UbuntuIRC / 2020 /09 /18 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== antoine6 is now known as antoine
[01:24] <callmepk> good morning
[02:07] <duflu> Morning callmepk
[02:23] <callmepk> morning duflu
[04:40] <jibel> Good morning everyone
[04:48] <Maik> good morning all :)
[05:42] <oSoMoN> good morning desktoppers
[05:44] <duflu> Morning jibel, Maik, oSoMoN
[05:45] <oSoMoN> hey duflu
[05:45] <Maik> heya duflu oSoMoN
[05:50] <jibel> Hi duflu oSoMoN
[05:50] <jibel> and Maik
[05:50] <Maik> hi jibel :)
[05:54] <oSoMoN> hey Maik
[05:54] <oSoMoN> salut jibel
[05:56] <ricotz> good morning everyone
[05:57] <Maik> hi ricotz
[05:57] <ricotz> please retry https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:7.0.1-0ubuntu1/+build/19947366
[06:00] <oSoMoN> good morning ricotz
[06:00] <oSoMoN> done
[06:48] <didrocks> good morning
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
[07:08] <seb128> goood morning desktopers
[07:12] <jibel> salut seb128
[07:12] <didrocks> salut seb128, jibel
[07:12] <jibel> Hello didrocks
[07:13] <jibel> comment ça va bien aujourd'hui?
[07:15] <didrocks> toujours mal de tête…
[07:17] <jibel> mince :( j'espère que ça va passer aveec un peu de repos ce w-e
[07:19] <didrocks> merci !
[07:21] <seb128> lut jibel, didrocks
[08:04] <Laney> ello
[08:05] <seb128> Laney, bonjour!
[08:05] <didrocks> hey Laney
[08:05] * seb128 notices Laney started speaking french english
[08:06] <duflu> Morning didrocks, jibel, Laney
[08:06] <jibel> Bonjour Laney
[08:07] <seb128> hey duflu , how are you? ready for the weekend?
[08:07] <duflu> Bon tag?
[08:07] <duflu> seb128, feeling relatively good. Yeah almost ready. How are you?
[08:08] <seb128> I'm okish, I finally caught the cold from the baby and it's quite annoying :/
[08:08] <duflu> :/
[08:12] <jibel> Bon tag, is it the Alsacian way to say "hello". It sounds similar to Bonjourno ;)
[08:26] <Laney> hey seb128 didrocks duflu jibel!
[08:26] <Laney> maybe I should learn some French, could be my ticket out of here
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
[08:51] <cpaelzer> duflu: thanks for you triage on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1896188
[08:51] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1896188 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Show Application Overlay does not exit anymore getting the desktop stuck" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[08:51] <cpaelzer> you were so fast - I wasn't even done completely filing it when you asked :-)
[08:52] <cpaelzer> now it is complete and has at lesat everything that I initially can provide
[08:52] <cpaelzer> video, apport, ... all on the bug now
[08:53] <duflu> Well at least it's been a while now. I will look again
[08:53] <duflu> While the matrix implodes
[08:54] <cpaelzer> thanks duflu, let me know what else I can provide or test
[09:02] <cpaelzer> The shortcut (just left super) of the "show applications" action does not seem to be in gnome-control-center where all the other are
[09:02] <cpaelzer> until we have solved that bug I'd be happy to stop me from accidentially opening it forcing me into a reboot
[09:02] <cpaelzer> does anyone know where that one could be set/disabled?
[09:03] <cpaelzer> just seeing your answer duflu, removing extensions ...
[09:03] <cpaelzer> I set "disable all extensions" in gnome.tweaks btw without any effect
[09:03] <cpaelzer> but I'm ok removing any trace of them
[09:07] <duflu> cpaelzer, well your screenshot showed they're active at least
[09:07] <duflu> Let me find that shortcut
[10:25] <duflu> Someone please tell cpaelzer that I said: gsettings set org.gnome.mutter overlay-key ''
[10:25] * duflu -> EOW
[10:35] <Laney> jibel: didrocks: Have you noticed that there's a "problem with defaults entries" message printed in the journal now every time you use sudo? It comes from sssd somehow
[10:36] <Laney> I noticed because I started getting error emails with every sudo use :O
[10:36] <Laney> is it the intention to keep sssd installed for everyone btw?
[10:40] <oSoMoN> cpaelzer__, « duflu> Someone please tell cpaelzer that I said: gsettings set org.gnome.mutter overlay-key '' »
[10:41] <didrocks> Laney: keeping sssd installed for everyone was the intention as a first pass (but it can be revisited later on)
[10:42] <didrocks> didn’t notice the additional entry, mind opening a bug if there is none? (TBH, seeing the number of entries in the journal, we should clean that at some point so that it’s usable again)
[10:44] <Laney> can do
[10:44] <Laney> none of those other journal entries cause emails each time, so that's why I think it's worth a ping :-)
[10:45] <didrocks> ah, you got mail report to root due to that, makes sense, indeed
[10:45] <didrocks> could be due to new sssd which landed recently
[10:45] <Laney> it is, it puts something in sudoers.d which sudo is angry about
[10:46] <Laney> or /etc/sudoers or whatever
[10:47] <Laney> ah no nsswitch.conf
[10:52] <oSoMoN> handsome_feng, hey, not sure if you saw my ping yesterday: there are two remaining blockers for the new version of gvfs to migrate in groovy, and those are ukui-desktop-environment and and the ubuntukylin seed, for which I prepared merge requests
[10:52] <oSoMoN> https://github.com/ukui/ukui-desktop-environment/pull/26
[10:52] <oSoMoN> https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntukylin/+merge/390843
[10:52] <oSoMoN> handsome_feng, would you mind reviewing/merging those, or pointing me to someone who can do that?
[10:57] <jibel> Laney, it shouldn't add anything unless its configured. There are units startup to fix too, it generates warning when sssd is not configured. Which is always the case on a live session for example, and will be on most installation
[10:58] <jibel> or at least no record an error if it is not configured
[10:59] <Laney> jibel: yeah, the live session is "degraded" now !
[11:02] <Laney> didrocks: ok, it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sssd/+bug/1249777, already filed in 2013 :p
[11:02] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1249777 in sssd (Ubuntu) "libsss-sudo generated nsswitch.conf leads to error messages upon sudo invocation" [Low,Confirmed]
[11:07] <didrocks> quite UNEW thus :p
[11:22] <juliank> So, does this new GNOME 3.40 feature conflict with game mode? http://www.hadess.net/2020/09/power-profiles-daemon-new-project.html
[11:22] <juliank> because this is neaat
[11:24] <seb128> juliank, there is work started to figure out how to get those working together
[11:24] <juliank> ack
[11:30] <jibel> Laney, never too late to fix it
[11:38] <Laney> positivity, i like it
[11:41] <jibel> Laney, if not already done, you can workaround this issue by removing sss from sudoers in nsswitch.conf
[11:41] <jibel> I'm wondering if it is not something we should do by default
[11:42] <Laney> jibel: yeah, I had to find a way to do it urgently
[11:42] <Laney> I checked my email and found 50 unread and growing
[11:42] <Laney> quite stressful :p
[11:43] <Laney> guess this is a thing to take up with the server team
[11:43] <Laney> lots of people claim it isn't that useful as a default around the place, can't say I have an opinion there
[11:43] <jibel> 50 unread emails is definitely stressful and requires urgent and immediate action ;)
[11:44] <Laney> heh
[11:44] <jibel> Laney, it means the sudo config is stored in a directory. No sure this default is useful.
[11:45] <jibel> it can be documented if someone wants to do it
[11:45] <jibel> and the fix is then at the packaging level, easy to do in Ubuntu
[11:47] <Laney> nod
[11:47] <Laney> I guess tjaalton is one person to speak to about this
[11:50] <tjaalton> if only packages had a way of configuring nsswitch like on other distros..
[12:02] <jibel> in this case it's in the postinst of libsss_sudo. There is this: echo "sudoers: files sss" >> /etc/nsswitch.conf
[12:04] <tjaalton> yes, I know ;)
[12:04] <jibel> the postrm only remove the entry if it ends by files$ . It doesn't match the one added and may stay here forever
[12:05] <jibel> ah no; sss is removed just the line
[12:05] <jibel> before
[12:17] <tjaalton> maybe move libsss-sudo to sssd-common suggests?
[12:17] <tjaalton> I can do that
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
[12:33] <cpaelzer> oSoMoN: your hint about the overlay-key reached me - thanks
[13:33] <jibel> tjaalton, yes, that would make sense to move it to suggests
[13:58] <tjaalton> committed to salsa
[16:04] <oSoMoN> Laney, I see that you're a member of ~ubuntukylin-members, would you mind approving https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntukylin/+merge/390843 ?
[16:07] <Laney> oSoMoN: I am????????????????????????????????
[16:12] <oSoMoN> Laney, since 2014-08-29 apparently :)
[16:14] <oSoMoN> I pinged hand_some_feng a couple of times about that one already, but failed to get a response, so I started looking for familiar names in the team members
[16:14] <Laney> ok
[16:14] <Laney> why not
[16:22] <Laney> oSoMoN: I think I should upload your ukui-desktop-environment too
[16:23] <oSoMoN> Laney, yes please! I submitted a PR against the upstream project
[16:23] <oSoMoN> https://github.com/ukui/ukui-desktop-environment/pull/26
[16:23] <Laney> yeah saw it
[16:28] <Laney> ah there are some other changes in git, I need to generate the changelog I guess :/
[16:36] <Laney> ok done!
[16:38] <oSoMoN> thanks!
[17:20] <Laney> see you monday!
[17:23] <hellsworth> cheers!
[18:30] <oSoMoN> have a good week-end everyone