UbuntuIRC / 2020 /09 /21 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[02:57] <henrique> Olá amigos!
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[07:13] <lubot> <anonid> i live booted lubuntu because it will be light but now its taking about 3.8 gb of my ram
[07:13] <lubot> <anonid> i cannot even open more than 3 chrome tabs
[07:14] <lubot> <anonid> is there any way to use lubuntu without consuming more ram … i am using usb2.0 … and 4 chrome tabs
[07:15] <guiverc> @anonid, running a live environment is less efficient on RAM than an installed environment, the / fs is created in RAM (which normally would be on disk), files need unsquashing before use (more ram used) etc... you also haven't said which release/system
[07:15] <lubot> <anonid> @guiverc [<guiverc> @anonid, running a live environment is less efficient on RAM than an i …], lubuntu
[07:16] <lubot> <aptghetto> A live system is not the same as an installed system. … And a live system is not intended for daily use.
[07:16] <lubot> <anonid> 20.04 lts
[07:16] <lubot> <anonid> will it be faster on usb 3.0
[07:23] <guiverc> @anonid, yes, but it's still stuck working in a *live* environment so you've not removed the greatest bottleneck (which is via install)
[07:25] <lubot> <anonid> @guiverc [<guiverc> @anonid, yes, but it's still stuck working in a *live* environment so …], so can i install lubuntu on usb 2.0 with another usb how will it perform
[07:27] <guiverc> Yes you can, but it's more difficult with `calamares` (20.04) than it used to be with `ubiquity` (18.04; ubiquity allowed you to select thumb-drives to install to)...
[07:28] <guiverc> It may still not be possible, I've not really tried to install to thumb-drive (have no reason to), but I'm aware calamares differs to ubiquity adding a hurdle (but I don't know how high)
[07:30] <lubot> <anonid> is there any way to free up the ram so that i can run smoothly
[07:30] <lubot> <anonid> @guiverc [<guiverc> It may still not be possible, I've not really tried to install to thum …], i tried it it showed me rsync error code 11
[07:31] <guiverc> did the media check complete successfully? (on booting)
[07:33] <lubot> <anonid> @guiverc [<guiverc> did the media check complete successfully? (on booting)], yes it successfully completed
[07:33] <lubot> <anonid> i tried the image on virtual machine also
[07:34] <lubot> <anonid> ok i dont want to get another headache … can you please tell me how to reduce the storage … i used rufus persistant storage feature to live boot
[07:34] <guiverc> trying on a virtual machine doesn't really prove anything; it won't be identical to real hardware; you'd need to test it on an 100% identical box to validate media or the ISO validation & media check (built into 20.04)
[07:34] <lubot> <anonid> @guiverc [<guiverc> trying on a virtual machine doesn't really prove anything; it won't be …], i was able to get into the live environment
[07:35] <lubot> <anonid> @anonid [ok i dont want to get another headache … can you please tell me how to reduce th …], can you please help me with this 👆
[07:36] <guiverc> getting into the live environment is no test, to test you'd have to use every function & search logs for squashfs errors...
[07:36] <guiverc> reducing memory; don't change anything (COW means every change will use RAM), reboot will clean memory too
[07:37] <guiverc> avoid adding packages, or where you need to add packages, use existing libraries (not additional libs due hit in memory involved..)
[07:37] <lubot> <anonid> @guiverc [<guiverc> avoid adding packages, or where you need to add packages, use existing …], i only installed brave
[07:38] <lubot> <anonid> i dont want some apps if i delete them will memory be freed
[07:38] <guiverc> COW=copy on write; a change on a real system is written to disk, changes are COPIED (copy on write) to ram instead of being changes
[07:38] <guiverc> no deletions won't free all the ram like an installed system (it can free some yes), reboot will clear all
[07:40] <lubot> <anonid> @guiverc [<guiverc> no deletions won't free all the ram like an installed system (it can f …], but i am not live usb so if i reboot will windows os be swiched considering the fact that my disk is at top of boot order
[07:40] <guiverc> a LIVE system is intended for repair, quick test & temporary use, not to be used as real system... design choices
[07:40] <lubot> <anonid> ok thankyou
[07:42] <guiverc> recall COW; part of why deletions won't free up space.. as system progresses ram will decrease as there is no disk to save those changes; RAM is constantly being used as a stack
[07:43] <lubot> <anonid> the reason why i didnt install was that i had issues with bluetooth audio headphones
[07:43] <lubot> <anonid> if i use live i can reinstall it anytime
[07:43] <lubot> <anonid> moreover i want windows
[07:44] <lubot> <anonid> @anonid [moreover i want windows], as some softwares run only on windows
[07:45] <lubot> <anonid> will decreasing the size of persistant storage help
[08:01] <lubot> <anonid> is there any way to duel boot
[08:01] <lubot> <anonid> lubuntu
[08:25] <guiverc> @anonid, you can dual boot Lubuntu; but as I don't use windows (10) I'm not good for giving advice in that regards, likewise I rarely use persistent-live sorry
[09:46] <lubot> <anonid> @guiverc [<guiverc> @anonid, you can dual boot Lubuntu; but as I don't use windows (10) I' …], thanks a lot for the help 👍
[09:47] <guiverc> you're most welcome
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[19:53] <lubot> <Mateusz Konieczny> @anonid [is there any way to duel boot], Yes, without trouble. I had Win10 preinstalled and add Lubuntu (resized Windows partition). … Main problem was dealing with UEFI (I needed to boot from USB in UEFI mode to had nicely working selection between Lubuntu and Windows on startup)
[21:09] <Tony48> Hi - How can we configure wifi on a hidden (SSID) network? We are using 20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa). nm-tray does not provide the option.
[21:15] <krytarik> Tony48: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35476428/how-to-connect-to-hidden-wifi-network-using-nmcli - I'd try something along these lines.
[21:25] <lubot> <HMollerCl> @Tony48 [<Tony48> Hi - How can we configure wifi on a hidden (SSID) network? We are using …], with "Advanced Network Configuration"