UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /03 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== msim is now known as msimonelli
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest98337
[16:29] <dorukdorkodu> hello! i tried to install lubuntu 20.04 LTS. But I got an error, and installation aborted. I have been using lubuntu for a year. I searched about error message, but couldnt find anything useful. If anyone can help
[16:29] <dorukdorkodu> I will give details
[16:32] <dorukdorkodu> Hello! i tried to install Lubuntu 20.04 LTS. But I got an error, and installation aborted. I have used Linux before. I searched about error message, but couldnt find anything useful. If anyone can help, I will give details. Can you help me???
[16:38] <cool_skeleton_95> For a while now, I have had major issues with printing on my Brother MFC-J4700W printer. Sometimes, it works, but other times it does not. Sometimes when I print from Firefox, the program crashes, but other times it works fine. When it doesn't work, I see in the "Printer State" section of the properties menu: "Stopped - No destination host name supplied by cups-browsed for printer "Brother_MFC_J470DW", is
[16:38] <cool_skeleton_95> cups-browsed running?". How can I fix this error?
[16:41] <cool_skeleton_95> After going through the troubleshooter and it said to check the "enable" checkbox. I did this and it still doesn't work now giving me the error "There was a problem sending document to the printer".
[17:27] <plujon> I recently upgraded to 20.04 LTS. One thing that has changed since my 18.04 LTS installations is that when I hit Ctrl-Alt-B from within emacs, a new tab in chromium starts. Why is that and how can I change it?
[17:43] <plujon> Also, what is the name of the desktop environment now? LXQt?
[17:44] <LimeOn> yes, it is
[17:44] <LimeOn> maybe you could see in th chromium configurationabout the hotkey
[17:46] <plujon> LimeOn: You mean, a setting in chromium itself?
[17:46] <plujon> I'm not sure what you mean by "the chromium configuration about the hotkey"...
[17:47] <LimeOn> yes
[17:47] <LimeOn> enter in the configuration of chromium
[17:47] <LimeOn> maybe theres some keyboard keys option
[17:49] <plujon> LimeOn: Thanks; I see no such keyboard option(s). Hmm.
[17:49] <plujon> It would surprise me if chromium could configure a global shortcut/hotkey that it would automatically intercept from the desktop session.
[17:54] <plujon> I thought openbox was in charge of hotkeys...
[17:57] <LimeOn> search "shortcut keys"
[17:57] <LimeOn> i found there that Control+Alt+B is what you have said
[17:58] <lubot> <aptghetto> Shortcuts in Lubuntu are handle by Openbox and LXQt. You have to check both configurations
[17:59] <LimeOn> "lxqt-config" opens the "control panel", scroll down and you will find "shortcut keys"
[18:02] <plujon> LimeOn: Ah, thanks.
[18:05] <plujon> AKA ~/.config/lxqt/globalkeyshortcuts.conf
[18:09] <plujon> I wonder what "Activate task" means...
[18:10] <plujon> Looks like it switches windows.
[18:16] <plujon> I notice there are 5 terminals to choose from. I'm accustomed to lxterminal, but don't know what I'm missing. Are there any reasons to check out the others (qterminal, qterminal (dropdown), UXTerm, XTerm)?
[18:28] <LimeOn> qterminal is the default one in 20.04
[18:28] <LimeOn> lxterminal is from LXDE(the 18.04 lubuntu version if im not wrong)
[18:30] <LimeOn> if i recall correctly, UXterm was in 18.04 too
[19:27] <RyuKurisu[m]> <LimeOn "lxterminal is from LXDE(the 18.0"> Pre 18.10 indeed
[19:30] <LimeOn> i see, package manager said that was from LXDE
[23:16] <x201> Bonsoir
[23:18] <x201> Je viens d'installer Lubuntu sur mon vieu coucou équipé d'un ssd, je voudrais optimiser lubuntu pour mon ssd mais je n'arrive pas à suivre se tuto : http://global-informatique-securite.over-blog.com/2019/04/optimiser-les-disques-ssd-pour-xubuntu-ubuntu-lubuntu-linux-mint.html
[23:18] <wxl> !fr | x201
[23:18] <ubottu> x201: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
[23:18] <LimeOn> !fr
[23:18] <x201> Je ne trouve pas les fichier qu'il faut éditer à savoir : http://global-informatique-securite.over-blog.com/2019/04/optimiser-les-disques-ssd-pour-xubuntu-ubuntu-lubuntu-linux-mint.html
[23:20] <x201> LimeOn: wxl[m] ubottu : i am desoled, i parted in ubuntu-fr thinkyou
[23:20] <wxl> x201: none of us speak french, so that's about your only choice unless you can speak english
[23:21] <x201> no problemed manos
[23:23] <LimeOn> x201: you could translate your question from french to english with google translate
[23:23] <LimeOn> and then somebody from here or #ubuntu could help you better(and then you could translate the info to french)
[23:26] <wxl> or deepl.com for that matter