2 values
Lincoln Chafee says "Fifty-three percent of teens in Central Falls are getting pregnant."
false statement
a candidate forum
Barack Obama says Mitt Romney called the Arizona law a model for the nation.
false statement
the second presidential debate
E Frank Stephenson says Contrary to media reports, Georgias gas tax change led to no price increase at the pump.
true statement
a Georgia Public Policy Foundation blog post
John Kasich says There was some sort of informal commitment to build a (psychiatric) building in downtown Cleveland.
false statement
his State of the State speech
Alexander Snitker says "Snitker has been virtually ignored by the major media."
true statement
Alexander Snitker in a campaign press release
Newt Gingrich says There are 86 languages spoken at Miami Dade College.
true statement
a debate
Matt Tighe says Chris Jacobs has been financed by the same men who are now facing charges in one of Western New Yorks largest public corruption schemes
true statement
a story in The Buffalo News
Ed Schultz says Ninety-eight percent of the American people will not see their taxes go up due to the House health care bill.
true statement
MSNBC's the 'Ed Show'
Occupied Wall Street Journal says More than 25 million Americans are unemployed. More than 50 million live without health insurance. Perhaps 100 million live in poverty.
true statement
an article
Nancy Pelosi says The Capitol was built by slaves.
true statement
a speech.
Lamar Smith says On applying prosecutorial discretion to immigration cases.
false statement
a legislative proposal.
Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton has pledged amnesty in her first 100 days, and her plan will provide Obamacare, Social Security, and Medicare for illegal immigrants, breaking the federal budget.
true statement
a speech
Chris Christie says Ronald Reagan was behind in the polls in 1980 going into the debate with Jimmy Carter and then turned around 10 days later and won 40 states.
true statement
a news conference
Hillary Clinton says Its actually easier for the United States to get flight manifests from E.U. nations than it is for E.U. nations to get them from their own neighbors, thanks to an agreement the U.S. negotiated when I was secretary of state.
true statement
remarks at Stanford University
Ron Wyden says Oregon canned blueberries will be cheaper in South Korea thanks to a trade agreement.
true statement
a speech
Reince Priebus says Hillary Clintons approval rating went from 70 percent to 52 percent in 18 months.
true statement
interview on "Face the Nation."
Steve Stockman says John Cornyn voted twice in 2013 to back Obamas amnesty plan.
false statement
a campaign email blast
Roger Williams says Under Barack Obama, the fewest number of adults are working since Jimmy Carters presidency.
false statement
response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address
Barack Obama says "I'm proud of the fact that I've raised more money from small donors than anybody else, and that we're getting $25, $50, $100 donations, and we've done very well doing it that way."
true statement
debate in Las Vegas
Karen Handel says U.S. Senate candidate David Perdue flip-flopped on releasing his tax returns.
true statement
a press release
Bob Wirch says he helped bring Uline company to Kenosha area, creating 800 local jobs.
false statement
campaign mail piece
Barack Obama says Half of all CEOs say that the shutdown and the threat of shutdown set back their plans to hire over the next six months.
true statement
a public address
Josh Mandel says Sherrod Brown failed to pay his own taxes three separate times.
true statement
a campaign commercial
Joseph Andriole says The Central Falls fire department is one of the lowest, if not the lowest, paid fire departments in the state and entire region.
true statement
a TV story
Barack Obama says Ronald Reagan understood repeatedly that when the deficit started to get out of control, that for him to make a deal he would have to propose both spending cuts and tax increases.
true statement
remarks to the Newspaper Association of America
New Hampshire Democratic Party says Two-thirds of Granite Staters oppose the Tea Party and its agenda on labor unions.
true statement
a news release
Dave Brat says Since President Obama took office in January 2009, the federal government has issued more than 468,500 pages of regulations.
true statement
a news release.
Rick Mcallister says People buy more items during Georgias sales-tax holidays, boosting economic activity.
true statement
a news report
Bernie S says Americans are working longer hours for low wages . . . and yet almost all new income and wealth is going to the top 1 percent.
true statement
a Democratic debate on MSNBC
Mike Plant says No one in the country has ever built a brand new sports facility and created this kind of development at the same time.
true statement
an interview
Citizens Transportation Mobility says A government analysis shows under a proposed transportation tax, metro Atlanta will create or support an additional 200,000 new jobs, including jobs that are maintained year over year.
true statement
in an advertisement
Bill Nelson says Connie Mack was the only member of the Florida delegation that voted against a bill to help NASA.
true statement
a debate
Jim Moran says The U.S. gun homicide rate is 20 times the combined rate of other western nations.
true statement
a newspaper column.
Miami Dade County says Miami-Dade has the nations highest-rated tap water.
false statement
a county budget document
Mitt Romney says Barack Obama is the only president to ever cut $500 billion from Medicare.
false statement
a speech to the Newspaper Association of America
Hillary Clinton says McCain's "plan for the economy is to extend George Bush's tax cuts for billionaires and give a $100-billion additional corporate tax cut."
true statement
United Care says Medical-grade marijuana alonewill not get that patient high, no matter what level of THC, CBD or any other compound is found in the plant.
true statement
a newspaper op-ed
Paul Ryan says The United States is the oldest democracy in the world.
true statement
a TV interview
Bart Stupak says In the Senate version of the health reform bill, "Every enrollee in the Office of Personnel Management enrolled plan, every enrollee has to pay a minimum of $1 per month towards reproductive rights, which includes abortion."
false statement
a Good Morning America interview
Amanda Fritz says she oversaw an audit that won the city $2 million in franchise fees.
true statement
a campaign mailer.
Kathleen Falk says Together we added more jobs than any other area while I was Dane County executive.
true statement
a television ad
Patrick Murphy says Sen. Rubio has the worst vote attendance record of any Florida senator in nearly 50 years.
true statement
a statement
Hillary Clinton says "I can't sign money. That's illegal."
true statement
a comment to a shopper at a supermarket in Des Moines, Iowa.
Chain Email says Justice Antonin Scalia agreed for the Supreme Court to hear a case about whetherBarack Obama is eligible to be President.
false statement
a chain e-mail
Jim Whelan says United States of America is twenty-sixth in school performance in the world.
true statement
a speech on the state Senate floor
Tim Ryan says The average person will pay $6,000 more a year under Rep. Paul Ryans Medicare proposal.
true statement
a speech in the House of Representatives
Scott Walker says The University of Wisconsin System budget is the biggest it has ever been.
true statement
an interview
John Scocos says There are still tens of thousands of missing service members from previous and current conflicts that our nation is working to find and repatriate.
true statement
a statement
Chris Christie says Property taxes had increased 70 percent in the previous 10 years.
true statement
a budget speech to the state Legislature
Chain Email says Barack Obama's middle name is Mohammed and he's a "covert" Muslim.
false statement
Barack Obama says "Wild Bill Hickok had his first duel in the town square here. And the family legend is that he is a distant cousin of mine."
true statement
Springfield, Mo.
Dan Fanelli says Under the new health care law, the elderly will be denied care when they have "passed the age limit for treatment."
false statement
a video on his campaign website
John Kerry says The nuclear agreement with Iran never sunsets. Theres no sunset in this agreement.
true statement
an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe"
Ted Cruz says Mike Morell testified and told Congress that the reason Obama has not bombed ISISoil fields is theyre concerned about global warming.
false statement
an interview with NPR
Keith Faber says Ohio companies export more goods and services globally than 41 other states.
true statement
a news conference
Us Dairy Export Council says aWHO proposal portrays milk and dairy products as an obstacle to a healthy start in life.
true statement
a press release
Shelley Adler says Jon Runyan voted to end programs to aid homeless veterans.
false statement
an interview on NJTV’s “On the Record”
Sean Duffy says Julie Lassa willingly took a hefty pay raise at a time when people throughout her district and the state were losing their jobs.
true statement
a campaign news release
Jerome Corsi says Barack Obama "openly supported (opposition leader) Raila Odinga during his visit to Africa in 2006."
false statement
his book <i>The Obama Nation</i>.
Republican Party Texas says More Hispanics have been elected statewide (in Texas) on the Republican ticket than on the Democratic ticket.
true statement
an email blast.
Tim Kaine says Richard Nixon released tax returns when he was under audit.
true statement
a debate
Mike Villarreal says Texas lawmakers in 2011 ordered school districts to test every student on their respiratory system and weight.
true statement
Texas House debate on state budget.
Ken Cuccinelli says Im the only candidate for governor whos rolled out any policies so far.
false statement
a news conference.
Barack Obama says On a government spending freeze.
false statement
a State of the Union speech
Deborah Ross says Richard Burr voted to protect tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas but voted against a tax break to help working people.
true statement
a TV ad
Gary Black says Workers who pick produce in Georgias fields can make $12 to $18 an hour.
true statement
Nathan Deal says The HOPE scholarship has helped turn our University System into one of the best in the Southeast, with two institutions ranked in the top 20 of public universities in the country.
true statement
an op-ed in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Ted Cruz says Barack Obama issued a decree demanding that every public school now allow grown men and boys into the little girls bathroom.
true statement
his speech at the Republican Party of Texas convention
David Cicilline says There have been more than 300 mass shootings in the United States this year more than any other country in the world.
true statement
a speech
Paul Sadler says in his years as a Texas legislator, we passed three pay increases for teachers and provided them with health insurance.
true statement
a post on his campaign's Facebook page
Mitt Romney says Ronald Reagans philosophy of peace through strength is why the Iranians released the hostages on the same day and at the same hour that Reagan was sworn in.
false statement
a speech to the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee
Jason Brodeur says gun ownership information could be recorded and collected by the federal government and insurance companies as part of the federal health care law.
false statement
comments published in the Fort Myers News-Press.
Stephen King says since Australia passed tough gun laws, homicides by firearm have declined almost 60 percent.
true statement
a Kindle Single essay, 'Guns'
Mitt Romney says Under Obama, families have lost over $4,000 a year in income.
true statement
a campaign ad
Mark Hinkle says Exit polls indicate that Democrats get over 70 percent of LGBT votes in federal elections.
true statement
a press release.
Bill Clinton says As secretary of state, (Hillary Clinton) worked hard to get strong sanctions against Irans nuclear program and got Russia and China to support them.
true statement
remarks at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia
Kay Bailey Hutchison says Taxpayers even footed the bill for Perrys trip to a bachelor party in Las Vegas.
true statement
a video
Mike Pence says Iraq has been overrun by ISIS because Hillary Clinton failed to renegotiate . . . a status of forces agreement.
true statement
the 2016 Vice Presidential debate
National Republican Congressional Committee says The federal government borrows $4 billion every day.
true statement
an automated political phone call
Jack Kingston says Connecticut has the fifth toughest gun control laws in the country, including an assault weapons ban that bans 35 different weapons.
true statement
Barack Obama says Under the Romney/Ryan budget, interest rates on federal student loans would be allowed to double.
false statement
a graphical tool on the campaign website
Chris Christie says we had to cut 13 billion dollars in state spending over two years.
false statement
an interview on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight”
Donna Brazile says Obamas job approval rating is up.
true statement
on ABC's This Week
Charlene Lima says Rhode Island didnt ratify the 13th Amendment to the Constitution to pay federal income taxes. So Rhode Island doesnt even have to pay federal income taxes.
false statement
a speech on the floor of the Rhode Island House of Representatives
Newt Gingrich says Amazon has removed aneducational game about Gettysburg.
true statement
comments on NBC's "Meet the Press"
Rick Santorum says President Barack Obamas policies have forced many parts of the country to experience rolling blackouts.
false statement
a op-ed posted on his website
Donald Trump says Ive been proven right about Hillary Clintons radical call for open borders, meaning anyone in the world can enter the United States without any limit at all.
true statement
a rally in Ambridge, Pa.
Tammy Baldwin says When the Affordable Care Act was signed, 17 million American children had a pre-existing condition and were uninsurable.
false statement
a speech
Becky Moeller says local Texas chambers of commerce were granted exemptions from paying property taxes on their headquarter properties.
true statement
a press statement.
Barack Obama says Preventive care saves money, for families, for businesses, for government, for everybody.
false statement
a briefing at the White House
Roy Cooper says Gov. (Pat) McCrory took $500,000 directly out of the disaster relief fund. And you know what its for? House Bill 2.
true statement
a debate
Broward County Medical Association says In Florida, its not illegal for an immediate family member of state officials to prosper from legislation supported by a spouse.
true statement
an e-mail regarding Gov. Rick Scott
Rick Santorum says The unemployment rate among (the) non-college-educated is well into the double digits in America. Its 4 percent or 5 percent for people who have college degrees.
true statement
a Republican presidential debate in Michigan
Tim Pawlenty says scientists are in dispute over whether being gay is a choice.
false statement
an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press"
Kathleen Sullivan says The proportion of Rhode Islanders entering substance abuse treatment primarily due to marijuana use has reached its highest point in 20 years.
false statement
testimony before the House Judiciary Committee
Senate Majority Pac says the Koch brothers want to protect tax cuts for companies that ship our jobs overseas.
false statement
a campaign ad
National Republican Senatorial Committee says Missouri Democratic Senate candidateJason Kander is attending fancy dinners all over the country.
true statement
Bill Maher says 15 years ago, cancer drugs cost an average of $10,000 a year. Now its $10,000 a month.
true statement
an episode of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher"
Mike Pence says Anybody who is familiar with the historical data from the IRS knows that raising income tax rates will likely actually reduce federal revenues.
false statement
an interview on "This Week with Christiane Amanpour."
Dave Joyce says There are 3 million jobs that go vacant each month in this country.
true statement
a radio interview