UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /18 /#smooth-operator.txt
Initial commit
[07:00] <mthaddon> jam: you may be interested in https://code.launchpad.net/~pjdc/charm-k8s-mattermost/+git/charm-k8s-mattermost/+merge/385953 - just looking over it now myself
[07:22] <jam> mthaddon, thanks for the heads up
[07:25] <mthaddon> jam: have just asked for some updates - I noticed the test pod spec structure is a bit different from what we're actually defining in the charm
[08:46] <Chipaca> 👋
[09:16] <jam> heh
[09:17] <jam> so it actually was something different than I thought
[09:17] <jam> Chipaca, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4RKzm4PW5h/
[09:17] <jam> so I noticed that if I did: foo: "bar: 42" | state-set --file -
[09:17] <jam> then when I did 'state-get'
[09:17] <jam> It would say:
[09:17] <jam> foo: "bar: 42"
[09:17] <jam> but if I did
[09:18] <jam> foo: |\n bar: 42 | state-set -file -
[09:18] <jam> then the output would be
[09:18] <jam> foo: |
[09:18] <jam> bar: 42
[09:18] <jam> However, that is because those 2 strings are subtly different, can you tell why?
[09:19] <Chipaca> jam: newline?
[09:19] <jam> Chipaca, yep '|' includes a trailing newline '|-' and the one-line form do not
[09:19] <Chipaca> phew
[09:20] <Chipaca> if it wasn't that, it was cursed :-)
[09:20] <jam> Chipaca, you can see the output of 'state-get foo' was 'bar: 42\n\n'
[09:20] <jam> I thought it was somehow remembering how I set the value and preserving it, which didn't really make sense
[09:20] <Chipaca> bar: 12\n\n i guess?
[09:21] <Chipaca> i believe preserving layout was one of the goals of gustavo's yaml.v3, but i'm not 100% positive on that (nor on whether he achieved it)
[09:21] <Chipaca> i never got to play with that, actually
[09:21] <Chipaca> still on my ToDo
[09:23] <jam> Chipaca, that is as go not python, though, right?
[09:23] <jam> and not a YAML spec but just a parser quirk?
[09:23] <Chipaca> correct
[09:24] <jam> Chipaca, do we think it is a problem if we treat foo='' as NoSnapshot ?
[09:24] <Chipaca> and maybe it wasn't layout but comments?
[09:24] <jam> It is fine as long as your snapshot isn't just a string that can be empty
[09:24] <jam> (we could enforce snapshots are dicts again :)
[09:24] <jam> Chipaca, or I could do the "if we get '' read the whole state-get and see whether the key exists"
[09:25] <Chipaca> so this is only a problem for a snapshot that serialises as a string, and only if it cares about the difference between a string and not being there
[09:25] <Chipaca> right?
[09:26] <Chipaca> snapshot returns a simple serialisable object and the ones writing it out into yaml is us, right?
[09:26] <Chipaca> so what we could do, if the above is right, is !!str strings
[09:26] <jam> Chipaca, actually, it isn't a problem, because we yaml.dump('') => "''\n"
[09:26] <Chipaca> and then we know because we get '' vs '!!str ""'
[09:26] <jam> yaml.load('') => None, but yaml.lod("''\n") => ''
[09:26] <Chipaca> ahhhh
[09:27] <Chipaca> also aaaaah *and* ahahaha
[09:27] <Chipaca> jam: cool cool, then :)
[09:27] <jam> Chipaca, I'll make sure to add '' to my permutation tests
[09:31] <jam> hm. seems I also need to handle None
[09:31] <jam> >>> print(yaml.dump(None))
[09:31] <jam> null
[09:31] <jam> ...
[09:32] <jam> yaml.safe_load('') => None, yaml.safe_load('null\n...\n') => None
[09:35] <jam> Chipaca, and, of course, I'm simulating some of this via my own scripts, which is definitely stuff that I'd want to test against actual Juju
[09:43] <Chipaca> jam: do we have a list of 'things we want to try in real jujus tee emm'? (should we?)
[09:44] <jam> Chipaca, well, I consider that writing a 'juju test suite' as part of test-main was one of my goals of this PR
[09:45] <Chipaca> facundo__: 'charmcraft --verbose build' not being exactly the same as 'charmcraft build --verbose' is surprising and painful
[09:45] <jam> but we can split it out if we prefer
[09:46] <Chipaca> jam: i hadn't realised that, is there any of this already up? (how were you approaching it?)
[09:46] <Chipaca> s/were/are/
[09:48] <jam> Chipaca, that was part of my trying to make test-main be a RealCharm
[09:48] <jam> but it isn't something I've actively started
[09:48] <jam> Chipaca, my intent was to add an action to test_main, such that you could run "juju deploy test_main; juju run-action ops-tests"
[09:48] <Chipaca> jam: given you can make travis install snaps, and in particular lxd snaps, i was hoping we'd be able to use that to run tests
[09:49] <jam> Chipaca, snap install lxd; snap install --classic juju; juju bootstrap lxd; juju deploy; juju run-action
[09:49] <jam> Chipaca, I don't expect it to be very fast (bootstrap lxd here is a minute or so)
[09:49] <Chipaca> jam: i was thinking of looking at having it as a cron test rather than unit tests unless we got them to be faster than i expect them to be, though
[09:50] <Chipaca> yeah
[09:50] <Chipaca> i mean, up to ~5 minutes is probably fine for PR tests
[09:50] <Chipaca> longer than that and i'd punt them to cron / manual
[09:54] <Chipaca> heh, https://github.com/juju-solutions/charms.reactive/blob/master/.travis.yml
[09:55] <Chipaca> and a job run: https://travis-ci.org/github/juju-solutions/charms.reactive/jobs/675789700
[09:55] <Chipaca> (somebody needs to tweak that travis, but it essentially seems to work?)
[09:55] <Chipaca> anyhoo
[09:58] <jam> Chipaca, "ran for 2min43s" isn't bad
[09:59] <jam> apt install snapd pwgen is 80s of it
[09:59] <Chipaca> jam: "didn't actually *run* run" kinda is tho =)
[09:59] <jam> yeah, I see that now
[09:59] <Chipaca> i mean, juju bootstrap fell over
[09:59] <jam> It is doing the usermod, but not doing the newgrp so the active process knows it is in the group
[10:00] <Chipaca> hopefully it's that and not some weird apparmor-inside-apparmor-inside-apparmor thing
[10:00] <Chipaca> (travis already runs inside lxd in some situations)
[10:00] <Chipaca> (i think it's when you're doing weird arches, and then it's in vms and not containers, but still)
[10:05] <jam> Chipaca, ah right, they recently switched so amd64 can be run in a container
[10:06] <jam> Chipaca, the actual failure is that it can't talk to the lxd socket, but that might be because lxd failed to start?
[10:06] <jam> Chipaca, do you have any quick magic for timing what is taking long in a test run?
[10:07] <jam> I've gotten some stuff to work with cProfile, etc, but it is always a bit clumsier than I would expect
[10:07] <Chipaca> jam: i've monkeypatched the test constructors to track time
[10:07] <Chipaca> jam: otoh pytest i think has things for that?
[10:08] <Chipaca> let me see if i still have the monkey patching thing somewhere
[10:09] <Chipaca> jam: pytest --durations=10 will print the 10 slowest tests
[10:09] <jam> Chipaca, yeah, pytest-profiling sems to get me where I'd like to be
[10:12] <jam> py.test test/test_storage.py::TestJujuStorage::test_emit_event --profile
[10:12] <jam> gives me a cumulative time spent
[10:13] <Chipaca> jam: --durations gives you something like
[10:13] <Chipaca> 2.24s call test/test_main.py::TestMainWithNoDispatchButJujuIsDispatchAware::test_multiple_events_handled
[10:13] <Chipaca> 2.21s call test/test_main.py::TestMainWithNoDispatch::test_setup_event_links
[10:13] <Chipaca> etc
[10:13] <Chipaca> jam: also, pip install pytest-xdist and then pytest -n $(nproc)
[10:14] <jam> Chipaca, sure. The issue is that I know one test is running slow, and I'm trying to figure out why
[10:15] <Chipaca> ahh
[10:15] <Chipaca> you want timings _inside_ the test?
[10:15] <Chipaca> that i don't have
[10:15] <jam> Chipaca, yeah. Which --profiling gives me. the issue is that one of my tests with SQLite backend is about 3ms, and with Juju backend it is about 600ms
[10:15] <jam> I'd like to understand why :)
[10:16] <Chipaca> jam: did you set SSH_TO_THUMPERS_BOX=0 ?
[10:17] <Chipaca> 600ms is enough time to do that and more … :)
[10:17] <Chipaca> jam: what happens if you set PYTHONVERBOSE in the environ?
[10:19] <jam> 376ms spent in subprocess.communicate, 376ms spent in wait()
[10:19] <jam> stupid process barriers
[10:20] <jam> Chipaca, PYTHONVERBOSE is a bit... verbose? :)
[10:25] <jam> Chipaca, stripping it down to a single emit() shows it as 200ms, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XY7dmtXNxv/
[10:26] <Chipaca> jam: is something reading stdin/stdout with it being buffered on a timeout?
[10:26] <jam> Chipaca, it is about 20m-30ms per subprocess invocation, we just do a lot of them for each emit()
[10:27] <jam> Chipaca, $ time python3 -c ''
[10:27] <jam> real 0m0.015s
[10:27] <Chipaca> :-(
[10:27] <Chipaca> jam: try -Sc
[10:28] <jam> goes down to 7ms
[10:28] <Chipaca> (not practical irl but good to know how low we could take it with some environ handholding)
[10:29] <jam> Chipaca, gives "No module named 'yaml'" if I try it in the script
[10:29] <Chipaca> yeah, as i say, not practical :)
[10:29] <Chipaca> it comes up with a very empty pythonpath, for one
[10:30] <jam> Chipaca, it works for the ones that don't need yaml, though
[10:31] <jam> but that only shaves ~10ms off the test time
[10:32] <Chipaca> jam: what are all the calls the reemit does?
[10:33] <jam> so emit() calls _emit(), which does a 'save_snapshot()' for the event, then 'save_notice()' for each observer.
[10:33] <Chipaca> and each of those is a save-set
[10:34] <jam> then _reemit calls 'read all notices', and for each one it will then call load_snapshot and possibly drop_snapshot/drop_notice
[10:34] <Chipaca> jam: right
[10:35] <Chipaca> jam: sounds to me like we want to consider refactoring things to at least save in a batch
[10:35] <Chipaca> but later
[10:35] <Chipaca> i mean, let's not block save-set on this :)
[10:35] <jam> so I think in practice it won't be as bad, 'juju run 'time state-get' is 5ms vs 20ms
[10:35] <Chipaca> but let's not call save-set *done* without looking at it
[10:36] <jam> but it is still a lot slower than interacting with an in-process SQLite file
[10:36] * Chipaca reaches for his 'shocked pikachu' face again
[10:37] <jam> Chipaca, 😲
[10:37] <Chipaca> :-) that's the on
[10:37] <jam> 😱
[10:37] <Chipaca> nah that's the dog :-p
[10:38] <jam> Chipaca, I do think given how much the Operator framework is based around events, we'll want to be cautious about its performance
[10:38] <Chipaca> (somebody pointed it 'the scream' kinda looks like the guy tried to draw a dog and then somebody said 'oh wow a person screaming' and they went with it)
[10:38] <jam> https://emojipedia.org/face-screaming-in-fear/ I'm not seeing the dog
[10:38] <jam> nor here: https://www.bookdepository.com/Edvard-Munch-Masterpieces-of-Art-Candice-Russell/9781783613564?redirected=true&utm_medium=Google&utm_campaign=Base3&utm_source=AE&utm_content=Edvard-Munch-Masterpieces-of-Art&selectCurrency=AED&w=AFCFAU968L892MA8VCPZ&gclid=Cj0KCQjwoaz3BRDnARIsAF1RfLeKR4-ljbzhpZgajGSi2f4h-DLQp_FaX-dDHKqVeiWmSi23iue6HVAaAlf2EALw_wcB
[10:39] <jam> Chipaca, ah, the hands are the ears
[10:39] <Chipaca> there you go :)
[10:39] <Chipaca> once you see it it's easy to flip-flop
[10:40] <jam> if you get rid of the nose and mouth, then I can see the dog nose, but I don't see how they fit on the dog face
[10:40] <jam> not as good a flip/flop as https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/duck-or-rabbit-the-100-year-old-optical-illusion-that-tells-you-how-creative-you-are-a6873106.html
[10:40] <jam> duck bunny
[10:41] <Chipaca> the duck/bunny one is very good (i first saw it on a joke)
[10:42] <Chipaca> anyway. pop.
[10:44] <Chipaca> facundo__: so, wrt charmcraft and secrets, i think a reasonable approach is to use keyring and have the snap ask for the secrets plug; it won't auto-connect, but we can detect the failure in code and fall back to plaintext (or notify the user to manually connect or pass --plaintext?)
[10:45] <Chipaca> the token isn't a general-purpose do-anything token fwiw, which is why storing it plaintext isn't _that_ bad an idea
[10:49] <jam> 'time python3 -c import yaml' is 30ms here.. :(
[10:50] <Chipaca> 0.05user 0.00system 0:00.06elapsed 98%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 11216maxresident)k
[10:51] <jam> 50-60ms ?
[10:52] <Chipaca> yep
[10:52] <Chipaca> and 11MB
[10:54] <facundo__> Muy buenos días a todos!
=== facundo__ is now known as facubatista
[10:55] <Chipaca> jam: of course that's slower in great part because my cpu aggressively freqs down; if i pin it hot it drops to 30ms
[10:55] <Chipaca> and if i were to enable 'turbo' mode it'd probably drop another ~5ms
[10:55] <Chipaca> but i don't like my fans being on loud all the time =)
[10:56] <Chipaca> facubatista: muyy buen día su señoría mantantirulirulá
[10:57] <facubatista> Chipaca, supercalifragilísticoespialidosas mañanas!
[11:26] <jam> Chipaca, thinking about Ajduk... It came to light that Operators can trigger an action to be run, which means the Operator charm *should* be able to cause a script to run in the application container
[11:27] <jam> Chipaca, https://discourse.juju.is/t/coordinating-actions-for-a-k8s-operators/3161/2
[11:30] <jam> Chipaca, I added a comment to the doc
[11:31] <facubatista> Chipaca, https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/issues/42
[11:41] <jam> Chipaca, facubatista : all wired up! turns out we aren't very good at cleaning up after ourselves:
[11:41] <jam> $ juju run --unit uo/2 'state-get'
[11:41] <jam> '#notices#': |
[11:41] <jam> []
[11:41] <jam> StoredStateData[_stored]: |
[11:41] <jam> {event_count: 12}
[11:41] <jam> Ubuntu/on/config_changed[7]: |
[11:41] <jam> null
[11:41] <jam> ...
[11:41] <jam> Ubuntu/on/install[1]: |
[11:41] <jam> null
[11:41] <jam> ...
[11:41] <jam> Ubuntu/on/leader_elected[4]: |
[11:41] <jam> null
[11:41] <jam> ...
[11:41] <jam> on/commit[3]: |
[11:41] <jam> null
[11:41] <jam> ...
[11:41] <jam> on/commit[6]: |
[11:41] <jam> null
[11:41] <jam> ...
[11:41] <jam> on/commit[9]: |
[11:41] <jam> null
[11:41] <jam> ...
[11:41] <jam> on/commit[12]: |
[11:41] <jam> null
[11:42] <jam> ...
[11:42] <jam> on/pre_commit[2]: |
[11:42] <jam> null
[11:42] <jam> ...
[11:42] <jam> on/pre_commit[5]: |
[11:42] <jam> null
[11:42] <jam> ...
[11:42] <jam> on/pre_commit[8]: |
[11:42] <jam> null
[11:42] <jam> ...
[11:42] <jam> on/pre_commit[11]: |
[11:42] <jam> null
[11:42] <jam> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NWZy54VMk4/
[11:42] <jam> (didn't mean to paste the content here)
[11:42] <facubatista> :)
[11:51] <Chipaca> i'll be 10 minutes late for the revue
[11:51] <Chipaca> (small lunch chaos here)
[11:51] <jam> Chipaca, facubatista so the bug is that events that have no handlers are always treated as deferred
[11:52] <facubatista> oh
[11:55] * facubatista plans the meeting for 10' past normal time
[12:12] <Chipaca> jam: that's a nasty bug :-|
[12:13] <facubatista> Chipaca, https://discourse.juju.is/t/how-to-build-a-charm-using-modern-tools/3246
[12:23] <mup> Issue operator#333 opened: Events with no observers never get deleted <Created by jameinel> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/333>
[13:07] <Chipaca> what's the generic name for what 'juju deploy' deploys to?
[13:13] <facubatista> Chipaca, the "backing cloud"?
[13:14] <Chipaca> facubatista: hmm
[13:14] <Chipaca> facubatista: in the end i rewrote the sentence to not need it, fwiw
[13:14] <Chipaca> facubatista: https://discourse.juju.is/t/what-files-would-you-expect-charmcraft-build-copies-into-the-charm/3247
[13:14] <Chipaca> stub: mthaddon: ^ if you have opinions on it please speak up :)
[13:38] <mthaddon> ack, will try and take a look soon
[14:14] <mup> PR operator#334 opened: Unobserved events <Created by jameinel> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/334>
[14:15] <jam> Chipaca, PRs should be up for review
[14:15] <jam> facubatista, review of charmcraft is up
[14:15] <facubatista> jam, thanks
[14:15] <Chipaca> jam: which are the python implementations of state-set that are slow? where can i play with that?
[14:17] <Chipaca> s/set/[sg]et/ fwiw
[14:18] <facubatista> jam, what do you mean with "make it contextual"?
[14:19] <Chipaca> facubatista: pass it around either explicitly or implicity, i think
[14:23] <facubatista> it could be done
[14:24] <facubatista> I like it how it's now, though, as it should be an omnipresent object, the only interaction with the module, etc
[15:08] <jam> Chipaca, https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/323/files#diff-54d96dff01765335f1f08f6254aa0de6R197-R250 is the python backend
[15:08] <mup> PR #323: 317 state get <Created by jameinel> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/323>
[15:08] <jam> facubatista, yeah, the idea was 'is it worth passing one around' rather than being used as a process global
[15:14] <Chipaca> heh, silly me was looking for #! :)
[15:40] <jam> Chipaca, yeah, the #! is fixed to be bash by fake_script
[16:03] <mup> PR operator#335 opened: make tests 15% faster <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/335>
[16:04] <Chipaca> :-D
[16:33] <Chipaca> tomorrow is RTD DAY \o/
[16:57] <Chipaca> ok, i think i'm at eod, mostly
[16:58] <Chipaca> facubatista: i'm still hoping to finish the review on charmcraft#33 tonight though
[16:58] <mup> PR charmcraft#33: Refactored all the message sending to the user, including storing everything in a file <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/33>
[16:58] <Chipaca> but that'll depend on external factors :)
[17:00] <facubatista> Chipaca, tomorrow is fine, too
[20:25] <mup> PR operator#335 closed: make tests 15% faster <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/335>