UbuntuIRC / 2020 /09 /03 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[01:22] <callmepk> good morning
[01:27] <pieq> Morning callmepk and duflu ! :)
[01:27] <duflu> Hi callmepk and pieq
[01:27] <pieq> I'm reading this: https://lwn.net/Articles/829567/ ("Resource management for the desktop"). Super interesting!
[01:40] <callmepk> hey good morning pieq duflu
[04:30] <jibel> good morning
[05:04] <duflu> Morning jibel
[05:09] <jibel> hi duflu
[06:04] <didrocks> good morning
[06:29] <oSoMoN> good morning desktoppers
[06:31] <didrocks> salut oSoMoN
[06:31] <oSoMoN> salut didrocks
[06:32] <oSoMoN> ça va?
[06:33] <didrocks> ça va, on essaie de gérer les problèmes sur la maison :) et toi ?
[06:34] <oSoMoN> ça va!
[06:38] <seb128> goood morning desktopers
[06:38] <oSoMoN> salut seb128
[06:39] <seb128> lut oSoMoN, comment ça va ?
[06:39] <oSoMoN> bien, et toi?
[06:40] <didrocks> salut seb128, ça va ?
[06:41] <seb128> didrocks, salut, oui, merci :-)
[06:42] <didrocks> seb128: I have a question on your gnome-software demotion, packakit still have recommends on it, want me to downgrade those to suggests?
[06:45] <seb128> didrocks, we wanted to avoid having a delta, I copied the reference url to the ~Ubuntu discussion about that the other day
[06:45] <seb128> in a private msg on chat.c.c
[06:46] <didrocks> yeah, ok, got it, no solution though :/
[06:47] <seb128> I don't know what's the right solution is, the Recommends is already provided by one the alternative choices but I think component mismatch doesn't handle those cases
[06:48] <didrocks> we provides apper or packagekit-installer?
[06:48] <didrocks> ah
[06:48] <didrocks> got it
[06:48] <didrocks> ok, ubuntu-desktop
[06:48] <didrocks> humf
[07:12] <duflu> Morning didrocks, oSoMoN, seb128
[07:12] <didrocks> hey duflu
[07:13] <oSoMoN> hey duflu
[08:06] <Laney> yo
[08:09] <duflu> Sup Laney ?
[08:09] <duflu> So street
[08:11] <Laney> 🤜 duflu
[08:11] * duflu falls over
[08:11] <didrocks> hey Laney
[08:14] <Laney> 💥 didrocks
[08:14] <Laney> what is new this morning?
=== pieq_ is now known as pieq
[08:20] <didrocks> doing some Active Directory work :p
[08:20] <Laney> Enterprise
[08:25] <seb128> hey Laney, duflu and pieq
[08:26] <didrocks> Laney: I propose E8E
[08:26] <pieq> salut seb128 :)
[08:29] <Laney> wb seb128!
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[09:15] <GunnarHj> Hi seb128, I would like to fix bug #1893551, but it would feel better if you blessed it first (or at least said it's not madness).
[09:15] <GunnarHj> https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ibus-no-more-gtk-im-module-ibus/17727/5
[09:15] <ubot5> bug 1893551 in im-config (Ubuntu Focal) "Let im-config back off if IBus on GNOME desktops" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1893551
[09:21] <seb128> GunnarHj, hey, sorry but I don't understand what's the difference if that env is set or not. If that was equivalent it would not lower the reports, but if it's different then does it mean we now hit a new codepath which means different behaviour or problems?
[09:22] <KGB-0> gnome-session signed tags 66e4f7f Iain Lane ubuntu/3.37.0-2ubuntu1 * gnome-session Debian release 3.37.0-2ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/iWpXc
[09:22] <KGB-0> gnome-session ubuntu/master 1e57c0e Iain Lane * pushed 9 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/iNky
[09:22] <KGB-0> gnome-session ubuntu/master c3c177d Iain Lane debian/ control control.in * control: Switch from Breaks old gnome-shell to Depends new one * https://deb.li/3t8es
[09:22] <KGB-0> gnome-session ubuntu/master 1dff617 Iain Lane debian/ control control.in * debian/control: gnome-session Breaks gdm3 prior to 3.37 * https://deb.li/327Gj
[09:22] <KGB-0> gnome-session ubuntu/master c151e91 Iain Lane debian/ control control.in * Merge branch 'debian/master' into ubuntu/master * https://deb.li/3Ql14
[09:22] <KGB-0> gnome-session ubuntu/master 0ab6958 Iain Lane debian/ control control.in * debian/control: Apply relationship changes from gnome-session to ubuntu-session * https://deb.li/14ZM
[09:22] <KGB-0> gnome-session ubuntu/master dcac7a5 Iain Lane debian/ control control.in * Revert "debian/control: gnome-session Breaks gdm3 prior to 3.37" * https://deb.li/3S5yl
[09:23] <KGB-0> gnome-settings-daemon signed tags ee3748a Iain Lane ubuntu/3.37.0-1ubuntu2 * gnome-settings-daemon Debian release 3.37.0-1ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/3VRNj
[09:23] <KGB-0> gnome-settings-daemon ubuntu/master fdf6608 Iain Lane debian/ control control.in * debian/control: Bump Breaks on gnome-{shell,session} & gdm3 * https://deb.li/i2u5c
[09:23] <KGB-0> gnome-settings-daemon ubuntu/master c3f34d4 Iain Lane debian/ control control.in * Merge branch 'debian/master' into ubuntu/master * https://deb.li/DLWN
[09:23] <KGB-0> gnome-settings-daemon ubuntu/master 04e881e Iain Lane debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/3RoVx
[09:23] <KGB-0> gnome-settings-daemon ubuntu/master b6f9bb1 Iain Lane debian/changelog * Finalise changelog * https://deb.li/Tmdg
[09:25] <GunnarHj> seb128: I can't really explain it either. I'm relying completely on the error.ubuntu.com stats, and since there is a significant (positive) difference, to some extent we'd reasonably enter a new code path. So far I haven't seen any problems with it. The test case in the bug report includes some extended testing.
[09:26] <seb128> GunnarHj, I don't have a strong objection, if it improves things and properly test the SRU it should be fine, so feel free to go ahead with the change
[09:26] <GunnarHj> seb128: Great, then I'll proceed with it later today.
[09:30] <seb128> thanks
[14:02] <kenvandine> jamesh: can you make the meeting?
[14:03] <jamesh> kenvandine: yeah. Will be on in a sec.
[14:12] <doko> is hellsworth online this week?
[14:15] <Laney> doko: afaik yes, should be around in the next hour
[14:36] <hellsworth> good morning desktopers
[14:37] <kenvandine> good morning hellsworth
[14:37] <hellsworth> hi there kenvandine
[14:38] <jibel> good morning hellsworth and kenvandine
[14:38] <doko> hellsworth (and Laney): LP: #1891623: so the compiler ICE isn't reproducible, correct?
[14:38] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1891623 in gcc-10 (Ubuntu Groovy) "Can't build Libreoffice with gcc-10, always ends with a Segmentation Fault in the build or resulting binaries" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1891623
[14:39] <doko> hellsworth: if it's not reproducible, please could you attach a stack trace of the failing test, and mention how to run that single test?
[14:39] <doko> hellsworth: also, is this reproducible if you build the package with lowered optimization options?
[14:40] <Laney> I think the ICE is not but it builds tests which crash, not sure if it was tried with -6 yet
[14:40] <Laney> moin hellsworth
[14:42] <hellsworth> well when i build armhf (not test, but build) it fails but in a different way. it looks like it just sort of times out
[14:42] <hellsworth> so i can't get an armhf build to test against
[14:43] <doko> so what am I supposed to do about that bug?
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[14:45] <Laney> mmm
[14:45] <Laney> let's maybe try in a cloud instance?
[14:46] <hellsworth> alrighty. how do i do that?
[14:47] <Laney> need to share some internal docs
[14:47] <Laney> let's take this PRIVATE!
[14:48] <hellsworth> doko: just hang tight.. we'll get something more concrete for you soon
[14:49] <doko> ta
=== kedar is now known as kedar_apte
[17:58] <KGB-2> glib tags 522b1ae Iain Lane upstream/2.65.3 * Upstream version 2.65.3 * https://deb.li/3xeel
[17:58] <KGB-2> glib upstream/latest 8c10270 Iain Lane * pushed 48 commits * https://deb.li/Op9i
[17:58] <KGB-2> glib pristine-tar 8da0c31 Iain Lane glib2.0_2.65.3.orig.tar.xz.delta glib2.0_2.65.3.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for glib2.0_2.65.3.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3KRWh
=== tim is now known as Guest50785