UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /03 /#ubuntu-discuss.txt
Initial commit
[02:57] <lotuspsychje> good morning
[06:37] <marcoagpinto> Morning all
[06:44] <marcoagpinto> what is this that you need two options to shut down 20.04LTS?
[06:45] <marcoagpinto> you select "shutdown" and then it opens a window: "cancel/reboot/shutdown"
[06:45] <marcoagpinto> why can't it be just on the menu?
[06:45] <marcoagpinto> this window is useless
[06:52] <lotuspsychje> marcoagpinto: this bug is being handled in 20.10
[06:53] <lotuspsychje> menu logout/shutdown is more tweaked there now
[06:55] <lotuspsychje> marcoagpinto: bug #1900339
[06:55] <ubot5> bug 1900339 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "[Wishlist] Add a quick reboot/shutdown option" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1900339
[06:55] <marcoagpinto> ahhhh
[06:55] <marcoagpinto> thanks
[06:55] <marcoagpinto> :)
[07:15] <ducasse> good morning
[07:24] <marcoagpinto> ducasse!!!
[07:24] <marcoagpinto> >:) <- cola demon
[07:24] <marcoagpinto> I have run out of cola at 4am
[07:24] <marcoagpinto> :)
[07:25] <marcoagpinto> guys, is 20.04LTS using GTK4?
[07:25] <marcoagpinto> I compiled my open-source tool on 18.04LTS and all gadgets fitted, then when I ran it in 20.04LTS the gadgets became a lot bigger
[07:25] <ducasse> no gtk4 yet
[07:26] <marcoagpinto> so, what is 20.04 using?
[07:26] <marcoagpinto> the gadgets don't fit
[07:26] <marcoagpinto> they became a lot bigger
[07:26] <ducasse> gtk3 something
[08:29] <lordievader> Good morning
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[22:33] <jeremy31> guiverc: I think I saw a similar question on askubuntu in the past couple weeks, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1297311/ubuntu-20-wireless-not-working-for-intel-ax1650i-lenovo-thinkpad
[23:46] <guiverc> ack & thanks jeremy31 . i don't recall, take little notice of wifi questions (rarely use wifi myself)
[23:48] <guiverc> my ubuntu_news hat (or is it just my OCD?!) makes me 'please clarify' when people mis-use release vers.. I've got lubuntu stuff that's higher priority for me..
[23:49] <guiverc> thanks
[23:50] <Bashing-om> guiverc: Me still trying to get through to update Gdoc for the day's UWN events :P 1/2 way there now :D
[23:52] <guiverc> time... we all need time.. I was granted commit access to a debian team.. I want to contribute there too.. but time...
[23:53] <Bashing-om> guiverc: Uh Huh - Time; ya got that right !