UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /30 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== keywyrm is now known as george
=== george is now known as Guest51979
=== Guest51979 is now known as george
=== george is now known as Guest92009
[01:06] * Guest92009 waves hello
[01:06] <IrcsomeBot> * DarinMiller waves back
[01:07] * Guest92009 says goodbye
[05:12] <IrcsomeBot> franzpammer was added by: franzpammer
[05:54] <lordievader> Good morning
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest1131
=== Guest59841 is now known as lordievader
[09:46] <IrcsomeBot> Soon forever was added by: Soon forever
=== test is now known as Guest68895
[11:34] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks
=== msalvatore_ is now known as msalvatore
[12:22] <jukebohi> I wish the text cursor was wider visually when moving it Ctrl-arrow when it jumps a word at a time. I have a hard time following where the cursor at when jumping word by word at high speeds. A "fading trail"-effect would be really nice when the text-cursor is moving really fast. I mean that when the cursor speeds it gets wider because it leaves a trail and when it stops the tail shortens
[12:23] <jukebohi> Should I bugzilla the KDE devels? I'm sure other people would also enjoy a more visual cursor when moving around with CLTR + arrow
[12:25] <jukebohi> if the tail is a fade from blue-to-white (towards left) or black-to-white and then when you stop moving the trail slowly shortens till the normal text cursor is reached it would not get confused with painting which is just blue
=== thiago is now known as Guest6718
=== Guest6718 is now known as Thiago666
[13:07] <Thiago666> oi
[13:09] <Thiago666> hi
=== Thiago666 is now known as LoboMauX
=== faLUCE is now known as paolopr
[14:17] <LoboMauX> Hello?
[15:06] <IrcsomeBot> <bauchhaus> Ho
[16:00] <IrcsomeBot> KGemmer was added by: KGemmer
[18:24] <Guest751> https://golead.pl/p/KVI0/1uIQ/k6oo
[20:57] <user|6254> I give an error message during the boot operation. Error message is IRQ 7 Disable. When I get this error message, I turn off the computer. does not recognize the hard disk during boot. what can I do.
[20:57] <user|6254> Ryzen 7, 16 Gb Ram, Radeon Vega 10 Graphical card installed on comp.
[21:07] <tomreyn> user|6254: provide a screen shot (take a photo with smartphone or digital camera and upload it to imgur.com or something)
[21:07] <tomreyn> user|6254: also make sure the bios is fully updated
[21:09] <genii> I've seen this previously with AMD systems, using irqpoll usually gets it booting but not a good permanent fix
[21:12] <genii> Usually comes with a message in the boot about amd_gpio_irq_handler and: irq 7: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option)
[21:13] <tomreyn> i would think a bios upgrade would also fix it... hopefully
[21:14] <tomreyn> (or rather *this could* actually fix it, not just work around it - which may, however, be desirable in the meantime, i agree there.)
[21:15] <genii> I think maybe installing/updating amd64-microcode might also not be a bad idea
=== borja_ is now known as jimm
=== jimm is now known as Guest39416
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== leaftype2 is now known as leaftype