2 values
Bill Hammond says if current trends continue, by 2040, one out of three Texas workers will not have a high school diploma.
true statement
an opinion article in the Houston Chronicle.
Stephen Sweeney says tenure still exists but its been overhauled for teachers in New Jersey.
true statement
an interview on WNYC’s The Brian Lehrer Show
Tom Graves says President Barack Obama has amended, delayed, or repealed 19 components of his very own (health care) law.
true statement
an interview on ABC's "This Week"
Terry Mcauliffe says On the coal industry
false statement
an interview.
Charlie Gonzalez says If Congress does not pass the renewal of the payroll tax cut before the end of the year, nearly 160 million working families will see their taxes go up by roughly $1,000.
true statement
a press release.
Michele Bachmann says Secretly, unbeknownst to members of Congress, over $105 billion was hidden in the Obamacare legislation.
true statement
an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press"
Creative Advocacy Network says 77 percent of Portlands students finish elementary school without taking even one art class.
true statement
a tweet
Tom Coburn says The governments twice the size it was 10 years ago. Its 30 percent bigger than it was when (Barack) Obama became president.
true statement
an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press"
Barack Obama says President Barack Obama put in place historic fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks to lower costs at the pump and reduce dependence on foreign oil.
true statement
an Obama for America video
Denise Grimsley says Florida ranks 45th in the nation for tuition.
true statement
a statement
Rick Scott says Charlie Crist signed into law an automatic 15 percent annual tuition increase that put college further out of reach for many Floridians.
true statement
an email from his campaign
Jeb Bush says The debt comes up all the time in town meetings ... but its never asked in the debates. Its really weird. It hasnt been brought up.
false statement
an appearance at Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, N.H.
Sal Albanese says An annual income of $500,000 in Manhattan, believe it or not, is middle class.
false statement
a joint mayoral candidates' appearance on MSNBC
Barack Obama says Romney and Ryan both backed proposals that would outlaw abortions even in cases of rape or incest.
true statement
a campaign ad
Raymond Gallison says Seventy-four percent of Rhode Islanders support [a] national popular vote [for president] because they, as I, believe in one person-one vote.
true statement
a House floor debate
Newt Gingrich says When I was speaker, we had four consecutive balanced budgets.
false statement
a Republican presidential debate in Tampa
Michele Bachmann says Then-Sen. Barack Obama refused to raise the debt ceiling because he said President Bush had failed in leadership.
true statement
a debate in New Hampshire
Mark Sanford says "The Congressional Budget Office has found that (the stimulus) bill will lead to a real 0.1 to 0.3 percent reduction in gross domestic product by 2019."
false statement
an op-ed article in the Washington Post.
Luis Garcia says David Rivera allowed House Republican leaders to strip key provisions from the STOCK Act that would crack down on insider trading by members of Congress.
true statement
a campaign press release
George Will says Any Floridian who has ever requested an absentee ballot henceforth gets one automatically.
false statement
a "Washington Post" column
Ban The Box Ri says In Rhode Island, 28 percent of adults released from state prisons are re-incarcerated within a year.
true statement
a video posted on YouTube
Arnold Schwarzenegger says When John Kasich became governor of Ohio, there was an $8 billion budget deficit and now theres a $2 billion surplus.
true statement
an endorsement speech in Columbus, Ohio.
Robert Gibbs says A request for "an increase in troops sat on desks in this White House (during the presidency of George W. Bush), including the vice president's, for more than eight months, a resource request filled by President Obama in March."
true statement
the daily White House press conference
National Republican Congressional Committee says Democratic U.S. House candidate Julie Lassa pushed for a Canadian-style government takeover of health care.
false statement
a campaign TV ad
Don Gaetz says The medical marijuana ballot initiative doesnt require a physician writing a prescription and can be for conditions like having a back that needs to be scratched.
true statement
a "Florida Face to Face" interview
Chris Larson says Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele once proposed a plan to end county funding to homeless shelters.
false statement
a Facebook post
Steve Oroho says We have the highest per-pupil cost in the country.
true statement
a story in The Star-Ledger
Texas Democratic Party says In Texas, there are 668 Democratic Hispanic elected officials to the 60 in the Republican Party.
true statement
a quoted comment.
Kendall Jones says Without the financial resources provided by hunters to protect habitat and stop poachers, there would be no infrastructure for wildlife management.
false statement
a Facebook post
Sherrod Brown says Hitler didnt want unions. Stalin didnt want unions. Mubarak didnt want independent unions. These autocrats in history dont want independent unions.
true statement
a speech in the Senate
House Republicans says Health care reform "establishes a new board of federal bureaucrats (the 'Health Benefits Advisory Committee') to dictate the health plans that all individuals must purchase."
false statement
a news release
Russ Feingold says The United States still ranks 20th in the world in access to broadband -- over 50 percent below the best nations.
true statement
a speech at the state Democratic Party convention
Ed Schultz says When union membership goes down, so do (middle class) wages.
true statement
a broadcast of "The Ed Show"
House Natural Resources Committee Republicans says "Obama did not open new lands to offshore drilling all of these areas were already open for drilling once Congress and President Bush lifted the moratorium in 2008. Instead, President Obama yesterday announced what areas he would CLOSE to offshore drilling."
true statement
a news release posted on his website.
Mark Critz says "The Democratic Congress has already taken significant steps to create jobs and jump-start the economy, resulting in the lowest tax rates in over 50 years and the creation of over 500,000 new jobs so far this year."
true statement
a speech on the House floor
Leonidas Raptakis says Secretary of State A. Ralph Mollis wrongly takes credit for small-business program
true statement
announcing his campaign for secretary of state
Thurbert Baker says "Our school test scores are right at the bottom."
true statement
a speech
Tom Tancredo says "There was a report that came out from the FBI a warning, not a report ... saying that, in fact, al-Qaida was planning to attack malls during the Christmas holidays."
true statement
an interview on CNN.
Steve Latourette says The problem with invasive species today in the Great Lakes isnt ballast water.
true statement
a speech in the House of Representatives
Ken Paxton says Dan Branch once lobbied for the AFL-CIO.
false statement
a news story
Tim Echols says Our state has no major rivers to produce big hydropower.
true statement
an opinion piece in a trade magazine
David Perdue says Congressman Jack Kingston voted to raise his pay seven times.
true statement
radio and television ad
Jonathan Karl says Kansas has not elected somebody other than a Republican (to the U.S. Senate) since before The Wizard of Oz hit the movie theaters.
true statement
comments on ABC's "This Week"
Tim Curtis says Common Core means there are over 300 data elements the government is going to be collecting about your children and about you.
true statement
a meeting about Common Core in Tampa
Ann Coulter says Obamas Justice-designate Sotomayor threw out (the New Haven firefighters) lawsuit in a sneaky, unsigned opinion -- the judicial equivalent of talk to the hand.
false statement
a column in Human Events.
Rick Perry says of flood of non-Mexicans being apprehended at the border: These are people that are coming from states like Syria that have substantial connections back to terrorist regimes and terrorist operations.
false statement
an interview on Fox & Friends
Gun Free Ut Gun Free Ut says 29 mass shootings have been committed by concealed carriers since 2007, while during this period only one (1) licensed civilian meaningfully intervened in a mass shooting.
true statement
web site blog post
Marco Rubio says For the first time in 35 years, we have more businesses dying than we do starting.
true statement
a speech in Orlando, Fla.
Peter Nightingale says The UK has an unarmed police force and a firearm fatality rate that is 40 times lower per capita than in the U.S.
true statement
a web commentary
Glenn Beck says Barack Obama knew half of the population of the United States would lose their health insurance.
false statement
a broadcast of the Glenn Beck Show
Charlie Hales says Say that under state law, systems development charges can only be spent on capital investment.
true statement
a debate
Priorities Usa Action says Mitt Romney and Bain Capital are to blame in a womans premature death when they closed the plant where her husband worked.
false statement
campaign ad
George Nee says Public sentiment in favor of collective bargaining and in favor of the unions has actually gone up as these governors, I think, have overreached and gone too far and tried to destroy the labor movement.
true statement
a television interview
Mike Collins says Another great endorsement! Barrow Journal explains the difference between me and Jody Hice.
true statement
a Twitter post
Marco Rubio says "Charlie Crist was the only prominent Republican in the country to campaign with Barack Obama before the stimulus passed, on behalf of the stimulus."
true statement
an interview with Fox News
Elizabeth Ames Jones says On resigning from the Texas Railroad Commission.
false statement
a statement announcing her departure from the commission
Barack Obama says "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan."
true statement
a town hall meeting
Ken Tanner says The idea of one casino per tribe is a false one.
true statement
a radio news interview
Ted Cruz says The 2013 immigration bill expanded President Obamas ability to bring Syrian refugees to this country without mandating any meaningful background checks.
false statement
a town hall event in Windham, N.H.
Rob Cornilles says Suzanne Bonamici was the only no vote on a 2009 bill cracking down on drunk drivers.
true statement
a debate
Hillary Clinton says Regarding her State Department email practices, my predecessors did the same thing.
true statement
a Univision/Washington Post Democratic debate
Sarah Palin says "We were promised (the stimulus) would provide 'green jobs' for Americans, but 80% of the $2 billion they spent on alternative energy went to purchase wind turbines built in China!"
false statement
a Facebook post
Portlanders Water Reform says the reasoning behind Portlands high water and sewer rates is all kinds of pet projects unrelated to the core function of the water and sewer bureaus
true statement
a fundraising letter.
Senate Majority Pac says Marco Rubio wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare because he said theyre bankrupting our country.
true statement
a TV ad
Rick Scott says The FL Guard has defended our freedom in Afghanistan, Iraq, and put their lives at risk; now the fed govt is going to cut their pay 20%.
true statement
a tweet
Scott Brown says "Federal employees are making twice as much as their private counterparts."
false statement
an interview with Barbara Walters
Roberto Alonzo says Latinos now make up the majority population in Texas.
false statement
a press release
Mahlon Mitchell says Under a law proposed by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, businesses that move into Wisconsin dont have to pay any taxes on their income for two years.
true statement
Mitt Romney says We are only inches away from ceasing to be a free market economy.
false statement
a speech announcing his presidential campaign
Mitt Romney says I went to the Olympics that was out of balance, and we got it on balance.
true statement
the third presidential debate in Boca Raton, Fla.
Scott Walker says As Jim Doyles Commerce secretary, Mary Burke spent $12.5 million dollars to buy a vacant lot for a company that said it had no plans to create jobs in Wisconsin and had laid off 800 workers.
true statement
a campaign TV ad
Janet Adkins says There is great disparity, tremendous disparity, in the (capital) funding on a per-student basis between our traditional public schools and our charter public schools.
true statement
a House Appropriations Committee meeting
Kenneth Block says (I) helped to invent a system that saved over a billion dollars on welfare.
true statement
a TV and Internet commercial
Jeff Greene says "My opponent here has accepted money from Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae (and) hosted subprime mortgage seminars."
true statement
a public debate in West Palm Beach
Ted Cruz says There are more words in the IRS code than there are in the Bible.
true statement
the Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee, Wis.
Rick Perry says Mitt Romney raised business taxes 20 percent in Massachusetts.
true statement
an Iowa TV ad.
Jeff Merkley says with the ongoing economic downturn, child abuse is on the rise.
true statement
a press release
Ed Lindsey says Most voters prefer zombies to the current U.S. Congress.
true statement
a press release
Newt Gingrich says The labor market is weak because if you count the unemployed, underemployed, and those whove stopped looking for work, the unemployment rate actually went up last month to 13.5 percent.
true statement
a discussion on NBC's "Meet the Press"
Michael Turner says Some 20,000 Delphi salaried retirees lost up to 70 percent of their pensions as a result of political favoritism and backroom deals.
true statement
a statement supporting Mitt Romney
Scott Walker says Six of the nations 10 wealthiest counties, according to median income, are in and around the Washington, D.C. area.
true statement
a speech
Barack Obama says If theres a government shutdown, people dont get their Social Security checks.
true statement
a press conference
George Will says Just like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the AFL-CIO receives dues from foreign entities associated with it.
true statement
ABC's "This Week"
Republican National Committee Republican says Obama opposes lower gas taxes, nuclear power, new offshore drilling and doesn't have "new solutions" to the energy crisis.
true statement
a TV ad.
Crossroads Gps says Obama promised to cut the deficit by half by the end of his first term but he hasnt even come close.
true statement
a TV ad.
Bernie S says Bernie Sanders fundamentally changed the lives of Immokalee farm workers in Florida for the better.
true statement
a TV ad
George Will says President Barack Obama carried Congressional District 13 by 8.2 points in 2008 and 5.6 points in 2012.
false statement
a "Washington Post" column
Paul Broun says According to a federal report, Obamacare will increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion.
true statement
a newspaper op-ed
Marco Rubio says In Florida, 300,000 people are going to lose their individual coverage because of Obamacare. Now those people next year, they dont have health insurance.
true statement
an interview on "The O'Reilly Factor."
David Sewell says he never donates to Democrats while Paul Workman contributes to Democrat Kirk Watson and other Democrats running against Republicans.
true statement
a campaign flier
Gwen Moore says House Republicans tried to change the definition of rape.
true statement
a speech at the Democratic National Convention
Mark Shields says Republicans made it easier to buy a gun in states they won in 2010.
true statement
a broadcast of PBS' "Newshour"
Jorge Elorza says We have a goal of 10 percent of [City of Providence] contracts going to women and minority businesses. In reality, less than 1 percent of contracts go to women and minority businesses.
true statement
a radio debate
Terry Mcauliffe says The $1.8 billion in [transportation] bonding, we dont have a repayment mechanism.
false statement
a speech.
Democratic Party Virginia says Hospitals have already begun layoffs, a direct result of Republican inaction on Medicaid expansion.
true statement
a news release.
Jim Moran says The Bush-era tax cuts failed to increase employment and work-force participation fell in 2001 and has never returned to the record level set in 2000.
true statement
a news release.
Marco Rubio says On whether the Iraq War was a mistake.
true statement
an interview on Fox News
Joseph Kyrillos says We are not producing jobs. We created 80,000 jobs last month. We dont talk about the jobs that we lost. The net of it all is that we lost jobs.
false statement
an interview on WNYC’s The Brian Lehrer Show
Bill Flores says he created more than 500 American jobs.
true statement
a TV ad
Kent Conrad says Were borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend.
true statement
an interview on "This Week with Christiane Amanpour."