UbuntuIRC / 2020 /12 /01 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:42] <nolan___> without having to get into some heavy log sharting and posting and serious effort with troubleshooting the system or anything, i was just looking for a general type basic answer if somebody didn't mind ....
[00:42] <nolan___> my "startx" ... xinit xorg whatever... broke...
[00:42] <nolan___> I can't get it to start now... when I turn on my kubuntu... and type startx
[00:42] <nolan___> Has anyone got any ENTRY basic troubleshooting ideas / tips for me?
[00:43] <nolan___> somewhere to point me to , i guess better term would be
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[02:38] <IrcsomeBot> <Dr_wert> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/htlPnFEm/file_39401.jpg Does it have solutions?
[02:52] <Roey> hi
[02:52] <Roey> how do I find out the process that is using my webcam/making it turn red, indicating that it is recording?
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[04:57] <IrcsomeBot> Superjedi was added by: Superjedi
[04:59] <IrcsomeBot> <Superjedi> Does anyone manage to get kde plasma wayland to work on external monitors of ryzen 4800h renoir laptop ?
[06:31] <IrcsomeBot> <πŸ’Ž Hugh> we're telling you you're missing an S
[06:39] <doggo> hello there
[07:23] <lordievader> Good morning
[08:26] <IrcsomeBot> <binarymatter> (Photo, 1280x258) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/0YSCuqJX/file_39405.jpg I installed kubuntu in VMware and it's showing these types of graphical errors..the icons are stuttering.. did an upgrade but same error..can somebody pls help me?
[08:26] <IrcsomeBot> <binarymatter> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/oqxDqD65/file_39406.jpg
[08:28] <IrcsomeBot> <binarymatter> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/dJAx06mr/file_39407.jpg
[08:51] <lordievader> binarymatter: do you have the option of changing the emulated graphics card in vmware?
[10:09] <user|36692> Hi I have a lot of problems with the last Kubuntu. I am using a laptop with multiple screen attached on a dock via Thunderbolt. And the laptop screen gets deleted. Sometime, my computer freezes out of the blue. The only solution is a hard reset. Any idea where I shoudl start from?
[10:11] <user|29563> how do I update graphics drivers please?
[10:24] <vlad_> Hello
[10:25] <lordievader> πŸ‘‹
[10:30] <IrcsomeBot> <binarymatter> @lordievader, No
[10:30] <lordievader> What is the output of `sudo lspci -k`?
[10:36] <IrcsomeBot> <binarymatter> @lordievader, πŸ˜…πŸ˜…so late ... i removed kubunutu from disk
[10:36] <IrcsomeBot> <binarymatter> @lordievader, Thanks for the reply
[10:55] <IrcsomeBot> Kristian was added by: Kristian
[10:58] <IrcsomeBot> Tj Wins was added by: Tj Wins
[11:02] <IrcsomeBot> <Kristian> I'm using Kubuntu 20.04 LTS. When I open Dolphin and click on network β€”> SMB my NAS wouldn't appear. Connection with the mount command works perfect. Why doesn't find Dolphin the network shares?
[12:49] <^AuGiE^> hello got a prob...
[12:49] <user|19311> yes
[12:49] <^AuGiE^> this is gonna be long so bare with me...
[12:50] <^AuGiE^> :)
[12:50] <user|19311> when i try to boot latest kubunt from usb flash drive it askes me fo r user live session password
[12:51] <user|19311> is there a solution for that or what should i do
[12:52] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
[12:53] <user|19311> can someone help?
[12:56] <^AuGiE^> i had my system duel booted for lubuntu and windows.wanted to try out kubuntu so installed it. no other operating systems showed up. so i logged into kubuntu and installed grub custom. everything showed up there (lubuntu, kubuntu, and win) so i think im goot right? no, im not. so now kubuntu and win boot fine but when i try lubuntu the login screen showes up for a sec then goes black for ever lol. im thinking its the mount points
[12:56] <^AuGiE^> but i am fairly new to linux , im getting there but noob is the word lol.
[12:59] <eeos> ^AuGiE^: how did yu intall kubuntu? Did you install it on top of lubuntu, or did you set a separate partition?
[12:59] <^AuGiE^> sep
[12:59] <^AuGiE^> u used mount piont /
[13:00] <^AuGiE^> and when i did lubuntu same /
[13:00] <^AuGiE^> is it conficting?
[13:01] <eeos> well, the last setting was kubuntu so it is unlikely to start lubuntu again .... it should give you choice at login, but the WM may be different?
[13:01] <^AuGiE^> let me ope
[13:01] <^AuGiE^> wm?
[13:01] <^AuGiE^> like i said the lubuntu login screen pops up a sec then black
[13:02] <^AuGiE^> kubuntu and win boot fine
[13:02] <eeos> I think lubuntu uses awesome as window manager (WM)
[13:02] <eeos> whilst kubuntu usues SDM
[13:02] <eeos> ^AuGiE^: so the system was rconfigured to sue SDM.
[13:02] <^AuGiE^> ok yes i get that
[13:02] <^AuGiE^> aaaaaaaa
[13:02] <^AuGiE^> i think i understand
[13:02] <^AuGiE^> now the fix lol
[13:03] <^AuGiE^> but wait...
[13:04] <^AuGiE^> if its different OSes on different parts y should that matter its booting in different parts
[13:05] <eeos> ^AuGiE^: try dpkg-reconfigure sddm
[13:05] <^AuGiE^> in kubuntu
[13:05] <^AuGiE^> well oviously ... i cant boot in lubuntu
[13:06] <eeos> ^AuGiE^: sorry, you would like to be able to start lubuntu or kubuntu?
[13:06] <^AuGiE^> both
[13:06] <^AuGiE^> 3 boot system
[13:07] <^AuGiE^> lubuntu, kubuntu and win
[13:07] <^AuGiE^> i think i might be explaining this wrong i am sorry
[13:07] <^AuGiE^> noob city lol
[13:08] <eeos> ^AuGiE^: that is going to be difficult .... did you see https://askubuntu.com/questions/753808/how-to-triple-boot-windows-and-two-linux-distros?
[13:08] <^AuGiE^> no lol
[13:09] <^AuGiE^> so my lubuntu is lost
[13:09] <^AuGiE^> because i installed kubuntu, like i said it boots up but only stayes on lubuntu log in a sec then goes black
[13:10] <eeos> ^AuGiE^: try to look at that link .... I am sorry, I need to go back to work! I will be back later in the evening.
[14:32] <IrcsomeBot> jvier_x was added by: jvier_x
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[14:34] <IrcsomeBot> <jvier_x> Hi, how can I updrade kubuntu 20.04 to 20.10? I have tryed a clean instalation but I got a grub fail every time
[14:38] <IrcsomeBot> <Kristian> @jvier_x try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GroovyUpgrades/Kubuntu
[14:40] <nunwithgun> uhhh
[14:40] <nunwithgun> isnt this place got x/w services?
[14:40] <nunwithgun> uh uh
[14:46] <IrcsomeBot> <jvier_x> @Kristian, Omg I feel like an idiot lol. thank you
[14:50] <nunwithgun> ah
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[20:40] <flavio__> hello
[20:41] <flavio__> anybody from Italy?
[21:27] <mparillo> !it
[21:27] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi Β« /join #ubuntu-it Β» senza virgolette)