UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /04 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== javier_ is now known as javier_45
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
[03:24] <OvermindDL1> So I upgraded from Kubuntu 18.04 to Kubuntu 20.04 and now all my personal storage has vanished, so I'm in a new root user on this install now. The drives holding all my data are an LVM mirrored set of drives and I'm getting some... interesting messages from vgck that google is being entirely not helpful with:
[03:24] <OvermindDL1> LV storage0 invalid: visible raid meta LV for raid1 segment
[03:24] <OvermindDL1> `storage0` being the name of the LV and `storage` being the name of the vg
[03:25] <OvermindDL1> Literally only a single google result for that, and it was someone with the same issue as I and no followup at all
[04:30] <viewer|79> Hello guys.
[04:32] <viewer|79> I used Ubuntu 20.04, I have Intel Ivy Bridge graphics card and I have Brightness issues in Linux. So I have to use acpi_backlight=video to fix it. But this fix is not working Kubuntu. Anyway I can fix this issue?
[04:56] <IrcsomeBot> <Kristian> @viewer|79, I had issues on a Laptop with an AMD graphic card. An upgrade to 20.10 fixed the issue because the Kernel 5.8 has a better support for newer graphic cards.
[05:18] <OvermindDL1> So, if anyone hits this problem again with LVM and RAID, I frankencoded up my own version of the `lvm` tool that bypasses that check, and very carefully called `lvchange --setactivationskip y <mystoragename>` and that fixed it. I could have just, say, put a bootable old copy of kubuntu on a usb drive and done it that way, but I would have had to wait to tomorrow for that, and this worked!
[05:21] <OvermindDL1> What happened basically is that my RAID had a metadata inconsistency (which was fine for my specific use case, but I guess to be truthful isn't "safe") and the newer LVM's have a test for that to prevent loading up such broken metadata
[05:22] * OvermindDL1 is documenting this in case these logs appear online sometime for some possible future person
[07:22] <lordievader> Good morning
[08:12] <boby> hello
[08:12] <boby> anyone online?
[08:12] <boby> i need help
[08:12] <boby> my laptop keyboard and trackpad not working
[08:12] <boby> but external mouse and keyboard do work
[08:12] <boby> right from the beginning when i installed it from usb drive
[08:12] <boby> it dint work even in the liveusb
=== majanows is now known as wmp
[10:26] <IrcsomeBot> BeastSlayer2k was added by: BeastSlayer2k
[10:27] <IrcsomeBot> <BeastSlayer2k> I have an issue regarding my touchpad
[10:27] <IrcsomeBot> <BeastSlayer2k> Some funtionalities are not working in 20.04 LTS
[10:28] <IrcsomeBot> <BeastSlayer2k> like tap to click
[10:28] <IrcsomeBot> <BeastSlayer2k> two finger right click etc.
[10:28] <IrcsomeBot> <BeastSlayer2k> Any Fix?
[10:36] <IrcsomeBot> <Swift110> Hello
[12:58] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
[16:05] <Crell> Hi folks. I'm trying to install 20.10 on a Thinkpad X1 Yoga. It boots to the USB key fine. The installer keeps getting tripped up on the EUFI, though. I've tried disabling the EUFI or not in the hardware setup, but it still can't install onto the disk.
[16:06] <Crell> Right now, the disk has an EFI System Partition (NTFS) partition, and a sinle large ext4 partition. (Remnants of previous install attempts.) Should I remove the ntfs partition? I've never had this issue before with other laptops.
[16:18] <k_sze> Is kubuntu 20.04 supposed to support screen autobrightness?
[16:18] <k_sze> I have ubuntu converted to kubuntu by installing kubuntu-desktop
[16:21] <Crell> "The attempt to mount a file system with type vfat in SCSI2, partition #1 (sda) at /boot/efi failed." - That's the error I get early in the installer, after I pick the disk configuration. I get it no matter what disk setup I try to use.
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest92601
[16:56] <IrcsomeBot> <Swift110> Good morning
[17:20] <IrcsomeBot> <ri5h46h> Good Night from India 🇮🇳 ! 😴
[17:33] <k_sze> erm, I get this when I `dpkg -i` a deb file: Error in file "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kdeconnect_open.desktop": "*/*" is an invalid MIME type ("*" is an unregistered media type)
[17:33] <k_sze> that file is clearly not recently modified, the date is still 2019-12-08.
[17:59] <IrcsomeBot> <Swift110> @ri5h46h, How r u
[19:07] <IrcsomeBot> sayingwhateverr was added by: sayingwhateverr
[19:08] <IrcsomeBot> <sayingwhateverr> Hey people! I just did a dualboot install of kubutu(alongside manjaro) … There's no audio tho! … It's not even registering the laptop speakers. What to do?
[19:09] <IrcsomeBot> <sayingwhateverr> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/cs0oUUnk/file_39526.jpg also, these errors are there whenever I boot in
[19:23] <IrcsomeBot> <sayingwhateverr> nvm. it works after a reboot
=== eric is now known as HornyCdnDaddy