2 values
Patrick Murphy says When asked about equal pay for women, (Rubios) quote was that it was a waste of time.
true statement
a U.S. Senate debate
Reader Email says Atlanta has issued an increasing number of citations - and collected an increasing amount of revenue - since Mayor Kasim Reed took office in 2010.
true statement
an email from a reader
Jeb Bush says he was known as Veto Corleone for cutting spending as Florida governor.
true statement
a meeting with business leaders in Portsmouth, N.H.
Sean Spicer says The last time Republican U.S. Senate candidates beat more than two (incumbents) was 1980.
true statement
comments on CNN's "State of the Union"
Sean Duffy says On how to respond to Puerto Ricos debt crisis.
true statement
a radio ad
Helen Glover says The State of Rhode Island has the worst state-funded pension in the country.
true statement
an introduction to a radio interview
Lee Camp says In 2009 Hillary Clinton was at the State Department working with U.S. corporations to pressure Haiti not to raise the minimum wage to 61 cents an hour from 24 cents.
true statement
an episode of "Redacted Tonight"
Scott Walker says More than any Republican governor in the 2014 elections, I took a higher percentage of the Republican voteand yet I also carried independents by 12 points.
true statement
an interview
Paul Ryan says After the 2012 redistricting, Wisconsin has competitive congressional districts.
true statement
a speech
Citizens United Political Victory Fund says "(John McCain) was even mentioned as a running mate with John Kerry."
true statement
a TV ad
Fred Thompson says "I've cast a couple of 99-1 votes" and been the lone dissenter.
true statement
a speech in Sioux City, Iowa
David Clarke Jr says hes never asked for more than inflationary budget increases in his 10 budgets as Milwaukee County sheriff
false statement
a radio interview
Greg Gutfeld says Under New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, homicides are up by 20 percent, and subway delays have soared 45 percent.
true statement
a commentary on Fox News.
Rudy Giuliani says "And delivered more tax relief than the other Republicans combined."
true statement
a TV ad
Lainey Melnick says U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith supported the $700 billion Wall Street bailout in 2008, "but now he is standing in the way of reforms that would assure these bailouts would never happen again.
true statement
an e-mail blast
Caleb Rowden says #GradInsurance debacle is a DIRECT result of #ObamaCare. #MIZZOU has to break the law to do the right thing.
true statement
a tweet
Rick Santorum says President Obama has waived the work requirement for welfare.
false statement
a convention speech
Oregon Center Public Policy says 7 out of 10 Oregon families living in poverty have at least one parent who works.
true statement
website materials
Republican Party Virginia says Ninety-seven percent of the time. Thats how often Mark Warner votes with President Obama.
true statement
a web ad.
Bill White says Rick Perry is a 25-year incumbent.
true statement
a press release
Bernie S says an array of statistics show that conditions in some parts of Baltimore rival that of the West Bank in Palestine, North Korea, and distressed cities in Nigeria, India, China and South Africa.
true statement
a speech
Nancy Pelosi says The House passed a pay-as-you-go rule that said, "If you wanted to have an investment, an entitlement, etc., you had to pay for it."
true statement
a press conference
Brian Kemp says The numbers make it clear that Georgia voters are increasingly taking advantage of early voting opportunities.
true statement
Diane Allen says Ocean Spray is moving its Bordentown processing facility to Pennsylvania largely because of costs associated with the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
false statement
a press release
Chris Christie says On running for the presidency in 2012
true statement
Leonidas Raptakis says Rhode Island is almost dead last among Northeastern states in the length of time first-degree murderers must spend in prison before theyre eligible for parole.
true statement
a news conference
Howard Dean says "All the really great programs in American history, Social Security, was done without Republicans. Medicare was done without Republican support until the last vote where they realized they had to get on board."
false statement
an interview on the Rachel Maddow Show
Lou Ann Zelenik says Diane Black voted to fund Obamacare.
false statement
in an ongoing radio commercial.
Environment New Jersey says Hurricane Sandy, the most destructive Atlantic storm ever.
true statement
an online post about global warming
Karl Rove says The Hispanic population in Gwinnett and Henry counties has increased by 153 percent and 339 percent, respectively, since 2000 while Republican presidential candidates are getting a smaller percentage of the vote in those counties.
true statement
an op-ed
Scott Brown says I was the most bipartisan senator in the United States Senate.
true statement
a meeting with Republicans in Portsmouth, N.H.
Marty Beil says Gov. Scott Walker raises the pay of inmates, but we dont raise the pay of staff in our correctional institutions.
true statement
an interview
Adam Kinzinger says The current debate over authorizing military action against the Islamic State would be the first time Congress would place limits on the commander-in-chiefs ability to be commander-in-chief.
false statement
an appearance on ABC's 'This Week'
Rob Portman says U.S. debt is now equal to 100 percent of the GDP.
true statement
a news release
Ohio Democratic Party says Tom Ganley supports a 23 percent national sales tax that would raise taxes on the middle class while giving a huge tax break to millionaires like himself.
true statement
a statement posted on a website
Joe Sestak says Pat Toomey still supports privatizing Social Security.
true statement
a campaign commercial
Carly Fiorina says The marijuana that kids are smoking today is not the same as the marijuana that Jeb Bush smoked 40 years ago.
true statement
the CNN Republican debate
National Right Life Committee says Barack Obama voted against born alive legislation in Illinois that was virtually identical to the federal law.
true statement
a published piece on their Web site
Funny Or Die says Trump shirts are made in Bangladesh, Trump suits in Mexico, Trump Vodka in the Netherlands, Trump crystal barware in Slovenia and his cufflinks and ties in China.
true statement
a video shown at the Democratic National Convention
Mitt Romney says President Barack Obama has opened up no new trade relationships with other nations.
false statement
a Republican presidential debate in Manchester, N.H.
Coalition Fair Budget Priorities says taxpayer subsidy for the Oregon Convention Center hotel jumped $100 million in closed-door sessions
true statement
a website statement
Joe Barton says you can buy four light bulbs for $1.99 at Walmart, while a single compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) costs $10 a pop.
true statement
a speech at The Heritage Foundation.
American Bridge 21st Century says (Jeb) Bush, not the State of Florida, decided which private emails to disclose.
true statement
an online post
Barack Obama says "History tells us that job growth always lags behind economic growth."
true statement
remarks from the White House
Susan Stimpson says Bill Howell has been the consistent force behind every major tax increase in Virginia in the last decade.
true statement
a news release.
Kenneth Block says More than 9,000 Rhode Island voters used the Moderate Party master lever mechanism and they didnt have a single Moderate on their ballot.
true statement
a television interview
Michael Riley says President Obama is attacking Paul Ryan on Medicare even though it is his administration with the help of Jim Langevin who cut $716 billion from Medicare.
true statement
a post on Riley’s Facebook campaign page
Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton has even deleted this record of total support (for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement) from her book.
false statement
a speech
John Mccain says "Obama says Iran is a 'tiny' country, 'doesn't pose a serious threat.'"
false statement
a TV ad airing in Florida
Carly Fiorina says Barbara Boxers worried about the weather instead of terrorism as the biggest threat to national security.
false statement
a campaign commercial
Sarah Palin says "We spend three times more on entitlements and debt services than we do on defense."
true statement
a Facebook posting
Ted Cruz says In the 2014 elections, the American people overwhelmingly said we dont want Obamacare and we dont want amnesty.
false statement
an interview on Fox News
David Dewhurst says Dan Patrick got caught not paying his taxes and pocketed his employees payroll taxes.
true statement
a video ad
Pat Toomey says Merrick Garland authored an opinion that resulted in the release of 17 Guantanamo Bay prisoners who were part of a group of violent Islamist extremists the State Department had designated as terrorists.
true statement
Facebook Posts says Congress has 11 percent approval ratings, yet 96.4 percent of incumbent lawmakers were re-elected in 2014.
true statement
a meme on social media
Eric Cantor says Letting the Bush tax cuts expire would raise taxes on small businesses.
true statement
a TV interview.
Nickie Antonio says Statistics bear out that any time a country, a state, makes more restrictive abortion laws ... fatalities go up and abortions actually increase.
true statement
a news conference
Barack Obama says The presidents budget would take ... non-defense spending to its lowest level ... as a percentage of the economy since JFK.
true statement
remarks at a bill signing
Desmond Meade says Of the approximately 6 million disenfranchised felons in the United States, one-quarter are Floridians.
true statement
a "BloggingBlackMiami" blog post
Hillary Clinton says Obama "basically threatened to bomb Pakistan."
false statement
a debate in Cleveland, Ohio.
Ward Armstrong says The Governor did not consult members of his own party before he released his [transportation] plan.
false statement
a letter.
John Kasich says Ohio has lost more population than every other state in the country except for two.
false statement
a news conference
Ted Cruz says Here in California, Donald Trump has given $12,000 to Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris.
true statement
a speech at the California Republican Party Convention
Back Basics says Gov. Rick Perry has overseen the highest Texas unemployment in 22 years.
true statement
a newspaper ad
Terri Lynn Land says On support for the auto bailouts.
false statement
a campaign statement to a local newspaper
Democratic Party Virginia says Ed Gillespies 2006 book promoted an individual health care mandate, and recommends that it be enforced by the IRS through the income tax code.
true statement
news release.
Blake Rocap says When Republican extremists tried to take away abortion rights Blake Rocap stopped them.
true statement
a voter mailer
Mitt Romney says Obama refuses to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
true statement
a campaign ad
Tim Canova says he helped to draft parts of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform bill.
true statement
a post on Medium
Bernie S says income tax rates under Eisenhower were as high as 90 percent.
true statement
a Democratic presidential debate in Des Moines, Iowa
Donald Trump says American homeownership rate in Q2 2016 was 62.9% - lowest rate in 51yrs.
true statement
a tweet
Barack Obama says Romneys Medicare plan was estimated to cost the average senior about $6,000 a year.
true statement
a debate in Denver
Michael Reese says If we had the same staffing ratio (of officers to residents) as Seattle, wed have 300 more officers in our department.
true statement
a speech
Campaign Regulate Marijuana Alcohol says Department of Veterans Affairs doctors are prohibited from recommending medical marijuana.
true statement
a political advertisement
Alan Grayson says When career politician Daniel Webster became speaker of the House, he wasted $32,000 of our money on a spiral staircase for his office.
true statement
an ad.
Greg Abbott says Texas had the highest level of turnout than ever before in the primary.
true statement
speaking to reporters
Hillary Clinton says the difference between her and Barack Obama is "about 35 years of experience."
false statement
a campaign event in Robstown, Texas.
Kamala Harris says 22 veterans take their own lives each day.
true statement
a tweet.
Bernie S says The United States is the only major country on earth that doesnt guarantee health care to all people as a right, not a privilege.
true statement
a Democratic presidential debate in Des Moines, Iowa
David Shuster says Said former U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration was forced to resign two years ago because of his personal use of emails.
true statement
a Hillary Clinton press conference
John Oliver says Florida is a model for successful pretrial release programs.
true statement
a segment about bail on "Last Week Tonight"
Julia Hurley says If you have ever visited Nashville or Washington D.C. you will see MANY names and initials carved into ... desks.
true statement
an email to constituents
Mitt Romney says Redistribution has never been a characteristic of America.
false statement
remarks in Atlanta
Ellyn Bogdanoff says Tampa is the strip club capital of the world.
false statement
a hearing in Tallahassee
Republican State Senators says Said they reached a power-sharing agreement with Republican Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle
false statement
Statements to reporters
Earl Blumenauer says between 6 and 20 bicycles can be parked in the space required by one car.
true statement
an article on his website.
Scott Walker says I unsealed my records at Marquette University.
false statement
an interview
Debbie Wasserman Schultz says that U.S. Rep. Allen West is a constituent of mine.
true statement
an interview on CNN
Ted Poe says The U.S. gives foreign aid to Cuba and Venezuela, even though those countries are our enemies.
false statement
a House floor speech
Barack Obama says Texas wildfires are linked to climate change.
true statement
a fundraising event in San Jose, Calif.
Senior Citizens League says if the Agreement goes into effect, the millions of Mexican citizens who will become eligible for Social Security benefits may have a far stronger claim to benefits and protection against cuts than U.S. citizens!
false statement
Our Daughters Ri says Earlier this year, [John DePetro] was accused of sexually assaulting a female co-worker.
false statement
an online petition
Blog Posting says Photo of "tea party" protests shows crowd sprawling from Capitol to Washington Monument
false statement
conservative blogs
Bill Clinton says The approval of the United States was 20 points higher when (Hillary Clinton) left the secretary of states office than when she took it.
true statement
a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia
Moveon says Every one of the 67 supervisors of elections in Florida refused to carry out the effort to remove noncitizens from the voter rolls.
false statement
an email
Bill Richardson says "Bill Richardson is the only major Democratic candidate with a plan to withdraw all American troops from Iraq. All of the other major Democratic candidates support leaving American troops in Iraq indefinitely."
true statement
Ted Cruz says I earned more votes in the state of Wisconsin than Donald Trump did in New York.
true statement
remarks in Borden, Ind.
Bill Maher says There are 278 Republicans in Congress. (With Eric Cantors defeat), they are now all Christian and all white except for one black senator, who was appointed.
true statement
a "Real Time with Bill Maher" episode
Laurence Ehrhardt says If the Stamp Farm wind turbine is built, the health risk of flicker impact created by shadows of blades of turbines poses real and significant health risks, particularly seizures.
false statement
a commentary in The Providence Journal
Marco Rubio says "Gov. Crist's veto also clears the way for taxpayer funding of abortion in Florida."
false statement
a campaign press release