2 values
Chris Redfern says Paul Ryan got his start in politics, as a young staffer just out of college, working for then-Congressman John Kasichs Budget Committee.
true statement
a news release
David Jolly says Race to the Top grants require participating states to adopt the Common Core standards as a condition for receiving federal funding.
true statement
a statement on his campaign website
Harris Faulkner says President Obama in November of last year wiped away (a program) that allows for shared fingerprinting for those who are behind bars so you know who is here legally and illegally.
true statement
a broadcast of "Outnumbered" on Fox News
Moveon says McCain sought the political support of minister John Hagee, "who believes Hurricane Katrina was God's punishment for gay rights and called the Catholic Church 'the Antichrist' and a 'false cult.'"
true statement
an e-mail message
Rob Cornilles says 51 percent of federal tax filers paid zero federal income tax.
true statement
a statement on his website
Charles Schumer says Because of the 2011 debt ceiling fight, the stock market lost 2,000 points.
true statement
an interview on ABC's "This Week"
Kathleen Falk says Since Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker took office, we are losing jobs at rates not seen in decades.
false statement
an opinion column
Tommy Thompson says U.S. Senate rival Tammy Baldwin supports a tax increase that President Obama says would cost middle-class families $3,000 per year.
true statement
a TV ad
Steve Lonegan says I would be the first Republican senator elected in New Jersey in 41 years.
true statement
an interview on the John Gambling radio program
Next Generation Climate Action Committee says Wisconsins attorney general and state treasurer ordered the daughter of Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson not to discuss climate change on state time.
true statement
a blog post
Florida Chamber Commerce says unions take away hard-earned money of teachers, firefighters and police officers to play politics.
false statement
a campaign-style ad.
Rachel Maddow says President Bush never did one interview with the New York Times during his entire presidency.
false statement
"The Rachel Maddow" show
Barack Obama says 14,000 Americans . . . lose their health insurance every single day.
true statement
a news conference.
Corey Lewandowski says Mr. Trump is self-financing his campaign, so we dont have any donors.
false statement
a radio interview.
Bobby Scott says Nearly 2,000 high schools - roughly 12 percent of all secondary schools in the United States - produce about half of the nations dropouts.
true statement
a news release.
Dave Weldon says Embryonic stem cell research is at a dead end, with no one good example of a successful treatment.
true statement
a mock debate
Anissa Naouai says The U.S. spends more money on its military than the 16 biggest military budgets in the world combined.
true statement
comments on CNN
Sean Duffy says Wisconsin has only one county, Dane, thats hand counting the votes in the 2016 presidential recount.
false statement
an interview
Donald Trump says Libya Ambassador (Christopher) Stevens sent 600 requests for help in Benghazi.
true statement
the second 2016 presidential debate
Nancy Pelosi says The Affordable Care Act is bringing the cost of health care in our country down.
true statement
an interview on MSNBC
Matthew Charles Cardinale says Tens of thousands of Atlanta households pay more than 30 percent of their income towards rent.
true statement
an opinion piece in the Saporta Report
Karl Rove says Rick Perry had planned to retire from the legislature until his best friend, David Weeks, and I talked him into switching parties and running for the GOP nomination for agriculture commissioner.
true statement
his autobiography
Nathan Deal says As the usage [of synthetic marijuana] has dramatically increased, instances of violence, bodily harm and even death have risen with it.
true statement
a press release
Chris Christie says Out of 150,000 tenured teachers in the last 10 years, only 17 have been dismissed for incompetence.
true statement
a speech at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
Angel Taveras says The Providence teacher contract is one of the longest in the country.
false statement
an interview
Mike Rogers says In 1929, the Secretary of State shut down a program that was collecting information to protect America because it was unseemly, but that move led to millions and millions of deaths in World War II.
true statement
an interview on CBS' "Face the Nation"
Sarah Palin says Look at the debt that has been accumulated in the last two years. Its more debt under this president than all those other presidents combined.
false statement
an interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren
Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital says The Chris Hani Baragwanath in South Africa is the worlds third-biggest hospital.
true statement
a page on the hospital's website
David Cicilline says Annual precipitation has increased in Rhode Island by over 12 inches in the last century.
true statement
a commentary in The Providence Journal
Bill Nelson says Connie Mack initially said he would have voted yes for the Paul Ryan budget plan, and then, you said it was stupid and you would vote no. And then your folks corrected you, and you changed your position again, yes.
true statement
a U.S. Senate debate
Lincoln Chafee says The state budget proposal has been submitted on time and [its] the earliest that a governor has done so in over two decades.
true statement
his State of the State address
Kathleen Clyde says Ohio is not meeting its obligation to update voter registrations when voters change their address with the BMV.
true statement
a news conference
John Cornyn says Vietnamese is the third most commonly spoken language in Texas.
true statement
Senate floor remarks
Richard Ferruccio says What we have now is the most generous, in my opinion, good time bill in the entire United States.
false statement
a radio interview
Terry Lawler says There is no Plan B if the transportation referendum is not passed by voters.
true statement
a speech
Blog Posting says Barack Obama wrote a thesis at Columbia University in which he criticized "plutocratic thugs" and said the Constitution gave Americans "the shackles of hypocrisy."
false statement
a posting on many blogs.
Ray Mcberry says Youll find blacks in almost every regiment throughout the South who fought right alongside white Southerners, during the Civil War.
false statement
a radio interview
Centre Research Globalization says The most likely triggering cause of (microcephaly) is the DTaP shot, a vaccine that had been recently mandated by the Brazilian government to be injected into pregnant women.
false statement
an article posted on the group's website
Gene Sperling says Our economy still has three people looking for every job (opening).
true statement
an interview on CNN's "State of the Union"
Kathleen Falk says she got unions to agree to about $10 million in reduction of salaries and health benefits while serving as Dane County executive in Wisconsin.
true statement
a TV interview
Cokie Roberts says Democrats have lost more than 900 state legislators since Barack Obama has been president.
true statement
comments on ABC's "This Week"
Barbara Boxer says Carly Fiorina, shes against banning assault weapons.
true statement
a campaign ad
Republican National Committee Republican says "Hillary's baby bond proposal would give $5,000 to each of the 4-million babies born in the U.S. each year, totaling $20-billion per year, multiplied by four years = $80-billion."
false statement
a Web site.
Hillary Clinton says her campaign platform includes the biggest investment in new, good-paying jobs since World War II.
true statement
a campaign speech in Scranton, Pa.
Barack Obama says "Joe Biden brought Republicans and Democrats together to pass the 1994 crime bill, putting 100,000 cops on the streets and starting an eight-year drop in crime across the country."
true statement
Lincoln Chafee says If Rhode Island does a hybrid [retirement] plan well be the first state in the nation to do this.
false statement
in a hearing
Ron Johnson says Before the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, the State Department not only failed to honor repeated requests for additional security, but instead actually reduced security in Libya.
true statement
an opinion article
Randy Forbes says Failure to raise the debt limit does not force a U.S. default on debt payments.
true statement
a statement.
Club Growth says Democrats in the Legislature in 2009 voted for various pork projects including a $5 million scoreboard for the Milwaukee Bucks.
false statement
a television ad
Joaquin Castro says Donald Trump has defended World War II internment camps.
true statement
a speech at the DNC
Rick Scott says "Bill McCollum holds the same position on (embryonic stem cell research) as Barack Obama."
true statement
a campaign mail piece.
Joe Manchin says In 1999, the NRA leadership in Washington, pretty much the same people intact, were for (expanded background checks.)
true statement
an interview on MSNBC
Markos Moulitsas says Turkey is an Arab country.
false statement
a roundtable discussion on ABC's This Week
Newt Gingrich says Newt Gingrichs presidential campaign has exactly the same challenges as Ronald Reagans successful 1980 bid.
true statement
a television interview
Fulton County Health And Wellness says The number of people in Atlanta dying from HIV and AIDS declined 59 percent between 2004 and 2012.
true statement
a press release
Brigid Shea says Lee Leffingwell raised property taxes 20 percent in three years.
true statement
a campaign mailer.
Chain Email says Accuses President Barack Obama of making contradictory claims about efforts to kill Osama bin Laden in 2008 and 2011.
false statement
a chain e-mail
Barack Obama says "8 years of the Clintons, major losses for Democrats across the nation."
true statement
a flyer sent prior to Super Tuesday
Carly Fiorina says 92 percent of the jobs lost during Barack Obamas first term belonged to women.
false statement
the third Republican presidential debate
Kesha Rogers says President Barack Obama was responsible for the assassination of at least four American citizens in drone strikes.
true statement
statements on her campaign website
Ron Paul says "It used to be the policy of the Republican Party to get rid of the Department of Education. We finally get in charge and a chance to do something, so we double the size of the Department of Education."
true statement
a debate in Johnston, Iowa
Ken Allen says We have 395 inmates pushed into triple-bunked cells intended for two inmates and bunked in classrooms and areas supposed to be designated for inmate labor.
false statement
a guest column
Cory Booker says The ACLU didnt call for an investigation (of the Newark police department), they called for an immediate federal monitor.
false statement
a radio interview on the Brian Lehrer show
Rick Perry says his executive order requiring young girls to be vaccinated against HPV wasnt mandatory.
true statement
a debate
Greg Abbott says a highway was closed in El Paso because of bullets flying across the border.
true statement
an interview
Barack Obama says If the House of Representatives fails to extend the middle-class tax cuts, 400,000 middle-class Rhode Island families will see their federal income taxes increase.
false statement
a report
Neera Tanden says 95 percent of the income gains in the last few years have gone to the top 1 percent.
true statement
comments on NBC's "Meet the Press"
Chuck Todd says Eight out of the nine states with competitive Senate races, Hispanics make up less than 10 percent of the electorate.
true statement
a comment on "Meet the Press."
Bernie S says We didnt go out and take information from the Hillary Clinton campaign.
true statement
an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press".
Barack Obama says If you actually took the number of Muslims [sic] Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.
false statement
interview with Canal Plus Television
Debbie Wasserman Schultz says "On the pace that we're on with job creation in the last four months ...we will have created more jobs in this year than in the entire Bush Presidency."
true statement
an interview on FOX.
Arthur Cyr says Nikita Khrushchev brought an extra shoe to a United Nations session in 1960, which he banged on the desk in protest.
false statement
a Providence Journal commentary
Elaine Boyer says Low-flow toilets can cost homeowners up to $1,000 each.
true statement
a newspaper op-ed
Betty Sutton says Jim Renacci voted repeatedly to end Medicare.
false statement
a campaign email
Keith Olbermann says Sen. Joe Liebermans home state has a public option which covers about 10,000 of its citizens that was introduced by its Republican governor.
true statement
'Countdown with Keith Olbermann'
Jason Isaac says this months special session will cost the state $27,300 a day just for legislators daily living expenses.
true statement
a tweet
Jennette Gayer says Wind powers nearly 13 million homes across the country.
true statement
a news release
Bill Hammond says businesses pay roughly 60 percent of taxes in Texas.
true statement
a press conference with Gov. Rick Perry, April 15, 2013
Health Care America Now says Health insurance companies pay CEOs $24 million a year
true statement
a television advertisement
Paul Ryan says Every president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt has had fast-track trade authority.
true statement
on CNN's "State of the Union"
Priorities Usa Action says Donald Trump wants to deport our Dreamers.
true statement
a TV ad
Glenn Grothman says Barack Obama is apparently not for vetting people and saying just anybody can come to the United States.
false statement
a radio interview
Marco Rubio says The majority of Americans are conservatives.
true statement
a speech at the CPAC conference
Miscellany Blue says a lawmaker seeks to defund Planned Parenthood for cutting children into small pieces.
true statement
a web post
Jim Renacci says Obama has racked up more debt than any president in history over $5 trillion.
true statement
an online blog post
Sarah Palin says Arizona congressional candidate Ray Strauss is a Champion of Big Government for his votes to raise taxes while on the local city council.
true statement
a Facebook post
Committee Our Childrens Future says with Gov. Chris Christie and bipartisan reformers New Jersey had the most job growth in 11 years.
true statement
a video ad posted on YouTube
Tobias Read says Oregon is near the top or at the top of the list when it comes to capital gains tax
true statement
a legislative hearing
John Cornyn says "The No. 1 issue that the American people care about is getting America back to work."
true statement
a televised interview
Rush Holt says in 1944 we were in debt more than twice as much as we are now.
false statement
a telephone town hall meeting
Rob Turner says Ronda Storms voted to fund the Taj Mahal courthouse.
true statement
a campaign mailer
Rand Paul says In France, they have a (surveillance) program a thousandfold more invasive than the United States.
true statement
an interview on NBC's 'Meet the Press'
Hillary Clinton says One-half of undocumented workers pay federal income taxes, which means they are paying more federal income taxes than Donald Trump pays.
true statement
a rally in Tampa, Fla.
Christina Romer says Last week the Blue Chip Economic Indicators came out that surveys lots of private forecasters. Almost all of them are predicting a turnaround in the third quarter and positive growth in the fourth quarter.
true statement
an interview on Meet the Press.
Barack Obama says Since the United States began negotiations with Iran, thats probably the first year and a half in which Iran has not advanced its nuclear program in the last decade.
true statement
comments on CNN's "State of the Union"
Donald Trump says Ohios I-X Center used to be a great plant, but thousands of people of worked here, and they left when their jobs were moved overseas.
false statement
a rally outside Cleveland
Rick Perry says Weve got a 1,000 National Guard troop request thats been in front of this president for over a year and no response.
true statement
an interview with The Texas Tribune and Newsweek
Wisconsin Medical Society says Under a new law, doctors performing drug-induced abortions could be charged if women dont return to them for follow-up care
false statement
an interview
John Cornyn says veterans disability claims backlog doubled in Obamas first term.
true statement
a tweet
Mike Dewine says At a minimum, 40 percent of those who view child pornography end up molesting children as a result.
true statement
a news conference