UbuntuIRC / 2020 /09 /18 /#ubports.txt
Initial commit
[00:39] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @Karl Kelso [Two possible incidents have been reported - https://gitlab.com/ubports/community …], Ohw hmm
[04:33] <ubptgbot> WhoKnowsYouNo was added by: WhoKnowsYouNo
[05:46] <hallyn> so - the pinephone ubports edition, is that going to happen again one day, or was that a limited time thing? i mean obv it was limited time, but i'm wondering will they circle back around :)
[05:48] <Maik> i was thinking about that too. And if they come around again i'll buy one for sure. Would love to have one.
[05:51] <yjftsjthsd> Pretty sure they take community input for what CE they're gonna do next; make sure to let them know how you feel
[05:51] <yjftsjthsd> (and ideally rally as many other people as possible to commit to buying it and get them to tell the pine folks as much)
[05:53] <hallyn> let them know through what channels?
[05:53] <hallyn> i mean in the end it's all the same, i cold get a manjaro - i just need more reliable hardware than the braveheart :)
[05:53] <Maik> hallyn: discord, telegram, forum
[05:53] <hallyn> but if it's gonna have a logo on it, may as well be ubports
[05:54] <hallyn> what i mean is - if i mention it on pine64#pinephone will pine64 peeps actually see it? normally i just see a lot of chatter
[05:54] <hallyn> or are there specific channels for making requests
[05:55] <hallyn> well i'll just mention it anyway. thx
[05:55] <Maik> i gave 3 options, i'm going to ask them onn their forum
[05:55] <Maik> if they release another ubport CE of the pinephone they will use the logo i guess
[05:57] <hallyn> 'telegram' is not a channel :)
[05:58] <Maik> still a option to ask there
[05:58] <Maik> :)
[06:03] <ubptgbot> Mr. L K was added by: Mr. L K
[06:47] <ubptgbot> <derVolk> Hi, is there any news chanel, Telegram or other group to follow what happens with regard to the Xperia XZ port? The device is not on the list on the website (yet?)... … https://youtu.be/_aocnYkQcnc
[08:07] <ubptgbot> <libremax> There is a forum thread : https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2321/sony-xperia-xz-f8331-kagura-porting
[08:39] <ubptgbot> <libremax> Unfortunately, there is some errors in in Ubuntu Touch devices list : https://gitlab.com/ubports/infrastructure/devices.ubuntu-touch.io/-/issues/13
[08:39] <ubptgbot> <libremax> [Edit] Unfortunately, there is some errors in Ubuntu Touch devices list : https://gitlab.com/ubports/infrastructure/devices.ubuntu-touch.io/-/issues/13
[10:01] <ubptgbot> SerialEntreprenuer was added by: SerialEntreprenuer
[10:03] <ubptgbot> <Black Life> Hey all!
[10:03] <ubptgbot> <Black Life> How can i build Unity8 project for aarch64? https://github.com/ubports/unity8
[10:05] <ubptgbot> <Black Life> I've tried this tool https://github.com/ubports/build-tools but have no success
[10:48] <ubptgbot> <Fuseteam> @Black Life [How can i build Unity8 project for aarch64? https://github.com/ubports/unity8], check the lomiri group, maybe you can find your answer there
[14:23] <ubptgbot> X YZ was added by: X YZ
[15:11] <ubptgbot> vmileshkin was added by: vmileshkin
[15:50] <ubptgbot> <supirlelik96> @Black Life [How can i build Unity8 project for aarch64? https://github.com/ubports/unity8], On rpi 3 ubports lomiry unity 8 on raspbian?
[15:52] <ubptgbot> <Black Life> @supirlelik96 [On rpi 3 ubports lomiry unity 8 on raspbian?], I have Oneplus 3t with ubports. Want to explore lomiri sources and try to modify it.
[15:52] <ubptgbot> <supirlelik96> Oh
[16:24] <ubptgbot> Laurel Hescams was added by: Laurel Hescams
[18:10] <ubptgbot> <derVolk> @libremax [There is a forum thread : https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2321/sony-xperia-xz-f …], Thanks
[18:40] <UnivrslSuprBox> test
[18:40] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Good.
[18:42] <ubptgbot> <sevralti> 2200 messages unreaded
[18:42] <ubptgbot> <sevralti> xD
[19:05] <yjftsjthsd> Is it possible to make a libertine container using something other than ubuntu 16.04? Ideally Ubuntu 20.04 or Alpine 3.12? https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/libertine.html doesn't list any options to control what does in the container
[19:06] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> no, it is not. it can only create a container that is the same version of ubuntu as the host
[19:06] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> libertine does not support other distributions. it would take quite a lot of work to make it support them
[19:07] <ubptgbot> Bikers_2012 was added by: Bikers_2012
[19:10] <yjftsjthsd> Okay, related question that I just realized: https://endoflife.software/operating-systems/linux/ubuntu lists 16.04 as EOL in 2021. Is there nuance there, or is that kind of an issue for the whole ubports project?
[19:11] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> there are plans to migrate to 20.04, though at this point it will likely not be done before the 16.04 EOL, but it is not a big issue
[19:28] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> Curious as to what smart watches sync with UT, with what apps in the Open Store are people getting these to sync, and what functions get communicated between the UT device and the smartwatch.
[19:29] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @TotalSonic [Curious as to what smart watches sync with UT, with what apps in the Open Store …], there is rockwork for pebble, and telescope for asteroidos devices
[19:34] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @dohbee [there is rockwork for pebble, and telescope for asteroidos devices], ok, thanks.
[19:47] <ubptgbot> <LostVX> Does ubt support fingerprint?
[19:54] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> yes, sort of; it works on halium 9 devices i think
[20:12] <ubptgbot> <LostVX> I've Heard that whatsapp web may have an update about it
[20:14] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> i don't know about that, but there's no biometrics support in the browser yet, afaik
[20:16] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @LostVX [Does ubt support fingerprint?], Fingerprint unlock is working well on Meizu Pro 5 (you need to run a script in Terminal to activate it though), and in the upcoming Volla Phone. Apparently it is also working in the GSI version for OnePlus 3. There might be some other phones based on Halium 9 ports where it is working too - th
[20:16] <ubptgbot> ese are noted in the Forums "Devices" subforum.
[20:17] <ubptgbot> <lastdon82> @TotalSonic [Fingerprint unlock is working well on Meizu Pro 5 (you need to run a script in T …], anyone has the script
[20:18] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @lastdon82 [anyone has the script], Link to it and info on how to install is at https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2755/meizu-pro-5-flyme-os-to-ubuntu-touch-modem-update-fingerprint-function
[20:20] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @lastdon82 [anyone has the script], direct link is at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OJ7JUBFIExPVV48_1VwO_HcTcYmXaBVN/view
[20:20] <ubptgbot> <lastdon82> thanks
[20:27] <ubptgbot> <Bikers_2012> (Photo, 693x598) https://irc.ubports.com/YPmxJIgx.png
[20:28] <ubptgbot> <mimecar> @dohbee , spam
[21:00] <ubptgbot> <Paul> I am new to the open source privacy phone stuff, but in the ethos of changing the OS (and apps) on established commercial phones, isn't there similar scope for physical changes (real on/off switches for power, wifi , mobile network, bluetooth, etc?) I guess this isn't the place for such discussion, but if not, can anyone suggest where is? …
[21:00] <ubptgbot> Cheers.
[21:03] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> it is not, as we don't build phones here. but both the Pinephone and Librem 5 have such switches
[22:05] <ubptgbot> <pv_bl> Are people interested in a datapoint in form of an Angler/Nexus 6P tester? Managed to get it sort of working - SSH happens, but Mir doesn't come up. Can dump any logs if needed.
[22:05] <ubptgbot> <pv_bl> Mostly @Flohack