: Hey. Is Prue in?", "Phoebe: (calling out) Prue, there's a policeman here to see you.", "Piper: See you later, Andy, we're running late.", "(They leave. Andy walks in the living room. So does Prue.)", "Prue: This must be bad news.", "Andy: Why would you say that?", "Prue: A little early for a social call.", "Andy: You're right. We've had three suspicious deaths since midnight. All single females, all under thirty, one was a book store owner. Credit card company records show you were her last customer.", "Prue: Oh my God.", "Andy: You remember anything out of the ordinary? Suspicious characters hanging around?", "Prue: No, Phoebe and I were the only ones in there. In fact, she was locking up when we left.", "Andy: Was the place in order?", "Prue: Yeah, why?", "Andy: When we found her, her body was half buried in debris. But the coroner said it wasn't her injuries that killed her, it was a heart attack.", "Prue: A heart attack?", "Andy: Yeah, her hair had turned chalk white, her face was contorted in terror just like all the others. If I didn't know any better, I'd say literally scared to death. Do you visit occult book stores at midnight often?", "Prue: No, of course not. Phoebe needed a good luck charm for her job interview today. It was very last minute.", "Andy: His killings look like some weird ritualistic thing. The victims all had ties with the occult. You might consider shopping somewhere else.", "Prue: Meaning?", "Andy: Just be careful.", "[Scene: Later on in the attic. Prue opens the Book Of Shadows.]", "Prue: Friday the 13th. Friday the 13th. (She finds a page.) \"The Demon of Fear appears once every thirteen hundred years on Friday the 13th. He feeds on the fears of young witches for his survival.\" Mum's handwriting.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Quake. Piper's standing there staring at Lucas. Prue stands behind her.]", "Prue: Who's the guy?", "(Piper turns to face Prue.)", "Piper: Lucas Devane. He's chairing the fundraiser for the children's hospital.", "Prue: Oh, right, I saw his picture in the magazine. Wasn't he named the Bay Area's most eligible bachelor?", "Piper: Don't rub it in.", "Prue: Hey, you're the one who's letting a silly superstition run her life.", "Piper: Is he still looking over here?", "Prue: Yeah. He's undressing you with his mind. (They start walking.) And he's down to white cotton.", "Piper: I haven't worn white cotton since high school. (They approach a ladder.) Whoa! (They walk around it.) You, ---- me. Sorry, I had to rush off the phone. What's with the demon of fear?", "Prue: Well, I found a page about him in the Book Of Shadows in mum's handwriting.", "Piper: Mum's, are you sure?", "Prue: Yeah, I'm sure. I checked it against the handwriting on the back of the spirit board.", "(They sit down at the bar.)", "Piper: Wow, this is the first time we've found anything mum's written in the book.", "Prue: Well, she must have known that this demon would appear in our lifetime and she wanted to warn us against him.", "Piper: I don't like the sound of that.", "Prue: Well, if he can kill thirteen unmarried witches by midnight, he'll be free from the underworld to wreck his terror every single day.", "Piper: Unmarried. Like being single doesn't have enough problems. So how can we stop him?", "Prue: I don't know but he does kill by turning a witch's greatest fear against her.", "Piper: Meaning?", "Prue: The book doesn't say. But mum wrote that in the face of our greatest fear, our powers are paralised.", "Piper: Wait a minute, we're on the most wanted list and we're defenseless? Didn't mum say anything about how to get rid of him?", "Prue: Just to release our fear.", "Piper: How do we do that?", "Prue: I don't know. That's all she wrote. Look, I know that you're afraid of flying.", "Piper: That's not really a fear, I just prefer buses.", "Prue: Well, as long as you stay in a crowded restaurant you'll be fine. And since Phoebe's afraid of being trapped in an elevator, I'll tell her to take the stairs.", "Piper: And you'll stay away from pools. Ever since mum died you've been terrified of the water. That's why you never took swimming lessons. We've always known that was the reason, it's okay.", "Prue: Yeah, well, don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I've gotta go.", "Piper: Call me when you get to Bucklands.", "Prue: I'm not going to Bucklands. Mum warned us but there are others.", "Piper: We don't know any other witches.", "Prue: No, see, Tanjella gave me this flier for a wicca gathering and there's a woman named Zoe listed as a contact, I'm hoping that she can help. So just call Pheebs and let her know what's up, okay.", "Piper: Okay. (Prue starts to walk away.) I love you.", "Prue: Yep.", "(Prue walks under the ladder.)", "[Scene: SWA Properties. Phoebe's in her interview.]", "Susan: As you can see we're a small firm but we've built a very successful business.", "Phoebe: Oh, well, size doesn't matter to me. What does excite me though, is the chance to work with successful women. I mean, if I want to be a success who better to learn from right?", "Susan: Oh, I like that. I've heard all I need to hear. When can you start?", "Phoebe: Are you serious? I got the job?", "Susan: I can spot talent when I see it. Um, can you start today?", "Phoebe: Uh, yeah, yes of course.", "(A guy walks in.)", "Susan: Hi, honey. Give me a second. (He walks back out.) Here are the keys. Louise is out of town, I've got I'll be ----- So, all you have to do is answer the phone.", "Phoebe: Making a romantic mid-week break?", "Susan: Well, yeah. Um, which reminds me, there is one special task I'll need you to handle from time to time. If my husband calls, I'll need you to cover for me.", "(Phoebe's eyes widen and she laughs nervously.)", "Phoebe: Oh, uh, sure.", "Susan: Our little secret?", "Phoebe: Oh, of course.", "Susan: Well, you have my pager number. Have fun.", "Phoebe: Okay. (The employer leaves.) You too.", "[Scene: Zoe's apartment. Barbas appears.]", "Zoe: I thought you might come. But I have nothing for you here.", "Barbas: Oh, you couldn't be more wrong, witch. You're all alone, that's all I need.", "Zoe: You have no power over me. I have evolved powers to release all mortal fears. My inner strength will destroy you. (Barbas passes his hand across her face. Barbas makes the flame from a candle fall on the carpet. She tries to stamp it out with her foot.)", "Barbas: You didn't release your fear of fire, you only repressed it.", "(The fire spreads and flames surround her.)", "Zoe: No, please.", "Barbas: Save it for another life time. You're frozen in fear.", "[Cut to outside. Prue knocks on the door.]", "Prue: Hello? (Zoe screams and Prue uses her power to open the door. She walks inside and sees Zoe dead on the floor with white hair.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Zoe's apartment. Police and photographer's are there. Andy walks up to Morris.]", "Andy: Sorry I'm late. So what do we have?", "Morris: The coroner said there are no burn marks on the body. She didn't die of smoke inhalation, her heart gave up just like the others. (He looks at Andy's shoes.) And I can't believe you're wearing the serial shoe again.", "Andy: They're my good luck charm.", "Morris: They're embarrassing.", "Andy: This is the fifth woman with ties of the occult that's been found dead since midnight. Now tell me it's not the work of some serial nutcase.", "Morris: I can't but it still doesn't mean those shoes aren't embarrassing.", "Cop: (to Morris) Inspector, would you have a look at this?", "(Morris goes to talk to the cop. Andy looks under the sheet that's covering the body. Morris comes back.)", "Morris: Doorman, he says there was a signing log. Wanna guess who the last person was to see the victim?", "Andy: I'm gonna guess the killer.", "Morris: Prue.", "[Scene: Quake. Prue, Phoebe and Piper are sitting at a table.]", "Piper: What did you tell Andy?", "Prue: I didn't talk to Andy. I didn't want him to know I was anywhere near there so I called 911 and I left.", "Phoebe: Are you sure you're okay?", "Prue: Yeah, it's just, uh, I can't get her face out of my mind, you know. There was so much fear and her hair was pure white, the terror that she must of felt. It's just...", "Phoebe: Okay, I'm scared enough, thank you. So now what?", "Piper: We avoid any place he can use to terrorise us.", "Phoebe: And what about all the other witches?", "Prue: Well, I took Zoe's day runner. Some of the names in there have got to be witches. I'll start making phone calls.", "(Prue reaches for the salt and knocks the jar over spilling some salt.)", "Piper: Oh, oh, quick. Throw some over your shoulder.", "Prue: Don't be ridiculous.", "Piper: It's bad luck. You could be attacked by evil spirits.", "Prue: Piper, we have been attacked by plenty of evil spirits and they had nothing to do with salt. And considering our powers, I can't believe that you want to rely on this for our protection.", "Piper: My feeling is, you can never be too rich or too safe.", "(Phoebe sees a ladybug on the plant on the table.)", "Phoebe: Oh, look, a ladybug.", "Prue: Is that bad luck?", "(Piper pulls a face.)", "Phoebe: No, actually Grams once told me that whatever direction it flies in, you can find your ideal mate. We've gotta try it.", "(Phoebe flicks the ladybug and it flies across the room and lands on Lucas.)", "Piper: Oh.", "Prue: So does a positive superstition cancel out a negative one?", "Piper: I don't know.", "Phoebe: Wait, what's going on?", "Prue: That guy has been trying to talk to Piper all day and she has been avoiding him because she...", "(A waiter trips and spills drinks all over Prue. Phoebe and Piper wipe her with napkins.)", "Piper: You should've thrown the...", "Prue: You know what? Piper, don't even say it. I'm going home to change.", "Phoebe: Be careful, I love you.", "Prue: Yeah.", "(She leaves.)", "Piper: Okay, she can't say it. Maybe she's afraid it'll make her look too vulnerable. Ever since mum dies, you know, she has to be the strong one to take care of us and everything. It's probably just all part of that.", "Phoebe: Maybe. Hey, I gotta get back to work.", "Piper: How's the new job?", "Phoebe: Great, except my new boss wants me to lie to her husband about an affair that she's been having.", "Piper: Oh, how nice. What are you gonna do?", "Phoebe: I don't know. I'm just hoping it never comes up. Hey good luck.", "(Phoebe leaves and Lucas walks up to Piper.)", "Lucas: How's it going?", "Piper: Oh, good.", "Lucas: Listen, um, we've been working so well together on the fundraiser, I was, uh, wondering if you want to get dinner after it's over.", "Piper: Uh, I should probably... I should probably check my schedule.", "Lucas: You, uh, don't know if you're free tonight?", "Piper: Well, um... (she notices the ladybug on his shoulder) dinner would be great.", "Lucas: Great.", "[Scene: SWA Properties. Phoebe's sitting at a desk holding a coin.]", "Phoebe: Okay, heads - I tell him the truth, tails - I lie. (She flicks the coin in the air and it lands on its edge.) Oh, that helped a lot. (She picks the coin up. The phone rings. She reaches for it and knocks over a bottle of water.) Oh! Hold on please. (She picks up the bottle and has a premonition that water has filled up in the shower and Prue's stuck inside.) Prue. (in the phone) Uh, no one's in, call back later. (She hangs up and then dials another number.)", "[Cut to the bathroom in the manor. Prue gets in and turns on the water. The phone rings and the answering machine picks it up.]", "Phoebe's voice: Prue, it's Phoebe. Are you there? Pick up. Hello? Prue, I just had a premonition, you could be in trouble. Are you there? Prue, are you there?", "[Cut to where the answering machine is. Barbas appears and passes his hand in front of it and the message disappears.]", "[Cut back in the bathroom. Barbas appears. He passes his hand in front of the shower. Prue notices Barbas standing there.]", "Barbas: Your greatest fear is drowning. Thank you for making it so easy. (The shower starts filling up quickly.) That's right. (Prue starts panicking and hitting on the glass. The water rises up near her neck. She turns off the water. She tries to use her power but it doesn't work.) You powers are frozen by your fear. (The water continues to rise over her head.)", "[Cut to outside the manor. Andy and Morris are walking up to the door.]", "Andy: I wish I could think of a logical reason to explain why Prue's involved in this.", "Morris: You mean this time or every other time?", "(They ring the door bell. They hear Prue scream. Morris gets out his gun and Andy kicks open the door. They run inside.)", "Andy: Prue?", "[Cut to the bathroom. Barbas disappears. The door flies open and Morris and Andy run in pointing their guns. The water has disappeared.]", "Andy: Prue? You okay?", "Prue: I don't know.", "(Morris walks outside.)", "Andy: I'll wait for you downstairs.", "(Prue grabs a towel and wraps it around her. She opens the door and water that was sitting in the bottom of the shower runs out onto the floor.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Andy, Prue and Morris are there. Prue's wearing a dressing gown and has a towel wrapped around her head.]", "Prue: I told you I had soap in my eyes.", "Andy: You had soap in your eyes? That's why you were screaming?", "Prue: Yes.", "Morris: You wanna tell us what you were doing at that woman's apartment?", "Prue: I was, um, Zoe was a collector of occult items and she wanted to know if the auction house was interested in selling them for her.", "Morris: When you got there was she alive or already dead?", "Prue: Dead.", "Andy: So you called 911? Why didn't you leave your name? Why did you just duck out?", "Prue: Because I wanted to avoid this. I knew that you'd suspect me of being involved and I'm not.", "Andy: Prue, don't you think it's a little coincidental you being one step ahead of death twice in one day?", "Prue: What exactly are you implying?", "Andy: Prue, if you were in my shoes, what would you think?", "(She looks at his sneakers.)", "Prue: First of all, nobody should be in those shoes.", "Morris: Told you.", "Prue: But if I were, I would never think that you had anything to do with these deaths.", "Andy: Prue, five women your age have been scared to death since midnight and we show up, we hear you screaming, we break in, find you terrified in the shower.", "Prue: I told you, I had soap in my eyes.", "Andy: That wasn't pain on your face, that was fear.", "(You hear the front door open.)", "Phoebe: Prue? (She runs in the living room.) Hi.", "Andy, Morris: Hi.", "Phoebe: Is everything okay?", "Prue: Yeah, everything's fine. So, are we done?", "Morris: Yeah, we're done.", "(Andy and Morris leave.)", "Prue: You will not believe what happened to me.", "Phoebe: Yes, I would, I saw it. (Prue takes the towel off her head and she has a streak of white hair.) Prue, he came really close didn't he? You've got some white in you hair.", "(Prue looks in the mirror.)", "[Time lapse. Prue and Phoebe walk in the attic.]", "Phoebe: There's gotta be something in the Book about releasing fears. Maybe it's just not obvious.", "(She walks over to the Book Of Shadows.)", "Prue: Phoebe, do you smell that?", "Phoebe: What?", "Prue: It's like Sandalwood.", "Phoebe: No, I don't smell anything.", "Prue: Mum used to wear a fragrance like that.", "Phoebe: I was too young to remember. (Phoebe looks in the Book.) Wait, I thought you said there was nothing in here about releasing your fear. (Prue looks at the page,) \"To let go of your fear, trust in the greatest of all powers.\"", "Prue: That wasn't there this morning.", "Phoebe: Well, maybe because of all the stress...", "Prue: No, Phoebe, it wasn't there alright. It's in mum's handwriting, I would of remembered.", "Phoebe: Okay, uh, what do you think the greatest of all powers is? Do you think that's the power of three?", "Prue: I don't know.", "Phoebe: What is it?", "Prue: It's like I can feel her presence.", "Phoebe: Okay, maybe you should get dressed and go to Bucklands.", "Prue: No, um, I don't really think I'm up for that.", "Phoebe: Look, Prue, you said he disappeared once Andy got there. So maybe he only attacks when you're alone. When your fear is greatest.", "Prue: Yeah, you're right.", "Phoebe: Of course I am. Whatever you do, stay away from water, any water, don't even drink it.", "Prue: Don't worry.", "Phoebe: I love you.", "Prue: You too.", "Phoebe: Why do you do that?", "Prue: What?", "Phoebe: You never say 'I love you' to me.", "Prue: I just did.", "Phoebe: No, you just said 'me too' and you never say it to Piper either. Have you ever said 'I love you' to anybody?", "Prue: Yeah, I said it to mum and it was the last thing I said to her right before she died.", "(Phoebe hugs Prue.)", "[Scene: Quake. Piper's walking to somewhere but sees Lucas and walks back the other way. She stops a woman dressed up as a black cat who's about to walk past her.)", "Piper: Oh, uh, do me a favour, uh, walk behind me so you don't cross my path.", "Woman: Okay.", "Piper: Oh, wait... (she bends down to pick up the woman's tail off the floor and her dress rips.) Oh! You dropped your tail.", "(Piper walks into the kitchen and gets a cigar out of a shoe box. A guy walks up to her.)", "Guy: Are you okay?", "Piper: Me?", "Guy: You seem kind of, I don't know... tense.", "Piper: Well, it just seems ever since I agreed to have dinner with Lucas, I've had a run of bad luck. I broke a nail, the shipment of clams is late, I had to fire a hostess and I just ripped my dress.", "Guy: Well, it is Friday the 13th.", "(He walks away. Piper lights the cigar with the flames on the stove and starts waving it in the air. She then chants a spell.)", "Piper: \"Sage so fair, from far and wide, take my troubles and brush them aside.\"", "(The smoke detector goes off from the cigar smoke.)", "Chef #1: Is there a fire? Where's the smoke coming from?", "(Piper quickly puts out the cigar by putting it in a saucepan of boiling water. She burns her fingers.)", "Piper: Ow!", "Chef #2: Is it malfunctioning?", "Piper: (to herself) It's just not my day.", "[Scene: SWA Properties. Phoebe's sitting at a desk. A man walks in.]", "Phoebe: Hi, may I help you?", "Man: Hi, I was looking for Susan.", "Phoebe: Oh, she's not here but I can tell her you came by. What's your name?", "Richard: Richard Warner.", "Phoebe: Oh, you're Susan's husband.", "Richard: Unless she's got one I don't know about.", "(Phoebe laughs.)", "Phoebe: No, no. She doesn't have another husband.", "Richard: I thought I'd surprise her and take her to dinner. Do you know where she is?", "Phoebe: Uh, she went out.", "Richard: Okay, well, I think we established that. Do you know where?", "Phoebe: Uh, well, she... that's actually interesting, she, uh... I can't do this.", "Richard: I don't understand.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry, Mr. Warner, but I can't be the assistant your wife wants without compromising my beliefs and I just won't do that.", "Richard: Wait a minute, slow down.", "Phoebe: Don't worry about the office, I will lock up.", "(She writes a note.)", "Richard: Thank you.", "Phoebe: For what?", "Richard: For not lying to me about Susan's affair.", "Phoebe: You knew?", "Richard: I've tried denying it for some time now but I guess there comes a time when you have to face the truth.", "Phoebe: I'm so sorry.", "Richard: Don't be, you mustn't. Don't quit on my behalf.", "Phoebe: I'm not. (He leaves. The phone rings.) SWA Property.", "Woman on phone: Hello, may I speak to Susan?", "Phoebe: Uh, no, she's not in right now. Can I take a message?", "Woman on phone: I'm outside a house she was supposed to show me and she's not here.", "Phoebe: Uh, well, I'm sorry but she must of forgotten. She's out for the rest of the day.", "Woman on phone: Can anybody help me? I flew in from L.A. just to see this house. I'm under a terrible deadline to move from my other house.", "Phoebe: Uh, no one's here. But you know, since you flew in and all, I guess I can show you the property. What's the address?", "[Scene: At the property. Phoebe walks in the yard.]", "Phoebe: Mrs. Juffy? Hello? Mrs. Juffy? SWA Properties.", "(She hears a voice behind her.)", "Woman: Hello, dear. (Phoebe turns around and it's Barbas imitating a woman's voice. Thanks so (his voice changes back) much for coming out.", "(He grabs her.)", "Phoebe: Let go or I'll scream.", "Barbas: I could use the fix.", "(He passes his hand in front of her face.)", "Phoebe: I know how you kill. There are no elevators around here.", "Barbas: Elevators? That's what you think your greatest fear is? You mortals need to look deeper. Down where the real truth lies. Your greatest fear is losing a sister and I get two for one.", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. She's on the phone.]", "Prue: He's only a threat till midnight, okay. Alright, well, take care and don't look in any closets till then. (The other line rings.) Alright, look, I gotta go, someone's calling me. Bye. (She picks up the other line.) Hello?", "Phoebe: Prue, it's Phoebe. I got stuck at a house I was showing. Can you come and get me?", "Prue: Yeah, sure. Where are you?", "[Cut to the property. Barbas is on the phone imitating Phoebe's voice.]", "Barbas/Phoebe: I'm at 3112 Napper Street.", "Prue: Alright, I'm on my way.", "(You see Phoebe is tied up and with tape over her mouth.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Quake. Piper's having dinner with Lucas.]", "Piper: I can't remember when I enjoyed a dinner more. I'm so glad you suggested this.", "Lucas: You know, I almost didn't.", "Piper: Really?", "Lucas: I'm pretty sensitive to people's feelings and I got the sense this morning that you were totally turned off to me.", "Piper: How odd. So what's it like being one of the city's most eligible bachelor?", "(He laughs.)", "Lucas: That magazine article was so lame. I'm, uh, really a very simple guy. I value home and heart, I'd like to settle down, have kids. I've got two nieces I'm crazy about, I even carry pictures of them.", "(Piper freezes him.)", "Piper: You sound too good to be true. (She reaches in his jacket and pulls out his wallet. She opens it up and sees a photo of them.) You are too good to be true. (He unfreezes just as she's putting his wallet back in his jacket. He wonders what she's doing.) Lint. A little lint. (She brushes his jacket.)", "Lucas: Oh, thanks.", "Piper: So, your instinct about me this morning was right. I was sort of sending out negative vibes.", "Lucas: Why?", "Piper: Well, there's this superstition that any relationship started on Friday the 13th is doomed. So I was determined to avoid you but ten there's another superstition about finding your ideal mate...", "Lucas: Wait a minute. You were gonna reject me because of a superstition but then decided I was worth going out with only because of another superstition?", "Piper: Yeah.", "Lucas: Well, it doesn't say much for me then does it?", "Piper: Oh, um, it's that...", "Lucas: Piper, someone who let's things like superstitions or omens to determine their lives, well, I just had an experience like that with my last girlfriend and it was a disaster. I'm looking for someone who's just not into that stuff. I'm sorry.", "[Scene: At the property. Prue walks to the gate.]", "Prue: Phoebe?", "(She opens the gate.)", "Phoebe: I'm in the backyard. You won't believe the view from here.", "(Prue walks in the yard.)", "Prue: Pheebs, where are you? (She walks near the swimming pool.) Phoebe?", "(Prue turns around and sees Phoebe tied up and Barbas standing there.)", "Barbas: (imitating Phoebe's voice) Isn't that a great view? (Barbas pushes Prue in the pool.) That's right. (Prue sinks to the bottom. She tries to swim back up to the top but can't.) Give me your fear.", "(A bright light appears in the pool.)", "A voice: Prue, Prue. You must face your fears, Prue. You must trust in the greatest of all powers. Love.", "Prue: Mum?", "A voice: Save yourself. Save your sister. (Prue's mum holds out her hand.) Don't be afraid. (Prue reaches out and holds her mum's hand. Her mum pulls her up to the top.)", "Prue: (to Barbas) It's over. (She uses her power and Barbas flies across the yard. She gets out of the pool.)", "Barbas: Your fear.", "Prue: I'm not afraid anymore.", "Barbas: Nooo! (Barbas burns and explodes. The rope disappears off Phoebe. Prue and Phoebe hug.)", "Phoebe: Oh my God, I was so scared.", "Prue: I know. I'm just glad you're safe.", "Phoebe: I don't know what would happen if I ever lost you. I love you.", "Prue: I love you.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper's sitting on the floor in front of the fire place. Phoebe and Prue walk in.]", "Phoebe: Hey, what are you doing?", "Piper: Kicking myself. I just lost probably the greatest catch in San Francisco.", "Prue: What happened?", "Piper: He doesn't like women who rely on superstitions to make decisions. And I'm not so sure he's wrong.", "Phoebe: So, Prue vanquished the demon of fear.", "Prue: Well, at least put him back in the bottle for another thirteen hundred years.", "Piper: Wait, whoa, what? What happened?", "Phoebe: Well, he pushed her into a pool and then...", "Prue: And mum helped me out.", "Piper: Mum?", "Prue: Okay, I know it sounds crazy but I saw her. It was just like my dream. She was this incredible vision, so peaceful and she took my hand and brought me to the surface.", "Piper: That doesn't sound crazy. I wish I could've seen her.", "Phoebe: Me too.", "Piper: I'm just glad you're alright.", "(They hug.)", "Prue: I love you.", "(Piper breaks the hug.)", "Piper: What did you just say?", "Prue: I love you.", "(Piper and Phoebe smile.)", "Piper: I think that's the first time you've said that to me.", "Prue: Yeah, I know, I wish I had of said it a long time ago. Ever since mum died I've been afraid to say it. I didn't want to lose anybody else.", "Piper: Well, we're not going anywhere.", "Prue: Okay. I'm exhausted. I'll se you two in the morning.", "(Prue leaves the room.)", "Piper: Uh, what happened to her in that pool?", "Phoebe: I don't know. But whatever is was, it must of been incredible.", "[Cut to the attic. Prue's sitting in a chair holding the Book Of Shadows. You see words magically appear on a page and their mother's voice saying: \"Thanks for letting them in your heart.\"]", "Prue: I miss you, mum." ]
From Fear to Eternity
[ "Prue gets a magical distress call from a young witch named Max who is forced into helping two thieves rob a bank and is captured and forced to take part in the robbery too. Max's father tries to intervene and is shot, and Prue and Max are forced to leave him behind. At the same time, Leo returns and while fixing a chandelier, Phoebe discovers him levitating and learns that he is a Whitelighter, guardian angels of good witches who is protecting Max by directing Prue to him. He truly loves Piper, but it is forbidden and he needs to figure out how to break up with her. Prue gets Max to short out the bomb that the thieves are using to force their co-operation and trap them in the vault. As Max's father lies dying, Leo arrives and heals his wound and convinces him to get over his wife's death and be a father to his son. Helping Max restores Prue's faith in having children." ]
[ "Teleplay by: Constance M. Burge and Sheryl J. Anderson", "Story by: Brad Kern and Constance M. Burge", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Mr. Franklin and Max's house. They are sitting on the couch and then thugs wearing balaclavas run in and grab Max.]", "Mr. Franklin: Max!", "(One of the thugs points a gun at Mr. Franklin.)", "Thug: Don't move, don't breathe! Just listen. We're gonna borrow your kid just for a day. Now, if you're smart, you will not call the cops. We will have him safe and sound, first thing Monday morning, ready for school. Do you understand?", "Mr. Franklin: Yeah, yeah.", "Thug: Just our little secret, right?", "Mr. Franklin: Yeah.", "(The thug knocks Mr. Franklin out and they drag Max outside.)", "[Scene: Attic. Prue, Piper, and Phoebe are sitting at a table spring-cleaning. Piper is looking through a box of toys and Phoebe is painting her nails.]", "Phoebe: Can I just say I am absolutely enjoying this?", "Piper: That's because you're not doing anything.", "Phoebe: Not true. I've painted my fingers and my toes.", "Prue: I just hope that this doesn't fall under the personal gain category.", "Piper: How could it? A good witch is a clean witch.", "Phoebe: Yep. I think we should spring clean like this more often. You go girl.", "(Prue uses her power to close drawers, put things in a box, clean the window, straighten toys and books on a shelf, and lift some trophies while dusting.)", "Piper: Good job Prue. (Prue uses her power to put away a broom.) Oh look. More toys. I told you Grams wouldn't throw them away.", "Prue: Yeah. But we will. Why don't you just put that stuff in the discard pile?", "Phoebe: Wait. What's in there?", "Piper: Stuffed animals without eyeballs. Dollies that look like they've been through the mill once or twice and looky here. Miss. Phoebe's diaries.", "Phoebe: The place where I kept all my secrets. Give me those. (She takes her diaries and she giggles. Prue and Piper give her a look.) What?", "Prue: The place where you kept your secrets?", "Phoebe: Uh-huh.", "Piper: Phoebe, you could never keep a secret.", "Phoebe: Oh. That is so not true.", "Piper: OK. Maybe Prue's surprise birthday party.", "Prue: Guess again.", "Piper: You knew?", "Prue: Mm-hmm.", "(Piper hits Phoebe playfully.)", "Piper: Phoebe, you swore you wouldn't tell her.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry. OK? It was an accident. (Piper sighs) I say we keep all the toys.", "Prue: Subject changer.", "Phoebe: For our children, for our future.", "Piper: That's a good idea.", "Prue: Well, you can get rid of mine. (Piper and Phoebe give her the \"what\" look.) What? It's just that, you know, we live in a world with so much violence and then you add the evil demons and it's a pretty scary place to raise kids in. Besides, I don't really think I'm cut out to be a mom.", "Piper: How can you say that?", "Prue: Why don't we have this conversation later? Like say 5 years?", "Piper: Good. Ooh. Ooh. I think dinner's burning. Phoebe, lend me a hand.", "(She leaves)", "Phoebe: Don't look in my diaries.", "(She leaves.)", "[Scene: Auto shop. The thugs enter with Max. Max is gagged and has his hands tied in front of him. Thug #2 pushes Max to the ground. He sits up.]", "Thug #1: All right. If you try anything, you're dead and so is your old man. You got that kid?", "(Max nods.)", "Thug #2: Come on. Ease up on him Mickey. Kid's not stupid, are you Max? (Max shakes his head.) You're going to do just like we tell you and everything's gonna be fine, right?", "(Max nods.)", "Mickey: Yeah. You better be right or me and you got problems.", "Thug #2: Look. That kid is a living, breathing winning lotto ticket. All I know is my kid brother said somehow, like magic, he turned off the arcade alarm system from across the street and got them inside.", "Mickey: I don't believe in magic.", "Thug #2: So we test him out, we don't like what we see, cut our loses.", "(They leave. Max closes his eyes and slowly rocks back and forth.)", "[Cut to attic. The spirit board is out. The pointer starts to move.]", "Prue: Piper. Phoebe. Get in here.", "(She begins writing down the letters. Piper and Phoebe enter.)", "Phoebe: What is it?", "(Prue points to the spirit board. Phoebe sighs.)", "Piper: Oh no. Not again.", "Phoebe: What's it saying?", "(Prue shows them the notepad that says HELP MAX.)", "Prue: Help Max.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Parlor the next morning. Piper is on the phone. Phoebe and Prue come in with the spirit board and sit at a table.]", "Phoebe: So maybe Max is a ghost. I mean, after all, that is a spirit board.", "Prue: A ghost who needs our help? I don't think so.", "Phoebe: Well, it wouldn't be the first time.", "Prue: What if it's just someone in trouble crying out?", "Phoebe: Well, it would have to be someone with powers. That's not exactly AT&T.", "Prue: \"Help Max.\" That's not a lot to go on.", "Phoebe: Yeah. I mean there's nothing really you can do unless he sends another message. What are you on hold or something?", "Piper: It's Harry, the new chef at Quake. He threw out all my Henckel knives. Apparently, he prefers Forscheners!", "Phoebe: You follow any of that?", "Prue: No. Look, we wouldn't have gotten the message if it wasn't important.", "Phoebe: OK. So what do you wanna do?", "Prue: Maybe go see Andy. See if he knows anything about a Max needing help.", "Phoebe: Can you say long shot? (Prue gives Phoebe a look.) All right. You're obsessed. I accept that. I'll thumb through the Book of Shadows. See if there's anything in there about spirit board SOS's.", "Prue: And maybe Piper can", "Piper: Look. Wait. I'm the manager. If I say I want Henckel, then I want hello? (She hangs up.) The jerk hung up on me. (She slams the phone on the table.) OK. How can I help you two?", "Prue: I think we got it under control.", "Piper: OK. Then I'm going to Quake before Harry does anymore damage.", "(Piper leaves. Prue gives Phoebe a \"what\" look. Phoebe giggles.)", "[Cut to foyer. Piper grabs her coat and opens the door to find Leo there.]", "Leo: Ha. Ding-dong.", "(They both laugh a little)", "Piper: Leo. You're back. Come in. (Leo hugs Piper.) It's so good to see you. How are you?", "Leo: Better now. (They stop hugging.) How are you Piper?", "(In the background, Phoebe and Prue, who's carrying the spirit board and pointer, enter.)", "Piper: Uh, I'm better now too.", "Phoebe: Leo!", "Prue: Hey stranger. Good to see you.", "Phoebe: Yeah. What brings you back?", "Prue: Phoebe.", "Phoebe: You know, the chandelier in the living room keeps flickering.", "Leo: Yeah? Well, I'll get my tools.", "Phoebe: Oh no. No. Take your time.", "Prue: Uh, attic. Remember? You have some reading to do.", "Phoebe: Right.", "Prue: Mm-hmm.", "(Phoebe heads towards the attic)", "Leo: Is that a spirit board?", "Prue: Uh, this? Yeah it is. Um, I'm just talking it to the auction house to have it appraised. (She grabs her coat.) So, I'll call if I hear anything.", "(She leaves.)", "Piper: I'll be at the restaurant.", "Leo: Do you have to go now?", "Piper: Uh, yeah. Sort of, but I'll be back soon. I promise. Uh, can you wait?", "Leo: Uh, sure.", "(They kiss.)", "Piper: Ooh. So glad you're back.", "(She leaves.)", "[Scene: Police Station. Prue is sitting by Andy's desk.]", "Andy: OK. Let me get this straight. You think a guy named Max might be in some kind of trouble, but you have no idea why. You've never meet him, and you really don't have no idea who he is. Is that about right?", "Prue: OK. Fine. See, I had a dream last night and uh, in my dream my sisters and I were cleaning the attic when we found this old ouija-type board and the pointer started to move until it spelled out \" Help Max.\" (A couple of seconds pass.) That's it.", "(Andy types MAX on the computer and presses ENTER.)", "Andy: You know, I hear a lot of stories in my line of work, but yours are always very entertaining.", "Prue: Thank you.", "Andy: You're welcome. (He looks at the computer.) Sorry. Nothing on anyone named Max.", "Prue: Oh. Thanks for checking.", "Andy: Anytime.", "(Prue and Andy stare at each other. Prue giggles.)", "Prue: OK.", "Andy: OK.", "Prue: Bye.", "Andy: Bye.", "(Prue leaves.)", "[Scene: Quake. Piper burst through the kitchen doors and goes to Harry, who is cooking.]", "Piper: Harry!", "Harry: Hey. You must be Pippy.", "Piper: Piper, and", "Harry: You know, your voice doesn't do justice. You're actually attractive.", "Piper: You cannot come into this restaurant, throw away all of our knives, and refuse to make the house specialty. (She notices he's wearing shorts.) That is not a proper chef's uniform.", "Harry: Will be. I'm a transetter. (He goes and gets a bowl of ravioli.) In fact I, uh, decide to change the menu, so I threw out all the old ones. Now my crab ravioli, there's a specialty. (He sniffs it.) Mmm. Straight from Eden.", "Piper: You threw out all the menus?", "Harry: Hey. Complain to your sister Phoebe. (He hands her a cell phone.) She's on line 1.", "(She takes the cell phone from him.)", "Piper: You're fired!", "Harry: Ooh. Attractive and feisty. Um, you can't fire me cause you're just a manager. Unless you prefer to be the executive chef.", "(He laughs and begins to walk away.)", "Piper: Ooh. (She freezes him. She takes the knives out of the trash and dumps the ravioli in.) Take that. (She leaves.)", "[Cut to the Halliwell Manor. Phoebe is walking down the stairs with the phone in her hand.]", "Phoebe: Yeah. He sounds like a real piece of work. He has a nice voice though. What's he look like?", "[Cut to Quake. Piper is sitting by the bar.]", "Piper: A complete and total jerk. Is Leo around?", "[Cut to the Halliwell Manor.]", "Phoebe: Yeah. He's working away.", "[Cut to Quake. There is a commotion by the kitchen.]", "Phoebe: He wants to know when you're gonna get back though.", "Piper: Uh, I think it might be a while. Maybe I should talk to Leo.", "[Cut to the Halliwell Manor.]", "Phoebe: Sure. Hold on a second. (She walks into the living room and sees Leo floating by the chandelier with a light bulb glowing in his hands) (Into the phone) Oh my god!", "(Leo looks at her)", "Leo: Phoebe!", "(He falls)", "Phoebe: (Into the phone) Let me call you back.", "(She hangs up the phone and turns it into a weapon and points it at Leo as he gets up with the light bulb still glowing and comes towards her while saying this)", "Leo: Phoebe wait. I can explain.", "(She starts backing up. Leo follows her)", "Phoebe: You are a warlock, aren't you?", "Leo: No. (Phoebe stops at a table in the hall) Wait. Wait. Wait. (He tries to grab the phone while saying this but fails and draws his hand back when he says if) Think about it. If I was a warlock and I wanted to hurt you, don't you think I would have done it the last time I was here?", "Phoebe: OK. Good point, but still most, normal handymen use ladders to fix chandeliers. (She points the phone under Leo's chin) Are you a witch?", "Leo: No.", "Phoebe: Then what are you?", "Leo: Uh", "(Leo waves the light bulb, still glowing, in front of Phoebe accidentally. Phoebe's eyes follow the light bulb. Leo makes the light bulb stop glowing and gives a goofy smile)", "[Scene: Outside Microchip plant. Mickey and thug #2, known as David, are in a car with Max telling him a plan to break into the micro chip plant.]", "David: These are the blueprints to the microchip plant. So the main security panel is in the room here. All you do is switch the system off. You start with zone one, ending up with zone five, OK? You got it?", "Max: I can't. My mom made me promise never to use my power for bad things.", "Mickey: Yeah. Well, you ever read the book when bad things happen to good people?", "David: Look, I got it Mickey. You broke into the arcade, right? This isn't anything different, man. I mean, we're not gonna actually take anything. We just want to see if you can actually do it. Look I'm I'm really sorry about what happened to your mom, OK? That's a tough break, but you want to make sure something doesn't happen to your dad, don't you?", "(Max begins to slowly rock back and forth. David signal's Mickey. He gets out of the car and goes to the front door. We see the control panel, inside the microchip plant open and the controls burn out. Cut to Mickey. He is waiting at the door by the card slot to wait for it to turn green. It does. He opens the door and goes in. No alarms go off.)", "Mickey: Well I'll be damned.", "[Cut back to David and Max.]", "David: I don't know how you did that, but I got to say, I'm very impressed.", "(Mickey walks out and a cop comes up to him.)", "Cop: Hey!", "(Mickey pulls out a gun and shots the cop in the leg. The cop falls to the floor.)", "Max: No!", "David: Shut up!", "(David covers Max's mouth. Mickey runs to the car.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Parlor. Leo and Phoebe are they're talking about who Leo really is. Phoebe has a mug of tea. I didn't get the first couple of words for some reason.]", "Phoebe: I mean up until today, I thought you were a handyman, and now I find out that you're a", "Leo: White lighter.", "Phoebe: A white lighter. What exactly is a white lighter?", "Leo: Well, we're really just messengers. Guides. (Phoebe is still confused.) Think of us as guardian angels for good witches. Your tea is cold.", "(He leans forward and waves his hand and the tea becomes hot)", "Phoebe: Ow. Well, you are handy. (Leo smiles a little.) So, all this time, you knew who we really were?", "Leo: Yeah. I was sent to watch over you and your sisters when you first got your powers. You know, help out wherever I could.", "Phoebe: Sent by who?", "Leo: Whom. They're a group of elder white lighters. They're known as the founders. You were never supposed to find out. I screwed up and got caught.", "Phoebe: So, what? You're here again to help us out with something else?", "Leo: Uh, actually I'm here to help a boy named Max.", "Phoebe: Max? Wait. That's the the", "Leo: The spirit board. I know. See, Max is a budding good witch new to the powers. But he's very young and vulnerable. And he's in serious trouble. Someone wants to take advantage of his gift.", "Phoebe: So why don't you help him?", "Leo: I did. I made sure Prue received his cry for help. That's why I was sent here. That's all I'm supposed to do for now. The rest is up to Prue.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but Prue doesn't know anything about him. She doesn't even know that he's a little boy.", "Leo: Well, she will. In the meantime, you must help me keep my secret or I could get into trouble. (Phoebe smiles.) Piper and Prue can never know what I really am.", "Phoebe: Me? Keep a secret? Hello? Wrong Halliwell. Wait, uh, you have to tell Piper because if I know her, she's gonna think that", "Leo: I know. I know. And that's where I need your help. See? (Leo gets out of his chair.) White lighters and witches aren't allowed to fall in love. It's like humans and angels aren't. But I did. I fell in love with Piper.", "Phoebe: And I know how much she cares about you.", "(Leo sighs.)", "Leo: It isn't fair to keep her in the dark but I have to keep this secret. (He sits back down.) So somehow I have to tell Piper that I can never see her again and I can't tell her why.", "Phoebe: You don't need my help Leo. You need a miracle.", "[Scene: Buckland's. Prue's office. Prue is typing on her laptop. Someone knocks on the door. The door opens and Andy comes in.]", "Andy: Got a minute?", "Prue: Uh, sure. (Andy closes the door. Prue puts the spirit board down so Andy can't see. Andy comes to her desk.) Why don't you just sit down here? (He sits down.) That's perfect. So, um, what's up?", "Andy: I got some interesting information about a boy named Max.", "Prue: A boy?", "Andy: Named Max. Yes.", "Prue: Whoa.", "Andy: Curious huh?", "Prue: Very.", "(As Andy talks, the pointer on the spirit board starts spell out another message.)", "Andy: Earlier today, a microchip plant was broken into but nothing was taken. (Prue sees the pointer move and begins to write down the message.) Stranger still, the alarms were turned off before the front door was opened on the outside.", "Prue: Uh, what does this have to do with this boy Max?", "Andy: Well, uh, security cameras picked up a car in the front parking lot with a boy in the back seat matching this photo taken at an arcade last week (He shows her a picture of Max and another boy.) where a couple of kids sunk in in much the same way. Same boy. Max Franklin.", "Prue: Do you know who was in the front seat?", "(Andy shakes his head.)", "Andy: Just that they shot and wounded a security guard at the scene. This boy's in serious trouble Prue. This is not a dream. (Andy leans closer.) I need to know what you know about this.", "Prue: Well, I mean, why would I know anything? I think that you need to talk to his family.", "Andy: (Leaning back in his chair.) I did. His father. He pretended not to know anything either. Clamed the boy was out of state visiting grandparents, will be back tomorrow, but something's wrong. He wanted to tell me something, but he was scared. He was afraid to say anything. What are you writing?", "(Prue looks up after completing the message.)", "Prue: Nothing. I'm just doodling.", "Andy: You're not going to tell me anything are you? (Andy stands up.) One day, I'm going to figure out your secret Prue. Count on it. (He leaves. Prue looks at the message. It reads KIDNAPPED AUTO SHOP.)", "[Scene: Quake. Kitchen. Piper is washing her knives. An employer brings Piper a cell phone.]", "Employer: Telephone.", "(Piper takes it as he leaves.)", "Piper: Hello?", "[Cut to Prue's office.]", "Prue: Hey. Um, look, Max is a boy, Piper, and he's been kidnapped.", "[Cut to Piper]", "Piper: What?", "[Cut to Prue]", "Prue: Yeah. I got another message on the spirit board. I have to help.", "[Cut to Piper]", "Piper: Uh, I think we should call the police.", "[Cut to Prue]", "Prue: Uh, Andy's already been here and I think I have an idea what to do.", "[Cut to Piper]", "Piper: Uh, OK. So you've got everything under control?", "(Harry comes up and grabs the phone off Piper.)", "Harry: Uh, no. Everything's not under control. (He tosses the phone in the sink.) I need more crab for my ravioli because somebody threw it all away and I just got 5 more orders, Pepper.", "(He tosses her the orders and she catches them.)", "[Scene: Franklin's house. Prue walks up to the door and rings the bell. Mr. Franklin answers the door.]", "Prue: Mr. Franklin?", "Mr. Franklin: Yes.", "Prue: My name's Prue Halliwell. I need to talk to you about your son.", "Mr. Franklin: Sorry, um, you have to leave, OK?", "Prue: Look, I know that he's been kidnapped. I know that he's in trouble.", "Mr. Franklin: I don't know what you're talking about.", "Prue: I think you do. What I don't understand is why you won't talk to the police.", "Mr. Franklin: Please. You gotta leave. Alright? Thank you.", "(He begins to close the door and Prue holds the door open.)", "Prue: Unless you can't talk to the police. The kidnappers won't let you, will they? That's why you wouldn't say anything to Inspector Trudeau.", "Mr. Franklin: Look, I don't know who you are, but I'm begging you", "Prue: I can help.", "Mr. Franklin: No. No. You can't. Alright? Good-bye.", "(He begins to close the door and Prue holds the door open.)", "Prue: Mr. Franklin", "(Prue uses her power to send a picture flying into Mr. Franklin's hand. He catches it.)", "Mr. Franklin: Dear God.", "[Scene: Quake. Phoebe and Leo are in front at a table. Leo puts his hand over a glass of water and it fills up.]", "Phoebe: Thank you. Oh.", "(Piper comes out to them.)", "Piper: Hi. I know you guys have been waiting a long time", "(There is a crash in the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: Hey. Have you heard from Prue?", "Piper: Uh, yeah. Uh, she's got everything under control. I'll be right back.", "(Piper goes to the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: OK. It's actually good that we have a few more minutes. We can go over your plan. You know. What you're gonna tell Piper.", "Leo: Oh, well. I thought that I'd tell her that, uh, as much as I love her and as much as I'd like to stay in San Francisco I can't. A-and I don't know how long my work will keep me away.", "Phoebe: No. No. What you just said is as much as you'd like to stay and have s*x with her, you've got a wife and kids in another part of the country. Try again.", "Leo: Uh, Piper, um, you know how much you mean to me, and more than anything, I wish things could work out, but they can't, and no one is more sorry then I am.", "Phoebe: Translation-I found someone I like even better.", "Leo: I'm completely confused.", "Phoebe: Uh, look Leo. Its not that complicated. OK. Um, just avoid the following. We can still hang out. I don't deserve you yet. I need more \"me time\" before we can have \"we time\". And my personal favorite, \"It's not you. It's me.\" And whatever you do, do not start a conversation with \"we need to talk\". Other then that, you'll do fine.", "(She takes a sip of water.)", "[Scene: Franklin house. Living room. Prue is sitting on the couch. Mr. Franklin is holding a picture of Max, Mr. Franklin, and Mrs. Franklin.]", "Mr. Franklin: Then they hit me and I passed out. (He sits in an armchair and puts the picture down.) I've been going out of my mind crazy ever since last night. Should I go to the police? Should I do what they say? They promised to bring him back, but after what the police said happened this morning, I I don't even know if he's alright.", "Prue: No. I know that Max is OK right now. If he wasn't, he couldn't have sent me that last message.", "Mr. Franklin: So I take it you're a a witch too huh?", "Prue: Is that what your son says he is?", "Mr. Franklin: It's what Paulette, my wife, says he is. It's what she was. You know, it would have been a hell of a lot easier to handle her family secret had it been revealed a lot sooner.", "Prue: Maybe she was afraid of how you would react. Maybe she was afraid that you might not accept her or love her.", "Mr. Franklin: Speaking from personal experience?", "Prue: Yes I am.", "Mr. Franklin: Well, when Paulette, she had to tell me, she was running out of time. She passed away 3 months ago. Then suddenly, Max, he starts having this power. I don't have a clue what to tell him what it all means. And he uses it and he nearly gets busted at an arcade and now this.", "Prue: I'm sure that Max", "Mr. Franklin: Do you have any children?", "Prue: No, but", "Mr. Franklin: Then you possibly couldn't understand what I'm feeling.", "Prue: Still. I'm sorry about what happened to Max and your wife, but if you could just find a way. Forgive her.", "Mr. Franklin: Forgive her. She shouldn't have told me. Maybe if she had I would have been better able to protect Max.", "Prue: Do you know of anybody who owns an auto shop of any kind?", "(Mr. Franklin shakes his head.)", "Mr. Franklin: Why?", "Prue: I think your son was trying to send me a clue.", "Mr. Franklin: No I-I although I think Max's friend, Danny, his brother work at one over in Oakland.", "Prue: Is Danny the friend that broke into the arcade with Max? (Mr. Franklin's eyes widen.) Got an address?", "[Scene: Auto shop. Max is trying to get free. Prue appears in the doorway.]", "Prue: Max?", "Max: Who there?", "(As Prue talks, she goes to Max and tries to help get him free.)", "Prue: My name is Prue. I'm here to take you home?", "Max: But how'd you find me?", "Prue: I had a little chat with your friend Danny. Look, you're dad, he's waiting for you.", "Max: You know my dad?", "Prue: Yeah, he", "(Mickey appears in the doorway. Prue stands up.)", "Mickey: Hey. Who the hell are you? (Prue uses her power to push him back.) Aah!", "(He hits the tire bend. And falls to the floor. Max looks at Prue with wide eyes. David enters. Prue uses her power to push him back too. He hits the tire bend and falls to the floor. Prue helps Max up.)", "Prue: Come on. We need to hurry.", "Max: You have powers?", "Prue: Yeah. I'll explain them to you in the car, OK?", "Max: I can't leave. They'll kill my dad if I do.", "(Mickey comes up and hits Prue in. Prue is knocked to the floor unconscious.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Auto shop. Prue is tied up next to Max. Mickey shakes Prue.]", "Mickey: Hey. Naptime's over. Wake up. (Prue wakes up.) I got a little surprise for you.", "Prue: Max, are you OK?", "(Max shakes his head.)", "Mickey: He's fine.", "Prue: Look, don't worry", "Mickey: (hits Prue on the shoulder.) I said he's fine! Now before you go trying to pull any of that magical, uh, hocus pocus crap again, I wanna show you something. (He pulls out a little trigger with a red button on it.)", "Prue: What is it?", "Mickey: All that matters is what happens when I flick that little switch. Now I flick that little switch, and Max here takes a nap. A long one.", "David: Mickey, why don't", "Mickey: Shut up! (Mickey goes over to Max and kneels down beside him. David leaves. Mickey show Prue a bomb attached to Max's waist.) Plastic explosives. Little trick I picked up in Corcoran. Prison system's very educational.", "Prue: Mickey, he's just a child. He's already proven that he's not going anywhere. If you're going to wire anyone. Wire me.", "Mickey: What is it with the two of you? What are you, like magicians or freaks of natures? Aliens? What?", "Prue: Witches. (Mickey laughs and leaves the room.) You OK?", "Max: I'm scared.", "Prue: I know. Just uh, do as they say and everything will be fine. They need you, remember?", "Max: I'm sorry I got you into this. Sorry I have these stupid powers.", "Prue: No Max. Don't ever be sorry about that. It's a gift. It's like being a, uh, musician or athlete.", "Max: It's a pain. I'm a freak. My dad hates it too. He hates me.", "Prue: No. No, he doesn't. He just doesn't understand it, that's all. It's new to him too. Don't worry Max. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise. OK?", "Max: OK.", "Prue: OK.", "(They both smile.)", "[Cut to other room inside the auto shop where David and Mickey are discussing the plan.]", "David: You really think it's necessary? Wiring the kid like that?", "Mickey: You saw what that chick did. Pretty cool actually. Might come in handy tonight. It's the only reason she's still breathing.", "[Scene: Quake. Piper comes out of the kitchen and go towards Leo.]", "Piper: Sorry. Small mutiny in the kitchen. (She sits down.) Where were we?", "Leo: Piper there's something I need to tell you.", "Piper: Yeah?", "Leo: Uh, look. Forgive me, but I could be summoned at any moment, so I have to tell you this now. I can't I can't, uh I can't believe how much I missed you.", "Piper: Well Leo, I missed you too, but what do you mean \"summoned\"? Summoned where?", "(Harry comes out of the kitchen and stands by the door.)", "Harry: Hey, uh Piper. No respect I can live with, OK, but where the hell is my coriander?", "(He goes back into the kitchen.)", "Piper: OK. That's it. I'm ending this now.", "(Piper gets up and heads towards the kitchen. Phoebe enters.)", "Phoebe: Oh my gosh. You know.", "Piper: Of course I know. The whole restaurant knows. Didn't you hear him scream across the room?", "Phoebe: (To Leo.) I thought it was a secret.", "Leo: Phoebe", "Piper: I wish. It will probably be in the newspaper tomorrow.", "Phoebe: No. It can't be. Look Piper, he never meant to hurt you.", "Piper: Phoebe, please. You haven't even meet the manic yet. What's gotten into you?", "(Piper goes into the kitchen. Phoebe looks questionably at Leo.)", "Leo: She's talking about the new chef.", "Phoebe: Oh, right. So does that mean she took your news well?", "Leo: That means she doesn't know. I can't tell her Phoebe. I can't stand to think about it, much less, talk about it.", "Phoebe: Well, here's something else you might not want to think about. Piper said that Prue had everything under control. Well, I can't find her.", "[Scene: Police Station. Andy is at his desk. Darryl comes in with a picture of Mickey.]", "Darryl: Say hello. Mickey Jackson. Security cameras digitally enhanced for your viewing pleasure.", "(He hands Andy the photo from the security camera.)", "Andy: Jackson's a convicted bank robber. What's he doing breaking into a microchip plant?", "Darryl: And stealing squad. Good question.", "Andy: A better one would be how he broke into the plant in the first place. (Darryl sits in a chair in front of Andy's desk.) High tech's not exactly his style.", "Darryl: Mmm. Unless this was just a dry run. Maybe Mickey's looking to do big and better things.", "Andy: Like another bank?", "Darryl: Mmm. Like a big bank. It's a leap. I know.", "Andy: Agreed. But why the kid? How's he fit into this? (Darryl shakes his head. Andy's phone rings.) Trudeau.", "Phoebe: Hey Andy. It's Phoebe.", "[Cut to Manor. Phoebe's on the phone and Leo is sitting on the couch.]", "Phoebe: Have you seen Prue since this morning?", "[Cut to Police Station.]", "Andy: No. As a matter of fact, I was about to ask you the same question.", "[Cut to Manor.]", "Phoebe: Really? Why?", "[Cut to Police Station.]", "Andy: Because I think she knows something about a boy named Max.", "[Cut to Manor.]", "Andy: Do you?", "Phoebe: Uh. Ooh. Oh. That's my call waiting. Gotta go. Could be Prue. Bye. (She hangs up and goes to Leo.) Uh anything?", "Leo: No. I can't reach either Max or Prue telepathically.", "Phoebe: Does that mean they're in trouble?", "(Piper enters.)", "Piper: Who's in trouble?", "Phoebe: Oh. The 49ers. No secondary. They need a really good draft pick next year. Well I'm gonna go into the kitchen and see if I can get in touch with Prue. (To Leo.) Carry on.", "(She leaves. Piper walks towards Leo and takes off her coat and sits by Leo while saying this.)", "Piper: Alone. Finally. Don't have to worry about any more interruptions from Harry. He, uh, quit. (She goes to hug Leo and he draws away from her.) OK. Not the enthusiastic response I was hopping for.", "Leo: Look, uh, Piper, I've been searching all day for an easy way to tell you this.", "Piper: Oh. Uh. (She freezes him.) Phoebe. Phoebe, I know you're not in the kitchen.", "(Phoebe comes into the living room)", "Phoebe: That is so weird. I was just on my way back.", "Piper: Is Leo about to tell me he doesn't want to see me anymore?", "(Phoebe sits next to Piper. She looks over at Leo and sees he's frozen.)", "Phoebe: You'll have to ask him.", "(She leaves. Piper turns back to Leo. Time unfreezes.)", "Leo: And that's the problem. I fell in love with you and I shouldn't have.", "Piper: You're married.", "Leo: No.", "Piper: Engaged.", "Leo: Um I'm involved. But it's not the way you think. The truth is that I lead you on and made you believe that I was coming back.", "Piper: Leo, you are back.", "Leo: Yeah, but I I have to leave again. Now, and and it's not because I want to, though. It's because I have to. I'm sorry.", "Piper: That's OK.", "Leo: It is?", "Piper: Yeah. I mean Leo, you're a nice guy and I like you a lot, but let's face it. You're, uh, geographically undesirable. I mean, you said you live really far away right?", "Leo: Yeah. Pretty far.", "Piper: Well I try never to get involved with guys I can't see regularly. So, don't feel bad. I mean, I understand. Really, I do.", "(Piper kisses Leo and leaves. Phoebe enters.)", "Phoebe: So how'd she take it?", "Leo: Not bad. (The white lighters call Leo.) Oh. Um. Excuse me, but I have to go. (He grabs his coat and heads towards the door.)", "Phoebe: Leo, what—wh—where you going?", "Leo: (Stopping at the doorway.) I uh, have to leave. Now.", "(He leaves.)", "[Scene: Auto shop. Mickey is in a van preparing for the robbery. David walks over to him with the blue prints.]", "David: So the thing is, once Max shorts out the alarm, we got like 3 minutes till the guard realize there's a signal interruption.", "Mickey: Just make sure the kid knows what he's supposed to do. And keep an eye on that girl. I don't trust her.", "[Cut to Prue and Max on the other side of the room.]", "Max: Has anything like this ever happened to you before?", "Prue: Uh not exactly like this. Usually the demons that I have to deal with", "Max: Demons?", "Prue: Your mom didn't get to tell you much about being a witch did she?", "Max: No. I just found out about my power when she died.", "Prue: You know, my mom died when I was young too. I know how much it hurts, and it doesn't ever really go away. I didn't even know that my power was coming. I had to figure it out all by myself, which means so can you. Especially with your dad's help.", "Max: He'll never understand.", "Prue: Max, you have to help him understand.", "Max: You sound just like my mom.", "Prue: Well, I care a lot about you too.", "Max: I wish you could be my mom right now.", "Prue: So, what is your power anyway?", "Max: Mom called it psychokineses. It means I can move things I can't see.", "(Mickey comes to them.)", "Mickey: All right. Remember, just do everything I say. And uh, nobody gets hurt.", "David: Let's roll.", "(Mr. Franklin shows up.)", "Mr. Franklin: Max?", "Max: Dad. (Mickey and David point guns at Mr. Franklin.)", "Mr. Franklin: Hold it. Hold it. Don't shoot. I'm unarmed. Nobody else knows you're here. I swear. I found you the same way she did. Through your brother.", "Mickey: Your brother?", "Prue: Gordan, they have him wired.", "Mickey: Shut up.", "Max: Dad?", "Mr. Franklin: It's alright son. Look man. I'll give you anything else you want. Just let me have my boy, please?", "(Mickey lowers his gun.)", "Mickey: Alright David. Go, um, go put them in the van. Do it.", "(David, Prue, and Max walk past Mr. Franklin.)", "Mr. Franklin: My son. (David pushes him aside.) Max. Max. (Prue, Max, and David go in the van. As Mr. Franklin takes, Mickey loads the gun.) Please man, let him go. I beg you. Please. He's my son. I beg you. Please.", "(Mickey points the gun at Mr. Franklin's chest.)", "Mickey: Sorry. (He shots him. Mr. Franklin falls down. Prue sees this. Max is burying his face in Prue's coat. Mickey closes the door. He gets in the front.) Drive.", "(He looks at Prue. Prue looks at Mr. Franklin as the van drives away.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Street by bank. David parks on the side of the road. David turns around and looks at Max.]", "David: Alright. It'll be just like this morning Max. (He shows Max the blueprints for the bank.) That's where the alarm panel is. You know the rest.", "(Max looks at Mickey.)", "Mickey: What are you looking at?", "Max: What are you going to do with my dad?", "Prue: Max, the sooner this is over, the sooner we can get to him. We need to hurry.", "(Max looks at the map. He then uses his power to short out the alarms, open the gate, and open the vault.)", "Max: OK.", "Mickey: Out.", "(Mickey and David pull on their bank robbers masks. They get out of the van and make Max and Prue come with them. They go in the bank and to the vault.)", "David: We got 2 minutes.", "Mickey: Alright. You get the cash. I'll watch them.", "(David goes in the vault. Mickey watches him.)", "Prue: Use your power.", "(Max is confused. Prue uses her power to show him to use it on the bomb on himself. Mickey looks at them. He grabs Max.)", "Mickey: I don't want you two getting any ideas. (Max looks at Prue while Mickey looks at David. Prue nods. Max begins using his power on the bomb.) What the hell are you doing?", "(Max shorts out the bomb. An alarm rings.)", "Guard #1: At the vault!", "(Two guards arrive on the scene. Mickey pushes Max away. Prue grabs him and holds him, making sure he doesn't get hurt.)", "Guard #2: Hold it right there!", "(David and Mickey get their guns.)", "Guard #1: Drop it!", "(Prue uses her power to push the guards out of the way of the firing bullets. They stop.)", "Mickey: Big mistake.", "(Mickey pushes the button on the trigger. Nothing happens.)", "Prue: Yeah. Right back at you. (She uses her power to push David and Mickey in the vault, closes it, and locks it.) Come on.", "(They begin to leave.)", "Max: Shouldn't we wait for the cops? Explain everything?", "Prue: No. Look, we cannot explain without telling and you have to protect yourself by protecting your secret. We really need to get back to your dad, OK?", "[Cut to Auto shop. Mr. Franklin is lying on the ground weakly. A light comes towards him. It begins to form a person.]", "Mr. Franklin: Paulette?", "(The light turns into Leo. Leo walks to him and kneels down.)", "Leo: It's not time to be with your wife, Gordan. It's time to be with your son.", "Mr. Franklin: But", "(Leo puts his hand over Mr. Franklin's wound and heals him. He takes his hand away.)", "Leo: Raise the boy well. Heed Prue's advice.", "(Leo orbs away. The van comes in. Max and Prue get out.)", "Max: Dad, you OK?", "Mr. Franklin: Max. (Max gets up and hugs his son.) Oh. Ooh. I'm fine Max. Thank you God. Thank you. Thank you. Ooh. You're alright.", "Prue: But I saw you get you're not bleeding.", "Mr. Franklin: It's a miracle. Thank you thank you for protecting my son.", "Prue: I'm just glad it all worked out. Raise the boy well. (Mr. Franklin looks at Prue strangely.) What?", "Mr. Franklin: There's somewhere we need to go. (To Prue.) I'd like you to come with us.", "[Scene: Cemetery. It's morning. Max and Mr. Franklin put two pink rose with ribbons by Paulette's grave. Prue is standing behind them.]", "Mr. Franklin: I was so busy being angry at your mother for leaving, for not telling me her secret, your secret it was like a a weight on my heart. I hope you both can forgive me.", "(Max hugs his dad.)", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. A toy train goes across the floor. Phoebe picks it up. Piper is carrying a box of toys behind her. They go to a little table. Phoebe sits down. Piper puts the box down.]", "Prue: Can you believe that? Dad's old train.", "Piper: I can't believe you. You get mad at me for chasing monsters on my own.", "Prue: Well, I figured I could handle it when I realized they weren't demons, but I probably should have asked for help.", "Phoebe: Even though that killed you, and it almost did.", "Prue: Live and learn.", "Piper: Yeah, you didn't even get to say good-bye to Leo.", "Phoebe: What is that supposed to mean?", "Piper: I don't know. It's just weird. I felt like he was holding something back form me.", "Prue: Holding something back? What do you mean?", "Piper: Who knows? It just seems like he wasn't telling me the whole story. Like he had some secret he was afraid I couldn't handle.", "Phoebe: Well that's his call (Prue and Piper give her the \"what\" look.) uh, assuming that he had a secret. Might not of.", "Piper: What are you talking about?", "Phoebe: OK. OK. You don't have to beat it out of me. Leo is a white-lighter. They're sort of guardian angels for witches. And they're not supposed to get involved with witches. But Leo couldn't help it. He fell in love with you and that broke all the rules and got him in all sorts of trouble. And even though he'll love you forever, you will probably never see him again.", "(Prue and Piper begin laughing.)", "Piper: What? Phoebe, that's that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Oh god. Don't be so silly. (Piper tosses Phoebe a doll.)", "Phoebe: That's me. Silly.", "Piper: I gotta go get some more tea.", "(She leaves)", "Prue: Yeah. You know, Pheebs. With an imagination like that, you should be writing children's books or something.", "Phoebe: No. But I didn't I didn't even think of that. That's a really good idea Prue.", "(Phoebe moves the toy train to the box of toys going.)", "Prue: Oh. Oh. (Prue grabs the toy train.) That stays here.", "Phoebe: Wait. I thought all of the toys were going to the salvation army.", "Prue: Well, like you said. We should save some for our children.", "Phoebe: Do I scene a hormonal shift here?", "Prue: It's no big deal. I just had some time to think.", "Phoebe: Yeah. In all that spare time of yours.", "Prue: And I realize that I do want kids. I think that I'd make a great mom.", "Phoebe: So, did you save Max or did Max save you?", "(Prue doesn't answer. Phoebe picks up the box and leaves.)" ]
Secrets and Guys
[ "When an Earthquake hits San Francisco, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe have to call the gas company to repair a leak in the basement. However, once the repairman arrives, he is possessed by the woogyman - a shadow demon previously defeated by Grams. After he banishes Prue and Piper from the house, he possesses Phoebe and in order to defeat the demon the sisters have to find a way to banish it again and save Phoebe." ]
[ "[Scene: Manor. There's a small earthquake. It stops and Prue, Piper and Phoebe come down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: Oh god. Not another after shock.", "Prue: Yeah, well, at least they're getting smaller. What was the main one? 4.3?", "Piper: The radio said 4.5.", "Phoebe: There you go Grams. (She straightens up a picture of Grams.) Earthquakes give me the jeebies.", "Prue: Would that be the Phoebe Jeebies?", "Phoebe: Oh, you know. It's the comedy stylings of Prue Halliwell.", "Piper: You're the only Halliwell that actually likes earthquakes.", "Prue: I don't like them, but I don't go running through the house naked screaming \"run for your life\" either.", "Phoebe: Okay. That is such an exaggeration. I was wearing slippers.", "(They walk into the kitchen.)", "Prue: Okay, okay, okay. Does anybody smell that?", "Piper: Yeah, uh, I caught a whiff of it first thing this morning. I think it's coming from the basement.", "Prue: Gas leak?", "Piper: I don't know. I called someone to come out a check. They should be here any ... (Doorbell rings) Now. I'll get it.", "(She goes to get it.)", "Prue: We're never gonna pull this off.", "Phoebe: Everything's going to be fine.", "Prue: Yeah, until the house blows up. Look, this Bucklands VIP specifically requested for the dinner party to be here. Now, Claire may have prodded me into agreeing, but the point is I did agree, and, and...", "Phoebe: Nothing has changed. Piper's gonna cook a feast. I will serve with grace. And Claire will kiss your ass (Piper clears her throat as she enters the room with the gas man) Trinomial talents.", "Gas man: Morning ladies. Wow. That's the smell? (Phoebe nods.) Doesn't really smell like gas.", "Prue: Yeah, but if it is, we can't light the stove. No stove. No dinner.", "Piper: Relax. If we have to, I could have it cooked at the restaurant and brought here.", "Gas man: Well, let me check it out and see what's up.", "Piper: Great thanks. The basement is thataway.", "Gas man: Okay.", "(The gas man walks into the basement.)", "Piper: Look Phoebe. He's going into the basement, alone.", "Phoebe: Don't even start.", "Prue: Yeah. What if, dare I say it, the boogyman gets him.", "Piper: I believe Phoebe pronounced it Woggyman, or was that just the buckteeth?", "Phoebe: Okay. I was five years old you guys.", "Prue: Oh, so, what, now you're over it, which is why you haven't been down there in what? Eighteen years?", "Phoebe: Okay, you guys were not there. It was real, it was ...", "Piper: A story. Grams told you she got rid of the Woogyman in the basement so you could sleep better.", "[Cut to the basement. The gas man is looking around. The light goes out and he turns on his flashlight. He sees a crack in the ground and kneels down to get a closer look. He grabs his screwdriver and sticks it in the crack. Black fog or smoke rises out of the crack. It's the Woogyman.]", "Gas man: What the ... ?", "(The Woogyman enters his body and the gas man becomes evil.)", "[Cut back to the kitchen. Piper's holding the mail.]", "Piper: Who's Chanda Lier?", "Phoebe: Oh, there for me. I ordered some CD's.", "Piper: Using a fake name to score some free CD's. Isn't that a little dishonest?", "Prue: Is Phoebe's dark side rearing it's ugly head?", "Phoebe: I do not have a dark side thank you very much. And just because I protect the innocent, doesn't mean I have to be innocent all the time.", "Piper: Ooh, I don't know. Still believing in the Woogyman is pretty innocent. It's so cute too.", "Prue: Yeah, well, you didn't think it was so cute when we were all sharing a room which kept you up all night.", "Phoebe: It was scary and it was real.", "(The gas man walks out of the basement.)", "Piper: So? What's the verdict?", "Gas man: Bad.", "Prue: Bad as in destroy my entire dinner party or bad as in you can fix quickly, it'll just cost more than my entire education.", "Gas man: By tonight there will be no more problems.", "(He walks back in the basement.)", "Prue: Okay, I'm off.", "(She leaves the kitchen.)", "Piper: Yeah, uh, I gotta go too. I'm going to the wine store. Here, for you. (She hands Phoebe the mail.)", "Phoebe: Thanks.", "[Cut to the basement.]", "Gas man: (Talking to his shadow) Which one do you want?", "Phoebe: (from the top of the stairs) Uh, I'll just be upstairs if you need me.", "(The shadow points.)", "Shadow: Phoebe.", "(The gas man nods.)", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. She's picking things up off the floor. She straightens a picture on the wall with her powers. Claire enters.]", "Claire: Little down on the left.", "(Prue turns around.)", "Prue: Thanks. (She walks over to it and straightens it.) Uh, so, was this your first quake?", "Claire: And hopefully my last. I prefer my ceilings above me. Alright, this is the final guest list for tonight. All important clients to me, to Bucklands and therefore to you are at the top of the list.", "(Claire hands her a sheet of paper.)", "Prue: Professor Whittlesey, didn't she just buy the caulder?", "Claire: Well, her family did and they can afford to buy much, much more. And for whatever reason she's fascinated with your house, your job is to keep her happy.", "(Professor Whittlesey enters Prue's office.)", "Professor Whittlesey: Excuse me Claire, I want to bring a guest if that's alright.", "Claire: Of course. Prue, tonight's gonna be five plus one.", "Professor: It's your home then.", "Prue: Yeah.", "Claire: Oh, oh, oh. Prue Halliwell, Professor Whittlesey.", "Professor Whittlesey: I can't tell you how excited I am to spend and evening in a house with such history.", "Prue: I understand you know a lot about the Halliwell history?", "Professor Whittlesey: Well, I'm better versed in the house and structure than its inhabitants.", "Claire: The Professor's tenured at Berkley.", "Professor Whittlesey: Architectural history. As a matter of fact I use your house as an example in one of my lectures.", "Prue: Really? Well, do you mention the leaky roof and the limited hot water?", "Professor Whittlesey: Well, the original house that stood on that spot was a masterpiece. But it had to be rebuilt after the earthquake of 1906 when it was completely destroyed.", "Prue: That's right around the time my Great Grandparents moved in.", "Professor Whittlesey: Metaphysicists believe the land to be what they call a spiritual nexus.", "Claire: But it's still standing after this mornings rumble. So, okay, gotta go, gotta go. See you at seven. Plus one.", "(They leave. Prue picks up the phone and calls Piper on her cell phone.)", "Piper: Hello.", "Prue: Hey, how's my favourite sister?", "[Cut to a wine store]", "Piper: You want something, I know you do.", "Prue: Look, my boss just told me it's plus one. I am so sorry.", "Piper: Plus one? But I've already bought Ohh, whatever, you owe me.", "(She hangs up. She looks at her list and someone takes the last bottle of wine.) Excuse me, that's ...", "Guy: Callara Jensen, '93. Last bottle.", "Piper: Mine. Um, look, why don't you try this. (She picks up a different bottle of wine.) It's got a real brusque flavour, good nose, great vintage, it's probably better than the Callara.", "Guy: I'm impressed. But why do you want it so bad?", "Piper: Because it's got a great body. Look, I'm making Cocoa Vin and I need that bottle more than you do.", "Guy: Look, I'm sorry, but I've already been to three wine stores, lunch break is long over and I was told that this was the bottle to get.", "Piper: Told?", "Guy: Well, the woman who recommended this grew up in a vine yard and she does know how to choose wine.", "Piper: Yeah, well I grew up in a house with two sisters and I know how to do this. (She freezes him.) I can't. I can't use my powers for personal gain. But – but, it's not really personal gain exactly. Uh, damn! You can keep the wine. (She leaves and the guy unfreezes.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Halliwell Manor. Phoebe walks down the stairs.]", "Gas man: (from the basement.) Help me! Help me!", "(Phoebe runs to the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: Where are you?", "Gas man: Please help me!", "Pheobe: Uh, what's wrong?", "Gas man: I-I fell. I think I might of sprained something, my ankle. I could really use a hand down here.", "Pheobe: (to herself.) Right, a hand. I'm, okay. (out loud) Um, I'm coming.", "(Pheobe touches a picture on the wall and has a premonition. In it Grams is standing at the top of the stairs", "Little Phoebe: Grams?", "Grams: Go back to bed honey. Go on.", "(The premonition finishes.)", "Phoebe: The Woogyman. (to gas man.) Uh, you know, I think I'm gonna just call somebody for help.", "Gas man: No, please. I need your help.", "Phoebe: Okay. (She starts walking down the stairs.) Hello? Where are you? (He appears behind her. She quickly turns around.) I thought you said you were (She turns around and sees the Woogyman floating out of the crack.) No. I'm a good witch. You can't take me.", "(The Woogyman floats inside Phoebe and she becomes evil.)", "[Cut to the doorway. Piper is trying to open the door and has a handful of groceries.]", "Piper: Don't worry. I can handle it all myself. It's me, the culinary pachyderm. (As she walks inside, she gets an electric shock from the door.) Phoebe! Maybe we should call someone to check the electricity too. (Kit runs past Piper and out the door.) Kit? Hey! Pheebs? (She carries the groceries into the kitchen. The gas man stands behind Piper and when she turns around she gets a fright.) God! You scared me. Is everything okay with the house.", "Gas man: It will be.", "Piper: Good. Could I get E.T.A.? because I'm gonna have one very stressed out sister. Have you seen my sister? (He grabs Piper and holds her hands together.) Hey! Phoebe! (He tries to reach for a carving fork.) Pheobe! (Phoebe runs out of the basement and a baseball bat suddenly appears in her hand. She hits the guy over the head and knocks him unconscious.) Phoebe, he just .", "Phoebe: It's okay, it's okay.", "Piper: I thought he was gonna kill me. I didn't even have a chance to freeze him. Where'd you get the bat?", "Phoebe: I don't know, it just sort of appeared.", "Piper: What do you mean it appeared? Like you opened a closet and found it? Or appeared like you thought bat and there it was?", "Pheobe: Yeah, door number two. I can't explain it, but something weird happened to me down in the...", "Piper: What? Phoebe, spill. How'd you make the bat materialize?", "Phoebe: Safety first, witchcraft later. We gotta call 911.", "[Scene: Later, outside manor. The police and ambulance are there]", "Andy: This doesn't track.", "Morris: What's that?", "Andy: I just got background on the gas man. He doesn't have a record, not even a parking ticket. A family man, church volunteer, Little League coach.", "Darryl: When good coaches go bad, it makes me go by.", "(Prue walks up to them.)", "Prue: Andy, what's going on?", "Andy: Everything's fine. There was an incident a moment ago when the gas man was checking your house. Got a little rough with Piper. (Prue goes inside. She gets an electric shock when she walks through the door. She goes in the living room.)", "Prue: Hey, Piper. Are you okay? Are you hurt?", "Piper: No, forget it. I'm-I'm fine. He attacked me and then Phoebe stopped him. Go on show her.", "Phoebe: I told you, I can't do it now.", "Prue: Do what?", "Piper: Phoebe has a new power. She thinks of something and \"poof\" it appears.", "Phoebe: I just did it once.", "Piper: And it saved my life. I would think that you would be thrilled. You've always wanted am active power.", "Phoebe: Whatever.", "Prue: Wait a second, time out. Our powers are supposed to progress, not grow at random. And if it did grow, I would think it would be premonitionerick. I smell the Book of Shadows. Did you do something?", "Phoebe: Okay, I just saved Piper's ass. Where were you?", "Piper: Phoebe", "Phoebe: Prue's just pissy because this time she didn't get to play Wonderwoman. I'm not in the mood to soothe your ego. (She leaves.)", "Prue: Well, tonight's gonna be fun.", "Piper: She'll be fine. Everything will be fine.", "[Cut to the basement. Phoebe's walking down the stairs.]", "Phoebe: (to the Woogyman.) Thanks for my new power.", "Woogyman: You must not fail me again. You must use powers against your sisters.", "Phoebe: Please don't make me do this. I don't want to hurt them.", "Woogyman: Phoebe, you are not strong enough to fight me.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Halliwell Manor. Basement. Phoebe's sitting on a chair filing her nails.]", "Woogyman: It is almost time. Use your powers.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper goes to turn on the blender but gets an electric shock.]", "Piper: Ahh!", "(Prue enters the kitchen.)", "Prue: There is larva water spewing from the shower heads. Did you turn off the water heater again?", "Piper: No. No, I (She goes to turn on the food processor and she gets an electric shock.) Ow! Alright, the earthquake must of messed up the wiring or something. Try cooking a feast when your own kitchen is attacking you.", "Prue: Just relax. We still have an hour before (The door bell rings. Piper looks at her watch.)", "Piper: It's 7.00. How can that be? The-the-the clock on the microwave says (The clock on the microwave is flashing.)", "Prue: Something weird is going on.", "(Phoebe walks out of the basement.)", "Phoebe: Is anyone going to answer that?", "Piper: Phoebe?", "Prue: Wait, am seeing things? Or did you just come from the basement? Wait what about the Woogyman?", "Phoebe: It's just a story remember. (to Prue) You should probably finish getting ready.", "[Cut to the foyer. Phoebe opens the door. Professor Whittlesey, Claire and Josh stand there.]", "Phoebe: Welcome to Halliwell Manor. My name is Phoebe. I'll be your cruise director for this evening.", "[Cut back to the kitchen.]", "Piper: (to herself.) Everything is fine. This is fine. (She pours flour into a measuring cup and misses.) This is utter disaster. I am a good person. What did I do to deserve this?", "(She buries her face in her hands. The guy Piper met at the wine store enters.)", "Josh: Prue told me to give this to the chef. (He's holding a bottle of wine.)", "Piper: You!", "Josh: Most people call me Josh. I uh, wow, I work for Professor Whittlesey.", "Piper: You're the plus one.", "Josh: Last bottle. Uh, you have flour on your right uh (Piper tries to wipe the flour off her face but misses half of it.) Perfect. (Josh leaves as Phoebe enters.)", "Phoebe: Are you planning on feeding the people in the living room?", "Piper: Of course. Um, I've got what have I got?", "Phoebe: What's in there? (She walks over to a large roasting pan.)", "Piper: Duck medallion. But no, no. That's supposed to be part of dinner. Okay, now I guess it's an appetizer. Okay, go, go. Mingle. Mingle, mingle.", "[Cut to the living room.]", "Professor Whittlesey: The manor's been beautiful restored, really quite magnificent. (Prue enters the living room.)", "Claire: Prue, there you are.", "(Phoebe enters with the duck medallion.)", "Claire: Well, what do we have here?", "Phoebe: Duck medallion. (She lifts the lid and a real duck is under it.) Sans medallions. (Everyone laughs.)", "Prue: That's my sister, the magician. Usually it's a dove or a rabbit.", "[Cut to the kitchen.]", "Piper: Lightly simmering. (She turns on the stove and big flames appear.) Okay, okay. Sabotaged, I am being sabotaged. (Phoebe enters the kitchen.)", "Phoebe: What seems to be the problem?", "Piper: There is something terribly wrong with the house. (Brown, dirty water squirts up out of the drain in the sink.) Oh my God, oh my God, call the plumber. (When Piper turns her back, a knife appears in Phoebe's hand.) This is a complete and total disaster. (Phoebe stands right behind Piper.) Someone just kill me now and spare me the agony of clean up.", "Phoebe: Ask and you shall receive.", "(Josh enters and Phoebe's knife disappears.)", "Josh: Everything alright in here? (He sees the mess.) Do people pay you to do this?", "Piper: Phoebe could you please escort Mr. Congeniality out of here please, now. And get Prue, tell her it's and emergency.", "[Cut to Prue and Prof. Whittlesey.]", "Professsor Whittlesey: There's no other house in the city quite like yours.", "Prue: Because of its architecture?", "Professor Whittlesey: Because of its location.", "Prue: Right, you mentioned that Something about some sort of spiritual", "Professsor Whittlesey: Nexus. It's mythology really, but it's believed that when a geographical point is equal distance to the five spiritual elements, it's a place of great power. (The lights flicker on and off.)", "Prue: Power failure. Um, I don't know what's going on but I apologize for any inconvenience.", "(Phoebe walks up to them.)", "Phoebe: Prue , Piper needs you in the kitchen. Oh, don't worry I'll take very good care of your guests. (Prue walks to the kitchen. You came to see the house. Would you like to see the grand tour.", "Professor Whittlesey: Mmm, hmm.", "[Cut to the kitchen. Piper is on the floor throwing a little tantrum. Prue walks in.]", "Prue: Okay, aren't you the same girl who said and I quote \"everything will be fine\"? (Prue helps her up off the floor.)", "Piper: Yep.", "Prue: And?", "Piper: It's hot. I don't know what it is but it's like the house is possessed.", "Prue: No, no, no. It is Phoebe and her new powers.", "Piper: Look, I know she's been acting really weird lately but she wanted I would argue if I could think of another option.", "(Claire enters.)", "Claire: Uh, Prue? (The duck walks past her. She jumps.) Aahh! May I speak to you for a second?", "Prue: Yes, I'll be out in one second, Claire. (Claire leaves.) What do we do?", "Piper: I-I don't know. But I can't cook this meal, not in this kitchen. And-and it's too late to get it from Quake.", "Prue: Okay, um, let's just end it now before it gets any worse. Be my wingman?", "Piper: Mmm hmm.", "(They walk out of the kitchen. Professsor Whittlesey and Phoebe walk in.)", "Professor Whittlesey: Really, I don't need to see the basement.", "Phoebe: Are you kidding? It's the best part of the house. After you.", "(They walk in to the basement.)", "[Cut to the foyer.]", "Claire: Well, as hostess, it's sometimes helpful to be present at the party.", "Prue: Uh, Claire, I am so sorry but I'm gonna have to cut this evening short.", "Piper: We're experiencing some technical difficulties.", "Claire: What! Do you realize what you're doing?", "Prue: Yes, and I think I'm doing it just in time.", "Piper: There is a table waiting for all of you at Quake, on the house.", "Prue: There is?", "Piper: (quietly) There will be. Where's Phoebe?", "Josh: I think she's giving the professor a", "(The professor appears.)", "Professor Whittlesey: Tour. She showed me the bedrooms, the solarium, I found the basement particularly intriguing", "Prue: Beth, are you okay?", "Professor Whittlesey: Fine.", "Prue: Okay, dinner has been changed. We're having it somewhere else, okay?", "Claire: Oh, Professor, I'm sorry you didn't get to spend more time in the house.", "Professor Whittlesey: My time was well spent.", "(They walk outside.)", "Claire: (to Prue.) I'm looking forward to hearing your explanation for tonight's event. Need a ride?", "Prue: I just have to tie up a few loose ends here. I'll try to make it.", "Claire: Try hard. (They leave.)", "Piper: Now what?", "Prue: Interrogation.", "(Phoebe stands at the doorway.)", "Phoebe: Are you looking for me?", "Prue: Why are you doing this?", "Phoebe: Because he asked me to.", "Piper: Who asked you to?", "Prue: Okay, that is it. (She walks up the stairs.) We need to As she gets to the doorway the electricity prevents her from entering and she flies backwards when she touches it. She lands on the grass.)", "Piper: Oh, Prue. Are you okay? Phoebe, what's wrong with you? Why won't you let us in.", "Phoebe: No, you can't, you shouldn't. You don't live here anymore! (In a demonic voice.) She does. (She closes the door.)", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside manor. It's morning. Prue and Piper are sitting on the step.]", "Prue: (Missed a bit.) If our powers can't get us into the house, what can?", "(Piper stands up and grabs a brick. She throws it at the window but the electricity prevents it from breaking.)", "Piper: That helped.", "Prue: You know, yesterday I got shocked when I walked through the front door.", "Piper: Me too. Do you think that's when all this started.", "Prue: Define this. Our house has turned against us and so has our sister.", "Piper: This is more than just Phoebe. She said that he told her to do this. So, who is he and what does he want with Phoebe?", "Prue: Maybe that's the problem, we've been focusing on Phoebe. Maybe that's not the point.", "Piper: Than what is?", "Prue: Location. Whatever has the house, has her too. And it's not letting us in for a reason.", "Piper: And we can't get to the Book of Shadows to find out what it is. So we know nothing.", "Prue: Yes we do. There's someone that knows the house better than we do. Come on.", "[Cut to inside. Phoebe's dialing the phone and as she walks from room to room, the wallpaper falls of the walls and the window's glass break.]", "Phoebe: Yes, I would like a pizza delivered to my home. Well, whenever you do open then. I don't care what you put on the thing. Just make sure someone delivers it. 1329 Prescott St. I'll be waiting.", "[Scene. Outside a University. The police are taking Professor Whittlesey away.]", "Piper: Hey, what happened?", "Josh: Uh, I don't know. Professor Whittlesey had just begun her seminar and she turned and started choking me. If one of her students hadn't pulled her off", "Piper: Oh my God, are you okay?", "Josh: Yeah, I just uh, don't know why she snapped like that.", "Prue: Okay. Josh do you know anything about what she said to Claire? Something about a spiritual nexus?", "Josh: She brought that up? Wow, the professor usually doesn't go in for that metaphysical mythology.", "Prue: Yeah, well, you know Claire when she gets her claws into something, she can't seem to forget about it.", "Josh: You know, I've met people like that. (He looks at Piper.) A spiritual nexus is a point of incredible energy.", "Prue: Equal distance from the five spiritual elements.", "Josh: That's right. The place or thing that can persuade either way.", "Piper: Either way?", "Josh: Yeah, it could be a source of undeniable good or undeniable evil. Uh, look ladies, I'm gonna follow her and make sure she's okay. Feel free to browse around our office if you think it will help.", "[Cut to the office. They're looking at maps.]", "Prue: Okay, to find a way back in, we have to know what we're up against. The professor said that a true spiritual nexus is equal distance from the five elements. So, that's earth, fire, water, wood and metal.", "Piper: Okey-dokey. Equal distance. Here is the manor. Alright. (Prue puts a dot on it.) Uh, the Bay-water. (Prue puts a dot there.) Natural hot spring.", "Prue: Fire. What about wood? That park that mum used to take us to. Kenwood.", "Piper: Named after the type of tree that grew there when it was still a forest.", "Prue: Okay, three out of five. Earth.", "Piper: Twin Peaks. Highest point in the city.", "Prue: And last but not least, metal.", "Piper: Tiffany's.", "Prue: Cute. Natural metal. Okay, fourth grade field trip we panned for gold. Where was that? (She points to a place and they put a dot on it. Prue joins the dots with a pen and it turns into a star.)", "Piper: Our house was built in the centre of a pentagram.", "Prue: Looks like it's not in a spiritual nexus, but a wiccan one as well. Which means it's a battle ground for good and evil.", "Piper: And what happens when evil gets the house?", "Prue: It spreads. We'd have to check the Book of Shadows to be sure, but I bet that there's a reason why our family built the house there. To reclaim the spot for good.", "Piper: And now I'm thinking evil wants it back.", "Prue: And it's taking Phoebe with it.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Outside Halliwell Manor. Darryl and Andy get out of their car.]", "Darryl: Why's it feel like we live here?", "(Across the road they see two neighbours fighting.)", "Andy: Which one do you want?", "Darryl: I'll take that one.", "Andy: Meet you back here.", "[Cut to the doorway. Phoebe opens the door.]", "Phoebe: Hello, Inspector.", "Andy: Phoebe. Hey, I stopped by to", "Phoebe: Just in time. I think there might be a gas leak and I'm home all alone. Do you think you could look it over?", "Andy: Sure.", "(He walks inside.)", "Phoebe: Down in the basement.", "(The door closes by itself.)", "[Cut to Morris. You see Prue and Piper get out of the car and walk over to him.]", "Darryl: So, he came out of his house, walked over here and started throwing things?", "Neighbour: No, not out of his house, out of the Halliwell's.", "Darryl: Really?", "Piper: Hey, Morris. Neighbourhood watch?", "Darryl: Had a woman brought into the station house today. Wasn't feeling too well, spent last night at your house. Professor Beth Whittlesey.", "Prue: Is she okay?", "Darryl: Not at the moment. She's under observation.", "(The neighbour pushes the other neighbour.)", "Neighbour: Paul, what the hell's the matter with you?", "Paul: Nothin'.", "Darryl: I'm occupied right now. Andy would like to ask you a few questions.", "(Prue and Piper walk over to the manor.)", "Piper: Wait, if Andy is in the house and Paul was in the house, there must be a way for us to get in.", "Prue: We better hope so otherwise there's no way to get to the Book of Shadows. (The door opens and Andy's there. Prue and Piper hide behind a bush.) Freeze them.", "Piper: No, wait.", "(Piper waits till he is in the middle of the door then freezes him.)", "Prue: What was that?", "Piper: The house is letting him out, right? This is the only second it's guard is down.", "Prue: Good point.", "Piper: Thank you.", "(They walk inside and see Phoebe frozen.)", "Prue: Oh my. She's frozen.", "Piper: Good.", "Prue: No, no, no. Remember our powers don't work on good witches.", "Piper: Oh, that means she's ...", "Prue: We've lost her. Let's go get her back. Run. (They run up the stairs. Andy and Phoebe unfreeze.)", "[Cut back to outside. The two neighbours are yelling at each other. Morris is trying to stop them from fighting. Andy walks up to them.]", "Darryl: Wanna give me a hand here, partner? (Andy gets out his gun and goes to shoot.) Whoa, whoa, whoa, Andy! (Darryl throws him on the ground and grabs his gun.) What the hell was that?", "Andy: Huh? I have no idea.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue's looking through the Book of Shadows.]", "Piper: Faster would be good.", "Prue: There is nothing here. We don't even know what we're fighting.", "Piper: Our sister.", "Prue: No, it's more than that. Alright, when in doubt, start at the beginning. What happened first?", "Piper: Gas man attacked me.", "Prue: Before that.", "Piper: The earthquake, which is why the gas man was here to check the leak in the basement.", "Prue: And before Professor Whittlesey freaked out she took her around the house including the basement.", "Piper: Ohh.", "Prue: Noises don't help.", "Piper: The gas man said that's where Phoebe was. And we know she's been down there.", "Prue: No, Piper, it was just a story.", "Piper: Are you so sure? We've seen monsters and demons from the past and future. How can you be so sure that Phoebe's childhood monster isn't real?", "Prue: The Woogyman in the basement?", "Piper: Phoebe swore she saw something down there. And that's when Grams started telling us the story", "Prue: Of how to destroy it.", "Piper: And there was an earthquake that night too, remember? So maybe that's how it gets out.", "Prue: We've been looking in the wrong place. How to vanquish the demon isn't in the Book of Shadows, it's in Grams' story.", "Piper: So it wasn't a story, it was a spell?", "Prue: Alright, the Woogyman is a real demon, so Phoebe was right. Now how did it go?", "Piper: Uh, something about a Woogyman and Grams fought it.", "Prue: That's it? That's all that you remember?", "Piper: Well, don't you remember anything?", "Prue: I-I-I remember that it was sort of like a rhyme, sounded like a children's song.", "Piper: Well, we better figure it out fast or we're gonna have a whole lot (Piper opens the attic door and Phoebe's there. Phoebe grabs her and pushes her outside. Phoebe walks in the attic and locks the door.) Prue! Prue!", "(Piper bangs on the door. A long sword appears in Phoebe's hand.)", "Phoebe: Any fantasies about how you want to die?", "Prue: Phoebe, listen to me. This isn't you.", "Phoebe: Give the girl a prize.", "Piper: Prue!", "Prue: Look, whoever is doing this hasn't completely beaten you, otherwise we would be dead by now.", "Phoebe: Really?", "Piper: Phoebe?", "Prue: Phoebe, you are stronger than him.", "Piper: I mean it! (She continues to bang on the door.)", "Phoebe: No, I wasn't. That's why he chose me. (In a demonic voice.) But now I'm stronger than you.", "(She gets ready to swing the sword and Prue uses her powers. Phoebe flies across the room. Prue opens the door and they run down the stairs. Piper opens the front door.)", "Prue: Piper, where are you going?", "Piper: It's not just Phoebe we're fighting, it's the house, it's everything.", "Prue: Piper, don't! (Piper walks through the doorway and the electricity makes her fly through the air. She hits the ground hard.) Oh, God. Are you okay?", "Piper: No, and neither are you. We're locked in this house and our sister's trying to kill us.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor.]", "Prue: Alright, the answer must be in Grams' Woogyman story.", "Piper: Which neither one of us remembers.", "Prue: Well, we have to keep trying.", "[Cut to the attic. Phoebe wakes up. She goes downstairs. She stops halfway when she hears Prue and Piper talking.]", "Piper: There has to be a way out of here.", "Prue: We have tried everything, Piper. Besides the only way to help Phoebe is from inside.", "(Phoebe smiles and walks towards the basement.)", "Piper: Help her? Kill us, maybe.", "Prue: Yeah, well we have to keep trying.", "Phoebe: (From the basement.) Prue! Piper! Help me!", "Prue: Do you think ...", "Phoebe: Please, you gotta help me. Down in the basement.", "Piper: Trap.", "Prue: Yeah, well, what else can we do?", "Piper: We can not go to the basement. I vote for that.", "Prue: Grams must of thought that this evil might come back so that's why she told us the story.", "Piper: Well, how do we remember the word? I never even believed in the Woogyman.", "Prue: No, but Phoebe did. She knows the story by heart.", "Piper: Something tells me she's not in the mood to share it.", "Prue: Alright, we know that his source of power is in the basement. So, if we can weaken him, maybe we can weaken his hold on Phoebe just long enough for her to tell us the spell.", "Piper: How do we do that? We don't even know what it is or how to fight it.", "Phoebe: Help! Please, I need you.", "(Prue and Piper walk in the kitchen.)", "Prue: Okay. We have a choice. So, we're gonna need a .", "Piper: Light. (Prue gets a torch out of a drawer.) No. The light. Grams's story, remember? She said something about using it to guide you through the shadows. Or was it to the shadow?", "Prue: That doesn't make sense, using a light to find the shadows? Shadows retreat from the light and they thrive from the darkness. Kind of like this.", "Piper: Or in the basement. Maybe that's what we're fighting, Prue, a shadow.", "Prue: Okay, let's fight it.", "(They walk down the stairs.)", "Piper: Phoebe?", "Prue: Oh, there, see that? (She sees the Woogyman.)", "Phoebe: (From the top of the stairs.) What took you so long?", "(Prue closes the door with her power.)", "Prue: Come on, we don't have a lot of time. Okay, uh, freeze it. (Piper tries to freeze it but it won't.)", "Piper: It's not working. Can't you, uh ?", "(Prue tries to use her power on it but nothing works.)", "Prue: My power's not working on it either. (Phoebe pushes the door open.) Phoebe, you've got to listen to us.", "Phoebe: You're in no position to tell me what to do. (She holds up a knife.)", "Prue: Remember Grams' story? The one about the Woogyman? About the light?", "Piper: Come on Phoebe, try.", "Phoebe: I can't Don't make me. Don't like the basement.", "Woogyman: It's no use. Your sister's evil now.", "Prue: Come on, Phoebe. You've got to fight it. You're good. (Phoebe touches a picture on the wall and has the same premonition as before with Grams in it.) Phoebe, please, remember the story. What did Grams say?", "Piper: Hurry, Phoebe, please.", "Phoebe: I am light, I am one too strong to fight, return to dark where shadows dwell, you can not have this Halliwell.", "Prue: Keep it going, Phoebe.", "Phoebe: Go away and leave my site, and take with you this endless night.", "(The Woogyman disappears back in the crack in the floor.)", "[Scene: Josh's office. Piper knocks on his door.]", "Piper: Anyone home?", "Josh: Office hours aren't until five. (He looks up and sees Piper.) Piper, what are you doing here?", "Piper: I just came over to see how you Professor Whittlesey is doing.", "Josh: She seems better. She hasn't choked anybody lately.", "Piper: Good. So she's back to normal.", "Josh: Yeah, although she's been censured for her behaviour. I have to sit for the university board, and for now it looks like I'm covering the classes.", "Piper: Oh, that's too bad. I mean, I don't mean you. I mean", "Josh: I know what you mean. Oh, by the way, I have something for you. (He gets a bottle of wine.)", "Piper: Callara Jensen '93.", "Josh: Battles have been waged over this wine.", "Piper: Not today, I'm too tired. It's actually very nice.", "Josh: Don't sound so surprised, you know I am capable of a kind act or two.", "[Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are cleaning up.]", "Prue: So, Morris said that it was only a two week suspension.", "Piper: It doesn't seem fair, it wasn't even Andy's fault.", "Prue: Well, what were we gonna do? Plead shadows?", "Piper: Anyway, everyone seems to be back to normal but that doesn't erase their actions.", "Prue: Yeah, well, I wish it did, it could get me off Claire's bad side, if she has a good one.", "Phoebe: I'm beginning to wonder if I have a good one. (Prue and Piper stare at her.) Well, I am. I mean not any more so than anyone else.", "Prue: Yeah, well the important thing is the good side won out.", "Phoebe: Yeah, but I must have been more susceptible than either one of you, otherwise he wouldn't of chosen me, right? Right?", "Piper: You were the only one that was born in the house, that makes you more connected to it. That spiritual nexus thing.", "Phoebe: That's exactly my point. I could go either way. Good or evil. Kinda freaky. I do have to tell you I am gonna miss that cool power though.", "Piper: Um, if Grams put away the shadow and it came back", "Prue: Means it can come back again. Okay, it's time. Every witch before us has added to the Book of Shadows. We need to warn who comes next. It's our turn.", "Phoebe: Who should do it?", "(Prue hands her a pen, they find a blank page in the book and she starts writing.)" ]
Is There A Woogy In The House?
[ "After Phoebe has a premonition about an evil warlock killing Prue to obtain her powers, Prue decides to cast a spell to multiply her powers. However, it doesn't turn out like she expected and as a result, she makes multiple copies of herself. As Piper and Phoebe try to find the best way to warn Prue not fight the warlock on her own, Andy gets some rather surprising news from the medical examiner. Prue and Piper are surprised to find out Phoebe has signed up for a self defense course." ]
[ "[Scene: At a gym. Two guys are boxing in a boxing ring. Gabriel walks in. One of the boxer's brutally punches the other and the referee stops the fight.]", "[Time lapse. Luther Stubbs is putting his stuff in a bag. Gabriel walks up to him.]", "Gabriel: Luther Stubbs.", "Stubbs: Yeah, who wants to know?", "Gabriel: I'm a fan. I saw your bout in St. Louis three years ago. Bloodiest fight I've ever seen. Hear the boxer didn't even make it to the hospital. Died in the ring.", "Stubbs: Yeah, well, you know. Everybody gotta go sometime.", "Gabriel: I wanna know what it felt like to take another life with your own hands.", "Stubbs: The guy didn't even cut me, man. Now move.", "Gabriel: Not till I get what I came for.", "Stubbs: And what might that be?", "Gabriel: Your killer instinct.", "(Gabriel gets his crystal sword out stabs him. A bright light shines out of Luther's body and into Gabriel's sword.)", "[Scene: Manor. Prue and Piper walk in the house through the front door.]", "Piper: And since it's time for Quake's yearly inventory, I have to count everything in the restaurant down to the last wissel stick. It's gonna take days.", "Prue: I guess that's why you get paid the medium sized bucks.", "Piper: And which bucks would those be exactly?", "(Prue notices a statue standing in the living room.)", "Prue: Okay, okay, what's wrong with this picture?", "Piper: Beside from me not getting paid enough.", "Prue: No. What is grams' statue still doing in the living room?", "Piper: We talked about it last night remember?", "Prue: Yes, I do remember, and I thought that we agreed that it was an issore and she was going back to storage.", "Piper: That is before I learned that storage down town is now 90 bucks a month and storage here is free. So, I called Phoebe and decided that she can stay here and last time I checked we were still living in a democracy.", "Prue: Okay, but Piper, she's ugly.", "Piper: Majority rules, sis. Unless, you can move her.", "(Prue tries to move her with her power. She can't.)", "Prue: Oohh... okay, okay, that didn't work.", "Piper: It's solid marble. It took eight of Phoebe's bouncer friends to move it. It's too heavy for you.", "Prue: You know, my powers are still growing and one day...", "Piper: You can move it into the basement. But until then suffer.", "Phoebe: (from other room) Eeyah!", "Prue: Phoebe.", "[Cut to the living room. Phoebe is kicking and punching a dummy.]", "Prue: Phoebe?", "Phoebe: Ooh, hi. I uh... I was just, uh...", "Piper: Opening up a can of whoop ass.", "Prue: Yeah, those are some serious moves. Where did you learn that?", "Phoebe: Okay, I'm busted, I confess. I got tired of being the one in the family with the passive power, so I started taking up self defense classes which I've been putting on my new credit card.", "Piper: And, uh, this thing?", "Phoebe: Oh, that's Slam-man. Got him off an infomercial.", "Prue: Great, another issore.", "Phoebe: It's a total and complete martial arts training system. And with their easy instalment payment plan...", "Piper: Which you also put on your new credit card.", "Phoebe: He's gonna pay for himself the first time I kick ass on some unsuspected gnarly beast. Come on, wanna see some moves?", "(Phoebe holds up her fists.)", "Piper: No.", "Phoebe: Come on. Come on. (Prue uses her powers and moves the dummy so it hits Phoebe.) You know that is so unfair.", "Prue: Hey, demons do not play fair. (Phoebe gets Prue in an arm lock.) Okay, okay, okay, okay.", "Phoebe: I didn't hear you say it.", "Prue: Pheebs, let go.", "(Phoebe has a premonition. Gabriel stabs Prue with his crystal sword.)", "Piper: Phoebe, what is it?", "Prue: What did you see?", "Phoebe: I saw you die.", "Opening Credits", "[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe is sitting at the table drawing the sword she saw in her premonition. Piper walks in.]", "Piper: Hi.", "Phoebe: Hi.", "Piper: (Pours herself a cup of coffee.) I'm gonna need a lot more of this.", "Phoebe: You couldn't sleep either, huh?", "Piper: No, I was up all night. I couldn't get that image of Prue getting killed out of my head. Is that the sword?", "Phoebe: Yeah, I drew it from memory. Unfortunately, I can't find it in the Book of Shadows yet. I wish that thing had an index.", "Piper: I wish you had a closer look at the killer's face.", "Phoebe: Well, if somebody tries to impale my sister, they're gonna have to get through me.", "(Prue walks in.)", "Prue: Oh, good, coffee.", "(She pours some in a cup.)", "Phoebe: Uh, why are you dressed up?", "Prue: Because they don't have casual day at Bucklands.", "Piper: Wait, you promised you would stay home so we could figure this out.", "Prue: Yeah, and then Claire called and she has a client that wants to put a major collection on the block and if we get this account it will be a serious screw for Bucklands.", "Piper: Can't Claire get somebody else to do it?", "Prue: Piper, I have worked so hard to get Claire to trust me with something like this, why should someone else get all the glory?", "Phoebe: Take the master demon that wants you dead for a hundred, Bob.", "Piper: I can't believe you would risk your life to impress your boss. You can not leave this house.", "Prue: Okay, relax. Phoebe's had premonitions before and we've affected the outcome, right?", "Phoebe: That's true, but...", "Prue: And in your premonition it was man who killed me, well, I'm going to Bucklands to meet a female client and Claire will be with me every step of the way, besides now that you've warned me, I'll watch my back. I can handle this promise.", "Piper: The promise that we want from you is that you'll come straight home from Bucklands.", "Prue: Will it stop you from worrying?", "(They sign with their fingers to show a little bit.)", "[Scene: Bucklands. Prue and Claire are walking down the hallway.]", "Claire: The client's in my office. Now remember what I told you on the phone.", "Prue: This woman's family has more money than God and if we land this account, it could put Bucklands in the black for years.", "(They stop outside Claire's office.)", "Claire: Exactly. You ready?", "Prue: Of course I am.", "(They walk inside. The client is waiting there.)", "Claire: Helena Statler. I would like you to meet Prue Halliwell. One of our best and brightest young specialists.", "Helena: Best and brightest? That's quite an introduction.", "Prue: Yes it is. Maybe I should get a raise?", "Claire: Let's have a seat shall we?", "Helena: Miss Halliwell, my brother and I hold an extensive collection of antiquities. If we were to retain your firm, you'd be cataloguing and praising and selling the finest pieces you'd seen in your career. Maybe your life.", "Prue: Just what kind of collection are we talking about exactly?", "Helena: The kind that occupies three buildings at Warehouse Flats. We have art and artefacts from every period and movement in history. From Egyptian mummies to Jasper Jonce. We would want a sample appraisal of course.", "Claire: Oh, Prue will be there today if you like?", "Prue: At the warehouse flats?", "Helena: Is that a problem?", "Prue: No. No, I'm sure that I can handle it.", "[Scene: Quake. Piper's talking to an employee.]", "Piper: Twelve potato ricers? What kind of restaurant needs twelve potato ricers? Just put them in the back with the box with the lemon ringers.", "(He leaves. Phoebe walks up to her.)", "Phoebe: I just called Bucklands and they said that Prue left the office for a meeting.", "Piper: What? She promised she would go straight home.", "Phoebe: Wait, it gets worse. I finally found the crystal sword in the Book of Shadows...", "Piper: Shh...", "Phoebe: It's the symbol of the Lord's of War. They're a clan of super natural warriors. They've been around since time began.", "Piper: What do they want?", "Phoebe: To start war. They started most of the major wars in history and once they're done in one place, they get reincarnated in some other part of the world and start all over again.", "Piper: So, is he flesh and blood?", "Phoebe: Yes, but the book says as long as they have their sword they're not only protected, they're immune to the weapons of man.", "Piper: So, we have this invulnerable guy running around with a sword who wants to start a war?", "Phoebe: Well, the Lord's of War may be invulnerable but they do have a code of honour and when one of them is disgraced, he has to steal his abilities back.", "Piper: So, what does this have to do with Prue?", "Phoebe: One of the things he has to steal back is the magic of a first born witch. They're supposed to be the strongest.", "(An employee comes up to Piper.)", "Employee: Uh, Piper, where...?", "Piper: Not now, not now. (He walks away.) Okay, I'll call the night shift manager, see if he can cover for me, you call Prue on her cell phone. We gotta find her. Quickly.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Warehouse Flats. Prue arrives in her car. She walks inside a dark building.]", "Prue: Miss Statler? Miss Statler?", "(Helena walks out from a dark croner.)", "Helena: Hello, Miss Halliwell. (Prue's phone rings and she turns it off.) Oh, I'm sorry, I hope I didn't scare you.", "Prue: No, I don't really scare that easily.", "Helena: So, what do you think of our collection?", "Prue: I think you have exquisite taste.", "Helena: My brother and I have been collecting our entire lives. It's our binding passion.", "Prue: Is this a Roman vessel?", "Helena: Why don't you tell me?", "Prue: I've never seen one in such good condition. The handles represent Venus and the relief detail scenes of Roman bass and Kara Koa. It probably dates back to 210 B.C. It's very rare and priceless.", "Helena: Wow, Claire was right, you really are something. What can you tell me about this item?", "(Prue walks over to a table. A pillory is on it.)", "Prue: It's a pillory. The markings are constiant, so I say it dates back to the inquisition. (She puts her arms in the holes.) But it's missing a piece.", "Helena: The victims arms were held in place by a bolt of restraint. (Steel rods shot across the top of the arm holes and traps her arms inside.) Prue Halliwell, my brother Gabriel.", "(Gabriel walks in the room.)", "Gabriel: I'd shake your hand but it's clearly otherwise engaged.", "Prue: What are you doing?", "Helena: Killing a witch.", "Gabriel: Your ancestor's power animated from her hands. No doubt yours does too.", "Prue: My ancestor?", "Helena: A witch named Brianna. You're not the only one that's done research. (Prue frees her hands by using her power and throws Miss Statler against the wall. She grabs an axe and hits Gabriel in the chest. It doesn't harm him. Prue runs outside and drives off in her car.) How did she do that?", "Gabriel: She's not like her ancestor, she channels her power through her eyes, not her hands. I won't make that mistake again.", "Helena: She knows about us now. We have to move fast to attack her at home.", "Gabriel: No, home is where she has the power of three to protect her. We'll think of another way.", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue and Piper are there.]", "Prue: I hit Gabriel in the chest with an axe and he didn't even wink.", "Piper: As long as he has his sword, he's immune to the weapons of man. Which we could've told you if you hadn't turned off your cell phone.", "Prue: Well, I got away and I'm fine.", "(Phoebe comes down the stairs with the Book of Shadows.)", "Phoebe: Okay, I found our ancestor Brianna. She was our great, great, great aunt. She could move things with her mind like Prue. Now, she disgraced Gabriel during the premium war, she used her power to take away his sword. I guess Gabriel is trying to earn his abilities back.", "Prue: Great. So, some guy couldn't keep it in his sheath and now I'm marked for death.", "Piper: Well, some men are very sensitive about their weapons.", "Phoebe: Lords of War and their weapons and their weapons are supposed to be inseparable like Thor and his hammer and I guess Brianna was able to send his sword hundreds of miles away.", "Prue: Alright, sword I can move, but hundreds of miles away? I'm not that powerful.", "Phoebe: I thought about that and I found this incantation. To multiply your strength, recite these words at length.", "(Phoebe shows Prue a page in the Book.)", "Prue: Alright, so all I have to do is say this incantation and I'll be stronger.", "Phoebe: Hopefully strong enough to separate Gabriel and his sword.", "Prue: Sounds like a plan to me.", "Piper: Uh, time out. Bad idea.", "Phoebe: Why, because it's mine?", "Piper: No, because there might be a power of three solution to this.", "Prue: Yeah, but the Book of Shadows doesn't say that. And besides it's me he's after not you and Phoebe.", "Piper: Okay, okay, maybe we should lay low for a few days, you know, use up our sick days.", "Prue: And wait for Gabriel to find us? And he might hurt one of you to get to me and I will not take that risk. (She stands up.)", "Piper: Okay, Prue, but wait, okay wait, at least let us vote on this.", "Prue: Alright. All in favour of me saying the incantation raise their hands. (Phoebe and Prue raise their hands.) Sorry sis, majority rules. (She goes upstairs.)", "Piper: But Prue...", "Prue: (to herself) \"Take my powers blessed be, multiply their strength by three.\"", "(Piper gives Phoebe a look.)", "Phoebe: What?", "Piper: You know what.", "Phoebe: I'm sorry but I really don't have a problem with Prue saying the incantation.", "Piper: The problem is we're in this together and together we're supposed to solve our problems.", "Phoebe: And together we rely on the the Book of Shadows when we're in trouble. Think about it, Piper, what's the worst thing that could happen? (They hear thunder coming from the attic.)", "Piper: What did I tell you? (They run up the stairs.)", "[Cut to the attic. Prue is kneeling on the floor. There is a light swirling around her.]", "Piper: Oh my God!", "Phoebe: Oh my God!", "(Prue multiplies. The three Prue's stand up.)", "Phoebe: Prue?", "All three Prue's: What?", "Phoebe: Okay. (she counts) 1, 2, 3.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe and Piper are standing in front of the bathroom door.]", "Phoebe: Hello? There are other people in this house that have styling needs too.", "Piper: Is there a Prue in there also?", "Phoebe: One of them, yes.", "Piper: I'm gonna have to wash my hair in the kitchen sink if I want to get to work on time. Do you know which is the real Prue yet?", "Phoebe: Oh, I don't know. It could be the upstairs bathroom hogging Prue, or the downstairs bathroom hogging Prue, or the sitting in the kitchen drinking all the coffee Prue.", "(Prue comes out of the bathroom.)", "Prue: Is there a problem?", "Piper: Aside from you going off and casting a spell that's kept all our bathrooms busy for the past three hours. Nothing.", "Prue: Don't blame me, I didn't cast the spell.", "Phoebe: Great, you're a clone.", "Prue: Well, no, I'm not exactly a clone, I mean I do have all of Prue's memories up until the time she cast the spell, so, in a lot of ways I am Prue.", "Piper: Then it is your fault.", "Prue: No, it's not, and neither is the lack of hot water.", "(Prue walks away.)", "Phoebe: Oh, you didn't. Geez.", "Piper: This is ridiculous. This is like, this is like the 'Parent Trap' with a B cup.", "Phoebe: I think I might've just found a way to take some of the Disney out of our life.", "[Cut to the foyer. All three Prue's are there.]", "Prue #1: You look great.", "Prue #2: No, you look great.", "Prue #3: Is my skirt tight enough?", "Prue #2: Yes.", "Prue #1: It's perfect.", "(Phoebe and Piper come down the stairs.)", "Phoebe: Okay, which one of you is the real Prue?", "(They all raise their hands.)", "Piper: Stop that.", "Prue #1: I'm the real Prue.", "Phoebe: Okay, then you get the black sweater.", "(Phoebe hands her a sweater.)", "Prue: Phoebe, what are you doing?", "Phoebe: I'm colour coding. It's the only way we're gonna be able to tell the three of you apart. Okay, clone A gets the pink sweater...", "(She hands it to her.)", "Pink Prue: Thank you.", "Phoebe: And B gets the blue one.", "Blue Prue: Thanks.", "Piper: Handy with the sweaters.", "Phoebe: Thanks. But it's only a temporary solution.", "Piper: And what about the spell?", "Pink Prue: Oh, the spell's temporary too. We're only here as long as we're needed.", "Blue Prue: We were called for a reason. Once the reason's gone the spell wears out and we disappear.", "Pink Prue: Once we vanquish Gabriel.", "Piper: And how are we planning on doing this?", "Pink Prue: Funny you should ask, see I was thinking...", "Blue Prue: Tthat we could find Gabriel by tracking down the ownership records for that Roman vessel.", "Pink Prue: And Bucklands antiquities data base.", "Real Prue: That's why I called my assistant... (Pink Prue clears her throat) our assistant and she's already on it.", "Blue Prue: Are we good or what?", "Piper: So, once you know where he lives are you sure you have the power to do the job?", "Real Prue: Observe. Ladies, shall we. (All three Prue's use their powers and lift up the marble statue.) Enough said.", "(The doorbell rings.)", "Pink Prue: I'll get that.", "(The phone rings.)", "Blue Prue: I'll get the phone.", "Real Prue: Wait, I should...", "[Cut to Pink Prue opening the door.]", "Pink Prue: Andy, hi.", "Andy: Hi, can I come in?", "Pink Prue: Now's not really a good time. Wow, that is a nice tie.", "Andy: Thanks.", "Pink Prue: So, um, what did I do now?", "Andy: I don't know, you tell me.", "Pink Prue: What ever it is, I have an alibi.", "Andy: Good thing this is a social call then.", "Pink Prue: Social call? Really? Now you're starting to look suspicious.", "Andy: Remember a few months ago we ordered tickets to the Bay Area Music Awards? They came in the mail. Thought you might want them.", "Pink Prue: That is so sweet.", "Andy: You can take anyone you want. Even an old boyfriend who's just a friend now but who loves good music.", "Pink Prue: I'll take that under consideration.", "Andy: He pondered that. (They smile.) I'll see ya.", "(He leaves and pink Prue closes the door.)", "Pink Prue: Why did we break up with him?", "Real Prue: He broke up with us first, remember?", "Pink Prue: Too bad.", "(Blue Prue slams down the phone.)", "Blue Prue: Houston, we have a problem.", "Phoebe: Raging clone hormones?", "Blue Prue: No. That was Claire calling. She said that if I, well, one of us, don't get to the office pronto, you'll be looking for a new job.", "Real Prue: Okay, okay, we can swing this.", "Piper: No, no, no, wait. You're not seriously thinking of leaving the house?", "Phoebe: You can't hide three you's at the office.", "Blue Prue: Two of us may not be able to separate Gabriel from his sword but we can certainly fight him off.", "Pink Prue: Which means two of us can go save Prue's job and whoever's left behind can go to the Quake with Piper.", "Piper: Oh, no, no, no, no. Forget it.", "Real Prue: Piper, you have an acting power, and besides Phoebe, your premonition, it didn't happen at Quake, right?", "Phoebe: I can't be sure.", "Real Prue: Still, worst case scenario, Piper freezes Gabriel and she runs.", "Piper: No, no, I don't like this idea. I don't like it at all. I think we should all stay together, all five of us.", "Phoebe: I think Piper's right. The book said it requires the strength of three to take on Gabriel. It's not safe to split up.", "Real Prue: Okay, all who don't like the plan? (Piper and Phoebe raise their hands.) All who do? Wow, once again majority rules.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Bucklands. The real Prue and Pink Prue are walking down the hallway. Real Prue is holding a magazine in front of her face. Pink Prue pushes Real Prue behind a wall and Pink Prue walks up to her assistant.]", "Pink Prue: Hi, is Claire around?", "Assistant: She's been buzzing every fifteen minutes. You want me to get her?", "Pink Prue: Not yet. Did you dig up the information on the Roman vessel?", "Assistant: Hot off the laser jet. (She hands her a piece of paper.)", "Pink Prue: Gabriel Statler's address. Good, okay, now I need for you to get me photocopies of all my sales files for the quarter.", "Assistant: That could take hours.", "Pink Prue: You're right. You know what, I need you to get me copies of everyone's files.", "(She guides her out of the room.)", "Assistant: But that could take days.", "Pink Prue: Well, you better start now. Bye, bye.", "(Pink and Real Prue walk into their office.)", "Real Prue: Did you have to make her to photocopy all the files?", "Pink Prue: You wanted her to see us together?", "Real Prue: No, but you didn't even thank her, and you were so bossy.", "Pink Prue: That's why we're called bosses. Alright, well now that we have Gabriel Statler's address...", "Real Prue: No. You stay here, I will talk to Claire first.", "Pink Prue: Why do you get to talk to Claire?", "Real Prue: Because I still have to work here when all of this is over.", "Claire: (from outside) Prue, are you there?", "Both: Claire!", "(Pink Prue pushes real Prue behind the door.)", "Pink Prue: Claire, hi.", "Claire: I want an explanation for yesterday.", "Pink Prue: What do you mean?", "Claire: Helen Statler called to tell me that she was so offended by your behaviour that she's taking her collection to Kristy's. What happened?", "Pink Prue: Claire, um, I've already made arrangements to make a personal apology and put Bucklands back in the running. As a matter of fact, I convinced Miss Statler to meet me at her estate. See, here's the address. (She looks at the paper.)", "Claire: Okay, you really think you can get this account back?", "Pink Prue: I'd stake my job on it.", "Claire: Good, because you just did. Alright, I'll get my briefcase and we'll take my car.", "Pink Prue: No!", "Claire: No? Oh, yes, yes, yes. I'm not gonna leave you alone with that client again. (She leaves.)", "Real Prue: What was that?", "Pink Prue: Hail Mary pass.", "Real Prue: Okay, alright, let us think, um, I got it. I will take Claire to the wrong address, pretend we've been stood up or something. You call the other one of us at Quake.", "Pink Prue: I love it when I'm so decisive.", "Real Prue: Okay, look, you go get the other Prue and take her to the manor. Okay, and we'll finish this. (She dials the phone.) Hey, yeah, Pheebs, it's me. No, the real one. I'm just checking in.", "Pink Prue: We do that a lot don't we? Check in with our sisters, make sure they're okay. Don't you think if there were a problem, they would call us and let us know?", "Real Prue: Phoebe, I'll call you back. I have to go yell at myself.", "(She hangs up.)", "Claire: (from outside) Prue?", "(Real Prue pushes pink Prue behind the door.)", "Real Prue: Hi, hi. Ready to go?", "Claire: Wow, did you change your sweater?", "Real Prue: Yeah, black's more my colour. Come on.", "[Scene: Quake. The phone rings. Piper answers it.]", "Piper: Thank you for calling Quake.", "Pink Prue: Hi Piper, it's me.", "Piper: What colour?", "Pink Prue: The pink one. The real Prue just left with Claire, look, I need you to get the blue one to the manor. We're meeting Prue there before we go to Gabriel's estate.", "Piper: I've been thinking, have you guys thought about what happens after you separate Gabriel from his sword?", "Pink Prue: Well, the book said she took the sword away and that was it. Why?", "Piper: Well, what if he still comes after you? He's a warlord remember?", "Pink Prue: Once we get the sword we'll destroy him. He would be crazy to take us on. Piper, don't worry. We have a plan and we have powers.", "Piper: I just don't want to lose you... any of you.", "Pink Prue: You won't. I promise. Bye.", "(Piper hangs up and walks into the kitchen.)", "Piper: The pink... (Piper sees Blue Prue eating spaghetti with her fingers. Two cooks are watching her looking very turned on.) one just called and wants you to meet her. Prue, what are you doing?", "Blue Prue: Trying today's special. (to a chef) I think it needs a teeny bit more parmagian.", "(She licks her fingers.)", "Piper: I'm sure it's fine because today's special is glazed shortbread.", "Blue Prue: Forget the parmagian because if anybody knows food, it's my Piper. (to a chef) What's your speciality?", "Piper: Alright, come on you guys get to work, there you go, yeah I know, it's thrilling. Alright.", "Blue Prue: Yeah, I guess I shouldn't pet the help.", "Piper: What has gotten into you? Who has gotten into you? Because you're nothing like the real Prue.", "Blue Prue: Actually, I'm exactly like the real Prue, just the side that doesn't get to come out and play enough. I'm the flip side of the corporate, conservative clone.", "Piper: Alright, that's enough, get out of my kitchen before my cooks overheat. (She offers Piper some spaghetti) I don't want that. Yuh uh.", "[Scene: Bucklands car park. Pink Prue comes out of the elevator. Some sort of bomb roles down the stairs and blows up giving off a bright light which blinds pink Prue.]", "Gabriel: Blinded by the light. (Prue uses her power and moves Gabriel's sword so it cuts him.) You cut me, witch. (He stabs her.)", "[Cut to Claire's car. Real Prue holds her stomach in pain.]", "Prue: Aahh!", "Claire: Prue?", "[Cut back to pink Prue.]", "Pink Prue: Prue. (She dies.)", "Gabriel: Come on. Give it to me.", "(Helena comes up behind Gabriel.)", "Miss Statler: Where's her soul. Where's her magic?", "Gabriel: I've been trapped. She has none. Whoever this is it's not the real witch.", "[Cut back to the car.]", "Claire: Are you okay?", "Real Prue: No, I'm not.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Coroner's office. Andy is there with the coroner.]", "Coroner: Autopsy's were scheduled for first thing in the morning but the case officers said you might be able to I.D. the body now.", "Andy: Homicide victim, right?", "Coroner: Somebody ran it through as a bladed weapon so I'd call it a big yes. (The coroner gets a body out of the morgue.) No I.D. on the body but those are her personal things.", "(Andy looks in a plastic bag and sees the tickets to the Bay Area music awards. He looks at the body. It's Pink Prue.)", "Andy: Prue.", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe is practicing her martial arts on the dummy. The doorbell rings. Phoebe answers it. Andy's there. He's been crying.]", "Phoebe: Hey, Andy.", "(Andy walks in.)", "Andy: Phoebe, I'm sorry.", "Phoebe: What did you do?", "Andy: This is serious, Phoebe. God, I've done this many times before but this is the worst. Prue's dead. They found her body dumped in the ravine near the precitio.", "Phoebe: Are you sure that it was Prue?", "Andy: I saw her body. Investigating officers found a couple of drops of blood on the path to the ravine, blood that probably belonged to the murderer.", "Phoebe: What was she wearing, Andy?", "Andy: Excuse me?", "Phoebe: What colour was she wearing, Andy?", "Andy: What colour? Phoebe did you just hear what I said?", "Phoebe: Okay, Andy, now I'm serious. Do you have any idea what colour sweater she was wearing when they found her? I know it sounds strange but it's important.", "Andy: I think the report said pink.", "Phoebe: Thank God.", "Andy: I just told you I saw your sister dead and you're relieved?", "Phoebe: Andy, it's uh, no secret that we fought at times.", "Andy: What the hell kind of answer is that, Phoebe?", "(Piper and blue Prue walk down the hallway.)", "Piper: (to blue Prue) If you have anymore ideas how to rearrange my business you can save it. Hi Andy.", "Blue Prue: Andy, nice tie.", "Andy: I was just at work... (Real Prue enters through the doorway and Piper freezes Andy.)", "Phoebe: Okay, I may not be an expert, but I think this is the time when somebody hides.", "Piper: Prue, what's the matter?", "Real Prue: What is he doing here?", "Phoebe: He saw you dead at the morgue, obviously a clone and he thought it would be better to break the news here.", "Real Prue: One of us is dead, I knew it, I felt it happen.", "Blue Prue: What do you mean? I didn't feel anything.", "Real Prue: I was in the car with Claire and when she died it felt like it was me.", "Piper: Uh, okay, but one crisis at a time. Prue you gotta go hide, go, get.", "(Andy unfreezes.)", "Andy: And I was in the morgue and you were on a slab.", "Piper: Andy, you know what they say, everybody has a twin out there somewhere.", "Andy: Not like this. There has to be a better explanation for what I saw.", "Phoebe: Okay, well, why do we have to come up with it?", "Andy: I know what I saw.", "Blue Prue: Okay, look, Andy, it means the world to me that you came but I'm here and believe me I didn't get killed today. As you can see I'm very much alive. And I'm fine, I promise.", "Andy: I can't argue with that. By the way, did you make up your mind about the concert?", "Blue Prue: What concert?", "Andy: The Bay Area Music Awards.", "Blue Prue: Oh, you mean the tickets that we ordered months ago. Did those tickets finally come in?", "Andy: Yeah, they came in the mail. Maybe I'll bring them over sometime.", "(He leaves. They go in the living room.)", "Blue Prue: Alright, we need to do something. Gabriel is going to find us and there aren't enough of us left defeat him.", "Piper: How do you know he's still after you?", "Real Prue: Because I'm still here.", "Blue Prue: And as long as I'm needed the spell is still alive.", "Phoebe: Do you think Gabriel knew he didn't get the real Prue?", "Blue Prue: I bet on it. We're gonna need more us's to fight him.", "Piper: More Prue's?", "Real Prue: Don't worry I'm never casting that spell again, I won't risk anymore me's.", "Blue Prue: What about our plan?", "Real Prue: We will still use our powers to sneak into Gabriel's estate. Except we won't be alone when we find him.", "Blue Prue: Prue, we're geniuses.", "Phoebe: What are you people thinking?", "Real Prue: Gabriel Statler is a flesh and blood person with a flesh and blood sister. The only thing that protects him, that makes him invulnerable is that sword.", "Blue Prue: And Gabriel has this weird binding passion for Helena. So, if we grab her we can use her as leverage. A sword for his sister.", "Phoebe: That's your plan?", "Blue Prue: Do you think he won't protect his own flesh and blood?", "Real Prue: Okay, look, we grab Helena and he either trades his sword for her life or we use her to buy more time until we figure out a way to separate him from his sword.", "Piper: Okay, so we'll go with you.", "Real Prue: No way. Today I felt my own death and when that sword went in I felt my life slipping away. I couldn't even imagine something like that happen to either of you. I'm more protective of you guys.", "[Scene: Statler's estate. Gabriel and Helena are there.]", "Gabriel: Anything from surveillance?", "Miss Statler: I saw at least two women identical to Prue Halliwell. One was leaving the restaurant in a blue sweater, the other was entering the manor in a black sweater. We're gonna have to chance it and tackle her at home. Just wait until the hours right before dawn. When they're certain to be asleep and vunerable.", "Gabriel: (moves a piece on a chess board) Check mate.", "[Scene: Manor. Phoebe and Piper enter Prue's room. The two Prue's are there.]", "Piper: Can we have a word with Prue?", "Both Prue's: Sure.", "Piper: The real Prue.", "Real Prue: Yeah, what's up?", "Piper: Um, in private please. If you don't mind.", "Phoebe: It's important. Sister stuff. Uh, no offence.", "Blue Prue: None taken. I'll wait out in the hall.", "(Blue Prue leaves the room.)", "Real Prue: I know what you guys are going to say and please don't talk me out of it.", "Phoebe: Okay, forgive us for not wanting you dead.", "Real Prue: No, I appreciate that. It's just that we'll be fine.", "Piper: You don't know that. The warehouse was a trap. How do you know his house isn't just as dangerous?", "Phoebe: The Statler's don't seem to be the white picket fence type.", "Real Prue: Well, it's our only option.", "Piper: No it isn't. Why go to him when you're stronger in your own home with us.", "Real Prue: And wait for Gabriel to find us? I don't think so.", "Phoebe: He's a strategist Prue. Every move he has made has been carefully planned, he's studied you.", "Piper: And if he's learned anything about you it's how protective you are. He knows you'll risk your self in order to save others. Especially your sisters.", "Phoebe: It's exactly what he wants. You only think you have the upper hand. Okay, just for a moment don't think of us as sister's that you need to protect.", "Piper: Think of us as sister's that can help you defend.", "Real Prue: You guys are right. You're right about Gabriel too. It's far too dangerous. Okay, I need to, we need to come up with another plan. So, you guys need to tell the other me. We might be having this conversation all over again.", "Piper: I'm not talking to that clone.", "Real Prue: You have to.", "Phoebe: Did anybody take notes?", "Piper: I'm not talking to that clone.", "(They go out to the hallway.)", "Phoebe: Prue?", "Piper: She's gone.", "Real Prue: Gabriel Statler's estate.", "Phoebe: It's exactly what you would have done isn't it?", "Real Prue: Yeah, she went to save all of us. Alright, we have to stop her before she does something.", "[Scene: Statler's estate. Blue Prue has tied Helena up.]", "Helena: Gabriel. Gabriel. Gabriel!", "(Gabriel enters the room.)", "Gabriel: My God, Helena.", "Helena: She tied me up.", "(Gabriel pulls out his sword.)", "Blue Prue: Ah, ah, ah. This in war terms is what I believe they called reversal of fortune. I'll make it easy for you. Your sword for your sister.", "Gabriel: Done. There's only one problem. You're not the real Prue Halliwell. Any woman smart enough to clone herself would not make the mistake of confronting me here. So tell me, how many of you are there? So, then you're the last clone. Let my sister go, and I'll promise to make it quick and painless for you and the real Prue.", "Blue Prue: Don't make me do this. Your sword for your sister, please.", "(Gabriel stabs Helena with his sword.)", "Gabriel: Who has the reversal of fortune now?", "[Cut to Piper's car.]", "Prue: Oohh. (Prue grabs her stomach.)", "Piper: Are you alright?", "Phoebe: What's going on?", "Prue: He's killing her. Oh, God I can feel the sword. I can't breathe. It's over, she's gone.", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are there.]", "Piper: Okay, now would be a good time for plan B.", "Phoebe: What about the evidence that Andy talked about? The trail of blood leaving the ravine where they found the first Prue.", "Piper: We can't assume it's Gabriel's. The book says he's invulnerable.", "Phoebe: To the weapons of man. That wouldn't include a crystal sword that sucks away your soul.", "Prue: Right, but I've already proven that you can't take his sword away from him.", "Phoebe: Why do we have to take it away? Why can't we move Gabriel and his sword even closer?", "Prue: Pheebs, you are so smart.", "(She hugs Phoebe and Phoebe has a premonition.)", "Phoebe: Speaking of getting closer, I think Gabriel's on his way here.", "[Scene: Coroner's office. Andy's there looking at Pink Prue's body.]", "Andy: And these fingerprints are cross referenced?", "Coroner: Okay, I fingerprinted Jane Doe myself and the reference prints you asked for Prudence Halliwell came out of her birth certificate from the archives which I took the liberty of verifying through her DNV records.", "Andy: And Prue Halliwell's prints are an identical match to Jane Doe's?", "Coroner: Down to the last whirl.", "Andy: That's statistically impossible. Not even identical twins have a natural variation.", "Coroner: Then I'd get on the horn to Ripley's Believe It Or Not because as far as forensic medicine can tell, this woman is Prue Halliwell.", "Andy: You leave Ripley's out of the loop a long with everyone else who was with me.", "[Scene: Manor. Prue is waiting for Gabriel. The lights turn off. Prue hears a noise and puts her sunglasses on. A bomb flies through the window and gives off a bright light. Gabriel jumps through the window.]", "Gabriel: Clever witch.", "(Prue runs into another room. Gabriel follows her and sees Phoebe's martial arts dummy. He throws his sword at it. Prue, Piper and Phoebe come out from behind the the couch. Piper freezes him.)", "Piper: Hey, check out G.I. Joe. (Phoebe kicks Gabriel and he flies against the wall.) It worked.", "(Prue gets the crystal sword out of the dummy.)", "Gabriel: My weapon.", "Prue: It's all yours. (She uses her powers and the sword flies into Gabriel. He explodes and disappears. The lights turn back on.)", "Piper: Peace at last.", "Prue: Well, too bad you didn't knock him back into the statue. (The doorbell rings) It's his army. Kidding, kidding. (Prue answers the door. Andy's standing there.) Andy, it's four in the morning.", "Andy: This isn't a social call, Prue. I need you to come with me.", "Prue: Where to?", "Andy: City morgue. I'll drive.", "[Scene: Coroner's office. Andy and Prue walk in.]", "Prue: Are you gonna tell me what this is all about because you haven't said a word since we got in the car?", "Andy: I'll show you what this is about. (He pulls out the slab. It's only got clothes on it.)", "Prue: I don't get it.", "Andy: I had a body on this slab. She was identical to you right down to your fingerprints.", "Prue: Andy, I don't know what you want me to say.", "Andy: You know, ever since you came back into my life it's been one weird coincidence after another. And you don't know what to say.", "Prue: Why don't you tell me what you want to hear. Andy, I'm sorry but there is nothing but clothes on that slab, so why don't you just take me home.", "[Scene: Quake. Piper and Phoebe are sitting at a table. Prue comes up and sits down. She's holding a gift basket. Phoebe is reading a newspaper.]", "Phoebe: \"Curiously, the only item found by the slain body of Helena Statler was a blue sweater.\"", "Prue: That's a shame because I kinda liked that sweater.", "Phoebe: What's with the gift basket?", "Prue: Oh, it's a thank you for my assistant. Believe me, she earned it.", "Piper: Tumbler number 345, 46 and 47. And that ladies is the end of Quake's yearly inventory.", "Phoebe: And the end of crowded bathrooms, the end of no hot water and the end of three Prue's hogging all the good clothes.", "Prue: You know one day you might actually hear what you sound like when you say stuff like that.", "Phoebe: And I will find myself sassy and delightful.", "Prue: I won't count on it. Alright, to me, myself and I, and to you guys. I couldn't have done it without you, thank you.", "Phoebe: And to me for kicking some serious demon butt.", "Prue: And to clones who vanished without a trace.", "Piper: Poor Andy, do you think he'll ever figure it out?", "Prue: I don't know but uh, I wouldn't underestimate him. After what happened this morning we're gonna have to be extra careful.", "[Scene: Andy's office. He has a folder of Prue's confidential files. He's looking through newspaper clippings and finds one on witchcraft. He then picks up the Bay Area Music Awards tickets and her fingerprints chart. He puts it all back in his draw and sits back in his chair.]" ]
Which Prue is it Anyway?