2 values
Mike Huckabee says The Supreme Court cant overrule the other two branchesof government.
true statement
an interview on "Fox News Sunday"
Direct Action Rights Equality says Roughly 25% of RI has a criminal record
false statement
an online petition
Peter Shumlin says Nathan Deal cut the HOPE scholarship program so that literally 100,000 Georgians will not be able to go to college or get technical training that they so badly needed to raise -- you know, give them a chance at a good job.
true statement
Mike Huckabee says "As governor of Arkansas, I cut taxes and fees almost 100 times, saving the taxpayers almost $380-million. I left a surplus of nearly $850-million."
true statement
a news release.
Chris Christie says I havent raised taxes in the time Ive been the governor of New Jersey.
true statement
a news conference
National Organization Marriage says Massachusetts public schools teach kids as young as kindergartners about gay marriage.
false statement
a mailing to Rhode Island voters
Rudy Giuliani says "I'm probably one of the four or five best-known Americans in the world."
false statement
a comment to reporters in London.
Rick Santorum says We are accepting more legal immigrants than we ever have in the history (of the United States.)
true statement
a "Meet the Press" pundit panel
Jon Stewart says Congress is bewildered at the scope and reach of our spying apparatus but in 2008 and 2012 explicitly rejected an amendment calling for more disclosure.
true statement
in comments on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show"
Charlie Crist says Six people in Florida die as a result of (not expanding Medicaid) every day.
true statement
an interview on MSNBC's "The Daily Rundown."
Americans Prosperity says Gov. Maggie Hassans budget proposal raises taxes on small businesses and increases taxes and fees by $100 million.
true statement
TV ad
Karen Handel says Only in Washington would politicians spend $27 million to teach Moroccans how to make pottery.
true statement
a website posting
Barack Obama says Hillary Clinton "starts off with 47 percent of the country against her."
true statement
a campaign rally in Alexandria, Va.
Adam Kinzinger says Rand Paulhas put out budgets to cut the military in half.
false statement
comments on ABC's "This Week"
Barack Obama says Groups that receive foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections.
true statement
a speech
Donna Howard says legislative cuts mean Texas is spending on average $500 less per student.
true statement
remarks at a Texas Capitol rally
GaGOP says [A]t his current rate, President Obama will have added more debt to the United State of America by the end of his first term than each of the previous 43 presidents -- combined!
true statement
a web post
Bob Graham says We know that Saudi Arabia started al-Qaida.
true statement
an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press"
John Bradley says Williamson County Attorney Jana Duty has never prosecuted a single adult felony case.
true statement
an op-ed in the Austin American-Statesman
Glenn Grothman says The fundraising numbers are in, and our grassroots support is unmatched!
false statement
in a Facebook posting
We Are Ohio says Issue 2 makes it illegal for us to negotiate for enough firefighters to do the job.
true statement
a campaign commercial
Arianna Huffington says although the unemployment rate seems to be improving, it does not reflect real job creation -- its caused by a shrinking of the actual labor force.
true statement
a roundtable segment on ABC's "This Week with Christiane Amanpour"
Chain Email says Gov. Scott Walker hired convicted Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen to oversee a raid on the state employee retirement system to help balance the state budget.
false statement
a chain email and -- briefly -- a union web site
Joe Lieberman says Obama voted "to cut off funding for our American troops on the battlefield."
true statement
St. Paul, Minn.
Jon Erpenbach says In general, it appears Wisconsins right to work bill would likely apply to the Green Bay Packers players and their union.
true statement
a Facebook post
John Kerry says The so-called defense minister of the Peoples Republic of Donetsk ... actually posted a bragging social media posting of having shot down a military transport. And then when it became apparent it was civilian, they pulled it down from social media.
true statement
comments on "Fox News Sunday"
Rudy Giuliani says "Democrats are kind of falling over each other seeing who can raise taxes faster. It looks like they're going to raise taxes anywhere between 20 to 30 percent."
true statement
a speech in Laconia, New Hampshire.
Lou Greenwald says Right now one of our highest job growth sectors is Leisure and Hospitality. Weve added jobs that mostly fall within the restaurant and bar sector industry. These are not high-paying jobs, as the U.S. Department of Labor estimates this is an industry sector with the lowest average wages and the lowest proportion of its workforce earning minimum or subminimum wage jobs.
true statement
a press conference in Trenton
Kathleen Vinehout says Gov. Scott Walker bought 80 new, brand-new vehicles for the state that we probably dont need.
true statement
a meeting
David Dewhurst says he passed eight measures, including ones to prevent groping at airport security checks and to bar sanctuary cities in Texas.
true statement
a speech to the Republican Party of Texas convention in Fort Worth.
John Boehner says Its gotten to a point where the average federal worker makes twice as much as the average private sector worker.
false statement
a news conference
Michele Bachmann says These 15 political appointees (on the IPAB) will make all the major health care decisions for over 300 million Americans.
false statement
a debate in New Hampshire
Michael Burgess says stores will be barred from selling 100-watt light bulbs as of 2012.
true statement
a statement.
Joe Scarborough says Before our last three presidents, you have to go back to the 1800s, early 1800s to find three presidents in a row being consecutively re-elected.
true statement
comments on MSNBC's "Morning Joe"
Republican Governors Association says Jason Carter supports using Georgia tax dollars to promote Obamacare
true statement
In a television ad
Ralph Nader says "The most recent Associated Press poll has Nader-Gonzalez at 6 percent, without any national coverage, against McCain and Obama."
true statement
an interview with "Democracy Now!," an independent radio program
Leticia Van De Putte says Dan Patrick said that if women get paid less than a man for the same job, that thats not a problem.
true statement
a debate in Austin
David Scott says Weve got an average of 5,600 soldiers committing suicide. Thats about 20 a day.
true statement
Craig Melvin says There have even been Republican congressmen who have said, If you give us more money we dont know where we would even put additional Border Patrol agents.
true statement
an MSNBC segment
Barack Obama says Today, for the first time in fifteen years, Master Locks unionized plant in Milwaukee is running at full capacity.
true statement
the State of the Union speech
John Plumb says Tom Reed has actually voted for every single trade deal that has ever come before him in any form.
true statement
an interview on Capital Tonight.
Judicial Watch says ISIS camp a few miles from Texas, Mexican authorities confirm.
false statement
a web item
Tom Price says New federal projections estimate that the health care overhaul will cost $1.76 trillion over 10 years -- well above the $940 billion Democrats originally claimed.
false statement
a press release
Blog Posting says Say New Jersey Reps. Donald Payne and Frank Pallone are socialists who are openly serving in the U.S. Congress.
false statement
web pages
Donald Trump says The unemployment rate may be as high as 42 percent.
false statement
a press conference
Sondy Pope says Common Core is not from the federal government, they do not have their fingerprints on this thing at all.
true statement
a radio interview
Rick Perry says Social Security is indeed a Ponzi scheme.
false statement
an interview.
Gwen Moore says Scott Walker brags a lot about having an independent agency investigate police shootings. Of course, he didnt fund it.
true statement
comments to reporters
George Will says What the Arizona law does is make a state crime out of something that already is... a federal crime.
true statement
a panel discussion on ABC This Week
Jon Stewart says When the country was founded, Congress had exactly the same attitude about the sanctity of Christmas celebrations that a 7-Eleven does today: Yeah, were open.
false statement
a segment of "The Daily Show"
Carlos Curbelo says In Miami-Dade County, we spend at our school system over $20 million every year educating recent immigrants.
true statement
a Fox News interview
Democratic Congressional Leadership says The omnibus bill has only $3.8 billion in earmarks.
false statement
statements to reporters.
Jeb Bush says Trump proposed enacting the largest tax increase in American history.
true statement
a fundraising email
Barack Obama says "Senator McCain has been talking tough about earmarks, and that's good, but earmarks account for about $18-billion of our budget."
true statement
a debate in Nashville, Tenn.
Claudia Tenney says Kim Myers voted repeatedly to raise taxes on the people of Broome County, but made millions off of tax savings when her family business relocated its headquarters.
true statement
a press release.
No 60 Campaign Against Condom Requirement Adult Fi says Californias Prop 60, which would requirecondom usein adult films, would put workers in the adult film industry at riskfor lawsuits and harassment.
true statement
in a campaign video advertisement
Loretta Weinberg says We pay among the highest tolls in the nation for the privilege of crossing that bridge.
true statement
an interview on the John Gambling radio program
Americans United Change says Sens. Isaksons, Chambliss Votes Against Unemployment Insurance Were Votes to Kill Nearly 6,000 Georgia Jobs.
true statement
a press release
Todd Hunter says real estate taxes were put in place to pay for Obamacare.
true statement
a Texas Tribune interview.
Tim Knopp says today unemployment has been running near 12 percent or more for the last four years and the Legislature hasnt done much to lower it.
true statement
campaign website
Rick Perry says Kay Bailey Hutchison voted for sanctuary cities.
false statement
a debate.
Sandy Adams says John Mica voted to borrow $10 trillion.
true statement
a campaign mailer
Brett Hulsey says opponent Mary Burke told reporters she would have required workers to give up bargained-for healthcare and retirement benefits like Gov. Walker.
true statement
a letter
Barack Obama says McCain "hired some of the biggest lobbyists in Washington to run his campaign."
true statement
Tampa, Fla.
James Clyburn says We do not want to raise anybodys tax rates. Thats never been on the table.
true statement
an interview on ABC's "This Week with Christiane Amanpour"
Hillary Clinton says When terrorists killed more than 250 Americans in Lebanon under Ronald Reagan, the Democrats didnt make that a partisan issue.
true statement
a CNN town hall
Mike Haridopolos says This is the first time a party has picked up multiple seats during a regular election since the mid 1980s, making this the largest majority of any party in more than 25 years.
true statement
a post-election interview.
Barack Obama says "John wasn't this raging populist four years ago" when he ran for president.
false statement
Chariton, Iowa
Alex Sink says House Republicans who complained they didnt have enough time to consider a constitutional ban against oil drilling shoved through a proposal in just a few days to open state waters to oil drilling.
true statement
remarks to reporters.
Reince Priebus says no one from the Bush family attended the 2012 Republican National Convention and there was no President Bush at the 2008 convention.
false statement
an interview on "Meet the Press"
Donald Trump says Crime is rising.
false statement
a speech after several primaries concluded
Bernie S says (Flint, Mich., is) paying three times more for poison water than I am paying in Burlington, Vt., for clean water.
true statement
a Democratic debate in Flint, Mich.
John Boehner says Weve got a personal tax system thats so complicated it costs Americans about $500 billion a year to comply with the current tax code.
true statement
a news conference
Victoria Taft says a Portland school gives Muslim students their own school provided prayer room, prayer rugs, and lets them out of class five times a day to pray to Allah.
false statement
a website posting
Bernie S says (Texas Republicans) believe in abolishing Social Security, abolishing V.A. health care.
false statement
an MSNBC interview
Joe Biden says The bulk of the people who are shot with a weapon other than these drug gangs taking on one another end up being shot with their own weapon.
true statement
an interview on "Face the Nation"
Rahm Emanuel says In the case of General Motors, the (Bush) administration wrote a check without asking for any conditions of change.
false statement
an interview on "This Week."
Frank Annunziato says Salaries for URI faculty are second to last among New England land grant universities and in lowest 20 percent of major U.S. research institutions
true statement
a newspaper interview
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says Miami Congressman Carlos Curbelo supports drilling offshore and repeatedly voted against President Obamas ability to fight pollution and combat climate change.
true statement
a TV ad
Michael Steele says When President, then candidate, Obama was asked to disclose some of his donors because there was suspicion of their being the foreign source of money into his campaign, they refused to do it.
false statement
an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press"
Dennis Richardson says Oregon is the only state out of the 50 states in the USA that continues to pay 100% of the medical benefits for its employees and their families.
false statement
a newsletter
Claire Mccaskill says You wonder why you dont see Rand Paul as much; hes still shopping for his billionaire. Hes like the only one who hasnt found a billionaire to fund his super PAC.
false statement
comments to HBO host Bill Maher
Joseph Crowley says Donald Trump cashed in on Sept. 11,collecting $150,000 in federal funds intended to help small businesses recover even though days after the attack Trump said his properties were not affected.
true statement
a speech at the Democratic convention
Mitt Romney says Three years ago, a newly elected President Obama told America that if Congress approved his plan to borrow nearly a trillion dollars, he would hold unemployment below 8 percent.
true statement
a victory speech in Las Vegas on Feb. 4, 2012
60 Plus Association says An independent payment advisory board created by in the health care reform law is like a Medicare IRS with the power to cut Medicare in order to pay for new government programs.
false statement
a television commercial
Chris Abele says The Mitchell Park Domes lose about $1 million-plus every year and the number of people going to the Domes has been going down.
false statement
an interview
Kenneth Block says Under a bill before the legislature, youd have to go to court to fire an employee.
false statement
a TV interview
Michael Doherty says There is little if any evidence that the use of red light cameras in New Jersey has reduced the number or severity of accidents at the intersections where they are used.
true statement
a news release
Chris Christie says In the entire public school system in Camden last year, only three students graduated college ready.
true statement
his “State of the State” address
Ellen Rosenblum says nearly 29,000 Oregonians almost 5 percent of all homeowners are 90 days or more delinquent on their mortgage.
true statement
an opinion article
John Kline says Under the Hate Crimes bill, "any pastor, preacher, priest, rabbi or imam who gives a sermon out of their moral traditions about sexual practices could be found guilty of a federal crime."
false statement
a press release
American Crossroads says This is what President Obama said the jobless rate would be if we passed the stimulus: 5.6 percent.
true statement
a TV ad
Tim Kaine says George Allen and his colleagues in the Senate turned the biggest surplus in the history of the United States into the biggest deficit in the history of the United States.
true statement
in a debate
Debbie Wasserman Schultz says President Obama has cracked down on employers who are attracting undocumented immigrants and hiring them more than any previous president.
true statement
an interview
Michele Bachmann says Newt Gingrich made an affirmative statement that he would not only support but he would campaign for Republicans who were in support of the barbaric procedure known as partial-birth abortion.
true statement
a Republican presidential primary debate
Tom Daschle says U.S. global AIDS spending helped reduce political instability and violence by 40 percent in recipient nations.
true statement
an op-ed
Sarah Palin says "I told the Congress 'thanks, but no thanks,' on that Bridge to Nowhere."
true statement
a speech at the Republican Nationention in St. Paul, Minn.
Jeff Morales says The actual (construction) contracts that weve awarded to date have come in several hundred million dollars below estimates.
true statement
a press conference
Virginia Education Association says State school funding per pupil is down 16 percent compared to 2009, after adjusting for inflation.
true statement
a web post.
Hank Johnson says Unemployment has fallen from 10 percent during the presidents first year in office to 8.5 percent today.
true statement
a press statement