UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /16 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[13:21] <BluesKaj> Hi all
[13:24] <BluesKaj> seems after th last upgrade the system tray has disappeared from the panel...tried dragging from the widgets panel, but it doesn't stick
[14:24] <mparillo> Does this mean that we can test tomorrow's ISO? https://git.launchpad.net/ubiquity/commit/?id=0ffb72be73e22d201e40e153eea0c678d70a4532
[14:52] <RikMills> mparillo: not sure. the ubiquity devs are deciding if too close to the holidays to risk an upload
[19:12] <RikMills> test
[19:13] <RikMills> :)
[21:56] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> You passed with flying colors. :)
[22:57] <IrcsomeBot> <RikMills> @DarinMiller, The KDE BNC did