UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /06 /#cloud-init.txt
Initial commit
[12:42] <Otanaut> hey everyone, when using the ssh-import-id feature, do i just need to set the ssh-import-id in the specific user entry, or is further configuration required?
[12:43] <Otanaut> i am asking, as it does not seem to work for me
[13:00] <Otanaut> it says "no authorized ssh keyzs fingerprints found for userxxx" albeit when i call the github api i see my keys
[13:04] <Otanaut> hm besides that i noticed that from time to time it seems that the initial run seems to fail to set the correct system time and causes to follow up commands to error, as they are not able to verify the certificates used
[13:18] <Otanaut> weird the system thinks its 2019-02-14
[13:24] <Dus10> Hello, I am trying to use autoinstall to automate an Ubuntu 20.04 install with Packer and I am using `ds=nocloud;s=file://...` The file would be on a floppy... anyone know the way I can inform it to use the floppy since it wouldn't be mounted?
[13:25] <Dus10> kickstart had a way where it would be fd0:/anaconda-ks.cfg
[14:43] <meena> Dus10: you can use cloud-localds from https://github.com/canonical/cloud-utils to create such a… floppy
[14:43] <Dus10> I have a file, I just need to reference the file
[14:44] <Dus10> The kickstart method was `ks=hd:fd0:/filename.cfg`
[14:45] <Dus10> this is a generated floppy image that is mounted a virtual machine
[14:46] <Dus10> I have tried `ds=nocloud;s=file://fd0:/autoinstall.yaml`
[14:49] <meena> that can't work
[14:49] <meena> at least not with the NoCloud i know
[14:49] <meena> which documentation are you following?
[16:48] <ptselios> Can someone help me solve a puzzle with my cloud-init configuration for the network?
[16:48] <ptselios> BG info:
[16:48] <ptselios> I use the centos cloud image (with the cloud-init) from the official repos.
[16:49] <ptselios> My "cloud" is my local libvirtd environment and I pass cloud-init configuration via an ISO file.
[16:49] <ptselios> The ISO file contains the following files: meta-data,user-data,network-config
[16:50] <ptselios> The network-config is read. Ana parsed. And I don't see any error!
[16:50] <ptselios> BUT, I don't get static IP!!!
[16:53] <ptselios> The actual ifcfg-eth0 file specifically says "BOOTPROTO=DHCP"!
[16:53] <ptselios> The files and logs can be found here:
[16:55] <ptselios> https://dpaste.org/Auvj
[16:55] <ptselios> So, what on earth is wrong with my configuration and it's not assigning the static IP?
[16:57] <ptselios> (Sorry, code is here: https://dpaste.org/PV0Q)
[17:22] <ptselios> I found the solution here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61568960/13039258
[17:23] <ptselios> Seems like a bug.
[17:24] <Dus10> meena: there were no examples provided, it just indicated that seedfrom (or s) should start with file:// or /
[17:43] <meena> ptselios: that seems odd. which version of cloud-init is that?
[17:47] <ptselios> meena: cloud-init-18.5-6.el7.centos.x86_64
[17:47] <meena> that sounds awfully old
[17:47] <meena> well, two years, but still
[17:48] <ptselios> Yeap, it's very old.
[17:48] <ptselios> Checking for updates gives me 19.4-7.el7.centos.2
[17:49] <ptselios> The image is the CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2 and in theory the latest one (I downloaded it a few days ago).
[17:51] <ptselios> (Which basically is CentOS 7.8)
[17:51] <ptselios> I will try with 7.9 too.
[17:56] <Dus10> meena: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/nocloud.html - I want to use a local file rather than an http source
[17:57] <Dus10> it was possible to do this with anaconda where you could reference fd0 and pull the cfg from it
[17:57] <Dus10> rather problematic it can't work with subiquity
[17:58] <Dus10> adds a ton of friction to the process if one can't just provide a local file easily
[18:00] <Dus10> I am trying to make some reusable images with Packer for Hyper-V (but for VMware vSphere, later)
[18:04] <meena> okay, but, cloud-init isn't kick-start
[18:05] <Dus10> yes, I know, that is why I am asking about it
[18:05] <Dus10> is there a way to do that?
[18:05] <Dus10> or maybe a way I could say to mount fd0 somewhere during install?
[18:05] <meena> first of all, i have no idea about autoinstall and autoinstall.yaml
[18:06] <Dus10> mkay, autoinstall is part of subiquitity and it uses cloud-init
[18:06] <meena> if you provide cloud-init a NoCloud source, that has to come in the form of a FAT or ISO source
[18:06] <Dus10> yep
[18:07] <Dus10> and the floppy is FAT
[18:07] <Dus10> Packer is making the floppy image on the fly
[18:08] <Dus10> I really don't want to run HTTP server just for this purpose
[18:09] <meena> i would've thought packer provides that too
[18:10] <Dus10> not that I've seen
[18:10] <Dus10> I normally only use it with Azure and AWS
[18:10] <Dus10> so I use existing images they host and modify them
[18:16] <Dus10> I guess it does