sufficient stages 340 and 350 are each suitable for high speed switching when the control signal driving capacity is small resulting in a large delay time for directly driving the nand gates of the data input stage 310 the control signal is passed through a non inverting buffer between the enable disable control gates and the data input stage gates so that the operating delay time is decreased such non inverting buffers can be added to enable disable control stages 340 350 and the resulting circuits provide operation similar to that of enable disable control stages 340 350 thus enable disable control stage 360 is composed of two and gates 361 362 and two non inverting buffers 363 364 when the enable disable control signal is a logical 34 0 34 stage 360 outputs a logical disabling signal likewise enable disable control stage 370 is composed of two nor gates 371 372 and two non inverting buffers 373 374 so that when the enable disable control signal is a logical 34 1 34 stage 370 outputs a logical 34 0 34 disable signal enable disable control stage 380 also operates without inverting the control signals thus enable disable control stage 380 is formed of two two input nand gates 381 382 the outputs of which pass through inverters 383 384 to operate similar to the outputs from enable disable control stage 350 stage 390 is formed of two two input or gates 391 392 the outputs of which pass through inverters 393 394 and operate similar to enable disable control stage 340 as with enable disable control stages 360 370 the multiplexer speed characteristics.
u00b0 n each the particular advantage of this arrangement of sensors is in sensing short wavelength bars that may be associated with cover wear as each sensing element is at a different rotational position fig9 a and 9b show three continuous lines 24 28 and 32 of sensors 26 30 and 34 which extend around the sensing roll in a partial revolution a 120 u00b0 revolution in this manner only a partial helix is formed around the sensing roll 10 by each set 24 28 and 32 this arrangement of sensors 26 30 and 34 allows group of sensors to be assigned to a particular cd position like the sensing roll 10 shown in fig6 a and 6b adjacent sets 24 28 and 32 are spaced 120 u00b0 circumferential apart from each other along the roll see fig9 b fig1 a and 10b show four continuous lines 24 28 32 and 36 of sensors 26 30 34 and 38 which extend around the sensing roll in a partial revolution a 90 u00b0 revolution again only a partial helix is formed around the sensing roll 10 by each set 24 28 32 and 36 this arrangement of sensors 26 30 34 and 38 allows group of sensors to be.
or inorganic bases such as sodium hydroxide sodium carbonate sodium bicarbonate potassium hydroxide potassium carbonate and potassium bicarbonate preferred suitable bases for step 1 are diisopropylethylamine naoh or n methylpyrrolidine the reaction occurs at a temperature of about 0 100 u00b0 c preferably 5 15 u00b0 c for about 0 5 24 hrs preferably 3 4 hrs for certain preferred embodiments step 2 proceeds as follows reacting a z u2014 ar 2 u2014 mh where z is a nitro or nitroso group m is o s or nh and ar 2 is as defined hereinabove with a y j q moiety in a suitable solvent to produce the intermediate of formula iii wherein l and q are as defined hereinabove y is a leaving group such as a halogen and m j constitutes l a suitable solvent for the above reaction would be a polar non protic organic solvent such as acetonitrile dmf n n u2032 dimethylformamide dmac n n u2032 dimethylacetamide dmso dimethylsulfoxide and nmp 1 methyl 2 pyrrolidinone preferably nmp at a temperature of about 50 100 u00b0 c preferably between 75 95 u00b0 c for about 0 5 24 hrs preferably 3 4 hrs for other embodiments of l.
the separating wall 35 at which the passage holes 36 are bored a screw conveyer 37 is positioned under the aperture 3 in the drying device 27 it is possible that the fermentor 9 is connected with the circulatory pipe 10 on the way of which the ventilator 11 the valve 12 the air intake 13 the dehumidified water collector 14 and the dehumidfier 15 of the compositing device 1 are respectively arranged it is also possible that the fermentor 9 is connected with the exhaust pipe 16 on the way of which the first deodorizing tank 17 the second deodorizing tank 18 the third deodorizing tank 19 and the vacuum pump 20 of the compositing device 1b are respectively arranged it is possible to connect the circulatory pipe 10 or and the exhaust pipe 16 to the lower drying device 27 as shown in fig7 the manufacturing device for pellet 38 includes a screw press 40 at which the hopper 39 is equipped the composted waste a which is treated by the compositing devices 1 1a is transferred into the hopper 39 the exhaust holes 41 41a are bored at the exhaust plate 42 which is attached to the exhaust tip of the screw press 40 the treated waste is pressed out of the exhaust holes 41 41a of the exhaust plate 42 a cutter 43 which is located adjacent.
46 of housing 44 u2032 return to the intake 46 is through the hollow shaft 14 and along the outside of the shaft 14 through the ball bearings 16 into the chamber 76 which connects through the hole 78 formed near the base of the blades 80 comprising impeller 18 e g in the lower pressure portion of the volute referring to fig2 a second alternative embodiment of the pump of the present invention is indicated generally at reference numeral 182 in this second embodiment all the component parts thereof are similar to those of the embodiment shown in fig1 and are numbered with the same reference numeral preceded with a u201c 1 u201d e g impeller 18 in fig1 corresponds generally to impeller 118 in fig2 pump 182 is particularly intended for use with those fluids such as liquid nitrogen which can be vented to the atmosphere and circulates the fluid being pumped internally in the same manner as does pump 10 in fig1 but also provides a check valve 184 through which a portion of the pumped fluid is passed to the atmosphere through a vent tube 185 from the back half 144 u2033 of housing 144 where the pumped fluid is known to be free of water moisture and other materials that might freeze at the low temperature of the fluid to being pumped the vented fluid can also alternatively be captured.
module 40 the plastic rivets 30 are heat staked to complete the fastening antenna 10 is pre formed to snugly fit the contour of part of the outer surface of the rf retrofit module 40 as shown in fig2 in the same fashion the complementary pre formed antenna 20 is attached to another part of the outer surface of the rf retrofit module 40 antenna 10 is coupled to the transceiver assembly 70 via coaxial cable 50 coaxial cable 50 is soldered to the transceiver assembly 70 at a transceiver coupling point the other end of coaxial cable 50 is soldered to antenna 10 as per the detail a in fig3 at points 130 in the same fashion antenna 20 is coupled to the transceiver assembly 70 via coaxial cable 60 the fully assembled rf retrofit module 40 is fastened to meter 100 by conventional means like screws or snap friction fit and enclosed by the cover 90 the rf radiation reception pattern of antenna 10 is perturbed to some degree when incorporated into the meter 100 accordingly in the preferred embodiment two slot antennas 10 and 20 are used and are placed offset from the center of the outer surface of the retrofit.
position promote bicyclic ring formation the tautomerism between the hydroxy at the c 11 position and the keto moiety at the c 15 position shown below is especially significant in the case of compounds having a 13 14 single bond and two fluorine atoms the c 16 position accordingly in the specification and claims a compound of formula i represented as the bicyclic form also covers its mono cyclic tautomer for example bicyclic and monocyclic forms of a compound having a keto group at the c 15 position and halogen atoms at the c 16 position may be as follows further while the compounds used in the invention may be represented by a name based on the mono cyclic tautomer regardless of the presence or absence of the isomers it is to be noted that such structure or name does not intend to exclude the bicyclic type compound a preferred compound according to the invention in its monocyclic form can be named as 13 14 dihydro 15 keto 16 16 difluoro pge 1 or 13 14 dihydro 15 keto 16 16 difluoro 18 s methyl pge 1 according to conventional prostaglandin nomenclature the compound used in the present invention may be prepared by the method disclosed in u s pat no 5 284 858 and u s pat.
the drive clutch k 1 is closed coupling status z 2 both clutches k 1 k 2 are open coupling status z 3 and the starter clutch k 2 is closed and the drive clutch k 1 is open coupling status z 4 theoretically all four clutch statuses z 1 z 2 z 3 z 4 are needed to control the operation of the motor vehicle in the variants 1 and 2 shown in fig1 and 2 however one of the clutch statuses z 3 or z 4 can be dispensed with in each case via the control unit the switching position to be set can be specified to the double clutch positioner this specification is done as a function of the operating states and or operation parameters of the assemblies present in the motor vehicle thus the prevailing peripheral conditions can be addressed flexibly in accordance with the operating situation and a starting event for instance of the engine 12 or a startup of the motor vehicle can be controlled in variant 1 shown in fig1 the clutch status z 4 in which the starter clutch k 2 is closed and the drive clutch k 1 is open is dispensed with at least in the following operating situations it is then necessary via the control unit to make interventions into the operating states and or parameters of the components of the drive train assembly 10 hard braking for example abs braking with drive effected via the engine 12.
advertisement pop up ids and images are retrieved from the database as depicted by 604 an advertisement impression or banner advertisement i e that the advertisement has been served to a requesting device is then recorded in a database as depicted by block 605 the number of sectors to be formed in the banner is then determined according to the number of pop up images or panels associated with the banner as depicted by block 606 for example if four pop up images are associated with the banner the banner is divided into four sectors in this case the sectors are referred to as quadrants a u201c use u201d map is built and a pop up id is assigned to each sector of the banner as depicted by block 607 the use map associates a block of code that follows the image and specifies the coordinates and content of each sector when the size of a banner is a known number of pixels and four sectors e g four quadrants are desired the known number of pixels for the banner is divided into four equal parts html formatting permits the browser to build the image based on the information entered by the customer the server sends the image caching code which includes information.
a line of tweezers which lift the cell along the perimeter on one side the resulting rotation allows a 360 degree view of the cell in addition to the advantage for viewing of biological samples there also exists the ability to orient samples stably which has clear benefit for studies such as scattering experiments which have a strong dependence on orientation of the sample because of the large number of sperm in a typical bovine ejaculate and the small amount of time available before the sperm becomes no longer functional a large number of sperm per second on the order of a million are sorted for a commercially viable sperm sorter sorting with holographic optical traps confers enormous advantage through its ability to process in parallel a large number of cells the technology for using lasers to access a large number of sites quickly already exists in the form of a spinning laser disc cd player or dvd player these devices combine rotational motion of the disc with radial motion of the laser to access sites with incredibly high speeds for example the typical dvd player may access approximately 4 billion separate u201c bits u201d on the disc in about two hours combining this spinning disc approach with optical trapping see fig8 allows access to cells at similar rates and holographic optical trapping increases these rates by factors of 100 or even higher as shown in fig8 objects or cells are introduced at the sample intake 700 and using an appropriate sample delivery system 701 the cells are provided to the sample distribution disc 702 which is rotated by a motor control the imaging and trapping system 703 which is connected to a control and analysis system 704 sorts the cells.
to 4 is thus completed by the steps described 0178 fig3 is a top plan view showing a memory cell of an sram of the present embodiment fig3 is a section taken along line a a u2032 of fig3 fig3 is a section taken along line b b u2032 of fig3 and fig3 is an equivalent circuit diagram showing the memory cell of the sram of the present embodiment in the sram of the present embodiment as shown the paired local wiring lines l 1 and l 2 cross connecting the input output terminals of the flip flop circuit of the memory cell are formed in different conductive layers as in the sram of the foregoing embodiment 1 in the sram of the present embodiment moreover the upper local wiring line l 2 overlaps with the lower local wiring line l 1 over a wide area and a capacitor element c is composed of the local wiring lines l 1 and l 2 and a thin insulating film a silicon nitride film 42 interposed between the wiring lines specifically the upper local wiring line l 2 is one electrode of the capacitor element c the lower local wiring line l 1 is the other electrode and the insulating film the silicon nitride film 42 is its dielectric film a method for manufacturing the memory cell of the sram of the present embodiment will be described with reference to fig3 38 a and b 39 40 a and b 41 42 a and b 43 44 a and b 45 46 a and b 47 and 48 a and b of the individual figures showing the memory cell manufacturing.
which as a result is able to engage a recess in a cellular telephone or other object a button 16 is provided to release the locking mechanism which button releases the engaged locking elements 15 and uses a spring to enable the pivotable section of strip 17 to pivot back into the starting position in addition projections 18 are molded on to telephone holder 1 which facilitate locking of the cellular telephone or adapter and prevent these items from slipping out of the lock at the top 0026 fig2 a through 2c show telephone holder 1 including an adapter 2 according to the invention adapter 2 includes a contact strip 20 which is able to engage contact elements 10 and 11 of telephone holder 1 adapter 2 is has essentially a box like shape a circuit board being enclosed within the plastic case of the adapter in the rear side facing telephone holder 1 in addition a jack 22 is provided in adapter 2 into which jack antenna plug 12 may be inserted in the opposite side walls of adapter 2 recesses 23 are provided which locking elements 15 of telephone holder 1 are able to engage the rear side of adapter 2 has a support strip 29 which is able to rest on strip 17 of telephone holder 1 a recess 24 is then provided adjacent.
the magnet coil 2 the intake valve 5 the delivery piston 4 with the armature and the pressure valve 6 are accommodated in a housing 9 as one assembly unit the housing 9 has a flat upper cover 18 and has a parallelepipedic design wherein the magnet coil 2 accommodated in the housing also has an essentially parallelepipedic shape with a corresponding parallelepipedic interior space 17 for receiving the intake and pressure valves and the delivery piston and their respective armatures 3 7 8 a continuous fuel channel 11 is provided in the housing bottom 10 the continuous fuel channel 11 is connected to or is in communication with the piston 12 of the intake valve the delivery piston 4 and the piston 13 of the pressure valve the end of the piston 13 of the pressure valve 6 which faces away from the armature 8 is accommodated in a guided manner in the housing bottom 10 the piston 13 of the pressure valve has a through hole 20 which can be connected or arranged in alignment with the fuel channel 11 the fuel feed pump 1 is arranged such that in the currentless state of the magnet coil 2 the spring loaded intake valve is open and the spring loaded pressure valve 6 is closed and the spring loaded delivery piston is in its withdrawn suction stroke end position or inoperative position due to spring force upon application of magnetic coil current the intake valve 5 is closed the pressure valve 6 is opened and the delivery piston 4 performs a delivery stroke against the force of the spring when the magnet coil current is applied the closing of the.
had conserved precursor structures furthermore six of the mirna candidates showed significant homology to the mature mirna sequence of known mirnas although these observations provide support for evolutionarily conserved novel mirnas they should not be used to exclude the remaining tags as legitimate mirnas because a significant number of recently reported human mirnas lack homology to species other than primates 5 second 81 of the novel candidate mirnas were represented by more than one mirage tag or were independently detected in additional samples by using either mirna microarrays 5 19 table 6 which is published as supporting information on the pnas web site or quantitative real time pcr table 7 and fig7 which are published as supporting information on the pnas web site third 15 of the candidate mirnas were localized to genomic clusters of two or more mirnas separated by an average distance of 10 kb fig2 this physical proximity is consistent with recent reports of mirnas clustering within the human genome 20 fourth identification of a corresponding mirna sequence with characteristic 3 u2032 overhangs to a particular mirna is a strong indicator that the small rna species in question was processed by an rnase iii enzyme such as dicer mirna tags were observed for 12 of the candidate mirna sequences in total 89 of the 133 novel candidate mirnas had at least one independent piece of supporting evidence buttressing their legitimacy fig3 as a separate experimental.
the soil spreads away from the specifically shaped cast body u2014 it is cleaved to the side as shown in the arrow 60 as the soil heaving works its way incrementally downward due to the nature of freezing temperatures or moisture permeating the soil the process continues as in heave areas 51 amp 52 and the resulting sideways motions 61 amp 62 having established this pattern of movement the soil will continue to work in this way heaving away but not directly against the cast body while the pins keep the system anchored in place in this type of application it is imperative that the lower ends of the driven pins are below the frost or heaving line in order to maintain anchoring resistance also where the wedge configuration is internalized such as in the second embodiment 34 or the very center of the base of the first embodiment that the depth 70 created by the plug or wedge block used in the casting process is at least equal or greater than the estimated vertical heave displacement of a given site soil fig6 again diagramatically shows the relationships between the relative diameters of the system components where the driven piles 18 are of a constant cross section and a have a diameter x and the tapered dowels 10 have near the thinner end a diameter 10 b just larger than the pile x c and at the larger end a diameter.
presence or absence of textile fibers carried on the conveyor 30 fig3 illustrates schematically the control system for selectively operating the conveyor 30 through its motor 68 the details of the electrical circuitry included in this control system forming no part of the present invention it will be noted in fig3 that the conveyor motor 68 is controlled by the aforesaid operation of the weigh pans 14 and the photocell 72 and by a time delay control 76 and a demand switch 74 which is associated with apparatus such as a bale press not shown downstream of the receiver unit 28 to indicate when fibers are required or not required from the receiver unit 28 the relationship of the control components shown schematically in fig3 will become apparent in connection with the following description of the operation of the present invention in the normal operation of the disclosed embodiment of the present invention the entire apparatus will be turned on manually by the operating personnel using conventional manually operated electrical switches the downstream bale press not shown will likewise be started up through its own control system this initial start up places the drive motors 62 66 and 70 for the belt conveyor 16 the blower 24 and the beater roll 50 respectively in continuous operation so long as the blending apparatus is turned on this initial start up also makes power available to the feeders 10 and weigh pans 14 and to the conveyors 30 and 46 and to the various controls therefor assuming that the normal operational supply of fibers is being supplied to the feeders 10 either manually or automatically as is common in the art and that the weigh.
is determined that the more effluent invested in drag reduction the better either the balance will be tuned to leave the rear jets just barely enough effluent for reliable guidance or the rear jets can be left off entirely in favor of vent embedded directional controls described above in this latter case all of the effluent is used both for thrust and for drag reduction a similar system of concentric vents rear thrusting vents is also applicable to submarines to increase speed as a practical matter the engine would typically be placed fore with its effluent piped to concentric vents as far aft as is practical down the length of the sub however for nuclear submarines or any other nuclear device or craft water can be taken in and released as steam in place of conventional combustion effluents for all applications the passing of the effluent over a charged plate carrying a charge opposite the predominant charge of the surface area to be protected the passive charge typical of moving bodies through water and or a boosted charge via shipboard power source is optionally used to increase the amount of effluent closest to the protected surface level and to maximize its positional persistence the length of time that it remains there for surface craft applications the aircraft carrier in fig2 displays a sample embodiment this.
the background the same process can also be used with an even higher degree of complexity in order now to be in a position to calculate the surface of each bit b in the code a definite surroundings area for each bit must be created in the code it must be ensured that the surface of the background is known before the code is added to the background this addition of the code to the background can be a procedure of superimposing two images the background which can be designated as a pattern sch is created in the following stages firstly according to fig4 f a ring r with the radii r 4 and r 3 is outlined in which r 4 r 3 gt r 1 r 2 applies whereby the sensitivity regarding the position of the longitudinal axis of the bottle is eliminated problems might otherwise arise if the centre point of the bottom of the bottle does not coincide with the centre point of the circle on which the code is situated in order therefore to ensure that the background ring completely encompasses each bit in the code the two images or ring surfaces are superimposed on each other fig4 f the second stage consists of cutting the pattern ring r into sectors s each with the angle u03b2 in which u03b2 u2266 u03b1 applies the sector angle u03b2 is therefore smaller than or equal to the angle u03b1 of a.
the isocyanate containing constituent with the alcohol containing constituent to give the urethane meth acrylate according to a can be accelerated in a manner known per se by means of suitable catalysts including tin octoate dibutyltin dilaurate or tertiary amines the resulting urethane meth acrylate containing free nco groups must be stabilized against premature polymerization by addition of suitable inhibitors and antioxidants including phenols hydroquinones and optionally also quinones such as e g 2 5 di tert butylquinone these inhibitors are added in amounts of in each case 0 001 to 0 3 wt during or after the preparation the products can be prepared in solvents which are inert in the sense of the preparation and later use further polyisocyanates mentioned under point b are preferably polyisocyanates based on butylene diisocyanate hexamethylene diisocyanate hdi isophorone diisocyanate ipdi trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate 2 2 4 and or 2 4 4 trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate neopentyl diisocyanate di isocyanatocyclo hexyl methane or 4 isocyanatomethyl 1 8 octane diisocyanate which contain urethane isocyanurate allophanate biuret uretdione or iminooxadiazinedione structural units or mixtures thereof uv initiators corresponding to point c can be 2 hydroxyphenyl ketones such as e g 1 hydroxycyclohexyl phenyl ketone benzil ketals such as e g benzil dimethyl ketal acylphosphine oxides such as e g bis 2 4 6 trimethylbenzoyl phenylphosphine oxide diacylphosphine oxides benzophenone and derivatives thereof or mixtures of the various types of uv initiators compounds corresponding to point d which are reactive with isocyanates include polyols these can be obtained by esterification of di or triols with dicarboxylic acids hydroxy functional copolymers prepared substantially from meth acrylic acid esters hydroxyalkyl meth acrylic acid esters and optionally styrene and or other monomers such as.
chamber 5 so that the pressure in chamber 7 is still equal to the pressure on the downstream side of the main valve 1 2 and the resulting force acting on piston 4 and valve member 2 is consequently still directed towards the left so that the valve remains open it will be understood that if the annular area of piston 4 facing chamber 5 and the area of the end surface of valve member 2 facing chamber 6 are each equal to one half of the cross sectional area of chamber 7 the magnitudes of the fluid forces which urge the piston and the valve member towards the left are independent of the flow direction of the fluid with increasing flow rate the dynamic pressure acting on the valve member increases so that the valve member is urged towards the left and the flow area between this member and the valve seat increases while inversely the area decreases with decreasing flow rate by a suitable design of the valve the flow area will be able to adjust itself according to the flow rate in such a way that the pressure drop across the seat is by and large independent of the flow rate if the valve is used in a hydraulic system including a variable delivery pump it is possible to achieve a very rapid switching of the valve by combining an order signal to close or open the valve respectively with a reduction of increase respectively of the delivery rate of the pump so that the change in the pump delivery promotes the desired displacement of the valve member in case the current supply to the control circuit.
by approximately two to two and one half inches end 36 of extension member 26 is raised by a like amount causing lever arm 12 to rotate in a counterclockwise direction about the axis of flush handle 10 end 28 of extension member 26 raises by approximately one half as much as opposite end 36 or about one to one and one fourth inches consequently lift chain 16 is raised by an amount sufficient to partially open the flapper valve alowing water stored within tank 2 to drain into the toilet bowl for a time determined by pneumatic delay mechanism 40 as is known to those skilled in the art flapper valves are buoyant and when fully opened will remain in the open position until substantially all of the water has drained from tank 2 however depressing plunger 52 to its fully depressed causes the flapper valve to become only partially opened the rate at which water drains past the partially opened flapper valve is insufficient to equalize the water pressure above and below the flapper valve accordingly the pressure exerted by the water within tank 2 continuously urges the flapper valve down toward its seat during operation of the partial flush apparatus after the predetermined time delay effected by pneumatic.
3 so 2 nr 3 r 3a nr 3 so 2 u2014 c 1 4 alkyl nr 3 so 2 cf 3 nr 3 so 2 phenyl s o p cf 3 s o p u2014 c 1 4 alkyl s o p phenyl and cf 2 r cf 3 r 5 at each occurrence is selected from cf 3 c 1 6 alkyl phenyl substituted with 0 2 r 6 and benzyl substituted with 0 2 r 6 r 6 at each occurrence is selected from h oh ch 2 r or 2 f cl br i c 1 4 alkyl cn no 2 ch 2 r nr 2 r 2a ch 2 r c o r 2b nr 2 c o r 2b nr 2 c o nr 2 r 2a ch u2550 nh nh 2 nhc u2550 nh nh 2 so 2 nr 2 r 2a nr 2 so 2 nr 2 r 2a and nr 2 so 2 c 1 4 alkyl in a second embodiment the present invention provides novel pharmaceutical compositions comprising a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier and a therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula i or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt form thereof in a third embodiment the present invention provides a novel method for treating or preventing a thromboembolic disorder comprising administering to a patient in need thereof a therapeutically effective amount of a compound of formula i or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt form thereof the compounds herein described may have asymmetric centers compounds of the present invention containing an asymmetrically substituted atom may be isolated in optically active or racemic forms it is well known in the art how to prepare optically active forms such as by resolution of.
they may be linear or branched typical branched structures contain an elastomeric portion with at least three branches which can radiate out from a central hub or can be otherwise coupled together the non elastomeric blocks which make up 14 to 50 by weight of the block copolymer may comprise homopolymers or copolymers of vinyl monomers such as vinyl arenes vinyl pyridines vinyl halides and vinyl carboxylates as well as acrylic monomers such as acrylonitrile methacrylonitrile esters of acrylic acids etc monovinyl aromatic hydrocarbons include particularly those of the benzene series such as styrene vinyl toluene vinyl xylene ethyl vinyl benzene as well as dicyclic monovinyl compounds such as vinyl naphthalene and the like other non elastomeric polymer blocks may be derived from alpha olefins alkylene oxides acetals urethanes etc styrene is preferred the elastomeric block component making up the remainder of the copolymer is isoprene or butadiene which may or may not be hydrogenated as taught for example in u s pat no 3 700 633 this hydrogenation may be either partial or substantially complete selected conditions may be employed for example to hydrogenate the elastomeric block while not so modifying the vinyl arene polymer blocks other conditions may be chosen to hydrogenate substantially uniformly along the polymer chain both the elastomeric and non elastomeric blocks thereof being hydrogenated to practically the same extent which may be either partial or substantially complete typical of the rubbery block copolymers useful herein are the polystyrene polybutadiene polystyrene polystyrene polyisoprene polystyrene and e g polystyrene poly ethylenebutylene polystyrene and polystyrene poly ethylenepropylene polystyrene these.
deposition pvd techniques such as evaporative deposition and sputtering are used to form 320 the layer of germanium selenide ge x se 1 u2212 x and silver ag other processes such as chemical vapor deposition cvd and co evaporation can also be used the process advances from forming 320 the layer of germanium selenide ge x se 1 u2212 x and silver ag to forming 330 a layer of silver selenide the process forms 330 a layer of a silver selenide the layer of silver selenide should be formed on the germanium selenide ge x se 1 u2212 x layer or on a co deposited layer of silver ag and germanium selenide ge x se 1 u2212 x but not directly on a silver ag layer advantageously silver selenide is directly deposited and a uv photodoping step is not needed the process forms 340 a second electrode of the memory cell and the process ends it will be understood by one of ordinary skill in the art that the first electrode and the second electrode can correspond to for example a top electrode and a bottom electrode respectively or to side electrodes the layer s of germanium selenide ge x se 1 u2212 x and silver ag formed 320 by the process and the layer of silver selenide formed 330 by the process.
seen in fig2 the pump 10 and the motor 12 are generally conventional in construction and as such the pump 10 is illustrated as a volute type double suction pump having an intake or suction opening 18 and a discharge opening 20 while the motor 12 may be of any suitable construction or type a mechanical seal arrangement which is generally identified as 22 is disposed around the pump shaft to substantially contain the high pressure fluid in the pump the mechanical seal assembly 22 forms no part of this invention and is conventional in construction it is shown as of multiple elements and assemblies for purposes of illustration between the pump 10 and the mechanical seal assembly 22 and surrounding the shaft or drive line assembly 16 is a heat exchanger generally identified as 24 for purposes of further description attention is directed to fig3 to 6 inclusive which illustrate in a simplified version the heat exchanger 24 of this invention parts 52 and 54 are omitted in fig4 for sake of clarity they are illustrated in fig3 the heat exchanger 24 comprises a first cup like cylindrical member 25 having a first and inner axial cylindrical portion 26 having.
the working direction a on the upper face of the plate 42 a a support element 20 is secured which holds a small displacement measuring member 19 for example a piezoelectric element which functions as a force take up device opposite the supporting element 20 the measuring element 19 cooperates with a frame like pressing element 18 composed of a supporting element 43 contacting the measuring member 19 and a rotary deflecting roller 46 secured to the upper region of the supporting element 43 the length portions 7 u2032 u2033 of the slivers 7 a 7 f emerging from the transporting rolls 15 16 are deflected as they run underneath a deflecting roller 44 from a horizontal position to proceed upwardly at an oblique angle to the deflecting roller 46 and then running above the deflecting roller 46 the slivers are deflected at an angle to proceed downwardly to a deflecting roller 45 and are as they run underneath the deflecting roller 45 reoriented into a horizontal direction the slivers exert via the deflecting roller 46 and the supporting element 43 a pressing force on the measuring element 19 in operation first the frame 42 is set on the draw frame cover 41 so that the length portions 7 u2032 u2033 of the slivers 7 a 7 f remain unaffected thereafter the frame like supporting element 43 is passed within the frame 42 under the length portions 7 u2032 u2033 and above the force take up device 19 and is positioned and immobilized on the frame 42 the measuring process may be activated when the intended delivery speed is reached to eliminate the.
of the transformer secondary winding are connected to the input circuit 50 which includes a full wave rectifier 312 connected to a variable resistance 314 and associated capacitors 316 and 318 to scale the output of the full wave rectifier 312 to the desired range the preferred range to interface with conventional control panels 20 is 0 volts when no current within the power cable 23 c is sensed to 5 volts when the maximum desired level within the power cable is sensed referring to fig4 current sensor 320 provides either an open circuit or short circuit at its output terminals 41 a and 41 b depending on whether the voltage signal produced in response to the current sensed by the transformer 34 surpasses a predetermined threshold level a variable resistor 326 sets the threshold level referring to fig5 current sensor 340 provides a 4 u2013 20 ma variable output signal at its output terminals 41 a and 41 b when the current sensed in the power cable 23 c is 0 then the sensor circuit 340 puts out a 4 ma signal when the current sensed in the power cable 23 c is equal to a desired maximum when the variable resistor 341 is correctly set then the sensor circuit 340 puts out a 20 ma signal referring to fig6 an electrical schematic of a switch circuit 60 is shown a.
undersides of the corresponding flat beds 26 thus regardless of the rotational position of the turntable 24 vacuum pressure is maintained in each of the flat beds 26 thereby securing the materials 28 to be printed to their respective flat beds 26 during multiple printing operations as shown in fig4 and in cross section in fig6 and 7 the vacuum ring 32 is annular and preferably of u shaped cross section that is the inner sidewall 48 and outer sidewall 50 of the vacuum ring 32 together with the bottom wall 52 define the trough 54 the trough 54 allows vacuum pressure to be distributed simultaneously to each of the apertures 40 in the turntable 24 referring to fig4 the bottom surface 52 of the vacuum ring 32 contains a vacuum port 56 therethrough to which one end of a pump hose 47 is attached the vacuum port 56 is preferably located approximately midway between the inner sidewall 48 and outer sidewall 50 of the vacuum ring 32 the diameters of both the vacuum ring 32 and the vacuum port 56 will vary depending upon the particular design and operating characteristics selected however the vacuum ring 32 and vacuum port 56 should be of sufficient diameter to allow a flow of air ample to maintain vacuum pressure at the flat beds 26 suitable flanged fittings 47a connected the upper ends of the vacuum hose 47 to the underside of the annular ring as best seen in fig2 the annular.
ten feet long and approximately eleven inches in diameter the surfaces 40 42 of the rolls 34 36 are contoured with parallel spaced circumferential grooves 44 circumferential ridges 46 are defined between adjacent grooves 44 each groove 44 is defined as the intersection of two frustoconical side surfaces 55 as shown in fig4 the grooves 44 of the first roll 34 interdigitate with the ridges 46 of the second roll 36 the nip 32 shown in fig1 and 4 is sinuous and snakes back and forth between the opposed ridges and grooves of the first and second rolls 34 36 the wood strands 22 leave the vibrating conveyor 23 and free fall into the nip 32 between the rolls 34 36 as shown in fig2 and 3 the wood strands 22 enter the nip 32 with their grain oriented in the direction of travel and thus the grain of the strands 22 is substantially tangent to the rolls 34 36 as the wood strands 22 pass through the nip 32 they are forced to conform to the sinuous saw toothed shaped gap 48 of the nip 32 this causes the strands 22 to bend sharply parallel to the grain which fractures the chips into narrow strands 50 the width of the resulting processed strands 50 is dependent on the size of the grooves 44 and the ridges 46 it has been found that a strand splitter having rolls with grooves which are three quarters of an inch deep and three quarters of an inch wide will produce processed strands which have a maximum width of approximately.
is a network device that is connected to the network 40 and functions as a web server capable of transmitting information over the world wide web www via the network 40 note that the projection format of the projector apparatus 20 may be any format such as a liquid crystal format dlp digital light processing format or the like the remote apparatus 10 and the projector apparatus 20 include communication units 12 and 22 respectively the communication units 12 and 22 transmit and receive information using a layer based protocol such as the osi open systems interconnection reference model meanwhile it is assumed that the network 40 is the internet an intranet or the like the remote apparatus 10 includes the communication unit 12 a web browser 14 a display unit 16 and an operation unit 18 meanwhile the projector apparatus 20 includes the communication unit 22 a request analysis unit 26 an html hypertext markup language generation unit 28 a projector function unit 30 and a storage unit 32 in addition the communication unit 22 includes an http hypertext transfer protocol processing unit 24 serving as an application layer communication service first the functional units of the remote apparatus 10 will.
11 with or without its container 4 from the main track 31 to the rectilinear length 33 or conversely from this rectilinear length 33 to the main track 31 an unloading section comprising a second rectilinear track length 35 connected to one end of length 33 via a portion 36 curved at 90 u00b0 a third rectilinear track length 38 connected to the second end of the first length 33 via a second curved portion 37 a fourth rectilinear track length 40 connected to the third length by a third curved portion 39 this third length 40 extending parallel to the first length 33 and being equipped at its end with an automatic loading device above length 35 of the unloading section there is disposed a conveyor 42 adapted to mesh with the upper bosses 1 of the container c brought by the self propelled carriages 11 into the unloading area once the carriage 11 and container c have been disassembled by a rearward movement of carriage 11 container c remains suspended on conveyor 42 the latter may then have a slope so that container c can move under the effect of its own weight as far as a storage area the loading area 41 associated with length 40 of the loading section comprises two successive loading zones z l z 2 on which container c may be centered so as to be automatically assembled on carriage 11 and be locked in the way described above it can be seen that not only the loading station but also the unloading station may be formed without using complex distributors thus in the example shown in fig8 the loading station 43 comprises a distributor formed by a simple drawer 43 for bringing and.
the second dielectric material are a same number of layers application_number US 20126608 A description although certain embodiments of the present invention will be shown and described in detail it should be understood that various changes and modifications might be made without departing from the scope of the appended claims the scope of the present invention will in no way be limited to the number of constituting components the materials thereof the shapes thereof the relative arrangement thereof etc although the drawings are intended to illustrate the present invention the drawings are not necessarily drawn to scale fig1 depicts a cross sectional view of a pre metal dielectric pmd 10 upon which a first insulative layer 12 a is formed the pmd 10 comprises one or more dielectric materials such as a sio 2 based material i e sio 2 psg bpsg sicoh osg silk u2122 dow chemical corp sin sic sicn c u2014 h etc the first insulative layer 12 a comprises a dielectric material in this example an organic dielectric material such as polyarylene ether silk u2122 parylene n or f teflon or other porous versions of these films the type of organic dielectric material used may depend upon the deposition technique used for example if the first insulative layer 12 a is formed using chemical vapor deposition cvd or plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition pecvd the parylene n or f teflon or other porous versions of these films may be used if however first insulative layer 12 a is formed using spin on deposition the silk u2122 may be used the first insulative layer.
separator s can be operated at pressures between about 0 psig to about 200 psig the solid liquid separator in the solid liquid displacement zone 40 may be operated in continuous or batch mode although it will be appreciated that for commercial processes the continuous mode is preferred the impurities are displaced from the solid liquid displacement zone 40 into a mother liquor stream and withdrawn via line 60 in one embodiment of the invention additional solvent is fed to the solid liquid displacement zone 40 via line 50 to reslurry the carboxylic acid slurry 30 and form a slurry or cake carboxylic acid product 70 when a terephthalic acid slurry is utilized in the solid liquid separation zone 40 a slurry or cake terephthalic acid product is produced the slurry or cake terephthalic acid product typically comprises terephthalic acid and acetic acid the mother liquor 60 is withdrawn from solid liquid displacement zone 40 via line 60 and comprises a solvent typically acetic acid catalyst and bromine compounds the mother liquor in line 60 may either be sent to a process for separating impurities from oxidation solvent via lines not shown or recycled to the catalyst system via lines not shown one technique for impurity removal from the mother liquor 60 commonly used in the chemical processing industry is to draw out or u201c purge u201d some portion of the recycle stream typically the purge stream is simply disposed of or if economically justified subjected to various treatments to remove undesired impurities while recovering valuable components examples of impurity removal processes include u s pat no 4 939 297 and u s pat no 4 356 319 herein incorporated by reference step b comprises removing in a solvent.
mat surface 226 disposed therebeneath an embossed surface pattern surface 234 of plate 230 is thus formed with the appropriate pattern configuration for imparting the select surface pattern thereto a crisscrossing surface pattern 236 is shown adjacent the end 238 of plate 230 diagrammatically indicating the presence of a surface pattern thereon a variety of surface patterns are of course contemplated to solve various erosion problems after the impression of the surface pattern 236 to the surface 226 of the elongate mat 210 a drying period for the particular bonding agent may be necessary for purposes of simplicity no appreciable distance for drying of mat 210 is shown between end 238 of compression plate 230 and cutting assembly 240 described below it should be noted however that an appropriate distance for interim drying and or curing of the bonding agent for maintaining the permanence of the pattern may be necessary in addition some conventional equipment such as a forced air blower heater or the like may likewise be necessary and would be available in accordance with conventional manufacturing technology in a preferred embodiment the plate 230 is heated and when sufficient time has passed it raises this allows the mat to proceed on to the edge cutting area and the.
terminology used herein is for the purpose of describing particular embodiments only and is not intended to be limiting of the invention as used herein the singular forms u201c a u201d u201c an u201d and u201c the u201d are intended to include the plural forms as well unless the context clearly indicates otherwise it will be further understood that the terms u201c comprises u201d u201c comprising u201d u201c includes u201d and or u201c including u201d when used herein specify the presence of stated features integers steps operations elements and or components but do not preclude the presence or addition of one or more other features integers steps operations elements components and or groups thereof it should also be noted that in some alternative implementations the functions acts noted in the blocks may occur out of the order noted in the flowcharts for example two blocks shown in succession may in fact be executed substantially concurrently or the blocks may sometimes be executed in the reverse order depending upon the functionality acts involved as used herein the term u201c image u201d refers to multi dimensional data composed of discrete image elements e g pixels for 2 d images and voxels for 3 d images the image may be for example a medical image of a subject collected by computer tomography magnetic resonance imaging ultrasound or any other medical imaging system known to one of skill in the art the image may also be provided from non medical contexts such as for example remote sensing systems electron microscopy etc although an image can be thought of as a function from r 3 to r the methods of the.
tot are charged to a stirred reactor where the temperature is increased from 150 u00b0 c to 220 u00b0 c over a period of 30 to 90 minutes methanol and water formed during the reaction is distilled from the reaction mixture pressure is then gradually reduced to about 0 20 mm hg as the temperature is increased to 240 u00b0 250 u00b0 c for an additional 60 to 180 minutes the resulting polymer is removed from the reactor and allowed to cool the results along with compositional data are set forth in table 1 below table 1__________________________________________________________________________example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7__________________________________________________________________________compositiondmt sup a 388 388 9977 9977 388 11713 11713bd sup b 300 300 7710 8163 300 9035 9035aeb sup c 7 3 15 6 188 420 13 tot sup d 0 5 0 5 15 15 0 5 17 17paba sup e 117 59propertiesmeg amine sup f 63 127 63 155 45 18mv sup g 990 1720 250 3272 5736__________________________________________________________________________ sup a dimethyl terephthalate grams sup b butanediol grams sup c pamino ethyl benzoate grams sup d tetra2 ethyl titanate cc sup e pamino benzoic acid grams sup f amine number sup g melt viscosity measured using a tinium olsen melt indexer at 250 u00b0 c 0 042 inch orifice astm method d1238 poise from the above table it can be seen that increased amounts of the aromatic.
only if the full scan of the backmap is performed in excess of a predetermined number of times in a predetermined period for example the heuristic is run only if the full scan of the backmap is performed 3 or more times during 60 seconds this is to make sure that the candidate page is consistently being a burden to the memory management module 350 in still another embodiment the number of times the heuristic of fig5 can be run is limited to once per 1 100 second in one embodiment the heuristic of fig5 keeps track of one candidate page at a time however in other embodiments multiple candidate pages can be kept track of at a time also although in the embodiment of fig5 the heuristic is run to identify the immutable guest physical page it is also possible especially in a para virtualized system to identify the immutable guest physical page by the guest os 220 simply indicating to the memory management module 350 which guest physical page is an immutable guest physical page referring back to fig4 once the immutable guest physical page is identified 504 the memory management module 350 discards 506 existing reverse mappings corresponding to the identified immutable guest physical page additionally the memory management module 350 marks that guest physical page so that it stops 508 adding reverse mappings for that guest physical page this will prevent the memory management module 350 from giving the identified guest physical page back to the guest os 220 to relieve memory pressure it is.
on the shape and function of the external reconstruction plate 10 the disclosed positions are not restricted for the invention fig4 shows the cross sectional view of the external reconstruction plate of another preferred embodiment of the present invention the only difference between the fig3 and fig4 is that the number and location of the locking portions 13 of the external reconstruction plate 10 as shown in fig5 9 and 10 the connection member 20 and the connection with other parts are disclosed wherein the connection member 20 is a ring shaped member and has an outer threaded section 21 and a polygonal section 22 the connection member 20 has an inner threaded hole 23 and a reception hole 24 which communicates with the inner threaded hole 23 of the connection member 20 the top end diameter 241 of the reception hole 24 of the connection member 20 is larger than the bottom end diameter 242 of the reception hole 24 of the connection member 20 the inner wall 243 that is located adjacent to the top end diameter 241 is a vertical wall the reception hole 24 has a concaved and curved inner wall 244 which is located adjacent to the bottom end diameter 242 the connection member 20 can be rotated by using a tool not shown to operate the polygonal section 22 the outer threaded section 21 is threadedly connected with the inner threaded hole 13 of the locking portion 13 of the external reconstruction plate 10 fig6 9 and 10 disclose the screw 30 which has a shank 31 with outer threads the lower end of the shank 31 is a self tapping end.
812 and second main deflectors 812 a are provided in correspondence to the both direction rotation and a structure of the supplementary deflectors 814 a is modified in detail the first main deflectors 812 are formed on an underside of the upper surface portion of the tub cover 800 at fixed intervals and the second deflectors 812 a are formed in symmetry to the first main deflectors 812 and a fore end of the supplementary deflector 814 a has a fore end started from the inner circumference and extended along a concentric circle of the tub cover and an aft end connected to the inner circumference of the tub cover that is the fore end of the supplementary deflector 814 a is positioned spaced from the fore end of the first main deflector 812 and the aft end of the supplementary deflector 814 a is positioned spaced from the fore end of the second main deflector 812 a and preferably there are a plurality of ribs 818 between the first main deflectors and the second main deflectors 812 a for preventing distortion and more preferably concentric to the tub cover circumference and a portion of an outer rib may be cut away the ribs 818 are fitted under the following reasons the washing water passed over the main deflectors 812 and 812 a may cause a vortex between the first and the second main deflectors 812 and 812 a or may flow to the outlet of the main flow passage to interfere the washing water flow in the main flow passage therefore the ribs 818 are provided to confine the washing water between the first and second deflectors 812 and 812 a to some extent for preventing interference to.
the present invention is described in detail below with reference to the drawings fig1 is a functional block diagram of a licensee notification system according to a first embodiment of the present invention this licensee notification system is a system where cd roms storing a large number of software items of restricted function are sold cheaply and software sales are effected by selling the information needed to cancel the function restrictions of the software in this cd rom payment of the fee could be effected by for example notification of the subscriber number of a cash card or notification of a bank account withdrawal number or the like as shown in the drawings the licensee notification system is constituted by user terminals 11 and management center 12 connected by means of a communication circuit user terminals 11 and management center 12 may be described as computers and commence operation as an ensemble of the function blocks illustrated when prescribed programs are run first of all the operation of management center 12 will be described management center 12 is provided with two databases called user database user db 13 and software database software db 14 as shown in fig2 user db 13 stores the correspondence relationship between the user id which is identification information given to users of this system by the manager and the user name which is the identification information of the user as employed in ordinary society as shown in fig3 software db 14.
120 due to attraction toward the permanent magnet 140 in the bobbin 111 although not shown in the drawings the moving part 130 is elastically biased away from the permanent magnet 140 by an elastic member such as a spring in the above structure when no current is supplied to the coil section 110 the moving part 130 makes contact with the frame 120 due to the attraction of the permanent magnet 140 when current is supplied to the coil section 110 the moving part experiences a magnetic force that counteracts that of the permanent magnet 140 then the restoration force of the elastic member not shown causes the moving part 130 to detach from the frame 120 the frame 120 and the moving part 130 are made of ordinary steel because steel is corroded by moisture or salt the surface of the frame 120 and the moving part 130 are plated with anti corrosion material to prevent corrosion anti corrosion materials are nonferrous and have a diamagnetic composition such as nickel or copper and nickel in order to provide effective prevention against corrosion it is necessary for the plating to have a certain thickness for example if nickel or copper and nickel is used as the anti corrosion material the required thickness of the plating is more than 7 u03bcm however in this case the force of adhesion between the moving part 130 and the frame 120 can be decreased by the anti corrosion material a contact surface 132 of the moving part 130 accounts for only a very small portion of the total surface area of the moving part 130 and likewise for a contact surface 123 of the frame 120 hence it is unlikely for the.
the cam and thus swings the lever 43 and rotates the rod 40 a lever 45 is fixed to the opposite end of rod 40 and is swingable around the axis to the rod 40 by the rotation of the latter lever 45 is connected to the connecting rod 38 thereby transmitting the movement of roller 42 to pin 32 the spring 39 rotates the rod 40 through the connecting rod 38 and lever 45 and constantly urges the roller 42 against the cam 44 the print board 1 is transferred on the conveyor 2 in the x 39 direction and the conveyor 2 is stopped by a detector 46 so as to stop the print board 1 subsequently the shaft 19 is rotated by the actuator 22 through the lever 21 to lower the arm 23 so that the pusher 34 provided on the arm 23 is moved behind the print board 1 at this time as shown in fig3 the lever 21 turns on the switch 31a then as shown in fig2 the actuator 26 pulls the arm 23 while the pusher 34 moves in the x 39 direction thus pushing the print board 1 further when the pin 32 is moved to predetermined down position 48 as shown in fig2 the pin 32 is lowered in the following manner that is when the transfer of the print board 1 is started by the pusher.
the light duty carriage 59 is tiltable about a horizontal axis 62 fig1 by means of tilt cylinders 64 each fork can be moved left or right independently of the other fork by means of double cylinders 75 and 76 fig7 and 12a and 12b hydraulic fluid from a source 79a through lines 79 causes pistons 110 111 to move in the respective cylinders to thrust a fork 72 away from the housing 61 fluid in the opposition direction will cause the fork to reverse its position thus the forks on the carriage are able to accommodate themselves as in fine tuning to the pallets and the position of them in the container for example if a pallet is against a wall of a container the forks can be moved totally to one side of the carriage in order to properly engage the pallet to lift it out of the container it is contemplated that the light duty carriage 59 will be deployed with the inner boom extended far into the interior of a container 18 20 feet where heavy duty lifting is required a heavy duty carriage 80 must be mounted on the boom 25 the heavy duty carriage 80 is depicted in fig8 by reference to fig9 a and 9b 10.
device 108 is slidably mounted on selector lever 101 with bosses 109 and 110 extending through elongated channels 111 and 112 respectively nuts welded attachments or other securing devices may be utilized to retain the spring biased latch device onto selector lever 101 spring 113 biases the biased latch device 108 toward the second end 105 of the selector lever 101 spring 113 attaches between arm 114 located on the biased latch device 108 and arm 115 located on third member 116 third member 116 is fixed to the pivot point 104 and the second end 105 of lever arm 101 handle 117 is located on biased latch device 108 boss or pin 119 best seen in fig4 a and 4 b is connected to biased latch device 108 and extends through an elongated channel in selector lever 101 pin 119 is thereby normally biased into engagement with a pocket 102 a 102 e however when handle 117 is moved in a direction toward first end 106 of selector lever 101 then the pin 119 moves out of engagement with a pocket 102 and the selector lever 101 can be moved between pockets 102 within window 103 movement of the selector lever 101 moves the cable within jacket 75 preferably handle 117 is physically located in a location where an operator can simultaneously grasp handles 107 and 117 in order to move.
bis ethane sulfonate in acidic and basic aqueous media in a typical experiment 50 mg of 2 2 39 dithio bis ethane sulfonate as produced by using the above described method was dissolved in one ml of water and the ph was adjusted to 1 5 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 or 6 0 by adding 1n hydrochloric acid in water or the ph was adjusted to 8 0 or 9 0 by adding 1n sodium hydroxide in water the reaction mixture was stirred for 24 hours at room temperature the water was removed at reduced pressure dissolved in spectral grade d 2 o and the proton nmr spectrum was recorded one peak corresponding to the starting material was observed on the nmr spectra no additional peaks were observed the stability of 2 2 39 dithio bis ethane sulfonate at ph 1 5 was further studied by heating the reaction mixture to 100 degrees centigrade for 10 minutes no change in the proton spectrum was observed after heating the 2 2 39 dithio bis ethane sulfonate ph 1 5 the data indicate that 2 2 39 dithio bis ethane sulfonate is stable in aqueous solutions at ph values from 1 5 to 9 0 method 1 to produce a sterile solution containing cisplatin and 2 2 39 dithio bis ethane sulfonate this example is designed to detail one method to produce a sterile solution containing cisplatin and disodium 2 2 39 dithio bis ethane sulfonate for the purpose of this example cisplatin and cis diammine dichloro platinum are used interchangeably for.
described herein may be used with the improved system of the present invention and should be selected based upon the character of the waste material which is to be processed since the waste material being processed is generally hazardous it is important that such feeding system make provision to isolate the material from the environment and also exclude oxygen from the system to prevent problems with premature combustion of the material mill 200 as shown in fig1 is a modified dispersion apparatus and includes inlet 202 into mill housing 204 stationary plate 206 is positioned on the interior of housing 204 immediately surrounding the opening of inlet 202 therethrough shear blocks 208 are secured to the inner surface 210 of plate 206 rotating disc 212 is positioned within housing 204 and has shear blocks 214 positioned on its surface 216 facing the shear blocks 208 on plate 206 shear blocks 208 and shear blocks 214 are so positioned to intermesh rotating disc 212 is mounted on drive shaft 218 which is rotated by motor 220 also as with the impellers previously described drive shaft 218 is axially movable to change the spacing between stationary plate 206 and rotating disc 212 so that the macerating action of shear blocks 208 and 214 causes any solids entering.
the filaments 12 by means of a test arrangement with a copper wire of 0 12 mm diameter it was possible to measure and determine that for the production of a polypropylene non woven material pp with a filament titre of 2 dtex 1 dtex thickness of a filament of a weight of 1 g and a length of 10 000 m a draw off force of 0 2n is required the results of the measuring are shown in fig2 together with a schematic arrangement of the test lay out as can be seen the filament draw off force of 0 2n can be achieved easily with thirty stacked slot nozzles while with the use of only one slot nozzle a sufficient filament draw off force could not be achieved even when increasing the compressed air pressure the compressor as well as the slot nozzles 16 are operated polytropically the compressor compresses the air from the ambient state polytropically to or higher than the critical pressure of 1 894 bar in order to achieve as complete a use of the energy as well as the adiabatic process the compressor the supply lines and the backs of the slot nozzles are insulated although the compressed air has reached a relatively high temperature of to more than 350 k approximately room temperature is reached again at the exit of the slot nozzles 16 when the air is expanded and the pressure of the air decreased but the slot nozzles 16 heat up so that there can be danger of the filaments 12.
the occluder drive mechanism 56 specifically a bearing 100 and a bearing 102 are each mounted on housing 30 and shaft 98 is slidably mounted on bearings 100 102 further shaft 98 is formed with a retainer ring 104 and a spring 106 is positioned around shaft 98 between the retainer ring 104 and the bearing 100 occluder 48 is mounted on the end of shaft 98 as shown and will reciprocate with the movement of shaft 98 fig5 also shows that slot 46 creates a platen 108 and includes a flexible cover 110 as intended for the present invention outlet tube 26 is positioned in slot 46 between platen 108 and flexible cover 110 as shown occluder 48 is positioned against flexible cover 110 on the side of cover 110 opposite outlet tube 26 with this structure a rotation of drive shaft 26 urges cam 88 against arm 94 to pivot the arm 94 around pivot pin 92 and into the position shown for arm 94 39 as a result end 96 of arm 94 urges against the abutment 112 on shaft 98 to move shaft 98 in the direction of arrow 114 and against the action of spring 106 consequently occluder 48 moves into the position shown for occluder 48 39 and the outlet tube 26 positioned in slot 46 will be opened for fluid flow further rotation of shaft 86 will release shaft 98 from.
c 4 and c 5 are assumed to be 0 and the tap coefficient c 3 is assumed to be 1 and if the amplitude of x 3 is not less than the predetermined threshold value the tap coefficients that are shown in fig6 may be used moreover if an edge for which the frequency of the module is more than the predetermined threshold value is detected the amplitude of the edge that is included in this module can be emphasized in this case in the transversal filter in fig5 when the module frequency is less than the threshold value 1 or when the amplitude of x 3 is less than the predetermined threshold value 2 the tap coefficients c 1 c 2 c 4 and c 5 are assumed to be 0 and the tap coefficient c 3 is assumed to be 1 when the frequency of the module is not less than the threshold value 1 and the amplitude of x 3 is not less than the threshold value the tap coefficients that are shown in fig6 may be used by changing the tap coefficients dynamically in accordance with the thick black bar and the thick white bar the emphasizing characteristics that emphasize the amplitude of the edge included in the module can be changed moreover in this embodiment a case of using an optical system that irradiates a bar code by a light beam to acquire reflected light is described however the present invention is not restricted to this case only and can also.
u00b0 f air with dew point u2212 40 u00b0 c for 24 hrs or until the moisture level was below 250 ppm the dry blend was fed to a single barrel extruder set for 199 u00b0 c 390 u00b0 f temperature and melt kneaded to form a heat layer composition having 3000 ppm jc30 cas in the natureworks 4060d pla b core layer a core layer b composition blend of 85 natureworks crystalline pla 4032 and 15 amorphous pla natureworks 4060d was dried with 74 u00b0 c 165 u00b0 f air of dew point u2212 40 c for 24 hours or until the moisture level was below 250 ppm this dry blend was fed to a single screw extruder and melt kneaded at temperature of 210 u00b0 c 410 u00b0 f to form the melt core composition c polymeric barrier receiving layer antiblocking additive fuji silysia grade 310p silica u201c 310p silica u201d of 2 7 u03bcm particle size was compounded at 10 wt into a 19 wt isophthalic acid 81 wt terephthalic acid copolyester of ethylene glycol to form antiblocking masterbatch mb3 the isophthalic acid copolyester ipet had a solution intrinsic viscosity of 0 70 as determined from a single point measurement at 0 5 wt concentration in dichloroacetic acid at 25 u00b0 c the masterbatch was prepared in a twin screw extruder equipped with vacuum devolatilization and was then extruded as strand and pelletized a polymeric barrier receiving layer c composition.
the child 39 s hand and the adult 39 s hand simultaneously in a natural and comfortable way the handle 12 is contoured so there is a child appropriate portion the child grip 16 and an adult appropriate portion the adult grip 20 the child grip 16 is closer to the bowl 10 than the adult grip 20 the child grip 16 is the grip closest to the bowl 10 so that the child grip 16 and bowl 10 are in similar relative positions and a similar plane along lines a a as will likely be found on spoons the child will use after becoming proficient at self feeding in alternative embodiments of the present invention the handle configuration that accommodates gripping by a child and an adult at the same time can be used in combination with any work element portion or working end which may be a fork a knife a toothbrush a paintbrush a comb a writing implement or any suitable utensil or tool that a child might need to learn to use the spoon bowl fork tines or knife blade can be constructed of a different material than the handle the spoon bowl fork tines or knife blade can have integrated safety features the spoon bowl fork tines or knife blade can be made from or coated with temperature sensitive color changing material the spoon bowl fork tines or knife blade can be coated with rubber or other soft material in still more alternative embodiments the neck between the bowl and the child grip can be bent or can be flexible to change the angle.
excavating apparatus 1 b and the points of difference from the other embodiments refer now to fig1 in addition to the center piston case member 22 a mentioned above the excavating bit member 2 is provided with the five peripheral piston case members 22 b furthermore with regard to the center piston case member 22 a and the other five peripheral piston case members 22 b the lengths of piston case main bodies 220 a 220 b differ and the sizes of the pistons 61 61 b housed in the piston case main bodies 220 a 220 b also differ namely the length in the longitudinal directions of the piston case main body 220 b of the peripheral piston case member 22 b shown in for example fig1 b is shorter than that of the piston case main body 220 a of the center piston case member 22 a shown in fig1 a namely a distance l 2 from the air distributor 64 to the bit 42 a shown in fig1 b is shorter than a distance l 1 from the air distributor 64 to the bit 41 shown in fig1 a furthermore corresponding to the length of the piston case main body 220 b the length in the longitudinal directions of the piston 61 b of the peripheral piston case.
a set of lip keepers 38 so that lip 26 can help support the weight of the deck at its cross traffic position in cases where the dock leveler does not include lip keepers a pedestal installed underneath the deck can be used for supporting the deck 39 s weight an example of such a pedestal is disclosed in u s pat no 3 530 488 next referring to fig2 deck 16 rises and lip 26 swings out to extend edge 34 of lip 26 out over the top of trailer bed 14 then in fig3 deck 16 descends to place the extended lip 26 upon trailer bed 14 the movement of lip 26 and deck 16 can be carried out in any of a wide variety of ways that are well known to those of ordinary skill in the art the movement for example can be powered manually driven or a combination of the two mechanisms for moving deck 16 or lip 26 include but are not limited to hydraulic cylinder or bladder pneumatic cylinder or bladder mechanical linkage drive screw rack and pinion winch mechanical spring gas spring and various combinations thereof once lip 26 is resting upon trailer bed 14 as shown in fig4 forklift 28 can readily travel between platform 30 and trailer bed 14 the actual inclination of deck 16 and the angle between the upper surfaces of bed 14 and lip 26 is partially determined based on the relative heights.
axial line p of the cooling hole 82 as shown at dot dash lines in fig2 a leading portion of the collar 12 is configured in conformity with the semi spherical portion 82 b of the cooling hole 82 namely a leading end of the collar 12 forms a semi spherical end portion 12 c as shown in fig4 the collar 12 has a length l 1 which is somewhat smaller than a total length of the downward hole 82 a and the semi spherical portion 82 b as shown in fig3 a diametrical dimension of the collar 12 is arranged to be identical to the inner diameter d 1 of the downward hole 82 a when the cooling type bushing 14 is secured to the cooling hole 82 as shown in fig6 as shown at the phantom lines in fig2 the collar 12 has an outer surface aligned along the axial line p the collar 12 is arranged to bring the outer surface into tight fitting engagement with an inner surface of the cooling hole 82 instead of the word of tight fitting engagement the word of engagement is used as the same meaning hereinafter unless particularly specified in the meanwhile as shown in fig4 an inner surface of the collar 12 forms a tapered surface 12 d which slants against the axial line p the collar 12 has a thickness which progressively increases.
the electrical connections can be minimized the opto electric interface adapter 10 can comprise a lead frame that routes the data transmission reception leads in the shortest possible distance while routing dc power and ground leads around the data transmission reception leads fig1 illustrates another embodiment of the interface in which the opto electric device interface adapter 10 is provided with multiple opto electric device interface regions 19 a d these opto electric device interface regions permit an opto electric device 7 to be mounted in various different positions and or permits multiple opto electric devices to be attached to a single integrated circuit 2 in general the opto electric device interface adapter 10 is provided with a set of opto electric device interface adapter leads 11 as shown in fig1 which connect to the opto electric device connectors 4 the opto electric device interface adapter 10 is provided with opto electric device interface regions which mate to the opto electric device leads 6 this permits multiple opto electric device interface regions to be defined either in the same plane e g fig1 or one on top of the other e g fig1 multiple opto electric devices 7 a and 7 b can be wired in serial or parallel or independently opto electric device interface regions can be controlled through the integrated circuit 2 or through a separate controller housed in the opto electric device adapter interface 10 or separately provided on the substrate 8 the opto electric device interface adapter.
tunnel current detector 21 supplies servo circuit 13 with a signal representing the increase in the tunnel current which has resulted from the deposition of the film on the processed surface of the sample and has been actually detected servo circuit 13 feeds the signal back to piezoelectric member 11 thus expanding member 11 such that cantilever 14 is moved away from base 10 and set apart therefrom by the predetermined distance this servo system is similar to that employed in most stms since the distance between base 10 and probe 18 is maintained constant the tunnel current can be repeatedly detected with high efficiency the weight of the film deposited on the processed surface of the sample is computed from the integrated changes in the tunnel current displacement w of cantilever 14 can be determined as follows w pl 3 3ei wherein the young 39 s modulus of cantilever 14 is represented by e the sectional secondary moment of cantilever 14 by i load applied to the free end of cantilever 14 by p and the length of cantilever 14 by l providing that the width of cantilever 14 is denoted by b and the thickness thereof by h i bh3 12 therefore w 4 e u00b7 l h 3 u00b7 p b in a case where cantilever 14 is made of al having a thickness h of 1 u03bcm width b of 0 1 mm and length l of 0 5 mm and chromium having a density of 7 20 g cm 3 and.
the information received from the control system via the computer for further processing thus the recipe is a listing of the application rates desired for the multiple products to be applied in the defined zones of the gridded field as mentioned above fig5 illustrates a gridded field the field is delineated by latitude and longitude so that zones may be created for use with a desired grid recipe the zone consists of one or more squares for example or units the squares or units preferably have a width dimension that is a multiple of the boom width to simplify the method of the invention for example the unit shown in fig5 has a width 34 a 34 and a length 34 b 34 the zones need not be regular geometric shapes however for example zone 1 is shown as a 3 u00d7 3 square and zone 3 is a 2 u00d7 7 rectangle whereas zone 2 has an irregular shape the type of product and the application rate for each different type of product is set in the grid recipe for each zone for example with reference to fig5 if a farmer begins at the northwest corner nw of the field shown in zone 1 the present invention would dispense known amounts of the various products or plant seeds at defined depths as defined in the grid recipe.
the instruction to the smart card or else if it is the device receives the password input by the user encloses it to the password checking instruction sends the instruction enclosed with the password to the smart card receives the result of executing the password checking instruction from the smart card and sends the result to the upper computer the solution of the invention is used for improving the security of inputting a password in avoidance that the password is intercepted when being transmitted application_number US 81204210 A description a clear and complete description of the solutions in the embodiments of the invention will be given below with the drawings of the embodiments obviously the embodiments described here are only parts of embodiments of the invention and any others accomplished by those skilled in the art without any inventive work based on the above mentioned embodiments will be still in the scope of protection of the invention a method for inputting a password is given in the embodiment 1 of the invention as shown in fig1 said method includes step 101 a password inputting device receives an instruction from a card reader the instruction received confirms to the 7816 regulation in format a world wide acknowledged smart card regulation the instruction includes fields of cla ins p1 p2 lc and data the cla field abbreviation of class refers to the type of the instruction one byte in length the ins field abbreviation of instruction one byte in length refers to a designated instruction an instruction name.
multiple receptacles trap entrance unit 5 is made from a solid block of wood horizontal bore 512 extends through the unit to form two entrance holes and a common plenum connecting additional entrance holes 511 and vertical bores for receptacle adapters 54 as depicted in fig5 b entrance holes 511 are bored at angle b between 10 and 60 degrees from horizontal to provide sheltered entrance holes fig6 depicts an insecticide gel applicator according to certain aspects of the present invention applying insecticide gel 61 into an existing bee nest bore 62 shown in a cross sectional view applicator 6 consists of syringe 63 preferably with a capacity of about 60 cc with a 150 mm length of nominal u00bc inch diameter pvc flexible tubing 64 attached to the outlet gel 61 is composed of an insecticide preferably a pyrethroid more preferably permethrin in a concentration of 0 2 to 2 blended with a non volatile non hardening non skinning thixotropic gel preferably petroleum jelly the recommended application rate is from 0 25 cc to 1 cc per bore annually when bees contact the gel it sticks to their body and they will further spread it over their body as they attempt to clean it off enhancing effectiveness the insecticide gel is a mild repellent and should never be applied to a trap the attractiveness of an actual bee nest will typically override the repellent nature of the insecticide gel and treated nests will continue to kill bees for up to one year after a single treatment experimental observation also indicated that carpenter bee traps containing live bees were significantly more productive than empty traps or traps containing only dead bees live bees in the trap actively make distressed buzzing noises which appear to be the.
known to those skilled in the art to which the present invention is directed regarding operation of apparatus 150 the paper web 10 and felts 11 are passed between rollers 40 and 50 and thereafter propelled therebetween by powered rotation of either or both of rollers 40 and 50 fig2 with the compression of web 10 and felts 11 at the nip by the rollers 40 and 50 compressed air is introduced to apertures 41 via chamber 42 the compressed air then passes downwardly through apertures 51 to exhaust into chamber 52 having passed through web 10 and felts 11 liquid moisture in web 10 and felts 11 is thus carried into chamber 52 and is thereafter expelled therefrom via a drainage outlet not shown thus apparatus 150 operates much like apparatus 100 to remove water from paper web 10 and felts 11 again as in the case of the fig1 embodiment this embodiment utilizes felt 11 on opposite sides of web 10 as will be seen in fig4 an apparatus 200 is disclosed somewhat similar to that of fig2 and 3 in that it includes the pair of rollers 40 and 50 having respectively chambers 42 and 52 therein and the web passing intermediate the rollers the main differences from.
preferably tubular steel structures that also have mounting surfaces for other components of the platform deck stabilizers 5 and cantilevers 120 shown in fig1 a attach the rear riser beams 3 and nose beams 4 the deck stabilizers 5 connect the ends of the rear riser beams 3 to the ends of the nose beams 4 the cantilevers 110 are horizontal extensions of columns 6 that are provided to establish the height of the platforms 2 each platform 2 has at least two columns 6 which set the height and carry the loads placed on the platforms the columns 6 are biased toward the lateral edges of the platforms 2 and may be canted inwardly at their tops to better withstand load placed on the platforms as described in u s pat no 4 041 655 to pari the combination of the deck stabilizers 5 the nose beams 4 and the rear riser beams 3 provide a mounting surface for decking 8 which is typically made from plywood the plywood decking provides a surface for mounting additional seating components such as seats 9 and provides a substrate for stepping from one platform to another attached to bottom ends of the columns are castor horns 25 a which have channels provided therein for receiving roller wheels 30 the castor horn roller wheel assemblies allow for the linear movement of platforms from an extended to a retracted position and vice versa these features.
to minimize thermal shock to the substrate 56 the sample was then analyzed by sem as seen in fig8 in example 2 a bilayer of pt and pt carbon for use in pem fuel cells was deposited by rsdt first 0 75 g of pt acetylacetonate was dissolved in 197 6 g of toluene in a container 10 next 39 5 g of propane was added and the container was thoroughly mixed the solution 12 was heated to 350 c the substrate 56 fig4 in this example was a nafion u00ae membrane in this example a set of air knives 72 was used to cool the flame 54 so that the substrate 56 was maintained below 140 c the reaction plume consisted initially only of streams 54 and 72 for the initial deposition of the pt sublayer 90 onto the nafion u00ae membrane 56 the flow rate of the pt feedstock was set to 4 ml min the frequency of the induction heater was set to 271 khz and the nozzle temperature 35 was set to 200 c the oxidant 46 and fuel gas 50 for the burner assembly were oxygen and methane respectively the shaping gas 40 was set to a flow rate of 1 95 l min and heated to a temperature of 350 c the methane 50 and oxygen 46 in the burner assembly were ignited by a spark a substrate 56 of nafion u00ae was placed onto a holder 58 a spark ignited the spray 36 while the feedstock 12 was flowing in the tube 24 and the burner assembly 55 maintained the flame the flame 54 was maintained at a distance of 13 cm from the substrate.
path of the double twist type in one of the two loops 9 10 equipped with means which facilitate the travel back of the twist on leaving the said loop the cord is subjected to an over twist by means of false twist applied by the over twister 13 in order to obtain an 34 inert 34 cord free from twist reaction and is then straightened in the straightener 14 and after passing over the capstan 12 is collected on the bobbin 11 as already indicated in the general description the process makes it possible to obtain a cord having the required properties namely improved compactness uniformity breaking load and flexibility these properties are achieved by the combination of the following main points of the process individual draw off of each wire to the correct length and imparting of final twist at the assembly stage by means of the assembling twister 3 positioning of the wires in the cord being formed facilitated by the drive rollers 8 which make it possible to lower and adjust the assembling tension and maintenance of the twist imparted by the twister 3 over the entire path by virtue of the travel back of twist imparted by the spindle as far as the outlet of the said twister 3 thus the wires are placed simultaneously and individually in the.
to the a d converter 22 in the sequence of a 1 a 2 a n b 1 b 2 b n and supplies a signal ed indicating the end of the storage to the processing circuit 21 the a d converter 22 converts the input analog signal a of the data signals a i and b i to an 8 bit digital information d in synchronism with the conversion signal ad from the drive circuit 23 and supplies the digital information d to the processing circuit 21 the processing circuit 21 sequentially stores the digital data signals a i and b i into the ram and after all of the data signals a i and b i have been stored in the ram determines the defocusing quantity of the imaging lens 1 by a signal proccessing method to be described later and causes the lens driven 25 to focus the imaging lens 1 in accordance with the defocusing quantity when the focusing operation by the device 25 is completed the processing circuit 21 again produces the start signal st to repeat the above operation accordingly while the release button not shown of the camera is held in the first stroke the in focus state discrimination operation and the focusing operation for bringing the imaging lens 1 to the in focus state are repeated the signal processing method of the signal processing circuit 21 in the present embodiment is now explained.
value applicable at engine acceleration and in asynchronism with the tdc signal this tia value is determined from a tia table 13 ktwt is defined as a fuel increasing coefficient applicable at and after tdc signal synchronous acceleration control as well as at tdc signal asynchronous acceleration control and is calculated from a value of the aforementioned water temperature dependent fuel increasing coefficient ktw obtained from the table 14 referring next to fig3 there is shown a flow chart of the aforementioned first program 1 for control of the valve opening period in synchronism with the tdc signal in the ecu 5 the whole program comprises an input signal processing block i a basic control block ii and a start control block iii first in the input signal processing block i when the ignition switch not shown of the engine is turned on cpu in the ecu 5 is initialized at the step 1 and the tdc signal is inputted to the ecu 5 as the engine starts at the step 2 then all basic analog values are inputted to the ecu 5 which include detected values of atmospheric pressure pa absolute pressure pb engine cooling water temperature tw intake air temperature ta throttle valve opening u03b8th battery voltage v output.
cap member 26 thereon a conically shaped chimney member 28 extends upwardly from the top surface 22 of the top cover 14 as shown in fig2 the chimney member 28 includes a peripheral rim surface 30 and a generally flat circular surface 32 the circular surface 32 includes a centrally located primary opening 34 which is surrounded by a plurality of flexible flap members 36 the flap members 36 are formed by a plurality of equally spaced and radially outwardly extending slots 38 four equally spaced locking tabs 40 are positioned along the outer periphery of the circular surface 32 a pair of secondary openings which are generally rectangularly shaped 42 and generally triangularly shaped 44 respectively are opposingly positioned along the outer periphery of the circular surface 32 with both of the secondary openings 42 and 44 respectively being positioned between a pair of locking tabs 40 and outwardly from the outer end of a slot 38 the rectangularly shaped secondary opening 42 is a generally rectangular member having a pair of square shaped members which intersect the ends of the rectangular member such that the secondary opening 42 includes three distinct sections having three different widths the functions of which are described hereinafter as shown in fig2 5 the generally triangular shaped secondary opening 44 of the present invention includes a semicircularly shaped first area 46 and a triangularly shaped second area 48 which.
digital design is disclosed the method comprises generating a reference model for a first digital design and creating an operational model for a second digital design wherein the first digital design and the second digital design are intended to have a same logical function a plurality of testcase types are then created by constraining one or more internal signals and one or more test scripts representing the plurality of testcase types are produced the method also includes verifying the second digital design with a testing simulation program by comparing results of the test scripts from the operational model and the reference model application_number US 94495607 A description with reference now to figures and in particular with reference to fig1 there is depicted a block diagram of a data processing system equipped with a hardware simulation and testing system in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention data processing system 100 contains a processing storage unit e g ram 102 and a processor 104 data processing system 100 also includes non volatile storage 106 such as a hard disk drive or other direct access storage device an input output i o controller 108 provides connectivity to a network 110 through a wired or wireless link such as a network cable 112 i o controller 108 also connects.
below fig1 shows the preferred embodiment of an object 10 having a small orifice object 10 comprises a ceramic blank or casing 1 which may be made from toughened zirconia having a bore 11 casing 1 may be green or partially sintered bore 11 which will usually be cylindrical can be created by conventional methods and is preferably in the center of casing 1 because bore 11 will shrink during firing its precise pre firing dimensions are not critical in the preferred embodiment what is important is that the diameter of bore 11 which is also the inner diameter of casing 1 is larger than the outer diameter of ferrule 5 this is necessary to allow for insertion of ferrule 5 into bore 11 however the diameter of bore 11 should only be slightly larger than the outer diameter of ferrule 5 so that when bore 11 shrinks and then expands upon cooling it will secure ferrule 5 therein ferrule 5 which will usually be cylindrical has an outer diameter less than the diameter of bore 11 the outer diameter of ferrule 5 will vary depending on the application and is generally not critical ferrule 5 will usually have a uniform.
a hollow cylindrical member 626b and a columnar member 126b protruded upward or downward from both upper and lower ends of the cylindrical member 626b and around which the cylindrical member 626b is rotated the protuberance 133 is provided at the upper end of the upper columnar member 126b for controlling the rotation position of the swing wing 626 when the localized flow in the refrigerating compartment 3 is required it is more desirable that a couple of swing wings 626 are installed at the first duct 35a and second duct 36a respectively further a helix wing member 647 is formed on the interior wall of the cylindrical member 626b one side edge 647a of the helix member 647 extends along the interior wall of the cylindrical member 626b another side edge 647b of the helix member 647 slants is offset radially inwardly from the wall toward the center of the cylindrical member 626b on the wall of the cylindrical member 626b there are a plurality of vertically spaced openings 66a 66b 66c the position of respective openings 66a 66b 66c corresponds to the partitioned space between the shelves 8 of the refrigerating compartment 3 at the same traverse point of the slant of the helix member 647 the one side end edge 647a of the helix member 647 is horizontally formed while the other side end edge 647b thereof is slanted upwardly the slant upward angle of the inner edge 647b relative to the outer edge 647a is lowest.
of the latter can be adjusted by means of a regulating plunger 36 the fabric presser bar transmits a pre selected amount of force on the presser foot 24 which passes through the fabric and to the teeth of the feed dogs when the feed dogs are raised they cause simultaneous raising of the presser foot that results in a slight compression of the fabric presser spring 35 which increases the biasing force being applied to the presser foot the movable blade 15 is carried by a support arm 37 connected to the sleeve 34 and is caused to oscillate in the directions depicted by the indicating arrow z by means of an eccentric member 38 operatively connected therewith which is mounted on a rotatably driven shaft 39 the means which operatively connects the eccentric member 38 with the support arm 37 includes a connecting rod 40 fig2 having a pin 42 which interconnects it with one end of an arcuated arm 43 whose opposite end is fixed on the sleeve 34 so as to cause said sleeve and support arm to oscillate about the axis of the fabric presser bar 33 this driven shaft 39 and the eccentric member 38 are housed in the upper horizontal arm not shown of the sewing machine the support arm 37 has a u shaped bracket 44 forming that end opposite the end attached to the sleeve 34 and the arms of this bracket are identified by numerals 45 and 46 these arms 45 and 46 have bushings 47 and 48 respectively attached thereto in vertically aligned relation and serve to support a rod 49 for sliding movement therein the lower.
feet of cable is limited to 20 db if a uniform cable was used the dynamic range could be as high as 46 db for the same cable length this reduction in dynamic range has three beneficial effects first the dynamic range of the analog to digital converter is more optimally utilized second the system operational characteristics are more uniformly distributed over the cable length third the total attenuation is reduced as the cable attenuation increases with the coupling factor additional lengths of similarity gradated cable can be utilized provided appropriate line amplifiers are used for the four staged gradated cables in the example the amplifiers would require a total gain of 80 db 40 db in each cable further reduction in dynamic range is achieved if the cable is continuously gradated thereby eliminating all connectors the transmitter 16 initiates the rf pulse along one of the leaky coaxial cables a typical system operates with the following specifications carrier frequency 60 mhz bandwidth 2 5 mhz pulse width 400 nanoseconds repetition rate 30 khz and peak power 0 5 watts the carrier frequency and pulse widths are carefully selected considering cable attenuation and possible rf interference while typical leaky cables can operate from 30 mhz to 400 mhz and thus a transmitter operating in the range 30 400 mhz can be used it is desirable to select as low a frequency as possible to minimize the cable.
to receive the at least one first conductive body and the at least one second conductive body the at least one first conductive body electrically connects to the at least one second conductive body when the first magnetic body is magnetically bound to the second magnetic body application_number US 201213448442 A description fig1 3 show an electronic connector 100 having a first connector 10 and a second connector 20 detachably sleeved on the first connector 10 the first connector 10 electrically connects with a first electronic device not shown and the second connector 20 electrically connects with a second electronic device not shown thus the first electronic device is electrically connected to the second electronic device when the first connector 10 is coupled to the second connector 20 the first connector 10 is insulated externally one end of the first connector 10 is a hollow cylinder the other end of the first connector 10 has a first magnetic body 11 a first conductive body 12 a second conductive body 13 a third conductive body 14 and a second magnetic body 15 the first magnetic body 11 the first conductive body 12 the second conductive body 13 the third conductive body 14 are all annular the second magnetic body 15 is columnar the second magnetic body 15 is positioned at the center of the first connector 10 the first magnetic body 11 surrounds the second magnetic body 15 the first the second and the third conductive bodies 12 13 and 14 are positioned in that order between the first magnetic body 11 and the second magnetic body.
be made of the same rubber elastic material are situated at the end faces of window tube 2 and in the completely assembled rubber cartridge spring they are axially compressed between the ends of window tube 2 and flanges 4 projecting radially inwardly from outer tube 1 both ends of window tube 2 are beveled outwardly in mirror image symmetry to one another so that with increasing distance from the axis of the rubber cartridge spring the distance between the two end faces diminishes sealing rings 3 also made of rubber elastic material thereby undergo during their axial compression between the metal surfaces of outer tube 1 and those of window tube 2 a displacement into gap 5 that is to be sealed the latter is thereby reliably and lastingly sealed fig2 to 7 show enlarged sections of various embodiments of area a of fig1 in the embodiment of fig2 the end face of window tube 2 is beveled only in the area of its outer circumference the axial load bearing capacity of window tube 2 with respect to outer tube 1 is thereby improved in the embodiment shown in fig2 and 3 the sealing ring 3 has the cross sectional shape of a parallelogram which during axial compression against flange 4 comes into contact with it first in the area of its inside circumference in this case as well continued compression results in.
cushion 11 slightly prestressed according to the deadweight from the speed v 0 mm sec to the braking travel speed of the press ram 6 non positive coupling by means of the collet locking system 3 7 and 13 can thus take place in a damped manner without interrupting the movement of the press ram and impact free for the mass of the piston 8 and of the pressure rods 5 when the counter contact 18 touches the stop 17 the build up of the pressing force begins and the parallel alignment control is started a servo controlled switching valve 54 reacting proportionally to the volume of pressure medium supplied is assigned directly as an actuator to each cylinder 4 the mechanical stops 16 and 17 are fastened adjustably in the guide rails 19 so that moldings 31 of different thicknesses can be produced the traveling motion of the plunger 9 can also be controlled and regulated via a central timing and or path measuring system via a numerically controlled computer system 100 fig3 shows in a path time pressure diagram with the moldings 28 and 29 represented diagrammatically the production cycle according to the invention for a workpiece 31 from the starting of the plunger 9 at 21 to the end of the compression time at 33 the plunger stroke is plotted on the abscissa and the closing speed is plotted on the ordinate on the speed profile curve 22 denotes the start and 23 the end of coupling between the cylinder 2 and the pressure rods 5 parallel alignment control begins at 23 at the same time whilst the start of material contact is indicated at 25 the arrows at 26 show the short.
has an opening in one side of a body of the transfer nut lump housing 12 such that it allows the locking lever pressing part 13 to move towards the locking lever roller 18 the locking lever pressing part 13 is actuated such that when the transfer nut lump is transferred in the direction in which the sliding door is opened it is rotated together with the transfer nut lump so as to force the locking lever roller 18 to move thereby allowing the locking roller 16 to unlatched from the locking hook 20 the transfer nut support 14 has the shape of a right angled section in one side of the transfer nut lump thereby serving to support the transfer nut lump such that the transfer nut lump cannot rotate at a certain angle or more when the transfer nut lump is in the locked or opened state the locking lever 17 is connected with the transfer nut lump housing 12 by means of the locking lever hinge 26 so that it can be moved by a certain distance in the direction perpendicular from the advancing direction of the sliding door while rotating about the locking lever hinge specifically the locking lever may include the locking lever roller 18 and the locking roller 16 here the locking lever roller is designed such that when the transfer nut including the locking lever pressing part 13 is rotated it is brought into contact with the locking lever pressing part 13 to allow the locking lever 17 to be moved by a certain distance while being.
and which causes for example the secondary air valve to remain engaged or by retaining the output of the operational amplifier 7 at a fixed potential it causes the mixture controller of the fuel injection system to retain open loop control and to adapt itself to an average fuel mixture in any case the circuitry which follows the operational amplifier 7 recognizes the fixed output potential from the operational amplifier 7 and thus recognizes that the sensor is not yet operational the circuitry then takes the necessary steps to maintain satisfactory and orderly engine operation without having actual information regarding the exhaust gas composition as the engine operates the u03bb sensor is eventually warmed up by the hot exhaust gases and its internal resistance drops thereby also dropping the base voltage at the transistor t2 once the internal resistance 3 has reached a certain value which is determined by the dimensions of the remaining bridge resistors the base voltage of the transistor t2 goes lower than that of the transistor t1 thereby blocking the transistor t2 and hence also the transistor t3 thus at the same time the current flowing through this branch of the bridge is interrupted as a consequence the current i p flowing through the sensor is also interrupted and the entire control system behind the sensor 2 3 is permitted to operate normally and the only current flowing through the sensor will now be the very small input current to the threshold switch equal to the base current of the transistor t4 a control system of this type must be capable of satisfactory operation even when the engine.
pressure reservoir 3 is reached the switch 8 is actuated by the piston rod 7 and the pump 2 is switched off in contrast if the water level in the pressure reservoir 3 falls below a certain level the pump 2 is switched on again via the switch 8 the pump 2 and the pressure reservoir 3 thus form a control circuit which ensures that there is always sufficient water at the outlet of the supply line 9 and that the water always has the required water pressure since the water withdrawn from the pressure reservoir 3 is immediately replaced the optimum operating pressure for the entire water storage system is adjustable in the pressure reservoir 3 fig3 illustrates the prior art in a schematic drawing similar to fig2 it can be seen that a further switch 21 is required for generating additional steam the further switch 21 switching off the pump 2 via the control electronics when the valve 12 is actuated thereby preventing the auxiliary evaporation chamber 14 from flooding in the operating condition the iron is switched on and the pump 2 conveys water into the pressure reservoir 3 once the maximum water level is reached the pump 2 is switched off and the water is ready for use at the optimum.
emission module in practice the above mentioned disclosure may also be applicable to a light emitting element a light emission device or a display device for example the light emission module with the thermal vias 162 may be used to a light emission device such as a lighting tube or a lighting lamp moreover the above mentioned light emission module may be combined with a display pane to form a display device such as a liquid crystal display device lcd or a variable message sign vms in addition the above mentioned substrate body incorporated with the thermal vias may be used in semiconductor and integrated circuits components in order to improve the heat dissipation efficiency referring to fig1 a light emitting device 1000 may comprises an optical sheet 1600 a plurality of light emission modules 1100 and a light guide plate lgp 1400 disposed therebetween each of the light emission modules 1100 may comprise a plurality of led chips and a substrate unit as mention above detailed description thereof omitted the lgp 1400 is adapted to guide light beams provided by the light emission modules 1100 to emit toward the optical sheet 1600 in particular the lgp 1400 may comprise a bottom surface not labeled and a light emitting surface not labeled opposite to the bottom surface the optical sheet 1600 is configured to convert light beams emitting from the lgp 1400 into uniform planar light and thereby ensuring the lighting quality.
intended to limit the scope of the invention described in this application a gallium doped silica preform doped with thulium was fabricated using mcvd an all vapor process was used where gallium chloride and rare earth chelate were transported to the mcvd reaction zone via a heated injection assembly the mcvd chelate injection tube assembly used is similar to that outlined in the article by tumminelli r p et al u201c fabrication of high concentration rare earth doped opticalfibers using chelates u201d j lightwave tech vol 8 no 11 1990 p 1680 sicl 4 bubbler t 25 u00b0 c 20 sccm standard cubic centimeter per minute 5 grams of gacl 3 was loaded into a quartz bubbler and heated to 180 u00b0 c about 10 g of tm chelate was dispersed in sio 2 sand loaded into a quartz bubbler and heated to 170 u00b0 c these were connected to the heated injection tube assembly a 16 mm u00d7 20 mm substrate tube was used for the mcvd process the gallosilicate core was deposited in the following manner the 20 sccm of sicl 4 was sent to the mcvd reaction zone the gacl 3 t 180 u00b0 c was then sent to the reaction zone when a stable reaction zone was established the tm chelate then introduced to the mcvd reaction zone a relatively small flow rate for the tm was used to dope a low concentration of rare earth into the glass this was to minimize any ion u2014 ion interactions that could complicate subsequent spectroscopy two passes were deposited under these initial conditions for the third core deposition pass the temperature for the gacl 3 bubbler was increased to 210 u00b0 c after three core pass.
of the transparent resin 7 for the approximate pattern n is set to be for instance 15 g upon completion of injection of the transparent resin 7 at the most approximate position a the nozzle moving mechanism 15 moves the dispensing nozzle 12 back from between the polarizing plate 5 and the cover glass 6 next the elevating mechanism 17 descends the cover glass supporting portion 11 approximates the cover glass 6 to the polarizing plate 5 and presses the transparent resin 7 whereas the roller driving mechanism 18 descends the laminating rollers 13 to be on the most approximate position a of the cover glass 6 the roller driving mechanism 18 first descends as shown in fig6 d and fig7 d the first roller 13 a to be on the most approximate position a of the cover glass 6 and makes it roll towards the one end side in the longitudinal direction of the cover glass 6 with this arrangement the transparent resin 7 that had been preliminarily applied on the polarizing plate 5 in form of lines and the transparent resin 7 that has been injected by the dispensing nozzle 12 along the most approximate position a will become uniform in accordance with the rolling of the first roller 13 a towards the one end side in the longitudinal direction between the polarizing plate 5 and.
the life of the milling tool 110 fig7 shows an end view of the milling end 204 the one or more blades 210 are bent in a manner that gives the blades 210 a self supporting rigidity the one or more blades 210 have a length l and a width w the one or more blades 210 have a bend 700 formed in the blades 210 the bend 700 creates two blade legs 702 a and 702 b which extend from the bend at an angle u03b8 in one example the optimal angle is 50 60 degrees the angle u03b8 may be any suitable angle that gives the blades 210 self supporting rigidity the length of each of the legs 702 a and 702 b may be equal or not equal depending on the milling operation deflection may be calculated using the following the legs 702 a and 702 b are shown as extending beyond the reinforcing structure 216 however the legs 702 a and 702 b may be arranged to not extend beyond the reinforcing structure 216 or the face 208 although the bend 700 is shown as having a constant radius it should be appreciated that the angle u03b8 may be created in any manner for example two plates may be welded at a point thus having no bend or the radius of curvature could vary between the legs 702 a and 702 b further each blade may have more than two legs 702 all at various angles relative to one another this geometry of the blades 210 allows the height of the blades to increase well beyond 2 u2033.
by an arc of a circle the radius of the circle being in the range 5 to 7 inches 13 2 to 17 8 cm preferably the frame 1 of length 2 35 inches 6 cm is available in three different lordotic curvatures flat arc of a circle of 5 inches 13 2 cm radius and arc of a circle of 7 inches 17 8 cm radius in use the titanium alloy frame 1 is placed over the spinous processes on the lamina with the substantially parallel frame portions 2 3 lying substantially parallel to the spine axis with vertebrae elements the spinous processes being received in the frame aperture 6 the vertebrae received within the frame 1 are immobilised with respect to each other and the frame 1 by fixation wires or cables looped around the frame 1 and around the lamina of adjacent vertebrae fixation wires or cables are looped through the slots 7 the grooves 8 and wire seats 9 the prior art spinal implants are smooth rectangular frames formed from metal rods whereas in the prior art spinal implants the looped fixation wires or cables are prone to slip parallel to the frame portion around which they are looped in the frame 1 of the present invention the fixation wires or cables are secured within a slot 7 or groove 8 and can therefore resist forces parallel to the frame portion around which they are looped the frame 1 of the present invention can therefore be rigidly anchored to the spine as will be seen from the drawings the preferred form of frame is symmetrical about a central plane along the longitudinal axis of the device a a in fig3.
art system the voltage level drops at nodes 6 310 through 8 315 in contrast with the fault location identification system of the present invention when a fault occurs at node 6 310 the voltage level at node 7 320 through 8 315 is maintained by the controllable voltage source converters of the distributed resources at these nodes as such the voltage profile for a distributed resource system utilizing the fault location identification system of the present invention clearly indicates the fault at node 6 310 in the system of the present invention whereas the fault is not clearly identified in the prior art system fig5 is a schematic illustrating an exemplary embodiment of the present invention that was used to generate the graphs shown in fig2 4 the physical distance between two adjacent distributed resource nodes will also determine if the faulty node can be located accurately to get an accurate voltage profile for a power distribution system it is necessary to measure the voltage at multiple nodes in the system however making measurements at the nodes is difficult in the prior art systems because there are limited nodes at which a voltage measurement can be performed in contrast in the fault location identification system of the present invention which includes a plurality of distributed resources and a controllable voltage source converter associated with each of the distributed resources each controllable voltage source converters can serve as a measurement unit at which voltage measurement can be performed and used to generate an accurate voltage profile as shown.
a trunk link 5 the communication apparatuses 2 and 3 are connected by a trunk link 6 the communication apparatuses 3 and 4 are connected by a trunk link 7 a management apparatus 10 and apparatuses 11 to 13 which are connected to the vlan 1 setting ports are connected to the communication apparatus 1 apparatuses 14 to 16 which are connected to the vlan 1 setting ports are connected to the communication apparatus 2 a management apparatus 20 and apparatuses 21 to 23 which are connected to the vlan 2 setting ports are connected to the communication apparatus 3 a management apparatus 30 and apparatuses 31 to 33 which are connected to the vlan 3 setting ports are connected to the communication apparatus 4 the communication apparatuses 1 to 4 each include a plurality of connection ports the communication apparatuses 1 to 4 can perform vlan settings by using vlan numbers set for the connection ports a specific example of the network system is a system in which in a train formation a communication apparatus in provided in each car and communication is performed among the cars by connecting the cars through trunk links however the network system is not limited to such communication among the cars fig2.
structure iii a new synthetic route has been developed starting from a methyl quinicate derivative which is easily obtained from commercial 1r 3r 4s 5r u2212 quinic acid as described by perlman et al tetrahedron lett 32 7663 1991 and deluca et al u s pat no 5 086 191 the overall process of the synthesis of compound i is illustrated and described more completely in u s pat no 5 843 928 issued dec 1 1998 and entitled u201c 2 alkylidene 19 nor vitamin d compounds u201d the specification of which is specifically incorporated herein by reference the introduction of a methylene group to the 2 position of the 20 s isomer of 19 nor 1 25 oh 2 d 3 had little or no effect on binding to the porcine intestinal vitamin d receptor this compound bound equally well to the porcine receptor as compared to the standard 1 25 oh 2 d 3 fig1 it might be expected from these results that this compound would have equivalent biological activity surprisingly however the 2 methylene and 20 s substitutions produced a highly selective analog with its primary action on bone fig2 shows that 2md has activity similar to that of 1 25.
when an external circuit 512 513 fig5 senses a power down signal it forces the en signal to be high first and then pulses the signal pl on plate line 329 when en is high transistors 322 323 and 324 are turned on so that the voltage between node 109 and plate line 329 will drop across capacitor 312 and the voltage between node 110 and the plate line 329 will drop across capacitor 314 this causes the data on nodes 109 and 110 to be stored on capacitors 312 and 314 respectively as known in the art the signals stored on capacitors 312 and 314 are complementary that is if one is high the other is low and vice versa just before or at the same time that the power is completely down the en signal returns low and ferroelectric capacitors 312 and 314 hold the data via their remnant ferroelectric polarization when the external circuit senses a power up signal it forces the en signal to be high first and then pulses the signal pl on plate line 329 because capacitors 312 and 314 have different polarizations nodes 109 and 110 will be at different voltages which depend on the capacitance ratio of capacitors 312 or 314 to the capacitances connected to nodes 109 or 110 respectively after v sup becomes high this voltage difference will be enlarged so that the lower voltage becomes data.
and the receding contact angle is preferably as small as possible i e the contact angle hysteresis is preferably very small for example less than 10 u00b0 advantageously the tilting angle of the material is very small preferably less than 10 u00b0 more preferably less than 7 u00b0 and most preferably less than 5 u00b0 the term u201c cvd u201d refers to chemical vapour deposition the term ftes refers to 1h 1h 2h 2h perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane the term akd refers to alkylketene dimer the term asa refers to alkenyl succinic anhydride and the term ftcs refers to tridecafluoro 1 1 2 2 tetrahydrooctyl trichlorosilane the term u201c nanocellulose u201d refers to a collection of isolated cellulose microfibrils or microfibril bundles derived from cellulose raw material microfibrils have typically high aspect ratio the length might exceed two five or ten micrometers while the number average diameter is typically below 200 nm the diameter of microfibril bundles can also be larger but generally less than 1 u03bcm the smallest microfibrils are similar to the so called elementary fibrils which are typically 2 12 nm in diameter the dimensions of the fibrils or fibril bundles are dependent on the raw material and a disintegration method the nanofibrillated cellulose may also contain some hemicelluloses the amount may be dependent on the plant source in this application the term u201c nanocellulose particles u201d refers to a discrete physical entity formed of several nanocellulose microfibrils therefore each nanocellulose particle typically comprises several tens hundreds even thousands nanocellulose microfibrils advantageously the nanocellulose particles in the coating have a.
casting mold in which the mixture is compacted by suitable vibrators and hardened that then results in the cast block required for providing the machine bed 4 in the casting operation the fixing means for example in plate form for columns and pillars of the measuring apparatus are simultaneously cast into the cast block which is produced in one piece together with the above mentioned fixing means 12 and 14 and the guide rails 13 in the illustrated embodiment in fig1 the tire 1 to be tested is arranged horizontally in the measuring apparatus but it will be appreciated that it is also possible to use the machine bed 4 consisting of the cast polymer concrete block in a measuring apparatus such as a tire testing machine in which the tire is disposed in a vertical position referring now to fig2 and 3 shown therein is an embodiment of an apparatus according to the invention in the form of an unbalance measuring apparatus in which a rotary member in the form of a rotor indicated at 25 can be mounted in a horizontal position rotatably about an axis as indicated at d in a rotor mounting arrangement comprising two mounting stands or supports 16 and 17 fig2 is a.
a coupling mechanism 26 sized for coupling to the setscrew recess 308 of the polyaxial screw head 304 coupling of the alignment mechanism 20 coupling mechanism 26 to the setscrew recess 308 may occur after insertion of the engagement mechanism 10 into the drive feature 306 of the shank of the polyaxial screw in use during a surgical procedure the engagement mechanisms is first deployed such that the drive feature 306 of the shank 302 of the polyaxial screw is properly engaged by the hex tip 18 of the engagement mechanism during insertion of the engagement mechanism 10 to engage the drive feature 306 of the shank of the polyaxial screw 302 the alignment mechanism 20 is oriented in a retracted position wherein the first collar 22 engages a second stop position 14 of the engagement mechanism upon engagement of the engagement mechanism with the drive feature 306 of the shank 302 of the polyaxial screw the first collar 22 may be moved to engage a first stop position 12 engagement of this first stop may occur following depression of a spring loaded release button 70 associated with the first collar 22 such that the first collar 22 is initially disengaged from the second stop 14 and is capable of moving to a first stop 12 position the orientation of the first collar 22 over the first.
the second surface 6 measured in the central plane 11 the first central axis 17 and the second central axis 19 of the additional compound opening form an angle u03b3 the intramedullary nail aiming device 1 may further comprises an aiming arm 9 which may be attached to the proximal end of the intramedullary nail 8 the aiming arm 9 has a first end 20 including a first joining mechanism 24 and a second end 21 including a second joining mechanism 25 the first joining mechanism 24 of the aiming arm 9 may be coupled to a third joining mechanism of the aiming plate 2 the first joining mechanism 24 comprises two pins 45 axes of which lie in the central plane 11 and are spaced apart from one another the third joining mechanism 26 may include bores 46 at a proximal end 7 of the aiming plate 2 for receiving the pins 45 of the first joining mechanism 24 therethrough further the first joining mechanism 24 includes a screw 47 penetrating a respective hole not shown in the aiming plate 2 to releasably couple the aiming plate 2 to the aiming arm 9 the second joining mechanism 25 of the aiming arm 9 comprises two further pins 49 and a fastener 48 for releasably coupling the aiming arm 9 to the intramedullary nail 8 the intramedullary nail 8 comprises a fourth joining mechanism 27 including for example two lateral holes and a coaxial hole engageable with the second joining mechanism 25 of the aiming arm 9 to allow the releasable coupling of the aiming arm 9 to the intramedullary nail 8 in an aligned position as illustrated in fig2 if a drill bushing 4.
modified pgcs pursuant to this invention chicken pgc cell lines have been derived from blood taken from stage 16 h amp h embryos that have a large round morphology fig1 these cells are confirmed to be chicken pgcs by their morphology after long term culturing and their ability to yield pgc derived offspring in addition the pgc cultures express the germline specific genes dazl and cvh fig2 and the cvh protein is produced by the cells in culture fig3 pgcs in culture also express telomerase fig4 indicating that they have an immortal phenotype furthermore pgcs will give rise to embryonic germ eg cells in the appropriate culture conditions fig5 by analogy mouse and human pgcs will give rise to eg cells when treated in an analogous fashion mouse eg cells will contribute to somatic tissues and chicken eg cells also contribute to somatic tissues as indicated by black feather pigmentation in chimeras fig6 chicken pgcs have been genetically modified as indicated by southern analysis fig7 in a preferred embodiment the cx promoter is stably integrated into the genome of a pgc and is used to facilitate expression of the gene encoding aminoglycoside phosphotransferase aph which is also integrated into the genome of a pgc and is used to confer resistance to neomycin added to culture media in order to select pgcs that have been genetically modified two to five u03bcl of blood taken from the sinus terminalis of stage 15 17 h amp h embryos were incubated in 96 well plates.
to the bivot savot rule if r is the position vector from point x y z to the current element di and r is the scalar magnitude of position vector r the gain of the signal received by surface coil 20 is equ1 for a circular coil of radius a a discrete implementation of eq 1 becomes equ2 where u03c1 is radial distance away from the axis of the coil and z is the distance along the axis of the coil it can seen that as the as the relative angle between surface coil 20 and location x y z of the tissue element emitting a signal increases radial distance r away from the axis of surface coil 20 increases the intensity of the signal received decreases also the intensity of the signal received decreases as the distance along the axis of the coil increases by adjusting the data set for this change in sensitivity of surface coil 20 the data set is normalized by approximating the surface coil centered at x o y o z o by a polygon having a 2n segments the equation in cartesian coordinates would be equ3 where x y z are the cartesian coordinates of x y z with respect to the center of surface coil 20 respectively u03c1 u221a x x o 2 y y o 2 and.
of clutch 76 are splined to internal spline teeth formed on a shell 58 external teeth 98 on the spacer plates of clutch 72 engage internal spline teeth formed on arm 94 of the clutch housing 70 the friction plates of clutch 72 are splined to external spline teeth formed on carrier 48 located between bushings 90 92 and formed in the hub 100 of clutch housing 70 are four feed circuits a single balance oil feed supplies automatic transmission fluid atf to the pressure balance volumes 102 104 106 of clutches 68 72 76 balance dams 103 105 107 seal the pressure balance volumes 102 104 106 at the pistons 110 112 114 of the clutches 68 72 76 each of the servo cylinders 69 73 77 of clutches 68 72 76 is supplied with actuating pressure through individual circuits formed in the clutch housing 70 when no actuating pressure is applied to clutches 68 72 76 the clutch housing 70 has no fixed connection to any other component of assembly 10 fig3 shows a pump support 120 secured by bolts 122 to the transmission case 124 and supporting the input shaft 12 on a bushing 126 a hub 128 for brakes 64 66 includes a radial arm 130 secured to the pump support and an axial arm formed with external and.
and the second and third links 62 63 integrally assembled by the first and second connecting shafts 71 72 are rotated at a phase difference of 180 degrees fig4 b illustrates the links 61 62 63 having been rotated by 90 degrees in a counterclockwise direction around the third connecting shaft 73 from the fig4 a position that is as the links 61 62 63 are rotated in the housing 80 respective side surfaces 51s 52s of thrusters 51 52 contact respective side walls 81s 82s of openings 81 82 thus the thrusters 51 52 are moved outward to the exterior of the housing 80 subsequently as the links 61 62 63 continue to be rotated in a counterclockwise direction around the third connecting shaft 73 from the position of fig4 b to the position of fig4 c or 3b the first and second thrusters 51 52 are extended at a maximum distance toward the vertical wall of the spin barrel 12 next when the links 61 62 63 are further rotated in a counterclockwise direction around the third connecting shaft 73 respective side surfaces 51t 52t of respective thrusters 51 52 contact respective side walls 81t 82t of respective openings 81 82 as.
upper tier 106 a of trench 106 is formed by reactive ion etching in this example upper tier 106 a has a depth equal to about half of the total depth of trench 106 iii the top surface of the lateral wall material that is inside the trench is further selectively masked off that is masks are placed according to the plan view footprints of the defect members to be formed iv lower tier 106 a of trench 106 is formed by further reactive ion etching and v the masking is removed to yield trench cut intermediate sub assembly 100 in this example the lower tier 106 b of trench 106 can be described as u201c zig zag u201d because of the pattern formed by the defect blocking members as shown in fig5 to 8 epitaxially grown intermediate sub assembly 200 includes lateral wall sub layer 102 base sub layer 104 defect blocking members 108 110 and epitaxial layer 202 in this example epitaxial layer 202 is made of a iii v semiconductor material specifically gaas alternatively any material now known or to be developed in the future to which an aspect ratio trapping trench is applicable could be used for example other iii v semiconductor materials such as ingaas gaas or ingaas epitaxial layer 202 is epitaxially grown to an extent that epitaxial.
percentage of lines per card that are close to be optimal for the allocated v bat range of the card and v a b ring of the lines it can be possible to expand the analysis graphical presentation to shelf rack site levels or any portion geographical scale of an access network to suggest if at least two cards or other modules exist in the analyzed network portion the system is adapted to propose suggest more efficient line allocation schemes per card and in the analogous manner per shelf rack site etc e g the system is operative to recommend grouping of the subscriber lines according to common length categories so that the best suitability to v bat range be reached the system may also suggest changing adjusting the v bat range per module card the system is also adapted to propose suggest more efficient or optimal values of v a b ring for specific subscriber 39 s lines located on a single or plurality of line modules the basic embodiment of the proposed method system concerns plain old telephone service pots interfaces fig1 u2014 illustrates a conventional access network 10 connected to a packet network 12 which comprise elements that enable applying the proposed power saving technique the following clauses refer to reference numerals and detail functions of the elements which will be relevant to our further description subscriber interface 14 u2014 pots i f comprises of a 2 wire subscriber 39 s line pots line 16 18 20 and a terminal equipment customer premises equipment te cpe such as telephone set fax machine 15 17 19 etc the line and cpe together form a loop which is characterized by ohmic resistance and when at off hook.
insulator wafers 602 and 610 includes three layers a u201c device u201d layer of silicon a buried oxide u201c box u201d layer of silicon dioxide and a u201c substrate u201d or u201c handle u201d layer of silicon in wafer 602 those layers are layer 608 device layer layer 606 box layer and layer 604 handle layer in wafer 610 those layers are layer 616 device layer layer 614 box layer and layer 612 handle layer typically the device layer is single crystal silicon about 10 2000 nanometers in thickness the box layer is sio 2 about 0 5 to 4 microns in thickness and the handle layer is single crystal silicon gt 250 microns in thickness as discussed later in further detail in some embodiments layer 608 of wafer 602 comprises high resistivity silicon that is doped appropriately during processing as depicted in fig6 b a portion of device layer 608 of wafer 602 is patterned to form micro platform 626 the portion of layer 606 immediately surrounding micro platform 626 is patterned to create structures 630 referred to herein as u201c nanowires u201d which will ultimately function as electrically conductive wires for conducting electrical signals to and from micro platform 626 they are referred to as u201c nanowires u201d because at least the controlled dimension thereof is less than 1 micron such as the width of nanowire 630 the portion of handle.
10 is characterized in part by the trenches disposed between the electrodes as well as the trenches disposed between the electrodes and the substrate shown in fig2 is trench 36 disposed between substrate 12 and electrode 14 trench 38 disposed between electrodes 14 and 16 and trench 40 disposed between electrodes 16 and substrate 12 insulating layers 20 22 and 24 are formed so as to extend from the bottom surface of trenches 36 38 and 40 respectively the heights and widths of oxide extensions respectively shown as h and w are selected so as to increase the total path length along the insulator surfaces that separate the electrodes from each other and from the rest of the substrate furthermore the width a of each of the trenches and dimensions h and w are selected to maximize the voltage that can be applied between each adjacent electrode pairs as discussed further below fig1 shows the breakdown voltage as a function of the trench width a commonly referred to as paschen curve for both air 62 and nitrogen 64 for example when trench width a is approximately 80 90 u03bcm the breakdown voltage is approximately 800 volts to provide additional operating margins in some embodiments a maximum voltage of for example 400 volts is applied between each adjacent electrode pairs when a trench width of 80 u03bcm is selected another reason to add additional margin is that the curve in fig1 assumes that the electrodes are infinite in extent real electrodes are finite in size and the fringe fields caused by sharp edges could significantly increase the local electric fields compared to the.
levels of a hierarchical memory arrangement the example shown in fig4 differs from the example shown in fig3 insofar as two decompression units 42 a and 42 b and two compression units 44 a and 44 b are provided the decompression unit 42 a and the compression unit 44 b are provided on chip while the compression unit 44 a and the decompression unit 42 b can be provided off chip this arrangement allows data to be compressed in either direction of data flow as appropriate for example it is envisaged that data may be held in the on chip caches 40 in compressed form and decompressed before storage in the main memory fig5 shows a further arrangement in this example a processor chip 30 includes a number of processor cores 32 as described above in relation to fig3 and 4 the hierarchical memory in this example includes two cache levels thus there are provided a plurality of l1 caches 40 a and an l2 cache 40 b these two cache levels are connected by a series of data buses shown in fig5 in the form of arrows in between the two memory levels are provided a decompression unit 42 and a compression unit 44 it is noted that this embodiment is implemented on a processor chip 30 there being no.
a heat exchanger 40 for recooling a liquid coolant preferably water a pump 41 serves to circulate the coolant in this way the melt can be cooled quickly to produce casting 10 on a much smaller scale than that of fig1 and 2 fig3 5 and fig6 show two additional exemplary embodiments in which centrifuge drums 42 43 and their cooling surfaces 9 themselves form the greatest part of gas tight chambers 44 45 so that there is no longer any need for an external gas tight chamber this has the effect of reducing the investment and operating costs further the length of time required to exchange the gas or to evacuate the complete system is drastically decreased in the exemplary embodiment according to fig3 5 centrifuge drum 42 is connected nonrotatably to a ring shaped collar 46 which cooperates in a gas tight manner by way of a radial bearing 47 with a stationary bearing ring 48 a ring seal 49 is shown crosshatched between the two sets of rolling elements which form the radial bearing stationary bearing ring 48 is attached to a chamber wall 50 which is provided with an opening 51 inside bearing ring 48 this opening allows a pouring device 52 which is designed as an inductively heated melting crucible 53 in this case as well to be introduced into the chamber pouring device 52 is attached by means of a rotating extension arm 54 to a sealing plate 55 which serves to seal opening 51 to bring about the tilting motion the two end positions of which are illustrated in fig3 a tilting drive 56 is mounted together with sealing plate 55 in.