UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /04 /#ubports.txt
Initial commit
[00:03] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Another bug 😬, a dark bezel near the edges of the screen
[03:36] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @nsensfel [From Docker's page on what is a container, yes. It's similar, but all applicatio …], hmmm interesting
[03:40] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @nsensfel [I believe it is the same indeed. nix provides binary packages by default, which …], oooh hmhm
[03:41] <ubptgbot> <nsensfel> As it happens, this means that Rodney's point about Firefox being available on the container management system already integrated in UT reduces the use cases for using a prefix even further. Indeed, libertine appears to to have a pretty good system to interact from the host system to the container. A prefix would then be useful in that i
[03:41] <ubptgbot> t is directly in the host's system's file hierarchy and thus almost transparently integrated when using the command line. Except that UT can just install stuff using `apt-get install` for things you would want to have outside of libertine.
[03:42] <ubptgbot> <nsensfel> [Edit] As it happens, this means that Rodney's point about Firefox being available on the container management system already integrated in UT reduces the use cases for using a prefix even further. Indeed, libertine appears to have a pretty good system to interact from the host system to the container. A prefix would then be useful in th
[03:42] <ubptgbot> at it is directly in the host's system's file hierarchy and thus almost transparently integrated when using the command line. Except that UT can just install stuff using `apt-get install` for things you would want to have outside of libertine.
[03:44] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @nsensfel [As it happens, this means that Rodney's point about Firefox being available on t …], yeah for command line stuff it is useful, also apt is not supported for package installation outside of libertine
[03:46] <ubptgbot> <nsensfel> I used `apt-get install` to get a compiler. I have not set up any libertine container, so I think if you enable read/write on the main partition, you can use it to install CLI tools without troubles (until the next OTA, I guess).
[03:47] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> as ut uses an images based update system; the rootfs is relatively small and changes made by apt are liable to be overwritten
[03:49] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> if a prefix install is similar to nix then there's a way to preserve the prefix across otas uh sort of
[03:49] <ubptgbot> <nsensfel> The only demo of containers I've seen was support for LXC on SailfishOS. It basically ran a separate desktop/display that was totally isolated from the rest of the OS. If this is also the case with libertine, then one good point for prefix installs is that programs in the prefix can be made to look just like stuff you'd install using the
[03:49] <ubptgbot> application store by adding an extra `.desktop` file in the right directory.
[03:51] <ubptgbot> <nsensfel> You can install the nix prefix in your home directory to avoid it being removed by OTAs. You'd then have to modify the fstab files to mount it as /nixos (or whatever it expects) after each OTA.
[03:51] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> sure tho libertine actually made make the apps look like they where installed from the store
[03:52] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @nsensfel [You can install the nix prefix in your home directory to avoid it being removed …], actually you can add `/nix` to `/etc/system-image/writeable_paths` to preserve the data
[03:53] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> that will bind mount it to `/userdata` which is also where the home directory lives
[03:54] <ubptgbot> <nsensfel> That's good. 👍 … Then yeah, there's not much point in having a prefix over a libertine install (though I'll keep on using mine 😛).
[03:55] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> the main point of a prefix over libertine is full access to host filesystem :3
[03:55] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> .......that's basically it :p
[03:57] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> other then that there's no real advantage i can see :3
[03:57] <ubptgbot> <nsensfel> Can you ssh into the libertine container?
[04:01] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> you can get shell access yes
[04:02] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @Javacookies [well I guess it's hard to find that fits the launcher at the side unless it's sp …], I did a small app :p
[04:02] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/aectGZn7.null
[04:02] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/S0vLrkcN.null
[04:02] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> its not really a separate machine so wouldn't expect ssh to work, tho i never tried
[04:03] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> yessss
[04:03] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> ah yes, I've tried that already … would be good to have a proper solution though … i did a quick hack before but it conflicts with the app switcher and others😅
[04:03] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @nsensfel [Can you ssh into the libertine container?], not directly … you can ssh to your phone then enter the libertine container
[04:04] <ubptgbot> <nsensfel> Yeah, but for the use-case I was thinking of, ssh'ing to the main OS then getting a shell to libertine from there works just as well.👍
[04:04] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @Javacookies [ah yes, I've tried that already … would be good to have a proper solution though … i …], i think the reall issue is the launcher judt disappearing, if can ensure it appears when it should, we could just hide it :p
[04:05] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @Javacookies [ah yes, I've tried that already … would be good to have a proper solution though … i …], Ive done a hack that adds in the auto hide switch to apply in staged mode too, that works well
[04:06] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @Fuseteam [i think the reall issue is the launcher judt disappearing, if can ensure it appe …], "when it should" is part of the problem
[04:07] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> users that skip the tutorial get lost really fast
[04:09] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> advanced users like us are just somewhat annoyed by the wallpaper being covered, but no real usability loss
[04:10] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> yeah, having the launcher shows is for discoverability … just needs to implement a way to hide and show it intentionally by users
[04:11] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> well the issue isn't really users skipping the tutorial, pretty sure they can't skip it, but sometimes the launcher disappears for no real reason
[04:12] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @Fuseteam [well the issue isn't really users skipping the tutorial, pretty sure they can't …], the bug where it goes away when the drawer is open too?
[04:12] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> and debugging/fixing that is a pain.
[04:13] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [the bug where it goes away when the drawer is open too?], yes sometimes that but its not limited to when the drawer is open
[04:13] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [the bug where it goes away when the drawer is open too?], [Edit] yes that but its not limited to when the drawer is open
[04:13] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @Fuseteam [well the issue isn't really users skipping the tutorial, pretty sure they can't …], that seems to happen when any of the app badges are updated
[04:14] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> ohw that's an interesting observaton
[04:14] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> so teleports then?
[04:14] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> maybe dekko
[04:14] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> well at least that's what I observed before
[04:14] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> yes those two are the common ones with badges
[04:15] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> are those the only ones with the number badges so far
[04:15] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> in short there are not test that checks that the launcher is visible and it should be and hidden when it should be
[04:16] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [are those the only ones with the number badges so far], fluffy to3
[04:16] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [are those the only ones with the number badges so far], [Edit] fluffy too
[04:16] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> and system-setting iirc
[04:17] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> I forgot about notification badges, do they still work?
[04:17] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> yes they generally work
[04:17] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> sometimes not accurate though
[04:17] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> yes?
[04:18] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> i mean do you not see them on teleports in the— ohw yeah they only should up in the launcher
[04:19] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> [Edit] i mean do you not see them on teleports in the— ohw yeah they only show up in the launcher
[04:19] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> Not as useful as I would like on teleports includes rooms I am in but not notified about
[04:19] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> I remember them not being super accurate, I just Haven't seen the badges in ages, I get notifications, get the green letter icon to, but I haven't seen them on the launcher in ages. … Might be a op3 porting thing, but idk how or why that would be the case?!
[04:20] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> I think it's up to the app to manager them so the result can vary
[04:21] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [Not as useful as I would like on teleports includes rooms I am in but not notifi …], eh?
[04:21] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> So a really high number, wonder if it can be changed to only the rooms I select to send notificatiins
[04:21] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> ah that
[04:22] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/xaL4FDrs.png
[04:23] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> It shows like 6754 unread messages, mostly from rooms I don't go into often and don't have notifications turned on for
[04:23] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> I think the app has to be open to get the bubbles to show up?
[04:23] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @mateosalta [It shows like 6754 unread messages, mostly from rooms I don't go into often and …], that's flo's department i suppose;:p
[04:23] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> Maybe thats why I hadn't seen them in a while, I usually open the app, and then use the right swipe or dismiss it you know?
[04:25] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> do we still have the icon peek wiggle animation?
[04:25] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> i think push notifications also update them
[04:25] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @mateosalta [do we still have the icon peek wiggle animation?], has that ever existed in Lomiri? I can't remember
[04:25] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> not sure
[04:26] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> I wish we still got fluffychat updates, I just see “+1“ for messages even if theres a lot and I see all the coon new features fluffychat be getting on android and ios with pure jealousy ! :')
[04:26] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> [Edit] I wish we still got fluffychat updates, I just see “+1“ for messages even if theres a lot and I see all the cool new features fluffychat be getting on android and ios with pure jealousy ! :')
[04:26] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyinOKLge3Y
[04:27] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> someone was experimenting with it at one time :)
[04:27] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> maybe for the better that one didn't get in
[04:27] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> @mateosalta [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyinOKLge3Y], I both love and hate the focus, like its cool and good, but also what if I was just about to tap something but now my launchers moved to show me that someones jingling in the telegram app, so I hit the wrong icon?!
[04:29] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWG-H0YO3JU
[04:29] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> hm, maybe some of it is in a launchpad branch somewhere
[04:29] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> I like the progress bar
[04:30] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> somehow I feel like the wiggle was there before … maybe a regression since the app drawer
[04:32] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> Progress bar should be added at somepoint, but theres no real need for that at the moment, the only things I can think of that would use that, are things that are gonna use the file transfer indicator to display its progress.
[04:33] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> yep, don't need because the downloads show in the indicator
[04:33] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> except for browser
[04:40] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> hm, there is code for it
[04:40] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> https://github.com/ubports/unity8/search?q=wiggle
[04:42] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> oh, there might be a test script
[04:43] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> we might have progress in there allready
[04:55] <ubptgbot> Hendro Kartiko was added by: Hendro Kartiko
[05:09] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> if so, maybe the first app to use it should be the system settings app with update download progress
[05:15] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> sweet
[05:15] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/SLi1ZNpF.png
[05:15] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> test script works
[05:16] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> we have progress bars, just not implemented in anything
[05:17] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @Javacookies browser downloads?
[06:12] <ubptgbot> James was added by: James
[06:17] <ubptgbot> <joelselvaraj> @ggio01 [and i wanna use ubport on it], Hey. If you wanted to try ubports in poco f1, follow the instructions in XDA: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/rom-ubports-gsi-ubuntu-touch-for-poco-f1-pie-based-alpha-unofficial.4133513/
[07:06] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Where can I report device specific bugs?
[07:08] <ubptgbot> Alexis Santos was added by: Alexis Santos
[07:16] <ubptgbot> <Imam> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/vxENaXvi.png
[07:17] <ubptgbot> <Imam> what's problematic
[07:19] <ubptgbot> <Master_Technolgy> Hello can someone send me the instruction to Port Ubuntu touch
[07:20] <ubptgbot> <Master_Technolgy> Or at least try and learn me how
[07:52] <ubptgbot> <Imam> I don't understand....
[07:56] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @Master_Technolgy [Hello can someone send me the instruction to Port Ubuntu touch], http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/
[07:56] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> But if you have Android 9 device
[07:56] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> https://github.com/ubports/porting-notes/wiki/Halium-9
[07:59] <ubptgbot> <nsensfel> @Imam [what's problematic], https://github.com/ubports/ubports-installer/issues/1530 … This seems to be related. It does not, however, provide a solution that would work in your case.
[08:11] <ubptgbot> <Master_Technolgy> @RedFox3 [But if you have Android 9 device], No I have custom gsi with Android 10
[08:13] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @Master_Technolgy [No I have custom gsi with Android 10], Was your device shipped with android 9?
[08:13] <ubptgbot> <Master_Technolgy> @RedFox3 [Was your device shipped with android 9?], Nop 7.1.1
[08:15] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @Master_Technolgy [Nop 7.1.1], "If the target device has Android 7.1 or LineageOS 14.1 support, it’s recommended to select halium-7.1"
[08:15] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> So use first link
[08:15] <ubptgbot> <Master_Technolgy> @RedFox3 ["If the target device has Android 7.1 or LineageOS 14.1 support, it’s recommende …], I don't have lineage os custom ROM for my phone
[08:15] <ubptgbot> <Master_Technolgy> It is Samsung Galaxy A8 plus 2018
[08:20] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @Master_Technolgy [I don't have lineage os custom ROM for my phone], If so it will be harder to port, but not impossible
[08:21] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Go through a guide and ask question
[08:21] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> If something goes wrong
[08:21] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Bbut beforevg Google your problems of course
[08:21] <ubptgbot> <Master_Technolgy> Look I don't know much about porting able to touch and I'm not that that old I am a 14 years and it's too hard for me
[08:25] <ubptgbot> <Master_Technolgy> If you please tell me the instructions
[08:26] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> I've already given all the instructions
[08:30] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> @Master_Technolgy [If you please tell me the instructions], Have a look here:
[08:30] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> ## Porting: getting started ## … http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/Intro.html … http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/index.html
[08:31] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> But porting is not trivial. If you are not up to it - I am not up to it - only chance is to either by a supported device or wait until your device is ported by someone else. Sad but true.
[08:35] <ubptgbot> <Master_Technolgy> Ok I accept the truth I'm very sad
[08:36] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> If others would not port devices, I couldn't use them. It does take a lot of time and some skills.
[08:36] <ubptgbot> <Danfro> Sadly phones are not like home pc's where you can just install another OS.
[08:40] <ubptgbot> <branja6> What do you guys think about this?
[08:40] <ubptgbot> <branja6> https://github.com/ubports/unity8/issues/344
[08:47] <ubptgbot> <S̶̡͎̭̜̖̏̌͌̏͌̍͐̇̽̔́͘̚͠ ͔̮> @Danfro [## Porting: getting started ## … http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/Intro.h …], Are there apart from pinephone more devices without vendor blobs that have the specification of a smartphone?
[08:47] <ubptgbot> <S̶̡͎̭̜̖̏̌͌̏͌̍͐̇̽̔́͘̚͠ ͔̮> @Danfro [## Porting: getting started ## … http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/Intro.h …], [Edit] Are there apart from pinephone more devices without vendor blobs that have the specification of a smartphone? (Fairphone?)
[08:48] <ubptgbot> <S̶̡͎̭̜̖̏̌͌̏͌̍͐̇̽̔́͘̚͠ ͔̮> @Danfro [## Porting: getting started ## … http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/Intro.h …], [Edit] What are devices without vendor blobs that have the specification of a smartphone? (Fairphone? Pinephone?)
[08:48] <ubptgbot> <S̶̡͎̭̜̖̏̌͌̏͌̍͐̇̽̔́͘̚͠ ͔̮> @Danfro [## Porting: getting started ## … http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/Intro.h …], [Edit] Which are devices without vendor blobs that have the specification of a smartphone? (Fairphone? Pinephone?)
[08:50] <ubptgbot> <S̶̡͎̭̜̖̏̌͌̏͌̍͐̇̽̔́͘̚͠ ͔̮> @Danfro [## Porting: getting started ## … http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/Intro.h …], [Edit] Which are devices without vendor blobs that have the specification of a smartphone? (Fairphone? Pinephone? Volla Phone?)
[08:53] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> as far as i know, only the librem 5 runs blobless
[08:54] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> but that simply means that some of the firmware is preloaded on usb-attached boards, and not easy to upgrade
[08:54] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> @rogieroudshoorn [as far as i know, only the librem 5 runs blobless], except for the USB firmware :P
[08:54] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> it's only blobless on the main board
[08:55] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> actually it's possible to upgrade the usb-c firmware
[08:55] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/firmware-tps6598x-nonfree
[08:55] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> didn't realize they had blobs for their usb-c controller ...
[08:55] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> every day you learn :)
[08:56] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> ah, it's for the DP-alt setup
[08:57] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> the pinephone also needs blobs for usb-c, if you don't then PD, OTG and DP alt doesnt work
[08:57] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> all of that is a firmware thing that can be flashed
[08:58] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> yeah - pinephone comes with wifi/bt and modem/gps blobs too i thought, even though they're simply handed over to the slave boards
[08:58] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> [Edit] yeah - pinephone comes with wifi/bt and modem/gps blobs too i thought, even though they're simply handed over to the usb connected boards
[08:59] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> i updated my modem firmware yesterday, that looked like blobs to me at least
[08:59] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> funny enough, the modem actually contains a linux pc inside
[08:59] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> so at the same time you're carrying two computers in the pocket
[09:00] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> yeah it's a qcom chip
[09:00] <ubptgbot> <S̶̡͎̭̜̖̏̌͌̏͌̍͐̇̽̔́͘̚͠ ͔̮> @rogieroudshoorn [yeah - pinephone comes with wifi/bt and modem/gps blobs too i thought, even thou …], Ahh, of course except the gsm blob I should have mentioned.. =/
[09:01] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> anyway, it's hard to go blobless right now
[09:01] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> in the EU, it's not legal to have a blobless wifi or modem (you're not allowed to play with antenna setups in every spectrum)
[09:01] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> so i guess this is where we are
[09:02] <ubptgbot> <S̶̡͎̭̜̖̏̌͌̏͌̍͐̇̽̔́͘̚͠ ͔̮> @rogieroudshoorn [in the EU, it's not legal to have a blobless wifi or modem (you're not allowed t …], Seriously? I did not know this. It surely has to do with safety, I guess?.. :-P
[09:02] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> the only thing you can do is put those on a seperate board over usb so you can trust your main board
[09:03] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> EU regulations are usually 50% what the public wants and 50% what major corporations want
[09:03] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> so take your pick :)
[09:03] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> there is once a regulation thing in EU that prevents users to hack their own locked down devices i think
[09:03] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> people protested it
[09:04] <ubptgbot> <S̶̡͎̭̜̖̏̌͌̏͌̍͐̇̽̔́͘̚͠ ͔̮> @RealDanct12 [funny enough, the modem actually contains a linux pc inside], You mean the GSM module by this? I cannot find anything about the linux part?
[09:04] <ubptgbot> <rogieroudshoorn> yeah, there's nowhere near enough input / influence from the tech community on their tech regulations
[09:04] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> @S̶̡͎̭̜̖̏̌͌̏͌̍͐̇̽̔́͘̚͠ ͔̮ [You mean the GSM module by this? I cannot find anything about the linux part?], yes, that EG25 modem is a linux pc
[09:05] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> https://xnux.eu/devices/feature/modem-pp.html
[09:06] <ubptgbot> <S̶̡͎̭̜̖̏̌͌̏͌̍͐̇̽̔́͘̚͠ ͔̮> Thanks. Interesting.
[09:06] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> though, if you read further there's actually a way to unlock adb
[09:21] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Guys, yet another problem
[09:21] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Cellular data doesn't work
[09:21] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Apn is okay
[09:21] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Calls, sms work
[10:45] <ubptgbot> <a1300_developer> sorry for the question. Is the pinephone support 64GB SD cards?
[10:45] <ubptgbot> <a1300_developer> [Edit] sorry for the question. Is the pinephone supporting 64GB SD cards?
[10:48] <ubptgbot> <ruditimmer> @a1300_developer [sorry for the question. Is the pinephone supporting 64GB SD cards?], Yes: Expansion: micro SD Card support SDHC and SDXC, up to 2TB
[10:49] <ubptgbot> <a1300_developer> @ruditimmer [Yes: Expansion: micro SD Card support SDHC and SDXC, up to 2TB], thank you 👍
[10:52] <ubptgbot> <ruditimmer> If there is someone look for second hand Pinephone or know someone i have one for sale, you can contact me via pm.
[11:16] <ubptgbot> hfcm27 was added by: hfcm27
[11:26] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @mateosalta [So a really high number, wonder if it can be changed to only the rooms I select …], Feature request yes ^^
[11:46] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @mateosalta [@Javacookies browser downloads?], is there an API to use that? … browser has its own download implementation at the moment, it's not using the indicator because of some blockers since dropping oxide I think
[11:48] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @branja6 [https://github.com/ubports/unity8/issues/344], I've been planning to experiment with bottom edge in the app spread but I'm waiting for the workspace/multi-display support to be merged first … if ever the workspace is implemented even on phones, swiping down is for closing then swiping up is for moving to other workspace
[12:21] <ubptgbot> MoriOgaj was added by: MoriOgaj
[12:22] <ubptgbot> <MoriOgaj> Has someone installed Calligra?
[12:39] <ubptgbot> <nsensfel> @NotKit [regarding compositor problem, using edge may help with that as libwayland is upd …], Since UT makes it very easy to switch from one channel to another, I gave it a shot: Firefox does indeed supports the Wayland interfaces in edge and can start without Weston interfacing in-between. It doesn't display properly at all, though (I o
[12:39] <ubptgbot> nly get a grey bar). 😆 … I'll patiently wait and use the RC channel for now.
[12:39] <ubptgbot> <nsensfel> @NotKit [regarding compositor problem, using edge may help with that as libwayland is upd …], [Edit] Since UT makes it very easy to switch from one channel to another, I gave it a shot: Firefox does indeed support the Wayland interfaces in edge and can start without Weston interfacing in-between. It doesn't display properly at all, thoug
[12:39] <ubptgbot> h (I only get a grey bar). 😆 … I'll patiently wait and use the RC channel for now.
[12:40] <ubptgbot> <NotKit> that's good to know anyway
[12:40] <ubptgbot> <NotKit> I tried to get ArchLinux ARM version of Firefox running and it just crashes for me, unfortunately
[12:41] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @RedFox3 [Cellular data doesn't work], Nobody can help me? 🥺
[12:42] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> I want to use UT as daily device (
[12:44] <ubptgbot> <NotKit> probably need to report this to porter
[12:44] <ubptgbot> <NotKit> @RealDanct12
[13:55] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @Javacookies [is there an API to use that? … browser has its own download implementation at the …], Dbus worked, not sure about the other
[14:46] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> @NotKit [probably need to report this to porter], i think it's a treewide issue
[14:46] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> mobile data doesn't work on pro1 either
[14:46] <ubptgbot> <NotKit> yep, but means it needs to be looked into and fixed anyway :)
[14:47] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @RealDanct12 [i think it's a treewide issue], Oh
[14:47] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Okay, thanks for the answer
[14:47] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> so if you need celluar network, if you have another sim card as data then you can tether it as a workaround for now
[14:47] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @RealDanct12 [i think it's a treewide issue], u mean on today's devel?
[14:47] <ubptgbot> <Shouko> @NotKit [yep, but means it needs to be looked into and fixed anyway :)], fp3 maintainer fixed it
[14:48] <ubptgbot> <Shouko> worked on a2 as well
[14:48] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> @just_carlod [u mean on today's devel?], devel, rc, stable all of them
[14:48] <ubptgbot> <NotKit> @Shouko [fp3 maintainer fixed it], what is the fix?
[14:48] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @just_carlod [u mean on today's devel?], he means android9 i think
[14:48] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> on mi a2 cebular data works fine (2020-12-03) image
[14:49] <ubptgbot> <Shouko> @NotKit [what is the fix?], overlay/system/etc/ofono/main.conf … [ModemManager] … AutoSelectDataSim=always
[14:49] <ubptgbot> <Shouko> by default it is set to true I think
[14:49] <ubptgbot> <NotKit> https://gitlab.com/ubports/core/rootfs-builder-debos/-/blob/master/android9/overlay/etc/ofono/main.conf - it's mine mistake here
[14:50] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> It switch 2g/3g/4g but activate-context return "GSI not attached"
[14:51] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @Shouko [overlay/system/etc/ofono/main.conf … [ModemManager] … AutoSelectDataSim=always], Okay I will try it
[14:51] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Thank you very much!
[15:15] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @RedFox3 [Okay I will try it], Yeeeah!!!
[15:15] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> It worked!
[15:15] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> You are the best, guys!
[15:17] <ubptgbot> <PhoenixLandPirate> We do have very wonderful connunity members!
[15:17] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @RealDanct12 [devel, rc, stable all of them], I have small list with lavender Ubuntu touch bugs and issues. Where should I report about them?
[15:17] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch
[15:18] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> it's a port that's available in the installer, so it can be reported there
[15:18] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Okay, I thought there is some device specific github repository
[15:18] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Thanks
[15:18] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> we've moved away from device specific repository for sometime now
[15:19] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @RealDanct12 [we've moved away from device specific repository for sometime now], Ok
[15:20] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @RedFox3 [Okay, I thought there is some device specific github repository], well if the bugs are in some app, they may need to be reported elsewhere. so check the openstore page for an app to see if it has a link for where to report issues
[15:20] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> but general system UT issues can be reported where dan linked
[15:20] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @dohbee [well if the bugs are in some app, they may need to be reported elsewhere. so che …], No, its os issues
[15:21] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> for anyone passing by, if you're installing a GSI image from twrp recovery or whatever, DO NOT REPORT IT THERE. you're on your own, good luck
[15:28] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Another question: does anbox support notifications?
[15:28] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> it does not
[15:28] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> anbox is also not really perfect as well
[15:29] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> but currently ubports foundation is looking for people to work on it
[15:29] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Ok
[15:30] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> I just have 2 messengers that doesn't have a ubports alternative
[15:30] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> anyway i suggest you stay with native apps if you can
[15:31] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> webapp is acceptable too
[15:31] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> And webapp doesn't support notifications
[15:31] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @RealDanct12 [anyway i suggest you stay with native apps if you can], I want to stay too
[15:31] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> But you understand
[15:31] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> My situation
[16:13] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @nsensfel [Since UT makes it very easy to switch from one channel to another, I gave it a s …], i recently learned firefox-esr has a more responsive UI with the exception of the preferences page
[16:14] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @ItsMeShouko [fp3 maintainer fixed it], wait fp3? thought that wasn't supported yet
[16:20] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @Fuseteam [wait fp3? thought that wasn't supported yet], We have a promising port ^^
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[16:21] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> cool ^^
[16:41] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> Why is LineageOS dependency for building UT?
[16:42] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> Can't we directly run a mainline kernel on the UT
[16:42] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> [Edit] Can't we directly run a mainline kernel on the mobile device?
[16:43] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> You can, but for any useful consumer mobile device, that is not a viable option.
[16:43] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> The PinePhone is one device which uses a mainline kernel and runs Ubuntu Touch. It is possible, but the tooling is not as well specified or documented.
[16:51] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> I just want to run Linux kernel OS and a browser. Most apps are available in web apps as well. So don't see any requirement for either android or lineageos
[16:52] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Most mainline kernels for recent mobile devices do not have the modem working.
[16:53] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> is't that handled by the drivers and vendor blobs?
[16:53] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> They aren't there if you aren't using Android
[16:54] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Two issues.
[16:55] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> For motorola I see the drivers in this link https://github.com/MotorolaMobilityLLC/kernel-msm/tree/kitkat-mr1-release-falcon-gpe/drivers
[16:55] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Vendor blobs which run entirely in userspace are built using Android's libc, bionic. These blobs cannot be linked into glibc or musl libc programs.
[16:55] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> For that, we use libhybris to link and run bionic libraries in glibc programs.
[16:55] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> However, there is the second problem.
[16:56] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Vendor blobs which interface with the kernel are generally doing so at best with vendor-specific patches which are stupidly difficult to forward-port (they break userspace), OR they interface with binary kernel modules. If you know about Linux kernel modules, you know that they cannot be used across kernel versions.
[16:58] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @arunkumar413 [For motorola I see the drivers in this link https://github.com/MotorolaMobilityL …], looks like android kernel
[16:59] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> Other than vendor blobs what are we using the lineage OS for
[17:00] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> It runs things like rild and other services which provide convenient hardware abstractions.
[17:00] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> we aren't using lineageos. we are using halium, which is a minimal android build, and lineageos is primarily just a guiding force since it has ports for many devices already
[17:00] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> Does the OS process management happen at the android/lineage or the kernel level?
[17:01] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> The Halium userspace is run inside a lxc container. The Ubuntu system is PID 1
[17:02] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> Thanks for the info.
[17:02] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> in short, you cannot simply take upstream linux kernel tree and run it on an arbitrary android device
[17:03] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> I see only one browser on UT
[17:03] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> even the most well supported devices for that (ie Nexus 5) are still somewhat limited in what they can do
[17:03] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> UT is not a traditional PC linux distribution
[17:03] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> Are there any efforts going on to support more browsers
[17:03] <ubptgbot> <fredldotme> If anybody needed more browsers they would've gone ahead and did that already, tbh
[17:04] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> anyone is welcome to make another browser that works on top of mirclient API and such
[17:04] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> @dohbee [even the most well supported devices for that (ie Nexus 5) are still somewhat li …], I'm running UT on my old nexus 5
[17:14] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> The constraint is most devices doesn't have lineageOS port
[17:14] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Even fewer devices have a working mainline kernel
[17:15] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @arunkumar413 [The constraint is most devices doesn't have lineageOS port], lineageOS isn't a requirement
[17:16] <ubptgbot> <fredldotme> Some ports primarily use AOSP HALs instead of Lineage ones. Also, those devices without Lineage device trees most of the time don't even release their kernel sources anyway.
[17:17] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> This (http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/first-steps.html#pick-an-android-target-device) section says it's a requirement
[17:17] <ubptgbot> <fredldotme> [Edit] Some ports primarily use AOSP HALs instead of Lineage ones. Also, manufacturers of those devices without Lineage device trees most of the time don't even release their kernel sources anyway.
[17:19] <ubptgbot> <fredldotme> That's Halium docs, not necessarily UT. You either provide the hardware abstraction through some Android-compatible layer, or you use open source drivers directly, like the PinePhone.
[17:19] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @arunkumar413 [This (http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/first-steps.html#pick-an-android- …], it says the same things required to port lineageos to your device are required, not that lineageos itself must be ported already
[17:20] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> lineageos being there is good because it means someone already did work of making it compile. without lineageos it just means it is more work
[17:22] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> Thanks for the clarification. … Motorola has well maintained source code repos. Will try to port/build when I get some time
[17:32] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> Tizen architecture looks simple https://developer.tizen.org/tizen-architecture
[17:32] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> it is unrelated
[17:36] <ubptgbot> <arunkumar413> Yes. Just trying to compare things
[17:58] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @arunkumar413 [Are there any efforts going on to support more browsers], In the Open Store search for "Onion Browser" for one that uses Tor and QtWebEngine. There is also a browser version with parental controls if you search for "Jade Diamond". Finally you can install the desktop version of Firefox 83 via a Libertine container, as wel
[17:58] <ubptgbot> l as a few other desktoweb browsers such as Dooble - but these likely will operate slower and clunkier than Morph does.
[17:59] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @arunkumar413 [Are there any efforts going on to support more browsers], [Edit] In the Open Store search for "Onion Browser" for one that uses Tor and QtWebEngine. There is also a browser version with parental controls if you search for "Jade Diamond". Finally you can install the desktop version of Firefox 83 via a Libertine container,
[17:59] <ubptgbot> as well as a few other desktop web browsers such as Dooble - but these likely will operate slower and clunkier than Morph does.
[18:05] <ubptgbot> <Heng Ye> are there ubuntu touch images i can install on x86_64? I have Asus Transformer Mini
[18:11] <ubptgbot> jm_my was added by: jm_my
[18:22] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Hmmm, does libertine have notification feature? 🤔
[18:23] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> not exactly
[18:23] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> but what are you looking for exactly?
[18:25] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @RedFox3 [I just have 2 messengers that doesn't have a ubports alternative], I'm trying to find alternative)
[18:25] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Because I need notifications
[18:25] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @RedFox3 [I'm trying to find alternative)], for what messengers?
[18:27] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @dohbee [for what messengers?], First of all its VK and WhatsApp
[18:27] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @RedFox3 [First of all its VK and WhatsApp], at least whatsapp desktop is i think only available for x86, and i'm pretty sure it would be paused while in the background too.
[18:28] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> probably you will need to wait until web push notifications can be supported by morph-browser, and then maybe webapps for those sites could use that for notifications instead
[18:28] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Sad 😔 But I will wait for it)
[18:29] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Im trying to make or find another way
[18:29] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> If there will be some success I will tell about it
[18:37] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> I'm trying to test installer for jasmine_sprout, but I get an error … TypeError: Cannot read property 'title' of undefined (MainRenderer:859)
[18:37] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> How can I fix it (installer v0.8.1
[18:37] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> [Edit] How can I fix it (installer v0.8.1)
[18:38] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> or maybe I should try on v0.8
[18:38] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> [Edit] should I try v0.8?
[18:42] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Where can I correct translation of Settings application?
[18:49] <ubptgbot> <just_carlod> @just_carlod [I'm trying to test installer for jasmine_sprout, but I get an error … TypeError: C …], ok, I guess config bug
[18:49] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @RedFox3 [Where can I correct translation of Settings application?], https://translate.ubports.com
[18:50] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @dohbee [https://translate.ubports.com], Thanks 🙏
[18:53] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Heng Ye [are there ubuntu touch images i can install on x86_64? I have Asus Transformer M …], yes/no. There is an amd64 qemu image for running on PC hardware or in a VM, but there's no x86 phone/tablet ports of UT
[18:54] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> i suppose you could try to dump the image onto a device and see what happens, but i suspect it will not work
[18:54] <ubptgbot> <Heng Ye> @dohbee [yes/no. There is an amd64 qemu image for running on PC hardware or in a VM, but …], would it be easier to try to install lomiri
[18:54] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Heng Ye [would it be easier to try to install lomiri], can you do a traditional ubuntu 16.04 install on it?
[18:55] <ubptgbot> <Heng Ye> yes
[18:55] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> then the qemu image for UT might work
[19:00] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> I heard that Anbox works on Pro1 but I failed to find the Pro1 image in the Ubuntu instructions, or specific Pro1 instructions
[19:01] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> Are they written somewhere?
[19:01] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @dohbee [at least whatsapp desktop is i think only available for x86, and i'm pretty sure …], pretty sure whatsapp desktop is just whatsapp web
[19:02] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Fuseteam [pretty sure whatsapp desktop is just whatsapp web], pretty sure it's electron app and they only build it for x86
[19:03] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @kabouik [I heard that Anbox works on Pro1 but I failed to find the Pro1 image in the Ubun …], you don't need to flash any different boot image; just skip to the part about installing ubports-anbox-tools and adb or whatever
[19:03] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> sure electron but i'm pretty sure it's just whatsapp web in electron i.e. you still need an android/ios phone
[19:03] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> I meant the rootfs Android image for Anbox itself
[19:04] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Fuseteam [sure electron but i'm pretty sure it's just whatsapp web in electron i.e. you st …], i think they did more for it than just having a web view with the web page open; just the same as slack isn't simply slack web site in a web view
[19:04] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> so it would be the same as just running whatsweb anyway
[19:04] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @kabouik [I meant the rootfs Android image for Anbox itself], the anbox image itself isn't device specific
[19:04] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> @dohbee [you don't need to flash any different boot image; just skip to the part about in …], I was referring to that: http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/anbox.html … I see `wget http://cdimage.ubports.com/anbox-images/anbox-boot-$CODENAME.img` where CODENAME is a device, isn't it?
[19:05] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> i somewhat doubt that tbh
[19:05] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @kabouik [I was referring to that: http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/an …], you don't need that. that isn't an android image. that is the boot image
[19:05] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> just skip that part
[19:05] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> you can skip that part is what rodney is saying i believe
[19:05] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> So if my device already runs UBports, I should jump to: … ```adb shell # connect from your host computer to your UT device … sudo mount -o rw,remount / … sudo apt update … sudo apt install anbox-ubuntu-touch android-tools-adb … anbox-tool install … exit``` … ?
[19:05] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @kabouik [So if my device already runs UBports, I should jump to: … adb shell # connect fro …], yes
[19:06] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> Thank you, will try
[19:07] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @dohbee [i think they did more for it than just having a web view with the web page open; …], the first link on ddg seems to indicate there's official electron app for whatsapp 👀
[19:08] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Fuseteam [the first link on ddg seems to indicate there's official electron app for whatsa …], yes, that's what we were talking about
[19:08] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> *there's no
[19:08] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> wait there is?
[19:08] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> what
[19:09] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> oh it's only for mac/win
[19:09] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> so maybe that isn't electron
[19:09] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> so yeah, anyway, it won't work to get notifications in UT no matter how you do it
[19:10] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> (Photo, 420x238) https://irc.ubports.com/u8oWGBu2.png
[19:10] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> this?
[19:11] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> yeah wouldn't work, not sure if it's electron but it's deffo just whatsapp web
[19:12] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> it probably has some optimizations for downloads/uploads and hardware access but other then that meh
[19:13] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> anyway there was no need to keep discussing it beyond my original "it won't work"
[19:16] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> Hum, `anbox-tool install` stays "Anbox kernel is not installed! Please flash this first!` @dohbee
[19:17] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> I assume it's due to the steps skipped
[19:17] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> hmm, don't know then. maybe it's not got anbox bits enabled in kernel for pro1 ^^ @RealDanct12 @NotKit maybe knows better about anbox on pro1
[19:20] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> @dohbee [hmm, don't know then. maybe it's not got anbox bits enabled in kernel for pro1 ^ …], anbox bits are already enabled
[19:20] <ubptgbot> <RealDanct12> you need to do it manually though, i think someone here had a gist of what to do
[19:20] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> Any pointer on what is missing in what I am doing then @RealDanct12?
[19:21] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> Oh, that gist would help then
[19:22] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> "gist" referring to some actual material thing just is cringe
[19:39] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> If someone who knows where to find this gist sees this message, please ping me!
[19:42] <ubptgbot> <NotKit> https://gist.github.com/Vince1171/69cdcb2e90f2c70e3ee24de93da8caac
[20:06] <ubptgbot> <Heng Ye> How can I enable ssh over USB on the gitlab CI build?
[20:06] <ubptgbot> <Heng Ye> it always worked on erfan's zip files
[20:09] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Heng Ye [How can I enable ssh over USB on the gitlab CI build?], what build? for a device installed via installer that has working adb/MTP?
[20:10] <ubptgbot> <XiaoAkay> He's probably talking about ubports 🤔
[20:11] <ubptgbot> <XiaoAkay> Haven't tried gsi v10 but was working on v9 as far as I remember
[20:11] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @XiaoAkay [He's probably talking about ubports 🤔], well this is the ubuntu touch group so i would hope so
[20:11] <ubptgbot> <XiaoAkay> 😂 yeah then adb?
[20:11] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> but GSI devices that are using RNDIS by default are not officially supported
[20:12] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> so i'm asking what specifically it is, so i can provide a proper answer
[20:12] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> pinephone for example doesn't have android at all, so no adb, and i think there's no way to do ssh over usb on it
[20:13] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> at least not yet
[20:13] <ubptgbot> <XiaoAkay> Yeah ik 😅 people should atleast specify their device
[20:15] <ubptgbot> lebenscoaching Mona Maier was added by: lebenscoaching Mona Maier
[20:16] <ubptgbot> <lebenscoaching Mona Maier> Hi to all, does anybody know if Ubuntu Touch works on a Vivo V3Max?
[20:17] <ubptgbot> <lebenscoaching Mona Maier> I am only a user and have only basic Linux skills
[20:18] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io has a list of supported devices (and information on where to go if a device is not supported there, so you can build a port yourself)
[20:27] <ubptgbot> <lebenscoaching Mona Maier> I was there but couldn't find where to go for unsupported devices. The list of ports didn't include Vivo. … But I dont know how to do this port thing myself...
[20:30] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @lebenscoaching Mona Maier [I was there but couldn't find where to go for unsupported devices. The list of …], there's a box that says `Create your own port!`
[20:31] <ubptgbot> <wadejbeckett> Thanks for this Rodney.
[20:33] <ubptgbot> <lebenscoaching Mona Maier> Thank you for the help. … But this sounds way too technical for me...
[20:34] <hallyn> eah
[20:34] <hallyn> (sorry, misfire)
[21:18] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> @NotKit [https://gist.github.com/Vince1171/69cdcb2e90f2c70e3ee24de93da8caac], Awesome, thanks. Weird thing is even after installing anbox-ubuntu-touch, there's no /home/phablet/anbox-data folder on my device. And I see in the gist it's supposed to be there, and to contain a sub-folder data/
[21:19] <ubptgbot> <NotKit> mkdir it
[21:19] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> I did but the chown -R on it makes no sense if it's empty
[21:20] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> I'm rebooting as advised in the gist, will see
[21:27] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> Seems to be installed, thank you @NotKit. Now I'll read how to use it from CLI because and maybe create some icons.
[21:28] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> [Edit] Seems to be installed, thank you @NotKit.
[21:51] <ubptgbot> <Andy Bleaden> @dohbee [well this is the ubuntu touch group so i would hope so], Either that or he wants.to speak English
[21:54] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> So in case it is useful to someone else, to install Anbox on Pro1 running UBports: … Official instructions: http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/anbox.html. Skip everything and jump to: … ```sudo mount -o rw,remount / … sudo apt update … sudo apt install anbox-ubuntu-touch android-tools-adb … anbox-tool install … exit``` …
[21:54] <ubptgbot> The `anbox-tool install` will likely fail. You can do it manually using this gist: https://gist.github.com/Vince1171/69cdcb2e90f2c70e3ee24de93da8caac … Specifically, what I had to do was: … ```sudo apt install anbox-ubuntu-touch … mkdir -p /home/phablet/anbox-data/data … sudo wget -q --show-progress -O /home/phablet/anbox-data/android.img http://c
[21:54] <ubptgbot> dimage.ubports.com/anbox-images/android-armhf-64binder.img … touch /home/phablet/anbox-data/.enable … chmod -R o+wrx /home/phablet/anbox-data/data … sudo start -q anbox-container … start -q anbox-session … ``` … Then reboot. The next boot should take longer than usual. When done, reboot again. … Anbox should be installed. You can check the conten
[21:54] <ubptgbot> t of `/home/phablet/anbox-data/` and also try to `sudo start -q anbox-container` and see if it is already running.
[21:55] <ubptgbot> <kabouik> Now `adb install` fails because it finds no devices, but that is another story and probably an issue just on my end.
[23:04] <ubptgbot> melikovali was added by: melikovali
[23:04] <ubptgbot> <melikovali> tell me can install ubuntu touch on Asus transformer TF101
[23:08] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @melikovali [tell me can install ubuntu touch on Asus transformer TF101], That's all supported devices … https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/
[23:12] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> I want to install some mail client and only applicant is Derek 2
[23:12] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Correct
[23:12] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> But why it has full access to the system?
[23:12] <ubptgbot> <melikovali> my device is not listed why
[23:13] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> [Edit] I want to install some mail client and only applicant is Dekko 2
[23:13] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @melikovali [my device is not listed why], nobody has ported it
[23:14] <ubptgbot> <Heng Ye> I'm going to try out the x86 image on my Asus Transformer Mini where is it
[23:14] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @RedFox3 [But why it has full access to the system?], Is it secure to use?
[23:16] <ubptgbot> <melikovali> although there are people who would do this atom, so desire burns and there is no opportunity to feel this beauty
[23:16] <ubptgbot> <melikovali> @dohbee [nobody has ported it], although there are people who would do this atom, so desire burns and there is no opportunity to feel this beauty
[23:18] <ubptgbot> <lduboeuf> @kabouik [So in case it is useful to someone else, to install Anbox on Pro1 running UBport …], maybe you can update the doc ?
[23:24] <ubptgbot> <Shakendo> @melikovali [although there are people who would do this atom, so desire burns and there is n …], I have one of these as well as a tf201 and a tf300, I have not bothered trying to port them as the kernels are too low at 3.0, 3.4 or higher is reccommended to do a port, however you are welcome to try and port them yourself if you really wa
[23:24] <ubptgbot> nt Ubuntu Touch on it
[23:25] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @RedFox3 [But why it has full access to the system?], it runs a background service in order to peridoically check for emails
[23:26] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @mateosalta [it runs a background service in order to peridoically check for emails], So how TELEports works without full access?
[23:26] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> they worked with telegram in order to link the push server
[23:26] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> so no background service :)
[23:27] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> Okay, thank you :)
[23:27] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> google wont be so friendly
[23:28] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> in fact it might stop working entirely soon
[23:28] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> i think google was removing app passwords
[23:29] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @mateosalta [google wont be so friendly], Google nowadays is ultra strict
[23:29] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> We can't use any browser to log in
[23:29] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> can't use any email client
[23:29] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> maybe even logins in morph might stop, but we need to test
[23:35] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> So glad that when I moved from Android to UT for my daily driver OS I made at the same time a big effort to "de-Google-fy". … I use Bluehost for my email; NextCloud caldav for syncing my events to Thunderbird Lightning, Gnome Calendar and UT Calendar; DuckDuckGo for my default web search; contact backup via manual vcf exports and imp
[23:35] <ubptgbot> orts; uNav and Here for my navigation; LibreOffice for documents and spreadsheets; UBsync and NextCloud for automatic backups of things like my phone's camera photos; OwnCube and Hightail for my cloud storage and file deliveries. I encourage others to take Google's increasing adversarial relationship to third party apps and services to just break
[23:35] <ubptgbot> their chains as well.
[23:37] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> @TotalSonic [So glad that when I moved from Android to UT for my daily driver OS I made at t …], It means that UBports is moving in right direction
[23:38] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> And the community work is really cool
[23:38] <ubptgbot> <RedFox3> [Edit] And community work is really cool
[23:38] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/GfRwGzwH.webp
[23:42] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @TotalSonic [So glad that when I moved from Android to UT for my daily driver OS I made at t …], did you need a domain name to get caldav to work with the ut calendar?
[23:43] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @Fuseteam [did you need a domain name to get caldav to work with the ut calendar?], I just used a third party service for my NextCloud server as I was too lazy to set it up (it's on my to do list for future endeavors though) - so I am using OwnCube.
[23:44] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> ah so your calendar is also on owncube hmmm
[23:44] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @Fuseteam [did you need a domain name to get caldav to work with the ut calendar?], [Edit] I just used a third party service for my NextCloud server as I was too lazy to set it up (it's on my to do list for future endeavors though) - so I am using OwnCube.com
[23:44] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> i wonder if i can sync my nextcloud calendar with owncube 🤔
[23:45] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @Fuseteam [i wonder if i can sync my nextcloud calendar with owncube 🤔], Should be pretty simple to do.
[23:46] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> i mean i have a nextcloud server running locally on my laptop :p