UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /05 /#ubports.txt
Initial commit
[01:03] <ubptgbot> pavelprosto was added by: pavelprosto
[01:08] <ubptgbot> Marc was added by: Marc
[01:17] <ubptgbot> Slepetc was added by: Slepetc
[02:42] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> I also use owncube and it's quite cheap but it's hard to maintain and upgrades usually breaks my instance and they always say to me, this is only this time, next time you need to pay for our support πŸ˜‚
[02:42] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> hopefullt, I can find a box for RPi and an HDD/SSD and make my own nextcloud box
[02:44] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> what do you think? does it make sense to move the icons to the top in the app spread? I personally notice the top more than the bottom and sometimes the app preview isn't enough to quickly identify the apps
[02:46] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @Javacookies [I also use owncube and it's quite cheap but it's hard to maintain and upgrades u …], πŸ˜‚
[02:47] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> @Javacookies [I also use owncube and it's quite cheap but it's hard to maintain and upgrades u …], just throw the SSDs into the closet and close it
[02:47] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> best way to backup your data
[02:54] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @Javacookies [hopefullt, I can find a box for RPi and an HDD/SSD and make my own nextcloud box], The new computer module you can attach a pcie ssd
[02:54] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @Javacookies [hopefullt, I can find a box for RPi and an HDD/SSD and make my own nextcloud box], [Edit] The new compute module you can attach a pcie ssd
[03:01] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> I had setup before but it wasn't ideal because I had to plug the HDD and the RpI separately so I just wanted a box that I can plug and forget it ever exist πŸ˜„
[04:00] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> @Javacookies [I also use owncube and it's quite cheap but it's hard to maintain and upgrades u …], Owncube makes me think of a gamecube running own/nextcloud
[05:16] <ubptgbot> hk_tobeno1 was added by: hk_tobeno1
[06:19] <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> I'm proud to say I've ordered a white Volla phone on IndieGoGo, on the "World perk" to hopefully offset custom duties! This was in part informed by desperation, as my Pro 5 will not charge and I have been reduced to a puny Android phone backup (2G only... yay!) but also by wanting to support a solid new device made in partnership wi
[06:19] <ubptgbot> th Volla.
[06:20] <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> I hope it arrives ASAP and that if it's USB C port ever fails, wireless charging is an able backup. Also, I hope some of the outstanding issues I see for the device on Github can be squashed by that time.
[06:21] <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> And meanwhile, thank goodness for my still-healthy M10 to provide that Ubuntu Touch fix whilst I watch cogs turn on my Android's screen.
[06:21] <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> [Edit] And meanwhile, thank goodness for my still-healthy M10 to provide that good ol' Ubuntu Touch fix whilst I watch cogs turn on my Android's screen.
[06:21] <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> [Edit] I'm proud to say I've ordered a white Volla phone on IndieGoGo, on the "World perk" to hopefully offset custom duties! This was in part informed by desperation, as my Pro 5 will not charge and I have been reduced to a puny Android phone backup (2G only... yay!) but also by wanting to support a solid new device made in partner
[06:21] <ubptgbot> ship with Volla. It will be my sixth UT device.
[07:29] <ubptgbot> BIMALESWAR SAHU was added by: BIMALESWAR SAHU
[07:59] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> I would have also bought the Volla phone if not with the notch....
[08:00] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> congrats on your many UT devices though πŸ˜„
[09:02] <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> The notch is something of an acquired taste, natch πŸ˜‰
[10:46] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Hello, I wonder if there are any residual files after uninstalling app πŸ€”
[10:47] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Where and how Ubuntu touch apps is installed
[10:47] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> I didn't find anything about it in documentation
[11:14] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @RedFox3 [Hello, I wonder if there are any residual files after uninstalling app πŸ€”], app data and cache are not automaticall deleted. you may delete them via UTTT prior to uninstalling
[11:16] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @Javacookies [app data and cache are not automaticall deleted. you may delete them via UTTT pr …], UTTT?
[11:17] <ubptgbot> <mymike00> @RedFox3 [UTTT?], Ut Tweak Tool. it's an app
[11:17] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @mymike00 [Ut Tweak Tool. it's an app], Okay, thanks
[11:19] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Why openstore still doesn't have this feature
[11:21] <ubptgbot> <ItsMeShouko> @RedFox3 [Why openstore still doesn't have this feature], Bruh I think development is slow on openstore project
[11:21] <ubptgbot> <mymike00> @RedFox3 [Why openstore still doesn't have this feature], There is an open merge request to add such feature in the settings app
[11:22] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Okay, I understood
[11:26] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> can i install kde connect on ubports
[12:05] <ubptgbot> Carlos was added by: Carlos
[12:05] <ubptgbot> <Carlos> (Photo, 720x1129) https://irc.ubports.com/ErpWgww1.png ❗️ LO HA VUELTO HACER❗️ … ❗️πŸ”₯ MIRAD DE LO QUE ES CAPAZ 😱πŸ”₯❗️ … https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAELMcthZKGNytqs4rw … πŸ‘†UNETE Acaba de dejar otra fun GRATIS para HOY.πŸ‘†
[12:05] <ubptgbot> <Carlos> Hi, i need help
[12:08] <ubptgbot> <SΓ©bastien> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/E7i4Qdev.webp
[12:13] <ubptgbot> <Carlos> SOMEONE HEre?
[12:24] <ubptgbot> <jonny> @Oxy Kali [can i install kde connect on ubports], Unfortunately, no one has implemented support for it in Ubuntu Touch, as far as I know.
[13:16] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> no it's not available yet
[13:23] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> ok
[14:36] <ubptgbot> Yolanda was added by: Yolanda
[15:20] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> Qt is too old for kde connect iirc
[15:23] <ubptgbot> <Heng Ye> Anyone here who can test kirin,pioneer,or mermaid? (Sony Xperia XA2, 10, 10 Plus)
[15:33] <ubptgbot> CC L was added by: CC L
[15:42] <ubptgbot> <DrKineticPie> Moin, I use the Pinephone UBPorts I use the system as a read and write system. How dangerous this is in the long run, I don't notice a problem, but it is always discouraged...
[15:44] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @DrKineticPie [Moin, I use the Pinephone UBPorts I use the system as a read and write system. H …], imo it isn't dangerous, keep in mind that update will overwrite `/` partition
[15:45] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> so eg I installed vim and after update I'll need to install vim again
[15:45] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> [Edit] so eg I'v installed vim on my system and after update I'll need to install vim again
[15:51] <ubptgbot> <DrKineticPie> @just_carlod [so eg I'v installed vim on my system and after update I'll need to install vim a …], Mhh hasn't happened or noticed anything like this.
[15:51] <ubptgbot> <DrKineticPie> How well does UBPorts actually work with a docking station?
[15:52] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @DrKineticPie [Mhh hasn't happened or noticed anything like this.], Hmm, maybe it works diffrent on halium devices
[15:52] <ubptgbot> <Man267> Buongiorno, ho un sever nextcloud con certificato HTTPS autofirmato, come faccio a farlo accettare da ubport?πŸ€”πŸ€”
[15:55] <ubptgbot> <DrKineticPie> Wtf my password for sudo is no longer recognized in the terminal o
[15:55] <ubptgbot> <DrKineticPie> [Edit] Wtf my password for sudo is no longer recognized in the terminal o0
[15:56] <ubptgbot> <Man267> Good morning, I have a nextcloud sever with self-signed HTTPS certificate, how do I get it accepted by ubport?
[15:58] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> @Man267 [Good morning, I have a nextcloud sever with self-signed HTTPS certificate, how d …], You can't. Selfsigned certificates do not work as far as I know.
[15:58] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> A free LetsEncrypt certificate does work though.
[16:00] <ubptgbot> <Man267> @Danfro [You can't. Selfsigned certificates do not work as far as I know.], Uff, OK Tks πŸ‘πŸ»
[16:01] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> Saves you the time I did spend until I found that out. πŸ˜‰
[16:04] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @Man267 [Good morning, I have a nextcloud sever with self-signed HTTPS certificate, how d …], http would work though if you're fine with it
[16:05] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @DrKineticPie [Moin, I use the Pinephone UBPorts I use the system as a read and write system. H …], it's not really dangerous per se. Depending on the update, your changes in the root may be overwritten. Worst case is that your changes has conflicts with the changes of the update and your device won't work properly or won't boot. This
[16:05] <ubptgbot> rarely happens in my experience though, actually never πŸ˜„ … In most cases, it's easy to reflash without losing data anyway. On the pinephone, it's not as easy yet though.
[16:06] <ubptgbot> <Man267> @Javacookies [http would work though if you're fine with it], πŸ€”
[16:10] <ubptgbot> <DrKineticPie> @Javacookies [it's not really dangerous per se. Depending on the update, your changes in the r …], So always make a Backup :D
[16:25] <ubptgbot> <Man267> Another question, Why don't I see my samba network folders?
[16:26] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> Hi I want to resize background apps on ubtouch
[16:26] <ubptgbot> <Shakendo> @Man267 [Another question, Why don't I see my samba network folders?], they have to manually be added in UT, I have done this in the past, its kind of hit and miss honestly
[16:27] <ubptgbot> <Man267> Ok
[16:32] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @Oxy Kali [Hi I want to resize background apps on ubtouch], what do you mean resize and background apps?
[16:33] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> @Javacookies [what do you mean resize and background apps?], I mean Small background or big background apps
[16:35] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> sorry I still don't understand, do you mean background picture?
[16:35] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> I guess resizing the windows of apps?
[16:36] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> This is only possible when enabling windowed mode. Which is not the default on phones.
[16:37] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> You can use UT Tweak Tool from OpenStore to change between default/windowed/staged mode for apps.
[16:37] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> In windowed mode I think one can change the window size of an app.
[16:38] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> @Javacookies [sorry I still don't understand, do you mean background picture?], Yeah
[16:42] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> but why do you need to resize?
[16:43] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> you can edit and crop images in the camera and gallery app
[16:49] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> @Javacookies [but why do you need to resize?], I like small icon size
[16:53] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> I think we are having a massive language barrier here πŸ˜… … but I would just tell you to installe UT Tweak Tool from the store … you can change the size of the icons in the launcher there or you can also change the scaling of the whole UI … hopefully, one of those are the ones you want πŸ˜„
[16:56] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> Haha, by providing lots of hints we hopefully get this sorted. 😊
[17:12] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> @Javacookies [I think we are having a massive language barrier here πŸ˜… … but I would just tell y …], thanks
[17:13] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> how to hide backroung apps
[17:17] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> i mean hide background for a full picture o desktop
[17:23] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> @Oxy Kali [i mean hide background for a full picture o desktop], The launcher (left bar) can not be hidden.
[17:24] <ubptgbot> <Oxy Kali> @Danfro [The launcher (left bar) can not be hidden.], any way to hide left bar
[17:24] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> That's what I just said, no, you can not hide that.
[18:08] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> (Video, 50s) https://irc.ubports.com/KFeJsS2W.mp4 Mobile data will work soon on the Redmi Note 7!
[18:09] <ubptgbot> NOmasCNE was added by: NOmasCNE
[18:55] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> only 4 mins left for UT Q&A 90!
[18:56] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> (Photo, 510x576) https://irc.ubports.com/JlwNKKR1.png while we're waiting, here's a picture of dalton holding a zelda cartridge
[18:59] <ubptgbot> <RedXXIII> @RealDanct12 [<reply to media>], Is it compatible with UT ? 😁
[18:59] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Yes, actually. Try out Gearboy
[19:00] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> but what about inserting it into the phone and play it like kids from the 90s?
[19:00] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> :D
[19:00] <ubptgbot> <xyn_dev> @Heng Ye [Anyone here who can test kirin,pioneer,or mermaid? (Sony Xperia XA2, 10, 10 Plus …], Me
[19:01] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> @RealDanct12 [but what about inserting it into the phone and play it like kids from the 90s?], *makes usb c to gameboy adapter*
[19:01] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> @amyosx [*makes usb c to gameboy adapter*], actually it does exist, rerez did a review on it
[19:01] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> apparently it's not that great
[19:02] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> oof
[19:02] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> no youtube?
[19:04] <ubptgbot> <zakarialj> @TotalSonic [Article on very cool multi-OS (including Ubuntu Touch) boot loader for PinePhone …], Thank you for sharing @TotalSonic, do you know who made this multi-OS functionality?
[19:04] <ubptgbot> <zakarialj> @RealDanct12 [<reply to media>], Keep up the great work!
[19:04] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> @zakarialj [Thank you for sharing @TotalSonic, do you know who made this multi-OS functional …], https://xnux.eu
[19:04] <ubptgbot> <zakarialj> @RealDanct12 [https://xnux.eu], Thank you!
[19:08] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> We're live! https://youtu.be/FD67UPVFouM
[19:09] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> Hi live
[19:09] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
[19:16] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> MERRY CHRISTMAS MONTH!
[19:23] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> Dalton: "PinePhone has some BIG issues" … Marius: "Ah, just push it"
[19:47] <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> you have a good point there @UniversalSuperBox ... let's do some thinking on this naming...
[19:49] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> "core devices" was never a good name
[19:49] <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> probably as simple as publishing the list of features that should be working that make a device 'core'.
[19:49] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> they're just a bunch of devices
[19:49] <ubptgbot> <mariogrip> @PhoenixLandPirate [Dalton: "PinePhone has some BIG issues" … Marius: "Ah, just push it"], why wait xP
[19:50] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> @mariogrip [why wait xP], I wonder why
[19:50] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> "promoted devices" makes sense, if it is limited to devices we work with partners on (ie, pinephone, pinetab, vollaphone, fxtec pro 1, …)
[20:02] <ubptgbot> Max was added by: Max
[20:03] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @dohbee ["promoted devices" makes sense, if it is limited to devices we work with partner …], +1
[20:11] <ubptgbot> TommyS57 was added by: TommyS57
[20:12] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> Marius is basically, "You don't want to support c part of Linux, to bad, I AM LINUX"
[20:13] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> [Edit] Marius is basically, "You don't want to support x part of Linux, to bad, I AM LINUX"
[20:13] <ubptgbot> <mariogrip> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/JrLrIYrK.mp4
[20:15] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> We're a rocket, we shoot for the moon, and we dance with the stars
[20:18] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> We're trying something new: https://meet.jit.si/ubports-chat
[20:19] <ubptgbot> <ItsMeShouko> The after party
[20:20] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> I'd join but dysphoria go brrr
[20:20] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> Uhh
[20:21] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> No worries
[20:30] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @RealDanct12 [<reply to media>], It's already work
[20:31] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> With fp3 fix
[20:31] <ubptgbot> <joeth> @amyosx [I'd join but dysphoria go brrr], i don't understand
[20:31] <ubptgbot> <joeth> why is it cold?
[20:31] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> not this again
[20:32] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> although i am cold
[20:32] <ubptgbot> <joeth> it's pretty chilly
[20:32] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @joeth [why is it cold?], because UK always cold
[20:32] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> nah in summer it isnt
[20:32] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> its then too warm for us brits
[20:32] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> bri ish
[20:33] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @RealDanct12 [<reply to media>], [Edit] It's already working
[20:34] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> what i meant is i hate seeing myself or other people seeing me
[20:36] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> @RedFox3 [With fp3 fix], not official fix as you have to modify files by your self
[20:36] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> @RedFox3 [With fp3 fix], [Edit] not official fix as you have to modify files by yourself
[20:36] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> this aims to fix it after an update
[20:37] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @amyosx [what i meant is i hate seeing myself or other people seeing me], same, tbf. but i think we're off topic for this chat :)
[20:37] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> yeah
[20:37] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @RealDanct12 [this aims to fix it after an update], Okay
[20:37] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Its cool!
[20:44] <ubptgbot> <joeth> @amyosx [what i meant is i hate seeing myself or other people seeing me], you can probably join without cam or mic if that's what suits you
[20:44] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> im live streaming rn maybe later
[20:44] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> i have no cam or mic xD
[20:45] <ubptgbot> <Amitkranand> @amyosx [i have no cam or mic xD], Use phone camπŸ˜‚
[20:45] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> nah
[20:54] <ubptgbot> <Angelo> just upgraded my pinephone with 3GB module and flashed emmc through jumpdrive ...with latest ubports pinephone image...sound/audio is not working...
[20:56] <ubptgbot> <Angelo> dont remember having tested audio/ sound before the upgrade...is audio supposed to work?
[20:58] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> @Angelo [dont remember having tested audio/ sound before the upgrade...is audio supposed …], yes
[20:59] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> I upgraded my board and audio works fine through the speaker, is everything connected properly inside?
[20:59] <ubptgbot> <Angelo> @PhoenixLandPirate [yes], thanks...I have a hardware problem then...
[21:00] <ubptgbot> <Angelo> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/IMYqM5Ry.jpeg
[21:01] <ubptgbot> <Angelo> @PhoenixLandPirate [I upgraded my board and audio works fine through the speaker, is everything conn …], is the the piece related to audio?
[21:01] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> Yeah, does your phone charge?
[21:05] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> I'm thinking it might not be a hardware issue in that way, becaue the same connector that connects to the audio, connects to the USB-C port, so you wouldn't be able to flash ubuntu touch to the pinephone if you where having such a hardware issue?!
[21:17] <ubptgbot> <Angelo> @PhoenixLandPirate [I'm thinking it might not be a hardware issue in that way, becaue the same conne …], yes it charges... but it could be that when I changed the module I accidentally damaged a part of that piece...
[21:18] <ubptgbot> <Angelo> I have a case opened with pine64 support...
[21:35] <ubptgbot> <AlexisSanto1> Fwd from AlexisSanto1: Success is not final, failure is not final. It is the courage to continue that counts. Join iq traders option today and be grateful for this opportunity … https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFNcqxCyLbR-8PgRGA
[21:37] <ubptgbot> <RedXXIII> @UniversalSuperBox [Yes, actually. Try out Gearboy], Sure I love it!
[21:37] <ubptgbot> <RedXXIII> @RealDanct12 [but what about inserting it into the phone and play it like kids from the 90s?], πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ
[22:15] <ubptgbot> <Marlomprr660> (Photo, 657x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/ssPQzm54.png Note 7
[22:15] <ubptgbot> <Marlomprr660> (Photo, 621x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/Z6Ms8Jlf.png
[22:15] <ubptgbot> <Marlomprr660> (Photo, 632x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/043wD718.png
[23:47] <ubptgbot> <J H> @Marlomprr660 [<reply to media>], nice