UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /24 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:06] <guiverc> ack.
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest2039
[02:42] <Guest2039> hello
[02:43] <guiverc> G'day Guest2039, if you have a Lubuntu support question, just ask it, be patient, people will respond when they can. #lubuntu-offtopic for non-support talk though
[02:43] <Guest2039> ok thank you!
[02:44] <Guest2039> basically, is there a way that i can set up persistent storage on the same usb device as the live install?
[02:44] <Guest2039> also... did i word that right?
[02:45] <guiverc> I have little experience with persistent devices; if I was to create one I'd use `mkusb`, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb (section 7 is persistent live systems)
[02:46] <guiverc> Once upon a time I used to install to thumb-drive (non-live installation), that's much harder with modern lubuntu, but I believe still possible with Lubuntu 18.04 (ie. install to thumb-drive; but haven't done it in years so this is opinion only)
[02:54] <Guest2039> if that were to work.... how would one go about that? and would that be far easier from my windows machine (or even the only way?)
[02:54] <Guest2039> because i THINK thatd be ideal
[02:55] <Guest2039> correct me if im wrong but what you just described would be the best way if possible to use this usb drive as my only drive on the system right?
[02:56] <guiverc> I can't advise on windows (I don't use it), Lubuntu manual on writing is https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/1.2/booting_the_image.html which has links to creating boot media from nix/macos/windows
[02:59] <guiverc> it could create the *live* environment, which could then be booted to install & use `mkusb` (how I'd do it on windows as windows is something I've forgotten; XP was last I used).. live media can install to other media (my second prior comment about non-live install on media which I'm not sure is easy/possible post-18.04 with calamares installer; but opinion only)
[03:00] <guiverc> you can have a VM operate live & write to media to (avoiding two thumb-drives), but that involves some setup on host virtualization software
[03:03] <Guest2039> either way this is going to require 2 seperate physical devices/// ok well what you just said i think is kindof an answer, being either 2 physical drives, or at least... well effectively using a vm to run a second layer to... kindof fake it out.... did i understand that right
=== Guest2039 is now known as Groot
[03:04] <guiverc> yeah the VM is running the first LIVE media meaning first-thumb-drive isn't required... it can then write to the '2nd' thumb-drive as install (18.04 anyway), but it required some setup as I recall for virtualbox; I wouldn't recall how to do that (only did it once)
[03:06] <guiverc> persistence is the easier alternative; which can also be used via VM/two thumb-drives (two thumb-drives to use mkusb; it no doubt can be created on windows directly; I just don't know how sorry)
[03:06] <Groot> ok Thank You for the help, even if it didnt get me set up its certainly helped send me in the right direction rather then just a more or less dead end (i think im going to try figuring it out on windows)
[03:07] <Groot> unfortunetly, all my thumbdrives (or even SD cards) either are setup with specific other things or, those that just hold things like photos i dont really have other drives to merge to at the moment (at least not that i know where they are since we moved)
[03:07] <Groot> Thanks again!
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest67500
=== azusa is now known as yuki
=== yuki is now known as Guest85887
=== sergio_ is now known as Guest53160
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest85424
[19:22] <lubot> [telegram] <xander2m> Hi there. I wonder if anyone can help me for a lubuntu installation.
[19:23] <kc2bez> Which version of Lubuntu?
[19:25] <lubot> [telegram] <xander2m> I have Debian 10 installed in my machine. I want to dual boot lubuntu 20.10 alongside it. I edited the partition to give 27gb for lubuntu (via installation wizard) but it failed. It happened twice (I cleared up the new free partition with gparted).
[19:27] <kc2bez> Do you have a screenshot of the failure or if we could get a paste of the logfile that would be helpful too.
[19:27] <kc2bez> !paste
[19:27] <ubottu> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[19:27] <lubot> [telegram] <xander2m> I'll re-attempt it now.
[19:35] <lubot> [telegram] <xander2m> Okay. I have two photos. How do I take a logfile, please? (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <kc2bez> Do you have a screenshot of the failure or if we could get a paste of the logfile that would be helpful too.)
[19:50] <lubot> [telegram] <xander2m> My Imgur keeps failing to upload. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <kc2bez> Do you have a screenshot of the failure or if we could get a paste of the logfile that would be helpful too.)
[19:50] <lubot> [telegram] <xander2m> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/8b2f3490/file_1440.jpg
[19:50] <lubot> [telegram] <xander2m> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/4fd44c1e/file_1441.jpg
[19:50] <lubot> [telegram] <xander2m> Here's the photos though