UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /30 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[01:53] <callmepk> good morning
[02:47] <duflu> Hi callmepk
[02:47] <callmepk> hey duflu
[06:27] <seb128> goood morning desktopers
[06:32] <duflu> Hi seb128
[06:35] <oSoMoN> good morning desktoppers
[06:37] <duflu> Morning oSoMoN
[06:37] <seb128> hey duflun lut oSoMoNn how are you today?
[06:38] <oSoMoN> hey duflu, seb128
[06:38] <oSoMoN> I'm good, how are you?
[06:38] <seb128> duflu, you had quite some upstream fixes landing recently, nice to see :)
[06:39] <seb128> I'm alright!
[06:39] <duflu> seb128, yes, a few small ones. I'm not sure what the winning formula is when others wait months or years
[06:41] <seb128> small are easier to review and have less potential to strart an argument on alternatives ways to fix right?
[06:41] <duflu> seb128, no the others are also small. I think it's just the interest of the reviewer. Lack or reviewers and lack of interest
[07:03] <duflu> That's worse than I expected the current 'iris' mesa driver is 33% slower than the 'i965' driver it replaced
[07:28] <tjaalton> duflu: where?
[07:30] <tjaalton> ah, found the bug report
[07:31] <tjaalton> maybe I should merge mesa
[07:53] <seb128> RAOF, if you are not eod yet, any chance you review some of the desktop updates in the focal SRU queue?
[07:56] <marcustomlinson> morning desktoppers
[08:00] <oSoMoN> morning marcustomlinson
[08:02] <duflu> tjaalton, back :) Good morning
[08:02] <duflu> Also good morning marcustomlinson
[08:03] <marcustomlinson> hey oSoMoN and duflu
[08:03] <Laney> \o\
[08:03] <tjaalton> duflu: you'll get mesa 20.1.2 in no time
[08:03] <seb128> hey marcustomlinson, Laney, how is the island today?
[08:03] <Laney> grey
[08:03] <duflu> tjaalton, is that known to improve things?
[08:03] <duflu> Hi Laney
[08:03] <Laney> moin seb128
[08:03] <Laney> salut duflu
[08:04] <tjaalton> duflu: dunno, but that's what they'd ask to test with I bet
[08:04] <duflu> I guess I was heading in that direction anyway
[08:06] <marcustomlinson> hey Laney and seb128. Island weather as usual of course :)
[08:06] <marcustomlinson> (an island in the Bermuda Triangle that is)
[08:07] <Laney> not the weather you need to be worried about these days ...
[08:07] <Laney> 😈
[08:08] <marcustomlinson> Oh you mean the English ;)
[08:09] <seb128> :p
[08:10] <seb128> jamesh, weekly summary reminder :)
[08:10] <jamesh> seb128: on it. Was just finishing off a code review
[08:11] <seb128> jamesh, :-)
[08:17] <tjaalton> oh sweet, mesa is syncable
[08:20] * duflu tries building master
[09:38] <jibel> xnox, ubiquity is still stuck in proposed due to old udebs not being built anymore
[09:39] <xnox> jibel: AA needs to clean that up
[09:53] <xnox> Laney: your debian-cd/ubuntu-cdimage stuff is really good. it means i can locally sign CDs again, with gpg2, without doing hacks of forcing it to look for gpg1.
[09:53] <Laney> xnox: cool, thanks for the feedback
[09:53] <Laney> I was quite pleased to find --homedir, and ashamed I didn't know about it before :>
[09:53] <Laney> I had all the --no-default-keyring stuff hardwired into my fingers
[09:54] <xnox> yeah, it is nice.
[11:18] <ogra> humm ... how do i make this go away ? https://imgur.com/a/u7ZXxxv ... i as greeted with it this morning when unlocking my laptop
[11:19] <ogra> (seems like a gvfsd password prompt ... clicking either button does nothing and i can not move the window either )
[11:20] <seb128> unsure what prompted the dialog
[11:20] <seb128> bug it sounds like bug #1882481
[11:20] <ubot5> bug 1824874 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1882481 undismissable, unclickable authentication dialog left on screen (top-left corner) after policykit authentication [pushModal: invocation of begin_modal failed]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1824874
[11:22] <ogra> yeah, despite being a different prompt it sounds the same
[13:28] <hellsworth> good morning desktopers
[13:28] <kenvandine> good morning hellsworth
[13:28] <oSoMoN> good morning hellsworth
[13:28] <hellsworth> hi guys :)
[13:29] <seb128> hey Heather, Ken, USers, how are you?
[13:29] <hellsworth> tired but making coffee :)
[13:29] <hellsworth> how are you seb128 ?
[13:30] <seb128> I'm alright!
[13:30] <seb128> oh, meeting time
[13:30] <seb128> I guess it's for me to chair?
[13:30] <seb128> #startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-
[13:30] <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jun 30 13:30:59 2020 UTC. The chair is seb128. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
[13:30] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06- | Current topic:
[13:31] <seb128> #startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-30
[13:31] <meetingology> seb128: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.
[13:31] <seb128> #endmeeting
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336
[13:31] <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Jun 30 13:31:06 2020 UTC.
[13:31] <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2020/ubuntu-desktop.2020-06-30-13.30.moin.txt
[13:31] <seb128> #startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-30
[13:31] <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jun 30 13:31:09 2020 UTC. The chair is seb128. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
[13:31] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-30 | Current topic:
[13:31] <seb128> sorry :p
[13:31] <marcustomlinson> :)
[13:31] <seb128> Roll call: didrocks (out), duflu (out), hellsworth, jamesh (out), jibel, kenvandine, laney, marcustomlinson, oSoMoN, tkamppeter, trevinho (out), robert_ancell (out)
[13:31] <oSoMoN> \o
[13:31] <Laney> greetings
[13:31] <marcustomlinson> \o
[13:31] <jibel> ~o~
[13:31] <seb128> I hope you are all doing fine today!
[13:31] <hellsworth> o|
[13:32] <seb128> let's get started
[13:32] <seb128> #topic rls-bb-bug
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-30 | Current topic: rls-bb-bug
[13:32] <seb128> http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html
[13:32] <seb128> no desktop section
[13:32] <seb128> http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-tracking-bug-tasks.html
[13:32] <seb128> only assigned ones
[13:32] <seb128> #topic rls-ff-bug
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-30 | Current topic: rls-ff-bug
[13:32] <seb128> http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html
[13:33] <seb128> the issues on there need cleaning out still :/ but nothing to review
[13:33] <seb128> http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-tracking-bug-tasks.html
[13:33] <seb128> that's in shape :)
[13:33] <seb128> #topic rls-gg-bug
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-30 | Current topic: rls-gg-bug
[13:33] <seb128> http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-gg-incoming-bug-tasks.html
[13:35] <seb128> bug #1865226 we agreed to take iirc
[13:35] <ubot5> bug 1865226 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "gdm-smartcard pam config needs to be updated for Ubuntu and installed" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1865226
[13:36] <seb128> I'm going to accept nomination and assign to Marco? (or myself tbd)
[13:36] <seb128> the mysql lib sounds like something we should check
[13:37] <seb128> but probably not rls target, what do other think?
[13:37] <oSoMoN> probably not
[13:38] <Laney> hmm
[13:40] <seb128> sorry, got sidetracked checking the rdepends
[13:40] <seb128> unsure why gnome-control-center is in minimal?
[13:40] <seb128> but probably not something we need to debug during the meeting
[13:40] <seb128> anyone in favor or rls nomination?
[13:40] <seb128> if not I suggest we wontfix and move on for now
[13:41] <seb128> seems not, let's move on then
[13:41] <seb128> http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-gg-tracking-bug-tasks.html
[13:41] <seb128> those are assigned
[13:41] <seb128> #topic update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-30 | Current topic: update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages
[13:42] <seb128> https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages
[13:42] <seb128> bbswitch / dkms we discussed previous week and is being worked on
[13:42] <seb128> wslu callmepk has been iterating some MPs
[13:42] <seb128> xorg-server needs work, tjaalton is that something you / foundation are tracking?
[13:43] <seb128> tbd I will ask for a badtest on i386
[13:43] <seb128> tracker needs a retry
[13:43] <seb128> udisks2 I uploaded a fix (hopefully it works)
[13:43] <seb128> others are new
[13:43] <seb128> that's it
[13:43] <seb128> #topic AOB
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-30 | Current topic: AOB
[13:43] <seb128> any other topic?
[13:45] <Laney> yeah, the focal stuff
[13:45] <Laney> why do we keep skipping over some items week on week?
[13:46] <seb128> because we (collectively) fail to go clean those items
[13:46] <Laney> they should be notfixing or what?
[13:47] <Laney> I can go do it
[13:47] <seb128> thx
[13:47] <Laney> is that a yes?
[13:47] <seb128> the ones assigned to Marco I think he said to track them
[13:47] <seb128> so I think those nominated
[13:47] <seb128> and the other ones wontfixing iirc
[13:49] <Laney> ok
[13:49] <seb128> k, anything else?
[13:49] <seb128> Laney, thanks!
[13:50] <Laney> also we should figure out how to start tracking actual work on rls bugs again, not sure at all how much progress is being made on them
[13:50] <Laney> I reassigned that minimal bug, it's coming from net-snmp
[13:50] <Laney> end of comments
[13:50] <seb128> Laney, right, what's the status of the KPI?
[13:51] <Laney> there will be a place to put them which is public
[13:51] <Laney> did I sign up to create a metric?
[13:52] <seb128> I don't think you did
[13:52] <seb128> in fact I though about it some days ago and I wanted to have a look myself maybe
[13:52] <seb128> but I didn't pay much attention and was unsure if the public place was ready yet or not
[13:52] <Laney> okey
[13:53] <seb128> doesn't need to a topic for the meeting though
[13:53] <seb128> let's wrap there, we can continue to chat after :)
[13:53] <seb128> thanks everyone!
[13:53] <seb128> #endmeeting
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336
[13:53] <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Jun 30 13:53:14 2020 UTC.
[13:53] <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2020/ubuntu-desktop.2020-06-30-13.31.moin.txt
[13:53] <Laney> nah but getting the data working is possible to do without that (or use the private one meanwhile)
[13:53] <Laney> thx
[13:53] <kenvandine> :)
[13:53] <oSoMoN> thanks
[13:54] <seb128> Laney, did you intend to have a look? if not I'm happy to poke at those metrics
[13:54] <seb128> (just checking I didn't accidentally step on your feet)
[13:54] <Laney> not right away, feel free
[13:54] <seb128> thx
[13:54] <seb128> k, so other stupid question from me for the day
[13:54] <Laney> we could have a metrics hack day once this works though, that would be fun
[13:54] <seb128> that would be nice yeah
[13:55] <seb128> @question, how is desktop-minimal defined?
[13:55] <seb128> I guess it makes sense to have g-c-c in there since desktop without settings isn't a great experience
[13:56] <Laney> technically it is a seed
[13:56] <Laney> policy I don't know
[13:56] <Laney> but yes I would say g-c-c should be there
[13:58] <Laney> ok second half of lunch now, back soon
[14:00] <seb128> Laney, enjoy!
[14:01] <seb128> Laney, and thx for reassigning the net-snmp bug
[14:06] <tjaalton> seb128: yes, there are some new failures which need to be resolved
[14:20] <seb128> tjaalton, thanks
[14:20] <seb128> jibel, ubiquity migrated bt
[14:20] <seb128> w
[14:36] <jibel> k, I'll try it
[14:45] <seb128> Laney, k, I finally got back to fix the by team report for the new britney, I had postponed because the bugs are done in the template which isn't as easy than hacking python :p
[14:45] <seb128> Laney, https://people.canonical.com/~seb128/report.html if you want to see the output generated with your current yaml and the code I pushed
[14:49] <Laney> seb128: looks good
[14:49] <Laney> works with both the new and the old one?
[14:50] <Laney> well the URL needs to change I guess
[14:50] <Laney> or path or whatever it uses
[14:51] <seb128> Laney, yes, works with the old one
[14:51] <seb128> Laney, what do you mean? the yaml location is going to change once the new code land?
[14:52] <Laney> it's .xz
[14:52] <seb128> ah ok, I though that was a temp think during your testing
[14:53] <seb128> I will fix that
[14:55] <seb128> Laney, do you it makes thanks to to a try/except with the new url and fallback or do we just change to be .xz when you land the update?
[14:59] <Laney> falling back sounds nice to me
[14:59] <Laney> one less thing to remember to change
[15:40] <seb128> Laney, k, pushed some more commits with the code simplication your suggested and the url fallbacking (I tried the xz read by setting your page as an url and it works)
[15:56] <Laney> seb128: you don't have to read() on the xz one?
[15:57] <Laney> if that works it can probably be dropped from the other one too, I guess the for loop works on the response object directly
[15:57] <Laney> and I don't like catching bare exceptions
[15:57] <Laney> other than that looks good!
[15:58] <seb128> Laney, k, I need to step out for diner but will do those tweaks later, thanks for the reviews!
[16:14] <oSoMoN> ricotz, FYI, bug #1885743 will delay a bit the firefox 78.0 update (just the time needed to rebuild the packages and validate them)
[16:14] <ubot5> bug 1885743 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Search plugins need to be updated for browser.search.modernConfig=true" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1885743
[16:35] <ricotz> oSoMoN, :(
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