UbuntuIRC / 2020 /09 /21 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[01:06] <callmepk> good morning
[01:31] <duflu> Morning callmepk
[01:31] <callmepk> morning duflu
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[01:37] <jamesh> hi duflu, callmepk
[01:41] <callmepk> hey jamesh
[02:06] <duflu> Morning jamesh
[04:51] <jibel> Good morning
[05:02] <duflu> Morning jibel
[05:24] <jibel> Hey duflu
[05:55] <oSoMoN> good morning desktoppers
[06:00] <didrocks> good morning
[06:07] <duflu> Hi oSoMoN and didrocks
[06:08] <oSoMoN> salut didrocks
[06:08] <oSoMoN> hey duflu
[06:28] <callmepk> hey jibel oSoMoN didrocks
[06:32] <oSoMoN> hey callmepk
[06:50] <jibel> hi callmepk & oSoMoN
[07:02] <didrocks> didn’t take long to be disconnected :p
[07:09] <marcustomlinson> good morning callmepk duflu jamesh jibel oSoMoN didrocks
[07:09] <duflu> Hi marcustomlinson
[07:09] <jibel> hi marcustomlinson & didrocks
[07:10] <jamesh> morning marcustomlinson
[07:11] <didrocks> hey hey
[07:12] <callmepk> hey marcustomlinson
[07:16] <jamesh> marcustomlinson: I wrote up some notes on the problems with system group management on Ubuntu Core here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/adding-users-to-system-groups-on-ubuntu-core/20109
[07:17] <marcustomlinson> jamesh: oh great! thanks
[08:03] <Laney> morning
[08:06] <seb128> goood morning desktopers
[08:07] <didrocks> hey Laney & seb128
[08:09] <duflu> Morning Laney and seb128
[08:10] <Laney> moin seb128 moin didrocks ahoy duflu
[08:10] <seb128> hey didrocks, Laney , duflu , did you have a nice weekend?
[08:11] <duflu> seb128, busy with family and housework. Not fun but sleeping in was nice. You?
[08:13] <didrocks> good, but busy housework :)
[08:16] <seb128> duflu, it was average, I caught the cold from the baby and was not feeling great, also lost my voice but it doesn't stop the boy to ask questions about $world. I'm glad it's monday and that it's quiet at the computer :-)
[08:17] <oSoMoN> good morning jibel, marcustomlinson, jamesh, Laney, seb128
[08:17] <marcustomlinson> morning Laney and seb128
[08:17] <seb128> lut oSoMoN, comment ça va ?
[08:18] <seb128> hey marcustomlinson, how are you?
[08:18] <marcustomlinson> seb128: doing well thank you, how are you? good w.e?
[08:18] <oSoMoN> seb128, bien, merci! pas de rhume et l’école est encore ouverte :)
[08:26] <Laney> hi oSoMoN and marcustomlinson!
[08:26] * Laney thinks of some annoying questions to ask seb128
[08:26] <Laney> or failing that just ask "but why?" forever
[08:39] <marcustomlinson> buy why would you do that Laney
[08:43] <marcustomlinson> seb128: sorry, I asked how your weekend was before seeing your response to du_flu
[08:46] <marcustomlinson> yeah, becoming a parent almost switches holidays and work days around doesn't it
[08:51] <duflu> Add garden-owner to that list
[09:08] <seb128> Laney, I'm asking myself the why question often enough :-p
[09:25] <Laney> :>
[12:15] <shailangsa> anybody know why the repo init command is giving permission denied when following the steps from http://whereisdarran.com/2019/07/how-to-build-twrp-for-the-tb-8504x-f/ , the error can be seen here https://pastebin.com/7MycejfM ?
[12:36] <oSoMoN> shailangsa, that doesn't look like a question specific or related to the Ubuntu desktop, there are probably better places to ask this question. That said, there's an error earlier that looks relevant:
[12:36] <oSoMoN> /usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory
[12:37] <oSoMoN> on recent releases of Ubuntu, the "python" executable doesn't exist, you'd have to specify either python2 or python3
[12:39] <oSoMoN> it looks like that repo script requires python 3, so just modify the first line to specify python3
[14:33] <hellsworth> good morning desktopers
[14:33] <marcustomlinson> hey hellsworth
[14:33] <oSoMoN> hey there hellsworth
[14:34] <hellsworth> o/ marcustomlinson oSoMoN :)
[14:45] <didrocks999> hey hellsworth
[14:45] <hellsworth> hi there didrocks999
[14:51] <hellsworth> marcustomlinson: would you mind running some autopkgtests for me? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Ph874kjcr5/
[14:51] <marcustomlinson> sure
[14:51] <marcustomlinson> done
[14:51] <hellsworth> thanks :)
[14:52] <Laney> noooo
[14:55] <marcustomlinson> ?
[14:55] <Laney> those are already running http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running#pkg-libreoffice
[14:55] <Laney> except libpng
[14:57] <hellsworth> damn..
[14:57] <marcustomlinson> is there a url to cancel
[14:57] <Laney> nope
[14:58] <Laney> but I did it
[14:58] <Laney> 🔫
[14:58] <marcustomlinson> pew pew
[14:58] <marcustomlinson> thanks Laney
[14:58] <Laney> np
[14:58] <hellsworth> i'm so sorry. i will check autopkgtest next time
[14:58] <Laney> good job there was a queue, otherwise it's more difficult to kill them
[14:59] <Laney> s'ok, just those are particularly heavy tests
[14:59] <hellsworth> im going to blame it on not enough coffee on a monday
[14:59] <hellsworth> yes i know..
[14:59] <Laney> if it was like "hello" I might not have been bothered :>
[15:00] <marcustomlinson> everybody's favourite package
[15:00] <hellsworth> ha
[15:01] <hellsworth> in debian packaging, what calls tests/control? is that dh_testdir?
[15:01] <Laney> autopkgtest itself
[15:02] <hellsworth> ok thanks
[15:03] <Laney> and dpkg-source uses its presence or absence to decide whether to write "Testsuite: autopkgtest" in the .dsc file
[15:04] <hellsworth> oooh neat
[15:04] <hellsworth> i found this gem : https://people.debian.org/~eriberto/README.package-tests.html
[15:04] <Laney> ya
[15:05] <Laney> that lives in git, which is probably a better reference
[15:05] <Laney> https://salsa.debian.org/ci-team/autopkgtest/blob/master/doc/README.package-tests.rst
[15:05] <Laney> as it's going to always be current
[15:05] <Laney> or the same thing in /usr/share/doc/autopkgtest/
[15:09] <hellsworth> oh good point!
[15:58] <shailangsa> anybody know how i can view the .repo directory in Files as i can only see it when opening it via disk usage analyser https://prnt.sc/ul86sm ?
[16:01] <oerheks> shailangsa, ask such support questions in #ubuntu please. don't crosspost, thanks.
[16:22] <KGB-0> mutter signed tags 8757eef Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.38.0-1ubuntu1 * mutter Debian release 3.38.0-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/jRPh
[16:22] <KGB-0> mutter ubuntu/master 9a6eddf Marco Trevisan * pushed 123 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3Dsuc
[16:22] <KGB-0> mutter ubuntu/master ecdf306 Milo Casagrande po/it.po * Update Italian translation * https://deb.li/3Hx0x
[16:22] <KGB-0> mutter ubuntu/master a99a272 Bruce Cowan po/en_GB.po * Update British English translation * https://deb.li/BemC
[16:22] <KGB-0> mutter ubuntu/master d338e5e Rūdolfs Mazurs po/lv.po * Update Latvian translation * https://deb.li/30pQG
[16:22] <KGB-0> mutter ubuntu/master 7d82245 Jonas Ådahl cogl/cogl/cogl-renderer.c * cogl/renderer: Set error in dmabuf constructor fallback * https://deb.li/dpJF
[16:22] <KGB-0> mutter ubuntu/master 6c04406 Jonas Ådahl src/backends/native/meta-backend-native.c * screen-cast: Enable DMA buffers only for i915 * https://deb.li/31Rp1
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[17:01] <KGB-0> gnome-shell signed tags 45bd157 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.38.0-1ubuntu2 * gnome-shell Debian release 3.38.0-1ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/3qTXc
[17:02] <KGB-0> gnome-shell signed tags 8040602 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.38.0-1ubuntu1 * gnome-shell Debian release 3.38.0-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/3i99C
[17:02] <KGB-0> gnome-shell ubuntu/master ebd3345 Marco Trevisan * pushed 69 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/iQUWG
[17:02] <KGB-0> gnome-shell ubuntu/master 976fbab Juliano Camargo po/pt.po * Update Portuguese translation * https://deb.li/wfIv
[17:02] <KGB-0> gnome-shell ubuntu/master e1fa6b5 Milo Casagrande po/it.po * Update Italian translation * https://deb.li/3t0in
[17:02] <KGB-0> gnome-shell ubuntu/master 8745a61 Aron Xu po/zh_CN.po * Update zh_CN translation * https://deb.li/G9As
[17:02] <KGB-0> gnome-shell ubuntu/master 7e0e551 Rūdolfs Mazurs po/lv.po * Update Latvian translation * https://deb.li/35UHU
[17:02] <KGB-0> gnome-shell ubuntu/master 8ddaa85 Florian Müllner js/ui/panel.js * aggregateMenu: Move remote-access indicator to the front * https://deb.li/PUeA
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