UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /19 /#snappy.txt
Initial commit
[05:32] <mborzecki> morning
[06:01] <mup> PR snapd#8893 closed: osutil/disks: refactor diskFromMountPointImpl a bit <Cleanup :broom:> <Simple 😃> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8893>
[06:20] <zyga> Hey
[06:20] <zyga> Not going to be around today
[06:20] <zyga> Please relay to mvo that the fix is ready
[06:20] <zyga> And needs reviews
[06:20] <zyga> That is 8881
[06:46] <mborzecki> zyga: mvo is off today and on monday
[06:46] <zyga> I see
[06:46] <zyga> I think jamie will +1 it
[06:46] <zyga> so it needs 2nd review
[06:46] <mborzecki> zyga: jdstrand already did, i can apply the little tweaks he suggested
[06:47] <zyga> oh, super
[06:47] <zyga> I didn't check
[07:01] <pstolowski> morning
[07:13] <mborzecki> pstolowski: hey
[07:14] <mborzecki> pstolowski: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8455 ?
[07:14] <mup> PR #8455: tests/lib/cla_check: expect explicit commit range <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8455>
[07:14] <pstolowski> mborzecki: hi! sure
[07:15] <mborzecki> thanks!
[07:23] <pedronis> hello
[07:24] <pstolowski> hi pedronis
[07:28] <pedronis> pstolowski: mborzecki: when you have a moment a re-review of #8702 would be great, I pushed some changes and added a spread test to it
[07:28] <mup> PR #8702: overlord/configstate: add system.kernel.printk.console-loglevel option <Created by EthanHsieh> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8702>
[07:28] <mborzecki> ack
[07:29] <pstolowski> pedronis: sure
[07:51] <mup> PR snapd#8455 closed: tests/lib/cla_check: expect explicit commit range <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8455>
[07:57] <pedronis> pstolowski: you remember at some point we had to snap.Info.Type -> snap.Info.GetType ?
[07:58] <pedronis> to make a change safely
[07:59] <pstolowski> pedronis: yes.. we wanted to avoid surprises with go silently accepting function instead of struct member
[08:00] <pedronis> pstolowski: yes, now that we are down to 50 PRs it might be time to finally undo that, I'll work on this, super mechanical PR but need to land a bit quickly
[08:02] <pstolowski> pedronis: ok, shouldn't be too annoying hopefully
[08:02] <mborzecki> pstolowski: any of your servies PRs need a 2nd review?
[08:03] <pstolowski> mborzecki: #8991 only atm, thanks
[08:26] <mup> PR snapd#8894 opened: many: rename back snap.Info.GetType to Type <Cleanup :broom:> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8894>
[08:26] <pedronis> pstolowski: mborzecki ^
[08:27] <pstolowski> thank you
[08:33] <mborzecki> btw. has anyone switched to the new github ui?
[08:33] <pstolowski> yeah, it's surprising go is happy with "func (s *Info) Type() Type {.." ;)
[08:38] <pedronis> mborzecki: I get 500s if I try
[08:39] <pedronis> or maybe I'm just getting 500s right now
[08:49] <pedronis> now thery status says there are issues
[08:49] <pedronis> mborzecki: pstolowski: is github working for you atm?
[08:50] <pstolowski> pedronis: yes. got 500 once, then work
[08:50] <pstolowski> *works
[08:51] <pedronis> ok, it 500s quite consistenly here
[08:53] <mborzecki> hmm
[08:54] <mborzecki> https://www.githubstatus.com/
[09:51] <mup> PR snapd#8895 opened: tests: mock servicestate in api tests to avoid systemctl checks (6/8) <Services ⚙️> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8895>
[09:52] <pstolowski> pedronis: ^
[10:04] <pstolowski> hmm got FAIL: cmd_sign_build_test.go:108: SnapSignBuildSuite.TestSignBuildWorksDevelGrade
[10:04] <pstolowski> "cannot sign assertion: cannot sign assertion: bad GPG produced signature: it does not verify:
[10:09] <pedronis> pstolowski: we are getting those sometimes, I haven't had a chance to dig, or anybody else afaik so far
[10:09] <pstolowski> i see. couldn't repro locally
[10:24] <mborzecki> and another thunderstorm
[10:24] <mborzecki> heh, summer weather
[10:26] <pstolowski> mborzecki: #8895 needs a 2nd review if you have a moment
[10:26] <mup> PR #8895: tests: mock servicestate in api tests to avoid systemctl checks (6/8) <Services ⚙️> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8895>
[10:27] <mborzecki> pstolowski: looking at 8702, then 8891, after that 8895 :)
[10:28] <pstolowski> thanks
[10:36] * pstolowski lunch
[11:03] <mborzecki> pedronis: have you tried systemd-sysctl --prefix .. --prefix .. on xenial?
[11:04] <mborzecki> afaic the spread test executes the call with just one --prefix
[11:05] * mborzecki spins up a xenial node
[11:05] <pedronis> mborzecki: no, I straced it only on 20
[11:11] <mborzecki> pedronis: and it works there too
[11:11] <pedronis> mborzecki: good, thanks for thinking about this
[11:11] <pedronis> I suppose we could have done multiple calls if it didn't work
[11:13] <mborzecki> yeah, but we're good so meh, one call is fine
[11:13] <mborzecki> yet another thunderstorm, 2nd today, looking at weather radars there's 2 more coming :/
[11:25] <pedronis> mborzecki: seems we have archive issues with fedora ?
[11:26] <mborzecki> that's unfortunate
[11:27] <mborzecki> maybe dl.fedoraproject.org is hosted on some of the hosts that are being moved
[11:27] <pedronis> mborzecki: see https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8895/checks?check_run_id=787745417
[11:27] <mup> PR #8895: tests: mock servicestate in api tests to avoid systemctl checks (6/8) <Services ⚙️> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8895>
[11:29] <mborzecki> pedronis: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/MAGJJTVR777ARZ4TVMBQQ3YK6RC7ODE6/
[11:30] <mborzecki> pedronis: can you switch fedora-* to unstable for now?
[11:30] <mborzecki> i know mvo can, but i'm not sure anyone else has the permissions to do that
[11:36] <pedronis> I don't think I can
[11:59] <pedronis> mborzecki: we can turn them manual as suppose
[11:59] <pedronis> or ping him on tg
[12:03] <mborzecki> 3rd thunderstorm
[12:48] <mborzecki> pstolowski: left a comment in #8891
[12:48] <mup> PR #8891: o/servicestate: add updateSnapstateServices helper (5/8) <Needs Samuele review> <Services ⚙️> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8891>
[12:49] <pstolowski> ty
[14:12] <mup> PR snapd#8894 closed: many: rename back snap.Info.GetType to Type <Cleanup :broom:> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8894>
[15:10] * cachio lunch
[15:55] <sergiusens> jdstrand:
[15:55] <sergiusens> any ideas about disconnect failing "- Disconnect gtk3-hello:gnome-3-28-1804 from gnome-3-28-1804:gnome-3-28-1804 (cannot update mount namespace of snap "gtk3-hello": cannot update preserved namespace of snap "gtk3-hello": cannot update snap namespace: cannot create writable mimic over "/usr/share": no such file or directory)"
[15:55] <sergiusens> that is on https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-bionic-snappy-dev-snapcraft-daily/bionic/amd64/s/snapcraft/20200619_061338_41454@/log.gz
[16:25] <jdstrand> sergiusens: otoh no. I recommend filing a bug with steps to reproduce. it looks a bit curious since a) /usr/share should be in the snap's base runtime and b) not sure why in the snap disconnect it is *creating* a writable mimic (I would think that would happen during connect, not disconnect; but this may not be an error depending on how it is unraveling the mount namespace as part of disconnect)
[16:28] <sergiusens> jdstrand: this only happens on autopkgtest infra
[16:38] <jdstrand> sergiusens: this is a normal snap install, not snap try?
[16:38] <jdstrand> (it shouldn't matter, but curious)
[17:58] <sergiusens> jdstrand: yes, normal install it is
[18:00] <sergiusens> jdstrand: this is what we do https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/tests/spread/extensions/gnome-3-28/task.yaml and this works just fine on spread/google
[18:23] <cmatsuoka> cachio: hi, are you aware of this error? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8824/checks?check_run_id=788996098
[18:23] <mup> PR #8824: many: move encryption and installer from snap-boostrap to gadget <UC20> <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8824>
[18:24] <ijohnson> cmatsuoka: that looks like a result of mborzecki's CLA fix from this morning
[18:24] <ijohnson> cmatsuoka: have you merged master to this PR ?
[18:24] <cachio> cmatsuoka, checking
[18:24] <cmatsuoka> ijohnson: hummm I think I didn't, let's do it
[18:28] <cmatsuoka> ijohnson, cachio: hmm, I have a different cla error now, but that one is gone at least :)
[18:28] <ijohnson> cmatsuoka: what's the new one :-) ?
[18:28] <cmatsuoka> now it's verifying the CLA for all email addresses in my launchpad account, it seems
[18:29] <ijohnson> :-/
[18:29] <cmatsuoka> I'm doing it again just be sure it's deterministic
[18:30] <cmatsuoka> so this is what I'm getting now: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8824/checks?check_run_id=789109680
[18:30] <mup> PR #8824: many: move encryption and installer from snap-boostrap to gadget <UC20> <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8824>
[18:32] <ijohnson> cmatsuoka: which email is configured as your contact address?
[18:32] <cmatsuoka> the canonical one
[18:32] <ijohnson> hmm yeah me too
[18:32] <ijohnson> let me see if the CLA check fails for me now too
[18:33] <cmatsuoka> I think, /me double checks
[18:35] <ijohnson> cmatsuoka: ahh seems I can't test it because both of my email addresses are already on master
[18:35] <cmatsuoka> hmm, git shortlog -se only lists my canonical email
[18:35] <ijohnson> which also implies I may have been a bit sloppy with some previous commits using my personal email ...
[18:35] * cmatsuoka investigates how cla_check.py works
[18:35] <ijohnson> cmatsuoka: for reference this is what happened for me https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8896/checks?check_run_id=789123625
[18:35] <mup> PR #8896: README.md: make changes to test CLA checker <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8896>
[18:38] <mup> PR snapd#8896 opened: README.md: make changes to test CLA checker <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8896>
[18:52] <mup> PR snapcraft#3180 opened: build providers: nice message on bad base <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3180>
[18:52] <ijohnson> cmatsuoka: did you ever figure anything out ?
[18:53] <cmatsuoka> ijohnson, cachio: this is interesting: if I run it locally, I get:
[18:53] <ijohnson> cmatsuoka: if it's not working anymore I can submit a PR reverting mborzecki's PR so that you can land things
[18:53] <cmatsuoka> Need to check 1 emails:
[18:53] <cmatsuoka> ✓ claudio.matsuoka@canonical.com already on master
[18:53] <cmatsuoka> but in the tests it lists 2 addresses, for some reason
[18:53] <cmatsuoka> let me check what that PR changed...
[18:54] <cmatsuoka> humm, unless a regular expression is failing there...
[18:56] <cmatsuoka> no, it can't be a regexp failure :|
[18:56] <cmatsuoka> I'll check the PR
[19:02] <cmatsuoka> ijohnson: well it's not urgent, I'll check that with maciek on Monday
[19:02] <ijohnson> cmatsuoka: ok
[19:02] <mup> PR snapcraft#3181 opened: cli: don't warn about --target-arch if target_arch is None <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3181>
[19:21] <cmatsuoka> cachio: it seems that git shortlog -se master..HEAD in the test machine is listing more email addresses than it used to do, and more than what I see locally in the same branch. Does it make any sense to you?
[19:22] <cmatsuoka> cachio: Did we change anything in the repository clone process, or the git version, or something like that?
[19:23] <ijohnson> cmatsuoka: I see the same as you, 5 commits by your canonical email
[19:23] <ijohnson> on my machine locally with your branch that is
[19:23] <cmatsuoka> that's very odd
[19:23] <cmatsuoka> I mean, not what you're seeing, but what the test is seeing
[19:25] <cachio> cmatsuoka, checking
[19:44] <mup> PR snapd#8896 closed: README.md: make changes to test CLA checker <Created by anonymouse64> <Closed by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8896>
[19:46] <cachio> cmatsuoka, dont see any change, not sure why it is failing
[20:32] <mup> PR snapcraft#3181 closed: cli: don't warn about --target-arch if target_arch is None <bug> <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3181>
[20:32] <mup> PR snapcraft#3182 opened: build providers: improve warning for unknown base <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3182>
[20:36] <cachio> cmatsuoka, hi
[20:36] <cachio> cmatsuoka, testing the nested lib I see secboot_tpm.go:392: TPM provisioning error: the TPM is in DA lockout mode
[20:36] <cachio> any idea why it could be happening?
[21:13] <mup> PR snapcraft#3180 closed: build providers: nice message on bad base <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3180>
[21:41] <cmatsuoka> cachio: no idea, it seems very weird
[21:45] <cmatsuoka> cachio: Re: TPM error message: let me see here what could be happening
[21:45] <cmatsuoka> cachio: is it happening in a normal test that used to work before, or is it a new test?
[21:50] <cmatsuoka> cachio: our number of tries for DA is set to 32, it shouldn't lock that easily
[21:53] <cachio> I am starting a vm using the swtpm-mvo snap
[21:53] <cachio> in my machine
[21:54] <cachio> cmatsuoka,
[21:54] <cmatsuoka> cachio: so is it a new installation?
[21:54] <cachio> cmatsuoka, yes
[21:54] <cmatsuoka> cachio: are you clearing the tpm?
[21:54] <cachio> cmatsuoka, no
[21:54] <cachio> should I ?
[21:55] <cmatsuoka> cachio: in a new installation yes, but if you're rebooting an existing system, no
[21:55] <cmatsuoka> cachio: to clear it delete /var/snap/swtpm-mvo/current/tpm2-00.permall
[21:58] <mup> PR snapcraft#3183 opened: static: prepare for update to black 19.10b0 <tooling> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3183>
[21:58] <cachio> cmatsuoka, I'll try that
[21:58] <cachio> thnaks
[21:59] <cmatsuoka> cachio: yaw, if the problem persists we can investigate more
[22:02] <cachio> cmatsuoka, sure, thanks
[22:03] <mup> PR snapcraft#3182 closed: build providers: improve warning for unknown base <bug> <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3182>
[23:09] <mup> PR snapd#8897 opened: tests: trying to debug the weird cla problem <⛔ Blocked> <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8897>