UbuntuIRC / 2020 /11 /12 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
[00:53] <lubot> <lynorian> hah
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK_
[09:09] <lubot> <Fairnandes> @matkoniecz [What it is doing?], shortcut to split screen easily
=== TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis
[10:49] <lubot> <Michaël Van Bogaert> a whole article has been written about LXQt achievements :) … it would seem it's growing in popularity … https://www.debugpoint.com/2020/11/lxqt-0-16-0-review/
[11:55] <sebcio> co tam ?
[17:19] <Neel> Hello i am trying to install lubuntu 20.04 dual boot with win 7.During partitioning I am getting 3 options ,first is delete all data(which i dont wanna do),second is select existing partition,and third is custom partition.when i choose to install on existing free partition on my pc it starts installing but fails when it tries to install grub.what
[17:19] <Neel> should i do?
[17:20] <Neel> is anyone active in this thread?
[17:21] <Neel> hello?
[17:22] <kc2bez> !patience
[17:22] <ubottu> Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/
[17:22] <lubot> <matkoniecz> "fails when it tries to install grub" - what exactly happens?
[17:22] <lubot> <matkoniecz> Is there some error message?
[17:22] <Neel> Yes
[17:23] <Neel> I tried custom partitioning also
[17:23] <lubot> <matkoniecz> What is the exact text? (note, I am not a GRUB expert but maybe someone else will know but is not willing to fish for info)
[17:23] <Neel> But I am not getting how to install grub during custom partitioning can anyone help?
[17:24] <lubot> <matkoniecz> If something fails always quote exact error message
[17:24] <Neel> Sorry i dont have it
[17:24] <lubot> <matkoniecz> @Neel [<Neel> But I am not getting how to install grub during custom partitioning can a …], Well, for me it simply installed everything
[17:24] <Neel> Can you please explain how to custom install
[17:25] <lubot> <matkoniecz> And without knowing what went wrong it will be impossible to help, things may go wrong in many various ways
[17:25] <Neel> I mean i get confused while partitioning
[17:25] <Neel> i want to dual boot with win 7 without losing prior data
[17:26] <kc2bez> There is a section in our manual that discusses Manual Partitioning: https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/1.3/installation.html#manual-partitioning
[17:27] <Neel> thanks
=== jasontvb is now known as jasonosublu
[17:53] <jasonosublu> Hello
[17:55] <jasonosublu> I was wondering if you could please help me getting a mouse to work with Lubuntu?
[17:56] <apt-ghetto> How is the mouse connected to the computer?
[17:57] <jasonosublu> via bluetooth dongle
[17:58] <jasonosublu> it's an apple Magic Mouse 2
[17:58] <jasonosublu> I've see videos of it wouking with Lubutu on Youtube
[17:58] <jasonosublu> working, sorry
[18:00] <apt-ghetto> good luck: https://holisticsecurity.io/2019/10/18/tips-and-tricks-to-use-the-apple-magic-mouse-in-your-linux-ubuntu
[18:00] <jasonosublu> However, the information on how to get it working that I can find is over a decade old, so I'm not sure if it works properly with Lubuntu 20.04
[18:02] <jasonosublu> Thank you so much. I wasn't able to find this website yet.
[18:02] <apt-ghetto> https://github.com/0xABAD/magic-mouse-2
[18:45] <jasonosublu> Current configuration for the input method:
[18:45] <jasonosublu> * Active configuration: missing (normally missing)
[18:45] <jasonosublu> * Normal automatic choice: ibus (normally ibus or fcitx or uim)
[18:47] <jasonosublu> I tried to open the input settings and this appeared. Could you help me understand what I should do? Thank you.
[19:01] <jasonosublu> It says /.xinputrc as missing.
[19:01] <tpw_rules> hello all. i have a machine with a fully updated lubuntu 20.04 install and an intel iris pro 655 graphics card (no discrete card) using the i915 + iris driver. whenever i try and copy a large selection from gimp, gimp crashes. small selections are fine
[19:01] <tpw_rules> https://pastebin.com/dBnv9H1k this is what the console says, but the internet says the X error is irrelevant
[19:22] <tpw_rules> ahh, figured it out for people reading the logs: qlipper in lubuntu is the problem. everything is fine if i quit it.
[19:35] <lubot> <FedeBosio> Interesting, it seems to be an active issue... … https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/-/issues/789
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest88612
[21:06] <jasontvb> Current configuration for the input method:
[21:06] <jasontvb> * Active configuration: missing (normally missing)
[21:06] <jasontvb> * Normal automatic choice: ibus (normally ibus or fcitx or uim)
[21:06] <jasontvb> I tried to open the input settings and this appeared. Could you help me understand what I should do? Thank you.
[21:06] <jasontvb> It says /.xinputrc as missing.
=== jasontvb is now known as jasonosublu
[23:56] <vit_> salve