UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /16 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <drea_mert> your boot drops to the initramfs shell
[00:01] <drea_mert> i recently got this error on my Lubuntu too
[00:02] <drea_mert> fsck found a bad superblock after interrupting startup due to long waiting time
[00:03] <drea_mert> maybe a similar problem but not sure sorry
[00:03] <wxl> so that's focal
[00:03] <wxl> i can't remember if we were enforcing installation media checking at that time
[00:03] <wxl> can you confirm the validity of the installation media in one way or another?
[00:04] <lubot> <David Heinrich> It's already installed on hd
[00:04] <wxl> that's not the question
[00:04] <wxl> invalid installation media can lead to an invalid installation
[00:09] <wxl> assuming you can some hints might lie here https://askubuntu.com/questions/926738/cant-load-failed-to-claim-resource-1
[00:09] <wxl> in any case this shouldn't be a lubuntu-specific problem, but more of an ubuntu one
[00:24] <dahlya> having issues with mirror lists on Lubuntu Eoan, just realized it is unsupported since July. Does it make sense / is it safe to edit /etc/apt/sources.list with links such as http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ?
[00:25] <wxl> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades
[00:37] <dahlya> thanks!!
[01:08] <lubot> <David Heinrich> @lubuntu_bot thanks will try to see if I can find the USB stick I installed from, but it has booted. It is sporadic and sometimes succeeds in booting, sometimes not
[01:09] <wxl> that's all the more reason to believe there's a problem with the installation. i'd reinstall
[01:09] <wxl> (or it means you have physical damage)
[01:38] <lubot> <David Heinrich> Would i have to backup and restore my data or could I install and keep my user data? I was also trying to access my Bitwarden locked windows partition from Lubuntu with no luck
[01:38] <wxl> oh if you're mixing and matching windows with lubuntu that might possibly be your problem right there
[01:39] <wxl> your data might include invalid data, so backing up isn't the greatest of ideas
[01:48] <lubot> <David Heinrich> Good thing almost all of it is on windows for now.
[01:49] <lubot> <David Heinrich> Lubuntu is on a m2 nVme SSD
[01:50] <lubot> <David Heinrich> Windows is on a 3.5" Samsung SSD
[06:39] <vic1111> Hola
[08:49] <anam> Hola, hello. I have downloaded the latest Ubuntu and I find it really hard to get used to it. How do I get the same look I had with 18.04, with all the opened programs at the bottom
=== thabo is now known as thiza
[09:54] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> I don't know what you're expecting
[09:54] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> mine looks like this
[09:54] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/4bIrh8n.jpg
[09:55] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> don't you have a screenshot representing what you're expecting?
[09:55] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> from the previous de?
[11:13] <anam> where is this channel bridged?
[11:15] <kc2bez> This channel is bridged to Telegram and Matrix. https://lubuntu.me/links shows all our channels and where they are bridged.
[11:42] <anam> thank you!
[11:43] <kc2bez> Happy to help.
[11:49] <anam> can't join via matrix though. "Failed to make_join via any server"
[11:49] <anam> previous to that: "#freenode_#lubuntu:matrix.org can't be previewed. Do you want to join it?"
[11:53] <Maik> anam: you need to join matrix via the web browser or use one of the clients like Riot
[12:01] <anam> that's what I'm doing / trying
[12:02] <anam> using Element, just not with a generic account on the matrix server
[12:23] <RyuKurisu[m]> <lubot "<David Heinrich> Would i have to"> I think you mean BitLocker? 🤔
[12:24] <RyuKurisu[m]> <lubot "<David Heinrich> Lubuntu is on a"> /me is jealous
[18:47] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> Hi guys … When I install nvtop … it removes my current nvidia driver … and it install an incompatible one … is this normal behaviour?
[18:47] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RVxNSccSKd/
[18:48] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> (Photo, 710x418) https://i.imgur.com/eKrBaEJ.jpg
[18:52] <wxl> the ubuntu package is tied to specific versions of libnvidia-compute
[18:53] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> so this is normal than?
[18:53] <wxl> you seem to be using versions of THAT from outside of the ubuntu repositories
[18:53] <wxl> if you would want a version of nvtop compatible with THOSE, you should get it from that outside repository
[18:54] <wxl> nvtop in groovy (in the ubuntu repositories) depends on 418
[18:55] <wxl> so, yep, totally normal
[18:55] <wxl> however, it may not be ideal
[18:55] <wxl> the lesson to learn here is to be careful when mixing and matching repository sources
[18:56] <wxl> for example, i prefer virtualbox from the upstream source rather than ubuntu. i can make the mistake of installing stuff from the ubuntu repositories that can wipe it out though
[18:58] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> @wxl [<wxl> however, it may not be ideal], might not ... … Last night - after a reboot - … my pointer was very slow compared to the mouse … I moved my hand and I had to wait for the pointer to arrive … so i purged all current nvidia drivers for that session … and tried to reinstall the 455 driver … but ubuntu-driver dev
[18:58] <lubot> ices didn't work anymore … nor ubuntu-driver autoinstall … had to reinstall the whole system … so not … might not be ideal
[18:59] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> I have a rtx 3070 … i need the 455
[19:01] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> (Photo, 710x438) https://i.imgur.com/C5ZN5Lq.jpg I'm going to try a reboot … Hopefully I was able to reverse it
[19:02] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> no harm done
[19:02] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> thanks for the explaination
[19:02] <lubot> <Fairnandes> @kc2bez [You will have to log out and back in if you haven't done that.], Still doesn't work
[19:08] <wxl> @Fairnandes for those of us not on Telegram, you might want to give some context, especially after two days of silence
[19:09] <wxl> @Fairnandes anyways your OpenBox config might be helpful
=== Me is now known as Guest68438
[21:05] <Guest68438> Hi I have an old laptop (AMD C-50 - dual 1 GHz - Radeon 6250 GPU). I have Lubuntu Groovy Gorilla installed and Chromioum with vaapi so HD youtube videos pay smooth. I wanted check how Lubuntu handles Ubuntu HWE. ..specifically the 2021 March version as I would like a new Mesa / Xorg stack.
[21:06] <Guest68438> Does Lubuntu 20.10 and 20.04 just pick latest HWE packages once Ubuntu releases 20.04.2 ?
[21:11] <Guest68438> OR since I'm on Groovy 20.10 do I need to wait for 21.04 for a new HWE stack ?
[21:15] <Guest68438> The Lubuntu Manual is not clear if "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y" is needed for HWE releases.
[21:24] <guiverc> Guest68438, Lubuntu 20.04.2 (, Ubuntu & other flavors too) is built using the 20.10 stack.. so the stack that currently exists in 20.10 is what will make it way to 20.04.2; not the other way around
[21:24] <guiverc> 21.04 will be released, then work will occur migrating that stack to 20.04.3 etc...
[21:25] <guiverc> HWE LTS release is always after the the interim release, as it uses the interim release's stack (20.04.2 used 18.10's stack thus was released some time after 18.10)...
[21:27] <guiverc> 11-jan-2021 is the current release date for 20.04.2 if I recall correctly (using 20.10's stack)
[21:28] <guiverc> when 21.04 is released, none of that stack is backported to 20.10; as you'll need to migrate to it within 3 months,,, it's moved to the 20.04.3 yes eventually; but 20.10 will be EOL & users have upgraded to 21.04 & have it anyway
[21:29] <Guest68438> Ah OK so since I'm on 20.10 I will not see an available new HWE until I upgrade to 21.04.
[21:30] <guiverc> yep, you have already what will be new in 20.04.2, yep you'll move to 21.04 to get next stack and still possibly beat most 20.04.3 users getting it (you have 3 months from 21.04's released before 20.10 will be EOL)
[21:30] <Guest68438> OK that works I'll keep this old laptop on the latest non-LTS release. I keep my modern Laptop on 20.04 LTS. Thanks!
[21:31] <guiverc> you're most welcome
[21:33] <guiverc> August-5th is 20.04.3's date... 21.04 comes out April-2021.. you'll have it first unless you continue to use 20.10 whilst it's EOL.
[21:34] <guiverc> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule
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=== andrea is now known as Guest93251
[22:52] <RyuKurisu[m]> I'm not feeling very adventurous, but does anyone know what would happen if I removed XScreenSaver?
[22:52] <tomreyn> you'd no longer have this screensaver
[23:00] <RyuKurisu[m]> Okay, but would I still be prompted for my password after suspend?
[23:01] <wxl> nope
[23:03] <RyuKurisu[m]> So SDDM doesn't take over? Sad
[23:03] <Doggie> dos lubuntu make ur laptop waterproof shockproof malwarproof hackproof damaegprof waranty hackgam destroy proof fix screen fix keyboard and add rgb and fre mony
[23:05] <kc2bez> Lubuntu is great but it doesn't really do any of that.
[23:06] <Doggie> smh i knew i shouldve went with templeos
[23:06] <kc2bez> The choice is yours.
[23:06] <wxl> templeos!
[23:06] <Doggie> no u
[23:07] <wxl> RyuKurisu[m]: the only reliable locking solution is xscreensaver anyways
[23:09] <RyuKurisu[m]> I'm glancing at GNOME screensaver, but it has a few more dependencies
[23:10] <wxl> it's also not reliable
[23:10] <wxl> at least if you TRULY care about the reliability of your screen locker