UbuntuIRC / 2020 /09 /16 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[07:33] <mrobot> #ubuntu
=== Asier37 is now known as Colegeo37
[12:35] <BluesKaj> Hi all
[12:49] <user|42654> languagem
[14:09] <IrcsomeBot> <Swift110> Hey
[14:42] <user|16401> upgrade from 18.04 LTS - 31bit to 20.04-64 bit... HowTo?
[14:44] <BluesKaj> user|16401, a clean install is the only way afaik
[14:48] <BluesKaj> there are other ways but they require installing a 64bit kernel plus a lot of other things
[15:03] <oerheks> 32bit > 64 bit = reinstall
[15:13] <user|16401> OK guys, this is what I thought... I will backup my system and install the amd64 architecture. Wanted to check if there has beeen a "magic tool" being developed to help users...Txs anyway
[15:35] <genii> For the record, I once did a 32 to 64 bit transition without a reinstall by adding amd64 as an architecture, then dumping a list of installed packages, reinstalled appending :amd64 to each package name. But this actually takes far longer than just installing from scratch
[15:36] <genii> ...just pointing out that it's POSSIBLE to do this, but no one would really want to
[16:18] <StasON1252> Hello. I have a problem with installing kubuntu WITH windows 10. I have 2 HDD, First disk divided to C & D toms, second disk not divided. I have installed Kubuntu on second hdd, but when i starting PC, i see black screen with blinking cursor in the top left corner, and then it loads in WIN10
[16:20] <diogenes_> StasON1252, if you go to BIOS and enable legacy, see if you are able to boot.
[16:24] <StasON1252> Here is too much settings. I have an ASRock MB. Now seeing something like "launch pxe OpRom: legacy only"... Should I change it to ":uefi only"?
[16:28] <diogenes_> nope, try to change it to legacy only.
[16:28] <diogenes_> see if that boots.
[16:38] <oerheks> !uefi
[16:38] <ubottu> UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI
[16:38] <oerheks> make sure windows 10 is installed in UEFI mode too...
[17:07] <IrcsomeBot> Manny1 was added by: Manny1
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== gabriel is now known as Guest11684
=== Guest11684 is now known as KILLERTUX
=== computer1 is now known as mopedguy
[20:36] <harley_> wow this is irc
[20:37] <harley_> cool
[20:51] <xmattx__> hello there! i can't set ping intervals lower than 1second. it always outputs "bad timing interval" what could be wrong?
=== dilfridge is now known as TimTheEnchanter
=== TimTheEnchanter is now known as dilfridge
=== JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays
[23:13] <g1tomer> Hello ppls
[23:14] <g1tomer> This is new to me.
=== atlas_ is now known as at1as
[23:22] <IrcsomeBot> <Great_Yith> Good
[23:22] <IrcsomeBot> <Great_Yith> Enjoy Kubuttu