UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /29 /#ubports.txt
Initial commit
[02:56] <ubptgbot> DJ2Thirteen was added by: DJ2Thirteen
[03:23] <ubptgbot> faerasazhashunu7 was added by: faerasazhashunu7
[06:17] <ubptgbot> Hi was added by: Hi
[06:18] <ubptgbot> <Hi> Is this available in Mi A1 ...
[07:34] <ubptgbot> RZRady was added by: RZRady
[07:35] <ubptgbot> <RZRady> Hello everybdy?
[07:35] <ubptgbot> <RZRady> Did any of you guys test this os on old iphon? like C models?
[07:47] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @RZRady [Did any of you guys test this os on old iphon? like C models?], There is currently no way to port any of those as far as I am aware of. But you could do an online search for Halium port of iPhone and see if any has been started.
[07:49] <ubptgbot> <TuxThePenguin> That's not how Halium works
[07:49] <ubptgbot> <TuxThePenguin> Halium is meant to let you use proprietary Android-based drivers with a regular Linux distro like Ubuntu
[07:49] <ubptgbot> <vtsoft> @RZRady [Did any of you guys test this os on old iphon? like C models?], No, the ubuntu touch does not support iPhones. At least because the ubuntu touch uses Linux kernel, and the iPhone is adapted for XNU.
[07:49] <ubptgbot> <TuxThePenguin> iPhones don't have that option since all the official drivers for them are compiled for Darwin, a totally different kernel
[07:50] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @Hi [Is this available in Mi A1 ...], seems a port was started but not completed - https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues/84
[07:50] <gitbot> Halium issue 84 in projectmanagement "[device-port] [tissot] Xiaomi A1" [Ports, Open]
[07:50] <ubptgbot> <TuxThePenguin> In theory that sandcastle project could actually get UT working on some iPhones like the 7 but it'd be super jank
[07:52] <ubptgbot> <RZRady> Thank you guys,
[08:41] <ubptgbot> <Camden B> @TuxThePenguin [In theory that sandcastle project could actually get UT working on some iPhones …], Yeah, ofc... thanks to the linux build that is included.
[09:08] <ubptgbot> <Raphael> Hello guys, … sorry for the long message. … I have two problems with my OnePlus One (running OTA 12): … 1. When i am calling someone or i get a call, the microphone is always to low, so the other person can't really understand what i am saying, it is much too quietly. I always have to turn on speakerphone mode or use a headset, so that i
[09:08] <ubptgbot> am understood. … -> Is this an known issue for the OPO? … 2. When i am abroad, i have to use roaming for calling and for mobile data. Calls are working (tested it) but i can't get internet acces with mobile data (!)(no Teleports updating messanges or surfing possible with MorphBrowser) although the OPO shows me on the function bar, that i have acce
[09:08] <ubptgbot> s. … -> Does someone have the same problem? … Any Ideas to fix that? Flight mode on/off, Restart or shut down did not help. … Thanks!
[11:37] <ubptgbot> Georg was added by: Georg
[11:45] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @Raphael [Hello guys, … sorry for the long message. … I have two problems with my OnePlus One …], Hmm maybe you microphone is dirty? I have an OPO as daily since years, never had this issue. 2) If you are abroad it could be that the carrier settings are just messed up. Delete all APN settings in system settings and see if that helps. Norm
[11:45] <ubptgbot> ally the SIM card can autoconfigure the stuff.
[13:43] <ubptgbot> <Shawn> @Raphael [Hello guys, … sorry for the long message. … I have two problems with my OnePlus One …], I've bought 2 used OPOs because the microphone was bad on the first one. It looks like it is broken. If i need the Phone i will exchange it. The second one is my wifes daily driver. This one is working fine.
[13:44] <ubptgbot> <Federica Galli> Fwd from Federica Galli: Question : I would like to try to install anbox, but if i don’t like it can i uninstall it and how?
[13:53] <ubptgbot> <libremax> You will have to flash again with UBports Installer, without wipe option to conserve your datas.
[13:55] <ubptgbot> <libremax> [Edit] You will have to flash again with UBports Installer, without wipe option to conserve your personal datas.
[14:13] <ubptgbot> <Federica Galli> @libremax [You will have to flash again with UBports Installer, without wipe option to cons …], yeah... i was afraid of that. thx 🙏
[14:58] <ubptgbot> <Federica Galli> Does anyone know if there is a Signal app for UT?
[14:58] <ubptgbot> <Federica Galli> I though there was one long ago but I cannot find it.....
[15:00] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> axolotl
[15:02] <ubptgbot> <Federica Galli> @dohbee [axolotl], ah yes! thanks again 😁
[15:04] <ubptgbot> robzonpl was added by: robzonpl
[15:32] <ubptgbot> pyloraeriraenae2682 was added by: pyloraeriraenae2682
[16:34] <ubptgbot> <MichaelTunnell> @Ramasai [UBports GSI brings Ubuntu Touch to any Project Treble-supported Android device … h …], this looks very cool!
[16:45] <ubptgbot> <TobiasSchimpf> Hi Guis I've a issue on the nexus 5 on OAT 12. When I'm plug the headset the speaker level is lower. That's OK. But when I unplug the headset again the level still remains very low. Anyone who knows this issue. Only after restarting the speaker volume turns normal.
[16:48] <ubptgbot> <Rcmaehl> UBPorts is GREAT! It's been 147 hours since last charge and it's still at 44%
[16:49] <ubptgbot> <Rcmaehl> (Photo, 1440x2560) https://irc.ubports.com/0CMPj3NK.png
[16:50] <ubptgbot> Matthias69 was added by: Matthias69
[16:52] <ubptgbot> <Matthias69> Before I have to check endless Devices: what is the biggest phone that is supported?
[16:53] <ubptgbot> <mzanetti> in terms of screen size?
[16:53] <ubptgbot> <Matthias69> Yes
[16:53] <ubptgbot> <mzanetti> well... in the light of convergence I'd guess you should be prepared to anything...
[16:54] <ubptgbot> <Rcmaehl> Technically any device that supports GSI roms supports UBPorts
[16:54] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @Rcmaehl [Technically any device that supports GSI roms supports UBPorts], But not well yet, and not with update support. It's better to go off of more mature devices at devices.ubuntu-touch.io
[16:55] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> The OnePlus One is rather large I suppose. The PinePhone is 6" diagonal, and it is a 1:2 ratio display
[16:56] <ubptgbot> <mzanetti> oh, this is from a user point of view, not from a developer point of view... sorry. ignore my earlier reply
[16:57] <ubptgbot> <Matthias69> I'm using a 6.9 inch phone and a 7.2. I could maybe go with something smaller like 6.5-6.7 but anything less is just too small as a main device.
[16:59] <ubptgbot> <Rcmaehl> @UniversalSuperBox [But not well yet, and not with update support. It's better to go off of more mat …], Nash supports it great. Only bug not being able to use both wifi and data at the same time
[17:00] <ubptgbot> <Rcmaehl> But then again Erfan is the LOS dev for that device so it has a bit of a headstart
[17:12] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Matthias69 [I'm using a 6.9 inch phone and a 7.2. I could maybe go with something smaller li …], i have a laptop that is smaller…
[17:14] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Rcmaehl [Nash supports it great. Only bug not being able to use both wifi and data at the …], and it's not official support, as there's no system-image updating support and you can't install it with ubports-installer; also the GSI still doesn't mitigate the need to build patched kernels for running Ubuntu Touch
[17:14] <ubptgbot> <erfanoabdi> @Rcmaehl [Nash supports it great. Only bug not being able to use both wifi and data at the …], it's already fixed
[17:16] <ubptgbot> <Matthias69> @dohbee [i have a laptop that is smaller…], Well, main device means only device actually. I hate using a laptop or computer. Thats why the Phone needs a Big screen.
[17:23] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @Rcmaehl [UBPorts is GREAT! It's been 147 hours since last charge and it's still at 44%], what device? Ut can have great idle battery depending on the device
[17:39] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @Matthias69 [Before I have to check endless Devices: what is the biggest phone that is suppor …], Meizu Pro 5 or upcoming Volla Phone
[17:40] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @TotalSonic [Meizu Pro 5 or upcoming Volla Phone], or a massive galaxy note, i guess, if one wants to use the new GSI stuff
[17:40] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> but of course, not officially supported yet, so a bit of a pain to install
[17:40] <ubptgbot> <Shakendo> galaxy note?
[17:41] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Matthias69 [Well, main device means only device actually. I hate using a laptop or computer. …], i don't plan on buying a laptop ever again either, but i don't want a phone (or tablet) with a massive screen and no keyboard to replace it. i want a phone i can use as a phone, fits in my pocket, doesn't stab my crotch, and i can use to code
[17:41] <ubptgbot> on too
[17:51] <no_gravity> Good Evening! How do you install vim on the ubports? I tried "apt install vim" in the terminal but that does not work.
[17:52] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @no_gravity [Good Evening! How do you install vim on the ubports? I tried "apt install vim" i …], apt is not supported in the main system. UT is not a traditional linux distro. libertine is the supported method of creating a container for installing and using legacy and CLI apps on UT
[17:53] <no_gravity> ubptgbot: "legacy"?
[17:57] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @no_gravity [ubptgbot: "legacy"?], i'm not a bot, the bot is a bridge; legacy as in x11 apps which are not developed to work under confinement nor with varying device and screen types or input devices in a responsive manner
[17:58] <no_gravity> ubptgbot: Bridge to what? vim is not an x11 app.
[17:59] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> no, vim is a CLI app
[17:59] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> bridge to telegram
[17:59] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> https://t.me/ubports
[17:59] <ubptgbot> <Shakendo> @dohbee [i'm not a bot, the bot is a bridge; legacy as in x11 apps which are not develope …], you sure your not a bot? I dont think Ive ever seen you not in the chats for more than 30 minutes
[17:59] <no_gravity> ubptgbot: So why can't one just install vim on the terminal?
[18:00] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @no_gravity [ubptgbot: So why can't one just install vim on the terminal?], the rootfs is read-only for multiple reasons. as i said, UT is not a traditional linux distro. it's built for the needs of phones and running on top of things like android HAL.
[18:01] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> though i think vim is already installed anyway (though maybe only the tiny package or such)
[18:01] <no_gravity> ubptgbot: When I type vim I get "bash: vim: command not found".
[18:02] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> ok
[18:02] <ubptgbot> <Rcmaehl> I'm not immediately seeing a link to IRC in google. Is UBports on freenode?
[18:02] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Rcmaehl [I'm not immediately seeing a link to IRC in google. Is UBports on freenode?], yes
[18:03] <no_gravity> I tried "nano" and that is there. Now how do I exit nano :)
[18:04] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> switch the command toolbar in terminal app to the one for nano
[18:05] <ubptgbot> <Federica Galli> @Matthias69 [Before I have to check endless Devices: what is the biggest phone that is suppor …], oneplus 1 and oneplus 3 i think.
[18:07] <ubptgbot> <lonerider_one> @no_gravity [ubptgbot: When I type vim I get "bash: vim: command not found".], did you try 'vi'
[18:14] <ubptgbot> <ArubIslander> @no_gravity [ubptgbot: When I type vim I get "bash: vim: command not found".], Try 'vi' instead of 'vim'
[18:25] <DonkeyHotei> no_gravity: ctrl-x i think
[18:32] <ubptgbot> Stan stan was added by: Stan stan
[18:32] <ubptgbot> <Stan stan> hello
[18:33] <ubptgbot> <Stan stan> may i ask please
[18:33] <ubptgbot> <Stan stan> i have a oneplus 3t and all the calls during call volume is very very very low
[18:33] <ubptgbot> <Stan stan> is the phone i got damaged or something software relarted
[18:39] <ubptgbot> <Stan stan> 😅
[18:44] <ubptgbot> <nanu_c> Try to set volume with uvolman from open store
[18:48] <ubptgbot> <Stan stan> yeah it looks like there is no way to increase it from the settings will try that
[18:49] <ubptgbot> <Stan stan> is there away to do it without installing an app
[18:49] <ubptgbot> <Stan stan> from terminal or system settings
[18:50] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> the volume is probably already at 100%
[18:50] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> there is some issue with that device i think
[18:51] <ubptgbot> Marcus was added by: Marcus
[18:51] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> (not yours specifically, the op3/3t in general)
[18:52] <ubptgbot> <Stan stan> is there any work around that @dohbee
[18:52] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> i don't know
[18:52] <ubptgbot> <Stan stan> may i ask you please if you know who to tag here to seek help
[18:52] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> there is for example https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/1402
[18:52] <gitbot> ubports issue 1402 in ubuntu-touch "volume control has no effect in calls" [Device: Oneplus3, Needs Confirmation, Open]
[18:53] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Stan stan [may i ask you please if you know who to tag here to seek help], probably better to ask whomever maintains the port in https://t.me/ubports_porting
[18:54] <ubptgbot> <Stan stan> thanks @dohbee
[19:45] <ubptgbot> <Kelvin97> @dohbee [http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html], Any commit regarding fix ? … When i tap power button instead of screen of it always shows power menu
[19:45] <ubptgbot> <Kelvin97> @dohbee [http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html], [Edit] Any fix commit regarding this ? … When i tap power button instead of screen of it always shows power menu
[19:46] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Kelvin97 [Any fix commit regarding this ? … When i tap power button instead of screen of it …], why are you asking me? i'm not porting your device. ask in https://t.me/UBports_porting
[19:46] <ubptgbot> <Kelvin97> @dohbee [why are you asking me? i'm not porting your device. ask in https://t.me/UBports_ …], Ok
[20:05] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> ok, I just received a PinePhone, but don't seem to have success pulling up the camera on it.
[20:07] <ubptgbot> <Dylan Gundberg> Camera is not currently working on pine phone
[20:07] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Condoulo [ok, I just received a PinePhone, but don't seem to have success pulling up the c …], please see the pinned message in this group
[20:10] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> @dohbee [please see the pinned message in this group], Not seeing anything about the camera in that post. 🤔
[20:13] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> oh. hmm, i guess that post doesn't include the link to the gitlab issues page for pinephone
[20:16] <ubptgbot> Günter was added by: Günter
[20:37] <ubptgbot> <ScardracS> Actually camera and vibrator don't work on ubports
[20:37] <ubptgbot> <ScardracS> @Condoulo
[20:38] <ubptgbot> <ScardracS> Camera doesn't work at all on all OSs
[20:40] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> Yikes.
[20:45] <rcmaehl> Hi Tyler
[20:48] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @ScardracS [Actually camera and vibrator don't work on ubports], What this is not true
[20:48] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> YOu mean on Pinephone? ok
[20:49] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> Yea, because I just got a PinePhone today.
[20:49] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/f2uvy0l9.png
[20:49] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/DtYmvf0M.png
[20:49] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> (Photo, 858x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/0ke2BSnL.png
[20:49] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/2DZWJ1lX.png
[20:49] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/rwTHF5gm.png
[20:49] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> (Photo, 504x672) https://irc.ubports.com/fU0RnByd.png
[20:49] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> (Photo, 504x672) https://irc.ubports.com/dK4o4m1F.png
[20:51] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> yes, it's a developer phone, not a consumer-ready phone
[21:09] <ubptgbot> <ScardracS> @Flohack [YOu mean on Pinephone? ok], Yeah I mean pinephone
[21:09] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> We'll get there
[21:10] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> Good to know. :) Was just wondering the status.
[21:31] <ubptgbot> <bendoverboi> Looks decently built
[21:36] <ubptgbot> <dtarrant> @dohbee [please see the pinned message in this group], How can I display the pinned message in Teleports?
[21:37] <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> Fwd from UniversalSuperBox: Having trouble with your PinePhone UBports CE? Check out our Frequent Problems thread to see if there is a resolution already! https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=10130
[21:40] <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> It is working towards being a phone for adventurous consumers
[21:45] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> I'm trying to remember, what tool do you guys use to create custom webapp shortcuts?
[21:45] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> I tried Webber but it doesn't actually create the shortcut.
[21:50] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @Condoulo [I tried Webber but it doesn't actually create the shortcut.], Webber works very well in my use of it - but Webapp Creator also can work well too https://open-store.io/app/webapp-creator.jujuyeh
[21:51] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> I actually really love Webber's interface, but it's not actually creating the shortcuts.
[21:53] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @Condoulo [I actually really love Webber's interface, but it's not actually creating the sh …], That's strange - it does it over here - Meizu Pro 5 rc channel
[21:54] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> Weird, I'm not seeing Webapp-Creator in the store. =/
[22:07] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Condoulo [I actually really love Webber's interface, but it's not actually creating the sh …], i think there's a problem with content-hub on pinephone currently, which is likely causing the issue where you can't save it
[22:10] <ubptgbot> <Condoulo> @dohbee [i think there's a problem with content-hub on pinephone currently, which is like …], Ah.
[22:47] <ubptgbot> <TotalSonic> @Condoulo [Weird, I'm not seeing Webapp-Creator in the store. =/], Hmmm - I guess PinePhone needs arm64 apps and that Webapp Creator only has armhf available? Not quite sure.
[22:49] <ubptgbot> Donny Mccoy was added by: Donny Mccoy
[22:58] <ubptgbot> Victor Leser was added by: Victor Leser
[23:04] <ubptgbot> <Victor Leser> I have some old but very solid Panasonic and Getac rugged tablets currently running Microsoft Windows 10. Is it possible to replace Windows 10 with Ubuntu Touch on these machines, or dual-boot them? I have replaced the Windows on some older laptops with Ubuntu, but am not confident even where to look for instructions. I do not wa
[23:04] <ubptgbot> nt to try to do something which is not feasible. I run some laptops which I have the laptopson Window
[23:05] <ubptgbot> <Victor Leser> (Please ignore last draft sentence) Hoping that someone in this group can provide help, guidance, or pointers.