UbuntuIRC / 2020 /09 /02 /#kubuntu-council.txt
Initial commit
[04:43] <valorie> my Google accounts have all been locked so I can't read email
[04:43] <valorie> until I get it all fixed
[04:43] <valorie> maybe tomorrow
[19:30] <IrcsomeBot> <ahoneybun> I haz a PinePhone.
[19:30] <IrcsomeBot> <Sick_Rimmit> Ooo nice, what's your initial impression
[21:11] <IrcsomeBot> <ahoneybun> I like that postmarketOS gives me Full Disk Encryption and SSH out of the box during the setup.
[21:11] <IrcsomeBot> <ahoneybun> I don't like that I don't have an SMS client on the default image though.
[21:12] <IrcsomeBot> <ahoneybun> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/q1Yq9MP0/file_35591.jpg
[23:38] <valorie> @ahoneybun would you like a signal invitation?
[23:38] <valorie> although I'm not as positive about signal these days
[23:38] <IrcsomeBot> <ahoneybun> Invitation?
[23:38] <IrcsomeBot> <ahoneybun> I have Signal do you mean Riot or whatever?
[23:41] <valorie> riot = Matrix
[23:41] <valorie> you need no invite for that
[23:42] <valorie> oh, regained my main email today
[23:48] <IrcsomeBot> <ahoneybun> Riot = Elemental
[23:48] <IrcsomeBot> <ahoneybun> Invite for what?