UbuntuIRC / 2020 /09 /30 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[07:52] -queuebot:#kubuntu-devel- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Groovy Beta] has been updated (20200930)
[10:04] <Mamarok> about 20.10 beta: kernel -20 is even slower to load Plasma and USB mouse, the Panel takes additional 10 seconds to show up, and my mousse is equally unresponsive for that time. Also Bluetooth adapter is not recognized anymore in both -19 and -20 (which sucks big time if you use a bluetooth keyboard...
[10:04] <Mamarok> mouse*
[10:05] <Mamarok> alos: why does the WiFi has to be disabled on startup? this also slows donwn the experience a lot
[10:05] <Mamarok> have* to
[10:49] <RikMills> no idea why wifi might be off
[10:50] <RikMills> santa_: does that merge build in launchpad? launchpad buildd do not support built profiles like nodoc AFAIK
[10:51] <RikMills> *build profiles
[10:52] <santa_> RikMills: I think it would build it simply as !nodoc, but I haven't tested yet
[10:53] <santa_> what I tested is rebuilding all the frameworks/plasma/apps packages against an extra-cmake-modules
[10:53] <santa_> (in my server)
[11:30] <santa_> * against an extra-cmake-modules with the patch
[12:19] <BluesKaj> Hi all
[13:34] <Mamarok> oh for... why does it not find my bluetooth adapter?
[13:35] <Mamarok> it works with Windows, so not a hardware issue, I now have 3 kernels that don't work
[14:16] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> @Mamarok, As another datapoint, bluetooth works here. However when re-connecting a Razer Atheris BT mouse after reboot, the device gets stuck in a constant connect/disconnect loop. https://github.com/openrazer/openrazer/issues/1170
[14:21] <Mamarok> the Mouse issue was solved on the second log-in, I have a Logitech MX Master, maybe the USB bluetooth dongle was not immediately recognized. But I can't use the built in Bluetooth adapter, it's not seen, I bet it is a kernel issue
[14:22] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> I just fixed my mouse issue by following this thread: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1065335/bluetooth-mouse-constantly-disconnects-and-reconnects
[14:23] <IrcsomeBot> <DarinMiller> The fix: Set UserspaceHID=true in /etc/bluetooth/input.conf
[14:26] <Mamarok> let me try that
[14:59] <RikMills> santa_: well, if you can try in launchpad ppa to see what happens that would be great
[17:12] <santa_> RikMills: sure will do that as soon as I can