UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /30 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:34] <Ranger5> Hello! Is it just me or is everyone else unable to log in to the lubuntu forum?
[00:36] <kc2bez> Ranger5: You are not alone. We are currently experiencing some issues with our infrastructure.
[00:37] <Ranger5> Oh good, I thought all my computers had gone wonky!
[00:40] <kc2bez> I have support ticket logged with our admin.
[00:42] <Ranger5> I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds good lol!
[00:43] <kc2bez> tl;dr We are working on a resolution. :D
[00:46] <Ranger5> Great! You guys do great work you know, you're always "on". Many thanks for all the effort you put in!(y) (y) =D
[03:35] <linux> andy
[03:35] <linux> Hallo und Guten Morgen
[03:42] <linux> Hallo und Guten Morgen...
[06:24] <brendantcc> is there a netboot installer for Lubuntu? I've only got a 1gb SD card to install with :/
=== Sandman is now known as Heliarc
=== Heliarc is now known as HusTler
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest37038
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest8435
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest36299
[17:51] <GNULinuxPay> I'm selling GNU/Linux licenses. $99 for single user, $49 for each computer if purchasing for 25 or more machines. Bitcoin payment only!
[18:09] <GNULinuxGenuine> I'm selling GNU/Linux licenses. $99 for single user, $49 for each computer if purchasing for 25 or more machines. Bitcoin payment only!
[18:09] <santimir[m]> hello, having ACPI errors and computer keyboard doesn't respond
[18:10] <santimir[m]> just for turning on but nothing afterwards. it was after changing power management settings so i wonder if this might have something to do
[18:10] <santimir[m]> lubuntu 20.04
[18:11] <santimir[m]> (luckily, have a coding test in 2 days)
[18:13] <santimir[m]> strangely, the power indicator went from 40% to 10%, and the keyboard freeze
[18:18] <santimir[m]> I hold off button pressed, it came back to life but it's informing a 'firmware bug', and surely won't work fine
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest99630