UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /05 /#lubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:04] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: qpdfview [armhf] (hirsute-proposed/universe) [0.4.18-3] (lubuntu)
[00:04] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: qpdfview [arm64] (hirsute-proposed/universe) [0.4.18-3] (lubuntu)
[00:07] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: qpdfview [riscv64] (hirsute-proposed/universe) [0.4.18-3] (lubuntu)
[00:16] <kc2bez> wxl[m]: cala has someone from SOK (season of kde) that has expressed an interest recently. I know [ade] has some things he tagged for hacktoberfest that would be good for a potential GSOC/SOK candidate.
[00:16] <kc2bez> and +1 on a hirsute Lenny
[03:02] <RyuKurisu[m]> Lenny? 🧐
[03:02] <lubot> <kc2bez> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Marketing/Lenny
[03:05] <RyuKurisu[m]> Ah, that penguin used in the channel logo on matrix
[03:06] <RyuKurisu[m]> I was wondering what its original was πŸ™ƒ
[03:07] <cool_skeleton_95> Yeah same lol, I wasn’t entirely sure what it was meant to be
[03:09] <lubot> <kc2bez> I'm not sure which Lenny is in Matrix but I am guessing Lenny of Borg?
[03:09] <RyuKurisu[m]> kc2bez you mentioned that what I'm trying to do in -offtopic (whoops, meant to post it here) was already possible with the current installer?
[03:10] <lubot> <kc2bez> I think with manual partitioning some of that is possible, yes.
[03:10] <RyuKurisu[m]> I'm trying to script this tutorial: https://mutschler.eu/linux/install-guides/ubuntu-btrfs/
[03:12] <RyuKurisu[m]> <lubot "<kc2bez> I think with manual par"> Which parts would be possible? The subvolumes? Or the encryption?
[03:13] <lubot> <kc2bez> I think the encryption part. You may have to create the subvolumes after installation but that should be possible from what I know about BTRFS.
[03:14] <RyuKurisu[m]> AFAIK the installer doesn't create subvolumes for root, home or swap, or did I miss something?
[03:15] <lubot> <kc2bez> The installer does not create the subvolumes yet, there is a WIP upstream to support that.
[03:16] <lubot> <kc2bez> Calamares just released a new version today. I haven't got around to looking at that yet.
[03:17] <lubot> <kc2bez> I have the one before that in my ppa https://launchpad.net/~kc2bez/+archive/ubuntu/testing
[15:53] <RyuKurisu[m]> I've been reading into Calamares, and apparently it creates a root (@) and home (@home) subvolumes when selecting Btrfs during installation. At least that is currently the default, but one maintainer is pretty adamantly about removing that for distro or user specific set up.
[16:06] * RyuKurisu[m] will check the next time I'm on my laptop 😎
[19:10] <KGIII> It's snowing again. Hopefully it'll stick around this time. I normally have at least a couple of feet by now. http://www.baldmountaincamps.com/webcams.html
[19:27] <KGIII> Oops. That was meant to go in off-topic.
[22:16] <RyuKurisu[m]> <KGIII "Oops. That was meant to go in of"> We all have moments that we post something in the wrong channel πŸ˜…
[22:20] <kc2bez> Yeah, it is all good. :D
[23:08] <wxl[m]> <RyuKurisu[m] "We all have moments that we post"> I never do. Ever.
[23:09] <kc2bez> True ^
[23:16] <tsimonq2> 🀣
[23:33] <wxl> @kc2bez: remember the whole weird sddm on pi thing? check this out:
[23:33] <wxl> 1530 < Razathorn:#kubuntu> FWIW, found out why SDDM didn't load on raspberry pi 4 on server. Desktop firmware included the pi 4 config to enable FKMS 3d capabilities and without that, SDDM refuses to load. Coppied 20.10 desktop firmware config settings over to mine and 20.04 server now loads SDDM.
[23:34] <kc2bez> I was reading over at #SDDM
[23:34] <kc2bez> I asked the question ;)
[23:37] <kc2bez> [18:17:17] <kc2bez> Razathorn: what exactly did you add?
[23:37] <kc2bez> [18:23:04] <Razathorn> in the firmware filesystem (fat fs that contains vmlinuz and configuration and boot loader handed off from the pi) I added the following lines:
[23:38] <kc2bez> [18:23:04] <Razathorn> dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d
[23:38] <kc2bez> [18:23:04] <Razathorn> gpu_mem=128
[23:38] <kc2bez> [18:23:04] <Razathorn> start_x=1
[23:38] <kc2bez> [18:23:04] <Razathorn> disable_overscan=1
[23:39] <kc2bez> [18:23:55] <Razathorn> start_x is probably not needed as it just enables the camera port
[23:39] <kc2bez> I need to do some testing on my pi3 now