UbuntuIRC / 2020 /06 /15 /#ubports.txt
Initial commit
[00:25] <ubptgbot> DanielS79 was added by: DanielS79
[00:39] <ubptgbot> Tommy Nielsen was added by: Tommy Nielsen
[00:53] <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> you can use the built in one
[01:23] <ubptgbot> | Wolfs.Group Pratap was added by: | Wolfs.Group Pratap
[01:52] <ubptgbot> <Tommy Nielsen> (Photo, 540x800) https://irc.ubports.com/wsFV9rW1.png !!!!
[01:53] <ubptgbot> <TuxThePenguin> These scams are shit
[01:53] <ubptgbot> <TuxThePenguin> Please go away and come back with the potato one
[01:54] <ubptgbot> <TuxThePenguin> (Photo, 232x22) https://irc.ubports.com/NEfDCN0G.png lmfao
[01:56] <ubptgbot> <TuxThePenguin> To whichever mod deleted that, thanks :)
[02:38] <ubptgbot> <pizzalovingnerd> Is anyone selling a Nexus 5?
[02:55] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @Sam Hanna [Does anyone know a terminal that works on libertine?], there's a libertine command to enter inside the container from the built in terminal app if I'm not mistaken
[03:01] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> `libertine-launch bash`
[04:11] <ubptgbot> <Guido> Or you can install mate terminal. This used to work in my case.
[04:30] <ubptgbot> Kenneth E. Scott was added by: Kenneth E. Scott
[04:30] <ubptgbot> Kenneth E. Scott was added by: Kenneth E. Scott
[05:03] <ubptgbot> maox74 was added by: maox74
[05:23] <ubptgbot> <Sam Hanna> The only one I could get working was lxterminal, but there was some
[05:23] <ubptgbot> <Sam Hanna> @dohbee [libertine-launch bash], Ok. Good to know. Thanks.
[05:24] <ubptgbot> <Sam Hanna> I was only was able to get lxterminal working, but there some graphic issues.
[05:41] <ubptgbot> thetoymaker was added by: thetoymaker
[06:59] <ubptgbot> xYdans was added by: xYdans
[07:41] <ubptgbot> <tleppiniemi> @Justine Smithies [I noticed an issue with Dev 47 haven't tested yet with 48. But if I leave the ph …], Same observations. It seems that phone is not charging when you put it to sleep.
[08:19] <ubptgbot> <jonikurunsaari> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/VI3mC3bh.png
[08:19] <ubptgbot> <jonikurunsaari> Any idea why ubuntulistview shows listitem separators randomly?
[08:19] <ubptgbot> <jonikurunsaari> Is it due variable item height
[08:23] <ubptgbot> <thosmos> Sorry if this is a FAQ. I ordered a pine phone a couple of months ago. Is there a way to find out when or if it’s shipping?
[08:25] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> you can hide them with `divider.visible` but I think it's a bug in the toolkit. I observed that as well, it's pretty random
[08:25] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> BTW, that's for `ListItem` is you use it. Can't remember if there's a property for `UbuntuListView`
[08:26] <ubptgbot> <davidbe> @thosmos [Sorry if this is a FAQ. I ordered a pine phone a couple of months ago. Is ther …], You should check pine64.org site (and forum). Today (15th) there will be a monthly blog update with more information.
[08:30] <ubptgbot> <jonikurunsaari> @Javacookies [you can hide them with divider.visible but I think it's a bug in the toolkit. I …], That was it, looks better without. Thanks!
[08:42] <ubptgbot> r_frm was added by: r_frm
[08:45] <ubptgbot> el_musthofa was added by: el_musthofa
[09:05] <ubptgbot> Phu1237 was added by: Phu1237
[10:36] <ubptgbot> <mymike00> @jonikurunsaari [That was it, looks better without. Thanks!], if you want them, you may have to do `height: <id of the item inside>.height + divider.height` in the `ListItem`, but I'm not sure that will fix your issue, without having a look at the code...
[11:02] <ubptgbot> hisamsquartz was added by: hisamsquartz
[11:14] <ubptgbot> <Hossain Mary> (Photo, 598x947) https://irc.ubports.com/nea64kk0.png ⚑️
[11:22] <ubptgbot> Rohit Bokade was added by: Rohit Bokade
[11:29] <ubptgbot> <Rohit Bokade> Hello, Myself Rohit Bokade alias Mr.Mechanic. … I am a final year i.t. Engineering undergrad from India. I along with some of my friends am very excited about Ubuntu Touch. … We have formed a group and are interested in starting to port UT for most common android phones used by common people in India to make UT accessible as a choice
[11:29] <ubptgbot> to masses. Right now we are looking forward to start with MiA1 and OnePlus 2 whichare the phones that we have as spare in our group and are also very common ones in India. … However, we don't have a lot of experience in this. Thus we have a request that, if possible for some senior developer, then we can have an online webinar sort of thing where
[11:29] <ubptgbot> I can invite even more students and the developer could port UT to one of the device live. This will increase interest in UT and also we will have a preliminary knowledge of getting started. We may also record the webinar and stream it on YouTube to let future joinees know where to start
[11:30] <ubptgbot> <Rohit Bokade> Please help us out in gettin student community here active in such developments. I am optimistic once Indian student community it activated in development, UT will see a rise in use here in India
[11:32] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> There is such a video on YouTube already, btw
[11:32] <poVoq> sadly this IRC chat isn't properly linked to the Telegram groups anymore. But the Telegram groups are where you will find most of the experienced device porters. you can try on the #halium channel though
[11:34] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> The person is on telegram. :)
[11:34] <ubptgbot> <Rohit Bokade> @dohbee [There is such a video on YouTube already, btw], Yeah, I have the link for it sent by someone. Will look into it. But something live specially for students targetting them to get involved will be very helpful I guess
[11:34] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> And yes, you should join @halium
[11:40] <ubptgbot> <jonikurunsaari> @mymike00 [if you want them, you may have to do height: <id of the item inside>.height + di …], Code if interested. It is pretty messy still as I'm trying to port SailfishOS app, https://gitlab.com/tabasko/sailhn-ubports . Any feedback is appreciated
[11:42] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Hmm that's interesting
[12:11] <ubptgbot> <mymike00> @jonikurunsaari [Code if interested. It is pretty messy still as I'm trying to port SailfishOS ap …], thanks I'll may have a look at it! anyway for app development this group is more appropriate https://t.me/UbuntuAppDevEN
[12:19] <ubptgbot> <Cameron> Last I heard there were Bluetooth issues. Have those been resolved? If not what are the issues exactly?
[12:47] <ubptgbot> Amol Chavan was added by: Amol Chavan
[13:02] <ubptgbot> Joe Arbes was added by: Joe Arbes
[13:40] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @Rohit Bokade [Hello, Myself Rohit Bokade alias Mr.Mechanic. … I am a final year i.t. Engineering …], A Oneplus 2 port is already in progress, you might want to jump on this first to help the current porter who has limited time.
[13:43] <ubptgbot> <Rohit Bokade> @Flohack [A Oneplus 2 port is already in progress, you might want to jump on this first to …], Is he in the group... Can I ping him on dm
[13:45] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @Rohit Bokade [Is he in the group... Can I ping him on dm], No he seems not to be here, I will forward your details
[13:59] <ubptgbot> <Sam Hanna> @dohbee [libertine-launch bash], It says "DISPLAY environment variable not set"
[14:00] <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @Rohit Bokade [Is he in the group... Can I ping him on dm], Please make a username for Telegram ^^
[14:00] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Did you try … $ DISPLAY=":0" command
[14:01] <ubptgbot> <mrmechanic3000> mrmechanic3000
[14:03] <ubptgbot> <Sam Hanna> @TigranKhachatryan [Did you try … $ DISPLAY=":0" command], It still says the same thing
[14:03] <ubptgbot> <Sam Hanna> After entering that command
[14:03] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Hm
[14:04] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> What are you trying to do anyway??
[14:05] <ubptgbot> <Sam Hanna> I was trying to see if I can terminal apps through the container.
[14:06] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Hm okay I'm not into that
[14:12] <ubptgbot> <Cameron> Hello?
[14:15] <ubptgbot> <mrmechanic3000> Is there any vm image for entire build system?
[14:16] <ubptgbot> <mrmechanic3000> I mean of porting setup, including all the packages that need to be downloaded before starting
[14:20] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Sam Hanna [It says "DISPLAY environment variable not set"], ignore that
[14:20] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Sam Hanna [I was trying to see if I can terminal apps through the container.], yes, you can
[14:21] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Cameron [Last I heard there were Bluetooth issues. Have those been resolved? If not what …], you'll need to be more specific
[14:29] <ubptgbot> <Cameron> I read in the feature log a month ago that Bluetooth would randomly disconnect. I'm simply asking if it's issues are resolved and if in general, is Bluetooth connectivity reliable on Ubuntu touch now? Specifically on the pinephone
[14:30] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> no, there are still issues. for pinephone specific issues you might want to follow the gitlab issues page, or the link in the pinned message
[14:30] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> (TBQH there are bluetooth issues on all platforms)
[14:55] <ubptgbot> <Cameron> @dohbee [(TBQH there are bluetooth issues on all platforms)], Is there an rss feed I can follow regarding pinephone ubports developments/fixes?
[14:55] <ubptgbot> <Sam Hanna> @dohbee [ignore that], Nevermind. I figures it out. I miss read the documentation.
[14:56] <ubptgbot> <anvil30november> (Photo, 248x479) https://irc.ubports.com/g86hcoCB.png
[14:58] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @anvil30november [<reply to media>], you can send the log to pastebin using the app πŸ˜‰
[14:59] <ubptgbot> <anvil30november> lol on the pinphone im missing some icons and such - well then!
[14:59] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> also, please don't post screenshots of your message containing a screenshot, from another group :)
[15:00] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @anvil30november [lol on the pinphone im missing some icons and such - well then!], devel channel is for developments so it's expected to have issues πŸ˜„
[15:00] <ubptgbot> <anvil30november> the issue happens in stable too
[15:00] <ubptgbot> <anvil30november> @dohbee [also, please don't post screenshots of your message containing a screenshot, fro …], why?
[15:01] <ubptgbot> <anvil30november> @Javacookies [devel channel is for developments so it's expected to have issues πŸ˜„], im giving a log to try and help.. as this is affecting multiple t mobile users on different channels … isnt that what logs are for?
[15:01] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @anvil30november [why?], because screenshots aren't accessible for one, and because one can't copy any text if need be, and because you're cross-posting which makes things difficult for others to reply to you
[15:02] <ubptgbot> <anvil30november> @dohbee [because screenshots aren't accessible for one, and because one can't copy any te …], fair enough - do you want the pastebin link, or all of the text dropped into here?
[15:02] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> please use a pastebin for logs
[15:03] <ubptgbot> <anvil30november> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RPYZRpWf8x/
[15:03] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> or attach to an issue report on gitlab
[15:03] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @anvil30november [the issue happens in stable too], you mean the tmobile issue? because the others issue you mentioned isn't in stable
[15:04] <ubptgbot> <anvil30november> @Javacookies [you mean the tmobile issue? because the others issue you mentioned isn't in stab …], I promise you that outgoing calls were not working when I was on stable.
[15:04] <ubptgbot> <anvil30november> this was version 2 for pinephone
[15:04] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> ok
[15:07] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @anvil30november [I promise you that outgoing calls were not working when I was on stable.], I'm not saying it's not. I'm pertaining to the missing icons and such.
[15:07] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> It's best if you log an issue in gitlab and attach yoir log.
[15:07] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> well it's clear now, let's not fight about it please
[15:08] <ubptgbot> <anvil30november> @Javacookies [I'm not saying it's not. I'm pertaining to the missing icons and such.], ok, i miss read your message - my bad
[15:08] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> no ones fighting. Just clearing things out πŸ˜„
[15:09] <ubptgbot> <anvil30november> agreed … im still finishing my first pot of coffee - i am sorry for being frustrated lol
[15:21] <ubptgbot> Kumail Firdous was added by: Kumail Firdous
[15:25] <ubptgbot> Andreas was added by: Andreas
[16:08] <ubptgbot> Shekhawat2 was added by: Shekhawat2
[16:58] <ubptgbot> <Sam Hanna> I'm able to access the shell as a user in libertine. Is there a to give sudo privileges without switching to root user?
[16:59] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Depending on your desired outcome, the information on this page may help avoid needing to install sudo in the container: http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/libertine.html
[17:00] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Sam Hanna [I'm able to access the shell as a user in libertine. Is there a to give sudo pri …], no, sudo can't work with proot unfortunately
[17:01] <ubptgbot> <Sam Hanna> Ok. That's what I thought.
[17:01] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> do not install sudo, and you'll need to use the separate command to run shell as root
[17:04] <ubptgbot> <Sam Hanna> I have
[17:23] <ubptgbot> hasnain#cropbytes TLEMCO La XuΓ’n was added by: hasnain#cropbytes TLEMCO La XuΓ’n
[17:54] <ubptgbot> <Cameron> Does Ubuntu touch still not support VoLTE?
[17:56] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> if the baseband modem and your network support it, i guess it works. there is not userspace support for disabling or modifying internal radio properties though, and no ugly icon to say volte in the network indicator
[17:57] <ubptgbot> darumdam was added by: darumdam
[18:10] <ubptgbot> Dockerfile256 was added by: Dockerfile256
[18:23] <ubptgbot> asierurbi was added by: asierurbi
[18:24] <ubptgbot> <asierurbi> hello again!
[18:24] <ubptgbot> <asierurbi> i have recieves today the new pinephone ubports edition
[18:24] <ubptgbot> <asierurbi> but after installing candidate version 2, it only works wifi :S
[18:25] <ubptgbot> <asierurbi> and I see duplicated channels for updates
[18:25] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> i suggest reading the pinned message here :)
[18:25] <ubptgbot> <Daveskywalker69> @asierurbi [but after installing candidate version 2, it only works wifi :S], change to dev channel for updates
[18:25] <ubptgbot> <asierurbi> πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
[18:26] <ubptgbot> <asierurbi> @Daveskywalker69 [change to dev channel for updates], thanks but i see several dev channels and anothers called edge, are they different?
[18:26] <ubptgbot> <asierurbi> @dohbee [i suggest reading the pinned message here :)], thanks! i did not see it sorry
[18:32] <ubptgbot> <Javacookies> @asierurbi [thanks but i see several dev channels and anothers called edge, are they differe …], well if you want updates just pick first development in the list but be sure you know how to reflash images because it's called development for a reason, it can break from time to time especially on the pinephone because the development is
[18:32] <ubptgbot> very active there
[18:32] <ubptgbot> <asierurbi> great! thanks!
[18:33] <ubptgbot> <asierurbi> installing dev 😊
[18:33] <ubptgbot> <Daveskywalker69> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/0AACG90S.png
[18:33] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Are you porting it?
[18:33] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Did you create display config?
[18:34] <ubptgbot> Al Hadi Violet was added by: Al Hadi Violet
[18:34] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> What is that device I don't even understand what is going on
[18:34] <ubptgbot> <Daveskywalker69> @TigranKhachatryan [What is that device I don't even understand what is going on], who are you talking to?
[18:34] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> You
[18:35] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Oh I didn't read previous messages let me check those
[18:36] <ubptgbot> <Daveskywalker69> @TigranKhachatryan [Did you create display config?], i just used tweak tool thats in the app store
[18:36] <ubptgbot> <Daveskywalker69> and turned it to dark mode
[18:36] <ubptgbot> <Daveskywalker69> lol
[18:40] <ubptgbot> <Daveskywalker69> originally went in there to fix the ui from being tiny since someone said to set scaling to 8 and it'd be back to normal, but it didnt help πŸ™
[18:41] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> indeed it won't, and that would make it even smaller
[19:56] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> @Daveskywalker69 [i just used tweak tool thats in the app store], I was talking about the configuration file which needs to be created if you are using a community port which doesn't have it yet
[19:57] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Sometimes but usually it does, I didn't recognize the phone in the photo
[20:01] <ubptgbot> <Daveskywalker69> @dohbee [indeed it won't, and that would make it even smaller], is there actually a fix so i dont feel 90 years old looking at my phone? lol
[20:02] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> switch back to stable
[20:02] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> or wait until the issue is fixed in devel
[20:02] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Wait
[20:02] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Don't surrender that fast
[20:02] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> or find and fix the bug yourself and make a pull request
[20:03] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Open terminal
[20:03] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Write
[20:03] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> $ ls /etc/ubuntu-touch-session.d/
[20:04] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Output?
[20:04] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @TigranKhachatryan [Sometimes but usually it does, I didn't recognize the phone in the photo], no, this is an issue specific to the pinephone
[20:04] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> it's a problem with the devel channel update
[20:04] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Oh
[20:05] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> That's a weird issue hmm
[20:05] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> yes, it only affects the shell, not the apps
[20:06] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> It also only occurs when launched under the user session
[20:06] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Which, for all intents and purposes, is the only way it should be launched
[20:06] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> But whyyy
[20:07] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> code gremlins
[20:07] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Did it work before?
[20:07] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> yes
[20:07] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> And I know what changed, but not why it would break this, nor why it'd only break it on the pinephone
[20:07] <ubptgbot> <amyosx> Today it doesn't, windows Linux is like that
[20:08] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> I am not a developer or anything, but when I have computer issues, I usually revert and if it still doesn't work redo what I did and revert another thing
[20:08] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Until it works
[20:08] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Unfortunately the "go back" path is more complex than the "fix this" one
[20:08] <ubptgbot> <TigranKhachatryan> Oh
[20:08] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Maybe that's because "go back" is a known quantity, but it won't really help anyway
[20:09] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> what changed?
[20:10] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Mir was upgraded to 1.8.0. QtMir was rebuilt for this change.
[20:10] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> ah
[20:10] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> QtMir was also rebuilt to integrate https://github.com/ubports/qtmir/pull/55
[20:10] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> mir was upgraded on all devices, or only pine?
[20:11] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> All edge and descendents
[20:12] <ubptgbot> <Shakendo> so I can use the new mir if I switch to edge?
[20:12] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Sure
[20:13] <ubptgbot> <Shakendo> cool, Im still waiting on wayland for all devices
[20:36] <ubptgbot> <Qiangong2> On the pinephone, how do I mount it as usb storage?
[20:36] <ubptgbot> <Qiangong2> I want to transfer music over
[20:43] <ubptgbot> <Qiangong2> Also, ota 49 broke the text size
[20:43] <ubptgbot> <Qiangong2> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/Kl9FSK09.png
[20:49] <ubptgbot> <Qiangong2> Also, icons on the keyboard aren't showing up
[21:08] <ubptgbot> <nanu_c> @Qiangong2 [On the pinephone, how do I mount it as usb storage?], Better to use scp for file transfer or a sd card
[22:06] <ubptgbot> John Ulloa was added by: John Ulloa
[22:28] <ubptgbot> <beezanteeum> @NotKit [Which device in particular?], Mi10 … Mi9 … Redmi K20 … Redmi 4A/5A … Redmi Note 5 … Redmi 5+ … Mi8 … Mi7 … Poco F1 … Mi A-series (android one) … @NotKit
[22:29] <ubptgbot> <NotKit> I've seen someone working on Poco F1, Redmi Note 5 and Redmi K20
[22:29] <ubptgbot> <NotKit> search in Halium group logs
[22:30] <ubptgbot> <beezanteeum> #Ask … Is UBPorts have Android App emulation support?
[22:30] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> anbox is very experimental. it's also not emulation
[22:33] <ubptgbot> <Comrade_Nora> Quick question, how would one go about switching desktop environments from Lomiri to Phosh on Ubuntu Touch?
[22:34] <ubptgbot> <Obinna> Pls someone should work on redmi 7 port
[22:35] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @Comrade_Nora [Quick question, how would one go about switching desktop environments from Lomir …], You make a Linux distribution with phosh and it doesn't involve Ubuntu Touch at all. :)
[22:36] <ubptgbot> <Comrade_Nora> But how would I get it working on the Nexus 5? I was only ever able to get Ubuntu Touch working with near 100% compatibility
[22:37] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Yes, that is the challenge isn't it... That's why it hasn't been done.
[22:37] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> I'm not trying to be snarky, it's just not easy and hard to say what the requirements are
[22:38] <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Because it won't be as easy as choosing a different desktop in the greeter, and to make it like that would probably be harder than making a new distribution.
[22:42] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Comrade_Nora [But how would I get it working on the Nexus 5? I was only ever able to get Ubunt …], you will have to work with phosh developers to make gtk+ things work on top of hybris and such, to use it on halium
[23:15] <ubptgbot> <Comrade_Nora> Oh dear
[23:16] <ubptgbot> <Comrade_Nora> That's a shame. It's not even currently possible to get a Pinephone. :/
[23:18] <ubptgbot> <Daveskywalker69> It is, but the people selling them are charging outrageous prices because the fact more people can't get them
[23:18] <ubptgbot> <Comrade_Nora> @Daveskywalker69 [It is, but the people selling them are charging outrageous prices because the fa …], Precisely
[23:18] <ubptgbot> <Daveskywalker69> It's still not a daily driver anyways, with any distro
[23:19] <ubptgbot> <Daveskywalker69> Getting CLOSE but not quite there
[23:20] <ubptgbot> <Comrade_Nora> I was able to get PostmarketOS *kinda* working on the Nexus 5, but due to using the mainline kernel, audio is broken
[23:20] <ubptgbot> <Comrade_Nora> And then there's Plasma Mobile Neon
[23:20] <ubptgbot> <Comrade_Nora> Which flat-out doesn't work
[23:24] <ubptgbot> <dohbee> ok, but it's a bit off topic for here :)
[23:55] <ubptgbot> <Comrade_Nora> Fair enough
[23:55] <ubptgbot> <Comrade_Nora> Seeya later