UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /24 /#lubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[17:26] <RyuKurisu[m]> Haha I'm suddenly plural πŸ˜‚
[19:02] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL495c80feb73f: Update libreoffice version numbers] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL495c80feb73f
[19:20] <lubot> [telegram] <xander2m> Hi there. Is this the right group to ask with installation help?
[19:21] <kc2bez> Nope, you are looking for the support channel.
[19:21] <kc2bez> !support
[19:21] <ubot93> For Lubuntu support, please join the #lubuntu channel on IRC or https://telegram.lubuntu.me/support for Telegram.
[19:21] <lubot> [telegram] <xander2m> πŸ‘
[19:22] <lubot> [telegram] <xander2m> Thanks
[19:22] <kc2bez> No problem. We have a discourse forum too that has a support category. https://discourse.lubuntu.me
[19:25] <kc2bez> wxl: I wonder if we shouldn't add that to the factoid somehow? ^
[21:03] <kc2bez> !standup
[21:03] <ubot93> @tsimonq2 @lynorian @HMollerCl @aptghetto @teward001 @kc2bez @The_LoudSpeaker wxl[m] guiverc @N0um3n0 @leokolb @KGIII β€” It's 2100 UTC Thursday which means it's time for the Lubuntu Development standup meeting. Please announce yourself for roll call! Then, in order of announcement, post your items, and be sure to mention when you're done.
[21:04] <kc2bez> o/
[21:04] <lynorian> o/
[21:04] <lubot> [telegram] <Leokolb> o/
[21:04] <tsimonq2> Yo
[21:04] <guiverc> o/
[21:04] <KGIII> Yup.
[21:05] <kc2bez> ack kc2bez, lynorian, @Leokolb, tsimonq2, guverc and KGIII
[21:06] <kc2bez> I'll go first.
[21:06] <kc2bez> Not too much, this week.
[21:06] <kc2bez> Announced the artwork contest on all the platforms
[21:07] <kc2bez> Need to announce the globalization team work still.
[21:07] <kc2bez> That is pretty much it from me.
[21:08] <kc2bez> lynorian: I turn it over to you.
[21:08] <lynorian> I found some errors in capitlization and style in the manual
[21:09] <lynorian> I also added how to change compression in newly created archieves in ark
[21:09] <kc2bez> oh nice
[21:09] <lynorian> and how to save an image locally in firefox added as a feature
[21:10] <lynorian> that is it for me
[21:10] <lubot> [telegram] <Leokolb> testing with more emphasis on networking/printing/scanning/bluetooth etc.
[21:10] <kc2bez> Excellent, thanks for that lyn!
[21:11] <lubot> [telegram] <Leokolb> Played a bit w/RASP Pi4 - install lubuntu-desktop over Ubuntu (21.04)
[21:11] <lubot> [telegram] <Leokolb> So far it looks good -
[21:11] <lubot> [telegram] <Leokolb> Also a few unofficial Thunderbird tests (21.04) - no problems -
[21:11] <lubot> [telegram] <Leokolb> Xmas eve has arrived here -- seasons greetings to all.
[21:11] <lubot> [telegram] <Leokolb> Done!
[21:12] <tsimonq2> I just gave some backend advice on the accounting this week. Merry Christmas to all :D
[21:12] <kc2bez> Thanks @Leokolb ! seasons greetings to you as well!
[21:12] <kc2bez> Thanks tsimonq2 Always great to have you here.
[21:13] <kc2bez> guiverc: Over to you.
[21:13] <guiverc> - usual support (felt a quieter week)
[21:13] <guiverc> - started looking through t180 (wiki clean up), names of lubuntu people are all I've seen thus far, maybe we could have a list of lubuntu members on wiki? (historical reasons)
[21:13] <guiverc> - started opening some autoclosed discourse threads
[21:13] <guiverc> Merry Christmas to all (Chrissy day here) [done]
[21:13] <kc2bez> Thanks as always guiverc!
[21:14] <kc2bez> KGIII: your turn.
[21:14] <KGIII> Testing is going fine. With the help of @guiverc, I've learned about manifests and can diff 'em just fine. That helps a great deal, as it tells me what to look for. I do have one thing, but I think it's better posted in the forum in the development channel as it's not pressing and purely a UX type of thing - and it goes well with a couple of other things. So, I'll just post it there.
[21:14] <KGIII> That's it, really. I'll type up the post for the dev section of the forum in the next day or two. I should have some free time.
[21:15] <KGIII> And, a Merry and Happy one to all of you.
[21:15] <kc2bez> Thanks KGIII
[21:15] <kc2bez> Anyone else? Anything else?
[21:16] <guiverc> Thanks as always kc2bez/Dan
[21:16] <tsimonq2> @teward001
[21:16] <tsimonq2> teward
[21:16] <tsimonq2> teward
[21:16] <tsimonq2> teward
[21:16] <tsimonq2> teward
[21:16] <tsimonq2> WAKE UP
[21:16] <KGIII> Indeed, thanks to all of you really. I've learned a ton already.
[21:17] <lubot> [telegram] <Leokolb> Tks all..
[21:17] <kc2bez> Thanks everyone for meeting!
[21:17] <teward> i'm on a call with my boss simon calm down
[21:18] <kc2bez> Merry Christmas to you all!
[21:18] <teward> telegram bridge now is matterbridge. phab broke and is repaired.
[21:19] <teward> have a merry christmas and happy holidays to you all
[21:19] <kc2bez> Many thanks for that teward Your prompt attention is appreciated.
[21:20] <lubot> [telegram] <N0um3n0> This week nothing to tell, the meeting has caught me, with the family dinner !!! xD
[21:20] <kc2bez> Enjoy the family @N0um3n0
[21:20] <lubot> [telegram] <N0um3n0> Sorry, merry christmas!!!!
[21:20] <lubot> [telegram] <N0um3n0> Thanks!!!! (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <kc2bez> Enjoy the family @N0um3n0)
[21:21] <KGIII> Is 'tsimonq2' the same Simon I see at the blog and in the mailing lists as "Simon"?
[21:21] <tsimonq2> Indeed.
[21:21] <tsimonq2> I'm "that guy," heh.
[21:21] <kc2bez> XD
[21:21] <KGIII> Ah. I've been quietly paying attention to all of you for years! Kinda creepy, huh? LOL
[21:22] <KGIII> I seldom post in the mailing lists, but I've been subscribed for years.
[21:22] <tsimonq2> It's nothing new. I'm always very gracious when people learn who I am at LinuxFests and such. I've had everything from "omg you're the Lubuntu guy?? no way!!" to "I've heard of YOU before"
[21:22] <tsimonq2> It's surreal
[21:23] <tsimonq2> Anyway, I'm nobody special. I'm a guy with regular guy problems.
[21:23] <KGIII> Well, at least you're used to it. So much of the public stuff is stamped "Simon". I now know who that Simon is. Mystery solved!
[21:24] <tsimonq2> The door is always open if you need some help, given the standard ground rules.
[21:25] <KGIII> LOL Thanks. I usually ask @guiverc. He's really helpful. He goes out of his way to be extra informative and I appreciate that. I often realize several days later that I actually did need the information he shared.
[21:26] <tsimonq2> I feel like I've known Chris for forever, great guy. :)
[21:27] <KGIII> I'll vouch for that.
[21:27] <tsimonq2> Now that teward guy on the other hand...
[21:27] * tsimonq2 slaps teward with a wet fish
[21:28] <teward> well Simon needs to be around more because hes been absent for eternity and slacking off
[21:28] <teward> soooooo
[21:28] * teward yeets Simon into the Marianas Trench
[21:28] <kc2bez> Nah, everyone here is great. This is a great team. <3
[21:28] <tsimonq2> ^^
[21:32] <KGIII> The people involved are one of the things that make Lubuntu great.
[21:33] <KGIII> I recently had to make such a decision. Do I like LXDE so much, or do I like Lubuntu? The answer turns out that I'll be switching to 20.04 LTS (LXQt) in the 2nd week of January.
[21:34] <lubot> [telegram] <N0um3n0> I think the same!
[22:27] <wxl> oh hey i'm here finally XD
[22:27] <KGIII> o/
[22:27] <kc2bez> Welcome :D
[22:28] <wxl> what did i miss?
[22:28] <kc2bez> Not too much, good turnout really.
[22:29] <kc2bez> I did wonder if we shouldn't add discourse to the support factoid though?
[22:29] <wxl> might not be terrible, although i will point out that it's in every topic
[22:30] <kc2bez> Well, links to support are plastered all over too but sometimes people still end up here.
[22:30] <wxl> true enough
[22:30] <wxl> just add to the main one?
[22:30] <kc2bez> I think so.
[22:30] <wxl> ok i'll tweak that for all the en channels
[22:30] <kc2bez> Sounds good. Danke
[22:32] <wxl> ok they're set for devel and ot
[22:32] <wxl> they need a minute to sync tho
[22:32] <KGIII> Gotta do family stuff, but gonna say happy holidays to wxl 'cause he missed it earlier.
[22:33] <wxl> same to you KGIII! sorry i was running around dealing with holiday stuff
[22:33] <wxl> also i didn't think we were doing a meeting but hey
[22:33] <KGIII> We had a better turnout than I expected. G'night.
[22:34] <kc2bez> Just trying to keep the oar in the water so to speak.
[22:34] <wxl> night night
[22:34] <kc2bez> Take care KGIII
[22:34] <wxl> it also helps to move the oar, too, but XD
[22:34] <kc2bez> I agree, baby steps though XD
[23:32] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T181: GID/UID mismatch for users.] kc2bez (Dan Simmons) just created this task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T181
[23:41] <wxl> FYI https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/694662