UbuntuIRC / 2020 /09 /18 /#snappy.txt
Initial commit
[01:01] <ijohnson> cachio: around?
[01:01] <cachio> yes
[01:02] <ijohnson> hey, so I figured out why the refresh fundamentals test has been broken all day
[01:02] <ijohnson> it got broken by the 2.47 snapd in beta channel today
[01:02] <ijohnson> and to fix it we need a new kernel snap
[01:02] <ijohnson> so until that lands, I would like to disable the test
[01:02] <ijohnson> cachio: so could you quick approve https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9368?
[01:02] <mup> PR #9368: tests/nested/manual/refresh-revert-fundamentals: disable temporarily <Skip spread> <UC20> <โš  Critical> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9368>
[01:02] <cachio> ijohnson, sure
[01:02] <ijohnson> thanks
[01:03] <cachio> +1
[01:03] <cachio> thanks for that
[01:04] <ijohnson> thanks, I'll merge it in a few minutes and open a PR undoing the change we can use to monitor until the test is passing again with a new kernel
[01:04] <ijohnson> have a good night!
[01:04] <cachio> ijohnson, nice, thanks
=== benfrancis4 is now known as benfrancis
[01:04] <mup> PR snapd#9368 opened: tests/nested/manual/refresh-revert-fundamentals: disable temporarily <Skip spread> <UC20> <โš  Critical> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9368>
[01:09] <mup> PR snapd#9369 opened: tests/nested/manual/refresh-revert-fundamentals: re-enable test <Run nested> <UC20> <โ›” Blocked> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9369>
[01:19] <mup> PR snapd#9368 closed: tests/nested/manual/refresh-revert-fundamentals: disable temporarily <Skip spread> <UC20> <โš  Critical> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9368>
=== chesty_ is now known as chesty
[01:21] * cachio EOD
=== benfrancis6 is now known as benfrancis
[05:20] <mup> PR snapd#9370 opened: usersession/userd: separate bus name ownership from defining interfaces <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9370>
[05:49] <zyga-x240> good morning
[05:58] <zyga-x240> hop hop...
[06:14] <mup> Bug #1896182 opened: Snapd is waking up my screen from sleep regularly <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1896182>
[06:17] <mborzecki> morning
[06:18] <zyga-x240> mborzecki: hi
[06:18] <zyga-x240> mborzecki: curious bug
[06:18] <mborzecki> zyga-x240: hey
[06:18] <mborzecki> hm, what bug?
[06:18] <zyga-x240> https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1896182
[06:18] <mup> Bug #1896182: Snapd is waking up my screen from sleep regularly <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1896182>
[06:18] <mborzecki> zyga-x240: heh, i was reading https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1880261
[06:18] <mborzecki> same thing?
[06:19] <zyga-x240> haha
[06:19] <zyga-x240> ye
[06:19] <zyga-x240> any ideas?
[06:19] <zyga-x240> could that be snapd hotplug logic?
[06:33] <mborzecki> zyga-x240: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1880261#c3
[06:33] <mborzecki> hm long shot but maybe there's something else at play here
[06:33] <zyga-x240> I also replied to the launchpad bug
[06:34] <mborzecki> hahah
[06:34] <mborzecki> zyga-x240: noone can say we're not responding to bug reports now
[06:34] <zyga-x240> heh :)
[06:34] <zyga-x240> I pushed https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9345#pullrequestreview-491167950
[06:34] <mup> PR #9345: overlord: introduce the export manager, export snapd tools <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9345>
[06:34] <mborzecki> let my grab my wife's laptop and i'll try it there
[06:35] <zyga-x240> I'll squash history and remove some typos and stuff from this later today
[06:35] <mborzecki> zyga-x240: what's this functionality? sorry, i was uc20 only for the last few weeks
[06:40] <zyga-x240> mborzecki: it's a solution to a very old bug
[06:40] <zyga-x240> mborzecki: introduced pretty much since day one
[06:40] <zyga-x240> mborzecki: when snapd or core refreshes and we don't reboot
[06:41] <zyga-x240> mborzecki: certain tools, like snap-exec and others, as seen by snaps from their mount namespace, become stale
[06:41] <zyga-x240> mborzecki: this fixes that problem by changing how those tools are exposed to snaps
[06:41] <mborzecki> ah
[06:41] <zyga-x240> mborzecki: snapd allows snaps to export content in a specific way
[06:41] <zyga-x240> mborzecki: the content shows up in /var/lib/snapd/export/<snap>/<revision>/<set-name>
[06:42] <zyga-x240> mborzecki: there's also a new current symlink at /var/lib/snapd/export/<snap>/current -> <revision>
[06:42] <zyga-x240> there's a special case for core and host
[06:43] <zyga-x240> but in general snapd tools are all available from /usr/lib/snapd/<tool> as symlinks to the export three, through the new current symlink there
[06:43] <zyga-x240> and snapd can update the current symlink atomically
[06:43] <zyga-x240> this also supports using host tools
[06:43] <zyga-x240> so for the first time ever, SNAP_REEXEC=0 uses host's snap-exec and other tools now
[06:44] <zyga-x240> and since this is not related to mount changes, it does not require mount namespace re-configuration when core or snapd change
[06:44] <zyga-x240> there's a new export manager that manages putting content on disk
[06:44] <zyga-x240> and a callback to the snap manager to update the new current symlink when we also update the primary current symlink
[06:45] <zyga-x240> that's pretty much it
[06:45] <zyga-x240> it is relevant to core20 as snapd refreshes separately from boot base
[06:45] <zyga-x240> so we reboot less often
[06:45] <zyga-x240> and we see this bug more and more over time
[06:45] <mborzecki> mhm, maybe i should take a look at the pull requests then
[06:46] <zyga-x240> heh
[06:46] <zyga-x240> it's not ready for proper review but if you want to look at this, please do
[06:46] <zyga-x240> alternatively
[06:46] <zyga-x240> in udev theme
[06:46] <zyga-x240> please look at
[06:46] <zyga-x240> https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7614
[06:46] <mup> PR #7614: cmd/snap-confine: implement snap-device-helper internally <Needs security review> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7614>
[06:46] <zyga-x240> you reviewed it
[06:46] <zyga-x240> but maybe we can land it somehow
[06:46] <zyga-x240> and there were changes after your review
[06:49] <zyga-x240> lucy is sleeping but I will go AFK when she wakes up
[06:49] <zyga-x240> I'm so tired today
[06:49] <zyga-x240> 1M -> 6AM
[06:49] <zyga-x240> ENOSLEEP
[06:58] <pstolowski> morning
[06:59] <zyga-x240> hello
[07:08] <mborzecki> pstolowski: mvo: morning
[07:09] <zyga-x240> mvo: hello
[07:09] <mvo> hey mborzecki, pstolowski and zyga-x240 ! good morning
[07:09] <zyga-x240> mvo: I will be semi absent in the morning, lucy is still sleeping next to me but she will wake up soon
[07:09] <zyga-x240> mvo: and I was up till midnight and need some rest / break from screens
[07:09] <mvo> zyga-x240: ok
[07:09] <zyga-x240> I pushed https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9345 but I need to squash, clean up some typos and amend the commit message with a better description
[07:09] <mup> PR #9345: overlord: introduce the export manager, export snapd tools <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9345>
[07:10] <zyga-x240> also doing a small self-review showed a few extra changes to make
[07:10] <zyga-x240> I wrote a very useful test that shows many things about how snap execution environment works
[07:10] <zyga-x240> and found a few surprises myself
[07:11] <zyga-x240> the test is here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9345/files#diff-e96db38f8622850cdf91281e5344f762
[07:11] <mup> PR #9345: overlord: introduce the export manager, export snapd tools <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9345>
[07:13] <mvo> zyga-x240: oh, nice
[07:13] <mvo> zyga-x240: anything I can help you with? I mean that does not requires samuele reviews and could still land :)
[07:14] <zyga-x240> mvo: not yet, I will open it properly later today, then it needs reviews
[07:14] <zyga-x240> mvo: I mainly wanted to share what I have now and see what fails
[07:15] <zyga-x240> did anyone look at centos / opensuse failures?
[07:15] <mborzecki> someone pushed wip/export-manager-patch-set branch to snapd upstream?
[07:15] <zyga-x240> ah
[07:15] <mborzecki> zyga-x240: ?
[07:15] <zyga-x240> sorry
[07:16] <zyga-x240> yeah
[07:16] <zyga-x240> done
[07:16] <zyga-x240> sorry
[07:16] <mvo> zyga-x240: sure thing
[07:20] * zyga-x240 goes to take a shower
[07:20] <zyga-x240> mborzecki: more selinux denials
[07:21] <zyga-x240> from export manager
[07:21] <zyga-x240> 2020-09-18T06:52:34.1787196Z type=AVC msg=audit(1600411883.733:7774): avc: denied { mount } for pid=69477 comm="snap-confine" name="/" dev="tmpfs" ino=227354 scontext=system_u:system_r:snappy_confine_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t:s0 tclass=filesystem permissive=1
[07:21] <zyga-x240> 2020-09-18T06:52:34.1789352Z type=AVC msg=audit(1600411883.733:7775): avc: denied { write } for pid=69477 comm="snap-confine" name="/" dev="tmpfs" ino=227354 scontext=system_u:system_r:snappy_confine_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[07:21] <zyga-x240> 2020-09-18T06:52:34.1793007Z type=AVC msg=audit(1600411883.734:7776): avc: denied { add_name } for pid=69477 comm="snap-confine" name="etelpmoc.sh" scontext=system_u:system_r:snappy_confine_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[07:21] <zyga-x240> 2020-09-18T06:52:34.1796343Z type=AVC msg=audit(1600411883.734:7777): avc: denied { create } for pid=69477 comm="snap-confine" name="etelpmoc.sh" scontext=system_u:system_r:snappy_confine_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=1
[07:21] <zyga-x240> and more
[07:21] <zyga-x240> ehh
[07:21] <mborzecki> tmpfs_t ?
[07:21] <mborzecki> /var/lib/snapd/export is tmpfs?
[07:21] <zyga-x240> yes
[07:21] <zyga-x240> we
[07:21] <zyga-x240> no
[07:21] <zyga-x240> sorry
[07:22] <zyga-x240> /usr/lib/snapd is a tmpfs
[07:22] <zyga-x240> /var/lib/snapd/export is not
[07:22] <zyga-x240> also some real failures on 14.04
[07:22] <zyga-x240> but first shower
[07:29] <mborzecki> zyga-x240: when mounting /usr/libexec/snapd, it'd be nice to set some label for that, preferrably the same as the default one for that location
[08:26] <mup> PR snapd#9371 opened: o/snapstate: improve snapshot iteration <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9371>
[08:46] <mup> PR snapd#9372 opened: tests: make nested signing helpers less confusing <Run nested> <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9372>
[08:46] <mup> PR snapd#9373 opened: snap: add new `snap debug show-recovery-key` command <Needs Samuele review> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9373>
[08:56] <mup> PR snapd#9367 closed: tests: misc nested changes <Run nested> <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9367>
[09:02] <mvo> pstolowski: I reviewed your PR about snapshots, nice job
[09:03] <mvo> pstolowski: each step to untangle this a bit is good :)
[09:04] <pstolowski> mvo: thanks, yeah ;)
[09:56] <ijohnson> morning folks
[10:00] <pstolowski> hey ijohnson !
[10:00] <ijohnson> o/ pstolowski
[10:07] <mborzecki> pstolowski: added some comments to #9371
[10:07] <mup> PR #9371: o/snapstate: improve snapshot iteration <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9371>
[10:08] <pstolowski> ty
[10:08] <mborzecki> anyoen looked at #9370?
[10:08] <mup> PR #9370: usersession/userd: separate bus name ownership from defining interfaces <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9370>
[10:15] <zyga> re
[10:15] <zyga> man I was sleepy
[10:37] <zyga> so why does livepatch test faik
[10:37] <zyga> *fail
[10:38] <zyga> hmm
[10:38] <zyga> it passed
[10:38] * zyga looks at logs
[10:48] <zyga> ha, reproduced
[10:48] <zyga> now to lok
[10:48] <zyga> look
[10:48] <mborzecki> so bug or no bug?
[10:49] <zyga> yeah
[10:49] <zyga> figuring out why
[10:49] <zyga> content was not exported
[10:50] <zyga> ok
[10:50] <zyga> I understand
[10:50] <zyga> hmmm
[10:50] <zyga> so
[10:50] <zyga> re exec from old snapd
[10:50] <zyga> the init process of the manager is correct
[10:50] <zyga> but needs to handle exporting core/snapd, not just host
[10:50] <zyga> good thing we have those tests!
[11:10] <zyga> ok testing a fix now
[11:15] <zyga> aa
[11:15] <zyga> I switched to dvorak by accident
[11:15] <zyga> felt uber weird in vim
[11:15] <zyga> spread running, now to write an unit test
[11:15] <ijohnson> zyga: mind quickly reviewing https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9374 ?
[11:15] <mup> PR #9374: tests/main/lxd: disable cgroup combination for 16.04 that is failing a lot <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9374>
[11:17] <mup> PR snapd#9374 opened: tests/main/lxd: disable cgroup combination for 16.04 that is failing a lot <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9374>
[11:26] * pstolowski lunch
[11:27] <zyga> and now spread passes
[11:27] <zyga> ijohnson: looking
[11:27] <ijohnson> thanks
[11:27] <zyga> ijohnson: thanks for that!
[11:33] <zyga> ijohnson: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9374#pullrequestreview-491384533
[11:33] <mup> PR #9374: tests/main/lxd: disable cgroup combination for 16.04 that is failing a lot <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9374>
[11:33] <ijohnson> ah fair enough that makes sense
[11:36] <ijohnson> zyga: fixed
[11:36] <zyga> looking
[11:37] <zyga> done
[11:40] <ijohnson> cool, yeah this was the combo I've seen fail just today 2 times, but perhaps another combo with xenial also doesn't work
[11:41] <zyga> we'll see
[11:46] <zyga> pawel has network issues
[11:46] <zyga> mborzecki: this keyboard is so cool, no mouse required
[11:46] <zyga> mborzecki: no arrow keys required
[11:47] <zyga> mborzecki: I think I properly got used to it now
[11:49] <ogra> hmm, all of a sudden the whole documentation links from MOTD are gone on a few of my core18 installs
[11:50] <ijohnson> there were motd changes to the core* snaps recently
[11:50] <ogra> yeah, feels a bit regressed
[11:50] <zyga> woot
[11:50] <zyga> more tests
[11:50] <ogra> ogra@acheron:~$ ssh
[11:50] <ogra> Welcome to Ubuntu Core 18 (GNU/Linux 5.3.0-1033-raspi2 armv7l)
[11:50] <ogra> Last login: Fri Sep 18 11:12:05 2020 from
[11:50] <ogra> ogra@localhost:~$
[11:50] <ogra> thats really sparse now
[11:51] <ogra> compared to how it should look like:
[11:51] <ogra> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/r9dcmvqnfG/
[11:51] <ijohnson> ogra: probably worth a bug to github.com/snapcore/core18
[11:51] * zyga found snap.R
[11:52] <ogra> bah ... and bluez doesnt work at all on core16 (and i really dont want to move that specific pi to core1๐Ÿ˜Ž
[11:52] <ogra> grr ... emoji invasion !
[11:52] <ogra> s/core1๐Ÿ˜Ž/core18 /
[11:55] <zyga> ok one more unit test and everything is covered
[11:56] <zyga> I like this new manager
[11:56] <zyga> it has potential
[12:01] <zyga> perfect
[12:01] <zyga> ok
[12:02] <zyga> now to go through the todos left
[12:17] <zyga> meh
[12:17] <zyga> I broke my git config and this makes git push go to origin
[12:35] <ijohnson> it's a whole 1 degree celsius outside
[12:36] <ijohnson> SU this morning will be a chilly one
[12:37] <mup> PR snapd#9372 closed: tests: make nested signing helpers less confusing <Run nested> <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9372>
[12:42] <mvo> ijohnson: impressive! it's +24ยฐC here
[12:43] <ijohnson> haha yeah it's supposed to be ~20ยฐC tomorrow
[12:44] <ogra> did you move to antarcica ?
[12:44] <ijohnson> haha nope, still MN
[12:44] <ogra> crazy
[12:44] <ijohnson> just very cold September this year
[12:44] <mvo> ogra: I think they have +34ยฐC or something
[12:44] <ogra> brrr
[12:45] * ogra sits on the terrace (enjoying my vac) ... at +20ยฐC ...
[12:45] <ijohnson> weather at the south pole today is -48 C
[12:46] <mvo> ijohnson: heh
[12:47] <mvo> ijohnson: I was refering to https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/146322/antarctica-melts-under-its-hottest-days-on-record but I'm apparently a couple of months late
[12:48] <ijohnson> yeah I think it's still winter in antartica, so a little bit colder than the summer but yes indeed that is crazy news
[12:48] <ogra> yeah, i read that one on german news sites a few months ago
[12:49] <mvo> current -48ยฐC sounds more like I imagine antartica :)
[12:50] <ijohnson> as I googled that I was very confused why it was like midnight at the south pole right now, but actually you could use whatever TZ you want, but I guess they customarily use New Zealand time
[12:51] <ijohnson> TIL
[12:52] <mup> PR snapd#9375 opened: tests/nested/cloud-init-*: simplify tests and unify helpers/seed inputs <Run nested> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9375>
[12:52] <mvo> ijohnson: haha, good point
[12:54] <ogra> xnox, motd being broken in core18 ... do i file that to GH or under lp:snappy ?
[12:56] <ogra> (well ... s/core18/UC18/)
[12:56] <ijohnson> ogra: github pretty sure
[12:57] <ogra> kay
[13:02] * ogra files https๐Ÿ˜•/github.com/snapcore/core18/issues/170
[13:02] <ogra> GRRR !!!
[13:02] * ogra files github.com/snapcore/core18/issues/170
[13:05] <mup> Issue core18#170 opened: [Regression] all documentation links and explanatory text vanished from MOTD <Created by ogra1> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/issues/170>
[13:40] * zyga breaks for errand
[13:41] <zyga> 1-2h
=== kirkland is now known as Guest82000
[15:03] <mup> PR snapd#9374 closed: tests/main/lxd: disable cgroup combination for 16.04 that is failing a lot <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9374>
[15:03] <mup> PR snapd#9376 opened: check-pr-title.py * : allow "*" in the first part of the title <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Skip spread> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9376>
[15:04] <ijohnson> #9376 is really simple and would be nice to have :-)
[15:04] <mup> PR #9376: check-pr-title.py * : allow "*" in the first part of the title <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Skip spread> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9376>
[15:12] <cachio> mvo, hey
[15:12] <cachio> the delay that I mentioned was caused by this
[15:12] <cachio> [ 14.613707] systemd[1]: Condition check resulted in Create System Users being skipped.
[15:12] <cachio> error: cannot obtain system details: cannot communicate with server: Get http://localhost/v2/system-info: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: connection refused
[15:12] <cachio> Press enter to configure.
[15:12] <cachio> this is the full log
[15:13] <cachio> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tn2sK4cDSC/
[15:13] <cachio> I created the image from edge
[15:13] <ijohnson> cachio: edge is broken
[15:13] <ijohnson> cachio: this is the issue I was talking about in SU, we need a new kernel snap
[15:13] <cachio> ijohnson, I should try with beta?
[15:13] <ijohnson> cachio: no beta is broken too
[15:13] <cachio> hehehe
[15:13] <ijohnson> cachio: the only thing to do is to rebuild the kernel snap
[15:13] <ijohnson> (or wait for that to be done and published)
[15:14] <cachio> ijohnson, so, I could make the focal image work with this old kernel
[15:14] <ijohnson> cachio: yeah that was great news
[15:14] <cachio> works with kvm
[15:14] <cachio> yes
[15:14] <ijohnson> cachio: I mean really weird
[15:14] <ijohnson> but still great that you got it working
[15:14] <ijohnson> how difficult is it to create and update that image in gce ?
[15:14] <cachio> I tried with another kernel, an older one and didn't work
[15:15] <cachio> ijohnson, I have an image ready
[15:15] <ijohnson> cachio: great
[15:15] <cachio> ijohnson, test-virt-1
[15:15] <ijohnson> cachio: might also be worth asking the server team if they expect any issues with a xenial kernel on focal
[15:15] <cachio> this is the name
[15:15] <ijohnson> cachio: nice
[15:16] <cachio> it uses the last qemu and ovmf for focal
[15:16] <ijohnson> right
[15:16] <mup> PR snapcraft#3291 opened: build providers: make mount_project() interface private <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3291>
[15:16] <cachio> Iยฟll create a new pr to enable kvm and test nested
[15:16] <ijohnson> nice, let me know when it's up and I'll review it
[15:17] <cachio> ijohnson, sure, I'll make it after lunch
[15:17] <ijohnson> +1
[15:27] * cachio lunch
[15:32] <mvo> cachio: thanks, in meetings. but thanks for letting me know
[15:46] <zyga> re
[15:46] <zyga> back from store
[15:47] * zyga reviews failures on 9345
[15:51] <zyga> aha
[15:51] <zyga> I guess SNAP_REEXEC=0 is not supported on core :D
[15:51] * zyga adjusts
[15:55] <zyga> ok now to dive into selinux permissions
[15:58] <mup> PR snapd#9377 opened: [RFC] snap-repair: minimal uc20 support <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9377>
[16:12] <zyga> mmm
[16:12] <zyga> my wife just brought me some coffee
[16:28] <mup> PR snapd#9378 opened: tests/nested/manual: add uc20 grade signed cloud-init test <Run nested> <Test Robustness> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9378>
[17:58] <mup> PR snapd#9379 opened: [RFC] cmd/s-b/initramfs-mounts: use ConfigureTargetSystem for install, recover modes <Bug> <Needs Samuele review> <Run nested> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9379>
[18:12] * ijohnson EODs a bit early today, still around for random fires if needed
[18:34] <cachio> ijohnson, sorry for the delay
[18:34] <cachio> #9380
[18:34] <mup> PR #9380: tests: update to support nested kvm without reboots on UC20 <Run nested> <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9380>
[18:34] <cachio> you can check that on Monday
[18:35] <cachio> no hurry
[18:35] <cachio> cmatsuoka, you too #9380
[18:35] <zyga-mbp> re
[18:35] * cmatsuoka verifies...
[18:35] <zyga-mbp> can I review anything specific to help?
[18:35] <cachio> zyga-mbp, also for you if you have time #9380
[18:35] <mup> PR #9380: tests: update to support nested kvm without reboots on UC20 <Run nested> <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9380>
[18:35] <zyga-mbp> on it
[18:37] <cmatsuoka> cachio: is the focal-with-old-kernel image already in gce?
[18:37] <zyga-mbp> cachio done
[18:38] <mup> PR snapd#9380 opened: tests: update to support nested kvm without reboots on UC20 <Run nested> <Simple ๐Ÿ˜ƒ> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9380>
[18:42] <cachio> cmatsuoka, yes
[18:42] <zyga-mbp> anything else I can review?
[18:42] <cachio> zyga-mbp, thanks!!
[18:43] <cachio> cmatsuoka, I also updated spread images project and tested the new images
[18:43] <cmatsuoka> cachio: ah nice thanks!
[18:44] <cachio> cmatsuoka, the problem now is that edge build is broken
[18:44] <cachio> because of the kernel
[18:44] <cmatsuoka> ah yes, that's true
[18:44] <zyga-mbp> ohhh
[18:44] <cachio> cmatsuoka, so I tested the image works with -smp 2
[18:44] <zyga-mbp> vmware fusion supports virtual TPM
[18:45] <zyga-mbp> cmatsuoka how can I build up-to-date core20 image for amd64?
[18:45] <cachio> you will see that the image boot fails
[18:45] <cachio> bet you can login
[18:45] <zyga-mbp> one that would be testable with vTPM
[18:45] <cachio> to the nested vm
[18:45] <cachio> but snap command fails
[18:45] <cachio> zyga-mbp, it is working with vtpm
[18:45] <zyga-mbp> yeah, I just never played with that befor
[18:45] <zyga-mbp> *before
[18:45] <zyga-mbp> and since it's Friday I might as well try
[18:46] <cachio> nice
[18:46] * cachio quick break