UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /03 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:54] <santa_> good night from the city of Gotham everyone
[00:54] <santa_> RikMills: FYI I have pushed a fix for the akonadi B-D
[00:55] <santa_> and I still have to check that apparmor thing in kmail
[00:58] <santa_> also I think we will have a number of FTBFS with the current 20.08 versions we have in the archive + the new qt but I didn't have time to check properly yet
[00:58] * santa_ dissappears in the darkness of the thing
[00:58] <santa_> * of the night
[12:39] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
[16:44] <Mamarok> is there a known issue with kernel -31 that SDDM is not starting? Both screens remain black (on 20.10 btw)
[16:50] <IrcsomeBot> <X> Can be that your graphical chip is too fresh. Been in this situation many times