UbuntuIRC / 2020 /09 /08 /#smooth-operator.txt
Initial commit
[09:17] * bthomas wonders how to hide this "pod_spec[0]['containers'][0]['files'][0]['files']['prometheus.yml']" kind of uglyness
[09:40] * Chipaca waves
[09:42] <bthomas> नमेस्ते
[09:43] * bthomas practices his Devanagri
[09:50] <mup> PR operator#396 closed: add build dist and egg-info to gitignore <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/396>
[10:56] <facubatista> ¡Muy buenos días a todos!
[10:57] <Chipaca> facubatista: 👋❗
[10:57] <facubatista> hola Chipaca
[11:00] <bthomas> नमस्ते facubatista :)
[11:00] <facubatista> hola bthomas
[11:16] <facubatista> niemeyer, hello! does this reflect what we came up yesterday? https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/398 -- thanks!
[11:16] <mup> Issue operator#398 opened: Improve opslib functionality <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/398>
[11:49] * Chipaca bbiab (lunch)
[11:51] <mup> PR operator#399 opened: Handle removal of non-existant relation data <Created by stub42> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/399>
[13:20] <bthomas> This looks like a juju issue : "DEBUG unit.prometheus/0.leader-settings-changed ERROR getwd: no such file or directory"
[13:34] <justinclark> hello o/
[13:34] <jam> o/
[13:35] <Chipaca> justinclark: jam: 👋 :-)
[13:35] <bthomas> hi justinclark
[13:35] * Chipaca should make :-) do the emoji dance too
[13:36] <Chipaca> 🙂
[13:36] * Chipaca win
[13:37] <bthomas> hi jam
[13:37] <bthomas> Chipaca: emoji is not dancing
[13:37] <bthomas> no win
[13:37] <Chipaca> bthomas: it's dancing on the _inside_
[13:37] <bthomas> :)
[13:59] <facubatista> narhola justinclark
[14:01] <Chipaca> facubatista: narhola to you too
[14:24] <niemeyer> facubatista: Heya
[14:24] <niemeyer> facubatista: Do you have a moment for a chat?
[14:29] <facubatista> niemeyer, currently in a meeting
[14:30] <niemeyer> facubatista: Cool, just ping when you're available
[14:30] <facubatista> niemeyer, ack, it should end in 30'
[15:08] <facubatista> niemeyer, I can now, but I have another meeting in 20', or we can have it 52' from now
[15:08] <niemeyer> facubatista: Ok, let's do it afterwards then
[15:08] <facubatista> niemeyer, ack, I'll ping you anyway when my next meeting ends
[15:51] <facubatista> niemeyer, I can now
[15:51] <facubatista> niemeyer, https://meet.google.com/zhc-kamc-nyc when you're ready