2 values
Jeanne Shaheen says For every dollar we put in unemployment, it pays back about $1.60.
true statement
an MSNBC interview
Bob Graham says Since 1990, in inflation-adjusted dollars, per-student funding of the (Florida) state university system from general revenue has dropped by about $4,000.
true statement
a op-ed in the 'St. Petersburg Times'
American Future Fund says Kasichs budget raised taxes by billions, hitting businesses hard and the middle class even harder.
false statement
a campaign ad
John Mccain says Romney used to favor gun control, and said he didn't want to go back to Reagan-Bush.
true statement
an ad on the Internet
Richard Durbin says "Joe, I keep hearing you every morning talking about the biggest tax increase in history, but you don't mention it's also the biggest tax cut in history.''
false statement
a comment on the "Morning Joe'' show on MSNBC.
Bob Corker says The administration was kicking and screaming all the way with these sanctions being put in place (on Iran).
true statement
an interview on Fox News Sunday
Kirk Watson says Texas population is projected to double in the next 50 years or so, but our basic amount of water will remain about where it is now.
true statement
an answer for the League of Women Voters, Austiin Area, Voters Guide.
John Mccain says Palin had "executive experience" in the PTA.
false statement
Republican National Committee Republican says Over the last six months, President Barack Obama has golfed 10 times and held 106 fundraisers, but his jobs council has never met.
true statement
a web video
Phil Kent says The newly created state Immigration Enforcement Review Board can actually prosecute, and get them [violators] into jail, if we bring in the attorney general.
false statement
a speech before the North Fulton and Friends Tea Party
National Rifle Association says Wisconsins concealed-carry permit rules demand more proof than other states that safety training requirements are met, rendering all existing (training) certificates insufficient as part of the permit application
true statement
a website alert
Kasim Reed says The city of Atlanta has $56 million in its reserves.
true statement
a speech
Annies List says Even though men comprise 49% of the population, they hold 80% of the lawmaking power in the Legislature (144 of 181 seats).
true statement
a press release
Barack Obama says The United States (is) the largest provider of humanitarian assistance to displaced persons and refugees.
true statement
a joint statement with the president of Turkey.
Republican State Leadership Committee says 95 percent of job creators say Wisconsin is headed in the right direction.
true statement
a radio ad
Chain Email says Solar panels drain the suns energy.
false statement
messages on the Internet
Mitt Romney says Solyndrahad robots that whistled Disney songs. Im not kidding.
true statement
an Americans for Prosperity Foundation summit speech
Ramey Ko says some Austin school district classrooms lack electrical outlets.
false statement
an Austin meeting.
Michael Moore says Not a single banker, a CEO from Wall Street, anyone from corporate America nobody, (there was) not one arrest of any of these people who brought down the economy in 2008.
true statement
an interview on "Democracy Now"
Mike Huebsch says The elimination of essentially every automobile would be offset by one volcano exploding.
false statement
testimony before a state Senate committee
Hillary Clinton says "We are winning the popular vote."
true statement
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Terry Mcauliffe says Since 2008, we have cut 5,000 positions from Virginia public schools.
true statement
a news conference.
Barack Obama says The presidents proposed budget will help reduce the deficit by $400 billion over the next decade to the lowest level since Dwight Eisenhower was president.
false statement
a speech in Cleveland, Ohio
Cory Gardner says Mark Udall decided Obamacare. ... He passed Obamacare with his vote.
true statement
an interview on Fox News
Laura Ingraham says The 90 percent statistic ofsupporting background checks, thats been debunked.
false statement
on "Fox News Sunday"
Ed Lindsey says Bob Barr has changed his position on the Defense of Marriage Act over the years.
true statement
a news release
Donald Trump says Youth unemployment is through the roof.
false statement
a Reddit Ask Me Anything
Gonzalo Barrientos says 55 percent of council members have come from area where only 10 percent of Austinites live.
true statement
an opinion article in the Austin American-Statesman
John Watson says The transportation sales tax would cost the average consumer an estimated $112 a year.
true statement
an op-ed
Tom Marino says Twenty million Americans are out of work.
true statement
an interview on MSNBC.
Josh Mandel says that Sherrod Brown is an Obama rubber stamp for supporting the job-killing cap and trade plan.
false statement
a radio ad
Debbie Wasserman Schultz says Marco Rubio said we should be considering internment of Muslims, and maybe we should close down cafes and diners where Muslims gather and in fact compared them to the Nazi party.
false statement
an interview on CNN
Newt Gingrich says Every major city which has a center of poverty is run by Democrats. Every major city.
true statement
comments on ABC's "This Week"
Barbara Ann Radnofsky says The attorney general requires that rape victims pay for the rape kit.
false statement
in a Web site video
Chain Email says President Barack Obamas finance team is recommending a 1% tax on all transactions at any financial institution.
false statement
a chain e-mail
Dubose Porter says there are half as many students in one Georgia technical college than there were two years ago.
true statement
a meeting
Newt Gingrich says A recent Obama executive order could lead to a number of investigations by Interpol in the United States, potentially aimed at American officials.
false statement
an interview on 'The O'Reilly Factor'
Hillary Clinton says "If you are driving on average in America this summer, you'll save according to Department of Energy figures about $70."
false statement
Brad Avakian says We do about 300 investigations a year into housing discrimination and in recent years have put about $150,000 of damages into the pockets of individuals who have been treated unfairly.
false statement
a radio interview
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says Jim Renacci opposed increasing combat bonuses for our troops.
false statement
a television ad
Aziz Ansari says 46 percent of women between the age of 16 to 24 despise sexual contact in Japan.
true statement
comments on "The Daily Show"
Jason Carter says Theres $30 billion in expansion funds that weve paid its our money and Nathan Deal wants Washington to keep it.
true statement
In an AJC article
Chain Email says The President wants the U.S. to sign on to the U.N.s International Criminal Court.
false statement
a chain email
Rick Scott says Obamacare was invented by liberal academic theorists.
true statement
an op-ed in USA Today
Larry Ashley says Florida sheriffs unequivocally support the stand your groundlaw.
true statement
a Florida House criminal justice subcommittee hearing
America says American families work hard to earn $4,250 a month. Obama is spending $18,972 a month on each illegal immigrant child.
true statement
a meme on social media
Log Cabin Republicans says "Mitt Romney opposed the gun lobby, even Ronald Reagan."
true statement
Marco Rubio says "Just this week we received the news that for the first time Social Security is now paying out more in benefits than it's taking in. That was something that was supposed to happen in 2016."
true statement
a U.S. Senate primary debate on FOX News Sunday
Van Wanggaard says Theres no statistical evidence that a waiting period for handgun purchases reduces violence whatsoever.
true statement
a legislative floor debate
League Women Voters Florida says The U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned that the SAVE database is not a foolproof means of verifying (citizenship on) the voter rolls.
true statement
a statement
Facebook Posts says Michele Bachmann said English was good enough for Jesus when he wrote the Bible.
false statement
a photo-quotation posted to Facebook
Terry Mcauliffe says Ken Cuccinelli would take money away from public schools to fund private schools.
true statement
a TV ad.
Rachel Maddow says A recent Department of Labor study guessed Wall Street fees cost a worker 28 percent of the value of your plan over the span of your career.
true statement
a segment on The Rachel Maddow Show
Marco Rubio says The United States is not modernizing its nuclear weapons.
false statement
Faith and Freedom Summit in Iowa
Mitt Romney says "I don't describe your plan as amnesty in my ad. I don't call it amnesty."
false statement
a debate in Manchester, N.H.
Gilberto Hinojosa says This is the first time in Texas history -- and only the fourth time in United States history -- that two women are running for the top spots.
true statement
an email blast
Rudy Giuliani says "The oddest thing is he doesn't want to do for America what he did for Massachusetts. He did mandate health care for Massachusetts, which is HillaryCare, and he doesn't want to do that for America."
true statement
a Washington Post interview.
Barack Obama says What I have done -- and this is unprecedented ... is Ive said to each agency ... look at regulations that are already on the books and if they dont make sense, lets get rid of them.
false statement
a press conference
Peter Kilmartin says When the mayor of Providences brother wrote over 100 grand in bad checks to the city, Joe Fernandez didnt have the guts to prosecute him. He let him off the hook.
false statement
a campaign commercial
Graeme Zielinski says the Wisconsin Republican Party tweeted Happy International Womens Day! You ladies should get paid less and not be able to make health care decisions.
false statement
a tweet
David Dewhurst says Soy ... el nico official estatal quin es un hombre de negocios.
false statement
an interview on “Conexión Texas”
Mitt Romney says Barack Obama sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China at the cost of American jobs.
false statement
a television ad
Doug Otto says Rick Perry said theres an administrator for every teacher in Texas public schools.
false statement
a radio interview.
Candy Crowley says Its been 14 years since a president or a vice president or a member of their family has not gone and attended at least an event at the Olympics.
true statement
comments on CNN's "State of the Union"
Chris Larson says A Republican-sponsored Wisconsin mining bill will take at least seven years to create jobs.
true statement
a speech
Scott Walker says As Milwaukee County executive, Scott Walker eliminated the waiting list for long-term care for older adults through the Family Care program.
true statement
a statement on campaign web site
Russ Carnahan says The Congressional Budget Office most recently came out and analyzed the current (health care) plan and said that it was not only deficit-neutral, but also that over 10 years it would create a $6 billion surplus.
false statement
a town hall meeting in Missouri.
Joe Scarborough says The health care reform bill is the largest tax increase in U.S. history.
false statement
a comment on his "Morning Joe'' program on MSNBC
Marco Rubio says "Crist stays in $2,000 a night luxury hotel suites where he racks up $1,300 in mini-bar charges, and doesn't pay for a dime of it himself."
true statement
a press release
Elizabeth Roberts says More than 30 cents of every state tax dollar goes to Medicaid.
true statement
a presentation to the Reinventing Medicaid Working Group
Newt Gingrich says The Obama administration ... would impose on every Catholic institution, every Jewish institution, every Protestant institution the Obamacare standard of what you have to buy as insurance.
true statement
a town hall in Jacksonville, Fla.
Gina Raimondo says Women make 77 cents for every dollar earned by men.
true statement
a tweet promoting Equal Pay Day
Gina Raimondo says My Treasury team eliminated a 900-case backlog in the Crime Victim Compensation Program.
true statement
a website statement
Marco Rubio says We have not had unemployment this high for this long since the Great Depression.
true statement
interview on CBS's "Face the Nation"
Boyd Richie says Gov. Rick Perry is spending Texans hard-earned money to live like Louie XIV.
false statement
an e-mail blast.
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says Congressman Duffy has long record of voting against VA backlog fixes.
false statement
a news release
Henry Kissinger says There were fewer civilian casualties in Cambodia than there have been from American drone attacks.
false statement
an interview on NPR
Doctors Without Borders says Trade deals threaten Indias role as the pharmacy of the developing world for new HIV medicines.
true statement
a press release
Bryan Fischer says By the word religion in the First Amendment, the founders meant Christianity.
false statement
a broadcast of "Focal Point"
Roger Goodell says NFL players are living, on average, longer than the average male.
true statement
comments on "Fox News Sunday"
Erick Erickson says Republican candidate for governor Nathan Deal explicitly voted to fund abortions ...
false statement
a blog post
John Mccain says "I won the majority of the Republican vote in both New Hampshire and South Carolina."
false statement
a debate in Boca Raton.
Now Or Never Pac says Ralph Hall is the oldest member in Congress ever.
false statement
a campaign ad
Jim Webb says Fifteen out of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India and China.
true statement
a Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas
Terry Mcauliffe says an investigative report concluded Ken Cuccinelli should have been prosecuted for disclosure violations, but Virginias law was too weak.
false statement
a debate.
Charlie Crist says The Recovery Act saved 60,000 jobs among law enforcement officials, firefighters in the state of Florida, plus another 20,000 educators.
true statement
a debate
Newt Gingrich says Under President Barack Obama, more Americans are in poverty ... than at any time since the Census Bureau began keeping records on it over 50 years ago.
true statement
a written opening statement for a debate
John Mccain says "It is just a fact that Hamas, apparently the North American spokesperson, is endorsing Senator Obama."
true statement
a media availability in Little Rock, Ark.
Ohio Democratic Party says Who would sign up to speak for a (Haitian) dictator? Rob Portman.
true statement
an online ad campaign, "The Portman Files"
Ted Cruz says Under Barack Obama and the big government economy, the median wage for women has dropped $733.
false statement
a Republican presidential debate in Boulder, Colo.
Tim Finchem says Austins the fastest-growing city in the country the last five years.
true statement
a sports column by Kirk Bohls of the Austin American-Statesman
Rick Scott says Every Florida teacher gets a pay raise.
true statement
a Facebook post
Greg Abbott says Obama has (a) new Christmas tree tax.
true statement
a tweet
Scott Walker says under his leadership Wisconsin median household income is up 2.7%, while it is down 1.3% nationally under President Obama.
true statement
a tweet
John Thrasher says that had E-Verify been in place in Florida when 9/11 terrorists lived here, we might have saved the lives of 3,000 Americans.
false statement
comments on the Senate floor
Florida Consumer Action Network says "For what we spend in just one week in Iraq, 800,000 children could get health insurance for an entire year."
true statement
a press conference in Tampa
Sharlene Leurig says Austin is the only city in an arid landscape in the western United States dependent on a single source of water.
true statement
an Austin City Council workshop
Allen Buckley says U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson has voted for $7 trillion of our national debt!
true statement
a campaign statement
Rick Perry says Our kids cant openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school.
false statement
an Iowa TV ad.
Jan Patterson says Her opponent: zero times a judge, zero rulings, zero experience on the bench.
true statement
a TV ad