UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /01 /#ubuntu-discuss.txt
Initial commit
[02:14] <lotuspsychje> good morning
[07:22] <ducasse> good morning
[07:23] <lordievader> Good morning
[11:36] <croraf> Hi, I'm using GNOME terminal, and I see it is based on VTE. I'm confused on what the VTE provides, and what GNOME terminal provides on top?
[11:39] <croraf> Does VTE like provide all these graphical elements (which are customizable) and GNOME put them together?
[11:44] <ducasse> croraf: aiui vte is just the terminal widget
[11:45] <ducasse> i might be wrong, though, you should ask the gnome people
[11:50] <croraf> I'm confused about the term "widget". From my understanding widgets are buttons, scrolls, scroll wrappers, labels, plain panels. Every UI element is one widget.
[11:50] <croraf> ducasse,
[11:50] <croraf> what do you mean by gnome people, you mean irc gnome channel?
[11:51] <croraf> (if such exists)
[11:51] <ducasse> yeah, they have their own irc network, see their website
[11:52] <ducasse> the terminal inside the window is a widget
[11:52] <ducasse> aiui, at least
[12:39] <croraf> thanks
[19:37] <ash_worksi> so, once upon a time, several people helped me understand how the names of various services fit in the heirarchy of an ubuntu OS; re-reading the logs (thank you ducasse, sarnold, mgedmin, daftykins) I am left with 2 questions:
[19:42] <tomreyn> i think you have 4 people (those you just highlighted) waiting in tight anticipation for those 2 questions now.
[19:42] <ash_worksi> lol
[19:42] <ash_worksi> I keep proofing my questions
[19:43] <ash_worksi> and hopefully those 4 people just feel appreciated :)
[19:45] <ash_worksi> nonetheless, the general feeling I got was that dwm doesn't seem like a trival thing to implement especially (perhaps?) in an Ubuntu environment, but clearly people do..... rereading it, I think someone was saying it's just not easy to switch back-and-forth between gnome-shell and dwm so maybe that's not a question
[19:46] <ash_worksi> the other more direct question is: if you use something other than one of the main underlying programs associated with gnome (for example, dwm instead of gnome-shell), is it "gnome" anymore? and consequently is it ubuntu anymore?
[19:53] <sarnold> ash_worksi: there's a lot that goes into "ubuntu": the default choices made for every level of the stack, security support, community support, etc
[19:54] <sarnold> ash_worksi: there's kubuntu and xubuntu and lubuntu and ubuntu studio and I'm sure i"m missing some..
[19:54] <sarnold> ash_worksi: all are various takes on what it means to be "ubuntu"
[19:55] <sarnold> ash_worksi: dwm is far from trivial to implement because the way to configure dwm is to edit the source code and recompile it; that doesn't work well with tens of millions of users :) you're going to have a small group at best, and they'll all want it to be something different
[19:58] <ash_worksi> sarnold: so what are people running dwm on? archlinux or something?
[19:58] <sarnold> ash_worksi: or ubuntu or debian or gentoo or slackware or something they maintain themselves or void or nix or .. :)
[20:00] <ash_worksi> and are you basically saying, "it wouldn't be gnome because the pieces of software that make gnome are so tightly inter-dependant, that swapping one would effectively evolve a different DE" ?
[20:00] <ash_worksi> I see
[20:08] <sarnold> yeah once you take gnome-shelkl out of gnome, then you're 'just' using gnome applications with your own window manager :)
[20:14] <ash_worksi> thanks sarnold