2 values
Brady Campaign Prevent Gun Violence says An average of nine children a day in the U.S. die of gunshot wounds.
true statement
a gun-control rally claim
Steve Adler says Austin is number one in Texas in startups, venture capital and patents.
true statement
speaking against Proposition 1 on Austin's May 7, 2016 ballot
Rick Scott says In some communities, for $10,000 worth of (PIP) coverage its $1,500 a year.
true statement
an interview with WTSP
Chelsea Clinton says Gary Johnson and the Libertarian Party want to get rid of the public school system.
true statement
an interview with Cosmo
John G Edwards says Theyre saying that 40 percent of the traffic that goes over [the Sakonnet River Bridge is from] out of state.
true statement
a radio interview
Crossroads Gps says (Stimulus money) went to critically important projects like studying ants in Africa.
true statement
a TV ad
Mark Warner says There used to be 16 workers for every one person on Social Security. ... Now its three.
true statement
a meeting with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution editorial board
Vicki Saporta says There are more than twice as many (crisis pregnancy centers) as there are legitimate abortion providers in the United States.
true statement
an episode of "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee"
Bernie S says Washington politicians are paid over $200,000 an hour for speeches.
true statement
a television ad
Nicholas Scutari says Certainly were going to be the most restrictive state in the land in terms of who can get medical marijuana, how it will be prescribed and how it will be achieved in terms of moving it into the marketplace.
true statement
in a NJToday interview
Allen West says "Klein did not hold a single town hall meeting (on health care) where the general public was invited to ask questions or present their views."
false statement
press release
American Bridge 21st Century says Wisconsins economy has tanked under Gov. Scott Walker andso far in 2015 over 6,685 people have been laid off, already more than in all of 2014.
false statement
a website posting
Jimmy Massie says In Virginias Medicaid program, approximately 30 percent, or $2.7 billion a year, is lost to waste, fraud and inefficiencies.
true statement
a Facebook post.
Doonesbury says 3,000 Americans died of gunfire between the time of the Ebola scare in Dallas and the midterm elections.
true statement
the Sunday comics
Marco Rubio says Last year, I stopped an Obamacare bailout and saved taxpayers $2.5 billion.
true statement
a tweet
Douglas Holtz Eakin says Holding up a BlackBerry, McCain campaign adviser says, "youre looking at the miracle John McCain helped create."
false statement
a conversation with reporters.
Sarah Palin says "Obama held one of the first meetings of his political career in Bill Ayers's home. And they've worked together on various projects in Chicago."
true statement
Clearwater, Fla.
Tom Delay says most illegal immigrants draw welfare benefits, theyre sending their kids to school, theyre using the public services.
true statement
an interview on MSNBC
John Charles says TriMet now spends $1.63 in benefits for every $1.00 spent on wages.
true statement
a blog post.
Charles Chuck Spahos says When Colorado eased its medical marijuana laws, fatal accidents involving pot-using drivers soared while overall traffic fatalities decreased.
true statement
a joint legislative hearing
Dale Kooyenga says A lot of student loans are already refinanced by the federal government.
false statement
a radio interview
Jerry Patterson says Were making more than ever off oil and gas right now, but its no secret that oil production in Texas peaked in the 1970s.
true statement
a newspaper column
Randi Shade says that several times in the last 15 years, Austin City Council candidates have won seats after trailing by more than 4,000 votes in the election prompting the runoff.
true statement
a statement.
Ted Cruz says Did you know ObamaCare will cost nearly twice as much as initially expected -- $1.8 TRILLION?
false statement
a tweet.
Charles Perry says $6 billion projected to accumulate in the states rainy day fund is already used.
true statement
a Texas Tribune interview.
Future Pac Oregon House Democrats says Julie Parrish is one of Sarah Palins mama grizzlies.
true statement
a campaign mailer
Bernie S says Almost every poll has shown that Sanders vs. Trump does a lot better than Clinton vs. Trump and, thats true nationally.
true statement
a Democratic presidential debate in Flint, Mich.
Friends Greenlight says Greenlight Pinellas wont take existing lanes from other vehicles.
true statement
an email to voters
Joseph Trillo says There are 30,000 people that have been killed with seat belts.
false statement
a House debate over mandatory seat belt use
Mark Warner says Regarding sexual assault against women, Its actually safer not to be in college than it is to be in college.
true statement
an interview.
Jack Kingston says Perdue mismanaged Pillowtex, and nearly 8,000 people got laid off.
true statement
an ad
Mitt Romney says Seven times Obama could have stopped Chinas cheating. Seven times, he refused.
true statement
in a TV ad
Scott Walker says Im the only governor in America ... who signed a law that says there needs to be an independent investigation any time theres a death of someone in police custody.
true statement
an interview on CNN's "State of the Union"
Austin Independent School District says Austin ISD has the highest graduation rate of every major city in Texas.
true statement
an advertisement spotted at the site of high school graduation ceremonies
Jim Patterson says We now know these firms areunwilling to put up any private money, for Californias high-speed rail project.
true statement
a news article
Hank Johnson says The economy we preside over today is better than the one we inherited.
true statement
an online posting
Russ Feingold says Ron Johnson opposes entirely a federal minimum wage, except perhaps for guest workers.
true statement
a speech
Jennifer Granholm says Marco Rubio opposes abortioneven in the case of rape and incest.
true statement
comments on ABC's "This Week"
Mark Warner says Donald Trump has bankrupt four separate businesses.
true statement
a TV interview.
John Mccain says "We must deal with the here and now and assure affordable fuel for America by increasing domestic production."
false statement
Houston, Texas
Ron Paul says For the past year, I was censored and muzzled.
false statement
an email blast
Florida Stop Common Core Coalition says For educational testing, Florida has chosen a company that has a significant history of promoting identification of the GLBT lifestyle for children as young as seven years old.
true statement
a letter to supporters
Charlie Crist says When Charlie Crist was elected governor, Florida ranked 31st in K-12 education. "Last year ... we went from 31st to 14. And this year, the top 10 in America."
true statement
a meeting of Florida Republicans
Barack Obama says Due to Obamacare, Arkansas has covered almost 14 percent of its uninsured already.
true statement
a speech in Boston
Kendrick Meek says Middle-class families throughout America (would) have to pay $6,000 per year to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.
false statement
a debate
Jana Duty says Williamson County District Attorney John Bradley reduces 36 percent of felonies to misdemeanors and hands them off to her.
true statement
as quoted in Austin American-Statesman news article.
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says Rep.Mike Coffman istheone who said he would support Trump.
true statement
an ad
Carol Shea Porter says According to the Congressional Budget Office, repealing Obamacare would increase the budget deficit.
true statement
a press release
Bill Richardson says "Today New Mexico (has) the sixth-fastest growing economy."
true statement
a debate at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H.
John Cornyn says The Texas leg of the Keystone pipeline has already created 4,800 jobs in just the year its been up and running.
false statement
a post on his U.S. Senate website
Rand Paul says A third of the budget for the city of Ferguson (Missouri) was being reaped by civil fines.
true statement
a Republican debate
Janet Mitchell says 25 percent of Austins public school buildings are underutilized.
true statement
an interview.
Jd Hayworth says McCain opposed the border fence.
false statement
a TV ad against John McCain
Barack Obama says Loretta Lynchs nomination has been now sitting there longer than the previous seven attorney general nominees combined.
true statement
a press conference
Donald Trump says I had previously said that NATO was obsolete because it failed to deal adequately with terrorism. Since my comments, they have changed their policy and now have a new division focused on terror threats.
false statement
a speech on foreign policy in Youngstown, Ohio
John Cornyn says Taxpayer money will provide iPod Touch devices to high school students in Utah, BlackBerry smart phones to smokers who kick the habit and funding for a study of exotic ants in East Africa.
true statement
a press release
Bruce Elfant says over 90 percent of Travis Countys eligible residents have registered to vote.
true statement
a press conference
Tennessee Democratic Party says Mitt Romney has said we dont need more firemen, more policemen, more teachers.
true statement
a press release.
Mitt Romney says "In the African-American community today, 68 percent of kids born are born out of wedlock."
true statement
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Florida Chamber Commerce says union bosses bused protesters to aCentral Florida education protest.
false statement
a radio ad.
Donald Trump says that at a campaign rally President Barack Obama spent so much time screaming at a protester, and frankly it was a disgrace.
false statement
a rally in Hershey, Pa.
Bill Mccollum says On transparency in dealing with the Republican Party of Florida's financial issues.
false statement
interviews with Florida media.
Stacey Campfield says a drug test can be performed for just $4 or $5.
true statement
interview with Knoxville News Sentinel's Tom Humphrey.
Kevin Cameron says Oregon House Republicans jobs plan could generate more than 50,000 jobs over five years.
true statement
a news release
Mike Villarreal says that before Rick Perry became governor, only 4 percent of our total labor force was a minimum wage job ... Today, that number has more than doubled (to) 9.5 percent.
true statement
a Texas Capitol rally.
Donald Trump says When Hillary Clinton ran the State Department, $6 billion was missing. How do you miss $6 billion? You ran the State Department, $6 billion was either stolen they dont know.
false statement
the third presidential debate
David Dewhurst says Prayer rugs have recently been found on the Texas side of the border in the brush.
false statement
a speech in Washington, D.C.
Nan Orrock says More than 80 percent of Americans believe we need to have universal background checks.
true statement
a speech
Georgia Green Party says The transportation tax is regressive, and Emory University is literally getting its own transit line at virtually no cost to itself.
true statement
Georgia Green Party flier
Barack Obama says We have cut our deficits by almost three-quarters.
true statement
the State of the Union address
Richard Swett says that in 2009, Jon Huntsman said that the Recovery Act wasnt large enough and as governor he asked for $14.4 billion in federal stimulus funds. Now hes saying that he never supported it.
true statement
a conference call with reporters.
Barack Obama says On changing the rules for filibusters on presidential nominees
false statement
Rashad Taylor says More children die in agricultural jobs than in any other industry.
true statement
a speech
Jon Stewart says The United States isfighting with Iraqis to defeat ISIS along with Iran. But in Yemen were fighting Iran with Iraqis and Saudis.
true statement
an interview on "The Daily Show"
Newt Gingrich says Gov. Romney cut off kosher meals for Jewish senior citizens who were on Medicaid to save $5 a day.
true statement
a speech in Tampa, Fla.
John Boehner says Since February 2009, the private sector has lost millions of jobs while the federal government has grown by hundreds of thousands of workers.
true statement
a speech at the City Club of Cleveland
Matt Wingard says Oregons per capita income is 9 percent below the national average and getting worse. This is a state thats actually getting poorer.
true statement
a news story online
Michael Bloomberg says "Most of the people that work in finance make $70,000, $80,000 a year."
true statement
an interview on 'Meet the Press.'
Mike Stenhouse says A grant for $5,000 [from the Governors Workforce Board] went to teach an employee at a company that makes ornamental business card holders how to use Facebook and Twitter.
true statement
a commentary in The Providence Journal
Marion Hammer says rabid animals from other states carry different strains of rabies that Florida vaccines and serums dont affect.
false statement
a committee hearing
Wisconsin Professional Police Association says Assaults on Wisconsin law enforcement officers are up 224 percent statewide since 2005
true statement
a press release
Tony Perkins says Were already seeing bakers and florists and photographers forced to participate in same-sex marriages under the threat of law and in some cases even jail.
true statement
a TV interview
John Mccain says "We spent $223-million on a bridge in Alaska to an island with 50 people on it."
false statement
a speech in Nashua, N.H.
Grover Norquist says Withheld union dues fund half of Dem (Democratic) campaigns in Florida.
false statement
a post on Twitter.
Greg Abbott says My wife is going to be the first Hispanic first lady in the history of Texas.
true statement
an interview on Meet the Press
Richard Lugar says Eliminating earmarks does not reduce spending.
true statement
a prepared statement
Common Cause says Half of all NC legislative candidates are unopposed because of gerrymandering.
true statement
an online video ad
Phil Gingrey says The health care law is the largest tax [increase] in the history of our country
false statement
a radio interview
Florida Democratic Party says A study ranked Florida No. 1 in government corruption under Gov. Rick Scott.
false statement
a Web video
Robert Kando says Rhode Island is the last state still using the Optech III P voting machines and they dont meet suggested federal standards.
true statement
testimony before the R.I. House Oversight Committee
Mike Haridopolos says Obamacare cuts $500 billion in future Medicare funding in order to fund the new constitutionally questionable government mandate, even going so far as to scuttle Medicares most popular (and successful) part, Medicare Advantage.
true statement
an 'Orlando Sentinel' op-ed
Broward Democratic Executive Committee says Broward County was one of three counties in the nation pivotal to an Obama victory in 2012.
true statement
a press release
Our Democracy 2020 says an election clerk in Green Bay refused to allow early voting on the UW-Green Bay campus because she was afraid it would help Democrats, showing outrageous partisan bias.
true statement
a news release
Save Flexible Spending Plans says The Baucus health care bill "would drastically restrict the use of flexible spending accounts (FSAs) in order to help pay for health care reform."
true statement
a news release
Harry Reid says Nevada will be energy independent within the immediate future.
false statement
an interview on "Face to Face with Jon Ralston"
Ron Paul says there were only about eight or 10 inflammatory sentences in his newsletters.
false statement
a radio interview
Mitch Mcconnell says Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour will destroy between half a million and one million jobs.
true statement
a debate
Barack Obama says "Ten years ago, John McCain offered a bill that said he would ban a candidate from paying registered lobbyists."
true statement
Tampa, Fla.
Alliance Defending Freedom says Zero Planned Parenthood facilities are licensed to do mammograms. Planned Parenthood, women dont need you!
true statement
a Twitter post
Mitt Romney says Under the Obama administrations bailout of General Motors, Ohio dealerships were forced to close.
true statement
a campaign commercial