=== RTGuruThe2nd is now known as RisingTechGuru |
=== zl is now known as Guest13540 |
[13:00] <Guest13540> ArronZL |
=== zl_ is now known as arronZL |
[13:06] <lubot> Lizzy Johnson was added by: Lizzy Johnson |
[13:09] <arronZL> hello |
[13:34] <lubot> <N0um3n0> Hi |
[16:06] <lubot> <Joe> Hi |
[16:07] <lubot> <Joe> Why does my lubuntu crashes with openbox dialogue box with message failed to fork |
[16:08] <lubot> <Joe> I could navigate mouse but I cannot use it to close or start anything |
[16:09] <lubot> <HMollerCl> I don't know, never happen to me |
[16:10] <lubot> <HMollerCl> which lubuntu version? |
[16:10] <lubot> <Joe> Lubuntu 18.04 |
[16:10] <lubot> <teward001> 'failed to fork' usually has some other cause around it |
[16:10] <lubot> <teward001> either out of disk space or out of memory |
[16:10] <lubot> <teward001> check the syslog for the error msg? `/var/log/syslog` |
[16:11] <lubot> <Joe> @teward001 [check the syslog for the error msg? /var/log/syslog should have more detailed i …], Could you explain... I'm a beginner in Linux |
[16:12] <lubot> <teward001> your crashing of 'failed to fork' is not enough to debug it. However, `/var/log/syslog` is the system syslog - if you check the contents of that file directly around the time when it crashed it should have more debug data about why it 'failed to fork' |
[16:12] <lubot> <teward001> NORMALLY failed to fork happens in two cases: (1) insufficient RAM available, (2) no disk space on system |
[16:13] <lubot> <Joe> I'm running on 1gb ram |
[16:13] <lubot> <Joe> Actually I tried to install chrome in it and I started facing issues after that |
[16:15] <lubot> <HMollerCl> check disk space |
[16:15] <lubot> <HMollerCl> with df in commandline |
[16:15] <lubot> <teward001> ^ that |
[16:15] <lubot> <teward001> use `df -h` though for human readable numbers |
[16:16] <lubot> <Joe> Let me try |
[16:25] <lubot> <Joe> Well.... Nothing is responding |
[16:25] <lubot> <Joe> Can I re install lubuntu over lubuntu |
[16:26] <apt-ghetto> Can you change into a console with CTRL+ALT+F5? |
[16:27] <lubot> <Joe> (Photo, 1280x960) https://i.imgur.com/Z0ISkya.jpg |
[16:29] <lubot> <Joe> @apt-ghetto [<apt-ghetto> Can you change into a console with CTRL+ALT+F5?], Nothing happens😐 |
[16:30] <apt-ghetto> Can you open a terminal? |
[16:30] <lubot> <Joe> How to do it??? |
[16:31] <apt-ghetto> Press CTRL+ALT+T |
[16:32] <lubot> <Joe> Some page opened when I clicked ctrl+alt+f5 |
[16:32] <lubot> <Joe> @apt-ghetto [<apt-ghetto> Press CTRL+ALT+T], I tried not responding |
[16:33] <lubot> <Joe> @Joe [Can I re install lubuntu over lubuntu], Could you give me suggestion on this so I can erase everything and start fresh in lubuntu |
[16:34] <lubot> <N0um3n0> @Joe [I tried not responding], Is out of reources. Is swapping to disk? |
[16:35] <apt-ghetto> To install the system, follow https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-desktop#1-overview |
[16:35] <lubot> <Joe> @N0um3n0 [Is out of reources. Is swapping to disk?], I didn't understand..... |
[16:35] <lubot> <N0um3n0> @Joe [I didn't understand.....], https://access.redhat.com/solutions/22105 |
[16:36] <lubot> <N0um3n0> Is for red hat but is the same problem |
[16:37] <lubot> <Joe> Ok |
[17:03] <lubot> <Joe> Somehow it works😌 Thank you guys😍😍😍 |
[17:14] <lubot> <N0um3n0> @Joe [Somehow it works😌 Thank you guys😍😍😍], Good news ;) enjoy lubuntu |
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF |
[17:33] <lubot> <Joe> ✌️ |