UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /04 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[06:06] <cpaelzer> xnox: dm-delay maybe ?
[06:06] <cpaelzer> xnox: and if you want harder stalls in betwen dmsetup suspend/resume on top of it ?
=== didrocks999 is now known as didrocks
[10:30] <eoli3n> Hi
[10:30] <eoli3n> i'm facing that issue : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage/+bug/1871268
[10:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1871268 in apt (Ubuntu Groovy) "Installation fails due to useless immediate configuration error when "Install Third-Party Drivers" is selected" [Medium,Triaged]
[10:30] <eoli3n> but with ubuntu server
[10:30] <eoli3n> a comment suggest to use dayli but i can only find dayli for desktop image
[10:30] <eoli3n> is there any dayli ubuntu server iso ?
[10:33] <eoli3n> http://www.cdimage.ubuntu.com/focal/daily-live/current/
[10:33] <eoli3n> where is server image ?
[10:34] <icey> eoli3n: http://www.cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/focal/daily/current/
[10:34] <eoli3n> thanks icey
[10:34] <icey> you're welcome
[10:35] <eoli3n> that's legacy images
[10:35] <eoli3n> i need uefi
[10:36] <eoli3n> i'm using this -> http://releases.ubuntu.com/focal/ubuntu-20.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso
[10:36] <eoli3n> i need the dayli one where the bug seems fixed
[10:37] <eoli3n> http://www.cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/focal/daily-live/current/
[10:37] <eoli3n> found
[10:37] <eoli3n> ;)
[10:37] <icey> indeed :)
[11:04] <eoli3n> mwhudson with ubuntu autoinstall, how can i limit lvm layout to a fraction of the disk ?
[11:04] <eoli3n> to let some empty space
[11:04] <eoli3n> "leave"
[11:06] <eoli3n> found this https://curtin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/storage.html
[11:06] <eoli3n> reading
[11:19] <eoli3n> actually, lvm is not the way
[11:19] <eoli3n> i need direct layout, but i don't have the ability to set max disk usage
[11:19] <eoli3n> if i configure manually my partition, then i loose legacy and uefi compatibility
[11:23] <xnox> cpaelzer: and i would use dm-delay on the host, and pass that thing into the qemu guest to pretend it's my "broken/slow" sdcard/drive?
[11:23] <xnox> interesting.
[13:25] <Laney> in systemd, can I tell a unit to skip itself if it ran very recently, or do I need to do that inside the script itself?
[13:25] <Laney> I want a Wants=/After= unit to 'git pull' a repo, but I want to rate limit that really
[13:26] <Laney> maybe I should pull on a timer
=== JanC is now known as Guest22061
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[16:39] <jdstrand> popey: hey, who would be the right person to chat with about creating a '@security-team' group in discourse.ubuntu.com?
[16:39] <popey> jdstrand I think IS have now made it map to launchpad, so they may be best to do that
[16:39] <jdstrand> popey: actually, @security would align better with the snapcraft forum
[16:39] <jdstrand> popey: ok, thanks. I'll try an RT then
[16:43] <Laney> popey: jdstrand: I don't think they did that, I'm afraid. I think they did a one time thing for Canonical members. (ticket reference #125591)
[16:43] <popey> booooo
[16:43] <popey> I can do that then
[16:43] <popey> ping me an email with a list of all the people who need to be in it
[16:46] <cjwatson> I guess https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=35717 is sort of related too
[16:48] <jdstrand> ack
[16:48] <jdstrand> popey: thanks, I'll send it in a moment. it isn't urgent
[16:49] <Laney> yeah, that sounds like another case where you'd want a capability mapped to a Launchpad group
[16:49] <Laney> assuming admins can be designated from a group in Discourse of course
[17:01] <jdstrand> popey: ok, sent. let me know if there is anything else you need
[17:02] <popey> kk
[19:32] <teward> cyphermox: you around?
[19:52] <cyphermox> I just got my pool table, I was temporarily out to sink some balls in between doing work ;)
[19:58] <sarnold> woo! party at cyphermox's place! :)
[19:59] <cyphermox> no sir, we got locks up here for a reason :P
[20:00] <sarnold> hahahaha