{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUyuNswX", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.187", "abstract": "Scatter plots are diagrams that visualize two-dimensional data as sets of points in the plane. They allow users to detect correlations and clusters in the data. Whether or not a user can accomplish these tasks highly depends on the aspect ratio selected for the plot, i.e., the ratio between the horizontal and the vertical extent of the diagram. We argue that an aspect ratio is good if the Delaunay triangulation of the scatter plot at this aspect ratio has some nice geometric property, e.g., a large minimum angle or a small total edge length. More precisely, we consider the following optimization problem. Given a set Q of points in the plane, find a scale factor s such that scaling the x-coordinates of the points in Q by s and the y-coordinates by 1=s yields a point set P(s) that optimizes a property of the Delaunay triangulation of P(s), over all choices of s. We present an algorithm that solves this problem efficiently and demonstrate its usefulness on real-world instances. Moreover, we discuss an empirical test in which we asked 64 participants to choose the aspect ratios of 18 scatter plots. We tested six different quality measures that our algorithm can optimize. In conclusion, minimizing the total edge length and minimizing what we call the 'uncompactness' of the triangles of the Delaunay triangulation yielded the aspect ratios that were most similar to those chosen by the participants in the test.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Scatter plots are diagrams that visualize two-dimensional data as sets of points in the plane. They allow users to detect correlations and clusters in the data. Whether or not a user can accomplish these tasks highly depends on the aspect ratio selected for the plot, i.e., the ratio between the horizontal and the vertical extent of the diagram. We argue that an aspect ratio is good if the Delaunay triangulation of the scatter plot at this aspect ratio has some nice geometric property, e.g., a large minimum angle or a small total edge length. More precisely, we consider the following optimization problem. Given a set Q of points in the plane, find a scale factor s such that scaling the x-coordinates of the points in Q by s and the y-coordinates by 1=s yields a point set P(s) that optimizes a property of the Delaunay triangulation of P(s), over all choices of s. We present an algorithm that solves this problem efficiently and demonstrate its usefulness on real-world instances. Moreover, we discuss an empirical test in which we asked 64 participants to choose the aspect ratios of 18 scatter plots. We tested six different quality measures that our algorithm can optimize. In conclusion, minimizing the total edge length and minimizing what we call the 'uncompactness' of the triangles of the Delaunay triangulation yielded the aspect ratios that were most similar to those chosen by the participants in the test.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Scatter plots are diagrams that visualize two-dimensional data as sets of points in the plane. They allow users to detect correlations and clusters in the data. Whether or not a user can accomplish these tasks highly depends on the aspect ratio selected for the plot, i.e., the ratio between the horizontal and the vertical extent of the diagram. We argue that an aspect ratio is good if the Delaunay triangulation of the scatter plot at this aspect ratio has some nice geometric property, e.g., a large minimum angle or a small total edge length. More precisely, we consider the following optimization problem. Given a set Q of points in the plane, find a scale factor s such that scaling the x-coordinates of the points in Q by s and the y-coordinates by 1=s yields a point set P(s) that optimizes a property of the Delaunay triangulation of P(s), over all choices of s. We present an algorithm that solves this problem efficiently and demonstrate its usefulness on real-world instances. Moreover, we discuss an empirical test in which we asked 64 participants to choose the aspect ratios of 18 scatter plots. We tested six different quality measures that our algorithm can optimize. In conclusion, minimizing the total edge length and minimizing what we call the 'uncompactness' of the triangles of the Delaunay triangulation yielded the aspect ratios that were most similar to those chosen by the participants in the test.", "title": "Selecting the Aspect Ratio of a Scatter Plot Based on Its Delaunay Triangulation", "normalizedTitle": "Selecting the Aspect Ratio of a Scatter Plot Based on Its Delaunay Triangulation", "fno": "ttg2013122326", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Market Research", "Approximation Algorithms", "Approximation Methods", "Data Visualization", "Atmospheric Measurements", "Particle Measurements", "Aspect Ratio", "Market Research", "Approximation Algorithms", "Approximation Methods", "Data Visualization", "Atmospheric Measurements", "Particle Measurements", "Delaunay Triangulation", "Scatter Plot" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Martin", "surname": "Fink", "fullName": "Martin Fink", "affiliation": "Inst. fur Inf., Univ. Wurzburg, Wurzburg, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jan-Henrik", "surname": "Haunert", "fullName": "Jan-Henrik Haunert", "affiliation": "Inst. fur Inf., Univ. Wurzburg, Wurzburg, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Joachim", "surname": "Spoerhase", "fullName": "Joachim Spoerhase", "affiliation": "Inst. fur Inf., Univ. Wurzburg, Wurzburg, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Alexander", "surname": "Wolff", "fullName": "Alexander Wolff", "affiliation": "Inst. fur Inf., Univ. Wurzburg, Wurzburg, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2326-2335", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/apdc/1997/7876/0/78760131", "title": "An Improved Parallel Algorithm for Delaunay Triangulation on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/apdc/1997/78760131/12OmNBTawsE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/apdc/1997/7876/0", "title": "Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ispa/2011/4428/0/4428a052", "title": "A Parallel 3D Delaunay Triangulation Method", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ispa/2011/4428a052/12OmNrIaehr", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ispa/2011/4428/0", "title": "International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/isvd/2012/1910/0/06257653", "title": "Localizing the Delaunay Triangulation and its Parallel Implementation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/isvd/2012/06257653/12OmNwoxSe8", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/isvd/2012/1910/0", "title": "2012 Ninth International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD 2012)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/1988/0878/0/00028293", "title": "Constrained Delaunay triangulation for multiresolution surface description", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/1988/00028293/12OmNxR5USd", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/1988/0878/0", "title": "9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icetet/2008/3267/0/3267a282", "title": "Local Delaunay Triangulation for Mobile Nodes", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icetet/2008/3267a282/12OmNxwWoUv", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icetet/2008/3267/0", "title": "Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icdar/2013/4999/0/06628660", "title": "Alpha*-Approximated Delaunay Triangulation Based Descriptors for Handwritten Character Recognition", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdar/2013/06628660/12OmNzIl3w9", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdar/2013/4999/0", "title": "2013 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/1999/0210/0/02100147", "title": "The Delaunay Constrained Triangulation: The Delaunay Stable Algorithms", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/1999/02100147/12OmNzvQI95", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/1999/0210/0", "title": "1999 IEEE International Conference on Information Visualization (Cat. No. PR00210)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/1995/05/mcg1995050062", "title": "Delaunay Triangulation in Three Dimensions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/1995/05/mcg1995050062/13rRUwInvMz", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2022/9007/0/900700a114", "title": "Comparative evaluation of the Scatter Plot Matrix and Parallel Coordinates Plot Matrix", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2022/900700a114/1KaFNhzetSo", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2022/9007/0", "title": "2022 26th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icbk/2019/4607/0/460700a167", "title": "Nonparametric Functional Approximation with Delaunay Triangulation Learner", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icbk/2019/460700a167/1grN67I14JO", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icbk/2019/4607/0", "title": "2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge (ICBK)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122316", "articleId": "13rRUxASuhA", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122336", "articleId": "13rRUwvT9gs", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTYet2N", "name": "ttg2013122326s.pdf", "location": "", "extension": "pdf", "size": "503 kB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwvT9gs", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.170", "abstract": "In controlled experiments on the relation of display size (i.e., the number of pixels) and the usability of visualizations, the size of the information space can either be kept constant or varied relative to display size. Both experimental approaches have limitations. If the information space is kept constant then the scale ratio between an overview of the entire information space and the lowest zoom level varies, which can impact performance; if the information space is varied then the scale ratio is kept constant, but performance cannot be directly compared. In other words, display size, information space, and scale ratio are interrelated variables. We investigate this relation in two experiments with interfaces that implement classic information visualization techniques-focus+context, overview+detail, and zooming-for multi-scale navigation in maps. Display size varied between 0.17, 1.5, and 13.8 megapixels. Information space varied relative to display size in one experiment and was constant in the other. Results suggest that for tasks where users navigate targets that are visible at all map scales the interfaces do not benefit from a large display: With a constant map size, a larger display does not improve performance with the interfaces; with map size varied relative to display size, participants found interfaces harder to use with a larger display and task completion times decrease only when they are normalized to compensate for the increase in map size. The two experimental approaches show different interaction effects between display size and interface. In particular, focus+context performs relatively worse at a large display size with variable map size, and relatively worse at a small display size with a fixed map size. Based on a theoretical analysis of the interaction with the visualization techniques, we examine individual task actions empirically so as to understand the relative impact of display size and scale ratio on the visualization techniques' performance and to discuss differences between the two experimental approaches.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In controlled experiments on the relation of display size (i.e., the number of pixels) and the usability of visualizations, the size of the information space can either be kept constant or varied relative to display size. Both experimental approaches have limitations. If the information space is kept constant then the scale ratio between an overview of the entire information space and the lowest zoom level varies, which can impact performance; if the information space is varied then the scale ratio is kept constant, but performance cannot be directly compared. In other words, display size, information space, and scale ratio are interrelated variables. We investigate this relation in two experiments with interfaces that implement classic information visualization techniques-focus+context, overview+detail, and zooming-for multi-scale navigation in maps. Display size varied between 0.17, 1.5, and 13.8 megapixels. Information space varied relative to display size in one experiment and was constant in the other. Results suggest that for tasks where users navigate targets that are visible at all map scales the interfaces do not benefit from a large display: With a constant map size, a larger display does not improve performance with the interfaces; with map size varied relative to display size, participants found interfaces harder to use with a larger display and task completion times decrease only when they are normalized to compensate for the increase in map size. The two experimental approaches show different interaction effects between display size and interface. In particular, focus+context performs relatively worse at a large display size with variable map size, and relatively worse at a small display size with a fixed map size. Based on a theoretical analysis of the interaction with the visualization techniques, we examine individual task actions empirically so as to understand the relative impact of display size and scale ratio on the visualization techniques' performance and to discuss differences between the two experimental approaches.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In controlled experiments on the relation of display size (i.e., the number of pixels) and the usability of visualizations, the size of the information space can either be kept constant or varied relative to display size. Both experimental approaches have limitations. If the information space is kept constant then the scale ratio between an overview of the entire information space and the lowest zoom level varies, which can impact performance; if the information space is varied then the scale ratio is kept constant, but performance cannot be directly compared. In other words, display size, information space, and scale ratio are interrelated variables. We investigate this relation in two experiments with interfaces that implement classic information visualization techniques-focus+context, overview+detail, and zooming-for multi-scale navigation in maps. Display size varied between 0.17, 1.5, and 13.8 megapixels. Information space varied relative to display size in one experiment and was constant in the other. Results suggest that for tasks where users navigate targets that are visible at all map scales the interfaces do not benefit from a large display: With a constant map size, a larger display does not improve performance with the interfaces; with map size varied relative to display size, participants found interfaces harder to use with a larger display and task completion times decrease only when they are normalized to compensate for the increase in map size. The two experimental approaches show different interaction effects between display size and interface. In particular, focus+context performs relatively worse at a large display size with variable map size, and relatively worse at a small display size with a fixed map size. Based on a theoretical analysis of the interaction with the visualization techniques, we examine individual task actions empirically so as to understand the relative impact of display size and scale ratio on the visualization techniques' performance and to discuss differences between the two experimental approaches.", "title": "Interactive Visualizations on Large and Small Displays: The Interrelation of Display Size, Information Space, and Scale", "normalizedTitle": "Interactive Visualizations on Large and Small Displays: The Interrelation of Display Size, Information Space, and Scale", "fno": "ttg2013122336", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Navigation", "Interactive Systems", "Data Visualization", "Monitoring", "Aerospace Electronics", "Experimental Method", "Navigation", "Interactive Systems", "Data Visualization", "Monitoring", "Aerospace Electronics", "User Studies", "Information Visualization", "Multi Scale Navigation", "Interaction Techniques" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Mikkel R.", "surname": "Jakobsen", "fullName": "Mikkel R. Jakobsen", "affiliation": "Univ. of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kasper", "surname": "Hornbaek", "fullName": "Kasper Hornbaek", "affiliation": "Univ. of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2336-2345", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/prdc/2014/6474/0/6474a021", "title": "A Software-Implemented Fault-Tolerance Approach for Control and Display Systems in Avionics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/prdc/2014/6474a021/12OmNAoUT8h", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/prdc/2014/6474/0", "title": "2014 IEEE 20th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ismar/2015/7660/0/7660a186", "title": "[POSTER] Maintaining Appropriate Interpersonal Distance Using Virtual Body Size", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ismar/2015/7660a186/12OmNxveNLZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ismar/2015/7660/0", "title": "2015 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2014/2871/0/06802063", "title": "Automated calibration of display characteristics (ACDC) for head-mounted displays and arbitrary surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2014/06802063/12OmNxwENpf", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2014/2871/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/3dui/2014/3624/0/06798873", "title": "Poster: Understanding of spatial gestural motor space: A study on cursorless absolute freehand pointing on large displays", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/3dui/2014/06798873/12OmNzIUfL4", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/3dui/2014/3624/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vast/2016/5661/0/07883506", "title": "Supporting visual exploration for multiple users in large display environments", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vast/2016/07883506/12OmNzJbQTg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vast/2016/5661/0", "title": "2016 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/ts/1982/05/01702980", "title": "Display Condensation of Program Text", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/ts/1982/05/01702980/13rRUwh80Is", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/ts", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/bdva/2018/9194/0/08534027", "title": "Visual Analytics on Large Displays: Exploring User Spatialization and How Size and Resolution Affect Task Performance", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bdva/2018/08534027/17D45XvMcbt", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bdva/2018/9194/0", "title": "2018 International Symposium on Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics (BDVA)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cecit/2021/3757/0/375700a186", "title": "An Adaptive step size Stokes Space method for polarization demultiplexing", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cecit/2021/375700a186/1CdELejFlYY", "parentPublication": { "id": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUyYSWsX", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.163", "abstract": "We present a first investigation into hybrid-image visualization for data analysis in large-scale viewing environments. Hybrid-image visualizations blend two different visual representations into a single static view, such that each representation can be perceived at a different viewing distance. Our work is motivated by data analysis scenarios that incorporate one or more displays with sufficiently large size and resolution to be comfortably viewed by different people from various distances. Hybrid-image visualizations can be used, in particular, to enhance overview tasks from a distance and detail-in-context tasks when standing close to the display. By using a perception-based blending approach, hybrid-image visualizations make two full-screen visualizations accessible without tracking viewers in front of a display. We contribute a design space, discuss the perceptual rationale for our work, provide examples, and introduce a set of techniques and tools to aid the design of hybrid-image visualizations.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present a first investigation into hybrid-image visualization for data analysis in large-scale viewing environments. Hybrid-image visualizations blend two different visual representations into a single static view, such that each representation can be perceived at a different viewing distance. Our work is motivated by data analysis scenarios that incorporate one or more displays with sufficiently large size and resolution to be comfortably viewed by different people from various distances. Hybrid-image visualizations can be used, in particular, to enhance overview tasks from a distance and detail-in-context tasks when standing close to the display. By using a perception-based blending approach, hybrid-image visualizations make two full-screen visualizations accessible without tracking viewers in front of a display. We contribute a design space, discuss the perceptual rationale for our work, provide examples, and introduce a set of techniques and tools to aid the design of hybrid-image visualizations.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present a first investigation into hybrid-image visualization for data analysis in large-scale viewing environments. Hybrid-image visualizations blend two different visual representations into a single static view, such that each representation can be perceived at a different viewing distance. Our work is motivated by data analysis scenarios that incorporate one or more displays with sufficiently large size and resolution to be comfortably viewed by different people from various distances. Hybrid-image visualizations can be used, in particular, to enhance overview tasks from a distance and detail-in-context tasks when standing close to the display. By using a perception-based blending approach, hybrid-image visualizations make two full-screen visualizations accessible without tracking viewers in front of a display. We contribute a design space, discuss the perceptual rationale for our work, provide examples, and introduce a set of techniques and tools to aid the design of hybrid-image visualizations.", "title": "Hybrid-Image Visualization for Large Viewing Environments", "normalizedTitle": "Hybrid-Image Visualization for Large Viewing Environments", "fno": "ttg2013122346", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Encoding", "Image Color Analysis", "Frequency Domain Analysis", "Collaboration", "Data Visualization", "Encoding", "Image Color Analysis", "Frequency Domain Analysis", "Visualization", "Multi Scale", "Large Displays", "Hybrid Images" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Petra", "surname": "Isenberg", "fullName": "Petra Isenberg", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Pierre", "surname": "Dragicevic", "fullName": "Pierre Dragicevic", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Wesley", "surname": "Willett", "fullName": "Wesley Willett", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Anastasia", "surname": "Bezerianos", "fullName": "Anastasia Bezerianos", "affiliation": "LRI, Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jean-Daniel", "surname": "Fekete", "fullName": "Jean-Daniel Fekete", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2346-2355", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/nicoint/2016/2305/0/2305a171", "title": "Toward Using Hybrid Image as a Visual Acuity Assessment Tool", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/nicoint/2016/2305a171/12OmNBqMDh2", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/nicoint/2016/2305/0", "title": "2016 Nicograph International (NicoInt)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dasfaa/2001/0996/0/06044759", "title": "WebCarousel: Restructuring web search results for passive viewing in mobile environments", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dasfaa/2001/06044759/12OmNwuvrWD", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dasfaa/2001/0996/0", "title": "Proceedings Seventh International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications. DASFAA 2001", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cw/2015/9403/0/9403a121", "title": "Dynamic Image Adjustment Method and Evaluation for Glassless 3D Viewing Systems", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cw/2015/9403a121/12OmNy4IFa6", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cw/2015/9403/0", "title": "2015 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ccats/2015/8211/0/8211a054", "title": "Analysis of Gazing Points while Viewing Super-High-Definition Images at Various Viewing Positions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ccats/2015/8211a054/12OmNy5R3Ew", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ccats/2015/8211/0", "title": "2015 International Conference on Computer Application Technologies (CCATS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/01/08017604", "title": "Modeling Color Difference for Visualization Design", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/01/08017604/13rRUB7a1fY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2013/04/mcg2013040038", "title": "Visualizing Large, Heterogeneous Data in Hybrid-Reality Environments", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2013/04/mcg2013040038/13rRUyYjKcT", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2011/11/ttg2011111690", "title": "Autostereoscopic 3D Display with Long Visualization Depth Using Referential Viewing Area-Based Integral Photography", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2011/11/ttg2011111690/13rRUyfKIHG", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/12/ttg2013122386", "title": "Information Visualization and Proxemics: Design Opportunities and Empirical Findings", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/12/ttg2013122386/13rRUygT7mY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/5555/01/09969167", "title": "Image-Driven Harmonious Color Palette Generation for Diverse Information Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/5555/01/09969167/1IMicNIXex2", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2019/3293/0/329300f429", "title": "Predicting Visible Image Differences Under Varying Display Brightness and Viewing Distance", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2019/329300f429/1gysbLYwgO4", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2019/3293/0", "title": "2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122336", "articleId": "13rRUwvT9gs", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122356", "articleId": "13rRUy3gn7w", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUy3gn7w", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.130", "abstract": "Proposals to establish a 'science of interaction' have been forwarded from Information Visualization and Visual Analytics, as well as Cartography, Geovisualization, and GIScience. This paper reports on two studies to contribute to this call for an interaction science, with the goal of developing a functional taxonomy of interaction primitives for map-based visualization. A semi-structured interview study first was conducted with 21 expert interactive map users to understand the way in which map-based visualizations currently are employed. The interviews were transcribed and coded to identify statements representative of either the task the user wished to accomplish (i.e., objective primitives) or the interactive functionality included in the visualization to achieve this task (i.e., operator primitives). A card sorting study then was conducted with 15 expert interactive map designers to organize these example statements into logical structures based on their experience translating client requests into interaction designs. Example statements were supplemented with primitive definitions in the literature and were separated into two sorting exercises: objectives and operators. The objective sort suggested five objectives that increase in cognitive sophistication (identify, compare, rank, associate, & delineate), but exhibited a large amount of variation across participants due to consideration of broader user goals (procure, predict, & prescribe) and interaction operands (space-alone, attributes-in-space, & space-in-time; elementary & general). The operator sort suggested five enabling operators (import, export, save, edit, & annotate) and twelve work operators (reexpress, arrange, sequence, resymbolize, overlay, pan, zoom, reproject, search, filter, retrieve, & calculate). This taxonomy offers an empirically-derived and ecologically-valid structure to inform future research and design on interaction.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Proposals to establish a 'science of interaction' have been forwarded from Information Visualization and Visual Analytics, as well as Cartography, Geovisualization, and GIScience. This paper reports on two studies to contribute to this call for an interaction science, with the goal of developing a functional taxonomy of interaction primitives for map-based visualization. A semi-structured interview study first was conducted with 21 expert interactive map users to understand the way in which map-based visualizations currently are employed. The interviews were transcribed and coded to identify statements representative of either the task the user wished to accomplish (i.e., objective primitives) or the interactive functionality included in the visualization to achieve this task (i.e., operator primitives). A card sorting study then was conducted with 15 expert interactive map designers to organize these example statements into logical structures based on their experience translating client requests into interaction designs. Example statements were supplemented with primitive definitions in the literature and were separated into two sorting exercises: objectives and operators. The objective sort suggested five objectives that increase in cognitive sophistication (identify, compare, rank, associate, & delineate), but exhibited a large amount of variation across participants due to consideration of broader user goals (procure, predict, & prescribe) and interaction operands (space-alone, attributes-in-space, & space-in-time; elementary & general). The operator sort suggested five enabling operators (import, export, save, edit, & annotate) and twelve work operators (reexpress, arrange, sequence, resymbolize, overlay, pan, zoom, reproject, search, filter, retrieve, & calculate). This taxonomy offers an empirically-derived and ecologically-valid structure to inform future research and design on interaction.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Proposals to establish a 'science of interaction' have been forwarded from Information Visualization and Visual Analytics, as well as Cartography, Geovisualization, and GIScience. This paper reports on two studies to contribute to this call for an interaction science, with the goal of developing a functional taxonomy of interaction primitives for map-based visualization. A semi-structured interview study first was conducted with 21 expert interactive map users to understand the way in which map-based visualizations currently are employed. The interviews were transcribed and coded to identify statements representative of either the task the user wished to accomplish (i.e., objective primitives) or the interactive functionality included in the visualization to achieve this task (i.e., operator primitives). A card sorting study then was conducted with 15 expert interactive map designers to organize these example statements into logical structures based on their experience translating client requests into interaction designs. Example statements were supplemented with primitive definitions in the literature and were separated into two sorting exercises: objectives and operators. The objective sort suggested five objectives that increase in cognitive sophistication (identify, compare, rank, associate, & delineate), but exhibited a large amount of variation across participants due to consideration of broader user goals (procure, predict, & prescribe) and interaction operands (space-alone, attributes-in-space, & space-in-time; elementary & general). The operator sort suggested five enabling operators (import, export, save, edit, & annotate) and twelve work operators (reexpress, arrange, sequence, resymbolize, overlay, pan, zoom, reproject, search, filter, retrieve, & calculate). This taxonomy offers an empirically-derived and ecologically-valid structure to inform future research and design on interaction.", "title": "An Empirically-Derived Taxonomy of Interaction Primitives for Interactive Cartography and Geovisualization", "normalizedTitle": "An Empirically-Derived Taxonomy of Interaction Primitives for Interactive Cartography and Geovisualization", "fno": "ttg2013122356", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Cartography", "Object Recognition", "Geophysical Measurements", "Search Problems", "Geovisualization", "Cartography", "Object Recognition", "Geophysical Measurements", "Search Problems", "Interaction Techniques", "Science Of Interaction", "Interaction Primitives", "Interactive Maps" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Robert E.", "surname": "Roth", "fullName": "Robert E. Roth", "affiliation": "Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2356-2365", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/dac/1982/020/0/01585548", "title": "An Interactive Drafting System based on two Dimensional Primitives", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dac/1982/01585548/12OmNBqMDiy", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dac/1982/020/0", "title": "19th Design Automation Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2014/5666/0/07004271", "title": "Identification of SNP interactions using data-parallel primitives on GPUs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/big-data/2014/07004271/12OmNqI04Vh", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2014/5666/0", "title": "2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sbst/2017/2789/0/07967956", "title": "An Empirical Evaluation of Mutation and Crossover Operators for Multi-Objective Uncertainty-Wise Test Minimization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sbst/2017/07967956/12OmNwxlrf2", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sbst/2017/2789/0", "title": "2017 IEEE/ACM 10th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2018/03/07592892", "title": "A Global Network Alignment Method Using Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2018/03/07592892/13rRUzphDwm", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/apsec/2022/5537/0/553700a348", "title": "Multi-Perspective Alignment Mechanism for Code Search", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/apsec/2022/553700a348/1KOv8Q4wsq4", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/apsec/2022/5537/0", "title": "2022 29th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icat/2019/4543/0/08938959", "title": "Playground Algorithm as a New Meta-heuristic Optimization Algorithm", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icat/2019/08938959/1fYfz7k23Ti", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icat/2019/4543/0", "title": "2019 XXVII International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2020/7168/0/716800l1402", "title": "Hit-Detector: Hierarchical Trinity Architecture Search for Object Detection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2020/716800l1402/1m3nWYqrceA", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2020/7168/0", "title": "2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icsme/2020/5619/0/561900a115", "title": "Learning Code-Query Interaction for Enhancing Code Searches", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icsme/2020/561900a115/1oqKOe5NyVy", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icsme/2020/5619/0", "title": "2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122346", "articleId": "13rRUyYSWsX", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122366", "articleId": "13rRUyuegh8", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTYet4I", "name": "ttg2013122356s.pdf", "location": "", "extension": "pdf", "size": "166 kB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUyuegh8", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.120", "abstract": "Knowledge about visualization tasks plays an important role in choosing or building suitable visual representations to pursue them. Yet, tasks are a multi-faceted concept and it is thus not surprising that the many existing task taxonomies and models all describe different aspects of tasks, depending on what these task descriptions aim to capture. This results in a clear need to bring these different aspects together under the common hood of a general design space of visualization tasks, which we propose in this paper. Our design space consists of five design dimensions that characterize the main aspects of tasks and that have so far been distributed across different task descriptions. We exemplify its concrete use by applying our design space in the domain of climate impact research. To this end, we propose interfaces to our design space for different user roles (developers, authors, and end users) that allow users of different levels of expertise to work with it.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Knowledge about visualization tasks plays an important role in choosing or building suitable visual representations to pursue them. Yet, tasks are a multi-faceted concept and it is thus not surprising that the many existing task taxonomies and models all describe different aspects of tasks, depending on what these task descriptions aim to capture. This results in a clear need to bring these different aspects together under the common hood of a general design space of visualization tasks, which we propose in this paper. Our design space consists of five design dimensions that characterize the main aspects of tasks and that have so far been distributed across different task descriptions. We exemplify its concrete use by applying our design space in the domain of climate impact research. To this end, we propose interfaces to our design space for different user roles (developers, authors, and end users) that allow users of different levels of expertise to work with it.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Knowledge about visualization tasks plays an important role in choosing or building suitable visual representations to pursue them. Yet, tasks are a multi-faceted concept and it is thus not surprising that the many existing task taxonomies and models all describe different aspects of tasks, depending on what these task descriptions aim to capture. This results in a clear need to bring these different aspects together under the common hood of a general design space of visualization tasks, which we propose in this paper. Our design space consists of five design dimensions that characterize the main aspects of tasks and that have so far been distributed across different task descriptions. We exemplify its concrete use by applying our design space in the domain of climate impact research. To this end, we propose interfaces to our design space for different user roles (developers, authors, and end users) that allow users of different levels of expertise to work with it.", "title": "A Design Space of Visualization Tasks", "normalizedTitle": "A Design Space of Visualization Tasks", "fno": "ttg2013122366", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Taxonomy", "Meteorology", "Market Research", "Climate Impact Research", "Data Visualization", "Taxonomy", "Meteorology", "Market Research", "Visualization Recommendation", "Task Taxonomy", "Design Space" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Hans-Jorg", "surname": "Schulz", "fullName": "Hans-Jorg Schulz", "affiliation": "Univ. of Rostock, Rostock, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Thomas", "surname": "Nocke", "fullName": "Thomas Nocke", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Magnus", "surname": "Heitzler", "fullName": "Magnus Heitzler", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Heidrun", "surname": "Schumann", "fullName": "Heidrun Schumann", "affiliation": "Univ. of Rostock, Rostock, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2366-2375", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2015/6879/0/07156366", "title": "Text visualization techniques: Taxonomy, visual survey, and community insights", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2015/07156366/12OmNqAU6t7", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2015/6879/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2016/8942/0/8942a159", "title": "A Low Level Evaluation of Head-Tracker and Speech Commands Interactions in Information Visualization Tasks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2016/8942a159/12OmNscxj3B", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2016/8942/0", "title": "2016 20th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-infovis/1997/8189/0/81890092", "title": "The structure of the information visualization design space", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-infovis/1997/81890092/12OmNwNwzEj", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-infovis/1997/8189/0", "title": "Information Visualization, IEEE Symposium on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icmtma/2016/2312/0/2312a834", "title": "The Role of New Media in the 'Conceptual' Space Design Education", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icmtma/2016/2312a834/12OmNxGALhu", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icmtma/2016/2312/0", "title": "2016 Eighth International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2014/4103/0/4103a094", "title": "FacetScape: A Visualization for Exploring the Search Space", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2014/4103a094/12OmNzVXNZB", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2014/4103/0", "title": "2014 18th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/07/08356097", "title": "Bridging Text Visualization and Mining: A Task-Driven Survey", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/07/08356097/13rRUwbs1SC", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2011/04/ttg2011040393", "title": "The Design Space of Implicit Hierarchy Visualization: A Survey", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2011/04/ttg2011040393/13rRUwbs20T", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2015/04/mcg2015040028", "title": "Characterizing Visualization Insights from Quantified Selfers' Personal Data Presentations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2015/04/mcg2015040028/13rRUxCRFQl", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2015/10/07091028", "title": "A Task Taxonomy for Temporal Graph Visualisation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2015/10/07091028/13rRUxDqS8k", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/10/09371413", "title": "A State-of-the-Art Survey of Tasks for Tree Design and Evaluation With a Curated Task Dataset", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/10/09371413/1rIQFFoJXEI", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122356", "articleId": "13rRUy3gn7w", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122376", "articleId": "13rRUyYSWkX", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUyYSWkX", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.124", "abstract": "The considerable previous work characterizing visualization usage has focused on low-level tasks or interactions and high-level tasks, leaving a gap between them that is not addressed. This gap leads to a lack of distinction between the ends and means of a task, limiting the potential for rigorous analysis. We contribute a multi-level typology of visualization tasks to address this gap, distinguishing why and how a visualization task is performed, as well as what the task inputs and outputs are. Our typology allows complex tasks to be expressed as sequences of interdependent simpler tasks, resulting in concise and flexible descriptions for tasks of varying complexity and scope. It provides abstract rather than domain-specific descriptions of tasks, so that useful comparisons can be made between visualization systems targeted at different application domains. This descriptive power supports a level of analysis required for the generation of new designs, by guiding the translation of domain-specific problems into abstract tasks, and for the qualitative evaluation of visualization usage. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach in a detailed case study, comparing task descriptions from our typology to those derived from related work. We also discuss the similarities and differences between our typology and over two dozen extant classification systems and theoretical frameworks from the literatures of visualization, human-computer interaction, information retrieval, communications, and cartography.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The considerable previous work characterizing visualization usage has focused on low-level tasks or interactions and high-level tasks, leaving a gap between them that is not addressed. This gap leads to a lack of distinction between the ends and means of a task, limiting the potential for rigorous analysis. We contribute a multi-level typology of visualization tasks to address this gap, distinguishing why and how a visualization task is performed, as well as what the task inputs and outputs are. Our typology allows complex tasks to be expressed as sequences of interdependent simpler tasks, resulting in concise and flexible descriptions for tasks of varying complexity and scope. It provides abstract rather than domain-specific descriptions of tasks, so that useful comparisons can be made between visualization systems targeted at different application domains. This descriptive power supports a level of analysis required for the generation of new designs, by guiding the translation of domain-specific problems into abstract tasks, and for the qualitative evaluation of visualization usage. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach in a detailed case study, comparing task descriptions from our typology to those derived from related work. We also discuss the similarities and differences between our typology and over two dozen extant classification systems and theoretical frameworks from the literatures of visualization, human-computer interaction, information retrieval, communications, and cartography.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The considerable previous work characterizing visualization usage has focused on low-level tasks or interactions and high-level tasks, leaving a gap between them that is not addressed. This gap leads to a lack of distinction between the ends and means of a task, limiting the potential for rigorous analysis. We contribute a multi-level typology of visualization tasks to address this gap, distinguishing why and how a visualization task is performed, as well as what the task inputs and outputs are. Our typology allows complex tasks to be expressed as sequences of interdependent simpler tasks, resulting in concise and flexible descriptions for tasks of varying complexity and scope. It provides abstract rather than domain-specific descriptions of tasks, so that useful comparisons can be made between visualization systems targeted at different application domains. This descriptive power supports a level of analysis required for the generation of new designs, by guiding the translation of domain-specific problems into abstract tasks, and for the qualitative evaluation of visualization usage. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach in a detailed case study, comparing task descriptions from our typology to those derived from related work. We also discuss the similarities and differences between our typology and over two dozen extant classification systems and theoretical frameworks from the literatures of visualization, human-computer interaction, information retrieval, communications, and cartography.", "title": "A Multi-Level Typology of Abstract Visualization Tasks", "normalizedTitle": "A Multi-Level Typology of Abstract Visualization Tasks", "fno": "ttg2013122376", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Topology", "Modeling", "Qualitative Evaluations", "Encoding", "Task And Requirements Analysis", "Topology", "Modeling", "Qualitative Evaluations", "Encoding", "Qualitative Evaluation", "Typology", "Visualization Models" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Matthew", "surname": "Brehmer", "fullName": "Matthew Brehmer", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Tamara", "surname": "Munzner", "fullName": "Tamara Munzner", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2376-2385", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iv/2013/5049/0/5049a351", "title": "A Typology for Data Visualization on the Web", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2013/5049a351/12OmNAle6nG", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2013/5049/0", "title": "2013 17th International Conference on Information Visualisation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2008/3268/0/3268a069", "title": "Comparing Information Visualization Tools Focusing on the Temporal Dimensions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2008/3268a069/12OmNrkBwv5", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2008/3268/0", "title": "2008 12th International Conference Information Visualisation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2007/2900/0/29000074", "title": "Focus Group Methodology for Evaluating Information Visualization Techniques and Tools", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2007/29000074/12OmNro0Icc", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2007/2900/0", "title": "2007 11th International Conference Information Visualization (IV '07)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2016/8942/0/8942a159", "title": "A Low Level Evaluation of Head-Tracker and Speech Commands Interactions in Information Visualization Tasks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2016/8942a159/12OmNscxj3B", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2016/8942/0", "title": "2016 20th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/scam/2011/0932/0/06065178", "title": "What You See is What You Asked for: An Effort-Based Transformation of Code Analysis Tasks into Interactive Visualization Scenarios", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/scam/2011/06065178/12OmNyQ7G65", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/scam/2011/0932/0", "title": "2011 IEEE 11th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2017/05/mcg2017050018", "title": "Typology of Uncertainty in Static Geolocated Graphs for Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2017/05/mcg2017050018/13rRUIJuxxZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/01/08019880", "title": "Beyond Tasks: An Activity Typology for Visual Analytics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/01/08019880/13rRUwdrdSD", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/12/ttg2013122366", "title": "A Design Space of Visualization Tasks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/12/ttg2013122366/13rRUyuegh8", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/beliv/2022/9629/0/962900a066", "title": "A Data-Centric Methodology and Task Typology for Time-Stamped Event Sequences", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/beliv/2022/962900a066/1J6hQC7MN6o", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/beliv/2022/9629/0", "title": "2022 IEEE Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches for Visualization (BELIV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/10/09371413", "title": "A State-of-the-Art Survey of Tasks for Tree Design and Evaluation With a Curated Task Dataset", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/10/09371413/1rIQFFoJXEI", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122366", "articleId": "13rRUyuegh8", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122386", "articleId": "13rRUygT7mY", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUygT7mY", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.166", "abstract": "People typically interact with information visualizations using a mouse. Their physical movement, orientation, and distance to visualizations are rarely used as input. We explore how to use such spatial relations among people and visualizations (i.e., proxemics) to drive interaction with visualizations, focusing here on the spatial relations between a single user and visualizations on a large display. We implement interaction techniques that zoom and pan, query and relate, and adapt visualizations based on tracking of users' position in relation to a large high-resolution display. Alternative prototypes are tested in three user studies and compared with baseline conditions that use a mouse. Our aim is to gain empirical data on the usefulness of a range of design possibilities and to generate more ideas. Among other things, the results show promise for changing zoom level or visual representation with the user's physical distance to a large display. We discuss possible benefits and potential issues to avoid when designing information visualizations that use proxemics.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "People typically interact with information visualizations using a mouse. Their physical movement, orientation, and distance to visualizations are rarely used as input. We explore how to use such spatial relations among people and visualizations (i.e., proxemics) to drive interaction with visualizations, focusing here on the spatial relations between a single user and visualizations on a large display. We implement interaction techniques that zoom and pan, query and relate, and adapt visualizations based on tracking of users' position in relation to a large high-resolution display. Alternative prototypes are tested in three user studies and compared with baseline conditions that use a mouse. Our aim is to gain empirical data on the usefulness of a range of design possibilities and to generate more ideas. Among other things, the results show promise for changing zoom level or visual representation with the user's physical distance to a large display. We discuss possible benefits and potential issues to avoid when designing information visualizations that use proxemics.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "People typically interact with information visualizations using a mouse. Their physical movement, orientation, and distance to visualizations are rarely used as input. We explore how to use such spatial relations among people and visualizations (i.e., proxemics) to drive interaction with visualizations, focusing here on the spatial relations between a single user and visualizations on a large display. We implement interaction techniques that zoom and pan, query and relate, and adapt visualizations based on tracking of users' position in relation to a large high-resolution display. Alternative prototypes are tested in three user studies and compared with baseline conditions that use a mouse. Our aim is to gain empirical data on the usefulness of a range of design possibilities and to generate more ideas. Among other things, the results show promise for changing zoom level or visual representation with the user's physical distance to a large display. We discuss possible benefits and potential issues to avoid when designing information visualizations that use proxemics.", "title": "Information Visualization and Proxemics: Design Opportunities and Empirical Findings", "normalizedTitle": "Information Visualization and Proxemics: Design Opportunities and Empirical Findings", "fno": "ttg2013122386", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Navigation", "Information Filters", "Encoding", "Orientation", "Data Visualization", "Navigation", "Information Filters", "Encoding", "Distance", "Proxemics", "Information Visualization", "User Study", "Large Displays", "User Tracking", "Movement" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Mikkel R.", "surname": "Jakobsen", "fullName": "Mikkel R. Jakobsen", "affiliation": "Univ. of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Yonas", "surname": "Sahlemariam Haile", "fullName": "Yonas Sahlemariam Haile", "affiliation": "Univ. of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Soren", "surname": "Knudsen", "fullName": "Soren Knudsen", "affiliation": "Univ. of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kasper", "surname": "Hornbaek", "fullName": "Kasper Hornbaek", "affiliation": "Univ. of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2386-2395", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/vl/1996/7508/0/75080336", "title": "The Eyes Have It: A Task by Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vl/1996/75080336/12OmNA14A55", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vl/1996/7508/0", "title": "Visual Languages, IEEE Symposium on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2009/3733/0/3733a227", "title": "Service-Oriented Information Visualization for Smart Environments", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2009/3733a227/12OmNApu5Db", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2009/3733/0", "title": "2009 13th International Conference Information Visualisation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-infovis/2002/1751/0/01173146", "title": "Graphical encoding for information visualization: an empirical study", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-infovis/2002/01173146/12OmNrMZpGn", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-infovis/2002/1751/0", "title": "Information Visualization, IEEE Symposium on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vast/2016/5661/0/07883506", "title": "Supporting visual exploration for multiple users in large display environments", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vast/2016/07883506/12OmNzJbQTg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vast/2016/5661/0", "title": "2016 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2015/09/07063249", "title": "VisDock: A Toolkit for Cross-Cutting Interactions in Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2015/09/07063249/13rRUNvyakQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2003/02/v0176", "title": "Multiscale Visualization Using Data Cubes", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2003/02/v0176/13rRUwj7cp0", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2006/05/v0837", "title": "The Perceptual Scalability of Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2006/05/v0837/13rRUwjXZS3", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/12/ttg2013122346", "title": "Hybrid-Image Visualization for Large Viewing Environments", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/12/ttg2013122346/13rRUyYSWsX", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vis/2019/4941/0/08933747", "title": "EasyPZ.js: Interaction Binding for Pan and Zoom Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vis/2019/08933747/1fTgFR19dTi", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vis/2019/4941/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/12/09528956", "title": "Multiscale Visualization: A Structured Literature Analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/12/09528956/1wB2xUo1WKY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122376", "articleId": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxBa5nm", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.134", "abstract": "We present an interaction model for beyond-desktop visualizations that combines the visualization reference model with the instrumental interaction paradigm. Beyond-desktop visualizations involve a wide range of emerging technologies such as wall-sized displays, 3D and shape-changing displays, touch and tangible input, and physical information visualizations. While these technologies allow for new forms of interaction, they are often studied in isolation. New conceptual models are needed to build a coherent picture of what has been done and what is possible. We describe a modified pipeline model where raw data is processed into a visualization and then rendered into the physical world. Users can explore or change data by directly manipulating visualizations or through the use of instruments. Interactions can also take place in the physical world outside the visualization system, such as when using locomotion to inspect a large scale visualization. Through case studies we illustrate how this model can be used to describe both conventional and unconventional interactive visualization systems, and compare different design alternatives.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present an interaction model for beyond-desktop visualizations that combines the visualization reference model with the instrumental interaction paradigm. Beyond-desktop visualizations involve a wide range of emerging technologies such as wall-sized displays, 3D and shape-changing displays, touch and tangible input, and physical information visualizations. While these technologies allow for new forms of interaction, they are often studied in isolation. New conceptual models are needed to build a coherent picture of what has been done and what is possible. We describe a modified pipeline model where raw data is processed into a visualization and then rendered into the physical world. Users can explore or change data by directly manipulating visualizations or through the use of instruments. Interactions can also take place in the physical world outside the visualization system, such as when using locomotion to inspect a large scale visualization. Through case studies we illustrate how this model can be used to describe both conventional and unconventional interactive visualization systems, and compare different design alternatives.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present an interaction model for beyond-desktop visualizations that combines the visualization reference model with the instrumental interaction paradigm. Beyond-desktop visualizations involve a wide range of emerging technologies such as wall-sized displays, 3D and shape-changing displays, touch and tangible input, and physical information visualizations. While these technologies allow for new forms of interaction, they are often studied in isolation. New conceptual models are needed to build a coherent picture of what has been done and what is possible. We describe a modified pipeline model where raw data is processed into a visualization and then rendered into the physical world. Users can explore or change data by directly manipulating visualizations or through the use of instruments. Interactions can also take place in the physical world outside the visualization system, such as when using locomotion to inspect a large scale visualization. Through case studies we illustrate how this model can be used to describe both conventional and unconventional interactive visualization systems, and compare different design alternatives.", "title": "An Interaction Model for Visualizations Beyond The Desktop", "normalizedTitle": "An Interaction Model for Visualizations Beyond The Desktop", "fno": "ttg2013122396", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Pipelines", "Data Visualization", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Notational System", "Pipelines", "Data Visualization", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Physical Visualization", "Information Visualization", "Interaction Model" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Yvonne", "surname": "Jansen", "fullName": "Yvonne Jansen", "affiliation": "Inria & Univ. Paris Sud, Paris, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Pierre", "surname": "Dragicevic", "fullName": "Pierre Dragicevic", "affiliation": "Inria, Sophia-Antipolis, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2396-2405", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/ismarw/2016/3740/0/07836451", "title": "DualCAD: Integrating Augmented Reality with a Desktop GUI and Smartphone Interaction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ismarw/2016/07836451/12OmNAndit1", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ismarw/2016/3740/0", "title": "2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR-Adjunct)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/3dvis/2014/6826/0/07160102", "title": "Interaction techniques as a communication channel when presenting 3D visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/3dvis/2014/07160102/12OmNwJybO7", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/3dvis/2014/6826/0", "title": "2014 IEEE VIS International Workshop on 3DVis (3DVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cw/2017/2089/0/2089a142", "title": "Building Immersive Data Visualizations for the Web", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cw/2017/2089a142/12OmNx6PiB6", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cw/2017/2089/0", "title": "2017 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2017/5738/0/08031580", "title": "Interaction+: Interaction enhancement for web-based visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2017/08031580/12OmNyQ7FJe", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2017/5738/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/07/07390081", "title": "A Study of Layout, Rendering, and Interaction Methods for Immersive Graph Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/07/07390081/13rRUxly8XJ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ismar-adjunct/2022/5365/0/536500a238", "title": "Elicitation of Interaction Techniques with 3D Data Visualizations in Immersive Environment using HMDs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ismar-adjunct/2022/536500a238/1J7W8EXefza", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ismar-adjunct/2022/5365/0", "title": "2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2022/9007/0/900700a073", "title": "A Flexible Pipeline to Create Different Types of Data Physicalizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2022/900700a073/1KaH4gYfBzG", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2022/9007/0", "title": "2022 26th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/01/08794607", "title": "Artifact-Based Rendering: Harnessing Natural and Traditional Visual Media for More Expressive and Engaging 3D Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/01/08794607/1cumYxIQ9Ve", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vis/2019/4941/0/08933747", "title": "EasyPZ.js: Interaction Binding for Pan and Zoom Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vis/2019/08933747/1fTgFR19dTi", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vis/2019/4941/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2020/5608/0/09089446", "title": "Graphical Perception for Immersive Analytics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2020/09089446/1jIxfA3tlUk", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2020/5608/0", "title": "2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122386", "articleId": "13rRUygT7mY", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122406", "articleId": "13rRUwIF6l7", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwIF6l7", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.119", "abstract": "Conveying a narrative with visualizations often requires choosing an order in which to present visualizations. While evidence exists that narrative sequencing in traditional stories can affect comprehension and memory, little is known about how sequencing choices affect narrative visualization. We consider the forms and reactions to sequencing in narrative visualization presentations to provide a deeper understanding with a focus on linear, 'slideshow-style' presentations. We conduct a qualitative analysis of 42 professional narrative visualizations to gain empirical knowledge on the forms that structure and sequence take. Based on the results of this study we propose a graph-driven approach for automatically identifying effective sequences in a set of visualizations to be presented linearly. Our approach identifies possible transitions in a visualization set and prioritizes local (visualization-to-visualization) transitions based on an objective function that minimizes the cost of transitions from the audience perspective. We conduct two studies to validate this function. We also expand the approach with additional knowledge of user preferences for different types of local transitions and the effects of global sequencing strategies on memory, preference, and comprehension. Our results include a relative ranking of types of visualization transitions by the audience perspective and support for memory and subjective rating benefits of visualization sequences that use parallelism as a structural device. We discuss how these insights can guide the design of narrative visualization and systems that support optimization of visualization sequence.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Conveying a narrative with visualizations often requires choosing an order in which to present visualizations. While evidence exists that narrative sequencing in traditional stories can affect comprehension and memory, little is known about how sequencing choices affect narrative visualization. We consider the forms and reactions to sequencing in narrative visualization presentations to provide a deeper understanding with a focus on linear, 'slideshow-style' presentations. We conduct a qualitative analysis of 42 professional narrative visualizations to gain empirical knowledge on the forms that structure and sequence take. Based on the results of this study we propose a graph-driven approach for automatically identifying effective sequences in a set of visualizations to be presented linearly. Our approach identifies possible transitions in a visualization set and prioritizes local (visualization-to-visualization) transitions based on an objective function that minimizes the cost of transitions from the audience perspective. We conduct two studies to validate this function. We also expand the approach with additional knowledge of user preferences for different types of local transitions and the effects of global sequencing strategies on memory, preference, and comprehension. Our results include a relative ranking of types of visualization transitions by the audience perspective and support for memory and subjective rating benefits of visualization sequences that use parallelism as a structural device. We discuss how these insights can guide the design of narrative visualization and systems that support optimization of visualization sequence.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Conveying a narrative with visualizations often requires choosing an order in which to present visualizations. While evidence exists that narrative sequencing in traditional stories can affect comprehension and memory, little is known about how sequencing choices affect narrative visualization. We consider the forms and reactions to sequencing in narrative visualization presentations to provide a deeper understanding with a focus on linear, 'slideshow-style' presentations. We conduct a qualitative analysis of 42 professional narrative visualizations to gain empirical knowledge on the forms that structure and sequence take. Based on the results of this study we propose a graph-driven approach for automatically identifying effective sequences in a set of visualizations to be presented linearly. Our approach identifies possible transitions in a visualization set and prioritizes local (visualization-to-visualization) transitions based on an objective function that minimizes the cost of transitions from the audience perspective. We conduct two studies to validate this function. We also expand the approach with additional knowledge of user preferences for different types of local transitions and the effects of global sequencing strategies on memory, preference, and comprehension. Our results include a relative ranking of types of visualization transitions by the audience perspective and support for memory and subjective rating benefits of visualization sequences that use parallelism as a structural device. We discuss how these insights can guide the design of narrative visualization and systems that support optimization of visualization sequence.", "title": "A Deeper Understanding of Sequence in Narrative Visualization", "normalizedTitle": "A Deeper Understanding of Sequence in Narrative Visualization", "fno": "ttg2013122406", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Sequential Analysis", "Parallel Processing", "Encoding", "Linear Programming", "Narrative Visualization", "Data Visualization", "Sequential Analysis", "Parallel Processing", "Encoding", "Linear Programming", "Narrative Structure", "Data Storytelling" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Jessica", "surname": "Hullman", "fullName": "Jessica Hullman", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Steven", "surname": "Drucker", "fullName": "Steven Drucker", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Nathalie Henry", "surname": "Riche", "fullName": "Nathalie Henry Riche", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Bongshin Lee", "fullName": "Bongshin Lee", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Danyel", "surname": "Fisher", "fullName": "Danyel Fisher", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Eytan", "surname": "Adar", "fullName": "Eytan Adar", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2406-2415", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iv/2014/4103/0/4103a046", "title": "Narrative Visualization: A Case Study of How to Incorporate Narrative Elements in Existing Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2014/4103a046/12OmNvjQ8Pa", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2014/4103/0", "title": "2014 18th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2010/06/ttg2010061139", "title": "Narrative Visualization: Telling Stories with Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2010/06/ttg2010061139/13rRUxAAST1", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2011/12/ttg2011122231", "title": "Visualization Rhetoric: Framing Effects in Narrative Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2011/12/ttg2011122231/13rRUxBJhFs", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/beliv/2018/6884/0/08634072", "title": "A Micro-Phenomenological Lens for Evaluating Narrative Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/beliv/2018/08634072/17D45VsBTXI", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/beliv/2018/6884/0", "title": "2018 IEEE Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches for Visualization (BELIV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/01/08440080", "title": "Design Exposition with Literate Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/01/08440080/17D45XoXP4o", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/5555/01/10081398", "title": "How Does Automation Shape the Process of Narrative Visualization: A Survey of Tools", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/5555/01/10081398/1LRbRjcZeLK", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2019/2838/0/283800a044", "title": "Once Upon a Time in a Land Far Away: Guidelines for Spatio-Temporal Narrative Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2019/283800a044/1cMF8rgW5na", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2019/2838/0", "title": "2019 23rd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/02/09222357", "title": "Once Upon A Time In Visualization: Understanding the Use of Textual Narratives for Causality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/02/09222357/1nTqwapYWYw", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/02/09222251", "title": "Designing Narrative-Focused Role-Playing Games for Visualization Literacy in Young Children", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/02/09222251/1nTr15tWhvq", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vis/2020/8014/0/801400a151", "title": "Narrative Transitions in Data Videos", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vis/2020/801400a151/1qRNOUZefuw", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vis/2020/8014/0", "title": "2020 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122396", "articleId": "13rRUxBa5nm", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122416", "articleId": "13rRUwIF69k", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXFgJN", "name": "ttg2013122406s.pdf", "location": "", "extension": "pdf", "size": "165 kB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwIF69k", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.191", "abstract": "Presenting and communicating insights to an audience-telling a story-is one of the main goals of data exploration. Even though visualization as a storytelling medium has recently begun to gain attention, storytelling is still underexplored in information visualization and little research has been done to help people tell their stories with data. To create a new, more engaging form of storytelling with data, we leverage and extend the narrative storytelling attributes of whiteboard animation with pen and touch interactions. We present SketchStory, a data-enabled digital whiteboard that facilitates the creation of personalized and expressive data charts quickly and easily. SketchStory recognizes a small set of sketch gestures for chart invocation, and automatically completes charts by synthesizing the visuals from the presenter-provided example icon and binding them to the underlying data. Furthermore, SketchStory allows the presenter to move and resize the completed data charts with touch, and filter the underlying data to facilitate interactive exploration. We conducted a controlled experiment for both audiences and presenters to compare SketchStory with a traditional presentation system, Microsoft PowerPoint. Results show that the audience is more engaged by presentations done with SketchStory than PowerPoint. Eighteen out of 24 audience participants preferred SketchStory to PowerPoint. Four out of five presenter participants also favored SketchStory despite the extra effort required for presentation.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Presenting and communicating insights to an audience-telling a story-is one of the main goals of data exploration. Even though visualization as a storytelling medium has recently begun to gain attention, storytelling is still underexplored in information visualization and little research has been done to help people tell their stories with data. To create a new, more engaging form of storytelling with data, we leverage and extend the narrative storytelling attributes of whiteboard animation with pen and touch interactions. We present SketchStory, a data-enabled digital whiteboard that facilitates the creation of personalized and expressive data charts quickly and easily. SketchStory recognizes a small set of sketch gestures for chart invocation, and automatically completes charts by synthesizing the visuals from the presenter-provided example icon and binding them to the underlying data. Furthermore, SketchStory allows the presenter to move and resize the completed data charts with touch, and filter the underlying data to facilitate interactive exploration. We conducted a controlled experiment for both audiences and presenters to compare SketchStory with a traditional presentation system, Microsoft PowerPoint. Results show that the audience is more engaged by presentations done with SketchStory than PowerPoint. Eighteen out of 24 audience participants preferred SketchStory to PowerPoint. Four out of five presenter participants also favored SketchStory despite the extra effort required for presentation.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Presenting and communicating insights to an audience-telling a story-is one of the main goals of data exploration. Even though visualization as a storytelling medium has recently begun to gain attention, storytelling is still underexplored in information visualization and little research has been done to help people tell their stories with data. To create a new, more engaging form of storytelling with data, we leverage and extend the narrative storytelling attributes of whiteboard animation with pen and touch interactions. We present SketchStory, a data-enabled digital whiteboard that facilitates the creation of personalized and expressive data charts quickly and easily. SketchStory recognizes a small set of sketch gestures for chart invocation, and automatically completes charts by synthesizing the visuals from the presenter-provided example icon and binding them to the underlying data. Furthermore, SketchStory allows the presenter to move and resize the completed data charts with touch, and filter the underlying data to facilitate interactive exploration. We conducted a controlled experiment for both audiences and presenters to compare SketchStory with a traditional presentation system, Microsoft PowerPoint. Results show that the audience is more engaged by presentations done with SketchStory than PowerPoint. Eighteen out of 24 audience participants preferred SketchStory to PowerPoint. Four out of five presenter participants also favored SketchStory despite the extra effort required for presentation.", "title": "SketchStory: Telling More Engaging Stories with Data through Freeform Sketching", "normalizedTitle": "SketchStory: Telling More Engaging Stories with Data through Freeform Sketching", "fno": "ttg2013122416", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Animation", "Real Time Systems", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Filtering", "Interaction", "Data Visualization", "Animation", "Real Time Systems", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Filtering", "Visualization", "Storytelling", "Data Presentation", "Sketch", "Pen And Touch" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": null, "surname": "Bongshin Lee", "fullName": "Bongshin Lee", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Rubaiat Habib", "surname": "Kazi", "fullName": "Rubaiat Habib Kazi", "affiliation": "Nat. Univ. of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Greg", "surname": "Smith", "fullName": "Greg Smith", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2416-2425", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iv/2011/0868/0/06004062", "title": "What is Knowledge Visualization? Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2011/06004062/12OmNAsTgVr", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2011/0868/0", "title": "2011 15th International Conference on Information Visualisation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/3dui/2008/2047/0/04476595", "title": "Real-Time 3D Fluid Interaction with a Haptic User Interface", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/3dui/2008/04476595/12OmNvxKu1U", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/3dui/2008/2047/0", "title": "2008 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iiaiaai/2014/4174/0/06913271", "title": "A Collaborative Web Presentation Support System Using an Existing Presentation Software", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iiaiaai/2014/06913271/12OmNxzMnTd", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iiaiaai/2014/4174/0", "title": "2014 IIAI 3rd International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAIAAI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sbgames/2014/8065/0/8065a230", "title": "Cartoon Water Rendering with Foam and Surface Smoothing", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sbgames/2014/8065a230/12OmNyQpgN8", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sbgames/2014/8065/0", "title": "2014 Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGAMES)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iiai-aai/2017/0621/0/0621a453", "title": "Adaptable Web Presentation System with Layered Canvas Synchronization Mechanism for Scalability", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iiai-aai/2017/0621a453/12OmNyRxFqC", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iiai-aai/2017/0621/0", "title": "2017 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2008/02/ttg2008020468", "title": "Stylized Rendering Using Samples of a Painted Image", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2008/02/ttg2008020468/13rRUEgs2BO", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2006/04/v0522", "title": "Explanatory and Illustrative Visualization of Special and General Relativity", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2006/04/v0522/13rRUwjXZS0", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2015/05/mcg2015050084", "title": "More Than Telling a Story: Transforming Data into Visually Shared Stories", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2015/05/mcg2015050084/13rRUxjyX6v", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/percomw/2011/938/0/05766889", "title": "A demonstration of PyViz, a flexible smart home visualization tool", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/percomw/2011/05766889/17D45XreC5y", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/percomw/2011/938/0", "title": "2011 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops 2011). 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUytF41y", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.210", "abstract": "From financial statistics to nutritional values, we are frequently exposed to quantitative information expressed in measures of either extreme magnitudes or unfamiliar units, or both. A common practice used to comprehend such complex measures is to relate, re-express, and compare them through visual depictions using magnitudes and units that are easier to grasp. Through this practice, we create a new graphic composition that we refer to as a concrete scale. To the best of our knowledge, there are no design guidelines that exist for concrete scales despite their common use in communication, educational, and decision-making settings. We attempt to fill this void by introducing a novel framework that would serve as a practical guide for their analysis and design. Informed by a thorough analysis of graphic compositions involving complex measures and an extensive literature review of scale cognition mechanisms, our framework outlines the design space of various measure relations-specifically relations involving the re-expression of complex measures to more familiar concepts-and their visual representations as graphic compositions.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "From financial statistics to nutritional values, we are frequently exposed to quantitative information expressed in measures of either extreme magnitudes or unfamiliar units, or both. A common practice used to comprehend such complex measures is to relate, re-express, and compare them through visual depictions using magnitudes and units that are easier to grasp. Through this practice, we create a new graphic composition that we refer to as a concrete scale. To the best of our knowledge, there are no design guidelines that exist for concrete scales despite their common use in communication, educational, and decision-making settings. We attempt to fill this void by introducing a novel framework that would serve as a practical guide for their analysis and design. Informed by a thorough analysis of graphic compositions involving complex measures and an extensive literature review of scale cognition mechanisms, our framework outlines the design space of various measure relations-specifically relations involving the re-expression of complex measures to more familiar concepts-and their visual representations as graphic compositions.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "From financial statistics to nutritional values, we are frequently exposed to quantitative information expressed in measures of either extreme magnitudes or unfamiliar units, or both. A common practice used to comprehend such complex measures is to relate, re-express, and compare them through visual depictions using magnitudes and units that are easier to grasp. Through this practice, we create a new graphic composition that we refer to as a concrete scale. To the best of our knowledge, there are no design guidelines that exist for concrete scales despite their common use in communication, educational, and decision-making settings. We attempt to fill this void by introducing a novel framework that would serve as a practical guide for their analysis and design. Informed by a thorough analysis of graphic compositions involving complex measures and an extensive literature review of scale cognition mechanisms, our framework outlines the design space of various measure relations-specifically relations involving the re-expression of complex measures to more familiar concepts-and their visual representations as graphic compositions.", "title": "Using Concrete Scales: A Practical Framework for Effective Visual Depiction of Complex Measures", "normalizedTitle": "Using Concrete Scales: A Practical Framework for Effective Visual Depiction of Complex Measures", "fno": "ttg2013122426", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Computer Graphics", "Measurement", "Complexity Theory", "Graphic Composition", "Computer Graphics", "Measurement", "Complexity Theory", "Visual Notation", "Concrete Scale", "Scale Cognition", "Visual Comparison" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Fanny", "surname": "Chevalier", "fullName": "Fanny Chevalier", "affiliation": "Univ. of Toronto & OCAD Univ., Toronto, ON, Canada", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Romain", "surname": "Vuillemot", "fullName": "Romain Vuillemot", "affiliation": "INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Guia", "surname": "Gali", "fullName": "Guia Gali", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2426-2435", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/bracis/2013/5092/0/5092a012", "title": "Complex Network Measures for Data Set Characterization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bracis/2013/5092a012/12OmNB8kHTg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bracis/2013/5092/0", "title": "2013 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwbs1Sv", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.196", "abstract": "Storyline visualizations, which are useful in many applications, aim to illustrate the dynamic relationships between entities in a story. However, the growing complexity and scalability of stories pose great challenges for existing approaches. In this paper, we propose an efficient optimization approach to generating an aesthetically appealing storyline visualization, which effectively handles the hierarchical relationships between entities over time. The approach formulates the storyline layout as a novel hybrid optimization approach that combines discrete and continuous optimization. The discrete method generates an initial layout through the ordering and alignment of entities, and the continuous method optimizes the initial layout to produce the optimal one. The efficient approach makes real-time interactions (e.g., bundling and straightening) possible, thus enabling users to better understand and track how the story evolves. Experiments and case studies are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of the optimization approach.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Storyline visualizations, which are useful in many applications, aim to illustrate the dynamic relationships between entities in a story. However, the growing complexity and scalability of stories pose great challenges for existing approaches. In this paper, we propose an efficient optimization approach to generating an aesthetically appealing storyline visualization, which effectively handles the hierarchical relationships between entities over time. The approach formulates the storyline layout as a novel hybrid optimization approach that combines discrete and continuous optimization. The discrete method generates an initial layout through the ordering and alignment of entities, and the continuous method optimizes the initial layout to produce the optimal one. The efficient approach makes real-time interactions (e.g., bundling and straightening) possible, thus enabling users to better understand and track how the story evolves. Experiments and case studies are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of the optimization approach.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Storyline visualizations, which are useful in many applications, aim to illustrate the dynamic relationships between entities in a story. However, the growing complexity and scalability of stories pose great challenges for existing approaches. 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"title": "The Development and Evaluation of the Storyline Scaffolding Tool", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vs-games/2019/08864538/1e5Zt3fsrSg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vs-games/2019/4540/0", "title": "2019 11th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/12/09523761", "title": "Evaluating Effects of Background Stories on Graph Perception", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/12/09523761/1wnLgUKA2fm", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122426", "articleId": "13rRUytF41y", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122446", "articleId": "13rRUwjXZSe", "__typename": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwjXZSe", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.227", "abstract": "We introduce Visual Sedimentation, a novel design metaphor for visualizing data streams directly inspired by the physical process of sedimentation. Visualizing data streams (e. g., Tweets, RSS, Emails) is challenging as incoming data arrive at unpredictable rates and have to remain readable. For data streams, clearly expressing chronological order while avoiding clutter, and keeping aging data visible, are important. The metaphor is drawn from the real-world sedimentation processes: objects fall due to gravity, and aggregate into strata over time. Inspired by this metaphor, data is visually depicted as falling objects using a force model to land on a surface, aggregating into strata over time. In this paper, we discuss how this metaphor addresses the specific challenge of smoothing the transition between incoming and aging data. We describe the metaphor's design space, a toolkit developed to facilitate its implementation, and example applications to a range of case studies. We then explore the generative capabilities of the design space through our toolkit. We finally illustrate creative extensions of the metaphor when applied to real streams of data.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We introduce Visual Sedimentation, a novel design metaphor for visualizing data streams directly inspired by the physical process of sedimentation. Visualizing data streams (e. g., Tweets, RSS, Emails) is challenging as incoming data arrive at unpredictable rates and have to remain readable. For data streams, clearly expressing chronological order while avoiding clutter, and keeping aging data visible, are important. The metaphor is drawn from the real-world sedimentation processes: objects fall due to gravity, and aggregate into strata over time. Inspired by this metaphor, data is visually depicted as falling objects using a force model to land on a surface, aggregating into strata over time. In this paper, we discuss how this metaphor addresses the specific challenge of smoothing the transition between incoming and aging data. We describe the metaphor's design space, a toolkit developed to facilitate its implementation, and example applications to a range of case studies. We then explore the generative capabilities of the design space through our toolkit. We finally illustrate creative extensions of the metaphor when applied to real streams of data.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We introduce Visual Sedimentation, a novel design metaphor for visualizing data streams directly inspired by the physical process of sedimentation. Visualizing data streams (e. g., Tweets, RSS, Emails) is challenging as incoming data arrive at unpredictable rates and have to remain readable. For data streams, clearly expressing chronological order while avoiding clutter, and keeping aging data visible, are important. The metaphor is drawn from the real-world sedimentation processes: objects fall due to gravity, and aggregate into strata over time. Inspired by this metaphor, data is visually depicted as falling objects using a force model to land on a surface, aggregating into strata over time. In this paper, we discuss how this metaphor addresses the specific challenge of smoothing the transition between incoming and aging data. We describe the metaphor's design space, a toolkit developed to facilitate its implementation, and example applications to a range of case studies. We then explore the generative capabilities of the design space through our toolkit. We finally illustrate creative extensions of the metaphor when applied to real streams of data.", "title": "Visual Sedimentation", "normalizedTitle": "Visual Sedimentation", "fno": "ttg2013122446", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Sediments", "Design Methodology", "Real Time Systems", "Real Time", "Data Visualization", "Sediments", "Design Methodology", "Real Time Systems", "Metaphor", "Design", "Information Visualization", "Dynamic Visualization", "Dynamic Data", "Data Stream" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Samuel", "surname": "Huron", "fullName": "Samuel Huron", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Romain", "surname": "Vuillemot", "fullName": "Romain Vuillemot", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jean-Daniel", "surname": "Fekete", "fullName": "Jean-Daniel Fekete", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2446-2455", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/ismarw/2016/3740/0/07836464", "title": "Pre-attentive Features in Natural Augmented Reality Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ismarw/2016/07836464/12OmNAo45F9", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ismarw/2016/3740/0", "title": "2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR-Adjunct)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2014/2504/0/2504b364", "title": "Studying Animation for Real-Time Visual Analytics: A Design Study of Social Media Analytics in Emergency Management", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/2014/2504b364/12OmNBrlPzK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2014/2504/0", "title": "2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/esiat/2009/3682/1/3682a649", "title": "Forecasting Sedimentation of constructions Based on BP Network", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/esiat/2009/3682a649/12OmNvEhg0o", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/esiat/2009/3682/1", "title": "Environmental Science and Information Application Technology, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2009/06/ttg2009061033", "title": "Comparing Dot and Landscape Spatializations for Visual Memory Differences", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2009/06/ttg2009061033/13rRUxAASSZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE 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"parentPublication": { "id": "mags/mu", "title": "IEEE MultiMedia", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sti/2022/9045/0/10103351", "title": "Sedimentation Analysis on Padma River Using Machine Learning Techniques", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sti/2022/10103351/1MBFbNNOiS4", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sti/2022/9045/0", "title": "2022 4th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cisce/2019/3681/0/368100a651", "title": "The Dynamic Vertical Variation of Cadmium Content Caused by Source and Transport Volume", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cisce/2019/368100a651/1cI60Et14ty", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cisce/2019/3681/0", "title": "2019 International Conference on Communications, Information System and Computer Engineering (CISCE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/01/09557224", "title": "A Visualization Approach for Monitoring Order Processing in E-Commerce Warehouse", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/01/09557224/1xlw0UMxoaY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122436", "articleId": "13rRUwbs1Sv", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122456", "articleId": "13rRUytF41z", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXnFwD", "name": "ttg2013122446s.mp4", "location": "", "extension": "mp4", "size": "35.4 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUytF41z", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.179", "abstract": "Consider real-time exploration of large multidimensional spatiotemporal datasets with billions of entries, each defined by a location, a time, and other attributes. Are certain attributes correlated spatially or temporally? Are there trends or outliers in the data? Answering these questions requires aggregation over arbitrary regions of the domain and attributes of the data. Many relational databases implement the well-known data cube aggregation operation, which in a sense precomputes every possible aggregate query over the database. Data cubes are sometimes assumed to take a prohibitively large amount of space, and to consequently require disk storage. In contrast, we show how to construct a data cube that fits in a modern laptop's main memory, even for billions of entries; we call this data structure a nanocube. We present algorithms to compute and query a nanocube, and show how it can be used to generate well-known visual encodings such as heatmaps, histograms, and parallel coordinate plots. When compared to exact visualizations created by scanning an entire dataset, nanocube plots have bounded screen error across a variety of scales, thanks to a hierarchical structure in space and time. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique on a variety of real-world datasets, and present memory, timing, and network bandwidth measurements. We find that the timings for the queries in our examples are dominated by network and user-interaction latencies.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Consider real-time exploration of large multidimensional spatiotemporal datasets with billions of entries, each defined by a location, a time, and other attributes. Are certain attributes correlated spatially or temporally? Are there trends or outliers in the data? Answering these questions requires aggregation over arbitrary regions of the domain and attributes of the data. Many relational databases implement the well-known data cube aggregation operation, which in a sense precomputes every possible aggregate query over the database. Data cubes are sometimes assumed to take a prohibitively large amount of space, and to consequently require disk storage. In contrast, we show how to construct a data cube that fits in a modern laptop's main memory, even for billions of entries; we call this data structure a nanocube. We present algorithms to compute and query a nanocube, and show how it can be used to generate well-known visual encodings such as heatmaps, histograms, and parallel coordinate plots. When compared to exact visualizations created by scanning an entire dataset, nanocube plots have bounded screen error across a variety of scales, thanks to a hierarchical structure in space and time. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique on a variety of real-world datasets, and present memory, timing, and network bandwidth measurements. We find that the timings for the queries in our examples are dominated by network and user-interaction latencies.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Consider real-time exploration of large multidimensional spatiotemporal datasets with billions of entries, each defined by a location, a time, and other attributes. Are certain attributes correlated spatially or temporally? Are there trends or outliers in the data? Answering these questions requires aggregation over arbitrary regions of the domain and attributes of the data. Many relational databases implement the well-known data cube aggregation operation, which in a sense precomputes every possible aggregate query over the database. Data cubes are sometimes assumed to take a prohibitively large amount of space, and to consequently require disk storage. In contrast, we show how to construct a data cube that fits in a modern laptop's main memory, even for billions of entries; we call this data structure a nanocube. We present algorithms to compute and query a nanocube, and show how it can be used to generate well-known visual encodings such as heatmaps, histograms, and parallel coordinate plots. When compared to exact visualizations created by scanning an entire dataset, nanocube plots have bounded screen error across a variety of scales, thanks to a hierarchical structure in space and time. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique on a variety of real-world datasets, and present memory, timing, and network bandwidth measurements. We find that the timings for the queries in our examples are dominated by network and user-interaction latencies.", "title": "Nanocubes for Real-Time Exploration of Spatiotemporal Datasets", "normalizedTitle": "Nanocubes for Real-Time Exploration of Spatiotemporal Datasets", "fno": "ttg2013122456", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Androids", "Humanoid Robots", "Nanostructured Materials", "Spatiotemporal Phenomena", "Encoding", "Data Structures", "Data Visualization", "Androids", "Humanoid Robots", "Nanostructured Materials", "Spatiotemporal Phenomena", "Encoding", "Interactive Exploration", "Data Cube" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Lauro", "surname": "Lins", "fullName": "Lauro Lins", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "James T.", "surname": "Klosowski", "fullName": "James T. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUzphDxX", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.233", "abstract": "Distributed systems are complex to develop and administer, and performance problem diagnosis is particularly challenging. When performance degrades, the problem might be in any of the system's many components or could be a result of poor interactions among them. Recent research efforts have created tools that automatically localize the problem to a small number of potential culprits, but research is needed to understand what visualization techniques work best for helping distributed systems developers understand and explore their results. This paper compares the relative merits of three well-known visualization approaches (side-by-side, diff, and animation) in the context of presenting the results of one proven automated localization technique called request-flow comparison. Via a 26-person user study, which included real distributed systems developers, we identify the unique benefits that each approach provides for different problem types and usage modes.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Distributed systems are complex to develop and administer, and performance problem diagnosis is particularly challenging. When performance degrades, the problem might be in any of the system's many components or could be a result of poor interactions among them. Recent research efforts have created tools that automatically localize the problem to a small number of potential culprits, but research is needed to understand what visualization techniques work best for helping distributed systems developers understand and explore their results. This paper compares the relative merits of three well-known visualization approaches (side-by-side, diff, and animation) in the context of presenting the results of one proven automated localization technique called request-flow comparison. Via a 26-person user study, which included real distributed systems developers, we identify the unique benefits that each approach provides for different problem types and usage modes.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Distributed systems are complex to develop and administer, and performance problem diagnosis is particularly challenging. 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Via a 26-person user study, which included real distributed systems developers, we identify the unique benefits that each approach provides for different problem types and usage modes.", "title": "Visualizing Request-Flow Comparison to Aid Performance Diagnosis in Distributed Systems", "normalizedTitle": "Visualizing Request-Flow Comparison to Aid Performance Diagnosis in Distributed Systems", "fno": "ttg2013122466", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Distributed Processing", "Human Factors", "Layout", "Training", "Problem Diagnosis", "Distributed Processing", "Human Factors", "Layout", "Training", "Visualization", "Distributed Systems", "Human Factors" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Raja R.", "surname": "Sambasivan", "fullName": "Raja R. Sambasivan", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Ilari", "surname": "Shafer", "fullName": "Ilari Shafer", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Michelle L.", "surname": "Mazurek", "fullName": "Michelle L. Mazurek", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Gregory R.", "surname": "Ganger", "fullName": "Gregory R. 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"/proceedings-article/ftdcs/1995/71250186/12OmNyNzhxZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ftdcs/1995/7125/0", "title": "Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems, IEEE International Workshop", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cloudcom/2011/4622/0/4622a399", "title": "CloudML: An Integrated Language for Resource, Service and Request Description for D-Clouds", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cloudcom/2011/4622a399/12OmNzsJ7sV", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cloudcom/2011/4622/0", "title": "2011 IEEE Third International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2017/02/mcg2017020020", "title": "Layered Graph Drawing for Visualizing Evaluation Structures", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2017/02/mcg2017020020/13rRUB6SpUK", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/ts/2017/01/07484733", "title": "Process Aspects and Social Dynamics of Contemporary Code Review: Insights from Open Source Development and Industrial Practice at Microsoft", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/ts/2017/01/07484733/13rRUIJuxrr", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/ts", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/01/08017615", "title": "Considerations for Visualizing Comparison", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/01/08017615/13rRUILtJqV", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ase/2019/2508/0/250800a176", "title": "Automatic Generation of Pull Request Descriptions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ase/2019/250800a176/1gysYE7TNao", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ase/2019/2508/0", "title": "2019 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/encycris/2021/4553/0/455300a037", "title": "Understanding Developer Security Archetypes", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/encycris/2021/455300a037/1v566oaOfde", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/encycris/2021/4553/0", "title": "2021 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Workshop on Engineering and Cybersecurity of Critical Systems (EnCyCriS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122456", "articleId": "13rRUytF41z", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122476", "articleId": "13rRUytWF9j", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXnFuL", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "mov", "size": "18.8 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUytWF9j", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.155", "abstract": "Having effective visualizations of filesystem provenance data is valuable for understanding its complex hierarchical structure. The most common visual representation of provenance data is the node-link diagram. While effective for understanding local activity, the node-link diagram fails to offer a high-level summary of activity and inter-relationships within the data. We present a new tool, InProv, which displays filesystem provenance with an interactive radial-based tree layout. The tool also utilizes a new time-based hierarchical node grouping method for filesystem provenance data we developed to match the user's mental model and make data exploration more intuitive. We compared InProv to a conventional node-link based tool, Orbiter, in a quantitative evaluation with real users of filesystem provenance data including provenance data experts, IT professionals, and computational scientists. We also compared in the evaluation our new node grouping method to a conventional method. The results demonstrate that InProv results in higher accuracy in identifying system activity than Orbiter with large complex data sets. The results also show that our new time-based hierarchical node grouping method improves performance in both tools, and participants found both tools significantly easier to use with the new time-based node grouping method. Subjective measures show that participants found InProv to require less mental activity, less physical activity, less work, and is less stressful to use. Our study also reveals one of the first cases of gender differences in visualization; both genders had comparable performance with InProv, but women had a significantly lower average accuracy (56%) compared to men (70%) with Orbiter.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Having effective visualizations of filesystem provenance data is valuable for understanding its complex hierarchical structure. The most common visual representation of provenance data is the node-link diagram. While effective for understanding local activity, the node-link diagram fails to offer a high-level summary of activity and inter-relationships within the data. We present a new tool, InProv, which displays filesystem provenance with an interactive radial-based tree layout. The tool also utilizes a new time-based hierarchical node grouping method for filesystem provenance data we developed to match the user's mental model and make data exploration more intuitive. We compared InProv to a conventional node-link based tool, Orbiter, in a quantitative evaluation with real users of filesystem provenance data including provenance data experts, IT professionals, and computational scientists. We also compared in the evaluation our new node grouping method to a conventional method. The results demonstrate that InProv results in higher accuracy in identifying system activity than Orbiter with large complex data sets. The results also show that our new time-based hierarchical node grouping method improves performance in both tools, and participants found both tools significantly easier to use with the new time-based node grouping method. Subjective measures show that participants found InProv to require less mental activity, less physical activity, less work, and is less stressful to use. Our study also reveals one of the first cases of gender differences in visualization; both genders had comparable performance with InProv, but women had a significantly lower average accuracy (56%) compared to men (70%) with Orbiter.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Having effective visualizations of filesystem provenance data is valuable for understanding its complex hierarchical structure. The most common visual representation of provenance data is the node-link diagram. While effective for understanding local activity, the node-link diagram fails to offer a high-level summary of activity and inter-relationships within the data. We present a new tool, InProv, which displays filesystem provenance with an interactive radial-based tree layout. The tool also utilizes a new time-based hierarchical node grouping method for filesystem provenance data we developed to match the user's mental model and make data exploration more intuitive. We compared InProv to a conventional node-link based tool, Orbiter, in a quantitative evaluation with real users of filesystem provenance data including provenance data experts, IT professionals, and computational scientists. We also compared in the evaluation our new node grouping method to a conventional method. The results demonstrate that InProv results in higher accuracy in identifying system activity than Orbiter with large complex data sets. The results also show that our new time-based hierarchical node grouping method improves performance in both tools, and participants found both tools significantly easier to use with the new time-based node grouping method. Subjective measures show that participants found InProv to require less mental activity, less physical activity, less work, and is less stressful to use. Our study also reveals one of the first cases of gender differences in visualization; both genders had comparable performance with InProv, but women had a significantly lower average accuracy (56%) compared to men (70%) with Orbiter.", "title": "Evaluation of Filesystem Provenance Visualization Tools", "normalizedTitle": "Evaluation of Filesystem Provenance Visualization Tools", "fno": "ttg2013122476", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Context Awareness", "Layout", "Encoding", "Quantitative Evaluation", "Data Visualization", "Context Awareness", "Layout", "Encoding", "Gender Differences", "Provenance Data", "Graph Network Data", "Hierarchy Data" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Michelle A.", "surname": "Borkin", "fullName": "Michelle A. Borkin", "affiliation": "Sch. of Eng. & Appl. Sci., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chelsea S.", "surname": "Yeh", "fullName": "Chelsea S. Yeh", "affiliation": "Sch. of Eng. & Appl. Sci., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Madelaine", "surname": "Boyd", "fullName": "Madelaine Boyd", "affiliation": "Sch. of Eng. & Appl. Sci., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Peter", "surname": "Macko", "fullName": "Peter Macko", "affiliation": "Sch. of Eng. & Appl. Sci., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Krzysztof Z.", "surname": "Gajos", "fullName": "Krzysztof Z. Gajos", "affiliation": "Sch. of Eng. & Appl. Sci., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Margo", "surname": "Seltzer", "fullName": "Margo Seltzer", "affiliation": "Sch. of Eng. & Appl. Sci., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Hanspeter", "surname": "Pfister", "fullName": "Hanspeter Pfister", "affiliation": "Sch. of Eng. & Appl. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUyft7D3", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.232", "abstract": "An important feature of networks for many application domains is their community structure. This is because objects within the same community usually have at least one property in common. The investigation of community structure can therefore support the understanding of object attributes from the network topology alone. In real-world systems, objects may belong to several communities at the same time, i.e., communities can overlap. Analyzing fuzzy community memberships is essential to understand to what extent objects contribute to different communities and whether some communities are highly interconnected. We developed a visualization approach that is based on node-link diagrams and supports the investigation of fuzzy communities in weighted undirected graphs at different levels of detail. Starting with the network of communities, the user can continuously drill down to the network of individual nodes and finally analyze the membership distribution of nodes of interest. Our approach uses layout strategies and further visual mappings to graphically encode the fuzzy community memberships. The usefulness of our approach is illustrated by two case studies analyzing networks of different domains: social networking and biological interactions. The case studies showed that our layout and visualization approach helps investigate fuzzy overlapping communities. Fuzzy vertices as well as the different communities to which they belong can be easily identified based on node color and position.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "An important feature of networks for many application domains is their community structure. This is because objects within the same community usually have at least one property in common. The investigation of community structure can therefore support the understanding of object attributes from the network topology alone. In real-world systems, objects may belong to several communities at the same time, i.e., communities can overlap. Analyzing fuzzy community memberships is essential to understand to what extent objects contribute to different communities and whether some communities are highly interconnected. We developed a visualization approach that is based on node-link diagrams and supports the investigation of fuzzy communities in weighted undirected graphs at different levels of detail. Starting with the network of communities, the user can continuously drill down to the network of individual nodes and finally analyze the membership distribution of nodes of interest. Our approach uses layout strategies and further visual mappings to graphically encode the fuzzy community memberships. The usefulness of our approach is illustrated by two case studies analyzing networks of different domains: social networking and biological interactions. The case studies showed that our layout and visualization approach helps investigate fuzzy overlapping communities. Fuzzy vertices as well as the different communities to which they belong can be easily identified based on node color and position.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "An important feature of networks for many application domains is their community structure. This is because objects within the same community usually have at least one property in common. The investigation of community structure can therefore support the understanding of object attributes from the network topology alone. In real-world systems, objects may belong to several communities at the same time, i.e., communities can overlap. Analyzing fuzzy community memberships is essential to understand to what extent objects contribute to different communities and whether some communities are highly interconnected. We developed a visualization approach that is based on node-link diagrams and supports the investigation of fuzzy communities in weighted undirected graphs at different levels of detail. Starting with the network of communities, the user can continuously drill down to the network of individual nodes and finally analyze the membership distribution of nodes of interest. Our approach uses layout strategies and further visual mappings to graphically encode the fuzzy community memberships. The usefulness of our approach is illustrated by two case studies analyzing networks of different domains: social networking and biological interactions. The case studies showed that our layout and visualization approach helps investigate fuzzy overlapping communities. Fuzzy vertices as well as the different communities to which they belong can be easily identified based on node color and position.", "title": "Visualizing Fuzzy Overlapping Communities in Networks", "normalizedTitle": "Visualizing Fuzzy Overlapping Communities in Networks", "fno": "ttg2013122486", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Communities", "Layout", "Fuzzy Methods", "Uncertainty", "Image Color Analysis", "Data Visualization", "Graph Visualization", "Communities", "Layout", "Fuzzy Methods", "Uncertainty", "Image Color Analysis", "Data Visualization", "Uncertainty Visualization", "Overlapping Community Visualization", "Fuzzy Clustering" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Corinna", "surname": "Vehlow", "fullName": "Corinna Vehlow", "affiliation": "VISUS, Univ. of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Thomas", "surname": "Reinhardt", "fullName": "Thomas Reinhardt", "affiliation": "Univ. of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel", "surname": "Weiskopf", "fullName": "Daniel Weiskopf", "affiliation": "VISUS, Univ. of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2486-2495", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/wi-iat/2014/4143/1/4143a005", "title": "Structural Vulnerability Analysis of Overlapping Communities in Complex Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wi-iat/2014/4143a005/12OmNrJAe4Q", "parentPublication": { "id": "wi-iat/2014/4143/1", "title": "2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icdm/2012/4905/0/4905b170", "title": "Community-Affiliation Graph Model for Overlapping Network Community Detection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdm/2012/4905b170/12OmNrJiCXg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdm/2012/4905/0", "title": "2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/asonam/2014/5877/0/06921582", "title": "Detecting highly overlapping community structure based on Maximal Clique Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/asonam/2014/06921582/12OmNwHQB95", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/asonam/2014/5877/0", "title": "2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2015/6879/0/07156355", "title": "Interactive visual summary of major communities in a large network", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2015/07156355/12OmNwdL7ss", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2015/6879/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2013/5049/0/5049a180", "title": "A Semi-supervised Approach to Visualizing and Manipulating Overlapping Communities", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2013/5049a180/12OmNxE2mZy", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2013/5049/0", "title": "2013 17th International Conference on Information Visualisation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/asonam/2009/3689/0/3689a338", "title": "A Visual Data Mining Approach to Find Overlapping Communities in Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/asonam/2009/3689a338/12OmNy50g66", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/asonam/2009/3689/0", "title": "2009 International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/passat-socialcom/2011/1931/0/06113092", "title": "Overlapping Community Structures and Their Detection on Social Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/passat-socialcom/2011/06113092/12OmNyprnr1", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/passat-socialcom/2011/1931/0", "title": "2011 IEEE Third Int'l Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT) / 2011 IEEE Third Int'l Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cyberc/2012/4810/0/4810a031", "title": "Local Oriented Efficient Detection of Overlapping Communities in Large Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cyberc/2012/4810a031/12OmNzWfoTL", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cyberc/2012/4810/0", "title": "2012 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icais/2009/3827/0/3827a175", "title": "Overlapping Communities Generation for Online Support Forums", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icais/2009/3827a175/12OmNzcxZ6a", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icais/2009/3827/0", "title": "2009 International Conference on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems. ICAIS 2009", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tk/2015/04/06880805", "title": "HOCTracker: Tracking the Evolution of Hierarchical and Overlapping Communities in Dynamic Social Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tk/2015/04/06880805/13rRUwIF6lz", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tk", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122476", "articleId": "13rRUytWF9j", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122496", "articleId": "13rRUytF41A", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXWRJq", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "mov", "size": "7.78 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUytF41A", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.184", "abstract": "In many applications, data tables contain multi-valued attributes that often store the memberships of the table entities to multiple sets such as which languages a person masters, which skills an applicant documents, or which features a product comes with. With a growing number of entities, the resulting element-set membership matrix becomes very rich of information about how these sets overlap. Many analysis tasks targeted at set-typed data are concerned with these overlaps as salient features of such data. This paper presents Radial Sets, a novel visual technique to analyze set memberships for a large number of elements. Our technique uses frequency-based representations to enable quickly finding and analyzing different kinds of overlaps between the sets, and relating these overlaps to other attributes of the table entities. Furthermore, it enables various interactions to select elements of interest, find out if they are over-represented in specific sets or overlaps, and if they exhibit a different distribution for a specific attribute compared to the rest of the elements. These interactions allow formulating highly-expressive visual queries on the elements in terms of their set memberships and attribute values. As we demonstrate via two usage scenarios, Radial Sets enable revealing and analyzing a multitude of overlapping patterns between large sets, beyond the limits of state-of-the-art techniques.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In many applications, data tables contain multi-valued attributes that often store the memberships of the table entities to multiple sets such as which languages a person masters, which skills an applicant documents, or which features a product comes with. With a growing number of entities, the resulting element-set membership matrix becomes very rich of information about how these sets overlap. Many analysis tasks targeted at set-typed data are concerned with these overlaps as salient features of such data. This paper presents Radial Sets, a novel visual technique to analyze set memberships for a large number of elements. Our technique uses frequency-based representations to enable quickly finding and analyzing different kinds of overlaps between the sets, and relating these overlaps to other attributes of the table entities. Furthermore, it enables various interactions to select elements of interest, find out if they are over-represented in specific sets or overlaps, and if they exhibit a different distribution for a specific attribute compared to the rest of the elements. These interactions allow formulating highly-expressive visual queries on the elements in terms of their set memberships and attribute values. As we demonstrate via two usage scenarios, Radial Sets enable revealing and analyzing a multitude of overlapping patterns between large sets, beyond the limits of state-of-the-art techniques.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In many applications, data tables contain multi-valued attributes that often store the memberships of the table entities to multiple sets such as which languages a person masters, which skills an applicant documents, or which features a product comes with. With a growing number of entities, the resulting element-set membership matrix becomes very rich of information about how these sets overlap. Many analysis tasks targeted at set-typed data are concerned with these overlaps as salient features of such data. This paper presents Radial Sets, a novel visual technique to analyze set memberships for a large number of elements. Our technique uses frequency-based representations to enable quickly finding and analyzing different kinds of overlaps between the sets, and relating these overlaps to other attributes of the table entities. Furthermore, it enables various interactions to select elements of interest, find out if they are over-represented in specific sets or overlaps, and if they exhibit a different distribution for a specific attribute compared to the rest of the elements. These interactions allow formulating highly-expressive visual queries on the elements in terms of their set memberships and attribute values. As we demonstrate via two usage scenarios, Radial Sets enable revealing and analyzing a multitude of overlapping patterns between large sets, beyond the limits of state-of-the-art techniques.", "title": "Radial Sets: Interactive Visual Analysis of Large Overlapping Sets", "normalizedTitle": "Radial Sets: Interactive Visual Analysis of Large Overlapping Sets", "fno": "ttg2013122496", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Histograms", "Interactive Systems", "Scalability", "Color Imaging", "Data Visualization", "Visualization Technique", "Histograms", "Interactive Systems", "Scalability", "Color Imaging", "Data Visualization", "Scalability", "Multi Valued Attributes", "Set Typed Data", "Overlapping Sets" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Bilal", "surname": "Alsallakh", "fullName": "Bilal Alsallakh", "affiliation": "Vienna Univ. of Technol., Vienna, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Wolfgang", "surname": "Aigner", "fullName": "Wolfgang Aigner", "affiliation": "Vienna Univ. of Technol., Vienna, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Silvia", "surname": "Miksch", "fullName": "Silvia Miksch", "affiliation": "Vienna Univ. of Technol., Vienna, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Helwig", "surname": "Hauser", "fullName": "Helwig Hauser", "affiliation": "Univ. of Bergen, Bergen, Norway", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2496-2505", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/bdva/2015/7343/0/07314304", "title": "Visual Analytics of Gene Sets Comparison", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bdva/2015/07314304/12OmNC3FGdO", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bdva/2015/7343/0", "title": "2015 Big Data Visual Analytics (BDVA)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icdm/2012/4905/0/4905b170", "title": "Community-Affiliation Graph Model for Overlapping Network Community Detection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdm/2012/4905b170/12OmNrJiCXg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdm/2012/4905/0", "title": "2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pmmp/1995/7177/0/71770189", "title": "Interactive visualization of high-dimension iteration and data sets", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pmmp/1995/71770189/12OmNvTBB3e", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pmmp/1995/7177/0", "title": "Programming Models for Massively Parallel Computers", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2016/8942/0/8942a253", "title": "Rainbow Boxes: A Technique for Visualizing Overlapping Sets and an Application to the Comparison of Drugs Properties", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2016/8942a253/12OmNwdbV3M", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2016/8942/0", "title": "2016 20th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/infvis/2005/9464/0/01532139", "title": "Parallel sets: visual analysis of categorical data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/infvis/2005/01532139/12OmNxETa5G", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/infvis/2005/9464/0", "title": "IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis 05)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cse/2014/7981/0/7981a137", "title": "Visual Cluttering Reduction for Visualizing Large Spatio-temporal Data Sets", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cse/2014/7981a137/12OmNxuXcyi", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cse/2014/7981/0", "title": "2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-infovis/2005/2790/0/01532139", "title": "Parallel sets: visual analysis of categorical data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-infovis/2005/01532139/12OmNy6HQQZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-infovis/2005/2790/0", "title": "Information Visualization, IEEE Symposium on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dagstuhl/1997/0503/0/05030233", "title": "InVIS - Interactive Visualization of Medical Data Sets", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dagstuhl/1997/05030233/12OmNy7h3aK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dagstuhl/1997/0503/0", "title": "Dagstuhl '97 - Scientific Visualization Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07194854", "title": "AggreSet: Rich and Scalable Set Exploration using Visualizations of Element Aggregations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07194854/13rRUxOve9M", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/01/07536208", "title": "PowerSet: A Comprehensive Visualization of Set Intersections", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/01/07536208/13rRUy0HYRv", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122486", "articleId": "13rRUyft7D3", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122506", "articleId": "13rRUxBJhmS", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTYesZt", "name": "ttg2013122496s.pdf", "location": "", "extension": "pdf", "size": "205 kB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" }, { "id": "17ShDTYesZu", "name": "ttg2013122496s.mp4", "location": "", "extension": "mp4", "size": "24.3 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxBJhmS", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.192", "abstract": "This article presents SoccerStories, a visualization interface to support analysts in exploring soccer data and communicating interesting insights. Currently, most analyses on such data relate to statistics on individual players or teams. However, soccer analysts we collaborated with consider that quantitative analysis alone does not convey the right picture of the game, as context, player positions and phases of player actions are the most relevant aspects. We designed SoccerStories to support the current practice of soccer analysts and to enrich it, both in the analysis and communication stages. Our system provides an overview+detail interface of game phases, and their aggregation into a series of connected visualizations, each visualization being tailored for actions such as a series of passes or a goal attempt. To evaluate our tool, we ran two qualitative user studies on recent games using SoccerStories with data from one of the world's leading live sports data providers. The first study resulted in a series of four articles on soccer tactics, by a tactics analyst, who said he would not have been able to write these otherwise. The second study consisted in an exploratory follow-up to investigate design alternatives for embedding soccer phases into word-sized graphics. For both experiments, we received a very enthusiastic feedback and participants consider further use of SoccerStories to enhance their current workflow.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This article presents SoccerStories, a visualization interface to support analysts in exploring soccer data and communicating interesting insights. Currently, most analyses on such data relate to statistics on individual players or teams. However, soccer analysts we collaborated with consider that quantitative analysis alone does not convey the right picture of the game, as context, player positions and phases of player actions are the most relevant aspects. We designed SoccerStories to support the current practice of soccer analysts and to enrich it, both in the analysis and communication stages. Our system provides an overview+detail interface of game phases, and their aggregation into a series of connected visualizations, each visualization being tailored for actions such as a series of passes or a goal attempt. To evaluate our tool, we ran two qualitative user studies on recent games using SoccerStories with data from one of the world's leading live sports data providers. The first study resulted in a series of four articles on soccer tactics, by a tactics analyst, who said he would not have been able to write these otherwise. The second study consisted in an exploratory follow-up to investigate design alternatives for embedding soccer phases into word-sized graphics. For both experiments, we received a very enthusiastic feedback and participants consider further use of SoccerStories to enhance their current workflow.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "This article presents SoccerStories, a visualization interface to support analysts in exploring soccer data and communicating interesting insights. Currently, most analyses on such data relate to statistics on individual players or teams. However, soccer analysts we collaborated with consider that quantitative analysis alone does not convey the right picture of the game, as context, player positions and phases of player actions are the most relevant aspects. We designed SoccerStories to support the current practice of soccer analysts and to enrich it, both in the analysis and communication stages. Our system provides an overview+detail interface of game phases, and their aggregation into a series of connected visualizations, each visualization being tailored for actions such as a series of passes or a goal attempt. To evaluate our tool, we ran two qualitative user studies on recent games using SoccerStories with data from one of the world's leading live sports data providers. The first study resulted in a series of four articles on soccer tactics, by a tactics analyst, who said he would not have been able to write these otherwise. The second study consisted in an exploratory follow-up to investigate design alternatives for embedding soccer phases into word-sized graphics. For both experiments, we received a very enthusiastic feedback and participants consider further use of SoccerStories to enhance their current workflow.", "title": "SoccerStories: A Kick-off for Visual Soccer Analysis", "normalizedTitle": "SoccerStories: A Kick-off for Visual Soccer Analysis", "fno": "ttg2013122506", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Games", "Data Visualization", "Layout", "Navigation", "Sport Analytics", "Games", "Data Visualization", "Layout", "Navigation", "Visual Aggregation", "Visual Knowledge Discovery", "Visual Knowledge Representation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Charles", "surname": "Perin", "fullName": "Charles Perin", "affiliation": "INRIA, Univ. Paris-Sud, Paris, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Romain", "surname": "Vuillemot", "fullName": "Romain Vuillemot", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jean-Daniel", "surname": "Fekete", "fullName": "Jean-Daniel Fekete", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2506-2515", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/vast/2014/6227/0/07042477", "title": "Feature-driven visual analytics of soccer data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vast/2014/07042477/12OmNxcMSiK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vast/2014/6227/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and 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Soccer Goalkeeper Performance Using a Metaphor-Based Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2011/06004042/12OmNzgeLCQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2011/0868/0", "title": "2011 15th International Conference on Information Visualisation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2016/05/mcg2016050050", "title": "Director's Cut: Analysis and Annotation of Soccer Matches", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2016/05/mcg2016050050/13rRUIJcWr3", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/01/08440804", "title": "ForVizor: Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Team Formations in Soccer", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/01/08440804/17D45WXIkAs", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icws/2022/8143/0/814300a397", "title": "Temporal Match Analysis and Recommending Substitutions in Live Soccer Games", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icws/2022/814300a397/1GIuDeDWMM0", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icws/2022/8143/0", "title": "2022 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/bigmm/2022/5963/0/596300a101", "title": "Extended Computation Method of Optimal Kick-pass Plays while Considering Kickers' Run Plays in Rugby Sevens", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bigmm/2022/596300a101/1JvaNafD7d6", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bigmm/2022/5963/0", "title": "2022 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/wacv/2011/9496/0/05711480", "title": "An overview of automatic event detection in soccer matches", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wacv/2011/05711480/1h0KUHTeYqA", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wacv/2011/9496/0", "title": "Applications of Computer Vision, IEEE Workshop on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/02/09222314", "title": "PassVizor: Toward Better Understanding of the Dynamics of Soccer Passes", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/02/09222314/1nTq1FTwhtC", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122496", "articleId": "13rRUytF41A", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122516", "articleId": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUILLkDO", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.145", "abstract": "We enhance a user-centered design process with techniques that deliberately promote creativity to identify opportunities for the visualization of data generated by a major energy supplier. Visualization prototypes developed in this way prove effective in a situation whereby data sets are largely unknown and requirements open - enabling successful exploration of possibilities for visualization in Smart Home data analysis. The process gives rise to novel designs and design metaphors including data sculpting. It suggests: that the deliberate use of creativity techniques with data stakeholders is likely to contribute to successful, novel and effective solutions; that being explicit about creativity may contribute to designers developing creative solutions; that using creativity techniques early in the design process may result in a creative approach persisting throughout the process. The work constitutes the first systematic visualization design for a data rich source that will be increasingly important to energy suppliers and consumers as Smart Meter technology is widely deployed. It is novel in explicitly employing creativity techniques at the requirements stage of visualization design and development, paving the way for further use and study of creativity methods in visualization design.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We enhance a user-centered design process with techniques that deliberately promote creativity to identify opportunities for the visualization of data generated by a major energy supplier. Visualization prototypes developed in this way prove effective in a situation whereby data sets are largely unknown and requirements open - enabling successful exploration of possibilities for visualization in Smart Home data analysis. The process gives rise to novel designs and design metaphors including data sculpting. It suggests: that the deliberate use of creativity techniques with data stakeholders is likely to contribute to successful, novel and effective solutions; that being explicit about creativity may contribute to designers developing creative solutions; that using creativity techniques early in the design process may result in a creative approach persisting throughout the process. The work constitutes the first systematic visualization design for a data rich source that will be increasingly important to energy suppliers and consumers as Smart Meter technology is widely deployed. It is novel in explicitly employing creativity techniques at the requirements stage of visualization design and development, paving the way for further use and study of creativity methods in visualization design.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We enhance a user-centered design process with techniques that deliberately promote creativity to identify opportunities for the visualization of data generated by a major energy supplier. Visualization prototypes developed in this way prove effective in a situation whereby data sets are largely unknown and requirements open - enabling successful exploration of possibilities for visualization in Smart Home data analysis. The process gives rise to novel designs and design metaphors including data sculpting. It suggests: that the deliberate use of creativity techniques with data stakeholders is likely to contribute to successful, novel and effective solutions; that being explicit about creativity may contribute to designers developing creative solutions; that using creativity techniques early in the design process may result in a creative approach persisting throughout the process. The work constitutes the first systematic visualization design for a data rich source that will be increasingly important to energy suppliers and consumers as Smart Meter technology is widely deployed. It is novel in explicitly employing creativity techniques at the requirements stage of visualization design and development, paving the way for further use and study of creativity methods in visualization design.", "title": "Creative User-Centered Visualization Design for Energy Analysts and Modelers", "normalizedTitle": "Creative User-Centered Visualization Design for Energy Analysts and Modelers", "fno": "ttg2013122516", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Home Appliances", "Smart Homes", "Data Models", "Prototypes", "Smart Home", "Data Visualization", "Home Appliances", "Smart Homes", "Data Models", "Prototypes", "Energy Consumption", "Creativity Techniques", "User Centered Design", "Data Visualization" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Sarah", "surname": "Goodwin", "fullName": "Sarah Goodwin", "affiliation": "giCentre, City Univ. London, London, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jason", "surname": "Dykes", "fullName": "Jason Dykes", "affiliation": "giCentre, City Univ. London, London, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Sara", "surname": "Jones", "fullName": "Sara Jones", "affiliation": "Centre for Creativity in Prof. Practice, City Univ. London, London, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Iain", "surname": "Dillingham", "fullName": "Iain Dillingham", "affiliation": "giCentre, City Univ. London, London, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Graham", "surname": "Dove", "fullName": "Graham Dove", "affiliation": "Centre for Creativity in Prof. Practice, City Univ. London, London, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Alison", "surname": "Duffy", "fullName": "Alison Duffy", "affiliation": "Centre for Creativity in Prof. Practice, City Univ. London, London, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Alexander", "surname": "Kachkaev", "fullName": "Alexander Kachkaev", "affiliation": "giCentre, City Univ. London, London, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Aidan", "surname": "Slingsby", "fullName": "Aidan Slingsby", "affiliation": "giCentre, City Univ. London, London, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jo", "surname": "Wood", "fullName": "Jo Wood", "affiliation": "giCentre, City Univ. London, London, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2516-2525", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2009/3450/0/01-04-02", "title": "Idea Generation Techniques among Creative Professionals", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/2009/01-04-02/12OmNApu5pu", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2009/3450/0", "title": "2009 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/re/2016/4121/0/4121a176", "title": "Acquiring Creative Requirements from the Crowd: Understanding the Influences of Personality and Creative Potential in Crowd RE", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/re/2016/4121a176/12OmNBhHtfs", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/re/2016/4121/0", "title": "2016 IEEE 24th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hicss/1994/5090/4/00323500", "title": "The structuring of creative processes: implications for GSS research", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/1994/00323500/12OmNCdBDSN", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/1994/5090/4", "title": "Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/seaa/2015/7585/0/7585a104", "title": "Creativity Techniques for More Creative Requirements: Theory vs. Practice", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/seaa/2015/7585a104/12OmNClQ0sk", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/seaa/2015/7585/0", "title": "2015 41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hicss/1998/8233/1/82330588", "title": "Creative Problem Solving using GroupSystems", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/1998/82330588/12OmNqBbHN0", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/1998/8233/1", "title": "Thirty-First Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences-Volume 1", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2002/1435/8/14350221b", "title": "Toward an Understanding of Creative Solution Generation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/2002/14350221b/12OmNyuPLfX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2002/1435/8", "title": "Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07185456", "title": "Visualization-by-Sketching: An Artist's Interface for Creating Multivariate Time-Varying Data Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07185456/13rRUIIVlcO", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/mi/2007/02/m2088", "title": "Supercharging Your Creative Skills", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/mi/2007/02/m2088/13rRUwInvhY", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/mi", "title": "IEEE Micro", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/beliv/2020/9642/0/964200a081", "title": "Extending Recommendations for Creative Visualization-Opportunities Workshops", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/beliv/2020/964200a081/1q0FOGlFTyw", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/beliv/2020/9642/0", "title": "2020 IEEE Workshop on Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches to Visualization (BELIV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vis/2021/3335/0/333500a076", "title": "Fixation and Creativity in Data Visualization Design: Experiences and Perspectives of Practitioners", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vis/2021/333500a076/1yXuiT4GCbK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vis/2021/3335/0", "title": "2021 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122506", "articleId": "13rRUxBJhmS", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122526", "articleId": "13rRUwInvB4", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTYet5p", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "mov", "size": "83.9 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" }, { "id": "17ShDTYet5q", "name": "ttg2013122516s.txt", "location": "", "extension": "txt", "size": "57 B", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwInvB4", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.209", "abstract": "Business ecosystems are characterized by large, complex, and global networks of firms, often from many different market segments, all collaborating, partnering, and competing to create and deliver new products and services. Given the rapidly increasing scale, complexity, and rate of change of business ecosystems, as well as economic and competitive pressures, analysts are faced with the formidable task of quickly understanding the fundamental characteristics of these interfirm networks. Existing tools, however, are predominantly query- or list-centric with limited interactive, exploratory capabilities. Guided by a field study of corporate analysts, we have designed and implemented dotlink360, an interactive visualization system that provides capabilities to gain systemic insight into the compositional, temporal, and connective characteristics of business ecosystems. dotlink360 consists of novel, multiple connected views enabling the analyst to explore, discover, and understand interfirm networks for a focal firm, specific market segments or countries, and the entire business ecosystem. System evaluation by a small group of prototypical users shows supporting evidence of the benefits of our approach. This design study contributes to the relatively unexplored, but promising area of exploratory information visualization in market research and business strategy.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Business ecosystems are characterized by large, complex, and global networks of firms, often from many different market segments, all collaborating, partnering, and competing to create and deliver new products and services. Given the rapidly increasing scale, complexity, and rate of change of business ecosystems, as well as economic and competitive pressures, analysts are faced with the formidable task of quickly understanding the fundamental characteristics of these interfirm networks. Existing tools, however, are predominantly query- or list-centric with limited interactive, exploratory capabilities. Guided by a field study of corporate analysts, we have designed and implemented dotlink360, an interactive visualization system that provides capabilities to gain systemic insight into the compositional, temporal, and connective characteristics of business ecosystems. dotlink360 consists of novel, multiple connected views enabling the analyst to explore, discover, and understand interfirm networks for a focal firm, specific market segments or countries, and the entire business ecosystem. System evaluation by a small group of prototypical users shows supporting evidence of the benefits of our approach. This design study contributes to the relatively unexplored, but promising area of exploratory information visualization in market research and business strategy.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Business ecosystems are characterized by large, complex, and global networks of firms, often from many different market segments, all collaborating, partnering, and competing to create and deliver new products and services. Given the rapidly increasing scale, complexity, and rate of change of business ecosystems, as well as economic and competitive pressures, analysts are faced with the formidable task of quickly understanding the fundamental characteristics of these interfirm networks. Existing tools, however, are predominantly query- or list-centric with limited interactive, exploratory capabilities. Guided by a field study of corporate analysts, we have designed and implemented dotlink360, an interactive visualization system that provides capabilities to gain systemic insight into the compositional, temporal, and connective characteristics of business ecosystems. dotlink360 consists of novel, multiple connected views enabling the analyst to explore, discover, and understand interfirm networks for a focal firm, specific market segments or countries, and the entire business ecosystem. System evaluation by a small group of prototypical users shows supporting evidence of the benefits of our approach. This design study contributes to the relatively unexplored, but promising area of exploratory information visualization in market research and business strategy.", "title": "Understanding Interfirm Relationships in Business Ecosystems with Interactive Visualization", "normalizedTitle": "Understanding Interfirm Relationships in Business Ecosystems with Interactive Visualization", "fno": "ttg2013122526", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Commerce", "Data Visualisation", "Interactive Systems", "Market Opportunities", "Dotlink 360", "Market Segments", "Global Networks", "Interactive Visualization", "Business Ecosystems", "Interfirm Relationships", "Companies", "Ecosystems", "Interactive Systems", "Data Visualization", "Mobile Communication", "Companies", "Ecosystems", "Interactive Systems", "Data Visualization", "Mobile Communication", "Network Visualization", "Business Ecosystems", "Market Research", "Strategic Analysis", "Design Study", "Interaction" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Rahul C.", "surname": "Basole", "fullName": "Rahul C. Basole", "affiliation": "Georgia Tech", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Trustin", "surname": "Clear", "fullName": "Trustin Clear", "affiliation": "Georgia Tech", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Mengdie", "surname": "Hu", "fullName": "Mengdie Hu", "affiliation": "Georgia Tech", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Harshit", "surname": "Mehrotra", "fullName": "Harshit Mehrotra", "affiliation": "Georgia Tech", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "John", "surname": "Stasko", "fullName": "John Stasko", "affiliation": "Georgia Tech", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2526-2535", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2013/4892/0/4892d838", "title": "A Framework for Exploring Digital Business Ecosystems", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/2013/4892d838/12OmNAlvI32", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2013/4892/0", "title": "2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icmb/2008/3260/0/3260a065", "title": "Visualization of Interfirm Relations in a Converging Mobile Ecosystem", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icmb/2008/3260a065/12OmNBgz4z4", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icmb/2008/3260/0", "title": "Mobile Business, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2016/5670/0/5670e495", "title": "Crowdfunding in the Development of Social Media Fanbase -- Case Study of Two Competing Ecosystems", "doi": null, 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUyY28Yw", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.154", "abstract": "Biological pathway maps are highly relevant tools for many tasks in molecular biology. They reduce the complexity of the overall biological network by partitioning it into smaller manageable parts. While this reduction of complexity is their biggest strength, it is, at the same time, their biggest weakness. By removing what is deemed not important for the primary function of the pathway, biologists lose the ability to follow and understand cross-talks between pathways. Considering these cross-talks is, however, critical in many analysis scenarios, such as judging effects of drugs. In this paper we introduce Entourage, a novel visualization technique that provides contextual information lost due to the artificial partitioning of the biological network, but at the same time limits the presented information to what is relevant to the analyst's task. We use one pathway map as the focus of an analysis and allow a larger set of contextual pathways. For these context pathways we only show the contextual subsets, i.e., the parts of the graph that are relevant to a selection. Entourage suggests related pathways based on similarities and highlights parts of a pathway that are interesting in terms of mapped experimental data. We visualize interdependencies between pathways using stubs of visual links, which we found effective yet not obtrusive. By combining this approach with visualization of experimental data, we can provide domain experts with a highly valuable tool. We demonstrate the utility of Entourage with case studies conducted with a biochemist who researches the effects of drugs on pathways. We show that the technique is well suited to investigate interdependencies between pathways and to analyze, understand, and predict the effect that drugs have on different cell types.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Biological pathway maps are highly relevant tools for many tasks in molecular biology. They reduce the complexity of the overall biological network by partitioning it into smaller manageable parts. While this reduction of complexity is their biggest strength, it is, at the same time, their biggest weakness. By removing what is deemed not important for the primary function of the pathway, biologists lose the ability to follow and understand cross-talks between pathways. Considering these cross-talks is, however, critical in many analysis scenarios, such as judging effects of drugs. In this paper we introduce Entourage, a novel visualization technique that provides contextual information lost due to the artificial partitioning of the biological network, but at the same time limits the presented information to what is relevant to the analyst's task. We use one pathway map as the focus of an analysis and allow a larger set of contextual pathways. For these context pathways we only show the contextual subsets, i.e., the parts of the graph that are relevant to a selection. Entourage suggests related pathways based on similarities and highlights parts of a pathway that are interesting in terms of mapped experimental data. We visualize interdependencies between pathways using stubs of visual links, which we found effective yet not obtrusive. By combining this approach with visualization of experimental data, we can provide domain experts with a highly valuable tool. We demonstrate the utility of Entourage with case studies conducted with a biochemist who researches the effects of drugs on pathways. We show that the technique is well suited to investigate interdependencies between pathways and to analyze, understand, and predict the effect that drugs have on different cell types.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Biological pathway maps are highly relevant tools for many tasks in molecular biology. They reduce the complexity of the overall biological network by partitioning it into smaller manageable parts. While this reduction of complexity is their biggest strength, it is, at the same time, their biggest weakness. By removing what is deemed not important for the primary function of the pathway, biologists lose the ability to follow and understand cross-talks between pathways. Considering these cross-talks is, however, critical in many analysis scenarios, such as judging effects of drugs. In this paper we introduce Entourage, a novel visualization technique that provides contextual information lost due to the artificial partitioning of the biological network, but at the same time limits the presented information to what is relevant to the analyst's task. We use one pathway map as the focus of an analysis and allow a larger set of contextual pathways. For these context pathways we only show the contextual subsets, i.e., the parts of the graph that are relevant to a selection. Entourage suggests related pathways based on similarities and highlights parts of a pathway that are interesting in terms of mapped experimental data. We visualize interdependencies between pathways using stubs of visual links, which we found effective yet not obtrusive. By combining this approach with visualization of experimental data, we can provide domain experts with a highly valuable tool. We demonstrate the utility of Entourage with case studies conducted with a biochemist who researches the effects of drugs on pathways. We show that the technique is well suited to investigate interdependencies between pathways and to analyze, understand, and predict the effect that drugs have on different cell types.", "title": "Entourage: Visualizing Relationships between Biological Pathways using Contextual Subsets", "normalizedTitle": "Entourage: Visualizing Relationships between Biological Pathways using Contextual Subsets", "fno": "ttg2013122536", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Drugs", "Portals", "Context Awareness", "Biological System Modeling", "Data Visualization", "Bioinformatics", "Graphs", "Drugs", "Portals", "Context Awareness", "Biological System Modeling", "Data Visualization", "Bioinformatics", "Biomolecular Data", "Pathway Visualization", "Biological Networks", "Subsets" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Alexander", "surname": "Lex", "fullName": "Alexander Lex", "affiliation": "Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Christian", "surname": "Partl", "fullName": "Christian Partl", "affiliation": "Graz Univ. of Technol., Graz, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Denis", "surname": "Kalkofen", "fullName": "Denis Kalkofen", "affiliation": "Graz Univ. of Technol., Graz, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Marc", "surname": "Streit", "fullName": "Marc Streit", "affiliation": "Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz, Linz, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Samuel", "surname": "Gratzl", "fullName": "Samuel Gratzl", "affiliation": "Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz, Linz, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Anne Mai", "surname": "Wassermann", "fullName": "Anne Mai Wassermann", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Dieter", "surname": "Schmalstieg", "fullName": "Dieter Schmalstieg", "affiliation": "Graz Univ. of Technol., Graz, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Hanspeter", "surname": "Pfister", "fullName": "Hanspeter Pfister", "affiliation": "Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2536-2545", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2017/5738/0/08031602", "title": "DrugPathSeeker: Interactive UI for exploring drug-ADR relation via pathways", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2017/08031602/12OmNBSjJ1k", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2017/5738/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2009/3885/0/3885a142", "title": "Side Effect Prediction Using Cooperative Pathways", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bibm/2009/3885a142/12OmNqFrGzd", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2009/3885/0", "title": "2009 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2010/8306/0/05706642", "title": "IsoKEGG: A logic based system for querying biological pathways in KEGG", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bibm/2010/05706642/12OmNqzu6Kc", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2010/8306/0", "title": "2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/bibmw/2010/8303/0/05703765", "title": "Predicting metabolic pathways from metabolic networks with limited biological knowledge", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bibmw/2010/05703765/12OmNvFpEy8", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bibmw/2010/8303/0", "title": "2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops (BIBMW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2017/3050/0/08217814", "title": "A semantic knowledge-base approach to drug-drug interaction discovery", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bibm/2017/08217814/12OmNwEJ0IS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2017/3050/0", "title": "2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2013/1309/0/06732488", "title": "Correlating adverse drug reactions with biological pathways in humans", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bibm/2013/06732488/12OmNxFaLzr", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2013/1309/0", "title": "2013 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/bibe/2003/1907/0/19070018", "title": "Towards Automated Derivation of Biological Pathways Using High-Throughput Biological Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bibe/2003/19070018/12OmNzwZ6iw", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bibe/2003/1907/0", "title": "Proceedings Third IEEE Symposium on BioInformatics and BioEngineering. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUIJuxpz", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.214", "abstract": "Scientists use DNA sequence differences between an individual's genome and a standard reference genome to study the genetic basis of disease. Such differences are called sequence variants, and determining their impact in the cell is difficult because it requires reasoning about both the type and location of the variant across several levels of biological context. In this design study, we worked with four analysts to design a visualization tool supporting variant impact assessment for three different tasks. We contribute data and task abstractions for the problem of variant impact assessment, and the carefully justified design and implementation of the Variant View tool. Variant View features an information-dense visual encoding that provides maximal information at the overview level, in contrast to the extensive navigation required by currently-prevalent genome browsers. We provide initial evidence that the tool simplified and accelerated workflows for these three tasks through three case studies. Finally, we reflect on the lessons learned in creating and refining data and task abstractions that allow for concise overviews of sprawling information spaces that can reduce or remove the need for the memory-intensive use of navigation.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Scientists use DNA sequence differences between an individual's genome and a standard reference genome to study the genetic basis of disease. Such differences are called sequence variants, and determining their impact in the cell is difficult because it requires reasoning about both the type and location of the variant across several levels of biological context. In this design study, we worked with four analysts to design a visualization tool supporting variant impact assessment for three different tasks. We contribute data and task abstractions for the problem of variant impact assessment, and the carefully justified design and implementation of the Variant View tool. Variant View features an information-dense visual encoding that provides maximal information at the overview level, in contrast to the extensive navigation required by currently-prevalent genome browsers. We provide initial evidence that the tool simplified and accelerated workflows for these three tasks through three case studies. Finally, we reflect on the lessons learned in creating and refining data and task abstractions that allow for concise overviews of sprawling information spaces that can reduce or remove the need for the memory-intensive use of navigation.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Scientists use DNA sequence differences between an individual's genome and a standard reference genome to study the genetic basis of disease. Such differences are called sequence variants, and determining their impact in the cell is difficult because it requires reasoning about both the type and location of the variant across several levels of biological context. In this design study, we worked with four analysts to design a visualization tool supporting variant impact assessment for three different tasks. We contribute data and task abstractions for the problem of variant impact assessment, and the carefully justified design and implementation of the Variant View tool. Variant View features an information-dense visual encoding that provides maximal information at the overview level, in contrast to the extensive navigation required by currently-prevalent genome browsers. We provide initial evidence that the tool simplified and accelerated workflows for these three tasks through three case studies. Finally, we reflect on the lessons learned in creating and refining data and task abstractions that allow for concise overviews of sprawling information spaces that can reduce or remove the need for the memory-intensive use of navigation.", "title": "Variant View: Visualizing Sequence Variants in their Gene Context", "normalizedTitle": "Variant View: Visualizing Sequence Variants in their Gene Context", "fno": "ttg2013122546", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Bioinformatics", "Genomics", "Sequential Analysis", "Browsers", "Databases", "Context Awareness", "Design Methodology", "Bioinformatics", "Genomics", "Sequential Analysis", "Browsers", "Databases", "Context Awareness", "Design Methodology", "Genetic Variants", "Information Visualization", "Design Study" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Joel A.", "surname": "Ferstay", "fullName": "Joel A. Ferstay", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Cydney B.", "surname": "Nielsen", "fullName": "Cydney B. Nielsen", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Tamara", "surname": "Munzner", "fullName": "Tamara Munzner", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2546-2555", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/dcc/2016/1853/0/07786166", "title": "An Evaluation Framework for Lossy Compression of Genome Sequencing Quality Values", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dcc/2016/07786166/12OmNsbGvIH", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dcc/2016/1853/0", "title": "2016 Data Compression Conference (DCC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ichi/2014/5701/0/5701a340", "title": "Kimimila: A New Model to Classify NGS Short Reads by Their Allele Origin", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ichi/2014/5701a340/12OmNvzJFTE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ichi/2014/5701/0", "title": "2014 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ccgrid/2017/6611/0/07973781", "title": "Representing Variant Calling Format as Directed Acyclic Graphs to Enable the Use of Cloud Computing for Efficient and Cost Effective Genome Analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ccgrid/2017/07973781/12OmNxbEtFu", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ccgrid/2017/6611/0", "title": "2017 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2014/5666/0/07004389", "title": "Towards 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"parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iiswc/2018/6780/0", "title": "2018 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2022/8045/0/10020263", "title": "Computational method of database construction for genetic variant calling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/big-data/2022/10020263/1KfSimWb0oE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2022/8045/0", "title": "2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2020/05/08798660", "title": "PASA: Identifying More Credible Structural Variants of Hedou12", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2020/05/08798660/1cumO5bXwAg", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwhHcQS", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.149", "abstract": "Visualization of dynamically changing networks (graphs) is a significant challenge for researchers. Previous work has experimentally compared animation, small multiples, and other techniques, and found trade-offs between these. One potential way to avoid such trade-offs is to combine previous techniques in a hybrid visualization. We present two taxonomies of visualizations of dynamic graphs: one of non-hybrid techniques, and one of hybrid techniques. We also describe a prototype, called DiffAni, that allows a graph to be visualized as a sequence of three kinds of tiles: diff tiles that show difference maps over some time interval, animation tiles that show the evolution of the graph over some time interval, and small multiple tiles that show the graph state at an individual time slice. This sequence of tiles is ordered by time and covers all time slices in the data. An experimental evaluation of DiffAni shows that our hybrid approach has advantages over non-hybrid techniques in certain cases.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Visualization of dynamically changing networks (graphs) is a significant challenge for researchers. Previous work has experimentally compared animation, small multiples, and other techniques, and found trade-offs between these. One potential way to avoid such trade-offs is to combine previous techniques in a hybrid visualization. We present two taxonomies of visualizations of dynamic graphs: one of non-hybrid techniques, and one of hybrid techniques. We also describe a prototype, called DiffAni, that allows a graph to be visualized as a sequence of three kinds of tiles: diff tiles that show difference maps over some time interval, animation tiles that show the evolution of the graph over some time interval, and small multiple tiles that show the graph state at an individual time slice. This sequence of tiles is ordered by time and covers all time slices in the data. An experimental evaluation of DiffAni shows that our hybrid approach has advantages over non-hybrid techniques in certain cases.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Visualization of dynamically changing networks (graphs) is a significant challenge for researchers. Previous work has experimentally compared animation, small multiples, and other techniques, and found trade-offs between these. 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An experimental evaluation of DiffAni shows that our hybrid approach has advantages over non-hybrid techniques in certain cases.", "title": "DiffAni: Visualizing Dynamic Graphs with a Hybrid of Difference Maps and Animation", "normalizedTitle": "DiffAni: Visualizing Dynamic Graphs with a Hybrid of Difference Maps and Animation", "fno": "ttg2013122556", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Animation", "Computer Graphics", "Prototypes", "Animation", "Computer Graphics", "Prototypes", "Difference Map", "Dynamic Networks", "Hybrid Visualization", "Taxonomy", "Evolution" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Sebastien", "surname": "Rufiange", "fullName": "Sebastien Rufiange", "affiliation": "Ecole de Technol. Super., Montreal, QC, Canada", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Michael J.", "surname": "McGuffin", "fullName": "Michael J. McGuffin", "affiliation": "Ecole de Technol. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUIIVlkh", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.231", "abstract": "To analyze data such as the US Federal Budget or characteristics of the student population of a University it is common to look for changes over time. This task can be made easier and more fruitful if the analysis is performed by grouping by attributes, such as by Agencies, Bureaus and Accounts for the Budget, or Ethnicity, Gender and Major in a University. We present TreeVersity2, a web based interactive data visualization tool that allows users to analyze change in datasets by creating dynamic hierarchies based on the data attributes. TreeVersity2 introduces a novel space filling visualization (StemView) to represent change in trees at multiple levels - not just at the leaf level. With this visualization users can explore absolute and relative changes, created and removed nodes, and each node's actual values, while maintaining the context of the tree. In addition, TreeVersity2 provides overviews of change over the entire time period, and a reporting tool that lists outliers in textual form, which helps users identify the major changes in the data without having to manually setup filters. We validated TreeVersity2 with 12 case studies with organizations as diverse as the National Cancer Institute, Federal Drug Administration, Department of Transportation, Office of the Bursar of the University of Maryland, or eBay. Our case studies demonstrated that TreeVersity2 is flexible enough to be used in different domains and provide useful insights for the data owners. A TreeVersity2 demo can be found at", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "To analyze data such as the US Federal Budget or characteristics of the student population of a University it is common to look for changes over time. This task can be made easier and more fruitful if the analysis is performed by grouping by attributes, such as by Agencies, Bureaus and Accounts for the Budget, or Ethnicity, Gender and Major in a University. We present TreeVersity2, a web based interactive data visualization tool that allows users to analyze change in datasets by creating dynamic hierarchies based on the data attributes. TreeVersity2 introduces a novel space filling visualization (StemView) to represent change in trees at multiple levels - not just at the leaf level. With this visualization users can explore absolute and relative changes, created and removed nodes, and each node's actual values, while maintaining the context of the tree. In addition, TreeVersity2 provides overviews of change over the entire time period, and a reporting tool that lists outliers in textual form, which helps users identify the major changes in the data without having to manually setup filters. We validated TreeVersity2 with 12 case studies with organizations as diverse as the National Cancer Institute, Federal Drug Administration, Department of Transportation, Office of the Bursar of the University of Maryland, or eBay. Our case studies demonstrated that TreeVersity2 is flexible enough to be used in different domains and provide useful insights for the data owners. A TreeVersity2 demo can be found at", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "To analyze data such as the US Federal Budget or characteristics of the student population of a University it is common to look for changes over time. This task can be made easier and more fruitful if the analysis is performed by grouping by attributes, such as by Agencies, Bureaus and Accounts for the Budget, or Ethnicity, Gender and Major in a University. We present TreeVersity2, a web based interactive data visualization tool that allows users to analyze change in datasets by creating dynamic hierarchies based on the data attributes. TreeVersity2 introduces a novel space filling visualization (StemView) to represent change in trees at multiple levels - not just at the leaf level. With this visualization users can explore absolute and relative changes, created and removed nodes, and each node's actual values, while maintaining the context of the tree. In addition, TreeVersity2 provides overviews of change over the entire time period, and a reporting tool that lists outliers in textual form, which helps users identify the major changes in the data without having to manually setup filters. We validated TreeVersity2 with 12 case studies with organizations as diverse as the National Cancer Institute, Federal Drug Administration, Department of Transportation, Office of the Bursar of the University of Maryland, or eBay. Our case studies demonstrated that TreeVersity2 is flexible enough to be used in different domains and provide useful insights for the data owners. A TreeVersity2 demo can be found at", "title": "Visualizing Change over Time Using Dynamic Hierarchies: TreeVersity2 and the StemView", "normalizedTitle": "Visualizing Change over Time Using Dynamic Hierarchies: TreeVersity2 and the StemView", "fno": "ttg2013122566", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Topology", "Image Color Analysis", "Context Awareness", "Information Visualization", "Data Visualization", "Topology", "Image Color Analysis", "Context Awareness", "Tree Comparison" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "JohnAlexis", "surname": "Guerra-Gomez", "fullName": "JohnAlexis Guerra-Gomez", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Michael L.", "surname": "Pack", "fullName": "Michael L. Pack", "affiliation": "CATT Lab., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Catherine", "surname": "Plaisant", "fullName": "Catherine Plaisant", "affiliation": "HCIL, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Ben", "surname": "Shneiderman", "fullName": "Ben Shneiderman", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwjoNx3", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.225", "abstract": "This paper is concerned with the creation of 'macros' in workflow visualization as a support tool to increase the efficiency of data curation tasks. We propose computation of candidate macros based on their usage in large collections of workflows in data repositories. We describe an efficient algorithm for extracting macro motifs from workflow graphs. We discovered that the state transition information, used to identify macro candidates, characterizes the structural pattern of the macro and can be harnessed as part of the visual design of the corresponding macro glyph. This facilitates partial automation and consistency in glyph design applicable to a large set of macro glyphs. We tested this approach against a repository of biological data holding some 9,670 workflows and found that the algorithmically generated candidate macros are in keeping with domain expert expectations.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This paper is concerned with the creation of 'macros' in workflow visualization as a support tool to increase the efficiency of data curation tasks. We propose computation of candidate macros based on their usage in large collections of workflows in data repositories. We describe an efficient algorithm for extracting macro motifs from workflow graphs. We discovered that the state transition information, used to identify macro candidates, characterizes the structural pattern of the macro and can be harnessed as part of the visual design of the corresponding macro glyph. This facilitates partial automation and consistency in glyph design applicable to a large set of macro glyphs. We tested this approach against a repository of biological data holding some 9,670 workflows and found that the algorithmically generated candidate macros are in keeping with domain expert expectations.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "This paper is concerned with the creation of 'macros' in workflow visualization as a support tool to increase the efficiency of data curation tasks. We propose computation of candidate macros based on their usage in large collections of workflows in data repositories. We describe an efficient algorithm for extracting macro motifs from workflow graphs. We discovered that the state transition information, used to identify macro candidates, characterizes the structural pattern of the macro and can be harnessed as part of the visual design of the corresponding macro glyph. This facilitates partial automation and consistency in glyph design applicable to a large set of macro glyphs. We tested this approach against a repository of biological data holding some 9,670 workflows and found that the algorithmically generated candidate macros are in keeping with domain expert expectations.", "title": "Visual Compression of Workflow Visualizations with Automated Detection of Macro Motifs", "normalizedTitle": "Visual Compression of Workflow Visualizations with Automated Detection of Macro Motifs", "fno": "ttg2013122576", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Biological System Modeling", "Algorithm Design And Analysis", "Data Visualization", "Semantics", "Glyph Generation", "Biological System Modeling", "Algorithm Design And Analysis", "Data Visualization", "Semantics", "State Transition Based Algorithm", "Workflow Visualization", "Motif Detection", "Glyph Based Visualization" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Eamonn", "surname": "Maguire", "fullName": "Eamonn Maguire", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Univ. of Oxford, Oxford, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Philippe", "surname": "Rocca-Serra", "fullName": "Philippe Rocca-Serra", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Univ. of Oxford, Oxford, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Susanna-Assunta", "surname": "Sansone", "fullName": "Susanna-Assunta Sansone", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Univ. of Oxford, Oxford, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jim", "surname": "Davies", "fullName": "Jim Davies", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Univ. of Oxford, Oxford, UK", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Min Chen", "fullName": "Min Chen", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwh80Hb", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.137", "abstract": "Domain-specific database applications tend to contain a sizable number of table-, form-, and report-style views that must each be designed and maintained by a software developer. A significant part of this job is the necessary tweaking of low-level presentation details such as label placements, text field dimensions, list or table styles, and so on. In this paper, we present a horizontally constrained layout management algorithm that automates the display of structured hierarchical data using the traditional visual idioms of hand-designed database UIs: tables, multi-column forms, and outline-style indented lists. We compare our system with pure outline and nested table layouts with respect to space efficiency and readability, the latter with an online user study on 27 subjects. Our layouts are 3.9 and 1.6 times more compact on average than outline layouts and horizontally unconstrained table layouts, respectively, and are as readable as table layouts even for large datasets.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Domain-specific database applications tend to contain a sizable number of table-, form-, and report-style views that must each be designed and maintained by a software developer. A significant part of this job is the necessary tweaking of low-level presentation details such as label placements, text field dimensions, list or table styles, and so on. In this paper, we present a horizontally constrained layout management algorithm that automates the display of structured hierarchical data using the traditional visual idioms of hand-designed database UIs: tables, multi-column forms, and outline-style indented lists. We compare our system with pure outline and nested table layouts with respect to space efficiency and readability, the latter with an online user study on 27 subjects. Our layouts are 3.9 and 1.6 times more compact on average than outline layouts and horizontally unconstrained table layouts, respectively, and are as readable as table layouts even for large datasets.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Domain-specific database applications tend to contain a sizable number of table-, form-, and report-style views that must each be designed and maintained by a software developer. A significant part of this job is the necessary tweaking of low-level presentation details such as label placements, text field dimensions, list or table styles, and so on. In this paper, we present a horizontally constrained layout management algorithm that automates the display of structured hierarchical data using the traditional visual idioms of hand-designed database UIs: tables, multi-column forms, and outline-style indented lists. We compare our system with pure outline and nested table layouts with respect to space efficiency and readability, the latter with an online user study on 27 subjects. Our layouts are 3.9 and 1.6 times more compact on average than outline layouts and horizontally unconstrained table layouts, respectively, and are as readable as table layouts even for large datasets.", "title": "Automatic Layout of Structured Hierarchical Reports", "normalizedTitle": "Automatic Layout of Structured Hierarchical Reports", "fno": "ttg2013122586", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Layout", "Data Visualization", "XML", "Nested Relations", "Layout", "Data Visualization", "XML", "Layout Management", "Hierarchy Data", "Tabular Data" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Eirik", "surname": "Bakke", "fullName": "Eirik Bakke", "affiliation": "Comput. Sci. & Artificial Intell. Lab. (CSAIL), MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "David R.", "surname": "Karger", "fullName": "David R. Karger", "affiliation": "Comput. Sci. & Artificial Intell. Lab. (CSAIL), MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Robert C.", "surname": "Miller", "fullName": "Robert C. Miller", "affiliation": "Comput. Sci. & Artificial Intell. Lab. (CSAIL), MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2586-2595", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/edac/1990/2024/0/00136677", "title": "Hierarchical layout verification for submicron designs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/edac/1990/00136677/12OmNqNos8Z", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/edac/1990/2024/0", "title": "Proceedings of the European Design Automation Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2017/5738/0/08031595", "title": "Visualizing the uncertainty induced by graph layout algorithms", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2017/08031595/12OmNs0C9DQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2017/5738/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cad-graphics/2015/8020/0/07450427", "title": "Facade Layout Symmetrization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cad-graphics/2015/07450427/12OmNviHKiH", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cad-graphics/2015/8020/0", "title": "2015 14th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2017/0831/0/0831a224", "title": "Node Overlap Removal for 1D Graph Layout", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2017/0831a224/12OmNxuXczJ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2017/0831/0", "title": "2017 21st International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/arvlsid/1995/7047/0/70470185", "title": "HAL: heuristic algorithms for layout synthesis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/arvlsid/1995/70470185/12OmNyRxFp4", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/arvlsid/1995/7047/0", "title": "Advanced Research in VLSI, Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dac/1995/725/0/01586714", "title": "Automatic Layout Synthesis of Leaf Cells", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dac/1995/01586714/12OmNylKAXO", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dac/1995/725/0", "title": "32nd Design Automation Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vlhcc/2013/0369/0/06645264", "title": "Framework for automatic generation of graphical layout compatible with multiple platforms", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vlhcc/2013/06645264/12OmNzV70N8", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vlhcc/2013/0369/0", "title": "2013 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2011/01/ttg2011010101", "title": "Automatic Metro Map Layout Using Multicriteria Optimization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2011/01/ttg2011010101/13rRUx0xPIA", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/01/08805452", "title": "A Deep Generative Model for Graph Layout", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/01/08805452/1cG4LsVN2zS", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/01/09552233", "title": "Automatic Polygon Layout for Primal-Dual Visualization of Hypergraphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/01/09552233/1xic56YNRyU", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122576", "articleId": "13rRUwjoNx3", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122596", "articleId": "13rRUwjXZSf", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXnFtp", "name": "ttg2013122586s.mp4", "location": "", "extension": "mp4", "size": "47.2 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwjXZSf", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.151", "abstract": "We explore the effectiveness of visualizing dense directed graphs by replacing individual edges with edges connected to 'modules'-or groups of nodes-such that the new edges imply aggregate connectivity. We only consider techniques that offer a lossless compression: that is, where the entire graph can still be read from the compressed version. The techniques considered are: a simple grouping of nodes with identical neighbor sets; Modular Decomposition which permits internal structure in modules and allows them to be nested; and Power Graph Analysis which further allows edges to cross module boundaries. These techniques all have the same goal-to compress the set of edges that need to be rendered to fully convey connectivity-but each successive relaxation of the module definition permits fewer edges to be drawn in the rendered graph. Each successive technique also, we hypothesize, requires a higher degree of mental effort to interpret. We test this hypothetical trade-off with two studies involving human participants. For Power Graph Analysis we propose a novel optimal technique based on constraint programming. This enables us to explore the parameter space for the technique more precisely than could be achieved with a heuristic. Although applicable to many domains, we are motivated by-and discuss in particular-the application to software dependency analysis.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We explore the effectiveness of visualizing dense directed graphs by replacing individual edges with edges connected to 'modules'-or groups of nodes-such that the new edges imply aggregate connectivity. We only consider techniques that offer a lossless compression: that is, where the entire graph can still be read from the compressed version. The techniques considered are: a simple grouping of nodes with identical neighbor sets; Modular Decomposition which permits internal structure in modules and allows them to be nested; and Power Graph Analysis which further allows edges to cross module boundaries. These techniques all have the same goal-to compress the set of edges that need to be rendered to fully convey connectivity-but each successive relaxation of the module definition permits fewer edges to be drawn in the rendered graph. Each successive technique also, we hypothesize, requires a higher degree of mental effort to interpret. We test this hypothetical trade-off with two studies involving human participants. For Power Graph Analysis we propose a novel optimal technique based on constraint programming. This enables us to explore the parameter space for the technique more precisely than could be achieved with a heuristic. Although applicable to many domains, we are motivated by-and discuss in particular-the application to software dependency analysis.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We explore the effectiveness of visualizing dense directed graphs by replacing individual edges with edges connected to 'modules'-or groups of nodes-such that the new edges imply aggregate connectivity. We only consider techniques that offer a lossless compression: that is, where the entire graph can still be read from the compressed version. The techniques considered are: a simple grouping of nodes with identical neighbor sets; Modular Decomposition which permits internal structure in modules and allows them to be nested; and Power Graph Analysis which further allows edges to cross module boundaries. These techniques all have the same goal-to compress the set of edges that need to be rendered to fully convey connectivity-but each successive relaxation of the module definition permits fewer edges to be drawn in the rendered graph. Each successive technique also, we hypothesize, requires a higher degree of mental effort to interpret. We test this hypothetical trade-off with two studies involving human participants. For Power Graph Analysis we propose a novel optimal technique based on constraint programming. This enables us to explore the parameter space for the technique more precisely than could be achieved with a heuristic. Although applicable to many domains, we are motivated by-and discuss in particular-the application to software dependency analysis.", "title": "Edge Compression Techniques for Visualization of Dense Directed Graphs", "normalizedTitle": "Edge Compression Techniques for Visualization of Dense Directed Graphs", "fno": "ttg2013122596", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Edge Detection", "Computer Graphics", "Modular Construction", "Modular Decomposition", "Edge Detection", "Computer Graphics", "Modular Construction", "Power Graph Analysis", "Directed Graphs", "Networks" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Tim", "surname": "Dwyer", "fullName": "Tim Dwyer", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Nathalie Henry", "surname": "Riche", "fullName": "Nathalie Henry Riche", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kim", "surname": "Marriott", "fullName": "Kim Marriott", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Christopher", "surname": "Mears", "fullName": "Christopher Mears", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2596-2605", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/bigcomp/2016/8796/0/07425941", "title": "Sparsifying and sampling of large graphs for efficient dense subgraph detection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bigcomp/2016/07425941/12OmNs0kyHi", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bigcomp/2016/8796/0", "title": "2016 International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icdm/2017/3835/0/3835a877", "title": "Spectral Lens: Explainable Diagnostics, Tools and Discoveries in Directed, Weighted Graphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdm/2017/3835a877/12OmNwHQBdK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdm/2017/3835/0", "title": "2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2011/935/0/05742389", "title": "Multilevel agglomerative edge bundling for visualizing large graphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2011/05742389/12OmNxj233Y", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2011/935/0", "title": "2011 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpp/2014/5618/0/5618a060", "title": "Fast Parallel Algorithms for Edge-Switching to Achieve a Target Visit Rate in Heterogeneous Graphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpp/2014/5618a060/12OmNxwENGi", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpp/2014/5618/0", "title": "2014 43nd International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2014/2874/0/2874a105", "title": "Improved Optimal and Approximate Power Graph Compression for Clearer Visualisation of Dense Graphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2014/2874a105/12OmNywOWNM", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2014/2874/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icdmw/2015/8493/0/8493a493", "title": "StructMatrix: Large-Scale Visualization of Graphs by Means of Structure Detection and Dense Matrices", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdmw/2015/8493a493/12OmNz4Bdni", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdmw/2015/8493/0", "title": "2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgi/1999/0185/0/01850198", "title": "Edge Extraction for Adaptive Mesh Construction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgi/1999/01850198/12OmNz61dIk", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgi/1999/0185/0", "title": "Computer Graphics International Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/12/ttg2012122486", "title": "Interactive Level-of-Detail Rendering of Large Graphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/12/ttg2012122486/13rRUwIF6dQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tk/2019/11/08481531", "title": "Effective and Efficient Community Search Over Large Directed Graphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tk/2019/11/08481531/146z4GOCJh5", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tk", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icdm/2018/9159/0/08594926", "title": "SedanSpot: Detecting Anomalies in Edge Streams", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdm/2018/08594926/17D45VsBU1z", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdm/2018/9159/0", "title": "2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122586", "articleId": "13rRUwh80Hb", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122606", "articleId": "13rRUxAAT0S", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxAAT0S", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.160", "abstract": "Scatterplot matrices (SPLOMs), parallel coordinates, and glyphs can all be used to visualize the multiple continuous variables (i.e., dependent variables or measures) in multidimensional multivariate data. However, these techniques are not well suited to visualizing many categorical variables (i.e., independent variables or dimensions). To visualize multiple categorical variables, 'hierarchical axes' that 'stack dimensions' have been used in systems like Polaris and Tableau. However, this approach does not scale well beyond a small number of categorical variables. Emerson et al. [8] extend the matrix paradigm of the SPLOM to simultaneously visualize several categorical and continuous variables, displaying many kinds of charts in the matrix depending on the kinds of variables involved. We propose a variant of their technique, called the Generalized Plot Matrix (GPLOM). The GPLOM restricts Emerson et al.'s technique to only three kinds of charts (scatterplots for pairs of continuous variables, heatmaps for pairs of categorical variables, and barcharts for pairings of categorical and continuous variable), in an effort to make it easier to understand. At the same time, the GPLOM extends Emerson et al.'s work by demonstrating interactive techniques suited to the matrix of charts. We discuss the visual design and interactive features of our GPLOM prototype, including a textual search feature allowing users to quickly locate values or variables by name. We also present a user study that compared performance with Tableau and our GPLOM prototype, that found that GPLOM is significantly faster in certain cases, and not significantly slower in other cases.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Scatterplot matrices (SPLOMs), parallel coordinates, and glyphs can all be used to visualize the multiple continuous variables (i.e., dependent variables or measures) in multidimensional multivariate data. However, these techniques are not well suited to visualizing many categorical variables (i.e., independent variables or dimensions). To visualize multiple categorical variables, 'hierarchical axes' that 'stack dimensions' have been used in systems like Polaris and Tableau. However, this approach does not scale well beyond a small number of categorical variables. Emerson et al. [8] extend the matrix paradigm of the SPLOM to simultaneously visualize several categorical and continuous variables, displaying many kinds of charts in the matrix depending on the kinds of variables involved. We propose a variant of their technique, called the Generalized Plot Matrix (GPLOM). The GPLOM restricts Emerson et al.'s technique to only three kinds of charts (scatterplots for pairs of continuous variables, heatmaps for pairs of categorical variables, and barcharts for pairings of categorical and continuous variable), in an effort to make it easier to understand. At the same time, the GPLOM extends Emerson et al.'s work by demonstrating interactive techniques suited to the matrix of charts. We discuss the visual design and interactive features of our GPLOM prototype, including a textual search feature allowing users to quickly locate values or variables by name. We also present a user study that compared performance with Tableau and our GPLOM prototype, that found that GPLOM is significantly faster in certain cases, and not significantly slower in other cases.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Scatterplot matrices (SPLOMs), parallel coordinates, and glyphs can all be used to visualize the multiple continuous variables (i.e., dependent variables or measures) in multidimensional multivariate data. However, these techniques are not well suited to visualizing many categorical variables (i.e., independent variables or dimensions). To visualize multiple categorical variables, 'hierarchical axes' that 'stack dimensions' have been used in systems like Polaris and Tableau. However, this approach does not scale well beyond a small number of categorical variables. Emerson et al. [8] extend the matrix paradigm of the SPLOM to simultaneously visualize several categorical and continuous variables, displaying many kinds of charts in the matrix depending on the kinds of variables involved. We propose a variant of their technique, called the Generalized Plot Matrix (GPLOM). The GPLOM restricts Emerson et al.'s technique to only three kinds of charts (scatterplots for pairs of continuous variables, heatmaps for pairs of categorical variables, and barcharts for pairings of categorical and continuous variable), in an effort to make it easier to understand. At the same time, the GPLOM extends Emerson et al.'s work by demonstrating interactive techniques suited to the matrix of charts. We discuss the visual design and interactive features of our GPLOM prototype, including a textual search feature allowing users to quickly locate values or variables by name. We also present a user study that compared performance with Tableau and our GPLOM prototype, that found that GPLOM is significantly faster in certain cases, and not significantly slower in other cases.", "title": "GPLOM: The Generalized Plot Matrix for Visualizing Multidimensional Multivariate Data", "normalizedTitle": "GPLOM: The Generalized Plot Matrix for Visualizing Multidimensional Multivariate Data", "fno": "ttg2013122606", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Prototypes", "Visual Databases", "User Interfaces", "Data Visualization", "Prototypes", "Visual Databases", "Business Intelligence", "Multidimensional Data", "Tabular Data", "Relational Data", "Mdmv", "High Dimensional Data", "Database Visualization", "Databaseoverview", "Parallel Coordinates", "Scatterplot Matrix" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Jean-Francois", "surname": "Im", "fullName": "Jean-Francois Im", "affiliation": "Ecole de Technol. Super., Montreal, QC, Canada", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Michael J.", "surname": "McGuffin", "fullName": "Michael J. McGuffin", "affiliation": "Ecole de Technol. 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"proceedings/vast/2014/6227/0/07042500", "title": "A multidimensional brush for scatterplot data analytics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vast/2014/07042500/12OmNxR5UJf", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vast/2014/6227/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2015/7568/0/7568a148", "title": "Plot Balalaika: Simple Chart Designs for Long-Tail Distributed Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2015/7568a148/12OmNzBOi4c", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2015/7568/0", "title": "2015 19th International Conference on Information Visualisation (iV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/csmr/2012/4666/0/4666a541", "title": "Visualizing Arrays in the Eclipse Java IDE", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUILLkDP", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.182", "abstract": "Star coordinates is a popular projection technique from an nD data space to a 2D/3D visualization domain. It is defined by setting n coordinate axes in the visualization domain. Since it generally defines an affine projection, strong distortions can occur: an nD sphere can be mapped to an ellipse of arbitrary size and aspect ratio. We propose to restrict star coordinates to orthographic projections which map an nD sphere of radius r to a 2D circle of radius r. We achieve this by formulating conditions for the coordinate axes to define orthographic projections, and by running a repeated non-linear optimization in the background of every modification of the coordinate axes. This way, we define a number of orthographic interaction concepts as well as orthographic data tour sequences: a scatterplot tour, a principle component tour, and a grand tour. All concepts are illustrated and evaluated with synthetic and real data.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Star coordinates is a popular projection technique from an nD data space to a 2D/3D visualization domain. It is defined by setting n coordinate axes in the visualization domain. Since it generally defines an affine projection, strong distortions can occur: an nD sphere can be mapped to an ellipse of arbitrary size and aspect ratio. We propose to restrict star coordinates to orthographic projections which map an nD sphere of radius r to a 2D circle of radius r. We achieve this by formulating conditions for the coordinate axes to define orthographic projections, and by running a repeated non-linear optimization in the background of every modification of the coordinate axes. This way, we define a number of orthographic interaction concepts as well as orthographic data tour sequences: a scatterplot tour, a principle component tour, and a grand tour. All concepts are illustrated and evaluated with synthetic and real data.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Star coordinates is a popular projection technique from an nD data space to a 2D/3D visualization domain. It is defined by setting n coordinate axes in the visualization domain. Since it generally defines an affine projection, strong distortions can occur: an nD sphere can be mapped to an ellipse of arbitrary size and aspect ratio. We propose to restrict star coordinates to orthographic projections which map an nD sphere of radius r to a 2D circle of radius r. We achieve this by formulating conditions for the coordinate axes to define orthographic projections, and by running a repeated non-linear optimization in the background of every modification of the coordinate axes. This way, we define a number of orthographic interaction concepts as well as orthographic data tour sequences: a scatterplot tour, a principle component tour, and a grand tour. All concepts are illustrated and evaluated with synthetic and real data.", "title": "Orthographic Star Coordinates", "normalizedTitle": "Orthographic Star Coordinates", "fno": "ttg2013122615", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Principal Component Analysis", "Minimization", "Nonlinear Distortion", "Multivariate Visualization", "Data Visualization", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Principal Component Analysis", "Minimization", "Nonlinear Distortion", "Visual Analytics", "Start Plot" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Dirk J.", "surname": "Lehmann", "fullName": "Dirk J. Lehmann", "affiliation": "Dept. of Simulation & Graphics, Univ. of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Holger", "surname": "Theisel", "fullName": "Holger Theisel", "affiliation": "Dept. of Simulation & Graphics, Univ. of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2615-2624", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/waim/2008/3185/0/3185a165", "title": "Advanced Star Coordinates", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/waim/2008/3185a165/12OmNAYoKoO", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/waim/2008/3185/0", "title": "Web-Age Information Management, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icdar/1995/7128/1/71280335", "title": "A scheme for 3D object reconstruction from dimensioned orthographic views", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdar/1995/71280335/12OmNCbCrVe", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdar/1995/7128/1", "title": "Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/12/06875998", "title": "Axis Calibration for Improving Data Attribute Estimation in Star Coordinates Plots", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/12/06875998/13rRUwghd50", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07192699", "title": "A comparative study between RadViz and Star Coordinates", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07192699/13rRUx0xPic", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2014/02/ttp2014020388", "title": "Trinary-Projection Trees for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2014/02/ttp2014020388/13rRUxAAT2s", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2009/06/ttg2009061001", "title": "Scattering Points in Parallel Coordinates", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2009/06/ttg2009061001/13rRUxNW1TQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2010/06/ttg2010061017", "title": "Pargnostics: Screen-Space Metrics for Parallel Coordinates", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2010/06/ttg2010061017/13rRUxYINf6", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/01/08440845", "title": "Shape-preserving Star Coordinates", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/01/08440845/17D45WYQJ9Z", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dcc/2006/2545/0/01607281", "title": "Nonlinear transform coding: polar coordinates revisited", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dcc/2006/01607281/1i5lX1zgzM4", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dcc/2006/2545/0", "title": "Proceedings. DCC 2006. Data Compression Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2020/5697/0/09086221", "title": "Efficient Morphing of Shape-preserving Star Coordinates", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2020/09086221/1kuHmfEw75e", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2020/5697/0", "title": "2020 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122606", "articleId": "13rRUxAAT0S", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122625", "articleId": "13rRUx0xPi9", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTYet5s", "name": "ttg2013122615s.mpg", "location": "", "extension": "mpg", "size": "20.5 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" }, { "id": "17ShDTYet5r", "name": "ttg2013122615s.pdf", "location": "", "extension": "pdf", "size": "3.04 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUx0xPi9", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.150", "abstract": "For high-dimensional data, this work proposes two novel visual exploration methods to gain insights into the data aspect and the dimension aspect of the data. The first is a Dimension Projection Matrix, as an extension of a scatterplot matrix. In the matrix, each row or column represents a group of dimensions, and each cell shows a dimension projection (such as MDS) of the data with the corresponding dimensions. The second is a Dimension Projection Tree, where every node is either a dimension projection plot or a Dimension Projection Matrix. Nodes are connected with links and each child node in the tree covers a subset of the parent node's dimensions or a subset of the parent node's data items. While the tree nodes visualize the subspaces of dimensions or subsets of the data items under exploration, the matrix nodes enable cross-comparison between different combinations of subspaces. Both Dimension Projection Matrix and Dimension Project Tree can be constructed algorithmically through automation, or manually through user interaction. Our implementation enables interactions such as drilling down to explore different levels of the data, merging or splitting the subspaces to adjust the matrix, and applying brushing to select data clusters. Our method enables simultaneously exploring data correlation and dimension correlation for data with high dimensions.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "For high-dimensional data, this work proposes two novel visual exploration methods to gain insights into the data aspect and the dimension aspect of the data. The first is a Dimension Projection Matrix, as an extension of a scatterplot matrix. In the matrix, each row or column represents a group of dimensions, and each cell shows a dimension projection (such as MDS) of the data with the corresponding dimensions. The second is a Dimension Projection Tree, where every node is either a dimension projection plot or a Dimension Projection Matrix. Nodes are connected with links and each child node in the tree covers a subset of the parent node's dimensions or a subset of the parent node's data items. While the tree nodes visualize the subspaces of dimensions or subsets of the data items under exploration, the matrix nodes enable cross-comparison between different combinations of subspaces. Both Dimension Projection Matrix and Dimension Project Tree can be constructed algorithmically through automation, or manually through user interaction. Our implementation enables interactions such as drilling down to explore different levels of the data, merging or splitting the subspaces to adjust the matrix, and applying brushing to select data clusters. Our method enables simultaneously exploring data correlation and dimension correlation for data with high dimensions.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "For high-dimensional data, this work proposes two novel visual exploration methods to gain insights into the data aspect and the dimension aspect of the data. The first is a Dimension Projection Matrix, as an extension of a scatterplot matrix. In the matrix, each row or column represents a group of dimensions, and each cell shows a dimension projection (such as MDS) of the data with the corresponding dimensions. The second is a Dimension Projection Tree, where every node is either a dimension projection plot or a Dimension Projection Matrix. Nodes are connected with links and each child node in the tree covers a subset of the parent node's dimensions or a subset of the parent node's data items. While the tree nodes visualize the subspaces of dimensions or subsets of the data items under exploration, the matrix nodes enable cross-comparison between different combinations of subspaces. Both Dimension Projection Matrix and Dimension Project Tree can be constructed algorithmically through automation, or manually through user interaction. Our implementation enables interactions such as drilling down to explore different levels of the data, merging or splitting the subspaces to adjust the matrix, and applying brushing to select data clusters. Our method enables simultaneously exploring data correlation and dimension correlation for data with high dimensions.", "title": "Dimension Projection Matrix/Tree: Interactive Subspace Visual Exploration and Analysis of High Dimensional Data", "normalizedTitle": "Dimension Projection Matrix/Tree: Interactive Subspace Visual Exploration and Analysis of High Dimensional Data", "fno": "ttg2013122625", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Image Color Analysis", "Correlation", "Clustering Algorithms", "Algorithm Design And Analysis", "Tree", "Data Visualization", "Image Color Analysis", "Correlation", "Clustering Algorithms", "Algorithm Design And Analysis", "Matrix", "High Dimensional Data", "Hierarchical Visualization", "Sub Dimensional Space", "User Interaction", "Subspace" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": null, "surname": "Xiaoru Yuan", "fullName": "Xiaoru Yuan", "affiliation": "Key Lab. of Machine Perception (Minist. of Educ.) & Sch. of EECS, Peking Univ., Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Donghao Ren", "fullName": "Donghao Ren", "affiliation": "Key Lab. of Machine Perception (Minist. of Educ.) & Sch. of EECS, Peking Univ., Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Zuchao Wang", "fullName": "Zuchao Wang", "affiliation": "Key Lab. of Machine Perception (Minist. of Educ.) & Sch. of EECS, Peking Univ., Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Cong Guo", "fullName": "Cong Guo", "affiliation": "Key Lab. of Machine Perception (Minist. of Educ.) & Sch. of EECS, Peking Univ., Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2625-2633", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2016/1451/0/07465260", "title": "Dimension reconstruction for visual exploration of subspace clusters in high-dimensional data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2016/07465260/12OmNAkWvsg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2016/1451/0", "title": "2016 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icmla/2011/4607/1/4607a247", "title": "Predictive Subspace Clustering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icmla/2011/4607a247/12OmNArthcK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icmla/2011/4607/1", "title": "Machine Learning and Applications, Fourth International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dcoss/2012/4707/0/4707a116", "title": "Distributed Subspace Projection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Computational Codes", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dcoss/2012/4707a116/12OmNBKEyww", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dcoss/2012/4707/0", "title": "2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/acssc/1997/8316/2/00679117", "title": "Gradient flows on projection matrices for subspace estimation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/acssc/1997/00679117/12OmNC943Cr", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/acssc/1997/8316/2", "title": "Conference Record of the Thirty-First Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (Cat. No.97CB36163)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2009/3992/0/05206510", "title": "Dimension-free affine shape matching through subspace invariance", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2009/05206510/12OmNCulYmK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2009/3992/0", "title": "2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2004/2158/2/01315223", "title": "Minimum effective dimension for mixtures of subspaces: a robust GPCA algorithm and its applications", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2004/01315223/12OmNqzcvQ9", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2004/2158/2", "title": "Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004. CVPR 2004.", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccvw/2015/9711/0/5720a868", "title": "Filtrated Spectral Algebraic Subspace Clustering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccvw/2015/5720a868/12OmNvk7JPs", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccvw/2015/9711/0", "title": "2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dcoss/2012/4707/0/4707a124", "title": "In-Network Computation of the Transition Matrix for Distributed Subspace Projection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dcoss/2012/4707a124/12OmNxbW4SB", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dcoss/2012/4707/0", "title": "2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2015/6879/0/07156389", "title": "Biclustering multivariate data for correlated subspace mining", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2015/07156389/12OmNyvoXae", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2015/6879/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hpcc-smartcity-dss/2019/2058/0/205800c239", "title": "Unsupervised Dimension Reduction Using Supervised Orthogonal Discriminant Projection for Clustering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hpcc-smartcity-dss/2019/205800c239/1dPoiMQZwvC", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hpcc-smartcity-dss/2019/2058/0", "title": "2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122615", "articleId": "13rRUILLkDP", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122634", "articleId": "13rRUEgs2BW", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXFgKg", "name": "ttg2013122625s.mp4", "location": "", "extension": "mp4", "size": "22.8 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUEgs2BW", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.153", "abstract": "To verify cluster separation in high-dimensional data, analysts often reduce the data with a dimension reduction (DR) technique, and then visualize it with 2D Scatterplots, interactive 3D Scatterplots, or Scatterplot Matrices (SPLOMs). With the goal of providing guidance between these visual encoding choices, we conducted an empirical data study in which two human coders manually inspected a broad set of 816 scatterplots derived from 75 datasets, 4 DR techniques, and the 3 previously mentioned scatterplot techniques. Each coder scored all color-coded classes in each scatterplot in terms of their separability from other classes. We analyze the resulting quantitative data with a heatmap approach, and qualitatively discuss interesting scatterplot examples. Our findings reveal that 2D scatterplots are often 'good enough', that is, neither SPLOM nor interactive 3D adds notably more cluster separability with the chosen DR technique. If 2D is not good enough, the most promising approach is to use an alternative DR technique in 2D. Beyond that, SPLOM occasionally adds additional value, and interactive 3D rarely helps but often hurts in terms of poorer class separation and usability. We summarize these results as a workflow model and implications for design. Our results offer guidance to analysts during the DR exploration process.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "To verify cluster separation in high-dimensional data, analysts often reduce the data with a dimension reduction (DR) technique, and then visualize it with 2D Scatterplots, interactive 3D Scatterplots, or Scatterplot Matrices (SPLOMs). With the goal of providing guidance between these visual encoding choices, we conducted an empirical data study in which two human coders manually inspected a broad set of 816 scatterplots derived from 75 datasets, 4 DR techniques, and the 3 previously mentioned scatterplot techniques. Each coder scored all color-coded classes in each scatterplot in terms of their separability from other classes. We analyze the resulting quantitative data with a heatmap approach, and qualitatively discuss interesting scatterplot examples. Our findings reveal that 2D scatterplots are often 'good enough', that is, neither SPLOM nor interactive 3D adds notably more cluster separability with the chosen DR technique. If 2D is not good enough, the most promising approach is to use an alternative DR technique in 2D. Beyond that, SPLOM occasionally adds additional value, and interactive 3D rarely helps but often hurts in terms of poorer class separation and usability. We summarize these results as a workflow model and implications for design. Our results offer guidance to analysts during the DR exploration process.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "To verify cluster separation in high-dimensional data, analysts often reduce the data with a dimension reduction (DR) technique, and then visualize it with 2D Scatterplots, interactive 3D Scatterplots, or Scatterplot Matrices (SPLOMs). With the goal of providing guidance between these visual encoding choices, we conducted an empirical data study in which two human coders manually inspected a broad set of 816 scatterplots derived from 75 datasets, 4 DR techniques, and the 3 previously mentioned scatterplot techniques. Each coder scored all color-coded classes in each scatterplot in terms of their separability from other classes. We analyze the resulting quantitative data with a heatmap approach, and qualitatively discuss interesting scatterplot examples. Our findings reveal that 2D scatterplots are often 'good enough', that is, neither SPLOM nor interactive 3D adds notably more cluster separability with the chosen DR technique. If 2D is not good enough, the most promising approach is to use an alternative DR technique in 2D. Beyond that, SPLOM occasionally adds additional value, and interactive 3D rarely helps but often hurts in terms of poorer class separation and usability. We summarize these results as a workflow model and implications for design. Our results offer guidance to analysts during the DR exploration process.", "title": "Empirical Guidance on Scatterplot and Dimension Reduction Technique Choices", "normalizedTitle": "Empirical Guidance on Scatterplot and Dimension Reduction Technique Choices", "fno": "ttg2013122634", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Three Dimensional Displays", "Encoding", "Principal Component Analysis", "Data Visualization", "Data Analysis", "Scatterplots", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Encoding", "Principal Component Analysis", "Data Visualization", "Data Analysis", "Quantitative Study", "Dimensionality Reduction" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Michael", "surname": "Sedlmair", "fullName": "Michael Sedlmair", "affiliation": "Univ. of Vienna, Vienna, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Tamara", "surname": "Munzner", "fullName": "Tamara Munzner", "affiliation": "Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { 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"abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/05/07920403/13rRUEgs2M7", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07192671", "title": "InterAxis: Steering Scatterplot Axes via Observation-Level Interaction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07192671/13rRUILLkDT", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/01/08022891", "title": "Priming and Anchoring Effects in Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/01/08022891/13rRUwbaqLz", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/10/ttg2013101768", "title": "The Generalized Sensitivity Scatterplot", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/10/ttg2013101768/13rRUwbs2gs", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2010/06/mcg2010060003", "title": "Improved Scatterplot Design", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2010/06/mcg2010060003/13rRUwjoNCc", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/09/07332976", "title": "The Connected Scatterplot for Presenting Paired Time Series", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/09/07332976/13rRUyY294F", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/5555/01/09826389", "title": "Automatic Scatterplot Design Optimization for Clustering Identification", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/5555/01/09826389/1EVdDTX0i2I", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2023/01/09925049", "title": "Dual Space Coupling Model Guided Overlap-Free Scatterplot", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/01/09925049/1HBHYSHqD3a", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/01/09552226", "title": "Revisiting Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Visual Cluster Analysis: An Empirical Study", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/01/09552226/1xicaXrIayI", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122625", "articleId": "13rRUx0xPi9", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122644", "articleId": "13rRUEgarBt", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXFgLX", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "mov", "size": "17.7 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" }, { "id": "17ShDTXFgLY", "name": "ttg2013122634s.pdf", "location": "", "extension": "pdf", "size": "4.14 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUEgarBt", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.230", "abstract": "Analysis of dynamic object deformations such as cardiac motion is of great importance, especially when there is a necessity to visualize and compare the deformation behavior across subjects. However, there is a lack of effective techniques for comparative visualization and assessment of a collection of motion data due to its 4-dimensional nature, i.e., timely varying three-dimensional shapes. From the geometric point of view, the motion change can be considered as a function defined on the 2D manifold of the surface. This paper presents a novel classification and visualization method based on a medial surface shape space, in which two novel shape descriptors are defined, for discriminating normal and abnormal human heart deformations as well as localizing the abnormal motion regions. In our medial surface shape space, the geodesic distance connecting two points in the space measures the similarity between their corresponding medial surfaces, which can quantify the similarity and disparity of the 3D heart motions. Furthermore, the novel descriptors can effectively localize the inconsistently deforming myopathic regions on the left ventricle. An easy visualization of heart motion sequences on the projected space allows users to distinguish the deformation differences. Our experimental results on both synthetic and real imaging data show that this method can automatically classify the healthy and myopathic subjects and accurately detect myopathic regions on the left ventricle, which outperforms other conventional cardiac diagnostic methods.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Analysis of dynamic object deformations such as cardiac motion is of great importance, especially when there is a necessity to visualize and compare the deformation behavior across subjects. However, there is a lack of effective techniques for comparative visualization and assessment of a collection of motion data due to its 4-dimensional nature, i.e., timely varying three-dimensional shapes. From the geometric point of view, the motion change can be considered as a function defined on the 2D manifold of the surface. This paper presents a novel classification and visualization method based on a medial surface shape space, in which two novel shape descriptors are defined, for discriminating normal and abnormal human heart deformations as well as localizing the abnormal motion regions. In our medial surface shape space, the geodesic distance connecting two points in the space measures the similarity between their corresponding medial surfaces, which can quantify the similarity and disparity of the 3D heart motions. Furthermore, the novel descriptors can effectively localize the inconsistently deforming myopathic regions on the left ventricle. An easy visualization of heart motion sequences on the projected space allows users to distinguish the deformation differences. Our experimental results on both synthetic and real imaging data show that this method can automatically classify the healthy and myopathic subjects and accurately detect myopathic regions on the left ventricle, which outperforms other conventional cardiac diagnostic methods.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Analysis of dynamic object deformations such as cardiac motion is of great importance, especially when there is a necessity to visualize and compare the deformation behavior across subjects. However, there is a lack of effective techniques for comparative visualization and assessment of a collection of motion data due to its 4-dimensional nature, i.e., timely varying three-dimensional shapes. From the geometric point of view, the motion change can be considered as a function defined on the 2D manifold of the surface. This paper presents a novel classification and visualization method based on a medial surface shape space, in which two novel shape descriptors are defined, for discriminating normal and abnormal human heart deformations as well as localizing the abnormal motion regions. In our medial surface shape space, the geodesic distance connecting two points in the space measures the similarity between their corresponding medial surfaces, which can quantify the similarity and disparity of the 3D heart motions. Furthermore, the novel descriptors can effectively localize the inconsistently deforming myopathic regions on the left ventricle. An easy visualization of heart motion sequences on the projected space allows users to distinguish the deformation differences. Our experimental results on both synthetic and real imaging data show that this method can automatically classify the healthy and myopathic subjects and accurately detect myopathic regions on the left ventricle, which outperforms other conventional cardiac diagnostic methods.", "title": "Visualization of Shape Motions in Shape Space", "normalizedTitle": "Visualization of Shape Motions in Shape Space", "fno": "ttg2013122644", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Shape Analysis", "Cardiology", "Heart", "Biomedical Monitoring", "Atomic Measurements", "Data Visualization", "Level Measurement", "Comparative Visualization", "Shape Analysis", "Cardiology", "Heart", "Biomedical Monitoring", "Atomic Measurements", "Data Visualization", "Level Measurement", "Left Ventricle Diagnosis", "Medial Surface", "Shape Space" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Vahid", "surname": "Taimouri", "fullName": "Vahid Taimouri", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Wayne State Univ., Detroit, MI, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Jing Hua", "fullName": "Jing Hua", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Wayne State Univ., Detroit, MI, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2644-2652", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/cic/1989/2114/0/00130524", "title": "3-D reconstruction of myocardium from MRI and a display system of pulsating 3-D heart image", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cic/1989/00130524/12OmNAGw134", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cic/1989/2114/0", "title": "Proceedings Computers in Cardiology", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/1996/7258/0/72580625", "title": "The use of hybrid models to recover cardiac wall motion in tagged MR images", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/1996/72580625/12OmNAnuTC5", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/1996/7258/0", "title": "Proceedings CVPR IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cic/1989/2114/0/00130489", "title": "Shape based classification of left ventricles by spectral analysis of their geometrical cardiograms", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cic/1989/00130489/12OmNBOllet", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cic/1989/2114/0", "title": "Proceedings Computers in Cardiology", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2015/1727/0/07223321", "title": "Turbulent motions cannot shake VR", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2015/07223321/12OmNCeaPWO", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2015/1727/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/bibe/2007/1509/0/04375697", "title": "Analysis of cardiac wall motion estimation methods", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bibe/2007/04375697/12OmNqBtiH7", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bibe/2007/1509/0", "title": "7th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/csie/2009/3507/6/3507f255", "title": "Functional Parameter Estimation Based on Deformable Cardiac Model", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/csie/2009/3507f255/12OmNscOUfA", "parentPublication": { "id": null, "title": null, "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cbms/1994/6256/0/00315992", "title": "Beat-by-beat monitoring of systemic vascular resistance during head-up tilt for assessment of orthostatic stress response", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cbms/1994/00315992/12OmNvHoQpn", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cbms/1994/6256/0", "title": "Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/1988/0878/0/00028470", "title": "3-D heart image reconstructed from MRI data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/1988/00028470/12OmNzsrwcX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/1988/0878/0", "title": "9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/1994/04/i0342", "title": "Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Left Ventricle Shape and Motion by Hierarchical Decomposition", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/1994/04/i0342/13rRUwInvzm", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cmbs/2022/6770/0/677000a001", "title": "Measuring the Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction using Geometric Features", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cmbs/2022/677000a001/1GhVV9A3Vug", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cmbs/2022/6770/0", "title": "2022 IEEE 35th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122634", "articleId": "13rRUEgs2BW", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122653", "articleId": "13rRUNvyaf1", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUNvyaf1", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.158", "abstract": "Representation of molecular surfaces is a well established way to study the interaction of molecules. The state-of-theart molecular representation is the SES model, which provides a detailed surface visualization. Nevertheless, it is computationally expensive, so the less accurate Gaussian model is traditionally preferred. We introduce a novel surface representation that resembles the SES and approaches the rendering performance of the Gaussian model. Our technique is based on the iterative blending of implicit functions and avoids any pre-computation. Additionally, we propose a GPU-based ray-casting algorithm that efficiently visualize our molecular representation. A qualitative and quantitative comparison of our model with respect to the Gaussian and SES models is presented. As showcased in the paper, our technique is a valid and appealing alternative to the Gaussian representation. This is especially relevant in all the applications where the cost of the SES is prohibitive.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Representation of molecular surfaces is a well established way to study the interaction of molecules. The state-of-theart molecular representation is the SES model, which provides a detailed surface visualization. Nevertheless, it is computationally expensive, so the less accurate Gaussian model is traditionally preferred. We introduce a novel surface representation that resembles the SES and approaches the rendering performance of the Gaussian model. Our technique is based on the iterative blending of implicit functions and avoids any pre-computation. Additionally, we propose a GPU-based ray-casting algorithm that efficiently visualize our molecular representation. A qualitative and quantitative comparison of our model with respect to the Gaussian and SES models is presented. As showcased in the paper, our technique is a valid and appealing alternative to the Gaussian representation. This is especially relevant in all the applications where the cost of the SES is prohibitive.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Representation of molecular surfaces is a well established way to study the interaction of molecules. The state-of-theart molecular representation is the SES model, which provides a detailed surface visualization. Nevertheless, it is computationally expensive, so the less accurate Gaussian model is traditionally preferred. We introduce a novel surface representation that resembles the SES and approaches the rendering performance of the Gaussian model. Our technique is based on the iterative blending of implicit functions and avoids any pre-computation. Additionally, we propose a GPU-based ray-casting algorithm that efficiently visualize our molecular representation. A qualitative and quantitative comparison of our model with respect to the Gaussian and SES models is presented. As showcased in the paper, our technique is a valid and appealing alternative to the Gaussian representation. This is especially relevant in all the applications where the cost of the SES is prohibitive.", "title": "Fast Blending Scheme for Molecular Surface Representation", "normalizedTitle": "Fast Blending Scheme for Molecular Surface Representation", "fno": "ttg2013122653", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Solvents", "Atomic Measurements", "Computational Modeling", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Mathematical Model", "Geometry Based Techniques", "Solvents", "Atomic Measurements", "Computational Modeling", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Mathematical Model", "Implicit Surfaces", "Molecular Visualization" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Julius", "surname": "Parulek", "fullName": "Julius Parulek", "affiliation": "Dept. ofInformatics, Univ. of Bergen, Bergen, Norway", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Andrea", "surname": "Brambilla", "fullName": "Andrea Brambilla", "affiliation": "Dept. ofInformatics, Univ. of Bergen, Bergen, Norway", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2653-2662", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/biovis/2011/0003/0/017022krone", "title": "Parallel Contour-Buildup algorithm for the molecular surface", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/biovis/2011/017022krone/12OmNAlvHNk", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/biovis/2011/0003/0", "title": "2011 IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis).", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2012/0863/0/06183594", "title": "Implicit representation of molecular surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2012/06183594/12OmNAu1FnZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2012/0863/0", "title": "Visualization Symposium, IEEE Pacific", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/isvd/2012/1910/0/06257663", "title": "Decomposition of a Protein Solution into Voronoi Shells and Delaunay Layers", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/isvd/2012/06257663/12OmNrEL2Dz", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/isvd/2012/1910/0", "title": "2012 Ninth International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD 2012)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/biovis/2012/4729/0/06378601", "title": "Implicit surfaces for interactive graph based cavity analysis of molecular simulations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/biovis/2012/06378601/12OmNxbmSEC", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/biovis/2012/4729/0", "title": "2012 IEEE Symposium on 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and Ambient Occlusion", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07192702/13rRUx0Pqpz", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/01/07539285", "title": "Molecular Surface Maps", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/01/07539285/13rRUxASuvj", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/5555/01/10064049", "title": "Molecular Joint Representation Learning via Multi-modal Information of SMILES and Graphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/5555/01/10064049/1LlCKQrWCas", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0/08798111", "title": "Optimised Molecular Graphics on the HoloLens", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2019/08798111/1cJ0TVWnBAI", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122644", "articleId": "13rRUEgarBt", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122663", "articleId": "13rRUxAASTa", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXFgPV", "name": "ttg2013122653s.wmv", "location": "", "extension": "wmv", "size": "12.7 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" }, { "id": "17ShDTXFgPW", "name": "ttg2013122653s.pdf", "location": "", "extension": "pdf", "size": "77 kB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxAASTa", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.148", "abstract": "Visualizing symmetric patterns in the data often helps the domain scientists make important observations and gain insights about the underlying experiment. Detecting symmetry in scalar fields is a nascent area of research and existing methods that detect symmetry are either not robust in the presence of noise or computationally costly. We propose a data structure called the augmented extremum graph and use it to design a novel symmetry detection method based on robust estimation of distances. The augmented extremum graph captures both topological and geometric information of the scalar field and enables robust and computationally efficient detection of symmetry. We apply the proposed method to detect symmetries in cryo-electron microscopy datasets and the experiments demonstrate that the algorithm is capable of detecting symmetry even in the presence of significant noise. We describe novel applications that use the detected symmetry to enhance visualization of scalar field data and facilitate their exploration.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Visualizing symmetric patterns in the data often helps the domain scientists make important observations and gain insights about the underlying experiment. Detecting symmetry in scalar fields is a nascent area of research and existing methods that detect symmetry are either not robust in the presence of noise or computationally costly. We propose a data structure called the augmented extremum graph and use it to design a novel symmetry detection method based on robust estimation of distances. The augmented extremum graph captures both topological and geometric information of the scalar field and enables robust and computationally efficient detection of symmetry. We apply the proposed method to detect symmetries in cryo-electron microscopy datasets and the experiments demonstrate that the algorithm is capable of detecting symmetry even in the presence of significant noise. We describe novel applications that use the detected symmetry to enhance visualization of scalar field data and facilitate their exploration.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Visualizing symmetric patterns in the data often helps the domain scientists make important observations and gain insights about the underlying experiment. Detecting symmetry in scalar fields is a nascent area of research and existing methods that detect symmetry are either not robust in the presence of noise or computationally costly. We propose a data structure called the augmented extremum graph and use it to design a novel symmetry detection method based on robust estimation of distances. The augmented extremum graph captures both topological and geometric information of the scalar field and enables robust and computationally efficient detection of symmetry. We apply the proposed method to detect symmetries in cryo-electron microscopy datasets and the experiments demonstrate that the algorithm is capable of detecting symmetry even in the presence of significant noise. We describe novel applications that use the detected symmetry to enhance visualization of scalar field data and facilitate their exploration.", "title": "Detecting Symmetry in Scalar Fields Using Augmented Extremum Graphs", "normalizedTitle": "Detecting Symmetry in Scalar Fields Using Augmented Extremum Graphs", "fno": "ttg2013122663", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Computer Graphics", "Robustness", "Geometry", "Histograms", "Symmetric Matrices", "Feature Extraction", "Symmetry Detection", "Computer Graphics", "Robustness", "Geometry", "Histograms", "Symmetric Matrices", "Feature Extraction", "Data Exploration", "Scalar Field Visualization", "Extremum Graph", "Morse Decomposition" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Dilip Mathew", "surname": "Thomas", "fullName": "Dilip Mathew Thomas", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. Sci. & Autom., Indian Inst. of Sci., Bangalore, India", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Vijay", "surname": "Natarajan", "fullName": "Vijay Natarajan", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. Sci. & Autom., Indian Inst. of Sci., Bangalore, India", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2663-2672", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2015/6879/0/07156386", "title": "Distance between extremum graphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2015/07156386/12OmNC8uRw0", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2015/6879/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2014/5118/0/06909930", "title": "Symmetry-Aware Nonrigid Matching of Incomplete 3D Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2014/06909930/12OmNrJAdTB", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2014/5118/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2014/5118/0/5118a438", "title": "Partial Symmetry in Polynomial Systems and Its Applications in Computer Vision", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2014/5118a438/12OmNxUdv6z", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2014/5118/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/smi/2007/2815/0/28150013", "title": "Augmented Symmetry Transforms", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/smi/2007/28150013/12OmNzUxOgn", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/smi/2007/2815/0", "title": "Shape Modeling and Applications, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/12/06875976", "title": "Multiscale Symmetry Detection in Scalar Fields by Clustering Contours", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/12/06875976/13rRUEgarBw", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/12/ttg2012122005", "title": "Generalized Topological Simplification of Scalar Fields on Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/12/ttg2012122005/13rRUx0xPmY", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/1997/02/i0144", "title": "Division-Based Analysis of Symmetry and Its Application", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/1997/02/i0144/13rRUxBrGhU", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2011/12/ttg2011122035", "title": "Symmetry in Scalar Field Topology", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2011/12/ttg2011122035/13rRUy2YLYr", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2011/12/ttg2011121842", "title": "Topological Spines: A Structure-preserving Visual Representation of Scalar Fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2011/12/ttg2011121842/13rRUygT7mU", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/5555/01/09770416", "title": "Learning-based Intrinsic Reflectional Symmetry Detection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/5555/01/09770416/1D9G4zI0NIQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122653", "articleId": "13rRUNvyaf1", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122673", "articleId": "13rRUEgarBu", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTYesNK", "name": "ttg2013122663s.pdf", "location": "", "extension": "pdf", "size": "18.6 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUEgarBu", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.159", "abstract": "We propose a novel GPU-based approach to render virtual X-ray projections of deformable tetrahedral meshes. These meshes represent the shape and the internal density distribution of a particular anatomical structure and are derived from statistical shape and intensity models (SSIMs). We apply our method to improve the geometric reconstruction of 3D anatomy (e.g. pelvic bone) from 2D X-ray images. For that purpose, shape and density of a tetrahedral mesh are varied and virtual X-ray projections are generated within an optimization process until the similarity between the computed virtual X-ray and the respective anatomy depicted in a given clinical X-ray is maximized. The OpenGL implementation presented in this work deforms and projects tetrahedral meshes of high resolution (200.000+ tetrahedra) at interactive rates. It generates virtual X-rays that accurately depict the density distribution of an anatomy of interest. Compared to existing methods that accumulate X-ray attenuation in deformable meshes, our novel approach significantly boosts the deformation/projection performance. The proposed projection algorithm scales better with respect to mesh resolution and complexity of the density distribution, and the combined deformation and projection on the GPU scales better with respect to the number of deformation parameters. The gain in performance allows for a larger number of cycles in the optimization process. Consequently, it reduces the risk of being stuck in a local optimum. We believe that our approach will improve treatments in orthopedics, where 3D anatomical information is essential.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We propose a novel GPU-based approach to render virtual X-ray projections of deformable tetrahedral meshes. These meshes represent the shape and the internal density distribution of a particular anatomical structure and are derived from statistical shape and intensity models (SSIMs). We apply our method to improve the geometric reconstruction of 3D anatomy (e.g. pelvic bone) from 2D X-ray images. For that purpose, shape and density of a tetrahedral mesh are varied and virtual X-ray projections are generated within an optimization process until the similarity between the computed virtual X-ray and the respective anatomy depicted in a given clinical X-ray is maximized. The OpenGL implementation presented in this work deforms and projects tetrahedral meshes of high resolution (200.000+ tetrahedra) at interactive rates. It generates virtual X-rays that accurately depict the density distribution of an anatomy of interest. Compared to existing methods that accumulate X-ray attenuation in deformable meshes, our novel approach significantly boosts the deformation/projection performance. The proposed projection algorithm scales better with respect to mesh resolution and complexity of the density distribution, and the combined deformation and projection on the GPU scales better with respect to the number of deformation parameters. The gain in performance allows for a larger number of cycles in the optimization process. Consequently, it reduces the risk of being stuck in a local optimum. We believe that our approach will improve treatments in orthopedics, where 3D anatomical information is essential.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We propose a novel GPU-based approach to render virtual X-ray projections of deformable tetrahedral meshes. These meshes represent the shape and the internal density distribution of a particular anatomical structure and are derived from statistical shape and intensity models (SSIMs). We apply our method to improve the geometric reconstruction of 3D anatomy (e.g. pelvic bone) from 2D X-ray images. For that purpose, shape and density of a tetrahedral mesh are varied and virtual X-ray projections are generated within an optimization process until the similarity between the computed virtual X-ray and the respective anatomy depicted in a given clinical X-ray is maximized. The OpenGL implementation presented in this work deforms and projects tetrahedral meshes of high resolution (200.000+ tetrahedra) at interactive rates. It generates virtual X-rays that accurately depict the density distribution of an anatomy of interest. Compared to existing methods that accumulate X-ray attenuation in deformable meshes, our novel approach significantly boosts the deformation/projection performance. The proposed projection algorithm scales better with respect to mesh resolution and complexity of the density distribution, and the combined deformation and projection on the GPU scales better with respect to the number of deformation parameters. The gain in performance allows for a larger number of cycles in the optimization process. Consequently, it reduces the risk of being stuck in a local optimum. We believe that our approach will improve treatments in orthopedics, where 3D anatomical information is essential.", "title": "Fast Generation of Virtual X-ray Images for Reconstruction of 3D Anatomy", "normalizedTitle": "Fast Generation of Virtual X-ray Images for Reconstruction of 3D Anatomy", "fno": "ttg2013122673", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "X Ray Imaging", "Deformable Models", "Shape Analysis", "Image Reconstruction", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Graphics Processing Units", "Attenuation", "Image Registration", "X Ray Imaging", "Deformable Models", "Shape Analysis", "Image Reconstruction", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Graphics Processing Units", "Attenuation", "GPU Acceleration", "Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs", "Volume Rendering", "Mesh Deformation", "Statistical Shape And Intensity Models" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Moritz", "surname": "Ehlke", "fullName": "Moritz Ehlke", "affiliation": "Zuse Inst. Berlin, Berlin, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Heiko", "surname": "Ramm", "fullName": "Heiko Ramm", "affiliation": "Zuse Inst. Berlin, Berlin, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Hans", "surname": "Lamecker", "fullName": "Hans Lamecker", "affiliation": "Zuse Inst. Berlin, Berlin, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Hans-Christian", "surname": "Hege", "fullName": "Hans-Christian Hege", "affiliation": "Zuse Inst. Berlin, Berlin, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Stefan", "surname": "Zachow", "fullName": "Stefan Zachow", "affiliation": "Zuse Inst. Berlin, Berlin, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2673-2682", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/cimsim/2011/4562/0/4562a253", "title": "Merging Scheme-based Classification of Medical X-ray Images", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cimsim/2011/4562a253/12OmNB1wkGi", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cimsim/2011/4562/0", "title": "Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/wacv/2017/4822/0/07926666", "title": "X-Ray Scattering Image Classification Using Deep Learning", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wacv/2017/07926666/12OmNBPtJHg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wacv/2017/4822/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/gtsd/2016/3638/0/3638a161", "title": "Phase Quantitative Computation for Multi-Phase Materials by Means of X-Ray Diffraction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/gtsd/2016/3638a161/12OmNBp52GE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/gtsd/2016/3638/0", "title": "2016 3rd International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development (GTSD)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ismar/2014/6184/0/06948433", "title": "Improved interventional X-ray appearance", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ismar/2014/06948433/12OmNsd6vpH", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ismar/2014/6184/0", "title": "2014 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/trustcom/2011/2135/0/06121045", "title": "Automated Inspection Using X-Ray Imaging", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/trustcom/2011/06121045/12OmNwDSdFg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/trustcom/2011/2135/0", "title": "2011IEEE 10th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/wacv/2014/4985/0/06836004", "title": "Materials discovery: Fine-grained classification of X-ray scattering images", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wacv/2014/06836004/12OmNxcdFVL", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wacv/2014/4985/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icmtma/2009/3583/1/3583a483", "title": "Image Reconstruction Using an Improved MAP-EM Method in X-ray CT", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icmtma/2009/3583a483/12OmNyfvpU3", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icmtma/2009/3583/3", "title": "2009 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/3dv/2014/7000/1/7000a345", "title": "Multimodal Calibration of Portable X-Ray Capture Systems for 3D Reconstruction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/3dv/2014/7000a345/12OmNzdoN5I", "parentPublication": { "id": "3dv/2014/7000/1", "title": "2014 2nd International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2010/01/mcg2010010017", "title": "Knowledge-Assisted 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"AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXFgH8", "name": "ttg2013122673s.webm", "location": "", "extension": "webm", "size": "25.3 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxNW1TT", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.133", "abstract": "Information theory provides a theoretical framework for measuring information content for an observed variable, and has attracted much attention from visualization researchers for its ability to quantify saliency and similarity among variables. In this paper, we present a new approach towards building an exploration framework based on information theory to guide the users through the multivariate data exploration process. In our framework, we compute the total entropy of the multivariate data set and identify the contribution of individual variables to the total entropy. The variables are classified into groups based on a novel graph model where a node represents a variable and the links encode the mutual information shared between the variables. The variables inside the groups are analyzed for their representativeness and an information based importance is assigned. We exploit specific information metrics to analyze the relationship between the variables and use the metrics to choose isocontours of selected variables. For a chosen group of points, parallel coordinates plots (PCP) are used to show the states of the variables and provide an interface for the user to select values of interest. Experiments with different data sets reveal the effectiveness of our proposed framework in depicting the interesting regions of the data sets taking into account the interaction among the variables.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Information theory provides a theoretical framework for measuring information content for an observed variable, and has attracted much attention from visualization researchers for its ability to quantify saliency and similarity among variables. In this paper, we present a new approach towards building an exploration framework based on information theory to guide the users through the multivariate data exploration process. In our framework, we compute the total entropy of the multivariate data set and identify the contribution of individual variables to the total entropy. The variables are classified into groups based on a novel graph model where a node represents a variable and the links encode the mutual information shared between the variables. The variables inside the groups are analyzed for their representativeness and an information based importance is assigned. We exploit specific information metrics to analyze the relationship between the variables and use the metrics to choose isocontours of selected variables. For a chosen group of points, parallel coordinates plots (PCP) are used to show the states of the variables and provide an interface for the user to select values of interest. Experiments with different data sets reveal the effectiveness of our proposed framework in depicting the interesting regions of the data sets taking into account the interaction among the variables.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Information theory provides a theoretical framework for measuring information content for an observed variable, and has attracted much attention from visualization researchers for its ability to quantify saliency and similarity among variables. In this paper, we present a new approach towards building an exploration framework based on information theory to guide the users through the multivariate data exploration process. In our framework, we compute the total entropy of the multivariate data set and identify the contribution of individual variables to the total entropy. The variables are classified into groups based on a novel graph model where a node represents a variable and the links encode the mutual information shared between the variables. The variables inside the groups are analyzed for their representativeness and an information based importance is assigned. We exploit specific information metrics to analyze the relationship between the variables and use the metrics to choose isocontours of selected variables. For a chosen group of points, parallel coordinates plots (PCP) are used to show the states of the variables and provide an interface for the user to select values of interest. Experiments with different data sets reveal the effectiveness of our proposed framework in depicting the interesting regions of the data sets taking into account the interaction among the variables.", "title": "An Information-Aware Framework for Exploring Multivariate Data Sets", "normalizedTitle": "An Information-Aware Framework for Exploring Multivariate Data Sets", "fno": "ttg2013122683", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Uncertainty", "Mutual Information", "Information Technology", "Entropy", "Isosurfaces", "Layout", "Isosurface", "Uncertainty", "Mutual Information", "Information Technology", "Entropy", "Isosurfaces", "Layout", "Multivariate Uncertainty", "Information Theory", "Framework" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Ayan", "surname": "Biswas", "fullName": "Ayan Biswas", "affiliation": "Gravity Group, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Soumya", "surname": "Dutta", "fullName": "Soumya Dutta", "affiliation": "Gravity Group, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Han-Wei Shen", "fullName": "Han-Wei Shen", "affiliation": "Gravity Group, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jonathan", "surname": "Woodring", "fullName": "Jonathan Woodring", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2683-2692", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/vast/2006/0591/0/04035764", "title": "Exploratory Visualization of Multivariate Data with Variable Quality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vast/2006/04035764/12OmNApLGQU", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vast/2006/0591/0", "title": "2006 IEEE Symposium On Visual Analytics Science And Technology", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2011/935/0/05742378", "title": "Analyzing information transfer in time-varying multivariate data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2011/05742378/12OmNvA1h6P", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2011/935/0", "title": "2011 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2009/4404/0/04906852", "title": "Correlation study of time-varying multivariate climate data sets", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2009/04906852/12OmNvvtGY0", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2009/4404/0", "title": "2009 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, 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"abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/01/08440120/17D45Wuc38E", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/ex/2018/05/08506386", "title": "Multivariate Correlation Entropy and Law Discovery in Large Data Sets", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/ex/2018/05/08506386/17D45Xq6dz5", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/ex", "title": "IEEE Intelligent Systems", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hpcc-smartcity-dss/2018/6614/0/661400b528", "title": "Exploring Methods for Comparing Similarity of Dimensionally Inconsistent Multivariate Numerical Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hpcc-smartcity-dss/2018/661400b528/183rAflm0Aa", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hpcc-smartcity-dss/2018/6614/0", "title": "2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUyfbwqI", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.152", "abstract": "Histograms computed from local regions are commonly used in many visualization applications, and allowing the user to query histograms interactively in regions of arbitrary locations and sizes plays an important role in feature identification and tracking. Computing histograms in regions with arbitrary location and size, nevertheless, can be time consuming for large data sets since it involves expensive I/O and scan of data elements. To achieve both performance- and storage-efficient query of local histograms, we present a new algorithm called WaveletSAT, which utilizes integral histograms, an extension of the summed area tables (SAT), and discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Similar to SAT, an integral histogram is the histogram computed from the area between each grid point and the grid origin, which can be be pre-computed to support fast query. Nevertheless, because one histogram contains multiple bins, it will be very expensive to store one integral histogram at each grid point. To reduce the storage cost for large integral histograms, WaveletSAT treats the integral histograms of all grid points as multiple SATs, each of which can be converted into a sparse representation via DWT, allowing the reconstruction of axis-aligned region histograms of arbitrary sizes from a limited number of wavelet coefficients. Besides, we present an efficient wavelet transform algorithm for SATs that can operate on each grid point separately in logarithmic time complexity, which can be extended to parallel GPU-based implementation. With theoretical and empirical demonstration, we show that WaveletSAT can achieve fast preprocessing and smaller storage overhead than the conventional integral histogram approach with close query performance.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Histograms computed from local regions are commonly used in many visualization applications, and allowing the user to query histograms interactively in regions of arbitrary locations and sizes plays an important role in feature identification and tracking. Computing histograms in regions with arbitrary location and size, nevertheless, can be time consuming for large data sets since it involves expensive I/O and scan of data elements. To achieve both performance- and storage-efficient query of local histograms, we present a new algorithm called WaveletSAT, which utilizes integral histograms, an extension of the summed area tables (SAT), and discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Similar to SAT, an integral histogram is the histogram computed from the area between each grid point and the grid origin, which can be be pre-computed to support fast query. Nevertheless, because one histogram contains multiple bins, it will be very expensive to store one integral histogram at each grid point. To reduce the storage cost for large integral histograms, WaveletSAT treats the integral histograms of all grid points as multiple SATs, each of which can be converted into a sparse representation via DWT, allowing the reconstruction of axis-aligned region histograms of arbitrary sizes from a limited number of wavelet coefficients. Besides, we present an efficient wavelet transform algorithm for SATs that can operate on each grid point separately in logarithmic time complexity, which can be extended to parallel GPU-based implementation. With theoretical and empirical demonstration, we show that WaveletSAT can achieve fast preprocessing and smaller storage overhead than the conventional integral histogram approach with close query performance.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Histograms computed from local regions are commonly used in many visualization applications, and allowing the user to query histograms interactively in regions of arbitrary locations and sizes plays an important role in feature identification and tracking. Computing histograms in regions with arbitrary location and size, nevertheless, can be time consuming for large data sets since it involves expensive I/O and scan of data elements. To achieve both performance- and storage-efficient query of local histograms, we present a new algorithm called WaveletSAT, which utilizes integral histograms, an extension of the summed area tables (SAT), and discrete wavelet transform (DWT). Similar to SAT, an integral histogram is the histogram computed from the area between each grid point and the grid origin, which can be be pre-computed to support fast query. Nevertheless, because one histogram contains multiple bins, it will be very expensive to store one integral histogram at each grid point. To reduce the storage cost for large integral histograms, WaveletSAT treats the integral histograms of all grid points as multiple SATs, each of which can be converted into a sparse representation via DWT, allowing the reconstruction of axis-aligned region histograms of arbitrary sizes from a limited number of wavelet coefficients. Besides, we present an efficient wavelet transform algorithm for SATs that can operate on each grid point separately in logarithmic time complexity, which can be extended to parallel GPU-based implementation. With theoretical and empirical demonstration, we show that WaveletSAT can achieve fast preprocessing and smaller storage overhead than the conventional integral histogram approach with close query performance.", "title": "Efficient Local Statistical Analysis via Integral Histograms with Discrete Wavelet Transform", "normalizedTitle": "Efficient Local Statistical Analysis via Integral Histograms with Discrete Wavelet Transform", "fno": "ttg2013122693", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Histograms", "Discrete Wavelet Transforms", "Statistical Analysis", "Time Complexity", "Integral Equations", "Integral Histograms", "Histograms", "Discrete Wavelet Transforms", "Statistical Analysis", "Time Complexity", "Integral Equations", "Discrete Wavelet Transform", "Wavelet SAT" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": null, "surname": "Teng-Yok Lee", "fullName": "Teng-Yok Lee", "affiliation": "Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Han-Wei Shen", "fullName": "Han-Wei Shen", "affiliation": "Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2693-2702", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iccit/2007/3038/0/30381982", "title": "Realtime Coarse Pose Recognition Using a Multi-scaled Local Integral Histograms", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccit/2007/30381982/12OmNB6UIaR", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccit/2007/3038/0", "title": "2007 International Conference on Convergence Information Technology - ICCIT '07", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccv/1990/2057/0/00139558", "title": "Indexing via color histograms", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/1990/00139558/12OmNBEYzMG", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/1990/2057/0", "title": "Proceedings Third International Conference on Computer Vision", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/1992/2915/0/00201874", "title": "Statistical subpixel pattern recognition by histograms", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/1992/00201874/12OmNBRbknu", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/1992/2915/0", "title": "11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol.II. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxC0SvV", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.138", "abstract": "Numerical ensemble forecasting is a powerful tool that drives many risk analysis efforts and decision making tasks. These ensembles are composed of individual simulations that each uniquely model a possible outcome for a common event of interest: e.g., the direction and force of a hurricane, or the path of travel and mortality rate of a pandemic. This paper presents a new visual strategy to help quantify and characterize a numerical ensemble's predictive uncertainty: i.e., the ability for ensemble constituents to accurately and consistently predict an event of interest based on ground truth observations. Our strategy employs a Bayesian framework to first construct a statistical aggregate from the ensemble. We extend the information obtained from the aggregate with a visualization strategy that characterizes predictive uncertainty at two levels: at a global level, which assesses the ensemble as a whole, as well as a local level, which examines each of the ensemble's constituents. Through this approach, modelers are able to better assess the predictive strengths and weaknesses of the ensemble as a whole, as well as individual models. We apply our method to two datasets to demonstrate its broad applicability.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Numerical ensemble forecasting is a powerful tool that drives many risk analysis efforts and decision making tasks. These ensembles are composed of individual simulations that each uniquely model a possible outcome for a common event of interest: e.g., the direction and force of a hurricane, or the path of travel and mortality rate of a pandemic. This paper presents a new visual strategy to help quantify and characterize a numerical ensemble's predictive uncertainty: i.e., the ability for ensemble constituents to accurately and consistently predict an event of interest based on ground truth observations. Our strategy employs a Bayesian framework to first construct a statistical aggregate from the ensemble. We extend the information obtained from the aggregate with a visualization strategy that characterizes predictive uncertainty at two levels: at a global level, which assesses the ensemble as a whole, as well as a local level, which examines each of the ensemble's constituents. Through this approach, modelers are able to better assess the predictive strengths and weaknesses of the ensemble as a whole, as well as individual models. We apply our method to two datasets to demonstrate its broad applicability.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Numerical ensemble forecasting is a powerful tool that drives many risk analysis efforts and decision making tasks. These ensembles are composed of individual simulations that each uniquely model a possible outcome for a common event of interest: e.g., the direction and force of a hurricane, or the path of travel and mortality rate of a pandemic. This paper presents a new visual strategy to help quantify and characterize a numerical ensemble's predictive uncertainty: i.e., the ability for ensemble constituents to accurately and consistently predict an event of interest based on ground truth observations. Our strategy employs a Bayesian framework to first construct a statistical aggregate from the ensemble. We extend the information obtained from the aggregate with a visualization strategy that characterizes predictive uncertainty at two levels: at a global level, which assesses the ensemble as a whole, as well as a local level, which examines each of the ensemble's constituents. Through this approach, modelers are able to better assess the predictive strengths and weaknesses of the ensemble as a whole, as well as individual models. We apply our method to two datasets to demonstrate its broad applicability.", "title": "Characterizing and Visualizing Predictive Uncertainty in Numerical Ensembles Through Bayesian Model Averaging", "normalizedTitle": "Characterizing and Visualizing Predictive Uncertainty in Numerical Ensembles Through Bayesian Model Averaging", "fno": "ttg2013122703", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Bayes Methods", "Mathematical Model", "Predictive Models", "Numerical Models", "Data Visualization", "Numerical Ensembles", "Bayes Methods", "Mathematical Model", "Predictive Models", "Numerical Models", "Data Visualization", "Statistical Visualization", "Uncertainty Visualization" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Luke", "surname": "Gosink", "fullName": "Luke Gosink", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kevin", "surname": "Bensema", "fullName": "Kevin Bensema", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Trenton", "surname": "Pulsipher", "fullName": "Trenton Pulsipher", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Harald", "surname": "Obermaier", "fullName": "Harald Obermaier", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Michael", "surname": "Henry", "fullName": "Michael Henry", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Hank", "surname": "Childs", "fullName": "Hank Childs", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kenneth I.", "surname": "Joy", "fullName": "Kenneth I. Joy", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2703-2712", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/ictai/2010/8817/1/05670063", "title": "Instance-Based Ensemble Pruning via Multi-Label Classification", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ictai/2010/05670063/12OmNxEBzif", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ictai/2010/8817/1", "title": "2010 22nd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2014/5666/0/07004332", "title": "Towards a domain-specific framework for predictive analytics in manufacturing", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/big-data/2014/07004332/12OmNyrIarF", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2014/5666/0", "title": "2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/09/07563342", "title": "Uncertainty Visualization by Representative Sampling from Prediction Ensembles", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/09/07563342/13rRUIM2VH4", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/12/ttg2013122713", "title": "Contour Boxplots: A Method for Characterizing Uncertainty in Feature Sets from Simulation Ensembles", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/12/ttg2013122713/13rRUxd2aZ1", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/2018/03/07892919", "title": "Multiple-Swarm Ensembles: Improving the Predictive Power and Robustness of Predictive Models and Its Use in Computational Biology", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/2018/03/07892919/13rRUygT7rb", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/01/08440837", "title": "Visualizing Uncertain Tropical Cyclone Predictions using Representative Samples from Ensembles of Forecast Tracks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/01/08440837/17D45XeKgnt", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tb/5555/01/09933875", "title": "Interpretable Ensembles of Classifiers for Uncertain Data with Bioinformatics Applications", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tb/5555/01/09933875/1HWLEHkhzUc", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tb", "title": "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2019/0858/0/09006366", "title": "Feature Scoring using Tree-Based Ensembles for Evolving Data Streams", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/big-data/2019/09006366/1hJssLlLaso", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2019/0858/0", "title": "2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2021/3931/0/393100a046", "title": "An Extension of Empirical Orthogonal Functions for the Analysis of Time-Dependent 2D Scalar 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"__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxd2aZ1", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.143", "abstract": "Ensembles of numerical simulations are used in a variety of applications, such as meteorology or computational solid mechanics, in order to quantify the uncertainty or possible error in a model or simulation. Deriving robust statistics and visualizing the variability of an ensemble is a challenging task and is usually accomplished through direct visualization of ensemble members or by providing aggregate representations such as an average or pointwise probabilities. In many cases, the interesting quantities in a simulation are not dense fields, but are sets of features that are often represented as thresholds on physical or derived quantities. In this paper, we introduce a generalization of boxplots, called contour boxplots, for visualization and exploration of ensembles of contours or level sets of functions. Conventional boxplots have been widely used as an exploratory or communicative tool for data analysis, and they typically show the median, mean, confidence intervals, and outliers of a population. The proposed contour boxplots are a generalization of functional boxplots, which build on the notion of data depth. Data depth approximates the extent to which a particular sample is centrally located within its density function. This produces a center-outward ordering that gives rise to the statistical quantities that are essential to boxplots. Here we present a generalization of functional data depth to contours and demonstrate methods for displaying the resulting boxplots for two-dimensional simulation data in weather forecasting and computational fluid dynamics.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Ensembles of numerical simulations are used in a variety of applications, such as meteorology or computational solid mechanics, in order to quantify the uncertainty or possible error in a model or simulation. Deriving robust statistics and visualizing the variability of an ensemble is a challenging task and is usually accomplished through direct visualization of ensemble members or by providing aggregate representations such as an average or pointwise probabilities. In many cases, the interesting quantities in a simulation are not dense fields, but are sets of features that are often represented as thresholds on physical or derived quantities. In this paper, we introduce a generalization of boxplots, called contour boxplots, for visualization and exploration of ensembles of contours or level sets of functions. Conventional boxplots have been widely used as an exploratory or communicative tool for data analysis, and they typically show the median, mean, confidence intervals, and outliers of a population. The proposed contour boxplots are a generalization of functional boxplots, which build on the notion of data depth. Data depth approximates the extent to which a particular sample is centrally located within its density function. This produces a center-outward ordering that gives rise to the statistical quantities that are essential to boxplots. Here we present a generalization of functional data depth to contours and demonstrate methods for displaying the resulting boxplots for two-dimensional simulation data in weather forecasting and computational fluid dynamics.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Ensembles of numerical simulations are used in a variety of applications, such as meteorology or computational solid mechanics, in order to quantify the uncertainty or possible error in a model or simulation. Deriving robust statistics and visualizing the variability of an ensemble is a challenging task and is usually accomplished through direct visualization of ensemble members or by providing aggregate representations such as an average or pointwise probabilities. In many cases, the interesting quantities in a simulation are not dense fields, but are sets of features that are often represented as thresholds on physical or derived quantities. In this paper, we introduce a generalization of boxplots, called contour boxplots, for visualization and exploration of ensembles of contours or level sets of functions. Conventional boxplots have been widely used as an exploratory or communicative tool for data analysis, and they typically show the median, mean, confidence intervals, and outliers of a population. The proposed contour boxplots are a generalization of functional boxplots, which build on the notion of data depth. Data depth approximates the extent to which a particular sample is centrally located within its density function. This produces a center-outward ordering that gives rise to the statistical quantities that are essential to boxplots. Here we present a generalization of functional data depth to contours and demonstrate methods for displaying the resulting boxplots for two-dimensional simulation data in weather forecasting and computational fluid dynamics.", "title": "Contour Boxplots: A Method for Characterizing Uncertainty in Feature Sets from Simulation Ensembles", "normalizedTitle": "Contour Boxplots: A Method for Characterizing Uncertainty in Feature Sets from Simulation Ensembles", "fno": "ttg2013122713", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Shape Analysis", "Uncertainty", "Computational Modeling", "Weather Forecasting", "Numerical Models", "Statistical Analysis", "Ensemble Visualization", "Data Visualization", "Shape Analysis", "Uncertainty", "Computational Modeling", "Weather Forecasting", "Numerical Models", "Statistical Analysis", "Order Statistics", "Uncertainty Visualization", "Boxplots", "Band Depth" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Ross T.", "surname": "Whitaker", "fullName": "Ross T. Whitaker", "affiliation": "Sci. Comput. & Imaging Inst., Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Mahsa", "surname": "Mirzargar", "fullName": "Mahsa Mirzargar", "affiliation": "Sci. Comput. & Imaging Inst., Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Robert M.", "surname": "Kirby", "fullName": "Robert M. Kirby", "affiliation": "Sci. 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"abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/09/07563342/13rRUIM2VH4", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/10/07352365", "title": "Visual Trends Analysis in Time-Varying Ensembles", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/10/07352365/13rRUwI5TR2", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/12/06875964", "title": "Curve Boxplot: Generalization of Boxplot for Ensembles of Curves", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/12/06875964/13rRUwInvf7", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07192675", "title": "Streamline Variability Plots for Characterizing the Uncertainty in Vector Field Ensembles", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07192675/13rRUwjXZSh", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/12/ttg2013122703", "title": "Characterizing and Visualizing Predictive Uncertainty in Numerical Ensembles Through Bayesian Model Averaging", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/12/ttg2013122703/13rRUxC0SvV", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/01/07539342", "title": "Time-Hierarchical Clustering and Visualization of Weather Forecast Ensembles", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/01/07539342/13rRUxYIN4d", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/01/08440052", "title": "An Interactive Framework for Visualization of Weather Forecast Ensembles", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/01/08440052/17D45XDIXW9", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sbac-pad/2018/7769/0/08645863", "title": "High-Performance Ensembles of Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine for Regression and Time Series Forecasting", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sbac-pad/2018/08645863/17QjJfkRxNJ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sbac-pad/2018/7769/0", "title": "2018 30th International Symposium on Computer 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUygBw78", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.208", "abstract": "We present a study of linear interpolation when applied to uncertain data. Linear interpolation is a key step for isosurface extraction algorithms, and the uncertainties in the data lead to non-linear variations in the geometry of the extracted isosurface. We present an approach for deriving the probability density function of a random variable modeling the positional uncertainty in the isosurface extraction. When the uncertainty is quantified by a uniform distribution, our approach provides a closed-form characterization of the mentioned random variable. This allows us to derive, in closed form, the expected value as well as the variance of the level-crossing position. While the former quantity is used for constructing a stable isosurface for uncertain data, the latter is used for visualizing the positional uncertainties in the expected isosurface level crossings on the underlying grid.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present a study of linear interpolation when applied to uncertain data. Linear interpolation is a key step for isosurface extraction algorithms, and the uncertainties in the data lead to non-linear variations in the geometry of the extracted isosurface. We present an approach for deriving the probability density function of a random variable modeling the positional uncertainty in the isosurface extraction. When the uncertainty is quantified by a uniform distribution, our approach provides a closed-form characterization of the mentioned random variable. This allows us to derive, in closed form, the expected value as well as the variance of the level-crossing position. While the former quantity is used for constructing a stable isosurface for uncertain data, the latter is used for visualizing the positional uncertainties in the expected isosurface level crossings on the underlying grid.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present a study of linear interpolation when applied to uncertain data. Linear interpolation is a key step for isosurface extraction algorithms, and the uncertainties in the data lead to non-linear variations in the geometry of the extracted isosurface. We present an approach for deriving the probability density function of a random variable modeling the positional uncertainty in the isosurface extraction. When the uncertainty is quantified by a uniform distribution, our approach provides a closed-form characterization of the mentioned random variable. This allows us to derive, in closed form, the expected value as well as the variance of the level-crossing position. While the former quantity is used for constructing a stable isosurface for uncertain data, the latter is used for visualizing the positional uncertainties in the expected isosurface level crossings on the underlying grid.", "title": "Uncertainty Quantification in Linear Interpolation for Isosurface Extraction", "normalizedTitle": "Uncertainty Quantification in Linear Interpolation for Isosurface Extraction", "fno": "ttg2013122723", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Uncertainty", "Interpolation", "Isosurfaces", "Random Variables", "Probability Density Function", "Data Models", "Isosurface Extraction", "Uncertainty", "Interpolation", "Isosurfaces", "Random Variables", "Probability Density Function", "Data Models", "Marching Cubes", "Uncertainty Quantification", "Linear Interpolation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Tushar", "surname": "Athawale", "fullName": "Tushar Athawale", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. & Inf. Sci. & Eng., Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Alireza", "surname": "Entezari", "fullName": "Alireza Entezari", "affiliation": "Dept. of Comput. & Inf. Sci. & Eng., Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2723-2732", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/visual/1994/6627/0/00346331", "title": "An evaluation of reconstruction filters for volume rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/visual/1994/00346331/12OmNB7cjk3", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/visual/1994/6627/0", "title": "Proceedings Visualization '94", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2002/7498/0/7498balmelli", "title": "Volume Warping for Adaptive Isosurface Extraction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2002/7498balmelli/12OmNqFJhHx", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2002/7498/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dsc/2017/1600/0/1600a359", "title": "Research on Multi-resolution Isosurface Extraction Method for 3D Scalar Field", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dsc/2017/1600a359/12OmNwekjAv", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dsc/2017/1600/0", "title": "2017 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/3dv/2015/8332/0/8332a256", "title": "Accurate Isosurface Interpolation with Hermite Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/3dv/2015/8332a256/12OmNyRPgQm", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/3dv/2015/8332/0", "title": "2015 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/visual/1994/6627/0/00346307", "title": "Approximation of isosurface in the Marching Cube: ambiguity problem", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/visual/1994/00346307/12OmNzayNeM", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/visual/1994/6627/0", "title": "Proceedings Visualization '94", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07192629", "title": "Isosurface Visualization of Data with Nonparametric Models for Uncertainty", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07192629/13rRUwd9CLQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/11/06811174", "title": "Unbiased Sampling and Meshing of Isosurfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/11/06811174/13rRUxNmPDU", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2006/05/v1267", "title": "Interactive Point-based Isosurface Exploration and High-quality Rendering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2006/05/v1267/13rRUxjQyhm", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/06/05928335", "title": "Topology Verification for Isosurface Extraction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/06/05928335/13rRUxlgxOi", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2006/05/v1259", "title": "On Histograms and Isosurface Statistics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2006/05/v1259/13rRUzp02of", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122713", "articleId": "13rRUxd2aZ1", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122733", "articleId": "13rRUxAAT0T", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXWRXQ", "name": "ttg2013122723s.pdf", "location": "", "extension": "pdf", "size": "41.6 kB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxAAT0T", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.144", "abstract": "Ensemble run simulations are becoming increasingly widespread. In this work, we couple particle advection with pathline analysis to visualize and reveal the differences among the flow fields of ensemble runs. Our method first constructs a variation field using a Lagrangian-based distance metric. The variation field characterizes the variation between vector fields of the ensemble runs, by extracting and visualizing the variation of pathlines within ensemble. Parallelism in a MapReduce style is leveraged to handle data processing and computing at scale. Using our prototype system, we demonstrate how scientists can effectively explore and investigate differences within ensemble simulations.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Ensemble run simulations are becoming increasingly widespread. In this work, we couple particle advection with pathline analysis to visualize and reveal the differences among the flow fields of ensemble runs. Our method first constructs a variation field using a Lagrangian-based distance metric. The variation field characterizes the variation between vector fields of the ensemble runs, by extracting and visualizing the variation of pathlines within ensemble. Parallelism in a MapReduce style is leveraged to handle data processing and computing at scale. Using our prototype system, we demonstrate how scientists can effectively explore and investigate differences within ensemble simulations.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Ensemble run simulations are becoming increasingly widespread. In this work, we couple particle advection with pathline analysis to visualize and reveal the differences among the flow fields of ensemble runs. Our method first constructs a variation field using a Lagrangian-based distance metric. The variation field characterizes the variation between vector fields of the ensemble runs, by extracting and visualizing the variation of pathlines within ensemble. Parallelism in a MapReduce style is leveraged to handle data processing and computing at scale. Using our prototype system, we demonstrate how scientists can effectively explore and investigate differences within ensemble simulations.", "title": "Coupled Ensemble Flow Line Advection and Analysis", "normalizedTitle": "Coupled Ensemble Flow Line Advection and Analysis", "fno": "ttg2013122733", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Uncertainty", "Spatiotemporal Phenomena", "Computational Modeling", "Scalability", "Parallel Processing", "Data Visualization", "Uncertainty", "Spatiotemporal Phenomena", "Computational Modeling", "Scalability", "Field Line Advection", "Ensemble Analysis" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": null, "surname": "Hanqi Guo", "fullName": "Hanqi Guo", "affiliation": "Key Lab. of Machine Perception, Peking Univ., Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Xiaoru Yuan", "fullName": "Xiaoru Yuan", "affiliation": "Key Lab. of Machine Perception, Peking Univ., Beijing, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Jian Huang", "fullName": "Jian Huang", "affiliation": "Dept. of Electr. Eng. & Comput. Sci., Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Xiaomin Zhu", "fullName": "Xiaomin Zhu", "affiliation": "Nat. Super Comput. Center in Jinan, Jinan, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2733-2742", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2015/6879/0/07156352", "title": "Parallel unsteady flow line integral convolution for high-performance dense visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2015/07156352/12OmNAlvI6a", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2015/6879/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2016/1451/0/07465272", "title": "Visualizing the variations of ensemble of isosurfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2016/07465272/12OmNBZYTn3", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2016/1451/0", "title": "2016 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2016/1451/0/07465251", "title": "EnsembleGraph: Interactive visual analysis of spatiotemporal behaviors in ensemble simulation data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2016/07465251/12OmNCh0Pb9", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2016/1451/0", "title": "2016 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/scivis/2015/9785/0/07429515", "title": "High performance flow field visualization with high-order access dependencies", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/scivis/2015/07429515/12OmNrJiCDI", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/scivis/2015/9785/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Scientific Visualization Conference (SciVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2010/6685/0/05429598", "title": "An advection-reaction model for flow visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2010/05429598/12OmNxaNGlD", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2010/6685/0", "title": "2010 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2010)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/12/06875990", "title": "Multi-Charts for Comparative 3D Ensemble Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/12/06875990/13rRUxYIMUZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2005/02/v0113", "title": "Accelerated Unsteady Flow Line Integral Convolution", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2005/02/v0113/13rRUyuegh2", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/01/08019883", "title": "Visualizing Confidence in Cluster-Based Ensemble Weather Forecast Analyses", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/01/08019883/13rRUyv53Fz", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vis/2019/4941/0/08933578", "title": "Unsteady Flow Visualization via Physics Based Pathline Exploration", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vis/2019/08933578/1fTgILVAEIE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vis/2019/4941/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2020/5697/0/09086231", "title": "Visualization of Unsteady Flow Using Heat Kernel Signatures", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2020/09086231/1kuHnrbtBbq", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2020/5697/0", "title": "2020 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122723", "articleId": "13rRUygBw78", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122743", "articleId": "13rRUwbs2b4", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTYesRA", "name": "ttg2013122733s.mp4", "location": "", "extension": "mp4", "size": "21.8 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwbs2b4", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.141", "abstract": "Sets of simulation runs based on parameter and model variation, so-called ensembles, are increasingly used to model physical behaviors whose parameter space is too large or complex to be explored automatically. Visualization plays a key role in conveying important properties in ensembles, such as the degree to which members of the ensemble agree or disagree in their behavior. For ensembles of time-varying vector fields, there are numerous challenges for providing an expressive comparative visualization, among which is the requirement to relate the effect of individual flow divergence to joint transport characteristics of the ensemble. Yet, techniques developed for scalar ensembles are of little use in this context, as the notion of transport induced by a vector field cannot be modeled using such tools. We develop a Lagrangian framework for the comparison of flow fields in an ensemble. Our techniques evaluate individual and joint transport variance and introduce a classification space that facilitates incorporation of these properties into a common ensemble visualization. Variances of Lagrangian neighborhoods are computed using pathline integration and Principal Components Analysis. This allows for an inclusion of uncertainty measurements into the visualization and analysis approach. Our results demonstrate the usefulness and expressiveness of the presented method on several practical examples.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Sets of simulation runs based on parameter and model variation, so-called ensembles, are increasingly used to model physical behaviors whose parameter space is too large or complex to be explored automatically. Visualization plays a key role in conveying important properties in ensembles, such as the degree to which members of the ensemble agree or disagree in their behavior. For ensembles of time-varying vector fields, there are numerous challenges for providing an expressive comparative visualization, among which is the requirement to relate the effect of individual flow divergence to joint transport characteristics of the ensemble. Yet, techniques developed for scalar ensembles are of little use in this context, as the notion of transport induced by a vector field cannot be modeled using such tools. We develop a Lagrangian framework for the comparison of flow fields in an ensemble. Our techniques evaluate individual and joint transport variance and introduce a classification space that facilitates incorporation of these properties into a common ensemble visualization. Variances of Lagrangian neighborhoods are computed using pathline integration and Principal Components Analysis. This allows for an inclusion of uncertainty measurements into the visualization and analysis approach. Our results demonstrate the usefulness and expressiveness of the presented method on several practical examples.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Sets of simulation runs based on parameter and model variation, so-called ensembles, are increasingly used to model physical behaviors whose parameter space is too large or complex to be explored automatically. Visualization plays a key role in conveying important properties in ensembles, such as the degree to which members of the ensemble agree or disagree in their behavior. For ensembles of time-varying vector fields, there are numerous challenges for providing an expressive comparative visualization, among which is the requirement to relate the effect of individual flow divergence to joint transport characteristics of the ensemble. Yet, techniques developed for scalar ensembles are of little use in this context, as the notion of transport induced by a vector field cannot be modeled using such tools. We develop a Lagrangian framework for the comparison of flow fields in an ensemble. Our techniques evaluate individual and joint transport variance and introduce a classification space that facilitates incorporation of these properties into a common ensemble visualization. Variances of Lagrangian neighborhoods are computed using pathline integration and Principal Components Analysis. This allows for an inclusion of uncertainty measurements into the visualization and analysis approach. Our results demonstrate the usefulness and expressiveness of the presented method on several practical examples.", "title": "Comparative Visual Analysis of Lagrangian Transport in CFD Ensembles", "normalizedTitle": "Comparative Visual Analysis of Lagrangian Transport in CFD Ensembles", "fno": "ttg2013122743", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Visual Analytics", "Principal Component Analysis", "Data Visualization", "Computational Modeling", "Trajectory", "Variance", "Visual Analytics", "Principal Component Analysis", "Data Visualization", "Computational Modeling", "Trajectory", "Principal Components Analysis", "Ensemble", "Flow Field", "Time Varying", "Comparison", "Visualization", "Lagrangian" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Mathias", "surname": "Hummel", "fullName": "Mathias Hummel", "affiliation": "Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Harald", "surname": "Obermaier", "fullName": "Harald Obermaier", "affiliation": "Inst. for Data Anal. & Visualization (IDAV), Univ. of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Christoph", "surname": "Garth", "fullName": "Christoph Garth", "affiliation": "Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kenneth I.", "surname": "Joy", "fullName": "Kenneth I. Joy", "affiliation": "Inst. for Data Anal. & Visualization (IDAV), Univ. of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2743-2752", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2016/1451/0/07465256", "title": "Comparative visualization of vector field ensembles based on longest common subsequence", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2016/07465256/12OmNqIzh0v", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2016/1451/0", "title": "2016 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2014/5209/0/5209e489", "title": "Watch-List Screening Using Ensembles Based on Multiple Face Representations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/2014/5209e489/12OmNxR5ULf", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2014/5209/0", "title": "2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/wi-iat/2015/9618/3/9618c207", "title": "Anomaly Detection Ensembles: In Defense of the Average", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wi-iat/2015/9618c207/12OmNzwZ6xZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wi-iat/2015/9618/3", "title": "2015 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07192678", "title": "Accurate Interactive Visualization of Large Deformations and Variability in Biomedical Image Ensembles", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07192678/13rRUwgyOjn", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tk/2014/05/06574846", "title": "Random Projection Random Discretization Ensembles—Ensembles of Linear Multivariate Decision Trees", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tk/2014/05/06574846/13rRUxC0SWA", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tk", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07194852", "title": "Effective Visualization of Temporal Ensembles", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07194852/13rRUy3xY8c", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vis/2022/8812/0/881200a150", "title": "ASEVis: Visual Exploration of Active System Ensembles to Define Characteristic Measures", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vis/2022/881200a150/1J6h5DX0BAA", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vis/2022/8812/0", "title": "2022 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vis/2022/8812/0/881200a155", "title": "Accelerated Probabilistic Marching Cubes by Deep Learning for Time-Varying Scalar Ensembles", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vis/2022/881200a155/1J6h9t3Kc3S", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vis/2022/8812/0", "title": "2022 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vis/2020/8014/0/801400a016", "title": "Uncertain Transport in Unsteady Flows", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vis/2020/801400a016/1qRORkoFgUU", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vis/2020/8014/0", "title": "2020 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2023/03/09622132", "title": "Scalable Comparative Visualization of Ensembles of Call Graphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/03/09622132/1yEUqT5fBwQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122733", "articleId": "13rRUxAAT0T", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122753", "articleId": "13rRUwdIOUM", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwdIOUM", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.128", "abstract": "We present a new efficient and scalable method for the high quality reconstruction of the flow map from sparse samples. The flow map describes the transport of massless particles along the flow. As such, it is a fundamental concept in the analysis of transient flow phenomena and all so-called Lagrangian flow visualization techniques require its approximation. The flow map is generally obtained by integrating a dense 1D, 2D, or 3D set of particles across the domain of definition of the flow. Despite its embarrassingly parallel nature, this computation creates a performance bottleneck in the analysis of large-scale datasets that existing adaptive techniques alleviate only partially. Our iterative approximation method significantly improves upon the state of the art by precisely modeling the flow behavior around automatically detected geometric structures embedded in the flow, thus effectively restricting the sampling effort to interesting regions. Our data reconstruction is based on a modified version of Sibson's scattered data interpolation and allows us at each step to offer an intermediate dense approximation of the flow map and to seamlessly integrate regions that will be further refined in subsequent steps. We present a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of our method on different types of flow datasets and offer a detailed comparison with existing techniques.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present a new efficient and scalable method for the high quality reconstruction of the flow map from sparse samples. The flow map describes the transport of massless particles along the flow. As such, it is a fundamental concept in the analysis of transient flow phenomena and all so-called Lagrangian flow visualization techniques require its approximation. The flow map is generally obtained by integrating a dense 1D, 2D, or 3D set of particles across the domain of definition of the flow. Despite its embarrassingly parallel nature, this computation creates a performance bottleneck in the analysis of large-scale datasets that existing adaptive techniques alleviate only partially. Our iterative approximation method significantly improves upon the state of the art by precisely modeling the flow behavior around automatically detected geometric structures embedded in the flow, thus effectively restricting the sampling effort to interesting regions. Our data reconstruction is based on a modified version of Sibson's scattered data interpolation and allows us at each step to offer an intermediate dense approximation of the flow map and to seamlessly integrate regions that will be further refined in subsequent steps. We present a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of our method on different types of flow datasets and offer a detailed comparison with existing techniques.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present a new efficient and scalable method for the high quality reconstruction of the flow map from sparse samples. The flow map describes the transport of massless particles along the flow. As such, it is a fundamental concept in the analysis of transient flow phenomena and all so-called Lagrangian flow visualization techniques require its approximation. The flow map is generally obtained by integrating a dense 1D, 2D, or 3D set of particles across the domain of definition of the flow. Despite its embarrassingly parallel nature, this computation creates a performance bottleneck in the analysis of large-scale datasets that existing adaptive techniques alleviate only partially. Our iterative approximation method significantly improves upon the state of the art by precisely modeling the flow behavior around automatically detected geometric structures embedded in the flow, thus effectively restricting the sampling effort to interesting regions. Our data reconstruction is based on a modified version of Sibson's scattered data interpolation and allows us at each step to offer an intermediate dense approximation of the flow map and to seamlessly integrate regions that will be further refined in subsequent steps. We present a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of our method on different types of flow datasets and offer a detailed comparison with existing techniques.", "title": "Adaptive Refinement of the Flow Map Using Sparse Samples", "normalizedTitle": "Adaptive Refinement of the Flow Map Using Sparse Samples", "fno": "ttg2013122753", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Interpolation", "Image Edge Detection", "Surface Reconstruction", "Least Squares Approximations", "Trajectory", "Approximation Error", "Adaptive Refinement", "Interpolation", "Image Edge Detection", "Surface Reconstruction", "Least Squares Approximations", "Trajectory", "Approximation Error", "Parallel Reconstruction", "Lagrangian Flow Visualization", "Flow Map", "Edge Features", "Scattered Data Interpolation", "Sparse Sampling" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Samer S.", "surname": "Barakat", "fullName": "Samer S. Barakat", "affiliation": "Comput. Sci. Dept., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Xavier", "surname": "Tricoche", "fullName": "Xavier Tricoche", "affiliation": "Comput. Sci. Dept., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2753-2762", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/wcse/2013/2882/0/06754286", "title": "Computing the Sparse Solution to Fourier Extension of Nonperiodic Function", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wcse/2013/06754286/12OmNqGRGiX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wcse/2013/2882/0", "title": "2013 Fourth World Congress on Software Engineering (WCSE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/wolfhpc/2014/6757/0/07101659", "title": "A Data Flow Language to Develop High Performance Computing DSLs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wolfhpc/2014/07101659/12OmNvB9Fx6", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wolfhpc/2014/6757/0", "title": "2014 Fourth International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and High-Level Frameworks for High Performance Computing (WOLFHPC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccis/2013/5004/0/5004a842", "title": "Research on the Non-Linear Function Fitting of RBF Neural Network", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccis/2013/5004a842/12OmNwdtwd4", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccis/2013/5004/0", "title": "2013 International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icip/1995/7310/2/73102201", "title": "Spatiotemporal model-based optic flow estimation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icip/1995/73102201/12OmNweTvKW", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icip/1995/7310/2", "title": "Image Processing, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2014/5209/0/06977408", "title": "Local Refinement for Stereo Regularization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/2014/06977408/12OmNx3Zjpf", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2014/5209/0", "title": "2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2014/2874/0/2874a209", "title": "Multidimensional Projection with Radial Basis Function and Control Points Selection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2014/2874a209/12OmNy5hRfG", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2014/2874/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tk/2014/04/06487503", "title": "Efficient Ranking on Entity Graphs with Personalized Relationships", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tk/2014/04/06487503/13rRUILtJrq", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tk", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/1992/01/i0036", "title": "A Two-Stage Algorithm for Discontinuity-Preserving Surface Reconstruction", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/1992/01/i0036/13rRUxAAT20", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/1991/08/i0775", "title": "Multidimensional Orientation Estimation with Applications to Texture Analysis and Optical Flow", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/1991/08/i0775/13rRUxOdD3x", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icict/2022/6960/0/696000a100", "title": "Fast Algorithms for Generating Parametric Cubic Spline Interpolation Curves", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icict/2022/696000a100/1FJ5fLpw18s", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icict/2022/6960/0", "title": "2022 5th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122743", "articleId": "13rRUwbs2b4", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122763", "articleId": "13rRUxNW1Zp", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxNW1Zp", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.229", "abstract": "Recent advances in vector field topologymake it possible to compute its multi-scale graph representations for autonomous 2D vector fields in a robust and efficient manner. One of these representations is a Morse Connection Graph (MCG), a directed graph whose nodes correspond to Morse sets, generalizing stationary points and periodic trajectories, and arcs - to trajectories connecting them. While being useful for simple vector fields, the MCG can be hard to comprehend for topologically rich vector fields, containing a large number of features. This paper describes a visual representation of the MCG, inspired by previous work on graph visualization. Our approach aims to preserve the spatial relationships between the MCG arcs and nodes and highlight the coherent behavior of connecting trajectories. Using simulations of ocean flow, we show that it can provide useful information on the flow structure. This paper focuses specifically on MCGs computed for piecewise constant (PC) vector fields. In particular, we describe extensions of the PC framework that make it more flexible and better suited for analysis of data on complex shaped domains with a boundary. We also describe a topology simplification scheme that makes our MCG visualizations less ambiguous. Despite the focus on the PC framework, our approach could also be applied to graph representations or topological skeletons computed using different methods.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Recent advances in vector field topologymake it possible to compute its multi-scale graph representations for autonomous 2D vector fields in a robust and efficient manner. One of these representations is a Morse Connection Graph (MCG), a directed graph whose nodes correspond to Morse sets, generalizing stationary points and periodic trajectories, and arcs - to trajectories connecting them. While being useful for simple vector fields, the MCG can be hard to comprehend for topologically rich vector fields, containing a large number of features. This paper describes a visual representation of the MCG, inspired by previous work on graph visualization. Our approach aims to preserve the spatial relationships between the MCG arcs and nodes and highlight the coherent behavior of connecting trajectories. Using simulations of ocean flow, we show that it can provide useful information on the flow structure. This paper focuses specifically on MCGs computed for piecewise constant (PC) vector fields. In particular, we describe extensions of the PC framework that make it more flexible and better suited for analysis of data on complex shaped domains with a boundary. We also describe a topology simplification scheme that makes our MCG visualizations less ambiguous. Despite the focus on the PC framework, our approach could also be applied to graph representations or topological skeletons computed using different methods.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Recent advances in vector field topologymake it possible to compute its multi-scale graph representations for autonomous 2D vector fields in a robust and efficient manner. One of these representations is a Morse Connection Graph (MCG), a directed graph whose nodes correspond to Morse sets, generalizing stationary points and periodic trajectories, and arcs - to trajectories connecting them. While being useful for simple vector fields, the MCG can be hard to comprehend for topologically rich vector fields, containing a large number of features. This paper describes a visual representation of the MCG, inspired by previous work on graph visualization. Our approach aims to preserve the spatial relationships between the MCG arcs and nodes and highlight the coherent behavior of connecting trajectories. Using simulations of ocean flow, we show that it can provide useful information on the flow structure. This paper focuses specifically on MCGs computed for piecewise constant (PC) vector fields. In particular, we describe extensions of the PC framework that make it more flexible and better suited for analysis of data on complex shaped domains with a boundary. We also describe a topology simplification scheme that makes our MCG visualizations less ambiguous. Despite the focus on the PC framework, our approach could also be applied to graph representations or topological skeletons computed using different methods.", "title": "Visualization of Morse Connection Graphs for Topologically Rich 2D Vector Fields", "normalizedTitle": "Visualization of Morse Connection Graphs for Topologically Rich 2D Vector Fields", "fno": "ttg2013122763", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Trajectory", "Computer Graphics", "Topology", "Corporate Acquisitions", "Two Dimensional Displays", "Vector Field Topology", "Trajectory", "Computer Graphics", "Topology", "Corporate Acquisitions", "Two Dimensional Displays", "Morse Connection Graph" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Andrzej", "surname": "Szymczak", "fullName": "Andrzej Szymczak", "affiliation": "Colorado Sch. of Mines, Golden, CO, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Levente", "surname": "Sipeki", "fullName": "Levente Sipeki", "affiliation": "Colorado Sch. of Mines, Golden, CO, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2763-2772", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/dsc/2016/1192/0/1192a456", "title": "Topology Analysis of Vector Fields and Application Prospect", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dsc/2016/1192a456/12OmNxGja5R", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dsc/2016/1192/0", "title": "2016 IEEE First International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/05/ttg2013050799", "title": "Hierarchy of Stable Morse Decompositions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/05/ttg2013050799/13rRUB7a111", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2007/06/v1432", "title": "Topologically Clean Distance Fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2007/06/v1432/13rRUNvgyWg", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2004/05/v0499", "title": "Applications of Forman's Discrete Morse Theory to Topology Visualization and Mesh Compression", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2004/05/v0499/13rRUwI5TXr", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/05/ttg2012050767", "title": "Morse Set Classification and Hierarchical Refinement Using Conley Index", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/05/ttg2012050767/13rRUxASuAt", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/10/ttg2012101717", "title": "Design of 2D Time-Varying Vector Fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/10/ttg2012101717/13rRUxNEqPP", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2008/04/ttg2008040848", "title": "Efficient Morse Decompositions of Vector Fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2008/04/ttg2008040848/13rRUxjQyvc", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/06/ttg2012060938", "title": "Robust Morse Decompositions of Piecewise Constant Vector Fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/06/ttg2012060938/13rRUxlgxOj", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2015/03/06933942", "title": "A Topologically-Informed Hyperstreamline Seeding Method for Alignment Tensor Fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2015/03/06933942/13rRUxly8XG", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2018/6420/0/642000h327", "title": "Robust Hough Transform Based 3D Reconstruction from Circular Light Fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvpr/2018/642000h327/17D45VtKiyt", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvpr/2018/6420/0", "title": "2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122753", "articleId": "13rRUwdIOUM", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122773", "articleId": "13rRUygBw79", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXWRNj", "name": "ttg2013122763s.pdf", "location": "", "extension": "pdf", "size": "22.1 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUygBw79", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.189", "abstract": "Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Their initiation and evolution depends strongly on the blood flow characteristics. In recent years, advances in 4D PC-MRI acquisition enable reliable and time-resolved 3D flow measuring, which allows a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the patient-specific hemodynamics. Currently, medical researchers investigate the relation between characteristic flow patterns like vortices and different pathologies. The manual extraction and evaluation is tedious and requires expert knowledge. Standardized, (semi-)automatic and reliable techniques are necessary to make the analysis of 4D PC-MRI applicable for the clinical routine. In this work, we present an approach for the extraction of vortex flow in the aorta and pulmonary artery incorporating line predicates. We provide an extensive comparison of existent vortex extraction methods to determine the most suitable vortex criterion for cardiac blood flow and apply our approach to ten datasets with different pathologies like coarctations, Tetralogy of Fallot and aneurysms. For two cases we provide a detailed discussion how our results are capable to complement existent diagnosis information. To ensure real-time feedback for the domain experts we implement our method completely on the GPU.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Their initiation and evolution depends strongly on the blood flow characteristics. In recent years, advances in 4D PC-MRI acquisition enable reliable and time-resolved 3D flow measuring, which allows a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the patient-specific hemodynamics. Currently, medical researchers investigate the relation between characteristic flow patterns like vortices and different pathologies. The manual extraction and evaluation is tedious and requires expert knowledge. Standardized, (semi-)automatic and reliable techniques are necessary to make the analysis of 4D PC-MRI applicable for the clinical routine. In this work, we present an approach for the extraction of vortex flow in the aorta and pulmonary artery incorporating line predicates. We provide an extensive comparison of existent vortex extraction methods to determine the most suitable vortex criterion for cardiac blood flow and apply our approach to ten datasets with different pathologies like coarctations, Tetralogy of Fallot and aneurysms. For two cases we provide a detailed discussion how our results are capable to complement existent diagnosis information. To ensure real-time feedback for the domain experts we implement our method completely on the GPU.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Their initiation and evolution depends strongly on the blood flow characteristics. In recent years, advances in 4D PC-MRI acquisition enable reliable and time-resolved 3D flow measuring, which allows a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the patient-specific hemodynamics. Currently, medical researchers investigate the relation between characteristic flow patterns like vortices and different pathologies. The manual extraction and evaluation is tedious and requires expert knowledge. Standardized, (semi-)automatic and reliable techniques are necessary to make the analysis of 4D PC-MRI applicable for the clinical routine. In this work, we present an approach for the extraction of vortex flow in the aorta and pulmonary artery incorporating line predicates. We provide an extensive comparison of existent vortex extraction methods to determine the most suitable vortex criterion for cardiac blood flow and apply our approach to ten datasets with different pathologies like coarctations, Tetralogy of Fallot and aneurysms. For two cases we provide a detailed discussion how our results are capable to complement existent diagnosis information. To ensure real-time feedback for the domain experts we implement our method completely on the GPU.", "title": "Semi-Automatic Vortex Extraction in 4D PC-MRI Cardiac Blood Flow Data using Line Predicates", "normalizedTitle": "Semi-Automatic Vortex Extraction in 4D PC-MRI Cardiac Blood Flow Data using Line Predicates", "fno": "ttg2013122773", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Mining", "Heart", "Pathology", "Arteries", "Cardiovascular System", "Biomedical Monitoring", "Smoothing Methods", "Blood Flow", "Line Predicates", "Data Mining", "Heart", "Pathology", "Arteries", "Cardiovascular System", "Biomedical Monitoring", "Smoothing Methods", "Blood Flow", "Vortex Extraction", "4 D PC MRI", "Cardiac Blood Flow", "Hemodynamics" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Benjamin", "surname": "Kohler", "fullName": "Benjamin Kohler", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Rocco", "surname": "Gasteiger", "fullName": "Rocco Gasteiger", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Uta", "surname": "Preim", "fullName": "Uta Preim", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Holger", "surname": "Theisel", "fullName": "Holger Theisel", "affiliation": "Dept. of Simulation & Graphics, Univ. of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Matthias", "surname": "Gutberlet", "fullName": "Matthias Gutberlet", "affiliation": "Dept. of diagnostic & interventional Radiol., Herzzentrum in Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Bernhard", "surname": "Preim", "fullName": "Bernhard Preim", "affiliation": "Dept. of Simulation & Graphics, Univ. of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2773-2782", 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"RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0/27660080", "title": "Extraction of Parallel Vector Surfaces in 3D Time-Dependent Fields and Application to Vortex Core Line Tracking", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2005/27660080/12OmNroij9N", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cse/2014/7981/0/7981a113", "title": "Parallel Optical Flow Processing of 4D Cardiac CT Data on Multicore Clusters", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cse/2014/7981a113/12OmNyNzhyu", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cse/2014/7981/0", "title": "2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2013/4797/0/06596137", "title": "Illustrative visualization of cardiac and aortic blood flow from 4D MRI data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2013/06596137/12OmNzC5SHi", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2013/4797/0", "title": "2013 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0/01532851", "title": "Extraction of parallel vector surfaces in 3D time-dependent fields and application to vortex core line tracking", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2005/01532851/12OmNzcPAD3", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2005/2766/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/06/ttg2013060900", "title": "Visual Analysis of Cardiac 4D MRI Blood Flow Using Line Predicates", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/06/ttg2013060900/13rRUxAAST9", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07192711", "title": "Cluster Analysis of Vortical Flow in Simulations of Cerebral Aneurysm Hemodynamics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07192711/13rRUxASuhC", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2010/06/ttg2010061339", "title": "Exploration of 4D MRI Blood Flow using Stylistic Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2010/06/ttg2010061339/13rRUxBJhvq", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2023/03/09645173", "title": "<italic>GUCCI</italic> - Guided Cardiac Cohort Investigation of Blood Flow Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/03/09645173/1zc6CvdsNMc", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122763", "articleId": "13rRUxNW1Zp", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122783", "articleId": "13rRUx0gev8", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXWRXR", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "zip", "size": "39.1 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUx0gev8", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.147", "abstract": "We present an interface for exploring large design spaces as encountered in simulation-based engineering, design of visual effects, and other tasks that require tuning parameters of computationally-intensive simulations and visually evaluating results. The goal is to enable a style of design with simulations that feels as-direct-as-possible so users can concentrate on creative design tasks. The approach integrates forward design via direct manipulation of simulation inputs (e.g., geometric properties, applied forces) in the same visual space with inverse design via 'tugging' and reshaping simulation outputs (e.g., scalar fields from finite element analysis (FEA) or computational fluid dynamics (CFD)). The interface includes algorithms for interpreting the intent of users' drag operations relative to parameterized models, morphing arbitrary scalar fields output from FEA and CFD simulations, and in-place interactive ensemble visualization. The inverse design strategy can be extended to use multi-touch input in combination with an as-rigid-as-possible shape manipulation to support rich visual queries. The potential of this new design approach is confirmed via two applications: medical device engineering of a vacuum-assisted biopsy device and visual effects design using a physically based flame simulation.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present an interface for exploring large design spaces as encountered in simulation-based engineering, design of visual effects, and other tasks that require tuning parameters of computationally-intensive simulations and visually evaluating results. The goal is to enable a style of design with simulations that feels as-direct-as-possible so users can concentrate on creative design tasks. The approach integrates forward design via direct manipulation of simulation inputs (e.g., geometric properties, applied forces) in the same visual space with inverse design via 'tugging' and reshaping simulation outputs (e.g., scalar fields from finite element analysis (FEA) or computational fluid dynamics (CFD)). The interface includes algorithms for interpreting the intent of users' drag operations relative to parameterized models, morphing arbitrary scalar fields output from FEA and CFD simulations, and in-place interactive ensemble visualization. The inverse design strategy can be extended to use multi-touch input in combination with an as-rigid-as-possible shape manipulation to support rich visual queries. The potential of this new design approach is confirmed via two applications: medical device engineering of a vacuum-assisted biopsy device and visual effects design using a physically based flame simulation.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present an interface for exploring large design spaces as encountered in simulation-based engineering, design of visual effects, and other tasks that require tuning parameters of computationally-intensive simulations and visually evaluating results. The goal is to enable a style of design with simulations that feels as-direct-as-possible so users can concentrate on creative design tasks. The approach integrates forward design via direct manipulation of simulation inputs (e.g., geometric properties, applied forces) in the same visual space with inverse design via 'tugging' and reshaping simulation outputs (e.g., scalar fields from finite element analysis (FEA) or computational fluid dynamics (CFD)). The interface includes algorithms for interpreting the intent of users' drag operations relative to parameterized models, morphing arbitrary scalar fields output from FEA and CFD simulations, and in-place interactive ensemble visualization. The inverse design strategy can be extended to use multi-touch input in combination with an as-rigid-as-possible shape manipulation to support rich visual queries. The potential of this new design approach is confirmed via two applications: medical device engineering of a vacuum-assisted biopsy device and visual effects design using a physically based flame simulation.", "title": "Design by Dragging: An Interface for Creative Forward and Inverse Design with Simulation Ensembles", "normalizedTitle": "Design by Dragging: An Interface for Creative Forward and Inverse Design with Simulation Ensembles", "fno": "ttg2013122783", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Computational Modeling", "Data Visualization", "Biological System Modeling", "Real Time Systems", "Data Models", "Direct Manipulation", "Computational Modeling", "Data Visualization", "Biological System Modeling", "Real Time Systems", "Data Models", "Multi Touch", "Design", "Simulation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Dane", "surname": "Coffey", "fullName": "Dane Coffey", "affiliation": "Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Chi-Lun Lin", "fullName": "Chi-Lun Lin", "affiliation": "Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Arthur G.", "surname": "Erdman", "fullName": "Arthur G. Erdman", "affiliation": "Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel F.", "surname": "Keefe", "fullName": "Daniel F. Keefe", "affiliation": "Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2783-2791", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2002/7498/0/7498bauer", "title": "A Case Study in Selective Visualization of Unsteady 3D Flow", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2002/7498bauer/12OmNBOUxjE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2002/7498/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/fie/2016/1790/0/07757627", "title": "Incorporating FEA in an undergraduate biomechanics course", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/fie/2016/07757627/12OmNyk2ZXx", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/fie/2016/1790/0", "title": "2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/visual/1994/6627/0/00346314", "title": "Volume rendering methods for computational fluid dynamics visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/visual/1994/00346314/12OmNyuy9NX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/visual/1994/6627/0", "title": "Proceedings Visualization '94", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/fie/2000/6424/2/00896654", "title": "Using TRIZ, parametric modeling, FEA simulation, and rapid prototyping to foster creative design", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/fie/2000/00896654/12OmNzBOhQl", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/fie/2000/6424/2", "title": "30th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference. Building on A Century of Progress in Engineering Education. Conference Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.00CH37135)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/10/07352365", "title": "Visual Trends Analysis in Time-Varying Ensembles", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/10/07352365/13rRUwI5TR2", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vis/2019/4941/0/08933762", "title": "Sociotechnical Considerations for Accessible Visualization Design", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vis/2019/08933762/1fTgGk6sRfa", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vis/2019/4941/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/04/09187994", "title": "Uncertainty Visualization of 2D Morse Complex Ensembles Using Statistical Summary Maps", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/04/09187994/1mXkiNpxvvq", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/02/09222327", "title": "Rainbows Revisited: Modeling Effective Colormap Design for Graphical Inference", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/02/09222327/1nTqMLwYD0A", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icitbs/2021/4854/0/485400a346", "title": "A Computer Aided Creative Design Method for Cultural Products", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icitbs/2021/485400a346/1wB6RkBqBOg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icitbs/2021/4854/0", "title": "2021 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation, Big Data & Smart City (ICITBS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icitbs/2021/4854/0/485400a422", "title": "Mobile Augmented Reality Technology in Museum Cultural and Creative Products Design", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icitbs/2021/485400a422/1wB6V4ml7e8", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icitbs/2021/4854/0", "title": "2021 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation, Big Data & Smart City (ICITBS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2013122773", "articleId": "13rRUygBw79", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2013122792", "articleId": "13rRUwdIOUN", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXFgIw", "name": "ttg2013122783s.mp4", "location": "", "extension": "mp4", "size": "42.8 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwdIOUN", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.123", "abstract": "We present an integrated camera motion design and path generation system for building volume data animations. Creating animations is an essential task in presenting complex scientific visualizations. Existing visualization systems use an established animation function based on keyframes selected by the user. This approach is limited in providing the optimal in-between views of the data. Alternatively, computer graphics and virtual reality camera motion planning is frequently focused on collision free movement in a virtual walkthrough. For semi-transparent, fuzzy, or blobby volume data the collision free objective becomes insufficient. Here, we provide a set of essential criteria focused on computing camera paths to establish effective animations of volume data. Our dynamic multi-criteria solver coupled with a force-directed routing algorithm enables rapid generation of camera paths. Once users review the resulting animation and evaluate the camera motion, they are able to determine how each criterion impacts path generation. In this paper, we demonstrate how incorporating this animation approach with an interactive volume visualization system reduces the effort in creating context-aware and coherent animations. This frees the user to focus on visualization tasks with the objective of gaining additional insight from the volume data.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present an integrated camera motion design and path generation system for building volume data animations. Creating animations is an essential task in presenting complex scientific visualizations. Existing visualization systems use an established animation function based on keyframes selected by the user. This approach is limited in providing the optimal in-between views of the data. Alternatively, computer graphics and virtual reality camera motion planning is frequently focused on collision free movement in a virtual walkthrough. For semi-transparent, fuzzy, or blobby volume data the collision free objective becomes insufficient. Here, we provide a set of essential criteria focused on computing camera paths to establish effective animations of volume data. Our dynamic multi-criteria solver coupled with a force-directed routing algorithm enables rapid generation of camera paths. Once users review the resulting animation and evaluate the camera motion, they are able to determine how each criterion impacts path generation. In this paper, we demonstrate how incorporating this animation approach with an interactive volume visualization system reduces the effort in creating context-aware and coherent animations. This frees the user to focus on visualization tasks with the objective of gaining additional insight from the volume data.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present an integrated camera motion design and path generation system for building volume data animations. Creating animations is an essential task in presenting complex scientific visualizations. Existing visualization systems use an established animation function based on keyframes selected by the user. This approach is limited in providing the optimal in-between views of the data. Alternatively, computer graphics and virtual reality camera motion planning is frequently focused on collision free movement in a virtual walkthrough. For semi-transparent, fuzzy, or blobby volume data the collision free objective becomes insufficient. Here, we provide a set of essential criteria focused on computing camera paths to establish effective animations of volume data. Our dynamic multi-criteria solver coupled with a force-directed routing algorithm enables rapid generation of camera paths. Once users review the resulting animation and evaluate the camera motion, they are able to determine how each criterion impacts path generation. In this paper, we demonstrate how incorporating this animation approach with an interactive volume visualization system reduces the effort in creating context-aware and coherent animations. This frees the user to focus on visualization tasks with the objective of gaining additional insight from the volume data.", "title": "A Multi-Criteria Approach to Camera Motion Design for Volume Data Animation", "normalizedTitle": "A Multi-Criteria Approach to Camera Motion Design for Volume Data Animation", "fno": "ttg2013122792", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Motion Control", "Animation", "Data Visualization", "Cameras", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Visualization", "Motion Control", "Animation", "Data Visualization", "Cameras", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Animation", "Camera Motion Planning", "Volume Rendering" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": null, "surname": "Wei-Hsien Hsu", "fullName": "Wei-Hsien Hsu", "affiliation": "Univ. of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Yubo Zhang", "fullName": "Yubo Zhang", "affiliation": "Univ. of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Kwan-Liu Ma", "fullName": "Kwan-Liu Ma", "affiliation": "Univ. of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2792-2801", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/wsc/1988/42/0/00716135", "title": "GPSS/PC graphics and animation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wsc/1988/00716135/12OmNBOCWaF", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wsc/1988/42/0", "title": "1988 Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sccc/2010/4400/0/4400a252", 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNCbCrUN", "title": "Dec.", "year": "2013", "issueNum": "12", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "19", "label": "Dec.", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUIJuxpA", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2013.121", "abstract": "We present a prop-based, tangible interface for 3D interactive visualization of thin fiber structures. These data are commonly found in current bioimaging datasets, for example second-harmonic generation microscopy of collagen fibers in tissue. Our approach uses commodity visualization technologies such as a depth sensing camera and low-cost 3D display. Unlike most current uses of these emerging technologies in the games and graphics communities, we employ the depth sensing camera to create a fish-tank sterePoscopic virtual reality system at the scientist's desk that supports tracking of small-scale gestures with objects already found in the work space. We apply the new interface to the problem of interactive exploratory visualization of three-dimensional thin fiber data. A critical task for the visual analysis of these data is understanding patterns in fiber orientation throughout a volume.The interface enables a new, fluid style of data exploration and fiber orientation analysis by using props to provide needed passive-haptic feedback, making 3D interactions with these fiber structures more controlled. We also contribute a low-level algorithm for extracting fiber centerlines from volumetric imaging. The system was designed and evaluated with two biophotonic experts who currently use it in their lab. As compared to typical practice within their field, the new visualization system provides a more effective way to examine and understand the 3D bioimaging datasets they collect.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present a prop-based, tangible interface for 3D interactive visualization of thin fiber structures. These data are commonly found in current bioimaging datasets, for example second-harmonic generation microscopy of collagen fibers in tissue. Our approach uses commodity visualization technologies such as a depth sensing camera and low-cost 3D display. Unlike most current uses of these emerging technologies in the games and graphics communities, we employ the depth sensing camera to create a fish-tank sterePoscopic virtual reality system at the scientist's desk that supports tracking of small-scale gestures with objects already found in the work space. We apply the new interface to the problem of interactive exploratory visualization of three-dimensional thin fiber data. A critical task for the visual analysis of these data is understanding patterns in fiber orientation throughout a volume.The interface enables a new, fluid style of data exploration and fiber orientation analysis by using props to provide needed passive-haptic feedback, making 3D interactions with these fiber structures more controlled. We also contribute a low-level algorithm for extracting fiber centerlines from volumetric imaging. The system was designed and evaluated with two biophotonic experts who currently use it in their lab. As compared to typical practice within their field, the new visualization system provides a more effective way to examine and understand the 3D bioimaging datasets they collect.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present a prop-based, tangible interface for 3D interactive visualization of thin fiber structures. These data are commonly found in current bioimaging datasets, for example second-harmonic generation microscopy of collagen fibers in tissue. Our approach uses commodity visualization technologies such as a depth sensing camera and low-cost 3D display. Unlike most current uses of these emerging technologies in the games and graphics communities, we employ the depth sensing camera to create a fish-tank sterePoscopic virtual reality system at the scientist's desk that supports tracking of small-scale gestures with objects already found in the work space. We apply the new interface to the problem of interactive exploratory visualization of three-dimensional thin fiber data. A critical task for the visual analysis of these data is understanding patterns in fiber orientation throughout a volume.The interface enables a new, fluid style of data exploration and fiber orientation analysis by using props to provide needed passive-haptic feedback, making 3D interactions with these fiber structures more controlled. We also contribute a low-level algorithm for extracting fiber centerlines from volumetric imaging. The system was designed and evaluated with two biophotonic experts who currently use it in their lab. As compared to typical practice within their field, the new visualization system provides a more effective way to examine and understand the 3D bioimaging datasets they collect.", "title": "A Lightweight Tangible 3D Interface for Interactive Visualization of Thin Fiber Structures", "normalizedTitle": "A Lightweight Tangible 3D Interface for Interactive Visualization of Thin Fiber Structures", "fno": "ttg2013122802", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Three Dimensional Displays", "Data Visualization", "Microscopy", "Tangible Interaction", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Data Visualization", "Microscopy", "Microscopy Visualization", "Scientific Visualization", "3 D Interaction" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Bret", "surname": "Jackson", "fullName": "Bret Jackson", "affiliation": "Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": null, "surname": "Tung Yuen Lau", "fullName": "Tung Yuen Lau", "affiliation": "Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "David", "surname": "Schroeder", "fullName": "David Schroeder", "affiliation": "Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kimani C.", "surname": "Toussaint", "fullName": "Kimani C. Toussaint", "affiliation": "Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel F.", "surname": "Keefe", "fullName": "Daniel F. Keefe", "affiliation": "Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "12", "pubDate": "2013-12-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "2802-2809", "year": "2013", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2014/2874/0/2874a350", "title": "Visualizing Differences of DTI Fiber Models Using 2D Normalized Embeddings", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2014/2874a350/12OmNAOsMNk", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2014/2874/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2015/7568/0/7568a530", "title": "Augmented Representations of Clustered Fiber Bundles for 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"proceedings/3dv/2015/8332/0", "title": "2015 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2014/2874/0/2874a153", "title": "FiberScout: An Interactive Tool for Exploring and Analyzing Fiber Reinforced Polymers", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2014/2874a153/12OmNy5R3qT", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2014/2874/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/isvri/2011/0054/0/05759603", "title": "Super thin 3D form display for multimodal user experiences using vertically deformation of leaf spring and SMA", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/isvri/2011/05759603/12OmNzaQomZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/isvri/2011/0054/0", "title": "2011 IEEE International Symposium on VR 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxly9dO", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.69", "abstract": "This paper presents topology-based methods to robustly extract, analyze, and track features defined as subsets of isosurfaces. First, we demonstrate how features identified by thresholding isosurfaces can be defined in terms of the Morse complex. Second, we present a specialized hierarchy that encodes the feature segmentation independent of the threshold while still providing a flexible multiresolution representation. Third, for a given parameter selection, we create detailed tracking graphs representing the complete evolution of all features in a combustion simulation over several hundred time steps. Finally, we discuss a user interface that correlates the tracking information with interactive rendering of the segmented isosurfaces enabling an in-depth analysis of the temporal behavior. We demonstrate our approach by analyzing three numerical simulations of lean hydrogen flames subject to different levels of turbulence. Due to their unstable nature, lean flames burn in cells separated by locally extinguished regions. The number, area, and evolution over time of these cells provide important insights into the impact of turbulence on the combustion process. Utilizing the hierarchy, we can perform an extensive parameter study without reprocessing the data for each set of parameters. The resulting statistics enable scientists to select appropriate parameters and provide insight into the sensitivity of the results with respect to the choice of parameters. Our method allows for the first time to quantitatively correlate the turbulence of the burning process with the distribution of burning regions, properly segmented and selected. In particular, our analysis shows that counterintuitively stronger turbulence leads to larger cell structures, which burn more intensely than expected. This behavior suggests that flames could be stabilized under much leaner conditions than previously anticipated.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This paper presents topology-based methods to robustly extract, analyze, and track features defined as subsets of isosurfaces. First, we demonstrate how features identified by thresholding isosurfaces can be defined in terms of the Morse complex. Second, we present a specialized hierarchy that encodes the feature segmentation independent of the threshold while still providing a flexible multiresolution representation. Third, for a given parameter selection, we create detailed tracking graphs representing the complete evolution of all features in a combustion simulation over several hundred time steps. Finally, we discuss a user interface that correlates the tracking information with interactive rendering of the segmented isosurfaces enabling an in-depth analysis of the temporal behavior. We demonstrate our approach by analyzing three numerical simulations of lean hydrogen flames subject to different levels of turbulence. Due to their unstable nature, lean flames burn in cells separated by locally extinguished regions. The number, area, and evolution over time of these cells provide important insights into the impact of turbulence on the combustion process. Utilizing the hierarchy, we can perform an extensive parameter study without reprocessing the data for each set of parameters. The resulting statistics enable scientists to select appropriate parameters and provide insight into the sensitivity of the results with respect to the choice of parameters. Our method allows for the first time to quantitatively correlate the turbulence of the burning process with the distribution of burning regions, properly segmented and selected. In particular, our analysis shows that counterintuitively stronger turbulence leads to larger cell structures, which burn more intensely than expected. This behavior suggests that flames could be stabilized under much leaner conditions than previously anticipated.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "This paper presents topology-based methods to robustly extract, analyze, and track features defined as subsets of isosurfaces. First, we demonstrate how features identified by thresholding isosurfaces can be defined in terms of the Morse complex. Second, we present a specialized hierarchy that encodes the feature segmentation independent of the threshold while still providing a flexible multiresolution representation. Third, for a given parameter selection, we create detailed tracking graphs representing the complete evolution of all features in a combustion simulation over several hundred time steps. Finally, we discuss a user interface that correlates the tracking information with interactive rendering of the segmented isosurfaces enabling an in-depth analysis of the temporal behavior. We demonstrate our approach by analyzing three numerical simulations of lean hydrogen flames subject to different levels of turbulence. Due to their unstable nature, lean flames burn in cells separated by locally extinguished regions. The number, area, and evolution over time of these cells provide important insights into the impact of turbulence on the combustion process. Utilizing the hierarchy, we can perform an extensive parameter study without reprocessing the data for each set of parameters. The resulting statistics enable scientists to select appropriate parameters and provide insight into the sensitivity of the results with respect to the choice of parameters. Our method allows for the first time to quantitatively correlate the turbulence of the burning process with the distribution of burning regions, properly segmented and selected. In particular, our analysis shows that counterintuitively stronger turbulence leads to larger cell structures, which burn more intensely than expected. This behavior suggests that flames could be stabilized under much leaner conditions than previously anticipated.", "title": "Analyzing and Tracking Burning Structures in Lean Premixed Hydrogen Flames", "normalizedTitle": "Analyzing and Tracking Burning Structures in Lean Premixed Hydrogen Flames", "fno": "ttg2010020248", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Hydrogen", "Fires", "Isosurfaces", "Combustion", "Robustness", "User Interfaces", "Computer Graphics", "Information Analysis", "Numerical Simulation", "Statistical Distributions", "Burning Regions", "Visualization", "Data Analysis", "Topological Data Analysis", "Morse Complex", "Reeb Graph", "Feature Detection", "Feature Tracking", "Combustion Simulations" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "P.-T.", "surname": "Bremer", "fullName": "P.-T. Bremer", "affiliation": "Center for Appl. Sci. Comput., Lawrence Livermore 'Nat. Lab., Livermore, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "G.H.", "surname": "Weber", "fullName": "G.H. Weber", "affiliation": "Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., Berkeley, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "V.", "surname": "Pascucci", "fullName": "V. Pascucci", "affiliation": "Sci. Comput. & Imaging Inst., Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "M.", "surname": "Day", "fullName": "M. Day", "affiliation": "Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., Berkeley, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "J.B.", "surname": "Bell", "fullName": "J.B. Bell", "affiliation": "Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., Berkeley, CA, USA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1-1", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/cesce/2010/3972/2/3972b335", "title": "Numerical Simulation of Making Hydrogen from Rich Filtration Combustion of Hydrogen Sulfide", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cesce/2010/3972b335/12OmNBsue9o", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cesce/2010/3972/1", "title": "Challenges in Environmental Science and Computer Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2011/935/0/05742377", "title": "Dual space analysis of turbulent combustion particle data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2011/05742377/12OmNvT2oQm", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2011/935/0", "title": "2011 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/e-science/2009/5340/0/05380846", "title": "Enabling Advanced Visualization Tools in a Web-Based Simulation Monitoring System", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/e-science/2009/05380846/12OmNyQGS1b", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/e-science/2009/5340/0", "title": "2009 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science 2009)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgames/2013/0820/0/06632621", "title": "Real-time rendering of burning solid objects in video games", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgames/2013/06632621/12OmNyeECBH", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgames/2013/0820/0", "title": "2013 18th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Interactive Multimedia, Educational & Serious Games (CGAMES)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hpcmp-ugc/2010/986/0/06017980", "title": "Simulation of Combustion of C/B Clouds in Explosions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hpcmp-ugc/2010/06017980/12OmNzdoN6F", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hpcmp-ugc/2010/986/0", "title": "2010 DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program Users Group Conference (HPCMP-UGC 2010)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": null, "next": { "fno": "ttg2010020177", "articleId": "13rRUxcsYLK", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTYesP1", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "zip", "size": "75.7 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxd2aYV", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2010.15", "abstract": "In the above titled paper (ibid., vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1367-1374, Nov.-Dec. 09), there were errors contained in Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4. The correct figures are presented here.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In the above titled paper (ibid., vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1367-1374, Nov.-Dec. 09), there were errors contained in Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4. The correct figures are presented here.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In the above titled paper (ibid., vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1367-1374, Nov.-Dec. 09), there were errors contained in Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4. The correct figures are presented here.", "title": "Errata to “Isosurface Extraction and View-Dependent Filtering from Time-Varying Fields Using Persistent Time-Octree (PTOT)” [Nov-Dec 09 1367-1374]", "normalizedTitle": "Errata to “Isosurface Extraction and View-Dependent Filtering from Time-Varying Fields Using Persistent Time-Octree (PTOT)” [Nov-Dec 09 1367-1374]", "fno": "ttg2010020350", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Filtering", "Visualization", "Computer Graphics", "Computer Science", "Binary Search Trees", "Computational Modeling" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Cong", "surname": "Wang", "fullName": "Cong Wang", "affiliation": "Computer Science and Engineering Department, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn, NY 11201", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Yi-Jen", "surname": "Chiang", "fullName": "Yi-Jen Chiang", "affiliation": "Computer Science and Engineering Department, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn, NY 11201", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": false, "showRecommendedArticles": false, "isOpenAccess": true, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "350-351", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2010020177", "articleId": "13rRUxcsYLK", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2010020178", "articleId": "13rRUwI5TQS", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwI5TQS", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.104", "abstract": "Software tools that make it easier for analysts to collaborate as a natural part of their work will lead to better analysis that is informed by more perspectives. We are interested to know if software tools can be designed that support collaboration even as they allow analysts to find documents and organize information (including evidence, schemas, and hypotheses). We have modified the Entity Workspace system, described previously, to test such designs. We have evaluated the resulting design in both a laboratory study and a study where it is situated with an analysis team. In both cases, effects on collaboration appear to be positive. Key aspects of the design include an evidence notebook optimized for organizing entities (rather than text characters), information structures that can be collapsed and expanded, visualization of evidence that emphasizes events and documents (rather than emphasizing the entity graph), and a notification system that finds entities of mutual interest to multiple analysts. Long-term tests suggest that this approach can support both top-down and bottom-up styles of analysis.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Software tools that make it easier for analysts to collaborate as a natural part of their work will lead to better analysis that is informed by more perspectives. We are interested to know if software tools can be designed that support collaboration even as they allow analysts to find documents and organize information (including evidence, schemas, and hypotheses). We have modified the Entity Workspace system, described previously, to test such designs. We have evaluated the resulting design in both a laboratory study and a study where it is situated with an analysis team. In both cases, effects on collaboration appear to be positive. Key aspects of the design include an evidence notebook optimized for organizing entities (rather than text characters), information structures that can be collapsed and expanded, visualization of evidence that emphasizes events and documents (rather than emphasizing the entity graph), and a notification system that finds entities of mutual interest to multiple analysts. Long-term tests suggest that this approach can support both top-down and bottom-up styles of analysis.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Software tools that make it easier for analysts to collaborate as a natural part of their work will lead to better analysis that is informed by more perspectives. We are interested to know if software tools can be designed that support collaboration even as they allow analysts to find documents and organize information (including evidence, schemas, and hypotheses). We have modified the Entity Workspace system, described previously, to test such designs. We have evaluated the resulting design in both a laboratory study and a study where it is situated with an analysis team. In both cases, effects on collaboration appear to be positive. Key aspects of the design include an evidence notebook optimized for organizing entities (rather than text characters), information structures that can be collapsed and expanded, visualization of evidence that emphasizes events and documents (rather than emphasizing the entity graph), and a notification system that finds entities of mutual interest to multiple analysts. Long-term tests suggest that this approach can support both top-down and bottom-up styles of analysis.", "title": "Principles and Tools for Collaborative Entity-Based Intelligence Analysis", "normalizedTitle": "Principles and Tools for Collaborative Entity-Based Intelligence Analysis", "fno": "ttg2010020178", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "User Interfaces", "Graphical User Interfaces GUI", "Information Search And Retrieval", "Information Filtering", "Information Systems Applications", "Miscellaneous", "Group And Organization Interfaces", "Collaborative Computing", "Computer Supported Cooperative Work", "Web Based Interaction" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Eric A.", "surname": "Bier", "fullName": "Eric A. Bier", "affiliation": "Palo Alto Research Center, Inc., Palo Alto", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Stuart K.", "surname": "Card", "fullName": "Stuart K. Card", "affiliation": "Palo Alto Research Center, Inc., Palo Alto", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "John W.", "surname": "Bodnar", "fullName": "John W. Bodnar", "affiliation": "Science Applications International Corporation, McLean", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "178-191", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/jcdl/2001/2287/0/22870453", "title": "Interactive Visualization of Video Metadata", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/jcdl/2001/22870453/12OmNAXglS0", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/jcdl/2001/2287/0", "title": "Digital Libraries, Joint Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/gcis/2009/3571/2/3571b583", "title": "Design and Object-oriented Implementation of an Intelligence Entity Sharing Pool", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/gcis/2009/3571b583/12OmNB7LvCO", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/gcis/2009/3571/2", "title": "2009 WRI Global Congress on Intelligent Systems", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/computationworld/2009/3862/0/3862a061", "title": "Adaptivity in Entity Subscription Services", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/computationworld/2009/3862a061/12OmNBpmDHi", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/computationworld/2009/3862/0", "title": "Future Computing, Service Computation, Cognitive, Adaptive, Content, Patterns, Computation World", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icdmw/2011/4409/0/4409a267", "title": "Entity Resolution with Attribute and Connection Graph", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdmw/2011/4409a267/12OmNx2zjxK", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdmw/2011/4409/0", "title": "2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icde/2016/2020/0/07498342", "title": "SEED: A system for entity exploration and debugging in large-scale knowledge graphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icde/2016/07498342/12OmNxEjXUt", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icde/2016/2020/0", "title": "2016 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2008/05/ttg2008050999", "title": "Interactive Entity Resolution in Relational Data: A Visual Analytic Tool and Its Evaluation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2008/05/ttg2008050999/13rRUzpzeAZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" 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Entity Relationships", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/su/5555/01/10029930/1KmyhZJ0r8Q", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/su", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iwecai/2020/8149/0/814900a154", "title": "Named Entity Recognition Method with Word Position", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iwecai/2020/814900a154/1nTutmXxp1S", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iwecai/2020/8149/0", "title": "2020 International Workshop on Electronic Communication and Artificial Intelligence (IWECAI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2010020350", "articleId": "13rRUxd2aYV", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2010020352", "articleId": "13rRUNvgz9D", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUNvgz9D", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2010.10", "abstract": "In the above titled paper (ibid., vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1291-1298, Nov./Dec. 09), there were typos in equations (17) and (18). The correct versions are presented here.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In the above titled paper (ibid., vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1291-1298, Nov./Dec. 09), there were typos in equations (17) and (18). The correct versions are presented here.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In the above titled paper (ibid., vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1291-1298, Nov./Dec. 09), there were typos in equations (17) and (18). The correct versions are presented here.", "title": "Corrections to “A Physiologically-Based Model for Simulation of Color Vision Deficiency“ [Nov-Dec 09 1291-1298]", "normalizedTitle": "Corrections to “A Physiologically-Based Model for Simulation of Color Vision Deficiency“ [Nov-Dec 09 1291-1298]", "fno": "ttg2010020352", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Color", "Equations", "Computational Modeling", "Visualization", "Computer Graphics" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Gustavo M.", "surname": "Machado", "fullName": "Gustavo M. Machado", "affiliation": "UFRGS", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Manuel M.", "surname": "Oliveira", "fullName": "Manuel M. Oliveira", "affiliation": "UFRGS", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Leandro A.F.", "surname": "Fernandes", "fullName": "Leandro A.F. Fernandes", "affiliation": "UFRGS", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": false, "showRecommendedArticles": false, "isOpenAccess": true, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "352", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2010020178", "articleId": "13rRUwI5TQS", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2010020192", "articleId": "13rRUxBa5bO", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxBa5bO", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.94", "abstract": "Analysis of multidimensional data often requires careful examination of relationships across dimensions. Coordinated multiple view approaches have become commonplace in visual analysis tools because they directly support expression of complex multidimensional queries using simple interactions. However, generating such tools remains difficult because of the need to map domain-specific data structures and semantics into the idiosyncratic combinations of interdependent data and visual abstractions needed to reveal particular patterns and distributions in cross-dimensional relationships. This paper describes: 1) a method for interactively expressing sequences of multidimensional set queries by cross-filtering data values across pairs of views and 2) design strategies for constructing coordinated multiple view interfaces for cross-filtered visual analysis of multidimensional data sets. Using examples of cross-filtered visualizations of data from several different domains, we describe how cross-filtering can be modularized and reused across designs, flexibly customized with respect to data types across multiple dimensions, and incorporated into more wide-ranging multiple view designs. We also identify several important limitations of the approach. The demonstrated analytic utility of these examples suggests that cross-filtering is a suitable design pattern for instantiation in a wide variety of visual analysis tools.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Analysis of multidimensional data often requires careful examination of relationships across dimensions. Coordinated multiple view approaches have become commonplace in visual analysis tools because they directly support expression of complex multidimensional queries using simple interactions. However, generating such tools remains difficult because of the need to map domain-specific data structures and semantics into the idiosyncratic combinations of interdependent data and visual abstractions needed to reveal particular patterns and distributions in cross-dimensional relationships. This paper describes: 1) a method for interactively expressing sequences of multidimensional set queries by cross-filtering data values across pairs of views and 2) design strategies for constructing coordinated multiple view interfaces for cross-filtered visual analysis of multidimensional data sets. Using examples of cross-filtered visualizations of data from several different domains, we describe how cross-filtering can be modularized and reused across designs, flexibly customized with respect to data types across multiple dimensions, and incorporated into more wide-ranging multiple view designs. We also identify several important limitations of the approach. The demonstrated analytic utility of these examples suggests that cross-filtering is a suitable design pattern for instantiation in a wide variety of visual analysis tools.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Analysis of multidimensional data often requires careful examination of relationships across dimensions. Coordinated multiple view approaches have become commonplace in visual analysis tools because they directly support expression of complex multidimensional queries using simple interactions. However, generating such tools remains difficult because of the need to map domain-specific data structures and semantics into the idiosyncratic combinations of interdependent data and visual abstractions needed to reveal particular patterns and distributions in cross-dimensional relationships. This paper describes: 1) a method for interactively expressing sequences of multidimensional set queries by cross-filtering data values across pairs of views and 2) design strategies for constructing coordinated multiple view interfaces for cross-filtered visual analysis of multidimensional data sets. Using examples of cross-filtered visualizations of data from several different domains, we describe how cross-filtering can be modularized and reused across designs, flexibly customized with respect to data types across multiple dimensions, and incorporated into more wide-ranging multiple view designs. We also identify several important limitations of the approach. The demonstrated analytic utility of these examples suggests that cross-filtering is a suitable design pattern for instantiation in a wide variety of visual analysis tools.", "title": "Cross-Filtered Views for Multidimensional Visual Analysis", "normalizedTitle": "Cross-Filtered Views for Multidimensional Visual Analysis", "fno": "ttg2010020192", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Information Visualization", "Interactive Data Exploration And Discovery", "Coordinated Views", "Multidimensional Visual Analysis" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Chris", "surname": "Weaver", "fullName": "Chris Weaver", "affiliation": "University of Oklahoma, Norman", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "192-204", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/cmv/2004/2179/0/21790015", "title": "Exploiting Multiple Views to Support Visual Exploration and Mining", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cmv/2004/21790015/12OmNrFBQ2S", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cmv/2004/2179/0", "title": "Proceedings. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUytWF9g", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.100", "abstract": "As data sources become larger and more complex, the ability to effectively explore and analyze patterns among varying sources becomes a critical bottleneck in analytic reasoning. Incoming data contain multiple variables, high signal-to-noise ratio, and a degree of uncertainty, all of which hinder exploration, hypothesis generation/exploration, and decision making. To facilitate the exploration of such data, advanced tool sets are needed that allow the user to interact with their data in a visual environment that provides direct analytic capability for finding data aberrations or hotspots. In this paper, we present a suite of tools designed to facilitate the exploration of spatiotemporal data sets. Our system allows users to search for hotspots in both space and time, combining linked views and interactive filtering to provide users with contextual information about their data and allow the user to develop and explore their hypotheses. Statistical data models and alert detection algorithms are provided to help draw user attention to critical areas. Demographic filtering can then be further applied as hypotheses generated become fine tuned. This paper demonstrates the use of such tools on multiple geospatiotemporal data sets.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "As data sources become larger and more complex, the ability to effectively explore and analyze patterns among varying sources becomes a critical bottleneck in analytic reasoning. Incoming data contain multiple variables, high signal-to-noise ratio, and a degree of uncertainty, all of which hinder exploration, hypothesis generation/exploration, and decision making. To facilitate the exploration of such data, advanced tool sets are needed that allow the user to interact with their data in a visual environment that provides direct analytic capability for finding data aberrations or hotspots. In this paper, we present a suite of tools designed to facilitate the exploration of spatiotemporal data sets. Our system allows users to search for hotspots in both space and time, combining linked views and interactive filtering to provide users with contextual information about their data and allow the user to develop and explore their hypotheses. Statistical data models and alert detection algorithms are provided to help draw user attention to critical areas. Demographic filtering can then be further applied as hypotheses generated become fine tuned. This paper demonstrates the use of such tools on multiple geospatiotemporal data sets.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "As data sources become larger and more complex, the ability to effectively explore and analyze patterns among varying sources becomes a critical bottleneck in analytic reasoning. Incoming data contain multiple variables, high signal-to-noise ratio, and a degree of uncertainty, all of which hinder exploration, hypothesis generation/exploration, and decision making. To facilitate the exploration of such data, advanced tool sets are needed that allow the user to interact with their data in a visual environment that provides direct analytic capability for finding data aberrations or hotspots. In this paper, we present a suite of tools designed to facilitate the exploration of spatiotemporal data sets. Our system allows users to search for hotspots in both space and time, combining linked views and interactive filtering to provide users with contextual information about their data and allow the user to develop and explore their hypotheses. Statistical data models and alert detection algorithms are provided to help draw user attention to critical areas. Demographic filtering can then be further applied as hypotheses generated become fine tuned. This paper demonstrates the use of such tools on multiple geospatiotemporal data sets.", "title": "A Visual Analytics Approach to Understanding Spatiotemporal Hotspots", "normalizedTitle": "A Visual Analytics Approach to Understanding Spatiotemporal Hotspots", "fno": "ttg2010020205", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Geovisualization", "Kernel Density Estimation", "Syndromic Surveillance", "Hypothesis Exploration" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Ross", "surname": "Maciejewski", "fullName": "Ross Maciejewski", "affiliation": "Purdue University, West Lafayette", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Stephen", "surname": "Rudolph", "fullName": "Stephen Rudolph", "affiliation": "Purdue University Regional Visualization and Analytics Center, Scottsdale", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Ryan", "surname": "Hafen", "fullName": "Ryan Hafen", "affiliation": "Purdue University, West Lafayette", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Ahmad M.", "surname": "Abusalah", "fullName": "Ahmad M. Abusalah", "affiliation": "Purdue University, Saint Paul", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Mohamed", "surname": "Yakout", "fullName": "Mohamed Yakout", "affiliation": "Purdue University, West Lafayette", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Mourad", "surname": "Ouzzani", "fullName": "Mourad Ouzzani", "affiliation": "Purdue University, West Lafayette", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "William S.", "surname": "Cleveland", "fullName": "William S. Cleveland", "affiliation": "Purdue Univeristy, West Lafayette", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Shaun J.", "surname": "Grannis", "fullName": "Shaun J. Grannis", "affiliation": "Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "David S.", "surname": "Ebert", "fullName": "David S. Ebert", "affiliation": "Purdue University, West Lafayette", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "205-220", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2011/1799/0/06120521", "title": "Data Exploration in Secondary Use of Healthcare Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/bibm/2011/06120521/12OmNAOsMGA", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/bibm/2011/1799/0", "title": "2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/geoprocessing/2010/3951/0/3951a021", "title": "Where Would You Go on Your Next Vacation? A Framework for Visual Exploration of Attractive Places", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/geoprocessing/2010/3951a021/12OmNAOsMMd", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/geoprocessing/2010/3951/0", "title": "2010 Second International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/eisic/2015/8657/0/8657a069", "title": "Crime Hotspots: An Evaluation of the KDE Spatial Mapping Technique", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/eisic/2015/8657a069/12OmNBqv2lI", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/eisic/2015/8657/0", "title": "2015 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/uidis/1999/0262/0/02620012", "title": "Visual Exploration of Large Telecommunication Data Sets", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/uidis/1999/02620012/12OmNrNh0ys", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/uidis/1999/0262/0", "title": "User Interfaces to Data Intensive Systems, International Workshop on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vast/2014/6227/0/07042482", "title": "An insight- and task-based methodology for evaluating spatiotemporal visual analytics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vast/2014/07042482/12OmNwp74wP", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vast/2014/6227/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sccompanion/2012/4956/0/4956a196", "title": "Scalable Visual Queries for Data Exploration on Large, High-Resolution 3D Displays", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sccompanion/2012/4956a196/12OmNykTNoq", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sccompanion/2012/4956/0", "title": "2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and Analysis", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2013/1293/0/06691787", "title": "Tile based visual analytics for Twitter big data exploratory analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/big-data/2013/06691787/12OmNzVXO0S", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2013/1293/0", "title": "2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2006/2602/0/26020310", "title": "Evaluating a Geovisualization Prototype with Two Approaches: Remote Instructional vs. Face-to-Face Exploratory", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2006/26020310/12OmNzy7uRX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2006/2602/0", "title": "Tenth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'06)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2011/04/ttg2011040440", "title": "Forecasting Hotspots—A Predictive Analytics Approach", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2011/04/ttg2011040440/13rRUwdrdSv", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2010020192", "articleId": "13rRUxBa5bO", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2010020221", "articleId": "13rRUy2YLYp", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUy2YLYp", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.68", "abstract": "Geotagging personal data such as photos and videos are continuously becoming easier and more popular. Nevertheless, browsing such data on general purpose maps can be difficult, due to the frequent zoom and pan operations as well as visual components unnecessary for the task. This paper presents Placegram, a compact diagrammatic map visualization for personal geotagged data browsing based on cognitive map theories. An evaluation using real-life data sets shows that the speed of finding and pointing to places from the participants' own data increased by a factor of 2.1-2.9, and the number of interesting places discovered from others' data within a time limit increased by 48.8 percent in Placegram compared to a general purpose map. Placegram was even slightly faster than a simple text list, while at the same time, preserving the geographic senses of direction and location. Subjective ratings and comments from participants support these results, indicating that Placegram is significantly preferred over both a general map and a text list.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Geotagging personal data such as photos and videos are continuously becoming easier and more popular. Nevertheless, browsing such data on general purpose maps can be difficult, due to the frequent zoom and pan operations as well as visual components unnecessary for the task. This paper presents Placegram, a compact diagrammatic map visualization for personal geotagged data browsing based on cognitive map theories. An evaluation using real-life data sets shows that the speed of finding and pointing to places from the participants' own data increased by a factor of 2.1-2.9, and the number of interesting places discovered from others' data within a time limit increased by 48.8 percent in Placegram compared to a general purpose map. Placegram was even slightly faster than a simple text list, while at the same time, preserving the geographic senses of direction and location. Subjective ratings and comments from participants support these results, indicating that Placegram is significantly preferred over both a general map and a text list.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Geotagging personal data such as photos and videos are continuously becoming easier and more popular. Nevertheless, browsing such data on general purpose maps can be difficult, due to the frequent zoom and pan operations as well as visual components unnecessary for the task. This paper presents Placegram, a compact diagrammatic map visualization for personal geotagged data browsing based on cognitive map theories. An evaluation using real-life data sets shows that the speed of finding and pointing to places from the participants' own data increased by a factor of 2.1-2.9, and the number of interesting places discovered from others' data within a time limit increased by 48.8 percent in Placegram compared to a general purpose map. Placegram was even slightly faster than a simple text list, while at the same time, preserving the geographic senses of direction and location. Subjective ratings and comments from participants support these results, indicating that Placegram is significantly preferred over both a general map and a text list.", "title": "Placegram: A Diagrammatic Map for Personal Geotagged Data Browsing", "normalizedTitle": "Placegram: A Diagrammatic Map for Personal Geotagged Data Browsing", "fno": "ttg2010020221", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Information Visualization", "Graphical User Interfaces", "Spatial Databases And GIS", "Multimedia Information Systems" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Hyungeun", "surname": "Jo", "fullName": "Hyungeun Jo", "affiliation": "Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daegeon", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jung-hee", "surname": "Ryu", "fullName": "Jung-hee Ryu", "affiliation": "Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daegeon", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "221-234", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/itcc/2002/1506/0/15060034", "title": "Internet Browsing: Visualizing Category Map by Fisheye and Fractal Views", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/itcc/2002/15060034/12OmNBCqbKg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/itcc/2002/1506/0", "title": "Information Technology: Coding and Computing, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icee/2010/3997/0/3997a687", "title": "\"One Map\"-Based Land Information System: Towards E-government for Land Management", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icee/2010/3997a687/12OmNBLdKGl", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icee/2010/3997/0", "title": "International Conference on E-Business and E-Government", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/wvl/1990/2090/0/00128393", "title": "Browsing in geographic databases: an object-oriented approach", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wvl/1990/00128393/12OmNCvumPo", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wvl/1990/2090/0", "title": "Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iit/2015/8509/0/07381539", "title": "Browsing spatial knowledge with linked ontologies", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iit/2015/07381539/12OmNsdo6rE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iit/2015/8509/0", "title": "2015 11th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/acssc/1994/6405/2/00471675", "title": "Content-Based Hypermedia-intelligent browsing of structured media objects", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/acssc/1994/00471675/12OmNwGZNJY", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/acssc/1994/6405/1", "title": "Proceedings of 1994 28th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/mdm/2012/4713/0/4713a089", "title": "A Spatial Caching Framework for Map Operations in Geographical Information Systems", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/mdm/2012/4713a089/12OmNxGSmgS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/mdm/2012/4713/0", "title": "2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on Mobile Data Management", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/jcdl/2004/832/0/01336170", "title": "Dynamically generating conceptual browsing interfaces for digital libraries", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/jcdl/2004/01336170/12OmNxzMnUM", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/jcdl/2004/832/0", "title": "Proceedings of the Fourth ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/uic-atc-scalcom/2015/7211/0/07518303", "title": "The Urban Villages' Topographic Database System Construction Based on Oracle Map Fusion Middleware", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/uic-atc-scalcom/2015/07518303/12OmNyQpgMh", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/uic-atc-scalcom/2015/7211/0", "title": "2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Autonomic and Trusted Computing and 2015 IEEE 15th Intl Conf on Scalable Computing and Communications and Its Associated Workshops (UIC-ATC-ScalCom)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv-vis/2008/3271/0/3271a093", "title": "A Geographic Surface Browsing Tool Using Map-Based Augmented Reality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv-vis/2008/3271a093/12OmNzayNjF", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv-vis/2008/3271/0", "title": "Visualisation, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/ic/2007/01/w1052", "title": "Client-Based Spatial Browsing on the World Wide Web", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/ic/2007/01/w1052/13rRUwbs1WY", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/ic", "title": "IEEE Internet Computing", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2010020205", "articleId": "13rRUytWF9g", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2010020235", "articleId": "13rRUygT7sx", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUygT7sx", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.65", "abstract": "We present a method designed to address some limitations of typical route map displays of driving directions. The main goal of our system is to generate a printable version of a route map that shows the overview and detail views of the route within a single, consistent visual frame. Our proposed visualization provides a more intuitive spatial context than a simple list of turns. We present a novel multifocus technique to achieve this goal, where the foci are defined by points of interest (POI) along the route. A detail lens that encapsulates the POI at a finer geospatial scale is created for each focus. The lenses are laid out on the map to avoid occlusion with the route and each other, and to optimally utilize the free space around the route. We define a set of layout metrics to evaluate the quality of a lens layout for a given route map visualization. We compare standard lens layout methods to our proposed method and demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in generating aesthetically pleasing layouts. Finally, we perform a user study to evaluate the effectiveness of our layout choices.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present a method designed to address some limitations of typical route map displays of driving directions. The main goal of our system is to generate a printable version of a route map that shows the overview and detail views of the route within a single, consistent visual frame. Our proposed visualization provides a more intuitive spatial context than a simple list of turns. We present a novel multifocus technique to achieve this goal, where the foci are defined by points of interest (POI) along the route. A detail lens that encapsulates the POI at a finer geospatial scale is created for each focus. The lenses are laid out on the map to avoid occlusion with the route and each other, and to optimally utilize the free space around the route. We define a set of layout metrics to evaluate the quality of a lens layout for a given route map visualization. We compare standard lens layout methods to our proposed method and demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in generating aesthetically pleasing layouts. Finally, we perform a user study to evaluate the effectiveness of our layout choices.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present a method designed to address some limitations of typical route map displays of driving directions. The main goal of our system is to generate a printable version of a route map that shows the overview and detail views of the route within a single, consistent visual frame. Our proposed visualization provides a more intuitive spatial context than a simple list of turns. We present a novel multifocus technique to achieve this goal, where the foci are defined by points of interest (POI) along the route. A detail lens that encapsulates the POI at a finer geospatial scale is created for each focus. The lenses are laid out on the map to avoid occlusion with the route and each other, and to optimally utilize the free space around the route. We define a set of layout metrics to evaluate the quality of a lens layout for a given route map visualization. We compare standard lens layout methods to our proposed method and demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in generating aesthetically pleasing layouts. Finally, we perform a user study to evaluate the effectiveness of our layout choices.", "title": "Route Visualization Using Detail Lenses", "normalizedTitle": "Route Visualization Using Detail Lenses", "fno": "ttg2010020235", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Route Visualization", "Map Visualization", "Overview And Detail Techniques" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Pushpak", "surname": "Karnick", "fullName": "Pushpak Karnick", "affiliation": "Arizona State University, Tempe", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "David", "surname": "Cline", "fullName": "David Cline", "affiliation": "Arizona State University, Tempe", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Stefan", "surname": "Jeschke", "fullName": "Stefan Jeschke", "affiliation": "University of Vienna, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Anshuman", "surname": "Razdan", "fullName": "Anshuman Razdan", "affiliation": "Arizona State University, Mesa", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Peter", "surname": "Wonka", "fullName": "Peter Wonka", "affiliation": "Arizona State University, Tempe", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "235-247", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/mdm/2009/3650/0/3650a692", "title": "Towards an Indoor Level-of-Detail Model for Route Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/mdm/2009/3650a692/12OmNvAiSv8", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/mdm/2009/3650/0", "title": "2009 Tenth International Conference on Mobile Data Management: Systems, Services and Middleware", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/mdm/2013/4973/1/4973a036", "title": "Efficient Approaches for Multi-requests Route Planning in Urban Areas", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/mdm/2013/4973a036/12OmNwcUk5S", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/mdm/2013/4973/1", "title": "2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on Mobile Data Management", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ismar/2012/4660/0/06402554", "title": "Interactive 4D overview and detail visualization in augmented reality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ismar/2012/06402554/12OmNy3iFjC", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ismar/2012/4660/0", "title": "2012 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icnc/2012/4893/0/4893a240", "title": "Automated Route Planning for Milk-run Transport Logistics Using Model 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"proceedings/eurobot/1996/7695/0", "title": "Advanced Mobile Robots, Euromicro Workshop on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icinis/2008/3391/0/3391a280", "title": "A MAP Based Route Optimization Scheme for Mobile Networks", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icinis/2008/3391a280/12OmNzsJ7oE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icinis/2008/3391/0", "title": "Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems, International Workshop on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2011/12/ttg2011122528", "title": "Focus+Context Metro Maps", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2011/12/ttg2011122528/13rRUyY294B", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/08/08396300", "title": "Decal-Lenses: Interactive Lenses on Surfaces for Multivariate Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/08/08396300/13rRUyeCkap", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/scivis/2018/6882/0/08823618", "title": "3De Interactive Lenses for Visualization in Virtual Environments", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/scivis/2018/08823618/1d5kwZvgfNm", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/scivis/2018/6882/0", "title": "2018 IEEE Scientific Visualization Conference (SciVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2010020221", "articleId": "13rRUy2YLYp", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2010020261", "articleId": "13rRUwI5TQT", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwI5TQT", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.41", "abstract": "Compact representation of geometry using a suitable procedural or mathematical model and a ray-tracing mode of rendering fit the programmable graphics processor units (GPUs) well. Several such representations including parametric and subdivision surfaces have been explored in recent research. The important and widely applicable category of the general implicit surface has received less attention. In this paper, we present a ray-tracing procedure to render general implicit surfaces efficiently on the GPU. Though only the fourth or lower order surfaces can be rendered using analytical roots, our adaptive marching points algorithm can ray trace arbitrary implicit surfaces without multiple roots, by sampling the ray at selected points till a root is found. Adapting the sampling step size based on a proximity measure and a horizon measure delivers high speed. The sign test can handle any surface without multiple roots. The Taylor test that uses ideas from interval analysis can ray trace many surfaces with complex roots. Overall, a simple algorithm that fits the SIMD architecture of the GPU results in high performance. We demonstrate the ray tracing of algebraic surfaces up to order 50 and nonalgebraic surfaces including a Blinn's blobby with 75 spheres at better than interactive frame rates.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Compact representation of geometry using a suitable procedural or mathematical model and a ray-tracing mode of rendering fit the programmable graphics processor units (GPUs) well. Several such representations including parametric and subdivision surfaces have been explored in recent research. The important and widely applicable category of the general implicit surface has received less attention. In this paper, we present a ray-tracing procedure to render general implicit surfaces efficiently on the GPU. Though only the fourth or lower order surfaces can be rendered using analytical roots, our adaptive marching points algorithm can ray trace arbitrary implicit surfaces without multiple roots, by sampling the ray at selected points till a root is found. Adapting the sampling step size based on a proximity measure and a horizon measure delivers high speed. The sign test can handle any surface without multiple roots. The Taylor test that uses ideas from interval analysis can ray trace many surfaces with complex roots. Overall, a simple algorithm that fits the SIMD architecture of the GPU results in high performance. We demonstrate the ray tracing of algebraic surfaces up to order 50 and nonalgebraic surfaces including a Blinn's blobby with 75 spheres at better than interactive frame rates.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Compact representation of geometry using a suitable procedural or mathematical model and a ray-tracing mode of rendering fit the programmable graphics processor units (GPUs) well. Several such representations including parametric and subdivision surfaces have been explored in recent research. The important and widely applicable category of the general implicit surface has received less attention. In this paper, we present a ray-tracing procedure to render general implicit surfaces efficiently on the GPU. Though only the fourth or lower order surfaces can be rendered using analytical roots, our adaptive marching points algorithm can ray trace arbitrary implicit surfaces without multiple roots, by sampling the ray at selected points till a root is found. Adapting the sampling step size based on a proximity measure and a horizon measure delivers high speed. The sign test can handle any surface without multiple roots. The Taylor test that uses ideas from interval analysis can ray trace many surfaces with complex roots. Overall, a simple algorithm that fits the SIMD architecture of the GPU results in high performance. We demonstrate the ray tracing of algebraic surfaces up to order 50 and nonalgebraic surfaces including a Blinn's blobby with 75 spheres at better than interactive frame rates.", "title": "Real-Time Ray Tracing of Implicit Surfaces on the GPU", "normalizedTitle": "Real-Time Ray Tracing of Implicit Surfaces on the GPU", "fno": "ttg2010020261", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Ray Tracing", "Implicit Surfaces", "GPU Rendering" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Jag Mohan", "surname": "Singh", "fullName": "Jag Mohan Singh", "affiliation": "International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "P.J.", "surname": "Narayanan", "fullName": "P.J. Narayanan", "affiliation": "International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "261-272", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/smi/2003/1845/0/18450272", "title": "Ray Tracing Point Set Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/smi/2003/18450272/12OmNqGRG73", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/smi/2003/1845/0", "title": "Shape Modeling and Applications, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sbgames/2011/4648/0/4648a011", "title": "GPU-Based Data Structure for a Parallel Ray Tracing Illumination Algorithm", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sbgames/2011/4648a011/12OmNvwC5ve", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sbgames/2011/4648/0", "title": "2011 Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sccc/2010/4400/0/4400a011", "title": "Improving the Performance of a Ray Tracing Algorithm Using a GPU", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sccc/2010/4400a011/12OmNx0RJ0z", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sccc/2010/4400/0", "title": "2010 XXIX International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cadgraphics/2011/4497/0/4497a087", "title": "SIMD Friendly Ray Tracing on GPU", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cadgraphics/2011/4497a087/12OmNxFaLiE", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cadgraphics/2011/4497/0", "title": "Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgi/2001/1007/0/10070215", "title": "Ray Tracing Surfaces of Revolution: An Old Problem with A New Perspective", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgi/2001/10070215/12OmNxbEtFk", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgi/2001/1007/0", "title": "Proceedings. Computer Graphics International 2001", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/etcs/2009/3557/3/3557e915", "title": "Realtime Ray Tracing on a Hibrid Parallel Architecture", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/etcs/2009/3557e915/12OmNxw5B5Q", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/etcs/2009/3557/3", "title": "Education Technology and Computer Science, International Workshop on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/rt/2007/1629/0/04342585", "title": "Interactive Ray Tracing of Arbitrary Implicits with SIMD Interval Arithmetic", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/rt/2007/04342585/12OmNyq0zMM", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/rt/2007/1629/0", "title": "IEEE/ EG Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing 2007", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/02/ttg2012020188", "title": "Visualizing Nonmanifold and Singular Implicit Surfaces with Point Clouds", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/02/ttg2012020188/13rRUwd9CLK", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/1986/02/mcg1986020041", "title": "Ray Tracing Free-Form B-Spline Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/1986/02/mcg1986020041/13rRUxNmPKT", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/micro/2022/6272/0/627200a263", "title": "Vulkan-Sim: A GPU Architecture Simulator for Ray Tracing", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/micro/2022/627200a263/1HMSwhI3lO8", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/micro/2022/6272/0", "title": "2022 55th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2010020235", "articleId": "13rRUygT7sx", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2010020273", "articleId": "13rRUwbs20S", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXFgGf", "name": "ttg2010020261s.avi", "location": "", "extension": "avi", "size": "26.5 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwbs20S", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.71", "abstract": "We present a novel compressed bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) representation, random-accessible compressed bounding volume hierarchies (RACBVHs), for various applications requiring random access on BVHs of massive models. Our RACBVH representation is compact and transparently supports random access on the compressed BVHs without decompressing the whole BVH. To support random access on our compressed BVHs, we decompose a BVH into a set of clusters. Each cluster contains consecutive bounding volume (BV) nodes in the original layout of the BVH. Also, each cluster is compressed separately from other clusters and serves as an access point to the RACBVH representation. We provide the general BVH access API to transparently access our RACBVH representation. At runtime, our decompression framework is guaranteed to provide correct BV nodes without decompressing the whole BVH. Also, our method is extended to support parallel random access that can utilize the multicore CPU architecture. Our method can achieve up to a 12:1 compression ratio, and more importantly, can decompress 4.2 M BV nodes ({=}135 {\\rm MB}) per second by using a single CPU-core. To highlight the benefits of our approach, we apply our method to two different applications: ray tracing and collision detection. We can improve the runtime performance by more than a factor of 4 as compared to using the uncompressed original data. This improvement is a result of the fast decompression performance and reduced data access time by selectively fetching and decompressing small regions of the compressed BVHs requested by applications.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present a novel compressed bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) representation, random-accessible compressed bounding volume hierarchies (RACBVHs), for various applications requiring random access on BVHs of massive models. Our RACBVH representation is compact and transparently supports random access on the compressed BVHs without decompressing the whole BVH. To support random access on our compressed BVHs, we decompose a BVH into a set of clusters. Each cluster contains consecutive bounding volume (BV) nodes in the original layout of the BVH. Also, each cluster is compressed separately from other clusters and serves as an access point to the RACBVH representation. We provide the general BVH access API to transparently access our RACBVH representation. At runtime, our decompression framework is guaranteed to provide correct BV nodes without decompressing the whole BVH. Also, our method is extended to support parallel random access that can utilize the multicore CPU architecture. Our method can achieve up to a 12:1 compression ratio, and more importantly, can decompress 4.2 M BV nodes ({=}135 {\\rm MB}) per second by using a single CPU-core. To highlight the benefits of our approach, we apply our method to two different applications: ray tracing and collision detection. We can improve the runtime performance by more than a factor of 4 as compared to using the uncompressed original data. This improvement is a result of the fast decompression performance and reduced data access time by selectively fetching and decompressing small regions of the compressed BVHs requested by applications.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present a novel compressed bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) representation, random-accessible compressed bounding volume hierarchies (RACBVHs), for various applications requiring random access on BVHs of massive models. Our RACBVH representation is compact and transparently supports random access on the compressed BVHs without decompressing the whole BVH. To support random access on our compressed BVHs, we decompose a BVH into a set of clusters. Each cluster contains consecutive bounding volume (BV) nodes in the original layout of the BVH. Also, each cluster is compressed separately from other clusters and serves as an access point to the RACBVH representation. We provide the general BVH access API to transparently access our RACBVH representation. At runtime, our decompression framework is guaranteed to provide correct BV nodes without decompressing the whole BVH. Also, our method is extended to support parallel random access that can utilize the multicore CPU architecture. Our method can achieve up to a 12:1 compression ratio, and more importantly, can decompress 4.2 M BV nodes ({=}135 {\\rm MB}) per second by using a single CPU-core. To highlight the benefits of our approach, we apply our method to two different applications: ray tracing and collision detection. We can improve the runtime performance by more than a factor of 4 as compared to using the uncompressed original data. This improvement is a result of the fast decompression performance and reduced data access time by selectively fetching and decompressing small regions of the compressed BVHs requested by applications.", "title": "RACBVHs: Random-Accessible Compressed Bounding Volume Hierarchies", "normalizedTitle": "RACBVHs: Random-Accessible Compressed Bounding Volume Hierarchies", "fno": "ttg2010020273", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Hierarchy And BVH Compression", "Random Access", "Cache Coherent Layouts", "Ray Tracing", "Collision Detection" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Tae-Joon", "surname": "Kim", "fullName": "Tae-Joon Kim", "affiliation": "Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Bochang", "surname": "Moon", "fullName": "Bochang Moon", "affiliation": "Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Duksu", "surname": "Kim", "fullName": "Duksu Kim", "affiliation": "Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Sung-Eui", "surname": "Yoon", "fullName": "Sung-Eui Yoon", "affiliation": "Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "273-286", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/icecs/2009/3937/0/3937a436", "title": "Bounding-Volume Hierarchies Technique for Detecting Object Interference in Urban Environment Simulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icecs/2009/3937a436/12OmNAndiev", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icecs/2009/3937/0", "title": "Environmental and Computer Science, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/achi/2009/3529/0/3529a136", "title": "A Hybrid Bounding Volume Algorithm to Detect Collisions between Deformable Objects", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/achi/2009/3529a136/12OmNC3FG9c", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/achi/2009/3529/0", "title": "International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/rt/2007/1629/0/04342593", "title": "Early Split Clipping for Bounding Volume Hierarchies", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/rt/2007/04342593/12OmNvxKu0c", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/rt/2007/1629/0", "title": "IEEE/ EG Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing 2007", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/rt/2008/2741/0/04634624", "title": "Tree rotations for improving bounding volume hierarchies", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/rt/2008/04634624/12OmNwEJ11o", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/rt/2008/2741/0", "title": "Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/rt/2008/2741/0/04634618", "title": "Multi bounding volume hierarchies", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/rt/2008/04634618/12OmNweBUCF", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/rt/2008/2741/0", "title": "Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/rt/2007/1629/0/04342588", "title": "On fast Construction of SAH-based Bounding Volume Hierarchies", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/rt/2007/04342588/12OmNxveNI1", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/rt/2007/1629/0", 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUygT7f8", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.85", "abstract": "We propose a novel reaction diffusion (RD) simulator to evolve image-resembling mazes. The evolved mazes faithfully preserve the salient interior structures in the source images. Since it is difficult to control the generation of desired patterns with traditional reaction diffusion, we develop our RD simulator on a different computational platform, cellular neural networks. Based on the proposed simulator, we can generate the mazes that exhibit both regular and organic appearance, with uniform and/or spatially varying passage spacing. Our simulator also provides high controllability of maze appearance. Users can directly and intuitively “paint” to modify the appearance of mazes in a spatially varying manner via a set of brushes. In addition, the evolutionary nature of our method naturally generates maze without any obvious seam even though the input image is a composite of multiple sources. The final maze is obtained by determining a solution path that follows the user-specified guiding curve. We validate our method by evolving several interesting mazes from different source images.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We propose a novel reaction diffusion (RD) simulator to evolve image-resembling mazes. The evolved mazes faithfully preserve the salient interior structures in the source images. Since it is difficult to control the generation of desired patterns with traditional reaction diffusion, we develop our RD simulator on a different computational platform, cellular neural networks. Based on the proposed simulator, we can generate the mazes that exhibit both regular and organic appearance, with uniform and/or spatially varying passage spacing. Our simulator also provides high controllability of maze appearance. Users can directly and intuitively “paint” to modify the appearance of mazes in a spatially varying manner via a set of brushes. In addition, the evolutionary nature of our method naturally generates maze without any obvious seam even though the input image is a composite of multiple sources. The final maze is obtained by determining a solution path that follows the user-specified guiding curve. We validate our method by evolving several interesting mazes from different source images.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We propose a novel reaction diffusion (RD) simulator to evolve image-resembling mazes. The evolved mazes faithfully preserve the salient interior structures in the source images. Since it is difficult to control the generation of desired patterns with traditional reaction diffusion, we develop our RD simulator on a different computational platform, cellular neural networks. Based on the proposed simulator, we can generate the mazes that exhibit both regular and organic appearance, with uniform and/or spatially varying passage spacing. Our simulator also provides high controllability of maze appearance. Users can directly and intuitively “paint” to modify the appearance of mazes in a spatially varying manner via a set of brushes. In addition, the evolutionary nature of our method naturally generates maze without any obvious seam even though the input image is a composite of multiple sources. The final maze is obtained by determining a solution path that follows the user-specified guiding curve. We validate our method by evolving several interesting mazes from different source images.", "title": "Evolving Mazes from Images", "normalizedTitle": "Evolving Mazes from Images", "fno": "ttg2010020287", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Maze", "Multiscale RD Simulator", "Cellular Neural Networks", "Intuitive User Controls" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Liang", "surname": "Wan", "fullName": "Liang Wan", "affiliation": "The Chinese University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Xiaopei", "surname": "Liu", "fullName": "Xiaopei Liu", "affiliation": "The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Tien-Tsin", "surname": "Wong", "fullName": "Tien-Tsin Wong", "affiliation": "The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chi-Sing", "surname": "Leung", "fullName": "Chi-Sing Leung", "affiliation": "City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "287-297", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pmcvg/1999/0271/0/02710039", "title": "Generation of Diffuse and Specular Appearance from Photometric Images", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pmcvg/1999/02710039/12OmNA0vnOn", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pmcvg/1999/0271/0", "title": "Photometric Modeling for Computer Vision and Graphics, IEEE Workshop on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/compsacw/2012/4758/0/4758a631", "title": "An Image Processing Approach to Solve Labyrinth Discovery Robotics 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"__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/mi/2017/04/mmi2017040064", "title": "Building Maze Solutions with Computational Dreaming", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/mi/2017/04/mmi2017040064/13rRUB7a1lh", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/mi", "title": "IEEE Micro", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tc/2018/01/07970187", "title": "Analytical Miss Rate Calculation of L2 Cache from the RD Profile of L1 Cache", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tc/2018/01/07970187/13rRUwjXZRE", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tc", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Computers", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tc/1969/12/01671185", "title": "A Method for Solving Arbitrary-Wall Mazes by Computer", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tc/1969/12/01671185/13rRUytnsVx", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tc", "title": "IEEE 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxE04tw", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.67", "abstract": "This paper presents the first practical method for \"origamizing” or obtaining the folding pattern that folds a single sheet of material into a given polyhedral surface without any cut. The basic idea is to tuck fold a planar paper to form a three-dimensional shape. The main contribution is to solve the inverse problem; the input is an arbitrary polyhedral surface and the output is the folding pattern. Our approach is to convert this problem into a problem of laying out the polygons of the surface on a planar paper by introducing the concept of tucking molecules. We investigate the equality and inequality conditions required for constructing a valid crease pattern. We propose an algorithm based on two-step mapping and edge splitting to solve these conditions. The two-step mapping precalculates linear equalities and separates them from other conditions. This allows an interactive manipulation of the crease pattern in the system implementation. We present the first system for designing three-dimensional origami, enabling a user can interactively design complex spatial origami models that have not been realizable thus far.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This paper presents the first practical method for \"origamizing” or obtaining the folding pattern that folds a single sheet of material into a given polyhedral surface without any cut. The basic idea is to tuck fold a planar paper to form a three-dimensional shape. The main contribution is to solve the inverse problem; the input is an arbitrary polyhedral surface and the output is the folding pattern. Our approach is to convert this problem into a problem of laying out the polygons of the surface on a planar paper by introducing the concept of tucking molecules. We investigate the equality and inequality conditions required for constructing a valid crease pattern. We propose an algorithm based on two-step mapping and edge splitting to solve these conditions. The two-step mapping precalculates linear equalities and separates them from other conditions. This allows an interactive manipulation of the crease pattern in the system implementation. We present the first system for designing three-dimensional origami, enabling a user can interactively design complex spatial origami models that have not been realizable thus far.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "This paper presents the first practical method for \"origamizing” or obtaining the folding pattern that folds a single sheet of material into a given polyhedral surface without any cut. The basic idea is to tuck fold a planar paper to form a three-dimensional shape. The main contribution is to solve the inverse problem; the input is an arbitrary polyhedral surface and the output is the folding pattern. Our approach is to convert this problem into a problem of laying out the polygons of the surface on a planar paper by introducing the concept of tucking molecules. We investigate the equality and inequality conditions required for constructing a valid crease pattern. We propose an algorithm based on two-step mapping and edge splitting to solve these conditions. The two-step mapping precalculates linear equalities and separates them from other conditions. This allows an interactive manipulation of the crease pattern in the system implementation. We present the first system for designing three-dimensional origami, enabling a user can interactively design complex spatial origami models that have not been realizable thus far.", "title": "Origamizing Polyhedral Surfaces", "normalizedTitle": "Origamizing Polyhedral Surfaces", "fno": "ttg2010020298", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Origami", "Origami Design", "Developable Surface", "Folding", "Computer Aided Design" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Tomohiro", "surname": "Tachi", "fullName": "Tomohiro Tachi", "affiliation": "The University of Tokyo, Tokyo", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "298-311", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/dac/1982/020/0/01585545", "title": "Modeling Polyhedral Solids Bounded by Multi-Curved Parametric Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dac/1982/01585545/12OmNCcbE2U", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dac/1982/020/0", "title": "19th Design Automation Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2006/2521/1/252110247", "title": "Analysis of Overlapping Faces for Constructing Paper-made Objects from Sketches", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/2006/252110247/12OmNwbukcl", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2006/2521/1", "title": "Pattern Recognition, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2004/2128/1/212810628", "title": "Constituting Origami Models from Sketches", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpr/2004/212810628/12OmNy3RRCb", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpr/2004/2128/1", "title": "Pattern Recognition, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/isot/2014/6752/0/07119332", "title": "Nonlinear Wave Dynamics of Origami-Based Mechanical Metamaterials", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/isot/2014/07119332/12OmNyQYtid", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/isot/2014/6752/0", "title": "2014 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT 2014)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icpads/2000/0571/0/05710207", "title": "Origami Modeling Method of Leaves of Plants and CG Image Generation of Flower Arrangement", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icpads/2000/05710207/12OmNz61dta", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icpads/2000/0571/0", "title": "Parallel and Distributed Systems, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccv/1990/2057/0/00139588", "title": "Reconstructing line drawings from wings: the polygonal case", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/1990/00139588/12OmNzuIjt5", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/1990/2057/0", "title": "Proceedings Third International Conference on Computer Vision", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccsa/2008/3243/0/3243a394", "title": "Computing Distance Functions from Generalized Sources on Weighted Polyhedral Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccsa/2008/3243a394/12OmNzwZ6pO", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccsa/2008/3243/0", "title": "2008 International Conference on Computational Sciences and Its Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tc/1976/10/01674542", "title": "Curvature and Creases: A Primer on Paper", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tc/1976/10/01674542/13rRUwgQppG", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tc", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Computers", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/2009/06/ttp2009061006", "title": "Exact Geodesics and Shortest Paths on Polyhedral Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/2009/06/ttp2009061006/13rRUxASuOf", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tp/1989/09/i1001", "title": "Computing Minimal Distances on Polyhedral Surfaces", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tp/1989/09/i1001/13rRUxlgy4B", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tp", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUyp7tWS", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.70", "abstract": "In this paper, we introduce a feature-preserving denoising algorithm. It is built on the premise that the underlying surface of a noisy mesh is piecewise smooth, and a sharp feature lies on the intersection of multiple smooth surface regions. A vertex close to a sharp feature is likely to have a neighborhood that includes distinct smooth segments. By defining the consistent subneighborhood as the segment whose geometry and normal orientation most consistent with those of the vertex, we can completely remove the influence from neighbors lying on other segments during denoising. Our method identifies piecewise smooth subneighborhoods using a robust density-based clustering algorithm based on shared nearest neighbors. In our method, we obtain an initial estimate of vertex normals and curvature tensors by robustly fitting a local quadric model. An anisotropic filter based on optimal estimation theory is further applied to smooth the normal field and the curvature tensor field. This is followed by second-order bilateral filtering, which better preserves curvature details and alleviates volume shrinkage during denoising. The support of these filters is defined by the consistent subneighborhood of a vertex. We have applied this algorithm to both generic and CAD models, and sharp features, such as edges and corners, are very well preserved.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "In this paper, we introduce a feature-preserving denoising algorithm. It is built on the premise that the underlying surface of a noisy mesh is piecewise smooth, and a sharp feature lies on the intersection of multiple smooth surface regions. A vertex close to a sharp feature is likely to have a neighborhood that includes distinct smooth segments. By defining the consistent subneighborhood as the segment whose geometry and normal orientation most consistent with those of the vertex, we can completely remove the influence from neighbors lying on other segments during denoising. Our method identifies piecewise smooth subneighborhoods using a robust density-based clustering algorithm based on shared nearest neighbors. In our method, we obtain an initial estimate of vertex normals and curvature tensors by robustly fitting a local quadric model. An anisotropic filter based on optimal estimation theory is further applied to smooth the normal field and the curvature tensor field. This is followed by second-order bilateral filtering, which better preserves curvature details and alleviates volume shrinkage during denoising. The support of these filters is defined by the consistent subneighborhood of a vertex. We have applied this algorithm to both generic and CAD models, and sharp features, such as edges and corners, are very well preserved.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "In this paper, we introduce a feature-preserving denoising algorithm. It is built on the premise that the underlying surface of a noisy mesh is piecewise smooth, and a sharp feature lies on the intersection of multiple smooth surface regions. A vertex close to a sharp feature is likely to have a neighborhood that includes distinct smooth segments. By defining the consistent subneighborhood as the segment whose geometry and normal orientation most consistent with those of the vertex, we can completely remove the influence from neighbors lying on other segments during denoising. Our method identifies piecewise smooth subneighborhoods using a robust density-based clustering algorithm based on shared nearest neighbors. In our method, we obtain an initial estimate of vertex normals and curvature tensors by robustly fitting a local quadric model. An anisotropic filter based on optimal estimation theory is further applied to smooth the normal field and the curvature tensor field. This is followed by second-order bilateral filtering, which better preserves curvature details and alleviates volume shrinkage during denoising. The support of these filters is defined by the consistent subneighborhood of a vertex. We have applied this algorithm to both generic and CAD models, and sharp features, such as edges and corners, are very well preserved.", "title": "Robust Feature-Preserving Mesh Denoising Based on Consistent Subneighborhoods", "normalizedTitle": "Robust Feature-Preserving Mesh Denoising Based on Consistent Subneighborhoods", "fno": "ttg2010020312", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Denoising", "Features", "Clustering", "Shared Nearest Neighbors", "Normals", "Curvature Tensors", "Quadrics", "Bilateral Filtering" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Hanqi", "surname": "Fan", "fullName": "Hanqi Fan", "affiliation": "Zhejiang University, Hangzhou", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Yizhou", "surname": "Yu", "fullName": "Yizhou Yu", "affiliation": "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Qunsheng", "surname": "Peng", "fullName": "Qunsheng Peng", "affiliation": "Zhejiang University, Hangzhou", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "312-324", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/cad-cg/2005/2473/0/24730275", "title": "Feature-Preserving Mesh Denoising via Bilateral Normal Filtering", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cad-cg/2005/24730275/12OmNBJNL1l", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cad-cg/2005/2473/0", "title": "Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD-CG'05)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/gmp/2000/0562/0/05620229", "title": "Polyhedral Surface Smoothing with Simultaneous Mesh Regularization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/gmp/2000/05620229/12OmNs0TL2V", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/gmp/2000/0562/0", "title": "Geometric Modeling and Processing", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgi/2003/1946/0/19460028", "title": "Mesh Denoising via Iterative Alpha-Trimming and Nonlinear Diffusion of Normals with Automatic Thresholding", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgi/2003/19460028/12OmNvq5jyl", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgi/2003/1946/0", "title": "Computer Graphics International Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/crv/2012/4683/0/4683a070", "title": "Fast Surface Denoising Using Finite Volumes of the Dual Mesh", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/crv/2012/4683a070/12OmNwE9OFr", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/crv/2012/4683/0", "title": "2012 Ninth Conference on Computer and Robot 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwdIOUF", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.76", "abstract": "We present a physics-based approach to generate 3D biped character animation that can react to dynamical environments in real time. Our approach utilizes an inverted pendulum model to online adjust the desired motion trajectory from the input motion capture data. This online adjustment produces a physically plausible motion trajectory adapted to dynamic environments, which is then used as the desired motion for the motion controllers to track in dynamics simulation. Rather than using Proportional-Derivative controllers whose parameters usually cannot be easily set, our motion tracking adopts a velocity-driven method which computes joint torques based on the desired joint angular velocities. Physically correct full-body motion of the 3D character is computed in dynamics simulation using the computed torques and dynamical model of the character. Our experiments demonstrate that tracking motion capture data with real-time response animation can be achieved easily. In addition, physically plausible motion style editing, automatic motion transition, and motion adaptation to different limb sizes can also be generated without difficulty.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present a physics-based approach to generate 3D biped character animation that can react to dynamical environments in real time. Our approach utilizes an inverted pendulum model to online adjust the desired motion trajectory from the input motion capture data. This online adjustment produces a physically plausible motion trajectory adapted to dynamic environments, which is then used as the desired motion for the motion controllers to track in dynamics simulation. Rather than using Proportional-Derivative controllers whose parameters usually cannot be easily set, our motion tracking adopts a velocity-driven method which computes joint torques based on the desired joint angular velocities. Physically correct full-body motion of the 3D character is computed in dynamics simulation using the computed torques and dynamical model of the character. Our experiments demonstrate that tracking motion capture data with real-time response animation can be achieved easily. In addition, physically plausible motion style editing, automatic motion transition, and motion adaptation to different limb sizes can also be generated without difficulty.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present a physics-based approach to generate 3D biped character animation that can react to dynamical environments in real time. Our approach utilizes an inverted pendulum model to online adjust the desired motion trajectory from the input motion capture data. This online adjustment produces a physically plausible motion trajectory adapted to dynamic environments, which is then used as the desired motion for the motion controllers to track in dynamics simulation. Rather than using Proportional-Derivative controllers whose parameters usually cannot be easily set, our motion tracking adopts a velocity-driven method which computes joint torques based on the desired joint angular velocities. Physically correct full-body motion of the 3D character is computed in dynamics simulation using the computed torques and dynamical model of the character. Our experiments demonstrate that tracking motion capture data with real-time response animation can be achieved easily. In addition, physically plausible motion style editing, automatic motion transition, and motion adaptation to different limb sizes can also be generated without difficulty.", "title": "Real-Time Physics-Based 3D Biped Character Animation Using an Inverted Pendulum Model", "normalizedTitle": "Real-Time Physics-Based 3D Biped Character Animation Using an Inverted Pendulum Model", "fno": "ttg2010020325", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "3 D Human Motion", "Physics Based Simulation", "Biped Walk And Balance", "Motion Capture Data" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Yao-Yang", "surname": "Tsai", "fullName": "Yao-Yang Tsai", "affiliation": "National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Wen-Chieh", "surname": "Lin", "fullName": "Wen-Chieh Lin", "affiliation": "National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kuangyou B.", "surname": "Cheng", "fullName": "Kuangyou B. Cheng", "affiliation": "National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jehee", "surname": "Lee", "fullName": "Jehee Lee", "affiliation": "Seoul National University, Seoul", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Tong-Yee", "surname": "Lee", "fullName": "Tong-Yee Lee", "affiliation": "National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "325-337", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/paciia/2008/3490/1/3490a100", "title": "Research on the Model of the Inverted Pendulum and Its Control Based on Biped Robot", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/paciia/2008/3490a100/12OmNAXglLM", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/paciia/2008/3490/1", "title": "Pacific-Asia Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cw/2010/4215/0/4215a046", "title": "Building Hand Motion-Based Character Animation: The Case of Puppetry", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cw/2010/4215a046/12OmNAle6A0", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cw/2010/4215/0", "title": "2010 International Conference on Cyberworlds", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/dmdcm/2011/4413/0/4413a086", "title": "A Review of Dynamic Motion Control Considering Physics for Real Time Animation Character", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/dmdcm/2011/4413a086/12OmNBJeyHe", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/dmdcm/2011/4413/0", "title": "Digital Media and Digital Content Management, Workshop on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ifita/2009/3600/2/3600b579", "title": "A Method for Lateral Motion Planning on the Biped Robot", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ifita/2009/3600b579/12OmNC8dglI", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ifita/2009/3600/2", "title": "2009 International Forum on Information Technology and Applications (IFITA)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ichit/2008/3328/0/3328a222", "title": "Character Animation Tool ?Biped Hand Selector?", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ichit/2008/3328a222/12OmNrkT7y9", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ichit/2008/3328/0", "title": "2008 International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ca/1996/7588/0/75880016", "title": "User-Controlled Physics-Based Animation for Articulated Figures", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ca/1996/75880016/12OmNvkplhH", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ca/1996/7588/0", "title": "Computer Animation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgiv/2004/2178/0/21780052", "title": "A Study of Practical Approach of Using Motion Capture and Keyframe Animation Techniques", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgiv/2004/21780052/12OmNy3AgDN", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgiv/2004/2178/0", "title": "Proceedings. 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IV 2004.", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/isuvr/2010/4124/0/4124a012", "title": "Physics-Based Character Animation for AR Applications", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/isuvr/2010/4124a012/12OmNzzP5BN", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/isuvr/2010/4124/0", "title": "International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2008/01/ttg2008010173", "title": "Psychologically Inspired Anticipation and Dynamic Response for Impacts to the Head and Upper Body", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2008/01/ttg2008010173/13rRUygT7f3", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2010020312", "articleId": "13rRUyp7tWS", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "ttg2010020338", "articleId": "13rRUwI5TXw", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTXFgzd", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "zip", "size": "69.9 MB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNyaoDzf", "title": "March/April", "year": "2010", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "16", "label": "March/April", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwI5TXw", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2009.61", "abstract": "Vector fields analysis traditionally distinguishes conservative (curl-free) from mass preserving (divergence-free) components. The Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition allows separating any vector field into the sum of three uniquely defined components: curl free, divergence free and harmonic. This decomposition is usually achieved by using mesh-based methods such as finite differences or finite elements. This work presents a new meshless approach to the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition for the analysis of 2D discrete vector fields. It embeds into the SPH particle-based framework. The proposed method is efficient and can be applied to extract features from a 2D discrete vector field and to multiphase fluid flow simulation to ensure incompressibility.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Vector fields analysis traditionally distinguishes conservative (curl-free) from mass preserving (divergence-free) components. The Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition allows separating any vector field into the sum of three uniquely defined components: curl free, divergence free and harmonic. This decomposition is usually achieved by using mesh-based methods such as finite differences or finite elements. This work presents a new meshless approach to the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition for the analysis of 2D discrete vector fields. It embeds into the SPH particle-based framework. The proposed method is efficient and can be applied to extract features from a 2D discrete vector field and to multiphase fluid flow simulation to ensure incompressibility.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Vector fields analysis traditionally distinguishes conservative (curl-free) from mass preserving (divergence-free) components. The Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition allows separating any vector field into the sum of three uniquely defined components: curl free, divergence free and harmonic. This decomposition is usually achieved by using mesh-based methods such as finite differences or finite elements. This work presents a new meshless approach to the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition for the analysis of 2D discrete vector fields. It embeds into the SPH particle-based framework. The proposed method is efficient and can be applied to extract features from a 2D discrete vector field and to multiphase fluid flow simulation to ensure incompressibility.", "title": "Meshless Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition", "normalizedTitle": "Meshless Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition", "fno": "ttg2010020338", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Helmholtz Hodge Decomposition", "Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics", "Vector Field", "Features Visualization", "Multiphase Fluids", "Incompressible Flow" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Fabiano", "surname": "Petronetto", "fullName": "Fabiano Petronetto", "affiliation": "Universidad Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Afonso", "surname": "Paiva", "fullName": "Afonso Paiva", "affiliation": "Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Marcos", "surname": "Lage", "fullName": "Marcos Lage", "affiliation": "PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Geovan", "surname": "Tavares", "fullName": "Geovan Tavares", "affiliation": "PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Hélio", "surname": "Lopes", "fullName": "Hélio Lopes", "affiliation": "PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Thomas", "surname": "Lewiner", "fullName": "Thomas Lewiner", "affiliation": "PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2010-03-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "338-349", "year": "2010", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/delta/2006/2500/0/25000157", "title": "Conductive Microbead Detection by Helmholtz Coil Technique With SV-GMR Sensor", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/delta/2006/25000157/12OmNAWH9sS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/delta/2006/2500/0", "title": "Third IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Design, Test and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ssst/1991/2190/0/00138595", "title": "Helmholtz decomposition of surface electric current in electromagnetic scattering problems", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ssst/1991/00138595/12OmNApLGtx", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ssst/1991/2190/0", "title": "The Twenty-Third Southeastern Symposium on System Theory", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icmew/2014/4717/0/06890546", "title": "Feature extraction of complex ocean flow field using the helmholtz-hodge decomposition", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icmew/2014/06890546/12OmNxA3YZS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icmew/2014/4717/0", "title": "2014 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cluster/2006/0327/0/04100380", "title": "Can a Helmholtz solver run on a cluster?", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cluster/2006/04100380/12OmNzdoMyQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cluster/2006/0327/0", "title": "2006 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cs/2013/05/mcs2013050042", "title": "Discrete Hodge Theory on Graphs: A Tutorial", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cs/2013/05/mcs2013050042/13rRUILLkzl", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cs", "title": "Computing in Science & Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/08/ttg2013081386", "title": "The Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition—A Survey", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/08/ttg2013081386/13rRUwI5U7X", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/11/06774477", "title": "The Natural Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition for Open-Boundary Flow Analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/11/06774477/13rRUxYrbUJ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2006/03/v0289", "title": "Segmentation of Discrete Vector Fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2006/03/v0289/13rRUxcbnCj", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2013/03/ttg2013030527", "title": "Comments on the \"Meshless Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition\"", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2013/03/ttg2013030527/13rRUyYSWsU", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/02/09166766", "title": "Meshless Approximation and Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition of Vector Fields", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/02/09166766/1mgaO3cO3aU", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "ttg2010020325", "articleId": "13rRUwdIOUF", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": null, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzWOBad", "title": "April-June", "year": "2000", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "6", "label": "April-June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwI5U7Q", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2000.856991", "abstract": null, "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": null, "title": "Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Section on Visualization", "normalizedTitle": "Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Section on Visualization", "fno": "v0097", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [], "authors": [ { "givenName": "David S.", "surname": "Ebert", "fullName": "David S. Ebert", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": false, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2000-04-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "97", "year": "2000", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": null, "next": { "fno": "v0098", "articleId": "13rRUx0xPIq", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzWOBad", "title": "April-June", "year": "2000", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "6", "label": "April-June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUx0xPIq", "doi": "10.1109/2945.856992", "abstract": "Abstract—For large time-varying data sets, memory and disk limitations can lower the performace of visualization applications. Algorithms and data structures must be explicitly designed to handle these data sets in order to achieve more interactive rates. The Temporal Branch-on-Need Octree (T-BON) extends the three-dimensional branch-on-need octree for time-varying isosurface extraction. This data structure minimizes the impact of the I/O bottleneck by reading from disk only those portions of the search structure and data necessary to construct the current isosurface. By performing a minimum of I/O and exploiting the hierarchical memory found in modern CPUs, the T-BON algorithm achieves high performance isosurface extraction in time-varying fields. This paper extends earlier work on the T-BON data structure by including techniques for better memory utilization, out-of-core isosurface extraction, and support for nonrectilinear grids. Results from testing the T-BON algorithm on large data sets show that its performance is similar to that of the three-dimensional branch-on-need octree for static data sets while providing substantial advantages for time-varying fields.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Abstract—For large time-varying data sets, memory and disk limitations can lower the performace of visualization applications. Algorithms and data structures must be explicitly designed to handle these data sets in order to achieve more interactive rates. The Temporal Branch-on-Need Octree (T-BON) extends the three-dimensional branch-on-need octree for time-varying isosurface extraction. This data structure minimizes the impact of the I/O bottleneck by reading from disk only those portions of the search structure and data necessary to construct the current isosurface. By performing a minimum of I/O and exploiting the hierarchical memory found in modern CPUs, the T-BON algorithm achieves high performance isosurface extraction in time-varying fields. This paper extends earlier work on the T-BON data structure by including techniques for better memory utilization, out-of-core isosurface extraction, and support for nonrectilinear grids. Results from testing the T-BON algorithm on large data sets show that its performance is similar to that of the three-dimensional branch-on-need octree for static data sets while providing substantial advantages for time-varying fields.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Abstract—For large time-varying data sets, memory and disk limitations can lower the performace of visualization applications. Algorithms and data structures must be explicitly designed to handle these data sets in order to achieve more interactive rates. The Temporal Branch-on-Need Octree (T-BON) extends the three-dimensional branch-on-need octree for time-varying isosurface extraction. This data structure minimizes the impact of the I/O bottleneck by reading from disk only those portions of the search structure and data necessary to construct the current isosurface. By performing a minimum of I/O and exploiting the hierarchical memory found in modern CPUs, the T-BON algorithm achieves high performance isosurface extraction in time-varying fields. This paper extends earlier work on the T-BON data structure by including techniques for better memory utilization, out-of-core isosurface extraction, and support for nonrectilinear grids. Results from testing the T-BON algorithm on large data sets show that its performance is similar to that of the three-dimensional branch-on-need octree for static data sets while providing substantial advantages for time-varying fields.", "title": "Accelerated Isosurface Extraction in Time-Varying Fields", "normalizedTitle": "Accelerated Isosurface Extraction in Time-Varying Fields", "fno": "v0098", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Isosurface", "Time Dependent Scalar Field Visualization", "Multiresolution Methods", "Octree", "Bricking", "Unstructured Grid Visualization", "Out Of Core Visualization" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Philip M.", "surname": "Sutton", "fullName": "Philip M. Sutton", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Charles D.", "surname": "Hansen", "fullName": "Charles D. Hansen", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": false, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2000-04-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "98-107", "year": "2000", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "v0097", "articleId": "13rRUwI5U7Q", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "v0108", "articleId": "13rRUy3xY2I", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzWOBad", "title": "April-June", "year": "2000", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "6", "label": "April-June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUy3xY2I", "doi": "10.1109/2945.856993", "abstract": "Abstract—Prioritized-Layered Projection (PLP) is a technique for fast rendering of high depth complexity scenes. It works by estimating the visible polygons of a scene from a given viewpoint incrementally, one primitive at a time. It is not a conservative technique, instead PLP is suitable for the computation of partially correct images for use as part of time-critical rendering systems. From a very high level, PLP amounts to a modification of a simple view-frustum culling algorithm, however, it requires the computation of a special occupancy-based tessellation and the assignment to each cell of the tessellation a solidity value, which is used to compute a special ordering on how primitives get projected. In this paper, we detail the PLP algorithm, its main components, and implementation. We also provide experimental evidence of its performance, including results on two types of spatial tessellation (using octree- and Delaunay-based tessellations), and several datasets. We also discuss several extensions of our technique.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Abstract—Prioritized-Layered Projection (PLP) is a technique for fast rendering of high depth complexity scenes. It works by estimating the visible polygons of a scene from a given viewpoint incrementally, one primitive at a time. It is not a conservative technique, instead PLP is suitable for the computation of partially correct images for use as part of time-critical rendering systems. From a very high level, PLP amounts to a modification of a simple view-frustum culling algorithm, however, it requires the computation of a special occupancy-based tessellation and the assignment to each cell of the tessellation a solidity value, which is used to compute a special ordering on how primitives get projected. In this paper, we detail the PLP algorithm, its main components, and implementation. We also provide experimental evidence of its performance, including results on two types of spatial tessellation (using octree- and Delaunay-based tessellations), and several datasets. We also discuss several extensions of our technique.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Abstract—Prioritized-Layered Projection (PLP) is a technique for fast rendering of high depth complexity scenes. It works by estimating the visible polygons of a scene from a given viewpoint incrementally, one primitive at a time. It is not a conservative technique, instead PLP is suitable for the computation of partially correct images for use as part of time-critical rendering systems. From a very high level, PLP amounts to a modification of a simple view-frustum culling algorithm, however, it requires the computation of a special occupancy-based tessellation and the assignment to each cell of the tessellation a solidity value, which is used to compute a special ordering on how primitives get projected. In this paper, we detail the PLP algorithm, its main components, and implementation. We also provide experimental evidence of its performance, including results on two types of spatial tessellation (using octree- and Delaunay-based tessellations), and several datasets. We also discuss several extensions of our technique.", "title": "The Prioritized-Layered Projection Algorithm for Visible Set Estimation", "normalizedTitle": "The Prioritized-Layered Projection Algorithm for Visible Set Estimation", "fno": "v0108", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Visibility", "Time Critical Rendering", "Occlusion Culling", "Visible Set", "Spatial Tessellation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "James T.", "surname": "Klosowski", "fullName": "James T. Klosowski", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Cláudio T.", "surname": "Silva", "fullName": "Cláudio T. Silva", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": false, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2000-04-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "108-123", "year": "2000", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "v0098", "articleId": "13rRUx0xPIq", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "v0124", "articleId": "13rRUxBa5x1", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzWOBad", "title": "April-June", "year": "2000", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "6", "label": "April-June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxBa5x1", "doi": "10.1109/2945.856994", "abstract": "Abstract—Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging is a relatively new modality capable of elucidating the fibrous structure of certain types of tissue, such as the white matter within the brain. One tool for interpreting this data is volume rendering because it permits the visualization of three dimensional structure without a prior segmentation process. In order to use volume rendering, however, we must develop methods for assigning opacity and color to the data, and create a method to shade the data to improve the legibility of the rendering. Previous work introduced three such methods: barycentric opacity maps, hue-balls (for color), and lit-tensors (for shading). The current paper expands on and generalizes these methods, describing and demonstrating further means of generating opacity, color, and shading from the tensor information. We also propose anisotropic reaction-diffusion volume textures as an additional tool for visualizing the structure of diffusion data. The patterns generated by this process can be visualized on their own or they can be used to supplement the volume rendering strategies described in the rest of the paper. Finally, because interpolation between data points is a fundamental issue in volume rendering, we conclude with a discussion and evaluation of three distinct interpolation methods suitable for diffusion tensor MRI data.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Abstract—Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging is a relatively new modality capable of elucidating the fibrous structure of certain types of tissue, such as the white matter within the brain. One tool for interpreting this data is volume rendering because it permits the visualization of three dimensional structure without a prior segmentation process. In order to use volume rendering, however, we must develop methods for assigning opacity and color to the data, and create a method to shade the data to improve the legibility of the rendering. Previous work introduced three such methods: barycentric opacity maps, hue-balls (for color), and lit-tensors (for shading). The current paper expands on and generalizes these methods, describing and demonstrating further means of generating opacity, color, and shading from the tensor information. We also propose anisotropic reaction-diffusion volume textures as an additional tool for visualizing the structure of diffusion data. The patterns generated by this process can be visualized on their own or they can be used to supplement the volume rendering strategies described in the rest of the paper. Finally, because interpolation between data points is a fundamental issue in volume rendering, we conclude with a discussion and evaluation of three distinct interpolation methods suitable for diffusion tensor MRI data.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Abstract—Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging is a relatively new modality capable of elucidating the fibrous structure of certain types of tissue, such as the white matter within the brain. One tool for interpreting this data is volume rendering because it permits the visualization of three dimensional structure without a prior segmentation process. In order to use volume rendering, however, we must develop methods for assigning opacity and color to the data, and create a method to shade the data to improve the legibility of the rendering. Previous work introduced three such methods: barycentric opacity maps, hue-balls (for color), and lit-tensors (for shading). The current paper expands on and generalizes these methods, describing and demonstrating further means of generating opacity, color, and shading from the tensor information. We also propose anisotropic reaction-diffusion volume textures as an additional tool for visualizing the structure of diffusion data. The patterns generated by this process can be visualized on their own or they can be used to supplement the volume rendering strategies described in the rest of the paper. Finally, because interpolation between data points is a fundamental issue in volume rendering, we conclude with a discussion and evaluation of three distinct interpolation methods suitable for diffusion tensor MRI data.", "title": "Strategies for Direct Volume Rendering of Diffusion Tensor Fields", "normalizedTitle": "Strategies for Direct Volume Rendering of Diffusion Tensor Fields", "fno": "v0124", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Volume Rendering", "Diffusion Tensor", "Tensor Visualization", "Barycentric Coordinates", "Anisotropy", "Transfer Function", "Reaction Diffusion Texture", "Tensor Interpolation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Gordon", "surname": "Kindlmann", "fullName": "Gordon Kindlmann", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "David", "surname": "Weinstein", "fullName": "David Weinstein", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "David", "surname": "Hart", "fullName": "David Hart", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": false, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2000-04-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "124-138", "year": "2000", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "v0108", "articleId": "13rRUy3xY2I", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "v0139", "articleId": "13rRUzp02o9", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzWOBad", "title": "April-June", "year": "2000", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "6", "label": "April-June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUzp02o9", "doi": "10.1109/2945.856995", "abstract": "Abstract—Vector field visualization is an important topic in scientific visualization. Its aim is to graphically represent field data on two and three-dimensional domains and on surfaces in an intuitively understandable way. Here, a new approach based on anisotropic nonlinear diffusion is introduced. It enables an easy perception of vector field data and serves as an appropriate scale space method for the visualization of complicated flow pattern. The approach is closely related to nonlinear diffusion methods in image analysis where images are smoothed while still retaining and enhancing edges. Here, an initial noisy image intensity is smoothed along integral lines, whereas the image is sharpened in the orthogonal direction. The method is based on a continuous model and requires the solution of a parabolic PDE problem. It is discretized only in the final implementational step. Therefore, many important qualitative aspects can already be discussed on a continuous level. Applications are shown for flow fields in 2D and 3D, as well as for principal directions of curvature on general triangulated surfaces. Furthermore, the provisions for flow segmentation are outlined.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Abstract—Vector field visualization is an important topic in scientific visualization. Its aim is to graphically represent field data on two and three-dimensional domains and on surfaces in an intuitively understandable way. Here, a new approach based on anisotropic nonlinear diffusion is introduced. It enables an easy perception of vector field data and serves as an appropriate scale space method for the visualization of complicated flow pattern. The approach is closely related to nonlinear diffusion methods in image analysis where images are smoothed while still retaining and enhancing edges. Here, an initial noisy image intensity is smoothed along integral lines, whereas the image is sharpened in the orthogonal direction. The method is based on a continuous model and requires the solution of a parabolic PDE problem. It is discretized only in the final implementational step. Therefore, many important qualitative aspects can already be discussed on a continuous level. Applications are shown for flow fields in 2D and 3D, as well as for principal directions of curvature on general triangulated surfaces. Furthermore, the provisions for flow segmentation are outlined.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Abstract—Vector field visualization is an important topic in scientific visualization. Its aim is to graphically represent field data on two and three-dimensional domains and on surfaces in an intuitively understandable way. Here, a new approach based on anisotropic nonlinear diffusion is introduced. It enables an easy perception of vector field data and serves as an appropriate scale space method for the visualization of complicated flow pattern. The approach is closely related to nonlinear diffusion methods in image analysis where images are smoothed while still retaining and enhancing edges. Here, an initial noisy image intensity is smoothed along integral lines, whereas the image is sharpened in the orthogonal direction. The method is based on a continuous model and requires the solution of a parabolic PDE problem. It is discretized only in the final implementational step. Therefore, many important qualitative aspects can already be discussed on a continuous level. Applications are shown for flow fields in 2D and 3D, as well as for principal directions of curvature on general triangulated surfaces. Furthermore, the provisions for flow segmentation are outlined.", "title": "Anisotropic Diffusion in Vector Field Visualization on Euclidean Domains and Surfaces", "normalizedTitle": "Anisotropic Diffusion in Vector Field Visualization on Euclidean Domains and Surfaces", "fno": "v0139", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Flow Visualization", "Multiscale", "Nonlinear Diffusion", "Segmentation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Udo", "surname": "Diewald", "fullName": "Udo Diewald", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Tobias", "surname": "Preußer", "fullName": "Tobias Preußer", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Martin", "surname": "Rumpf", "fullName": "Martin Rumpf", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": false, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2000-04-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "139-149", "year": "2000", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "v0124", "articleId": "13rRUxBa5x1", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "v0150", "articleId": "13rRUNvyakx", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzWOBad", "title": "April-June", "year": "2000", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "6", "label": "April-June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUNvyakx", "doi": "10.1109/2945.856996", "abstract": "Abstract—Interactive selection is a critical component in exploratory visualization, allowing users to isolate subsets of the displayed information for highlighting, deleting, analysis, or focused investigation. Brushing, a popular method for implementing the selection process, has traditionally been performed in either screen space or data space. In this paper, we introduce an alternate, and potentially powerful, mode of selection that we term structure-based brushing, for selection in data sets with natural or imposed structure. Our initial implementation has focused on hierarchically structured data, specifically very large multivariate data sets structured via hierarchical clustering and partitioning algorithms. The structure-based brush allows users to navigate hierarchies by specifying focal extents and level-of-detail on a visual representation of the structure. Proximity-based coloring, which maps similar colors to data that are closely related within the structure, helps convey both structural relationships and anomalies. We describe the design and implementation of our structure-based brushing tool. We also validate its usefulness using two distinct hierarchical visualization techniques, namely hierarchical parallel coordinates and tree-maps. Finally, we discuss relationships between different classes of brushes and identify methods by which structure-based brushing could be extended to alternate data structures.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Abstract—Interactive selection is a critical component in exploratory visualization, allowing users to isolate subsets of the displayed information for highlighting, deleting, analysis, or focused investigation. Brushing, a popular method for implementing the selection process, has traditionally been performed in either screen space or data space. In this paper, we introduce an alternate, and potentially powerful, mode of selection that we term structure-based brushing, for selection in data sets with natural or imposed structure. Our initial implementation has focused on hierarchically structured data, specifically very large multivariate data sets structured via hierarchical clustering and partitioning algorithms. The structure-based brush allows users to navigate hierarchies by specifying focal extents and level-of-detail on a visual representation of the structure. Proximity-based coloring, which maps similar colors to data that are closely related within the structure, helps convey both structural relationships and anomalies. We describe the design and implementation of our structure-based brushing tool. We also validate its usefulness using two distinct hierarchical visualization techniques, namely hierarchical parallel coordinates and tree-maps. Finally, we discuss relationships between different classes of brushes and identify methods by which structure-based brushing could be extended to alternate data structures.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Abstract—Interactive selection is a critical component in exploratory visualization, allowing users to isolate subsets of the displayed information for highlighting, deleting, analysis, or focused investigation. Brushing, a popular method for implementing the selection process, has traditionally been performed in either screen space or data space. In this paper, we introduce an alternate, and potentially powerful, mode of selection that we term structure-based brushing, for selection in data sets with natural or imposed structure. Our initial implementation has focused on hierarchically structured data, specifically very large multivariate data sets structured via hierarchical clustering and partitioning algorithms. The structure-based brush allows users to navigate hierarchies by specifying focal extents and level-of-detail on a visual representation of the structure. Proximity-based coloring, which maps similar colors to data that are closely related within the structure, helps convey both structural relationships and anomalies. We describe the design and implementation of our structure-based brushing tool. We also validate its usefulness using two distinct hierarchical visualization techniques, namely hierarchical parallel coordinates and tree-maps. Finally, we discuss relationships between different classes of brushes and identify methods by which structure-based brushing could be extended to alternate data structures.", "title": "Structure-Based Brushes: A Mechanism for Navigating Hierarchically Organized Data and Information Spaces", "normalizedTitle": "Structure-Based Brushes: A Mechanism for Navigating Hierarchically Organized Data and Information Spaces", "fno": "v0150", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Brushing", "Hierarchical Representation", "Interactive Selection", "Exploratory Data Analysis" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Ying-Huey", "surname": "Fua", "fullName": "Ying-Huey Fua", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Matthew O.", "surname": "Ward", "fullName": "Matthew O. Ward", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Elke A.", "surname": "Rundensteiner", "fullName": "Elke A. Rundensteiner", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": false, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2000-04-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "150-159", "year": "2000", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "v0139", "articleId": "13rRUzp02o9", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "v0160", "articleId": "13rRUxOdD86", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzWOBad", "title": "April-June", "year": "2000", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "6", "label": "April-June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxOdD86", "doi": "10.1109/2945.856997", "abstract": "Abstract—This paper describes a novel approach to tissue classification using three-dimensional (3D) derivative features in the volume rendering pipeline. In conventional tissue classification for a scalar volume, tissues of interest are characterized by an opacity transfer function defined as a one-dimensional (1D) function of the original volume intensity. To overcome the limitations inherent in conventional 1D opacity functions, we propose a tissue classification method that employs a multidimensional opacity function, which is a function of the 3D derivative features calculated from a scalar volume as well as the volume intensity. Tissues of interest are characterized by explicitly defined classification rules based on 3D filter responses highlighting local structures, such as edge, sheet, line, and blob, which typically correspond to tissue boundaries, cortices, vessels, and nodules, respectively, in medical volume data. The 3D local structure filters are formulated using the gradient vector and Hessian matrix of the volume intensity function combined with isotropic Gaussian blurring. These filter responses and the original intensity define a multidimensional feature space in which multichannel tissue classification strategies are designed. The usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated by comparisons with conventional single-channel classification using both synthesized data and clinical data acquired with CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanners. The improvement in image quality obtained using multichannel classification is confirmed by evaluating the contrast and contrast-to-noise ratio in the resultant volume-rendered images with variable opacity values.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Abstract—This paper describes a novel approach to tissue classification using three-dimensional (3D) derivative features in the volume rendering pipeline. In conventional tissue classification for a scalar volume, tissues of interest are characterized by an opacity transfer function defined as a one-dimensional (1D) function of the original volume intensity. To overcome the limitations inherent in conventional 1D opacity functions, we propose a tissue classification method that employs a multidimensional opacity function, which is a function of the 3D derivative features calculated from a scalar volume as well as the volume intensity. Tissues of interest are characterized by explicitly defined classification rules based on 3D filter responses highlighting local structures, such as edge, sheet, line, and blob, which typically correspond to tissue boundaries, cortices, vessels, and nodules, respectively, in medical volume data. The 3D local structure filters are formulated using the gradient vector and Hessian matrix of the volume intensity function combined with isotropic Gaussian blurring. These filter responses and the original intensity define a multidimensional feature space in which multichannel tissue classification strategies are designed. The usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated by comparisons with conventional single-channel classification using both synthesized data and clinical data acquired with CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanners. The improvement in image quality obtained using multichannel classification is confirmed by evaluating the contrast and contrast-to-noise ratio in the resultant volume-rendered images with variable opacity values.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Abstract—This paper describes a novel approach to tissue classification using three-dimensional (3D) derivative features in the volume rendering pipeline. In conventional tissue classification for a scalar volume, tissues of interest are characterized by an opacity transfer function defined as a one-dimensional (1D) function of the original volume intensity. To overcome the limitations inherent in conventional 1D opacity functions, we propose a tissue classification method that employs a multidimensional opacity function, which is a function of the 3D derivative features calculated from a scalar volume as well as the volume intensity. Tissues of interest are characterized by explicitly defined classification rules based on 3D filter responses highlighting local structures, such as edge, sheet, line, and blob, which typically correspond to tissue boundaries, cortices, vessels, and nodules, respectively, in medical volume data. The 3D local structure filters are formulated using the gradient vector and Hessian matrix of the volume intensity function combined with isotropic Gaussian blurring. These filter responses and the original intensity define a multidimensional feature space in which multichannel tissue classification strategies are designed. The usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated by comparisons with conventional single-channel classification using both synthesized data and clinical data acquired with CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanners. The improvement in image quality obtained using multichannel classification is confirmed by evaluating the contrast and contrast-to-noise ratio in the resultant volume-rendered images with variable opacity values.", "title": "Tissue Classification Based on 3D Local Intensity Structures for Volume Rendering", "normalizedTitle": "Tissue Classification Based on 3D Local Intensity Structures for Volume Rendering", "fno": "v0160", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Volume Visualization", "Image Enhancement", "Medical Image", "3 D Derivative Feature", "Multiscale Analysis", "Multidimensional Opacity Function", "Multichannel Classification", "Partial Volume Effect" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Yoshinobu", "surname": "Sato", "fullName": "Yoshinobu Sato", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Carl-Fredrik", "surname": "Westin", "fullName": "Carl-Fredrik Westin", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Abhir", "surname": "Bhalerao", "fullName": "Abhir Bhalerao", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Shin", "surname": "Nakajima", "fullName": "Shin Nakajima", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Nobuyuki", "surname": "Shiraga", "fullName": "Nobuyuki Shiraga", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Shinichi", "surname": "Tamura", "fullName": "Shinichi Tamura", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Ron", "surname": "Kikinis", "fullName": "Ron Kikinis", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": false, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2000-04-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "160-180", "year": "2000", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "v0150", "articleId": "13rRUNvyakx", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "v0181", "articleId": "13rRUxBJhFj", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNzWOBad", "title": "April-June", "year": "2000", "issueNum": "02", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "6", "label": "April-June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxBJhFj", "doi": "10.1109/2945.856998", "abstract": "Abstract—In this paper, we give an explicit method for mapping any simply connected surface onto the sphere in a manner which preserves angles. This technique relies on certain conformal mappings from differential geometry. Our method provides a new way to automatically assign texture coordinates to complex undulating surfaces. We demonstrate a finite element method that can be used to apply our mapping technique to a triangulated geometric description of a surface.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Abstract—In this paper, we give an explicit method for mapping any simply connected surface onto the sphere in a manner which preserves angles. This technique relies on certain conformal mappings from differential geometry. Our method provides a new way to automatically assign texture coordinates to complex undulating surfaces. We demonstrate a finite element method that can be used to apply our mapping technique to a triangulated geometric description of a surface.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Abstract—In this paper, we give an explicit method for mapping any simply connected surface onto the sphere in a manner which preserves angles. This technique relies on certain conformal mappings from differential geometry. Our method provides a new way to automatically assign texture coordinates to complex undulating surfaces. We demonstrate a finite element method that can be used to apply our mapping technique to a triangulated geometric description of a surface.", "title": "Conformal Surface Parameterization for Texture Mapping", "normalizedTitle": "Conformal Surface Parameterization for Texture Mapping", "fno": "v0181", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Texture Mapping", "Surface Parametrization", "Conformal Geometry", "Finite Elements", "Partial Differential Equations" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Steven", "surname": "Haker", "fullName": "Steven Haker", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Sigurd", "surname": "Angenent", "fullName": "Sigurd Angenent", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Allen", "surname": "Tannenbaum", "fullName": "Allen Tannenbaum", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Ron", "surname": "Kikinis", "fullName": "Ron Kikinis", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Guillermo", "surname": "Sapiro", "fullName": "Guillermo Sapiro", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Michael", "surname": "Halle", "fullName": "Michael Halle", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": false, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "02", "pubDate": "2000-04-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "181-189", "year": "2000", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "v0160", "articleId": "13rRUxOdD86", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "v0190", "articleId": "13rRUyfbwqu", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwGqBqs", "title": "June", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwd9CLT", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2017.2677091", "abstract": null, "abstracts": [], "normalizedAbstract": null, "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2017", "normalizedTitle": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2017", "fno": "07914611", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Tim", "surname": "Dwyer", "fullName": "Tim Dwyer", "affiliation": "Monash University, Melbourne, Australia", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Yingcai", "surname": "Wu", "fullName": "Yingcai Wu", "affiliation": "State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": false, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": true, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2017-06-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1574-1575", "year": "2017", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "trans/tg/2007/03/v0420", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Virtual Reality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2007/03/v0420/13rRUwjoNwU", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tc/2009/02/ttc2009020145", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Computer Arithmetic", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tc/2009/02/ttc2009020145/13rRUxBa5bd", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tc", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Computers", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/06/08352605", "title": "Guest Editors’ Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2018", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/06/08352605/13rRUxlgxOp", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/06/08703194", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2019", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/06/08703194/19Er7j5Ad7a", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/06/09766260", "title": "Guest Editors&#x0027; Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2022", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/06/09766260/1D34QjpFGyQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tc/2019/07/08733176", "title": "Guest Editors Introduction: Special Section on Computer Arithmetic", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tc/2019/07/08733176/1aFvsiBlmrS", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tc", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Computers", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/06/09082802", "title": "Guest Editors&#x2019; Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2020", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/06/09082802/1jrTVLo1tpC", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/06/09430173", "title": "Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on IEEE PacificVis 2021", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/06/09430173/1tzuiF6azcs", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": null, "next": { "fno": "07864462", "articleId": "13rRUyoPSP8", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwGqBqs", "title": "June", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUyoPSP8", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2017.2674958", "abstract": "Generating visualizations at the size of a word creates dense information representations often called sparklines. The integration of word-sized graphics into text could avoid additional cognitive load caused by splitting the readers’ attention between figures and text. In scientific publications, these graphics make statements easier to understand and verify because additional quantitative information is available where needed. In this work, we perform a literature review to find out how researchers have already applied such word-sized representations. Illustrating the versatility of the approach, we leverage these representations for reporting empirical and bibliographic data in three application examples. For interactive Web-based publications, we explore levels of interactivity and discuss interaction patterns to link visualization and text. We finally call the visualization community to be a pioneer in exploring new visualization-enriched and interactive publication formats.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Generating visualizations at the size of a word creates dense information representations often called sparklines. The integration of word-sized graphics into text could avoid additional cognitive load caused by splitting the readers’ attention between figures and text. In scientific publications, these graphics make statements easier to understand and verify because additional quantitative information is available where needed. In this work, we perform a literature review to find out how researchers have already applied such word-sized representations. Illustrating the versatility of the approach, we leverage these representations for reporting empirical and bibliographic data in three application examples. For interactive Web-based publications, we explore levels of interactivity and discuss interaction patterns to link visualization and text. We finally call the visualization community to be a pioneer in exploring new visualization-enriched and interactive publication formats.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Generating visualizations at the size of a word creates dense information representations often called sparklines. The integration of word-sized graphics into text could avoid additional cognitive load caused by splitting the readers’ attention between figures and text. 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We finally call the visualization community to be a pioneer in exploring new visualization-enriched and interactive publication formats.", "title": "Word-Sized Graphics for Scientific Texts", "normalizedTitle": "Word-Sized Graphics for Scientific Texts", "fno": "07864462", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Visualization", "Bars", "Encoding", "Bibliographies", "Ecology", "Sparklines", "Word Sized Graphics", "Literature Survey", "Text And Visualization", "Interactive Documents", "Scientific Publishing" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Fabian", "surname": "Beck", "fullName": "Fabian Beck", "affiliation": "University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel", "surname": "Weiskopf", "fullName": "Daniel Weiskopf", "affiliation": "VISUS, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 70174Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2017-06-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1576-1587", "year": "2017", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iv/2014/4103/0/4103a108", "title": "RadCloud: Visualizing Multiple Texts with Merged Word Clouds", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2014/4103a108/12OmNAgY7my", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2014/4103/0", "title": "2014 18th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2014/2504/0/2504b833", "title": "Word Cloud Explorer: Text Analytics Based on Word Clouds", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/2014/2504b833/12OmNqNG3jl", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2014/2504/0", "title": "2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2017/0831/0/0831a001", "title": "A Visual Analytics Approach for Word Relevances in Multiple Texts", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2017/0831a001/12OmNwGZNCP", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2017/0831/0", "title": "2017 21st International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iiai-aai/2016/8985/0/8985a523", "title": "Comparative Analysis of Scientific Publications of Research Entities Using Multiple Disciplinary Classifications", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iiai-aai/2016/8985a523/12OmNx7XH2k", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iiai-aai/2016/8985/0", "title": "2016 5th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2005/2397/0/23970883", "title": "Visualizing the Meaning of Texts", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2005/23970883/12OmNz6iOQp", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2005/2397/0", "title": "Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'05)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/10/07593375", "title": "An Exploratory Study of Word-Scale Graphics in Data-Rich Text Documents", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/10/07593375/13rRUIJuxvo", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2014/12/06875917", "title": "Exploring the Placement and Design of Word-Scale Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2014/12/06875917/13rRUwfZC0i", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2018/03/07875127", "title": "Evaluating Interactive Graphical Encodings for Data Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2018/03/07875127/13rRUxly9e0", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2008/06/ttg2008061221", "title": "The Word Tree, an Interactive Visual Concordance", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2008/06/ttg2008061221/13rRUygT7sv", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2022/9007/0/900700a280", "title": "Visualization Tool for Comparative Analysis of Seabird Movement Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2022/900700a280/1KaH5N5YOK4", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2022/9007/0", "title": "2022 26th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07914611", "articleId": "13rRUwd9CLT", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07864468", "articleId": "13rRUILtJzC", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [ { "id": "17ShDTYesYr", "name": "", "location": "", "extension": "zip", "size": "632 kB", "__typename": "WebExtraType" } ], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwGqBqs", "title": "June", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUILtJzC", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2017.2674978", "abstract": "Designing a good scatterplot can be difficult for non-experts in visualization, because they need to decide on many parameters, such as marker size and opacity, aspect ratio, color, and rendering order. This paper contributes to research exploring the use of perceptual models and quality metrics to set such parameters automatically for enhanced visual quality of a scatterplot. A key consideration in this paper is the construction of a cost function to capture several relevant aspects of the human visual system, examining a scatterplot design for some data analysis task. We show how the cost function can be used in an optimizer to search for the optimal visual design for a user’s dataset and task objectives (e.g., “reliable linear correlation estimation is more important than class separation”). The approach is extensible to different analysis tasks. To test its performance in a realistic setting, we pre-calibrated it for correlation estimation, class separation, and outlier detection. The optimizer was able to produce designs that achieved a level of speed and success comparable to that of those using human-designed presets (e.g., in R or MATLAB). Case studies demonstrate that the approach can adapt a design to the data, to reveal patterns without user intervention.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Designing a good scatterplot can be difficult for non-experts in visualization, because they need to decide on many parameters, such as marker size and opacity, aspect ratio, color, and rendering order. This paper contributes to research exploring the use of perceptual models and quality metrics to set such parameters automatically for enhanced visual quality of a scatterplot. A key consideration in this paper is the construction of a cost function to capture several relevant aspects of the human visual system, examining a scatterplot design for some data analysis task. We show how the cost function can be used in an optimizer to search for the optimal visual design for a user’s dataset and task objectives (e.g., “reliable linear correlation estimation is more important than class separation”). The approach is extensible to different analysis tasks. To test its performance in a realistic setting, we pre-calibrated it for correlation estimation, class separation, and outlier detection. The optimizer was able to produce designs that achieved a level of speed and success comparable to that of those using human-designed presets (e.g., in R or MATLAB). Case studies demonstrate that the approach can adapt a design to the data, to reveal patterns without user intervention.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Designing a good scatterplot can be difficult for non-experts in visualization, because they need to decide on many parameters, such as marker size and opacity, aspect ratio, color, and rendering order. This paper contributes to research exploring the use of perceptual models and quality metrics to set such parameters automatically for enhanced visual quality of a scatterplot. A key consideration in this paper is the construction of a cost function to capture several relevant aspects of the human visual system, examining a scatterplot design for some data analysis task. We show how the cost function can be used in an optimizer to search for the optimal visual design for a user’s dataset and task objectives (e.g., “reliable linear correlation estimation is more important than class separation”). The approach is extensible to different analysis tasks. To test its performance in a realistic setting, we pre-calibrated it for correlation estimation, class separation, and outlier detection. The optimizer was able to produce designs that achieved a level of speed and success comparable to that of those using human-designed presets (e.g., in R or MATLAB). Case studies demonstrate that the approach can adapt a design to the data, to reveal patterns without user intervention.", "title": "Towards Perceptual Optimization of the Visual Design of Scatterplots", "normalizedTitle": "Towards Perceptual Optimization of the Visual Design of Scatterplots", "fno": "07864468", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Visualization", "Measurement", "Correlation", "Cost Function", "Data Analysis", "Data Visualization", "Scatterplot", "Optimization", "Perception", "Crowdsourcing" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Luana", "surname": "Micallef", "fullName": "Luana Micallef", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Gregorio", "surname": "Palmas", "fullName": "Gregorio Palmas", "affiliation": "Department of Computational Science and Technology, School of Computer Science and Communication, KTH Royal 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwGqBqs", "title": "June", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxASuAz", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2017.2674999", "abstract": "Data sampling has been extensively studied for large scale graph mining. Many analyses and tasks become more efficient when performed on graph samples of much smaller size. The use of proxy objects is common in software engineering for analysis and interaction with heavy objects or systems. In this paper, we coin the term ’proxy graph’ and empirically investigate how well a proxy graph visualization can represent a big graph. Our investigation focuses on proxy graphs obtained by sampling; this is one of the most common proxy approaches. Despite the plethora of data sampling studies, this is the first evaluation of sampling in the context of graph visualization. For an objective evaluation, we propose a new family of quality metrics for visual quality of proxy graphs. Our experiments cover popular sampling techniques. Our experimental results lead to guidelines for using sampling-based proxy graphs in visualization.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Data sampling has been extensively studied for large scale graph mining. Many analyses and tasks become more efficient when performed on graph samples of much smaller size. The use of proxy objects is common in software engineering for analysis and interaction with heavy objects or systems. In this paper, we coin the term ’proxy graph’ and empirically investigate how well a proxy graph visualization can represent a big graph. Our investigation focuses on proxy graphs obtained by sampling; this is one of the most common proxy approaches. Despite the plethora of data sampling studies, this is the first evaluation of sampling in the context of graph visualization. For an objective evaluation, we propose a new family of quality metrics for visual quality of proxy graphs. Our experiments cover popular sampling techniques. Our experimental results lead to guidelines for using sampling-based proxy graphs in visualization.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Data sampling has been extensively studied for large scale graph mining. Many analyses and tasks become more efficient when performed on graph samples of much smaller size. The use of proxy objects is common in software engineering for analysis and interaction with heavy objects or systems. In this paper, we coin the term ’proxy graph’ and empirically investigate how well a proxy graph visualization can represent a big graph. Our investigation focuses on proxy graphs obtained by sampling; this is one of the most common proxy approaches. Despite the plethora of data sampling studies, this is the first evaluation of sampling in the context of graph visualization. For an objective evaluation, we propose a new family of quality metrics for visual quality of proxy graphs. Our experiments cover popular sampling techniques. Our experimental results lead to guidelines for using sampling-based proxy graphs in visualization.", "title": "Proxy Graph: Visual Quality Metrics of Big Graph Sampling", "normalizedTitle": "Proxy Graph: Visual Quality Metrics of Big Graph Sampling", "fno": "07864456", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Visualization", "Measurement", "Sampling Methods", "Data Visualization", "Guidelines", "Facebook", "Software Engineering", "Graph Visualization", "Graph Sampling", "Proxy Graph", "Quality Metrics" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Quan Hoang", "surname": "Nguyen", "fullName": "Quan Hoang Nguyen", "affiliation": "School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Seok-Hee", "surname": "Hong", "fullName": "Seok-Hee Hong", "affiliation": "School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Peter", "surname": "Eades", "fullName": "Peter Eades", "affiliation": "School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Amyra", "surname": "Meidiana", "fullName": "Amyra Meidiana", "affiliation": "School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2017-06-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1600-1611", "year": "2017", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2018/1424/0/142401a011", "title": "BC Tree-Based Proxy Graphs for Visualization of Big Graphs", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2018/142401a011/12OmNArbG31", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2018/1424/0", "title": "2018 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/asonam/2016/2846/0/07752223", "title": "Rank degree: An efficient algorithm for graph sampling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/asonam/2016/07752223/12OmNxw5B9H", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/asonam/2016/2846/0", "title": "2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cyberc/2011/4557/0/4557a357", "title": "Unbiased Sampling of Bipartite Graph", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cyberc/2011/4557a357/12OmNy5zsnM", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cyberc/2011/4557/0", "title": "2011 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/asonam/2016/2846/0/07752360", "title": "On data collection, graph construction, and sampling in Twitter", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/asonam/2016/07752360/12OmNzdoMOC", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/asonam/2016/2846/0", "title": "2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/01/07539318", "title": "Evaluation of Graph Sampling: A Visualization Perspective", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/01/07539318/13rRUxZzAhI", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2017/2715/0/08258022", "title": "Application-specific graph 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(ISPA/IUCC/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ldav/2019/2605/0/08944364", "title": "Force-Directed Graph Layouts by Edge Sampling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ldav/2019/08944364/1grOFicLl9S", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ldav/2019/2605/0", "title": "2019 IEEE 9th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cibda/2020/9837/0/983700a450", "title": "Graph Signal Sampling with Deep Q-Learning", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cibda/2020/983700a450/1lO1KWUlhtu", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cibda/2020/9837/0", "title": "2020 International Conference on Computer Information and Big Data Applications (CIBDA)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/02/09224191", "title": "Context-aware Sampling of Large Networks via Graph Representation Learning", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/02/09224191/1nV59fPyCPe", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07864468", "articleId": "13rRUILtJzC", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07864470", "articleId": "13rRUxlgxTq", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwGqBqs", "title": "June", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxlgxTq", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2017.2674938", "abstract": "The human placenta is essential for the supply of the fetus. To monitor the fetal development, imaging data is acquired using (US). Although it is currently the gold-standard in fetal imaging, it might not capture certain abnormalities of the placenta. (MRI) is a safe alternative for the in utero examination while acquiring the fetus data in higher detail. Nevertheless, there is currently no established procedure for assessing the condition of the placenta and consequently the fetal health. Due to maternal respiration and inherent movements of the fetus during examination, a quantitative assessment of the placenta requires fetal motion compensation, precise placenta segmentation and a standardized visualization, which are challenging tasks. Utilizing advanced motion compensation and automatic segmentation methods to extract the highly versatile shape of the placenta, we introduce a novel visualization technique that presents the fetal and maternal side of the placenta in a standardized way. Our approach enables physicians to explore the placenta even in utero. This establishes the basis for a comparative assessment of multiple placentas to analyze possible pathologic arrangements and to support the research and understanding of this vital organ. Additionally, we propose a three-dimensional structure-aware surface slicing technique in order to explore relevant regions inside the placenta. Finally, to survey the applicability of our approach, we consulted clinical experts in prenatal diagnostics and imaging. We received mainly positive feedback, especially the applicability of our technique for research purposes was appreciated.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The human placenta is essential for the supply of the fetus. To monitor the fetal development, imaging data is acquired using (US). Although it is currently the gold-standard in fetal imaging, it might not capture certain abnormalities of the placenta. (MRI) is a safe alternative for the in utero examination while acquiring the fetus data in higher detail. Nevertheless, there is currently no established procedure for assessing the condition of the placenta and consequently the fetal health. Due to maternal respiration and inherent movements of the fetus during examination, a quantitative assessment of the placenta requires fetal motion compensation, precise placenta segmentation and a standardized visualization, which are challenging tasks. Utilizing advanced motion compensation and automatic segmentation methods to extract the highly versatile shape of the placenta, we introduce a novel visualization technique that presents the fetal and maternal side of the placenta in a standardized way. Our approach enables physicians to explore the placenta even in utero. This establishes the basis for a comparative assessment of multiple placentas to analyze possible pathologic arrangements and to support the research and understanding of this vital organ. Additionally, we propose a three-dimensional structure-aware surface slicing technique in order to explore relevant regions inside the placenta. Finally, to survey the applicability of our approach, we consulted clinical experts in prenatal diagnostics and imaging. We received mainly positive feedback, especially the applicability of our technique for research purposes was appreciated.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The human placenta is essential for the supply of the fetus. To monitor the fetal development, imaging data is acquired using (US). Although it is currently the gold-standard in fetal imaging, it might not capture certain abnormalities of the placenta. (MRI) is a safe alternative for the in utero examination while acquiring the fetus data in higher detail. Nevertheless, there is currently no established procedure for assessing the condition of the placenta and consequently the fetal health. Due to maternal respiration and inherent movements of the fetus during examination, a quantitative assessment of the placenta requires fetal motion compensation, precise placenta segmentation and a standardized visualization, which are challenging tasks. Utilizing advanced motion compensation and automatic segmentation methods to extract the highly versatile shape of the placenta, we introduce a novel visualization technique that presents the fetal and maternal side of the placenta in a standardized way. Our approach enables physicians to explore the placenta even in utero. This establishes the basis for a comparative assessment of multiple placentas to analyze possible pathologic arrangements and to support the research and understanding of this vital organ. Additionally, we propose a three-dimensional structure-aware surface slicing technique in order to explore relevant regions inside the placenta. Finally, to survey the applicability of our approach, we consulted clinical experts in prenatal diagnostics and imaging. We received mainly positive feedback, especially the applicability of our technique for research purposes was appreciated.", "title": "Placenta Maps: In Utero Placental Health Assessment of the Human Fetus", "normalizedTitle": "Placenta Maps: In Utero Placental Health Assessment of the Human Fetus", "fno": "07864470", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Image Segmentation", "Medical Image Processing", "Motion Compensation", "Obstetrics", "Placenta Maps", "Utero Placental Health Assessment", "Human Fetus", "Fetal Development Monitoring", "Imaging Data", "Maternal Respiration", "Fetus Movements", "Quantitative Assessment", "Fetal Motion Compensation", "Standardized Visualization", "Automatic Placenta Segmentation Method", "Pathologic Arrangements", "Three Dimensional Structure Aware Surface Slicing Technique", "Prenatal Diagnostics", "Prenatal Imaging", "Shape Analysis", "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", "Visualization", "Distortion", "Fetus", "Biomedical Imaging", "Myocardium", "Placenta", "Fetal", "Flattening", "Structure Aware Slicing", "Peeling" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Haichao", "surname": "Miao", "fullName": "Haichao Miao", "affiliation": "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Gabriel", "surname": "Mistelbauer", "fullName": "Gabriel Mistelbauer", "affiliation": "Department of Simulation and Graphics, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Alexey", "surname": "Karimov", "fullName": "Alexey Karimov", "affiliation": "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Amir", "surname": "Alansary", "fullName": "Amir Alansary", "affiliation": "Department of Computing, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Alice", "surname": "Davidson", "fullName": "Alice Davidson", "affiliation": "King's College London, London, United Kingdom", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "David F. A.", "surname": "Lloyd", "fullName": "David F. A. Lloyd", "affiliation": "King's College London, London, United Kingdom", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Mellisa", "surname": "Damodaram", "fullName": "Mellisa Damodaram", "affiliation": "King's College London, London, United Kingdom", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Lisa", "surname": "Story", "fullName": "Lisa Story", "affiliation": "King's College London, London, United Kingdom", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jana", "surname": "Hutter", "fullName": "Jana Hutter", "affiliation": "King's College London, London, United Kingdom", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Joseph V.", "surname": "Hajnal", "fullName": "Joseph V. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwGqBqs", "title": "June", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUyeTVi7", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2017.2674918", "abstract": "The use of large-scale scientific simulations that can represent physical systems using both particle and volume data simultaneously is gaining popularity as each of these reference frames has an inherent set of advantages when studying different phenomena. Furthermore, being able to study the dynamic evolution of these time varying data types is an integral part of nearly all scientific endeavors. However, the techniques available to scientists generally limit them to studying each reference frame separately making it difficult to draw connections between the two. In this work we present a novel method of feature exploration that can be used to investigate spatio-temporal patterns in both data types simultaneously. More specifically, we focus on how spatio-temporal subsets can be identified from both reference frames, and develop new ways of visually presenting the embedded information to a user in an intuitive manner. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method using case studies of real world scientific datasets and illustrate the new types of exploration and analyses that can be achieved through this technique.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The use of large-scale scientific simulations that can represent physical systems using both particle and volume data simultaneously is gaining popularity as each of these reference frames has an inherent set of advantages when studying different phenomena. Furthermore, being able to study the dynamic evolution of these time varying data types is an integral part of nearly all scientific endeavors. However, the techniques available to scientists generally limit them to studying each reference frame separately making it difficult to draw connections between the two. In this work we present a novel method of feature exploration that can be used to investigate spatio-temporal patterns in both data types simultaneously. More specifically, we focus on how spatio-temporal subsets can be identified from both reference frames, and develop new ways of visually presenting the embedded information to a user in an intuitive manner. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method using case studies of real world scientific datasets and illustrate the new types of exploration and analyses that can be achieved through this technique.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The use of large-scale scientific simulations that can represent physical systems using both particle and volume data simultaneously is gaining popularity as each of these reference frames has an inherent set of advantages when studying different phenomena. Furthermore, being able to study the dynamic evolution of these time varying data types is an integral part of nearly all scientific endeavors. However, the techniques available to scientists generally limit them to studying each reference frame separately making it difficult to draw connections between the two. In this work we present a novel method of feature exploration that can be used to investigate spatio-temporal patterns in both data types simultaneously. More specifically, we focus on how spatio-temporal subsets can be identified from both reference frames, and develop new ways of visually presenting the embedded information to a user in an intuitive manner. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method using case studies of real world scientific datasets and illustrate the new types of exploration and analyses that can be achieved through this technique.", "title": "Spatio-Temporal Feature Exploration in Combined Particle/Volume Reference Frames", "normalizedTitle": "Spatio-Temporal Feature Exploration in Combined Particle/Volume Reference Frames", "fno": "07864476", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Data Models", "Trajectory", "Computational Modeling", "Couplings", "Visualization", "Feature Extraction", "Particle Data", "Volume Data", "Feature Exploration", "Spatio Temporal Analysis" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Franz", "surname": "Sauer", "fullName": "Franz Sauer", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, University of California, Davis, CA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Kwan-Liu", "surname": "Ma", "fullName": "Kwan-Liu Ma", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, University of California, Davis, CA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2017-06-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1624-1635", "year": "2017", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iccvw/2013/3022/0/3022a420", "title": "A Spatio-temporal Feature Based on Triangulation of Dense SURF", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccvw/2013/3022a420/12OmNBbJTne", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccvw/2013/3022/0", "title": "2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icdm/2010/4256/0/4256b217", "title": "Spatial and Spatio-temporal Data Mining", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icdm/2010/4256b217/12OmNCgrDcQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icdm/2010/4256/0", "title": "2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pdcat/2011/4564/0/06118965", "title": "Reference metadata extraction from scientific papers", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pdcat/2011/06118965/12OmNxTEiTg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pdcat/2011/4564/0", "title": "Parallel and Distributed Computing Applications and Technologies, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/msr/2015/5594/0/5594a202", "title": "Ecosystems in GitHub and a Method for Ecosystem Identification Using Reference Coupling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/msr/2015/5594a202/12OmNz61div", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/msr/2015/5594/0", 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"trans/tk", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/09/09324971", "title": "Tracking Internal Frames of Reference for Consistent Molecular Distribution Functions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/09/09324971/1qnQDMKryUw", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07864470", "articleId": "13rRUxlgxTq", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07429778", "articleId": "13rRUwjGoG9", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwGqBqs", "title": "June", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwjGoG9", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2016.2539960", "abstract": "The growing volume and variety of data presents both opportunities and challenges for visual analytics. Addressing these challenges is needed for big data to provide valuable insights and novel solutions for business, security, social media, and healthcare. In the case of temporal event sequence analytics it is the number of events in the data and variety of temporal sequence patterns that challenges users of visual analytic tools. This paper describes 15 strategies for sharpening analytic focus that analysts can use to reduce the data volume and pattern variety. Four groups of strategies are proposed: (1) extraction strategies, (2) temporal folding, (3) pattern simplification strategies, and (4) iterative strategies. For each strategy, we provide examples of the use and impact of this strategy on volume and/or variety. Examples are selected from 20 case studies gathered from either our own work, the literature, or based on email interviews with individuals who conducted the analyses and developers who observed analysts using the tools. Finally, we discuss how these strategies might be combined and report on the feedback from 10 senior event sequence analysts.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The growing volume and variety of data presents both opportunities and challenges for visual analytics. Addressing these challenges is needed for big data to provide valuable insights and novel solutions for business, security, social media, and healthcare. In the case of temporal event sequence analytics it is the number of events in the data and variety of temporal sequence patterns that challenges users of visual analytic tools. This paper describes 15 strategies for sharpening analytic focus that analysts can use to reduce the data volume and pattern variety. Four groups of strategies are proposed: (1) extraction strategies, (2) temporal folding, (3) pattern simplification strategies, and (4) iterative strategies. For each strategy, we provide examples of the use and impact of this strategy on volume and/or variety. Examples are selected from 20 case studies gathered from either our own work, the literature, or based on email interviews with individuals who conducted the analyses and developers who observed analysts using the tools. Finally, we discuss how these strategies might be combined and report on the feedback from 10 senior event sequence analysts.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The growing volume and variety of data presents both opportunities and challenges for visual analytics. Addressing these challenges is needed for big data to provide valuable insights and novel solutions for business, security, social media, and healthcare. In the case of temporal event sequence analytics it is the number of events in the data and variety of temporal sequence patterns that challenges users of visual analytic tools. This paper describes 15 strategies for sharpening analytic focus that analysts can use to reduce the data volume and pattern variety. Four groups of strategies are proposed: (1) extraction strategies, (2) temporal folding, (3) pattern simplification strategies, and (4) iterative strategies. For each strategy, we provide examples of the use and impact of this strategy on volume and/or variety. Examples are selected from 20 case studies gathered from either our own work, the literature, or based on email interviews with individuals who conducted the analyses and developers who observed analysts using the tools. Finally, we discuss how these strategies might be combined and report on the feedback from 10 senior event sequence analysts.", "title": "Coping with Volume and Variety in Temporal Event Sequences: Strategies for Sharpening Analytic Focus", "normalizedTitle": "Coping with Volume and Variety in Temporal Event Sequences: Strategies for Sharpening Analytic Focus", "fno": "07429778", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Focusing", "Visual Analytics", "Data Visualization", "Medical Services", "Electronic Mail", "Cleaning", "Sequences", "Big Data", "Temporal Data", "Temporal Event Sequences", "Workflow", "Visual Analytics", "Visualization", "Analytic Focus" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Fan", "surname": "Du", "fullName": "Fan Du", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and the Human-Computer Interaction LabUniversity of Maryland", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Ben", "surname": "Shneiderman", "fullName": "Ben Shneiderman", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and the Human-Computer Interaction LabUniversity of Maryland", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Catherine", "surname": "Plaisant", "fullName": "Catherine Plaisant", "affiliation": "UMIACS and the Human-Computer Interaction LabUniversity of Maryland", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Sana", "surname": "Malik", "fullName": "Sana Malik", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and the Human-Computer Interaction LabUniversity of Maryland", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Adam", "surname": "Perer", "fullName": "Adam Perer", "affiliation": "IBM T.J. Watson Research Center", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2017-06-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1636-1649", "year": "2017", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2012/4525/0/4525b835", "title": "A Focus + Context Technique for Visualizing a Document Collection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/2012/4525b835/12OmNA14A63", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2012/4525/0", "title": "2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2011/9618/0/05718613", "title": "Describing Temporal Correlation Spatially in a Visual Analytics Environment", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/2011/05718613/12OmNvpNIoc", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2011/9618/0", "title": "2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2009/03/mcg2009030052", "title": "Recovering Reasoning Processes from User Interactions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2009/03/mcg2009030052/13rRUNvyans", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2011/04/ttg2011040440", "title": "Forecasting Hotspots—A Predictive Analytics Approach", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2011/04/ttg2011040440/13rRUwdrdSv", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2015/03/mcg2015030010", "title": "Sharpening Analytic Focus to Cope with Big Data Volume and Variety", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2015/03/mcg2015030010/13rRUxBrGjv", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/12/ttg2012122869", "title": "Examining the Use of a Visual Analytics System for Sensemaking Tasks: Case Studies with Domain Experts", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/12/ttg2012122869/13rRUxNmPDT", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2019/01/08440804", "title": "ForVizor: Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Team Formations in Soccer", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2019/01/08440804/17D45WXIkAs", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2020/01/08807220", "title": "Visual Analysis of High-Dimensional Event Sequence Data via Dynamic Hierarchical Aggregation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/01/08807220/1cG6bfa8KkM", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2019/06/08788592", "title": "Analytic Provenance in Practice: The Role of Provenance in Real-World Visualization and Data Analysis Environments", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2019/06/08788592/1cfqCMPtgRy", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2022/12/09497654", "title": "Survey on Visual Analysis of Event Sequence Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2022/12/09497654/1vzYfkJCG64", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07864476", "articleId": "13rRUyeTVi7", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07433460", "articleId": "13rRUwInvyF", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwGqBqs", "title": "June", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwInvyF", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2016.2542067", "abstract": "We extend the quadratic program (QP)-based task-space character control approach—initially intended for individual character animation—to multiple characters interacting among each other or with mobile/articulated elements of the environment. The interactions between the characters can be either physical interactions, such as contacts that can be established or broken at will between them and for which the forces are subjected to Newton’s third law, or behavioral interactions, such as collision avoidance and cooperation that naturally emerge to achieve collaborative tasks from high-level specifications. We take a systematic approach integrating all the equations of motions of the characters, objects, and articulated environment parts in a single QP formulation in order to embrace and solve the most general instance of the problem, where independent individual character controllers would fail to account for the inherent coupling of their respective motions through those physical and behavioral interactions. Various types of motions/behaviors are controlled with only the one single formulation that we propose, and some examples of the original motions the framework allows are presented in the accompanying video.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We extend the quadratic program (QP)-based task-space character control approach—initially intended for individual character animation—to multiple characters interacting among each other or with mobile/articulated elements of the environment. The interactions between the characters can be either physical interactions, such as contacts that can be established or broken at will between them and for which the forces are subjected to Newton’s third law, or behavioral interactions, such as collision avoidance and cooperation that naturally emerge to achieve collaborative tasks from high-level specifications. We take a systematic approach integrating all the equations of motions of the characters, objects, and articulated environment parts in a single QP formulation in order to embrace and solve the most general instance of the problem, where independent individual character controllers would fail to account for the inherent coupling of their respective motions through those physical and behavioral interactions. Various types of motions/behaviors are controlled with only the one single formulation that we propose, and some examples of the original motions the framework allows are presented in the accompanying video.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We extend the quadratic program (QP)-based task-space character control approach—initially intended for individual character animation—to multiple characters interacting among each other or with mobile/articulated elements of the environment. The interactions between the characters can be either physical interactions, such as contacts that can be established or broken at will between them and for which the forces are subjected to Newton’s third law, or behavioral interactions, such as collision avoidance and cooperation that naturally emerge to achieve collaborative tasks from high-level specifications. We take a systematic approach integrating all the equations of motions of the characters, objects, and articulated environment parts in a single QP formulation in order to embrace and solve the most general instance of the problem, where independent individual character controllers would fail to account for the inherent coupling of their respective motions through those physical and behavioral interactions. Various types of motions/behaviors are controlled with only the one single formulation that we propose, and some examples of the original motions the framework allows are presented in the accompanying video.", "title": "Multi-Character Physical and Behavioral Interactions Controller", "normalizedTitle": "Multi-Character Physical and Behavioral Interactions Controller", "fno": "07433460", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Mathematical Model", "Animation", "Physics", "Real Time Systems", "Computational Modeling", "Collision Avoidance", "Solid Modeling", "I 3 Computer Graphics", "I 3 7 Three Dimensional Graphics And Realism", "I 3 7 A Animation", "I 6 Simulation", "Modeling", "And Visualization", "I 6 8 Types Of Simulation", "I 6 8 A Animation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Joris", "surname": "Vaillant", "fullName": "Joris Vaillant", "affiliation": "CNRS-University of Montpellier LIRMM Interactive Digital Humans group, Montpellier, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Karim", "surname": "Bouyarmane", "fullName": "Karim Bouyarmane", "affiliation": "CNRS-University of Montpellier LIRMM Interactive Digital Humans group, Montpellier, France", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Abderrahmane", "surname": "Kheddar", "fullName": "Abderrahmane Kheddar", "affiliation": "CNRS-AIST JRL UMI3218/RL, Japan", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": false, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": true, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2017-06-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1650-1662", "year": "2017", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/cw/2012/4814/0/4814a151", "title": "Responsive Biped Character Stepping: When Push Comes to Shove", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cw/2012/4814a151/12OmNCgrD3R", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cw/2012/4814/0", "title": "2012 International Conference on Cyberworlds", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/isuvr/2010/4124/0/4124a012", "title": "Physics-Based Character Animation for AR Applications", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/isuvr/2010/4124a012/12OmNzzP5BN", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/isuvr/2010/4124/0", "title": "International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2011/04/05934840", "title": "Direct Control of Simulated Nonhuman Characters", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2011/04/05934840/13rRUILtJtD", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/05/ttg2012050741", "title": "Simulating Multiple Character 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The algorithms are tested on 3D geometric data and the experiments demonstrate the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed methods.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This work presents a novel framework for spherical mesh parameterization. An efficient angle-preserving spherical parameterization algorithm is introduced, which is based on dynamic Yamabe flow and the conformal welding method with solid theoretic foundation. An area-preserving spherical parameterization is also discussed, which is based on discrete optimal mass transport theory. Furthermore, a spherical parameterization algorithm, which is based on the polar decomposition method, balancing angle distortion and area distortion is presented. The algorithms are tested on 3D geometric data and the experiments demonstrate the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed methods.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "This work presents a novel framework for spherical mesh parameterization. An efficient angle-preserving spherical parameterization algorithm is introduced, which is based on dynamic Yamabe flow and the conformal welding method with solid theoretic foundation. An area-preserving spherical parameterization is also discussed, which is based on discrete optimal mass transport theory. Furthermore, a spherical parameterization algorithm, which is based on the polar decomposition method, balancing angle distortion and area distortion is presented. The algorithms are tested on 3D geometric data and the experiments demonstrate the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed methods.", "title": "Spherical Parameterization Balancing Angle and Area Distortions", "normalizedTitle": "Spherical Parameterization Balancing Angle and Area Distortions", "fno": "07434077", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Computational Geometry", "Spherical Parameterization Balancing Angle Distortion", "Area Distortions", "Spherical Mesh Parameterization", "Angle Preserving Spherical Parameterization Algorithm", "Dynamic Yamabe Flow", "Conformal Welding Method", "Discrete Optimal Mass Transport Theory", "Polar Decomposition Method", "3 D Geometric Data", "Mesh Generation", "Heuristic Algorithms", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Conformal Mapping", "Harmonic Distortion", "Spherical Parameterization", "Conformal Map", "Area Preserving Map", "Ricci Flow", "Optimal Mass Transport" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Saad", "surname": "Nadeem", "fullName": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwGqBqs", "title": "June", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwghd54", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2016.2542069", "abstract": "Modern supercomputers have thousands of nodes, each with CPUs and/or GPUs capable of several teraflops. However, the network connecting these nodes is relatively slow, on the order of gigabits per second. For time-critical workloads such as interactive visualization, the bottleneck is no longer computation but communication. In this paper, we present an image compositing algorithm that works on both CPU-only and GPU-accelerated supercomputers and focuses on communication avoidance and overlapping communication with computation at the expense of evenly balancing the workload. The algorithm has three stages: a parallel direct send stage, followed by a tree compositing stage and a gather stage. We compare our algorithm with radix-k and binary-swap from the IceT library in a hybrid OpenMP/MPI setting on the Stampede and Edison supercomputers, show strong scaling results and explain how we generally achieve better performance than these two algorithms. We developed a GPU-based image compositing algorithm where we use CUDA kernels for computation and GPU Direct RDMA for inter-node GPU communication. We tested the algorithm on the Piz Daint GPU-accelerated supercomputer and show that we achieve performance on par with CPUs. Last, we introduce a workflow in which both rendering and compositing are done on the GPU.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Modern supercomputers have thousands of nodes, each with CPUs and/or GPUs capable of several teraflops. However, the network connecting these nodes is relatively slow, on the order of gigabits per second. For time-critical workloads such as interactive visualization, the bottleneck is no longer computation but communication. In this paper, we present an image compositing algorithm that works on both CPU-only and GPU-accelerated supercomputers and focuses on communication avoidance and overlapping communication with computation at the expense of evenly balancing the workload. The algorithm has three stages: a parallel direct send stage, followed by a tree compositing stage and a gather stage. We compare our algorithm with radix-k and binary-swap from the IceT library in a hybrid OpenMP/MPI setting on the Stampede and Edison supercomputers, show strong scaling results and explain how we generally achieve better performance than these two algorithms. We developed a GPU-based image compositing algorithm where we use CUDA kernels for computation and GPU Direct RDMA for inter-node GPU communication. We tested the algorithm on the Piz Daint GPU-accelerated supercomputer and show that we achieve performance on par with CPUs. Last, we introduce a workflow in which both rendering and compositing are done on the GPU.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Modern supercomputers have thousands of nodes, each with CPUs and/or GPUs capable of several teraflops. However, the network connecting these nodes is relatively slow, on the order of gigabits per second. For time-critical workloads such as interactive visualization, the bottleneck is no longer computation but communication. In this paper, we present an image compositing algorithm that works on both CPU-only and GPU-accelerated supercomputers and focuses on communication avoidance and overlapping communication with computation at the expense of evenly balancing the workload. The algorithm has three stages: a parallel direct send stage, followed by a tree compositing stage and a gather stage. We compare our algorithm with radix-k and binary-swap from the IceT library in a hybrid OpenMP/MPI setting on the Stampede and Edison supercomputers, show strong scaling results and explain how we generally achieve better performance than these two algorithms. We developed a GPU-based image compositing algorithm where we use CUDA kernels for computation and GPU Direct RDMA for inter-node GPU communication. We tested the algorithm on the Piz Daint GPU-accelerated supercomputer and show that we achieve performance on par with CPUs. Last, we introduce a workflow in which both rendering and compositing are done on the GPU.", "title": "TOD-Tree: Task-Overlapped Direct Send Tree Image Compositing for Hybrid MPI Parallelism and GPUs", "normalizedTitle": "TOD-Tree: Task-Overlapped Direct Send Tree Image Compositing for Hybrid MPI Parallelism and GPUs", "fno": "07433468", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Graphics Processing Units", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Supercomputers", "Parallel Processing", "Data Visualization", "Loading", "Message Systems", "Distributed Volume Rendering", "Image Compositing", "Parallel Processing" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "A. V. Pascal", "surname": "Grosset", "fullName": "A. V. Pascal Grosset", "affiliation": "Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Manasa", "surname": "Prasad", "fullName": "Manasa Prasad", "affiliation": "Google, Mountain View, California, CA", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Cameron", "surname": "Christensen", "fullName": "Cameron Christensen", "affiliation": "Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Aaron", "surname": "Knoll", "fullName": "Aaron Knoll", "affiliation": "Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Charles", "surname": "Hansen", "fullName": "Charles Hansen", "affiliation": "Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], 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"__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/wcse/2013/2882/0/06754290", "title": "Large Image Fast Compositing Based on Uniform Sample", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wcse/2013/06754290/12OmNynJMSt", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wcse/2013/2882/0", "title": "2013 Fourth World Congress on Software Engineering (WCSE)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/sc/2008/2835/0/05219060", "title": "Massively parallel volume rendering using 2–3 swap image compositing", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/sc/2008/05219060/12OmNzn38PY", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/sc/2008/2835/0", "title": "SC Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2007/04/v0798", "title": "NPU-Based Image Compositing in a Distributed Visualization System", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2007/04/v0798/13rRUwI5U2x", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/mi/2022/02/09705571", "title": "Accelerating Deep Learning Using Interconnect-Aware UCX Communication for MPI Collectives", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/mi/2022/02/09705571/1AO2s5byqiY", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/mi", "title": "IEEE Micro", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ipdpsw/2022/9747/0/974700a372", "title": "Performance Analysis of Parallel FFT on Large Multi-GPU Systems", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ipdpsw/2022/974700a372/1Fu9rhQlD2M", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ipdpsw/2022/9747/0", "title": "2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ldav/2021/3283/0/328300a043", "title": "GPU-based Image Compression for Efficient Compositing in Distributed Rendering Applications", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ldav/2021/328300a043/1zdPDTXc4hy", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ldav/2021/3283/0", "title": "2021 IEEE 11th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "07434077", "articleId": "13rRUxAASTf", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "07429760", "articleId": "13rRUwj7cpf", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwGqBqs", "title": "June", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwj7cpf", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2016.2539949", "abstract": "We designed and evaluated SplitVectors, a new vector field display approach to help scientists perform new discrimination tasks on large-magnitude-range scientific data shown in three-dimensional (3D) visualization environments. SplitVectors uses scientific notation to display vector magnitude, thus improving legibility. We present an empirical study comparing the SplitVectors approach with three other approaches - direct linear representation, logarithmic, and text display commonly used in scientific visualizations. Twenty participants performed three domain analysis tasks: reading numerical values (a discrimination task), finding the ratio between values (a discrimination task), and finding the larger of two vectors (a pattern detection task). Participants used both mono and stereo conditions. Our results suggest the following: (1) SplitVectors improve accuracy by about 10 times compared to linear mapping and by four times to logarithmic in discrimination tasks; (2) SplitVectors have no significant differences from the textual display approach, but reduce cluttering in the scene; (3) SplitVectors and textual display are less sensitive to data scale than linear and logarithmic approaches; (4) using logarithmic can be problematic as participants’ confidence was as high as directly reading from the textual display, but their accuracy was poor; and (5) Stereoscopy improved performance, especially in more challenging discrimination tasks.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We designed and evaluated SplitVectors, a new vector field display approach to help scientists perform new discrimination tasks on large-magnitude-range scientific data shown in three-dimensional (3D) visualization environments. SplitVectors uses scientific notation to display vector magnitude, thus improving legibility. We present an empirical study comparing the SplitVectors approach with three other approaches - direct linear representation, logarithmic, and text display commonly used in scientific visualizations. Twenty participants performed three domain analysis tasks: reading numerical values (a discrimination task), finding the ratio between values (a discrimination task), and finding the larger of two vectors (a pattern detection task). Participants used both mono and stereo conditions. Our results suggest the following: (1) SplitVectors improve accuracy by about 10 times compared to linear mapping and by four times to logarithmic in discrimination tasks; (2) SplitVectors have no significant differences from the textual display approach, but reduce cluttering in the scene; (3) SplitVectors and textual display are less sensitive to data scale than linear and logarithmic approaches; (4) using logarithmic can be problematic as participants’ confidence was as high as directly reading from the textual display, but their accuracy was poor; and (5) Stereoscopy improved performance, especially in more challenging discrimination tasks.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We designed and evaluated SplitVectors, a new vector field display approach to help scientists perform new discrimination tasks on large-magnitude-range scientific data shown in three-dimensional (3D) visualization environments. SplitVectors uses scientific notation to display vector magnitude, thus improving legibility. We present an empirical study comparing the SplitVectors approach with three other approaches - direct linear representation, logarithmic, and text display commonly used in scientific visualizations. Twenty participants performed three domain analysis tasks: reading numerical values (a discrimination task), finding the ratio between values (a discrimination task), and finding the larger of two vectors (a pattern detection task). Participants used both mono and stereo conditions. Our results suggest the following: (1) SplitVectors improve accuracy by about 10 times compared to linear mapping and by four times to logarithmic in discrimination tasks; (2) SplitVectors have no significant differences from the textual display approach, but reduce cluttering in the scene; (3) SplitVectors and textual display are less sensitive to data scale than linear and logarithmic approaches; (4) using logarithmic can be problematic as participants’ confidence was as high as directly reading from the textual display, but their accuracy was poor; and (5) Stereoscopy improved performance, especially in more challenging discrimination tasks.", "title": "Validation of SplitVectors Encoding for Quantitative Visualization of Large-Magnitude-Range Vector Fields", "normalizedTitle": "Validation of SplitVectors Encoding for Quantitative Visualization of Large-Magnitude-Range Vector Fields", "fno": "07429760", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualization", "Encoding", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Physics", "Visualization", "Simulation", "Stereo Image Processing", "Vector Field", "Scientific Visualization In Virtual Environments", "Quantum Physics", "Visual Encoding", "Large Range Data" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Henan", "surname": "Zhao", "fullName": "Henan Zhao", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Garnett W.", "surname": "Bryant", "fullName": "Garnett W. Bryant", "affiliation": "National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Wesley", "surname": "Griffin", "fullName": "Wesley Griffin", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Judith E.", "surname": "Terrill", "fullName": "Judith E. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNwGqBqs", "title": "June", "year": "2017", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "23", "label": "June", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwfZBVq", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2016.2543720", "abstract": "Augmented Reality is a technique that enables users to interact with their physical environment through the overlay of digital information. While being researched for decades, more recently, Augmented Reality moved out of the research labs and into the field. While most of the applications are used sporadically and for one particular task only, current and future scenarios will provide a continuous and multi-purpose user experience. Therefore, in this paper, we present the concept of Pervasive Augmented Reality, aiming to provide such an experience by sensing the user’s current context and adapting the AR system based on the changing requirements and constraints. We present a taxonomy for Pervasive Augmented Reality and context-aware Augmented Reality, which classifies context sources and context targets relevant for implementing such a context-aware, continuous Augmented Reality experience. We further summarize existing approaches that contribute towards Pervasive Augmented Reality. Based our taxonomy and survey, we identify challenges for future research directions in Pervasive Augmented Reality.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Augmented Reality is a technique that enables users to interact with their physical environment through the overlay of digital information. While being researched for decades, more recently, Augmented Reality moved out of the research labs and into the field. While most of the applications are used sporadically and for one particular task only, current and future scenarios will provide a continuous and multi-purpose user experience. Therefore, in this paper, we present the concept of Pervasive Augmented Reality, aiming to provide such an experience by sensing the user’s current context and adapting the AR system based on the changing requirements and constraints. We present a taxonomy for Pervasive Augmented Reality and context-aware Augmented Reality, which classifies context sources and context targets relevant for implementing such a context-aware, continuous Augmented Reality experience. We further summarize existing approaches that contribute towards Pervasive Augmented Reality. Based our taxonomy and survey, we identify challenges for future research directions in Pervasive Augmented Reality.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Augmented Reality is a technique that enables users to interact with their physical environment through the overlay of digital information. While being researched for decades, more recently, Augmented Reality moved out of the research labs and into the field. While most of the applications are used sporadically and for one particular task only, current and future scenarios will provide a continuous and multi-purpose user experience. Therefore, in this paper, we present the concept of Pervasive Augmented Reality, aiming to provide such an experience by sensing the user’s current context and adapting the AR system based on the changing requirements and constraints. We present a taxonomy for Pervasive Augmented Reality and context-aware Augmented Reality, which classifies context sources and context targets relevant for implementing such a context-aware, continuous Augmented Reality experience. We further summarize existing approaches that contribute towards Pervasive Augmented Reality. Based our taxonomy and survey, we identify challenges for future research directions in Pervasive Augmented Reality.", "title": "Towards Pervasive Augmented Reality: Context-Awareness in Augmented Reality", "normalizedTitle": "Towards Pervasive Augmented Reality: Context-Awareness in Augmented Reality", "fno": "07435333", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Augmented Reality", "Context", "Mobile Communication", "User Interfaces", "Vehicles", "Three Dimensional Displays", "Tracking", "Augmented Reality", "Pervasive Augmented Reality", "Context Awareness", "Adaptivity", "Context", "Taxonomy", "Survey", "Mixed Reality" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Jens", "surname": "Grubert", "fullName": "Jens Grubert", "affiliation": "Chair of Embedded Systems, University of Passau, Passau, Germany", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Tobias", "surname": "Langlotz", "fullName": "Tobias Langlotz", "affiliation": "Department of Information Science, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Stefanie", "surname": "Zollmann", "fullName": "Stefanie Zollmann", "affiliation": "Animation Research Ldt., Dunedin, New Zealand", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Holger", "surname": "Regenbrecht", "fullName": "Holger Regenbrecht", "affiliation": "Department of Information Science, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2017-06-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1706-1724", "year": "2017", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/isuvr/2009/3704/0/3704a039", "title": "CAMAR Tag Framework: Context-Aware Mobile Augmented Reality Tag Framework for Dual-reality Linkage", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/isuvr/2009/3704a039/12OmNyGtjsc", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/isuvr/2009/3704/0", "title": "International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/euc/2010/4322/0/4322a392", "title": "Context Awareness Aims at Novel Fruition Models: Augmented Reality May be the Killer Application for Context Awareness", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/euc/2010/4322a392/12OmNz61dEX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/euc/2010/4322/0", "title": "Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/isuvr/2008/3259/0/3259a051", "title": "Exploiting Context-Awareness in Augmented Reality Applications", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/isuvr/2008/3259a051/12OmNzSyCbt", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/isuvr/2008/3259/0", "title": "International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/pc/2011/03/mpc2011030068", "title": "Automatic Configuration of Pervasive Sensor Networks for Augmented Reality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/pc/2011/03/mpc2011030068/13rRUxASuVd", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/pc", "title": "IEEE Pervasive Computing", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/co/2012/07/mco2012070024", "title": "What's Real About Augmented Reality?", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/co/2012/07/mco2012070024/13rRUyZaxtP", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/co", "title": "Computer", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/pc/2022/03/09733791", "title": "Pervasive Augmented Reality&#x2014;Technology and Ethics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/pc/2022/03/09733791/1BJHWqkU3rG", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/pc", "title": "IEEE Pervasive Computing", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vrw/2022/8402/0/840200a938", "title": "[DC] Context-Aware Inference and Adaptation in Augmented Reality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vrw/2022/840200a938/1CJd1lHH4D6", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vrw/2022/8402/0", "title": "2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0/08798262", "title": "A Context-Aware Technical Information Manager for Presentation in Augmented Reality", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vr/2019/08798262/1cJ0HHIXbY4", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vr/2019/1377/0", "title": "2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUx0xPIu", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70522", "abstract": "The Internet has become a wild place: malicious code is spread on personal computers across the world, deploying botnets ready to attack the network infrastructure. The vast number of security incidents and other anomalies overwhelms attempts at manual analysis, especially when monitoring service provider backbone links. We present an approach to interactive visualization with a case study indicating that interactive visualization can be applied to gain more insight into these large data sets. We superimpose a hierarchy on IP address space, and study the suitability of Treemap variants for each hierarchy level. Because viewing the whole IP hierarchy at once is not practical for most tasks, we evaluate layout stability when eliding large parts of the hierarchy, while maintaining the visibility and ordering of the data of interest.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The Internet has become a wild place: malicious code is spread on personal computers across the world, deploying botnets ready to attack the network infrastructure. The vast number of security incidents and other anomalies overwhelms attempts at manual analysis, especially when monitoring service provider backbone links. We present an approach to interactive visualization with a case study indicating that interactive visualization can be applied to gain more insight into these large data sets. We superimpose a hierarchy on IP address space, and study the suitability of Treemap variants for each hierarchy level. Because viewing the whole IP hierarchy at once is not practical for most tasks, we evaluate layout stability when eliding large parts of the hierarchy, while maintaining the visibility and ordering of the data of interest.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The Internet has become a wild place: malicious code is spread on personal computers across the world, deploying botnets ready to attack the network infrastructure. The vast number of security incidents and other anomalies overwhelms attempts at manual analysis, especially when monitoring service provider backbone links. We present an approach to interactive visualization with a case study indicating that interactive visualization can be applied to gain more insight into these large data sets. We superimpose a hierarchy on IP address space, and study the suitability of Treemap variants for each hierarchy level. Because viewing the whole IP hierarchy at once is not practical for most tasks, we evaluate layout stability when eliding large parts of the hierarchy, while maintaining the visibility and ordering of the data of interest.", "title": "Visual Analysis of Network Traffic for Resource Planning, Interactive Monitoring, and Interpretation of Security Threats", "normalizedTitle": "Visual Analysis of Network Traffic for Resource Planning, Interactive Monitoring, and Interpretation of Security Threats", "fno": "04376129", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Telecommunication Traffic", "Computerized Monitoring", "IP Networks", "Data Security", "Data Visualization", "Computer Security", "Stability", "Protection", "Data Analysis", "Continents", "Treemap", "Information Visualization", "Network Security", "Network Monitoring" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Florian", "surname": "Mansmann", "fullName": "Florian Mansmann", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel A.", "surname": "Keim", "fullName": "Daniel A. Keim", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Stephen C.", "surname": "North", "fullName": "Stephen C. North", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Brian", "surname": "Rexroad", "fullName": "Brian Rexroad", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel", "surname": "Sheleheda", "fullName": "Daniel Sheleheda", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2007-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1105-1112", "year": "2007", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/icon/2001/1187/0/00962329", "title": "The group security association for secure multicasting", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icon/2001/00962329/12OmNAoUTlk", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icon/2001/1187/0", "title": "Proceedings Ninth IEEE International Conference on Networks. ICON 2001", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgiv/2009/3789/0/3789a419", "title": "Visualizing Air Traffic Flow Management Alert Information Using Squarified Treemaps", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgiv/2009/3789a419/12OmNBQ2VQS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgiv/2009/3789/0", "title": "2009 Sixth International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/snpd/2007/2909/3/290930526", "title": "Threats Analysis and Prevention for Grid and Web Service Security", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/snpd/2007/290930526/12OmNBqMDhp", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/snpd/2007/2909/3", "title": "Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2007)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cnsm/2014/67/0/07014175", "title": "Unwanted traffic characterization on IP networks by low interactive honeypot", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cnsm/2014/07014175/12OmNwDSdIG", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cnsm/2014/67/0", "title": "2014 10th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vizsec/2016/1605/0/07739583", "title": "Bigfoot: A geo-based visualization methodology for detecting BGP threats", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vizsec/2016/07739583/12OmNwbukiX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vizsec/2016/1605/0", "title": "2016 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/csac/1990/2105/0/00143812", "title": "An authorization plan for commercial service systems", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/csac/1990/00143812/12OmNzUPpHg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/csac/1990/2105/0", "title": "1990 Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Computer Security Applications Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cmpcon/1991/2134/0/00128805", "title": "Threats to privacy and public keys for protection", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cmpcon/1991/00128805/12OmNzWfoXy", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cmpcon/1991/2134/0", "title": "COMPCON Spring '91", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2007/06/v1105", "title": "Visual Analysis of Network Traffic for Resource Planning, Interactive Monitoring, and Interpretation of Security Threats", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2007/06/v1105/13rRUy0qnLz", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vizsec/2018/8194/0/08709182", "title": "Visual-Interactive Identification of Anomalous IP-Block Behavior Using Geo-IP Data", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vizsec/2018/08709182/19ZL2TO0i64", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vizsec/2018/8194/0", "title": "2018 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2019/0858/0/09006586", "title": "Application of XGBoost to the cyber-security problem of detecting suspicious network traffic events", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/big-data/2019/09006586/1hJsDwOn8E8", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/big-data/2019/0858/0", "title": "2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": null, "next": { "fno": "04376140", "articleId": "13rRUy0HYRh", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUy0HYRh", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70521", "abstract": "We present VisLink, a method by which visualizations and the relationships between them can be interactively explored. VisLink readily generalizes to support multiple visualizations, empowers inter-representational queries, and enables the reuse of the spatial variables, thus supporting efficient information encoding and providing for powerful visualization bridging. Our approach uses multiple 2D layouts, drawing each one in its own plane. These planes can then be placed and re-positioned in 3D space: side by side, in parallel, or in chosen placements that provide favoured views. Relationships, connections, and patterns between visualizations can be revealed and explored using a variety of interaction techniques including spreading activation and search filters.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We present VisLink, a method by which visualizations and the relationships between them can be interactively explored. VisLink readily generalizes to support multiple visualizations, empowers inter-representational queries, and enables the reuse of the spatial variables, thus supporting efficient information encoding and providing for powerful visualization bridging. Our approach uses multiple 2D layouts, drawing each one in its own plane. These planes can then be placed and re-positioned in 3D space: side by side, in parallel, or in chosen placements that provide favoured views. Relationships, connections, and patterns between visualizations can be revealed and explored using a variety of interaction techniques including spreading activation and search filters.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We present VisLink, a method by which visualizations and the relationships between them can be interactively explored. VisLink readily generalizes to support multiple visualizations, empowers inter-representational queries, and enables the reuse of the spatial variables, thus supporting efficient information encoding and providing for powerful visualization bridging. Our approach uses multiple 2D layouts, drawing each one in its own plane. These planes can then be placed and re-positioned in 3D space: side by side, in parallel, or in chosen placements that provide favoured views. Relationships, connections, and patterns between visualizations can be revealed and explored using a variety of interaction techniques including spreading activation and search filters.", "title": "VisLink: Revealing Relationships Amongst Visualizations", "normalizedTitle": "VisLink: Revealing Relationships Amongst Visualizations", "fno": "04376140", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Query Formulation", "Vis Link", "Data Visualizations", "Inter Representational Query", "Information Encoding", "Spreading Activation", "Search Filters", "Data Visualization", "Encoding", "Computer Science", "Filters", "Information Analysis", "Statistics", "Two Dimensional Displays", "Graph Visualization", "Node Link Diagrams", "Structural Comparison", "Hierarchies", "3 D Visualization", "Edge Aggregation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Christopher", "surname": "Collins", "fullName": "Christopher Collins", "affiliation": "IEEE", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { 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Spatiotemporal Visualizations for 3D Urban Analytics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2023/01/09904453/1H1giUQajSM", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2019/4803/0/480300h504", "title": "Learning Relationships for Multi-View 3D Object Recognition", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/2019/480300h504/1hVldkkuBAA", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/2019/4803/0", "title": "2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2021/02/09229072", "title": "MobileVisFixer: Tailoring Web Visualizations for Mobile Phones Leveraging an Explainable Reinforcement Learning Framework", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2021/02/09229072/1o3nzeZgQTe", 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwgQpDn", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70564", "abstract": null, "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": null, "title": "IEEE Visualization Conference and IEEE Information Visualization Conference Proceedings 2007 pre-pages", "normalizedTitle": "IEEE Visualization Conference and IEEE Information Visualization Conference Proceedings 2007 pre-pages", "fno": "v0000", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [], "authors": [], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": false, "showRecommendedArticles": false, "isOpenAccess": true, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2007-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "i-xxvii", "year": "2007", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "04376140", "articleId": "13rRUy0HYRh", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "v1105", "articleId": "13rRUy0qnLz", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUy0qnLz", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70612", "abstract": "The Internet has become a wild place: malicious code is spread on personal computers across the world, deploying botnets ready to attack the network infrastructure. The vast number of security incidents and other anomalies overwhelms attempts at manual analysis, especially when monitoring service provider backbone links. We present an approach to interactive visualization with a case study indicating that interactive visualization can be applied to gain more insight into these large data sets. We superimpose a hierarchy on IP address space, and study the suitability of Treemap variants for each hierarchy level. Because viewing the whole IP hierarchy at once is not practical for most tasks, we evaluate layout stability when eliding large parts of the hierarchy, while maintaining the visibility and ordering of the data of interest.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The Internet has become a wild place: malicious code is spread on personal computers across the world, deploying botnets ready to attack the network infrastructure. The vast number of security incidents and other anomalies overwhelms attempts at manual analysis, especially when monitoring service provider backbone links. We present an approach to interactive visualization with a case study indicating that interactive visualization can be applied to gain more insight into these large data sets. We superimpose a hierarchy on IP address space, and study the suitability of Treemap variants for each hierarchy level. Because viewing the whole IP hierarchy at once is not practical for most tasks, we evaluate layout stability when eliding large parts of the hierarchy, while maintaining the visibility and ordering of the data of interest.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The Internet has become a wild place: malicious code is spread on personal computers across the world, deploying botnets ready to attack the network infrastructure. The vast number of security incidents and other anomalies overwhelms attempts at manual analysis, especially when monitoring service provider backbone links. We present an approach to interactive visualization with a case study indicating that interactive visualization can be applied to gain more insight into these large data sets. We superimpose a hierarchy on IP address space, and study the suitability of Treemap variants for each hierarchy level. Because viewing the whole IP hierarchy at once is not practical for most tasks, we evaluate layout stability when eliding large parts of the hierarchy, while maintaining the visibility and ordering of the data of interest.", "title": "Visual Analysis of Network Traffic for Resource Planning, Interactive Monitoring, and Interpretation of Security Threats", "normalizedTitle": "Visual Analysis of Network Traffic for Resource Planning, Interactive Monitoring, and Interpretation of Security Threats", "fno": "v1105", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Information Visualization", "Network Security", "Network Monitoring", "Treemap" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Florian", "surname": "Mansmann", "fullName": "Florian Mansmann", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel A.", "surname": "Keim", "fullName": "Daniel A. Keim", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Stephen C.", "surname": "North", "fullName": "Stephen C. North", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Brian", "surname": "Rexroad", "fullName": "Brian Rexroad", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Daniel", "surname": "Sheleheda", "fullName": "Daniel Sheleheda", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2007-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1105-1112", "year": "2007", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/ifip-networking/2015/8268/0/07145329", "title": "Global VoIP security threats - large scale validation based on independent honeynets", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ifip-networking/2015/07145329/12OmNAoUTk2", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ifip-networking/2015/8268/0", "title": "2015 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ncm/2008/3322/1/3322a510", "title": "Monitoring Unused IP Addresses on Segments Managed by DHCP", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ncm/2008/3322a510/12OmNArbG4p", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ncm/2008/3322/1", "title": "Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cgiv/2009/3789/0/3789a419", "title": "Visualizing Air Traffic Flow Management Alert Information Using Squarified Treemaps", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cgiv/2009/3789a419/12OmNBQ2VQS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cgiv/2009/3789/0", "title": "2009 Sixth International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iscc/2008/2702/0/04625672", "title": "Using Visualization Techniques for SNMP Traffic Analyses", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iscc/2008/04625672/12OmNBt3qi2", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iscc/2008/2702/0", "title": "2008 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/spw/2013/0458/0/06565231", "title": "Reporting Insider Threats via Covert Channels", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/spw/2013/06565231/12OmNC3Xhkb", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/spw/2013/0458/0", "title": "2013 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/compsac/2012/4736/0/4736a387", "title": "Insider Threats to Cloud Computing: Directions for New Research Challenges", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/compsac/2012/4736a387/12OmNC3Xhov", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/compsac/2012/4736/0", "title": "2012 IEEE 36th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icn/2007/2805/0/28050098", "title": "Automated Detection of Emerging Network Security Threats", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icn/2007/28050098/12OmNwIYZAw", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icn/2007/2805/0", "title": "International Conference on Networking", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vizsec/2016/1605/0/07739583", "title": "Bigfoot: A geo-based visualization methodology for detecting BGP threats", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vizsec/2016/07739583/12OmNwbukiX", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vizsec/2016/1605/0", "title": "2016 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/eisic/2015/8657/0/8657a188", "title": "Interactive Visualization of Netflow Traffic", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/eisic/2015/8657a188/12OmNzRZpX3", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/eisic/2015/8657/0", "title": "2015 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2007/06/04376129", "title": "Visual Analysis of Network Traffic for Resource Planning, Interactive Monitoring, and Interpretation of Security Threats", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2007/06/04376129/13rRUx0xPIu", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "v0000", "articleId": "13rRUwgQpDn", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "v1113", "articleId": "13rRUwInuWr", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwInuWr", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70537", "abstract": "Online pick'em games, such as the recent NCAA college basketball March Madness tournament, form a large and rapidly growing industry. In these games, players make predictions on a tournament bracket that defines which competitors play each other and how they proceed toward a single champion. Throughout the course of the tournament, players monitor the brackets to track progress and to compare predictions made by multiple players. This is often a complex sensemaking task. The classic bracket visualization was designed for use on paper and utilizes an incrementally additive system in which the winner of each match-up is rewritten in the next round as the tournament progresses. Unfortunately, this representation requires a significant amount of space and makes it relatively difficult to get a quick overview of the tournament state since competitors take arbitrary paths through the static bracket. In this paper, we present AdaptiviTree, a novel visualization that adaptively deforms the representation of the tree and uses its shape to convey outcome information. AdaptiviTree not only provides a more compact and understandable representation, but also allows overlays that display predictions as well as other statistics. We describe results from a lab study we conducted to explore the efficacy of AdaptiviTree, as well as from a deployment of the system in a recent real-world sports tournament.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Online pick'em games, such as the recent NCAA college basketball March Madness tournament, form a large and rapidly growing industry. In these games, players make predictions on a tournament bracket that defines which competitors play each other and how they proceed toward a single champion. Throughout the course of the tournament, players monitor the brackets to track progress and to compare predictions made by multiple players. This is often a complex sensemaking task. The classic bracket visualization was designed for use on paper and utilizes an incrementally additive system in which the winner of each match-up is rewritten in the next round as the tournament progresses. Unfortunately, this representation requires a significant amount of space and makes it relatively difficult to get a quick overview of the tournament state since competitors take arbitrary paths through the static bracket. In this paper, we present AdaptiviTree, a novel visualization that adaptively deforms the representation of the tree and uses its shape to convey outcome information. AdaptiviTree not only provides a more compact and understandable representation, but also allows overlays that display predictions as well as other statistics. We describe results from a lab study we conducted to explore the efficacy of AdaptiviTree, as well as from a deployment of the system in a recent real-world sports tournament.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Online pick'em games, such as the recent NCAA college basketball March Madness tournament, form a large and rapidly growing industry. In these games, players make predictions on a tournament bracket that defines which competitors play each other and how they proceed toward a single champion. Throughout the course of the tournament, players monitor the brackets to track progress and to compare predictions made by multiple players. This is often a complex sensemaking task. The classic bracket visualization was designed for use on paper and utilizes an incrementally additive system in which the winner of each match-up is rewritten in the next round as the tournament progresses. Unfortunately, this representation requires a significant amount of space and makes it relatively difficult to get a quick overview of the tournament state since competitors take arbitrary paths through the static bracket. In this paper, we present AdaptiviTree, a novel visualization that adaptively deforms the representation of the tree and uses its shape to convey outcome information. AdaptiviTree not only provides a more compact and understandable representation, but also allows overlays that display predictions as well as other statistics. We describe results from a lab study we conducted to explore the efficacy of AdaptiviTree, as well as from a deployment of the system in a recent real-world sports tournament.", "title": "AdaptiviTree: Adaptive Tree Visualization for Tournament-Style Brackets", "normalizedTitle": "AdaptiviTree: Adaptive Tree Visualization for Tournament-Style Brackets", "fno": "v1113", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Visualization", "Toy Industry", "Educational Institutions", "Monitoring", "Shape", "Displays", "Statistics", "Jupiter", "Economic Forecasting", "Industrial Economics", "Adaptive Tree Visualization", "Online Fantasy Sports", "Tournament", "Bracket", "Picks" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Desney", "surname": "Tan", "fullName": "Desney Tan", "affiliation": "Microsoft Res., Redmond", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Greg", "surname": "Smith", "fullName": "Greg Smith", "affiliation": "Microsoft Res., Redmond", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Bongshin", "surname": "Lee", "fullName": "Bongshin Lee", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "George", "surname": "Robertson", "fullName": "George Robertson", "affiliation": "Microsoft Res., Redmond", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2007-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1113-1120", "year": "2007", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "mags/cg/2016/05/mcg2016050062", "title": "Sports Tournament Predictions Using Direct Manipulation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2016/05/mcg2016050062/13rRUwInvM0", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "v1105", "articleId": "13rRUy0qnLz", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "04376144", "articleId": "13rRUNvyakD", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUNvyakD", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70515", "abstract": "Even though interaction is an important part of information visualization (Infovis), it has garnered a relatively low level of attention from the Infovis community. A few frameworks and taxonomies of Infovis interaction techniques exist, but they typically focus on low-level operations and do not address the variety of benefits interaction provides. After conducting an extensive review of Infovis systems and their interactive capabilities, we propose seven general categories of interaction techniques widely used in Infovis: 1) Select, 2) Explore, 3) Reconfigure, 4) Encode, 5) Abstract/Elaborate, 6) Filter, and 7) Connect. These categories are organized around a user's intent while interacting with a system rather than the low-level interaction techniques provided by a system. The categories can act as a framework to help discuss and evaluate interaction techniques and hopefully lay an initial foundation toward a deeper understanding and a science of interaction.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Even though interaction is an important part of information visualization (Infovis), it has garnered a relatively low level of attention from the Infovis community. A few frameworks and taxonomies of Infovis interaction techniques exist, but they typically focus on low-level operations and do not address the variety of benefits interaction provides. After conducting an extensive review of Infovis systems and their interactive capabilities, we propose seven general categories of interaction techniques widely used in Infovis: 1) Select, 2) Explore, 3) Reconfigure, 4) Encode, 5) Abstract/Elaborate, 6) Filter, and 7) Connect. These categories are organized around a user's intent while interacting with a system rather than the low-level interaction techniques provided by a system. The categories can act as a framework to help discuss and evaluate interaction techniques and hopefully lay an initial foundation toward a deeper understanding and a science of interaction.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Even though interaction is an important part of information visualization (Infovis), it has garnered a relatively low level of attention from the Infovis community. A few frameworks and taxonomies of Infovis interaction techniques exist, but they typically focus on low-level operations and do not address the variety of benefits interaction provides. After conducting an extensive review of Infovis systems and their interactive capabilities, we propose seven general categories of interaction techniques widely used in Infovis: 1) Select, 2) Explore, 3) Reconfigure, 4) Encode, 5) Abstract/Elaborate, 6) Filter, and 7) Connect. These categories are organized around a user's intent while interacting with a system rather than the low-level interaction techniques provided by a system. The categories can act as a framework to help discuss and evaluate interaction techniques and hopefully lay an initial foundation toward a deeper understanding and a science of interaction.", "title": "Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Role of Interaction in Information Visualization", "normalizedTitle": "Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Role of Interaction in Information Visualization", "fno": "04376144", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Human Computer Interaction", "Information Visualization", "Infovis Community", "Infovis Interaction Techniques", "Infovis Systems", "Taxonomy", "Visual Analytics", "Taxonomy", "Data Visualization", "Research And Development", "Filters", "Computer Graphics", "Rendering Computer Graphics", "Computer Displays", "Human Computer Interaction", "Conference Proceedings", "Information Visualization", "Interaction", "Interaction Techniques", "Taxonomy", "Visual Analytics" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Ji Soo", "surname": "Yi", "fullName": "Ji Soo Yi", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Youn ah", "surname": "Kang", "fullName": "Youn ah Kang", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "John", "surname": "Stasko", "fullName": "John Stasko", "affiliation": "IEEE", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2007-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1224-1231", "year": "2007", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iv/2008/3268/0/3268a381", "title": "Voyage Analysis Applied to Geovisual Analytics", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2008/3268a381/12OmNAle6lS", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2008/3268/0", "title": "2008 12th International Conference Information Visualisation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2015/7568/0/7568a140", "title": "Towards the Understanding of Interaction in Information Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2015/7568a140/12OmNBQ2VVu", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2015/7568/0", "title": "2015 19th International Conference on Information Visualisation (iV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2010/6685/0/05429617", "title": "Advanced interaction for Information Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2010/05429617/12OmNBqdr33", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2010/6685/0", "title": "2010 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2010)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvprw/2010/7029/0/05543161", "title": "Immersive and perceptual human-computer interaction using computer vision techniques", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvprw/2010/05543161/12OmNqGRGdF", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvprw/2010/7029/0", "title": "2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwI5UfW", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70577", "abstract": "We describe the design and deployment of Many Eyes, a public web site where users may upload data, create interactive visualizations, and carry on discussions. The goal of the site is to support collaboration around visualizations at a large scale by fostering a social style of data analysis in which visualizations not only serve as a discovery tool for individuals but also as a medium to spur discussion among users. To support this goal, the site includes novel mechanisms for end-user creation of visualizations and asynchronous collaboration around those visualizations. In addition to describing these technologies, we provide a preliminary report on the activity of our users.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We describe the design and deployment of Many Eyes, a public web site where users may upload data, create interactive visualizations, and carry on discussions. The goal of the site is to support collaboration around visualizations at a large scale by fostering a social style of data analysis in which visualizations not only serve as a discovery tool for individuals but also as a medium to spur discussion among users. To support this goal, the site includes novel mechanisms for end-user creation of visualizations and asynchronous collaboration around those visualizations. 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In addition to describing these technologies, we provide a preliminary report on the activity of our users.", "title": "ManyEyes: a Site for Visualization at Internet Scale", "normalizedTitle": "ManyEyes: a Site for Visualization at Internet Scale", "fno": "v1121", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Visualization", "World Wide Web", "Social Software", "Social Data Analysis", "Communication Minded Visualization" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Fernanda B.", "surname": "Viegas", "fullName": "Fernanda B. Viegas", "affiliation": "IEEE Computer Society", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Martin", "surname": "Wattenberg", "fullName": "Martin Wattenberg", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Frank", "surname": "van Ham", "fullName": "Frank van Ham", "affiliation": "IEEE Computer Society", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jesse", "surname": "Kriss", "fullName": "Jesse Kriss", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Matt", "surname": "McKeon", "fullName": "Matt McKeon", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2007-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1121-1128", "year": "2007", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/cec/2012/4857/0/4857a033", "title": "Behavioral Analysis of Registered Web Site Visitors with Help of Mouse Tracking", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cec/2012/4857a033/12OmNAkWvdh", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cec/2012/4857/0", "title": "2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2002/7498/0/7498treinish", "title": "Case Study on the Adaptation of Interactive Visualization Applications to Web-Based Production for Operational Mesoscale Weather Models", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/2002/7498treinish/12OmNBgz4zm", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/2002/7498/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/wse/2001/1399/0/00988787", "title": "Evolution of an organizational Web site: migrating to XML/XSL", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/wse/2001/00988787/12OmNC4eSmC", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/wse/2001/1399/0", "title": "Proceedings 3rd International Workshop on Web Site Evolution. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUEgarnG", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70589", "abstract": "This paper presents scented widgets, graphical user interface controls enhanced with embedded visualizations that facilitate navigation in information spaces. We describe design guidelines for adding visual cues to common user interface widgets such as radio buttons, sliders, and combo boxes and contribute a general software framework for applying scented widgets within applications with minimal modifications to existing source code. We provide a number of example applications and describe a controlled experiment which finds that users exploring unfamiliar data make up to twice as many unique discoveries using widgets imbued with social navigation data. However, these differences equalize as familiarity with the data increases.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This paper presents scented widgets, graphical user interface controls enhanced with embedded visualizations that facilitate navigation in information spaces. We describe design guidelines for adding visual cues to common user interface widgets such as radio buttons, sliders, and combo boxes and contribute a general software framework for applying scented widgets within applications with minimal modifications to existing source code. 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We provide a number of example applications and describe a controlled experiment which finds that users exploring unfamiliar data make up to twice as many unique discoveries using widgets imbued with social navigation data. However, these differences equalize as familiarity with the data increases.", "title": "Scented Widgets: Improving Navigation Cues with Embedded Visualizations", "normalizedTitle": "Scented Widgets: Improving Navigation Cues with Embedded Visualizations", "fno": "v1129", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Graphical User Interfaces", "Scented Widgets", "Navigation Cues", "Embedded Visualizations", "Graphical User Interface Controls", "Information Spaces Navigation", "Design Guidelines", "Visual Cues", "Data Visualization", "Radio Navigation", "User Interfaces", "Data Analysis", "Application Software", "Switches", "Guidelines", "Costs", "Animal Structures", "Collaboration", "Information Visualization", "User Interface Toolkits", "Information Foraging", "Social Navigation", "Social Data Analysis" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Wesley", "surname": "Willett", "fullName": "Wesley Willett", "affiliation": "Computer Science Division at the University of California at Berkeley", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jeffrey", "surname": "Heer", "fullName": "Jeffrey Heer", "affiliation": "Computer Science Division at the University of California at Berkeley", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Maneesh", "surname": "Agrawala", "fullName": "Maneesh Agrawala", "affiliation": "Computer Science Division at the University of California at Berkeley", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2007-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1129-1136", "year": "2007", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/3dui/2014/3624/0/06798869", "title": "Poster: Investigating viewpoint visualizations for click & go navigation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/3dui/2014/06798869/12OmNAWpyuN", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/3dui/2014/3624/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/tpcg/2003/1942/0/19420026", "title": "Guided navigation in task-oriented 3D graph visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/tpcg/2003/19420026/12OmNx0A7M7", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/tpcg/2003/1942/0", "title": "Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/mu/2005/02/u2080", "title": "Navigation with Auditory Cues in a Virtual Environment", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/mu/2005/02/u2080/13rRUwInvi2", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/mu", "title": "IEEE MultiMedia", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2010/05/mcg2010050020", "title": "Spatial Navigation for Context-Aware Video Surveillance", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2010/05/mcg2010050020/13rRUx0xPOd", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2017/01/07534787", "title": "Visualizing Dimension Coverage to Support Exploratory Analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2017/01/07534787/13rRUxcsYLV", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "mags/cg/2009/06/mcg2009060054", "title": "Spatial Input for Temporal Navigation in Scientific Visualizations", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/magazine/cg/2009/06/mcg2009060054/13rRUyZaxsX", "parentPublication": { "id": "mags/cg", "title": "IEEE Computer Graphics and 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"trans/tg/2020/01/08809750", "title": "Pattern-Driven Navigation in 2D Multiscale Visualizations with Scalable Insets", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2020/01/08809750/1cHEu5CRoFq", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cvprw/2019/2506/0/250600a257", "title": "Modelling Multi-Channel Emotions Using Facial Expression and Trajectory Cues for Improving Socially-Aware Robot Navigation", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cvprw/2019/250600a257/1iTvkpsDyY8", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cvprw/2019/2506/0", "title": "2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "v1121", "articleId": "13rRUwI5UfW", "__typename": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUx0gefh", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70594", "abstract": "This paper describes Show Me, an integrated set of user interface commands and defaults that incorporate automatic presentation into a commercial visual analysis system called Tableau. A key aspect of Tableau is VizQL, a language for specifying views, which is used by Show Me to extend automatic presentation to the generation of tables of views (commonly called small multiple displays). A key research issue for the commercial application of automatic presentation is the user experience, which must support the flow of visual analysis. User experience has not been the focus of previous research on automatic presentation. The Show Me user experience includes the automatic selection of mark types, a command to add a single field to a view, and a pair of commands to build views for multiple fields. Although the use of these defaults and commands is optional, user interface logs indicate that Show Me is used by commercial users.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "This paper describes Show Me, an integrated set of user interface commands and defaults that incorporate automatic presentation into a commercial visual analysis system called Tableau. A key aspect of Tableau is VizQL, a language for specifying views, which is used by Show Me to extend automatic presentation to the generation of tables of views (commonly called small multiple displays). A key research issue for the commercial application of automatic presentation is the user experience, which must support the flow of visual analysis. User experience has not been the focus of previous research on automatic presentation. The Show Me user experience includes the automatic selection of mark types, a command to add a single field to a view, and a pair of commands to build views for multiple fields. Although the use of these defaults and commands is optional, user interface logs indicate that Show Me is used by commercial users.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "This paper describes Show Me, an integrated set of user interface commands and defaults that incorporate automatic presentation into a commercial visual analysis system called Tableau. A key aspect of Tableau is VizQL, a language for specifying views, which is used by Show Me to extend automatic presentation to the generation of tables of views (commonly called small multiple displays). A key research issue for the commercial application of automatic presentation is the user experience, which must support the flow of visual analysis. User experience has not been the focus of previous research on automatic presentation. The Show Me user experience includes the automatic selection of mark types, a command to add a single field to a view, and a pair of commands to build views for multiple fields. Although the use of these defaults and commands is optional, user interface logs indicate that Show Me is used by commercial users.", "title": "Show Me: Automatic Presentation for Visual Analysis", "normalizedTitle": "Show Me: Automatic Presentation for Visual Analysis", "fno": "v1137", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Automatic Presentation", "Visual Analysis", "Graphic Design", "Best Practices", "Data Visualization", "Small Multiples" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Jock", "surname": "Mackinlay", "fullName": "Jock Mackinlay", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Pat", "surname": "Hanrahan", "fullName": "Pat Hanrahan", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chris", "surname": "Stolte", "fullName": "Chris Stolte", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2007-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1137-1144", "year": "2007", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iv/2004/2177/0/21770456", "title": "Time-tunnel: Visual Analysis Tool for Time-series Numerical Data and Its Aspects as Multimedia Presentation Tool", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2004/21770456/12OmNAYXWIx", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2004/2177/0", "title": "Proceedings. 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Enterprise governance model for hybrid cloud", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/it-pro/2014/07029282/12OmNrJ11Id", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/it-pro/2014/4141/0", "title": "2014 IT Professional Conference (IT Pro)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/vast/2012/4752/0/06400523", "title": "OWLAP — Using OLAP approach in anomaly detection: Award: Good support for the data preparation, analysis, and presentation process", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vast/2012/06400523/12OmNvjgWXB", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vast/2012/4752/0", "title": "2012 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2012)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/icme/2016/7258/0/07552974", "title": "Automatic suggestion of presentation image for storytelling", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/icme/2016/07552974/12OmNy4r3OB", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/icme/2016/7258/0", "title": "2016 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/imis/2016/0984/0/0984a154", "title": "Automatic Synthesis of Best Practices for Energy Consumptions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/imis/2016/0984a154/12OmNy5R3qj", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/imis/2016/0984/0", "title": "2016 10th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/1998/9176/0/91760423", "title": "Visual Presentation of Magnetic Resonance Images", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/ieee-vis/1998/91760423/12OmNyrqzkr", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/ieee-vis/1998/9176/0", "title": "Visualization Conference, IEEE", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/isspit/2006/9753/0/04042260", "title": "Hierarchical Segmentation of Presentation Videos through Visual and Text Analysis", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/isspit/2006/04042260/12OmNzgwmSb", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/isspit/2006/9753/0", "title": "2006 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tk/1994/01/k0086", "title": "Spatial SQL: A Query and Presentation Language", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tk/1994/01/k0086/13rRUwInv4J", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tk", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tc/2002/10/t1154", "title": "Implementing Automatic Location Update for Follow-Me Database Using VoIP and Bluetooth Technologies", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tc/2002/10/t1154/13rRUxC0SDi", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tc", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Computers", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "v1129", "articleId": "13rRUEgarnG", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "v1145", "articleId": "13rRUwgQpqG", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUwgQpqG", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70541", "abstract": "Information visualization has often focused on providing deep insight for expert user populations and on techniques for amplifying cognition through complicated interactive visual models. This paper proposes a new subdomain for infovis research that complements the focus on analytic tasks and expert use. Instead of work-related and analytically driven infovis, we propose Casual Information Visualization (or Casual Infovis) as a complement to more traditional infovis domains. Traditional infovis systems, techniques, and methods do not easily lend themselves to the broad range of user populations, from expert to novices, or from work tasks to more everyday situations. We propose definitions, perspectives, and research directions for further investigations of this emerging subfield. These perspectives build from ambient information visualization [32], social visualization, and also from artistic work that visualizes information [41]. We seek to provide a perspective on infovis that integrates these research agendas under a coherent vocabulary and framework for design. We enumerate the following contributions. First, we demonstrate how blurry the boundary of infovis is by examining systems that exhibit many of the putative proper ties of infovis systems, but perhaps would not be considered so. Second, we explore the notion of insight and how, instead of a monolithic definition of insight, there may be multiple types, each with particular characteristics. Third, we discuss design challenges for systems intended for casual audiences. Finally we conclude with challenges for system evaluation in this emerging subfield.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Information visualization has often focused on providing deep insight for expert user populations and on techniques for amplifying cognition through complicated interactive visual models. This paper proposes a new subdomain for infovis research that complements the focus on analytic tasks and expert use. Instead of work-related and analytically driven infovis, we propose Casual Information Visualization (or Casual Infovis) as a complement to more traditional infovis domains. Traditional infovis systems, techniques, and methods do not easily lend themselves to the broad range of user populations, from expert to novices, or from work tasks to more everyday situations. We propose definitions, perspectives, and research directions for further investigations of this emerging subfield. These perspectives build from ambient information visualization [32], social visualization, and also from artistic work that visualizes information [41]. We seek to provide a perspective on infovis that integrates these research agendas under a coherent vocabulary and framework for design. We enumerate the following contributions. First, we demonstrate how blurry the boundary of infovis is by examining systems that exhibit many of the putative proper ties of infovis systems, but perhaps would not be considered so. Second, we explore the notion of insight and how, instead of a monolithic definition of insight, there may be multiple types, each with particular characteristics. Third, we discuss design challenges for systems intended for casual audiences. Finally we conclude with challenges for system evaluation in this emerging subfield.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Information visualization has often focused on providing deep insight for expert user populations and on techniques for amplifying cognition through complicated interactive visual models. This paper proposes a new subdomain for infovis research that complements the focus on analytic tasks and expert use. Instead of work-related and analytically driven infovis, we propose Casual Information Visualization (or Casual Infovis) as a complement to more traditional infovis domains. Traditional infovis systems, techniques, and methods do not easily lend themselves to the broad range of user populations, from expert to novices, or from work tasks to more everyday situations. We propose definitions, perspectives, and research directions for further investigations of this emerging subfield. These perspectives build from ambient information visualization [32], social visualization, and also from artistic work that visualizes information [41]. We seek to provide a perspective on infovis that integrates these research agendas under a coherent vocabulary and framework for design. We enumerate the following contributions. First, we demonstrate how blurry the boundary of infovis is by examining systems that exhibit many of the putative proper ties of infovis systems, but perhaps would not be considered so. Second, we explore the notion of insight and how, instead of a monolithic definition of insight, there may be multiple types, each with particular characteristics. Third, we discuss design challenges for systems intended for casual audiences. Finally we conclude with challenges for system evaluation in this emerging subfield.", "title": "Casual Information Visualization: Depictions of Data in Everyday Life", "normalizedTitle": "Casual Information Visualization: Depictions of Data in Everyday Life", "fno": "v1145", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Casual Information Visualization", "Cognition", "Interactive Visual Model", "Casual Infovis", "Casual Audiences", "System Evaluation", "Ambient Infovis", "Social Infovis", "Data Visualization", "Information Analysis", "Cognition", "Focusing", "Vocabulary", "Finance", "Government", "Refining", "Testing", "Technology Management", "Casual Information Visualization", "Ambient Infovis", "Social Infovis", "Editorial", "Design", "Evaluation" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Zachary", "surname": "Pousman", "fullName": "Zachary Pousman", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "John", "surname": "Stasko", "fullName": "John Stasko", "affiliation": "IEEE", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Michael", "surname": "Mateas", "fullName": "Michael Mateas", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2007-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1145-1152", "year": "2007", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2010/6685/0/05429617", "title": "Advanced interaction for Information Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2010/05429617/12OmNBqdr33", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2010/6685/0", "title": "2010 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2010)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2015/6879/0/07156366", "title": "Text visualization techniques: Taxonomy, visual survey, and community insights", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/pacificvis/2015/07156366/12OmNqAU6t7", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/pacificvis/2015/6879/0", "title": "2015 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2012/4525/0/4525b824", "title": "The Role of Social Interaction Filter and Visualization in Casual Browsing", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/hicss/2012/4525b824/12OmNqBtj94", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/hicss/2012/4525/0", "title": "2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2009/3733/0/3733a018", "title": "A Framework to Analyze Information Visualization Based on the Functional Data Model", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2009/3733a018/12OmNvT2oXb", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2009/3733/0", "title": "2009 13th International Conference Information Visualisation", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/cmv/2007/2903/0/29030076", "title": "Requirements for coordinated multiple view visualization systems for industrial applications", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/cmv/2007/29030076/12OmNxA3YRg", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/cmv/2007/2903/0", "title": "Coordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization, International Conference on", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/iv/2015/7568/0/7568a228", "title": "A Concurrent Architecture Proposal for Information Visualization Pipeline", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iv/2015/7568a228/12OmNxZ2Glk", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iv/2015/7568/0", "title": "2015 19th International Conference on Information Visualisation (iV)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2008/06/ttg2008061173", "title": "Distributed Cognition as a Theoretical Framework for Information Visualization", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2008/06/ttg2008061173/13rRUwI5TQQ", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2012/12/ttg2012122689", "title": "Beyond Mouse and Keyboard: Expanding Design Considerations for Information Visualization Interactions", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2012/12/ttg2012122689/13rRUwInvsO", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxNW1Zf", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70528", "abstract": "Michotte's theory of ampliation suggests that causal relationships are perceived by objects animated under appropriate spatiotemporal conditions. We extend the theory of ampliation and propose that the immediate perception of complex causal relations is also dependent on a set of structural and temporal rules. We designed animated representations, based on Michotte's rules, for showing complex causal relationships or causal semantics. In this paper we describe a set of animations for showing semantics such as causal amplification, causal strength, causal dampening, and causal multiplicity. In a two part study we compared the effectiveness of both the static and animated representations. The first study (N=44) asked participants to recall passages that were previously displayed using both types of representations. Participants were 8% more accurate in recalling causal semantics when they were presented using animations instead of static graphs. In the second study (N=112) we evaluated the intuitiveness of the representations. Our results showed that while users were as accurate with the static graphs as with the animations, they were 9% faster in matching the correct causal statements in the animated condition. Overall our results show that animated diagrams that are designed based on perceptual rules such as those proposed by Michotte have the potential to facilitate comprehension of complex causal relations.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Michotte's theory of ampliation suggests that causal relationships are perceived by objects animated under appropriate spatiotemporal conditions. We extend the theory of ampliation and propose that the immediate perception of complex causal relations is also dependent on a set of structural and temporal rules. We designed animated representations, based on Michotte's rules, for showing complex causal relationships or causal semantics. In this paper we describe a set of animations for showing semantics such as causal amplification, causal strength, causal dampening, and causal multiplicity. In a two part study we compared the effectiveness of both the static and animated representations. The first study (N=44) asked participants to recall passages that were previously displayed using both types of representations. Participants were 8% more accurate in recalling causal semantics when they were presented using animations instead of static graphs. In the second study (N=112) we evaluated the intuitiveness of the representations. Our results showed that while users were as accurate with the static graphs as with the animations, they were 9% faster in matching the correct causal statements in the animated condition. Overall our results show that animated diagrams that are designed based on perceptual rules such as those proposed by Michotte have the potential to facilitate comprehension of complex causal relations.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "Michotte's theory of ampliation suggests that causal relationships are perceived by objects animated under appropriate spatiotemporal conditions. We extend the theory of ampliation and propose that the immediate perception of complex causal relations is also dependent on a set of structural and temporal rules. We designed animated representations, based on Michotte's rules, for showing complex causal relationships or causal semantics. In this paper we describe a set of animations for showing semantics such as causal amplification, causal strength, causal dampening, and causal multiplicity. In a two part study we compared the effectiveness of both the static and animated representations. The first study (N=44) asked participants to recall passages that were previously displayed using both types of representations. Participants were 8% more accurate in recalling causal semantics when they were presented using animations instead of static graphs. In the second study (N=112) we evaluated the intuitiveness of the representations. Our results showed that while users were as accurate with the static graphs as with the animations, they were 9% faster in matching the correct causal statements in the animated condition. Overall our results show that animated diagrams that are designed based on perceptual rules such as those proposed by Michotte have the potential to facilitate comprehension of complex causal relations.", "title": "Visualizing Causal Semantics Using Animations", "normalizedTitle": "Visualizing Causal Semantics Using Animations", "fno": "04376148", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Behavioural Sciences Computing", "Computer Animation", "Data Visualisation", "Causal Semantics Visualization", "Animation", "Complex Causal Relations", "Michotte Rules", "Causal Amplification", "Causal Strength", "Causal Dampening", "Causal Multiplicity", "Static Graphs", "Visualization", "Animation", "Tires", "Spatiotemporal Phenomena", "Humans", "Iron", "Fires", "Motion Pictures", "Physics", "Uncertainty", "Causality", "Visualization", "Semantics", "Animated Graphs", "Perception", "Visualizing Cause And Effect", "Graph Semantics" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Nivedita", "surname": "Kadaba", "fullName": "Nivedita Kadaba", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Nivedita", "surname": "Kadaba", "fullName": "Nivedita Kadaba", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Nivedita", "surname": "Kadaba", "fullName": "Nivedita Kadaba", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Nivedita", "surname": "Kadaba", "fullName": "Nivedita Kadaba", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Pourang", "surname": "Irani", "fullName": "Pourang Irani", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Pourang", "surname": "Irani", "fullName": "Pourang Irani", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Pourang", "surname": "Irani", "fullName": "Pourang Irani", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Pourang", "surname": "Irani", "fullName": "Pourang Irani", "affiliation": "Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jason", "surname": "Leboe", "fullName": "Jason Leboe", "affiliation": "Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jason", "surname": "Leboe", "fullName": "Jason Leboe", "affiliation": "Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jason", "surname": "Leboe", "fullName": "Jason Leboe", "affiliation": "Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Jason", "surname": "Leboe", "fullName": "Jason Leboe", "affiliation": "Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2007-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1254-1261", "year": "2007", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/iccv/1993/3870/0/00378236", "title": "Looking for trouble: Using causal semantics to direct focus of attention", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/iccv/1993/00378236/12OmNAfPIPs", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/iccv/1993/3870/0", "title": "1993 (4th) International Conference on Computer Vision", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "proceedings/fie/2006/0256/0/04117238", "title": "Work In Progress: Developing Tablet PC Animations for Computer Science Courses", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/fie/2006/04117238/12OmNAoUTeZ", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/fie/2006/0256/0", "title": "Proceedings. 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUytF41u", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70558", "abstract": "We introduce a series of geographically weighted (GW) interactive graphics, or geowigs, and use them to explore spatial relationships at a range of scales. We visually encode information about geographic and statistical proximity and variation in novel ways through gw-choropleth maps, multivariate gw-boxplots, gw-shading and scalograms. The new graphic types reveal information about GW statistics at several scales concurrently. We impement these views in prototype software containing dynamic links and GW interactions that encourage exploration and refine them to consider directional geographies. An informal evaluation uses interactive GW techniques to consider Guerry's dataset of 'moral statistics', casting doubt on correlations originally proposed through visual analysis, revealing new local anomalies and suggesting multivariate geographic relationships. Few attempts at visually synthesising geography with multivariate statistical values at multiple scales have been reported. The geowigs proposed here provide informative representations of multivariate local variation, particularly when combined with interactions that coordinate views and result in gw-shading. We argue that they are widely applicable to area and point-based geographic data and provide a set of methods to support visual analysis using GW statistics through which the effects of geography can be explored at multiple scales.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "We introduce a series of geographically weighted (GW) interactive graphics, or geowigs, and use them to explore spatial relationships at a range of scales. We visually encode information about geographic and statistical proximity and variation in novel ways through gw-choropleth maps, multivariate gw-boxplots, gw-shading and scalograms. The new graphic types reveal information about GW statistics at several scales concurrently. We impement these views in prototype software containing dynamic links and GW interactions that encourage exploration and refine them to consider directional geographies. An informal evaluation uses interactive GW techniques to consider Guerry's dataset of 'moral statistics', casting doubt on correlations originally proposed through visual analysis, revealing new local anomalies and suggesting multivariate geographic relationships. Few attempts at visually synthesising geography with multivariate statistical values at multiple scales have been reported. The geowigs proposed here provide informative representations of multivariate local variation, particularly when combined with interactions that coordinate views and result in gw-shading. We argue that they are widely applicable to area and point-based geographic data and provide a set of methods to support visual analysis using GW statistics through which the effects of geography can be explored at multiple scales.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "We introduce a series of geographically weighted (GW) interactive graphics, or geowigs, and use them to explore spatial relationships at a range of scales. We visually encode information about geographic and statistical proximity and variation in novel ways through gw-choropleth maps, multivariate gw-boxplots, gw-shading and scalograms. The new graphic types reveal information about GW statistics at several scales concurrently. We impement these views in prototype software containing dynamic links and GW interactions that encourage exploration and refine them to consider directional geographies. An informal evaluation uses interactive GW techniques to consider Guerry's dataset of 'moral statistics', casting doubt on correlations originally proposed through visual analysis, revealing new local anomalies and suggesting multivariate geographic relationships. Few attempts at visually synthesising geography with multivariate statistical values at multiple scales have been reported. The geowigs proposed here provide informative representations of multivariate local variation, particularly when combined with interactions that coordinate views and result in gw-shading. We argue that they are widely applicable to area and point-based geographic data and provide a set of methods to support visual analysis using GW statistics through which the effects of geography can be explored at multiple scales.", "title": "Geographically Weighted Visualization: Interactive Graphics for Scale-Varying Exploratory Analysis", "normalizedTitle": "Geographically Weighted Visualization: Interactive Graphics for Scale-Varying Exploratory Analysis", "fno": "v1161", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Visualization", "Graphics", "Geography", "Statistics", "Statistical Analysis", "Extraterrestrial Measurements", "Extraterrestrial Phenomena", "Statistical Distributions", "Software Prototyping", "Ethics", "Coordinated Views", "Geographical Weighting", "Exploratory Data Analysis", "Scale", "Multivariate", "Directional", "Interaction" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Jason", "surname": "Dykes", "fullName": "Jason Dykes", "affiliation": "City Univ., London", "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" }, { "givenName": "Chris", "surname": "Brunsdon", "fullName": "Chris Brunsdon", "affiliation": null, "__typename": "ArticleAuthorType" } ], "replicability": null, "showBuyMe": true, "showRecommendedArticles": true, "isOpenAccess": false, "issueNum": "06", "pubDate": "2007-11-01 00:00:00", "pubType": "trans", "pages": "1161-1168", "year": "2007", "issn": "1077-2626", "isbn": null, "notes": null, "notesType": null, "__typename": "ArticleType" }, "recommendedArticles": [ { "id": "proceedings/vast/2014/6227/0/07042515", "title": "Visualizing the effects of scale and geography in multivariate comparison", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/proceedings-article/vast/2014/07042515/12OmNvEhfZc", "parentPublication": { "id": "proceedings/vast/2014/6227/0", "title": "2014 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" }, { "id": "trans/tg/2016/01/07192660", "title": "Visualizing Multiple Variables Across Scale and Geography", "doi": null, "abstractUrl": "/journal/tg/2016/01/07192660/13rRUxC0SWc", "parentPublication": { "id": "trans/tg", "title": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics", "__typename": "ParentPublication" }, "__typename": "RecommendedArticleType" } ], "adjacentArticles": { "previous": { "fno": "04376148", "articleId": "13rRUxNW1Zf", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "next": { "fno": "v1153", "articleId": "13rRUxCitJ7", "__typename": "AdjacentArticleType" }, "__typename": "AdjacentArticlesType" }, "webExtras": [], "articleVideos": [] }
{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxCitJ7", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70621", "abstract": "The technology available to building designers now makes it possible to monitor buildings on a very large scale. Video cameras and motion sensors are commonplace in practically every office space, and are slowly making their way into living spaces. The application of such technologies, in particular video cameras, while improving security, also violates privacy. On the other hand, motion sensors, while being privacy-conscious, typically do not provide enough information for a human operator to maintain the same degree of awareness about the space that can be achieved by using video cameras. We propose a novel approach in which we use a large number of simple motion sensors and a small set of video cameras to monitor a large office space. In our system we deployed 215 motion sensors and six video cameras to monitor the 3,000-square-meter office space occupied by 80 people for a period of about one year. The main problem in operating such systems is finding a way to present this highly multidimensional data, which includes both spatial and temporal components, to a human operator to allow browsing and searching recorded data in an efficient and intuitive way. In this paper we present our experiences and the solutions that we have developed in the course of our work on the system. We consider this work to be the first step in helping designers and managers of building systems gain access to information about occupants' behavior in the context of an entire building in a way that is only minimally intrusive to the occupants' privacy.", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "The technology available to building designers now makes it possible to monitor buildings on a very large scale. Video cameras and motion sensors are commonplace in practically every office space, and are slowly making their way into living spaces. The application of such technologies, in particular video cameras, while improving security, also violates privacy. On the other hand, motion sensors, while being privacy-conscious, typically do not provide enough information for a human operator to maintain the same degree of awareness about the space that can be achieved by using video cameras. We propose a novel approach in which we use a large number of simple motion sensors and a small set of video cameras to monitor a large office space. In our system we deployed 215 motion sensors and six video cameras to monitor the 3,000-square-meter office space occupied by 80 people for a period of about one year. The main problem in operating such systems is finding a way to present this highly multidimensional data, which includes both spatial and temporal components, to a human operator to allow browsing and searching recorded data in an efficient and intuitive way. In this paper we present our experiences and the solutions that we have developed in the course of our work on the system. We consider this work to be the first step in helping designers and managers of building systems gain access to information about occupants' behavior in the context of an entire building in a way that is only minimally intrusive to the occupants' privacy.", "__typename": "ArticleAbstractType" } ], "normalizedAbstract": "The technology available to building designers now makes it possible to monitor buildings on a very large scale. Video cameras and motion sensors are commonplace in practically every office space, and are slowly making their way into living spaces. The application of such technologies, in particular video cameras, while improving security, also violates privacy. On the other hand, motion sensors, while being privacy-conscious, typically do not provide enough information for a human operator to maintain the same degree of awareness about the space that can be achieved by using video cameras. We propose a novel approach in which we use a large number of simple motion sensors and a small set of video cameras to monitor a large office space. In our system we deployed 215 motion sensors and six video cameras to monitor the 3,000-square-meter office space occupied by 80 people for a period of about one year. The main problem in operating such systems is finding a way to present this highly multidimensional data, which includes both spatial and temporal components, to a human operator to allow browsing and searching recorded data in an efficient and intuitive way. In this paper we present our experiences and the solutions that we have developed in the course of our work on the system. We consider this work to be the first step in helping designers and managers of building systems gain access to information about occupants' behavior in the context of an entire building in a way that is only minimally intrusive to the occupants' privacy.", "title": "Visualizing the History of Living Spaces", "normalizedTitle": "Visualizing the History of Living Spaces", "fno": "v1153", "hasPdf": true, "idPrefix": "tg", "keywords": [ "Data Visualisation", "Human Factors", "Image Motion Analysis", "Image Sensors", "Spatiotemporal Phenomena", "User Interfaces", "Video Cameras", "Data Visualisation", "Motion Sensor", "Video Camera", "Building Designer", "Living Space", "Visualization", "History", "Space Technology", "Cameras", "Buildings", "Monitoring", "Privacy", "Humans", "Large Scale Systems", "Information Security", "Sensor Networks", "User Interfaces", "Surveillance", "Timeline", "Spatio Temporal Visualization" ], "authors": [ { "givenName": "Yuri", "surname": "Ivanov", "fullName": 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{ "issue": { "id": "12OmNAle6Qx", "title": "November/December", "year": "2007", "issueNum": "06", "idPrefix": "tg", "pubType": "journal", "volume": "13", "label": "November/December", "downloadables": { "hasCover": false, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssueDownloadablesType" }, "__typename": "PeriodicalIssue" }, "article": { "id": "13rRUxBa5bK", "doi": "10.1109/TVCG.2007.70574", "abstract": "Numerous systems have been developed to display large collections of data for urban contexts; however, most have focused on layering of single dimensions of data and manual calculations to understand relationships within the urban environment. Furthermore, these systems often limit the userâ", "abstracts": [ { "abstractType": "Regular", "content": "Numerous systems have been developed to display large collections of data for urban contexts; however, most have focused on layering of single dimensions of data and manual calculations to understand relationships within the urban environment. 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