UbuntuIRC / 2020 /11 /03 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:14] <mwhudson> vorlon: huh this ppc64el crash is so early in startup i'm almost impressed ghc can manage it :)
[00:58] <mwhudson> ah haha it's a linker bug
[01:09] <mwhudson> a gold bug, specifically
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[01:43] <mwhudson> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=973623#10
[01:43] <ubottu> Debian bug 973623 in ghc "stack overflows with ghc on ppc64el" [Serious,Open]
[01:43] <mwhudson> i guess ghc's contribution is to generate absolutely enormous executables
[02:17] <RAOF> Oh, wow! When can we get a https://sourceware.org/elfutils/Debuginfod.html instance running on Launchpad? 😺
[07:45] <jamespage> amurray: thanks!
[09:30] <cpaelzer> juliank: I have seen that you retest (among other things) python-apt which is stuck in H-proposed
[09:31] <cpaelzer> juliank: can I assume that you are after this as it would fix bug 1902540 that blocks some automated tests (against PPAs)
[09:31] <ubottu> bug 1902540 in python-apt (Ubuntu) "hirsute fails on add-apt-repository" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1902540
[09:33] <juliank> cpaelzer: this really ought to have gone in ages ago
[09:33] <juliank> I'm off this week so not doing much if anything
[09:34] <juliank> A lot of stuff probably migrated due to it and all-proposed retrying, so is broken in release pocket
[10:54] <amurray> jdstrand jamespage: fyi I have uploaded iptables updates to the security-proposed PPA for G/H and am waiting to see how it fares in security-britney autopkgtest - so far it is looking promising and my local testing was all good so 🤞
[10:54] <jamespage> great thanks for the update
[10:55] <amurray> jdstrand: so I may either need you to mash the retry button for some fails (systemd is usually a bit flaky from what I recall) or if it does all pass then if you could review them for sponsoring that's be great
[11:43] <doko> is somebody giving back builds automatically in hirsute-proposed?
[12:15] <smb> cpaelzer, Unfortunately it seems that my fix for v4l2loopback only worked well in Chromium :/ Could you sponsor the debdiff in bug 1901491 for me, please?
[12:15] <ubottu> bug 1901491 in v4l2loopback (Ubuntu Focal) "Created devices are not available" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1901491
[13:16] <doko> mitya57: could you have a look at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/505037887/buildlog_ubuntu-hirsute-amd64.plplot_5.15.0+dfsg-15build1_BUILDING.txt.gz qt5 ...
[13:22] <mitya57> doko: Needs #include <QPainterPath>, I will be able to upload the fix later today
[13:23] <doko> ta
[13:48] <coreycb> mvo: hi, do you mind if I cut an ubuntu/groovy branch from master for software-properties?
[13:52] <mvo> coreycb: go ahead
[13:52] <coreycb> mvo: ok thanks
[15:24] <seb128> slyon, juliank, sil2100, hey, could one of you or someone in foundation help getting the issue and patch from bug #1899262 reviewed?
[15:24] <ubottu> bug 1899262 in wpa (Ubuntu) "Broken dbus GetAll message to wpa supplicant interface properties" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1899262
[15:26] <juliank> I'm out this week
[15:26] <icey> hey coreycb - is there any action that needs to be taken to move something that's in transitions (https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/python3.9-add.html) and building successfully forward?
[15:26] <seb128> juliank, don't reply on IRC within minutes then :p
[15:28] <icey> coreycb: ah, it looks like it needs to specifically depend on newer python
[15:28] <coreycb> icey: which package?
[15:28] <icey> openvswitch :)
[15:29] <icey> coreycb: looks like it'll stay "unknown" unless it's updated to include version information in the python3 depends
[15:31] <coreycb> icey: it looks like it built ok
[15:31] <sil2100> seb128: let me take a look
[15:31] <icey> coreycb: it does - I'm wondering because of that match at the top
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[17:38] <mitya57> doko: LocutusOfBorg uploaded a fix for plplot, but it FTBFS on !amd64 because of unmet dependency: dh-octave-autopkgtest : Depends: gnuplot-nox
[17:40] <LocutusOfBorg> mitya57, sorry, I didn't look at this
[17:40] <LocutusOfBorg> *this channel
[17:41] <mitya57> No need to be sorry if you saved my time :)
[17:43] <LocutusOfBorg> I'm sorry to have missed the conversation, I syncd plplot in an effort to see if it was syncable or not
[17:43] <LocutusOfBorg> but I admit, this gnuplot-nox is... strange
[17:44] <LocutusOfBorg> I don't know why it fails where gnuplot was not correctly built
[17:45] <LocutusOfBorg> oh got it
[17:45] <LocutusOfBorg> gnuplot-data is built on amd64, so amd64 has to build
[17:48] <xnox> seb128: what sort of help? trying to reproduce the bug and confirm if the fix fixes what it claims to fix?
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[19:31] <seb128> xnox, any help, understanding if the problem described is a real one and what is the expected behaviour, also help reviewing the patch if we confirm the current behaviour is wrong
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