UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /27 /#ubports.txt
Initial commit
[01:43] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @Federica Galli [Hi Kugi, so app password will work with Dekko?], yes, I've been using it in all my Dekko installs...well actually I just copy dekko data across my UT devices 😄
[03:01] <ubptgbot> Ne Ahmed was added by: Ne Ahmed
[03:57] <ubptgbot> IenaMadaraba was added by: IenaMadaraba
[04:03] <ubptgbot> <IenaMadaraba> Anyone got a motorola SDM632 ocean halium boot IMG?
[04:44] <ubptgbot> <ScardracS> @IenaMadaraba [Anyone got a motorola SDM632 ocean halium boot IMG?], t.me/halium
[05:17] <ubptgbot> <Yours_Sanjith> Hello all.. I want to install Ubuntu touch on my mi a1 device. What are the features supporting on my device and drawback after installing?
[05:18] <ubptgbot> <Yours_Sanjith> Also share if any links available for installation process.
[05:18] <ubptgbot> <Yours_Sanjith> Thanks in advance :)
[05:52] <ubptgbot> <ScardracS> @Yours_Sanjith [Hello all.. I want to install Ubuntu touch on my mi a1 device. What are the feat …], Ask on t.me/halium as your device isn't officially supported by ubports
[05:53] <ubptgbot> <ScardracS> Anyway if you have android 9 lineageos then you *could* install it
[06:17] <ubptgbot> birbature was added by: birbature
[06:17] <ubptgbot> <birbature> so
[06:17] <ubptgbot> <birbature> whats the passphrase
[06:17] <ubptgbot> <birbature> lol
[06:18] <ubptgbot> <birbature> it never asked me to set a passphrase during the setup, but the device is locked by default with a passphrade
[06:18] <ubptgbot> <birbature> when i try to disable the lock security it asks me to enter the existing passphrade
[06:18] <ubptgbot> <birbature> [Edit] when i try to disable the lock security it asks me to enter the existing passphrase
[06:37] <ubptgbot> <13arz> @Jinosh [An Android os with Ubuntu], Once in Ubuntu Touch, I would not go back. Why do you need to return to Android?
[06:42] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @birbature [it never asked me to set a passphrase during the setup, but the device is locked …], you were asked for the security lock during the initial setup - swipe only, pin or passphrase … if you're sure you did not input something then perhaps it's a bug … or you have a pinephone with an old image in which `phablet` is the passwo
[06:42] <ubptgbot> rd
[06:45] <ubptgbot> <birbature> phablet was the password, ty
[06:49] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @birbature [phablet was the password, ty], what device?
[06:51] <ubptgbot> <birbature> S9
[06:51] <ubptgbot> <birbature> my secondary device
[06:51] <ubptgbot> <birbature> so i don't mind
[07:01] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> oh okay, a new port then, that's why
[07:40] <ubptgbot> Bruce Walton was added by: Bruce Walton
[07:42] <ubptgbot> <Federica Galli> @Javacookies [yes, I've been using it in all my Dekko installs...well actually I just copy dek …], thanks, only thing is that i need to turn on 2-factor authentication for and give my phone nr to google 🤨
[07:51] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> I use Authenticator for that … also, you're using Gmail so.... 😄
[07:54] <ubptgbot> <supirlelik96> Hello there is a problem on ubports audio in all applications and ringtones and notification sounds are not working ,also not working media player and music
[07:55] <ubptgbot> <supirlelik96> @supirlelik96 [Hello there is a problem on ubports audio in all applications and ringtones and …], Ubuntu gsi halium9
[07:57] <ubptgbot> <Federica Galli> @Javacookies [I use Authenticator for that … also, you're using Gmail so.... 😄], 😂🙈 indeed....
[08:27] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> Is openSUSE OK for ubports related stuff? I don't really want to reinstall my OS as I have the build system set up for my own os lol
[08:39] <ubptgbot> <daniperezal> @Federica Galli [Where do I enable app passwords?], In Security options. You need to generate a password for apps that doesn't allow 2-steps authentication.
[09:11] <ubptgbot> Digital Timm was added by: Digital Timm
[09:11] <ubptgbot> <Digital Timm> P
[11:21] <ubptgbot> <Brendan> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/sHNGpSzo.png Hi I found my old Nexus 5 and I decided install Ubuntu touch and now every time I turn on the device this happens is there any way I can fix this
[11:25] <ubptgbot> suunto7 was added by: suunto7
[11:39] <ubptgbot> <Benni S> @Brendan [<reply to media>], Can't help you but is the location of detected touch input also shifted in the same way?
[11:44] <ubptgbot> <Brendan> (Sticker, 512x487) https://irc.ubports.com/h1LIeN96.webp
[11:44] <ubptgbot> <Brendan> yes it is
[11:46] <ubptgbot> <Benni S> Does this happen with other OS too? What does it look like if you tilt your phone to landscape layout?
[11:46] <ubptgbot> <Benni S> [Edit] Does this happen with other OS too? … What does it look like if you tilt your phone to landscape layout?
[11:48] <ubptgbot> <Brendan> it doesn't let me rotate the screen until I turn off the screen then turn it back on
[12:04] <ubptgbot> <Steve Kueffer> @Brendan [<reply to media>], I had exactly the same problem with my Nexus 5. I could fix it by reinstalling Android latest version (using Nexus Toolkit on Windows 10), than reinstall UT via the installer. The problem was some deprecated firmware which attempt to the correct display of GUI graphical interface on Ubuntu Touch.
[12:07] <ubptgbot> <Steve Kueffer> That was the same bug before I flashed back to Android. Than reflash with the installer again and everything should work fine
[12:07] <ubptgbot> <Steve Kueffer> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/JSYQTqQo.png
[12:08] <ubptgbot> <shinyhairsmylifeambition> @Steve Kueffer [That was the same bug before I flashed back to Android. Than reflash with the in …], Does the ubports do that?
[12:09] <ubptgbot> <shinyhairsmylifeambition> Install everything all im one..
[12:10] <ubptgbot> <shinyhairsmylifeambition> Same here. I also have a WiFi Problem. Loses the password.
[12:11] <ubptgbot> <shinyhairsmylifeambition> @Steve Kueffer [That was the same bug before I flashed back to Android. Than reflash with the in …], [Edit] Does the ubports tool do that?
[12:11] <ubptgbot> <shinyhairsmylifeambition> [Edit] Install everything all in one..
[12:11] <ubptgbot> <ren jian> Thank you very much for helping me to adapt the essential phone to Ubuntu🙈🙈
[12:13] <ubptgbot> <Steve Kueffer> @shinyhairsmylifeambition [Does the ubports tool do that?], No you have to use Nexus Toolkit (Windows 10) or use Google factory Image.
[12:15] <ubptgbot> <shinyhairsmylifeambition> Steve So you use the Nexus Toolkit and afterwards the ubports tool, that's all?
[12:30] <ubptgbot> VY was added by: VY
[12:33] <ubptgbot> <VY> I wud love to try this on OnePlus 6 but I guess it does not exist yet.
[12:50] <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> @shinyhairsmylifeambition [Steve So you use the Nexus Toolkit and afterwards the ubports tool, that's all?], reflash android to the latest OTA and then reinstall UT
[12:53] <ubptgbot> <shinyhairsmylifeambition> Will do 👍
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[14:09] <ubptgbot> <Steve Kueffer> @shinyhairsmylifeambition [Steve So you use the Nexus Toolkit and afterwards the ubports tool, that's all?], Correct
[14:09] <ubptgbot> <shinyhairsmylifeambition> @Steve Kueffer [Correct], Allright. Will try. Thanks
[14:13] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @Brendan [<reply to media>], Its a known bug and will be fixed by the upcoming new port for N5 based on Android 7.1 still maybe end of year it will be
[14:21] <ubptgbot> <mark alexa> Ladies & gents ... after installing latest update for Meizu 5 PRO (dev channel) my phone won't boot. It gets stuck on the boot screen. Anyone have had same experience on Meizu 5 ?
[14:22] <ubptgbot> <ScardracS> Add Google account is not fixed yet?
[14:22] <ubptgbot> <ScardracS> On pinephone
[14:23] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Are you having a problem that keyboard doesn't appear? … Cuz I am but I thought mine was device specific
[14:27] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @ScardracS [On pinephone], online-accounts isn't usable on pinephone for any account types afaik; google specifically though has issues on all devices, since they changed some things that broke the online-accounts support for it in UT
[14:29] <ubptgbot> <ScardracS> @dohbee [online-accounts isn't usable on pinephone for any account types afaik; google sp …], Thank. I thought it was working again
[15:34] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Hi mark, did you have developer mode enabled before this issue occurred?
[15:35] <ubptgbot> <mark alexa> @UniversalSuperBox [Hi mark, did you have developer mode enabled before this issue occurred?], Yes I had. It's OK now my Meizu 5 is back among the living thanks to UBports installer. But I did switch to stable channel for sure :)
[15:35] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Hmm. I really need to know why that would be happening
[15:36] <ubptgbot> <mark alexa> Does recovery partition keeps logs of any errors occurring during installation ? Maybe I can retrieve the logs and send it to devs.
[15:37] <ubptgbot> <mark alexa> But I think I flashed the recovery partition while flashing UT again so if there were any logs they're gone now.
[15:37] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Was the device on a Meizu logo or the Ubuntu Touch logo?
[15:38] <ubptgbot> <mark alexa> Meizu logo and paragraph saying "powered by Ubuntu" right below it.
[15:38] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Okay. The contents of /var/log/lightdm/ are likely useful
[15:39] <ubptgbot> <mark alexa> @UniversalSuperBox [Okay. The contents of /var/log/lightdm/ are likely useful], Let me take a look.
[15:42] <ubptgbot> <mark alexa> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/XMaG0lUK.png
[15:43] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> indeed, you need to be root to read those files. Probably easiest to just tar the whole folder
[16:22] <ubptgbot> <Federica Galli> Fwd from Federica Galli: For all the nice people who helped me yesterday with setting up dekko with gmail, it works :))) I enabled less secure paps in my account.
[16:58] <ubptgbot> <arthurabdulin> I would like to thank UBports team and the Contributors who made it possible to use Ubuntu Touch in Nexus 5 as a daily driver.
[16:58] <ubptgbot> Lemon1Ice was added by: Lemon1Ice
[17:14] <ubptgbot> <Digital Timm> Ubport u guys are the future of programming keep it up more 3 years coming Ubuntu touch will dominate
[17:16] <ubptgbot> <Lorxu> Even though I use /e/ currently myself, I do share the sentiment that UBports is awesome and I'm still very very impressed with what everyone manages to get done. Ubuntu Touch has made amazing progress under UBports' management :)
[18:20] <ubptgbot> <mrcyjanek> @Brendan [<reply to media>], Ugh, that circle inside
[18:21] <ubptgbot> <mrcyjanek> (Photo, 1080x2340) https://irc.ubports.com/dbT1tFCM.png
[18:21] <ubptgbot> <mrcyjanek> Why is this always empty for me -.-
[18:23] <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> what happens if you double tap?
[18:24] <ubptgbot> <mrcyjanek> Nothing :(
[18:27] <ubptgbot> Emad Abdelkarem was added by: Emad Abdelkarem
[18:27] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @mrcyjanek [Why is this always empty for me -.-], pinephone?
[18:27] <ubptgbot> <Emad Abdelkarem> I want install Ubuntu touch in meizu m5
[18:29] <ubptgbot> <mrcyjanek> @dohbee [pinephone?], OnePlus 6t, halium 9 and gsi
[18:29] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @mrcyjanek [OnePlus 6t, halium 9 and gsi], oh, well that is not really a finished thing yet, so perhaps still some missing functionality
[18:31] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Emad Abdelkarem [I want install Ubuntu touch in meizu m5], it is not possible i guess, unless you can port halium 9 and use the gsi method perhaps
[18:31] <ubptgbot> <mrcyjanek> @dohbee [oh, well that is not really a finished thing yet, so perhaps still some missing …], Oh, okay
[18:48] <ubptgbot> <Emad Abdelkarem> @dohbee [it is not possible i guess, unless you can port halium 9 and use the gsi method …], Please send me method
[18:53] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Emad Abdelkarem [Please send me method], http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html
[18:55] <ubptgbot> <Emad Abdelkarem> Thanks
[19:23] <ubptgbot> arghyapolley was added by: arghyapolley
[19:40] <ubptgbot> Santiago Matoševič was added by: Santiago Matoševič
[20:10] <ubptgbot> Jamila Shahid was added by: Jamila Shahid
[20:17] <ubptgbot> Krushna was added by: Krushna
[20:35] <ubptgbot> Fercho Bada Lah | kebumen koh was added by: Fercho Bada Lah | kebumen koh
[21:09] <ubptgbot> victor_bisi was added by: victor_bisi
[22:27] <ubptgbot> <lduboeuf> Woaw things are moving faster. The Pinephone wave