in one embodiment of the system a phase delay is measured between a remote signal originating at the transceiver station and a corresponding decoded timing signal received from the repeater station correlation of the phase delay with a reference value ascertains the distance between the stations and an alarm at the transceiver station is actuated when the distance exceeds a predetermined value a second embodiment of the system employs a clock driven counter that is stopped when a predetermined multiple of decoded timing signals is received at the transceiver station in response to iterative transmissions therefrom the count value of the counter is read and correlated with a transit time reference value to ascertain the distance between stations an alarm is actuated if the distance exceeds a predetermined maximum application_number US 43023295 A description the embodiments of the invention hereinbelow disclosed rely on block diagrams to describe certain apparatus and various circuit elements together with their respective functions these diagrams therefore represent hardware features that would be known to those skilled in the art to whom this specification is addressed although not in the novel combinations disclosed accordingly the following constitutes a sufficient description to such individuals for a comprehensive understanding of the best mode to give effect to the embodiments disclosed and claimed herein fig1 illustrates a basic proximity alarm system 10 in accordance with the invention wherein a transceiver station referred.
sensor 2 only in the structures of the gas sensing device 204 and gas sensing device 804 and mainly the gas sensing device 804 will be described while description of other components is simplified or omitted fig7 is a sectional view of the detecting portion 608 in the gas sensing device 804 as shown in fig7 the gas sensing device 804 comprises a first base body 601 and a second base body 603 formed on the first base body 601 such that it contains cavity internally then a third base body 620 is disposed in the cavity and the third base body 620 contains a heating element 602 composed of mainly platinum an oxygen concentration detecting cell 800 is comprised of a first solid electrolyte body 605 and a first electrode 604 and second electrode 606 formed on both faces of the first solid electrolyte 605 on the other hand an oxygen pump 900 is comprised of a second solid electrolyte 609 and a third electrode 608 and fourth electrode 610 formed on both faces of the second solid electrolyte 609 a through hole 621 is formed in the second solid electrolyte body 609 such that it goes through in the lamination direction an insulating layer 607 is formed between the oxygen pump cell 900 and the oxygen concentration detecting cell 800 the insulating layer 607 is comprised of an insulating portion 614 and a diffusion rate controlling portion 615 a gas detecting chamber 607 c is formed at a position corresponding to the first electrode 604 and third electrode 608 in the insulating portion 614 of the insulating.
d 150 ecu g fibres and incubated at 50 u00b0 c for 2 hours the samples were mixed manually every 30 minutes then the samples were washed with de ionized water and the enzymes were then denaturated at 80 u00b0 c for 30 minutes at the end the pulp sample was washed with de ionized water again 3 the pre treated pulps were refined once again with the escher wyss refiner to u00b0 sr values shopper riegler between 90 and 95 average refining energy 90 kwh tonne specific edge load 1 ws m 4 subsequently the material was passed through a high pressure fluidizer homogenizer microfluidizer m 110eh microfluidics corp the 2 w w concentration pulp fibre slurry was passed through two differently sized chamber pairs each pair connected in series first the slurry passed three times through a chamber pair with a diameter of 400 u03bcm and 200 u03bcm the first chamber and the second chamber respectively and then 5 times through a chamber pair with a diameter of 200 u03bcm and 100 u03bcm the operating pressures were 105 mpa and 170 mpa respectively the material was also produced using different chambers and different number of passes through the chambers showing that if the pre treatment was done in a good fashion these parameters chamber type and number of passes did essentially not matter two cases were tried cases e and f in both these cases the production method was done according to case c with the exception of the choice of chambers and the number of passes in case e the material was passed one time through a chamber pair with a diameter of 200.
11 within which the seal elements are mounted and which contain isolated fuel inlet and fuel outlet or discharge passages which communicate with the vane slots in the fuel inlet arc and fuel discharge arc 26 areas of the cam chamber to admit fuel to the low pressure inlet buckets of the cam chamber and to permit the escape of the high pressure fuel from the discharge buckets of the cam chamber the single piece cam seal elements 28 and 29 of the present invention are less complex and more durable than prior known multi component cam seal elements used on variable displacement vane pumps of different types to serve the same purposes i e to seal the cam faces in the seal arc areas 25 and 27 of the cam chamber and to admit fuel or other liquid in the low pressure inlet arc 24 and to channel the fuel or other liquid from the high pressure discharge arc 26 to an outlet conduit while sealing the pump against axial leakage along the journal ends 12 and 13 of the rotor member 14 as shown most clearly by the sectioned view of fig3 and the face view of fig2 the cam seal elements 28 and 29 are identical to each other and are pressure loaded against the opposed cam faces to provide a 360 u00b0 outer peripheral seal except in the area of the fuel inlet grooves or passages 30 in the cam surface in the fuel inlet arc 24 of the pump shown in fig1 which communicate through fuel inlet passages not shown with a source of liquid such as a fuel at intermediate pressure and admit fuel into the arcuate opening to cam seal inlet passage 31 of the seal elements 28 and 29 to be.
fluid pressure as shown in fig6 and mechanically separating the coupling members 14 and 16 it should be appreciated that the instant invention results in a simple and effective apparatus for connecting low pressure fluids in a quick connect and quick disconnect coupling the coupling is essentially incapable of separation after the flexible means 44 has been radially expanded into the female radially enlarged portion 26 by the application of fluid pressure the male and female couplings 14 and 16 cannot be disconnected or separated as long as fluid pressure is present within the fluid carrying members 11 and 12 only upon termination of the fluid pressure can the male and female coupling members 14 and 16 be separated by mechanical means this safety feature is of substantial importance when used with corrosive or dangerous fluids fig7 10 are side sectional views of a second embodiment of a fluid coupling 110 comprising of male and female coupling members 114 and 116 in a series illustrating the interconnection between the male and female coupling members 114 and 116 upon application of fluid pressure this second fluid coupling 110 is substantially similar to the coupling 10 and similar parts will be labeled with similar reference indicia the female coupling member 116 includes a first and a second conduit portion 122 and 124 having first and.
is mounted via sealing gaskets 15 such that its coated surface 14 is exposed to an aqueous medium whereby the soluble layer 14 dissolves slowly at a controlled and uniform rate this continuously presents a fresh surface to the aqueous medium and thus effectively prevents the fouling and consequent loss of transparency of the window it will be apparent that it is not essential for the water soluble glass to be confined to surface layer 14 thus the entire body of the window may be formed from water soluble glass body 11 maybe formed by any of the conventional techniques of glass working e g it may be cast or cut from a drawn rod the layer 14 may be applied by the fusion of a piece of water soluble glass on a substrate of ordinary glass or by a vapor deposition process a number of glass compositions are suitable for use informing surface layer 14 however we prefer to employ phosphate glasses including but not limited to phosphorus pentoxide one or more alkale metals and one or more alkaline earth metals the dissolution rate of the glass is controlled via its composition an increase in the alkaline earth metal content will for example reduce the dissolution rate while an increase in the alkaline metal content will increase the dissolution rate a significant reduction of the dissolution rate can also be achieved by the addition of alumina to the glass the techniques of glass dissolution rate control are more fully.
5 mm and 15 mm the correct plate is selected such that projection 6 interposes into the osteotomy in accordance with the degree of axial correction desired by the surgeon the height b of the projection is preferably 4 mm once the plate is synthesized at the site the projection prevents the osteotomy from losing the obtained correction the bone plate has a proximal surface 8 which preferably is curved as shown in fig1 to conform generally with the surface of the tibia each of the two holes 4 has a tapered counterbore 10 for receiving the head of a bone screw preferably a cancellous screw is used in the proximal hole and a cortical screw is used in the distal hole bone plate 2 has a width c that is sized to be accommodated by an insertion tool described below referring now to fig3 and 4 the system further includes a forked wedge shaped insertion tool 12 tool 12 includes a head 14 and a handle 16 preferably made of stainless steel or other surgically acceptable material tool head 14 includes two prongs 18 having smooth linearly tapered faces prongs 18 define an opening having a width d which.
s right shoulder forty eight hours later the wheal reaction at the vaccination had attained a diameter of eight centimeters two weeks after the second vaccination the patient 39 s headache had disappeared his facial and left tongue swelling were dramatically diminished and the enlarged cervical lymph node had reduced in size for the first time since his admission the patient 39 s weight had increased by 4 0 kg four weeks post vaccination the boy was considered clinically cured one year after the first vaccination a mri performed 6 weeks after the first vaccination showed a decrease in the thickening of the soft tissue and less soft tissue enhancement of the left side of his tongue a mra of the neck released significant improvement of the stenosis of the proximal left internal carotid artery the mri and mra twelve months post vaccination showed no infiltrations in the soft tissue and a normal left internal carotid artery a serum sample collected during the initial weeks post admission gave a negative results in an id for pythiosis although the id test in equine pythiosis is a reliable test some negative results have been reported in humans and dogs with proven pythiosis chetchotisakd p et al j med assoc thailand 75 248 254 1992 and wanachiwanawin w et al trans royal soc trop med hyg 87 296 298 1993 when this serum was tested before vaccination in a new pythium insidiosum elisa positive titers of 1 6 400 were recorded to monitor the vaccination 39 s.
which is configured according to the requirements of the particular application and may have a carpeted surface or a tile surface alternatively the top layer may be formed using chemically resistive materials for use in a lab or other caustic environments the top layer 300 and a bottom layer 306 are designed to provide structural stiffness to the panel 108 and are configured according to the structural and weight bearing requirements of the particular application fire retardant layers 304 are composed of fire resistant materials such as gypsum or other appropriate material and serve to inhibit the passage of fire from one side of the panel 108 to the other an insulation layer 302 provides thermal and acoustic insulation as well as additional stiffness it will be understood that the composition of the removable floor panels will vary according to the requirements of a particular application and will in part be dictated by the anticipated environment the required load carrying capacity the desired appearance the anticipated degree of noise control local building and fire codes and other factors although the removable floor panels 108 bear against the structural support grid 106 panel fasteners 310 may be used to positively attach the panels 108 to the structural support grid 106 in the embodiment shown in fig3 the panel fasteners 310 comprise threaded fasteners that pass from a lower surface of the structural support grid 106.
it forms a seal and is secured in place by the textured outer surface 16 tubings 23 act as an extension to ease in the facilitation of the inflation process so that a person does not have bend over the air inflatable or similar uncomfortable positions also a portion of conical portion 15 can be cut allowing flexible tubing 23 to be attached to the remaining portion of conical portion 15 thus creating a larger exposed outlet diameter which would provide an increased air flow to the air inflatable with larger diameter openings and thus provide faster inflation or deflation flexible tubings 23 when inserted into larger valve stems than valve stem 19 still provide the means to open the recessed check valve 20 a larger version of the adapter 10 of the present invention can be connected to the nozzle 24 of a vacuum cleaner which would act as the air source the outer portion of the larger end 12 does not need to be threaded in this case larger end 12 rather having an inside diameter sized to allow vacuum cleaner nozzle 24 to be friction fitted into the larger end 12 to provide a connection inflation or deflation occurs depending on which part the vacuum hose has been connected to the exhaust outlet or inlet the inside surface of larger end 12 can be textured to help maintain the friction fit with nozzle.
lock 100 also includes a screw 108 and a plug 110 the bearing member 102 which is shown in fig1 has a generally cylindrical body portion 112 sized to locate within the tooth recess 78 of the tooth 70 the body portion 112 has a first side 114 oriented in use towards the outside of the tooth 70 and a second side 116 oriented in use towards the cavity 72 the first side 114 includes a centrally positioned keyed recess 118 extending into the body portion 112 an engaging portion 120 is located on the second side 116 extending outwardly from the body portion 112 the engaging portion 120 has a generally annular outer face 122 which is angled relative to the sides 114 116 of the body portion 112 the engaging portion 120 thus has an outside wall 124 and an inside wall 125 which extend at an angle of about 75 u00b0 to 80 u00b0 from the second side 116 of the body portion 112 the outside wall 124 and inside wall 125 both extending between the second side 116 of the body portion 112 and the outer face 122 the height of the outside wall 124 and inside wall 125 vary circumferentially about the outer face 122 although the outer face 122 has been described as generally annular the annulus is not circular it includes an introductory portion 126 the introductory portion having an outer edge that is part of the outside wall 124 including both a part cylindrical portion having a radius close to the radius of the body portion 112 and a substantially straight portion the outer face 122 also includes a spiralling portion 127 which gradually increases in radius through about 300 u00b0 from.
be construed narrowly to limit an epitaxially grown structure to si or sige for example but rather the term u201c epitaxial silicon compounds u201d is broadly construed to cover any compounds that can be grown epitaxially from a crystalline silicon surface reference throughout the specification to conventional thin film deposition techniques for depositing silicon nitride silicon dioxide metals or similar materials include such processes as chemical vapor deposition cvd low pressure chemical vapor deposition lpcvd metal organic chemical vapor deposition mocvd plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition pecvd plasma vapor deposition pvd atomic layer deposition ald molecular beam epitaxy mbe electroplating electro less plating and the like specific embodiments are described herein with reference to examples of such processes however the present disclosure and the reference to certain deposition techniques should not be limited to those described for example in some circumstances a description that references cvd may alternatively be done using pvd or a description that specifies electroplating may alternatively be accomplished using electro less plating furthermore reference to conventional techniques of thin film formation may include growing a film in situ for example in some embodiments controlled growth of an oxide to a desired thickness can be achieved by exposing a silicon surface to oxygen gas or to moisture in a heated chamber reference throughout the specification to conventional photolithography techniques known in the art of semiconductor fabrication for patterning various thin films includes a spin expose develop process sequence involving a photoresist such a photolithography sequence entails spinning on the photoresist exposing areas of the photoresist to ultraviolet light through a patterned mask and developing away exposed or alternatively unexposed areas of the photoresist thereby transferring.
1 3 mm long and wide the same procedure was used for the preparation of polypropylene composites ph 013 and ph 2610 with a mixture of mineral reinforcements ta1 or ta2 or ta3 and natural reinforcement in a proportion of 40 by weight of total reinforcement as summarized in table 6 the composites shown in table 6 comprise polypropylene antioxidant and reinforcements wherein the percentage of polypropylene includes the antioxidant the tests carried out to verify the mechanical and thermal properties of the polypropylene composites with natural reinforcement as well as of the polypropylene composites with traditional mineral reinforcements and the polypropylene composites with mixtures of mineral reinforcement and natural reinforcement were the following tensile tests according to astm standard d 638 to determine young 39 s modulus in megapascals mpa izod impact tests at u2212 20 u00b0 c according to astm standard d 256 to determine the energy absorbed on impact in j m density tests according to astm standard 679 in g cm 3 thermal tests by differential scanning calorimetry that allows the degree of crystallinity to be obtained as a percentage the results obtained from the above mentioned tests with the polypropylene composites with natural eggshell reinforcements traditional mineral reinforcements and mixtures of mineral reinforcement and natural reinforcement corresponding to 31 samples are summarized in table 5 according to the results shown in tables 5 and 6 the tests carried out with the polypropylene composites with natural reinforcement traditional mineral reinforcements and or mixtures of mineral reinforcement and natural reinforcement have proved the competitiveness of the.
antenna module the ground connection is not shown the ground connection is disposed between a bottom surface of the antenna module and the top surface of the circuit board but is widely known in the art and typically would include a contact pad between the antenna and circuit board the antenna module is configured to couple with the ground plane conductor via the ground connection element a matching circuit 108 is coupled to each of said feed conductor and said ground plane conductor 101 a tunable capacitor 107 is coupled to each of said feed conductor and said ground plane conductor 101 in an embodiment the ground plane conductor 101 comprises a pair of longitudinal ground conductors 201 a 201 b respectively separated by the channel 109 wherein the longitudinal ground conductors and the feed conductor collectively form a coplanar waveguide 104 in a preferred embodiment the tunable capacitor 107 is disposed between the matching circuit and the antenna module 102 as illustrated in fig2 the matching circuit 108 can comprise any matching circuit configuration within the knowledge in the art for example in an embodiment the matching circuit can comprise one or more lumped components lc 1 lc 3 configured in series in another embodiment the matching circuit can comprise one or more lumped components lc 2 lc 4 configured in shunt any combination of series and shunt components may be similarly implemented the lumped components may comprise resistors capacitors or inductors other components can be similarly implemented in another embodiment as illustrated in fig3 the antenna system further comprises a bifurcated transmission line 300 in the bifurcated transmission line the feed conductor 110 is configured with a first end 306 and a second end 307 each disposed.
side walls 61 62 or 63 can comprise an inclined sliding surface to allow for easy clipping or snapping in of such pins or rods 100 into the corresponding cavities the grooves 51 52 53 are formed as rounded semi spherical recesses in a section this means that the recesses provided by the grooves 51 52 53 have a hollow cylindrical shape to accommodate rod shaped elements all three grooves 51 52 and 53 have different sizes so that the corresponding reception cavities 71 72 and 73 have three different sizes in other words each reception cavities 71 72 or 73 is adapted to accept a different fixation element i e a rod screw pin or wire having a different diameter one preferred embodiment of the first clamping assembly 20 has grooves to accept fixation elements having a diameter of 12 mm 8 mm and 5 mm respectively a different embodiment may have a sequence of diameters of 8 mm 6 mm and 4 mm respectively the second clamping assembly 30 according to the embodiment of fig1 also comprises two jaw portions 11 and 12 and these comprise three grooves 51 52 53 these grooves 51 52 53 also comprise a sequence of different sizes in the embodiment shown the inner jaws portion 12 have an identical structure as have the outer jaws 11 especially in view.
section the bank of optical filters is designed in the frequency domain and the seismic section is transformed to the frequency domain with a 2d fourier transform as shown in fig3 the standard bank of optical filters has different scales of filters oriented in different directions different scales accommodate different frequencies of seismic data the dominant direction in the image is found by 1 summing the convolution energy at different scales frequencies so that different frequencies are taken into account and 2 selecting the direction that shows the greatest average convolution energy for further calculations the present invention differs from the field of vision science by modifying the log gabor filter instead of having filters at different scales a step function in the radial direction is used this is done because averaging many filters with different scales converges to a step function only the angular component of the log gabor filters is needed since filters at different scales are not used the number of filters in the bank is reduced by the factor of the number of scales even with the reduced size of the filter bank calculation of the ovf requires a significant amount of time for this reason in accordance with the preferred embodiment of the present invention the computation is performed in a separate step independent of horizon picking it is then available for picking any horizon on its associated seismic data the initial time to create the ovf is small compared with the time required to pick the hundreds of horizons that are typically required in an interpretation project there is no.
the proximal fixation member 112 and the flexible ligament member 116 may be separately harvested or manufactured components that are assembled to form the implant 100 in an embodiment the implant 100 is a btb allograft and each of the distal 108 and the proximal fixation member 112 is formed from a harvested bone block at an end of the allograft the distal fixation member 108 is substantially cylindrical in shape and includes external screw threads 118 centered about the longitudinal axis 106 and having a major thread diameter 120 a minor thread diameter 122 and a longitudinal thread spacing 124 by major thread diameter of an external screw thread we mean the outer diameter of an external screw thread measured at peaks of the threads a major thread diameter of a threaded fixation member corresponds to an outer diameter of the fixation member by minor thread diameter of an external screw thread we mean the diameter of an external screw thread measured from the bottom of valleys between the threads longitudinal thread spacing thread spacing is the longitudinal distance between adjacent threads and is inversely related to thread pitch that is thread pitch equals 1 thread spacing thread depth is the radial distance between the peaks and valleys of the thread equal to half of the difference between the major thread diameter and the minor thread diameter the proximal fixation member 112 is substantially cylindrical in shape has external screw threads 126 of substantially the same screw thread specifications with regard to major diameter 120 minor diameter 122 and thread spacing 124 as the distal fixation member 108 screw threads may be formed on the implant 100 by any thread forming method.
crank shaft 16 which is rotated by the engine 12 the drive member 15 is provided at an inner side thereof with a plurality of circumferentially equi space projections 17 each of which extends inwardly in the radial direction an inner end portion of each projection 17 is in sliding engagement with an outer surface of a hub 18 which is fixedly mounted on the cam shaft 11 and is enclosed by the drive member 15 between the drive member 15 and the hub 18 there are defined six chambers 20 21 22 23 24 and 25 which are arranged in an equi spaced manner in the circumferential direction each chamber 20 21 22 23 24 and 25 has a pair of circumferentially opposed radially extending walls 20a and 20b 21a and 21b 22a and 22b 23a and 23b 24a and 24b 25a and 25b on the hub 18 six vanes 30 31 32 33 34 and 35 are fixedly mounted in an equi spaced manner in the circumferential direction the vane 30 which projects outwardly from the hub 19 in the radial direction is extended into the corresponding chamber 20 so that the chamber 20 is divided into a first section 20c and a second section 20d both of which are fluid tightly separated from each other the chambers 21 22 23 24 and 25 are so divided in a manner similar to the chamber 20 in the condition shown in fig2 the vanes 30 31 32 33 34 and 35 are in abutment with the walls 20a 21a 22a 23a 24a and 25a respectively for maintaining such a condition a first connecting means 36 is employed the connecting.
the quantity of urea solution that is to be injected and transmits a corresponding electrical signal to the metering valve 15 via an electrical connecting line 23 the urea is hydrolyzed and mixed as a result of being injected into the exhaust pipe 4 the catalytic reduction of the nox in the exhaust gas to form n 2 and h 2 o takes place in the catalytic converter units the metering valve 15 for introducing the urea solution into the exhaust pipe 4 substantially corresponds to a standard low pressure fuel injection valve which for example is secured releasably in a valve holding device that is fixedly connected to a wall of the exhaust pipe 4 0050 fig2 a shows a typical ceramic pressure sensor diaphragm 181 which is circular in cross section belonging to the pressure sensor 18 from the side which is remote from the pressurized medium i e reducing agent fig2 b shows this ceramic pressure sensor diaphragm 181 in section for reasons of chemical stability sensor elements made from al 2 o 3 ceramic are particularly suitable for pressure measurements carried out in aqueous urea solution these sensor elements comprise a ceramic shaped part with integrated sensor diaphragm 181 a resistor network 182 is applied to the sensor membrane 181 using thick film technology the network includes the sensor and calibration resistors the measurement principle is based on the effect of.
the described embodiments of the present invention provided herein are illustrative only and not limiting having been presented by way of example only all features disclosed in this description may be replaced by alternative features serving the same or similar purpose unless expressly stated otherwise therefore numerous other embodiments of the modifications thereof are contemplated as falling within the scope of the present invention as defined herein and equivalents thereto throughout the description where items are described as having including or comprising one or more specific components or where processes and methods are described as having including or comprising one or more specific steps it is contemplated that additionally there are items of the present invention that consist essentially of or consist of the one or more recited components and that there are processes and methods according to the present invention that consist essentially of or consist of the one or more recited processing steps it should be understood that the order of steps or order for performing certain actions is immaterial as long as the invention remains operable moreover two or more steps or actions may be conducted simultaneously scale up and or scale down of systems processes units and or methods disclosed herein may be performed by those of skill in the relevant art processes described herein are configured for batch operation continuous operation or semi continuous operation it.
ide identify command is an u201c attention application programming interface u201d atapi device identify instruction the ide identify instruction i e the atapi device id instruction is transmitted to the cd rom drive via the cd rom drive interface if an ide cd rom drive is installed in the computer system in response and if an ide cd rom drive is installed the cd rom drive returns a sequence of ide identification data bytes this sequence of data bytes includes the ide identification string hereinafter the u201c id string u201d that includes a vendor identification number and model number for the cd rom drive at 104 the ide identification data is input and the id string is obtained from the data it is desirable that the process 100 wait a few seconds to allow the cd rom drive if installed to respond to the ide identify command the ide identification data will be located at a predetermined memory location of the computer system and thus the data and id string can be easily obtained it is desired that the predetermined memory location be initialized to values that do not correspond to any valid ide type id string this way if there is no response to the ide identify command the ide identification.
dc power connections 152 a and 152 b to conductive pathways 156 a and 156 b at the outer edges of remaining opposing sides of film 88 a series of diodes 166 alternatively connect from the positive dc power supply of 152 a and the negative dc power supply of 152 b for uniform operation it is desirable for the power applied to the resistive film 88 to be substantially identical regardless of whether the power applied is ac or dc this maintains a uniform heating characteristic of the heating plate 12 regardless of the power source when ac power is supplied to the film 88 the entire resistance of the film is applied thereto and thereby establishes its heating parameters for ac similarly applying dc across the entire film 88 would however have a much lower current with corresponding lower applied power and a different heating characteristic for the dc supply in the embodiment of fig4 when dc power is supplied to the film the diodes forward bias to allow current to only have to pass through the individual subsections 154 a 154 e as each of these subsections is smaller than film 88 the resistance is lower and the resulting current through each subsection is higher than film 88 as a whole this provides the same.
the structure of fig1 a is shown barrier layers 13 and 14 are shown to have a wider bandgap 23 and 25 respectively than the bandgap 24 of well 14 the band edge offset for the conduction band is shown as 20 and the band edge offset for the valence band is shown as 21 according to the invention for the first time polycrystalline material may be employed as a layer in a quantum well or superlattice this provides the advantage of less expensive fabrication and higher yields even more importantly it opens up a whole new range of well characterizedmaterials to be used in the quantum well or superlattices quantum wells and superlattices are freed from lattice matching constraints required of multiple epitaxial layer structures the passivated polycrystalline layer 14 may be fabricated of polycrystalline silicon germanium or group iii v compounds general considerations will first be described examples of thefabrication of each will then be described in order to passivate a grain boundary of a polycrystalline material more than one element may be employed this is so due to the three dimensional topology and the various types of dangling bonds resulting therefrom in general amorphous materials 29 such as amorphous silicon dioxide for polycrystalline silicon and amorphous germanium oxide for polycrystalline germanium can facilitate the formation of bonds on neighboring grains these amorphous materials 29 facilitate this process by chemically reacting with the polycrystalline material to satisfy dangling bonds on the grains 28 which previously acted as electron traps as seen in fig1 d an important consideration in.
the proximal distal joint the locations of the bends are related and relative to the finger lengths typically surgical gloves are made to sizes of 5 5 5 6 6 5 7 7 5 8 8 5 9 9 5 and 10 there are many finger lengths that can be designed and made without the need for compliance to any standards international regional or national the only criterion is to attempt to match the general demographic anatomical size with certain regions of the world preferring shorter fingers in a glove and others preferring generally longer fingers in a glove this also depends on the size of the glove as described above the only parameter to which any international regional or national standards apply is the width of the palm that is to match the sizes the relevant standards are astm 3577 en 455 and iso 11232 these sizes again do not have any fixed standard finger lengths fig5 to 7 show how the location of bend 1 represented by point x and the location of bend 2 represented by point y on the finger digits are measured in the form of percentage of the total length of the straightened finger from finger crouch to fingertip respectively the locations of bends 1 and 2 for the five fingers are measured from the base of the finger crouches knuckle of the respective fingers to the respective point of bends when the fingers are in straightened positions as seen from fig5 100 thus corresponds to the fingertip location and 0 to the location of the.
startup a first pair of transistors formed of n channel fet 17 and p channel fet 18 are connected with their source drain circuits in series between the junction of transistor 16 and capacitor 15 and v dd the source of transistor 18 being connected with its substrate to the junction of transistor 16 and capacitor 15 that junction forms the output 19 of the circuit where the voltage v pp the word line supply is provided a second pair of transistors one being p channel fet 20 and one being n channel fet 21 have their source drain circuits connected in series between the voltage supply v dd and ground the source of transistor 20 is connected to voltage supply v dd with its substrate a second capacitor 22 is connected between the junctions of the two pairs of transistors while the above described circuit would operate in a manner to be described below to generate a voltage 2v dd at the output 19 it provides only a half wave boosting function and should significant current be drawn the voltage could drop in order to provide a full wave boosting function an additional circuit is included as follows a third pair of transistors comprising n channel fet 23 and p channel fet 24 have their source drain circuits connected in series between v dd and the output terminal 19 the source of transistor 24 being connected to the output terminal with its substrate a fourth pair of fets comprised of p channel fet 24 and n channel.
state machine 28 controls the input reference selector 20 the loop filter bandwidth and switches the dpll automatically into holdover mode when required the mtie module 21 compensates for the phase offset between the new reference input and the dpll output clock in case of a reference switch or a recover from holdover mode the phase detector 22 converts phase difference between the input reference clock and output feedback clock to a signed binary number representation the loop filter 23 performs output phase slope limiting filters the phase error output of the phase detector to a frequency offset signal for the dco the bandwidth of the dpll is determined in the loop filter 23 the dco 24 is the actual clock generator it generates a clock that is phase locked to the input reference clock the frequency of the generated clock is determined by the system clock the center frequency setting inside the dco and the frequency offset value from the loop filter the frequency converter 25 multiplies the current phase of the dco by a constant fraction and thereby generates a clock of a frequency that is a fraction of the dco output clock frequency the output divider 26 divides the output clocks of the dco and the frequency converter down to the required clocks and an 8 khz frame pulse when the dpll is a primary master it locks to the input clock selected by.
records for the messages in the thread headed by message 104 referring to table 1 the key u201c 1xxx u201d matches the tags for records corresponding to messages 106 and 108 process 300 then retrieves messages 106 and 108 step 312 and displays messages 106 and 108 to the user step 314 process 300 can also be used to delete a message when a message is deleted so are all of its children process 300 selects a message and all of its children the records corresponding to the selected messages are then deleted fig4 is a flowchart of a process 400 for adding a message to an indented threaded discussion according to one implementation process 400 receives a command from a user step 402 the command identifies message 114 and requests replying to message 114 process 400 modifies the tag of message 114 to produce a key to do this process 400 first selects the digit corresponding to the hierarchical depth immediately below the hierarchical depth of message 114 step 404 referring to table 1 message 114 has a depth of two therefore process 400 selects the third most significant digit of the tag of message 104 process 400 then increments the value of selected digit step 406 the resulting key is u201c 3110 u201d process 400 then indexes the database only once by adding a record to the database having the key as its tag step 408 the record corresponds to the new message the invention can be implemented in digital electronic circuitry or in computer hardware firmware software or in combinations of them apparatus of the.
yet provide the same rise and thus adjustable bottom bolt 210 is provided adjustable height device 216 which is different from the overall unit is seen but is clearer in later diagrams this part of the tread support allows the overall adjustment of heights on all the steps not just on the bottommost step this part of the invention the adjustment device 216 is seen to comprise two sets of holes on two different portions of the device the holes overlapping in a number of configurations which allow different heights to be maintained and a fastener which may pass through the selected pair of holes one unit of the invention may have a plurality of such height adjustment devices 216 thereon in the presently preferred embodiments the number is four however more may be used for extra support or fewer may be used if it may be safely accomplished all within the scope of the present invention fig3 is a front view of the device in use on a set of stairs the stringer cannot be seen but stairs 300 have tread 304 which is held in place by tread support 306 again bottom tread support 308 has bottom bolt.
not give or flex inward as downward pressure is applied to the finger tabs this contributes to the easy deployment of the access means 20 in the preferred embodiment illustrated the tear lines 30 are of arcuate configuration they are curved or arched concavely toward the end wall 90 the tear lines 30 intersect a frangible or otherwise weakened line 32 that is formed in the side end flaps 76 and 78 to extend between the side walls 64 and 66 entirely across the end wall 90 thereby defining a retaining portion 95 of the end wall 90 the tight packing of the carton 12 and or the rigidity of the composite top wall provides tension in the carton walls which may restrain the cans u2018 c u2019 of the uppermost row from rolling free from the carton 12 when the access means 20 is first displaced or detached from the carton 12 the protruding part of the composite top wall may also assist in retaining the end most can of the uppermost row within the carton 12 as the access means 20 is deployed furthermore the configuration of the weakened lines 32 provides an opening which is shaped such that cans u2018 c u2019 of the lowermost rows are restrained from.
the relationship is derived where the inflation pressure under the element equals the formation pressure below the element times the ratio of the areas of for example surface 90 divided by surface 84 in the event of an increase in pressure from the formation the annulus pressure above the inflated element and outside of the compensating device c remains the same however the increase in the formation pressure is communicated through port 138 onto the balancing piston 96 since the pressure above the balancing piston 96 is increasing while the outer annulus pressure remains constant there is a net downward force on balancing piston 96 this is communicated through spacer 88 to the compensating piston 70 at the same time the rising formation pressure tends to increase the inflate pressure which presents an offsetting force in annular space 82 acting on surface 84 thus because the formation pressure increases and such pressure is communicated to above the balancing piston 96 any tendency to increase the inflate pressure due to a rise in formation pressure creates an offsetting uphole force on compensating piston 70 the increased inflate pressure acts on surface 84 thus offsetting the downhole increased force applied by a pressure increase from the formation acting in annular space 148 on the balancing piston 96 since.
the magnets 130 may be exposed from the layers to the outside in some embodiments the magnets 130 are accessible from the layers 350 wherein various means can be utilized to selectively fully enclose them within the surface 320 to prevent them from falling out of place these means include but are not limited to buttons buckles snaps hooks threads or zippers alternatively the one or more magnets 130 are inaccessible from within the plurality of layers 350 one embodiment of the method of manufacture of the clothing item will now be discussed in conjunction with the flow chart illustrated in fig4 in particular a clothing body having a surface comprising a plurality of layers is constructed at the step 400 then one or more magnets are then coupled to the surface in a housing area formed by the plurality of layers at the step 402 in some embodiments the body comprises a vest in other embodiments the body comprises an apron in yet other embodiments the body comprises a pair of suspenders further in some embodiments the one or more magnets are removably attached to the surface in some embodiments the one or more magnets are completely enclosed within the plurality of layers at the step 404 wherein the one or more magnets are accessible from within the plurality of layers alternatively the one or more magnets are inaccessible from within the plurality of layers in some embodiments at least some portion of the one or more magnets is exposed the shape of the one or.
reduced costs in this regard the cable connection can be available in the form of a kit wherein the housing and a supply of filler resin capable of being hardened or cured are contained the cable connection can be formed in simple fashion from the components included in the kit at the place of connecting the cables fig1 illustrates a schematic prospective view of a cable connection as per the invention fig2 illustrates a schematic enlarged cross section of the transition area between the housing and the resinous filler material more specifically fig1 illustrates a cast cable connection having a housing 1 fabricated from two shell shaped parts 3 and 5 which are placed around a connection area of electrical cable 7 and 9 the housing has flange areas 11 and 13 which are placed on top of each other in part 3 pouring hole 15 is provided for the insertion of the filler resin 17 both parts 3 and 5 are formed preferably from ceramic fibers 23 utilizing water glass as a binder 25 see fig2 and together form a fire resistant inorganic casting of low heat conductivity during the fabrication of the cable connection the filler resin 17 is applied through pouring hole 15 until the space between the ends of cables 7 and 9 and housing 1 is completely filled with curable resin 17 after the hardening of curing of the resinous mass both parts 3 and 5 of the housing are bonded together and to.
presence of alkali metal acetates alkali metal carbonates or alkali metal phosphates polymerization regulators like mercaptan aldehydes chloroform ethylene chloride and trichloroethylene can also be added when needed the emulsifying agents used in the polymerization can be any of those generally known and used in emulsion polymerizations suitable emulsifying agents are anionic cationic or nonionic emulsifiers or surfactants or mixtures of them examples of suitable anionic emulsifiers are alkyl sulfonates alkylaryl sulfonates alkyl sulfates sulfates of hydroxyalkanols alkyl and alkylaryl disulfonates sulfonated fatty acids sulfates and phosphates of polyethoxylated alkanols and alkylphenols and esters of sulfosuccinic acid examples of suitable cationic emulsifiers are alkyl quaternary ammonium salts and alkyl quaternary phosphonium salts examples of suitable nonionic emulsifiers are the addition products of 5 to 50 moles of ethylene oxide adducted to straight chain and branched chain alkanols with 6 to 22 carbon atoms or alkylphenols or higher fatty acids or higher fatty acid amides or primary and secondary higher alkylamines and block copolymers of propylene oxide with ethylene oxide combinations of these emulsifying agents may also be used in which case it is advantageous to use a relatively hydrophobic emulsifying agent is in combination with a relatively hydrophilic agent the amount of emulsifying agent is generally from about 1 to 10 preferably from about 2 to 8 by weight of the monomers used in the polymerization various protective colloids may also be used in place of or in addition to the emulsifiers described above suitable colloids include.
and the radioactivity in the cells was counted using a scintillation counter data were compared between the cells contacted or not contacted by a candidate agent and between cells having glyt 1 activity versus cells having glyt 2 activity depending on the assay being conducted positive control results are depicted in the bar graphs of fig1 a and 1b in which 3 h glycine uptake is shown for mock glyt 1a glyt 1b glyt 1c and glyt 2 transformed cells the results of the positive controls are presented as means u00b1 sem of a representative experiment performed in triplicate all cell cultures transformed with any of the glycine transporters evidenced a significant increase in glycine transport activity as compared to non transfected control cells this example illustrates the application of the method of example 2 and the identification thereby of certain agents that regulate selectively the glyt 1 or the glyt 2 transporter with respect to each other the agents recited below were tested for inhibition or enhancement of glycine transport in qt 6 cells that were transfected with prc cmv containing glyt 1c seq id no 3 or glyt 2 seq id no 4 and exhibited transient expression of glyt 1c or glyt 2 respectively in accordance with the procedures of examples 1 and 2 above str4 the data obtained with these compounds are as follows ______________________________________compound effect via glyt 1c effect via glyt 2 ______________________________________za pic sub 50 6 04 pic sub 50 5 51 zb pic.
position the linear feedthrough rod 16 including the teflon u00ae coated steel probe tip uses only horizontal motion to process the packed precursor powder eject the empty cartridge and load a new packed cartridge into position in theory the probe can complete all of the required actions by cyclically traversing a distance that is just slightly longer than the length of the cartridge the cutting means can be a grinder assembly centered around a tiny steel cube attached to the end of horizontal arm 14 as the linear feedthrough rod 16 pushes the packed precursor powder from the packed cartridge into the grinder assembly the packed powder is ground into fine sub micron powder particles by a pair of steel blades revolving inside the steel cube at approximately 3000 rpm the blades are secured to the shaft of a high speed rotary motion feedthrough by two halves of a cylindrical blade holder assembly the shaft of a brushless dc motor is attached to the feedthrough via standard flexible shaft coupler and set screws while the body of the motor is supported by an adjustable l bracket motor mount rotational speed is controlled through a potentiometer built into the body of a outboard driver box powder particles are.
an o ring 116 or other suitable means the central bore 40 also includes a rotor portion 120 sized to rotatably receive the rotor 80 therein the rotor portion 120 ends in a second shoulder 122 for retaining the rotor 80 within the rotor section 120 the flow separator 60 serves to retain the rotor 80 against the second shoulder the apparatus may also include a wear ring 124 sized to abut against the second shoulder 122 and provide an enlarged surface to retain the rotor 80 within the rotor section 120 the wear ring 124 may be sealed within the rotor section by an o ring 126 or the like as shown in fig2 the wear ring 124 functions as a thrust bearing against the rotor 80 the wear ring 124 is easily replaceable and expendable grooves in the bearing surface help prevent debris from collecting on the bearing surface thus improving the wear rate multiple material types can be used depending on the application alternative bearing types such as rolling element bearings are also applicable the rotor 80 and the flow separator 60 may be inserted into the tubular body 30 through the inlet end 36 of the apparatus and are sized to fit through the internal threading 46 as described above the flow separator 60 is a flow distributing device which directs a prescribed amount of drilling fluid flow through to the vanes 98 of the rotor 80 as illustrated in fig2 drilling fluid is pumped downwards within the drill string 10 and therefore through the apparatus 20 as indicated generally at 142 by correctly sizing or adjusting the rotor passage 64 the flow separator will direct sufficient flow through the rotor 80 to allow the rotor to spin.
to fig1 through 6 thereof a new tile scrubber embodying the principles and concepts of the present invention and generally designated by the reference numeral 10 will be described the present invention designated as numeral 10 includes a brush assembly 12 as shown in fig3 amp 4 as shown in such figures the brush assembly includes a hollow rigid mount 14 having an inboard extent 15 with a linear cylindrical configuration the inboard extent has a first end with a cylindrical sleeve rotatably coupled thereto with a threaded interior surface an outboard extent 16 of the brush assembly is equipped with a u shaped configuration and a thin rectangular cross section a center of the outboard extent is coupled to a second end of the inboard extent in communication therewith it should be noted that the inboard and outboard extents of the mount remain in a common plane the outboard extent has a pair of slits 18 formed in ends thereof as shown in fig4 the slits are resident about planes which intersect in front of the brush assembly ideally the slits are of a substantial depth so as to define channels further the slits each have a length equal to that of the outboard extent the brush assembly further includes a cylindrical scrub brush 20 having a diameter which.
would be connected to the electromagnetic sensor connecting terminals by means of conductive paste or by direct soldering of the chip connecting points to the electromagnetic sensor terminals fig1 describes without any limiting purpose two examples of preferred embodiments of capacitors with the application of space filling curves to their shape in a parallel plate capacitor 1 the two parallel conducting surfaces have been shaped following a space filling curve the capacitance of the element depends on the thickness of the insulating layer between the parallel plates the kind of dielectric between the plates and the effective area of the plates each of the two connecting terminals of the element 4 is connected to one of the plates this capacitor can be manufactured among other techniques by means of any of the current printed circuit fabrication techniques by means of conductive ink printed on a dielectric sheet shaped substrate etc taking always into account that two conductive layers separated by an insulating layer of a determined thickness are required the final element would be encapsulated with some dielectric material in order to prevent damaging of the parallel plates while leaving the connection terminals out of the encapsulation in a coplanar capacitor 2 and taking into account that the capacitance value is determined mainly by the length and the width of the gap between the coplanar conductive surfaces 5 the gap has been shaped following a space filling curve thus maximizing the length of the gap without increasing the total area of the component this capacitor can be manufactured among other techniques by means.
as shown in fig7 a a data input block 97 comprises a keyboard 201 a communication port 51 with rs232c and a floppy disk controller 202 also a hard disk unit 203 is provided separately a first processing block 1 is mainly consisted of a first processor 4 a second processing block 98 contains a second processor 7 which is a cpu arranged for shift to and back from the energy saving mode upon stopping and feeding of a clock signal respectively and is coupled to a bus line 210 also a rom 204 for start action a second memory 9 of dram and a backup ram 205 which is an sram for storage of individual data of returning from the resume mode are coupled to the bus line 210 both ends of the bus line 210 are connected to the first processor 4 and a display block 99 respectively the display block 99 has a graphic controller 206 and a liquid crystal controller driver 207 arranged in a display circuit there are also provided a video ram 209 and a liquid crystal display 208 for energy saving operation corresponding components only in the arrangement are activated while the remaining components are de energized this energy saving technique is illustrated in more detail in table 1 in.
has grown to a diameter beyond the observed fault region in the prior art whereupon the primary arms 56 are retracted thereby disengaging the drive belt 60 so that the spool 24 ceases to have torque applied by the drive motor 62 the centre wind assist device 50 is returned to its original position fig5 by pivoting of the main frame member 72 about its axis as the primary arms 56 retract as the belt 60 ceases to engage the pulley 58 the resulting slack in the belt 60 is taken up by the sliding pulley 68 in the retracted position fig4 and 5 the belt tension is automatically lowered such that a new empty reel spool can be received ready to repeat the cycle the centre wind assist device of the invention provides a number of benefits not previously attainable with a paper making machine winding mechanism the drive roll provides controlled torque input to the reel spool resulting in improved wound in tension since the device is automatically engaged when a new spool is loaded into the machine the centre wind assist device serves to accelerate the spool to machine speed and replaces the existing reel spool starter the use of a timing drive belt ensures that the spool is at the correct speed before becoming engaged against the reel drum the device of the invention does not interfere with the.
or an easily machined metal then converted into a hard mold component by nickel electroforming replication one specific u201c lens component u201d that can usefully be manufactured by the invention is an array of many small lenses such as spherical or aspheric lenses arranged in a square or hexagonal array or an array of many cylindrical lenses lying parallel to each other on a surface a nickel tool will work well for this purpose and may be made by electroforming from a master of the correct shape formed in any convenient material one example is the ruled patterns of cylindrical lenses depicted in fig3 and 4 of u s pat no 3 848 980 by plummer and incorporated herein in its entirety by reference diffractive structures such as those depicted in u s pat no 5 260 828 by londono et al that may be used for athermalization achromatization or beam splitting can also be usefully manufactured in this way the 39 828 patent is also incorporated herein in its entirety by reference another diffractive structure that can be manufactured in this way might be a diffraction grating or might be a computer generated surface relief transmission hologram formed by use of.
the key parameters of a formulation for measuring particle size the following main methods may be employed sieves sedimentation electrozone sensing coulter counter microscopy low angle laser light scattering lalls the crystalline linezolid form iv of the present invention has a preferred maximum particle size of 500 u03bcm preferably the particle size is less than 300 u03bcm less than 200 u03bcm less than 100 u03bcm or even less than 50 u03bcm another embodiment of the present invention is a pharmaceutical formulation comprising a therapeutically effective amount of crystalline linezolid form iv combined with a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient or carrier another embodiment of the present invention is a method for treating a patient suffering from a gram positive bacterial infection comprising the step of administering to the patient the pharmaceutical formulation comprising a therapeutically effective amount of crystalline linezolid form iv the crystalline linezolid form iv of the present invention used to prepare pharmaceutical formulations may be substantially pure with respect to other crystalline forms i e the pharmaceutical formulations may contain less than about 10 preferably less than about 5 and even more preferably less than about 1 by weight of other crystalline forms of linezolid in particular the pharmaceutical formulations may contain less than about 10 preferably less than about 5 and more preferably less than about 1 and even more preferably less than 0 5 by weight of crystalline linezolid form ii in certain embodiments the pharmaceutical formulations may contain less than about 10 preferably less than about 5 and even more preferably less than about 1 by weight of amorphous linezolid in other embodiments pharmaceutical.
problem pairs combinations may be derived by analyzing a large set of device profiles and the problems originating from and associated with these devices fig4 shows an exemplary pattern problem pair 400 the device profile pattern is represented by 401 while an associated problem is represented by 402 a pattern is a set of similar device profile elements exhibited by a large enough set of multiple device profiles the device profile pattern 401 has device make model os and firmware versions 401 a and the associated device settings 401 b and applications apps that are installed and or running on the device 401 c and the app settings 401 d fig4 shows a device profile pattern and one problem associated with it in other embodiments a pattern may have more than one problem associated with it if a pattern problem pair exists and a device profile exhibits the pattern from the pattern problem pair then there are strong chances that the device will also experience the problem associated with the pattern problem pair in the context of the present disclosure a pattern is a set of similar device profile elements exhibited by a large enough set of multiple device profiles for example if 15 of devices with the same make model os and firmware version where app 1 and app 2 are installed are experiencing a crash then there is a pattern for the devices that are exhibiting the pattern and experiencing the crash a remedy may be sent to fix the problem e g the resolution may be to uninstall app 1 or uninstall app.
wherein the carboxyl groups are in the acid form and also such polymers wherein the carboxyl groups are in the salt form provided said salts are water dispersible such salts include the ammonium salts the alkali metal salts and others which are water dispersible hydrolysis can be carried out in any suitable fashion for example by heating an aqueous solution of the polymer with a suitable amount of sodium hydroxide examples of copolymers which can be used in the practice of the invention include the water dispersible copolymers resulting from the polymerization of acrylamide or methacrylamide with an ethylenically unsaturated monomer it is desirable that sufficient acrylamide or methacrylamide be present in the monomer mixture to impart to the resulting copolymer the above described water dispersible properties any suitable ratio of monomers meeting this condition can be used under proper conditions of use examples of suitable ethylenically unsaturated monomers include acrylic acid methacrylic acid vinylsulfonic acid vinylbenzylsulfonic acid vinylbenzenesulfonic acid vinyl acetate acrylonitrile methyl acrylonitrile vinyl alkyl ether vinyl chloride maleic anhydride vinyl substituted cationic quaternary ammonium compounds and the like various methods are known in the art for preparing said copolymers for example see u s pat nos 2 625 529 2 740 522 2 727 557 2 831 841 and 2 909 508 these copolymers can be used in the hydrolyzed form as discussed above for the homopolymers a group of copolymers useful.
the up down direction a left portion of the support portion 133 protrudes further to the rear than a right portion of the support portion 133 a cylindrical pin 135 is provided on the rear end portion of the left portion of the support portion 133 the pin 135 protrudes upward from the support portion 133 a central line of the pin 135 is denoted by p a direction in which the pin 135 extends is parallel to the needle bar 110 the outer diameter of the pin 135 is generally the same as the size of a groove width of a long groove 191 that is provided in the guide member 190 which will be described below the needle bar base 130 includes a bent portion 136 the bent portion 136 is a portion that extends to the rear from a portion of the needle bar base 130 above the center of the needle bar base 130 in the up down direction such that the bent portion 136 is parallel to the support portion 133 a hole not shown in the drawings having a same inner diameter as a diameter of the hole 134 is formed in the bent portion 136 as shown in fig3 the needle bar 110 is inserted into and supported by the hole 134 and the hole of the bent portion 136 such that the needle bar 110 may be moved in the up down direction an attachment portion 111 is provided on the lower end portion of the needle bar 110 the sewing needle 101 may be attached to and removed from the.
the bladder causing a diaphragm 22 to extend and thereby to correspondingly move the shaft 6 and the liquid pick up means 4 fig4 shows still another embodiment of a cap incorporating the invention in this embodiment a single aperture 9 is formed at the side of cap 8 allowing a portion 7 of the bladder to be reached by the user only a single aperture is required to be formed in the cap as the needed compression force is developed between the exposed portion 7 of bladder 18 and the opposite surface interior to cap 8 against which the compressive forces on bladder 18 react this is a highly simplified design of a cap incorporating the present invention as will now be seen one can extend shaft 6 and brush 4 into the bottle by simple squeezing through either the aperture of cap 8 or flexible portions thereof so long as some pressure is maintained on the bladder 18 the brush will stay in its extended position if a plastic is utilized to form the bladder obviously the rate of return of the plastic to its prior position before squeezing will determine for how long a period brush 4 and shaft 6 remain in the extended position it is to be further noted that the degree of extension of shaft 6 and brush 4 is controlled by the dimensions of bladder 22 the bladder diaphragm combination 18 and 22 shown as separate parts in fig2 4 may be formed as one integral unit as shown in fig5 in fig5 numeral 25 denotes the squeezable portion of the bladder.
and adjusted such factors include age weight activity dehydration body fat etc typically 0 5 liters day of the water of the invention provide beneficial results in addition it is contemplated that the water of the invention may be administered in any number of ways known in the art including for example orally topically buccally sublingually parenterally intramuscularly or intravenously either alone or mixed with other agents compounds and chemicals it is also contemplated that the water of the invention may be useful to irrigate wounds or at the site of a surgical incision the water of the invention can have use in the treatment of infections for example infections by anaerobic organisms may be beneficially treated with the oxygenated forms of the water in another embodiment the water of the invention can be used to lower free radical levels and thereby inhibit free radical damage in cells in one embodiment the water may contain a sweetener i e a compound that imparts a sweet taste but does not increase the blood glucose levels of the patient examples include a sugar alcohol and non nutritive sugars as used herein the term sugar alcohol refers to reduced sugars the preferred sugar alcohol are mono saccharide alcohols and disaccharide.
supported by contact with the surrounding planet gears 54 for rotation of the sun gear 60 relative to the gear box housing 30 about the central axis 36 the sun gear 60 has a hollow bore along its axis and along the axis of its shaft extension a hollow tube 96 fixed to the final stage cover 92 on the gearbox housing 30 passes through the bore of the sun gear 60 and its shaft extension substantially along the axis 36 to conduct control wiring not shown through the gear box 10 to the rotor 20 the sun gear 60 rotates relative to but does not contact the hollow tube 96 the sun gear 60 is substantially smaller in diameter than the planet gears 54 the sun gear 60 has a plurality of external spur or helical gear teeth 61 that are in meshing engagement with the external gear teeth 56 on the planet gears 54 as a result rotation of the planet gears 54 about their axes in response to rotation of the input hub 34 and the planet pinions 42 causes the sun gear 60 to rotate about the central axis 36 the rotational force of the input hub 34 and the planet carrier 40 is thus entirely transmitted through the planet gears 54 to the sun gear 60 driving the sun gear for rotation about the central axis 36 the gearbox 10 also includes a final stage 90 including a final stage end plate 94 the final stage cover 92 an output pinion 70 and a final stage gear 62 the final stage gear 62 is a spur or helical gear.
is fashioned to hold a microfluidic device such as a wafer die or microchip upon placement of a microfluidic device on the receiving plate 102 the connector plate 203 is attached to a telescoping means 204 that lowers to compress the sealing fittings 104 against ports in the microfluidic device optionally a drive force mechanism applies a pre determined sealing force the drive force mechanism may also provide feedback and monitor the sealing force this drive force can be a spring selected to yield a specific force a pneumatic cylinder where a given amount of applied gas pressure provides a specific force an electric motor which applies a certain amount of torque to provide a specific force or alternatively the drive force could be hydraulic optionally a load cell or force sensor is placed in line to provide a continuous force read back in one embodiment the sealing fittings further contain electrical contacts for common application or isolated with individual contact pads the controlled compression system may close and open allowing for the substrate to be changed the figures shows a linear array however fittings may be placed in any position in the connector plate in one embodiment as shown in fig9 a 9b the sealing fittings are along a track in the connector plate allowing the sealing fitting to travel along the track referring to fig7 there is shown a.
subclavian artery 128 are also shown in fig2 e in other examples nerve trunks innervating other organs such as the lungs or kidneys are transvascularly stimulated in an example an expandable electrode such as a stent is implanted in a blood vessel proximate a nerve or nerve trunk that innervates the lungs or kidneys referring again to the example shown in fig1 a an implantable device 100 is coupled to a lead 200 that is inserted into a blood vessel and coupled to an electrode 295 an electrical signal is delivered through the lead 200 to the electrode 295 which transvascularly stimulates a nerve on an extravascular surface of the blood vessel the device 100 can optionally also deliver cardiac resynchronization therapy crt through one or more crt leads that are threaded intravenously into the heart the crt leads connect the device 100 to electrodes 300 that are used for sensing or pacing of the atria and or ventricles transvascular stimulation electrode 296 is coupled to a crt lead some embodiments process intrinsic electrical heart signals and deliver a responsive neural stimulation therapy through one of the electrodes 295 296 an optional satellite unit 110 includes an electrode for neural stimulation and a communication circuit that communicates with the device 100.
41 and a lower rear elongated member 47 having lower rear dowels 49 the lower rear dowels 49 fit into the apertures 24 of the lower rear hinge brackets 21 these lower rear dowels 49 are able to rotate within the apertures 92 the lower front dowels 45 fit into the slots 23 of the lower front hinge brackets 19 these lower front dowels 45 are adapted to slide horizontally within the slots 23 in the presently preferred embodiment all of the dowels of the table hinge 33 comprise steel a first set of parallel fingers 51 is secured to the upper front elongated member 35 and the lower rear elongated member 47 in the presently prelimited embodiment the first set of parallel fingers 51 comprises four red oak members which are glued to both the upper front elongated member 35 and the lower rear elongated member 47 similarly a second set of parallel fingers 53 comprising three red oak members is glued to both the upper rear elongated member 39 and the lower front elongated member 43 a pin 55 runs through all of the parallel fingers all of the parallel fingers rotate about the pin 55 for example fig1 shows the first set of parallel fingers 51 rotated counterclockwise about the pin 55 and the second set of parallel fingers 53 rotated clockwise about the pin 55 in this configuration the.
losing negligible amounts of protein over the subsequent 21 days therefore a four hour rinse time is sufficient to fabricate stable elp d thin films regardless of initial film mass in addition this protocol was found to be a highly reproducible method to produce thin films of a specific final mass as evidenced by the narrow standard deviation for both sets of films due to this we can reliably alter the final quantity of protein retained on the coated surface and thus the total concentration of presented bioactive ligand stability is an integral parameter dictating potential biomedical applications the high level of stability displayed by photo crosslinked elp d thin films makes them promising materials for use as implant coatings which commonly need to remain intact over long periods of time native elastin is highly persistent in the body although it can be rapidly degraded by the enzyme elastase a high level of film stability was demonstrated for elp d conjugated at u02dc 60 efficiency leaving u02dc 5 unreacted primary amines per protein chain these reactive groups could be used to tether various drugs or growth factors into the elp d thin film alternatively elp d conjugated with more crosslinker per.
side fixedly a lock body 69 which may be the identical lock body and locking mechanism disclosed in the foote patent the lock body 69 is secured to the cabinet wall 68 by screw means 70 a ratchet tooth locking bar 71 is employed similar to the bar 19 of foote and provided at its leading end with a short lateral terminal 72 serving as a stop to prevent complete separation of the movable bar 71 from the cabinet or lock body 69 in the invention a reversely bent parallel longitudinal locking bar or sliding bolt 73 is formed integral with the ratchet bar 71 and overlaps the front face of cabinet door 74 when in the locking position in this embodiment of the invention the same parallel longitudinal relative movement between the locking body and locking bar is present but in this case as contrasted with the prior embodiments the lock body 69 is the relatively stationary element while the ratchet locking bar 71 is the movable element and the bolt is carried by the movable locking bar instead of by the movable lock body as in the prior embodiments however the general mode of operation remains the same in relation to the cabinet closure 74 in fig1 another modification of the invention is depicted which is basically similar to the embodiments of fig1 and 7 the same relationship of mounting plate 75 and guidance and retainer bars 76 and 77 exists as well as the general relationship of the bolt 78 and the lock body 79 carrying the bolt and being engaged adjustably with the two bars 76 and 77 however in fig1 instead of a key operated lock cylinder and plunger mechanism a permutation lock mechanism 80 of any conventional type is.
wine said bottles being provided with a head section or piece the mold entity 10 comprises a top mold 10 a represented in fig3 as well as a bottom mold 10 b represented in fig4 and fig5 the top mold 10 a comprises an upper top mold piece 15 shown in fig6 and mounted in a floating manner and an annular monolithic one part lower top mold piece 13 for molding a part of the stopper length of the stopper s u2032 as well as a part of the head section of the stopper s u2032 the top mold 10 a moreover comprises a medial top mold piece arranged between the lower mold piece 13 and the upper mold piece 15 for molding a part of the length of the stopper having a fixation formation for a seal herein the medial top mold piece includes a horizontally movable first mold piece or mold part 14 a and a horizontally movable second mold piece or mold part 14 b the first mold piece 14 a includes a thread like indentation 140 a and the second mold piece 14 b includes a thread like indentation 140 b the indentations 140 a and 140 b form a negative mold for a thread like fixation formation for a seal of the stopper s u2032 said fixation formation being.
is vertically immersed in a container filled with dip the dip permeability through fiber capillary in two minutes is then measured by tracking the vertical progress of the dyed dip the apparatus includes two ring stands for holding test cords dip container of one inch diameter and one inch depth and control motor 1 8 hp with manual rpm control to feed test yarn through apparatus all test specimens must be conditioned at least 24 hours at atmosphere of 70 u00b0 f and 65 relative humidity as directed in astm d1776 for the test procedure step 1 is to mix three drops of red dye well with dip solution step 2 is to pull the test cord through a sample holder in the order of a first ring stand dip container and a second ring stand to the control motor wind the cord on the pulley of the control motor finally apply 20 gms pretension weight on the cord between the first ring stand and the ruler step 3 is to fill the dip container with the colored dip make sure dip level is at the top edge of the dip container even with the u201c 0 u201d on the ruler step 4 is to turn on the motor and feed a section of yarn through the dip stop the motor and start the test step 5 is to allow dip to wick two minutes on the specimen measure and report position of colored dip as it climbs the sample repeat steps 4 and 5 for nine times per fiber calculate average and standard deviation of ten wicking reading comparative a was an industrial yarn.
exit of the air flow from the plenum and or into the adaptor and or tubing for example in some embodiments as the distance shrinks or narrows the noise level increases and may become a distraction in some embodiments a distance between 3 and 6 inches may be preferred but the distance may be varied in accordance with other factors another factor influencing and or affecting airflow and noise is the positioning of the adaptor 84 relative to the free edge 82 in some embodiments the adaptor 84 can be placed or positioned with its long axis i e along opening 90 parallel to the free edge 82 e g see fig9 thereby contributing to a quiet evacuative airflow the adaptor may be placed and or oriented otherwise too e g perpendicularly see e g fig1 and this may influence noise levels produced by the airflow it should be appreciated the shape size and location of components and or their composition and or flow rates and or pressure gradients may be selected to sonically tune optimize and or balance evacuative flow and noise fig4 and 6 depict another embodiment of the smoke evacuator vacuum head 18 of the present invention wherein the vacuum.
the nucleation layer depends on the material used for nucleation it is determined as the thickness sufficient to nucleate the diamond growth and is preferably less than 150 nm other amorphous or polycrystalline materials mentioned previously may be used without departing from the scope of present invention the surface of the nucleating layer is denoted with 522 in another embodiment the nucleation layer 521 is formed during the last step of the formation of the layered structure 502 in this latter embodiment no deposition of a nucleating layer as described in b 2 is necessary as the surface 506 of the layered structure 502 has then been prepared for the subsequent step of growing synthetic diamond in this case the u201c nucleation layer surface u201d 522 means surface 506 fig5 b shows the third step b 3 of method b in b 3 a synthetic diamond layer 531 is grown on the surface 522 the growth direction is indicated with the arrow 533 the growth direction 533 of the diamond layer 531 is the same as the growth direction 505 of the layered structure 502 the thickness of the diamond may vary from several micrometers to hundreds of micrometers depending on the application during growth the surface 532 of the synthetic diamond becomes rough the completed structure is denoted with 530 fig5 c shows the fourth and fifth steps of method b steps b 4 and b 5 in the fourth step b.
pin openings 43 provided in the feeder plate 38 adjacent to the plate slot 39 for purposes which will be hereinafter further described referring now to fig1 6 and 9 of the drawings the mud adjusting mechanism 45 is located at the exit or outlet one of the tape feeder slots 7 and the mud adjusting mechanism 45 is characterized by a feeder plate support bracket 46 shaped to define a pair of plate flanges 47 fitted with openings not illustrated for mounting the feeder plate support bracket 46 of the mud adjusting mechanism 45 to the bucket wall 4 above the exit or outlet one of the tape feeder slots 7 as illustrated a flat feeder plate 47a fitted with a plate slot 47b completes the feeder plate support bracket 46 mounting of the feeder plate support bracket 46 to the bucket 2 is normally accomplished by using a pair of bracket bolts 12 and corresponding nuts 13 as further illustrated but may be effected by pop rivets or other fastening techniques known to those skilled in the art a pair of openings not illustrated are provided in the plate flanges 47 for receiving a pair of corresponding wing nut bolts 53 that extend through.
c 6 aliphatic ketone isopropyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol to produce solid arylsulfonyl halides which are collected by filtration of the drowning mixtures to collect the desired arylsulfonyl halides in a normal work up the solid arylsulfonyl halides may be purified by washing or reslurrying with the same or different c 3 c 6 aliphatic ketone a mixture of c 3 c 6 aliphatic ketones lower alkanols or another inert solvent which does not react with the arylsulfonyl halides typical c 3 c 6 aliphatic ketones include 2 propanone acetone 2 butanone methyl ethyl ketone 2 pentanone 3 pentanone 3 methyl 2 butanone 4 methyl 2 pentanone etc acetone is preferred as the ketone the amount of c 3 c 6 aliphatic ketone c 3 c 6 aliphatic ketone mixture c 3 c 6 aliphatic ketone isopropyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol used for the drowning of the halosulfonation reaction solutions may vary considerably but preferably the desired ratio of the drowning medium to the volume of the chlorosulfonic acid used in the reaction varies between about 2 1 to 20 1 v v the arene substrate of the formula r h can be any aromatic compound which has an active hydrogen i e a site capable of electrophilic substitution as in a halosulfonation of for example benzene examples of such arene compounds include carbocyclic.
show changes in dendritic spine properties including spine size and density using the same techniques time lapse studies in the brains of living animals have shown that spines come and go with the larger mushroom spines being the most stable over time several proteins are markers for dendritic spine formation spinophilin for example is highly enriched in dendritic spines and has been shown to regulate the formation and function of dendritic spines elav proteins are one of the earliest markers of neuronal differentiation elav proteins are generally involved in the post transcriptional regulation of gene expression specimens of hermissenda crassicornis were maintained in artificial sea water asw at 15 u00b0 for three days in perforated 50 ml conical centrifuge tubes before starting experiments bryostatin purified from the marine bryozoan bugula neritina was dissolved in etoh and diluted to its final concentration in asw animals were incubated with bryostatin in asw for 4 hr then rinsed with normal asw for selected experiments lactacysteine 10 u03bcm or anisomycin was added to the asw bryostatin effects on hermissenda behavior and biochemistry were produced by adding the drug to the bathing medium within an 8 cm long 1 cm diameter test tube housing each individual animal following experimental treatments and testing animals were rapidly decapitated the central nervous systems cns removed and then fixed in 4 para formaldehyde in 20 mm tris buffered ph 8 natural seawater nsw 0 2 u03bcm micropore filtered the cnss were then.
128 and output circuit 124 transmits physical layer signals representing the data to network 106 when entering sleep mode pc 104 places network device 102 in magic packet mode step 204 for example pc 104 asserts a magic packet mode signal which can be conveyed to phy 108 in any number of ways for example a management interface such as management data input output mdio can be used to set a bit in memory 118 which can be monitored by phy power control circuit 120 as another example a dedicated pin of an integrated circuit comprising phy 108 can be used in response to the magic packet mode signal phy power control circuit 120 powers off serial data interface 114 of phy 108 step 206 in some embodiments mac power control circuit 130 powers off serial data interface 138 of mac 110 and can power off mac core 136 in response to the magic packet mode signal while in magic packet mode magic packet circuit 116 of phy 108 monitors the data produced by phy core 112 for ingressing magic packets step 208 in some embodiments memory 118 stores a magic packet pattern that magic packet circuit 116 compares to the data produced by phy core 112.
bearing hole 14 e also the motor shaft support bearing 31 is disposed between an inner diameter surface of the boss 38 a and the speed reducer input shaft 30 the carrier support bearing 43 positions the speed reducer side carrier 38 with respect to the casing 14 also the motor shaft support bearing 31 positions the motor shaft 21 with respect to the casing 14 via the carrier support bearing 43 the speed reducer side carrier 38 has an outer circumferential edge which has a plurality of connection tabs 40 see fig1 and fig3 each bent toward the differential device 13 at a space along its circumferential direction these connection tabs 40 are inserted into the ring gear disc region 44 a of the differential side ring gear 44 to fasten the speed reducer side carrier 38 and the differential side ring gear 44 with each other as shown in fig1 fig2 and fig6 the differential device 13 is constituted by the differential side ring gear 44 a differential side sun gear 45 which is radially inside thereof and is coaxially therewith double pinion differential side pinion gears 46 a 46 b engaged with each other and disposed between the ring gear 44 and the sun gear 45 differential side pinion shafts 47 47 b which support these pinion gears 46 a 46 b and a differential side.
are then moved from the generic media 32 and transferred into the patient 34 in practicing the method of this invention the user may use the current methods of moving the embryos through the 1st solution 14 second solution 18 and the 3rd solution 22 the embryos are removed from the 3 thawing solution 22 and at step 24 moved to the rejuvenating solution 60 of this invention the solution 60 is a solution which addresses the needs of embryos that were frozen and are being thawed to be later implanted and addresses the fact that the frozen embryos have different nutritional needs than fresh embryos in method a the embryos are moved at 24 into the solution 60 before they are put into the last thawing solution 30 this exposes the embryos to the enhancements of the solution 60 due in part to the fact that most last thawing solution are only a base media solution and hsa human serum albumin therefore it is more beneficial to be in the solution 60 than in the last solution 26 this example also allows the solution 60 to become the final solution used in the sequence of solutions and the last solution in kits currently provided by ivf companies in method a the embryos are held in the solution 60 for a period of time undefined in this example.
molecular weight 550 dissolved in 200 ml of dmf immediately followed by the addition of 29 g 0 173 mole of hdi the temperature was set at 50 u00b0 c and the reaction was performed in a nitrogen atmosphere after 5 hours of reaction 172 9 g 0 0865 mole of pcl diol molecular weight 2000 was added the temperature was raised to 100 u00b0 c and the reaction was continued overnight then the reaction was quenched by dba after the resultant was cooled down it was precipitated by 1000 ml of ether and the resulting precipitates were dissolved in dmf and precipitated from ether such precipitation process was repeated three times then the precipitates were vacuumed until dry yielding a peg530 pcl2000 peg530 tri block copolymer the cmc of the product was about 0 013 wt determined by the method as described in example 1 the size of the resulting micelles was determined using a dynamic light scattering instrument malvern uk 44 of malvern instruments company to be about 85 nm as shown in fig3 suitable amount of dbtdl was added to 100 g 0 05 mole of methoxy polyethylene glycol molecular weight 2000 dissolved in 200 ml of dmf immediately followed by the addition of 7 98 g 0 0475 mole of hdi the temperature was set at 50 u00b0 c and the reaction was performed in a nitrogen atmosphere after 5 hours of reaction 47 5 g 0 02375 mole of pcl diol molecular weight 2000 was added the temperature was raised to 100 u00b0 c and the reaction was continued overnight then the reaction was quenched by dba after the resultant was cooled down it was precipitated by 1000 ml of ether and the resulting precipitates were dissolved in dmf and precipitated from ether.
hemp regulations in canada for the year 2007 at least 2 500 seeds of cannabis sativa uso 31 were deposited with the national collections of industrial food and marine bacteria ncimb ferguson building craibstone estate bucksburn aberdeen ab21 9 ya scotland u k on feb 5 2015 and have been assigned accession number ncimb 42357 these cannabinoid free plants are phenotypically and chemotypically different to those developed by the applicant through artificial manipulation and differ from those cannabinoid free plants that have been isolated in nature 1 a disrupted morphogenesis of glandular trichomes that according to sirikantaramas et al 20 appear to be essential structures for cannabinoid synthesis and 2 a blockage of one or more biochemical pathways that are crucial for the formation of precursors upstream of cbg the first condition would also seriously affect the synthesis of other secondary metabolites that are produced largely or uniquely in the glandular trichomes in 1991 field grown cannabinoid free plants resulting from gorshkova et al 16 programme were viewed and the bracts and bracteoles of these plants were apparently lacking glandular trichomes also the plants did not exude the characteristic cannabis fragrance this suggests that the volatile mono and sesquiterpenes were not produced in these plants such cannabinoid free plants might therefore have been considered unsuitable for the purpose of breeding a cannabinoid free plant with typical entourage compounds the second condition could also affect metabolites other than cannabinoids as in the case of an obstruction of the basic pathways of common precursors for different classes of end products.
formula presented in fig2 reveals the elements and calculations which form the basis of the jhi essentially the formula calculates the percentage deviation of each metric from the industry peer group average and then having taken account of the gap coefficient for a particular metric aggregates all formed values cf complexity factor of a facility based on standard description of its l m the total number of costs metrics the total number of hours business overheads operations maintenance annualized maintenance health safety security amp environment technical support facility specific laboratory inspection planning and scheduling hours u2014 kpis related to hours have the same division as per facility costs emission environment impact units gas flared and vented cf waste total waste by complexity tones cf incidents total number of recordable incidents per million man hours absenteeism total own staff absenteeism of total days availability u2014 number of hours that product movement has been restricted due to unavailability of equipment reliability u2014 it is a sum of unplanned downtime number of hours of unplanned downtime of a system over the total number of hours available and maintenance backlog number of maintenance hours in a system over the total number of maintenance hours available.
a caulk can be applied if desired it appears that the interface between the edges 84 and the surface 72 of the subtending log at the point of contact 86 is such that an effective seal is formed mitigating any need for a caulk or chink experience has indicated that when an upper log 72 is raised or removed the contact lines 86 in the lower log have been compressed by the weight of the upper log to provide a distinct channel and increased contact area along the lines 68 referring now to fig6 the configuration of the corner 14 of the long wall and the short wall is illustrated in somewhat greater detail as already described with respect to fig3 for diagrammatic purposes fig6 shows an aggregate foundation 36 with a wooden sill plate 38 secured thereto for supporting the longer wall 16 and sill plate 40 for supporting the short wall 12 in the preferred construction anchor bolts are cast into the aggregate foundation 36 and extend upwardly to secure the sill plates 38 and 40 and the sill log 42 of the short wall and the first log 52 of the long wall the anchor bolts are not shown in fig6 although the aperture 114 for one anchor bolt is diagramatically shown furthermore an anchor bolt may be disposed at the intersection of the long wall and short wall in order to.
first coupler segment spanning a first portion of the circumference of the annular coupler the annular coupler may further include a second coupler segment electrically insulated from the first coupler segment which spans a second portion of the circumference of the annular coupler in selected aspects the first and second portions do not overlap one another along the circumference in certain aspects the first and second coupler segments each span about fifty percent of the circumference of the annular coupler thus each coupler segment may make up roughly half of the annular coupler application_number US 35412409 A description it will be readily understood that the components of the present invention as generally described and illustrated in the figures herein could be arranged and designed in a wide variety of different configurations thus the following more detailed description of aspects of apparatus and methods of the present invention as represented in the figures is not intended to limit the scope of the invention as claimed but is merely representative of various selected aspects of the invention the illustrated aspects of the invention will be best understood by reference to the drawings wherein like parts are designated by like numerals throughout those of ordinary skill in the art will of course appreciate that various modifications to the apparatus and methods described herein may be easily made without departing from the essential characteristics of the invention as described in connection with the figures thus the following description of the figures is intended only by way of example and simply illustrates certain selected aspects consistent with the invention as claimed herein fig1 shows a pair of transmission lines 102 a 102 b and a split coil annular coupler 104 incorporated into the pin end 108 of a downhole tool 100.
25 may also directly interface to analog to digital converter 40 and use internal timing to interrupt microprocessor 25 for sampling frequency additionally microprocessor 25 may be a microcontroller and have memory analog to digital converter 40 and other peripherals on a single chip the defibrillator also contains lcd screen 50 as well as a voice synthesizer and speaker for instructing the rescuer defibrillator 15 also contains all the necessary components for defibrillation including but not limited to charger circuit 60 battery pack 10 capacitors 65 and an h bridge circuit 70 the defibrillator data acquisition system samples the battery voltage once every 45 ms 22 22 hz and stores the data into random access memory ram the data acquisition system may also store the battery data onto a removable multi media flash card for post incident review defibrillator 15 is also capable of storing the battery data into eeprom flash or other types of memory well known in the art defibrillator 15 does not need to implement a digital filter however a digital filter such as but not limited to an averaging filter smoothing filter low pass filter or other filters well known in the art may easily be implemented defibrillator 15 may also store historical information into ram such data may contain information about the period of time since the device was last used the number of times the device has been used the operational mode of the device and the number of shocks that have been delivered the device may additionally store its historical information onto a removable multi media.
straightforward logic circuits such as and gates and inverters one of ordinary skill in the art would understand upon reading and comprehending this disclosure that various embodiments of the combinational logic include various combinations of the illustrated circuits and variations of the high and low logic states 0036 fig7 a c are graphs showing the cross over lock feedback circuit 110 correcting for weak pull ups fig7 a shows the initial low crossover voltage about one volt on the d and d u2212 outputs of the single ended transceiver drivers fig7 b shows the feedback circuit 110 applying a correcting voltage to the transmitter 140 pull up and pull down circuits fig7 b also shows that the correcting voltage is adjusted on a clock period basis because the charge is produced from transitions on the transmission cable 130 detected by the receivers 122 124 126 after about twenty clock periods the cross over voltage is brought back to mid rail 1 5 volts as shown in fig7 c 0037 fig8 a c are graphs showing the cross over lock feedback circuit 110 correcting for weak pull downs fig8 a shows the initial low crossover voltage is higher than mid rail about two volts fig8 b shows the feedback circuit 110 applying a correcting voltage to the transmitter 140 pull up and pull down circuits after about twenty clock periods the cross over voltage is brought back to mid rail 1 5 volts as shown in fig8 c 0038 fig9 is a drawing of a system 900 that uses a differential transceiver interface 905 to communicate over.
in close proximity with arcuate portion 46 or abuts arcuate portion 46 and base 19 engages and rests on horizontal surface 14 in the event that force is applied to one of opposed body side walls 18 a to push container 12 in an effort to topple container 12 edge 72 at base 19 adjacent to side wall 18 a in contact with horizontal surface 14 is caused to move longitudinally along the horizontal surface 14 until handle support 26 engages edge 53 of arcuate portion 46 while edge 70 at base 19 adjacent to side wall 18 b travels in the direction of the applied force as shown in fig1 d once handle support 26 engages edge 53 of arcuate portion 46 continued application of the force has no effect on body 16 and container 12 remains relatively stationary and in an upright position even when rocked container 12 remains in a substantially upright position correspondingly a pushing force applied to other opposing side wall 18 b with the intention of toppling over container 12 is also thwarted by the engagement of handle support 26 with edge 54 of arcuate portion 46 of retaining device 10 alternatively in the event.
apparatus may also be folded for convenient storage application_number US 70960104 A description fig1 is a diagram of a quilting frame apparatus 100 in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention quilting frame apparatus 100 provides a large rectangular work area which allows a quilter to work for longer periods of time without the inconvenience of moving the quilt being worked on further since many quilts are constructed of square or rectangular pieces the rectangular shape provides a work area that better conforms to such rectangular quilt layouts than with conventional oblong quilting frames hoops turning now to the details of construction the rectangular work area is defined by an outer frame which comprises four removable outer pieces 102 104 106 and 108 and an inner frame 110 the four sides of which are permanently connected together to form a rectangle in a preferred embodiment inner frame 110 is glued and nailed together from four elongated pieces of wood outer pieces 102 104 106 and 108 are connected at the corners using bolts and wingnuts in a mortise and tenon arrangement as depicted in fig2 for example outer piece 104 is fitted to outer piece 106 at mortise 105 of outer piece 106 and secured with a bolt and wingnut 103 wingnut 103 and the other wingnuts connecting outer pieces 102 104 106 and 108 serve the dual role of assembling outer pieces 102 104 106 and 108 into a rectangular shape as well as allowing a user to adjust the tension with which the work i e the quilt being worked on is held when quilting frame apparatus is in use the work is held.
system 300 has a line 308 that extends from the reservoir 16 the sub cooling refrigerant directed in the line 308 is expanded by expansion stage 304 such that its pressure is reduced the sub cooling refrigerant is then put in heat exchange with the cooling refrigerant in heat exchange stage 306 so as to absorb heat from the cooling refrigerant and thus liquefy the cooling refrigerant for its subsequent mixture with the defrost refrigerant the sub cooling refrigerant is then fed to the compression stage 12 also in fig4 a valve 400 is shown at the outlet of the dedicated compressor 12 a the valve 400 is provided so as to ensure that the line 106 at the outlet of the compressor 12 a maintains sufficient refrigerant pressure in fig5 a a sub cooling system 300 u2032 is similar to the sub cooling system 300 of fig5 a but with the valve 202 positioned upstream of the heat exchanger 306 in fig5 b a sub cooling system 300 u2033 has the line 112 u2032 mixing the defrost refrigerant to the cooling refrigerant upstream of the heat exchanger 306 in fig5 c a sub cooling system 300 u2032 u2033 collects sub cooling refrigerant downstream of the heat exchanger 306 it is pointed out that line 112 u2032 can mix defrost refrigerant to the cooling refrigerant downstream or upstream of the heat exchanger 306 as is illustrated other sub cooling configurations are also possible it is obvious that the control of valve operation is preferably fully automated the valve operation for controlling the defrost of evaporators 20 namely the control of valves 114 116 118 and 120 is fully automated the defrosting of one of the evaporators 20 can be stopped according to.
the simulated jet turbo fan propulsion and the flapping wings makes for an interesting toy to watch in flight not only does the toy fly exceptionally well but the flapping wings add additional appeal for both children and adults the flying toy 1100 is similar to the holy cow u2122 900 with the addition of flapping wings 1110 in one embodiment the wings are constructed of fabric mounted on a plastic or other material frame any set of toy wings could be substituted in one embodiment the wings are mounted on an up and down moveable device 1135 that is attached via a crankshaft 1150 and connecting rod 1145 to an electric motor 1155 in another embodiment the frame is attached to a pivoting arm connected to a crankshaft type motor shaft the motor crankshaft and pivoting arm cause the wings to flap up and down the wings provide some propulsion to the flying toy but are mainly an attractive feature of the toy while air 1120 expelled by the simulated jet turbo fan provide the main amount of propulsion keeping the flying toy in flight aerodynamics of the wings help maintain balanced flight of the flying toy in one embodiment the flying toy includes two electric motors one for powering the flapping wings and another for powering the simulated jet turbo fan both motors may derive energy from a single.
a way which is generally known the accept outlet is marked with reference number 7 the reject is removed through a reject outlet 8 in fig2 those devices or parts of devices that are identical to the configuration which is state of the art and shown in fig1 are marked with the same reference numbers in the preferred configuration of a screen according to the invention and as shown in fig2 the screen 1 consists of three separation units 1 u2032 1 u2033 and 1 u2032 u2033 the three separation units 1 u2032 1 u2033 and 1 u2032 u2033 have one common rotor whose sections 4 u2032 4 u2033 and 4 u2032 u2033 respectively adapted to the flow conditions in the corresponding separation unit are parabolic or have the shape of a truncated paraboloid as an alternative the sections of the rotor can also be shaped similar to a truncated cone or a parabola each separation unit has a reject outlet 9 u2032 9 u2033 and 9 u2032 u2033 the reject from the first and second separation units is thus also the feed to the next separation unit in each case the reject from the third and final separation unit is drawn off through the reject outlet 8 in fig2 a pipe for dilution water mounted inside the rotor is marked 10 and the outlets from the pipe will be described in more detail below a deflaking unit 13 is provided at the transition from the second to the third separation unit 0050 fig3 and 4 show preferred configurations of a reject outlet in this case reject outlet 9 u2032 in an enlargement of the section marked.
the locations 15 of the needles in the appropriate needle bars 16 the mounting units 10 have a general plane designated aa aa further fig3 shows a transverse axis a 39 of said mounting unit the transverse axis is an arbitrary line approximate to the mounting hole 16 passing through the mounting unit 10 parallel to edges 17 and 19 which provide between them the face in which the guides 20 are mounted suitably soldered in the conventional manner fig2 further shows an axial plane bb bb this is a theoretical plane in the embodiments shown the flat elongated head portions 21 and 24 of the yarn guide members 22 and 22 39 lie parallel to this plane the longitudinal axes of the flat elongated head and shaft portions of guide members 22 and 22 39 lie parallel to this plane and said plane is perpendicular to the general plane aa aa of the mounting unit 10 in the preferred embodiments of the invention the shaft portion 12 of a guide member 22 is mounted in mounting unit 10 in any given set of guides 20 at least one member 22 thereof has its central portion 25 bent towards an adjacent guide member 22 39 and the elongated head portion 24 thereof having eyelet 27 in the end thereof oriented with its plane parallel to the shaft portions 12 and 112 alternatively member 22 39 may have its central portion 125 bent towards an adjacent guide member 22 and the elongated head portion 124 thereof having eyelet 127 in the end thereof oriented with its plane parallel to.
by reducing the resistance r 5 so as to be lower than the resistance r 6 moreover an excellent regulator or reference source which can operate in the condition of lower feed voltage lower than 1 2 volts can be provided easily fig2 shows a second embodiment of the present invention in fig2 the collector of the transistor 7 is connected through a resistor 17 to the output feed line b the noninverting input terminal 11a of the voltage comparator 11 is connected to the collector of the transistor 7 and an output control transistor 18 of reverse conductive type is employed instead of the output control transistor 12 the voltage regulator shown in fig2 operates certainly in the condition of lower feed voltage compared with the prototype shown in fig1 fig3 shows a third embodiment of the present invention the collector of the transistor 7 is connected to the base of a transistor 19 and the collector of a transistor 20 the emitter of the transistor 19 is connected to the base of the transistor 20 and the collector of the transistor 19 is connected to the negative feed line c the emitter of the transistor 20 is connected through a resistor 21 to the output feed line b the base of a transistor 22 is connected to the base of the transistor 20 the emitter of the transistor 22 is connected through a resistor 23 to the output feed line b and the collector of the transistor 22 is connected to the collector of the transistor 3 the base of a transistor 24 is connected to the base of the transistor 20 the emitter of the.
to terminate the embossing action and or remove the embossing components the following examples will further illustrate the embodiment of this invention in these examples all parts given are by weight unless otherwise noted this example illustrates the preparation of an embossed pile fabric typical of the products of this invention sections of a level loop carpet of the following construction were treated by means of screen printing techniques with a dye print paste containing 45 parts of chloroacetic acid embossing agent ______________________________________print paste parts______________________________________1 embossing agent 452 locust bean gum solution 40 5 gum 5 benzyl alcohol3 formic acid 14 thiodiglycol 55 dye as desired6 water 14______________________________________ little pile height reduction was noted until the carpet was steamed at 212 u00b0 f after steaming for ten minutes at 212 u00b0 f the carpet was rinsed neutralized given a nonionic scour rinsed again and dried the resulting carpet exhibited an attractive textured surface with a 50 reduction in pile height in the treated areas a additional embossed nylon carpets were prepared by means of the general procedure set forth in example i hereinabove utilizing the following embossing system ______________________________________embossing agent trifluoroacetic acidprint composition 30 trifluoroacetic acid in a dye paste the composition of which is recited hereinafter in b hereof embossing conditions steaming at 212 u00b0 f for 10 minutes results excellent embossing 50 reduction in pile height ______________________________________ b additional embossed nylon carpets were prepared bymeans of the general procedure set forth in example i utilizingthe following embossing system.
120 and the gap between the two is part of the design variables that serve to tune the optimal operating frequency of the lamp those skilled in the art will recognize that the cross section may be of many shapes but ease of manufacturing would make a circular cross section preferable while avoidance of high electromagnetic field concentrations that may lead to arcing would make cross sections with sharp features undesirable one end of the output coupling element 120 is grounded to the body 600 as depicted in fig1 at point 605 the top of output coupling element 120 closely receives and is in intimate contact with gas fill vessel 130 which when excited by the electromagnetic field near the output coupling element 120 forms a radiant plasma filament 115 the gas fill vessel is a bulb made from materials such as quartz or transparent translucent alumina and contains an inert gas such as argon as well as a light emitter consisting of materials such as mercury sodium dysprosium sulfur or a metal halide salt such as indium bromide scandium bromide thallium iodide holmium bromide cesium iodide or other similar materials or it can simultaneously contain multiple light emitters the output coupling element couples the rf energy to the gas fill vessel ionizing the inert gas and vaporizing the light emitter resulting in intense light emission from the bulb a slight depression corresponding to the shape of bulb 130 may exist at the top of output coupling element 120 to positively receive the former a thin layer of high temperature dielectric material such as alumina may be configured with an adhesive to enhance the mechanical interface in certain embodiments the dielectric material may also act as.
of fig1 of the housing 1 the paper feeding section 10 includes a paper cassette 11 removably attached to the one side portion of the housing 1 a paper supply roller 12 in rolling contact with the uppermost one of sheets p contained in the paper cassette 11 and capable of delivering the sheets p one by one into the housing 1 and a sheet bypass guide 13 for manual paper supply each sheet p delivered from the paper feeding section 10 is regulated for feed timing by a pair of aligning rollers 15 and fed so as to be in rolling contact with the photoconductive drum 2 in a transfer section the photoconductive drum 2 is also surrounded by a pre transfer charger 9 a transfer charger 16 for transferring the developing agent to the sheet to form a visible image thereon and a separation charger 17 for separating the sheet from the photoconductive drum 2 after transfer the transfer section is defined between the photoconductive drum 2 and the transfer charger 16 after the developing agent image visible image is transferred to the sheet the sheet is guided to a fixing unit 20 by a conveyor belt 19 the developing agent is fixed by the pressure and heat of a pair of heat rollers 21 which constitute the fixing unit 20 after the fixation the sheet is discharged onto a tray 23 by a pair of exit rollers 22 after the transfer operation the developing agent remaining on the surface of the photoconductive drum 2 is removed by a cleaning unit 18 the developing apparatus 8.
in fig9 are explained in greater detail below the teleconferencing robot 100 includes the micro controller 28 which controls the attention getting mechanism 90 as well as various other teleconferencing robot components represented by block 99 the micro controller 28 also controls the vertical lifting and lowering mechanism 70 and mobile ground unit 80 when provided both of these units being optional now referring to fig1 the schematic layout of remote teleconferencing unit 120 is shown remote teleconferencing unit 120 u201c rtu 120 u201d includes a microphone 121 to pick up the voice of the remote conferee and send a rtu outgoing audio signal u201c rtuoas u201d to audio video data communications controller 128 u201c avdcc 128 u201d the avdcc 128 controls the transmission and reception of all of the various rtu signals to and from an equivalent communications controller avdcc 129 shown in fig9 located at the local group meeting site rtu 120 further includes a video camera 122 to capture an image of the remote conferee the video camera 122 sends an rtu outgoing video signal u201c rtuovs u201d to avdcc 128 amplified speaker 123 receives an rtu incoming audio signal u201c rtuias u201d from avdcc 128 the rtuias originates from the teleconferencing robot 100 shown in fig9 and typically consists of the voices of the local conferees at the group meeting site rtu 120 further includes a teleconferencing robot remote control system 119 which remotely controls the operation of the teleconferencing robot 100 of fig9 the teleconferencing robot remote control system 119 comprises a video monitor 124 an operations panel 125 a graphics overlay unit 126 and a main control unit 127 the remote conferee controls the teleconferencing robot 100 of fig9 by means of input at the operations panel 125 operations panel 125.
can be networked by techniques described in us patent publication no 2004 0087357 by johnson teaches networking computer controlled table game devices u s pat no 5 762 552 issued to vuong et al u s pat no 6 575 834 issued to lindo u s pat no 5 830 069 issued to soltesz et al or u s pat no 6 846 238 issued to wells teaches a wireless client in communication with a computer controlled gaming device where the client can interactively make wagers and play the computer controlled gaming device in one implementation a player can begin play by operating a remote client to select a live table game that is available to be played via a network at an electro mechanical and video automatic table game machine such a selection can be made in one implementation via user interface that tunes the remote client to a channel of a network over which game play is being broadcast optionally the player can choose to be the only player that plays at the electro mechanical and video automatic table game machine such as where the player wants to take all the time the player desires between each wager without being rushed by another player or by house rules such a choice can be made via a transmission from the remote client to the selected electro mechanical and video automatic table game machine such as via a separate network or via a back channel of the broadcast network alternatively the player can virtually join other players that are playing a live table game being operated unattended by an electro mechanical and video automatic table game machine each player can begin making wagers at a remote client by providing funding to the client means for funding the remote client.
alkali salt e g potassium sulfate this corresponds to a ratio of about 20 asphalt emulsion e g ccs 1h and 80 magnesium chloride solution it should be noted that other asphalt emulsions could be substituted the following is a discussion of the present applicants 39 test of the present invention first a commercially available asphalt emulsion ccs 1h was diluted with water to make an emulsion containing about 35 asphalt emulsion and 65 water it should be noted that the amount of water was cut back in comparison to the prior art discussed above so when the magnesium chloride solution was added it would not thin it down too much the resulting asphalt emulsion was then heated to about 150 u00b0 f a magnesium chloride solution containing about 30 magnesium chloride and 70 water was heated to about 160 u00b0 f this allowed the asphalt emulsion to not clot in the blending process both products were then placed in a tank with a recirculation pump and blended for about two hours the product was then loaded into a distributor truck and applied to a test road surface the subgrade of the road surface was wet down with water and the.
18 includes a sun gear member 42 a ring gear member 44 and a carrier member 46 that rotatably supports a set of pinion gears 48 only one shown sun gear member 42 is connected for common rotation with first intermediate shaft 34 ring gear member 44 is connected for common rotation with a third intermediate shaft 50 carrier member 46 is connected for common rotation with an input shaft 12 pinion gears 48 are configured to intermesh with both sun gear member 42 and ring gear member 44 in a preferred embodiment of the present invention planetary gear set 20 is a simple planetary gear set that includes a sun gear member 52 a ring gear member 54 and a carrier member 56 that rotatably supports a set of pinion gears 58 only one shown sun gear member 52 is connected for common rotation with a third intermediate shaft 50 ring gear member 54 is connected for common rotation with fourth intermediate shaft 60 carrier member 56 is connected for common rotation with fifth intermediate shaft 62 pinion gears 58 are configured to intermesh with both sun gear member 52 and ring gear member 54 in a preferred embodiment of the present invention planetary gear set 22 is a simple planetary gear set that includes a sun gear member 72 a ring gear member 74 and a carrier member 76 that rotatably supports a set of pinion gears 78 only one shown sun gear member 72 is connected for common rotation with sixth intermediate shaft 64 and seventh intermediate shaft 66 ring gear member 74 is connected for common.
for the expenses selections include u201c growth u201d the user enters one value to increase the expense by the entered rate u201c growth custom u201d the user enters an individual growth rate per year and u201c formula u201d wherein expense is calculated as a percentage of either efi pgi or contract rent after populating a myucf data set with assumptions a multi year cash flow analysis may be displayed a multi year cash flow may be displayed in numerous formats including dollars or values and per unit percent columns or in dollar values an example of an multi year cash flow page 800 u201c myucf u201d page is shown in fig8 the various views include 1 month by month detail 2 vacancy adjustments roll over overrides 3 printing cash flows and assumptions the user may select various options for printing the cash flow and the assumptions such options include a export summary u2014 produces the cash flow without including the detail level of unit type and expense reimbursements b export all u2014 produces the cash flow with all detail by unit type and reimbursements types amounts c the assumption page may be the same for both the summary and the detailed sections after creating cash flow models at the loan level these cash flow scenarios are aggregated at the securitization level each cash flow scenario will imply certain default scenarios and the predicted.
point 14 which is approximately at the center of the eyelash when the eye is closed if not interrupted by the eyelash the beam continues on to impinge on the detector module assembly 15 supported by attachment member 16 from the eyeglass frame 10 fig2 is a top view showing the position of the light beam being intersected by the eyelash when the right eye is closed the angled position of the beam allows the detector module assembly 15 to be mounted close to the glasses 39 frame at the nose for easier fit emitter module assembly 11 consists of a light beam source such as an infrared light emitting diode 17 mounted in an enclosure 18 along with a lens 19 and an anti reflecting light absorbing member 20 the lens is placed such as to produce a focused beam at point 14 which is close to the centerline of the eye and the most dense part of the eyelash the enclosure 18 is supported by a bendable attachment member 12 which is fixed to the eyeglass frame 10 which is in turn supported by the standard nose pads on the eyeglasses the bendable member 12 may be bent to change its circular shape and thereby to adjust the fore and aft position of emitter assembly 11 and it may be twisted to change the angular adjustment of the light beam 13 within enclosure 18 is a nonreflecting rough and blackened inner surface cylinder 20 which absorbs light and thereby prevents the reflection of non focusable light rays from impinging on lens 19 and subsequently scattering into the eye light emitting diodes led 39 s normally emit a very broad light beam lenses on led 39 s are common to reduce the beam spread.
m 299 0 5 m me 286 1 m co 285 5 m cho 257 1 m c 3 h 5 o 209 10 m phco 192 38 134 60 105 100 77 50 exact mass calculated for c 20 h 26 o 3 3 14 1882 found 314 1887 the aldehyde 2 1 36 g 4 3 mmol was dissolved in ch 2 cl 2 15 ml and a 40 aq n bu 4 noh solution 5 6 ml 5 57 g 8 6 mmol was added the resulting mixture was stirred at room temperature for 16 h diluted with methylene chloride 30 ml washed with water dried na 2 so 4 and concentrated under reduced pressure a residue was chromatographed on silica gel with hexane ethyl acetate 95 5 to afford a mixture of aldehyde 2 and its 20 epimer 730 mg 53 yield in ca 1 1 7 ratio by 1 h nmr this mixture of aldehydes 730 mg 2 3 mmol was dissolved in thf 5 ml and nabh 4 175 mg 4 6 mmol was added followed by a dropwise addition of ethanol 5 ml the reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature for 30 min and it was quenched with.
one of the one way iub tn delay times t2 u2212 t1 and t4 u2212 t3 preferably the longer of the times t2 u2212 t1 and t4 u2212 t3 is used to be conservative in this embodiment the rlc transmission size is set such that an amount of data corresponding to the rlc transmission window size is substantially equal to an amount of data that can be transferred within twice the actual uplink or the downlink delay times which ever is greater referring back to fig4 when updating the rlc transmission window size there can be factors other than the data rate and delays on the iub tn fig8 illustrates an example process to perform the step s 430 in consideration of these other factors in step s 810 an appropriate rlc transmission window size is determined based on the data rate note that any one or more of the formulas 1 2 3 and 4 may be used for this purpose in step s 820 the rnc determines whether there is congestion in the iub tn in one embodiment the hs dsch ca frame received from the node b is used for this purpose the ca frame can include a two bit congestion status parameter according to the existing 3gpp standard indicating whether or not there a congestion condition exists in the downlink direction from the rnc to the node b for the flow there are two types u2014 u201c loss u201d or u201c delay u201d loss indicates that actual data.
bands of the corresponding radiation induced defect which can be diminished by a photo annealing light the photo annealing light source 100 which can be a laser or a broadband light source generates a light incident into the rare earth doped fiber of the optical fiber assembly 102 to reduce the ria preferably the wavelength of the photo annealing light is ranged from 355 nm to 980 nm and the ria at least from 900 nm to 1700 nm in wavelength can be efficiently recovered consequently the performance of the optical fiber assembly 102 could be recovered by the photo annealing light source 100 please refer to fig2 a which is a first preferred implementation case schematic diagram of the present invention showing a photo annealing light source 200 coupled to an optical fiber assembly 201 the optical fiber assembly 201 is used as a single pass backward configuration including a 3 port wdm 202 connected to an optical isolator 204 with an output port 205 a rare earth doped fiber 203 connected to the 3 port wdm 202 and a fiber termination 206 and a fiber splicing 207 preferably a rare earth doped fiber 203 is an edf erbium doped fiber the photo annealing light source 200 is also an optical pump light source for exciting the rare earth doped fiber 203 when a light from the photo annealing light source 200 is coupled to.
u201c electrically connected u201d etc are used interchangeably herein to generally refer to the condition of being electrically connected it is further noted that various block diagrams circuit diagrams and timing waveforms shown and discussed herein employ logic circuits that implement positive logic i e a high value on a signal is treated as a logic u201c 1 u201d whereas a low value is treated as a logic u201c 0 u201d however any of the circuit discussed herein may be easily implemented in negative logic i e a high value on a signal is treated as a logic u201c 0 u201d whereas a low value is treated as a logic u201c 1 u201d fig4 is a simplified block diagram of a delay locked loop dll 36 according to one embodiment of the present disclosure as noted before the dll 30 is one type of synchronous circuit that can be internal to any integrated circuit including for example an sdram memory unit as shown for example in fig1 it is pointed out that throughout the discussion herein the same reference numerals are used to designate identical circuit elements or signal waveforms and or to also facilitate ease of discussion a comparison of the dll in fig1 and the dll 36 in fig4 shows that the dll 36 additionally includes a clk 180 decoder 38 interchangeably referred to herein as the u201c clock decoder u201d or the u201c decoder u201d 180 however the overall function of the dll 36 is identical to that of the dll 10 which is to synchronize the external clock 12 with the internal clock 14 as shown.
as representing the fire units 12 output processing elements 24 are shown representing the assets 16 connective lines 26 between the input processing elements 22 and output processing elements 24 are depicted which provide connections between each input processing element 22 and each output processing element 24 the particular fire unit fu represented by each processing element 22 is designated by the subscript i while the asset 15 represented by the processing element 24 is represented by subscript j each connective line 26 is represented as a i j where i and j designate the processing elements connected by the particular connective line 26 referring now to fig2 b a flow chart 28 for the connectionist architecture for weapons assignment cwa system 20 in accordance with the present invention is shown the first block 30 in the flow chart 28 is labeled 34 initialize connections assignments 34 in this step the connections shown as lines 26 in fig2 a are initialized to be a connections a are a function of rnd a random number u00d7 m u00d7 c u00d7 v where a ij is the connection 34 strength 34 between fire unit i and asset j the random number may be a uniform pseudo random number which is a continuously variable value between 0 and 1 m is the number of missiles in fu i c is the coverage of fu i the coverage c may be a between 0 or 1 where a 0 indicates that the asset j is outside of the coverage of the fire unit i and a 1 indicates that asset j is within the coverage of fire unit i v is equal to the value of.
surface the surfaces of which are also parallel to the top 2 and bottom 3 of the mirror b as depicted in fig3 and 4 these cooler layers 11 are structured i e provided with a plurality of openings 11 u2032 and 11 u2033 and material stays surrounding these openings in such a way they form two chambers 12 and 13 for the inlet and outlet of a preferably liquid coolant for example water and between these chambers a cooling area 14 with a finely structured network of passageways formed by the openings 11 for the coolant which paths continuously branch out in all three perpendicular spatial axes so that the coolant flows through this cooling area 14 being constantly diverted in all three spatial axes thus producing an intensive cooling effect furthermore the cooler layers 11 are structured in such a way that continuous posts 15 made of copper are formed from the structuring or sections of the material stays surrounding the openings 11 u2032 in the connecting cooler layers the longitudinal sides of which posts are perpendicular to the levels of the layers of the mirror 1 and as the remaining wing like sections of the structured cooler layers 11 protruding from these posts 15 are also subjected to the intensive flow of coolant the posts 15 are.
to provide focusing of the generated sh waves in a test material component the array of magnets may have variation in the distance between adjacent magnetic poles that is a function of the radial distance from the focal point this variation in the array of magnets causes a change in the vertical width of the sh wave in other embodiments two or more arrays of magnets may be arranged in tandem with each having a different radial distance between magnetic poles so that they will have approximately the same sh wave angle and focal point when operated within a prescribed range of frequencies in a further embodiment the array of magnets may have high frequency rf conductors embedded in grooves which lie across the magnetic pole faces and are collinear with radial projections from the focal point a flexible multiple pole magnet array may comprise an array of magnets and magnetic poles fabricated at least in part from a flexible material such as silicone rubber containing particles of ferromagnetic material such as iron or permanent magnet material such as neodymium iron boron electrical conductors may have a shape width and thickness such that they can be installed between the magnet poles and energized with an electrical current to provide alternating magnetic polarity between adjacent magnetic poles in other embodiments the electrical conductors may have a shape width and thickness such that they can be installed between the magnet poles in multiple layers connected in series and energized electrically to provide alternating magnetic polarity between adjacent poles illustrated in fig4 is a conformable flexible multiple pole magnet array 19 which may be used with other electrical components known in the art to form an emat that generates sh waves in.
groove 15 is recessed into the bit shank bit shank 11 is attached via a centering segment 12 to a bit head 13 bit head 13 comprises at its end facing away from bit shank 11 a bit tip 14 made of hard material for example hard metal a cup into which bit tip 14 is soldered is recessed for this purpose into the end of bit head 13 as is evident from fig1 bit head 13 possesses a collar 13 2 in the attachment region to centering segment 12 collar 13 2 constitutes a downwardly directed contact surface 13 1 bit 10 is embodied with its bit shank 11 its bit head 13 and its bit tip 14 rotationally symmetrically with respect to the longitudinal center axis extending through bit tip 14 a mounting sleeve 20 is arranged in the region of bit shank 11 mounting sleeve 20 is produced from a planar material for example sheet steel holding elements 21 are stamped out of the planar material and pushed out into the region surrounded by mounting sleeve 20 holding elements 21 are cut out along two stamping edges that extend in a circumferential direction of mounting sleeve 20 mounting sleeve 20 is rolled up in such a way that a circular cross section results leaving a clamping slot 23 a support element 30 is slid onto mounting sleeve 20 support element 30 is of disk shaped configuration the conformation of support element 30 will be explained in further detail below with reference to fig3 as this drawing shows support element 30 comprises on its side facing toward the bit head a cup shaped recess 31 into which bit head 13 can be set with its collar 13 2 in that context bit head 13 rests in planar fashion.
both free ends of the duct abut the same end wall in the manner depicted in fig3 when the duct is in simple axial orientation the opposite ends of the duct will abut opposite ends of the carton such a duct is considerably compressed axially in this packed condition such that by closure of the flaps to form the end walls there is resilient bias against the end walls by the duct in one of the smaller side walls is a breakout panel 12e this breakout panel is defined in the carton blank adjacent one end of the wall in which it is formed the side edges 12f of the breakout panel are spaced an amount equal to the width of that particular side wall i e the depth of the carton each side edge having a series of perforations along each of the two parallel side edges thus the distance between these perforated lines is at least about equal to the diameter of the duct and preferably slightly larger the base line of the breakout panel comprises a score line 12g transverse and preferably normal to perforated lines 12f and parallel to the bend or score line 12h between this breakout panel and the end flap 12i integrally attached thereto this flap 12i also includes a finger grip.
zem the head on flag indicates that uav 102 is on course to collide with the potential object of collision head on the alert avoid flag indicates that uav 102 is on course to enter in to some other type of collision both head on flag and alert avoid flag should activate auto avoid guidance 128 to avoid an object auto avoid guidance 128 receives the calculated parameters from avoid state calculator 124 the alert avoid flag as well as the head on indicator to override the existing guidance mode of uav 102 auto avoid guidance 128 maneuvers uav 102 by generating avoidance maneuver commands for flight controls 114 to avoid a collision and miss an approaching object by at least the predetermined miss distance auto avoid guidance 128 can also use an active transponder system used in commercial aviation to inject commands into auto avoid guidance module 128 in accordance with one embodiment auto avoid guidance 128 is programmed to make an avoidance maneuver according to the faa 39 s u201c rules of the road u201d for civilian aircraft operating in national air space nas in particular the avoidance maneuver complies with part 91 of the faa regulations and meets the faa 39 s collision avoidance systems final rule faa 2001 10910 487 and faa 2001 10910 489 after auto avoid guidance 128 completes.
inside the water container locking the lid thereon and carrying the package by the handle various accessories can be used with the toy set such as a water sprinkler or water spout also some sets may include a turbine or water wheel that rotates a drive shaft the drive shaft can animate a figure or can drive a gear train that the child can assemble onto a peg board structure still another possible accessory is a sand settling tank the water mixed with sand in the storage tank can form a slurry with the sand and pass through a cylindrical settling chamber the chamber can have a series of horizontal screens for grading by size sand flowing through the settling chamber thus a unique visual effect is created after the sand has filled the settling tank it can be inverted to allow the sand to shift to another position the visual impact of the set can be enhanced by making the pipes and other components transparent so that the sand slurry or foam caused by the slurry is visible additionally the toy set can be used with just the pipes and fittings alone in this case the child can dig holes in the sand and fill them with water to act as reservoirs these reservoirs can be drained or connected to other reservoirs by means of the pipes and fittings also the water flowing from a reservoir can supply one of the aforementioned accessories referring to fig1 4 a toy set is illustrated with a water container 10 having a generally cylindrical shape and on its floor a concentric water outlet 12 the lower end of outlet 12 is formed into a collar in some embodiments a stopper or flap can be employed on outlet 12.
the two measuring paths 140 150 of the measuring device 130 as soon as at least one second voltage is applicable to the measuring device 130 via the further relays 71 72 i e as soon as a second voltage is respectively applicable via the further relays 71 72 between at least one high voltage terminal 21 22 of the two high voltage terminals 21 22 of the battery 20 and the housing potential 25 which second voltage lies outside a provided measuring range of the measuring device 130 and consequently has a magnitude which exceeds a maximum magnitude the two relays 140 150 on the measuring paths 140 150 are automatically opened by the monitoring circuit 230 to this end in the conduct of a dielectric withstand test via the further relays 71 72 a test voltage u00b1 vt 1 which is applicable between at least one high voltage terminal 21 22 of the two high voltage terminals 21 22 of the battery 20 and the housing potential 25 and defined by a ramp function is varied until a desired high voltage is achieved such that the measuring device 130 even in consideration of a respective time lag on the two relays 145 155 of the two measuring paths 140 150 can be promptly galvanically separated from the battery 20 or from the high voltage network 70 by means of the monitoring circuit 230 to this end the monitoring circuit 230 is configured for the detection of test voltages u00b1 vt 1 applicable in either direction of polarity and for the comparison.
anteromedial portal referring next to fig5 graft 2 is pulled distally to visualize the whip stitching 6 8 and to position the femoral retroscrew 50 between the two strands of the folded graft 2 the graft 2 is pulled slowly so that it is seated fully in the femoral socket 40 while advancing the screw 50 into the femoral socket 40 between the graft strands a probe not shown may be used to orient the two bundles of graft 2 anatomically into the respective notches of femoral tunnel 40 the distal end of the whip stitching 6 8 should be flush with the opening of tunnel 40 prior to insertion of screw 50 the graft 2 is tensioned in the femoral socket 40 and graft strands are positioned into the notches of the femoral tunnel 40 the femoral retroscrew 50 is positioned between the graft strands and axially aligned with the tunnel 40 in 90 u00b0 of knee flexion the diameter of femoral retroscrew 50 should be equal to or 1 mm larger than the diameter of the drilled femoral socket the femoral retroscrew 50 separates the folded graft 2 into two anatomical bundles the concentrically positioned screw 50 under the looped graft 2 substantially increases femoral pull out strength of the graft 2 as compared to prior techniques referring to fig7 the knee is cycled and the driver 48 is reloaded with a 2 fiberstick u2122 56 and reinserted up the tibial tunnel 36 anterior to the graft 2 the.
u03c615 are supplied to the circuit blocks b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 and b5 respectively as clock signals to be used for transferring data in a similar manner based upon the other reference clock signal u03c620 clock signals are successively delayed by delay circuits t20 t21 t22 t23 and t24 to generate clock signals u03c621 u03c622 u03c623 u03c624 and u03c625 the clock signals u03c620 u03c621 u03c622 u03c623 u03c624 and u03c625 are supplied to the circuit blocks b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 and b5 as operation clock signals the above delay circuits t10 through t14 and t20 through t24 may be formed by inverter chains for example as shown in fig1 and a delay time t is set to be sufficiently small to be substantially negligible with respect to the clock signal cycle in alternative embodiments other delay circuits may be used an operation of the logic integrated circuit composed in this manner will be described with reference to fig2 a and 2 b fig2 a shows operations of the two circuit blocks b0 and b1 as described above the circuit block b0 starts operation at the rise time of the reference clock signal u03c620 and the operating current flows through the circuit block b0 at the same timing the operation of the circuit block b1 is started by the clock signal u03c621 with a delay of t with respect to the circuit block b0 and the operating current flows therethrough as shown in fig2 a the operation of the following circuit blocks are performed in a similar manner as a result the operating current for the entire chip of a logic integrated circuit is time wise divided by the number of divided blocks forming the circuit as shown in fig2 b as clearly shown in fig2 a.