UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /16 /#ubports.txt
Initial commit
[00:35] <ubptgbot> Hypotrochanteric_rotundity was added by: Hypotrochanteric_rotundity
[01:10] <ubptgbot> HackboxAdmin was added by: HackboxAdmin
[01:12] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> (Photo, 800x539) https://irc.ubports.com/ixAWS42k.png
[01:13] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> Just incase you guys haven't seen it, this is the /Almost final/ design for the pinephones keyboard! Looks p.good!!!
[01:19] <ubptgbot> <HackboxAdmin> https://t.me/joinchat/KpEn0Vd6Rw8L2-l5to_QzQ
[01:25] <ubptgbot> <jeremy5547> Fwd from Top: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE6RGo8YWqjEWLcT2w
[01:41] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @ItsMeShouko [When I install onion browser, it gets set as default browser to opens links from …], you can edit the url handler file in /opt/click.ubuntu.com
[01:41] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @ItsMeShouko [When I install onion browser, it gets set as default browser to opens links from …], [Edit] you can edit the url handler file in '/opt/click.ubuntu.com'
[01:42] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> then the named folder for the app
[01:45] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/aeJxaqJ9.png
[01:46] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @pavelov [would be nice if the apps has an exit button], ;)
[04:58] <ubptgbot> <pavelov> @ItsMeShouko [When I install onion browser, it gets set as default browser to opens links from …], Uninstall morph and reinstall, seems like it takes the last one default.
[07:36] <ubptgbot> <ItsMeShouko> @pavelov [Uninstall morph and reinstall, seems like it takes the last one default.], Morph cannot be installed like that I think
[07:44] <ubptgbot> Penny was added by: Penny
[07:46] <ubptgbot> <Penny> I need help I just installed ubuntu touch and I need to finish setting it up like getting the device name changed and getting root privalage
[07:54] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @Penny [I need help I just installed ubuntu touch and I need to finish setting it up lik …], are you on @ubport_porting?
[07:54] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @Penny [I need help I just installed ubuntu touch and I need to finish setting it up lik …], [Edit] are you on @ubport-porting?
[07:55] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @Penny [I need help I just installed ubuntu touch and I need to finish setting it up lik …], [Edit] are you on @ubportsporting?
[07:55] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @Penny [I need help I just installed ubuntu touch and I need to finish setting it up lik …], [Edit] are you on https://t.me/ubports_porting
[07:55] <ubptgbot> <Penny> Sorry halium 9
[07:56] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @Penny [I need help I just installed ubuntu touch and I need to finish setting it up lik …], are you porting new device?
[08:01] <ubptgbot> <dblake76> are there any plans to port to a Fairphone 3?
[08:24] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @dblake76 [are there any plans to port to a Fairphone 3?], yeah it's work in progress afaik
[08:25] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> it even has devel channel
[08:25] <ubptgbot> <dblake76> @just_carlod [yeah it's work in progress afaik], cooool ... beta tester needed?
[08:26] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> I'm not maintainer
[08:26] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> so I don't know
[08:26] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> [Edit] I'm not maintainer/contributor
[08:29] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @dblake76 [cooool ... beta tester needed?], See in forum, I think there should be a thread for it
[09:13] <ubptgbot> <ImmyChan> @PhoenixLandPirate [Just incase you guys haven't seen it, this is the /Almost final/ design for the …], For some reason it's not quite what I was expecting, but it does look cool ^ ^
[09:44] <ubptgbot> ★А мНе ВсЁ пОфИг★ was added by: ★А мНе ВсЁ пОфИг★
[09:44] <ubptgbot> <★А мНе ВсЁ пОфИг★> (Photo, 756x796) https://irc.ubports.com/Eg0H9470.png
[09:44] <ubptgbot> <Schmuel> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/A0Ajod1o.webp
[09:49] <ubptgbot> sandysmart was added by: sandysmart
[09:50] <ubptgbot> <sandysmart> Is ubuntu touch available for OnePlus 5T
[09:50] <ubptgbot> <sandysmart> Any Idea
[09:51] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> wait or become beta tester
[09:51] <ubptgbot> <ItsMeShouko> That font...
[09:51] <ubptgbot> <sandysmart> Will wait🙏
[09:59] <ubptgbot> <equique> (Photo, 1277x788) https://irc.ubports.com/hRvKNT1I.png
[10:00] <ubptgbot> <equique> Hello friends, this picture is to celebrate the new year
[10:42] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> @equique [Hello friends, this picture is to celebrate the new year], that's really cool!
[10:59] <ubptgbot> <equique> @RealDanct12 [that's really cool!], 😊
[11:12] <ubptgbot> <Itppt1> @equique [<reply to media>], yumi
[11:21] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> yumi says yummy
[11:44] <ubptgbot> <Itppt1> do you have .svg file ?
[11:54] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> Hi, I have been using Mi A3 with ubiports Ubuntu touch. I am using Jio 4G network (VoLTE). For some reason, I am not able to get it to make phone calls or receive messages.. Can anyone help / tell me why is it not working?
[12:00] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> @TheMekaniq [Hi, I have been using Mi A3 with ubiports Ubuntu touch. I am using Jio 4G networ …], because mi a3 is wip it mean Work in progress
[12:01] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @Oxy Kali [because mi a3 is wip it mean Work in progress], OK. I thought only installer and recovery are WIP
[12:02] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> @TheMekaniq [OK. I thought only installer and recovery are WIP], why you work with ubtouch are you fun
[12:03] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @Oxy Kali [why you work with ubtouch are you fun], Can't understand
[12:04] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> What do you mean??
[12:04] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> i see in officiel page call and message work on your phone
[12:05] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> so u need reflash ubport but you need android 9 stock
[12:05] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @Oxy Kali [so u need reflash ubport but you need android 9 stock], I did that
[12:05] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> Clean flashed android 9
[12:06] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> Funny thing is I am able to receive 4G data but not calls..
[12:06] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @TheMekaniq [OK. I thought only installer and recovery are WIP], Dalton needs to add it to system image server, they have some problem with it
[12:06] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> so you have problem you need ask shouko's lab
[12:07] <ubptgbot> <abiomass> Calls and sms work smoothly on mi a3. Reflash from scratch
[12:07] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @Oxy Kali [so you have problem you need ask shouko's lab], what? mi a3 is totally diffrent than mi a2
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g_
[12:07] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> @just_carlod [what? mi a3 is totally diffrent than mi a2], i know
[12:08] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @abiomass [Calls and sms work smoothly on mi a3. Reflash from scratch], Does VoLTE work?
[12:08] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> I'm not sure, but volte doesn't work on ubuntu touch at all
[12:08] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> maybe on a few devices
[12:09] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @just_carlod [I'm not sure, but volte doesn't work on ubuntu touch at all], I am Sad to hear that
[12:09] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> work with 4g why you need VoLTE
[12:10] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @Oxy Kali [work with 4g why you need VoLTE], Because that is the only way Jio subscribers can make a call or send sms
[12:10] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> @TheMekaniq [Because that is the only way Jio subscribers can make a call or send sms], oh i understand now you from india
[12:10] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @Oxy Kali [oh i understand now you from india], Yeahh
[12:11] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> @TheMekaniq [Yeahh], okay ask shouko's lab
[12:11] <ubptgbot> <abiomass> 4G works
[12:11] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @abiomass [4G works], Do you have an idea on VoLTE
[12:12] <ubptgbot> <abiomass> I don't think it works, but why you need it? You have 4g
[12:14] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @abiomass [I don't think it works, but why you need it? You have 4g], Jio (n/w provider in India) uses VoLTE tech alone to provide calls/sms
[12:15] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> I will just buy a 3G sim then...
[12:16] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> Thanks for this brilliant work guys!!! Love..
[12:47] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @TheMekaniq [Jio (n/w provider in India) uses VoLTE tech alone to provide calls/sms], We know but we cannot help it, VoLTE will probably not work for months, even a year from now. Or maybe neverr
[12:49] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @Flohack [We know but we cannot help it, VoLTE will probably not work for months, even a y …], I am grateful for the current development phase. I can manage to find alternate 3G provider for calls.. May be I will Port my mobile phone number to 3G provider..
[12:49] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> Also on top of that, we need to develop an idea what users will do when their hardware does not support VoLTE at all
[12:51] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @Flohack [Also on top of that, we need to develop an idea what users will do when their ha …], Jio provides an android app that virtualized the VoLTE and make calls/ send SMS. May be we can try that..
[12:52] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @TheMekaniq [Jio provides an android app that virtualized the VoLTE and make calls/ send SMS. …], *try developing similar app for Ubuntu touch
[12:52] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @TheMekaniq [Jio provides an android app that virtualized the VoLTE and make calls/ send SMS. …], No, its a lowlevel problem: The modem needs to be switched to VoLTE and a few services must be run in the Android container to support this. Its undocumented and every vendor did their own implementation. We really don´t know what to do... it
[12:52] <ubptgbot> s a lack of knowledge.
[12:53] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> Its even worse with voice over WiFi, thats then a whole stack of telephony services to be implemented
[12:53] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @Flohack [No, its a lowlevel problem: The modem needs to be switched to VoLTE and a few se …], Got it..
[12:54] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> Each vendor may have their own proprietary way of doing things and even with some source code, we might not achieve generalized version..
[12:55] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> exactly. We have a small chance for Sony devices, but it involves reverse-engineering of Java code
[12:55] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> So nobody started on this yet
[12:58] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> Currently I am running AOSP without Google services and mostly FOSS apps.
[12:58] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @Flohack [We know but we cannot help it, VoLTE will probably not work for months, even a y …], double r for emphasis xD
[12:59] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @Fuseteam [double r for emphasis xD], lel yes
[13:00] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> not as strong as triple r but double the strength of single r hehehehe
[13:04] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> Arrr true ^^
[13:06] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/LermvUCz.webp
[14:20] <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @TheMekaniq [I will just buy a 3G sim then...], Yes, our apologies. UT does not have Volte at the moment and we understand the problem that creates for users in India...plus other places soon...
[14:28] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Flohack [Also on top of that, we need to develop an idea what users will do when their ha …], they will have to buy new hardware then. we can't make legacy hardware work on next gen networks through software
[14:29] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @dohbee [they will have to buy new hardware then. we can't make legacy hardware work on n …], Yes correct, I rather mean we need to tell them to decide for a younger hardware sooner or later, just a thing of managing expectations. The E4.5 of my GF is now over 5 years old, but its still pretty usable. Except VoLTE it wont do ;)
[14:31] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> I feel like UT community expects to be able to use the good ol devices forever. And we need to deliver a good working range of newer devices, where actually stuff works close to 100%. And its already there with the Sony and Volla devices... Just it should be hardware that you can buy still asnew. … SOme people dont want to buy used 2nd ha
[14:31] <ubptgbot> nd phones or dont want to install themselves. So yes, thats a goal for 2021, continuous supply of new UT hardware, prefereably preinstalled :P
[14:32] <ubptgbot> agentcasey was added by: agentcasey
[14:37] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> I'd actually buy a pre-installed UT phone over android. But none is available or has been available in India..
[14:37] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Flohack [I feel like UT community expects to be able to use the good ol devices forever. …], well maybe will work as not-a-phone for things that don't do volte in hw i guess
[14:43] <ubptgbot> <Heng Ye> @TheMekaniq [I'd actually buy a pre-installed UT phone over android. But none is available or …], F(x)tec Pro1-X i think is available to purchase worldwide
[14:44] <ubptgbot> RamArjun was added by: RamArjun
[14:45] <ubptgbot> <RamArjun> Sir, Mi A1 Have Ubuntu Touch OS Support
[14:46] <ubptgbot> <TheMekaniq> @RamArjun [Sir, Mi A1 Have Ubuntu Touch OS Support], Yes.. But "old phones" ...
[14:46] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @RamArjun [Sir, Mi A1 Have Ubuntu Touch OS Support], don't spam everyone with PMs asking the same question
[14:46] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io has the list of supported devices
[14:50] <ubptgbot> <RamArjun> @dohbee [https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io has the list of supported devices], In This List Mi A1 Not There Sir.
[14:50] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> then it is not supported
[14:51] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> you or someone else would have to port the device as described on the page in the block about devices not listed
[14:51] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> @dohbee [then it is not supported], yeah but talk him to search ubport GSI
[14:51] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> android 7
[14:51] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> not sure if treble compatible
[14:52] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> treble is only 8+
[14:53] <ubptgbot> <Heng Ye> and i think ubuntu touch GSI only supports android 9
[14:53] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @dohbee [treble is only 8+], pixel 1 is treble compatible even when preinstalled with android 7.1
[14:53] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> @dohbee [treble is only 8+], mi a1 work with android 9 stock
[14:54] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @just_carlod [pixel 1 is treble compatible even when preinstalled with android 7.1], google manufactured devices are special i guess
[14:54] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> I think Mi A1 was at some porting stage
[14:55] <ubptgbot> <RamArjun> Give Some Clear Instructions To Install Ubuntu Touch OS In Mi A1.
[14:55] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @dohbee [google manufactured devices are special i guess], but probably unfinished or porter stop porting device
[14:55] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @RamArjun [Give Some Clear Instructions To Install Ubuntu Touch OS In Mi A1.], ask whomever is developing the port. if nobody is, you will have to figure it out following the porting documentation
[14:58] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @Heng Ye [F(x)tec Pro1-X i think is available to purchase worldwide], Sure but still no VoLTE support I suppose ;)
[14:59] <ubptgbot> <Heng Ye> @RamArjun [Give Some Clear Instructions To Install Ubuntu Touch OS In Mi A1.], What's with the capitalization?
[14:59] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @Heng Ye [F(x)tec Pro1-X i think is available to purchase worldwide], correction F(x)tex Pro1, the pro1x is limited to the indiegogo campaign
[15:00] <ubptgbot> <Heng Ye> @Fuseteam [correction F(x)tex Pro1, the pro1x is limited to the indiegogo campaign], pro1x is still availabe on IGG i think even though campaign ended
[15:00] <ubptgbot> <Heng Ye> there's still a few
[15:01] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> yeah but after that stock is gone tis gone :p
[15:01] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> [Edit] yeah but after that stock is sold out tis gone :p
[15:02] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> kinda surprised they haven't sold out yet hehehehe
[15:05] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @dohbee [google manufactured devices are special i guess], well mi a1 was co-depeloped with google and also supports treble (GSI)
[15:05] <ubptgbot> <dblake76> successfully ported my Fairphone 3 to Ubuntu Touch :) ...
[15:05] <ubptgbot> <dblake76> can anyone tell me where I can see which version I have installed?
[15:05] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @just_carlod [well mi a1 was co-depeloped with google and also supports treble (GSI)], ok. we have https://t.me/UBports_porting for porting discussions :)
[15:06] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @dblake76 [can anyone tell me where I can see which version I have installed?], settings » about
[15:07] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @dohbee [google manufactured devices are special i guess], [Edit] well mi a1 was co-depeloped with google and also supports treble (GSI) that's what I read on the internet
[15:08] <ubptgbot> <dblake76> @just_carlod [settings » about], hm .. there is only my serial number
[15:10] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @dblake76 [hm .. there is only my serial number], go https://t.me/UBports_porting
[15:11] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @dblake76 [hm .. there is only my serial number], GSI ports are not officially supported, so you don't get the build info since it doesn't have system image
[15:12] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> but fp3 is part of systemimage
[15:12] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> he probably is using gsi
[15:12] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> if fp3 is in installer now one should install from it i guess
[15:13] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> fairly certain its not yet in the installer
[15:13] <ubptgbot> <dblake76> I used to install it as GSI port
[16:16] <ubptgbot> Emp3r0rSh was added by: Emp3r0rSh
[16:39] <ubptgbot> AliBenLogos was added by: AliBenLogos
[16:39] <ubptgbot> <easy_kenny> Look what I made! … https://easystreamcertified.blogspot.com/2020/12/is-goodwill-asset.html
[17:53] <ubptgbot> Simon was added by: Simon
[18:47] <ubptgbot> Abhinav Kumar was added by: Abhinav Kumar
[19:13] <ubptgbot> Emp3r0rSh was added by: Emp3r0rSh
[19:31] <ubptgbot> Gianluca Naseem was added by: Gianluca Naseem
[19:55] <ubptgbot> SomaSchicksal was added by: SomaSchicksal
[19:55] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> Hello
[19:57] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> Am trying to get discord app on Ubuntu touch, is it possible to sideload the android version ?
[20:00] <ubptgbot> Covid_19000 was added by: Covid_19000
[20:01] <ubptgbot> <NotKit> @SomaSchicksal [Am trying to get discord app on Ubuntu touch, is it possible to sideload the and …], Ubuntu Touch is not compatible with Android apps
[20:01] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> HM alright
[20:13] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> hmmm might try something with the web version sometime in the future
[20:20] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> Both webapps in open store aren't good
[20:21] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> The newer one needs some work, it seems it is made for tablets
[20:21] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> yes that is known, i just recently figured out how whatsweb does its magic
[20:22] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> [Edit] yes that is known, i just recently figured out how whatsweb does its magic, so that could serve as inspiration to fix the newer one
[20:22] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> Whats web?
[20:22] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> "whatsweb" or the webapp for whatsapp web
[20:23] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> [Edit] "whatsweb": the webapp for whatsapp web
[20:24] <ubptgbot> <nunomgnunes> @Fuseteam ["whatsweb": the webapp for whatsapp web], https://web.whatsapp.com/
[20:26] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> yes but actually responsive :p
[20:28] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> Ah
[20:31] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> hmm openstore needs a share button
[20:32] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> anyway whatsweb uses an userscript to make whatsapp web responsive
[20:33] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> a similar approach could be done with discord i'd imagine
[20:40] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> @Fuseteam [hmm openstore needs a share button], Exactly, issues can only be found as the software get used
[20:41] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> Few things that i am uncomfortable with. … 1- it's on me i still have android mindset … 2- two similar gestures (system, app)
[20:42] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> eh? what similar gestures?
[20:42] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> like swiping left from the edge, with teleport, i may swipe on one of the contacts instead of switching apps
[20:43] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> ah you have try to swipe from a bit past the left edge
[20:43] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> i know teleport's gesture is from anywhere on the screen, but there is tiny deadzone on the edges
[20:43] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> yeah
[20:43] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> maybe getting used to it will "Fix" it but
[20:44] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> its actually similar to the drawer in applications on android
[20:44] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> but ican see what you mean yeah
[20:45] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> [Edit] but i can see what you mean yeah
[20:45] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> i can kinda reproduce it if i try
[20:48] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> main thing is with the edge swipes, cases will often cause issues because it becomes harder to touch the actual edge of the screen
[20:49] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> interesting observersation from my end, i try to delibrately try to swipe from the edge i miss it, if i do it roughly it "just works"
[20:51] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> something about watching pots and boiling…
[20:51] <ubptgbot> <SomaSchicksal> @dohbee [main thing is with the edge swipes, cases will often cause issues because it bec …], exactly, i have a case
[20:53] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> ah if you have a case, ut tweak tool might be useful for you
[22:36] <ubptgbot> <Pete N.> Hi all . Using Pixel 3axl.. I only receive sms when remove my SIM card. Reboot without it. Then power off - reinsert SIM. When I power up I get all my SMS messages coming in.. … But nothing new arrives unless I repeat the process.. hoping for guidance
[22:36] <ubptgbot> <Pete N.> Ty
[23:07] <ubptgbot> <MrFrankCilantro> @Flohack [It will go to the installer hopefully ;)], Gracias. Muchas gracias
[23:33] <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @Pete N. [Hi all . Using Pixel 3axl.. I only receive sms when remove my SIM card. Reboot w …], @fredldotme may know about this
[23:44] <ubptgbot> <Pete N.> @Stereofont [@fredldotme may know about this], 👍