UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /20 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[01:27] <drgutman> damn it, i forgot the name of the person that helped me earlier with the audio card problem :)) It was the name of a philosopher ... Diogene_ ?
[01:29] <greisean> how do I add a key in the gui for software sources https://i.imgur.com/3OR5B7z.png
[01:29] <Maik> drgutman: you mean diogenes_
[01:30] <Maik> they are gone though
[01:31] <drgutman> @Maik: yess, thank you. looks like he's offline. I'll tell him tomorrow ^^; the script worked
[01:31] <drgutman> *they
[01:33] <Maik> drgutman: you're welcome and no problem :)
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[03:51] <user|97440> hello, my new kubuntu 20.04 isinstalled but I simply can't get the history tab in the launcher to show history, , ant help?
=== carlos is now known as Guest46990
=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost
[05:12] <IrcsomeBot> <Swift110> Hello
=== sylvio is now known as Guest10379
[08:23] <drgutman> @diogenes_ - hey again :) the script for the audio switching worked last night after a reboot, even after a shutdown with a pause between restarting again, and this morning is broken again. I've created a script in ~/.config/autostart-scripts/ that waits for the plasmashell to be ready and then executes the pactl set-card-profile commands that I know they work because [...]
[08:23] <drgutman> I can see them changing the profile in the gui of the audio settings in plasma
[08:25] <diogenes_> drgutman, do you have your system setup to start with a new session or to save last session?
[08:26] <drgutman> to save the last session
[08:27] <diogenes_> that might be the problem, change that and clear saved sessions and run: rm ~/.cache/sessions/*
[08:28] <diogenes_> and set it to start with new session.
[08:31] <drgutman> I get cannot remove: no such file or dir
[08:32] <diogenes_> ok then could be that KDE saves it elsewhere.
[08:34] <drgutman> the whole script thing is such a dirty fix, I don't understand why it requires me to switch back and forward for the audiocard to work.
[08:35] <diogenes_> you could ask in #pulseaudio
[08:36] <drgutman> hmm, yes, I didn't thought that there's a dedicated channel for that, I'll go there, thanks :)
[08:38] <drgutman> a totally unrelated question, do you have any idea why would nickname completition would stop working in KVirc?
[08:39] <drgutman> nah, nevermind, it doesn't like when i add an @ before the nickname, my bad
[08:44] <drgutman> there's something weird about turning off my computer, I can't help thinking that it's somehow connected to this issue because they happen together, sometimes they work, sometimes they fail together, I use Window Rules in System settings to move different Chrome windows on different desktops, and I renamed the chrome windows using the Window naming tool in chrome://flags
[08:45] <drgutman> and it works fine after restart and stuff, but from time to time it forgets all the names, and it happens at the same time when the audio stops working
[08:57] <Daskreech> drgutman: at logout ?
[08:59] <drgutman> @diogenes_ - hey again :) the script for the audio switching worked last night after a reboot, even after a shutdown with a pause between restarting again, and this morning is broken again. I've created a script in ~/.config/autostart-scripts/ that waits for the plasmashell to be ready and then executes the pactl set-card-profile commands that I know they work because [...]
[08:59] <drgutman> ahh crap ... wtf, sorry
[09:01] <drgutman> Daskreech: at login, if I turn off the computer for longer times the audio stops working and I have to switch from one config to another and back and I lose all the chrome custom names.
[09:05] <drgutman> it's weird, because I can't even check if the firx worked properly because if I just do a restart after making the switch manually, it works.
=== HablemosDeElla is now known as kkk
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[09:12] <Daskreech> drgutman: So a cold start will not work but a reboot will?
[09:14] <drgutman> Daskreech: even a cold start sometimes works. I couldn't find an exact patter, it seems that it only happens if I leave the comp off for longer periods of time.
[09:15] <drgutman> *an exact pattern
[09:55] <Daskreech> That is pretty odd
[09:58] <gon_> Hello
[09:59] <Daskreech> Hi
[10:09] <drgutman> Could it be connected with the fact that I have a dual boot using two partitions on the same ssd?
=== drgutman is now known as satan
=== satan is now known as drgutman
[10:42] <holecek> čau lidi
=== HablemosDeElla is now known as kjkjihl
=== HablemosDeElla is now known as kjlkjlkjlkj
[13:49] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
=== Robot is now known as Guest38261
[16:20] <jordanpie> Привет
[17:13] <costa> hello
=== mue_ is now known as mue
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest90769
[19:54] <Guest90769> H'
[19:54] <Guest90769> Hi
[19:55] <Guest90769> I have tried kubuntu and fonts almost look like windows so it is really good but when I use kde neon fonts didnt look good
[19:55] <Guest90769> they both use KDE
[19:55] <Guest90769> anybody knows why_
[20:08] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> Under system settings -> fonts try changing the sub-pixel rendering and/or hinting. Also, for be appearance ensure your display is set to native resolution and scale of 1.
[20:09] <Guest90769> yes ihave tried that
[20:09] <Guest90769> settings were same
=== grumble is now known as SeasonsBeatings
[22:12] <ermes3301> guys I have a recent kubuntu install and I'm getting this message when I try to compile some things from source or even my own projects
[22:12] <ermes3301> collect2: fatal error: ld terminated with signal 11 [Segmentation fault], core dumped compilation terminated.
[22:13] <ermes3301> anyone knows whats hapening
[22:32] <ermes3301> got it guys just needed to reinstall build-essential