UbuntuIRC / 2020 /09 /20 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[03:02] <Squarism> A bit offtopic maybe. Im using ubuntu since 2011. Im curious why distros like MX Linux, Manjaro and Linux mint win over ubuntu in popularity contests. I get the impression the mentioned dists are managed by small groups of enthusiasts whereas Ubuntu is backed by Canonical and should have better resources to make a better thing?!
[03:14] <guiverc> Squarism, you are off-topic here, use #ubuntu-offtopic please
[03:15] <Squarism> ok
[04:12] <Maik> #ubuntu-discuss would be even better since the offtopic channel is full off none buntu related chatter
[16:35] <howarth> Is there some trick for getting broadcom-sta-dkms to load wl.ko? I am seeing it in red in the lsmod output and an syslog message about a kernel signature verification failure which makes me think that blocks its loading.